Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, December 09, 1869, Image 3

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CARLISLE, DECEMBER, - 9 L- iatl; ---
Turkeys aro in demand.
)- Sausages are in - seation:
Fat bogs linnet be getting minus.
I ifebool Ley s are counting ,the days
until Obristnili.'•
County teachers aro. debating etc
probabilities of being "barred out:"
The young ldieei are speculating as
to the r ebaelecs foi slcighrides:
The pavements aro becoming uu
cortain,""particularly: after the fourth
whisky punch. •• • •
The monument shows some signs of
progress—foi which /relief, much
thanks. •
Harrisburg papers are complaining
of their market houses. We wonder
if tL~ wouldn't bu
The editor of• The Sefitinel has' been
introduced to Charles Sumner.
Tho,discussion j between The Vidien
tar and The Sentinel has terminated,
as the partnership notices 'have it, "by
mutual consent"
Rev. Jacob Todd: will preach in
Emory Church next Sabbath, morning
and evening.
Samuel Stine's sale, March 4, ISA
Frankford township, on the banks of
the Conodoguinet creole. .
"The Physical Life of Woinan" is the
title of a book handed to us for inspec
tion several weeks ago. we liavo read
the boot and give it as our unquali
fied opinion, that it is a volume that
should ho in the hands of every wife,
and mother in the land. The subject
matter is handled in a delicate,manner,
clothed in the best language, and treats
on subjects of which all women should
be better informed.'
It is from the pen. of Dr. Geo. 11.
Naphoys, whose abilit as a writer, and
knowledge as a physician is fully dem
onstrated by this work. Orders for
'copies of the book will be received at
the photograph gallery of Mrs. It. A.
We are pleased to announce tliat a
course of lectures will be deli'veredin
Carlisle during this winter.
--of env enteprising.youns gentlemen
have interested themselves in the mat
ter, and have secured the services of
Miss Olive Logan to deliver the firAt
lecture on Frichty evening, Dec., 31,
subject ' Girlo." The fame of Miss
Logan as ah caner:Should be "sufficient
to drew a large audience, even in Car
lisle, which has th4keputation of liber
ally patronizing 9.,circus or minstrel
performance and leaving a literary en-.
terftillimeit with empty seats.' The
second lecture-will he 'delivered some- .
timmin January, most probably by the
renowned ortitor, - .De Witt Talmage
The third, which comptetes the course,
the'humorous Mark Twain.
of par,
lisle Mterest themselves in this matter,
as if this should prove successful 'we
may have 'another' course during the
winter. All Whowiskio - secure seats
will cull onA. Blair, Zr.,
Ogilby, at the Farmers' Bank, who *ill
exhibit plan - s•of the house and reserved
seats - .'Tickets for the course with .re
served sests . B2„2s. Single tickets $l.
The. general -*sire to, obtain a full
:account of the trial-of
for the murder of Miss Steinnecke,
and the, testimony on which go was
convicted, has induced its to pubMsh
an account of the trial in full. The
bookie note in' press' and Will be cons
pleted by the twenty-fourth of the
present . ' month, or sooner. It will
contain the entire testimony in the
case; ivith the arguments of counsel
and charge of the Court, and a brief
sketch of the prisoner and . .. Miss Stein-.
necks. testimony: be. , the
same as that printed at the time of the
trial, and the book will contain nothing
in the interest of either the aced or
the- CoMmonwealth that was not del'
icloped on the trial. The objeet is to
furniell•the.:comniunity : With an also-
Intely correct report of the.trial Of thig
remarkable case, and not for-Ilte
pose of manufacturing an ()Onion wail,
referenda' therat& groat interest
Manifested in' , this case rentiers this
publication'. necessary ; accl the 1;04
t) all who would
thoroughly understankit„- The. book
will 'contain si:t . ty-four pages; neatly
printed . .• on "good, paper, , and- will
be fttruiChed, ivben published, 'at
twenty-gye. , cents . per copy:. Those
desiring. copies will do:well toforward
theirorddni.iminediately. •
Pdr. B. Taylor ) a gentleman re
siding in Ddexico, Igo.; is stepping.for
a W'eek,or so at the Bentz House.
hats for sale a , large. body .of, land in
south east Missouri. Re bears letters
of inticiduetion -fro:rn geUtleinen well
known is tliis corimunity, audio re
commended by the PUblidiersiof the
St: Lquis-RipOlican ' and, ,Democrat,
as well tut , by bault odicerain the town
in - which; .resides, as a gentleman crf
chariteter and integrity. -He Will be
pleased, to see any of our people Who
to purcliase lands iu -Missouri,
either for speculathin 'or- with the in
•teatfon idreMoving rtliither; r andill
eheorfully'cOmmunieate any
tionlre p.oseseit irr Teiard tOtho,soil,
climate,- productions, or general. char
/Wei, of 2 that elate: . ' See-'adverCee.- :
bout in. anothet:',c.olumn
• ' etitlehiOn‘"coihpoeod. of
' J. Ed gat '.l'4ompsOn, Jay Cooke,Hpary
D.' Moore rind other irotninent gentle'
Olen Of 'l'ltit4Jolphia,' gage' a
number' . of the . leading eitiZeile of this
platp• viei ted Piao Grove hitt S aturday,
via. the Sonth'lgotinfaia' Railroad. A
gontloraatt';'jriio''W'as with the party
bati, , ,•londlY.Tarnialiod us an 'account
of . thd ,
iVe indebted. to the MM. It. J.
IlaldeMan . for a .'hound volume
. of
" Lawrence's Report of the New York
EleetiOn - lraiide," - for which lre - has
our thanks. ' •
The ~ ' Good- Will Fire Ciimpany"
have postponed their the
twenty-ninth.ofJaanary. This gives
the '• Union" a clear field, and we
hOpe to see them ' moot with good suc
cess.- BY the way, Dosh has manu
faCtured another- 'cigar, as a gift to
that company, that lays all .its prede-.
cessors-in the .shade. It is sixty-nine
inches long. It is fastened to. a board,
and is surrounded with Small wooden
soldiers' and. "flap; Call at his store
and see it.
that it was not furnished with a report
of the'Teachers' InAit nte, which met
have engaged a reporter if they valued:
the proceedings as THE El ErtAtAvecerns
to do."—S'entinel.
The "one editor," 413 M. Braiton
has it, was either not " smirt." by his
own confession, or else took no interest
in our county _ educational meeting, ae
Tlic &Wind bad no;repert. We im
agine, however, that anything per
taining to our
_schools is regarded as
too insignificant for notice by a cos
mopoliton journal like .17,e Sentinel.-
We see it stated that the proprietor
of the Gettysburg Katalysine Springs
has gone into bankruptcy, leaving.some
$60,000 liabilities in the neighborhood
of the great battle field. We are sorry
for our friends beyond the mountains
if that be true,. but such things most
generally occur when efforts are made
to spread out faster than the wants of
a community require. We know sev
eral very promising speonlations that
have hurt people quite badly, just be,
cause' too much was attempted.
refusal the Executive, to graiit a
pardon in the Sehoeppe case, in an
article which is as forcible in its logic,
as it is candid in • its citations of fact
and calm in its temper."—Pittsburgh
We confess that we feel just a little
rain of 'this compliment from one of
the oldest--and ablest papers- in the
State, and this must be excuse for
reproducing it. •
In the last number of The, Bearer
Radical we find a number of complh•
montary netices of :Stale Treasurer
Nfa'ckey, duly credited,,to :different,
papers from which they were 'clipped,.
one of which we know was not written
by the party to wboM it was credited.
It wits' of
course, as iteredited the article where
it . was found, but there was somebody's
pen credited with what was - due to his.
91`v5, — rocei veil a ; COinniii t hieution from
lonte_persuu_sigui ug_himsal fYlVfed i caul
duct of the-medical students, at the
lecture at which the ladies were pres
ent somy time since a
As no dame accompanied it,we cannot
publish the communication': ' We arc
alwitys pleased fo receive and pub
lish anything that may be of iuterbst
to our readers, but the full name Of the
person sending a communication must
accompany it in order to secure its
The new five and fifty dollar notes
have made their appeara.neo, and the
others of the series will soon appear.
Wq.would jusatlßOO'n, however, have
seine of the old buss. We beg onr de
linquent friends not to stand back,
thinking that We would be offended if
they offered us old ones in payment.
The store windows, everywhere are
guy With dolls and . wooden horses and
fancy. candies, and. Masks, and—well,
weviin't mind what else: Twenty
ydars ago we could have aild every
thing that was in them, but then, we
hived that Kriss Dingle or some other
old fellow would 13;:ing a big lot of
them' on Chfistmas t . and now, some
body else is , thinking that isjustwhat
Somo other fOlow who is n't
do foe her That makes all the dif
ference iii the matter of memory es
every body knows.
We' announce, with regret, the final
burning of another child .in our hor
otit;11; on Monday last: The circum
stances of the case . are as follows
,the mothgr of the . child
, •
had, occasion to.'go to her mother, in
lawltr, but a few yards it,),vny. Shp
left three small children playing in the
room, the eldest of 'which, a girl, .was
about five years of ago. She wars
gone ahout 'five minutes, 'and on re-;
turning foUnd the. houSe _filled with'
saioka;.and the eldest child lyingon the.
floor; with her clothing almost inirned
off. seems that the child, in play=
ing with a. stick put it .into the fire,,
and im
that manlier communicated th'e
ilfimoa Re . She 'lfred an:
hotir two, in au insensible-condition— is cortainly'- a very sad-one
and tholfflictul parents have the sym=
path 3 et the:community. Thisfs the
second ease- of the .. .kind that Las Oe 7
mined: recently; and should servo as
a . warning - to parentsto,:be, careful
about alloWing their, children, to ho
I.alono in a room Whero'there is flue.
Wilti.l3ttrkholder'a stock of. confec=
dens are' pleaannt'to tho palate, scweet
to the-taste; and beneficial to the atom
ech , We know it,laving had a satnifie,,
the gentlemen of the compteing room
,know it, the . devil Ik'neWe it,,and ;'every
,exte"can.:know'it by. trying. ii
Werth' teem or lose.
, .
We regret that'several 'comintralea-•
ti,jns ; intended fiii* , talei i3elia papar
have been' , - lititrypiaably. erowqed , out;
they will appear Best week. • ' i.
Balance in tho treasury, 28 54
Coal or wood, - flour, groceries, &0.,
haVe beep dispensed, In the *several .
wards, to forty-one • families. ad:.
dition 'to the ‘ho , Ve, pensions
have been given -monthly. t'o twelve
®- .
Christmas is drawing- near and you
will want to. buy_ something - in the toy
..and candy line fin.
- Jack Sites Las - on handin - larga as
sortment of gifts , from which to make
selection.r- - • -,
The poliaa ofour.tewn are' doing
efficient service. On Tuesday night
last, abolit twelve o'clock, they 'ob=
served some:persons; near
. Beotem's
,and , suspecting something
wrong, gave chase,: but owing io the
darkness were' unable .to capture them.
They Captured; however, :a lot .of
turkeys, chickenS, rind geese, which
the' thieves dropped in their flight, and
which are now in possession of 'Chief
Burgess :Campbell. . They will. be
delivered to the owner or owners if
called" for so.n. , Our town - Lae been
remarkably free from fires, burglary,
and deeds of violence for - a long time,.
-11'614.. a :well orgqpizeil and disci`
plined police fordi.
R.port of the. romale Benevolent
Society, of Carlisle, for 1869 : •
Balance in the treasury from 1868, $lB 02
Collected in northwest ward, 1869, 81 75
• southwest, -"--=---66 25
northeast " " 39 41
" - southeast " " 43 05
First Lutheran church—money -
$75 00, woixl2s 00, 80 00
St. John's church, 43 66
Second Presbyterian 'cluircht' .26 76
Interest on bonds, • • 58 16
Donation-of coal from A. H. Blair, 500
" • polancy.
Donation of flour and meal froin
Mr. Craighead;
Donation from Juvenile Benevolent
Total receipts,
Expended in 1869;
Exhibit of the Carlisle Building .nd
Loan Association for the fifth quarter,
ending November-22, 1869 :
To amount received from
dues, $4BBB 05
'Po amount received from
To amount received from
496 50
roial mugs for
Aug. 23—Balance
in Treasury;..
By 42-loans made $5612 - 50
lixpeni,eu for quarter, ~104 00
• f 5716 00
Nov. 23, 1809—Balanno
iu Treasury,
$20599 40
5390 06
Fifth quarter,
Payments first year, $20055 00
" sth wifir., 5710 50
- Ncrvt'2'.l;ll3(l9=TlHl TiTreafiu ry,
.188 14
' litli'.4oblllll3ll-1174'W13-1t7113-aik--
The article on the " Teacher?
Rialto," last week, was from a con
tributor who signed himself" Philos."
Persons writing coopibutions will
plcase,send name and post office ad
drees, in full, not for publication, but
:is a guaranty of good faith.
2), the Mears of the Herald
On Saturday morniT last through
the courteous invitation of Col. F. C.
Arms, the gentlerrianly Superintendent
of the South Mountain Iron Company;
we joined a party of `4lstinguished
gentlemen in a trip over the South
Motunain Railroad to its terminus at
l'ine Grove. The excursion party
consisted of the Hon. 'Henry • D.
Moore, President of the
,South Noun :.
min Iron Company. aml , Collector
. of the Port, of PhilndelPhia,
Treasurer of the South Mountain
Iron COmpany,- , and Pt:Carat:tit of
the Mechanics' National, Bank,. of
Philadelphia, F. O. Arms, Stiverin,
tenilatt- of the. South Mountain Iron
Company, J. Edgar Thompson, Bred
sdent:74 the Pennsylvania Central
Railroad Company, Irobertßeatty; of
the same Company, Jay Oooke p ,Pitt .
Cekplce, M. T. Lewis, of L6hilan,
land, Gen. L. Todd, Judge Graham;
Judge Watts, Judgo Hepburn;
Kennedy, of Tile • V6lunteer,. Col.
0. N. Lull, and Cain, S. W. Shoop,
of the , Cumberland Valley Railroad
Company, Mr. Charles Wharton, of
Philadelkhia, 'S. • Hepburn, , jr., 'and
your correspondent.
Our vehicle was the eleginit Direc
tors' caroof the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, to which was harnessed the
new enging " Soot!' Mountain."
, The ,
first object of interest aftei.
Carlisle is the. recently • opened ore:
bank On the firm of our fellow citizen;
W.. S. Woods. Thlif farm is located
_about two miles_south:of ; Carlisle,- and
the "opening','' a few' 'hundred yards
'irestOf the railroad 'As the train did
,not stop. at this 'point; wif . ifsti no Op:,
ptirtunitY of lnspectini Ids bank, but
we leaf w. authority
"that it : presents the finest, _Aim of
,‘ Op° ore" to o found .in Our ''vulkey
Mr. Woods is now #lliiig an oi•tiii
from N•r.,clarey'W, tbr
,orio thou-
• sand ions at five dollars per ton tit the
bank, Mr. y, cry .he're has
pioMpted several farmers lit the,viein;
lty, to " prospet" for9re'44 - ,thoii
.farms, irolearn, hi 'several
stances, consideiable show cif succekiff..
'place on, the ,Soath Mountain '!'ondi nn/
is shoat . f?4*?3,ll9l4th ypf,Paqiii!te,
iho farra-,ef,.ttlr,_ John_
' ,and at QUi•cresiing pt:thcqoilt,i . os4.
Bltio .; : Cho Messrs. Oralgliefid :14170
• ereated,a NvsiOlt l euse,. emit
yetrd, bale an are a rea r
doing ; hero too,
the 'l•4llo4d' crooks the Yellow
Dreeehei, isubitantialireAte bridge..
Vromithis PeintitYitrabotie three
to Mt. golly,. Where 'We AO. 'fir.Oc!ve
warehouse; - peal lerdj./ke.i.eyrned - by
Ole „Messrs. Hiven,.whry are daily. ref
relying ahipments .erfrel4b4 ; .:44-
ceiviag ara'„fei - yktirding: eeneigiir4ht`s,
of grahti'flour,lartkother- Fort ducti:
this section of eureounty.;• . , Two miler
further on at Iluriter's run, then gen.
s tlenien have established another depot
to accommodate the: farmers- of the
fi Burnt District," and that large por
tion of Adams •county, Whose - trade
finds its natural channel throag‘t Chia,
route. •At ISt. Holly the party disem
basked to take a look at the celebrated
ore bank here located. . This bank Was
in active working almost ;or qrtito
half a century ago, and since that time
it has beoa abandoned and reopened
paveral those as the mutations antes Iron
business rendered its working profit/J:4 -
hbl - e 7 or otli - Orwise. It o pro
perty of the Mt. Holly Paper Com
pany, who have leased it for a term'of
years to Mr. .yryncoop, of Schuylkill
county, at a royalty of $1 per ton, the
lease•fixins 1,000 tons per annum .as
the minimum quantity to be taken out.
This-provision; however, is merely
nominal, tis probably more than five
times that amount will be taken out
annually. This Working is- a huge.
basin, the bottom and -sides of which
reit ent immense veins and bouhlos of
hematite iron ore of micellent
The facility with. which the Ore
mined here is quite a desideratum, as
it is only necessary to loosen it with a
pick, shovel it intiithdcarts, and haul
,it not more then two hundred yirds to
. 2 81
$474 82
445 78
the washer, thence to the railroad aid=
ing, but a step,, when - it is ready for
shipment to any point east or. Meat.
The ore that is being mined here now
is daily carried to Schuylkill county,
wherd several furnaces are supplied: -
Within sight of .the Mt Hotly bank,
the same company is vigorously push
ku-s witayatmaimmamaLTA
which promises to develop quite as es- .
tenrsively, and richly, as the one just
under consideration. Leaving Holly:
Brink.; going east,. we find ir.rieW ex
cavation running dowri some fifty feet
by a cart road, and developing to a vein
of very fineore, at least 40 feetiu thick
ness, and the end is not yot--the mi
ners tell us that_ it is better,
"tam' - tistrif - at - the - top - .7 A boarding
house, eugine , house,
.and . stabling.for
ten ~horses have -sprung-up, as
Magic, - While a siding' of 400 feet" is
being built :to Sceorrimodate the ore
trains. An enginc and washing ma
chine are-upon the''ground, and it is ex
pected that within few weeks large
qnantiries of. ore will be delivered at
the siding. Enquiring the name of this
- bank - , - we - were told - that'tha-own ars •
were waiting-for a 100 foot vein before
the obristming. In contradistinction_
to the other groat openings, we dubbed
it Chestnut Grove Ore-Bank. It is the
property of n party of enterprising
Philadelphians, who own about one
and onesslialf miles of land lying along
0- iiiiiZt - Tarriffrorr - which-there-x---
peet to open sevend other banks.
The description of these two banksi
as to extent and quality Of the ors de
posits, will answer very well for the
two great workings of the South Moun
tain Iron Company, familiar to our peo
ple as -the Laurel • and Pine Grove
banks. The foriner which is .the'moist
recent opening, has boon worked for a
number Of years, and contains an insx
hanstible deposit of gocid :neutral ore,
above water level. Improved'hoisting
and :washing machinery, erected by
Colonel Armes, is now in. active opera
tion. Here Laurel Forge is located,
busily engaged hammering the raw'
pig from Pine Grove ',Furnace, into the
blooms. which' have attairied such ce
lebrity-in the iron . market, At Pine
-Grove Bank the heavy machinery for
excavating, hoisting, pumping, and
washing is, just now, receiving the fin-
Wring touches, Asreparatory to the
most extensive mining operations, And
we think it is within the mirk) to say
That next spring will see this bank
aleneyielding 100 tons . per diem; of the
excellent, neutral ore, for want of which
the furnaces, at and below Harrisburg
are langniShing.' '2l; shaft was -sunk
from' the . bottom :,of . ..this working,
through 107 feet of solid ore, while ut
a disittirieaelsinnething likert: 1,000
yards, one sunk, from.the snrface a few
feet in depth, conic upon - 411ra brsaid
by competent -judges, to be the same
r veitLi Indeed, by all known ppthode
of ascertainment, it, has, been demon
atiatod 'that , the deposits • and • veins
along -the lido - of Orli railroad,
upon, proper development,: tsX.f-fte lOa
paci.ty to the utmost to' tranaport the:
ore to market. .
$5004 64
$ 188 1
$25900 30
$25802 16
aying. the pro baulok
.visit to Pine Grove Furnaco, being. hap- 1 ,
pily just in time .to ,, witner• the . . "run'
out'-'—the casting of the molten metal,
into pig iron. Here we wore met by
Captain C. 11; Mark, the indefatigible
manager at Pine Grove, who escorted us
to his residence, in; the fine old maasion
attitclfecl toltlie,,farm2ce_ioroperty, whet°
ti bountifuliiinniii6Avaited the AisePssion
of rapidly;.te liead4
tincrteikat tho,Bdntti Houic,„the
uesfa Atelrobarked,t and -the Thiladel:
plan ,Marty,
,benfitifudly by : ' the StiTaid
the -Heats,
,-Heuseritlepartedliy . special
for,the Quaker city, all =Pressing them',
eOlves as having been "Well-topaid-foi
4t some ft
e'in tinio, Editors ?
, .
when you havore space, and I more
leisurs; Vproposo to niitalruire lit length
upon the suhject of ,the building of_
South, Mountain .Railroad, the doyoloii
mont of the ore 'doposits, and' the effect
the impmements might and. should
have uporalici bindaiiiind Social inter.
estelof) our tevl Aryl cgluitly, hut for the
Trosont, I am hastily yours.
11i • ' ' 4 , 3 I. : fre; Sf 4 . 1 Icvlitl
. Thirties iratink BOOOriii banit'fito grrap
of any dOscriptioa t tMAin,any qaanti ‘ ty l 4
From a aing p lo - upward ; will a
litOria cub.paroli s aier by
• • I
Jersey City, N. J,
4 ,
• t. .• kt"
• • ^
, [panot,txteemotitil
Sleighs ! Elloighs! Sleighs i you
want tfineo the hanclsa teeth loighs evei
*ado in Olunberland - Oplllit . Y;go to the
Coach Faetory at A.rß; Sherkosornoi6l
Pitt inaSoittliotri? - 5;;P.4 1 104 alfd't "
'Seat : ed . :Single Sleighs; a- - istiiap and
M „ •
ks I at, all pricer+. All
sbades ,of ,farioy 'saki at' $1.60* per
yard.- Plaids reduced . : from4l -to 50
OM's. • French, poplinso..plain, from
$1.60 ,t 0,75 cents..., Black. T la..bro w n
p 'cents. Only to be, had ,at'thead
prices at W. 9. Sawyer & ;,
The committee appointed by the Amer,
loan Institute to examine into the meri
of the various coal burping Otoves, "have
reported that, aftOr making a `thorough
examination of the various stoves, and
, sting - them—thoroughly, 7 both in refer
once to economy amid heating power; they
have found thei , tAmericin Base BurneA
(manufactured in this 'city), to be the
most economical, and the most powerful
heater—some of the teats showing 'that
this stove consumed one-half leiS
fuel than the others; and in every_caie
gave much more heat." Is. it not .bettor
to get the above named steviand avoid
the groat waste of coal IL:Albany Snick
erkeker. •
These, stoves afe for sale by William
FridloY, East Loather street, Carlisle,
Coate i. Black cloth coats,
$4.00; single shawls $1.70, best $2 50;
at W. C. Sawyer & Co's.
Aria! Fins! Ladies' furs mtisked
down to $4.50 a set; itt. W.O. Sawyer
• Extraordinary low prices 1 Ladies'
kid gloves 25 cents ;' Ladies' and chil
dren's hoods 25 cents Swigs edgings
and intertings, 'lO :cents per•yard;'
dies' collars and cuffs,. infant ,bodiei,
and all kinds of - fancy needle work, at .
half price, at W. C:Sawyer & Co's.
o on y p ace you can uy •ry
goods at less than the old.prides ia, at
W. C. Sawyer & Co's. •It is astonish.
log the prices they have cut their goods
down to. We cannot see how they
can afford this reduction, but would
advise all to go and , see, all Who want
Christmas piesents•should give theia a
call. We are sure they will not coat
you-Much. - W. C. Sawyer & Co.
Pre: Addison P. Wyman, ilia popit•
lar_composer, luteharge of the depart
meat of Music in ,the Hollidayehurg
Seminary ,
A lopository of Fashion, Pleasure, and Insane-,
• supplement containing nunierous full Bleed pat
terns of useful articles accompanies thu paper every
fortnight. and oroaslenally an eloyout,Colored Push
ton Plato.
Ifarpecb Ban.r coo tains 16 folio pig - on of th•iltn — nr
norpor'. Woukly, printod on nupernue coloodeiod
papor; nod Inpubllohod weekly. ,
Harper's hear contain. beeldes picture., pattern,
etc., a variety of matter of imperial use and Interest to
the family; articles on health, dress, and -housekeep
ing to all Its branches; Its editorial matter la
daily adapted to the cirele it Is intended to interest
and Instruct zed It has, besides, good -shale. and,
literary matter of merit. It le not eurprislng•that the .
Journal, with [loth fehtfires, hos achieved, inn. short
~Aujattkepte apccea, I for wimethlng of ill hind
wen 1111811.6 d its ptibll,s7
era have filled-the donned. The young lady who
buys a eluglo number of Harper', Barer, le made a
aubcerlbor for life.—New York livening Post. •
The Bazar la excellent. Like all the periodicals
which the Jfarporie publish, It is almost ideally well
edited, clad the clans of readers for whom it le in-'
. .
tended—the mothercand daughters of average fatal
Nes—can not but milt by It. good genie and good
Mate. which, we has • no doubt, ace to day making
very many ponies happier than thdy may have been
berme the women began faking leerrons In potions!
'and houeehold, and social monagemont from this
good natured mentor —The Nation. " •
It has the merit of being sensible, of convoying
Instruction, of giving excellent patterns lie every
department, and of being, well stocked with good
reading matter.— iriarchenan and Rcflaclur. ,
harpar's Baser, one year ' • - At 00
Au Extra Copy of either the Magaslne, Weakly. or,
.Donor ho supplied gratis for lror,yClutr of Ph - o
Sub'scrlisen at Al 00 each, in oiso; or, Six
Copies for $20.00, without ultra copy. •
Subecriplions to harper'. Magazin°, Woolly, and
Bazar, to ono address for ono 'year, $10.00; or, two of
Ilarpor's Periodicals, to one addresAfort ono year,
$7,00. •
. . . •
Bark Millibars can bo supplied at einvilmo. • :
' Vols. I and It. or 'llarpar's , Bazar, for .the yawn,
1806-0, elegantly bound ha green ',torero° cloth,
will Lo pent br exproes, freight:prepaid, for: $7,00
Tho postage on Harper's Aisne Is 26 colds a 'roar.;
which mutt he paid at tho oubotrlbreo post oillca.
Addrtwa 11ARPInt k 11ROTIIIt8S,
. Now York.
, .
11011iRCiTHONO I POY'S icOT . loENcri - -
JL ace Is hereby given4hat a rule has been graitted
by Alio Court of Coutmoti,Plaul of Cumborlandscounty
upon all persons interedted, to show cause at next
Argument Court. on Decombur 14, 1860, why W J.
Steen and It. IL Thoinas, assignoos under deed of val•
untary assignment for benefit of creditors,- of William
Y. Johnson slid, Himmel P. Johnson, lately doing
Lushness in the Immo of Joint Julnutoh & Sons, should
not be relieved front any. Auditor responsibility, and
ho discharged from any and all liability to the creil
'-uni of sold tualgetois. ~. • =
J. F. BRINDLE, Prothonotary.
" A - Cprupl 114tory 'of the TI meL.
.The Mot Clionpoot, and )hot !Moment Fondly
: P.por In tho 0n10n.4
••I'n NorthibOr will L. tomin ncq "flan And,
Wife," a now medal story, spionalidly_ifilustintesh by;
Wilkie Collins, (Author of " the Woldan White."
"No, Name," "AtrokUlsio,", and .. , Tho, Aloonstsno."),
'Now bitinicriber, Iforpor's'
Weekly from the ronunonemsont or the Start° tho•
and of 1670 for KUO. -'
Tho aiollol NOWlllllApbr .0( 01137 country.:Oomplotit
in all the dopartniente of an AMericatvlfamilytl'aper
Harper'. Wookly bar iatrhod ibritsolf.a right.: to its,
title. " A Journal of Civilleittlon."—Nete TorPEVENi
in ifilrPool4o44lo2) , intiaisiiividliAuclateil
twat newialapikfw Apiece:4-4Y .1. independent., •1
The ertlidotiarini iv:cations which appear in
Ifarptir'er Weekly, from week to week, lona er , rat
martial° eerie., of br,ll.political map, Toy ars
dletingialelmd. elear auct stareinhiti'
gaol COllllllllll - 11QIIIM, by independence and brueoth of
view. Th., are the oxprossion of mature coarim ion;
high principle, and strong fooling, and tuko Moir
placo among the heat nowspaper writing of the limo:.
—.North American Beano, Batten, AiseracAneetts, r
'Herber's WeeklY; t ige . - • .
An Estra Copy, of ultberthiliagislne. Wooly. or
Baur will be supplied tretle for every,gilob of .riee
Subscribing at $1.•0 tomb, In ono randttpuch ; or; Sl*
Cubical fur $ 2 1.00, without ultra ;
übscrlptise.a to "Harper's MagatinglcWeigillY, and
Ilium, to ono addreas for ooe year, sfu&dig or, : two of
limper's Puriudicalig, to ono guldrieggi, for one
- •
Bock giblobene can ba pundit& et our time.
Thu Agnielel Volumes of Ilarper'e Weekly, IR .netit
ciOth blodlog,,will be lent 'by impress, hoe ot. ex
pone°, for $7 aucb. !A. emblem Sat, aumprleigire 1$
vulumwg, seat on receipt of emb, at tho rote of 35.26
per volume, freight at expenvo of purchaser. Volume
XIII, rendrJahuaryl,)B7o.
Tb&PolltaMs oh Harbor's Maikly Is 20 cents a ' , pit,
widen :mud IA paid at the subseribeee pcelotlioe,
&Mime • , IblitPll/3 & 12110221N1t8,
Now York, , ,
. Stop by step iblireominallty hoe attained Wm npra
cadential fame..They.eire Milvireally approval. Theij
support, ptionligwin, and aht..the growth of towel
They app*.to have opegallafeilfectillipti t46-nerwet
alloying irritability, wit 110 impßlYinglvyarritth,c,lbtiy
, aosm to aortaulate electricity; am!, al4 the cyrelai lop
iti" blood:AVougil .Part
willeh healthy ; aetione are italectid: I
. lli 7 vqh l llVPll"nitlidviAqieVoAttiditiVUO/kiliite
oo g l tliq tumor thoPoroun pla!tell fitlT:!#lo.94d
the airrtiviihttloa;and tlio.potiraiym(a.
Tp.liuSytho p9lont cohld help .lisnoltywhlts.before
the PiiiMM l l tuator'Witit tov
yew .
. ,
Critical Noticaeof the Premol
rr"~",z'Cced•.X;: ..':;C%~:.~.,~i-3-Y ~r^W ~~. .: i,w,. ^.[n>.:>t;r at£o, , ...f Y'v'3i•=6L'^ _,.:~5~..::. rz:e:'.; ~Yc o-C~':a7~- , ii:x; -~..
1,0/3---5:, , , , .. - ;:...,.0,-,
. arips... , ‘ ._-
W A. AT,Vitobta RI X . OK.
tointisaroX liiII.CIIANTO f ••,• •
Nholeaalo dedare kno.llklada of,
• 'kit; Aiti;
NO:i11:1 'North' VirhAries,'• •
• , ,
• • .-.A.bovo Ur, area, ' . •
. . .
From the Baltimore College of Denial SurgerY. 'Oftic•
at the residence pt his mother, Eliot Louthor sirop
three doors below Bedford. • i 2 , 'lOO9G'
DR. J, B. RENDEric.
" 110.510EOPAT1110 PIILBICEAN:
Office In the room formerly occupied. by Col. Jobn
Loo. • 10mM3
• E 1
L. -SHRYOOTC, : • -
Office; N 0.3 Irylnol Row. -, . - •
Office In Routh Rollover linnet, opposite Rentes dry
Reeds store. • . • 103069
~. •
tate Demonstrator of Oporathro Dontletrj , of no Dal
thnori College of Dental Snigery. -Wilco at Lie reel
dooco, oppoelto Marion Doll, Weat Main !Area, Car
Halo, Pa. lOseG9
aon.y.t.IIIPARSZ. W. W. filt!liTAoE.
..1E1 914;; 11
N. B. Cor.. Third and s Market streets,
0111 c o -on Mnln etreot, in Marton null, cnrlinlo. lone('
Offico In bull ,ng attached 'to the lerankliu IlotoL-op
posit° the Court home.. . lUaeo9
. .
kieohardenburg, TA. °Med. on' Railroad street, two
doors north or tho Dank:
MlllllOOB promptly, aDendedlo.
J. R. MILLER,_._
UP • . •
Miro, No. IS Routh Hanover greet, oppelto Coylo's
etoro. r a losoGO
Carlisle, Pa. No. 9 Rhoolo's hall. INeGO
. . .
P. - - H...SHARBARGEB, - '
Plainfield, Westpennaboro' tOwnsliip.
. Cumberland County, Polo:ea t ...
- All boallioaa, eutruated to Idol-will receivo prompt
i . on. o . -—29. a, .
'An w ork guaranteed, and will reedy° prompt at
tention. Ordora left at tiro " lieraid.Oflice.' will re
ceive prompt attention. • Oct. 20.
Corner North . rtal Pitt itreeta,
, , W. F. BADLETt.
°Mee; 2286iitli Hanover street, next the Good Will
Iloso Mum ' 10.69
Wilco In naitheast corner of the Court ITottuo. IOgeGU
-vvrEs. B. InTIONs,
Fiftli . gtACtliblOW - Chearlllti
• .
ANGE OF 11011118.
.701011171 - AllieMoiidar,'Noyeorber-MAI-4861 1 ,
monger Trains will run dally , as follows, (Snudaya
:,ACCOMMODATION 'TRAIN isives Harrisburg
'8 . :00 8. m , Mechnuireburg 8:35, Oarlish 9:11, Nowville
PAO, Shippeusburg 10:20, Cliambersburg 10:44, Oreeu
caalle arriving At liagarstOwn 11:45, a. M.
MAIL TRAIN laaves'llarrisburg 1:55,'r. m , Me.
;cbanicsburg 2:07. Carlisle 1540,, Nawville 3:15, Ship
ponsburg 3:45, Chamborsburg 4:29, Oreenrastio 4:58,
arriving at Hagerstown 5:7.5, r U.
EXPRESS, TRAIN leaven Harrisburg 4:15, r at,
11.11aniesburg 4147; Carlisio 5:17, Nowville 5:50; 8111 p.
pansburg 6:17, arriving at Ciumborsburg 6:45, r At.
A MIXED TRAIN haves Cliambarsburg 8:00, A m
Oroantaatle 0:26, arriving at Ilagerstpwn 10:10, • m.
- E4BT,WAIip
5:00 0 W, Shippensburg 5:20, Newrilla 5:00, Carlisle
0:33, Olsehanictiburg 7:02 arriving at HarrisbUrg
7:30, a U. .
MAIL TRAIN Laren Rags. strewn 8:00 A SI, green
ensile 8:35, Chlgniberaburg 8:18, Shrupsusburg 0:40,
Nalvelliu 10:14, Carlisle 10:50, Mechanicsburg 11:24
arriving at iirtrrifibllrg 11:55i A. U.
EXPRRSB s .TRAIN lea Yes llngerstown . 12:00 sr,
Greoscustle 12:20, Chainbersburg 1:05, Shiliphesburg
1:37,17in/sills 2:10, Carllsli(2:so, Mechanicsburg 3:18,
strlying,at liars hilalrg 3450, r r.
A 311.01) 1 TRAIN loaves llagarstovin 3:05 r - st,
iiilrechmaitle 4:12, Arriving at Oliainbermhurg 5:05; At
• Atir Making close connecilons at Harrisburg Mitt
Irides to and froniViiiindelphia, New York,Pittsbutt
Baltimore and Washington
. . .
, ' 0.. NAULL; Supt
. .
'Ailltiostolllco Cbrimb'g Nov. 0, 1860. •
• ..
alh-kludont Dry:popo,, Paulo. L 03 4,
top.: Nawi IYork.i and Plalladolplail, wittOng. the,, iue
portOrwlnimonao lota sinew and Goalruble goods forced
intogoisuctienroom and sold at a sited tic o f which
account, fur tho priori! join enabled to offor srarou
ntdo bums. • ooods nonfood ovary day at
pricy that will matouiola ill •. •• , . ,
Paisley 'Maids, jewel Stripa Shawls,'
.ininar Wool Long and Square Shawls,
. lain Black do, Cashmere Beads,
, Ti.,s new
. .tylo and many other fancy goods a t prices that defy
colopotltion as 1 have received Om on 16 days sale,
ell u‘lAold to ho roturpon,, an advantage no other
house in the county posseSses. oat
Black, Bloc, Green; POW, Lohd, Wino and Proem
Wool Hopp., Lest quality, at a groat redaction.. Mach
Alpaccas, of host make in'hxhitence, at prices lower
than previous to thu war ,which shows thu effect of a
paitic. Men's and.lloy'e Weer: llnwy penvor
Plain Black uud Peary Cloths and Casslmeres, :at
hlete, Joatis, alld all the varlutur .gJcds sultablo for
the summit at greatly reduced rides.
Water, root) Wattir' Proof I 'rho sale of Water
Proof Cloth having increased so much this beitson.P.r
hllos' Hulls and elrculaie,''momo uniuttfacturers havo
Neut proper to advance the prices• tut we shall con
Umtata sod at the leareld'prfelie that - they have ever
~ bean sold at. All ristelitles..4llluel and Gold 111 x:
I.Vaterkreet.. „. . ' • , ' -
- - •
•, • Ladies' • Merino' Vests -and Drawers, -
Gant,. Yblrt mid bravery; Ladies' Willioitid
2iderltioaud all wool lime of overyquality,Chlldron's
white and fancy wool ,iloso,,trairy, slice wool Man
phislipN.,'Gtlngbamr, at
,prices, lowor than they baraboon sold'forw Ind plum.
I#dlcentid Children." naw gqtylu .filiimit of •olerydo,
ecrlsitlosi, from tho haviest hi (hi finest' tuaindite=
tured Gouts.. Ladle.' and, Ohlldren'a lion, Shook',
ovary also, of bast quality. Walloon,' coloted
sun' opauutorpaues, pt a srrontradactl rh:
I isiipeetfully ask' iiii'llispe'rOcin Of Ki 'stock Do'or
paretniallog mi I ant confident I not :ablo to unit
price., all who may foyor toe, With. .sk call, Don't b
huintlistged Into buy Mg' npilin nfc'lloop Mint
DI 5, calicos, c., but se,ll',ll, whale otuck
o lode right through, all roduaed lu prico.
• " . an'.01311.131".• •
el2OO Ico. 4], West halo Slrost.
- •
: ) IViTiird init i v i c2pitiert Vltitftthl B l itirroe ' vith
ennotatit otoplaymont.et4tOrne; tito nimbi or the Emu
or fir tho intim moments. It ittinous now! Eglit_und
•Id•ollteibti — Periiiiiiii of a - trier - Mtßite I intrn front 50
route toss a. r corning, and it proportional nom by
devoting their vddile tlino to Om boul ore% Boys and
girl. earn nolirly . ve , much ail MOLL .TlitlVldi who
- ore
vide muyveitd their nildroxii, and torktbAbital
nemore make Obi mapidalloled•olTir:.To tacit 61111111)
not: wyllaatt.Aod, f wa velli gontlli, to'pity for Alic
.trouble of writing. , oebiebia
lily, wn Ich voill do to, cotantencorwbrk on, nail sccOpy
of The l'eople's Literary Cloaporibm —one • of tiro
'Argot itad bout family newupaboni publishod—all
freoLyinnii.-ittoutler;---1(- - yon Vaimtintrmanonti
profitablo work. nddroxt AL 0. ALLEN & 00., A o oil a,
Aluitio. • i'• • - •iii,, • •• 1 • ..._• :•;• : •
A Pori, bolint. ratio lot Oi o Dollar a ,Year 1
JL depeAdnot Family Journal, pub.lalnl weekly,
at New lalootatield`, to,, Will, on 'the let of Jainiary
1870, be enlarged, too Forty Column Paper. Fitch
ppinUor rwlll:coatalit r Orlgfual or talented ctorien.
Aneodotem Local and Niacallanootie New,' and ouch
• variety th' Intureatinifjtoading Blattar, that it can
not 1101 toqb• • Iwelcillnanlvialtint(to, every family
.otrele. it, will be printod mr that clam paper, end
'mailed to anbacriliore at the lowiniee of UNE DOL.
LAU par yiliV f ln adininciamLBpechnen coplie mono&
2deefe3t I Now Bloom, old, rii.l
STORE R0031.:01; RENT.
A rare °hence
,le tklered to , "-any ono &airing, to
Clump, or go Into beln e ne, an the Odd' Fellow'
nail neseeletlon Sprifigi't hive an elegant,
room. 65 1 . .0610', VI wide, Nellie, an uplin hont, In
,Oinbeist,tAelnoonporOnn- ,the porongtt 4-ICoek
SPrIPIII,IO I 444:oOnMY, , PL, '. •
(U K tiv.inktnnatnii,,l444,:titnl..oaa'rpiio*
AtidantVAN - Bdirs.
imsTATE NOTIOk.:•zOg'.: •1;
_ii24 Letters testamentary on the .estate of Samuel
.411(110.04M of Ilampdenlownship; dammed, having
'Beau lashed - brth altegliferef - Cumberland - ccunty - to
the undersigned, residing in East POllllO/01COUgh town
ship, notice is hereby given to. all portions kumVing
themselves indebted to said estate to make payment,
-and thotie.liaidna - ntalms to - present _them, properly
authenticiited,rferjlettleinent, to .6 .
r 26hoet - 'WILLIAM SADLER, Executor.
. . , ,
MEN FOR COLIEOR IN cimant..„„.
'An English - and .Classical School for . young
and boyo will ho opened September 6, In Bentes
building, on South Hanover Street.
Puplia I nstruc torl in English, Classics, Mathemnli
Natural Scicrica, Ponmonohip, ho., , '
TUE coultati or 'STUDY.;
7 •
is destined to malty thorough English scholars and
Co prepare for 6bl/spo. Special - attention will be
given to 'PracticaL Ariihntefie, Rending, Spelling,
Penmanship, &a , that students may be well Murrell;
ad for bnirinoss4lfe, and have 11. good foundation for n
moro extended caureo of study.
~, ,, t llll GOVERNMENT
will he adapted to young gentlemen amhtlinso Nvito
cannot be treated time will not ho allolved to remain
with WI. •
hi divided Into two sessions, beglneftig respectively
September 0, and January 3..
(Payable In Advance.)
tat Soa•ton, Common English, , 00
du Cidootco svitCCordmoil Engllol, 20 00
'2d Bession, Column E n 25 00
do ChiaAis Common EnallA, • 20 ou
'ilia scholars of this Amidemy, by tho payment. of a.
small sums annually, eau hare [house of the College
Libraries, containing 25,000 volumes,
VACATIONS —July and August, and from Christ.
MTh to tho Monday lifter Now Year.
BOARDING Le.—Pupile front I alnond L o co the
privilege of rooming .111 Dickinson Collega It they
elm.° to do so, and will find good boarding either
In Collegoiclubs or hi- privet° families; ranging
from $2 10 -- to - 2 , 5 00 per rick.
Address, IL W. STERRETT, A. B. Panelpal
tak gient pleasure_in coml.:Ming Mr. It. W.
Sterrett, A. 8., ati a gentleman eminently qualified to
teach. IMY.,conailei,co In hint is inch, OUR I Omit
commit my own son to lad care.
•- - . It. L. DAMiEia„
Ilreaklentniortinson College.
Sep. J, Em
INS the nolo right, no Agent Ter Cnitibeihind
County,l'a:, for the onto, ‘rholosale, of a now
A _
selli.ll Is superior to nnything vier IHtrodurvd: and
can uupply the trade through the count•, 101.10e:tie
Their FLUID is ilieoper da; K IMP ne; it is ton
explosive; tnakealt tater, eiTtrer, tigh t
than Koromenooritny Labor oil or cdmpound
•bmlts no - bad odor or Towel], nod is p.rfnetly horn;
TlSlorchantrorothors wishing to peopia to teat tills
Thn suhsqrillop hay lug purchased Mnsserilnitll'a
corner,.on roulfrut nod Math rd x [mats, and'on•cted
then MI a Sti/riii;TinT. - tilia9iplilinil:Wilif li—str,--stoa—
:.t. well Qelooo.l Flesh (hoc erlev Ills lancl, will be
found 10 be rolnpletu In 151 . .), particular, nod only
thing sold will be wail/mite/1- cc 11.111:VSI•tited lie
of all Plods, '„
A gond ns,ortmont of NOTIONS. A yymel.illty made
on ull kinds of Salt Aloats. ouch no
HUMS, ! Shoulders, Sides, Dried Beef, Sre
Canned and
or all Elndo, cow:tautly en hand
FLOUR nml PEED of the Iyat grad., niel in
quantities to emit pureliasera.',-
tioeila Font to any part or the town if tleslroil
Call and price p.urivit at 1h 41. Palt Poe/A.14
Strolt.• • • JOHN
,Sept 1869-6 m
JGUN l!'-/111,li 1 RA,
Mi.ldb.) of tho block, botwoon. Sov oth awl Eighth
- • Streotx, .Houth rido,
. . . , I
• .
IMPOltiltlf,' .O,IUtACTIREIL At4ii Dim LEE, IN
- • • •
`l[.?' A IsVO 'Y ' F S ,"
}•or, i..tous AZil) CIiILDRI N s 11 EAR
Thving volareed, rennithilt..d. and improved r4y ol:1
and favoraly known yUlt It el:0111CM and Intvihi
impi clod n'very largo and splendid assortment of ell
the different kindooffurs front first Itand,in Enrope . ,
and bars had Clotir tootle up by the most skillful
workmen. I would respectfully invite my h leads or
Cumberland and adjacent conotin4, to call and ex•
amino my very large and ~,,ortowoc nl
Fancy-Furs for Ladles and Children: ,Llllll determ
ined to aril nt Mk \V prices as any otber re:mortal&
Louse In this city. sill Vat, marranted. No pit:,
relmvs.mtlund to cgrrt, wdrs.
179 E pt a
' ,lletrol;ofi6in Ciffti Compawy
Bg the
Guth, gi . lil to ftle'nnihtiiit'or:ti'L.3rit),oo(...,
Ls.Citsh gifts, each ♦ ;10,000
.;.1.0 Carl' gifts„ each , . 5 .00 0
20 Cash gifin, ttacit .1,000
40 Cash gifts, each "
200 Cash gifts, each ' • • 100
. 300 Cloth gifts. each ' ,
50 Elegant Rosewood Pianos. c:101 to $7OO .
.-.7s,Elogant Rosewood, t
75 to:, 0.0
'B5O Anteing . Mitchloce,' • • ' cu to' 175
200 Oold etches, "75 to hil l Quilt prieKSlluer ,Oil colloid of ,i,01)0,00.)
A chance to draw tills , of the above pries, for 25 ers 7
Tickets decanting prices two settled ite envelOpes oho
well mixed On recolpt of 25 cents o sealed licAel
drawn without.. clioloo 'and ,ient'by ;g, looy
dress, Thoprize fawned Mien it will be delivcrektq
lielvit holder on paytnotrkof orie,efollar. dltrizcs aro
immeillatoli' tient, to any oath°. by expto or rotor. , moll: , . .
You 41.11 know what your'prizo is if fore yo. PoY •
(milt. A ny prize exchanged
.for au her VllllllO rob.
ue N 6 ;Blanks. Our listrons can' dePend 'on foie
,deniing. , - -
ltswrgwvoss =:-We select the following front. notnY
, who have lotoly drown veinal owl - kindly
pernlittod tette Publiell them IS I) Willtine, Buffa
lo, t 5.0110; Mies Anniortieurns, Chletgo, Piano, Scf.o,
Joint D. Moure,,Lout.vlll.., , ,til .00 • ; Miss litiiiiitt-Wal!
worth, Milwaukee. P1ati0,..45(10t , Iter.'" lloi.NoW
Orleans. Ku publish no names without It, r.
mission. - ' 'x.
, 4,ophilolio or the tows: Ire. firm It an*
- tloorrro their Iree'lelyVrilotine, Oct 8, "Ire
know Clow to tot ti Ihriild
•'A Intuit. +f ruts drew t‘ 4. which was
prontoll7lrkelvetl.'! Daily tiVAtlx,,Ott
Send I..r,rlrpuler. indnoentente to Agent 4
MickagV sealed
envelopes cootrthis ono Cask gill. riqx tido!. Sr $l,
'l3 for $2; 35 fur l !,; 110 for $l5. All lettere shonld
be eddies:tad :11.A11.14211, & CO., ' •
;,, • 1 ,, - 11% Droittlway, WY. •
Thit xuhaerthdr t.frorx at' vitn l .•o6l.lil tho v 11.•
Ingo ot,CoatOnylilo,Camburlatid I' inlilicny
liotweoit Carli s le and Shippowit•nr4,'on the liraljult'
poi tom rlttil t qho, 10110'41i rig:desirable : real Ns tato.:
A 'LOT'Oir 0110IIND,Foutatning ,
4, ),LA -Goo4 , ,Mdllllorboarcltil 110u4e ) ,
a amnia 'Bank Darn, and other anti,' ulldinga:
dpkailtaltia '44,64; 04411610 h i4deiid a:lmin new .
Frania Iltilldinkj i)vdatoripd; n'datiepboarded, arid
nlabfenad, tfont' Wed conannahar , ' The
Olio le Inlideskabla ,nal6htairhinidi7andla ttOiligtv
. obod tfado." The'idnaleon nada,- 'rah ha
pn,fobaacalttdpiliad, , 'Paiaindan ho; on• had lyaany.
alma `to aultinwahhaar, • " • • '` o ' •
• 114 tinnia,'4a`2'alinly bereidiallY,'nejiy leekan
21 1 .1Poti : quinberlasticaputy,
NO numßup
Pickled FR U ITS
718 Arch St:rodt,
716 Arch Stn ot,
A. L. Si'.o SEER'S CO 'CAIN.
I , ...SPOAPIRW ', - • •
roMitiA* rOot renal; Coarroyantor In Atli ,
an co (Jlaim • •,,Agout,.. ()Oleo-Main . y•troot,Naar.
-Coo tit) S•tif , •• • • ;.. -• •
• "
FOR RENT. ' , •
_Two' conimodloue tvco l ;;Jor; iirirk Houses, on tho
east tilde orlfriet effect, botweep 311 In and Loather
streets, jn the, 4oroliglk of Carlltle;, Ilkowlso rein.
ablo lot.of grcinnd. on. eaflotdo
of Letort
contolnlng about TI1111:11.1 ACRES, holm` the property
of 'the beli'd of aieleplc' Blirom;deceased, all In excel
lent repair, will be Wooed fur one year from tho lot of
Arai noxt. For tonna, fix ; enquire of
A two story BRICK. Pcbtato Resident.° slkunted on
South Minor, street, between Pomfret awl South
streets, Cirlinle. Tho lot contains 21 feet in frcilit and
120 In depth. The house 13 nearly new, containing
donblo'parlors, dining room nod kitchen on die first
floor, and Svc cionfortahle chamber, on OKI second
NtUry.fltld three finklieil rooms on tint attic, v(od•
ont owl...tainting, fruit treed; nd grope- vinc,,,and
hydrant lit nip - aril. Ywptiro of
Real Estate Agent:
NT ALU A 1312 E PIZ .eVrE RE St
v , DENHH FOR SAId3., ,
Sittistn.onEOuth Hanover street, Carlisle, ,11(1if
'Owned nod °coupled by hire. Waslnnood, Into LW.,
proporty of Ilenedlet Law. The lot fronts on Ilan•
over st., 00 toot. nod extends back the snow. width
2,0 feat to an alloy. The itnProveme,tits aro It largo
two-story - 11in ME HOUSE, with Verandah in front,
containing Double Parlors, 11411, Chamber, bluing
room. and IC Ilehon no lower 11,70 r and six elmnibuis
end BatltTroorn on the 2nd story. bus and water
have been hi tri.(1111.01. a largo Stehle end
Cafe logo Ilduse at. the loot of the lot. Tho lot is
Weil stu ddod with ornate., at,,. 11,08 and shrubbery,
beoidoB fruit 01 almost every deseriptiou end Grapes
or the most choice nelson in, iu et.mbince
Enquire of
Real Netate Agent
defin posit of the Loot .qnslity lieonstite Ore,
lieldlng percent. itoteprislog about
lotsited 1n monote is , nthip, about 2 miles irom the
Iron Works of C. V. Ail, On the booth able
dr the Yellow. Bros:hen There in it stream of
water :tinning through the tract audit:lent for
wo...hing the ere and furnishing water power he
alths. A portion of the / it: under a burn and
Will I, ~ r id Nub], et thoelo. Thu balance ix unin•
POI FOOS th , irlflll3 of Vie Win, Om Bank may call
upon 11,orgr W. I,ldiell, at for
inerly known an 11l irlmr'n mill, Mourne townsblp,
Cumbm land rounly, or upon
A. L..iPoNr.Ert,
11. d E..,tato
F9ll, SALE.. • •
A "Nivato Reritlenre situate On South Ilatuitirr St.
Carlisle,-nearly Opposite Emily's Hotel Lumina by
James Bentz. 'Thu lot runtaiini Ino trot in front
running back 210 feet, and being 70 foot In tiro idth
ht the rear. -The• buildings am nearly new and In
excul lent order, comprising it eninumillous
- -
wltli a large Twe•Stony Brion Pool: Buildhignttech
od eentainnoo ell the Med.o improvements
oo , l,_uaLtur_The-h,catian—of-t-h-la-property
is one of the Mgt eligible In the towel, and will, Lo
die jell of on favekaljle tem.. Fur term:, and far
ther particular, miaire of
lteztl Estate Agent
FOB SAT,E—That desirable. Private.
Itvaidoa, eituated nu NV.,t Pomfret treat,
Car 11.1,.. ral rain , :10 f o ol Or 4,114 and 240
amt in ,141,14 i. 'fla• improooo,otB oooo4t of o
Dlnimr lit om, nitd
IC itchnii nn tto triwri• "right entivotilTZ
Clininki'A on the 11.1 Horan orm. tito front
bilfl.lll, and k hoil.ling. a Wash
li1)08”, liath ltt,nllt, nnei l'lnst.l; awl pm .pipes
rimnim-into the crllnr. .1 byittinlit Milli! yard foul
%vat.' on tit, don - . "nn f irn tirokrty is
iu snout 1 duttili .n. null dm irmition ono of
111, moth de , i1:11.10 in i town. Th, hot is until st utl
dint tcrtlt null trin.salni sin ul.l.ory, and gotta a autn-
of grain , tir.o at stit.orit.r Fir terms
apply to
late A•zunt
:4 it (0
. Fit oat. on ilia Sonlb-nide'of ilho Yellow Breeches
crook in Mourn° ttnship, aboutwile East of
A's Iron 11',:trka, containing 711 Aaron, all cloorod
but about 2 Aert4t. which are cot oryil ttlth good tint-
Milan tlnilititnenliitun - twotstprs
I , IUNIE lIUUOB , tilth convenient out
Largo BANK BABN'tilth IV:i2on 'Shod and 'Coin
:thalte.l. A clod., Apple Orchard fit good
.hearing together tt ith l'eaehes, Peals, Cherripa
and Clain-, alottidanee and :In e Neellent and never._
lailing.teell of \Voter at tile door, The t oo l is lit a high
Oat, or Ludt 1111 , 1, and-thy
,pros ellanill to got elder. Tito location is n deeira
-I.le one, Lein. tonr .•hureli, will anti hi hold haunt.
soli! Fide lii•adre the 2titti yof
&...illentliiia..aext ilia iiirtii•veitl_ tie alforril at ltablie
S , Ol ,- on . that flay.- itratifnar-i7c-vietring•"th,
Iginie,e.t may call ui.:l tiro. 11'. Leit6oly la Laidtclia
mill. in tiat
- Far I r-no 'ha - ripply - to • •
1r Qll, 0 Nsiaa, •
'Reg' litatata Agent
1u 69
' Ora Ppiddy, December IQ, 1860
. . .
Will lie Pohl nn the preniiicii, in
proliiiytori ! ,n
Chinch, nn tln IV/ilitl II II that ,iiitinble
:112ACT OF LANll.l.inlliii i.roperty i.f .lolin
L , in Is or .::„„„..] it n,toi , ,1„1,
1;4, k.””t.ouiz,g
111010 OF /CS., first quuli Lf of Illoefitune hind The
harlot, Ino,fii are a Dotriti.n
Ko, it h havhbuildma-, 1 entell ISAILIsi, ample
lit the nano titp rhtoe, !merry railing well 01' tinter,
it largo einem, r..nreely L. lug.f There le en
nch, LI o nit a va: t , ty ev,
choijo fruLts, Lippley,
prole c, p.IIIIIX, Chi 'Phis is
1 , 10 p, operly :net s v, ry one for an)" f. resin
Lire: , a sinall LifiLi aL ry I , rotinetleo tarn,. The
11011. ig within It lbw 1 . 0.14,,1 . ,I: house nod two
r.tnl i, in nll reipeei, inivnotageonely
‘trit.• It lv 'within eight Li 11,, el' on the
lifilont !fine LLI'L me!, it hil:u;,.4:l“l.ll,lltdf nail, n
of enteirevillu, .
SJI (0 00111111,1, Itt"%III, IC, , eo:t1 dy,
%Oleo terms o ill Sc 00,,10. Sinew,, by
OCHS W. 1117, , T , N,
Atnitti. (nthw with xlll annexed
8u1b ., . it , . 11 , 1 vhl' Ui • 11, 1in.,11
ilt,R I , elorlll.lcli.ll. tltls
by 11.0 l'or o 111111-
1111(iiill, 1111,1 ‘ , lll hr pl , ,lLlt'd h. OW Uri itallq' Ceillrt
uC Cumbi ,10tinty, t , qlllll
4511 Tilt-qyty. 1,,•1111..1 - 11.•A. I),
„, 4/
1. 1 , 11 . .,titi0l tp.,,,l) , r's es
tat, :IA 111...1 by S. ().1)..v.:11011,...1111111ilf)...to1 or 11. (I.
tArelitor r:I Sp.:Aer,
, .
'flit , -114, outt 1 Inuol Eliot ly
(it 1.L.1.31.y, cif \11•~Lutl its
• •
.9. Account of A 14,11810 • Bum twin, ;;Qa, dimn
E. mEE,, , ,,u,1%;., 11. ,Ilaker, minor child
uf.Jvll:l.l:.Ll:.•r,Lao Iw.l 1 , 1111),
cencd. ' ••'
I+ Aceonut, 7::.;.tiltant,.guq;:ql;ll, of John
K. llou inn 11, init.,..".v.ikirtl of .11/11 001VInall, hat. of
Uppvr AllvtrioNvnlK)
r'l'lko 11,1 ,to.I fuLLI :woollir of .f,trolt ono
of Oa. ex,,otors of .11.r.tham Z. I Irr , Occe-.l,ed.
t 3 Via:4 loot final ,MitrAarot O. ll:
N'lminiAratrix “rs',l4,ia Sturm, clot ,n , ,I.
7. Flynt, mitt' uocoutit nt I).tniol ntlollo
17tralor 1.. t o of I,owt r Anon
S. I , tif. J.:lna 8184 58,}. , , us
of John Linoko, LOT; of 11('
vieochio thim ;;, of *Mil T.". 1 Butz,
tr.tor,l El kalmtli 11.thr,‘...m.tova.1111,,
.I , et .
. .
10., acrolull of fi Ntor Atolletv 4141:4c..1. uid II
IrendCrlioti; 'exruti thr.l f floofgo illeafer:de
. .
. .
11. 'rlie .Itl 11.1 aeco.t. oil-, 11:
ton; llon , Jmnes IL,ltrtm, n u t , Itov. David.
Skrivll,,..,c.ntortz 1,1 tutu of
Ow .1...0,1' rluaLell. •-• •'• • k
• :•1: AO /3 M ev R:$111MIt1;!:,
%Intl: of Ow kind'
IA iti , in't; \l.w t 73 g 'part %front ' ilbestra (toils,
epitqins from fift!) to one hundred Ter ant vnw • e 'nal
-6.r than any rintbar portadicat resued in the Enyttsh
j Cl 0.1.1 ',:olicoA of ILo Paw,
. ,
ho 1110 , 1„..popleur 'Monthly to lho ts,rl4l,—.'fiu
IVo yon 4 / . 0 . 4.1 . In lor»r, of entogy to the. 1,11 . 71, tom,
ittyl oat ird it • lt•trpei'.
• nol oillrn inlllll4 elroollttloit trf ohm' t 1.20,011 eoe,
lex—ln ol+ 1e ri,04,.i me to 120 found ,onio' ihn
othol&4 11011. mid' tenerml-relnling or rho frAy. -Nro;
itponk'of I lits work on an m bktioq of ilio,ellll urn of
Illu Ann rlc.n people; and 1 lie 111 , 1111trity It no
! old rtql II u u gltaat 1 , , I.liCil 11101 . 1!0',011t folly 1.14
pogo+ of Molter, app.,
with good , tyto lento; I Vconibllllut,, In Heel f.thu
my, Monthly, and Elm non, plulnxnpldnd gintrtorry;
- I,ll,Etr(l - wltlEtlio - lhrnl - foxtormrof - ther - thillyjourine., -
It'livot taln'ut power in thiCtUs.9uniitat Von of. II Coto
pore lltoratura.—Trubner's Glade! to I.,llll.lriCan Litcra,
1107, LOtitll34l. •
lit ie onto of 11tu trontlers.Of odifo
, 14111 nutnatteinont . of .11nrp.0.1... * Alt (Ito pc,
wall 'edit ecl.-771'0,,Voffon, /1-
IV° can account ha. itv ant Coot only by tho altnple
Owl that It 1110110 inaa'ialy the popolai• tag; furnialn
tug tuvartety - ntrinaaning unit,yquillug for
Iflald4lo.stutt. . ' • ,
- •
; • SURSGIUPTIO.N 8:--1137 1 k •
Ilorpdes Mongno;ono year: - ••: 4'
'4 'OO
;A ey,tra golly 'olttpo,thiti ••
ikt4.l4,lVooloy, br:
toi.aiO111;bo'•}1oPplletl 1.7011;11op 'evory ci:up . 01:)fik.0 ouch, In oho' rho9ttitittoV of., Mx
Copiem for 020.09,.Iyithout oxtrn ropy; •
oobeariptiono to linypi.r'H '',T;;;;;t.ltio, Weekly. Ittpl
'lltrrotr,qo that Oddreen Tot.; Oun'yoar, $10:00Vorptoto'of
alurpar'prArlPOPalOponor peldrobs Ipr,,orke yearoß.Qo.
'Back Illunliors Pah dio supplfiAtit ilny titn(b
A Comploo Set,,qlllltrpe4l.blagit*Lno, I.OIV 0001•
ug'oo volonlOs, cloth Mudltig, o'lll
4,6xptifris;liviallt,ttedspoine'of pur01010r,.100.42.25
; poroolttlitoc::81146 voluthen,liy 00111, 1;o50010,58.00,
f,O cell la,by.opll, postpokl;
Bony, lllo.pOStogo. , ott Aragazitto 41,21 eonts; o
kWh,' v9ist be vidtlitt. th a subsoibri.'s b Ps tolli pp.
111IIQTHET19, '1
, ; • -1,10101.41:,
111LE;' , 4.00.
As Atlo osasnii Is of svproachliv when persnLe
NU.I do IrtOlting for a dorlrajdo Stove for Parlor of
piltchan unc, wa asii a cariattil axanthatlcin at mu•
dadlc, bidforlng wa r ithio thu laigast and b'ailtaolect
od apeart moot nt STOVES over offered to the ilttzehe
of comborland 66tInty,
We have 011 helli4theJliOly oda:rated
*Moll.. a Parlor or Dining 1109 w &own, excolp oil,
°thus, no thousands V.llO um) thorn will testily
Tun tAG 11T HOUSE,
Moon Base Burner
and other now Parlor, Dlntag — R - adu mul Chambee
Roam Etwks
We offer nuirlig other 4 go following Cool Rom
nod elty of llorlingtoz! C9MBINATIOIsf: ,{Co oho
eon 'till)
11 . 1,1 i luwts one, lino or three rooms, mid le de•idndly
tff lii"al'F'fi6'lhwo
We , onld call attontlon to our 'ltt , gt3 !foci: of
T It E
en band or made to order. All Itlodfi of
done on I ... Pomo:1:Mo tenon and without delaT
'poleiron 'Elelr in g 1114141.111
. 4 . fn , CAIr lkW AC. In,
Vital to Coll and price our artlolco boforopurdtokug
No,lB, Wool MASI Street,
Th. s ob-erobur wishing to rolinquinish farming,
offrot nt prii'ate sale two Valuable LIMESTONE
KA.4sU.,..hittool.od_ltullitur.oft_Patretiftitot.woonjk ,
York' mid and the road leading to Boiling airings,
't short mita from Churolvtoirn and 1 1 4 tulles from
Sailing Forintra. • ,
No 1 Contains about 75 'ACRES, ritira dr or less,
nt itxuAttlt. Limostortniontt=itt-o-1411.-atiIO,QCOIII.:2",.
ovation. Tito improyoments.aro.'a good ,two , story; '
farm Man, with WaSh Mitiso 'and othor ontbrilldV
inv. - an excollo* inwr Tortantqlons& - and - t ---
Joao B.Mtc,llarn with wagon Ithstp, corn Crtbs and
- other necesstiry'ontlinildiiigK, I _ ,
;Phis faroathas Awitt.rmlondid springs _of running.
WA bar from which on city 'field might wittily ho • sup ,
-plied. Tit elle springsleed,t w 0 sploodidtrottepoup is also a :old Orchard of clinic& Fruit, Snob'
11, A loph,s, Peals. Peaches, Cherries, 10...
No. 2. Contains Montt 70 ACRES of 'aCellinit
Lind In first-rate mar.. Thti improve
meta.; area th t ill.p two-story WEATIIERBOAItDED
1101.16 E, OPh Ititollen, hobo houoo, &e. A from°
-Porn recently ropairod,,With ntigdn'slatO; calm cribs
And other out-holdings attached: • .
An excellent Apple Orchard:with a largo ,Luantlty
ni Ch`erries and other choke trutts around the build
ings. 00110 well of water :Ind a large cistern at tho
if tionlrablrt a triet of woodland fur each,plare Is
Pri,ns 0 Niting to view`thr,o proportle3'e no do
FL, by oiling ou tho subieriber rosiding on tho road
leading from Churchtown to Loillng Springs about
one toile East of the latter ,placo, or -upon, Wm.. 11
Lutz living close Ly. ' JOHN 1.1.7TZ.•
()Aug 60 tf
Root° in Frank ford twp., Cumb...CO , .1 rail°
north of 1 !, , rinilim I,antil'of l llosrrecillc
and V; tulle from Dll)or'n bridge, adjoining lauds o
tr:aninellrost, Lornu IL OfriA and ctlivr;, conlai 0
146 ACRES, (mbre or less,)
411 caparailbut about :20 , .Acreaorbfek aro
with good Timber, oleo, niout :15 -Arr..p- end'
Niontl49,. Tho Imprproulento ore., Lmge
th„woA lions,, Smoke hour and other nneeKgary.
curly nary, with new Wagon. Shed, Corn Crlb,"Car•
Ilowm , , flog Pen, and all nece.,aary
Ingo, also, a well pf good, Watonat,tho door and na,
abandpccu,of the choicest and Lent fruit.
laalbo a 1.6 . 0 Strrata of \oaf (.r rurinlng
through the I'4:lloi:tying .thoreon erected a file.
This farn, is in tt ton,' stain' or inltivation, tho
builaings now, tomes in good onion, d,pd nett limed
recently. is silo of t , .o^moot productive and 'best
stock Iltrnts to the county, :ind, in convenient
to 1.11°04 , 011111d, kc. • • : • ' • •.
,l'ureone duilring to viow the above .15roperty - can
do so by calling 00 thu subscriber resitting on the
;• : , .' A.OGMIIt 01,
Evvrylmay invited to call and me , ondnyge2Jnl______
binititnr - htoekf6t
which in npell irdr•lingpeetion. Remember v2l' closed
nut all our Sunsonn Clunda at auction, and leo N 111
now o 'Tatham tweell. all crur ; •
No nicolkorminod io clowi ouCtllleptook re . gaid
.le;is of COL , T. IV° gutintsgy to ovtry pur
.nn every drol!or'N wpeth of, ginuld; Now‘,.lultoLlem
log, and do n't. iduelluso wall you. Bee our goo ,n
Anal priega. ,I;:'.,•' . ; •
Pottorup of FANCY SILKS at , $l. 5 to $1 7.1
Worth from $2.25' to •'"
PRENCII M 1 lLINOT:30111 N,«l,
11 , DACK . A LL'ACAS,
ALT. WOOL DbUpl.EslrAins,
CLo c )ATB,
.. . .
A full Ilur: ''''' -. ,
.11101.1.11.N1Nfl GOODS,
, tma. , ,,vlll , n..x..riliod in lakes
"ow TIIS,
B{,A 11:]iTA,
it midi TACOS - RR will nßtonlBll yOu.
Dim) itlacim OF Tußuusr •=r , g
. r
u 9 -91 • MADE RAG. alippti';y4apt, qfpttip.
...• . '
Wo are still taking , - • ...
...', 1'..4.t.c D
R i •'.:.•;'t, ~ : l!
.APIT R ri,' AGS.
0.. , 2A. t',lol'o,'A
•. • 'et full =obit prloca4 •
. .
~,,! , le I.l'i`' IW. , li'l•;', ".:.‘",".• ... , lt?•1•1' ",
• Do'nbt negloot to gall and tufo {Nye much money . ••
wo can earo )rota,,; -I •.• • i ~.
. •
W. o:,9Al9l`Kti ,C . CO. ;) , q,
e.s: 'n. P. r::, , i, 7 . iln - thoglatgot*K: ', ''. •
hist Main Stroet, . .' ,
y 1.040,, ,:. • .GraxilOo,lNpleap • • .
• . .
• MorelmitH . llloooo call .an ore. that wt),;o ~, „,...1
. ' Acolvad filarkonoubrtntnitt it r Wad& .(7 •,• •• •
and flack Oltivco.l OnttntlothO t oitol••• '
Cntro; littap_s; roottintOir,444oV ~ ' ' .
•'•''..), ....
—.- . , N o .ll • l3opth•lingtl •
'rifiept Op • -.:' „. . :
' l4 60 er,nt
, ..•