Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 12, 1869, Image 3
1 ..611t. liit',li:gle.. I. 'lliralli. ToYE . SIIIEII - 12, 1860 MIME Court, is in pesion Overcoats are in demand. - Furs - hay(' left their, stlimmOr Coal firefiliT comfortable. Vegetation is not. t h iviiig. hod carriei•s ovenpation is gone Buffalo lobes are in season. . Evening 4 are.. long enough. Lou., .e:ven for lovers • ,- - =MEI A eciirpnky has been formed in York proils. l'h orongh rce the wininfiteture of - steel i i capital stock is to be F,t500,- 000;' of l'll Al 1,3 y ,',. i it'd have 'id reatly been taken: ran - by steam engines, of the c: aeity of ;bat horse power. The works' tt expected to-he in operatiim ill 3,) days. Have n't we room for about one mfacturiog establiOiment in looie (lisle 'sou,, intele : sted in border claims eciuntA h hqd a nieutiug in the. C'hanibelidatip on at which they adopted the foi -1 solution : ' Ft Court MEI luwiug 1 , ' - 1, That 'this convention rei::oni o ilte t:ifize'its havi g s nu staiiiefl ring the mar, to, 'glare their. the hni,d, q•:their respeetive , icing them at th 6 annie tame aet nuu• them betore the Legis the illy t to of tail a hill for the of damages, awd whilst the s ire hatutmg ON''6l' their claims , onnsel t make such agh , ements .; as nnty be - deemed best. , kt.-nd ME EMI MEM SEM MEE ERZ — Mains to the ns to iolue not tt . fin ila r 'action. by I 41rt tea in't hit; county, be prudent 11. Noble, our young owns gone to St„yeter, Mmocsota, nto Luaincr.a. Ile Ica Coe inany . Carlisle, who. wish Lim much MEM UTE BEM FIZEIS ==l l'e animal nweting of the Idk,;(11111ty Toaclier . din Liter:HT Rrnll, Newvilte, I's, at One 0 . rlock, continue five days. Arlaressel The Cumbe will be MEM MI ivereil by - Alessre,. 1). -;11elly, .D. K. Nor ll, (;Co. slaybm,gh, mill be J. Ze Whisller. Essays reail by the ET clreas'on, L•"..T. Hall.„ M. L. Laura 11. Fleming, and .T,•nnie. °,11( d spellii)g inateli (owl hwnLed ME 'll hike place during 111 p c, do piizeshe awortlNl lli ineri- The tcaclicr pre , cloing the It ttittit , rt t t o Jou best s , wen Of ilepinanslilp. cs,Citted liy hilt f, will leech e a valuable prize. : The .nittee on Teachers' Pernoonnt Certi PS will lie elVdell 0111'111g the weel: f(6. I\ idd ;Ina Brel , ii, , t, l'aVol - wit to the teacher, or the county, are o ted to be- with to; the * entire weel lon. J. P. Wickenbion, Profs. Shoe . er, Hillman; Bruner, anil other 'iron !t educators will lecture during the, iontion. Every - effort , will be mad have Alfe:e'kereises both inter + tthd it tractive, and it is hoped .-.;, iy } N .A . .-Will be in attendance. t asc `Tort will be made-to nevi». ,i .. ., k f for, and reduce , Pennen 0i... '.". ~ I .: - tt end, ~".''' <. u't forget Prof. - ..... N.ict nte. in m's' Hall on next N .„c., ' Any eve- Nov, 17. - `i''',,i t, Met on Moiyiny morning. 11011. A"'11. Graham prebiding ; Ilon. Ilitgl t and lion. T. P,_l3lair, Assoeiatr eg, were also present. There was a considerable crowd of jytr'or:;, wit_ and apectntors present. The .47; a rat. ier tg ew cases of imp .rtanee are lure. The eivil list, however, is lin khs—fifty-eix cases have been d on the calendar for the stieond Monday naming Tree COIISUIDNI paring in the Grand Jury, appoint eonstableato serve for the court, ttending the other incidental latsi el: The jury trials began On Monday fi6rnoon and are still in progress. We ire below a list of all that ham,: bet's dis used of at the tine of going to pre,s : Of the five cases on the trial list foi' the Vst week, in the 61;11110n Pleas, the fol 'wing disposition has been nude Crawford, for use, VA. J. S. Sterrett— co. 10, April terra, 1802—debt;,---eon inned—l lender:3o ik - IJiwt for plaiutill. Yeakley.& Sailler'for deOulant: Crawford, for osc, vs. Woods.—No. 11, .pril term, 186Icn ~ erson cE flays for plapitiff.- Todd rol iefendant Cra w ford, for'mte, vs. 1,), Sterret 7, April term, 186 —tlebt—tiontiamed— :entierkon r hay's for plaintiff. IVertb. t.ty &.Sailler for ffilfemlant. .Spahr, vs. Park—No. 95, - Atigu4 term - by defendant—verdict forplain —Magi:mg - 111in Inc plaint lib Shearei defendant. I. L. Bnrldnilder, ninistrittors—\o. 92, August Writ!, i—rr,e=icrdiut lire dercuulauls— onsler,, Penrose & Miller for pinion ill, ‘rson lays for defend:lnk.. report of efimiUal ==== pit. we have: ant. early .1(0 s. - It would. be 0 tilelll 110 N.N' IC2 .. with us—we mean the veloolptalt‘s. r , three long weeks they havi been irling encrgetio and. talented young itlemen through "Itheeni's Ilan" daily I. nightly. Printers growl about the. isauce,gawyors ewes Chbout it, .reslau- . , t, Arian, ono iitory, lower. down, lose . duper, and 4tbreateu toJaerit o, but is of no eonsequeliee. 'lt Still con_ ,just the same. Now this is an in. ;title nuisance. It isheYond ic;teme. voV clirry on. any business in the halt interflnes%ith or tinders .tmeoin: . °_those who.giTe a,fair_etpttytitent use of the. lower apartments in the g. Viith the consihnt thundering -e velocipedes ovey their howls, it 1.1 , gfif i rely n estli i :oet a ir,lti g vsso i o i ,al l iarnv e t iei, l itaci It: t itineit:l l 0 1 :1 tvp a iloiaii t ci. eliyibc. i t :sil l a,,k ; I:o e in,ide‘.l i nvier ) oi t et • ilo i ,a,oil i ettl e tivlti,i i ictoe . l, s n i ttit.l7i c iali,ilie t l:t l ellAi i ll:3:l - ... . f t b toit ; - .heyond . encluritnce., - . And...then, bout any compensation. If the rould.only sinasli-the c natiehincs_or Ives up, so at to give lift the plea- Malting locals on them,' we might it with' more 'grabe: We hope ,kmay be the last of the perform- ME tlio advortisinent of L. T. Green, onr columns. It will be seen• has" received .new \stock of hiehlm is Offering at extremely Furs I 13oadtifulaotaof Fur for hix dollars. Bablu sots . for $26. 'l3uwyer a 00,H,,i , , Cn Fridity mornitil;last; Moses Brecht , of North Middleton tdwnship, about two miles from Carlisle,' was changing a. vicious bull from ono stall - to another, - Wlre - n — tlititaltttfruel r on gored, him fearfully'- in the 'abdomen, gelevated him upnn . his horns, and threw' hini some distance from - hint'. .lie was about making another charge on the prostrate man, his son, a small boy,'stte, ceeded in driving him away.. A neigh= hoc, who was passing. assistedthe. family to remove the wounded man to the house, when his wounds were dressed by a physician. 'He died on Saturday morn tug. 'Mr. 11. *as an honest, hard work ing man, and. was much respected by his. acquaintances. 'The beautiful - Indiau Bummer, which Was—rojoking the hearts Of everybody, suddenlyThrohe on Saturday afternoon,. and in its play, wc•intve had a fusil day's oC the most 1.0..-Stcrous and unpleasant character • imaginabb. , .•-/TIM Wind has )teen tallying all sorts of pranks with dust, sand, leaves, hats, shawls and tem. pers. Then it has been nnusnally frigid as well tempesttious. th:S is's:Unpin of what we arc to get in : the way of weather, during the v inter, the prospect is by no Means deligi,i ltd. The North Mounffiin was on llio oulasf. b'rbday afternoon, near W'aggoner's Gap, emttiuued to burn* until Saturday morning. The sight, viewed , from Car- , lisle,""W:ls a most beautiful one. We have'. riot learned the amount of damage done.. (WK /..VO-• 0:2 7 ' STREET. n,e, L:11410ts e:1 - 11,,•;!fil • Is it not'high time that the iatenlion of _council is tinned to the opening of Aouth atreet, to Um limits of the borough, east and west FOr the laal two years North street has received the special at tention commit. All good eiti;_cns - :in the south end of the town, who fav,!r im provement, have •freely sequieseed f and now rejoice in the impetus given to busi ness l v Ito iqaming of that avenue, through which ledness may flow in. But • he, not our turn come stud may not sontlu end pre- 0 . 111, s 10 a gOll - public. and 'Terre, through coun nil, tkc alteidion thitt rfits men so much 101 generally t•taisidered that while the not th end of the rown has ae seas to 1110 country, 4.ast and wost. through all its as enues. south end has no ;wenn. through which it cal» . each the eounirv, east and west. except the 'Wal nut Bottom read. It is a fact that nearly all the ltusinei , that finds its way froth those sections of the eon Mrs into the south cud of the town, mOl. the Paitroa . d, , r and malse the ~yrnit of thenorth end.. ..We have borne this patiently, belnwing that theso improve ments were Tieing made ;IS rapidly as the revonuee of the borough would warrant. But we now appeal to the good eltizetig of our town whether out turn should not entice neNt. Let us have`(oath sheet opened to the' borekth line, east arid Watt, and we have the as , ,urance.from smite of the best citi., acne of the adjoining - townahips that they will sectwd the movement by opel l jug up s ., out to the ,turnpike road, and cast to points that will snit their convenience. The friends 'of the new cemetery desire ;his improvement, We feel persuaded that north raid will not refuse to lend a helping }rind in seemin: for south. end_ the same atly'antagcs. in a I,lo:iness :point of A i CW, that solute end has so gtmet onsly assi,ted in accuring fur them. - I. there a bildlll'S Irian in the borough of Nalb.te that dues not know that bi g present sneeesF, and future prospect in,.--15 rgely llepend—upotr-fhe—etrr - country' And do We not owe to illoAvho have so largely contributed to , trie increased -business of our toNI:n, that the fett . ces he taken do- 0 that pre rent,., en:y :I.l:Ceti:;' 7 I )111' tO5lll can only it:I : - crease as the in mess increases, and the opening of, a ne <\ avenue, is work done that will pay a larger interest than any investment that can he made by our husi ne..,s community--so Speed the . imprtive mc ut s, . • OffilE BIM r= REM Novvinlwr 10, Ir-469. WI! were: the recipients, flu• othcr'daY, or a keg of lager beer from Mr. E. J. Krause, who. a short time ago, purchased the brewery on North street, formerly occupied by David Black, and ltas com menced the manufacture of altfaial beer. callCd togrths•r a munliCrof gentle men who Nlc knew oevasiUdally indulged glass or two, and ivho we supposed welt judges of the :uncle. After a fair and hop:oil:11 test, it was the unanimous conclusion of those the ar fele in (pest i.ll was - stiPerior to any they had tasted for a long Aline. It will be MO longer necessary for the saloon keepers to commit to narrisburg, Lancaster, and other places for a good quality of liter, when a better quality is inmie at home. lirause has had 'considerable ex perience iiiibe'iriumitheturt. I.l' hger. and has seiatred, by latent. a method of brevt Mg, eNehlsiyidy - Xfv. Tciluise-v,inzfking,u proveincut 5; if, t'ho brewery, enlargiog.tbe . vaults, \TIMM, w m lum c'opleted, make it. 0111; Of the best building's for the purpose for whip]) it iti used, in this part ~f thr Sate. • At a 1111 . 0 ing'or the pw,turs of do rc BPeutiVe I;lm:relies in Carlisle,. hold Mon day, :November 8, 1609, tho following pre amble awl res'olat hale were unanimously adopted : • ' WHEREAS, The Presid r ent of th United States, and the Govbilior of ,iisniiaylva llia'.llave, by proclamations, designated Tlulrday, Norember- IS, as a: day of sbflnlsgiviu ' and prtiS , ev to ,Viinighty God 'for' the' :161111(1mq- blessings vouch safed unto us during the past year, both as a Dation apd ,commonaTalth ; there 'fore be it Ile' ri7rri Ylvii most eoriliallyThirt 0 "beiioers" or this oonomoky, irrespec tive of name, to Unite with holding a Union Thankiigivitig eiWviec is the En- Lutheran uhnrdli, on the day men tinned above, commencing at 11 o'cloelc;. a. in. RPso/vad: 'That Dai , crend IL L. Dash jell, Pi:esident of Dickinson College, lie requested to (Miller a, , sermon at that ,time, appropriate to' the occasion. Rey- Crend Dr. Swartz alternate. Rend this ! Fccneli merinoi all colors, 75 cents poc , . yard ; all wool clolaines 330 and 84 cents ; all wool cashiCce, plaid° fold, .35 a,itcl 40 cents; fancy silks, all shades, for $1.50 to $1.75. Worth' $2.00 to $2.50, at' W. d. Bawler & Co's. . Call at Desh's cigar store,; and see the, large cigar ho.hna ..madolor7the ;Union Fire Company ; and while you are there you may a's well invest ten cents in Amines, "only five cents-e obaneet" Thn 'cigar is thirty-two inches long, and should last an ordivarY smoker: about three ',reeks: , •• • Forth Elul I=l • Cri.ts ,'Coats IJ.,3cpp? ;Mack' plotli coictsTOr ' rif*"..b.. I §lo7or & Co's. 13==;1=1 crer.Y.lyhere hear of the cry of times, but judging from• the nurriber persons Ana' rick:tees:that idsue ,front; .ogilby's, there appears to be special at. traction there. We also observe that:. every day brings something new in the way of seasonable goods, and as Ogilby receives doodik• by every train, there the place to buy, particularly Wheii Were' is as heavy decline in prices as we notko 'by the Eastern impel% prevails . at time, ens= Shawls! Shawls t Double' all wool shawls for three dollars. Shigle shawls for two dollars, at W. % 1 / 4 Sawyer 4* 00'F, Chir young friend, Mr. Charles n. Hal bert, has recently opened,. on Loather street, a short distance. below the corner 'of Hanover, a first class marble yard. Ho has procured the services of the most expert and experienced 'workmen, and deternAined - to ma,nufacaire:the veryl.cst :hind of work, at reasonable - pri. es. Beiiig centrally located;_ and havim ou hand always n full supply Of all.kinfis of. stone, we 'would urge those of our reallers in want of anything in his line to give him a call. Tlwy, will never regret it. . . An item for the ladies ! *along the enterprising merchants -in oth thriving sister 'town bf MelllflUietibillg, there are none more untiring 111 their efforts to supply: the Wallts of their customers, than the popular milliner ; Tlfra. A. 11. - Mather, whose last 6 and skill in lier.fiiiiti nei,s are unsurpassed„Und whose est ab lislimentis one of - Ore ; most coinplete or its kind in the valley. She has just re turned from the city N ith a liii : p, , e stock 'of, Fall and - Winter ii 111inery, and mis ceJlaneous goods, whi ' Cli embrace a va riety of beautiful 'novelties. Our ladj friends in that section should not fail 0 , give her, call. ' 2t. The In ice of coal and how to e'eonomize: 'flit committee appointed 1,3 , the Amer n Institute to evarnine into the merits of the various coal burning stoves, "have reported that,:alter Inahlag L., : cung,ll esgtpivafion or_the and, tenting them thin,yaghly, hotly:., .efer.; cove to eeoiminy and heating pouter, they have found itt , ..Imeriran Ihtse Burner' {,ntanufaelmed:An _this to Ito the cum - unix:lL atahtlicanuat powerful Twitter- --, , une of the tus:s : L imning that this eoucurue4 .full due-half lets dian the other,;, and in every case gait mort. Is it Ng better to get the Lore named Move awl avoid the great naetc eonl?—A Ihnny Knirkj erborke,... Thcsu ,love-+ are foi` .. 1 ' I, T IV.llliam Fridley, 1 , ,f0 I nthvr> .trlisle, Pa. 3LJ RII: f) FA LLEICLHiT.Ef,— , III -1. tam th ; rd iii tho`lb , b 1 t tit tt•tobi, by tho Her E.. 1.1.1, n•r. tout Faller c,' riths Mollto biwy, of Ilit.wrsb•wo. VA.S.—fto tho st., u I inotiont, cbuiticol urg, by 'v, on Ault, , tr vi lt:attl,, to Mhot 31..ry .1, Brydn - I of It vi ChorchtoAn. ~ .N01.1. : =.-, l lt I 8-O f!,ortli b O f oroo W. Engle, h. M s4.A. C. it,. ntono Yank rowdy. .11IW It a Iln . .16tb ,11VIN, b. tb- 1 Mr. lif`Ch I. at.. Lattibtrt, ball :11111. itailipthrt loot c YUUN AMf.. , ' Y.—Oh .11d sivro day sdni . Jioues Vtioing. to Linh.:;hhh,y, lint h or 1-rdli*lthty. Pl. ilt H . AS' 1,1 bath. 1 ,1 Ifin. kid , 11.7,1,1,h CAMP - AM.-111T' 1 - 31..-. ,, t) the bibth ics all:, by •awe, ot d lm , rf artist , to Miss MaMIriMIMIM DIED AU Sunday loannina. the ))0) and) in In., in South Middleton tiavnaldi•, .11a..haia 1111 .y aged 19 e I e•ln rro 111 large eau 11 aurora p r S 1 01,13 y, the. x orSUUU ' ii 1.11,111 tow 11, VI isHaul r 0 IN .11 II 1r V, Iho In•tant I u , . 11115:r et, bet , “ . enCl - eelnur und - Soeth A. 11, 1 ,11 mit 11. , rl ISl , lllg r. , or at the Corli ago. t 01, aaa 5 .tottlay ot each . . , 1.1 og ixU 3.101 I +nl ra gene .nly. Pria•• • et p . L t le, or 1.. We I I . sl II x null Itln i ,.: p r Io ,or :lb or f"./ • AR.L is LE p tRVUUCi.Iei, I.te Itat (I to ael o toe.ticihe . o t ;6 , tli . ttl•r • Atr, oilerattlt thone el„ Idly to or II I/10///t I=l ' Y .telly Elmo' 11 en 1 , ' ' '' • • 3(113,0er 4o . '`.. ••. .... ..... ~ ~,, 4 4 • 1 • . • ai. II Y V - - I Pt ) IPt JP1:1.,A13. GOODS I - WHEAT.. 1 0 • ~ • - Mir: do • - POPUL.D. GOODS! cottN -0i oo . • s.tTe, (n0w).... ... ; ... r,o old ~. a.i: Al the ..,••At Dry lloods and Carpet ' 1:111purillin PIM (11,01 . [MS EPA) .. 0 ' .. ,i 1 ..roes the eitire the lergest ((Wel: of r ' rim, , TitysEED .A X DIY GOODS r"lt RD 11.A.ItI,EN 00 0.• 1 ''.• ..ver brooght IMO the Valley.. We Itele Sill., 'Wert e ..,, Popline, Of wool and hill:. ((II wool plant end .C.CIIIOII 1 0 . 31941i:cc 111 a 114 el r•n.,..1 Delalte.l, AlpAr.tre ep.l in ell ehwle, ' , Am.'', 1)0 . 51 ES'P I CS, Corliele, Septentln.r, 29, I'o9. Core (fed Ireekin /4. William . Washni , :Uri' bts 3:, it.teuts n11,1131,1g.r.t., (;NUS, 23 11ACON :1 pr o !, 1, %Ill', . }Si WHITE 111:AS1 , d l'Al.l,lSl', 5,1'.1 It ED lg.:A(:llE,', nr`A I', S' l EN EARED TEA( ti 1... , ItElt.A'W A X.3A11(111 ED AI'I•I,V , S, ii 1.100 . 4 11 Ave 181,RMIS I'HE, ONLY RELIABLE CURE FOB DYSPUPSIA KNOWN IN THE WHOLE 'WORLD it'ttilt...n . r . s Great .0 a ric in Itisprimla INIIn al 'int. MA, Tar Cordial iron pd,tit and intidllld: •ort• tlys.rpnia In hx [float rorni, to and tp.t. of !pm , long Thy ponett,tt. 1110 00.101 0 altmln - nf tltl t•• 11.ewte,11.134..xteradonte r .ot :ma brat,: • Tl.l alto, late ntdro .0 roe .I'ol,lll 11.01) ditt.ttintan tell. .I'lleyaro noted for curing. 111 most de,tiler.d.• I top,loa cases, wlte. Ivory known inn disltirtd nrd tidier. • No form of Dymproin or I odire.rilip cal test their port,trating power Dr,...WlunAnT's Phu{ Tree Tar Cordial, ii in It Old takciplo of tito'llt.e Tree, "Man% d it n cuiinr pruzess to the rihtfllatio'n of the ter, fq . ,r111.1• ito highest males{ propart lea are total attl. It tor; ; onion lite dlirentive 01 . 010 , .11111.1 . 08,01'0i i 0 011, ell t 01r001:1)10n5 the (101,1M:ital systont. It rorlfe and eariehrs ther Mood, nod exl tart front th in, s the . eor flirt ion which tit:rant ineett3 Olt lit, I utitip It dteBOlves the nitielis be phlegm Hplah thrps the ail patragt:{l • f tits lungs, . Tie haat.% tirinefpl • ;tete' upon'tlivirtltaterl'nurfaOr of the lottg4 and throat penetratin to colic dloen.ed ; art, relieving, Pain . { {{ l 'subduing , .{ ullantation, It' to the' resu t of . yrnrs of .otinlynnd experiment, anti It {suffered to ihe ofll.etod with intuitive Assurance of Its rowor to cora the fol lowing din - oases, If tho natant has cot 010 long do °yeti It retort to ,the moans or core: • Cuosumptiraf ct the tenn.ts, Cough, Porn Thrust cud Breast, Brun. ellitifyLirer illicit um{ rothunt, Whooping Cough, Diptherlit, tee. A hp dical honornble c4lregirt. Plplemaa-llovoTA- Ids calico !lam to the eXamiery lo • of patients nt the °Mee purlors Asseelati..l him a e three con•ultlug plrpielans of a..1in0...1ed oil ....linen , 0, whotle servicee are given t•, the public fro.. of ch .rgt. This em - ITN:Illy by no other Institution Lt the.i.ountry, . Lottins from purl of the couT , try,"as' log ad vice, wal,b.n , olnotly and gra , utionsl ot,d,:eto IVl‘vr• roman eat, remi taners'Aoald Lace MO O .P O of Drafts or P..5t,,.0111t0 000.000. Price 01 if t's American Dyspepelt Pl , ls, 8,11. e Imi. • 8 nL by mall on receipt of price. -1 1 , rlso of 11 hharl's Pine Tree Lt. 0,0110,11,50 bottle, or 811 per dezon: rent by OL press. - " • •N - 4 -- " All conimnnicailons should be addressed L. QO. 3VIBII ILT, 31 • - • o. 23, 31.. rte Second street, • 3.20 et ton • ' Vultadel pUBLIU SAL 4 OF REAL EE,3:221,L- In pursunneo of orders Issued out of the Orphans' ltrt of the counties of Clmti er and nail Poiry will sell ni puhlh solo, nt-tho•-t ourt flouts, In tho bor.ugh of Owlish?, Or Thurailay„lrovengv 30, 1800, the to lowlim described (col eutato 1. A tract Qf Mountain Land, ()United in Moral Mt (ikon township, at IVatigonor's 040.. on North • ountmo, and Founded by t aunty lino lends of O. P. liumrieli, and others, containing about TWELVE it RCS. • 2, A tract of Mountain Lend, adjoining tho sbots, equated iu Carroll township, Parrry ou.ay, anCleon. ta•nins 150 AOC, B AND 02' PEROILES., , • All of Om above and 01 I . ;_ ovore • with good lin' GO Vann —Ten par'. 014. on day of mie, 12 per cent, all confirmation of Oslo, and t h e le•lam • Aptill,lB7o. • T. - Me 5, 001111 • • ' no : 12 • ' Adm'r of Robert MOM, tiro fl. • r •'IVO 77 OP. ill 11 Mertits",i' VA4 448 iM47. ,, ATV ,111 itegitoq-wrktb Abe, utrtlAct Ry0re...' , 14, 1 1. D., and Prof°lsar or Diatuserctr the. Bye iaticrAtr Ots • IYManta' ils yeora r arperince, Storrnay.lyArj.eyiea ? !kol!an9 No. 1114:1a1;;;!Taa(!o?:qaiaii , ' my? ae hfa rludjeatittculpy aro )orl;Ard `rbOkba;)3etiloriiairli ,s +a:; traltili3oisorkairri4la lActitiel4l te .. .4gorted•mtllbutitsJE7 , .:b;61 , ;.t r 0r,c ,,,, mir!.4.k00r1 t ; BAILING, WIRN %HON , fori•Store:, yon ,if . eil4444SYSra !drilys for hilp.vp and 1,904344 rd%, lirrisi MO,/ ruti islro cloth aleves,'YettilOrriZeereaur for Mali erns; sand he., Heavy Crimped Cloth ior spark nrrester• Lioise:to, Wire for Windows Rc, Paper iMakiirr,' Oratories - J . (4lf Wire'''Worka.•''Nvoty Mon by addressing thoinnnatn turors, M,WALTS Ell SOPin' No It North Cloth airret Philadelphia. • •linila• lily. • ' . ERROILS OP 17% UTII r tvhwlonfferia fbr'yeArer high iCerycm,' DAdlity, Prempttiro• Decay, MO mil the 'effects of adscretlon, 1011 foillii3::Mie'rif , l4lYerfog altittefty: d ire° to nil who neon it. the re..elin ,or 1110 81111plo 1 ellletly by W1 . 111:11 11.3 onto un r ,mie trbarb,g no pr; 131 by ' uhe edra vr'tl .oxperienco 4 Can JO „.1 dil a,teiug, tn. 1).21.1i•er JOHN U, OtiDLIN, No, 4GCrdur St, New York • nlld e, N 111) 7 .6 I ly I xnall :11110 :too for the Inet lob 'years With tit ,, libeugnallqin nod ibout. • lour Miters mu] feentomotArd 'to too, 1 11900 amid It, non'l not glad' it Inns ollonled - a perfect. coot, Ill'h very nbnr'ertako,, Thoroturo I Cr. commend-it to all perk , . t'alllFted xlth 111 , e same ntlsonsen — f - considerit - tlia - b4t'OuYn - In* uno-tardtry lhereto [lna banal, body ),A nutneetod to. ,DeY W./ • 0 WILLIAM 13LAilk & SON, Ituve Just rig., n.."'oxion•ivi• supply CI 'Law' Go) 8, .11 (Iglu*, best Minced Meat; I iniinerrice racker duet. Yea 'Stor Cured llama, Please cal nod lenru price fur :a4 and Coal Oil before' buying eleen ti. to. will eO 4 beat gab, che;Fp and nrn tletrrmitled to give loalefnetkii. TO CONSUMPTIVES The Advertloor, having been ro4turett to heM In a few w• etc., by a vory nin3plo remedy, after boo eniTortot cavern] yearn WWI a eluvm 0 lu og otro, tio , m ud that d. eaf4 dl•uns••, I '01.1.11111,11011 is ' ito • tone to mat, known to hie fellow. anflarere the Illeftr. To 11 Who desire it, ltd will men.] e copy of the pr neriution us. d (fr e of 'imr,ie), with tito direction for preparing and using 'the i.atne which thei Will Unit n SURE CURE TOR CON -UM ITION TWIN. BRONCHITIS. etc, 'The oi , jeot of the advertiser In • sending the Preavription iv to I , eneti t the afflicted and spread info manna wiltda loss crltCoiVefi . to be In ; arid he bot.iie every atifferer will try his remedy. an It „wlilvoiit them MALlffllana.Mity.poive. .11 bli.;sitin. , . Forbes," wishing the prescripiloh elll pleiL;o nd WM - rtEv EDWARD A. WILSON, Willtalueburg, Rino Couuty New Yolk May 7 69 ly. • ISCY CHEAP FOIL CASH —Three . r,or cent de duction on nil coal nth:llll4,n and over. delivered in town for the crash. ISo nlrowanvo whon a rba rite It Gin Gmar GJ it oirt t s tn. plr asui-o to itortlfy that itr..onet - t - es Bill Mt CMIDIAL In my onto nu Is purely Togetottlo its ttot.tlto PArtlllerlt ton let l slug baymles4 In Its eltoroOtor,antl not belug strillrolsol Ir 11111W:int. ILK :TOO. It:. 14 C"YLE BROTHERS- Ilmo just opened a larze stock of Woolens such as , 11 n't and Oh 4 WEIL Ladies and Gouts VE IRO Berlhi and Cloth GLOVES. Also a tot of •IVIT II En twin the foolery at their - priers, whole sale only. No 11. soutb Hanover Srreet, Cu iiele, Peon'n REND OF THIS 701pERITI; , II fereares Bre glron 01 llio Wonderful rue- Ilifil. piiirro Illed„by I 1 . . Culp , ell's grent 31aIic Pali. In atr•kpir : - — S,.m. BlISTlllll,ll4wu li t kr limner knil yollnlky. 1140. ' ' Pr rtiliiill lk :—Vcair ',nag.: Pohl esl.rot er shonril be mallet: , OW to the public ',li - re liilplit lis home likoze stiff rpm: thii • ra, aii illx ante mas he fi ds Iris . ik Ird WI II tiltlll klir, p•als, 11k rli ail, neck urns. logs b:. :i oil VP s, isbil (Inge a stars kir . w ... efOok,l W ill rrentoutisk.• I dik he. it, I 111.1 . N1,11t PM ,II or sight ! it k:-.lil iliills.o,k fkkr li r oil roc lv .1 tin I , slliiilirrill , Cl) 111 , 1:;,. penult, lit lc To4a knit -.1,--Caltililitn . llii-thiit,,,si,k4....r, lill I s t,. run: • , liil.,wlnit grant core:. they slip olikil i dkirk kit re .are -- Illrl — kiiighl "111 Cottle. 1k • Int, trr taa •f I.tot t$ c; $ Imo Ito tagthtol Dr, • 11, halro Alagie 111. AV n lie to get to hot Iti t not (MI t• gat 'ln - t - e•r - Lial In 1$ the 11.1 V f her mach 1$ ;3--$ 1110 I• tl Wird two more t$ c Ili, aw her clot he, a ay. Tlik holy a ng• x n uvet 'id li nfii .\\l It \V I=l e rlt have r , pc•ate, de unol Dr.ll.lel rrmmc n for ileamy put 6.. ate ilth ell v r . .Y Hi') for • 0 12, time gal' the lien Ito o, in 1111uslins, Ginghatos, Prints, • Flannels, • Cotton and. Linen Table Diapers, Towels and Toweling, Table Corers, Sacks,. Cloakingllannels, Quilts, Balmoral and goop Skirts, Stocking Yarns, Water Proof Cloths, Ribbons, Laces, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, 1. :Largo aSsortinetit - of ;FUlta; 'rely cheap andsgood. • =ill =I Whitlow Mindy, trimmings, In ondlos Vitt luty, Mop ing thiodx, Itimturky .1111110 C:41A111011.11, 01111 0 lot itome mode (110,13 Ner y .rltount of other yak 'rod niter ut lower pokedllion bainu iwn 1m bought Ftuy'wheru iu lil I. county. ".. sumo for the dollies thmt ytM coo but. 01 why !tet• pincr. Ufee tie n. rmll, buy from 10, wild earn ‘'ney • wheu you eau. More , uvw goods thou arty two , troe in Cunibt•rhol county, BENTZ CO. • (.9 . . uIzIAGES r• 4 0 Laird. at likotory, E 6outh a 9.1 sire,w, lARRIAGEp, 13UGGIW:!,. ' ' 'SPRING WAGONS, S 7; - C - 0 N1) - 11 A N,l)''.W K, and 'aver) Ching ul hln lina;• nn •Linnd pl MAN to 0 dnr. liv In 01401'10 t op tnr I,tot atoli tip npri,out In thin i!onloiyir t counol . . NIA . IIIIg but I. tolrybefil ,atack goenrldtp .11,‘,.,;t him Inenuro•torn, pileiminng Ithd pah‘tibl promptly' alien hot to. notr2ol In .c4PECIAI, NOTICE. illpeltemod tnn Mock; good will nod ftxtur.A of ti a paid lur (uif. lord y I .1: 11 Ithoos, lan 0 0 00 eolo Ili 111 , 110 1,1111 I wl.l La abler at utl to 111.11.1 IL t•CNI ,11.n0; i VIII of •. 'II*.C,VSDIES,- - JOIE IVI i:A CA rillt ArdidllCAN TOYS, .111) stoat b. fig manntluterlid tailor. will .swveyi b.• med., of, the le.y beet !two lel end by ex p: done d workmen. I will be able, from my alto., Lee stool. to Offer Great Inducements to the-Trade NEW GOODS will be ceienlintly added to my Stook, All ivieblAg FRP SII.'"CONFEO TOWS 4hould not fall to call' Itotvl nit perfected airanga molds with the Ile torn market/I,l.unit he able to aup, ly 0. cry haver of good coorectlona, rely boat quality. • . CANDIES MAN UFAVIT REP for the trade at rnry low rates Motet!, call and -ax - nada° stly stock and I,lcre.l. WILSON 'lll/111{HOLDNIT., Sticatte-or to J. II Itheetn, , 115, Wert Blain litrer, Carltelo..Peno'n. 14Re 70 „TM:itIOY:4 I , : IQ, FAIt)tERS 1 444.0 TREE PL TER EL i,. ITE CHANBERSPIJRG :1,3'1,715E1p' for 41 "i Aaeoclatlos),) ilra(rorrn-• ) 3" kr `o„,til, IV choye n. ,I <i hilS4rVor aisnortment ' Apple, • Poach,. ' Peary ' , and otlior trees, with all / tie nerPor good kinds of Over one hundred, V,arietien of Bosem; . , . . . .Anditu cordless riesortnient of ererythiag that 'te de .alpttlilt, to piOCh n'tirat pines, orchard or garden. ' _. Our yrriCes'are low and our treen are RS good as the beet. Orders by mail will recoice our heat attention, nnd eginfactlon guarantied. in all our deatinge, For Catrilogukruhl other i ofornutt bin ruldreet. the '' • . •- - : 7 .;,,,, : . .. ' ' A UPERiNTENDENT, ' Oliamlicreburg Nuratry esoclation, CW0;11E1181=0, PA We want:4'ooh; rellabl6 Mall 10 eTery torn to net 10. Wilt for the:Woof our trees and plants. - - V ; • • • 1 . Chestnut, gtree.te, , I ~. BAILEY CO., STOCI vrArcitiv+i . , Bli)/5A.L GIFTS, o . , A specialty Defiler tt Co. Ittcre tIo hautleumeet stom to the MM! world, and will at all tittles be plemed to reoeiv en) allow Yieitor, through their e,tablishntent Chestnut and Twelfth street, MEM LETTERS of Administration de bonis 000 on the °elate of Frederick. Vatigier. Lite of iiAt Ponnelioronigh townehip, flecet,e4l, having been IP auttil to the undernignekl, I raiding in peril township. Ail anict.estute if notified to took payment, and tint, tinning vininte 0001 11 it to present them tor 11..111C/01.111.. JOHN ItJt on. A , llll{lliftirail.l% to REilucrios PRICE., OP 6I 1 ril t.necael nt ten] NEW GOODS within the nte,et MEM L. T. GIitENFIPI.D' Bch Calicoes reduced to 12,! t - cents. Good Milslins, 1 yard'wide, 123 , BestyaUlte Unbleached \inslins 10} Popular brand, Sent per Ideal 20 Wainsutta, 23 colitis by the piece (111)31T Allt,AlNs too TY . I F 8 111. tNJCET SILaWLS jull ro,elreil, and will bp s dat extrriartilinary I w NIENS HEAVY lIALE 110371, I'4l . <•nln LADIES 11FAVA: LIIT ERINO ROSE 1 . 21 amts DRESS GOODS, BLACK ANI, FANCY INtlt!,, rurscn Ninittwos IN' ILL c0L0n...., EIiPRE3'3 (movie, all .hodea PLAIN ♦LL. WOOL POPLINS, 11.F.11.13, RrltiT6 511 Ifoo4 roriaNs, iakei wct, !ILL xrun woo. linen 71,110,,0t the brightest dalorr, ' MEE= WOOL 1.1.1010, dOlll , l wld ik, .11.Poc tn, 11, A twill itnortlocilt of Nen AT./ 35, U. 1 . 5 ko t It pyre of . • , One Imild:vd httet ellMev. Pints of every denctlytion Liosv encl.), for inor,ootloh, Nona the towoit prim to there floret rs.hte, M 7 prices on the ohono 011 l 410r7 on ittios, as thoy : nro purohnooll Aireel reoW I MIZE A ruid, BF,'T POIt $0,50 ANT) $7 CLOTH?,• C.OAIMEIitS,, AND CM4SIZir,TTA. Tri wo claim Oyu our.stock will compare ratouthlylrith Any :derehrint Stilt; mndo to Arai ola” rt.rkmrn ITAIMAINS IN-‘VpITI: AND RED A I+Wi.l. AS3OItT:IIr..NT Or • ; MOURNING GOODS Alroje up band. lltp‘niikl orfliffa promptly' rtutl untie factotily 1111,11, NOTIONS vitas, 011,. CLOTIIS, ll'oolon tiorae of ovory donerlptioly( hi rnet.e:946l.ltint found IIT a nrat elm Dc) itad all will El= L. - T. IGREENFItLD, =MEI 11513 CARLISLE 'DEPOSIT 13ANIC. November 9,.1860, • The Itonfd of Directors has, this day loolaiotl diohnot ofEIV eE T for tho lAA uswth., on tho• /,aptol . stock, foes of all taxes, payabloon douland. 6no3t ' P. HASSLER. Cashier. FARMERS' BANG:. . • , .., • ... •. • . Noviiinbor .1, voso, -The Dimiors ltoro •thin dardoolored a dividend - of 'll.lll. -X ANY CI% X ITALY PER. ON l' on WI) Cori. Inl..froo or ta.tes,'hnd poyable.on demand Ono'.lt • : 1. 0, DOPER% Colder. 'Oittpo.Yin"es ; ll= Jewelers, GRAND ORDNING MEM I= CHRISTMAS TRIAMI NON ELTIFiI JFATI RT .IrAnr, -ACT 00011, xa BAILEY & CO., I= PRI TADNI,rIIIA =I DRY GOODS_ BLANKETS, SILK ♦ND ITOOI..POPLINA, rA l.t)Tont. P1..1.11 , 3 . ! , I.lsls.jli‘t iTencc,l PLTIV3 ! • PUTTS!! winvs 9oons; No. 4, East Main Street, teman cr~C~II~DB. N. A. ATWOOD. .11,AAC W. 11ANCIC ATWOOD, ItANCIr .ft' MEItOiIANTfI, Vi'llolesaliidna, on in all kln.o of PICKLED AND, SAiir PPM, , N0c . .',310 - ,l s Toftli ??, • Above 'taco street, • .rim.9sELrra.k. —• D ic-GhonGE - SEARIGHT, ' • . BBNTISB, • drum thd Baltimore College of Dental Burgers. Office residence of bin motber„Eant Loather. mitred, throe doom below Bedford. •• DR:.J-6,-BENDER, - nommwATim ' .thtlee In tho room formerly occupied by Col. John I Lee. . E . L. SURYOCK, • • .3•USTIOE OF THE 'PEACE.... ' Mee, N 0.3 Irvine's Bow. 10sed9 , . . 10 - E. BELTZiIbOVER, -- --I • ii... • - ATTOBNEY AT LAW. Office In Routlr linnover street, oppolto Dente. dry gm s atm, 10309 , , .. • : G . . INTEiDICH, D. D. 8., I),ENTIST. Lntu Dernonntratur of Operative Dentistry of the }W arner° College of Dental Surgery.. (ace at hie resi dence, opposite 31rtrion Roll, Went 3lnln etr'eet, Pa. 10.165 B. F. 1101. L. 00000 T T. WortE, JOOS .1/4.-rPrtani. 1.1.141111AGF, ACTOLV,-IVIIITEMAN & CO., JLJL. • W fIOhLS Lt DEALERS IN _ _ _ MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, N. E.. Cor.. Third and Market streets,- PIIILADELPHIA. "CV.-11113CRICIT: W3l-.•13.-:PARRER.- ' UMRI C & 'PARKER, SAL' • ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Othoo on Mein enreet, in Marlon Jinn, Cnrliale. 105e69 _To.IIN COgNMAN, e.". • ATTORNJGY AT LAW: Ofilco In boil attached to the Franklin Hotel, op". Nolte tho Court Homo. 103030 . • JOSEPH RITNER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. AND SURVEYOR, Mechanicsburg, Ra. °Moo on Railroad street, two doors north of trio Business promptly attended to, j -It . MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, No.lB South !Lamer otteet,opponite Coyle'la 810r0. .. 109089 MC. HERMAN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Curliolo, P. No. D Rhoem'a lioll." SHAMBARGEB, P• .115 EOF TUE PEACE, Westpen slue& township. Cumberland County. Purloin., All business, entrustetl to him will recelte prompt attention. Y9o. tin ROBERT-, .01V ElsT, SLATE It 'OPER, AND 151:1A LED IN ' , LAT 1 , , • 7,ANCASTEIt, PA. II work Ruarantne , l, And wil' ecolve prompt at tentiob. Ortle,rei left at thu •. Herald Oahe," will re colve prorupt attention. Oct V. SIIIRE: & TIRO CONI,NIVtSION MERCII ANTS And yeholrenle dealers in Country Produce. Con. eigninents rexpertfully eolielted. Best reference Riven - No. 1635. Market street, 1 o s-7,9 ft PrfILADELPITIA PAN % I RW9 aS t ;I)TE AN - Corner North and Pitt etreets, SnaCARLIST.P., • a. . ' WEAKLET. . W. X. SAPLER. - IV - EARLEY AT SADLER, s - ATTORNEYS AT LAW Ihnnver strett, next the Good Will 11.13 Ronne . • lOnetiO NVILLIAIsi KENNEDY, „ATTORNEY AT LAW. 011 RT Volunteur Inuitling, Cm:IIAR, • ' `• TAT V v • . VT'IT/RN EN AT LAW. Olin, in n•rthnnot vortie•TliT tho Oviirtoil Dn. 10•019 WES. B. JHRONS, ATTORNEY ASV COVNSELOR t.nw, Fifth street below Chestnut, Cur. Library, THE "BEE HIVE" MOM DEY GOODS STORE, j. a. rnocrim .t co. IMEMI CHESTNUT STREET NEW. GOODS Conntantly receiving, I= lu Plelp ligurne, • • wiTitorT pnvuTpx I= MEM CIIEAP TQ.YS and FANCY GOODS 4) 1.1. N DOLL S: - , SON, • .v`'• A'°. 008 Marlett stroot, 1 _ • ~., . .. , PIIILADELI.I.IIA 1 hlport or -I TOYS A\l) FANCY GOODS. Tb, laigcnt stock rind lowest prices In the, oily. Just rei.eivid, a lino assortment or TOYS of all kinds. Pipes, Canes, Ilarnionlcris, Marbles, Valley boxes, 1 .. 311 las. Way°, &c. • 'tz—Pieria Call and <alumna' our - 15t.035u CARLISLE DEPOSIT BANK . • Ntobor 19, 1889. The annthril election for nlnaTirbcteraNf .the Thank will be hold at' thd banking loqfhe on TUT third Mon day, fifteenth of November nail, bah, nen the hours of 10 and 6 p. m. J. ' .12ocl Citthler. • OIIN. D.O 11 N • EaCi A NT .;- 2 1' A 1 LO . rtulldlug. nem'Attoolu!‘ Carlimle in' Just rrturnm,t from aim Emei•rm Cti Ua wicb Vu l!sta*.mt mud inunt OOMPLETE ASSOItTiVERNT Or FALL IND WINTER GOODS,: Clothe, . Casa!lngres, •' , Vo!tinge, Genti' Gooch.. lITOr broutht to Corliolo. • • ILO 'clutho comprkoi . . - 741aLtsu; • • , ° ° And ADIRIMAN NIANUPL&ZUItaItt or•tho &teat texture owl (41' all Addeo. Mr. Do'reer bring blmeelfx prootirol cutter Of lOog experieuarlo prOpared to wittreut perfect, fits, /Mt 'prompt - Cilium^ or order,: , , , yard, ,... sroux h q,04:, limos • MISCE.L.ZANNO U4l. nrcrAmegEs, Ify • - cL°c/t!i • 4 '. iIIEOCARS, No: tii6, Sotet lirirtiarerSt:,:Warliele, Pa., 'i'anetiinify ' OA !rind 6 full aceglrF , n,eoL of ccopaet, . . , • . ' 13PPOTACIpLiii to.. et the lowest assli prices. Part Wailer attsntion paid to tee rep Mug of Vratchew . Cloolte ape Jaeral ry . N. 11—elllaNT iept couetaritly ea herig; hemline CARLISUi ACADEAIY I.IIE ONLY SCIIOOI, - WLIICR PREPARES YOUNG MEN FOR COLLEGIN IN CARLISLE, An znzliall end Clanical School for Young men and boy wl-I opewal dvptrlnber 0, in Dentee but ding. oil Boutd.lleno•ee Street. PITON ontructed in Nualeb, Doglike, MatinSmoßws, Notmal Science, Ponmaneldp, do TILE cotromor . B7l:rtlY le dmigned m.ka p la t thorouh ieh eohohive to prepare foe ;College., Speciatt , ntion will be ..given to _Prettied Arithmetic, Rending, ,Irielfterg. Penmanship, he , th t students may he w II tie rush id for rminti.e Ifs. and' hay a good foundation the A Mere extended a Aimed study TIIE. GOVERNMENT will he adapted t young gentlemen And those who comm. be treated him will not be allowed to romal• with ue . I TILE - SOLIOOL:YEAR. is 'divided into t.. 0 sessioi7s,' beginning respectively September 0,-and January 8. YERIIB PER ESE /ON, (Payable in Advance.) let See - ion, Common English, glO 00 do Classics wl h Common Reglleh, 00 Id Emden, Common English, 25 fla do,--,---30.00 ME= The echelon of this Academy, by the payment of P smell ennui ennuelly, can hare tho use of the College Libriviee, containing 26,10 0 Tolima,. VACATIO" 8 4July and Augitet; end,from Chrlet mrte to the Monday after New Tear DIA DING L'e.—Puplis from ahead hay*. the privll , ge of rooming io Dicsj se - n .CO•leg • if 'hay chow io•do 50,,,e0d .will find good boarding either in College ,Clus or rin private acting from $2 10 e ,82 bit per week. Address, It. W. ATER L. Pt Itelpal CAALIALL, PA, I tall.: groat Blrtlt. S.tecrott, a gentleman qqallded to teach. My .mide oe la him ie lAtY, ibet I Anti iouwatrury ova nen to Yie arm D. L. 114911[17104 Pos3kkneeDloillenion i ollega. ECM Sop. A, lim IMEMI NO HUMBUG! CHRIr INHOFF, •of Carlisle, hr the Arlo thht, ee Agent for Cumberlena Co do Ye, for the sale, wholesele, of a new r, BURNING FLUID, called 'KING'S 'NON 7,,V ,, L051TE BRILLIA MEE= hto auperfor' to atlythlog e'er intruchlvd •hlt enn eupplf the traila Ihrotlgh the county, whplotale Their 1 , 1.1./ID Is chssper them IC atosen•; It H non exploeir'e; makes s Letter, clearer, sad eoft•r thou Felomene, tir'atiy other oil or compound In nee *its no Ln•l odor' or smell, And In perfectly I,.rm ' ll,ei,Chants or uthern n lolting to re and ia tentthli fat Ids trill liNottn. oill st toy •furs Is Carlisle CM .D.I11." GOODS. • IT - TY DITE - ArEli Everybody I- vi ad t• and e, oar lowve And bean tiro I stock of FALL nd WINTER 00iliDS which In op n fot inppectiou. Remember we cloned ent all our Smuttier Ch,de at Auction, end we will now continue le eol l All out: PALL AND vstrill:it GOODS AT . MiC r !ON PRICES We tie diver. toed to close out thin stork regardlens of COST. Wo guaranty to sere evesy purcluieer TTVENTY-lIVE PER CENT on eo.ry dollar'. worth of goods. Now; take warning and don't purchaea until you too our goods and prier. • 40 Platform of FANCY SILKS at $1 60 to $1 76 worth from Ir! to 52 W. .PILENCII MLRINOLS, All wool, BEST ENGLISH 3IZIIIAOIII, 50 tent.. ALL WOOL CABIIMBRES, rIITLAIMLPHIA C BILIS POPLI)IS, BLACK ALPACAS, ALL WOOL DOUBLE SELIBLS 111 BO BEAUTIFUL. cwyra °DAVI, TEEM °LOTUS, at Reir m ran, at ouch Oa, .. m 06111.11 you. Tlllint ICARIth OV Tl.tE BEST ir!ars still taking WOOL-A-N-D- I D3ARET-41 - AG Eik , - 1 not neglect to call and see bow ranch money can 'in? you: • -.. • IT, C. SAWYER d CO. In the Banti p.ast.3.l Din Btrack, 10et6D Carliele, Penn's. 1.869 , . HdEPER, Ilnuorler and Pomfret sts NEW GOODS t 311 'W GOODS retarzai or NLII SHAWLS. ' ..O9IININe.i 09.. _ OPI2II lie OF OPENING OP IMMI=CI3 "ENING or ' NEW . ALP.OAS. , - PLAIN AND F . ANCTY- DICIM GOODS., If '& OECOND MOURNING goons lIARPER, ATlf , 111,0 %INS .11f . 151.41711.011 aturda DA MAIDS IN. MOTHS AND ,OAI3:4MEZIEN. ORNAT.DANDAINS IN lotrein PUP.NISIIINC9 DP.T . Goons. 21111ENSII• STOOK OP ALL TIED .1,16.1D1N6 :BRANDS 01i DinaSTICIII.," irTA.RPER, Cor.,flanover. and Pomfret'ata." , • • . !Ina of • wursz (mom. • t'Airtit LIWItD6. KAMM. . ' 002.11rff; DAV- i)RALiwil • HOOP AKIRTS 391111T11, 811.1Mli, • AND DitAWILD.II. itorioothoe, %limo', NOON . and Dojo'*ear. goof' oleo of foods at the kiwoot pricas. . • - ------- -' THOS. A. HAPIPSH, ()mai DIU:ISIp, ,141070 Oor. Hanover and VosifroCels. .11MNE" - NC,E HUMBUG'. BURNING FLUB), CIIIIISCIAN INHOFF EEC= 60 coots. CM MEE EIEI MOUItNINO IJOODIS Feet wlil b. marlilecd Iw price, $ll Ali LS, EMI CM= FLA:4II3IT6, &•., at fatt market prices LAMS" CLOLITINCIB =I ♦HLYETERIiB. WATER PROOP CLOTHE Cor. Tisuovdrand Pomfret ste Vir4RiOUS NEW GROCERY STORE. 1 , '4. he enbanrlbei bavlng Ylurnhared getanramith't corner, on Pomfret and Bedb rd net*, Alld arectf:d ther.ON i Morn, hap now onatied nith a Nair Pttn, seleolerrrreh tirooerlin - 1115 itock WIT , found to bn complete In every particular, and avows thlna sold will be warranted 'am mrenebied .bee on hand and now-reedy for delivery grocntles or all mous, • , QI.I,EENSWAICIV,` ' . .. GLASSWATS, , , WOODENWATiIt, , .. WILLOWVAIIR, . ' . • PMIFUWEBit 6 . . BOAP, • inttd. on all Mods of Snit 51eale. nuott as llama, Shoulders; Side's, Dried Beef,StO Dried, °finned and . , Pickled FRUITS • ... • ot,•ll kinds ronstintly on hand a ' 111'111'Pl OWL and FEED of the beet grities; r ; and in quantities t d M il t purchaser. Go , ds sent to and part of the tone if desired Call and price fir yourself at No 45. East Pomfret Street. .7011 N laNliNit. .I,Serif 18d9 Btu , LADIES' FANCY FURS I J o . 'll N •1 0 , A it E f 1 It A , • -718_ Ara Street, _ Ilabbro of th - o block, between &month ais..l Eighth &roots, south able, PIILLADELDIIIA. IMPORTED, MANUFACTURER, AND DNALERIN ALL KINDS AND QUALITY OF • -F = ANA FURS-- FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR Having enlarved, remodeled. and Improved iay 'old, and favorably known RIM le POIIIUM and having Imo reed very .argo and eplondtl assortment or all rho different kinds of Furs from first beads fn Europe, and have had them made up, by'the most skillful workmen I would ,reepectrully invite my Glenda of Cumberland rind adjacent 'countio., to call and ex amine my very large and beautiful assortment w Fancy Furs for Ladles and Children:' I am determ ined to s P at ea low pries , us any other raspectab house in this 'city. All Fura warranted. No . ropresentient to effect sales. JOHN EMU:IRA,. - 71 - 1 'Arch Street; Philadelphia. 17Sept 4m GREAT DISTRIBUTION sy the Metropolitan Gil? Oompatiy. Cash Gifts to the amount of 4250:000 EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZZ 4 Cash gifts, each 10 Ca Ii gifts, - ch 20 C 4.411 gifts each 40 C 4411 gifts,.cacb 200 Criati g emelt 200 CASb ulfla. each 60 Elegant Rosewood Plasma. w ends $3OO to $7OO , 75 E egant itonwhods 'Melo • 76-to sco - 33 1 . Bening tree-, .' s. 00 to_ _175 Is: r aftsS.l Cash lirizek Silver Were, etc , rotund at f-1,0, 0,000 • A e sone- to drew any of the above Prizes for 25 cts Ticket nemesis 1•• g prizes are sealed in envelope,. and well mixed On me pm of 25 . conts a *eased bract is dr,wn without choice end sent by mall t any ad dress Ihe prize named upon it will Iw-delivered to ticket hol fee on payment of one dollar Ptizee are los In diets+ p sent to any addre•s by 'eZpresa 'or return nsoll . . , . Yen will know what your prize Is iwforo you pay forlit Any prize e.schanfli for another of sante vat tie NO Blinks. Our patrons can dip and on fair denting Ilersanscse —lie select the following from many who liave,lstely dr wn alun lo prix it and kindly permitted us to publi-h them; B D Wllki.qi Duff. 10, -5,0 .0 ; , I Is. Annie %I, nro-i Chic-.g, Plano, $ sli John D. onto Li:10,111.41 00 ; ‘ l l. , Emma WM north, Milwaukee - . Piano, WO.; Ron 0: . Day N e . Orleans. $6.0. Ire pal Itch• no names without p. r niisSion. . . opinions of the preen " rho firm to reliable and dewy° their einceav =ll"eekk Tribune, Oct 8, We kno thee; tut. a fair dentin. firm "—N F. herald 'A friend • f ours drew n sc.o ;The onto oh aas promptly received"— Deify Neon, 0 t 3 Se d f r circular Liberal luducentente to Agents Yetlefactleo ••gtt,ranteed Every floe-ego or reeled enrelopre eoutmne one cash gift Si' , tiCke n for hi, 13 for F 2; :Id for $6; 110 fo,"* - 1 , . All lettere should be addrcenecl to t , IL ON & CO, ITS Broadway. N Jr. NITS ' FURS!! FURS.!!! The subleriber announces to the clairens of and vicinity that she is prepared to ?Make, Alter, or Repair Alt kinds or,,rarietleo of Eden, tanking them op into Om - latest And most fashionable shape and style. Call upon. ••7tIR .11. L. 11 ,LIIERT, 2oe3t No. Ki Iret;t LoutluTr strait. SztLE. ALITA BLE. iiOTFL Property 10' PR IVATA dAI,d,OR FOIL A F f 1 d 1:11_ if „ U t e o s i z LlT , e v r , s i t , pX ., a pirate known ‘ l l :11 dor. a LOGAN 11 IT SE. The,lat (upen which Ito fl_nislatatols) Tila r in — itTlitlon thereto nil) he sold an oseelleu t - 0 A 111/ EN conSalning 05 by 180 Pet, The house Is large and aubstaut , ally built orsteile conhilulng 8 sleeping apartments, good liar-room Dining-room, and all modoru cont.! Mares. A good Walla( Water at tne 'doer, 'EXCELLENT STABLING far ferry hones, Ito [Joust, Wood Flounu, Swake Houma and all nernesary out-buildiago. The LOOll HOURS in widely and'tarorably known and ja largely patronland. It has boon quite rearn tly renovated and repaired thruwhout. Terme to suit the purchaser . , . For further pertleulare, apply to tho embecrlbe,,tu rt h,e aimed. to Petor at Newellle, Pa:, A. WOODBURN. • ) ZiAu •frr A . L. SPONSL4ER, neat Estate Agent, Seilvener, Conveyancer limn, tn., and . Claim Agent. Ofnce Hain Street Near Contra . 9 lucre. TALUARLE' PRIVATE REST PENNS Ant SALE. en South Hanover ',treat, Carlisle, now owned and occupied by MTN. ITaaboupod, late the property of nenedict Law. The lot front. on Ilan. oler at, tld feet. and extends back the semi wldtb 240, trot to an alley. The improvements are a large two-st,ry FRAMS 1101155, with Tentudah In front, containing Double Parlors, MG, Chamber, Dining room and !Mahan on lower door and els ehawbers nerd Both-room on ta• 2nd story. Gas and water lisyn boon 1*(11.111c0.1. Thera le a large Male and Cordage HOWs at the' loot of the lot. The lot It wall otudded'with osnamenta4reen and earubbery, besides fruit of al most every description and Draper of tle most choice releettaa - lif abundance. - - linqulrier A. L. SPONSLAR, - - C`l Real Estate Agent. _~:~2_ ORE BANK FOR SALE--A rid' c lepotilt of the lest quality Hermann, Oro, feldhy, 60 per vent, commis( g shout, IS ACRES, located to Monroe township, about 11 mike wen the Iron Werke of.o. & U. V. AM. ou the south side of the:Yellow lireoebeseresk. There is a stream at 'rater rtitming to rousla the tract suglritut, for ' ard ' , l a. A11 7 1.M - r e u i r: 2 lVu taste " a h rd .. %111 Mr sold nut. ct thsicto. The balance Is • uhita temberod. Porous &sirloin; of •lemiluit tho Hank may call upon Goorgo W.eLenllch. at .I,l.llch'vroilly" for - ,merly known as lirickor's. Slunros township' Combo. Ishii toothy, or upon A. 1... cIPOVSLEII, • Anal k:stato Airout, 30June 69 • • ' Oft SALE.. , . . A Private Realdence ,heats an !tenth Hanover St. Oarilnle nearly .innaute natty** 1.1 , 41ei nano.: by dames Dente. The h.t n Waive 100 fee , In front .untilag buck 210 Witt, I. d balnA 70 foot in bra dth at the rear. The bubdinia tiro nearly poly and •in •ate.lent &der. corpralng a cent u.odioue WO-STOUT Dill cat FRONT BCILPING ' .with a large Two.gtoty Brick Thick Building attach. ed eentaintur all the ua , dern linproveineotainCii, dieg ve and water. The b.calleu of this prtparty Is ,aie of the noel ellgle a iu the town, Mel will be dlrpeeod of onlavorable term,. Por tore.; and fur• Aber proticulara enquire of A. 1.. SPOtalbEll, fleal Fatale Agent. Any 0. • T inn ,Q A a aa y Res dance, altuated nu West Pomfret Ntreat, con.% The i t eout.lne 30 feet In front and 240 feet In depth:' The lutpurketuenie eonelet of a emu.. TWO STORY- / BRICK HOUSE, containing large ?emit Dining Room. and Kweats on the lovvv,r door, end right c.-nvenio , t clism•.ste on the second floor, three over the (runt building, and Om over the back ball Ina', a Wash [Musa, Bath Room. and Watc:i Cloiet; tall gas pips., running -I..te the cellar. A hydrant in the yard and water on the second rimy. The theen property le lu most extollers ,condltion. and the location ,we of lira mosedosirable in the town. The lot le wed stud ded with trait trecsand shonibert ,aied quite a cum bee of grope vtues , of. tiupoblor quality r terms apply to A. L. SPONSLER, - ,-Riteptplit • • Beal Estate Agent.__ VALUABLE : FARM AT 'PRI VA fit BALE. Situnto °lithe Poutlinlde of the Tailor; 'Breeches creek in Monroe township, about % 0310.Easr of Atli'. lion Works: . containing' 70 Acres, all cleared bat about 2 Ayres which arc covored with good tim ber. The iniprovetnenta aro a I onono.lieue two:etorx, 11g/0110 ib 01.1 , E, with .conrenient -nut linildin s>( Legg BARN with Waxen Shed end Corn . cribs attached. A choice Applo Orehard - in good "BEACON • ilairr,.. bearing order, Ingetliernilli Peaches, l'ea, in, Chi tries ,- • . and G , sp. in abundance and au excellent mid unsafe ' • teautlfal, econconleal; and 'powerful , beatliti r eliitel, fulling welter Water at the &or. Thoinnd le in 'a MA .• patented 18601 also PARLOR. IIEATBRS, for heati ng state 'of tubtsntlou. under good fano a and the . , Inl- twt , ac m o rn gnome, porsabin yi nn i oe „ &,. • , . pmovements In good older. The location Is a iiiiiilra. I , , . .. . , blisonb being near • church, mill and , et boot hnusii. i • TIN 'AND 811EET IrtoicwAltm . . - um; apla at prerut• ralo h.fore the 25th day Of •• - • ronstentli•on Band. BPOBTINO, a t el 14 .BePtelubor uent.the. , farm will be offered at Public! Bale on tbsoCilig, Persons dasiroun of slowing the JOIIPINu ~ made 'to . order Of best • buster's', nild..rit rensonable tel . ~ . twomfanis Inicf osil'upon Geo. W. Leidieh, at Leldieles ,•, , -4 AMES-MeGONEld ' Ain nalli - In !dourosrtonnahlpi , . . , ..:, '. , ~ r - r ..• , . , , . • . • re' tart" "IPPIY .I O - ' , . ' - • 1 ' ' :.. ,' 416011t4 - iiiiitii 3 OrSt.' , llo4lFM; nl4tr • ' ' A , L eIPONtILLiL .- ' , '• ' % 1,, & SOWN drocgt,i , St" , Ith Elia. IL*l Rotate Ai lab •0 Oe 010 ~' • . . ' , '- r ' ..- ' nano. Go --;,k•os VALUABLE ;OUT ;LOTS . .(,;i:' A'PQ "LIC MALT:: On Friday, November 19,1.869. - detStalatni?!, di , illYr.itt Into conielni hit In all • 23 iACREI3; 107,;PERCIIES Theee lobe ere eitua'ed , ue hall rolls east id' the boron/al of Ca bele. o the l'oor 11l nee road, in North Middleton townehie They are in ahi li MAO of Cult•Tatio, ' and Well fenced, molt of the out silo fence beingbf ',tone bele •o,climmeniro atone.o'ci - ow be giTini . iinnii.dinioly, and taloa will 'ha made ieuty to cult plireliseers. , . Per further partieulare etypilre or . • 0 , --Nt-or-30fth-tt-AN;Breens+----it - r - NrfiltiVrFtilb -- ' - ctB9 • STIENIF,F'S SALT,. ,!- pia Saturdali, Nocembee- 1:3, 1869 . fiy virtuo of a NV. it or Vot...ltlonl Ex: oiwt, i•nood out of ilia Court of cconown P-• as of I 11.. holland bounty and to 100 dlrectod, I will• oxpoito to, poblie sal° at th • Court H..n o, lu ilia "I orb: g'• I , r (•erihlr. on tho above day, at.ono °cluck, p pt, ILn col diitcribEttlioal Esitit, - to'wlt • • ' TRACT OF LAIC altualed Itt Penrok'ro' town .hiu, Cumburland county, tatundttl on Ulu w. et by la thi trf Simon - ytter, on tho orth by tarots of 'Leary Ilus to thu H tot by 1 ntl• of Levi 'lot tog, Ono on On' gout!, Y tondo of .iohn L . :- tinkle, •O. tabling to AC . 11 4 : :nor • or tear. having thort on or. end n On- at ry L UE, Lug tab o, and other': out t.OI s. Seized tout taken to exedutlon rt • the yraloolY ni Ca Itarloo Lenz, and to but by too, . . -TRWIP-04,FlieriffT— 81tortfl'a 01110 , , Carthi , a ~e t • CIINDIT 0 mOl anion of 8600 floor, St ,, , w , 1.1 be re i plred . to ho paid when the o,4ew , e- i ntrlck.n , and $26 on nll Billet under 1 , 00. 20not 31 ORPIIANS COURT SALE litirmiwrt to on order of the fitplutme Court of Comboiliiiiti - ouuty tine underoleed, dam nist. toi of John C 6 ,, ydcr,iicc'd, will offer tit public talc, on the piedulate. 00 Thuriday, No:ember 28, 1869, tho fellowint do-orlbell R al Estate A tra..t of land, •in • mkford' tonnall;p,.alaml Enna and a ball weld of ilost'a Ton . t.oyy, lanonlod lands of A,lkm fidlaugh, POter Sipe, and othrra, ren• mining _ _ _ '154 A,PRES, more or Ices; en4itavlmt thereon erected FUAMI ... DUO bWEDIING 1101:15F Log Barn;f l moka Bootie, and other outbuilding's he Inn& Itesheau Rod la Inn toyi east, of ..ultivati..n. and under good toe.. There atm onout 12 acres of good fhb twr Lord on the tract, 'il on oath rd of 1.11 , ice trait. 't hero it a n.•ror foiling ell of water closo 'to the do,r, and' a fine spring near the house. oettion la convenient toyhui ch. inlll,' ono schoil hotros. Torino anode known on tiny of Oslo by BA ÜBE iDETI. .1E ggml a II B. 6NYD Achninlatratora of John C. enydor, de&d. Stied' VALUABLE REAL. ESTATE . AT PIJAIC Slart /10 000 6,01) 1,00 , 6 0 100 By virtu. of tho v]II of tfonry Barnitz; deceased, I Yin sell at public sale, at the Court lloueo, in Carlisle. Cumberland county, Va., on Friday,- Arotentberc 10, 1.869, a lot of ground - on aid street, boUnded on the west by s: _East street, north-by Margaret- Miller,- east by (.1. - AM, and south by an Alloy, containing about GO feet in front, by 140 in depth, and having thereOn erected a two story Fit 110t9 ;and other improvententet„ being the lat . , residence of Henry llaruitz, deceased. On Thttrathiy, 2rovember 25, 1860, I Hell In front of no one, thol following real tent; VIZ I• No one, a Lot otGround in 31ount Holly, Cum- • berland cooly, adjOining Mr Filey on the south, and Phillp Clepper on the west, containing in front Aran 50 feet, and in depth 210 feet, having thereon erected a TWO STORY Oh t LLINU HOUSE and other in, prnymnelli, No. Two. A Lot of Woodland, containing 13 .terra and 151 Perches, in I. 4 outh Middleton township, Cum-,e berland comity, adjoining Mnda formerly of Stewart McGowan, m Mayberry, Wm Graham, and John tewart, and formerly part of John McClure's estate. . Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, on each day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HENRY rAXT I. reenter, Sc. ME - NTALIJA.BLE LIMESTONE FARM v .•T PUBLIC SALE. On Tuesday, Noveniber VI; 1869: 'W4II do eold, at public eale, on the aboye day, on the premises, a valuable limestone farm, situated in. retire , township, Cumberland county, one mile west of the t‘tono 'revere, and eight miles wsst of Calisle, and •ns mtlo north of Centereille, on the road leading from the Walnut Bottom road to Palrestown, adfoluinz lands of Wm: Huston and other* containinz Sixty acres of Choke Land, All cleared and under cultivation, except three term which it iu Moat excellent timbEr. 7h. Iniprere notate are .a large andcopanollous Log pivelling_liouse, With a larp.Kitchen attached, lathed, plastered, nal celled, fin gist. order); h good frame barn, excellent - stabling. ,Iso, a largo wagon decd and cribs, a moist excellent young apple orchard in bearing, hog pens, bake and smoke house, all in good condition. This property is situated is the must fertile part of Cumber land Valley, convenient to churches, public schoola male, Lc. There is a largO cistern at the dwelling home,' furnishing aattfllelency Of water for thti ueobf a family during the entire year. Also, a colter. at the barn, wftli I plentiful supply of water for the stork. Any person wishing t9tiara the de Fo - bllnkr6ls:Tirs7 , pti - GTFen7",9" — Tiiiilng tnercon , Sale to cornmenco at II o'clock, , -11,attenaenca wilt 1.10 giocu and form, mod,, Lnorn by J061.:1.41 EMMINCiEIt. N. U. Moor., Auctioneer. Voete I I IGLICY 131PROVE1) GRAVEL 17...141 AT PRIVATE SALE. . Situate lu Frankford top, Comb. Co. 4 mll, s ortl of N,vv.ille, 1 !i attire meth of Bloerreville, udY, mile from Diller'. I edge, adjoining land. of atunol Ernst, Govan If. Orrf. and Otters, contala ug JAG ,ACRES,, (more or lees.), all cleared but about 20 Acres, whicto are tovii.ed with good Tlinber, alno, about 25 tie Pas of gcol Moadow. 7ho Improvements are a Large TWO-STORY FIW.IE HOUSE, (now) with Wash llotiao, Emoke Rouse old other oacrarary oul•bglldings. , - A LARGE BANK BARN, nearly now,-*lth now Wagon :.1.1e.), Corn Crib, CAI , Hags House, Hog Pen, and allwece,sary eut.bulld fogs, also, a welt of good Water at am door and an abundance of tho eholehst and beat fruit, Thor. also a farad stream of water ranking through thu farm, haring thereon erected a Mat. cues SAW MILL.,' This farm Win a good state or cultlratleu. the buildings new, !vices in good order, and well limed recently. Is one of tt.• meet productive and beet stock farms In the county, and le convenient to schmile ' mills, do. • - P e rsona declrlng to view the above property one do so by calling lin the subscriber residing on th• form. I.,lJOStitc,Y, Er. VAL.UAgLE REAL ESTATE V -,..A.T riti.vvriveArx.. • Th. sub•cr bar 101411,1 g to rellnoututaii firmlag, off ta et priv.ite este two Valuable LINIF.STONII.I I+A Illld. taunted In Monroe tom ',hip between the , Y, re. road and the road leading to 111,4 Berlnga. a short mile fr..' Chilieh town and ) 1 4' when Lion Bo Boozer, 1g0.,. • No 1 ma:on:about Ofr ACRES ; more on or Ines, of es• ell• nt l line tone land lie et high ewe of out tivat on. The iloprovoint-taa toe a .0. d two-story arta 110001 ur th Ilous. ram other. on but.lrma Al,', an taco lent new Tonai.t 11 mum - and a large Batik Para with. wagou ahrdajcorn erit.e and other neres4ry outbuildings. -- 'lhie firm has two splendid surto', t.f,runnlng wnter Bina whleh every field might a,allr ba Bop. brae aMWdcreliTiltiwri - didliriii - Oonds -- " 'lh re le slaws e.d Orchard of ch lee null, such an Apples, Peato Penehog. Chtrt b a Se, ' No. •1 1 ontalue stout All, B. of es•Alont Llmeatune I l and In that•rate miter, The inprovto mute area douldo tV -TIIN;tt QUA Dill m Jilt silent n. bat", house k - frame ligra rec.ntly ropidn.d, with wagon Flow, Corn cribs auf,,other out.bbldings attach,d n excellent Apple inclined w Ali a largeousailli of ( horrirs out other oh, lee irons ao.uod he bullet. logo. Good well • f ' , rater nod a largo Thittorn nt the Bongo. , • II des , rable a tract of woodland for etch playa la fret d. . • . noun 'ltching to view tbeee pr yertles ego d. 3 to by ealllnK ou tit syliEe,iber ou thu road looting from Cburebtoan to Polling Spring• about on.• milo East of the 'rater pinee, or upon Win. II Lute living clone by.. ...101IN LUTZ. Unug Uutf . . STOVES, 'TINWARE, &v., JAMES 3fcGONEGAIi would respect fulti invite The attention .of .tho public to .hle_ large stock of STOVES, - TIN, AND B.IIEET IRON WARE, ke. Ile has made it an object in dolactio; the most desirable, economical; and durable &tor. In the market. Ills cooking stoves consist of the , NI3IROD, ' NIAITARA, — FARMER, " others, 'which he guarailty - s to glee Wier:teauu in every reenact. Hie ; , retq.on AND OFFICE MTOVES are uneurpaesed fur beauty of design,' durability, and ecohatuy of Thal. Ito also offers to the public .the ugly celebrated , • '• EMPiRD.GAB-BURStR would elm attention to . a row lie =rite:. It It hoe no Inickin be replaced_ once or twice n, heating downwarda tie rays or heat. PTO doped• ed to the fidor, heath - Ir, the fear (roam) of. Ow face. 111. Tien burninisd_ilvaltsa - liiit 'second supply of .The dovice to not found 'in other litotes, concequently. ttio aft alwaxe pure. Iv. It is a perfoturtl burner. . . 4 V. It makes no ellukons. .. . . VI. , It is perfectly clear from dust; the arrangement is covered by a patent, and is perfect la its ope ration: i . . . VII. Itt voutliati . ,s lg completr, atuf Ineery reeved. is a Mat elm e PTO and warranted to give antis. "factlMb , Numbers of feTerouces can bogives as e... to the Merits of this Move, but be would. ask ~'' thew) Who wish to Keel' d“lrabla stove to calf at ' *.bie ;Mon endued it in °lunation. Ito offers among other Parlor; Dining Room. and ekamberetovee, the ' ' ' a