Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 27, 1870, Image 2

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ll.tunisnuno, .January 25, 1870.
Last ti,!eok ire had the inauguration
• •iona the election for State
Treasurer. This week, unfortunately,
tro . have nothing out ;of the ordinary'
routine business of the . session. The
Legislature meets promptly-at eleven in'
the morning, aria adjourns with equal
prOnuitness tiro hours afterwards. .The'
principal business accomplished , is the
reading of bills in place, and their refer,
encdto, the ptl)per committees. Some
interest attaches to the debates 'on the
question of prihting the record. It has
been fliscnssed, and considered, and re
ported,on dry corinitittees,- but no result
has yet been reached; ',Me Cdbstitution
reqqires the Legislature to kebp ajournal
of its prbcpediugs, and to publish it
weekly. There bas, as yet, been no
authorized publication of the proceed
ings, and thus far this requirement of the
Constitution has been disregarded. Sev
eral plans have been proposed with a
view of getting a record published, with
out incurring the expense of last year,
but none of them have prjoved'satisfae-.
Cory, and this morning, in the Senate,
the subject was indefinitely' postponed.
Pending its discussion 'Senator Lowry
indulged in some reflections on Mr.
Bergner. This brought Mumma,
who gave. the Senator front Erie the ben
'Mit of a half hour's reprimand for his
sins, politicarand personal. •
'rite :trinomial hill bill of lag year
abolished the franking privilege, and
com,equeidly the law makers love thus
ear been coMpidlcd - 1 0 do their correspon
dence al their oen proper cost, lord
charges, for postage.. Yesterday the
Senate passed an act, repe,ding it, which
\Vat; duly
over to the horse.
.ilefore th e Senate, adjourned, howper,
Mr. Billingfell moved to recall the act,
and at the call of the yeas and nays,
voted to recall and 11 against"! This, of
course kills the franking privilege again.
fur this time. This is being economical
vertainly, I ,:onoinquiaide point
but it went, ,Irang, lull S,natm.,.; pa:4i a
Dill gistrig thc:nuielves po,tage stamp.,
and during the same se,..ion Lill • it,
simply on the c.ill of the yeas and nays.
It is doubtless ail right, MOt censorious
persons are inclinda to enthrone that fear
of the dear people may have di
will fro rleiiurtl I'ui coll,el,llco.
,rninL7 o t . un IL
C011(01.110(1 :10, 0 ;011 c•11,t• 111 111 ti 10' , 1
-011 10'1 . ;11 i s 'OOl. 1. , ill'ar
1 - 11T;ITIllelli - 1-1 011 11 111(j00 10' 4 cit1:0111 'MC
ofll,o (.1111,1:461.' '('lii, th't,
'lllSt i',..1141 - 1y
11c•C'tiftilliiii , , Nit. from \Ai, It NV: \\.•
Witt 11., wa- its;
fall. or C. /11'I' lit•11111CrOt'y W. 11 1 .1
t-ii(intititit tr tlaiy it.
Ilairefore 11r. I)iaitiliatil, the illiticateil
Candid:lU'. CollteSt.S. /he 1:011111111te2
drams fll try the are )le-s r s. I,myry,
—llraltim, Wal rel. awl 1111 , 01:e.
11 eim bii can s, - Mes-,. ltmualull , and
"Miller, Delmer:its. The eonte'stailt i.
_ . representeill I;y I.e.wi, C. (,t,F,ldy.
(l Philattell,lii;44.ll44 Mr. Wolff -by
lion. L. \V. 11:0; of I Inthisbnig, find J.
Alvxatnion, of 1'11i1341,-Iphia.
TliOpyiti4ol. , 4 nf the conte , Jant
It- string' or
1 , 1 i11 , 11):11 ..r nhirlt fiont
Diamond of 100 s Men in each of) v..,
division , :, and 11110111'g them lu \\ ott,
and in mother ward
- Mfr.",'siiiit'o'itri - it`st.Y.' - tltrn were
All this dime franilul•ntly
Ttadleid vet Min judge , t, einfrite.
Wit LC,: C uji-tll moved to quittAt
pulti ton t lint it, ii
t,t . 11. and. that it S ;171T6ITITTITW
,1101V( . 11 theirONVII filisit v. After )Ir.
Cassidy had finished his speT:ir, --- Sri.
i fall provi'd that the err}'
!rat ion or the petition 4iotved thi.t. it Nei
11111 Ilt rtoin tl,se
the election rt :ill hough
they IFe i rCi . id What that
retain vont al i
ned. Foi other
F itont ral,e ,i:Ltuments, Lc conteleled
hat the coot taut shouhl he turned
of Court. IC the committee quash
the petition that ends the whole affair:
TB they do not they will proceed to take
testimrny, and will, perhaps, get throng]]
with the ease this session, and perhaps
not. •
TL wonhl, of course, be improper to pre
judge this ease or any other. Wins say l i e
entitled to the ',eat depends entirely on
the proof in i his disc.' It may he
howeimr, to state that this district con
tains the notorious Fourth ward, in Phil
adelphia, where Democratic majorities
have been for years made to suit what
ever mnergeneies may arise. Tr they
did n't act on tha tprinci plc year Al
derman.MelNGullin must not have been
himself on id zetion day-. tThetry if fraud
Txdulged iu by the Democratic press, is
nituply alis.urd, when the fact is known
that this district includes tho'r own ac
knowledged fraud mill. If Mr'. Watt re
tains hi:Cid:tee, we hugel three -majority
in the.tienate, it'll(' is ousted we still have
a majority of one. Thedlouse Majority,
of course, does WI, depend on - any con
tested scats.
- FIoWU - I's and 13o . :: kils, ahrl olful-fo r ma,
Ly John N. Stayman, ol•
. An9lent,Langnages anti Cla,NicAl, TJil-
LOntuio; in Diehinson College—Phila
dolphia : Claxton, Rembon
. TlMauthoe or this book of poems is
a eitizeu of our borough, being ono of
the. Profesmrsla Dickinson College; and
wnare gratified,' after a somewhat care
, ful perusal of his book, to.know, that. it
does not detract .from his Coruna , very
copiderabli) literary reimtatipm.
Tim professor hits tried the mosT dap
cult rfyius of composition, and has, in
,tho ;;Mthr, been saccessfid. •
'We would not sae words of niliptali..
fled, pfaise ill reference. to any one of his
poeins; hut, taken as a whole, the Iwo
fessor las; wo tliink, reason to con
, *Malta° himself oil their merit. Thu
„title OC . ttio , ,Suggested tO us it
different style of poems from those in
• -,-the u nc before us. We weulld oat
arally expect that the thofight and;
those works, iti Zhu autliar's unity
duty tu_ ~forty and, expound, would live
haufflltell his tins ; that he would
laWet,tisolnboxtbnt,knitated tholmetry
,mlassic, times,' ha this' we lithe: been'
thisappointed; Itut . ire cannot say' tlisti c
grecably.• .Thu poeintrare rathee, of then
. analytical than the olasqieal. typa.• .No
'• One slit» tld ilialfault
adopting that style !which has t pleased
Ads. tashe,;
llis themes arc varklus, and hit some
, instances mere pactietti r hitles mighthaYtt
:,.,•bean warmth • We make sonic silectlon'S,*
!rand oarreaders call make au estimatd of
'UM - merit - of the poems.. , •
•• Front' ‘L The Three Partings„
• • WF , • 11 I nntl phlldhuoil po i 1.% ;
J. , " 'yyt both were a, Ilislit Lunn d,
~; ; 4 3 0 t to polooi;
Tlint 1 I,Vll , :viy •
' Mot 6nit , It Willi ;2' .
This coiltainit a smith tieitt toucheh
tit° heart of every reader
In.the •"'lilirtielit?'; :we hap) ' •
not Idle since the prima crention, .
'.t'hot.?ed a yesterday, and li:shutout; dawn; ;
pat lives nod Nvo-ks Ist endless revelation,
Of nnijustfuntlinnuel tini untruth drain:
• * •
And where tijo grin bonito into (Immo armies,
all tho garden learns to glob and blush, •
. -
Thu not oniiuni ing blaze, io me. Acleees
Ged Fel of al In the Burning bush!'
The professor turns, our thoughts to'
miracles which,' although they may lose
their significance, on account of their
frequent occurrence, And out familiarity
with - them, notwithstanding, toll of the,
omnipotent, as truly and as wonderry
as those of Jewish history.
We take from "The Poet :
"Of birth, Lb:nth, and wbut bed and - may folksy,
The Jo?, tho pain, the swill i•xchonge of tttch ;
Of ea, t h and star, and sphered beyond the motion
Of the blue shy, and far beyond the re sell
Of piercing glasses ; of the profound abyss 13,,
That yawn Ilene tth our fort of Lothe's wars
A milieu y rfilegotton that'i,ars Mut lihhten
Beneath thr roldnosA of the Anent grave.
Of thole 110 slogs, hits sung, 0•.11 sing forever,
While man Is'Enan, a td SOIA3IIB g, and col.;
01,4 il • sings, and 0i:1 Lit silont
1'1;61 limit. intik. n tho non] Poet ;119uli.'!,
'These selections we have taken from
what we consider the proressur's best
Pieces. there arc many others in the
book that also have the ring of true
poetry ; many in which the versification,
is smooth, and the thoughts fresh and
well expressed. But while it is true 'that
a large number at•o meritorious, themare
Ilie to which we take exception as •to
the manim in which the subjects arc
treated ; and Meru arc others that, we
tlnnk,should nevci•:have been. published.
"Shakespeare," intended evidently as
a Nil icism on the works of that author,
cannot, justly be called such, however
truu'llte praise,: and however, elegantly
it may be told. It is indiscriminate
landal ion. There are thirty-six pages of
\ Vendetta as may have been the
gen iu i of Shakespeare, and incomparable
as may be his literary productions, we
de not-think.they are faultless, nor that
he was superhuman.
1 kre ar,; the arst hoes of "To the
Ilve” :
0 1.1... i• i.. 10 rel rpt.
pi‘rson world ever have supposed
thlil the writer or the above, and of "The
MAT ihe same person, haid
ikit 1.-en finuld _thcsame vohune.
rhymes. la
'' A ready," among ninny, we find
th,• I'ol:owing : "philosophy" with "me,"
" pomp - with "encamp," " ratite" with
root, - "holy'• with "melancholy,' • "how
with " . I,elow,•' with "else."
In otln.r* l'requently notice
"Ilown" with "gono,' and "bloAsorn"
Frith " bto inn
In ennclu , ion, we would say, that,
~(nue caulk, the bunk has in
orifite,tahlo merits or en order suffii'
the poetic literature of the language.
Lanca,Le'r has.diptheria.
'Pottsville has a: Typogrophieal Union.
Luzerne county Inot highway -rohbers.
A f.l - 1 . ,(100 lire occurred at Olyp,ant
on the tirht instant. • •
l;nrlinWan, lawa;Mas a public library
of 1,095 volttioes
The Broadway Nev 'York, police
11:n111:lye smallpox among
Florida 'orange (Fop. this year
will (rouble that Of last year.
The' South Carolina railroads 110\V
carry immigrants for one cent a mile.
Florida is receiving its 'white popula
tion (d . consumilives.
Texas-cattle have muidivipled in mint-
Horse thieves :Ire prowling shout in
13m•ks oultill y
Steam canal boats are to be, tried on
the Lehigh next summer.
The la,t corn or Indiana r -Wati 11:1V-
V(`Sitql in a snow storm. /
The canine population of the United
States is
. 6,000,000. •
Sixteen persons \VINT bellCaded iu
Germany in tho year 1869.
One hundred "and twenty-tire differ
.journals are issued in Philadelphia,
The diptheria is - prevailing 'to an
alarming extent in ninny parts. of Ver
Besides being lighted with gas, the
streets of Paris require 1,113,9 oil lamps.
The village of Sardon Puy do Dome),
Prance, has been almost entirely des
troyed I.; fire.,
An aged mendicant tut -r been arrested
at Bayonne, Fiance, who carried $B,OOO
in gold about his pel•son. ,
Cattle and sheep are beginning to die
from the effects of drought in California.
A lady .in Lebanon, lUdiaiia, .was
frozen to death a few nights since, while
The Massaohuselts saving bhnlcs
gained $17,000,000 in ,deposits last year.
There are to be $lO,OOO worth of
tors in the new Unipii ilotel, at Saratoga.
I'z-Secretary' reward 13 in Ilitarritt.
Forty-six of the NatioOat Senators
arc lawyers.
lht Chatlltt lectured in Betlilell'em lost
Th, hind for the benefit of Edwin M.
,Stant 011 . 14 family hies reached $lOO,OOO.
E. B. iNfoore was nominated by the
President, on the twelfth lost, as Ap
praise• :it Philadelphia.
On Tuesday morning of last week
Frank Boner was kills.! at Hazleton
Mines by a fall of coal.
Anthony contain was instantly killed
aL time Stafford Mines, near Scranton, ono
day last week.
Keating's inanim; mill, in Porpand
street, Boston, was yestorday desti`oy.ed
by lire ; loss, $30,000.
Lx-Ciovernot: John S. Barry, of Michi
gan, died at Constantine yesterday, aged
sixty-eight years.
The Maine Legislature yeste'rday_
,adopted a memorial and resolution of re
'SiriOa to iliemointiry of the late Senator
' It is reported that Allentown is i;
t. have
two new daily papers, One.of which will
be Published by IL, Iratell of the La tivli
-lion. W. pad foi'd, of Wostsehoster
county, N. Y i „ •who seined' two terms
ip Congresd; died on Tue Any, • ,
, . , •
'Hon, ,Jefrerson.Daviehas entered upon
kis duties as Pieshient of the Carolina.
' f ife ''lnsti iattee -bornpany, at illehtplo,,
Oov, Bullock, of:Gcorgia, has tv.spite 41
:Ben Godhey, who murdered a planter
Burko county', in,that,State in Juno last.
The President . yesterday
4 . letiry. Bucher , Bwopo to 140 X, Fl.,..4.ttor
ney, for Western Poullayliania..
Bev. Henry Ward Beechoi.), declines the
increa4 of salary recently v oted Min by
the . trusteea 4)f Plymouth. Churell.-. L.;
lu'd Univel'sfiy Ws • fortr:nino prci=
fosgorp, forty-two other toachers, and;
*von hundred 'and 80VthiMit'llde4b1. ';
Francis' ills finally stallbodliisjiocond
wit . ° in Brooklyn, N Y.; on Bunclity night,
Ho had served atorm in tin' State Prison
for Ids lll't .
P. T. tarnunt is meditating - a visit},
to r. , •.
In Wayne co4nty, iridayi ,
Waltai Samhol, Otto
• ei 'ping
tholornierkille'd,ithe'lateor NviA an axci:
Giabam was aridateci. -- " - •
Ellen Rebecca Utt, whose trial fop the
Murder of Thomas Barrett, in Now
York, has before heart — mentioned,
been found guiltyof manslaughter in the
third degree, the highest penalty -for
wliidh is four years imprisonment,
P: A. Wallace, a lawyer and real estate
speculator, Was i -arrested for forgery at
Cleveland on Monday night. He escaped
from custody, but was re-arrested at
Meadville . ; Pa. Over 424,000 of his
4brgo3 papers have been diseoveredi
While a young man, named Kendig,
was trilling with a revolver, •at Carbon
dale, Pennsylvania, last Saturday, it was
discharged, the ball passing through his
abdomen and killing him instantly. •
A train on the Bogton and Albany
Railroad ran-into a team at a crossing in
Beckete, Mass., yesterday. Baxter Has
.kett, 'tx Middlefield, was killed, and Sam
uel B. Allen. of Holyoke, was Seriously
Under instructions from United States
Collector Stine s, the stock of all the
wholesale liquor dealers in Newburg was
seized yesterday'on the ground that the
property wars not properly stamped.
A few nights ago three robberSenlered
the house of Mr. 11. Smith near Louisville,
Ky. They were tired upon by Mr. Smith,
with 'a double baryclled shotgun,
killed one and fatally injured another.
Tilr. Decry declines Mr. Dion s chal
lenge to play another game of billiards
-for a wager,' on-the-ground of injustice to
other contestants for the champion's cue,
and that he may be call East at any Mo
ment to play his next competitor, Mr.
Rudolph, of Chicago
A suit for slander instituted by Mrs.
Mary Ann Rivers against her father,
Henry' G. Becker, of Livingston, N. Y
which has been on trial before. :fudge
Hogeboom, in Hudson, was terminated
yesterday morning by the jury bringing
in a verdict of $3,300 damages -for the
A row oceured in a dauceliouse at Ells
worth, Kansas, a few nights ago, which
resulted ia the _killing of Samuel M. Zech
er. After the parties had retired for the
night some unknown parties entered the
house and shot Fanny Collins, Ettio Bald
win and George Gardner—Upfermer and.
ltaci fatally—while they 4ere in their
Samuel Baker, _a negro, who was under
sentence of death in Henry county, 'Va.,
was taken before Judge Underwood in
the United Stales District .Court, yester
day on a writ of habeas corpus, end re
leaskigt from custody on the -ground that
Ahe_conrt which tricd . ltim was jilegalun-,
de'r the ReeihistrUction-acts.
Pit- rarlis4 lattaat
VOL- 70. NO. 4
\t length the negro question is over.
The agitation caused by the injustice
done to the colored peoPle of this land
is closed by their , enfranchisement.
Bight Mid justice heed - triumphed, in
spite, of the scheines of selfish dema
gogues and the struggles of armed trai- 1
tors. The Fourteenth Amendment to the
Constitution gave civil rights to all, the
Fifteenth will iwevent any further politi
cal 'oPpression;Am account of .race, Color
or previous conditioit"otseieitude.
Of ..its final adoption their can no
longer be any doubt. The Constitution
requires the ratification of an Amend.
meat by three-fourths of the States:
There are thily,seven States, and conse
quently mhen . twenty-eight.of these have
ratified it, it become a part of the Fed
eral Constitution. Twenty-seven have
air eady placed.themselves on record for
equal rights, and three more me abso
lutely sure to follow them. The States
that have already mailed are OS follows
Ek! .1
MI eveA ,
Illn Lo
I,t ul nue,
Arnalinchusrlis, irlirhigiiiii Minnesota,
Ni..l,llirlii, 111114“ rl, biotinin;
Nan if ainnshire Now lark, Ni rib Quolina,
Panoryirsinia, itlade !Wand. P. nth Carolina,
V• rant, ' 1 iir Isla, West Virginia,
Nebraska, Georgiii, apd Texas, arc
sure to increase the list. This will make
thirty and will avoid all legal difficulties,
growing out of the Withdrawal of New
York by her present Democratic Legis
lature. The new article which is to be
incorporated in the Natiunhl Constitu
tion reads thus :
"Awr. XV., Sac. 1. The right of citi
zens of the United States to vote shall
not be . denied or abridged by the
United States; or by any -State, on ac
count of race, or color, or previous eon
dition, of servitude.
"SEC. 2. Congress shall have power to
enforce this article by appropriate leg
Whether the antediluvians of the
Democratic party will be stupid.enough
to dig up their old speeches and editorials
when the adoption . of the Fifteenth
Amendment is announced remains to be
seen. They have so often predicted Na
• Donal ruin as the Republican legislation,
that it might be will - for them to oinit
it this time. Then, too, if thenegroosNote
it Wright be convenient tcOave some of
them vote the - Democratic ticket. • This
may prevent a repetition, of their folly,
and if so, the enfranchisement of the.
colored man will be 'received with less
opposition than any other National
measure within our retollectioni Till
whivleSire to be freed from the angry
and senseless discussions that have
grown out of this subject, wilt rejoice'
that it is foreverended, and those with
regard the oppression of -the colored
.raeo,'.as a National disgrace,,will haitihO
vetificatlon of the Fifteenth Amendment
as the beginning .of a better and there
glorious era in our Nation's history.
George .l). Prentice, ono of the ablest,
and, certainly tho • most - brilliant journal
-ISt 1111 r .tilia country, (lied on Saturday last,
at the agcipf '67. 'He Nxls editor of the'
Louisville Journal for almost fo.];tY yeare
and though his genius made the concern
profitable, and powerful as a newspaper,
himself _gradually ; ~ became
poor i: hit: paper. passed ;Into - 7 . 9th° r hand
antLho,was dismissed front cmsdoyment..
Time readers;. t 46. J:ol4J•ne, howev*, , .
would net, tolerate ,this; and the owners
recalled him, and, paid : ltint. to
the ..time. of. his death, , The following
oltetifiles,nf hitu,,which appearcd;:same
:time since,, in a Magaslne ar ieTe r will be
A' ll o4 o / I ,Yi 'at
homely, commonplace, man who lila faa;.
tttroft were. In repose.,. But when he,was
interested,, and, talked . friply,, :which was
seltipm,.ldir face his ,eyes
6=4 . xattioPeAo...- - TAP j ilineFrxt
, hic face ama yo'ky ,g 990.; and A strikinth ,
contrast with tho lower which wa.dhealry,
with ksonsual cast. Ile. has n9thoon In'
. =..
• •- :ir.i.
prm-healthlOr-soroo yparp, having_ suf-
T .
lered sovore*.from a stroke ofyaralysier ;
ii'llial!he 4 . 0 at work, in his 4 . 1.v.at0 4 1 4
'rico, in an:Old woolen jacket, and i,looal:i„,i
`veil wdni , :iiippers, and aeon 'ehkiffling;,
sullenly atjp t , he reminded o ore 9.!
4.slmop.tiONallor than a pciitalar po4.
and a distinguished journalist. He was
not temperamentally a sanguine or cheer
ful man, and_ was adqiCted especially. af
ter-age came: upon IMM to (RI 'pf,Morese 7
ness.anci gloom..'_licmetimes , he would'
not speak to his
. most intimate friends
for hours, andrippeared anxious to avoid
society of all kinds. Generally he was a
severe student, Mid when traveling was
fond of reading, and, in the habit of tak-'
lug notes'on the margin of the .papers
which he carried shout in 'his pockets.
From such notes, vihen . he was at home,
he Would' dietate- editorials and para
graphs, and frequently make a brilliant .
article out of some well worn semi; he
had exhumed from his pocket.
`,lrp Ire ago, Mr. Prentice right hand
became paralyzed from continuous wri
ting, and although the entire , arm is
available for other,purposee, his 'fingers
ale stiff and will not obey the readers
promptly enough to admit of his writing
aa rapidly as his flow Of ideas requires.
Ho seldom attempts more than his au
tograph or a short letter intended to he
very Private, and then liis thatch upon
his pen becomes vice like in its tenacity,
while the outer fingers of hip hand stretch
themselves . involuntarily in ' every diree
tion;. very much like the anterinie of an
exaggerated beetle. To remedy this he
made use of a writing machine, which he,
worked by'moana of his whole arm: - 'lt
served him verywell for a time, but lie
finally discontinued it, for fear that he
might loose the use'Of his arm as Well as
hie hand. Since then lie is compelled to
employ an amanuensis. His first em
ployee in this eapactitv was a young la
dy,.but as ho is a very gallant:Old gentle
'Winn, she diverted his attention toomuch'
from his work:.*' * * * At lifittable,
'with his spare notes and a rapid aman
uensis before him, he palls forth strings
of witty sayings from his brain as a ma
gician pulls forth coils of silken ribbons
from a hat. •Whenever a point suggests
itself he jots it down, nomatter where he
is or wnat accomodation fur jotting down
is at hand. He generally has 'a pencil
and a sill, of paper; aometirilea only • the
debris of an old envelope, about, but for
a desk he would With equal readiness
make - use of his hat, or a dead well or a
lamp post. The note, consisting proba
bly of but ono word, is then consigned to
apparent oblivion •in the depths of a
pocket or-the inside of a hat, to be
brought out only by chance among a
number of boon companiOns in the
same - place. When he feels - inclined to
wit, he takes, from receptacles where ho
had place I his more fortunate, thick
sliifrof-tiny-manuSeript f —withe .-bare.
suggestion of a joke. On these he com
mences a system of incubation that is
quite as rapid as that of a famous lien
persuader. Ho dictates in a slow, and
serious manner, with his eyes fixed al
ternately on his own little slip of paper,
and.en the ceiling, fiunctiniting as lie
goes, paver halting to supply a word ,or
two _to embeihsh a ligpre, but straight on
as fluently as Wendell Philips, or Susan
B. Anthony answers a retort. His eon . -
vntsational powers, strangely enough, are
very deficient. He beiomes painfully
dull and awkward in brilliant company.
Introduce him,th a noted ,wit, and, al
though ho may laugh at the jokes of his
new acquaintance, the laugh is partially
forced, and his replies, if he attempts any
are irrelevantand pointless."
The fund for the relief of Socretary
Stanton's family now exceeds $lOO,OOO,
which has been raised by voluntary con
tribution. We -rejoice to hear of this
substantiaj and sensible tribute. It
lipeak4 well for the generosity of our
'people that it was done, and done so
promptly. It places in comfortable cir
cumstances those for whom Mr. Stanton
was as much bound to labor as he was
for his country. But it suggests an um:
pleasant thought. 'the widow of,Abra
ham Lincoln is living, and in very strait.
enod circumstances. When she found it
necessary to offer her clOthing and jew
elry for sale, there was no such response
as this that has followed the announce
ment of the poverty of 'Mr. Stanton's
family. Mr. Lincoln's responsibilities
dpring the war were gjeater than those
Of his Secretary. ITN duties were per
formed as nobly and unselfishly, as were
those of any buthan being. Ito
stricken down in the interest of the re
bellion—its last hope being in his sacri
fice. Bove not those ho left' claims on
the generosity of his countrymen, as
great as those of any of hid subordinates?
It is not just to take into account per
sonal dialike to Mrs. Merrill: Mr.
Stanton's family are cared for because
of him and for no other reason,. Why
should not the love the people bore bra
chief, show itself in as great kindness to
his family ?
Conned Irut
. ,
Among the military organizations
present at the inauguration', last week,
at Harrisburg, was the ExCelsior Brigade,'
composed of 'cOle'red troops. They were
placed in the first
,divisibn 'of the
procession, as that as' . the place as
signed to the 'military, and they wer e
military, if anything: The Darriaburg
fire companies 'Could n't ' conscientiously
parade in, a, preceesion . in which thorn
N9,a , a negro °Tani .:ition, and they with-,
drove , , This difitreCsed' nobody
. .and Was
of no aliment ivhatover: It Was a niat
, ..
tar entirely, for themselves.. If they Were
superior to the nogrooh, and to them - Others
who' wore in itio'prncession, , and that su
periority would havohderi impaired by
the Contact', they acted wisely, in staying
away,, , It was their own [Utah., exactly,
and they had the, right fOdeterniine their
comlnctferthornselvei r ,
„T i
lo Democratic papers, ,hoWevor`,'.are
in, csta,eies.
‘, , The . firemen acted nobly':
; Tll pc! bravo Follow! have, vindicated their
manhood, , the dignity of the great- whito
rape, the prinelplog, fir Abe fciiipal?rs',.ef
the groat Itepuhlic,' the bonetitiitionns it'
wfi s ,. , restored
~ several ,te4llei'.B - , ta •=thci-
Arno dean eagle t
_shown' their . conternp t
for, thp:Badicel, tyimits
. Who: would ale ,
.vato the hosotted negro ahOve the iiifined
nlid,caltiyatedwinto,rean; and love del()
-an-amount of inis , cellaneoui3 heiniiragen
orally,l;thatoi roceiv . o the . plaudits' of
,the great mass of the Anomie* people,
for- all, thne,, t .p r .,,,,ji.i. ~9,idt;. this
,insignificant Woe of, insolenco•rfroni
11 1..;ifliW: ~ i ironloi, ) in ~, . - I; l l T.4ki'dirg, ' has.
iiirorded,the ponmeratieleadcfra a (thane°
tol youtpate the'lt ,exploded ahaurditios
anew,. and to, .rehash,l9l the , , nonsense
- abont hocAl otibitlAyat;its-grown iittdo
from ;fifteen, year ,use. ii *oll, they haVe;
the; same Fighte, .tho ,fironion : hall. They
Can Make therniOypi'.as„xi.dictilous ; by
such discussions LIR the j;tlzoirkon. dirt bi
.ii,,e'w :i+ . ,:ilp,rif;thox OoosO.. kib,bri). is'
. Tri h giro , inF.O4;„-ho.wOver; Tor" MI firciftioA
41 : _ihOriiIs"tol! thil*intgogites 'till°
affe4 to approve their conduct. • .
- I.:-
4 •The'annualjew-lettlag last evening(
conimenclog 4'k:faxen POlock..tind apitttnning
til eleven. Tii•Plitotaltinairii ' asi very, largo, tho
c i ty-011tedc--Thr414,114-74
t . 1:11111 rip,olpts worn '07,543, befog
. sh,osPabovo Halm., It rux • plooort .ocCritionc
..Tho folloryins ate tho hlgh, bldt, corornoncing
next to and blik - of the pastor's pat, aloof, - the right
and front of the
No. of ?amt.' Valuation, Ploothun.
30 'MO ;$555
89 180 370 -
87 110 " 375
85 Ids , 320
C. Bowen,.
11, D. Clittin,.
U.B. Beuedlet,
• . ... 85 - .100 . 530
Augustuu Storm ••• 104 100
E. B. Cam° • 137. ..160 339,
John T. tioward...., 55. -' 100 305
84 'O5 SOO
97hiback &wain the gallery, near tho organ
%Toro ono dollhr. ,Clialre in tho aisles ran;{ ad from
812 ilowhworos, Front eclat° in the:gallery brought
84P3. Every .ittlng in tho galled°a woe sold."
" this sounds like a report Of one- of '
, auetions .of seats for Jenny
Linda concerts+ years ago, or of a like
contest among-bidders at the ' "old Chest
nut Street Theatre for the choice boxes
when many persons as we remember,
'Wow quite crazy to see Panny 'Eder
fiance. As Mr. Beecher contrives to
make his performances in the pulpit at
tractive in somewhat the same manner
as the gyrations of a ballet dill, or the
antics of a circus clown, it is not sur-
Priiiiig, that a stall in Plymouth Church is
fiercely competed for annually, anil
bought at a high premium. The pastor
of that hopeful flock has . a ,padion for
money, as well as for vulgar notoriety,
and it is fair to presume that he' makes
his, preaching pay him pretty much in
the samo spirit as he deliver!, a political
lecture for a fee, writes a novel fur Bon
ner's Ledger,_or_marritis "another _man's,
wife parambur: And he thus
prostiOtes his sacred office, and makes
."God's house an house of .merchandise,"
because ho hives money for its own sake,
anti is ambitious of groat wealth for its
worldly advantages, although he lino ' cvS.
that Mice . Christ . scourged the money
changers from the temple of Jerusalem,
and !laid on another occasion:" "Woe
unto you,. Pharisees, for yo love the up
permost seats in the synagogues ;" and
oh - - easier for - a
camel to
go through the eye of a needle, than for.
a rich man to enter the kingdom of
Of course it is done unintentionally,
but still theteis somethingvery unfair to
Mr. Beecherin this. 'To any. (Me who
knew no bettor, it would appear 'from
reading the above that Mr. Beecher sold
these seats. for his own iiersonal benefit.
This is not the case. his salary is but
$12,669, and the remaining $45,000 are
devoted •to church purposes.. At. this
last meeting the trustees raised his salary
to POMO, but he declined to tae the
The Volunteer should know better
tTann CO - El - TM iff
partake,,," of the gyrations of a
ballet girl, or the antics of a circus
clown." His popularity arises from his
ability as an orator and his known good
ness as a man. As 'to the sale of the
sCatS, wo can't for the lift; of us see that
it is different from raising money—by
subscription,- collection, .mite societies,
fairs, festivals, lectures, or any other of the
-usual means of raising money for church .
pbtrposes. The Plymouth eiingregation.
is the very opposite of that class of per
sons which would encourage any thing
like "shows" in the pulpit. They have
known lif.r.,.Beecher as man and pastor
for a entailer of a century and their love
and adnriration for him isn't perceptibly
on tho wane even now. As to the Rich
lirds4:4,:_tatter,. the qimpla_ truth is,.that
formation that the parties were legally
and morally free to marry.
James McCormick, esq.,, a- proms cut
citizen of Harrisburg, died last week,
the tip of N. Ito was forinany years a
leading member. of the Dauphin bar, and
was known as a lawyer :of great ability
and unquestioned integrity. lie was al
so extensively engaged in manufacturing
enterprises and banking. Although en
tirely blind for many' years, be con
ducted with marked success, a very* di
veisilled and extensive business. Ile was
in all respects a - remarkable man, and
his death causes a vacancy in the• busi
ness circles of his city that will not soon
be tilled. His. estate is estimated by
well informed persons, at frOm three to
five millions.
lowa has at last settled the queston of
the successor of the Hon. Jilies A.
Grimes, who recently resigned the posi
tion of U. S. Senator for that State. .J.
B. Howell, editor of the Keokuk, " (late
was phiosen for his unexpired
term, hod the Hon. George B. Wright,
of Des Moines, for the full term of six
years from Match 1871. Both are gen
uine Republicans, and certainly as relia
ble as Mr. Grimes,
H. Bucher
, SNyope,' cum., of Clearfield,
has been appointed by President Grant,
U. B. District iatorneY for the 'Western
District of Pennsylvania. This IS a most
ekeelleht appointment. Mr. Swope is a
laWypr'ef excellent ability, and one whose.
large PractiCii has fitted 111111'1'61;11e posi
ti -n. Bo is thoroughly inden tilled wit the
yeptiblican Party; and his offorts . on the
stump during tiro two last campaigns ifi
the State, contributed Much to our
Hon: J. S. Mach is out bra lotiglet , '
tcifexplaining•thb-relations of. Secretary
Stanton to himself. and -Mr. I Btlthilllitn
•during ihd closing: days. of that unfortu
nate administration. Judge Illaok speaks
very approvingly coils cuyn . cOurss, and
gives Mr. Stanton great credit for ap
proving it, but saps that Mr. Bucheinan's
conduct withregard tolliOrcinforecnient
of Fort S,umpfer,.. filled the cabinet with
grief and consternation. , . •Breclatn
an, this is a cruel blow at what •little're:-.
mains of his Inemory., , Even Williansß.
Reed could n'fflx.up this charge: , • ,
O IrAlay)ati_4 4, Oovorpor Ge;u7 . nfl
uiaily infoymeallui , l4egiOati.ideof thoup
poinctp9'.o 6'f'o4o o1:11c60: They ,are aS
§ r ooq4ary , of tl4e 9onnuon.-
7qa4l'. c li'l•pp9l;; l TPEctan, of : Dauphin
county; no DotOSoqotilyi .Of.tho. Com-
P , q l lWo - alih, James Tf. VTca ley,
`of Omit
.oul43f; Atfornoy:, Gonoral#X.,
Carroll Browtton of Philadoiphia; .and
Adjutant Gouora!, Aloxanclar L., Russell,
of 'BeilfOrct ••
-. .t
Qovornor Gicary's inaugural alldross is
highly cChriiiichled by tho'joihnials of
biitliTpatties,*diioughout the Sttito. . -
Elciilitobaltimner and Trumbull recently
E..tot 146 I d Aarsornadisinto in thit Senate,
each abused i the °thin.' to the
best of • his; '• 'of them, are
old enough to- hnovte .liotteiv but, agci
don't always' bring wisdom.
Mississippi has chosen a colored man
thdted. States.Sona tor.. Hie im= is 11:
natiiicu'of Ohio„. and a.gral.
unto of otiorlin University. His position
aN .Beriator will he' a novel•one, and if ho
notice, his'actioni will iaOwatelied with
• .
great interest.. Itwill lie difficult, - how
over, for him to do more harmiu tho.
National councils than his predeOessor,
a "cortain'Seiferson.,Davis,
Prince Arthur, Ono of the rather,
numerous family of the British Queen,
has honored this glorious country with a
visit. Ho left Montreal on last Thurs
day, saw the sights iu
. ( Now York, and
is. now "doing'? Washington. 111$ visit
has thus far boon a groat advantago to
the—reports for the daily papers.
A bill has been introduced in Congress_
granting a pensiob of $2,000 per annum
to Mrs. Lincoln, to, compute from the
.death of her husband. This is 'certainly
just, and we hope the bill may be passed
without opposition. That the widow of
any President should want is shameful,
and least of all should she who bears' the
name of Abraham Lincoln.
The Act for the admission of Virginia
has finally passed both IJOuses of Con
gress. It contains a puovision requiring
eVerymember of the Legfsiature\to sup
port the Constitution of the United,
States, and afterwards take part in thi'
rebellion, and also swear that he had
been relieved of his political disabilities
by Act Of Congress, before by shall taker
his cat. It further provides that the
State shall not make any, tiolitical dis
tinctions between citizens of the ,United
States on account of race, color or pre
vious condition of serVitude. We can
not hariginmwhat further can be needed
to secure the rights of all persons within
her bordm:s.
Should the Fifteenth Amendment be
ratified, as it now certainly will be, what
action will the Democracy take in the
premises't we then have a white
man's Goicrinne4t 'or a black man's
Government? If it still remains in the
white mans power what harm has been
done? If it becomes a black man's Gov
ernment will any of these liightoned fel
lows hold Unice under it? Does the
Fifteenth Amendment require every
black man to marry every white man's
daughter, in consequence of his becom
ing a voter? flow are all these things?
A few years ago we had lots of discus
sions on these topics, but "IMiCs'lliings
now? ' '
110ItN-4,t itSIII.IIJ, —At tb. , 11 , t:
.3teThir In c , lb. Itev.
{r m. .1.,, c 1 c ,.t t, Fisk I! It, la, 01
7' 11:O T.), —ln OLIN I °lough,
Dlon, nol 1110 ty hull
sorvn months.
LoN0„:--,Tnnonry 8, hr ennguution of tho hog+. in
the lifleeoth dent ul Ills nge. Edgar St.nlooll, 3lull l
egt nun of the IsttAliipt, e. I. Long, U. S..N.
f.(N(i.—Alin on the - truth, Mre. Marian 1.1.4.
ni hit of Mu Into Capt. A. K. Lung, U. S:N ,
AI 1:10N II Rl5l ER„--Ou mottling. Jappau
21, of dyeentm . Y: jamas, s.n afed. .11,1.
xl,-.ltennor s aged seven - s monlbs r and nuven d -
11,A E T S
rrecteek Weekly by Id. U. Wood ward.
CARLISLE, January 20, 1870:
4 AU
SUPERFINE. WYE 11.0111 t
Winn: WHEAT.
OM— -
( 011 N,
I) S
It.' [MEV,-
Cprrected IVeekly by Witgam Witshmood
511/111ry 26, Ih7 U.
TT 11,1.01,
BACON 5110E1,1013,
40 south Third Street, l'hiladel ph la.
I'Lr,o o dui,. p. w,.l nuar3 2rl, ISTO.
U. G's of 'ST
Co. - • -
V. S. 30 Yeor 6 lie} vent Cy.
° Due Cumin/and IntvrodtD:ott.B
001 J, • -
Salvor, -
Inapply:ng storehm•pera with ecPorthlng In their
lino, to large and mu til aganti ties, at prices that wit
aTetJ profits. Coal Oil down ln- price, three
nOlltA, per gallon..Rvorytld ng arn toted Ly ha eh Oars .
attending Cal., on hand, at law prices, A nicell7-
:tie:e of Honey, Auld Olean. Our god; of (Nem.
Ai.tre, Olasawnre, Table. Cutlery, anti House Fn rn Is It-
Ing lThadti in fall, and eiuplete, and will• ho. sold,
wholeaale and retail, at prices qu(le low. k'l ht and
Salt on hand, at all times.
A full atoeit of yotlona of all lclntlH. A largU lino
of 0111lilren'a awl Latll : ex lVorotud raid Dlorlho
!loath of greatly ruduceil pricte. Machu].la will' to
soup by ooitioth to too for tholliqlvea, at ,
No.11,•Boullc pullover StreeT, •
. .
It gives !no iileasuloto corlify I.lint s char tea
-1111.t0n.. cDIIIIIAP to .
opl nlon In Inir,oly.:xu
n. 'ltO.constltut)on, and.oxeollont tonic,. Inling
Intrallesp, In I to clokractur, nnil not balms no alcoholic
limo) nut. ELI ETOO TON -M.-D.
step by step tills .1[11,10.11(y loot ultithird its unpre;
cattiontoil fauns. Thoy.itto unison:ally approved,. Tlitiy
nuttiWittretintlion;inntl - ttill the ntaiwth of intit:lei
apPear to Intro a prenliar effect upon Ito acrves,
f alliying Irtllnbillly, VllllO supplying warmth.
!morn to accumninti.olootrielly, and aid fiat el rettlinion
up tins blood
r t part who'll applied,' by
which indtwod.
thaPorouttPla, °Maio Ihn spans matured
tlittortistutatlon, MILL tgntmlnlly reducedlho 'unity.' 4'
Lt fact „the patient, could twill . Iturtiiilft
do Porous Maxtor won silo was as Lotploei as
. . ,
IVo tiofor to litru.'Bally Elliot, Sprlitalltilil,
: • Bold :by 1411 , 11rugglefit; A galley, ,Brandr.olli
Myr York. • • • 20noin1
, . Dr. 119elienT l s Great mer)can byeavreda Pillkand
g‘reetir Cordial are iv ipoidtive • and
cure for.dyeadindalnltatneo , aggravated 'forma, and.
no neater of Dow long idandlng, . .
.feicrot;nliedeof tide iurrlblo
`doocen,,49daktorintrdo if root and braaeli;fieVer:
• TinCyallevititeraoro agoiiy and client Maori ng•tbrar
longno can 1011. . ;• /1/4
They aro r!otealor curing thO mono clomp - orate' and
-hopeless -MUMS, when every known-moans toll. to-.n4
No form' 4.iispopsin or lodigoaticin coo -rr;xlo
their penetrating power.
Dn..Wrannivt'e plea Tree Tar Cordial. It is the
vital prinoiploof -OM Rine Tree, olptained by it pc ,
• etilitlr frttetteHirtlnrdlatfirritiorerof-the.4anrby-which
its higireat priedics.l properties are retained. It invig-
Epinto's the digestive organs and restores the appetite.
It strengthens the debilitated system. It purifies
and eurieherotho blood, and expels from the system
the corruption which scrofula breeds or, the lunge.
It dissolves the mucus or phlegm which stops the air.
passages' of the lungs. Its healing prineiPlo acts
upon tire irritated surface of the lungs and throat,
penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and,
subduing inliamation. It is the result of years of
study and experiment, and it Is oared to the Meted
with positive assnranco of its priwer to cure the fol
lowing diseases, if' the patient bag not too' long de
layed a resort to the means oteure: Consumption o
the LoMis, Cough, Sere Tirrpared Breast, Drell I
chitin, Liver Complaint,. Blind and Bleeding Plici
Asthma, Wk - Inning Cough, Diptltirla, rirc.
A medical export, 'holding honorable collegiate
Diploma, devotes Iris entire time te . thS examination
of patients at the office parlor. Associated with
him ore Cai° consulting'physicimrs of ncknowledged
Iminenep, whose services are given to the public free
of charge, . ,
Title opportunity it offered by no other Inititution
in the country.
Lettert from itny port of thn country, nel,ing nil
vireovill be pr s oniptly nud gratullounly OpdPli to
Whero convenient, TPlllittances rhould trim the ramp°
ol . Drittis or Pont 011100 orilere.
Price of Wilhart's American Dyxpephia Pin, SI a
box. Sent by znail on receipt of price.
l'rlro of Wlsl o Pine , Treo Tar . Cordlo.l, $1,50 ft
bottle, or $ll per dozen. Font by express.
All Commullicallo. s h ould to addressed
L../ C WISIIART, , •
No. 232 Nerin Second street,
Tyro scientific polOitottieffs lire fir tin. Celli egnifett
the hair dyrn of which 1 nib In the bar's ti'lift " New
York ve J (incelte” tool " Theiloorn al of Che
lr•," bitterly deo linen illl.lll Tut the hair :pity Ito
Wifely dyed. Have tooth I rof. Clolton's
y, founded rut ti Cnreful analyatt, snob, ertif•ing
t lint titristteluro'r Ittyrrittlnr - Ifyr in rot only it fist
slaw article for changing the color of the heir, loot
nbroluttly off,.
Clitinholorn'n ITAIr Preservative, Itwo Drooling net
like ti elturna no the hair after I).> clog. Try It.
And about tho !Woe) 14, ore renovrd 01 once by the
application or one of Arm,:leg Porous PinnOnt.
hos ‘llrock..k. Co.: Dorisk..!un
ilreedue of ti ti ;eats I hare lrrn a In (levet e
,g'‘. I qu,lll vs of your P.hinkrA. I
ryt:fy tiptt (2 . y 111 . 1! ail 3:111 Tim I , r
Hooch d "oopportorm for WI umuc:,, rt ci d
1 . 1,V01 . . 11131 It, warming piiipert ie. I ing
powi, I,i Wile, it tit I !ht. inti-tcle.,
vii . ir.•l - 111:it h.. lin... rit•i• whor,
Pla.tein curt gentliquali (n 1%. 111, Ylti 110
Hunt daily, MT.!. 1..
the hippirmt r, null itjun7. -1 sit •
N 0 11. UMB !
I iitti gi•lli. g 111 .11 .41,44.41. 4 s
nd lit anti am itt..:tg - t ra!t.
Atir it trityt.
II itt Ow I %w t!: het.., it in
that yiiti lir, lilt that I g
,111,111 Bv.s . r mATE.4I.‘I.S 4. I till
7 - 1Wi. , 13 - Rl7l , or—
1(71 , ,5, 116 . 11t;i1.:° ISt: WAfl
111,11 . t.. Lslder. II g11:11,11
11:cyl - ng Iccce cc . othc.. h.fill tot [emir p..c, I liccice
,c 1 ric.1.4t10,1 coo . 1 , 114.1, ttc )11: rit cc ctchicc.cuchrcc r
pn roncrt•
thchot forgc•l Ihc• 11ch., c c”..1111 and South
ectrll,l‘. Pc.
lj I 7 I
.1111.1„5pi,V 4 .71; ;iQ;;,,.{:{',.;t01511 Ni'.. CAR_
o Ira% e Jna toool,ra lot or litt. , l quality
(11atoa aro. rot: pt king, til,./tll OW
. nonalar !oaten's. 11 o Laro• Sr)o g•-tOrtly
Prlrra, stioolortabt antl• rrtall throto.tioart, rrr Lh
(11111 . X.4.111.0 and- :Queutorm are, awl 'aro ofret lug
comp' rte .111 , 1 Pluto Sot te,t,ortbintql, oat:in-Link
atly 100 plo•t, ut tho no pro •• tont •(1 X fsfll.
,‘lntthsells are Alttllar in grralitv to lie
$lO Itinnor SottAihn - t - contaill \Vali' -11"( lioo
rano on hand a full. lino of (1 roc, lorr, Tyliao• tor, FL•11,
ball. Oil:1,1v., at en. or,:llitgly lots rat'', both whit •
sale and tll an I sat, it 0,011011 4 ,11.
1 .--- 71.1 . Iltr.o.
' S.—Attoth, cav1.1.1.1 etml load
fid . 1 ,,,t• low tat.,
Thvir great o mit, in th's : 'rimy nitk
...y 11,...•,) affect.. any of gm
of 11... 1,, .1) ' .111 1.. 3.1111, I.i n• in I hnir t.St.
1.. a... 1 by 1...1y
Th. I" :.Etd I, t 1 11 . 11 Jt..lit !f th • 1 . ;'10,
.•• 11 11'• 11 ••11•v 1 . 1.111kil t.trl . •• 111,11
I:• .1 If 1$ I 111.t1:111 SOll . /I et ..r) , 411.
il,. t 1 u: • ...khti
y, i.m•1111.1 Pale,
. 1, 1.11: 1 ., )21i ,
11111 f t• t. I Ili.. rat:ll It ylrr
.tll i 1•11 (wilily 1111 , 1,1
Iti 111 ad id 11 1 , . a 'lit 1.1.
117 7 ,; 1181.:
115 , ;
11 ' t;1
1110 111!;1 4
1 1 1 11C:i 1/10
7.1.1 . 1 C
Tohilt , ltorliy Co. Linton l'onielois ore norr innt,
impor to 11111'"then!, tet ti 'l, tot the nine 11 e
tnt I ,
r Ilitle-lio•it 1',1,1,.44.
nn lo.s• M Meek
Tot,ti. 11,0 1 (PCIIIIIIOI . ;10 1 . 1111 It. Tlitty ere
ell ti) .111 , 11011 .111111' •i 1 111/ 111,11 .0;1, l j pj,l . g 0,0
01011111:11111 111. y l l,lr , one ; th•eptnitite
it, le it lilt etiet lea trot the t•ti ill:111 1 1 1 11a 1111111113 01.
1,111 /,1 !II 11111 . /1.1. 1111 • 1111 1, id l'll. l H. ' rev 01,11 Allll
illll 11111 4,111 It.. 1611.011 t glee Inte Iltrant
11 1 / 1 11/11111,1,11. tan It i I 11..1,1; hire 0. teitiel
t 11( 1n Tat et. (tot. Phil., P. tilt' •ii.lo/11V
FIN N. 1'„ to 1.111 11 I tele thent
.1111.1 Ile to tit I all of e linl IL y uro 1•.,n111110,1, .11nre
lehirh hr In uuv r wi 1L1.,t rim.. Ile li:tette., rice sty
rionititn, Ili toe iltaree, tool 1 it' tin:Jost three
3 et. ,Inn n , v , i Ito oiler outdo. tie tor noon lie hos
Linty) . pi roll i ttett nu , tet Ito tier 1111.1 one to lino. U 1 er
I MOO other referee 01 . 00111 tie seen at (ho Dew 1.
12164 120",
116 11$
• Sold by DrugglAs and I. 4 tbjy . e, P. c ,.
berot :b 1.4 k Ni 4
JAC,.,---I , est t-Ir: I bar° beun ttllllrted
for the last 101 l yunis with the Illieutna , isto nod
:Gout.. Vent hitter, vs tmroumunidrd to mu If
bass ttAud It, nitd,,l ram glsol to Ml/1:; It Lon effected 0
perfect core la a fury short time. T 1114061 1 .0 I ru
counnond. It to oil persons stilletud n Ith the Wlll,
dlsessus I consider It the bust Coro In mu ler auy
disc to the L Liman Ludy Is subJectok to. -
DItYCIUMI Philltdolphin
The Aaertizier, linrlug bee° rebtor ed to, Leal
Lt a CIOV by a very simply remedy, Wtor
lug inherent several years with a sever , Grogignite
tlor, tuni tinkt,dren.i di•enlio,colisnnipti nix unrioux
to Matta kottall to bid fellON,,,,,irtraalVthe OlOalllo
To II wile de,ire it„ he will 81:13 . n copy of the
preserlotio,n mod (free of .Itrp.;);Actlit the direction
fur properi% nod ming We tome which ihej.
find ii4i.litkl . CtritE FOR PON: UNIPT/ONo•AeTIISIA
IIIkONCIIITIS, etc. The efrthe aolvertiecr In
. etooling ,the Prescription In to . l.voctit 'the afflicted
and epreed informal. which Inicneelvee2 to ho In
vnlnoblu;*tiod lio hopes eeciy nofferer will i l ry Uis
rentedj,ne It "Ain co. t them bethln:g nod cony prim.
--ParOoki—Avlaltlng_thit,ittmr.4.liql. Pio'n"i
dire : •
• Willktionburg, ISliige County NO, York. ,
64.1 Y.
WINE ItAll.lNri„ - WiltH -- 131/itli OS, 'for 9t0r0,,
Fronts, AXyluturi.t.e. Iron Jlcdnli ndn, Wirt, Nut.
bingo for oltitep and poultry yhrtiO, Dross And,
Tiro 'cloth,Siovett, flit . Oat , 0t . 1.111/
Paull, Ilonvy erlutpOdktioth far sport: orreotoro .
Lon!lscopu . NVlto,tor IVlntldwo Poltor Elakorn
Nlton,'Orn itutprital WfrO Worth& Moony itutbruv
. Won by 104,,,id1ng thtt'OisniafttPtvroro, LK NIL
ta s 9ONW No 11 North Ploth stroot,.Philltdolphlo.
Emtons YOUT,II:
loot t larnivi who, Rufforo4 for yenraftom Norvouii
r.o.lJtiro DOOll ,*()I1 di
nit tho, effect.' of,
„youth fol fhfilocrolhhi, sot l,fur tho suffering;
bittdnulty;''shod frho tb Oli whuineOd It, tho ,ruerlpt
ifoi. making illo altoplo. romody 'hy .whfoh .110 lytts
°tired, . linflrrore NS:haling to profit by tho iolvortle
or'o oxperlooro tat! dO HO •DdlirC;CC.
N 0.46 Cotlay BE, Now York
.kt last the poopfe . have got the fact "through
heir hair," that hair dyes Impregnated with acetate
of lead, and other metallic salts, are murderous
prepamtlona. When they ace the metallic sediment
at the bottom of the bottler; they kfiow that the die;
!ustin„ stuff in litc.• sdh.
They ask, therefore, fora harmless vegetable dye
And find it, pare and,aillanclons, in - Cristadolo*s Ex
celsior Mir Dye, offered under tho sanction of Pro
fiqlsor Chilton's guarantee that it contains "nothing
treated tilth the utmost'succees, by - J. lessee, M.
D., and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his
speciatify)in the Medical College of .renosylratiia, 12
years experivee, (formerly of Leydi.fl, Holland./ No.
805 Arch _Street,
.111111 a. _Testimonials can he seen
at his MSc.% Tho medical faculty we invited to no
company their patients; as ho has no sorrels labia
prlictlco. ArtiSolnl oyes Inserted_ a ithout pain. No
charge for exiimination.
20July %ill:
Farmers, families, and others, can purchase 'no
remedy equal to Dr Tobias' Venetian Liniment, for
the cure of cholera, diarrhum,dysentery,etoup,colle,
and Bell oieknoes, taken internally—(it In perfecti y
harmless; nee oath accompany lug rack bottle) and
o:eternity for chronic rhea inatimi , headache, tooth
ache, sore throat, cuts, burns, swellings, bruises
mosquito bites, OM sores, pains Inn limbs, IMO, and
chest. The Venetian roilllMOllt Vlne introduced in
1811, and no olio who han,used it hilt contiours to do
so, many stating, If it was ten dollars a bottle they
would not be wittiest It.. 'Thousands oI certilicutos
can be seen at the depot, spcakh g of l's wonderful
emelt:et, properties. Price, Fifty Cools and Ono
Dollar. Sold bye the Druggists and Storekeepers
throughout the United Stales. "Depot, 10 Park Phico
New Yotk
11011 EV . -T E CA/11.1.1.L., M. D'
C Aim,
Cristadoro's 'lair'reservative an a" Dressing, acts
iito:a charm on the hair after dyeing. Try it.
NE 11 - PO- DA F. •
List of unclaildedtei's ica\laining in
the postolpee aL Carlisle, Pa.,' for the
week ending January 26, 1870: •
A 1,1,114 , 11, MiiX Alhlle% NNApit. John
AdAi., .1;;;.;;b• Ockvr; M i;
Allen. 14;1;;;;,) .1 . ..;;411;1;, , 1., NI I.
Berry, Nirs Lollisn. l'elft.r, J I.:
1ta11.4. 311,1 A :' , l l'illt•r, A Ilitill
Couk, R,l Rams ' C . .
Crain, Win • ILlcltabaugh..l4o•olk
Craton, ;hare Itiohion e Mks , ary
Crouton. J hi; • Raymond, 31;uu S
nity, John • , Stoulhr, Emilia V
Donn, (1 • Slip;or, Mc; 31
Darliken, Mir, J)t ' t- Iron Laugh, MI, C
Shirr, 11 H ShealTer, Dortor
(Iran I. Kt. oh Shugart, John
(I ,li, lo•r, Mk, SIIA In Shoo tr,, .1...1)
Ilto.yer. 11..8 ;monk C tintrul, .1
!tali, Mover\ • 'float 10, IV sii
110 41, .1.111, Tlonu rum Harty
II orolorhon C l'holuau r rlamgit •
Ttnulgo, - S - fnut=l - Thortior,A tol row--
.1 ohnran. Sainuel Tuokornoin. .1 1;
IC/ , 11l(1,.. Mi. Ma,gie ll'ultelt, t; 117
I.•nunt. ger. NI oe E
1, nit, .1..r0h M • II aggohm, Jot.;
M. a s", Adatu %Vv.,. r, 0 II
314z1Illesra, W 3 iTaritor, P 11
Minivh, Jhu IV •. IViro, )lII}
Stye r, , i 5,,,, SC.' to, 11:,.• r.11111. '
SDI or, John Zook, MI, I. noun
li. k y, Aluli..l,
A. K. liIIEEM, I'. -.NI
11 A It 1) W A i
11. SAX ON &
nealers in Itardwnre, Iron, Cullo . ry, ,Ve
C:irlislc, Pa.,
holt 1 attoo..liot: to Ow ;h".i thoy to.•to
nitnyiltio'2: in their lA., e;t;.et nh01,1114.
ro,ll, nt 1311,1, 111,c6 c,itt tl3i
Om. Nluck ott•lst , hi rt.. luf
Is u
al,:, d
(It x,'
\ rt tOtt
II It •s
1 li d
CI V. L.l
.1. 1,,
l't c,
'r.t1.1 , • I "1,1. Cl3ll. t
d t. ot 11, Id/
1;1•N.,, SIIOf, CAI'S
pr,ipt.P.• spr. It tp r opv
. 11 1,11.1 PPf,
A J P ElltiONS knowing illeinselve.
li debta.l •r ,- It••11.y Salt., ,
1r,a17 t innii d'ai.• 40;11 9 a, a , t ita,Ml
outs .0 them .
I .1. ill, my I. .ls In .1.11111111/ Iv:.
AS IN • rir
Mk N 1.. EA- (II (21.31111...1
E i ND No. 6,
wI n'.. :1 , Non . ni. lid I ii. 1111.1
urn lii
, t in in nil 1 11'1. 1 111 11,. inult •
'li•tl Ifni ion nt 1110 In l'..nvt
She. h•r the :lbw, 111 - 11.. nl ii:o 1011,0,11,g
111,101 . 11 1 141 11 1 .11 1 1 1, tti 1 1. 1101 11 :1 trael 'ld hold situated
in I nst 1 1 11111S110.t 1112,11 t ou'dsleip, rlntnlcon u ty,
Polito.) In, hound,' on ti. north :old I.y the
vuin. t tit. n I by th,
Idoltu. ;end 11l the Foolli liy tint laud,. of It. ii.
'tuition di containing' 111.110 01.10.0 nud
h.ti tll , or, 011 nin dlory Ir.nundleallmg
hake 1,1 till, Iv won .1.4) and nth. I.nut 1.111111.
Inas," n .11 a t tend t I the 01' hi. nut.oin. nient
Olt ,R11(1/ Nifty, .Tn ut a ry 20, A. D. 1870,
ut 151 o'rl. cli, 111,111 hi,. onto.. 1111 ' 1 11 1 ,1 11.1/ It 01 •Vl l l .
1 111 i 01, ill 1/10 1101 . 11144/1 111 011111111 1 , /101 l 111111 11 00
11111 1, 1 1 ,4, 11.10 1,11 1 11 1,1 1 1 .11111,1 1.. 1 , 31.
7 I
...tole, I+ t.l.y giv. o Olaf %folio. IC Iteittler, of
vl o! 1%1, 11..1 , lino.
tti.poiotol F os , gavo• %•., holt. 11. Veigkr, of 11‘1-
111poo Clkilihri . lll,l l l c 11111. r. rit" unduf
11(.141 of voluntary a :.iguiovoi lor Ihr 1011111 of
rg lodotaoll to the saigl'onqiguor oro
mowsted 10 mak.' p,),“ tit, Emil I
cl.tims him to trout them.
,1 I 11. DM 1.1101:1;,.
1.1;11 Z1...1.;1,E11,
ExEcuTows NOT CE.
lext.lnehlary on tin. Nit Ate slc
nix, Int,. or (I.lrli , n, d ed, hay. , Leon )rnr In) by
ti, itqnster off.lnnl,nlan•l in ti, tnax..r.bnr
'reFnln,,iii maid borough. %II rorn-nt, Intlnbled in
ti, o:onte aro requeStt alo taatt,tatatv,t,m, pi rwa.l,
mat tho,' basiatt rt,tuna to prt.,,att th, ii dilly
ntlittvnt frat a tot , katttattattt.
It. NI.
1 of 1 11,, L oort. of Quarter :uuthilin of C'mnLcr.
Inn I rounty:
'he end, rsignal, Poor Hooke Vhi Imp,' for ti.e
y.ttr 1 , 11 u; rlspin‘th,py
lure Vi4l Lod 0118 iliNtii..Cloll 4'0410(.111'S dori,lg
1110 3 or, end the f . ontbrare
'resolni of Our 111,etlg.hons c -
' 1. Thu p luperti. Tineprop:r rare of tlu"uuf rfu
trate intnater of the po. r House is lho (I.ior ebbed of
the county's bounty. 0:11d 10.111 wa tint notch to emu.
,mid. We ,le_ nil ere bow it is ; 0011110,0 melte
tin , d;•fle,;;;lo none Zetufortable, 1.00/1 luippY, or Pure
cheerful They are well fed, well clothed, end Intro
good clean reruns, lacy 'teal, c.nnelelets, end
We can find no onime lot [toy. 'the Matron. - Al's.
Snyder, doe 0000 leech pralse ;Id' the 11 eat 111 ,,Io and
rlrnulhm 08 or the rooms 01111 furniture, be Is and
InAlOingotti for the fan hful diseleirge.of nIl her
1 hat conle'itt.deronr both, - The health of the
est‘llltdonent a ppo toe 10 he, roans Icaldy altel, and
,Ite_gcueraLmmilaff eotahtion In each nn 10 reflect
lift,t'oredlt to - TheTiliy7lclon - ,ltr7tt , Pt -
Thu buildings. The new hospital or 1,./y lute
born finished; and to complete In all its al.po.nt
'neettit. ltls now partially or/ended. and ere trust
will hr et all thins amply sulllnent for the wtintli of
the county In 1111steejleht Tho other holdings, in.,
eilld 1118 11n'JI and outbuildings, am fah in , gond re,
purr, mil 1,0 groonds and yards , attached Ito them
toro•koet clean and 111 total "
Thwlerlll, Wig end 1110 Illehls under grad
and the indide end outside comet; eru roll oared for.
- .The 'Audis flee foul wecds, and tha setiok, flee!
Rents the up; 0111,1100 of being welt bull ivutut, and
.wo are lerecelea T h at 1,1601 of the won't: 1.0 theta by the
palit/etri; the large crupo 4 l.lllllg the barn .tu Its Rh
111 , 1 t nailed ty; 0 1th Antsille ataclui of hay end grata,
epoalt well for .the good 111,1111.01111ty Of,the 'e.tewurd,.
Mr. 'lvory Snyder, who Inv in.our judgment Amon
hinhaaf Who well etiallll//1 for,thu posithat he now
holds, and that Ito discharges his dutio. tu . l6e inter.
'orb of the'roubty forseelt tieing ink Collifort. of those
under his earl. IPo mma not pens Willallit notleleg._
1110 exoollollt eonditlini • of 011-1 ho stock', rind earth,—
In, ly Were We Illetlied With lot 01 time steers now
helot( JIM for the spring iturizot. ,These were 1.01,
'rd' with greAtlltte, and Oro wt Wel tended to, Visit
ors 18 the Peer Ihllll. tor 'itaos plug • hare newy
fatted to 111001111 d rut her 1111.100 th sod otil all regret
;dint the lathailiful of a ago , latro chola:Mal
the jnet fatthfol, 'froaellier 'of the pnst• thlr
. yettls td toolga his 'lama. 'ln conclusion, •00 corn
mood Ito Inelutgefeent of the Ceenty 11 0 1 Hem ,
/Tell Lille to tile Dirtetortl' Ifni Steward, and all
cOneediied: PAVIO 0..1004,
.1), 11, IV.'O:4,IIIPgIAN,
NEW ',TO-D.4.Y.
v tiATIVIDAY; FEBRUARY 19, 1870.
ily virtue of an order of talc of the Orphans' Court
of Cumberland (-minty, I will expose to public tato,
at:the Court Homo, in the borough of Carlisle, the
following valuable' real nitrite, Mee the prom rty of
W. Brock, deceased :
, .—silo-o •
-borough of Carlisle, adjoining lands of Joseph Heim
alley, creek lane, and public
road leading front-North bill street to Harrisburg
turnpike, containing about two acres,ned lacing
thereon a two story brick house and back building,
-frame stable, and other outbuildings. The land is
Ilmo,tOne of first itmcity, In a good stria of cultiva
tion, awl in excellent order liar market gardoultig.
Thu buildings are in, good repair, and thine Is-n line
young m chard on the'prettilses.
N 0.2. A lot orground on West street, Carlisle, ad-
JolnlnglJohn !larder, Si. Magrew. nod Mr. 'themes,
containing 18 foot In front on West street, and 75
rest in depth, and having thereon erected a two story
triune Loose. and °Wet outbul.dlngs. This Is a very
desirable !lOU..
Sato to commoneo at 10 o'clock, a. 111.,. when at.
cudanco will he given anal terms mathiknown lay
C. P. 111.1111111C11, Adminhitrutor.
IPo. •4 0 Soi h Third xtreet, Philadelphia
11.1 y, S. II E%. I. S. all 14,11.1 a
U. ti, B ,
latr: a Luul.laohl u _Camthha r uu only
AI i%
t•I I-Ight
'7 1111 - 1)
A DoisoN- EuTT,)N,
:):12 Irabg.tti- • Street, l'hilril r tp he t ,
Fni 110114,Irni. C..urt II nm,,
Iln In g, Inn/I 110(1,e,
Irljn. 7..1y
DI . NTAT, NOTICE.-1 have tal:en
...111, 101 :1011111 In 10111 . ( 1 / 1,.100 10 litooo 00,,,0.
too rn: inthlic - troth empIr.VIIII...I - 11 - nyilfillint.llt
tnnh.. teeth., en itlntes.ol bitrtl 'tilt.
111. r, mltt. tt. 111 0 1111,1'10.Q by 011.11.1111111 y, 040 .• I tali..
11000 111,1111011 100 1.014.1f/0 Ley tiininh. non! the 11111 h.
;,•tb.rilly, /Gilt 1 Itavn a nd. , nrrttogrotot in cuttr.l, -
, 1/0111 101 C II 1.11,1.1111 rot !tie (Inntl)eur Ihnitnl VOl.
c,nlltt t nlp ity, abil hart , take an . t ill, In
Anna u) I, 1171. 11111,, tht-retnn., nuth,n-1,,,
.101111 kt. t n-tlt 1111 I,ivtl rub!, 1., in ttll 1011:010,0,
0(1011 hate, 1 inytte toy bh.nds, erg tin intbliv
6,10,d, In fit,. int. n va Ihny Cllllllo,l' 100111
made (Id - 1101111er plate, ÜB-1111!llp A II!. 01/11 . 10
2n, l'igh , nvitnsity the /. Aet
hnt.tonoll It ,111,
lit LI
I'l nI I
Tlos out], Intend /I'4 big bilfi I N
it ill SOH ekthe .mock furniloto
Ile hoe lets • tt 111114 Iht, I trgettl and tittoei ctitteoj
trot k itittatte I vett , iret HI her tale Is Colobettl,,tpfs
1 , 1 11,1ty.' •Inacie
. loont titatterlua, u+', t hit
hmrett tleetra lo utylt.J lloonehee t _e_ttitixtoll,,
- 11 - 71:elltirrt - tAiliirfit tif 11,. e Ove t o t w ..
t o ott mei —.ant
~r ,t are s I for.. plircliaingLo'sPwlp•ro, I/1114t
101, ikll.l”kilS M. l l:b, 11% isli.ll ail 1.'1,1:1111 -
1111,1,1 113111 UM I • SON 111 140.111 .
April, I ‘rill rill nt I tillIp)
And •rbil, and I: PP lint',
r oxaln3 In
FoR EENT.—The Dwelling I.linnie
Si,, I:tooli on Mal., St/ et,et/i.h.l
by Ja • t4.l..Atrlon, bilor Roil hum Aril I
r E Goo D . HOSE COM-
A_ I.A N V %I. 111.1 r..:ll,ll4ll . l),ntit t i.tilico to t
.•I Car kluth.d. iuteta
11..t1” . 11111,,. LL\'lllll t ic. ,„li 11:timivr sti
Winio , iinrtlat \ ‘,„0„
Val'lll•Nt l . t-quoit it l l,lltotiil• of .1w fireition It. to.o
1,. it, nia•
Any 1 , 111.0,11 i 11“ Matt., IltpW trifling, 11111 1..
111 iiiklull) rel 101 rally tnewlwr ol tho
.1 Iwo, 1 1 1 i. ittiopy .11111.1, ilr:o3
It 14; 1 .1 /WET. CHINA
\S,• t5.,101 to tI,. Id„,
11.1.111101 l to 11 o. 1.1111.11 in 00r 111010 hall. µ , ol „,„th„,
Itt,llllvg on Illy boot tholr, 1111
OF PALN'riNgti;
P I NC V WOII ti, mei N IS 'ELLA N
toehfeb :In I 4,llllSied to vocanihnts.. itic!f ion -
!Olt 'hiving a Hilts tt kith will ndtL Chin cost ro this
nnharthient fll:1`, NVIIII nitl 1110111i1111 the .100
to :number of the conipali /, Lo
lid' nt ni iii o who si ill give a svrlttvii gunantttu
fn thl. 1.41 ft, re' toll of any !illicit. sal:Allot. logethol
si illl n 11V1011 04:0 for the lair.
N__./ 'rho 11111111 i I meeting Of tin s Ils.forlati , ” will Le
he 111 /ha. ,Cl.lllllCii C l / 1 11/01131 . , In tile I . olllt HUI.", 011
the !it'll. ,t4tor ',y, r CPbrllitry, it 1.1.1.„ the filth
that sic tiu,. et 7 o'clock, p. nit A 101 l Itttendat.4,
the fityphoi • In earne4tly I'VepluMf
C. 1 . , Senelltry.
c. - Z ALES BY C0313101)011li PORTIM,
ue J9N I ER:
1 eb. 111 301T0 W, tit l'ellosboro . ogll lowlol3ip.
•• 17 Metsolkt, i eKo,tu,, BliUil r, Ito t l'ooo.lB.
ougli hvii.
- 18 Wf A. Rive, hlrkingon twp.
71. 1110.ry Uyrrn, imkr 81111,13k•burg.
_MII - 1.00,LA;a011t01 . 3g1.7-'8 11,p /1114111,
118 - V.O - r3c filtpver,;.fiVOit_ 1:17p.
I .1. K. uganeeleyr, Wont Point:lnv' p
• 3 Orn.11..0z1110vir,11 1 1:81
10 11. M. lio V
er, West 01ia4,0,-0 ,
1 I r. Ilt i 1.0..., Erarfklo d top.
" 17 A. ulionnglt, plehiumuti top.
E x hibit of tollm r. ccleoJ, reptirß, nod n• pottst,of tit°
flArri:litirg, Car.ishr Clomtlovrsborg Turopik"
Bri o Company, rmn tlio first of January to ilt°
tltlrty.lires of Neeniber; followt,
to wit t
TO andittut of t 114 iil gtfeo,
'roantonut of toll received from U. i. a on.
Tu Ivkl,lrt. ut out , Ilanoitt fill }608; poll into
Court :it Jiimutry, 1600, •
• • .Cit .„.
. .
By bedunee 4 18113; yojl to crodl t , 14 r per
act of A Humbly of , 1823, 1828, mot
1830; . $ 478 11
By cm ill poll for !opal. On rood for'l6oo, 8,033 40 ,
By polo. t,eep r's 0 i3OIOEI, . • . ' . 1,360 10
By Inowitter h 'lr,ty,. 375 00'
By trookurelte tolary, . _
100 00.
Br Seer tckry'll /Wary, 25 co -
By 1014clento 1. expatma, . ' '6B 50
By 10048100, 1 totiooNry, .le . „ • ' • 10 00.
• -
itybals Doc pod Into Court to La applied :1,434 5:1.
unbar the net of AEsumbly oftrotabl,
Cot lot .1 'on oath to tho Judges •of , the Court rif
Cotonou] Pleas of Clout ennui County, the &venni
day of January A. I) 0870.
• Tronnut or.
..• ..• • . •
TALI: IstOTICE.=. - Tliat Ulm Coui* of
Common Plena' of Ciunhorland County, baio
app,iintedluesdny tho tiventy.necoird dn.) of March,
next, ot„tho Court Houk°, itt tho bordtigh of Carliolo,`
- at 10 o'hlook, n. tit., far healug 0011 . dctirinltiluirthu
chums of tho respective croditorn nalnkt tho cotil
lions, Agreeably to ilia not of Aleienildrinatla for nu,
relief ob eald„,creilltorn on tho Niket ,day of April,
1890, and tho kupplonients tho. oto.. At tho aforokild
lime nod Omni, thu, preforrett (if ol i o) and all ether
Crodltorn. art; mince-tett - to havu• rosreetivo
chilour duly Authenticated and okikonted, nod' ulna
to famish evidence. nt th 6 IRMO [IMP, nrliotlifir any
boon analgood, or' tiro nit II hold by tho
original' owners; and ithui profit' to ektribllgi the eon
oldernilhif of nior e1ahuH,,10,0),,,r for worh,
20J ant:t - , TIAU
N )11) 11r.hov. r
PIPER'S nook Ft°
14,7:12 07
' Olb ~10
4 Olt, 41)