Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, November 12, 1869, Image 2

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• .
Charlotte Cushman is worth $290,000,
`Setireiaries Boutwali and Cox, and
. COmmissionors Delano and Capron; will
--9 ittend - qtlre — A - grittilitiffhl — Ptiii — it Macon,
• .
Pope Pius is seventy-seven years7of;
- age, and Lo has boon
,Pope twenty-threo
_ Senator Morton, on',' Thursday last,
while waiting in, the railroad de . pot at
Pittsburg, fell and hroke one of his
• fingers.
The genealogists have traced back
. 'Grant's ancestors to 1630. There is neverv
any - trouble in' _finding ancestors for a
'.'great man.
the past' fiscal year 760,000,000
letters passed thiOugb-the mailS of the
United States. This -is about 20- letters
• pelt head :for every man, woman and child
in tho United States. • "
Bishop Potter has confirmed 4.1,1300
'persons, ordained -400 and has tmvellede•
120,000 zYiles'gfifing Lis episcopate.
. The Governors of nineteen. States have
designated the 18th -instant as a day of
. thanksgiving - and prayer. This is the
day originally fixed by the PreSident for
' • national thanksgiving, , The day will
probably be observed in. nearly all' the
_States.- - .
- Hon. Garrett DaVis,_oL_KenttiOkyi-is
opposed to removing the Capital from
Washington, and 'asks : i‘ Why should'
not Washington city run the parallel of
Rome hi the 'duration' and splendor . 'of
metropolitan history ?" -
General Spinner, Unites States Trea
, surer, received froin a local express corn
- pony, ':L package containing two pactiaipi
'of gold leaf, twenty books to the package,
accompanied, by a letter, saying : ' The
gold'that you find within belongs to the
Government; to whom I think it my duty
to return it; by receiving and using it
for the Government you will oblige me.'
The death -warrants of John Fiekltr'i
and-Zachary Taylor were issued
ernor 'Geary -- on Saturday
Their executioais set downs(-"e"m
bar 4 ; the former to bo at Williams
_ port, end the latter afr yntler. •
The passions npetrayed chi 'the stage
are often Joel. -At Providence, a few
evenings since, as Maggie Mitchell's
..,cempany_wasi go .on_tho stage,
Mr. Sutton, wit - 6,7as to play the part of
the old man Mortimer, received a Joie
gram that his mother was dead: The
play went on, and soon the 'cheeks of
Miss Mitchell and Mr. Sutton were bathed
in genuine tears, but the audience little
knew the reality of the grief. Miss
Mitchell's mother died only a short time
Mrs. William A. Brooke, of Rockland,
Maine, owns a copy of Martin Luther's
Bible, ted in 1699, in black letter,
and which was purchased in 'Germany by
the grandfather of John Cranmer, the
first settler in Waldoboro'. It is pr 0. 7.1
fusely illustrated, finely_printed and well
preserved, only six chapters of the book
of Revelations being gone. It contains
the Old and Nov Testaments, Apocryt
pba;' Concordance,-Junl-Life-ofChrist by ,
Martin Luther.
Governor Geary has appointed Hon. G.
D. Coleman, of Allegheny ; Hon. Wil
mer Worthington', of WeA Chester ; F.
D. Penniman, Of Pittsburg ; jolin Welsh,
esq., of Philadelphia, and - thineral
Thomas M. Kane, of Mcffiean county, as
:_colppiispipners of_State_Charities,-in pur
sdance of an act of Assembly in April
last. Their terms are to be ono, two,
three, four; and five years, they
themselves shall de'cide upon. Each
year, thereafter4overnor Geary will ap
point one to the board whenever a - va
(tangy will , he caused by the expiration of
a term. Their office will claini to inspect
-- all charitable and correctional establfsh
' ments ivithin the limits of this ; State.
EIiPS - ; 15.
There aro 454,355 Freemasons in the
United States - , 7 .•
Vermont is the richest State, per capita,
in the Union. •-
Missouri , farmers are feeding their
wheat to their cattle.
Dexter is eleven years old, and Lady
Thorne thirteen years.
An eight ounce diamond, worth $50,-
000,000, was lately found in Australia . . •
Prussia talked of purchasing California .
over 30 Years ago.
The latest, for gents, is little neckties
with mirrors-in the centre. ,„
A perfectly white otter was lately
caught in Penobscot county, Maine.
• A man in flew Jersey has his marriage
_ •, • ceremony repeated every year ; present
ing his wife with a new , " dress, and his
friends with a dinner.' • • !.; • -
A Swede has bought 12,500 acres of
land in Missouri, fok the purpose of
founding a cottonMising colony. •
• Fourteen hundred and seventy-three
barrels of spirits have been distilled in
Montgomery county since ,Tanuary 1.
A policeman, in Elizabeth, N. J., hes
.just comp into the possession of $lB,OOO,
gift froma lady whoMhe had formerly
served -in some heroic nmuner. -
• The Ledger - circulates 70,000 copies.
This is a larger•eilition Than that of any
othe'r dailY -paper in tha-world,--Witli:the
possible exception of the, London
„ yhiph, 'and reflects the greatest credit on •
Mr. Childs's 'ability as a manager. .
. A man'in Conneeticiit has patented an
- •
'instrument which consists of an envelope
opener, paper cutter, ink and lead eraser,
nail:cleaner and watch key. • ,
A bust of Mademoiselle Adelina Patti,
• with the coronet of a nmpLiiis nn tie
. destal, has just been placed in the saloon
of the Italian opera house, Paris.
.. The 'keeper of . typeariut stand, in
Washington,' died -recently- ) and, loft his
daughter; 01:000.. The young lady still
_ attends the stand, which is' a, great
- - Itliction to the young men of the capital.
horse apothecary, in London, ad
vertise's in the sporting papers of the city
" Nemaithenipponsktelesiteriszo," good
for sprained - Sinews ;7rither-hard-oy the
mouth, though.
A trial of revolvers lately took place at
Woolw2ich arsenal, AVIliCh it reported to
have established the
. superibrity of the
breech loading ever the chambe'r lording
rovolior. •
The wpr i ekly consnraption - of provisions
at the'Mount Holyoke female semina4
.y',is 670 quarts of milk, 800kouncls of but
ler, eight barrels of flour lid 600 pounds
of b F ie 1f • to ether viith nine, ons of _ sugar_ 1
, g --
-per year,
800 bushels of potatoes , 100' of
turnips and 80,000 pounds of •wilior
0 ' ' • California propoSes to, erect a moM.L 7
;.':, Mont to. Lewis Prevost, °who introthted
ie . " , culture into the State ; but it is sug
gested.....whenhthedatietah.e money should 1)6 levo:cd ,
- •:: 7; :;;I P to tl o i la ng it a l:. said, .
a o i ,
d 0 , 0 .0 debt in tii a P :m a y s :: t .
y o o : n e t g l
- ,
' At some - of the. fashionable boarding
t .ladiedaro.tauglit the " art" of .reiliging .
. t ;.: -: all offer Seim to giye the victim little or
'' ''''.;,.• ''o'fisitt9r a - perfect avalanche of 'agony.
''''':' ~T.# if OliitrOh . in:.K111141;13 _pity, ,31Q., , 0ne
-t ,
:, nday-ovOniiig recontlyi - a - mouso ;was
s . - , ~.,,...4,:, . .-.,:erv. ea tek Clito.' b uirtliobjt_okof,a'7oung
pdx while she tashelwa in reverential
Pi - t- •
Th‘PhiladelPhia wateriverkScan 11#T,
daily 1,5,00C,40 ?Of water:Alia;
Crokn'agicciii t, 27,000,b00•; Bostgn,.
030, , 000 .- Jersek City, 3 OM
/1, seillos ,-,,
: soon .Iriivetin!,aque
'duct .Sfiplilying.!?23B;oooooo
- of water pevday_of twenty-Cony
hourii; or 200,000 a - minute.. • ! :
There is a genoril - hapression- that it
rains nearly all the time in Alaska, atttl
is alio-all the -while intolerably -cold. --It-,
seems, howeVer, that in nos, of the tos'
days, '257 were iierfeCtly..pleasant, and.
that the coldeSt-day 4 the Meienryi
'marked eleven degree .above zciro; •
- . ---- There is a:paper published: id .Austin,:
Texas; which is to' printers a. - literary
curiosity. ..It is printed with 120 Hilo'
pica type, and is very easily read id the
dark.- They- charge fifty cents an acre
for advertising, but a can 't say -but
,a,fewWords iu that space, owing-to the
size of the type,
The Young, ma ii n Copnecticio who
kissed the girls at the station, ;thinking.
they were his sisters, has.conie to grief.'
He saw a finely dressed female at' Nei'
Htven, quietly walked tili to:her, em-.'
braced and kissed het;
_when _he was
grciited "Golly! what. you 'bout
diw," and beheld one of r Aftleals-darkest
brunettes. Hooxdreated amid thunders
of applause.
Less than fonqer cant. °f•the . reirrni
for the Prussian army - this year co'7'
neither read nor write. The per p4e
was very much increased - by Sax-7
proportion in ;Posen. other .
; ony, the Rhenish limy' as less than
'distrietS, the propoiKtemberg, , from'
one por cent, 'eve been drawn into'
which 41,00046 - o years, only eight in
the armizble to read and write.
all w3f6vo stone over -the remains of
Xrdt person who was buried in the
old buryingo:oupd in Portland, Connec
ticut, near the quarries, has this inscrip
tion,: "Hero lycs the body of Samuel
Hall, who flied .Feb'y 22d, 17.13-12, in'
the sixteenth year of'his age. The first
person.laid in this yard." .
The Providence Journal says a corpo
ration in that Pity recently made out aid
account which covered a sheet of paper
of the width of ordinary journal paper,
but ishieh was one hundred and five feet
long, the longest account, it is believed,
on record. The account was filed by
rolling it, and formed a roll six inches ju
The annual report,. of the Postmaster
General will recommend the abolition of
the franking prlvilfgc of the letter box
delivery. Ile will ask fpr-the delivery of
all matter through carrielr - or ,gcucra..l
delivery at the offices ; also, for a redue
tioli of 4 rates on registered letters. The
deficiency of the year will bo small, show
ing. a_-'desirable improvement/ it the
_finances of the Department. Ths total
value ,of stamps sold during the year - was
An Ildiana paper recently announced
amarriago in clue form, and last iveck
made a eon oction. Hearing thigelitle
man was married, his name was pub
lished in connection with that.of a lady
who had told the edit,q - but- a short
time before, that she.was'eggage'd to him.
As it turned oat, he married another
There is only one steam fire engine in
France: -This - is nne 'of the American
pattern, and is owned by the 'city of
thyre. The other French towns, includ
titg the capital itself, depend for the ex.-
tinguishment of fires upon hand engines
about the size of a garden 40: - ,c ;illl,l
wgrked by soldiers, celled pompiers.
Colorado is composed of nineteen coun
ties. Summit county, the largest, is so
extensive they Georgetown Miner says
that the whole of South Carolina, with a
half dozen Islands appended
might easily bo crowded within its limits.
The singers at the Dresden Opera have
had their sahiyies continued, in spite - of
the burning, of the theatre, and aro
granted two months' leave of absence,
While a ptevisional theatre- is fitting
The musical library was sated from the
flames, but among the instruments de
stroyed was a very old and celebrated
Italian double bass.
.1111 R ZL, U, S.
-,, Quickly of the death of George Pea
body colons the painful intelligence that
another distinguished AMerienn, one
whose name is truly a household word 1
among his eountrymemba a passed away,
-4 1:ipe in years and honors, and lamented
by all who pride theanselver': in our pest.
history. - -
Charles Stewart was born-in Philadel
phia,' on the wesSaide of Second street,
near Carter street, on the twenty-eighth
day Of July, 1778, and before he waS4.O
years of age, he entered the navy, as lieu
tenant, and was with Commodore John
- Barry in the frigate' United States,.. in.
the' West Indies, Until July 1800, when
ho took command of the Experiment, 1 2
guns, upon the.- seine station. While' \ wators,lte etiptured the.
French fichooner Butt. Antis, eightguns,
and the Diana, 4 \ gni)", after' btief - but
-brisk actions. In VO2, as first - Button- .
ant of the -frigate -CMnstellation, he took '
part,.-i-mtfe bliteltadO\ of Tripoli, and sub
sequently assumed cornlnand of the brig.
Siren, of CommodorOtPrebys snitadroti.
He assisted Decaturin destroying the
frigate Philadelphia, aid for his gallam
try in the bomb:mime 11, of, Tripoli, eras
thaAke4.l do generajorders, and pronto
ed' to lho rank of master and . ; com Man
der. In 1806, as eaptai 'be suPerintend- ,
ed the construction of gt n boats at New
York. When,'in 181. ; the Government
determined to withdraw lie men-of-war
from the ocean and - use fllmirr for tin pro
tection of our harbors: -I Captain Stew
art in company with Captltittllaittbridgcc .
carnesaly'resithed the met sure, and sue.-
eectled in - thwarting tlio p oposed policy.
Dining September-of-4hj , --year,f-Cap--
Jain Stewart WRS placed in _command of
the frigate Constellation, a al in the sum
mer following, ho was tran (erred - Co the
famous frigate, Constitution know!' the
world over, as "pld fronsicies,." a title
also bestowed upon her illnatrious com
astrudoi by the:Officers 'and \men of' the
navy, and the,country aft-m..41a splemlid
victory over the Cyan° 'Ond...jl,evant," - On'
the twentieth of Febrnery, )1815.: This
tiction:hamalwayti been regarded -by -na
val Officers as ono of the most remarkable
on record: Single handed, Cal tahiStew
art, with a , ship mounting 52 guns, en
4gaged,the two Britieh- vessels mounting
' together 55 guns, and in less than- 50
mhMteacompolled them to stapte-tliliii
colors. Fer this brillitint aclPevement '
Cougross - votod him a gold :me lal, and
Pennsylvania' voted him lOswo d, while
ho was received with civil honor on his
return home to New:York, and;,- our-own
city, prendjo claim' him as her song, . ,
For the four years '.sueceedin 1810,
• Steivart corruntindolid, the
Ifeditoiranean -'-squhdron, , and 11 i4bse-
A uently Wail on the Pacific Station, iv4oro
Ito remained for'stuteita '
h h e is r services of ii
have r k or et cr ,e y hiefii
I s,corni4nderß the
11. s senior - flag. officer: On :::,ccopt of his .
advanced age - Commodoba'Stewart,did
not enter into 'active service when th
late war commenced, although perfectly
willing andrtrixionstmoncemoredrawthis
sword in'defencO ofthe ,T.TriiOn. In 180
Congress passed Mu net creating-the tank
of Ilear , Admiral,;and at the , head:,-of
retired hat provided_•for; - .efoOd thetitinM
.of Charses Steivart.- •• • ‘•
• •
For thr last ten. years • Admiral Stew
art has'beeil in feeble health,•seidoinieaV
tug his home, et Bordentown, New-iJer
6eY'at';:P t
lrdaYifll e 6
and honorable
good citizen,
.upright man has 'been gathereci7
- How nl,l,ti? in,vum'ix , ; • .•
ell tlwir •
The Day.
/- AT TOR,..Y
RI p o p EIL4
rriaburg, October 8, 1889.f'
.8 Excellency Major dnerrcil ''Jolla',
"," •
J. qi•ary, Goeernocof Pennsylvania:
Sum In accordance with the statutory
jrovisions which direct ins from time to
bnnc to eammunicate to you the conch
tioh of the business of my department, I
have the hOitor to lay before you a brief
statement of my official actions: .tpon
entering on my duties as Attorney Gen
eral; I found in the .department, uncol
lected claims, amounting to two hun
dred and seventy-four. thousand seven
hundred and fifty-tWo dollars and twenty
two cents, ($274,732.22.) Of these 1. have
collected two hundred and - forty-five
titbits:lnd seven hundred and fifty-five dol
lars and ninety coven cents, ($245, 701.97. ) •
. The balance, twenty-eight thousand
rtine,hundred and ninety-six dollars and
twenty-five cents, (4,28„996.5 )being clue
mostly front insolvent oil companim, will
probably, never be recovered. I find by
comparison that thishalatice of old claims.
uncollected, is unin:ecedently small.
During my term of office there has been'
certified to ins for collection—up to July
last, the time of my last quarterly state
ment to the State Treasurer—claims .
ainountiug to four hundred and thirty
two thousand five hundred and sfifty-one
dollars and sixty-seven 'cents, ($113:_l5:;1:-
'f17.1 Of these T have collected-three hun
dred and ninety-nine thousand_ seven
hundred, and forty-five dollars and seven
cents, ($1390,740.07.) • The, balance
amounting to thirty-two thousand eight
hundred. and six dollars and sixty edits,
($3 ,8 5.92), has been put in suit, but
the money may notbe Made, either on
accenntof the defendant's insolvency, or
the failure to obtain service.
_During the
last quarter there-has -been- certified to
me one hundred and thity-eight thou
sand two hundred • and 'fifty-Beven chil
l:ire and sixty-five "cents,/ ($198,, ft 7.65),
nearly all having corns to my hands
within a Month. These have eithorbecu
paid or suits commenced, all of which
aro being prosecuted with the 'utmost
. - •
speed._llWact, at the present time tltet
not in this department a single claim that
is notrso far advanced as the arrange
ment of the term days of the .Court will
allow. The,ctitire collection made by me
and paid into the State Treasury amounts
to nine hundred and eighty-seven thou
sand nine hundred and nine dollars and
semi cents, (087,9 ;9.07), of which there
his been collected during - the past quar
ter one hundred and two thousand font
dr,l and elglrry-cigift — abfiars anit
thirty-five cents, ($102,488.35). In ad.
dition'to the ennui collected as above, I
Lave recovered in the court below suits
amounting to Tifty-sevon 'thousand and
six hundred and fifty dollars and ninVty
fiVe cents, but which - 'reel)
paid, because of the defendants having
sued out writs of error. To collect these
various sums I have• issued three hun
dred and forty-six writs. -
- All of these cases have been concluded.
with the exception I will hereafter men:
tion, and all of them, with the exceptioh
of five, have been decided in favor .of the
Commonwealth at the -filial judgment.
At the recent session of the Supreme
Court, at Harrisburg, a decision was
given in the tonnage eases which have
been pending since IS6I.- The decision
was in thvor of the Commonwealth, and
secured a revenue of Over two hundred
thousand dollaraper annum.
The aetMmulat ed. debt under this to
makes directly dependent upon the de
cision over six _bunked thou:mud dollars.
The corporation are about to take • oir
writs-of error• to the Tinted Stattt Sii
pteine Cona.
At the SUlrle te r m or court the gross i
eeipt eases would havo been also argued
had they not been postponed until Jan
uary, at the I'6 l 4llost of the' defendants
counsel, who wairtffl - time for Prepara—
tion, and also a4he decision of the ten nagc
tax eitses,.o4alile to the State, would,
carry-with it 't.itee cases. Such contin
gency having'heppened the gross receip,,
onSen; may be c favor of the
Commonwealth. The amount involved
is ithout t..e same as that of the tonnage
tax,• viz over two hundred • thousand
-dollars per annum. Thu cases whiel
havo ovini ilio
county Common Pleas arc In a
condit ho heard at the next term.
In conclpsion I would ' respeetfully
peat My invitation to your-Excellency to
examine in person the hooks and record,
of my
I have the honor to be,, with respect,
Your obedient servant,
• Attorney: General.'
fotrivo , greai nations Will hear.with sor
row the death of George 'Peabody,. the
man of prinCely and Princely berif4'
efaotions. Tle died in Ltni'don on Ilk
fourth instant. •! . •
George Peabody"wits born in Danvers,
s ldaSs.;Febrhary 18, 1705. '
,was a,de
scenfiant of the PilgrlinFathcra. At the
age, of 1-1 he was'apprenticed to a gro-
Fuer in his native -town,.-but.. .left trt the
age 0f.15 and went Newburyport, as
'cleric in his brother's store. In 1812 he
yoMoved to Wnshington,'D.,G., and wont
into s businces with his 'uncle. In 1814 be
went to Baltimore . as partner with a Mr.
- Riggs, and the firm carried on a large
branch dry goOdS house, irr
and Now York. During his long con
nection with that house the success -that
induStry merited drowned his labors'
In 1887 heteelc up his re idonce per
' Manently in England, and established
himself in London ns a -merchant and
broker. His name was always a syno
nym for probity, and through hiM:the
credit of the,- several . American States
W the' English ; Change:
a fi s i11t4 41
avi r 4 l4• in Be amassed ssed a large fOrtnne about
1860±_m_li_n „ gan Butt fiction . ' of :grat ' ittdes .)
whic l rha:,Paced hip name on .the. to—
moit nie a ' of benefactors; In 1851: ft;
arranged "fiffd'-.garnished the', AniMican'
departynniAof the World's 'Biehibition/ai
MEI C44114±017.40, and iu:the sueceetlin'
' yoancontributed.lnygely to the
tion then being fitted out by Dr. Kane
.to visit the:Artie, regions in ' search/ Of
Sir John Fitinitlin.' lie alifb - nontribuA
40,- 00 to-liquidator Um- sehook del,;r
his native town. This '-.
-''-' I '
. pi•escitt ne
•wards increased to over $1 gi g :- ' '
the Avid 'which bnilt atia- 4 ' ) •))''-
p,,,,,i may . ihin . tit - iii „,
~fi ,,,, 0 found tin,-
Ini'eave $6 I 111, ~;.<O -9 ‘`" I('''''S hie
I ).1 to the env. ,
elegr, nt I n ,kor
~ oa Vms:_ptillecut 0 . -
own 1 ,,, 4 ,4zeh mecteii allfj (r;1110 . A1
~ .1 1 ,..nirertiging hotcfes.f6t the !hi m' ,
i • '''ties. ' Peithoil) ~ ; litaii;, , 'I on lon.
0 ndwii all' Over - the worlili - Tlie Mag
nificent lniildhlgi7whielf eneldso it ns'i7,, , '
all'the result of ids lailinty, and - '11;6:
erected unclehis-- personal - simerinten
deuce, For this charity, anunniting to -
millions, he has found a Warm lilacs in
the hearts of the
_English' people, and
front the Queen to the peasant:they have'
been profuse:-'of thanks, and loud in thei r
. .
TrOfessioint . 61 -- fitliiii - itiflina.
But if this gift was noble, that tirade:
to the Southern States for•thVtiStaltlish
ment of schools and school system was
truly grand, not . only for the anvint
giVen, but for the purposes for which it
was intended. This donation, 'sectored'
in the hank; orellicient trustees, amounts
to over two millions of dollars. It was
made' in 1567, sfter the war had deple
ted the Southern States, torn. their in
dustries to pieces and Shattered all their
educational systern i It was opportune
and doubly' grateful considering the tin
poverishment of the people anti the great
necessity for general enlightenment in
these newly formed 'Stales. '
It is,.of course, linpoisible 'to estimate
the extent of his wealth; hitt it is 1110.11E
rt i•e,d by millionl. His life .was a striking
illustration of what industry and integri
ty can accomplish. It is a shining ex
ample to every youth. Constancy of en
deayor end honesty-ofpurpose Arc every 7
thing in the attainment of a great name
and great wealth. It might sectsue
,prising"that it long life of striet ltU ;\Muss
(Ballot in his ease reknit 'in that miterly
disposition do frequently seen. But . \3llr.
Peabody was naturally a philanthropi.stf
and age seemed to ripen /and intillol&a
heart that always had rr warm - side for
his fellow man. As the tomb approached
Ins liberality increased, as if he were in,
haste to witness thecomplebion of his life
w-ork. It cannot be said teat he was
ever actuated to give front ostentatious
motives. Ile gave because he desired to
benefit mankind .=-Prepi. . -
VOL. JD. 10. •16
On Tuesday of last week, election., were
held in eight Stat'es ; New York, Now
Massachusetts, Illinois, ?,lions-
, ota, West Virginia. Wisconsin and
Maryland. Massachusetts, Minnesota,
and Wisconsin elected State officers.
Netw York also elected State officers, with
the exception of Governor. - New Jersey,
Maryland and \\ cf,t Virginia voted for
members of the Lezialaturc. and Illinois
elected delegates to a Stine Constitutional
Com'ention. New York also voted on
the question' of the adoption nr rejoi , tion
of ft new State constitut ion.
-.1 1 I In Nu,. York .ht.
elected their State ticket I.y an average
majority of about 12,.apt and have, in
addition, a very deckled majority in- the
State Legislature—the Senate having 17
Democrats to 11 Republicans, and the
Ilont,e 72 Democrats to 55 Republican,:,
ms securing the Denrocracy.a majority
of 18 on joint ballot Fortunately there
is no United States Senator to elect, and
therefore the only-effect this result can
ttave on National affairs will lie the at
tempted repeal of the ratification of the
Fifteenth Amendment, which May give
rise to some very, important questions
concerning the power_ .to withdraw an ap-
royal once made.
711as! , aelluselis, as usual, ;node au uu
istaLaLle liy)lll , cting Governor
tr.t•r Loth his ( .011114t'0.01.5, by a
najority of over J2,otii, and giving a
arge Republican majority in both
'ranches of
„the Bcgislat are. In Bout
vell's district, (the Seventb,) Brooks,
was elected to Congress
vet Saltonstall,Democrat,by :boon ma
j.ority. The temperance movement gave,
..ise to considerable difticitlty ampngonr
fiends in ❑te Bay State, but, nevert he
les,, her majority for Republican princi-
den is decided and gratifying.
.11•innesotit elected Governor Austin,
Republican, by a majority of from 3,000
0 1 4, 7 09, --on a very light vote.. Wisecimin
;Ives .majority kir , 3epublican State
Ticket 5 , trete 7,001 to 100)1).- t:lovernor
`Yairchild is reelected, and the Legisla•-
.-Atre will stand, Senate, Republicans 19,
Democrats 14. llouae, ItcPubhews - V.,
Democrats 3 . l,'lntilt:iiit; a Republican ma-
:ority, ott, joint . ballot, .of 41. In Wed
Viqtinia the Republicans have a niajoriry
ill boat branches df the Legistliture. 11-
11 „„; 1 ,„,„
cans to tlfo State cojivention—Chica
electing tr' 4 ' Citizens' ticket" by a decided
majority.. •
Nbw .rerndy and 111arylawl. have-dune
its.was expectcsl—elected-thn Democratic
ticket. The Democrats will have a ma
,ority in, the New Jersey Legislature of
1.2, which `secures the elect ion of a.Demo
crat to-the United States Senate, in"plaee
of non. A G. Callen. 'Maryland coy-.
ere:d herself with the same kind of glory ,
.shiLitchieved during the war. .Eyery
comity,- was carried by the Demobracy,
Sod not a single Republican elected to
either Masc. We 'may look for an in
: ;Wresting batch of Democratic legislation
I hereafter in that State.. .
Of , cintree all these results will be
claimed 'by the Democncy as evidences
that till 'peoplb - arc Owing aver to the
'principles of that party, and that Reyub-
R&M= is waning. Their arithmetic
Mon will show someastorifShing calenla-,.tions, - to prove that Radicalism is dead,
and beyond 'hope of 'resurreetion. This
is their usnal performance after every
election, and they always claim the ad
yantagc, no matter hew
,often"they may'
be defeated. Their net -gain 'in ;these
elections is sill - o.y the control of the Now;
York Legislature, and from this they can
figure themselves into a goial enough h . &
mor to heal- their future• defeats With
some cbmplacency.-
Read the communication signed. South
End.,_ It. is finm apoof. our most enter ! .
prising citizens, and moans businoss,,
himself than on an'y
DoeS it ever oec io Pa . reix
Hon, ' 13enjainin :H.. ijrcinitdi•-dir
published :letter sreliecta '. l : Mr '
that he
meats concerning_o.gng matters
Geary, iii regaWipacity: us. Attor- -
Kluble„ey9trtiielt :he
lias no !Ade" consideration : tic) hohi
obtipyfas professional 'Career; M.
nSrwonld certainly )laVer think of
iug the conildencc. of a client,
ly liceatise Other counsel 'were 're
ined—in MS st(!air: Is the confidence
ropo:wil in hitiins'..the law officer of, the
• Ciinniiiinn , 46.lth - tes's - bindifiW? and does
L:let.the_violatien of_thaLeOrichleitee plac7o.
his r siateaKtots, with" regard- to every
h in„ in osithiu which forbids,cither
'notice or ebotradiction: . Mr, Brewster's
- action in this liarticuhir alOne, 'to say.
nothiett; Of the fact that.. - dafiting thrilast
year he was constantliabscut filoin his
department, - showk tic ttecessity-tic—hiti
/removal. .
The tic election is over, -- and;as
Might readily lmlM•been antiliPated, has
resulted, in a Demoenaie triumph. The
Doman(ly — have calfided 'their entire
State tifet, and have' also a large 'ma-,
jfElly in the_ Legislature, thus
t entirc• control of the State. • The
shme causes had. operated to reduce our
Majoril.y in Pennsylvania, contribute - rdto
our defeat York. There was
even less iiiiPortanco attached to the elec
tion than here, and the consequence was
that the vote was lighter.' The ruradwiis-,
tricts fell oil' largely,'and there was an
apathy maui ested throughout. the entire
State. The result is, that our friends
have the thoytiflcation of a entire de
feat, anti, the certainty of their State
being , .ttiilicd over to the control of the
worst and most dangerouS elOss of poll
titiuus alive. .
In the city, of course, an iminense
"Autocratic majority was rolled up.. Not
as large as iu times of grep, political ex
citement, but still the "neat little figures,
of about 40,000 Were giVeu, which were
20,000 more than ourTriendS in the rural
districts could overcome—especially when
a large portion of them re - untitled at home.
Five - Points, Mackerelv'ille. and; all. the
ember cess pools of iniquity and . degrada
t ion in the y'were drained on Tuesday
of last week, to Supply the Democracy
with the material to control the destinies
of the Empire State, and pave the- way
for the reorganization of their party for
another National campaign. The• con.-
bin'ed energies of the gamblers, thieves,
of the •
great metropolis were invOl;e 7 d to deliver
the country from radical rule, to save
white men from negro_competition, and
to preserve the principles of fre. govern
mail and comditutional liberty, and from
this comes a lltmneratic victory. Well
let them . enjoy it. 4lienei'al Grant has
saitdt that the best wayto secure the re
peal of a had law is to carry (Mt its pro
.visions. This is unthmldedly true and
the principle applies ermall. to had po
litical parties. -Give the Democracy full
control nml.they will, unqui;stionably, to
d isg,il,l. the people thrd they will be forced
from power. - 11,c ultimate result will be
good, but we are fear i New Yorkers pay
ing a high price for it.
Tne 1 - ;./N!nic;r . of last week. stirs up
rtf , ), R. J. 2 Haldeman's coffee-quite-vig
orously. It also vcutilatcs our Courteous
and accomplished M. C. himself. It says
hicha . rd is cowardly, that he is it carpet
bagger—that lie fled to Europe, that he
is a politic al leper—that his linen isn't
just immaculate—that lie has hirelings
who arh• unraly—t ha t lie keepa'dogs that
must be tatyrilt better manners, mid
make , ,lrvers other assertions and imin
nations about him that are not usually
regal cicd as .c , .implintentary. N,ilv we
mind. not, tie understood as endorsing
these charges, nor did lie quote them for
the purpose bf denial. We wish to be
entirely non committal on this question.
We know Mr. Haldeman very slightly—
and brother Pratt on we 'know quite . in-
Ornately. Both gentlemen knpw each
other long and well.. Now we are in a
quandary. is our rcpt esentative
in the National Congress—one of our law
givers—and we thought heretofore a gen
tleman, patriot, and scholar.. 'We knew
I he was an orator for we had heard and
read his speeches. He is a' Democrat,
too, and belongs to that gallant band of
fellows who mote lftn.oicallyand conseitm
-1 tiously against usnrpation, mctravaganee,
nigger and all the other Radical heresies
in Congress. But the Volunteer says all
. sorts ofugly things about lint, We are
amazed. Tice l',,iti,aeer is Iritthful
ways, when informed, And I khis time it'
say ‘ s it knows. 'The fact is we have been
• •so nitwit puzzled about this'inatter that
we are getting worried, and hope Richard
'will explain 'just how these things are.
MIA 1.'6:1.1' he says on tlto subject call be
relied on. for he surely knows.
tieriously, 'vu fear I here is soma trouble
hrewing in the Democratie camp in this
diktriet. Col. Haldeman is in' custom
e tt_iticil , to 0 second lituninat ion, tint from
th~ilppcaranee of this lit tle:millbetv; eon
tin Dentci . :d ,journals here, it looks as
if he might have some trouldy in making .
the connection. It, does WI, Or C01111 , O;
nuttier much to it; who the Demoefac,y
send, Litt it is painful to seethem getting
lilt Lail blood aiming tliCmtelves on the
lie Democratic paper s are having their
roopters paraded cu The remit
.Of..the New
York-elect ion. It is very well to give the
poor fellows. an .a.hhig.- For -years and.
earn they have not aeon light, andr al
though carefully Minted up before every
approaching 'elertion, they are as pare
fully packed away ads 130011 as the returns
come in. 'This time, howev6r, they have
'a little vietory,'and t l Le critterh are. al
loyed. to strut forth._Thraldon'tlici4
much looking alter, however, • If they
should' get away they will not be needed
"The - De;,'' is the title of a new morn
ing paper started in Philadelphia, on the
4th in tant. independent iu opin- •
ion, pledged to early and praCtical recon
struction, the payment. of. the National .
debt, and: 6conoliv and retrenchment."
The'cntorprise is conducted by Mr. Alex-,
antler Cummings,, whose experience as
journalist; and ability; makes its success
assured. The new paper presents a.' very
neat appearance, and in cre•y depart
ment-ctimea 'fully up to the standard of,
our best dailies.
, W% notice in ono of our exchanges no
less than tem of - .our editorials of the
issue of week, Before last. +his is per
fectly right. We are 'always .so much
gratified at seeing our articles repro:
ducCd, thatove dont fool annoyed even
when we are, not credited ,vtith' them.
. .
ocii Sentiyi alarmed at the
2ta,:possihle - -diffieulty - hetween
• - El4 . 6:aricl the , 11ratatt: We'beglo
assure it, there i;:nO The IfEn-:
ALD is - not:lighting any thing but - the pe ,
sineer'neynt present. Vol:inn no difficulty
-and don't propose to have 'with our
friends. By the 'way is theio, not some
" : unpleasantness" 'between the Demo
_cratics organs in thiscounty, or did the
Ve:u4teer of . lait week only speak in a
Piokwickian sense in that little. article
about • Hiebarcl Haldemau!_s dogs and
other things? Things smell sulphurous
in the Democratic camp. However it
Won't matter,'-we reckon. Our - lg. C. is
a Colonel and can ddnbtless set his srquad
rens imPosingly. We :will report the
fighelaccurately - as soon asit comes off.
The numerous. frithide of (Col. D. E.
.13:-Nevin, in this cOuntytitul elsewhere,
will learn with pletisure thatlie has been
promoted ffom a elerkfthip in the Regis
lees' Bureau of the Treasury Depart
' lent at itAnn -- git - On, 'to the Rosition;Of
.Ohief of division at a 'salary:Of $2,500 per
mum. Col. Nevin is an efficient and
competent-officer anti--a-courteous gen.
and his promotion has
justly deserved. , He has our best wi lies
for his . continneil success, and further
advancement. •
Nearly all the Democratic and a few
Republican papers persist in saying that
.Governor Geary fell behind the vote of
Jutlgo Williams* at the, recent election,
sornewhat more than 4,000, This, we
hold, hi putting, the in atter rather strongly.-
Governor Geary received 200,882 votes,'
. and Judge Williams 201,374. Now it
may be possible that thorn ISISOMO'
tem of arithmetic, that can ,make' judge
-Williams 4,000 ahead, bitt_it has not yet
been brought' to our notide. By our
figuring, Judge Williams received 822
votes more thane Goyeroo• Geary. It
doesn't follow that because Packer led
Per,thing some_ 3,300, that, therefore,
Williams led Geary the same figures, as
a good many people seem bound to take
for ,ranted.
Bon. B. 11. Brewster has become won
derfully great in the - eyes of Democratio
edit ots,.now-that he is no longer>ttor
oey amoral. Th'ey wotildn't ImAc item
nmeAood in him had he remained.
lion. 'Edward McPherson, who hits
li.!en in Europe for some.months writes a,
long and interesting letter to the Gettys
burg Star and • Sentlyial from " which we
make the Pnilowing extract. It must
100 gmtifyialis eves ) tz tau American to
now that even in far off Italy the name
of Abraham Lincoln is held dear by the
friends of liberty, and that his great
deeds are the inspiration of thoso,, who
struggle there for the rights of human
ity.- Mr: McPherson says:
"In italy, pronounced Republicans
are numerous, and influential. I met
recently- what struck me• as a strong
illustration of this fact. Wrilking through
the station at Milan; tuy,eyeiested_upon_
a book stall,-and instantly upon a pamph
let on AlnahamLincoln, being an address
delivered by Jo§eph'S, the hall
of the University of Siena, the dress
being one of a series On popular topics.
I bought all the; copies. the seller lila,'"
and subsequently obtained other copies
in-Florence and Venice, the pamphlets
being cheaply published and largely read
by the people. Knowing 'enough Italian
(from its resemblance to Latin), I took
great pleasure in looking it over.. The
feet carer wishes to impregs the importance
of Self Help, and finds manylllustrationa
of its value. After naming several, he
takes up Lincoln, gives a very accurate
and interesting narrative of his early life,•
intersperses itaithg•lowing eulogies upan
the "grand American Repuhfic,'?, ana
lyses our local, State and National sys
tem, pronounces the Corps Legisiatif of
Imperial France incomparably less im
posing than the legislative assembly of
the 'United States, and contrasts the
career of 'Lincoln with what would have
been possible to him had he been born a
citizen of Europe—thus with force and
boldness stating- an argnmeutof necessa
rily great power with the masses of the
people. He - Publishes brief extracts from
Lincoln's debates with Douglas, especially
hia famous statement that "if slavery
was not wrong nothing was wrong."
He quotes portions -of his speech at
Springfield on leaving for Washington,
of his first and second Inaugurals, of his'
Gettysburg speech, and developes very
fully the history of the secession move
ment and Mr..Lineoln's relations to it.
Ile states the cirdiltstances of his death,
summarizes the leading events of his life
—and pronounces his n "splendid name
in the list of the, benefactors of the
huntan race.:' It is pleasant to turn
front Democintic denunciations of Lin
coln and the great act of his life, to find
that, they give. inspiration and hope to
the brave men who are struggling, against
power, mid ignorance, - and bayonets,: to
lift Europe up, to the thin ,ground of
Pr'etidony and -Equality for all. And it is
more pleasant to know that the power of
'the influences then and there setin mo
tlenrig continually increasiii - bi; and that
•the day - fast comes when therfruits
thereof will be enjoyed by millions of
men now denied every right -except the
right to live, to labor slavishly, and to
die miserably." • • ,
' n.,endeni in'snymistress
Inslly tinliketis compel' tioo, nod owing to defective
',tient al , elll err übt ore, oftql Logetp envy. Now
It e iii,, toho o..xp, et ed and rani' he met t y
d tleieriniMition ; but tint iitifreuthtly the Is finds
rr legitimate rive rh-s are nveretepped and lase, lt.-
erupolous men st• op louse the patrntmo or °then.,
to further the r not:triode nuriMSTdi With the n,elo:.
ten e 04,elence, not t y toe on of industry , and hones
y, In
. pro itlitig potent . hr Shaver's 0
Sian ter.l Told , WO hitters, Love nth.' lied 11111/1160
co'fbrity, boot . laiture the public for the
net thirty year•.
Wherever thou' have entered tire rotor or cmplain
trig hoin,eint'd, their effects lime - even exceed d ox
itectation, and of, for surpeestel all Nee trove ever delta
- ell - terthem - breireelnr;card, or otherwirart hat, .the ,
oh it, confide ce hi the medicinal oundtles of the
litter. Is unbounded . .. We do ito: fear the c.utpeth
lon of the etit,dric.,l th•ong'who attempt t, p dm oil
candles olio. the people, which are not selentllicaFy
eeinpountled, anti are destitute of available etnilitlee•
Their empirlciam will be discovered in the end, and
the inefliclo .cc of their prepar•tiotrn.founottint — We:
otild rather be eiivied fur inutile I 'metees than do ••
pitied for failure, ti;vever ungenerous it rainy bo for
oar eery or &aid , . Ago nxt nnother eel
a Woree eloss of ludlv.ltimils. wunto (etc.! to tette nt
IVe allude to those 'who takontivantage scour
ilepelerlty, nint . etteo l tp! 'to guiu plattle favor end
coo quiet, by donut° ,fo.lingthe Old tnotlardlll tut ti,
barely Imitating oho lobe ,or ma. log other appro.
us co It.. p epa ation calculated no deceive a .d en in
matter of course, tin so far en they soeceed. to tiring
excel.oet Tonle Into disrepute 'llia piddle ate
'hereby wernedltigalus all- such !mita lons. Io
uord r to further protect out selves and' Reel) the of
Ilicted from trap eltlori wo hove concluded to than e
r Lend sties even I.reafter to sustain our inden •
tlty, end ko, p the reputation of the 014 Wanda •,
utter We film grunt expense by so doing, but the
eu rants the mean-. - TholOol. label diens with
tee en tion direationa unit into[ m rotroontut ion will
lo ex& 't nu exec le t 8'43'1 nor trait of O. II;,
toe ..entor member or the O.m Thin_ veal he 'the
IrnilKn of ite . genillnetio-s, at Well OM a' QUltiillt• n ~ 1
lb. , quality of the Haters The' label will be duly
cep; righted, an *thus placed bey nit they Tenth
c-unt rfeltero Ili no fault of Ora flail the publl
confidence ,y er ho abetted a r the ,reinitatfen of the
- Ohl tontlard" be allowed to sutler. hone genuine
'unlete at, nod •
KRY DER 84 00
pt North Third Street,
„ knit a 1).41111,8..
'Sep 3, 3x13
A DMINISTRAT OMB. ,S!!XE— • r 11 4 i. T
hfri'iday, - Dean:her 10, 4809.
ho 10, of, the_ittooth
'owlish if, mot,. • ho Dlo inpon yo+by
fluor OF LAND I to the roportlqfJoh
41 co. 11:;bousidod by no .13 of SambOi . l.l9L_ltoni:
Koino, oral tc provre 4:on ht iri,
'more f I rat quality of Um gone I.nd The
ta are good au abmilal .DOIIIILB
-110U2 ,with•linck bolld ng,' a amrnl BA N, ample
for ho goo of th r Ince, unuvf tot lig we I of A oto ,
I rgo cistern, mutely over dry • There' la an
o chard w a ,variety
e cli a. a urns, clirrrlea, &c This is , moat cairn,
ide p °lmo gut n nry suitable o o for any er 8.
who ot o s Ra. all ni.d,very p roductive, firm.„Tr.p
lions to thin n't Sr roan or .01 ri hong, on , two
churches, mid is In all .rospects ellrnntageonalyi sit.
0 ,led It is with) gel , wiles of ,Carll.,o on the
Welnut'llottom rood, and Wlthin'clim And n liiilf mil ei
- 01 Co, trovillo.
Salle to conimonco'nt 32 o'clock' m , of said 'day,
when terms will ho .niedo,kn •by
Adreinlstrgeri 'ennoxed
1./ U RUE Y. It '8 OUT. LOTS ND
On 'Tharsday and 'Fridall, dhe: lecond
and third days- Of 'December, A: D.: 4809.
Sly virtue of hn or er of the' Orph .11s V enhrt of
1 . 11111 , 0 1110 C ,11 • ty, the subset I,e.r will expose at
pub i s le,, o the, remises--.ho. h. r_lnaft .1.6-.
scribed porpurta, Into the property of, (+cargo K.inlq.
i•urpart N I At t act .n 1 L' MERTON E
SLATE AND adjutant ..Nety illebortm situ t d
I t 6 township of • " tOp„ . co 1113' Of' Cuntherland
coidal Ing AUNT - . I wo - Q,p , , Es Lad ug !bureau - .
e a wellintiltouse. large hunk barn, and (ghee
• necessary Lull 1110.• Ti-era Is 00' ellent.yotlog'
orchard npot. Elm remotes., The _land- is eno sled .
with At:a - post and utone 'fences, nod In u a very
hl L 011110 of 0010031 on •
Imp rt.' A tract of B ATE n d ORAV't.
I.A Sl. situ ted Ito tic towoship fuel county afore
-11111,.011e 111{10 vine. of N el le, co...telt/I. g
-IP - N-11 ED AND-FORTY-TWO nee e.or- or-lu.s.
having t ere 11 erect d a dwe.,ing house, hook
and other linprov , m Wm. The lan of rd. tract Is
;In a good st e of 11 110.viOn !
Po prt NO3 A tract of SLATE AND situated ,
it said to nshap . allll co n y, adjo:ni g- totrp.irt No •
2, cont.d• tug SINT EN 'ACRE and one' buttOsi
ail. thi , ty four perches our or less
. P rp.irt No 3' A tricot of SLATE LAND situated
in the t wnshlp al 11 cot .aforputtld, I/110 nhlo
001'. • Nrc,t of Ne •co 1114 c ntti .N 'ACRE -,
tiod (Moly-to • pe ch u More or loot, ,•'
Po prt Nu. I A lot et grohnd uPtutted un tho
port cr,t co nor of 11. , 11 and lllgh streets in the
Is moo 1. 1 New Ills, lion n tp rconeructed a Brick
Dwelling Douse and Store Re= an,i . fly , other (trick
Dwelll g i •` 1 •
Purport No A lot of grunt d situated 011 ,l aln
street, in 1 - o borough of Newville th%r col
erect d i large D.,elllug lions° It able and other
P rpar N 0.7: Al 4 of eroond noted on Cor
poration n ree In tin/4wu
gh of Neivyl , hicyl g'
tic mon ; er ' t d a two sto y Dwelling Home and
uthet r mprovement.S.
Purport N • 8. A t•dct 'or 'LIMB-M - ON . LAND,
djoioing boroug a 11 .40 lint ,t No. 1, hit
newd in he to" n ip /Lllll moult y forests', coot do
log IC Tll'olllo CR S mor or I ho"
Purport Nu 9 A tr ot . of L ESTONE LA' D,
adjoin' g Newtown no purport N .8, In tlm town
/din. 'and 'coon y aforesuid, containing .ELEVEN
A ft S sure or lest. ,
Porn net , — 2 will he offered on the prom nen n 1
10 luck, 11 01 , 011 Thursday, the second day of De
c•mbe ..D -'69.
• Pa. part No 3 at '2 o'oloek m., of said day.,
.• 4, -1 1 o,clo,dk p. m of said day . . •
7,4 oclerat. p, no. -r
Pornart. No I mil i e offered 00 0,0 p to
o clo• 0,0 m:; - on-Friday, t00...11.1rd day-or December
or p a rt N-. P, nt 10 o'dock, n 10 , (11 00151 dog.
" 9 Lo 'clock, p in '
•• " 0, `• 2"'
T'hu's OF S I,E. —A ettill lent amount tea pay all
expeli,t.S a Bale to he p.dd taboo the propel IS tfl
strieke (a. The IV idstyls down to lon d
the land thea ere-t to h paid to her on
chi log h r lift. l. ; and .t It r death t e Spin .ipal mum
to 1111 P d 1110,11 ' 1, l!‘ ally •St tiod (beret . Oct half
of alt.b 'once to b. paid on , lri I, 1870, whe deed
gill hq,delivere -ad , given The
ue be o ...1 ,ol.voleste. nod
t paid April 1, 157 and 1872, AV th Intel e•I from
April , is7o. l'ttro rut, in en II case to a secured
by reet.gni al Ore, 111111 Net nritY, in the 0 slut le
Court . . .
p0,,0n w , uhing to onitniur the prenqsou be
torn for day of 5..416 ran cull upon tho solii.'Blll or or
J. I', Rhona.;
M. n BOTD,_
On • KI1,11:,
CIIA•G/S OF 11011 S.
On end artnr Mo• dap; ?lowan , tr--,,t14-1889;-Pas
msnier Trains will- rou a. 4, -ma (olluw•e, tSundale
ACCOSIII9D.ATION T. , AIN leaves Harrlsbnig
,1:110-1•14-,.Menhanksburg AM; C.-rllete
hipperieburg In ,O.Chanibershorglo,44 Oreen.
...Ale .10, a riving at Hagerstown 11:45, A. 111
MAIL aI o AIN leaves Ha dola, • ;35. n ;
chanlcallurg:2,7 Carllale 2:4 ~ N Orville, 3; S. Sbip•
nnnaburg 544 Chun sbarg 10, Ornecnotle 4.5 n,
nrrt In at Ilager,town 5:•5, r it
• .EXPRESS 'CRAIN le•yes ,Ilarristwwg 4: 53
I Aleehanl slb 9rg 4:47, Carnal° 5: 7, New• Ile 5 . :50„811Ip
lawhil; g 6: 7, r-lvin at hem' eribu g 6:45, 1.,41.
A XED TRAIN I nen Clia berebarg 0•37
Or•anesstl. 9325n:raving t 'Hagerstown 10:10, 0 It
N:-TW A.ft
' ociIMIRMATION THAI leaves Chamb rAburK
II: 0e la, Sliippen.lotra 5:,0 N. Carlislo
0:30, Ilectinnioaburg 7: . 111 . 41TILIC_At_ilatriebtlrg
7:30, • U.
MALI. TEAT` I area II na Barna S:ra A tr, Gyre!,
;oast le 0:36, Chamla ntg 0:1'•, Shirnannharr 010,
Nrwrilla .U 1 , aril de 4n: 0, Mochanicabarg
ti•lurat liar 'tailing 1..55, a. n.
Xll[llllol. TItION I n•ne llngaratown '2 o 0
o e cwlle MP. Chant' e sham ':O5 :-Itippe a a g
Nawrille S¢ Carbide Metbanicaba.g
arriving nt tl r labarre 3:60,r at
A MIXED Tit •IN leaven Hag tato• a 3: 5 rat,
tlrr.'encentia , arr 'dug at Chanibenn me 6: 6 P M.
gra . Making chatn aneetiona al Mar inharg with
*al ato and Inn Phila.] Iphia Nen York, PittaLurg
Baltim re and Wan lin ----2
0 N LULL Supt
Rellreml Offl/a. rim. , I, l g Nov 1, 1815
DII7A: W.NiciipLs,
succEs Olt 'CO . E. II coovEn •
0111.. b. reAtloner. the Into Dr. E.
Now Cumberl:md, ni ton land .o.muty, ldu
.1.24 t
I prco smolt Lonna on Die Mason alley, near 11w
'odes'e. Lot 12 0 feet, wl h hyotant in lite
ya d Apply to 0 P. •CT
1102'31 2MI Wirid lislo 11l et, CM Oslo, Pa.
S. R' ere now Prepared to unit h alt 111Sdel with
e n, ant emit o ulna at home, th.• our the time
or r n thy spare too. onto Inter
pt alit blo P. root, of e ther sex eon ly earn from , 80
con stF5 p r evening, no proporti 11(11 HIM by
devutitig she r whole t too to th b sot sn Bays and
gills earn 11010 . 1.y,1.11 , 11 as 111.11 That W11'0,6011
this not Co may mat th I addret.ii, ant' test usl
s, t is unpurallel doll r t To such as aro
not wll satisfle , w 11 send S, In pay for the
trouble of rit ng. Full rartinulit.s, R rnill,llllo 111M
pi• ,w lilt w E do tO onini re in rlt oli, copy
of.,7'he Peeples Literary C nlyenitat one et the
tar est tied es ,fantily newhp ers . utilisheil—al.
t tau.. y mail ender, if yon want permanent,
proll able work, Atifir,l4 E. C. ALLEN 310.,,t,t,
nolitim •
I • ,liMontiliajlteri•loy furbidllenbarboringer trust
-Im:tiny l imn, &ries A P oil, from this - da Any per-
Hui h ring hint for uny s yin,: rl.ponNl•
I, oco pw fir hi wage, ins be it owner.
M It A:IlL F 09 1 ',
nol2llt , ziiat h Middlettin.township. -
earliOn, Nov. n Pititt
Fr 00 the profits of the twit nix months Ulu Ina eci
tor. hit, Lb. - clay e itrija ' Pnllt 11. NT 01 t he
Capital rbe 'to the Snrplint' mid, and oclire.l
.vitlond of TY.N ; itytildo to Ills' aiOuk•
1, 0 1,1,,, nu deinti..d. Frei. of th xe,.
11. II El' ill Eli..
~11•21 t
001.1) Dom' '. !..0 MN Du N •
pri u t II Muth of Pp G Pails I Bud
'too, • Vo' I, a .1 1111 deltdd' dinning the ni•
It 1r tilt 1 temp. lets ere vr molt:n-4 volls fa, red
1111.0,1 •131illell II IWO. Slid nf.itcrific ,ail of which
tee a is for the prix, s 10111 onnhled I• &POW. end o hp e io fls erely. It every, day et
'dices dull Is 11l e 01001.11 ell • •
Paising. Shaccla,...Rengel .Stripn Shattls,
Fancy %Vool and Square
Plain Mack do, uslon Se, 'Silk now'
• 0105010 i n 11, I hnr ro el red 11l man 1511: , a onto
all u eohl to 10 re o 1111,14 081.,
11011 , 1 1 it - film cOunty pomic•nre,
,11 ark,ll uO, Breen, l'lllllll 4 , Lead Wine and root - o
Wool 5E1,10, 1111 ototllly, at • grea ctlon..l3llt k
areas, nl Pool tooko In exibtiolco, t prices lon'pr
than Ix shot. In 111” war..which shown 111 , Oleo of n
pole. glen n toil Wear: I envy lieu er C ooh,
Plata Blur and lily CI the and ees• mores, at-
Ind, alai s nn n 1 the vartOtis "j; dB viii alit. fur
th he.ololl at g,.c.ttly redo 'r.l niece. • '
NVnto , Pip II 1.1itt,.1 1 3,011 -1 e Ball, of .Watet
Proof 11.111 . 11 .4, 1 1 4:1 111 1 11 1 3.116 n ^ 11141 t' in eaeon for
Indic ' :tuts 10111(1 cola e; tonne inanufaeturere Serif
seen imoper.f oaolvito. it: pi iced le allot eilll 4
I urt it I 111 , 111014,Weal pt.... 11103 they hove evur
boon bold At. All Ituall.let:of 11,ocle hod ho,ct
'Water' •
Ladie3 and ferino, Yeats' and Dratre.i.s,
ro, itlrt*vict Drawers, Lialle:s"tellito Colo, NI
Merits , awl I I".se" octet qtaillt.),Cll Idteiia
w Ito and ancy woo nuke, every Ize,-• 001.11.11,
twig, t'auton lan. el,' ctl %Wink . -itig 'k; of
pricoa Iwo than hey I•avolanat.nolil for ulna yitaes.
l.roliss' and Child 'oak' ns• styl. Shoe'. 01, v r. de
korl Don from the heaviokt to Ito Ilnekt
aired. Dents. tact ea' and Chi
or 'lce, of b tit quality. W !tomtit cola tit 11.itt1%..
.Citiona_cqUitt paos,at n g. oat redact[ .
I res 'ettin l)' welt' an hop t not ..rnty kWh lio'ora
purchasing . as I ant rontlaon. o to shit at
pr co all who to ,y tan with s cal ~ DO ' ha
hunt ugg st Into lin Ina I y u ytl tl list. (cheap HIM.
liu , calico., c., call an kott n whtile•stoch of
goods tight the ugh all pries.
HAY ••61.11 , y.
,0.17, West Main Stet: t
NOTICE: ' • •
lr U 8 I Eft , AL 1111tBNI.11.
. tho twenty..fir in do of october.. 18.9, 0.1)
rignry steno seined 111 the r. eidenco •5 T. t, W. 04 ,
Ii naghon nowitelnip tor • .m„l,, nod 3,500 nit the
store of ltro • Ca , Hale, cumberlano count),
r violation of !faction 48 of the act of July 13, 18 0
No . ice ain ropy give to nil na coo a ri.lMing iho
name, • o np•• or and on ko etvil t Inlm Wib. n thirty
days front the note • othel Willa they NVI:1 ho :phi at
pa I.c auction, at the Collo, tore file, Ca;llale,
Coll. for
Collect , r'a 00Ico, ' 15th District, Pa., Cnillale Nov,
11, 1860.
.nol2 4t
, • .
IL v ug Lop' Lo hntol.oor 1. , my La-de for
rollrotion. a , p roans lade tad to hfin or- toga god
r eatrnpun ma at ul3 oat o a ' thotf earliest, cou.
%calm, and wake sotilam.nt.ftholr necounto, •
111 0 HERMAN, • .
, ..
,Attornoy forJohnDurnOr.
. O,L
- , 4"-
• '
•, ' N
i,,,.-,---::, Pl'Prp PIII.PPPPPPf]
JUHV Ir. Bit
.!~ in
-- "" -- PPPP - PP,
, •
,•,' "Trial- • '
, • ,
A - 'AAA"
NN, _
000 000
000 000
. .000
sssss • SS
ss sssss
sss SgSB"
Tho ruL,cdhuf baying operiatl a
music STORE,
nt No. 11, Wikst Main Street,
w •old eon the n'ttentidu of the iklie, to his Intl.,
ass Jr tele tOf
apoug,litch found a lot Or
Inunwheturcd by In nelotroted 8 huomtuer f •S• Co.,
of n I holeWhin moll, of these
nlos ho fur It ENT, plot h rout o 111 Oenddowed
In port phyme , t'f Ito pa. rln case . of rue 1104,1
Tlits KI long moot will Into I Ira putolin, II
giving time fit p • moult, nod w II “Pow °Koolau ty
af tt•lding.the tram tnent lo•fore Aloe good
::I , ,COND HAND riAsos
fur m k le nr rout, pa I.lmo l obit
Col 111111 11 1 11.1111111112 111011 Wilt . lll. l r you Whit to n
or I uy.
S I V To N IT E' D II 0A N S
M 1. p N's,
• •
front the world renowned trinwitfact• ry of E. Need•
It on lc , (formerly etirhart Needham). The
eltemovit ntal,lwtt in (Ito wo, Id, andol warranted nod
held I o or7r Ly myELIf 1,7)1 n yea a. Al.O
VIOLINS; • • '• • •
SIiBICT 3113810 AND 54 . USIC , BOOK:""
awl rve s ryth . lu4 oppertaluingtotho ntyak,
01,1 , 'Phunks, ' olyinnno, 'end Ory . nno taken In 'rut
pay G t new.. neg.
It A 1 It I •Isi G
Alllciticle or Itiktritotints rel Irv.] And itlEiod
.. cnll und‘niedninin my ,o(o4, and I tun auto, I can
ph 1111, ' i•
,10111 , / :11. :4!1Pti.11.41
Do n't forgot th•
NO: 11 . WEST MAIN .SThtlit,
(opposite Marion Hall,)
SIIAWL.9!" •of awry ilrer'peloo vAK FAST
911A1A1, , ARAB 811AVLS, to. LaoNt
Wog out,:
EIS S YLE W(h)LEN HOODS, mot. out,
FL •:\ ELS of ovety de, ription, a va,r;ntal) lax
pi tore.
1 Nc
A tell Rene - m[4l6'a of ell kincin for [Adieu:, Minnie
etd Children.
FLOOR OIL CLOTHS; all ‘lvidth,i
To the rotentonitr,t large tee x.lll 4et7 that we
setei.e, bog o k , ep op 4.0 r •epo•atlon of ko ping 410
me-t'et metre e 4ek an all dune. that 1 , co be nand
41401 On iu and coolie.
pleura .•o u t a3l to es. 1 w• d ocerhine. ur stouts
hears hulking your pun,n= s f r the s,atoo.
.71111 bo looking turn domirnble Brno for Parlor or
Kitchen 'lloo, we talc a rarefol v.anAilatlon of our
Kook, believing WO b tvolhii le , gerit and beet select
eel snort., t . of- STOVES on, offered to the clttzem
of Camber!And connty
which: •e ■ NOM' or Dining Room Storm, (mode-kit
.° * FIFES, .:Szc
1).11Y GOO DN
rt:11;; - iiirr.rYs,
Superior lininfie
DRUGGETS, all widths,
,IUJIS, &c
LEIDICII & MILLER t x ;:`,..
V r `a;
NI 04
N WA ,1 E, &c
An (Ito pennon is !Int bpi...chi:lg Khan pore Ins
Wo have on bond the Sunny telebrittog
ether., a. thQußande who row Ilion will t.tify
1.). or th - e r tumt detdrmble nitivea iu use
TUE MQ12.511al GLOUT,
wA othor new pArlnr, pinin g . It vm and efunnher
We °ITT nmeng other. thi lot owing Cook Moro.
N 0111.2 CC/ON,
MERRY C101.1.8.14A15
end City ofßorllegtoo COMBINATION. We al•qe•
8.11 the •
which horde ono; iwa or thrro roomy, dle deeidedly.
the boat Tiro Pfaco Stovu ivor liffuntodl
Re would cell aittgullon to ou• lerge stock of.
- .
on band or ma& to odor. All Wilds
Alone' or reasOctibletorive imtlyrith,ut deur.
All pareO'nedrairing'ain *lt n le oar tinware' In
e . tted to *all lend prim° our "areleteri before purobasieg
No:18, West Main 84.81,
°arable, Pa