Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 01, 1869, Image 1

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    M. *BAIELBIi.I
W. A. ATWOOD.' • • 113.1a0Nr. BANOS
W4olenlo iicAlora in. all kinds of -
' -
No. 210 North What4 . eo
• r Above Race duct,
i)ENTIST, • '
Yrom the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office
at aha residence of his mother, Nast _Loather street,
three doors below Bedford. . , • ' 105e64,
DR . JB. liENDFX,__. ' •
Mee In tho room formerly occuplo4 by Col. John
Loa. 1011068
- -
Me; No.lrvine's Bow. 10E169
Moo In South honorer
r: otro o t, °pipette Bontele_drl
„oats otoro.
G_ - • •
7., NEIDICH,. D. D. S.,
..ate Demonatiator of Operative Dentietri of the Bal
timore College of Dental Surgery. Office at his reel
dence,oppointo Marton Boil, lA:eat Main , ntieet, Car
ina°, Pa. 10e40
C. P. numnicu. • WM. 11 . PAIISER.
Oftico on Main sired; In Marlon lien, C:0111010. 105069
- _
Offico in building attacked to the Franklin fnial, air.
pooito the Courtlioure. , 109°09
P. ORIco on Railroad street, two_
doors north of the:l:lank,• - • -
Business promptiq atteriand to,
JR. MILLER,. . .
Office, No.lB South Hanover stroot, °posit° Coylo's
storo. 10seGS
• ,
AAr .C.. HERA.N.7 --- --- - •
1.7-11-• . ' AT M TORNE r IC AT LAW. • _
Carlinlo, Pic Np. 9 Rbeom'a Ilath '109969
ivr MIRK & BRO.
No. 1685 Market street,
- .
Othco, 22 Booth Hanover street, next the bood Will
Rom Ileum lOseo
PMeo, South of Ibo Court
Office in Volunteer buildinz, Carlisle._
Once in northout cornocot the Court Howe. 10649
. .
0 ITN Dolt N 11R.
le irmair'a *sliding. am Itheeok's Call, Carlisle,
Pa. - , U. kid ritureed hen O. Motors Olihrs *lth
le.l"rgest .!‘d. u 4OO
onolothig of
feints' Furnlaldia ,, Goode, As.,
ever brought to Carlisle. • •
Hie cloths comprise•
MIMI, and • •
itaLflitlOAbf 51.AliTiFACTUREiti.
of the bawd texture and of all diadem.,
Mr. Dorner beteg himself a practical cutterof lOng,
experience le prepared to warrant perfect Ilte, at t
voiapt filltnu of orders , .
, Pie,* Goode by the yard, .or cut to order Den't
Yrget the pine...
1611111 LY
O/ sti
c.• Babseribor ban lust opened, at N.. 15 Nort h
..or. r flt.,• row doors North of the Carilide Doposit
faith one of the largest and bosSiltook .1 11All
CAPS over offered In Carlisle., •
Silk Mats, Oassimeres or - 41615y m and qualified,
*if dlfforant colors. apdevery description of
Sift fats sew oeade.'re e Dunkard and old fashioned
limask, test sosatintly on band and made to order.
sal ittrraystgi kb giro ntleitistlon. • full-assnrtmait
dfIiTiSAW HATS, H..'. trey's dad ahlldrisn's (nary.
I bats alto added I. my .teak, NeCloss of different
MIA etmeletleis of Ladiee and Gent's Stockings
Illores, Teresa, Saw lbs Silk., Sum
Urabreihm,'&., part. Snare sal Tohareo,
always ea Ural.
• Creme a salt aid exadillto My abet, as I fool eon
dlest of plasslag,• amides natter. you money. . .
• .111 IN A. ft KLLIIR, - Afft.
N.. 1S North llanoyer St.
sallearibers hstleit iptirsausiatil 'lessted t•
earlisle, respectfully ael elf n share tithe pabils pal
*ensue. Their shop Is situated on the awhile Square
hit the renr et the let Presbyterian Church, where
or can always be found.
Beteg experienced seeeloneles, they are prepared to
exclude all orders that they may be outr•ttlid with
In a superior raisnuer,ead - at very Iwo****** prison
lIATRINISTUISO, W.ABII BASINS aud all raker artl
les In Ile trade.
promptly attended to In the moat approved style.
Ara:miry work promptly aldeudedke. -
gler All irork guaranteed.
•llea't forget tke place—imbsedlateiy In the reared
a' iirst Presbyterian Chursh..•
0/011PBRI.,L g 11EINWOOD.
BAcNK.,or .OAR
, Proznon,TANTA.
limas*ly Organleek, bay heel opened, for tramways
•fa general basking business, in the corner room 01
it. Siren's any building, on the North West corner
*V lisle West add the Octave Sunny,
She Directors hope by liberal and careful manage,
*teat to make this a popular Institution, and a ante
ammaltery for all wltumay fever she bank with their
Delimit/ nutria ant paid back ea dammed, liter
sat allowed ea speelal deposits, Gold. Myer, Treas.
try Notes and Government &oda bought and mold.
Gelleetiena made an allamenible isolate la the
Yana try. Diseouut day, Tuesday. Bhutto, hours
bowl Voloolr..t7ll;icrBWoleek - P. -- 347
~ J. 0. norm, Mahn
ammonia. "• .• ••
Iltras,.trealdont... Wen.' IL Akti
!Mamma rattan, , David 11• Mas,
Oahu O. Oralemma, 'A. J liermaa. --
*mar 04t, Abraham Wilmer. •
, . . .. . .
anuilmturell at V. 1111ARDNIen A ell'i laundry
and Matthias hop, Carlisle, CANT BE MCAT This
to Ike testimony ors Gores of amines In Cumberland,
lorry and Adams Ominliss o wise are new eying them.
ban and elm nem. ' ,>.
.r-‘.O olt Tr; IS 11.11 L L IS' IC 15, .
•Subliri ettleei by power Or by bird—eifinotautly on
Aiwa au/ fOr sale by I. GARDN ERA Co; !olioldly
Wel blaehloo Elbep, Rue Street. • •
• ,
ifanno.preparinitti nista Aiesin Sedan If all 'ekes
n ag maids prothpoy ilia an Slir balaaall terms. A
Smoke ?Anoka and•atl *Malaita tlud. Ilse. -Roam
TIMM!! and Nashua* prnnaplAy *Waded a• is
reendri sad-Miehr*.eNro:,llCliaßrllttr
:gOTt(30:;—;-Netiee'• ie 'hereby , gives
1 4:' ro tiaCfba earn slo DopOilt Dank w II make ap
t! sat i n,' to tl.o'noit. Loglelstu of Ponnoylvoolo
jbr'tbo rooowal of. Ks cbort.rwitti 101 prevent, t.ligo
, .
pod ropilla Jmito lith;
. 186110 ,i i . , w o m b, , .
... . . ..
. , .
1f heeler i
tknd. - wirs tn and.: .." Elliptle
2, stoolf. sTrow.,
Sitilrtet. - and Cheilpist
riCHtSE io
.11 kinds of fatally itia , ,lpg, working isqually
Sva LIIIO4 im4 0440111g0,0d1N.
• Ca0,1'414 Limon thready milking 4 boinllful and
portleit selbak alike aft. balls Moos .of the; article'
All I:!LaliktAsil veld yrariatataC ••
. • Call sad szamaliko nall:Atoi4 Tal6ElO •0k....
Carllalt. Pa. • • • ,
.'i ~,,....,‘ ,
~,..,, :, ... '.:-:...;.;..',,.;.,.,:..„. ~-,,,,,,...,:,,..,... ...:-., , ...,..., , ~...-: :,.., . -,4..., , - :....--..,,......;,..,,...,.:....., , - ...: ::.,..... ..- • • ~-. ~.. .• . , . ,-;... - ... , .
. ' • -..k.;,„, ~.,1 - ':::,- ,
~.:.‘, ' ~.,,,, - ..,,,,,, ,-...::.,..,--.t: . .. ' -:. - 1 . .-„--:, : . , .... , ...,„.'''. . I ' , ..,;.',.y , ':' .1 .' , ..' , :.:;:' ' : ......; - : . .1 '- • ,f..,..,,,, r1 , .,' '.•, ',...• :. ~. '. ~..,;*:- .:• ',...-.;.' ~. 5 , ...'. ..-. ', •* .
... .
'', ''.'...t . ':" .n.• . . .. ..
_. , , .
. .
' .
' ---'----
-'''''' ---
-'-------'''''''''----"----'-'- --'-',:'''"--------. ' 1.1:: '-7-7-'" ' ' '''. ' . -''''' ' ". '-, ' l' :'.',.".!" ~.
~., ..' ,'• '','.. .;.,_-. ,1.! , "; ....... • .
,:.' ......: .:
,!':' :f . 4 : - :% ": 7, 1 7; ' - ' . . 7. ' : : :- : ' , -:. '',,'",' ' ''.° ' . I ," ,:',-'':.. '
~'..'''..''- , 1 .- - ;':: - , s :' '',,' ‘. '.' I , ' ''''.:::
.. _ , -.. ~ ~ - •, . :.• , .k• . _.... , . , . ~ ,
, .
. ~
soCkii Q
. • . . LINIMENT:. •
his Valuable Preparailon is admirably
• adapted to the Cure of alt Mose .Dis•
-- eases for_whieh ajCoonter-Irritaut
or External Remedy is required. , ' ,
. . . .
Abram kfarqtlart,. Beg , •In a s ehoin tee the re.
ceipt of which 'hie Liniment ,is composed— From
tar knowledge of that rigredlente, I do not heeltate
In certifying.that It will be beneficial where' an
external application of the kind
Indicated, •.
A. B', - kI. D.
Shippeneburg, Sept. la, IAOS.
Bully conversant with the chemical components
and medical effect. of Marguart's Liniment. I
cheerfully commend It to those who may need it.
Jacksonville, . . S. N ECHER, M. D.
Mr. A- blargriart:—Dear Sir: I take oleasnre in
saying that I have need ye 1r Liniment to, chap
ped hande,and it cured them and made them feel
soft 1 think It the beet I have ever need, and
would cheerfully recommend It to the general
Newtonk Township, Pa.; Nov. 24, 18f8. •
I hereby certify ULM. I have mod.. A. Marquart's
Liniment for Scratches and Spavin on kwo of my
horses with the great:fat success,: and would Joe
ommend it to all that are in nerd of anything of
the hied. . . O..ISIIILLINGEIt, -
Mufti} , Treasurer.
Stotignstown, Pa., Nov. 18, 1868..
klarejuart:—Dear Sir :haie used
a - hoot half a battle - of - Your Llnintorit on my horse
for foutrooniFOilt - wkloh-wew the:_mOsLobstinate
sore of the kind I over. saw; alio on my arm, for
Itheumatism, and it has given entire satisfaction
to both eaves. I would riot do without it or ten
times it cost and cheerfully' recommend it to the
'Jacksonville; Pa., Nov. 20,1168:
A. Margnart,• Esg:—Bear Sir: I had a very
severe attack nl Rheumatism in my back, so that
rauld scarcely walk ,'which was' very painful.
Abr. using half a bottle of your celebrated Lint.
moot, 1 was entirely cured. Thisle' - not a recom
mendation, but the plain truth. You con make
any wool tills you please.
Walnut Bottom, P H
Nov. 20, U.
Air: A. biarguart :—Dear Sir:, I have used
your valuable my family tor differ.
ant pain:: and aches. and It hoe proved satisfactory
In every case. Ida think, as an external Lin!.
• went, it stande without a rival. I would cheer.
fully recommend It to the public. - Respectfully.
Jacksonville, Pa„ Nov. 2t,1868.
A. Marquart, Eeq. :-••••Dear Sir: 'lt affords - me
"plerisurato certify that rhaYeused-your Liniment
on my neat, in a case of very-Sore Throat, which
wa, much swollen and wirry painful. Afters two
or three applications, I found it to' act like magic,
and would recommend it as as excellent Liniment.
Wainiit Bottom, Pa., Nov, le, 1868.
Walnut Bottom, Cumb. Co.. Pe.
'For sale at HAVERoTICK A 131t0. Drug Store,
Carlisle, Pa.
Mac 68-Iv. „.
sch.eatefertmoittoLtSyrtrp... _
. .
Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake M, will enre-Oott
eumptlen, Liver Complaint, and Dyepepels, if taken
according to directions. Thoy are all throe to be
taken at the same Oleic:. They cleanse the stomach,
relax the mioi, and-prat It to work:" thou the appe
tite :becomes good:- the food digests and melees good
blood: the, patient begins-to grow In flesh, the
diseased matter ripens to the lungs, and Abe pa
tient outrrowe the Mosso and gate well. - Thin le
the only way to cure consumption.
To those• three modleinps Dr. J. LT. Schen, of
Philadelphia,: ewes big unranked - summit in the
treatment of pulmonary nonnumption The P.d.
Manic Syrup ripens the morbid matteriw the lunge;
nature throws It oil by an easy expectoration, for
when the phlegm or matter Is ripe, a alight cough
'lllll throw., It off, and the patient has rest and the
lunge begin to-heal.
To de thin, the Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake Pills
_moot be freely need to cleanse the stomach andliver,
so that the Pulcnentetiyrnp and the food will make
~geod blood.• • . -
Schanck's Maadrikall t illsact -upon the liver re
moving all obstrustiondrithWthe duct of the gall
bladder, the rile startiffediyeand the liver Ili soon -
relieved: the stool. vitt ,s4PWWIdit the .
!Ilia 'eon
do: nothing has ever Vest forihted except, eafrimel
,(a deadly poison which laver/ dangerous' to use tin- ,
less w th great barn), that Will 'unlock thirmal bled. t
&pawl start thr sesretlotteg,thelivertlketictienelem
Mandrake Pine:
.• • - -
Liver complaint Is one of the most prominent
mums of cousumptloti.
....Schenck's Seaweed Tonle Sea gentle stimulant
and Alterative, and the elk di in the Seaweed, which'
that preparation tit wade tot waists the stomach to
'throw out the gastric Juice to dbuolve the food with
the Pulmoulc Syrup, and tt is made into goodhinod
without fermentation Cr adoring in the stomach.
The great TO/11101i why phyaciana don't cure ten
et:l:option la, they try to do too much they glen
medirine to stop the cough, to stop chills, Wilton
night sweats, hectic fedora and by so doinetbry
range the whole digestive powers, locklux uPlhe
ascretions,and eventually the patient sinks and dhs.•
• Dr Schenck, In hie treatment doeanot try to atop.
a cough, night'swents, chills or fever. Reinove
the .austo nod they, will all atop of their own nevoid
ouu can be cured of Cpneuroption, Liver Com
plaint, Dyspepsia, Caton h, Cancer, Ulcerated Thro •
- 1113i1161 tbe Ilvcor nad - atomneh - ammade bealthy;--
If • person has. consumption of course the lunge
in coma way are diseased; either turbercles, abscea
sign; broltenial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the
hinge are • 11:1!,8 of inflammation end r•ot decaYielb
the lungs that are wassbig, but It litWwliolehodly
The stomach and liver have lost their power to make
Woo , ' oat of Mad.. Now the only chance Is to take
Schenck's three medicines, which will bring up a
tone to the stomach. tho patient will begin to want
food, it will digest easily and make geed blood; then
the patient begins to goin In flesh, and 'as soon as
the body.begins to gmer,tha lunge commence t 6 hen.
up and the patient gate fleshy and - well. This is
the only way to mire consuption.
When there is no lung dmease,and only liver com
plaint and Dy spopela, Schenck'a Seaweed Tonic and
Mandrake Pills are suffielent without the Pulmonic
Syrup. fake the Mandrake Ptlbi freely in all bil.
On. complaluts,as they are perfectly harmless.
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health ter many years past, and now weighs 225
Poundi, was wasted away to a more akelaton,in the
ast mgrs . of Pulminery Consumption his physician
having pronounced his case hopeleke and abandoned
him to his fate. Ile wee cured by the aforreald muJ
lanes, and - since his recovery many thousand.cimi.
busty afflicted have need Dr. Scheock's propmatione
.with the same remarkable success. Full directions
accerap'enying each, make It not absolutely neer)...
ry to pereoually see Dr. Schanck unless the patient
wish their lungs unnoticed, Ind for this he
le profeselonally et bin Principle Offlet, Philadelphia
every Saturday, whereon letters of advice musd be
addressed. Ile is also p.Messionally at No. 32 Bend
Street, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No.
35,'Ilanover street, Boston, every other Wed needay.
II • gives advice free, but for a thorough examina
tion with, his Itsspirometer the price is $5. Office
hones at each city, from 9 A. 61. to 3 P . . - M.
Price of the Pulmonle dyrup and Seaweed Tonic
each $l.lO per blttle,or $7.50 • hell' demo.' Man
drake Pills 25 coats a box. For sale by all druggists
D.. 3. 11. B.IIIIENCK,
apr1123,60-ly. No. 16 N. 6th St. Phila. Pa.
Meng, to bo had at..tho
CHEAP 13T•0RE.,,
NO. 88 NkiT, P01.1 5 7/BMT .BTRINT
And why ere they always fresh? BellIMO we sell
a great amount of thorn, And sell them low. There
for', turn our stook often, and, consequently our
goods must be frond. r
anocKfuEs; - • • • •
• qugE ti l iltsM
- an: •
, WILLOW sou
' STONE and
-, • , .cs.oonwei .
: . , Choice He .
Dried Dour,
Dalogina, • '
• • l'oagliet,
Dimming oadErookers of every deotription,
Sidcod and ,4
TroiL Oyaitirs •
i Sardine.,
English Pickles,
' Limon Syrup., de, dad no end to
• ' 1 , 1.9 1,0 N'S',
,to . Mentiell them, come and tee foryoin
'sere,;. aqd Amato Iflt doq't suit Tau to
• come, mend sour children, to they,
will be dwelt with the lam, . 1 ,
' ' . ears rn if you were
• liereiourstif. • • ,
..jakork Iq .4ebinge forlioods, Or bind
GEO. B.' lIOFFM AN'S soNy.
7 Na. 88 . E.1 4 V . Z.,1 , 011FNN/L , qTABBT,'.
Nortcirr•lltrrhatetnineferred toy rootirtrintereltio
the grocery Written to my B.,ne,,thom,lndebted; to
metre requestod.tqlottle with them ,durinkray
elnoe , h l . l tioim 11014,41 AN..
. . , . .
. •
•Xt :t.. —7 0 t 1 ni) a,"O r.
0110g ' .'' f th ''ii 1• ' .i. ' - d 4. 1 .. E' i
'•'•,. of Ow Ottioberlittd Colidty'Aitilkitirir . 130 -.
4 t..
, t l.o tit petit on' Weduildayt'Thoodtty, and' tri ,
diy, October lIth; 14th tad 16th, 1819 • on 010 kio'
iiietfi 41 0 U Si, Carnele,. ra„ Lorp . i1y,,,,,i,0, t 0..•0f.
; 0P ,. ._ irAisile•eiy:•
All 16 6 14 111 . 111 94 .. , 4 41 F."Pili 9 ,14 I/4 ••!d b,l4'
_ ~ . ___ :.._AT.TfIA
DRESS .snacs.,
- • Bop . orlor Brands,
of every • docrlpttoo, BREAKFAST
SIIAWLe; new•stylos, ARAB SHAWLS, the latest
'thing out, NEW. SOME WOOLEN ROODS, Just out,
FLANNELS of -every •dostrlptiou, at extremely low
Tor Men and liSya' wear
A full auortinenl of all kinds for Lidler, Aline
and-Children.' .
F„LOOR OIL CLOTHS, all riidthe
DRUGGETS, aif wid46,-
To the community at large we will ray that we
11f11 - gt Ing to keep up our teputation of keeping the
most at motive stuck at all ti oeif that is to be mond
in the town and conuty.•
Vienne do nut toll to call end stumble our stock
betore making your wettest:it Ira . the 'resort. *;_
II'A'RE D tfc
As the beason le last sppronchlng whoa puma
wlll Le looking for a deeirrible StuTO for Parlor or
}Mahan use, ire ask a careful examination of our
took, belletiag we have the largest and beet Wee
ed aesortment of STOVES ever offered to thddtliens
of Cumberland county.
W. have eft hand the justly celebrated"
which. as a Parlor or Dinisg Ravin Bgol., excels a
others, as thLusanda who use them will lesilfy.
oneNfilhe noel deslrablo gloves in me.
Also a Bali. Bunker:
--~'OI~TA 13I;E--r'UItNA(;FkS
and other now Parler,Dialng R.m and Chamber
. ow Stoves
Ws offer amoig others the.Solloorlng Cook Stores
Noun cools,
mid .olty
s of Ilarllogtou COiI O INATXON. Wo'abo,
which on% two or tht►► roods, and 1► dimldedly
the IlieitVlre )'lace atoirievei
WI would call attantion to citt'Lari• atoe,k of
,T t, ri' w '').l, t' : i
on hind Oi'soaliCto . ' - ord4r: UI kind!' Of
done roioonslo - tormi and ttlflont.ditoe.''
.411 "air.pos itre"bs ?
to tiertiii;pniatabsini
. . .
I` IS, Wsq Main
2 7. 11.14 • ' r A lit liii?ladist
' ' Ebwris - E. • "
' When the heft haial of:Friel:tom gave
`Her °wit fair embetwa the air, . '
' - il,rnilliehhohlrukspning to OM
And•keep It proillyAraviag.tbero;
-; And; when ite . foltledid,ltisa the breeie
:That hie'', sweet odor from BIC ens,
An angel came heaven ; and pr,essed,
. The stars upon Ito azyxo breast;
, And the fair, strips that e,very,day
ItCeplendent Rhine, he angels say,
Were takonlroin thuir:aliad OI light,
.' • 'And carrledciciwnward •-'
lihtil they reached our, owri.fait ehore,•
Where the two colors mixed pace m o no. •
. „ When fronilits oyry near the sun
Our nolde eagle 'abet to earth;
To the fair land that gave her byth,' 4
• And perched upon the stand where none'
, But angel feet had trod upon,. '
. Ile surely tbolight.that he had won
The right to carry for the brave
The flag our fathers died io'save. •
Flag of Abe Wove:l—that angels raised .
Above the 'cross that•iingland praise&-,
May your bright stars forever shine,
To guide our elation through all limo F..'
Thy chosen birds that Scent afar •
• The sulplertniiefield of bloody War, ;
',Where breathes the cannon's red hot breath,
'• That Burls the shrieking 'globe of death -
Where trusty blades leap from their Sheath,
Flashing like lightning o'er the heath
Whereon the bravo in stern array
Await the onset of the foe, ."
Till the lost glimmering light of duy
• Ijidee the red streams that nett.4lilm flew. •
- Flag of the brave I—your staw\juill gleam
Far o'er the ocean's angry stream, . •
, When the Brat breeto upon the sail
Brings token of the coming 618.
'And the dirk waves rolt fiercely back
Before the broadside's fiery track
• " Bach wounded hero of Ole sea" •
filial! fix his dying gAze on thee,
An'dsmileto scethy gorgeous - dyes
Floating between thesea 'and skies.
Flag Of Alto brave 1..-ott ovary. sew .
The storm tossed mariner Sees thee—
A Deli of blue, and streaks of white,
Tho stars that light our way at •nlgbt,' '
And the first beains of morning
These three bright colors still shall shhio
To light our nation throligl3
"Thank fate l I shall ;neyer be the
prey of a fortune hunter l"
As Sally-Beauclere uttered these words
she threvs; herself-back upon the• sofa, and
- vitli.a Jig_
"Your fortune is your face," rejoined
her companion, as' he gazed admiringly
on her fine features. Sally opened her
large eyes in_astonishment. - -
" A complinient,froni you, Tom 1" she
exclaimed. . . '
. The gentleman colored. "I knoNy= I
om not much given to pretty speeohed,
but you know, Sally,. that I aditilre yen
all the same:" _ •
.', To tell the truth, Toni Middleton had
fora long time loved Miss Beauclere,
with ail the strength of an earnest and
constant nature; but he was very , dihi.-
dent ; ho had shrunk from Making known
his attachment, fearing Sally's ridicule,
though had he been more confident of
hinaself he might have read long a
secret that Sally's eyes took little pains,
to conceal. But Tom never imagined
how desirable a follow ho was in himself,
and, knowing that' he , had no great for
tune to bestow, he did not venture to
offer his hand to the daughter of Senator
Beauclere and the reigning belle of the
city. Sally was ono of a large family, it
is true, and portionless, but her father's
poSition and her own beauty maile Tom
imagine her to be far removed from him,
he only leeke:d-li
RUGS, &o
.4 ow, ho only lom hurt when she thins
playfully sneered at his small .conipli
ment,'and turning away tcilhe window,
did not catch the. tender look that stole
over Eiall/s handsome features. "
` °a
"Well, what is the weather ?" she
asked, after a moment, as he still stood
gating out into the night.
" It is beautiful moonlight, and I think'
I had better go."
"Go 10, no,' Tom. Why, this is the
last time I shaltsee you for everiolong."
"And will you care ?" he asked, ho
came again to her side. ' •
Sally blushed. "Of course I shall care,
. .
"No, Sally, tomorrow you ire going
to. Washington. You will , be a belle
there, as you aro everywhere, and you
*will soon forget me." -
"No, indeed, Torn I" she replied,
earnestly. "Among all those strange
faces,. and people I don't care anything
about, I shall long to seamy old friends."
"But not me. You won't care much
Whether I am among the number or not."
".Yes, I shall." .
Tom was a foolwhere woman was con
cerned, or he 'wd,uld have known what
those words,ln that soft; low tone, meant.
As, it was, a wild hope did spring up in
his heart, but when - ho looked again at
that beautiful woman-it died away. "I
am not brilliant enough for her,", he,
tin:Algid, but ho plucked . ..up sufficient
courage to put out his hand and take hold
of Kira:
"You aro. Tory kind, Bally," ho said,
"I shall come on to Washington.hy and
and then T .shall know how sincere
your words are. 7 • .
Sally's oheoks-bUrnt; but at 'that ma-
meat the door opened.
.Torn drOpped-hor
hand, as one of the numerous Younger
sisterspaTne in 'and the 4 .golden oppor,
tunity passed away; for they wore , not
Alone. together again, t4at evening: '
- 9n that very same night, nearly a thou-
Sind Miles away, two . gentlemen were
speaking of this same young lady.l_ They .
Wen) travelers who had aCcidentally met,
on board a-steamer on Lake 'Erie. They
were total strangers, and were :ignorant*
oven of each other's mines,' but had fallen
into a chat as they strolled on deck, un
der the- rays of the full moon. ‘.•
" tnever isms so' far from land befoke
'in my life,!' said the elder of the two, 'a
ilne looking man of perhaPa: thfrty,flvp..
' 4 Indeed r (Mainlined his conqiiiion,.
a handsome,' eity ' ' bred locikitig
man f , May. , I , asit'where'you ;are frOin, - .
that'Your spa eSperiondo has been's6 very
limited ?" •
l'lt'roin the interio‘r of Xotth
l" cried the etranger; and hispold
featnres lit up '
into ' iimigOrj;" Mtaiest':'
. Then; lie'rhape • yen `kitCnv the' Ilean.
;glares 2" ;, ,
"Very. ; are old
• 4 Andllibialleauolorp4oilletaiw had"-
..• . ,
, Cortikinly:"; • ,
very,handikime. ';'• •
",Tes, , do you knoiiKlier?!' `
I.haye;niaioly.heerd orteit ha
I expect her irk•Waehingtcin thin
winter. ~ : She v is. the eldest drulohtet,' is
she note'/ - ;_,,
y eDi ft 41;
J: - ...d.kii - i:l4ilk i :: ; ;OWA.';'''.'oo!' . o,ooi s 6:oP:R:.,Li'ispp.
• "'And is ~ f ietta*. . Beauolere a man of
Wealth ?" • " .
'!Nas ; Unit is, ho ha's p.vory lino :es-
"Mies-Bally isthodanghter of the first
marriagicis . Abe net?".
"Yes, .and 'a noble, girl: . Why, she is
worth half. amillion ha, herself ulone,','
exolaimed .tho' North Carolinian; enthu- .
Hie companion started little at the,
Word,. but changedlhe conversation' to,
_other subjebts, and before very long the
two gentlemen parti4 for the night, still,
in ignorance of each Other? s names. . They,
did not mect , againv.but in the morning,
exchanged merely a distant bow as they,
-loft the boat in opposite directions.
The weeks passed on, and • Sally Beau-:
olero was established Withter parents at'
.Willard'El 'hotel, lii .Washington. As.
Middleton had predicted,. her beauty and'
talents 'drew around her. ii, °tad
wirers, and before long ''sbe wag istab-'
lished as one of :the reigning belles, of'
Washington:. • ,'
-The . admiration and adulatiOn_which
she received,. Sally found more intoxicat.'
ing and delightful than she had imagined.
.It was `very pleasant to be of
every ball teem, and to be constantly
surrounded bye eircle of *adorers. The .
idea of returning to the humilnini life of
home was not always pleasantsto her, and,
olio sphietimes felt half inclined to accept
some of the brilliant offers that. wore,
made to 'her. See had :been a good deal
'Tub out, tee, with Tom for not speaking
before she came
,away. Sometimea she
was half inclined to doubt his love for
-her, and although his earnest eyes haunted
her4vith their wistful; look of affection
she had more than one serious thought
of trying to banish his reinembrance, and
marry, as so inanyothers around her did,
for money rather than love.'
-- Most proininent among -her.-sworn-ad
mirers was. Mr. Carlton Murray, of New
York. Handsethe, distinguished look
hig, and reputed to be of groat wealth, he
aeomea to be a match not to be despised.
Since the moment of his first introduc
tion to Sally he had devoted hiinself to'
her most persistently. Every day a bou
,que_t of : fresh flowers came to her room;
with his compliments ; every morning lie
hung over her. chair ; every evening he
was ready to attend her at balls and re
ceptions. . .
, Sallyi - to tell the truth, was very Well
pleased with -his admiration—he under
stood sb well how to play the agreeable,
helitlid - hifeSuCh - protty compliments, he.
was so handsome.and thoroughbred.- He
had already made his proposal in form,'
and Sally was listening, to_his _earnest
pleading,' as.they sat half hidden from
observation in one of the deep windows
of 'the hotel parlor. ' •
"Pray, Miss Sally, think favorably of
my suit. My- hopes of happiness, my"
future life, depend ,on your reply." -
Thewards were 'earnest, the tone im
passioned. Sally's cheeks burned as She
hesitated for a reply. - "I have known
you for so short a time," she faltered..
"Whatls that? You have known me
for, five Week's, and during that time
have - seen me more frequently than
would under different circumstances in a
whole year. I have known you long
enough to love you, madly, distractedly
lOve you! And you have known me king
enough to bid me at least hope." -She
did not reply, and he bent .thwards her,_
takingher hand in his eagerness.
my dearest Sally." •
Hi l s words and actions recalled her to
her position, and she drew back. "Yon
forgot whi3ro you are,' Mr. Murray 1" At
that moment she caught sight of a gentle-
Man who was talking with her father.
"There is an old friend of mine. I must
go and speak to him.'! „And she sprung.
up without other reply tothe impassioned
suitor. Murray looked after her with a
smile of triumph. He had little doubt
,of his ultimate success: •
"Mr. Trunahullehow do you do?" cried
Sally, as she came forward.
"Ab, MisS Sally; I am glad to see you
again," exclaimed ' the gentleman.—
" Washington dissipation has not spoiled
you, I see; You are morel:dooming than
Sally laughed and , blushed. "Come,
now, pa, don't you bore Mr. Trumbull
with Pi:allies, but leave him to talk with
me for a while, and tell me how every one
is at home."
Senator Wandler°, after a few more
words, turned away,,,,and Sally and her
old friend sat down side by Ode. Mr.
Trinnbull••had married one of her old'
sehoolmaMs, and she regarded him alinOst
'as a brother. ' • • • '
"Well, Miss Bally, toll me:about your
bsaux.. WhOse heart have you broken
last?" .
Involuntarily Sally glanced towards
31urphy,..wholitohd in tho window, re 2
glrding her with jealous eyes. "No
slio replied, lightly; hut Mr.
Trumbull's look followed hers.
___LLWlLy4who is
Watching you so earnestly?'' he exclaimed,.
with a start:
"Mr. Murray, of New York, if you
mean the yottuw,:gontionian iit the win.:
"It is tke very man I savilast fall and
s'p'oke to of you,",:said Mr. Trumbull.'
"Hai he boen making lovp to you?
"What did h0, , 54 about me?". said
Bally,. igrgiiing his last words. .
,did not 4ray, , much ;,IM - asked
groat many gins:Akan( about you. But
say, has 1M prtipoied to you?"
"Neviir inind whether he : luis or not,' :
i)ut toll 'nie what his'aid," urged Bally,;
'. 'Ho asked if your father 'wee rich, for,
ono thirig:''
_a .
ho And what did ydu . say?'.4
"I said , yes." . . '
.'€A.nd h ivhat elsii?, Toil ino ill ahOut
it,?' she cried,' irakieriously. •
Mr. Truth:ilia laughed."'
,fit told lima
you are. Worth half • a inillioU'of dollars;"
411);'S tOTew .couiraotixi and. eyes
Bashed:„'"You did ,p
bull, that?!'
"I r pin was Birk, a, girl you,
was w,o#ll it; and, •really, .Miss Sally, 1
think It, was .too 'ootimitte; ,
ought . to bavn, pald,two'
Sally laugpodi "O ? , tnat to so, funnyl
And do y'ou auplr so ho
; And hakboon 'court,
ing you I" Trunapullaufd; shi"owdlY:
"-"Porhair, 'oo ;, but you 'km lie, 4s,
qui lain() urn?" „ ,
soft* itt rest: '
• - -Sally Started:up her impulsive man
nor•.; .." Corne,,l will introduce 'you, and
then knevi the truth of this Inc
traordinary story." , ' • " •
Mr. Trumbull:would have remonetrated;
but she was half, ` across the roorirbefore
henould interfere: ' Murray started 'for
ward with pleasure. when he saw her ap
., "Here is an old, friend of , mine who
thinks he has seen. You before," she'said.
"Mr..Tninabitil, Mr. Murray.''.
, The gentlemen shook hands,.. and Mr.-
Trumbull said: -"I 'think we' met on
board a boat on Lake Erie last fall?" •
"Yes,", replied Murray, with a, faint
flush, "I remernher, it perfectly.", -
feve s moFo-'woFds wer exchanged,
and then Murray ;walked
"Arc you, going to marry - him, . Miss
Bally2". asked Mr. Trambull:
uHor .
"Is he,richi" . . . ,
" sidd to bci whir wealthy.?:
„• "Then . you
,suppoas ,fertene
matter of indiffereeee•to him?” , •
hisjit .413 myhieal as
You must find,tlest . out." • —. ' .
"No, I donot carp to know," said Bally.
"Let us, talk. of, something else." •
"Yes, I thought yeu were going,to ask
after your old, friends. ,' Have you forgot..
temall.about them in these gayeties." 1,
"0; no I"' 4nd 'Sally put quely after.
query aboutter home friends u#8.1,
last, Xr: . Trumhull said—,
• . "But you do not ask after Tom Middle
ton, and yet you might, for he cares more
for you than all the rest of them put to
0, that's nOnsensel But how is ha?"
"r" ill toll you himself." -
"Tom here I" exclaimed Bally, her face
lighting up with delight. - .
"Yes, indeed. We came on together."
why hasn't he- come, to speak to
nice . and the merry face clouded again.
"Fie says .be did not •dare before all
these people ; but if you will go to your
parlor, I will send him there."
Bathe started up at once,
_and Mr.
Trumbull looked after her with a smile.
He had been hoping for this matoh fOr a
lon_ time, and now, as he went out to
find Tom, he whispdred to hiin— '
"Speak to 'her to-night, - manl I am
sure she loves You. ".
Tom scarcely knew whether he Was
walking on his head or his heels as he
made his way to. the piivittii parlor, Ho
never could remember afterwards exactly
what happened When IM - yetiebedlit. — }ld.
only knew that Sallie-came to him with a
bright, blushing; face, -and that the next
thing ho was 'certain of was that she was
ehisped - in his arms.
At a tolerable early litnir the next
morning a note.was handed to Sally.
was from Mr.Murray L renewing his offer;
and begging
, fora -speedy 'interview.
"Ask the gentleman to Come .up,'
Sally said to the servant ; Tom, who was
with her,
, went, out without one particle
of jealous objection: '
. • .
The young man.came_in, and would
have seized galley's band, but she drew
it back haughtily. "Stop a moment;
Mr. Murray ; I,should like to ask you a
question. " '
• Ho paused, abashed by her 'resolute
face. "What is it, Miss Beauclere I"
"Do you know hew much ;noway I am
He hesitated and stammered. At last
he said, "your fwd, - Mr. Trumbull, -
mentioned to me that you,had some for
tune, but I assure you, dearest Sally, that
it is yourself alone
Sally checked him with an imperious
gesture. have not a penny in the
worlii." • ;
'Ere Stood still looting at her with st
pale, astonished face.
"Yes, . sir,. I .am entirely without for
tune, and whoever weds me must take n
portionless bride."
• "I—am' very sorry—'
the words.
No need to express your regret, sir,
I am engaged to be married, and I will
bid you good morning."
Murray, got out of the room as best he
could, and vanished that day from Weill
ington. His. wealth turned out to be_ a
more fabrication of his own,, and he *as
hoard of no more in fashinable
'!After sail, wasnit it funny . that I
should be courted for my fortune 'l,"
Sally imid, as.she related Mr. Murrry's
discomfiture to Tom.
"But I agree With bir.- Trumbull," he
replied enthusiastically,. "that you are
worth your 'weight ingold.7
j •lie is generally under five and twenty,
for'wo do not not allude to old baolielors.'
Ho dresses but not anxiously. 'lt
'does not so much 'matter to him if his
gloves-aro-not-hettOned,- or -if-his-baok
hair is not' Otte straight: - His
manner is that of, a men wispknows him
self; who has nTon4a thank when he'
,followS, 'who, smoke a great ?deal, and ho'
smoke:B'a' Oat deal himself: He doegiN
mind oivningto havingbeen ont last night:
.agaiiiing unable to findfa place for his;
lateVir‘i When be 'reached' home: Ho'
changes hie 'boarding place frequently,.
and is , generally ahead of hia salary. Ho
laughs at engaged 'follows, and pities
married ones. 'Ho la; off *band in his •
manner, and pays great' ; attention-in a
jolly, sort of way to ..the last new pretty
girl. " He patronizes the burlesime.oPera, •
and goes plane .with bouintiets to ilfng to'
thd • most: fascinating .perfOrrner. • • 'Even.
'there''he hi , floklol'Ond the sylph'' with'
blaclr hair, 'who Is his , 'idol one .
'quite' forgotten the Pokt for theblondeln!
blue; and Oliver: On the is,ex
' tremely happy ;, has 'brighter ''eyes,.frosh'
and nicer hair thatx'any'f other kind
of, man :yon ••moot, •and "Seems 'to
"disengaged" and not in love, written in
overy diniple. ••- •
t:t ' to
The-post'Office Do pa ment n s
again changing thOr'starrips The old' col;
dr is to be ;restored -with " now . designs;'
and the portraits of Washington, Jbffer
son; rrankiht„and, ~ineoltt. are to ho ,sith
stituted 'for iluisfi,„ in, Any
olningO from, the presiint must be a; imai
intiONlY ll 3s,a , Y 0 41,10' lady .Pf ,
'Doroheateri Nium, leaped ten te,t eight
'4°. B C,f)Pnot Atutllm
oiirid'the igew of death fall of iha
leaf 18 like tho.or9l of man: • •
dellkaNG , 110171 FI E, ADVENTURE
''lt Was in 'the spring Of 108, 'that
found myself waters 'Of
the' relghtl - litiSsisspPl, and bound'lor.
New Oilcans. With' a single -exception,
',hid formica acquaintance
on. beard..the boat The indiveclattri;*
whontl SingelarlY enough" fraternized,
Seemed,- like rriystill;'to' have little
nation to extend .; his 'acquaintance
among the other , passerigers,•thinigh ; he
seemed constantly - on the look out, for
some one ; and froth the'close manner in
which he regarded the, operations of two
or three of those individuals, whose .pre-
fuse display of vest chains and jewelry,
and proiloiency, at the tables
in the saloon, betrayed their profession;
I more than once gethini down as 'scene
sort of a police detective in disguise..
Ho . .called himself George„Thorn;:;
'Kentucky, lila :Card read, which" he
gave me in exchange foimine; - Full six. height,. light curly hair; muscular
arms, and the chest of Hercules, he chal
eeeeee the_ admiration'of more than one
of the passengers as with his .serimuy
and never ,smiling. face, ho Raced •tho
prOmenKde deck, or sat apparently buried
in thought in the saloon. - -•
"Do you ever play cards 2'.' said Ito
him, as 'he left a group thatWele stand
ing about a party of four peelers, and
noting,the'irogress of the game. .
"Des, yes I". ho replied„ "but where
is the use of playing here?" "These fel
lows,'? nesdding.tdward the players, can
tell any Card, in the pack by their backs,
and they are trying to pluck some peor•
pigeon from' inning these passenger's,
but as yet with indifferent success.; bee,
ware , of '
To convince ,me-of the truth-of what
hce.said, , hei called the steward of the boat,
and orderedla freslipaCk of cards, which'
were brought, and he handed, the pack;
.to ree,bidding .me shuffie.tliem._... I did
so, when he immediately selected nearly
every ace and king from, the pack ,with
slat looking at the face of them. Next
he dealt them in two parcele., ono tome,
and'one himself, when,' upon cit.arain-'
ation, I found that all the cards of real
value werele his hand, although I could
detect eo nefairness as eps.dealAtbem. •
" Yousee," saictiie,. "'the advantage
an expert in these matters has over a
skillful player."
"I do, indeed,"_ replied, astonished
at my- fellow traveler's dexterity, and
beginning to -think he might be a le
i formagembler,".ormie playing pos
sum," for Same pirpothi or other ;---,-but
as he did not urge 'or even..invite me to
play, nor had played with any one else,
and thrciw the cards aside with an ex
pression of disgust toff natural to be, as-
Burned, I, came to the conaleSion that my
suspicions iver‘ , .eififest, , andoini travel=ing companion wee a riddle yet to . be
. ..
Early the next morning the boat ar
rived at New Orleans; and amid the hur
ried bustle of debarkation I lost my
friend, the'llentuckiam'not even seeing
him to bid adieu. The same evening,
hoWever, after visitingthe theatre, T. was
enjoying the cool air, and a fragrant . Ha
vana, in the rotundo of the St: Charles •
Hotel, and conversingwith 'a friend from
the North, whom I had fortunately met,
when whom should I
,encounter but my
steamboat acquaintance. •
After the 'usual greetings, our conVer
sation-turned—u_pon - our — trip - dd it — tlia
river, our fellow Passengers, et , when
my fellow traveler remarked at if I
would like to see the interior of a- gam
' bling house, or • hell; as it is sometimes
more appropriately called, ho would be
pleased to show it to us .as one -of the
sights of the city; Never having wit
nessed any thing of the kind, both 'I and
my friend assented,' and , after - 'a.' short
Walk, wo found ourselves within the pre
cincts of one of those gorgeously fur
nished establishments—vestibules to the.
infernal region—where mon are engagsui
in various 'genies of hazard. The interi
or of a. gaming house- has been too often
described to need repotitiOn. The faro
bank with its crowds of visitors, the
rogue et noir table, with its' anxious cir
cle, told groups of players at other games,
of :which I Was -ignorant of the name,
were all , engaged as we entered.' Ve
had passed through two aPartments and
had reaolied the 'third, ' in which , were
but four players in pairs at different
bles. As we entered we sat down at an
1 unoccupied table for a moment, when,
as we did so; We heard of the tWo. men
nearest to us say to hiitopponent t
-" That's the last dollar; luok la yours,
mid I'm , cleaned out."
" ho gasped out
'" But you wear a good ring," 'lkidhis
opponent. "10, I will I:pek my ring
against yoursOn the next gamin; It'S a
kring that I won 'from a Kentucky boy
that oame_..to_Now. , Orleans t.O.s9e, the.'
sights," aid.hei'earelesifly..:
•!./is the player who was' sitting with
his back partially toward us, I saw
:Thorn listen with.• eagerness ;land - as -he'
twisted tho ring which he'uoffered to bet
upon. hiii finger,, , the ,iterituckiati • turned
'deadly pale. His eyes glowed like fire
for an instant., then • list countenance
again assumed its usual , calm and placid
look, and, to our amazenient l he rose,
and walking across the apar,tinent to the
:player, `Mlc,rllad ..4u4 by .'his
cirinPanion,' courteously' proposed
a hand' or two with hint if agreeable' arid
if we, his friends would excuse hun fora
sliOrt time. assootOd-,—so
did the ganpler, who , appeared at ;first
seine, what surprised at the : prOpoSition;
6iit probably` resolved tp,try his - skill. on
Hie newconier., The cards; were
and the 'garakproceeded. • _We Wore suf.
flpiently near to •:seo that:' the 'piece of
hold which constituted the firrit: sstake,
our fricnorii. oppanet;
so 'the 'seCorid. • The third .stalco,Thom
gairied. And thus they went on, alter.
nattily winning and 'losing
,till at, last
Thorn' earefplly Observed : ' ' - • •
"." s iCkretty ring you. ogered. to
bbt btraiwir : will you, sell,
" Well; as V to:that," -sald,the other,'
p*tty - .enough; Asnii , bost enoughp
yoMag folloW.pledged it to me ,somo
three years ago; a sort of note of, hand,
'which ,ho Triomised to redeem, with $1)90,
owed dolip of liop l oi;, airy 7 but lie
could not ; for
paidll4;,'„dabt•of nit,urty. Ow ? ' the
some nigYt,'liri4.ilutt; oinieellodlny 041:
oaid ho; ; tl4
him'; iiuivo4O w try . alarger . sfti/c..,
anything from one to flvo
he thw3w a bank note beihati &nom lila-
.• - ,
- tion; `as if in'
braVado, nigin the tahle - .
To' orir'surpride; ThernAlrew a wallet
from' hii pocket,; and' produced an equal
amount' of inoildr; 'their,: *moping ',the
cards they had been using froth' the table
'to the' calledforf a fresh pack
and' 'passing Ahem, as the attendant
hrought them' to hini,
.rapidly throUgh
his hands, he gave thern tothi advetsary,
:remarking "mind
your "deal this tirne;"' filing upon him a
searching;glance as he Went through that
operation. The' ord. was that known
ae 'Bluff' ' Thorn and his opponent,
ing glanced at the eards, commenced the
gime, aiul'in a few minutes' three thou
sand dollars lay 'upon'the table, to bode
-tided 'by the cards' held 'by the
. players,
each of whom 'seemed, from his bets, to
be '•confidelit.. of success, though' their
countenance' betrayed not thd least emo:
, tion—Thorw called:'
Thicgainbleirliad kings and an.
ace, while he had three aces and a king.
With his eye fixed steadily on his oppo
nent,. 'ho folded -• up the' money and
War - limed - it into pooket.
"Fiirtune -favors you;".. said the. gam
stoically,'too well schooled to betray
any emotion or chagrin at the .result.
." But, I hope to meet you again, sir; for I
must have my revenge after such, a heavy
`run of ill hick,as i this, and now have no
doubt your friends will:join wain asocial
-sit down, for if you are as good at crack
ing-a bottle, . singing, a song, or telling a
.story, as holding a hand at cards, those'
who are your frier — lie are fortunate."
" I must confess," said Thorn, "that I
am not of
. 2, convivial or• musical, turn,
though I can' occasionally . tell a good.
story.. I have a little history'now upon
- my tongue's end, that will be of uxiconiz.
mon interest to-you."
"About 'three -years 'since," began
Thorn, ', s 4 , youpg man from_KentuckY, a
confidential agent of a business firm, was
intrusted With a sum of money, - and com
mission 'to , transact some - business in.
New Drleans ;it was his first visit do the'
city ;- ho startedliappily u leavini- behind
a yotingwife,and infant: : Unfortunately
upon one of the Mississippi boats;r;im
mediately - upon his _ arrival in -New'
Orleans,' he fell in with a ' professional'
man—man of play, I Mean. By the man-
agement of this 'professional,,; the man
Was enticed to a 'hell,' induced to play,
plied with wino, stripped of his money
—in short, to: use a. profeSsional , word, -
4 plucked." -- The young man was perfect
ly sobered by his loss; he returned to hiS
hotel, stung - with reworse, and half crazy
with excitement, hoplaced'a , pistol to
and blew out his brains, leaving a
tarnished name al hn inheritance for his
wife andinnocent child."
" But. what is all thilto me ? 1 ---said
the gambler, now pale as aslies beneath
the flashing eye of the speaker. "Is it -
Jt. M-Oral.lcsson_juniareabout to-read-here,
or a sermon you have to preach? "_ ,
" What is it to you l'-' continued Thorn,
his voice quivering with excitement.
"Ali I I'll toll You what it is to you. This
meeting of you and me to night, is not
mere chance. lam his brother . and you
are his assassin I '_ " -. .
• " Die, liar I" shouted the gambler,
discharging his weapon the moment he
gained his feet. - ' • • . .
,The bullet ripped ppoi Thorn's waist
coatv and his watch lie • in fragments_
from his pocket, dangli g_ by its_chaiiii_
at the same moment the pistol ho hold
exploded, and the gambler fell back a
corpse upon the carpet. '. ;-,.
This all passed so 'auddenly, ere we
could interfere,' that we stood as if para
lyzed for au instant—the servant and po
lice,- alarmed by the noise, came rushing
into the apartment.
. Thorn' iiiietly surrendered himself
merely, turning to us and the other two
who were in the room, 'Saying as he did
so, " Gontlemon, bear witness I tired in
self defence, and that -I received' the vil
lain's fire here, " and ho pointed to his
shattered watch, . and turning, loft the
room with the officers. He was tried and
1 acquitted, 'as it was. clearly proved that
his adversary fired upon him first.
' You lazy lubber Yelled the captain,
'his' t ' that anchor, or knock wind
enough out of your lubberly bully start •
a new trade wind and blow a ship from
Canton to New York; shiver my timbers
if I don't,' The mato was out on Iho
anchor holding it up sb the bows might
rise, when his foot slipped, a splash,. and
he was gone. Then every. darned fool
shouted, 'Man overboard l' just as if he
didn't know it. I said it Wasn't one of
.the men, it' was the mate, and the ship
kelit, on its course, and we left him to
btiffet with thif : waves, and not a darned
-thistg,:to:iiftet with. •
Three years, elapsed. One cold, mild,
sultry winter's day, r visited the sea lido'
An, haul up my lobster p6fs,: tiocause
*crite*.toineLb- nbatatlor mile
boy,-who - was : sick
.with the dysontory.,
When i got 6011,1 'seed a sharkcoming
straight ashore, and' first I knew he, was
high and dry On the sand. • I tbonght this
must be a land shark,' and went to make
him a - call, when .1 heard' a voice saying;
Halloo, . Johnny, run your knife down
the shark's. belly, and lot me out. Be
farad and not out deep, or you'll spite
me. To act, with me, was to Iripped„
him open,, when out - sprang - the - "mute.
Ms clothes w'ero the old style of out
his hands he had a. ' rcdink that
hati..inade from the abark's
We set him down on.thelOhster pot,= end
be told hie tale., When he fell overinntird
be saw,,his:onlyeOurse to pursue was to
Sink ; and ho shut his mouth so as not to
make bubbies, and he sank' so fast that
ko left a hole behind him.through,wilieh'
he UoultiSee the
,azure vault, above, and,
get some breath - to innithe.„lle tot:oohed
bettoni;` then the, hole filled, up ; and so
he riff - again ;,'and he kept sinking
rising all night, flirting With mermaid,
and looking at the pretty ' water colors,'
Until the ' cussed , shark crossed
• path'
and, swallowed hint. At Brit he found it
uncomfortable ha thore;: but ho,arratuged.
the inwards a little differently frerti,What:
nature did ; then he felt better. '• • • • . ..... . ••—•
have as reonfy apartments as Jonah did,.
hut, it' was tho'bestlie
gan t o think thOt life, was rather, a'de.;
'Arabia think to:, have ih9404
good, hot
,ioast roast. peanuts
,ta'sted,,"find Lour
glad: bin Alice-would be telli§er lie was
well rosol p id to escape.;`NO took
.4 - i404,4 . *=,6i.(i.4 . :xiiii, - 00•040i,ii*.ii4.
.44 a ib!o'nhiiiliiiit4tl4 no: it lop
then IMptit a...rudder ent to steer with ; -
then' he bOred two 'holas befin'e'ethig with
the nostrils, So _he CO4I, 'Peep . , through
and see where he Was ; going he made .
the holes so' 'that tile rain 'couldn't .
beat-in ;,'lie put hie hand out doors and
got a Scale andiriade a compass ;:the ,
Wasn't long enough fora long-itude, and. •
for - a
.latter-tudo - he used the rudder. •
Then commenced 'his, "Ong race.,of 7000
miles', his life was at - sieitki - or - rather . at
fish.. Ho amused himSOlf days; by reading
finch light literature as could obtain _
from the lights' of the 'fish, :,,and nights , he
light up With fish oil; iniagining that
the fish scales' Were old, fashioned
Tomes, he flipped them up, `HGadsl ~viii,
tails you lose.' He hung his chitties upon
the pegs on its back hone; and' liVed on
the fish the. shark .swallowed.. n o could
have ' , get plenty 'of liver, hui :fearing .it
Might mahe the Shark inea:4, 'he didn't
touch it. He translated the whole of
Day's Algebra into and ho Saidthe
last three Meiatlis,WaSi;.it'very tediOuS,
- the shark' Was deSirbus,.ef getting ashore
'to spa** and' ail lei hnd to do, .
steer him right, He ;Was ..exOeilingty
.pleased - to see me, and'saidthat' .
such an old ‘ tizr ' it preVented the' ater
from soaking in murgiving 11h:ea - cold. it
Take it, all in all, onoof 'the most I' •
wonderful escapes I ever horrid 'of, and is
another prOof that 'fact ieStianger than
fiction.' This' hardy :tar is One' Of_these. _
kind of men who wear the stampef,truth
upon his brow, and a single glance would •
-dispel any doubt that might arise re
gardto his veracity.' rsend you a bottle
- of the red ink he madeTroni. 'the shark's
' gills ;. also apiece of hair froni the Water
fall of a Mermaid's, head.-She was ar
ranging her toilet by the aid of a 'shiner's'
belly when ho grabbed it. I hOpe, .11r.
ditor, you knowmi reputation foive- ;
racity well enough . to insert .this iii Your
valuable sheetwithout. a,..thAtfit as-to its
reliability. As to the sailor's voracity; I
can _swear to that, ,as:h had him in to
dinner just once.' " "
- WO :.110 anxious WObtainl:lie services
Of a very:, ki, largo man to attend to the fol
lowing rcf persons; 7 ,
The'uneasy.cuss who wants to know
4 " what's the PolitiCS - _ - 6tthe paper,'" !and__ l'
is'afraid iris ailittle Wrong." . •
The inqUisitive cuss who asks "what's
your:eirculation._" • . .
The honevolent gentlernan.whct in a
burst of generesiO, wants to tell yon•how
to make tho paper " itsuccess."
The mean, yindicitiva, and cowardly,
Sneak who wants, to abuse somo ono - edi- -
tonally, to gratifyhis owni)orsoualflAtP.:„.
,'=The sly and stingy sneak who . , wantstn
get a half column .fmff on his', business
. inserte'd as man item ofgeneral interest."
The - iiirefumwhotaltes liberties -
with all loosee manuscript and 'who eanlt
take' a hint to leave: --:-2
lewant .tu say something.'
I want to say soniothing in reference
to milk as a fertilizer. . •
There are various kinds uv milk. There
is sweet milk, sour milk, butter milk,
eow milk, skim milk and milkuv human
kindness, but the "modest best milk, is
the milk that hasn't the most water init.
Butter mills izzont the best for butter.
• Milk is spontaneous, and has done more
to encourage the_growth of the Minion
family-than any other - -
Milk is lacteal; it iz likewise aquatic,
while under the patronage ofmilk vend•
Milk is misteriaus. . , •
Cokarnut milk liaz never been; solved.
Milk is also another for human
lcindnehs. I ,
Milk and-broad is a pleasant tnistur.
Sometimes if milk is allowed to stand
to long, a scumrises to the surface, which
is apt 'to scare folks that live in cities,
hilt it duzzont foller thattho milk is nas
ty. -The scum is called kreorne.'hy folks
who 11 - s%e in the kuntry.
Kreome is the warrant of.buttcr, and
butter is 40 contsa pound..
The most common milk in use,
much doubt, is skim milk-Lskim
is mado generally by skimming tho, milk,
which iz considered sharp praCtiss.
,Milk is obtained from cows, hogs,
woodchucz, rats,' sheep,- squrrelS, and all
otter' animals that have hair. Snail and
geese don't give milk.. state in conclusion, that
coW milk, . well watered, brings ten tents
per quart.
Among the a papers Bay
mond, was found the commencement of
on, autebiogra:phy,: from which wo copy
the following.: "I picked up now and
then instructive hints during my.htinlies
of Now York life. 'While walking down
Broadway one 'afternoon, before I had
begun to earn much money, I fell into
the wake of a tall, handsome, 'Splendidly
dressed young man--displaying himself in:
luxury of white kids and
'Was, to the - general - adie4.dicr
clod him one of the. nabobs of the town;'
and , fell into the gain of wondering
:thoughts as to how ho • had 'probably ,
reached his• present dazzling splendor.
Of course I could not wholly forbear eon-'
,twisting my oWn position thmigh without'
any fooling of special'cintry..: ,The neat
day Mr. Greeloyasked me to gat() the of
ili s' ce of Parlor' Spirit . of • the Times, then
in..l3.irclay:street, - Jmd gethim.a_coi)r_PL.
the paper. While waiting fit' the - desk
'dim:door opened' and my magnificent
friehd..of the day, lictore; till accoutred as':
ho':!witsit sailed Ho walked . into thd'
paKarthe pffide, , took pff i folded,:
and put a,wairitia *hin) 41oves, hung' up
`Mit *tittd ooat," , Puti:r?man ink stained...
lirierrjacket,P..and , se& hitniaLf'bUsily to?
workrtorilini? iornpperi:- I , felkdecidedly)
encouraged -MAO tife prosiieClirtf4ow
York life I'' r.;
. .
TIMID .i 3
.141V:K15,1 1 :17.4.N34. - 4ggISTRY
• , '
At the last meeting of the ,
uin Itepehliean Asaoeiaileu i an, opinion.
was coati &gin' th s e:General
the State that , ,eitiZens,
of:POirwaia 6104fi: of,
t.d:rtito, in - person. udder, the kkvioijuk,p't
lip,Ath and 10th edetiOne e r fAhO c 4tot; );Y-I6 , ••
"If 1 tti "
sae , : , teweyer, you 10,,
'nili►doiplilpr you' must be
The .fact)o4
litit t l#oo l Flit!".#l•l 7.ok, i
, • • •--
r •
011111 E
~..., '1'..t , , , . ' ~' -; ? ..1 ; :.'..'
•Il' . . _4. 1 , .2.4 ,r .' . .. Y. ,
$2:00 n yrnr."