Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 23, 1869, Image 3

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rAt tarlts4 rtrab.
CARLISLE,_ liEcE:11131:li, 23, 1800
Iu aoeordanee with the usual euitom
no paper will bo issued from this, of the
rauntocr office between Christmas and
New Year. -
Among the teachers in the Hollidays
burg Seminary are gratitiateafroni seven
different institutes of learning.
Bishop .I. • P. Campbell will preach
nest Sabbath at - the African' 'M. E.
Church,. on Poutfrot meet, At 41 o'clock
m., and 7 o'clock p. lu, .
Our carrier desires Jut: to. notify our
i'atroits in Carlisle lie will call on
;bent :oruNew Year's Day. - •
Tito WillitunspOrt ficophi" eomPlain
;really of the inferior , moat with which
heir markets are 'cursed. How strange
t is that butchers shouldbe dishonest up
hero '1 Nobody over hoard of bad meat
n oufrintrkets, nor of light weights, nth.
)eculiar multiplication tables, either.
Joe butchers all deal on the square—
'Shoo Ily—d9ll't bodder me."
. .
The York True V ,wrlut is in ecsta
sies ovorthe receipt of F.saddle of veni
mn from a CleaAleld minty friend, and
wishes it could have shared with some of
its legs fortiMate ootemporaries. We
rear that would be establishing a bad
' Kdep your mouth sbut,'and breathe
thipugli your nose, and you will thus
avoid colds, and save your lungs.
is first rate ,adrice. It has been. givesi
very often. Sometimes:it will be fa:.
lowed, tualgometimes not. As a news
It m it is vbiy old, and will get
considerably older before it is done doing
duty to $ll up columns.
Those •sylzo forgot to present us with
toil:6 . s and other fixins on Thanksgiv
ing day, aro PositiVely notified
that they joust not- tient', to in now
a double portion of the luxuries tho
season in order to make Up for that omis
sion._ IV.s.pot:Kti2Al,l,lk:kwqroWd
with such things.
Deer are said to ho abundant hi 'Aq!le
Parts of the South i plunttiir that bo
the, 'hope_rbuy will find ti it
way to tho Market ht.ustt, shortly.
11'e are till linvr ,, ving. \Ve 11017
t on tLc (lau - tl.iuunc square. e
tire very glad a it in this inst:ant::t.; 11:; it
gigs an indication of progri-is in - the
oliliers' monumvut. wiaild like _to
see one house , Ir, on the opposite riga:ire.
on the East side, hot tlint Nvon't.lio for
some Y'CRIT, to come.
Every btdy in engaged in looking out
'Christmas presents for their wives, child
ren,nyeethears, and other people.. •Af
ter all this is attended to, we would lie
pleased to 11:1TC . a great fot of (bristnas
presents iu the sloyo of new subscribers
to the .11Eidt.o.' .
But nine dayli of the out year yet re
maim All those ;wilt; hrve deterniiited
to pay . thepyinter before New Year, will.
please make a note of this, as it might ho
forgotten amid the excitement ..and feS
tivities of OhriStMas. We merely men
tion-this in order to save our friends from,
tend the neglect Pillirietfulness of dood
resolutions. It isn't on.accouut,of the
money,pf courso... tie. .
bleeping in church has, been; hereto- -
fore, regarded :with' so 'much' iv'fersion,
and has receitieLs6 many rebukes, :both
from press and' potpie, that 'we are -Bur
'prised that it has not • been done away
with long agOoi nn it must be on the in
e -.
rease,' howeyer, for some :irropressilble
Yankeirhas invented, a contrlvancO
--pressly..for the use..of church sleepers.
In order fluit they' niafenje'yjhoir nape;
and make themselves comfortable.' The'
invention is called :a "head rest, attach
ment,":and it ikalahned that it fills the
bill entirelf. „ .•An , excliange, whose neigh
borhood must be afflicted with sleepy
congregations, thus speaks of the Happy
results 'expected from its use. "How
eliarmidg Mill' be 'for the ladies, WhO
• havd„e4diusted their strength and incli
natimi,-inf,regarding the latest fashions
during !‘ the preliminary services, to
quietly - rest - their waterfalls upon the
serEf n.. await, In pleasant re
pose, the mai of the sermon: What
blesspigit will he to the old church dea
cons, -Who can, henceforth;'take their
customary snooze without the dlsag,re'm '
able Wakening by 'a sudden ,bobbing of
the head.. • The preachers, themselves,
will share the benefit of the invention,.
for they no 'lOnger be mortified by
,theprefaue . glances at gold watelmsy or
significant mei-rousness of their audi
oncee:.'i In fact, there arc feW in the eon- .
gicgtion who will not enjoy the inven
tiou iromensoy, after some bold persons
shall have overcome the prejudice that
- naturally ,attach itself to the in
' troiluetion. .Tho great trouble will be in
waking the auiliencO up after the sermon
is dyer, for; with tlio' - as*tanco of the
headicusbroDs, most preachers would put
thekeoplo to sleep so soundly that noth
'ing los -thana'good , ' sized . dinner - bell
wonla servo to bring thenback to con
ciottsfess: •
At a stated mooting of St. John's
, .
L0dge,116.,260,' A; •T.. 3.1., held at CteL
lislq 7Pa,,, following officers Acre
electeeto nerve for the cunning masonic
year; cornianeing !with St. John's day
next Samuel R. Ulawly ? W. Ti. ; A. R.
Rheem. S. W.; 'L, T. Greentiold.J. W. ;
M. Stilertnaii; . P. It.—Socrotary . J. P.
Bas;dei, TropAttitr.; - • •••.
Oh &Imlay mornhig ne=t, the
4Vin., Q Lover Et, wAI deliver, by rigneat,
an adtyess in SE; obnrcli: On' tllo.
isubje4 . ; , :fiTgumoni'cal
"aro ThO public, aro `cordially
vited, to, attend. • '"
We aro hapiiy to announce to imr.roid.'
ors-that-the Ceninnitteelp,ving in charge:
the getting nip of 'course of features in
Ca.4lslo"during 'the Present season, bale
aftey , ecnisiderable,tr,ouble and expense,
succeeded' in: Making engagements, for
the'following course',ou
lident reeethe approbationof the,
Milieus Of OUr tolvn, and vicinity.
• PridaY ; ',lliVeiiing;•Jantiary. - 14, Paul 8.,
DuObaillu,' the celebrated Africar,,Oic- •
plormi will deliver the drat leettire, taking'
adventures, - ...Jibs lectures', are
. • tp . ciken'Sif „Oire#Vrhere. , : 7, :
The Secondleeturb; Thiireslay, January
• 27 "iiviltbo7by Dr. T.:I:on-Witt ,Talmago
thOtraat4iilp, •
delivered! 'Friday,
togan;Stibjeet I
"Girls:" popularity, may
' be linovr,u froM the 'fact that 'this is the
..4Ml3i'evening during the whole Arint,or
. ,
rEhloh could be.giveu In
KO:tio secure the 'amount necessary to be
ftitTurd.ed - in - adViaieit to the
plains of tho hill have been prepared, and
the'Committee aro now prepared to sell
course tickets, Irith reserved seat&price,
$2. - 00.• Wo would advise all who wish to
select seats, for the: course, io do so" at
oriCe.. Plans of the hall can be seen, and
tickits purchased at Farmers Bank, or
front hiossre. A. Blair aml IV. B. Ogilby,
menibers of the committee.
Rev. Dr. Daskiell, President of Dickin
son College, delild a lecture in elnpn
hersburg, oil Thur,! ay evening last, on
the subject " , Wantcd—a situation fora
gentleman's son." The lecture is highly
spol:eii of by the Chainbersburg papers:
. The.savbati, school of tlio *fomet
Church; of this pace, will celebrate
-imthe above church; on text
Sabbath evening, in 'commemoration of
Christ's Advent, inappropriate, religious
excreiscs: These Fel' \*S' to commence
at 7 o'clock. All are United to attend.
We call latent ion to the advertisement
of E. Lamberton, in another column, in
which is offered, for sale, a good lime
stone farm. This ..farthis situated in a
desiiable portion of tie county, aluLthose
deEi'ring, - to purchase- land, would profit
by embracinil, the opportunity to make a
.goMl investment.
The Commissioner of Inteenal Rova
nil° has confirmed the decision that
when bitters;) recognized as' Medicinal
agents, are sold in the Original packages
or bottles,. stick as arc used by retnildeal
era, • both the original and t) a smaller
packages must be stamped according to
the requirements of the law.
The " Wizard Oil' people, who know
so well, how, to set inuribug,gery to music
arc said to have "called in — about $l,OOO
of,tbe.redundant tairreney of Chambers
burg, in about five days' Operations.
Their success everyv, here else has been
proportionate. The credulity of eonunu
pities, has -been a standing theme
for comment for years, nod it
does 11: t appear to be abating rapidly. If
these fellows will just Rlow their pees
,* WY' •
some pr para ion or eme O grem.
um," they would he benefactors. They
needn't, try to will it. lo M - OVer. People:
rarely. buy what they need, even if it
wero inicrtlis.ed by the" Wizald."
Mr.,B. B. Taylor. beta' in our
'bolough fora fen-day. , 1m•-t, With a cic\c
to rell wme of the rich aad fritU lands
in :•;outhea....t. rot.olv,a
remain in this pliuT until idiont the
twentieth of Janu.try rua. His object
in remaining is to eller oil' citizens an
opportunity to pi:rob:Ha these lands,
which - he is offering' at very low rates.
Thi.ire' can be no doubt that these lands
atloyd a.chance for prolltalile investment,
such us is rarely to he met. The,elithate
semi-southern and delightful, the mar
ket for ploducc convenient, and the
roads now. inangtrrated and in 'proCess
construction will insure the rapiilT4lTki.
iacnt . Jf thq6e. 1041; and a speedy in
crease in price. Mr. Taylor may lie
found of t.he "Bentz House — during h)a
stay. find will he glad to impartinfo; ina
Hon to all persons who may fed all in
terest in regard to the subject.
A full repo' t. of the most interesting
and important case is now eady and can
be obtained at this office. It contains
the entire testimony in the case, a full
71e - iThrtirt - of - aii - theiHtr4c.' this
time, with a sketch of Dr. Schwppe and
Miss Steinneeke. The book will lie fur
.nished atthe following rates :
On(Pcopy, cents.
.Twenty copies. t 7,5 4 011
Fifty copies. 9 00
• One hnndred comics, 15 00
' Address,
111:1t ALE) OFricr.,
Carlisle,' Pa
The warehouse on the corner of Main
and AV e,t streets, with .siding attached,
and now occupied by Henry • Ilerkness,
is for rent.. Apply to
2:3de09-lt A. ,CATITC.I.IO'.
Henry P. Chapman is refitting the old
'Phatograh Gallery, No. 21: West Main
street, and will inn short time be ready
for businet3t3. Ile requests the...natrenttge
of the publie.../.
We i the undersigned cu:l healers'
wishing •it, all time s to tire!) the Fie
of coal as low or lower than our neigh
boring towns, Alo repre.tent that dur
coal I.llraits( lying ti lie paid in
cash on the si:tth , of every month, and
the railroad 'tolls cm the same being
cash before ri•eriving it, we do hereby
- give notice is inability to give
credit on the rnm t ; and, therefore, on
'and 'after this-date ill coal sold by us
will have to be ctish eu delivtry.
J Balm 800
A. 11, rll,lll l ,
BEt.Ti.m c";:, Co.-.
S. M. flonvt 11.
C t de t,
''Tlie ebnunitice appqinted by the Amer
ican Institute 'to examine into the merits
of the various coal burning stoves, "have
reported that, after making a thorough
examination of the various stoves, and
testing . :them thoroughly, buni in refer
'once to economy and heating power,• they
'have found the 'American Base Burner'
(manufactured in this tci bethe
mogreconomical, and the Most powerful
heater—some of the tests showing That
this stove - consumed full one-ball lesg
fuel than the others, and in every case
gave much more-heat." not bettor
to get the abovo- named stove amt avoid
tho'gro4 waste of coal;—Alban y K pick
'nick E;towes are Tor gale, by William
Fridley, Emit Louther street, Carlisle, Pn.
• Alliotograph Galllry, trolleslablisbed
and doing,a good business can be bought
cheap for cash, if applied. for sobn. Cal
On or address , • •
P. Neff, No. 23 West Main. street,
bait recilliecl.a largo stoc of fancy Oats
`and notions suitablp. flir . the holidays, all
the noveltibs of tb r oseason on band, price
reduced • lower than 'ever. His stock of
cigarti and toliabcotslargeanil of the best
witt',9 You want Fan
,Cy goddsi notions, tobacco nito..cigars, go
:to Notria
Sleighs ! If you
Isiant to see. the hands'omest Sleighs over
made ire-Ciumlierland county, go to the
tbileh'Fimtory Of Sherif., corner of
Pitt. and South streets; CitVlislo,-and two
coated single BleigliS, of all styles . and
Drites. • • . .
' :J".. - Wilt711"1.121041.2 1 .511:04 11 LT?'"
13i `4 , 'll 6
eipo`nactorgigned, ie. i• .118 -083
ConBegmatee of tho gentleman
hiving ebaegnrlltlityktero kingt? InpriTlAMterelln
-• , ,
j, • T., W 11.0 ,L I
tlr it entire steelt;iConsiatit g aft: Aqhf
• • • 71414 M -IV. a ,
-V/ o.(ja . cii;;Or.. 9ceir.#B;‘!Qug - caspetto W 4. !
I,betal terms: AritliEttion
the mercantile Liminess &CAW'
po air in tho bounty, it beino ieentyslaloStit
.rix miles iiiirthesst.ofThiviVilli, 'obit toltridt4tlitt
lei .st of n thieltiy settl4tflihietif our valley',
Attar( ' - - •:'"`"i-STOUGT; : /ii
'240.1269.1m . . ,
(111EAP COAL 1 .-CHDAP-COAL. I - 1
Tlie Holier be i9togna'tf3b ?Oilier, by the
o r lot burnelo, and other COMilant re along
the lii c bt u the CombeylAbil the eele,
brAted; f. 1: 3. i ZA
A'L' TII;% LOWEST rossiitix
c nvCry suo.lor gßall!y..anti will Do
Cum ishva at in ice.i which 0111 di,fy
Inc ttuittcriber Will deliver c' ad at C.rlisle, dthing
ligßl -
5 5
And lo other points of the rbtitt , ll6 will. &Jiver it
adding i t ecole..ting the exienhe iu. freights. '
To- gln . ° rate. will be object to the rise or full
of prices, eeeinnolith,•at the'tiret e.'• oo
°Mee—corner of-Main end:Pitt stretta..o. rur.:ar,
PAN T, through their agent, IL F. Conklin, hetet!,
eau t lone il?Wf,ublic,:frop;tglitfriigg /kw *lox:04,
other person, to make or sell artificial teeth on
pl,tes of
echo ti not liercuspd. by thil,corrkpaily.
limns,. for Cumberland county am, D.. IL.Leas,
1. CDc ill• r, and Eilyder;, for: Mechanicsburg ; Dr,
George W. Neidigh;"fur Car isle ;'Dr:ll R. Futter
bow, for And Dr. J. W. Bonder, for Ship
All persons wearing artificial teeth on Vulcanized
Rubber, rondo bv, prrsons r , wlio are not Ilactutces of
Goa come, sty, orb equally rrsjr ns7ble irqh`tho par.
tba woklifff7tAkorn, and will,.ho prosecuted furl..
fringente..ts of our pritoetie •
Signed—lf. F o'f (3 0 ) c Agent.
Will be sold ❑t public sale, 11l •the Coptt-Ilnuar.,
Co.lible"; : 1 '4 4 13,51.>
On Saturday, •Ja, ar .1, , :187 0,, 1,1
lo of said lay, the firm tor the 0ti,., 1
slomieti in 1)101(11113°n ithiliship,:nboht
1!,.. fl.nn the Pike, on the Vorlerosil;eonttiltlietiff :
.5 IVE S ••
N. or IeF.A, oil itnottrine' land; alllindei , billiiviitlon t
mei „ell root ed. This property firs , betwoep.
Inrnr li...Poffer sod Ethcard ;,.
The imp °cements Rid
I high, STONE JUNE EARN, Ayncon aided;_
There lilt fine 3 on eg sppie o'rehord
„ th
v,.nient to the dwelling. A ot n ,
Id provrty to any one small
fio m.
If net sold en the nhove day,"the property 'III
rent frorl the Jir , t April 1011. t
RrrTnF 'OW d tlfoile by •
x - r(yrICE. I -'OO - eo ie liereDy. given
hat the f011..w ng named persotti hove tiled
aidto . too", for 1101.41, 119 n, ortatigant, Aral retail,.
et o to. no ... antler the 0t.1..1-.11 act. of. II sea , re-
La tor do t in the tdaro of ill , . Cierh of the Clot
of r 1 r.0....i0n0 1,11.01.
•••]••4•11..1.,•••••11ill 4.• n melt :
to aaid Cout.t...a
)t t! «a) (If 1 "..70
3 el, is r,, We.,:t Al a d, Cat
11 II lath 11 Karns, V: pd Wald, Carlpd ,
• 11 IILII 11. 11, Ne ,
.; ,111 • Il boor Allen lownsldt,
I'dlr . l.l. "1 , oft, l'llOpiadt , barg bor.a,ll„.
I{Vegt.-Wfir , l, CarrMa :1
(11:11.1,4 " " • ‘,
- .roll, 0I I off man, FrAt NI and- C.NII , IV,
r,i1v1 ,,, , •,”• hei , ' - •
P/I 'lip PI il,l . h,
1;. - tnnsn,
S l!totlap
Jolin Orrin, ' . I i
- •
)1 1 .1 , 1,101.1, Met.lLL , Lticsburg.
tt '11,0,1.11. . I.•ticic Neu 1414 g 1.11,101114 h,
.1 'l,'
I t: Nn • ton l,,nnsb l, .
1, 1 , 1,11 -
pp, rout It Nl,ldlelou
I L. 1 111,- , Ll:miser, or Spring toWanzip.
, 116nbnro' Inwn
cillc I,o2;nagh.
CLruJ `Lo rt 8, Cal IHo lorniigb,
.1 1,111D..11,:ii: " ' 4
.v S. A. Tirtver,airt,Crirl'olo. .•.
mplul Myers, Medi niimbur;
.lohn li. Maier,
1 . Grand Jurors for the January Tenn of
Oeralvd - Turraineri--Cjencral_Sail_Deli. , v„A
cry, and Court of "quarter Sessions of !
the peace, 1870 : • •
Ill:oh, A rineti 0110 Fitimi•r • ' ' lkllitiiii
11. oil), 'Fliotan, ii Farmer Southampton
11r...i m TI111111.“ ' Furrier -. . Newton
Cohle, Altai Shoemaker V. Perimelioro'
I iav .cle• .n. Jun A . Former IV Pennultoro°
1). , nitey, 11 1 I lie l 111111 . A I.ei I - weer M•turoa
Eberly, LC V i L. ,31, vu ere11..a . u.t.,,, Mgclitilic4og,
l'ohttro, Illalolpit ••Fierer ~, -•-• lhoi:160. 0.,. ~
Cat .11,01., W 3 Cain M Former F. Pennale. nil
It tit t4t 11. ilitorge Farmer ?ICJ 1 1.000 ` •
(I. allaln, .1 011 Fainter rl Middle( Ai
Howard, 00 eitnt t 2 . Farml ' ..... Alidgosilup
11011, SalUlle . I' Flll . lllVr ' :h4, TWI).
Iltiverhilek, .1 'II 'll - limiggiat Collis' e
Miller, AV i 1110111 Dutcher .•. . ll , t ,
I lollingt, .1100011 Tann. V. Dfililisith
Koerner, Jacob Farmer . .11eattx . - 1
K todig, A C • Il.'allielatic t.• Newburg, t .....,..
Feder, It K - Farluyr. ~ ". -, Dickluitult
S to,i,le, 3 C Farmer ,.,, -, - SII.r Sheila
Spoilt:, John it • Ilrlclitnitkor Ciii lisle
S.maellen, William Farmer Silver Spring
5 10 ,00 or. 6/10/140 - . Lluiebilmee 7N. Mlddlot94
Z.. ik, John Faraieli !';UPFe , ', Alivft:
Traverse Jurors—That Week
A &lions, AII . Laborer' ' W.rteciabtirCr
linker, 11 It Farutiii l Stinthrunitton.
Itt - .dtt, .1 NIC ell: NV Pen 'inborn
Bretz, J. rent tall eat mer lliimitletl,',, 5.,.•,
Iteniiiir, 3t.lin "A 1)1 , 1111-1" - ---,,k-Ble.llor. ...-
-linker, Wi.ilina Lab. rer ' ' llopewe'l... ' ,
Bin to r.. 1. se. . Firmer • "lIIIVer - t l nrlng",
loe ..le-y, .Ate - it ' Former . Penn
thee. II NI bubo, iT. Lowur Allen
111 Gerd, J J .' - Fortner- -- W. Pentilitar.i!
''''''' . Farmer
Ernst, tieing°
I el,els, William It
_Mereltnnt., Sheer. Spring_
Pie tney, I' ter Shosinnlcir. I .lllirlinttiesh`g•
Ferenttin, tleorge Fanner ,Newton -
Fenton, Alittinel T buttoner, Alitllitt
Oirno, 111 , 111111 Id , '" Fnruier . 1 entiaturo'
malt:lr'. litwie Fainter Pi-1111
I i ,111111.. S it : , . Uellile 0111111 . Cilr:6lo,
"Henderson, AP, Former' N. 11fitidletini "
11,-,,,,y, NVilliani Filmier, )litlit esex
It ennui, Peter V - ' , armor - \ 1 , ,),, , ,,• e pring
Ili-thick Jesse llentlemint NMI tli-tet ..
Jacobs, Tlritry • )1111or , hl. Sliddlet it
Ilt t, JI, Fuxin, '., 3lottroa
Nonni/.; Isaac, 0 Fanner Antit hunt, 'tin .
Koller, Henry Farmer ' Penn
lii.lie. , C "V l'iinintir
h e ti, 1 0 1,11." ." • Farmer ' ''lllintroe •, - ,
Merton, It .1 'Dealer Ship Ii r.
I itoghlin, John A . . Fnrtniy, ' • WiPeuiittborm
NI rtin, David . • Ittrinee . . Middlesex
1".1 0 .1o.e, Benjamin • , Fenner ~ 4 , 314,,49, .•
Ott S.lttiii.,int • Farmer'"
IMa ra. 0 eitnge 'runner • Aliddlesnx
O Nrolit, II NN • - Dealer Meelinulettb . g.
PRier, Devid l's inter : Icon
11-ottsteo,iil, WI. Mason - Cur Isla "-
nuke, Citrattuel • Earn) -1 )lilllin
:-Int,p, Jin-01. " kitrinnt • . A Alid.ttelon ,
itenfen, NVi Hain Farmer •
tit,.p.ll.eniun, Ilenj_ Istlioner Ilarapilen
Titinniestii, 3 Cat °the. -', I .. .inter .." ," ,;VV,Petinstiont
'Fr It, 11 A ' '' ' Fantle.' '- , 'WA II
\ V. 0 ,1 illll . ll, .Inv A Farmer- Plikiebott .
ii eit , ley, Wi Mutt IL" .. Vaitner„. Sputhnngtton
. Wile, Ciiristiatt - -- t.iillerlie "" R. 111i.till. ton
Zeit,l.-ti, A It- . Brit Itinalter 'Cavils:a
Berger, Thivid , . • , VarriNiT - j1,1.- l enF.lturo
.. _ . .
TPILVCP:3O JVlVOrSSecond Week :
S Ship.
Bitoor Unit go ' eutleutun Mee 'g
Inn lee, 0. lo it A Miller Silver Hpring
in o hop, A leszintler Farm, Penn
Brio 1 1 , , l'yrus • oar 3loutpi
th.oOgo W • .06itletuhu. Car.hio
Brie cr.!, wla Fanner
11.1.1.,11, holo•rl 0 ., Fortner Lows Allou
Unor, Morer Forthor ' • ,Mitllll3.l
('or the r, MV 11 Laborer -W. 1'0,410130r°
Danner, Jacob • Laborer -11amptIon
•40,11.150 n, .Inhn 111 Former -311111 m
1/711-tatif,• Abut . ;lull. l'anlic •
in 14, -4. , rtor tientlemon :Clottrue
rotator • ,
3511' Her, Nit:ll6l.o -• Fikimer• Iforop lon
Funk, 11 31 ' termer, N•atoll.
(tenor, Nathanfol • Pithier : i ittuniiclott,
titinitel, Anton ~ tminer, :. - 1 / 1 1Po, Ivll3/ oft., ,
Ilirant Laborer 8. ottdulot.ouu . ,
Alexand r Farmer N. 11114dloton
floury; John Former • 311Mlo
3 . lrlll.iddhitian
tiarpOr, Samuel^Tarnler
Miteltiiline • '3leclialitaith
3, cei•ett',.3olni ,'•' -• , •:Yarinet
131untper, Oefiio ' : 120104 1
Myers, Pater' • ' " - 'Fenner;lrntilttirilqM 2
Marla .J Tnnter . , 111btrbb lair
011 or. William'. •, 1,•• Ynnic,r ! s • Frriliktotd • I ' , “
Qulglry, NO • k
1 , 1 an.,,, Jacob 11 n' • B:4lllldletbit ,l
lttuool, Alaxnoylbd termer' ••• • Nbaton 4;
iteetlO: , PaiTnot 3 l'3ll.ltitharaptcin.i
llatild I, P ' Clerletg ul Map
Strickler, llouryJr 'llaborer•"^' , ‘8,1;11(11,1161.011 3
' Smith, Chariot, A .1'0113t0i..: 4 .•
Soeulhe .1 11' • 1 • Millet 1 3 o'3•113111111n 14 1 1 1 .1
Strung, ," 4 '--FoirneK ,33, 4,ol34erfAllair- 3 :
I , lVouti, , Jbse ••••• 1. : rmlato."": 1- No*rtati , •:'
Wealt , ey, o JoUids ChVontbi :** • Penn
Woa.t, Jacob -- 7 t ' Ettriblit• - ' , Willi
'Wuntlerlicb;'W .•'• • • a, htlirt". li tf
Wherry, David; , 6wbilt
)Vl ,l 1 0
. • • - : : :.":7:1:rinli"or of-"...• ima1a11.14 7 7•:3 1- •
Zoit tor,: Jawed 'A • , ".j..qatiteittge
:3+ ,
•44i Vii.
dp min •',
binis fbr Sheep and'pciUltiirridids; kffilui"
iv Ire' cloth Morey Itqufforti Strain's corf_toltl,,oSata:
sand &c;~tle , Qvy,Orl ~ oopp~dbtotli '€ otapd ' Yk`A"rree't 6 lA
f knacipoiliqa foi;Vrip4644.
",l'ilres; Orn ardreatal *lnt *SOF..Nrrer3l , lnitirtest:
Mon by lidelrosslog the man u fortifiers, 111.*AttillE
BONB' No.ll North Sixth Street
12Ibb 091. " '
--~ ~;~~
:tY; :VCCUMVsEfitMlati
r TV Ifl7l
Vl* :RR: t 4) 'a ,brvori.toltJa i. 0 4., .vitit
, ~P.l3 . 2Par . • 1
i i grtiTattP,PlpppA.c. lIIIINA TA; 1
• , :, , z1 &.b.irfn pru.pg2 tkr .4 n .vitue,
14;t11.1 ,•Rtltrtr: 9D. , 14 16 , 6 `.:4/1111443 , 1t.V.111,10
f. .7.ig ! lifp 'RAO I ..„.6 4.1 crtse, n.l Zatoßml47(
t , ,,,4•: 7Cik' 0 torts' Xt. ,541,3. *Rua Rill .3.crtrA
r,:,.A.R.R ! Itstv , , V., ,i 7.1 1 ,, iliran... , ~,c, 3.2,t ilahlsrpel ,
:01-4 +tt,lß*l.4.f T0.1.4,1.1 - 44;14 , :141 41 ,F , D 111 Ras'
, , t ~,,t .N,; , ,,5...,,t, , . 4 Ault r.,l,lttlilsor eti SIR Al el
i 7:43V,!,,,if. all 3 Par Ist I,R 14*,:tt,10.......% 4,.0 a:.l
• • .:4:flw I;et -:,,u17,1? faer,',.. iqw ki 4R,St U r i tit,',l t
>I - c : - ',..t'it'S , ~ eR%R„ , ?. ~..3,:L.,
1 )' '
. t.t i. .1.111. 1. 141: 1 % i1. 1 .
• . 111111. • .
in V it l,,, i ,
: .. . 1
'. ' 1111111111 '' ' ' 'G.
.4i1,W , 11 1
A • - AAA
AAA A - A - It A
?Ao x e. +:647
't Yr
.w.,,,,N1T/Tgl ,,-Nic, •
~ ,," , '. , i,1
1 ,••=sl,l4,TOXN'l.^WiVtrtlott: ,i,...=v-z...4.11,1*;,
i ' .,.,. '
'NICNNINTN •:, =C4,<:/ix
' ,= •- , ' , liiii' Ptsmall lc 141,r
eui ~, ::=.,tritl:'l;','
..‘K c.ri=
• ' 'I!, I t',ANITZ 1 slay,
i . 4 ‘ •=‘,, , I,ll,lbinT -": ~ ~ , ,,,, I
—•- , 1 .-e :a.e ~...
';i:KTCPIP,IIbOt".:* U4(5. s!,O
000 00 ? 6(1 % 00
I a
I 000 ' 000
000 . 009
ja , 13004111 011
*IA i OOO 000
1. 1, I.f ,27104)..13t
711,5 j Lt • • •:13 55 8 . 4" . ...t5 . 85...t .. al :r
-SaSSSS ss ~-...,
Sil , L ,4 l46F3Sfi
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.iniTin Si ?.,/ All
7 . !
MELO 1 ) EONS . .i' i : AL'
• .
EL01) F )N 1
1 , 1 , i •
1:0 V., ',Si, 14 4,1,4.0
.‘4l.T.'iliOnt;ONS'..Y' 4." "A , V. 5.1
‘,er .
. 4..
Jr S 147 , St.
.i, '*,.' '''l j": - ''w.r:;:. 'i,iin qii.6 . ,;i; 1
Yould call the attehtOxi'!.of,llidliabri la, go
Fn mobt
~iirs'rrnr;' ~~s•rr; i• sn~.Nfifi; ~~.zt:~*
.S/ Nl),lElatCi ANYA l'AN(L'ir;
•al • •' , F. , "
nnionflinturei lkyAlto orlobrvilptl,Sancoiweg
Pllnfix will he foultEN:Votnii.JbYtrtipt,voi4iPngtlQwng
In part payment t r lie eau elny. n 3 of intr. lime.
Thio ittrang_nic. , ,t tvill Inkt' Ibe jlnirbnpe pn..Y. by
glvlng t for.niN ( , )11 , bk,uk. , 1 -
of trstitig iitr ktorrnwilt twfon•nn: chasing. A 1,4, good
:".I , :iGtI)NLY 41 A NI% , 11.1A;N ,
fur Hale 01 0111, ems ID Wit 1110
Coil RI 11. v‘lDDille liD,lll. Owl )011 141 to lent
or 1
; te• a+
S I ;TO ( gT
• I t , e , ..• 1,4
1 .
• ,
E p E
from tLe wi repo.. ned tookkfttetor . vof IL I'. Need
hism,& ,Foe (fieuteti,...ciirhert "Xho
ha i l it. Leht In the wo. Id, aind ttl I. wit.riab.ted.nittl
kept to order'by topielf 'or e yt:in•l4.. Alto '
• • • •
p • z .1.
,• •
, 4 • I•,,
and everything avertnlnlng• to thenitteloslonsingiit.
Old Pianos, Melnentnl, , ,ltatlDOrgann, 414 In . pa, t
ray for new t tiettr . •
rev, „ *"l2
„ al , 1,41111;.x:011.11..7.01 . " 10isnirla iPMI , II9.LI4,V; ; ',
plOiss. • .
• i tAtZt
, 1,41 on't forget the '• '
Itltee'er exot e . fd t 13.1 e?,„.
ud r6p
vt 4 • i_tktf" $t 1 V • CO ' • "'
4 Ty < 4 . V..4" , v 14 :4 et4till 'tiff 4a,11 SN , O,V A." 6
• OARLISLIO; . PA; .10.0111
, , i II
r a. ,14.01.17
y i axcz.7 c.W.‘rairr.
. - m u o 'ay. : . . - u. it a g
....~.~~ r~,~:
Ti.i ~k ~.:;
, 1%,11 , 1
`114,1.•.,t. • tl t , •11,s roN,
Ifeir ,Z 3 et",
t I . .A. , 4 1 44t N PITh ihIM, 2 , 7
•• 4Ni 1.1,1,
:,4,1 4. ; 1 ,,
• ' n71,71 . 1 1 . 1111,111 A
~k, _ _ 11,0,4 v:11,,
;;;-' ~• V. , ..F: i' t' Al ::";. ; \..t )" '‘ , - .4 f .Y.. , 3,i;::'..1 , 7
1114.-4.1,.1a4: Ito!.
- (1 T. C A ?I T 7 1 4 ' , 2T 0 - Y S
,a • rr;
I WO II :1 ti A ; CA , IC C itz 010
f 11.6.11't 4.4141 Iu et,
Vire sae
trn.; ,- 3"St.IT
I ,NOT,r(-I;,_ • • •
, nf'f'lltnhrtry
C0. , 11v,
, L etat'' ' 1 :;; ' 1 9 L' 401
i T n ,
rt . I:11'dt); 41
Ittl)), C tt.ohtt d t 11, 4:tleitttl 't'r
Li.“ 14, 1 cig rval
Otatti4j r a t_• i 1 t ~t. mot
_;.V.,. 7 .1 r. t
tMEbtaptONS.I.: , :
... , .1 .
rt a ~.
fl ,44111
, .
- •
~ 1•116 m.......... Va. -
--ArciVACAt Lr. ifN /co' 'as. . , t i.,
_ ii.' .A.T . , VS',l,l , 4l . U v e p it t3 ii iiikr ,l I I° .
sit, it .Ti
ii, ling in'"" ' 11 ;1 1 - 6 # 1 ; i t'IMVNil41
.31: ia , I „ A sir r impitijalr :,l ala cltrcot Carlisle, l'ttirr.
In ,
. „,;10.1i,..,7A1akgr01N.,41ft
; • ' , 401 t. Jam oOtt , fihtlVilia, pritiTatiftUtTu.h.4.lA Oct
-1,14,,t I Coot ts• of, Common Ilene of the . cou . liZ of
;041,,LI.0',,srimtiantiatwicaldlinstAt pie
,g1),N10,1 C , l , t11::: , or Oyer and Tert?iner and , ent , ral
[ Al l t ii ' l l =fi l trglarlatgt ' stN, T ANa llir,t
Vcitit is of Oyer and Totattlner and Ocneral Tall Deliv
ery-Idr t he Dial of itllechlittatitittlAndeaghttlere. In
the silditllitity of Clualterguil, by their precept in, .11
Chrocttalltltithileittittliebi alttlgraftbil lhas*OrddZeti
Ai r , otnitt_kr 00,..tipiutaxiiitortlealuibtaikuat•IAMIA:
llolTH l MMivrblitqlot•Onotorithmllaremniet• 3Bl4l :be tt
ing'iloSS4oriit:Mitrabln otik btrloaldlsrttralovrinbtako
N o v,go4iitti.ottj• - taratiJto attoKkh-cttiEr,tl 4 / 1 1t0n914
the PoWLE•iityllOohothithiroOlad saidtolniirpt•Atiag
in .rltiTtilhitttltt•vlstxdl6.4ltn:qald Ineelloptiteclinis/
in on vet: rotiatthautiwelltliarefiwtlialttotoporiptnacrnalt
it '.. httit ro24.prUdartla;rttut o irlqulfilt tobalUittnlW
WI on.) i 1.., t all 01 hoi4i•nrfrratimrretqfd art toiphtleultat
ts 11 lch I cetlldliiallttithlipol , ll.lfitto NI (lotto, owl all
tlt on 4 Iltiei illiolltoilia.botoebptrnircittuto , binek deo tol
vi,‘,l,o4lßAid4d4iNes CluitNre tad thotrtlan.bettl4.flie
.Tail dr 4.0 d .0‘....t.;., are to inn tune to nritt,..9tctlOthem.
eq . :44111 be Jo d. . '`.'it -.'.",.., !Iv;
:it si , ,;*---- -- t-ASSs-Cit.TUOUILSOX..F.heriIi,.....
to',., n ;ill ° ,4ll s ,ftioill 'fiaII.IBLIfIATZEI
ch.1,1.19t, , . ..
t i,, • is I:er by glean t lett the 'folio, lug ac,
c 1111 ~ lot,. I:vezt lib il In the ryolinaut t ary.!t,tilhm,
for ta- in ;It, tt. and V. i I inn. Kill ID bil'!l44lil.l CAW
or l', 111E1,1 Pi. :is OF ttnathcchttal cone ly, for conflr
taa I it, on ,NI echo sday .149,Rij 1.408T.0, via:
1. ( rh, ;‘,..,:it or 3111vo mai, asTrypiee of Jacob
it,..h...2t.4. ,ne'l, f vol opt ary acclgntc nt.
2. trf4lll,ent—?,ll,llVdes;qtttf.pir.r6ll).o*l.4ro rola
latrt,torgcittelh7ehtnctCthicr IC*l owii dye
taryta,l 6 gift; ' , v T.A.l4lZadiC.44-
4•-•••%••t•At-j-d- 1 1 , ---Or - A-2 -1. 444 4 . - •-':',... , ... ,,-- , , 674 - yr,l
fG clAj,l;lo.7si , •l: . lid e.olit to .4 5 /t B 'if LIZ'
4 -,-• xun/Act. 711.1 . 3:1•% , 114 t.:. , ,,, g:giltri•A•ir--.14 .
• i
-nlil on 1 1 -, •It 1. gTI 7, All,
; ti.tEbtlib'l.C. Stn, 0-f.tiiJta ;tit , ' 1:4.113
4,4 x
1 C.A.11 I S E . PFNNAt''''''' 04 "
I • , - ,4P-nni'hlii A Al' S:E KV' P37.17p: - 1.6
Info z.,v.
t". ntt"WialVlA
i 4 or • ,-•-•.;
.- .r • J
4 , 1
l A, ri,fr eirLA.,.!
' out : ! .
3. (;.I,l;!.l),nini,eti . NI I ,itti ;4a
-e,P;;S T ,4IIIt,' t N.l,a
no ~u 4, I:tr•s II its to ;Yrltr,..iithl Ilaß,the Igt
T 11114414 l' f .f.l,:ric..lohrlf,,lriVi i,Wri,lo'4 lii'
a 1 ,Vki.L.. , a i , k t i.i 1'1 , 4) D
and tivol o. 0., .1 . liar tem.
. __. .
gl. Tt higllest CAS:II atlol 04. P ,. 44' Ti r: ;:i .
iktaitt . A.t , .11ARK§.913,14iivq`
10 , 1 1 l 1
0 0 THE 1101,11).AYS!
Al'z 1: • 11,alt)itttliite# ) 7 1.152MS CMS r
)11' I .41vif \ -
0, 4! ;-.{ , l4istreel•
•nt ;...
. , .
I ~.;1 .• , 1 Ly 11.. d s rest,
Is ?•,‘,l , n Al: , 011 1110 OVA by an allov,
- 7 - yq,V , , , }4 , ,, , c , .P41P.,, , .g 0:="f1.1
dop 31;oa:u're:oes
c(so. I.lnereolt n , try-I!.N. 11 .
'11614E.5. r r. , . jar - `rt "
A r ,f; -"6
n.ll , .1 .11 11, l.'s In I ' N , ,in.thgro,, I
eii4r..l in to 1.. II Nlsl'..rnifolF,.
3 :on AI. , an I :.0 111. , ws, y Nt.riti
At f 1 ,1111.11 it .1114 A rhr:,mn e nr
le.s;n ht.‘ 1.10 , 1t,.d it putml AoU qy
llalnk .., .. .• 111 ditieb
.... 'item! in.y. t1,..tn1y•.11.1111t.,
..I:;...4llll,tdalttrai., II 'I
Lio VIII n' If .n. .v. r In the 111;1,4,
cr no"t inle•ested not..
0,4 n) jai 14.0 E g .6t•rLE•ip 06)4 , velOVOroli
1 coulng In on !NH fund.
)p:. - 100V
kt:rii - 41-4•41, tt.. qtr.
'4,ltilut4 111444fortnation'oCitottlIt4t.bcv,rtiripwntAntl
1 , ,,i,„/Titylittlitt ton to the Italteltilcc:itlatilnuAthlclL
411,pty4. , . . 74.4*',41.411.44 4 444
, „ • t tt4:4o! 44 4..
1t i
4, 44 tit...gill: bY , t I E I, - , . 1 : 1 / V5.: 0 14:/r/ ,
• .Pbsl i i w..,1 by t ho. mrazal4tlL , oll4l, urns/x:1444
.4, .i•IC•/-• t hat Itjtvit
• ijIiFIS T YY LYAV4!VtVULtI'A I I9 ). ;!;./1 , ,
ii0;1;;;;.-' Journal I'oa:lied We;tikl+4
;;;-i- :; • ,i;;.; to:Sc;;;;;e9A;cli4k.ulnilt.,: , ,td ,
• r4vdas •HA Lo;...vribc t an 011
,;;• :• ;-• ...;, „,#xl-to.9q ,1ip..,uL1ti4r6r9.01;.. •
341 1%1, ; :,;;;; ;•;;;• T. , 1 41.1 . 4 , 1mt.ntun;;:tuak.
; .;;;; t ;;;; ; ..;;; Ll;(o;•+44,lmlo,lll,;;;tri.tbut.l)o,, , str ,
;;;;;;; ~; ;:;; ,;;:,,,,,,,011-;;DiJith ,,, r;rotif,iNvieti4;x4
• ; ,• ;, I!: %)
• " 1 ' 03)0'
x:!1'11 nuurm
SIC,C,I, \ r , • ,
141;;;actityt; nA re,lli tett lit thgtlve, f e1x.r417 44
1: I -
P. APl'l,E, s rbN 'M
02. t.l I 1.: I: ;. ta. Now Vo 1.
G 1 ", fil?4, = ," Br )iii l ,l °
eitt tiito ot
,` I .1 .3 , 1 1
,1,1 '41) , 1 1 4 1 : , 3 :no
' ,l e 1,3 1 1 3 >i,/ " I , l ll p , t'oort,
17, - , ,1 , t,,,ll l 4Y ? tiAlt •
,17, {,, II) 0 .011 , rig
eit tt 1 t It to 111 . 1 Nt
At t i.l I i 1.1101 .1 10 l'ot•t r uxj ur,,t11,,11,
1101)11 111 1, 1 .1111;11 t 1,11 1/01111 II theinorth'
01111 t I.', I 11 1,1 II thrtAttrit . ,
iv .1 , 10 • rot lot nth by Lajltetct .
•111, DI 71 111, ) net ul. II 1 ",, 11 1tt•h Or It's:,
.Jir.,e I'l 0,.0 1r ih 1 1 t ort 1 nao' 111c7 4 104 .1
0..11., I, ~;h , J 4 I.ocl .1011 root
11 . 1 , -1 a Irt illf t,„4. d115"/u; r
1 1,1,1
th• 1, ot hltlrl ' inkt . ost .71100101. ~111111111 z
,1 d ok,‘ ttanall 011 Ott, 1,14 (.I,t, I .1
1 ,. , •11,. 0 1.1 111 1) , 1, e 11 Illt rot
rhos 1, , 001 ' 1,1131 0 1110 11• 1111 al II
i t 1,, o• 1 El Irn 1 , t t i ,t
ye, in'erSitteart thhtt. ill at Oh, Iln 1 11-
Ili,: tmi rt.l It 0 1,10 1, ~ ",,1
0111 r 01111 W 1 , 1'1,61
11 " , .1 OA
nntl It Int, ,t 1 3 , o ,t
rot, .1 , 3 37 , h. 1, Ifitt 11,61 Rtt lin tli 111111 .91111 •
Lc ly 19.010 l 1 1411 4 = l J u u l r l nl u ok.t
1, tit •of 111 111111 111 , , VI1L1111(aki ..0 Let in float
144 l It 1 1 , 4 , 111 to ul 0, 1;1,1114 1101)011
aci, o 1, , .I'oll r 11 11, root Illid
./1 11 ,• n..rl: JO,ll tdif tOlititotAarlithl
Mtn 1 it, II ; 111_11 ul 111 , li , 'r,oC.o
u 11 , I✓ l 011),1 ou tt I I tII It t
olt,111t• lan t 11.31 t yJDIatulyonontr4101'
.0 . 10.11 , "11,,W11, 0 i'd 1, I a tl3, tog 1 V/..
0111.111111 12.1 1 lit t nto rOl ,'
,1 11, 0 4 ,3,1310,, 11. 1 . 10, ,,P41 11, J
John 4 4.1,14 . l. to t
Atoll 14.111t1 of 6‘4111i:1 J,1t11.1.1,1 1
, 1 . 1 I 01011 t 01,
~t f t t i l B , l . 7r l rn, r
r (1. C' " A
ql) t 1 ' 1111 )' ,(111 111,1 iil11'tl).
•1,3 ttio I ,lr.tle dlrit ' Bar qulit,to. it alai t.llitt, 7 YI AI)
1)001'00 11' , et trt an ,l 1,41 . 41.11.` 1, 11 1,21,11,;1130,11"0
104,11 I}llo hor Q n 0,1 cte,i,,t tun t k f',101,,,,
'lb ht. Itottq, , 1.13. Iht tiding At% 1;31 311113111 g„,?
,33t, 11,11,11 ' 0113.1.1 I`lo th r ll tor Ilai 1 , 11tput.t . ,r21 6
1.14,.tat "tolg AI 1 1, o • ",“ " '
Alto, tot 110‘ o 411,11,4 1111 r lc Building, ' lit 14'
about . 21 17 - • 11i7171.10, .10 not ,doon, and, tam Bads,.
111111111:;; 111 fort by ft., I .leo4l tioo.ito
104.ttr d on a 101.61.111 0) 0 11 , r pu
ond sltnatell thai
bolung ll 01 Not u• emillnit hind., county, .I'n,
Iptonntlrillgyllty tan ot, tin 1 11111 mg (It Ay
the (Ito root, ItYl,ll
thh eliptli 1 1, 04t 1.0 / •1 1 0V1 Ognyr, 4104 gullying 20
h I)otil, ;nal 170 lent 111111 [llO glillllll g 0 ,311,4
ritl Buildlity, * ntal 111,0 oh 1,41 1 i 1 T1 1 J1, 111 1,1rd. 1 ;
tytr ;Witty Litt 111011t11, 111111 ,13,311n, , 3311, ti„t3l,) MAIO.
Pt ler l'alnr, a, may ho 11,1,1 1 .1 ~rt 11,ttr and
- 4111011
o" l.. ' l , l v d ol l :AT'SV6 l4 .7:l 4 ll ' „ " n a „
put, aO, 1..; awl Q , ‘trakLoi ' ,
Allier, AT 'clttittli'l3% 0 10111 n half Oton• Brie
.11411.Whil yfl - gYOural In 300 botough or Car Islo
D 0,441010 Jun iit oltoail 8a
febtlw.aelith,boandewrain Warr Boll,6ll.l.olloutpt,eit,
' 4lto east.lty lot balouglug ants of Blelatailit
Collogo, on 3110 oqutjt •,14/ 1, 9 1 14 ,0 X 41 ,, t
north mut - htst. bploV hfrChhtleoit,tnr,ni.lionatli '
nlth 1110 JrankArmontg and annitenputot .8100,1 1
sind•tnll,entn otechlthltittli Iltn , iunp rty.ivwinihtm,
1000 .tdiftet
It 141{410)1 +f..: - 110011 , 31 43 11414 ;ol.ldrutddi.,, 411 L
I 1 ', VOA ite4d4f,iritn X• 2 tral.
312:11 ')4 101, 1 830N11414,1110
01.11t1191r,11 1 3n,,,t2.43 ,e , „ 13 3,tx 1,
41 - ),k3,3130k) toutilffell,„p 11,1,
0,0111(11M ; 0111111111 1 es of 8100 or ot t ilr7ol - 41
1 oohed 10,00 void ullon tin protirti) to alrleffit
and 4122. on oli &a uudhr .0500 .
;71 - - - : , -- . . crit.R.D : ...
t _..._
* W. a ATWOOD. ---. .. , - IRAAC W. ItAliCI4
rt' --- SVAMIVOK . IZINKR,I7 . 4;YI
' - IVYAVAPPiegettM,
11.1;"1 4-°' ' ' nr4, l,,, tipVZ.c,,nrAviii,iAqrw.l
i:6ll.slcorrh. m o tti teitm to -ire,
k k v ..,.;:, ,-,lo , kst I.oothytbytripipio
.. r.. -2,,,,w° - itni
- • - - . ..
a - b , 3,..GE0 - ReMsittAili dirp,—,--_
1 .
0916-. , ••, . . DENITiT,
Fit, Iho Bolt itooro Collg, of I,..4o)§oearvt oifiro
.‘i th ..uid. , ,,, , or 1, , , , .. 11111, , r, I::..fe TAIIITITCutiIO r t,
ihroolloot, IJ..luJv Bolko 11. , 10,61 ,1
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'., 21,[1. J .Nl) ta t - Tq .
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001 . 01 in 11, ~,,,..i6olos,r) ovelltoo , .1.• 'o. ,
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11, No. 3 .110111 , f:3 Row; • 10,,G0
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i"T ' l l tlf§ : 4l,:rtrt . iw.717;,';, 41 . :Atuy: 4 1 A rr
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hinn,, c„,,, „, liellltll Sllrgor . 011100 1T r - i Nx
sew, 0, oillio:do. 3holon Ilan, \l'o 1 :11.111i 'Arcot, ,
4 1 9 , FN , 41 ilint , S:Vdtrt4 N .,,,, 0: ,4,1 'M r.V." 0- 13 q 4
1.-0034.414T-44 , ,Mir. , .3*.te - betettrk .
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preftqahrtatio , i,: ,, ,L cout-4.7---I.octt-zrti
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cIPNRGrIirciIt.I%OVALEO....-.451.1, Clai ,
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.o:r3, Moollogo nloi:g .:... art:, lg.: lq liatrg,loirg
alb M.
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gmMt r 0:;88,. ligullJoi, urg 15:15:, Sgji rogAu.4 9 : 10,
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,••• l'B#l latotbieduvatro# itstscint
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(a of ,a , ..ftAlNKßl,o,sparut.vmoovalaris.
.tu t t.opa 4 411 :A it
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,I‘ , ` , lll ll k g, t r4TDl. 4 4 Plkittitir, g rkt
;Y11, 4 11.1
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t ot'shl 1,.1 , 1 on's tit , in 81,oes,
o‘err tat
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11111 011111 011111 01 1101111', 1110 0 110 1) of tho 1.1,1, ,
or to tiro - opao 1110:1 0 . 111:1. .11141 000 11010, 'light ~tal
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00111 Lt ,-^,, 0 evonlng . a proportl, 11110111)1 by
1 0011t011101h14 it./14111 , 04E1 , 401i111i.b110111 , 111/Atßligefaldt
gjthierithlibilfy , dit thltl,lons iittLIZAIL I IIat avitib tAal
I ft twarttbilialtd.tost efroutata
~nl..lN, N vnqhillreott,ifrltiilittrollol, A bllfrlvrfrotteli 14010
:go( Nrell:igiftlijllbd,./Nt.o.lvilll).Nltill: el,E,tb,ph.yfrft,tiid;
:,1 1 ,14,1111 , 01 4111114f105.11311 1101111A114011 . 4411301.1loartlidf ,
41'1, 51,1 11,11 1111 1113 (11 c 1,1111110111.1 overt, all mot eopy'
, ti./40 Op( .41 . 40µ1:0 amuninlik- ilu,, pr. utiAp;
valid Mel . '9ll6llgliert-s-'oll l'
7 kbut, froo I y 1 . 11 , 1111 . v . ,1_ • „ ,y4l nl l llrg , req•pnt,
:m4111.1,10 1 , ,t 1/1 , ..1 , l &Cu., ikugtkiittr
1 0 )F 1 _lP4• . • 1.1
• . .
' Pilo THE ,Carra r oNs cil.rdataLlV4
, o,`At
,nrho nuic..o,6ll9:tivithonig.grootv,
ola of flintholo 011,1bla ,them bp, ollIO130111.11‘03;‘,1f
•130vallon of 10 . 011toly trindfdatkilolll , llC 11Y //tofruu.
1 00 tllOllOll to 0111 Zhu citizop +of l'ari We for aid.' rhpy,
14.! I. ilOggry:'qii.viipthatoi,i- • 1..
A FAIR 114' 111IEl1113
14l Y Nci '' i/aooh‘x the app;Vlgiolll, ,ntkAtly so•
link such glonatloni in tooney oritoo6 as onr, frimulY
may fuel tllampaLtn,q•Oriht4o.:k.t,' _
4o the la , lll , l(Ytiltotthi'hilktiftll3 4. appanl for ass's
tl)co Any 0011011 m bother ror 11301 ifrorrionoll 0;100
mitt tv,how4l,lltygnyAll ho thankfully 'rteelretl, Anil
- the llOntirs'gratontllrrentombete4.
lion folio years Mace Oa, Union Company line
'her before the 111111110 fokriniablanor. May 500 tint,'
111 •refore,lolllo that all, (young dal 'old) loll! give - ue ,
aid and ,
thdr of tho
aft°ll'l‘:l:itt°!ou'o'l:'/Itraliikoul‘eig,Vllntttslthlftlill, from this ,
11" e f t.W:fnii!# 11 11iig.?!PDAVGLIVAVI4EW. 1 klt•
4^ljjklitivtig t '''ditirr Aft 4A
[VII" (A TAN) , r . " 01101 Mer • k
„ wu
hA1 , 14g 4,
• , 04111.1)11ln of Arraurniel Is, .
1"0,1M19 ; •
jos it.ovapraux. how
lINIY scligor,
and Classical .School tor young Neil
"%via he °pond Septentlior 6pDjil
ng, 00 South I lanovor Street. :4Ni% ilvijiity
;Ix instructed in En
el Sellince, Peninanshir f*.:(
:T I I jcP, Y 4I3IIO . IIRIDY " •
.4416 g„,„1, - 7411NciVorough English Rebut ire cud
tir p rittetfor Gbliega ' Special att. Mien will ho
given .11111,tAkatatooffi Arithmetic, Reading, Spctlin,
. 4 iyAtiship,jkoVllNtritmlonts May be wrll furnish,.
oil fo bnaltueol,fe,o,nll,llafo o good fenteltaion,for a
rnontextutalod dorsal of study. •
. g
TEARLT:IYAILN.P-4-"i,'OrAlikj , f , a Al
will 4 o adapted ti young, gentlemen and thoso why,.
o.lin t.llO Ire need thus will not he allowelllte r ripiiirA
'' frith s . ; . worSo,, , C/ EASY(
I book " TIM SCHOOL rEAlt r tfenalosl
r . is di tat Into too sessionc r ibbiffinl4oiispectively
t Sept 11134:8, IrticlOJhrluitmilalt" , r:G.v,,i
! i_ m TEIt!,IS PF.
t . INYOJAViZ&EaucTo.Ii. 0. D'..-. _
'lst.4s ion, Common English, ,i" lh c 0
1 do-alSioc''CAVEllePeSi'illkl r . P 9 . r,11.4 I , l)Pigkia4, 0fg9, 0 !. 1 .
o,o9lonotAuokntqa mndb,:i'll t/cae, y,,,,„ ik,
W i 3
~,,,,tp L',144,T0 ti.,,potEpr,n-gpiiii,4„ „, jltOt)
•tr..eA-d) ti: i , e r.,,1, r.l ' , ',
1 , ; 7 ,134 scholars of thIS .Acnilomy,l32 /ho payment or a
” • : Ihl sums unnuolly, can hItY,,Ib k eIAVAW tho College .
b d,ics,containing 25;0.0 volunfes. o.
r ir,AC,'ATIO.‘S --July and Alt4T6 tt . itiever Christ
i 444 ‘o the I‘louday.alterNow"Y Oar. -,
• • 0311AliDING Aei— Pupils from abroad have the
pff("l oge r g,llexoolyupg trt.Djohi....nrceilego Is 11!0y-,
. 10, , t" to - ^dO , to,-Itntr - 1141Pilnd , goclrboirding.eithei
" r Dego Clubs or in private families, ranging
een 2 to tott7 l 4POr,:yiork , .../ . e ' , at.' 41 r'' AVIS'
c, address, jt..W. STERIIETT,A. 8., ytillclpal.
,E - 3 t...0a ,?.'ll.l/.lf..atiaiital,fivLOS.
--- - -
.risaiikPlg..E6i ..,3 , ; 4-....,.,: .
I ink' svelte pleasure in emumenotng atr. A. Iv .
Steriptt.rAtltt,htaliVientletutut ominontly qualtilbd:tb. - ;
troth. Illy confider. in him iv such, that I Ellen
.eunnhit Inv own son to hijcar,,,l-......
'. , .4 .. ' It. L. DASIIIELL,
111 W-04 , 4
s4a.zop.s,,,i ,„ifearfAidmmplog,poji.coygo...,,
At_. i ~.d. N 5 ., , , , ~....:11 e , , ,1,.,c-a ...,,,.
4+ ...! ,",.. 1 ......,,L 1 ,n,„
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lekiontyoa,,,fdegioattlel7 ll ß l 9 ,s3, l9,?:PrAn o ) Y . ,,,, i4
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4halliaauseyse, or I.l.;.oliter oil or comdountllis s 'ii.A 3 :
. , 4 . tik!'i ' ., 4,-Z4. Vail.;" '''' s ' l llll -- 1 r ii. ;r N:ja
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eul.s , rll,l r I.llvll.3l`peadlia4ea •4 orto•rrrol Ill's I
nnu Pomfret awl Rear; rd arteatr, 0r,,1 tweeted
II ori a Sir ro, Ilea no.: opour,ti•wilha New ; iil•eek r •
1 .• I . weII <dots' o•I Penh II ral.rioe !illarattick will. bst .
-!Or . i! , -,:1,. , entni-14k,•in . er , oCy par , ticular. tk , o t t , l :d eve i r i y o
"•:..” All,'„ ) ; Prlfl i 'l!t\lttjl S lnl• 4 ' ' ;follTt7; "' Grq . co ri es
, 1 1 .1L.3 LI
looDiAMillikers...i 'to It t o ) tromcig,ifigfMN:4l.kklY4'4.iia,
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Stie§t:. 54 it 1: a ar.angtnomEit.
11811,t, 1869 Cu.
1 ,1-44- - -•=1-,--.•:.-hmt . :;- , 17.... -- r - r -, ... - . 1 -- ; -- - -
I ' 4
.1. ik rkT,Fatgli.FAlNCi r 'FURS !
!W. , , q, ,, t401% , , , in.v...1. , ~,E....f1a.1i5,::
111 , i 4aft i - iIL.N-131,..iiki1, li .1 , 11 ,, Ar,';'1'A
qr , ~.., : :,,,,,"0.1.1 `ft- ~ipet,f
5.:: , , ~ ,,,d ofd !'.
I.irk'- ; • 71S A rOi StP,
n 2i t ,W 4 7.. h. Wi A.. 4 11. ..i. .
t i ikttll.y.l: Ill.' L'.,,1; I vtwutT : , ,,..lith on I Eitilitli
)19.63 ,•
14 '
s 1 , 4 '-: • T ' 4 - 4, VA: 14 . i i ' .l B . LT 0 .
t. -
•i I !
id, t i
` , l,lpf..lrell3 : t r til 1.1 , 1 t) itito•pur.ln,p.r ftpvivf.liivriv
- •• f -- S. I." Er, OS 71N1, tin rxr,l or •-•- •• •
"ft " k
t. 4.
4 , ,, , , . • ,- ~ta i f ;;;,,,...51,,i3...
4. - •
WO VO't I.IIH 1:.i A.:I . II 1 . 1.111/DitEN ' S W EMI. '
111 ... tr
) H ring O,G, u::.4.,i5i, , ,g, 41,x,,,a - ,2,05;:ty,1,1
ntlil favorably lat,m it Ft.', E P../ItIUI awl IttlVirtg
tin plrtett :, eery Inrire nod splettill,l as,ortinent of all
11. i., Ili HI c onti Jciztlisil jftirvlt.OlWlcattuufilOp •Europpo
have hail tin 111 111101 1 tip by the otos OA trot
wor 111011 I wool.' reseed fully invite toy Mends or
cm, taxi:toil god niljnring e4lllllljti., tit ,C411111,111.1X.,
;11111 11111 y levy largo .tint bEtlttlfnl nOO tlh oleo('
It.tqy Furs tiir 1,11.,... Ititil,ClllHreg:, I i f tl; datft,rpt-
Itteil,lto gll Att.trytilyt rig*: t itibn9rAtiNr ballytilt,
L, nil,. in iiiiq -rity. All Itt, mar:ante, . No lois-
I iprt..,, ttt ions to effect rotes. .., ~• r
; ,Ve,-,110(1.. 4.IO.P4MEN..! ,, ,IttiFIN , WATEIII.4;
Dept In, 715 Ariii bir, et, rhiligh.liiltlit.
I._ ' • ..
• IGRlfvf Ativt,(4.ltiftr.,erobe.--i
`!1 , ,,., . ) ~;y dnirgzct#fg 6,,',4 / thi, - ,.
~ ‘,
ii, c. d ue
, 1
4V. ttLi . II Gifts to titOOttOOtilltrOtt;S! . ',CV. - ,
. aa .
1.2 , 1 /I;ty4ol.l.XinclCMpl3.l43Vs A Pl',lZu.
4tA4,e11 gifl, 4,,,1C ,,, , $lO 000 }',ll ullto 4.0c11 • 'r 000
' ; - •5g0r,,,i,,,v9i,k.:4 , ditt zslr. i4lOlO Adtt*T.4 . l al i1t" .. i.;(161,t, 4
z,,,,41,1 , Ca51i gii'to, .scut .
,u...... ~........._:. :441,,:e,,Z,Vd. ..:
F{(T/(ai1ig 1 i: ' ,: 1 , ' 01.1... 1. 11/quiliriAit 'cll'I; --- - l at ";•
Z)ll;l..tnut Itium‘N, 00 l'iuung e tell 1300 to i, 7ot,
:tV.,':i l s : t.‘ ,. : l 'i't't':t t lit'Aik", f13"11 " .6; " 111 ' : 4 . 4
A'o at Tii:
' 4 )',1`!,, 1 ,:.. 1 .,\Agki -, ..t:14;:,:i,vi - ii,P,tfii.iti'',l , lslat
,wi1t` ,. ... 1, :j,.:1 1 ;'',114, ,C,!,','lo.,P.,i'Vtltrdlic , l:l ,
./ .1. , .... 1 3 21 1 ,0 41 ,- ;jf:ZpICCIIV , A milled tichtt la
. 11r t vu I.:Mum' • Ituiru tual,oll,.l)y Huy nil
,ilrt• Of 210402?6,146ildtilrVith 9111,1 41.4ClittrAli.t 1
•liu et I , ol4.ot.W.briTlA.UlttPi fatal:lMay: IrsfAild.l.lto
lin 1•111,1te'y - uon I to any witire., loy.expreils or return
tn4 . ' I . V•P',4, I. 'ri,..1.:1,,,",t11, 1 tYP/5.T. , ,1.Tr - :).1 ;1tr,..,..
•,... O ct O yi,u, eylitlAL*li . .)Vir ilr 00 io tio,uro yon•ay
ii,for ie.. , :rtiryttriik i' onlieth:fur allOth ,, of same-rot
1 " 01 41"t'1qi..`4)(112501:tiV4114.1/CiTil'ill3:l MC,
I)i:runt:mum —IV, Aeloul tiro following il'ofiOniNnk•
I i have lately drawn ,it Itinilo - wriz , ni- nod- kind I y
le9iiii tea its to litilitHi tiiiiiii ;4 f .:1111,11.1 , ,tw 0 1virr..,
',:itit`"l 9 ,: ll ,o'r);.?„"ftWa.:oti,Tifitirrisii`4l., ,,, , , t 141'
10 ;,/`:',1,1,',4 1 3'RVA4 I pligiri'llt:'..t.`,T;',r„lih i) ,,',l,. N p°,, w .
: 1 7.4 41 it:l;ijim of filo li gkr 5 •1 4 r111) ti th11111blo and
,-clp ors,. their sigiiellia d friA/yylliitt - 951fif i r W i ro l i
lin , , them kliwaSit :,4t,ttittnt n ii i. ,. — lfi« I. l f rli c
~-,,Aill, l otil dicalirt Oii3OW.B 4..: ,, q0 Azo w 1p was
111,111101 y receivoil ".- Daily News M. 3,
iiPillfii , Wkeillde4Lfli 4 ritliltidlidiltnentletoaki ) Bri i,i
`.'il Ifitetlni , aiiiirilgilliSko AttirmilaostoporgetstMetl ,
Virtg!VillYllg4lligii t i e ttAl4.4lf
• 1 4.1 4 1Pt• t A t itY• •t;All4lttg•Y• 2i 1 114-41 2, 1 1... 4 ,1t
•• •'. •• , -•' • 4 • :,414g1)41,44,?1: , :t
i'Ai 4 1',?;.1., , 1.100 , 110.i , :i tlir.' , l 1'aii , 1zt . *5 , W1 , 10,t...a . ,.02 . 4 ,i,li
-•.• i " ' ..e t'•74 , dt •••••tte.l a1.2.a7 t:!4,! 'ii..A . .OA e 1.,.:..
l i ,
.: ,t • • Ank " )o , 4l ' '. A 4 t.41141 , ../ . etGUIL4
h. " I, 44libgta 'OVA VtiT.Ott6tiV4AlPUt Milk,
lit 00g04,14 0/110,i, .0420dabalAttaillY01 . 00. 11, 03 . . ,
bo tress Carlialit /I mhAblpoopbb4o. rmirtirt{dYineldet
Bo togrgq,ejjasvfollpPidtiMpdrekbleartielAdUkteer.' , 4
• Irf)'63l; ii:ileidier,6?.Ttfi4," ,'&u.; o f,•• 4 re: d• .
u .).11.6 , 0.411 , OA :4 , Vi1..5/ ,
itift +4.1.114m Or ta. 4111113v414
In TAWAitelliAlitethlrfAiii v / 4 " 4 " 4 " 04 t t':,
V 4 :,
. ,InVtANNAtagatkliid;PthAr,.s l,3 41/ 111 Ulitt‘gi•tgA 1804 '..
• - 1 tifippyrtViVt. efit *tilo,rlleflciM'. °
•. ; --A. A*. „• 4 .....4, „A... 4,, .4*". t .., ~ as. i
'6l4,osrethtid'iMiieVOlTlfireffibilifitt.ftl jyB A . iii,: , ,
P rpteirsell_tdlll trig 1 101,011, d: ,”...,,r :mein.
Il&voza511-,74 v iztr l ? 4 , ,A6i,,c,
ht otatwrrh WO MI Ali 4 61 0 84 4 4 n 4,
,„ reband J f pr. Allaperrlpa can be bruptierim r
erel le,AVerrite. llirere
Por teems, •e., apply, perebually,,or'byt“teit ti;4 l
.i'.anotf ; Dieklueon, Cumberland enunfy, PA,
5 - A. - I . E T:b
•* - tr i .4s - 6 4 0
lap, deceased, lm
!i. ‘ ghltUrtiggik
VI all ppysons 1141
ts 4
thalkit patnit
Present ttern, proper
. ,
;;I" oax.th4
"Ittgt-r/r.o.lfir .„
• atr 4f'A l gtAMOetad. i V i ott u taVie ' l
'T - 4 , 111,4111 abo t 'MIRED AGRI , B,br Ipg the propttly‘
thi TSVP:forlffertqfirOtriyacei , iii.etl; I iiekeZl-`
p I r,'Wlll . be leased for one ymplit Mari .
l erprlquext.. Vor ter tr s, . 0{'_...,•
Editto Agora/
A Ow story 11111Cli. Private lballtleaso situated on
SAM Banner street,' between Pomfret:AlM ,Soistlo
ree ~ Carl sle. 'I he lot contains 21 Ma' fl'orit'anil
120 I ii pth, The Immo is nearly now, Containing
donb o parlors, dialog room atnA kitcligtt 'VW limo first
fluor, nd too comfortable clYtlnilicks - oit'llio 'second
'iltoiy?anUireskllMalipomspA jko attic, ConVoni
gilt 'On,la Ilitifk, t leacw oh; gnipo VincH,and
ItSlirint In the )ord. lief Iro of ,
• , t 1 . 74 r
„a .0; VV ~
' IreArEbtaro A gall L. '
90/14 .WA na prit
17141P1014:11MVA C leSairigi
ar.o2 KO)'tt too?: 5.,;t4 , 44.
- bit law on Smith •linnover str'idti-OititeNttrotr
o w n..
ttt mitatiptEdt , 111111 h ,Wastitrild,rlittetrthkr ,
APPrty of B n::
l over
Benedict Law. The - lot fronte on Ha
t. 00 felt, and ihttends hack the s:ono width
2(0 fsct in nn nlleY: The Improvemenre.nro S largo
.1..1,o -story FRAME HOUSE, with Verandah In front,
coot fining Double ratters, Chamber, Dluing
rani n d Kitchen . en lower fl oor and sin Chambers
and othoootn on the 2nd otOry. One and water
harolmn troducni. Th,ire is a large Stable and
Cart has House at of the lot. 'roe-lot Is
wall liudded with ornamoillit• trees and hltrubbery,
Intik too fruit 01 almost every description nod - Grapes
of th molt choice selection Di ahhndanco.•
• 'Enquire or A. L. SPONSLIIII,
• Heal Estate Agent.
at.. 68
triTfE BANlCattOit
Ai• deposit of the lent quality Dern:tante Oro,
ilelding GO percent. comprising about 18 ACRES,
locatiel in :delude tow nsh milos troM the
lro4Worics of C. W. & D. the south side
of tho Yellow Brooches creek. There lb a stream of
.wattir running th rough the tract - sufficient for
41. 1"th' rE P INirtil f a ii nV ilg l t g P° Ca r Atti
'Witao sold iublect thereto. 'f ho man.
ijAts desityrjlif viewing the Bank may call
. 911 M , , el land county, or upon
t 9.5 Real Estate A gent,' Caillsle.
0 uno 6t
• '
A '
. • Private Rothlonce.situato on Suuthalanover St.
•Oarltr, nearly opposite Bar Ifs Hotel owned by
•aatt, Bentz. The lot colitalna 106 feet In front
), ng buck 210 fret, sad b6lts 7P,Mtio bro dth
tht'llte rear. The bunil fite 'two' nearly now and in
• htri , elleut order, comprising annum:tedious
ovath,a largo Two.Stety lirleicyrteltiDniltlingattach
,pdsdntaintng all U 1046064 1, lintfidvethenta
- 4 0 .L'Aths and orator. The lteatiou of this property
-hrene-of-the'-ntosLollatt .,, taLtowil. and wilt be
tUbr nrti.anlars en.Tolreo(ll
A. i,. SPO ' N .
0: heal Estate, Agent.
G. "
SA LE-1 h at Ileslrable Ylivato
llrs'doorr olt.patt4l on Went nfet Sti'ret,
Carlisle The :t cnintsinil ati4or !KIM ntol 040
i~feEt In cloptli. Tine 'tutu.. most (0 0 rkt of it con)-
I M 8
Solito on
c . ptititinlng . larga Pall", Mill, inning Room. rind
„Kitchen on ho luovt r flour, and right I,llVen i era
"Antill , l'l, an the second floor, tittle,' over the trout
Allltltiv.r, and fide over 'the back hulloing, a Windt
Iluudh. Bath Room, urn Watrr Clnart; nind gee pipes
..rpipt: to the cellar. A hydtantl . ln rho yard and
, tn:tret n al . cl stinirty: -t
ion, and ; i nt . tr i e
. r t r i ope mt o rt,,
no Q 7
kiTiro t h; " d ' v e :oi T ito lot is wellamd
t}„;~•yvith ll uit teen-n.lllll' slu übhory, and node n nunn
11.:41 0 f grope r leo'' or 80 ior iphtilty. For terms
%A. di. prqztsLrato.7
• 'l . ll'lll A flent:”
- -
U,,Str I,A 7,t vas.
S3 I K '.*E;r - %sA 1,..„0 glq=:-. , . -,... ;:, x'. !., el a ..,i,c,ct.i:
~ Eatut,l,±- t AittPFtatitif-Othlt fft6 -3 1 4- tlroAkVialtialt'
:Creed to :goat.. to.lnsltip t about l,,,•inile'ElleV or. ,
1 fAhl's Irolit.ll:bifsr...coiiinititlnkl:ll3 Autos, all n.cleniidd ,
11-nnt.4l,l4;24,rep',lyllie4inco r coueranl e ith goyd t4Ol,-
- ,,bor.'l[Thill linlinrainitnntsliko.anotnntn•iloptiltnmstory.
I'IIVI B. 1101.1,11, with ccansnenient Ma buildin e.
.I,ntTgp BANK B.LIGN, Wi 01 - W . ingon Shed- and - Corn
. Cribi l at Innelned. A choice Apple Orchard in ?good'
limn Ing order, together with Peaches, Pears, CIo7PIPS
,41.11 lain.. in 111,111111,11100 and an excellent and never:
_faillilg,n_wel I of ll Inform tl lnnAna_lm_ThEl halals In II Inigl!_
tiptd of nuin ivation.,untior good tenco illiWilio lin.
nprovinnients in grind ardai4 Thu local lon Is a &sim
ile (Me, loingnm earctf,okitgine mill:and ,sollool hstiga.
I fill sold at prnya to kale, Is torelho 2call, day of
_ i,„'‘'.lrteniliiir 'llOO 1 the farm will be .offecid at ititillpor
414.d0 'on that day. ~ , ,„Vers,ous .shroloaloi i 4l i glowing tiro
peon nses stony oil ujitnr Cleo. W. teldieb, Alcitliell's
onillilin Mono nno township
Fay terms to apply Inn
I s '
• I
8.k1,j1.- z at9mOtt'uni . ,7 , 43t,ofir
of the l~firn ~ h OretirTri r is'
ileen art) rElltitOltetillsgor
I:(fbolott outaiva 70 feet In front, and .Si,Pjf - filiet In;
ilep4a, extending from Ma a to Lontlieti etteot. '
A. ',fhb itopro.ontents contest-of MI elegant and eorn•
L nuallottpnititilon AlitAte tear the centre of the
Olt Vnu st• not, fini•lied in the
-qtose • urerl, style, with. at outbuildings.
_Titb ground. nre beautifully I , lil ont,and ore
!added tt halt of trait and ornranental
Neil and 'towels, e n d slirubliCry of, the
. Choicest.
e: .•!,•
alio owner being de :limns of selling. the property
rill beyllopodogl of qt on athutitageouo, tenni+ to ..tioo
urehte,en tiPiiii4O4inn . .gliieti. on the' Myr a rAli g ifi
iegt; for te;nr, and fui titer particulats, enquire of
Heal I , 4ititto Agent.
!; ?;s-.] it
‘' - ----r -- "" .
A. L
wiNTAAt .AM4 i ),Nr, E3l EST.
„Noy,ember. 22,1.86 Q
CI R E. 4". RUNK lAN k:111051 orth.and
.1.555511 West for l'htlatit.lnh,n
rattPville, Tarlati&a, A hlout),, , tiamol;in, &baton,
41:11entown, Lancaster, Col
mania. Or.. 00.
.1 Wallea tejLeo illtrElhbprg for :lam 1',0r4 as follows
• 5.!15 ;30 011 17'non, and 2.55 and
11..1) 9, u, connt•etlor; with abollar trains on Penn
il t Ydeli.4lir
10 15 a. a., awl 1.".('5 noa, 0.35 0.01 and 10 00 P. or.,
Earl 0 (.0 A On, rosni-ctivoly. ` y rinrl,lnti Caro =coal-,
- I M.y tin. 3.3'1 and sai 0.21., 011,1 12.21 normi. tram
w I tlionl change.
Loaypg.l4r . rlal;qrte )14,44A r.eotisylllo; Tama
goal 51111 .. ..rev.11e. A,llLarl, SliaLooliln; Grove, and Philadelphia, at 8.10 A.m., and 260
ntal4.lo. 9. :1„ tlio „,o,airLatopplolint . Lailinon ) '
the -1.10 I. :etriiin' limpillag at all slatloan,
• n catar,g ,-,lllloetiodi. t'or Pl,lladel,rlilo., l "otto,
• Colure,Ws,ang. all -) 0t. , ,:t Olt dlit:r etatloaq‘loe.. ^
Loy glt ,14(11.1,1111eFonli.., Por,POtttiAllo,"&huylltlllo
'llavr nod 5.011 at no 1% knit
.11,011 - kntl.)l,,av? liqrrjeligriptt 8 ,I 4) '; 9 lllituroll , l ,. . TwavitT., ~12.00
hano,ts,3oZ&LlB:ol v.,llifladitlollB,4l3.lsA:sy„-,
00,1'8.80 viaa.,,a;:coopany ,t,Vo 9.00
k. td, 0,00, mid etitl nkft .ntr.
S.ll. hoot .-canna ~ .
31"..ny Fa-avow, Train I, , aves 1'1111,1,11 , 1ph1ua1.7,30. 1
A. 01 couneatlng a 1111 hiaillar train on EnattPend. -.
~y 1,11114 PoXiirVial. ri,,lurnlng frau, Ittandag at 13.35 1,.. a ,1., 4toPpikignVntl.g c.l tt01it.^,..)11 1 ,,v,i, I .
Lo bye Polltivilla a 1 5.411 10311 9., 0 A 31:; rod 305 r.
71 , !tannin:, at 0 311 A. 31 ,4.1a1.11a411, Ut. 5..19, and 10.-
4.1 .110.. 11%1a:ta r t( at 7.9„;) A. A. and 12 30 •110[111 1 TO-
Inata, at 8.33:10 95
2 .f. 6 I. 11 . fokPlllfattliott'ailal
antllN ow Yaric...t,.01,3,1t1. ,P.,t'd 1...1. ~..., , !:;;13
I,iarn l'ott ,, , - iiloo(1#,Iiil , 07;11011 010 SIIS11111)0awta.,
Hall Una 44.0 g A. 31 ri4 Ilirrinburg and 11.30`,h1r:
ft, eine ITri,Yoil.lllit l Bl'Blll , at. ,},,:..4.,; ..i., i......,.:.'.
lial(ll9alclttajpakdati a . .C110 . !1 . 4,101rMI-X,O;tiliar .
at 5,10 A. 31 ..aa48.7.4 I,till , lLlt',f at , .39,, .4.3 i; Bra klig - . '
at ridhololuldh' , l6il , ol . .. ll l S.-` Ida' droturnihg; !nava!, '
L'hi).441N444},N1.,..V1 14, k Pxt„ , d!WV. , PV,- 11 111.,“tk '- ix i g
r.:; ,Werlvllt iifTetten Mo. at 5:11Y o - Lsr. - --
.a.l.vottstowo 0, co,. owdotlen Tr:do, leaveg , rotte , ,
.town al 6.15. A :1,. rolßping,.,leovue,.lll.lodelpileal'
z . . 7, 1::::
)33) iunthin ittiii Jinn] T e R eading I.Lareading at 7.15,
A. ', ~ mid Al 4, r M. g implivAt.,nterir, Pineastor,
l? 0 lill:in;.fisleittZ
ReTialnitedvtain'r6l.aiiii . a Jana;, +
~ at 1.1,1.33,./l. M„ Bad at :I 1.0.1, nut_ 0,,,Q . r. DJ, iteturp-.
i have ealiwouliv,i3h, pi ,5 19 p..1‘;1 8 3 . ., , , ,3... if ~3111, 1
, '.ll,lno,9illota,ttuk!,.witti: shuillirctrUlii,i . On
13ftir ilia,: 11311 .4 toad.
, . 7 . - P l AP l ''fl t i : i l L: l 2l : l l lt.. l l:, l t t gAli i Vi l :l%? l ti 4l , -' nTrVi:k '
I. 1i• t•44,0 . ,:4, - Sii ft yik 7-.••••41 ,, t‘i4 . 16, , ,iit•tiv 16;01,
I tit, [: ,,,,,_ . ,,, tt , , 7 •,0 . f0r•iii.,),....,,,, , ? ,.,‘, , ,,,,,r, ,,, , , , , ..
~„ain,,,,,,v , 0.1„..,,, , ,,j , ,,,v.r.p,,, , ,,, , , , .i , -,:. ;---,—....,
~ Ig'.e,''.:, 4 '4l ' ut,",.'.', " ., 7 , P , t l;'.',, e .lo t 'iii c io i r, ! . t i•Y'tt
llontniiPtivp . l4 ;t:l4l7;.,v ' i'2.4 . 5 . 1 1 1 . t;r.11,.,. ' tk . ' a ' :l ii.,f ` c, ii!L;
~,,,,,,, iil g stlth4lll,llattratillaou Vail wiglYrel tosd.
V sll ' ll 4 2l : %l 4 .'l n iilifit ' lii 4 ZUll l ,:i ' ' !', ..l .Y . '1 . 3 t' 1 1 ,,tf1 (? .. “ .. ,' ' , ' ( 1 17 '' en . ;( 11.1
-A...2 11,1.1. ra no lug - oniy . to " I ' l l oadtnl4l.) l ' cULYti ,' l'Otta ,
illlo o n , l . t , 1 ; 05 ,, . „ 1,',..1...,;, at At A ;ISA,. Di '," 111 Ott'
fi-iloatifulf:le. , l l l, midolohlt , n 7.15
- 111 1 1,.t i Pi4t r igT5 I .VgNi 4 A 1 11 0,14:4 ! ;,,4'.n etilli 6 V 41;,
t ? oillqilladdlpliig'' ' ' " n, :-;•,, ' , 1: , .‘ 1, :i .“,.... 1. ,;:. c ',l
gonna utation, rdlleagr, Seanon,SabooliMid 'tient,'
slot. 'ildtots, to and frolw R . llpcd:ltt+Jßleodyf od rges.
'Ofggit,go ebOok o a through; 100 pounds allowed each,
1 , ,,5,00g0r, • , 1:110. el, ....-.1 A,.- , ;:,•.. , ..,- , j at,,...i.......t.,''t
1 ~, 1.,..:- K i. .0.1. t 4,.,. OXA.I , 4II „ ICIOLLS, - Oen. Hup't.s
nttittil tag, Ps., Novotahop.g...,lBt O.
13.12itastrt ,^ i - 4 - ca - to 4 ,- •:2 :1;-:-.•-04--•,•.-,‘,1%,..•••••-,-- , ?,-„,,q_.
1 ,i, i till .1 +1 ....!!..J. ',...:. 4.,..., 1 0,,,,, .. ....... . , -,.
'4,1• 1,
t talA.tiOL 3g :,. itt E,..:.,1i' VIEI .'
1t24: , ..4 443
:ic I I 'lll,iiiotiu; ,
1• ~, .
;I 01101.0 E FAMILY GlibCEgigo '
V i'l' . ' AitStikti 4 0' 1114o'' rtjtt •i•icips'
Ui; . kii.l):l44lio z, --!..„. .;, ~n ,„. ........
td I , elleel t • ' e .. .. ' " :'r t ,:.ll ..,, l' ' f;4:: 7, ;'' .'''..
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. tza „1e.',:...i. 11,,,,etw..1-,,, • f nl; , ~vw :L ..,I`V W
!1..-‘ --- - ' • __, ilzu:dwAvAtin.,
, 4 3 --. I. , .`+' . P E ' ,lll ' . ".lTtle
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k•t4 ,L13;4401
a AI ( L 111141/5-91 , :t;OU4TISV ' PRODIJORTqIc , '
irODU-o . `ll‘T ., 5;045•130 •
801,1T11W,CST uouxtn PITT ANh P )3114111T STREETS:
'• ' •
tt t‘t ;
.1•2 •
—241 the, season to fast approaching wbert persons
-Ctilbo idOVlnPrh Yaittatii:AP ilriCiP or
Gd iisiorttneut ClatlTOVZloVivorfaredlothe'eltigont.:'''!. --
of Cninberland:Ootibtjtlf': fith
• • 71'
W"Lane ou Laud th. O 3?M'IY, cO/Pbnzta -1,,
H frr `";...' '
is 4
Icti . as a Parlor or Dialog Room Store, ace's all
,':Q~ *~
Ono of . lbe 'west desirable Om 16usix;,):,..r f_a
Also a Dam Burnor.
.and inthor now
,ParloriDlning . ./tifbta 7alid''Chatnbe,
Room Stov.e.,,
X9 4 ' offer among ottlosn.tAr falltryjriq
e c00 , 10.13 Mice i 0
.. i 3'.:
+t rr . ~ ~.~ ,
and of Burlington COUBINATION. We MO
DIiMOND'HEATEIV'"'' li - ', t" - ' '''
;,•,-,-:::..--,.,;:,,, .rv- .4:. , ...,- , ..,:.•
which heats ono, twn,or4h!eel:27pn„ancl. le decidedly
". the beet Firo Plnco Stove over I nvented.
We bold att . ..lll7 . l ‘..... l;, ,: nn r r T la i. r , g .i n r e4o tt _ekg
.t• .
en bend or mado to order. All koaa of
u l i oner t in Veneonalu I a terms and with ?u t
IXli ' persene desiring anything in. ourAhre ere 1p
yted: to call and price our articles befino.linVOlinkngli
w n i&r&Ab a n' t tkAsjm r l
ols PO.
MFCAIITNEY, Auctluneer.
M t,QII.T . M."
Ou Saturday,
will offer for sato, by auction, en the above day, at
the cioutll.ousoAn Corlislipt,lo,oalosko.
THREE VIIO 1113,AiliJ) :TA-,GREP ,
.4:d very rich, abidr dandliolittaatoitist
Stoddard comity, South east littiso'uff. - 111 tiaetb" • •
.1;134 pureliecers-Vlbo
'through this region; an ii,,f u ur other,, ridltubda are_
pow ein; •
fri.A. Such opportunities - for profitublo tuvisTablig - 7
seldom ,uscur„in. utty.inan's
lifetime'. FudL7
ou diey of sale realised . - -
and delightiul climate of this regloo, the"gliaispe„
'of the Bon, title, and ell other surroundings; or, any
one may, cello and obtisla r lpfratit , ll .. it, o 4.. f. t.yenly.F . ..
, •
months or ono year. Conditions to suit lender. Call
at this office. 41 E . :PU 7 (r •
' mentary,ort,tbe eet!ite ,of Wllliem Wiee lute
(If South Middietio,lownehipldeceseed,lolngliOn v
bemed y the Register of Cumberland county, to the
undersigned, residing itt,tiOuth, Pißtldlettirt torrid:4,
notiCe is hereby given to all - porsoneinowingTheta . ,
selves Indebted to said eutate, ip,malcp paytriont, sod
thesl l,evinp clititturto 'present -tlipm, 'properly an.
thenticatisd tor rußytlent,fe_,. •
_„.„ •
__ •
At 'RV- I ran it:ruogAlE.,titi.6...'-Mile-'''''' ''•
north u ot Nowville, 1 V.,, miles P south ot . Dloiersville . -
and IA toile from Diller's brldgeiadjolotog lauds o
' tfilTuol Ernst, Lo ona
U. Wide and ethers, contain -
1 i vet ~ z ''. ,p. ,:,:l ,V . 1...g.;21; q:lt!e
f 1.46 ACRE§,,,(pore or lees) •
' all' oleerod but about 20 Acres, which are ammo
with ,•good'llicalierOilso,. about '25 Acres ocgator,i
3113adow. 'no improvements are a Large
. • .
TWO-STORY'FR4trE 1101)t'Z".(iitiv),
with Wash Liouse, Smoke Ilquse arofathet imam:nary. ,
outbuildings. , .
• .
- "j A `LA.Itcl, „pA;i l r.
• C.74
. -
nearly, pow, with new Wagon Ehed,'Corn Crib, Oar
rtpga lionse, flog Pon, and all -necessary outcbuild
-Inge, ulso, a welt of good Water at the door and as
These, Is Also, a large..,stream,„,q, vvnter .
tbrdukt thelfaim, Living - thetton ereetedli-dret
clesi .ocist cr .LA 'l4 E)
'this farm is In a good state of cultivation,
buildings tiew, fences In good order, and well limed
reculitly,, Is ouo of most, prOdudlivo'and
stook • tekund luAthe - liiiebuliolentl - 44.
itnEochuolv, mills, do.
- pa m one dostrlpg to ,view the above, iornperty- can ,
6 so by calling blithe SubSdriber" residing on the '
A. cplititlf, Sr. ••
95. .0.V.D.NT • IXD.TIOgAi4NTI4.:-.
•. „ ,
erybody, Invited to call utu), 5t0,..0 . ur
bentitiful stork of PALL and'-WINTEIVOOODP , ' , '
11017,71: o z e it 9 d ° 411t:t,•;:4 ,
n 0 d c ,Nalutti to sell all our •
.04 a t o s ioter6Acii4 000.0 010, ots,atopic,ropyri- r .,. ,
v ia.? 01 COST.' We guaiitlaty 'to g , ore 'dreq Ante.' '
zt.l .
in:evo,ry.dopii;ivertli of goods. .Now, take .wain•
1 iiis;'zirilf do al. pluthaso until you aueour goo
;•••• ;
41 rotten 7l . urFAI4OY 611115 at. 61 60 to $1 16
*0x111 1 400162.2 8,10 1.600,1,n , 11, VY
riitE:sonmaniNoEs' au Aicoi • 7¢. eqms
ENGLIBII 60 mud '
ALL. WOOL. cisnmEnEt, • 50 tentio
Aiil7o§4,poßßLE SHAWLS,
At/Aliquot :',11.f24
trt•A*li3„4: •
q•v: T,` . : l` •
, •
4141 , 415.
01, W
:#loNlll,,k . k;i,
YeD pDiEDtS QVpye
-110318 MARE Rea ovirAra .vitti CUB `
2 . •
•••. •• • 14'41-x.f , t,VRIP •
• •
$3 Do
si co