1 11 G eiOD,9 II GRAND 1869 II U OPENING OPENING. ITEM CENTRAL DRY GOO.DS.HOUSE ,SEASONABLE GOODS tattss ants; rItENCII 31,ER/NOBS, zurntss nErrs, PLAID POPLINS, CIIENE MOIIAIRS, =A itLACK ALAPAO.S, • Suporior Brands, COVERLIDS, SHAWLS, of every drcelpflon, BREARFAST SHAWLS, n, w stylus, ARAB SHAWLS, the Intent thing out, NEW S t YLE WOOLEN HOODS, Just out, ISLA NNELS of story description, as extronoly low rifts. - CLOTHS, ,CASSIMnRES, TESTING% SATINETTS, KENTUCKEY JEANS, ' SOME MADE .GdODS, kor Men and Boys' Wear The NEW-BALMORAL SKIRT, ' NOTI 0 N S OF EVERY VARIETY AND STYLE rußs! FURS U A fultasnortment of all kinds for'Ladiee, 111 lies and Children. CARPETS! FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, all widths DItUGGE'I'S, all :idthe, DOOR MATS, To the community at largo we will ray that we me Ring In keep op 0111' repo , ation of he• ping the 'Moe! at native - sleek at all time, that 1,10 Lai round Ibe town and county. _ _ • PlOllllO do not full to call and oaainine our stuck before making your purobaara c,r - tbo season. LEIDICp & MILLER OE3 ' TINWARE, ,Oc STOVES! STOVES I As tho season is Let approaching when persons nlll bo looking for n qesirablo Sts;vo for Phrlor or IQttohed use, we ask a careful examl.tlou of our Ittooll, bCHOYiIIy WO have the htigeet and beet Wont oil assortment of STOTES over offered to the citizens Of Cumborland counq Ito !ma ?u hand thuJustly t:olobrated 70RNI.NG GLORY RASE BURNER, *MO. a's a Parlor or Dining Room &ova, exculs oil ethers, a thomands who iteu them will toctlfy THE LIGHT HOUSE, Ono if the most deslmblo Ylores In Imo 'MORNING LIGHT, Also a Rase Duman THE 3IORNING GLORY PARLOR 'HEATER, and TORT,ABLE FURNACES, and 'ooloo.illow Parlor, Dlliinz It nm and olioniber 'Room Stcio... Ka oltor-artpug others the 101:owing Cool, Stone TFIA RIOLILATOIt, 7- 's • qUPFRIOR, NOBLB COOK, CURISTMAS; arid. City of Millington COMBINATION:4o alm licit the d . , DIAMOND HEATER FIRE PLACE, STOVE, virlilch heats one two Or.threero.oinfi,yalle7daeltledly the beet Fire Place Slovi over invented . • • ,"ifi would call attention to otti largo Moil: of T.I N enband,oi mada•4o•ordor., All klnilm.of ROOFING AND SPOWEING 0 - - 4ano ovigemotxablo !I:mini and ‘vithout. delay. 1131 p'o36) . s dealrblig, Arty . t.lifijig In our lino aro In 25=M Mrscl rl4 yEovs: 1869 itEsri•GROCERIES 1 Ft. FRLSII GROCERIES.' OPENING Mimi., to bofiad at the OPENING. H E. AP - ST .O,'R NO. $8 EAST POMF.TtET. STRNET And why aro they nlernyeifre,h? Because ITO sell n great ntootuti of them„,und nen them to, Thsro. fore, turn our stock often, and cdnuevently ou goods must ho froth/ You will-fluff oydrythipg you yrith iu thu a►y of GitOCER , lES; . • .- . QUEENSWARA., " , • .-- / °LA:SWAM -4 ,', , ' ,i, - ..- . ..IVILLOIV and , CEDAR WARN, 8..T0N11 and • ' . - cßoularatir - , . WARE. . - - —Choice-name . Dvieil Rod . , . • Balogina,. . _ .. Deer, . Tongue., .11iscults mid Clacker. of every desbriptfou. Pickled,. Spiced rre-11,03,text 8-iodine, Engllell Pickles, Lurlion Syrup, &e., amino end to N 0 T I O.N S . ,' esj It to lINOIV. to mention them, come and ern for your nelvus ; and Tamils if it 1101 M you to colon. eeud %our claldron, ns troy will he dealt with Ito sumo cure r• If you wont! . here youzeOf. Inrsu POPLT.,9 COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for gooda, or en& GEO. B. lIOE - FMAN'S SONS No. 83 EAST POMFRET STREET, Au6u t COD NOTICA.—IIacinF trtu•fm r rerl my entire intereAt In 1.110 trhocury business to Illy Sus,tin fit , intithtud to mu aro . retleshd to tettlo with them, timing me ah Funtte to I uropi . : GEO. it 11014 , 111 A N. GAS FITTING PLUMBING The aubseribera h ill.? permanently Ip - elated In Carliiale, respectfully cellrft n chore of the public pat [routine. Their shop la situated Me the public :Square in the rear of the Ist Presbyterian Church, where they can always he found. Lining experienced mechanics. they are prepared to execute all orders that they 1113yty entrusted with lu a eunerior mu,,u or, and oV very modersto price.. HYDRAULIC GAMS. WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, • • ar'. & FORCE PUMPS, BATHING TUI39, WASH BASINS and all etherartl les ih the trade. AND OAS STEAM FITTING promptly attended to In tho most approved style. Alai - Country' work promptly attended to. . work guaranteed. Don't forget the to the rear el he First. Prenhyterian Chore:, k ILCNWOOIi julvl27 Mlplo IHE FARMER'S BANA.,oF OAR LIALA PENNSYLVANIA, Itehently organised, has been opened, for transaction a la general bank in; business, In the corner room of R. '3 iven's - now building. on - tile North %Vest corner .ligli otriiet and lie Con t, Oar, --- Th - o - Dlrattorn hope by liberal nod careful mAngn smolt to tnakethis,p, popular Institution, and a rare repository for all who way favor the bank with their utkts. Doposits received 'tlint — pa Id back on demand, Inter est oll..weti on special deposits, Gold. Sliver, Treas. ury Nolan and Government Ilendri, bought and kohl. Collections mode on all accessible polols 'n the ronnt ry. Discouot icy, Toestiny, linuklny tenure lrom Ii o'clock• A.lll. toil o'clock P. m • J. C. FURS!!! CARPETS! ! inert:lrons. R. Given, President, H. 'Miller, T11,111.1s 1 • ,,51nu, Mold llrikee, Join IV. Creiglire . cl,- • A.. 1 I Inrinuli, Sten." et-tt. A brelmui Wilmer 11=MUMIZIEM1 RUGS, &c SInVE , TO MA.CIIINES ,77 0 . Ilesl .S';,nples' and Ch,apr,rt rdIIIESE tuacltiwrsari aditpted to do all ktivls' , l(4lll.4ll3. well alert] (ilk I,illoll All,l l:, 094 a. gViti, I,lth :111k, , 1 11W , it 1.111,0 1 thre,ls. intdinz a benutitul and perl,l bath eider of tha article All marl:loex id.id aro warranted. . COI anti exainiuo ac Icail li”nd releirqh enrll.lu. 1.1 =MEM J. BEIT EM lIHUTtIEIts, Pt WIC (11*(71:11(1 & C 1 ,1111111.151011 APIT7III tS (flendeison's old stand At the head of MAIN STREET, Carlisle . , Pa ...Pho-ilighoot-tnaricat-tricr,itt-ba-roril-for-P • Prair. an 1111. , :i ore of all Lind, Cool of all kifli, ouiblaclug STOVES! I= LAWBERRY, &c Liblrborners' and Itlachkul it Its' Coal constant ly of 511.10. Kept butler covtr, and cfollrerml day to any part 01 the torn.' Also, all 'al ads of Lumber on hand. MEE e P T . L. ST F , RNEIt'B LIVERY AE) SALE STABLE lietwoon llanovor ann ❑odl'ord Stroota, In roar of the Corxuan House. 'C A. P. L I S - L N ' A lioyloa . Into.' up tho qnl,lto with Nov earrio;goo ke„ 1 am propor.rl to forolah tiroto.la n turn-oula st reovonable ratos. forties token to and from .(hr. Springs. 20000 68 ly. FALL and WINTER FAS4IONS Sir' M A. lIINDII z hoe Jest noleect from 'Berle RIO Loudon WWI the lnte.t design', perBonelly lected Iron 111 • real eel noveltlee: Ale°. the moot elo gent trimleineti to be eecar.(l In Merle. LACIIS, II DhtONS, 1111,VEIS.. , BIODAL TEILS Flowins, 1 , 1.,H , El,ltV, and 'l' , -I M KM, P DoESS /Intl , lA/AK MAKING. Ntelt.gi, age , 1 for MI, M. Orie F Coil,l Med lip; telii for cottint; leolitor (beer., marques. Invirples, /re, Norilment ,roer Illovonth anti Clontout Strcuts l'ltilrole•phl a. 17 Sipt Cm (11.1113E131,AN'1). 'VALLEY lt. 13, OF 110U119...1 On slid nflor dlnuadny, Moptenaffer 9t1,, 1969, PAS. snug,. Indus will run dully, A 4 follows, (Sundays elreptel):, ACCOIIII9DATION TRAlN:lra:yes Harrisburg R:611 A. a., 3lechanic:olM; B:3s,C.rlisle I, P awrillu B:4a, §hippunnburg ChunkbursburgloBl4 .oreFu @antis i i:IG, Ili riving ra Ilagerntown 11.45 ' A. • - DIAN, TRAIN leinvon lia , risburg 1855, 1 , s, Ms. chunirsburg 88,7 Nnw•ille 305, Stilp reunburg 8 45' ChnuLbe,nburg 1:49, areuncantio nrrin'in4 ut Itage.r.tovril 1' TRAIN leaven llztrrishvg 4:45 r Blechnor.sburg 4:67, Carlimln 61:7, Nowvilln II:110,811(p. pensholg 6:27, I'l • liinm crahu g 6:55, P ci A M IX?) Clkimbershurg 7145, A if Grsencantlo 0:11; Airlvlttg.B...Mgmitown IU:US, A /A.• . ACCOMMODATION TIAIN lewie:Cll6nly.reburg cpo A , 6illypv)l4Jurg 6:19. Newrille 6:6', Carlisle, 8:26, Machaniceburg 0:62, rallying at llartjaburg 7;20, aU. • MALI. TRAIN Durres llrgn , stolvit'o,3o d it,,Orcen n•Alle,ll:4,'Chetniboo-i.nirg Shippeiniburg 10:15, Revrville i 0:47, I arlysle' 11:2o, .51 eelienienbarg 11:455 Act lying , it rat. P.Xl'.ltEss TRAIN ]Pavan ,thigerstown 12:00 It, Grow. engin VJA, eliAnibe,blourg i illippeo 1.117, Norville :1710, Aleclinnicsburg 3:18, arriving At I tAr. ielairg 3:20,r A MIXED 'TRAIN len,Aes 3:05 r Et, 10rt..111P.111116 1112, at riving Al Cboulbernmirg 8:05. P Jr- Slaking close ..nntieet lons nt llnv. islairg 'with frolus to and Iron, Non, York, PI ttaliurg 1301.1111yr* and Wunliington •,, NIAOKRA, LURNICA, ' O,'N. LULL, Supt. Itailrond °VT, Clnuub'g. Sept. 1,1809. N °TR:E.—Notice is hereby given that the Qtrll file Dumont Dank II make up 'WIWI. to the.rient ~I.eglultiture of Pennoylvaoln for the runesval of Its tharler wit)} IM present title an!! capitol. Juno 18th, 1869.' • WATCHES. and T.ZOVELBY,I 6July 00Curt • . ISAAC K. STAUFFER, i4B NORTH ,S2COND 4.STREET, corner of - Qinkrry, athilAdelphia. _tursoctment of 'Watches, .Tuwelry, Silver, and Elated Ware conatantly ou bond. t ...rry•Jtapairlog of Watches and Jewelry promptly - Mudded to. 17Sopt ' • • , •- • • 1:sp0. PITILAbELPIIIA'; 18'60 WALL PAPE4S, & :BOURKE, ntnriu'eAcTunis or . . TAPER HAZTiIINGS, and ' WINDOW_ 81IADES SAVES CORNER:QV FOllll7ll AND' 14,111.1{..C.V story, corperiTwonty-third and r Samon'., argots BTYLESII7.I3II.Y DAY OF GOB OWN MARL. ...00t 07 Btu . A I= Cenmate, Pl. I=l .SEIN'INC4 MACIIINES li s C 1M PllEld, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, =I W E ST WARD ! 41A - ST WARD =MI w*E.otts. - 'o' - ; in' fliiNfri, .1: ,,, I,?1 vi (WHITE TIE AD, ; ZI,NC~ AND COLOR WORKS. SYe menuEic,turfiA Chonically, Pure CARBONATE Manufacturers,imparters and Dealers In • I gran • • un - nutilltintl MAD aud - Zl'N - OP - AIN • s, COLORS, &c. Rao 1111nufmtur• re of +b A e celebrated Permanent 91 MAN GREEN, with more Brilliancy,. Brauilfn" `Ando of Color, Body and Durability . than any other Green In the market. . Alpo, &le Manufacturers of Molt. A Co's ailebra• tad JAPAN bitYllicvery thinOlght in color, Om of sediment, and very strong. • - . _healers also M 011 e, Turpentine, Tarnish.', tu dow Oleos, Brushy,' Sc. ' ' • ' Prices low, and all goods warranted as represent ed. IeICNIGT & My MaNiurnaturers, Importers, and Sl'holenlo DeALari. TWENTY-SECOND AND-RACE-8TB.; - 8 rAILADALTMIA 4lT" : serl for PIUCTI LIST 13Aug 13t • CUSHINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELL]RS AND STATIONERS 262 Baltimoro St., BALT.T.MORE MD Tho lnrgest and beat aSsorted stunk In tho city of School; Law, Dental, •llledical, classical, and Miscellaneous Books Oeneral flanking and Count lt,onse '4; STATIONERY MIME BLANK BOOKS mode to order in any etyle of binding andrnllng, ._3OA ugt 9 um. STATE NOT ICE.—Letters tes tanntntary on On c•ln'e of Jacob Waggoner, lota of 31 thin township, boon issued o t 1 Minn, Wsggnu et', i f Frankfonl to trnehip, notlew 8 It r. Ito given to alt pa, soul indobtof to gtid it,, to took, t it, turns, on I those having cl , ltua_to ,rpsout 'bent duly anthenttrat•ll for t.; turmoil to WILLIAM WAG() "• lilt, Exorator. OM A. - B. , EIVING, Ity/- "Cabinet Makor and Undertaker, West Main street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREIIOUSE Prcmizon fur Be.t Furnihere awarded al 4711 County Pairs 3fucc 1857.] Furniture of all varieties at 3 Styles of Foreign nil lhoineic lc manufacture, from the finest rosewood nil Maho g any to the lowest priced maple and pine Parlor, - Chamber, Dlnibß-room, FURNITURE Kitchen and • Mee Entbrneing every article used by flows and hotel coopers of n o most approved And , ashionabla ()Mgr Ott finish. Including Mau Cottage rurrilturo in enttn veep' Inn anti Camp Chairs. Stittrassos,allt frames, detures, fie., 00. 47-Portleular attention glreu a. usual to funerals fiern'tn , ir.alurrOtlutry;attenteil to prdnilitly lol un Louder:lto tern., SPECIAL ATTNNTION PAID TO TUE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. I=Mal DAVID sTßon.m, D. SPONSLIZIt, JOAN W. STIMIII NEW AND • POPULAR ROOT, SHOE, TRUNK - AND HAT sToitE, No. 13, South Hanover Streht, Carlisle low deers South of In buffs eon., WE I, are just opened the la rgeot mud boat stock noti'l's at.d Bill /ES user offered la CArltsle end eon limn altno-t dully to ri4olie mach konrlN In .or lino ne es try body aunts. ltur stnid: pintsikte hl all kindk *pied varieties -os Woman's Miesne atneChitu*s strong Leatltor oboes Woinco's Ml.lem . and Child's Lansing °altars. I% °won's lillll, Kid Turkey and Franck Morass,. M.'s liud lieS'a Call, Bull .d Itlp Boots. M.'s 'lna LhIl• eind Buff Conclresei• Oaltor Nien'e and Bo) Ik lasting (loiters and Brogans Men's and Boy's Calf and BIM Oxford Tien, Ow Sun Buskins and livorshurs. 31,..a and Wontell'a Bout Welt and earp•t•Flippar it en'., hay's and Child'? Fur and_Fs r txnuy Hata. Trucks of all dyes and prises • Travelling Bap, Satchels and Vatican, together with a prime lot of 11001)0 which on will mils to suit ths times. (11 , 1c1i FALES :AND SNLALL PROFIT!' Is OD= NioTTo. , • 9 - Irt 7 r - tql7Wiint7sTclitg mar card It la I•tendod as porsolial Invitation to .all in •need t• call and look through our stock wtihout vselln• usdisr ohli• gadous to huy unless suited in q unlity AIM yrice. We shall mways try to &al with every one in a straightforward manner, and Rive every oustotv.e v tltli equivehmt for his money. We hope all wr. avail tiontleOlvss or their tirat opportunity - for nod see us. Oiprfl n9.ly INOU & poNsi.isr JAMES S. EARLE SONS, 1131P0111 , 11R8 nud 3IA NI: F.% cTint RS M=! Th, hrst and Oteapee PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, Most eLgnut NtyleS Entrornik and American—an Itrunpnve mmortment, I=! publieathonv 3100E318' OROTIPEB. are the naly ttutlt4izellhole:atle nllll retail dvalers iu tho Intgera' Grunt. in [lns Stare, and sell alltif them -at inantintetarer's rattan , !Ill.l_t_llll,_ll.l/1/111.711t1011. TURLES' GALLERIES, 816 Chestnut street, I= , - FRESH ARRIVAL Of ,rtli . the New Spring Stp[es of HATS AND CAPS The-Subscriber hoe-just opened, nt N0..15 North Hanover St.,a fen doors North of the Carnal° Depoaltr Ilank,•obe of the largest ind best stook of II ATS k OAPS over otTered" In Carlisle. . Silk flats, Casetimeres of all styles and ‘nolitles, Stiff Brims different colors, and every description of Soft Hato now mado,The Dankard and old fashioned brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order. warranted togi•e satisfaction. A full assortment of STRAW (TATS, Hen's boy's and children:3'e fansY• . rhave also added to tiny stack, Notions of different kinds, .consiating .of,Ladies and 'Bent's Stockings Neck-Tios.Pancils Gloves, Thread,Soning Silks, Sus. paudera, Umbrellas, Am., Prime Segall and Tobacco, always on hand. 014e-rne a call and exaMine my stock; an I fool con. fldbut et ploasing,.oesides /said I' you money. ...JOIN A. KISLLEII, Agt. Slmy67 ' N.. It North Hanover St. ORN SHELLERS AND" . CIDER Q. - Illekoli'm Portable Cider 31111; F. Gardner k CO'. Portable Cider Mill, Star Corn Slleller, 13.31,17.e5.) Cdmion Corn Shollere, N ut lined Fodder Cutler, (three slze9,) Cumberland DOuble.net lon Harrow, r Together with Aloe • AGRICULTURAL IhIPLCNIENTS For Bale nt the Carlisle Foutlrip.l.Mathlne works . GARDNBR & CO. qtp. 3, '3m J. P. lIAP.BIXR, eaktil hyr 18r. LAWRENCE D. DIETZ LV: - . CO., IMPORTERS AND DIIALEAO =1 NOTIONS ) BANDY, GOODS, 110911:1tY, [lOB-Wont Baltirrtoro etteot, Belivecia flotoCtici arul'Liberti; loa 1 60 Om ---- 11VX2TE6A'D; &G."' • PAOIRIOILEIDWAY • •"' " - . . GOLD LOAN; 0000 • have to nnnotines that no has selo.ted tits ogong ;!11 • •,- - - IS/"NUM PACIFIC nAiLwAx comrANT I= New Reran Pot slut. • Thirty yeah' Mold Losn'froo from Tim. This loin otraoafttis' 35,t0,411. First Mortgage . Land- GS-ant and Sinking Fund Bonds, secured upon the ott.osion of the railway from nor She,Won. In. KAIIA.4II, to benrer, Colorsdo, a distsnrn of 2.17 mile. or 17 . 1.1C11 12 miles are eontpl.• tod. and the rent to u d.r ronotre•tion. It is also tip Nlorteazo upon the-Road, the-110111in; Smolt-end , turhis , of this tlret•cl.eolhdlnay,heeidranowrun g tInott:11 the etite of KAMM And in sucers.!fuloperreionfor 437, miles writ tr thu Blipslurl Biter, and earning already .nogit to meat mil or fie °spaniel, and °listing t.. - tigations, beside! More than (lee in,ere,st oit the'nery Loan. in addition to thin tho Bonds ore alto ecu r LI by a first mortgage of the Government Land Grant of e.ttetnling In alternate nectlone on either able of the train, Iron the 2U4th odh• po•t In letnitts to Denver. proreotla of the ente.of these lamb, nre to IN In vested by thin Trnatee.. In too 7 per 'cent Donna them oß to 12U r.r iriu. S. 11. - ilde ' • As a Sinking' Fundf)r dth Redem am; qf the Bonds Tho .ands embraro ammo of tho finest portions of the mognitieoot Tirrltor, of Colorado, including a al field ..nd pinory. Thu company also holds no anassot another tract of Pave Malone of :Acres in the State of Xaneas. • • sod although not pledg.d o security f r this hints, tho , r )uteuttions odds largely to •the Company's si . caltb end credit. We t etuuoto the 'fro* of the Company's property, covered by this : mortgage, at $23.000 000 net, while the ° Loan is merely $6,500.000. E=E3 THIRTY YEATIO TO RUN, In n 1 Idny 1, MD, and will pa/ Seven Per Cent.- Interest in Gold,- vml.onnually on May 1 and Nov. land aro Free from Government Tazotio-n, the Company raying the tax. 'rho prinripal 01 the 1.0.4 n Is made, payable In OOLD, to the city of Nov York, but ooh Coupon will be Payable in' Frankfort, London or Now York, et option of the Fielder, 'without noilra, A t the ,fol lowing rates: . On $l,OO In ni In Nev' Ynrk ~85 (told) each ha:rye:lr 4 ' n..nkinrt, 8711 r 10.krtml., —Tho Axent of the Luau, Wore acceptinf tho treat Wad the tn ntlition or tho !load, n d tho eountry . theu,th which it nano . carefully examined. 'fhay Al, happy to igivs the Loan mut •Mphatio enUeragnient non FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT, in entry respect perfectly here, and In vans asses Ow even DEE Better than Government Seouri:- The 8.0 nlll le sold for the pre/lent at DO, and accrued Interest, both the Agent. r • ''' rlg the righi t. ednn.. I).e rate 'I Le ationlion of in•eatorn I. Invited to th•o well seen,. I I.m•cla. which we re nentnendeJ as ono of the most eon nine in•estments In the market. hohl.and (I..vernmemt Emmtritles taPea In pUysiteet: nt their market - value. wlthout C..1111/11,N11)1.__ l'arnphl.te wth wave itleln, full Informakion, sent on spy.lcatiun, " DABNEY, MOTIGA:N No. 53 Ezebbnge Pince, N. Y K. J.ESUP CO., 'No. 12, Piho Street, N. Y 13Aug 1m WHEELER Sc WILSON'S I=l SEWING MACHINES At the great Exposition. Paris, 1807 Awarded the Highest Premitues over 82 Competitors. , lIIE PEOPLE'S ATE ILD I T THE SALE OP THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACIIINE ARE 100,000 °MITER - TIIAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND !PHIAL- Daily nee Throughout the world, were env TAUS YAMS galr.s soar, and iUPARIOAITY wins the rare. The•Wheeter ,t Wilson stand• triumphantly the" Chamoion and Lender over all other. by the verslot of the ' We claim on merits that we cannot snatain by living and reliable witnesses. Ws' stead npon our own alit WORTH, without deCIAILDIng against other compactly. We ?lain to have improvement• or sewing that we know marmot be excelled, and in many pointy that no other Qmphoy dare compete with. No other company' ran show_eo many ma chines that have been In daily ace for the length of time on we can. For the proof of this, look, at the numbers that are on each machine The Wheel er, and if limn Pawing Machine Is the Ittch Plan's Best Friend, and the l'obr Wotnan'a Trust And Com forterer, fur no other comptny ran eell on as liberal nod easy terms RS we. The poor woman can get herself' a Ma — chine, and afterwards vay for_ it. • No Machine is paidAr parties. are folly sails- Constant use only inereascs the worth" MEI OUR ThfACIIINES ge•eral ladles In Carlisle elm have need our Ma chines from alx to tartilve year., say "They coneldir them ,better In every point than when sew, and there la not a garment worn In the family. from light as Owlse to heavy ate Bea•ei cloth, that they have not made." One lady nays "1 have eared for three year's and never broke • needle "- He can furnish Dames and. reside aces of reeponsiblepartlee who eon contain all w 9 Claim. . The unelgned area tow of many who have the Wheeler and Wilson Hewing Machines, In'Carilele, and length of time they have buqn In constant me. MM. J. B. Ilaverstick, " - J. Rhrem, . Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr. Wing, k R.. 0. Woodward, a Rev., Sterrett, ' • " Peebles, Nie. Caroline Ego, 1 " C. liermtin,.(Monroe. twji 9 " Sterrett,- (Dieltinson'.tivp.'3 Inetemdloni glean Nana charge. and Metalline cheerfully nhown to all who call at Mrs. Wlllhnmel 011111i:wry litorq,'No.2o.North lianoyar otreet, Car- Pa -Priam and et lop to suit auy custruei. tdemblnee delivered to all volute In Cumberland and adjoining countlee froo or (Mtn' chn,go, PETER§Ok&bARP.ENTEIi, (ion. gte 121 biARKiCT eSIMIXI' neanie,nyßa & L. H. FULMER, the, only authorixed—Agentmin Carlisle 10MM . OLOVHS, 443 fI.EO, G. 1)0K4 . 'S pl 000„ to go V0;;I gooci ut O cPut,vlgar...Botwoon gal Et 1011'4 , 011u ' Woe. /0Ju19.08 ;DAL~`TMpI{H. _ Three Million Acres EOM in ciirroncy, 14 year's 12 " 12 " 11 " le " 8'. 14 9 It 5 •14 'lwui'aLLANbvs. IATS AND 'CAPS. Do you wine a nice He. or Cap Irma don't tall ti call on J. G. GALLIC Ne• . 2 1 0, Won't M.l. Str•et, Where can bo eevn the ones; aOsonroont of FIATS AND r!A.I?,S ever brought to Carlisle. fie Wien greet pleantire to Inviting hie eld friends and Customer., and all new ones, to his splendbretock Jest - reenbred from New 'fork and Philadelphia; eonsistlng In part of One BILK AND OASSIMEHN HATS; Besides an endiese variety of Hata and Cain of thir latest MO., all of which he will sell at the Lowest, flitch Priem .Aleo; his owe naannfitetdre of Hats al. ways ea band, and - Hats Manufactured to Order. Ifs has nab...arrangement for colorise Rotund allklMte of Woolen Goode, Overcoats, &c., at the shortett notice fee he colors every week) and on the most reasonable terms. Ahm, a Ane lot of choice orande of ,TOBACCO , AND CIGARS Always an band. Ile deAires to call the attention of persona who hate- COUNTRY FURS n'" To sell, as ho pays the' hlahost cash prlees fOr the FAIIIO, Give him n call, at , tbe above number, hie old ihind an he (cola confident of giving entire flatlet*" Lion. MUM THE ." BENTZ HOUSE," (1 , ornierly Cartnan,.ll qua e.) No. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST., 11=2 The undersigned having purchased and entirely refitted, ant furnished anew throughout with first class furniture, this welt-known and old establhhed Hotel, solicits the custom of the community end travelling public. Ile is well prepared to furnish first-class accommodationn to all who desire to make o Hotel their Monts or pleasant temporary abode The - custom from the surrounding country is re spectfully solicited. Courteous and attentive eer y ants are engaged at this popular hotel, GEO. Z BENTZ. Prorp , N. IL A tirst•elaes Livery to connected with the lintel the management of Mr. 308. L. Z'tillNEft & BRO. 30april ESTABLISHED IN 1851 REMOVAL JACOB HARLEY, JEWELER, lOviten II is patrons and the pot - die reviernily, to His New Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT Bt., PHILADELPHIA, where they— taut find inrip andis•ll selected stock •of ; - fil &MOND& WATCHES,, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVER sod PLATED WARE, et Stoderete Prices.- N 11.—WATellt4 ind JEWELRY, ea . refully re method.- JEWELRY And SILVER WARE of nll kinds made to order. lsJuly 6m THE UNITED STATES lIOTEL, Opposic,e 'Pa. R. R., dr Reading Depot, =1=8! W. It. FALMINGEII3:, CO Proprietors l'net•Ct-Iy. The Great Pacific Rairoad , is finished.! • FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS or TOO UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC WAILROADS. *BOUGII.T ATID SOLD..• • Ijilnkers Hurl Dralrrn . in Governmen . to. N0._40 South. Third Ntreet, tilt L.l Ptll . Plrt .t. Dec 26 '6IS-11'• - • 4 18 N. Hanover Street, No. 18- . NEW YORK BRANCH. - 11EADQuARTEits FOR - BA A I NS: We would Inalen -the operlol attention Of the..elt leers of Corllolo, and-Cu lullorland eounty. to our wall. oolorted otnet of lloolory, oilo•ro Nollnno, lilte Clood• Llnnn and Pan , •• Goodo Alin( which orn'dotermlned to run oil at /Goon loblum low prices. • °IVO no as cony jud:o for •O:troolvoo. It ILA II BMW FR. N•. lfl N. Honorer Sr rent, litpt . • 11.11. _ 21 rnotel. THE MARY INSTITUTE, \rNTA. CARLISLE, PE A Boarding School for GIRLS The ninth antonl tenting, will bonin on Itednenidic , reptember ht. for alp.lora P r (brain. hininention tildrees Rea W. CS LIVIBRItTT. Qzr We N. = SPE CIA L NNQ CX6 E MEN T. J E C 1. AV L -& co JEWELERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET !lava rebuilt, anlargrd end remodeled thair . lantroyed by fire In January Ise, and have <>paned the lama far bminrea, With an Entire NQW Stock 'of Manufactured & Imported Goode, Superior to any they have -bereteirore offered k tho Public. The, mo.t coral/Illy leylte,nll to rbeit nod illlpfl•t. thoir JAS. E. CALDWELL CO, 902 C.LiESTNILT STREET, , 15Ifeb Ver-ly D EMOV AL. J r %) . L. Lochman tits rembred -his setabllehmept to nfs SPLENDID NEW GROUND'FLOOE GALLERY, opposite Se:lan's ilardw.ll Store, where "he ear dially Invitee the publlcte examine the place end his nun:term. specimen. The well known still et the proprieter,as an'artist, with a superior light, and entrance end sky :light en the drat Boor t are a 'Melout indncemento for the public 'le pairenlse.l this establlnbmeni: Ills 'piety:fret we unlverenity seknowledged• Whe egnal to the hest made In Philledslphin or New. York, and far superior 0n any In Phis seuntryl Pleas call. Chum 00-sf • Cl= NEW ,GOODB, I Mil now opining the cheapest - amoortment of DPRING AND BUMMER GOODS biotight teCarliale mince the war. OwDim to the great decline In priori during the laid few week., lam now enabled to of fer great Inducements to cash buyer. as the entire stuck has been purchased at ths present low price. Al) the bestkalic'oes nt 127ie • . Good DoLaines'at 15, 18, 20 ,t Mpelinm nt 7, 12 ! :t 70 DRESS GOODS All the PER?' STYLE DRESS GOODS fir 1p groat 'Arley and .very cheap. GINGHAM,' NICKINGS, CHECKS VARY LOW, Cloths, gasiiimeres, • , . . Tweeds, Oottonadec, &a. of natal , liescilption tu. commonly low, TOM .Linens, Naphlay,. Towels, piques,-Me manioc, Add Spready, INalticookit &willies. Otifobrics, Persia, alaraello guilty., &0., at the eery lowust notch. , • . , HOSIERY & OLOVESin great variety, MOURNING GOODS, • . . M'pol Petalnee Item Crape Yells, English Crepe, BIS& Thybafiltatehratat a full assortment of ueral Peals. ' . ." My, anti* stook..of goods not purchased within the last thorty digys will be closed out regardless of, , ,008 n liClt CABII. . Look' mit for bargains at the Cheap earth Shire' Weal Main liyeet, nearly opposite the dinet. • - I. i , . Oittien;'oll.lLl3l%; IIEATING AND COOKING. F Ir_Otr;WANT TO .SEE ___ :THE. • most perfect PARLOR STOVE over ollbrid to the public, aleph:it* , - .VV FR ID L.E r'.S . Stove -Store, SBeE Lc.ther Street, In the rear of Italbert , a Store and Bee the , GREAT AMERIC A N BASE BURNER 'ln operation. 'lt Is a perpetual Burner. and perfect Radiator, ea well aim perteet Ventliattr of the Ivo '4l JP a. a vra ran et. .., .consurao. less coal,than any Darer Stove of the same sire, ever offered to' the public, requiring but one ordinary Pcuttle of email rani once In twontv:eigbt bourn, being perfectly' elsullos in •11 Its working , towing a pimple clldin to' regulate the fl re for keeping at night, ono kindling , of fire being all that in required during the - winter. • Ito duet, no gee, no slag er elli . detr, —1 PERFECTION OF 'OPERATION I PERFECTION QP OPERATION I .The latter * quality is prodi;iced by many improvements Itelmportani ebaractertetlex an these: NEATNESI3 IN DEMO; I NE A.TliiSeIN DESIGN! COMPACTNESS IN lIZI .COMPACTNESS IN SIZli I 13.,FET;ENCES. John Paol, Amon Miller. !Or. S. B. Kieffer Inane PiDitilr • David Mill•r, 10. Delaney, D. !loiter, 9 Ii Balaton. n Riner. Col nikon 11 re. ill ngnal t,• Prof: Caymn n. A. Selman:ln, Dr. Iry Johnson Moore, J. T. ronvoy. D. Witter, 0. InholT, AvCoovar Thonumou„l. Borkhold•r, Capt..Brindlo, Mra. Gordan, 1 1. (Dug.. WI Illednron Brox. B. Stouthir, 11. Shearer, Ternur~.l. Stouffer, W. McLaughlin 'Humor, A. 1,1,110, P. 'Plunntna. Goo Farenbaughl-F. Eliantritz, Mr, Wonderllsh. Abner P. Llassicr, Major Bale, _ . And other, Get tho best COOK STOVE in the Market,' Excelsior Penn or, Morning' Light lon to the rthova Storr 7111DIEY krepn on band n full supply of thn boot Cook, Parlor otl ni..6 Novo, Tlo nod Sheet Totlf 'Perk of All" Itlnfix nn Aml Spou thin, Hoofing nod of nil hinds done M short, nod,, a, fi of Off. livAt material. Fruit -Cann, end Jare of the most approved patents, And In ennelnAloo the beet Poi fable And lirien Set FURNACE.' - FURNACE. Avmvoefisrod -to-the' publie For reieremies call on Dr. o 1 /Dory An x ton, F. 0. PI/ffing, Mr, ilor.lon, Prof 11111mii0 I F 14Ard nor. F. WAttii," - 11 A. I. Sponnler, . Softer, And other, 'Omar 611 =I T .liEYNOLDS , S7, SON, N. W. CON A-B/113 11 XD PI LBER ',PP l' E I% I=l =I WROCCfrf-1 iwN,-, 111-TIG LIT, GA.S - CON'STS3IING HEATER GAS CONSUMING.-lIE'ATER, svrra CATIINT'OI , ST "CIttLEN, . ORATE DAR icuirti, nod I= t1llot."1:11T IRON itAblAToli I= 'Merle Heaters nre mrole r f Ilrnvy Writorht it n. well :jai.. I to;fother, lien Ull , l Sll, err. 1.11:!1, egniont the ,cape of line ilr Duet. They 3r. e.,110) tllAtor arr.ltia Ihr 1.0, and an t.t.3—tt , ot n. ad In ptootarten•ly ttaelool to too I. tike multi d , rablr, ample, •1111,11 .1111, ni and popular 'Jolting A pitarotua altar offer, LI lor en 10. Tbry are all guaraotetAl. COOK INO II ANO 1::1 for 11.10 n 4,1 Fan I'ORTABLE 111:ATI: ::, L TIZOFIE II I:ATE:I , S M.l3r 0011 N 01: kTES. ,LATO II ANTELs,. REOIS MRS or: TILAVORS. On fir , Moo inanurtrturlllg n NEW FLA itEATIva II ANOE. iler • Nnt,:l for o.r 11l wit:atm:l rxmyLla 1. nr,rll CHARLES "WILLIAMS, HEATING AND Vi ZWTILA TI NG • WAREHOUSE. No. 1132 and 1134 Market. Street, 13=1 The Golden Eagle FURNACES, The la an entirely New heater. enustruet king to once fOlllOl( 1 1111 I tacit in reneral favor, helm a combination of wrought anti rapt iron It In very simple in epuntruetion, anti is perfectly airtight; self-cleaning. having 110 Open nr dluma to fm' taken out anal eli.nnetl. It in Co arranged with upright flue, an to produce a larger amalint of hint f on• the eaten weight of coal than Any furnace now In m.o. The by gr.:Art.4le condition of the air an pro dueett by my new art augmbent, of •vap,ation, will at once tirruunarate that It le the HOT ATE FURNACE that will produrn a porretly h•atthy n t Irlapil,re. am norisuaking Mn airmen - 4 Portables, and four for Masonry. R A IV Grs Special attentlen In 'Ono called to my Nrox 1)01.. DEN EAGLE COOKNO an 1 feel araured there In nothing In cane that ran rotennrr with them an regardn their durability, economy and rfneleney, With A large ARPOetIIIOI3 of Low Down bates, Fire Place Slicers, Bei;Were ad Youth:aura Send for Illuntrated elreulur, ' .I.l3une SD dun . FIXECUTOIt'S NO'FICIFT: • The utolt•relimed Loring thin day Aitken out litters teetattiont•ry on Me Male ut Samuel M. Kenyon, (lammed, latd of Dlcklllson towtoildp, no• the it heret.y.glven to all pet soca ludo) to to - - caul estate to media Itutmull alb payment, and to• all hoe, lug claims agalnit It to Lumina them for iettlement. JOHN g MUNRO; Vie at • Executor. 0 SIEVES '_AND wint CLOTH! WIRE CLOTH! AIM!IUPACTUIIPD BY SZLLERS"BIIbTHERS, 623 Market Street, Mina 2lre im • • BE WISE, . Wsitr.i wisdom will benellt you: be not nlwa:ye con. trolled by your incredulity, hundreds have sought relief horn the Manors — of Dygtria4obrough tho medium of DEMUTH'S ANTI:DIM/3,10 STiMilitlliTrti. and found It. Why should you Malley when lid , . rulini ruble stomachic has cured ninny similar cases—why do you doubt while other helloes aud are mead? Delay in this matter le both dangen outland mint on ur health, happiness end business suffers, while constant neglect is frequently full wed by nations and uncon trolltiklo trauma. prtivriVo lIITZERS PTO equally useful In the numerous thfilculties attouting ludl gostion,;,aB BILIOUBNEPS, CON8r11!12.0N, ho., while,. o or FEVISR and Altus and Other disorders - los deeding from 7,IIAIiMATA, it le the only rollablo proven tlvo mid re needy known. ?Aso 70 GAS , FIXTURES AND • • IC E . .0 8 A N,L LAMP'S,. * A,gr9itt'yariptat of Nov §tyloo. M.B'lt 32014. N BURNER. agieet and it;siiiithc;?•l;erket . It gives thl3,l4;{:insi: —llhgt Litany DuFner made:, • ~ - COTILTER;ONTASCO . Nanufael.urets' and Wholesale . Dealers. , AllOll MEET, lIIILADELP)*. liaTto 09•11 p •. p ••p t • IifISCELLANE,Oris P.RT.N.GL 4200 D. -, • C. .". - .(vobarejuntrottithed from 4he city unix a ',any' large and splendid asnortniont of summon bin goods, which we ere Selling off rapidly at 140 ya,ll PULGES TITAN TLIX LOWEST, our stock of, . • DRES-S GOODS, Is vin'y 'relined enniplotsi the style* are unsurpass ed. We ha e s.tondld ME CAMBIERES, ALPAOM 4 , end many 'new style anOdfl, GING Ltd MS, OALITOge HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS TILLSIMINGS, , •TICKiNCIS, MUSLINS, SUAIi L 9, . "- - • BLANHESA, ' •". FLANNEL 1111 grade. HAMM'S Q11;0'1'133, CASSIME LIES, Snarls, Cottonados. and the largest stock of small. warca - and TPlmiuidge In _the - . , CARPET, OIL OLOY.LiS, . MATTINOS.'ItUaS. BLINDS, CIIAIN o/ Cotton. Linen and Wool, best mai+ e. Our CARPETS aro considered by judges to be the ckenpest outside °Palo great cities, - This stock of goodi Is Tory largo, well aqsorted, and will be sold off at reduced prices. It is not nbeeteary to fill a colUinn In exaggeration „of our stook: but we invite kll Ito call and moo tor, thorn solve., whieh we think Will stalely thou that bin ho .place to buy for profit to themselves. Poet 68 BENTZ & CO. - 1 4 1 INE CLOT II iNG .TO ORDER AND READY RADII. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22, NORTH HANOVERST inilig the attention of my old cashmere and of el.! M lilt 0001)9 he Mon, Volitive, and Bove wenr. My Custom Department etunprlau, thu linnet and mo•t ■d; at ot and t neslmura l while my repdy made (M I MI ogle carefully and must taatelully go ten up. I cannot and will not be under - meld. • .-ISA.tC LIVINOSTON, N0..22, North Unmoral. St., Gerligle. N ii. Slily Ili„Illug the Florence St, lug Machlnas. I.lmay t COMPLETE MANURE, IIEN RI" 130 chemiit, Super-Phosphate M . Limo .Ammunin kr.ILASTrD IR. /RUM ADOLTER4TIO3 This antourtitmiitTros all the eloanants to pro due° largo on pa cit all kinds; anti le highly 'prom. zuentbal by all who use it. atm, by diatiogoishatl eti•allatit oho tamed its pt.tintnoi Parked ,n Bays of 260 - 14 s. each DIXON,SIIA.R . PLEC4 Sc Co., .1) !.I,utlt Water d 10 Vouth briattare ATCIILIO NVILLIAM .It:.YNOLIS 4rs4l br dralpr. enn,sftl'y lit rouh.lit rnotstry . Or its INus:ltl ,, st. r.'..1!”.• Henri erw.r, rhir, (JBl , lll I .\ ~f, Uarluilr Y b rtile Cutiihrihnd c.unqt., ns cured al 1.14 A and A El. or-n. ve.tr. rhitnl e l — a - by IhP nin,bnltlesof 11,.1:etnphelis Pill. Doerr., er and Warm el h,, Liver fills Mlota.glortg. Paupbin En. [Jr. Campbell let ptu loto , r that I ‘ron p'f”urtl with fuver.end lose ten yet— I mull grt cured, lat leet^entne linn . lehurgwl heard or rain liretrnyer and pate th 4. Ir !•lirr hownh , 4 I.ett,l, gad 3 'boxes and the) nut (11 the In ono o, h. - s . • .. '.111 , 11‘7.1, ' , NEN% Dr. Cail,phell ,II A II t', drtig.4lnlit foul dell. ir ..ent• ..r er by the s.'2l. _FAA% aceru Is ptli up In Wen ~o mus nit!, hi + t, re .r, the loverrule 12 pt., - z. ID 5., %V., pet , 11. , 41. 1 ,:i $10.;..1) 101 .tosnit. A 11 •1111.114 r Ui: ICI “flnc, ih,tl - Iwtn,. 31.0 , . Ilan u.uru, Pa. ,o'ol by all Pru.. , ,z1.4., and Itaa , Pra everyitheie. Fur 4:0 , la CIA 1th.01.111,6 .dealers iu 11, v, 410 I 1./uualia CLARK & BIDDLE; 11•:1 , VELIHIS SILVERSMITHS ilk Chestnut Street, ,J 3 lEI It NE X 13 L4,1/DPN(.4 • 1124'Chestnut street, Are rpyldwya aad now anaartmoat of pia n-nd and otior Sa;rolry, American and Syrian IVntelies, Endll,ll Starliarr Silrei Ware, Gorham Kleetro-plated Ware, Mantel Clocks, rte., A.. 18.1nne FURNACES, FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, SAES, SAFES, ( With.. Dry Fi1114.1 1 • Awarded the Prize 'Medals at Worbra Fair, Loudon, Vorld's Fair, New Yorh, Exposit:lan Universello, Paris. • FARREL, HERRING & GO., 629 CHESTNUT STREET. Harvey Gillam, , Chas Mathews, .P//ILr.d. cieo. W. Myers., lerlihig, Farrel, & Sherman, N. York Herring &.Co., Chicago lerring, Farrel, & 00,,, New Orleans ME ?lore Olen *SOO HERRING'S - SAFES' heie been and- are now In use ;,and over. air minor= have plumed through ai ' eldentol tires, proriervlng their ontents In some Inslanceg ri here many °Omit:111.1 SECOND lama aarrsof our own and other makers having been received In pert 'pay for the Improved Ilerring'n Ptdont 011amplOn, 'for sale at low prices 18June Oa ly DOMESTIC-GOODS, DRESS GOODS, , .. ~. , . CIABBI)LERES, • • . . •snriNr.Ts, ', ... -. ....~ , . ~ WHITE GOODS DRESS TRIMSIINbS, RING'S NEW STORE, No: Of, WEST, NADI BTIII4IM. • . 'Oppoal to Clio Mansion nOuso, next to Poet 011106' %unity BOWER'S 3( AX urncruz CD - nr = BEM AGENTS; F=l 7) Suttth It rent, RSIiI mon n, MP. REMOVAL llotri,g Inc:owed from ME PIIILADELPII IA HERRING'S I=l SPRING. ' 1867 BAAGAI.N9.. =I •, • !•'n•'• • • • a IliI3ONS: , ; ' ; NOTIONS, 410 HARDWARF {ILLER • & 140yTE118' 11Z1D 01? E, 26 NORTH 11i1NOiTR STREET, CARLISGB-Pt ~~~~ 11TEwould respectfully cull the Linn of the nubile to giur recently replenlsh• rd STOCE Of lIARDIVA/lE rushing It now one of llnilargest In Cumberland Valley and coneletlng In part:of HAMMERED AND ROLLED ,„ IRON, !illItI)ON'S NOM SHOES, NORWAY RODS, LILACKSMITILW WAGON M EittP, COACH MA• BUILDING MATERIAL Su cldloy, Paints, ealdnat '!Alatters, Undeqakers, and Conch Makers M A . TERIAL, „ . _thains,-Sharela, Forks, Rakes, Ac. Itcrairs for MoCoIINI ECK'S PEAr En rat Stantly t.and. Ito ore constnotly rpecipt of goods Iron, thr tracoractolots nod nro nhtc to fur slab country merchants at I hilndelphia Sod New York. pike, t3ll - 0001).? delirsred to all parts of tho town Iran of charge. WILCOX3 . T3S' 8E WING' NA ell .1 _N - E We hate secur...l the Ai:many of the Wilcox 11 lobo' :escrow }:e.ilittte. It little I.titilly toeol 'tin one srisots to do without miler hot ing seen ' non r ill —Operation. Thy %VII,: .1 1l :a Al,ap Threpil Machine end ~I,,joia attperiorlty over ail Double Titre:id W. chinas in the :ohms . ..log pa Alen lati•. It Is aloud,- nod les.. to ant tut cit tepid... It le cheaper It rune Lwith lens noise. It tong ruder. It co, foster It hen the hest device for pletantlng the niter.' (rook coot:log lits.l,wer.l. It rotof t rvs leas to. iiltAttl ill to operate Is. It rail 'hisss , t. limo nod lost , notion to learn to use it. It la the roost car.letio nod wllithle in Its opera. ats lon needle fa rttaltht and lens hahlt to tie I.loket. than a yell I.run l'he is ...wored In lan Wane l a y n l logooicosh pitteotr.l wtinch nwolers it self toljoatiog ao t:wit. 'wither aktil Piw en...nonce ere rapilte.l ill oreangl 111 It. It sow,. illreetly nova the , spool titianitoniy wall the IPUPPIII OpVl.ftl; , ll of res. inding ll.r thread for ittljoairt.not in the slitittle. It masc. , the aVileoa d I:ibbs' “Iwlnto I.tllttalCh." a irtib.b orlsiunl with . thin Machine and inittle 1.) no either, the next. ,mere elitstie sodstrintrer than Ito• met: filch The .em I. I❑I.• no 1. , VT.' out the .elm. Jn mina:tn, tas.rite.l then nrnid,ne n rsre•silite fc-d. Its tens morn sitovto 111111 1110IAea•iIy +nth, tool. It --in noire •or.•ililti .11.11,11 11,1111 dill of tro4k to twautilol , roorSii It I.as the touter it has the Lestotti if Ilan the tient hrsi.l.r, It Ins liar bent heft '(hr Wil.ox k WIFI.s `"itioilt en in the taArtet'l, a li.tle nuns right years, ill, log whip h tittle opor.riln el :slaty thousand hero linen facile and' x. 1,1, r outlilint lit filtt, per runt _er th,,o-wern sold of soy Instibte Tlir Nla chine In the ow fottnhet . ' ovits earliset tears aria encoe nm-In nualeirtit m Fn wait t r ..hrt_nale_crf hit aldcl.l..e it'lntc tr. .4getcy "wilhoot the doublt. girth to_c, '4(120mo:0.11s, of nrilell there are"! oomph Iu till lip the tolututse-In Eh^ 1111:1. Siva c 1,11 ace On et our' ,018, 111. 2n, \..rith Minors., .It.aek. 1,.t 11;i, artv-rr Chap Mr, Ow the; e lithe listt pleaaure Ili an f.latollls 7111 !hilt; r•Latia a co It. Ilesnact In! • 2c.. Bit F. mun.rtv , , Nur:11_11:m. t, j,in• I 1‘,6,1 HARDWARE HARDWARE II EN ITV SAX TO N, I===MENZEIMMI 8 T• 11 I II II T It E E Ca H c, ati/1 r ilea /41r in -Ilar•litare. Iron, to-I. Nail:, Iluil/lin; Mate/le/K. Ac. / • /1.14 v auirrirrin atidl flarglin% rneket 313,1 Tat/lo EVPry nl adois•rel thr / erilrl/lated iiV•rveral (Imo. PI:Lola al tl P ;NI S fa- any depth wart:intent en zlvo so tlntltet-nyer Cement, lanater, tlastin; Pnir!ler, Ihnee ' Gpo, Porte. . Cenci/Akar., &colors, At. It CIIAINV, rt NIE , I CM It I V Builders 1 4,l en vaCerials to a great advantage loth la price .tad qtautiy Iloi r t•eßneperx hoods amt. atonally In getst enrlol. - WE ARE SO LE AG E.Y I'S POT: THE G Itr,it'r F I.; !if, r , , GO NO Mi rA liji, l'4lriNT EXCltl:Slott WIATtlEft ..511111.-PING, adopted for door!! ana..lrlntloas. We fee) outer-Ices competent of ' , tensing an is our roods .re of the hit/hcff fu graufify and lamest in price. Orders by .filair reCtiVE prOfilld cWnfion. goods dthrered in town free . ' Parties Intlehttot to on for I trill, piens., b. prompt to limit pnyno•nt. and nll to tt loonare Itolol.tod vlll plum , proneot their. bilk for oil tlonieot.. Nino 68 II EN it Y S A a:Dr,. EDICIN4I... MARQUAII'I"S' CELEBRATED FOR MAN UR • his raluabla l'iyal•al , an: is. aditt , ridilg adapted Is Ms Curs of all thew Ma e,' Me, for talticli a Counlo•-irritaiel • or'External Rented,/ in required. U.-- ‘REirEItiINCE Abram Marqu'art. rostr .• ..bowl mu the re. ce , pt of which his I.lllltnent Is eonipossd. From my It uwletito of thaingredlottn, I In not Imitate lo oertifying that It will Ist benclielal whore an 'exiernal application of_tbe hind Is Indicated. . • s A ..sT EW : O. Ehippensborg, Sold. 15 , 1, i 5 . Fully conversant with the chemical ea utp/ntento and medical effects el A. ilar.fnart.'s Liniment. I cheerfully commend It to those obi .11.1 y need It Jacksonville, Pa. S. !I. f.CKSII, M. D. Mr. A:Marguart :—Door Sir: I inlie olea.rors iii paying that 1 have wad yo rt Lini mums On chap ped hands. and It cured them end snob, them fuel soft I think It the' beat I have, ever mid:. and would cheerfully recommend ft to the gunural public. • . ' Wll. OR ACY. Newton Towoshlp, Pa , Nov. 21, ' ' I hereby certify that.] have 'd..1.1 A. Mtwriorrtht Liniment for Scratches and tipovin on two of my horse, with Um groatent succors, 10111 WOLII , I ommend It 10,11.01. r. are-In ,n v Uri rig of the hlpd. ^ U. MELLINORII, , • County 'froasurer. Stougnstown, Ps., Nov. 18, 1804, Mr. A. !Ramona :—Dear Air: I, have used About balfa Imttle of your Liniment nu iny horse for a tad Collar Ullll, 10E11011 WAR the most 0P:11w/tin sore of the Iclud..4..etrur-sarer.. also on in) artro-fn Rheumatism, Anil It has given ontlro lOU. In both CAPON. '1 would not do without It' or len times It cool an 3" clia'aittily recommend it ty the public ' • MICIIAtIL LATSIIA - Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 20; 1169. • A. Mdrquart, Env—Bear 81r. I. had a vary severe attack 01 Ithemuntbtm lu my hack, so that I could trarcoly walk, • which wan' via y painful. After Using half a bottle 0 01 your delebrathil menC,..Lwan entirely cured. 'ride In not a retool ru'undotion, but the plain truth. You con rook° tiny use of Ulla you Dimino. • .LONO.• ainut Bottom, Pd.; Nov. 20;180d.. Mr. A. Marquart hove used your valuable 'Llultuent In my fatuity far I,lllfer, eat, pains and aches. and It lion proved satisfactory In every easo. Ido think, as all eitertuti Lini ment, It tannin without'a rival. I would cheer fully tecorninond It to the public. Itempecifully, GEORGE W. YOUUM. "JacknOnvlllo,"Pa,, Nov. 21. 18013. ' A. MarqUarf, lioQ, :—hoar Sir: It affords , roe pleasure to certify that I hitve.u4o your Without t Mt' my - neon; In a cane of very Yore Throat t." war mach similea Arad very - palAful.' After two or three applicationn, I Found It to act like . magic, sod would recommend it as au excellent Linimuut.!' Walnut Dutton., Pa., Nov. 1., 1 8011.. • „ gir AGENTS WANTSID I Addromi .. A • 111 A IIQUART.., , . Walnut Bottom, Ouuih. Co., Pa.' • P . or sale at HAV.44;eli t 111t0: Drug Stara, .oarllala, .Pa. ' F ' lldeo 484 V. ' . . PATENT MEDIOINESit Ws HAIR, VlOOll 110MEECE! _tor restoring Grny Hair to its ritquro Vitality and _ though pot always, cured by its bee. Nothit g can restore thm hair where the follicles arc destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as re main can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the bait from turning 'gray or fulling off', ,and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances %%bid' make some Preparations dangerous and injurhitis to the hair. the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a ILA IR DRESSING, . -nothing-clic-can-be—found—so- desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, it does not soil white cambric, and - yL•t lasts long on the hair, giving it n rich glossy 'lustre and and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr.. J. C. Ayer, & l'o., 4 . PRAtTICAL ANT) ANALYTICAL CIIMIIS 78' PRICH a Loo ECEIM A yees "—Cherry Pectoral, ° For DiPell.lleB of Die Threat end Lungs, .euellne Coughs, Cehle, Whnopin • Cough, , Asthma, mad Consumption Prelo1.1 ) h I clore In the hole 1.10. of medicine. lon aim thing ono so widely and so deeply.' upon the .onlitlence or mankind. no thin extodlent remedy tor pulmonary eutnidalnts. Throe oh It land series or years, and among illonCor the el melt It lies noon higher and higher iu their estimation. tip it has Leanne Lotter known Ito °alto, ot.jltararter and power to rtirci.Llio nail- On n /111. lotion out utmost linvo_ made an a iclithll-proteelor agalast them. While adapted In a; liter or dkense and to young eblldren,_ TEJ, at the mow time the noon ell - eon:el remedy that can bet for Sociplent roost:motion, and the &angel-ems affection,' of the thirat' nod lands. As a pros slot, adalost sudden attack of Croup. tt t riton Id ha kept on ilnlld m tII•11 tooth y. and ludectLas all - rare sontethase stlul.jeet- to cold • no.l ,toe l;':, all should he provided with this en tido.. for theta. iet t led Consumption is thi.d,ht Insure 1.10, still n prent midi) er eid.en IT he , b -the die 1.3q1. Sy, ,110 I settled, bane t erd mplrtrin heed. nod iti.. tin' 11.1 t. tenured to all. 111,101 hy th• Cherry PI (10,114.12 re. I. • e 111:1,1.11 'Ter the dd., der. wid!, 1 htive and that the mitt! ollnl there of than t held to It. tit• hid tiould ren.iii theta, icor], the Cherry Pre lona thee i. 10.0.1, nod okapi...dr ~ M gers and Pohltc .C'peohms filed prat protectidit It. Id it .1 .thon“ s nil .fteri wholly spied Iz curd by liking the r y 1 . "71,ral ,11,111 and it Pliny r/ :Ito It+ z Moe. o Try nevi otot pll, 1.11 the certilleato of ((tint,here. do morn Lb.. ostor. LL, jouldir (but ii, quolltiox or tiro roll) IMO A\ er's Ague Cure, F••.r and Kejer, ~; Ht.tultivot Fer.r. 1 , 1.131 k t, At up, I'eriod64l Awl intived Alt tl.• +ll/.. Lion.. 411105 Mk! trout lu•liriuu,, marsh, or • .I.llh,lhe 111.h..111e. A 1. itx 1 1 11111 e linplie•, II clop,. Pura, and dot nil. Coulaioit,g, Ar•vul..,4ueutt.e. tilduluth. tinll, 31.) het illttle.et Or l'hit ,t t ,o ll , bllte•tettee 11 ha no, vt , In uor i•r• li.jurep any. ent 1b• nil"randretet In thd ague I.ll,Acirtg. nr.• 1 , •30nd arc, tint, al d be. e ,hi , ot a rts al , . I In the hiatory 4.1 Ague ris!, is :ratilleti t) the eakLowl ,dzer .•ut. rer.ite 1.1 t 1 el.t ear.. • fleeted and vi 110, other rcinutliea flea rusidt.nt in will by t .. . 411, the nfinc cure tinily. I.4err !non tmrpnlity of 1.1... Ii ~.1./!..nt re/n..0), pro..urlnw 1131, nI) r. IVbrre utitur rin., 1,1 ...I. 1569 Pitt 000 1,)'1,r & Co., Prit,lo.,l'nnat .k oak 11,11 .110,i..1.0. .0 .01 , 1 .ti rouokl tllO ‘,o‘ll PRICE 51,00 PEE Bortzx MEE 'AI A NIiUU U: lIU NV LUST. 110 W IL ESTOIt D n Dew eilitio/1 Of Dr. Culvor w Celebrated Essay WI the radical L•urt (M . L 1•11111 J,..)rciutr) tII . 1.0.10nR114A, Lis 88•4 to, Il ulnlo, titulun:aryllll 1. and 0111.-11,1 Itivt,nelty lIIIp.dI tuet,t , n1•tre . ..4,, et ; 11111 Fl, 1,10.111 19 Fill Ind 11:grtt.e of a.el al ti 11!El L. 1-4-ri:e I ..nsaltp, ate, 1 11,..•11• t Ate. Irmo LA. 1.3 aurcesell,l In.e, that thy el, .• of ma) rAlegslly cured wItIIOUt the .1.11411 , nos I 'Li ezt.el tn , ll tn the knife; Woutnii: ut Inn la i t„ nce gr. lqc . 0 .1. llnI In , •,hl,-1/ rveryeu ilrler. 1.11/ hat I, c.ntilth.n nan he, Ilraj var., hlainyl ruillcally. hIP ltd in in the lies& af over), 3t. ..v, ry stroll in the land til or oal. 111 n plain envolope. any ad p.tpatelF. rrrorpr viz Vent, 1 ttv• part t .t-look. Air, I.r. l'ul.orwelen - 31urriluto Ott 6 II ice '2;l leu,n, .krtirork the l'ublikhers. J.l:, KLINE 177 1t....e1t. dew York. Port Ultters Box t. Lj ,o 1;9 Schehek's l'ul»brmic Syrrip.. S-n , • eed and Slateiragn Pirlen will roe* C•st. rttionti , u, liver C mq.let ut. si LI Dyspepsts, tisk•st tern, to g to clirvetions They urn nil three to ire ingeo At i lu. knit., time They civen.• the totoninat fehtv the liver. 111/11 put It to work: 11100 Lb• *pp. k. 11 l• gishi : the told digyttiß nn , t 1114 kr•kciti4 bitkel : the patient togrow in flesh the .inner ripevs in thm InhgA end thy pn 1-nt tll%, Iho 111.,0e .1,11 gets n•II. This i• the onto tent I- Or,, mqlskillipll,.. tern, Chico 11 noelicie es lir. .1. !tette. top ,01, tile nn,rtnsrd siteeest, In t tr.nt °lent of pulmonary conestlopritio. •The ninote rt rip lipuets the morbid floater in the long., Otrotta It toff toy se rn,y r•Xpnvt.rattoil, for who'll the phlegm or ninth, In ripe n Wight 'ouch aid threw it if. on] the patient hnei•rAkt, et! lls• tirttl • • I'.l Jn till, tile ':mw , iu4 Toole Nientlrelie luti•tje Irvely •ovleve,r tine ettenneli mod liver, re I lint tie! :Syrup null the roti.l mill mak• ttandralto net upon tlin !Ivor yo a/riou all obstroe•ionv,. refx x the duet of the gall bladder; tho die tdoete Irealy, and ,the Hear I. noon rellev.d. ti, nt nl. old show urtiot tho Vine ear/ do: nuthiltd 1,, ,Pr 1,0,11 Inveigled oxeoot ciao:net (a do one (1 , 11.111 011iCh In vary dallderaUx to WO WT. le, n th acted care). that (x. 11.0.1100, the gall btad• tlpr . 4 lid lilt.t sow.tion% t&the Ilvtr Schenok t a 514.01 akm Pat, 1.1,er Mid tint -la one of the most prominent nooses et maitunitaloo. Foloomh'it I.4eawond it Routhe etimuleek nail alterotioo. 1.4 the' In the Stinaiod. which that pi . ..par/alio •F wt to xi! em-Inte 'the etinineeh 881 thr• , w out Ow wt..o.ll•Julon to 111,401, the fund with the Pulinoi t io syt up, and it h n made Into good blood without li•roinototion or 8 Mr.,: 111 the Multi lA. ° filo great reiSr,ll 011, phydeoton Imre, 'cox, !Mogan-It they try t. t din It ti 11111 ell they" site nieth..h.c to et..o the e to shop ehdle, to chop MO* nivonio. !meth. hii.-rs and by sa defog they di. mom. lltr u bolo dige,•tt‘o [MU i9ittur up the se , retioue.nod .vent daily the patient Fluky end tat S. Ur ruhot ch. lu his tic ttuu ht dote not try Lollop. ..11,11., flight n mate, rhilie or, toyer, K nato y n 1.00 11111 al l n it p of their ow. accord NOIMP 1 . 11/1 ~ktrf'd of Consumption, 'Aver Coot. ',bd.', ht.ai opt u t t'ntltrrh, Curer, klicaratod Throat unless litollinell ere Medd healthy, , II a pt mull t,tymiopt 100 of lour, tholouge fu ,(Itam way aro chi t , titrtuacten, throbs sere, la °lick IA ll : Walk., pleura, adhesion, or rite , lung, are a ma•s of itt listuntatbm and f st deertylok. the lungs that ale x asti,le, but It is the whole bodly • stoostult and liner bane lust their imwer to make boil . uut 01 to ttl. Now the only chance is 1.. take :lrhottelet, time medicines, blob will bring upn tom, to the mouelVll, the pullout, will begin to want loud, it *lll digest sanity and metu good blood; then the pollenl nagion gain In gash, and as soon as the body begins In growl ho lungs continence to hes.. up end the patient gets Ilm.hy and, ell. Yids Is • the only, way to cum consuption." -N Isou'lliore lane I ling datease,and'enly liver pen nt nod Dykpemia, tsehenck's :eawced Tonic and Mt!itillakts Pills or., sulllyfent without,the Pulmoulo - Syrup. Take the Mandrake Mils freely In all -- nee rulelllolllt,, no they aro perfectly harmless. - •• Dr. :mimetic. •••ht, has enjoyed uninterrupted health ,or ninny years past, anti now weights 226 pounds, was wasted away to a were skeluton,lu thu tx last slaps of Pulmittarylooll/411111.110b. 111, phyelclau busing pronounced Ms case hope lelo3 Mud abandoned him to his fate. Ile was owed by the atoresald reeds icillon, 11111.1.1i1110, his recovery many. thetlieflid Ifirly afflicted hare tigtl Dr. heheuelee preparalluna with the same remarkable success. Wall direction. fu,numstiyinu ouch, Mules It not absolutely ry to personally see Dr. scbenck unless the patient whits their lungs 'examined, and tor thispurp,en he ' .Is prokssionally 01 Ills Prlociple , Philadelphia ' every 8 ituiday, where all lett..rs of advice must be addressed. lid in also p.one.sionally at No. :12 bend • street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at Np. al; 1141111 V or street, tloston,imory other Wed nueday. It glove advice true, hut fur a thorough catmints. , lion with his Its spirounder. tiro priee Is $5. .oMca ' 4°Drs'd dash 01,Yi-trOtu 0 AI M . . - te.ll - P, M. - Price u 1.11.0 PUlitionis 'Sy:Up and dentreed,Tnplo, each $1.60 per Little, or '54.40 a, half drain. Mans drabs !'llls 34 cents a box, tear salty by all 41 . 1.1Hfliat1 D.. J. N0:15.N. litiletit:Phila.'Pa.` • EW LIQUOR STORE.' npr1123,69 , ty JOHN 1114*I'NOli, , • Car — • N l . , ilalloY.Pi.incl Pomfret ottuuote. • : , (A:i,,,,,,,w 0 . solth of llontAN attire.). . ruro Ityu Wlniky, 1101. Common WIIIIRks. . , , Pure Uullauti-Mit i , . . • , . . Ginger Mundy, • : ;'ort Mau, ~ . . Sllefty Wino, ... . . . ~ ' I ' Jcimnitei lairs, ' ~ . •It. Awrry Syrui. • ' Champagiau. InStiI•EIVI3 prIVERS; INl.lgliF',9- nd, (.1.1./ . lsBll — 11449 ' • ' IIIIYAI:kil: • , . ' ' " O ') RAM vrnon. HAIR VIGOR. A dressing which ii at once agreeable, heal- - thy., and , effectual for preserving 'the halt. laded ..I ,, aded gray., hair 15 auon a restoredits . origs- Illi-eoiot—lniiii:thefin.. and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, falline hair checked, and baldness often, LOWELL, MASS