_EIARRISB_U.RG_LET.TER._: llAltnlsnunG, ,Ta . nuary, 11, 1870 :As might reasonably ho;%.:gpposgd, the fegislattire has notyet bec'nyverwOrket, The House after organizing and recjiy log aild reading the Clovernor'sniessage, on lust Thursday adjourne'd'until"rtil-s -.lay arterinon of this week. The Senate remained in fiession one day lom.fer, but. en Friday it adynirned to the same time. 11, however. made some start toward leg- , islative - werk during the days in which it sat. Fdciay, Speakeil Stinson an nounced his committees. It is not nee-, c ,7 4ary that the list of them should be. von la-re, as to those Who are not 'con nected with the business before thein, it is not iiiTortant or even interesting to li;, t• it. It noticeable however, that ::cnal or ti II i ngfelt was plactatl at the head Cominittee,- instead- of *--enator Connell, Mho has been the chair ni tit for a number of sessions. This ( sommittee is the most important one :IA ill have ',mite extraordinary ditties dttr ,M, the present session. (lit Friday tall, mini. Lowry offered . a Vosoliftion re , •l ing it, toiutestiLatethe :onl to inquirt, into the ill 5\ hit h the 11Iplley is received, and where - it is kept. and Ndictlier any dh - ,gal list) is made of I hc'same. Senator low and also otifered a I 'solut-ion, extend ' log the invesligati,ill of 11w Committee 'i - 7;; A• the last thrue — ycitis.. Binh Conimitt(-e will lierefore have :t little performance on hmal which has not. been heretofore - On he bills. It- will doubtless gi,7e them misidernble labor, but, it the investiga ii:,h will 41nonsti'ate thatoivory thing Is ,ight about. the Treasury, every, 9ne will heartily rejoice at. the re:„.ttlt, atilt should their invesiigation tablish a di ll'erent ! . late of things, this, of course, will be the first step toward correcting On 'Friday in the Senate, the Commit tee on tile contested seat in the Somer. .A-1, district, reported- -the majority - in ravmr of Scull , : a id i lirninority in favor 01' Findlay. F.ena tor Wallace inujucdi alcly attacked the majority report, in a set,‘ exhaustive speech, but, before he through the ` 4 onale adj.;urned until totay at four o'clock. The House hall etd Hulled on Thur,l.ty until this morn- lu hIS \ (11.1,:ite t . cotif estpl t vas cmil hum( 1'u:111;m, Btivhal,w, \tile I.mcrc. 1)a \ (ihn,t..ad, Irving am 'll Al hall-pa,C II 0'c1.,4.1c a v.a, tatiat_c.9l_ thq vc.lllleAl ',•iutto, \ y 1 ' 211111.1g I/1,11 ,j)1111he I)t•in.•rats, the :.;.ling :,mot party silo.. v“tc. .1,1,10,11 Iliv"iv.olitti,,l7,-and r. (1 01111 111 1 1 :11111 . 11111 1 11 In 11 I,ol ' ll. floc iLr ,„1,1.41 bcci, rind ! ,y, hi, ..m.notti. pre,ent.,l I H nst.lr al t Spoalzer . ,-; mug )li.. 41(•- •.1.11) . (1c(1 I hal he be 1, \\ I ‘ olll in. The tle( idetl Vat 11 , 1 11111 400- 1101 11 , 1 1110 1 11 '11110' ;1 1 1 . i1P11111011 11111 it tu_ ISOM . Thc.proceedin.,;, a 11, an . lilll,lllVlll/ eharflClt.,l:. A commithal, appointed to 111:11;0 arrangements Toe inanguratioz)'on 110.:t Tue - ..day, and .•ec to investigate the Tle:yany trall,:te '‘vas pa,a.ll, .1% mg l'nolon'N ni;.esl and iHer's Monnal to enell member. 'The haplain ,ine...tion was I.llom '111):ind in finitely postponed, I.oidig to pay tln. hill fur prayeß. by Nail .: IMO ions from the members. After • ins ilel;ate nn thesloyst ion of printibx • ;11 . 1 . 1 1 . 41111, tim ilouse proepeded 11, nom iiialc for Slate 'Try:l,lll:er, to •,!1.31 Tor al. the ele, !ion to inorrOiv. '11:1,1,.v. Fry, Ire in , fa.ni Zeigler, Brower, .11.4 l• gore 11 , 1111111A(I'd. The elcul j/1: 1 cci, teseicid the earten, mond ! yclininl,v hi rioted. The pi emir.:t ,oh.. for the !..e/snal albs! ~r liars Isbi e b i s t o glare on Tin.....11,t‘ nest are in pil- It ~t iid i. 11..; are that there Ili ;10 II imt , t , 41; , 4 millilary and civic m (2aito a number t tt' milita r y or, mat ;;;;,1 toriet Ms , mestad and this tilt' will la , lilltil ti; trarrhlmsi,t,t. .tilh Ilt• thr itati.ttottratittit i s it, al l at 'I, la I.ot.tkiatmt• it ill ;411 ire lt 4.l'h tutu h(' 111(, it , ill , . that tilt; ;;; , ,itti; ;still I/0 ~lilliallll irvagat ie-11141 it uuu.t Lc :)ohuiticd tllat the "strong winded" tvonton .sonnsii inos say thi ngs ‘cell Ivorlhy to be re:ulatid in s eil . el this creilll a Silt - 44'11 a -11111'- ivill al tile 1,11 ill NeW : ..",111y fri wTh, Las it rr ov,m;y e d to \vhat n emumealary 11111 in 0111' ritilizatinunrr.lheeeloei: and the illtile'”l.,ociely l ova l them? lit child ‘vliiilt:coluiittinity is litt:silort, to -1,-,41(..q.c it, 1., its * mother's arms. Wind. I . t.j.,:eino's when it ie found ; what tearful , pipalliy, what bear! iiiuss fir If ill There are no harsh eganneins noon the poor, tired let, be they never so miry ; 'no - reprlinanddoi-the soiled and torn gar ments, no lark 'of kisses my the tear .st :tined facts., But let LllO child be. grown to Avonutnhood, let her be led front the enelosure of morality by the voice of.- if. f;etion, or driven limn . it by the strong ,erargo of want —what happens . Don? Do (Trist lawmen and NV . OIIICII gO in quest of tier? Do they provide all possible hrlirfrn her - refirniorT . it' Ote - relnink7of her On ti motion, dO they receive her with such kindness and delicacy. as to Seem() her against yandering agaiw' Far from it. At the first false step she is dinionneed as hist --hist, 'echo friends and relativ.es— wo!di;iiiwn you ; . don't czer conic near us L-tlii-tgraes 'fat,st, says society indif ferently: now bad - ifeke . girls aro ! And lost--irretrievably lestis- the prompt verdict of' conventional rtiorality, while one and 'all unite in holtilii; every door' between liel' and ;respeittability. Ah will.: not- the s e lost ones be•regnired at our hands in the great Ticdeafter.',' . IM=llll , Tim total numbesr ;rayed of Hohlierti. who (lied in defence of Iho Americans Union now recorish4l in the printed 'forms published by tho •Quartermaster's partment funounts to - about 193,000, Therd.yet re s main to he printed the re: eor s ds of about,loo,ooo graves, making an aitgregate of 800,000, of Which -tb61141 - 11CS Or 100,000 61C(Mpallt ti will probal;l3Aievor. be known, Smith ana . "..Tonts :were ,talking about fencing, ihe• amt of 'self-defense and .the like. , Sninh }•emmked thathe bad seen it inn fende. "..Pooh 1" tqtl(l Jones, "that 'have seen ti }nit . - A'reps . on Why a piano .wq's not say' eclat. alike .was boqiniso none or tiro fitoinen could plai on it. ' • BRIEF ITEMS. • Wyoming has 700 women voters.. The State debt of Nil .Jersey ig over $0,000,000. Chicago has erectod . 7,783 buildings `in two years. A nephew of•J. C. C Calhotin is 'Ai Area ear conductoii; in - 'CliarloSttni. Boston has increased its debt. over $3;- 'OOO,OOO the last year. nlniost equal - to Italian has just been',found in Arkansas. - Quincy, up si l olio,ooo uoim oPintildings in 1869. There were 8111 eleaths.by violeneo in Chicago, last year, Michigan lens nearly 10,000 to:wheys, four-firths of n•hom are women. Fifty •ti onsaud dollars has 'been subscribed toward startiug-a- ear maim factrir:ii,i, Arlington, Vt. A , Boman sculptor is engaged oif 41 bunt or ";:onser. cox. yort 'durin g 180, there were rurty-twe wi4rtlers inl but throe convic t:env:. The family of I he late Mr. i;La Mon have gone to Steuben Ville, Ohio. Five thousand consumptives resort. to Minnesota every year.. The failure of Clark, West A: Co., is announced. Liahilitics , $llOO,OOO. nip() strawhiirrics were picked in the lends of Oredom in December The Roman C'titholh) churchjs in this conntry mtiulltr :1,1109. " Tlie Eidden is a - popular play with western gamblecs. s• lt eontnitin the three missing , jacks. Portland, 31e., has 50:ductors and 70 lawyers, and yet remains healthy and br (1(14: The battle field of ellancellorsvillo has been bought by a gentleman from Balti more for $8,300. 'A gentleman from Texas has engaged 200 Chinamen in San Francisco to work for three Years. . • Louisville now claims If population of 150,000—and a NVOIIdVIIIII growth in the last ten years. • The 'Hartford 'Coarier . thinks tliat, the ratification of the -Fifteenth Amendment will unld 1,500 to 1,000 to the vothfs of Connect iota. • broom factory has been Marled at Jacksim, Tennessee, and farmers are finding a market there fi,r their corn at $l5O to s^otla ton. - A - c. o . larTnitit "yr gitturtimmT - -1 sa adella of Spain, and Francis the Second, of Naples, are now residing in the same house at Rome. The nuinber of English It;piseopal bi,hopg ix '2B, tlw average Indary being abOut iQt,oon, raging from sla,ooo to $.lO - per annum. The Erthtern Eai!road Cieepany of En are fitting up two new cars to con vey 1116),ot - 1y - of 31r. Peabody front Port land In Peabody. A Milwaukie hank was lately tile SCOIIO of a curious incident, and only just eg caped'a heavy:financial transaction. An elderly, well di f essed gentlemen 'entered the bank and drew a check in a business, like manner, which lie passed to the pay ing teller. Upon looking - at tile signa i4lP(` the teller was some what—tirprisfid litol it was that of no legs distinguished a person than Vanderbilt, and the check was drawn fair the very baudgOine little gum of ten dollarß. The gentloinan appeared unconcerned, as if lie wag accusionns.l to draw these little eheek's every day ; and a scrutinizing glance cons'ilq:ed the teller that he was insane, and might be a dangerous (mato-. mei.. So he asked him if he Was in a - liiiTry;TayniTiliiitrrfrialie soli WiTiTifolo 'vomit the money. •The strange': said lie Wasnod j that he had conic on to Mil wan]: ie to buy t he Detroit and Alilwatiltio Railroad ; that he had made the pur chase for $10,000,000, and if they would tify the cheek it wovld answer all put - - I.l>es. lie cMitinued to talk eAcitedly wiNart—what war, going to do with the midi., whltt 'a great, thing it would be for Mile until a polieeman, who had been ,ent, came in. The stran ger Pim ed to be a Detroit, -gentleman, who was !:atifering under temporary. in said! y. lie was pei redly harnils, and though ho created something of a gensal ion in the bank for a few minute.. • Who is NI NO to death by ladies wi,th. marriageable clhOgliturs?—The bachelor \rho is invited to tea and evening par ties, and told to drop in just when •it is convenient ?--The bachelor. Who lives •in clover an his days, and when he dies has flowers strewn on his glove by the girls who 'ernihil entr9 . Lilo'?—The harhelor. Who goes to bed early, bemuse time drag g heavily «iIL Lim ?-TL(., married I= Whu"fieta a scolding for picking out the softest part of the lied, and, for Wak ing up the jail iu the morning?—The nyirried Man. Who has woi)d to sp)it, and marketing to s ilo, the- young ones, to wash, mid the lazy sprvairt atolook after?—The married 111511. • Who is' t alcenop for whipping his wife ? 7 -The married man. \Vho gets divorces ?—The married IMIII No fragment of the army ever received half sotnany.bullets :IS the Bible no cit adel, ever received half so many Beiges ; _Mt rock was ever battered-by-So-many. hurricanes, and swept by so many storms. And yet it statubi, It has seen the rise and downfall of Intniel's four 'empires. Assyria contributes a few multilafed fig urme to niches of the nations' museum. 3Jerlia and Persia, Mai Babylon which they conquered, have been sweigked in the balance and found wanting long'age. Greece faintly survives in its historic. names. ''titt'living• Greece mono; „ auff the iron dome of tho"diesars is held in' precarious occupatiou by it feeble Jind. And yet the book which foretells all this survives. While, nations', kings, philosophers, systems, instutions, have Aleirtiway, the Bible now engages mini s deepest thoughts, is 'exainined by the keenest 'intellect, stands revered before the'highest tribmtals7; is more rend, and sifted, and debated, more devoutly loved, •0u<1.2-oore indlistriousiy . translated and freeiy,glVen to the world; more honored and abused than any book the world over saw... It survives all changes, itself-un phangetl ; it sees all things decay, itself incorruptible ;.it sees inyrilias of _other books engulphed by the stream of, time, yet it is horha :pen till the mystic angol shall plant his lost, upon. the, Soa,. and swear that tipe'Artll be ne'tuore. C. 7 , . . . . , _ A good real, estatn'specidation is mi nced in,,thO•Ohio papers. A. man midi bought' land in. Perry county, in- that State, a kw years agd for V3OO, ;recently sold one-half of it . for $4'10,90.0.:". . ',..,' > .! 1 PERSONAL. Sirlfelary Buhverrhas sienily complet : edhds life of Loi;d, Thilmerstoly- .liittimef F rayloys if biiif!lo first 10ing pqpuhitrity in'Opyn . mt9r , .. . •', 4'ilerng . 'fkiurtOlibnv,r 7 tviices Tours m• 03,1 -Joe . .Tellerslin is tm'gli , c'alenciit forkthe Confederate Belief Association, while in Memphis.. ;taptrtin Peter E. Falcon, a Bostonian,• has 'inado the first 'Aploratien . of the" Chicago lake tunnel in-fliver's•costume; - Dr. Dallis, of llio Noo• Yo;•Ic B:initdry Commission, is alioiit Co 'imis'ocilio• di iiY era iri Ileo,rge-pout.Well, of enmity ; Pa., has left for gngland lo iveeive n for tune of $200,0061. pCopesty has been , in,ehancery ;E(1 years.. • lllmanitel C. Iteigitri, of Lan ca t r, Pa., who.diod last week, aged W, years, first nothinated the Thin. Thaddeus. Stevens in. 'Congress.. .Tudge ITayes, or the Supremo Court of Ohio,has - - resigned, with - the 7 - purpose - of entering into a law partnership I). L. Vallandingliain. Mrs. liing,(>l . Adrian, Michigan, baptismal robe; composed ef^linen and lace, and richly embroidered,' which is over 200 years old, and has been iisedfior five generations. ' ' 12 • Hon. Win, Coggin, fit:nerly a mem her..of Congrei froin Virginia, iind can didate for Co'vernor, iic 1810, died on la 4 Tuesday. The editor of Kentucky paper claims to have in 1“s possession, the fomaliawlc winch TeeunisCh threw at Col. Richard A. Johnson, just before the fatter killed ' Aiullie Ileplitan, a dansouse, at the Memphis Varieties, was married to a yhung, limp from Mississippi, on Sunday, and soon after eloped, taking hiqoeket hunk with $1,500. MISS Vinne Ream Nitrite 4 to Mr. Clarke,' architnet of the Capitol, asking him to use his influence to get her a commi'sson for the Capitol, as she has oxpendo fiertr ly all her Amoy in the pursuit of hell std.: dies,'and may soon he ill need. Lie . otenant, E. P. Colby, of ehe United States Army, committed suicide at Jeff erson, Texas, on the thirty-first ultimo, by' shooting hiniself tbfong,ll the 'head with a revolver.' Ile. was a' son of S. Colby, of the Treasury Department. Colonel Pitehlyn, the outside delegate of the Choctaw Indians, insists upon a and has called upon-the Commissioned. of Indian affairs to protect the rights of his paople, under the treaty which prevents the levying of any revCiiiretax open any of them. George Curtis thinkti tho puLlia service in this country is more Avretebedly performed, and at a higher price, Milli any private work. Lucretia Borgia has been white w-asl'iod" by an Englishman, and another Englishman attempts to show that PO cahontaS was a very naughty girl. Major-E. Moore, of the West Ches ter Republican, is a'candidate for the of fice of Appraiser of Customs of Philadel phia, which was recently resigned by Dr. Worthington. SeerettiVy Fish has'botified ladders of claims ngkinst Mexico; that the same must 'be', itit.c:nte'd, before the commis sion, now in session im Washington, on-or before the thirty-first day of March. • Rev. - Henry Ward Beecher,' of Ply month Church, - Brooklyn, on stated, that he had tried Making visits on New Vent's day instead of receiving, and he rather liked it as far as he got, but he only got a fro• bh,eks from his house, he visit ed negnaintances. ITe propoSWl therefore, to adjourn -- New Year's day until Wednesday neat, when lie would visit another fraction of his friends. Mrs. Irwin, a sister of Mrs. SI onem all ,Taelison, has secured a patent for an im provement in the construction of houses, which, it is claimed, will create a new era in architiieta d re. :Nips.. Irwin proposes six walled Cr liexagonal apart meets which are not only much liandsoificr, Lnt really i•lienper than the quadrangular form. A wall' of 80 feet built in the hexagonal form encloses a third more space than the same space of wall I rill i the squar e form, and airtliese: hexag,anol rooms tit into each other without loss of space the gain in the entirt• building is very great. The use of mica hi spectacles, for pro tecting the eyes of workmen from the heat ;bid glare of the ilre, is rapidly com ing into general fayor, and comple te" masks, ;out evencylinders entirely en tirely encirelit - the head, are sometimUs Used for a similar parp'Use when a greater safeguard is required. Experiments have lately been made in regard to the man ufacture of blue spectacles from this ma terial. The best method of accomplish ing this has been found to Consist in the use Of prates of dransparent blue gela. tine • lixed bet - weon two layers of mica, thus protected from the action of the heat. The 'experiment of applying the blue coloring matter directly to the pair f,ice of the mica itself, failed fd eims& gnome of the impossibility of foiming.'a suitable, combination ; but the gelatine layer, as indicated, answers all Alio put ,poses •qeSircd. The following information, concerning the crops of Pennsylvania, taken from the Report °QUI° Commission of Agriculture for the year 1869, will hp found.interesting to most of our readers. The differeidclops and-their--values :ire-giyen - _lndian Corn, 31:,979,000, busherS. Nmri ber of acres, 913,635.. , Average per acre, 35 bushels. Value per bushel, $1.00: To tal value $31,979,000: When!, 15,300,000 bUshehi. Acres, 1,105,312. Average per :Jere, 4.-s bushels.' Value per bushel, $l.OB. Total' value, $30,201,000. . 0,588,0001' Acres, 490,818. Avery age, -13.2. Value per bushel, $1.32. To - .M4value, $3,656,56b. ' ~. • 'Oats, 55,108,000 bushels. Adtes, 1,052,302. AVerage, , 37.8.- Valna •pci bushel, 64 cents: 'Total value, $35,269: Barky,••=4o,ooo bitshollt.' Acres, '27;- 510. Acrage, 21:4.:Vahtc per $1.64. Total Vnluo, $067,600. ' ; . Thealo heat; 8;22 , 40001.)611els: ' Acres, 408;424. 'AT6rage, 16.5: ptii• Totitl $8,064,100. Potatoes, 11,84.2,006 Ao'res, 135,081: Average,. 88.: Yalu . ° pei• buOlel, 83 cents. ' Total value, $11,022,- 800.: " H 4; 01.7,080 t'',l)Ottailii. • Aerei. , '; 5,500.; Average, 825.: Table • B , c9tits. ' Total - Value; $800;380:' 73af, 2;448,000t0tia.' 'Abreii; 1;819,883:' Average, 1.85.' Value per s •teni ° slo:oo. ' 'total value; V10;108;080.. '`. ' • . Tlio dream whielr - Silaa'Cliebiter, OrNn York, woro when married , Eugeno Lythan,:or , Boston,.. the 'oilier day ? ,cost' 0,500 in 'Parisi' ' ' - Cdpl - E - -11, - e - tallr.. voiv,o. NO; 2. -ate [4at we said ' last vee e it I , l4Koppe .ease,-,Thiy - AO:Mum found their, y-, into thepapers cluiligthe last week aro as improper publications at this time, as were those given by die prisoner's friends.. The Courts, andiWit:tH e,;,i - onllii ale, to decide this case, and all publications Trdleittlitil 4 11i'lliit ti Ufa atTr:ti it'iiliii . 61)fiik,i';',` shifiii,w4),l.eio, I ,\ \e bop;,ei ! r \ ve, .. , 11;0 NO 1;14 ' I iNt'llilitelli„ , • ficnukm SI, Wirt ' :I 111111 0- SI , IIIIIICI' t Ill• Tit her (1:v:, §t l v'Vat.t Nie,' ion 'Prpiltteeii the' t,• , , II`G(1111, IVIIiCiI ' ' lllitt, ' Ftllllllle ' r • S ' Dame NVIIS no] anseig th9se %rho had wile Ll. for that, tueaseroo. 'rho. mortillea, tiim or the Atassaelee;elds—Setint.er - ean; perhaps, be imagined, but m, 'words could de!..eribe it. The pardon report (.1 . Governor Cleary a.deently submitted to the ,Legislature,. shows that during the yew• 1869' there •tt j ere 1,550 applicatiens'made to him-for -pai•drny-'out of-which lint 62 weie-granted, This is a smaller number of pardons than have been issued in any one year, by any Governor, =since 1791. 'We .commend this fact to those who are so constantly pl.ating ahont the abtise of -the par_dcm, ing power. •; During the last three years the public debt of the State has linen reduced $4,889,- 400.77. It will be remembered, also, that this has been done without taxing a sin gle acre of land in. the Commonwealth. So much for wise legislation and faithful execution of the laws unden'a Republican administration. ' It is now known V) a certainty that EdwinM. .Stantkm died it poor man.' During the year - preceding his death, and While he was too feeble to engage in the practice of his profession; he found it necessary to borrow money to defray his. expenses, and also to sell a portion of his law library. Few men have ever lived who hail so rmint opportnnitiofto gather wealth by using their official pm sition for that purpose, as had Mr. Stanton. liut he never once prostituted his - power for- his-oNvn benefit, or_ tit tempted to :enrich himself out of the necessities of his country._ This fact. re flects as great credit on his'memory, as CXOII the great ability with which he discharged his official duties. It should forever silence the slanders of those who,, for years, denounced him ae .selfish, cor rupt, 'and unzerupulons, and force from them some confession of his great merits, acid their oivn baseness. The Harrisburg Patriot. decidedly the ablest: - Dennicratic.journal in the State, in . a review of Governor Oetiry's late message, speaks thus : " The annual message of Gov." Geary, ‘Vhich appears in our columns this morn ing, will be read with great. interest . . On the whole, it is a - statesmanlike and sen sible document, and. bin oppon'enis will 'readily overlook some crude suggestions concerning national polities, in their warm appreciation of his bold, &atilt „ and emphatic recommendations in regard s to the management of .the State - finances, We are satisfied' that it will be isagarded, except,,in. itS discussion of national af fairs, as a sensible,. 'statesmanlike, and well written state paper. The. Governor ims endeavored tp elevate hituself ahem the murky atmosphere which surrounds the capitol, and writes, not as a partisan, but as the chief Magistrate of a great. Common - Nye:ill • The above . is a well deserved .. cowpli inent, and, comimras it does from a journal which did its utmost to defeat, the Governor at the recent election, goes far to prove that the views and poliey of the Chief Magistrate are sustained and approved by the people of tim State with !Alt distinction of party. 'A public officer can receive no higher compliment than the endorsement of the people, witliinn re!liht to party. 'l 4 lw ;dile-and hit erecting report of lion. J. P. Wickersham, State Superintendent o r common schools, g ives the following interesting information concerning the workings of the system There are within the-State 1,071 school districts; 12,000 schools; 2,113 schools ; IVI9O scjieel 4 ilireeturs ; 70 'su perintendents ;•1 7,102 teachers, and 015;- 75:3 pupils. The :1 VC ra 0 cost of tuition for each pupil is 97 cents per 'month. The whole cost of tuition foT the year is 0,500,71_11.20. Total cost, including ex penditures of all kinds during the year, $0,980,118.92. Estimated value of seho'ol property $11,015,082. The condition of the. normal school's throughout . ; the Rao is very gratifying.' Tho Whole number ,of .studeuts that have' attended tho farm normal; schools is 10,237, of whom 321 have graduate]. 'Du ring the past year there Were in these in , stitutiona 75 tea:chars and 4,178 students: Within the last year a State normal school has been established and .recog nized at I3looinOmrg, ColuMbia county, and aubther is in a state ;preparation at California, Washington county, which doubtless.will Lo, completed quring, tin yresent, year. The following-figures show thetggregatos t or. the, all schools througlibitt the State:? Attending the public scbbols, '815,753 .Attending private schools,. 86,000 Not attending schools of any kind, „75,900 Whole numbiir of ehildee, '975;753 . . , Congress met on-gooday, after their usual' holiday vacation, and proceeded, actively to , business. vevy : e ? itc4l,fn g debate Leek phico in,both,l)ionscs ......... bill, for the adinission, of Virginia. 9n: this fpliestion there' - aiMears.tohe consid, erablp ,division aniong . onr friends,,ao: it,is by no means certalii what the final action on thoOhjOkMay„be. .We trust?, .hoWover; that it May result in the rest°, ration of that.t3tato tn . its, place, Union anlneen as ean :be CTISIBM 911tir with the •p of - 90:rightn,of all 'her citizens, • It is rumored that Andrew Curtin, !tolitieFiia,.:;lollsMl4 'resigning. coin inhision ' and .rettirning to the United States; ,, B hould so, h~ will not-fail •to receive' the iittentiien hero which. hie Servicen: have panda deseeyink. •' , . , • I •hir.iTitokoy, of thO'Lninnostor-Distriot, hitrodoced , nn. act ,i'.l l. oxomp't - Woven nod gnrdonfirs 'from loving a broknOn tdx bu thn snlo of thoit.pioduoin. •, Thin right gild wo hopo thn - act may be panned Spnodily. .'" '0! • • IDWQCRATIC_IMPERTINENCE Governor lloffmam.pf- Now York, re commends the paytnent Rf,theifiteresp,on thiltidebtednea thatiStateln Oflio deraandAlthat? ks sh ko paid iggoldf:4l"esalfs Wiat i goylitrunktt-is-asi4uch , botmd...puhtst legattenaiw„notettfaktahodse s 'lnitnitat ho is " for paying both in full and against the repudiation of any portion of either." To all of which there is no objcction. '2,i,/n4A5(e., 'the, OktYo4lpr 01'014. bayed credit for the goodanehr eursalon r Of theevil it prevents, even if the ,in'othre , which .1)3'9 . 1190 the Utterance of it be that of, winning the Popular 'ear by' 'a PretOntieluS:Ptiradd of'' honesty Btit slinaid tiof ]nave 'the credit l'o'rnxhlbiting any Surprisingstates- . merely announcing Wlnft, is and liftS' been the determination 'Cif 'Re 'Stathinneif the time the, •first''Geterninent baud or - legal' tondo note was issued; and What has 'been pro... claimed illy than every time the fiefineial quest v ad. been' iliscnsSed.';' 'When ho Owes Jo.disditss the' raafther_ in_ which. this'clesirrililli result is thhe'httained, he does itsimplSr by flea to the war cry of the Deinoeracy;,,"l Protest 'against the:financial policy of the adininistra- Lim' Tie'-has .fOund it printout to its-' snino tl int the Government obligations, should be paid In gold, Whiell is simply . what his' opponents always hold to be • l'ilif'ttOftling,T but he - takes geed:care not to make „any suggestionstis to the man nerin which : that feat can. be accent pliidiedVpither immediately or remotely. If lip had etilightened the people on this important . matter, the diflicnity - about paying the interest on his State bonds would have vanished, for we suspect it Wouldn't make much difference to the holders, if specie payments were resumed,. whether it wertr•paid. in gold or green backs. But with Governor Hoffman and his financial theories and generalities'' we' ,have nothing. „to, is a, possible candillate' for the next Presidency, and as such the journals of his party. hold him ,In-surwisingly WO esteem. ;Ills utterances have an iiiimfAttion, for thorn. They circulate them for the purpose,of showing a degenerate world how hnmac ulately pure is the party to which they and ho belong. At present they are hoidirig up his platitudes on finance to show that tho Democracy are the only guardians of our national honor and credit, and that the Republican party, rank and file, are repudiators and scoun drels, naturally and essentially. The im pilcnce of tlds assertion is astounding. - - Prolific as has been the Democracy all -political crimes, its gr,ffittest sin has been against the financial credit and honor or, 'the country. We leave out of view now the great fact that it organized out of its resources its own members and leaders, and supplied with every element' Of 'Strength the rebellion that brought debt and financial tronble on the nation ; and take, - for the sake of the argument, the parties as they stood after the war had reached its height and the bulk of the debt had accumulated._ 'Where i, there a single party record that pointed at all in the direction of our credit. The Gov ernment,-while called Upon to .oinisli money beyond all possible revenue, au thorized the - issue Of the legal tenders.. The. Democracy spurned them. But for the clauSe in the act forcing them' to le reeeired, not a 9emocrat in the land would have taken them at their race value, or at all. And so, incensed wore they at the' legislation that -prevented them frein, locking the wheels of Govern • moat iftt • they- allowed no' possible means to escape to prevent the circula tion and impair the value of these obliga tions of the Government. In Pennsylva. Ma a partizan judiciary nearly gave -Item Ihe means of effectually destroying" hid credit of the Government by pro nouncing the legal tender act uneonsti intional. Ilia for the factious, dishonest; miremonable, and semi,treasonable ef forts of the Democratic party to impair the credit of the Government, there never would l l ikve been a serious and hurtful depreciation' of, the currency or those (outitless evils that have followed in its train. We might follow their course throngly the administration of Andrew Johnson, `and show IMw by their corrupt interfer encd:Willt the collection of the revenne, the h anding dyer of large amounts of property to unreconstructed rebels, the fm't ions resistance to ;DM iceonstree,tioa . of the rebel States, and their systematic (Alerts to-produce 'national ruin in order that the people might take hold of them' as the less of two evilsand reinstate thole in power, and show how their evil prac tices rendered resumption impossible - aft long as they controlled the 1.7 xecutive at nashington, but it is unnecessary. The Democratic politicians who force the ar gument of the Ilnancialtmestion only open the record of their own dishonesty and' 'Stupidity. But for them no debt would now paralyze the energies of the coun try. But for their dishonesty and short sighted political ventures the promises of the Government would never have 'been depreciated, and no questions.of nestunp.. tion would have vexed and distresSed the country: : Governor Bowie, of Maryland, has re • cenq delivered himself of a message, the remarkable feature of Which is ,a de inand for the payment, by the general Glivermeent, Of the kiss sustained by the Marylanders, b' the emanCipation of their _slaves. Thia is ' somewhat cool The Legislatme of that State paSsed the •abt of emancipation of tlteir own *Alen, anti now ther-GOvernor claims they aluntiti:, be paid for their losses-in consequence of it. This will hardly be lone, we imagine. I kis a wonder; however, that the ,9over nor' is so Modest his demands. A. goodly _..trinher, , of Marylanders •,'Wers, While in the rebebservice, by our', kddiers, and it is strange that the.Stato puts in no claim foetheir leas. 1," con. sideraide itmount'of money,was lost .by the Ihiltiniere'ear;italiste, by investing hr. .omi : federate. bonds and currency, , for Which et... r ill - mils:Won might be demanded With' qiiite 'as The crushing of the tebeilion yras also, 'Very serious damage' to the political fortunes• pf the old SCliool 'proSlavery, poli'tioiatut of•Marihnul, for Which they mightb'q•in duced to take 'soint yeenniary teeom peilse. if they intend making demands for daniages On ttactutit'bf 'the lois 'from mantincittod.by their Crivnlegisla-: tion,' they Mightt' an well olhim foe, all other losses, redi Andiniaginary':' There , ...istittleLdanger, liew6?or,ttit'CleVernor Bowie's moclorit duniaiule'will lie beedda, at least until tri.o.Deamoraoymeme into •PoWor,., ..Ifrthis should happen, ho might, suc.Ceed. Thh. , : eMitingenci, is too 7 .r0-, mote to risk much on.„. • ..•• • •'• • A fitcamboat:ris building nt town', IlUnols to ply. on' tlX:t3ll,ngamofi orbkltiOng out tips lurid Tlib , Oitft 20 feet •IninlP anclllls feet 'long, mhOls, 6 0114 Nyliop , complotlia4lllto 'wag At the annual communication of UM , . Grand Lodge . of Pennsylvania, A. Y. M., Robert,A. Thomas,csA., "walr l appointes.l District; NPAti Graitl; Master of*:'.pis -13 d' ; Of trict ,co jmige the contitiett of Chmbeilind,./kams At tlreiregiilaiiimeefh'sig of : 1 0L - T,Pti34ll - 1. Rl , ll Thkas, was appointed DiatricG G}ranct 11. Y'., or' the - same counties. Mr. Thomas is , • resident of Mechanicsburg, and has been co to oripcteil< ithr.Cituid; 141( . 1gc!, and 'Grin& 'Cliapte`i, in an Othid Caeipacity, `fOrtiOVothryears 4 : --- - - . ,-• 'Ay \' The Postmaster General Las entered .„ FLA() a 'Contract with Williamsf & Guion, o f , clia;'yirig of the 'Euro... I)einii mails. i i hesteamers of the new . iaail 'lilies leave Wednesday of' every *eel, and Make the trip to Liverpool in I . l.days. • • •A malarles of government Officers in ,the li Ole Statti i'liirclia'rirdlarger than in Stale east 6f . the Rocky . lieuntains: The t4Overeor gets $0;000 and his daWria in all $24;000, 'itbd thd Legis latard' ssoo' per annum*, or allss3•King 40 days 'WIN! r:ession, 412.50 leif-adY• • A 'young wife' of 17, in Chicago, has . got t a divorce: 51ic niar'ried a fellow who said he had ~$230,000, when he Yiad lit a cent., 'Besides that he iiinched her'. 74/I.RRIT43D IIAtTPN—IIALMEIL—On the twenty third Mon, In Meehattleeburg, by Ito, •Jatt Ault; Mr Wlllltkeu 11. Iliirtoz, of llorntwr, 111., to 31r.4. Teresa Manua., Ilegollown, Ma: . . pIL3IOII.E—SPONSWSR.—On tho fourth ft: stunt, by the same, 61r. 'Jarnen A. Gilinorgor Denville; Montour county, to Alien Anne M. Spoonler, of Me-, clout Iceberg. • WEAICLEY-811ELLABItliGER --On the ally Meth ultimo, by ROY. James B. Wpodhurn, at the bride'e borer, near 11°1114 Roar. Mr. mann , . C. Wenkley, of Dick tomct, to Mtrit Annio-R. bat ger, of Went PBl2llPborough torrnehip. STONER—FRT.—On Tburallay, the twenty•third , ultimo, Rer..7. A. Alertly, thr. , Finuklin etuner, to Mire Catharine Fry, of Mount hock. ItEDDINO—OLIVEII.-011 Decumher. 30, 16130, tho futhht. lo SmithNillo Ohio, by tho llov. 0. a Volta, No. E. IV. Iteddinu fortperly of CArlirl., to 3118.1 Jounle, daughter of th Rey. William 11. Oliver, of the ahem, pluce. 111AVitItSTICK:VB./INTZ The Oak u," non Baltimore, on Tuoaday mating, January 4, by Rev Churles 31rElfr'ea1t, Cantoln L. M;lleveratb•k. Hallo bock Mond, 'lllinois, 6iriun, marl Emma, daughter o IleurrVrontz, oaq. DIED 311,SON11E131E1t —On VI iday morning, Jsmunry 7, or ,rno.t fever, Bottle J., daughter of J. 31.aucl 31. -11. i'llanonimimer, -ageJ three yenvi and riallt 111111101 A. MARKETS CARLISLE PRODIZOE MARKET I= .I' mIIy Flour... RupOithio do RYE.— WHITE WHEAT RED d 0.... RYE .. ... ...• .• CORN OATS CLOVERSEED.. TIMOTHYSEED FLAXSEED .... BARLEY Grueral• 'Produce, Market. Jeuihar,) 15, 167 V. CO , r•ded Weekly by - Willigh Was/mood INBACON SHOULDERS, 10 95 BACON SIDES, 111 IS WHITE BEANS 2 50 1 PARED PEACIIES, 20 BUTT ELMS, LARD, TALLOW UNPASED L'EACII ES 38 DUI En APPLES, pez .11)0) RAGS 3 SPA PnrG+, BACON HAMM SPECIAL NOTICE JUST RECE-TVED. A full ,tork of Notlonp of all Minix. A largo lin of Children's !aroma' And Ladies Wpnited and Merin , Irma, at greatly redneed, lone. -Alerelunit4 will d w(.11 loy callag to pre,for tli\tnfelve, nt • COVLE 11110T111:Itli, Nn.ll: Polak,nanny, Stroot, O.IIMo, Ponil'n Intl e. 1M LAMPS AND GLASSWARE Again away iiiiwii In Tn.lee+ We would roll flo at tentliin of fin Op. largo reduction In 'irk.n block of mono goody Hod we °fleeing. Coal Oil of anent gunlity only, nod in ' , Hind 6•: role. iilrered al lowent, prieeo. Still another re lorroo in price a tali. Philrolelphla Slo.oo n.•llx of (tupelo", ate, of pler4, iixeltot op free, and delivered at, mu wont• a Fame I tire. I=l ,CI I 1,, Pi THE ONLY RET,IABLE CURE, FOR DYSPEPSIA KNONVN IN THE Wilthlll,l :Dc . IVIRII.IIII'S (I.`al A n0.t.11,111/3apopalit Pihia al Me Tree Tar Cordial 414. paritivt • cunt for IlyapCiada /fa att , +t aggrnvoltal Solo, 4:1.1 no niallnr of how long They penetrate the eonet Rhode er 1111 , to rird, ilhewee, and exturnOnate if r ot,l}nd brant.huferever Theyalloviale lacterag ail 14 - ihnis langur All tell. They are mat,' for raring 11a. newt ihmueialt• mei hopeleas eases, wit.lll Peary kuuau tow.en fail' to 11 , - ford relict • No form of liymophlo or imlige..tioo on, I‘,ll. thefr pro. (rollog pow, Dn. 'WnintAltr's Pine Tree Tor Cord nl. it it tp• yithr prinelpla of"t he Pia . T. ee, d 10 ape collar prowess In the distillation r itie tor, by :51.14 11 Ile higheas medical properties oar idialuvil '7r ihaig •ointot t Lit (throats e orttits and me onvti tt s e op et pis. It strength°ns the debilitated eystoto., Il I e, hire and enrlehro the blood, nod exi 'lt from 111 x stein the corsuptitin N11111:11 arrofuL,,hrordn lungs. It dissolve. the Mures or phlrguy, hid. stop. the 'air passage. of the lungs. Its healing ptinelpl.. act. Upon the it rita.ed stirfael, of the lungs and throat, Penetratin to each dbleamel part, relleviog pain and subduing Damnation. It is the rtsitel of yeato of !Andy and experiment, and It to offered .to the till feted with poottlea aesurance of Its tower to.eare fol. hAvink disease., If - tlie potleot tine not too long de, toyed n retort to the riUlstni ; sir erica C01,111111111i1.11 of the :Lunge, Cough, Fore Tim, it on I ll,n Liver Coropittint,. Band r and Weeding Pileo A sihmaoVhoopi tv Cough, piptSerla, 41. „medical expe - r', Lolling hnOrable Diplomas, elei . otes hie mitre timo to the Mtatninot inn of patient. at the oilier, parlor's 'Assoc:Wed/Id It ithWarn' three cansultinglphysielans of neknowledgid eminence, se h nse serrieel urn given to the, piddle; free of chem., ,This'opportnnity hi t;ffer r trol by no otherlttstitntiMt In the• country. , ' .Letters frnm nay part of the conntry, ail, lag ad- Tice, xlll he promptly and gWoqueslY ret ondod to c , oll;eitlent, remittances should tarn the ohm. of Drafts or•Poot Offleti orders. — • Price of •Illebnrt'e AmorlennAynpopnin 99:15, $1 n box. • qtnt by mall onxecolpt of price: • '. Price of Wlnhnren Pine Tre . n Tnr Cordioi, $1.50 bottle, or per doron. Font by oxprem" ' All cottiintinicnt inns should be addioaand . • L. QC: WltiltAlti', M. D , ' No. 2:,12 Norio decond Aced, 22oct • arn' Philadelphia • • It gives tnn pitmure to cutilq,that Mr. Befioets'a CDRDLIL IO my (Tinian la purply vegetable n Its conetituflon, , and an excel len toule o 'Lein harmlelia hi its' character, and nut bulvg,an alcol(olta :EU; ET00 . 1% TON, .1(1. D. $ , ,•,, A.B-Z $ • . ;- AILCOOKiiS-POllOl/8 -PLERS, 43ce'ibi atop this commodity line attained its unpro rodeaed•lituin.'Tlinike Wnireilialiy approved. They irepport,. etre mrtiien, and 'aid' tlid frti-th of 'Monies 7114 uptitatt to have n peculiar client upon tho nerves, njlnjlug Irrltahipty; wliliesupplyidf warmth.' ..They norm to necumulatociectricity, and Id thecirculation of tho •;Parl :whore applied, by which healthy antione • nra Painted; ' • , Bran in pi . ..Alyea, whore articulation-wariatoppend- , nd, the two of theiliriroun riarinia to the 'pin° restored the infield/Won, and ninteriatiy reduced tho Parelyebt. the patient' deuld before tip Poroda.rlaster.wan 'wan 'ou helpless an stLl>i. WITDO(O1 - 7. te. , M00.-Botty: Mom 'Bold by all Ilrog e ito, 4gency; prondroth Itonee, Niur r.; • . • 243ti01m 'Ennoith or kotrrii. • !, 458 ottoth oh .01'6 :stfhied fbi;yinifidot Nervostio . Debility; romatrire, iDocay, ;cold tho brfooto "of ,yggt . hthl crptloo, IyAll,for4ho,a,oko of sp,llOring sol.41:1Poo , t.o:0111 , who .tpo4,lt4ho rpcelpt . 'for 'thoiclOr'ilia eholvid . o , lch ho moo 'Odrcitt., o autforori ilotilrigto'ptoflt 't.Voloroorils. or's ,expiniehco :cou'do so I.4!.eiddrobelog,ln Ortoot crinthiooco; ,JOUN D.,Q9DANi - ! • . $0.42 00o,r St, Niy7.llo4y: • " I " • 4.g : OU-NDINsa—REITELATIONS,-- Tao selentiffe publications aro . in the field sgainst .. thilutir dyes of which lead fa the binds.. Thei.Now Y4frk Medical Onzotteanal Tho" Journal otrwnle. try" bitterly dennutico_them. Yet tlao hair may be safely dyed. Ifatveynit seen Prof.• Chilton's teetb deny, founded on a caleful analysis, and eertertng th 4. Clarlstadoro's,ikienlelor Dye in not only adlrst class nrliclo - for offinfgliag color of ti)Oralicbalf Clarielnitoro's lint'. Preservative, non Dressing, nets like a charm on Hannah. after Dyeing. Try Nan?(Mal WEAK BACK, PAINS OF THE SIDE, And nhont: iho -Ithinoyn, me rollerotl nt - onco by the niipllention or ono of Allrock'n Porbus Plo.!tore. \ , ~. , ~ ,"Oninfitnivn, Ala., Nr, 27, 1868. Mete gra.llios. Aycock & CO.: Awing an eltenslye Ina ctic of tell yrnra I hum; teen a frequent witnesa or ille'm'agit'al citiallei4 ',if yon Pbroott Planters. i den certify that they aro nll you clam for thorn. • • IM=C! Fr. Myer. of F..voonob, On.. nays they are the best Webs:tiesl supporters for wrak muscles m'er dts eoyertd ; that by their worming properties thf2y bring poiver and health, until tie, strength of the lIIIINCICH are entirely restored; that ho knows n Alleock's Plasters cured n gentleman of n:vealcopinel that he dolly presriihtx thew. In his practice, with • the happiest results, Cjan7o-.lm CARRIAGMS AND BUGGIES NO HUMBUG! • • NO HUMBUG!! - i on now 'totting up the longed lot of work ovUr niacin In Carla;le, and ant preparing fur another male in April next. Call at 1110 nllOll and cantata° 00 Wad( blicoro it in finlellonl, no llunt y9ll fumy hp Mtl ' ilatlnd that I inn 0 null,• log lad am BEST 3IATERIA IA of null klunlF. _Every tifyle of . CARRIAGES, lICGOIES, SPRING WAGONS,..,Ite ready mod, or tondo to order. All new work goaran toed, haying tenn . ancriaoful fur four yearn, T hope by rtrict attention to bualucEs to lutrit it eolith:mimeo of patronage. -- - Do not forgot the glare, nor. Pitt and Routh stroota, Carlitle, PA. A. It. SIIERX. • oJan7o-3m. lIRISTMAS SEASON AT "SOUTII END,'! CAR E 02123 We have Just rq?eivod a largo lot of finest quality Glassware, comprising several of the latent and mtiat popular- patterns. Wo Intro very.grently reduced the . , prices, wholesale and retail throughout, of both Glassware end Qnoonswarc, and aro .now offering complete Tea and Dinner Setts, combined, cot»prining . neatly 100 pierce, at the unprocedeut ed tries of $lO, which netts aro stroller In quality to the Philadelphia $lO-Dinner Setts that contain no Tea warn We have also on hand a fultlind of Groceries, Tobaccos, Fish, Salt, Oils, Ar., at exceedingly low rates, Lath whole. Belo and retail. Phraso c , Oll and ore and be convinced. Dec. 23, 1600. W3I. 11131 . 11 4, SON. S.—Another ear had Coal Oil just received and for sale at quite low rates. TRIGHTPUL DEVELOPMENTS '"At lost the people have got the Inct. "through_ their hair,' that hair dyes Intp‘reapiated with notate of tied, and other metwilita, snits . , nye. murderous prepnrntious. When they era the niCdallic sediment at the bottom of the bottler, they ltnew that the die gutting stuff is literally thickened with poison. They nab, therefore, fur a harmless vegetable dye .unnd jt_pure and offiescions, in Cristadot Ws fix . Ilatr:Dre;olTerrrl tensor Chilton's guarantee that it contains "nothing &WWI° Cristadoro'n Hair Preservative as a Dreaming, nett, like n eliarekon the hair after ,Iyidng. 'fry il. 2dnolm. BRANDRETIPS PILLS. - _ The great value eopelsta lu tilts .They may he need so long as any die nose affect. any of the organs of the Lady ; and.hy this!, persevering In their 1180 010 . 111.35 e sill Le rim", and -the Lody moored. to hosltb; free from every 014 and impurity. 'their reputation proves their merit. Thomas Smith Coroner bird .71,11, of the Pencr 'llostinge.rti.thodludAon. not a Brand rellOt Pips cured him of flppopsin rind Ireallhorn, %Ilion every other modirino hod foiled to I fliflVO hint. tirkote dotrd 41112, 'MS. Pr Joroer, of S iesonuL, Georgia, Rays he him; for nearly f,rty yearn, rerinotarniten its a Rpeeihe In yellow foyer; that tin inner knelt It patient to din who tonk.thein for Ibis mainly, being otheiwine found. Their prompt ono hikes out of tire boilyithoso mattera a hich Gra tho hit/Oily of the diimon. AR n general faintly medicine, ho Fought. ru them for in adr once of nit othern, and here tin veldts from i ertonal expel icura of tlarir qualitien. gr-ISEAttN11: 1 11, 111.1NMN ICES and Itttaked \Vint a./ utwont nucesas, by J. Plates, M. D., nod PI ult.syOrt,f Dian., of the Lye and Ear (his' speciality , in I! .11alical cony!, of Psalm/icor/7a, 12 pcarscs.aperistrs, - ( tors/surly la.ydrni'llollantl:) , Nor kal:, Area ft sot L. -Ith)L c 1 ' .111114.t.1 aln can at Ito...lnce. 1' w,dical faculty ate invited to as .0.1,t05t.) tL , , 1. di'u tx, no 116 11. lIIP nverelx In bin A, ,ii,!•pow int el Ltd nlthnot pain Vo cii41.4.• for "%awl ..stlon. loly IA 11 IMPolrrArr NOTICE • J Fannin,' I s tnJliw, and other,. ran po lid ',gorily equal it, I.r I.lolnirol, fm lb,. am I' 01 eliohita, diari lona, dysentery, riinup antic, m:,l Liken Internally—(lt in y liiirodra, ,1 Illkth n mpntq brig' timid, hotly.) and ON fo;iihr a it rhrionniliini.brailitilia'. oat, ilia, burns,. oarallitigoi rib nit tin I I; it, oldtor. 4, pain, In limbo, h di. and I I Tlio V. ovum Ur. 'int/ oduved lu I', and no hn ha, ohm! it Lilt VOllllant. to do MEM umuy steding, if it was ten !Dinars n bottle they 11,111101( 1.0 Withollt. It 111./.1111111 0' certificates ci leis. eu nt he dep speakii gof Its wonderful eurst proper len. Price, Fifty Celllll nod One Sold by the Druggists and Storekeepers thioughout Din United Slates; Depot, la Durk Miro Nu* liirk2MA In • TO OWNERS OF HORSES AND CATTLE To'.ln.' burl y Conditlon Powders are warrants nap • elhe to any °the's, Cr ply for the cure of Dlo Lone ei Worms, 11 tn. Coughs, hide-bound, Colds, &co In llor.en; ouel Colds, Unnuns, Lox, Milk, Illaelk tong Horn IL dumper, sac , h, Cat Co. They ore tort city sof • and .1121U4: ;nu ne.al ask - vying the 1101 kill of y or' animals. They I, crease Ills appetite gya n tins coot cleanse the el °mach and urinary or gal ; ion 11.141 . "1010 1110 milk of col , a. Try them end 'you nelll never he without them. Thu Into Illram Wouthulf, tele' rutted trainee f trotting hero a, used then, foT 3 ear.. Col. PLIId P. Push, it the Jerome Have thorn, N. Y., would not WO thein until Ito was told of n hat 11,1 are rumps seJ, which be Is nen' r nithout them. Ile. has over twenty VllllllOO 111414 f 4,111 Ilia , IWO', ,1110 L r the loot three years hainuvrd no ether niediukte for them. Ile lies kindly permitted mn t, refer any one to Mtn. Over 1,000 other referee°ee can he asenett the Depot: ' 1001,1 hy . pruggists and Saddlers. Flee 25 centsyt r b0x,•1 4 1 , 0t In Pa k.Plnce,.New Yo)k. 111100-11 n JACOB FCIII,EIV.—DeaI Mr: bhoro boon otllletod for the beat ten yearn with the Ithentontlato and pout. Your hitter, woe it..lntended to me. I hare need It, and I urn glad to ea:: It has effected perfect euro Iu OICYUCAShOrt..II4OII..„%IOIIrOrO I 're. commend It to all persons ofilleted with the same 'dleogeots. 1 ootielder It tho boat Curo.lu use for any . . dleanso tho human body le aulpet o .l to. DRYOUNG Philadelphia. TO CONSUMPTIVES. ShO Adrorthd,r, having boon rortorod to herd in n taw winks, by n very iimplo rowdy, aftorllnT leg Barrrnd novornlyoars with a auras lung offso -V of and (lint dread disonmeonsuroptirn 1s anxious to make • known to his fellow•rodierorr iho meant o auto, • To iII 'wtio tiobiro It, ho will nend n copy of the premerlption used (Oven( iliorgo); with tho direction for preparing nod tieing the mune which . they will find a SURE CURE POE CONSUMPTION, AETlllilAr BRONCHITIS, etc. The'obJect of. thendrortiner to 'mnding- the Proecriptiotrie to Lomeli, the. of and *rend information which lio\coneeiron to to in viiitlablo; end he, lippes,eyery. inifforor,wlll try hie renteily,net coct i thern—netiduic-eitittmay_ptcqe blettling, ' ' : • ratline wizthing tho •prencription will yronso BEY. EDWARD A. WILSON Wilifatunburg, Binge County Now York. ' , • -Lint of- iiiielaimed lettern reinttining in 11M postoffide'at - Carlisle, Pa.,. for tlio week ending Jartudry_.l4,SB7o. ; Ileidlor, Mrs Ildrgeret .. .1 Ginger, 19 AV • , Brown; Mrs Jennine ~, Phu!, Joseph • . Anse Llasle itesmtner, George • ' Comm - inn,. William Stone, Dental , Cooler; elisoiMary 'A' 'Smier,Juhn Chapman, Aired - . Bharren,Wlllfomg r Dllloli Samuel Moron., P D ;Dunce Mho Mar th a , , Phugherr,„l9 Nolen,Jenne BM:wham a, Georgo Foley, Janina, W , r , n UMW, 11 NV • • 14M1111,,Bliss Ids Ornhari d Pon, II "Tripner,AV A • „„'„, Garver. Miss Sarah-. • .Thompeon, Mr. Einffna • 91Micher; Mrs 90"•., Tailor; Victoria Garman, 1111se Witter, . •• ' Kern,, Andrew , Weary, smuel - • Ludwielr,)}llilablaygloY, oWnlter, Willlini Mounts: Alin Amanda Ward, Mirk'. - Martini Bira . ' Nyasa mime, hire Margaret Woods, hire M. • illaitheni, Wiliam' 11 Nini A Naugle, Afro,Slargaretin Annie , Pgaininger, Martha L ZelgleroJ • ," • A. It; IttlEt3l, -TITEr---GOOM- IVILL7,IIOSE7':,COII: ; PA NY would ienpoctfully )inounco 'to ,tho cit.• Nunn of Car:hdo and thst Intend !Indicating cur NEW 119 US It, on Iloinwiiqa ot,ltyn •. . . FES I IYA L, AND I..XVITION, '4onunonelnigittnnloy; Jnnltary 20„1870. o would :oaknontly fogneot nil Won& of dm Ilrem6n to toslat In maklnktin, untorilline n Riteeepx. ; • -- Auy - cotitribut:moc - no3ni t tt or "hnw trldhigi, Will he bg•stay member 01 Oho colnpany, Among tho tunny ortlclos to ho drawn nro • A LADIES' GOLD WATCH FIRST CLASS SE,WING MACHINE, RAO CARPET, • • 'OIIINA SETT, FILVER. {PANE, We tronitl roll npeelitl Attention to lliateCtllnt,in addition en tho Itntlvnl In OUT min ball, we Intend holding on tiny Hrnt floor, nu, EXIIIBITION OF.PAINTINGS FANCY WORK, and AIISCELLAsmus . A RTICLES, to which nil are requested to contribute. Any per. son haling articles which will add interest to this department of the fair, who will iiiention the same to any itteniber'of the compnik n ill he waited upon by'n committee, who will give u wrlticii guarantee for the sale return of one artiele'exhibited, together with a Hessen ticket for the fair N' 'OTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, that n meeting of - ilia Cumberland County Air+ cultural Sudety_ wiil ho trill 1 . ,1 the Arbitration Chaplin,. in the Court Rome, nt Carl lain, Pa., oo Tanday. February 1, 1870, at 11 o'clock hi - the fore noon A full attend/Ince hi re.pii.ei 04.. fly order of the Society. LinYlB F. LYNE, . lilla oil! Secretary. ' —.-- - - - NEW YORK TRIBUNE: THE GREAT FARMERS' PAPER 1 THE PAPER OF THE PEOPLE. Now it Uwe to 3 . ? time rata for the GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER, It Itl cheap became in, circulation la larav,r than that oI any other nem eqn,pta NOW TS TIM TM TO FORM CLUNS. 'I'II l NEW YORK MEI:IRfY TRIBUNE contains all tho Important editorials publielied in the Daily Triltnne, except those of merely !mil interest; a'ao lit. tiny and seientitle intelligence; reviene of the most In ti•reating and Important new broke; letters from•our ;ergo corps of correspondents ; latent noe, received Atly tolegmph from all parts, of the world; a ashin , fery-of-allimportnnt - intolllgento iii .this city and elsewhere; a eynotkis of the ',coded tige orCloogresa and State I.ngieln;ure'whea in ewe elon; foreign news received by every etenmur; occlusive reports of the procemdfuga of tbu Yartncrs• ChM of the American ]mtitnt•'; talks Minot (reit ; financial, cattle, dry gmtki, and general mar ket rsporta. Tho 101 l roports of thn Asr.trlcon Innlltnlr Partners Club, and the vorione A grlcult oral ropor'to, In Gael nuothor, rtro tichly north n year's sub. rlpt HORTICULTURAL I/EPA RTM To keep pace wall the growing interest in practl , cal horticulture, nod to comply with frequent op. 'peals from all pate of the coo otry for information of n practical character on the subject, we have engaged the services of a person who Is experienced in rural affairs to writs in a lucid. style a sorb', of articles on the management of small farina, fruit anti vegetable mflture, and how to make them pay, giving general and specific directional from pinoting to the ultimate Mermaid of the crops. Of Into yearn thorn has toren a lucrative business carried no by unprincipled men, in gelling woo titre and old titanic under now Turns to the inexpe rienced. rho Tribune will bo alwaya ready to gourd the farmer against any .Cll Intl - petition that conics within our knoVIO-dge. VETEIRINAIRY DEPARTMENT., -ro make the Tribune still more valuable to its n ricoltural readers, we horn engaged Prof. James Voterinitry,Surgenn In Cornell Untversily, to • lineations concerning 111.1.011 of Cattle, H o rses, Sheep. And other domestic animals, and to preheribo rabic:di.. A Iron era and prescriptions wig be given only through the column:l of the Tribune. w o sae sure that tb in now feature in the Tribune w ill o dd largely to Ito renders, en all OWN,ra or an lands are liable to need the Information protTer“l. Inquirlea should be anode as brief as possible, that the nnestions, answers. and prescriptions may be 4roblishod together. In shwa, no Intend that the 'Prihnna Anti keep To We Advance let all that con ceit]. the Agricurural, Manufacturing, Mining. and other Intervale of the country, and that for variety and complstentes, it shall remain altogsther tho must valuable. Interesting, nod instructive newspaper published - in the world. • It hoe been well observed that a careful reading and study'of the Partners' Chili Reporte iii the Trib une alone will neve rt., farmer hundreds of dollars in Its crop. In addition to these reports, no shall continue to print the bout thi ego. neitten on the subject of agriculture. by American and foreign writers, and othall Inrrrmu.Ucso festnras from year to year. Abell is, no prudent (RM., inn 110 Withollt it. Au a les.oh to his Workmen Mono, every farmer should pinoe the IVsekly Tislnmu upon ids table every Sirtmalny evening. Thu Trileirre Is the lest and cheripe.t paper in the courtly f' This ip not wild in it Spfrit of beset foinssa. It line fallen to Nov' York to create • tire grerdsed ,newepapere lot the country. Here coneentrate the commerce, the manufactures, the mineral reeources, the agricultural wealth of the Republic. Here all thenewa gathers, and the patmuntre'lls on large that - JournniPts can afford to pet ut it. This 61 ilia strength of the Tribune. Ito print the elostp4L7Siifil best edited weekly neweremer in the conntry. We have all the advantages around us. We have great daily and Rend weekly erlidops Ali the elaborate and _intricate machinery of our establishment—perhaps the meat complete In America—la devoted to the purposerof mak inn the Weekly Tribune the best and cheapest newspaper in the world. 'rho result la that Wo have ea nychanatired arid expanded one resources that every copy of the - 11'nekly Tribune contains na much es A rltletleclom :elm.. Think Of RI For two dollars, the subscriber to the Tfl l / 1 111,' for One year buys Os ranch rending matter no though be filled a shrill otitis library with (thy volumes eon tnining the gre nest works in the language. The force of cheapness cell no further go. THE WEEKLY nintuNr: lie tie tamer of thu pantile. Hera tito oitifer student nosy 101111 the last leseona of a inn a time the l:bider may read re 'firers of this hest bo to, the may be found coma pandence from all runs Of. the worlb ire observe tieme of sincere ntal 'gifted men, who nerve the 'nu nu NE In almost Derry c.eintry. H 11l is- strong - lerroason"nrnth Oli it mous gtfculatlon, arid great cheep... It limo tong been coneeded, that TUE WEI2IO,Y Tull - JUNE hoe the largest wirculatlon of „ale newspaper in the emttry. For years we twice RR many letpers, perbstitt ne all of the ether weekly editions of tlw city du His combined. 'This is why we aro enabled m d • ear work an thelotighly and cheaply. Ihe larger our eirculation, the butter piper we can mot,. Blatt are th • row ticAl nanteetioee ° KartY• Let it ory sub Cr [or renew bin attlfloolption, and urge nefghberd in do tilt, itnr. II it In w einnot A r. l or d t , par two della.n let him raino u elab, by In dio BIT hat neighbora d t n boll soled blot nr. py, (path, for his troatdo. Nn noon paper, s), large end complete 'TII E WEEKLY Tit lIIUN F, wag veer befnee nlTerel at so lose n mfrs. Even w h e n our Currency Ann at par stab gait, un x Lich jnAper hut ' BE Tit MINE' not inhered at that price; and 111 E TRIBUNE then emit ns baleen than it now does. We have salved I he•lunblelo dr tank lug the bust and rhoalo.t. nevenyaper n, I=l OPOCopa, one year, 52 lesuea fi2. 00 5 cOplen, in; 10 coping, to onn add, nee, 01.80 each rand one cairn cope); 10 cOples. 10 moues Or anirarribeeer at 0110 pus:office, $l,llO inch (and one ".' f 0 e I.)); 20 ampler, to one toldresx, $1 25 ouch (and onn'extra copy); 20 voider; to names stilr.erlbenr, at und• posionice, $145 clack (and dor Warn. Copy); GO coplee. to one addrene, $1 and) (and ono extra eopr); 00 copier, to oilmen of anbectiberne, at - mm $l.lO, each (And ono extra cc py.) • • TA NEW YORK BEHLIVEEICLY TRIBUNE la published every TUESDAY and +FRIDAY, and bolo/ printed twiee a a °etc, we can, of coo roe, print all'thet appears lu our weekly ellitign, including ~,,rythir.g on the subject of Agrictilture; nail ran all lunch Interesting and valuable clatter, for wlll,ll there le not nuillcient room in THE WEEKLY TH . BUNK. THE SE3II•WEEKLY TRIBUNE also gives, in the timirFe of a Yont, three or , our of the : , •- Boil, and Latest Popular Novels, by living null.. The coot of throe atone, if la:dght in hook futtik;' mild'bo from mix. to eight dollars. Noorbtro sleo cEri eo much current. lutallfgeneo, nod 'permanent llternrt3' matter he hod nt clialp n tato en In TUN SEMIAVEEKLY 11tIlIUNE THIOIS OF TILE 8101.1.-WIIEKLY xlibactlhora, 1 copy, I year-101 nowhere $4 00 Mall anbacriberg, 2 mph a, I.year-104 numbers 7 00 Mail subset them 5 toplea, or over, for each copy,• 800 Prom. 'emitting for 10 ccplc!a, 010, will receive on extra aopy one year. B. i.sloo we will Inqul thirty-four cophe and THE DAILY TRIBUNE. ',NIB NEW TOOK DAIIIA"fItIBUNIi le published every mottling (Elunds3e exeived) at $lO prr year; $5 for six Anent be. • Tho *edam° %Almanac. 1879 Pried 20 coots. To Mune Alm:lmm Reprint. 1888 to 1108, 2 vole. Halt bon ud..sl9, Itteolloctions. of a Duey L'fo. Ily 11001100 theole.y. Veriour vle lee of binding.' Clath,*2.6o. Library, 3 60.. !kJ f meet, $l. Ralf Calf, 96, Morocco Alitique,s7 61agerat Fuller's Workg. Now, Edition.. 'vole. Cloth, $lO, Pear Ouiture. , for Profit. , .$l. • El• manta of Agikulturo. 'Wen lug,' Now Edition. Cloth, 91. Draining for Ilealth and' Pratit. Waring: Cloth. $1.60. Earth Clomla.: Ifow to make them. Waring. 28 rents. 44 . Fent free, on recolpt . . . . . To Meking rentittancen for obseriptions, Er booke, always procure a draft on Now York, or a .postoke motley order If ptnalble. Where neither. of Ahem) . cen be pronleed, mend„ the money; but always In a registmed letter. The'registretion foo has beta, re duced to fifteen' tents, earl - the present registration eystem boa born found, by the postal . authorities, to be virtually nn absolute protectiou against lows by ma 11... All roalmneters ore obliged to register let tere wlsonoror requested to do 00, • i Terme, oath In advance. -- - - Addreen 'fillfintlßUNEl, Now York.. • , . .. , -RoEmov-AL. . r ..A. II . LOCIINIAN'S PITOTOGRAPII gu's boon tpuigra kpinfro Building .to the NEW GROUND FLOOR GALLERY, No:' 12 ' East Main . Street; TUC n R Ar VICTIM/8 1N TowN ACC Wend 6jettao , $ . -N OTHME.—Sealed Proposals will 'bO received at this odic., until ton o'clock, o. m., on Turiday,donntery 18, 1070, for fitinishiug the troops at Carlfsle Ilarracks, Pontiaylvania, with Alio host , . F A. m I'', Y ~ .r L. o tilt, - - ' , • , . for tic months, (rein and after Iho fleet Say of Fete ruaryi 010, or such loss time os .the CumMissoey General of Hubsietenco, V. S. Arcpy, lacy direct. Proposals must' ho duplicate, and 'indorsed "Proposals for ..Fluttity Flour I", and Must contain names of two responsiblo persons will sign the hoods, and become responsible for the faithful par. formanco of the contract. , • • Persons wholtid artcreqnnated to to pressit at die Qpoplug of tbo proposals.,. The Goxermuout memo the right to reject any (or all) bide which they may consider :umiasonnitib, or for. any ',alba( sufficient cause. • . • 'Rr; R. 31AIZR, ' ' Flret.ldoqlouaut and .11T'avut Captain U. B.ltnny, Ovrias or A„0,8.' • • A ' (Unpile, B a nnAticA Dotemlior 15,18 9,” • • ,' /046095 t PROFUSELY. ILLUSTRATED,' - • NOW READY: . IC=I=IIM I.ITI-)INCOTr-S MAGAZINE. COMMENCING A NEW VOLUME. • 00/Iteriga: I. The Vitae of Itullhampton:—A novel. Part' vII. By Anthony ,Tr, Lope. With full page engravings. . . 11. The persecuted woman. 111. The Miry nod the ghost.—A, Christmas tald. - With els mooning Illontratlono. - By F. R. Stockton., ' IV. On Christman eve. V. Our capital. By11:1111am,li. Hooper. —A joie. By Mrs. W. A. Thomp'ou VI f. The singer.—A poem. • By Leery ITamllton Hooper. VIII The philosophy of eel( impertanco. lip Edward Silencer.' ' ' IX. feyond the breakers:.i.:A mire'. Part will • Ey I.lon.Rohort Dale Owen. Y. Internationol coinage.. By Hon. J. Reis 2notrJen. Xr. !Boeings on an old mansion. = Ity C. Mer6AH.ll. • XII. °fling Chr it...ty XIII. Mt , poem. XIS'. I.th'irn.ry lutatica. By Wirt f:114,,. XV. Our Itionthly pulp. • XV I. Literature 'of rho dny. 4 FOR SALE AT ALL THE BOOK AND NEWS COMM With Cho numb, r for January, Lippincott'. ILaga also or Literature Ettenee, and Education, will role Ito filth volume and third year. The condectote have made acrel arrangements for the lertbcoming Whim°. Their object will continuo to be, to preeent to the American public a magazitie of the higinat deaf; and they will avail thenonfvue of every tneann to rtatder ItAtillmore valuable, attractive, and entertaining. It,. eauletda are varied, embracing, in addition to the nerinillovel, to novelettee, sketchen of travel end adventure, vacate, notate, rapers on popular topics of the day,'und nthwellanien by the Weal writers Thu uerini novorn DOW nppearing In'tho magazine will be c. mlAuted eturily, after whirl - 11m ,pare will he given to - wurio of this elate, thou allowing the nubhuhora greater room for articles concerning the prominent 'menet of the The I.lnfitrntlonu loan an attn.:ilea fenthro. TEIOIB.-I,Yearly subeciintion, $4. Single nun, bur, 11 carte. . . . • CLua Rel'm—Two copier, $7; Rico ropiea, $l6; Ten eoplen, EN. Lippincott'a Magnetite, with Sum Jay Blagagino, $11.50; with Good Words for tho Young, $11.50 1 with Good Worda,ss.7s. Specimen number. with premium Hat, aunt to any add.no on applithition. Addreas J. R. LIPPINCOTT & CO, Publisher., 71,5 and 717 31arket at., Philadelphia. Till DEBT' IN TUE WORLD I THE SCIENTIFIC . AMERICAN. For 1870. $1,600 Cub $1,600 C•sh A VALUmBLE Pp.EMIUM FOIL ALL This Splendidly• Illustrated Weakly Jeurnei of Popular dcienee, Mechanic, tendon, Engineering, Clietnittey, Architecture, Agriculture, and the kindred art., entered it. TWE'TY•FIFTII YEAR on the • tint of Jeniirtiy, listing a circulation far exceeding- that 01 any eintilar Jour] at now published. • The• Editorial Department nf , - the Eden ific American is very ably etude:dud, and sumo of the most popultrr - urlMrii IS this eouffry and Eurole ore contributors. Every number hps 111 imperial pates, emtelliehed 0110 tine engravings of Mar °tawny, :sew Inventions, Tools for the Work.hop, Farm and llennehold, Engineering Wut ks, Die oiling Ileums, Public Budding. •r• A Jouroal of to mulch intrinel'e value, at the low price of 14 • yr et., ought to have, in thlr thtirfig country, A hill-LIeJN`ItEADEttE, It hoover rend. the Sclunitfic Amt.. I,nn, to enter. Inlnerl All inert nct ed, Mott belug bruhruntl id, bard words,-or dry dttaiaL TO INVENTORS A Xi) 111,15 , 11 A NICY this journal le of special value, as It contain. a 'lankly raper' of all Patents issued at Washington, with copious pollees of the leading Amer:ran arid European Anveuti... The Publishers of the Scien tific Arno - Iran are the meet Extrusive Patent So hollers in the Woo Id, and have unequalled faelllt! , * for gathering a complete knowledge of the program of Invention and bierovery throughout the world: and whin a view to merle the .gunner of a century, during width this Journal has held the first pace lichlitlfle and 31•chanical Literature, the Publish*rs leaned on January I, the ,large and tplendad Steel Engraving, - by John Seriatim of Philadelphia, en : MEN OF PROORESS-AMERICAN INVENTORS the plate eoetittit nearly $4,000 to engrave, and con tains a1...0t •.0 iikenlo.CB of /111.1fitriU. duiurlesn Ineeniora, It is a euperh work of art. • "13ingla pittere., taint"d on heavy paper, will ho .add ut 310, but any uue subsertbing ft.r thu ftiun tile A tnet lean, the paper wit] be mot fur ono year, t tether with a copy of the unpitying, m, reculpt of $lO. The picture is also offeted u a pintnium fur clubs of uthtrrlhors, ' E,_. - 1,500 CASH PRIZES. Iti.addition le the above prenfmn, thil PubHebei, will pay SI,COO i 0 CARR PRIZES fur lists of sub s:nib re n st lu by Pula uury 10, 1070. Parton. wlie waist-tn. compete f.r these prises , should- tend at nuen pn spec t us, stud blanks fur sumsn. Tulin, of Seieutillc American, one year, .$3,00 nix months, $1 00; Raw months, $l.OO. To clubs ut, 10 !Lod upwards, $2.00 per annum. Specimen Copies sent. true. Address the Publishers, MUNN & CO., 37 Pork /tow, Now York. Moo to gel ratentr —k pamphlet of Patent Lawn and tout rmtion to lueuutum molt !roe. - voTicE.—By virtue of a resolutionoif Swab°!dem- -tlso - enpltot — Stork - nt the ;.hot Company" hoo hoot Istrromwi to 30,000 DOLLARS. iptiom , to the sittuo will Lo ructilvoil nt lbw uolco ..f the rompttly, No. 5 tab,. %du Sir...it. By order of tho DORM of Dirertore: JOHN T. 11i1ERN, eddenit .ILowi Insixo, Secretary. 1'411140 STORE Room end Dwelling for RUM.— Thut splendid Business Stand and Dwelling banns, situated on North haunter Street, now In the occupancy of theory l'obly, It Offered for rent from April 1, IS7O. The. Store litidm and house will s rented either separately or together. Dor terms &c., twit!) to Wanio.3t GREAT AUC"FION SALES I) 11, I Ci () 011 ! W-., C. SAWYER & CO'S, CONISINNUINU JANUARY 12, AND C4iNSINtINO uNnt glti LN EIRE STOCK p3'cLo,Eit tytl3 t =9 FALL AND WINTER GOODS, SILKS, • POPLINS, HRINOES, ALPACAS, DNLA IN ' ' CLOTHS, CASSINI NAPS ' FLA:sNELS, SHAWLS, ' CLOTH COATS, • 'FURS, t0.,1 NOTIONS OF ALL KINDS, 26. Patterns Fancy Mks, of all Shades =3 WILL'DIt SOLD WITHOUT ItEHßltylti: I=l HAit(lAllro•'TirAT WILT; 141 GI AT THEFT. P. 0,10. == ,AT AUC I TOI4 PEICI:I9, AT tliiT ATE SALE; u nail tho'Auctfon volotitoncoo. I= ' January 1:2, day anii algal: 11, night; 14 alter: noon; IG, day and night; 17, night; 18, day and aI ; 19, day and ulght ; 20, light. • • • w. C. SAWYER, & 6.11u170 , T IST OF SAX4ES• called by N. if.: LAtirtitnicer ; ' " " " J00.,11. Parniiel Kenyouf,dorod. Dlckluton•lwp.• • 72.t0 23: 11" C. Sawyer A Co., Carlisio, Pa. '• 3. .3..0 P. S t I I ' : c 4 t l :4 n 0.1 3 p , ' c l ' nB , Qa l io t ddr . 4 Jlt sex to p. .2. A. Bradley, deed, South' Middleton twp,., 7 l'itneen Fisk, Upunt 11,o11y6prfn41 4 , , . • • " • R. X. 0. Coore,r, Penridwp. , u, Jord i t , Matt, parliells,;Pa. •rlO, JOh Scbmoll, Assigneo of James Thomas, • ISouth.lllddleton'tatinslilp. • • " .11. John Booteru. Assignoa of Jos,Green,South .Middleton township: ' ' " • 12. Jos. licinrainger. South Middleturi twp. , 0 11; Noah Cookley, Pennlop. " • " 15. 1 lisp, Spangler, Dicirinson 4 1 11 0- •-• 4n. Smuiml Bun., Dicklinon top. • , .11. • 7wt...llartuutn.Sonth Middleton twp. — '• • 'lB Leri'Qntshall.; South :Middleton tap.; " 10: AlllePcireen, - Potin ' - 21. Johu.Poung, Dickinson. ; 22. Jai: Psffey, South Illiddleion tny. • • " 23. 'Daniel Shook, Dickinson. — 24. Jacob Black, Dickinson. - " 25 : John Shambatigh, Itakonar's Gap Road " • 2d. Jame Benyou, Dickinson. • , " 2s. John Johns:South Middleton twp. . . • Ater. 1. jJoeo Zolglerddlddlosex., ..• • . •••• .B.soh Bcht.pp, South . 0 0. Hernial Wherry, dlddlosox. ; , • 4. , Curtis ,Nishburn, Ponn twin - , • 6. Benjamin Lbeliard, L ickinson. 0 Jur., D:Slloatter, , Dicklneon: !• " R. Jacob Plank, Geuth Middlaton top, • ! 0. Moses Wetzel, Carlisle, Pe. • • 10, About. Optic Dickinson. . . .., • " 11: John D. Myers, 'West Ponnsboro. . 0 12. AVllsonehupp, South Middleton Iwp. " 14. Curtin Fiehburn , POWS. • " 10. Jno. A. Pager, Dicklbsoh: ( •" • .4 Tr, JorneiLltnNyanu twp. 12/2110231