.___L_Ct . *ltit'air,os.',.,.V,4l,_i_ CARIASLE, DECEMBER, 10, len . We beg to inform Al„ persons who desire to have communications inserted in Prue HunAt.v,that they must band them ,in---before Wednesday. Last—week we had siiv, eral stand over because 'they to. comein before that. time. Hereafter no communication will be inserted that is presented aftittiitt'icour;-noMatt . er of how, much importance it may be, or by whompratented. It may be very , 'pleasant for parties to delay writing naill it suite their convenience, but we will nor undertake, to disarrange the work of the office merely .topgratify. them.' We-arc happy at all times. to have cothmunications an matters of interest from., those who desire to write, but it must he done so as not to interfere with the rules, of the offiee, which. will not be suspended for tiny I=l By reference to our advertising; columns it will be seen tbitt`Mr. Geo' Zinn has embarked in the coal busi ness aid offers to sußply our citizena - With a good quality of coal at reduced rates. On Monday, evening last the stable ofDaniel Byers, at Newville, in this county, was destroyed by fire. Its contents, inch:ding a cow, were also destroyed. The Jiro is supposed 'to have work of an incendiary. AD- --'- Ou Saturday night last, a large barn belonging to a Mrs. Smith, five miles west of.New•ville, was burned. In ad dition to the loss of the building, two stacks of hay, a considerable quantity of oats, and fonr head of cattle, were also destroyed. George G. Doslt's tobacco store was robbed, on Satiwilay night last ; of a lot of cigars and tobacco. The store , doer was opened by means of `a . false key, tht6 •proving that the burglars were adepts in the business. Somebody must be short on chicken count., as on last Saturday night:l)l7llex- , men Green and Swartz met an ancient darkey with - a bag on his back, wh - o, on being asked what was in it, replied "Corn,, Massa," but on being exam iced, it turned out to be " chuck," and a dozenat-that, with their necks wrung. Mr. Isaac Koons. of Ntwvillo, re. neWed his subscription to Tun HER am.J, the other day for the fifey.second. •Eime. He always pays in advance and thus pleases the poor printers. May ho live many years more to renew his subscription. Who has taken THE llEnptri longer? ec:= . The local of Tun Minium begs tho - Perth:Jll.o( the new Court officers, and also of those retiring, fo'r neglecting to notice them, -- and pleads press of; neesand other engagements too iiumeri. o m oue tention.. On the . firat.inStaiit , Messrs. • Cavanaugh, Sheaffer, "md . - ----Pmten—misureed — life — diftts of their - nisiv_positions, and our old friends Messrs. Brindle, Dorsheimer, and Biz ler subsided. The 'non - officers aro all well qualified for their p4itiope,ind will prove popular for their efficiency and courtesy. Ur. Cavanaugh Wo have. known for many years, and although we have swifts painful recol lections connected with our earlier acquaintance, we can testify to his qutilifieations for the office and, his • woAli as a - citizen. Our old friend, Dr : Irvine, continues Deputy Prothon • otary, to dm . gratification of all who have known him as an officer. Ilessrs.' Brindle, Doreheimer, 'and Bixler retire with the respect and kind feelings of all who know theni, and with the regret that in this changing World of ours, even worth and efficiency are uot enough to prevent either life or office becoming :extinct. - . . Officer Sauno appears to .be on the : alert, if ive may judge by.. the amount of goods recently captured.• An old lady, residing iu the upper end of the borough, had her watclr,t4olen the be= gingingof last week,' and Tames Clen &Oho was relieved of. a quantity of hides, While attending market. In •both cases the circumstances Connected• with the robberies were given to the abo s ve named otlicor, who..sueceeded in recovering the articlesetoleu. Arirtimeti ng of Cumberland Sta • Lodge, No. 197, A Y. N., held iu their _hall on Tuesday, the foUrtesitth in :stant; the following oillieete . wt7 ele.et cd for the ensuing 11,Iasonje Year, eoru ---meneing-on-Sr4-olitt'il-ility—tiOkt-i-W. ',..tA1 1 ,, John Cdrumani; S. W., John L. Waggoner; W„4osep4 F. Hoover .; Treasurer, !mac Liviygston ;. geere inry, TheO: Clorrunan., - R. W: 'D. D. G. M., It : D. Thome, assisted by Poet tmmingar,.nnting no. e ran Siurel al, W. Vance, Senior .Grand Warden, John- . flyer, Junior Grand Wiirden,, O. E. Magliuglilin, 'and J. O. &stuff, Mufflers of Ocremo .. nice; then, in, duo form, installed tho officers elect. • ' Shippoasburg Imd, another yipitatioa from tyo fire fiend, on litst 'Menai The warehouse,. occupied by ANe HoMrp. Blair, and, we believe, , all the contents were destroycd..ll'wa . cif Mr. Blair's stahleis were alio blitMed hat the, same time.: g B ,almost as muChlormented with Mean. .qiiaries as was. this , town- two or :three years ago: ' , iPlint ologirnt mansion, built by Prot W 104 6 :, afteriyardianowri Is the residence. of , Armstrong 'N. Noble, and,of Pdedintack, \ :situated nearPic i ltin'san94l4e,,nearly C 'opposite the residence' .+ of .Tobtisten Moore, esq., is • offered at private 'safe by A. L. hbenaler, estate agdat.: A: full ,descriptien can be seen in Sponsier's column" 'in another part of our pfipor. =1 - • Thibiuriktini nViVriVdri o covered and RITCBted by officere. Green' And §-warto r charged-with-bresking-a_ferdi; on East street. :111PY,;1!0rP,,6ound ?v4ori for tbeirappearance•at, court: k Select scholars for October and No veiiibelVAS69 ft. 'A 1 1. .. No. - 1.1- 7 Newton',llol, -- W - . Van Nese, Join Gardner. `jOeib 'Rorer.; tdr, lip. 1.3 --ElinyriscOyster, Mary...,11 MuMit, Mary Kiefer. I. No. .14—Robert Given, James Bentz: John Oreaton. V. lykano ! , xar r E Deliut Saridi ... , er, G. Wl-13Owinan No. 17—Grace Saner, Maggie Haas', Emma Fagan — - • - No. 18—W. A.Hciffer' W. H. Pefi for, J. W. Harper. • D. Ecicims Pros. S. 8, Yeoeiday2foroUdon-%/1: DuHuff, esti:, of thin place, received a telegram which contained the etid new's of, th 0 of his youngest son,-Lewis, which oe: ; -curred at Tyrone. He was. employed u a brakeman.on the` Pennsylvania Centriti railroad, a position be had occupied for a number of - , years.,., In his death the community, at ,10go - has lost a valuable citizen, and the parents a kind -and loving son.` 'We sitieeth4 sympathize 'with. them in theii be reavement. At, the time of his:death be was is hie twenty-fourth year. Hia remains were brought to this place this morning, - end wel:e'accoin panied by a deputation - of the ledge 'of Knights of Pythias, of which order, ho• was a member. =I Did you see the assortment of toys tintt our genial friend, Wile. Burk holder, has on hand ? His object is to get rid tit them between this and the first of January. He has gentkmanly clerks who will attend to all who may ttvor him_with_acall lt 'WaulrLiakt several columns of--.our paper to de- scribe the various itemit composing Iris stock.. Give him a call, at once and .. - 'satiety yourself. On Saturday afternoon last, the pity of Chester Was thrown into a-condi tion of sad but intense excitement.'by the eudden and unexpected taking away of two much loved and highly respected young people, , well known residents of that city,nained respective ly Miss Mettle liwin and Her Man Cooharan. __Within the cemetery, ,in this neighborhood In winter need as a ekating, pond.. Miss and.Mr..Cecharan• proceeded to the lake; accompanied lei little girl, and glided out Upon Jpst 'as the young couple had reachedthe deep est portion of the lake, the - leo broke beneath them, and both_ wore precipi tated into the water. Before eid"could V`brMlght to their insistence they had dieni)Peared beneath'- - the ids .',.Livery. efforOwas made by those who had been attracted to the spot M. save them, but owing . to the rotten condition of the ice, and the want of ropes or other ma terial, it was nearly an hour before the bodice were from the water. When found, they were tightly locked , in eaoh other's arms. The affair,.-hat cast a gloom over the entire city. , The following, from a ,letter fi'om Deputy Commissioner J. W., :Doug= to the Collector:a office at this place, concet :ling the r , etailing of man ufactured tobacco from stamped pack: ages, as set forth in :series 5; No. 8, of July 1, 1869, will be of interest roe all dealers hi mamifeetured tobacco, as the importance of a full compliance with the requirements of the Revenue, • Law must be evideit to, : "I have to say that the.new tobacco regulations, series 5, No. 8, are believed to be strict ly in accordance with the letter of the law. Under the, act of July 20, , 1868, dealers are allowed to sell tobacco in li but two ways—First, in .properly stamped, packages as 'put _ up - by the munufactuier, and, second, - from Wooden packageb packed and''stamped as required by , that act.: Tobacco Offered for sale - Otherwise time in: pack-. ages packed and stairiped,as,required by law, or __from_ ooder: packages ay peeked and stumpo I; is is Hale to seiz• are, and jf-seized,, t a btirden of show ing tha/it had'fidly,cOmplied with this law `could rust - upon.tho owner or bolder. To aveirl s ' , trouble. -therefore, dealers should sell •tobacco only hi or from packages 'as stated above, and . dealera_buyieglo_sellagnia should_buy_ in a package, or part of ',a pnekago, bearing evidence that the tax , had' been paid on the tobacco it Uri:et:nen: are putting np plug'obaceo in five. pound, packages for, thcr.acom modation'ef_ small ' stealer:J."- The 'now tobacco '_regulations,-being-strietlY io accordance- withl the this • lice does not. thank it proper 'change them at.present." The regulations re ferred to, 'from 'aerie's s,lsTii."i3; : cubit' follewe,:' "'Dealers' hi manufaCitired iebriceo,!must_ also' SolFitc,packages, each package 'celed Stamp One Single exceptitit is, made to this, ride." dtot ii'deuletra.arn autlOrize'd LO sell•maiaUf set:tired tobaCeo at re'teiil 'trent woOdenPackagei,,,fegalli stamped ;or cigars ' rom- boxen:pneco,l siarriped, and, branded,' In. the *mistier' prescribed by ; The ' ‘ rettlii.delef must not. Withdraw. the goods - front the stamped paekage until the sale is made. The 'stamp upon the liackitga 1' a ao which he fliefe.llW-210 ‘tint± B . tich''siauni / /,11 1T e rP-1, t ,1 443 ;111 . ': , , , ,T0,N 161' 111,! Fnlon ..ipnnin pteartmt,An otl aenco which . 4 , i[1 1 ,1(1 goodri,r*k; 5 . 6 .0 4 44 - .;A1 7 1 16 !Aft 0000' if!. 4 1 4 1 #4a1m in t a z SW; gooils : d 6 fUrA4/ _ • We see brillialluteiebuT, papal '", „• • the sevr;al county Our Bitt ) riStit'ig In4thrit' t of the be '?dill ~tiPbril~(rMtfifZl~j%d:T43lifio~t:9vertlir 49919, 1 M pp n B A ( l,l 3 lo% brA r it xvdni wtt •kra mi,l7^,ca ,tIN. —5lll t- , 1011,1 s burglU near ; six Ames o 0 many InlW~llaq#' nOW pOplilai. 0011,4 Bitty thousand. lug to sone ( Atispitie n Atl shows the pur State Capital is not in the less hnitirprise: •). 21 . o'} ca,..4. attention t.)-thp- i .r t iertise' r meat"c4 ; ;Mr. B. Taylor. who' win offer at publiestile.,ifilie Court House in - this borough,. .011, Saturday nex - e, routaut,ahont - '„ ,thrco t ilfons and acres 'of land 'in ~eoutheaat' Mr. Taylor comes among us Highly reeornme'lideirnii s gouileinao atitanding /54 . :1 4 iff ste4off!laiytas 'tfuchigre •entitied to, foil e:onfidenee. These' ands, we am assured, are of the 'timbered an a' w,atered.; amih thmlitte :ifi, - , per£Piat, as 111 r. Taylor on the day of sale. Hero' is unquestionably, a rare, 'chance for 'hargainyaild proftfable'in vestmen_t, ands we are.satisfied that our. citizens will do 'well to seize this occa sion to . purchase land in thcfinest State of-theWest.Mliienifis 'filling up with exer'tfoitiiiiii4i — i - tipidit'.y, with a hardy and lifdtiStriimi population. She is ttlgo piegitgedln'nbustkuctirig:j4t'eneive lines of railroad, several of kvbieli' pass . -.througk;AliiJlM)d . Which, Alr:. Taylor will'offcr.N• He assures — us that• ho in' resolved' to sell :a portion".of these lands otr : Saturday next,.. z ' - • ' = iiensible 'remark, which is ble to a very targe numLer of ettiZens everywhere : are many people , iti ihV world' who make it is business to spengo .; the, readit of tli:eir news paper without: any expense to them selves:. has often been noticed and commented upon. They are found ,wkerever the paper is left--,,in ,a shop,. 'office, store, or in a barber's shop--:- and- thou often borrow it I efore the owner.has an opportunity of taking it from the table..: This .is .done by very many who are abundantly able, and. whoop duty it would seem to be, , to` sustain their local paper, by subscribing and paying for the same. We know it is/bardJorn person to refuse a neigh bor or an acquaintance the privilege of ma - ding liismewinaperl, lh but borrowers generally havelittle. delicagy and lees .sensitiveness, and a prompt, flat refusal to env urage them- in sponging on -others 'for tit ivs *Slid :interesting:read ing matter world not hurt them much, and-might indueesoinn - ' of the class to take and ; pay for,a good -paper. It is unjust to the a übscriber, cud deprives the publialier of the_retvard he is en titled le' finni all who 'ae'rr •' - lettYttre - atulluotruatimatriatteliErtififfirffiir cost hini se Much 'to issue. ; • I=l The Chester County Republican, says 'that, in a few days, engineers will be at work on a peoposbd railroad con-_ 'ffecting with 4 the Reading & Columba, -Railroad', near - Ephrata, Lancaster`, county,. thee, byway, of t Naw land and Coircip . ne;Mlfe, to Paneroy;' connecting there with the Pennaylva nia' Railroad and -the road-to. Delaware City. This line is only 25 miles long, And will CoMplefe very important con nections: the road' froth the-. Pine Grove Coal-Fields' i llow nearly corn plated, connects i with thoß l eattlitg & Columbia riAlroadj ;the hulidirig'Ofthe road from Ephrata to Pomeroy, will make . "a, 'cOntinuinis fram Pine Grove to Delaware,City .a Murders arc still litaiio4(l o r der of the day. ! On .Priday . ..evening last, a man murdered his brother in law in the city of Seiintoa„ A dieptlte drose concerning a board ( bill which tephi. rutted, b t y the ,.. stabbitig and killing, of one of the. parties.. The . murdered Mark's' mTEi and the name of the murderer, WilPain Crawford ..;.An interview with. the mardererAker;ilia arrest , elici fed . the following statements, which are 13.1)- stantiallY all the . fadtd My minis is William Crawford' ; 'I ' am' 41 'years of ago; -been in this country tsince-1844 ; lived moot of the time in Burlington, N. J. ; hay . ,o ( be9 in the army; longed-to the fourth . Now Jersey: V(1: tutteers f r forinerlY÷boardedlyit -brother carmichaeli left , I .there about' a mont l h a: go, because be abused and: family ; I could. not stand it; there walaa ,unsettled boardbifl againtOite,; , beeluiined $6B; I had.-titlien a good , many things into Aliatapjlitf;o - r 7 . ' its attfopert ; 1. think to the amount. of ss4*; - 1 went there last night to see try, sister,- , and Niiiii2 sick 'child 'was I. engaied -in taking from a 'friine a memorial in relation to 'my serylcein the,aprw t received froldilie Governor of New J'ainey ; I had my Iknife.tint it;'''iainOV . itit'C'tit k ' '' t' Carmicha‘l came in and naked - -mc . ,te, , pay . my hoard bill,. ' wanted ,me l tn, giVi; him on': cirdei,ltn"''tlaVtiinniiiit r' T 44di hiin. . would.. ptiy, when Wit ,ilO A, , 1 1011itie.Nt...i lie :':th'i!:`'.l ll 4ii4tY to the 'dbOr'enid - ordored'itioio.lt . ;:' 1..704; and te'f., 6ll 9* - o*e 4 Pa . 4 l6 lc9A•tnl.i when 1' ritiehe4"the ffftc I Itnineti upon; him' and otruel ',liinCr . s.l:' did , ,:zio !plink of lipli:og Iklti , 74li i d. , : , oot , stiolv whether 1,3' - . (4o•ltpitoyeas'iri:niy•filiti l doi notr V did •Ilot iiiiWilclni:lot . .4:l4'‘ iernOi;e;l: VII' into . thirliausepanil , iXola wed I . j , had iiu'icieii',l4ittliitioaAliii;;; ; Vitiiii,Jorry ' .ti.liii'pliii #ll`e,lt:l6....alekiltait:•;lidirvp ovictotaiiiiii44. Wi,,W, - !,tiiisl,,A4A.V - 9 i. Ita..lll6l4lf.itiii44",';:gto - .0pi)....., ARttigHthiA,,r9p.ic4lx,,gfwki.kcgmioflacr a.wflora9.9....sipporikti.tkiii,littlo4 Itliti4l4 6 #o§`VlNPYlAo9: , :iiVt t).•tt , ,, 4 , o,Ated; c l ~::,,:y , ,..1 , ,, , 4L ,A 1 ,., , :l ~; , n ; ~e,z„rs' .SOS gritiftp nikiftla Itllligatitc4 Py, supposed the fire vrark!oiiii'diltilaitfdl by tbia 414,11i10e1n .d.gpci,if ted 4 . V. - A.4/.115f owaigLii.4.4.l2lzstai ..ranT.zo .e.11.1v4,27,firR fitZDAAram. • t.1.1.,17 MOW:: 0 t .; r •fi7Xj.ftliktitAti P4# ll4 ifill'i#4 4ol .l4ril •surronidingi.ttithb Irel,ilthy , in , itti educational ortdt%antagcs-of-firBV-Ordtiri society not ,4 - ecojia" in' intelligetice, re 4 'finement and t christi t to,.eltarnoter to Any in, the State. Aimee, a well._ supplied Morket,.., cheap building ' .. geoutid4;•gifs'aiid'iVa:bi, with a perfect freedom from,smoke, that bane of man= ufacturingiplaces And.you, hate lentc of the 'ad vantages,that the factored citi zees of this place Just far enough off the blear:line o - coal - dust. that - commences in - Pittsburg and terminates in Philadelphiato afford a convenient and ,yet cleliglttfuly:clead and comfortable - plitab 'for` genteel lir; log. -- The time is nottai distant when such - places will be sought out for prirata residence. is within -the recollea;. - tion of many; when Philadelphia pri ded itself .in its , general cleanlineas, but the ditiluid dtiat Of the inanfacturer has-driven whols- districts ofits-nice;' iyack ito:ouburbg, or .loto ,00utmy,,,uod.converto4 their .coario`cries into workshops: ; ,; noir; . summer month ,many ontiO rOidelits . , ‘ of.smoky toms visit onilenutitul place to enjoy the of creiiit hands - and pleat' .question that _the time Lisiiiiiefhr distant the steard.hont, will . inn the- Susgrielinzi na, and' Uarris burg rival I, 3 ittshurg in the extent of its •manufacturies, hit iis smoke and iti dirt. What a relief it will be to have. this beaiitifitl'~]dc9 for it'stiburli, Where ,its wealthy mannibelurer . may reside and luxuriate from five ih-,the evening to seven in the morning. • - 4 'lE,ducational advantages •:too,•are• no secondilii• consideration fhb; day, and. will in the future to a grater.de gree than the present, give character to-the place that-affords them. Whem can investment in this line be made" to au' good advantage as in 'our beautiful town--.baPiised in the name of Dick inson, and now venerable as a place of ME learning, the tteen eye of the pre educator will :not.fuil to seeits a van- Inges, 'and the'intelligent.and wealthy of the land' May - here find.rnore that conduces tb comfortable and genteel living than may be found elsewhere. ,_ Let our borough authorities 'keep these facts in view, and--so legislate, us to make Clvrlisle the desire of the land as a place foe private residence. ?; Dce.,B; 1869 I=l [Annolinqdoiiiii.] - THE SCIMPPE TRIAL We belie now in press and will pub lish - on .or• before the twenty-fourth n a ttint - , — a full refant,of the trial,of this traerdinary case." The book is pnb ligied to meet the general demand for authentic infOrmation . concerning - this case, and will give the' proceedings of the court' and testiniony on which he was convicted. It will contain noth: ing calculated - to create opiniorfou the one side or the other, but merely to furnish the record oil which the prisoner was convicted, with a truthful sketch rot=-lriniself—an —bliss Steinneckm —, - , will befurnished at-the following rates: one copy, 25 .ente ; twenty c pies, 81.00 ; fifty copies, 89.00 ; one hum: d red , copioa; ($15.00. WEAKI.MY & WALLACE mom= .tandpratgued _" coal - Lidera, ,Wisliing4 nll, tinies to keep the pric:. .'ef'ee4 its le'wor lower than oliur neivh lining. towns, do represent that ;our coal purchases„having..to• be pail in cash on the s4th:of.everk:mouth, Lind the railiortd teljo on ; We 'same I being cusp before receiving worlo hereby, give notice of our inability credit on the same ; and therefore, on and iifter , this dme"all coal sold by us will have to be cash o,n delivery. J- P. BosLErt 1.3ft0 , A. BLAR, BRr , tV . S. 'M: 1100 V UR. I.6at-3t liev. -;TOsepll'Whin;ll, Pt ineipta of the Hollidaysburg Seminary, will ad &can some of the county teaeliers' !netlike's this-winid on" What shall on rgit•Li study"!"• 1 . . A Photograph GAUT, lyellespihlhihed and doing a.good basinesseao bb bought cheap. in:. cash; it applied forlioon. 'CO on or address' .I P. Neff, No. 23 „West lfittin street, has rec,eiied a, large stock of failey goode , a , 5 4 notions suitable for the holidays, all ;tjdo,novelties•of the 801101 on hand, price :reduF.Od. lower than over... His 'stook of bignta atat tobacco irilarge and oftho boat quality. TherefOriwlion you want-Tun oy, igoda v notiona,, tobacco and. Olgant; go tp Neirta' ,•••• Pprthlsittir"mg second:head fire 2 arms 'of an'Y and in. any qus . fititjr . , from a singlearm upriOrd, will find a lib t erdrilurautifeetty — idiliditiiit - 7 - • - CHAS:A. WILSON, .„. , Jersey City. N. J. , Bleigh4 1. Sleighs ! Sldighal . you wa4'o,See the ltandSome4 Sleighs ever Made in Cumberland. county, go to. ihe Coach Factory itiA..l3‘.`Sherli, corner of "Pitt:Jild'Seaill.,ativets, Carlisle; itattltwo setitetl..sinife Sleighs, of all styles 'and GEE , . . . , , Silks 1 Silks! at all ,prices. ; All abades of fancy silk ' s at ; $l./SQ per ,yard. Plaide redaced frOta $1 to 60 cents; ` Ti'incU` poplins, plain, trotn $1.50 to 75 Coate. Black and ',intim' 30-coats: Only !to to. bad aftleso prinea at W.4l.''Suvryar-kOceqf, •only:placel: you can buy, dry goods at,iossilinu r .tbo old, prices is-a! NV. id. •,§itv,yer . ..FaidO'fil it is ostottisit- Trikiiii; prieu dittlierigoodd dou:u 4 tu.; 4.11(7 can_ njtOrdtlific:ieduotion, tv , olijd advise alk4o, go Aud,) , .100, 0Y 4 . 4 .1 1 e 1 1 2 . Oust , yyi.o:).,tawyei&- 1 Co. • '• , ' • - 45ii , (0.44): THE 1 3 111:d0 ' ND HUM T 4 ECONQMIZE:' • .• , ,_The_oontudittlie the Amer-' Joan 11 4tit!Oil'ff , 1F4* 0 ATO.thP moritsi oftthe 'Tarim:oval burningetOves,', !'havo' Miottisd':thiteitei'iyinl4r* Jiirzongli frzar . l . o2l44::•ri / iii the 4 variOiviltuid3, and tusfrig theirthoroughly, bah re'fia• °nc o o:.9,9, o PA*7aridlletltip, g power,._they,' have fain& ihe Mai turner' (maistifactured..iir tbOs city), to bo the most ecircomieo, end the moat powerful lidater.--sOrkurmf the testa showing that this stove • esiiisumed- MI • ?ono-half leaf; firtthau the .4th,vg,. and.. in (every °aid, gave MUcklAare. beat" , Tait not patter :to got lbe'abote I named stove and avoid :the griiat Waste of cealf—allbany /r2iiek.- ;erbeePer;!:., ' • ; , Thes:v . st4s3ro§.lLrolor:gale by_ :William Forney; teat Louther:street, °UAW°, Pir. Co s a 'Coatc'l - Black clloth coats. ,04.00. single shawl $1 : 70, beet $2..50; at "SV. B!:tvvy,or : Eo Cole: down to 84.50 a set, at W.O. Sawyer & Co.'s. Extraordifiary low prices ! Ladies' 'kid gloves 25 Cents ; Ladles? acil-chil flreolhoo&s,2s cents kSwlslt' edgings and tosertiogs, 10 - sante per yard-; la dies' collars anit , t offs, infant bodice, and all . kinds of faiacrnoedlo. work, at half price, tit W. C. Sawyer,& Co'S. Prof. A;itlitten . 1 3 ; Wyman,' tire 'po'p . !ay coinpoecr, has charge of titc.depart -rent of )1-tisic in' the Hollidaysburg ,Seminary, • ALLgo.Os POROUS PLASTERS step by etcp,this conimodity lute attained Its unpro. cedunted none. Thoy aro universally approved. Thoy /rapport, strougthen, and'aid the growth of muscles They ttUpea6d hove ape'eulint °Rot upon the nerves, allaying irritability, while supplying warmth. They aeon to eel:m - Mkt° electricity, and aid thocirculation of tho blood through the part whew applied,, by which hoalthy actions mu Induced. ' Even In porelysis: i 2 hoco articulatio'n was suopeoll 'ed, the use o(thoPorolts rlastera to the spin restored the nrticuhat ou, and tuuterially reduced the parttlyale. I fact, tho patient' eould'lMlP herself; while before the Ptiroos Planter WO/1 oppliod alto won net holploon as nhuhy, Wo refer to Alm. Sully Elliot, Springfluid, Moon. , Bold Yy till Drugglely, Ageikei, ulroth llo.e, 26nolin OEM HO VO A Plit9ll AIiI4VAL OF HOLIDAY GOODB .4t BURR'S, No. 35 West Main street. A Movi , llocut stock of Candlos, Toys, Nuts and Friths is now opo'n' for Inspection by thu . Win Wegoris,Exprcesee, . . Anol , rutces, ' ' • • '•• Carts,. Barrie; lin., Swords,' l'istole, Whistled, Map node and • • Mechanical Toy; Wood Wagon; Sleds, Bobby Horses, Brunie; VI tee,Borne, armee, Arks, Doge, Oats, and a poet of other toys." Fancy Boxes, .Chi on " Mug; l'asee.-Oupor, , • Banton!, - - - - ' '''.,' Match Sara, Crucifixes, he., ,§c„ . Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Baleful; ' ' FrunollaS, and • ' Other butte, and • Mute of a I Kinds, BOLLS, and Doll • . !deride with Moving and Fixed eyes* SOUTH EN .-C.LEAR DANDY TOYS, OV Lr OW/i .114NUFAbTURII, WIIOLICOLLI AND 11311111. iMiNCn and 1111RION CANDY la 111mA/hop. All cI ti'hloh will bu sad of tha thwast CASH Priem. rib r. Ream glee 9740 a ca1t..20 D. W. DURRIIOLDER, . NCI: atiiViiiiiiiirTgli4lit:Crallito:,W;72 ltdeole AU D ITOR'S NOT- Illiaabetb May, by hoe next In the Court of Com - 'Caned 88 Ild.mit.oiter, I mon I'lou of Cumbor lend County, 17:milli; oni Lhymnias, No. 18, - November-Term,lBoo. .occilett Deciointier,lBo‘.), Money chicsideredin Court, tl nil° :Ter he appropriation at January Term Of --tihn-etudit?tr-appolotM Ly:the-Cour.Lda-asutrhdn. sod report the ibtly, and IMOa difitriblliioll of the funds in Court, produced by the sheriff'. lades under the oboe. - writ.of tho Molting described real - ea- . tote : 1.. A lot of around situated iu the vlllogo of West Pale•lew, Beet rounsborough township, Cumberland county, bounded on the north 'by Third etroet, on the Routh by ,truer, on the oast by an alloy, and on the west by street, containing 52 f.ot in front, and 150 foot in depth, more or logo, and hav ing theroon °rooted two two story belch dwelling bonitos, 0. A truer of • laud situated in Haat Ponntborongh township, bounded tin 'the north by the Iforthorn Central Itillroad, on the month by 11 McCormic)c,tu the oust by an alibi, sad 00 . 00 west by tho North ern Central ltuilroaa, mutt:doing 80 aorta, mow or lee, at.d leaving thereon erect.' a frame home, bank burn, warehouse, de. wilt attend to the dullest of his appointment no Tuesday, the twentj.eighth day of December, A. D MO, at 10 o'clock, a m.. at hi. Wilco on Ilontit Hanover streot, In the borough of Carlisle, when and'where nil per.ous totem/teal aro required to potent their elatene,or bo dobarrod from coming 111 On Mid tuna. - MEM A PPLETONS' JOURNAL OF LIT ',NATURE,, aCIENCN, AND ART, zloty bo.al. .taniott the formation of (lobe In every town And vilingo, In addition to tho large cironlation which It noweniuyo. t Is untrereally conceded , by both tho Pros, and. le Piddle, as ovidonced by the warm encomiums re •elynd Irma nottbes and prlyato letters that real m us hilly, to be tbit • ' • . Applettons' Journal is Published Weekly, And eoteds's of 32 gum to pages, oath number at taellvely4.llaxtrated,—lts-eont.lite conatat of - aer'al No..vele, and'Short V 13111911 1111011 Literary and Social Toplea, Sketeboa of Travel and Adventure, at d Papers upon all tho •attotut ettlijorta that pertain to tho put - unite and ro•reAlone of the people, whetter df town er.country. . Price ten 'c'ente per Numb r, or it.l 00 per annual In advance. Subscript!, no rerelved for twelve, eix, cr three notntha. t lath Tee not turnialled on ttritllentiton to t)o obi Who's, ' o.lce f.Ut SIIEMPF'S SALES.J. 3y virtuo .of sundry Wilts of rem/Mimi Arponim, Lrfori litreut,llll4 Mere, Matas, Isaued out of the Court of Common rlo.is Sir Cumb•rland.County, nod to me dirootoil, I. will- owl', to rubilrs.la ut the Court Houma. In the borougb• of Cm-IWO, onFrldoy,..Jitnu• my 7; I'SO, at. IA-o'clock, tr. 1110 - toll. lg . do urrilied rent 11W13, to wit: . J. ,C. Carlisle, Pa . , A hart Of land situated in Mist Pannst orousli townshlP, Comb, rhino, co In ty, ton n did u the north and mist by the Conoilognittot Crook, mm the west by lauds ofJelin Laws, and on eolith by lands of B. M. 11.1doman, coutalnlog ino•e or Iris, tbormio ntectod n two story Frame Dwelling Bank Barn, IWitgon :Med. nut rt 6 r. out. buildings. Pulsed and takotilu exo 'tibia as Ulu props, ty of fluidal Cl May, "- - Also;the - ni.dlvidedi interiellif a little 1 111111111 l ustsd In Me l bet °ugh of Corlble, Cumberland coun ty, Pa , b,uadad on the baulk 'ty,Waleitt street , ou the west by a private al tiy, and on the north and east by othet . pr. porty of d.fondan', containing 30 feet lufrent, and rA feet In depth; iamb or Ira.. 1,.i. lug thereon "erected 'a two ntety Back Mous+, and - other ontbulldlngs Alen. tho undivided luteroot In a lot of annud oil natudlii tlietomfigh of Car Halo, Cutob•rland own, tg, tanfadrd on the eunth by Walnut etypoLou the'ereal by othor proporlY of d. fondant, on Mcleod neurY_TbOuipeoll;_larolpia.the-nortLffby i . other. 'property of dofondani, containing 1 feet in front. ond.oll feet In deidtr, unow or lent, having cheroon orooted'a two dory Brick Homo and tabor outbuilid., Also, the.undivided Intern,. In a lot of ground' iltnatod In tho borough' of. enoliolo pumberlarat ounity, boundoil.ou the rot and e aa, a p r i. onto oliel,Un the north•py Navy-Moody, and on Ilia' oouth by uthor.progotty o, dofouilaut, cautnining 171 hot mouth. and =I foot emit, morn : or Imo and !akin' hi' execution ki the pool orty of John It. ?Cobb , . •• • • • . lotof 'groiimil , HititittO.l In' thisl oromill of Curlielo, CluTabersuud eounty, Pa., thittudod on the east by Wont etreut, thu south by Patrick Mc- Huire, too lion wont by G. a A..llestoin, op the mirth by this /loth Dareonago, cs,ntellaing 251 feet in front on Wad street, 'and 120 fuel htdeptit,nsore or leer, having tiler on erectus] a two and n half stun. prick Howse, Dock Bnliding and other outbuildings. Beim d and taken lys execution as the property of lhlgar Tyste soul 3abicula Leo. ecertalu 'brae' Marled' Brick Buibling, tieing -- - about front by 49 ifeet deep, and the Back , 'Building 13 foot by 25 Peet deep; the said building is leardsel on a lot br piece of gronod situated its the borough of Dayville, Cumberland county, Pau bounded do 1110 went by High etroot, on the north by ,the Ddd Yollowo Hall, on the east by au alley, and ou the Booth by lot of B. 0. Wagner, amid Jot being 20 Diet MOIL - stud 176 feat sloop with this ground savored bynold building, and to much otborground immedio L ately &taunt thereto, and belonging to 'the said Peter nous' moy ha lieCceoary fOr this ordinary and useful purposes!, of oald baidlinya Seised and tloksin to execution no-the property of Voter Pains, owiusr or molted oisillir4d ga ooufar t s • Also, nll Mot certain Soto and 'll belt Mary Brick Ilona° and lota!' mound lot this borough of 'Cardillo, bontalning BO feettu front •on Loullior 'street, mid BO foot In depth, bounded rind deecribed as fol l ows: On 'the cant by lot belongfoglio -irustinsi •of Dickinaon - College, lorCii. noullObyDoUtliar atmet; and on rho mortis and wool by hit of Mules Illarray,.tagether with titc„ltuprovemonts and 'appurtenances+, s Pulsed and talts in executionmi the property of. Willem, L.' Halloo Joeoli' Nre',./dhilaroT,oe, tore° tenants. • ' , q , Pil(lik" told by f - . • .• JOB. O. yilostreoN, Sheriff." dingnitskr6 tOolialetna. • ..• . • ; • : Bests(' 1660; ' 4 ' F • • 1 s ell sales of atiOdbr °tor VA will he tinalre+ , 7 :114 wheatho propetty to eirleicon and h WS Furs Fata i furs marked =I Mil IMENM F. E. BELT7.IIOOVER, Auditor. = BEST FAMILY PAPER EVER ISSUED. D. APPLETON & CO., 90. 92, and F 4 ❑rand Street, Now Yu. k -W.-A. ATWOOD. ,c.-i -.COMMISSION 14.*ROIIANTS, kinds ' c „ -PIOILLED AND ,SALT FISH, No. 210 North ANN..) itaco street; ' 1)11.7-GEOR 6E-BEARIGHII- . - - -- i-- , -4--- . DENTIST,' Prole tho Baltimore College of Dental Suritery.'Oflleo at the Sosidenco of Ids mother, East Loather street, three doors below Bedford. , ' fit •, . ,IGeeGY. DR. J S. BENDER,. HOIICEOPATHIC, PHYSICIAN. . . ... -' ' 0111coln the room rormorly °loopl ed •by Col. John ye a • NAM' • . - . L. SHRYOCK, E, JUSTICE OF TUN PEACE Moo; No. 3 Irviuo'l4 Row. . . . _ . FE BELtZHOOVER, . ..._ . _ .-. E. ATTORNEY AT LAW. - OM. in BotilManover atree! ., optinitßu: Benlz'a dry goode , store. ' ' ' - '' 10.69 G, :IV. ,NEiDICH; D. D. S., ~ . , , 11.F.NTIST. Lard Demonetrator of Glierativo Denttxtry of tiro Bal. tituoro College of Marital Surgery. OMco at Ma real donee, opposito Marton Hall, Wear Main atraot,'Car: Halo, Pa. "10seGq , . , . . . , . BOLL . nonxicr D. A. L. WIIIEHMAD. . AOHN A; , V. y. DADITAGE: pr OLI4 WHITEMA:N & CO., • ' 151101.1:13ALE DEALERiI MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, -- N.' E. Car: Third and Market ~stroots,, • IMILADELPMA. c. r. Tru3nzicn. -wm.'n. rhirKER, rIIJMRICII & PARKER, • ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Men on'Zititin xtreet, in Marion HMI, CarlLile. IcseGO JOHN' CORNMAN, ATTOUNEY AT LA ' ll'. 0111c0 In boil ,ng allaelleo to the Franklin hotel, ap positv the Court - .10Ae011 TrOSEPII RITNER, JA., . ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SURVEYOR, MerhanicaLurg, Pa. 011ie° on Railroad otroot, two doom north of tile Bank. ' llnahava proinptly ottendrd to. lOarG9 JR. MILLER, ei • ATTORNEY AT LAW. 01Ike, N 0.1.8 Sonlh Hanover street, opposite Coyle° More. luaeG9 . . . MC. 'HERMAN, • . ATTORNEY AT LA*, Culisle, P. No. 9 Ithrom'a Hall. . 10.69 SHA.3IBARGER, P. JIJ,TICH OF Tlll PEACE, Pla!ntield, Westpennaboto' tow tudtlp. Cumberland Comity, k•••••, • All b1131110+61, entrusted to bint will.repeive prompt attention. • t .200et70 R - 0)3 -. E117 - 01TEN, SLATE I4OFER, AND DEALER IN SLATE, LANCASTER, PA. All work giniriintred, and swill receive prompt qt !officio. Orders loft at the "Herold 0111ce," will re celvo promptattention. .oct 29. O.PANGI:gR SI WILSON, CARPENTERS AND STAIR BUILDERS., . Corner North mid Pitt streots, ' BocG CARLISLE, PA J. E. WEAKLF.T. W. F. SADLER. TEATLEY & SADLER, ATfOItNEYA AT LAW. 0111c0,22 South Hanover otroot, tout tho Cloud Will Ito. Homo. • - 1O ,69 WILLIAM KENNEDY - , ATTORNEY AT LAW Oak° in 'Volunteer building, CarMIL WJ.pHEARER, . •ATTORNEy AT LAW. , Mee In morlbenAt corner of the Court Hottso. WieCU ES. B. HIRONB, ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Fifth street below chestnut, Cur. Lilnn~s, "__ I= RAILROAD, ,ee, t U aBERLAND VALLEY It. -R Nr., , • - Ou awl after Monday, November ltth, 1800, Pas manger Trains will run daily, us follows, (Sundays ezeeptel): WESTWARD ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaVee Harrisburg 8:00 a. v , Mechanicsburg 8:15, Carlisle 0:11, Nowvillo 9:46, SlOppensburg 10:20, Clunnbersburg 10:44, Green. castle 11:16, arrivingat Hagerstown 11:45, •. v. 'MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:35, P. It Mo. chanicsburg 2:07. Carlisle 2:40, Newville 3:15, Slain ponsburg 3:45, Clumboraburg 4:29, Greencastle 4:50, arriving at Hagernfown 6:25, 1. - EX.1.R11.93 TRAIN leaves Harriiburg 4:16 r Mechanicsburg 4:47, Carlisle 5:17, Newillie 5:50, Ship panaburg 6:17, arriving ut Chataborsburg 0:45, r v. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Chatubersburg 0 rLencastle 9:25, arriving at Ilagcretows'lo:lo, A K. EASTWARD ! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave. Chatala.rsburg 5:00 A 11, Shippensburg 5:21, 0:00, 0:11, Mechanicsburg 7:02 arriving at Harriaburg 7:30, t N. 81A11, ,Tl 4 AIN I AV'S 1141;o.litown 8:00 A a, Green. castle 8:35, Cluunbersburg 1 1 :10, Shlppensburg• 0:40, New - villo 10:14, Coxll4lB 10:80, bleeltauliclsburg 11:24 Arriving , 81:11nrrisburg 11:55, A. If. EXPRESS TRAIN leaven' llagorstown 12:00 it; theonmtlo eltambetaburg 1:05, ShiPinnail mg 1:37, Newvillo 2:10. Car Halo 2:50, Mechanicsburg 3:18, ar . riving"at Hari Islam; 3:50, P H. • A mixErrTRAIN leaver liniorstown 3, 5 p it, Oreencnetl• 4512,'arriving 4t Chambereburg 5:05; P Making%flion roman:Rona nt Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadviphin, Now York, Pittsburg Baltitnora and Washington. O. N. LULL, Supt UoII and . 0111 co, Cliamb'g. Nov. U, ISOU. DONS1;1! DOWN ! .DOvil! - , TIREMENDOUS DECLINE IN TILE price of all kinds of Dry Goods. Paolo in Bon. on,'--Now 'York, and Plilledelplll4 among Poo ions portorn.lnutionse lots of now and des!, able goods forced 100h° auction room and sold at a ttacrince,allof which ace..tin Is for the prima I 11111 enabled to offer 'lntroit- Mao goods to bac°t s. go* received ovary day at ,prices that will testonislt Paisley Shawls,. Bowel Shiite; .Shawls, Fancy Wool Long and Square- Shawls, • lain Black do, Cashmere, Scads Silk Tied - Tn .- 6w style, and many other fancy goods at prices that defy cmpetlti , n, as I have received them on 15days sale, all unsold to ho raturnol, au alvantage no other house lathe county posstuses. . Week, Blue, Greco, Purple,Lead, Wino and Prown Wool Hoppa, beat quality, 4s greatmlection. Al; mean, of beat make; in existence, at prices lower than previous to the war, which shows tho effect of Panic. — Alen's and lloy's Wear t Heavy Deaver Cloth, Plain Black and Fancy Cloths and CasPinteres, gut- Incti, Jones, antral (lie various garde suitable for th. Henson at greatly reducetkrates. Water Noel 1 Water Proof f^ silo of WWI . Proof cloth having increased su notch this mmon fur WM.:Suits and Circulate, some manufacturers have Aeon proper to advance the prices; I ut vet Shan 04)11- tinue to sit:l at the lowest prices that they have root' been sold at, All qualities of Black and mold Sliz Waterproof. • • Lattice' Merino Ire* and I) ra?Co) . 81 Gents. Shirts nhd Drawers, Ladies' width and colored hierino and all wool lioso of °very guallti,Childron's white and fancy wool Moo, every size wool Flan -nicht Conton - Plant.el, - Tian. - Miding. ("foghorns, ut prices, lower than thev'huvo hominoid furnino your.. Wien' and Childrons' now style Shoos of sysry de scription. from the heaviost to the finest manufac. tured Oonts., - DOWN' nod Childien's Gum Shoes, every silo, of best quality. White and CAliOlud Blunt. eta and Counterpanes, at n grant redact' I respectfully aek on Inspection of nayetock bofor nurchaelag as lam confidant I am abio 10, milt I prices all wbornisy feyor me with a call. , Don't b inttatlngged into buying by a price Ilst nrcheau mum Ins, calico', Ac., but call and coo a whole Mack of loch, right-through;all roduacti - hrirrlc, - CHAS aI2OU No. 47, Want Main Strati T - •- • , . o-n I E WORKING CLASS. , • We 101 . 0 now prepared to funnel. all elasseu,with emataut emp'Oyinent at home, the whole of the time br the spare moment's. Ilunineen now, light and profitable Person. of oilier sex easily earn from' 50 cont. to $5 p.r evening, and a proportional sum by devoting their whole'-time to the businees. Boys and girls oarn :nearly vs much an men; That all who see 1111.1 notice lacy Mod (kik addrest; andt.t the bust non,- we make this unparalleled such le are not well milsfiod, we will mind $l, to pay for the trouble of writing. Full partlenbbe u.veluahlo Rani pie; Wil iCh will do to rommence.work on, and a copy of The- Peoplee Literary Clunpanion—ono of Alio largest sat boat family newsmen. pbblistied—an sunt free by mail. Wader, If you want purmanont, tr o o litaby. work, address E. C. ALLEN & 89.; Augu.ta, ..n01.2.1m . • I ' TUB CiIIiAIBBTIAPATAN VIZ [gni! A. Forty column Caper for Ono Dollar a Your!,, rri.HE TiLOOIIiFIELD TIMES,: an In; drpeodont Faintly Journal, publiMmdweokly, at New Bloomfield, Pa., will, on' the Ist of January 1810, he enlarged to Hedy .Collinvia Paper, Each numbor will, contain Origfind or, Soloctal, Stories, Anocdotoi, - Local and Miscellaneous Nowa, nodouch a variety of interesting Heading Mottcr, that it CM* not WI to be . a welcome Molter to every fatally ciroich' •It will be printed on..tirat euss ,pspor, and. maliod to oubserlbere at the low price of ONE DOL, LAR per year, in Intranet). Specimen melte mailed froo.. . • - NItANIC MOBTIAIHR, 2decoDSt Now Bloom: old, • STOREIIOO3I FOR RENT. Araro "nnum In olforoil to aaj ono danitll4 'bang% or go into tranlootn; at tbo " Odd Paliow Amiociation of york Springs" 'lava 'an chola *Tom, 65 fuutlangi.OP-trltle, watt., an open front, In. the Lost Lupine's. portion of tho borough of. York Opting", Adams. county, Pa, ' For fartber - Information, natlrora "Odd Follow 110117Mnoalatidir.. , i . • • • - , - - . . . . . .. . ,_•. • STAAB .NOTlcz.___...._4lt..ti ,stsmiliii. 111 , Letters teettmentary , am We u i "used, 'tomtit .., tuttler;luto of ILumrian-bruttlibfk-dre. " cokint- • ,Wanlrsucd,by the touieter of Cumborlan, ..it . Lotto •theruiderelgitoCrUeldlicgtilmilittYCimoborout, win t übto, notice le hereby glum to alt persona boo. • themselree Indebted to sold eatutolot make pump. and boo tiartorg claim. to' preebut them; property authenticated, formettlement, to c . 2gtiollt ;1, . t IW4tLIAMEApLEE, Executor. iItiILADNLPILIA EIE ,CARLISLE A,OADFAT. 'tlllS,ONLYriconook inzgv sSODNa f - MEN PULL CO].LEUE I}i; OAIILIBLS~ , An'Enstllido and 'Closeleal'Bohnot for, yoltair :11001a end boys will be opened September Benta'a• b a lnlintt, on tlatbitanoier Ntreet.' • • , rn,pll“ Instractod la EnQlleb, Clare lea, itathomattre, Natural Selene°, l'ontnaneldp, Ac. •. • , r.: le deeigned to make 'thorough 'Englieh 'scholars and. to prepare for CoSego.' Spedab attention will lie given to Pradkat A rithmetie, Reading, Penmanship, 3c , that students may bwwell furnteh -ed for business life, and Cnvo a good foundation for a more extenAod course of avVy.is • -• • TUB - will be adapted to. younfirfeirttemen• and those who, capnot bp trostpl-thno will not be nliowod to retuala titn us. „.•-• TUB SCIIOOL , • Is dlllded Into two sessions, beginning respectively tleptember Q, and Jounary S. NM= let Bostion, Common English, , 51. E. do Classiksi with Common. English, 20 000 2d Ba 81013; Common ! 25 00 do Classics with Common English, 30 Of —Tho scholarit •this.Actulemy, by-the payment of a small 01111156unuidly, can have the use of the CollegO Libraries, containing 75,000 'volume's. ' YACATIONS,---July andAnguiß, and from Chrlot• moo to the Mondayaftor New Year.' BOARDING Ac:—.Duldle trim abroad have the privilege of rooming in Dickinson Collogi if thoy chosen to do so, and will find good boarding elthor in College Clubs or in private familief, ranging from $2 10 to $5 00 per week. • .Address, R. W. STERRiTT, A. E., Ptlnelpal CARLISLE, PA. X take great plenintro commendint . Mr. 11. 1!. Sterrett, A. IL, an a gentleman eminently qualilled.to teach. My confidence in., him is such, that I shall commit my own non to bin care. Sop. 3,5 m CiIIMSTIAN INIIOFF, of Carlisle, • . . Las the solo right, nd • Agont too CumberlAnd County, Pi . , for the osl6, wholesqle, of a new" NO HUMBUG BURNING FLUID, calle,llIING'S NO EXI'LOSIiII BRILLIANT IL- LUMINATING ix superior to anythlog:ovur introduced . , and Oen supply the trails through the county, whofesato Tfictr 11,U . 1D Is cheaper than ICcroseue; It Is noi explosive, makes a Letter, dearer, and softer Mgt than Kerosene, or any other oil or compound in neat emits t; bad odor or smell, nod to perfectly harm Iforctokitta or others wishlug to oco nog to to➢t this - ftrilelO trill 'please ell! it my atom la Carlblo 105c69 floc3m • N -E w R'Y GROCE . STORE. aulteerlbcr loving puicliatud Moteterstulth'e corner, on Pomfret and BOA rdatraota, and erected -lbert ou a Store, him now-oponed--uitlt a-Now: Stock •f'wail .eloetod - Ficell Oro:Arlo! HIP 'stock will be found to be complote In -averrpartlutSar, nod orory thin OMITen - It — be — irinmurtro — er'reprertnrted -- 1. boo nu band and-now ready for delle . eryt Groceries of all kinds, QUEENSITARE, " - L II ASSIVAItd,' ~ W001111: , 1 HA VE, WILLOWIVASII, . . PHRFUSIBILY; SOAP, A rood ai,ortdnont of NOTIONS. A fiporiallty mad. on ull Much of 1;OOL dluatu, such as • Hams, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, &e Dried, Canned and Pickled FRUITS of all kind, ronstaatly on hand la - FLOUR and FEND of the boat kradoa, and In quantities to snit purchasers. Goods Foot to any part of the town If desired -Call and nice for yourself at No 45, Boot Pomfret Struat. JOAN RENDER. nSept 181:0411n LADIES' 2 FANCY FURS I 11 Nk , If A 1t E I RA, 71 Arch Street, Middle - of the 'bind:, liotwoon - Sovonth and Eighth Streeta, smith ohio, IMPORTER; MANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN ALL RINDS AND QUALITY OF • FANCY - roll LADIES AND CIIILDREN'S WEAR IfslAtig °alaiTed, remodeled. and improved my °ld and favorably known FUlt IS u ponrusr, and lowing Imp~rtod a vary largo and splendid assortment of all the different kinds of Furs from find lsandsln Europe, and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen. I would respectfully Motto my friends of Cumberland and adjacent counties, to call and o:- amine my very largo nfitl beautiful assortment , isf Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children. lam determ ined to sell at as low prices as any other respectable hernia this city. All Furs warranted. No mils. reprbsantions to effect soli's. JOAN FAREIRA,- 17Sopt dos 718 Arch Street, Indladelphla. GREAT DISTRIBUTION By the Metropolitan Gilt Coni;any. Cosh Gifts to the amount of $250,000 EVERY TICKET DRAWS A I.BIZK . s'Coslt gifts, each k 10 Cosh gifts, loch ' 20 Coati gifts, each • 40 Nil efts, each 200 Cosh gifts, each 300 Cash gifts, ouch . GO Elegant Rosownoil Phnom ouch-}3OO to . $750 '• 75 Eiegaut Rosoisood ldoloSsons w 75' to' 100 350 Bowing Machines, _ 00 to 176 500 llold.'Watehea, lIS to r 300 Cash prizes,,Sliv.ir Ware, otc , all valuod at *4000,009 A 000100 to draw any of the above prizes for 26 cts. Tickets doscralog prises 'area/tutu! In ouvolopoit and wall mixed ' On recolpt of 25 'cent. a sealed Itykddi to drawn without choice and sent by malt' oan ad. rest—The - prite - named - npfurlrWllEbir - dHiliiiro ticicat bolder on payment of wit &Afar. Pelts. are Immediately aunt to any address by express or return ' You will know *that your prize la beforo you pi - forlit. Any prise fichanged for another oYSOMlttatie ca. No Plonks. Onr patron cog depend oi• fair • dealing. . • . Itzesnascze—We mince the following from' many who have lately drown •aluablo prizes. And,,:kindly permitted us to publish them; 8 D. 'Wilkins, Duffs. 10, $6,000; Miss Annlo Monroe. Chicago, Plano, sollo o 'John P. -Moor°, Louisville, $ 1.000; Miss Emma {Vol , worth, Milwaukee:Pion°, $500; Ito,. Day,Niii Orleans, $550. We publtoh bo hoaxes. without pare. . • mission. . • • ' Opiniotis of the proof: "The firm le reliable and deserve their succ e eds- Maly. Tribune, Oct 8, "We know them•to be rt fair deeding tirtn."—NlT. Herald •'A friend rt ours. drew a $5OO prize. which was promptly rot:dyads"— Daily Neter, Okt. O. • tiotad fcr circular. ;Abend Inducements to rgeuts. sstisfactlo,w,gusnadocd: Every nicksgo of settled envolopmedontalne ono cosh gift; Six tickets' or 81, 13 for 82; .315 far $5; 110 for $l2. .111 latent etould be tuldreseed to' lIAI3PER, IVILYON &CO., ' • .• /13 hroadway, N' V. - REAI, E iiSTATE - A e r PRIVATE , The N ub s:olnm utioni -at private sale. In the loge of Contras{ile,Cumbarland comity, Ps., midway botwoon Carlisle and nhippensburg, this Walnut 'Bottom road.** following desirable root estate: , A LOT OF GROUND; containing • •• TS72EE LIC IkEI3, • 11100 • on whtel is erestad 1• '. •'Weatherboardel nouso,- •a am 11 1 1&,'Frhin, and ntlwr outbrdidingr.' Atop Oript ourtl t t_of am Aced of Ground, • above, on Which is ineated a largo nesr , Frame Lmtlding, lwp storlediAtostherboarded, - arid .pbustereg, now, need as 4:l49:4onaker shop, • The shop lain a desirable netokkiioodi and la doing a . 7 , 10 -, t ru mti ,pr vAt , o ca n A go !th a t wc ha,i,,j usfr good trado, „. Thoatocgomthang, Mohr, Ao., tan , roaolyed„a largo,amortmoct of Woolen Cloolls,,glicur purchased irdealrod.• .possooolon can ho bad at any and Book , -Oloym:' • Gauntlets, Papor Istal tims, to Ault pur:l.Aor. ' ' Collt,t3oaps, P-erratoory, go.' at... For tenon, A 0.., apply perioVally, by:Veit:it, to • •. • ' • coYLE & , . . • AUR.AUABI NULL. , • 11, bonth•lfill)(ivr 84E14, Curllfile, - .1)161noon, enmberititd'ottimty, 'l' 4- .17130rt 00, -- .• • " : -20notr 'IL4YEO FfB. TIIX COVIISH,O7:Iyru.b7 4.1.111,W1 PAIL. BSB t ON, (rrtyplild lii Aqance.) DlE=r9 DABIITELL, , PresldentDlettloNon College NO HUMBUG,! EIS I . 3IJIiNING FLUID, CUE'S MN INllase =I S, $lO,OOO 6,000 1,000 600 100 A. .L.,,S.PONS.LEIV.S-CIOLUMN.. - 11, L. SPONSLEIt,--z• --• , • • ; ,• • • aAgeng,_tjeaviatutr,Coueegen•-•fifeU • 'allea ( and 'Claim Agent. Office 51nitt Strect Neat Centro 8144 1 1•1_,[:;I .1; 7 ' , • " 794 . • -nodlous two story Drlcii ifougCs; oil ills' Two cool. 'ot street, botweeit Main and Loutlier east old° of .So, ••ollglebrairllale; Motels° a vain. etreetqi in the ,lAb• • the mat olds of Lotort Spring,. able 11i6bf'grbuad on - -•;14 ASSES, bohig the priverty . contahilng about TURD,: "ninidoemuied; all :In excel. of the helm of Jomph • Slit. yam from the lot of lent repair,- will he loosed fore. . t 0,,, of April neat.' Tor term , omt.. gPONStlili: Mtoligent. Real nolo6o FOR BALE. A two story BATCH Ptivate 'Residence Situated on South Hanover otreet, between. Pomfret and South - nireots,oCcirlisle. ' The Sot contnins 21 Rot in front find 1201 n depth. The Benno' to nearly new, containing double parlors; dining room and kitchen on thaOrst -floor, and five comfortable chninhers On the `Second story, and throe finiohed rooms on the attic, ;Orison'. out outbuildings; - frult trees, nod • grape-vines, and hydrant in ilte yard. Sagniro of; A.L SPONSLER; 100009 - ••• Rearghtato Agent. -VALUAIIL E ;VRIVATE' v RESI DENCE. OR BALE. Situate on Smith Hanover istreet,oarllslu, - now owned and occupied, by. Min. 'Westwood, late , the property Orßenediet Lair.' 'The lot fronts on Hon• over et., 90 feet, and extends back the same' width 240 toot to an alley. The Improvemoutenre a - large two-story FRAME HOME, with Verandah In front, ',containing Double Parlore,.ll•ll, Chamber,'Dining. room and Kitchen en lower floor and sin Cbatabure and Bath-room on the 2nd story. Gas and water have been introducei. There lea large Stable and Carriage House at the Mot of the lot. The lot is well. studded with ornamental traoa and shrubbery, beside; fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the most choice sulection in abundance, Enquire of A. L. SPCINBLEE, Heal Estate Agee! E=33 • ORE BANK FOR SALE,=—A"rich deposit of the land quality llermatito Oro, yielding GO por cent. comprising about 18 ACRES, located-in Monroe township, about 2 miles from the Iron Works of O. W. & D. V. Ahl, on tho south able of tho Yellow Breeches crook. • Thore Is a stream of. water running through the tract sufficlant for washing tho ore and furnishing water power be sides. A' portion of tho bank Is under a leak, and will be sold sublect thereto. Tho balance is outn umbered. . . . . Poisons dnalrlous of clewing the Bank may call. upon Goorgo W. Laidfah,' at ' , Laidlch's mill ' , ' for nforly known as Bricicar'e mill, Maniaa' towuablpy Online:laud county, or.upon A. L. 3PO\ Sikh, Real Estate Agent, Carl,lllle 30June 69 IVOR SALE. . . . Private Residence situate on South Hanover St. Carlisle, nearly, opposite Early's lintel owned by, Janice Bents. Tllle lot contains 106 feet in front running back 210 feet, and being 70 foot in bro , dith' at the rear. The buildings are nearly new and IR, excellent order, comprising a commodious TWO•STORY BRICK PRONTBUILDING with a largo Two•Straj Brick Back Building attach ed containing all the modern improvements inclu ding gee and water. The location of this property is ono of the most eligible In the town, and will be disposed of on favorable terms. .For terms and fur thor_partitailitironqUlrsi-of-4,' . _ . BPON . SLER, "• Ti••• - • -- Rettht.'stfteT - 47iit. ) • Aug 6 FOR SALE—That desirable Private Residence situated on West Nonfat Street, Carlisle. The at contains 30 feet in front and 280 feet In•depth. The improvements corielst of n com modious TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, containing largo Parlors.' Hall, Dining Boom, nod K Helton on tho lower Roof, and eight convoniont Chambers on the second floor, three over the front building, nod Oie over the back building, a Wash Home, Balls Room, and Water Closet; and gas pipes running into the cellar. A hydrant in the yard and water on.the second story. Thu ontlro proporty is in most excellent condition, and tho location ono Of the most desirable in the town. The lot is wall stud ded with fruit treea and shiubbory, and quite a num ber of grapy vines of Superior quality. Ftr terms apply A. L..SPONSLER, = Roo.l Elitate Agent 2-leLpt. CO ITAL V ABL4 FARM AT PItI --- • . Situate on,the South-sido of the Yellow Breeches Creek In Marano, township, about %Mile : East of Ahrs. Iron Worts, containing 76 Acres all cleared but about 2 Acres whlchwro covered Avlth good Um= ber. Tho Iniprovements are a romruddicam two-story PRIME :HOUSE, with convenient outbuildings. Large - BANK:II6W with Wagon Shod and Corn Cribs attached. A choice Apple Orchard In good bearing order; together:with Peached, Pears, Cherries and Grapes in abundance andin excellent and never fail i ngyvell of -Watorat the door,Theland is In iihigh tato of cultivation, under good fence and the im proveuterits la - good order. The location is, a desira ble-one, being near • church, mill and school house. If not cold at private sale before the 25th day of September next the farm w1:1 be offered ut Public Sale on that day:, Persons - desirous-of viewing the prunds..4 may call upon Gee. W. Leitlich, at Leidieh's udl jaidenroo , towineldp,--.. — For torus ..tc apply to A. L. SPONSLER, Mug CJ' Real Estato•Agent - • VALUABLE PRIVATE RESI DENCE FOR SALI4.--Sttitato nt rho went nod of the borough of Carlisle, west of Woking.' College,. The• lot contains 70 feet in Mut, - and 003 foot to depth, extonding from Maln to Louthor street. ,The improvements ciutelst of an olegant and emu modlorta mention altneto near the maitre Of tho grounds, fronting on Min etroat, Onfahed in the moat superb style, with tormalent outbuildings. Tho grounds are beautifully laid out, and are studded with: abundance of fruit and ortuunontal trees and flowers, and eibrubbary of the choleeat kind. The owner being &strop. of Aolling,•the property will be disposed of upon advantageous terms to the purchaser. Poss.:Mon given on the lira Of April next. keg terms, and further pertleulArs, enquire of A. L. .£0,'..:13L811, ~ lthlec69 . ilea] Estnto Agent. •—• ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF 1 U ESTATH On ' Pre& Ty, • Decembarj 0, .1800 Will be bold at public SAO, on the premises, lu POOL township, near the Dickinson Presbyterian, Church, on the Walnut Bottom road, that valuable TRACT OF LAND, lake the property of John Huston, tb•ceased, bounded by lands of Samuel Huston, John . Kelso, and Isaac Lefevre, containing ELEVEN ACRES, MOTO or loss, r f first quality of litinetone land. The Improve items ere It good sutatantial DOUBLE 11011 K with back bnildnig, a 'small DARN, ample for the sizo of thelplaco, a never failing well of water, a largo cistern, scarcely ever dry. Thorn to an orchard — with - a - variety — of choker fruits, appWs, peschts,„Onus, chgries. &b. Tide ton most desira ble property and a very suitable and for any person who desires a small and very productlco farm.: Tim, Louse Is within a few rods of a school house and two churches, and is in all respects advantageously sit dated. It is within eight ,miles of Carlislo, on rho Walnut liottom rued, and within opened a ltalrjulles of Cootroville. • &into commence nt 12 o'clOck, m , of•rald day, whim tertrurtvlllbe-nuttle known by .IOIIN W. 11USTON, no4ts ;Adittinistrutar annexed' Unijuolloimbls the beet inuitaqed work of-tho kind In tho World," HARPER'S MAGAZINE ILtnri.rt's 3IAa via:ft, apart from the aldstrationt, cantaint front fifty tone hundred per cent more mat ter than any Simi nr periOgiFat issued in the Engligh language. . Notices of 'lto\ Prem. . . most popular Monthly In IL° Nvorld.—New York ()lamer. .itio must refer Itt terms of yule* , to thirltigh tone' and varied excellences of Ilarper's Magazine-111mm." nal with a monthly circulation of about 120,000 cop. iee—in %alum. pages_ are_ to _be . found-nom° -of- the choiceat light and general reading of the day. Wo speak ofthis work no an evidence of Alto culture of the American people; and tho popularity It has 11C cjulred Is Merited, Each number contains folly 144 pagos of 'reading motor appropriately illustnited with good"Woodctits; Mid' it combines to itnelf the racy monthly, and the more philosophical quarterly. blended with the best foatures of the daily Journal- It hoe groat:power In the,dlssentinatlon of a love of pure literature.— Trubner's Cade to American Litera, tore, Likutrou. It-ls-oaeof--tho-Wontlenroficrarnallam=ltre - 111Wc= rial-managemont 'of 'harper's. • •' • • All the no. rlotticale which the mrper. 'publish are}thut et ideally well edlted.—the Nation, NY. . We can %mount for Ito opeccoo only by the binipho fait that LL meets precisely the popular taste, furnish= lug a variety of pleasing' and instruct.vo teajliti‘i for all. —Zion's Herald, Horton. SUBSCRIPTIONS -1670. TsaFel I . lnniorA , MitxtlFl!:tp, , a!ao —An extra; copy 'Of 'elther - tho 6lagazlne,-AVotkl.f,or Bazar xlll he• nappllod gritth for •every• Club of • Plve Subeerlbern at $l.OO each, In one romlttanco; or, Six Copies for 820.00,,wIthout oxtro copy. . tlablcrlptlona to Illorper'a Magazine, Weekly. and Bazar, to one address for , one yoar, 810.00; or,,two of • Harped Potiodlcale, to ouo address for out year, $7.00 5 . Bark Numbers can be suppllz&at any than. A. Complete Set of Ilarper'a !Joplin°, t10N., ; :out. by 89 volumes, In moat cloth binding; still - bo neat by expense, freight at expense of par Chaser, tot-42.26. 'per column. tingle volUmte,h7 P04141 8 ,8' 8 .00. Cloth canoe, for binding, 68 Cents; by Ma, tusdpaid. .The pootago on 'fora; Maga:MVO 20 cattle a year; which mid! ho pa id at tho tubsdribeespostollks•. Addrer . HAUNCH, & ' Now York. . NrilW 14QUOII, err;; L :ltp, •. • . JO,IIN, lIA.NNON, • . • N. E. Cal idanovor and loverot plipots. (A tow doors soittlioelltnites micro) • Puts Bri Whia.ky, • .• Root ComiitonWhiski;- Pure Rolland •• • . • olngor 11rnad,y, .1 • ..::' port , !.. . Ike y Who, • ; • . I"m t 4 ig:r " 4 iyro r p ' . • Chatutogiko. ]jlBll lakt,ch. P0.74:8814 TIYWA.RE, tte. BTovms! . STOVES{ An y • AB the neneon id fnt- approaching when pion tyiil bo looklbg toy a doetrablolltovo ibr Parlor or .1111tch n 1190 we ask a cardinal exainlnatlan of our - .• , :i 1 , eloOk,bellovlng we kayo the largest and beet ~•40amord of ITAIVU ant offored to tin cltixobs c u t,Nperlood s oounty Nu Vav6 olLIi il.tbi jissily.colobraiod MORNING GIORi( which. ne n Parlor or Dining Room filove;excele all othois, will tea tlfy rut?„ : LIGHT HOUSE; Ono of „11to most dealrablo Moves In use THE MORNING LIGHT, 1:1 Also ¢ BoseyurAor. _TUE MORNING GLORY; PARLOR HEATER, and PORTABLE FURNACES, and other now Paelor, Dining nom and Chambot Room S cvoo We offer among otheWillefoiloilOng Coek'SloviiT THE ILEOULATOR, SUPERIOR, NOBLE COOK, And City of Berlintoti COSIBINATION. Wo alio sell tlio DIAMOND HEATER FIRE PLA.OE STOVE, which heats one, two or three rooms, and Is decidedly the best Fire Place Stove ever-Invented. We would call attontlon'td our largo stock of .4 TINWARE on land or made to ordor.• Ati Mode of ROOFING. AND S POUR ING do. on ronsonnbla tonna and without SAW Al poniorm deeirlog arioLing . in cftir lino MCP . _ la vital to coMand prioo-opr ale ea her. WALKER k OLAl7b3r, ; 4 , " No. 18, Weot.3lalo Stic,C; OarlWu, Pa. REGISTER'd NOTICE ,Notice hereby given, to all persons interoeted, 01attho ii following accounts have boon 810,in this. -ofllde,by tile accountants therein named, for °remit: nation, and will bo.proeented ,to the Orphans' Oiur4 -oPOlnnbertand-olmty;for - contreurtlem - nnd - iiiicrt c onTuetalliryDecoull.wr 14, A.D.18 : -- '" l.. 4 l , iret end final ember of C W. 8 00 poneler's tate, aAlliod by S. CiAlowman,:adrainiettalor of If. . Rupp, deceased, who - was executor of 0. W. Spousler, deceased. .. 2. The guardianaltip account of Samuel guardialrof dlenfainin B. Eberly, late, of lifcclutedca • 3. Account rof. - dbraliam Bowman, gpardlan of Mary E. 151111kohein Into Mary E: Bakr, minor child of John Baker / tote of Upper Alloai taivnehip,..do coaxed., - 4. Accou , nt of Abraham Uovrman, vrtbrealtiaofaohn K. Bowman, minor child td Jidir,..ltrutptAn,Mo a- Upper Allow:township, 5. The tirekpnd float accouneOafielindreekotte of tho executor:: of Abode= Zoyor, deceased. 6 First and final account of argaret O. B. Sturm, ndmlnildratrixof Sophia Storm, doceaxed. • 7. Ent and Seal aecbuntof-Danial-filieltivddifilnc— letuitor of Ekettle, , lato of Idwor .1111er, townehip,doccamol. • 8. Find- and final account. of Emanuel Snob}, ex ecutor of Jobe Smoke lute of Mifflin •townghip de coned. 9. Phut and .final account of..Dautel.Kutt, trbolnis. totter of Elizabeth liairOate of Middlesex toarooliM, deceased. - 10. Tho account of Doctor Andirw.Neldhger and R. M. Ilenderbou, exeentur of Cleorge W. Cheater, do; °eased. 11. The second and final account of . 101109 Hamil ton, - s - S - 11. thou Jllllll.l IL Graham,-and Roy, David Sterrett, executors of Mrs.' Eusan II: Thorns, IMO. of the borough of Carlisle, dee&stal. . " JACOB•DOWSIIEDIEIt, Register. ECM LTIGVLY IMPROVED GRAVEL i f FARM AT PRIVATE BALE, liituuto in Frankton" top., Comb. Co 4 mile north or Nowlin°, I ! / .Imlles south of Illogorirvillo and .t 4" nine from Dlilor's bridge, Adjoining hind, o nrimuol Ernst, Lrivon 11. Orris And Ohara, oontaln 146 ACRES, (more- or less,) all cleared but oboist 20 Acros, tables are curare will good Timber, also, about 22 Aeres of , good Meadow. 710 Improvements aro a large TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE; (now) with Wash House, Brooke Cause en T Other neoessitrys's out-bulldings. , A LARGE BANK - DARN; nearly new, with' now Wogon Shod, dint Crib, Car: rings House, Hog Peti,lind all necessary out-build ' Inge, also, a well of good Water at the door and as abundance of the choicest and best trait. There* he also a • large • strewn of water running through' the ferns, haring thereon erected a• chum. , o, ,• A M IL L 'Phis farm is in a good state of eulli ration, the buildings now, Poem In good ardor, arid well limed recently. Is ono of tire most productive and , best stock farms in the county, and Le 'convenient to schools, Mille; /M. Poisons desiring to view tho ahavo,property say do so hy calling on the subseriber residing on the - arm. A.OO.llltiCT, Sr. GREAT INDUCEMENTS. Everybody invited to call and sec our largo and beautiful stock of • FALL' and• WIRIER GOOD; which Is open for inspectior Remember we closed out all our Summer Gooda at auction; and wo will now °Actions to sell all our r c . . FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT • AUCTION. - PRICES • We,ero determined -to close out ,ttils stock rag guorauty to, save cvcry _oar chaser • TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT to overt dollar's worth of gore'''. !(ow; Mk* warp• log, stud don't pnchere until you •oo our gala au prlcos. I'attoro■ of FANCY 13f1.10 at ' $1 50 to $1 ifo worth from $2.25 to $2.50 FRENCH 1111R1N011.9, all Wcol, 15 canto 4 00 1.11:81' ENOLII3II SIERINOtS: ALL it'OOL'OMIIIMERES, prm pprLlNs, [MACK . ALPACAS, ALL .WOOL DOUBLE BILt WU, .BEALITIFUL OEOIII COATS, A 11111 . 11nel. , . MOURNIWGI 009D11, that will be eaerltleeml Ima pries& outosta, a. • . OLOTIIS, CAS'SIMEIRF,E4, ItLANIIETS, • . . . yLAH24BLB, _,c , DVlelr i a l ligi al o7l` l llll t all" )1 1 ! 11 ! 11 :. 1103111::•MA.D11 RAC( Rirw p ra • rallt:',ljlllllAii', • Wenrpytllltaki~a., Y." ' • WOOL :AND.. • T - Do , 4,0 uegloct . t 9.4 tet CRII savo yi)u: • ." • • • 't MEE E MEM STOVES MERRY gEIRIfiTMAS,' NIAGARA, EUREKA. Cr= W) tents SI 25 35 coats $ 3 W $ 00