Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 23, 1869, Image 1

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e.c.l 0 0 r.Z.) . '.l: act
.1.. M., WALLACE. J
5; ,
it.r.• .ummor atomism
• Old Haapar's work was dono,
And he:boforo bla cottaib door
Ws. pitting In tho pun,
And 14, hint itioitod on the grew
Ilia Ilttli grandchild Wilholtninc.
We saw her brollies . l'eterkin
Eon something large 'aada'ound,
AVlalch be Doddo the rivulet
• In pliging there hid found ;
lin eats to list:whit he bed found, •
That was so binge, cud smooth, and_rojpll
Old Kasper took It from the boy
Who etteautimotand by,
int while the old man shook hto her I,
And with a natural sigh,
Tis porno poor, tellow:s skull," sold be,
" Who tell in the great victory."
" I Awl them lu. the isordeuLi,
For there'. many hem about;
And often when I go to plough,
The ploughshare turns them out,
For stony th0u...114 moo," sold be,
" !Vero slobs in the groat yjettlry
a Now tell tut what 'twas.all about,"
Young raterkin ke cries; .
And little 'Mihail:doe looks up
With wonder walling arm ;
a Now tell as all about the war, •
And what they fought each other for
It wee the littalteh," Reaper cried,
WhO Intl the French to rout ;
Dot what they fought earh other for
I could ■ot well wake out ;
'llotvrery body solo,' quoth be,
" That 'twos u fateoue tlehiry,
My tether Bred itt Blenheim then,
Yon little etre= herd by ;
They burnt hie cottage to the mound,
And he wao forcod , tn fly ;
Ho with hln wltnand child ho fled,
Nor h.d ho whoro to rent IdohAnd
With the •nd mord tho couuttq.• found
Woo want...l for and odd°,
And stony a oblldlng mothertheo
Aad now-boru baby died ; " •
But tblugal,ko that you know, culnit be
A for a &moult victory. •
•' They lug It wits a %honking ellht
Altar tke field Was won ;
For twiny thouiond bridles here
Lay-rotting_ln-theAult_ .
things liko that you know, roost tie
Artera (malts victory.
- Great pruiri the Duke of Marlboro' won,
And our gold Prince Eugene,"
Why, 'Was n very wicked thing !",
Vold lltqa Wlthelmloo ;
nay, my little gill," quuth ho, •
it wr.e a fin4oUS Yie..tury.
♦ad everyboiy praised tins lit.g,
Who this goat tight did vria."
Dot whatifreod omn alt at lost !'
Why, that I cannot tell," wild ho,
Dot, 'awes a famous victory.
At the press banquet in New 'York, on
.the twenty-sevontb. ultimo Air. fAreoloy
responded to the toast "Country Farm
ing-and dity Farming," in tho following
characteristic remarks :
I don't quite understand whether I am
expected to demonstrate an agreement,
or a contrariety between these two.
things. At any rate, if tho purpose of
the-.sentiment is to affirm that one of
these pursuits is as delightful, and as at
tractive as the other; I.respectfully non
.concur. [Laughter and applause.] As
to city editing, I have 'had something
snore of it than I have desired, and more
than I could' enjoy. ,As to 11 . 4 farming,
there aro • eAtlemen. who have spoken of
it rather. mare-freely- than-thOillimi/ g t
knowledge of the subject would admit,
1 think I have seen elaborate statements
of the cost of each turnip, [laughter, ]
and these statements wore made by gen
tlemen who I was not aware were so at
tentive to the cost of things as their cal
etdatiens would seen to imply:- I havo
not made any such calculations myself,
for I have been a little shy of doing so.
[Laughter.] Let me, however, say a
few words about country farming, which
is a thing I very much behove in. Ear
lig done somo share of work in the world,
I lay down this proposition: That any
man or woman who can get their work
Bono by 8 o'clock at night, need not con:
shier their condition a - hard ono. But
when the work stretches far into the
night, to eleven, twelve, one, two three,
begin te“flnd it-irksome: I am now
• not-so fond of sittine up with a • news
paper all night, nor with anybody else,
as I was twenty years agog This, then,
I can say for country farming, that while
It has some rugged aspects, and does not
premise any such brilliant ,and rapid ad
vances to fortune as some - of onr.friends
-.suppose tliemseliee-likelyito-achleVe-ini
Wall street, it is about the safest and
surest thing any one •ean-engage in; and
it is, moreover, a tranquil and certain de
light to any human being who can enduro
his own . soeiety6-y[l4mghter ,- snd
plause.] ' My little place, while it is noth
ing to brig of—[Laughter]—thero is this
is be said about it. I have got the most
delightful barn full of corn,•bleh, golden
corn, that ever you saw in your
Now, that is somethingachioved,_some-
thing to loOk at. I have - been at work
on the
,press, 'roan, and, -boy, 'for ' fOrty -
years; and I ean,soe nothing that I have
accomplished. Ton• work for days, 'and
months, and years, and what have you
to show? Something perhaps in went%
eolith; • something , In firmness of Orr
, pose ; something in clearneSs of intention . ;
but ontwardlyinothing. Hatv- can your
labors compare with thoso of the man.
• Who has Produced a book? And hero let,
. _
me say, that in my judgment] no 'good .
ever was or can - bo produced on the ion 7
stigetion $60,000 cheek. Such
' books as that ofJohn Bunyan have been
produced by authors who never thoight
:they. would get . Wine for them. [An- •
planse.] Those, are the books. , The
books that the $50,000 check; will liny,
• they sell I hcipo thOWorld totheri
table, and soon forgets them.:l, [Laugh
' berturkapplawsjo: • ,
• Country fanning will help, also to de-,
one of the phases istthe'gne'etiMM
of woman's righte— . Sherehi I- have net
ss fulllciatCperhaiici t .'iiaaiitio
Monde Would wish. country farming
gives Jut 4 1 0 right field foe-the, develop
ment. of your °porgies. • [Laughter.]
Lota Of you areWast*l te:takeYour part
- in oeuntry farmine Ret'literrealriiighter4
Yon need not dispute or clamor—there it
is ."The !world - 4 all Wore gou
' choose . . from If any lady, wants her
rights—l am a-wood chopper myself—my
- • isAstleriferitee: 4- Thore'fire
of opportuniaoe ; so, then why, don't
‘ . enate of eur frienda wha want thoirrighte
come" 'out into the country and take
.thein? I hope that some of this din and
noo trovorstwill roll itself abroad in the
world'; and our excellent friend, "tho
last-best gift,!!ruid -so- on,- witlae.hicre;-
her- rights with her own right hand.
(Great appliuree.l , •
° Better be upright with poverty, than
unprincipled with . plenty. > •
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• .V. 141
. ,
There are sonM very pretty faces at
the meetings of the, Vomans's
SOciety, on Twepty-third Stirept, their
talk to the contrary notwithstanding.
• 11.1rS : Blake is pretty. . She has spark
lingrijronithent, gray eyes, with dark
brown hair. She is pleasant in-her man
ner, easy in her sPb . ech, frequently- ;hu
morous; awl always pointed. When
she advances a quesfir - i,
like a- marriage .certi&ate. Iler. great
weakness is in loOking well, and was de-,
lighted, so she said, that she Mid onier
best silk dress while being sketched for
this picture. She wants to wear trove-,
sera only Anotaphdr•ically,_lceamic 1 3 1 - re
thilrks WOlnan'A dre. , is the nio,t tiLA / s• in
its present form. Mrs. Blake he's two
children and one TM:di:lnd. ritrong
minded. .
Mrs. Wilbour is pretty' is tall'
basgrayipycs, and dresi;es very
ingly. She is very di'gnifled and earnest
in:her manner while speaking, anti ad
dicted to a dcatOf humorous by play at
the meeting,s, / and displays much wit.
She is Strong minded.
Mrs. AThelps is pretty. She
and one i!n` - the leaders of
the , Stritinage movements, occupying the
pOsitioriof Vieu_Priq4dent. Hie is pos
sessed of,sti'ealth, and is tho propri
etor of the Twenty-th i St reel. hemitimu;-
ters. II& dresses are very elaborate, and
she indulges in rich clnaks,'shawl , , and
laces.. Jewelry is not - promin , :mt vcillr
het:. Ilas a.plcasant. tongye, but use , it
carefully, Mal speclis
Sim is al Joni f-o- —yea us of .10, atl r, mg
minded. .
Miss Dunning i. let ty. She on the
blonde ordce, and can't alp it. laeau/o
'its natural. AVhenevethe she
does it with much dclibetation and di,-
tinctness, anti always Ina ni lest-, a I.!adi
gess to tail —like nil NVOlllell. Sill! is
always a(.vocating: tne coaxing policy',
with Inuit, and
dressing v( vy tastefully, and alWoys'
lo9lcingw , ll ; her favorito eolor
She writes for r.adve the
titre of - I);vc. — v Itich I
collie well 1, nowt. 1,11:f 1111illit . .J 7
—l l o r . 1)4',?0,../.6q.
The and da,eite coal legion, retw so
much talked e t\ltout in eounection with
the miner's strikes, includes shout ill
this variety or co:ii ill the [ldled..talc-s.'
It is 10(INquare mile., and 101 lie with
in the limits of Luzurne county, Penna.
The total onaneity raised in the whole
State of Pennsylvania iloi n to 1000,
amounted to a little_ _over _ei . glay-three
millions of tons, of which. Luzerne fMe
wished twenty nine The firt,t
company for mining coal was formed in
1702, and it wag live year, bef7src tht y
shipped to Philadelphia, and this vent nre
consisted el thirty tons. Tile city au-1
thorities consented to take it, and tried
to burn it-under the boilers the_ en-1
glues at the water worn', I.llt it put.
fire out. The balance was broken up
and used in the place . of gravel over the
flitletwalk.4 3 4l-iletesnly-t.144-e-tdet , -..n.c.a.r
-the mine used the coal for horn -
The happy discovery W,,, 11111de by a
tavern. keeper,. Jesse Pell. of Wilko,t-
Bane, who concluded a good draft was
alone necessary to make it burn, and lie
built a grate of green hieltory sapling:4,
placed it in a large. tire place in his lets
room, filled it V,ith broken coal and (Icy
wood under the grate and sot it 1111 tiro ;
'the flames Treading through the coal. it
was soon ig , .ited, and before the wootle.n
grate barll were consumed, (lie Lacers
was proved„ and hundreds of peolle'
flocked to the old thven, li, wit ls, the
ERRORS' TX 7' 1,',1e..1 7' 71 IF,
The stories- that there bht one,
phienix in the world, tvhirli, after many
years, burns herself, and friim her aslics
rises :mother ; that the pelican pierces
her breast hith her Itch, to draw Hoed
for her young; that the eamoleinl Bien
only upon air, of thy bird or paraili4
andAif the unicorn, are all falintoit 1
is an error, that the scorpion stings its
elf -when surrounded by lire, a.hil` that
hatt_Power ever prisons bitten by
it ; that the mole has no eyes, and the
elephant no knees t that the hodgQ-1-iog
is a mischievout,iiiiitinal„partietilarly that
he sucks cows - wheh they are asleep. It
is said that the porcupine tiriooffi out' its
quills for annoying its eileniy, wherea:: it
only sheds theiu ammallY, as otheir , featli-,
eyed afiimail&dmi. The jai:lit:This commini
ly called the lion's' provider, but it has
-no connection with the lion. The bite of
a spider is not venomous ; it is found too.
in Ireland. Identifidly,Juis no dislike to
_fixing its web orr- Irish.oak, -and has no
PaTtimilar inversion to a toad. Th e' aSs
wasYid - gaily thought hat'e a n'ross on
its back, ever since Christ ride on one of
those animals. It is also belici'ed that
the haddock had the marl; Uf St. Peter's
thumb, since he took - the triln'tte penny.
out] of a fish of that specie S.. Tt - Was
thick:M . ly believed, sayti Brand, that the
barnacle, : a- common shell iiF•ll, which is
:found sticking on the bolt om - 4:llips,
would when broken off become a„species
of goose. Nor -is it 40HS an error that,
1)Cllp form their cubs by licking' them
into . sliajp - , oh thitt storks will.ohly live
in republics and frce_states. The rose of
Jerichh, which Was feigned to- flhurish
every yeah s about Christmas eve, is fa
mers-irithe initials of eredulitY,,but,.like
the :no less 'celebrated "Glastenburg
Thorn,". is only. a monkish imposter. It
is commonly believed, aud'eitenprover-,
1;141 Oat'. puppies Ste iu, Wino. days, but
the -faetiff,they do-not see till the twelfth
or fotirkeOnth.
Flemming county, Kentucky, rejoices in
the possession of a remarkable: pair; father
and nom - Mon' ono- has any complaint,
thoOttior is similarly affected, if the father
has . the.beadaele, the toss has it at . the
salmitime ;'if one
,suffers withtbO i toothr
ache the other also suffers with it ; when
ono gait the cold, the other gots it also,
and so it goes on through:di the catalogue
of ordinary, complaints. What one, likes
MIA oats, the other ,likes and cats ; and
what ono 'dislikes and won't eat, - - the
other dislikes anti Won't oat. 'lf-one he
al:11"a angry, or gloomy,. or'imlipy to the
same degree, and at the same time is the
other angry, or . gloomy, or_imppy. They
snooio at the HMO' tlrnG,. fl ieS i ) . 11t1 the
same- tintpand the EißlllonnMher of hours,
and .the most ronnirkabln. of all, they
dreain at thosoruno thine, 'and. the amain
of ono is the same as flint of the other,
Ah Poy, a, Chinese nierchanti'- died in
San PrOeisco a few day's ago. The
:Thalai,v,:,qf that city describes Alm sin-
J;ular ceremonies of his funerab: • • .
,'While the bells were rinFing, and only
good gods were around/In-the air, the
mourners.camo out bythe street.' Then
the coffin was bronght out and Placbd en
the - .sidcWailk, draped with fad, :cvhite,
and. green c3pths. The mourners,, of
c }roar -there --were: about a dozen—all
Women bUt one—were .dressell incwhito
robes, With white cowls on-their heads.
The,h ,, air on the womon'iPheads was dia.
10-elcd. Boveral Of then wept
,in a
"genuine manner, but the rest howled in
:sub a'Way as to justify the statement
made by sonic hy, attendance - , thattliey
were hired mourilars. Wfien the coffin
was put down the Motlners filed around
it :-..efC'ral times, weeping, nailing, and.
throwing up , their hands, - and then all
bowed themselves-With their faces to the
I;im md, and remained in. that position.
several hours. ,
On the sidewalk, below the coffin, were
Banged three or four. whit tables, and on
these were deposited the saeriticials of
ferings. There were five roasted hois-. 7
full.siie4Avith tips, of, tinsel on the ears
-- and wreathed abort their snouts
sheep, skinned ain't laid on ,large pans,
'ocenOed•prominent places. Then:ado
woe chickens roasted whole; with many
colored candies niched and run over
them in imitation of rohes. They Were
set upright in edible chairs, with their
necks straigldoned, and fantastic covers
pineal 'on top of'_their _heads, Their
elaWs were bent up and made to grasp
spends, .darts, and exorcising wands.
f•lereral roosters had - been baked tillthey '
were brown, and yet
_the feathers on
their Wings, the wattles on their necks,
and the erects on thci,r heads were not
.iin — u - iltritt: — These, too,
monied sith tinsel and paper. - •
Simeral large crabs ,‘ from 111eig'n wharf
lay in. Om centre of the trade, and were
i•i t his ,orn . aments like all the rest of
the 'offerings. There were numerous
pyramids of Cs Mt also—apples, pears,
a.d nuts; pyramids of high
oird looking cakes; loaf Unita
ti• of iambi., goats, ducks, etc., hovered
.r.'ith molted confectionery Oka orJosh
and saered NVith rows of
and spluttering
DI ft., or the Utile ; strips of red
and yellow papertlealing Myster
p,us_ characters ; doll looking images at
.it oral [l5 1 115 ; ank eVerywhero tinsel,
'['Sr.; •11loke fumes, and insufferable
s;eneb. The bti eels were blocked by the
lblon:.; of Chinanurn, nogroes ,and "en
-11 in the croWd. next:the ea
-1..r and free Inhelt 'table of the godg, wo-'
mon predominated. They ..wero a de-_
grftd,cl and looking sets for the
most pin and seemed to be riveted in
'flacks by idle curiosity.
A lint hicks-:nod a rank of badgering,r;
huelinion ocenpied one side of the sir( et
Ji ting for their "loads."Y
At 1!1 ni. all old white beaded woman
rhino out of the house, hearing in iwr
arms ir ge: lend . Of tinselled paper. 'Wei
threw it on the pavement. and taking a
lighted Josh stick set the mass On fire.
Then other WOlllOll brought, - mit
other curious looting images,. about two
feet high. and supposed to he re'priißn
la I ions of , everal prominent anti coolie-
Tln-w they cast into the flames,
ctii kol lc lwlioving that possession of
[loan wo,ld eel tainly appease the malig
nant gods, and give Ah Poy tt safe catreli
into the ln.l ~r the good.
At I p., 711. thecollin. was placed in _a
the monmeni-got into the hacks,
and the mulanchul3' proeessioh of pagans
and Christians proceeded to Lone Moitn
lain, \there the remains will be entombed
till thn sailing of' the next ('hina steamer.
The Litchfield :Conn.: Sentinel thus
photographs ,one of the _institutions of
the town :
• '• There is a man in this t own. who sets
himself up as the etstsor — Of pihy()
nun :oat who publishes and condennM
thy shortemnings of his fellow men.
is an' f:itiMtimonions as if lie had swal
lowed a conference meeting. Five hum
dred-,,f-thcold,:genttine, 7 original,
'Pharisees boiled dims, to a. half
pint, would Make n weak decoction when ,
coinpared with this individual. Ile is so
impregnant with the odor of sanetitj ,
that one could scrape it off 11;s clotheii,
with a clamshell. N'et' his` man is the
most inveterate lhafer in the whole town
inquinit - ming ; meddlesome,
impident nuismice, or intolerable gossip
and husylasly. Tf he sees twmor more
gentle Men talking together, he walks up
and listens to ,their conversation, lie
has the cheek of a east, iroitlndian. Tie
,of iateriMpting the benedie:
lion at a wedding to ask the bridegrhom
what fee he expects to illy the clergy
man. We arc not going to tell who' this
malt is ;. if we, should do so, some life
insurance company - would gobble him
fora peripatetiemgent, and 'we have the
munch philanthropy •,,to do • anything that
might increase his opportunity to make
his follow men miserable, or to commit
the sin iii eurshig." Tt c
. A wan the other day, speaking of a
man whose impo - Ctnut air attiacted. a
'great deal of notice, remarked that . "his
bump of self pate= was se,protaineat
that he could not keep his hat on' on ti,
windy day."•
A, strong Minch . al woman was beard to
remark the ,other day - that she Would
marry, a man who bad plenty of .money r
though he was'so ugly she had . to scream
cuay time that she looked at Min.- •
A.' profane lady told her daughter the
other y, that "thorn . stoelcipgs were
darned--nieo." .
Yo,ung woman, trust"not rto Miaertain
riches,- bid . I,ilipare yourself for: every
emergeneyln -life. Learn •tolvork, and
be not dependent on servanta' to. ;Mto
ymir bratid; swcon your own floors; and
darn'Your . own stockings.' Abovo all, do
not 'esteem too lightly those .honorable
yomit nuta - who* sustain d
thoir and 'parents- by the work of, their .
own-bags, while Toit_.cogefia audancoirO
,into your company thoio idle popinjays
who,never:lift a fingor , holp ,qliorn .
aches as long 4f3lll6 . xcan'iceoplOdy and
soul together,, and yet find' unds suffi
cient to live in fashion.
• -
'The Now York•Stin reSporthible for
the following : ~ • . •
It has boon contended by some of our
ablest . thirthers that tlio greatest amount
of good clone in the world has boon ;be
stowed by bachelors. WhetlMr this be
true or not, we often wonder that many
men,• famous for their kindness.orheart,
and 'generosity of disposition, shouttlfre
main- single through life. There is no
more remarkable caSe _of. this sort than
that of thO late George Peabody. , It is
said that in his history theroisa romance
that perhaps has never yet been made
. ,
. A number of years ago, whoit Mr. Pea
body was just entering , upon his career
of success as , a business man, in Balti
more, lie met by chance, in the street;
pppr girl who was but a child, but whose'
Pleasing face and gentle manner attracted
his iiotleo: - QueStioninglior as to her
parentage and_ Rwrothidings, he 'found.
her in every . Ivay- worthy of his regard,,
and a fit subject for• his .bonefaction.___lle
at once adopted her ashis ward, and gave
her-an education. As she advanced in
age, hei. 'charms of pelison as well as the
brightness of her intellat won the affec
tions of hot beUefactor.
Through this relatjonship ho had am
ple opportunity of .‘watching her pro
gress, and clay by day his affections for
her grow stronger. At length as his
ward -bloomed into womaniMod, though
much' bee 'senior in years, Mr. Peabody
offered her his hand and fortune. Grate
fully appreciating his generosity, and ac
knowledging hbr'attachnient for him as
niftiest a'father, she with groat feeling
Confessed that honor .cempelled 'her to
decline the acceptance of this his grcatest
-act of generosity,' informing her suitor
that her affections had..becmgiyen to an
nher, a clerk in the employ, of her bene
Though dhlappointed and grievously:
4belted, the philanthropist sent.' f(ir his
clerk, and learning from hinPthirt—the
engagement had been, of long dura'ion,
Mr. Peabody at once establised his suc
cessful rival in business, and soon after
gave his benediction upon the marriage
of his Avard. This, it is said, was the first
blow his heart received, and it. is possi
ble that from this episode came the in
spiration that made - the WHIM() 'of INIr.
Peabody co universally. distinguished,
and has rendered his name famouo as a
public lienefaet
A maiden lady, residing in great se
clusion, had not been to church for a,
long time ; 'lint on - tho accession of al
small.fainily property, she bought herself
- Mnewlipanot, Idlawl, and dresS, with the
appropriate gloves; boots, ' &-C., and Up
-warm' tho following Sabbath in a' style
that almost destroyed her identity with
the, hitherto, . shabby and hopeless old
maid. ;Just as she was walkinwtirr; is
aisle, and as every eye seemed turned
upon her, the choir &influenced singiMg
an anthem, the burden of which was
e) .
I lallelulaki ! ialloiniali f"rh indig
nant spimhor i . ctraced her .steps
_l l m-Msla-.l4+ib--illidgcmny--eivel• mi ~,
" ' hardly knew you,' indeed ! 'Why
this is not the'first time I've been dressed
up. , i hardly lithAv you!' 1 gim:s I
do n't come here very soon.
The battle of life, in by far the greater
number of cases, muse necessarily be
fought up hill, and to win it without
struggle were perhaps to win it without
honor. If there were no. difficulties,
there would be no success ; if there were
nothing to struggle. for, there Ni'ol.llit be
nothing tolJe achieved. Difficulties ma'y
intimidate the weak; but they:lei) only as
a wholesome stimulus to nien , of pluck
and resolution. All experiences of life
serves to prove that the impediments
thrown in the way of human advance
ment, may, for the most part, be over
come hS* steady good conduct, honest
zeal, activity, - perseveranee, and, above
all, by a determined resolution to sur
mount diflieu4i&, and stand, up man-,
fully against niisfortitne. Everything
we 'learn is the mastery of a difficulty,
'and the mastery of one helps us to
mastery of others. Things which at first
gight appear to be comparatively value
less in education, are really of the great
'est practical. value, not so much for the
inforMationn they yield, as because of the y ',
devoloment they compel. The mastery
Or these studici9volces efl'ort, and cilia
eating powers of applicetion.Which other-
WiSo miglit have lainlilo;manL Thus
one thing leads to another, so the,
work. gees -od through l fo, encounter
with difficulty ending . only where life and
iprogVefiß end.
Much discussion has taken-place in re=
Wien to the proper distances apartto set
aplpe trees in orchards. Many Western
farmers prefer placing them near to
;Other as a protection- from cold winds,
and fifteen or twenty feet hkve been - rec-.
ommended. This close planting has
proved the_ value of - shelter,`. and tvhilo
'the trees are Yiing, a largei: amount of
fruit is obtained -from au But
when the trees become n larger and older,'
these advantages in-a great nice:slue die
.appear. n It is therefore proposed to thin
them out by'succossively removing the
supernumeraries, until double - distance is
Obtained. Thus the shelter and larger
crops are obtained in the earlier years of
the orchard, and more space - and light
whorl-it becomes older. The disadvan
tages are, the grefiter :difficulty : of culti
vating; tind• greater
,oxlitintition of the•
,We observe a statement of J. Pots
nington, of Macon, Michigan, in- the
Wifotern Rural, that he 'tat" orchards set
opt- twenty years ago,' which, have so'
crowded each other, that the fruit has
becopto email
,rrnd .stinted,- and ho, is
thiluting the trees out. Kilt they ain - not
so good in forra, iter will, they Probably
become nearly so perfect i and symmetrical
as' if tiotbitt thirty or thirty-five foot apart
and allowed to . grow and develop under
full exposure to light and air. ' Brit Where
shelter is ti'necessity, it may nevertheleSS
be best. to set Wok at first, unless Umber
belts are -.screen , the yowno
trees frOm three 'wirids:Gro'untry (nit
' .
" - , - o,no of tho tnomboi+ of tho • Fri3noli le
gation; hard:palled for.
,compliment tq
a fair lady . 1:vli waß , An. undo..
'liable flat , nose, raniarkoil Madaitio.-
you arO:a . a angel flelion init
yotiou I •„,
. ,
;What j am going. to 'tell you,, gentle
lmppenod whontwas a very young
man, and when I was just setting up in
lumixess,on my own account.
father had been-well acAtiainted
for inauy year with Mr. ',Fanntleroy, of
the' famous Loudon ' ( ':7e"uking firm of
Marsh, ritraceY, ivauntleroy & Graham.
Thinking it, might be of some future
. to me 40 Maks my positien h nown
ton , great man in the commercial world,
my father mentioned to his highly . re.
spected friend that I was about to Start
in business for, myself in a very small
way,-ancl with very little money. Mr.
Fauntleroy received the intimation with
a:lring appearance of . interest, and said
that ho would 'have . his • eye
,on me. I
expected from this that ho would Wait
o see if I 4ould 'keep on my legs at
Starting, and that if lip found I succeeded
patty well, he would_ then help me for
ward if it lay in his power. As events
turned out, he proved to bo,a far - better
friend than that, and he seen shoW,edme
that I had very much . underrated the
hearty and • generous. interest' which he
Ml'felt in my welfer4 from the
While I was still lighting 'with the
difficulties of setting :up my office,. and
recommending Myself to connection, and
so forth;. I got a Message from Mr.
nuintleroy tolling me. to call on him, at
the banking house, no first time I was
passing that way:. As you may 'easily
imagine, I contrived to •be paSSing that
way on a particularly early occasion,
and, on presenting :myself at the bank,
I-was showii,at once 'into Mr. Fauntle
roy's privrite room.
He was as pleasant a man to speak to
as ever I met with—bright, and gay, and
companionable in his manner—with a
sort of easy; hearty, jovial bluntness
about LimtiratitittractEd oicryb — o - dy:'
The clerks all liked him—and that is
something lb - say of a partner in a bank- -
•iuglimtse, I can tell you
"Well, young Tdwbridge," says he,
giving his. papers on tho table a brisk
push a Way lfroiri Lim, "so you are going
to set up in business for yourself, are
you? I have a great regard for your
father, and a great wish to see you suc
ceed. Have you started yet? No?
Just owthe point of beginning, eh I-Very
'goody You will have your difficulties;
my f . rienll, and, I melt to smooth ono of
theM away from you: at the outset. A.
word of advice for your private ear—
, --
Bank with us."
"You are very kind, sir," I answered,
"and I should.. p ask nothing bettealifin
to profit by your
. baiggektiou; if I could.
But my exponsz,s aro heavy at starting,
and when they are all. paid, I am afraid I
shall'haVe very little, left. :to put, bylor
the first year. I doubt if I shall be able
to musteil much more, than three bun
ilred-pounds-osuipletrola jn trip world
after 'myth& what I must pay . before I
set up My office, andl sfmuld be ashamed
to trouble your house, Air, to open an
account for such a trifle as that."
• "Stuff. and nonsense!" says 111.
Fauntleroy. " Are you a banker?
What business lave you to 'all&an o'fin
jon on the matter? De as I tell you—
leave it to me-bank with us—and draw
for what you like. Stop ! I have n't
done yet. Whim'You open the amount,
speak to the cashier. • Perhaps you will
find that he has got something to tell
you. There ! there !go away—do n't in
terrupt me—good bye—God blesEi you!"
That was his way—ah ! poor fellow,
that was his way.
I went to the head,,,aashler the next
Morning when . I opened .iny little modi
cum of an account. Ho had loceived
orders to pay my drafts with Ont rcferenco'
to my. balance. My cheeks, 'when I had
overdrawn, wore to be
,privately shown
to Mr. Fauhtleroy. Do many young
men- who start in business find their
prosperous superiors ready to help them
in that way?
Well, I got on—got on very fairly and
steadily, being Carotid not to venture
out of my.depth, and:not to forget that
small beginnings may lead in time to
great ends. A Prospect. of ono of those
great ends—great, I Mean; to such a
small trader as I Was
_,at thet_poriodr—
L showed itself to me when I had been
some little time in business. In plain
terms, I had a chance ot joining in a first
Ste transaction, which would
,give rub
prdflt "and position, and everything I
waned, provided I could qualify myself
for engaging'in 'it by, getting good se
curity beforehand for a very large amount.
• In this 'emergency, . I thought of 'my.
kind friend, Mr. Fauntleroy, and went to
the 'bank, and sties him once, More in hiti
'-private room.. .
• There ho Was at the same table, with
the same heapS of papers 'about him, and
the same hearty, easy way of speaking
his yoit at once, in the fewest
Possible words. I explained the hnsiness
I came upon* with some little hesitation
and ; nervousness, for. I was' afraid ho'
might-think-I was taking an :
Vantage Of. his former kindness to me
When I had clone, he just,nodded his
head, Snatched up.a blank sheet of paper,
saribbred a, few lines on-it in Lie rapid
way, handed the writing .to 'me, and
-pushed mo Out of the room •by the two
shoulders before I eouid, say it' single
word. I looked at the paper , lathe outer
office. It was my security from that
great banking' house 'for the whole
amount, and for more, if more was
T Could - not express mygratitudo then,
and I don't know that I can describe it
now. I, can only say tluit it haaoutlived
the primp, tlio' disgraeo, and the awful
-death on the scaffold; I aril grieved to
sneak of that death at all-; but -I have
no other alternativ`e. , The course of, my
story ninst, now' lead me Straight on to
the latter-tithe,- and- to-tho terrible dis
covery. which exposed my bonefootor
and my friend to -all England ne'llip
'forger Fauntleroy..-
I must ask you to frappes - 43.a lapse of
some time after the occurrence of the
events that . I. have just boon relating.
Dining this interval, thanks to the kind,
mssistampe.lbad repotypd at . the outset,
my position. as `a man. a btiscileflP ltmd
'g,roatly iinprovini. Iniagine Me how, if
you plenee,mg thehigh road to prosperity,.
h pica large offices . and respectable
staff a oor ic s, pietme u e tn your
solves sitting alone in triy private room,
between four, and five O'dloolEen goertain
-15iiturdny rificimmm s,
All my lottora had ikon . *triton, all
o peOple who . had "appointments with
meliad been received. I Was looking
carelesslyoverthe,nowseaper, and think
ing abotit'going, when one of. my Clerks
came in • and said that a stranger wished
to see nc . r:il immediately on very important
business. •
"Did -lie mention his name?" i in
quired. ,
".No. sir."
"Did yotuask him for it?" '
"Yes,'sir. And be said you' would be
none the wiser if he toktinowhat it was."
"Does he look like It beging;letter
writer." • 4- .
"He spoke sharp and decided, sir, and
said it was in-your interest that ho came,
and that you would deeply regret it
afterward if .you rocusedioseeAtim."
'EI-Ie said that, did ho? Show him in
at once,' - then."
Ho was shoWn in immediately : mid
dling sized man, with a sharp, unwhole
some looking face, and with a flippant,
reckless manner, dressed in a style of
shabby smartness, eyeing ins with a bold
look, and ribtso over brirdoned with po
liteness as to trouble' himself about
taking off his 13t h when, he came in. I
had never_seen ( him before in my life,
and I - could not form the slightest con
jecture frOm his appearance toward
guessing his position in the world. Ile
was not a gentleman, evidently'; but as
to fixing, his whereabouts in' the infinite
downward gradation of vagabond exist
ence in London, that was a mystery
which I- was totally incompetent to solve.
,your name Trowbridge?" ho began.
"Yes,V, I answered, dryly enough.
"Do you - bank with Marsh, Stracy,
Icauntleroy and - Graham?" •
• "Why do -you aSk ? T; "
- "Answer my question and yen will
know,'' •
"Very well, I do bank with Marsh,
-Stracy,—hMuitleroy— and_ Grahanaird.
what then r '
.°Draw out every farthing of balance
you have *EA, before the bank closes at
five to-day.'l
I Stared dt him in speechless amaze„-
ment. The words for an instant, abSo
lutely petrified me.
"Stare as much as you like," he pro
ceeded cooly, "I' mean what I say. .pook
,at your clock there. In twenty minutes
it will strike five, anil the bank will be
shut. Draw out every farthing., I tell
you again, and look shafp about it,"
"Draw out my money I", 1 exclaimedT
partially reeovcring myself. "Are you
In your right soil es? ..Do - youltnow that
the cora bank with
.represents one of
the first houses in the world ? What do
y'ou-mean—you,' who aro total stranger
to mo-:-by taking this extraordinary
,terest in my affairs? If you want Inc to
act on your adVice, why doit't you ex
plain yourself?"
"I have explained myself. Act on my
advice or hot, just as you like. It t ion'f
matter to me. I have done what 1 prom=
iced, and there's an end of it." •
Ile filmed to the' door. Thu minute
hand of the .„elo'ck was gerthig op from
the minutes to the quarter. •
• "Done What you promisr"d.' .repeal
e-drgetting up to hroFhim—
`n.'es," he said, with his hand on the
164, "1 MiViigiVen my message. What
ever happens, remember that. Good
He was gone before 7 eenlei speak
I tried to call after him, Infirtny speech
suddenly failed me: it was very foolish,
it was very unaccountable, but there was
something in the man's last, words which
had more than half frightened mc.
I looked at the clock. The. minute
hand was on the quarter, ,
313 offise was just far enough from the
hank to make it necessary for me to de
cide on the 'hist:Mt. If I had . hair time
to:think, I am certain that I should not
itave prolited by the extraordinary warn
ing that had just been addressed to me,
The suspiciousappearanee and manners
of the_stranger ; 'the outrageous improba=
hility of the inference against the credit
of the bank, toward which his words
pouted the cbance that some-under
hand attempt was being made by , some
enemy of mine to frighten me into.em
myself wiih one 'of my best
friends, - through showing an . ignorant
distrust of the firm with which he was
aisociale4 Partner—all these eofffTd:
erations would unquestionably have oc
curred to„. 'me if I could have had time
fol.' reflection ; and, as a necessary con
sequence, not onoftwthing of any balance
would have been taken from the keeping
of the bank on that Memorable day.
As it was, I had just time ',enough to
act and not a sparo moment for thinking,
Some heavy -paynients mado at To be
ginning of the week 1111(1 so far decreased
my balance, that tho'sum to my credit ia
the banking Wok: barely re:tell - ea fifteen
hundred pounds.
I snatched lip my cheek liook,, wrote . a
draft for the whole amount, and ordered
ono of my clerks to ran to the hank, ntal
get cashed before the doors closed.
33r hat impulse :urged mo on, except the
blind blinds() of hurry and bewilder
ment I can't any. I acted mechanically,
under the influence of the vague inexpli
cable fear which the man's extraordinary
parting words had aroused in-Pao, with
out stonping . to analyze my own somia=
tious—almost without knowing what I
was about. In three minutes from tie
time when the stranger had closed my
door; the eli!rk had started, for the bank,
and I was alone again in :my room, with
my hands as cold as ice and my . head all
in whirl.
I did not roc:eler my control -over'iny
self until the clerk came back, with the
notes his hand. 110 - had just got to
the bank in,:tho nick of time.' As tho
Cash for, my draft, wtis panded to bins
over the "counter, "Clciol l ;Atruck ilve,
andholeard_the order_iaven_taelosotho
Vliiit; I had' cAninted the bank notes,
and had locked them up in thb safe, my
better senses seemed to come back to the
on a_sudden. Never have I reproached
myself before and since, as rreprOached
myself' ab that -moment. 'What sort of
retuin.had I made for lkfr. Vatintlerey's
'fatherly kindness 4) mo i I hurl instatod
him by the meanest, the grossest distrust
of the luMor and,the credit of his hOuse,
tind• that. on; the word' of an absolute
'stranger, "of a vagabond, if ever there
WRs Min 74, It 11 , 41 yrt4Onpfis-11:
right madness in any Mau to have sated
as I bad donor, , I Could nob . account for
'ciwn : inconceivably thoaghtless :pro-.
coaling," I could hardly belicyo.,im. it
MySelf, I opened the safe and looked 4
the ~.,notes again. I locked it once
as thing the key, down on the
able i a fury of vexation against my
self. There the money was, ulibraiding
me -with- my awn, inconceivable folly,.
tolling mein tle plainest . terms, that I
had risked depriving-myself of my best,
and kindest friend henceforth and for
It was necessary to do something at
once toward Making all the atonement
that, lay in my power. I' felt that, as
soon as I began to cool down it„
there wasbut_ono.plain, straightforward
Way now left out of - ho scrape in which
Ihad been' inrid enough to involve My
self. „I took my bat, and without,:stOps
ping an instant to hesitate, hurried off to
the bank to make a clean breast ogrit to
Mr, Fauntloroy.
Whore I knocked at the privafo .4d9r
find ii4ed for him, I was told that he had
not the hank -for the last--two
clays. Ono of tho other liartifers was
there, however, and was working at that
mommit in his Altroom.
I sent:in myname at once,, and asked
to see-him. 'lie and.l were littlo bettor
than stralegers to each othei ) , and the in
terview was likely to-be, on that account,
unspeakably embarassiit and Itumilia
ting on my side. .Still, I could not go
home. I could not endure the inaction
of tile - next clay, 'the Sunday, without.
having done my- best on the spot to re
pair the error into which myown folly
luulled me: Uncomfortable 'as I felt at
the p °sliest of the apinfoaching interview
I should have been far more unaasy in
in miu . (l, if thcpartner had declsned to
see me.
To my relief the bank porter retiu•iibd
with a message requesting me to walk in.
• What particular form my explanations
and apologies took when Ltried to offer
them is more than I can tell now. I was
scl confused and distressed that I hardly .
knew . what T was talking . about at. the
time. The one circumstance which I re
member clearly is thatl was aslitimed to
refer to my interview With the strange
man, and that I tried to account for my
sudden withdrawal of my balances by re
ferring it, to Rime inexplicable panie,
caused by. mischievous reports which I
was unable to trace to Omit source,..and
and- which, .for adytling I ItTiew;io the
contrary, might, after all have-beeMonly
-started in jest. .
greatly to my surprise, the partner.did
not seem to Viet; the lamentable lame:
ness of my excuses, and did not addition
ally confuse me by asking ally rinestions.
- 4. - weray,'lttscot look, whjoh Iliad Oli
sers'ed un his face when I came- in,' re
mained on it while I was speaknig - : It
b an affoi•t . to him even to
keep lip app mance of listening to mo
ant vhen, 1 t last, I fairly broke down in
the nut ‘. of a sentence, and gave up
the'hope of getting any further, all the
aittwerlie gave me was comMised in these
fence civil coMmonplace words : .
mind, Dlii Trowbridge ; pray
do n'l think of apologizing. We iwo all
liable o make mistakes. Say—notbing
more al. out it, and brine. the inoneyLack
on Mond ',l‘ if yon.stillhonor us with your
eoniblene, ,'•
Ile look •1 dawn at his paperS•aS tie
was anxion, to be alone again, and I had
noAlternatii,'N, of course, but to talke.uly
leave immccti, tely. I went home,-feel
ing a little erl\W in my mind now that I
had paved the Vey for maltitk the bes : t
practical atonement in my power by
bringing my balance back the first thing
on Monday morning, Still I plssed
weary day on Sunday; rellectin4. sadly
enough that I had, not yet made my
peace with. Mr. Fauntleroy. My anxiety
to set myself right with my — generous
friend was so intense that I risked in
truding myself on his privacy by calling
at his town residence on Saturday. ll°
was not there, and his servant could tell
me nothing of his whereabouts. There
was no help for it now, but tosvait till his
week day duties broughehimback to the
bank. '
I went to business on Monday morn
ing half an hoUr earlier than usual, so
great. \vas; my impatience to restore the
amount of that to my ae
_countas soon_ as possible a Ito!. he -bank
opened. •
enteringOn my office, 1 slopped with.
a startled feeling just. inside the door.
Sonittlibig, serious hail hapicned. The
clerics, instead of being at their desks as
usual, wore all huddled together in a
group, talking to each other with blank
faces. When they 'sa.N.tro alp, they fell
'bank behinfl my managing man, who
stepped for Ward with a eirenlar in his
"Have you hoard the news, sir?" he
"No. Whitt is it?"
Jlc bailded me the - circular. My heart
gave one violent throb the instant I
looked at it, I felt myself turn pale ;I
felt my knees trembling under
MarSh, Riney, Fautffleroy, Graham
had stopped payment.
"The circular--liar not Teen ' issued
more than half anhour," 'continued my
managing • clerk. • "I; have just'comp
from the hank, sir. • The doors are shut ;
UMW-is to doubt about it. alarsli &
Company hayti stopped this =mitt.,"
rhaOly hoard him; I haidli knew
who was talking to me. My strango
for of the Saturday had taken possession
of all my thoughts; and his words of
warning , seemed - to: be sounding- once
more in my ,ears. This man had known
Om true condition of the hank when nob
another: soul outside the doors was aware
of it! The la : st draft paid. across the
counter of that ruined houseothen the
doors closed on - SafurdaYrorps . the draft
that I had so bittetlY reproached myself
for drawing fthe ono:hal:nice - saved from'
tho wreck was - My balmme.
.Where had
tho stranger gottliettifoiration that hod
saved nui? and why had he brought it to
my oars? •
I was still groping, like a haul in tlnt
dark, for an anftwot! - to these is o ques
tions-HI wasatill , borthlere.d by the, tin,
fathomablo mystery4fAtotht into. Which
they had.plarigetllrm- 4 0*the,discer.' the stopping•ertlfOr4l4-?Vilts
lowed almoitilminedintoY.brn''aiietmd:
shOol4.far moro dreadful] far=liaavi'ei'to
bens, so far as I: was concerned, than tho
:NV/lib I Mal!lny cleat) wore disoeitteing,
.tho tho flrm,,two . mercantile
men, mho wore f.vionda or miucy rnn inttY
the 'office, and: overwlitelmod netwith , the
P 31014110 One the:pmtnere Nem;
-"'"' •
C' !::•
• , ....-,- 7 i i : irk- -
~ ...c, - • c -` .i.,.,,," '' 'ltn'' id' s ell 9r - •
arreste4'?or -0- B-TY• • 7i .l—c • ' i, E ;; ;.. ..
• the tei•i•iblo • Mend 4 eaprit , ing ly , .
• tidings ' 'lied 16;4=i4-.1v,1164 I
thoto ,titlieke yeac
' 1 " . iiii i iiiirailiitle-
Icneir tliet .the:iiiitFtherw: . .
~. , I
ioy. ' , - ..
I; was 'trtie can
I whetruio=to=any belief in my geuerMis;
fricnnl,When;thei Tearftil reaelitd
mei • My'' follow. merchantahad..wit
tim'partienlars Of the arresWileiteht
me, hat tWO"of Ficitntletiry'S.folle;* ; ,
.trustees had 'conic up to Leudoute.rrnike
.arrangeinente''.',hbont' out
nt the
formed that he WintMitillieie fliAd; * Aar
beating a message for.bini, they had gone
Jute the city to make, an : appplatemnt
with, their stock broker fora futureday
when,their.fullovr trustee might:be able.
to, attend The stockbroker yolunteero
to make ,cortaiu businesS inquiries; mill*
sppt, with a' view to saving es:much:time,
as pos.sible . ,..and loft them at his ,
await his return. r . llec came : back; Nook-
ing very muck amazed, with ,the infort:
'mation : that the,Stock had been, mold out,
to the last five :hundred pounds, ; :lhe
affair was - instantly investigated ;.:9h9:
documents anthorizing.ithe selling .eUt .
was produced; and the two trustees saw
on it, side, by . side with 31r.Taimtlerey's
signature, the forged signature of their,
own manes. This - happened ' - onTriday,
and the trustees, without losing a-mo
input, sent the officers'of justice in pur
suit of Mr: - Fauntleroy. He was 'ar
rested, brought up before the magistratgs,
and remanded on the Saturday.. ,On the
Monday I-heard froMmy friendi the par
ticulars which I have just narrated. •
Bit the eycnts of that ono morning
were not 'destined 'Wend eyon,yet, had
discovered the failure of the bank, and:
the arrest of Mr. Fauutleroy. I was
ne.t to be enlightened, and in the strap.
gest and saddeSt_manuer, on-the dillieu#
question of his innocence or guilt, Be
fore my friend's had left my Oleo—be,
foie I had exhausted • the arguments
which my gratitude rather than my rea
son suggested to me in favor of the pris
oner, a Mote, marked " immediate," was
placed in my hands, which• silenced mo
the instant I looked at It was written
from the prison, by Mr. Fauntleroy, and
It contained 'two lines only, entreating
me to apply for the necessary order, and.
to-f.o and . sde - him - immediately. ,
I shall not attempt to describe the flut
ter of expectation, the strange mixture
of dread and hope that agitated-me-when
recognized his hand Writing, .and dis
covered what it was that he-desired me
to do. I easily obtained the order, and
went to the prison:
•-• The lititiMrities knowing the dreadful
situation in which he stood, where afraid
of afteMitting to destroy himself, and
had set' two men to watch „him. One,
cmne.out as they opened his
.911 door.,
The other, who was`hound not to leavo.
hiM, vei'y delicately imd considerately
affected to he looking out of the window
the moment I was shOWn in.
, He was sitting on - the side of his bed,,
with his head drooping .and his hands
liangMg listlessly:moy his-knees- when
first caught singht of him. At the. sound
of my approach ho started •to
and, without speaking a - wordi flung both
Lis arms around my nook.
Dly heart swelled U.
".Tell me it's not true, Air t for. God's
sake, tell me it's not trite, " - wasoult
could say to hiM.
lie novel' answered—Oh, mo 1 ho never
answered, and he turned away his face.
There was ono drefidtlil moment of si
lence. :110 still held his arms around Ty
neck, and on a snden, he put his lips
close to my ear. '
" Did you get your money out ? "
whispered._ " Wore you in time on
Saturday afternoon "
I bloke free froin him in the astonish
ment of hearing . thotio words. '
" What 1" . I cried out aloud, foiget
ting the third per Son at the window.
" That man tliat hroUght tho mes
sage —" .
" flush lie said putting his hands
upon my lips. "! There was no ,better•
man to be found, after the officers .had
taken me—l know_ no more about him
than you do—l paid him well as a chance
messenger, _and risked_his-,cheating--me
of time erinnd."
" You sent him, then 1'
a •
" I sent him."
My story : is over, gentlepep. There
is no need for Me to fell you that
Fuuntlerby was found guilty, and that be
died by the hanginan'S hand.. It WHO in.
my power to soothe his last moments ,in
this world by taking upon myself the ar,
Pangements of some of his private a;ffairs, ,
which, Ivhildthey remained unsettled,
weighed heavily on his mind. ' Ploy had
uo connection with the crime he hadtem,
mitted, - so r l cOtild do him the 'last .little
service he wail open to 11,CC opt, at my hands,
-with -a goad.heart, and a clear conscience.
, I s:ik*tbing in defence of his charac,
cry iiotliiiig in palliation of..thp offenco
for which ho gliffered. But'lcannotfoi
get in the thae.of.his,mOst „fearful ex
tremity, when the strong arm of the law
luutairemly siezecl him, he thought of
the young nian'whose humble fortunes
lie had helped to build ;. whose. heartfelt
gratitudele had fairly won ; whoSesiro-
pie faith he was re - Solved never to hotray.
I leave it to greater intellect t an .mine
to reconcile the *tomb , ' of his reckless
falsehood toward others and his steadfast
troth toward me:' If is as certain Oi that
WO sit here that one of - ranntleroy's last
efforts in this . word was 'the effort ; ho
made to preserve mo froni being a loser
by the trust that I 'placed in him; .There
is the secret of my Strange tenderness
oflajblon ; that is why the word villain
dOcS sometimes Still grate on my. heart,
When I hear it asSociated'ci ith his Mune,
Veuatt,' iii' his batik entitled, - "Tii
horse,!' says that this animal will novor
hilt - hard — Water ") - vlieti 'soft is Within
roach, that he' will leave clear, traMma
rant, hard water, for a piaci otsoff., even
though the latter be disepleled - witlx
Mud: Very Doll wat(3r 'frerri 'the" well
will mako Aholmir2 rliie:mfi, and lant . .;
frequently , eause attaeltfof Apes.
Give soft water . if practicable , especially
if the aninial'bo This is a valtta
-lile Milt and •Wo preinunitnat kaolin by
reader o£ Tun RUIIALT?, .VllO kpoiai
liors,ol3. • • ' •
"Ohl 'Whin° db yOu got tho rod re' r
youi ohooko salcl a • palo,' wan young
laughlrigull* 4 ,oilnUiro
thO tholi'Ll-:in'thialt and ann.:,
I,lgld,'? do rekdy, , ' ' .•
.-- --.: " ..Dix i.f.0.,_:%r.
f Tam: AsivAno,
•1 , . $ 1.4:10 a year.
. _
• "
Clio+ old mail co ld f beui L itthilbi,4:';` •
;;.itt.;rt. . .
'to i nagcb f iii
::A( 43111/ of this ' Ors I r,thr,t
liad,e'4thlio . r.s...! •
v.: 1. -
siusitoon.t . t „ • •
", 111 4 - ' 44
r I ".:IZI 1. • •
:'l9 Wet
it #ill require iiOneidetiblgeOp(tiio ""
said the delighted iiiti<ei 44- 'ol4.ll'k to .
national 'bank,' -Or -a , lino' :tititinttuoin I,
What is it, 'molt 41 What'
• would only. itdiantiine •three. Pin
bundled than:gin:id
it in Goveianient bonds, and
. nialio 'My
living enttinitliff the neurons I" •
' The Old man nisi talks to Jack any
mere about; * -
Three brothers, bearing a remarkable .
resemblance to one•inether, are
„in the,
habit of shaving, at the "same harbor's: ,
shop. Not long ago one of •the brothers - •
encored the shop, oarly l ln the morning; • •
and was, shaved a , German, whp bad-
been at iork in the shop only for a day '
or two: About noon Another brother ,
came in and underwent a similar opera-
tion at the hands of the same barber.ja.,
the evening tho third brother made his
appoaramic, when the 00*mi:dropped
his razor in astonishment, and exclaimed: •
, mine Gott 1 dat man hash do
faslifeit beard - riever•siw. 'lshaves•
die mornin', shaves hintst dinner times,
and he gomea - back now snit, hisheardeo
long es it neyer vush I" ; •
At this season of the year, allour &tin
ere aro preparing to salt their hams and r -
bacon, so nrc'prcipose to give • theinca'to
ceipt'whereby , . silting and- smoking oan
. 136 done in one"simple,atur Short ;process,
Many of our housiirives are - forced to
depend upon their 'neighbors lor.lettio- •-
nieneei to imolca.vtith; Those'of tia.erlM
own smoke houseti kifotr; sinoltejuit right. - thiti loxes%
lrouble 'I nioldixt..L , Take: a; largo
sized butter firkin, fosA Orliarred;'actionV:
ing to the)quatitilzer meat fou-drairitto
inolui:":Plactilt bier a firo , o7 otint - etiba'
with the oorti Meati:entoked in'thlir •
to Produebla better.rtitstelthtur 'ebbig r or •
wood, 'or , green , wahluli: tub
smoke from five to;. To.! one
hundred pound's of 'oat, „ bake eight
Pounds of salt, bwe - POUnds of wars°.
brOirtt sugar:or, t4eit pints'-'of npolacaes .
and , lvste Utile
I due' Walt into the heinA 84 , 41 . 44V;'"'"
then put the Meatinto the smolt* talk •
cover-it' with water, - hint in - the :60;
BUOX and• lialiPet*-OTOr il000Sy ;' • and'
set - in a etialplaste
If a scam rho 011 the 1 ,‘ 4rie
scald and add a little 'mote' salt. ,tf do '
Birq to" keep through - the
early spring, smoke the, 'tat throb hours
longer, Put beck the 'meat, and luiti on '
the brino *hen cold. "
to a month' • after the ;Pickling, '
hams will be ready fer;uSe. can " •
be kept in the brine all shminer, and if a,
hani 'scut, relUritilto ambit) forfurt her
is feet,
Beef. nd tongues c a n be kept in the e
same' planner, and theni is tio 'danger
from insects. In stir 'or soteP 'Wicks the
'beef is packed and Sundred - Eiziough to
- dry., MID is the • surestisndlisantaim,
diti c us way of saltingandmmoking pork •
andhesf, ind if Once. triodlneilltalWay* , .
be adopted..
An instance. of how mpicNixfully cun;
ning inajeVado the billeerel of, juatice is .
eXemplified in the ciii;ori ofaxteld darkey, :
NoW Oxlearukrecindly, whe hattbomptlt,.
ted rine eoirof- an: offense; •• and *a .3
houfly, expectation of i visit. Alan the
, Torerectittliis,l ha: procured, a,
anoilhuelk it .bittbt hie 'door.
.Sridll pox in the lueuse was an effectual
Pre4entive °fang intrusive visite. Weeks ,
went by, and still, the yollUei 114 g
tend from the, deer; pest. ,l`hc '
grow impati,nt, „ 11 9. ; OP? , /310 i 13,
the. '
• "Mho datl" ~; „ , •
• ~4 e offfceis 1 'Open, in thti tupner,
"iGolly, boBB,. got 'de nmall,RoF,"
" That won't do. Yod vienddddndßodt
the , •
" Yen, I know, '0 . 90; int I haO, him r . „ .
de day dims."
don!b*liove it, 1:1114,EX1k oomi*n."
tidttm out; .
omol. pot . , sum" • ,
ofthini persisted iu codlidg in,' d"
the . -314 foi was 41.W', hi t ht,latr, 14c
mg lionk ;d:L4 mat:1140104,7i011:'. t7iVi*
biOdd , grin *OS 40 . 1
OfflOffr , `tha
ootoh do gin4l Pfpg, boa. '15%
bdt YOnliotobed ste.'?
Ibis deedless to pi that tact ioltodr.
flagiiTo Odd:4o,lT,
-- 1 - y - ? unkiady` gdto l be r
a tu -4 ° d i stin'iti‘) )o .7* , PrinPNit Pd
Thb4 l oDfOuill (4, - ; t4le cone us p n OW
" m lults) laly,fkr 0P 1 N*, 1 4,4 41111 /4 Paid
TonimaYir,io 0 * 2 07:ce,14,1i
youinanst n ot publish 116,,
A l gentleman ono° 44A ;_. 4 i 1 711 , p,
optix 2" when a inOTted , imui meel4
W "Slur in an ftglaY en glige.;,in Ohl' 440 /)
e, Altbeisgh ,
be itearrAlveli'man 1 4* bin* 4 °P,
ef ' •
Aimort gleirlaxur 'l4,ters: ?,
4000 over q maniihaall4ll .
tiro 1 00*•44 Ik:A
~,,,;_.--,,• It 1.5k..,;;', tf,Vi,i. r
ail I.' 'VA: ":triLT: .',3e 1
, h ,
..' cs