Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 19, 1869, Image 3
: ± :::#:-Carlizlis, lt-tvOi- • JARLISLE, NOVEMBER 19, 1869 area burglars lyolco int o. JiMob' , • s restaurant on last, IPriday night, - -Jed the till of GO:cents, helped theni yes to beer and oysters, and were bapT 'The gas burned until morning ; but. he robbers bad departed. b'asement room of the St. Paul's angelical Chili:ell, on Loather street;' I be dedicated on Sunday, November at 11 o'clock, Ministers from ti (11. 1 - '` co will attend., 03 Honorable Charles Sumne.iie s 7o. Sr , hik great lecture entitled the 'ostions Of Caste," at nil court in Harrisburg, on Ilfgrnlar - , , nre: g pest. u authorized report of the speech of limn 11. Miller, esq., before the God .r on the Shoeppe case, appears in HERALD to-day. 'assengers to California can nrw make firough trip withoutchange-of—cars. Nis all very fine for those who have money to nniko the trip, but to poor ters who have neither the time nor money to spare for is 'grand trip , ss the continent, this fact will not eriallY increase their 'we life pleased to greet , lur friepd utenant E. B. liheeni, U.. S. A, who tovespending some time with his , ref-. reshere. He lOoks in excellent health 1 spirits. could it not be a good.thing to linve art course of lectures In Carlisle du g• the present winter I. i lVe have tried ost every other hind of rational and ANN entertainment,butwelavemot -d a series Of lectures, at any time 'bin the last ten years. There need l it failure in the matter if the proper ;les interest themselves, and good lee, ,n-s were obtained, and even should re be it is sometimes better to have id-and failed, than never to have tried .atuclay last brought us the first in uncut of winter in the shape of some eo inches of snow. The boys 'and Is vwere delighted at the prospect of pe balling and sledding'. on the side hue young • Misses and their ux indulged in delightful sleigh rides concomitant enjoyment. Their an pations however, were disappoiritcd. Sunday evening the snore: had .disap xed from the fields and roads, leaving t enough iu the mountains to give us aw, disagreeable; and extremely chilly losphere. I=l 'he lovers of t'unusenithit appear to to had their prayers answered during s week. The Continentals appeared ,Tuesday night, and notwithstanding : inclement weather, these 'Mar wet- no songsters were - greeted by a good iso.-z.rttfessor Kidd, on WednesdaY ga-vo - a 'fine elocutionary' -enter- nment to an "appreciative audience. -Nilll visit our rural friends iii rarionii •ts of the county. "Dissolving. Panorama?' was tither (by ns) to visit Car Mile on Monday ::sing last. As it appeared not, and the proprietor failed to furnish collat • for Rheem's hall and printing. it is !sumed the institution reached 1 solution before Carlisle. A chubby ;ed individual, calling himself W. S. —ithtlif.;,-..ofilnecrstolveLwas the ;Aver ing agent, and succeeded in be . ating ut of 500 programmes for 500 for other points, which lid di ed us to send to the ." biggest tavern Mechanicsburg !" — We hope said se of entertainment lost no hash by ting him. We warn our exchanges, uld any printed panorama programmes th our impript on them be given them copy, not to print them, except for :ash down." ..)"1 Thursday of. last week-Governor heard an argument ill favor of the yclon ofDr. Paul Shoqppe, who was nvicled of the mnrder of Miss &in cite, in this county, last May. Fred iek Dittman, esq . .. of Philadelphia, 'illiam 11. Miller, esq., Dr. Zitzer, and •ofessorHimos,--of this place, argued c pardOn of the prisoner on the ground at the evideiroc.oir which lie was con eted was ihsufficient. The Hon. F. unroll Brewster, 'Attorney General, was •csent. but made no reply to the argil ents` of the prisoner's counsel. The inions of a number of prominent pliy ms and medical societieCon the case e also submitted at the . ame time to Governor. Light is to be thrown upon Carlisle Tacks ; aIF , the colored troops are • rid lefty jng."- , --Harris6ilyy . .E„rek an ge. gore light will be 'thrown Upon Car= Barracks.` Aimmber ofstreet lamps . illuminatß the parade ground. 'C redit Me the present coinmanding officer - I,the past adjutant for this and other wovements. .Ventilatorti have lime wad upon the roofs of all the quarters; 1 a commodious blacksinith shop AO adjacent to the stables. A new has boon lately run to' the top of the, %ff. Arrangements have been made to 'e a free concert in theatre once a :ek,..instead of tatoo, which gill give r citizens an opportunity of litnening the' excellent band and orchestra. he best selection of populne literature this-vicinity- ,be found in the post . )rary. This 'is due to the good taste —licl-scholarship 7 of-tho 7 troarotrer-tif-th ost fund. • • 1=11:3:12:1 (On ne4t . Sabbath evening the First and ocond Presbyterian 'Chur'ehes of thiS erough t will hold , a union'ineeting, in to Savona Preßbytorian , Church, for tanlisgiving . and praise to t'od, on ae unit of the happy union wl WI has re intly boon consuinmated bt Won :what tvo boon Icrtorm for more'than 3 ) years s the two principal • branches of the :rosbyte'lluh 'Church_. in "the, United tAti}s.. • , Two lii:443es attnehed to the bOr wagon k E. 'lr.rano rail away, on" Loather . -::reet„on - Saturday: r morning last.* the ;agon wail . r . ory'badlY broken.dp, and mar kegs '.lr3io" along the itreet. The horles ran at a fearful rate apeed'foiseveral 00;11.0)1 before being i t hopped. :We call attention to the fact that, the ltaruhorlitil:l.. Valley , have Banged the time •table for ,iiasSengor r iaies.. The early t - rain, east now . leaves . I s ,arlislo' at '6:33, ..and ttatil at 0:50. The afternoon trainsliass.thrtmgli ."eneesihet , later thaii;:ferinerly. "It is ell to,,ho,liaitisolhink'sevoral who 1 - o;;.irbeell':i.opilielled, awiit the Th is week we issue our newswer crim day earlier fiian.usual,iiinirei to - n*l* BU .the_ oftlee,,to_mijoy themselves on Thanksgiving day. IMEE The old "P - ontinentals"-, gave an en lettaimnent; ift Rlmenes Hall, on Tuesday -The:singing s excellent, as it alwayS is `withthem, and thediall vas -well , filled. This treape has been before the public for many and their name is a housewold word. 11r=1= :ii—linnentable case of suicide occurred ). 1 7 his city, on Thursday moinirig last k young girl, aged about' 16 yea .cira lg hter of W. A. Judy, was faun() Iftinging, by the neck, in the loft of, 'stalk, owned by tlie family; in thesotitb ern-part of-the city.. ImMediately on the discovery she NYtiS down, lint life was extinct. Coroner. Strong was notified, inkbheld an iMpiest over the body. The, evidence went to show that there had been seine wrangling between the girl and Zither members of the family that morning ; that the deceased had left home, and declared ,her intention to re- Ma in away, when her brother went alter her,_, and forced her to return. and Idio was punished her. after which she Went into the loft. and ]rut, an - end-to' her existence. ,The_ vertilict_of the jury was that "deceased came to her death by wilfully ban :ing herself.''—Otinbert,! land Ciritia n. I=lll=2ll Continuation of Court proceedings, first week Commomi•ealth vs. Henry Fowler, William Wilson, and Michael Keerian— Riot, unlawful assembly—Verdict not guilty, and that costs be divided between Miller TeL the prosecutor, and Henry Fowlers one of the defendants. Mag laughlin for Commonwealth; Humrieh & Parker for Defendants. Counnonweallh I's. Charles flutter and Dayid - Dfer,---Robbery—,-Larceny—lic ceiving stolen goodserdiet *on second count in indictment, and not guilty on first and 'third countA. Mag lang,hlin for Comni(nrealth Cornman and Beltzhoover for Defendants. Commonwealth vs. N. 11. Sawtellc— False pretence—tenth of Noveinber, - 1 slt39 true bill. By consent vnlie prow - 15i en tered un payment, of costs by proseentrix. Maglaughlin and Newsluim for Coin , monwealtli ; Shearer for Defendant. Commonwealth vs. David- Parker-- Surety of Peace'. Prpseent ion dismissed, each party to pay their own costs. Ma glaiighlin for Commonwealth .; ilunuirh Cur 'Defendant. 'Commonwealth liniTh and Ann Toler—Surcty of Peace. Prosecu tion dismissed, each phrty to pay, their IWn casts. Maglatighlin for onnnum itcalth Btilirr for Defendant. Second weelc-: Barliet & Co.—No. .207, April term, issue. This was anmssue directed to try the right to property in ~store of Thomas Cmilyn— claimed by Mrs: Barber, and levied on by Sheriff on execution issued on ajinlT.,;= eat obtained against Thomas Coill3m Verclici for Defendants. Todd, Iformaii, 'enrose,an'd Miller for Defendapl.s. Watts vs. Baker—No. :53, August-ternG 867—Del,t. Verdict for Defendant. lendernon C. lays for Plaintiff; Mag angidin and Pellrii,e for Defendant. , -mg* OBITUARY. ihoiatii martin. P (;t in,this county, died , ai Lb; 6ti lie thir ictb of October, at the ago of co.) mow he and 16 day.:. lle wee born in ath yajlcv, Mauldin countLya., and moved to Lip late' reittetice, where lie lined, loved and respected by :111 «•ho knew him, till the day of his death. Idr. Martin WllSrt man of wrfeu'ivr and varied information. being h great reader of good and iverol looks, well as of, the current literature of the clay. lu his character and intercourse he lya, mark6l for4lis strict and conscient imp; integrity, and hence enjoyed, in au unusual degree. the confidence of .all who knew hint. He 'e as for many YOar6 a prominent member and Oar. leader in the Methodist church. Ms house wa, ever open; and a runs• mu home of ministers of altdenOmina- 60118. Ile WaS "a 11,1"l•I' 110 Spit alit yv and inauy C!L11 testify with cordi flay he received and '• entertained strtm 7ers.•' Though, in I,i, last day , , tendered un conscious by his r7li,ense. thore can be no doubt that his cm l ww; that of t he'Chris_ Tian—ft irws peace. =EN - Bead this Fre7nelt merino, all colors, -75 cents per ; all wool dtgaines 30 and 05 cents ; wool eashrnere,,donldo fold, 3 . 0 and 40 cents ;-.fancy' silks, all shades, to $1.78 worth 171,00 . to $3.50, at W. C_,SaWyer & Cos. I= Call at G. G. Dosh's cigar. .siore;and see the large Mimi he has Made for the Union Fire Comp - any; and while yott'are there you may as well invest ten cents in chances, at "only tivo cents a chance." The cigar is thirty-two inches long, and should-last an firdimuT smoker aliont three weeks. - . ES Read the advertisment of L. T. Green fleldOnr columns. • TV will lie seen that he has received anew sleek (if l'gond:J, which be in.oll'evingrnt, i stmmcly low prices. - . 1 iu4 Furo ! Beautiful nuts of nu:* fur five uul - eix dfiillai•s. Sable for $2.0. let. W. C. Sawyer &,Co's. 1101= atika'__Vick cloth cults for four dollars, at W. A Co!s. MOM We every where hear of the cry of dull thnes„lnit judging front the, number of persons and pacicages that issue from Ogilby's, there appears to be special .at traction there. We also observe' that . .every day brings, liomethiug now in the Way of seasonable goods; . and as Ugilby receives goods by &cry train, there is ,the place loamy, particularly wheni tbore ialls heavy decline in jirictui ae wo notice by the East'* •piipors prevails at Ibis . . Shawls! ° ShaWls I Don't)lo all wool shawls fokhroo dollars. Single. shawls for two dollars, at W. C. Sawyer di Co's. .• 4 Our young' friend; Mr. Charles B. Hal bert,' line recently opened, on LOuther etroot,.a'short distance beloNt . the corner of - Hanover, a first. elaS§ . .morble Ho has procured the serviees of the most . export and experienced wOrlunon, and is determined to manufacture the very hest' kind Yof- work,. rOasiniahle prices.; Being centrally locatedi ,and. baying on . hand 'always a full :supply 'Of all hinds ..of stone; we - would urgotholie of our readord. in WantOf 'anything. in` his. line to. give pall.: Tll4 will neVer,rogretit.-;-; TIII PRIDE, OF QOAL ,'AN?, HOW . - TO ECONOILIZib. 4 H ..._Thcremartrittee.appointed by the Amer: icon Institute to exarnmo into the.merits of the various coarburningkoves, "have reported 'that, after making a thorough exaMinat Mira. the various Rtoves, aUd teking them thoroughly .t _ both in refer.' enco to econoMfAidlieatlng - Power; they have found tke'Atirerican Base .Burner' (mamifin red in city), to ho the 'most economical, and the'most powerful. heater=sonie •of the tests showing that this stove consumed full one-half less fuel than the otherS, and in every ease gavo much more Is, it not better to get the above named stove and avoid the great Wake . of:coal?—.:4 jbgs3y Knick•L •orborker. • • • These stoves ar6 for sale . by William . Friffley,"East Loutheitreet, Carlisle, Pa. EPEE= . - • List of unclaimed letters remaining in the:.postoftice- at Carlisle, - Pa, for- the weeic. ending Rovemlicr 17, 1809 : Alriorla. Mrs. I loWnrd, FP. 11. Rorkivy,3lss 11 .1. Itoop. ries, Pion 11:mxe, Kit lc IC mg, U. L. Me lung C. A It Avmait I. M. 111.00 I,ot 31. Susan . Mxy M. IS cylii Mie Sadie I:. liner, in. A.: Petro., Mr, An., A IZZIMUTO MEM • C .o per NVIIIIntIi rs. (Inch, OWIIIIIIIII .1 r..rplt Itkr.). A. (.2) Saulligtotl.Nl s. M. 11t.pew, M sr Li rzie, , Wnrfin IF , inn Mars k M'utrorl. Virn ..Ir .1. W. I). . WI ,111m11,. 1...i..' Waggoner, Zug, arm IT Gr rii, 1.-r Gotwlll , l. E. RIIEEM, P. M .11113RIE1). :WU by ilot flov.• Ifottry l oratol, Itfr. JolOt •Itutight to Af fa of North 3licltlleton.toNvii• MA.RKETS il•Yon the NorOia rnericnn rf neslay,Xovimber 16 Lout: ;0 to barrels :Bunged hands, price , rttgiUq ironi to JIVE EI,OIII. per to rel (11tAl_.—Soloo Si f. , ;0 10bItok WoBtern Rod n l'onnsylTl -,- ia - nlytl - 11rInn . nro - drnnt - E 4 1,8 ' of 1,:19. R tot,ptg . v fr. m $1 01 to ti 41.00; earn, o'd tt.',; 0,00, Silt , 00; o.toot 5907, 60 tttil i tit ::.6.5(1tt.T, per ,bushel Tim Illy, i'3:17 . f , 2 o. 1 , 11, S • CATTLE, 3fAltiftT 7 "=-TITC, M,ll • or Brut at the A13.111:0•1)rovn Yard, reached n ant 'llO brad. Thy taaritrt, lit consequofic”, woe r 3, fohill. •.1111 priery raN . Ol. laiVers. Extra l'o , nsyl, v Wea ern rt. ere srillap nt it few chair° at id (0 a",;,, , .; fair to good at nod la 11fr. jor 11, F. • n °, to t'aws a•al xell 'rraility ni Poll price; 200 bra at 15 head. Springorn luny bo $ll , (FirL . • ' Sh..ep were dull and ht 4(lI' pe Mite: re•r tr rholee. its Ivero 1/IllitT till i.l . 3lll!ing 111x171 per M.VI3I:ETS s 7"Ii()Ul'C'lE D 7 AIG v.,ET =EI .11:1I': d WiIITY 1111.:Ar ;i1.1) ILVE ....... roIIN t ..... ...I .2 • ..... E 0 43 ... . ....... 0 ME cL , O,EViErIL I'iNt4TITVSI.: I L. 44enerall S'rodtice Mcort•Mbvr,i7. P:0!). IVerklu In/ en 1)1140 ais, 0i wl ==l MIS = I= 91`A It 1 , .1. • •A C7s; PA KJ/ ltl IMES ' ‘VA 21,`111; T 11 , ArPLES, 3 I.W.}N fI A .5 I.S:I(AUS 7 LA)IPS Art) GLA.SSIIVit.RE • si l o , 1"1,1 In pri We Neonl.l all tint at' t• nti orof ilatr pd tp ih I trgo r•••111;110 , . in I. ;MO, AND l; I.ASSIV Alt C. it.lno.dt,t . ita large. ; f un,, good.; i pt 11.• lire now ofteOpg. Cost PO of Inn, ppial only. and a pound Itterel4.nireFed it lot, to to ices. aoaj:J:_yr - !• , e't rd . l', , , to.oogwor, or F 4 li i lII= MEM = IMEMIN oNLY CI :.RE FOR DYSPEPSIA - KNOWN IN KITE AVII()LE 11 - oEr,j). • D. 1.11,11 !leiriiita nrd Tr t. Ti.r c.iptial arr a p :mil infallible it' 'l , 11% t , Enoßt 0,, rrturl form,mat•Pr Th. y rorllnte tho.l et nIo lT ,I thi4 te•rible dlsea.o, it ernilmtle :f r ,tt 1”1 , 1 forever. They al eniatt mop. n„,, irg than gun an tell They are noted foi curium llm most ilerpriste and flp less Cool, when court known me•ne fail to al, No form rr D.c.,P1.41.1 or in.iire..tion can't P,1.9 Ir pen. (rating pOVI,I . I Tree 'Fax Cordial. It is thu pH. r [Oa of the t I. a T.t.u, obtain...l In n pa itltt• pro Pr , In the tli•tillotIon of the tur, by which to 141.. at Inetlir AI t.r.tpurt r 1 a•o retat•enl •It Invtg trates the to orrons nod rranres L P ap, oti u. t the aynteco. It port firs ntl t IllietlCs the blunt!, oittl Il•nut ths 110111 hr cur optlint 1,111011 sorufal hods on ho tongs. t .tssolvtrtirr nuonsa).r 1,11 ...gro which stops tho ale too tinge. It hoot lig pt•lne`pl • ao•to pwi the irritated K .l.nt, of the 11111 p nrul tlllola em trat •to rich relleVitlg pulp and ilrlttihtr Inrathat•oh. It As UV, rent t of . yettta of trisuo I experiment, and it lingered to ditoaftl elect •Ith prailite at..drave of it, 1 over to mho Nut fat ttit+N.rws, if ILr tallied Lwhot too long 1.1.1 tycd st rt,ort_l4.l the mewls of aura: I on, r ,b, t'oro Throat and Breant, Itr,n• 111 i..d and Irrodin athnin, r,pin a Cough, Dipthoritr, A n 1 di,' et ..per . , hohliug hottorablo callogta•o Diplonutt' devote• h. eh( , Imo to the eOO.OlOO or palluon the office pm lore A.t.rialetl .11 . 1 hint a elitioe orknoselt,tl.l,l 1 . 11/illlll Bervier... taw Alvan t lime ithl.ll, Iron of rim opi,,Ftunit:. I. by In,' 11,6 , I.*titution tho runnlry..' . . f.rn any part or Iho country, air Ing Id [V .liptlS and gra' lltional re, orte(' In l'ho 1,1211 cnl, rrmi i:11141,1 ;11.11111 tlq(0 tha bhapt d'fira Ur, .at °like 0r,10., Fri.-r. of Wialvnrl'A Anierlenn Dyrivey.4.4 T 1 14, .$1 Live 9 pt. Ivy ylO . l on reetilprov , Prietv of 44 I.4pirrn 'Nun Tyre T., Cot 11.5 g n 'bottle, Gr. ill prr (Innen, rent lvy express. einnovv.vvitvaillninv.toold In 1,. it ( . .111911k trf, No. .232 N00 . 119.,:0nd altrat, 22oct . I.BLIC KALE OVREAT.r'ETA 2'E In pnrstinnee,i , rortl. P re ininotrout ur ibn Orphnnie Gala or the rounlfre er nun nvd l'olry will 411 ptv eAit., la tin•• COllrt 141110, in NM Inolough of (24111,1 e, On - ft`hirrsairry.Yo:etlaber43o E -14 1 q9, = 1. A (ja(t Plf 1110.1lialn•LP11111, 11111)81rd lu North 1111 , 111, tnn tonm hip, 111 Wilggralvr'n 111.11,un Norill o antn.o. 1.11,1 p.optutlecl by ohnly Ilnu ' lndn of(I, lii 1.1!P Omit T.. ELI'II AOlll - .1.1. . '2. A irm't of vollohtini Liml,,ntlJolilingthe nho•e, Cagi.oll tntunl,lp, P0r. ,.. f10 I); nind lilt I! , t, ACR S ' AU of Ike phovr .tool fn cmrroA :At* giona Tl.r.)rn p, 0 I:nn . day of null lfi pnr 0001 (in ronilrwatinn of nn le, and Ili L dint I. 187 '' 00111 ' Ad a , , , , r;t doe'd. BALL ar " YALU/A.I3LE 'REAL.. ES .OIII. Ihvvi Inoo a. al as or kr ,q vale 11,1114 uu 1, ufthe lb . pholue null may, 11111 erpu'u t L NAin pale, nn 1111 plum nos, • . Saturday, December 180, 'olo.lll,ll°w Rent Est • tr, lu t 1 • 7111ngn Of 01101111111;in iit,f .lpt• of Donn Wolf, n public roa, ntniOxc.Q !lping,nitonl om•-fooxlitof oh ncro ' Thu nopro% nil conr,6l of 4 ,• : TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, Ernie Efal.lo lIIn Itsafi i - iltdp mid other neccseary Outintild a -•. 'line .ot contains Apples, Pcselti a, and 0 • in go 1 (+ltem . Colt N of Solo: Twenty BYO per' eta of the purchniie Inonry t 17 , Amid-Oa ,ebniittitiithin of sale by the Court, rind Alin balance on the first o 1870, so en, i red - will Inn sleilverel taut pdasciesicr ail', 11 "to( n'for to ho pail by the fitti - olunisc. j.• • Palo to conuneuco at Oils 11 . 111 ek, p. 111, 511 Said tby,11 . 111,11 latellllllll (! - Wiii he givon by G. 11'.0 li:;cectittir *of Isanc'Miltard: lOnuPo. FOR BALE, A good fir t data flifiti . opriri. Aragon, city make, Milo', a 11,dt:into taitt of tlaulfitliaraerAPPltra 4la t, spEozA4L..yo TICE. _ "jl3l , ;olSitlitiß.lB, *o1! :41',qtREI tr reted with' -nCniost suenessi by i.i.sA;is, M. P.. z mpLerpfelsor or _ Dina its 1.1 .the Hie - echo! Sas, (11t+ apecialky The Medical Lblftye 4I Perriskyfrania, 14 years . reperincr, (formerly, of teirlen;LlOiland.) No 805 Area itrOrt;,lthile... Treelmoolalo:oso be 1111 e. ofTleo; - ; The medical 'cult, are Inelted, at: .ompaily Wok' petlee . er, her iro *errata Whin praoilee. ; Aditirlej,grret briee'rted Ithout paha. IS celirgo for e*ielluraloo. WINE. ItAILING"," W,IIIE GUARDIII;. for Store Fronts, Asylums, he. Iron' Liedsteada, Wire Web. hinge for sheep and poultry yards, Eisele and Iron ;Vire cloth Sieves, Fenders, &roans for coal, ores* 'sand, Lc., Ileavy Crimped Cloth for epirk arresters Landscape W ire for Windows he., ,Paper Makers Wires, Orname'ntal Wire Works. Every informs• Lion by 'adnresslou the manufacturers, M.WA LK Ell A SONS' No 11 North Itistht,alreet Philadelphia. I.2feb 119. y. 4., I!= . • , .ginitloman who suffered for years from t•teraring Debility, Pretnature Decay,. nod oil the 'effects of t °lntim indisorotion, will for the sake of eulferlog nourmity,. head free-to sil.wheCneed-it; the receipt br nmking tho sitoplo remedy by,. whieti - hernitti cored. r titterers tviiitifog to profit by the advettis cr's • extterlenee roe do go by sildresnlng, to perfect etnflilonce, ' JOFIN D. tiODEN, So. 42 Codor St, No! York 5163 7.61 1 y Jacob Beintrrz—Beal Blr:eil have been *filleted, , for the hot teu years , with the Rheumatism .and Gout, l'eur Bitters was recommended to me. 1 _Bays use'd s lt, and I am glad to ea:: it has °Reeled a perfect cure In a •ery short time. Tilers' - 4e I - re. commend It to all persons afflicted with the same diseasel I 'consider it the bast (lure - lei ass lOC Roy disease tied human body is autgeet.d to. 11.'Lisl'OlING 'Philadelphia. . WILLIAM. BLAIR & SON Maya just received riti 'extonidre supply of Lamp Wright'e best Minced 'Meat, Cranberriee, • tucker dot. kept Su k oi Curd [ lame . Please call iiod learn pricnfor Bnl and Coal Oil Worn buying ninon lure. We will ee'l best, good., chop; and are determined to give entisfisetion. • 2110c00, TO COIIBIIMPTiVEB The AdVortis•r; having been restored to heel In a few re . ek., by o Tory simple remedy, after hat log stiff-roil several years with a severe long aff..• -that di-essay consumption is sealants to make kvionn to his follow sufferers the means o To 11 who dodre it, he will seno a copy of the pr:scriptlon twit (fr.•epf horgo), with the direction for preparing and using the ,smo which they will find a 91,116 E CURE FOR CON-U3IVTION. A Tlllll4 Selo. The o , jeetof the advertlserln sending the Prescription to to benefit the afflicted and spread ins .nation vadat lie - coicaliWitcTlie In yolnablo ; and lie liopesevery entfeter will try his remedy. as It will cos them nothing and may prove a biasing. Parties - wishing the preecrtption will please tiff• dress REV EDItA RD A: WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County Now York Ifs)1" 69 -141:1' CHEAT' FOR CASH —Three per cent. de duction on all coal °flair ion and over, delivered In town for the rail,: No allowance when a charge 66J0 nt t twir 6J It gives nn. phm.ure 10 certify that Mr. Seheetes CI,III.IAL In my npinem Is purely ysgetable rt Its eonitilutlnn 4 aml_su excellent tonic, being harmless in Ito rhuracter, and nuthelng nn alcoholic tlmulant: ELE tTOC. ON, Al. D. COYLE BROTHERS Hain Jtiiit optimal a lar o stock of Woolens such an -111 • T nod Dot ',WEB Ladies and Gouts _t,FE ISO Berlin nod Cloth GLOVES. Also a let of • WIT Hl:n from the factlirp at their prices, wholoi sale only South Hanover Street, Ca, lisle, rennin IT1131:11.1.ANI) VALLEY - n.ll 0 ft oy - 11015 Pr On and aft.r Ao•,day, NormLer 11;th, 1800, Pan i•ngrr ins will run daily, as - follown, (Sunday■ 4...1401): WESTWARD! ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Marrloketrg 8:00a. x , llevhonlesbnrg 8:35, C.rllslo O:I I, ew villa 0,4 a, Illlappeusloirg Cltamberaborg 10:44 Green castle :16, a. ririug at lingerstost:n 11.4.6, 4. x NIATIrIIiiAIN leaves Ila•rishiirAi ean. e u, clianieslttirai 24.'7 Carlisle '2:4.i, N mills 3:i15. Bt hip pelisliiirg 3 L3 Chainlie burg 4:28, arasocastla 4.45, 'err:Pin dl Ilager.Uwnr 5:2i, -- EXPRESS TRAIN 1e,v4.1! ./larriaburg 4:15 r Alec ..31,11rg; 4:47, Carlini., 5:'7, Noire'lll° Ship pel.bu,g 6.'T, rt at Illirnberabu g 6:45, . A SI IX. CD TRAIN I.'v.. Ch .Imrallurg U flrooria.tle orriving 3t Ilagekr4towa-10:10, A U h,A: 4 TI4' AHD! Aria i.tINIODA'CION• TltAr leaves Cliairilntabura n_t >a Shippen.borg N. wain,. c:00 Carlisle I;:c.t:Thletliesborg 1:,31 arriving at ItM?ilrn I 7::; , 1, M. MAIL TRAIV 1 arra II • gar alown 8:00 a v, Green rantlr 8:31, Cnaml,rs nrg 0,10, Shippenaburg 940, Nowville iarli de 1010, Machanicabarg 11:24 are iving nt Ilarrialrurg 11:55, A. N. 1 XPRESS , TRAIN I lore. Ilagaratown 12t00 Clio.-castle l'l:2a chanll,sloirg eittlype tvg 47, Norivllla 2:10 Carllalo 11111, 31aohnvicalmig 5:18, arrlTlng at 11, lalmrg 3:18, r v A MIXED TII , IN Iwrca llntreston■ 31 5 P lirrenenalle I:1 arr ring at Chsunberre urg r Making rise mlnectlonr at liar Inborg with teat a to and from PliDad Iphla.Nan Yark,Plttaburg 11a1tim ,re and Waellingt n . 0 N. LULL, Supt ?foil rood.Orlice, Ohntoh'g Nov 0, 1869 F o q SALE Two ,wall Ina's. on Dickinson alley, near the , oliege. Lek 30 by 12, feet,. *l+ h hphant In the Ya d Apply 10 0 I'. ill; RICH; . u0123t 26 Went Main Ord et, Cal Ilede, P.I, • r•f• rllO TIIE WORKING CLASS: - A_ W, ore tem hrepartsl to turn! hull • hoses with e its not emit othlen ot home, tho.who oof tho Unto or f r the spare 1110, COO, Business new, light lid profit ,ble o.on of u titer sex lilt ly earn from 60 cen.s t p r evening, told n proporti nal aunt by devoting the,r whole t one to I, a, Boys aunt girls earn no.4rly n mothlll (I WO 'find of wt.o tee Ilia not co 10•1) tool tin b athlte., and test the ball- Ile 6, We o.ako I in unparollel d oil r: To such as Are not w II hotinfie i, tutor V, to pay for tit: I rouble of in It nit Full l ortlettla s t n volunblo Nana pla w lilt wit on to .011.11,11C0 w OE on, and' It copy of 774. P, oplr's Literary Co 1111,1111i1111- one or. the 111111 I est fitutily newel, veers I ‘ll,llNlted—ul ut tree I y mall older, if you wont Pero snout, proli•ohle work, ;Ware. E. C. A LL EN & CO., Angela, nol,!:;ut NOTICE'. 4, • . . Ali ',pions ato heruity forbidden harboring Oc trust. ing,my bon, C .oflop A. F ogo, train this On v. Any per. B . , {J‘ , r in g bin , for nny p will i o held respouel. b e fir n;e for lii woges um be is n urnor; . -- 1111.11AEIJ It ORE, - ou h Middleton Township. MEM TIVIDEND NOTICE. • .I , lltB • NA'I'IONAh MANIC. N0v..9. 1F69. Fr vu Ella profits of tiw mitt six mouths the use I bpi day,earri d PER CENT. of t ho Capital : ,, ra• to the Stiti.lti,q i tied, it .hrith•tol of TEN `PER On N ayhble 16 tho stork holders on denoti.d, tree of taxes. 11. lIIMPLIDRN, .nol2lt. "Cashier. i 114J - OtICE. • • U 8 1 :' _ ERN Alt REVENUE. - In tho tweitify4lf h du. of tictobor, .ISett, sro' cigar., Wore thin f T. A W. col, M .01.10ly, nod 3,500 nt ttio ',store of E• 4211110., eurlldn, cumborluioi county, r of Pit:thin 48 of tlio Lail of July 13, f8,;.8 No. leo-is ruby giro.. to all Too ming the .010, 71thio, thirty daps from the dot o I , I be -old nt po. I. 4iiiirfloti. at the O'oh's. , fore' Carl 3os. W. PATTON. ~- • for - rolket•r'.. tigh Igxt Wirt, Pn. Corlinto. Non. I ' oils 41 . GOLD DOWN. ! Ot , WN! 1)0 WN ! TRE*ENDOITS DECLINE IN TIIE pri d f.,11 kinds tif- lirvg .. it. Panic 1 lion tan. Nor Yak a' d I hit delphi among the int por et e.luttuonme toot ornt•w and seal obit, guodtt rot rod littoth,semi n room and void itt no:aline 001 of which act: a in far the pals. to I am ettobled to aril( I' aeon .ls . fast o La uX. , I Minh, i reeled every day at 'irk. that will astonish all ' '• • -. - -7, ' . . l'aisley Shawls, Bengd. Stripe Shawls, F;ine'y-, NVOOI itoilg and Squaiv Shawls, Alai: mach do,- rollitu-t o Eat m .1., Bilk Von, new , atyloottml many other fancy good. at twicm that defy ,ninpe, di it 'a. I hoc received, th• to on 15 det3 n fiats all it 'sold. to la ro u po ~,,aua treillage tin otter Ittin-o to the coody linta - nta . . . • ack,ll us, (truce, Puiple Load. Wine end frown' AirW ml helps, bee quality, .e, area' red orlon: Illa-k area.; of boatlllllao tin. 6(151011C°, - t prices lope! ti t t o, pr vim- to thr(ar, which shows Ilia en,: of a ~,,,10. Neu ~,,,t ia .4 sy'a Wear ; Ileacy boa -or °loth, Plow i Blattehill'a.,y Cl. late And coettperoe at. wo n. Jou . so_ RI Alio:varietal .si,i'de'sithattle-tor tit oottsu I tit gteatikredivrd raies. , '• "•' : .. \rate , ' P.. II I ',Water Proof! Ihe tale of Water "Proof loth lint - L.1 4 • 1 creased to a itch this • caber: for Lune ' k.i'tonnd'Cbrula tyaome manufacturers hays . seen prover to imicattets 111; prieett it, • . nt" ,hat rqn-' U net en 1 at the lowest price. that they have veer hero sold atk All qualities of Black and. tio:d Illa . d . ` 1 Waturvna . , . '.Eadies l ~ .A ferino, -Vats awiir - 6en •.lllrlo nut Drawees, Lithos' whit," and colored Merin , ' and .‘ , l wool Ilona of orreY quality,Ch ,welto Maloney wail' Ileac, every.. Ito, \fool Flan ode', Vikiitnri flannel, lc- a. • indium 'Ana ants, at mines hewer than -hey hare born sold' tionlne years. Ladien! and Chlid"ona' now eitylu Shook of seri find f horn the bearliat , to• the finest. nitincifacr 'Wed,' dente,. Lid ea' and Childran'n Hum f3hoco, s' or • Aro, abort 'quality.' Wile and calmed Blank. 'eta an,LCuun[teprtirff,'ll.44, greet ceduoll • th rum actru Iy aek an Insp.., flop of m 7 stork beiera pun:l32Bl6g aa rate conglianr, „am abia titapit in • price ,all who muy ayol tau with• It C6ll. •Do h'iba bona. liggucl,ptlg ing Laa n, vrbo list urchaap !nue. Ilur culicoa cybut bail In I led a larhole stock:et goods,tight !brunet!, all railnced !optic°. • • - - -- 00111,1111.. • • '14747, nett miscxr,LivEgus. , TO IiAREERS AND TREE PLANT22B rrEIE CEL&MBERSBURG NITRISEirr _ . . Remedy Ryder Nursery Aseuclatleu,) ' Ra're for sale. In large or small quantltlei, a chutes -isiortment . - Apple, ~ • Peach, Poari. • Plum, end other treroorlth ell the slew or good kinds of Over one hundred Varieties of Roses, • And all endless assortment ofeverythlvig that is de /arable to stock a.first class orchard or garden. Our 'prices are low and Our trees are as good as thi beat. Orders by mail will receive our beet attention, and satisfaction guarantied In all our dealings. Per Catalogues and other !nibs's:tuition address the . BOPRRINTENDZNT, - Clialoberaborg.hursery .ssociation, - 0, PA ' We want a good, tellable man lo every tows Sect an agent tor.the 'aloof our (rare and Vents. . Chestnut and Twelfth streets,'"; ' BAILEY & CO., Y►UNIFICENT ATOCIA WATCII2IB, BRIDAL GIFTS, Bailey 4 . Co. Mae the handsomest store in tisk E=2 world, and will at all times ba pleamed to reeelta and shun •Pltnrn through : their eatabilehraout Chostn!U and Twelfth street, lEMP2I LETTERS of Administration do bonito non on the estate' of Frederick Zeigler, late of -West Pennshorough township, deceased, baring been granted to the undersigned, residing In said township. •II persons indebted to said estate are notified to make payment, and those basing claime against lit to: present them for settlement. JOLIN GREIDER, 22(101. Adminlorator, Ac. REDUCTION Second en teed of NIN GOODS within the pteeent month et L. T. GREENFIELWS Best Calicoes reduced W. 12} cents. Good Muslins, 1 yard wide, pi ".• Best make Unbleached Mullins 16 " Popular brand, Simper Idem 20 " Wamsutta, 23 cents by the piece. "4 - GREAT DARAAINS IN lad CHOICE ETYI El BLANKET BRAWLS jai, received, and will bee id at extrsordluary .I.w 11,tarom. MHNS HEAVE HALF LINE,. 12 r.tats LADIES HEAVY WHITE MERINO lIOBX 12 equts .WIC AND FANCY SILKS, =! 13IPRILV3 CLOTIM, all eludes, PLAIN ALL WOOL POPLItill, .4 . 'OLEOATIT eT,UIY AWD WOOL porinti, DIAUViIn. eux •ND WOOL SUCK PLAID, of the brightee I=El=l2l wooL tuli.atiesa, double =I A large Seam lineal. of New ARAVIff, Lo lake, the plOoo o One Inunhed PAlLehOloo_lll9l of triors description now ready foypepeetion, from the' lownht. price b the linest - pthle. - My prices on the ahoy will defy comp .& tition, ea they ere porehaapddireo ' from the epatn• 131=! A FELE SET FOR OM AND $7 CLOTHS, CASSIHRJUSS, ANT CASPHI(HTTS In thin bratell no claim that our flock arllfrouspara ILrorehlywlth airy Merchant Tollor'o. Nulls made to order b Ind el•ea ORAII6AIN6 IH WHITS 1171:M01) FLANDINLA A YCLL ASSORTMENT OF Always on hand. krnirral °Hots promptly grad astir frittorlly filled.. N0T147N 4 QUILSO, • OIL CLOTRO, bLIHDO •WiSolon Goode of every description, In het evaryebliti totted iet ► flret elm,. Ply e?owdle Howe, aid ill wil =! T. GREENFItLD, ko. 1 k ‘s eusi'Maii; Street, ECM CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK. The Dowd of Pireetore bait thin, day deolarod • dividend of VlVr' PER CH for the last six monthe; on tbo,' capital stork, freo of all i 04.114 p•yobloon :Around. bnobt ,Y; P, BABBLER, Cashier. 'NOTIPE I 1 lbotvo%a or J n Daraarto my hands for collodion, sd vraona lo4obtod, to him are ratitt , stad to. rill upon Dill. at .my oars. •a , their earlioat cow " 11,00 .. ll,od tusks rattlatakatAlthotr area uota:i x, a tiOlt46 - = ,- i -r ,.., , ..•-•.:l4tornoy for Grape yieea ; = 0- Jewelers, 02tAND,OPBSW 13113= MEM CHRISTMAS TRADE 1:1133=1 NOVELTIES JBWELRY, BITfQ PANCY - ClOODS; &ft A specialty BAILEY & CO., New Marble Store, - ' PHITADULPaIA, IN TIIN PRIORI Of -DR-GOVDS IZZIO BLANKETS DRESS -GOODS SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ailesi, ==l =1:12 ghawln, Juin opened FURB ! .FURS I! MOURNING GOODS wurra 8 OOD 3, OE= liovamitlii 2, leeD. CARDS. 'W. A, ATWOOD. OIIAC W. 'WICK ATWOOD, R&I401C & c0.,.-,- COMMISSION ItZMCIIANTS, dOalera la all klnds' • PICKLED AND SALT DlBll, • . 'No. 210,North Wharves, • , Aboveltaca,lttaet, ,-' • PIIILADELPAIA, D R. GEORGE SEARIGIiT, • DENTIST, From the DeElmore College of Dental Surgerj. (Mee at the residence of ht. mother, PAST, Loather street, three doors below Bedford. • , Iffeefa DR. IS. BENDER, - lIO.IIO3OPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. Offlee in the room formerly occupied' hy,,ilol. John Lee. 10..08 • r • E . L. BEIRYOCK, JUSTICE op . TIM PI Offlie, No:3 !mina'', Now. 10oid9 E. . BELTZFrOCiVER, - , F. • - ATTORN.EIt• - AT LAW. °Moo to South, Hanover street, opposite Itentes dry Goode store. lossaii W. NEIDiCH, D. D. S., • ' G• - • DENTIST. Late Demonstrator of Operative Dentistty at the Bal timore College of Dental Surgery. Office at his reel dente. opposite Marlon Hall, West Main - strmt, Car lisle, Ps. - . - • • 101111 T V. molt', D. V. HULL. • JOHN A. MAIM. W. W. 1111117A011. ROLL, WHITEMAN CO.; WHOLESALE DEALERS IN. ---- MANUFACTURED-TOBAQCO, N. Cor. Third and Market streets, , PHILADELPHIA. . • O. P. UM:MICH. • WIC It: PRIMER. 'ICrUMIUCH & PARSER, • • • a . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on Unlit street, In,Marion Hal!, Carlisle. lOsetin • JOHN CORNMAN, u • • ATTQIINItY AT LAW. Office .rag attached to the Franklin Hotel, op. plaits the Court House. • IOseGO JOBEPH *RITNER, as., . ATTORNPY AT LAW AND BURVNTOR, • Steshenlesburyg, Pa. Mice on Balittsut 'street; two doors north of the Bank. • Business promptly latondedflo. R. MILLER,. ' • ,• Jto • . . ATTORNEY AT - LAW% -- . • °Mee, No. 18 South Behoves street, opposite Coyler dose. - , • 100•80 MC. HERMAN; . ATTORNNY AT LAW, • POW., Pa. No. 9-ithaem'.-11.1 1 . • laaea. • PH. SHAIIBIRGER, • •, . ' JU Tl' OF THB PEACE, • ' Plainfield, Wastpen aboro•.toyrnohip. Cnneberiand County, Pent.'a, All business, entrusted to him will receive prompt attebtion. . li9ortTo -ROBERT OWEN, '• SLATE R. OPER, AND DEALER IN PLATE, LANCASTER, PA ' MI work /manatee& and will waive prompt at , tentian. Orden left at the "Herald Oltice,"- will re cairn prompt attention. Oct 20. OE= SHIRK dr, BRO ' COMMISSION MEICII/L a NTS, And wholeeele dealers in Country Pr.!nee. Con• signments respectfully 'elicited. Best reference given, NO. 1695 Market street, PIIII;ADBLPII7A. 10070 PANGLEtt Jr.-XILSON, S • --CARPENTERS , A.NI/ STAIIV-BUILDERP, Carner"Nprth and Pla j t ,craw; " - CedLIOLE, PA BocB J. M. WEAKLEY EAKLEY. SA.DLEII,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 01ce 1 I uiriniarkover street, next — tlie 'Clued - WM nose liouse. 10ee6Y WILLIAM 'KENNEDY, ATTORNEY' AT LAW Wee In Volunteer building, Carßile. W J., ; SHEARER, . • • • .. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in nertbeset corner of the Court Roam,. 16•069 WEB. B: ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Fifth street below Chestnut, Cor. Library, PI6LADELPRIA QPEC!AL NOTICE. Having purchaaad the stook, acted will. and fixture. of Oa - . popular conf..ctlunory f.l. 11. Shun, lan nomaca to the publlo that I will be able at all timat t.a•ftumiah lb.. beat amortment of NIEN.:II CANDIES, ' 'AMERICADI Cliil3lo, TRENCH ud AMERICAN TOTS, H• stock Manoferttirad at home will always bp, made of the •ery best 'matenlal and by p•rienc. d workmen I will be able keel my eataa• a.•e •rock Offer Great Indricemente to the Trade SR GOODS will bo ooketastli ouldird to say Stook siaing • FRESH CONFECTIONS steuld not fall to ca I Raving perfected arrange• mews with the Ma.torn markete,'l will be able to ■ap•ly .eory lover of gOO4 confections, with the e•. 7 beat qv:malty. CANDIES MANUFACTURED. for the trade at •er low rates eall and en .Enloe my stock and Orr". WILSON BUNILNOLDiII, Sucena•or to J. U. Mws, No. r•b, Wad Mutt !Snort. Carlisle, Pewee. ME POPULAR GOODS! POPULAR GOODS! At thegraikt Dry Goecrs' Oircet Emporium, jolt re eired from the cities the largest stock et DRY GOODS error brought Into the Valley. We hese Silks, Merl -120011, Poplins, of , wool sad ellk;.all wnol plain and figured Delaines, Alpacas, Reim in all eludes,Coberge, DOMESTICS, In TituOine, Ginghame,' Prints, Ticking, Flannels, . • , Cotton and • Linen Table Diapers, Towebrand Toweling, Table Covers, • Sacks, Cloaking Flannels, Quilts, Balmoral and • Hoop Skirts, • . Stocking Yarn. - Water Proof Cloths,' Ribbons, I Gloves, 'Lace; ' Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, - A large assortment of FURS, very cheap and good.. CARPETS, OIL CLOTFIS, hadtor-Bande,_Trinuntudleu-ve.rletyr-Mo • lag OCrode;Seatncky Jeaue, Camlnters., and • lot of Home made Goode. • Toe above and a very large a• sortment of other goods we *genet lower prime than the Mime can be bought anywhere In thte county. We give more for the dollar then you can get at any other plate. Glee MI a call, buy from up, and gave money when you can. Hon new &coda than any two mores In Cumberland, county.' • HEINTZ 411 . CO. ' tiort ell DEAD OF THIFY , L WONDERFU • .1/118CoV RV. 1. (aromas ire given of the wonderful aura that perlo w ed by. Campbell's, greet. 116, it PAW •,..arvyer: ; Wear Shiremansto Cambeiiand couety.lllo9. Dr *mph. II :—Your Magic Palm I estroyer should be made kr ow., to the public. l'h•ril alight be kale mate gulf. ring the tame a 8 my wife was chit way het In bed with pains over three years. Lbw lead, beck. arms. loge.. hands, cud Angst. were /yawn crooked with rheumatism. 1 do believe that•l spent og.tight bunched dollars for' her and rectived no bet egg Hearin to yaw parsons tat koig abbot - Jr. Camp!. l's Pain Jastrojar, and hot magic Liver Pills—what great mires they Vseformed. I did not feel satisfied till I aught four botthinind ewe haze+. After my wit.. had in od two bottles and cite beg of Dr. Camoball'a Mule I Ivor Pills rho was able to gel. to Ise .t.• eat, 'and WI to get her bed to a sop, be the use of her crutch 0 aftneshe 084 used two more she threw her crutches seep. Title lady's . salver...a ever &Span , Atil/Itt.W 11111 LL, • WO g lIIIIIIVL,OIBCOYERY 01 W0R11../.011101:11. Carible.lloo. • . .11••• rep...dna+ nerd Dr... Colophon's Worm Loinnir• for two e: toy 7qutipat children, who wrri, cog .ickly for a noon. time •, 1 liar* amp tern doom there wero lAA large stomach' worms p wiwd, Ind I 'dare say thine wire not 1••• than 7000 or 5000 MO 'mit • arms p•Jwid front nry • - • JOHN DOWN. ,Qtane N 0.160, ltdrd ilr,et, between Obratuut and •NJ elbm,y itreete; . llorlsburp, Pa , or at the Carlbde Market Squat*, on Wednesday and SaturdsY oceasli :aeon. • fold by Drupolsto 'awi'Dalm pinerally. - Prise to sent. per,bot.lo, , or 15 . l bottles and Wm's% Lossnifeit'2ls cants pir bas,*l2 bottom tot $2; . Assents wanted to selltbeso, unedlelney. 4rrl a• duseatenti aro °AM to. tbott 10101os to till lb,pt: , gIACICLLAX.E.OI7B. CARRIAGES - . -. . . - .. . . - A .. B. bar. -$ ...... hand. at bit Carriage faste ' ry, N. li. milli &glib and PIK street., ' • .. , . • CARRIAGES, \ . . . . .. . —- BUGGIES, .... 1 - • -- •- `. SPRING WAGONS, ' . . SECOND HAND.W - CRE, pad every tblig In bis line ' .n band or made to order. Ile is determined to get up thibest work turned out in this madam aline comas,. Nothing but the very best stock goes into buggies or ear. Made. able manaraoture. northing and painting promptly &Nen ded to. , mayyttOm • THE "BEE HIVE" DRY GOODS-ST-ORE; t/ w. pRocTsA co. • E r= Cqnstantlyreceiving, 10.640 WITUOUT' DEVIATION El2!=l CHEAP TOYS and FANCY GOODS JOHN DOLL & SON, TOYS AND. FANCY GOODS, W. r. SADLER The larked stock aroiLloweet prices in the city. Jos receicsd, a Ens assortmentof TOYS of all kinds. Pipes, Congo, Harmonica'', Marble'', Filmy Bove., iMtlas Wars,4o..- 4MrPIOOOO call and oronlinkour stook i ff/HN DORNFIR. MERCIJANT TAILOR In !Cramer's Rn iding. near nem'. iinii.Carliply Pa., ha. Just ri.turnoti from the tinsior• Chin with be I t and twain -COMPLETE-ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, 10..119 oteloilog of Clothe, Gents' Furl:ll:thing (Plods, 4 , 0., era broill1:11Lto Carlisle. • His cloths comprinp PI IGI LB, p6SNCII, std AmmucAN MANU VACTU !CCM of the Start texture and df all shade.. )dr. Dormer being blweelf a practical eutterelOusig axporiencto Is prepared to 'lmmo% perroot 111,, ■t t prompt &Imp or ardor,. • Mee* good. by the yard, el, eta to [Toler Driet florist the -place. •lbreas VE131711, A. WATCHES, 4:vcrxe, AND JEWILEY . CHARLES g. ROGERS, No. 50, South Hanover St.,• Carlisle, Pa., Kapp oun.lautly 1 . 03 losnil • 101 l .nomprtmont of WATCH , Cl 0 - `Kf %IiniELRY, at the lowest u•ah prices. Parleular att. utton paid to the rep Irina of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry N. B hiff MUSIC rapt constantly oa hunt. 6noW-lm GRE►T INDUCEMENTS. Learybody 1,••1•ed to relined e• • oar !urn and Lean• Ural stock or FALL ud WINTISII 00(al8. whirl) he owe (or loopactien Ilemembar we cloud oat all our Hummer Goode at auction, and we will eon rootlet,* to sell all our FALL. APID.WII9III% 000DS AT AUCIJON ritiocs Ws Sr. dstruartaird to otos. out this stork regaroleas of are guaranty to 1.47111 ovary purclourrr TWENTY-NVE.PER CENT on ov..ry dollar'. worth of goods. Now; t.k. warning and don't purchase Wa.ll you see our go.d. and price. 40 Psttertu of YANCY BILIKS al 11, 60 to $1.74 earth from 84 to 12 150:' DRENCH MEit . lllollB, all *qui, BART ANGUISH 1d8111110179, ALL WOOL. CARIIWEBI7II, BILK POPLISEI. BLACK ALIPAGIAS. ALL WUOL•DOEIILI tIIIAWLfA 60 COATS, A fhll , • NOVISDIING GOODS Inas will be nerinceil In prlues eunquii, ILAININMA Ack., • at .uch Om en will' asteulhh you. THREE or TIIO BEST RO , l - KARR RAG warnrs YRRY otinsr. Wa are nlll taking . WOOL AND CARPET RAOS Bo not nailed he wall and *ea hoer notch money ew nn NM yea. W. C. SAWYER. & CO. ' In the Bouts 11011.0. Eut 14111 &treat, /00A0 . Carll+l*, Penn'a. 1809. HARPEII, • • Cor.-11u,:tover . and "foinfret tits. IMI 7, 'NEW , GOoDER N 7 .4 1 5 - GOODS I ! . rtnn Ammo • " • PrIAIVLS. , oriniime or LADlwir Ot0AKTN(111 °Papule or MUM NitATEMIS . : miasma ay, vaminivolo. 6PaIN. or. wrris mbar amnia. I , 'IFIII OWING - .OP _ • ' • PLAIN AND sANCT-DIABA 000D8 soyminfola •acONn modailtpii POPULAR CIIZEITNUT STILEBT, THILADILPHIA NEW GOODS PBTOBB //TB, LI Plain, 7fruies, No. 908 Market street, =1 Importers OS =I SPEC I'ACLII9, , &c. MEM MEM! ECIE! F 26 156 cent*. ,-, 111 V ' 'MANX:AIi, s atliell 'airtime peeps. MISV.4I . IA.4TEOU4. CARLIBLE. DEPOStlynAgi • • . • Octobor 19,1869. The annual election for nine - Direetiire of - the Bank will be held et the blanking MlAs° on tho third Mon day, fifteenth of NoreMber next, beitvee'n tho hours of 10 a. to.;and 9p. m. • , .1. P. ft 'SUER, ` 220c1m . - - 'Ciatider. THE CARLISLE ACADEMY 'TIIR ONLY_ SCHOOL WHIM PREPARES TOTING MEN FOR COLLEGE IN CARLISLE. An Eng Ugh and, Classical School fur youpg men and' boys wIl be Open etlept.ember 6, in Manse's but ding, on South Hanover Street. Pupils intruded In Englleh, CI ass DM, 1 s the sn ad or„, Manual Science, Penmanship, An. TUE 00171156 OF arum, Is dieigned to make thorough IF glish schelrre and to prepare for ,01,1 lege Special att , Minn NNE' be glean to Practical Alrithmetie, , Reading, &On's, Penmanship, At , th t andante may be w• It fu n•eh• ed for aueineNs I.fe, and hay a good foundation for a •rnore extended staurse of study" TILE GOVERNMENT . • - - will IA adapted 0. young, gentlemen and then, who cannot be treated / Milker{ II not be allowed to romala• with ue. . • _ ' TUE SCHOOL YEAR is divided into .4.0 'endow _be,dnaing respectively September 6, end January A TERMS Pr.R ESSION, (Payable in Advance.), • let Soe•ion, Cominon Englinh, $ll3 CO • do . Classics wi tt 100.1.110 n English, Arm. MI S. *Men, Comm6nEnglieh, 10, Oa do.. Claesies Wins Common Engi LA, ' 30 00 The scholars of this Academy, by the payment of a small emus annually; can have the use of the College Libra. lee, containing oho U volumes. . VACATIO 8 —July and August,' and from Chrlet man to the Monday atter New Year te.-. Pupil, from ab.ead hove the privilege of rooming in Moat eon Co.leg if hay to do so, ant will find-goad-'wanting either in - Coltege - Clube - or - irr - privateT - familise, — rauging hum 52 Le 1,. 8O toll per week. Address, R. N. STEttRIPTT, A: D., PlincipAl CARLISLE, PA. NEBO moo I talc, grakt. iletauro iif commending Mr. H. W. Sterrett, A. 13.,46 a gentleman antlarntip quallued to teach. My eont,deote In ithnno sob, MIA I AMU commit toy ens eon to kW save. • e Fl L. at I I r i ja l . I asp. • Sep.., 5.3. NO HUMBUG CHRISTIAN INHOFF, of Carßale, hu the sole right; as Agent fur Cumberland 6iuuty, Pa , NO HUMBUG! BURNING - FLUID, called . KlNG'S NON ItXPLOSITIS BRILLIANT IL- I= BURNING FLUID, iv superior PO anything ever introthictil nid an supply the trade tbruughylie conuiy, whelossla Their YI.1111) I. rh. per than lie/peen.; it Trnou cxpl( airs ; makes a titter. dearer, and emit, light than Kerosene, or arty other oil or compound Ia I ratan no had °dm or moil, ind is perfrctly harm unrehmtn or Olen, e!tilitng e •nd to telt thin article e;H ■t lily attire Carlisle = CM92 110 E Y STO It E. .1h• nuba•alber having purchaned evael malt corner; no and !fedi. rd wrest', and erected a Vlore, hat now opened With a Sew Ptum. well astral od Fresh Urnseries Ilia atncli will be found to be enmpinte in every particular. and 'nip tilkot sold will be •arr•nted mitr - reprerented lie has no band and runr ready Sro delivery (I roenriea Of ail-tinda; QUEENBSTARE, ELASAVyARE, "-4--worrElvwwwir--, WILLOWWARE, PERFUMERY, SOAP. A good wortment of Ne.TI.M . S. A eperinllfy made pu all ;dude of Salt deals. such as ' Hams, Simnldera, Side., Dried Beef, tic Dried, - . Canned and • ' Pickled FRUITS cd 101kb:tele esnetently en hand ifirYl OUR and FEED of the best ;.r.a.1e.4, end In quantities to• eult purchasers. de sent teeny port of the town if desired Call aid price a r yourself et I , n 45. trot Pomfret Street. JoIIN SENDER. aSept 1800 dm LADIES' FANCY FURS JOHN FAILEIR A, 718 Arch .:84rect, Mhbi e of the block, between Seventh en.i righth Street'', enuth side, . . _ PHILADELPHIA. IMPORTHR, SIA NU FA CT UR ER, AN Drm.r.R ALL HIND 3 AND QUALITY OF • ANC] FU ItS, FOR LADIEB AND CHILDIIEN'S KIiAR Haring eider. ad, remodel, A. and improved vty old and ,favorably known FUR R POIIIUIII and having Imp red a very 4nrgu and eple ndi r niniortment of all the different kinds of Funs from first hands in Europe, and .bave had them rondo up by the most akllifith workman 1 would respectfully invite my floods of Cumberland and adjacent 'countim, to call and o=• amino mi — sery largo and beautiful amortment of Fancy Pure for Ladles and Children. lam determ ined to ell at as low price. lie any other respectah house in [hie city. All rucs warranted: No Ink repred•ntbm to effect vales: .101 IN FAR El 17Sept tn, 714 Arch Street, Philadelphia. GREAT DISTRIBUTION By ,Ifetropoliom 6;4? :00?1.eriny Oath Wile; to am ntnotint of $250,000. 'I3YISRY TICKET' 11111,11 . 5 A Nam 5 Cash gm. each $l,l 000 10 Ca , h gifts,_ each ~ 5,000 ' 20 Cash girth each . 1,000 40. Cash gifts, each 5t 0 200 Cash g Its. each I- -100 , 200 Cub ttifta...earit ,, 1. 1 .. 60 . 60 Elegant Ronewtod Plano', osch MlOO to . 5700. 75 M egaot RoAmami Melo , eons,., " 76 to 100 360 Sewing Marian em, • - on to 175 fOO o,ld Watcit,t, ... " 76 to 500 Canb prizes 81IverWare, etc , all valued at $l,O , 0,000 A chime.. to draw Sun of the above prizes foe 20 ctq Ticket: deaerl , I g prizes urn sealed in. rneelopas and well mixed On rove pt df 25 rents a sealed 10,1 in drawn without choice and gent by mall t any ad drew. iho prize nntned upon it will ho delivered to t 'cant hot ter on payment of one dollar P. loon aro hum , dinte.y cent to any addro , a by mepreas or rehn•n mall pat your prim, Is to.fora you pay w•ConecYjorizanthernf-ranorral' —aasJl . Jny prirer.rceoned - fiFinintherrirvoso, us We 'Danko. Sur patrons can doll nd cm fair dealing' ilavannaces eeloet the following, from many 'ho lute lately dr Ire 'ohm to pH,. a And kindly pernated us sto•publhh theta • 9 D WPM, Den vise Annie . nro.l $ John D. "cme Louisville. sloo';'tics Ilm MIL Wol north; 1111Waukeo. Diann, $51.0 ;' Rev 1•.; Day Now Orleans, gsuo. ' We pinball no names without p MilllooCl. . °pit;lona of the prees "the' fli m Is reliable and deserve their *stymie , — Weelery Tritium., Oct 8, "{Ye SINS • theist to be a fair desltu, firm "—N Howie! 'A. friend .1 oars draw pike wh ch was pronipily received " DAY /Wm; 0 t 3 Nu d f r circular Liberal induceinenta to Agent. fallefaction auerauteed Every •Thic , ,To of sealed envelopes *out Ann nue pooh gift 81 , ‘ Hobo s for $l, IS for $2; 36 for $6; 'I In Cur 01.. All lettere ehould be adilreeeed to HARPER, 1 ' IL., ON & NCO. • 113 Broadway. N Y. VALTTABLE- iIOTFIJ-,Property • P#TNATII Ski,P,OIIFOR A FAN The elults.lber eters at to lento' sole the %yell known hotel steed In Nenelllk., re., known nn the L 0(4 N 14 OIT E The lot (open which thF 11001 shttle) contain% 67. by ISO foot, and ih addition thereto will be mold au excellent, GARD MN 'elm leaning 05'bv IRO rot. • .The hewer le large and aubentritlelly built (Ireton* cstaining a Morelos. 'apartment,' good llar•rootu Dlninkrootrf, Parlor,lt Prhen and all modern cou rein Imam A good Welled' Water at the door, • 'EXCELLENT STA BLINO . for, forty hones, Ice Ifouse,..Wood Hance. 'Binebe name and all :neceerary out•bulldlrige% The Logan Home la wldeli'aud - lavorably khown and Ie largely patronised. It hen boon quite moray renovated Coil repaired timillthouf• • .Terinil toiuit.,the.purohasor...., .. tor . Nither.pntilenlikri,; tbe unbar lbat,ta , la WI atmato o t _PatorA. Abi, at Nawrilla, Pa; 404, 11:woonmug..: 1111Asupir. FOIE' : SALE. A . L.' SPONSLEIt, • Real Hotlttit Agent, Scrivener, Conroyaneer Inane nee and Claim Agent. Odin, Main Streit Near Centro 8 warn.' • VALUABLE • PRIVATE RESI v DENOB SOIL, SALII. • Maul* on youth Hanover' att l eot,Carlitilu ' now owned and oed'upiod by Mrs. Washmood, late the property of:Benedict Law._The lot fronteon Ilan over at., 90 feet, and extends back the 'same width 310 PIA to an alley. The Improvemente are a large two-obLey Pit ANIK-110US K, with Verandah In front, Containing Double - Parlors, Hail, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor and six Chatabern wad. Both-room" on the 2nd utory. ' Gas and water have boon Introduced. Thorn Is a large Stable and Carting° tiouno at the loot of the lot. The lot Is well studded with nrnamenta. treepantl shruhbery, besides fruit of almost every deecription and " rapes of the -Moot choice selection in almodunco. Enquire. of A. L. BPONSLIIII, Realystatu Agent. ' I=El OBANK FOR SALE.--A rich deposit of the.l, eel, quality liermetite Ore, iooding LO per cent. compriel g about 18 'ACRES, Monied In Monroe toe nehip, about 2 mlien tram +he Iron Works of O.IY. A D. Y. MIL On the south side at the Yellow Breecboe erect There le a etream of water running through the tract aufflciont for washing the ore and furisishing water power be. sides. A portion of the ask is Under a lasso and 010 be Rid subioct thereto. ,The balance Is 'utiln• cumbered. - Patrons dentitions of viewin g the Bank , may call upon I.l:urgo W. Laidlob, at "Lehitch's mill,' for merly known as Bricker'd mill, Monroe township, Clumbo, laud county, or upon A. L. dPONBLER, Boni Entoto A gout, Carlielo EMEI3 A Pi l ivate Residence el teat° on South Hanover St. Cattle's nearly 'opened° Elmira H•do1 owned by Tames Wentz. Tho lot contains, 100 fee, In front ,unning buck 210 fret; being intent in bre dillt at the rent. The .11111111ov are nearly no,, and in excedent order, conienedg a cerianodioue ~ ' 3 Wu-STORY BRICK }MONT BUI LDING with a large'rwcoStoir Brick Back Building attach ed el:lnt:anima all the in , dare Improvement. indu. dlog opt, and water. Their cation of jhle priperty is one of the avant eliglo e in the town, and will be iiiipoeed of on favorable terms, For terme and fur- ther partieulare enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, Iteni Ennio Agint CM 'Oft SALE—That desirable Private Rea dance altuated,on West Pomfret Street, Carlini° The, IA contdna 30 foot In front and 210 featla dopth.—ThaTmprovinnonta-ronekt of a cam= modious TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, eontaMing large Paricre. Hall, Dining Room, and ' Ritc!.oa on the tower floor, had eight crnveihient Chem era on the second floor. three over the Imut nod live over the bock boil tog, a Wash - lit Beth Room. a, d Water Closet; ant gee pipes rem in s I to the collar A 113 - d an t. in the yard and water on the hecoildy.,,,The entire property ie lu moat excellent condition...end Cho location one Of the tnost desirable le !he town. The lot I. ro I a,. ti ded with fruit trees and Mutt her, , and quite o num• bur f grape einem ,of supei for quality _F. V. terms b 9. A. L. SPONSLEIL - Itoal Eatato-Agont 24sopt OS VALUABLE. FARM AT PRI ,FATE BALE• Situate °ripe Fouth.elde of the Yellow Breeches ereek in Monroe township, about IA o Ile Ent of Abs.' Lon Woo e containing 76 Acres, all c'eared lint at,. ut A.Tes which are cove• ed r Ith good tim ber; The minor. melde ereo mo lions two-story. IRA UR U - E, with crnienient out 0. Lug, RANK BARN with Wagon Shed and" Corn ribs rata lied. A choice Annie I r hard in good bearing order, together with cecina, tea s, Cl, {runs d &t ape in abundance and an excellent and never badh.g well of ht liter oh thrd or; The land is In anigh xnr e of •ul ivation under - good fence d (ho im. _pavements in good o, der Ti,' location fs a desire .; h• one, t eing near a church,wnill and r, !Idol ii into. If n t sold at pr rote rale la fore the '2stb oay of September next the term offered•at Public Sale on Om day. Perilous' deniroutrof viewing the' premises may aid upon Coo. W Leidich, atLefilielt's mill. in Monroe township, • • For terms Sc apply to • L , A. Real Estate Agent I3Ang 90 • VALUABLE OUT LOTS AT PUBLICiALN . On liiday, Novonberl9, 1899 Will be eo d e I the following dinirlbed tract_of ler , d, - div,nn-d into tote known tte the Shenliek tote, contalnh g In all 23 ACRES, 107 PERCHES. Thera. lota are 'Situated within rim half mile east of the borough of Ca I ale on the Poor 11. use road, in North Middleton township They Are in a hit It state of c •.Itlvat.on, and well fenced, ' moat die vet ci le fe. co bring of .tone. Sale o. nommen,' a• one olchck, p Poiseasion ecu he given immediately, ind I,m will be /Mk racy t.• writ put./ baser . . For further partisolare.rniiiire'orjl., M. MENDER- S() or JOHAN HAYS, ems. A. N. SIIEAFEIh. 29 eto ORPHANS' COURT SALE Purgita , .t to on order of the (ttphene-'l'ourt ul ounty the linden, . 1.1 •A • ut John C S. yder, deed, .111 offer on the I. enti,e, on Thursday, Novembef 25; _1869, the de•c•lbed Ral *tate • • A Ira tof land, In ral.kford township, about a Tana a nd h half west of HOBO , 'Taw cry, boundud by lands of Aden G.llangh, Peter Slpe, ~ .w.t..ntOors, run taining _ - _ 54 ACRES, more or lose, end hatin: thereon erected e FRAME rOD Lt 4 DwEiii I 9 norm Log Burn, iquoke !louse, and otter outbuildings he land has boon partly lintel a d is inn - good slat,. f ultivatb•n and under' good b nc... 'I hero ape about 12 acres of good litnb, r Litt don the tract, And t:n orch rd of do tee tut. t here la a Dever Gelling a ell of orator close l lad do , r, and a fine spring near the house.' Ito Ffentlon is cortrentent hatch, null, and school ho• ao. Terms mode known on day of sale by - 8.1%1UF: /I. ' Arltnlnistratot a of John C. i , syder, deed. :too' t VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE By Alt tue of the will of Henry Ilnrnilz, decotmed, 1 will Hell at public nip, at the Court Hom; In CITRON Onnherland Founts, Pa., on Friday, Norembei. 19, 1899, lot of ground on 1 not Went, bounded on the west be East street, north by .Mlirgaret. Miller, "cast by Ahl, and south by an Alley, containing about 60 feet in front, by 140 in depth, and booing thereon erected n tnostory FRAME DIXELLINtI 110118 and'other improvements, being the tote residence of Homy Barnltz, dbrensed. On - Thuorday, lrovember 25, 1669, . . will sell In front of Nu one, the following mil catate, viz : No, one. A Lot of Ground In Mount Holly, Cum berland county, t4eining Mr' Filey on the south, and Clepper on the meet, containing in front about AU feet, and in depth iiinfert, having thereon erected w TWO STUitY Dn r LUNG MOUSE and other lin pros entente No; Two. Lot of Woodland, containlng . i3 Acres end 150 Pero les; in South Middleton' toSvushni, Cum berland county, adjoining lands formerly of Stewart McGowan, tt m Mayberry; • Win. Graham, and John Stewart, and formerly pats of John McClure's estate. Sale to mnamena at 10 o'clock, on each day, whoa attendance will be given rind terms made known by ItENRI ,SAN.T•iN„ ET-tenter. he. EEO I I IGIT(Y 1 NI PROVE 0 GRAVEL yAllAl AT rurvATE SALE. th ,lato It Frat.lf ford tvrp r Condi. Co. I ruth• north or Novi rlil, I !a filth. south of Illosprsville, and N•nille from DiUrea Id , dgooldJoinlng lands of I. 4 .acnnol Ernnt, Loval 11. Orths and rthors, f 00110..• the 110 ACRES, (more or lees ) ail cleared but about 20 - At,rea: which hro rune, rd ° good Timber: diPU, shoot 26 Acron Of good Moldo.r. 2he impiolomenta are a Large TWO-STORY FRAME ROUSE, (tow) with )5'1.4111.113e, Praoke 'louse and faller teere,w, out-Untidier. • A LARGE BANK BARN, 11 • rieNrly new, with new Wagat,,t'hea r earn Crib, Car riagn lime, flog Pen, nod all nece+iiarrout-bulitt MAO, a *di or good Welor at the doomed •11 abundance of the choicest •Ind best. fruit. .... . . Th.t... is sir° tt 'alga ofrPetu I.f water minable 7tirrntlirti—tirderinoteon erected s tlrht• elOs . . S A IV ' M I tI. . l'hle farm 1 , 1 in atata or cultivation. lye bull. , lnkgrLew, f. nova in 'good order, and well limed reventiv. In one of t‘...unot productive aid murk :i".irdni. lu ii,. count, and It oonvoniont to in hoot, Pullin, At, • , . l'orsoos'n,t to view the nlirre pr7perty ea■ do no by ...Intl.!: on the subseriber residing no the limn. , . . • Ai Mint. Y, Br. VALU A BLE \ REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE. BALE'. .• Ths: aubserlber wiatling to rah:quit:lA firming; oR ra at prie fill! two 'Veilll4l:ti I.II4'IBToNI altunte.l in Moon'' , too n•hip •1 ni wean. the rk road nod Ilat row - Vie:olns to hulling Borings, a short utile from Ohurch:owu , and : l34 tans trod Do 11110 Fp 'Do 1 Contains about 75 ACHES mete ,or or lass, :v of aaliant Limestone land In a high state of out-, Oyat On. 'filo Improve:net:hi • o•.d ' two-etory vane:tidos Wavls Ilouta and other ou'isuthl.: Inds excel:lnt new-Tocant Home and a large Bunk Pia' . with wagrila slisTliceiiirCeriba end.. other no: es-aryoutbnildinga. . , Ihia farm hes two splendid aprjpge. t t rotating water f: cm which every &id might esslly.bil aut. pliol, 'Mess springs ibed two epleridld tronkrond• 111 re to oho o ko ti Orihard of Chloe Pruit, such ao•ipples, Pears. Poach s. . Iso. 2 earttnini at out .10 AlAtila :of exsellaid Lllllllo°o°, Land in first-rate to dor:, lie I toprctre . "odds aro a doublo two-a:my WE q1.1611110A Ts"' 418E..a1i1l kirchin,.l:ace house. .ite -A 'Darn re:candy rot:aired, with wager' coon. nod otber oat:balding,' attaelnd.• • • . An excellent' A pplo Orchard with a large pus of °hordes and tither chsleo 'mitt etrislllld 0111 Toga: Oobd wall et' water and,* large clatsr,iv Ronn_ , if dentra 'e . t woodland Eir 0%013 RI offered. , , , .. 4, ... , . fr. ritior,, .I'. ream! a lathing to Y,O '''',, lii !Tut; pi OA 9011 eolith* on th, subs6ribu i r% ig , _ p ,, ......., isstittig Tram- Churcbtowu ta? I oak 15+1111il i l ati.. mile East orthe latter .0 1 00 4 , 1 '4 4 . i . t r u p . Lute Iltlnt dose Ilt l„ ' ' ..''., ,7 7 , N: ', l ''OATig 611 tf . <L , ' ,: _.,-----. •:!.:1`...,,;,i,7,,,2