Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 26, 1869, Image 2

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, The Bon. Edward McPherson has re
turned-fro, .
Senator Sherman has prepared a now
The llon. Henry . C. 'Jolinsou js a can
didatefor Speaker-of. the.Hotise of Rep-,
rementatiVes atnarrisburg, this Winter.
The Rev. Isaac Smith, with was tried
at Genova, Illinois, for drowning his
.wife, has been acquitted,: •
Poro Hyacinthe is in Boston,
.the guest
of the IImi; R. 'C. Winthrop. '
Mrs. , Stowe'is no lengor connected
tvitli tiro Mara and Home; •
Edwin Forrest is playing in Phila
. delphia. • -
Roverdy Johnson celebrated his golden
--wedding-last week. ,
Judge Johnson, United States Senator .
from Virginia, endorses the Fifteenth
Oen. MO, the Ilaytien minister, has
arrived in Washington: •
Claines is preparing surveys of the
property ; about; tivhieh sho has,•so long
litigated:, . • •
Lucille Western is doing
sensation for the people of Pittsburg.
Pleasant Grove, a quiet plAe about
seven mites from Thiutingilon'.borough,
on the Ifuntingdon antl'Broad Top rail
roao, was' the seeneron Wednesday alien
ing, of one of tho Most inbitlpan murders
that have over 'been committed. In;an
humble house there livad all aged matt
named - Niglitai, - bis wife and ti boy, the
son of a soldier's widoW, whose mother
had placed him under the eharg6'of. the
above couple that she Might bettor sue=
ceedin combating the athiersities of life.
While the three werequietly eating their
evening meal, without any intimation
of their untimely fate, two men entered
their peaceful abode and one of the in
truders shot them in the head, destroying'
the last 'Vestige of life, jivhilo the other
fiend stationed himself at the door of
the entrance to give the alarm should
1, they be detected. After the commission.
of the horrible and h -•t ,din,
i t tingdou, and arrived there between three
N s
'. nifTotiiyoVeeic on Thursday morning,
diredily after the Cincinnati express
. . west had left, on which the murderers
; • wero supposOd to, have taken passage.
. , The authoritiesarktoona wore promptly
.. c , intim:mod by telegraph of the facts in,,the
' . ease, who, on the arrival of the train,
• • searcheel the cars, and arrested two Men
whose movements were rather,suspi eious.
:On one of them were found about two
;,•'`,, hundred dollars in currency, and in 'one
it . of. Hid stockings of the other (1. small
quantity of gold. In his mouth was also
,-,', discovered sr:vet:al _pieces .of-zold, a ton
"-: or twenty dollar ;:coin, which ho swal
..l, -lo Wed, all the property of Mr. Peightal.
1; The two mein were taken to Huntingdon
~::4., as soon'. thereafter as possible, arriving
( ' some time (luring the forenoon. 'l' is
people of Huntingdon wore greatly ex
cited Aug exasperated, when the sup-
posed murderers alighted, and loud cries
',. were minle for a "rope" to lynch thorn.
Ilad the populace been fully convinced
of their guilt; the partieewould no doubt
!?: havebeen-immittextlY executed.
The.: , mlidarrested at Altoona, and in-
Carcerated in the Huntingdon county
jail, confessed their guilt on Thursday
e% ening. One of them .stated that he
shot thellireepersons, and the other that
he stood guard, and otherwise partici
pated in l the heinous crime. They also
admitted that they carried the bodies to
the bed and set fire to it.
The old gentleman murdered was aged
aliofit sixty, and his wife about fifty
years. The boy was ton years of ago
, - The murderers — are two (lernians
named flotleilh Bohner and Oliver Baugh
. burger. Their object in committing the
atrocious deed was -the procuration of
the money which Mr. Peightal Was known
'.to have had in his possession. -
The men are both wandeters, Having
no fixed residenebßolMerhas served
three yearitiii the penitentiary for coot
milting larceny in Huntingdon county... ,
He is a repulsive specimen of humanity,
and -- se - eMirunconcerned. He says lie
expects to be hung, and is anxious to
. have the execution take place as soon to
possible.. He treats the whole thing its a
joke, and laughs heartily. Bang-Mao-ger,
on the other' hand, is grcatlit depressed
very reticient on matters pertaining to
the mUldcr, and, indulges in much la
.:•mentation.—Harrislirg Thittiot. '
The will 45f.General :Wool ha not yet
been opened. iu understood, how
ever, that ho has left property to tho ex-
• lent of $050,000, most of which is ,iu
- available means, It is said hollas ho
queathedl to his nephews and niec64 a
bat; o part of it. his lioinestead, Mo.:t
ry; valued, will a bequest
of 153.5,000,ap about $lOO,OOO, lid leaves
to his ilepholk AMd namesake, John Wool
oriswoid.• It nlgo appropriates VlO,OOO
t .,....40r.th0 -erection Of a intintiment to Mni.
Wool and liinielf, tit\(.),ltlrwood., lle
also makes: the following 'public., be='
quests : .'•$15,000 to the Renswthier
$B,OOO. to . he Troy
Orpbait Asylum; $2,000 to, thu _Oaf
• 'Tomo ;, $2,000 ,to the Catholid Orplum
.:.__LAsyluml — ss;ooo7tAr - WillhWar — Mlisgs•—,
9'roy (N. 2:inzes. •
?\ ]iil{9RlllCoo 1i u 3 554
• Chiettgo aiid lifilviaulceo iLeeiyo pot*
toes fioni
- MoiiistOws; xl. J., hos pi.oiiibited the
1 , sale of lager beer: • . •
Ovor 98,000,00 worth of goods wore
sold ink Louisville, kent,Olcy, tinting Od
tobor• 6,06(1 Eipn t 4 . of rromporanco in
tr*"....l , l6w,Torsoy. • , . . • .
• . Janomillo,, Wisconsin,. owns „$195,000
n, wertl of school 'Property. . ,
Oliere are 30 slate •,(irtarries in .Leijigl,
I - 6114p worth $3;000,000,... ~.
. •
Ovril"f7:Ftl,. l'T';'Y'.) , : #ltl4lo .1,000 • elkdemes
4.lnring' . the paid year.. , t . , ', , •
° P,l l 4rtningtep,, if. 11,, turtle put $l, tioo,-
. 100 - p'4lrp Of elitios synintirtlly;- ', . , ~
t. t
Tilt"' op giant tit 01u:o x.
utage:in Ott o
'''kitll i:
ift P' T.9 . : , ~..‘ ~ - ,.‘
' , .04, Wore expended pti , Prositeet
t ,
6s rtieltlYn,,Jaet rnouth..., • , , ,
),. •IX ent,nelfy .: jwry-luto( ti9i!ittO, t4e,
il, -
,& , ,o'Oiti'ol . 0,91 a late 6970471 9 r;
. .*%;0t1,. the plea of ),14,9i.icit4op at ilia
, , ttiejoi:imo woo 00111plit1104:
Six-young- lions,- direct from-A.frioa,
have just boon Pieced 4 the Now York
Tho AM of .j3erica county, Pa., now
amounts to $145,000. The amount paid
off during the pros Ont." Year / .:to dato:is
Nov flour sslls~iiiPallas, Toxas, at
$1.50 and ss,..spi - Clo, per 100 pounds..
A. postmistress on Clio plains sloops
with a six shootor and a BoWio,knifo 'un
der herpillow for tho reception of Indians.
4 census of South Carolina has just
been made. Official returns from nine
counties show an increase of twenty-two
. -
whitos and a - decrease . of 1;941 blacks
since 18G0. , •
A now hotel is to bo built in New York
cu tbo_site now obe,upied by the -Lafaigo
House. It is to , Cost WOO,OOO, and will
ho tbo,l4rgoetand grandst on tho conti
The Stook Exchange, Now Yoik, un
voileit a mock heroic status) of Commo
dore Vanderbilt.
Rich Chhiatnen, in San Francisco, pay
$6OO for a first class wife, and the trade
in lively.
', There 'aro . new tioo young American
students atGerman universities, and up
ward-of 1,000 American youths and girls
attending the higher schools and educa
tional institutions.
„ Kansas produces, sweet .potatoes _too.
large - for stove' woOd, - hut not large
onough'for.dngerits. - —”'
College, a Quaker institu
tion, was opened i❑ Chester 'county, a
row days since. ,
--A--Massachusetts.lartner—says-that- he
can winter his cows on steamed feed for
one:third less expense than on dry feed,
and get one-fourth mor&millc. This iti
the result of five yearS! ciporienco ; ,-
Burlington, Vermont, has completed
an extension to her hrna / Pivater 600 feet
long, and 40 feet high, There were over'
07,000,000 poundi-, o f ma t er i a l use d i n its
construction.: and the cost is $95,000.
• On We'iinesday last a mortgage -for
$ 5,00° , r 000, given by Ri' Indianapolis,
13 ? 11 .efontaino and Western Railroad
Company to tho Farmers' Loan and
Trust Company of Now York, was re
corded at Indianapolis.
-teniblogausoleum-io-that---in-th ,
Mexican silver mine, whore over 100mOM
women, and children wore crushed be
tween 25,000 tons of rock. A correspond
ent of the Now York,.fitus, writing from
Mexico, on the sixteenth ult., giv6s . "the
following accounts of the disaster.
" The most horrid catastrophe tliat
has occurred (luting the last century in
any silver mitre in the world, happened
within the old mine of Jesus Maria, near
-Guanajuato, on the ninth, of October.
About 1,500 peons and Indiana aro em
ployed in this mine during the entire
year. It was opened in the early part of
the sixteenth century, and has been
worked continually since that time.
Borne of its chambets have ,boon ex
tended 3,000 feet from the opening. On
the date mentioned, while the laborers
wore seated in ono of the broader cham,
hers, eating their tortillas eon chilli—
noonday meal, they. wore startled by a
sudden, crumbling 'sound above them,
caused by the giVing way of an intmenso
portion of the shelvingrock which fortubd
the roof of the chamber. ThMwholenum
her rose to their feet, breaking in differ
ent directions and running against each
other in wild confusion.
" With them were their wives and
children, - who had brought them their
simple meals, and worn waiting to return
with their pails and baskets• Scarcel
d M
second interveiteil botieen the instant
the alarming sound was, heard from
above and the' crash upon the chamber
floor below, followed hy a cloud of dust
and the mingled cry of 1000 voices.
" Twenty-five GOnsand tons of rock
in a body had - bdon buried in an instant,
as was aftCrwards ascertained, upwards
of 100 minors, their wives, sisters, and
children. Tho height-400 foot—from
which the immense fragment of the over
hanging mountain full gave such deadly
momentum to the great weight that none
who were struck knew of the terrible
bloW which sent them intoetornity. The
alarm was soon spread to neighboring
mietos. Thousands of miners and citi
zens from Guanajuato soon , assembled
around the mine of Jesus Maria. Thom
was not a spark of hope that any ono
of all whot fell beneath the eilish of rocks
was alive. By counting the whole nunt-'
ber who entered the mine in tlio morn
ing, and the missing women who had
carried meall to relatives and- friends,
it was ascertained who bad been. buried
in that, terrible tomb."
— Vile Philadelphia Ledger states that
the anthracite coal trade has become very
active, add orders Tor coal frian the oak
ward being largely in advance of the im
'mediate ability of the operators to fill,
and, us a 'consequence, the price of coal
is now 00 cents ton higheC than a week
ago on the connon'qualities of coal, and
70 cents to p.OO per ton on favorite
hir is of coal. The ledger adds :
"There is a disposition on part of 150M0
OperatOj'H to await the public solo of 70,-
000 tons of Scranton coal, advortisod for
Wednesday of the present week. In the
mean time the !allot-in the production of
coal is being pressed as much 'as circuit'.
choices will allow. - The Reading' rail
road has again increased itiacinage over
tbo previous Week, alikas also the Lehigh
'Malloy railroad. The Schuylkill canal
also increased its tonago. 79he entire
coal production of tho week 809,828 tons
agathst 221,912. thus for the previous
\veldt, 'an increase of 80,810 to no, and for
'the year 11,616,344 tons, against 11,665-
344 tons; of the same date in 1868, allow
ing a decreaSe tinder corrected figures of,
3.18,613 tuns. Wdraro glad tp note that
Um trade of the past Week did not fall oft'
belhrc. The mines in all
...the coal TO
gionk are being brought into operation
under the 'increased demand for coal, as
fast as Possible. Bven in the HaAetori
region, wball'llli - hold so stubbornly and
ito:long,it is thought, that work' will be
resumed in a few daya, 1 his being oho of
the mat productivo regions, can add ma
terially to the supply of coal. , • The coal
is higher now, than it will be in January
next; havo ho doubt.' Tho lowest
Prices at.tho Scranton public sobs ofcoal
have' boon in the month of January, 1 - titcl
there are greater reasons for its being
the dato the coming winter than at any
tiaMhorotofore. Orders for coal,
erablo of piped street," in this city, In,
Jamiary,it is said now; will bo taken at
throe dollars a ton, so sang6 . ind are_Op;
61111011! that the, prictis ° will be lower,
Prices of Goal, by tho cargo at Port
tumid, are, - Schuylkill rod ash 600,80;
white ash lamp s9,:ateambqat 116 4 0, f ! 04;
sl3.4Q,'stoye - $6.40,, diestnut ,§#4,4;
6.29. 1 ! .
For the 4tet two suinmete 'Etexci
411W:4enon 'On the Plaine than-for. .11 21 3' . two.
•The United illintes-Interand -Revenue
collected during the fiscal. year" finding
unaentijuit uhllslied runchriats to f $4711, 7
451,018, the, assessniente.s -the tai bay
ing amounted to $188,067,088. The lianas
received frorkthe principal &alai are as
follows : New Y0rk,430,484 142 f Renn
sYlvania, $18,617,178 ;
$17,853,524 ; Ohio, $12,i17,129 ; Now
Jorsey, $8,521,756 ; Illinois, $7,007,178;
Californib, $8,554,178 ;'Georgia, $7,112-
289 ; Missouri, . $4,957,187 ;. Connooti,
cut, $4,410,488 ; Alabarea, $4,3 - 92,760 ;
Maryland, $4,227,559 ; . Rentueky, $B,-
003,012 ; L0ui5ana,53,702,486 ;-Tennes
see, $3,718,514 ; Missysippi, $8,700,981.
1 61 rt earjidt
VOL. 9 7 NO. 48
Alabama has ratified _the Fifteenth
Amendment, 'by au alined aWanlamuo
vote, and TennesSee has; rejCoted tt al
most as decidedly. We are not sur
prised at the action of either State:
Alabama lead a realizing sense of the
hardships entailed `on. her by the slave,
holders' rebellion, and was 'anxious to
-have- every cause-of' diffienitiremoved, -
and harmonious relations established'
`With'fliir'SiffeeS that remained loyal.
Her politicians had the manliness to
stand with the causWthey had espoused
during the defeats that destroyed the
- confederacy, aswelras , Whei - iFi
were victorious' t the first. After hav
ing be beaten, they surrendered in
f&ith, and ':=Dt.lail the sitiatieh'
cheifully. Tennessee, on the other
'hand, shielded herself, first, S under tiro
garb of neutrality' in the contest, and
after the armed rebels were driven from
her soil, in professed, but not by any
means activeiloyilty. At the close -Of
- the struggle, her politicians, thinking
they saw a Democratic success, impend
ing, very soon, went back to their •old
idols, 'and seemed determined, that so
far as they could effect, the Union should
be reconstructed on principles-which had
once given rise to war and bloodshed,
like results again. - The effects of their
teaching are now visible. Tennessee,
which of all the Southern States 'should
have;been the first to abolish oppression,
and 'establish equality, now lags far in the
rear ; and Alabama, the first seat of the
confederacy, 'Comes nobly forward, and
recOrds her verdict in favor of right and
justice. We catmot say that we are
I sorry that the border States had not east
their fortunes with the confederacy from
the first, but yet it seems that they would
have been farther on the road to prosperity
to-day, if their punishment had been as
great as that their more wayward-sisters
Jefferson Davis has accepted the. Pram
idency of an Insuran&C;Mpany, which,
if of less dignity and importanoo than
the Prosidency'Of a confederacy of states,'
is perhaps more nearly withinsthe range
of his abilities. Ativays Weak, con
ceited, aspiring, and unscrupulous, his
presencO in our politics was a curse to
the country: Whilst in public) life ho
was tho avowed champion of every po
litical villainy conceivable. In his own
State, early in life, he was the advocate
Of repudiation and dishonestY. In the
National'CongresS he was the champioic
defender -and eulogist of slavery. While
moans for the nation's defense and pro
tection, ho covertly and treacherously
used hii position to, prepare for the de
struction and overthrew of tho Govern
ment. When treason showed itself ho
beeamo not only its chanfpion but its
leader, and long after all hope of success
- was gone, he continued the i oontost, and
wasted the lives and substance of his
countrymen iu'order that ho might grat
ify his vanity by keeping a little longer,
the position of a ruler., There was. no
villainy that he would not advise, no
crime that he would not 'Commit, do
saorifice• of the lives and fortunes of
others that ,his would not compass, to
gratify his ambition. Naturally an aris
tocrat, and connected with the most
haughty and exclusive of all aristocra-
Gies ho identified himself with a party
that claimed to be Democratic, although.
ho abhorred its very name. 'When he had
used it to his full satisfaction, he became
ono of tho loaders in the Movement that
overthrew it. And now having illustrated
how much clime, villainy t ,and ingrati
tude a man can accomplish; having
- spread misery and 'desolation :through
that portion of the hind that - once hailed
'him as its ruler ;• hiving astonished
the world With the impudence of his pre
tensions, and gratified it with complete
failure.ititho accomplishment of his vil
lainies, ho sinks in his old ago to obscur
ity, from which he never should have
emerged. If his own tastes had boon
consulted, ho would dodhitless have pre
ferred an execution for treason, 'in order
that -he might, . even 'in his last
moments,' have been the subject of :Atm
tiou and remark among men. Riau
nately, we think,;he -has been / allowed io
escape martyrdom, and 'we hdpo that no
turn in the affairs of the world may
again bring him to notice. •
We give, elsowhere, an account of a
most horrible murdor eummitted in Hunt
ingdon county, tho nuitivo elf which was
to obtain looney. We .confees we 'aro
heartily sick of 'recording those horrid
crimes. Scarcelj a' day passes without
the perpetration of some deed, which
sends a thrill of
.herror trough every
ono. Murders, burglaries, rapes, and
arsons, are the 'current news', of every
wopk. What causes these outbursts , of
but frbui somo 051180 their rocurrence is
so frequent, that it behooves all good
citizens Co examine, carefully, What
dreadful cans°, prodeces ' thoso horrible
results, and endeavor: :to Ilnd out whether
prevention orcuie is pOssible:.
"The Secretary oftho Commonwealth
has decided that juatieos of the peace
cannot assumo the dutioaof their offices
until'aixMaiiths aftor_ their election;”---.
Exi4 - ange. • •
The *Spereeary of tho- Contmcarproalth
has not so decided. The ilecision is,
that no eommisalons,will he isined,lo
newly olootod justice!, until the commis
sion& of those, whom they miTO to succeed,
Tho reason of 'the :#eeiilicatie
,tliat if cOppiissiOna were issued to'those
'cletefat the Oetolior election, bofore,
tliti,`cqiiimisaions -of their, predecessors
therOwMild'im more justices
.the' 'afferent lOwnahips, Wards, 'end'
than'atn allOried by the Constl•
Commisoiono bo Issued in
cask as goon ii4hcrniTiseif to whicli*o
povy9lectdd juat4ccs are cheison, slian
be vticant. ' • , '
The Alnerleotured, on
"Monday tiOning, in . tliti.Court..heuee;.in.
Xliirriebnriii to, a vefitarge_ and select
*id his lieture was ilii4dted to'an exposi;
;Von of ,the pidneiplesl - of 'equality and
justice, fOrlybieli theAStingnlsheiltSpna f .
•tOr.has tiontonded,during his whole pub
lic life. :Ho Proved the unity of the
human lace' by revelations, and ibythe
highest scientific authorities, and
mandod the entire alialitionlOf, caste by;
Vvoiy true interest R,religion, and .
lization. - Ho contended - for the
ehisoulolit of the. Chinese,- as well-as, the
African, , and predicted the most hono
floial all
pboples in (Air:llolmi de. ilii‘ - ycii.ei• lliuch
Stunnorg-viorm not Sr-ho ih advance
of thosO 'of a great maj6iity of ounpeo
ple, his earnestness in the iiiipptirt of
Principles which ho conceives to be right,.
ICini - the - ,g161
ing with which he ndyeeates•tlioni, secure
for him profound rospect
" Gorornor Go y has, signed tho death
warrants of Dr. Paul tichMppe r and Adam
Titus, and fixed the time for HIM execu
tion on the twenty-second &yid Decem-:
Um next
Pile Eon.. John Sherman, or Ohio, has
- written the hllowing reply to an invita
tion to attend tho Godwin Stato, Fair at
Macon •
DEAR Sin : I have boon Postponingfon
a long time an answer to yourinVUio n
,to attend the- Georgia State. J7xsh".i.-
at Ma
con, on the 'nixteenth , blNovember next,
with the einsrpliOpo that I may be able
01 .3 accept it ; but It is now manifest that
I will not be able to leave Mansfield in
time to do so. I desire very much not
only to' isit your State, but all the Gulf
and Cotton States, to learn by actual ''''''
Serration the great resources of that Very
important section of our common country.
The heat and animosity 'growing out . of
the institution of Slavery for along time
precluded ode' of my political convictions
from doing so with satisfaction; but now
I fool in the changed condition of affairs
no reason exists why I should - not do so
Aly earnest wish is'in every way, possi
ble to contribute to the develo,mont of
prosperity in the South. , For - that 'pur=
pose it is a public duty to study your re
sources—to Nemec acquainted with your
wants—the character and inclination of
yoUr people, and especially their pro
ductions and employments. Nearly all
the public mon of this a6ction have . con
fined thoir 'visits to tho East and the
West, and we only know of the culti
vatiOnl of cotton and rice, as we do of tea
ai4coffeo, by what we read, and not by
what we Boo: your State Fair would
give mo a splendid opportunity of learn
ing many things, and I regret my ina
bility toattend it I hope, however, to
pass ihrdugh the South before the moot
ing of Congress, and - if'la do so will be
happy to meet you at Savannah.-
lam truly yours, ,
(T. P. Rosa, Esq., Collector, &.
Hon. E. McPhoraon, in a recont Jotter
from London to the Star and Sentinel,
flips - speaks of the Penniylvania elu
tion :
"I thank you for haviog so promptly
and decidedlidonied the silly.story that
I was opposed, or indifferent, to-Gov
ornor geary's reelootion. What have I
Aynr_said,or done, that I: should ho hold,
by any one, to deserve .
,so insulting an
imputation? So far -from itlboing true
Z have a . Ni s.- N t 'ought,' and said, that
Governor Geary's administration was
singularly pure and independent; and,
in my judgment, ho richly merited the
vote of confidence recently given him. I
rejoice in his reelection, and all the more
as it is a rebuke to the party which ap
pears to No to be organized on the worst
prineiples over adopted by any party in a
free oonatry, and which ought, while it
continues to maintain them, to bo de
feated as regularly as it has been since it
espoused them. Judge Williams's elec
tion is an'espeeial gratification, as it se the Supreme Court a majority
of mentyers who will not , agree to per
vert the law to the purposes of treason,
or interpose their power to the protection
of the infamous men who have periodi
cally organized election fraiide, to pollute
the ballot box and defeat the popular
Tlmeongregation of Plymouth church
are. 90ing, back" on Mr; Beecher.
'They have actually reduced hia salary
this year to $31,000. The Pisa esti
mates his income .from leeturing% and
writing to heat least $12,900 additional,
making only $33,000, (MVO Which to de
fray his necessary and incidental expen
ses during the year.' `Po would like to,
know how it' is Possible fol• this may
fisherman to 'exist on such a pittance.
The Philadelphia Bulletin says " Be
fore the
,war the medical student of
Philadelphia was long 'haired, riotous,,
bowled, pistoled, and poCuliar. 'Bines
the war he has been quiet, ordorly,• and
unobtrusiyo. Wow ,hdluti made and ass
of himself. The • ass sy s mbolikes — bwo
This is'rather reagli%ii.tho boys; but
hey deserve it all.
' Th 33 Democratic papers are, at length,
,turning their attention to the politicians
of their own .party..• They hare' de
nounced the Radicals a good while, to no
,Purpose, co they now turn-their batteries
on their own friends, and abuse thorn
most soundly. Thoy am on. do right
track now, and will be sure ,to be be:
lioved by the people.
Tho. Volunteer of last weok soya :that
most of the Radical editors in rinnikk
- 4'auitvaitt' '",tl4cli howled and niulisher
Wo wonder 'what its priitato opinion is 'of
"molt" the --- 33eaiooratio,etlitora. It
calls ono. a lunatic ; ihlQ wo know.
The obituary Onlionoral John E. Wool,
viddeh appeared in Our 'last hienc;, should
hayo been'credited yo We Philadelphia
Evening Telegraph. '
° ,14't th 4 lato session of the Eastern
PennsylVania Synod of the Reformed
Cluiroh,} him at Danville,- Pa., it was
resolved that the effort to ., enlarge the
endowment of Franklin ; and Marshall
College, known'as,thb • " pollar
be again urged upon the attention of trio
pistpre nud oinsfstortes'of the Reformed
Church; and that , they . be earnestly re
quested to carry ft into ofi*tin all their
congregatimM, as far as inviotleable; and
that the taknaireii
measures as may, he 'noooseary , to secure
oOstiyo,nOtion. within their , rosootive
l hounds: ichisfils wore alkoicipipfiflid
reort,to,, the S ynod itt uq#anndai
sessioris • wliat thoy hai3O 40 , 0"
. 0 the, way of carrying ou .T!
Within their 'reopiotivoboilinafi. •
are,ploased to announcallie ap
,:pointment of 1 3: Carlisle
Clounoih:'No.;2D6,_,O:"?pf . ll. A,, pi:, as
DistriCt Deputy Grand Councilor forthis
county. 'He will Make a useful officer,
and the council of which he is a member
'may justly feel! proud in ;having oTiC - 1 at
its members 'selected from among the
numerous applicantS for:that position:
. .
Tho following is a list of the appoint=
Incas made by the • East' Pennsylvania
Eldership oft the Church of God, at its
annual sessien hold in Washington, 'Lan
caster county,' 7ricOntl3%:—Philadelphia,
A. IT. Long ; 'Lancaster, C. Pride ;
Joy, L. B. Hartman ; ElizabothtoWn, J. •
: - Deshong.; - Brainbridge and Maytowa, -
J. C. Owens ; Washington, W. L. Jones;
Middletown, J. Hafleigh; Harrisburg, W.
0. 'Owen; Shiremanstown and Camp
Hill, E. D. 'Mier ; Carlisle, J. Huntor ;
Newville and Orretown, B. F. Beck ;
Newburg.' and Greenspring, •T: Still ;
Shippensburg, G. Siglor ; Chamborsburg,
D. Townsend ; Altoona,. S. M. Dugan :
Auburn and.Kimmel's, J. Koller ; Read
ing, to ho supplied ; Columbia Mission,
attached to Washington. circnits : Lan
caster county, 0. H. Botts ; Dauphin
county:E. Fleeglo ; Lebanon county, S.
W. Miller; .West Snsquehanna C,
A.lllkikatamoras and Germanville, S.
Smith ; East York, R. White ; West
E. Room; Plainfield, J. Ross,; Union
town, Md., G. W. Beilhammor, and D.
Messinger; Frederick .countY,.Md:, W.
P: Winbigier ;'Washington county, Md.,
•S. Spurrier; McConnol's Cove, D. Itear
sFhling ;FayOtteville, J;McDonald ; Lan-
Aisburg and Juniata, S. S. Richmond,.
Wm. Engler, and T. L.' Sinith ; Morri
son's Cove, P. D. Collins; and F. L. Nic
odemus ; Fort Littleton,. P. Loolcenbill;
Bos'ks county, I. Hay :.Lower York, I
Brady ; Renovo, to be supplied ; Vir
ginia Mission, Wrd. McElroy.
We have been, for the past two weeks,
going to prose on Thursday, in order that
we might avoid any trouble on account
o some o our en scribers not receiving •
their paper during tho week in which it
is Print - ed. Our publication day, here
after, will be Thursday, and all advo -
tisements and communications must be
in before noon of Wednesday, to insure
. -
insertion. •
We regret exceedingly that wo wore
not furnished with a report of the pra
ceodinge ,or the . Cumberland County
Teachers' Institute which met at Now-
Idle, last Week, in time for publication.
The only report we could get of pro
ceeding that was legible, was obtained
late on Wednesday afternoon, after the
paper was up, and consequently we were
Unable to publish it this week. Tho
meeting was a Gory interesting ono and
contributed much to the entertainment
and instruction of those present.
William M. Doner will sell at Publio
salo wiluablo personal property, oak the
seventh of March, 1870, one-fourth - of
mile from Palmstowh.
' court, which has been in , session this
Week, - was on Wednesday morning ad
journed until Monday morning next, on
account of the serious illness o? W . g.
Miller, esq., ono of the lawyers con
Brolieta~orc. - FrTtrman, on ' e -
nesday tho twenty-foarth instant, started
from Carlisle Barracks to Fort Leaven
worth with a detachment of 125 reoruits,
to be forwarded to the. Third United
states Cavalry. .
"A man found doad on touther street,
Was tho startling rumor ou'Our . streets,
Monday - evening. Upon Inquiry it was
found that tho man was only dead drunk.
Ho was accommod'ated With lodgings at
" Port Thompson."
During the holidays , two of our Piro
Companies itdil hold ftdra—The " Good
Will" and the "Union." The Union will
hold their fall.. in Rhemn's Hall, and the
Good Win he second story of their now
building, willbe completed by that
time. Both parties aro deserving of
pationage, and we hope to 'see the ex
pectations of their members realized.
Programs of Garrison Band, at 4 p
m., Sunday: I. Mauro ; 2. Gallop, Mar
tlia ; B. Potpouri, Barbo Bleu ; 4. Morn
lug - Journal.
On the evening of Thursday lash
(Thanksgiving,) Thomas Boyer, deputy
sheriff of Perry county, was robbed of
a considerable amount Of moifoy, and
valuable documents, by two follows,
whilst on his :Way from Newport to
Bloomfield. Mr. Boyce• made a gallant
fight of it against the villains; but was
overpowered, and consideiably beaten
and abused. He has identified two Mon
named :Warren and Guslei, 'who have
been committed fin. trial. .
Continuation of `Court. proceedings:
Watts vu. isroff—dio. S 4,
1867—Dobt. Verdict for dofondant.
RenclersOn Hays for plaintiff; Mag
lauglilin and:Ponroso for dofondant.
Wolf vs. Stndebaker---No. 7d, August
term, 18137--Caso. Verdict for,plaintiff
for $1.25_, liepinirn, Ponrose and Shearer
for plaintiff; Todd and Ritnor for de
fendant. „.
09oi vs. Abl—No. 21!1,..A.ugtmt term,
1867— , Caso. Henderson di Haiti and'
Smith for plaintiff; Sharp and Miller for
defendant. •
John H. Rhoorn has started a oirop
lating library at hie music atoro on Wos
Hain Wed, .. •
o monotony- of our usually quiet
town was' broken by a hop, which came
off at the Bentz house, on Friday evening
the twelfth inst. Old and young, mar
ried and single mingled in the festivities
of the occasion; and it was no rare-sight
to witness, vigorous youth and .mature
age ioin hands ,in-the dance, or play at
odds around the card. table.. Bright
&cosi, cheerful words, and animated ges
tures; told a tale of an evening passed in
pleasure , and enjoyment. The ruddy
glow, and pleasing smilo on: Ake comae
nances of .old and yOung, gave Ovideuce
of cheerful hearts, and easy consolers,*
notwithstanding tho dogmatic opinions,
and assertions Sf many affected ones,
who ;.regard ,
horror rind right-
Oons disdain any entertainment given at
4 Publio-iiuse. The affair . was 'quite
rechdrhho; and the appointnients commis
iifaut ;And much credit and Commenda
iionia due the ifoung men,who originated
'and conduoted,,ihci entertainment, The
musio diecmined . by . tho anylpon Utring
Band was most ,e)Foollont, - and added
greatly to the tyOning's 4310pp:sent: ACI-,
htOtoßtly ? at, , late„ hour, the p
96 3 4PrinI , dhipovi3odi and the fiaptivitio ,
iStormq. • ' 'WA*
- „Garrison - Hifistrela - play "-Toni:Vas!'
and " Han4ly . Andy 4 ' on Friday evonlng
The Run, :41Csoribirig , a no* , hotel in;
Fifth ayeatte; LII*Nv . York, : .says : `` 04.
.waiters aro -Al ineffailo " olekinco 4
!cost of Countenance.
TlioY loOk
They wear two Clean darts and two white
chokers a'day, and change ',their aprons
throothnos an hour - on a bosoni
or . 6.1=6 in a tie involves instant dis
The Gettysburg \ Star and Sentinel hap
our polo boW for the' following compli
ment ,"The...o,:tai.lsr.nllnnALD, under
the management of MoSars. Weakley LC,F
Wallace, has boon decidedly 'improved,
:both in typographidal appearance• and
editorial ability. It is ono of the very
Uost of our exchangesneatly prhqd,
with spicy editorials, and in every re
spect a readable paper." ,
16 the Editor of the Herald
In a special dispatch from nanisburg
to the Philadelphia In wirer of Noromber
12, 1809, the reporter makes 'the follow
ing statement : •
"Tile Governor referred these various
petitions to Attorney Gpuerkl P
' Brewster,. wht;, after duo examination,
i . einiered his opinion iii, writing to the
effect that there. was nothing is the
papers presented to justify the Goiernor
dri.rendoringthigatory Gni sentence of the
Judge of which' had also 'written the
ticeeutive that there was nothing in the
ease' to warrant any mitigation of the
This ia.a misstatement of the fact, to
correct 'Which we, annex the corms :
"pondenes betweenthq Goiternor's , P'rivate
Secretary and Judge Graham, from which
it will appear that the President Judge
did not write "that there was nothing
in the case to warrant any 9nitigatt:on of
the sentence."
HARRISBURG, PA., October 16, 1869.
Honorable jams H. Graham, Preeideu
Judge of Cumbtrland flaunty:
vl.) KR ti ll !, :— ' 0 :WO "on file, in this
pe rtment, the records of your Court
5Vt o cases of Paul SchMppe and Adain
' Titus, under sentence of death for mur
der. The Governor directs me to inquire
of you whether any further legal efferts
ere in contemplation in behalf of ace
' convicts, or whether you know of any
feason why tha warrants for the execu
tion of the sentences of the Court should
any longer be delayed.
Very respectfully, . •
Your obedient servant,
. Josn H. (ilium, -
Private Secretary. •
CARLISLE, October 18, 1809
John H. G7ion, eaq.
, Dunn Sin :—I have received yours of
the 10th. Writs of error were applied
for in the - Schcoppe and Titus cases, and
refused in both. I know of no further
legal efforts in contemplation, or that can
be made in behalf . of either of the con
victs,,nor do. I know of, any reason why
the warrants for the execution of the
sentences''of the _Court should not issue,
except that petition's to the Governor,
for the pardon of Dr. 'Sciuoppe, have
been in circulation, and I do not laiow
whether thole petitithas have yet been
presented to Governor Geary.
Very respectfully, yours,
J. H. GnAnAm.
Every young man in the country would
be greatly benefited by a course of study
at the Iron City College, and to those
contemplating business life it is indis
pensable. Circulars containing full par--
ti,eulars can_ be had on addressing the
.Principals, Smith & Cowley, Pittsburgh,
Our young friend, Mr. Charles D. Hal
bert, has recently opened, on Louthor
street, a short distance below the corner
of Hanover, a first class marble yard.
Ho has procured thet services mf the most
export and experienced - workmen, and is
determined to manufacture tho very best
kind of work, at reasonable prices.
:Being centrally located, and having on
hand always a hill supply of alf kinda of
stone, we would urge those of mar readers
in want of anything in his liuo to give
him a call. They will never regret it.
RILEY—IIAIMM.9.—Uu the thlrteenh of Slay,
1800, by the Rev. J. A. Morriy, Mr. J. Clayton Riley,
to Mies Ellle 11. Harris, all of Carnal..
EARLY—nunKiroumi.—ou tb• elstenith iu•
etaec by the Day. Dr. Swartz, at the roslcleue• of the
bride's payouts lu ibis ',Nee, Mr. D. Wile. IlurkLuldar.
to Mine Clara 0:
MeGILL—CASTOR. , —On the sixteenth of Fontein
bet, at the Lutheran Parsonage In this plue ' by. the
saute, Mr. I). J. McGill, to Miss Miriam Custom, the
(orator of Washington, D. C., the latter 4 of 0311.111110.
lIARTMAN—POLLINCIER.—Ota the fourteenth
fusta4, at the Aame place, by the unto°, Mr. John
liartalan, of Mechaulcithurg, to Miea Lout. PoHiner,
of York county,
• M010.11E2-3ILINTZER.—On the eighteenth in
taunt, by the IMMO, at the intreonogo, Mr. Jam. ❑.
Mottlweo 4 to hlieu Mary - A.
.Muutzer, both of tide
county. r
STOITIR—PENSINOEIL—Ou thounmo ibty, by the
memo, it the llontz Homo In tide place, Mr. John M.
Stover, to Mb. J.uulo• It. _Poutibsgoi, both of tiro. ,
*Loth, Pa.
WEAKLEY—WEAHLEY.—On Ulu elghteouth In
gala; by the Roe. C. P. 'Miamian W, U. 11. Weakly,
to Allem Jouo Priscilla Woakloy, both of Cumberlaue
`.ENHOLT=LENITART.—bn (Lo tenth iuelaul, iu
coisia, t 'Edgar L. Phryock, eaq., Mr. John
to thee Catharine Louliart.
TACOBY—IBNINIt.—Ou the Mil insiani,' In Car
lini°, by the slime, 31r. Jacob Tncoby, to Mine Carolire
the eleventh ineleat,
in Mechanicsburg, by. Rpv. John Ault, fir. Edward
(1, Nhopo, of Dauphin county, to Mies hoall Milacr
on* of tower Allen township, this cantj.,
• HIDER—IIRME—On the eighteenth Instant, Ly
the enure, Mr. A. H. Alder, of North Middleton ton 0-
ship, to Mies lamp, of Silver Spring town
. . .
,TII9IIAS—MILLEII.-011 tho fourleoutlt'uf Ootii
.r,by tho ROY. Kloffor, Mr. David J. Thomas, to
les Ferdolla 8. Minor, bbth of Adorns cc.tinti,
CLILIP—KELL.7—Ou flub same day, by filo 11111110,
Conrad Comp, to MIo nutoo It. Roll, both of
Por count .
WAGGONER—YOUIIih.--On. Oto twetily.tirst of
October, by the sem, U. 11,16.1=111.V Waggoner, to
Mee Charlotte ,C..lnalcr, both of, North aliddielon
. .
YODitt—WAOCIONER.-01; tho eighteenth in
stant, by. the. same, Mr. Joeopit L. Yoder,'antl Mine
Caroline A. Weggunor,' both of North tillihliulon
township. ' , '
OYPHEIiti—IIAZELTON.--In St. Paul, Minnesota,
ou tho eixtoenth instant, at the resideneo of A. lit.
'Waft, by Rev.^Dr. Drown, Mr. Charles W. Cyphoro,
to aties Ilaseiton, both of Minneapolis,
At 'Churchill Barrack's, Nevada, Bopteinhor 0,
1800, Jaunts Watson, onlydaughter of Capt.'Thounts,
.and Jennie. M. B. licUrogor, aged two 'oars,- onb
month, and ton days.,
At .Gimp Bidwell, California, October 10, 1809,
Thomas Brown, sou of Capt. Thomu, and Jennie v.
0. McOregor,aged Gnu • years, six months, and
'dart. . '
. . . .
..,.. . . . .
At Camp Bidwell, Cillicirnla; OctaboN2ls, VIGO, Tom
platoa, infant noulut,Capt..nomaa and Joitodo 14, 8
iltarogor, aged tea tuoutho, a nd tan du. , •
"'On tha tentL 'ldatante to . 11fichaialcabirg; Ituiiy
Oould, on ot Josoph and Inima.ll. • Lona; aged 'two
yanru, tour months, and one day. ' . •
Tha &raptness otl lt aloat
t pit; Daub , ot the *War IC ' riven ; "
. 'The Mid to'ntlyar Ottawa baa flown, ' •
And, th'orli'o an angoloorto In Iltadrad,
, • .
fotateenth Inttant;
Augustin., aonor 191111 am and 'Jana ,tlponsek aged'
Ate putty, zdno days, . ...•
• .
• Dooreit Wlllla thoU boa loft um,
nor° thy 101 l we deeply toot; • •
But 'tliaod thatPi! baron:us, •. • •
' Saw pllour pgrrimi biol. " •
• -Tho lfosoment'ilittm . .of-St.—Pard'-
Evangolloiii ..„.
ClfroVon . Loather street;
28, at 11 o'clock; Miiiistorm from a 'dial:,
'tome attood.
The committeo appointed by the Amer:,
lean Instititelo examine into the merits
of the various coal burning stoves, "have
reported that, after making's thorough
- eiaMinatlengthe, Various stoves,, and
testing thom *thoroughly, both in.refor 7
once to economy and hosting
have faund the `.American Base Burner'
(manufactured in this city) ; to ho the
most, economical, , and the most powerful'
boater—some of the tests showing that
this stove consumed full
.9,tul-half less
fool than the others, , and in every case
gave much more-heat."' Is it not bettor,
to get the . above namicd„stove and avoid
the-groakwaste of coal ?—AI/?any
These stoves Lire for Bale .by William
Fridley, East Louther street, Carlisle, Pa.
Lottoto testaniehtni7 on the 0 of Samuel
Sadler, late of 'Hampden township, &Onset!, paving
been Issued by the ItOgistor of Conp,s'a land county to
the undersigned, ITNitlillp! ht Era ifellinsborougli town
-04, Duties lo berstl, to all perions knowing
themselsea lotlublocl to said untie to make paysnent,
ns , t having slahn.9 to present them, nrOperly
s_—_,Lanticatud, fur settlement, to
26tiuGt W11.1.1A11 SUMER, Exesnlor.
lieu la herdby given, that a role has been grunted
by COurt of Common Pleas of Cumberland comity
upon all persons interested, to show cause tit next
Argument. Conti, on December It, 180, why WI J.
Eters and It, 11, 'annuls, assignees miller deed of vol
untary.u,slgionent•for Lehi It of creditors, of William
and Santhel_E._alohosOo, lately doME
business in the name of John Johnson ,t ' Sono, should'
not be relieved -from ,tiny further responsildlitY, nod
Lo (Recharged from any Mid all liability tu the cred
itors of said assignors.
J. P. BRINDLE, Prothonotary.
Dokcaniton, l'erry, county, Pa
The enbaerlbere hlive on hand a large anew iment
Roofing Lath, -Frame Stuff,
fl 'Argo lut of ,
Whito Oak and Locust Posts,
which vio will moll chomp, and dollvor on ram I.nm
bor Witham' on Ilio obortort notiro.
Orion by will will roeoiva prompt At. tooth..
.911RAFPER-k-CO, -
Successors to Roller, LAtlfilfir'SE lloAbour.
2611°3 ILI
The subseriber offers nt private vii
laps otCe•treville, Cumberland ronnty, Pv., midttny
between Carllelo and,Shiprensburg, on the IValnot
Bottom Toad, the franwing desirable reel octal.,
A LOTUS' (3501151), containing
more or Teen, on width IN erected.
A Good Weatherboarded House,
a small Dank Darn, and other oulhulldings Ai•m.
One-Fourth of an Acre s of Ground,
opposite the above, on which Is erected a large now
tPram. Building, two storied, weatherlioarded, and
- plasterid, now used as coaelimaker shop. The
shop IN Ina desliablo neighborhood, sad Is doing a
good trade. The ,Lock .15u hand, tools, he., ran he
pnrckasedg desired. Possession can he had at:, any
time; to Ault purchaser.
'Fortartus,kc., apply personally, or, by letter, to
2fitiotr Dickinson, demberland conaty, Pa. •
. .
Pursuant to au order of the Orphans' Conti. of
Cumberland county, Out ant orsigned, •Lholnistra•
tors or William Itmith Mcßotsban, will Oterut publie
sale '
On Fri day, Re . cendei . 24, 11869' . ..
nE thirlite residence u( Elio tlecalmitl, Iho following
411.6611. d real entato
Purport I.—The slnnsion Kenna o ileroinirtl, lying
on thn Curubetland Valley Rai
Writ of Alter tda, In \Vast Penneborough
bounded by lambi of George McKeehan, Ilenjralit
McKaohan, JoePpli Trogo, unil•Willien, It. Brandon - ,
containing '
_A NI) s_o I ) EII LIES
nod having thereon eructed ajwo Story
A log tenant house, a stone Lank barn,,And other
outbuildings. The land is In a high stiite of rolti•
nation, and under goad lance. '1 bare is a well of
water near the door, and the location is convenient
I. railroad, mill, church, and school. Theta Is a
thriving young racbard on alit prom lane_
Purport 2.-9'ho unilicidetl half Intercfil. Ina tract
of laud, aituatell In 11141110 itll ' Abilip, on tho ruad lead
ing from Me. herb to Plainfield, bonded by Janda
of gon,filinln McKrchan, Jacob limier, and ollion4
of good meadow land.
TERMS Olt SAIX—So much of purchase money
to be paid.w hen tiroperty Ix ntrielon tdT.t Ad will .pnr
flilloA.Al of fl•ix; unohnlf bdiAlll . o to remain mumd
on the property na dower, and the,remaindur to ono
your, with interest. Half the gran in the ground
to go to the porelmer, nod the Vox. or MO to hey
poi,' by the purchaser.
Brile to common. at 1 o'clock, p. m. of Fold day.
JAlll{ /deli/IP:IJAN, Athri'x.,
20nc4t Dll.l,Elt, Adair.
Will bo gold tit public idler,
• 011 Saturday, Peeentber 4, 'lBO9,
n Wa premises, situated in Milltown,
l'oun town
hip,.eumlierland_cuinty, tilitt_ror.tgin_.Tnn't of
,and, containing . - , ,
Mut slim farming land, In a high state of cultiva
ion, about two noros of which is covered with good
lino timber. The improvamenbi couaist of.. good
Good Frame and Log Ihirn, Wearoi Shop,
and , I
imeeesary outbuildings. A good well or orator In
uour the door There to also a trot ohms oronard on
lb. premiumn.
Tan per coat of the purchase taoaoy lu he mild on
day of ealo,-or enured by nolo; tornm au to paymont
of balance will ho nnolo to talit pnrchasera.
Salo.hoeonimenco it II o'clock, Cam, of paid dax x
S. Cnor '
Dlnote SI A. It Y A. COON' Mt.
2EI N _
of Ifoi:iford, Vonn eel tett t.
issrrB f. • $12,0110:11110,
tinkly fni•e.tad lit Iniorest
Annual Income ovol•, $6,000,000.
ovrr 03.0(.)0 ponon• hnn• Inournd In tkie Altnn
13,000 p•rnona Inhurall In cho ilann tin, In ]809•
260 or :Win or tho Inhnbllnnts of. Cumberfand lord
F. 4100111 counties, I'n , lion• In•urod In Om
. ,
The percentage of 105101 mid e.cpensen forth., year ti
18115, 1800; 11107, and 1868, combined, Won lastrin the
Attie tunato any. •Ihor leading company.•
• On the twouty-tlsth of May„ 1820, Mixer Woleut
apprevod .1.1 signed thu Act. of tint Legialailite of
tho Siete of Conuoctleut.iyhtela chartered th o
Life Inatiresco Counotity ; but, to; Ufa insurance was
nut practlsod lit this country to nitwit 'extant till
tunny yours afterwards, It did not 001111110111'U issuing
Policins till 1800, In 181,1, It adopted the tables wills
divltlandolo'l'ulicy holders, nod introduced . ins ap.
rrovoil Phan,, ,
18111 - ' - - - - $ -.' 18,811:1117
1803 •, . .84,678.111
• 18113 114082.411).
' • 1811 ~.
, 1811.'1 • , ~' .1 .(1811,1113.01 •
18136 • . ,' . , 11,621,930.10
1807 , - 8,128,417.34 . •
, 18118 ' 6,900,227.71
The °Mears and dirertore of thu , Xten LIN liii
euranca Company are among the moot, ealisluutial
and reliable' °lgnore of Connectiout,—men or lOW
once and oxporlonco In ludness, to whom the public
can look to thi futuro, a. in tho paM, .for weareful
suporvidon and'giiiirdlitimhip over its buthiceit and
illeiri.. .
, r - 1 • .:
lf. Ilaird,.oeneral Agora of this county viii
pond soma Woo to 01**P:hilly of Carlisloy affording
nopportunity of limiclng Inoue:an** in this company;
• ,•• J.• 111111711 AN. Medical lExatainar, ,
• J. 111. BAIRD, Olmsted Agent.
-,Convostlearaganta . . ": • •
Addraiii-4. If. :13AI/1.11; (hulled*: • ' •
Datirtero; famOkip„ fool '...o . chers,:, can low:Dago . uo
roinody crud. to . Dr, W01,1 . 44' Youotion . thilmafit, for
cholornolli , t'frbeen,rlyeeir'terY,crounicolic,'
tlll4 spa internelly—(lt (orfec
luirmleas . ; ice enth:acdomptiny lug each bottle) Ilud.
niter/411340i chronic ihounutthim,headaehe,,tooth
Ache; eoro:thrOnt, cute, burns, nwelllnite,:hiulice
mosquito bitee,ol acres, value to Ilmbe;. back skivi
'aid. • The Venetian Llnlntenb' was Introduced to
1817, and, rforxte,rrhOhnlf,ue edit bat continual to do
cod likai) Hinting, If it 'lean ten dollaria Lditle ibey
woulitnot te . wlthnitt Thedeande Of certificates send ritthOrrlotif,'eptakinliof lte 'yronderful,
curattery• proyerllett ; Prlcp, Nifty floats onk,Oito
Sold by Atte 'Druggists ,
,and titoretireepore,
throttalrent thilted Eitolcit Re p ot; .lo Patk Place
NevYotk, , . ,20114111.'
[PIM the Ledger ,9" Tuesday, Novehiher 2g.] '': 't
• FLOC I I4-.Market - doll - itho - vd6mantl3.lfig Ilmiiii:d
ntirely:iO the lkomolmtle. Pktias ranging froxio„
31 $7.50,. ' .. .'
~ItYl*ioun:--oi iper.barro
ICI ;ORAlR:—Thelirbrt marital .to doll, but prlces co
MichiMgea/Aeles of 1,000 bnehele Weeterri
Rod at.. 51.35 C 01.30.. .Ponneilvaitla and DolawhrO' do;
iir51".6501:38. - 7..yo — frdricsEo4 - to sl.oo;'Clite at
000)01; Corn le higher with salmi of Old Yellow at
$1.0701.10; new ditto. 85603 according to &pima.
SEEDS.—Clorereeetioold nt_so,so©7. per bushel.
Timothy, $0.3701 : 011. blamed, $2.40.
CATTLE MARlq ! '2B,• 7 Tho atrivale and salmi or .
- Beef' Cattle, -l at filo Aventle'Drova - Yard, - reached
about 2,500 hand. The market, in conlegtionce, - was,
dull but firriicr,extra Pannsylyania and Western steam
. selling atay.Aoc.; t tow choice nt 93.4,60%c.; fair
to good at
.708 c.; and common- at 4@oMci 'per Ili,
gross, no to
'Oc;Vrei amd enlyen noll readily at full prlcM; 200
Gang 'mid at $45P70 Elprlngern may Lo
quoted at s4ofgo.
Sheol) were dull aud lon cr, nnlllug nt 40fike. per
IfiTgrons;‘tlio !nit or rat n fit chuln*.
'4,00011 - 6nd
nrrlved and nold nt tho different yard', nt
pnr 100 14 n0t..1
.. _
List Of unclaimed letters remaining' in
the postoffico at Carlisle,. Pa,, for the
week ending - Provember 24, 19811.:
Anthony, 3 .
01in -. Imeby, Charles H.
Ankerman, Henry Leo, Nanny
8011, bonny - Lay, William
l aniburger,Javo !Alcoa, Ildward
Boyd, ! , MllllllO • , • 31ilier, Elsio, -
atungardter,Bainind Moore, Mary 11.
onnott, John •Alatthowa, 'William
Cornmaii, Kato . My•re, llihvaiil
_Cumeekoy, Thimitio - - Montgomery, William
Croigli, Samna! Moore, John and Jot ry
Carollium, Join, IC Orr, Theo.
Balloting, 1 1.11., K. & L, Co.
Dillon, ?dim Jolla A. Reed, W. C. 1 , .
Dill, Maggie ' Ramp, William J. -
Diabolic, li. Iltedlng, David IL
ifoinunico, Ililotto Rea nior, Georzo
Daneon,,Pliedi Irk Royer, Benjamin
Bgolf, A.D. I•l‘eeily, WillisiniJl.
Fleniiiig, Tom I' :Baader, Lewis ~
P°l "/ (4 "B"' Hinulartigfi,•tionrgo
Girnor; 'llinintai , - ... litaufflif, , GeorgirlY. - •
llutAnil, 11. 14, 1Yd , r, John N. ' ..
Gray, J. Al. Wolf, Mdry Ann ~ • -
01111, Putt. Wolf, Fr, i
Gallandette, 'Plnana4 , Williann,- W;. M. '
Muller, Daniel Wert, John ; .
Veazey, John Wonders, Bimini
Hardy, Martha A, . Wollner, Richard
4111110 n; 'William - . Willionr, J.llin
Hoffer, Jailik,, P. Wort, Davi4
Julinaou, lam. (voI ) ,- .'Yuan f, E. 1,. _ •
Knox, IVillinni B. . Yorletle, Jacob* .
Rioter, Swain ' • ' Young, Charles If.
1111s111RE. TED LETTERS'
Jefroreon 14.1,111, A litjorsion, N. Y.
Agnet. Such!, Iforotestmeit, Pn.
an Myer,t, New Chester, Adam outtnty, pn.
e-n -R-L -us tr!G—vrto-fru-clai—mm-ET
Carlinla, Vovoluber,
tiupw Ila n 410.
/10 101 E.
...... .
CI.111 , 141t8EICI)..
General Produce Market.
• nurllsln, November, 25, 1869.
Crwra,lted Ireckly by IVilliam Irairbmood
1111rl'Islk 35 BACON 2111011T.DER8, 18
1:01/18,• 30 BACON 81DE3, 90
TALLOW, 9 PARED PE/011118, • 26
n e ai away down in Mi.,. We would call the et
tendon of Ow Dad., to the !urge reduction in prices
of LAMPS AND GLASSWARE. Also to the 'Jorge
stock of smite goods that wedcru now offering. Cool
Oil of Eines( quality 0n1y,1111,1 In sound barrels, offerod
at lowest priees.
Still another pic•o tiSoalt.
Philadelphia $lO.OB sells of giniennwpre of 04
plot a, packed lip- froii, ciml dellyined nt our shire at
same prim, •
Curnvl , r..
Ftop-by otop this commodity
. 11118 MI:11110 . d It. 11111/11,
adbuted fame. They ors unlveU,ally approved.. They
support, htrengilleU, and add the growth of entaatien!
%hey appear to have a peculiar affect lipoupte,, lierTe.t
avow to accumulate olectricity, nwt aid llis
of Cho blood through the part ahem opplifill; by
yhidl healthy rtellofis aro Indsced.
Even 'hi paralysis, alum artico lat iou sons stripoulb
oil, Ills oso of Ihu Porous Plasters to tho opus rustorod
the :1111.Lit nail materially (edugc4 the paralysis.
In fart, thr patina could help hen rrlf, width, before
the rtz,,tor j ,iis applied slts (r Inn tnvllllvee an
a baby. We ruler to 91 re. Rally . Lll lot, Springfield,
Ovid by 101 bruggiele. Agene), E reatlrelli Hume,
New Yorli
• .
AI lard the peoplo 3 lnt•e got the fed "through
their hair," that hair dyee impregnated irlth acetate
of lead, and other utetellie Bath!, are In - tirderoua
preparation,. Whet they ee• the metallic sediment
at the bottom at" the bottler, they know that Chu dim
gusting @tuff to literally thickened with polvotai
They ant:, therefore, for a Iteration:, vegetable dye
and Iled it, pyre and etTlerteloue, iu Crietedoro'm .Ex
eninier Hair Dye, offered under 'the Benetton - 4ff Prti
Tessa• guaranteu that It contains "nothing
doleturio ate."
Crlntatlnen'a flair l'remyrrlllvo as a Bro.lug, auto
liko n t;liartn on the hair after 113 elpg. Try It.
Their weal cntu• cebeinte iu tilts: They my' he
need to long es nay diseeno affects any or th• organic
of the body ; end by thine voreoveting. 111 their use
the dip. \rill be eared, and the body reetorod to
free from every taint end hiipurlty. Their
reputation proles their merit. •
Theinex Smith. Coroner end Jostle° of the Peace,
•iinelhtge-on%the•llndxoo t eels Brendreth's Pahl cured
hlm of Dywepela and flout tbure, when eiery other
medicine had foiled to telieve Idna ,Cc,tillemte dated
pril.2, 180.
Ur Joroor, of Sevannoll,l.korglo, eryu he hen,
nearly forty par', iecoomended ltruddruth 4 n Pills,
es It specific in,yellon favor; that Ise never kIIINV
pntiont to ilk who took theta for Oils malady, being
otharwi,e'nenntl. Their prompt nee lekue out of the
body theme mattery which feed the futility of the
iiiscue. As it gone, it.l fondly oiedlcljm, he comlifers
nolo lar„ lit IlliOhlt.6 or ell others, aid here he
speaks from Tor. anal experience of their quilltime,
Urnitt AI/1000111 Dyrapeialla rills and
Pit. .free War Cordial. aro a &ditty,: aild hired ale
cure for dyaroopela Ia Ita wait. aggravated Anil, aad
lit) matter or hew lodg atandlax. •
'l'llry penetrate the soma abode of 11101..1 . 11de
dive., sod eiteriulrialo If root and Gratich, iLaarer.
.Theyelluvluto moro agony and silleutsoffating than
tongue non toll.
'rhityßrO noted for emlug tllu unmt Vs:pantie mid
lioilnlous ratios, %Olen every knooen . 1110,111 S: fall ; to, ttf.
-ford TOII6 f. • , •
No form , of Dyeptspein .oM indigealon cam reidet
their penetrating power.
De.`,Wistunt's nine Tree 'far Cordial. lt le the
attel_prlnelplatel_tha4.lne-Trcee,-,eletaited 6y n ps
collar procest In lite diatilietion of We tar, by whielt
'lts higheet medical propertied nra redefined—lt invig,
°retail tho digestive organ. and realm:el the appetite.
It stitorigthatte tiro debilitated *Mew. It puriflen
and ent;lches the ltioeCtina:ii - pWlifroni the epitome
the,. co rruption which' scrofula breed., on-the : tongs .
It dineolyes the notddii or pillages which stop. ,the air
peerages of the lunge. ' Ikspenling principle nets
upon Chi; irritated Birchen/Of the 'loop and throat,
penetrating to each Wheeled part, l'ellwrlng peln lend
subdulng'kdamation. It I. the .result of years' of
etudyanddhporintatet, andtt is oferedto the nalicted
with peeitive treenrance of its power
, to core the fol.
taping dleenees, If the patient' beta not too long de,.
!aria .'resort to the rennin/ of curet bonwirsistion Of
tbo' Lunge; Congh,• dots Thinat 2inettAlreitet, Bran •
Otitis, Limp Complaint, Blind 'And Breeding, ?Ilea',
'llethina,.yrhoeplurgough, Diirtbsria,
A ',medical' expert,' li - 010111i, ha • noraite,,colleglate
DI iihilatas, devotes Ida entire than tante aratotaation
of patients ' , it the. °Ate parlors. , lesoolatee . trith
MTh tIT throe oolltiltinit ihye!ctaita of eetretorleahted
ant bronco, ehou iorrlooo aro given to the .titbllatree ,
ot ettLege,• : • ,
Mt. opp; rtoolt y lo *Mimi try 116 eliihi loraitituttoo
Lettere Tone auj - partet, the, eouotry, juikpig ad-,
elee;*111 tti promaptly,eurt giatatioutly yeependo,io to
Whore' iOrieretoat;.renitttonene olroofd.take time . kepi
of D 411.1111 or Posit belle. order.. '' : ,' • • ~ ,' ~
y , ,rlee'ef ristortt's AotorlowiDyeierels 'PIM, it,
Loi."; ;fat l!j =Oleo recirtpt.oyprlet. : : ,
Irlimioryilibarvii :21i , kur Tree Tor dorilia t $1,16 i
f,oftle,:'o.3ll per di:444l . 'omA 16: ofpialic -L ' ---..-- ' - ' - • -:
! 4114viiattilltaklotoillis011atio•addrineir • , ,' ;• ,
' ,•' • ' . ' , NortAkocial
•"22ioct eta • r -• '' - ', - ''' r" , ,111111001P1140.}:
treated'Ulth the utmost sacesee, by T. lOLca, M.
:36„ and Professor Of Dtreases qf the Sys and Sac (hs
syeciality)in the ,Medical . bliege of Pennsylvania,
yearn-4operince, (I op:Carly of Leyden . , llolland,) NO.
805 Arch ateest, RUM; Teetimonide eau be slip
at Me office. 11,1:medical !tally are iltrrito4
company Moll , patient: ow lee law no aeerots titian
pea:aloe. Arlifiehd wee inserted le Mout palm
eharge,for eatttniaation.
69-ty •
Pronto, Asylums, ad. Iron Eedsteads, Who Web. ,
binge for sheep and.pouldrxyards, Braes, and„ Iron
wire rlotßaleree, renders, Screens for coal, mesa'
sand, ire., "envy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters
landscape Wire for - Windows die.; Paper • Makers
.Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every infertile
tie. by add !MIR ing the manufacturer", M. WALKER
& SONS' NO II North Sixth street Phlladelphli,
gentleman who suffered for yeari from Nerveui
WAIST, Premature Decoy, and ell the effects of
yputliftit indhieretiow'willfor the - eake of aufforibir
humanity, mend freo to all who neod It, the receipt
for_ making the eimpltr remedy . by whiclillie "tree
cured. Sufforera whiliing: to profit by theldrortle
er'a experience carxdoecrhy" . iiddreiaing, In porton
Contrael3Cll, • JOHN D. 0011 EN,
Ne. 4 . 2 War St, New York.
JACO& 801111ETZ—Deiir . Sir: I b&T9 . ,buell Afflicted
fur the lost ten year. with the Rheumatism and
Gout. Your Bittern woe recommended to me. I
hays used It, cud I am glut, to uiy IC110 . 111y&cted &
perfect ~U ro in a very short time. Aerefore I re
commend. It to ell -versonsumtilleted-with the acme
dlsesees.'.l °consider It the heat Cure in wee hr any
dlncese the human body Is stibjeet . d,te,
E. DEYOUNG :Philadelphia
Rave jest received „an extensive supply of Lamp
thole, best Minced Bleat,
Cracker dust, Loot A mr , Cured Hanle. Please cell
end loam prials for bait and Coal Oil before buying
Wo will sail boat goods, chesic; endure determined
to glso aatisfactien. • 29009.
The Advertiser, haitng beau toktored to heal
in a few wecikti, by a Ta`ry nimpla remedy, after t hav
Ing"autrardd enteral yank with a sityci;li lung aka
[ion, and that dread disoatilt, Consumption to ant lotto
to mak° known to kin follow;ailfforara the 'meting o
T. ell who ti e ire it, ha will ion(' a copy of the
praecription timed (froo of with-lho direction
for preparing and nab!g tho ammo which they Will
911tONCIIITTS, ate. The object of the attrOrtleer In
;lending the Proscription to to benefit the',tffilotad
and sproad Information which be conceive. tolb. In.
yoluoblo and ho hopes avery eniforerwill ti , :" hie
ronfody, at; It will root l'ho'in nothing and may piPTo
a Liming. fl
l'orUtle ‘vle.hlng the pranaription will 001180
Willlmmsbu'rg, Mega County NOw York. \ - A
It gives me pleasure to certify that Blr..Scheety's
BITTLft CDRDIAL in my opinion iq puroly vegetable
n Its constitutlfm, and an excellent tonic, being
harmless In 1 tscharticter, and npt being in alcoholic
thuUlant. EMS STOO lITON, It. D.
. 900
Notie'u in hereby given, to all pommel Interested,
that the following 'accounts lmoo beau filed in thin
ollise, by the ...Indents therein uuniod,•for exami
nation, and will be presented to the Orphans' Cum t
or Cumberland •county, for confirmation awl allow—
ance, on Tuesday, December 14, A.D. 180 : -
First and noel account of C. W. Sponsler's no—
tate, as filed by'S. O. Dinvman, administrator of It. O.
Rupp,. deconead, who was executor of C. W. Spounler,
2. TIM guardianship account of Samuel Eberly,
gnardian of Benjamin B.,Lborly, lath of Met:blink.
burg, doer:mind.
3. Ageount of Alm.ham Bowntau, guardian of
Afary E. Millhoiscu; late Mary H. Baker, minor child
of John Balmy, Into or Uppur dllou towunliip, do-
4. Account of Abraham Bowman, guardian ‘4.lolin
If. BOWlllall, Woor child of John• Ilommus, Into or
Upper Alle• to, milli, deceased.
5. 'Hie first awl finaVaccriunt of Jacob Horner, one
of the ox manors of Abraham Zeigler, decmised, •
6. First and finaraccount of Margaret C. 11. Sturm,
adifilaistrairix el Sophia Stiam, dammed.
7. Fir:Wand .11.1 ILecount of Daniel Shelly, tlmlo
biti.dor of William 0. Vliottle, Into of Lowe• All•n
ilt7i 7 Okitod..
8. Ihwt nod final necoont'of Emanuel Simko, ox
wol )]. of dol. Spoko, lute
.or main tow.hip, do
P. First and final account of BEiniol tolmluiu
teat 4 or of }Alm imtli Bair, It of M lad laurz '
10. Tho of Doctor Androv Nolooßm . and
M. Montleruun, of Ooorgo IV. Sheafor, - da.
'rho second nod final account of Jnototi Hamil
ton, 101., Hon Jamea 11. Graham, and Roil. David
Sterrett, trocutura of Nos: Susan If. - TWrnfn Into or
ib.llll4totto of PanLialr, drenn=od.
Two small b 00... on DieLhoion niley, mar the
Gollogo. Lot. 90 by lak root, with hythawt In Om
YnO• Apply to O. P. PIUMIIICLI,
'Weld Main Eared, Carll.l., Pa.
A Cpniplelo Pictorial liignry of aloTinte.."
The . BM, Choapatit, mid Blot SUCCIAwfuI Fainlly
, ,
Paper In tho Union.'
iu Novornhur wlll bo commenced "Mao anti
Wife a now Nodal Wry, xplenalldly Illuattntod;
Collins, (Author of "Ole Woman in While,"
No Name," " Armaditle," and "no lifoonatono.")
New &Worthep lint no ouppllod . with Ilarptir'a
Weekly fiomthe rotunitiocelLicut of tho Story to tho
end of 1870 for $4,00.
;Critical Notice.] of tho Proaa
Tilo Model Newspaper of our country. 'Complete
In all the departments of an American Family Paper,
Harper's Weekly has earned for itself a rlpt to Its
title. "A Journal of Civitication."—lVato Joni: Burn
ing Post. „
liarper'SlTealay may bo unreservedly declared the
boot newspaper in America.—N.Y. Independent.
The articles upon public questions which appear In
Idarper'e Weekly, front week to week, form a re
markable series of brief political essays. They are,
distinguished by Clear and pointed statement, by
good common imago, by Independence and breadth of
view. They aro the expression of mature conviction,
high principle,' and strong feeling, end take their
place among the beet newspaper writing of the limo.
--..Voi•th American, Revive, Bogen, .1114tracliusette.
WOpkly,flllll year s4 00
Au fin tra Copy of °Muir the Magazine, Woukly, or
Bazar will On nupplind griitle for -every Club of Flini
Stilweriburn nt $4.00 each, in one: romittanco ; or, Bin
Cnpiex fur tio.oo, Without extra copy.
Solmsrlptlond to lforpor's 'Nags.llia, Woikly, and
Bozor. fu aria ail,troux for ono pfor, $10.00; or, two of
Ifortwr'n PuiiOtllcalx, to ono ,ntlireas tor' ono yoar,.
Bach ttttt taws can be ounpliod at any than.
Tho AnnualYoMums of Iforpor's Wookly, In neat
cloth binding, will be scut by oxpross,'finc of en
for $7 each. A Comploto sot, comprising. to
VOill11108;111 , 11t on molpt of cash, the 'rate of $6.25 ,
per volnum, freight alt °spoil,. of purchasor.. Volume.
Xll F, ready 'January 1, 1870.
The postago on'llarpor'a Vookly is 20 cents A year,
which must ho paid at the oubscrlbor'i pi:lo°2Mo.
Address HARPER, lt 13110TRE1111,
NowYorlt; .
A Ropo , sitory or 'rotation: Pionspro, 'Ana .Instrigt-
A utipplonlent containing . 111112111011 S full mixed pot
turns of ueoful.drticles IIeCUMINIDiII Ilia paper ugory
fortnight. und . occaelonallywelogent Colored Fitch.
ion Plato.
' IfarperW Bazar contains 18.,f0110 pager of the Bleu of '
flarpor'd. Weekly, panted Lop unpurilnu calondeied '
paper, and i 3 puldieltral wookly. ' • ' , ~.„ •
Critical Notice° of the Pleas. - • .
" llorpreio Bazar Contains, bedded Odom, Idian's •
etc., a variety of matter of 'spode' use and lutenist" to
the fondly;' articles ou healthi dross, and bounekeop- • '
lint 'Wall Its branches; Its editorial matter to spa , •
dolly nil:tilted to tho drelo 'lt is Intended to tolerant '
and Instruct; and It Bad, besidos'
e ; good stades and
literary matter of merit. „Tele soturprlning that tho••
Journal, with ouch featured, beg achieved, in a slistr " '
then an illitnollso BUCCoitili fair soniothlngLet-lbriflnd
era havo tilled the demand. 'rho young lady who
buys a Anglo Imbiber,' of 'torpor's Bazar; le 'nada • s •
sulisorlbor for York Evening Pug:
Thq Bazar. la excellent . . Me all the'periodicals
which tho'llorper's publish, It, le nlinestldeally well
edited, and the elsos,of readers for, whom it t. itth•
tended—thanustliora sold daughters bf average faml:
libe—can not but prolltby Its good south tind geed, •,
which, we havo no doubt, are to' day making
vory many homes happier than thoy marhava been ;• ,
: before the women began felting lessons In portions' •
and holiseliolit;and modal simungetnent hens this
.good naturist mentor --..The Nation. r ;
• It has the unthlt of being senbible; Of CouVeYibig •
inetriietiOn, , Of giving' excellent patterds , ln evory, s
depattiliallt, and of bolpg well stocked with poi*
'sodding tuatter.-rlilitchtnim on 4 BcflOok. "' '
111Upois Muir, ono yoar; . , 00
Art Extra Oopy of !Other tire Stagrtiva, Waiily, or. .'
Motor 0•1119 w Supplied :gratis for sway Olub• of Pirs ,,
Subscribers, at $l,OO each, in,ose, remittance; ,orcBLx
Copies for 820.00, without extra copy. I •
• , .flarPoPs littgarfne;•Wstkly; Altai . !
to.oue address !br a ns year, $10.00; or, trio ,
itarrea . PeriodieSts, to omi addresi Air 'one year;
, eon supPl Atone' Elbe. ' •". ".
" Ord - TU.4 llarpar'S , Ilaxariebr , ; the years.' •; • .
1808=0, elssautly,bound In groan reorocos• cloth,
will, be s e nt by express, &Artie Prepaid, tot $7,01 J
' Tbdpostut on arper Dakar 116 cents is' year, '•
irhletrinuit psi!' At the subscriber's poet 00105.4 • .!;•
Address ' , &
, plooio call and !co, i thot wo,book kr „
rocolved p laeg. Assokmdui of Wrooloi atodo,:BbOsiii
Othl - BOOk otilOVes,r• tis,".tiiioin 'A/aria (kb d:"
ttife.m, , Wapo; karfunotyiAti;'44' " f
gl ' olll4* 0000 t, Citrilil6l
• "