Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 20, 1870, Image 2
HO HUT? SBURG. 'LETTER. 11.Vnin amino, January 18, 187{). laqjltere has been but Since In . • session, but very important and most unexpectri work has been, done. On . Wednesday morning, in the Senate, Mr. Findlay, Democrat., was sworn in' as Senator from the Somerset district, and the burden Of contesting the goat was put-upon Mr.• Scull, Republican. This was unavoidable after the defeat of the resolution to admit Scull, on Trietsday;. night.' The only other important action of the Senate while in session on Wed nesday was the passage of a bill - to in crease the salary of the Governor to $7,000, by the clots vote of 17 to lq. This, and the introduction of some bills, and the transaction of some incidental busi ness served to occupy the timo of the Senators until twelve o'clock—the hour fixed for the assembling of the joint con-. ventibn for the election of State Treas urer, the result of which has been the greatest surprise of the season. At twelve o'clock, m., the Senate re paired tethehall of OM RepreSofitatives, and Speaker Stinson, assuming t be chair, announced that the convention would proceed to the election of a State Treas urer.. The Democrats had held their cau cus in the morning and nominated D. 0. Barr, as their candidate, besides making some other arrangements of a snore im portant character. The clerk proceeded to the call and every thing went smoedlily along, the Republicans voting for "Mackey and the Democrats for Barr until Mr. Lowry .,... 's,name was reached, who voted for Bight)? Simpson, doubtless purely out'of compliment fOrthat eminent di vine. As the call proceeded here mid there a Republican voted for Irwin, ainl when the result was announced it, was found that Mackey lacked six votes of an election. A second ballot was ordered, and when the name of Senator Beek; the first Democrat on,the roll, was called - to . the astonishment of all but those who were in the secret, he responded°. Irwin." In a second-the ball which bad been some what stirring up to this time became painfully still. It was apparent then that a scheme had been laid to de feat the Republican nominee: which iv lied for its success on the solid .vote of the Democrats for Irwin. .The call pro ceeded amid '11C:101114'0 I.:H(211(2V: When Senator Li wry's' name- was called he voti;il not for . ..Simi-mei but for Lewin, having doubtless received private in structions fis tin the eloquent bishop not to continue_ his support' after all hope of election had passed. tgenatAif Kerr "aßtt voted_for min—Senator-Billingfelt- did not vote. Of the others the Republicans voted Mackey and the Democrats I l'W ill. WheFt'the' roll of the Ileuse was reached Ilrobst, of Berks, and . Bealts, both dMno (mats, voted for Barr, but do oth ws voted - for Irwin solid, as did also ten of the Republicans. The result was announced : Mackey sixty-one—lrwin sixty-six, and three Scattering. There was no ()atom Rrobst and Beans were determined to change their_votes but this was' not_per mitteif. The, ite T temicio, mends..vs, see ing that their think had libel' turned, - severely now moved an adjournment, which the Democrats ..iixdst ed., It was voted dowm atuhrthirdjiallot . dered. The excitonteut increased with _ every moment, and when the result was announced : Irwin seventy, Mac,koy there teas very considerable de: monstration from 1116 Democratic side. 'flee Speaker then announced the elec tion of W. W. -Irwin State. Treasurer, declared the joint convention adjourned, and the Senators returned to their chamber. This was considered a Democratic vic tory, and rejoiced.ove•by the mtembe•s of the party. s such. In the sense that it defeated the notninge of the Republicans, and elected a man for whom the Demo crats 'voted, i 1 may be so regarded., in addition to This it has doubtless much impaired the harns thatiimuld exist in the ranks of the party \rho all' respon sible fur the legislation of the present session. it was humiliating that a small faction or the Republican party should defeat its regular nominee and imperil the supremacy of the party, and this we fully feel and admit. MIL it was more lamentable and degrading to see the i'ep reseidatives of the whole party Demo cratic in the State enter into a combina tion with thirteen disaffected Republi cans and do their bidding simply for the purpose of securing a division among their opponents.. And it was specially hu miliating to „Itiobv that leaders such as Wallace and Buelcalew would not only consent to and advise such action, but lend their ability and energies to consum mate it. We hays seen the Democratic Party in many deplorable conditions of demoralization, but never before Wed nesday werd•tliey reduced to such miser able shifts to obtain even the glimmer of a possibility of advantage by electing candidate \tint their opponents had discar&d. On Thursday, at twelve, m., the Legisla ture met in joint convention to open the returns of the election for Governor. The result has been so frequently announced that a repetition of it would not amount to news. 'lt did not, how,Over; Verifyit dispatch,scnt by Asa Packer shortly af ter the election claiming that Ito had car.: vied the State. After the joint MlMl tionliad completed its labors, the Legisla ture adjourned to meet this morning. Contrary to all expectation, founded on the gefierally detestable weather of the' 1 past week, this day_,sipsiliesUealm_auLL clear, au t with a temimratmo mild enough for it fair April morning, Dui.- . ing yesterday and last night every train, brought soldiers, firemen, bands of mu sic, and visitors to the city, to see and participate in the doramonien connected with the second inauguration of Govern or Geary. From early morning to 'the time of Giiswriting the streetslave been almost impassable. At eleven o'clock' the .p - rocession, under the command of Gon. Jordan, Chief Marshal, began tmmoVe, and,• after piwading the principal fa' eels, reached tliti.Caiiitel, a little‘acter_twelvc, when the inaugural ceremonies took place:. After an eloquent prayer by ,Nshop Simpgon, the certificate' of oleo ' Con was iTelid by Mr. Hamerslay, and the oath of Mcoadministered to the Gover nor elect by the speaker of tho sonata: The Governor then delivered 'his inau gural address in the presence of the men ' liers of the Legislature, and a vast crowd pf , spectators, .whioli was received with dembnstratisn of approval and sat- Isfaetion .by all-who heard it. -It is eon- . (ir".iii,adifiik.uo....sidas that the inauguration was a success, 41,01 respects, and. that the ceremonies vlbra. most imposing - • that have taken plueir for ruany.yeaCs. . TIM Governor hal; every reason to con ' gratuhite himself on this demonstration ' of the people's regard for ldin, and to feel ' that in commencing his second term of office, ho , hrts had every evidence of their, ' •Uppreciation of his former services, quid - of their inten l tion to suppoit.and °actin) , ago hiM iu the faithful discharge of over chilled may devolve on Win: in the futOtii; , • ThTA ZIG URAL ADDRESS , OF OOVEICNOIC 'JOHN W GEARY FP.LI,OW Crrazics:—Having - . ~ •• • tho-volintai sidfragCs of my countryineri:•as., their ehoice feu• Chief Magistrate of.the com monwealth\ of Pennnylvan have, in the prescnce - of God; and of this ;issem-' bled Multitude, renewed ilie . sOlenniand binding obligation required of me by laW, to support the State and National Con stitutions, and to perform with fidelity he duties devolving upon are as Govern It shall be my constant aim and most earnest effort to observe tlid very letter as well as the full spirit, Meaning, and intent of the obligation I have just • .. taken. Doe Ply impressed with the most pro found gratitude, I can express my most hearty thanks to the good citizens of this Commonwealth for the generous cenlidench and partiality they have re posed in me by re-election to the most honorable and most responsible position in their gift. But, knowing well - their exactions and requirements of one wlio - occupies a position so exalted, it is with extreme diffidenee I again undertake re sponsibilities of such vast' importance, )vhich oven the biffilest - and most gifted Tight hesitate to assume. And, how ever determined may 'be . my endeavors to realize the expectations of my;friendir in support of the right, and to battle against whatever, in toy judgment, may be wrong, still I am conscious of the necessities for some 'sustaining power, and, therefore, I unhesitatingly ac knowledge my dependence upon the enlightened support and patriotism of my' fellow citizens, ''''and my firm reliance upon the unerring wisdom and 'never failing aid of Him who controls • alike the destinies of individuals and of lad ions. The settlement of the vexed questions growing out of the :mined conflict with treason, 'devolves a mighty responsi bility on the loyal men 'of the' land. Armed rebellion was signally crushed h r the force of brined loyalty, and the government has triumphantly established its ability successfully to suppress do mestic insurrection, however gigantic. The war itself has served to stimulate our people to fresh energies, and to the de velopment of neW enterprise. Our manufactories have multiplied, plenty . has fupiled upon our fields, and blefised -the labors of the husbandman. Peace has restored our people to . their homes, and cheered our fireside, The . rates_ taxatflin reduced, and are entirely abolished upon re, Dili use of- the • Commeufwealth. Our State debt is being steadily and surely liquidated. Immense sums have been paid for pensions and other Charities; The cause of education has advanced, and the institutions for the support and tuition of the •soldiers' orph us have beewliberally snimliedi Railroads have been constructed, and ne* material re sources dqvuloped. And thus our State and Nation are rapidly progressing in -the attainment of those elements of greatness which-have alreatly.placed our country in time foremost rank of powers time ian ii. The great, railroad which hinds our State to the Fur West, and it turn to the ,aent,l nations, as cell complid cal, and all our efforts to add to our material in-osiperity have been crowned witiituipiralleled sitccess. it was my privilege to announce from this stand, three years'ago, the principles which would guide me in the administra tion of the office of Governor. At that time I dwelt upon and expressed my views iu reference to all questions then occupy ing a share of public attention. I have from time to time, in messages to the Legislature, set forth the condition of the State, recommended such Incas ures as I deemed expedient - 4A eaten lat ed to advance her interests, and ex pressed my views upon the various topics of the day that were of State or National` importance. Awl having fully reflected thereon, I aut the more confirmed therein :foil know of no reason why I should not malorse and reiterate them as fully, on this occashm, as if I again promulgated them word for wont. And now, ac knowledging my responsibility in its broadcgt. sense, as a representative, to my constituents, and considering the inagui twle of Ilia interests which have again been committed to my charge, I feel it is due to the people and incumbent upon myself, to refer them to the documents indicated, for an outline of the general policy which is intended as a guide for the incoming administration, rather than encumber this address or , unnecessarily delay this audience with their repetition. I have no new pledges to make, but con fidently refer to the record of my past life, as evidence, at least, of my zeal and devotion to the best interests of my State and country, and for the rectitude of my intentions. And, although the ability • which I bring to the discharge of such duties may be limited, 1 shall confidently rely upon the bind indulgence of my Tel low citizens, and, upon a conscientious effort to uphold, unblemished, and trans mit, untarnished, to my suceess'or in of fice; and to posterity, the fair,ifamo, and good name of our magnificOnt old Gem monwealth. Difficulties of no ordinary chitract,4 l constantly surropnd your Executive'offi cot in the discharge of, tho 'many duties devolving - upon him, concerning'each of which there may ho conflicting opinions. It being, therefore, impossible to satisfy all, his only safeguard - is to adopt, and actin accordance with those sterling and , benitleent maxims to which the- early fathers gave utterance,' whielf have boon sanctioned by wisdom and experience, and resulted' in the rapid growth and prosperity of our institutions; Mid , the liberty and happiness of our people. 'The Constitution vests " the Supremo Executive power" of the Stale in the clovernor, and directs " that he shall take care that the laws be faithfully - exel cuted." The supreme earthly authority recognized by us, therefore, is the law— the rightfully determined will of the peo-: pie. " Nocilizen is so exhalted as to be above,,nd none so low ab to ho beneath its power." The ExecutiViAs as much 9 the 'subject of the laws, of the State as' the humblest individual within its ben ders. In puinuance of these principles, and in the execution of the laws, I hay!, endeavored, "during any arm of office,- faithfully to disc large every official duty with a - full refer nee _to my sworn,obli -1 gallon, and as shall answer at the last great-day till..l_ It should ho our -earnest effort fully ilikbarge all our obligations and re= sponsibillties, both as citizens and mag istrates. : We—should doase to tolerate anything "as politically , right, • that • is morally wrong," and actively proscribe' the -corruption whioh too frequently Marks the administration of affairs—an 'oval to which attention too frequently Or' 'too forcibly is invited. 'sign mole certainly indicates the downfall, of free institutions than tho indifference of the po - oplo . to the mOral dePravitY of those in authority. An history warntoloo bold to our integrity as WO vain° our national existence. , • Foreilily Anpressok,': with these ideas,_i_call,upon_all legialators t - andu onnll Othor-..od'iitizenOttal-es boon Peeially:upon the pondOtord_of pu ho presa4the ever faithful sentinels of a: frde people—to aid in Osting that to piddle sentiment which shall PuW,Y our State,•and relleVe her fiiimiho reproach of-even countenancing:those who would make a traffic of their offices in violation of their obligation. Look to it well and closely, fellow citizens, and begin at once to teach your servants that " the public must be obeyed,_and tho f' public weal" is the object to be attained iti free' govermitent. If you permit specula-. tom to enrich themselves out of the . pub lic Treasury, and at'the same time to cor rupt the law making. branch of the gov oKnnient, yOu have the way to anarchy, you set the ciartiple rWliiiiii"tempts to crime, and offer to 'WO world an evi dence, most 'ConchfSive, that self-goverit-,„ meta is is failure. Owing to the many efforts on'thO part of free traders for the abolishment of the natural and wholesome protection HOW afforded to our home industry and to la bor, I consider it a subject which claims a portion Of (fur: time and attention. If our national igdustry and national pro ductions,- represented - by thousands of factories, mines, and other sources of la bor, are to be preserved, there shoulll be no'reduction of duties Which shall enable the underpaid and overworked popula tion of the Old World' to flood our States with the product of their mines and workshops, at the cost of our destruction. The articles thus admitted would under sell. the products of our artfzans'at • our very doors,and our factories would be closed, ns heretofore, by similar causes. This Will throw out of employment thou sands of industrious men, and entail ruin upon then, and thciir families, merely for the benefit and aggrandizement of for eign manufacturers and capitalists. As soon as Our industrial arms are paralyzed, and competition is destroyed, the tuonop- Olist can command his own price r ,and it is thus clear that the policy of free trade can never permanentlibeuefit any coun try that will sanction its adoption.. Im- Pelled 'by 'every feeling of ,interest; manity, 'and justice for our artizans and laborers we should'unhesitatinglysetotte faces against this heresy. We should, therefore, not only earnestly legislate for the benefit of capital, but for the toiling sons and daughters of our country. It, should 'be our constant effort to improve cOiaition, to adiance their intellectual status, and, above all, to shield_ them from the destitution which is threat- M cued by the.enemies of protection to our industrial pursuits. In my several messages to the Legisla ture I have taken occasion to refer to a subject which I regard as of paramount importance to the, prosperity and even the stability of our government. No nation can long exist that attempts to violate any of itl'Obligations. The most prominent among these is the faithful pkyment of all itindebtodness. No good reason can be given for the rePudiation_ of a single farthing. I said in my mes sage df January, 1868. people of Pennsylvania, ever true to the Union, and unswervingdmtheir_detcuaninAtiomict preserve its honor, integrity, and per petuity, are proud and free to assert the sacredness of the national debt, and that its nitimate.payment in full must be se cured." In my message of 1869, I called attention to the same subject, in these words : " The voice of Pennsylvania, as well, as that „of a majority of the States,' has at the ballot box proclaimed to tire world that our national indebtgd ness, no matter how heavy the burden, will be paid according to the, letter and spirit of the agreements made and en tered into dt the time the debt was con tracted ; and that iii this, as in all other respects, our individual an national honor must and shall be preserved." These sentiments, so clearly expressed, I have taken frequent occasion to reit erate,ntd it affords me great :iilitisfae, tion to observe that many who have heretofore been hostile to, or silent on this most, important subject, are becom ing wm•iu 111 their advocacy of the. prim= (tildes here enunciated. Those who saved this government from the destruction designed .fey treason, are they who will perpetuate it as a blessing fur future generations. All that is asked of the people is to strengthen and upliold the hands'of the men who have been called to do the work -of reconstruction, and when that work is finished in the spirit in which it hats been begun by the present National Adthinistration, we will have a government and a country mighty. in their munificence, glorious in their pr4sperity. • The preservation of the peace and quiet of our country, maintaining unsullied, our national honor, and the harmony of -the Union aro among our highest duties. Let us encourage every' branch of home industry, advance the true interests of moral, physical, and intolleotual labor, and reaching forward to the prize of the manifest destiny of our glorious Com monwealth, we may hope for her increas ing prosperity, and, abovo all, for • tho smiles of an approving Providence. I earnestly invoke a continuance of the blessings and favors which we,. as _ a people, have long enjoyed, that Pennsyl vania may be over ready to extend her sympathies to those struggling for liber ty, to succor tiro. helpless exile, and ho an asylum to the perseciited and tho.op. nessed • and thus orover ideutif hOr, self with the cause of equal rights, and With the interests of maerstil 'freedom, justice, and huinanityi:- Then can we with truth and pride proclaim, "Long live the Commonwealth," whose guiding princi ples aro found in the motto of our State, !!). 7. IRTUE," LIBEWft, AMJ DUNCE 2!. A lady 84'years of ,age, died in New Haven, Connecticut, 'on Christmas day. She was married op. Christmas day, .63 years 'ago, her husband died on Christ mas, 23 years ago, and she has often re marked, " I wonder if I titian. clic pn Christmas, PERSONAL. M. 011ivier is fitti.two yoga old , • l • Grisi's coffin ' cost fifte'en thousand fraitico. . . Mr. Disraeli's lifeloug mortilicationia said to be his ignorance pf his, birthplace. Brigham Yoking is negotiating for nhothor wife from lowa. A Laporte, Ind., doctor has' discov ered a remodyfOr opium Habit: John C. Rreolcinridgo 'attorpoy for the Cincinnati Southern Railroad. r . An editor in Greene ociunty,New York, is n genuine bdron. „ Prince Arthur has added a ball room to his litontroid residence, Trio Wolskfasting girl died, after being without, food for oight days. Mrs. Julia Ward Howo has been chosen president of the Boston . Radios! Club, in place of 130.,Bartokilossigncd, Thp milliner :at Fort Edwards whose English. lovet l6ft hor $17,000,000 bas - ro4 ceibod the first instalment of $5 4 000,000 ---Vaupmann, -tho-Pantin.assoisin, de clayes that he can - never be l killed.on the sage . 6m, ash° possesses meaUs 4:suicide thaecannot bo•taken ftem The Democratic edit Or. of the Boston- -POlit:Says the DemocralYe - editeref Memphis Avalanche ought to ho "scalped , and supplied with some respect ahle , brains." • Toni Thumb lets brought a suit :against the Adami •ExpreSs Company to recover the value o£ a quantity of photographs lest in transportation.• Tho Mas Rurgrave, a,miser; Who pas re sfded in. King street, N: Y. city, for the past fifty years, died last ‘yeek. He was. worth $150,000, and had alease of Trinity Church property in'thuvieinity of where he lived, but existedin great'penary, ana died as he had lived; alone, with no one but an old maid servant. He left ndwill, has no relatives, and who will 'gct the $150,000 is not now known. Thomas C. Smith., mail agent between Boston an'd New - Haven depot; found last week a package of $2.000, and after much searching found the owner to be a soap manufacturer at Boston, named Lat son. When Mr. Latsen"received his lost money, l; generously gave the honest finder '52,000 and a' valuable diamond ring. Ulrich De Fouville, wile,' fortunately, was not killed by Pierre Bonaparte, was in this country and served in the Union army during the war. lle was an aide-de camp to General Custer in the Shenan doah Valley campaign, and was afterward transferred to the Topographical Corps, serving under General Warren to the end of the lyar. NEWS ITEMS. Forty two hundred Germans landed in Now York last week. Ny is co n sift absorbed nearly twenty:throe thousand emigrants last year. A. Mexican lion, 60 , 7011 feet seven inches in length, was killed in MCLennan coun ty, Texas. „ Hartford, Conn., has•been under water four times in nine months. A Rhode Islaud preacher declares that no Person virTio uses tcIiREE6 afitio - haVed. - ‘Saii Francisco is to have a grand-hotel, which is to occupy two full blocks. California has 800,000 peach trees ; five to every voter. - Ridhmoifd, — Va:, — hits a society called "Knights of the Rod Bog." iii — GreiTßritain are taxed five shillingS. Those not worth five shilling - A are exempted. Chicago had its soldiers' monument eta by a London sculptor, and paid. $12,000 for it. All the Boston wholesale branch cloth ing houses in Chicago have settled and closed up, with a single exception. Ninety-six pounds of wild honey wore taken lately from a tree in New Hamp shire; the comb was six feet tong: Twenty-seven thousand six hundred -railroad lanterns were made and" sold lay one firm in Hochester, N. Y., in the last four months. Elyria, Ohio, has a newspaper carrier named - Alexanda - Drimas. AlexafickftlM Great should look after his namesake. A boat's crew of the Nitval- Academy at Annapolis is to have a race with the new crew of the junior cla'Ss of Harvard. , New ii'ork has opened a home for fall en Women, and it already. has twenty-four unfortunate inmates, victims of man's lust. There were seventy-four steamboat dis asters on western waters last year, involv ing a loss of over $1,000,000. The monument over the late Marquis of Hasting is a figure of Hope clinging to a cross. Hope has his wife's' features.. The cost of printing in congress a sin. gle Contbstcd election case by the House is nearly $O,OOO. The cost of l'n•inting'all the cases is Ira less than $30,000. The color of a certain clergyman's eyes has never beendeterinined; When heprayii he shuts his own, and when he preaches he shuts other people's. Two entorpi•ising California millers went to Lapland last spring, and succeed ed in discovering gold in considerable quantities. Their _summer's work net ted them about ,$2, 000. A free soup house is to be ppened in Albany, N. Y. Eleven firms in the pro vision business offer to give the materials for soup, meat, vegetables, S:c., 'and a steamboat steward is to superintend the kitchen. At the inquest held upon the body of a Hoboken 'Tan who died from lockjaw resulting from injuges received a a rail way accident, the . jury found: " That he died . from lockjaw, and the conductor of the train was to blame for it." 61jt tjt11:1 'VOL. 70.• ,NO. 3 THE TREASURY FIGHT The election of General Irwin, as State treasurer, over Hon. R. W. Mackey, by a combination of the entire Democratic voto in the Legislature, •witlithat of thir teen Republicans Was very unexpected, and is very annoying to all who desire har mony in the ranks 'of our party, Mr. 3,lackoy had received the nomination of AlM_Ropiiblicau_caucus. cumbont of the office, and had dis Charged •his duties faithfully, and with ability. lifgainathim„personally, or officially no wo r d' had Wien raised, excepting the stand ingcbargo against all State Treasur ers, that ho had used the surphis funds of the State for his own personal profit This may have been true, for aught . wo • know ; bat it is supported by no better evidence than is the samo charge repeatedly made . against his predecessors. WO do not hold tho position that the caucus nomination should bind members of the party under all circumstances, 'but we do . inSist that unless that nomination be•given to a per son who is Fonfossedly unworthy,'itshould not be disregarded, - particularly by thoso who owe their own, positions largely to the pressure of party discipline. , It is neces sarily part of the creed of 'evoiy true Re , publican that the success,of tho so called Democratic party.viould 'cause injury to the best interests of the State; and if that bo so, it follows that any action that tends to disorganize ourparty. and make opponents, is a wrong of itself. We think better the chance's of the triumph of our this position ;will not bo Seriously dispu ted oven by those Who felt it their duty to join hands with the Democrats in their efforts to defeat the man who was fairly the representative of our organization., If, by reason or any ill feelings . or, jeal ousies, growing 'out lotthor - election of General Irwin, we should be in a minor— ity In tho 'next , Legislaturo,: or, if, our roajorityin the present Legishiture should Prove, powerlesii to carry put • the views and &sires of the Majority of the people of 010 State, tilos° who contrib,utod to. produce this disorganization will ho hold accOuntablO for the ,mischief, and _that Put Any professing.Republican,wlio bringti defeat - and_disastOr_onthOnartYto which ho ibolonA will occupy a . Very .unorniablo the patty or 04 of it:- 3 1 N hallo new -Only . heen''Consid4v 'the effect of The action °albs bolters, and not their motives. .Whilst we say unhesi tatingly that they have done wrong to the party, and condemn their action, we have no intention to ehargellern with any thing beyond this, until - we'know where- . of we speak. Many of our. jourfials in sist that this ism corrupt arrangeinent by which the Democrats are to receive two Senators, and secure the defeat of cerr. taro Republican measures, in censider ation: of their solid vote for Irwin. If these journals know these things let them produce the papers. We do n't' believe the statement and do n't kropose to be: lieve it, until we see some evidence of the fact. Men frequently do • many impolitic things, without commitiug or intending to commit any crime what .ever...- It is also possible for men to com mit one crime, without committing half a dozen more.. We do not believe that the gentlemen who voted for Irwin en tered into anycombination of the kind. The names of many of them are a cull , cient guarantee that this is_not correct. They doubtless allowed personal consid erations to overcome their fealty 'to their party, and for so doing they are censura-,, ble, but it is unfair and anj list that they' .shouldho denounced for any sins merely suspected. It only widens the breach and increases the evil, to denounce; in general terms, and for all imaginable crimes, those who are only known to be guilty of a breach of party disCiplino. I.E is necessary that there should be har mony instead of discord among our friends during the present session. The bolters inthe Treasury light have done' harm enough. Now let thoSo who depre cate their action refrain from aggrava ting it. We hope this'may be the last time a Legislature is entrusted with the dirty of choosing a State Treasurer. The evils attending this contest, to the State, the party, themembets,. andmvery one at all ,interested, aro certainly now apparent enough to cause ( it to be transferred to a different — arena. The suggestions that have already been made with regard to salary, restrictions, penalties for abuse of trust, and, are eminently wise, and idT Slialighe resorted to. They are, however, not sufficiently radical to extir- pa c to evil. It will e impossible, un til the entire debt of the State is obliter ated, to prevent the accumulation of very considerable balances during the year, and it will be just art impossible to frame laws that will prevent this Treasurer ma king some handsome little profit oil these in addition. to his salary. •It is easy enough to'enact laws for the punishment of those_who attempt it, but the convic tion oflhuoffender is quite another and a different . thing. We have a pretty well grounded-belief, resulting from sonic ob servatiomin these inatters, 'that trustees of all Welds, are given, as a rule, to han dle funds for theii own particular advan tage, after having rendered to the ceslui. gits_trust,Jw_hat the law actually compels them to render. This is true of a very large number of people, who are not, and never will be politicians i and this ten= deny is one, of -the infirmities of men, It can never be wholly cured by' any leg islation whatever. As wo said before, there always will be available balances in the Treasury; and whilst every-thing pos sible should bedone to prevent these being turned to private advantage, the thing can never be wholly accomplished. The great . evilia,the,ddemoralization which it is made to prodnce on the Legislature, and of which the Oroverar so forcibly complains in his message. There .is a cure for this, easy,simple, andißrective: Hake the State Treasurer of Pennsylva .aia elect ire by the , peiTte: When we asserted last week that Gov °ruby Barman had stolen the idea:4.'6f liepublic'an statesmen to make up ills recent message, we merely stated a-fact perfectly well known to every body. We were not aware, however, that lie had taken up any particular speech and stolen not only the ideas but almost the identical sentences from it. Some indus trious fellow has • been comparing the Governor's message With, Senator Mor ton's speech, and gives the following specimens from both. 10011 IWILION'eI SPEECH. I du not believe that the I exigence of our bonded I dobt has anything to do with the depreciation of! cur currency, Tho taking of the gold in the Treas.! ury for too pneeliaso of, the Londe put! Ole , re• suinVtion of thu green. I backs out of tho power of thu lioTernment, end pr claims to the world that It dote not Intend to ro. turn to specie payments: The greenback circuit; tion is a part of the public dobt for the redemption of which the faith of the" no. Hon in !solemnly pledged. Tho redemption of thle pledge le not - only de- Mantled by every princi ple of national honor, in. lly fixing tho period of redemption no far off that the'llovernment will have time to collect the antenna that will be nec eneary . To r..tnru to epee lo pay moots without a,craesk lea great desideratum, and (hi. can only ho daub by making tho process grad. FROM ROPFMAFed FIEBBIOR It is a delusion to nut, pole that t • payment of few of our bonds before they ar• due mstertely helps the piddle credit; the Treasury is not bankrupt as to Its bonds; It Is paying theJnterest ilCeOlllillg to contract; ktid the principal Is lest yet due; this iv not the point where the public credit needs to behelpeil. The Trewntry is bank rupt an to Its legal ten der notes for a failure Co pay a prOnlau when It is du• is bankruptcy. The lirst duty of the Govermnent Is to' make legal tel4lets MI gond as. !gold. • ' It hs the spatial duty of tho Federal 'frcenury, the Issue of 'whom, redact.. blepaper as' brought 'us to our present condition, to see to it that there In on ample supply . of cult, retained in the country, mu nil to make the trausb Lion from our present currency to gold both I easy and permanent. I do not believe that any 'contraction of tt o legal tender currency le ❑eeetmary—in__onler_ t I reach tpecla payments. The moment that the peepio see that the Goa -1 ernment le. ready to, rin deem Its paper by pre• ,Itling itself with the only mean. of doing It, the appreciation lu the actual. Tattle of the le• gal tender note. will commence. Contraction is no,t a nec eaonry preliminary more wont to a return to o /ad - -psymento. By fixing a period of re. demotion the. century le notified, and may be pro. pored fur a change. The people will ham •it In view In eon.. trade and arrangements In business and debtors, fearing a decline la prices of property, will malty haste their debts _ Tho Demirratio party are very fortu nate in every respect. After they had iun the Govormontal machine of the country until it commenced falling to pieCes, the .Republican party took it' off their hands, and aftor a good deal of trouble put 'it. in , running order again. The slavery question. had split the Demo cratic party into two irrocsnicilablo fac tions, and the Republican party, ob- Mended that institution and gave. them a chance• to unite again. - The Demo cratic party set up , a 'very but very' Pestiferous nation down South, which very span run into bankruptcy, starvation and ruin, and the Republican party . knocked, the rickety' little concern tcr smithereens, and setup another which clad, fed andsprotected the peoplo there . until they had life enough thorn to walk to UM and veto the Demo &ado ticket. - .find finally ;whOn its, loaders haven't brains or sense enough to Originate any policy or any measure that would command the rospopt of the pod plc, Republicans, make speeches, which Abe - little DenMorntio \ fops, like Governor Hoffman.'steal to make mossageS out ofy in order that their Monde may thiolc them statesmen,. Tow. partiOs have .so L - - much kindness extended to th'em by their • oppononts, and fewer'ofton in such ,nood t : , ,°:- . ' . • _ , • .0m Tuesday morning the Houso Saw fit to veto clown a•resolution_tOn'ereaso the Raw of the Governor for his second term to $7,000. We - beliede _it" is _,lter featly well known and' admitted by every meMber Of the Legislature, and every one el*whO'liMows anything, about, it, that impessiblo7o, Goveinor Geary, or any othiii person. Who MaYlo elected lo* that office, tosupport a family at Harris burg on the sum now paid him. If this be to we can't understand why the Leg islataire should r'efuse to increase it. We certainly 'approve - every thing' that loops like economy, luit then a man has some rights, even tf ho is Governor, ' and ono is that lie should not be asked to perform very important,dutieswithout,receiving compensation sufficient to defray his ac tual expenses. The matter is, however, settled now, as the Legislature cannot increase the salary of • a Governor during his term. / • It is rinnored that'Cyrus W. Field and Wni. Orton are about to 'purchase tha French cable for $1,000,000 in gold. The Legislatures of the following States are now in session : Maine, Ver mont; Massachusetts; Now York, Penn sylvania, Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, Now Jersey, Tennessee, ,Kentucky; North Carolina, Soutli Carolina, Georgia and Lousiana-15. Simon -Mountz,, West Pcnnsborough township, sale of personal property, March 8, 1870. William. Natcher will sell at public sale, at his residence in North Middleton township, near the reservoir, on the twenty-fifth instant, his entire dock and farming implements. Solo to commence a:Cone o'clock. MARRIED HORN—CORNELIIIti.--On the ninth Instant, by Roe. Wm. Trtekott, Mr. Wilbur Fish horn, to Mine Etta Cornellus r both of Carnal*. DIED FETTEIL—In Chnulberßhurg, on the thirteenth instant, Mro Ititirin Fetter, •ifu of Jacob Fetter. for- . • • erly of Oarli 4 in,ngpLoixty-nine yeare, one month od thirteen dnye. hIeGINNIS.—Onethe morning of the thirteenth of 'January, Colonel' John hleGinok, in the eutenty seventh year of We age. MARKETS I= Carlisle, Jaututry lii, 1670 F•onII) Flour ...... WHITE WHEAT it 1;1) do • tdIIN ......... ..• ••• •• •• •11Tr.00... .............. . rlNtoTil leBll 1.3; FI,AXSIVED BARLEY .... •.• . General Produe, Market. Carlinle, January 19, Ib7ll. Co,ra,rted Weekiti by IVilliam Washmood BUTT}'t% :10:11ACON 9110U . LDER9, 16 I%ACON SIDES, WIIITP lIKANS 1,11.1 q, I %ItP, IM ES M=! ISM MIII3ZIMMEMIIM 35 DIElb/1/ APPT.X.S, per It OS IS ICAO: , 3 A X, B VW: HAMS . . DENTAL -NOTICE.—I have .t. ken notice of H cord in our Carlinty papers, call towing the , public from employ log nuy dentist to make or 14'11 artificial teeth, on platen of hard rub ber, who is notlieonnod by the company, Ate. 1 tabu this method. to' inform my triends;an'd the public ttentriilly, that 11.0,1 mad* arrangements with Jo tdalt Itne•at. treinattur of toe Goodyear Dental Vul canite Company, and have taken out license up to •danuary 1,041. I stn, therefore. legally nut hollreat to nisi, artificial teeth on hatd rui:b••r, in nil SIISPPM, Rllll forma. .1 turtle my friends, and the public( in gluon iti,to gine tank rail, where they CM, kern. 11111111 . on Rubber plate, an ,heap as ever. Office No. 25, High streiO, opposite the Fit - at NaCional Bonk, Clffiilll4, Pa J. C. NITF, Doupet 20j/ ILGIII SPECIAL NOTICE. JUST RECEIVED - A full Nock of Notions of onlu. A birgo 1)no of Chihli.°leo Al Wen' . and ladies Wututed and Meriou 'lose, at greatly reduced priecu . . Merchants will do u ell by calling to Neu for theuoAlres, at latovtincs, No.ll, South Hanover Street, Curnode, l'efau. lealecnn LAMPS AND GLASSWARE A gniu milky down is Kira,. Wu would onli the at teptiou alba. //Ado t pfk..4 of 1. \ 311.5. AND ()LADS \VARS.:. Alm, In tha large Binh 01 0110 g0....14 that wk.are nou oftering. Coal Oil 4/1 ilittt:st quality .4.1 y, mill in sun oil lit trek, at lowl•Ed Still /mother in 1.0100 41 pi,D 4 ,l,9phia rbuLU 4.014 or 1/1 h 14 0 044, patl<4.l up free, uyd 41011VCred Itt our leure,.at riro.• K\l. ❑LAIR Si)g =I THE ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA KNOWN IN. THE . WHOLE WORLD. Dr. WINUART'S (heat A I nerle,n Dyspepvia I 110 rI d Pi. 'free Tar Cordial aro a imentive and Infallible corn for dyspepna to Its nault a ) zgmvated farm, and no 'natter of how long standiug. • They penetrsto Abe soeret abode of this to tibia disease, and egterminate if vot and branch, noon,. They alleviate more agony and nil. at manning thou tongoo ran toll. They aro noted for cuing the must desperate and hopslov eases, when evory known menus fail to af ford roller. No, form of Bydpepiltt or Intligettlint can' resist their penetrating power. Pino Treu Tor Cordial. It LB the vital prlnclplo of the Pino Tree, obtained by a pa. culiar process in tho dietlllullon of tho tar, by which • its highest medical properties aro retained. It 'twig l i - orates the digestive organs and- reslores the appetite. It strengthens the debilitated., system. It purifies I and enriches the blood; and expels from fly at stem the corruption which scrofula breeds on !lie lungs. `a dissolves tho mucus or phlegm which stops the air pesioiges of tho lungs. Its healing principle seta upon the Irritated mutton of tho lungs and throat, penetrating to each dideased part, relieving -pain and, subduing intlamation, It Is the mutt :of years of study and oxperiment,and It Buffered to thenfilleted with positlio 11.311M0C0 °tits poWer to cure tho didensesTlf -tho-patfent-hornot-tocriortg-d -bayed a resort to the means of sure: ° Consumptlon of tbu Lungs, Cough, Boro Throat mid Breast, Itten dais, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bieoding Piles Antitma, Whooping Cough, Dlptheria, &C.. 'A medical expert, holding honorable collegiate Diplomas, devotes hie entire limo to the examination of patients at the office, parlors Associated with hini nto three consulting physicians of acknowledged eminence, whose services nra giien to the publio heir of charm, Thlsopportnnltyin offered by no other histltntlon In the country. ; Latta,ls from any part of tho country, asking ciao, will ha promptly and gratuttously ros;.onded to convenient, ramlticinees should take fin abapo of Drafts or Post Wilco nrdora. ['rico of Wisbart's American Dyapopsis Pills, $1 a box. 'Bola by mail on receipt of price. Prlco of Wishart's Dino, Tree Tar Dordlid, $1,40 a bottln, or $ll per dorm!. Dant by express. ' All communleallone should bo addressed Q C. WIBIIAMT, M. dd, 311 . 1 t Ni. Norte B"lVale7pTia. gives, mu pleasure to certify that' bir,l3Aheets'e Mena CDRPIAL to toy - opinion 1d purely vegetable . n :Its constitution,. and 'an excellent tonic, being heatless In Its character, and not being an alcoholic Ursiul ant.. .ELy STODIsT6N, U. D. it.LLCOCK'S POROUS PLASTERS. . atop by step this commodity has ethaed Its insp're: Coilonted fame. They aro universally approved. They summit, strengthen, and old the growth of muscles, They appear to have apecnilar effect upon the nerves, allaying Irritability, while supplying warmth. , They seem to accumnlato electricity, and alti thecirculation of the blood through. the part where applied, by. which 116E11013%4'1000ne are induced. • ,Even in paralysis, where articulation was suspend edits, nee of the l'orouells .etstato thenpine restored the articulation, and materially reduced the paralysis. fact, the patient could help hared!, wide before 'thaPorons • Pitutter wan applied she wao as helpless as abmiby. We rotor to Airs. Bally MII6t, flpringfloid, Maas. , flotd bj all tienggiste, Agency, Drnudroth'•lloneo, Now ' 20po1m ASTOUNDING 'REVELATIONS Two melentific publications arc in th 6 field against tho . lolr dyes of which latiltatlip Gaols. Tho 0 Now York Modica! Gazette" and "The Journal of Cheiniii tiPOiyilTilZ4v-71.iiiiii safely dyed. Ilavo you seen Prof. Chiltoti'm testi mony,founded on a careful' analYslih and certifying Unit; Christadoro'a Excelsior Dio is not only', first clastiartielo for changing tho color of tho hair, but absolutely safo. Chrlstradoro's Hair Presservative; as a Dressing, acts like a charm on tho Hair after Dyeing. Try it. Gjan7o.lm WEAK BACK, PAINS OF TEE SIDE, And about the Kidnap', are relieved at once hp the application of ono of Alicock'e Porous Planters. " Gain.towa, Ala., Nov. 27, 1868 "Messrs. Thos. Mime& & Co.: During an extensive practice of ten years Ihapo been a frequent witness of the magical qualities of yonr -- Porous Planters. I 'can certify that thay am all you claim for them. 1 ' BOBEBT E. CAMPBELL, M. IV_ pr: Myers, of Farm:malt, enylf,they are the beet mechanical supporters for weak munch•+ ever die covered; that by their worming properties they bring power nod heahlt, until the strength of the muscles are entirely restored; that IM "known n case whet.' Alicolee Plasters cured a gentleman of n weak spine! that ho daily preecribee them 'ln his practice, with that Jhappiest maul te. fiJan7o-1 CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES NO HUMBUG! NO HUMBUG!! • I am now getting up the largest 100 X -wink ever made in and am preparing for another sale fn. April next. • Call at the shop and examine the work before it to finished, so that you may he satisfied that I line noth ing but the BEST MATERIALS of nil kipds. ferry style of CARRIAGES, BIRWTES, SPRING WARONS, Se ready Pr 'myth , to order. All 110 W work gptran Lend. 'Dosing been sneeemiful for four yens, f hope by idrict attention to buidnesit to merit it condom:ince of patronage. Do not forget the Once, nor. Pitt and SoirtlAtreets, Carliiile, Pa. - CJ n7O 3co lIRISTMAS SEASON AT '•SOUTII END," CAIt LISLE, PA. We have Just received a large lot id' finest quality Glassware, comprising several of the intent and most popular patterns. We have very greatly reduced the._ prices, wholesale and retail throughout, of both Glansivare and queonsware, and are now offering complete Tea and Dinner Setts, rombined, comprising nearly 100 pieces, at the unprecedented' price °Ill:), Which setts are similar in mu:lily to the Philadelphia $lO Dinner Setts that contain no Ter:wait. We have also 011 hand a full line of Groceries, Tohneens , Fish, Salt, Gila, he., at exceedingly low rotes, both whole sale and retail. Please call and see moll be convinced. Ore. 23,1609. Will. BLAIR & SON. P. S.—A:lotionr carload Cool Oil just received oral for sale at :mite low rates.. FRIGHTFUL DEVELOPMENTS! At last the people have got the fact "liiroa r y'li their hair," that ludyduitimpiregnitted with acetate of lead, and other metallic nails, aro murderous l l Osiparatioun. Vheu they see the metallic sediment -at-thelinttorfrrtf-thlrbrittlaittlarylifff-tlh7lis gligthig sten' to lltmwlly thickened with poison. They ask,Ahereforr, for o harmless vegetable dye and find it, pare and effoinchm, in Cristsibilo's ruled°, Ilairllye, offered ittichir the sanction of Pro (limier Chilton's guarantee that it contains "nothing deleterious." L O l Crlstadoro'h Ilnlr Prroorvalivo n n arts liko n charm on tlin hair after • dyeing. Try 11. BRAIcDRETtPS PILLS Their greatvalun eottnishi in thitit They may be aged Ni) long; re; any dinea.earccrt.n any , :f the hrgan4 of the body: and bi perseyet log In their uso the disemte will be cured, mod Iho body rtwtoz oil health, freotfrent,yvay taint and itnittnity. 'lie it repntath 0 pi, e+ (belt met tt. •Thonmo Smith Coroner ice of ill.: roam. Ilrontiroth'm ralx,anvJ Lim of I/pimp:Oa nod Ilmti thorn, tViir•ll to.ory othor ruotlicioe hod t• &I:'a Atoll 3, ISIi. Ur Jortior, of PS vanuall, bo ha nuarly ll;fl3_pire, forommeolled Ilialidionlk o I'lll .l , as a aperifir ill 31.111, lover; thot 11i111 . 1 . i• 11 In taitiout in 11i, s in took thetn.thr.thlo malady, being othemi, oa m o i, 'choir prompt.ilso , talit.o.t. or the body tbovo matt-nn which .food Um fatality or the AS a pellets/11 funnily ihedlelno, he enadil. 1.4 them for in adraltro of all others, and hole he slant. frond ior.itmloxyorloova of their 261.11111 05j-DEA BLINDS Er , B %/OW 11.t01.1 With the lltrll/114 1141:011.8q, by J. 18.01.111., M. IL amt Professor ttr Diseases etj U,. }:ye and Ear (his in the ilstlical !lolled; linmylooliio, 1;2 years experince, ( ;Lantz. ly ar Leyilcn,lloilited.) •0. 805 Arch tttri. t 111,11. a TrBtinoonialo ca. lei ere. at his oflice r rectilty Ric i ylltiii.Lo nc company thc.r AN Lc liaz . tct h 1118 practice. A .•11r.tial t pa: lei ela et nd itliceL pule S.. .tharecf . Oka. 1 M POTiT ANT NOT ICI 2•101 van porelia , t. 110 110lielly 1 qua . , I 1 ." roili:In . V1•10ti:111 Lilli 1114•111, fu the 1n.1r1., lava, wry, croup r0i1.% 1,10 ne3 I.lh Inter y la part et . y °Alb itrininipany ing 4,11 . 11 111.111..) e,lll Anil) for rlinionallain.lneniele, thNiat , 11111 . 1. M, broken tlii I it tia 1.1.1 pain , In limbo, U rk and e l ..1.• V. net Lin WWI 1111.041. NI Is I . 17, tool Inn roe n ilo ho,, need II but ronth. no+ to do 0.10011.3 slating, if it was too dullard a IlOttiO lbey ouu I.t out l e \l,llllOlll it 11,1141,11t1.1 lin lir en al :lie depot, gof i w,lnlil•rlul enrol properi lea. Price, Ploy Conte soil One !wino Pala by Ihr I)ritaglele and Storelicrill•ll 111/ . 0101011 lulu United ritaire. Depot, 111 Park Place Nrn 1 k 101 t, I i TO OWNERS OF HORSES AND CATTLE. Tobine' Derby Condition Powders are warrinte, sup..rior to any others, or no pay, for the eine of Die tens' er. Worms, 11, to, Coughs, I Colds,.&e. in ilor , es; and Colds, Cwtgue , LOil3 of lljlle, Black- Tongue, Dorn Pis temmir, de , in Cattle. They are perfectly cafe Mid 3111106 e ; no need of stopping the working of y or animals. They Increase the appetite giro a fine coat, cleanse the stomach and urinary or gans; alsoinereMie the intik of cuss. Try them and you will never be without them. The late Ilintrir Woodruff, ccialrated trainer of trotting horses, used them for years. Cut. Philo P. Dash, of the Jerome -Dace Coors°, Yonlhime, N. Y., worth' not use them until he Sops told of o hot they are eotionsed, MM . :O width inc la limier without thorn. Helms over twenty 'running horses in-his charge, nod for the last three yekra Inns need no other medicine for them. lie has kindly permitted the to refer any one to him. Jiver 1,000 other references can ho seen at the Depot. Sold by Druggists and Saddlers. Pa Ice 25' cents per box. Depot 10 Pawls Place, New York. tijimiDlin JAcoh . licriierz—beni Sir: I holm boon afflicted for tho loot ton yonre with t.l o iliternentioto and I . Our I O. WWI ft:WM:11111CD P to me. I have used It, and I am glad to ear, It has effected a perfect Cure In a very 'short time. Therefore I re- commend It to all persona afflicted nith the same diseases. reouslder it the hest turein use for any disease the human body hivulneet..l to. E.:LEMON(' Philadelphia. TO CONBInirTIV)B. ' The Advertiser, baying beets restor,ed to heal In a fowweeke, by a vAry okapi° remedy, after Env. ing etifferod eoveral yeas with a ouvere lung Riffle, Coe, and that dread diecaeo,Cousuniidiett to bath to wake known to bin liOnOW•llllffererb:tilo cornea cure. To all who desire 11, ho gill fiend a • copy of the premeriptinn need (fret of charge), with this direction 'for preparing and tieing the mune Which they will find n SURE CURE NOR CONSUNINTION,_AS'rIIM A BRONCHITIS, etc. The object of the advertleei In sending the Preecriptiou le to benefit the afflicted and spread infatuation - which ; he Coueolree to bo in . valtiable; and lie hopes' every eulierer will try his remedy, neat will cot thorn. 11 - ailing and may,preve o blessing.' Nato, wishing tit° peescdpt.lon will. pinnue m 4 time REV:EDWARD A.-wrLsox, Willlatztabqrgi Counly . Nosy York Nuy7.69.1y. • WIRI RAILING, Mall aumws,S tore Fronts, Asylums, &c: 'iron 'Bedsteads, Wire {Vol. bingo foishoellyd p o ultry yordo, Bras' - and Iron wiro,cbith Slaves, Feudere:Scroone for coal`, arose sand, /M., Heavy CrlmpOd Cloth for spark arresters Lai:asap Wlre.for 'Windows c., Paper News Wires, Ornamental 'Wire Works. Every Informs.' Con by addrosslng the manufacturers, N. WALIU hIt A SONS' No 11 North Sloth ',kept Philadelphia. - 12fob.alby. , - - • i'lltltOßS OF YODTu., gentlonten who suffered for 'yearn from NorvoUs 'Dobllltir, Premature Decoy ; unit till tilo effects or youfatful builders tion, wilt for tho sake of suffering • humanity, Sand froo to, all tvlati . toed It, no resslA4, for tusking tho single .retnedy' by which ho *as euistl. Sufferers wfsblieg to profit by abe rultidrtle er's experlonco can doSo by tbtrossing. Ite•perlSot coalldone, —• JOHN 11.0111:41N, e ' • No. 42 boar fit, Now York, 151477.00 17. NEW TCY-ISAY. ARLISLE LA.Nb ' ,AMSOCIATION; C . 11 10:11 - meeting of iltie-us9oHrttion-will-bo held at the Council Chuntbor t in tho Court Ilous_o,,on Om- fira - Pathruny of "February, it bring the fi lth of that month, nt 7 o'clork p. tatouloncia of the mettiknre Is eiirtiently rorplested. ' 20Inn8t C. P. 11U311tICII,'Sr.crohiry. DlifEM 'AND IMPORTERS; 002 CHESTNUT STREET; THU,ADELTAIAi xter osLy FIRST GLASS awns. AN rmidENen.YARTETY ou 6Q1.1) IVATCHES DIAMO IP, PLATED WARB, =1 FOREIGN FANCY.GOOCA All persons desiring really lino artich 11, reliable in quality, and moderate in price, nra csrlaiti to be pleased by our exceedingly largo and varied roller lion. Our stock is kept always ft, eli by tolditlons from first sources. Our gore Is pronounced ono of the moat elegant IR the world; and ally Nell. Oohing the city are rot:- [holly invited to call and Inapoct it at their leisure. 20Jatahly SALES BY COMMODORE PORTER, AUCTION SCR Fob, 17 Messrs. Alolteelotu kDO t Pen nebors ougb twp. " 18 W. n. Rieo, Dickinson twp. „ 28 Thorn. Shover, Wrist Penosboo o' p. Mar. 1 J. 11. Lnugaheelter';•West Pen oshrro' to p. •• 3 Oert.llnliOnthver, West PoonstonV try', " 10 O. M. Soso:, West Penosboro' tvrp. " 11 Christian /71419, Front, fro it top. 17 A. SlotnOst Ugh, I,luki orlon top. 20jah I= HARRISBURG, CARLISLE, AND CHAMIIIMSBUItO lURNPIaIt ROAD COMPANY. •Eshihlt of.tolls r..rolrohl, repoirsothol r‘ti, of the Caelißle, ;Lod Chain timilittrg.Turopilto Road Cohoptirty,..frorn tllo flint of tiattuary ho I titirty.anit of Deconibor,-liio9. inclusive, n• fcllowt, to wit h To amount of trllii re‘eiroil at nu leg,' 171,792 U 7 To alllOlllll of toll reteltTd from U. ii. I lor• tenon t, 7:.0,.9r To balance at rot ileinonf for 116 q, paid hat,, Cohort at January, 1164. 472 14 By balance of 1164, paid to rredit. IN, per art of Atteetzthly of IB•Jtt, 1828, and 1430, $ 47 2 14 By 11141 paid for topah, 011 t•osol for 14111', • 2,1271 411 By .totto Arep rtti sal.tritt, .. 1,3110 10 By inanngers' pay, - • " 375 00 By treto•ttrer'a wino', - • 111 n 00 Ily Stteretary'e nalnry, r, 'ls 00 Ity ito•olent,a expoonett „, 1.4 .50 Ity poeittgo, ntalioltry, .1 ri 10 10 .1,43.1 5:I c!try r:.~Lun•o paid nI"e ::.L1 : L t:1 i 1 r . 1 , 1 f A:tr.: fSO 91, L • 1 fy.4,..1 C.,' Med on °Mb O. a Oa', or tho 'f'ourt. Common l'lva4 I.County, day or.lanutto A. U , 1570. SA V MAKE NOTlCE.—'rhat the Court ol Colo. Pier. of Cllllll.or .Iri.l Comity. b ite appointed 'llneeilay the liventi•serimil dal et' Mllreb, Mt:Xt.:lt the Court ithltht, In the It sough of at, Itm., r hewing awl .1. tirmining the aims Of the ',rimed re rri.thlois ill° com pany, ago nobly to li , , mil of Ae.enthl) :nada for the said ereilitorii on , the ?met day nr Cleo id Al. th.. aforeiald Iline imil Wave, the pr, 1,1 . ' 111 (it .lilr rm.! 1 . 11. r eilitorii, are ia. , p4.1 fly g .not luvsen ad. oh!l also to Inteislila t h e "Ilue (Ito, 0111. , 11, :LIPS “.,..11 I ...Id ly original og tier,: and alio woof I eilati the - p' of thi it 11.1 V 00, A. 20Jatifit • IIT II r. I.IJUILT. 1V:()I'll:E.-- All persons who 1m0 , 4121, eroil4 111 , 11111'1 , 1g 9, 111.1 . 11/I , lint ',obi )'..1 !id 1.• •••1(1• 1,1; rt. lit , fir, it F 1.1 tl/..‘, li7l, oil At arroonlii 11 1.1.41 ..r ~ r 1 (lir prop, ~Ili,, ir fin . roll, tiosi;_ with excirpturil wi,l es I_ Plen a tier aii.1.,,,Xp..1111. Dir, Jalinaly 1,, 1,711. V.00a3/31 e11...1p J.P11,1.. 0 Nip: Oh' 43 5 AURIe 8 ! I and in filr rontliolion, of very g it 1 tintolliT• On: due gon-Ll fonoo. Orrionitt, thor-litit alel_l/1- good ototoll and rnonforliolito Bovelllng. Stain. Odx:Bi loot, Coin NVagion Ilnune, lion Ilourn, Spring iiton tont a roping of good watt r n r MO I) • e liog,, 0, 0 half in under cult Oval, Ir daunt, on \Wood and Timber Paid Farm I. nit:mitd on ithlo miler; no n 1 cry Critbk tPt tin on the Baltimore d <Pilo, It cool, at wl,i,h th re 11 1. 1 10 r ,, Port 0111 re nod hipregti Ofhin, n help nil hind., i,l Prodove loin 11. no ' , burg, a lar,le 111111 lliturinhing Ot lr, milt, &titan:,whir,' :l in potion arrAi id 10,01 1.1/1119 of Ctnnoiry Product, 29,111111er 01-11111) n tbitirry wheru good Lim roe e raw hail h r throw yearn or Alit.t t rl, and van 1•1 1 110r111 r 'right rlllll, per 11113..1 'Die Tell:1111 t n atonal Farm 1,0 nd Oh pant ) .r 500 Itonlittl , 11).00, and in nlotirt Ainm tl i, nuoitint might bed 1111 ell, Ily . lllll. 1,1111/.. In, It 1/e1 Well 0.1 •11:11 1.1111.1 1 . 111111 Wi I he 111,111011 101101 , on 1.1 du easy Onions Prine IL:S her Aerto. Also. no,' of Two Ija faired a rut Fourteen Acres at ito • p„r Arl o. Itoprovontto to comfit o Au ttool,f Two (1 ml Forirteen. acres, Ar $ 6 Tarr .1 c.v.. 6o Inuirovoldriiii Good rooter pomrrr 1 °Mi. no triune hum • is of e,.t d Tot. Ito, nur third clewed, red 1.11111, in II Tittilorr, which irotidliaii•lii a goo I . turir , of a' I'll, ro Iton Stn tiou Thor, Farin4!are eitontodidiir toil° l'ln cry oi, (fly thitor...t •• Rot rod!, at whir/ Shill/111 in more, POSE OM. rcild 1 nine 1 . 1..du a [dine. l/11.11 . 1,,Wtte • 0 I...ret nur van Igo laud for litre-' 3 6 1 nothior. 61iirtins bore, in 13 lIIIIre 1.1114611 i. . . All the above I. rational Ilre iv!, heathy. I Offer Oman a Itargatln, an I atm old, have na finally, and 001400 GO In Sleepy Criela SI Ilion, can' the Balaban., St Ohio Hal I , ad, la Fu - e ' , him. Farina, where Hamilton laano. esal., tenant on farm, Rtu ti vu all partlcalaint, and allow the Fatima. ' Address, A'. BM ITU, Aberdeen 11,rieni runty, Md 510,000 GUARANTEE'!. =1 First For its Uniii ; nl.l Wllll,llOll, Srcaufl. Far it. Unettuntell Durability TL rd For its Unsurpassed Coveting groporty 0:6-1.101y, G r its Economy; `u4 ' crnitx Irmo to onint, with Birk Loivi, than any other NVidie Lend notnot. .1110 weight 000010 Dl6lll 811011e0, ix 1110111 doritilin nod nialion wb BUCK ItFAD In the rhoLtpetit ittrlibttnt = I= raiz I= Thin], Yo; inj.; Pr7;iterty I;nstly, for Its Or of Economy being the i.heapest, luud•uumgt, null ,neeit darable %MN, Paint In the wolld. BECK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC ; TRY IT, AND DE CONY INC Sul' ,faction 11‘lut. , apti.1 by tliv \lnnu.fu•lnrara B UGH OT G 0 L ORA, for.Pitinthig Collage. Outbuildings", of every detierrption, Pone., &C. Thirty-flro oillerent Colorer, Durable, Cheep, Un !farm, and Ileautifal Shade.. _ Saninlo cede vent by until, it - cleared. Mailers' Mora %rill be immunity executed by the manufacturer. " N.:W. Call. 'rEN ; iII AND DIARICWr STREDTS. %PHILADELPHIA, 20.1411701 y CARPtTING§ . • • • •At our now nnil oTngngt Moro, 03 'MARKET STIIEET, A full Mock for Spring Solon of AX3l l lN i f v E r. l l l3 B l, , • • BRUSSELS, • : , , TAPESTRY, INGRAINS,' VENETIANS, . . DIATTINGS, OIL cr.orne & STEWART 035 - 31ARKilT ' ,• 29j1111t0:4MO" ' JEWELERS, .II4IVRI,ItY, I= WV,DDI NO Al INflt FINE PAINTIKGS, Ix EIEMEI 1=11! Eason IMIESI MISCELL ANE 0 US 7 t{ oil - 11E , NT - The Trouso i f .:Tii .4 , li ,, lial.:; , r io ti rr _itlol c . i, oll- t i , l n a t if i l l, : ; i n tr il t , t ;.l l l?7 -oCollpitd-- : - . Apply nt EOM PIPER'S Book Store . List of mielaimed letters remaining in the posipflice at Carlisle, Pa., for the week ending January 10, 1870 : Delialino, Mklianh .Tonne, Mr It Baker, D S. Kremer, John • . Berm., .farob . Lingle, Dr-11 II Buttorf, It II Luther, Levi II Drown, Junie, Meredith, Dr J IF Brandt, Lovi McQuote, Jacob (a) Beaten', Lewis Miller & Co' Dear. Andrew lit Udell, John Breakbrill, II - hicA lIIt ter, Rebecca Hear, Mien Adeline (2) McGill, Mra Oen Bistllne, Silos Sophia Orrin, Chriatopher Clapper, MIN Nary, A Pude ' Jitekson •i , CHM, Andrew Plilllipu, Chart. Cingston, Min Mary Paul, DIC . ' Criston, W,n (2) Real, John Clark, Mien Sarah .1 r Roberts, Thotnati It Coleman, Mn Lydia Roddera, Jinn. Coulter, klra Slake', Wm " Dunkla,lllr2 Ii Stouelt k Oswald • Fink, Denhitnin 2 Sheehy, Daniel gooimnger, Dradroril ' Sheibly, °ennui . Frhilly, Situate! . She:tithe ii, Tempest HIM. ,lolni C Snyder, "iilia Mania (linen, James 11 Tlionipaon, John , t ? . l i l u l l i;lit ' a h t, n ltev It Thomas, Lucia Upeltureli, John GI off, Le lidor I, Wrakley, Nathaniel Gookley, Noah Wollility, .l II i. Johnson, D WentfaD, Joedma . . A.. K. P. M GREAT AUCTION BALES DRY GOODS!! W`.- C. SAWYER & CO'S =I tryrii THE EN r 1 tI STOC K TS CLOED OUT I Our rtovit romish of all kind. o; FALL AND WINTER GOODS, SILK S, LINS mimisons, A I. PACAS DELIINRS, , CLOTHS, CASSIM ERRS, " SHAWLS, • CLOTfI COATS, FURS, to.d NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, 20 Patterns Fancy Silica, of all Shades EV.r. V tA =lE= =ll BAIWAINS TEAT WILL I'M G1V1;...N AWAY AT THESE SALES. • ME!IM! AT A 11; 11,1 N PR AT MCI V kTIIISA I=l • I 4 • I I. • ...3 Lt, ou IIL; 11, an, to...ll;eifl . y :11,.1 night I 17 .,, IS,. tiny mod mg,111: .1,1 night; .1,',111:111. W. C. SA INT VER, Co MEE GREAT DISTRIBUTION By Me npol dela (;/f in pair// ( ihe $2511,1011 vian TirKET I,ItAIVP gin., 11 10 Ci , ll gill., • ; kelt I`ll , ll gil 1./ 11 200 gills. each :11111 C'alh,,ifts 011.11 50 Elccnnl Itttnewi ad 01.10... ell L pliti h, iron sli 31. 1., •• to 100 50 Sewinc Nlio t. nirto 175 500 “14 . 1111 ' 15 to 3110 ritsh pt Fit vet. Ware,. It• ,all Cilload at $.1,000,000 A e 1.., tu.lrtw tiny of the a bOVP prizes for 25 cox Tickets al•oo'ril Icy prizes nre sealed In etWelnpes bind WI•11 , 00 recc pt of 25 relax a sealed tiehet Iy Jere if without thoice„, and sent by 'nail 1. , any ad 'I be pt ize 0001141 upon II will be delivered to ticket holder on payment, of one dotter. Prints tun oliatety rent Ito ally nildresn by ttxproinn or retinal 111101. You Dill iiIIIINV what:your Priv, bi beforo you pay It prizv exrlgan4l anolhot of some./ till No Itianhs. Our PairllllB dep.l4l it., fair -Ittleratexer, —We seloet the following front many who have lately - tire - ten rnhtnl•ir. vrte.etr. -- 4mll -- kintlly Permitted lie to vlOll4Ol there; ti Il Wilt:lnn. Buffe tt,: {11.000; yit.x,Aneio itlewesto. Chirego. $O5O, John D. 'noun., Louisville : ll 000 : Mies Ennui, Wel worth, Mitwittikee. l'inno, $51.0 Itov E A. rigy.Ni.e, Orhmux, SA,O. We plil.llol 110 11111111.44 .without• per ntikelott. • Otainitaiii of Elio ° lin firm 18 rellablo unif Weekly Tralainr, tact 8, '• kunt them to 1, 0 fair dealint fit "—N if roll 'A friend a u ra draw' it $lOO bilk., which 004 protapil., recoivoil " Daily News, fI 1 1 Staid f rcircular. Liberal iniltirottleolo to Agouti. SAllafaelliat cunt-alibied Dockage of onVtibitifiViiiinttna ono rash gift Six tirktoo for fl, LI (or S 2; 20 fir SO; 110 fur f la. All lettera xhonld bo'itililrt“eil to .I.ll'E SON, 310011 E & , 07N I'. ' rhllli GOOD \V ILL HOSE ('631-1_ 1_ P ,ottltl ottotturtett to tit° ett i7itnet l'nriltdt. ttittl • Nit•mity, tllnt wo intent) (Jodie tAl' llot Oft% on Ilittiover ittruot, Ity tt FAIR, I'1:~ 111'.11., ANI) 1:X111'111110N, COllllllO. :./g Jammu 29. 1870. Vt. would Nirtlesll, ucint. , E rrivild , (41110 111,111011 to 1110•110. On /11 1111111illg tllO vntel pH.. n litn!ee.. All 3 t 11 1 ,11 1 •011, 1111 mattua how trilling xdl 1p tlntnkhdlr tnrnici 1 by al* mt • min•r 11l 0111 compnuy. A nolog tht• 11111113 . 1111 dram nno MZ=ESEI FIRST CLASS SEWING RAG CA 111 !ET, CIIINA SETT, WARE, &c." We NSollid roil speelal attention to the fact that in addithoe to the G etival in our main hall, wo intend • . Folding on tho drat floor. on EXHIBITION OF PAINTINGS, FANCY WORE, owl AIIS.DELLANEOUS ARTICLES, to which nil Are requested to contribute. Airy fur. on losing articles which will odd Interest to this deparlinek nt the fair, who will mention the mom to ally member of the rompane, oUI hu waited upon by r commit ho, svho w ill given written ghoronteu for the 'aro rdturn of any'orticle oxhibitod, together with a sewn, Robot fur the fair. GREAT BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. The undersigned, Intending to change his businitss, Ills entire istocik of furniture 'AT COST PRICES. Ito but now i n hand Ihn birgea ant) Mont vorfrd ;.took of fionitnro over offorod for mile in Cumberland county, all nude of the bent material, MUd iu tine moot tleAi ra atylea. iloutiek repent, expeeielly those justsumoieneing, will find it to their advantage to cell and oannilite the • STYLE, QUALITY, AND PRICE of Ilia wares Were purchasing elsewhere, ito all mud he sold previous to Mai eh, at which time all remain ing on hand will he xlild at puhlio imetion, Sometime 14 April, f will .11 at.n4el.loll 411 my toolsomil_inntorinl..lll4l-41.1‘,441rand. come for liardalt. to D. SHE, North Hanover ntroot IMO AVALUABLE FARM AT PRI. VATE SA I.E.—Situated in Silver Spring town ship, on "Iltn railrostl, within L half tolls of Leitlig'e. Station and R miles west trf :Mechanicsburg, contain ing 60 ACRES, all cleared.. Tito Itnproventents ate' LARUE sToN 110USII, with all the 'necessary cult buildings, Largo Bank Rain, Wagon Ohm!, Corn Crlhn, earring. lions., ke. There IN a Cistern nt the' also one 01 Ow lean, n well of water in the. wash house', nil) a never Jailing stream of realer running through the film, 0 good - Applo Orotund, lately ton. cured and litnd„'with n entity of other fruit. The' farm Isla good enhimtion, until molt, good fence, in II good nolghborlioutl, convenient to school and churches. If nklt bold beton+ the fillit of lllttrcli,,ll: will tl on ho' for 11.11 t. Pnrhons dens roue to VieW.tiler property, ;will plioixo 011 tlittlntllA:rilinr, living Ott the faint. will.lie 101Ote 10!001111110110Ing. • • (11111170 A.41A1311. - NTOTICE.—'I.Iy virtue of a resolution of _LI tin; ste,kieoor4, tho Capitol Stock- of tho "ear tloreUttpooY!'liti houn Incromuil to -/Vt 30;,000 POLLAtiB. • • Sul,x , :riptio. to the mom 1111'110 'received at the oflied of Om cozliany, No. t, Mud Maio Stree,t., •By order:ol the Board of Dlrectore: • JOHN T, GREEN, President Jenalsms,f3ecrelary, , ajanTO SHOE AND HAT STORE' VOR SALE. Tho undomignod, whom time to wholly takon up by bin dullun to tit° Carlini° Shoo Company, 1%111, in colinegitenco thureq, null bin Store, Winded on tho 'north oiott corner of the Public Equate, whom Ito has done a imeemsful tinniness for many years, 'A . .., n nat• lafactory nation 'midi fneillili M (UM ho offered fur the prosecution of the busittmn an will a pectin , ' only ilealtablo •opporttanity to °oilmen. Cho: Mist lin Mires of Lim town. JOHN lIIVIN E. Wan% . TORE ,Rooni ruid Dwelling for S eplon.ll.l -Business Stand and 'Dwo,llner House, situated on North linnOver street, now in tho occupancy - of Henry Pokily, is offered for rent from' April 1, 1070: The Start) Homo and House will he rented either separately $r together. • For terms Ao., apply to W. F. SADLER: tljan7o-3t • • OTICk IS lIEREI3Y GIVEN, that a Meeting of the Cumberland Cininty Agrie , cultural boeloty wld bo bold In tho Arbitration ' Chamber, In the Court 1100eo,"at Carlialo ' ' Pa., on' Tuesday, Illiretary 1,1870, ea 11 o'cloelcin thu fora. boon. , 'A full attendaueo ie requolitud. F. order Of tit Soeloty. . 1.17.1V10 Y. OMB, ,AjabUt lhorocary. i 1 Ili iil '0)0 1,001 0