VARIOUS. FRESH GROOERIES F4ESII . _ GROCERIES.!_! Always tt:bo taut at dm goods You will find ovorythlug you wish in tho way of —GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, . • „ - - - GLASSWARE, WILLOW and - CEDAR. WARE,' • • STONE nod OROORENT • • _ WARE, ' Tongues, Biscuits and Crackers of ovory description, Pickled, Spiced and Fresh Oysters ' Sardines, English Plokies, , • Lemon Syrups, Sge., and no end to NOTIONS, It is unclose to mention them, come and see for your solves; and mirents Ult don't suit you to come, send your childron, us they will ho dealt with the same • care rs if you worn hero yoursolf. ALL KINDS ON COUNTRY PRODUCt. taken in exchange for goods, or cash 'GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S SONS No. 88 EAST POMFRET STREET,, Ayigna se-Q9 Nonen.—Having transferred my entire interest In tho grocery. buojoess to my Sons, those Indebted to ' ,-, - - intiAre - requestetl to settle with 'them:dining my some In turept: OLIO. it. HOFFMAN. GAS FITTING & PLUMBING, 'ine:snbaerlbiri !ming permanently located la Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public pit. ..tronage. Their shop is situatbd on the Obbl lc Square In the roar of the Ist Presbyterian - Church,, where they can always be found. Being experienced mechanics, they are prepay 5-{o -. - execute all orders that-they may be entrusted with , Ina superior manner; and at very modertto prices. HYDRAULIC RAMS, WATER WHEELS, HYDRANTS, LIFT A FORCE PUMPS, BATHING TUBS, WASII BASINS and all other srti. los In the trado. PLUMBING AND GAS AND STEAM FITTING promptl'y attended to to the most approved style. 4 - 0 - Country work promptly attended to. work guaranteed. Don't forgot the place—lminodlatoly In tho retr Si he First Presbyterian Church. = July 27 06-1 v . ......_ IiA.It3IER'S BAN K.,OF OAR LIdLII, PENNEYLVANIA, Recently organised,hasheen opened, for tiansaction of a general banking business, in the corner room of R. Given's new building, on the North West corner of.ligh street and the Centre Square. The Directors hope by liberal and carefuLmanage. Mont to make this a popular institution, and a safe repositrify for all who may favor the bank with their accounts, Deposits received end paid back oa demand, inter oat: allowed on special. deposits, (fold, Silver, Treas. ury Notes and Government Bends, bought and sold. Collections made on all accessible points In the coun'try. Discount dap, Tuesday. Banking hours from 0 o'clock A. 111.10 3 o'elock P. M. J. 0. HOFFER, Cashier. • R. Given, President, ThounteTaton. Jan W. Craighead, EMINI Wheeler and Wilson and .Elliptic =II SEWING MACHINES'. e SEWING MACHINES .; . The Best Simplest and Ch :apart. '. . . -- - I i IHESE machines are adapted to do all kinds of family sowing, working eqnally .. ' we I upon Silk Linen and Cotton goods. with 1111 k, . Cotton and hlobn threads, malting 3...b..auti1ul and • , perfect kWh — ditto nn - both - sldds el the 'article . _,,,,.......1 sewed. All machines Fold aro warranted. CoI and osamlno at Rail Road Telegraph. Ogles, Carlisle, Its. May 24, 1867-tf. J. BEETEM & BROTHERS Forwarding d• Commission Mrrehams (Ilenderson's old siand AL tho head of MAIN 974t0t T, Gi Aisle, Pn. The WO - lost - market peke II! bo wild for Flour, Groin and produce of oil lond, -Coal of all kinds, wul...mciD4. LYKICTS TALLEY, = I.lmoburnors' and 11lackmolths' coal eom.tent ly pt sale. Kept under cover, and dell,ron dry to any trt of the town. Also,. all klud. of Lumber on .d. 17apr 6$ ER=U=l LIVERY AND SALE S'PABLE Between INnover and Bedford :.,!1.1, In roar .1 the Corman [louse. CIARIJISLE PEN N'A • ?laving fitted up the Stable ,v , th Nos. Carriages &C., I tun prepare.' to furnish first-eta turo.outs at reasonable rates. . Parties taken to and jrca-ile. Springs. 4 J. I, S.. 20uoy etny. GAS FIXTURES AND KEIVOSENE LAMPS; A. _great variety of New Styles. MERIDIAN BURNER Safest and Best In the Market It gives the largest Ilhgt et any Burner made COULTER, JONES Sr, CO., Manufacturets and Whblesale Dealers. 111 Juan 702- 69 .1 ARC!! SU:IEL PHILADELPITIA y FALL and.WINTER FASHIONSJ Mrs. M. A. BINE/Ell hos just arrived from Purls and London with the lato.t designs, perSonally no leeted from the. greatest novelties; also, the most elt. • guilt trimmings to be secured in Paris. LACES, RIBBONS, VELVETS, BRIDAL VEILS FLOWERS. FINE JEWELRY, nut! TRIMMED PArlld. PATTERNS, DRESS undfILOAK 141.AKING:- Exclusive ngont for Mrs. M. Work'm colobrated aye . torn for cutting Indira' dresses, marques, Immure, _dm, Nqrthwekt corner Ehaventh and Chestnut BOWE!. Phlladolplds. 17 Sept Om . CUMBERLAND - VALLEY R. R (MANGO OF HOURS. , On and after Thursday, September oth, 1860, Puri. . manger Trllllla will run daily; no follows, (Sundays -excepted): . - WESTWARD ACCOIII,IODATION TRAIN loaves Harrisburg 0:000. it., Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 0:11, Nowville - 0:40, Bhippensbuty 10:20, Cluunbersb urglo:44, Green. castle 11:16, arriving at Hagerstown 11:45, A. Y. . MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 1:35, r. Me. - shanieshurg 2:07, Carlisle 2:40, Newvllle 3:16, Ship . • _. perniburg 3 ,4 5,-Chimbereburg-4:20,-Hreencastle arriving at Hagerstown 6:25, P Y. EXPILEBB TRAIN leaven Harrisburg 4:26, r Mechanicsburg 4:57, Carlisle 5:27, Newrille 6:00, Ship rensburg 6:27, arriving at Lliambernburg 6:65, r Y. MIXED TRAIN loaves Chainbersburg 7:45,1 It ' Greencastle 0:15, arriving at Hagerstown 10:05, A Y. EASTWARD! ••• • • • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Chambersburs 6:50 A et, Shippensburg 5:10, Newville 5:50, Carlisle 0:23, Ilechantenburg 0:52, arriving at: Harrisburg • 7:20,1 M. MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 0:31A er,•Cireem nastliv9:o6, Charnbernburg 0:40, Shippensburg 10:15; 10:47, Carlisle 11:26, Meeheniesberg 11:66 arriving at Harrisburg 12:32, r -sr, • • JEXPRESB TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12:00 if, , Greeneastle 12:28,,Charnbersbrug 1:05, Ehippensbrirg ._ 1:87 Newrllle 2:10, Carlisle 2:50,-MeehaniesbOrg 3:18, arriving at Ilarriaburg 3:60, P - M: • • MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3:00 or, ' Greencentle 1:12; arriving at flunahnueburg *Y - 11Tiking close ronneetions at Harrisburg with trains to and from Philadelphia', Now.Tork, Dittsbrirg Daltimoro and Washington. 0: N. MILL, 13tipt. Ittillroad GMoo; bhomb'g, Ilopt.'l, 1800.. • ISAA.9 ,wArcHEq and, JENTI/liY, . No. 148 .14ORTIT 'I3EOOI4D STREiT; cornor, of:QuarrY Philadelphia. an , aseeremerd , of Jewelry; Alter. and Plated Ware constantly on-band. • of onl.Joivaryzinomplly attended, to. . ...• • • • • • • — B1.41:116TION - 1 5 / 1 70 - 61a — MATrat . HLIERDAS, In arid by an Act of the General As sembly of tho Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania, od "Au Act the elections of this-Com avoriwordth," passed blitlyd 3d day of July, Anno Dom al, 1830, it 'is made the duty of the Sheriff of' every County within this Commonwealth to give public sotico-ortho"Genoral - Elatlons, and in - such notice to . olinineritto-- . • Tho °Ricers to bo elected. LIEN I, JOS. C. THOMPSON, High. Sheriff of the County of Cumberland, do hereby make -known and give this nubile notice to the electors of the County of Comber, liod, that on Tuosday the 'SHIM.) , of October next an election will do hold at the Several election asstricts In mold county, at which Um they will vote by ballot Tor One person for Governor of the Stato of Ponneylva . nee we sell IW. Thera. uon ly OUP Ono person for Judgo of Supremo Court of Penn reproofs. Oue person toroprosont the ;County of Cutnborland to the House of Representatives of the Stet° of Penn• iylvarkla ' Ono person for Prothonotary of the county of Corn• brined Ono person for Work of Courts , of tho county of °timberland., Ono person for. Register of tho county of Comber• lead. Ono person for Treasurer of the county, of Cumber• land. ' Cholco name, Dried loaf, Balogh" _ - -- Door, Our porton for Cononlntoner of tho county of Corn °cloud. -Ono parson-for Director of Dm Poor of the county • (Cumberland. • < Ono ,pertlon foi Auditor of •tho, county of Cumber land.' Tho sold elcctton.wili ho bald throughout the coun ly as follows: • The election In tho election district cpmpoped of tho borough of Carlisle and tho townships of North Mid. dieton, South Middleton, Lower Frankfbrd, and Lower Dickinson, will be held at tho Courtlfouso In the borough of Carlisle. • Tho election iu the election district composed of Lower West Penusborough township, will bo held' at the North School Henna in Plainfield: The election in. the election district composed of Silver Spring township, will ho hold at the public house of Geo. It: Duey, in -- llognestowu - in mad township. The election in the election district composed of Hampden township, will be hold at the public house *minim' by John Kroitzer, itMtaid township. The election in the election district composed of the township of ;Upper Allen, will be held at the public house of Joshua Culp, in Shephordstown. The election in the election district composed,of Middlesex township, will lm held pt t he Middlesex m School Ileu .'The election in-the election district composed of the township of loWer Allen, will held at tho wagon maker shop of Jonas llunchbarger, on Plate Hill. CARLIBLP PA The election hi the election district composed of East Fonnshorough township, will be held at' the houso of h 13 Hatfield im West Fairview. The election in the election district composed of Nun• CimtLerhmd, will be hold at the houso now kept by William 8011, in the borough of Now Cumberland. The elect ienin the election dist - Het composed of the North Ward of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, et the Northswest corner of Market 'House in said borough. The election In the electimktlistrict composed of the South Wo. rl of the Borough of Mechanicsburg, nt the South-west cor. of the id:whet Home, i n said Borough. .The election in the election district composed of rilonroe township, will be held at the public house kept by 71. L. Mush, in Churchtown, In said township. - - The election in the election district composed of Fenn townshipi will be held at the Ileum, lately occluded by Jacob Binisecker, in said township. The election in the election distridt composed of Vipper Dickinson, will be held at the Mouse now occupied by 11 illiam Crozier, known tus tho Stone Tavern. The election in the election district composed of the ' borough of Newville, and towns Lips of Mifflin, Upfer Franklbrd Uppe'r West l'ennsboro, and north Nowton, will he bold at tho public School House In the •orongh of Newville: The election-In the election district composed of the borough of Newburg and Hopewell township will be bold In Hof public School Mos° hOho borough of Newburg.' The election In the election distriacomponed of the borough ofShippensburg, Shippensburg Town Ship and that part of Southampton township not included in tho Leesburg election district, will be held .nt the Council House In thooßorongh of Shippenaborg: , The election iu the election district composed of, Lower Southampton tosteehip, will be held at the house of N Mom Baughman in Leesburg. Thii - elelaiSic in DM election district composed or South Newton township, will be helant the School House in Jacksonville. That every person, ,excepting Justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or apPoinmont of profit or trust under the government of the United States tr of title Stoto, ot , of any city ,or Incorporated p act, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer or figeut,_,Jvhe is, or shall e A Le, employed under thegifdatore, exectitive or judiciary department of this State, or or any city or incorporated district, and also that every, nninibeFof Con:Tess amt of the State lejislature _se ea or mutton cow= o anycity, or commission. ers of soy ineprporated district, is by law hicapablo of hold lug tor egerciding, et the Hume time, the office or appointment of jodge, inspector or clerk of any election of ilibLeonnponwealth, and that no inspector,. judge, or oilier officer of any ouch election, shall be cllgi to any race to lie then voted for; but nothing horde' shall ho 'no cons toed nil to prevent any militia officer or borough ullieer,from oerving as judge, inspector or clerk at pity general or special, election; nor shall tidy thiL.; herein contained he PO corn-treed as to profilbit a judge inspector or clerk of election from. being voted for to till any towttohlp ofilee, or render eithor or au of Omni InelOble to !odd the some. Particular attention is directed to the first section st the. Act pf Assembly; passed the 8011, day of March, A lb, 1866, "An Act regulating the manner of Cut log "as. all Elections, in the several counties of lids Com monwealth:" fin.- L-Miller, A. J Atmhnut Witmer. “That the qualified voters of nonevend counties of this Commonwealth, at td I, general, township, borough and spatcial electiens, are hereby, horrid ter, authorized and required to vote. lip tickets, printed or writ ten, or partly pruned anti partly written, severally classified aarloilmvs: One tiekershall embrace the nittnes oron Judges of mints voted tor, and to be la: 011.1, outside, 'Judiciary :” one ticket shall embrace the tonnes of all State °Ulcers voted for, and be labelled, "sonnet" One to k t shall enthral:o ll...tonnes of all county officers etaitsl for, ineholi ag of Senator. member and members of Assembly,' if voted for, rind taelabern ul rat , , ft voted tor, and be labelled, •" one ticket shall embrace the ~macs or all townhhlp officers a Lund for, tnod he lobeiiel, "township:" one ticket shall embrace the tonnes 01 ;di borough officers noted for, and be la belled, t•bor. ugh:" and each elms shall be deposited in separate ballot boxes " ' in accordance with the provisions or the St It section of an act cid t eil."A Ito ther supplement to the Elec tion law, of this Commonwealth," I publish that WIIEIIEAS, Ily the act of the Congress olthu United States, entitled "An act to amend the several acts here tolure pass.] to provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purp-se," and op. proved 'March 3d, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tire, all persons who la.ave desertol the military or navabiervice of the [hilted States, and what have not been dinehargol or rel let ed. Own the penalty or al ion- Lill ty therein provided, are deemed and taken to have. voluntarily relingnished and forfeited their right of citizenship and their rights to become eitiz out, and aro deprived offlexerclolng any rights of citizens there,,!' =II I,ANVItIiIIIZY, tee, & I=! whereas, Persons not citizens of tho United States aro nut,,ander- tho constitution and has of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this Cumin ^ll - : SCOTION 1. Be it enacted, ,Lc., That in all elections hereafter to by held in 1.411,1 Commonwealth, IL unlawful hr the judga, or tietpectoret of any'aut h idea. tam to recut vu nay ballot ur bal,lots front any pareons, arta/racial itg i alte, provisions :mil subject to tbu disability imposed by nahl act of Congress, approved March :Id, mo, thousand eight hundred and sixty-pee, and it'shall 1,0 unlawful fur any such time,. to olfer to vote any ballot ur Scan Zia 2. That If tiny ouch Judge er inspectors of election, on any one (Willem shall rtaelve ur colornt to receive any coon unlawful ballot or ballato from any lut or they on ellentling be 4,tiilt.y of a misdemeanor, nail 011011 conviction thereof in any coma tif oessions of this commonwealth, he shall, for each °thine°, be sentenced to pay a fine 01 not legs than one !Mildred dollars, and to underwi an imprisonment in thu jail of thon prover county fur not loos than sixty dayn Scat terra. That tinny person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as ufureeaid, ellen at any election, here vfter to be held in this couunotwealth, vote, or tender to the officere thereof, and offer to'rete, a ballot or hal lOte, any-person so offending anal be guilty oft, misde meanor, and on Conviction therof in any court of quar. ter sessions of this commonwealth, shall for each of fence be puniehed in likewise manlier as provided In tho proceeding section, of this set hi case of officers of election a ecuivlng such unlawful Indict or-ballots: SECTION 4. That if auy person shall hereafter persuade or 'advise .y person, or pereome, deprived of citizen ship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot or ballots to the officer of Lay election hereafter to be hold In - thisreouimpawealth, such vellums to offending guilty Ma misdemeanor, and opon conviction thereoflp any court of quarter sessions of this com monwealth, shall be punished In it like manner as Is provldpd in the second Bealoa of title act in, case 0(011l :ors of such election receiving such unlaw ful ballot or ballots. • Agreeably to the provisloni of the sixty-first section 'l4 said act, 'Every General and Special Election shall be open between the bourse!' eight and ten in the fore noon and shall continue epen until seven o'cicck in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." pursuant to the provisions contained in the seventy sixth section, of the act first aforesaid,theJudges of the athreartid dif.tricts shall respecavely take charge a the certificates of return of the - election - of their reiVectivo districtk and protinde theft) at a nicotine:of one Judge front ennui dtetriet, at the 'Borough of curl/sic, meths third due after the election, ladttg, for the present year ON PRIDAY, TUE 16th DAY OF OCTOBER NEXT then and there to do end perform tho duties required by into of said Judges,. Also-That witertta judge by sickness or unavOlduble accident, Is unable to attend such a meeting ofJudges, then the certificate or return aforeesald shall be talcon charge of bbone of the Inspectorsor Clerks or the oleo .tton- of said district, who 'shall do mut perform the du ties required of sold Judge unable to attend. „ Olsen under my hand; at Collide, this 16th daY of September, 1868, Pep. 10, 1000 z:uo,. up Met of dry „pa° hoards for oalo cheap now le your time, buildere, at the choapyard of Omar 00.. ' • r •A. 11.. BLAIR. L / IXECUTO.4'S N.OTIcJE, A, Tho undersigned having this day falcon out hitters testamentary on Om potato of Salons! I% Kenyon, deceased, Into of Dickinson townehip, no tico io lieroby glven to all persons indohted to sold potato to maim linniedinto,paytnerit, and to all hav ing chilma aphibt It to presort Omni for settlement. JOHN 8.10UNIt0„ Executor. ECM WIRE CT,OTII ! , WIRE CLOTH! S BII,O7ECERB, .628 Market- Street, Phila '2lso Dm . • - Wntr.s wisdom will banollt you: be not always con. trolloil by your lasso:Why. hundreds have' might rellot !from thu - harrora of Dysnevolo throtigh the medium OEDSIIOTh'iiAIiTI-DTSPEPTIO STOIMOEI llirrans and found It. Whir should you sitifor,whou thlo admi Nilo otoomohlo hes curod many similar oats-win( dg bon doubt wldlooltror bellovo cud aro cured t Doloy In tills :natter lb both dangei owe andomprofittiblo, Your hilolth, happiness and business suffers, while constant n °gloat in ireorrinibly , foll. wed by esarlous and ntwon• 'lrollabloßlTTZlLS • nro Cqually tbrtlibinierbitts difficulties atfending goat 101:_: lbtdOtlistsfil) OONIIPIPATInzi; vavEw a nd; Qum disorders ceeding..l .from, alfaiisuersl' 141.1t0 only reliable provontivo.aid ronagoly,lctioyin,-• ..- • - 24070 MISCELLAN.E.OUS. Incen nt Ivltich the election Is ffi~' NOTICE IS lIEREDY GIVEN JOSEPLI 0. THOSIPSON, .5/4ffiff. S E vEs EED ‘III4NIIEACTURED . BY ' BE WISE, MISOVI,LAIVEOUN. E=SMI WHITE LEAD,- ZINO,: AND. COLOR IFOIIICI3. We mai:milder° R.Cbesnleally,Pure CARBONATE OF LEAD. . sti,--Mansifacturere,-importars-and-Dealessi-la -11 gradenand qualities el LhAD - end ZINDPAINTS,. COLORS, do. • . • - Sole Binaufmtur rs of the celebrated Permanent SYRIAN ORM.N, with more Brilliancy, Boutlin! Shade of Color, Body and, Durability than any other Green In the market. • . Also, Solo ManulacitiVurs of - Melt. i'n's cc ob.. ted JAPAN Dienlit, very thin, light in • color, fire of sediment, and very strong. Dealers alio in Oils, Turpentine, Varnishe., Win. dow Glees. Brush. .4o,'Sm. Prices low , and all goods warranted ea represeit ad, • WRIT xor..t co., lunnuilioturer,a, Importers, and 4Tholraala Nair": - TWENTY•SE - 0016 AND, IRACI STS., 46/-Sond for PRIOE Mug 13t CITSHINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND "STATIONERS, 282 Baltimore Bt., BALTIMORE MD Tho largest and hest masted stock In the city of School, Lai,?, Dental,' Medical, Classical, and Afiscellantous Books, general Banking anti Counting Haute STATIONERY Of all kinds. BLANK BOOKS mode to order-Iti any litylo - othintling anctrollog. 30AugtD "F STATE NuricE.—Letters tee. Juj tomentary on'the oAllf oof Jacob Waggoner, late of Madill township, no c'd., having born ballad to William Waggon a, of Frankford township, notice to hereby given to all poisons Indebted to amid ea tato to mako mumeut, and those having dolma to present them duly authentlcat,4l fur settlement to WILLIAM WACIOUNNII,, Executor. MEM A A B. EWING, Cabinet Maker and Undertaker, Weskbra,in street, OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE Premium for Best Furniture. awarded 'at all County Fairs sixes 1857.] Furniture,of all varieties ac d Styles of Foreign and Domes' to manufacture, from the fluent-rosewood anehlahogany tO the lowest priced maplo and pine Parlor, Clamber', Dining-room, Kltclon and Wilco FURNITtIR Embracing every article used by Muse and Gotel beepers of h e most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottagefurniture In setts reception and Camp Chairs. MattraSsos Gilt frames, • pictures, &r., de. .(rjersriiculer attentioe given de neuerto funerals orders from towt end - countr attouts, to i_ an 00 MO ern 0 ern.. SPECIAL ATTEN'CION PAID TO TIIE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. „ A. U. E.. MEM GRAND FAIR ! THE EMPIRE HOOK AND LAD R CO )1 1-4 A N Y of Carlist9, propose holding n For. nod Fe's!train It.I:IEE HiVLL, (not in their own hall as advertised on their invite tiohi,) commencing on 'Monday, the ELHVENTiI OF OUTOII Elt , and continuing during the week. The proceeds will be appropriated to the loinitlatiow, of the debt contracted in the erecti. n of their truck house The liberal donations to :he emni any, by the citicous, will enable milt/oiler a largo vajiety of . USEFUL A ND FANCY ARTICLES, as prices, to those who may favor us with their pm troaage. Among tho articles to be competed for will he a kplundid TWI LLED VENETIAN CA RPET, SPLENDID SET OF SILVER-WARE, A LARGE COOK STOVE, China, Glass, and--queensreare, oguther ithi+ large variety of minor articles." Cont,ibutions fu add of the comPlny can he left at the hall'on Friday and Saturday to the fair. Muse has been provided for the o, c.eiou and ev.ry exertion will be anidu to make this a season of pleas ure to ail. By order of the Committee, TAGS. If. ARMSTRONG, Mu/ roam 175Lpt tr DAVID STROHM, D. SP9NSLILIt, JOHN W. STIWELM NEW AND POPULAR ROOT, SHOE, _.'RUNIC AND HAT STORE, N 0.13, South Hanover Street. Carlisle 'is for doors South of InholT's corner. WE have Just ensued the largest and beet stag vf BOUTS and.SIIOBS mos offered la Carlisle ail continue alinoA dully to resolve such goods in •ar flue as everybody wants. Our stock Tension; In sTI kinds sad varieties Woman's Mlssee and Chlle'S strong Leathers rimer - Women's Moses' and Child's Lastlag (falters. %%omen's Wove Kid Turkey and French Morose, Mon's and trey's Calf, Buff and gip roots. Men's and Boy's call and Buff Co•grens" finites and Boys }siting Golfers and Brogans. Hen's And lloy's Calf and Buff Oxford Ties, dirt Sandals, Buskins and Overshoes. Men's and Women's Goat Welt and Carpet Slipper Men's, Boys and Child's Fur and Saxony Hale. Trunks of al; sines and.prleen Travelling. Bags, Satchels and Vallee., together with a prime lot of 0001S:whisk we will sell to Ault the times. QUICK SALP.S AND 'SMALL PROFITS IS OM :sIOTTO. Therefore In lesulog.onr card It Is Wended is poreonal Invitation to ell' la need to call, sad look tbrotah our stock wtlhout hullos under obli• gallons to buy unless suited In uullty and price. We shall always try to deal with every one In x stlitlghiforward manner, nod glee every customer e. full equlvelast fur hle money. We hope all •B' avail themselves of !heir Drat opportunity tor, and see us. & SPONSLB' 01pril 6913, ToHN.poRN ER ' MERCHANT TAILOR . In Kramer's Building., nulr ithoom's Hullo:NOM° Imo Just returned from the Hasten Chios with hu hirgest and molt - • . COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF _FALL AND_ WINTER-GOODS, onslating of Cloths, Cassitoores, . . Postings, • • • b Golite! Furnishing Goods, Jac., . evoi• brought to Carlisle. , . . . '—— • His -clothe comprise ENCILIDU„ ° . . FRENCH', and '' .. ANDRIOAN2gIANUFAOTUREIIt. of the fine,it tusturs ind of all shades.- - - ' 'Mr, Dorner being himself a ;iraetlcal cutter of bug experience le prepared to warrant perfect fits, ant prompt filling of orders. -- Piece Goode by the yard, or ant to order.'- Don't Argot the 'pliiee. • . 034 f. , - FRESH AERIVA.L : ' )- - , . , . . . . Of all the.AretbSpring Styles of HATS AND OAPS. • The Subscriber has Just oponed, at No:16 North Hanover St., o few doors North of the Carlisle! Deposit ,' Bank, olio of the largest end best stock of FIATS A 1 OAPS over offered In Oarllele. • , --- Silk Hate Comb:urea of All Myles and qualitle: , , 'Stlff DOWN dilforeot colors, ond'every description of Soft'llate now toodo.The Donkard and old fashioned brush, kept constantly on bond and made to order. oll , warranted to Ore malefaction . . 'A Irbil atoOrtm - ent of STRAW HATS, Neves boy'e and Chlldrett'o fancy. - I have also added to my stick, flattens of dideront kinds, coneletlng of Latilits and' Genre Stiokin s Neek-TiomPertells - , -o lpvesTThreod,tfevrtrVo3llkWilus. ponders, Utobrelloe, Ise; ' Prime Segore and Tobacca• alwoyo on hand. • , . Gloom° a call and examine my etoci;as I NI con. Silent at plefolog, besides Bovine yon money. I , . '. JOHN A. NIILLEII,Agt.I -- __ ?fir , 16 North Hanover lit. almy67 CORN IS SHELtiItS AND . 09 ER Cldor•rdIII, - • Gardner a.Co'd.; Portable Clderlilll,'• ' ' • ' "Star Corn !Mellor, (three elem.) • ' Cannon Corn Sbollere, ' National Nodder Cutter, (throe , . 'Cumberland Double.ectlon 'Monroe, , • • - :Together With other '.• 4011IOULTUltAii. - IbIIPLIISIEIOII- Cdr eula ] EtL'o c,rIIIICTFOUIdrY *O6l. SOPA, 21IX F, OAR, R . #4 , 2MILROA -~Oc= A. iAcinutfiliiimAy $6 500.0000 a .ag °eve o ammo. the igoory of the KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY commis E 1 Now . ..t3evcn Per cent. Thirty Y1,1111,00:0 froclruni Tax lEE!EMEMI3III=I:3 Fir 4 ar PIIIIJIDELTIIIA Sinking Fund fo;uts. rocor.ll )10. the t•N thin of tlm Netilivov fro. nut Shoifflo • In If ...A Colorado, o 11316.• I w f.. IL: folios o:t -t.l..nntl 11-11 .Ll..u._ ALI) oleo wo r , v “ z ;• opon Ito.f. the flo11111,.! B.nk and franthla, of in r 11,4,1_413 bt•o•dre now ruin nlog thou 11:11:1. Ktlll.lll. ilnd in su,:e! silid ripe ra ioo for 437 miles west of tb. and earning 111roady cough to moot all of Pa ollomeos nod oaisting ot. Ilptlona, Wattles' Afore than theinterest on. the new Loan In addition to this the Donde ore alto eeeured'hy flret mortgage of the Goverament Land Grant of • attending In alternate sections on either side•of the tract, from the ij4th' mile mist In Mamas to iilln var. The proceeds of the sale of.thess lands are to lib in• vested by the Trustees in toe 7 per cent Donde diem• selves up to HU or in U.S. Bends, As a Sinking • Fund for the' Aedem lion if the Bonds: The lands embrace some of tho finest portions of the niagnllicoot Territory of Colorado, including a cool field ,nd pillory. The company also holds as an octet another tract oL- Three Million* of Acres an the- State of Kansas. and although not pledged , s security fur this loan, their 11.110.10C1R adds In rgely to the Company's weulth and crodit. We estimate thu Value of the. Company'; property, covered — '4 this mortgage, at $23.000.000 net, while the Loan is merely $6,500.000. Invites hie patrons end tine public generally, to bla New Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT St., PHILADELPHIA. , where they will find lugs and well selected stock of DIAMONDS, WATCIIES, CLOCK,, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, at Slodotato Prices. N. D.—WATCHES and JEWELRY rancidity re. repaired. .lEWE (MY and SILVER WARE of all kinds made Seven Per Cent. Interest in Gold,' I t.izz 16 Bonds have THIRTY YEARS TO RUN, from May 1, 1860, and will pay oa May 1 and Nor.l and arg Free from Government Taxation, the Company Ming- The prlnciP.l Lo yo ' hul Coupott will be . the I. ~.d. rayehle In GOLD, lo the city of Payable in Frankfort, Morcdon or Now York, / at option of tho holder, without notice, et tho ,fol lowing rates, On $l,OOO Bend In West York $35 (gold) each half Year " Lndon, El Mc 10.. Frtinkfort, 87110 30 Mire., The Agent of the Loan, betore accepting the trust, had the o oditlon of the Road, nCd the euuntr through hich It rune. carefully examined. They are' hoppy togiVe the Loan an emphatic ondereemort as • ' In every respect perfec* Joao and La come aspen. tin! oven Better than GOvernment Th. Ittood‘ a ill he sold for the present at 00, and itediued Interest, botk in currency", tho Ageotr, r.arrr ng tho right, to ndyanco thu rata The attoiit ion of inN . entors Ih loritrri to thorn well 'Ao'curw I hoods which We rosnintwoodod on oho oh tho moot proll.ohle InVO•tillerlt. In the cork et. . . . Wild - mad Got eromuut Securities takaa in papneat at their unira. , t vali.o, Without CoLlitilhWiol.l.l.. . . . . Patuphlo to- mopx giving full Information DABNRY, MORGAN & CO., No. 58 Ex - ehtlnge Plact% N. 1 M. K. JES U P & CO., No. 12 Vim) Sirebt., N,, Y 13A ug 69-3 m WHEELER & = ISM SEWING MACHINES ! At the gr'ent Exposition. Paris, 1867 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 Competitors THE PEOPLE'S V ERDICT THE SALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACHINE ARE 100,000 ORRATIIR THAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily urii Throughout the world, Wen! ONLT iAoa MERIT gain, tutor, and SUPEIRIORITT wins the race.• The Wheeler it Wilson stands triumphantly thi. Champlon and Leader over all other. by the vareict of the maple. • We claim no merits that we cannot •untain by living and Tellable witnessea. We stand upon our • own ROLL 'snafu, without declaiming against other vsompanles. We claim to have Improvements fo r sewing that we know cannot be excelled, and In many paints that an other company dare_ compete with. No other company can show, An many ma chines that have been In daily me for the length of time as de can.._ For the prcof of thin, look at the numbers that aro on each machine The Wheel er and W Bacon dewing Machine la the Rich Man's Best Friend, and the Poor Woman's Truer andCom (nearer, for no other company OW sell on as liberal and easy terms as we. The poor woman can get herself a Ma chine, and afterwards Day for it. No ilfaehine.ii paid for until • Parties are folly satin . - fled. Constant_ use_ only increases the worth OUR MACHINES Several ladles In Carlisle who have Used our ma chines' from six to twelve y ears, 11 , * y "They consider them bettor in every point than when new, and there is not a ferment worn in the family, from light as claire to heavy an Beaver cloth, that they hate not made.”--One ladynays - "I - havirlieWed - for three years and xnever broke a needle." We ,can furnish names and residences of responsible parties Who can sustsin all we, claim. The unsigned are a few of many who have "the Wheisior and Wilson Sewing idechinee, in Carlisle, and hizigth of Um° they have been In constant nee. Mrs. J. B. Haverstick, " J. Rbeem,, ' • " C jl. Henderson, 12 " " Rev. Dr. Wing, 11 " " R. 0. Woodward, 1C a Rev. Sterrett; 8 " • Peebles, • 9 " Miss Caroline Ege, 5 " " • Q. Herman, (Monroe' twp 9 . " Sterrett, (Dickinson twp. 3.• . r. . Instructions given , free or charge.ind Billolllollll cheerfully ehOwn to ill, who call at Mrs: -Williams' Millinery, Store, No.llo North Hanover 'etreet . ithir. MIN Pa. - rricee nod -sles to suit any customer.. Machines delivered to a ppoints In Ouroberland and adjoining counties free of extra charge. PETERSON O.IUtPEN'rEII, Gen. agts 12111.211 NET ISTRSET 11A1t1111i0Ult0. J. M. dc•L. H. FULDIER, the only -authorized Agent! in Carlini°. 191 bur ORO ' • t r°. G..1)081115 t no-place o ge good nee cenVeliptr, Between Jtheem'e n the Valenta/lie tlugu. GOLD LOAN, ile. qt, -Piet ri.t. S'tree't,. rainnriartersiovrtie-Inerir—asaf•rtment-• lU=Xlg • •er brought to Carlisle: :Ps lakes great pleasure In inviting his old friends PIA Customers, and all new •1, to his splendid stock Junt received from New York, and Philadelphia, consisting hi cart of line SILT AND CASSIMERE HATS besides no ondless earlaty • of Hats and Caps of tbe latest Ft Flo, all of which ho will sell at the Lowest Cab Meas. Also, his own manufacture of lists at ways on band, and - - , e Lan (I—Urrrill—avd-1 (late , Manitfactured to-Order, . . Ho fink the best arrangement for coloring filiteand all kind% of Woolen Goode, Overcoats, to. , at the shortest notice (an he colors every Week) and on the most reasonable tonne. Also, a, line lot or choice creed, of Always-on hand. le dulcet th call the attention of persona who have COUNTRY PUBS . To sell, is ho psis the Mabeet cash prices fee. the Fame, Give him a call,. at tho above number, hie old stand as he foals confidant of giving entire satlerac. Lion. Three 'Million Acres The undersigned hiving purchased and entirely refitted, via furnished allow throughout with fleet elate furniture, this well-known and old established _Betel. solicit.' the custom of the community and travelling public. Ile is well prepared to furnivh Bret-clan accommodatlona to all who desire to make Hotel their Theta or nleasent temporary abode. The custom froth, the surrounding country is apectfully solicited. Courteous and attentive! ear , v ants are engaged at this popular hotel, pEo. Z BENTZ. Prorp , N. B. A first.cleas Livery is, connected with the lintel the management of Mr. JOS. L..7" 6 IItNER BRO. 139-Iy. . . _ JACOB HARLEY, Opposizepi. R. R., & Reading Depot, "4.1 V, W. h.-EMiIINOER & CO Proprietors 2ott The Great Pacitt,e Itairoad is finished I FIRST Moil' GAGE BONDS UN 01\rtURERIEPTG* .RAd R 0 • - - BM Bankers and Dealers in Gorernmenia 18 -.N: •Ilanover Street, .No.„ 18 HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS Wo would - it - trite the .pecla; attention of Ow dt tzetto of CarllFle,atttl Cutobt•rittoll t. unto. to to, xolnt.ted staNt of Hosiery, lilotet., if lilt° °maim linen nod I , nnoy (bode all of v. 111011. or ore dotyrollottl to run otf at 00 1014.11 Intr low (lite up us elr y ern y,l jurly,.• fur yonrsol vas So. 1 , N. lintiorer : l3t ' r i ff A u ‘ t ! i ti ll' t i l i etiFillto.‘ll. WILSON'S The ninth pllnual 4.lmi will tolvin 'au Wedm,da, , Septetub, 1.1. or ellcullird rr addreim SPECIAL A NNO 1: N . C.EiIIE lc T. J.,E. CA 1. W E L k CO Have rebuilt, enlarged and remodoled their ...stab. 'llsbment, destroyed by Ore in January last, apd have opened die same for loudness, Manufaotured & Imported Goode, Superior to any they have heretofore offered to the Public. • They most cordially invite all to ylelt and inspect their Store. , 12feb 60.1 y. 4 E MOV ' A ' L. liLothman 1n s-rem 3vpd - hle - eatablle . hmeot ohis_ , ',_____ ' • SPLENDID NEW GROUND FLOOR oppdsite Saxton's/ Uardwa o Store, whore he tor dually Invites the pnblie to examine the place and his numerous specimen.. The well know., skill of _the proprietor as anurtist,—with s superior dightp and entrance and sky-light on the first floor, are sufficient loducenuots for the public ,to patronise this eetobilehmeut. Ills pictures are universally acknowledged to be equal to the beet mode In Philadelphia or New York, and far superior to any .in this conntry t _PleAssulL liter 60;tf I am now opening the cheapest assortment of 'SPRING AND 81.1h1111Elt 000 Db Nought to Carlisle since the war, Owing to the great decline In prices during the'last few weeks, I am now enabled to of. for great inducement, to cash buyers an the entire stock has been purchased at the present low prices 14 years 12 " , 'AD tbili best Calicoes at 123 c All the NEW EITYLIC D}'.tltg➢ 000DS for Ladles In groat earloy,anl Wry cheap.. , GINGHAM, TICKINGS, CHECKS . . .Tweeds, Oottcitadee, de:ot every dentlptlon nn commonly low Table Mims, Napkins, Towel., Piques Homilies, Bed Spread., Nall:awoke, hnlesee. Cambria., Penile, Alansalln guilts, ,ho., et the very torrent notch. . . , JSILRY PIJOVES in great 'variety, ." • ' , Wool reillooi •ilope, Crape' Vella, Noglleb Prape, Blask Thybotaexortment nand floodel, • • • ' My entire stock of goots sot tiirohaiod •Slthin the lest thirly dot wl,li be sloeed out regardless or - 008f - VOR 1./ASIL_ , ' • ' Look out • for barkallie at lbe Cheep Cask! Rose, Welt ktaLU etreet, nearly' 'oppedte the depot. l• 7711119,PE - k:IV - ,EW78,-- HATS. AND CAPE. DO, you thutnice,Hat .r Cap t If mt. deal fall t. calfoi -0.-13-4,LL lOr HATA ANT) clfrips TOBACCO' AND. CIGARS COM THE "BENTZ HOUSE," (2'ormerly Carman louse.) No: 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST., CARLISLE, PKIN'A ESTABLISHED IN 1851 REMOVAL JEWELER, THE UNITED STATES 'HOT= = CIMI BOUGHT ABM' SOLD No. 40 South 'Third "street, I= MEESE NEW TORK BEAN6II. Mt= THE MARY INSTITUTE, CARLISLE, PIi;NN'A A Boarding ° School for GIRLS Rev C ixy.Eicurr. o.r isle I'n. ME= JEWELERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET With an Entire Now Stock of JAS. E. , OALDWELL & CO., XOO2 CHESTNUT STREET, GALLERY, a.'L. LOon m A N NEW GOODS, good DoLanes at. 15, 18, 2045v25 Mutlina at 7, 10, 12 & 2 D S Ito, :VERY LOW Cloths,' Cassimiireq, MOVANING GOODS, 11 - EITIIiCND-COOKEIY Ch; • FT YOU WANT 'TCi SEE I THE, 112 oet perfect PATILOR STOVE over offered the etep Into ' - 1W .17 D L T. _ Born Ptore, 'Eant Lotther &rent, In — the reed if fralbarth Store and sea-the GREAT•AMERICAN BASE BURNER In o.eration. It Is a .0 .ettndl34rner. and perfect, or, 218 ./f1 pea per eo 'en a tro erooo -and to warranted to consume leis coal than any, oilier Stove of the same sin, "eyer altered to. the publid, requiring but one ordinary rcuttle of small real once in twonev•eight ileum; being perfectly Murcia he all,lts.working , having a site pie slide to regulate the fire for keeping at night, one kindling of lire being all that 1e required during the winter. No duet, no gee, no slag cr. cinder, , PERFECTION ;OF OPERATION I IME! The latter quality is producod bymany improvements., Ita Important characteristic' at. tlmuo NEAT,NESS -IN DESEIN I Et= COMPACTNESS IN SIZI4 COMPACTNESS IN SUB I REFECENCES. John Paul, Amos Miller. Dr. S. 11.Rieffer lame Porter David Miller, 0. Delaney, D. Hoffer, li Relaton, D. Kiser, Col. Wiallameon Mrs. Ringwalt, Prof, ,tayman, A. Senseumn, Dr. Irvin, Johnson Moore, J. T. Rippey, D. Blame, C. Inhoff; - A. Coover, .1. Thompson, ,J. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, ~ Mrs. Gordon,- '7. Gorges, -, Williamson .1. Brasil. Stouffer, . 11. Shoaffer, Turner, . . Stouffer ,. W. McLaughlin Rumor, ".-• A. Leidlgh. ' P. Thumma, Get. Farenhaugb ! S..Elgau Wt., Mrs. Wondeilleb, Abner Miller, IJ. P. Holster, , Major Hale, - And °there. Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light In Addition to the oboes Stove FRIDLEY keeps ou hAnd a full supply of tho bust Cook, Parlor nod Office Stoves. Tin and Sheet irnn work of nil kinds nn band, and Spouting, Roofing and Jubhinu of all kinds done at ;bort notice, and of the best material, Fruit Cans, sod Jars of thn moot approved patents, and In conclusion the beet'Portable nod Brick Set FURNACE. • Oyer offered to the iiublie Dt. Ooorie Noldigh, r. C. Fleming, trot Hillman, F. Witte., A. L_,Boonaler, And other,. 9mor 691 y FTI Henry .ss2ton, Mrs. Gordon, P Gerdnor, .1. -1) eldlgh, .1. Tov ES, TIN, SHEET IttON IVAIIE, AND PUMPS. /rho undersigned, having returned from lho Foo tein Cities with o large assortutput of STOVES ANI) WAREA • • ally kept in n first claps establishment:are pro.' pored i• iureiph (lie 007.0118 of. Corlinle and tur• tomulie ~„t ry, ~. - • „ c..uutry. with thy bebt Ook tstoroi in the 'xmirk.t„collatmtli.e Or Mt— =32 OAS IIUItNIIR, And etkris, FLhh t h.y wil F•mcsntro to hake and remit ii•tcri, and with iris furl, than any other, rtorrs'in flin'tnarkut. 'I heir stock of l'Attidat and OFFICE Si VES Are notiortintli,d:lli it: side Of the cities fur ben ply, •unbliit ape clicarnann. , I=l am d II KATI RJ at handorarrAßted'_te.g I re general eatisteet ion with the leecittnioniot,lonil of now .ors tit poisons be have tOut In use. Their stork of Tin and Streit Imo Wai u. Is large, and suited to the - wants or ad housett repers,_or those contetupleting s the tinie, retetri defy COLllputit lon. ther hare added ,to uhoJ, husinens a largo and selected irtnient nt - WELL AND CASI'DitN 'PUMPS ~hlr► they are prtparett to put up at thoFtturtea outlet, Spouting and Roofing dew; sf the yth,/temt. notice. Jjabl'in,t nnd repaid done with uottkieseand desimret, =1 of all qualltie• con , tantly on band. All aru ro quested to call and °amnion then stock at' I= where [bey will h plensod - to leeeiV. , nil nod tlillll tilde stuck..-. 41 .1I ,otkfaction deolred. II 111 NESMITII & RUPP, N. 1,, Nootli llootdor ,trent, F : SWA It 1.15 II I:I) 'KA U T REYNOLDS 66 SON, - E. W. COR /{ 13 TH.-IND FILBERT STREET. PHILADMIIA, VA, =I WP,OUCHIT-I RON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS CONSUMING HE ATER GAS CONSUMING HEATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, GRATE BAR RESTS, and WItOUGIIT IRON RADIATOR. wnouairr ilioN RADIATOR, WROUGHT IRON RADIATOR These Mortara ore made If !Leavy Wrought Iron, well tithed together, tho only sure prevention against tho escape df Duo or Duet. ' They are easily menaged.without any daminws. Tho Patent Ito., dieter avoids the use and annoyance of drums,'•nd to nttaobed to the 'neater. Tills le the most dnrable, , simple, enconomlcal and popular Heating Apparatue ever offered for sale, They aro all guaranteed. ;_ - _COOH,ING,RANGES foriaola and Fria:Mee, PORTABLE HEATH 8, LATROBE HEATERS, • - LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, • REGISTERS •and VENTILATORS. We ire oleo manufacturing a . . . NSW FLAT•TUP HEATING now] far Send for ocrllluetrated l'amphlOt april 23,094 y, -OHARLtS WILLIAMS, IIEATINO ANJ - VENTILATIYG ' • . WAREHOUSE. • No. 1182 and 1134 Market Street, IX= The golden Engle FURXACJES,,- Thfe le an "entirely new beater, , it is 6:instruct• ed ea to onrecommend Itself to general toic, boing a comblnotion ..wrought nod cant iron. It lavery simple In,conatruatton, end is pettedly - alrtighti selt.elean log, having no pipes or Mums to lot taken out " and cleaned. It is so arranged with upright, flute as to 'produtq a larger amount of beat f orr the tame weight of coal Ilion noy formica now to use, The h ygrometia condition of the afros, pro,. duced " by. my . new arrangement of idaporatluu will pt once demonstrate that it le the .- • I ,c • • • • . that will produce a purred) , hoalthv atrdotphire. I am now mating tiro alto's , of I:Urfa/or, and four fbr It A 11,G • Spacial attention la also called to my NEW 001 a. DEN; EAGLE , COOKINCf .TU010E8,451 feel: assured there la nothing In cm thatscan compare With them an regardiftluilr dUrability, economy and efficiency, with a lend assortment of Low Down Orstee, Sire Place Sieves Registers irentliatora Saha for, Illustrated circular. 1 1Jun• ea Um ' . Ns C,1T104.•:-.-IsT9tice .ii . 14Oroby.11ycp ~ ( - th at the Oerlf phi Dupbait.llnaw,linntko ap p oatP,n‘ the neat Leghtlattire bf Ponneyleaola :I"QtAbt koilo.itd.of, leaaterlei_nith_lta prevent title, .and capital, June 10th, pp." . ', • ' , , 1 • - , ' 'J. 1.: mosrin, ~,, , • • ; .0,74 ciaom•, -•- ' • ~ , - : amid% .! . . ERINGt, GOODS. e bad jug returned from thweltf with s..vity large sod splendid artortment of 61111101211 ble godds, sorb Irk .we ore selling oft rspidlP at LOWICH PlllO2B THAN TIAN LOWEST, our etotk of , , ' • , DBES'S (3,l•ooD'S • 'l' te wiry full stud complete; the styles nrutinsurpasse rtiro—opletrellf C 233 and many new style Go,a'da, 0 INGIDAMS, cALIcoEs ItOSTERY, , GLOVES; • liii3}3ONS TII,IIOIiNOS, TIOKINGOI, ' . , • , • firIALANS, SHAWLS, ' • ' BGAN ;st:111.;111 1, 7Lan ;SIMERES,, CLOT-H . 8,-CA OF OPERATION Beane, Cottonndee, and the Jergeat. etoelcof emal wares and Tilmtebap In the Valley. • .CARPETS; OIL OLOTHS, MATTINOS. RUGS, BLINDS, CARPET CHAIN of Cotton, Linen and Wool, beat make. ,Our CARPETS aro considered by J udges to be the cheapest outside of the great cafes, This stock of goods le very large, well assorted, and will be sold off at reduced prices. this not necessary to fill a column in exaggerationof nor, stook; but we Invite all `to call and see for them selver,,whlch we think 'will satlsfr them • that bls la the,place to buy for profit to tbemaelves. Obet GS - - - - ""'BENTZ R COb I N D" E REA TT LNG . TO OitDE R ISILIO LIVINGSTON, No. 22, NORTH HANOVEIt. ST: . . .1 Invite the attention of My old 'customers and the nubile at lar..e to my Large and Brilliant Stock oTSUMMBit GOODS for Mon,.Youtbs' and lloye'lrear. My Custom Department comprises the finest and most select of Cloths and Caesltners, while toy ready made Clothing Is carefully end meet tastefully go , ten up. I cannot and will not Ile undersold. - ISAAC LIVINGSTON, 16.22, North Hanover St., Carlisle. N. D. Still selling the Florence Sewing Machines. limey 05 . . - • .0 0 111-P ET E HENRY BOWER, Chemist, Suppr-Pbosphatte 01 Lime .Ammonia St WpRANTID FREE FROM Thin manure canto no All tho elements to pro 'duce 'huge Crops oral) kinds, nod hi highly recom mended by'all whO use it. Moo by distinguished chemlets who Lave, I,y amtlyeis. tcaaltririuAlities -Packed In..tsays_of 4too-taa.- each, FURNACE DIXON.SIIAIIIPLIESA &T. CO., 'south_ Rater & 40 South Delaware A,0131113, WILLIAM RLINOLDS; And by dealers go rutty b roubeu L the country For in formation, Henry Itpwer, 121ieb 69.1 • - - - - 10SEP . 11I41E ft- of " Carlisle •Sprlns, Cumberland ''county; wo's eared of PILES and GRAVEL of 17 year.; sts odiog by thu MP) of 6 bottles of Dr. Cumpboll's Palo Ile..troyer and boxes of No Liver I.lllb. - EN= 3iIDDLEIOISN, Dauphin Co. l/r. Campbell:-1 lot you_know that I WAS' p!agued with Foyer and iguo. ir ton yecee. I could nor get.oured,.l at last come to Hari INlrurd, I lo..srd of ynur wondered magic Pahl Dodroyur and )..ur may IN LiVer.Pills 1 bought 4 Lott!. -and L . boxes and Die) cured mu is on. MAIO: " . Dr. Campbell will nsll le all dreCniel.eed ere. l'rlre 60 rents or $I per don or by the !I:, g51..4 $2l. Each dozer: in phi up in nice paper bozo, x ilk hi. likemas alit signature :4: the aides, Liver hall. 752 per noun; ; 1 4 arose-an Wo-m Lore:Nee $2 per dozen; gfues.slo,6o per dozen. All lutlers I,hould bo uddre)•oud to Int 0 011'IlELL, 0111 re `so. LIU • hewer° Chuotuul S Ilfi• Mulberry: 11orru•lairg, Fob) by uII Ilruggloto .d lhotit ro ow•ly whom For sole by lIAVKILSVICIi dooloro iu Dot Mull -lieu, 11Jui.0.0 CLARK & BIDDLE, j El\ ELERS & SILVERSMITHS 112 Chestnut Street, 111EIR NE .V BUiLDING No. 1124 Chosinut street, PHILADELPHIA Are ensiling a large and flaw assort:l.E. of Pia mond and other Ono Foxelr.y, American and Swiss Watches, English Sterling. tlllirm Warn, Corham Electro-plated Ware, Anatol Clocks, Se., So, ho 09.15 HERRING'S • PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR SAFES, SAFES, SAFES, With Dry Filling.). • Awarded tlie Pllso Medal. at World'eValtlLondon, World's Falr,.Now Yorli;,,Exposltion. ' , • Universal°, Pavia. . ' .• FARREL, HERRING & .CO.I 629 'CHESTNUTHTREET: --- ~ 'Harvey Gillum,. lltathetve,.- Ueo. W. Myers. . Herrifig; rarrei, & Sherman, N. York. litrilv• & Co:, Chicogo. • Herring, Farrel, St' CO., New-Orleans. FOR MAN' Olt BEAST. • his Valuable Preparation is admirably adapted to- ihe Care of all those Dis eases for which a Counter-Irritant OT External Remetly_is.re4dired.' • REFERENCE. Abram Marquart, Esq., hes showo me the re ceipt of which .111. Liniment le compoeed. From my knowledge of the ingredient., I do not keel tote In certifying that It will he beneficial' where en eaternal application of the kind le Indicated: A. BTHWAR M...1:y Shipponsburg, bopt. It, 1858. " . • Fully conversant with the chemical on caponnnts and medical elTecte Cif -A.• MarqUarVe • Liniment. V ol:ea:fully con:mond It to thorn who may hood it. Jacksonville, PA . S. N 111 t. A.,.Narquepl:—Dour Sir: 1 lake oloavre In saying that'l have used yo-,r Liniment lb, chap. pod bands, and it cured them and, made them tool soft 1 think - le - the - boat - I - have - over - niedritifd" would cheerfully t recomcuund it• to the general public. • • and. ore' unit In ; and over 111 X. UUNDRID have, I Newton To • .0 4 8 Wkl. ORA' MIX I p, .1 a • More than 30.000 iIERRING'I3 SAVES have hen • paned ilirdugh Accidental fires, preserving their contents In some Ilia tau cos"' here many, others frilled .81t00110 HAND farta Of our oven andither makers having been received In part-ney for the Impioved Herring% Patent CheMplon; ;for cab al low prices. FURNACES, 18Juno 00.17 1867 B , A• IL G AI N. ,S NOW tENINO D:OMEI3TIO. , GOOD9, DRESS GOOEY OABII3IIIERES, • ~ IBALINEI% - JEANS, . • :00,01)8, REOS TRlMMatigpiamm, ' . ,RIDII9 Aorwths, AT • t . ~ . —. • ; '•• . . ~• 81., N• O '; S,I EV S T 0 1 , i ',. I - iick i 55WHO'MAINSTIISIT.7•7 , 7 - ;OjPOM4 tit Mltlliip • 110116,, ,iot: !..0 1410 i OInC4 Wage ,-. . 1 , .OABRMEREI3, DELAINES, ALPACAB, BOWER'S M-A-N R MANUPACTURID BY Ea=l MEM ; • AGENTS, PULLADELPHIA 79 South .DALUMORE, MD = REMOVAL liming Ramos ud frout SPRING '1867 WA - RD MILLER BOWERS' RE'S7O •E. HARD 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA WKwould respectfully call the atten tinn of the public to our recently . roplunish• ed STOOK OP IiAItDWAIII; making . lt nose ono of the largest in Cumberland :Volley and consisting In part or LIAMMEILED ItND ROLLED' IP ON, DURDON'S HORSE SUO ES, NORWAY' RODS, ULACRBSIITIDB4 WAGON '4 Alt CRS', COMM MA. • KERS' AND CARPENTER TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL o,Suddlery, - . Pciints, Oils, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, and Coach Makori MATBRIA‘L Chal.., Shovels, Forks, Hakes, &e. Repairs for 111cColl'IlleK'S 'REAPER constantly on hand. We are constantly Iri receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers nod are fur nlsh coudtry merchants at l'hlladelphin and Now York prices. 4q)-(1,10DS delivered to Jill parts of the _town froo of charge. : WILCOX & GIBBS' SEWING MACHINE We have secured the Agency of the Willcox & Gibbs' - `ocwlng Machine, a Mao tinnily armoire tnbnt no one'seems willing to do n Ithout alter having seen' one in operation. The Wile..s fi 'Gibbs' Is 'a Sluglu - Thread-Machine - and Cltilets superiority over all Double Thread Mdchines in the fulldwing particular,. I t is simpler and loon 1141,10 to get nut of repair. It is - cheaper It runs with less mdse. It runs °lisle, It rune faster It has the best device for presenting the .1.001 from 'running backward. .It requires less nte'clntis eel skill to °onset. 1,. It reqn Iron . less time and -instructinti-to-learn- to noll it. It'la thy. Wont, certain and reliable In its operations. Its needle Is straight and less liable to be broken than a attired one 'rhe needle la,ecrured in its 'place by An Ingeniously patented clerics which renders It self Adjusting so that neither skill our espristore ore required In arranging It. It coon directly trout:the spool thus doing away with the tedioutsoperetion of rewinding the thread for Adjustment In the shuttle. It makes Ira Wilcox SS Gibbs . ol "hoisted Loop stitch," a stit.dr - ifilginal with this mschttne and made by no other, the scant Is more elastic And stronger than the Loch titled, The.seent Mess even and beautiful, the seem , le always .11'- in/untied thus avoid...!a n.versible feed. Ito ten sion Is more simple and more easily 'adjusted. It Is mosn cPsettilY thane d from one Chid of stork to another, It does beautiful embroider) , it has the best hammer, it has the best filler, it has the best brattier, It he,the beet.'helt. 'The' Wihox k Olklfs ban h• en In the market for a Wild mese eight 3 ears, during which time upwards of sixty thousand have been made and s td, a ,• muLea Is, fifty par ' , cent lamer than were sold of Kul' ItouldeThreed Ma ! china in liot 13,/ite at Its N , owa. • scars „' etch succe.e entliebutt. to warrant flit. seta of-this IhEChi. WhurtVer it boo all 3 / 4 :01) . without the doublibg eel, once of tetelnlottialr, 01 blob there Are .•nnualt to 1111-upqrte volute. in the land. These Machines are on exhtbl ' at oer-tooro,-No:-201-, ihineyee street, Ihirlhile. When. they may be oxfunitiltd• and they take groat pleasure in 00- planting an., thing relatlue to it. Ittoutethilly Ac,, t, M I LLEII At BOW ERB, 20. .tiorlh Hanover mrlisle, Ea 18G9. Lijoi D 1869 s _HARDWARE HARDWARE lIENRY SAXTON, EMI! EAST 11.10'11 STREE T, Car Utile, Pu. „, Wlrlinale and ft eta!' In HardWara. Iron, teal, NaHa, Butltti tt o ;• 'Maturiala, 'Pak ta, 011 s, Ate. 0 t, Finest quality of Ann,lean anti Rttglish rocket and Table Cutlery Every deseription nt Tools adnp,rd far sll Ma chtiniral Trade', of Cl,- moat roloi.rated sualsffe, :ts.d oarrautod to evory 1111.11111 r, Guns, Pistols aud Ammunition. P. I/ P S , • • to- any depth warranted to give satiatuution Cement, Plaster, Blasting Powder, Picks. Sbovqe, • • epa. ea, Fort, Cruw•barn, • Sle.tges. FARM RIMY, PLOWS, CHAINS, HA :1.11:3 OWN ItACS,&,,,, _Suitt/ere receive um:cries to a Wild, advantage, both In price and quatny. llouvekVepere 1100110 exit utcn 'lle lu great variety.. WE ARE SOLE 4 GENTS FOR YHE GREAT FUEL ICCONOMI:LEB. I` TENT EX 01 , 131911: WEATHER 811 LIPPING, adopted for doors and windows. Wo.feel ourselves - Clapetent of pleasing our Kornis are of the highest in quality and lowest in price. ' Orders by mail receive prompt attention, goods delivered in townfrei Panties indebted . tend for 1868 will please bo. prompt ill their payment. and all to whom we ere indebtdd will please present their bills for settlement. Sian 68. . lIENRY SAXTON". MEDICINAL MA It Q - U A R T'S I.)ELEI3TS.ATED LINIMENT. . ." I hereby certify the; I havo Lund A. Alargivirt's Liolinent for Scratches and Spavtn on two of . tiky ,horsoa with thR groitost'.atiocusii, find. woubi, roc ' omnien4 It to all that are in need of anything of the kind. . ;," 0. MELLINGER, County Treasurer. Stougnatown, PS., Nov.lB, 1888. 111 r. A. Marqaart:—Duar 8Ir: I bare uied about half a bottle Of your Liniment on my horse ; for a hod Collar Uall, which wieWtho most obstinate sore orate kind I aver usw; 'olio on my' arms for Rheumatism, and It has giron • entire satisfaction In both cases. I nould not do without it: or' too times It coot and cheertull# recommend it to th'e public • .• r kiIOIIARL LIATBIIAW:' , " Jackeonville;:ni., Nor. 20, ••• • • - At.rMarivart,. Bye:, Diai•Sfr `l,:oMlo7:Nrnr_yl..: ~,retrenttaek ofßheutifatielii rit:f •Ifackr I could scarcely walk, whielf 'Watt •re!sy After usitn(belf a bottle • of your - oulebratod moot, 'Aram entirely Cured. This is not a recom mendation, but, he plain 'truth. •You can make any.use ol this you pleamo. 'JACOB LONG. W . pinutllottom, 20,180 d. • • Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear :"have used your valuable Liniment in my , family fors Miran. nut pains and Odle% and It has proved Satisfactory in ovary case, Ido think, as an external, meat, It'atande without ,a rival. I would ,cheer. fully recommend the public. Itespertfulli. • ' ' _ - ~ • DEMME W. YOCUM: ' • Jacksonville l'a . .Nov 21. .1808.. • • A. Marquark Esq. :—Dear' Iflatforde mu pleasitre to certify, that I have used'your Liniment ou Any, atos,l4 soase,ofmtery.,Dora , nree/.,,T11kh 'woe much swollen and Very •painful.. After two or three applications; I band 1$ 14 aotilko. metric,' anti would recommend Was an excellent Liniment. t JACIOD'ENVEDIL , Walunt.Dottom.N.„ - Nov A 10,1008;_, - rdIip".AEENTB WANTED 11:Address • , • 41 1 1 1 ADQUALET.i. . 7WelnallottonWOurrib;inwraTT Tor Bale ifLIIAVERaTIOK ' DUO." I/nig 11!loo 0847, ==.P~ `S-'L+~N-I"=3IF~DZCIN,J~: i . __.. A I'.~lt'. 1~. lIAIR VIGOR I=l i•e`sl,oring Gray Hair Lo,iis, natura Vitality,and.'Color. BM thoucli not always, cured .by its was. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed, -- put such ns 're main Can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional ass will. prevent the'hair—from--.turning gray - or falling off, - and consequently prevent bitldness. Free from those deleterious substances tlhich Make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair. the Vigor can-only benefit but not harm it If want] merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found eo desirable. Contaimng•neither oil or dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long, on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and and a grateful- perfume. -Prepared by pr. J. C. Ayer . , & ('o., PR.IV,FICAL AND ANALTTICAL CHEMpi 76 IMEI3 Ayer's S Arsaparilla , FOR URIFT ING IDE ELIO OD t ._ The ropotatinn this ea- • yie it ''l , l l ' .l -' i t i•o r rf d „ l b e ll ' i " l ' i ; u c . ' • 'ir' e:l _.. . _„.......... , It n lry Of which are :LI, I !. 61 ems -7, 1 f i ler o . Il i a l' l u7s t" Sl t s e . 4 ~, en.., whore a, mum :"...--- U . : L i' . ~ ,,...S p . " ;:11:::1 ::::::d by w I ,k ( t h . Ilt":24 : ." , -+A . -; ::::::: n fr b e a t.:: ; on x b a: 4°-'-'lllJ''''''' ' ''' .. " .. :, :I II Io d n 1 27 Z .:: r t n ' n 71 nbakt)lo:tn'tgi-1 1= they le" painfully afflicting. have brew notically eared in Curb gt eat number s in aimed cYCry_nc-__ tlou of the eountry, - bad to he Info“iie.l of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison Is one of the most destructive encodes of'our rue. triton, this unseen and on lit tenant of the drgsnistoundermines the constfitt tiemond_lorrites_tha attitek-ol—ontoubling or -fatal listens:, w I 1.1.10 u t exciting a suepicion Al Its once. Again. 1p50...t0 brood infection through out the body, and thou, on sotto. osenmo n . •rapidly develop into. one or nth.-r of its Dld'eaus terms, either 00 the surface or ,tonong the vital:. in the la tor, tubercles nifty be suddenly deposited 'hi the lungs or heart. or. tumors formed in tho liver, or It shows 11.preseuee by. uruptlann skin or foul ulcerations nn ammo part of the bn r the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarsaparilla io advisuble,Nil At' I I disease appear. Poison .111 c•od with the tollovittg complaints gen.:lll3 toot t.filediate relief; and, ut length. rare. I.y rho' 'use .11 Eh, SA RSA PA /ULLA t St. Anthony's Pier, lib, Erysiptlus, 'lt Der. San/fleets. limo warm, Sore Eyes, So, Ears, nod at lost at tit r visible loons id Scrofulous disease. Aivm in fh o more concealed fortes, us Dyspepsia. Dropsy, Heart Disease. File, Epilepsy, .Nettru iglu, mid the flicerems ttlfeetlons of the muscular and nervous 6y Nleltln. AlineDireenoos for °telt moo era found in one Almanacompplied gratis. Elenanaiiien and Cll.f, when CROECti by accumulations .ot o.lmi - irons ennt• tors n the 1111od: galt.kly If, 'CI nlsa Liner Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion, or Inflnm!r linn of the Liver and Jaundice, when alining, ay hey often do. from tile rankling poison in tills I blood. 5.,1 - 10CIDARILLA Is a great restorer for the •tn•ln. lot vigor of toe syt.tinn Thom) oho a.e Languid :tail Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and ttottlthol lit Nervous Apprehineions or &ars, , •or thy a. the affections symptomatic of IVeokness, will hod dun. disto Theo," mud „convincing met -41,1.1 of its rot mi•ative — pnwer unutt tl• ie EPA R ED BY' Dr. J. C. Ayer & CO.,lLowel likes • Pratdical and Anatietical Chemist,. SQI.I) DRUGIII3I'6&VI RiWllLlt6. .dhw•t ,A N 0 0 . D IM=M Ju•t pub linhed, n uow ..ditiun 6( Dr Culver well's Celebrated Essay en Li,• radical care (s, IWO llt /I/ liniel110) or t-v.11.11A10/0111111A, to Si,,. 11/Zli luVolunuiry Cl•adum 1,1 POTENCY. M, ;Rai Ilia; I cwailaiit eut. , iroarriagu, .; C0N14,311,10N 1.1 . 1111,i mid Fri'd Itilluted by net, al ex teara,lttlet. 111).1'e I , t•%, ui ,t,leti euvolopt,, only naeu tN. ctilinnated author. In this clearly 01-11...11r.trute,lroti, h Unity :ireasie htleC111•11.1i nr31 . t101 . , 11101 111.1 etlArrlll"g l . 6.l,..:tilll4l et; tot in.lh inlo valivally the ilanytt• ant n u ul un.til.itie hit Ihe panting out n uluat r tire at. mire • el. ',noel. In 1.114.111. 01 Mbich ever) ter ahnt li,. piny nia) ..111,[11 . priv,Ul3 11 radically. I- In, ore 01, in the hand., ni every yhoth all • h‘i uniu in the hind un fv 'ull,ln 11 plain unoulopo. to any pu,/pan/. ••0 cents, t pO.I 11.0. Cul•in.welrs - 31arriage oleo lib li., Addl . ... 'till PUbnealerli. CIIMI. J. C. ICI.INE 127 It.• re,. Now Pori,. Bon 1, - 2JutLllll Se/wile/es .Ptamonie SUrup Bone evil Tonic and ,ldettidraks Pit Is, will core Cele rittoptieli, 'Liver Contithi tit. cod Dysitepst 1, If tot so accordion to klirections. They are all there :t. I e Ltd:bunt Iho .1111.1ttpv. They ch.:1•0 li.. Stoln3Ch roles the all&ptit It to work: shoo Lk, .ppe becomes good : tho food digests and inaltts gees' blood 1 . tin patient beglos to grow In flesh, the disttased matter rip.ots in the lungs and the pa direr nut row!, Ilte di some and . gets :roil. This o the enie oat: 1 ,, COreplisolnplir,”, To town t hood medicine, Dr. :seheo t. I l ltilodelphi.t, !Wee his tiorel l Medln .1” treatment or pulmonary rollMomtino, no. r I MUrlir Ss rip tillnuft tilt , Morbid I,llltter In the Insigs DAM . ° hroor, It .11 hp rasy oxpentorsllon, ter when the phlegm or matter le.ld,pe, n slight Zollgi mill throw It elf, nod the int lent has ' rest and th, lungs Itttglo T. do this, the :4can.vved 'Funk I‘ll.i Mlktlilrake most ho nottly ustol elestoss tho stomas and 11,ver so thot the : l .yrtap and the food will molit good 11111,11. Soirene:'s Mande:the rills net upon the liver n moving all obstruct one, relax the duct of the 'gal bladder ' ;ha .11e 'starts freely, and the liver solo relieved: the strhls will show what the fills ear do) !palling-has ever been invented except calmer. (a &Idly poison Chide is very dangerous to we mu lops tr th 1”133i care). that will unloclt thb gall bled der snd'slmt the seer...lions or tiro liver like &heath'. Mandrel{ Mlle. IA nor a mpl.llnt is. Ono of the moat prOntlnein causes of ennkuniption. Schensk's Seaweed Tonle to v gentle Miamian and altered ve, and 1111.0001 In the ;inure.), whirl that preparation 'a viola of assists qui sumach t throw out the mottle juice to tils:olve tho food will l'illubmid SYIMP, mid it la nude Into good Moo without fermentation or souring In the stomach. The groat t Olson why phyßiclaus don't pre cell sumption lA, they try to an too much they gin medicine to stop the, cough, to atop chills, to an. night. sweats, hectic finance anal by on. doing they d. tem, the whole digeallip powers, locking up•th ederetionF,lill4 UV011[11:411Y tine path:la:4lllN andid, lir Foliet,A, In his Ito:am/lit does not try' to Si,, enngh, night Meats, chills or favor. unions tllll cause 01,4 they will all ,t , p of their own never No ono can be ; vowed of Consumption, Liver - Con plaint, Dyapopsia, eirtarlh, Causer, Ulcerated Them Unlnm the liner and:stornach are made healthy. — lf a perron - has — Constilliptintrallittrrettiolwrd — In -0109 111113 . are diseased, either turbercles, absco s.s, brobablal irritation, pleura adho,ion, or ti - lungs aro a enamor In dud f,nt derayle the lungs that are wastlag, but It is the whole boil The stomach and liver have lost their power to teal brood oirt of toed. Nnw tile only'lchnoce le to tel Schenck's three medicines, which will bt log up tote to the o•toinach, the patient will begin to war . fund, it will digest easily aud make good blood; thr the Patlenthoglus in_geoh, and As soon -- the body bopirm to grow,) he lungs COILIM , II ,O 1 . In up and the patient sets fla shy and well. This the only way to cure consuptiou. ' • Whoa there is no lung discate,and only liver eel plaint and Dy bpopsia,'Schenoles Scarred Tonic or _Aland rake_Pillaartieutlielent_withoutlint_ Pulmon Syrup. Tabu the' llandraite Idle freely' to all b eon corn plat ate; as they aro perfectlibarmlees. Dr. Schenrit - ,•-whn hos enjoyed health tor ugniy years past, and note allg‘ pounds, woe wanted away to a mere akeleten,l.l'.,. last stages of PultainaryDonsumption fin phytloi ' having-pronounced WA cone hopolesi antlabandow _ him to his fate. Ile pun cured be the aforesaid nu Musa, and since his recovery many thOusaud'Ot Italy afflicted have uted.Dr. Schenck's pniparatle with Ulu onion renfarkable success. , Full dlrectio aCCOmpenylitg each] make it not ab whitely needs rY twtersooally see Dr:Schenck unless thesputit wlsh their lunge examined, and for this purp to is professionally at his Pal:while 0111 ct -every NAturday, where all lell en of advice .mutt addniated. Ile is also in ofesoiona Ily at No. 32 lie street, New York, every • ether Tuesday, and at I „35, liauover street, llostrmovery qtliet,ty,eduesth ' lie gives advice-free,xelnlr then with' 1/18 itespirhilitiel the price Is 51..09 ,houreatjegolrok from,9A. to;3 P."1%1:": lumule Syrup and Seastrood Tel ' ..44241 -2 P s r We, or '57.60 a half dunce; 'llrolaSP lia.26"&iits a box.-. Fir-safe by al ldruitgi D.. squENcac, . N 0.16 N. oth St. Pilla.,Pa = apr1123,60.1y OA.RAJAG.4S. •• ' , • 'S 11E11; - have pow 'on' battd, tit his Catritito'itetory, N. . c oritorNouth,itid PN4:strootay• ,„ CARIiIAGES,' ' BUGGIES, _ . sP~ . •;. . S E• 0 Q.-11,D.- It All O'R autl • - • • • • wa d e overitbbigi In •• •" an" bad or IlOrio:detoroolutl - to . gat,up tbo boot .0 _turkketout.fti tble'AtocitiotV.Of.the codutrjt;--Noth but !,t wyery boot'. Wok. doge Into buKglea or .. I.agee ofble moournotura.. • • a , -1101riug an(144 0 ..11ng protoptly4ttOPUeal Vl/4 NZ= ,S" ---- 1.1:11'i 'VIGOR 'II &T 1 MOOR. , A. dressing Which tc .at onco agreeable, heal thy,. and effectual for preserrving the hail Faded or. gray heir le' booit restored to its orig . i nal color with glass and freshness of youf Thin hair ,is thickened,fallinghair checked, and baldness often, LOWELL, 14/030 MUM •1.00 I=l