61jt earli,sls Vtvalla. CARLISLE, FEBRUARY 17, 1870 On Saturday last;loureitizens voted on tile question of pollee: • Some What to our i 3 urprso a majority of about ninety was cast against employing a. police for6s. With all duo respect to the ma jority; we believe•this was an ill, emthid ere9. vote. There may have been some objections to tho practical workings of the system inthis borough, but this must be expected in all cases. Perhaps it, might have been wise to haVe • had a smaller force. Wc had always thOught that the town Could be managed with one leis policeman at least, but wo novOr urged this for fear wo might be classed among those oppose the em ployment of policemen altogetherN We remember too well tho reign of terror that existed hero before the ..force was organized, and we fear there is too much of the eleinent that caused those troubles still among us to dispense with it. The motive which induced many of our citi zensto vote against the police, was the fear of increased taxation. This should not have been in view at all. If Um po lice are necessary it is our interest to have them. It is by no moans economy to dispense with necessaries of lift be- ' cause of their cost. - However, a short . time will demonstrate whether or not this community can get along without officersto enforce order. If it can, -all right ;if not, we must have them. • The Scranton Democrat reports two eastern gentlemen representing a capital of one million dollars iu that city look ing for a place to locate a shod and boot factory, and,, had found the spot that suited their purposes. This, the editor says, will enhance the value of,property, inprease business, add to the population, and give stability to the city. • I=l Tlie members of Co. 11. Third Penna. Cavalry, are.roottested to meet at Liter ary Hall, Newvil Is, Pa., on Tuesday, the tWbnty-second instant, at eleven o'clock,.a. in.; for the purpose of a re union. It is to be hoped there will be a full attendance„as it is desired to organ ize permanently, and make arrange ments for a yearly re-union, to keep bright LllO memory of the days passed upon Llie " tented field." MANY MEMBERS On the thirtieth instapt, Mr. Abraham - Jackson; of Windsor-township; departed thi6 life at the advanebd age of• BO years, 2 months and 10 days. The deceased formerly resided in this borough, and was one of the noble band that marched to the defence of Baltimore, in the last war with Great Britan. Thus, one by 'one, these old heroes are passing from the stage of life, and soon there will be none left to narrate to ankious listeners their experience in this eventful strug gle:—York Gazette. The" Lycoming &4ndard says a wo man in tlitit place induced her husband last week to'sell off all his household fur niture and place the proceeds in her hands. When - she got the funds she eon cluded.that herliusband did n't suit her, and invested a portion of the money in a ,railroad ticket. The husband is now wifeless and homeless. Tha Scranton _Republican, after an nouncing the re-marriage of four of the Avondale widows, suggests an amend ment to the ventilation b 11, protecting th,gs . 9 women in some manner. The'Rev. I. Parrish, M. D., Prciident of the Sanitarium, at Media, for inebri atesrwill preach in Emory church next Sabbath morning, at eleven a. m. Dr. Parrish is well known as the successful manager of an institution , whore drunk enness is regarded as a .disease, and treated accordingly. A writer in the Matich Chunk Times says all the collieries in the Beaver Mead ow region, with the exception of • W. 1 1'. Carter & Co., are only working about half time, on account of a Xcarci ty of or ders. _•The trade is very dull, prices be ing low and the market well supplied. The Titusville Morning Herald says : An operator upon a farm near Shainburg recently torpedoed, a Well-which was do ing one hundred and the production im modiately run to twenty - five barreli per day; but the fickle goddess fortune had only transferred her smiles for another well in the immediate vicinity thaehad bed:Li — doing abOut twenty-Ilia) barrels has since. that time steadily produced at the rate of nearly ono hundred barrels per day. An accident occur Ted on last Sabbath morning, about ten o'clock, resulting in severe injury,to a little child; daughter. of Dr. Zitzer. A young man, named Noffsingcr, with his sister came into town to attend (Mulish, and stopped at Xaber's hotel, on Main street, where the lady alighty. When starting away from the hotel the' horse • shied, and, run ning over a snow bank upset the sleigh, and throw Mr. N. out. The horse then ran at a fusions rate down Bedford to Louther, up Loather to Hanover, where he struck the pavement and broke the . sleigh to pieces. Dr., Zitzer's about six• years old, happened to Ire standing in front of , the house, and was knocked down and run over by the sleigh, cutting One of her hands terribly, break ing the thumb, and bruising her consid erably. The child is getting along.finely, and is' consitlered out of danger. No blame can be attached to any one ; and the wonder is that •the child was nob mortally,injured. We learn that owing to the non suc cess of-the lecture committee selling as Many seats as they had anticipated, the lecture proposed to have been 'given by James Murdock,' has fallen throngh, The Mount Hollyaprings, which mine hosts, W. &H. Mullin, aro proprietOrs, is 161)6'. in a, style which is rarely ex celled. Their fable"s aro always supplied with the best, their liquors are the choicest '4 in the market, While they entertain you in shah' a Manner as to Make you . feel per fectly at hone. They gave du., ring summer a large number of boarders from, the cities, and early this spring they. intend to add, to ithe house by huilding another story, malcing 24 ad ditional Morns: A more • pleasant driyo than that ftoin Carnale to the 'Spina 'can not by had. . ' , Romonihor that .:the. Good Wklr . :Fair will ho opettuthte BaturdaY 4 night,' when the iewing•maohino will ho drawn 'and the remitinder'ofc the things sold•at?'auc tion. \ • ~ • ~_ ~_ 1} EugonoMti, the groat magician, .son ofßignor Blitz, of world renowned fame, PPFfpriro at Itheom's , H4ll, -next .Thurlitla/ tUld - rxiday o'voningii. • .' Ttiesday'forereSon We noticed . a num ber: of horses attached to the building of Mr. Bawtelle, 'auctioneer in the square, in the rear of the market house, for the purpose of taking it outrio the, garrison lane: • It was slow work, and after .1e- peated efforts to move the houso,,t e J o was apparently given up, six horses not being snincient (In: the purpose. In the afternoon glancing out of the widdow we saw the novel sight' of a housb gliding along the street with•tivnvo horses at tached. Everything Went smoothly until turning the corner of Louthor and Hano ter streets, when tliero'was a very sudden' fall in lumber, and-what a moment lie foie was a two story frame house, was now a pile of boards and logs. ' The loss is not very' serious. On next Ttiesday' evening, February, 22,. tho members of Carlisle encampment No: 183, 0. 0. F., intend having an oyster supper at Bossy Wetzel's, All who aro members of-this branch ;of the order should make it a pdint to be pres ent. The' committee would liko to see a goodly turn out of the members of the subordinate lodges of the county. Per sons ho are not members of the order, aro heartily invited to attend and partic ipate. All who have beed so fortunate as to participate in any of Bessy's sup pers need not a second invitation. Those who never have, should not fail to be present on the occasion.. Tickets, one dollar. Proceeds to be devoted to the encampment. Supper at eight o'clock, p. m. • On Thursday evening last, Marion Couneil,'No. 88, of J. 0. 11. A. M. was duly olganized by the D. S. C. A., C. -- McKee, of Dauphin county, 'assisted by J. P. C. John A. Bender; C. Wni. Ying er, of Harrisburg. After the Initiatory proceedings.had been gone through with, the following officers 'were duly installed, C., Albert B. Spangler ; V. C., James G. Thompson ; B. S., Jacob E. Bixler ; A . R. ,S., JacolyAskew ; F. S., Edward J. Gafdner ; T., Wm. E. lectern ; C., Ed. E. Ezirley ; W., Chas. Rhoads ; J. S., AL b'e!t, Connelly ; 0. S., Chas. Rinehart ; when the services wore ,concluded And the regular business transacted,' . the members of the order extended an invi tation to their visiting brothers, to par- take of a collation which had been pre pared expressly for the.occasion, by Mr.. George Wetzel, at thegFranklin louse. The table fairly groaned with the delica cies of the season, and Mr. Wetiel• did his best to Make all feel comfortable. The festivities were kept up until a late .benr,__wheu_the _company -escorted—the visitors to the Mansion 14uso, when the, company dispersed, all eXpressing them selves as highly pleased With the proceed ' ngs of the evening. =2:21 A. small size Farrel & Herring Iron Safe, eearly i piew, for sale at the whole sale notion and variety store of CovLE, Bnopirms, 11 South Hanover street, Carlisle. The subscriber. offers at private sale, at his residence, in ChurchtOwn, Cute berlanch county, BO scaps of bees. - Dn. L. LENITErt. lICZ WHEREAS, In the InKrutable i ovitdom of God, no n hare been deprived of the fellowebli, of tam trother, Cliptain F.. P. lnhoff, by t,i enrly detail; therefoFe, lersulvtd, That while he bow to the there° of Him who dooth all things well," yet we feel mir loos to be - irremediable In the deprivation of his sound councils, kind sympathies:and brotherly. ton - - Itesohyd, That our rohdolence and syMpathies aro hereby extruded to his afflicted widow, bereaved pa route, and large circle of kindred, and friends, be- Hering that we, knowing Ids kind heart,- and strength of Intellect and earl, though encased In a feeble frame, on truly appreciate their Lisa, aid —• - Resolved, That placing a firm trust In God, we commend the bereaved ones to llfa mercy and Jew. and unite our prayers before Hie throne that He will net break the hi abed recd. Re.het!, That • copy of these resuluttone, suitably eugtossod, Le sent to the x idow of the deceased, and publish, d to 41t, Cltriirt:C papors. C. A. 'Coose, P. L. WATBON; J. SHILL; Cornm'ttte_f, r the U. P. Society of Dickinson College. On Monday, the aeventh I natant, at Princeton, N J., hr. John Armstrong, Into Dr Carlisle, In the too enty•ercond year of his age, Thu immediate ancestors of Dr. Armstrong took such a prorniuont part In the early settlement of Poinsylvardarand the subsequent struggle of the country fur Independence, that It Harlem fitting when a des. endant of that stop% goes to the tomb, that he should receive more that a paiaing folic, • General John Armstrong eertl..d.at Carlisle, in MI, and Lathamd in laying out the town: Ills public airvlcee—ch)l.as well as military—bad an important hearing on the infant aealemente; and the deetrue ' lion of the Indian town of Kittanning, to ,whet is now Armstrong county, by the expedition under Ida commad, completely broke the power of the savages in the middle p Minn of the State. Ile was after wards a member of thin Provinejel Congress, and as a Ifni er General In the army of the Revolution, tom , ' minded the i'lidensylvenla lino" et the battle of Brandywine. General Armstrong left two eons: Major . John Armstrong, aid do , cailip to Gentival Gatos, in,the Rovolutionary war, afterwards Minister to France, and Secretary . of War duriiiy Madison's administrn.. 'ikon, Ile married into the Livingston faintly of Now York, and his daughter is nose the wife of William B. Astor, o q , the of New York Ity." The other son was tho late Dr. Janes Aroastron t, of this p'n..e, who, on his roturn from Europe, wharf he finished his medical education. married the astern( Dr. Georipi Stevenson, and was kobwu here no a very eminent physician for amity years. Dr. John Arm otrong woe the oldest son of this ruining°. Lie studied. medicino under lila father; and, for lime years, practiced in itellefonte. Ile reinwod to Gar ner° about 1841, and remained In lunette° until h Ic felling hosith forced him to relinquish the profession. Lle_pu@sossial.a..Liighly cultivated-mind; and—hli talents; under snore. favontblo auspices, Would.have gained distinction In almost any walk of !ifs. liis tit:111113 a physician 33143 * of no ordinary character his social qualltlus were of a high order, and ho JiMl a grace mid dignity .of manlier that beepoko the innate gentleman. Ito cherished n warm affoctionTor his native Placa and a Cow months ego, on the eve of -hie removal to Princeton, he told his friends that ho would die 'within, a year, and requestod that hie body:Might ho brought to enlist° and deposited ifi [Amity . burying ground IF funeral took Tines on Thursday, the tenth ' instmt, nttonded by his relatives and friends,' and the Union "bilosoPhicai Sosiety of Dlckhison Cel. logo,. Of which ho was a member. licquiescut in pace. p • At a callud raeting•of the Millen 'Philosophical &Maio Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., convened Farunry 140870, WI following preload° and vio lator, concerning the death of our lato brother John 'IV. Armstrong, M. D., vr l ere unanimouel y adopted: , . Wm:onse t tiod, In his Juanita power and wisdom, has reuaocoll,. to another rostra tho nplrit ot 'our much °steamed brother; Mid liumanontrig to Its des tiny a noble soul, has inflicted upon ye, nud upon,al4• friends; au Irreparable .loss, and , a long abiding eor •row; and • , • ; 'ln his lest Oakum the llamado,' ono did meet - cal request that tho members of ,tbo Union Philosophical Society, so „dear to him, should, In a, body, attend hie obsoquies ho It arffisofccali That, by tlio deatalifle, of our' brother, John N. Armstrong, able Foclety has lost a moot eeslouri and efficient monfnce, one whom infltionee her goetellad eior boon marked, and 'whoa. 118[110 an stds luigDtly ooklidealamong the,mostAntlfui, of ; ler children. "•.• • , ~`' • Resolved," That,:wa do truly recognise to this ellen- . tial munitions, tho tOal of, ono' or the ,brightest, ae VOlllciis. Ono of • I.llOoldest erainPlor of, the , trim . "Union." • i• ' Resolved, That to those bapecislly belied dOlin la aHof 7 — Ac the tolatiree e!' our dap 'wild loather—we pntiTer our grimmest Sympathy:, for re toiler With ahem In: the betas:tomcod whlchebratids'in gluon, fatally and tilandittlikoth'. . ' .Cesoitted: Thst. these' osolutlens ha isublitated in the Carlisle end' "Trinoeten • papers, end ti Coy) trans:myna to ti M Wally of Cm' demand - . = By ardor ofiloah4y; , • EDW. , W. BtDDLV, A. W. BIIDIBILL.. 3. , 0d14,11600. IN.ll.lB.BiClittW.l.l2 l i Jobe Clendenin Beltzlionveryvas born May 9,1879, and died February 35,18762 . 7, 1870, in the old cemetery bythe Silver'Spridg.lur his native-township, la. this county, In. cerapilanee with ono.( his brit requerits', Iffe-hrikairldeicademi , 'cal 'education In 1803, at a 'elect 'school under' the ontreliti e toOlosi_OVllrleadarjell'Aelayuagys,_ ' cap, 'in this State.. In 1801, be went to Dickleton Seminary, at. WilliamspOrt; Pennsylvania, whereitio. continued uhllF'the fall of 1805;;When:beiiisadali"', polled to clink study by st' hetabrrhige at' the: Irairgs':. Ro thenerntered the officio -of Dr. B,r .]l Atietror, of Carlisle, at 'first as a patient,' and iobergrbutli awls student of Medicine :: In the fall of 1867,/11,frtattiAil: lafed at, the tralyerslttof Peartsylvan la; and during the winter passed through• a fall' course rif medical lectures. returned to thorifilne oride pron.:Th.lk In the Bpriog of 1869, without any apparent Injury, to-his health' from the- severe application to study which hail placed blot' aoking'thei flrif I[l%o class or over 400 students. But the fatal disease had been Wirrkiinderthe etiltermerit sad iteatali .ezertlon of the winter,rmit With the relaxation op summer came another hemorrhage.. The preettatiori and Atari, caused by this -prevented him from re turning to las second, and what ,Trouldhave ,beee bin grain:dory course of .lectures in the fail of 1888' This pordponoment was forever.. Ile' grarhially, and . at first, almost impercefill bly , gra'si 'weaker, until the afternoon of February 2, whoa 1 . 10 had a fearful hernbrrhage, which was chocked temporarily, but followed in, lie.evenlng by tea more serious tome, In which his life seemed gone., Ilia , powerful vitality nourished in the pure air which h; loved, and un tated by dissipation, carried him through that night, and another hemorrhage on the mornimilif the third. after which ho passed 'quietly Into eternity., Oa the morning of the, fifth,' a' sunrise,' ho whispered, "Move back the pillow; and jet Mena the daylight, end inlho evil:drag the last audible words ho uttered wire,'-Stay with ine,.now,;' During his Chart, and suffering life, he was a very latorlous s udent. In, addition to the moat faithful attration to hts,prof.s, storm' studies, ho read through almost the whole range of polite literature, and published sumo fifty prose and poetical Conapesitions 'le the papers 'nail periodicals of the day. Illicworshiypsd pantry. By some fatal aMnity ho especially read Cullins,..autl Keats, and Shelley. Ile loved Schiller, and Bloadel. sob„, and Richter. In hie pockeldlary, after Wei death, were forted, as scraps, "The Closing Scene,” by Read, and "The Beath of the Flowerl,W. by Dry. aut. lie was a pa'raioin of modesty. Ito was kind, and true, and gentlemanly. We ha Lno eremy Iu the world.- "None knew him but to love him, none nerved, hiro but to praise." Although a bay In years, be was a mart la wisdom. Ile mot death like u philosopher, only lamenting ilini - liehad not time to do more, and finish what ho' had began. But all the accumulations of his reading, and the unripe 'fruits; ciliate toll are lost, save to: himself. ' prior Arthur liallam, "Thg leaf has perished in the preen, And whila wo breatho kwooaEll the dun, worl which ci . edile what is done Is cold to all that might have been!" • List of . sales'for which bills have been printed at this office 'Friday, February 18, Leonard W. 'Glut shall, South Middleton township, two horses, heifer, wagon, ploughs, cart. Wednesday, February 23, Daniel M. Shenk, Dickinson township, five horses, mulch cows, threshing machine, grain fan, household and kitchen furnisure. Wednesday, February '4,B',_ Francis - Bear, agent, at the residence of John Frankford township, . four horses, colts, stock, farming implements, furniture. Thursday, February 24 t Christopher Thumma, South' Middleton township, six horses, two of which are matched blacks, cows, and farming implements: ,Friday, , February' 25, at the Court House, in Carlisle, real estate of the late pt,lonel John M'Giunis. • • Friday; February 2'&--N. W. Woods, in Huntingdon township, Adams county ; cows, young cattle, faiming implements, - _ Monday, Felguary 28, Jacob Rick& Laugh, Frankford township—cow, heifer, sleigh, household and kitchen furniture. Tuesday, March 1, • John R. Tong.. necker, near Plainfield, four horses, colts, seven milch cows, stock, farming implements, furniture. Tuesday, - f, - Mar& 1, - Willfam M. Do nor, West Pennsborough township, four horses, cows, young cattle, kitchen fur niture. Changed from:March _7._ Daniel Daniel Oiler, will have sale on March 2, on the Cove Farni. Salo of personal ProperiliMgalgron township, Wednesday, March 2—Bennwel Weaver and John P. Davis, Penn towdship ; cows, wagons, chestnut rails, posts, and a house and lot in Brushtown. Wednesday, March 2, D. W. Sterrett, West Pennsbbro' township, six horses, twenty-six head of cattle, cp.rriage„bug gy, farming implements. • Wednesday; March 2, Jacob ShuPP, South Middletontownship—four horses, cows, reaper ancrnyower, threshing ma chine, &c. Sale of personal' property, - by Samuel Stone, Frankford- township,- March 4, eleven head of horses, thirty-two bead of horned cattle, ten head of hogs. 4 Saturday, March 4—William Funk, Huntingdoia township, Adams' county; horses, cows, farming utensils, &c. Friday, March 4-11.' A. Wolf, Hunt ingdon township, Adams county ; horses, cows, buggy, tk,c. Saturday, Mardi 5, H. LOCI:Ird, South Middleton Township, four horses, cows, &c. Saturday, March 5, Peter B. Danner, so . uth.Middleton Township, four- horses, cows, &c, ' Monday, March 7—=-John D. Shoaffer, Dickinson township ; horses, cows, farm ing utensils, household furnituro, &c. Monday,ltarch 7—Wiliam Weak ley, aud4olin H. WoociSurn, executors of M 6. Sarah Weakley, late of South Middleton ) , deceased ; - .house, and Ave acres of laird. Tuesday, March 8, J. B. Plank, South Middleton ieWnediip—four work horses, six cowl4 - reaper and mower, threshing' machine, &c. -a-Tuesday, March-8, 8 7 -B. Mountz, near Plainfield—ono, cow; twelve soaps of bees,.furniture,; , Tuesday, Mareh 8, Daniel Lutz, Mid dlesex township, five - horses, colts, eighteen head of cattle, fat bull, three steers, farming implements. Thursday, Marelxlo, Mary Itarnmend, North Middleton township—family xnaro, two cows, household furniture, &0.. ,Thursday, March 10, 0. W., Loser, near `Plainfield;—household and' kitchen furnituie, consisting of bureaus, tables, ,chairs, bedstoadiiand Bedding, Vic. Saturday, - March 12—,Wilson SampA, South Middleton township; horse's, cows, farming utensils; &c. • . . - Saturday, March 19—Thomas Greason, in °reason', West Pounsboropgh ship ; ,fainify horse, carriagO; cow, and his entire etc . :oc of hOusehOld . furniture. On Monday, Tuesdaiand Wednesday„ March 21,, 22, and 29, extontii;; sale of porsonat:taropoFty by,:Joaphb. ,, l;Cpettlo, ,Carlislo, Pa. • "AunduticeMent. A Tho,ogin:plit, gallery, well petablifl)nd and doing a goOd. , .l:m . sineen can , be . bough cheap for ` dish, if applied on or address • . • —5 J., O.ILEBIIER,, oarlisle;•PA. ITALLIN BEES undersigned. wishes to dispose of 141 entire sleek of Italian lines. Nearly all ray colonies tiro stippliOd with' (Weans reared'ii"Jrn-iiiire itaolr,l4oried fiord Italy last summer, by Adam 'brimm; of Wisconsin. _They . are iiigoed hives and goo;al gonditlpm. Also a lot of 'll'4 hives,. surplus honey drawers, Amp house combs ) .- honey, ' all of 'be; sold cheap at No, 109 BO u th.llanover . Street; 17febOt ' ' • L?itIBUOCIEBBL-- _ fOpncl Fil. r pial#3l4frlT , 11 . 8 ty,atio P. aid: that ' no win make the follovitnfead, ditions t01;,..it 'this ,:iy*r.ll. ;-!‘ lijithpop Otutriees„ , .piriltocle!., thetil"-A-PatiedaStthrigtii G OO /./ . ,e,r*X*4 . ; l -`,! .. 74 ,o o l : l ,l l *§ ‘ _; '," !q ° ° : A.;anterberrrir, will';" •" - The: Runaway- Lest:V . oo Three,' P.O.rits .-- 44ii, 4 4 y 1 1 9 1 . rhonth:;,,tliree'dollars per year: • "; TIC° folloWing additions iiiibo„roddfj to the library on Saturday next : " Red as a Rose was she ;" _" Hirell ;" "Rutledge ;" " Tha - ;" "St.' Philips ;" "Fairie ';" "The7Mystery ;" "'The .1 • Orphans ;" "The Curse of Gold ;" "Mary DoWent." To show,. that ,has bgon a success, : there weesixty-Rve books taken out on last Saturday. Go and see his fine col lection. . M'Lanahan, Stone & Hollida.Ys- burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station= ary engines; , boilers; direct acting. blowing engines. Player, Thomas and other hcit? blast. Brass and, iron cast ings. from 1 lb. to 2000 Ibs, and all kinds of machinery for direct acting , steam - pumps, for mines &c., that will pump from 12 gallons to 3,500 per minute. Go to 31I'Lanalia n, Stone S Isett, liollidays burg, Pa. Steam pump: The pump can- be dis connected froni the engine, and `engine used for driving any kind of . 'Machinery: gas and water pipe, steam fittings, &c: . M'Lanahan, Stone & burg,-Pa. - H. P. Chaprintulhas now a nice assort ment of small cases and frames for an;i-, brotypes and card pictures, or for the pleasing style named after Rembrandt.. Rembrandt is the answer to Chapman's charade. , . OWNERS OF REAL ESTATE, RE CORD YOUR DEEDS: , The attention of owners .of real es 7 tate, whose deeds are not recorded, is Called,to the following act of Assembly on the . Subject. Much trouble and..osion loss of property May be avoided by ;at tending to the requirements of the law, which provides that'all deeds . "Shall be recorded in the office for recording of all deeds' in the county where such Lands or. lereditaments are lying and being, with in six months after the execution of such deeds or conveyances ; rind every such deed or conveyances that shall, at any_ time after the publication hereof (the act referred to) to be , ' made and executed,. -and which shall not be recorded as afore said, shall be adjudged ,fraudulent and void against any subsequent purchaser or, mortgagee for valuable consideration, unless such deeds Or conveyance be re cordedas aforesaid, before ,:the proving or recording of the deed or Conveyance under which suds subsequent 'purchaser • or mortgagee shall claim." Ths partnership existing between C. Sawyer, J. A. Duko, and J. E. Burk bolder, known as the firm of W. C. Sawyer & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.' . All 'personk know ing themselves indebted to, or those hav ing -claims 'against the late firm, aro re quested. 'to call immediately upon the junior partners, at the old business stand, in the Bentz ,House, and Make settlement. _ The books will be held by us for a while, and will then be placed in other hands for collection. • Res pectfulty. Tr. C. SAWYER, J. A. DUKE, - E7l3triktrdilthir. - 3feb3t • THE BCHaPPE TRIALS A full report of the most interesting. and important ease is now ready and'can be obtained at this office. It contains the entire 'testimony in the case, a full account of all the proceedings up to' this time, with a sketch of Dr. Schceppe and 31i5.4 Steinneeke. The book will be fur nished at the following rates : One copy, . ' 25 cents. Twenty copies, • $ 400 Fifty copies, ._ . 0 00p - One hundred copies, 15 00 Address,. - lIERALD OFFICEp Carlisle, Pa LEGAL NO2'ICE'S. tXECUTOR'S NOTICE' Lotto's testamenlary, an the estate of John McGin nis, late of Carlisle, deceased, have been granted by the Resistor of Cumberland county to the subscriber resiclisg In said borough. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate iayment, and those having claims to present them, • duly a uthenticand, for settlement , • ' R. M. HENDERSON-, 27jae7Clit. ° , - -Executer. ADMINISTRLTOR'S NOTICE. . . . Lettese of AdminlstrAtion on the estate of Jacob Black, late of Dickinson township, deceased, have been grunted by.the Register of Gumber'ned county i t to the undersigned, raldi g—in. West Penuaborough to A nship. - All.persous: I obted --to-sald estate are urinated .to Woke hum, sate: payment, sod tiloBe. having claims against i to present, them,- duly autheatiratcd, fereuttlem ut to .. . . .. 4-- ~• GEORG g MILLER,. 1011M10-6t • •., .' , . , .Adminiatratnr. _ ADDIIMSTRA7WS Letters of Administration de boas non with the will annexed, on the estate - of A. K. Long, Into of the borough of deceased, buy° been granted by the itegisPdi of Cumberhnd county to the under , signed, rosidlog - in - wild borough, . - All persons In debted to said estate ace requested to make immediuto pdyuleut.' and these : Laving, c.nines ugninst it to, preseht thorn, dulkhuthout Icitted: for - pet Cement to * 11tUMAy PAXTON, 10feb7041 . • • ' Administrator.- A D* " NIETEATOR'S ;NOTICE. ; . , , • , I ; • ; Lovers dEAdmlnistration tlni estato of Yrs. Marlqp,*l4- bow, ;law , borough of Car:l6lo, &roused, lialr'S .Mon ironic& by tho liegistor of 'Cumberland county to tits 'utientrolgued, residing i u said borough. All pontins Indebted, to said estalo ore requestod to tualM Immediate paymera, one 110 ca bating claims acalmt it to present tboin, duty , outbenticated, for settlement' to " THOMAS PAXTON, 10040-6 t. , . Atbuluistratue. _ . ADMINIBTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 • Lettntihnt Administration on tho estate of Moo. Elizabeth Mem Into of tho borough Of Newvlllr; 'deCrl43oll, have beet, ineuod by the Degletor 01 Cunt !berland county to (ho uttatuslgneJ„.renl.ilog iu the rune borough. All poreone liulObjed to said canto aro Telluride" to make inunedleto peyment r atud thew boohlg eloime-'ogtduet it to present them, dplt nutheutlcated, for settlement to • " c. • B ltUltBlf, ' ovrevro-ot, , , Adminwr.tyr., , ms,cgi:4,A4Tloprs..r NOTIbt -16 IttliEirit- stilltEN, that" a melding of "ho Cumberland Ctunty"Agri cultural oociety wEI. - bo in the Arbitration Chumber, In ;tho Court Bow, et Carliiile, ,Pa.. on Tuesdasi,'Maith 1670:Atli o'clock In the forenoon. A full altaudance le roquestoe. By order of - ^r LEWIS F. LYNE, - 1091E10 , Becrotary., arIRPHANE COURT BALE. : ~. v.or ONpATIIItDAY, FEBRUARY, 19, 1872, Dyy'VYrtit~ of an order of solo of tho Orphatia' Court of Cumber and county, I will ospooo to public vale, atthe Co finned, Oil tho borougil of Crirtlee,t the following vlduablo • real relate, late the- propertiAf W. Brook,kleemmod 'er A No: I.'Allet of grottml •ti the 'north ride or the borough' of Carlisle. adjoining lands .of Joitoph liole or, o..Bhaploy, private alloyiioreelc..lant, and , public road teadlng.frosA North Vitt niece% to,•liarrisburg trirripilte, containing About two acres,-anii. !wing *thereon * twontory brisk:hone. and' baokobitilditlitr frame etablo other.. antbnildiuge., The .land, , limettione onlent onotity, Ida good state of. outlier'. Von, and in excellentotdoe, , fat: market gnidohing. The buildings are In , 00d ropplrouid Sherd la • Ann young orchard on the premise& , , f r N 0.2. q lot of ground PaYeeetatr,olt,Earliele, ad. joining John'llarileir.'W; Stalsrew. And ,liit.•Thoman, , contalotng 18 feet id flroht , On'lveen stroeti . and le foot inidoptbothil !hieing nhoreen nteeted • Mee etofi , frame house: and othereititloilidinge. , !l'hle Ira eery tieelrablo i - • •-! • : ; r ..• . „ , Saha°, condooneedit :...4ctotki'' ta,',!.ortkoti et tendon.° will be glvon'andlertno, mod° trn.wn • , ' , ri,llUl,llllOll, 4taintntotr.tor. ,1 I_,_WD.I3.O4A4Aj pENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTE s #A,IpO4 . Traink(D.aily)to-aitd-from - Phila:- - delpltia'Peso Tr4ine'Dhily:o and freall,Rilo. • (Sui4a3'/ 3, r 7.0 CAN, and aft:Or,lilopday, Neivoinber 15, Parilivagei 'Tmins of the Pennsylvania' ;Railroad company wIH-ricpart from Harrisburg and ruf Ica at Plilladclpivia ant Pittsburg its follow, , : t • . • . : • ' EASTWARD.. • 10—Philadelphin , "Express leaves -Harrisburg daily (exmpt Monday) at 2 10 a. m., and arrives at Weat Phlladolphinint 530 a. m. : • : 5 23—Fast Line lc/area Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 6 20 a. m, and arrives at Waal Philadel phia at 9 40 r/. irk leaFes, - Altoona, daily ,(except Sunday) at 3,0047..na., minVar,rives.at Harriehurg at 9 TOP:,m. .42 15—POrfilc..Expiess - leaven Harrlabnit dully (except Sondnt) at 12 . 10. p. di.,4717/4 arrives, atiWest Philadelphia n 4 15,p m • 10 45.,c iliOnnatA Napresa leaves 7Wrlabiti% daily ntlo 46 and arrives at Weal plill A delpl/97 at 2 60 Soutnern Exprois len,Mri Harrisburg' daily (except MotidaY) at 2 50p, as., and Arilvea at Nest Philadelphia:At 7 907i.,rn. - - 14nrriaburg,AOcommodation' lenres, Altoona dell! (Stnplpy exceptod) aet 7_33 n.,m„ , and al:rives at Hat 'rldhurg at 1 55 p. m. 3/55-11nrriaburg / A ccemmodation learea'rlarria. burg at 3.55 p. m ., and orris' a at Phi/adelphia nt 9 50 p m. 8 07—Lancaster Trails, six Mount .Joy, leaven IlaMisburgAlaily (except eunday) nt 8 00 a. m., and arrive. at West Philadelphia at 12 55 p. m. - WESTWARD. 4;2o—Aria Fart Line NVot, fur Erie, leaved Liar risbarg daily (except Sunday) at 4 20 p. na., arriving at Erie at 10 a. m. • • • • . •• . 12 10—Cincinnati Express !eaves llarrieburg daily oicopt Sundriy) at. , 12i10a.n.,. arrives at Altoona at 50 a.m.. and arrives at Pittsburg at 920 a. m. , . , • • .. 2• 40—Pittsburg Ex pram payee Harrisburg. daily (extcpt,Sauflay) at 2'40 a. ne. - , - hrrives at Altoona at 8 00 a. tii.;'..taketli breakfast; and attires ht 'Pittabark at 1 30 p. m. 4 , lo—Pacific Express leaves Harrisburg daily at 4 1(1 a. 1n... arrives at Altoona ,at. 8,55 a, m , takes breakfast and arrives at PittsbUre at 1 50 p. -m. - Feet Lino leaves Harrisburg dolly (except Sunday) at 4 15 p. m 3 arrives at Altetenn at 0 55 p. m., takes supper and at rives at Pittsburg at 1.45 a. m. • • 81a11 Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1 15 p. rat:, arrives at' Altoona at 7 25 p. tri., takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 36 a rn. 'Way Passenger Train loaves Iflrrisbutg dally (es- Cape slondriy) at 7 45 a. m., arrives at Altoona at 201, m.;, - ated at Eittrburg at 10 30 p. •••_ SAMUEL A. BLACK; ; Supt. Middle Dir. Penna. B. Harrisburg November 30,1869. RBADING . RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Monday, December 27; 1869 0 REAT TRUNE:LINE PROM THE North and ‘North.West for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Potittille, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, LW', Lancaster, Co. lumbia, &a., • 'Trains leave Ifarrisbnrg for New Ydrk as follows: at 6.35 8.10 4.. x.,12'20 noon, and 2.05 lc la, connect ing with similar Wales on enneylvitnia Rail Road, lad. arriving at New,York at 12.16 noon, 3.40, 0.50 and 10 00 P. at., respectively. Sleeping Cara accom pany the 5 35 a. M., and 12.23 boon trains without change. Returning: Leave New York at 0.00, A. 11, 1 2.04 noon, and 5.00 P. 0., Philadelphia at 816 A. 74,, and 3.30 P • 31. . Sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a. sr., and 6.00 P. at. trains from New York, without change. , Leave Ilnrrieburg for Rending, Pottsville, Tama- Mineravdle, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove. Allentown- apd Philadelphia, at 8.10 A. 0., 2.05 and 4.10, P. If., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations; the 410 P. x. train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville„ and Columbia only. For Pottsville, lichitylkill hose and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harris. burg at 3 tO P.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 A. x. , connecting with similar train on East Penn sylvania-Railroad r returning from - ReadingAttlM - r. 11., stopping at all Stations. Leave Pottsville at 630 and 9.00 A. N., sad 2.45 r, sty Ilerndon at 9 30 A si.. Shamoklu ht 0.40, and 10.- 40 a. et., Ashland at 7.05 A.ll ,nati 12.30 noon, Tn. , ' minion at 8.33. A. as , and 2.20 r x., for Philadelphia mid New York. Leave Pottsville via Schnylhill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 8.15 A. v. for Harrisburg, and 11.90 A. R. for Pine Orovo and Tremont. Reading Ace Immodatien Train, leaves Pottsville at 5.40 A. M., 11213154.4 Reading at I.so A. et., arriving at Philadelphia at 10.20 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelnhlo at 4.45 P. el. passing Reading at 7.40 r. arriving at Pottsvi de at 930 P. a. Pottstown Accommodation Train, leaves Potts. town at 0.45 4. at. returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 P. at. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave-Reading 0,7.15 A. .3.f and 6.16. P. H.-for tpbrata, Ulla, Joanna star Columbia. dm. Perkiomen 11011 Road Trains leave PerldomanUtine tion.at 9.00 A.--m.,- 3 00 -and-5.30--P.--m., return ing, leave Pchweakdville at 8.05 A. M., 12.45 . noon, and 4.15 P. M., connecting with similar trains on Rending Rail Road. Colebrookdale Railroad trains leave Pottstown at. 940 0. M. and 820 P..m. returning; loavo 51t..Plens 1. ant at 7.l:lrtill 11 25 A. m., connecting with similar triLins on Pealing Bail Road. Cha,ter Vnllay. Railroad trains's:l.yr, Bridgeport at 8.30 0 NI., and 2.05 and 5.03 P. m., ratiirnhig; leavo Downingtown at 6.30 noon, and 5,150.55., connecting with similar tin:bison Reading Rail hood. On Sundays : Leave New York' at 5.00 P. If, Philadelphia at 8.00,0.. m. and 3.15 P. )4.. (the B.VO A. M. train running only to Reading.) have Potts. nip° nt 8.00 A. M... LIAPPiAbLIPS at, 5.35 A. u, and 4 10 P. M., and Reading nt 7.15. A. a and 10.05 P. U. for liatriodosrg,.at. 7.23 a. for New York,and at 0.40 A. M. and 4.25 P. M. for Philadelphia. Connil d tation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets, to and from all points, et reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowid each Passenger. G. A. N moLts, Gen. Supt. Rending, Pa., December 27,1809. 101670 C'ARDS. DENTISTRY 1 DR. J. B. ZINN, . No. gt East Main street, (a few door. east of Gariner'a Machine I hop,) Carlisle, Penn'a, • Fill put in teeth from $:0 tr,MO per set, au the use may require. All work warruntLd. 10fehiu D R. GEORGE BEARIGHT, DENTIST, From' the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Offlee at the redhleneu of big mother, F s ant Lowther etraot, three doors below Bedford. 108039 DR. J S. BENYER, IIO3IOiOP,ATIIIC Pll YSICIA N.. .Otliee in the room formerly orent.lttl by Col. John Leo. lOseGl3 E. L. STIRYOCK,i • . JUSTICE ON TILE PEACEr • • 011ieu, NO. 3 Irrino . . Now. tl IOseGO FE. BELTZITOOVER, . • ATTORNEY AT hAW. Ofrioe in South Hanover street, opposite Ituotev dry goods store. lOseo W. NDIDICH, D. D. S.,G. Late Demonstrator - of Opente&o ,Dontixtry of the ..13al thuone.Collego of Dental ,Surgury, Office at. !kir, mi. denr,,.opposite Marion Hall, Won Main Elrod, ear, lisle, Pa. 10euG9 B. F. lIOLL. ROIMIT 0. WORK. A. 7.. WIIIEIMAN• JOHN A. SWARTH. W. R. 'wawa. TIOLIt, ° W.HITEMAN & CO.,' WHOLESALE DEALERS 10 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO,.. - N. E. Cor. Third and Market streets, . PHILADILJAMIA. c. r; grmintcrx., n. rninnn. TIUMRICH & PARKER„- , - " .• ATTOTIN4YB AT LAW. Okapi Mato !street, In ltarion Hall, Calle°, 108080 TOHN CORNAIAN A . teJJ ATTORNEY AT LAW. • ' Office lo buil ,ng ntteelul to the Fmnklin — HbleEop• j•osite fhe Cohrt thine,' • . ' • '108e69 . . . . JOSEPH. lIIT.XER,. at., , ' •, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SURVEY.oIt, Itleclynionburg, 1',41.. 001 cu on Itullranq etruet., tiro - door. north 14 the BAnk.' • ' . ilu , imr Promptly Attandr4 to. . , 10.1,100 • R. 1411. 4 1. ER, • •, • 8../ • ` ATTORNEY. AT LAW, Office, No. 18 Bouth:lLinever xircrt, oppoe,iti, Coylo'u lOseo9 M C. HERMAN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, • • Carllnlo, Pa. 0 Rheem'a Hall, • 10e069 • • H.. , BIIAMBARGER, -P• •' . ON TOR Wentpenaabdro , colnlierland County: Ponn'ti - entrnited to him will receive .proapt attention. „ ROBERT OWEN,: •• - SLATE ROOFER, AND DIALER IN.SLATIE, ro..T.mmiTr4l, All work:gunman/pi, end ',cal xeceive prompt At tention. Order.' lett tth " lOWA 0111ce,",, will re• psi. prompt attention. ," Oct 28. • QPINGLER & WILSON, OAIIPENTURD AND IaTAID DU/LDEIIS,'. • Corilor North nut Pyt.istreate,,, . . SobG ; , ' CADLIBLE, !,' ' W. P. 'SADLER.. IATEAItLEI . Ss SA.DLER, eou'tl;l4o ° , l ,T,lTrlat T pl , :f l :;,..` „ . .• tw KENNEDY, ,ATTORNEY AT LAW; ' • ' Ottl,tio Catilgot. o l a t 1 1 7 t n. . ATTOONEY ,AT. LAN. ".• ' ,Ar!l le.astnt comet of Mc Court *use' WEB; .* ' • Arro*pc.'oo 110.otriziet,belor , Che'strtuii; . • ;" , ' d'pr,,f4l;#6; • ruliAuncrurA: GROCERAWS, c4NIAATES; cep. t rH. •3LABONIEEIRIER. CHOICE - FAMILY :,9ROgilgEk BINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURR SPIOES qtrEeNsivAnH; GLASSWARB, STONEWAItE, WODDEN, AND =I US? URANDS or FAMILY FLOUR 81.LT'AND FIBU ALL KINDS OF COONTRY PRODUOR BOUGHT AND BOLD .801)11116n CO NE PITT AND PDIFERT STREDTS 1123133 MISCELLANEOUS. TO THE LADIES There can be nothing that will please the ladies better - than a goodarticlo,whlch is needed in es cry family for every day's use. Bach an artic ois REYMY'CIENVINE AMERICAN TALLOW *Lir, recommended for the following purposes: For gen- Oral household one; for the toilet: for the laundry ; for chapped bands, &c. Fold by all grocers and storekeepers everywhere. NATUAN FRICK, sole agent, No. oit North Front street, Philadelphia. 10feb70.0m." CHEAP COAL! CHEAP COAL!! The subscriber la prepared to deliver, by the car load, to llmebbruors, and other consumers along • thei lino of the Cumberland Valley Railroad; the cele brated • • • LYKENS VALLEY COAL I - AT TIIE LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES FOR CASIL . - This coal is of every superior quality, and will b , furnished at prices which will defy all competition. ' The subscriber will'neliver coal at On'lsle, 'by the car load; during tho cement month, at the following prices, per ton of 2,000 the: re... • Nut.. Stove Egg.. , And to other points of the road ho wjll deliver it, adding or deducting the expense •of difference I freights. • The above rates will be subject to the riso or Sal of prices, each month, at the -nines.. GEORGE ZINN, Office—corrier of Main and Pitt streets. • 16decG93m NO HUMBUG 1 CHRISTIAN INHOFF, of Carlisle, has the 8010 right, tie Agent for Cumberland County , Pa., for the oalo, wholesale, of a new NO HUMBUG 1 - BURNLNG FLUID, _ called n lClNO'S NON EXPLOSIVE BILILLIANT IL- LUKIZiATING BURNING FLUID, which la auperlor to anything ayor Inkoduced and can supply the trade tbreittit the eonoty, wholesale Their FLUID is cheaper than Kerosene; It Is non explosive; makeu a bettor, clearer, awl softer light • than Kerosene, or soy other oil or compound In us omits no hod odor or Inen, and fa ierfootly harm Moreboots or others wishing to ■ee o. to teat this. ea - tidal:till please .11 at my Mara In Carll.la .01.1RISTILN INIIOI/B Socam BEST LYKENS VALLEY LIME COAL, $4.25, silthli pude of SUMMIT BRANUM LYKENA VALi.k.Y Ego STOVE COAL delivered $0 U 0 ' NUT COAL 4 75 In the yard, 25 cants less. At the yards , f A. 11. BLAIR. • • LUMBER OF ALL KINDS of tho lowe.t price At tho yard. of . . NOTICE.—By virtue of a resolution of the Stockholders, tho,Capital Stock of the "Callao :thou Company" bail beau Incremaa to 30;0,00 DOLLARS. Subscriptions_to_the rsine_vrill_be recsi.ed at the Wilco of the company, No. 5 Nut Main throat. By order of the Board of Directors: JOIIN -T, OREICN, President. Joint bytes, Eeoretary, sJun7o PUBLIC SALE.-4 will sell,.by virtue of t u authority lu the will of John hfcillinnis, deceased, on Priday, the twenty-fifth day ofrebruary, ut to o'clock, a. to., at the Cott , Mune, tlio borough of Cartlele, that TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, AND LOT OF GDOUND In the borough of Carnal°. eltdatad on the °net side or Fount llanovor street, bounded on foltown: On the north by lion. L. Todd, on tho cuet by an alloy, on M'ih south by A.• W. Dents, and on the west by said street, containing In front, on Fold street, about 20 feet, and ab ut 240 feet In depth to said alley. This property Is advantogronaly situnt.d - fur boa nese, having a °tura room, with comfortable, dwel log ottached - • Attendance will be given, and tonne rn.thi know on day of lain by R. M. II MNDERSON, Executor. ofJoho Mealurilr, d.ceasii Ei=l $lO,OOO GUARANTEE /1110 k I . 42Al),Eacelo all ol.hrr LEADt First. /Or It UllllVhifla K Lumen Second. For It. Uncqualed Durability. Th , rci.',For Its Unnurpun,ed Covering Vir'operly pfd'l.l tly , fti. Jail' YT costa 'oda to paint. with. Back LOad, Man nay other Whlto Load 'extent.. - Tbo' saws weight cover. more [induce, la mono durably, and make, whiter work. , DUCK LEAD la the . cboapael and heat.. ' • -, • sto,(Soo AIME ZINC Excola all other ZINCth Thor,' For !to Eiogrrolod DuralOle, Fecund. Foi It 6 Übilynled tiVbitonese. Third. 'Per Its 17.uSupisest.4 tortrlna privesty; Lastly; fai ltd (heat' Economy, being' the cheepeet, hilhil•btuest; And mod durable White Vtitutiu.tho *odd, , lllly ONLY 'BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC* • torviNoisp:' Enilefactlon.Quarliutued by Om Manutwhirecip nvag.COT.TA Gla 0.L.01? l!iepii!pd{reipiy for Painting Cottagoe, OutbUildingt of ,very description, FOll.lll, &a. Thirty-Ilvo- different Color., ,Durable, Cheap,: Uniform, and Beatalfni Sondes., '1; , • Bampla card. nut by mail, If desired, t " Dealers' Orders will be promptly executed by pi. 3 rtiREES, PIANTS,. FLOWERS FRENCH, RIOHAROS CO., - MOIL FIALA AT TUT, tiIndIIIIRLAND NUltare• 141315 thin Erring: A large otock'of very 0 1)no pouch Ow, grapo vinea, • osage orange. strawberry ,tout., rhubarb, Ornamental trues, d general , nurpory 'took. Vegetable plants, all, traniplanted, the beet .varieties tabbage„ 'Amato, cauliflower, popper, beet, calory; egg plante, itc: Sweet potato., and to bacco plants In largo ,guintlty. Hardy aod g‘oon;• bolisa lowers, ~One assortment, great inducements offered to penume 'making up clubs, for any of tho above Clock. Parties „Intending to plant ate lurked .tosall at the nureory, or, seed for club • price tint, Ordsia,protoptly ,faryuridedtu 500100. , - A" • ' HENRY ft • I , ,_: Bltlceinittwo, - Cumborland s county, Ps. Mbb?9 , . . rt.*. :Can. ,rMLADELPIII,: 'IrOR BALE WHOLESALE ANR HETitio • ~•! ItY:II3IX‘4Y ti:iIETOI 4 T & .:I)Cse43ri T64driarb, Plitite; OILY Oligp 'OATILIMLIC, 'PA. 20Jiu/Yoly MISCEZLANEOUA, 1876. HARDWARE liklikr SAXTON H. B-A X T-o;q'_ N 0.16, BAST MAIN STREET, Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &c.,, Pa., horOby anuouriee to the. public. Thato.llO7 intend alter everything In their line, either_wholetale or rend!, at prices pinch lower that can bo bought this elie of Phlladolphla Our stock ceueluta In part of BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Iron, ' - • Paiute, - Nalie, • . 011 e, . Shovels, • • Clara, " Ifooe,_ I•utty, ' Pork., , Varnlehoe,• . Balmy, Cement, Spades, • .Fleeter, • Crow bare, Band, Pledgee, Powder, Safety fuse, Alto a full and well Waded aanortruent of Mechanics' Tools. Table and rocket Cutlery lE=1!/1 FAIIM BULLS, Pious, limos, Mettle, Grain bags, Ropes, Pulleys, itud Tiny Elevator. of all tleserlpllone GUNS, PISTOLS, POWDER, SOOT, OAPS, and mum anion of all kind. Thankful for past furore, by strict aitoutlon to buelnoez wo hope to receive a continuation of the A - LL PERSONS. knowing themselves indebted to Henry Seaton aro Vegneated to make Immediate settlement, and those having claims to present thim for settlement, as I wish to lose up my books to January I. 1570. HENRY SAXTON. 4 - 60 27Jan70. ... EA 00 DE HAVEN & BROTHER, BANICERB AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT- SECURITIES, UNION AND ORNTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS, No. 40 South Third street, Philadelphia. Buy, Selland Exchange all fiance of U. S. BONDS, on the most liberal terms GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD COUPONS CASHED Stocks frougb t and sold on Commlnolon only. Accounts received, and interest snowed on dully boloscoo. SobJect to cheek st. gjannly LIST OF SALES called by N. B MOORE, Auctioneer: Felt. 18 Leo Guishall, South Middleton twp. " 10. Elder Green, Non twp. • 21. John Young, Dickinson. 22. Jas. Paw, tooth Middleton top. O 23. Doubt Shook. Dickinson. " 24. Jacob Black.-Dickinson. J" 26. N. W. Woods " 28. James Kenyon, Dickinson. " 28. John Johns, South Middloton twp. Mar. I. John Shambaugh;M'agoner's Gap Road "R Jacob Schupp, South Middleton twp. S. Samuel Wherryo.llddiesex. 4. OurtiArtehburn, Penn twp. O 6. IlenJarehvLochard, 1, Manson. 7. Jno D. Sheaffer. Dickinson. • 8. Jacolf`Plank,Routh Middloton twp. " O. Moses Weise!, Carlisle, Pa. " 10, Abrm. Spats. Dickinson. " 11.— John-B:MymniWest Penneboro. " is. Wilson Shupp, South Middleton twit. 14. Curtis Fishburn, Penn. " IS. Jno. A. Parer, Dickinson. 17 James Lime, Penn top; 18. David Pickle, South Middleton. IS. Alex. Reisinger, Dickinson. 0 22 &23 Samuel Wolf; Duni District. 24. J.M. Good, S"uth Middleton. " 25 Daild Sipe, Cecilia°. " 26 lies. Lehman, Carlisle. . —, • IEIE=E3 ENMM J . E. CALDWELL & CO AND IMPORTERS, 902 pIIEBTNUT STREET, PRILADELPILIA, ILLY ONLY FIRS CLIOSAOOD.I AN IMMERSE VARIETY OF COLD WATCHES DIANCONDS, PLATY!) WARN CLOCKS, unoNsr.S. .a 4 - pjAa PAZ:VFW:IB, do., ' All pormona dralring.rrally'nne articira, rellablo in quality, and moderate In • prko, aro arrtain to be' pleased 4y our: extoodlualy Inrge ainloraried tion. Our stock le kept always froth by additions from,hretaourcar, ' . Our ■tore la ronouncnd pee of the' moat elegant in the world Cana any pitha visiting the city are cor dially ladled to roll tad I r•apect It Mihail . leisure. 20Janidly lard. DEVENNEY, Auctioneqr. -T. T . . February Waspy, Mpnroo; . .• 21-Joseph Goodyear, Monroe. , • 23-John Weikel. Frans:ord. ' tl 24-George Worirrlish, Hampden- • • 211-./.& P. Gwen, South Middleton. • '• 2a-Henry Bonbon:or, Monroe. " • 23-ZAgler k Pergola Adeddistraters of ' '• Memnon, Monroe. • . a March' ' 1-P. N. lill/or,ltonroe. • .' • . *2 -John Sollenborgef. Middlesex, • 2.•-•Baltser Boi tlino, Silver Spring. . .". ta-tlVlllieeta Clerk, Mourne, 'Zeigler, are'gneo, Middlesex. , 1-B. Ebony , 11144 . Spring. 11-11nulei KUtz, hilddlorox. • • I ":--- - 0-Chns. Shreiner, Sliver Spring. 10-A. S. Rupp, Lower Allon. " 11-John Euck, Adel'', 12-B. P. Zhnutemen, Lower Allou. . " le-William Sicarle, - Seuth Middleton.. ". 'l5--11r1gley k ilayn,Mecbauiceburg. • . • " la-Arthur flitupp, Monroe._., • " 17-13amuel Ilemmlnger, Oilier Spring. • jg, nroehhin, Polling Springs • 10-11 11 'Herman, Oliver Spring. " 21-Jacob Goodyear, Scuthlltddielon, 1,; ; ;:" 22-Cyrus Brindle, Monroe. • . 23-Benjamin Maley, Monroe. • ' ' 4 ..2t--40b10110/111141, Monroe. I 25-Bucher A Stayihau, Silver. Spring. • . " 20.-A Klink, New Kingston., 28-/oho Paul, Churebtown. r 1870 EEEMIMI 11.13ARTON k CO. EMI I=l JEWELERS,: JEWELItY • SILVER WARR, WEDDING ELUDE YOREIGN FANcy GOOD', TINiPABE, 6c. STOVES! STOVES Le tbeiemon le fat approaching when personae will . bOlooklng . fora iloalrablo ®Coup for Tailor or usa, — spf ask a carotid oxarnivatlon of our stock. believing tOnhave . tho largest And bog Holed. od anortment el STOVES over offoted to the cltizons of dumborland county We here on himd tholuatly colobratod. MORNING GLORY BASE BURNER, vilefeh;ae a Prior or Dialog Room Stove, exoolo oil There, as thousanda who use them will testify THE iiau•r HOUSE, One of the moat &Jambi° #toves ill 1118121 TEE MORNIND 'LIGHT, Also a Dago Durncir. VALUABLE , PRIVATE RESI7 HENCE FOR' SALE.' Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle, now owned and occupied by Alm. Washmood r late the. 'property of Benedict. Law. Tho lot fronts on -Han over at., 90 feet; and extends bask the same Width -210 feet to-an alley. - The Improvements are a' largo two-story MAKE HOUSE, with Verandah In front, containing'DOnble Parlors, Hall, Chamber; Dining' room and Kitchen oulowei floorand sit Chambers and Bath-room .on the 2nd-etery. Gas and water have been Intro\ierrl. There 2R a large Stable and Carriage House a the toot of the lot. The lot Is weirstudded with ornamental trees and shrubbery, besides fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the most choice selection In abundance. Enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, We offer among others the - tollowiag Cook Stoiesi Real Estate Agent. nObt.6B TUN MORNING GLORYJ PARLOR HEATER, And PORTABLE FURNACp • :q. and 'ether New Parlor, Dining Room and Chsgifiii Room StOyes THE REOVLATOR, SUPERIOR, NOBLE COON, ERRY_CILIIIST‘r 4 S, and City of Beillngton COMBINATION. We oleo sell the DIAMOND HEATER -3 '" FIRE PLACE STOVE which heats one, two or three rooms, and Is decidedly the boat Fire Final kovo . over invented We would call attention to our largo stook of T I N.W A _R E on heed or irlado'to order. 'All klnds of ROOFING AND SPOTT'IING "done on ronionable terms and withoni-deln,y. AN parson deeliing anything in oar lino two in sited to CWII a'l34lPrice — Ou'r'artioles botolio purchaalpg I==! WALKER & CLAUDT, No. 18, West Mato Street, Carlisle, Pa EM3 CARRIAGES AND DIJGGIES NO'HIJIIBUG! .._.Si.GL ~I iT-3f d~.iJ•G.I. d I itn now getting up tho largest lot of work ov inideiti Carbide, and tuu preparing for another t,t In April next. Call at the shop and exumino the work .beforo it finished, so that you may be satisfied that I use null log but tho BEST MATERIALS of all kinds. Every tityln of CARRIAOES, BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, & ready made or made to order. Alt new work guava teed. Having been successful for four yearn, I hope by itrict attention tolmainece to merit it continuance of patronage. HO not forget the place, cor. Pitt and South atree Oarlittle, Pd. 6Jau76 8m JT G CALLTO, • CM= OARLISLE, PEWNA., = The If AT IT it of Carlfslo I Th. Lattit lit) los junt tocuirod I Thu Intent utu luu alwnyu on hand I SILIf U.tTS from the beat Muultf.tcturus I I I ItO • MON ABLE lIATtI fut.( out !I J.O. 0et1.1.10 urlotom to tali uttoution - to Ma larg, EMS HATS .AND CAPS Yu manufa tur:s Hata to,nrel...r, and bun ILu b •trangemoote [tr coloring than, Wooled Good mad Ov.reoata, et effort tittla.` ; ' '661 Itighest eAral 1 (ICL9 raid fot 001J'NTRY FURS arr . olT l HIM A OALL..I.at 'NO 20 'UAW STREET 10.lope° A . I2DISON HUTTON, .":44k.R-OHITEQT, 532 Wabaut Street, Philade7pltia, Pa PLANS, DESIGNF,'NERSPECTIVR VIEW. . SPECITIOATIONS., AND \MAIN° DRAWINGS, For Collhgcoi Firm Homes, TOW, Court Homes 'IRON Churches, School llousee, FRENCH. ROUES 27,1au701y GOLD DOWN,! OUWNI DOWN TREMENDOUS DECLINE IN TILE pries of nil kinds of Dry Goods. Pilule to Ros ton,, Now York', and Philadelphit rituomt the lon porterslatmonso lots of sew and r:ocirablu goods forced' into,the auction room and sold at anacrilice,all of which accounts for the prides I am enabled to offor season able 1100,11 t t me. Goods received tootle day at ulcers that will astonish all. • Paisley Shawls, Bowl Strilm• Shawls, -bailey Wool Long and Square Shawls, lain Black do, Caolunoro Beads, Bilk - Tiro; now Lyle, and ',tiny other fancy goods at prices that defy trompetitlen, as 1 howl rocalved thent on lb days sole, all unsold to ho roturuod, an rultantage no other house in the county posset.sea. theca, Purple, tend, Wino. and Drown Wool Ithpps, best quality, at a great reduction. Black Alpacesus, of boot make in existence, at prices lower than previous to the war, which shows the effect of a panic. Meta and Bern Wear t Heavy lleaihr Cloth, Plain Black alid Faney Cloths • oud Cassinutres, 'not., Jona, and all the various gouls.sultablo for the (mason. at greatly 'reduced 'ratea. Water Prool I Water Proof! :Clio tulle of Water Proof Cloth having Inercased so lunch this t t eusdit for ladle.' Snails and Circulate; HOMO manufacturers have soon propor to advance the prices; hut me shall-con tinuo to soil at tho lowest prices that they have ever boon sold at. AU qualities ittf Black and Odd tdix Waterproof. • Letaine Merino 'Vests ( Drawers . . Canis. Shirts and Drawers, Ladles' whlto and colored Horinoand all wciollloso of ovory quality, Children's' white and fancy wool Um, every floe, until Flan nel' Canton Flanitol, tngliams, t prises, lower than they bare boon sold for. Mao yours. Ladles' and Childroits now style Shoes tyr every do . nerlptidni from tho heaviest to the tines t numufac tared 001107. Ladles' -nod Children's It um Slims, ovary slim; of best quality. White and cols, od eta and. Counterpanes, at It groat induct) n. ,-„ I respectfully usli All illillthrtion of my 'Stock hetor purchasing as.l tam confidant I dm. Wile to suit prlcesmil who lousy fayor ma with _a call, Ile u'l .humbuggod, into buying by a nricellet of cheap rims, 'lion, calicos, St., but ‘ call tang eon a wholo'Stoelt. or goodif right through, all Vadueled , . ()HAS. WILBY. 17 0 /20 7. 170, 47 Wont Alain otreot. A. 'l. .SPONSLER'S COL Ullfly. J. SPONSLER,, Roal Estato Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer Inear• ate° and Claim Agent. Wilco Alain Street Nose Centro S tunes. " • ' • 1 - - W-A -aRHEIt-FOR-SA-LE Yrollout Oro Weehor, at the Oro Bank of George W. Le!dish, Hear'rms. WM be sold vary low. Ap• ply to . . • , ' , A. L., SI'ONBLER. _ tlicirtiO_ . • . sr,rov - Es - 71 MOWN PROPFRII FOR FENT.A tommodion3 two and a 'Balt story, BRICK. 'DWELLING, adjoining 'the 'Hotel on Alto corner of Main and Bedford street's. ' A No two t wo.stury DWELLING ROUSES, ono Brick and 'the other Frame, situated on Pomfret street, Fe tweon Hanover and Bedford skreetsLad In good or der. rOligeS ... 6loll given trot Aprll. Apply to • - A: L . . SPONSLER, • 'n7o • Real Estnto Agent. , FOR kENT. • Ojan 0 Two commodious two story lirick llousei4, on . tho rasa side of East street, between Main and Louthet streets, in tho borough of Carlisle; likewise a valu able lot of ground on filo east sido.of. Letort Spring, containing about THREE ACRES, being the property of the heirs of Joseph. Shrom, deceased, all In excel lent renair, wilt be leased for one year from the lot of April next. For temps, , enquire of A. L. SCONS.LER, Beni Estate Agent. nol6 - 69 . FOR SALE A two story BRICK Private Residence situated. on South Ilanover street, between ' Pomfret and South streets, earl's's. The lot contains 21 feet in front' and 120 in depth. The house Is nearly new, containing double parlors, dining room and kitchen on the first floor, - and live comfortablO - chambers on.the second awry, and titres finished rooms on the attic, convent ent outbuildings, fruit trees, and - t,grepo video, and hydrant in the yard: Enquire ofo. L. L. SPONSLRR, Real Estate Agent. MEM ORE BANK FOR SALE.—A. rich deposit of the best otiality Hermatito Ore, yielding CB percent. comprising about 18 ACIIBB, located in _Monroe township, about 2 miles from the Iron Works of O. W. & ll t V. Ahl, on the south side of the Yellow Breeches creek. .There is a stream of water running through tho- tract sufficient for washing the ore and furnishing water power be sides. A portion of the bank is under a lease and will be sold subject thereto. Tho balance is unin- mmfberad. '7 Petrone dosirlous of viewing the Rank may call upon • Poorgo W. Lelatch, at ''Leidich's for merly known as Bricker'a mill, Moarod township, Cumbetjand county, or upon • • . A. L. SPONSLER, EUREKA Real Estate Agent, Carlisle. I 30. Tune 69 NIAGARA, IVOlt SALE. - - -Private - Residence situate on Routh-Hanover Btr--- Carlialo, nearly opposite Ear lye Hotel owned by James Bentz. The lut contains 106 foot in front running Lack 210 feet, and being 70 feet in brat dth at the rear, Tile buildings are nearly new and, - In excellent order, comprising a commodious.-. , Ma-STORY BRICK FRONTBIIILDING with a largo Two•8toly Brick Back Building attach ed containing all tko modern improvements inclu ding gas and wittaK 'The location of this property is ono of the most eligible in the town, and will be disposed of on favorable terms. For terms and fur ther partlenlani enquire of • A. L. BrONBLER, - . - Real Estate Agent. Aug G. FOR SALE—That desirable Private Residence, situated on 'West Pomfret Street, Carlisle. Tho lot contains 30 feet In front and 240 tent in depth. Tholsoproyements consist of a com modious TWO. STORY BRICK HOUSE, containing largo Parlors. Hall, Dining Room, and Kitchen on the lower floor, and eight convenient Chambers on the second floor, three over the front building., and five over the bock building, a Wash Rouse, Bath Room, and Water Closet; and gas pipes conning into the cellar. A hydrant in the yard and water en the Fecond story. qho entire property is in most excellent condition, and - the location enact the most desirable in the town. The lot is vieltstud ded with fruit trees and shrubbery, and rialto n num ber of grape vines of superior quality. For terms ripply to 24sep GO VALUABLE FARM. AT PRI VATE SALE. Situate 011 the South-side of the Yellow Breeches creek In Munroe township, about 3,4 mile East 'of Ahl's Iron Werke, containing ,Y 0 Acres, all cleared but ribout 2 Acres which aro covered with good tint- T .w• imp/Aulguals.4.E.n.a..cauliundlckwiJavo.tary--. PRAM E llr,likE, with `convenient - ourbuildlnze. Laigo BANK BARN . with Wagon Shed and Corn Cribs attached. A choice Apple Orchard in• good bearing ender, together with Peaches, Penrs,Cherries • anal On ap, in abundance and en excellent and never taiffng well of Winter at the &or, The ha d Inn high •state of cultivation. under good fence and the im rovenients in good urdor.. Tho location in a desira ble one, being 110flr it church, mill and On hoot lee•-.• If not sold at private hate he fora the 25th day • September next the norm will be offered at Pu bn Salo on that day. Persons desirous of viewin the preinises may call upon Oeo. W. la:hitch, at Lel Ich's mill, in 3loireoe township, Yor terms Le. atiply to 13A9g 69 VALIIABLE „ PRIVATE RESIL • lIENCE FOR SA LE —Sila, at the nest end of the Ithrongicof Canticle, we, of Mel:limn College. The - loteentidni - in - feet - lrr - ront - and - rm..) feet - 1n depth, extending front to Louthor stlent• The frown." ementsvottsn4 of ail elegant and eon, modinus mait•ion 'alttiAtO near the centre of 1110' grounds. fronting on Ma n street, flubbed in the most t Nitta, htyle. with r convenient outbuildings. The ground.; are beautifiilly 111 old, and are ottnlthil with alonntlance of froil nail- ornamental (Tell And flowern,r' - and -.shrubbery-of. the-'choicest. hind. • The'owner bring &strolls of selling, the property will be ,11811,Neti , uf upon adrantoteotts itirms to the purchaser. liossesslon given on the first of April next. for norms, mid 'further particular?, coquina of SPIRiSLER, Real Estate Agent. A 13. 511131111 U=2l A'VALUABLE FARM AT PRI VAT E SALK—Situated in Silver Spring , town-. chip, tot the ratlroad, w Alan a half unio if Loldig'n Scat kat :tint 3 mi't n went t . f Me.hanietlairg, contatn• ing 50 ACRES, all cleared. The liaproveug tt , s tan a LAJRIC STON'IC 110555, with all the ntret,:ty nut latildings, Large Bank BarttilV3goa Shed, corn Crilm, Carriage Nowa., Xc. There lea Cistern nt the boast., 01. at the batn, a well et \ _water in the wash house, mi,l u honor tailing stream of water mating Illioagh the fart ~ good Apple t rchaid; lat. Is tru n'ored ant Bl i ood, wth a vat letS - ef otter fruit. The Term Iglu good hultivallon, and nutter gout' fence, in a , good neighbOrhoutl, convenient 14 tieltool and 'churches. 'lf not !gild before the first of March; it will then fur trot. 101140118 ItOftll . ollµ to view the progarty, phalso call oat the subszriber:h gou t h e ham. Terms trill he oihtletalcuntotedating , 6.inn;o• ritIREE FARMS FOll , SALE" AT A OhEAT - - - - ,ONE OF 435 .41C.RES.1 ' Land in fair condition, id very good, quality. uu . "der got d fence: Orchard, Ourden.palml In, good stood and comfortable Dwelling, Barn, 0nx6.1 lout , Corn 'House, .Wagon Boum Merit House, Bon 1101.11, Spring Llotne ut a• swing of good water mar the D• cling. One ball Is under cultivialon, balance in Wood and "limber. Sold Farm Is situated within 1 , /,' miles 01 Shopy Creek, n Stafit,n on the Baltimore , d Ohio Railroad, at whichfhtre,fs it Store, Pont Offico and. Espress Office, whore nil kinds of Produce can ho sold. Mnrtiubnrg,n Dirge and flourishing town, is .16 miles distant, where the highest prices nro Budd torah hinds hit Country Produce; , i 3 codes di,tatit. is a Quarry, where good Limestone ran he had Sr three years without o It, and can ho burnt for eight cants per 'methyl. The Tennitt en above Form mimed the past year 500 Bushels Wheat, and in short time this amount might ho doubled, by also of Limo ns it acts 'well no said Mud. Due Yam wilt be divided to snit urchasers, and'aold easy tenet. Price $2.5 per Ac Also, one of Two ilanajtid and. Fourteen Acres ! - • . Quit At 120 per Acre. inlitrOVOlnuilitl C 0113111011: one of • Two Bandied and Fourteen Acres, At SIG per, Acre. 109 Improvements. Good .water power on tali. The Land on those. Farms is of good quality, ono third cleared, and balance in 'Wood and •Timbor, wh i c h. e0 ,,..,,,, , A ds a good market at Cherry Run Sta tion. 'rheso Farms are situated one mile front Cherry ltun Ptation,,on tho'llaltintore A, Ohio Railroad, at which Station hi a Mere, PoSt Oftleo aud Express Of fice, mid 1 mile from a Limestono Quarry, whore Limestone ran he bad for three yours for nothing. Illartinsinag isl 3 miles distant, - ' . All the above Iscations'are very Imaillty, I offer them a Ilargalo, as 1 am old, have do family, And wish to-sell,, •.tScr Go to Sleepy Crook Station, oh Om Itch inVre & Ohio RaLroad, to sea kilts° Farms, alien, hum Mon Lino, esq.,- tenant on farm, give all partic k ulare, and alma' tho forme 'Address, (I,Tap'2.rtt , • 'SUSAN lISLIN GER, 1 .IN_TIIN COURT OF COM ve MON PLEAS' 017 CUMDEIti • DANIEL, O. MAT. • LAND COUNTY: • VENDITIONI EX:PONAS ITO. 6 JAN. TER111,,1870, January It,' lou t—Money 'considered In Court, and ritlo for Ito .appromiation., The: Andltor....D ptiinted by line Court of Common el.*. of Cott:lreland pennty, to :isiertain lint report the facia,: and make dietriburion of the 'fundo Comt broddcad by 'lino phorlfl'a nate undue tho ;there writ, of the following deseribed Tent estate, viz: r A-tract of laud situated In Enid renuaborough tow mad p,Cumberbind county, Peumylvanti, bounded on the north end cant by Dit, ,Conotleguinet ireek;• - • en-.tine woet by tho•londe of J oho Lanta, and rn the mutt, by the tootle of R.lll. Dahl:man, eentaiiiing 10 0 . .creq,.looso or teat, , and iIANI lig thereon erected a two entry • framndwelting booth, bent bath, wagon stied, and • othrr,ont build iings,r will att end Mtbe dettep of lila pplicl e nir nt Olb iSaty Nay li'e O vary 26, , .D. ,1870, 010 o'cb,o1:; eon., at Lila. tattoo on Nprilt. iveit the borough' of • Carlleld,whou and Plt a.) luterasted untie:inked to attend. • ,• • , -• .F, .k3,llElgZllooViin,% , •Itipinnar..• . 1. .• ,• ,Audlt9r,. 'A. T. SPONSLER,. Real Estate Agent A. L. SPONSLER, RAW Eatnte Agent DIME A. BMITfI AberOen, If.riord counlj•,