DRY' GOODS GOOD " NEWS la ANOTHER, .q.gAND OPENING Ting °ENT& AL DRY G OffBllo USE. MAU the great deice lu city, wo bicto wade ego. aptlollll ' to =9 DIES GOODS, I In envy varloty and etylo, nt endL pi Ices as will as 'knish all In ettarch of barptlneiN. 8 D 0 MB ST.IO 0 - 0 0 DS At 'Audi lower mit. ' thug WAHL Bust quail!" Ua bluckebud Muslim uuly 10 cont.; vury good, full yard wldc, only 12!,i1 cents ; vary best Calicoes, ouly 12.4 come, and all oilier lltanclolles cheap lu proper DEMI DIETIEI covulti4pBl =1 FACT LILA )11' (for Bugg) Ituo). OVIgIICOATINO, ur •roy grudd um% vollAty, In I= '407113 AND CASSIMERki roCtikolis'end boys' wear VURS! FURS I I tle tiara made giecial aryengomunte will n Ark c tir Hota°, to koup tot auppliall with a aupu: for alp ply of FURS, during; tl o evr., of oil gradko quirtltlwc — lffnittgaitird - iroite of II nod—sotta other klutle of Vora very cheap. r,4DIE9' CLOAKS, NEW 'NIYLE (oh/gaudy trizmite.l.l is. • SHAWLS! SEPATTLS 1 ! I Much under the - lutes early the season. All th 1=1:11 WOOLLEN GOODS, Cupo, Cljtdt one' Hack. and Circulars, Mitts Lugghip, 11oven. I=l ou. CLOPU i i i Mew do uut full to glvo 110 a c . Ol boMo making your purolutoos, us wo urn oudoroollirgi Lily houno Alin cuuuty f LEI DI Cll & MILLER 19noaD - 171313 - hte - SALROPMITESTXTE: i In perm:woe of order. locoed out of the Orphans' Court of the couutiee of Comberlaud and Perry, I urn WI at publle vale, at the Court noose, in, the Los °ugh of Carlfele. On. Tuesday, Nocen,lber . Bo, 1860, tLn following described real estate I. A. tract of Mountain Laud, situated it, North Middleton lowttablip, aT Weggoner'm Chip, on North * Mouuteitv, and hounded by Calmly lino, litude 4,10. P. IluutrlA and olltormi containing about TWELVE /1011E11. Y. • tram •fllountalu Laud, *Nolnlet the above, &Elated la Carroll townahip, Perry roanty, and con taining 136 ACRES AND 63 PHNOM:EI. f All of filo above land le covered vita gpod,tluabar. Tema —Ten per cent.' on day of gale, 16 per cent: au couArtnatloa of dale, and the balauaiapri I 1, 1870. T. M. NlOOlll3, Adtu'i of Robot t Moore, doea SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ES. 'PAYE. 'By virtue of erirattsii . or der of sale hunuol out of the Orphans' court of Cumtreilend couuty, I VIII expose to public mak, au the procaine, G. Baturday, December 4, 1809, thu following doacribed. 110.1 Datalo,in tha, village of Camp Hill, initaat Ponnsborougli townehip, adjoining lute of Dunn A Moore, Jolts Wulf a ,pnblio 'road,' - and David .Brubakor. oontalning' about oulclourlh Of an Qom. Cl. Improvement. consist bf • , TO , STORY FRAME HOUSE,. • Pram. t ble, Blarkemith Shop. and ether noccosary Tho lot contain. Apple., Doach,e, and Grape., and bad Marron a good °Worn. ' Torun, of Sale: Twontytv•por font of the platinum money to b. paid on confirmation of gale by the Court, and the balance on; the - Drat of April, 1870, when deed will be dillitered and posseniun glean Tagis (or 1870 to bo pall by the purchaser: "-"„ Sale to commence at one o'clock, p. in., on sold ' day, when atteudauco Will be gieon.by Q. W. 01119887111,LA Im • •.• Brocutor of am Millard - 4 FOR SALE. . . A pea Bret claim throe eprleg wegou, city mak° u flint iuto cut' ofdoublo Immo.. Apply to It. ALLISON. '• • QUM Unquestionably tale bunt anatuftiotilurnrk. tbikltul In thn Wu' 'ld." 11 ~IIPER'9 MAQAZINJ Inuipmes Aro tvisc apart front the illnitrutions, contains front fifty tonne hundred per cent more time or than any, similar poriodicat lulled in theTnaltsh Jangnopi. =1 'Tito moat 'popular Monthly lo tho \lora—New 'York Observer. . IVe must rotor In terms of eulogy co tho Illglitone sod vatted excellaucea of Harper's Magarine—ii Jour sal with a monthly circulation of about 120,000 cop• nos—ln •whoio pawn are to bo found Immo of the choicest light and [forlornt reading of. the, day.' Wo lax* of this work ad hit evidenco of the tallow. of • the Amoricait pooplo; and the popularity It has tic slurred ii ,moritod., kisch number contains rift 144 _pages_of_roading matter,appropriately illualmted 1 Awith good. womicuta; ath, lb - combines in_ s If the rue) , monthly; and the moro Philosophical qua torly, b tended with tho beat tuataras of the daily j rural. I t hoe groat power ha Hui illessininatlon of a f re of ''' guru litanture.—Trobaerte Gunton, .Andrion ((on ion., London. ' . . It is °ea of the wonder. of journalism—the edit°- dal management of itarpero. • • • A iltho pm rioilicabi which the !torpor'. publish awl:Await hically wall edited.—Ta e Nuiion, .iY Y. • IVo can account for its imams only by blio simple fact Chit It meets procieely too popular tastoaurulal, lug a variety of plowing and lustructsvo wading for 1,- - Zion'a.lierald,Boston.. , ...., • - -SUBSORIPTIOIVS-1.870 ME • Iforpseo !daffdil% one year - • • - $4 00 An extra copy Of Wilier tho efo'gasiste, Woekly; sr Bator will Do eupplied gratis for every Olub ' Five Mthoorlhora ats4.oo,Mtch, In oue' remittance; or, Nix ;tooplos for 00. !torpor's Without extra copy. • , • Subscriptlode to Magazine; Wookry.'and .Onear, to one 'tollddae for one your, $10.00; or, (woof Marper'e Potiodicale, to ode address OW onayear,sV.oo; .14ork Numbers CAW be eopplied at any time. A Comploto' Mot. of Harper's lifilitAXlllo; tow tom. ,ii.risloglt9 rollout% iti'neat cloth bindifig, will Went ; by oxpaittot;:fiolglit at oxPailtii of purchaser; for 12.26 nor minute,' filngiel vOlumos, by tuall,pbstpettl, WOO, Volts cab% For binding,•6B cents; ky mall, pootpnid. •' - The n'olitago ,on Ifircar'te Magazine to 2i cent. a year, which must bo pa t d at the sublerfber's poototilie, Addrou fIIIIPAIt 'iv 17110TIIMIlk " • • ' • ' " New York. HEAP TOYS and 'PAIsTOY GOODO 11 JOHN DOLL & BON, No. 908 /4",rkot otroot, •" • , ; , I,nitAtnsueurA.• 719portfr," or., TIM AND TANOT' GOODS' ( • ' .The Ipte it dos& aid !await lir! of T_ClYrof in atl k k * lnt i l: 71,c1P, ‘ 3,11 , ale*, 'Muni /401/0 . 11117. C:111 aziaOhie out 14(4' • flo itarrY,H. EIIBEIWS CQ.L UMW:. ' • PPPPPPPP ' • PPP - PP PPP PP t , PPPOPP • PPP . ' PPP ' PPP PPPPP . A AAA AAA AAAAA :„ .. :11141 , TICPYf d i I I= NNNNNN NNW NNNN NN NNNNN NN NNNNNN NN • NNNNNN NNN NN NNNNNN NN NNNNN' NN NNNN NNN. NNNN 000 000 000 000 FURS SHAWLS 0' R G A-0 N on.pLoTils I CATIPET;i!! ! I MELODhON' M ELODEoNS MEIAMEONS Tna Builder floor Lwlug opened a MUBIO . BTOBE, at No. 11, Wost,,ifitin•Straet, CARLISLE, PA., would tall tbe uttoptiou of the publlo to hle large agoortmuot of " MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, awoug x;Llch.p 111 L 0 (wol a lot of NNAV AND ELEGANT PIANOS, mautifocturod by (Le Oelobratad fleboomiak sr & Cu., of Philadelphia. ♦ limited number of‘theso Low Plauos will ba Tor KENT, and Ibe rout will bd al Itruud lit part pityloont for illo tattoo fu cuat of poreltato., This arraugautaut will 'mak° the purnLuxu army, by' giving t Puy omit, and will allow opportunity of tooling tho 'mammon t boluio pitroliatiag. Mao good SECOND HAND PIANOS fur Asia or rout, at terms to suit tni times, Call unit totouiliiii Won whatnot. you wish t o rant or buy. SILVER TONGU'EII 'ORGANS AtUI.ODBO,I4S, from tho world roubw tied manufacti.ry of IE, P. Mead ham k Eon, (formerly Parboil Neidlsam). Tho obeay oat , and hoot In t lin world, nod all warranted and kola lu order by myaelf fur Cleo Oats.,Alau VIOLINS, Gil ITARS. • _AbOOIt:DEONB, SIiEET MUEIIC,A•ND MUSIC•BOOKB, STRINGI3 OF ALL KINDS; and uerylhlug•oppertaluhng to the main triness Old PlllllOll, MONblow', awl Organs taken In part ,pay fur now 01T01. RE P 4,1 NU ,111 lauds of Ipstrutuouiaropalrod'atid tuaad • ' CAI owl axatuliie my utock nod lam ' 'cuie I tax plualico • 'Do o't forget tlpiaico, NO. 11; WEST MAIN STREET, ~(opp9site, 9 4 R L IS " , 'MEM • 111111 111111 'MITI 111111 " HIM ). • 111111 AAAAA A 'AAA A AAA A AAA AAAAAA A AAA 111 000 ow 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 SSBSS SSSS_ BSSBSS ass fiSt3SSS SS sssss SSSS sss S!S ssss SS • SSSSS SSS gsge SSSB SSSS G'''''' MELODEONS DEONS FLUTES, &c 401114•H. , ItHEEM ;'IZAIL.ROAD;::iod EA:DING RAIL ROAD . FALL 'ARRANGEMENT. - 311onclIty., Septprilioi - 19, 1869. • GREAT 'TRUNK LINK FROM TUE ' North And North• West for Philadelphia, New. York, Itaadlng. .Nottevllle; Tamaqua, - dahland, ShamokluiLebanon, Allentown, Reston, Ephrata LIU., Lancaster, Col. ke • Trains leave Harrisburg for New York no follows: . . At 2.10, -5.20, 8,10, 9.40,'A. M., 2.00 and 4.45, M.„ connecting with similar.. Trains on, the .Pannsylvania Rail Roadi arriving at Now 'York at 10.00, 11.45, A. M., 3.65, 0.25, and io.go rasp:mil:A:lv Bleeping Cars accompany the 2.10 and 6.20 A. M. trains without change. Leave 'Harrisburg for. Reading; Pottsvillu, Tama -qua, Minorsvlllo, Anillatid, Shamokin Pine °rove, Allontown and Philadelliblu,nt 8.10,A. M., and .. 2.00, end 4.10, I'. M.. - atop at Lebanon and Principal .Way Stations: the 4.10, P. hi. r train• making"corinec tions tar Phila., Poll:mina, and Columbia only. For, Putt:a:lllu, Schuylkill linVotentid Auburn via Schuyl kill, and Susquehanna Railroad, leave llarrisburg. 840 I'. H. Raturniug : Leave Now York at 0.00, A. AI., 12,00, Noon andl9o and 8.00 P.M.; Philudob pith at 8.15 A. Si. ald B.Bol'. M.; Sleeping -earn a:ken:puny . UM 9.00, A. M. and 5.00, and 41.00 I'. M. trains Irani Mao York, without chango. Way Paasenger Train leaved Philadolphia 7.80, A. M., connecting with similar train on Sant Penn- sy I vanla Railroad, roturning from Reading at 6.30 I' Al., stopping , at all Statham; lanvn Pottffillo a 117.411 0.011 A. AI., Ileradou ut 9.30 A . 111., kammuldu 8..10, 11.1.55 A. Al. Akildaud 7:05 . A. 01.12.30 110011, Taw aqua nt 8.237 A. AI. _ Al., fur .I . filladolphi . and Now York,. boar.. l'oldavillu via Schuylkill an imhann a gall Road al 8:11. A. Al. for llarrlpburg, and 11.80 Al. Mr Pine (trove and Tremont. - " . . !loading Accommodation Train, loavue Pottivillo at 6.40 A. U., pansou' Hemline. at 7.:111, A. M., lir riving at Philadolpfila at 10.15, "AI, rntoruing• leavva Philadolphir at 0.15 P. M. , Pottstown Arcola:llo.6[ton Train: Loan. Pottd, town at 0.20, A. 51. roturuing lon V. Philadelphia al 4.80, P. 51. Columbia Hall Road Trains 'nava Reading 7 16, A M., and t 1.16, I', 51. for ,Ephrata, I,lllz, Joimamtor -Cul unibia. Az, PfirlifiAner. RllllllO/0 Traho lenvo Poiltiomito bull a L.9.00_A.._M-6.00-11..d_aaf,P.-Al,ltottirni • , . Felkwonhaville at ti ' 6,12 A. M., and t 12.1 Z Noon, couthmthig with alailler tralux on Reading Rail Road. Colebroulnlalo Railroad union leave' Pot tutown at A 40 A. M.. and 6.50, P. 51.,,returning 'Boyer townat 7.25 A. Al., and 11.511 Noon, a n with oitoilar tralito on Hurtling Railroad. .„ Chhiter Valloy Railroad MOMS loni3O Bridgeport 11l 8.45 A. Al., 2.20 and 5.1.5 P. 51., rotor:Ong, lofty° Downingtown at 0.10 A. 51. ' 1 011 and 5.45 . 1 , . M., cow footing with Dubai on heading Railroad. Sundaya: Leave Now York at .5.00 and 8.00, P. 51. PhlfadolphluB.oo,a;tu., and 3.16, ',an., th0e,00.,, nt. traln running only to Road I ng; Nara POttnyillo 8.00, A. Al.. Ilarrlsburg 6.20 A. Al. 4.10 and 4.40, - P. 51.,ar1d !loading. at 1235, midnight and 7.16 A. Al, for Hat risiturg, at 7.05 and 0.17, P. Al. for Now York aud•at 0.40 A. M. ... P. Al, for Philad , olph la. ed i annotatlon, Al ilnago, Scaxon, School and Eseur.. Rion Tiekots, to 0114 front all potato, at roducod Bagogo choekod through; 100 poundn allowod oath Paimougor. (I. A. N1C01.1.8, (lon. Supt. OM OMIIANS! COURT SALE OP VAL UA111,1 , 1 FARMS, OUT LOTS AN I) TOWN P'ROPERTY. On Thursday and Friday, the second and third days of :Iteeember, A. D.. 1869. By virtue of nn ordor of tho Orphan' Court of Couliorlunit couuty,, thu inihneribor will expuso at public az, In , oil thu prOltaiSEN, tho berolunftor, do orriheil put parts, lots Iho pioporty of I.leorga li link, deed. Purport No. 1 A traor „LLIIVIESTON N and SLAT M LAN D. adJoiUing Nowyllio borough, situated In the ton utildp et Newton, conidy of btutuLlet hind, containing SLITY-TIVO ACHES, baying thereon eructed a duelling h0b..., largo , bauk barn, and other ❑uceaxiiry buildings. 'littera In an cell•ut young orchard upon Or 'monoinns. The land It oneltelcd with good post and 41000 leneca, and ix Iu 13 ' very high otate of rultiyatom. Purport No, N. A tract of SLATE and GRAVE LAN U. nittfatod in Hot tonDothilt and county akin raid, ono 'Hilo treat of Non villa, containing ON HUNDRED AND FORTY TWO area mot o or tae. having thoroon taateted a dwelling lions°, bank Lon and otior inturovenonto. Tho land 01 thin tract in a gaol otato of oultitation. Purport NA. 3. A tract of SLATE LAND vit i ate • . . In said township and comity, adjoining daiquiri Nu. 2, conlitloing SIXTEEN ACRES and Lust thirty-lour porelinq morn or lose. Porpart No. 4 A trarl of SLATE LANK eitnntud In thu towidibip 01111 county aforeinilii. ono Lilts northyront of Newvillii, containing NINE ACRES and thirty-two ,pinclirs morn orjess. •. Purport Yo.. P. A lot of ground situated on the northwest rumor of Main 'and High streets, in thu borough of Nonlite having thereon eructed a brick Dwelling Haus. and iituru Room rind five other /trick Dwelling Donors. Purport No. li. A lot of ground s p orted an Slain street, in the borough. of Newvilln: having thereirn erected a, largo ()nulling Homo, Stable, and othot outbuildings. I Purport No.'7. A Int of .grou nd situatcd on Cur -pbratlon shoot, In Cur borough or Norrllle, boning thereon tweeted a two atm) Dwelling Honor and other impror Prflpart No. S. A tract of LINIDSTOND LAND, adjoining Newville trough and purport MI. 1, nit• nolo] in tho.townslanornitoonly llorer.old, contain ing TWENTY-FOUR ACRES more or hors Purport No. U. 'A Iron of Id ‘INSTONIt LAND, odjolulor Nuwtoon and pur'port NO. S. in the loon. chip nott county olornoid, containing DIAIVEN ACRES milreur boa Potila - rt Nn. V. will 1.0 offered on 1.110 U kWh, n ' oh Tllllolally, 1.10. ti6,00,11111y 01 Pi ,rnber, Al). 1h69. 1•11 rparl. No 3, at 12 o'clock in., kor xsid day. '• .1, of 1 o ' clock, p. o of sao.l day. '• 7, st 30.ell•ek, p, to' p.ixt No, I Bill butillered eu 1111. prenda. ui I lud,, n 11/u rriti:l), Ihu thi,d El.,' ul Ilocenil.ol 662. WI pill I No. P., al 10 o'clock, u n no Hoid Oay " 0 " ."11WPItr A 1 , 110.11 . 11 . 11t1n t to i.ny al ail MAIO paid I htt ptopt.t.ty vkaa off. Thu Juror to be. wcorvd I • • . . the land, the ittledent ..to ho paid to lu•r titinnAlly, during her lifo ; And At het denth the pelt/Opal .111 to lin,itlrl to Ow, ',gaily entitled thereto. Ono Inds et lin, balance Iy.Lr 'mid nil April I, Iti7d„rule,, dudd will In, dolire,d And f,r,r, , i•Arion given .•I'I,„ retook to divided 111 toe pynnl nnuwd lAryinente, And In be paid dint! I, 1071 Anil intureAt front Aloil I, 107 ii. 1 1 ,0101.ra,, i nelt ea., to be 30.11e0 by to, eguir.lned, with .vouttly, it, the Oisilitnim Court. Auy 1/1•181,11 w Lliiug to urnalluo — The wenlist. hp It., Ow day 01 u.slo malt Cali opott tho Ihop o J. I', Itlunuf.., M. B. BOY I), /WIWI . of UP, ',I noi2tH MIN IST RATOR'S SA LE REAL Ii9TATII =I Wilt bo uohl at public lisle, on till , pi otnisrs, iu Patin township, nuar thu Ihrlinson Prohitytorisn Chureh, tin the•R'nluut Bottom rood, that val nab! 'PIIACTOF hARIt. Into thoproporty of ,lohn Huston, eirroaarti. lononleol [Jr honlawl Sanuu•l lloolon„lobn olso, and Isaac brlsvre, run hnlulug ELEVEN ACRES, 111000,m loss, tire) quality of Humiliate land The halal/re onto are 'a pall ]ollNtnlllinl MAMA. 1 IO11:411, With batik building, a .wooll UAIIN, ample ter the rize of theldaeo, /Mtn,' falling won of water, 1 largo eistorn,.tivarooly over dry, There ig un rebind with ,a varioty of choke fruits, apPles, each) s, plums, cherrhy, Sic. Thin Ina most deedra• lontoporty and a very uullnblu Ono for any person vin &Hires ninon)! and very productle4 tarot. The louse is wllhin n hiW IMO at a IMMO] 11011 Mi Mid 'harebell, and in In ell rerpects advantageously till• ided. it Is within eight 111111'11 of Carlisle, on I/to Salgnt )lot lout road ; wed within - WM and n hnif milli f Controvillo. Solo to i.onnonneo at 12 o'clock, m , of void day, ohnn terms will be made known liy JOIIN W. IIUr:TON, Administrator with will minion/it. • - IUMItERLAND VALLEY IL It. Cllftrial I: Or HOURS. . Ou fool after ',Stooduy, Novonshor 16(11, 1809, Plin wungur Truing will toil dolly, r fidlows, (duuslayal exualotiol): WESTWARD ! ' ACCOST hIIIIIATION TRAIN 1a.,. Harrisburg 8:00 A. 11 klocltrodeulmrg 8:35, CA114440:11, NPMVIiiil 9:41, g In:taLOinnu,iwro•tag 1014,11,00. east lu 11:11, artiriugnt Illtr,rrslowil 11:41, A.O. MAIL TRAIN Lama Ilarrluburg 1:35, P. )1 , Ma• clittnßobui g 5:07, Cid Isle 2:40, New vil lo 3:11; pens burg 3:45, Chnollonsil.urg.4:2o, reencuritio .1.06; arriving at Ilugurulown 6:28, t. or. • EXPRESS TRAIN _10nvi.4.1110.1.141,urg 4:10 P 010.1,10,Pub0r6 4:47, Carlisle 5:17, Nowvlllo L:410, 814 p: porinhurg 6:17, nrrlvlrk.4at Clumberribrrig RAN r A 1X ED TRAIN leaven Chremboraloorg 8:00, A N Oromenstlu o:2s:arriving nt 118genituwn 10:10, A at. AS'.I.IYA It D !• ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave. Citattliwinburg AM) A u, tiltipUettsburg 5:10, New villa G:UO, Carlini° 6,33 , slnqiattlailour'g 7:02 an:11111g et . Ilarrialiorg 7:36, a N. 'MAIL TRAIN leaven Mtigatniown 8:00 A u, areou• 'cantle 5:35, Chant berniutra 9:10, Sitlitiaulaurg 0:40, Nawvlll019:14, Carliglo 19 :50, Meeltattioabarg 11:33 avriillig at Ilan Inburg 11:56, A. u. EYI.ItESS .TRA IN tear. llag9retitvrtt 1 . 0:00 ruo•ea . ntle Cluttnheralturg 1:05, killippetliburg .1:37, Nnvrallle•2.l6,:earl 9:50i - Munitaulealturg 3:10, Arriving at I tart lobarg 8:50i I•. v. A 111X.IlD Ttt AIN • leaves llng•ttnittuu 3:15 ru, Greettenalle 4:12, arriving nt Chatalteralairg 5:05. Air- Making clone coutinctioun at Ilarrlalutit NIIh tralna to and 0 - nut Philadelphia, New York, PlitaLurg liallitunriand W10,04[4,11 • ' . 0. N. LULL, Boit trod Oaks, Chnaillik, Noy. 9, 1861). GOLD DOWN, 1 DOWN - I DOWN.! n. New ,York, mid t among thelm— altirclannentig 'aloof new Mill 6onlrablo goodx forted =MEMMMEMM=I acciiutita for the pricra I am onablml to oftur !wagon. able - goods to lo”ials. Goods rocuivod usury clikj at prices that will aaMulalt all Paisley Shawls, Bengal Blre:ps Shawls,' Oanoy,Wool Long and Sgintro Shawls, - lain pleat do; Cabin.° 'Smuts, Bilk. Tie., new tylo, and many other lhcey goods atprieoe that defy competition, as 1 ban racolved them op 15days sae, all unsold to to returnod, at, advantago no °thar house to the eou uty passamas. Etal • Black - , Bitio,Uran, Purple, Lead, Wiup. and Brown Wool Hoping, hest quality, at • great redaction. Black Alpoccau, of.bo.t make in a lame, at prices lower, than prerlonn to the war, which altOwialoi enact of a , . panic, Men's and Boy's Wear i Ilaavy Beaver Cloth, Plata Black and Fancy Cloths and Casluteree, Pa late, Joann, and all the •11110U11‘ good. aultable far the Amnion, at greatly reduced race. • - . , 'Water Proof, Water Pruett The bele or Water ProutCleth having Increased paranoia Ole nominal fur Iralleettulte and Circulars, sumo manutabturpre have poen proper to edvattee tub priori,: but we admit ram- Meet° nett at the lowaat prices that May hove ever linen sold at. Alt qualttlee of IlJaele.ratal - fold Nic Watothroot . , - Vesta - and Arawailt, 'Grata. Shirt• and Drawers; tadirit white and colored Marla° and all wool Hone or every tiusilly;Clilldren'e white and fancy wool Hove, every sire, wool Dian nets, Canton Flanneyr MO, Mullins, Qinghai:oa, at prices lower than the ~baSo been cold for rilao years. 'Attlee. owl Citlldrens' now style Shoes of ovary de scription. from the .henvicat .td the flout manufac tured. thinte., Ladies' and Chlldron's Orim' Blum, every size, of heat . 9usilty..Whita and colored Dian k. ale and Cartoreipineit; st,ll great reduction. , . I roopeotfollylllllpati Impectlop of my stork bolo r purcbaltsit I lls AM, I6 ronthloot i l th atti Mt to 3 NIT f ri l m c tu s into w d I ° nt m o A b Y ttylrib m yil;rltotrofobea p pVut -.eaucor,'itc,i but Tall and eta a -whole clock of °loll right, tbrougb,ell rOducad f o r ce * ON a, OGILLOY. 4T H Weet gain' etrost i 0120 MTSOZLA 2 irEOUS. TOAND TREO riareheits, . t r i Teg I at BR ., BBURIJ mmsErtY • • (i.imilerly itydeiNursert Alocielttlori,) • Haro forlisloo Irge or small ; ,quontitioe, choleo asmortu;out a .7 react, • . , and 'other trod, vilth*ltho'ilow or good hind, or Grape yincle; Over ono hundred Variotles of Roses, And au endless assortment of overyllang' that Is de ■lruble to, stock o first Owl orchard or garden. Our prtcop aro low and our Orem aro is good'as tb Lint, , Ordern by mall will rocolve our bon attoutlon and, aatlatartlou gmamntlocl in all our iloallngo., No quthlogoos and tabor latormallou addrese the . SUPERINTENDIINt Chumberoburis Nuraory Aseociall., • PA We ',runt a gol, reliable man In every lowa to no to agouti for the male or oar Hoes and plants. •• ' Chestnut and Twelfth streets, BAILEY & CO., Jowelbrs, GRAND OPENING QM I=l =I orimm EZ313113 JLII l,l HY, FANCY 000D8, ,fge BRIDAL GIFTS, Batley a Cu. burn the hauddomeet °tore to the and will at all tiIIIOIII/U piEflittd to racalvo and • how visilwa thlungls their cdtablialailoit BAILEY & CO., i=l, Chestnut and Thielfth greet, 13213 Tr . ET'rERS of Administration do bolds I_4 utat on the witale of Produrich Zeigler, Into of la'net Pounsborungit luwualtip, deceased, having boon granted li' the undersigned, residing in nahltnwnship. All pettions indebted ltS waid rstato tire notified to mike pevwmtt,.eud those having claims tigainAt it to present them for not ileutunt..lollN sn. .2tortit ' Adminidtratoe, So. RED U CTIO N -- I"tTlfNTlfil'E9 - DF; Einetaid ar,l nd •I NILW 000D.9 n I tho Ines. tuulstl4 41. L. GIiEIf.NFIELD'S Best Calicoes induced to 12 cents Good Aferslins, 1 yard wide, I 2 " Best make Unbleached lifuslins 161 " Popular brand,liernper Idem ' " Wainsutta, 2i3‘cejitS by the piece 1= 00 CJIOICE STYI.I2II 111,A NK NT SHAWLS lust revolved, mud will La Sold St axttaurdiuury 1.. w 113urnti. MIINS HEAVY MALI , HOAR, LAMES HEAVY WRITE MERINO HOHE 12%'•outs DRESS GOODS ACK ANT) FANCY SILICS, =I EMPRESE . C . I.OTIII3, all wbados, .PLAIN. ALL WOOL POkLINS, SILK ANIYWOOL POPLINS, LLVOA Nl' STUD'S ♦➢D WOOL PoPLISPs ■KLBPIVDL BILK .414 D POOL 110..0 . PLAID, of tio.tbrlghtoat MEI =I Wool. 1110...1.11.1, duablm vildl6 A Inrira iolsortment of Now Aatxe, io leko thu nice of / 9 ",) , l.riuk °vomit' FURS !• FURS!! Oita hundred sets chute firm of ovary descrlittluu Hun ready for inifwellon, from the [went Klee to the newt loth'''. ,lify,orleal roilhti;eillove will duly oompo- titian, a. thuy or puruhauall dirent from the menu lac:foram A. PUpx - I)ET . E . 'OR $0;56 AND $7 CLOTIID, CASSIMEREN, ♦ND CAHNINIVITS. In this bruneh we Oahu that our stork will compar r c. favureltly with serSlerchunt.Tailot's. Sults made-I'o' dor,by knit claws w.ikmon kIIARGIAINS•nr.iminc , AND RED VLANtiiLS ♦ 18301INMENT OY MOURNING GOODS, Alums on hand. tunuml ordure prompt ly and natl. fuoknily 1110. - MEM QUILTS, OIL eicvms, !MINDS )VuoJou (boils of mow" doom ltStiva , le foot ovorylblic formilln • tint MANI Ap nimbi House, •.d .211 will ba sold atxxiss mast novas L. T. .GREANFIBLD,- ,No; 4, Eant Main Straat; LEM N OTICE • roVlpg tho hooks'or,Sain Dornerlu Illy hands for colloatioo, all perfume MOM to him aro roqcieutrd to call upon roe, at my oflBro, - at their olirliast voulonco and undo ',Walnut allude aerogram. - HERMAN , • Attorney for John Dorm. • R 01231 VOTIOt. All benumb' aka hereby 1'044'114i hikrborliggui tfwt togmyeon,Oberlee Aalooes, from this date. 'Aux per. coo Wain blot blot tor any monk, *lll be field ylipowd. ble tb I/10 fo r Isle notes, us he le • minor. - . ' • MIOITAIL miss, Bonth blidaletwaVpwa.blP.' EMI . . . IBAAO 17,143w'. Apw,00p,.A. 4 :N0 4 .-& : bo., . • •- - - Illbolosala (loftier! to all kinds ,t • .1 PICKLED AND SALT PlBll, 'No. 219 North Wharros,.._ • • Abova RacoalArt, • , DIIIDADELPIIIA.' DR. iTEORGiE BEARIGIIT, , • - DENTIST, • . From the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at the residence of his mother, Bait Louther street, three doors bofow Bedford. • ...: 10149 DR...1 S. 'BENDER, 11051010PATIII0 PILYSICIAN, ()Rico lu tho' room forntorly uccuptaA by Cut. jobli Leo. , EbeBB E . L. SHRYOCK, JUSTION oI 'PUN, PEANIC. 01116, No. 3 Iryloo's Row. ' IOoo6D FE. BELTZHOOVIIII, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' ' OM. In NOttfillannver inront, oppinilio Banta'. dry good!' dtoro. WD.ID. .„ 9 - DENTIST. lute Bunonstraßir of °punnet) Dentistry of the Bal timore College of -Dental -Buigery. Olilco at his roil donee, opposite Marlon Ilan, West Main' anent, Car- Pa. • 'Munn 0. V. BOIL. RODHRT 11. WORK'. A. 1.. WIIIRMILM. JOIIN A. SWARTZ. W. IT. 116E/TAO6. ROLL, WiIiTEMAN & CO. n , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, PHILADELPHIA. • I= C. 8.. PARIIEIi, H UMRICILA PARKER, ATTORNEYS, AT LAW. Office ou Mein street, In Dlitt'ion Hull, Catlisle. lOsuOn JOHN CORNM - AN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. • Office in bull ,ng attachtil to tho Franklin Itutul, op .pooito tho Court House. - 10moti9 JOSEPH. HITNER, JR., AXTORNILY AT LAW AND SURVEYOR, Iteaniicaburg, Put 01Ilco on Railroad mtroed, ttvi dooru north of tho Bank. lloinotal promptly adulated to. R. MILLER, cy • ATTORNEY AT LAW. 011Ico, No.lB South Ilauover street, oppoelto Wore. 10aucti M. C. • . ArronNuY AT LAW, (Villa°, Pa. No. 9 Nal!. - D SHAMBARGER: _l_ • JUSTICE 01? VIE PEACE Cumberland Cooney, Poun'tt, All butane., entrtoited to him ts 111 iceoivo Komi tontloo. • 2lioct7o EMI= ROBERT OWEN, • SLATE ROOFER,, AND DEALER IN SLATE, • LANCASTER, PA All work Itp i ninnteetl,'nod III•recolre prompt at tention. Order, loft at the " Herald will re coive piampt attention. Oct. 20. A specialty COMMISSION M EMMA NTAI, Arid Is bolesnlo denials in Country Prohne, eon sigunionts respectfully sollCltcd. Best roferenes glruti No. 1635 Afarlcot streot,, loc7o PITILA.DICLIMIA SPANGLER & WILSON, CARPENTERS AND STAIR _BUILDERS, ==! Corner Notth mid Pitt otroots, Boc6 J. M. WEAK LEY. WEAKLEY' 5 SADLER, Arl'OltNEYB AT LAW, 011ie., 22 Foot). II ee Arm, goat the Moil W... 110110 lln n , e.. 10.69 WILLIAM KENNEDY, ATTORNMY AT LAW VultllllPor • AVE _„ J.l 81-I E A 16.11, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. cornier of Iho Cum( 110. e. 1ed069 AIITES. B. lIIRONS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Fifth street below , Chestnut, cor x. 16, nry, 1)ItV 0001)S fIOYLE BRO'rllEitS 11,0 Jost 01..11 it largo stock of 1V.,010n such tte nod Dlt AIVERA„Ludiet nut! Gen NI Its 1N0.1101.11u hod Cloth ULOV'ES. Alm, a lot SlViTillEi from Mu factory St QAr prlceti, whol title only. TAR.. A. W. NICHOLS, DIWCED , OIt TO Dll. E. 11. COOVEIt. Office and' ',Mien. of Oto bite Dr. 2. 11. t'ouve New Cumberland, Cumberland county, Pa neD2lt BLANKETS NOTICE. I.I..9.INTERNAL RISYNNUK. On' the twenty-111th day of October, 1869, 300 civi, were voiced al the residence of T. A. Woode; Monaghan townolifp, York county, .m 113,311 at the store n( Viewing A Pro., Carlisle, Cum herlau.l sorely, for violation of Section 48 of the net of July 1ti,,1300. Notice Is hereby given to all persons claiming the same, to anneal. and make aunt claim within thirty Jaya from thie Jute, otherwide they will be void at nubile auction, at the Cullertor'e °glee, 01 Cadigiu, dos: W. PATTON, Collector C./1 "i" 01 / 1 3 .0 , 1 6 th District, Pa., Carlisle, Nur. 11, 1809. not?. Al 12 , , POPULAR GOODS!-- t the great Dry Goode atureurpet Emporium, Juts re. el vCil (rum tho MD. lho Urgent etock of DRY GOODS aver brought Into thu Valloy. We hay° Sllks, moos, .l'oplina, of wo6l and ollk, all wool plain and flgurod frolainee,"Alpaeue, Repo la all ehadeereopUrga; ill Muslins, Gingliams, Prnitri, • Ticking, Flannels, Cotton and Linen Table Diapers, Towels and Toweling, • ,Table Covers, • • . • " Sacks, - • Cloaking Flannels, • - • Quilts, • ' Balmoral and Hoop Skirts , Stocking Yarns, • . 'Water Proof Cloths, Ribbons, • • ' Gloves, Lacos, Embroideries, • - Handkerchiefs, , A large 'assortment of FURS, very cheap and good. CARPETS,. OIL CLOTHS,. . Illlodo, Trimmings, Is Imam varloty, Mora- hog Ooodo,.Koutucky Cooolulotoo, and a lot of [tome mado Otwd,. Tho above awl a vory 'largo of other goods we olTor at lower price. thalt the Immo can to bought anywhoro Or tido couGly. leto_gl_ta_tuola-for-tho-dollar-thatryairgullTit at any • olhor place. Oleo us a cull,- buy from us, and BIM lawny when you cull. Morkilow good. thou ally two ulnas In Cumborinud reality. BENTS it CO.. ucoot.gtl ALL WOOL VLAWM I= READ OF THIS 1 1V.ONDEliFT.1i, Disco-v.lm.y. Iteforonere are glven_or.flie • wonderful cure that wee porformoilDy Dr. Campbell's great Magic PAID Destroyer: • , Ileac Catuberlend coupty,lBoo. , Dr. Campbell :—"Your Magic Pain Destroyer should, be made known to the There might be some more underbid the Nemo oe my • wife was, 'h. was Nat In bed with plane- over throe years. liar head, neck, arms, legs, bends, end • Angelo ware drawn crooked with rhtematient: I do belluvetbot I vent sevou'or eight litlndi oil dollars for her and received no bandits • Healing so limey persprui . taiklng About Dr. Campboll'i Yalu Dostroyer, end his Magic Liver I'lliswhat grout cure. they Marron:led, 1 did not fool .alleged till I bong* four bottle. And two bozos. - After My wife hog Maid two bottles and one box of Dr. Cam pbell'. Liver Dills she wee able to get I. the table to out, end ablo to got to her bed to sleep, by the use of her crutches, After idle bad bard two inuru Rho throw her clutches amity. Obi lady's age woe over fill•yoarn. ' ; ANURIM Bllh Li,. IT 11111 i UOUllii, CAZLifLE WONDERFUL DISCOFERi OE WORM LOZTINII FE Car11010 4 1869.' him trvenledly usod Dr.,- fampholl'o-Worm 'Lozengee for two of thy youngest eblldroill who Wore vets tlekly fora long tlroo. 1 gave thorn two dotes; Thor' were 100 largo otonicteh worms peened, rind I dors say there were tint loos thnti 7000 orROOO atop mat gams passim] from toy rhlldien. JOtIN DROWN. Office Ng. IA Third street,.between Clieranutkrol Mulberry streets, Herr Ming, ps or at the Carlisle sfarkot' iikuare, on Wednesday and Naturally of sdeb, week. , Nold by Druggleto 'MA Dealard gthierally. Price 50 cents per bottle, or - 12 bottles' Mr $4.-. erns and - Worm Lozenges 25 'mote perbtrior,i2 bozos for $2; Agoras wanted to sell these medicines. (treat In. ducaments are ?fibre to these wieldon'to Sell them. CARDS. .COMMISSION EURO:I:CANTS, ME IJrflTeflçl II 11,01111 Z SHIRK it BROc.' CARLIBLE, PA =I 19 060 PHILADELPHIA Nu 11, South panover, &rept, Carlido, POPULAR GOODS DOMESTICS, arrsckr.LAN.goUS. CA.RETAptS. ' • • 4 . ,B . . 8 X 81'78.. hive aow en hand, at hla'Clarriage Yaeted, N. X earner Booth end Pitt 'treaty ~CARRI}EB; - BUGGIES, , . SPRING WAGONS SECOND HAND WORK and iverjthing Id his line, en hand or made to order. Ile determined t o up the beet work turned out In thin motion of the country. Nothing but the yew beet stock goes Into buggioa or car alagoe alas manubieture. • llopalrlog aid palullog promptly attentitod to mity2oMa - =I THE "BEE- HIVE" MIZE DRY GOODS STORE, J W. PROCTER a .00., EITM OILRSTNUT BTRIIRT, NEW, GOODS ll= Constantly rocolving, PRICEB /A 111, Id Plain Eirproa 10‘,130 I=l 16oc9Eu JOHN DORNER MERU H ANT TAILOR to Kratner'alluilding, nuir Ithuons'a,ll.ll,Carliele Pa„ hike just returuod (ruin the Eastern Cilia. with ho largostitud moat ` COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF'" FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 61.1.t1ug of - • PlOth9, Custlitheres, Vestings, Gontie Furnishing Goods, &e., •rer brought to Oarlld•. • His clothe eouipriHe 14NalL11411, • . • IIItENOII, and A M ERIC A N 'MAN U vecyruitbilte of the Oneit texturo and of . all Gimlet, Mr. burner being hirn , telf ei practical rutter of tang experlenco 1a preporod to - warrant perfect tit!, nut prompt tilling of ordure. Plono &rode by thu yard, ur cut to order 'inlet forget the plea, limo, OCtf. . • (ZREAT IN E DUCEMNTB. am_- IrvitiailTiiiifi ad to cantina sea our large mid boo tifu I took of FALL t.nd WINTER 00C.MS, which It open for inepection. Remember we clue.' out all out Elununer (Mods et auction, nod we will uuw ruettinue At toll ell our PALL AND WINTANt (JOON AT AUCTION 'PRICES We ore dolernitutel to close out- dm stuck regardless of Col3l`. We guurtutly to tutu °Yew purdetser TWHNTY-FIVE PER cewr o'n or.ry dollar'. worth of gutidc Now; take warning and don't pus - Lhasa pain num°e our goods and prime 40 l'uttortit of FANCY SILKS et $l LU to $1 7 Avorilt from $2 til.to 82 60. vit ENCII ,6111 It .it BEST 16(OLISB ALL WOOL OASIIIIIIRREI, .914.1 f POICIIIirI, 11LACIC, ALPAOAS ALL • WOOL DOUHLIANIZA.SYLB. 155 50 1381,11TIFUL CL9TH COATS, EIEBEEI MOURNING 004DS that will I . l . stacrllicud la Olean. II UIIII, OLOTIIB, 0•9111MBRES, BLANEDTB, at uuL uluu• i. 'whl isatultiob TlittEß 11UNDRHD 'YARDS OV TIIII REST • noon MALE RAU °MOM YiRY OUIJA? We are .1W taking WOOL AND CARPET RAGE Du not uagluct tu, call and eea how ma) money cull 111114 yuu. W. C. SAWYER & CO. lu the Bents Iluuse. Emit Mobil Street, Cur Halo, Pupa's Oul6o ITARPIIII, Cor, tlanover and Pomfret sts NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS ! ! PletilNG or gew EnAwrs OPIININO OF- LADIWI! 01,0AEINUS =MEI JIHAVY DWILYIERS OPWiIMO Or I= I=l WATER PHOOI/ CLOT.II2I. OPIININCI OY- I= orrtirra or IiD__VANCY,IIILESfi-GOODO MOURNINI & SECOND ISOUDNING DOODS HARPER, COr. Hanover and Pionfrot ate GREAT EARN AINfl IN 11LAN14 , 148. I=l OLOTIIS AND OAS:I'24EIM. GROAT. DADDAINVIN . ' ' ROUEN YURNISIDNOIDDY DDLIDS. lIIIIRDND STOCK '-03 , ALL Tllllo:HAPliiii lIRANDEI OD TIONILIMICII „ .. 11A - t i) /Z ,. • ' • - Cpr. Hanover and Pomfret Ida = dOObI. ~ '.EABL/1 LINENS. OLOVIN.' NAPKINS, i 001INIK'6. DALKON/4;mA IIOO I ,SKIESS MERINO ritzaTii, , BUMS. AND DRAWERS Poe Wipe, Niampe,Mea's, mud W ' &sr. , : ' Alp:0 . 01N ar Goode it tho loNtestpoa_._ sib% • , ' • TllOl3. A. lIARPIM, • • • pwLump ocPZ)i Hanover “n 4 Poinfrot 00, ogEci. G: DOB.ll , 8 is the Ones ta , ge 'good 'live cent attopc. ,11.4weeo ith 001 01, 1 1 1 1! Intsokilu now", ' • Anr;,lstp D.FOSIT '• ' • ; ' 0 Ootebor 19, 18110. : The an , nu ,• . atloetion for nine DiroOtora of the Bank will be held at the banking house on tho third Mon day; fifteenth of November noxt, botwden tho bourn of 10 a. in,, and 2p. in, . . iJ.,.P. HASSLER, .2.20e1m; . , ":Caohler,-. T HE .CARLISLE ACADEMY TITS ONLY SCHOOL WNTOIL - YRNPAY.Ta YOLINi Au English end .0111.101 ml School for young net and boys :will be °poem! September 0, lu Bener'e building, on South Honorer Street. • Pupils Inatrdcled In E gl lab, Clanks, Matti amatios Njituralpclence, Ronmakiship, dte: , „ Is dealgned to make thorough lingliitilelietiriatid prepare for 'enliege.: lipeelni attention will bo gluon to•PraclicaL Spelling, 4:h el c 1 lavites with mordant employment at home, the whole of the time or for the oral 1110110114 i, i'f1,1,1114 of oilier mix cagily earn from cant. to *5 per orefflug, and a propurtionalnutu by devoting triode whole limo to the hominess. Boys and girls era'. nearly NA 1111101 ns mei). That all whence, thin notice may Wild their address, and toot tho haul tfoni, we make thin unparalleled oiler: To snub no tiro not well ,abetted, We will 001111.1 SI, 'to ray . for the trouble of writlim. Frill particulars, fi ealpablo aunt. pin,wuicla will 110 tq rumunme• work on, Sind A ropy of The Propk's Lilcrar:v anspanion—ono of the largost and beat fondly noweopurn publishod—ell *gent frnu by mall. Bender, If. you want porinationt, profitable Work , add re•le l• 1. IL ALLgY et CU., A imuLta, • Allllll. By the,. AkitopOlillin t,;(mtpany.l FOR LADIES AND DIMMER'S WEAR.' Having oulareed, remodeled, and improved toy old and favorably known FUR hOPOItIWI, and having linnet - I. a very large and splendid'assortnient of all the different kinds °lrma from first 'rands In Europu,' and have bail them made , up by the most skillful 'overkill.. I would respectfully Inviter tny ❑lends of Cumberland and adjacent countioo, to call and ex,. amine my vory large and beautiful. aseurtonent; of Palley Furs fur LIllllOB Mel Children. i ant determ ined to evil tit as law prices as any other respectable house in this city. All NMI rvarronto t. Ni, repromentlune to of vales. JOHN 1411E111.A, At MIL wallcat prices. . I o Sept dot 718 Ardi Street, Philadelphia. FLANNELS, ,t 4., GREAT DISTRIBUTION. Cad! Gifts to thonnioupt of„s'2so-,000 1809 EVIMY TICKET DRAW. 9 A.141t17.1e , 6 Cash gifts,. each , • 110,000 .10 CAPh gifts, each ' . • 6,0005 . 20 Cash gifts, each 1,000 40 Cash gifts, each 500 200 CaMI rifle, each " 100 300 Caen gifts, reell . . 60 50 Elegant Rosewood Moms, smelt Vital M 4700 • 75 Elegant Rosewood Mc,lodoons, 7540. 100 - 350 Sowing Machines, 100 to 175 500.U01d Ketch., ' • • 75 to 300 Cash prints, Silver MI, to, , ull valuta' at $1,000,000 A chance to draw au y, of the above prizes for'2s eta Tickets describing prises aro paled In envelopes and I well Mixed. On recolpt of 25 mite a. :reed lie?, el I. drawn without choke and soot by mall to itny ed dress: Tito prize named upoWit will bo doliverod to ticket holder on paymont of one dollar. Prizes aro lutturdlatelyeent to anraddrors by express or return mull. ' • Yen will kuoW - what your prize Is before you pay folill. Any prize exchanged for another (f i pail , • .._tte—lio_Lilunks.—Our- , patrinia-eutr-deprgiriii fair dealing. REVEUrICR , — YO.Peleqt the followluo, from many who line lately drawn •aluttblo ittloos.•and kindly perntlttod uo to publish •thom ; 8 D. Wilkins, Duda , I°, $0,000; Mho Annio Llonroo Oblong°, Olanu, $ll4O, John $1.:060; MI. Emma IVal worth, Milwaukee, Blutto,,tooo ; It.. EI'LA. Day,Now Orleaue, $OOO. Wo publlolt no •naittoo without por mloolon.- • ~ - Opinions of Um prone: Tho firm to ro nod deserve their auccens. Weekly Tribune,t{ht. 8, Wu know 110 m tabs fair dealing firtu."-=.57,T, Herold friend of, ours drop a $5OO prize, which was promptly recelred."—llMON/Yeics, Oet. 3. Bond for circular. hi bora! inilneemon is to Agents Satietnatlen guaranteed. Every' nackrigh of scaled envelopes oontolus ono rash gilt. ..81x tlckols for.sl, 13 for $2; 35 fur ; for , Sld. , letters should be aiiiiraicied-te If A RBIIIII, WILtON h 00., '173 Broadway, N..Y. aOTEL Property AT PRIVATE 8111.8,011 RXCII ANTI . FOR ARAM! The aubamlbor otferi at pe lute Bahr the well knows hotel stand In Now rille, known as the p . , 0 a 4. jr,S IC . . . 'The let (apart' which the HOW Mandel rontaina 67' 'by 180 tont, and lu; addition thoreto will he sold en micellunt ARDIIN containing (M b.) , 180 feet. , ' The Inman la Ihrge and substantially built ofatomi. containing 8 Aliening' apartments, good tlar•room flining•room, Parlor,itilobelaand all modernyonvon lender. A good Mile Water at the door, 'bp• .'• ~ E XPEL LOT , STA LIN for, forty. homes, Ice Musa,, Wood Hem, Smolt!, Denbo and ail necalaery.ont-buildingn. - •• The LOON Renee la widely and favorably known and bilargely patronized. It has been quite recently rear/aided and.repaired throughout,' ' 'erne to ituji...tlie . --Rai furthir j; i Y to tbo'embocrilior,ts blo obsoooo.tolrotOi 4.: A ;At Nowyille;PA., .I,o9.,A.Voonoulleu =1 MIS CRItiLiiTEO US; MEN BOIL COLLEOI IN. CARLISLE THE COURSIi CiF,'SCUDi itF011111:NCII NO HUMBUG I Canned and Pickled II ITS PHILADELPHIA FOIL SALE. • •• k• L. SPONfLER, • . . . . . .. . .? Real Estate Agent,derlvener, Conveyancer finny— 'slice and Claim Agent. Office Math 'Street Near ClentroAluare. , - -- _ FOIL RENT. ' - - • r Two commodious pro story hrleit'L_toniiri , 9 1 tiroeast side of East istreot, between - Main: and loather streets ' in tho borough of Carlisle; likewise a 'alit • able lot'of ground on the oast shlo of Lotort Spring, containing about TIIREE ACRES, being the property of the hairs of Joseph Shrom, &ceased, all in excel lout ropnirwill bo leased for ono. ear froin tho Ist,of Api•li ;loaf. ' For torms,'Sio , enquire of - . • rffi= FOR BALE i. t‘rn'ntory 'MUCK Private Ttenidence altuatid on South Hanover Arcot, between Pornfiet and South ntroold, Tim lot rontaion 21 feat in front and 120 In depth. 'file hound to noarly new, containing doublevarlord, dining room and kitchen on the find floor, and fire comfortable eltantham on tho necond story, and throe thtightol roman un the alit,,, convent rut tottbuildiugg, fruit trees, and grapo vitiun , and hydrant in the yard. .noptire qf EC= VALUABLE. PRIV . ATI; REST ii by,Ncr, IClt SAI.II. :Situate on-South -Hanover a(root; Chu'Bolo, now owned and /Rumpled by Ittro. Wallowed, late tho property ol'ilooodict Law. Thu lot frunin on Min pear at., 00 real, anti extondo back tho Baum width 240 font to an alloy. The improvetnotita are a largo, two.atory VILA F. 1101.1 SE, with Verandah in front, containing Double Parka's, (Lull, Oliambor, Dining 000111 anti Iti r itelion on lower floor lint Sit (1,,,,,,1nna and Until-room on the 2nd story. Qtta and water have boom 11l trOdilet, I. Thorn la a largo Stahl,' and Cent loge ilotwo at the loot of the lot: Tlin lot 19 well stodcloti with ornamoillanroos and nbrni s ibury, bnahlo•rfrult - of almond byni'y thiserrntion and graveo or the mod ellolvo selection In abundant.. Moonlit, of • A: L. BPONSLER, Beal Eatato Agent. CUM • ORE BANK FOR 8A11,E.-li rich dpposit of the boot _quality Itermatita, Oro, yielding MI per - cent '.comprialug about 18. ACTLES, located in Monroo township, about mlloe froth the Fron Works of 0.1V..k It. V. Ahl, on the south Ode of - the Yellow Ilroechescreolt. Thern in tistroam of water entitling through tho tract, sufficient for washing tho are and furulobll water poieor ho sides. A portiob the hank le tuditr a Zaino and will ho Hold NUlliert. thereto. T hu balait i Is unto cumbered. POIFOIM desirlous of viewing the Dank ay call upon Goorge WAffidlch, at olddleh's muir . for merly known ao Ilricker'm mill, Monroe township, Cumberland county, op, upon . . A, L. APONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Our udin 30Juni, 60 NM • Frivato Renidonen oltnatoan South Hanover St. Cal Hide, nearly opposite Far ly's Hotel ownod by Jain. Itinitz. Tho lot gonfalon 106 foot In front running back 210 foot, and being 70 foot to brat ilth ut [boronr. Tim build Ingo rtru nourly now and In oartillunt ordor t comprielng a r011.11011101.1P TWORTORT BILICIS FRONT BUILDINO with a largo Two•Stmy Bitch Bork Building attach od containing all thu nin4l6 - rn linproviimouto Inclu ding Eyinppl water. Thd location of thin property is ono of the moat otigiblo lu the town, and will be dispoood of 011 11,011 1 / 1 11 hernia. Inc tormo and fur ther parriculaiy oiniuiro ci A. 1.. BPON/11.Elt, elil_lN•te Le Agent Ang a FOR ACE—That desirable Private Itrildeden, oltnnted on Wont Pomfret Stand, Carlinlo. Thu Int enntnine ao For In IFont - ond 210 feet in depth. The i UIIIrOVPIIII.IIiii consist of a cow! tendons TWO STORi" BRICK HOUSE, containing largo Panicle, IND, Dining Room, and Kitchen on tho hover Moor, mid eight convonlont Chambers on the kloN/Ild hoer, three Over the front building, and rive over the back bullaing, a Wanli Drone; Datil Hoorn: And Wafer Meal; end gent pipes running into Qin cellar. A hydrant In the. yard 4111 i watur on the second atm y. he entire property la ho most excellent rendition, and the locution oup 11Ir 'lllO mush:desirable in the town. 'rho lot In well !stud ded with Roil trees and nht u bbery, and quite n her of grape vines 01 ruined.. quality. Fir turns apply to A. L. RPONSLER, - Real n,i,,to niont 2.lsupt 13, ITALUABLM FARM AT PRI. VATE SALE. Situalc..dil the Smith-able of Ihn Yellow Brent hoe ,crsolt in 3lonroo township, shoot n. mile blast of A liPs Iron -70 Arrow, all - clearbe brit. about Acres which aro stool-ell uith good Wo line. Thri improvilinents Inuit villiniodious two-story Hi H 11hUSIS, with r , onvenient out Ilnildin LikrtnrltANK BARN with Wagon :doll and Corn Cribs. attaeliod. A slick, A ludo °milord in good bearing order, logother will. Peaches, Pears, and (liven in atatodnour and an eseolloot and nOrar lailing we ller %I:worst therloor. Thelond is In a birth slot° of silltivatlon. lindor good forma and the itu• proVelnente In good older. The location is a desks noo,:nuing near a rhumb, mill owl school house, 11 not sold at 1010010 wino beford the 25th Any of nest the lastri'wil I he citron:A at Public HdrIAL I - 111 .ttrlay.--lietawne—altedito.ole-e4-viott•tng—rfar. promises may mill upon (leo. W. Leirliell, at Lnialait's Mill, in Monroe totrualdp, l'or I twins Ar apply lo 13AA. lb SPONliii•Niti itt: 60 Eelato Agent NOTICE Unvlug purchased lb° atorh, good tlatur., of that popular courectiohar y of .1. II 'therm,' no nounen to public that I alit he Alo 3101{11SW. to 11/11114j 011.1),•st anNortuient or ' WRENCH CANDIES AAINIZIC.IN CANDI ItiB = My Mock bola g ioutoadcl wrd it koala, will always be Imola of t Illalorl.ll mid w011•mon. I will Lo lily octnrr diva nloi•k to ()Pr Great, I tidileekpents to the Trade NEW GOODS will Lo von,luntly fiddud to my Stook All vrlnAtlng ESII CON FEUD OA'S alantld not fell to call. flaring porfealcit errange• meals with the Ita , tera ono kfte, I will b• able to eupply ever) buoe of good coo lcutione, lth the you boat quality. • . CANDIES 11 . AN I.II O ACTU RED For ate trade at very low tato. Plume call and oc uwine toy ritork nod prier.. • WILSON IlUltEnounn, Sizormistir to J. 11. Ithuom, Ni. 35, Wont idol. 111rebt, Onrllalg Potnea. ME - . g I 1 GII LY I PROV ED GRAVEL I 'FARM Al MI VATIt HALM. iu FrankfruA , twp., Comb. (b, 4 nslle uorth NhwySIINI!i moutll'of Itluarrnvlile ttnd 1,..C"m11e from Dl!leen bridgo,adjoining Inndi o bunion! Nrnbt, Lernn 11. OhlB and [there, ronlaill t 46 ACRES, (inore or lees,) all , cleaeed but aVeut 20 ilermyhich fito goyd 'Thalia; ;all* 'ilboin 25 eternxi4vl4,l Meadow. Tho Imp) 01,111101101 era a Large 0 , -STORY FRAM EIIOUSE,, (now) 'wall Ilnu~ir, Smoke Munn and other neererary TW wltll \V oul•Lul A J,ARGE BANK BARN, nearly mew, with POW IVugon .Shod, Corti Crib, Car riage Wahl!. hog Pell, awl ell nocegnary out•l,ulhl logs', ale°, a well of good Water at the door and au abundant.° of 1.110 Cllol.llt and butt fruit. . _alhera—la-aleo-m—Fargtriatrftrrn — C we or mutt tag through tho farm, having thou rout eroded a Ora .close SAW WILL. • , 'Ode f:oo is 10 a good kat. oreullif Allan, no MIN logo uuw, rr111 . 911 in good ankh., nod well limed re:00041y. To 0011 of too uirat product' , /,' and beat stork fartng. In Iho crtnnty,, and -la couvardunt to arltuntronllla, kg. Poi woo do,III . Ing In vlew thin above property, we do'so by willing oil Elul Rub.,'bur roxli.lll4g nu the ..... VALUABLE 'ItliA.L ESTATI4 AT alit I VATS SA IX.. Tho 1111bEeribpr whaling Ao tolingulnish twining, °Mrs, at prlvato main two Valuable LIMP:STONY FASAIS, idtplited In Monroo township between the York road and the road loading to Itoillux . Springs, abort WM - from Churchlowu • and 1% wiles from Vprings. -No. 1' °obtains ab6ub , 7S4I3RTIS, to•re or or lets, of excollmt Llinostone to • high *tato of out. -ttvallou. -The linprovoments are - a good two-story Yana 110000 with Wash Honed nail other ontbuild. lima. Also au elcollout now Tenant Ilouso and a largo-Ho uk Barn With TrAgon abed., corn cribs and 'other necessary outbulllifugo, 'forth hoe two splendid opringo of running Water from • wbleb °miry told -might elan)/ he eup -011.1. Theoceprlnge food two splendid tropt ponds Thom to also n food Orchard of oboime Fruit, suoh . as Altploe, Pram, fasciae, Cherries, . • • ' 4,.eouttilun -shoot 10 AiORICO, of excollent I.lwestooo Land In Ilrobrato order. The .luiprore moats are adoublo two-story WIIATIIIIIIROAIIAISS .1101.107, with kltehen, bake house, &a, A. frame Uses recently I -epithet', with wegpii shod, corn MAN, -and other,out•buldinge attached. An oleoßout Applo Orchard with a largo qiwuotify Of Cherries and other, oliolco aroundtho I Qoati weal of•W o tor and a largo olatern at, the tract of 4 : oodland for esoli plata lo I:aortic,:, .roroons!wlehlug.tO view:those PrOliiio loB con do SO by ditliiiiti'dittlutatibliorlber beoliling on the rood Tosill i tig.fttinifelidiohti4n4.6.ll6llll4 tiptinga *bout' onti of,tho lattoh-plooo, or, upon Win, II lottit i lfoltig obi& by. , JOIM, si.ovpsi get lho acnion'ia rut approaching whom porions 11114 Ye loolcing"doslroble Atom for Parlor or Michon uso, aka bankl oxurninutlouof our A. L. SPONSLER . Real Estate Agent loottaving mra havo the largoat and beet ii?leet ageoTtmont of STOVES over oirorq tq the citizerui of eutnborland county. Ne hav , 9 en laud tho justly oolobrated A. L. SPOIsigt,MR, • Rini Eutato Agent MORNING GLORY BARBBIIRNER, which. dal a Parlor or Dfoing Room Blow, exoola all others,.as thousands who ueo thsto:wi!l testify THE I LIGLIT HOUSE, Ono of the moot dodlroblo stove. In We. THE MORNING LIGHT; PARLOR . HEATER, and nd 'other zoW, Parlor, Dialak Room and Chamber We ofror among onions Iho following Oook Stoves Tllll ➢,I7UUTArOB, and Olt? of Burlington COMBINATION. Wo alio 101 l tiro DIAMOND HEATER widen heats ono, two or throe rooms, and to decidedly too boat Firs Pls. Stove over invented Wo would call attardlon to our large clock of on baud or goulo to .ordor. All kind/ of • , ROOFING AND SPOVIINGi Aorao . ou reasonable forme and without delay Al porno; dolling ail Ulna Ci onr Ike ore In to onll and prim) our arltbloa botbropurobuelog 12122215! STOVES, TIN WARE, etc., JAMES McGONEGAL would respect. folly invito tho attontion of tho publio to his large stock of STOVES, TIN, AND MEET IRON 1ARE,Ar.....-Do-has-troulo4t.an..-ohjoot—in—seloctln • the tuost'ilositublo, ecouoifileal, 'and duciblo stoves in the market. Din cooking Moro, consist Of the NIMROD, MAC ARA, , • QUA•ICER CITY, IRONSIDES, FARMER, and °thorn, which Ito guarautys to &so satisfaction In every rvepact. • PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES o untorpritted for bounty or doelsu, durability, aud oiluto,v of tool: Ito alto ofrota publlo thu ally ro•lrbrotod e would ran attentiou to a tow Its perils 1111113021 • . I. Itlas no brick to bo replaced oueo or twle. year. 11. Heating ilownwunls, Its rays of host are deflect ed to the door, hunting (Ito foot Instead of the fare, 111. The burning of the gas by a second supply of torah air in complete. The &vice is not found in other stove; consequently the air to always porn. IV. It Is n porpolugiburiier. • V. It makos no clinkers. =ME . . VI. ItTli perfectly clear broil dust; the arrangement Is covered by a patent, and it perfect In It. op. ration. .Its ventilation to complete, and In every respect Inn first Cill9el stove and warranted to giro satis faction. Number. of reference. can be given as to the merits of this atom but ha would ask iilBo wish to gat a &skald° atom to call At his shop and see it In °partition. Ile offers among other Parlor, Dialo g Boom, and Chamber stores, dm a beautiful, scouomleal, awl powerful heating stove, Wonted 18p; also PARLOR lIRATERS, for hunting. two or more Rooms, Portable Furnace, La. TIN AND BREST IRON WARR constantly on bend. SPOUTING, 1100PIN0; end JOtIMNII rondo to order of beet material, and at reneromblo indorse ' , - JdbflEß, MoGONEGAL, 89 Borth Itanovor,St„ near Wm. Bier Sofia Urocery Store, South Sod. EMI FREsq GROCERIES 1 Always to be Lad at the C II E- s j• 0 R E , NO. 68. 'EAST PONIFINT lITRVINT Anthsthy urn Ihey . always fresh? Because we sell a grout amount of Oulu, aud sell thorn low. Thern fore, turn our stock often, and yousoeuently our goodemust ho &nib. . You wlll'lludiinrythlng you wish In the woy of OROCERIDS, ° QUEENSWARE,' GLASSWARE, •' • WILLOW and CEDAR WARR, -STONLI and - ---• CROOLIDRE WARE, Cholas Ham, Dried Bog, Ba!Vela, • Tonputi, . Bisonlta and Orackora of ovary dolorliglota .. . It Ono.] and Wroth °gators _..' lilardinot_ . - ' uglisb Plcklos, - Leutoo t Byrupa,ao„ aria ntr ond to .._ r " NOTIO-NS., it la ueoleee to nlontlon them, tome and moo thr your . soles,: and peyente it it &vet stilt you to . • moue, .01ad your chlldrolt, as they ' wit be doalt with tho ems lava re It you wore • .her•yoursolf: • '0 OUNTRY PROD E baton lu oxcltaligo for . goodo, of ossb 110FIrP;IAN'El--SONS tie. 89 EAST rosin* STREET, August 649. --, - ...- . • • .. e • ' itoiMa.—ltating• transferred coy moth! Interest lu ' t + ;, Ibo grocery.husluma to my Sam, ihoni-Imlobtod 'to ',. 12:. moat, coquontod to nettle with' thong( daring my - MN ....'") „ 11e, inn,' in 'sunup, '' . UNO. - 13.,11011111.1iN, ' I . • ••:,.. i/.1 4 ' • . • • gf• °LP° . ".. ' AND. JLWillgttli.'•; ' -r-.. . . ~, ..A., C HATTLRI3 M. HOGIEHB • . , .. No. Gli . SoutkitanotterSt.,..Citi•lifht,..P;34, : - ,..•:0 !Coop. countautly 'on. !mut a rianhkirimbi t i, at :-..;& , .weltumm,• . , ormaxe •i• -:- -- ~,. ',' ,',' ,- ....•-"''. . . . Juwatßy,:, ,:. pl -, ' . t,..;'.0 2 :.0r.;-?.. - ••• , ~... '. . • .• :spiporlicipa, acr.; , .1•1:1- , ,. at the lowesiihmlitninggia • Paittiptilii• 'efilauthhijUti7 to Eh, repairing of Watching, Olgookiend.fmcolcy,g,,r.,.r , ;::•,,,.. R. 11.;•-9111INT 11040hafitadiUg.,,icillty or lisirio;•:,ri - anao?•tm - • . ;•'. ~ :- . 1 . .- .1 i ' •,:.' c , ..; ',. , :-..)...,::e,, - .- .. . . .. - ..,. . , ... . TIATIVARE, STOVES I STOVES! Also a Baso llornor. THE MORNING GLORY, PORTABLE FURNAOES, Room Stoves SUPHIIIOI4 NOBLE COOK, minuct °Bahamas, NTAGAIIA, HOIIIIKA, FIRE PLACE STOVE, TINWARE WALKER k CLANDY, No, IS, Wed. Mob Etroot, - Chtlista, Pa. • Ell PI RR CI AB BURNER. BVA&M LTaupv FRESH GROCERIES 1,1 ALL KINDS Or OAILI•LB, PA