Il N -1)11;1:.til 06 Os ItAN.DJ.2 ; 71 1869 El OPENING. O . PENINW. OPINING. 7 EWE N R 1.; • • DR. Y:: 0 . 0 :19,0 ,!.S 4 ; s ili - Qhc.l...§! E., SEASONABLE ' GOODS. Milli ,DlIgS3 np,Ncit , mnßixo.vs;--- Enrmiss v xtEpr.l; rorLiNs, CIIENE 51CillATR8, ;. r - I.III4ICIC•ALAPACIS . ", Uo ( /' Superior Ilraltdei; •,• . • 7 - I)IANICETS7 - LOVERLIDS, . RIIIAVLS„ . "Of ,Crory: dt•vvltf inn, ' Tlltt'AltFAHr SIIA)Vro, ARAB SITAWLS, 'parr Lunt Oxalic ant, NEW YLE WOOLEN MODS" rur4tont; 4NELS of every Alernevintant, n , o 13-110V.C. =NM MEE EIMN OMEN =I 13EMIMIla )1 A lA', .4:,!,•H I= The ETY ,E .-1:L111 I . l'. A L 81t77?,7', froorEp SKIRTS, NO T lONS =I _ . OF EVERY VARIETY AND WITYA FURS! FURS, ! I A f•)11 irsnrttnent of all kinds for LOdies, Mhooo nod Cuiidron. CARPETS!! CARPETS! FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all widths DRUGGETS, all widths, DOOR_ MATS, fho community nt largo , so will fay that we ero'¢•tug.o kni , p up nur ~ o pwatlon of he ping n•o no•l at ray tir 9 I oh at all tiwo• that I • o hu foam] to 1143.M. , 0 and CODU t V. Plans° do tn.t cell to cal and ovanion our stuck licore making yoilr paranai,:n f r the a avow. LEIDICLI & MILLER ECM TINWARE, .Cc STOVES! ME stovEs HE As tine season Is pint approschlnte when pees .I,s bo looking for o desirable /3 ti,vo for Pal for or. Kitchen use, xvo ask a careful examination of our stbok,'belloving wo have the la,gest and best aoloot td nrsortmont of STOVES Oyer offend to tho citlzonx of CT:mbarlaud county We have on band tbo Juetly colekated MOANING GLORY BISE BURNER aThlch: as a .1"/rlor or Diving Stove, excrle others, a; th ,, untls who umr - LlAitn will testily TFIq LIGHT HOUSE, Ono or the moat dts!rablo stoves In nod. TH.F, . 1191.611NG Also it Unto Puruor. tlllloß . NtN.l3 — tl — L - 01c PARLOR lIEATEM and POIIT.ABLE ,EURNACF,S, other ne \‘• Dlning It in anaClinalber Room , tcr, I Wo oßer tho totalling gook kto-v:. TiU ItIIGULATOII, 131 1 PERIOR, NOBLZ COOL 1111111ILY 13 tlltlfinf AS, - _ . ` — rrtez~h~~~ IMO Awl City of 1111.1inglon 031111NATiON. SQ 'loll the DIAMOND IIEATER FIREPLACE: STOVE; 'wlkich !lento ono, tTro or tlaraii roomo,ithd Id lie dad y the Unit tiro - 0,1.6 c; Otovo eittontlon to Oyir latin stock of • r. .T I N NV - A, 11,,E en hand or road!, to ordor.',. An hindani. .rtboFiqd...:ADTJs SPotil!riqa' dolici on ronaonthin t•nnn: nntl .11.}Ivaromu•deleint's Ev.,„.onr, .1, win „no nr,,,; vIt:::4 iq rail r,"1:4 • 0:50.7 CZ rt , :ca • ' , CIME 111436 4 16.11L - 1S E 0 US. riMe ~F/tEsg.:(l4pgji%A;lrKS. • ' FR ESFI-G t.Opl4lpl:ES:! ! or,~~rzHq.."~ EOM • Altin ::f:t I,lr 1 , n0.r1 .:[I E A. P.- •S. NO; t.B' EAST POUIIII,I7T43FItI:IST. An rkvlrpthi l y A lways fronli? Slocuuneltio t i•rrn,:t litnount of thaw. and ndl -111 m hnr ro; tur', out. 01000 ofton, - and .1114 umntly our , oils niun , Ito wiy!p!titu :lyay 44 1, r- - Q 1 • I, 1I =I 1111 UEENS‘IAII 5,% . RE . WILLOW and CEDAR }PARK, im aril CUO. KERY IV AIM, Ton' nee, Orncke. of every desoriptlon Biscuits and PI, lilt 4, Ict 1 'rat N - 0 PI S , . „ It Is useless to 1110: 1.1,11 them. come and PI, rOr yonr naives; and parents 'lf It don't Suit you to COlllO MI. 101 r clablrer. ste. they ... will !JO de at with '1,0,100 ... carer. liven 00.0 . .tj:' i , , hero youtself ~ , -- . ' Ml= AiZ'ICINDS ' :OI I 0 TJ I N lqt . o D CE osollono for clouds, or caeL .Cl-1.:0.' 8.,31 - OF.Fn.A.I`P . S , F,ONS No 'WA 1:A ,T:11:1;.:P.T, ESTE =EI MEE :1/1 , •1" • lli ii r b • 1,“ t . r • laa tt •ta ...• tI V 1 , 1I.1; oic a N - -1.1 1. • -r F.Ok:11 BATHING Ttl IV Asti 11.191 NS nod nirntbur art, lor In tho trade. , , • . • 7 , DAS ..A D STE A Si. VITT I NI. promptty str.limhsl to In the nowt approved style .WP Country Wort. promptly sttoudal,to. 4,lsrAll work gunnel , eent. Don't forgot ihn pines—lin m o ilatnly lu the re, o "se Hint reeshyLerlan Lurch. WO. WOOD. - 06 10 1 1- 1.10 le A: It M K R'S 'BAN ti,oE CAR . LIMO:, PUNiNVI,VANIA. ,' • . . Iturpot)y Orgrtolzed. too. loom opsnod. for trAn , actlo .01• gulieral haokluA the corn, soon , la ' now building on tho North %%est surota of ifei xtr..ob /out ot'p Square. Thu Directors hops by 111.1,1 not: medal tonna, logilt to make thin a popular lontiPutlon,anil ripo,itopy for all orhualey lupus she both with 11100 act Album. . . • Dopon reached and pant hark on,dernnutl Into. en: all n tni sonneinl. n, , 101 d. m Anten and Dnvertnneta. Itc :As. knight a .c 1 dintle on all neeeasale poitan anlnf . Dlsc , ut Du, TunsDtc frOin . t. o'clock A At. po P. M , FURS 111 Dittr.Grottb -It..7lvun, Po•xidertt,' •• II N;ller, 01.'1114. I'itnt•4l.• Dal hi 11.41,ff. ikair,ll••Ati, (11. • ii7uatkr 123-ti —+41+1.440.4.1.1-15 it liter Wheeler and Wils n anil• RUGS, Re SEWING MACHINES The Bert S;mples? ani7 (71;, inat•Litws are ilflalltf'd d, j~ nil rainy. of tun,irr•rwitl4tll wPil up,) Witin rt, 1 n n I :ontl. nits, II 'ot o awl 1,1 cnr , . l.l :111(.1 Itli. porruct, sLitch :La to .;[) sh:1:1•1 .if artl, I= BEETEM Forward Cumlnin,'un (Ilenaprson'F old stand tho il,Lt of Al Al ‘: STI:III . ,T C.11,1e, The bighnst morkat prica all: be paid for flour. Oralu And pra.lora ul all Coal of nil kiwis, otn'otariNt STOVES ! ENS VA LL EY. I.lLuebnrprlW:tr , ll"aehst.ll , h o , nl eni.llllo hit m. 114 cr. - N. I, I ilwilvetred drys tit n part of ti; loan. all I,ll'l, I-timber hand. _ LEE J. L. STB RN E S LIVERY AIN D STABLE ftptwoon ll:inover"na Beth rl.Slroota, In rear thn C,,rtnan CARLISLE•PENN'A huvlo tittodAfi slth ,Netts Opt I.oro ~ I nn. ',poor' t.. tfirfio‘lt 'firs. Ha,- pi,- o !! rotes. Parties hike?, to Wilt front fl, r LI • .1.11,00 I,q ly, • VATA, . . 3Xes M hhe hut( Retired (Joni l're eign.otolon with the late t I lunigtil. ronomellS le led front Ih g ttoiloltre, oko the moil 01, gaol 11.11;11161,s to 0 0,0.1 - ale l otte. . =I PI.011 . 1.: S. PI P, .11 T- ED P PE P.V1.'6.1 Ir ESSII 1.0.11: Ivrt hate t (or Mr. ,M . yrie" cut")) fat,ll ni . a.tpum nertli,i cot. VOL La mad- layetanat etr“.lo . . Intil di-, 1,111 . 11.q1;11.11,1„VN I 1 1, '• 1.1,E11 11. tor , I On and niter Intrtnlny, r‘tt, to lilt or oth. 1 0 69, l'ttn• gor rnn tollonny-tthntapt 'except* It: • • W %V XII , " ' ACCI)INIOD1TION ''r ATN lettret ITarrltiNtrg 111 , iI. A Tr , It, cLlmi ehurg Cn'.lllo Shlpponaliurg i • 0. (.111!111 . 1, 0 hi/0W.19.4.1 91 . 1,11 ylßi .11i, NNt II:.•oss II ~vi 5'11.1' 7 -A IN it,iVI•K IN .1;1, r. r ii. I o , ehQuirnLnYr - :: 7 - _Co ri i 44 , L,_ ,lithlirg :1 ( 1 1, ',burg WI 1 I nger r A la; 111165 TRAIN Ilardsburr r • Aluelinia oh k;/7, Cull 11.111. 7, Nr‘ty lln CI: 1 1 1 ; Sltlit. prnittm • g r Irlu , at' INN eNNI r $.• A t• II'ItALN I :111t (NIL latitaturg 7 iG A ii 5.15, ..rrivlntt t llngeNlowu 1(45, A .1'1.! 14. A .t..T 1V A I) CCOM MODATION TIrAl renven 0110011piallurg .8:110 A 11, Shippen burg 5: 0 - N arillu 0:5., tartish. 026, Mccliamr.lairg • :02. 'orrirlog ant llatrisburg NIA 11. TRA IN . 1 nre4 II pi atown 11:00 A 0, 01, on. oroolo:U: 0, Cloonb rg U:4 ,Silt ponsborr 110 , 0, NtOvvllle U: 7, orlplo • 1 ,MucloulicHimi•g 11.55 .rtivlng t 1 lor 141.0 g I' M. • XPIIMS TRAIN I ns How., aloont )2: 0 41, h. 0,00 clot e org 015 • hippo aU g • : 3', N, wcilin 0,10 Corloilo 3110,lionlvollo g 0, II r 161111 Mr --A liKI•V" - 3 itTiN—IVILVeR-4 !moo n 5: 5 ry; Orronmills 1:I rorrlng. nt Clormhorr urg.66,11 M 41)". Making Ova°. ntivotlida INborg wllli Iral. a to 00,1 troof PIANO Iphla Now York, Plite•burg llnitlnr ro tuol Wooloogt n . EunrltA, . Q N. LULL, Subt ltnll'o.ta ORleo, Chati.b'g Sept 1, 180J,.' ?Zs,. ISAAC K. STAUFlegit,',..: - 'IVA 'I ,C E qnd • JI:E; I:Li:L I? Y, N ,Ec61.,1 tal' Qffit , ry, An finan, tmont f Wate:lrp, JervAry: ' , It 'll'‘o a ro. estiniti, on hand v • ez-rtop.,., : ing of wttio,. pcomptly I.7:copc 10[): .. : ;:, P,i . P.14 : 1?:110 . 1/7;1A. :.'J ', l pp. PA.I-32i3. , . , !:13 raOA-6,, ty-0111 11q m r sctri. irrw 1-10.1.13 1:V.14.1t,p.A. 4 0: . 0.1;" °Wt. CAM ;,"1"L =RI !T •' " ' , Choice How . fl led Beef, Beef; 7.• ml o s .te. Pick LA.i.On Sy.ruptyie.j no end ~10 IMM=EI • , MEE I= I A 1,1!1.? Ea 111111M=1= ME= MEMO SEIVINCi 711ACIIIN,YS 111111=E =I 116= IMEEEMIIIIS! itrffekffe.l2VlMVs , . .:4-`l' received. niiloo'ace 100.11 10 chitklo. r O 4T. - 6i4tifill.sitiy; the tAvontlothAty of .Novemborr,looo, Tor fornislflarAtt,Mmv ., .q!,ttlyttrliolo ) liarraOks, v. 4 3 SOD NX o El ,14,ERZ Forsix46) numtbs, from, and after the first do on n6 - itqui)df,lB6ll, owe'lilojh'llitarVilliCedui)nriodry (lent:int of subsistence, U. .y Medea.. /.7. , 1" Proposals most be in dun] leActfr tili}lpinlorsell "Pro posals for Fresh Petf,r. nlld p ing contain . ' the nndt.. .of two. Te,spunsibla periions‘ who soul nigh . amPbeCninb'tiqfponsible for the performance ; Oho contrricp.„,,. , Ayint rerptentl;riblidi'ALt4bt the opening or ,tbe i•et.t.tv9, tir'hill'l4.l4 , #ltichatftriy m ~q,, consider unreasonable, or for any ntbiTr Funk:iota cause. • W,II,.MAIZE, First Lieutenant V - atttxuret. 13.:A.Ortisig Uoturniasar3! of. Stik 4 P.Y.l4e: •._ . . , PRUF.';issurc,ol l . ' ieislicn inform iidcto oof I.ndicn ontt Genii:emelt in Carlisle .to insitutit them In thritirtgif , llaticitt.r . thin 'tlemen con Icon their manes of I.lentld . Office, (Ind:tellies onti •mnko unpile:taint "to 31. Stupid,. 111 r, S'.,conte.s.ll,lgltly., reconititiintkil by the citizens 'of llitrri l'Ork, • 1111(i other ton OC. ` 'CUSHINPS &" BAILEY ' 0 ibItShLhEES S.TATIp.ITEI3S, $ .262 :Baltimore .5t7 B AT . T . I M "0 'R' E • •.31 b M. The largest and best nesertini stneli in the city of S&/loo?, t - Lath.; Dental, Altylical, Cla'tqc,;l; and ~11lieccIlan,buslooks, • ner Cour g lill7e o DT:E 1 : - ' II( All' 1111 BLNNK itooK.; =PZ==EI =I g MIMI . A B. I:WING, Cabinet ,Maker and Underlalcer, • • Vest Main street, OPPOSITE LEE'S IVALtETIOUSE Premium for Beet Furniture awarded at all County Faiy a Alyce 18r)7.] foroitom of All varieties ',I 1 Stvlt..e. ot Ferttigt nd It-ntec iv Ulan 1nt . 11111 , . t fluent •r.setetattt tnd If, the lowest pr , ed maple and pint Parlnr, ,ri ul ber DI .1..1,m rn. J FUR NITUR Ii ltchrl~.nud lipa , nt.l it!rd I.y II t n.l 11n1,1 r04tu..4 ‘l,l Its , )itaiohly 4.411, fi n i.h , c ludiu, 01.1 t ( . .ttllll . l l itilrllllllYo ill /Wit'. :• 1 / 1 1 1 1, 111 n.ll' h.ylrn. , latt UM frame.- pirtur, s K:) rt ritt,nllou giver, .1,1,•rr ir. d.outar,), iLLLuntrd L•%ltr.uunl I% t/.1 ter [llg. SPF , 1.1 IT. PA.U) T,)"1111: SELE.CTI,r.s. ItI . W ALL P ITEM e.,li. DA V. I DrST . D. SPONSLER, JMIN W.STV 011 - M NEW AND POPULAR .ROOT, RIIOE, TRUNK AND TINT STORE, No 1:4, South Hanover Streetll::arli,je a... ,61.1. ut lbLua'•ur I. 111. ha 1,.,1 Ihe la,. rd d loaq no' , n d P.., • II ro of 101 4 oi I' MA'AM' /I t .1.1% to ras oars sava 06 . zals fi .1 as as t bllii) %%Milt, • 111 • 111 111 :1111.1n Is ;1. (1 5;1/1,41.4. c 1,1...11 . • II) I N l. ' a. / er aisai d I S.111;11 Alai:K . lp - 11.1 T N:. :110 6 , 3 1:0f.t12.g linitrt. nt,rl ERE Ww..1.1 . , Arid Bost It sit litsd e3ri.ut. -11ppui , tlll eind llsis. Urn, k. ni iiis izrs u pss.. Cr.-,, IA ling Wogs. Nark. is awl Police , , trigi.thcr priniu 11.1 wi 1.11/000 which us wilt soil to suit Ili tilucs Q I , K SALES AND e11A.1.1. PROS!. I'S IS - 01 sEE: There., In it•idvng our eat d ir lank Inv,lotion to all need IS rail on look thron4 our eteeN etlinut •veno , under e'd to buy Ullll . ,- rnir. , l I. 111. Otoll trN to nlll. e•n etnoolvt. ward wanner. nod . , give ny,er. cote& e to l equ,el..l, fur hin oniony. We hope e l vi. avail thentordv. UI 111e1, foul ep,nrkunity ter and eon us. , • t , j11,•,11-Al Llf d'prll, JAMES S. EARLE SONS, IMPORTIVIS and 3tA UF , CTUR ,TtS I= EM=l PORTRAIT AND rlcrcum; FRAMES, 31° , 4 rt,gant nty lea. CIIROMO-LITIIOGRAPII.4, 1:111111,...Ill and i'mrrirnn-nn11.11111011..1,1artrillit•lit • FINE ENGRAVINGS, The 1),,c4t. ROGERS'' GROUP-LS. ire are the only tint - honied wtnolt-etle Luta retail deniers in the egi2r.i . tironves iu thii Sell nller them at tnantinteterer nlron. C4rlo.llln kvina applicant.. RAIILES'.• GALLRIES, • 81G Chestnut street, I , ARRIVA - 1, • Of i ql the. New Spri,n9.Bl,llc, u, HATS AN I) CA Pti 'TV!n Sobs/011mi 11311 PO4 ointini.d, At Nn. -15 Not 11100rur,13,1, A ply doors Korth 4001 , 0 rl lsln 1)51,0,- 11nok;'ons rtt. Im lor.geet tool stud• 01 11 VP: OA 1.,3 AorAllrtliol In Corti-to. SErl i p,. rn i! U!lfrl tun , lln«r.ut coin", l ,org Sort lint. now 11134... okov cri,t-nl.eranttron.,- broN,ll kopt 1 , 11:4110.1y. nn t,?:,yl and n‘ 4 11;.1 1 ,,,iii, :01 Wurr.An kel to sly, int Onn , no.: Ar ~,s •or: no 1,1 t II A VS, Von'• by tl.O ‘ ,'s nnl.lrun!.. Vann, I has e n 1.110111.01 to MN stri , h, Not k Inns, ennsistl in; or I,l,liinn nod, (ion : 4 t0•141n, tie iv I $l.. 11111:•. run pnodnrn, Prlm. , 'O5 trs and Tob,,, Otto On hapA,. . • 01V1.6111i rail eX11R11(10 my stock, RP .1 411 , 4 Cult [Went of pleasing, weans, seviii.• yen • .1 IIN N•. 15 North , Ihtiolvilr St. 31m907 OUN :• 4 11114..E.R . .; AND' CIDER IJ, • •• •„ . Hickok n Porlog :11111,‘ , '. F. Om liler Star Co it She! er, (ih nu . - %Cannon Cori Shell. ra Notion .1 Fodiliir Cuttei,. (thre•- sizes,) IJunll • AO ItlCll LTUItAL 13111.1.1 TS Vol',a4oo Foundry mnl - Moclent. vdrl Sri. 3. ' 7. P. CAR. N hit •, t 'CO. OTlCE.—,Nolico. it iiptelq that he yarn tie Dop nit nook an. n. 1.1,11• to Ili.. net, bi,niurn 1 , 0m.r.3 VIII ti.r 11111 renown! ..f Its elierler with Iln prevent title and Jinni pith, Int 9. J. P. IIAYOI.PP, ' • Owtsl, °Jul, 1;13.6m. 'Entabli4tel4 . p . .7.;ETZ C CO., xurbr.Trit sl AND DE,AUfan MEE - 17,C TI 0 ST'S ; " I/AC (114Z1;, • • rO!TP,ItTi'r 0F.6,7* -4 , . ,:otimoyo . . ; HIE ==l 1? 41 , 1;le AD. 1711r - . - Tr..3 - .4.1nr ' A. P.!!,9 1 1 1 .9, Bit/17,3i !J . 11,d ,‘:fr‘ , .l l ;qt . ...,. , ,„„,_„ „ qouY, LOAN UTI=LINI • .•-... 41 :.( . $6 :, [ 5, 1 00i0 49 OO i P 1ii, 1 46. ;Mho nrinotmoupauo barp lICCOD oliti . 1i y 1 itivs -FortMf;aale=D~ j Xecr Eleven Per cent: Thhly Yen.rz Gold Lprtri hoe froi Thk loan ~Illontlt 8c 501V.0, •Fird ).'ort n•,•,••e • . Land G aizel "Sinkrtut lunrl .Ilondts, reorrol rpo the .0 x t t mien of the Penne, fro'. n 111 She Woe In Knor a to tern C.:er do, it r hf Yip telle4;el ott-, ten ,1V 111171 1 5 n a t emir' owl nt 1 11,11 11, r, coi,dru • f• tt It IS Noe IL 01' 11,1 . 11111111•,1111 .110 . 11 1, the ROI 111 , , , 8 C 1 1111 , 6,- his- tit th es tlrt run th.en 01, he-s,tt to. rind in 2setHe, op era ion for -137 miles. Wont of thy ori rm.,: and .earning alrenty tn_gli, 0 0..a0 1014;11.a a .113i.1103 and u Istr ng .b. 1g Anna' 11U•dihri " • • .1 r r i•aL On Ike 4 , '20 Loon the l'Onds 'aro alto.> reurotl by a Net:two •of rho Government Land Gfant of -r • Three MilUoh Acres In .3lteearte seetionr4 on nit er eid, • Ilthe nn TOIII lo 1 10 tin Ii lists. t (.11k or .ren ;ti • f 414. nein or LO Il i 11 ve. 141 t o 7 RelVen 11,. to-I'2o li; fide, As re .&11 1 ,- . ing /•'nun/ fg. the -Redent irr• r• r rri 1 1.1 p - n , un.. ;.er s_ prore,ty urt;ed Fret • , :,!:;,Q00100,0,1 ;net: , La , 11 • l'lo .500 600.7 THIRTY YEARS TO Itt-25, f, In M y 1:181111, unll • .• Aevon Per Cent. Interesfr, in'Geld s•ml.nnnotilly n vity 1 and Nov and ale I ' , r frOm (:orernmrilt Trizition • ihe C uq,n% I a lax Ii tax. 1' p u 1,1 u,v u u ml n,..0 le in b.l, , i.. Ulu AI, 01 Nf.s. k, to .1 it.. It C.a.po t.. Frankfort, London or Nutv York, --• t• pt lug fl,. h noor,• , •!ithnuo n• ti o, nt [to I, me Inlet.: ti n n • In Nlit (rola o lob I•nli)onr T A ,-nt. • t ,U p In_ the t n•I d the cl inn o I. It ,11 .1 t , l .mmtr t. n It .1 'O.O • I I .x e, Th •r, “Cp y lo t h'' Loan 11 .1111.. to on D/0.0.0111 4 - Pt FIRST CL.ISS I'ES re, , 111,1 E, porii•rtl€ , nroi and in a.m.• 0311011 EEO Bettor _than 'Govdrnment Securi ties. The toode a1;1 mend fur .t 1, p e.ent.nt 00. and accrued interest, bath • en currency, Ili Agent: r G-11 the tight to nd rain. :hope- h•:1 1 t 1 • 1 •• 108 10 11, Ftolll Tt • to • it I•i o 1 11(11 0 t /ht O 111/ 111 r tIOO 0 11,1 1/1. r o' 0 • nil ILI , t 8•--1-i-it in n juin* onri:i. v One or • I'n iiil~ I to , 'lt ovln, 111,,trt I,oli etn. DA 13N I Y, OILG N 11/i nv,e Plum•, N.,. 17 31 li. J & CO.. No. 12 Sir N. Y WHEELER WILSON'S I T_TAIS SEWING MACIMZES ! Al tiro great Exposition, Paris; 1807 Alvardell the Highest Premiums over 82 roll'ili orB I lIE PEOPLE'S V•6RDIOT !IF S Or Till - Av. , TuA , IIEN , WN ED MAk3.ll: , E ARK 100,000 IiiIEATEA TILE GRAND, TRIAL- 11..1'y n 1 ihrl.U.rh , llt 11111 W0r1 , .. 02LT 11t.1,12 , a‘ or. 11111 NOYC 101111 Y whin the Mee ht•r4•r A .314 trlUutphnl~tly tit. .1 ',actor vv. r 9.19 ht to Ity th§ rut, lit 111 tilt. - rbtlut nn ',wilt. gist in , cannot na•lv.ltl by dying n d r,dln4L• ii.lttiond,. \in bid II ' IMOD our vtAc HmLu, witittdxrdowlminilnit i;. , 11;10..nd.5: - 11'o ' , limn to till , ,' impn.v.1111 , .11 , 11 I 11 E! it•F • h I 3111 ot be A.'s., nod It. II h!111 1 II 1:0111p1V, “ilh. p toy eat. , hi el , titnt h., 8. 1..1 In 11.111Iy r norl he length itto. c. For iv.. 1.1..1. , 0k tilt. 0111 I,ltl II 011 11..11 0111011 1119 tlheel- letll,ll. 1.4 lt• i 1.11.1 -0.1 It u nor • ~,, 11 , t NM.) O.' 1111 y f of her ribrpp trix itan seif n, llhuiMg ”n. Vll.. • Th , poo, ?cow' , Call ai t 1(1'1 . 3 , 11*(7 Ma 4 .h m e _ ((?. z (l. lf lir, oh) (13 mill ,f,b , • it. ,Vo .Itochi g e•.3 poi?! . 1:4; until - ••• - p , It,es ar, 1:,11 :11 saris - fir !I. - rim:dant use : - : . on'1) ihiyra' es • , . • ;- [ht.: wo,th qf. ' .... ' OUH MACHINES. Soyyral 1011, is Cnrlinta who 'vivo molt our ma. ahhios Irani nix to t , vrive r am+, ray “Thoy monition Wan, hatter!,. 11.14'y halt,. than . glut. than• I. not a worn In lit.. lamitn. bon, Ittht ,WiSN to homy nn notror t ooth that a t m hoot hat naala " ton.' Indy rata '.l tiara sonoo or tha 0 3, , 0rs rn , l nonor 1,r4,,k0 tinaallo " (I rio , nralsb 111.11 , •14 mat a aldomrs rospollslble partlia' oho Ainistastito alt The umltonal ,fro a tow of -ally hn Imvo the ti t ,• 10.......1.11.41,um-rt.o.o.ltar--Son 7 4-hirlotto ipt6 - tiftiiuu;thay hare bumn fit colist3ut tuiti Nlrs. J. BAlltvvraielc, 14 yens ,•. 4,, Itlit•I <4. Ili•ntlerson, 12 .." ..Rov. Dr. 11 'lt IVondward, • , - IC " " . itov. Sterrett, • S. "- " I,!cubh•e,• , • Il p " Ik rulnti,:,(l\l•o3l . rcidlw D';i •Sterrett., .„. _ I,• • A"P"',Alotttt.rtytsr, .fr.ts dr:Orttrt anti tittothlnon oltom-ftillyati, , i9ti to Art v't r.rfl ,c slrn; !into , ' 1111111,Pry tit VI It Ulm:, ,threVi,.. tt,- 11slo. ttliti ii lox _ , O.hllit nU etutt, , itmr. 111 rttit.,s tivilvereil to :111 troittt, it - tlutol,9llmitt,ll,ll• itujotail , r rout,ti, of otorti , elattict, - • E 3 Z., • ~ 7 , '..1...,!!„;!A!th7p,,,0pt::.1JV 71f i ci if•V(l,,.U.el 444,?t; 44 ,p1;4c4,:1:L4 g v' • ofivlT Buttio • rill- • '•', MEM I=MOIMIZ h . 4, 7- t ... 1f MY! . 1,;!.n1x-.,, inc tiOlot of , j 1) • , i; !.I,Filf • Irry t eef it e„ • von I y ii:ilt ill 11 I • a 11. zt :4e room, I.n .1.. .• . oo t, rtr. MME=IMM! Arisan.z,L,,,fN OTIS ~..• PATS AND TART Da ynu want a niceoliat If w. don't fall to•onli :/ ' , G*. ;:o - el. 'LL - 1 - '0 -4 No. 2.9,-V713.;t Where tan be neon !bit IMest aemortment of iTATS AND naps. - f aver Imbue], to Co tale. He Ink tat great pleastmOti nvitlnv hln ttld frt.& nod Opintomera. nod all now .1100, to bi• apleridld . atticlejaat rocelve,l from C,1.1%, VGrk nod I.tilladplphla, conalatlng la fart 14-Clue SILK A D CASSIMER , HATS, Positive an endless variety offlate and Caps • of thy .idPst ai rle, all of uhleh to will sell at the . tweet peas ['Wen own manufacture of ,Catenal nays on hand, and Has: Hopujectuted to ,Ordei lie boo the boo; arra ~ci.ment for coloring flat, nod ill 'Ale& of Weoleu .. ,•.ds, Ovoreontn, 14c., at for 1 , nborttot notice (a. he 'colors nv nry week) nod on the wont ronEonnbtot rim, Also, a floe lot of oho!, urando of .. A . . , .. TOR/VC:Co AND CIGARS Always on hand. .lle desiree to call the attention of porronl who have . . COUNTRY FURS - _ To Pell, no be pvs the bleleFt en , h prices for the same, • Givo him 4 n en 11: st the shovo_Lit‘mber, hie 01 ,, nt,ml - 1 ns - lie feels confident of glyi,ig eutlre thou. , - - Julyl4 67 . " • THE "BENTZ HOUSE," (1 , ortnerly Cornzan 11'01130 No. 17 A , N . D . , 19 EAST SLAIN ST., PF:NN'A. The underalgped hariog Anirehased'arid entirely refitted, e,otfuroished anew throughout 11th that class furniture. title well-heir:3 and oil llntelotolleitit th e.runtom of the'i•otorounitv nod travel ting In well prepared' to furnish ti,d-elnas tterottuotalatioun to nil , 110 II•Aroto reek,. a Motel lb flannel or pfeagiot toutairary abode 'anal ore how Ilia surtnotallog country In re n,: oily rollrited. Cuurrroun and attentive eer• 0 anis ale . eognged at this popular hotel. , EO. Z REN T Z. Penrp':, N. It. A fir., dboy Ybt.ll4,etrel y I[l.lllY llotel Jm .; , : , brt entlit'of Mr. JtiS. ~- .K RN ER & auApril EAVAIILISILIe,D IN 1851 IL F., O Al L - ~-~~OB , IfTRL - •El, r JEWELER Invjtorthi. ont , onnond the po , lle t 14, - C - ow Ftoro, No. 1320 CIIESTNUT PHILADELPHIA, .I.n. tint! o logo ' , II no..cltol WOO& of I 1:110NDS. tt u1911:<, clurK , W 141,107. .II,VI It nud 1 , 1,AT r.ll W ‘lodernt.e EMII=ESIMI W I.lly and,BILYER WAIIE,of nil kinda made to order 1 , 1 ti AGENTS WANTED. Agents want to..r.74 hi .igtel per month, HMIs suit tenmlo, to cell the celebrated and original Common mire Funnily Sewing gachioe, Improved and. pqAtected; it a 111 hem, fell, stitch, tuck, bird, braid, and7mbrolder lira most superior manner. Price only `."13. For sim plicity and durability it has no rival. Do not buy main any parties dielling machines under the Male 0111111. muse ay 011., index; having 11 Certificate of agency signed by tie, ad they are worthleds east iron machined. For circulars and thrillfcnpply or add rye 11. CR WFUltit k CU..' Chestnut greet, thilad..a. The Great Pacific llair-ad i finished ! FIRST 1101.1T9.1GE BON) INIM 01101 & CENTRAL PACIFIC lIA L . 11 0A 1) S . -- 110"UarliT ' AlS \ b SOLD. 1417:kers and Dealer in Governmento N0..40 South, 'Third '4 et, =I = 18 N. Ihran or Street, No. _lB NEW 1011 K 111ANCEE IIEA I/QUA wrEits 'FOR 13.11IGAINS Vo wourd lovlte thx rperk: AI Inotinn of the H. v, 01 Cor II de, n!.‘l Ctin.herinotl mom ty. to our o.a ifwl•pted otork :•ntino, ,‘ I 1n.." rtnt 1111. f .10, I, ua tle enry cell nn.l jud•••.ror vcrlrFeh.e.. rl i A RENO In 11. a. 1k N. flanovo BLivut., alr'sll.lll 21 cr n• tian THE MAIUS7 INSTITUTE, CARLISLE, PESN'A. A Boarding School for GIRLS TIIP • 1 , .111 Remus' , s•sien rt iil b qin ^n Wady, , Isi. Fut anculars r t isrthe It arinntnn address nes W. l LI liH Err seri '•1.0.1-. Our Dl. Pa. SPE 'IA L .A NNU U.N N-T J E. CAI. W (10 JEWELERS, 932 CIIE.UNUT STIIEET Have rob slit solo-Fed rod remod.led their eet , ed by nre In Januar, last, Lai bevel opew d the enure fsr \'Vitt nn Entire New . Stock of thanOisetti.rod & Imported Goods, Superior to• any they nem. brrettororet olrerorl H.) the Public. T . uu ta'.ut vo ill ili a luvi o un'to - TWA tud , oepn t thuir St to. JAS E. CACD W ELL & CO., 002 CILESTN ITT STREET, I.2feb . 04y 9prcl ti attentimi il•niao.cliloti t o my llItW DON ..ltat. LB (IIJUICING It ANialS, an I lerl asnaretl there la marlins In uau that cat romp,. whit Hs reanr,la also Otrir no 3, h u laraa 21,01 t MOW, • f Lett Donn. aat. n,-burn Plate .14,ghttAn Illurtint , ql Cup cuter • SPLENDID N 6,1201.1N1) FLOOR] Itiupo o.on EMOV.\-h. •, e , t.rt0...nn0..1. to his GALLERY, ool*olie illtrilira fleie, where ho eer . ri, ibiry wvit.ll the pnt. Ir In calamine the pin, and Ilin ntnneryne xpeelreene. .111. well k noWq skit I at the proprlete, in an artist, etipeilne .niel oil trynne an:l nky-llght on the first 110. r, err e• fitment induremente for ' toe nubile to Inv 10rd... h 1.13 - eetnbllslnnent. Ills 'pictures no unlverrully nevnow led nod to be ~goal to the heat node In tideltbla or Now York, and far eopeelor r any In o,,ie enuntry. Pleas enflt tine. Itl-rf 0.1.. I.OOIIIIA IL NEU GOODS, I 0 , 0 00w TvitLimAho_clitatit_ 81'11TNIniTri, brought t: Carlisle ranee the fruit[ to the great decline in pricer , during thu lest Pa weeks, I no, non 'enabled to le r great indurennitiiii to cash buyele aelbe entire stock Lae ,11,4111 pluebeeed al.the prii.sentilorr prkee All the best Oalieous at 12te Good DoLaino! nt 18, I'l 2U & '25 , llLonna at 7, 10, 12 &20 pIiES-SO. 0 0 S . MI tho NT.7 FITVE.n rail)* GOODS ' for Lrallon In 7. , r10;. 4.1 74 °till} 'Li 4 TIFI, - T.',.1.YT.1.TG3, CII'ECNS Lry ~ Clo'ik— Cati.l-.--;,2:.., Tworin. '....ottcp—jp,, 1 , 1 nvrr7 n nvt lntto 1 I.ln burr n !yK••rt),te' , . ; ' I .• , . ICII - 71.'‘V;sTr , • 1 • ~. ~,~ nLafut tr 4 ~ 1 .- 14 . : \1 4 1 -. .1 . =ME „ 11Ea7ING ANP. : ,660.1a1V G • • .1 YOU- WAN TO SEE': THK frrteet,"PA HUM STOVE tiver:olTores ~ 110, p ubild, atop 14W - • ~ • ' F • tove, u etort.t rite rear; of Iffi.lbartla etore and.see tine " ' GRP. . • 1 O . " A Ast - , I? , B' ..; 9 0retloc k ... It In si.porpetual Burner dadiot r, an well an It porter room, and la warranted t con/mine - lee n coed 'I ben' any n.ber t , tove of the 'name Mee. emir biturell , to the public. reqnlring but one oralnery. %Tuttle orerrloll • onl In; tw,mtvrelght hooto,. being illtrlo.tly . mole In all Itn.wol Idyl; . burin n elropla 01.111 ,to frratulete 'lirtifor kndpir #at night, n no' indlln#` being' nil that lh required during tha-wlutur. se duet. no gatt, no slag e'relndar • . PERFECTION OF OPERATION I PERPROTION OF. OPERATION! The latter 'quality is produced -by maliy. improvomoutrA Its Imports it oltaiacteristics are : NEATNESS IN hESION .NEJLTNESEI - II4'DEISION I 15=11 = REFE E t.O E S .John PAU'.MO SI II Irr. I Br. 9 11. Btn7nr Vortsr D.isb , Miler. !CI Tielen,.y, .D a stun. , • men n0.1%11. Prnt' Weep • A Sonsendni, ,Dr Ir,r n, •' linsnii JlO Ire. J. T Riniy; D U . 11.hoir. A. Canvas, d. T• on. son, P. Copt Brindle, Mrs'. (1 , dd. ii. • porg o 111 St..uffor, 111 el.'s B. r. - 1 . M1•11nr, .1, Stouffer, ‘1" , - LIDBT. A • I . —P. I hinninn. Oe'o rerun( aughF. Elsrinli ltx, I M Wonderifeli. PIP.I Abner A t. J. AlAnr, Uo e, And Whets. Get t 1 he'st cOOR STOVE in the Market, Excelsior , Ponn or; Morning Light In 'On tib ritT-TILFY`s k.ol no hood n f.ll migiolj of ti, bent Cn.i Pallor .01111 . 0 nOvr4. _ Tin nt., Shoet.lrou tyork of 01l kind" on -hyid nod Spouting, ll.ttlog aril Johltlo of .11' ICoot• done _ebort..l.4 fro, n dot (11.LII. pit tottorfol. Fr oil 'Ans. and Jet, of tho ItonFitv-t1 111“.0 - 1101 - 111 enTII.IIIPIOII tl,. bell. l'brtablo n,dl Orndt not FURNACE. FURNACE. otlated to the publico For toderoot-to cal no -Toy tlpor o 6c . dish, II- nry 040 eOlll. I , (I Fleming, ^ 11ro. tinrOod, "rot 11,1 todn, F' 1141-dvo-r I' Watt!, """' .1. D 1. 1. 131....ne1er, I S. , And !hoar ,in ly HIS PA BLISU 1:11 . 34..61. 7 T , REYNOLDS & SON, P 7 , 4 W. comvEll ISTII .4 ND 1.7 1,11 ER7 • t fir.4 E PuiLeDE.Lviue, ye tlole Nlanufactlrriii of the Co!obi,ittd. WROUGHT-IRON, ATR-TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING HEATER GAS CONSUMINGJIEATER, WITH PATHNT DUST (MATE: LIAR ICL4II. and WROUGIIT IRON RIDIATOR nrn rondo f Wron,ht Ir wh; H... I trlttrt hot. 1,10 01 • •I 1 a ,r.•••••li ! tuainst y ,the •, ot ••r•t. • 1,0 ,•rt• .‘ rna ,, n,btl 1,311n•t /iloy damp rq 11:•• ••••••• lit Anlor it, I r •l4the n...• n• d ••• • •,,,,y,••••• 0'- .1111111 1•11 In p• in,ueli Atlaloll.'d in•• Iltn er Tut- t• the rm.( d rainy. .. ni.•,•• n. Li p•p, flatting ApysrnLus • nor Idernd Syr same. Tiny nr. sh Atharante d. CO.SINO RA ton II trxn II p,k,aa,,, SuSTABLE T., 11:0114: 11 , 14 I%* I 0 N lilt VIES L FE lA Vf: i:S., HEWS: V. N'EllA We ar..r..30 n N 3-3 I 111 C T P 4 1EATIVO 11.1 , (30 Cb .. It, o r .IlinitinLed wilpl :sprit 2:3 ciTA4Lgs WILLIAMS, IIEAT IVG, AND N LAT'NO 11'A1t611O No. 1132 and 1134 M arlod Strut EM=l The Golden Eagle FURNA(.;A. 'fhir 15 , .o ontlrely role hector t ro , set net too nee eeamend enord 1.0. r oz. 0 comb' mulon et' r.odgoltmud r.i tfro , n 1r I. ror, .Impin 1n (onl:trninlon: nod to 41011.'1,1y air 11,10 ; g,[lll pi pvt. di Urn , . Ic trOo•ii nut and clnni,..l. It in :zo Elyrn—goli 10 , 11 oprlant tint, n , to produce. a Ini our' rino.p.t ol bo•al thn t.tune'n,ll.l,t al eingl hal nnv 1nr..11, nu. , In m.o. The ; 101 r Itl •tin vo‘,llll.!Ln .10 nn pin .iored by nil no,. atrn Oil 1011.1, wilt Pa vote Unto, t.t.tratn, that Lim EMT AIR FUIINACE that %lull produrs a porta ly liunl thy atlas ph.•n•. I /101 10 , 41 11 , 10 a Fg five n•eee Or r'OrrOhter; nud Sour fur 3lnvonry. . . L•. Ta G FS L'TEItS of Admiaistration on tho I.llOliLO 01 .111000 /011111100 1,10 of North !ditittlu tun towumiti;),dect•med'havittg boon granted to the undernigned, rug i ding n Vout l'enuAborougil town- Chip, all pet on.igdobted to mad Pcduto are notified to inakn.larytoe.ti and, those hay ,ug clttina against it to preogut tingly or aottlentent. 1,0,51,UEN DILLE , •ft,, •22ocGt • . Adullulitrator. -I 'S 1 E PE IMEM IS I Ha CLOTH TETW7 REL.6ERS 8R0TH.11.8., 02r, Market. Street,Phila. am ' ' BE WISB, Wawa: wltulont wll to,cat - y,0, ; t o coc o i wovo con trn In by yaiur 6tn ednlliy hal (kola sought OW font ho' hur 4,re of D 3941148111 through, tie medium ..a DI:14 oll's AI9I:••DP 9 P P 0 1 4 11011C11 1: , 1 1 .11 and found It. Why Mt.! you eulfry It hen Ha ndaul hato,nadb...r fin curotl mitoytdatailar co:les-wit o ou doubt w. , leother beaky/A..11 ore ell oil r Witty In tlal. 0101100 ha bola dung one and uup,,idt tie. 1r or hotahla, hai , f too. 1. 011111111M11e. NIIIreIII. WlBllO Poll9lillll ncglehtisf , e nently foil w. mud. o 9 nil maven 'trellosot.• re,0113. Dr 311.14.1 . /1 1111,911 9 are IA oil 1110110 In Vat. ottaneranu. d ITlcult re otbordiog 111111 •101 . .): •I'i4loool T 11, Cv:t -II? T' 01..1c., ',Wk. or ' V III, 1,A;1 1,11101 .0 9 bf. Mho. tUrerta, r g trout ik . i • NI (.11y 1.1.1110/1 .411 . 01,1)t V owl reanallY Ti AND 3,C 13. •P.S, .ii .a,. ~ i ..t.T'nf. .1 1 '0•_ Et,-~pp~ •t . .F , r!,.); - „: \ T.^ f - 11. - 217, ;131• MEE • • ;; • • ; •I• '1; CI, t'), - • • ME ... .. ..... .. . .... IC.A.ST NOTIOE.—TA.II: persoi,isi . l4c,btr: I—,l ell Lti CUM it ' , L , ZRzer', s'vi fin.tli 'i'. uiu 1... d p lulu , t ..11.1 sal,. caste. , .. ~ , -, 1 1... j/. .. I ‘ , ll 11A.110 R S R, .P, ; . tOontoo ' . ' ' . . Plulullrld, Penn u. 1860...0 •••‘• •,• ;,••.• • ' • • iALT, AND' witlvrtl; 1111113 ONS, '3IILIINEItY, . ()gips ; I '' ; • • • :•; .; r, r . AB.).IBT,ONCI, CO & - & finporteni and Jobber!! of - • noNNET ND TWIMIN:I RIBBONS, ' VELVET , ND S 511 RIBBONS, . BONNET SILK 5,, TINS ANI, VELVETS, ' lI,LUIIONS, BLONDS, 1, ICES, nucliE9,• 1.4 0118. ND CIL PES,• .• • CRENIIII FLOWERS • ND rEATII,IIIIS. STR W BONNETS AND r; DIES' 11 ,TS TILIMMED AND 1.1. TRIMMED, SILK, V1..11.1'111' A D .- FELT BONNETS AND. SUNDOWNS - AND- SHAKER (MODS. The largest tack of 1111Inery lloalla in this 1 . 11,11). -try, said attugnalled in choke yarioty, Which Wu oiler at prig,. that will duly competition. ' . • No: '22, NOliTfl HANOVER ST inlito• liip •w-t..,.tifok 01, Iny old moon I, .1 — ll6 - 711IFIR c on I av — ii - rdr — Fili 01 U ..K•• nun OS r co, TO ti• to do. Ili CMOIOII 101 Li,. ilOl4, 11, 0 bl,cil m m) t g cl.r fu I, and ut - 10•1.du ) o_ton up 0 . 0:M P I ; ,E It , DIME I= CLAIIK & r , . t •,I , 11,r.1.t .1, , In In ,•ti.ll: r to. rs. a', ,UIN. l Gor)1.1 o ~ 1 at.. 13 ,ly FURN, E WF:S. . • • • ' ' FIRE AND •:IUP•.C', \T.{ PROOF FARREL & CO, .622 EKE . . Harvey Gillam, .)• - Piil/1,/ uOO. W. 111 - yoi e. ) F P tt L.N C 0 , 1,1111 l‘l.irtillart. I . 1.4 Ili, OW p• tsb,.l. 1,4 . 1,i1111111 , 11t I , llsll Pry ,I. -1,. 0. 4.4 rot lit • lintrolii i nts I it,,ot I it It will lio :ft tix i eriq ,uppitr itio • tit Cho tin.' I: lit " A , 11. It. S . ript, 12, _l2liiß_ Full,) rot:versa:l with thi:l . lh/Vilif . 4l sod onidinAl - SlarlotrL i n cherrliilly couninionl it to Eno, ohosilly ... I It .Iniiksonrllle. l i n. , it Fit, 11 • Sir. A iti Sir: I 'll%O 0014 Itz .1311111 that nave u,elPildnim-et-t o prA ho nag. tied t oureil t • o it in id tiet•iti Solt I Chili!, It the i:to irror on , / ri:i i iniouroi: it to Lilo griturni 1N " . ti it „. ono nrn now u,o;311 , I oar WO, I N„„.t . „„ N„„ 10,18 ! Eel:Hog & CO., ihittgo WIRE cif) NI I pa'. it ;.: ; reger ;;;;; lhclr Colltntall ill I.loll`l, 1118111(11 CA 111111,1 111811 y otherg 1111 11 1.16.1ng been revel rod lei part'pa) foi Ihe !nip:tact Flprflog'x nvont.Chasupiou, for rule itGlowurlere, 1867 01)(3 DP — , • . • ' . .13A;41D111;ItliSe l ' 'r.A.:l7'l.l'T`.. • ••' . l. PATit..- c-tubas, •i', • ;', ' • • , ; '',',74'l. 4 1:e,ltri.) 2 • ' •‘, l• 4 rt.: Ot • S CE 1.6( I:. 0 Mi== `ISECLOTH 'NG DEll JC. ANI fl Joy mADE ISAAC LiviNusTos, =0 =M=L/21 r ,r I .$ N •••11 . ..a 8., I q,4c1.1114 , i I inn, LS BOWERS 111::.N 11Y L(.11:1 11=21 MEE= Super-Pl, , ,plittlu ni I.itllti A 11111101lia =II =9 Th., lila- iv , ..snll tho oloolooti to pro .111. r. Ito ;” 41i It tds, 111 4 111) t • M, 011 , 1,1 oo mo t 11, loy 01.010g,u0 , 100l o 1.a% t., 44, Pileheit A liel3, 1,1 2.(11b.1. 'pick Co. 1G S 1 TS, :1 otatir A. 4. , • ll')1 1., A I= -- W1L1,1.% Y.N(/t.l)Ft, I; S reet, M=l or iv, 111,111-1, '11,• I. r, „I .t. B;00K .I.OI 7 :NTR. AVANTED i...ditt:LC , in , it. 1,11. strugn.ld tilidlopiir The with vivid info pin, 110. in ni li,. noliveitioi with ail, tow frill in litlind ent and pakho, The ,vlll.ll 11..1\1,1111y 11000 and illustrated. eon 1111110 014 , 11.40011, EV , ..111 tine anin it. • or • tatting I'l,lll :10 .;1.) nrilrirn ndo . The lnar>t rtipol re! r.. 'loll I. nil Ilitoin &K}:, 11111'0 , 111W 1 , 011ii.11.1 . , 11. V. JOH NfitiN, 0112 Arch 1 rem. , SOLID SILVER .1 , 11(1 , pi. w Of eNt0.)..1,A, !it, d SIIIiIII , I' for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Pic.cin Pt•i•t, Itt%At, thAtt tlttt-rowttlat. tit t Extrttottltlttu) HM111,111,1. to tAttt I. =9}ll 711,f t - 11 -HO< 1.111,1,A.1 . 11l (Old Lltz:l.lial)tql REMOV ,lENVEJ 112, rilEitt NE BL:11.1)ING, No. 1124 Chi: , stnnt street, DYLPfIIA. 11.1 N PATIH.r I.lx .SAIT9; • FIFES, : FV,S, (11 • 1)r 'I i 111 "g". Orin. If .ai - a IV rlA'a. *lr. Intalusi . 7 1% Or II • 11.... llaril g, I . ...iiiT, 1, & ' . ..5 , 1t,...,111) . i,1 - ,'"N. rtki:l( Farrel,'& Co , Orlearls 51orellom 30.00.! llRill N SAy.,S Lave btu; 6ECONj HAND 15A1113 or our own :nul other will,lB 18J urn, 611 1 SPRING lIMEISIMEI rE=I 1111'1 (4 iTO:" „ , • ' , HARP 1r en le. - •• • • & ~BOW4CIO ,; AIII) UA 1?-fi 87- 16, 26 NORTE H NOVER STREET, —: cAIILISI.w~ P.l = ?AT .1;:. would rested fully cull t, on, ett 0 pnhllr to:dur:cruelly o , pletdsh rd ,Toc ' nN 1t.1.4'1,11',, Pill making It now 00e 01 the (nr oat Ip . l'udlherhy d and t0H14180111; lu pat of 11A3111:111111 AND It JIA 1:6 IRON, - 51.111D03'S - 110 M NO IN A 1; ROD: ilT,'{l'AGo74 SI ICI:::{S',6O.I MA KEI,9 CA I'o4 RUILDING MAI'EIIIAL - • • 0;14, • -... - aid nut Mal; 0,, ULifttialuir=, and Coach !it:thorn Alrl TE RI AL Intl no, • hovels, Pori., litkna, ,to. lia s'C•r 510C,Cilt It EA P conFtab tly on 'no W . l; niu rdNstat Os In recvl pt (.f good EZIES WO. cow try March : ln ts at Phi ndelphlu and No s York fakes. --- T.q-; - rir:D - 7 - d, - ,iii - q - ,;w . E - 07,n'.Tiq; - a - ilre -- i. - ,rV - n - fin . : - of ge. WILCOX & GIBBS' g E lA' cl I ° l IV 11, hl re strand Ito Agent,'o( the NT 11; ox 11;1;1.11' ~.NN It t; ;tit , hlo... a bah. tirratv r.o.nt.ff FOPTII.4 t‘illjtv to do .1211..21; . afle; h ;oilyto lo operatom. 'lhr tt Pc ."; .i 11. 1 .10 to it oillglll Thr....111 k.n..l,ltst. Anti ..;;;;1;•- operiorlt, DV, all It, oh,. Tlueol ‘1;; rldnes lo lo.p t I.v 81222 pier a..d 1!..1.1. to get .. tvpai.. It 1 , 12.,21.;.i 1 mono , with It tons easter It rtth4 tooter 1 t Inn tha for 1...v.1;11;g ut 1 , ...; It rego:r..4 It l'ti op..tatt. L. It leg Inn ;;; barn tootoo It. It In • trtlt 11 , 1,1 ..rta to and p. 112;1;11. In Its oiler:lnm, 11, 111,111 e Ix lit al.ll lent ilittotO 1,,' , .Tpnrietql I.• to rd lo Its Warr hy oor. loveolottAls patented retolpro It 11,11 djitol se. that t 0.11,12... ;.Itlo n..r exp. ;..t. a, r; g01t....1 to ma ogiog It. It ~tio roto the Lh0...1.;11 g. - 101,1 y Ittl he t. ;Hod, 00p...rati... ~...11;./121,4 'lO 111.. te , ,j04t21...t.; It; .1,.. 1;111 1....a0t; et; ;h. tl tin A a it,. iht4. • p h. ndnal walk Ibis ri}rit I 11,r, 2 ....;112. 24 111411eo•,Ot," 111 12,er lin,. •111.11 '11... i .11 no ..v.;2: a 'I 1.. , ;0t;;.21, ....;;; rd lh, IS 00l tt Lt. It; .90 ..0101. 900 • 010 0,1 90.10 .0t 01) • tio.r. , • p d Ottt. 0 , 1 td It• t!. r 11 doer 11,,,ti1,11 ha, ht. 1 0,1 10910.••: I 10.0 / 1.1 101, II It r. It 11,. I I, Iron iho , wst ‘Vst ot x tli L. n h.s h t. te.,•L .r . It tie at 0 I ;:h.•• I Ili ti hrlt. 14,0 111.11/•• 3 Lttubt... h -11,1 , o, rut I I , sold of 1/ou1ot! r d tln C 1 , 1 ;no nuino.r .1 to wnrrhot l• 1 1 , 01 I c 1, •r tli 1. , 0 NV, c• ..f ter to n 01.011 .Idit.tlxerresr• -0.11. hl — rp ,10i,on x tit Oh 1 tod 0.0 9 0, 00. .c.rth 11., rt; • -.; I It.(Wlt 11.). 111 nJt« , nt p,.., utu lo es. 1,111..., .1.1 11 111., t I, I to hero clllll MEM ME ILVIIDWARE 1 - +} - :NL - H7 --- ti A - , EME a E \5 T 11 It; 11, s T EE "F tt h •le tt.aper tn riarhynre 11.011 tc gon , it• rf. ACi. , rlCas a Eug:lti‘ .'ut;ery I r,r, . 1 / 4 .l4rlptlott nI 'Ewa!, tolop r.,! 1.-r .11, Nte •11,111,1 ti 11., th tot+, te . L. , tatott I, 411,10.“1111011. - y 4el t.• ,).r satif‘lt.tiou L.-ciao '" rt qtr w • • w.llt 11.:1, 4 , t L'', II h.NIF: • • it-A, ,o. re.. 1/11 . 01 . 1 . 111.1 to a ten•III ady./Ibige .tn In price - and quiltn'y ton vt.+ • .-.11 I onot oils In t yva vArivty. AI?ESOLE AGEN7, 7 OTr. .7'IIE ?.'l' IN] El, I.ICONO .N.ll =I = 11 e ted (4.1,1 rompHt lit of pleasingoil • Aro of the Igivh,l fn voila!, 1 ,,, k f 11,10,01 Urdern by nmil receive prompt egterition. • good, drltvried bier, ror t." le . lrl, I. in.. rt 11 11...0 lb. nt. iii 111 1.1. , :ts • 1111,1,1, their bills 110. HE\ • MEDIIINAL MARQUABT%S. - CELEBRATED • LIND.IENT. FOR MAN Op BP.teT. Iti'm f7iihj ! , trim; rof , tri ailnirle d to Ilia C',lre: of 0?"/ PC!: frilin E.l"f , iiell)44// / , ‘PI • rl hornhr - certifc - thri - I - ILI CJ - 114 i11i1..; - , - 1,11.111101:t for r:itches ht1.,12.t , I n iii t n.. of no , .ith the greatest sore.n.s. Hint 'wool I rim , inoth , ll.l IL to I that urn In need 0r nnVI king 0 , the lctLJ. - C. Mh1.1.1M11..1i, • riondy yreabulor. • Stou.rosto•rn, Pa., Nor. 18, 1/dl4. • , Mr. A. Nlarquart:—U,ar/ Sir barr 11.4t11 11 1ji"1 ,,, 1,11111111.11 t oil my KM , . for a rail Ilolzar Uall. , clllnli 81. ilia ob.:1111.44 or 1110 . k111,1 I rvar Otl n.../ 11111 ~ I ,IIMGIBIII, au} It 100 , gi ll'.llltlrei 1•41[14 A" jot In 111411 cupoi. .Nould out do wit Ir.ut It' or 0. Nod v It Noo4 and eloolrlall, rot:moo. lit It to tlo 1,0110 . 1.11111 A lA, 1,1%, II .lartpootilo. PA_ Nov. 211. 14118 r. ' • • 1861 A Marttuart, Ex.i IJoS ' S 1 1 hud..a rei, rwvn .ttpluk 0 In my brek, no On! I CO111(1 sari', ly volikli I%till v.") , pi:11111.1 r 11,41) 1131 i 3 Olt LW tl your V 0104.4104 Lau was entlr,ty 00111.1.' not/1 art. tatty pidtil troth. .Lou milk , .11ty ovoid thlr yuu %%Mout Baton , ' Nov 2 0. 18 " . r. A ' : 1. hove ua,;ll Your Vilonble blitiAltrot. In ;my' farnlly I(.r coon, hot provoll toitistactAny. Ari'w.`e.ri"rn.ol - I e k j - thinit, 'Ol - An oxt - 6Vhiti 111.11 it,runniin wittl6itt n rivol. 1 - Awl,' vbet , l rvuumtcold 1 , 11,,t,t111). ' 1;') "(I`, 11,Y. a ow , trt . .„ i,• 4 I" ;),,p,%;. , , A ., ,on;- , , =ME ll.' r .c 210 'IRS, No. North arll,lr. BM ay MIEIMIMEIMM! l'arli':e, I'u .1 AC 13 I,oNo. =I . • MISCE44.4.IV.EOi:S : IS(.!OXO3IISTS I 0 Your ittloutit r.1.1101l to th - , fitti thot J11.711'1!:A Store you ton FOO tll,l krpt_i4 nny tdmilar r,tnl.llshnv:isi . ?ohm; in part of the following STOVES AN STOVES 'Axp ~•i`ATE! Wikrranted b. give gon , riil ratlnfn; .. . t SUNNY :RIMS FIRE lILACAIIIIATER .ORIENTAL rAlll.Olt RIATIy ! .. ORIENTAL r,Aition Frovr.,. LIVELY TIMES,IIADIATING Ilyn .itiNIA TA PARLOR IMATEI PARLOR LICAtT RASE MEM IIEAI:TF 1 i c, ()Nom} bn slarrMeAt 41 I= BARLI;S: SII 14', E, u;_coar NOV PA RIR. CO .111111 izA EIMEM ISA n, no AST Ilatt,r, with los n„.l, limn any ninny ~.TA in EMI I=l REVQI,fINO . I,I(4I . IT BASII irtvfm.vM - T - fici , ,BAsN BIN Eie, - no aviAg nta l ahrd a ,putaLi,.:l in thin 11 nap. STOVES, Wr deirnolm , ll to Loup the Barni , th e I, ding umfidrntt4nt ¶V you; = 1;t; - 1; , ;LI,;:on - laanti. - aittl•for r,tn MSS IBM= urarrc MJ ..~ \ L I',I Pp it ICP =ME ESE I=l 1.1()LLOW WXT F, Uf Good n.:o1.1 IVO o,,mr ‘rt , uvo. Oondlnntly on Laml.6 1, =MEM ECM kopt m n 111,""17:3 =I =EI Sl'OL TIN i, Done In nlint t notirn, roll r•I renqemalllP• tr.• tour slwo II Incur .in c. r .• _ ,N95..62, 64, 08, =I 1= A• 7 LA 7' OLE I) I( tt N p 111 • ,1,1 •ti .1 ••• lull giv, • 1111, Nil , 1.1,1 at 1 =I , ~ti Ale, t Not, • IIIJ) 1.1 . I ' l/i , :l I, Cuat u Ott t, .1. W. , ' 0, In , 111.1, 111 1,1 11, 01 1 1.4 tI 1110 : V 0: I/10 i nilss pa.. t. i 0 110 n :::: 0,1 r) Ler bat 111 c. 11.411.1..0na01 u/ ICI. 1 , 1 Iv .Ir. • . 1t . •.1 'rtyttcally tray. I 1,4.'10.. ta.u. n 4.4• ill lilt. i 1.111.1. . 1.11 ..111 ly 11011. IA 'oil 1111 er in a irk ilk oho, ! r .11 rae. 1 at". o[,. ,t. ar. Mo. ti !li. r11t•••• 1" e. a A pc •It.• :I•k4, hi, Schenck's Pub» on iv Syrr S u oe.l T. 9 v uA Mon , lrn , t. n. ”Ivor n Fl g Ito Mr, I tvi l'hes mni4Ailite./ 1,. put It 1,, I• 11,, I Jr. s ~,,oft • t.• .1 1 , -, t , 11 pa , liont 1.1 1.3 11, .i• ot. 4.lit' to. s al.. '11•1 mo , l the .tnly t c.l . =I =I / 1 4 11 : 4 I41: 4 1 7 : , roll ipe the l utialldt!or : .111kr , lk , 1,1 a 4111 141 4•, 4 '1 kork•knktlo - 1.141. , kr 11141 , k,,k0k Ikk , • %1 0 11 , str,to it 4,11 ~m 1 In 4. pall t k•ot . Iltogkk b "Ake t 11,11 do. lid:. 041.41'1 T Id • 1111..lAln,:r .•,111 W., •1111. II lb. 1 . 11:,ots Il ,41.11711'.1 11/11,0 g❑II.I t!.l. kity ,/ , .k Oa • PVIV 0 S. .11.1 4 W wei 01 . c1r..1 w.,.4. r q. i 1 31'. tek . 1.1 ,11.• Coo it. pl. C 3.14,, 01 t:o•••11101)'10.1.2, 0410.1 e,.. ‘1" . ".•I 1 : I . 4.11 .0t..11 0 0 1k 'I 1 11 . 111 11 . 11,000 V 11..1 • 1 ..1 ,1 .1 , 111 t . 11,otgi o t -y 111. at.,.1 it $. 11.1 =I t• .4. 4. 44 11 1441.. 0 , 11 • 14•4• ti) ;I - 11 1 ,V. 4• 1 II • t;iit tlt..«) I, —Ai of r • W. I,ttee •it• ,tit 4 tl (1.11 liiD., 41. s 11 tl,ll'll/. II r.I, relit r. Ili , .1% r .1 11 - Nl.olloi 110 to in p 1,0 N 1111418 I: II untioh.m , I .•••II ih Wi..1111. Oh. 1/, h.r ott, ;r. S, 11101 C 111.1:iii • 101.e,1 .h. 101145 Ito .4 11111. ' : 01 I, ,11:1 si..l tins 1110,11,a1 0 hut It i, svilh Ihh hlchha.ll.o.l t• log 11141 lt ...I! this b . . ih ll i only v,hh. •chouel,'s h ' thhe Io thh 1.1. • 111:Le110111: i .11. it I sPti .1 1, goo ~ 111e1.1 Ihglum In pd. h. " 100 t is Lr, 111. 11 gr.W,. lis, 11 .1 41.. f ISNy 1,11.1110e , 1 , 5 ...AWN. I Itere - 11 , 11 , r1Attg - 4 - 1,, , .... 1,,, Y -11 p ti aAI I)) npupt.lll. rta...ul T 1 HI& ale s.lllll II 111 n 1 hilat Ile .n rup 'hike 1.11,N1411.1 I, No I' o Illal qtl.frx ai , v. I 11'et.1.5 rle . 11.10 11 .1 lid 100 wit eiy 1111,1 001 poll 11 110,.,10 11,0 , 41t0 it 0. 011.141 ...lg. wily 1 g frill. 1.1.1 0 0411, ~04, 15.1.11. W. a.d lllj tot • 11, d lit til•nitll. 1i ploci tilt. ely ll,n , y 11911,1 I .1 111 • e I 141. e. lout I , r :.dl., 0110 p.p.( K • If 111,10,..11 le re eaxe. , Vol I to, ti. 11 0.4 ..11..1110t..0).. ally‘t..•.- •c... 1101.43 03 *1.41 If . 1 .)41gn . X ,11„.1 11..111 0,111/p e,I P.' ..1 11110 i eituly . 8.11,119); wit 1w ot .11.10 all I I It, p 1111,40111 Li, ' AIL Not - ..r..• 11 05 ,4 ov• II givet4 ad k l/111.. i% ILIA in .spirpot..y., U, . f./ . 1,11 htiur;hl uncti i; A I, ;1 ‘l./ t•rlqt...t trim 'l ,CIIP 11 ,-i,t,t;tl 1, 4 1 1' Ut.z& t10tt.,1 . 1/att liltolln a LIIIk. km .C.l , It.. J. II itt/itl NO lb .1/Jll .1 lap 11-J,CU.Is "" " - MY OUP- L4TCI3II. ;0:17T ITA:TT.Y.O7,T, .. • I r t t1:1: • • - Z„, Ml= lIE A l' aril SILL I,'l IMEIM M 331 ..nill , l• I 111