.6.1i 7 ,.. Catti.,sfii..V,nieatr--.- CARLISLE, N0v17Y`17384 5, 18G9 Coal is getting dearci °were():3l.s aye in demand Court'beglus next }reek. Chestnuts are abundant. 'The squares are full of leaves . 'TholimmeMmle_huskine corn. The Court Noeso roof Th finished.. - .Evorybodytolks about - lbjeold.: The velocipede nuisance continues.- The Soldiers Monument still progre*sos College street tis opened to the Wftlnu , )Bottom road. On Satut*fnorning . last, Mr. Lewis Bosh; of the firm of Cornelius - d; Bosh, foilvarding wierehants, Varlisle,inetwith an accident at Bridgeport, this county. In the shiffing,_of cars nt Unit place, Mr. Bosh attempted to couple a car—not his own—to the train, and someliow his foot, as the train -moved along, got on the track, and the car, !Tawny loaded with flour, passed over it„. literally smaFiliing it to a jelly. 1)1'. Rutherford, of Harrisburg, ryas sent for, and after removing him to Has Linited-States-holek-the-foot-was-ampu toted, leaving. the heel poiTion remain. Mr. Bosh is doing as well as can lie ex- peeled under the circumstances, ar , al is 4 4 ttendcd by the A Oellows of Harris vrg, of which 4rte is a member. Mr. B. has tltoii unpathy of the cot ire community, anil was one of the most obliging railroad men we linew. OE= That sterling old Republican paper, the Berks and Schuylkill ,Till rna 7 , thus kindly notices us : " The Carlisle I.lEn.tbo, a time honored visitor, is brightening up with increasing years.' The last two issues show a marked impavvement, in the- fUlpf.U', in its new d , ess, neat title, and general make up." ! We can reciprocate the. compliment. Haring been out or the editorial profes sion for sonic . years, we found on our return to it the Reading ../o/tatn-a./ larger, brighter,.and More alive thryh even when rve'were accustomed to regard it as one of. the best of our exchangqs. •=7* - - Executors', administrators' and guar dianship aecoAnts, to be presented at the netapyptitins".Cotirt, must be tiled in the Register's °thee. on dr before the. thir teenth tlay'ir November next. - John B. Lehligh. esti.; inendier elect or the Legislature from thi , l'eounty, was ;:ereliadeil Icy us friends some time since, ttelvlimii Ile nuuly quite au elatiora tr speech which. is reported in full .in last le • 0 •1 ; ', L Th„ sfpeeeh. barring its ioli I ies, is a vry d , cre it able pmidue t apt irdoolitless astonished a great many of Mr. l.'s pelghbors Ivho have not Heretofore supposed there was much speech making-material iu Lim. The aTiffnal eleo ion for directors of the Farmer, Bank took place on - gout:ly hoj, when the th, onsithi g :rhos. Taxti.iii, A. J.. llrrinan, 11.31iller, John IV. Criii head. Abram Witmer, and Jolin.C. The f"llowing naw,edit,ntlemau Lceu reeleetea. officers of tl:e Baul: : Presitl,lo, Bober; ; C'. iloCrer ; Tao', W. N. ( ) g; 11,y, • y nup min, named Abralni - in Tyson, aged 17 ycar.-, left his father's llie, at _Norristown, Pa., October 1, I. Utl, jtild hiss not been heard of since. 1 his pareitts aro very fie his return. or any hiformation as toL s •wheivalibut, awl • itld hallow IT,r've fell on Sunday this year, much to the disappuintmcttl. of 'that large class of smart - fellowT who see lots of fun in ntisobicf. Saturday' night was substituted 6y those who were bound to have sport z but line fun would have been, doubtless, livelier had it fallen on another night. I hdlow Eve is most generally honored with all sorts of preposterous mis?liief. Beating doors with Pumpkins and cabbages, blinding fences 'across public roads, ername'uting Wagon she As w,th store signs, stabling cattle in Tiny mows, putting wagons and bußgies rin the roofs of outbuihhilgs, or taking theni apart and hiding the differ ent pieces, are some of the ftyp i v pranks that delight yaing Amerierffaffil enrage their pt °genii Ors inn the country. In towns the equally silly, but not quite so laborious amusement, emisists in ring ing door bells, throwing shelled corn at the — windinvs, and occasionally, when there is Some genius in the crowd, trans posing a few : signs. This way ofeele brating Hallow live is perlufps open to good many tdkject ions, but asllte fun and mischief that exists in Young America must occasionally tied vent,' it, may as well Bonze out on the last night of-October as F itt, any other tint. lIIME=III Tlie; undersigned Committee, in behalf of the Empire Iliad , : and Ladder (''or;;- pony, desirp to express their warmest acicnowleOniculs to the many generous eontribut4s to their Fair of fancy arti cles, cakes, ac., and especially to their fair friends, the sales ladies, who pre -sided at the tables and made the einitri •butiong such a handsome :Source of profit: Their warmest thankSUreralso due to the Carlisle Brass Band, lin their services during siti'ljOSSiVeeveilings. They ca - n‘' not fully-express-their thanks to-the-Gar— rison 4inateur Minstrels,. who so greatly 'assisted them on the fast evening of {he Fair ; and especially are their than :s.ilue to Mr. Lewis, who tools the part of :Luc- Cancer, and with the_ fluency of speech with which he is giffed sold articles at a handsome sum; which Would havo other wise been-Sacrificed. The Fair realized cz handsbme sum to theexhausted trea sury of the Company,'and iu view of the 'liberality of the cUmniuniv,. the Com pany has only to say that ics,most active and energetic• services will over and al ways be promptly given whmi. the Prop erty of our citizens is threatened with destruction by ,fire. • . 11. D. C,omvqnT, Jou C. F. SHOWERS, The Presbytery . .. ! of Chirliste. met The follow ing extract from tho minutes will' show' the, action on reunion ,:._•..._..,... , . "..MO - Ovortnro, on Reunion seat down ,bytilie General Assembly, 'haVing been • road, it was moved that an affirmative answer to given. Resolved, That the roll be called,, to afford opportunity fOr remark and vothia Roll was eallod with the following retgt = ayes 44, nee) 6." All the ruling elders voted in tl (3-affir mative.. 'ho following, resolutiOn was Offered by W. Murray;-who had votpd in the negative, and was paSsed by aunani- mous vote: '• WHEnt+s; Tuts Presbytery had, by a ",".trote:involving a substantial unanbr*, apyiroved:of the _unioUjlietween .ty9 branches of the'Pre,sbyterian church, on the basis submitted by the .General„As semblies of said'clmrehes ; and whereas, ite have ample reaSon to -believe that said union will he consummated-; therefore Resarcd,..lThanimonoy, that wo do all wo can to 'render. such uniou.•a great and permanent and glorious find: Presbytery refused.to release Rev. J. Wightman,:who-Lad-bcen called to St. .Toseph, MO., his people opposing Lis Ten - oyal. , lie remains at-Greencastle and Waynesboro. since last meeting, W. H. HiHis has been ordained and in stalled pas . tor . at Gettysburg. Mr. A. P. Kelso was ordained, in August, as an evangelist, and his 'since sailed for India. A v ehurCh' has been organized, in most cirCiimstanees, in Thick Val ley, Fulton county. 'Rev. A. Rankin was lately installed pastor at - Ruston and Lonaconing, _M 1. These churches are in the milling legion, as l the populatilm is largely Presbyterian: The :chureh in Martinsburg is one in which Presbytery' feels a deep }nterest. It is feeble, and needs fostering care. The bred cell there are-, very-tea most-and- t a ve really a claim 'on the whole church. On Tuesday morning last, the Secre tary of the Common Wealth, as required by law, caused the _retains' of Alm IMe election for Judge of the Siiprem,•Court, to he opened and counted. took place in the hall of the Ilmise of Repre sentatives, in the presence of the Guyer- . nor and a number of citizens. The re turns' were opened by Mr.. MeCama at, the chief clerk of the Stow. Department, and were compared and computed by. Messrs. ChandlOr and Halbert. T , ;:e Tote was found to be as follows : For Ilrur, SS. --- For ()rum I. Ver 1t1.6 ----- Colonel Jordan, the' Secretas7 of the Commonwealth, then read the proclama tion of* the Governor declaring aild pub lishing the election of henry W. il ianis Judgeol the Supreme Court for the, term of nitro' years, from the first :Von da'y or December neat. To-day, sFriday,l the hod party of col ored troops remaining at Carlislß, not Out, tinder comma lid of Colonel Lei h . , for Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Five roil cars were thrown 'from the ranee, near Alterton station, on the 'innheliand Valley Itailroed„ on I , _riday norning last. rufibiir - becoming' (le ached nitol fling on the track win t .aurae. No intent ion of tva, alt,ctl n,is id SI.IIIII,CI', nt Ml' Cumberland county, Pit., who v. :is sum moned as a wit ass on a ease ,iii ing in the ()Mee or \\-. ,in Tne,(l.ly e f esiil l gt the twenty-sixth hall a stroke aft apoplexy.,_ After' being reinoved In liines;nith's Liticl Ire sit iiMitilier and more severe/sit Fe. Itc limu.ered Tuesday morning,. the seeolsl instant, \then he died, 110—wirs :Whitt .years utage. remains s iii LC entiveyeeLtte his-home - ;er ce tmettiii, -- mitt Pre, f. •'1'11) . .„11: whAois till t\ 4,r thi, ..z,(l ftPl . ILo 111.1:,11.1). A ten ilde :r -etried in towti 1 - I , ,c,day; the 1,,1t1t eafele , ,tle,, in Ivavilig matt ht. arourid. A little girl, aged :Wool nix years. daughter of Eatoi), Burl twi•ti sick 1 . 1 :0111e V. as .r. far - coverua a, to lie able to sit it ). (;11 that •tlay N a. Eaton went bia house nettr by In do some washing, leaving the little girl and a younger brother at home :done. Frtfin all that can lie learned, the And --rt(ii commenced playing, when the little boy discovered some matches: MO, ing one threw it on his sister', elothe..:, whictOlogether with the pillod•.s on the chair on 71tich she wa.iseated, talting lire —caned the child literally to rom.t alive. Iler hotly, aims, and face were terribly eharred,„and when discovered t:in. was ,surTcl'ing untold agony, Doctors were immediately P. 13 and every thing possible was done for the little sufferer, but all lAT no avail; slur limyered until 'Wednesday morning. when died. A WOILD TO OBSERVER. Tn !or Edih:rs ..I (he The committee who have in charge the erection Et the Second Presbyterian Church Parsonage respectfully request Observer to make a more particular e?:- main:abut of the Parsonage building and he will sec that his sugge•tjon in hist Week's llEnat,p was the result of an ob servation fol,Tn from the oppoiiite side of tho street. Had he informed himself better, the Second Presbyterian congre gation in general, and the building eittn mittce in paldieular, 'u - oni* have Leen spared the expt,;Nre. The pi ice of coatilud how to economize: The comtuiltCO iippoint crl by the Amer lean Institute to examitM`into the.merit of be:various coallturning stoves, "have i'cported that, after niacin; a' thorough examination of the - Various stoves, and testing them , thorough,ly, both in refer ence Le e conoM y and 'witting power, they havti found the ' Atherican Base lurner' jthannfaCtlureiCiLL he the most ccomindeal, and thit most; powerful heater—sonic of the tests shoiving that this stove consumed full one-half less fuel than the others, and' ini every ease gave much more heat." In, itimt letter to gut the abOrn- named store and avoid the' great waste of coal ?-4Than y iek erbocker. These stoves arc for sale by William East Loather stretit, Oa rli,le, Pa. Read tlioadvertismenfon. T. (keen.- lu our colugina.. It- will: be seen that liC. has revolved a new sVelt . vials; Which he, is offering; at - extreinCly low prices... Tim Cumberland Valley Hoimeepaihie Medical Society, held' its • swill annual meeting in Carlisle, oil 'Numbly, the second instant.— ' Oo it Mil C The President,: Dr. Itlareden , of York Sulphur Springs, called the Meeting to orth'ir o'clock, a. in., and the usual ,business pertaining to-society organiza tions ryas transacted, when the members . entered. - (into,discussiom upon carious medical tcipicii. . It.Paperp_was presented and read on the lathed of • Disordered Dentition, which hah been prepared by Prof. Henry N. Guernsey, of Philadelphia, at the rc- Jirtest of the society, which elicited much commendation. The :writer depldred the use of the lancet upon the;gums, but ,instead would restore health to the whole organism. . Dr. Primo read a,..paper on the subject a our alfateria- Medira 1171(1 the dOetrnio of sindlars; believing if w 6 fully under stood the indications of.symptome, lug- to the remedy,": we- should 'jtis.t so suroly cure our pntionts.. ' Mara(len-read lieforo—thu.secicty_ Paper on a novel subject . , comprising a. collection of 'observations made - doting la-t throe years, on " the. effects of the 'FICIII/1 of:Wheat asManifest ed by carious diseased', conditions of the per sons' engaged in curinbaild threshing - Ale' . the crop: of -1868 t. furilisiting the most marked eases. In Uildit ion id -ho above many interesting .6,aSek Were reported, notes compaMd, and views iiiterchanged, With the opp . priunity afforded for social intercourso and the promotion - of good cheer. If nothing but recreation was sought, the drowning of selfishness and Professional . animosities, and a - Blurt respite fronl the daily round of profits - sitmal labor, would folly compensate for • the time. tints spent. it was earnestly desired that physicians shoule - tgi've more lime and attention toiliesef meeting.;; as means of Im:fairing. dad diffusing in formation, as well - as to other depart ments of science, Stile() the pilytileille should lie a man of culture and general infornlation,.ill order to _have influenee for good in the community where lie labors. J. A. CEAwroim, frempvii}y rWrk. ircmlierjleulu,LOyo • end Terminer mal.Cetm•al Jail delivery, and Court of Quarter Sessions and - of the Peace, 181.39 Allen, George \V. farmer South tin' t Adams, “. Smith E. Penn. Bucher ; Geo. 11. Farmer Silver Sp'g Disle?, Alan. Farmer 3Tid. Delancey, Oliver 710volt:int Carlisle Deitz, David Fanner E. Penn. Fetrow, Daniel Smith. Allen Green, IV. D. • ra . riner Neivton High. David Pa mice Hopewell Ilvaff, Hobert. Dealer Silver gp . g. Kelso, Junes Farmer Shim:Bor. liamerer, Mathias Farmer Frank l'ord Killian, Alm]. Coach II Newville Leckey, .T: B. Farmer Frank ord Lehman. Daniel Laborer . Monroe Alontgomery, IT. - Farmer Pimn. •Alowrey. Adam Shotanakr Newburg Orris, Adam l',aborer L. Allen Rich vs Me, Jacob' Farmer Dickinson Smith, t , arm, Laborer, L. Allen Swiler.Tames • Gent. S liver Sp'g. Spottswood, Jas. Shoemakr Carlkle Umberger, Farmer L. Allen waggonor, H. 1 . 1; p . Carpenter Frank ru,rd Traverse Jurots--Fir,,t Bnisley, Georg - it A. 1 7 ;1nm:1. t - , .\llt•n ' , armor 1; 1 1..a n 1; f.1 1 .,1 11:t,1 1, 11ore. gent. 1111.•t•11:iiig Ilridges. John Biak, 11. _Pauper 't ITopcv.:,ll \ L. )1. )1(-t h I‘l, (•11.11, 1 •„; .lich,•ll,lgri, .1: 1. 1 .7111 t..• J..h u 11. F a ; 1 1 , 1 - 1,. 7.1,1•1 y. 1 1 ,1.11.•!. 11;ito:•,11 ti ' 2 , 1 t ,11,11 •'itg,..tif ltlgt•l . , .1. k". 11 1• 1 :11ni,r 1 . ;!. Iv I,•f9lclint;r r. ?Chu 1 1't•ach•cr Farincr S.qllhoiii l l lt•lß•rlig. • Pa.„ I .ll .trinot;ll,-,l,coctl htrper, S. I'. - Yen!' .111;,..„ Pet t•r 1 r 11, 9.6. 1.(1,CY, .kli•X. :\ .1.11g,401 li 11. I.alm:rr Silver \ Farm. - I. 1 krittph 1/1 . ..)% - :NO), Ji,ltn. I , 2l . inci—c - )li,l. v F;it-hiell Nk.Ctinc, S. B .ltpllin~r r. . John Ift•v1;c1. Nolf , h4ger. J. IV. QuiLfli;y, Slit - Ulu. Philip Achim 11 13-.1 ralfilzi•l, .lamb r:ir M 141411,, S. TraNCl,O ! -4 012:nici Ayrt,:. 'I. .\:!:r111 llf•cltu Brady, J. A. , .f. !I. NI , .:,•!!!!!ii rorltTeT Prun NE nlon Parinin . N. Ai ( . .11li , le (toiler, Fiti.tEur \'. Eplt•3 - , ifrullier E. Pl . :111 Elliott. AV. L. 4 :Ntereliiiiii Newton Ernst. Sittiniel Farmer rniul; Ensiningor Slii:Cl Saddler Carli-le • IZoLet Farmer IFol.o tell ryritley, Henry Ccroper Ship. 11,. \ Fanner 1''r:11:1:1',,,,I Lnlorel .I:trty; 1 . '::r1.1e1 \V. l'ellll Gel ICJ.; mer N. ihrover..To,eph r. I. I. • 'Painter - 11o,lettcr. A 1,111. Gehr Ship. flor. (Lea. 13. N1t....1.11,1111 Heel:nian. Alex. Smitil NeNvville Sant:tel Fanner S. `,l;thlle. liitzmiller, P'arme onthnnf t Line, S. (1. Palmer II: \V. Lalmro'r Ii iel; 211. (.'arlisle Alart in„T”ah Ilitle.llen Ship. Pen!' Neisley, Ileujainid l'artner ...Ifonrot , 3fere1111:11 John .('t,:;011 thipp, Jolin (I. Ginn, Itn , sel, .101 in • ll'agoki Ni- vtiiit Fre,ilS Yarffler I'. nit \V. G. • Ilene y Pnrlner George TCai•her Ilainprlen Shoop, George '(''thirrH )PA;. }'coil Stil'irl, P. Parmer N., 3fiddlc. • llonry l'ellll ShiT4,l , l:, E. IVagg4):ker, E. Farmer N. diddle. Zeigler, l,cri I , allller Milhll4. , sex • I)avia . harmer S. "Alit1(11(2:. Commit( ee to I 111 . I II uft IM ME itc t lilt I 1111t1 1 1 Idi 1, t l'lih• thl lII] IL. 1.3. Ilil lel.. In Id 1101.111 lON lEEE uwpii VIII XII Tr el ) 111 111 tit au::DI !NI tpr innti !MI 11E1 I U 01 Ti 11,15 es it tt.eloeilinntion calettl,orol to der,•ist , and trip tent to•r , of tontine It Ho tot Iltt•y . tot . reve•lcto Ott.. egvel'on I i'1.111 . 1: into hereby ogilits' nh arch itnito'hoto, Lt toil r to further protect innreives and bal . ° the of Hirt." front liup oil o hove Touring.' to ei0n, , ;, , , Lahr' 11,e:0'LT 10 wtotoltr our fution., tilt', uml heir the r.potati , ot of lite • Obl,' Slantio• o We met, grout 0gp0n.,,, by en aiding, hilt tint and win mini Itlo nnotn, • Tito Ann In el, Moog wltli tons enylion owl meta otnintiontotion toll • pit..4e• tan oxvittlent ottPi in rt oft of C.' 11. I("Yder, tho . rnol ori mn‘Pbrr of This tail lot) Me bodge of Its'gelillillelltnO, uK writ as a gnnrnnd a n , i thu quality or Inn Bittern Tho 'abet o•111,1ortittl) eop)rIghttol,11111 111101 1/111C11 1071.101 tine. remit eountrrfettero • By no Molt of 0118 Atoll 11,0 confidence Dior 110 010001 et lb° repotol Wu Of the "Obi nottiorg , bo [allowed to ottlfer. • Nona gouulnr nolo,solgtool.-:- • • I)le,R 00,. Nordt 'Third Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. mot' :\01•1, pit I )le:htrt):l )I,,tipw ITh 1 . 1.' , (1 . ( - 111(,L. 511101 . '.'11 ‘ , 4 Nt . N 1 141 rg I ' .ll NNW:111111 ( •, .11• ‘ il Cal 11 , 11' ti:4l,il :lh,llllo. I • CAUTION 1111 I ow , lig I , lll,lelive nvy.'Noiv le Iry ispy trtt.d . ttlut 11: ry y litt•wrt rntittot too : lie trt tut: r 11 nags I=lll2 I y n'tg , vutl , rum. 4.1,.1)r S;,ei, , C,o 1110,,, I 1111 011 : 11 .1111111:11,1 1 1 1 / 1 11Y : 11: . 1 . 11111.i 1 . 1/ 1111 1 11 . e 111-1,11 jilt: for Iho %er Ilivilmio .11101 ed 11,1, nirlt or .....1.!..1.- .11..'.1, 11,..• r1ie..1.4 ...., eve. .x..evrl .1 ..‘ . I, 31.1111 tql ..!..11,..irs...11.:1‘ryli.tyyvvvr.1.11. yin by'el, aim . , rat •1,...• 1.111 rriv.i..,.l hitt iii.. .ntlllo. VI , it, • Litt, UW.111:111:1/ , 01:1 4 ilic : ,,i li,, , imhol‘llo.l. ,We .io HO: f.• t• I IV. t,tipet I. iti ....:•111. .111,...n; .r!l.. atti•it.lot t i. .lti WI ., with:limo - not e..ioiltilieli!ly .1...1, and aril.le+tittileof ;i5 . ..91040,g. tiltlys. ipiricl . on will lot , 1:iv . 1.r0w...11. 1.1.•..1.1, null leig...ey olillivir pi 0; lir •1 111,f1 rol:pil ollt :Irv, q 11.:1 . be oil vied for thrill,, I Sili•,0 4 ,111.111.11,• • rti1i11re;11 . 0 , 01 , 1,.....4.,,1int.ry1ii. it .. ' .1 . ..1.i. for 1... 1.....vy or 11,111•... .lg,t Vol 1L...111yr Hull •• li. or ityliil.l. tln, we rao 111.rolii. 11t!... a. '. t. ail•iclo trrlltovo who tale. a•lvaiii...2. 0 d our it . ,, ~.1 ,lii.,,,iiit tg • Lvtiik )1111 , 110 furor and 11,2 ill.utittiort..ti,..., ' l).i . til.l tip:4..ll'llM l e l 9 toilaiiivi li, 1.1,... i ,0r toil 11.; ..111, . • . , ' " P. ola, 2nt MISCELLANEOUS TO FARNiERS AND TREE PLANTERS MEE CH4IIIIIEBSBURG NURSERY JL - 0( . 1.1110,.• ' - • (Formerly Itytler Norn,ry Anlottlation,) Have for nale, In large oiknutllr OmpliitlPs, it choice roi,ortioeot of • . „ ' - - Apple, . . . . . \ . •, - Peach', „ , • .• - . - - • ' - : Pear, ;•, .. Pltun ang other trees, still, all.tlie 13 ow or good kiwi° of Gyapeyine; Over one linildrettlra:iieties of lioses, _ Anti an "I - everything that in (41- ,11111i/10 to stick alirot class orehald or garde.. _ (Mr ilrief, are row anal our hr,ea are Its good AS ((to b, , nt. Orders by mail rereiVu'ollr Lent altoution, 01 -ifor Catalogues (itch jiff... Mitt 1011 I , I3PERINTI;NDENT, Chambot,trurg ;tirsory ,iir•intit'llt, • p.% il'n want nolbiblo man I l overy bm n Ib tel RN agent , nr tho tistio of inn. Ire, nail plants. MEI 1211111EZ =I "DAILEY C CO., _ _ Tcwelerm, = I I=ll MA'IX S'll,( Ell= II EERIE MITEI MII.VI IRlf 1 , 41 , ;(', II 111(t-DAL . MEER =I RAILEY =I Cliu , tnut ;viitl Twelfth sl rev!, P1111..1 DELTA MEE ETTEitt , ,, or lii. i it l.:1)1*( Tr:?. 1 1)H1' G +iDs . t . 1 „1 ..• N a t:1111iti nAlh,ntho .1:t L. T. GIII EX IELII'S ruditt•(,l to il)1/11 ')111 , 1i11,-, \ViliC. I'2.' 2 111:110 L . 11111C.11:11Cli Pt,1,11:11 .1 / 1 ":11111, SC 7 lllllOl' hiCIII 20 4 \V:'111-1116, 1 the pirce, 111= llu Cil4 , lt's: ,*:•1 • 1.5 ,NN CP MIANVIA fntt .0.1 u‘,V4 .ll.ry lII4IN 1111.;. 111,1,E NES III; k I V. conts PItI•'FS G )01)S K AND F.\ Nt El= N,AIN WOOl, Ptirl;lNS Atil) WOOL POPLINS, ,Tllll`ll AID roof. tom,. .I.sc - rirt ivbW OL Cy.r.dr:OL,lll, of thOl'ighit.st r.oet. .I.lul le 11.1 . Z4, • 'Ill.,: .t to 1A10.• 7h. phre of FURS! FURS!! =I .. 01 Y C.mm ”01,,,ti0n, frjol the rlve,t prier to the Ilur=t -11.10.- pricil op d,ry vonope, v, I hry rzirrit,,tl tilreot In the, maim A FL3I, SET VOR *G .M - A 5,;,7 uhliNAss IM t.no In 1101 brApoh eo Cbtlifi that our rti.ck-n.ilio.conpare aVol'abiy InnOe to =SI LIIA ItO A INS IN \VIII r, A 11 . 1. 1 . A , t.ioll.l'3lr.NT off ,. ' . • AIOL I2NING- 0001)S. - .AlayAon INOIIONb, ~ A 11171; 11 'AIDA, quuTs, on 4:1,d1;.1t, • WOOion Ciao& of every (I,cripti,,n, Jo int.; ovory thing fannilk.in a flrnt clar; Dry ( (1,.141:, WOW., •11111 i iill will br 80131 at limo . isIIALL 'mama L. T, CiltEr,VrlVll,j), ~Ell:tit. EMI Onr rewlerl el.,ert tint we rm . :Ay pral f .il petent niealethen,. fool that Are tie „. 011i1 the very bent or them. But, Oyer, the roe arl Icicle rN cowry nice, of 010114010, fiem trot ;Il3lr ;;;;',r7g nun 1111110. t. 4rljni 4 • 'Hea•qtll‘43 wt. kit in throllolollt. the .1(11i1111 I ty,,erto.l un.ineilleo .bly the reflect . Arer';o4arstivirilla, 1p ottblielt wl!hota 4 44 tilo t ermirlutib; ellleney 01 this 101olleino th's 1n We 1111;0u:A tf the Any ream Cy whitth out err eircettv;ily ono troirt :the dead,_ i.hotthl lommo ; And we.yish It zloty he Mtlyetleqty end nuer'r . te+oll nn it hen hveinln the .11 , 1,. or 311 . 4 jtice,—Daily Journal, •Bytneme., toe .. lm W. A. Arvow): ' ISAAC W. TtANCTi ATWOOD, RANCK • • - rIIUSXlII4Ifl! • Wilde vale clval,ia In all kitala of PICKLED AND :AALT No: 210 North Wliarves, • Ahoy': Kayo d4ect,' , . COI LE BROTHERS th. 0 Yost opened a Inr o stork of Toole such as Q. T and II t WEE •. Ladles nod Got • E ISO Berlin nod Cloth ELOTES. Also a nt • IcIT - HE • front Ito factory at their priors, -who Palo only. .- • , • No 11.Sotith Ilanovet'S' rept, Ca. hole, Pcmia • Dlt. 'GEORGE SEARIGHT, .• DENTIST,- • • Mont the Baltimore Colhige of DeittOl t 4 tirkery. 'Mee. id the Dl'Dillelll . e of his ;nether, East houther street, them:, duces balmy Bedford. ' Inst!,np J S. BENDER, itomtEtm , .tTinc Ytilel AN. the rosin formerly orropiel Dy Col. John lOseliS '°"" " - 7 • e E . . L. SIIRYOCK , .11;s•nci.: PEAen. (lilies, No. 3 Imlne's Row. 10,019. r 4 E. 13ELTZ1r0OVER .e ATTORN EY Al' LAW. DM, in Month thinjeer street, optlosite Ilsittes dry. Fonds 4 0 • CIIV. REIDICII, -D. D. S.: DEN•ris.r. Tr,i - iT. - T - FiTorißriffigiroroloo , ttive Dentistry of the lint .l 'more College of Dental ,Mirgi•Ey. et his rest ih•nre; omeeMe )erion !MIL West Mein streei, Car- Pn. 'lnvent) n. r. n • 4IT P, wnuk. t. 1.. Ititir.mt IME J nn A. HOLE, WHIT EMAN & CO., s . itot.Es o,p; 1 I,N —1 2111ANITEACTPEIED .TOBACCO;z N. E. Cor. Thihl and Mark*aLtirets ' ritwx3vELvmA C. P. IVIRICII. WM. B. IT.LT 1M RICH & PARKER, ArronN EY,'4 Al' LAW. Unice on linio Atrrei, in \I Orion 10e,v8i JOHN CORNMAN, tl ArIllItN4:1" AT LAW. -011lee-helettl--;hg littavhe..l In the Trenkfitriteiel, , p p,+its tlO, t`e,hrt Ilouxr. , 1(64+9 .. . . - 'TOSEPH RITNEE, .711 ' .,\ . -"- Pi ATT . ORN EV AT LAW AND : , tIL.-V - 6" , % 11,lianirsharg, Pa. Office . Raitroitil iireet; hr,, (h. , north of Ilie Ilmik. /. 11u0inr...4 pro.ptly alte) . 9plio: 111,69 -.,--. - . R: • " 'ATV/UNE NV, U tiro: Is S, 11, Pirent, 1.111.4,,Jt0 royln 10.1'0 Me C. 11"1 ‘ 3 1 iN 'I l 'i A lt;.• '" Cl" , C 9 , In- K) P.rr. SIIA➢MBAEfIEf, .o; 11 I; or TIM I'EACF - Pi . ‘li•i.i p 1'0110.1 . 1 r0 0101 v.Poti AU". 1.00. 0.• 170 .11, • ()TITAIT . l'A ,•,11, :tut , IPI . ;t• (tt 111 •• (12,111 ()flit It. nlll it - co:ntl., multi =I 1,11 . 1‘11 , 1.1N ',co. I 1111plci.:t r•Lruot, MEI CZIP...VNI; LEI?. cf: AVIT,SON„ K./ 11,:l'i,:N1 . 1:1:$ AND ,l'Aji; 1:1•11.ilEns Po: (S ~~ I A 1. W. F. sAiii,Eit. Air E.% K 1,1;r S • ,m , . 1c.;,11. , A11..A. Itevt rll Oin. • AAT J. Sit i. 1 : 1 \ . 1 1 11 . 11 . ?, vr pat 11..• W ES. B. 11111( ANI •T 1.115 ME BEE HIVE " BLANKETS DItYG 00 DS STORE, DEEM JFW. l'itot"i1:1: (1) I. 41'1 1 I . :I •::"'l N I' i' :,11:1:E'r. Constantly receiviilig, I=l EMEI CII TQYS ,T,OIIIsI DOLL SUN, TOYS AND FANCY GO.n.P Thr largo,t tnnel: lon't,t prine3 t' reentrod, n tin. in , ,n - Inunn Tortiry i'an..4, :11tnr1leo, 'rano' ,13n, altlen Vars., Caii.jll/ , 1 ~ :11111. OM' B()().1, -, AO PINTS \VA E Pori ".1111\11,Inif,16 . ollori I.', Ip .I°ll 9 IL Ilongll, 11Wory , f hin , tKuggi , py, taislik•Kitrop,Llot -15'11,,1,, .41,1 ,isrort lug Ilield,ntsTllll ~r , ill I, Iwautiiiilly to-d i I . !' 1. , 9 , 3 4 1 1 1 11 , 4 ,1 P,, I; 11. n 1 , .1 N 01 , 1 toort 211 WAN'S .- I $1,1i. , ,04-11,,. priltll.llor, Arelt ' SOLID SILVER': mid . •.' st till IlAlit Weill CART. fthr, cery :Luxe 40..1 Sl:a boa doi t p,., xnitfLlo 1 13riditl Gifts, Tertimonialsoincl Zlulidity PI hied 10,14 111:111 Ito to,OOQ, . mt. ,Exiroordlmmy 4iMloi•e•meols purcht.•..rg, • So, 710 A rcli • Ztvllld4 v, : ',4101i0 LAs T. NOTIOyI.-±•_4lll.)Pp34ti. in 101 •pd to ChialOo Zltzer, wl I out.tc,, Immo, in p.yountt. tind savo 11. PLUMP 111111:11, J. P, Plohi told, Panit:n. EX= 4' CARDS., PHILADELPHIA SHIRK =I l'A iIEMIM=MI3 PE MIME I= :NEW GoOns PRICES FAIR, o 1 FANCY MODS INTO, 908 3fayka Fdreeti I=l Iro: r 1 ii I r Presents MISCELIANEOVS. ES'I'.ANE 'OF JOHN HUNHAR, de . ce.ed Ait porHone• having. 'claims nit:those the aBtate o John Donhniclato of West PenunborOugh townehly 'deeemol, wlll.lllense BreFlynt. thon,_dnl) , ....nthorized to Ito undorshmetl.• ALINE, W. DUNBAR, - .rthninlittrittrix. • No. 68 Fount West street, Oclobor 21, 1'.09, at • 'CarlliJe CAIILISTE DEPOSIT BANK Octoberl9, ' w annual eltalian for ohm. Dlrentors of the Bank will,he held at thu lainhing-10-pae on the third Mon day, fillevolh of annular next. 'between We boors .. I “. 111., and p.'in. . .1. P. It ‘SSI,EIt, 220e1t0 • ' ' . Cashier. STOVES, TINWARE, Lt„ JAMES AtcGONEGNL would respect lolly invite the attention of tlik publlo to 1113 largo titock of sTovEs, TIN, ANI) SHEET IRON WARE, As. Re hi, made It rot iOtlect in selecting the *nto,t thc , lnthle, economical, and diirable vievee in tire market. — 111, cooking etovev convhit of the NIMROD, . Q1'..4.K1:11, CITY, • IRO:SI:11DES F.l It M Eli, otot.oiloint, whir.lt Ito guarantyn to ilvt , natisfjottloi in GI cry rt-lapect. Illx ymmoir ANDorrieg BTovE6 ore nnstirintsood for beauty of tleitign,olintablllty, and economy of fool. Ile abet nl•. It, the public' the Inqtlyttielebrattol z GAS Ile ovoultl tall attention hi n few Lie minify: • , I. It Into on /trick to 'nor...placed itnoti or intro a 11. !leafing ilownwortlx, Ito laye of heat are tlelleet oil Ni the floor, boating the feet Instead of the 111. '11a• horning of the gas hy n sin - ind supply of fresh air io comph•t•. The devieu, iN not found . in tiller Olive!, consequently the air Is alnityx pore. IV. II iv n perpetual 1.11r11,. • V. It no clinkers. • 111._1t_ila_1 ortentkir rinn,,iiiisii_thn ore...ligament— la covered by a 'client, and la perfect in Ite ope ration, VII. liB VVlltilatioll In complete, find In eYery report H a firm Blare stove and IVllrral)t NI to give main- Net ion. Num hi•in iifrefermices eau be given no in the write of thin stove, Ind he would ask -- tlinse - wltcrwielt-I,evet-n-41.3441411114.5tayttositiljtt Ills shop And m r it in Opongtion. Ile ellen miteng other Parlor, Diaing Ito4hl, and Chnlallet ntore,, e beautiful, eronothar,O, nod plllVelllll healing StrlWl.,' pa teittutl.l,,69 ; also PA R l e Olt for hooting too ot Immo Rooms, I'm table Eurnacvs, &r. TIN AND SHEET IRON {PARR , oßm‘n ll 3 - ..Qn.band , SPOIFFING, ROOFING, -.IOIIIGNO -- inlar -- to - order Ifont - DoWkiekl, rop+omil.R Pricer JASIES McGONEOAL, Se Ilunovor St., near Wm. lIIMr k Sons-ttrovory-:qore, South End MEE 110 I 0 N.—Whereas the P .Ih.s. .finned 11 GrAlattn, President Ain hy of the see cal 1 ou Is ad' Common ('lvan of tha counlit, Cambia l'erry, .1111.1alltt, and .lust) e of the, sere al l'oorts a(-hoer nail l'aratiner nailoneral . el syry iii randw a roll nod the oth 'Clumpy. P. Blair mot the Ilan. Ilugh Stuart, Judges of the Co its of Dyer mid Terminer a. d nortil .1a I Deily lo'y for he trial trollcapdal r ,Iftoulers. the said omit) es. Cataberlaerl, 10 ill lr precept to tae (111,tPli, of August, F5ll. hat a °totaled Ille,`Coart of II 1.,r Geueral..lall •er. to It. Caln , lo,unlit. Sill of Nt114 . 11011 . 1% I 569, be teg the ste NI. ye I. haralty fovea a the Corot er..lttstlees of the Dr co. and Conetaltles ,if, lie soot county of C•.nt h•I latal, thatthethe vat precepts 1 . 0111- 111 11.11 . 11 11 he than . 11, the, holr propel' pa qous, suf.. them r • 11. records.- 2 Modlota ' -ele...m.yetvta. att , Ims. ao all other temenC lances, to do 1 UN, th ug• ',loch a their ~ : 11 appor tan to be .•ts e, acid all flips:, that air btllltsti 11IV . 0g1111,1111;1,1 to prnaocate a ast tho prosonots that are r then sh 11 10 m the ..t s. t , ere to be thy, to pt.° , n..te them o sh :P1 .1 NCI HUMBUG! :NO 111.7711111:G.! CIMISTLVN INILOFF,";f Carlisle„ HIT IP 11 11 t • Agr. thr (:0111‘ r, , r,• It,. . 1 ~; •, , ..r.. ~. . KINWS .I:X(I.O..:TVE 111111.(.1'Nr It. =MEM BUNNING FLUID, h thirg P7PI ,Ally r tz ,%11. Tll.lr . i- non I= MEZI=ME= =2l I=ll S. • ' in CARRIAGES.. A. B. K 1, I ni.4l IL ti. ‘l.ll 'l'ol Fr , tn. It I AC11::S, 13WIGIES SPRING •NVA,GroNS, s . sI: C N pII xIN I), W 0 K, ;,•,; „ n . .de (r. o 1- .• • I .• I op , 1,.. tip II I NV :111 • i., .! ..•.. 11, It • nt. , _or< Liao r 11111, :VII In. (7.\111,18.,V, :1.0.11)E)11 111E1 ONLY F.CIIOOI. 11'111:11 Pit r.P 1111.:s youNa Rill C 01.1,1% I: IN CA 111.[S],p,. An:l,ll.ol . .lini '(14,•11'11 SO/1001 y.,tt n • tt.en .1 ditt .ntiq., 6. ttt flot t tep •61 ;Hitt., ~ , ..11(11 II m., u• Pni,q•• , 11 , 1rant•••1 in 1: 1141 i. • 11PreP. Nil i II Pi :'nion. 111,4006 TILE 1 . ..01;11E.11.1 STIIIII .Ic.. 111..;.011Alt E t;lia!lvLni Is and ( 0 0i t .,,,. • Speci,ll...tt 0%., Peaelicill brdel .. 4 ),11 I 'r. • 1 Ati.l..ws ht• ',l j.„;. w1.111;1% 1111w , nt If for II 1110 n. C,i01.410,1 1 , 1., =I 111 • f• t tio.h!tettleit att , l Who ha tilti 11114 11•I•1 not he ;Inured to rt.., ii:. with • A tit'llo/1..*11A1 i• di rd Wit. I .. 5!,, , i1,11M ' ' lto Inin . trt.l.Ati:llT , : . l,F .501;6:1)11 , , u1 A ;mil_ loolittry:ll - -"'" • , , '-obo THIZNIrI P: II Ibl.'SII):; .. t Poy ;lb I: In Adr:nier..) •• ~l .. .!.-F 1011 l'ottinzon Pluttllbll, r ft, ,:6 do ' Clttr,icm ty; It I'o too P. glib , n t :I ; u -.a s.t“ n:oaa,a,ar.Eaalia l „ . . - 2:t 0 • -,„ do t lar it. r il,. c 0... in II;;.:11 t;,; :.11,00 Tii,.B.lin'etr: of 1111, Academy •las. the pa, of it ,91m11 •, Iloib 11111111:11, theloo. 01 in College I tat,. he, 0001010.0 g .0, 0 1 . 14•111111. V.t TIO v d m Chi let .llllol 10 OW Itnelity ;at, Ntew Yea • It I/Isli .(e trow II i, o,er ,re • .I tatl . ol,llllllll Nl' 101 l Co 10g ir hey; t ii. to ilia /trllll.l 0111 01111 wood I Darting t ItloOtt• 111 I 111 ege Cloba 0r 10 ,privitt I 1011111105 raging ~, t ii I 0 p r•weelt. , • A.l.lross. It: . 9161t11 Err A: IL, P,lzif. CA . ,t A. 4./ RVt•l 1411. • :Jrvir mt.. I . 31t.. R. ll'. :Ivrrot d %. IL, It 4001eutt., (411:11.1../1 A guoIIIII IC 1.08 toll is illlll NL1C1.1,141144 I hall Cl/1111011 14 tiVremlll m hi. ,•°,41/.:, %ul. E.--- Sealeti pi . 01)ositts et,lll be' COOO,lOll AT 1111.1.1 , 111 e. 111/IA • 10 0 . 110011, a. PAS, of /.iatitnl:ty, twl.hri,tll 1800, 6 , 0 .loiokllinv, I 110. ,. ,:m0nv0rl I'W 11010 11,11111CliK, 1(111, GOO,T) FR EST/ BE 111. r v 0). üb, ;,ti 1.(3.‘r Ow Nit ,I3y of 00, or ,o,CI, ilia!, tlko Coinuilmaiy lieu 'Eli of 1,111 y If 004. '',rop . m.lli . nt.l IL, In .ltu2lleatt.., for fa. , A4 11‘1141 1 . 111111 . 111,thil 11114101 of 10.0 r,'l3: , mniblr vm.ool' 10110 wilt th o I , l'Coln.. r.10..ri1.1 , ' Nl' tho 6.r. .I..o.tbviuntwo of (ll,' co , ‘looo, • • , • P ,, on , 1011 , 1 hill volu,toirt,ll6 3 , 1'1'10411 .14.111' op-ning, , ll the 0111114 , A1.. . 'the 11001111111111/ 7`ool VCR thy right to t : p ly or all 111111' 1,11011 ((ivy m 0 .1 n0rt , ,r40:0t'01.,,. 0 1 ' (0 /' . 1 1110 . 011.1'1' RIIIIIOICII/ 0110,1'. If SI Vint I,loml tonna t • awl 110001 CAptaiii. U, b, A,, ivy of 21:aclit • - - POPROT.I/ONOTARVS NOTICEL—No— " 14 Won, Ow die Ilte and final" 111:(11.1111t (11.01 . g0 1P COIii11.1t.1! •r tiustinott Ho 10:Y, nq* 111, WM or 1V1111;t111 D 110 k, hof beim 11101 In thy Prot 's often fir 0 Attenuation. . mu l'; l o.iii he pres!q l ti , i to flikk:coltrt costmon i (01,10 for 01.1111outIon oo tho 10th Joy of Nol - 00)1 00, 1;09. _ J. P. lllllNDLE,•Prutlionotark Po lt A MISCELLANEQ.VS .' • LA --..ii.---.----i E GONONIISTS I ~ , - Totte'ntleutioe In 6111011 to the fltet that at_ • • RIIINESIVITII & RUPP'S Bh'ri%inu can nee tho fluent dioplayof goods "ever kept In any xlinilar eNtablhaunent In the ennnty, cnn tleihig In part of the following STOVES AND 'HEATERS, STOVES AND HEATERS, 11'311:mnirtl to'givo general 811l156‘rtion SUNNY sn;ns FIRE PLACE ITEATEE, ORIENTAL PARLOR IfEATER, OItkENTAL PAlllOtt 3TOVE, LIVELY Ti MRS . RADLtyiNu BASE BURNER, .lUNIA TA PARLOR UT:ATER, MOIEDINIUMME! MEE iiiiiMI!!!!!! :kttd Dr RA IST 1.1.11' COOK 7TovE6, BARLEV SAAF, mr,k • =I NATIONAL ItANU], Vfn:Niitt d to BAKE, )N1) =I MEE tiN11 1, ...1 - xT N""!`Ill x" REVOLVINU LIGHT BASE BURNBIt, REYOLVING LIGJIT BASE BURNER, a rnputallois iu 1111., anti adjoining =II STOVES, We ,re duter”‘lno,l to bop the N.nun in Ilin future reelina c:nfident that we eau sell you good article. , at I= %Vo hay° al,. on haul, and for ~in n NEMIS MENEM li=l Et= GEM ME /1111113151 IIOLT,OW WARE, Pri.ll itied cheap We have, :azal keep v,,nratitly ! ioheatio v•ry jayge_ =!=l MEM 111 1. I= ME! Ml= tuDI JOBBING t o , rL.,rI notice, ar✓l at IrawmxLlc I mot , . Non , tot goml .or,t,nteit tool good nutterml iii Imutt-, itrirtiEsmiTlr &. •Nos. 62, 6.1, 68, 'N , MIII HANOVER STREET,' IMIE DRY GOODS G .REAT INDUCEMENTS .v.aa.1...11v I• v rat to cal' and c o oar lar.r and lea W I NT Eft anfnrs which n re Imp rilrn II mhrr a, 1.10.41!ti ininttrn Sunnnor Chunk nt nuctJon, and we wilt now rontin In , • PALI. AND WINTEq Goops AT AUCrION rinds IVI. nr.. 111, er••• Ittotl to out th, sto h rnztr ar of ('OFT. ,totranty , oro vvery porchtttor 9"XIiSTY:FIVE pEn rExT r worth of goody. Nov": Inky , rnrAi nnrl jlon•I innrchnn • nn II yno !VC out go ,qq nail ririr l'attnrn. of FANCY SILINF at Fr r,O t" $1 worth from 5 In $2 50 :}r,? llnr,,tiNor.F. , , all wool BEST m 31.14 . 411 :`,!IV“INOES, =I SILK POPLINS, ED= =I =I MEE! MOURNINII 1100 DA t ac will hn parr ficol In pr;r MEE! El= Pik ,61,41511F.9 ME= "I .n nitl aethmklipm. THRI:11 HUNDRED YARDS OF Tqn HEST =l2 IVO urn pia inking P WOOL AN!) CARPET RAGS n[ Ikll .n.krket pire ticrtbvt M call awl $(.O bin much nionny 11.1V0 yott. 11.%\v TEr. s. - • /.” 111.11{ I.hloha F.. 4 !Vain SO-crt. . Ca . MI 1869. 1869 • . UARPER, • , • Cor. Iloilo - I , m: abut Pomfret kits NEW GOODS!. • NIEW GOODS F 811 NI . L% "F1.1!.1.54 jOt OMNI •ft OF • 11E.4.1 Y 112..1Yr4"•.5. MEE= OBEIZIE I=l I=3l = ornm 0 OF .. PLA1N.., , ..N1l FANCY i1Rr,55.000118 ==! TpRPER, Cot', AIPIPAYtAr alit, Punifivt, stn =I 111 , N icT7l X (IttlAT L'A''•6AINS IN •Ola TJI ANI fIAtI.INI EWA:" ; 1::A141) IN'" 'll' l l.!iil , .-113.RNISII-Nr I DitY•Gp..l):4. tam rNs.c WrOCIC •01 , ALL TILE lAEA 1)INTI 'nnA3.:os or noyrue•rrcr3, T ARP ER, .A. • ' Cor..lianiff6l. mut Pomfrot.Fla =IS • lISSIEF. • TAIILII ..NS 01.011 . 41 • NAPKINS. ' ' C011:12111.. • BAI, • OSAL ml 7 • HOOP :I( 'ILI'S SIDIDTS, AND DIIAWIIIIS Par I iullon!, ).11.9...5tNa 'll, and Itots'.ly,oar. ' • Agood class of Goods at the lowestilots tOla pricas. . • • ~„ • THOS.- A. CAaH DE49llt, •. 10470.. -; C9r. llazioy'or and Voznfrot sta. G1106F.; il:CST011, E. he 's abnari ber .haelng purchased 'Jots„ smith's _corner, bn Pomfret and ltrdf rd errnatg,,abd orated n red _l tier, own sinre. hag - no w - opentilye ith as.Nrv-"Etock nf selecied Frr sh tirrnerien___llis mock will be found to be COMplOth In raery particular, rind every ttrinn sold will brr warerinted ng repirren teat Ile ling on hand nod now ready fur delvery Ornnrien of all kinds • , !„, QUEENSLY U 'I.ABB WARE,' - • W 001) EN ,WA It P, ' WI I,LOW WA iCE, PI.Ity,II3IERY, • 7 ' SOAP, • . A cons of NI:Tr INS: A fpreinlity main on ollifitmlfi of Solt NI eat, moth oo Hams" Sides, Dried Deg', &c Dried, . . Canned And ' • Pick!ed 1.111. 7 1-TS of nilleftde rnmlantly nn bend 4Ze. VI OUR and FEED of the beet gradot, and In odnintitiee non:harm. lloT de bent to OM pen of Abe town if deeleed Call and rho at No 45. Poet Pomfret Streid„ •. • J "lIN 111:N1)%lb 3,irpt 1969 fin LADIES' , FANCY FURS ! JO •, . Middle of the Nock, between Seventh on I Eighth StruelF, south Aldo, PHILADELPHIA. . IMPORTER. M %NUFACTURER, AN n DEALER IN A 1.6. HINDS AND QUALITY OF I~t :T"~' - ~ I F LADIES AND CHILDREN'S Wiring eplar. ell, remodel, il. and luiproved any obi :and favorably known - F(lu - I'ORIU3I and baring ithp. riot! a very largO and splendl•i at.sortafent of all the different kinds of Ftleii from firot 11.16 In Europe,• and made urby the wont hklltrl vorkinea I would respectfully 1110110 lay blends of Clunberland and adjacent collation, to oil! and ex• RadFC lily very large and beautiful nvortinent oi• Fancy Furs fur Ladles and Children. I ant doterins fined to s 1I at an low prices as nu other respectid, hens° In thin city. All Furs warranted. ..No repreeenilethi to effect = ' JOTIN FARPARA, GREAT DISTRIBUTION By Ilia Metropol(ton Gift Company Quite ft nuelly Cosh rls i to lhe.r.moun Lof $2450,00 4' EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIM 5 Cash gifts. each - .'- , ' 010 000 10 Civil gifts, inch 3,004 20 Cash gills e:lelt • - 1,001 40 Cash gifts, each . •t , re 0 .. 200 Cnsh g fts. end, - 100 3110 Cnsh sifts. eleh . n...,, 5n .50 ElePant 110/111tY1 od l'lnitog onelt NIM 'to iOM 15 II cgnt,t Ilotewood 3lelo 'eons, " 75 to 1011 351 Stming sinchine,,, , 1 Or to 175 300 Gold '.l ot sites • "75 to 350 Posh prises Silver Wore, etc, nll value-Litt 31,0 , 0,1.00 A 011111 C, to draw nor of the 0101, priZe4 . lll.. 25 ets Tle'...t...teserPi..g prises are tolled hi envelopes Rod wall ~,)'-,t On rvro pr of 25 eent:/ 11 traded trel.r) is. Ih. lIVII withrnt - erode,. nod spilt 1.3. moil t - no.v. ad dress 111 , prireisInnted upon it oil! bo delivered to tiet et hol to ott,,,titvoo.t.t.pf oor dellor P. i7Pn are' hoot dinte , y retallTtioy roldro, by express or ?Horn total . . Yam will 1..1'n hat 3 owl' priza is ii •farti errs pa v Awl t .Iwy prize r yeha Pl. , (1 jer unorlier •!I.l:Ne ia/ tie . N II Wilts Oar pairrais 0401 I/Up ml 0 1 fair 1k:41111g " . , i ltr.rk.nrscr. ,, -Wo !glee! the fodowitg. frmti ° ,lllllly who hurt Intell•dr•wil Won le prix I. and kitidly permitted on to publi•li thou; S 111113, 10, .6.0 •11; I. ijf.o John 11. "i/orol.oni.villh. 01 00 ; Eimort lcia north. Milwaukee. Piano, ; lint 1.: r liny Ns•rn Oris on, 00. 0 We 'pa- 11141 no 115,1114, wi thout Opinion!, nr tho I, „„ d dvsnrve their surren , :— Weehly.Trilovre,llet S. We kno the, le he in fair 41ealio N firm '—N F. Herold 'A I Kiena • f ours dren a 0 , 0 1 , 1 kr oil 111 , 111 ply forrived "- Pau?, News, 0 t 3 1•r cirvolAr Liboral liolul•riorat6 to . 1 1gnidm Sald.dlletlnn -glinnttlit•eit- • Every- olrYnge - of •ftral.ll enrrldpe3 con, un one rush gift Sin tieko r for 01, 13 for 02; :'0 for 05; I lo her 11 All lvt her. , t•hoold Le addressed tn • --11.% It PEIL-1 1 -11. -ON Ar CO , ;73 Itnmdwuy N I= • •11S ' FURS!! FUTIS ! ! ! 11 :1:lit• 5u...1110, °a.m., to do. Catiltte no vicinity quit ttto is ttr.par.l 211:tice r .I.iter, or. Ilepair All lailt , lrnrlvArielks For, making Ellen ) nit Mtn the 11/1111113 In.. 0111 V ALIT A13:1, iii rl Propri : ty - NI yik s.t F Tlie :her offers ll.llitii Fide IA 11..10 tl i, , I Fe CAII,T,ISLE, P ' • L.() (1 A N II IL E Tian Int (upon wlllOl the. 11r.tn1 ool.) . by ISO Net. nI d In nda•l lon Ibere(.nill In. eNcel lo at I/ con I, Iho The iltlUSe uud ov k a ill t0.4414.1.1.f, .A 4.1 1 ,4 •••/.4.C.4./u5“ , ....--,;—.....1 I 'quilu•ra•m. Part,. Nvr. and II: ao , l, 13 V. A t,f 11 met Ute d ror. - EXCELI.EN I STA 131,1: , ;(i for rnr , v lee [lour, •ll :1.,1 allwo nfary out-l•of ding, 1.0,n t 1,13 :in.( 110 k•,on • a lan,. 13 jrpollze.l. It 11, ,n quit- eet.rt 13 re,,,,atell a... 1 rep.ilred LILI,I1);11.111. 'Purina to vit the parehiser. For further 3. al t th 3 All. AtAleiter 10 I'vtor A Ali, I'o rttio . I• 3 , J ,3, A. w. , olittz! , : , 2bAuz•ti, L. SPONSLPAt, Agent, •ut I von.ir Von • inn. I c.• and CIAlm Agent kr,. None Cent, :5 iunre •- "5 rrn ,0 r .11 El= V ALUABI. 14. i= V A TV, Ji I.: , I - ' DE1.4(18 r , llt FtlE. :tltrualth on ;tooth rrr,et. C.ar;141., owu,l andoei , orittoi he 11,a. Imo thr. prnprrly of Bon etlirt I.to 'rho iron, . a Illy - r at.. U. , 11.1•1. aon 00100.10 11, ...into r. O. 210 1.01 0,. or. Thr 110,,V1.1.1.11. N Loup. twtrt.t.dy a.IIU 11 F. •t•lt food. oon•alnlnr. Donithe l'ar rto, !hell. Cluttnla•roDiolop mon% ntol Sllelr, on lorrr atnl ''11.11.....5r nr.ri it • th-rnoon .on, om, 2nd Klor;, Onn moll wnt. r 'Ctl miner 1. Thorn Ina larro Ifinvo. at tho 'OOl t , . "I lilt. Tilt lot I. roll u Idea with ornalorti'n. trr,••nlot 1..,1t1e.a 1.16 E, of tleserlptlon•An, (lim, 01 Thr most rindce v.lrrN n ' linqulrtt of A. 1.. SPONttld:r, Urhl 1 01110 A1;0.111. EE MEE MO .IIAIII 9 = I=E 1.3 1i AN )It A 1.1.1 rids p -.11 01 1.1.1 ',a illt3 IlerO,l :41 per cepti oin,lBl r 81,,t 18 loro•orl I o Inn I nuxhl P. aliont 2 udlo,oont Iron ..rI ••I' %{..e I/. V Alll, ou .81.• 111, Y li,on lirroo!.., I r•stLk . - Tht-ItOr A stin•Ato r t• II:o • , 1,11 .5511...,t, n Ln it,. .r“ 1.1 1ir01t.10.14 enter pool, A 18: A io.I 81n .11 I Iso I+nn 'or o 1 , 8,8 and I 1 Ile II 1,5 u 1111.1 cl Lim!, to., ,'ILe n.l woo tn unlo. • I',1• , I:1• n• u vi u ; flu- ' , on, 1•44,• * , .•1•11:11•.1.'e " .41.1, 1.. 1 1. 41 y .4- upon 7.0.1;1:., 'll9 (SI; .~ L i 5 A :•:.oth llnu•uur'St.' ;',ll, 0 airy pa, 0.0 F., V'' , II ICI 0 , 1;0: by linen uontz. 't,oo I I t Icama too Iwn IA Irma oUning I iko it 10 , 014 7•1 tu .1 In 1•100• 41'11 Itliro, I 'ling , .• urn I. u , 4n.ul 'V, 10, I 6 1).'1 r xj?•;;A . •. • Sr 1;1:111:u•In 10111.1,1N•1 .0, ,0 0 3 . Pe 1'110: Dol,l 114; 0.1 r 0 It 'ln it it I 111• • e 1 •11 )111410 ...WILL% 1.4'1;- 111 g. t 1 ~1 11.3•... The 11O; p rly I °Woo of 1 l• r I,u, 0 w 1 4 .1. 104)1, 111141 4/111 ' 1, .11 pose lot zor.iol; FPI/ f erias pint for th., •Ico Pro if : • RIM 01', SA hat It.,,jratilo:Piivate A Ilea dent—, ...Aunt. a ❑ Wost Dolurl t Int! nln he I'tc ut (ma IN tont •u NOM and Inn leo' Thu l'I•ou.• pant,. or n coin Olt I' 131 t I K HOUSE, re lvi i. ro. Rail, Kiu olt , n Ilui r e SM.! io (Intro •rr on thin orodul aunt, that oN•er the drotit n building, od ilyo tiro. ttllb . n IVarit lions., r Cloud; nu 11u,x1pe. I to try ,A how in tho Am' hit ..1 tae propet.t)..hil In !m+ 1 :ho lea von t nt the ninshdenititbin I Our burn. Tho lot I..tre.ho.tl d,ol with !101l t•eenniiiinlutt nuti..,nitteu nom too, f grnito riOeo t.f . hontult.r ‘ll - oly to . „ , t•(•' ..A ',,'PON.‘if, • lhfitent.trt ( , • lieol I idol° At,ont,.. RAI - 'AT I'll -- Situate 'on the S. 311111.111.) of the V•Ilow llrerehes creek In .51ratroo township, about of Alert. Lon Worn a „containing TG Acres, ell cootred • bat ob. tit I.A.,res which era coveted a ith good Tani. her. The intploerniande are a , 0,1111 0010 twoontuny • •FRA , 111 • I I. n U 11, ,• e lilt colleen font' .Tat n. 11114111 s. liege 11ANIC BARN with iVagon Shed. end Corn t thin atta lied. A choice Appio r.inarle In. good hearing order, togother will, 0111110 a, renoln, Ch. ?MUM aid 0111110 • is 1001101111100 11110 Llll.lXOllllOllllllllllllll l Or. 1.111 , 41. 0 0 of 1I aternt the d• or, The land In inn ainlgh staid of., 111 ivellon. owlet good fence and the Im•,. s.rovvinords 1.1 hood under. TI,, location Is a desire- Ile onto, I fling near a ell urvis; milt and .xi hoot kr. use. If 110 t 0010 10 pt. veto rale In, Intro the 25111 nosy of Septentber 11001 the litre. ttil . 'he offered Sale 011 0110 dily, • P 13011011.• ii.llloollB of viorlpg, the proutieus nuti , u nil 111..ua Goo. 11'...1.olallehoFf,einrch's! . talll In Mohnen itennelnlp;' Forlorn...to npply to • A. 1. SPONFLER, ,18Ang en Root &tutu Agent • VARIOUS. 718 Arch `Jiro e!, 11. 1,, H 0,14 . 1-31 T, No. en )v, ,t Lomh, gtrt:;., ,S:1 LE A. 1.. 5..1 is Bj,Elt. FOR SALE. F - o_ll_ SALE OR REN7. •On lfrerdnemlay, Atoeember.lo.°lB69: • - At 10,o'clock, - rrnott the. eaurt:lfOuse A tlnit".cal half - Lot and Two Dwelling Houses, Koh. Gil awl G 2 Veit Pomfret street, containing ttil feet front,t depth of tho lion, es, then :10 feet wide to Chapel alloy, le e John 11. Itheent and It. Crony •. They will hi, °tiered I.