Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 23, 1869, Image 2

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• `FP `ADA M.
' 404 17:a2 *US !
-1422. 4.81'
• -
. ..
h:,- r•lniluillittor part of last year a poor
Kttirtril i y irf charll..„Wl,Wel , S , :4o 3 4lltieer (0,
4.?-ssiui.lilm9tisquN a** gm 3 c.,giilq. from
..' , ;:',.6blPftelastiT'gt **le e°,,litilt:;! , The men?-
: ;'••-
bore were the housekeeper , "Mrs:.Rry ,
N 'F'•' ' her B,4l,kplia. 4 ,sughlters;t4Ml l gVF'PtFtlett'
- _ • ' to Adarn;Titus,...... 91n1donday, tlic,twan
i '' tre t illith l'ir,_P.9,el4Vlettiffitllsoll:9olll
- , Pany with a friend,
_Henry Stamm,'went
to 81 . 1ipponslarrrAto„purchase, , nonr frill-.
/ oleo, Titus liorriniidg thi inoney ..4 ;form,
StamM., PPR fet',,ther•l7:h°YP&ra.:t4°
night at the beanie' ofll#l . Fay - and,'the
nexciriOrali!g,:'Xiiii,s . rstrin . , "hotaymd
f e e.
Ineeei l:c ' iti g t ai l 9Pi? X. liff9o . t tt rf , °on.
'. • WedWlSday,ie 3 'figti!i) s , llt•94t? hqt, : -
, ,' row from 04_ iii+Ttq l stii h., .9 }i,t l 47.w.liOdt
. "he would WI) to t y t e,trr%rnomy„; , Oat,
ho &lig*: ll4,ll , :srim 11),FRit!oes,er: , :t..&ice.
• : :..-- sick;'orinight getmo woric:'t,'.Oo,Ofter',„
elie u •th, T !! -4 F ° :. / °? 6 cii ii ?A?A t l t r Te n. rl ) t . l .', 9
..two men set 0idt0g0t113033,t1a01F,a.5419.
1 ° f tbStm T,w,4 41 ) , Ti,.tft§4 1 . 3 ._AV 1 111939.Y1TPr.0.:
a And ,carrying with
fl iii t t at t e M!':' W"
! '
.. • . ~.
• , Titans retraedalmaa•about frzilycloelr . :
explaining thilt 'fitaronaiiiad lamained, ha
the woods. The next
,morning lie , 'in-
quirld PFAF.. ;_,8 1 011 1, Jt.' 1 4 PY4P.4 # , )lii3
the hog pen.. He..ten went to a ,3-Er.
. . Smith's store Arid , pawl $6,p9 for meat
and ,bntpir., .4itingin„therra korfac t i,,.ln
the afteihocTi. , 1 4- all 4 his_ • 'Erice•Yeet ,te
• Shippenabrarg-and r bought, yarleili, &Ai.
ohm tOthii ::amounttit', $243,. whie4 TTitus,
paid for. fin Priday, Morning, after
brbakfas,the lefttho hoarser on some pre
text, and dill notreturm untiliiirmrtime.
r., Wring his , el/seneetc,gtfl.• . kt.. 7, 'Aetiesd
1 that the shorot was g9ne.: PP. IllkY•Pte
vious he had, borrowed a f renttpok J'amm
& neighbor, Yr.hiehhireteriseii on Friday,",
When he returned to dinner on that, day,
..., his wife observed. mud,on his pantaloons
and face, and asked him in regard to it.
• He auswereili "Ohl Wife,' 'I
think yori're'
crazy,'-' and ' hurridiY **flied 'away' ilia
mud; - Akter — drilla - 61M - etartedtirgo -- to
•"- - . -
Shippenshtirg. ' • ..' - '
.:gWhen Titiiir left, 4frii. l ' FFy, he , r ion,'
'. audifirCTitini; niched, dinibtlesa; at the
•:` disappo#ance'Cf ttanara; and the con-
duct ot"'l'itua '-iitartect in 'the direction
Titusarid Skiing' led gone ent Wednes
''' day. ' 'Afteal felbluing 'a by -road, which
-.,. leads intralre - Morintain a, eliortdistance,
' ' 'they observed in the snow the' tracks of
two reeni-leading--frrtm , the' road into the ,
;/- - wooda.• , Following theria" tracks aliqui
four hundred yards into a sechided place,
,"' surrounded ori• tiro eidea by hills, by the'
edge of a pond Or inter,: , oir kicking .:u p':
t the snow they discovered - blood. They .
" t Immediately rotnrned,and gave notice to
I the neighbors.;?. .A. number of. ,persona
soon were at the• plaoe• designated, and
: 1• found the body--of'Stamm buried in a,
shallow . grarre, •nnti Leoxerod tvyelve, or
fifteen inches ' with !earth and-snow, at
` • low watermark, at the aide of the pond.
The .elothing land ?been taken, off, and,
i was found. concealed in , *pile of rails.
't On exhunaing..thei body ) ! itwo ,worinds
were seem one: on.• the . right side-of the
, skull, about•four.and.a , llalf inches.iong,
and the alculljracturod the whololength
i.. of the wound.. •The.. second , .tiromid.was
in the throat.. TllO 1/m14, - by:this ;wound,
-1 was nearly severed .fromthe,body.. • The
I 1
.5 .. .-"v•—iimeigarimad•all;theweaselsef-thelneck,_.
,i were entirely,cut Aff, ',the ;akin : Poly le
mainirig about .talt sway.. round on the
, .., bank part Of the ...1104i
sediately on, ,the., dleoovery, of, ,!.ho
Immediately ; ;
body; a.1:10„. Moans hurried. ; to . phipPope , .
I .l”....4 r malltideletdca
•as he was in the `ct, ot„ deP4iing; on the
afteriisea lirdn - ,;esugt., , , 'S'athe;
noon;the bodi7rip,,C,,erried qhippees
burg,'„end; fEo from
his Pl,E#. l 9t .00 11 ,0 1 ,n 6 4:fr: 11 )1sYf,tlifi
corpse ,fooliki,.;al4 - ;ictionti
condemned hini:iWthe
stati4 l ,o:;. AS 11 , 1 4j - Wive reinhi4d; his cour
agebrelre, doTsn, aiid,,,Weeping; con
fessed his The' he was
transferred to the cramti;jol,"wliars he
has since been ConlMed. ;
,;; I ;
On, the thin', of, '..Titrie list, his case
came up before ,this; Court, of ; Oyer and
Terminer, Judge graham presiding. In
newer, to the bill„ of , indictment ho put
in a plea :in. his Feip. words, ‘)
guilty; la,p. didn'ttayeAlle
- . - ; -- :!v., „TIP' slostvwcz.
A.week later: . evidence ;was:heard be.
fore the Vona . to 'decide. the. degree of
crime:y.spm 'Court, reserved its; opi4ion
until the August term, when, it Actor;
mined-that. Adam Titus was guilty of
muider.fritlat first degree ; .and• sentenced
him to be hanged by the neck until dead.
Aftei,the•setitonee'nf death:had been
passed upon' him,' Titiis Utade a few . . .re
marks; alleging: that 6tamm',.had guar
'relled-WithAtith; Una:insulted : him, that
he tooknorrnonpy ;1 aniltthat his mother.
in-law hail testified faliely agaliOihim.'!.
Neally: al0;i13111: ' tali passed Alil n a t
culpriewati'aireitott.': 'Anritig'4llli3 Ok
tendia period ha bOa iWesitett to .vailoir'
employinpO r ia..Whif& ‘44 , 'th . tit'•Weir7
hours nflinitiVoiTiant. tiiihtid: developed,
some talent in the construction of earvOti. -
picture frames, and spent much tirieb - #
makiiii t tboin'.'"lie fiiiay.lB.'-ii,,,,knowl•':
• edge of the art of drawing, and presented
1 .0
a nsmber of his'lriends?l*lneinantiies:
13ut, perkSiiii, thifielitetpait of his term
iminisimment was devoted to writing,
' carrybit - viii'' is \ 1 exiiicilpiindenee with:
friends, and, in copying. some . religious ,
works.' We liidid . ShOwn ti'obiy . Of "Vi
Goalliiiiesii a• treatise Oife:ii.iriniontni
and practical piety, by W4bani 'Ei. Innia
en • D.15.;' 1 ,ti.1.1):,"' 'titiaSSifbeir . I ( by
Titus,•*,=s iiiiiiii; NitiOtiLeibibifed iliib;
and sifidtabito4Pl'ViFirdiii'"iit 'Ciiiiyink
as . -Slielsititt ) frfail,'oXacineite;-iyfirid
~ carcoly a blob, or • an'-iianit:P.Stsiid la
, oadie Ill'i 'iiiiiiiii 3 Fl ' ii'• ii s' 'l'lliali
was more thin fair. • ''''" • '"`• ' •. , •"` •,'
PieileiiietOtisSinitefielibe'vvii - sial : 64e&
the privileges of the jail;iialliiiikin' , did'
7 ailidiors ifitFiFiTt.4l#:, — iiiiiniperk . and
.: , ' . o . ,tivattialti's*li ',ls ‘ lll3' niai:44•.','ignce - :titi;
i';', Matta', liihigie, i tt . 4:atrdeOMetl'adirte
':. le T V , ;giiilii - OY pulp fiC!`jiiii - 611 mole•.
selii:L;rllii`•k4o . iali t iell• in goad ' Oidtif, •
Land glensiallkirifits4, , 01191)40On for'
ble . r.liness. . , . 1 .: - . te.. , i....' , .:•i. S : ",
''..{, ,-10(iiiailiirle. '4
n , ' '/SJ 1c„; , ,4 4. d , .-^ -,. si
„i rff!t I MIM.."F'I, I 9 I P.; 11l t!ogllleteins
' - ~,It 4,24 J in. 4.1?PiP)'24,4°F8,°f..P40.:
4 1, o•l3.q'tffß' l6 ,.#.e tic ii3t l M l Al i al i r,
4 1 , 1 1*•. f0).0 . A 1 10:119,9r4 9'l=o'l of,
' • 2 ',', . and learned he . .,trado of mill.
' Ict. th,if.o.Pllnt7 l 0 a c#Yrt
• .
~ding IsTiii,. -,y6k ,
• - ' •' ' 9 11 .41 )811i Pe.P 81 a. 1 1rgi.
' • •'' ..),:',' gPiwciTlit'd;f4
, '• , „.Vollikd Valley
~. • . '
„. ',.'. 4iforde on
• • ,
the 13tiuthlifcaultatn pailroad, Where he
was at worlafew before commit
ting the i4at crinie which he fats ex
piated with his
He is ,iivike small pa person,'hielsining,
perhays, $l, feet ftiar inches in -height,-
proportioneCWitlctiie hands•and feet of
a-laborer. •
On Monday carpenters wore employed
ereoting 'the scaffold Whoreoh to carry
into bffeit the - imitterice of death.. The
point, selected was . adjoining the grounds
of jr., close by the
'western midway between
,main street and the alley.,, Two upright
et;b3; peihaps. twenty feet in height,,
'joined bra cross bar, formed the. shele
tW;'at an oloyation of abput twelve feet
a ylatfortn' - ottended ,
.acroSsi, it being
divided into five parts, the outer end of
eacii beit4 hinged to, 9ste frame, while
the,inner ends join
,in the center.of the
-scaffOldr,`llsiinibtr . coller doors in
,These wings. are supported by
thriOOsts, ybich; Awing removed, allows'
thelOttfinnt to.divicle hi the center and;
falli againt4 the scaffold frame
-, „1. r. i Trrus' atm
, .
Was one of - the upper tier on the western
.side of this Mainimll. For the past few
!dais lie has'boonmuchingagecl in prayer.
.13111;d - tied and he seemed' to be
this faet that death wasclose at
Btit few. visitor's were 'admitted,
And Ales& were' , perSonal friends. His
corns ; indnifiritual adviser. The last
*fiat . trot' ‘hit life' he passed sleeplessly.
Waitelieti. vier& stationed to prevent him
fronn'tionimittinginficide: ile-passed the
Med to his friends, and pen
,ningfthe address Whieli he was' to deliver
on the scaffold.' Healed passed an hofir
and a half in prayer.. Ho is 4 as in a cheer
ful znood,, Speaking much to his attend
ants,. and 'even jesting. with them. He
said he was not afraid to die, and ex-
Proisetl.a firm conviction of his salva
tion.' • '
%During 'the morning Father Kanner
nagle celebrated the ceremony of Low
:Massin. St. PatricKs Catholic . Church,'
;and a .shoA' Ono before proceeding to
AcaffOld adniinistered communion
to the condemned, and the last rites of
.the nonifin Catholic Church.
About 12-30 p: in.:" streets adjoining
the ‘prisonwe're erdwded with idle gazers,
- iits - 115 - Oked upon the grown walls 7)f TIM
Prison, 'as if they cmild'rdveal the dread-
Till scene being enacted within.
At an early hour the personswho were
tO:witness the execution began to assemj
blelin the Sheriff's office, and punctually
at I'Bo p. nu, the door leading to the
great hall of the jail was opened by
Sheriff Thompson.
Upon entering, Titus, arrayed! in a
black robe with large whith collar, and,J
Rev. F4hor Kaupernagle wore seen at
tho top of the stairway. The procession
then formed in the following order :
'rho Prisoner led by Filar iff I,homp , on.
lathor Kitpuornaglo and Depuiy tlurift Bowman
The Jury ! Peter Spahr, John Gerrie, George 8. Sea.
right, J. U. Roeder; J. 8. JUnkin, Emanuel Line,
Martin Rule, Thai. Common, yluty
&lune] T: - .Adarne, J.l'. Zug; John "Jaebbs. -
Doctorqelglor, cowdrer,F.hort and Lannon.
bitlont, to tho number of forty
',Titus 'advanced erectly_and with a firm
_llis face Wat_death4 pale, mune'
appeared . inuch agitated.
Upon arriving at the scaffold, Sheriff
Thorn')Sian, the condemned,'Deputy Sher
116wnian and Father ISaupefaaglo
Mounted, the remainder standing below
irtfront. , - .
• The in:isoner not. feeling able,. the
following Wai • read at his request by
„ ilis FarENns: - -I_desiro to say a few
words to you before, I have always
cenfessed that T committed the murder,
but I assert, as I always have done, that I
Jvasnot instigated by the desire of rob
hers,. But my 'bad, passionate temper
compelled me to commit the crime. My.
sentence was a just one, and I willingly
accept the punishment. I wish to say
in a few words that I feel very thankful
to the District Attorney, C. E. Magladgh
lin noble defense on the part of
the Commonwealth, also to Joseph C.
Thompson, esq., Sheriff, and his excellent
wife,:for kind services rendered me from
the first day I entered the prison tip un
tiltho daylleave it, also to Frank Thomp
son for kind favors ho has extended to
me in this place of exile. I am also very
thankful to the rest of the Sheriff'S fam
ily,and to•Xr. - Bowman, Deputy
Sheriff, who has treated me always with
just such kindness as might be eipected
from sucha - young and huniang gentle
man,- and-to J.--Eitzeri - for his un-
Spetilaible kindness and treatment. I .
also feel thankful to Mrs. E.. D. Potts,
for, the . ' excellent, advice she has 'given
me in worldly and spiritual affairs. She
was the only one who tried to cheer mo
in my aeon' affliction, and sho was extra- .
ordinarily.ldnd to inei though a stranger.
rain o'do desire to express my gratitude r to
Mrs. Faller,Tor the consolatioh she afforil
edme •in a letter, and to my, Attorneys,
Otintrioly•Parker; Hepburn, and Sharpe.
•To' the * latter' I am 'a thousand times
obliged for tho manner 'in which they
conduCted my case; and for tiie favors
'they have 'extended me. I also feel
i deeply indelitititc; my spiritual advisors,
Bey.C. A..laupenutgle, from Harrisburg,
Edward S. Irields,• of Chambersburg.
They are two of the best I could pave hall
to attend use ii this my great . trial..
expect to' nieetplehristian friends and
churoh Members in heaven. I am thank
ful to all American ()Wiens of this coun
ty for their kinditeSS. I die happy, for
.I know 'that . .pO4 will ,Mercifully look
*down on meln'inrsorrow :and - that Je
sus 'cliriat will receive me, as he did
the &id thief into Siadiso. Then thine
will be no Moro &quiet° and'SOrPiNV.Afar
, yonnil take Warning froMiny fate, and .
strive r ':te contrel: your tempers, for My.
had, eXcitable - temper; has, brought Mo.
where; I staUd.:r kicl you ail. a
hear'tyo bless you,
,iindiiiaY4io Lord Jesus 'Christ receive
my - senl:;' Ainen. ,
TitWiliinilinicitdovin, while the Priest
2HP4,,`arioing, ,ho ,bade the
croWd goo, ye, when Sheriff Thomp
,son faetened the, noose around. his neck,,
;_Mil:--I3Owrnanadjusted j t—pair-of-1
handcuffs... ~• - • • . • '
At this juncture, a, number of ; persons
-, retired hohind-,the jail, to ayoid seeing
the iiileonor, fall.. , , r , - -
Ti again . said , 4 ! gbod-bye," . the
erewd ;Answering. A white ba'g' was
slippoii-o l yer hishead; allretirod from tho
platf,siin;; kneeling on' the
4por* . p, :7149 . 4-:grityors for the dy-.
-trig ; ,t7o suliports : were rOmoved,Sheriff
,Thompson ; pulled.
,a4way tho remaining.
and Adam Titus was 'ushered into
alto presence (Allis Creator.
Theneekwaihroken by the fall; ...Alter
falling tho hairy swayed around for aino
pent,': pind.:then4p,mained perfeotly;still,
Wi`th the expqptioti ofa slight contraption
.of,the legs and shoulders..
spectators soon advanced and
looked at thd.bods 'all sympathy appeltr_
ing•to die out Nititlitho . Va
. After hangingthirty initiates, the bocii
wa . S i bhtdowli.'•.. The physician tdeoltired
Igo : extinct, and •tho :corpse Wit s, placed in
the coffin, aMfitintiroyeil into the jail. 1
.• .-This Morniopplfass4or--tlie dead-olio
celebrate4 In he Catholic :church; and
Titus"remaintrwer&interred - iirthe - bury- ,
ing ground attached: ' •••
' The coffin was opened at the geese,
and the crowd allowed to look on the in
animate form' of the deceased. The
corpse wore a, natural appearance, the
face not being diecolored.
The return . of Sheriff Thompson is as
follews : e •,•
Cumberland CO., se. )
et al Pennsylvania. I '
.foseph C. Thompsdn, Sheriff of the
county of CiimbOrland, And State of
Pennsylvania, beir4 duly sworn aecord
ingto law, says be exdcutecl Adam Titus
a criminal, Convicted oC Murder in tho
first:degree, by hanging himby:the:necic
until ho was dedd, withintliealls of Um
saia,connty of Cumberland,' on Wednes
day, the twenty-second_ clay' of Decem
ber, A. D., 1869, 'between the hours cif
10 a. m.;:and 2:p. in., that bepg,the time
designated by the Governor of the Coin'
monwealth of Pennsylvania, in-his war-
rant for the execution of theseutenee of
death passed upon the said Adam Titus,
by, the Comi, of Oyer and Terminer of
the:said county of Cumberland.
Sworn' and subscribed this twouty-see
orid day of Decomlior; 1801 - before me.
It is the belief of many, that no sane
person can commit suicide, or Murder.
HoW, they ask, can . ono in sound mind
be the cause of usburing one's self into
the presence of the Creator, unprepared,
or unrepentant? Or, is it posSible 'for 'a
sane persen, possessing the feelings Com
mon to -humanity, deliberately and. pre
meditatedly, to slay :Mother coldbloo&
These questions can be ^ ankwered by
placing in .view the inexplicable acts of
every day life. When we inquire into
the motives which govern men , and wo
men, we find them so varied, so .numer=
ous, ands° inconsistent, that anopinion is
forced from us that Men always act with
that passion that is uppermost. An unbal-,
nnced mind, therefore,. will act oftenest
in accordance with its strongest tenden
.dies. Is a Peabody insane because. he
benefits mankind with the millions_ for
which he has struggled?-- Or is an aya.
ricious - Rothschild crazily- heaping -up
earthly treasures he soon will have to re
linquish 2 The quarrelsome boy is not
in his , right mind_ when he threntenS
unheard of horrors to all who incur his
wrath. !
In like quanner, was Titus crazy.
"Pure devilishness," as one of the prison
keepers expressed it, affected him fre
quently. At one time bursting into fits
nf'ungovernable rage ; at another work,
dug, spitefully, to annoy the inmates of
the prison. Whether engaged hi break
ing furniture in his cell, or killingßenry
Stamm, he-.was acting outitip,•natural
disposition—vicious, and destructive.
Occasionally realizing his••situation,- he
would 'repent, and - amend, but to 'again'
break forth into renewed paroxysms of
rage.- Pis fits-`of anger continued to
withinn week of his exceution;whon-the
awful truth • was forced on his mind that
he would soon meet his God. Then all
his religiou's aspirations, and the fear bf
death arose: - During the laSt, week he
was subdued and repentent.
• It has been deemed just by the good
men of the earth, at all periods • of the
world's hittory, that the murderer should
ifot live—that-t-the.--peace,cf society de
-ITO:lids removal—fr—oin—rfrfaiilm—Eg
pecially in this advanced' stage-of civi
lization it is the staTct duty,. even of the
humanitarian, to seWtbat the_ lifirs,
framed for the good of: all- men, sheuld
be upheld.. It is because the law is re
cognized that Titus was hanged.
° -
To the Editors of the alyisle Herald
-Having preidotisly noticed, , in the col
minis of the TlEttAx,n, solicitatltihs fo
educational communications, I con
eluded, 'under that head, to let you, .anc
the readers of the HEnArn, know boo
our educational affairs this too - 11511i
are progresSing,
'We have • eight schools, averaging
.forty scholars, each, making, in
all, ,about three hundred road twenty
Our term is six months ; and we have,
in our employ, a body of teachers that
Will compare very favorably with those ,
of :lily other district in the county.
Our schools aro tolerably well supplied
with maps; charts, globes, &c. Fivo of
Our hotises may be - considered good ; but
thd remaining two can nothe considered
as good specimens of modern school
architecture ; and it is to he hoped that
their foundations aro . not built upon
rocks, so that some time, ore long, whe , i
the - scholars and teachers are out of therm
and the rains descend, and the floods
come, and the wind bloW, that they will
fall down. . Suth a catastrophe, , should it
speedily happen, would cause great re
joicing among the boys and girls of those
districts. Of the patrons there is unite a
goodly number, who make the education
of their children a primary Acct., -while
there are those with whom this object
Can hardly' be considered a secondary
matter, rind for the'ehildren of the latter,
a systent'of compulsory education could
be a' groat blessing, as .Well as for.the
community and couritii aClarge. Such
a system would certainly be expedienb
and. 'consistent with the laws of Our
country, without infringing upon the
rights and liberties of the people; for the
sirriß)authoritpthat . .glvcs a_ peOPlo the
right to :hang, gives it the right
'O - actuate: .education is the birth
righ of every child - born - in free America ;
but through the - avariciousness of some
parents, a great many chplion aro de=
prived of this their legitimate rights. ,
Our Board O c i School Diroctors,is com-
POsed of good, honest men, some of
whom perform the duties dovolving on
'directors well; provided those ditties do
not consist of any thing else than to'
employ. and' pay the teachers, provide
fuel and visit the schools, probably once
a terim'whilst others do more.
, Our teachers, ever alive to the interests
education r im. conjunction 'With :sonic'
of, the teachers of North Middleton;
ganized a District Institute, Mid Moot
weekly, and ''alternately at 'the 4frhislo
Springs school house, and Wert's school
in - *Milt Middleton .township.
TheSO meetings - are *ea - attended, 'and,
much'appreciated icy Mu! Oititona. •• The
manner of omiduotingteseineetings
credit On - those Ongagain
therm,' The oxercbMS, for 'Oath evening
consist of, a lecture,' or' essay on,.Some
sultOblb oduoational,topic, , hy each of the
teachers ; together' With general die=
cussion.on some important subject
:vent to school affairs., . •
It is to bo rogritt&ltliattlioso distrioi
indtituds . dre . dot gellerallY held,
t tlio cono3i neav its ,they for
inetly .Worfa. Mucii . ' '06611" is' 'Certainly
deiivodlinin Pion', both t aahora and
patr'p . i. They aroaesSontial to the awals-,.
aninK,up and t . tirntillating of tho mfnd `of
tho•:p.iiiiple-in-lyehtilf of the intorestiof
educa;tlon, rvithoio which things 'must
necesearily. By tlio *ay
- of- endeagagonunit —the - tcather i sc - W .
PeOrge Jacoby,` one of the' radat
-oiont-school directors iMthe comity; acts :
asSeoretary - of the lostituto. .11o•is al
ways punctual and ovetready .lcrdi
helping hand to ththle aro engaged
in ,the amelloratlon'of mankind: c'
CarHsi°, December I.BBD
To 1 1-Viler ' s 417, Por - lb 1,111.
There ilitpeark to be a quisnnelersticl
tug among fitment and. •In rket, gareleit
`ers,, eta to the recent tlenisjip 'of the Ortnr-,
missiOner of Internal ltevt;nue. • -•
Many are ender the harression that i~
applies to farmers selling they produce
front house t i o-houSe, or at
~a stere, 'lt
does not. nriner4nre ex9niPt frintrsiidj
eial tax, wilful Selling their. , prodn9 at
'the place of production, orin the rinuir .
of peddlei's,'..but, . the' Mita! a
Place; even though a differeut • stand or
,is triten every day, Li , aot' soiling
in the manner of - a 'pedlar,' find -sitlAieets
tharn tothe special titii! of pioduco dealers.
Writ 13.. , Parknr.
CIO: :C411.54- '7oli-i'ai.-..
VOL. - 6.9. 51
The Philo&lphiailfccitidg Bulletio,_ono
of the most readable and fairly conducted
journals of that city, doubtless Misled by
the statements of over zedidtis - partizans
of , pr.tieliceppe, - indulges ju Lira le
against our citizens, which is as nonsen
sical, as it is maliciously false. The In
quirer relieves itself in the sameway, but
its abiurditin 'are not so dbundant. In
order that our petiplo may knoW exactly
how they have been vilified, ire copy the
Butfelfiek article in full. •
''The witlidriti,t7til ortlicdeath Wal rant
of Dr. Selueppe, as we have good rim AM
to know, is a groat relief to the (lover- .
nor and his Attorney General, both of
whom aro gentlemen who can have not,
any possible desire to be connected with_
the of:coition of any human being, so
lOng - as thero is a grave doubt of his guilt,
or any possible means to secure to himthe
very fullestbenefits‘of the la w left untried.
Therciis but one class of the community 10
whom the' withd awal of this death war
rant is distasteful, and that is tile class
composed of tbn..ortodind prosecutors- of
Dr. Schwppo, wlioselitterest ill his d_
is ineasurettby their eagerneo to Miss
Steinneche's money, and of a portion of
the people or Carlisle, who have ex
pressed an almost savage desire to soil
tbis young man hang - ed. This class is
naturally roused- to new oxcilement at
the prospect- of a new, trial fur Dr.
§cliWppe. The trial, if allowed by the
Supremo Court, as it scans ahnost
tahr thatit bei - will; - of' - course,' be
held elsewhere than in Cumberlaml couu
and it will bring ;before tIM jury the
mass of scientific evidence which clearly
disprdvcs the poisoning theory. The
people who are so bent upon bringing
Dr: Selnuppe to the'seafrohl are fearful
that hotnalqp through, their fingers,
and his innocence be declared 'before the
world, and tlicrliave eeniceeted a mu,t .
original and ingenious device tocounter
act the effect of the Withdrawal of his
death warrant.
' " 0 to be cn . .ecutt:d at
Carlisle, on the twenty-second instant,
for the confessed murder of 'Henry Stamm.
His case is a peculiar one, he having
been sentenced to death op his own plea
of " guilty," without having gone
thrduglt the form of a trial. Now, up
on this ground, there might be some good
reason to ask a reprieve fur this man, and
a petition is being circulated and signed
in Carlisle, aslang; the Governor to re
prieve Titus. But upon what ground ';
,Not because .of the informality of his
sentence, but because theyeople of Car
lisle 'would prefer to hare two mot hung
at-once ! They desire the Governor to
,keep Titus for them vntil he oda, hang
Dr.'Sehoeppa with him ! They hope that
by using Titus for a bait they can -troll
Schceppe back again into the noose.•
the names of several rather promi
nent citizenfioNOrlisle,who have signed
this remarkable'domtnent.
"What unreasonable creatures these
CaUfbeilanders must be ! They had
made up- their -minds-to a -grand-ante-
Christ:nu - to treat.- They were-te shave--U,
splendid double exedutionjust at ClirlSt
maS eve. Probably they have arranged:
to festoon the scaffold with evergreens
and to hare Christmas earels'ehantdd un
der the gallows by the children of the
town. Just in the height of their merry
pdrformance, 'ddwn comes the order of
the Governor, cutting ddwn the. enter-
tainment to a single perforinarce; and.
Ilke spoiled children they' all cri out with
one accord;
.`.‘ IVe don't want a single ex
ecution 1 If you won't hang Eielfaippo we
don't care about Titus !It's ho fun to IWO
one man hung by himself I It is n't fair
to make - us Year for our
favoriii•vietim 1 1 ,Ve won't have- Titus
without Selaeppe ! Take - your old Titus,
and keep blni to yourself, and their; if
ybu find you bade him •ou your: hands,
_perhaps you'll give . tr, Scluoppo, for the
ii'alco of working oll"fitus'l • •
" Insatiate CarMts.! will not ono
~ ..
sulfite ?"
"Bat the subject 14 tee grave for ridicule, ,
even when it presents itself. in this last
ridiculous plirasc. GeVerner Geary is
not to be hoodwinked by any ,
such shallow maneuver as this. It so
evidently intended, to secure the oioeu-
Gen Of Beliceppe that its pretext of con
sidering the sensibilities of the people of
Carlisle, supposed to he more:shoolted by
two single hangings than by one double
. one, will have no weight with the
onion .As executions in .Cmnherland .
county are done, Privately, within . the'
jail yard,'the . delicate nerves of tlie'sidn'=
es of tills petition need
,not be:ol;6l'6ly
• fillocked in,either ease. — Nothing rs easi
er than to s , aS . away thOjail Where
• ..
Titus is execntedvand'-then-if-those-fits
thluous Ournzands 1011.014 faneY that
Dr.7.l39hceppo is dangling side sby, side
'with the confesfied murderer of -Henry .
Stammi , thoyWill enj6yititearl,i as Mitch
as if they were aetuhlly - witnessing his
death:struggles op the scaffold:"
The material allegationin this is . '"that
the people of Carlisle 'would prefer to
'have two Mon buiig
,at onCe.! it 4
'not true: m Tho people of Carlislekl6,na l
'desire to have.twoMen hung atOncd;'
at differenttinis. They prefer. teiliti,vet
nb" execution whatever; it it could be
avoided witheut:setlipk.naidi3 the him,.
They have witnessed' lip executions Dui
. .
..... . . . .
morn than sixty ieriie, • and, they simply..
tiOsiredlhat . 'the 'Oxeitennint‘ anil'hcirVoi'
ePiniebted. ;with :that 'or ' idithi"' Tiiiie
should be ilet3tpencnl at' least until, the
ease .or the. other. convicted raurflerar.
shon)4have boon 0 sed 0f,:.50 that in
. 14 .;it ef h i isi i h erh . t '' •
.ti h ie t Tij .
~....o . l ;t o nijel ,
t i
Il t :
pe 1. of the an - A . ,
s ere 1ng . ..,:0 h . 6, ,
Tree ; once of ' .i;o. t il hlyjible, event.
dofbiorWhin7 r ' s gu " - d the fitnelis'ef
thisOilunildint' , tho eathwkirmit i Of
TitithtinitillitififiltOosec tir§elloSiipo r s' .
application.for 7 parden....-..The:Wisdom_ Of
his course is. toci'apparent to need coin, •
- meat; i , Our people,wetly,allosooneiliave
*liact the r&eelidelf 'take jilalca*.ht a time
-more , reMete'qrtirif'"Olittstrints than the
day i:Ced. .'- • 1 . - , ,
.' ,, `.',.o'A ',A ., , ,, , , V' 'i, - ,.,•', ' ~, . • ,
• but ' as the Men who . have
nitOrtificen fif B , ' '' tthtei-riiiiititici ii of
SCh*Fopile'S'; gtiilt r.44 ,, :litriedinice; in: ways
loS'retoforo:unheardfifi Ace atci 'criminate
nodniniunityilift ., get .1.4 Sy MO:
thil for him, , it-rris" ,,, Meeessary" , ',that
the ilitisition.of !oiireititers with regaid
to Dr. , ScluePPeihe , sal , fOttli.. ' There is
liot itiolvi , nei lia'ithere eVoAieennify 'die
, Dositibir iii ttliioexiniiiiiiiti 't6 - perseCute'
idin.l4eSs'tlitinsik neirithi;i before:his alt. I
rest lie canitilieit MilintiWii,failil without .
any, • iefcreinies , Whatevet:.' ' , Ho, was at
once - re °dived I li 'y , 9l6 , coinimaity. , The
prOfeSsional Position , Whieli" he claimed
wati, - it'd - de - NUM - IAM, and he was treated'
jw" , ,evcrY one-with all' conceivable defer*
enee and-courtesy. After• his arrest the
.ieen.l ; papers carefully i:e trained-from any,
comnientsowthenitittor ; confining them:
solves to "af•moie stidenothitt of- the Occur
relied.' While i.,.i.t..Wasl'el;itient - from. the
first that the trial - was to be one - or. the
,highest'•importaitee, the in;Osecution de-'
volveillipen the - District Attorney , alone,
.althohdli he:Was among 'the youngest of
the niemlbers of the 'bar,' and. Opposed by.,
five cminsel of the' pri:soiicr's own sole&
thin.: Frgm.• no quarter was there, any
, endue or unusual 'effort made' by
secure'lliS conviction. The story of the ,
moli'dollocting intact• the windows 'of the
jury reop, and • shohti.hg "hand, the
Dutchman,'' is as falscas is the assertion
that We pr6f6r to'have tAVO inen hiing:at
. once. After lid conviction no word was
raised Ili faN‘or 'of Ids •excention. -Peti
tions for pardon, were' poured into the'
Executive ' Cheini),el,'•:
, nectings 'were
~at Which 6witersiiinted about
theldhiddityofjtiry', and CelYl't, and coin
-1 Infinity, end yet' from that cornimmity . ,
and cut, and jury,. no Morel wee heiLrd
in favor of an Oxfhfiltiort rir in dp1lo:4; ion
ito the pal don. Whilst ' the application
for pardOh - Was iiending, thomo'st (mi1e-
tteetts,peiveiT,ions:ol--4 -I . :telt:, the - me-p
inPane al use of. ilieConist, the 1)1.-.11 . 10 ,
AAA erne , the jury, a lel the (.I.,vortier
weye a liowed Jeee, unuellced, -ratln r
than there Fdartildf he a \v. , : , rd ul cm.l
.1111101 5V Lild interfere .0 i:h the 7,ri,q:!,:r%- , ,
chance... of 17aRlon. li. our tr., n is c,
every thing offered hy die I::isoner or
his colueelthat would irpciale in his fa.
Nor was freely given to the piddie, and
not a word was published that could
Ilnenceany one 'against him. And now
when he has hoen gruited the most extra
, ordinary indulgence in' all : respepts, that
any convicted man in this Commonwealth
ever received, the jou] lulls who are en
listed ilt his favOr denounce Geecon-Inm
nity which received andtreated him es
bone .other - own cil,izensywithottt quattion
or hesitation, andfor what'?' Simply for
asking that the.eXecution of a man y con
victed for the same , crime by the same
tribunal, should he. delayed 9. llow can
thh - f effect:. the, case- of Scluel?pe•P. - The
Dialetia says that the Supreme Court
Will grant a now trial: l and:file 101100 mill
be changed, and scientific fa:Ml:lrony will
clearly disprove the poisoning. If so \l . e
hardly think Governor Geary will insist
on issuing his death 'warrant, without a
record of coiTciction to base it on, merely
becanso lie.has.oue.; to issuo_for.
°inn-m(110 WO
heitelin.,.uules6,„the i.h.liermination is to
force Selueppe's case through by pnblic
opinion, even should the second - revel - dile
end noW; th o Doctor's Ceiends
ale bound to force diseus,tons and state ,
ments concerning the matter, it may be
dell eitough to settle a few stoyies. Mr.
Maglaughlin in a recent letter conti7a
d ictedilatly the mob story. Dr. Sell ceppc
has scenitit to'publisli three letters certi
fying to hiS'g,oOd 'conduct and character
in a resent number' of the Philadelphia
Post, which'll6 states presented on
the trial and ruled out;
~because "they
were 'written ihstrumcnts'and the authors
were living." • Dr.: Schaitspe presented
no such letters on the trial, or in apy - way
put his character in issue. He says also
he had no intimation of the recent move
ment to bring his case•into• the Supremo
Court. Strange Io • say, however, his
case comes into Court on a petition over
his own signature, owl verified by his
flidavit% •
If it'lS deshed by those who have Dr.
ochcoppe's case in hand that it should he
stated,''N ' Vo 'admit'' that a
portienc4f ear citiic believe that his
conClicticet was , a just: one. They
heard-all • the evidence adduced on the
trial, 'and have road and re-read it In the
printed report. They Icnew the Court,
jurors, witnesses, and all concerned iu the
trial, and also .the prisoner. It may be
that they aro incapable of forming a cor
rect opinion on the case, lott we suggest
that their judgment in the inattCT 'is en
titled 'to as much weight and considera
tion, as is that of.those persons who have
Merely read the proceedingsof the trial'
as a matter Or curiosity, or news. It may
he also as Some of our journals assert that
the Court,, counsel nod jurors, were stu
pid and -prejudiced beyond other men,'
but that is not apparent , to those to
ivliran they are Well hump: ~New as We
said aethe outset, 09 one heredesiresthe
raracntion-of 75r.. Schramm, or,„any one
- else. If his innocence eanbo established'
every. one will. rejoice that oue, pommu
nity has not been disgraced liy the most
diaholicalmurdereverporpetrated. Al! ate
willing aml. anicious that; , ho , should have
oven tlie extraordinary privilege that has
new . been -accorded hiM, and. until ',his
'eoSo is finallyldisposperof by the:Courts,
no ,'attempt will be mado to do 'aught
git hist hicm . ,f3tll/11 for thig we have
es de
right to,demand that we .be osernpt
Crem abuso,,and s ridicule, as being, his
imnipeotors,„f;‘,.wishing,toll ; m l lis scaf
fold yith,,,eyergreens,l and'hxyc ourehtl
droa P4istnum carols :4:rounch
It is our right_th4wptshould übtbo thus
,malhg,lied,, and if ; Scbcoppo's friends
persist ly.itlus 'folly, ,)vo glvp afow
rovolatioiii3,cAllia,4lll. induce, r,ell94ion
oveii in them..
_ A ''SytsbiUgtith', 'to a Detho
eratio.paileF spdtilts:ibuS -
• "Judge: Btibui . o P',Ylic'tsylvania, is men ,
tionedfortith 'aencraiship.'.lla
the man who a Yeaiitgo; aiid While the Sta . &
WaTiVOti'iiiis - ,AirsreSsiagireudeked the dO
'ehifoji which de'Cla'red•ille'galhinuituralii....
zaticryjtiVers' and
- Which de Ciihith 'Was 'latteiw)ii!da ieverseti
by Judge' of • the @upremo
as well itiil.detifOriticed asitiftaybps
by all, deCent'iv~p4tblicitti jouvaids.-" '
' Pvery:hody blows Jthigo-'l3ti•thg : i did
• Read' nthdo
docrse roferred to, and was abused
for i t 4..71 handsOnielY.. Now; howavOr,
Judge. Strong is up for. Attorneyi 00nOrit
and Judge acts oreilited to
him. Of eoursejLt is Aright; therOls'no .
use in being a politician if;you oßn't por
,vert eydythingjUSt to snit emergencies,
'his storpvill - dcrArstlts weli,Eichargo
Stanton's nccoiiut netio - -Judip
Eltrong's, and-iv:lll6i*
noNs . ?: . _Suoset Cox ; , Pam. James
Brooks, Judge • Woodward and: several
other gentlemen who used to make Dem
ocratic speeches, say they-must' be paid ,
in full. Is,this Democracy or how is it?
Year or two ago there were somethings
that looked like counterfeit greenbacks
Circulated as Democratic doeunicrits.
They ;would_lm,goocl things ;to circulate
• ,Isje wonder what Brick Pomeroy thinks
of thO Congressional action on the Re
pudiation question. 'Brick's doettine,is
thatTCpudiation is right, necessary,
est,'and Democratic. De,- doubtless, still
holds to all This, except the last. It will
-hardly do nosy for him to insist that it is
Democratic doctrine, unless he is pre
pared to read Cox, Brocks,..lierr, Ran
,Wbodward out of the party,
Brick, howeyer, might do this if it suited
'his fancy. Ile will; doubtless, gi;-e theSe
gentlemen, who have taken the water on
this question, the benefit Of a lashing. ,
Uon. E. AL Stanton has, been mini_ .
nated and confirmed a Justice` of the
Supremo Coprt, to succeed Ju:Ake prier,
who has resigned: It is needless to,com
'mend this appointment, for its fitnesi is.
apparent to all. It was due tolfr. 5611-
ton, ace recoemition of the value of his .
'efforts in suppressing the rebellion, and
his fidelity to the principles of freedom.
Pennsylvania watt proud . of his record .
as War Minister, and is proud } nen ,
that he has been assigned, a place in the
highest trilinnal of the nation. It is also
moat fitting that he who contributed so
much to secure the enforcer - twil, of the
lowii of the Republic, f..hould be made
orie_of their eitie9=nprinfidaF.,--)V4Tpve
diet that' Me. Stanton's seri lees to 'the
century, in his new poll ion, 'will he sec:
end only in - value to those Ito. rendered
daring the rebellion, and' the almost
equally wicked. attrminof Andre,Vir aib
ttn:,i•connts or NV. 'Forney,
I e_. cerctmy of ilia Senatd barn bran
:-_,1. 7 1. - ,ste..d and pi.mlu need vorro,t.
C:111101 . 011 . WllO jUI ;111:1tril ] , redo
t Fome montlh since. that Mr. For
ney'.; ITCOI , I was unt cleave, htatrs
dna he is satisfied now flint Ihe 'Govern
ment has not lost il cent I.y .lEr. Forney,
but that he had made up from his men
funds, a large sum that his clerlt - tifid he-
Tropeily need. This statement-is highly
honorable bah to "Nfr. Forney and Sena
tor Cameron. And now we hope tlntt
those fa:tpers M Ito were so careful to ell
culalc the report .Qf Mr. FOrpey's decal:
-cat ion will be as eager to circulate the
feet fbat reeora is entirely'freo from
°Atm saspijion.
At rast tliTera has comb,. Since 'the
war began, lioner,t men feared, and crittn
drels. hoped-that:at sonic time not - far
distant the nation would throw'. MT its
burthen pf debt by, reAmdiation. This
iihSa, of course, was encouraged by all who .
could profit by. Gold gamblers an•
ounced itywhen they would raise, tire
w)co . ou-Abeir last purchase. Conquered
rebell predicted it, because they until
-cgsr-rialect-tcrtickax,a to pad c dwlrt
eraeltetiNfor their subjugatioth ; Demo
cratic politicians favored it,ibeeause _they
imagined, the people as dishonest as
themselves, and asready to sacrifieb their
honor or their. promise, to rid them Selves
of a just . taxation. But in spite of the
teachings and predictions of all theie
classes, the .people who. saved the
the Government from overthrow, were
bound to save it from disgrace. They
spurned all ideas of relief from taxation
at the price of-disherior, and as they
persisted iu their adherence ~V) the prin- .
piples of honesty, those who' arc depend
ant 'on their favors r for office, have at
last realized that it was necessary to put
themselves on record against repudiation.
On last Thursday, in the House of
Representatives at Washington, Mr,
Mungdn, a DeMoerat from Ohio, =de l).
speech in favor ofl.lmudiat It cen
t:Lilted :dam', the substanco of every
Democratic Speech made within the last
five years on the subject of our finances,
but titrallgO to say, it did n'tmed't - the
'approval of the Democratic members.
Mr. Brooks could n't endorse the views
of the gentleman from 'Ohio. Mr, .Cox.
wai.shocked at the thought of rePudia:
ting any portion of the debt, although
his reßill'for Ilr. Mtmgen was.unbound-
Cd. Mr. - Randall wouldalsohaveP ' art
nor lOt in dishonoring the nation's debt.
- Judge Wood Ward was 'opposed to
sorts of repudiation by auy' persons or
Commonwealths, or corperations what
soever. He hail saved Allegheny coMity,.
from the disgrace or repudiation by her
Republican Commissioners, p-nd ho had
olio tried to annul the legal tender act, in
order, to prevent repudiation, and there
. fore lie• Could n't repudiate either. Tldis
it went all - around the Democratic side.
Every fellow-who could stand on his feet
and talk at the same time, talked mast
fiercely against going baek'on the bloat:
eel bondholders. Poor. Muuglai was Ss- ,
tOpliqed 7 IPS speech was repil'iliaied by'
the very men for whose benefit' he had .
xvritteitit.• "Darn. the follow:;;" he
claims,.. "I have heard f all of. them,
i.lozens of times; tallk ,Privately in favor
of repudiating everything, eitcopt - their
salaries." These old party foxes kneW
too well how the HON felt On the (pies
tion.of the talk repudi
ation, for fear that it might :`come up iu
judgnip.iit against thorn 'after while.' •
Justitfter theSo,,gputlemen had got'off
their show hopesty,.Eleneral.Gartleld of
fered' reSolution, deelid'ing; that the'
Housei: without distinction - Party,
condoraeil any attempt direct or indirect
td repudiate:Die debt or any pot of it.
This passed with but one dissenting vote;
_and -tbusianotifer—plecfge_isilven_otthe
good faith, of the Government .to bed
creditors. Tho importance of this vote
Cannot be over estimated; Both at•homii
,and abroad it will iue'reaso
. bur aedit.
Gold will receive another/push down
Wa'rd;and.tite.gantblerti in both it Man
the poliNs.of the country will have leis
confide* in their own operations,, and
less ability to interfere withthelitterests
of the community." At last, even Daum - -
eras realize that honesty is the best pol
icy. • . . .
Judge Woodward to still horrified at
the idea of thellepublican party passing
the legal - tender - . - abt; It ',Waif 'certainly
liad 'fol.. the, Detnoeraey. lf it ' hadn't'paseed, the 'wheels of Governtnentwoidd•
have stopped _before 1968; coureiler
soy It - oildfliavo , betn. rocogAimil l ,tito
- Democratic pat't'y would have cimtrolled
it, andif they :had '.any appreattion of
ability, : Judge Woodward might have
been - Chief Justice -of the new nation.
_Bitelholeg,altender apt-made-it possil3le_
to fight.the_witr, 'out; and the result . is
diffeient—slightly. flier() were many
other things done by the Republican
party that the; :fudge did n't like, tip , -
tin'srb-eleetion for inhtance.
Here is a nea:tr-littla'Apeech ; just read
. - "The Legislature [cif - PennsylVania]
ratified negro suffrage before the voice of
the - people could be heard on .the ques
tion. .I have said if the people of Penn , .
syivailiawould vote 'in favor of the meas
ure, I would, not object: This yearlit
was substantially decided—wo were de
feated. I& not believe that they voted
intelligently on the subject; yet I be
lieve it was ratified, and I shall, say noth
ing more. against it. lam -willing the
negro should vote. The colored:people
of my town respect no ono more tkan
they do me, yet I am not a'llepublican;"
• Who, do you suppose, made that
speech? -Some weak kneed .Democrat'
who irr a strong Republicandistri et,
and wants to come over. Not a bit of it.
This "Nsras made by Hori. George T.
'Woodward, once Democratic Chief Jus
tice, 'Democrats candidate for Gcivernor,
now a Democratic member of COugress,
and the man wfwi nominated Asa Packer
for President. What are we coining to?
Here'we have the head and brains of the
Democratic party in Pennsylvania, de
claring, that ffie people have ratified ne
gro suffrage, and that he is Willing the
.negro shall vote. "Can such things be,
and overcome us like"—well, no matter,
Hp:, we have the grand fizzle of all
Deinocrati - c resistance to - Republican
ideas—the concession of the final triumph
of the principles which the Democratic
party 'dedicated its4t to prevent. - Ton
years ago it adopted, for its creed, the
theory that the negro had no rights which
white men were bound to respect. For
it - war. j willing - that - a• nation
should be sacrificed, and hastened to_a
sist in itt . ;(lestruef ion. But all this failed
-miserably, as it was right it,„thould.
The Democracy stilf but only to wit
; ness the destruceion of all' its much
vanatted-theopies,-- and to see its leaders,
one by one, surrender to those who made
victory rortain by rollowing the ight.
P 0 T. I CI:.
r •i: !;.;i; .1.'•;• ;;;;,,,,,t1;
• k,E1.., 0.• T,11,1!1',11,
HOY t• 1111. 11 I .!;!1•1•1“
ill• 1 !"1....ti:1 1111•:, 10001,
t, 1.
1it..1.‘11. thi. , ,entsl %,:111 p, i
rt•s•rss. s It •rrn' , .•, ;01..
will 11,1 it" pmt 1:111 Ilit•aiic;i4s, in Clint
tltoroti molt,ol 1•:,1-
r•.—, I •11(11 . :. ,
i:1 I t
gt ...t yllo• ill /1:(L: 1p lo!Ly to•
long as noy vairoc , 4 any of Ow
"Iv and I.: , Lbw: „ in tL , it u.
the trill anti lie loly nil to
...Jill, free trine 1 , • IV tnlutor
SI/ Col itnt . 1 . i111 , 1.11 , 1i04. Of the
11.1:011,-. 11,110.1111 , 1,n. rtis IlAtrolretlCß I'M • 11••••1
hint p bi an I llr.r t hell r rl•ry 1 , 111, r
r•WiTir. It .•11.1i1, t.. ,"•.• 1;11 ,Int.
- ,
Jorner, of Savatinah, 513,4 in ha+, for,
ooariv 3!:•or3,•seconosu.aulatL-Ilovoliollt , s Pills,
as a 91(.1 . )chin, fovor; !hot lie 11,,1 . 1111,V 1 . 1
ffl If, en-1,41w, ter 11,1, 111414;4 Ifnlng
uflf 1'11)0 ati•ll. Their prnrelpf 1,, , ' nl,•n t orllln
ip,uly t hos r math. fuel tlro fatality 14
As a Loo,al t i nily 00 . Urine,
loon rot . 111 11 , 11311 n of oil 0110 rs, and 100 e lot
11'0101ei coi.lll o,l‘ r;einw f r thh
BLIND:\fieS mitb
hooted with the vt.test Hl:copse, by .1. M,
nod Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ler (his
speciality :n the Medical Concur of Pennsylvania, 12
gatrg expreitlce,( tai DWI ly of Leyden, llollat.d.) No.
bO5 At c-St rent, Mat T,sfirooninl, ran be ,oeti
At his oplee. The moileal faculty are invited to no
coreriny their pntleots, as ho lies tot overdo ht his
prnllce. Ai litkini eyes heeled pole. ni
elmr.v., for COO miontio n.
.o.loly ly
Encore: ;, fumiliea, untl o:h:rs. can purchase no
rentedy equal to 14 . Tolll,s' Venotitin Liniment, On
the enure of eltolem,diarrho,,dyßentery, crone colic,
and Sea sielttn,s, talent ititeer, all lotrfeeC y
hartnh,,t,- hoe oath ace ngtan)ih g each bottle) and
~.•.terlfally for elfreuir rheunieditin.lleado, lip. , lo
eeh°, eon, thiont, cuts, horils, brukeo
olo,plifo Idles, old sorf s, Imhof In nlllll
Thu VC1101:111 Lill/111CW win 1 inn 0,111/ nil inn
/1.1 no ono st bo bon uEed it but wont Jew—) lofllf
otouy stating, if it a lea tie iliey
itould not be without it. 'Hifi), ools o' eertillea tef,
e In be seen nt the flepot:speolc it r, of his WOhlierflli
I:111511 1 - 0 properfles l'riee, Cents end 01,0
Dollar. :_ff.):ll. by the Droggibl.) fool Slorel,eflood
IltroteAeot tief United etalel. 11,Tut, 11l Pitrlc Flees
.Nro Yoe:: , = euol so
r, , Kt t ow it NOW BllfTered for years fret. ATV
PITIII,IIII 1?co,oy, n a il ell the effect, of
3 °mix fu! heil,retlon, will for the !alto of so frel leg
humanity, toed free to all who reeelpt
for the Elmplo remedy la m Molt , he was
Vun , rerl , pretlt hg th . e terve, thi.
ere no( ri. ncr ea, Ad eo by add, oelne, in porket
er n'i 11
No I I.Cetlar :41) New Yuri
Slr: I hit - ve he a
for the last t ett'e, ears wlth the itteulonlbaa nod
Geol. Your (littGra was rorotanloodrd to to 1
,have wad It, its glad to ea:T It ' lvis ....fleeted a
perfil...euto to a very nhorrtifile,. Tht:refor. , I •ro.l
enlillelelld IL to all pel rot. „KM Int,l
diso•lNl q. 1 (tuts to 1.1, foe aug
distaSe Ito hum.rl body It cultm.q.,l to,
•, 1:..1.41-OtTha
Ailvertli,r,' having been rotor ti" Leo!
In IL - OW by a very eimpTh rellledy, utter hav
lug Buffered Ntiveral years with a 'Bevel,' Int g
liol, and that I.llvlW
10 . 111:110 11,0011 to Ids 11.1low•sulftrere means 0
To .11 win llOqife It, Ill; will we.: n copy of the
pr 6.310 (free of , r g,;), with tho Jlroollon
for lkoporfng alit ming the Some which thoy will
01111 I: FOR C0Nz11311•TION.
IytONCIfITIS; etc. The olij,ct of thesolvertlsei in
sending - - the Prceerlialon - li to Linieflt the nnlielat
unil sprtinil inf 4inution which be conceive.; to lie in,
• vaintitile 1 • ob ovary siniTlirer will try Lair
remedy, no IL will co •t thern nothinftutilwirty peeve
Parties' wishing thq prescription si
.WOlLunfiliurg, Nino County New York
- It glvtsi Mil pltdsuro to coylify that, 111r..dchosttjar
!linos Conntat. to my ajduldn 14 pproly vegid:ll,l6
n .16 o mtltutlor, and an estadient tonic, helng
harmless to ellatacter, and ilot bring an alcoholic
timultint. ELL; STOOl,l'Oll, Jd. D.
'&0 1 ,14 step tlite - eornmoility'brts4ttalned its unpre
ecilented tune. Tiny ore unlversallY.approoed. 'They
subort, strev_Olien, tlu. growth of muscles
I ho
allaying irritability, Whq'etilfihlnfi ‘rarmth. Thep
seem to Itcenntlibituplectrrelly; and old thoclreslatCon
of the through thir' part whore applied., by
bealthy'actious hra finiueod. • • "
'Even in paralysis, whore articulation Was
'Et the use eirtlmVoroils Pladters to the npine,restored:
the articulation, and materially reduced Zio baralYkda.
In filet; the'patient•dould b 4 herself, while - Wore
the rornir9. ylastnr was applied sho ions 'as belplesS rig
whaby, retor to .Mrs.lially Elliot, ' Springfield,
MAO. t
-, -
Sold by all Mum:oHk. AjOiey, Madroll.. 'Marne,
°Nem' 2.6n0l m
LIITZ—IVISI3.'—On the sixtron th of DecombOr, by
the N. iI t man, Mr. CoroPlitlEl Ln tolllso,
A S. 1171 q.., both of. South 111d91cton town
'MeV. It 11w reNitleilme, of On bride'.
pal CP to., Mr_ Samuel Ford, of Witsidilgton, o.'o, to
Ally Etla II Stout, of N. S.
s-s I.—T St..Johtex churdi,tinribt3
811.zte.,,t,th hqtat,t, by 11,. het. C.J.cwrt it, llen?g,
A. :‘ireonts. ll..g.e.rstown, 'old., to Mint Junto
V. Stith, of Carli,lf.
NVOODS-I,IS 1.7.—c0t Iho HlNlreoll3 in,tant, by the
ter. U P. Wing, Mr. 'William Woolbt, to Miss Alin
both land county.
RITNI:II. Nolo Mt. Rook, DeconllisT 19, 1869,
Mary May, only elijl,l of WII and Francis
Raney, It gell I.v 11101101 H and Lanett:en
Ca,lb.le, December 2:2, 16ai
Suurfinv dn....
'VII lT} Will': AT
I:ED ••
. , .... .
11. k !MEV.
e:acral broduce Inarliet;
Dee'mher 19. 1 7 69.
or,s,-ed Int inishmood
MITT I: f: AWN 911GUi.DRR3, 10
1011 is, 09'119110N '9I D - 119, 00
1.1112, 16%17111'211 BEANS 2 60
r.t IJn,G, 9 l'A BED PEACHES. 20
•St'A 2, /111NPAll l' EACIIEB 08
111,111 SW .1, 29 Dll I,EI/ APPLES, -3 oa
1,1(.01N 11,1119 18 It AOB 3
We have Just rec,inoor a Jorge lot of font quality
Ola.s.3wero. comprising several of t h e, Intact and most
popular p aim, lye have very greatly reduced tho
prices; wholesale and. retail throughout; of :both
Glare once and Queoneware, and etre now offering
remp'ote Te.ta • nd Idnut, 8. t is, combined, comprising
tt a- l y 100 plece, et the yreeedontcd price of $lO,
In hivlt sells ore ,itrill.erl
• ip ... 2, ,1 1ty to the Philadelphia
Dinner Dinn Solt. Chat contain en T, w.tro Wo mote
al, 0 on bond a fill , lino of Grocerio, Tobaceee, Mob,
n n,,1 1, op. e, h„... en ~,,,Pz , ;3 . her: 1.0,,, high whole
eel,- and retail. I lea, c dl an I pee toil ba eoll,7lllCad.
21,1 wo. ¶1 m. 111.1711. k SON.
.—.i1111i,111 . 1'1,1 1., I ei,ll 011 j , 11; recrited ant
fol “1 ,oito
.1' I: l'l' II EC' EWE')
hinir7kla7KWllll - 4.
M tv and IlOrlno
110 io Pali, r. dw0.41 will do
heel-vivre, at
(11V lA , : 111I0111E6S,
N., 11, 1',10.11 'Unilever Street,
, Carlisle, Penn'a
iNVII WO ,tOlllll tho 11t.
t .11 t.t . lu Ir tr. t h lug reduction Incprlce,
of I, A Nle Ii AF , N7ARE:. Also to Ito largo
II: I it iiro no, oflorlog. Coal
, It, • Lind I, .nrok, offend
4,f . Illiern.ware of S.'
' .:• .it 1 , 1-at our No en
• 11 - .11. HI. 111::1 SON.
- WIium,,WORLD.
Pr. Vi• - •!• %ICr's Orrat nt. rieye Ile and
Tr. e Te'r rt tottrii itu . d
ut tint r molt. eggrevyttel form, and
ten tier et hem bing stenaing.
y oat f I hit terrible
end rxt , rtniti, if root and bren , ll, forever,
Tile: enony and t ilt tit snit,. leg than
tongue , / 111 1,11. .
;,.ru a 44 r 474 4 4 11 r .ng cli4 • 3114 4 .4. 11,..1 , ent1e and
1.4‘1, c‘-•,, ri40ry,1,c1 . . 1 - 11 . 1114141 r.lll to of-
.0- or
%Ito: or the l'ioo by a po
of the dlrtillotion of tic tor, by e liicir
it - 11 , 4:111,111 , Ilk .1 prop,rti., nre ret.thteir
Mt , 11;,, t era, the appetite.
It etton.thors the JeLililoted hyrtetn. It purifies
rest-ettrle4-o-tino-1 t
e.o..eptitro rottifulo beet!., on he lungs.
t. 0.1.11.. II.1U4:11,1:114 t>r phlogni H hirlt stops the air
tgos f the leng 4. Its hooting, principle nuts
upon 1110 In tol 0 , 1 :1:11,1` of the. lungs and threat,
penotratin t., rtr h OIhott•otl part, rt-et ing pain and
Li to Ilte rose t or yenta of
sin ty .ol top, ritetth nett it tooth-roil to thentllleted
n ill, I -it', o r-oitrit nee rof ils l mveg to core the fel
letriag tiLeito,i, if the patient hot. not toe long de
t II a 1, bort to the 1110,11 , 1 Id COI bumialon of
the Lenr,s, (fough t So, Throat on] 11re:tot, trim .
chitin, Liver Col.:110.1ot, Blind mtd !reeding riles I
Anthem, IA littoploor Cough, Diptlserirt, to. -
A in- ,osperh, holding, lionernble collegiate
Dlplontoo. diet ote. Itltt tutire thee to the examination
of tier °Moo pnrinry Ar , ocinteil With
11f111 u o I hr!, eonoultivg phy,lClatts of aebitoorletlgkl
eminence, o hose Hero Its, at,- given, to tho pnhlic (rue
.pportonilyl6 offered by no ;Al..litution
iu tho coontry. • •
L•ttv, !pan any part of the country, nshing
I,,ouptly grrOntioncilv rev, ondvd-to
1,1111 0111CeS Fhonld t:lskt the shapo
l'rti oof 11";,Iror, merloan Me, SI
bwz, S Pt by 1. it nu 114,10 ot
V ut r , I:ll,C,Pb,r True T.,r Can lia!, 51,50 II
Ce :1 p, r 11,1311. rent I y
MI combo:ilk:ld - m.Ol.mM 1.0 u3dre,n3
-- Irrq 0 WiSililiT; M
N la Spend elect,
.A" /1 IV TUII E '
The ondomMne I, intetern.: to change lus buslnes,
)1111 oell hit entire elnek of furniture •
Ito has tte't;.7totttua the I argent nod. most varied
cleric I:moil. , ever. fiend 'tor rule in Cumberland
/01 , made
. .of the 11,t mattl lel, null in the
mn,t, iluira to btylet, ll•oteckee, em, ettnecially
ho,” s ine! commencing, n ill find It to their advantage
to call nude:QUM. , 11.1
.1'1;14 O , reWIICIT, IL , nil meat
I I pre, low+ to 3la t nhich time ail 11,111Aill
-111,:011.1,1111 lil Lu,oa.d ut publie ;motion.
••' A. ril. 1 trill well at auction ell my
,kOll baud.
Come f ; eg,in, to
Not It Ilanovtr tdreet.
A. At: it km , 1 LUU4TY wilt bow lte nn.
Hug• n 2'nesqoy. January 4, I 870. at tau
u'elo - ,1:, ,A rt•itt,t 10,, Chamber ' in the
Ct Ilea:a, In 11,0 parpo, of 0100115 ofllearalto
sam. r
'_;ltim;:n•l Secretary.
• •
0. 1 ,0 alma NV/14,11111de, on the t , :outy'third
duly of INA), t Court of Common
1... a for Conilirrolnd county, to grant •a charter of
ro 1 , 0 tall .NVI tho Dieltin-on
" and if no ruMalant renaon it fihnWrl, to'
Iha contrary,•lho t..1‘1 tel at *ha nowt Nam,
unary Ir, 1870, derma. and declare that the per •
,enri nu 1.06111 , a 0r.,11 1 M . 0111 1 ,111,1 hen corporation,
body p dhir. Ir.' V. CAYANA taM,
1000 . Prothonotary.
131J.13L10 SA.LB OF
It t' , , it TY., Tamluy,,lanuctri) 1!, ISM Will
110, , .01 , 1, tit ethi c Infe, (ni Mg nbovo 4ifty. at the ro.l
closes of th , hat. 144..13014 &cowed. 'on the
, walnut 11 Won n west'Of Carlia)o, the
f,, , b,a log pv,moutt proporfa, to left: 'Two heavy
tiro ugh' borne tom' foileh rO,IVP; 000 two bora°,
wagon with lied aid :widen+, lop .biliraY. 001E11. One
kr plough, allot el harrow, double nod single
trees, mattocks, skavels sludges, cradles,' and.
at, or t.rtieles. Nov be 'the ton, 1 , 000[41 by the
blithe!. Mao; 111)USI• HOLD AND KITCHEN FUR.
Nrutt. 1, conottitt.g of 001, eight day cluck, bureau,
a drnhr,m a lb ,00, non fixtures, two .ten 040
blot's, 1..44 Ads no I:hooding, h oking , glitases, wash.
eariteta (Iwo of wlitch and new)
_h' Lho,)ard,,nutimittny_ulifer articles u oauceeaaryAo
mention]. Bala to cononeuea at 10 o'elock °Wankd
vas., whoa attendant° will lan given, end -tonne
madolinown by • .T(110( 8; IlltiNEol':
Excetttor of E. AI. Konyon, (lacuna •••
lathe iota
NTOTICE.—SeaIed Proposais will bo .
"rec,..ln d qt t Ida onlco, tint I —too o'clock, n, trit,
On TucOnty. January 18, ibis, for fornialling 1110
toinps - fit Damao; Pennsylvania, lvlth the
hest • *
••• F mILy rLoun,.
for clx.mon its nom and altar tho drat Any of Fah
ruary, 1810, or such or'a limo. as tho Commissary.
Goiter:o of Sotslst c,a IY4,,;Arcity, may direct. -
Pruptacels most Ln In - W....;...*-Iflis , end endorsed
".Proposaisibc fdinial/ Roar fi and must contain the
&nine of two ra:pollbib . 0
pardons who will sign tho
bonds alai become r•sponaildo for tho
forums° of tlio contralth
per , one wholdd aro coritiOstoil CO bopresOnt: nt the
opuidua of 0.0 In oposdls. Tito °multiuit rosiirvos'
tit° right to.roJect •any (or all)'hide which they may,
consider unrcasonaltio;'or for 'itny:,other Sualclont.
' -
IV. R. 151A1Z16,'
, . .
Pint Tdoutonaut' and Drava Captain. /J. B. Army,
()price an A. C ,
S. 1 , . . . •
C.olrdsnr. BAnuAngs , P
Inwendan: 15, 1865,
4 0 - 4? YY V:VrOD: 8.11641 1 ;5*E.
' _.
Having taken advantage of the great daelinn-in
prices In the city, we Imre Irina!
our Itock of
DRESS goon,s4to
Ia eiTry variety and ;et*, at ouch`,P,tipet,ll B : !tal.;
onui, .11 In or '
.D 0 HES TI G*0:01)119
7 00
2 50
At much lower rates than nand. , Ileat•qtiailli Vu
blonclioil Muslin only 10 canto; verigood,, fulLyatd
wide, only 12% ceole; very Lek Co (ebbe, 'only 12){.
cents, nod nll other Dozneatickna cheep In :prollor%
FANCY BLANKETS (for Buggy Bugs).
OVERCOATINO, of evrry grade nod %Triply, lo
great bargains.
FOr mono' and boyn',wear,
We 11 ' VC 11111110 flpecial arrangomerita with a Brat aria
Far liotrs - u,lto keep us supplied with a imporlor sup-,
ply of FURS, daring the seron, of all grades and ,_
qualifies. llstalstitatfsetts er Bable, and setts
of other 'dodo of Furs very cheap,
(elexaedly trimmed.)
Much ruder ❑ir'rutes early lu the season. KO l itur
nors styl p of
Iloods, Cap.,
Please do not fall to gips os a call , before
your pureausba'ne we are underselling any bowie to
tho county
LElpleff4 •MILLtR
1,412 and 1,414 . 15t1E5TNUT STIIENT.
P. ll / -
icP P.14.,P it t-,45,
Taking advantage of the reat &Trenton In tint.'
Onus, li , C; & pu., Imo Made.
nrinNam rirriciuscs bp DRESS GOODS
in this raricet for cub, at
Blow the cost of Ititsevtatlett, wisteh they. site uow
opening, and will offer at a tell slight advance.
Thdy clodsq to dlrcetepeclil n anti= tqlllll4stuck.
• • • •
togeth6r with :oat; large impcn,latfori;lcg.
hove Ip?tt rrducod to dlrvorpoticlittAlv lowt?tWyktuuk,
will too - found tho
over Oltorfol, inCludllii.'On Cases' illuta:sittd
eitiiiati of for
7Go . to $1.00: !Vort. twit 't.i?titated
Bar on, In tLe tnehloaabl
Floo All Wool • Elmpress Clotho .isv I 11
iii colors, Including the vari.dograllo'
f, • ;. '•'
abadea . la Navy Mud, for aaly.P.c
g •-,Jr1,4
. • dtfT• • fri:ilif•
I , .#6riiils,!'Aig**6o;, fi!,;•';`''''
Yor ban go •
FEENcr# ngpv.ropLiNs; Ali' Bilk nod , V 461. U 1 Ho ''
• •
Log brostgi, ;Mg.
FtIRS 11
SH ti.WLg! 1
L gginge, 61uvex
CARP gTfit: !Er
.1 .
NlP''' .
.. ~.i~rs:!~~~;~i
` T
.1, ‘;‘,