Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, January 20, 1870, Image 1

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How moot tho rest that labor yields,
The humble and tho poor, •
Thete - elta - the - patrlarch - cf thellelda -
before bin cottage door ;
The lark is singing In the sky, '
''A, - •
The . swallows on tho eaves,
And love Is beamlngin each eye
Benoatlt tho summer loaves.
Tito air amid Its fragrant bower
Supplies uuparehased health,
And hotrts are hounding the goworp
'Maio alenr to him thou
Peaco, like, the blessed sunlight, !dais
7 A - reltrid.blibutable cot,
And happy night and cheerfal d ,y 0
Divide his lowly lot.
And when tho ell Ingo Sabblth boll
. out upon the gale,
The father bows lire bead to lull
The rriitele erns tole—„,
A fresher verdure seems to fill
The fair and dewy sod,
Rad every Infant tongue Is still.
To hoar (ho word of Clod.
:Oh; happy hearts I to him who
The raVel . lB when they cry,
And mato tho 1111y.'neath thobilln .
tio - glorlotts to the nye-- ,
The trusting patriarch prays to blew
Ills Inborn, with Increase;
Such hays Imo " ways of pleaum to ass,"
And all such paths are peace."
Mine Cot I Jlino Cot I va 41al I
can not EnAlish sprakon ;
pa shust as Ehuro I speaks hint right,
So Awn I bore miktaken.
For when I nay I wants my hoer,
I mean tint Inger Oxon,
Bier merino Qom Binge dot full‘ridn en.,
Ven icy go lend 08 Mixon.
Poy Fay doy raise " a building,
Don " raze " it down so clone
Rays groans dots dingo do sun (rows out
Yen it URA - up to shin,
Meat" noans dam things god to eat
" Meat also means lingo proper;
Ti 4 only" Moto" to measure dose lingo
Ton steamposts " mote " the tt,pper
Elliot the sumo words Ilinang Oyoryding
It met:ee no buslnons. whether
You npholl him Ain or trailer way—
Von sunpin eltooA like tallier.
.I_ l l )nom cot l i l u li g o l o i. C h otul pth so k 10 ; r .. e_ known;
For when I" noon" I,spvsLkk him right,
I'y tom I I gets mintokuo.
Soon the Sacramento rnion,Qo J
Ono sultry day, whileroridan, seated
upon. a log by the roadside, was .atten
tively observing the passing cohunni
pail of iee water near him, attracted the
'notice of a trooper
,trudging • along. 0n,.1
foot. Wiping the perspiration from his
bronzed forehead with his coat sleeve, he
brusquely accosted the General, omitting
even the customary salute : • Can I have
a. drink of that ar water Remember_
big the severe etiquette with which offi
cers. of the regular army are .wont to
surround themselves, I feared the- soldier
might meet with a rebuff. "Certainly,
sir," said Sheridan ; "certainly," at the
same time handing him a draught, and
:adding a word of encouragement, which
causelthe tired soldier to_go on his way
Yejereing. Thus did ho endear himself
- to-those --on-whom-he had-ultimately to_
• winning of- his 'victories.
Whenever he• had. occasion to' repri
inroad a soldier for any dereliction of duty,
his reproof was always couched in the
most courteous language, and never
savored of harSliness. If a trooper,
tempted by a stream of running water,
' left the column for qte purpose of filling
his canteen or watering hislierse, and
afterward urged the animal to too groat
a speed in endeavoring to overtake the
same, Sheridan had only to say to him,
in the mildest manner, "Walk -youle
horse, sir ; walk your horse," to prevent
a recurrence of the offense. If it became
necessary for him to pass the column
while in motion, ho never crowded or
jostled any one, but worked Ids way cam e
fully along the flank on that famous
"black" which afterward rendered dhim
such good service on the road from Win
chester to Cedar Creek. Incidentally we
• may add that this animal .was a remark
able one of its kind, possessing wonder- ,
ful powers of endurance. Scarcely one
of the horses of - Sheridan's staff could
keep pace , with him while he walked,
without striking the trot. ,
Any service ;which contributed to the
general result Sheridan did not regard as
degrading, oven to the commanding gen
, oral. Thus for hours I have seen him,
with his chief of .staff, holding an inse
cure plank in its place until all his oily ,
•• airy had passed over the bridge. On an
other Obeasion, while watching the move
ments of a Party engaged in destroying
a lock of the James River Canal, .1 could
detect a sympathetic inclination of his•
body, corresponding to the oscillations
. of Sit) gate as it yielded. to the axes and
' levers of the destroying party. His for
tility of resources in overcoming obsta
cles was rematkablo. Every command
' operating indePondently should have at
tached to it an officer-of-the-corps-of-en . --
gineers ; I do not remember that Sheri
', idan had such an officer oil his Staff. In
the-Spring of 1865, an officer havingleen
- sent out from Petersburg with a-pontoon
' -train for the purpose of-bridging the Dau
• and Staunton rivers in order to fasilittite
the_movements of Sheridan's troopers in
• the direction of North Carolina; repotted
that, hit some unaccountable' manner,
Sheridan had' got across both rivers, and
• , only availed himself ,of the ponthonu er
„ his return.
In regard, to couteMplated ouniemehts
Sheridan was extremely reticent ; with
the exception of his chief of staff he ,sel_
doe confided hie' 'plans to any one, and,
•ins a Consequence, they wore seldOm be
: trayed.'
. .
While,, raiding across the country lie
' moved his command with so much color,
ity that it was almost impossible for the '
rebel-authorities to keep informed
whereabouts: Thus, in the Spring , of
, - '65, When reported at Richmond tit night
.as inoving,po Lynchhtheg t the fOlow . -
woill4.4o.nsknifdlog 2 kzansight Of AMP
advande ghWd sixty miles'menier Rich=
, The - affection existing- - bet7cen
dan,and the men serving under him wars
. unbounded and reciprocal. In alluding
to lds mounted corps,
o ho
.always made'
use of tho.expression." my cavalry.” • In,
hia . rap int' of the. attle of Vivo - Forlcs„lM
; says ho would have • been. glad to have
had the iiiXth Corps, which served under
• him id , the Shenandoah Valley, with hini
on that ocoaslon, had it,notbeen too far
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aWay. His influence over the soldiers,
under prosperons or adverse circum
stances, was marvelous beyond compro
liension. I believe Ido Stbt overrate in
saying that his appearane3 on .the field
v. , 4 equivalent in a reinforcement of
10,000 muskets,
At the commencement of the battle of
Winelieter he rode along in front of the
infantry Hiles, talking familiarly with the
men, encouraging them in the porforni.
anon of duty, and add hig,, in a confident
ial tone, "We are going to whip Early
to -day."
%INever (Want . dispatched Sheridan
upon any special service he had the ,sat-'
isfaction of knowing in advance that, if
within dhe range of possilVityegis in
structions would ho carried out, for Sher-
Idarl never allowed himself to he dis
heartened-by the most untoward event;
and when disasters accumulated and ae . -
featseemed imminent, he Was only stim
ulated to put forth still greater 'efforts.
I never saw *ear pertubed look
but pace. 'At Trevillian Station, in the
summer of 1804, he routed, the , enemy's
cavalry on the first day, only to encoun
ter a. larger ; force of infantry, sent up
from Gordonsville by rail at night.• All
efforts to dislodge them from a position
taken behind a railroad - embankment
were ineffectual, though charge after
charge was made with almost-superhu
man, valor. Late at night Sheridan
withdrew his cavalry and retired across
North Anna. In the early dawn, as he
stood by the roadside watching his env
alry filing past loin, I could see in his
flashing eye and compressed lips indica
tions of his determination presently to
reverse the situation—he the pursuer aild -
Early the pursued, ni•hich was so signally
realized at 'Winchester and Cedar Creek.
Possiissing, an unmitigated hatted for
the enemies of his country, he never dig
nified the rebel tatterdemaliontiOPMed
to him with the name of soldiers, al
though they fought with a courage that
could not fail to command respect,-and
witli a zeal worthy - of a better cause, Hits
most complimentary allusion was to
characterize them as militia. If, while
on the march, the "advance" encoun
tered serious opposition from the enemy
lurking among the pines, Sheridan
would say to ono of .his ‘tiff, with some
show of irritation, "Ride'cover to Gene
ral , and tell him to drive those peo
ple out of the woods. " Once routed,
they were allowed no - tespite - in their
flight ; at every ravine s was to be seen a
brokendoWn wagon or.-abandonedcais
strewn with tar buckets, camp kettles,
cook imp, utensils, and other cumbersome
rapharnalia of the rebel quartermastei•
and commissary departments.
In the Shenandoah Valley—Early put
Lo flight at Five Forks, Picket's division
captured or annihilated—Sheridan was
always to be seen in the van, rushing
after the enemy with the t . ipeed of the
wind. Scarcely had Lee begun his
frofn the rebel capital when Sheridan ap
peared upon his flanks as his evil genius,
sweeping down upon his train from every
cross road and by path, unlopaing •his
-dinnountipg , -his artillery and
ove,rtinmingliie baggaghwadons. With
half his annY.6ifiloyed,as train guard,
ho could scarcely ward elf these constant
attacks, until, arriving at Appomattox
Court house, on the eve of April 8, ho
NWS relieved of all father anxiety con
cerning his train by the sight of the
heavens lighted up by a great conflagra
So absorbed was Sheridan in time of
battle that neither shot nor shell, how
ever close its pro)OmitY , to,lihn in its
could ever disturb his equanimity.
At Metidow Bridge, our men were
thrown into some confusion by the burst
ing of torpedoes under the horses' feet.
Aside from enjoining steadiness on the
part of the men, Sheridan paid no at
tention whatever to the affair. At Cedar
Creek a solid shot, passing only a foot
above his head, failed to attract from
him the slightest nod of recognition. •
I never saw Sheridan more in hisele
inent than at Appomattox Court House,
on the ninth of April, 1805. In the
countenance' of every soldier .I could see_
the confident expectation that we were
to in a great' and decisivo victory on
that day ; yet none of us realized that
the end was so near,.., Sheridan's fea
tures likewise wore a wonderful look of
agimation as the long linos of Federal
infantry swept over the hills, encircling
tlio ,array of Leo. A hundred pieces of
artillery in position on the surroUnding
height's were frowning upon the devot. :
ed army of Northern Virginia, and
everything betokened a terrific struggle;
when suddonly the stillness of the Sab
bath succeeded the roar of artillery and
rattle of musketery,.and our aide-calup
rode along the:lines of bearing the joy-
Sul intelligence of a cessation of hostili
ties, and of a desire on the pai:t of Leo
to treat. for terms of surrender.
Even then the -indefatigable cavalry
and catridgo boTes of .the men be. , re
plenished with ammunition, as a contin
gency against the failure of the two . Gen
earls is coming to terms. Happily, the
ochasion tousoig never arrived.
That Sheridan was a difficult com
mander to servo under may be. readily
inferred, for realizing the value of *a
nimas of , time, and. the necesity of
prompt and enorgetiC action, ho exacted
freM his subordinates all that human
agencis of ild acaomplishl .auZi if any
ono faiied; , Or tardily performed the part
Assigneddid not hesitate to re
move him mimmarily from ; his 'com
mand. - Whether hinny of these cases'
he May or may not have erred, it will be
charitablo•to Consider that ho Keted fromi
the best of motives,. 'namely, the success
of the Union dame., On the other hand,
those -who :distinguished. thenisolvos on'
the field Le rewarded with rapid promo
tion, and with-ovory other favor it ,was
in his power to bestow.
Iriconclusion, let us refer-to , the bat
.h.a.g,ave convincing proof of • genius
.as a military' commandor. -The sudden
surprise of the morning and thobayoriet
ingof ilfo Eighth Corps men in. Omir
tents must be recalled'. to mind.,:jn „a
short time the entire 'Union army was
worsted and forced back a Milo beyond
311,iddletoiM. At 'noon - of- October 10,
the situation was appalling. Bald a
soldier afterward : "I thought at. the
timo that no ono short-of the of.
mankind could over convert that. defeat I
into a victory."-, Only the day, before
remembered hiving despatched a •16tter.
to friends at the North, expressing'a be
lief in our ability to cope successfully
-wall, our_adversaries ; I—wished at I tim
, moment that X had IhendetWsed letter in
my pocket. .On the Rebel side.:there
was joy and exultation ; on: our side
gloom and dosPondency.,... '..
At this juncture Sheridan . appeared
upon the field, having ridden tip in hot
'haste Winchester. Never before
did so much depend upon one' men i ' for
with him alone rested the - safety , of
thousands of precious lived, the : preser
vation of his army, and the security of
the Federal Capital. Yet he watt equal
to the emergency. Making-his way to.
General Wliglit's headquarters, - ho in-'
quired eagerly after the situation,. and
received ' , ,the despondent answer ; "Gen
eral, I fear the battle is going . against
us." " What !" said' Sheridan, his face
turning livid with indignation, "Early
whip my three .corps of infantry and: all
my cavalry ; ho cannot do it. , Before
night we shall hive all our camps back
again; and Early will get the worst
whipping ever 'ho had l" "Sheridan
has come !" leaped from lip to lip along
the line, and the men, no longerretreat=
' ing,' seemed ' inspired with sudden
courage, as tho l ugh by the advent of one w
man, victory as already assured. For
two hours there was a lull in the, battle,
while the stragglers returned again to
their commands. Then 'Sheridan ,pre
pared to carry into execution the plans
ho had already formed.. First, he sends
Custer with his division of cavalry to
the extreme right, with instructions to '
hurl his cavalry upon a limited, portion
of the enemy's lino, to vex, harass and
distress it, until he shall succeed in cre
ating a panic, when Sheridan, with the
rest of his forces, will see that his panic
shall comnumicate itself along the entire
line. The plan,, simple in its concep
tion, was successful beyond the expecta
tion of the Commanding General - him
self. The signal having been given,
Custer, ordering his men to draw sabre,
hurled his entire division with irresisti
ble fury against-the Rebel left, sabering
the men without Mercy; and trampling
them under foot. The Sixth Corps
sprang forward as if impelled from the
cannon's mouth. The other corps vied
with. it in impetuosity._ It seemed hardly
creditable that the men who worn so
badly beaten in the Morning were the
same who made that magnificent charge
in the afternoon. The enemy open on
the charging column With flity pieces of
artillery. . With' surprising precision
shells weic hurled into the solid masses
of infantry, . scattering and lifting
mangled corpses liiih, in the air. The
Federal batteries likewise were not idle.
Across the hills and down the pike they
closely followed. Sheridan, seeing ono
in an advantageous position, .turned to,
ono of his aide add said : "Ride dowp
to Captain—, and tell him to fire , fast
er, faster 1" - The message having been
delivered the detonations were almost
without interval. Only once did our
men falter, when subjected to a murder- -
ous fire from the enemy posted behind a'
stone wall_ The _survivors- pushed - on
and dislodged them with the bayonet.
The enemy-no-longer--maile-a-standT-Tlie
panic-strikenMen wore alike indifferent
to the threats and entreaties of their
officers. A miserable rabble, they throw
themselves into the stream, and hurried
on through Strasburg into tho mountains
with Sheridan's troops close upon them.
Over forty pieces of artillerf fell into our
hands. The cavalry' were occupied until
a late hour in securing these trophies.
An officer of my brigade, fearing 'a re
capture, rode back to Sheridan's head
quarters, - when the following dialogue
ensued : ;.,- '
Captain—" General, I have come back
to ask for a brigade of infantry to help
hold the captured ayCll rp, of which, I
.believe; we have at least thirty pieces."
Sheridan—" I don't believe it. Who
are you?" • .
Captaiii—" Captain Britton, of the
First NeW York Dragoons. General, I.
believe we have over forty•pioces."
Sheridan—" Captain; you shall have
two brigades, Can any,one of-my stair
furnish this officer with something to
drink ?"
Custer having come tip shortly after
ward to report his wonderful success,
Sheridan caught him in his , arms, em
braced him, and then wrestled with him
with all the playfulness of a child. Wo
had nothing to eat that night nor the
next day, for our supply trains wore far
to the rear, but streiigo to say, we were
not hungry. If we had suffered a ,de
feat, I have no • doubt we would have
been afflicted with a voraciops appetite.
Sheridan has alrba . dlWO - ii - for himself
a place in history, as well'at in the affec
tions of the people. If he should. over
'revisit 'this coast, without doubt he
would receive such all ovation at the
hands• of the people as no other man
ever reefflved.
Tlie'erganization of social clubs is be
coining morn and more proialont amofig
American youth. An old, merchant ro
tated in our hearing a few evenings sines
his °WO oiinerionco and ohservation in
regard to this matter. When ho loft
home to go into business in the city„ ho
felt lonely in the evenings, and longed
for some companionship. Ho was 414 7 ,
dent, and had no iniludntial'friendS ;to
take him into society. A. friend invited
him - to join a social club: They spent
their time in song and jest, eating and
drinking, and general jollity: Ho kept a'
list of all who belonged to the club dur
inglis connection with it, and has traced
their' history since. Of forty-nine, but
ago. Most pf:tho othors'ivent •to early
graves, the victims of intompernitco..
IVery few of them woro over successful in
_business;thOugh seine of.thein wore men
of fine business capabities.,,,Our
able friends
, thinks tho , seeds of their
'ruin wore sown - in the - club Morn. Ile(
iron vies, :Which I could riiirtiktertgiv
our whole country,' LwoUld say to every
young inan,:bswato of the clubroom, and
especially, the room of , a drinking °bib:
Many a younginan is ruined thoro bd
fore he is aivnro - of Ids danger.” •
The Osceola, lowa, Sontindl in a notion
, - .
of a marriage in that place; tei3is.of the .
brhie ::"13he is a merry, warm licarb4l,
levolheaded, truthful, little angel, man:'
aoinractexpreasly for the chap who „got
her." ''' ,
" •drit .13PIIIND. • •
13Y ar,v. T. pg.' :WITT TA.LIIAGIC
. Beene : A. crimp morning, Carriage
ton:like splinters of the sun. Roanhorse
flecked with foam, bending into the •biti;
his polished feet .dramming.,the pave-
mont in challenge of any horse that thinks
he can go as fast. • Two boys milling to
get on the hack of the ; carriage.: Ono of
them with quick spring succeeds.•. The
other leaps, butfails and falls on pert of
the body.where.it_ismost appropriate to'
falL , No sooner bed he, strrick the, ground
then ho shouts to the driver of the car
riage, Cut liehil4l"
Human nature the spine in boy.'as in
man. All running t 6 gain the vehicle of
'success. Some are spry; 'and - gain that
for which they strive.' .'Othors are 'slow,.
and tumble down ; they who fall cry Out
to those who mount, " Cfli behind I"
A political officer rolls past. A multi
tude spring to their feet, and the race is
in. Only ope of all the number reaches
that object for which' he
.runs. ":0 No
sooner does he gain, the prize, and be
gins to wipe the sweat from his b.ow, ,
and think how grand it a iS . fAi ride in pop:
plar, preferment; that the disappointed.
candidates cry but ; Incompetency I
Stupidity I Fraud I - Plow lot the pews
papers and platforms of the country 'etict
behind I",
There is a g,oldcn, chariot of wealth
rolling down the street. A thousand
people are trying to catch it. They run,
they jostle. They trod on each other.
_Push, and pull, and tug ! Those talk
most against riches who cannot get
thorn. Clear the track for tho racers I
One of the thousand roaches tho golden
rim and mounte. Forthwith the air is
fall of cries, " Got it by 'fraud I Shod
dy I Petrbleum aristocracy ! His father
was a rag picker I His mother was a
washerwoman r T knew him when he
blackened his own' , bbots . 1 Pitch him off
the back part 'of the golden chariot 1 Cut
behind I Cue behind I"
It is strange that,thore should be any
rivalries among ministers of religion,
when there is so much room for all work.
But in tome things they are much like
other people. Like all other classes of
men; they have one liver apiece, :Miner°
- and Balm - of them a spleen. In all cases
the.epigastric region-is-higher up than
the hyPogastric, save in the act of turn
ing a somerset. - Like others they eat .
three times a day When they can get any
thing to eat. Besides - thik - wo - somotimos
happen to find them racing (or some pro
fession, chair, or pulpit. They run well—
n'eck and neck—while churches look on
and wonder whether it.will be, "Miter, .
or the American Girl." • Rowels plunge
deep, and fierce is the cry, ",Go long !
Go long I" • - The privilege of preaching
the Gospel to the poor on five. thousand
dollarg'S year is - enough to'make a - tight.
race anywhere. But only one mounts to
the coveted place -; and forthwith the cry
goes up hi 'associations and synods :
" Unfit for the place I Bahl preach 1 tn
sound in faith) now is your chance, oh,
conferences , and presbyteries, to Cut
A fair woman passes. We all adthire
-beauty.--He-that says-he. do n't lies. A
cantingman who told me.had no admi
ratjoh for anything earthly, used, instead
of listening to the sermon, to keep'
squinting over board the pow where sal
Squire Brown's daughter. Wherever God
plants a rose in porterre human cheek,
wo must admire it,' whether we will or
not. While we are deciding whether wo
had better take that dahlia, the dahlia
takes us. A star does not ask the astron
omer to admire it ; butjust winks at him,
and he surrenders, with all his,telescopes..
The fair woman in society has many sat-
The boys all run for this prize.
Ode of them;>not having road enough nov
els to know that ugliness is more desira
ble than beauty, wins her ; the cry is up:
She paints I Looks well, but she knows
it I Good shape ; but I wonder what is
'the price of cotton I Won't she make him
staiid around ! Practicability worth more
than Meek • eyes I Fool to many, vi-•
rago !"
In many eyes success is a crime.
do not like you," said the snowflake to
the snowbird. " Because," Said the
OnowAjtice, " you qo going ei. rt and lam
going down !" r •
We have to Aldo that the man in the
carriage, on the} crisp morning, though,
he had a long laSh whip, which ho could
have made the climbing boy yell most
lustily,--did not cut .behind. Ho was an
old man ; in the corner of his mouth was
a smile which was always as ready to
play as a kitten that watches for some
ono with a string to offei - the slightest if
ducement. Ho hoard- the shout in Life
rear, and said, " Good morning, my son.
"That is right ; climb over and sit by ine:
Here aro rho reins : take'hold and drive.
Was a bol myself once, and I know what
tickles youngsters."
Thank God there aro so many in the
world that never out beeind,but arc al:
ways ready to give a fellow a ridtwliWl
ever ho wants ono.. Hero ISA young man,
clerk in a store. Ho ha's small wages and
a naothfir to take care of.' • For ten yearis
he struggled to get a higher place. The
first of January te'ines, aia-the head of
the commercial house 117O'ks round, and
says, 1 ‘ Trying to got up, tire yon 2" And
by the time three more years pasSed,.'the
boy sits right beside the- old ''luau, who
hands over the reins. Drive I" forthe
old merchant knew what would tickle
the youngster.: Jonathan Goodhue was
a boy behind the counter,) but his bm.:
ployer gave him'a ride, arid London, Can-.
ton, andlOaloutta, hoard the scratch of
.his pen. Lenox, 'Grinnol, and the Aspin=
walls carried many young mon a mile on
thelligh - roati tolcirtune. :
, There are hundreds ,of people whotie
chieljoy is to help others on. Now it ; is
nsmile, now a good wind y now ten Ad:.
lure. llfay such a man alwaYs have a carL
riage to ride in, and a horse not to Skit
tish. As he goes down the - hill
,p4k,the hraechingstraPbaAronpwgjpi
f4sllOrd - itik'VO - fo - 14'1Weiiitirfifts
doe:tothe end of this eartlfiire4'lieVill'l
haVe-plenty of frionds to, help him ..un
hitch; and assist hini oat of hie carriage.
'Qu that cool night it will bo pleasant to.
hang up the whip with Winch he drove
theentorpriso of a lifetime, and feelthat
with Who never out behind "at those
;who were strugglifig.
A. Louisiana' plgintOr had gnat oneness
in taming n young pantlisr, Until it look
a fancy to dine off iim, And it did.
An' ugnsta . lattor writer t 6 nib Port
land Argus, says :
lerew as a singular and - nnfortunate
scan • occurred this • morning, at the
-Stale.House. Mrs. Jane H. Thursion, of
Portland, had caused notice of a. ilble of
Vie Stabi,of ‘Maine, its rights, .appurte_
names, eto., to bo posted up on the door
of the State House. At a little before 10
o'clock 'elic'aSednded the Speaker's ros
trum and Proceeded, in a manner wor
thy of Henryßailey in hispalmiest days,.
to sell the State; One Senator-=Lid, 415-
000,000, and. another $17,000,060 ?
Representative bid $20,000,000; till at last
she made one better , and struck: it off to
herself, and took her seat, in thO Speak
er'a chair. - • - - •
As far as this all went' well 5: but the
time for the.opening of, the session. had
now arrived, and Mrs Thnisten was now,
politely requested to' come .clown, froth
her positiOn, but She 'declined to do se,
saying that she had bought in the State,
and must' stay and keep her position.
,Tho'olork - of the House 'of' Reprosenta 7
tivee, presiding? , then promptly ordered
the messengers to take her, out ei .et
A.sceno of great confusion ensued.
Mrs. Thurston declared =that she would
not-remove from her place, 'and especially
that she would not be'removed by force.
The messengers securedolidi.,' and at
tempted to remove her. ; She made eon-,
Biddable resistance, and said that she
would move if the officers -would let her
alone, but the latter were again ordered
by the clerk to secure the desk and pro
dna order, so that ifie organization of
thellouse- might bd proceeded with.
The members beg Mrs. Thurs
ton to go out quietly.- Some members
began to be greatly excited, and the feel
ing was decidedly unpleasant all around.
It was indeed sad to see a. wOman in so
humiliating a position. She grasped the
face of one of the members very fiercely,
and only through the, nterposition of
Mr. Vinton, of Gray, and some other
gentlemen, of Portland, Mrs. Thurston
Was at last persuqded to retire to the
Secretary's room, but the unpleasant
feeling was so girt the prayer :of Rev.
Dr. Bingham, which' was the first ser
vice of the organization was hardly lis
tened to, in spirit at least.„ By- degrees .
the feeling subsided, .• hut before the
morning session closed the subject was
taken up at 'every dinner"table in the
town, and the matter: was universally re
gretted by all as a Very - unfortunate Cir
cumstance, 'because the subject of it was
a woman, and one - who',is deemed to be
demented upon one cubjeet, although per
fectly sane upon all others. "
Mrs. Thurston was • afterwards invited
to go to dinner at_tho Central 'bine. by
Colonel Drew, Secretary of State, who•
said that Mr. Harris, the polite Superin. 7.
tendent of the State Buildings, Should bo
kept in. as keeper of the 'State property,
in trust for Mrs. Thurston, or the right.
ful owner thereof::: We eavr-Mrs. Thurs
ton in the State Library-intho afternoon,
still looking up le - gal authoiities, and her
friends tried to.porsuade her to return to
morrow. . " -• •
Stewart-gives-to hisk' retail house a
good share of personal supervision. Ho
arrives every morning, punctually, at ton
o'clock, andixemains, usually, an hour
knd a half. He is usually there from five
to half-,past five in - the afternoon. On
the morning visits, he consults with Mr.
Tellur, the general superintendent, and
never fails to go over the entire estab
lishment, tcf gain a personal knowledge
of its eo9dition. He inquires of the
clerks hoiv articles are selling. and stores
away the answers it his memory ; and
when he finds any lino of goods a drug,
he' orders thorn marked down, saying,
"Let us see. if people will take them at.
that." If they do .not, ho orders a fur
ther reduction ; for it - is an inexorable'
rule with him, not to carry dead stock.
It has been said of him, that he would
rather give goods away outright, than
carry them over a season ; but it has not
been assorted that he was ever reduced
to that extremity. Ho avoids it in the
first-- instance,- - perhaps, by this 'direct
personal charge of his retail house. Ho
knows 'every day exactly what'is in it,
-and exactly how every thing in it is sell
ing ; and ho is greatly aided iq getting
lid of goods of questionable pattern by
his intuitive knowledge of the finctuations
of popular taste. Women's xviiims domi
nate the dry goods market, which is, of
course, as caprichius ag April weather ;
but Stewart is never .at fault, and
promptly tacks with every change. Per
haps ho sees. the Signs of their cOthing
during those hours :aids retail house hi
the- morning- and in the. afternoon ; but.
if the knowledge be so gained, it is
sorbed without any ontward sign. He
seems, as he stands at the . eltieWshier's
desk, to be totally,imcanscio&P"of the
iwtisonce of any one, except theaubordi;
nate with whom-lie is conversing, andas
he Makes his way through the crowds of
Tallies, to the Ihihnrway door, whom-his
carriage, with aospau-or splendid 'sorrels
attached, is waiting, he moves without a
sign that he is aware of illeirpretkince,
unless be happens to meet a personal an
'quaintance, whou,a polite raising of- the
hat is all that marks tho encounter. His
attention during these afternoon visits is
chiefly directed to gathering idea of
the day's business, and he, -rarely, even
then, Makes an extended inspection of
the iireinisss.—Galaxy. • ".
. Which.will you do P ' Smile and make
your household happy, or, he crabbed,
and make all those sone ones, gloomy,
tMct tho, Older ones miserable? Tho
amourit.of happinese.yoncanprodu4
incalculable, if you can show a smiling
facc, and a kind h'eart'aud countenance ; ,
let, joy beara:in your oYes, arid love glow:
on your forehead: - There is no, joy like
:thatwidch, springs from a kind, act 'or a
Ploasalit deed, - ; and yoU : will feel it at night
when you: rest, at ; `,morning •whou you
aboutYQQ~;t business._.
A New Orleans wife, loft at home Ono
evening by, her husband who "had, bruit.
nen dcown tchm,",acce`ptcd t friond'ti es
cort tO 'the . . theatre. The 'fates decreed
that her hasband should occupy the ncdt
seat, with another • lady, the occasion, •of
his urgent business. As soon as the wife,
made 'the discovery. she leaned. over and
whispered viciously:—!'Charles, Who is
that'hussy you have with youP. "Sister
of that fellow yoahavowith Yeu.l 3 There
was no need , of father explanntioni
The . following is an advance simtmary
of the latest infermatiomin reference 'to
the crops of the past season, received at
the Department of Agriculture, the de- ,
tails of which appear in the regular re
pcirt for the current month: -
On the first of September; a failure of
the corn crop.of nortlibrii Now England,
appeared to be imminent. TWO weeks
earlier indications of frost wore seen.
The apprehousions i wore general that no
core would ripen, but fine Rummeriveath 7
er followed, continuing throughout' Sep
tember and part of October, with occa
sional rains, ripening the crop very fully
in some places, and in others leaving it
in partial immaturity. .On the warnr
slopes and good soil of Addison county,
Vt., and. similar lands, the quality is
equal to that of the besecrops of former
yearS, while in Orleans county the qudli
ty was inferior, though, the quantity was
an average.
The crop of New England will be less
than that of last year by about one-eight
. per Cont. The severe &Ought of .luly
and August, 'prevalent along the Atlantic
coast, affected corn injuriouSly, but the
favorable weather of later months great
ly relieved the seVerity of the injury. In
New Jerse4nd Maryland, and some por
tions of Pennsylvania, came reports of
immaturity, 'while'a gen Oral 'assurance is
given . of a larger quantity and a better
quiantity than was expected in the sum
mer. Virginia suffered severely by the
The drought was severe in North Car
olina, reducing the crop materially as a
whole. --- In Smitli-Carolin a- and-, Georgia !
the long session of hot and dry weather
reduced materially the yield in the ag
gregate, and the same variation in differ
ent circumstances of soil and- culture as
in States farther North. The crop of Al
abama and that of Mississippi suffered
still-less,. yet it is not an average one.
Texas shoWs an increase in some coun
The October freeze injured corn in
some parts of Kentucky, both in the field
and in tho,shoek, and wet weather was
the lost-in - the low lands. In Missouri
the crop was gen . erally fine. The ag
gregate of tho crop exceeds that of last
year,. and the quality is good.- A reduc
tion of 17 per sent is indicated iu Illi
nois. The wet spring and Cool summer
delayed the ripening, and although there .
were uo severe carry frosts, - the fit - Caine
weather in Octoberfound much of the
crop imperfectly naB4u:ed.,
In Michigan, 'Ms - col - Nib, ' Minnesota,
.and lowa the reduction in quality is still
greater. The only States reporting an
in - atifs - O - Ofiruatititritro; -- MinnesotaTTet=
as, Missouri, Florida, Kansas, and Cali
fornia. Louisiana and.lowa have nearly
The principal' corn growing section of
of the - West, will average a reduction=;of
at least 20 per cent. With all the in
crease of farmers to 'produce and popu
lation to and with an actual on
larging of au area under culture, it' is
certain that there was actually less corn
produced thisyear than in }BGB.
Cotton.'-The drought of the Atlantic
coast wac far less injurious to cottongtair
to corn. Superior cotton soils, well` cul
tivated, rarely suffers for want of rain.
Inftrior, shallow, and neglected:soils,
which produce small crops under the
most favorable weather, are' often-. in
jured, and in the present season have, in
many cases yielded meagre returns fOr
the little labor expended. Everywhere
the average planted is greater than last
yeari ,
The product per acre in the sea washed
States is materially less, with very few
exceptions. The use of fertilizers has
largely increased the yields of :those
States ; has given ,a bettor stand in fields
where the Omit had a feeble start, and
stimulated to rapid growth and early ma
In 'olio experiment repOrted, the first
picking of plantS fed with guano, yielded,
-September 11, a ten fold increase over a
similar area of undressed soil, and at the
end of the season the enriched soil had
produced-double-the amount-of that
enriched. The grasshoppers in some
parts of Teims injured that cotton that
bad been planted late.
The culture hi Texas ts.exteMling far
beyond its limit in 1860.- One county,
which made no return at date, returning .
4,800 bales, and othoilg producing it,-,Tor
the first time, average 300 pounds per
acre. Arkansas has made an average
crop upon a somewhat increased area.
Tha pricking commenced earlier than
"usual, and thti latter bolls ripen moro
thoroughly. ' - .
An examination of the 'crop tabula
tions which follow will show the estirna
ted yield per acre in each State, and the
comparison with last year, expressed as
percentage'of the crop of 4892.
Product compared with that of 1808—
North Carolina, 98 per. Cont.; South'
Carolinit, 85' per • ccnt;-; - ,.Cleordia, 05 per
cent-i-Florida,:-107. 1 p0r-cont,;-Texas i -155
per cent.; Arkansas, - 110 per cent.; Ten
nessee, 84 per cent.
Yield per acre—North Carolina, 145
pounds ; South Carolina, 122 pounds ;
Georgia . , 'ISO pounds ; Alabama, 170
pounds ; Mississippi; 201 pounds ; Lou
isiana, 700 pounds ; Texas, 270.pounde;
Arkansas, 251 pounds ; • Tennessee, 100
Thi, aggregate product, in accordance
.with returns received to this date, it is
little more tillan 10 pek cent above the
yield of 1808, or about 2,700,000 commar 7
cialbales,or 8,000,000 of;bales of 400 lbs.
Potatoea—Tlio. potato crop is very large.
The greatestcropis respectively in Kan-,
semi.' All of the" Eastern States,- Now'
York, .Now Jersey, and Pennsylvania,
and' all the , Western, except Mitinessote,
have advanced in: production, - :hut - the.
Southern States, exeoptino . only Florida,
I,Onisianna, and Texas, have roducedthe
- aggregate. The , sweet potato crop is
'reduction of ono-third , in Virginia and '.
Maryland, one-sixtli in !Kentucky, six
teen per cent in Michigan, with a alight
decrease' ,in Indiana and. Illinois. Mits 7
saeinvietts, West Virginia,: Michignn,'
Wisconsiit and the States, west of the
Mississippi, have seeneWli at enlarged their'
production: A fair summary of these re-
turns would sewn to ,itlicato . . an aggro-
gate reduction ‘of about 20. per .cent. ;
.„Wait--The apple crop was more thitn.
,•an average ono !Wait! West, With 'the ox,
coption of Ohio,. who're a reduction: of 50
per cent is indicatedl7:-Maine,Massachu
:mtts, and Rhode Wand made but half a
crop ; - Now HaMpshiro and Connecticut,,
_while 'Vermont enjoyed
nearly an average yield ; Now York and
Pennsylvania, suifered nearly one-tenth
.reduction ; Now Jersey,' DolaWare, and
Maryland produced crops, from full to
large, and the more Southern States re
ported a,yield generally small.
In Calhoun county, Michigan, -190,000
bu n sheTS—one-third of the crop—were fro
zen. In - Athens county, - Ohio, many
'thousand bushels were frozen - on the
trees. Similar statements come from all
parts of the West. ,
The orange yield has been large in
Florida. Frost has injured the fruit
buds of lemons but not the trees.
lifiecellarulous—Tho cultivation 'of
broomcorn is attracting increased 'atten
tion, and is found to be a profitable,
Southern crop, and yet the aggregate
product will scarcely be adequate to the
Wants of the trade.
SOrghum culture has extended far
southward, and beyond theilissouri, and
the mannketure of syrup has increased.
More attention than general has been
paid to the honey. production in the
younger States. In Kansas the buck
wheat overage has been
„extended very
Wo have learned that dew is the float
ing moisture ( eV the air gently floating
down upon the grass and leaves. of all
plants, which have become colder thaw
- itself. If, the grass and loaves be ,
come still.colder as they will do on an
autumn or winter night, the tiny parti
cles of vapor, which, in summer would
make dew, are frozen as soon as they
fall, and appear on the grass like brist
ling needles of ice. This we call frOst.
It does not take the form of
layer of ice over the blades of grass, be:-
cause it is the nature of the water, when
freezing, to take•a regulawforth r ite crys7
WlMPUVerivraCiareezes, little
needles of ice are first seen to shoot , eut
upon its surface, which make opposite
angles to etch other, all over the. world.
So it is in.our houses. The moisture of
the air in our rooms touches the cold
glass, and trying to 'crystalize, makes
the curious frost work on our windows
every cold morning in winter.
' A singular appearance is sometimes'
noticed on rocks by the road side, and on
the brick walls of houses, when in win
ter there is a sudden change from. cold
weather to warm. As the, stones and
bricks are still freezing cold after the air
has become warm, they condense and al=
so freeze the moisture of the air, and ar-.
ray themselves in a snow white garment
of frost. Schelars in school are often
troubled on winter mornings, "by the
- frost coming out of their slates," as they
call it.
The slates are So wet that the pencil
.marks cannot be seen. The moisture on
the slate, like the frost 'on the brick wall,
is caused, not by the frost, or by any
thing- else - -coming -out- of-- themi but
rather by the heat of the air going into
them. This leaves the vapor in the air
to settle upon therd in the ships of dew
or Trost.— •
A large collection of frost is often seen
upin the heads of nails, while uo frost
appears on the wood around the nails.
It is the natal%) of iron to receive heat
from any warm subaanco much faster
than wood does. So the - air, that
touches the nail, quickly gives up its
heat to the nail, and lays down ita mois
ture upon,it to freeze ; while the wood,
which is equally cold, being only able to
take a litto liCat away from tho air, re
mains, quite free from frost —Oliver Op
tie's ►fagazine. .
.I know it is sad to be young, fresh, and
attractive, and in a few years to be old,
faded, and forlorn, with a weight of care
never lifted from the aching Shoulders,
and the duties of six pressing upon a
foeblo pair of hands. It is sad to sec,
inexpressibly more sad must it be to ex
perience. I recall a dozen at least of
these hopeless women, Whom I once knew
as fresh young girls ; and •yet I think of
the husband of each one of thesehasten
ing home from hh: desk; and the long
colunms of voxatioaa figures, to take the
ailing, fretful child from Lime weary wife
and mother. -
Bometimmi tho fading of a woman is
unavoidable. Poverty is , hard to lbeai.,
but, after all, Mimi' is the result of plac
ing• out , standa . rd in dress, in living, be,
'yond our means, so mach that I have
sometimes thought the Fixed elas'ses in
the unalterable cohtannes really blessed.
'O, Sister, when will - you learn that a sim
ple dress Of inexpensive material, neatly
fitted, home surroundings suited to your
means 7 -which your noighliors know as
well as yourself-4fill domino to win ad-
miry ion and respect, to say nalung 4. of
comfort and happiness,• than.thesilks,
satins, vavets, and laces in which you
appear simply out of character and ill at
ease..? • This striving after the. nnattafu
'able is killing our :women; living in
houses beyond their moans, 1)0°4; if
at all supplied with servants ; buying
the most expensive materials, leaving no
surplus money to pay for the making of
garments ; following the conetant change
of fashion: and when some one witlimer,
ciful intent, provides a sowing
filling the leisure time it should have
given to endless Aucking, ruffling, and
embroidery, till what was intended for a
blessing haOsicemo almost a curse, A.
woman should devote •a • reasonable
idii dint of lioththonglirand time to her
persOnal, appearance:: But destroy
4ur charms in our efforts to enhance
them. aA little attention to the blending ,
of colors,
,to the style proiailingf to the
hang of a garment, as women say,
do - MON - ,:.A0 produce 'the &Sired, effect
than any timouriCof eiponSivo material :
177 4 i -4 6 / 1 14'.;;;;': ...................
.An Ohio clergyman' towel-all years, ago
received a bright now cent as a .wedding
foe. The other day he met' the bride
groom, who mentiened the pirinniuttence,
and said, "31y rife was a comparative
stranger to me at the time we were uni
tod,in wedlock. I had, not learned her
value, and paid accordingly.' .1 , find her
a jewel—so an additional fee,"
at the 'same time handing tint astonished
Minister a $2O gold piece,.
The report of the Gurvdyor General,
on Jacob.,lll—Campbell,-islull,-clear and
satisfactory. We subjoin such portions of
it as appear to us to possess most'gonoral
During six years, embracing the period
since the passage of the acts of twentieth
of May; 1804, the records show that four
thousand six hundred and thirty . (4,630)
tracts of land liave, been, patented, and
that the sum of two hundred and twenty
nine, thousand five hundred and forty dol
lars and. six cents 0220,840.00) was paid'
into the State Treasury through this de
partment, as Ugaiiist twelve hundred and
eighteen tracts patented, and sixty-eight
.thousand seven hUndred and sixty-three
dollars and fifty-seven cents ($08,768.57)
paid in during the six years preceding
1804. This augurs well for the present sys
tem of collecting these accounts, for if
the bare publication of the laur has
brought about so much activity, on the
subject of patented lands, it is but reii
sonablo to expelfi that the lien-dockets,
which bring the matter home to the peo-
Ple;, as they,do, by showing what tracts
are unpatented, will cause the great
body of owners of unpatented lands to
liquidate the amountsdue the State:
The act .?f eighth of April, 1800, which
restrains the Attorney General from pro
ceeding to collect the liens under the sev
enth section of the act of twentieth May,
1804, for ono year from the date at which
tho "county land lien dockets" 'aro' for
warded to the counties, respectively, was
eminently, just and proper, hepause it
gives those interested-ample-time to pre
pare.their cdses, and send in their appli
cations, and receive their patents, with
out incurring the additional cost that a
suit in the courts of Dauphin county
would impose upon them. But-it--is-not
thought,that it would be to the best in
terest of either the State or the debtor to
extend tho time thus limited. To do so,
would bo but to repeat, in another form,
the history or the 'act of' - 1830, tor
would induce procrastination, dud excite
hopes that still further extension o ime
or easier terms would be offered., The
mode now adopted for the collection of
these liens is believed to be the best that
has been devised; and a few years of' ac
tive and earnest enforceinent of it will
wipe out, do far as can be done, this long
deferred and unfinished business.
What may have been the controlling
motive of the State for its long-cohtinued
forbearance in the past cannot now be
certainly known, though it can be readi
ly conceived thatbefore the developement
oftlie resources of tlilTCommonwenith by
a system of public improvements, and be
fore the notivork of .railroads were con
structed, which neiii afford difeet means
of cominunication to almost every county
when money was very difficult to be
2 4ttiined, and the farmer able to do but
little more than make a living in the
sparsely settled districts—the lumber and
mineral-lauds almost valueless, because
scarcely any progress had been made to
welds making.ayailable the wealth con-.
tained in them, there were strong reasons
for allowing time to the.otems to fUlfill
the contracts made with the State for
their lands. And, further, it is true that
the lands remained a 'guarantee fOr the
ultimate payment of the claims against
theM, besides, the amounts in particular
cases, as a rule, were small, with the ex
ception of the accounts against what are
technically, known as " Applications"„
and "Actual Settlentents," on which not
ono dollar, in most instances, has over
been pftid. But now that the lands have
appreciated in Value to such an extent
that tho original price of them, oven where
the whole of it rromnins unpaid- (and the
proportion of such cases to the whole
number of liens is' very small,) is scarcely
an item when compared with -their pres
ent value, there can be no reason, either
in equity or public policy, why payment
should not be made and the titles fully
completed. How manifest and striking
the difference between the' leniency of
the State towards those owing her on no
'count of lands, and the rigorous collec
tion of claims against'other defaulting
Many additional reasons might be ad
duced why these long deferreil claims
should be settled, not the least of 'which
is the necessity and cost of maintaiini a ;
this department. If the necessary Meas
ures should be adopted, and the laws vig
orously enforced, I can see np valid rea
son—why all the accountsv of every char=
actor should aft be efitircly;l3 rZed in
four or five years, the department,- as
such, closed, and the building and ice
sufficient number of clerks
•to furnish Oficial .copies, placed under
the control of somo other department of
the State Government. •
The following regulations relative to,
issiiing patents are published for the in
nupatented lands.
I. The patent must issue (calm actual
'owner of the 'kind or. party holding title
under, the warrantee ; or to the exeCt
torh, trustees, or heirs and legal -ii3pre
sentatives of the pomon in' whom title
was vested at death, or to the juin
dians of ininor children of the deceased.,
11. Warrantees who ronyn the own
ners of the land warranted, and surveyed
to them, can obthin patents in their own
. (if no caveat remains undeter
mined) without furnishing any brief or
statement to title, upon payment of back
'purchaKmoney, interest, and fees,'
111. Executors, trustees and guardians
representing the warrantee, or his heirs,
whb -apply for patents, should - produce
evidence of their apppintnient as such.
IV. When the land has paised out of
the ownership of the originalmarranteo,
or party who took out the of ice,
the applicant for patent will be required'
to furnish evidence of ownership. • •
V. The Present owntir of a pert of a
• .
tract of
aiN _ lantsurveyod
, Thr i livtiATlV.&riteWfen4:':T;
patent in his own name, can obtain it by
• ,
having tho county surveyor mnkoieturn
of 'survey of Such part: lii making the
&mho the county surveyor should„be
,sides giving the courses and distances
and quantity of acres in the particular
part, indicate the whole of the original
tract by dotted lines. .Tho applicant Will
only bo required to-pay his propcition of
tho who)e amount duo on tho tract, with ,
fees. Evidence of oWnership, to accoin-
Pally application— ' .
S2,UO It your,
VI. When an unpatenteit original
tract has been sold and subdivided, the
- several - present - owners - may - unite — in7n,
application for patent and statement of
title, and upon-payment of amount due,
with patent and other fees, •a patent will
issue to them the said applicants, their
heirs and assigns, according to their re
spective fights and. interests, without set:
'ting forth the particular interest of each.
VII. In case where it is difficult to
submit the evidence of title required by
this office in order to obtain a patent, any
- onerot more of the - owners of an tin paten- 10
ted tract can, through this depaftment,:,
discharge the lion against said tract by
the payment of the purchase Money,
interest and fees shoWn fo be duo by the
land lion docket, and the interest since
accrued, and a patent can at any time af
terwards issue to those entitled to it up
on proof of ownership..
VIII. The accounts in the lien dock
et are calculated-to Juno 1, 1868. If tol
the amount due, as shownin its proper
column, there be. added the Interest ac
cruing from Juno 1, 184, to the date
of forwarding the docket to I the Prothon
otary, at the rate given in the column of
rate per pent of interest, and on this sum
including the fees (or when fees only
~ a re duo), interest be calculated,,a,t the
rate of six per cent, from the time or for
warding the docket, until the date- of the
application for patent, it Will gisM the
apount required to procure patent.
A statement of the miaount'due on any
particular tract or, tract's, or "any other
information in relation - thereto, will be
promptly furnished on application to this
Previous to the twenty-seventh of De
cember, 1762, £l5, 10s. ($41.33) per hunt
died acres, with the exception of war
rant in the lower counties at £3. 108.
($9.33) per hunched?
Prom the twenty-seventh bf Decem
-her, 1162; to the fifth - of - August; . rioa;'
£J, ($24) per hubdrbd ncres.
Prom-tho - fifth - of - Al:ig4cl76 , o tho
sixth of Aiigust, 1765, £15,105. ($1.1.33).
Locations find warrants from the sixth
of July; 1765, to the first of July, 1784,
£5 sterling. ($22.22).
From the 'first of July, 1784, to tko
third of April,' 1792, £lO. ( saG.GO I , ) phi*
hundred. acres.
Now purchase, 1784.—From the first of
May, 178 q. to the first of March, 1789,
£3O ($80).. _ .
From the first of March, 1789, to the
third of April, 1792, £2O (53 331).
_From the third of April, _1792, 'to: tiro
first of September, 1817, .£6 ($l3 33i)
for land in the purchase of 1784,east of
the Alleghopy river' and Conewango
creek, unimproved.
Purchase of 1768, and the previous
purchases. From the third of April,
4792, to the twenty-eighth of Mara,
1814, unimproved, at the cafe of fifty
shillings ($6.6 . 63) per hundred acres.
Lands in the purchase . of 1784, iying
north and west of the rivers Ohio and
Allegheny and Conewango creek, £7los.
($ 2O ).
;indrawn donation lands, from the
first bf October, 1813, at the rate of
$1.50 per acre. e
Donation' lands 'reduced, from the
twenty-fifth of. February, 1819, to fifty
cents per acm..,,
From the twenty-first of March 1814,
lands within the purchase 4.1768, and
the previous purchases, to be at the
rate of - R.lO ($26.60) per hundred acres.
Froni the first of September, 1817,
lands within the purchase of 1768, east of
the Allegheny river and Conewango creek
at the rate of £lO i 526.661,) except such as '
have been settled on, agreeable to the act
of the 'third of April, 1702, between said
third of April and 'lrk of September,
- Seventeen tovnships, in Luzerno cowl
ty—Prico fixed by the Commissioners,:
first class, $2 per acre ; second class,
$1.20 ; third class, 50 centi; fau•th
class, 8+ cents.
The present price of all vacant and un
improved land is at the rate (4 £lO (213.
GOD pimlitualred aCITA, except the fol-
Lands lYing, north and west of t 11 9.,
river; Ohio, Allegheny, antl ConewangO
erect, $2O per hundred' acres.
Reserve tracts near Erie, Waterford,
etc. price fixed by connffissioners.
Lands ingirOved agreeably to the act of
the third of April. 1792, lOs ($6.04),
and gti ($12.331) per . hundred acres.
'Lands held by 'Virginia warrants in Rio
southwest part of the State—the wa.rupts
show the termsr(Lands were taken under
Virginia warrants as law as 10s. periffin
dred.acres. )
3t, is the Practice in the Land Office, Ito
charge. for the excess of
,land above fen
per cent on fifty shilling warrants at the
• rate Of per hundred acres.
^ According to, the annual circular
of the Agency or New
Yorh, just published; there were in the
Uftited States during the last year
-2,799 failures in business, involving liabil
ities to the amount Of $75,051; 000.-IVOr
tho year 1808 thero woro 2,60E1 failures,
involving $63,774;000 of liabilities. Tho
amount of failures' the lastyoar was more
than eleven millions over that of the year
before. In Maryland there ivereB7 fail
tires, with] iabilities amounting to $1,285, 7
000; in Virginia 59 failures, with
the amount of $1,400;000, mint in
the District of Columbia 14 failures, with.
$lOO,OOO liabiliti4s. •
; We pass.foi what WO M. . A nian
passes for what lie is worth. Vory idle
'is all curiosity concerning other people's
estimate of us and' all fear bf remaining
unknoWn is not less so. If a man Icylowa
that he oan dp:anythink 7 -Icno4vathat 'he
'can do it l ett.r . than any one elsohe
1 1115 -.-9;4.9ft-s9o,„ o lkttig9T.P l iq f th#
judgment days, and into ovory engage
ment that a man enters, in overy . netion
that he .attempts, he is . gouged and
• --- •
A Illbernian ,800ietyout: West, spealc
ing "The only way to
stop it is to make it a, capital, offense,
inthishabld with deqt h I".
When innst Tlyno - ! lona 'up liis soktlio
Whon ha lui lbono mowor. • •