CAI I,ISLE, FEBRUARY 8, 1870 Revivals g eroli g ionaro still in progress in several of our. churches. At the First Methodist church quite a number have been converted ; while the interest in the services continues unabated. Rev. Mr. Pardon, the pastor, has cause to con gratulate inn - licit' that his effolts have been the cause of so much good. . Gen. Sharpe, brother in law of Presi dent Grant, was in town on Tuesday. Ile came to attend the funeral of his mother, near Newville. We heard a party of gentleman sing ing "Shoo fly, don't bolder me," with a vast deal of effect the other evening. During the progress 'of the fire on Saturday night some miscreant amused himself in cutting the hose of the Union, Cumberland, and Barracks flue compa nies.• Hereafter strict watch will be. kept, and should the parties be detected, they will be given the beticflt, of the law. Gen. Hatch, commander at the Garri son, deserves the thanks of the citizens of the borough for his promptness in ordering tho fire' apparatus at that place, to the tire on Saturday might. The men attached to theirflre department worked with a will, and, in connection with our 11 - rbinen, prevented a large conflagration. I=l We were shown a beautiful specimen of Malacca, (a species of reed,) now in the possession of M. C. Herman, esn., which was presented to him a few days ago by H. Longimecicor•, of this county. , It was procured by Lieut. Longnecicer, U. S. • Navy, at Singapore, whilst on his Into cruise in' the East. llon. M. 11. Boyce, of Wisconsin, who has been successful in breaking down the gibbets of the great northwest, will luldress.the.citizens of Carlisle, 'on Fri t — day evening, February 11, at the Court House. Lecture free, and both laditis and gentlemen are cordially invited to attend. • - The Grand Lodge of Knights of Pythias , of Pennsylvania, met at Philadelpliirr, - last week. It Was composed of 1,657 members, all passed officers. Out of this number, one representative from each Lodge is elected. The receipts of the Grand Lodge during the past six months amounted to $l9, ()di) ; expendi tures, $12,000. There arc 234 Lodges in this State, and applications have been made for 15 more. The following ofli - CC I'S were elected : Grand Chancellor, Philip Lo . wry, jr. ;- Grand Banker; Wm.- T. Rose ; Grand 'Recording Scribe, W. Blancbois ; Grand -Inner Steward, James B. Williams ;, Grand Outer Steward, H. Strockbine ; Representatives to Supreme Lodge, John P. Linton, Philip Lowry, Grand Lodge, William A. Porter, I: C. Becker, F. Coppes. - Lieut. E. B. Itheem, .Twenty-lirst U. S. Infantry, has been assigned to duty at Carlisle Barracks, awaiting orders to his regiment im _Arizona. S. G. Cowdrey, Assistant Surgeon C. S. A., at present stationed at Carlisle Barracks, has been ordered to report at headquarters Department of thy, be assigned to duty in Kansas or Now Mexico Assistant Surgeon Buchanan has re ported for duty at Carlisle Barracks. On Tuesday aft e rnoon ➢lr. William A. Darr, a caienter employed in shingling the roof of Col. A. Noble's residence on Main street, fell, and was luckily caught in a grape arbor, which doubt less saved his life. Ile fell a distance of two stories and a half, with his head downwards, and escaped with a few bruises. The citizens of Carlisle will hold a special election on Saturday, February 1?-, between the hours of two and six p. m., to determine the question as to whether the Town Council shall con tinua the police force in the borough. A full turn out is expected, as the Council desire an unmistakable expression of-the will of the people on that question. By reference to the advertisement of Mr. George Zinn, under the head of " New, To-day," our citizens will ob serve that he is prepared to' sell Lykens Valley ,coal 'cheaper than last month's rates. IMICIIME A popular almanac published in this city, in German and English, among its predictions, for 1870, puts down the twenty-six, (Wednesday, )us the "coldes t day," and to-day, the twenty-seventh, as " cold." These predictions are certainly o far out pf the way. We had reasonably cold weather in the early part of the winter, but for many days past tho air has been so soft and balmy as the breezes of May, and that well known personage, tho "oldest - inhabitant" has faint recol- Motion of "any tking, like it." Wednes ': day at , simrise the mercury-in the thor mometor indicated 35 0 , and during the day it stood at 50 to 00. On Thursday, at sunrise Marked 40. Ruch 'weather is probably without a' parallel,,aud the "almanac makers" will be * IA a sad blight for data upon which' o o base their predictions for next year.' The mildness has caused many trees and shrubs to form buds, some of which seem ready to burst into,bloom.., Insects, too, which rarely.appea:r beforo the middle of May orhoginning of June, are on the wing, and in ES omo localities the bliur bird have made their appearance. A day or two. since the editor ,of the Philadelphia Balktin , was infornied by a subscriber at Medford, New Jersey, that, quantities Of young grasshoppers came out of the ground as lively as if it. waS spring in .earnest. Sonia of them were bottled and will be fo4arded to - one•of the "learned Societies!' of the Quaker city,for exami nation,, These are some of the curiest. Iles of this remarkable season.—Eiprese. Me i Good , Will Fair is - 110N4 ,in full blast. ,Tlio "boys" aro in the - , beat of spirits,, and aro.pushing thinif. ° The audience is of the right stamp, and carry their pogket books within easy reach.- - Tlib band discourseS excellent music and plebty of it: The exhibition is very ilne;. and is Well patronized. • The restam'ant . . . .furnisbes„all the delicacies of , the sea son, and the gentlemanly attendants aro kept busy ; and finally, Conclusion, those present, ap the evening grail's late, dance. Tliearrangenrients for sending mail on the six o?bloolic morning train have all .boon completed All - letters left at the postoffise lfeforemine o'eldek in theeveh-^ ing, will be sent. in this mail, and arrive in Philadelphia ty ono o'clock.. Harry Theinas, esq., has sold his mag nificent resilience; on Front street; in 1,111. arm urg, o . *. ameron, esq., President of the Northern dentral -Rail road,--for $35,000. 1 ===il On last Saturday, night, about ten o'clock, the frame barn of Peter: Spahr, on the alley in the rear of his residenCe, was discovered to be - on fire. He bad a largo quantity of hay, corn, and grain in the barn, which was entirely con- Mimed. The.harn burned very rapidly, and the flames lit up the streets to 'the distance of seserrd squares. The Ilb. was undoubtedly the work of an ineen: diary. The losii is estimated at ono thousand dollars,. partly covered by in surance. • • The second lecture in the course for the. winter, was delivered in Rheeih's Hall, on i l hursday evening, last, by the Rev. Dr. De Witt Talmage. • The house was well filled at an early hour, by the appreOttive citizens of Carlisle, who were expecting a literary treat, and we are sure none were'dissatisfied. His subject of the lecture, " Grumblers and Growlers," • was handled splendidly. The Doctor was introduced to the audi ence by Gen. Lemuel Todd, who briefly announced the speaker, his subject, 'and ' what might be expected of him. The Doc-. tor began by saying that this world was not an unhappy one ithat everything nec essary for man's enjoyment was to, be found, If sought for, iii the right way; that the sky, the seas; the elements, all contributed to man's happiness, and that all might be happy If they. would. But there; are many perions in the world who, by their unpleasant demeanor and bad habits bring sorrow and unpleasant. ness wherever they go, and who rob man of one of his greatest comforts, viz : his good humor. The first of these, he said, was the whisperer, who subjected' men with wham he associated to constant an noyance by whispering evil of them to others. • Compared with such nuisance, thQspeaker said all sorts of cutaneous diseases were blessed. Another species were the long faced Christians, who con stantly annoyed those with whom they came in Contact, by their gnawings and mbanings.' He compared the scenes of a Sabbath morning, i"Kound the altar of the cheerful happy Christian's family, and that of him who thodght the time ought to be passed in an awful manner; this one teaching children to hate the Sabbath, God, and their parents ; that one instilling into the hearts of his chil dren a love for holy things. These pi e tures were well drawn, and the force of the illitstrations felt by all. The speaker then held up to view a photograph of the visiting nuisance, who makes.his calls at unseasonable times, and slays till you are bored to death, - and leaves you in a most unpleasant state of mind. This picture was a comie one, and was recognize'd by all as • life like. The next portrait in the grumblers gal-• lery was the - touchy Mar, Whose swig ,- liveriess was a •source of , ,un lcasantncss to 211 around him. The next annoyance was the gossip, upon whom the writer dwelt at length, and whose character he held up to the contempt and ridicule' f all. It would be impossible to folloW the speaker through all the brilliant, passa ges of his lecture. His sallies of wit were incomparably arimaing. These . were blended- with the beautiful to such an. extent that all tastes-weir, suited, and the whole audience pleased. The Doctor de -flounced in ennicainixed_terms thQgrovel ing•politicians of all parties; wko ba're , been for the last thirty years -predicting the downfall of our country. In this con nection his indescribably grand and beau tiful discription of tho burning of the Smithsonian Institute Was introduced,' and the comparison made between the desolation attending that terrible event, and that while we see around us on all hands, and he drew from thence that as then the nation's capitol stood humbly erect in its grandeur, its marble pillars and immense dome illuminated by the burning flames, so amidst the ruin and and devastation opened in other coun tries, our nation would stand immova bly fixed as it is upon the affections of , the people. An oyster supper will be given on the evening of February the tenth, by Mrs. Fred. Cormnan, for the boneat of the Reformed Mite Society, for the liquida tion of the church debt. Supper from six to twelve o'clock. 'Patronage of the public respectfully solicited. There are many ways of curing hems, but the best pickle that cat be made, is not all that is needed to insure good hams. The Rural Amerkan, speaking on this subject, says : " Hams that are taken out of the pickle iu prime condi tion for the smokehonse, aro often seri ously injured ,when proper care is, not paid to theiismoking. No smoke should be applied Until tIM hams are thoroughly dried. Smoke with green hickory or maple wood or oorn cobs. , A moderate and cool smoke is indispensilde in the proper smoking of hams. Under no circumstances should hot smoke be suf fered to settle upon and moisten the hams, thus imparting a flavor as if. they had been, clipped in pyroligneous acid. Heine arc seriously injured in - this Way when smoked under barrels or hogsheads, or in lovi smoke houses, where the meat, is brought to near the lire, and there is ne vent in the uppEr part of the building for the steam likervapor to escape. • After the hams arc sufficiently smoked; which is, .geilerally 'indicated by their light, mahogany color, give their fleshy parts a coating of molasses, and sprinkle them with red-pepper, and inclose them in cotton bags as • a ,proservation_ of thi2l juices of the meat, and •'a protection against flies." , Never fill kerosene lamps after' dark, but tilrthem in the day time: Never al low a lamp to be placed on the mantle piece, whether the same. has, a grate 'or stove fire, as .the heat 'of the same will cause the oil to be more , n}tialjle, and more Bible to explosion when lighted. It is a.comnion praetibe in ci gar and other factories to have their lamps hung on,wire :from th'e' ceilings ; .they should bo remove(' when not in use, as the heat of the - stovesasconds to the ceiling, the effect being tifli mine as in the above suggeition: DO not allowthe wick to got bakes' or orasty ; trim it frinpiently. , • A PbbtOgraph Gallory, well established and doing a good business can be bought cheap'for cash, if applied for soon. " Cell •. on or addrefis . . - ... A small size, Farrel '''Zt Herring Iron Safe, nearly now, for -sale at the -wlnile -pie notion and variety store of .., . ' ~. - COYLIS BBOTIIMIEV. , ...ii : 11 South Hanover street, -Carlisle. On Tuesday 'night, of last week,, the Tovirr com Mil saivfit todiScontintia , the. Thi. ...- tinned until meeting, on Sat urday evening, when they determined to illuminate aspf 1- During the, three. nights that intervend, our citizens prob ably had a realizing sense Of the feces-, sity of lighted streets, such as they have not had since the gas was first intro duced. Every body was delighted . that the Conned abandoned the idea of die-. pensing with the gas, and doubtless an another attempt to ,economize in this direction will not soonbe made. Lighted 'streets are indispensable, not,only on the scare of convenience, but also of safety ; and this is so well conceded that we are at a iolh \ to account for the action of Council in thismatter. Ciertainly there was not the slightest excuse for,it, and the affair was ridibulous in every respect. It was much worse, "even, than the vir- Juni discharge of the Pblice, which was effected at the-last meeting, and for this there is only one shadow of excuse. There are' s oma things that can be dis pensed with possibly; butlighted 'streets' and police are not among them. Bo much for the action of the Council —now for some of the faults of those who elected them. The revenues of this borough are totally :inadequate to pay the expenses of, its government, and hay% boon for many years. That they must be increased in some manner has boon apparent ? for a very long time, to every one who knows anything of the matter. And yet no one, outside of the council, is willing to do,anything toward increas ing the revenue. Almost two-thirds of the actual revenues_of the borough have been, for, years,: consumed in the pay ment of the interest on the debt, and the collection of the taxes. The remainder, of course, won't pay the borough ex penses, ana thus we aro drifting further from shore each year ; and there appears to be a determination on . the part-of- the people to "let her drift." Now, how is this matter to be remedied? Certainly not by lying still and 'trusting to luck, but by agitating the whole sub ject, and taking some measures to relieve the borough of its indebtedness. If any body knows any way to accomplish this except by increasing -the taxation, let him show his plan—and if he has not, let 'him not oppose the only means of reme dying the evil. It has, been, for years, 'a necessity for the. en embers of the coun cil to give their own indinal obliga tions to raise money to defray the ordinary_ expenses of the town govern ment. The writer of 'this article had, for two years, the extreme felicity of joining with others in the council in promissory notes for a larger amount than he cares to state here, for the pur pose of raising funds to pay men who ,were employed .by the borough to clean the streets, light the lamps, ilo the' police duty,• rind in short to run the most franc pensablo' of the borough machinery, and 10, pay the interest on the dolt. This was -resorted- to aa a-temporary shift to raise money, and 'at that time, when a propo- f — silrm was ma e o increase to axa ion for the purpose of relieving this i nd - ebt. edness, there were but two members of the council who wore in favor of it. The present council lave, in some wAy, ac, quired a sense of the situation, and are willing to tax, but they have not the power to do so, and the people aro un willing to give it to-them: — lf this course is persisted in for a year or two longer the machine will stop. Every man who is elected_ to comma should regard it a ;.?Cliglotts - dutyrnut - tolendhis - imliv id u4l credit to raise money to dcfrayexpenses, in order that matters may some to a Crisis that will necessitate action on the part of the community., •Tho borough should be left to run itself on its reve nues, and loans shoulchuot, be negotiated for the pUrpose of making up deficiencies. But how are things to be carried on in the meantime ? We say, simply discard. everytldng that can't be afforded, in, Which we would, for the present, include the interest on the borough debt, it necessary, rather than our streets should be allowed to be in darkness, or a suffi-• cient police maintained to preserve order and safety in the -community. Our ob ject in this article is to stir up a oiBllUS sion of this whole questior, and in our next we • will give some figures on tho subject, if they aro at all accessible. The Chicago Republican thus enume rates the mlalincations of a " local edi tor :" He mast combine the loquacity of Magician with the impudence of the devil. He must know how to than 3race horse, gaff a cpck, teach a Sunday school, preadra charity sermon, run a saw mill, keep a hotel, and brew whisky. He must be up to a thing or two in politi cal economy, as fail in the manner of cooking beans. On the trail of mysteri ous items he must be a veritable sleuth bound. His hide is of a rhinoce ros. Ile must be insensible to tho inuel itit snubs, and manifest no.. sense of an , gor when he is kicked down stairs. Ho must throw modesty to tho dogs, and let his tiger howl. But aoove all, lie must be an adept in the art of puffing. Ile must be ready at all times to say-some thing funny in regard to Shah's' grocory or to surround Miss Flounce's millinery 'establishmont with a halo of glowing ad jectives. HO must be enthusiaidic 'On the subject - of Munk verboso inJ!extolling liardwitro, and highly iniagiuitivo in the matter of dry goods, he must talk lealm; odly of programmes, with a, liberal mix ture'ef glowing words, Such as 'warmth.' ''foreshortening,' filigh 'perspee; &c. He'must bedicavy on a con cart, with a capaeity-to appreciate Miss !Squawk's exouction of difficult feats in the Upper 'strata,' ecstatic in praise of double , headed naives, hnd eloquent in behalf of fat women and, of living shale tons. - CZ= Tuesday; March 1, William M. Do nor, West Penn sbotough township, four horses, cOWe, yonng cattle, kitchen fur niture. Changed from March, 7. • Wednesday,' February..2B,:-Francis Boar, agent, at the residence id John ,Weitzel; Frankford ',township, fout horses, colts, stock, farming iMplemefits, furniture.; ' Friday, . February 25, at the Court House, in, Carlisle, real estate of the late Colonel Tuesday, March 8, Daniel Kutz, Mid dlesex township, ,horsei,.: colts, „eighteen head of cattle, . fat• bull, three steers, farming implements. , : ' Tuesday, . March 1, John R. Long : - neckor,, near' 1 3 l olds four hordes, colts, seiren.miloh v . co stock, farming. iinpleinents furniture. ' List of sales for Which bills have. beep printOd at tills offloe:, Tuesday, Februaty 8, •by JoYin C. Moyer,: Ppnn township, five horses, cows; young 'cattle, reaper andinowOr. J, C. LESHER, Carlisle, Pa - WOdnosday; . gobrunry'ace John Bron : nori,pouth' Middleton township, family kitclio!l furniplro, ' ' • Wednogilith Vobruary 16, John Orol I==3=l ." •' I - der,'West rennsborough torinshti, thred liorstn,": e9cris, 1 young etittb3 4 7gruin . pioughs — ' ' Friday, February 18, Leonard' W. Out shall, South' Middleton" - township,. two -horses; heifer, wagOn, ploughs, '-- , Wednesday, February 28, ;Daniel .31. Shenk, Dickinson'tOvnehiP r five horsci, milsh cows, threshing: machine, -grain fan r household and kitbheu furniture. • Thurlsday; Febr)iary - 24, Christopher Thumnyn, South Middleton - township, six horses, two of which .are Mate - lied blacks, cows,. and farming implements. Wednesday, March 2, D. W. - Sterrett, West Pennsborok 'township, six horses, twenty-six head of cattle, carriage, bug gy, farming implements Ni " ' - Daniel Oiler, will have sale on March 2, on the Cove Farm.. Sale of personal property, North Middleton township. John Greider; sr., will have isle of Persona] property, in West Pennsliorough township, on sixteenth Of February. Sale of personal property, by Samuel Stone, Frankfort] township, March 4, eleven head of horses, thirty-two head of horned cattle, ten head of hogs, number of sale bills have been Printed at this office, notice of which will be inserted in this column, if we are noti fied. At a loeurit meeting of Council No. 031, U. L. A., of Coins's, Um follom lug preamble and resolutions wore unanimously adopted: 19nettels, It Imo pleased Almigl,ty OuJ to utko Item our midst our (jointed brothel., aeo-geE.Lueas;' afore, belt Resolved, Whilst w• admit to tbo will of this Pother neon good, we sincerely Lawn the loam of a member highly eA l eemed by all 11l aevoelato•,'let u• hope that oor loim to his eternal as n. Resold, That We heartily of iipall ze with the berearedfamily In their hide of a dutiful 'a, and uf factlonnt• brother. Resolved, That n ropy of theme resolutions be handed to the family of the devolved, and published In the Carlisle papers. JOHN C. BRICK, Deceitletit Attest: SAMUEL A. JORDAN. =lOlll Annouucem•nle The partnership, existing between W. C. SaWyer, J. A. Duke, and J. E.-Bak holder, known as the firm of W. C. Sawyer & Co., has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons know. lug themselves indebted te, or those bay ing claims against the late firm, aro , . re quested to call immediately upon the junior partners, at' the old business stand, in the Bentz House, and .make settlement. The books will be held by us for a while, and will then be placed in other hands for colleetiotißeS pectfully. W. C. SAW T J. A. DCRI; J. E. Britl:llOl.DER Elia The subscriber offers at private sale, at his residence, in eburehtown, Cum berland county, 30 scaps of bees. Dn. L. LF.NIFER. IC:I MPOItTNN r REVENVE DECISION OFFICE OF I] l' thevuxuri. WitsicingtanT - Youi• letter of the twenty second timo, xespecting the liability of persons engaged ip_ 4 the Rale .of the kliational BittCrs,nliti: Assessor Jolui B. Kenney,• of -Phila delphia, has this day been specially in structed in the case, and you are respect fully reritrred to Very respectfully, Dm-allo, Commisioner. • 3fesrs. WALTON & Zoo, ' NTrit-N7SOVElftirSt.",—PlltirtilLiphilT7 Philadelphia, Jan. 7, 1870 To IMEssus. WALTON & Zuo, 9 N. Seventh St., -Mina&lphia. Gentlemen :—I consider the Bitters manbfactured by you, known and marked "National Bitters," to be 'a compound put up and sold as pedicino, ana when properly stamped, can be sold by (Waters in the stamped ,bottles who have not paid the special tax as liquor dealer's. This is in accordance with tho ruling of tho Commissioner, in his letter to Samuel IT. Almon, Esq., Assessor, Ta maroa, 111., dated Dee. 16, 1860, and of which the following is a copy. JoirsCß. KENNEY, Assessor let Dist., Pa. OFInCIAOF INTERNAJ. IILSYEI.aIE, Waxhington Dec. It, 1862—Sir Cleveling it Brown, of 'Galatia, write this office under' date of the 4th Inst., stating that they are Druggists, and asking if they are required to pay- Special Tax as Liquor Dealers, for sell ing "'Tonic Bitters" and other win pounds of a similar character, which are claimed to be medicine. They have bsen referred to yon, and you arc, there ore, instruetpd that bitters and other al fioholic compounds, which arc ;put.up and sold as medicines, and which aro properly stamped as Buell, under Schedule C, of the Rilvanue la*, should be treated as.medicines; and persons selling the samikshould not be 'requiredto pay Spa cial Tax 'as. Liquor Dealers. Persons selling bitters or other alcoholic com pounds, which aro put' up and stamped as " rectified spirits,? •should of course be held subject to tax as Liquor Dealers.. Any previous. ruling of this office,' 'which may be inconsistant Willi the tar in of this letter; is hereby revoked. . - Respectfully, 4. o, Commissioner. SAMUEL IL ALMON, Assessor, Tattutron, 111 THE PRICE OF COAL, 416 HOW TO ECONOMIZE The committeeappelitted by the Amer-: ican Institute, to examine into the nnilits of the ilfienk coal burning stovcti;,"have., reported that; after making a• thorough examination of the various stoves, and testing them thoroughly, both in refer— ence to economy and heating power, they haio found the 'American Base Burner' • (manufactured in . this city), to be the most economic 1, and the most powerful heater—some of the tests showing that this • stove consumed full one=half . less fuel than the , others, and In every 61113 gave nuieli.inore heat." Is it not bettor -to get the above named stove and avoid the great wake of wait—A/894 Eniek erOckor. These stoves Aro for sale Williain Fridley, East Louther street, Carlisle,, Pa. TIIE SCH(EPPE TRIAL A full Teport,of tho : most intero§ting and important, caso is , nOw ready and can be obthined at this office. It' contains the entire 'testithoiik in- the ,. ease, a; full account of all the pr °ding (;\.,,, s up to thli time; with ft: ifirAoll'o,: lkt Schmppo and Miss Steinnecko. . The book, will ho fun fished at:tlio'folloWing rates :. '. One copy, • 25 cants T*onty copiss; '' $ 4 00 • Fifty copies, ' • 900 ()no hundred copies, :'. 1G 00 Address, IIERALD'OFFICEj• CaNll6lo, Pa JORN H. itELZ EMS COl/17.111N. PPPPPPPP. PPP - PP - PPP PP-, PPPF'PP_ PPP PPP • PPP PPPPP lIIIIIIUI 111111 111111 111111 lIMI " 111111 MINIM AA.AAA A AAA A AAA A. AA:A. AAAAAA A AAA -A AAA. AAA AAAAA. NITNNNN NNN NNNN -NN NNNNN • NN NN - N - NNN — WN NENNNN N NN NN NNNNNNc. -NN NNNNN NN NNNN NNN NNNN 000 000 000 , 000 000 , 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 SSSSS SSSS SSSSSS' BSS SSSSS SSSS SSS SSBS ..58998 SBS ggsg BBB§ SEdSS A N It (, ELOl)l , ',( /NS ELM)! •ON: MELODBONS MELODEO,NS id ELOD HO N S Thu up."' a MUSIC STORE, ut N... 11, West Main Stroot, CA tiLISLIi, r.olot Ow uttulitles of tho puhlle to Ws tarp 1.1 01 laise.t of MUSICAL INBTRUMEIgTS, 0- • Kato,. g w hltoh \MI Le . fonnei a let of NIOY AND- ELIIGANT NANOS, ibintiked•rbil by rite milohnilvd Ileitoomb ken., Pkolodelnhia ♦ IMillud •mober •inv Mines will be fm . RANT, he rent will be•llowiet to pert imynibet f.• be nnOU in taco et purshane. This itriiing ntt. t will, ruble eke porch.° @soy, by giving time for pi) moot, onii will allow•opportnalty of ti.stlng the .anitroinent harem port:hexing. Also good P,EcoND HAND PIANOS NI otklo or lent,,nt t. TM. slllit thu Ilmoo. Col 'it'd PXI.IIIIIO , thorn uliethor yoriwlttli I• net or 141y.' TUN( UED OItdANS MRLIODEONS, . • from tiu w.rlll raßow nod ainnuluotiory of 11. P. N 1.411., ham 1. Si,., (furnierl f farhart h Nuuilloitii). Thu chentwnt.,lll,l boot IN Km woi 111, and al i.iytei.mstutrittld kept. in order by ttlyadr fuf 11.0 yen.. Al 0 i . . • • V 1 0 le INS "i 1 Fl't A R?. ACOoltDkONi3, FLUTES; FIFES, &e SifECT MUSIC AND MUSIC DOCKS, ST.OLATOB OP ALL ICIND9, awl *very eking to the music Widow,. Old Planna,Moredeem, and Organ. taken In put pay for our u 1161: - • REI'AIRING An kind. of Instrumento rqudied and tuned • Gill uiy MtOck and I oni ente I OAR please: , • JOHN if, HIEFENI Do eV! for c e! the plea. ISTREET, (nppoeito Marion thifi,) • • tiAitLIEILIg; PA. GIROCERT:ES, EW GROCERY STORE be subscriber 'wing purobaeed Stersersmith's corner, on Pibmfret and Bedft rd Meade, and erected thertau a Sfori;bismow openitd with a Sew Stock of wall Selected Preelf - Oincerlos Ills stock -found to be complete In every particular,bed every thing sold . will be, warranted _as reprolented Re ha■ on hand and now ready for delivery Orocsrlee. of all kinds,' ' • ..- ' ,; ULASHWARN, it'OODENIVAILF, WILLOWWAXE, PERFUMERY, SOAP, . . A good tooortroool. of N4filONl4. kepeelnlity mode oh MI Mods of volt Mooln, ouvh oo [lams, Shenlders, Sides ) Dried Beef, &c - Dried, Canned and Pickled FRUITS • • ,01 all klnda. - ronatantly on. hand 1/11 - FLOUR and FEED:Wf tho host grades, and In quantities to aultpurchaeers. Gonda ain't to any part of the town If dealred Call and price fur yourself at No 45. Feet Pomfret fltreet. JOHN lIRNDER. adept 126041 m J. M. MASONITEIMER MEI CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEIS. PUKE 'SPICES QUE EN:4A RE OLAESWAIIN ME= NM IVOODEN, AND =I BEST DIUNDS OP FAMILY FLOUR =I ALL KINDA OF COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD sotyruw.T cortnn PITT AND PJAIFILET STREETS EC= HO FOR THE HOLIDAYS I A.FRESII ARRIVAL OF HOLIDAY GOODS At BURK'S, No. 35 West Main street. A I'dognllcent Stock or Candle', Torn, Nuts and Fr„Otte !know !veil-for kap:el:on by the public Tin Wagona, Express., Ambulance', , Carts, norml, Onus, Swords, P.i.tols, Whistles, Magnetic and Mechanical Toys, Wood Wagona, Sleds, Militia Worsen, Drama, inis, thorn . .., Game,, ArkiLlious,Cuis, and a . . .. hoet of othor toys. ---- Fancy Bores, China • .. Allays, Vases. Cilia, Saucers, Matoh Safes, Cruclfixca, Sr.,r., Tirane., ',animal, Figir, 2 ltalirins7 Poinelhoi, and Other Fruit., and _ _Nuts of al _Kinds, DOLLS, laud Doll - , _ Heads with Moving and Fixed eso.. CLEAR cA-NDY TOYS, OF MY OWN Alf NUFACTURE; WiIoLE.LE AND RETAIL. FREVCII nud AMERICAN CANDY In abundance All it which will be cold at the lowest CASH Priced Please Dire me a eall.ja D. W. BURKHOLDER, No :I& Wyk Main Street: Carllolo, Pa ilitcd9 ISCIi:LL'ANE US. NO HUMBUG CHRISTIAN 1 . i.4110F.F, of Carlisle, huo the ...le rl4llt, as Agent for Cwubrrl old County, Pit , for al • r u•Le:.nlaa, a. NO lIUMBOU BUIZNIN•(3 }i'Ltrin, culktl K NO'S NUN EXPI 4 O6!VN BRILLIANT MERE mamszg BURNING YLUID, ukl. I totporlor t.noythlng ever 1), N d and ,upplf, ILu intda t ngh Illy contity, whult•wto their FLUID upor thitt; uo•sour ; 11 ix 1/(111 explurire; lititkite it Lints, elmrrr, nod suit, r ilett 01111 Ii 010.110, or •oy othur o❑ or cumpohnd i 6 übo vallta ...dca . or ...11, ialtl Ix p.rfealy harm Harchanth or 0ti,..,..1an1ag to, n e and to 'cif tilt artlelo Gall ;IL zr.t .tore =I MEM! THE cAßLisue ACA DEMI' 311 E ONLY SCHOOL Wlllelf PREPARRS YOUNG MEN FOR COLLEOE IN CARLISLE. An' Luglialt anti Cluguicul School fur young mon unit Logs ui 1 lot OpUTIA ' umber u, lu Runlet! tall Wog, on South Honour Strout. Pupils utntructed in Slit,ilitili,Clittnico, N0t0.141 lichqtre, Poitiantielfp, As THE CQUItSI4 61 , STUDY Is dralgued to ttrike thorough Rog Hull ruhal ag naU t, prepare far Colley° Bpeeinl aldrution u. 111 be girrn to Praefiettl Reading, l'enntowhip, Sc , th .1 xtnitenta laity he w.II twit:Alp • 11 for Unglue. I Ili, nnul har• u good loan lutlou Sir a mart. .wended u•attlio of atedy EC= irlll , o tptod t. young perifienter, and tlonio ,vl.o cnuuut Lu irolto4l • Ims will not hu ,411uwool to rows!n with no =I la di I hied into t. 11.111.11011.. renpuctlvrly Septatallor 6, and January 3. TERMS PER IiMION .(Pnyable In •aiuncu.) Ist Sys iuu, COIIIIOIIII English, 115 CO du COIIIIIIOSI English, 20'00 .otl Sysslt 11, Common English, ' 25 00 • de Musks with COMIT.Ii Englithi • •30 00 The reltulars of thiii Academy. by the payment of a anus annually, can have them, of the Cullogo Iditrailee, containing 25,01.1/ rot ui h ed. vAworjo —July and Angusi , and from Chribt. HIM to the Moodily idler Now Year .10.-I'opllr front Oremd hare the pilrilqie of rooming In Dlchboon College If they to do no aim will Phil good boarding tither In College' (Mobs or In. private' tonitive, ranging hum Ili to $5 PO h.. r week. Addremi. R. W. STERRETT, A. , l4 , Pllncipal CARLISLE, PA. MIME 1 tak. groat . plosintro le rommentllng Mr. K. W. Sterrott, , A. 11., no a gentleman eminently qualined to tench. My confide... In him le 111101, that 1 commit my own eon to tilt onto. It. L. DASHIELL, VreeldentDloinneott Collego.-• Sep. a, 3m L IST OP 'SALES "called by N. B. MOOltin Auditorium. t • Jan. 11. ,Pamoul Sitilypit, deed, Diekint on twp. 12 to 25 . -31 , C. Sawyer k Lu ;roil lel, Pa. Full. .1, Atirtillant Brnilitir; South . Sliddieton top. 1. J, Y. Shearer, Mc , bison top. 4 Jacob Hartman, deed, Middlunux twp. B. A, Bratilny, d. e'd, South hlultileton twp. 77 .Timeen Fink, Monnt llully spriugn, B. .140 C 00 1 ..., Puna twp, • r. 0. Moll, Catiltio Pa. • • to, • John Schmoll, Antigua° of Janie. Thomas; South Middleton toanship - 11. John Bodoni. Ansignee of J, ' Middleton township. .•, ' . 12, Jo.. Domini niter. South Middletoui twp. • 14. Nook Cockle'', Penn twp • . It. !M.o. Spangler, Mckinnon top. • 18.. Samna' Emite,Dicklii.on top. 15. Win Hartman. South Middleton iw'B. ' " 18 Lao Culahnlh South Middleton toy. M. Elder Croon, Penn twp. 4, 21. .Jolin Young, Mckinnon. ' 22. Jo'. Petit; tonth Middleton tap.. -r . 2S Mudd Shenk. DlOkineune i: 24: Jacob Diack, .28' John Shemin/ugh, Wagoner'n Oapltt/ter 20. Janet Keuyon, Dickinson. IS. - John Johns, South Middleton top. Mar.' Joie° lalgler,.Middiesar. 2. • Jacob Schupp, South Mlddlottni twp. „ 3. Samuel IVherry,lsthidlesex. Portia 'Millburn, Penn top. 0 5, Minjamin Lochard, L Ickinson. 7. Jno. D. Sheraftar. Dickinson. 8. Jacob Plank, South Middleton twit. " - 0. Mere Widen!, Cornett'', Pa. 10. Abut,. Spotia. Dickinson. •, 11. John D. Myerti, 1 Vest Pentiabbro. " 12. Wilton 0118 PP, South Middleton top. 14. Curlit Whiliburo,Poon. ' . 10.. Jno. A: Maar, Dickintoup r • ' " 17 Janice Limo, luau twit. MISCELLANEOUS RPH.A.NIT COURT BALE, •1, sti, • • s MIX 10,1870. By 'virtue of an orrlir';Wtho •rp one .or of Cumberland cennty, will oxposo to public sale, at the Court Nouse, Id the borough of, Carnal°, the following valuable void estate, late tho property of -Wc—Drock, deceased : „ No. 1. A. lot of ground, on the Worth elder of . the borough of Carliele, adjoining lands of Joseph Hals or, C. Shapley, private alloy, creek lane and public road - lending from North Pitt street to , flarrinburg turnpike, containing About .two acme, and baying thereon a two story brick house and back building, frame stable, nod other outbuildings. Ina land la limestone of brat quality, In a good state of colder. Con, and in excellent order for market gardening. The buildings aro largeod repair, sod there Is a gnu bonne orchard on the premises. N 0.2. A lot of ground on West aireet, Carlislo, ad jolulneJohn'llarder, W. alegrew. and Mr. Thomas, containing 18 foot In front on West atreet, and 72 feet in deptil, and hating thereort erected a two story frumo hon., and other on thni.dlogs. This Is n very desirable house. . . thOo to donnaonce at 10 o'clock , a. tn., whoa at tendanco will ba given and tennk made - known by C. P. 1111511lIell, Aamlaiotrator. = D E. HAVEN & BROTHER, RANKERS AND DEALERE}, IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, =I FIRST MORTO/OF2 BONDS, No.' 40 -South Third .strect,_Philadelphia ' 4' Buy, Sell eilol Exchange all Issues of U.' B. BONDS, cn the moat liberal terms GOLD BOUGHT AND BOLD at Market Itutea =I Block. hough t and sold pa COMlllifildUll only. AK.m 4 do era id, and Inlarest allowed on dolly E=l rien - Gly DENTAL NOTICE.—I have - 'taken notice of a card in our Carlisle vipers, rail tinning the public fromiimploying any dentist to make or sell artificial teeth, on plates of hard rub ber, who Is not licensed by the company, &e. I take this' method to inform ny friends, and the generally, that I have [nada arrangements with Jo siah Macon, treasurer of toe Goodyear Dental Vul canite. Cr tummy, and hove taken out license np to January I, In t. I am, therefore. legally n utheriten M mike artificial teeth on hard rubber, hi all shape., and. forum r I liavite my friends, and the public in gdnetal, to givenie a cad, where they can have teeth mode on Dubber plate, as them, as ever. 011 ice No; 25. Digit strew, opposite the First National Bank; Carlisle, Pa. . . =I 20JA1)6111 ,,-- ATSRINGVS . , I) VN 131:GGIES C NO 11 1:31BUG ! NO HUMBUG!! lime-gettier - ltp - the - nfiveirireenr made• In Carhxle, and am preparing for another NAN, in April next Call at the Amp and examine the wink before it In en that—yen :nay lie natinfloil tint I it, noth ing hut theLtliElT MATERIALi el all klada., nt le or CAARIAGES, BUGGIES, SNtING WAG )NS do ready Iliad.. or wade to alder. All Ile, Irtak gaaran ledd. 7.• -1/ualftltoon,..naa, aafuLfue—four.—yesouL.-Iiopo—l•y— -aide( attention to boaloear to no ill o continuance et - Do ant forget tla• plate, car. Plll nd South street Po. • DEEM 1870 lIARI)WAItE I= 11. SA X•ro'N & CO., N... 15, EAST MPN snan.T, Dealers in Hardware, Tron, Cutlery, &e., Car Hale; ton , y announce to the publle, th they elling e. erylliletg,lll their line, viihor.wholonlu or e•iti!, at oleos much lower Mao ran Le nought thin .011. of Pliihttlell liln Our istue4 ruuninh lo put ur BUILDING MATERIAL OF ALLIPLSCRIPTIONS, I itintl, 0 IF, Chos, 1•0.l3 Iron YnlIN, Flinvds, Hoes. Ft rko. Ihko Nink It Croy. burs Stodv. , I=l I= I= MEIMI I= I a P 111•11, (;111111.11, llrnin bags. 1:1,pc . ,,, Poilu)x laud . Ilny vr. of al . l thou 11,•193. UNP, PISTOI.S, POWDER, SOOT, CAPE, =I ThAtit.llll for ;list litvot±4, I) ~trit•t attutilien to • Luxiuowe 111.110 , 10 d h of tun =I ALL PERSONS knowing themselves ILstobtod t! floury Pax 11111 aro rrquesl.4l to !uke Immo!Unto nottletnent, an& thoao,ilaa tug .t:litiatn to pronnt-tlinin for nottlmont, an I whlt to elan op my bria4/1 to January I, 1871). ) II EN HY SA NTON.' 27jan70. . . 511../N (1 ) IN '1111 , .. COU 01°t'OM rn 11.1 N 1 . 1 Fr OF CUMBER. (J DANIEL O. MAY. j LAND CO NTY. VENDITIONI EXPONAS, NO. o, JAN. TEM3I, 18:0; Jantiary 115, 140—Money "c. nridered In Court, .and rule hr Its appropilatiost. Thu Auditor up. pultitod by thu Court of Common eleaa ofett (Oberland county, to a%tertrtin and report the facts, nod make dietrilmelon of the funds In Court ',reduced by the allorlfre sale under the above writ. of the 'following &Retitled teal catate, " A tract 'of land 'hooted In East Pennelout ugh tow uship, Cuntherla nd county, l'ormaylval In, hounded on the north and oust I.y Um Conottigultol trod:, it the wo.t- be the lambi of John hanta. and 111 ILO 1011111 by the ramie of H. M. Haldeman, containing 1::11 r outs, mote Or lots, and haviog titer on erect, d a two ttory fruano „dwelling bootie, bank IP, rte, wrgon shed, nu& tali, out build. Inge," wail attend - to the flatlet of hie appointment On Saturd«y, 'January 26, A. D. .1870, nt 10 o'cb oh, a. in., at lute olllco on North Hanover street; In the borough of Carliale, when and ‘vbere nil'peramm! la. to, e.ted are rugtrlrrd 1011111.1111. F. h. DIVLIZIIOOVER, , Auditur 27Jan7031 BB . IONEES' NOTICE. A •Notice is hitroby given WO John ,K Detains . , of Plaitigeld, and Levi Zeigler, of Carlisle; have been oppolntod assigneee of alelehoir H.-Zeigler, of Mid dlesex township, puutberiond mutts, Pa., under deed of voluntary, atelgement for tho Leitofit of creditors. Persons indebted to" the bald assignor are rettpested to Make Immediate payment, and thole !teeing . claints - ligitinal him topresent therm ' JOIIN . K. BEIDDBII, LIII ZBIGLEII,. ' Assignees, EXEOUTOR'S NOTICE, 27JaniKtt . , Lottet o teatomontary on' the estate of John McOlu nlo, lat. of CarlDle, deceaced, Kato beet, grunted by tho Iteglotor of Cumborland county to tho inducrlbor remitting In told borough.", all porooos Indebted to tho Callao aro coquetted to tittle Immediate payment, and those lEvlng ellibas to proment ,thesu, duly outliontlent. d, for settlement, . . • It. M. HENDERSON, _ . . 27Jan7bOt. . .. Iltocutor. • - , l;tgirea mo plioavro to Carly, that ?dr. Bchnets'e to my Opt ulpik it purely vegetable n aahatnutloa, mar an :O.mallantlonle; being harmlass In I to tharactar, aml not bolas on alcoholl• ttmul ant: . •ELE'STOORTON, N. D. TIXTVARE, ifc.7 TOVES As (ho 'season In lost spprtmelling. when perenre Will be l l ooklng 14 it desirable Storto - fur Pdrlor or ,I,ClLeboo moo, wo atlk a tarefill-asaibinatlon of uo. steel, believing we have the largeat and boat veleet. ed issortment of STOVES ever "offere'd to the citizens of CumbotifOol ()aunty We there on hand tbejuotly celebrated MORNING GEORY BASE BURNER, whirl.. as a Parlor I . lr Dining lloay Sloss, excels all otlloll3, no thGllNUtnitl WIIO Me them will taffy THE LIGHT HOUSE, I= THE MORNING Lmia, TIM MORNING GLORY PARLOR HEATER, and (1.: PORTABLE sPURNACES and othor now Parlor, Dining Rom and Cliamboa We offer among others tho fullowtg Ctolc Stovess THE IMAMATE% .UPFRTOR nit — Crty - of - Rtirthrgtotr - eOM - 10 - N - A - T -- 1 .ell the DIAMOND HEATER which liciitc one; two r three row., decidedly We uuold 1,1 It attuntiott to our large Nock of TINW A 11-E =ZS ItOOFTNG AND -SPOTTTING done on reasonatfe terms and without delay ♦ll purtintiti clvalring aii) thing ill .llr !Inv are I, •Itcd to call and price too- article/I before I,bn:basing DM " c.cALLIO, =I (G-A-R—LJ—MI—E—r—JLEM—A—n =I A. B. The 13tist Ajle•jost terelvud BEM I= 1= El= I=l EMS HATS AND (lAPS Ito 100011fn•tor.s Hats to ort. r, to.d Lnx iho burl arrangumoul. Ing linty, W"olon and Overcoat., at abort rottlro Tho . llloeat CASILPMCEeptid COUNTRY FURS . - CARLISLE LAND ASSOCIATION. rif this aeroclaticit will he held at the Council Clamber, in the court 'limbo, till the llrtt ltaturdtty nt FVl,l . llRry, It being the 111th of that mouth. lit 7 o'clock p. tit A full attendance of tic member. is earnetttly requested." 0. P. 111.311t1C11, t,tterelety. rulethre, Cr ...lit, r, S3llll, I' e der Cl+lo ' 000 GU A RANTEE e 7). NN .I AU flarela all art r 1.1:A I)! Cl= Sianal. For lit rut Durability. 11l id nil itn tustilii.til 1..“11,11.), Hsu., fr 421:car.osily.-(0), 44 IT etittlit leti• to plot aRh Durk Lew', than oily other White Lead exleitt. 7ilo 0111110 weight wOVerli 11101 . 0 tiorfore, inure 01111 Mikes hiter wt rk, MME=3=r= 1.1.1di ZINC Excien 01 1/q.iir IINCS Finn 1111 Rh 1:g.111:,1.1 blunt !lily =I 1! , 144111./Ivht•41 Cori ring Propi.o;l' Lastly, for its 11 rent Ecot,:lty being the ultenimml, lintill on:0;1,1:111i lIIORt ii 111.11140 IV bitu I'nfu4ln the ttui Id. • • . BUCK' LEAD AND BUCK ZINC; TRY IT AND RE CONVINCED: litukrui turd by au Matkul;:eturciu BIT -C 02' T A (1...4' COLORS, I r.pitred exprottey for PitiMing 'Catena, Outbuildings of overy'dtserlt lion, FOlll,OO, &O. .Thirty-flvo different Color;, 'Durable, Cheap, Uniform, nod Beautiful Shades. cards sent by mall, if desired. Dealers' Ontot will Co proa)g• ly oar curl ip the nuaufiteturers. FRENCH, ItICrIARDS K. CLII. TENTH AD MAREE'D BTIU E' .21bt170ly CARPETINGS I , , At our moi and elegant ItoPe, _ 635 MARKET STREET, A full stook for Silloir Sales of A:gieIINSTERS, , , •• VELym If; iIiaISSET,S, • TAPESTRY, , • . , INOItAINS, . • • VENETIANi s , • ',.MATT;tiVP, • CLOTHS, de LEEDOM, - 13DA.W . 13TREET,• .I . lllLADiariliA; • •. 20.10:4iim , STOVES! STOVES Alm; t Buse Burlier =I NOBLE COOK, =I NTAOA4A EINEM FIRE PLACE STOVE, EM=SE =I I= I= jo,t out::. .4 , 11 E 11 . 111 A eAIA- -LA I= $lO,OOO IIUABANME! MB PHILADELPHIA . SPONS.L.E.R , ',q CCi_LUIII:I4T. L. SPONSLER, Real Relate Agunt, Scrivener, Convevincor Inane. VICO and Claim Agent. °nice Slain Street Near Centre 'S leave. ORE IVASIIER FOR BALE.—An ex rellrul Washer, nl the h Bank or Georg() W. 1.11111101, nearly Ilea. IVill be mold stoy low. Ap ply to • , A. 1.. r , PONFI.IIIt. . 010170 • rilowN PROPERTY FOR RENT.--A 1.4. nlia n /tar st(.l y It It Ic I: DWELLINII, u.rner 111 11111111 Ulld llodrom strveti. Aba,twolu.o.-ntery and the other Frame, enlist.' on Pomfret etleot, In: [wools Miniver and Bedford .treed—all in good ..• der. Pos,rrvlon given ['lra of /will. Apply to A. 1.. SPONSLER, Iteal,Fatato Agent. fj at7o Fort, RENT Two conanolliona two x ory 1121,1: 11.111,5, oil t ie vast stile, of Mixt strort, betwriin Maln nna Lontlior treuto, in the borough of Carlisle; 111. rnlw 'IMO lot of ground on the owe sidu of Lotort Spring. onininingnbout THREE ACRE:4,IO.IIh; the property 1 the heirs of ilostipli Shrum, doeiineell, all In excel. hint r . eilltif, will be Irnond liar ono year frv.m th e l ot n i prll 110Nt. nor forme, ,nr A. ShipNiq.l•:lt Real Aron' OR SILE MEE A two utory 111110 K Nicola Ih eideuae shoaled nu South 141/1..1 . r street, hclueen Pomfret and South at reels, Carlisle. '1 he lot contains 21 feet in front - met 120 In depth. Thu house is_ nearly new, coutuining ,loubTii parlors, dining reran und kitchen on the first floor, and, flee comfortable chambers on the second story, and threellnlNlted rooms un the attie,conveni ent outbuildings, fruit trees, and grape•yines, and hydrant in lint yard. Enttulro of A. L. SPONSLEII, Real Estate Agent.. 9.60 VALIJABLE PRIVATE ItESI v . DENCE pout SALE. Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle, uow owned and occupied by Men. Washnillod, late the property'ef Denediet haw: - The lot fronts 015 Han over at., 00 feet, and extends back the'sanio width i 210 feet to an alley. The improvements are a I rge two-story FRAME 110115 E, with 'V crandah'in fr nt, containing Double Parlors, Hall, Chamber, Di Dialing room and [Utah. onllower floor and six Che w airs and Bath-room On the 2nd story. Gas and later have boon introduced., There is a largo Stabloiand Carilago House at the foot of the lot. The lot is well studded with ornamental trees and shrubbery, besides fruit of almost - every description and Grapes of tho Most choice selection In abundance. Enquire of A. L. SDONSLER, Beall:state Agent. c. I 200ct-60 - . , ORE BANK FOR SALE—A rich deposit of the best quality Ilermatito Oro, yielding 50 NI , cent. comprising about 18 ACRES, loCated in Monroe township, about 2 mileh from the. Iron Works of C.W. & D. V. Ahi, on the south side of the Yellow Bree(thee creek. There Is a stream of water running through the tract sufliclent for washinm the ore and - furnishing water power be sides. A portion of the bank le under a lease and will be sold sublect thereto. The balance is unto cumbered. Patrons delirious of viewing the Ilauk May call upon George W. Laidlch, at "Leldlch's mill," for merly. known as hrieker'a mill, 3fonroe township, Cumberland county, or upon A. L. SDONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Carlisle. 30Juno CO FO4l. -SA-L-1- A Private 11er-biome situate on South Hanover St. Carlisle, nearly opposite ICarly's lintel owned by Janes Bente The lot contains 100Teet in front running book 210 feet, and behreto feet In Ire dth at the rear. The buildings aro neatly new and In excellent order, comprising rt commodious TWO-STORY MUCK FRONT BUILDIN(1 with n largo Two-Story Brick Pack Building attach ed containing nil the inntern improvements Inriu ding gas and water. The I , cation of this property Is rare of the most ellglhqi in the town, and will be Agar:red of on favorable terms. For terms nod fur ther particulars enquire of A. L. SVONF•LI:II, Real I::+tato Agent. ME 1j Olt.SALL—ThatdesirahlePriralc L . Resilience, situated on Weal. Pomfret Street, Thar- lutn..eitains.3o feet its_l(unt_alid. "2.1 u feet in depth. The isnytliCutun". tuns's' u( n f..0j11- 11101ilo. TWO STORY BRICK JIOUSE,_ containing !area Parltrq. Ti a t r i'll, Dining _Room, and Kitchen on the lower fluor, and eight fainvenlent Chambera on the second. floor. three evcr the trout building, and five over the tusk building, a Wash Heusi., Huth Room, and Water Closet; and gas pipel yrnninTfritn - thlverflal ,--- .1 - hydraftrirrthe - yard - amet' water on the second story. Thu (futile property in in mem excellent condition, and the ir.C.110,110/ICOf the inest desitabla in the town. The lot is well stud ded a Ph fruit tie, and shint,hory,anditvite a m, her of grape VIM,' of Ipiputirr yuullty. Rr term , apply lb VAI,U A Bl.le, FA11:11 Al' l'Itl• VAT}I SA L 11. crock in Miiiiroe too whip , about Emit Alll - ii bon Worts. containing TO Atitme, all clouriol but uhon) 2 Aires whicluiro coymed with good tim ber. The imptorenients atm a tommedions two-ahoy E With Coll,llilit out build ill Large lIAN-K BARN with Wagon Shod and Cot Crib Mt:mita. A choir° Apple itrcharil bearing ~ .der, together with Peac hes, l'eam,.Clooo iev and (Italie. in abundance and tinexcellent and novel - lading non of With, at (hod , or. Thei land is in a Melt stair of rill iralion. mid, timid retool and the inn provementm in good order The location io it 111.411/l -I,lu one, being near a elitirch, mill and 61 Clot If not SOW nl PriVlllo Mile )1001,1 till, 9Gth day of Serit t oolier next tho form will lot ollored at thiblo• Sole on ttlitt day. l'orgiiini ilesiroim of vim, hip lie pn sieve ina3 call nip., lie, W. beidiell, at mill, in Montoo Vim tyros de apply to I:,A lit, 00 VVAr ABLE PRIVATE RESI DENCE FOIL the a tot end of the borough of l'arlible, stet, of Dichtleedl nn'. The lot lontdins - 70 feet.on front, snit 7.111 feel no depth, extending trots Vn a to Tonthsr so,' I. The Paper" entento eotibod of an elegant and ruin. I.llolilollli mouton sltuato near 010 eeutre of did grounds, fronting on 'Ma n street, flniAled In the Oust t uperli style, with tonvenient outbuilding , . The grounds Ore beautilidly - Isi.t 1111 t, al, studded olth abendaneo of &tilt and ornannniJ trees and flowers, and shrublorry of tho clod. est huts d • Tho oullrr befog di.Arons of rolling, the property mill h e dp , po,ll of oion advantageous tt•rma to the pilrrhwt . . • l'o••••••••,!on gls en on the first of Apt it next. For lotmr , uud turlhrr PlArtirlliatq. 0111111110 1•I' A. L. 01.1INSLEIL !tool liotalu A Vot, MEE AVALUA BLE FARM AT ,Plll- VAT SA, E.—:sltuated In Silver Slriug teal, on the railroad, within a half milt, of Leidig'n StatiOn and 3111 . 11 , 8 west of Nleehanie•lang, ing 50 all cleared. Thu 11111.1,VellIVIO , are a LA lit, HOUSE, with alPthe building,. Large Bank Bar mll'asyn Shed, Corn ('rite, Carriaga 'finite is CClMern at the also one at the lawn, a well of water to the wash loose:viollawor lolling threat° of water rimming through the faint, a good Apple Croltatil, lately nos nmaaLltd al lined, with a vloty itßothor frail: Tito farm isln good culthation, and water good fence, at good .nolghborland, vonvoulMitOto behool 1.1,1 aurcheit. LI nuraold before the Seal of March, it will then lie toenail.. Persole, deslrtms to New the property, will pima, all on (Ito buloiriber, ilning on the lam. Ternm will be Inatle accommodating. . . ftlanTO A. PA PP. THREE FARMS FOR. SALE AT A (IhI;AT lIARIIAIN, in \l•cn<