M NI U 11 -DRY GOODS 1869. GRAND -'OPgNING OPENING MEM OENT'It_AL DRY GOODS HOUSE SEASONABLE GOODS; DRESS.SITIKS, %RANCH- •26111INOPIS;• IMPRESS ItrIPPS, PLAID POIMMS, Cit. MO1!A!n , ❑LACK ATJAI"ACNS, Sup - Fri, Brands, 111 ANCEETS, I= 4HAWLS, "of every ilscrlptine, 11114AKFAST SHAWL% ni w Irtyle% ARAB SHAWLS, the latest Orin out, NEW S 1 YLE WOOLEN HOODS, Just out, FLANNELS of every • deveriptiou, extronely prim. ( I OTIIP, CA RR INIE rt ES, 11:STINGS, MEM rIOME MADE GOODS, B=l The NE 'CV 'B AL M ORA 1.,8 K R El= - I 0 N S OF EMT VARIETY AND STYLE. FURS! FURS - !! A arsortwent oli kind, fnr Lndi ff , and MlMiran. CARPETS! P 71,062 -0.11 - .7 CLOTHS, all vridth3 DRUGGETS;aII widthp, DOOR ,MATS, 'Co the gotaraUnity at largo w(1 gill ey"tbat Ira aw ring to looep ropatation of keeping Ito moot it PACtiY. stock •t, oil tltuai that i. .o too found In 160 to.oo anti 003111 t, I'linso do 11,4 , inil to call .11, examine our stork ticeoro malting your Foram/Ns P r thu s.,asso. LEIDICII St MILLER,. MEM N WA ' STOVES ! - t -1 STOVES! As the season is fast approaching when persona bo koliing for a cloOrablo Store for Parlor or Kitchen rile, wo ask a careful ox:iminatiou of our 64% , ellorlug ,ve have the luzgevt end bed seleot ==l or Ctimborland county )soya on In3nd thejucily colebratol - arrh , nrlbers hario porraanently haatelain rthipuelfell, bolielt a ehare nt the public r , tr(111:14, rhuir,l,op 14 .1t11,a,! on Ihn p,lllll , :aware, On the roar 01 the lot tha,h) toinn Lhulrh , a holt. they •ao alaa, he nnnnl ROlUit ..,:pvrionve,ioaerhahh s the:, are preparea to execute all of bona that. they filly L o. entroa,,l with In a •11 a•rlor ulanaer, au I at 0 ry oveler tie prieos llVlaltal , l,lo • • 1.11 - 1• It ' ' t r.)1•.C:•: PC7III - '=,' 11,1'i 1f15t."1'D179, Vi.l."31111:1, -- 41N.aaad all n:hor Li lea In the tra,lo. .INI2 It All AND STIIAM attenthol fos In the 111031 ilprri re e l !ki - I;•.j.Country aurlt proanial3 :tttoolea to. It ,All e• a. 01A11111.0.1. 'l/all'l ler,:et I lot pl.h•o—annaellata , l4 , tha door of 'al Flrit •!loarolt. ' • 1.La1I•1g-::,I„0. 1! ; ;;,•,v1r,i,. Ono I.( tho molt denirable-sture4 In use.- - - --Ju1927 6G-la MORNE,CG (7,L0R1 BASE BURNER, nrllich. an a I'.,ylor ortlolng Room Stove, excals all al tbpiFintl, mho ire th,:n will testify THE LIGHT HOUSE, THE MORNING LIGI'IT, I=!!! THE .MORNING GLORY, PAR L 0 it l iEATL R, 3114 PORTABLE FURNACES, and other now Parlitrtlli fling And Boon' Bterof Wo offer nmcng 011..4 tl:n io0:op1,17. Conk Stw;cs TIM REOULATOR, SVITHI9It, Nfitile.COOK, =EI .31ERTLY - CMINTAIA3, - -- sv‘. 4 aria — My , llurlteistru Co3ll.lll , ZA'l'loig, We 1140 sell the . , P,TAMOND MUTER FIRE PLACE STOVE, 'width linalt one, lAN, cr ihroq rooms, 41. d la dochliglly. , ; I.mst'n,, moo stm;a over Invented., • APcilfould'enll attention tdoir largo block of —icil?ond or nolo" to order.' Model or, .e 11.60F1N •:AND P,O TraNG • 0 . .,o;;;0 o n retimounbla terms and, ' , poreopeded!riAng ouyth(ng pi cote lino too In.;1 . „ W It, E, tpd tcroall aml,lTl.a dux arltoliss iVALKPA A CLAUDY, • • 19 Went, Mltla btri4; - Vity/i9lO, Pa. • 1869 TrAIIPER, OPENING AT - BARGAINS IN GREAT BARI:U . I4'B IN • „ . ' (MOTHS AND CASUMERES GREAT BARGAINS IN , OPENING - FURNISH , NO DRY 0 °GDS. nnitr,Nen EiTOCIE, 'OP. ALL THE : LEADING B •; RANDS - Or IS OMESTICO; HARPER, Troll lino; of _., WIIITE 000D3. HOSIERY. _ . TABLII,LINLNM., OLOV/ifS: - INAPHIIIIS. .. GORZIITS: DAL ~ORALand ' - „,..,1100P :-TilltT§ ... li - Emmi IVESTS, SIIID,TS, AND . DltAlVtltl3 . Tor Ladios', Alisse,',llo% and Dors' Won, - • A good claw of Goode at filo lowed pos siblo pricoe. - . THOS. HARPER; CAGE DEATAItt, loci° Con llanover andPoinirei. 7ttf, STOVES; . TINWARE, I= 11c,G(LNEC4A1, woudd.resi)ecl ~• Illtlr in% ite tho atom Lion thu public m his large stock or sTov Es, .11N, A NI) 611ENT IRON ')",Milt, ,t . e. Ito lino mud,• it objuuf in b diu.toig th, must dosiruldu, ookoundiml, foul dumbly sm‘o NIMROD, NIAOARA, Q LAKJiII (ATV,tONSTUES Nil I.P. and ntlinrs, wilielt giuironiy: to nil , enti.icalition in Very rrspi•rt. llie are aron.nas.,6l lwanly od' dr.igu. darnloilfiy, and economy of furl.. Ilu alto offers to'tllo:1110 , 11r ia•labolosl ootild rsll aitelition ton row Its : I. It Joie no hick In he replaced out, nr io int a liouting its t,,vn of' hum itisi •hoa rd to the 11. tor, trio tort 1104 , 10 11 tile !non. , 111. iiitrelng of tile rood , npplp of 'fresh nil- is comply', 'E Il lio e, ico n o t • iii iither pine. . IV. it Ili n iiiirinoton I inn se r._ I . It mai., 1 no vlinlo-31. it is p•if0.111 du,t: Ihr i 1 _,weal r;• , 1 nod 1- 1001•0 o I 1 0 H. oi. o . nil 'lOll. 'III. 11l lent 01.•1 • ' 11101011 , s " 11101 4110 . /..1.110 , 1 10 t• faryil., roil gii.•ll.l, tot his o.io. . he. ‘,..1.1 , 1 0,4,, hi, 15,h 0.1, 1.110r..ri t-1 , . 51 In piwro , Ili , offer+ ol r (niitird,r kENTI , CiS . . I,l9ttlJnul, null patomerl 01.. I'llll,oll II 11.10 I.uunux, Portalplo Ate.- it 4. 11:1 , P1 . SP1.11•IN0, „ 1 i .11)/MINII t an.l rat prir r. IMIE FRESH =I FURS !!! C II E A I' . 8 '1 0 R E , N. 1! EAST I'ON TR ET f..111r:i71: And why :awns 4 n,.nli r B n.zri , nt amount til 1 ln.m_rud , II I!, in I ICI Iy tat' moth 011,n, CARPI:TS H I,U (Rid ~,yol. l llg 11 th!Vro of - • (ICEEN, ,, )1' A 111 , ., lihp ua ) 11' I I,U mid CEI,IIt IVA It IS, CM). Y WART RUG S, &c '1%.11t Cintkor• ,ll •,111.14,11 ,I.erl and lipystets trl q 1.151, ll'lt C..t111 . ,t)(/ nit I.tM, - fru, r. if yi,u • iiiiip•lll,lr Cp P .;;,:f Y D STOVES ! for p.ml4, r,r ct:11 11()FF:q.‘N'S = N, txt 11 . 411 , fer:i . .1 i.,titt.t ii the rticoTy 1114'111:j, Iry th 111(10.1,P11 f. 01.tar,:ruiptet,t , tl .Itirti.l: tot al. GAS FITTING • tirE b':lt( 11 1.1i1,E, 1 . 1;N:1. , 11.V.VN1A, • • • .1t5:55 , 55L13',05,5:5551zed, ha51:55,55 55551'555 , 5, f::r .1- , 555'55: , .1 15 :1.15151554 bt5c55555.55, 111 II,: POI 55, 11. , 17 , Ili rust new 155511:1inv nn tors North %Ls- L 5. , 5•115, of 1,1,01 4 ,tr00t :OA_ C.,t, 5- , •15,5r55. • . :Cho 1. 1 i50rt.555 . :11:0rts 11l libel 51 .1 1 / 1 1 I'lll e 1551 55,L L 5.5 555 5105 5.11:551.5.r)1/r s.ltory siltls.o suits ~15.15 11505 no; punt R. Deporits•ro.,..lvel Inter All. 01.1 it rvas. Not,, tottria o.ll.lettons nuio. , o rouutry: - Discount n Bnotilo,.. ',Nap; train 9 o'clock M. to 3 o'clorit P. 7.1 . alVon, President, Um, Thom. I'irtt,ll. ' isrstl,l .101,11 W. 1.41‘1141,03a, .e. 7 mar C3.t,f .nlialn 111tnmt • wnenier and WiIS n and. lalipiic SftTING - AL\ dIINTS == Mi 5 = a IM. '7 I .IIESE nAchim: i i are, adapted to do kind• of fnmilv no•Wilcg, wo•kiog. equallY w - 011 °poll SW: Moon And-Conan good, 1 , 11.11 00k. ' , I 7ka ni, WitlIKA • ont,n o and lan,” n twantliul lull porfort ptitch nll'to on Loth Md. or tian artieln staved. Al! tkink•l:lmpk . reld nro 'Alm :kilted. Ono And - ttakelek:nt hill 'Colktrktylk umia Carlido. PA. May 24. 15:17.4f. ST I;, r ADID SALT] STABLE P,etwe.tti Itnovc.t tolu'lotlfor.l rtr Pr tlv., Cormiu now.. C'. It I:1'S E - E N N:' X • iltivlll4 rip fit4loti344li' Nd.v “arrpl...pw N••:, I an. proitly ,, l.to totrol4lo,fir4l•elit 4 turn•outti nt 1-4nni,loll.le into. Par(irg tv.trn L, 011,7 'front the Springs: • 2(.111ov CO • f ' :IS AA P ,, K..- s/Au I? FE ii, , W.A. 7 CHES and Ji WEL'? Y, ,No. OUT ri SECOND' ST TtETIT; -.•• oe . Qtairry,, 4.01.00.•ttrn.a • n .3VjvtOio)3„ 4owelt.y . . •4 , • PlittiOrlV•tro c•Wi ltontly"on'lmior . tra'•?topntring IVRtelips w p wqy Jonlry on ntioolkal to. I';4piLt. op I,r; • V ,1/t/0 Cor. Hanover and - Pomfret ots I= Llmobarnars' and I.llaclmpitlls''Coalronstantly 01 sale. Kant under cover, and delivered dry to and, 'part of Lila town. Also, :all_ kinds - of . Lumbar on band. . ~ . , ' ' • .. . __..i. REETE)I k -011 AS. Con IT: and Pomfret stil. I 17apr 63 . , =9 I;As rL ItsEtt = =I ll;tr.,vvr Ft.. tl.lll . 14 . 111. Link Chi lcu Ifa Drietl ltr, f, MEE NO [IONS, IMES= =MEI =EM= J. Q. 11:yrijr, o..oherr =I 0 . \ SEWIN(j NACIfIIiES 111= .~. , i!'.;.r. , >:.^ , :G°s:;i?'cu'.arr; , K~,x;tc~~rk`n~.."l'rotei,~ta; w+ra4;v~i~. .1 : 11 ; 1:4CEi LANE° US J. BEETEM BIWTHERS, • • FowarcTiyq &.Commissipivillerchants# 036ildefson's old •Btond • At tho hod of MAIN-STREET ; CarifolN. Pa • - Tha.-131ghast piarket' prico will be paid for Flour, Oralo and produce of all kinda. Coal of all kinds, .embracing; LOCUST 310 UN TA I\,' Sca. 184: PHILAPELPHIA. • 1889 WALL PAPERS. • .1101 N ELL 110 . 1111105, mANcrAcrur.ros PAPER HANGINGS, and WINDOW SHADES,. R^Ohl•, CORNER. 01' F. , 1;13111 AND MARlclrr P,TREET!., PITMAN:I,I'IIIA. Factbry, corner TWenty,third and . Sanison streets Nl i Z t SZ . l 3 'f i rAS: I: It y• A 01 , )1! WOW'S K . I. • NOTICE proposing- .—Sealed propos ivi - ft bo rovelvenrot Ihf. t.tkno until 10 o'cloch, n. ni:Sittnrtlay, 11e. 1,1.11i14`111 dgy Nioremle, Isnn. Inv {hrukliliz 1110 '1 "I at 011110 11.9,nj0, .nllll C 1001) BEEF RlTl — nftrr — thr - lirar - thrnf - Dert•ltiber. 1,6: cur rm L h the (*.tuiliVilry I. .y 1....,11,111 , Ilium he lii thiplkatt., and ..11.1..r5c.r1 101. ri (.011 furl, (111.1 11111 01 contain 1111111 t, ort „„ b•11u will sigh Ihr lend roul 11,n1u.. toe I hi. of the emit inht. • . ...., . 1 . 0,11. NVIIII bill ill v ,•,111t.,!,Ibifillo pi - t•Nfllt til . !lir , npoilltur of 1111. 1.1,1,..,1e. 'llit. iloveur.tuelit 1 . 1,1,( . 5 . tilt' 6,410 In ri.joll.ll9y ill . :(111 . lads whielt 1110 y II I 1.11101 , i n . 11/11 , •,1 , 11.1 1 110, I, fur nip ~1114, Allniciellt IV, 11. MAIZE, Flrit LiMitottant. 11.1 Itrov..l Cuplnitl_l:...S_A__lt.t.tllo_l.l..lll....ltay ,fl', I•7•11/.... , ..I.I.,,.., 2.214.'0 ' • M'3: R : . F114 . 1 , ' \ Nil, yuslit,to nitt 'tif kintliort utitl. Cirt , tlettit.h In Carlille h. iuxi rue( them iu Ihr till of Dancing (leo lethen to Join: I,lr litre their names iii' Ihr Officer unit Lost ies-eo inn he lipplieitt - ino to r S reimikliteiiihti. the Cirirrorr". - i .1 Yln rri roorz: foot,- & BAILEY, Ilf )( ) KS.I3T.T.E RS ATI) -;T,vri()NEItS, 262 Daltimor9 St B A a, 'l' 1 )1 () D TLc lici . g - 1 3. 1 . ali i :cicci I. in 1.1.2 i it} cif ' C SC!' 00 1 ,• 1.(l 1r n/a/, .111(d.. Oa an , / . 1 1 a ?I' =I BTATIOT.ERY =EMI TI f. A.,,11t. of t!ne I, .311, 1,, , 0rt, net , polo; 11,0 ttnq Lod Ili° c r (Idiom ti 111.1 1(..1, II d tll , country t fir ti a a hail it- lIIIIDt ni. 1 olly ea.anttoril. Th t ly . f ar • la•p 7 1.1 il :•• Car I_•.azt ta 011j1:1Stiel,11d01 . 6.1111Cilt DI 1•1••• I•.• old, in, :• atli• •011a.'it g mall, in•z• i ••• a ... T: l 4 ECI- 1 9:0 ICS linvitigtlu•oli:vtolzrn colt It tivr+ 11.8. htt,•ll,:tr% on .0., e , :iine Cv”igu.litil4stp, tit:cc:teed, ~00 of t 1 I', tolv.ltip:'itotitil In livrels ot, nto on pt•tstlt , loitehleti fait r.lottt to Intake torott. tool 1,, 11l lot‘111 , !: nvaintt it ow vitt , tti.; illnln rot -ott 11 , meal to. - 1,01:1; r: P. 1t.1.11Ni,. A . P. EAVI O i:: il ~__Lcr,e~"t'. CLwci.t';~.. i,r, _.' street% oprwirrE LEL'S IVARE"dOI7SE l'retni t tmL.r it( (II! hi ! I :In 1 tri , .tiv, r.! lrc EPI ni31.1v(21.11.1 1 • cr vcl.l p CI ill rt I/ n 1 h • I Unice Embrf,Cl,:; 1.71.1, 'N‘ Uaen Ur ii ,, V115(1 tied 11,40 tt ttt t, ,nr ,, t 'pro, otl arid taaltloool,lotheigp an.] !,tll4ll I nolutilog tilmtGottrtgo furniture slats Cnii lt , tl MP/ C.:10 p fraross, Cy P- I.i icnler ttt ter Li. , 01 , ,,,t0 o'l,ol to tut:elute Ord, rt , firipoo,lotry, 01,,,,t0tt 1.., it, tloptly and on rtoolr, It. , let 0.0. MC= =I =Mill DA - yin F,Titpiim, . D. SPONSI,F.II.' . .) - (111N W. F 1 YFIMFUX ANT) P0N:1..; ' WO 07' , 11 O'E " TRUNIZ•ANT,) HAT STORE. N70.'13, South Hanover Street, carlisla doors !.outa of Indio:An. cornier. IV In,e-jr.rt ...Tyner] t!ln I.nnyl.t n,.11 1.r.-t King: I] , nrT, and till , est., r Ireleri In non vent nrT.. reLeiVel [nett goods In nne Ilti.• . evor)lrorl], vrtn'ter.' I , nr • rl< cono:In 111 ull Islu•Is ad Torioles c 1 11sso's an:101111:0 strong Chtt?:. :thus! 11 onion'tl and 1:111Y.Vs thltron. ' Al onion's lGlow Ii111•1`1:0 cy itwi • French :11L/rol, 11:w•s an.% 11,3's 1:311, Ifoff.nollilp !toots' • • .110:'s lboy'. not! and 11:111 l•nnocrs Clsltor - Msn's oil 1113 '- In: tlorillaltcrs and Itr:•rons an•111ely;t, I'sll Intl 'lug 1. , 511. , rd Tles,l.llttc &wash, 11nuldns wnl OverAncs. 3:lents awl WllOlOll'S 'G of 9VoIt lord Cnprn6 Sllrptt For and Cl iv.:ll.s..nt all .Ic.en nnt141:4r.,,,—"L 11:114.7 , rtti•111•111 • 11114•11':ilics , • • ,•1oc,ther in•lwn DI till 011 :, V iltolS . ,l viii Intl to cnlt•tk, tlmcs. OE QUICK" 'SA \ND 34. LL, I'llol7, ILO 'IS 6111 .'terra re Ir. 1.-nlitig tint it nii 'fior'wittil. fu vlintitin to all In. need v nitl throntli our eNt gationg to Idly suit , .1 it. quality nitti 'Mee ‘Ve Fling at nttS, try to Jral olth tn cry olio in strni,ltiforivinni wit:titer, nitil -give evini t i tinsion r. full olio! s pint t rir itioney. Wo lope 01l Vi - ft nvell. iiieir rain .iti - r t - nitnitit ye tintl ten nit. q' pill ro• y : 4 11t,!1 , N 1 Y ;31',.51.1:1- &All ES SI. ~3 :A 11' T.; F•l' E . so,N ti, I :CU!. mid .?t.l I: ET It 'LOOKING (11,A96 Thn 1,N51 and cin2apt.q. ,• 0 - 1161TTRAIT VICITAiI 11:4Es, vlt.gant t•tylre... CIIfIOM -71T1fn(II[APfl , Iltropc.in 111111 A 1111.111,111-1111 • I,llllloli . • . FINE ENOlt..l ticlS, •I.publioatio:m • • ROGEgW,ROU,PES. . , 11 . 0 ;110,1110 .. 014 11111,110,14 vii llC,laAnie ti tlvalt , rala tho hogar3`llroolato In - thi , Stall, (.10 Hull Uhf Moto at indaula,tores'apltiPlo EAPLES' OALLET{IT, 810 Clicannt 414'ect., ISM H. Of ,nl , l the New SpPilta Stpl,lo. AT,S-AND CAPN . . • 'rho Joni Opened, ht No: 1./l•NorIll ll:mover oo,orq Noel h nt thy Cn rl Bonk, ono of lholnr4est 2614 heel Aleph If O r t ov,vo:Torucl SIM lisle, amimoros of .oil Stilt n t deli a,lina every Llov,rlptlon of Soft lint, now ula•lo.'l I, liiuknrd nud 014,fithillonea. Itopl. vonsttu4ly, 011 land no l nit do In'ortlor: ootivlllaloo., A lull lin , :orlme 14, or:WI:All' LUTA. rWs boy's. lin .I lino. also ioltlocl , to-nlv iltvel:; Notions of V [Moon t &oo..1.1.1w; gto,l,illrlit'Fl El neltituto licetc , ll.lP.ielle,tll , svo7nrtal, L ^ , ll)}c ^1 6ns ponders, I/ :oloo , llov, Li, • lino nvl rsllo , •;foxolitinO 'clabot 010,90r13,.. , 41 . h1t10q nKvlpv you r ,15 North Ilortoverilt“:4.l, 1f I% 67 ' '••••' • • • • V 6110 vbn • co,rn, nlo, Vow tilt 11401 Iv 010 Ito np- . trn, ueNt ;tu0.,',..0 renown' or (In obar3, 0 ith Its,yresout title 141,1'01001 .10011130, INL9 GJuly CD Orli A .r.nenrio RAIDIVAY !.2.1 • Wo hog It.a.ro to annonuce that 'Alm, ,tteitotttod tho agency of tho ICAIiBAS PACIFIC ItAILIVAY OGIMPANar- I=l !Nosi:Sociert.:l"or. cent. Thfrty Year Et-oftri.oniree from Tax 'fide lonlvionountA to ie 611.D,t0t hMrtgorge.... . and xlc tit sr '1.7 •11( i_ : 4 11,11111, In rtstissit to Pewee:, Oiler grin, a A t li t refit er t;" milt.. , :( Itt wiles at a forni,Let tett tan' the tentlS 11 tl r COSSll . loi'llin. lE le nl,nn ti -, :ort• a to npon the IGmd. 11111 Itolllint 8 ock ufd Sr tot hist of tit 3 LISS : Vita ..litu ill till h 1110 . 01010 01 lianons. „ 'lied in smr,:sy'lll ()peril' lonfin 4 37 miles t h.. NEL A lurt,hin•r; auul ennahig u aagh in is c.O all i fr,rlp,At.3 nutl 1-‘l4fleig stion Iwsioleg . Vore lhan /he Inlet eit on he.n)to LO-an it, .I/ tilt' , till °nail •1111 . ,Oro ,elm ry lirel inol 1,1, Of 110 , • • •• - (;m•crnmentrl:nnd fira4 of . . eAttn , ing in altortotte !!!•!Slon!! mi Other slde of t Ira !tont tho 5t141,11 Silt! I envor. TI: ii.ouve!!!!! f the pale of t lie Land, :Itj to 1”, Itt• ve.!!!!! ty tic!! Tmislve- In l.l• 7 .On !Tot Itowls them. no to 120: r in U. S. I.+'a ,S . ?nleing Fund fin. (1w Redem Jr 11Q7u1s. . The alids =moo of fly, flans' I , 4llnne of the inqgnitkent Territun of Colo•ndo, InchOqug n al 111.1.1 .sid pinery. Thv otoipany 2111119,0 t lr.lol i f 'Arra .r.li:rcs' in, the State. rif Kans'as:. . . . „. sot although-not , s I.ecn,ity fir this loan, t. ion. Atlas In !It* to 010_ Cqmptki }.'s .stiottlift-nthl ethdlt. - We lima,. the , of the Conilitiy%i prope rty, .1?!! 11, is • mrOgage, Cq . • M.. 11,4,19 1;,.v0 N B.—irATUIES and JEW I I Itr carefully tn. copcirol. . .lEWr.l.ltl' and SILVER WARE of n'l kinds mndr Seven Per Cent.. Interest in Gold, I to rd"' . ern him 111 - ay 1, 1 1 11.10.-nml . w.ll pay_ Pon nun mJly r n 11(ny 1 and Nov and are 1 iP, 4 (' on Uuxergment Tax,itiwt, tit , tilt 111 ill.sl 1 , 1 tho rn3e,l.le to of :New Ymh, I , •it POI Cournti in ill he _ linsnblo in Frankfort, London or • Now York, ,Ittits nt did holdne, without notke, •t the fut wtog loans: . 441+-?1,, 0 I+. udin Nen' Tot 1:535 (got') rnetChrtlf Tn.sr- L n•I• n, S• to+ 10." E+04,k.01 L.,,5711r 30 hrlx•.. BLANK BoOKS-; T'fW l' "IV!: ES TMENY, In e o, n mil in sum e twin Better than Government Seonri- The 11011d3 9.)lii for tho event at 00, and accrued Interest, botti in .curreney.' tr.irr ag, tho lidrxetec, ite-mbe loin lon of lo,storo lo it .1.41 to Oleo.. ,out - ,ontd", 1 , 0 to td.d , Vrt , in ....Ale 1 /611 ono 0100 If of put old, lo 1.1 tlt In , 1 1 1 , 0 1 , 1 n 14111111» 1.:17(1 t Eurit......40 In phym..l• /1,1 tlOl,. 1,41 .{0 t volnn vrilloot n didni•ol•dlo • 1 . 551111,11 1.4 W 1 / 1 :111.1$11 gniug full Information, .Islsl‘t nn .slp " =MEM mnis At the great Exposition, Pirin, 1867 REM A wari!ed . the Highest Premium THE PEOI"L'E'tiATERT)ICri TRE FA LE OF TOD , wmu.n RENOWNED MACIIINE ARE 100,000 GREATER. ANY OTIIER. • Dolly ll,' Thrnwhnift. tila . LTLI - o ONLY- RITES MOULT unit, aTor, and iLTEcionury wino tALL moo. ./ 01 hriilor.o: 1t illtou Jdetide trl uoildiaut ly thy Champion nod I.reilor over LIIC nor, lot ui ‘V LL a' TLITIL I° ILiL ntoziti Wo et and upouana rwu ntel. volt in, without docialm log nitairmt other oninpaolot.. Wo rinli» to hors, lioprovoinonto. for .Pa. Ina LILIL ee klloW cannot ho oVrilool, and In 111110 p p".lnt- that no yd. .Lnitijiaily (Into romptito with. -Nil other wpoy, can hhow mooy • mo. ihiniv, that Moo 1.r c0 41.• 111 11nIly nOe 101'4010-lOngth or thOO LL4 I' can. For the prIL,Lf of Chic, look of thti Li lIILLIL cra naLt_cro on eaub noftolllil 0 'rho %shod alt,l )% . I . l,rdi rowing Si oehioe 'in the Iticir. 114 t thu Poor fl oinutdo 'front nod emu: fortortiv,l, on other compoy ton hill toi ne libatid. ULLA casy tertwo. we, • . ThW pOO/:"WOM(i . li Can Are I . hw rs qf a Ara s& T; - . chine.' alulifftergards way far• if praidf/• valil parries art fall✓y .fied. (anslapc • oit'y irrcirri es ' • . the'leaVe . , . of Sorkr,lll3tlioq in•Cerllele etin !nye noel nor ills att.; from six In twelve y caen r aay,..Tliny conelder them bi.tlve In einry. paint' than .mbon aosr,yand there It not a ".Ivirlnnot WOlll in tbo horn I lubt no :Ithei to" heavy an:,llenier cloth. that lhoy have not Made" '(trio-lady rayo tinny sowed for _thren yrurs-and 'novae ,brnlto It needle"' We can Inn: 111:1 . 1 . nolnen 'and' reeldoncierof reeponothle port los ..r - .7 - Cny - Whal;a - re - th Machlnce, In Cal Hole. an,llalgth of thnrrthcy hare ljoen In . ennotant one Ll= J:l3. J. lihvgiur . . - - " :Wing, • , " ". liev. Stotrcti, • ' 5 '" Vt,ah;ia; D :." C,llCrinApvillitiiincetoi.. 4 4 4citjtizr:eit, I hsli uotiOnei'iOrit'Proe'O'f'dinrgo. nod. 91nc1, 0 . 3 on elo•erfOlIy fhoy,n,to ; nllpw4.o onll,o)Are. .IVII amp n'. htoin,:;Zo, No,th IlnuOver Coo' 11,10. to , Piing • ana-Atyloglo 6untomiii. M ta'alkoolutn itiOfialloqlnita hod , nOjoluln4:oolitlknp'O!;,oriottra elytoaty - ,0 ,, • • PET Er.. 4 ,11.1 4 . 111E11,;, - tho 'only o •, x • • „: nalb tAgonfl 5 pir1146„.,;• onus oldnr. Bet woon Ithoom's I.liV .00 the Vrot,ltliti Munn. • . . J. P. IIAEIII,IIII, et older, I=SUM BAILkOAD, , dc. MEI • -..G,0LD,01,1-;, 500.0000 Three ➢Zillion Acres . _ . 5Z.;.000 000 ?lel. arhile the Em in is mei el y ,5,;(i,560 000. , = BM DA BNEY, .)lORGAN Lcz CO. ' No: 53 Exch...nge Place, N. Y M. K. .LESUP No; •Strmet, N. Y ME 11 TO viz.ai:mTlTAts E•EIYING 3142:11NES over: 82 Competitors THE GRAND Tll/4L- milt MACITINEB 1 I 3 ems 1 2 ~ =Rug = e. MISCEL NEOUS, ;.;.; • Ovp ityoti rant a•ittee Hsi or C . IP? deral 0.24 El J G 29,. Welt Blain Street, Where ono be neon the onesc-neaortonnot of AltelTS 9N)) ever brought to Carliele. Ito fattest 'treat pleasure to inviting his old friends and Ouetomors, sad all new ones, to Ida splendid otoclefust received from New Cork pnd Yhlladelphla, cdasistinitti cart aline • SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, -. ' . , Dooldes an endlese variety of nate and caps °r um' latent style, allor,which be will sell at the Lowest Cosh Prices. , Alio, , .ble own manufacture of data *eye on band; nod,' ~. •. . . . ' flat' Mirthtfactured to Ordei% the hes; eriangement for roloring Elate and all-k 13 1e of Woolen" Goods, Overroate, &e., at the ahorteg notice (ne he colors every week).and on the most remoinable tenor. Mao, a fine lot of choice °rands of TOBA CC 5 AND, CiGARS irnys on hem], 110 desire, to roll the attention of pernons who him COUisTTRY` PURR . 'To Pell, as, he pays the big he 4 en.h prices Mr the mime, (live him n call, at Abu above number, ble'e'd sta nil Sc lttt, feel, nof giving entire astlefac• confident VEMI TIZP "TIF,NTZ HOUSE,' ornterty ('gyman !louse.). I -11 , 1 o-17 . -,AND-1.0-E AS T-M-A I N-ST.,-2 C.4111181,E, -Zhu undersLitied-haviug purehaped and entirely refitted, at refurnished anew thi'ourhout with flint class furniture:this well.knPwn and old establirhed Hotel. solicits the cuqoun-spf the community and travelling public. 111 is well prepared to futpl9l. first-class artmonindetiona to all who derive to make n. Hotel th sir Home or pleas Int tempoiary abode ThZ , rustoiti from the surrounding country is re upoetlully nollidted. Courtenuk and nitenlive-imr v ants nineungned at this popular hotel/ WiE=SIBM N. H. A flrrt•eliom I.lverv•F renhreted w Ith the Hotel the otonagothoht or Mr..ltift. & 'lonprll OSI-13 .ESTABLISIIND 1N 1851 It E M ( ) j'lclol3 HARLEY JEWELER, Inviter hln pstromc o oil Ihe P nhltr iv...roily, to Noss Ftore, No. 1320 CHESTNUT St., PHILADELPHIA, ,klll.lli 11,y - 17111 Und at lergo HMI :NOW nt•lel4o.l Is A fell tiS, 01.111:R . 2. IV NA nod PLATED %VA It t, at oIorno• Prices. AGENTS WANTED. Agents want- Pd, $75 to s2eo per month. meta and ,femme, to .ell the iiiilebrated and original Common rense Family jog 31aeldoe, improved and perfected; it will hem, fell, Odell, tack, bind, lirald, and embroider inn moot superior Mammy Cove only $15.. For 5101- pl In it y and durability It hos no rival. Ito ant buy Ilion any 1.111111,1 selling nineldnes under the ' soma tame IMMO 1,1 OLIN; Certificate Of A gooey rieddiy Iln. as they are worthless cast iron IWichine, Fir rirrutn pi and terms, apply or add eel Ctt WFORD Ai COY 413 - Cl rotnut street, PliilinVa. -The Great Pacific Itairead-is finished ! FIRST MORT9AGE 14Yg116 nr• ME UNION & C - JINIRAL PACIFIC .RAII.Rn.2 1 S.. , .• - BOtkiriT ©IN D" SOLD• Bankers and Dealers in Governments. ko, -40 South. Third Street, , 11,035 Ts-Ir. • . • 18 N. ,ITanover Sired,' No. 18 NEW IoRK BRANCH LIEAPQ U MITERS FO _ ARG A INS We Ro m a inrliy u,r r perini attention of the tit 'Leos of ,Carll.lo. glut Cumborllnd oounty. to our Krill soleoted stoo,lt Itotlery. Gloves, Notloiln, it hate (foods I,lnon nod fan...r flortlq oil of. obleh we are determined to .rust. off at onnoolthiog_ low • , MVO UP an ear) . call an•l, jud,e for yonraolvem /II 1403E/10PR. N. llanoYer tltraat, tlipe'c Hall. • 211layfirn THE. MARY INSTITUTE, CARLISLE, PENN'A .Boarding School for,GIRLS The r1:1111 anion! Proton will bruin nn Wed.:lends_ , ,rptemlltr Int. rm. ritsulnrir.r ittrthe. inlbrmntlau rtddtrns • Rev 11r. 0 ; LEV rut BST. Cur Isle Pn. • I;ECI _L A Iff 01".YCE 11; T. J: E. CA PWELL & ,C • JEWELERS. , . 90:2 CHESTNUT STREET Mr, rebuilt. enlarged Ind remod.led their c'etab r . Ilehrnon, ttptror ed by tiro In January brat, dad hate or.eyret . l lha unme far bubb.sr, Butiro 'Now Stock of IdaOuSactured & Impoifed Goods, • StlperiOr to any they. have .heretofore oflerod to the Public. mr.gt,,,,m16111 Invi.o all to vfelt and in4ce:t Own. JAS. 1 , 3. CALI.A.II,',LI.. & CO., :102 STRIt EMEM ' R EIIOI‘7 L. vom 411,4 • ettnblied;:nent to Ms DID' 114 \V G iibuNp FLOOR ca.~~,r:r7;Z , opi.bsito n'ti florae, a Elora,- whore .he oar. dlnlly Incites the ontula to ossroine the.place and his numerous epeoltneni.. The well It now a still's! the proprietor as an artist, with,a stproler lisbt r and entrance end ekyllpht' on the Prot tim.r, are trielent inducentenn for the public to patte•lse' tble cionhipannene. Ills plstat es nre ntliverenity ,ieltnewlechted ro be' eased. to the' beat Mad,' in PhiVadelphirt or New Took, and tar enpe•lnt I. any . lh Plcis country. Plcus . ~ Benti ID-ti` , • „ U. LOCH aiA Emtnblltslie,llB3o. , LAIVRENct j).1:11tT75& 3MPORTIN!S AND Mg. 11.11118 N 0 `l' I NS , , PANCY i1001)9, • fILOYBS, be -.. • : HOB leVeffit Ilaltimaro street, • • Between •Hotrard and Libsr!y, A logt • 1: 7 '3' pAvrimona. Fl Cl.BliB' - DEB: l';'lllctioled . P,oiinbleratnr'iflll,' • ' • ' (Inrdner & CNn., Portnblo Cider Mitl, , ~ • Win Co, n BILullur; (th; co bites.) ; • , i::CnlniOn Coro Bhellprg,. Nntlonll &ide . r,Outter aim* Out) • • Lqunivoil, ! imtrioubi ,4qti(9l marrow,, • ; Togetl4r with ottik , 'Kira tip aCtili;b4llll4slrou;drittfitt Mac)3lile irorke . PdP•3,2m V, nAuprinfi MEM ME= : DEA, 2i..nircr ND' COOKING. It YOU • *ANT. TO SEE THE I) moot perfect PARLOR STOVE ever offered to the pubEe, !stop into; . , „ „ • . Mn D E Store Store, EasitOt.ther Stieet tri the rear of lielbertos Store &nage, the.' • • GREAT AM ERICIAN•BASEBURNER In operation: It Is a perpetual Burnar. - and'perfeet - Radiator, as well sea perfect Ventliattrof the mom and In warranted to conanine less coal than any other Stove of the same else, ever offered to 'the pain°, requiring korona ordinary ',Tuttle oremall 'nal once In, twootv4lglit himm, being perkictly Amide in all Its working , having a simple gild to reg tat the fire for keopl, . g at night, one kind lbg of g re being all that la required during the whiter: :So duat.np_gas, no slag or cinder, FEREISCTION OF OPARATIONt f/ PZRYECTIOST 07.0pERATION I Th'e latter quality is prodpee(l bymaiiy imprgvements. Ito Important <thsracterlstlca tie those I= NItATIiRSIS IN DIOBIGN I COMPACTNESS IN MIZE! COgi'A . CTNEN!LIN_EIZSI_ ,- REPE-LENCEI9.. John. ~. , . Nut t Arrion•Mlller. ' 1 hr. 8. B. Kieffer Iti'ano Porter ' David aliller, 10. Dehincyj D Hoffer ' I) Itaharm, U. Alder, Col. W.li damson Mrs. Dingwall, Prof. - taymon. A. Ponseinan, ' Dr. Try n, Johnson , Moore, J. T. Ripper, D. Willem, C. Inhoff, A. Conner, .1, Thompson, J. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, Nlrs.rlTord“rt, 'I. Gorgms. Willlnnison Bros 11. StnulTdr, 11. ShealTer, Turnir, .J. BtoufTer, -W. McLaughlin Humor, A. Leldlgh. P. Mumma, Ono Farontaugh!F,Elganhits, IM ie. Wonder Deb, Abner Miller, 1.1. P Hassler, 'Major Male, ' And others Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, Excelsior" Penn or, - ,•Morning Light: In Add it I. to the olio" Store FItIULBY keepe m-hotr a full ft u - pply of the best Cook, Parlor and °Wee Stove, Tin end Sheet loin work of ell kind, on band' end Spouting, floating and Jobbinv of all kind, .done nt short notfre,ai dot the beet boaterbil,.Pruit ons, and ,Isre of the most noonoved oittants, and in onnclualbo the hest Portable and Brick Set FURNACE. • FURNACE. ed to the nubile For retort.. .11 on (leorto ' Henry Sorton. F C. Fl.tuing, -, &Ir. Cordon, Prof lllDnlnti. I' rlardrsnr, F' Wntts, J. D ' 6,1101 A. I. Pponnler. i J. Bonier, And ether. 9mar 51F ty = REYNOLDS & SON, II N. 11 . , - CORNER 13711 A iVD FILBERT STREET PIIILADAIATIA, PA =1 WROUdHT-1RON„ AIR-TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING HEATER. ~ • - . GAS CONSUMING ITEAThR RATUNT DUST ',CHURN, - - ORATE BAB RESTS, sad I= I= WIthUOIIT IRON RADIATOR These llestere are made rf [leery Wrought iron. well rivited together, the only awe prevention against the eerapn of Dan or Dust. They are easily managed without any damp re The Patent Its• dieter avoldn the lire nod envoy/torn of drains. and la pelt:rumen ly attaehed.to the Heater. Thin la the raced d. ruble, simple, ern:ram:deal and popular Beating Apparatus seer offered for rale. They are all guurante.d. cooKINo RANGB3IIr 11:4815 and lavaplea, PORTABLE REAM P, LATROBE HEATERS. LOW DOWN GRATES, SLATE MANTELS ; REGISTERS and VENTILATORS. We are alp° manuticturlog a NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANG?: CIO for o.r Illuntrated rnmpbint april CHARLES WM: .HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. No. 1132 And 1184 Mnrka Streot, =EI The Gblden 7- Eagle • FURNACES, 11z1s Is on entirely new heater. it It construct ed as to ovecteornmend itself to 'tonere! favor, being a combhsttilon of wrought and cast Iron It Is very *Unpin in construction, and 10 perfretly airtight; seb•cieaning. having no pipes or diume to be taken out and cleaned. Witt FO arranged with upright line. as to product. a larger amount of heap f ou• the 501110 weight of coal than any furnace now In urn. The hygntructic condition of the ale as 'pro dosed ,by my new arrangement of evaporation, will,: at once dantructrate that it In the nur AIR FURNACE • that will produce a perfelly healthy ritiamphere. I am now tooling five mi., of Porto . bles, and four for Amory. R.6.111G17•S • Sprri3i Atte, tino Iw 100 salted to toy NP.W GOL. DEN EnG Lit eoozi SO RANGES, an 1 fen] annum/. .there le nothlnk In unti that eon comply! with them as rognrds their durability eranomy snit' rfficlinty; with SI Inrgn nseartioent of Lou Down (Irate!, Fire Place Stour! , Itrgistarn nil 'Contilatorn• Saud' for, illunrrated ehrelar. • 11.ition410 t,a - LETTERS of Administration on the ,oeutto of.lacob Hammon,' late of North Middle ton township, deceased, haling been granted to "the undoriiigned, reeiding in fest Pentiaborough town.. ship, all pennons indebted to' aid sedate are entitled to make payment, and those having claims against It to present them Mr Battlement. t43lUn DILLER; ea,, 'Adminigtrater. • 13 E V' E S • WIRE CLOTH! . WIRE CLOTH! "MANUFACTUttr,D BY BBLLBAS BRO • ‘. 623 Market Street, rhiln. 2,7 BE WISE, " • m i nx w ii4D, wih benefit you: Ue not always con. trodel by your incrodultly. hurdreds Wove sought lona. nom :he hurl ore of Dyspepsla• through tho Ina dlorn of Damirrll . l3 ANT..DTBr Imo ffrowAinillimlns 11114'f - owl It, eboold you suffer when thb idiot rsbro elorrinchlohn- cured o udyetmllhr cult-wh r do A outtonbt trbda °flirt belloro and arwculed I -110,14 fi" till-matter Is but li dango out and unprolltsble.. Y. or hordth,nripolness not buntnens suffer., while constant ;:riglorat Is fro°., nanny MI I wed by e74lous nnd %moon .t residtra Urdiurn's BlSSarret hr0:70.1111r11 rlsoful in rho ntirrinrou. .140Cultiori•cirferlditip Inds. gortion; BlLloUrtike, CoNSIIr Mort, do., *kilo or Frrlan arid 'Moo of it °Mar. dliorders , IT cording from MiArUArik, It Is 1140 °HIT rollekblo prelim:aro rind . rotrly known, r 24au 70 . • ~ G AS FIXTURES • . . , K O. S.L A.M P, S, A. igreett 4ailoty ro; Aoiv:6tylea. IST:F I R A .13 Safest and fleeC fa the "dirket' It ghee the laigeei 114 t Arany gorier made. cbpjaEß, :,roxi‘e ,ista A ufactuiets . and : ,Wholosalep_ • . _ '•. I 5;02 AROII BTAKIITi f le.T tneaa7 • - . lEEE MISCELL - 2 - NE . Onv. Aso°. ' • • : 1869. .PALL AND WINTER IMPORTATION: • RIBBONS, . .MILLINERY, and STRAWIiOOPS - . ARMSTRONG; CAM : - /ki co:, 237 & 26 Baltimore street, Importers told Jobbers of -- BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS, VELVET AND S SD RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS S •TINS AND VELVETS, ILLUSIONS, BLONDSAACESOHJOITES, NETTS , ND OR FES,- FRENCH VLOWERB ,- -ND FEATHERS. , BTR •IV BONNETISAND L HATS TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED, - SILK, VELVET - AND PELT BONNETS AND HATS, RUNDOWNS ANDISHANERIGOODS' . ... . . . . . . The largest, Mock °I - Milliner - 3i - Gootlaill this coun try, And Unequalled in choice variety,-which wo offer at priori that will defy competition. - Ordera soliiited. , :iIINE CLOTHING TO ORDER AND RUDY MADE. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22: NOitTll. HANOVER. ST I invite the attention of my ofd cnetnmere and the public et lar e to Inv Laroo and brilliant Stork ofOUNINIEIt GOODS for Men. Youths' sod Boys' wear. Sly Custom Department cu and they tine. and mo,t soh. of Wolin and t efialmere, while my toady mode Clothing.ln carefully. anktneet tastefully go ten , up.. cannot and will not be undeienld. ISA AO LIVINGSTON. - No. 22, North - Ilanoyer St., Carnal. N B. Still acllino the Florence Sewing Machin.. limey SO COAI.YLETE MANU HENRY BOWER, Chemist, MADE FIIOM • Super-Phosphate of Limo Aninionla Sc Potnsh =I -able manure conta ne nll the elements M pre duce large crops of all kinds, and is hlghl, - y menu . mended by ell who use It, also by dintlngulihod chemists who Leon, liy anntyals, tested its ,tuallt.ea Packed :n /saps Of 200 lbs. such DIXON.SIIART!IMS h 8J Pooth fl & 40 torah Delaware Amino, WILLIAM It!..YNOLDS, And by denier. Aniirnal , j'tbroubo - ot For lo formation, Addl.." Henry Rower, Phira. 12tob 09.17. FALL and WINTER FASHIONS: mr. M A. BINDII Jute Just arrived Nom Paris and London with the Into tkeleslgne, personally se lected from th greatest novelties: also. the most ele gant trimmings to I.e.erecur. (I In Peale. LACES, it RIIONS, TRKVII7E. AItIDAL 'VEILS YLOWP. S, PI JR ''.P.l.llVesta T. I P (PR - PATTE.•NS. Di.ESS and LOAK MAKING. 21,clualie ago t for Mrs M. •( odes celebrated eye tem for cutting lattice' Firemen, samples lumnee, Ate, Northwest cerner Eleventh end Chestnut Streets Phllade phi*. IT Sept am SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLATIED WARE: Of every &a crittion and latest design., suitable for Bwdal Gifts, Testimonials r And Holiday • Presents. Prim lower than the regular tt• . raw. Extraordinary itidueetneuta to purchbaors. GEO:II.I3ECIITEIL, 60:716 A roll street, PRILADMPUIA. (Old EntOlished Nand.) _ 710n7• CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS 712 Chestnut Street, ruEnt NEW -. BUILDING N 0.1124 Chestnut street, Are oponieg a large ead ■ew areerlinest of Me mood end other tine Sevre!ry, Asnerken and E wipe Watch., Englieh, Sterling Silent NS'atr, (Wham Eleetro•plated:Wire, Mantel Cloete, dm, Ae. FURNACES, PATENT Excnsiort vfIIATIIER VT.II r , , adopted for Atiorn.aod {Po feel aurae vs. entopoteut I•tptei,,, • our R 01,15 Aro of the high[[! In quality ZIPi in price, Orders by' mail rec.!' re pninipl alteitin ,gr delivered in, town free • Portlos Indebted to or ror - MS •, ' r prompt In their poyment, and all to allo,l-, prvoile tl,oir sot Ilernoot,, *Ai qs. II FtXICY A . • • . SAFES, • AFES; S AFES, 4 1. iq MEDICINAL. --<;; -- FIRE AND'BURGLAR 'PitOOP ( With Pry Filling.) Arertted the Prl. Nlrdeln nt AT(rlit's 1 air, Landoll Morld'e fair, New York, E pr•ltiun 1 . Utthereelle, t'ftrirt. FARREL, HERRING & CO., 629 CHESTNUT STREET. • -Harvey gaillam, Chas Mathews, (Joe. W. Myers. . Hering, Entre), h Sherman, N. Teri Herring & Chicago Herring, Farrel, kCo ~,New Otleana Maw then .10.00 D 11111.1tRINtra SAVES have been and are bon lu 'Urct and over ;OS Ibr:IOCED have ' paeced ltroliih accidental firer, pretiervinie their conteptnlo mom Inetanene »biro many ^the. tolled BICOND HAND inn of our own and Othrr maaan haring beep received In part pay or the Implored lierring'e Patent Champion, for sale ei lee prices 18 June GD ly 1867 DOMESTIC? ogees GOODS, (ISS [MERU, NETS IBA TI . • • JhANei • WHITE .GOODS, DRICAS TRIAIIMINGS, .111N0 1 5 1011 W STORL ' 'IItWEST 'MAIN Opposite tie, tionsfesi . Maio; next , to Pal Mw NOW =I IiALTIMPTiE BOWER'S =I AGENTS,_ I= MIZE] 7t) South Street, BALTIMORE, MD REMOVAL Harlin removed from PHILADELPHIA MN HERRING'S PATIOT CII*3IPION 1867 SPRING BAGA._II(.3 NOW OPHNIIIO - 141 ZYPHIRItuBIION6IrIOTIONI4 It? • AT MISCELLANEOUS. - , . BOWERS' WARE S 7 OBE,- 26. NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, EA iiiiiilditsvectfallyowllthxcailen tlnn of thollliblle to bur rocently pplanlsh• odl NTOCK 'HARDWARE — in - Piing tho loritost In Curobetlnod Volloy end conslotltqf In part of lIA3I)INRED, AND ROLLED •:• 12;0 ,°/ 9URIMNI3 lIOII9R 8110 it NOhNVAY ROD 9, BLACKSMITHS', 15:MION 31 KERS', coAcri DIA KIRS' AND CAR . PENTE.:I TOOLS, BUILD G MAT i;,11I A 1: Aarldlery Pairip, Cabinet 31al, err, Undertal, err, and Conch fiikorx MATE 111 A T., Fhovels, Fork•, Raker., &e, Bomb, for MeCORN!ICK'S RlTElt—i•irri•qtia:t ou hood. WO . RlU • 4•or!stantly in re,llll,' r I= nigh country snorrbantr nt- lelphia an York prlren. 4r-a-GooDs rieli•tre4rto ail portxl3l . of chnrge. MTILCOX t aipßs SE WIN 0 1114 011 IP, We hays nkurrd tha Agency of the Wit, 0111 Its• Peeing n Mae. =MIN buying Fern::nlie ojiPrallon =22I3=MCIEZMI GEE superiority over ell Double Thremit Usebine: follnwinlr plrtiefflors. I t Finlyl•r'ora EZEZI MIME= 13:Ell IM=9 MEM= It Imp the h.et detlen for I..evenlimr the ...I, (runt running Imeliwaro , . It retiti!re, let, ==l =I =II =I Is etrni,:ht and lest , hetile to he Issihiet etti veil ens rho needle , weorril in Its = adjusting au that neither shill nor exile'', • 10. required In standing It'. It s directly to the spool thus doing tiony -with tbc tedlittleol-O, I FO. of rewinding the thrthil for tutjuMnon, I Plilltt), It tomtits the Wlletri h (likhs' ot loop Mitch," a el itoh original in iii thia cli•chtoy and made by no ether, the 1•1.3,1 Is seta elnetle and strenrer than the Lock The sec ru a the ma: e•en affil bdauti r . ttl, the earn til,,t7 self fastened thus aroldloir a r eiosilde le-d. llr Mon is is more Moline and more easily adju tad. IS is more rnerilily rhineid from one Clod ul w, rk. to nether,. It do. Ilea talloi embroider, It has thy brat hemmer. It has the beat filler. It loin tt e Ors! brald.r. It has the brat belt. Tho o c Milo has b-en In the Market tnr i little mine eight testa, doting whl , h thn• upwards of nix ty'thousaed,have been ovule and es-Id, a nut:lite+ by fiitl per tent lariter than were Bold of any bonblo Ito 'chine in the •••:ne numb., Of Its earliest treat Itch ',twee, Is nutnelent to ienrralkt the rate of I hie llnchine wherever It line an' AKA ory without the doubting erletatee of tent imeninle, of.. Welt there are enough to fill up the egluntua In the Intl. rheae Nlnehl one are On hibiti. at Mir Ni, rib Ilnnova stretal,enrltgle whore they any ate eattutliantl. nod they will take grant 'plansut In ex plaining 503 thing ratio Ina to It. Itewp..ctlttLy Li., • AI ILI 1111 A BOK E., : , ,,E•th Ilnn over 14I,jmnir0 arllsle, I A. 1869. • 10,69. II ARDWA RE ITARDWARI• lIENRY.SANTON, ESE J = AS T II I (_; II ST k: (ttrl isl e. Pa Wholemle and netnil dnx;er in rinr4.reon. li nn tent, Nap., Bt11111(ni Slnt•ri•lF, ,PAlnto. .Cll3 Obos ,ter Bluest quality of Ati1•11.11• eud Enzi 4 'Peeket And Table Cutlery. Every description" di _Toole eqop'ed he ell Me chanical Trades ni the linnet itel.brated cnekore, end 'warranted In e•ery O ono, Pietniz ai d A rntotznltien. •U P , fu- any depth warranted to give eetleSetle.. Content, f teeter, Illestlng Powder, • • Picks. {bevels, dr. .r, Fore, Crow-Leib, .• diolges, L. FARM ALCMS. 'CI! %IN., '7' GRAIN PAGE, .te., /Ini/dera receive nuE , rfete tli a vent hnt In price end quah,'y liouseepopurn lin.nle And uten.,ll. t.v veriet,•. VE ARE SOLE AGE I•TS FOR GREAT FUEL ECONOMI ' MAIIQUA NT ".s ' CE LE BEAT ED ' • T LINIMEN. . • FOP MAN 011 lift :e'l'. hi a l'alaahlt. Prepara6ll. . :; 1 twit.. e.e telei, adaiqed in dhe Ca...e ni all those /1 ..- raftesfor which a Colinter-frrito.,• or E.rternal Reqtedy is rev(irr,t. REPEREikTOP. Abram 31arquart, bro , 1 lea jihown in. 11i. .....• celpt of which We Moline it It. rneninnenel. Fre:on my know mine of the, Ingre mop.. I to nor t ,Itate In certifying that It will ho Iluntefleelal enhen re ,”, external application of tho 4 l A itid In I n.ilmitbd. lA , PTLIVAI: ' , `I. 1 , . 810.pponsburg . , Sept. it, 1.5136 . FullyConverman. with the cfmmiral et t0p0n...1,. and medical effect. of A. Metreine4rt're Llnlenent. I cheerfully commend It to ihr., Who ;on v inenel It Jacksonville. Pa. . l5. '.'t trll2g, 51. it Mr. A. Marquart :—llex. Sir: ['late Mat .•.re In saylde that I have use 170 r I.lnlineut fen Anne ped hand., and it curedinem and ain't, t nem nw.J soft I think It the best I here - ernr nerd, and would cheerfully reoommetid It to the• iceneml public .Newton Townehlp. , Nor. 21, MIS. I hereby eertlfy thr , t 1 ILin nge,l A. Ml^.llllrt'A Liniment for Seretehen mud eparin on two .of m) .tree, With the irttetcyt xuccoan, end Nieuld rec ommend it.to Oil Chet -ore the kh.d. C. 1511M1.1 Nll 13 It ri:== Stougnsiown,ya., Nor. IS. 160.. Sir. A. Niarquart.:—Pear tiara nmci bunt baltn bottle of yinir 'r:lnltrtent in inv. horn a bad Collar Gall; 1,111,11.ervl thin moat obotl oat. bra of thin kind b aver 1111,7; nLm on loy arm fn Ithaumatinm, and It has iclren ontirr ko 19N0ti,,,, in b:th earn. I would nnt•ll.: without' It' or :ru timrs It coat and chrernally)reconnilmol It to the public 1:11011.4 EL I.6'fil Alf . Jacksourlllo„ Pc., Nov. 20,, 1864. -' A. blarquart, Itsq:—l/oar Sir: I had a my memo attaolf nt Ithaumatlrm 10 my back,/ PO that Fr ould orarcsly, , walk, whirl: wan my Limjiilal. After using - half a.bottla, of your colt:Mead .L:n1; want, 1 was entirely cared. This Is not a I Scow MonditYlon, but the plain tent!, y'44 roll olitt anyliaept this yoa plraro . • • .11,130 H 1,01::11H . Al alnut Bottom, P.., Nov. 20, I.IIOA. ~ `Mr: , A: Marquart . :*.-t•• Boar Sir: 1 here aired yourlaluable Lis:in:en In any family frs Offer. oat palna and actmA, an ,It line proved satisfactory In everyWe: I do think, Al on Salerno! I.IOA mont, it statlda without a rival. .1 would choor• fully rocimnondit' to the' public. lisapertfully. ' • - int0lt,(111 w. l'0111.:111. * Jacksonville, Pa„ Noi. 21, MIL' A.ldiSquait, Esq. :—Dear 131 r: It. affords nig pleasure to testify that I have used yoai'Lliti t Oa sly nett, in a case or very nose Throat, w Wet math swollen and very painful. A or throe applitatloas, Talmud It to set Its and would reessasnien4 it in au wasellsnt A JACOB PlEt _ . Wallint Bettors... Pa., Nov. 10, 1865. • Ofd' .114.61N7:13 IVANT/h1; Address A stnigrA,C.i:;----. Walnut Bottom; k.e. for wile at IlAirlittnTlOK k,Bllpi Prut .1. 1 t0r0,, .barlisle, Pa. ilsCEzza ECONOMISTS!, Your attintlor. to called to the fact that at RHINESMITH dc RUPP'S ltonviou-can:lroi-thellneat display of -iroods ever kept In any shailar establlihment In the count', con elating In part of the follovefing STOVES AND HEATERS; Warranted to give general satisfaction SUNNY SIDEBI , IRIiAACE IiZATBR, ORIENTAL YARLOR HEATER, OIITENTAL PARLOR'BTaiIS, LIVELY TIMES RADIATING DACE BURNNE, .TUNIATA ; PARLOR HEATER, PARLOR LIMIT .BASE BURNER DIM Innot be eurpemed I= BARLEY SitrAP PIM =I rAKE. ROAST, AND MCA? Better. W. If., frel..them any other sloe« la 'CIA. - fnial 1,4 - I= ItET4II.TINO LIMIT BAR MENU RF,VOLVINO LIGHT RAPE BURNER,, Hating ne.inired n lepulatico in ,thin and adJoininv =EMS= We n,. Ote..r.ine.l to kriip the, mama hi lb. future, 1"41Ing conntlentt that we ran sell yon,gooti artiale• at rrifr;t — lowertlinil others - Pell had Vro hors sla , hand. and for ftle a two assort MEM EC= Milli 11=1 ME ME I=l TIOLI,OW WARE, Or m•trrial nod rltrap base, s:ol kovr: ronstatalY ~ ' hand,* vary Largo = W'l I= MEE and JOBBINO Done o■ short untie., and At remonable terms. None Lot r.od workmen andizond material on band. RIIINESMITH Sc RUPP, Nos. 42, 64, 68, -.- NORTH iteNoviarc STREET, rA @ME P i TENT 211ZDICINES.% MANHOOD: BOW LOST. FIOW ALSTOILD. .11.1.4 published, a ■aw well a I,T)lobratea Beatty up the radios{ cars (without medicine) ut NPrlutonevaa r Or 5.. foal ‘t enknol, Involuntary Net:canal Luau, ill YOTENCT, Mental end Physical holtpaelty Impedl ;neut.; to tuarrino, et,.; alro Co:triune/war, APILDPIT nod Fewt itelueed.by roll.indulgenee or wand ix trusldnoeo tayljy.l.sires, in scaled envelope, eel, Comet. Iho celebtated authbr, le this •drolrablet away rlearly domouotroaten from a thirty yews' asemetel practice, that the alarming. eonnequei•• of aNR alma. may he radically cared *Rhone the. denim , OUR one of loot creel nullities or the knife; I,ll9.tiet out a mote ot, r ore at once certain; eel •f• tortoni, tt3 aleans of which every sufferer:so via* for whet hut condition nosy he, way can himatei cheep*, privately, and radica/4. ire thin Lecture should be to the helmet alf avow ;nuth any every man In the land. - • • 1 4 .1111. ur •• • r Beni, in • plain envelope. I) any, ad (II rFe - por -id, on receipt of six tent., or two pen ,411.0, Ph. Culver:well's “klarrlecg•Oe • • -zati. Actdrees the Publtshere, CRAB. J. C. KIPINIS 12f ha cert. New York. ['opt °Mee hot let Schenek 9 B„Mtlntonic Syrup. !!co *mod Teak and hiandrake Pll le, Will lore Cele sinagtlon, Llyer Comp!AIM, ami , Dyspepala, Raekat tcsollingclo dlrcitione. They are all three 011 lakenst the name time. They cleanse the Memel& relniothe liver, end put It to Work: then the epee - IP., bison). good: the food divide and malted good blood the patient begins to grow to Simh -Om diseased matter ripen. in the lungs. and the pa• tient out, rows the disease and gets troll. This is the only way to cure conethopthm. To them three medicines Dr. .1. R. Pelee' ,eof Philadelphia, ow. ltle unrelated succeme ID the treatment of pulmonary connumptlon The ra. monk. nyrup 'tlpons the morbid matter in the 'nags, nature 'brain it off by an oany expectoration. for when the phlegm. or matter la ripe, a slight rough till throw it ufl,lnd the patient has yeet, end the longs begin to heal. To do tide, tiro Sea weed Toulc and Mandrake Nile must be Lrooly used ro clea'nen the storoach•nd livery co the' the Dull:manic Syrup and the food will snake good blood. r t herck , e Mandrake Pine act upon the liver ea moving all obstruction', relax the duct of the gall bladder, tin .116 Alert e freely,. and the liver I. .00111 -rolidved; the stools Isla show whet the Pllll ea. do: nothing hag ever been Invented except calomel (a desdly potion which le Very dangerous, I. use loNt w th groat cnre).-that will unlock the gall bled. der &rut stet t the se'crtthinvof the. llverlllt•tichenekia liandralse Liver Zilnplalnt le Coo of the roost prominent - causes of Nelientloo :lowered Tonto, 15 a 'peutle stimulant and alterative, aid the elkdl In the Seaweed, vtbleh 't hot prrpar.alo- - Is MO le or Restate the ntontach to ' throe out the gastric juice to dltiolve the food with the lo 03,110, nod it Is made Into good blood -without lertuentvtl.ol or s ror,ug inihe stomach; Thu ereittioes.ni why phytlontne don't cure con• • eumptoll Is. they try Co do too touch: they give eird•rine to 10... p the rough. to clop chills, to stop night coyote, hectic levrmand by no doing they de- s mugs tiro. e lode digceille powers, • Ittelne op the pooretions,ond eventually the patient sinks &riddled, Pr Schenck. to his trivament doer, not try to env. . rt cough. night sweat•, thins or fever. Remo,. the .sue.,,e,rl they trill all et, p of their own accord to isle fen cured' if Consumption. Ilverlkom• p 1 .41 of, Uvri, teem, ietart It. Center, tileeratelThroat utilese the riser end etenteth are mode healthy. ' If a pericili•lnt ceto:Umptlon source the lungs , In tint. way ern illseamed,either turberclee. abaci* see, let itation, - pleura adbeeion, or the lunge ore a 11110, of in ft domation and f.at decaying. 'the lunge hurt are moo:1.4, but It le the whole bodly rho roomer!, and liver have lost their power to'mak•' II can't out 01 top!. Now the only Allows Is to tabs rcherick's ton., medicines, which will bring up a tone to the ,tomach, the patient will begin to want. - food, it sill digest easily and make good blood; then the patient bogus. to gain in flesh, and ae moat as 'the body begins to gr..w,theluogit commentate Lea. . up and the patleut gets fleshy and well. - thin le the only wey. trOcurto cothruption. When there le po lung disease And only liver sore. • It! and DJ epeprilm'rehonek . e Seaweed Tonic and Ahluilrake Pilleare suffielentatlthountha - Pulmonie . I,,Ovrup. Take tioi Mandrake Pille hpaly In all WI, ' ,- rue_ lir. teltritek, 'who Ilea ,enjoyed • uninterrupted health tor, nlitly years part, and now weighs 221 peutider3i-locweetud away to &mere sk&leton,in the Zest sr eve of Pul winery Cottat . implldiiitla physician !teeing pronounced bin cane bopelean and abandoned hint to his fete. • Ile was cured he the stomata mad. !clone, and Mute hie recovery many tbeneand -Why aillicted have used Dr. acheock's preparations with the woe remarkable MOM.. Fall directlontr. eccompsny Ino each, malts it nut absolutely Inimical ry;to pommel!, es' Dr. Schenck unless the patient A , wish their lunge etatnlned, end foi this purpose ha le professionally at hie Principle Offict, Philadelphia .every Saturday, where all lettere of advien meat be addrestred,. lie le also to inventorially At N 0.32 Bond • • • -.treat; Now "YOi k,"every olbeeTuserlay,,,•• teed at No, • • 36,2lenover street, Molten, every.other wednotaay. Il giverredvire free,'but for a alorough eiliMlllll. lion Will bin iteepirowater the price le di. Ore. - !more/it, each city, from OA. 31.40 3P. 11. . Price of the Paltnonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonle each plan per blttle.or '31.601s hell doss.. Man drake Pill. 23 mite a boa. Par sale by all druggishl D.. J.ll. ACIIIINOK, ' • No, it. N. oth'pt. 1111121112 E apr112.,; ly LItIUQTr, BTO4IS. lIA.NNOIT; N. E.,Ccii..ll4novor tiqd Poppfhit (A. few doors eolith of Dogls'sstore,) Poi. Rye W4isky,• . • tout Common I. 9daky: . , • ' • Pure Holland • , - Diner Bratiey, . • ' • , • . • ).. = l.'° t sl l. ler il :; * Wl, • - • ' - Jamaica Rum ; • ' ' " Champagne. - lIITTISS • INll9elf ~ '9 d (UAW' -••,•', N 11.711 UlTTiiit B. • BO US.,, MEI STOVES AND HEATERS, GEM MED Ann DURAtILITY NOBLE COOK, NOTZ,LTI_PARLOIt_COOK an 4 NATIONAL. RANON. (bite a novelty STOVE KNIY . ,I:S AND FORK.S, =MD 111E3 COAL ETAS, IZEM ~l'Oli'flFL'~.,:~.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers