Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 01, 1869, Image 3
. . The State Fair commenced in Harris.. ,burg on TuogdathiSt. The entries up to Monday-noon--amOunted £o_,.nearly_ 0000. It *ill Continue until Satuiday. r g enr I FrFil Applet!. A. sample shown measured 15 inches in circumference and weighed one and a half pounds.' • . On Saturday night rain fell in, this bor ough, which continued with }flight inter missions until Sunday afternoon, when upwards of three,,inches had fallen. During all uuday morning it poured down in real old fashioned style, and the earth, which was parched, and shrunken, drank up the drops almost as quickly - as they fell. The streams have - been swol len_censidqably, and there is now every Prospect of an abundance of Water. The rain appears to have extended all over the State and all are rejoiced at its time; ly eomingl- - - An order has been received at Carlisle Barracks, for 300 men to join the First 'and Eighth Cavalry stationed at San Fran cisco, California. Captain. Fechet, the present Post Adjutant, has been ordered to his regiment, the Eighth. The troops twill leave on Monday next. Mr. Jerry Noffsingcr has our thanks for a basket of the ilnestpeaches weliave seen this year. Don't do it again, Jerry. [Announcements.) Our young friend, Mr. Charles D.Tfal bert, It'as recently opened on Louther street, a short distance below the corner of :Hanover, a‘ first class marble yard., Mejias procured the services of the most expert and experienced workmen, and is determined to manufacture the very best kind of work, at reasonable prices. lleiug centrally located, and having on hand .always a full supply of all kinds of stone, we would urge those of our readers in 'want of anything In his line to give him a call. They will never regret it. We take great ploasumin calling the attention of our readers - to the new ad vortisement of L. T. .Greenfleld. His store is:filled with a choice assortment of now *les in Fall and Winter goods. The ladies bestow loud praises upon his selections and prices. Do not fail to call and see the great bargains now offering at No. 4. Remember this. If yon fail to go to W. Q. Sawyer & 0 9 . to purchase your dry goods, you will lie loser of from five to ten dollars in a small purchase. They -are-selling their entire stock of Fall-and Winter goods at auction prices: They are 'determined to close - out - their entire stoOk,let the consequence,,bo.,what it may. This is an opportunity every one should enilmace. Save all the money you can Ihese_hard times in the purchase of your goods. Rush in and secure some of tic great toargains. Special attention of merchants • and_ others,;is . invited to the card in this issue •Of HoWell & Bourke, manufacturers of wall papers, .paper hangings, &di tirade or it will mish you." There is probahly no more enterprising hou - seln the countrythan that of Lau rence & Deitz, of Baltimore, importers and dealers in English, French and Ger man notions and fancy dry goods. They have - most certainly pushed trade until . their immediate facilities are kndwn all over the country. We direct attention to their Advertisement to-day's issue. .. . . List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Post Nike, at Carlisle, Pa., for the week ending September 29, 1829. Brown, Mrs. Jembna McLaughlin, H. (2) Iliiiiir, Johns , ' Milligan, W. S. linuesle, James , cMannns F. M. Brihm, Henry - lilortorff, Mani Mary Crebbs, Rev. W. B. iilotirer, Mice Sarah J. Cass John - Morrow, M ism Lizzie Common, Mies Sarah Plilentan, Mine Sarah C. Cormick 51 les Amanda Rain, m 1111 am Diller, Datiril - Mimic, Miss Eliza lEckert, Andrew Reese, Miss Leah J. Lwards, Mrs. Ann Schedt, G. lathes, George Shulman, T. G. Gilmore, J. C. Sels, Jacob 11etriek, Jesse -tewart, Carter Berman, Lauer - -hark, Mrs. Catharin• 'toward, Joseph J. Shearer, Ann C. Tiartt, Hiss Lizzie L. Tibbetts, M. Hall, Hrs. Ellm Thomas, Ors. Ells* Jackson, Miss Brom' Taylor, Ann M. Eretz, C. C. Waggoner, Alfred King: Christian Weise . J. C. Keifer, Mrs. M. C. 'Wilkinson, Charles B. Keogh, Mns. Mary Weir!. b, Christian Lon.r, Mrs. Elizabeth Wilkinson, M lee' nn Lightner, Mrs. Lizzie ,Yoke; Daniel i POSTAG E.' trir & Co. ' a.. Royer's Ford, P A. K. Ruing, r..m. 31esers. Fnalcis Iluckwa There can be erareoly nay doubt that we shell not have a thorough PactriA Railway, a road that' will run every day in tho year and ho free from tho den gent of snow and storm, until - we have built it through Now koala:. and Arizona, along the rdh Tho Croat Trunk line between Son Francisco and New Turk tong, it neemeto an, 4 in this warm coun try, for hero snow rarely falls, and tho local wealth of , the region will guarantee -to tho road an Immense trade.- Tian Is the old Aster countryOtein tho Span lords found gold and silver lone before the English eeitlot on the Atlantic coact; here ore remnants of that,..singular civilisation which built toWns and fashion&fetinning instruments of domrotic and war• like service long before Columbus saw. the American continent. It looms a singular demonstration of the ,growth of. our ,thilizatlon that thin country,.which - has been abandoned by Spanish trepidity and Indian ' violenco to silence and decay, should be reopened by an energetic Company of tiaxon road builders-.:For this reason wo lonic upon the entorprise'd tho Kansas Pa cific hallway, not forth In "millet: column, es one of material iraportance r The Haman road runs through ' ono of the richest parts of the American continent. Ten years ago the plains upon whICIt It In built wore abandoned to the 'Didion and bollliro ; now they ai settled by n hardy population, and quiters of thriving -towns. The loan Is to be of six and a half maims of claim ;_ It Is offered by M. IC - Jenny a Co. and Morgan 4 9n _ , two of the hest house,. New York ; pays'neven,per cent in gold, free of taxon, bas 20, years to-run, and Is secured by a gent mortgage upon iho intension of the Kansas Pricifla rend to Don- • vor, and a second mortgage upon the rolling ate k ado _ franchise of the wholo road, together' with 3,000,000 , of norenufland in Colorado and Kn." whlchare net apart en a tanking:fund for 'the paynfent of the prln• olpal. At a time when Coreernmnt se'Curitt es are 'aching no high, It would be well- for thoso bolding ,them to look into. thin new seven per cent gold loan, •Stnd Iwo 'whether It would not be a matter of economy .to talco advantage-of tho'socurlty which them) llankore offer. Tna Panearsanta DlOOllll Or TUCIINII. This sin., of people are descended fromthe ancient Artenes et authern Monica. and .011 retain '1161:66 - Se the pecullarltlee which, Slovene and. e'reseottc gave of their aneestoii. Dr., J. 0. Ayer .kCo., em plot n smell arrny',of thelnin digging Aareaparilla mot. Provided wi th narrow 'week, A coil of rope . and bag of water, .they are ready : ler the foreet 'arlibro-ae'vrild banana furnishes them with food and thick-leaved teens 'ti& only shelter.- Fine 0 . those who find themheives reJuteuated by this pre. du'et, know how much they are Indebted Wilco tall of these buinide 'Wavers, who dig health for thou.. ands of Dr. A see.. patron.., while they aomethiles lose their own..--413okton' Commercial. • • " WINN ILLAILIN - el,:•Wlitli: (WARDS, for. Store Monte, Aeylame(ke., Iron Bedsteads. Wird 'Web• bingatorehsep and• Poultry liras, Brass and Iron tilts cloth Slaves, Tenders, Berms for eoat, mesa Sind: to., Crimped Cloth Air spark arreatein Landscape Wire for Wincir4s am e Paper 'Mater/ 'Wire'', Ornamental Wiril - Worta. Nvery inforrra tion eddiesalnei the millet farturern, W. WALKER . rd ONE , ' No ll. North 81itb atraet Philadelp hia. . 12fab , . MirolieSla cell" — pleasOSOS , that ws_ bay. 'nit rerslisd s large assortment ar 'rooltS , ( 100 ,11 4 Sheep Mid . Buck; iglureS -GlaUstists; Paper Collars Ilnd Co to, Itoays, porromory,,SM, at • = COPBB , . - 00.11; t300t4 no an . , ,17Elept 6o • • • istf•et, SPECIAL' • ' z at t reaolvad: a' lot,Of giant Wm. laad 2'Keoiar4 imar.breribt 100 asiellida. jar sea yfiay '4OO at. • •J. hf,;111.1111N11111lUill.,..- • • • * lialit4Wl64 041111 Pitt izi4 habit atria& 111 Eli CAUTION tixtetided.enccees in any depariment of lingoes. Justly awakes competition, and mtlag_to defectiv• • 'mental eifittmotaixt.ructltre; cites begets ttnV7• - Nowt these aro to be expected and May be met sneitiy amideteemination ; but not nntrequently the bound. e imate iivalrice are overetapped anA hese, un-._ rerupidomi roan stoop to um:, the pa ronagep • to futthor their neferloue purposes.. Willi the OA.- tone° of science, and by mooned industry apdlionee 'ty, in providing a potont remedy, Dr. "Stovvie& . 01d lititidited - Tonle - lierb - Dittererbeve : it tsined,in p aral _ toted celobrityrinvitig been betore lhei public for the Mot thirtY Yea" onterid the ii or copaplain-, log household, their effects have even excee..• ex pectation, and so fax surpassed all we have ever chain ed for them by circular, card, or otherwise, that the publio confidence in the medicinal qualities of this Bittern I. unbounded, We do not fear the competi tion of the empirical throng who attempt to palm off remedies upon the people, which are not scientifically compounded, and are denti tut* of available qualities. Their empiricism will bi discovered In the end, end the laelficiehey of their proparatiode found out. We widen ratherbe envied Mr merited nuccese than dee , pined for fallare, however atmenetous it may be for man either to,envynr deeply. Against another and a worse claw oflifdividtals, we are forced to take ac... lion. We allude to Make who take advantage of ode . popularity, and attempt to gain' public favor and con knee by counterfeiting the Old kandatil Bittern, barely imitating the label, or snaking other approach es to its preparation calculated to deceive and as a matter of coerce, in no for am they eurceed. to bring our excellent Tonle into disrepute. The public are hereby - ; warned warned swami. all such imitations. In order to 'further protect airselves, and save flu of Meted from impreition. we have concluded to change nor Label so as ever herenflar to sustain our inden tity, end keep the reputation of the Old Standard intact. We incur great capon.* by so doing, but the end warrants the means.. The new label along with the caption, directions and neat ornamentation will • preseot an excellent eteel portrait of 'C. ii. Kryder, the senior member of the firm. This will be the Badge of its genuineness, a. well as a guarantee of the quality of. the Bitters. The label will be deity copyrighted, and thus placed beyond the reach o' eounterfettere. By no faint of ours shall the public eonfideeice ever be shaped Cr the reputation of the "Old Standard" be allowed to suffer. tem. genuine utiles. aligned KRAMER,Sr. CO, 121 North Third Stroot, PIIILADBLPHIA Sep 3, fa tar-DRAFNEIII, BIANDNIf 55 and CATARRH (wiled .with the otowst tureen,by J, laic., M. C., and Profasnor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (his sprciolity) in the'.Vas{ieal College of Pennsylvania, 12 years experinee, (lormorly of Leyden, Holland.) Pis. 805 Arco Etrert, RAIla. Tentlm,ontals on he Seen at his office. Th• RMttetl fssnlty ars laHtol to or. rolopany Weir paideots, an haAnn an secrets to his practirs. Artlfisfil Ten Insoisd tt Ititaut pals. .I 4• charge for •oaml satfon. ZoJuly MARRIED B,ENSEMAN—RIDER.—On tho twenty-first. Lust:, by IS John Ault, M, Henry Sonseman, of 1311- ver pring township, to Miss Mary L. Rhlor, of Mw. ehanict.burg. DIED 11 EA6l,Et. In South Midi' eton township, o Wednesday, September 15,180,1%1m Bush Weakley nod 79 learn. MARKETS CAttIAILNLIL rrtmoucdporinrin ELT Carlivle, deptember, 16, 140. Fnutily Flour— . d'upertin••• do I:r W . oll`ll NY II I;AT It ED do RYE. ...... • • •• • • CORN • • OATS, (sew)... eIoVESSESI.I,. 'TIsIoTtIYSRBI ) XSPII4I) BARLEY General Produce Market. Carlisle, September, 16, 1r139: Corraaed Weekly by William Waahenood BUTT6': 30113AC0N 81101.11,01 1 1b8, 16 81/08, B AOON 'SIDES, - 00 LAO), `2O WIIITEIIEASS 9-15 TALLOW, 9 PARED PEACItEIy: 25 , SOAP, 811319 PARED PEACIII4B 16 I t EII3WAX, 195 bIII6D AOPLBS, 3/5 1,1;'0 1 : 1 HAMS lB ItAUS a SPECIAL NO TILE. TO CONSUMPTIVES The hs•lng boon .re..turod to lteolt in a few xvvoko, by a very simple rcuotly, after line in` sufferctoereral years with a ee•ere lung offer Liu. , and that dread di...eao..,Conaurnptlon le analnue to malts known to his follow onfroraro the atonal el , 'To .11 who desir• it, he will smote copy of the pr•icription un“l (fr•-• of t harge), with the direction for preparing and using the masks/thick they will find a SURE'U . URE FOR CONi..IIM PTION, BRONCHITIS, ete: The ellest 2 of the advertiser In mauling the Prescription le to benefit the and epread inf.rmation which h. eencel••• to be valuable; and be lopes every sufferer will try his rernedy,s• it will seat thin nothing and way prove blesaing.. Parties. whiling 11. •preseriptien will plea. ad drew ;la. EDWARD &. WILSON, Williamsburg, Zino CaustiNssor Tart, May 7 119.1 y. PECULIAIt ADAPTABILITY. • 13BANDRETIP8 Their peculiar adaptability to all constituthwee ae cleansere of the bowel. and the blood has established their great merit. They reatoro the liver, the spleen, and even the heart to healthy action when other. remedies have been need without producing an benefit. They do not expose them, who tee them to any danger, being on Weis salutary. Extrael•from Enna. to Dr Dr andreth, from C. J. Fay, eq., P. JO, Hammonton, %PI. J. "In 18381 was In • poor health, and my Mende ae well as mv eel( euppused that my earthly voyage would soon terminate. But after taking one Box of Brandeth's Pill., I began t, feel better. Well, sir, when I had need up twelve box.. I versa well, healthy nints—m y weight having gone from 181 peon& up to 15: pounds I then ordered a supply. and between that limo and the present I have retailed throe thou send dollarn worth of them, invaluable pills. and am quite sure that I have .thereby been Ininrumenlal in caving theue,ande of lives. "Yours, truly,' C.J. PAY, P. M. oy ell Druggiste. Observe my name la white lift. rein the gorernment edamP 175°01 m ' D. BRANDRETII. JAOOIII 80110000, 118.4.—Deer 13Irt At the instence et my Lebend, I waii induced to try'sinr Dirrni Cantata, for tint distressing cornpleint, Dyepepsle, from which I lava suffervd,for years, :It ;affods me pleasure, and in justice ts.yi4;q6 eteto that. end . using the contents of ono blittle,rny health has been ontire'y restored. I cheerfully recommend It. to those efllisted Vary reepectfully yours, de., .R. M. TUOMAS,IOI9 Nrk Avenu.. . . 'Recta SCILNICTZ'J thiridtdo advartiefintenVin not er column. 1 - Burt Irt WHAT EVERY HORSIIMAN *ANTS A GOOD, ClllA ,AIID ItrtLIADLE LINIMENT. Buchan ertield, le, Dr. TOll.ll' Venetian Heir Lini ment. Dint bottles at one dollar. for Lameness, chi., werrante,Tbetter‘Man any other. It M used by ell the greet horsemen oral Long Lalned Ceureec. ,1t will not cur; Ring Dono,noi Spiivin, as therein no Liniment In enhance that will Whet it la.stiated to mike it positively dose. ". ' No molter of horns will bi siiihour it rifler frying_ one botße. Ono doso rovires and often eaves the lifeof nn over heated or driven horse. Nor Colic and Belly Ache it hat norm- Intl• d. Jug as sure an the sun Om, Just so 30ro le thin ratunblo Liniment to bathe Hortle Embrocation of the day. • • 'Use it, one nod BD. Sold bY••the Druggists and Storekeepers througkout.the United Metes Doped, 10 Park Place, New Uri: • ' • • 17Bei t Im MIT 01111Afs rder oa . all coca aft)alf 1(4 7 .i over, dollrared lowa for the mat. Na allatrania +rhea Rebarite Is made at • . • A. 11;111,AIWt. tmar et. ERll . OltB Ok YOUTH gentlemen rho - suffered ftir year' haft Nerreui . Debility, fremsture - Decay; and all Xbe 'effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the rake of. suffering humanity, 'end free to all who need It. the .i•eript for making Abe eimple retnedylby which ho 'wan ourod. Ifufferers wishing to Onfla by tbe adverbs. experienee CA do to 14 addreeilmr; In parted, cutifidenta, . ]allN D.QQpEN, 6 , No. 42 Cedar tit, New York. ma 17.60.17. " _ :It gives inVglosteure to'cirtify thit 111r:iichiets'a CDIMIL le my oplol i le porvit lep teble tt Its eonstitotton, Illni ei gissllent Wei. garnets. In its sluergetir.lllo36 n 1 4114 10, ie cleoL° llo DLlt'df,OOb Toil,. is. If. • ' .071.0nr reedits' have observed that . iU r • y prelee pateot medicines, add that we lidvertlps only UM very but' 'Of thOm. Dut.i , thsr viiisecriable redovery. of Ifre,.ll.lmi, of Classetols, l'rom bit :Mr trnbing ind- almost helpless -.4roinloss „ dlsease, which Is ktiown tbrimaboot thiS snowsuit,. and tiav gigoilluiebly the effect if iper's darscoperlllia,.lipsde. ns Sopsbilsh *about reserve the rewartibis slasesst of thlS'ovidlcine.. We de Alas ef, the splieted. 'Aq ' r4dl94, ' Thick ',i . l4.oinlidir. ''',lllllo 'ollo' hots Abe. oatmeal. 'known; sad wi • wish 'lt mop binnlveinally as sir 'sworn! 4;1 It boa beou•in 10 . 1' 40110.: 111o*,;-• pay /1, DRO. Igo, Ps. • THE - ThAblg. '„ rnariretin the :wilelemale prides of their 'igoixiei • ' 4 Just received 80 pAcke of COlet . ED: , own in rice. , . ,Pleaseetry oNt.Ylnetar.-• Beet auger ured iilloll. , , 'tipple Butter Crocks and Fimil +Teri In iliiindartee. MI kinds of Corte ateiti: Cdll and seliTib-S-Oitet-Lantern- overoffered-ie.-tile public. • Nethlng.tnit the beet Coal 011 offered., Come' and me WM. BLAilt:# - e • 2°0160' • " oath Briii"..Carlitle:. NIAPEN DENT 'DETECTIVE A POLICIC. Notice. 177 t.legreph premptly at tended to. 2.1.. ?RCA ItTNEY d BANN°. IpUBLIC 'r SALE iOF ' , VALUABLE JL REAL ESTATN. • . Olt TUESDAY; OOrytirt Ad, 1909.' Will bovold et public rale. on the premiere, by the heirs of James W: Allen, de, eneed, ei Limearane gargi situated in Newton townebip. Cumberland county, containing *0 Acree, more or less, adjoining the hewn of Oakville, four miles went of trawville, and 11v: rhinos east of chippenaburg, boundedera the comb by ljumborlaml Volley railroad, on thedaorth WiLiam MoCune end Nobert..M. Ilaye, on the west by Samuel McCune, and MI the Blet by.proper- Ilea it Oakville. The improgemente,are a • TWO STORY LOG SOUSE, o large.7ltAME-DAIIN, and two large Cisterns a( the Barn, Coln Cribe. Wagon Shed., and Other nem.. eery farm building.. , Thee., is a nover falling well at _water at the ham a There balm a T ENANT ITODBB on the premises, and - an' excellent well-of the Tenant now. There Is A GOOD ORCHARD on the farm, close by the bouneOtleo Peach, cherry, and other fruit trots. This.i. one of the . most pro. docile.. and desirable farms In the Cumberland Val. ley.. Tho land is of the best limatone quell y. Is In a high state of cultivation, _and is well adapted to wheat and grain growing p urposes, and-has the ad. vantaso of tha Oakville market,olone by the farm. fart of the farm Is admirably 'Situated to ho laid off in town lots. The farm will be sold together or divided es may beet suit purchaser... Also, at the same time and placed TRACT . 01` MOUNTAIN LAND, situated in Pranliford township, Cumberland county, near McClure'. Oap, bounded by lands of Deniel Oyler on the west, by •-- Shlmbatigh on tho rest, John Crider ott the youth, end .Samuel Diller on to• North, containing 40 Acme, more or less., This tract co•ered with Chola:tut, Chestnut Oak. Locust and 'other timber of excellent' quality, and is accessible on a I sides. This trace will be Bold together or la separate lots, es may beet suit purchasers. . Bale so ion:mummy at 10 o'clock, a. 1n.,. of said dey, when attendance will be given and term. mad. known by JA , t. L. ALLAN, Toot at I. It. KOONfI. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PTIILIC SALE. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 230869. Ity virtue of an order of role Issued by the Orphans; Court of Cumberland county, 1 will expose to public solo, at the Court llouso, in the borough of Carlisle,. that valuable I. MUSD AND LOT. OF GROIIND, Into the property orltudlail - Watcher, deceased, situ ated 011 west North street, in anid bmough, bounded and described as follows On the south by North street, on the west by -Amos Swolgert, on the North by private.alley, and on the eastby, _LquieGotwaO, cow— tabling about 41 feet In front on North st-hot, and . at the. depth of 30 feet from the front line, narrowing to 34 fret, and continuing that width, to the alley aforesaid, it being about 112 feet deep.' The improve ments consist or o TWO, STORY FRAME !LASTRRIPD HOUSE, frame shop, stable; and necessary ontlinll age. The lot contains fruit of different kinds, and has *math° nances to it A water right in the well on North street. This property elligibly located and will makea pleasant Inane for a small family. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, a. m , on said day when, attendosmo will he gii em and terms math known by C. P. 1117311t.C11, Adm'r. Z. T. A. of ltadisill Natcher, dee'd • loct le • A SSIGNEE'S SALE of REAL 314 ,1 A PERSO,ObPROhEitTY. ' 'Om Thursday, Oetobsr 21 1869 I will eel, at public melt, •n the premleen, altuate•l on the not theast corner of Lil, ty a: reel and Logne'e lane, Carlfier e, Pa. e the following Real Emote, viz: No:1,-A FIRST CLASS BRICKYARD; contains the nerve and nino porches, and having thee - eon% Brick Coal Kiln, with cepa° ty for 161,000 brick.; Biwa, Floors, &e. Thle Is the moat desirable yard t u Carlisle. MEI EIEM ..... 4 00 ...... 2'lo -- Niti:2, -- A 7- 1, - Or - OF GROUND; - Thirty•flve feet in front .n Liberty greet, and 11.5 rent in depth Eon 10 (not alloy, honing'thoreona TWO SPIRY r TONIC AND FRAME HOUSE, and. other •Impromnonte, _ . No. 8, A LOT OF GROUND,. _ Which WWI. No. Ton th 6 wept 2T feet In front and 125 feet In depth,'hailint thareon - 'a TWO STORY BRICK MUSE, and other improvomenta. N 0.21, BIX BUILDING LOTS, n the east of No. 2, ouch 23 foot In front and 121, foot u depth. No. 5, EIGHT BUILDING LOTS On the West of No. 3, ouch 24 foot It, front, and 125 fact In depth. No. 6,--A -BUILDING LOT, On corner of Liherty street and Logan'. lane:24 font in front and 120 feet lu depth to an alloy, whore it is 40 feet in width, having thereon a good mono 'table. Al.n, at the memo time nod place, the following per sonal properly. viz: Three carte, ono two horse wa gon, on e one horse we goo, ono.piing wagon., one four horse sleigh. nine whoolbarrows, one cut-up plough, one tampering machine, one Franklin's patent brick mead. o, throe netts cart gears, two eotts of breech- Mles, two sets of front gear., two set I of plough gnarl, collar+, bridi.o., homes, spreaders, Ilithchains, shovels, species, picks, crowbars, , eledgo. and other tools. About 0,040 feet of good WHITE PINE "BOARDS, and a varietyalf o,tber articles. Bale io COMM.. at 10 (Mock, a. in., when attend one° will be given and terms made known by JOHN .lACOBS, Assign. of A. B. 'Zeigler.. IME3 11010UBLIC3 SALE OF A VALUABLE FARM. _ , By virtue of the will of°' M. Kenyan, deed., I trill sell on the preralsee on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 43, 1809, hie firm eituated f miles from Carli•lo, on the 'Walnut Bottom road, in Dickinson township, Cumberland cot ntj. PA, tojoinings ' lauds of Emanuel Line Richard Woods and others, containing about of ACRES, in a high state of cultivation with a new ' TWO STORY. BRICK HOUSE, a double Log Darn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib., and other.nocessary outbuildings. A never foiling well Water le near the Immo. A wall of which the water overflow. ' part of the year le also convenient, afford. log a fnasupply of water. TWO EXCELLENT ORCHARDS conlaining a choice variety of fruit. This le o'iery desirable farm and, will be sold on ea. V tonne. Solo to commence at 1 o'clock, p. m., on when at tendance will be glean and terms mode k nown by JOHN S. MUNRO, Exocutor,.2e. Estnblisheil 1850, • L VIRENCE D. DIETZ & CO., YANCT 4991:19, 1889 MMU=MM .7VEjr ; mid 11113 IMPOF-EID3 AND DRALBSS NOTIONS, noel 'TIT, 808 West Baltimoro'st;eot, Bettbeen Iliward and Liberig,, loct ISO am 48 , 69 L ir S ' • HOWELL A.MOURKII, UmiuiAcialtemi or - . PAPER HANGINGS and . BIIIII.DB, SALES TOM., 'Joanna OF NOURTII AND MARKET STREETS, I.II[I:ADELPMIA, • Factory, corner Twentrthird and Samson etreets. . , NEW f , TYLES EVERY DAY OP OUR OWE MA E. loct OD 3m TH4 .CARLISLE ACADEMt. CIE • M EN 1011, LY scudUCILLEONOI.I,n VA ucAnis Youtial An English and Classical School for young man and boys will be opened•Srptombes 0, •la Dentes bul ding, on South Hanover Street. Miith_•• • Pupils instructed In Maths Natural Science, Penmanship, Ao. TIIO COUltßn OF BTUpT brdcsignoil to mcks thorough ringlith scholars and to' prepare for .021heyee Special attsntion be given to rraellial Aril/Midis, Reading, Bprllime. Pollnow/4p, Ao , th‘t students may be writ fognishi• ed for imamne life, and hay. a good foundation for a More extended course of study , •• • • TIIII GOVERN MINT. • will boedapted to young Ocrilencen and; those who cannot treeleil thus will not be alloeicdio rsualu with um. , • ' . 1401100 L YEAR , •.. • • Is divided Into two seaslons,. b.glnning reepeetlVely lijitiunher 0, and January 8. • • • , , TER6dS PY.R BEBBIO,N, , ' (Payable In Advinee.) . let Bunion, Common Engllnik, • 016 00 do Classics with Common'Ttngii h, .20 00 . 04 Buildup:Common English,. IS Oa do 'Cleutdro rith Common Ttagll,he BO 00 The ocholare of joie Actidemy, by the payment of iv 'obiall Nunn! anninlll4•Uorl have thence of the College ‘LibrOkii, containing 96,tu,0 volumes. • th.IYATIO•B —.July end Anent& 'mill from Christ. ' mne to the mahaa7 after New Year • .• •'. •".130AnDING- Aoplls from ' ebiond have lam Urlvilego, ofivoonling -in Nioldosim College lf :Ahoy rhowle to.ddlio, will find od boarding, either In College - Clubs or In..prlvite • OiMiliws, vesiging, irom Ct 10 to IS 00 per week. • Ada.., B. W. BTAIBIIIaT, A. Is,. rdnejpia. • • ° V. 1.141 . 411 . 11. Nita Peat orlon-tit aitotait4l44r . . l .. W. / 1 :.. * iteatlesita) !gallon ity palatal to At*lv my, runic 44 Ai' Ittot It. sack. that I shall 'pupil Dui otos pa to Ida aorta , • 601114,01 1 0 , 04 04111O' *mho IMMIIM==7tI - DRY- GOOD 1869 =NM Lea. sta. NEW G 00.143.11 . • " LADIES' CLOAKINCIB. • OPENING, j OW lIIIAVy EEAVEIIN, VELVETEENS. OPtNIIOI4OII s l ! • ' A-VI! , I!!:I 0 A 1 ?9 1 4F0 13. . OPENING OF -- NEW p. p eas. , OPENING 6IP • PLAIN AND. mt*BB,l3oops. • MOURNING & NICCORiI,MOURRING, GOODS I:IARPER; Cor. lia4ovor Aridtomfrot.sts GREAT DARGAINS IN • BLANKETS. • GREAT.BAIOAINS IN • . , OLOTIGLAND OASSIBIERES. GREAT BARGAINS:IN • 4 t IVIUSEI FURNISHING DRY GOOD?. . IMMENSE STOGIE OF TILE LEADI NG lIHAITDS'OF:TIGICESTICS. 11_ - - ARPtlt, Cor. Hanover and Pomfret ate. Von linen of WILITE 08088. " " ifostError. TABLE LINENS. GLOVES. NAPKINS.' conekra. nAtmonAT. , and • • - - MOP SKIBTS MERINO TEBT , B, 1111.1RTEfn DEAWEEIL For Ladlee; Mimeo% Mein's, and BOW , Wear. Good, Cheap Goods at the lovieSt Bible prices:, . • : • • THOS..,IL.ILA.RPF , H; pA r atEl DEALER,' ISe7O Cor: Hanover and Pomfret sts, GREAT .INHHCEMENTS, _ . Everybody invited to call and ore our 'Atwood beau tiful stock of PALL end WINTER GOODS. which Is op for iarpection. Remember we.closed out all our Hummer Goods at auction, sod we will now continuo to WI all our • TALL AND WINTER GOODS AT AuorlpN PRICES We ore determined to clote'ollt thtsastark regardless -- it) to POT* every purchaser We-guaran tIEM TWENT . Y I FIVE rice CENT n every dollar worth of goodn. Nov; take warning nd don't purchnin, meal yollfloo-onriloldo,.!nd pricoa • Pattarns.of PANCY MKS at Q 1 O. to 75 worth from $2 to $2 40 • FRENCH • M 1:111NOES: oil soul, REIT ENOLISII MERINOEB, ALL iV6OL CASIIIKERHS, BILE formis, LiLACK ALPACAS, ALL WOOL DOI:MLR eff/LIVLV ao ➢CAUTIFUL CLOTII COATS, A full line ' MOURNING GOODS • that will be interlaced in prl • 1E7E32 MEM cesslnfgnEs, , . .t much .Prices s. •-oetonleh you. THREE HUNDRED YARDS OP TUE BEST 1041 . MADE itAa.-,c,AltritTs' VERY EIIEAP wfmyro .tIU taking WOOL AND 'CARPET RAGS Do not neglect to call and io• much,money we can saie you. W. 0 SAWYER A:CO. In the Bentz House. • East Main Street, lOctOto IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT d'now and vary uttructlro stock ‘.l DRY GOODS; DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS, Just received •t L T. GREFIETJD', No. 4 East Main street. Having spout tho Loot week In tho Enotorn Markoto I am now prepared to otter to the trade a beautiful 'assortment of Drees °pods that will aurpros any dtt. play In Cnrllnlo this Roman. Ladles In search of goods will find this great advan. Ingo In visltlnic thy astablisl?inonii Tho '.7:'olltAlre's are not filled up with old dyke Dreee Tears ago at high press, but Instead will find all the titedt nodeltiis of thd 000 n livoly do Olgui. OLOTPM, .ICEid!" NO inii...!3llollliHPFll.o O,N HAND TO HARASS OUR CUSTORRRS, (MEMO callini Ottiottloo to o - VOttioi oL ottt 43100.1 t, . • T o r ld piil,ll,clarlottco IItAtIK'AND'FANOY FRENCH MERINOS IN ALL COORS, Nl.VatEte - ,PLAnk• A,LLWPR i t rorkiliPk. ETEISIEI :IL1017148T11 1 ".1 4, " 7 001 f9PuNO, iar , r , iro?L sisal PLAID, o f 31r Inlghtcet _ • ALL V(001. rune WOOL DOLLISIOLAIWIIIIO A • large omortniont of gow Angie, to take fly), plooo of . howle7Just Oinnedf, illoa of Sumas, square arid long, (of ovory atylo,) at CLOTHS, CABSIMEREA, AND . COSINETTS. In this branch we Cilki favorobly with imyrdorCltont, rondo to oilier by first class workmen. ,t • 44.. I 'in - tiniieually Vagoitock of 1 , 1(MONB, ' QUILTS, OIL CLOTIIS,•!BLINUS.‘ *colon GOO'de Zeivari aCergipiton ' , In tact evoryiblig fourd`,Ltiidrit Malibu 4.:Vids"llotteo,.\\Ed ba,itold at 'nay .awayt pL01,1741, GRONFIELI4"' 71• . . k , SPECIAL N 0 ' 10E. . • . loiTgipuribki'efthipria ,, ckiioo 4- win.mid Itnr.o ; ' of, that popalar,opofrotiowaryt4 J.. 11. Ithitom,.Dan. amine* to tho pahlie that I will bo able at rill times to futaioh the teat aelortment of;!: PREMIX OANDIEB, . . . • . S,lllllgoe.ti irpise„, 4 intaNcli-anvi; AMESI. 7 O4ff TOYS, • My stock-being.rnanolltetared_athoine , i_filli_ _be made. of,. tlis, A my' beet niatoriel ; and by, ea. pariencriferprknion. X will be able, , from my axiom. Offer * Weil liolneementi to thti'Traae. marii r odos sail be eminently Wad to rny Stock. •'Alf ' - • ' • • *FRESH CONFECTIONS • - should not fall to call. Xining perfected arrange• moots with the Eastern markete,4 will be eblo to supply; overy lover of good confections, %Eh tho „lay beet anality. :,4141411FA.6TIIRED for the trade at very low rates , Elmo call and ex' amine my stock and prices. ‘' • . ,-WILSON.BIIRICTIOLDEII, - Successor to J. Ii Enema, • , pt ~West ,loin Sheet. it 1111 - .+; Pena' a. . , . JACOD Scums—Dem Mr: 'I hatro, been titillated, for the lat4'teajesrtr iylthr the IthinMettlam and Oda: ti'otie Hafer' 'walt'reMiinrrien;tea to me. I ImOrti used It, and I am glad to ea.; It has effected a porfect'cure In n 'very ,short Gone. Therefore I re• commend It to ati peit'onoi afflicted ultli the llama Tapnatder It tha hest Cure In nsa for soy Mamma thihuman F.. Di YOUNG, PhtMdelphla. A ,L. SFONSLER, Heal Wats Agent,l3crivater, Conviyancer thew , , V3CO . And • Claim Agent/ Wilco Halo StreettNear Ceotr¢B oar°. . - j T AIX ABLE PR I V ATE REST ': DENCI4 FOR . SALE: Situate on . Bouth Hanover' street, Carlisle, now ovined , and occupied by Mri.' Washmood,' late the tiMpelly of Unload Law. This lot frents on Han over et" 00 feetv and extonds back' the wane width 210 feet to Venallev. The imnreVemenis are a large 'twtvitery'sll.ANl4 1100814, with 'Verandah,tb front, ' containing DoUble Peelers, tinll, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor end slx Chambers • and on the 2nd.story. One and water have been Introduce). There le a large• Stable and Can loge Itouse et the mot of the, let., The lot Is well studded With ninennental trees and shrubbery, besides fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the moat choice selection in aundance. Enquire of • A bu. BPONSI,EIt, Keel Estate Agent. 230ct-116 • ORE BANK FOR SALE—A rich 11(1,414 of -the test. quality Ilermotite Ore, fleldlmt LO per coot. col:twist. g about 18 ACRES, located .Sionroe•tovrtißhlp, about 2 miles trout the Iron Work! of,O, W. & D. V. Alit, on the south Bide of the Yellow .13reethes crook.; There is a stream of .water running through the traett•suflieltut• for washing the ere and furnishing , wsleri et le power be portion of thod-enk is undercore end 'will he sold alibied. thereto. The lodgings Is main cumbered. Peasons dnelrlous of viewing the Beak wry. tall upon George it.. Leidlch, et 001,' for merly known on nricker'a mill, Monroe. township, Canine. land flaunty, or upon .-, A. L. riPONBI.Kft, Seal Ketste snot, Carlisle. 80Jun• 11/ I ' 4 'o It T.A. A Private Beeldenen Atlanta as South Hanover St. Carliele. nearly pretty itarly'elbdelow: by /mere. Bentz. The it nlalns 1110 in front ronnlag'ttek 210iret, nod belni 70 leer la 14-ell drh at therein . . The bulldloge are nearly limn and In eaFellent order, coin opal og ocomfoodhion , Ttlift).STulty Bltlelt - FRONT BUILDING With a large Tero.Stoly Brick Back Building atflfeh ed cont•lnlng all the modern , improvements Ifinna dfi,g gam %dal- water.l•The location °COW l.d.rperty I, one of the Wrest ellgiu a in the town, and 11111 1, , dhposod.of en favorable tdrais. For forma and f thoitarticulars.enrolre of .. E 12122 IMEME! 80 coots IME MET! EEC rro THE HEIRS AND LEGAL • REPRESENTATIVES of Abraham' Miller, 1 to of tbo town hip of Silver Spring, cool ty of Climberland. &Conseil. Taku not Ice that by virtue of a writ of l'artitiiin aCicr albritiOalsaued tut of-tbe Orphans' Court of Cam horlend county. rind to nai directed, I will hold an Impost to divide part or value the real estate of said deceased, ou the prom ises, on Thursday; the seventh day or October a 0 o'clock, a. m , Sheriff's Otlioc, Cordele. JOS. C. THOMPSON, be II 59 it . . Sheriff. 3111.WLS, lIDANKETB, FLANNELS, A of fll. fowl ot DRY GOODS, DRY GOODS DRY GOODS; Mil Me 4 SILK AND WOOL POI.LINIS,, cotori: tor) low prlcto, • I, WIIITE GrD)3, US Na. 4, Esu3t Minn Street, • • MM.'S LANLO U. AfISCE A. L. BroNsun, Rest Estn, AKel. TOR SALE----That desirable Private Iteintence eltnetrd West Pomfret Street, Cakll le. The I^t contelne 30-feet In front and 240 feet in depth. The Iroprot entente conelet of a CCITO• 6lbdiooll . • • TWO ST,OI Y BRICE HOUSE, containing large nears. Hall, Dining Room, and Kitchen on the lower floor, and right cr•nvoniel.t Chew era on the second floor three over the inlet building, 'and five over the back bull sing, at Wash Mow, Rath Room. and Water Closet; magas yard and running kto the cellar. A the yard and water on the PCCOIId story• The entire property la in most excellent condition. and the location cm, nr the most desirable in the town. The lot well atu ded - with frnit freerfanduthery, and quite a nin her of grape vines of auperlor quality. F. r tar, apply to. A. L. P . PONSLER, Baal Eetato Agont 24sept k 0 CORN SHELLERS AND CIDER • MILLS.,• - • , Hick° Por , alde Cider WU, P. Gardner k C 0 ..., Portant° Cider 161111, Sear porn Sheller, (three • CnntrOn Corn SllollUrn, Nation:ll Fodder Cutter, (three elzes,) Cumberland Doubl.....ction Harrow - Together with other AGRICULTURAL lIIPLENIBNTS Forms's at thsCsrlislo Foundry And Machine works P. GARDNER & CO Sep. 3,3 m ItsiSOLITENI"S NQTICE. Notice lqtiereby elves, thet J. A. lilerilehae ap plied for the benefit •f the InFolvont Lew. of title COMM , uwenltli. awl that a heating of. the same will take place at the Court Nouse, at the ivijeurned ar gumeut Court, on the 2t' November, A 8., INGO - fly order of the Court, . . , 0. A. MARTIN, • Aug. IT.ICt Petitioner. rcAn:6-NOTICII.-Dr. Chas F Zitter's boohe bavlt4 boon loft in my band. for collection. all per/lone Indebted to . him aro re quested to MAO immediate pas moot to the under signed.. 3. I'. IL , Bll.olllEltoEll, J. P. 178,•pt 3t tS A!"A CI • K ST AUF FEE, WA L, GgE;S' and TE WELRY, No: 148 •NORT.II pEcos D. S'rltEET, 00er . of - gultr4, : - Philykelpl4e. 'An"ortoctincrie Of Werlithery: TOrrolry,y.h4Vor end Plated Woro couotantly on howl.; -" /IV-Repolfin6 of Watches nod Jewelry promptly attended to. .1; 8 . DRY GOODS L.ANDELL & FOURTH AND.ARCII STREETS ...rnlLAteatrin,' PA. • CASH RS IN 'l'llE ' lIETTER-GLASS OF DRY GOODS, Bl Good olnck Bilk F, dolodend Covers, Exponsivo Finn l'inno COWL !Inn Dress Goods, D Dutnnsk C , oths, 111lovr. Fittest aleck Fria Doylies .Good Min Dilks, Moira Autioto ' • Napkins. 'BLANKETS I .1314NKE'f13 • P --IVa liosp a stook of Oood floods, adapted Om dolly wants of families. ' ". ' . • 17 Sopt - GREAT DISTRIBUTION. By the A Gii?' ePraPany. olttnetia qf, Gash pifteto t EVERY TICIcAV DRAWS .Pe • ' 5 Cash Ohl. .each - „- • 10 Cfl , ll gifts; each 2.0 Cash gifts, each,. ' • 40 Minh gifts, each 200 Ranh g•ite, ench - ' • 300 Cash OR.. o.cch,•% , • 60 Elegnnt licatoweodEl!Tle, 76' vgant Roarviood ideloduons,V . -350 Sewing •Iduchl nee, . no to 175, 600 Gold' Wedelns. • . ." 76 to 300 Cosb.prines. Silnsr ylaro, etc ',all reload et g 1,000,000 Weimer , to drain aispsf the abo4prinetifdr 2.6 eta Tickets describing panes are sealed In onveloges and, "Well taxed, On rano p t of 25•conte a sealed gad Is. drawn Nyltboist - elioteo and soot by moil It any, nd, dress The Outputted upon It will be delivered to ticket bolder on payment of one' dollar' l'edet nro isnuudlatoly sent to any address by ospries or rotors). inn!' 11 • di Yin will.knivr ' , bat your pr._o 'y du ,Any print exchanged for another of saint vat Ns .7 NO- "banks. Our, spatulas can: depend on 'fair dealing. the following front toasty RIPZIMIOIIB —We auloBt *1 1 " 3;Paa lately dr,..wit aultial;lo 1117.4. V:, Unit ndly , permitted to.publiak ; them; D Dunk , [WU; Diaoniu alt•nroa.,Chicagu. Phu.), Eau. folitt6ll uli. ‘loorinLOlliliiille, GOO; Mae Nnitautt ~ worih,•ls,lllwaulte,u,PlatlO; 000; Boy. B. U. Day Naar, '4olDiaria-,lBoo.,,Wepdbilati 'do nausea without .per ; a • • = ;;• t • OplOttoVe hr4llo , Kirbe f ieo hrtaltublo demerve`tiiehr ;Mecca.; '—tireeleip Tribunal Oot - 8, , "kobaribitil4O fair'doullag /Drat Alliitirieral"Wdra" draw a;$800. prise:4,lml wee Vreimptly.tdcalvaii.".44 Dag y 1.7e4n, Cii.t..B; • 'Bead eirealpr: LtbarathAwiewmita to,Aipiuta; Botimfaaloii;Vitilintatil;-; Every; waokiso= of. 141.10 ”uvolopeit Foutalthi ouiatuali Ott. i'filx Dakota for:81, 0 4 . 'fifirial - 415 for VS; Ito for 81,;;. All luttara.should toldrosooll to 11A111$, & '1 • -11 M Broadway, N.Y. ihi ELIAIVEOus. • 'GREAT NATIONAL . TOUBE Fin $21,6,00, 'WII,LIAISISPORT, PA , er 19, 20, 21, and 22,-1809, FM - ON TUE OROUNDS OF THE lIERDId I'ARK.A§SOCIA:TION FIRST DAY, Tuesday Oct. 19, 1869. P unax,sl.,ooo No. I.—For ?form that:bora never. beatso a mid ides in harrivekor , iaann; 8650 to first horsB, $250 to second horse, 10.1 to third. Puusn $2,000 • No. 2.—For Horne that have never beaten 2:33 In erneee or'. wagon: .$l,lOO to Ilret horse. ,$(100 to coed, $3OO t 9 third. SECOrill DAY; Wednesday Oct. 20. Punez, $5OO No. 3.—Vor Tiorsee that havo novor beaten four min ute. in lArneno or wagon; $l5. to (fret, $125 to second, slo,r to third, $75 to fourth, and $5O to fifth horoo. PURSE," X 1,500. No. 4.—For Ilorecx thet hove never beaten 2:42 In corm: or wagon ; 2.900 to the first horn., $450 to the ,cond, slsd to the third. rums, $5,000. No. 5 —For all .fiorses that havo tower beaten 2:27. ba. ilesi or'lingon VAN to flint horst,. 81,250 to econd, $750 to third. and $5OO to fourth. TRIAD DAY,7hureday, Oct. 21,.'69 runsr, $6OO -running horses; $2OO to flist horse• $l5O to second, $l3O to tho' third, and $l2O to the fourth. batch weights. . Pu $l,OOO . . . , No i .7.—For Horses'that have serer beaten 2:50 In harness or wagon; $504 to first horse, $250 to second, $lOO to.thlrd, and $lOO to tho fourth. . Panels, $7,000. • , _ No. B.—totwoon Goldsmith braid and American Girl ; $5.000 to. first horse, $2,000 to second. • pouRTH-DAr, Friday, Oct 22, '69 PURSE, $5OO No. 9.—For Horses that have never beaten 3:30 In =meg or wagon; s3oo`to.first horso, $1 50 to second ; 50 to third. Punsn, $5OO No. 10 —For Pacers; tlOO to first horse, $lBO to second, $lOO to third. and $6O to fourth. . Purtsx, $2;0_00,-- , . - - No. n.—Por Horace that bare never boaton 2.30 In harness or wagon; *1 JO to tho first boric., $OOO to -tho ocaoutli W./Au thinly - CONDITIONS • All Horses - meet ho eligible at the time of the closing of entries. Entrance feo 10 per cent of purse, except running rapes, which will he 20 par cent end most mewls pony tho nomination in nil cases. ' Entrance money of Horses proven ineligible will be forfeited to the Aseociation Any Ilokse distancint the told shall °tarts° enti tled to the first premium. In all purees three or more entries required, and two to start. Beate in ends day 7. re a will ho trotted alternately All the oboes races are mile heats, beet three In fire. all-in-harness-eNcept running races. The Actg.,. Mien reserves" the right to postpone roes on new ant of inclement weather, or any aunt dent came. A horse not winning a lint in five, end is ruled out will not ho entitled to a premium. Horses will be cello at 2 o'clock, stul start et 2.151 Except No. 3, No. 6 and No. 9, which will ho culled at 9 o'clo..k, n us The race will be conducted strictly in accordance with tho rules - Of the Union Course. - AlLip has by moll to be addressed to G. W. Maynard. Secretary. Wil iamsport, Pa. Entries will cline at the Iler.sic house. Williams port, Pa., on. Too dky, Oct. 12, 1669, of 10 o'clock, Promittins llordloilougo on thl Alight 01 each ddya racq/. 0. KENT, Peraridrnt 0. W. MAYNARD, Se,c'y and Treas. 17 Sept 3t KW GROC,'KRY STORE, • •uiwariber 'beel•l .perehreed Maseeremith'i ro•r, co Pomfret eel Lea. rd Worts, awl erected Uic na ot. a Store. bar sow opened with • New Stock °roan selected Freels flower]. Hix stork will be found to be complete in - every partleulse; and seery thing col/ will be •arrantoct as rrprerented lla barron bawd and wow ready for delivery groceries of CI kinds, QIJIMNSTY Alta, - 17LASSIVARVI. WOODENWARD, • •WILLOWWARN, PERPUMIRT, BOAT A good antortmont or NOTIONS. A nodality nada on all Itlilds - ot 60t. Meats, such ■s Hain - s, Shoulders, Sides, Dried Bost Sic Dried, Canned and 01 all kinds. roaatastly on hand FI.OUR and FEEL/ of the hest pada., and I quantitlea to salt purchasers. ' 001.11 A sent to any pert of the town if desired Coll and price for yoursolf at No 45. last Pomfr JOHN BINDER. 3 - 3ept 1869•Iltnc, 4 FOR RENT—House No. 7; Wee itroot Posses. Wain Octol4or. Apply as .bov 24e0 24' LADIES' FANCY FURS I JOHN FAREIRA,, 718 Arch &root, Middle of the block, between Seventh and Illighth Streets, mouth side, • IMPQATF.R, MANUFACTURER, AND DEALIR ALL KINDB AND QUALITY OE • IA FANCY Furs, TOR LADIES AND cultnriiiivs wimt. Having enlarr ad, remodelled. and Improved my old nod favorably known FUR • POIIIUM and having imw.rted a very large and,splandtd - rusortniant of all the different kinds of Funs from first hands in Bump*, and have, had them mode up by the most skillful workmen - I would resketfidly Invite my Monde of Cumberland and adjacent countioN to call and er.• amino my very largo 'and beautiful easortment of Fancy Furs for Latihnt and Children. I ant determ load to all at no low prices. no any other respectable home In this city._All Furs warranted. No lilts. ropreerntions to effect sales. ' • 17134 t •- .• • ArALUA.BLE'FARM AT PRI VAT?. fiALli. /Monte on the Sootlialde of the Yellow Breeches creek in_ Monroe townehip,• about 34.ndie Beet of ALI'. gob Wori.s, Containing WS Acres, all cleared but about Acres which eau covered with gool .tita- Uri. The improvements Ire, 101111110MM:111 {wo-etory FRAME with cenvonleat out buildin a. large DANK BMW .with Wagon Shed' and Corn Cribs attached. A choice Apple Orchard-- in good bearing order, abu nd an c eth ache', Peare, Cherrlee .n..d Olape+ In and an excellent end never felling wall of Water at the door. The lend ie in a high eta. e of .ul‘Wittion. under good fence end lb. is. provernonts in good order. The locution is a desire lA. one, lolng near a church, mill end a hool hods.. If net gold at.prliate eal•' beforo.the 27th day of 'September noxt the farm will ,be offered at reline Solo on that day. Persona deelrons of vlewiiig premises May call upon flor, W. Leidich, at Leidlch.a Mill, in Monroe toarnehip,- Yer Wide ki' apply to A. L. /3PONSWIIIt, Real Fatal.* Agent. I[ . ',HY GOODS 13Ang eig r ESTON FARM AT Plllll3O tl/11.43 TUESDAY, - October 26, 1869, will undersigned! ' ev'tutort of David Orria, doo'd. will off.r at.publia oale,-ou tho prowhon, on thotkbov day. 11 * V11111111.0U LIMESTONE FARM, , - • situated •to Ether Sprint dewnehlp, Cumberland county. ra Hut railroad 'teflon, ono-half tulle south of Noel Elturerrn, four toffee 'wort Of Mocbart Jabot*, and rid miler net of Cartiole, bounded on , the trot by n public OAS lending from New Moreton to the Tritn* Spriog rood, and by lauds of , Daniel B-neemen, Mb:dotal Hoar, -John; D. Lettihr, Louis Bricker, Chrirtian Hartman, and otheri,Contalnlgg „ • ONE lIUNDREII ANti THIRTY SIX AMIN. . „ . moro or la t. Moo Acros of it •belni choice limber land; .Tlll/ orcoliont from ir In the, highest 'date of cultiration Iletel, clean. •nd h lie hop' r cbs, under good., fence abaut„one half, bri“a . made ,of Locust ; polite nod Cheettiut Yiltydlro An. or tuoro or Ira. Bo Moog tbo rolhoad between It and the rlllago of tW I • at ply tiros be sold out .luto,vn,lots . Improvements. which Pra on , O. r•-tualszlog SiAcre.. consist tif gocd , , 310.000 5,000 1,000 6‘,0 60 efmt. WO to $7OO " .75 to leo T • WO "-STOAY.' 'STONE .• HOUSE.' containing • 12 germs nod • kitchen, a largo DANK DARN nit], W A:on Shed and •Co ix crib atteched; Carrt,go Homo end Hog Yen. There le upon the place a lake ARD , of choice alrieties of Apples; also, Penny Plums end -I berries abbot thu' home, Thorn Is a nereafailing well of good water, at the door. Thlit propel ty is mated In- one of atm ',Wait • and 'Feet Mellor. , Of Cumberland' valley; Meg' ono.holf oil. With of the Turnpike, leading from Harrisburg to Carlisle; and having all the ad• vantages of Churches. Bchoole,EitoresOillicle ,And ie„in rob-pats one of. the Mast 7 ,l.lrable Farms In the con oty,olther are reelderice or as air Investment. Persona - whiling taaxemitie the property can do, on by coiling, upon Atr. Duckleboyer, residing on the prombo e. ' • • , •:. • ' ' • • ' Solo to commence 14 l teelooki,on sold day,, whin terms will lie rostle known. , Also, On tliefnllowing. day,' - ( October 27, at 11 o;'clock.. e. La..) vt.l be offered at nubile .ale, on the priulaes, a tract of !quantal* Land, situated In Rye toonatilp, Perry county, surfeit mike . ..north of Rear lingelon; coulataing 10. 'ACRES AND 2 7,VERreFIES, loitered pith thriving Cheettint. timbale hireadad-by, Toads sr John Walter, Jams. Ae dragon and ethical. • • ‘ .47011N OSIIP •ADAtill OAR/i. at•Outatir‘ MEI F , T JBLICI SALE -On--,Satiirday,LOtobtr--2, -1869.--- Os virtue of the lest .will pad teetinientalf Cblef 'Notice Cilbrati, I will eXprlsti to, pubile ago, on the 'above day, aribi ' Court Hattie. et 10 e'ork, In., 'ble late blenelon oh •Bi el gh street, in tive:Bor ough-0f Carlisle. It ennsisle ofe THREE STORS .13RTOKTITO:U'E- .... 'AO' feet in front, and .40 feet In ,dlipth„wilh - i Erick Back Bulidimr, two , stories - bigh, withal' necessary -outhouses. Tha_Lot ast ends back 210 fiat, to Liberty allay. At the same a and pineecti - Loton - Liberty - licyjitunediataly ormoilte tho "boss- deseribed let. and which has been used with-i lis - ii - litibarrgardenT cental Wog 00 feet trout on the alley, And 120 feet to depth. Terme made known en day of k1iA,,,1/..r in formation on the subject s pPlibi /widerlok" 'Watts, Ewl, ' •‘, - JOIIN BROWN PARKER, 24e6 isExecutor bt abler Justice Gibson. . . Q . LATELAND FARM AT -PUBLIC SALE. • THURSDAY Oct o ber 19- 1869. • Will be sold at public sale on the premises, Oat raluablo Alateland Term altua.ed In Middloisx town "hip, Cumberland county, on the banks of the Conc., doculnot croak, about one and a balfonlles south of Bterrett's Oap, and oneself mile from the road lend. log . from Middlesex to St rrrrr Vs Clap; containing ,_ 143 ACRES AND 143 PERCHFA, atrial measurer bounded by-landi of Jan', -Zeigler Abram J. Zeigler,' Jacob Zeigler, Jobs Wilma, sr. and the Conodosulaist creek. The improvements maid of a •-c--' , . ,• . . TWO STORY LOG HOUSE, (Weatherboerded,) it large bane Barn, with Waren Shed and Corn Crthe attached, flog Sly. and ot. , er. oatlbulldlogo, There le • never falling 'grins .1 water al`tho bourn, and • alfood well at the born. Tho lend le In • high "state of oultivatlon, hating been reoently under good-fine.. Blab, teen Arras of Timber Land on the premises. Bun ning, water In nearly all the fields. of different kinds of fruit in good bearing condition There it eumctent Benetton° on the farm Mr all pur poses The formic convenient to milli, sherehea school Ileum. and Medan:llth ahoy. Abut at the rams time and place will he cold a .I,llolo'4nd of Mountain Land, containing Nine undone hill Acres, situatod in Carroll township, Perry aunty, about two miles northwest of :Sterrett'm Gap, bounded by lands of Goo. Weary, deed Abram L. Bowman. A ethers mi. tract is tt ell covered O Chet, 'Oak, and other timbers, and in veer lay .swav tnut ybonr an. venient to the road: leading front garret's Cap-to- Landisburg. i Sale Sr commence et 11 o'cloek, a. at., on said day, when attendance will ice Oran - and terms mad, known by. 11111.101101.11 IL ,ZMIOLBIL N. 11. Any pitmen di:siring to ses either of paid. properties will cation the nateerlber miffing on the &rm. i '24a to puritio BALE. Will be 'lsola - et Bale, at the. Market Ifouse the borough of • On Saturday October 2od, 1869. .8 Inside Butcher Stalls; 16 Butter Stalls, 15 Hollow Square Stang, ' .22 Angle Stella, --29-Curb Stalls._ All Stalls sold }kW a term of one year frova October ■t, 1869. Tho purchaser to conform to all the rules end regulations which are or may be weds by the Town Council of thi, borounh,of Coale* concerning the Market Moue. and Markels of said Boroegk. TERMS CASt - e.- _ =-- ()1T131.1C! SALE OT' A. VALUA -11 dnisr MILL. TAVERN, MUSA, AND OTHER REAL R&M% I will sell at public sale on the premises, situated in Milit•urn, Lower Allen township, two mines west of Harrisburg and onwhalf mile south' of White Hall station on the Cumberland Yoller Railroad, the undleided half of the following described, Real EatateiLLlArge,_ : FOUR , STORY STONE - htITA7, - In god repair, 50 by 00 feet; wills lvo run of burrs, _mumble_ of,snaking 1110 - . betels of dour per day. The mill Is on Cedar spring, with a never failing water,gerver,,and is run by twe.overshot wheels .113WTeet ,high. There is • loWitililirof — llog - Penz connected with the mill. Alsa, within • sh rt,distance of the milli large four story frame building formerly used as • distill• ery'and now, as dwelling houses. Also a largo two Mori_ Pickled FRUITS PIIILADELPIIIA - • . 101 IN YAREIRI, TIS Arcla 11treet, Pl,' WOOL': Efo .s.iftE FIIIE YOUNG ORCHARD far Bala to conmmCs intmodlatoly after .I(arkst. By order of the Tows Council JOS. W. OGILBY, Borough Tresattror. Sep 11. ti On IVednesday, October '2O, .1869 STONE TAVERN STAND;.. 4. by 00 fest. in beet of order, with spring horde. attached, and Dui cher .Shop with vat r power sum clout to cut '2OO pound. of meat per hour and all other arrangement , . of Ilret.clase elaughter bumf. Thar. In also attached to thr tavern stand, a stone DANK DARN, 40 by' 0 feat, In - good repair with ample .ta bling._ Also, a ono and a half story Promo Store and Dwelling House, .00 by 41' fact, with war* room adjoining. Also, a large double BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, two stories high with two story back building, weah house, carriage house. stabling, •nd all nece.sary out building.. Fine well of Water and ei.t.rn.' Also, 'Prattle two story DWELLING HOUSE lb by 30 feet, with large waguu maker shop attached. Also a two entry Log Dwelling House with shoe maker shop attached. Aleo two two 'toy Frame Dwelling Houses 25 by 30 est. A large VA story Frame Carpenter Shop and a largo Frame Cooper Shop. • There are about 16 Acres of choice Land connect od with the above promises, with a flee Orchard of choice trulh of all kind. The location of Chic property fir businees is one of tb• best in 1 ennsylvanie. If not sold the mill will be rented until April first; 1870. • JOHN. BBETBM. Persons ,desiring Information will tall upon n r address ,John Boetrm or Chrietian Bberiy residing •n tho premiere. Poet office address, flberly's Cumberland county, Pa. Mold to VANDERSLOOT, Auctioneer. ORTIAANS' COURT SALE. On Saturday, October 2d, 1869,. 11y Arius, of no oral* el the Orphans' Court Combo,lan* founts, the underslgned /Mato'. trat”re of she retake of Woo. 11.1tullin, Seed., will /comic to enhlle elle on tp• premises, at 10 o'eloolt, s. m., the fbllorrlns perronal. proposes, to ent: FIX . HEAD OF -HORSES, three of vlalrh ore soot riding and *riving horde. two ..11iacheltoalisa" Colts, one Tear old, 4 Mlle*. Coos of "Peres? blood, •111erre• 8011, •ery Sue, 1 White Helfer, 1 VIP• 111, Calf, three menthe old, II - Lew noir, onecit•it Bowe sad Piga, I Woad wheel's, Mara, 1 inrohore• Spring Wagon, 1 one. 'horse Sprlue Wattsn, 1 Cdr, . TWO 11.70011kes OMB 01.11111 /SIB, TWO 111,11101111, Hay Wean, May ilca teat., Clotting Doi Plough' Mani oc' Macon On. Slavin and Dyna mea n n Ha *addict and 1101.1.6 51.1,1 Nllti ge. ln• , lIICKOCK CIDER. - PRESS, and Mat arlteler, also, Ofies,"*orattare, nonaletlog of 1 IlreProof Safe Dark, hr., . Terms of sale wade know• on •f sale. CHI*. muGurir, • A. 11U1.1.111, Adana. of 11..5. - 11•11La, lco., decld. Mt. !lolly Wogs, 27/us St , „ .. • NjALLIAJILII TOWN - PHOP DIM AT 'PLIDLIO V BALD --. ' 1 SATURDAY' ()cipher 91hor . • 1869 Will be sold ett Public Bale, at the Court Hemet Id the Borough of Carlisle, that valuable property situate on th.uth II snorer street, opposite - the, hotel of John' liarly,;eooaletlng of a lot of Ground eixiy foot In width on South Hanover aired; and extending 20e feet in depth to a public alley The hoproyemenlis ecotel4 of I' Large ' TWO-STOTtY, 'BMOC, 110USItlf. ~. • . containing wen roone. with' Eitchan allashod A larpc Vramo Stable. Carriag• lio..ic and Hag Bty, to gather with °U m' ncceceitry outcbutidinp at the t oot of ffirriot— A-Ifil4-Of.COOMIIIIiMitgr- , _.__ , Tgleti of choice) lett on the premiere ' • • Fele. to commence at 40 o'clock. on said day, when littondsnc• will ho given and terms made known by 100eyt. is '' kIACIDALIIIII LIIIIIWAN . . . UAW:IAMB 1161:112•IN MIAMI AT ritIYATX V SALIS sitttte on the Boo b' of the flaunt. Mountain, In South Middleton .townshlp, 4.1113 miles ,South , of Mount Molly Paper Milt, on the Oxford road. % of a mile oil the DeltimOre pile, oontalning 15 / A.orths; about on•Milif the' other well timbered With White end Yellow Pine, Oak.and Cheetnut,theeleared laud has all;,been .limett, about half It twice 'The "iloprovements are • . TWO.STORY N'ItAME.•HOUSR,,' will, never falling Bprimi in the roller manning tub the Darn Yard for the ippok. .A. DANK BARN 45 by 55 feet Thq bulldlngrai•ntw • • FINI YOUNG ORCIIARD, with a groat many Iteoob true now s7,ltr4, Opolrl,l. proch.• This property is well Nuked t 4,-4.V, t two porta If desired, withplrnty of 11. fir. .r.. -t house, barn and•fenclad Pis tract of al-4 I, and lays obout ) 4 ' of • mile from tits lbo Oitt;V , ? .. ,t i t Mountain, and abltat - I% mile from •"' t. • Warehouse 011010 South Mountain t * , lime con be had ot almost any tlntoA "ti , fru 1 tbo bUildloo4l there This will bo sold " 4 41g.,, ,, 'r , 1t if dopired, or low, on easy terms r FA, ••, Any vomit wishing to slew these,. , ,t ao so by rulliug t n Daniel oa-wlnt Jolt, 11 'on the subscriber nese Ilrerhhlllie mill , _ lOSept 4t•' GISOR.LI VA LIT A 11.1.. E IRE AL. TL AT PItIVATU 8 • • , , • , 'the sub/L.-rib* , residing lu • 'Feet Pena • ore • towp• ship. thts county. offers at prtysts 5.16 the sonowl9g 'Valuable Peal - . A I.IIIEBTOO.W VAltt4 tontelplits Ott •Acrst ti{ Perchee, strict Pleasure, elthate as Obstinbetetiorte Panetta 0 settee Weal of tlarllsisi: autumns Ann.-, yell Booth of the Cresson warehoues, on the Comb. Valley'Rall Read. 'lapis Otiehn Paul; Henry Paul and *lbw. • • , I hit Itnpmseinenis Sr.a:lo4o Innlisrr wr.TIATTIIIII nOtOOR, alert*, bp.,01.1 fest, OreS.,t; Crib; Wtron ahet4 Dinh's" pleuil, sad ill nenspitry outbulltllews. There . .la , on It ai .Applothchar4 wattalalast; ISO tree, L ot obollew Epithet Ilrult, and on sierdlsothusil of Trtl}i. dror,, , The pte. wee all Is spell Powle." .41011 Aorta .of laud Sr. atterall toteellsont titnter, glee:* le olio ,soniOirloble Do.k.q.Co. 'Attila 1. among the p 9.0 pomductlte put dee: Areas Drma ttc C.mb.MSOY .ToultioN tclithys cUlß •Tormattyipoki limed 10i o'er., Any pesos ; *Jibing to y dos) b, seitlog OA Jusoph r lY.llar p raal m r!issOil, Or to te subeuther's , 11(aLvps. OW. I. DAVIDSON. - .. .FOR IGH LYM EP :qII..A.VE L . PAIN PRIVATII BAWL." I' • ' pitoste. JI/esnkford twp., Comb. Co., 4 miles. 'tartit - or Nowelliel - t - VoniTor isouth and 1 ,4 mile from Pillar's bridge, adjoining lands ot Hama' Ernst, Loran 11, Orris and others, ronialn lag 1.46 - ACRES, • (more lees,l IWleared-bnateent-211 , .kerra:-whle.h.iire—ecti with' good Timber. *leo,' about 26'Aeres of-,gproJ Meadow. Tke liWprevemeote are a Large - 'lO7O-ST9RY FRAME HOtrag, (I?V) wlt.trifasbnousei-gmeks llousenndethet-siectssary A• L AltoE, 11KN.K. nearly new, with new. Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Car rlage, Mouse, Ilog !en. acid all.neEicearroiebbup legs, also, a well of good. Water at the, deer odd' an abundance of the choldest and beet Thare la oho it 'large Area., of water. running through the bertu having thereon erected a Bret. clone . —• . : A.W .M L . 14 . - • - . . '.. This la a good e ta, i . e of eultleatl on. the hulldloge new, fences In good ordec,,and.well timed recently. ••14 no of the roost ,phodlictleicand 'hest @huh farms fa /he county, sod Is wititabtant to deloola, mills, &a. Persons delaying to 'view the oboes property. can do no by sailing en tlie eubsarlber residing on the Ana.' . . • ' h - - A.ooslflaY, Br. P • • ÜBLIU • SALE-OF-VALUABLE REAL EBTATI. • SATURDAY, October 9th; 1869. The subscribers, the widow - 'arid held(' of *John - Dunbar., will sell' at public sale, on the prem. lees, the following described reel estate to wit: A magnificent Lot of Ground 'Arleta in the village •of °reason, 'about 200 toot square, having thereon erected a most excellent and comm odious: Two story BRICk: DWELLING HOUSE, Waohneusa, Wood Wiese, Doke House; Ice House Stable. Cerrlage House and Corn Crib This Is per haps the vary tineet country property In the valley, `the lot being divided into a beautiful, yard and. a Magnificent garden productive strawberry and potato patches, ands splendid • " PEACH AND APPLE ORCHARD. The yard is filled with beautiful ornamental trees. There are also on the property a good well of water and thrrle good detente, 2nd' A Tract of about • • • 211611 • TMEIN - • `ACRES - • • orleind-oatiburth dill, mile south of Oroarom'adjoin ing lando of David Wolf, Dobert Greaten, Samuel ()reason. and George, Lino, Jr.., two ,acres of which are covered,with' excellent Timboti, acid the bolonco in a high state of cultivation. , . Bale to conimoneo at 1 o'clock, on avid day, when terms will be made known by AGNES W. DUNBAR, • JAMS A. DUNBAR; • MARY E. DUNBAR. • 108ept te ALUABLE . LIMESTONE NAM AT PRIVATF, BALK The aatiscriber having eoneluded to , chine hie residance,offers at private sale that valuable farm oa whleh he now resides, situate in Monroe town. ably; Cumberland county, 9 miles East of Church. tow ncabout mites douth of Mockaniesburg and rollealleutivemf of Carlisle; at the junction of the roads reunecting the York road ,with the Lisburn road, and oa the road leading froth Now .Kingston to Dillsburg near'llivler's Mills, and bonoded by lands'ef Christian lisotaler, Nr., Michael Landis and - others, - sentaining 100- 'ACRES more or loss, of &st rata Linceseone•Land, The improvements are a TWO , STORi. STONE HOUSE, contsitilag 0 rooms with pad back huildia• and hakes:lent. brick Wash Hours, slVood and Simko Unties. There ix • neverAtilirlg spring of pure •►ter under the house, also .a good cistern at the door, with an osteallent Spring:llmm, a good ' two story brisk TA/ lIMINT HOUSE, containing 6 rotes. A LARGE BAN.N.,BARN, .• - - - - - Wagon Elea, Corn Crib., Carriage liouse, Flog Pena and all Other sikessair outboildingrw The lan he• been recently Ihned,l. very clean. and free front recite And .each,-Is under good fence„ principally, ) , principally ) , post'and rail, and le In a very high ,stete of cultlca, glen. There le upon the place an EXCELLENT ORCHAR D, . of libelee, arletirwof -Apples, Peach.. and. Cherrios.. There I. ale. a choice variety of Irtilt atiout tbi [Moog ronalsting of dwarf nod standard Petra, Cherries, Grapes, ac.,, with an assortment of Una- hvergreen and Orriam.ntal iiblsde Tries. Tile property .1. lernted In one of the richest and brnt section. of Cumberland comity, having all the advantage. of Church., School., Store., Mlle, he, and I. In all - renyeets one of lb. 100.5 distriblg hioneetuads in Cumberland county. If netwold-bsfors the.2,th-of-September-thiapro. arty will be offered at public &lie on thiat Person. whining to *Yarning the femora do so by nailing upon the subscriber nodding on the premi se.. EXNJAMIN 12=12 VA UABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. - Os', Saturday,' October 9th, 1869. Ey *Wm, of an order of tke Orplane Court o Climberland countyi will expose - to public sale on the prernisos the above day,- the•following do 'am-Mod-real eitate situate In Lower Allen township, Cumberland connty, on the'road leading from New Cumberland to Lisburn, about 1. mile Soutk of Shiremanstown. Co wit:-A MIME*? Slate - Land con— tattling . 35 ACRES AND 107 PERCHES, ' booth, BMe more or' less, about ono acre of which Is in Timber and-the residue divided Into six Belk, all of which le in a good state of cultivation, and a portion thereof recently limed, - - - - • The Improvemento consist of a - Two.story • FRAME AND WEA.THERBOARDED HOUSE; log Barn, Wash Nouse and tther outbuildings. Them Icon ORCII•li II of choice fruit, a well of good Water and Cistern near the door, and a per. lion el the fencing In new. The bull/Inge are situ• ated on elevated ground affording an en tonrive clew of the surrounding country, and le a imaithy and dnlrabla house. Any person desiring to *gamine the prrperty can call on John B. Eberly residing on 'the premise., rho will give all necessary information. Title rkleputable and pomesslon given oo,let April 'l7O. Sale -to commence at IS o'elock, on said day. whoa -me will be model ' SAMUEL EBERLY, - Guardian of Emma 0. Smith. 2TAng ts .• VALTI/CBLE LlOTEh.Property PRIVATII 11XCIIANO 10It A FARM The subscriber offer. at private eale the well knows hotel stand In Newell., Pa, known al the LOGAN If OITSB:' The let (upon which the natal stands) eontainelll by 1811 Pot, and la addition thereto will be sold an eellent 0 ARDEN re Seining 61 by 180 feet. Tb. Souse in large and substantially built est.' containing 8 apartment.. cod Bar-room, Parlor,Ritehen and all modern cont.. knee.. A good Well of Water at the door, RXOBLLENT STABLING for ferry horn.. Ice Bon., Wood Bowe, Smoke lieu. and all necessary out-buildings. The Logan Mune in widely and favorably knew," and Is largely patronised. It hae been quite Iseently renown!id and repaired throughout. - ,Terms to suit the purchaser . • Par further partleulars, apply to thaembeerlber,te is his ebeeuee to Peter A. Ahl, at Newvlllo, Pe.. Joe. A. WOODBUIiff 1/11233 , . . . VALUABLE • REAL - ESTATE AT-PRIYATiI BALU. . r The mut...alba silahlog to relingdinish forming,. off , r. at prig.e gale two. 'Valuable LIMESTONE IfAlthtel, situated in Monroe townehip betwan,lhe York read and the road landitig - telloillee Spring., a short mile from Chnechtowu and 1 1 /, miles ,from' Dolling Ewing.. No 1 Contain,. about TA ACRES. more or or lees, of excellent Limeetone laud In a high 'Matte of, cut.. Station. The' improvements are - gocd-lwo.itory Farm Iloute with Watth'iloule and other outbuild ings. Also, an excellent new Tenant Ilona' sad a large Bank tarn ; with wagon sheds, corn'eribs and other noaaary outbuildings. •• • W. farm:haa two splendid opting' of running water from which eery field, might sally be sup plied, These springs teed two eplendld trout potto, Th,e Ia also a sand •Ore,hard of tholes Fruit, minis; as Apples, lons, reaches. Cherries, to, • No. 9 -Contains about 70 ACHES 'of etallent Idmeetorte Land in flat.ratte order. The improve ments area double twoatop WRATH MR BOA tIDND MOM, with kitchen, bate house, der' A frame tarn recently repaired, with wagon abed, corn albs and other outhuldinge attached , ' •'" An excellent Apple °relined with a large quantity of Chordal and other choice emits around the build ing.. Obod,wall of water and'a large cistern , at the Mona., ' • - • If dateable a tract of woodland 'ter each place le -offered. • Porgong wisbleg to view obese properties este 'do .o,ity calling on ih• tubecilber residing on the road lading . hem Churchtown to Boiling Springe about • one mile East of the latter place, or' upon Wm. U. Luta living close by. , JOUN LUTZ. tf • - . . • - ptlßLio- SALE. On Tuesday, October 6tb, 186 b. Dy virtue of an order , of. the Orphan.' Court of Cumberland county, the subecrlhrr, egenteutd guar dian for the %belle of Benjemin Eberly, dec'd , will Pell on the premiere, In liampalin twp., Crunberland county, Pa , 4 ulnae North of Machenicsburg, and 1 toile North of Brymon's Bridge, the following volusiblo• Prial - Pletete ' • • *rift at land tonteining • • t k • • , • • .210• ACILItS, more or leer, • in a high elate of cultivitlon, and tender good t fencing,, earetly Cee.tnut rails and Locueposta. The im-, provomenta are a good • . • TWO-STORY ' BRICK", '11.0U5E,,.. Waeh limn., a isrsmßlCK BANK nAltri. Corn Cribb, Wagon Ello.d, Caniege Mum, and all other net 44444 y outbuildings. Thom hi a well of lover. failing water near the door, with running color !li nearly all the fields. The.o is also an OitChAltD ef choice fruit on the' premiseo, with. Jo. conslderabt• number of thriviug.Locutt_Trom on the farm. . Tile Wong of -Oho beat improved and, most desirii . tile arms Cumlierian& county, and purchesere will do well to giro it ' their , ottehtion: It will be sold entire or in pars to suit purchasers. desiring to rea. the ploperty previous to , the sale will pleme - call - on John Shaffer, residing oa shampoo or en the undersigned, residing at Sporting _ Sale to eommenca •at 1 o'alock P. M. when terms will be toads !mown by • -." -• SAMUEL PIDIIIILTi • '; • •, • Agent and Guardian • tlon the Lehi oflienjamin ALIJABLik.I.VOWN: • Tr 'AT !PIVOT' PALM." •Tb. antwintbar *Para at Private Pali,' ths' PIPUON, an4I4IT,OP I, NOUN 0, now I:mulled, by him, sod: *lee the adjalalair , taiiintOol.. The holm la „Iff ' 80 latt, lito-ai144611" eternal 1110, aontailet•tlae porn.' Imitillea the 411,a1m0, and is la Will- 01a sodaslamtercaltuta ;iiMierileaaet, IVO Leitrobe tito.7o/• • *beer liob and Wolf Vali**, Daft Ttbe, fats Clowitinitowaiiiinerattilltiods, aftlo*. lb h.ft the t lolat,Wllo_i llitYr *. arikat,. tot reChi*olF ' %111100 1 , tt.Lltiett,Mllay MO ../ au. . dagm PAOhottt Ib, twa ma' 00 . 111M:aMaa atijus&„ mad OPOil eiMi• *,a 1001 . 611 11 .d *it male. Iltiratotieraz, piultan4 Oawman W TM*. " • !The'popitlitlii bwo mid tairkttiet. or aeoavateli nebniwissewisaliduilm lama /rid LDSUYL Tow 111 fr YOU WANT .TO 5.g.,E THM • • . k ot. iek4i PAIIT,Qji ST()Vi elm offered to tho'poloilo, glop Into. : . ' . " ,r); L. Y Pi• iltdva Eltore. - Vast 'Lot.tfier r litialaq' In the roar.-or IlalherErn Efordand nOO the " GREAT AMERICAN' BASE /3 1 patual..liurnor liaglat..r, as well aen perieci. Von Water of t... and la warrnoitif cubtudaeo less coal,than a.. other F•tovi, of the. ,sarao sloe,. ever offered to the , p4eLt quiring but ono ordinary . teuttle -inti - uneec in - tvrmit.V.olgilt - juairs, -- heing - perloctly -- simple In.nll It. ',caking , 4 having a simple pilde• to t,, , tiltele-lhe-Ore.thr-keepipg-at-nightrono-k.l.l4llug_. ol Oro being all that is roquired . duringtba witit9r. duet. no gas, no sing or cinder, • . . • PtItIiECTION PP OPEItATIONI The latter quality is pi oducecl by many improVomonts Its Important characterietle4 aro (hog John Paul, Amos Miller., 'Dr. 8.11. Blotter Isaac Porter David Miller, 0. Delaney, D. Barer, . . 0 Ralston, D. Meer ' , Cql. Williameno Mrs. Itingwalt, Prof. ntaymon, A. Senseman, • Dr. Irvin, . Johnson. Moore, J. T. Wl:luny, D. - „Waters. , , o..lnhoff, A. Cosver, - J. Thompson, ..1. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, Mrs. ,Gordon, .. I. Gorgatfc . • Williamson lime. B. Stonffer, 11. Sheaffer, . Turner, J. Stouffer, ' W. McLaughlin Dower, A. Leldigb. - P. Thuruma, lien. Faranianglil F. Bigantrlts, Mrs. Wonderlic — h, Abner ..Miller, J. P. Hassler, Mojor Male, And others.. . . . . Get the beet COOK STOVE in the Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light - „ 'ln_addltion to Cho 'a no Stove FRIDLEY keeps rorhand aDM aupply. I the best Cook, Parlor and Office:Stove, • .. Tin and Shr, 4 —l - ron work of all kinds on - hand; nod Spouting', Bootleg and Jobbing 'of all kinds dont, Si abort notice; nod of tha best material, Fruit tans, and Jars of the most approvud patents, and In conclusion the best Portablo and Brick Set FURNACE. . ' FURNACE. over otTored to the public. -For referencea • call on • InTlTrorge Noldigh, I Henry., Saxton, F. C. Fleming,..,: Mrs. Gordon, , Prof Hinman,. F .-13ard oar, F. Watts, 3. D. I eldigh,- - A. L 'diameter, - • I J. Bolder, And others. / • Omar tiu Iy Forwarding & 'CommisSion Merchants plenderson's_old stand At tho head of .MAIN sTitnEf, Carlisle, Pa. The highest market price y be - rpald for flour, Grain arid produce of all kialfs. ----- - - Coal of-all .klnda,-ambraclud---.—_ ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN, - . LAWBERRT,"pi., !Amphora ors' and Blacksmiths' Co - al constantly of sale. Kept undor cover, and delivored - dri to any part of the town. Also, all kinds pf Lumber on hand, I=E ,S,TT, it NE R' SALE tf • _ LIVERY AND STABLE Between Hanover and Bedford Streets, in roar of the Corman House. • Haring fitted up the Stable with Now Carriages &e., I am prepared to furnish first-ela s turn-outs at reasonable rains. Parties taken to and front the Spring. , nneylS ly. • TOVR S TIN, SHEET' IRON WARE, AND PUMPS. The underelgood, having returned from tho Else torn Cltloa - with a largo assortment of STOVES AND WAItES, nen ally kept In a first class establishment, are pro "pared to furnish the citizens of Carlisle and sur rounding country, with the boat Cook Stoves tn.thii market, consisting of the BARLEYI3IIEAF, r A 45AS BURNER, aad ethers, width they wtl gumantoo to bake and roast beer and with less fuel, than any other stores to the market their stock of PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES are not surpassed this side of tho cities for beauty, durability and cheapness. and 11EAT.E113 on hand, wairanted to giro general satisfaction, with the recommenditione of numbers of persons who have tn. ra In use. Their stock of Tin rind Sheet Iron, Ware is lerge, and suited to the wants of all housekeep6rs, or those contemplating the same, nt rates which defy competition. They have added to their business Ularge and well selected assortment - of WELL AND CISTERN PUMPS, which they are prepnred to put up at the shortest notlce.f.. lifiSole.lLANA'o US PERFECTION OP OPERATION I NEATNESS IN DESIGN ^ NEATNESS IN DESIGN, COMPACTNESS IN SIZE I CO3IPACTNESS IN SIZI7I REFEI;ENCES. Market, ,*, J:BEETEM & BROTHERS, J. ,6EETEII 13.1t08, CARLISLE STATIONARY 'AN") PORTABLE RANGES,' Spouting and . Roofing dose at the shOrtest notice. Jobbing out repalrl dune with neatudss and despatch. • • • IVATER COOLERS, of all qualities constantly ou hand. Al quested to call and examine their stock atl aro ro.• NO. 68, NORTH HANOVER ST., UARLISLE, • hers they will be eased to toady° all show helr stook, and render pl all sitlstactlon deshtd. , RUPP, N 6.68, North Hanover Street, Cailteld,- itt 11,'69, . GAS ,FIXTURES • AND EILO S. NE: L A M.P 5, •A. groat variety of Now Styles. • MERIDIAN BUTiNIR. Sweet and Duet In the Media It gives the largest Ilhgt al anyalurner made CCiTILTEIt, JONDS &. Manufaeturets and Wholesale •..• - Dealers. • 701 AT.OIIPTIILADELPIIVi. I•June Mt, ' • • • .24rs. M. A. BINDER Las just arrived from Darla and London with the latost designs, personally no -looted from the greatest:Dr:vet:les; also, tho nlosbel. gout trimmings to be secdrol In ParlS. .• ' LACES, RIBBONS, - VELVETS, • lIRIDAL VEILS • FLOWERS, NINE JE:YELRY, and TRIMMED P 4 PEI PATTERNS, DRESS and CLOAK MAKING: • Exclusive' ogont for Mrs 31: D'orh's celebrated eye tam for cutting ladies' drosses, Barque's, basgues, 00, Northwest cornunKleventh 0011 Chestnut Streots Philndolphia; ' • 17 Sept ,Om • , - ItIMBERLA 'D •VALiiiiit. R. R: • CHANGE:OP 010121(1. ---- r On and aftor Thursday; Soptediber - 0110695, sensor Trains wilt run dolly, nu follows, (Sundays: ascot:tal):' WESTWARD / _ • ' ACCOMMODATION 'TRAIN leaves • Ifarriebnrk . 8:00 A, W , Mechanicsburg 8:35, Carlisle 0 al, Nowyillo 0:40; Shippentibilrg 10:20, Chainhersburg 10:44, Croon castle IEIO, arriving - at Hagerstown 11:45, A. X. - MAIL TRAIN' Raves Ilarrishurg - 1:35, C. X ehaniesburg 2:91: Carllo2:4o, Newvillo 3:15, iThip peusburg 3:45, Chanthersburg 4:99, Omen:mble 4:50, . • srrivinv at Ilagoit4own 6:25, 1: at? EXPRESS: TRAIN, lea Yes , Harrisburg 4:25, Machanlisburg 4:57, Carlisle 5:a7, Noweille 6:00, ,peulfburg 0:27; arriving ' at Chatithersburg 0:55, sr. , A MIXED TRAIN lesvys Chombersburg 7:45, Orseneastle 9:15, striving at Thiget - hlown 10:05, • st. . • ;:iy. E'ASTWARE,rj " • ACCOM6IODIITION; TRAIN, ies,Yes Chonibershurg 5:50 A X, Shippensbnre 6;19; New - 44110 15;50, Carlisle 0:23, Muclianicsburg - 0;52, mph-Mg at...fiurrisburg MAIL TRAIN leaves Dego:stow:l 5:30 km, Oreen- castle 9:05, ChamberalMig 0:411; , 13111pponsb rg 10:15, - Neerville 10:17, 11:25, - Meeheiliesburg 1E65 ' arriving et lisrrishurg 12A2, P a. : EXPRESS TRAIN leaves ,Ilagaistown 12:00 06, • Oreemeastle.l2:2B,..Chaniboraloirg 1:05, Shipponsiairg I:34Netyville 2:10, Corlisle 2;50, Meekaniesburg 10 18 . '1 , arriving at• fan isburg 1:50; P 11: . ' T.' • • • • • „ 1, • • A: MIXED TRAIN letti;m: - 11/igeistown,ll;os.7 o .se,: ,Oisencostiol:l2, arriving 01 Chatuborslinrg'6: os i - P .paps Making close connections at IfarrisbOrg Leith'._.,_ . trains to and , Row IthiladQlpnlnycir Yorl4Plitshurg , lla!ttniono and ly . in!hingtan. . , w • • .' ind ptilca t Chamb'q, Sapt.,, l 4 -• I iirs t4 ; tke4uridla.o.,4l,otoltik;lt,6l6,ll.:l;in. alsi:.lBo4rtkpritncraobravyLin, 0 iliiiiory*rlue...ibe,.ttot PS-1 1 „ , , utloo rogulates. , lllo Dinvole,l l .44 ohlu, 411.0 iqP.tor ~ . . . 24, 0 7t, .. i 110 1 : i/QQ** - ' - , ME II II NOBLE COpll,