1 61 t earligit CARLISLE, OCTOBER Ei f 1869. • , We bog to express our. obligations tO our brethren of the press for their-flatter 1g .114.1 veekleX 2 . ll2 &l of which we copy. Tun CARLISLE HERALD of Fridaylast came, out with ,a neat, plain head and an entirely new dress. It looks re• markably well in its now suit; and we 'trust the Republicans of Cumberland will appreciate as it deserves the enterprise of the editors. TEE HERALD 'fa ono of the belt Republican papers in the State, and deserves to be well patronized. —.Harrisburg Telegraph. ' TIIE•CARLIBLE HERALD came to US last week with new heading and with new type. The Wing° is very decided, :and - Tun HERALD will now-compare fa vorably withany paper in the State. Al though a popular paper under the old 'management, the neW proprietors are evidently determined to make it still RIM so. —Bloomfield Times TILE CARLISLE HERALD comes to us , this week dressed in the latest and most, artistic Style. Its new editors aro able in every respect to keep up its past rep utation and win additional honors in the future , . You have a hard county to work in, gentlemen, but if you havelho suc cess you deserve, the Democracy :will soon lose their, power. —Franklin Repository. For these and other similar notices, moth thanks. We. still hope further to 'lmprove the Ilunn:Ln and make it de serve the kind notices of our friends. On Saturday last our noon markets began to continue Dee volente, until the first of May. Our people can now pinchaSe as I much beef, pork, mutton, sweet potatoes ; pine knots, appleS, and cabbages as tffey, can - consume or pay for, without, being I roused froth their beds at all sorts of rinsuit able and demoralizing hours. These day markets, by the way, are pretty Marked evidence of advancing civilization. It - -seems- almost incredible now that sane . per Sons, until within a few years, did their tharKeting , by starlight through the whole Winter. Through the rain and snow, the, cutting winds and driving sleet as early as four o'clock in the morning, our people yawning, gaping, and occasionally swearing, could be seen twice a week nulling their way-to the market sheds,twhere, after a 1 11 vast amount of scrambling, they filled their baskets, and returned home, still many hours too early for any useful employment, except cooling down tem ' hers sadly ruffled by their market adven tures. Some eight-years ago some progres sive chap suggested, that markets might possibly be held in daylight without very serious injury to the peace and Iglu • ' . if course the conservatives wore horrified. 'Mar kets id daylight—good • gracious, • it will -never dO ; Farmers wont attend markets in .daylight—they can't afford to lose the time. We have no markets at all: People ha* n't time to attend marketin daylight. These new angled ideas will plAy the deuce with °Very thing. We have always gone to market in the dark—what 's the reason we can 't do so still? Finally, howi3ver, our Coub cil passed an ordinance changing th'e market hour to noon. But conservatism was let - going to the wall in that style by any means. . The Council could pass an ordinance, but the Burgess, must sign it before it was a law. The Burgess was a conservative—immensely so. Ile would not sign any such paper. Oh no, not he I Things were coming to a pretty pass when the good people of the town could 'get their supplies without doing the _penance of early rising for it. The Courts were applied to, and a mandamus on the refractory Burgess came forth. That did matter, however. The val iant municipal executive refused to sign. What was the use of being a burgess if yon could n't resist the Court. an-attachment issued from the temple of justice, and as if suddenly strirck with new light, all objections to the ordinance ceased, and it became a ' People now slept as soundly, until their usual rising hour, on market as on other _days. When noon came they went to market. Strange to say, the butchers wore there in force—the. farmers some how found time from their other work to attend—everybody filled his basket,— everybody managed to get along, as well . and comfortably, as if no other hour than noon had ever seen a Market. True; the discipline of early rising, of groping along the' dark streets, of . examining meat and butter' and vegetables by the light of. a candle, of getting counterfeit coin and currency run on yonin thedad,. with all its improving effects on health and temper, was lost, but then we can't always: have with us all the advantages. of our earlier civilization, and, therefore, • ,this great loss was borne w ith fortitude and resignation. And, now, as wo have been - cultivated in thifi spirit to endure the afiliqions of a daylight mark t, could n't wo inak"e up our minds to su mif to the imposition of a newthaarliet .; house, that . would hold some where about half the people" and half the provision that collect tnr Wednesdays and Saturdays, and give them a semblance of protection from rain and snow. Persons' in all parts of the county are requested to correspond with and giyo 'whatever of local interest may oconi in their neighborhoods. Those who send us marriages - Or deaths, notices of fairs, dedications of churches, religions and' temperance notices, proooodings of moot , ings, &0., are informedlhat wo make no . .pharge therefor. Such favors 'always ellprfully published. Persons sending us communications must give thoir names —not for publication, but as a guaranty of the.truthfulness of what filo, write— or no notice will be taken of them. • • - ^ Wp aro glad to learn that Harry Elliott has been appointed train master on the CumbOrland'Valley Railfead. Mr. E. is a 'ming, energetic gentleman, and highly esteemed by all who know him.; and as conductor of the first freight train - ac.: . qiiittedfhimself so, as to win the respect of all the forwarding Merchants along the entire lino. Assuredly, Harry, there are still more'rungs loft in your ladder. 9 inadvertently forgot: to mention 111111MMEM sooner: t 1 t Stephen ag i cap,' sue,. ,e coeds Sharp; Aeceased, as conductor on the evonind mail traini-on the C. V. R. , •R. •The. appointmojtis well deserved, and Will give general satisfactign to the traveling public. ' Practical banking constitutes a part of ' tho regular course or. Study -at tho Iron City College. For Talifeirpulars giving a .full outline of the method pursued in tide important part of ,a business education; . address the . prineipabi, Elfaitlis& 4 0E4 1 41 '1,1;."-,,PitrUrSh; • f Beibugh ticket: Chief - IBurgess; - Charles . Weaver ; Assistant, William_Noblev4buteheq)—AUditor,,Rebett_lde, • Cartne3y:Ur. • West Ward : Judge of Jefferson Worthington; Inspector, Joseph C. — Halbert Town —Council,— Samuel e theaffer • obert. Black, Benjamin K. Spangler, George' Lindemoa; School Directors, Christian P: Hrimrich; Constable, George P. Myers. East Ward: Judge of Election, William Hoffer; Inspector, John Weaver; Jug lice of the' Peace, Joshua Fagan; TOwn Council, William Itarnitz, William Vance, John Plank, John Martin; Consta ble; James Widner. o are printing Republican tickets for the use of the , party throughout the County. Tho different voting districts can be supplied by calling at the HERALD office r on and after Saturday morning, or wo will send thorn by mail to any- re sponsible parties on their application. We aro requested by_theofficereof the Agricultural Society to state that the" premium list has been so far changed as to allow exhibitors to take cash instead of agriculural papers and books for pre miums, as designated in the published list. On Tuesday evening Mr. Keiffor Huy ett, on returning from the country, stopped a few minutes at his mother's, .on North street, leaving his valise, con taining samples of tobacco, on the stops, the door. On returning his valise hat taken its departure. Remember that there is a Republican meeting in Rheem's Hall this evening. Mr. A. Wilson Hensley, who will ad dress,ll,4l.l,oJ,C,F.PPUkqr, and all should hear him. We notice in the Baltiinere: gun of Saturday, a statement that Dr. Paul Schoeppe.whe was Convicted of thomur der of Miss Stonnecke, is sentenced to be hanged ei4he eighteenth inst. The indusL try,ef some of the feporters' passes all comprehension. ThO' record of the conviction having bet recently reached the Executive office, no action whatever has yet been taken in the matter. .. Hon. Asa Packer attended the State fair at Harrisburg. on Thursday last. His coming had boon announced for weeks previously and yet no demonstra tiehs greeted him Ho passed from the depotqo his hotel, fro iu his hotel to the fair ground and return, as little noticed as any man iu the crowd. If Asa enjoys himself most when least noticed, his trip to . the State Capital must have been ono of unalloyed pleasure. s Ho was in Cant left se_ verely alone. The rank and file Of his party cared not to gaze on a man, whOse millions Of money had barely secured him the nom ination. The hungry folloWers who gen - orally follow in the wake of candidates, sus ected that Asa loved money much too well to throw' it. around loosely among them ; whilst the men who are apt to fawn on the - men of po ger and place, knew well enough that his chances for election were far to few to justify them in pay ing him court at this time. But little as he Wee - noticed last Friday, he will have fewerto do him 'honor after next week. -- His defeat will drive from him oven those who for the party's good now show liiiittome consideration.. . Tlk-friends, of Geary and Williams held a rousing meeting' in tho Court Ibuse on last Friday evening.—Colonel Thomas Paxton presiding. The meet ing was addressed by Hon. William Will iams, a representative in Congress from the Fort Wayne District, Indiana, who made a most eloquent and 'effective speech. We have seldom listened to a speaker who has so many of the requi sites of a popular stump orator as -Mr. Williams. His speech was_roplete..with_ arguments, and abounded in eloquent and telling passages. His anecdotes and sal lies of wit were irresistible, and never failed to elicit most hearty applause. The State Central Committee have boon fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Williams in the prowl:it canvass.. Tho meeting adjourned with nine hearty . cheekl . for Geary and Williams. A Beauty I We mean our new Gor don press, which is ono of the prettiest pieces of mechaniqn wo have ever seen. In addition to its ornamental appear ance it does the very best, and finest specimens of all kinds of 'book and.job printing. We have been running it con stantly since its arrival, m ich to the gratification of a great number of young gentlemen and others, who manage to find time to inspect its working. , If Cflrlisle ever gots the reputation of being a fast town, the soldier's monu ment will nothe the fault of it. It is about as slow as a locomotive in a show drift. Who is responsible, for the delay ? cf Rev. J. A. Peters, recently elected to tho pastorate of the Reformed church, will 'enter upon his (ities, and preach his introductory sermon on Sabbath next. His installation will take place on this evening. The sermon will be delivered by Rev.' a C. Miller, of Ymik, 'Pa., and the' liturgical and other services will be conducted by Revs. Kieffer and Ault. The public are respectfully-invited-to be present. On Monday last a largo detachment of , troops was sent from the Carlisle Bar 'racks. 'There wore about three hundred of them; andirtheywere sent to the Eighth Cavalry at San Francisco, via the Paciqc Railroad. They wore 'escorted to the ;las _Works by the band, and attended by many of their friends, both male and female, who seemed sorry to part with them, • They themselves did n't seem to mind it much, hoWeier, as alloy al appeared' to be in the -gayest humor. When the train started-they cheered for Omaha most 'lustily. WO hope the boys may be as happy . ditriiit - tlitiewhole torts of service as they .appeared on Monday morning. - The dry weather' , which has been for weeks the standing subject'of complaint, " broke" .on last Saturday with - a rain which lasted-until, Monday morning.- Du 7 uing the whole of Sunday it fairly pOitred. The rain was a general one, extending ,over our entire State; and doing vcii•Y con siderable damage to prOperty in many places. The Schuylkill and Lehigh rivers wore'gecatly, swollen, and their watqrs lnado — sad — havooTaittr -- property — aldng their entire tours°. The Susquebanna I and Delaware also did much damage. At Philadelphia;'Phconixville, Norris town, Man . ayunk and other places along the Schuylkill, the 'damage to property was very groat., Travel was Interrupted mt....the Reading, "Norristown, Northern Centratand Pennsylvania, Railroads, for many hours,, and in many places the track and bridges wore await' 'away by' the, flood: In the way of dietributind Water. inlaige quantities. eilidu4 'neticei - the lap :rain iyas a decided 011(SCA11411. - Bales of Real Ratato advertised:in the• HERALD Saturday,sootobo-3fagdalone_LekL inan's houso and lot on Hanover street, oarlislo Saturday, October 9: 'Estate of 'Sohn Duntioal; deceased. -House-and_ treet_of nd in Gleason. ' , Saturday, October Q. Samuel E•or y, guardian of Emma C. Smith. Farm in Mower Allen- township, containing 85 acres and 107 porches. Saturday, October 10. Property cor ner High and Pitt streets, Carlisle. by Jos. W Patton. _ Tuesday, October 19: Farm of Mel-, choir H. Zeigler, Middlesex township, containing 143 acres and 143 perches. Wednesday; Oecoher 20. One-luilf in terest of mill property, tavern, houses; and other real estate of John Beotem. • . Thursday, October 21. Assigned prop erty of A. B. Zeigler, thick yard, houses and lots in Carlisle. Friday, Octobei 22, Estate) of Samu el M.' Kenyon, deceased, farm in Dick insontownship, containing 76 acres. Baturday, October 23. House and lo of Budisil Natclier, - west North street, Carlisle. Tuesday, October 20. Estate of James .W. Allen, deceased. Farm in Newton township, containing 80 acres. Tuesday, October 20. Estate of David Orris, deceased. Farm in Bilver Spring township, containing 130 acres. Wednesday, October 27. Estate of ,David Orris, deceased. Farm in Eye township, Perry:county, containing 10 acres and two perches. Wednesday, October 27. Town pro perty on Bedford street, Carlisle, by Jno. N. Aamstrong. ' Thursday, Obtober 28, farm of Willaim . Blosor, in Frankfort township, contain ing acres. PRIVATE BALES Farm of George G. Davidson, West Penusboro' township, containing 68 acres and 84 perches. Farm of A. Comory, sr., Frankford township, containing 146-acres:,, Hotel property to sell or exchange for a farm. Jos A. Woodburn, Newvill, Pa. Two farms of John Lutz, in Monroe township, containing -752 acres and 70 porgies. Valuable town . residence of Lemuel Todd's, on High street, Carlisle. REAL ESTATE NOE BALE B A. I 13= Private Residonso on West Pomfret street, Carlisle. Oro Banks, containing 18 acres, situn, ted in Monroe township. Private residence of James Bentz, on South Hanover Street, Carlisle. Farm in Monroe township, containing 76 acres, Private rpsiaonce on SOuth 'llanovoi street, Carlisle,: The town is beset by a gang of brazen _faced beggars, who go from . oor oor, trying to work upon the sYmpatlties of kind hearted people. By long experience they have acquired a coolness ,and per sistence worthy an office seeker. They exliibika new phasein the art of' begga ry, setting forth that they have recently lost a house by fire, or ti sewing machine by theft; ortelling some other,plaintive story. It is difficult - to recognize the deserving, and it is well to refuse oveiy one; unless-unmjstakable references are presented.' A woman who, last !Thurs day, bored our citizens with a sorrow,fu tale, and application for relief, was on Friday carried off to prison,. drunk and disorderly. - ll=l [Aonouncomontm.] Our young friend Mr., Charles D. Hal bert, has recently opened .on Louther street, a short distance below the corner of Hanover, a first class marble yard. -He has procured-the-services of the most export and experienced workmen, and is determined to manufacture the very best kind of work; at reasonable prices. Being centrally located; aid having on hand always a full supply of all kinds of stone, we would urge those 'of our readers in want of anything In his line to give him a call. They will_ never regret it. CAUTION Extended meccas in nay dopartment of business justly awakens competition, and owing to defective mental and moral structure, often begets envy. Now those aro - to be expected end may be met by energy and determination; but not unfrequently tho bounds of legitimate rivalrlea are overstepped and base, un • scrumilous mon strop to tile the patronage of other, to further their nefarious purpose,. With the mein tnitee of science, and i j mains of industry and hones- In providing a potent remedy, Dr Sttelher's Old Standard Tonic Herb Bittern, have attained unparal tried celebrity, having been be th'e publio for the last thirty year, . , Wherever they have entered the lAA or setriplain . ing household, their elfecta bare even exceeded ex pectation, and MO far ourpowlea ail we have ever claim ed for them by circular, card, or otherwise, that the public confidence to the medicinal qualities of the Bittern is unbounded. We do not four the compel tiou of the empirical throng wile attempt, t. palm all rentales upon the people, which era not scientifically compounded, and are destitute of available qualitien. mnplriciam will be discovered in the end, and the inefficiency of their preparation. found'ou t. We. woOld rather be envied fur merited enema Cum des• plated for fallnre, however •ngotiorous it may brier man either:to envy 'or despise Aga 'not enothir snail a worse ciao, of Intlividesin, we Cr. tweed to take ac tion. We allude to thou whoirtko advantage of our popularitY, arid attempt to gain public favor and con lease by counterfeiting the Old 'tstudard 111 tem, barely imitating the label, or making other approach: ea to its preparation calculated to deceive, and s• a 'molter - of - commas, In so far - as - they succeed. Yo bring our eicollant Tonle Into disrepute. The public are hereby, Wanted .agalnst - all ouch Imltetldne, flit , order to further protect ourielies. and - sore" the if - Ilicted from Impeeition. we have concluded to Chang* our Label io is ever hereafter to sustain our linden end keep the reputation of that-Old-Clantlard Intact. We Incur great expense by so doing, but the and warrants the Means. The new la' el ,long with the carillon, directions and neat ornamentation will present an eiSallent steal portrait of C. It. Cyder, - -the senior member of the flare Thin' twill' be the badge of Its genutnenera, as _well _as . A. guarantees of till quality of the Bitters The label will be duly copyrighted, and thus placed beyond the reach ci Wounterfeitem"lily Ivo .fault of-ours shall : the public ' confidence ever be *buried or the reputation of the "Old Standard" b allowed .to sniffer. ?Moe genuine unless signed ACRYI)ER Sp 00 131 North Third ,litroot, 15. p 3, 1311 Sir DI:APNEAS. 111.111DNIMS and CATARRH treated with the 'Smolt enemas. by J. leaf Cs, M. D... And Professor of Discesei Me Lye eme.f.r Vas specialily)in Me Modica? Coltegs of Annsyllifinia, 12 years eoperinee, Clomerly of Leydi , n, lielland.) No. .805 'Aran - fiireof.," Ithila. TeAtlinoolale AS* be Noin .at hie office. litie Needles' (Acuity are Invited to Co- eocepany. their patient., he has co secrete In practice. AstiflcittVellneerted wilhentpal•. Ns ehergo for eaassileatly. 62.17. TO THE TRADE. Wm. 4 01eTr,A1 - 11E - M7itrit - detertnltte47to - rlvU L any -1 market In the r wholuale prices of their good!. - dud recopied do sack* or CONIES. • Salt down In price. ' ?loam try, Cur Thum!. , Disc luimr Mired 110 m, 'cheap. .* , •Akdo IlutlorCroiko and Fruit JAM In Illbandan ' aie. All kind. of ,Corko chain: ' ' Call nod Imo ,the beet blintorn over - offered to thin pokile. nod , but,,the best Cool 011 °Rued. Come and um us. • • Wll. DLAlit t 80N, • ' : gelculnl rnontlt /Dd.' Culled*. • .[NPEPENDENT DETECTIVE , Notcfm by Tologriipli . irrmptly at ast.de4 11416 0 00010Alatilit BANN°. 'MARKETS.- o & n.i.tivist . rfti)o.tion niAtts Pr ! ? D 60 4.00: I.Bo' .1,28 • family Floor SOport do It Y ....,. WIIITE WI do 0)Itri• . • ..40.7axu.- W V Ens r. VI:A XSIIN.I) BA.RLBY :.ió t - General Produce Market. • &allele, September, 10, 1869.... Corroded Wee/dO by WiWarn IVashmooci 'DMUS: SOIDACON 31161ULD11118, ' l6 8005, 22 BACON SIDES, .00 LARD, , 18 WAITS ; 11BAN8 a II TALLOW, Y PAItb:D PEACIII67 ' 25 80/11., RIUNPARISD PEACIiIIS II 118119 WA • 85 SHIM) APPLES, 821 3.1C071 MANS 18 B.AOB 2 . . , tus FaIISAVAMLIA DIIIOAND OF YUCATAN. This she Oar. set of people are dearer:deg from the. anellidt. Artsees of tionthern 3lesicri. and still retain some sf tlio peculiarities which Pteveoe' and. ~drweeott gave 01 their ancestors. Cr. J. 0 Ayer & Co.. em ploy_ a email army of them Is digging Anreaparilla root. Provided with narrow spades, a coil of repo and a bag of water, they are ready for the forest where the wild banana furnishes them wilt food ,and thick-leaved trees their only shelter. Taw o those who died themselves rejuvenated •by this pro duce, Chow how much they aro indebted to the toll Of these huto'de - laborere, who dig : hpaith kir thous sods of Or. A yer i i. patrons, while they sometimes lose their own—illostoo Commercial. .WIRE RAILING, WIRD GUARDS, for Store Prouty, Aeyintus, he. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web , binge for sheep and poultry yards, Dee's. and Iron wire cloth Sieves, Panders, Screens for coal, ores° sand, de., lieary Crimped Cloth fur, spark arresters LanuecapeW ire for Windows de., Paper Maker,. Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every Worm lion by addressing the ottnutn• turers, SI. WALK Elt k tiONS . No II North Stalk street Philadelphia. 12reb Merchants pleaao call 'sad sea that we have Just received a largo asaortment of Woolen Goode, Sheep and Dusk 91oyss„.Ctarttlets; Paper Collars sad Conk, Martins Poguelory, ac, at COYLI A.BRO. No. 11, with Namara* street„ Car Sale, Pc 17Sopt ne ' =I tgentlentsa who suffered for years frog Nervous Debility, Premature Decoy, 'and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, *ill for the rake of suffering humanity, send free bo all who need it, the receipt for 'marring the simple remedy by which ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by she advert'. er's experience. turtle so by addressing, In perfect confidence, JOHN No. 47 Cedar St, tlaw York 6day7.60-1y Our nation, lave 'observed that we rarely praise patent medicines, and that wo advertise only till very bent bf them." But IMO , : the retenerable re covery. of 31re. Rice, of Canastota, from hot distressing and alLost bolpions scrofulous disease,, which In knows throughout the community, and umprestiott . ably . the effect of it,,cr's Sarsaparilla; leads us to ptabOnli wFlrout re sire the remerkablo efficacy of this m -fflelne wo do tit n in tho Interest of the afflicted. Any remedy which can so effectually .'lll.lllO ono from the d• ad,' should he universally known; and WO Pi tell it may to universally as successful as it has been in the car rd Mrs Sec I m Sy rano° The Presffiont dociaros war easiest nil impositions op ro the po pin, and science following tho glorious eNamplu: Is out rtgAnst the poisoners who sell augur of lend hair dye., that not only rule the hair, but porn lyze the syetein. 'Lupo/dors who would dostrdy the unw,ry should he put down by lan. In tht moan tilde Cristardo's excelsior hair dye is offered molar tho gmtrantoo of I , rotssor Chllten,•the falitous ana lytical chemist, an an efficient, pure and harmless .. . . KEIL dressing, acts liken charm en tho hair after it) ring Try' It. ' 86c Im. VARIOUS N i LT OTICK - .—the 12111 A tonal_ Fair the"Cumlwrinud County Aarteutural Het) to Le bout pis Wedueadai, Thur.day and Eri da3, October l&h, 11th alto' 1869, tho So artY'r biounrin l'n., Lurila Premiums 01- RATS, `AU ptotos th. Cell. ty ploono copy sine Hood Lill to thlt dlYe•. VALUABLB REAL ESTATE AT ` PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28,1809. . By virtue of an order of .ale issued by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, I will expose to public vele, the,Court Hone°, 10 th• borou g h of Carlisle, aim valuable 110Uf.11 AND LOT OF GROUND, late the property of Rudlell Nati:her, deceased, situ. atoll on west Korth street, In eadd bcoough, bounded and ..ascribed as follows On the Routh by North street, on the west by Aos Swelgort, 00 the North by urinate alley, and on the , suet by Lout. Gotwalt, con taining about 40 feet in hoot on !with stfeet, and at the depth of 30 feet from the front line. narrowing to 34 feet, end continuing that width, to the alley aforesaid, it being aboat 112 feet deep. The In, rove ments consist of a • TWO STORY FRAM'S PLASTRIVD 1101168, dame shop, stable, and necessary outbuildings. The lot contains fruit of different kinds, and has apeurte. mutt to It n water right .in the well on North street This property leeilvlhlr located and will make:. pleasant home for a small family Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m , on said day, when atteminuen will' be gi en, and tonne Intuits known by . C.,P ♦dm'r. C. T A. of it udisilt Nat. her, deed loct is ' Eatablielled 1850. l I ,A.WRENCE D. DIETZ & 00., /111'ORTISILS ANA DHALRILB NOTIONS, YANCY iIOODS DIME 37 208 West Baltimore street, Iletaretri 'lowan, and Liberty, loot t 9 3wa TUE ,CARLISLE ACADEMY THS ONLY SCHOOL WHICH PIMP/RISS YOUNG HEN POLE COLLEUH IN CARLISLE. /n En 31.11 and •Claindcal School for ynnox mon ■nd boyn wEI be °period ziPpl.niner 11, In flontes bul ding, un Snail linnovn- Ntrret. , Pupils ,mitrontedln Natural &Aimee, l'eun.annltly, an TUE COVES : EI STUpy' be designed bi to eke thorough Ho Ile schol owl to -prepare fen Cativo Special it , ntion.will be given to Pricelicul Arithnirlie, Re Wing, Spilling. Penmanship, 00 , that students nay e well to noth• .4 for bosinms I fe. and have a good foundation for a more.axtundod count, ofatudy 'THE GOVERNIIIW / willibe adapted Li yoking gentlemen and thous who cannot be treated thus will-not be Allow.' to yeatolo., with TIIH SCHOOL YEAR -" " in divided into teo sessions, hosinning • respectivoly September 6, and January 8 , TERMS PER SESSION, (Payable In Advance.) lot Ses• ton, CommoriEngliehi 1 It HO do • Classics with Common English, 10 00 24 Session, Common English, 20 do Chunks with Com owe Onglish, lie 00 The scholars of thio'Academy, by the payment-0r mat rums annually, can have the use of the College Libratlee,"contelning 'At , * Volotnec • _ end Anent, end loth/101r lea. mint to tha Monday After New Year . BOAItDINC Ac.—ruplio from &Morl here Ilse privilege of rooming In Die.' neon Codeg. If they chow:, t 0 do so, snit will And good boarding either College ,Clube or In private famine.. rA.giag mom $2 in thlii 00 per week. Adepts' , .11 . . : IiT r_ ERRETT 0 , 4 1. 36 ,11 1 . 0 , ,, P ik d i tod, - • Bavotiwten. I Win punt Peaeare in aeinntendlng Mr: R. W. Starrett; A. U., am a gentlainan eminently qualified to teach, My eroalidenoe to him to much, that I .tha/1 aommitlery meal von to hie earn. lbeildirat DlAlasso 9p a, lac GAS PIX`I'URES lc o. n LAMPS, • A t ifrieit Arley of New Bt9lon. t. WIERID/AN BURNER. tft auy Burrow made. . COULTE R,• JCiPIA6 CO.„ Manhfheture* .and Wholesale D4lers. '7Oll Anon snow, PIIIIADHLPHIA. 'Pao 60 . , . OTICE. , :-I',l9tice is' hereby Oran" .N L . that the.eittile Deride Bank w 11. make op , ' p lextlnn t o' the next Leglotature'of Penneylveele for the 'renewal of tts.clun•ter with ; lie 'present tale acn.j. cepllaL _June I.oth, 180. ‘ .. , . •• . J. r. 4.(taLitit; -- • aJuly Olktra .., . .•.. - - . 9LettlFsl., ~, NE* GROCERT STORE. - The anbearlher having pttraheteed Mee h 4 corner, Porraret and Sad'', rd etreets, and erected theirdirt lidoraih Finiar trained with - a — New ,Stock of well eelected Fresh Orocerion Ws stock; will., bc funrid to ha complete in every particular, end every thine sold_ will ha •warranted ea represented Tie hen on nand and now ready far delivery' droeerlea or all lands, QUESINdiT AltS, GLASSWARE, ' • ' OTIZNIFAIt ' L witLowwens, • - - SOAP, MB A good atoOrtmoot of NGTIOTI4. ANleolall4 nada on. all kinds Of Silt sleal n. - sudh as • ' • Hams; Shaulders; Sides; Dried d, &e Uric ;a Chinned an d . d - • ' . , . . . Pickled FRUITS 01 au kinds. constantly on hand • . ' , All FLOUR and FEED of the beet irades, and In quantities to suit purchaser.. Ooeds seta to any port of the town If desired ' Call and price for yourself at No 46. East Pomfret Strom. - JOAN IIIiNDER. 33ent 113ti0Lnin . ' - LADIES' FANCY . FURS_! JO tiN F AREIitA, ,- 718. Arch . Stroott ?diddle of the block,- between-Seventh and-Eighth Streets, south side, IMPORTER, HANUFACTURER, AND DEALER IN ALL KINDS AND QUALITY. OP FANCY FURS, FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Having enlarged, remodeled, and improved my old and favorably known FUR E •,PORIUM and having Imp. mod a very largo and splendid assortment Of all . the different kinds ofFurs from fleet bandsin Europe, and base bad them mode up by the moat skillful workman I would respectfully invite my-friends of, Cumberland and adjacent coalition, to cAll and ex• amine my vary large land beautiful assortment of 'Fancy Furs - for Ladles and Children. lam &term". Mad to sell At an low price. us any other respectable house in,this city. All Furs Warranted. No represenfffins to effect sales. JOHN FAREIRA, 17Sept 4m 118 Arch Street, Philadelphia. INSOLVENT'S NOTIOE' 7otice Is hereby Oven, that J. A. 'Worth hoe sp• Idled for the • benefit of the Insolvent LW:s of till. Comm nwealth, an I that a hearing of the sumo wl) take place at the Court Howl°. at tho nd.ieurtual gmaontCourt, on the 20 November, A L , 11119. By ord.r of tho Court, ' J. A. MARTIN, Petition., Aug. 27-10 t ziti . L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent, :terl•ener, Convesaneer Insnr Ince and Claim , Agent. °Bleu Attu Street Neer_ Centre-Blume, VALUABLE PRIVATE RESI DENCE FOR SA I.E. Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle, now owned and occupied by Mt.. Washinood, late the property of Benedict Law. The Int front! , en lien over, at., 00 feet; end extends back the SAMO width 2.10 feet to an alley. The Imerovemenla arc a large two•story 0110)111 11,11.1 S E, with Verandah In front. containing Double l'arlers, Hall, Chamber. Melee room and Kitchen on lower floor and Pk e handier, and hath-room on the 2nd story... Dan and psi, have been intrpilticef. Tham lea large Stehle nod Calliope House at the mot of the .101. The lot In wall studded with ornementa. , trees nnO Ore bbery. besides fruit tel &num every description thopet• of the moat choice in.lecttm ton undue EnquiraUf 1,. OPONSI,EII, - Real Eatate Agent. 230 M-68 - ®RE -BARK. n4(11 SALE —.‘ rich of the I eat quality, 11.... Ito Ore, yielding HI per Cent. comprisi .g about to AORIN, leaded In Monism ...hip, about 2 miles seer the Iron Works of 0. W. A D. V. AID. on tin, smith able of the Vellow Breeches creek There r. i ',Cream ID -moteer runnintly rnugh thrndreet • etnlnekrit •tor nytinhing too ere end - Dirt/Wittig - winli•r power be sides. A port!. of the .k Is 00der n len.n nod will be si Id ...et thereto. •I ho b..ce in nnlo cumbeoid• p e ,,ens nieslriout of.vienrlng Din Ben% may upon Gourge IV !dudish. of ter . . us rirleker'n mill Munro, tuwnshi • Combo. laud county, or upon A'. L. sPoNtitim, • EFtato ..goUt., Carlisle MEM F og SAL E filnde Rol-Wanes liftman °a Smith Hatnayer St. Carlisle. nearly- oppnalto Our ly'u tel owned by Jame. Bent, The lut eortalus 100 tench, trout running buck 210 hart, aid truing 70 fait in breadth at Oteror. Thu buildings are manly outs and la sauollent Order, cotnor.sir.g a etana.u.lious 7 WO-STORY BRICK FRONT BUT L DINO - with u largo Two-Story Brick Back nu i;din g uttrich nd contaimnd all the nuaturn- impost-manta Inclu ding gsa-and watur. Tho Inontion of this t i..perty Ix use Our alllnf origin eln thu town, and will ht. croinarod "(WI fa•urable forum For teruo. and fur. tiler particulars unquiro of OM Tro.THE HEIRS AND REPRESENTATINES brahani I to of too town• hip of Salvor Spring, con, ty of Cnniberland. ceased. Tithe not ko that by Nirtuo ot't Writ of rartition nod Noluntioo of the Orph trot' Court of Conitinilaini cannily. and to nee diroctod, I will hold on Ingooat in day do Tart or valor the r. al rota to of maid derraned..on the pronr• lace, on Thorsdny. the enventli day ot October A. D., MO. at 0 ~ ' cloak. a to , Sheriff'. Onice. Car Isle JOS. C. TIIONIPSON, on II 111 31 Sherlff. LiLi oti s'ALE--'that desirable Private flex dote-, ett , 11 West Pomfret Street, Carlisle Thu IA contains 30 fret In front and 210 feet In duitth. The Ia tootikt of a Loot • turallous TWO STORY BRIt'K HOUSE, Containing lasso Purim, Hall, Dining Brom, and linchou on the lows floor, and eight C nvesio. t Chore ers on the second floor 'three over the irr-ra building, and live over the back boil leg, a W,e,h Both Room. a.•d Water Closet; a,l gas pipes I.•to Cho cellar. 'A hy.h not in the y , rd and Water oo the second story. Ihe entire property is In roost exeelteu condition. and the h mow] of tho most dOelrnhl• I rile lobs. The Int v.,. I evod ded wit by fruit trees an& stun' ban, and quite a nun bar of grape,vinos of superior quality F r terms apply to 24scp 0 , VALU A BI,P; , 1 / 4 1,N1 AT PRi VA SA I.t; , • ,Situate on the Foutlbside of the 7•1Ioer -reachesc Creek In Monroe rOWleillin, ahoot lie Aht's Lou Worts containing 76 Acres, nil C'eattd.- but about tiAeres which aro covot ad ...Ph good tim ber. Tito intpivveinents aro a t tobnio none two-stoup SRA ME lb lIPtE, with. convenient outs militia Large BANE BARN with Wmatin Shed and Corn • ribs litho bed. A choice Apple t r hard in 'good bearing order, together 111th peaches, feats, Clot,. a. d thane. in abundance and on excellent and levet-- tailing well of 1t ater at thud or. The land is In a high eta e of • niqvution. under good fence m d the in, prorvuu•ulB to good order. VI, locat.on is a &nint hly one, being near p church, mill and et hoof 11 , If lint sold nt pr.rate tale I,• fort, the 26th toy of &Timber next the tarot toil lbr tiliered at Palle_ Sale tor that day. Persons desirous of viewing the premises may c ell upon 800. 111:Leldlch, at Leidlch's in, Monroe 01,1.1111 p, kor terms Ac apply tut MEM B/VTIMORD. 13Ang OD By the Metropolitan. Gift Company Gash Gifts to tho amount of $250,000 - 5 Call gills, each 10 Co-b gifte, each etalt glfte eaelt . - 40 Crab gifts; each 200 C.ll gala, each 300 Cann Will, emelt 60 Elegant Rottognod Plan., each $3OO to„$700 76 11 egant.Tlimewood Illelodeonk; " • 76 to 100 "350 Bowing . Machin., a • Int to 175 600 001VW,atch.n. Club yltc , all valt7ed at 1 5, 6 1,14,tr00 A clsanoti to tl - ft.x!! y f the above prim, for '26 ono Ticket.' deserildng - e are sealed In envelopes and well ntlx.t.d Ott rece . pt Of 25 route a sealed tichei In drawn without chidcu and sent by mall 0 , any ad - drew 'lllO prime named upon It will be delivered to ticket holder on pnyntent of one dollar Prim are 11[1111..1We y sent to any rultirve by expreen or return moll • Yoq Will know onto your prize is before you pay, PAIL Any prise exclatoor.cl for - on Other of same val ise No Monk, Our petrOue eon dep. nd oo fair ,I( iling. Myr stgrenesele who hove lately drawn veluaile prince and kindly permitted um to publish theta; H 0 Wilkins. Baia. 10, t 5,000; Mien Annie Wore,. Cisic.sgo. Pleen;.soso John D. swore, Louisville, $100.,; Bosom Wal ortly htliwuu_kee. Plano, $500; Bev. r. ' Day Nod Orleans, $5OO, We publish no names without p. r ' Opinions of rheressrt —w The - tirE - 11 , rollablositni • deport. their success Weekly Tribune, Oct 8, w We know them to be a fair dentin', Bra, "-11. I% ',mad 'A friend - st ours drew a $3OO pike, stitch wen promptly received " Daily News, Oct 3 —...sc , Bend f. r circular,. Liberal inducements to Agents Satisfaction guaranteed Ilvery Ts:dosage of smaisig envelopes contras Oen mph ' SislAlstkoa • for 13 for $2 ; 31 for $1; 110 fur sl.i. ° All lettere 'Should be .shimmed to 11AllPER Are CO., ' 1 1 11 Broadway. NT. DRY, GOODS • Good Black Bllko,Piploddon Covoro,Ehhoneive Shawls Yin. Ploho Covets. Phio - Dices 131001111; I) 'ublo Gamma flotilla, Pillow bionic Finest • • ' hlaek 'Mohair, Fruit Doylies, Good Phan Bilkol, Malmo Antique. P. 8.--Wo:kofilatitotk of GoodCloods, i/ittiptett to 61 ' ' =I A. T.. SPUMILKII, Extlue-Ag..t A. F PONSL ER, Fetnto Aoh t A. L. SPONSLER, , Ilunl Eatate Agent GR tAl*, , DISTRIBUTION EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PUIZIE .elect the folloeTil EI:Mi DRY GOODS.' E Y . R E do L A N.D . E L FOURTH AND, ARCH 'STIVERTS, RIME CASH DE .I.li;ltS IN TILlp BETTER OLAg,TyPIP,„ DRY GOODS. • . 7 8124.15i1C,11.1'r,S ! 1 'DRY GOODS.. Ipit'OitT*Rt AN4OIINCEILENT'I Jliovr and TO T 7 at4ractivo stock of DRY GOODS, MEMO No. 4 . East Main street. Having spout the last week In the Ensfarn Ifinrkatel, I am now prergetttn offer to tho trade ► beautifol assortment orDiCes thlowg tllOt wtII surpass nny ploy In Carlisle We sown. LOdiel.in search of goodi will end this great adven u,ge in ♦➢ll lug my establishment: "That my shelves are sot filled u ivithlDitylee of Dress Goode bought years n o it hi g h prices, I.t . .,,rastead will find all the latest novelties of the seueln:iu:bright . and lively de- WE KEEP NO -OLD SIIOPKDIIPERE ON lIAND TO HARASS ,OOR COBTOMMIS Ia calling attention ta a portion of our stock, WO *ould particularly notice our BLACK AND FANCY BILKS, FRENCH MERINOS IN, ALL COLORS, 116IPRESS CLOTIM an ,ehrulee, PLAIN ALL ,WOOL POPLINS, SILK AND WOOL POPLINS, ILIOLIIIP.STS.INSIWP WOOL POPLINS If BAUTIPI4 BILK LID WOOL eigalrebelio, of the brightest I=l2 =I TOOL imam, doubl• Width, A large aesortment of NA"' i7llllB, to take the place of Sliasrls, just oroned Pilot of SIURLI, square and long, (of story stile,) at very low prices, PUBS 1 Ono hundred sets choleo Furs of every description now ready for ,inspection,Trom the lowest prleo to the finest sable. My prices on the above will dory compe tition, as they are purchased direct front the Manu facturers. CLOTHS, CASSIMHRES, AND CASSINETTS In this branch we claim that our stock will compar favorably iiith any Merchant Tailor'a. Suite made to ortlor:by that alas...workmen. BARGAINS IN"WIIITE AND RED FLANNELS A'FULL ASOitTMENT OF gOVIINING GOODS Always un hand. Funpral °Mery prinnidly and nails ructorlly DOM ES:PIC OGODS CANTON FLANNELS TICK MOH, . INGLIA.MS, &.c1 PRIM S, Au uuuxuall)• largo stock of DI ANKHTS• KOTIONA, QUILTS: OIL CLOVIS, BLINDS. „ Woolen Goods or every description, in fact everything found in ii . tirst claim Dry (lima House, .nd all will I= L. T. GRRENFIELD, No. 4, East Main Stroot, GREAT INDUCEMENTS, Everybody Inviled to call and a•aour lnrunandbeau tlfql stock of PALL I ad WINTER GOODS 'which is op a for In•peetion. Remember we closed out nil our Summer floods at auction, and wo will now continua to cell all our , PALL AND WINTDIt 000141 AT AUCTION PRICES We ore eieterednei to close out this stork rigar.llesS of COST., 15's guaranty to revo.erary purchaser TWENTY-F(VE PER CLI!,IT n ar.ry dollar's worth of goods. Now talu warning nd don't purchase until you sue our golds and prices 4f) Potter. of FANCY tP tt 00 FMK Sat $1 60 to 41 7s wool) rrantirl • WREN , IS MBRINOII9, all wool, BEST k:NGLISII MBRINOTIS, ALL WOOL CASIIIIEMIS, SILK POPLINS, BLACK ALPACAS, ALL WOOL DOUBLW 011 AWLS $Z 10' BEAUTIFUL Cl.' ITII COATS A full line MOURNING GOODS thavvlll be seerlfleed in pricer MEMO CASSIM ERRS lILANKIITS, ee pricp• os will mloniell you; -TARED lIUNDItiIb Y. 1.111113 OF THU 11119 T no .H MADE BA4 CARPETi VHR7 CHRAP We ere still taking WOOL AND CARPET RAGS Do not neglect to call end see how much money wo .ATO you. • W. C it CO. In time Bents Mono. ' Bust M stn. Strad, Catilnle, Penn's. IQatal $lO.OOO 1,000 SUO 100 1869 H ARPER, . . • . Cor. IlimovOr and Pomfret its NEW GOODS I . NEW GOQDBII PINING NAtIY 811.11VLS OPENING OF • LADIES' CLOAKINGS OPRNINO 01 • UEAVY'BEAVERB OttnNia X ICINSTISE.NB OPANINSI.Or_ _l7 irran..ll.llo.tfl OPIININO Or NGR ALPACAS OPIINP , O OF • PLAIN AND FANCY DUBS GOODS stomping a_a reaccoNELaiounama GOODS 12Ek4IPER, • Cor. Hanovor and Pomfret-fits CINIDAT DARN iINS IN BLANIINTO GREAT BARGAINB • - OLOTUB , AND cABSIMEREB °RUT' BARGAINS IN" FURiliBlliNo pity UOODS. , OP ALL TELE VICADINO BRA.NIia OF 'D074E4511615 .E Cor. Ilittovor and POrnfrotsts • Yull lines or' KNIT!: GOODS. nosninit. TARIM LINRNS. ' • NAPKINS. • CORSETS. • ' BALMORAL an&' . floor Biunis :intrrs; • 'linAlvEns For LoOes', Aliesse t Dove' .kgood class cifGoodes pt tholloNiestlios- Bible P rices ' ' r'• • TE (08 : A; HARPER,' OA6II 10070 Cor. Hanoyoi imp :Pomfret ate 4 • SL ATELAND FATiM ATPUBLIC — THURSDA Y; ..bctoCer 19,.1869. - ill-b• sold at -public-sale - en the-premises, that:. valuable Alateland germ elton'ed to Middlesex toirro ship, Cumberland etinnty, on the bents of the Como: dogninet creek, abont ono and a hot mile. south of Sterrett'ti Gap; and ono:hall - MU from the read les& tog from Middlesex to Sterrett's qap, eontaining GRKs_AN.D.I,O PRII(ITT stidet measure, bounded by lands of attaie Zeigler Abram J. Zeigler, Jacob Zeigler, John Wlleen, ■r. and the Conododninet creek. The Improvements consist of a • TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, '. (Weatherbearded,) a large Frame Barn, with Wagen Shod and Cam Cribs attached, Hog Sty, and oh er. outhulkllnge. There is a never fulling spring it water et the Loose, and a good wall at the barn. The land le In a high state of cultiretion, hiring been recently limed, and under good' fence. Elgh• teen 'Arree of Timber Land on -the promisee.- Bun ning water 1n nearly all the Beid•.' FINE YOUNG ORCHARD. Of different kinds of fruit lb good bearing condition.. There is sufficient limestone ou the farm Tor ell'pnr- poses The farm Is convenient to mill., churches school 11 , 41.4,311nd blacksmith shop. Also, at_ the same time end place will be ,sofd a valuable tract of Mountain Lund, containing Nine and on. half Acres, situated in Carroll township' Ferry county, about two voiles - northwt et of Bterrott's Gap, bounded by land. of Oen. Weary, &ea:Abram L. Bowman. and Mime This tract Is well covered wit . Chestnut, Oak, awl other timbers, and le very easy act tee, being con venient to the road_ leading from therret's Gap to -Landisburg.. • Sale tt commence at 11 o'clock, a. m., on mid day, when attendance will be given end (arms made known by MELCIIOIR If. ZEIGLER. N. h Any pmeon dashing to sea - ether of said properties will cell on the sabsoriber seeding on she farm 'bite to V ALUABLE HOTEL Property PRIYATII SALE,OR EXCIIANO FOR A PAIISI The s übsct lber offers at pt gate sale the well knows hotel anted la Newsllle, Pa., known as the .. . • LOGA N . II 0 - TT - s.E The let (upon which the Hotel stands) contains 67 by 18•Inet, and la addition thereto will he sold an excellent QAIIDIdN containing 65 by 180 feet. - The - house is large and substantially built argon* containing 8 . steeples apartment's, good Bur-room Dining-room, Perlor,Httchen and nil modern Colleen lances. A good Weller Watered the door, EXCELLENT STABLING for forty house; Tee Roust, Wood Millie, Smoke armee tied all" necessary out-building.. The Leptis House la widely and fasorably known and le largely patronised. It has been quite recently innovated and repaired throughout._ • LLL WOOL PLUM For further portleulare, apply to the ernbeerlber,to ■ hie absence II Peter A. Ahl, at Noir*llle, Pa., JOS. A. WOODBURN: 11011•1118, to ME L IMESTONE 141iM AT PUBLIC SALE TUESDAY, October 26, 1869, Tbo untiOrsigdO,l,ozveutors of David Orals, deed., will Offer at public tido, on the promises, on lila above day, a voinablo LIMESTONE FARM, - situated in Silver Sprint. township, Cumberland county, Pa, at the rai,road station, one•half mile south of New King. n, four miles west of kleohan• Icsburg, and sir miles root of Carlisle, bondded en the cod by a public rood loading from New Kingston to the Trlnul• Spring road, and by lands Of Daniel Solson.an ' Michael !lost; John It. Leldig, Lone Brieker, Christian Hartman, and others, containing FURS I I ONR HUNDRED AND TIIIItTY SIX ACRES, more or less. Nlee Acres of.lt being choice timber land This excellent farm is in the highest ,tote oI cultivation. level, clean. and ffoo Poe r eke, under good fence, about ono tell being rondo of 1,00.1 'pore and Chestnut rails Filly-nye Ac.o.More or lesr lie along tho railroad between it and the village of New Kingston, which y at any time be sold out in t.,wn lots Tim improvements whioh aro on the rtnialolog St Acres, consist of a good TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, containing 17 root. nod a kitchon, a large BANK BARN v. ith Wa:zon Plied nod Co n Crib attache • Carrisge lltinae_and Rog; lien.. There is up , : le plate afIorgq_ORCIIARD oT choice yaritijes of Apples; also, Pear, Plums' and t berries about the Welton. There Is a never falling welt of god water at the door. Thin property is mated In one of the richest and 'test sectitans - of • Cutub , riand valley, Wm., 'ono half oily outh' of the Turnpike leadin4 front Ilarrishivg in Carlisle, and baring all the ad rants :es of Chutchen Schools Stores. o , llls. Ate and is in all respscts one o the most 08 ra a arms o the county, saber as a residence or as an investniont. Persola wishing to examine the proprrty'cao do no by calling upon Mr. Dunklsbergsr, melding on the prenilm s. Sale to commence st 1 o'clock, pa said day, when terms will be made known. Also, WIIITBOOOD9, O❑ the following day; (Wediteadity, October 27, at 11 o'clock, a. tn..) b. 4)&1.1 at publla sal., on the proalacs, a tract of alootala Lind, altuated in Rya to:main, Perry conaty, pawl wily. sank of Now lingatoa, contaialaar, 10 ACRE! AND 2 rEatlns, aovored with thri•mg ChoFtuut Shawn bOwsdol %w Icnds el John S. Itigker,Jamot A. demon nind oth4p. JOLIM 011•1215. '• ADAM 011.111/1 ' lax vouiors. OEI 93 ,, qc BALE - OF A VALUABIJ I= By virtue of the will of Samuel M. Kenyon, doe'd., I will esti on the premises on FRIDAY,OCTORKR 21 , I'6o, hi. farm situated 6 miles from CarlDle, on the Walnut Dottuin road, in Dickinson township, Cumberland county, Ps.. adjoiningd lauds of Emanuel Line Richard Woods and others, containing shout sT ACRES, Ina hign state of cultivation with a new TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, double Log Darn, Wagon Shed, Coin. Cribs, and other necessary outbuildings. A novor (idling well Wator le noar the house. A well of which Him water overflow., part of the year Is oleo convenient, afford ing a to I supply of water TWO EXCELLENT ORCHARDS Bonlnining n choice variety of fruit. nid is a very deeirnble (Bra' •nd, will he Bold on Bee, terms. Salo to contoten6, at 1 o'clock, p. ot., on when nt , landau. will I,e given nod ter.on made known by JOHN S. MUNRO, Executor, kr. EMI ASSIGNEE'S BALE of REAL an , PERSONAL PROPERTY. Ole Thursday, October 21, 1800, I will cal, at public sclo, on the premiers, eltuatal on the n•! t [least corner of Libewty en rent and Logue's lane, Claim e, Pa., the follow ing Real Estate, Yisi • No. 1, A. FIRST CLASS BRICKYARD, containing five tiet ea and nine perches, and having thueean it Brick Coal Kiln, with capac.ty for 160,000 bricks; She le, 1 , loots, Lc: 'This is the most doairabl• y.rd i n Carlisle ' ECM! =MI EOM Elll CCM No. 2, A LOT OF GROUND, Thirty ey e tent i (wilt on Liberty street, And 126 lent It. depth wn 10 fxelltllo, 'ming thereon a TWO , RY • TONE ♦`D PRAMS IlulJSE,hirid-ottior I nIP royetne CM No. 3, A LOT OF GROUND, Which ailjone No. 2 Mt t.. 27 tent 111 trout and 125 find in depth, huvinr thereon n TWO STORY BRICK 110CSE,.anti,otlier linproTemente. SHAW I il, IMM No. 4,, SI Y BUILDING LOTS, on the met of N 0.2, each 25 feet lac front and 125 fro la depth.. • No. 5, EIGHT BUILDING LOTS, On the Went of No. 3, each 71 feet in._.front, and • 125 meet in depth. FLANNELB, Lc. No. 6, A BUILDING LOT, ' On cortier of Liberty street and Logoa'a Ittne.:l4 feet In front and i 4. foot In depth to an alloy, whore Itg Is 40 feet In width, hart ng thereon'a good Irratoo VtAla. Al, it, at oho e ano thuo and place, the fol lowipg,per liana! property. vie: Three carts, ono two horse d•a gall, ono one horse wlgon, one 1 1 0 log wagon, ouu four litres sleigh, nine wheelbarrow., otio„ cut up Plough, 91. e detupering machine ' oho .Frettlilliee patent brick mnchh o. threo Bette cart genie, two sotto of brooch bailee, two Bede of front gear-, two net a of plough gears, et , lar., bridle*, harass, spreaders, fift helation, speitee, picks, crowbars; sledge. 'and other tool.. About o,ouo foot of good WHITE PINY, BOA !IDS., and a *utility ofott °certif.:leo, .Sale no tow:nonce at,lo u'i Jock, n. an, when Alton& mina s ill to g, a and tonne made known by, JOHN JACOBS, doe3t Anlgneo of A. D. ZolgleL, VOUBLIO SALE OF XSTATIL— at full merket pH., 1869 Will be raid at nubile. sale, On the prendees, by the heirs of James IV. Allen, doisasad, a Limeidene Farm sittinted• in Newton toWnnbip. Cumberland coOty, containing to Acres, more or loss, adjoining the trfmn of Oakville, Nur .ntlira weet.of an five nines east of thippansburg, bounded on th 6 sontb by Cumberland Tollef:initrosti, on the north .by MoCune and Robert N. Hays, on the welt by gainuel McCann, and on the Nest by proper. ties la Oakville.' Tho hnproventente !ire a TWO STORY LOG 110USt large, FRAME BAItN, and two large Cisterns at tiro Barn, Cofn - Crilic - Wagon Shodcitbil othor hecea• Nary farm brilldinge. There never falling well of water at thichoumii. There le Alen iTr.N'ANT HOUBB on . the premiere, and an etcollont well of water at the Tenant Honed. There in %VIM - PROOF CLOTHS- A GOOD ORCHARD on tile farlll,•olotie by the house, oleo Poach, cierry, andiother fettit-trervh—Tills- la ono of - the — awst — prO , ductiv. and desirable farin• In the Cumberiand bey. The Mole of the best Itunatoue quall•y,.l6 In. a high elate of cultivation, and is well adapted to wheat and grain growing purposes, and Worths ad• vantage' of the Oakville market, close by the farm, Pint of the firm is'admirably situated to be laid o 5 In town lota. The farm rail be sold together or divided ne may beet suit purChaserc - Also, at the name lima sod place a „ • , TRACT OP MOUNTAIN LAND, ' oltuatod harankford tiownahip, Cumberimid , county ; near McClure's Gap, hounded by lands of DAniel. Oyler on the west, by nhnmbiwrgh on Molina ; 'John Odder on the Youth, and Simnel Diller on tits, North„contaltilng 40 Acres, more or less, This tract Is covered with Chestnut, Chestnut Oak, Locust and other Unifier with excellent qtialitY,-and is , 'accessible on ad attics. This tract will be sold together or in separatelote ; as pray p ast pfirchnsers. ', gale so committee tlO o'clock, a. en., of said day; when attendance will be given and 'terms made lOU ICOONEI. . ' 1.869. , hownt •a nqunKv, mniOtarniases'or • - PAPER ITANT4INGS; arid • ; WINDOW. SHADES, • BALES !wow, CORNER or Alth ' MARKET BA RENTS, PHILADELPHIA: ' i'soory,coinc:no twonty-third and • p • Samson 4roota, - NI4 : SI9ELESVaIrf DAY.OB OUROWN Itt/trin. loctO? • : . FOR . SALE Terme to 'suit the purchaser VALUABLE OR T13 ,.. 1;,9D,A1r, OCTOIHIR 90, 1809 PHILADELPHIA WALL.I , A P EWS FOR ~YALE. IMMO SALE OF- A 'YALUA IILH MILL, TAVERN, MUSE, AND 'IIEii'REAY. HBTATH. frednacktii, October 20, 1869 I' will 101 l at public sale do the prow:hies, !situated in Milltown, Loeser Allen township, two miles west of Harrisburg and ono-half mile south of White ,liall stntiod on the Ctimberland Valley Itrillroad,lh'e undivided hair , f the following described Real Estate: A large' 1 -- irCrUlt - STCrR - .Yl' -- STO - .1511 - 11 - r in good repair, 60 by 80 feet, with Lim rut of burro, capable. of making 10J ban sls•of floor per day. Tee mill. le on Cedar spring, with a Inver falling water power, and ie rum by two overshot wheels IVA feet high. There Is a barge lot of Hog Pees connected with the mill. " Also, within 'a eh , rt distance of the mills large four story,frams building formerly used as a distill ery and now as dwelling houses. ' Also a largo two•tory STONE TAVERN STAND, 40 by 80 feet. in beat of order, with spring houses attached, and Butcher Shop with wet r power suffi cient to cut 200 pounds of meat per hour ant all other - arrangementent • Oral-class slaughter.house. There is also attached to the tavern - stand, a atone BANK BARN, 40 by 80 feet, to good repair with ample sta bling:. Also, a one and a half story Frame Store and Dwelling 'noose, 30 by 40 foot, With ware room adjoining Also, a large double . - BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, two stories high with two story back building, wash hOuse, carriage honer. ambling, nod all necessary out buildings. Fine , well of water and ciatern. Also, n 'Pomo two story DWELLING — MUSK - 2i bj 30 riot; with large wagon maker shop attached. Also a two story Log Dwelling Hones with shoe , winker shop atter. hed. Also two two story Frame Dwelling Flonses 26 by 3U feet. • A largo IM story' Trame Carpenter Shop and a Into Frame Cooper Shop. There are about 16 /Woe of choice Land connect sd with' tho above promises, with a line Orchard of choice trait of all blade. The location on o n f ay li y is ani pr a operty for burliness le one of the' beet In I _ . . . It not sold the mill will be rented until April first, 1670. • Pe . rsons desiring Intormetlon 'will eon upon or address John Beote!ri or Chrlorian Eberly residing on the premises. Pest Wilco Wrens, ilberlfs Mill., Cumberland county, Pa. 17Sept to VANDERSLOOT, Auctioneer. IGHLYIMPROVEIS GRAVEL lA FARM-AT I'IIIYS TB SALE. Situate in .Frankford twp., Cumb. Co, 4 miles north 01 Nnwsille, 1 34 miles south of Blosersaillo, and mils fro M Diller's bridge, adjoining lands of Samuel Ernst, Loran 11. Orris and Misers, contain -146 AdRES, (more or lees,) all clearod butlibout 20 Acme, which aro 'covered with good Tiniber, also, about 25 Atha of good • Meadow. Tim improvomente are a Large TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, (now) with Wash Mouse, Pranks Home and other nocessary A LARGE SANK - BARN, nearly new, with new Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Cur. rlage House, Ilog Pen, and all nect...sary outholld lags, also, a well .r good Water at the door and an abundance of the choicest and heiht fruit. There is also a largo streets of water running through the Tarm, haring thereon erected a first-, class , SAW MILL. This farm iv h a ;plod state of cultivation, the - buildings new, be.es in good order, arid well limed recently. In one oft meat productive and hest stock fermi In iho county, And is . eßmveulsnt to school!, mills, kc. Persons dodring to flew tho above property coo do NO by calling en the subscriber residing on the firm. A. COM HAY, yr. PUBLIC SALE OF VAL - U/01X REAL ESTATE. SATURDAY, October. 9th, 1569. The nabscribern, the 'widow And heirs of John. Dunbar: deed ,will sell at public sale, on the preme lees, the fedlowl ng desert: ed real estate, to wit: A.magnificent Lot , of Oround situate in the village of Grewson, about 200 feet snitare, having thereon erected a most excellent and cummodidus Two story. BR-IGK- DWELLING HOUSE, Wash House; Wood Manes, Hake House, Ice House Stable Carriego llonse and Corn Crib This In pe - hapn the rer, finest eountry-pippet t s 'in the thu lot being di,ded tiimis Uendti dd, yard and, a magnificent garden productive straw burry and potato PEACH: AND APPLE ORCHARD. • The yard is filled with treautifol ' ornamental trees. There are aim, on the property a goad well of water and three good cieterne, 2nd A.Traet of about EIGHTEEN ACRES of load enee-fourtk of a mile Soutl4 ofGreaapu, adjoin log lands of Dodd Woit. Robert Greason, Santee! ()reason and George Line ' Jr.. two scree of which are covered with •scellent. Timber, and tits balaiße in a high stale of cultivation. Sal to commence - at l'o'clock, on maid day when terms will be made known by, . . MINER W. DUNBAR JAMEi A. DUNBAR, oMript tn -ALUTB LE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC BALE. On Saturday Oct' ber 9171,-1869 By •Irtne *Lan 0.d..r.0f the Orphans' Couirt Cumberlent county, t will spurn to online role on the prionle'm en the sib, e day, the following' i!r• erribiol reel estate situate in Lower Allen ton nil, p. lAtid routty. on the o n I , endl'it: from Nov Onniberlaiin tb ' .ut I mile Youth of Shireninnet•wn, to wit, oart •f Slate Laud ton. tale tug 35 AORES AND 107 PERCH ES, be the Name more or le., about one acne of which in ln Timber and the residue d,v,dcd Into tdx. all of Which Is In a good stets of cultivation..l a portico thereof tecont y limed. The improvemente consist vi a Trro•etory FRAME AND WF.ATIIERBOARDED HOUSE, Log Barn, Nark Inane and Other outbuildings. There la a• 0114:11AI.D •f choice fruit, n well of good n ater and Cistern near tlf• door, and n per. lion ni the fencing is now, Thn buiLlings are alto• aced on elevated ground affording nn extenhlve view of the surroundin.; country, and in a healthy add dedrabh house. Any pereon desiring to examine the pr party ran roll on John It. Eberly reenlist - on the premises, who 0111 giVe nil nkeeseary information. Title inalnpntable and poe•essloo given on Out April M. Sale to remmenre at II n'olnelt, on stud clay. when tonne will be wade nnowe•by 5.011.1f , L EBERLY, Guardlna of Emma C. Smith 27.