Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 15, 1869, Image 1

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    J. U. FIAICLEY. 1
J.11..117A1,1.4. J
nr oronon,n. lIBENTICE.
Conie, in ,heantiful dreams, love
Ohl comb to . Mo oft,
When the white wingo of sleep
my' bosom lien soft;
Ohl come'when the sea ' -
.1n the moil's gentle light
Dents soft on thanir,
Like the pulse of OM night -
When'ihe sky'and the Waco
Went their loftiest blue,
When tlib demo on the - floper,
theater's on the'dmr,
come, In beiattiful dreams, love,
Oh I come tins ) . 11 stray
Where the whole year Is crowned
With the blossoms of May—
iWhere cacti sound Is sweet
Ae tne coo of a dove,
And the gales aro as soft
An the breathings of loco;
Where the beams kiss the WRVO3,
dad tins waves tries the beaell,.
final our warm lips may catch,
tths sweet lessons They : teach.
. Conn!, lin beautiful dreams, lore,
bbl ovine , nod we'll" fly
ILike tiro %ringed
Of love through the sky;
With hand claved In hand,•
On our dream•wings we'll go
Where the starlight Qud
_moonli g ht
Are blending their glow ;•
And on the bright clouds, we'll lingjr,
Of purple and gold,
Till the angels shall envy
The -bliss they behold,
Plo-T..wrek• been to Omaha,
Whom rolls the dark ,111.mouri down,
.4 4 4 , 1 1 low strong horst:3;l.l . o° can_ilrnw
A,4 ,gno. wagon through thOutown!
1,1,.01 buhlilu, lalo or noun,
From fro Thy A lt•tance tiverllowlmr,
Is made a vary large balloan.
luy Cenxlartv,xit:R . peNillent Miming?
notthly wato, ate null tttrell
Vrttlt fearful tool J10414:1:0
'Whet? /1311 are cough( by Ileum, of Intel!. 0
Ber.Wyki they cannot :tee to !that - -0'
Vhere 844 bt'llhen - rroni every mound,
trolill Tent exes,-Oud earn end threat ;
;Viler° all the a...lnners nre„skgronnd,
ell the Otentjee ore float?.
tsrerna hello Du unxiuur gluts
- For very corwr, awl crack,
With loaf the people
And nil lhe °thorn going looltl
Whole tchhky steno the livelong night
ire vending out their {whm juice;
Whore men ere often pretty
Anil women dimmed a trill.. loose?
IVlLere ''beme taint," thiclq
Are 41,4 , in tiro, c:111, and
Win!. t,{l estate in still for sale,
And W 44 tt mold tititrotwottit prices
- Nheru tltettoe 100 nu tlio run,
And idondY w'uliArn come t' trade;
\Whore exerythivz, k urvrtl.lo,
A ud ever body undap7l,l2
3f.r.0t,-take heed to what a . 4,1
You'll 111.1 It Just o I hare found It;
,411. If It Ilse noun your way,
For Gz;tl, sake, reader, go around if.
1 11,H.
.\"- When men • are. prosperous and ,are
Making - money, and 'consider themselves
rich, J. wonder. that it. so seldom comes
home to them that they are liable to re
verses, which shall plunge their families
into the utmost panniary distrtiss. on
knew that business Is subject to. ductuft
iiaiirciiiiiriiiithingliiiiiiiiTereoMit tluiii
that men should in one year have all the
comforts aml advantages of wealth, and
the next year be stripped bare. But a
__viseieus hopefulness prevents them from
realizing that they shall ever be subject
to this fate which befalLs others.
Men expect to live ; they do not antici
pate bankruptcy. • When times change,
and the pinch comes, it is too latafor them
to make provision for the family. TIM •
wife, the children, the whole household
are suddenly plunged into distress. In
deed, much as the business man suffers
-himself, his own pangs are the least part
of the suffering.
I have lived long enough to see the
ts •
overthrow of a great many families be
cause the father, believing, that he should,
alwajs live - and keep them iii comforta,
ble circumstances, he had neglected. to
make au independentpro; , ision for them..
At the man's death the estate proves
either insolvent, or is reduced to a mini
, mum. , The wife, nottrainedto_business,
is obliged to
,settle the estate by agents.,
• What with Unskillful management, - carb,
even, sometimes, deliberate
fraud, the residuum melts in her hands,
and the widow, with five'or six young
children to befed, clothed and educitited,
finds herself alone and penniless,! Habits
cannot be 'changed in a' day. Sho • has
not been trained to bushiest. She may
have been h good housekeeper, but now
she must earn. money, which is. a very
V-^ hold eliilfully. • Some, utterly over
matched, break dou;n under - the trial,
• ' and the children are scatteralikOyoung
pltrtridgasi•lthoso mother the
•. ' • •
bouerAt, Ni l o 00 ditty of every man
Wll9 is prqsp9l:(Ns f 40t 1 4114
iEing limey tq tetticupqn eer
t4ill ?Oaten of Kobottn'vvitiolt 41141 not
ho afCeeted liytiithor his' batikruptek — o
death. This r niay he. &ono by, a,life in
. suranceeSpeeially if it be.a policy that
is net' 'forfeited by neglect of payment.—
' Bidn atill iottai way, ; it to . setthi upon
the wife a good house and the furniture
7— . Then;, if misfortune comes,' the min -U.ll
AM have a Lorne. Re will be Hecate at
, . .
the rooti , aria may begin again with seine
____holie—Af.deatltialces away_the_ father,
\ • <.the nest remains. ' Tho'children do „not
7 •- •.,. , , ;..,°. OA ob o scattered. . .
, Borne persons havo questioned Wheth
„ a scrupulous honesty would allow ono ,
to hold back from oreditOrs any : Part of a
propo4. 'A settlement of
, property on another .while debt hangs
dyer,. It, ' far ti; ''.sake of
payment of dobt, Or of SeeUrlii4
' flnily,,)v4l4 441
t , i • •
Anyr Y veat
113W/011;0140304 scales property on
1 11 0: 4 Yi r° fOr-tbejilo Maintenance arbor.
self and•ohildron,'lds after debts liavo no
micro claim upon that; property than If
'ho' had tranSforred' it, to a neighbor in
' :stoailof his o,mn wife. No Man has a
right,,toleave a fondly whOm ho has ac
:custornMl to, affliu,nce liable; "to sudden
and,iviiStingpoierty A provisiOnmado
,hotimes,',ln property, .for tho safety, of
his family in'ease of:his death or,
rtiptok i may he accoptd and ,employed
by the' *oat 'sonsativo conscience.
- write strongly on this subject, because I
have seen so much distress arising frola
•••., the . want Of such precaution.
The care and nursing, of a gelid wife is
tlid. bear, mcdibine. - her smile
. .
. . . .
• . .
____________... _._
.. .
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L.. ... ~
. . . ..•
. . , • • ...... , ... ...
~ ..
... ~ . ..• .
. . .
.. ......, .. .
_ . ....
~, . ...., ~•
. .
.. . ... . • ;
.. .
. . ..
. __; . _ . •
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. . . . . .
. .
. . ~ .. ... ...... . . . . .
. . .. . . •
. . .
. _ • ~ . .. . .
Thers is in Now York., a steamboat
man the name of . Garrison. When
yandorbilt began , running his. steamers
to Sun Francisco, ho ongageu iarrieon
$10,006 a year to attend to his busi
'rie'ss in San Francisco. The contract was
.$10,900 a year and for ten years, and
was-in writing. • A little time after the
Commodore sold out his. interest to the.
Pacific Mail Company, and Garrison was
left to himself. .The latter threatened.
and finally sued Vanderbilt, but to no ef
fect. At length, being weary of Vander
hilt's delays, and being a .man of Hercu
lean powe7 ho called upon th 6 Commo
dore at his, ittle office, in Fourth street,
near Broadway. On entering . , he, turned
the key and placed it in his pocket.
Turning to Vanderbilt he said, " Com
modore, ymtareat :My . mercy. You or .
I will never leave this office until. you
have settled with me. Upon this - he drew
a very imposing looking revolver, and sat
down opposite the Commodore:
:Vanderbilt is. not easily frightened.
Addi.cssing Garrison,.he said, "Captain,
keep cool, you arc piking, oven if I Wish
I conk' not pay yotir demanclA hero at
this time,"
Garrison was daunted by thiS, but ex
claimed; -"Commodore, it is useless for
'you to talk so. The account must be
settled. You or I will be dead, but I
will not leave this office until you have
paid-me." „ , • .
How can I ? " said VAnderbilt, now
lieglnnlrfg, to fell the discomfort of his
• -
" " :raid Garrison "in that safe
there you (lave enough to pay:m6. This
account must be settled, or you or I die,
at's all."
The Commodorelooked sternly at Gar
risom, Moinent, themturned to his safe,
drew out some stocks and ''bonds, and
said : " Garrison, 'you tire game. Acre,
are stocks and ponds. Take your dues
and leave.'t
G:ir•rismrsclectcd $lOO,OOO of - the-pre
cious certificates, pocketed them and
walked o 0: Ever since that time he and
Vanderbilt have been the hest of fricodS.
GarritiOn is still here among the NCNV.
York shipping men, many of whontltave
known him in even more serious roles
than we Lava *scribed,
—St. Paul Pivotal.
^ Apilletolex..l,urn.ll.l
I could not help admiring the 'Doctor.'
lle was one of the handsomest men r ever .
'saw—tall, compact, deal• cut; witlx;lmilet
and amiable face, and a perfect dresser ;
always looking as though he had—to use
a very 'oyiginal phrase juststepppd out
of a bandbox. Sat with his legs un
der my mahogal4, or black oak, .and'
sippe . d Amontillda, and ate broiled \wood
cock, precisely as though they Were his
daily fare. The Doctor would not, per
haps, have been, considered exactly the
associate for a man, in my position, the
Lead of a first class commercial Louse—
barring all egotism—but I would have
defied any one, by his_looks, to have
In two words, tho Doctor was a pro
fessional detective, and, •in the line of
his business, had just dohe mo a service
which the amount of Money I. had given
him did not pay for, and I liad.extended
the civility of an invitation to dinner, at
my own house, for several reasons, one
being thatl thought him a qUiet and en
tertaining gentleman,'Ml another, that
he had, by his penetration and good
management, unraveled. a matter that
had troubled me very seriously for some
weeks—not so much by the loss of money
involved, as' from the fear lost the dis
covery should ineulp4e some of,my con
fidential employees blithe counting house,
not one of whom, when the affair first
occurred, could Hook oh with suspicion,
or think of as guilty, without: a feeling
of intense pain, all of them Viving been
Many yeani with me, and endeared by .
faithful service. Before Igo on with My
main narrative, perhaps it would be well
to tell how I came to employ the The'tor
on my 9WII behalf. Although having no
connection with the tale, it will show
how wise heads—as thUy think them r
selvesean be bothered with a
thing. when'unused to the busi nos's.
From the day that I first rune into our
hou . sd, as a partner, I have al‘Vays itt
tended to the cash and banking'business
myself;; all Moneys, cheelcs; drafts, &c.,
passing through My hands - or adcounted
for to me. In three'and• twenty years'
experience, I never had an error but
- whichi.on 'careful revision, could be rec
tified, nor had any moneys ever been lost
or stolen.
You may judge, therefore, of my sur
prise when, one flay—it hatLbeen ti very,
Heavy 40r flay—cm making up my , up
amid, I found myself!i;2,3s7 short. There
was no such !!!3114 OlftY!-tltl ally way
that I could possibly linytinuide Rif error
in, and nothing in all my transaotions
upon Wlirelfle deficit. "Thad Uuti
ono place in which to put my money dur
-ing the day, and that was in a drawer of
iikly desk, a solidi old fashioned structure,
attached to the building, and put • up
when the,oilice was built,. forty. years:he,:
fore. -Had the desk , been one of the
modern, flimsy affairs, I might, have
thought that somebody could havo spirit , '
ed-thomoney out in some Way, but oven
the idea of a false key did not harmonize'
with the old fashioned- lock and sOlid,
wood. • I always looked the drawer, and
carried' the key in my pocket,, and was
rarely out of the, office during tho day,
except halt-an hour for lunctirliut Utah
there were aover• fewer than- thrp
fOnslio'kelihs 0710 ' . #0414
ainOredUe4 . dcillar to Clio.
st. 111 4' NOPP/bPritit ' °*ell.i.*
must be madO, tlt the daytime,
This was the stit6:l4:' tifeCatiolliC ; (l.4Y
tlint , I was 057 / wrist
every poolcot nud available place On my
Porsoo,_though .T.licueiv that I never put
any money about me, and then closed my
account with the deficit, making tin my
fund not to speak of it that day, hut s , to
consider it until the morrow, beforp
asked advieo: the iniatiow: °erne, and,'
, utterly discomposed, I admitted to .my ,
self my- inability to straighten it, and
called in for adrice 31"r':Conway, our. uld
. conilderitial, limkkeeper,,in •ey;ioce
jUdgruent I hadtreatroliande. Dlr. Con
way , did not, like the famous Dutch
aquae, weigh the two acennlAsr
judgment in faior'd
Lhie ilkted
ti 11 190;
cot nied my unalibaiiince-Icoffpa,'liiiiiirl
at-inc over his spectacles, and' told m e
-the account was 4rrou g,--$2,357 short.
'That's all the sitisfactioli:there was . frOm .
Vr.doliWay.. After this, pledging him '
ib•seerccy, I thought it better to consult
nobody else, but watchfully. wait events,
charging the 'anniunt, as I :was bound to
do, to thyself personally.
How much, for days, this matter troub-.
led m . 0,1 cannot relate but; like all
things else, after twoweeks had gono by,
and no elucidation had camp to ism, it
began to wear away, when one day I was
amazed and horrified to find another de,'
ficit of $984. --This time -Prentembered
some of the very missing bills, and know
that they had .been taken from my draw
er, and yet I 'bath not, left the key in, it
ono moment while I was absent from the
loom, and all day there luld been present
at least two persons besides myself; and
there had been algo people .coming and
'going-all the time, but these were separ
ated from ii ..and the clerks by a railing,
so that it wa impossible for any person
calling on business to approach tearer to
my:desk-than-15 -feet—This-time-I con
sulted with my partners, and, after nu
merous theorjes—all4which fell to the.
ground—we concluded to call in the aid
of some reputed, able detective officer ;
and, having applied in the proper quar
ter, for, such a person, we were recom
mended to Mr. Peter Schlidorg, a gen:
tleman • who, by
. the wink he gave Inc
after had told him the whole story, and
the assertion that, Six-this job up
in half - an tottr,' 'convinced -me-that-he :
Would achieve - nothing. Mr: Sehlidorg
commencod hisoperations -by glowering
upon my employbes; ono by one; and
looking into my money drawer, and
handling the money lovingly, so that I
somewhat feared that he meant to con-
Ilse* it as part of the evidence ; -and
ended by settlipg upon poor old Con
way, who, heAnysterionsly_lnformed
was the guilty man, but could' give one,
no reason for it save that Mr. Conway
could hot loolt. him -in the eye ; for which
I did not blame Conway, for a more ras
cally, unpleasant eyel hexer leheld in
mortal man, Iliad scone trouble'in get
ting rid of Mr. Schlidorg_which "as only
accomplished • by, bribing. him oil; and .
sUbmitting 05 his There inust
be something
. wrong in myself, inasmuch
as I was not willing . that the ihvestiga
tion should 'proceed.
I then -thought I would play my own
detective, and; having put my Money in
the draWer, as.l always slid, watched the
moYements - of 'every Salo ith the closest
circumspection. although appearing not
,so 'careful as usual. Before going to_
lunch, each day, coinited tISB money,
and again when I returned ; but no re
sult, Until one slay, on - making. up spy
daily accounts, a little before three .
o'clock, I found myself $1,132 short. I
almost jumped in astonishment Mini my
seat, for the abstraction - must 'have oc
curred within three quarters of an hour,
andwith - myself . hrthe room all the time:
This was_staggering - and serious, and I
at on - ce lost faith in myself. - Here were
s4,47ligone, .and. not .the shadow of a
Alter another consultltion with
y partners, it ilashed"across my mind
to bunt up one .B— ; who in his day
had been celebrated aw a detective, but
of who'll I had not fiend for years, and,
if lie were still alive, to submit, the mat
ter to his judgmtint. The Directory gaye
me his .address, and in an bum; I. was
with him. B— was interested; but he
had retired• from business ; rheumatism
was the only thing he dOtected, and that
to his sorrow. He, however, would re
commend me to a gentleman who, if lie
would undertake the job, could mir'avej
it, if it woke to be unraveled by human
skill, and Ile gave use a letter•to the Doc
tor, or Robert Blaisdell, :AL D., as lie
strangely .directed the envelope. Before
I went to bed that night I found Blais
dell, and not only engaged him, but, as I
could see, interested him, and he agreed
to meet Me the nest morning arthe
Tice, and so conduct hinielf that there
would be no suspicion of his . business.
He wag there prOmptly, and opened
matters ini the hearing of all the clerks
by talking coffee, and proposing
,to sell a
cargo of Rio So arrive. 'He never ap
peared to look at any of my people, but,
with his pencil, as. he was supposed to
be bomputing quantity and. price, asked
several questions, and lira few moments
gommunicated, to me his Belief that the
clerks were all right. That was a relief'.
I opened the drawer, freely handling:the
money, and giving him every opportunity
to see its working. Ire was bothered. I
saw that by his face. Ile asked me if
the clerks could be sent out, and we
Could be alone for half an hour. Yes, at
lunch time, inmMhoiir, all would go but
Mr. Clonway, - Miq. I would contrive An,
errand for ]tin. plaisfiell went away,
aq:veturue4 th4-tlum l ane we were
alonn.' • •
This thina is (1(80 liy scaijoatiy6iit,
side of.yeer . elerks,'Sii., hut by whoni*er'
hay puzzles 'rno. Let me examine that
drawer,' said tilaidsell.c ' Have you any
'mice about r.
There had been a stmynne seen once
while: . •
. .
__.' such. hinge have
been as mice Using the soft paper of bank
notes to make theirnests. • 'lsTO,',he con,
tinned, :after' close exathination of the
dinwer-- no mice,' And ho' drew the
drawer completely out, and 'peered back
into the opening. 'lt seems to' go chock
up against' the wall, and 014 too close
,foi 'even a mouse to get ii ' ' '
q 'e'xainiired, and found 1i0..s as right
,iruti i n . a . ;inomtniel Sitiv' lif:s ttire 'blighted
,iiii,` tiniligli al te t oirld' 714 ' SCO , 'at „what.
4gaiel'iO' PeOrell into til'etiiiin,li that the)
dra.Yor wus taken from, and slipped it
Ic./tti 3 olly,•:itO;ditsypti4,4ol'V44:
ilp, 08p14 1 4 - trAck .R 4 rTPi ticlll o ITS4 I IIi
r t..
!, ulltiß'All,t,Cftlicl 17111‘1Aliti'illlil saying,'' , . IT
i1, , 111 lie liaalt lit's; foi , Minutes,' Walked
bito the street,' and, returning, in less
than flie,' said : .. ' . . ..
,l You liadhetter gO on to-day the saine
as usual, and, niter. hitsiness-hour, I
.shall ti tant to conieftiliere; ivith a frierid
Of mine,: and lle entlrely, alone,'witlfhirn
for, a couple Ofliotirs.?„,
.1. ~, ;.. ;
This, ,
of course . a re d,' to' 1 d went'
,on using, my .drawer, the rest of, tlie day,
,but alfeinne'.right. ' `,..A.tifye,o'cloelc:l iny
elf adrnitted Blaidsell andlldo..triencl
-who ~ looliecl. to me liicp,.l . loclism . 4ll,' , ilit.l.
Ipft, tliorn:.. ..7111 ; &,` . 0.4 r•inSiiiigg•;". at` lb
a'iile6 - 1e;1111a:idlOf li&We'o';ilitY dial li6 .of
, .14:Yidial41 1 . ,* ''llifi idr 'A tia. liii* 4;416. litin the
1 161.ii'lib.follY; ; -litid opiniiig , '66 ' iti•iiver'
• tiaid; j pointiog,fo;la!,iiees . df,lihitn''Pliior'
iittid'iT;;ll6.7tiOttbiii'••., . !...., --- •. *:, it —l ,
,''.; ...—•?:*., ;• ',' , "• i •':• . t . '• • • .;' : .
.• ..
'.You will ploaso-not disturb.or toucli
that, but lay'Your Money carefully upoL
it. I shall tjo in . and.out - every half hour
or so, to see how the thing comes, out.' ;
._ •
How the thing vwmes . out,', rather
puzzled me , but,'as I was in the Doctor's
hands, reboyed orders, and said nothing.
Blaidsoll came' in and Out,..Und talked
coffee closely in4knowingly, anl I , had .
some trouble; once or twice, to persuade,
myself that I was MAY going through, the
motions, 'and not really
. bnying,a . cargo
of 'Rio of him. All,was • ryniet, and' my
accounts, right, Blaisdell declining , to
.with me, :'saying, in an -off hand
way, that ho would foot up his freight
accounts, in my absence, if I would 'per
mit Lim to sit at my desk. In half an .
hour I teas babk, mild the moment I en
tered 1. sane a peculiar expression on
Biaisdall'S face—an expreAsion of intense
listening. Ile-did not get up from my
chair, but put his finger on his lip. The.
office was perfectly silent, with the ex
ception of the Scratching of Conway's
pen—he always would use iptillswhen,
_suddenlY,_ there:was a_ ttharp_boise. and a
struggling within my
,dosk. Blaisdell
jumped to his feet, excitedly, and called :'
The • key I Quick I fp:lick 1 By.
George, a we've got him I' • •
•-• • I handed him the key in an blatant,'
completely astounded, as Was old Qoatay,
for be tumbled right off liis stool, and
Blaisdell unlooked tlic,dr,iWer. It was
not so easy to open it, for it. took our
combined strength. The first sight that
.met-ray_eye,..when. that _was was
a human' hand, which Blaisdell seized
with a grip like' a vMe,•and in an instant
had a handcuff on it. 'I saw at a glance
it was a band without a thumb, and, at
the same time, heard
• Why, it's Thumby ! rthotight he was
the river.'
I 'was -50. (lazed that Icodld hardly
understand the thing,-aud--steod-kioking
like an idhreWhile Blaisdell took. up a
heavy poker, clasped the other handcuff
on it, and,..placing_it, across the idrawer,
said, composedly :
- There's your man, sir=Tlmmhy-I)ick
one of the most accomplished burglars in
this country. Shall we go around and
see Min'
- We went round and saw him, and, the
moment. I laid eyes on his face, I recog
nized him as a man who had 'Men several
times to see me in reference to a scooner•
with fruit we expected from the West
Indies, professing - that he wished to buy
all the plink:miles. This was the greet
ing' between the Doctor and ThumVy,
Dick : • • .
"Oh ! dear Cousin: Rub, a, ;Cl3' bad
one ! I put in three grains of -atropia for,
three grains of assaftetida, and you know
that one sixthof a grain of atropin is a
large dosn: I kneW it Was a strange pre
scription ; but, as it came front Dr. Bar
ton -Ilttewster, who knows what he's
about, and k a regular citstOineC of our
gliop,:ricnt it up, and gave it to the rocs-.
stinger. I' was sciglad to get to bed again
that I didn't thiiik about anything until
about half all hour.afterward, - Wten the
doctor, himself waked me up, and asked
to see the prescription. hadn't put. it
in the boo!: yet, so_l handed it to him.
lie too'. it to the night lamp, Tut it, and
ihen ‘ handed bac' , „_say_itig,_ yery„ltttsi!tm
o see me, his intention to that time Ity • .
qhis iyati a well put np job, Dick,'
sityqT,Thietor : 'but it's played: .
'lf I'd known you . AZ'as On it, Doe, I'd
'IIV struck the heal\ and gonci.'
'kit you
didn't want to kill the goose that !aid the
golden eggS, Alt?' . s_
'Come, takc. usOut of this, Doe ;I've
got nothing to.say.'
And so 31. r: Thumby D.lek _Nyait taken
ont, ailii ac oiminittatedlima - 166:
on the same side ofthe - lonise, and - told
tts the_ whohl;,. He had noticed
the money drawer. rivlien he first came
Tieing to tap the safo seine pleaseitt
evening. He Rneii,' the next building
well ; it 'ow a small drinking . pliu,n in
frofit : with a bad': room, and offices up
stairs. Tiffs bac. room he managed to
hire, and Ny i th the nice eye of a
meeliattio.—for*the job showed Sicill—
thrqugh the wall he went, right behind
At night he had skilfully re
loved the rear of my money drawer, and
refitted it ,with four. wooden pegs (which
was, Blaisdell's -first clew, as he was ex
aminhig, the drawer), and so.pould noise
lessly help himself during the day i for :
Cifeu thougli I might open the drawer
when ho was In the act, I could not have
unless I ilk qt. down. and
looked back to see - the rear part out.
Blaisdell and his friend, the loCksmith
looking man, had skillfully lilted a spring
trap at •the bottom of the drawer, linilm;
the white paper, so that the crowding of
the hand, in the set of- grUsping the
_Money, sprung the. - trap, itud took Mr.
Thuniby prisonee-,a mishap that he is
now expiating at las.old residence on the
Aod this is the day I came to be dining
with the doctor, all of which has nothing
to do with my storY.
So' now, after telling (egotistically
Mating mysair litil) the affair of the
money drawer, r will let the Doctor
talk : ' .
'Yes, sir that's true—we do have odd
things occur in oui• line. It has always
been my rule not to ease with
;My one else. I did not begin so ; .but
many mishap:: through stupid
who' thqught theinseives smart,
that S 1 810.109(1 I Vq lll slM t liC r
chalices 'cif sxo,rlci . u . 4 (110 . I,:f
inySelf, milke sonip cilllllt nll
knave but •4, foil—yOil - 1::1 1 10VOr know
'where you have ,
soots — winitz - rwpin
this business?' I gneilcd. ' • . • I that was ratherattrious in itself.
arose front an accident, and, if you
would like to hear it, I will tell you.'
and r passing.ldnr
the'sherry, I settled oniself into a listen
ing • , •
'Twelyc years ago I wan in Boston.' • I
had fix'st.. - grqdrratiFit,' - and, was enilEavor
ing, in in effort to establlsli , practice;'
to. see how -near a man :could- . come '
starvaTien,'lind still keepfilive. I got
far away from bolielUilioiibre, bet:uiSe .
people, to'
se'ci dr throw bf mi;t'itt;i4gles, being con.:
tient to :fight patiently on 'until I. lfcid
made kiiimeess, and then let dial laiew
hoW I had made
13; : 4' 11
fvf9ol 7 - wti.lloastkiii I 31A t4lt Afa§
a: Vt ;-:11:
and a 'clerk hi a drug store=--aretail store,:
where ho had plenty of 01010 work 'and'
very: small - pay. For liim there was no .
such thing Its rest. 'He slept in the stem,
and was liablo to bo called at any hoar of
the night, to. make up a prescription, or
retail. 'a dose of castor'. oil. This may
, has
a . trifle to sane ; ;but, ; toa man who'
has been going through the petty dilute'
Ory of a retail storefront six 1141;\
ing until clover`` :11,4
inakter to ho'~d'itkcr) ftomn rile, fist sleep
quiailess df 110611,, 'rind repOsa
• !cOnb .nthinii4, 1460440,y; 7etooetl l
4 Leto( 0, t
. get . t , trlnt ma
'a.,lCoit of anxiety with; face, anal greeted
inc with : • '
" tii(l yoii luiow th 4 Chailoy is
ftouble4 4 .
" 'Tina& Z Igo,' I said, What trouble?'
A wrong prescription ho put up has
killed a -Womao. I wish he'd killed him
heforeit-bad.happened in my shop:'
looked 'contemptuously on the
fellow, ho only thought of his shop and
hiS pOCket, - and mide further -- inquiries.
" 1 .1)h it . happened last night, ahout
shutting up, time. The, woman died
an. hour ; 'and Charley is under
arrest, awaiting the verdict of the Ono-
ilex's jury.'
" I felt an utter diSgust for this fellow ;
but I thought I wonld give him a part
ing shoe before I left lath. So I said ;
" 'But why don't they arrest you? They
'Must look to you as principal.'
" It was almost amusing to sec his ex
pression of fright
'" 'Arrest me ! What bare I to do
';vitb it? Why; I wasn't even in the
store iwhenit occurred.'_: __.---_—____
" No-the Sneak i—he Was ((sleep in his
bed, while he put all the work and re
sponsibility on poor Charley. How ever,
I: contented myself With asking a few
questions as to who the person was that
had died, and when Charley had been
arrested ;• and then I started to see him.
I found him, in a very little time, ht the
custody Of one of the Coroner's officers,
awaiting the holding of the inquest,
which would come off in an hohr. As a
matter of course, Charley was in intense
mental- agony, and- it was only w ith
, diffirifilty I could get him tit speak to the
point. His mind wandered, and lie was
in a high feVe'r: I got hold of - his hand.
and tried to calm him;
"Now, my-bOy,' Ls:thl, 'this is no time
for deSPairing. You
.mast pine'. up
courage, and Ion: thejliing- squarely in
tho face. All is not lost as long as life is
left: Tell me the w hole 'story.'
• " it as about one o'cloc': this
morning, and I al. cd out of a sound
slug - ) to put up - - prescription, and I put
it up rung, 1 as so sleepy, and hail
been so tired,• when I ccut. to'bed ! Oh !
poor Nellie! What "ill she say to this.'
" •No matter about Nellie no I an
s, cred ; 'lf she's the little ,‘ ()Man I
thin: she is, she'll bear it nobly, and, no
matter hat the result, she wont thin!.
'less of you. Now then what chs the"
nature of your ntista e ?' .
" 'Toting man, just read that pre
t" I did as he bade me, thoroughly
awake by this time, -and, to
.my horror,
read three grains of assaftetidl,,,,ansteaff
of three grains of astropia. /.
" s% Bro ster looked iercelyi at me
for a moment, and , out MI, leaving me
ith the prescription in my hand, and
saying, You killesi a woman by
your carelessness; you'll have - to settle
it with the Coroner in the morning.'
" Well; and they arrested you this"
Morning ?'
" Yes; about seven o'cloc*.-. The of
ficer. says it "as good in Dr. Bro. , Ater
not to give intormation againgt, me until
lifter daylight, since I might have got
a.‘vay in the mcantinio if t had been of
a mind to do so; ‘ , l - tieli no doubt •as the
Doctor's idea. llut, less pm, cousin
Rob! I didn't 'thins. of runiting away.
I could n't EMI as ay, if it sas only for
Nellie's sa'o.' - • •
.was a dear little girl to horn
Charley hadbeen engaged for a year or
t• o, .and'..ely to be for a . 113 years
11101 C, as he s , as • siting wail he could
get 'into business for himself to marry
" I cast over tlid hole thing 13' 1 my
mind, and the first idea , hich strite me
ens that (bailey ought to have a la yen
present to .at eh the proceedings d
see that he liad at lintst legal rirl rth,,
where all “ould 'be prejudiced against
him. No sooner thought than I rumen-:
baled . that ['had been able to do consid
erable professi . onnl service in the
•of..a young litwyerly.the. name.of.San:,'
fclyd; in glet, I had lINt9l fortunate
'enough to snatelt.a favorite child of his
old ; 9 r file g ripe fir death, San . -
ford 'w as, We tuyself,, ttnahlki2 maLe
both ends meet;' and, in telling me his
tin — pay me thenrhoped that ^I
or some of My friends would efideaVor to,
professional use of him. This
,c at;
just the time, and, before the inquest
opened, I had Sanford on the spot, an:c
lods-tut& or us6:—
• . .
"The evidenceve wa's very siniple:,
deceasedboardiid in the house where she
died; Was a - Young glrb'about iiineteoll.
nadJio relatives, and only opc
fiienq in BoSts , ip. visited her.
tuft .. h9r Dr. I3io , isten She
Vad not lian Vali'''. ell for a day oe t 0,
, star had prescribed, late
the: night befdre; I and' Oa - boy to
Ithtr, druig ktoro: for preseripti99.:-
Pieserilitioi invd\rCil b moo.,
11 1,ft OP' I)NPktIV ; 1 / 2 tmrN •
• ••
. • R, JU,On,
any: sit-stipll , l4.
Mi-L-1144. sr. lif..
It Wag written with a hard lead pen,-,
oil, 'on an erdiemi ha of while; unruled
wilting paper. • "
" Then eamo'Brewstees evidence. He
identified the piescriptiOn. -he
found there was something wrong: with
Miss: Selby; the. deceased, h . ?: vtif . iii
Zfareelin's p o t,4); ;Wait.
tedto 041 , 0 . grains of :ailtropia
kki: 01d iiivEari . ptlor;, , his tiind of the:f!arne .
cairn) medical evidence as to
'he:effect§ of antrcii)la, and tlno amount
*Mal (16:44,v4i1Vi,
l en; vVlen one- .
dbetli: of it 'uOlu efieulit c be enough. '
I,e , pres,
help hurt ally. Theromas only one ques
tion he 'asked Dr. Brewster; ;which
seemed rather to bother the Doctor, and
was suggestiie to me. _
'I Doctor, " said he, '.how wasitthat,
Whenyou, suspected . something wrong
.with hiss. Selby, you left. her nearly
half an hour with the ignorant.peoplo - of
the house, and went yourself down to
:Hamelin's, instead of trying somethiug ,
to relieve the deceased, and 'sending a
message to Marcelin's
" Dr. Brewster said he wanted to be
Personally satisfied., . , 2.
" And. how_wasit Doctor,. that when
you are personally satisfied, you cOntent
ed yourself with using only simple rem
edies, such as sulphate of, zinc, and did
'lint Call in other aidmntil Miss Selby
is past all hope ?' •
" Dr. Brewster answered that he had
acted to the best of his ability, and that
he was not resironsible to anybody, even
if he had erred, which he did not. 4 And
so closed the inquest i „ and Charley was
committed to stand his trial for Man
slaughter:, his bail having been placed at
$10;000. Of course bail was impossible',.
and Charley went to prison, cheered into
a little hope by Sanford and myself, but.
still nearly brolcen hearted. Thefc
dither little Nellie Wilson, Sunford,:orMy
self visited him - daily, and did our best
to cheer him : but'the prospect was dark
and the State Prison loomed up before.
The-day of his 'trial was approaching,
and there was not a bit of evidence
spbmmit• in defence, cave good character,
and recommendllitillak - frour - fOrmer - em= -
Ployers and from Marcella all of which
was poor hope:'- -
One day business led.
_me past the
house where Miss Selby had died, and'l
- do not know. what induced the idea, but
I thought IWould go in. The only idea
I had, in fact, was to see the messenger
wha.took the grescription,::and4alk with
him, though, T Ilnew kini to be only 'an
ignorina boy. I. saw 'the landlady—it
was a lifftTfiing house—who Was-a kind,
motherly sort of a woman, -and, after a
little gossip-with her, I got her intrerest-y
-ed-in-Charley's case, as an orphan, and
without a friend in the world but mysdlf.
Then I found that the old lady was
trouhled with a dyspeptic pain, which
undertook to-cure, sealing out fvr
eine on the spot, without letting it cost
her anything, and filially NMI upon Mrs.
Bramble so, that, as •I was going-, away,
she said
,Joetor, why
;Ind take toy little front reception roomi,
and put up a sigstiThere ? There ain't no
Doctor anywhere aroUiurthis neighbor
hood,. and I'll board - ye very, cheap, .jist
to have ye in the house on 'casion.'
I laughed at the old lady's proposi
tioni and told her I *Mild think over it,
until to-morrow ; I did so, ambsaw that
Bramltle'shouse wasmmeh superior
in appearance and location to the one I
inhabited. The result. was, I struck
bargain with the old kitty, and moved
dr - r - e — el - Vto her domicile. I hada't been
there three days, when, one morning,
:qrs. Bramble, who - was very fond of gos
siping brniy room, -said- :-
" - -Toefin'T - ca f
time about that poor gal that was pisened
up sours. I haven't had that room
opened since: the morning after she died.
Seems to me ir t might be haunted.'
`Yee, I responded.'
"There war something stizinige, too,
Rhout her and that doctor mall-who-eame
1 / 4 )
td see her so much.'
" Yes !" I saki again, pricking up my
cars, and looking inquiringly at her.
• "There war sh much sneckin' in and
out, ana eontinB. at all kitubt. of_queei
time; ; and thou they'd . (filar'', ant
wheu he went away, she'd fret and cry st
that she'd be e'en a'most sick.' ,
" l I said to myself, ' here's a
new shape to the matter.' And then' I
said to Mrs. Bramble,. where did Miss
S'elbY come from ?'
" 'Well that's the strangest thing ofull,
Doctor. She never would tell, where she
came from ; and the most that she ever
dropped wlg'that she was from New
Hampshire : but then her name never
was'Selby - in
" 'How do you know that ?' Mrs.
Bra mhte., ,
" Meeanseevery bit ofbertiialerelothes
had anothe'r name robbed out ou . non ;
and one day there Caine a man here, and
a Aed tot Miss .Goodwin, and, when he
was told that no sick Person - lived here,
he insisted, and said he'd seen her come
.in here. Then when this-was-tallcedoit
at the tea table, before • Miss Selby, she
got dreadful exciteditaut it, thouglind
body said a word about her lwilw the one
that jurt, come til befum, the man asked
for Miss Gootlyin, l •
't The old lady. was making some cc
'velaions Hero that 'stirred my curiosity ;
butl crnild not'soo how they could hell;
Charley's ease, except, that, if f thero was
anything mysterious' between the dead
woman - and the doctor, I might sift it
out, and use 'if to' soften his ellidenee.
against Charley, -or perhaps,' force his
interest to help the boy. ' All's fah• in
love and war,' and so I took hold of the
slender clue to trace out who Miss . Selby
or. Goodwin, inight—be... . _The —l:tat—l:
thought, was the true name, end 'al
though it seemed p,llurd 'to cuter upon
the sea re:l,i, i l 'i such a "ay, I concluded to
,\X.l:ite to, every postmaster in New - Haml , -
, shire. I framed a letter, saying that
three v as. something of great importance
Pending to the name of Good
win, sonic , here iii, that State ; Awl le.
quested each MitV.t.t.i.§.WF it' the nitinii ox•
isted irt 11 1 .5 1NU414. tu please to scud me
i41i44.4 AVOillabo l: 3-Of Po %Wily, present
and al4ent, °specially...the latter and that
if the neiewiticy,;44ool§k i ityo,*l:l4. -
1>e:00A il4ougli,:hini;..lie, sliould:' die
v ell re: , ;Wed. ' - ,
.41iisle'iter":1)*ght eloyen .tesponses„
one of which was froth a moriber . orthe
Goodwin family, into whose hands thu
postmaster .of the town of
pit my letter. , I had nu .f or read this'
letter of Mts.. STA Woodwin than I cried
. The very tone of it shaWed
seeking for her lost child, from
the expressibu.she put upon niy :taking
for the panics of. the abSont,.,She sought
'daughter who had left her a year he
fore, and in the description, which >i ;td.
tbMvs.Bramble,MissCicpjUlWßS ree6g:t.
niZe4 , Of' course Mrs..
'clmilk\pypuht he selit far. ' let dnugh
tors were still' in the' lock UP
room, und'they troubled poor Mrs. Brant
't+i almost as hadlyttS if ti.w03,1. had •beon
glmA. ttherefore wrote to Mrs, (gods.
i, in that if she )voultiorit',,
yonl4l give her imielliiionee, of'her lost
dinighter. 'lt was a sad Pilgrimage - to
bring the Maher on, but it was better_
than tolaye the child Ipst; Witlioht track,
forever. In a few days Mrs. Goodwin
arrived, and hi my r00m,,1 told her the
sad fate of her child, and pleaded with
her to tell nio all she knew of Brevister„
She dld.not know Brewster,.had never
heard the niune; but, after Urgent
ing,.confessed thatclick,Kliaightellhad,left_
Janne With a maninuncd Selby, that she
had written to her declaring that she was
married_to Selby, and this was the last
she heard• I described.-the. ap-.
poarance of Selby,_and the,
cognized. it instantly. -It was that of
"Light seemed broaking, on this affair
in a now way. What if this Brdwster,
who was a legitimately married man,
had found hhnself hampered with Miss
Goodwin,, perhaps illegally married to
her, and consequently had taken advan
tag4,of Charley's Mistake—for it was
ciea'r that he had dsscnveved it in time to
save her - if be had tried, or at least that
was the conclusion Sanford and I bad
come to 1 This, indeed., was the defence
we had designed to offer on the trial,
bringing in medical evidence to support
it. What if this wen ,so, and wo could
bring it against Brewster on the
or, better - still, get him to abscond for
fear of the reculation I 'All's fair, etc.,'
as I said before.
' ''Mrs,Goodwin went to the room of the
poor, dead girl, which was opened for
the first time 'since her death: There
iffpirriiiiSillke — EVerythiblrworrbtiug=
nized, and the poor broken hearted
mother•was in agony.. had sent for
Sanford; and he had arrived, and was
shown directly to room. Mrs. Bram--
,lde took the mutheC away to comfort her,
and the lawyer and I discussed the situ
ation. ' In the 'centre o 1 the room'was
tablei one of those old fashioned, 3yax
polished, mahogany tables, seen only
once in a while. On the farther side ,of
this A!‘t Sanford, between - myself and the
window. 'While I was talking I glanced
fifiliOablii and presently my eye - rested
upon .A. nto senate les. Why I noticed
them in • AS they were, I .cannot,
tell; ht t, my eye§ wonhl not leave them
untilat , last I bent down close, and saw
that they were 'the marks made by the
sharp point of a hard pencil, throo,ll
thin papero arid the very marks made by
13rewstdr's prescription on the night of
kiss doodwhis. death._ The wax.rubbeCt
table had taken the impression plainly;
soul _there I read, while Sanford looked
at me wooderingly,liiot only the prescrip
tion, now in the hands.of the law, but
the impression of another, almospilTehti
cal, only- substituting the Ny q LI atropin
for asSacetida. I was thunderstruck, and
called Sanford round to my side of the
table.— lie and we looked in each
other's faces. The whole thing was as
clear to me as day.
" I called up Mrii. 'llriuntilc and Mrs.
Goodwin, and both read _thu ..'marks.
Quick work should now be made of the
~eholc thing.ThP room Was closed, but
not, until I had made most accurate
Qpips_ Of both_preserkplons. Sanford
went to the ° police headquarters, and
brought one of their principal men, white
Mrs. Bramble, in her own sent nil
foi Brewster tul come directly to her on a
matter of inTimavnee. He arrived just
before Sanford's return with the minis-
ter of the law, and seemed very much
taken aback by meeting me, be
remembered, at thc.inquest, as a. friend
of Charley's. I said to. him: Doctor,
them are some matters connected with
the death of that lady up stairs which I
want cleared up, and I luslueed Mrs.,
Bramble to send for Toli, 'satisfied that'
you could enlighten me.'
" 'Enlightenyou,' he sneered. What
have you to' do with it at all?'
"'Oh ' I said, carelessly, I nave
taken an iiiterest in Miss Goodwin's
death, as I have in Mr. Drake's life.'
" The minuet' Goodwin staggered him,
'and he turned livid.
" Goodwin ! he muttered, I don't
know any Miss Goodwin.'
tl_tcyhaps you would know if m moth
er.' I said as that lady entered the room.
pith Alrs. Brambio. Brewster staggere,d.
toward the
~window; I jumped between
him and it, fi'w I thought he intemled to
throw himself out.
" Perhaps, duet or, , you do
recognize, these two preseriptiom,,'
I continued; slrowing tilt) ctipi(.g,
'had matte. tiltaVis the one calling for
FirN•i da - , -- whielt—yott--exchanged for the
other, 'who; you called at the drug store
of. Maccelin,, and asked . Drake to 'show
you theortglual, The very - dnme, Doe
" That 's alk! ' he hieeed; I destroy(
44 4 Oh I did you 2 Well, you see it has
come to life again. HoweTer,"l 'in glad
you've confeased that you tried to de
stroy ft. And now, doctor, my advice, to
L yon is to. make a ele:p. breast of-this
dui g,. and throw yourself on my increy.'
"He caught at this like a cowardly
wretch, and, as Sanford mine in, he
knew him; but Old mit -know the :man'
with Lim, kl-e told the hole story,_ . Tit
had,beguiled Miss Goodwin with mar
riage, which, of course, a as bigamy, and
w:(s in daily dnead of detecticii. He had,
-plotted-her-death s aild this plianliad -oc
curred to him the evening of its, - eseeu
ion. He know 041.1.4orkrbg- of 341 , t00 --
lin's 5t(111` and that, by changfng the
pis suripiiim,•Oharloy could be made the
and . himself exoncriited.. And
then,,as he finished, 'he said:
" ' Ami now,Aentlomep, I haw) doiie
. 711;4,
..( 1 .:?,y.m.:,),#ppR.t . !9.T6P.}-,,WP.?
' . - "'la.vt3 'ii3.llitingt.q.Vf maid, cirtliolyA,
, 4: A ltfl,i,ls".l.litt your mercy I threw. wysel
im?' ' '''.- .
~, ,
• " `That's too omicii inerey for a villiqn
3foil„ Were yoiti min, office?:
gi; with yontill «e sco hiui say
touler,loolc. We don't Want to take any
chances on that fellow.'.,
"And that Waspy first clqo and my
first arrest. The next morning wk , 3
sent for by the authorities, avi,l c oolly
informed that . 11rows,t,0 hadAmnged
self . phi) loam, his cell, so you
au, If only erred Li pronouncing who
'should, hang him. As to Charley,. the
District Attorney arrange'dhis business
in . a &yr. honranad he was a.freo man,.
lidcareelin . wits,very anxious lialm
. hint
haelc; hut' I Ontainekl,' him a bettor
IPASP;; 'At9ve, with leas work,;
more sleep, and larger,pay. , '
“AS to iniself, a few days afterward I
was sentfor bYthosve . sident ofethe
. 13ar,fit; who, haying' apoogized for his
strange proposals, told ine•that lie had
heard from Sanford the whole Story .or
my amateur detective business,'and he.
felt satisfied that if wonld tate in hand
the Matter of the robbery of their hank
it had lost' $BO,OOO some weer' s before—
which the .regular 'detectives could .do
'Milling with, be was satisfied I could
ma ife something? out of it. At all events,
on his recommendation, the board of di
rectors had told him to 06r me $5OO-to
try, whether succeed or not, and fif
teen per cent on all the money I recov
ered if .1, succeeded. I laughed the
listened._ $5OO, _was. a great
deal of - money to begin on. It would be
a long time before I would get such a
sum as a medical fee. I was interested
the story of the robbery, - and I tool:
the job profoSsionally. Two months
later I closed it up, having recovered $BO
- of- the money and received my 15
per cent. $lO,BOO, less • the ssoo* already
paid. Out of this money I set Charley
grate up elegantly in business, and mar
lied him to Nellie, and put Sanford. in
the way-of getting up, sending him since
a large practice. I'm done, sir: hope I
haven't bored you with the, account of
my first case ? ' •
Perhaps no man is more under public
scrutiny than a railroad conductor. 'No
man holdingAhn . zpponsibility is under
greater — Censure than the Master of the
train on which he rides. Ile is supposed
to be able to please everybody, from the
Nplimsicar - tTaveler, the grumbling cont
muter, to the highest official on the road.
Icro efrchmstaiMes are allowed in his fa
vor, no lenieney shown hnn.
..Unless all
are:pleased; the - grumbler growls,
takes every 6pportunity to expose him ;
rash chittes are made, yet the accuser
never rests to consider how glad the pub
lic should - feel that he is but it Hastier by
and not a conductor: It is not our in-
tention to ht-Linuate that all conductors
are 'what they-ought to be. - They- are
like other amen,- given to their- faults.
We do not intend to extol them, but ra
they r6mind the traveler that lie is to,.
hcOnSiderato in aSlcing the conductor to
- dense him and everybody else -on-the
1•oad. Fonr hundred passengers seat
themselves in a train, tired and weary
from a day's_ shopping and .the regular
routine of business. All are . anxious to
return home in' the safest tunl quickest
possible manner— The engineer, at—tint.
conductor's signal, starts the train, - and
the passengers think all the conductor
has to do is to signal the engineer, col:
lest the fares, call out abpard," and
ten the name§ of the stations. 'Within
theicars are 400 dilrerent characters,
each with their handles aitcl packages.
ll(tie on one side sits a cro - ss woman and
a dirty dog, four packages, and an easy
flowing tongue. All seats are crowded,
the. sun shines against lice side, and un
less sonic person 'changes seats with her
the - conduetor receives, a 'editanilectnre
on his next appearance'. .fey; seats
behind sits a tnltn Who wants to stop at a
station where the conductor has been or-
(lured-notto-stop: -- -No - OlarbutTtlurron=
dnetor receives the blame. A comniat-
Or sits opposite. Of the .1(10 I'asz.ys
may have been •forgott en, and, in reply
to the inquiry of " TieLels pleaso,” he
murmurs that 116 ism commuter. The
conductor is to believe him, assures all
responsibility, or else the man compelled
to show his ticket : seeks some newspa
per, and in a communication attacks the
conductor, wrongly criticising him.
other commuter qesir•s to pass a friend. p
The eonductorust . *blitt'e'lfis"instruct
imis, thraw , himself elI en tri censure and
- dismissal, or else receives the unathemes
of both the commuter and his friend. '
Between the first two stations the con
ductor must examine all the tickets, col
lect fares,
,answer 400 questions, and
please 400 passengers. On his next pas
sage he is to remember all faces and where
each one i. to stop. Unless lie dices it,
and if he (nth: for a ticliut a second thin:
from a passenger, lie is grumbled at for
having such a poor nunery, yet all the
time (he passengers„eould. not testify
whether it was the same man that asked
for his ticket the first time or not. In
the train load of passengers are molly
pleasant, travelers, men and women as
willing to be a ecomodatlng to the eon-
lue:t or a , ;lic! shotthl be to tpinn. Toonuwp
however are restless. • Tiretr and weary
they seek their owit eondort at the ex
pense of . .titers. A little ettre will save
much itt,traveling, make the way
plelisant and platte_tite coniluetor and of
tleials on the road tinder obligations.
Ilirain "Power, the sculptor, relates
the following anecdote of General Jack-
Ile invited me to dine With. hiim'telling
me the names of his, own lionsehold
whom I should meet. • We had an excel
llentAlippor, but the General, I observed
ate only a large bowl of bread and milk,
Mot to : netting 'either meat or wine. -In,
the course of the dinner, igajor Donelspi,
I think, was talking very learnedly upon'
'!'itomo-recCit--discoveries' - la astronomy. -
After listening while,' trur Geberal raised
his somewhat thin voice . rather highly:
" I tell you, Major, that we wally do n't
know anything about the weight and
size bf those heavenly bodies. It all a
guess and a pretence. It's a nonseinte,
sir, to talk about a little spark; twink
ling away up in the sky, as if we knew
just how far oil' it WAS, and just how ttig,_
it yas." Ui j, General,"; 'returned
the:Mujor, '9f We
, did not kpot the :
plan,'and dice (if sonic..of the- distant
Planets and,stars,,lmw Could their posi
ions be 'ealculated, and how could
eclipses' bq predicted yedlls ahead With
perfect certainty, and • exactness?"
Ttflty,'" . replied tlit4len
eral, ".it's done by trenZet4db., sir. The .
stars .nrovii orbitg. Their,
places arc oltserseti; at
, certain tines, and
nett , lttinirwhtin they conic again to the
..mine place, it's observed and. banded
down, and so, sir, We. knOw When, they
wilibo'hi those places again, it tiMly , ,IM
4100 years 'hence. It very Shriple.'
I `thin't heti* a 'word en:what' :these
'aironomers SAY' about the immense 'cilia:.
.tance bud of AIM fixed 'stars. I
n'',oVonder if, the inoon was as big
aS any 'of them."
It was hardlideeined jinlieioits to pres's
the' any fur;
It mud tlipiikht to N Joiv.
}iwootlipart ]pinglo in'tll9 IMMO mosquito.
I TE.1131.4 IN ADN:TNIN . ;
:2.00 1t yettr..,
' UNITED 5n1.1738.;',,
roni the annual report of the Orated
Sir . D. D, FansiVorth, of NaShville, Ten
nes cc, the following statistics have been
obtained in advance of pUblication : The
number of contributing inembera of the
Order ,in each jurisdiction is about as,
follows ; Maine, 2,100; New HaMpshirc,
1,100 -; Vermont, 1,200 ; Massachusetts,
10,000 ; Rhode Ildand, 1;100 ; ' Comiecti-
cut, 2;500 ; New York, 18,000 ;, New
Jersey, 10,000 ; Pennsylvania,, 78,000 ;
Delaware, - 3,000; - Maryland, 14;000; -pis
trictof Columbia, 3,000 ; Virginia,- MOO ;
West Vii.giniA, 3,200 ;,,North Carolina,
1,100 ; South Carolina, 1,100 ; Georgia,
1,500; Florida, 800'; Alabama, 'l,OOO ;
Mississippi,_l,soo,;,• Louisiana, 2,000
Texas, 1,600; Arkansas, 1,000; Tenilcs-: •
see,' 1,500 ; Kentucky, 9,000 ;,.Ohio, I
000 ; Indiana,. 18,000 ; Illinois, 20,000 ;
,Michigan, 7,500; Wisconsin, 6;000; lowa,
8,000 ; Missouri, 8,500 ; Kansas, 2,000 ; .
Minnesota; 1,200 ;• Nebraska; 800 ; Colo
rado, 600; :Nevada, 1,500; Oregon, 2,000;
dallornia, 10,000 ; the Territories, 1,000 ; ••
Lower 'Provinces, British North Ameri
ca, 400,; : Ontario, -1,000; .Australia, 0,-
800 ; making. a, total of 801,600 members.
The Encampment Branch of Patriarchal
Branch, the highest department of the
Order, and • working entirely' separate
from thelodge Branch, is repoited to bo
exceedingly_ prosperous in the United
States, there:being thirty-two State Grand
Encampments and nine hundred subor
dinate Encampment‘ with a total mem
according to the official-records; the num
ber of members initiated into - iho Order -
of Oild Fellows amounted to 0,60,843 ;
the- aggregate revenue from - all sources
amounted to $33,552,824 ; : number of
members relieved, 526,577 ; number
of widowed familleS relieved, 02,503 ;
amountof 1.1,180,102. The
greatest number of persons - initiated' in
any one year was 30,737 for the twelve
months ending July Ist,
,1860. The
gregate of the niemberShip in the Order
in Europe and America - amounts to over
11000,009, therg pping over 500,000'0dd
Fellows' in Gyan.l'Britain. • ••
Divine service was held as usual in the
large after cabin.- Of course It was Ow,
Episcopal form of worship. The taiu
'conducted the services, assisted by the
.clerk and the ship's surgeon. A dozen
pr two of the sailon;, sh4yed, washed,
and neatly dreMed, wore marched into
the cabin by the mate ; most of. the.pas
sengers were also_present:
Those who have witnessed thisser
vicc, as conducted by Captain Judkins,
need not be reminded ihat he does it
much as he perforMS his duties on deck.
He speaks as one having authority ; . and
a listener could hardly help fueling that
there would be sonmdangef of a, "row "
if the petitions (Made as a sort 'of corm
- mand) wero'not,speedily inrsWe-red:
After dinner 'I asked Dr. Baird-if he
would he willing to preach to the-passen
gors in .the forward cabin. He said he
-would-cheerfully-do so it it was desired,-
I mentioned-it to the passengers, and
there was a generally expressed wish
among them that he should preach. I
went into the forward cabln, and re
quested the steward to arrange the chairs
and tables properly for religious services
lle replied that I must first get the cap
tain's consent. Of course, I thought this
was a mere matter of form ; so I went to
the captain's office, and said :
"Captain, the passengers desire to'
have Dr. Baird conduct a religious ser
vice in the forward' cabin: I suppose
there it no objection." -
"Decidedly there is," replied the cap
tain gruffly ; "and it will not .be
Omitted." • . •
" IVhy not ?" I asked, in astonish-
" It is :4gainst the rules of the
", What ! to have religio , is services cm
LK) Ltd 1"
"'There have been religious services
once to-day, and that is enough. If the
passengers do think that is 1,; Od
enough, let them go isithoitt," was
captain's hasty and austere reply.
"Capthin," l'replied, "a 0 you pre.
tend to say you will not allow a respep
table and well known clergyman to offet
a prayer' and hold religious services os
hoard your ship at the request of you'
passen g ers r „•
Thal, sir, is eNactly what I say. So,
now, let us hear no more about it."
By this thno a dozen passengers wen
crowding arotmd his door, and express
tlieir Surprise at lifs'enftiltiet. -- - 1 wat
indignant, and used Sharp hinguatte:
" Well," said I, "this is the most con
-temptible - thing-I-over-heard-of-oh
part of the'ohnerS of a public passeng
ship. Their meanness ought to he pu
lished far and' ',lds." . .
"Yon had better'shut, " said
Captain Judi:ills; with! gicatsternuess. •
"I will not shut " I replied ;
"l'or this thing is Perfectly outrageous.
In that out of the way forward cabin, you
allow, on week days, gambling; sivear-:
_smoking, and singing, till late at
night ; and yet on Sunday you hnvo the'
intpudence 'to deny the priiilego of a.
Prayer meeting, conducted by,a gray'
haired amt respected ministerotthe gos-:
pel. It is simply infamous I"
Captain Juintins• turned red . i.ll tho'
face ; and, no doubt, iVeling that ho was
"monarch of all he surveyed, ". exclaimed,
in a loud yoke : •
"If you repeat such language, I wil
plit you in irons.", ' •
my indignatien riding rhpidly. I dart l ,
and defy you to put your finger on_ nny'
I would like to sail into Nen . York hay
'tier in handcuff's,. on board 110:hitish ship
fdr the terrible crime of asking that Ili
ligiaus worship may be perthitted of
board. So you inay try'. it as soon as yoi
please ; and, then, we got td
I'll show you a touch of Yankee ideas a
_religious intolerance."
: The captain
. made no reply ; and,,,a •
the of friends, Xwalked to imotlM
part of the ship., I told the pbctor tfri.
the mattor stood; aiFtheii; laiighiiigl
said to him , • • ,
‘‘ Doetor, it may, ho danger : ollBlhr y 9
to tell. of this incident wilco you got q
slioro i for it ivould be A pretty stroq,
draught upon tho erOdiiiitry s of .My - Cot4
trynton; if they- varo - tqur . th# *r.zpf
to liear Au brthOdiji . MiMiter proaoli
so great MA, it came uesu,gptitug,:mo p