Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, September 24, 1869, Image 4
M a MISCELLANEOUS THE CARLISLE ACADEMY. An English and Clessical School for young men and boys will bo opent;d Srptonibor 0, In Bentz's Nutiding, on South Hanover Street. Pupils Instructed in English, classics, Mathematics, Natural Science, Penmanship, &z TUECCOURSA - 07 STUDY fe designed to mato thorough English scholirs and to prepare jar College „ Special attention will ho 111 ;no its h ip; &c that ' s .. tu t2'l 7- 2 1f ay b:TE S lU ' r i g n sin inflinsinoss - Ilfortinii - barc - a - good - inn at on or - a more extended Course of study: TUE GOVERNMENT will be adnpied to ymmg gentlemen and tboee irho cannot be treated thue will hbt be allowed to remain with at. THE SCHOOL YEAR is divided into two semitone, being respectively lisp. tombor 6th and January 66; TERMS PER SESSION, (Payable in aidTanen) let !tension, Common English, • $10;00 sib ClaSeles with Common English, 20,00 2d Session, Common English, 25,00 Classics with Common English, . 00,00 VACATIONS.—JuIy and August, and from Christ. .mallo_thollonday_after_Eaw_Yehr. _ MAIMING—PupiIs from abroad will find good boarding in a private family at reasonable rates, and wiElbe under the supervielon of the Principal. Add:we, B. It EiTERRATT, A. B. Principal. 01BLIBLB, PA. REPHRZNPE I take great pleasure in commeridleg Mr. R. W. Sterrett, A. 8., am a gentleman eminently qualified to teach. lily conildoncs to him fa such, that I shall commit my own son to hie care. R. L. DASMELL, Prom!dent Dickineßn CoDego. Bop. 3, Sm Election Proclamation. 11IIEREAS, in and by an Act of tho General As sombly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled " An Act relating to the elections of this Com monwealth," passed on the fid day of July, Anno Dom ini, 1.839, it inroad° the duty of - tho Sheriff of every County within thin Commonwealth to give Imbhe notice of the General Elections, and in such notice to enumerate— ' let. The Officers to be elected. 2d. Designating the places at which the election is to ho hold. Therefore, I, JOG. C. THOMPSON, high ,ShoiliT of. the County of Corarland, do hereby make known and give.thls public ntico to the electors of the County of Cumber land, that on Tuesday the Mil day of October next an election !will be hold at tho several election dearlote In said_countnutwhichlhouthoymill_voto by ballot for' . Ono person for Governor of the State of .Ponusylva ale. 'n One person for Judge of Supremo Court of - Penn sylvanin. , One person to replon en t the County a Giunborland_ In iho IThuse - onteprosentatives of the :tato of Pidns eyirtmla Ono person for Prothonotary of the calmly of Cum berland . Ono person for Clerk of Court of the county of Chnnhorland., One person for ftegister of fir county'af Comber Mod: ' Of. person for Tri.nallrer of the county of Climber land. OnF pormn — n for Commioqion, of the "ou - ,tv Cum berltind. One pernort for OireOlor of Ow for of tho county of Lumborl One porton for Auditor of the reunty Of Gum land.' The 'Reid election will ha held throughout the coon ty es follows ' The election In tho election district compose,gtif the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Nil• dleton, South Middleton, ,Lower Frankford, and J,twer Dickinson, will bp held at the Court Ilan. In the borough of Thu election in the election district composed of Lower West Pennoborough township, will Ito held at the North School House In Pleintleld. The erection in the election district composed of SllVer Spring township, will be hold nt the public 110111. of Ow. K. Duey, ih I.lOguestown in said township. The election in the election district composed of ilentriden,townsiiiii, will be held nt the public haunt, occupied by John Kreitzer, in said township. The election in the election disci ict composed of the township of titer Anon, Will be held iit• the public Rouse of aeslitui Culp, in Siteplierdstown. The election In the election district composed of Middlesex inWhxhip, alll he mold at the Middlesex School Ileum, The eleetloo in the election district composed of the —tOwmhiLor Lowilr— beltLat_the_nagon, imam shop of Jonas Ilunchbarger, - on Slate 11111. The election In the election district composed of EnstePentisborimgh township, will be held at the house of 1, S Hatfield in West Fairview. The election In the election district composed •f New*Cumberland, will be held nt the house now kept by William Dell, lit the borough of New Cumberland. The Moulton in the election district,compostal of the North Ward of the Borough of Mechiglicsburg, at the .North-west corner of Market Nouse in said 'borough.. The election in the election district composed of the- South Ward of the Borough of Mechidenburg, at the South-west cur. of the Market Mouse, tit said Borongb. The election in the election district composed Cl Monroe township, will be held at the public Inanie kept by A. L Harsh, in Churclitown, in saki township. The election In the "election district composed of Penn towitilhip, will be hold at the . house lately, c i upled by Jacob Itediaickor, said township. -}fie election In the election district composed - of ppm. Dickinson, .will be held at the house now occupied by W 'llium Crosier, known as the Stone Tavern. • Thu election in the election district composed of the borough of Newvil le, and townships of Mifflin, 'Upper Fraukford Upper Wyk Pennshoi‘b, and north Newton, ',VIII be held itt t,ut public Scheel Iltoube in the Borough of Newville. The election in the election district composed of the liofougli of Newburg and Llopowell township will he held in the public School Houle, in the borougli`of Nowburg. The election in the election district compo.,ed of the borough of Shippensburg, Shipptoishurg Township mid thet part of Southampton township not inClieled the berslawg election distriig, will be held et the 'Council blouse In the Borough pf Sloppcnsburg. The election in the election distrlct composed id - J,uwer Siinthanipton township, will be hold lit the house of William Baughman in Leesburg• Th, election in the election district composed or South Newton tom nslup, will be held at the School fence in-Jacksonville. , =1 Thtit every person, excepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any °lice or appitininent of profit or trust under the government ut the United Staten or of this State, or of tiny city or Incorporated din• told, tArlitaltor a comniisnioned °nicer or otherwise, nubordinate slicer or agent, who in, ur shall be;' — dinplOyed tinder the, executive or Judlciaiy department 01 thin State, or,of any city or incorporated district, end also that every member of Congrens and of the Slats legislature, and of the select or common o merit of any city, ormnittnissloo. era of tiny incorporated district, it by lam ittcapablo of holding or exercising, at the 50050 i nu , , the 0111C0 ar appoint cunt ofjudge, innpector or Lila It t any election of this commonwcalth, and that no inspector, judge, or other °lacer of any Ruch election; shall be eligible to any alien to 1113 thou voted for; hilt nothing het ei nhallJto no cons elted as to to event any militia oiling. or borough tinker from solving an judge, in,pertor or clerk at tiny general or apecial, election: nor Omit any thing herein contained be no con.trimot an to 0. i g N iVt 94 ,;!l ld if 4 tr ° eat'o'r ill clerk y p ffi i, 11'lccdmt from • either or any of them inelhitile to 11..1,1 the noun, , Particular attention in directed, to the first set lion of the Act of Assembly, paused the 'Jo, t, dap or 3laref, , A. H., inn°, "Air Act regulating [1..111111111, of at all Elections, In the sestina ltslllltl, ,sr this Coins tuonaitialth "That the cps.dified voters of the Aral eon Tito, dl e this Conomaiwattli,.it all. gem rid, to, ',lre, 'poi and special elections, are hei eh), eal , and required to vote. by ticket 4, printed ~r ‘vi itt.m, partly printed and partly Written, sev,•ndly Clll,,fivil ax 1011UW11:1)ne tieket shall embrace the unlace of all Judges of courts voted tor, and to be labelled, outside, `judiciary :" ono ticket shall eta brac, the names of nit State slicers voted for, and be labelled, nstato;" one tick• t shall embrace the names of all totinty °dicers voted for, including of Senator, member. and members of Assembly, If voted for, and member/not Congress, If toted for, and ho labelled, "comity;" one ticket shall embraim the names of all township officers voted Tor, nod be labelled, "township;" ono ticket 'alien embrace the names of all borough officers voted for, aryl he la belled, "borough," and each class shall bo eposited In separate ballot boxes" In accordance with the provisions of the Eitlisection of an act entitled "A further supplement to the Elec tion ions of .this Communwdalth' • ' I publish the fol lowing : .{- Women:, fly the act of the Congress orate United States, ontitled"An act to amend the several acts here tofore passed toprovlde for the unrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other pupae," and ap proved March ,11, ono thousand eight liondred nod eixty-five, all persons Who have thderted 'the military or naval service of the United Staten,and who have not been discharged or relieved from the penalty or disa bility therein provided, aro deemed nod taken to have voluntailly lelinquisbuti end forfeited their' right of citizenship and their rights to becothe citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights of citizens thereof:, And elfirreus, Persons not citizens g the United States are not, under the constitutiolt.and lawn of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of thin Comm +a wealth : • • enacted — d , o., Tlintirt nll elections lareaftor to bo 1101 M -raids UointfiTuraltli;iraliallibe unlawful for the judgo.or Inspectors of any ouch elec. thou to receive any ballot or ballots from any persons embraced in the proVlaions and subject to the disability imposed by mild act of Congress, approved March 3d, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-Ave,• and It shall be unlawful for any MlCllporeon to offer to vote any ballot or ballots. • .SZOTION 2. That If any such Judge or inspectors of election, on any ono of them shall receive or consent to rocolve any such unlawful ballot or ballots from any each disqualified puma], he or they BO offending shall be guilty of 'a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of eenions of this commonwealth, he shall, for cacti offence, be sontonced to pay a fine of .not Nee awl ono imndrod dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment In the jail of the proper county for not loss than sixty days. Burma. That If nay person deprived of citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, shall atnny eleotion bore. after to be held In this commonwealth, vote, of tender -to the officers thereof, and offer to vote, a ballot or bal. lots; nay person to offending shall begullty of a miede moanor, and on conviction therof in any court of guar let BCOBIOLIS of this commonwealth, shall for each of fence be punishoil in likewise malmor ns pinvided In the proceeding, section 'of this-act In cam of officers of oloction :evolving Hach unlawful ballot or ballots. SECTION 4. That Irony person WWI boreartor persuitdo or advise any person or persons, deprived of citizen ship and disqualified as aforesaid, fo offer any ballot or ballots to the officer of any election Intreatter to be held in litle counnottivenlth, such minions so °trending • shallho guilty aft misdemeanor, and upon conviction • titoroofht any court or quarter smilorts, of this cola. monwcolth, shall be punished in ft like manner no in provided in the second' section of this Wet iu the cone of officers of such election receiving each unlaw ful ballot or ballots. • Agreeably to the provisions of tho slaty-first section of said act, .'Every Uenoral at Special Election shall ---ho open between the hours of gight muff on In the fore, noon and shall continuo oe;lrtfl eavenblolock the .. evenfrig, whqufLupdilha'bh ';hDLlflphodJ.!..! "- Pureuant to titatthlthkf ntgrfed fh tho seventy , Oixth section of ;Ilona ttrin Oforeettirbtholudgoe of the aforesaid dlstricts'shabi respectively tallet charge of the certificates of return of the election of their respoctlva .. ." districts, 'and produce them at a mooting of nue Jgdge • .Trom ouch dietrict, at the borough oftlarlishu on the fhird 0, after tho elution, being, for the present year_ ON FRIDAY, DAY OF OCTOBEIt .NEXT , 'then and there to'do end perform the di - Aim' required , by law of saki Judges: ' • " • .Alop-That chore p Judge by sicken, Or uhaiiddabla accident, le unable to attend such a movtinpofJudgoe.. • thou the cortifkatti or retnen af,promaidolmil bo taken 'ebarge of by one of flni Inepectoro or Clerks or,the oleo flow of mid district, who shall do ltd peloorm the du ". • thio noquirod of Siiiii,Judgo unable to attend. t Ghee nadir my hand, or GrUslq thinintli dint of fhpsenta, M ' t • .".. , . ;Tank 216214 alir;.:;, •, , , *pal:nip Bukt coo, , no. to !Olio OM :OW ' r r, p ao .MISCELLAIVEOUS. RREMNITZ LEAD;- .2011 C, ' AND COLOR WORKS: We manußicture • Chemically Ppre CARBONATE OP LEAD. • _ . , __Also, -- Man-Importere-atul-healereAt ___lLttradesamiquallties of_LItAD.and_ZINCPAINTS -COLORE3O, 1 • ! . ! Bot&Manufvetnr. is Of We eel dbrated ' Perinanent SYRIAN o.ltEllff, with more Brilliancy, Beautlfu! Shade of Color, Body and-Durability than any other Green In the market. . , Also,le Manufacturers of Molt. & Cosa colobra• ted JAPAN DRYER, very thin, light In. Color, hoe of sodimont, and fery strong. Dealers also In Oils, TurponDuo, Varnishes, Win dow Glass. Brushes, &c, he. Prices ion', and all goods warranted as represent ed. Masufkoturers, Importors, and Whojesslo Dealers TNENTY•BECOND AND 11A011 STS Pilii.Anurnin Send for PENH LIST. BMX! 1869. - ' NEW GOODS 1869. I 'am Wow , opening the cheapest assortment of SPRING AND iiUMMEIt GOODS brought tit Carlisle since the war. Owing to the great decline In prices during the ]apt few weeks, I am now. enabled to of. - for great inducements to cash.buyors no tho entire stock has boon purchased at the present - low prices All the best Calicoes at 12.4 e Good DoLnines nt 15, 18, 20-& 25. 'DRESS GOODS. All the NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS for ',adios In groat annoy an very cheap. GINGII4MS, TICKINGS, CITECIC,S Cloths, Cassimores, Tweeds, Cottonadee, Ste. of every dose, I ptlon on commonly low,. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Piques, Marseilles, Sod Spreads, Nainsooks, Swims, Cambrics, Corals, Marsailo Quilts, at the 'Tory lo.westnotch. ,HOBTERY GLEArES in grqnt. variety, • MORNINg GOODS, IVo'ol I °Lathan, Rope, Crape Voile, English Crane, Math Tleilet.Shaerlie actin fulli - nesOrtneent.of_. mud rood. • My entire stock of goods not pnrehasbd within the last thirty dope will be eloeed ont rogerdloen COST FOR LIASII. • - - - - _ Look nut for bargitlns at tho °help CAA 2tor, Wont Meta Street, rmrty ortymito the ' A PACIFIC RAILWAY CA- C:10 1 I 4Q, 0, 1 ,, 31a $6 500.0000 . . IVe brg lone° to annual]co that wo havo accoptod tho agency ut tho' _ Kansas, Pacific, Railway .Company I=l New Seven Percent. Thirty Years Gold Loan free from Tax 71lie loan amounts to ;6,500,000.. First Morgge Land-Grant and S secured upon the extension of the ltnilwaye frrim near Sheridan, iu "linos., to Denverneolorxdo, a dirt:lnce of 247 MUCK of which 12 miles are emu rio ted. and the east Is order constro •t ion. It In also a Mortgage upon tho flood, the Roilling Stook . and t'ranehisi• of thr6 firy4cl.,es Rrdl way, besnles now run ning Utterly h thu titaio or Kansas. And in successfuloperationfor 437: miles west of thu River, and carning.,already . enough to meet all of Ito exponaos and exiatlng beaides More than the interest an the nrwtoan In addition to this tiro ilonds - aro alto secured by a first toortgago of tho Government "Land Grant of . Three 'Million Acres, e.ttentling Iq alternate sections on either able of the trio, from the 0114th milt, post in Itemem henl. or. proemeN of the sale of tinme lend, ere to be In vested by the Trustee. it. ta -- 7 per rent loathe thin seF•u~ the to 120 Er in U. S. 12 As-a Sinking Fund the Redem Lion tf the Bon,ls. The /awls contra, e ...Iv of the rne , rt now+ of the lllmatt:al ttt r,orritttrs t•t Col 0111110 Including a new 11111 The cumpum. ”Is. 1.•11 , as all tiara another trart of .1)1 ill OnS V • A crce tn do' Slate of lin IlaaS. and althottl4l!.f jI. lgod n .tiotattity tt t r thin loan, t.ti. I os,e,tott= atttls I, tiftelj to L apaoy , ,; wealth 1.1.1 ore4ltt. iijejtattaftto tho Value of die Company's properly, covered by this mortgage, at . $23.000.000 net, iiihilq..the Loan is merely $6,500 600: 7. 11Q1 1 .M111111!I THIRTY YEARS TO RUN from M ty I. I , C9; : t",i will' pay Seven Per Cent. Interest in Gold I= P'rPe from ; ore rn men( Tuawrion ,11g thr. tar.. ••1 0,11 19 in ill 111. iiiyr, :11, t• h Wl.ll I a T'rtyMlbre 1.,r3,21,1crt, ,pliun 01 Ow L raer, witit,ut mai t., at the fol lino n I, rate, V , ud in New Yolk (gold, ii.wh Lnll roar L., i• • •• Fro okiort, :PI Thu Agentiof the Lou, tit or, ecc, prin.: the tin , l hed the, r eilitieh w the Ilona, n 4.1 the totilltr,) thniugh u hick it mod. ihrefully are happy to Ore the Wort en iiroptintld endoreenieut RN ft FIRST di ASS INVESTMENT, in ovory rinpavt porloctir,nro; flint! In Kona esxon Ow oven Better than Cfoliernment.Securi ., ties. The Bonds will head for the 90, and accrued Interest,. both in currency, 'the etante resery,ng the right to advanco the rate The attention of Inrentoio In invited to those Wulf iwcurei booth'. which we ru-ononondell us ono 01 tlzu moot prolliablo invostniontn In tho market. - Gold and flovornment Scruritioo token in paymont, at their market nalud, without ouninlinsions. Pamphlets. mpg . glvluig full information, aunt on application, -D,ABNEYTIVIORGAN & Ca; No. 53 Exchhhngo•Placo, N. Y. ' M. IC.,JESUP 'tl.; CO., No, )2 Pina Street, N. I -13 Aug 69-3 m CUSHINGS &'BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND. STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore St., • . ')3 ALTI 1)1 0-R E M t p . • ' Tho largest and hoeraseorte,d stock to the city of, • •. .• ..... . , , • School, Law, ‘ 4 , Dental, Medical, Classical, and Miscellaneous Books, 'Cleaeral Binding: and Conking Orono ••• • STATIONBBY Of Ali kinds. • E3itcm.p? noodle to ardor In ony etylp of binding migrating; LEGAL NOTICES. • 1 N BANKRUPTCY:. Dletrlct aottri, of thit f looter. Dlrtrlot of Penusyltronla., 4t 4 t Ititi;tglitolr9rt of Job. Johnson • Bon's, Ilattkrupti, I • • Notkoliitotebyglivon, am-cowl itenorol meof , toll ofcrtdttonl.trlt DonOrupt 6, tot tb. purr'' , so of pitmit Ino, the *cooing of thdf **loot* tur ftr tie itoltlod cid ',Watt to Olf Mend out Of. timbal/tote . .inhi* tuttte; vitt to tool 41, offloittioptry, to b. lottto. it 04 Cowl , 110olor - 11:tvo 1tr.144 Pootteobor et too's:lo3NA: IS , Daroott, Doct • , ..OE-01tOD '0,1:,0410 47,,lottoi.faubll J14.44,2' poo r •• • . D?r. cwip is• dlPl 36..64 ti. ai.Auk. Muslim at 7, 10; 12 & 2 44e., VERY LOW 1113=1111113 EMMIENE BAll, 'ROADS READING RAIL ROAD: . • SUMMMR ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, 'APRIL - 27, 1869 GREAT' TRUNK:LINE FROM' THE North flint Notth.Weat for Philadelpht, New York; Winding; -Pottsville, Tamaqua,'Ashland,-Shamoltin, - Lebanon. Allonlown, P. 391011; Ephrata, Lida, Lau canter, Col.' umbla, Oc., Or. na-leasr Or^r;l o,,, , Nrw Vortr na tollowaL 1A,t_2.311,5.2001.11W1.,42-25:41001. ll OancLl(Lss_. 'P. Alt,' bonne - ding 'with - 'Entine. ou P.enusyliania Ilstl Road, andiat riving at Now Yoilt . nt M., 11.46 Nooro - 3.50,•0.46 , 930 P. 31.," and 0.00. A. M.- rospurtiully Sleopiug Cars accont paning, 5.20 2.36, A. M. and 10.55, • P..M., [rants without chang.: ' Limn! Harrisburg for 'Reading, - Potiaville, Tama- Ashlauti, 1,1111111101,111, Pi. o giro, AllentOwn and Philadelpillaott 8.10, A.M., and '4 00, illd 4.10, P. M.. stoptiltig at Lehanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10, P. Ill: train :milting won,- Hone for Philadelphia and ,Colunibill .only. For -Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven 'dud Auburn via Schinyl, . kill, and Susqueluulna Ilsilroad, Innva ilarrisbur:4. 330 -P. M. Baur:dug Leave Now York at !Mai. A..;!1.. 12.00, Noon/tint 5.05 and 8.00 Philad,;• lb A. M. and. 3.30 I'. M.; illeopir, ace6mpaninkt the 0.00, A. M. 1ind.5.05, and '.OO P. trains fromNoW York, without change., --.-Way—Parl;enger irrain-leavesThiladelOila M. connecting with similar train on.raot. syNania Railroad, rottuning from Remllng ~t M., plopping at all illations; reeve Poi Willa at 7 30. and 8:40 A. M. and 2.40, P. , Bhaunoki,, at 5.23 10.35,A. M. Ashland 7.00 A. M 12.30 noon, aqua at 8.30, A. 111. 2.20 I'. 71., for l'hiladvildlia and New York: henvo Pottsville via SehuVlltill an ` d Stisriiielianto Rail Road a' 7 00 A. M. for Ile rrlitou rg, end 11.:',0 A M. for Pine Glove and Treinent. Reading . Aecommodatien Train:' Loaves Itemlin, at 7.30, A. M., returning 10,1'3 Philadelphia at 6.15 P. M. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts town at 6.2.5. A. 31. returning loaves Philadelphia at 4.30, P. M. Columbia Rail (toad Trains leave Reading 7.00, A. M., and 6.15, P. M. for Ephrata, Litir., Laneestoe, Columbia. n,.' Perkimen Rail Road Trains leave Perlildmen Jun, lion at 0.60 A, M. a'ral 6.001'. 11. deturnina Leave Skippack at 6.15 A. 31., and 1.00 0. 31., eonneeflim with similar trains on .Reading Rail Road. - On Sundays: Leave NOW York at 8.00, I'. 31. Philadolphia 8.00, A. M., niPO,l5, P. 31., the 8.00. A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 1.1.00., A. M.. llarrisburg 6.20 A. 51. 4.10 and 10.60, P 31., and Reading at 12.50, midnight 2.64 and 1.16 A.M. for Ilai rishurg; at 12.55 and - 7.05, A. Si. for Now YorY and at 0.10 A. 31. and 4.25 P. M. for Phlind. . Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Excur sion Tickets, to and from all points, at rilluced rates. Baggago chocked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. N P;OLLS, 7mliy 60. Wheeler&Wilson's ITIG-1-IPIST 'pnr: AI ITT S . , ce ~ i ~:v% '1 R spy f l. , 1 = - ';/_, A , \ f k k.k",• isis7 .. - • ! At the great Exposition, Parrs, 1867 Awarded the ITiglTst Prom iit ins over S 2 Comjiet itor,s. TIEE:I',.:!PEOPLE'S VY,RDICT THE NAG: 01"1 - 1111 , wny EENOwNED MACHINE .t 100,000 GREATER THAN Al Ul HER. . GRAND TRIAL- Daily ali - VbrouLrhout tho world, wt •0 ONI.T VICE mr.,t,r anti, lxvor, intuit t+lll.lllllollltli The Wheeler & Wilmon,rtatle triumplwitly thot thanaVion end Lender over eirothers by the vete let of the people. Wu claim no merit,: that we cannot inntain by living nil reliakin witrinao, skied upon our own ItrAl. IVORIII, without devinini Inc against other companies, We, clout to bane linprovntnents tar sew my that witi..know cannot be excelled, aiid hi nanny points t hat nwotin r pony dare enintate with. No other company owl/. 401 , f“ , many nee chinos that have been 111 daily nee t of.Cll/10 on ,o For tint lir,of °Lib!, l o on at the nurnh ern that are on each inartline The it heel t r jl , 4_,2(..lll,:'!lchinv to the Melt UAW. , nett Ft lend. arid tinetgoer it oinao's It tilt :it'd ret thrterer, r, ill , other comp ity can twit on as liherttj and ete.y terint . ll2, I, • Tile poor tet - nnou can gal herself a Ma chine. anti glteroaieds pollfor it. No Machine is paid fa• until p , ties are fell satis jied. CYos•hont use Only inerra,es the n•olt/I of out ciiJN S' ill Cal wlippnava upo. I ou thin. eve ra an six to cppl.lve yiParp., say •P'l'lpa r IPP P - Chomp hp; tp.r la-every p.Pint Phan •pasp atal there ix pp t a garapp.ta warn in Ow 1:1111i rrnln iIF ,nvicn io vy rlor It 0 II 11101 yealsuJll,l, 111.1,i h• t• turolob 16 rt.siolt•lrt., p.trt vb., eau cost rip ttll %co The. an,ignd at,. a t id:my !.a, 1), - ‘1 heeler and 'Vlltam Sea Ing , Inchines. , 'alll,la. and. lanath 1-f Limy Cho, ha, a !won ddnstaiit nhd lira. J. B. HaverAielc, 14 yo_itip " .1. illintim, 12 " Col. Ileuderson, 1 ". Ruv 1)r: Wing, 11 IL 0. Womlwaid. " Rev. SterroLl, . S " Pe(!blvel, flier Caroline Ege, 5 " " C. He e itnitn, P10111 . 0e• ty I. 9 " terrett, 3 given eitar, ro .1 Willi .1. 1 1 • • I t•• •: 1,11 , t.. • II..• 3 1 1 11 1, 'ET E 1:SON C.I . ICP ESTE It, (e u.ngts. 121 M AlUi ET :tqlcr !IA RIZI:1:61;,1. L. If the only authoiized Agenbi in Carlhde... I.ollar 119-11' 70 0 ~.. . , ~ E') - ,rfr r l , -d , ,1,,, 0,,... t.,..,..-„, i c .-2H2,-;..:. , op-,- r , F‘,,F.. m , ~,,,,;.„, rn m g r i a =-s‘z. , p..... ~,„ '.'' ,'' 3,f t - 4,c, 1- -, -,'__,, 4 z .w , r-t1..1.'N, \' %`-7-'7. , --•- ) ',31 ``. 71" ~* ,',E", . .( j::' .. P. -,•',..zi z.i., 1) ( ,, 4 .... )1 ,;,,<- ... , . ~...„ ....... 1 1, , 4x .t 3. .v .. jt ,, vi....1 t c : o s r ''g''' . 'I":' ;>" ' ' I . l*-, -. Fc ,'"' g Zig Pj , ' Otec," ri, ~g, . td a) ti ' u.....`,p , .. .., r g —... e l 4 ..i t; VI 1 r g : ' =4,' a '" ,L.,,h` c -vh. ~.. V. g,. 5 9 0 , i: :'( 5 '4 ..q . ) , „, 0 ~4 • j lP ji tg r 17.1 _'.dihbi ntiex aml btylefi of Foreign TO, from tho finest rosomood west priced maple and pine , Furniture of all yariel and Domani hi inanufactur and Mahogany to tho for Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, Kitchen and Office GM= Embracing every article used by Tlouse and Motel keepers of ho moat approved and fashionable design arid flash. Including also Pottage furniture In setts emotion and Camp Chairs. Mattrassea,ollt frames, pictures,' Sic., . • • air-Particular attention given as ufillnl to funerals orders from tour, andeountry, Mien tett to promptly and on moderatnterms, SPEOIAI4 ATTENTION PAID TO THE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER.... Ertar 1321 64 OOVERNoWS CAMPAIGN 'CAPS, CAPF'S;.• nxn p Campaign Torch.. • ~... 'V,'i!i ' . ',ride° of Torches, $25, S9S, n ' 9 lqA Al Alq ~ 0 ,, . i:.,15 and $.lO pi.rhundicil - • A5T 4 `,.. , ,,?•, ; 441 , t \ _ l 4 ,l , ltUojp , a , la n i:l a iii , 4ll , i o dngrtv r, AP. ' S s .''.‘l 11.1 P HILL, Nlnnulir 201'011.1.111011 Eit • i• ' - .:' ‘ Id . "il hi 3,1 lib Markel //d k A: ,t , N \ ~- '' ''' ~ .. .4 4 , ,, • - . PIIILADELPIIIA. yin. ailtl i rs4l,Y COMPANIWS pNIFOIOIB mule to order, " ' 'Aug. 27-It. State . Agricultdrai Society,_ T,HE, Pennsylvania State A rieni turai &ciao, will hold Its next exhlbSon at 11.A.ttRISB:Ult , Tuostlay; t3tiptittnbor 28th 'lBBO, --And to conUnuo FOUR DAYS . i ihildbitore will not be required to pay .n ]Entry fee--nut :wilco their 'Ruffian node, the usual eguletione et the oOieo of the.- Been tin y ; free' of charge. . . . will open Sept. 7, and elm° efOndey, Sven fug, Sept,. 27,' at 10 o'clock, P. el., nt Oro 'Moo' Of 'nib Secretory In Dm iliburg, after which none will ' . For Front lurn Dete en 1 other; Inersontion ouldrei, Ilithee of the Secretaries', et' Harrisburg, • , . ABIOS E. Prokklont. D W. Stltlllo We . get el tall'. •• • "ELIIICLULID AIO'CINIaS, Cur, aocretary.: 4.4 • „ . - oasovLLA.N - Eovs. 6 . - .• . • IF YOU' WANT TO SEE THE most perfuct.PARLOIL STOVE aver Ottereltl to the public, slop • . W ]) .E 1 r '.ZI t _ • Stove Store : gi ve Store Lot.tber, Street, In the roar 'et Ira Martha Store and ado the " 611 EAT A . ME..WAYBASE BURNER In .. ._ . operation. It In a perpetual Burner, and pedant Radiator, no well non parteat Von tllat...r of the room nod in warranted to consume Ire, coal than any li.A._.x.y_er ?itTiWtl-1-13—th_E .-- publin;irequiring,hut tif roar Dorn in front v•eigilL hours, being florfottly ffioyoiklins . hnVioig.a ningilo 011,10 to jug fir, for so of night, ono of life mdrir„xll (IMO bi &ming tho \ min,t, fin gag, 1 - i• nio., •I. tinily. • .. . . il'kfl' • .f i ',,.' t. , )1: z•. , - ..: •,..?" . :bl' ',.., -. 1 ?"' v a ~ - . : • 4: ': ..1 i .i''' - --- kArz-- er:4• ,,, ,,;._ ;91_ - - - 7.7", I, RIM -=%ATf - :- ,-_: i. ~ ..c.!''';4l„,. , -a.:-. F'."...'•. iE':: • 4 ,v'A l P:, 4 i..t 3 ' V,i1..;-r.V;,1•,14-.-.1, : _ i(l\M- .-: ; : 42 - : : ,:5 .r,a• :4 5403 - ,v,-,, „ a•s N - r - ,.;- 3 . , w Z / REFFT-ENCES. NIS John Paul, AhtosMillenil/r. S. 11. ICleffsr, bane Porter Davin Miller, 10. Dolnney, I) ['offer, • It Halt:tom Kleor, Col. 111:11o:uso., )Itts, Illmovolt, Prof, Ptaymon, A. .9onsountn, Dr. iron, Johnson Moore, J. T. Mundy, 1). Wlttors, C. I nhotr, A. Conner, .1. Thompson, .1. Burkholder, Copt. Brindlo, Mrs. Gordon, 11. Corps, Williamson Bros. B. Stouffer, 11. Shenffer, frurnur, J. P•taulTer, - Hamer, A. Leldlgh, P. Thumma, Quo. Farenbaughl F. Elgantrltz, INlrs.Wooderg _ Abner Mill,. P. P. Hassler, Major Hale,' And !Ahern Get the best COOK STQVE in the Market, Excelsior Penn or, .11Iorning" Light FOXV . • - a ~'~'~~ . EA ~;~.~i.~F~. In ,ofil't .n to tin :demo' Store FRIDI,DA" keeps no haml n full gopply of tin, boot Conk, Parlor and 0111 no -rove, _ Ti„ nod Shoot Don work of all kinds on band, ',rod Spouting, Rooting and 3obbliar of kinds clono nt Th.rt ma lop, nipd - ot the boat matorlat, Fruit Cons, and .Inrs of the moot approved patents. and 1,11.1 - Turin:don the knot Portable nod Brick Sot 1 471 3° 131. IC ever offered to the puldle. For reforonres mill on Dr. (Darr,: Noldigh, I Henry Nas.l,2y g F. U Fleming, Mrs Prof II ihman, I F Gardrirr, F Watts, D eidigh, A. L Spongier, posher, A nd of hers. grnar, bu ly • N I , IIV BCSI E 11-17 -f„ _ • ” • _ QI / g 1 F URN ITU . RE, BUSINESS Thit, sula.eriliet•havine taken the entire b u , inrss uIl n bin own hand., will continuo to carry It nin till it• la totedes. at the old admit, •nullt• curlier tit' IlAtrieer old tatitthar St. eats. Ile deelres to nllOllll,, to the public that be hen now on hand atti ll l ix rontlatitly manuntettiring null purebtoiro; nomthe ie•nt iiaa , ornnuttiutact 1:1,1.4 .11111 h o ot pdtterns of yldlINI• tit nil tirh. - tut ~ti nd . read , eiataints In ported N \ :\l'.\ I S, • ' , tall,. N. Ir. E. STANDS, TEA =OEM • Tot , a 'ride, Sfdtd. titat,att tti Trundle, l'ot taatt. Pane' .1a n:ldtt o of thOtt, I.lnd Badsiv:Oa, et ILa at - Buotautt, CT. Ton 'raid, and Stands, Al'ash•ta td t: t tt, rs int!, ,t 111. , fad Ftr ttonant ttlt: tt, ot nottaa,ronattkotly an. t: d, Thrattr , td nr tool in let's. 0 S 1 EM 1) I.', \\' 0 E .s;dt. Itoard-, it 1.11,1 Fares. Seer. -•••!... 1.. d nipdanx, t• ~d,• lit.u, the very bed!, 1...1.:1 fn it e, lIMMEMIIMIIIIII I\III,LINERY.. A 7711”:*1 ry - Brylity a Joy Foreter The sill sel rrsi.erthill, s ILL holies of arlh.le• ;11.41 tI. 1110 thAt ,11.• reevi,rl born Irrn n04,:t0 Intssl ;41'1;1 \ I'l' I :rod Is Lon r rsosr In extorie 011 mtler• Ith 00...ttnIs• .Inrl oro.-. , h. BONNETS, HATS: CAPS, &G., 11.1.1 e ;Intl repitev.l HE tho,,,mhorti•l4 1.0641.. am.l OH iarl Lave. :1111i AI land MA WI T.\ 0 I 31, 4 \ 1ny1.611. 11. A :t., Mi J. BEETE.II F91,C;114;11 , 1 . 1 1 ., ;1,11 STI . I I hidl • ti k , t price pit tot flour, Grain tin d 11.1c1. 101 Orai tlt 1111 kinds, knit bracing' rxicEN's . LOCUST MOVN'i`AIN, • I, A IV BERRY, Au., Ac Idnieburners' nod IllorlumiltlW Coal vonstantly of sale. Kept under cover, nod delivered dry to city port of the town. Also, all Mode of Lumbar on hand.. 17npr US L. ST PI E ' 8 LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Between Ilannver :mu Bedford Streets, fu ronr I the Cornetn House. O.A:I3.LLE PENN'A !laving fitted up Iho 'Stable with New Carriages &a., I zits impartsd to tarnish flrst•ela s tura•outs St rrntrinn hlc rates. Portico talcs to and from Ole. Springs. J. L. b.. a/ TOV BS, TIN, SHEET IRON 1,7 - WAR - 1:; - .AND - PUMPS. The untlmslgned, having returouki from the Eas tern URlus with a large assortmout of . ,'TS 0 YES AND WARE'S, 1111 U ally }teat Inc' first clash listablisbniont, aro nro pared to furnish the citizens of Carlisle and sur rounding country; with the host Cook films In the market, consisting of the BARLEY BIIEAF, NOBLE COOS, gAS BURNFA, nod others . , which thoy wit gnatiintee to bake and roast bettor, and with lest fuel, than any other stoves hi the market., their stuck of•PARLOR and OFFICE STtIVES art not surptimil this 1311:10 01 the cities for beauty, dtitability mid cheapness. BTATIONARt AND PORTABLE RA GEB. and ImATElls ou band, vairanted to.givozoneral wdlslact ion, with the recoinnienilatlontrof numbers . of persons who have too min MO. Their stock of 'kin and Sheet Iron Ware la large, and suited to the w.uts of all housekeepers, or those contemplating the same, at rates which delycompotltton. They have added to thole ,businene a Itirgo unit troll selected 111.1 o.lolent of MD .V ELL AND • CISTERN, they are prepared to pat up ,aCtpo ahortost notlau. , , Spouting,and' li!ooling • dono at the shoitobt notice. .ipbhifigand ropairl douo with float:nag and despatch.. , AV 4TEP. o.ooLintlr, or all qualities constantly oti All aro ro quested to call and OXIIMiIIO okllr et ock,at NO. 88. NOttiti 11,11 , 10ViR Si r .:OARVISLIi; • where they will be pinned • to .r ‘ ecalve ell and ehoW. their Wien. and render all satisfaction' dashed. . , '• 1111114.103M1T11 & nuriv, No. 08, Ncirth Hamner htraot, , GAS_ FIXTURES E'R 0 5.1.3 N L.A. 3.1• P -$, A groat variety of Novr.Styloa. ~ISTERIDIAN„..I3URNEII,. Baleat and Boat la_ the Market It gtveti tiatlnrati,a ,Bllatat nay Butaar mato, JON.CS & CO:, Manuthoiurote' end Wholesale • ••••••• Dee , . 702 A ROL: fa9Stri'l:, NUM? ELVIIIi4 tOOK OUT, DRY GOODS MEN. • TO TIID PDBLIO. • I have lust returned from tho East.trith.mihring Steek,and n, usual,l am selling Obodslo ebony. or than any-other Dry Goods Rouse in - town. I do not think It necessary to occupy, a column'of new, paper to krop up my reputation foreelllnx cheap Goods, nor do nrish to resort to clap tiati_ to gull the public. AD I.palc of them Is to call and examino for theiuselves, and if not eatiefied•with tho - prides . : not. to buy. Remember .tho stand No . . 111 North llanover streot, next door to Dr. Riefler's, and • . Store. • • 1':4;I iv4ll si3 nothlrig aibOut my - thiro grund,op.lngn,• ' ' Anprii-07. -Fier 11 ATS AMP CAPS„ , pki! • • hire rain ho noon the, tlaMIG ‘ n;,nortziont =I ever brought to Carlisle. Ile I al; os groat pleasure In Inviting hit old'frlonds and Customers, emd'all net ones; to his splendid - steels Just riceivad from Now York and Philadelphia, consisting In nart of fine SILK AND CASSIAIERE HATS, Besides an endless variety of Plats and Caps of the, latent style, all of which ho will sell at the Loyalist' Cash Prices. Also, his own manufacture of Ilats ab ways on hand, and. Hats illanuf actunq to Order. Ho bac the bee', arrangement reloilpg nat,nna all :dodo of Wuolen Gouda, Or, ante, klt at the chariest notice (an ho colors evinir week) and oil the most reasonable tome. Also, a too lot of shake orande of • TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on band. Ile &elm to call the attention of persona who have COUNTRY FURS To solkas ho pays tho highest cash prices for the same; Give him a call, at. the above number, hie old t\ eif — iiii - onlident of giving entire satlefne• II an 105 10 tion Julyl4 67. "_I3ENTZ HOUSE." No. :1.7. AND 19 EAST-MAIN ~,,,A,l , 1 at c ,N, ..., g;,,, , , q Tr -10/1 4,:•Y , Y:4O,V-- -- ; ---- c-5-__,. The under - sigued hicrilig _purchased and entirely refitted, awl furnished snow throughout-with first eines furniture, this wellikonwn and old established Ilotel. solicits the nutria, of the rommunity and irocelllng public. lI.Is well prrp.iroil to furniah flri.tirilass accommodations to 311 who desire to butte a lintel th • llome LT plena int temporary :diode. The ruid ern froin'the romoondlog country I. apectlully tolirited. goortiiiim,and attentive ser e :iota ille . ongeged at this ' , molar hotel. 01:0. Z BENTZ. .I'rorp'• N. 8., A.Brst (Liss Livery I connected e Ith the Hotel the ineengement of Mr. JOS. L. Z." o, lltNEll "13RO. 30vill 61.1 y JACOB &9•ARLEY, JEWELER, In vltos him patrons and the naldle neherolly, I. NPIV Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT St., PHILADELPI - lIA, H heir theyls 111 find a I a-go mat ul:Led Mock of A MOM'S, ATCII CLOCK ma, , JEW EI,ItY, SILVER and PLATED WA RE, at Moderate Pt IN, N - R.—WATCHES and JEWELRY carefully re rera r ed .1 1.W1,1,1tY and SILVER WARE of sail kinds made 5 , 5 malt, 1 , -July fan. U. S. HO EL , OppoOLo Pa. E. & Readihg7 Dopot, _ HAN iII'SBURG,'4)A. W. c 0 Proprietors tort 58.1 IN CONSEQUENCE OF THE disastrous fir., whiall An January last destroy• .1 lbeir-fitor: and Its enntents, J. E. CALDWELL & CO.-1 !lave bed made especially to tho'r order In Europe and In Alneri,u,pu xuthnly New Stock of Choice Goods, 11'IIIrli ere now 0p.., and i.dy for ...cumin:Mon VERY FINE hAIUS MANTLE CLOCKS (Erin.). with thii new improvements) NE11" PE OR NA MENTS TO MATCH, ElairviY TIOW BRONZES, GROUPS & FIGURES (poietiA m• WA NUI" a cos' FINE ELEcTRO WARE:= BEST STERLING SILVER WARE, Now designs wAT , TIES, JEW &c., &c 819 ' CHESTNUT STREET The Great Pacific Rairoad is finished ! UNION & ENTRhL PACIFIC Bankers and Dealers in Governments No. 40 South Third Stre'ot, .; . d FITIM At BROS 18 N. Hanover Street, No. 18 lIRADQUARTERS'FOR BARGAINS We would Invite the special attention of the cit izens of Carlisle, and Cumberland county, to our ,r , ll selected stern of Hosiery. Gloves, Notions, hits 01111 d. Litton and Fancy Goods all of--which ,vo ru determined to run off at astonishing low prices. . . Give no an early *ll . and Judge for yo•trsolves. 11. lig1111Elt0E11; ' No. lS N. Hamster Street, Sipo's Hall. ',Noisy Om CHARLES WILLIAMS, HEATING AND VENTILATING WAREHOUSE. No. 1182 and 1184 Mar!cot Street, p F IT I{ NA CE. , .. . . ... hie is an oulirely now heater. it la construct e at+ to aura commend itsolf to utineraifevor, being ncombitialion of wrought and coot Iron. It is vary. blniple lit construction, and to, usrfectlir airtight; aull,cleten inK, bar lawn° pl pea or di urns to ho taken out and cleaned. It •la so arranged with upright ihnei as to produce a largo amount of hoot f ow tho mina Weight of coal than nay furnace now 'ln use. The hy gronetio condition of the air OB WO doted by lily. 110 W arrangement of ovaporation will. at once demonstrate that it is the that will produce a porfotly boaltbY atmcddiere. I ern now making Eva Edson ok , Forpthles, and flair for. Masonry. Special attention Is also called to my NEW DOL. DEN EACIED COMING RANGES, as libel assured there is nothing In use that can compare with those .as regards their durability,. economy and efficiency, with a bulb assortment of .Low Down 'Orates, Flro Place }Doves Registers nil Ventilators.. Bond for Illustrated circular. • • 11done 09.0 m • • • • • , T E MARY INSTITUTE CARLISLE, PENN'A. Boarding Wool for _OTILLS. Tho ninth nnnual serolonmill Wien of IVlOnottlit.;, noptintber, lat. For olicujars or Naha, Information addtaaa . . • • it LEYBICETT.. API 5z4.54," • 00.1119 01; kiSCELLAPEOUS ps, you mane a nice Hat or Cap ? If to. don't fall ° to cell oo J. 0.-OA:L.1;1p No. 29. Woot ?duke .Strout, HATS 114 D n APS, Pdrmerly Carman House.) I= ESTABLISHED IN 1851 REMOVAL JEWELERS, A very . full m.l ortment Itt Very MODERATE PRICES For tbo plosont nt 1 )1( ) RP; 1(11: BON) ME It A I L It 0 A D S BOUGHT AIrD SOLD El= NEW YORK BRANCH VIIIL4I.IiELPIIIA The Golden Eaglo HOT AIR FURNACE BAN GES DRY GOODS I)RY ,grOODSI SO.hiETRING r:o SUIT TtlE . TIME AND SEASON, AT TIIPv , - • NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE TH9VIAS,A.EtARPER,. CORNER OF lIANOVEIKAND POMFRET ST&, • .., - .Who.larpow prepared to.o=hlbit •• 411C:6li1Ralit •at!ct well assorted Stock , of ' -• • . • -DRY .G00D.9,• At-exaOedlngly low Prlces I • • -- Bargains in - .13 I; NK. T of iii tolorn and sires. The cheapest Stock 10 terra.— ----- FLANNJELS• , Plain and Twilled, all colOrn t homers,. • CZ= Plaid Shirtlogs, ' 9poras, . liomo•3iado and a fine artlido of Welsh Flannols. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Long and &intim Panday and Thlbot Ladles' Cloakings, Velveteens, Gold Mixed, Water Proof and heavy Beavers. Merino Vests, ehlrts and Drawers, for Ladles' Misses, ldenlpand Boys' wear. , A full Ime of 010t119 and (immures FANCY DRES4.6OCtia In new and Rlch.Destpr. Many of the above Goods rolling elf at at greatly reduced pricer. . • Immense ',Stock. of all - the - leading brands . of Domestics and HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at less than. regular prices. MLEACMFD 4.BROWN-SILEETINGS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS,PIT,LOW DASD LINENS, 'TABLE LINENS. NAPDINS.AND DOYLIES: Towels - and Towellings 31rtrsoilles Quilt, and Table. Covers, Notting h am Lace Curtin Material and Tidys. Full lines of . , WIIIT.E GOODS, Embmfa..rioq, Laren and Insorti,s and Crape,— 110 , :er3 and Gloves 41 ittuat an oxlen NOTIONS =I FANCI WOOLEN GOODS CORSETS! CORSETS! Fron.ll flip Coro, mntl tho oelgbraled Beekel Conots, _Ladle's Cuff, and Znilars, .llematliched Tucked' and Embroidered Il an d kerehielS. SP.SCIAL 1 N DUCEME'NTS TO CASH PUReHAsErss THOMAS. A:11ARPF;11, Con of Honorer andynnarrot. Sts MEE 1867 SPRING ARGAINS =I DOIVIESTIC COODS DRE4S GOODS; ' CASSINERES, SATINETS, JEANS GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ZYKIERS, RIBLIONS, RING'S NEW STORE, No. 66 WENT MAIN STREET Opposite tho'slaueon House, foot. to Post..ofliet Carlisle 1311= J. REYNOLDS SON, N: IV. CORNER 13TII A ND FILBERT STREET. PIIILADELPIIIA,, PA., 8010 Mah ti Int:lnfers of tho Celebrated WROUGHT-I RONt, AIR-TIGLIT, Gas-Consuming Heater WITII PATENT DUST SCREEN, ',IRATE BAR REPO, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR Those Tincture aro !mile of livery Wrought Iron, well Hy lied together, the only sow prevention against the I,cape of Gas or Dust. They are easily tentoleil. without any damp, rn Th, pdo n t Ito• dialer avoids the use and annoyance of drains, and Is pet meanly at taehed to the !tenter. This Is the most di rattle, simple, ovonomieal and popular Hooting A 11111111 a OS ever off ered for sale. They are all COOKING RANGES fur Hotels and Famillox, PORITIBLE Ii EAT E S, 'LATROBE HEATERS, LOW COON OR ',TJiS, .SLATE MANTELS REGISTERS and VENTILATORS. We aro also manufacturing rt. NEW FLAT.T.P HEATING RANGE.., tr.. - Send for cu.l' Illustrattal April 23,69.1 y. GREAT CLOSING 'OUT SALE fIUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUM v.. MER GOODS to Lo closed out in thirty days. 11-vpssible. Tho greatest BARGAINS ever offered In Carliele' are now to be for the neat thirty days. We ore determine close out OUR ENT= STOOK OV SUMMED GOODS We will keep no aecourd ot.whot goodo cost. Thel mud di be did without rodrOe. DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS are the ordor of the day, We have a complete as. Bortmout of ell Wade goodelc t, at auth wonder.: f ul ly low prices as to actonish the moat experienced bnyero. REDUCED. 05 00 °loth for • 2 00 Coeslnioro, .1 - 00 do • 86 Almea, :c y• "5 do 60 Japanese Mixtures, 6010ranito Pooßun 40 .Pungeo GO Boot Organdlea, 90 do Good Lawns, 16 00 Lace tibarle, "10 00 do Good do BILK COATS AT RALF TM3M OUT,' Summer Shswle for , 11 00 $1 $0 lloopllklrto, • • 1 00 Oarputo, 011 Clotho, ,1111nds, don, Ttrenty-11vo per rout, lower than the !meat, Domestics of all kinds exbieding7j low We will give you more yaluo for your Money, under any.aud all olycinatances, than can be had. obsowhere. Call early and examine nurgoode. Sue our prime% and‘bo convinced of the tad. W. C. sAwx.rn. A aq 6000 pounds of wool wanted, for whieh ere will pay the higbest'market Ogee.' jul1,00.• . . EU. G: tor plt.Co to ge a pod !Ivo amt cigar ) , llOtiot n AL M. 6 111 4, the Fretaltlki Liam. , - , MISCELLANBOViS% SPRING GOODS. • • Ve have Jnet retain:lyd from the city with a very large and gplendid assortment of soasonn blo goods, which we era selling off rapidly at LOWER, PltlOEB THAN THE LOWEST, our stock of • --• E.Sdsl.." . G 0.0. D S. ,- le vary full and ,ompleto; the, styles aro unsurpaas•, ed. We have splendid tOtitiglltE DELAINES, ALPACAS, • findmany new Etylo Goods, GING RAMS, CALICOES HOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS TRIMMINGS, • TICKIN GS, MUSLINS, ' • !MMUS, BLANKETS, FLANNEL AB grade, • lIANDK'S • CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Boars, Clottonadee. and tho largest stock of small wares and TI IrontlpgB In tho OARPETB, OIL GLOTELS, INIATTINGS, RUGS. Ind NllB, OA RPCT CHAIN col Cotton. , Linen.and-Wool r best make_-Our.CA hl' CPS aro considered by Judges to be the cheapest outeldo of the great cities, This stobk of goods Is Tory largo. well assorted, and will ho Bold off at reduced prices. It Is not necetwary to fill a column In exaggeration of our stock; but we Invite all to call nod sae for them selves, which wo think will satiety them that his Is the place to'buy ftir profit to thetnael cos. fleet 68 BIINTZ & 010, FINE CLOTH ' , NG TO OItDER ISAAC LIVINGSTQN, No. 22, NORTH HANOVER ST I Invite the attention of my old .customers and the public at lar .0 to my L 51,0 and brilliant Stock ofSUMMEIt GOODS for Men, Youths' and Soya' wear: .My Ousten,Departntent - Vehlprises the finest and Janet select of Clothe and I assimers, while my ready made Clothing Is carefully and most tastefully go , ton up. X cannot and will not be taidersord. - ISAAC LIVINGSTON, N 0.22, North Hanover St., Carlisle. N.D. Still selling the Floret - Ito Sewing Machines. 14may t BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, HENRY BOWER. Chemist, Super- Phosphate of Lime Ammonia I= This manure centaurs all the elements to pro due° large orbpo of all I: Inds, :sod is highly reenne mended by all mho use It. 360 by 111,11bLigUiAllEld ehemkts who Lave, by analysis, tented its qualities Packed en Bags Of 200 lbs. each DIXON,SIIARPLIESN & CO., 30 South Water & 40 South 1 - 4.;aultre Avenuo, 1867 WILLIAM- RI.,YNOLDS, ' 79 Sou* Street, 11..t1.11-Mart.E., MD And by dealers generally th roul,nt the country. For in formation, nddrren II NI rn Hewer, 12ish 60•1 y. OSEP I I LLE 'of Caliz4le P.P Springr, Cumberland county, was eurml nt PILES nod GRAVEL of 17 piers sta g by. tlri use ofd bottles of Dr. Campbell's Pain Derlfoyer and 2 boxes of hut Liver Pills MIDOLF.TOWN,. Dauphin Co. Dr. Campbell :—I lot -you home that I :was p'agued . with Fever and Ague Gruap.c.:, I could not get cured, I at last 000 o• to Ilan',burg, I hoard of your wondered mimic Pain Imairoyer and your matte Liver Nils I hough , 4 Lottke and 2 boxes and the:, cured. mu In our month. .M E ICIIAL.CAPNEV. NOTIONS, &C Dr. Campbell will n II to all druirtlsta and deal; ors. Price on oents or $4 per doz or by the !„..r, gee., Vl_ Knelt dozen la put up In nlenn tanner, boxes ern aim Fig.,!aturc on the sides. 1.11,,r1.1110 s g p er ,i not n; e . ; nor, 10 fiu m Lozenges $2 t107.01c 3.4 erect SIOA) 'per doz.. All !Otters titould Lr clidrunmlCl to Dlt CAM 0111i1.L, , Oflice No. 130 Third street, between Chostnu I nod Mulberry, Harr...burg, Pa. Fold byall DrucgintS and Dealers every whtne. For sang . by DROTIIEitS duelers In Do Medicines, AC. • -REMOVAL. • plA,!;r A ° CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS. thoing removed from r 712 Chestnut Sp - reet, . s • • • TO P[IEEIt NEW BUILDING. 11 2.1 CH EST N Sl'•, PIIILADELPHIA. _ • Aro wallop a large nod DIM aysortmeut of Din mend and other flee Sewelry, Ajoet:lean :old Swiss Wateiles, Yogilhh Sterling Siwu, Ware, ()minim Elect, o-plated Ware, Man tot Clocks, 18.7une 611.1/ , =I FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF , SAFES, (fVitli Dry Filling.) /*Warded the Pro Medolaykt World's rah . ; Lpridon, World's Fair No3v3 York, E, position , FARREL, HERRING & CO., 629 CHESTNUT STRE'EI' Harvey Gillam, Chas. Mathews, P.7llL' A. (Am W. -Myers, . thrring, Farrel, & Sherman, N..Yorlr. Herring & Co„ Chicago. . Herring, Farrel, & Co., New Orleans. Dlora than 30.000 HERRING'S SAFES hay Ones and aro now In uso; and over- els. HUNDRED have passed through accidental 'fires, preserving •their contontsln soma instances a ham many others failed t 3 00 1 25 SECOND 11000 SAFER of our own and other =Otani Miring been received In part pay for the Improved. Herring's Patent Oharnplon,' for 8010 at low prices, 18Juno 60•ly 26 It tJ 21) CARRIAGES. • . B . •B EE B K bore now On „hand, At his•Oairrlage yaotory, E. earner South acid Pitt adman, .„ • CARRIAGES BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, • S E 0 . 9,N D. BAND, WOR and eiorytillng In hicilue, on band or mode to ie determined to get •up the beat work tainted outdo thle 'motion of the country. Nothing bttt the Cory best kook goat Into bugglee or cam. rbagee of hie manufacture. ••' It airing and pp'. iog promptly attd oda it. 10 00 6 00 60 t. 6 00 , . AT 4.ItB LE"; TARD. ' ' .. ,1,,',... abiriavas. TOMBS, IIEATIIyrONE6; Mantles Door pills, ou tknocl .00,1 mndo to ordtr South IlatL p.. , it...rt,Citat.olit; Pa. ' , , • . •. .. II“;ORLIt.' 0 1 !4 411 4 1 6 74 0 ' '. : : 'r ~ . ' ' I =I GEM AGENTS, Ll=l HERRING'S DRY GOODS. 1869. suAgaER 1869. =1 NE,W G- p 013 8 • BilloOrenndinee, Organdy Lnwits, Piques, Apnoea ltduattoi In prices of all . Bprlog foods on hand. I 'I7III dose out the balance oiany ping Stock at coot to make room for NetrFalt Goods. .13OrinIns In alt kinds of DOMESTIC GOODS. 4nrgalns In ll° dory; GloYes, White Goode, ko, A .fipleudid Corded Piqua at 40c. Cordad Pique, ono yard wide, Ma, Mori' Ileao lialf Hose, 12%c., Lad as Erase at 172 1 / . 6e, Ulna Stitched atlliand 12%c, Blenched bluelion at 12;4e, All hlnde of SUMMER PANTS ST OFF at prices MSS defy competition. A lull assortment of Shawls, Parasols, Sun Umbrallas, hoop Skirls Corgnte, &c., always on hand GRAIN BAGS, CLOTHS AND ,CASSIMERES, From tho Lowest Grade to tho Finest Fronde Raving alwaya taken the lead in tada branehr businos,l iscialsay Inca batter. prepared this season than.tver, to moottho nishoe trial! &airing. a good article, Or a vary fair bargain SUITS MADE TO. ORDER, at pm abori, , t votive by a 11,t,talltoiler it9OII,MVEDIC co COS OMBA - 7,1N8E , , BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, =I EugUsll Crapo BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, Square and long, alen a full assortment of Funeral Goode, Ibr wt k 1 orders will b. promptly and ;Otis actundly area TABLEENS . , TABLE CLOTHS, N TOIVI',LS, Li NEN , MARS Al I, L I= NAINSOOKS t _INDIA AISSP.S, TARLETONS, CA).II3RICS, P]..lOE, An I ern determin ed Ant to be und•isedd in ally thing in our lino. All I usk In and. Itn.protion of our New Stock just opuutt.' I can convinco y,u the,' g.milq 011 cheap LT, GREENFiELD tt. East Maim Street Jury '2 ISt J MILLER & BOWERS' HARDWARE 5.7 ORE, 26 N9RTII H!,NOVER STREET, !!!=laii CARLISLE, PAw-/"'-, , . '„ • 'lll ,Po rya > , 4l4l (ot,o 'a. _Q. al tEt wro nfutild e - res t r i ec c t o te i our rocentlyy ea STOCK of ITARDWARE malcht itnu "' l w on n o ' the largest In Cumberland Valley and eunolatlt In part of lIAMMI,IIMQ 11. ND ROLLED N MORDON'S HORSE SHOES, NORWAY RODS, BLACIiSMITIL3'. NV AMIN M RM', COMM 311 L K Lsl3' ANO UARPESTER TOOLS, BU I cl) N(3 t- A T it IA L AS I Who, l' 1, 1 llvdertaliorg, anti Cnarh Alalors EMU EMELO T 11 I A L M i 4. .thalos, fbovels, Forks, flakes, !to. ' Repairs for '3IcCOIIMICIK'S 'REAPER constantly on hand. Wo :aro constantly In receipt of goods direct from tin, roan olaeturors and ore ablo to fur. fish codntry merchants at I hhadelphla and Now York prices. rit , tlooll.3 dellTored to all parts of tho town froo of charge. Wilcox & Gibbs' ...4L-.; , ....„. 1 ) ,- . ; • , ,,- ; - , ---:.,:--4---.,.. &I tk te " BMA riv it 1 0,1 El .Nul. l raf,, ;r n K; 1.,, • SEWING. MACHINE We have secured the &ganef-Int' the Vi'lleox & Gibbs' Sewing Machine, a little family arrange. went no ono seems stilling to do without after .having seen nee in operation. Tho Wilcox & Gibbs' is a Single Thread Iducid no and claims superiority over all Double Thread Machines in the following particulars. It is simpler and less liable to got out ofrepair. It ix cheaper. It rune with loss noise. It runs easier. It rune. motor -It hoe the beet device for py eventing the wheel from running backward. It requires less ntechani. caleeill to operate it. It requires loss time and instruction to learn to use It. It le the -meet certain and reliable In Its' operations. Its needle le straight and lees liable to be broken than a curved one , The needle is secured. in its place by 'an ingeniously patented device whigh venders it'self adjusting so that neither skill nor r experience are required-In arranging It. 'lt sews 'directly tram the spool thus tieing away with the tedious operation of rewinding the' thread for adjustment In the - shuttle. It makes the'Wilcoa & Gibbs' or "twisted loop stitdb," a stitch original with this machine and made by. nd other, the seam, is more elastic and stronger than-the Lock Stich. 'The floalls is the most .veq and beautiful; the seam .It Always self. fastened thus avoiding a reversible feed. Ate 'ten sion is more simple and mere easily adjusted, it is more speedidy Changed from ono kind of work to another,- it does beautiful' embroidery, Mhos the best hemmer, it has the best Slier, It has the beet 'braider, It hoe the beet belt. • The Wilco: & (Mobs has been in the market for adittlo mbro eight years, during which time upwarde ()feisty thousand here boon made and sold, A filly per cent larger Mhan war° Bold of any .Doilble Tbrond •Ma. 'chine In the sumo number of its • earliest: years' ooh silicate is sufficient to warrant the sale Of this lltioltive wherever It hits- an 'Awry without the dOabllnierb.ionee of testimonials, of • hich there enongb , to,fill up the cciluiihm is the Iced. • The , ..e. Mrehinss 'are nu • imbibition at: bu r No: •S°, North El ',mein 'Wye% Cirlirin,i+b•re 01.1+ may be examine 1, end they 1 , 1111 tali Mut ',lesser s'ln a*. planing thing relaiini., to . Iteaptetlehy dc.,'- .7111:1111 'Downs, .• , .1N0.42.6, North Dario ear It., Cailltlejikado•. 2010 PATEN T " • • ,AyOr?-s _ HAPR. VIGOR, For,rpstm•ing Gray natuia Vitality aral Color, • • • . r/ ( 7: 447 0.0 Fatted or-gray_ hair . i ,. 1 1 0 '.- , 'it' . a 007/ Tutored to tsortyt -• ,f,\ , . • nal color ivith thc-glo.sB '.. '\'''' i', , ' . -and freshness . of youth. ' l `" ‘ :. ' y Thin hainis thickened, -/_ .It. f illing hair checked, :_-.--,' , 4 1 1 '-'" a t nd baldness. oftdn i thoueh not always, cured by its ■se. Nothibg can restore the hair 'where the follicles are destroyed, or 'the- glands atrophied and'deenyed. But such 'as re main-can be saved for usefulness by this _applietition.LAnstend of foultiigltio/bait with n pitity sediment, it. wilt lieep-it' and vigorous. It occiteionar use will prevent the hair from turning gray',* falling off, and eonsequeotly .`preieLl baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the,hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be fodnd so desirable., Containing neither oil or dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long, on UM hair, giving it a rich gloiay loam and and a kratofill perfume. . , Prepared by Dr. a . . C. Ayer, & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEYISTII, - 1, OWELL MASS, PRICE *l.OO. E~ Apr's, Cathartic Pills. — For all the purroson of n Laxative Diedleine. • Perhaps noose mall , one le so universally, .:¢' required by 'everybody ay if cathartic, f,or "VAR •' ever any before so .. .9 avete s i a n i l e y; f y d , d t n t: d among l clatle" 4. •mild I•ot dadh and portal h O e P. The b ions' 11 , 1eall in, that *f - ‘ 2_.Aillf,Aft&A.AT. - 11 - - , lt I ' s a u•.l, re'iable and m1;111,1 1!1', tll,l room dy ILA!, - a - hp I,t,n triad 11, know that If eur, , s their mpg!, imm and sod all Know that a hat it does once It does al try,—that it never fnll,< through any 'fault Otift‘egleet of its comp.-Rion. We have thousands upon, thousande of cerfilimtes of their remarkable mires of the following complaints, but ouch curse are known In every neighborhood, and We need not publink them. Adopted to all ages and condition, in dl climates; containing neither caleniel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken With safety, by any body. Thelf augur coating pro-erves them over fresh and [naked them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can once from their use In any quantity: They operalo by !heir powerful InTI nen. on th Internal - viscera to purif,y- tho blood-and stimulate It into healthy net' , [l—remove, the obstructions of the stomneh, towels, liver, and other oralsna of the body, restim lug their irregular actibn to health, and by cotrestlug, wherever they such derangements as are the first origin of disease. illrertiong are given In the wrapper et the hex, for the flloviln; einnpiaints, which, thew, Pills rapidly earn lor liidigeradon, Li•thiergeile, Lan. nor told 1,0 , o iir f Appent,•, Ilmy should hs tavvo y the ELinitie It and I • hviil 2 ,,,r tr•i.n . , I and it= Trirloul , yjiptoins, ; Siok ilAtt whet' or miforl,o , l ttho3 51u.11 , 1 tai COI ref •i, • 1.5••• I atititin or r:tuove tllo oilstruc i [kits I; • ;••ticu it. Pine. o v ~r Diarrlimn, but ono mild done ht gener:ll' it 11, I 1 101/ Goat,. Gravel, of thell i•or1, l'o h In tho Side. Luck and Loins,the,: rod: Inuounly taboo, no- required,tip rani action 'of the my stem. With burl! .1.f..f.• complaints disappear. ['di to, Id, liii , p‘i , t , lBlvelllnga !boy should be ItC:en i., I-u'oe null frequent' doses .to produce the ell,rt 4' i1ta,11, , , a large Ilona should be taken,. ft modor,theileslred ITect.hy errnpathy. • Ana /),rib, I'll. tar, one or two Pills to' Tiro 1;,11 and roll nvo therwtomaeh. .I, , nlonni done stimulaten the 'amnia And bowels into lionthy notion. restorea the appetite, and Invigorates the system Hence It in •ttoa. advantagedun where no serious derangement oz • let. dine who Orel, tolerably well, often find. that n I.loer of these Pills make him foedneildeolj better, from thoir de:inning and renovating end on ;he dldn,tlvn appiretn, DR. J. C. A . 1 . 1:11 d CO„.7"rilctical LOWELL. AIASS.,U S. A. Ilaverstick, Agents fo , Onrlisl• DAVID STIZOHM, D.. SPONSLEIt, NEAT and POPULAR ROOT, SHOE, TRUNK -, AND HAT STOMEI, No. 13, South Haopter Street, Carlisle a few door, Fouth corner. WE harm just opernnl tho rgeat and beet dock r f and SIIIIES °Tar cliered l• pid continue aimo•t daily t• receive sued peat Ii Car line as boSy want, ' Our stock oonelste In all kind. sad varieties if Misses and Oki strong Imither Women's Mi•oes' and flhild'a lauffi•g (falters. Woo fun's Wore Hid Turkey - ant Frei:telt 'Moreau and cor, Buff And dig Hosts. Men's And Boy's Call and Ruff Congress °alter Mon's and Boy's lasting Gaiter. And Brogans. Men's and Boy's Calf nod Buff Oxford Ties 106. Sandals, Buskins and Overshoen. Mou'ef and Women's Oust Welt and Carpet Slipper Moo's, Boy's and Child's Fur and Saxony flats. Trunks of ah floes and prices Trovellloß lingo,. Fatalels nod 17111 coo, together wlith o. prime lot of GOODS whk we will roll to nit times. QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS IS Orli MUTTU. Tin4ofore iu I•suing •ur card it is Ist•eded prlrsonul Ant Ration to all to need to roll • arl look through our •torl. vrtiliont ferdind - under e ., 14. gettions to buy• uultr ruffed in fluidity and privy. We shall always II) . to drill with, every *no In a straight forwarernompor, and give ever/ ruftorder full e•pilveraLt, i n his mi , n.y. IT. 'pep, ell 1 , 11 avail thonnel• of their Cirri opt.ortrioity to: and 1,0 11, DApril , f4y = 1869. HARDWARE• ,HENRY S AXTON, WC% 1.0 EAST HIGH STE-BET, Carlisle, Pa WholeFale nml Retail trealer iii Ilardwaro, Tres, toil, libiatling 3latorials, P3lnts, Oil., ke. I'lurst quality of Amorjenn and 17nzlIn5 Pocket and Taw," cutto r y. Ivory dl , Zwription of Tools adopted for all Mr chanieal Trodun of On adat rolnbraiod snakurn, and nvarrantcd in every lost - amis. • l'it.toln nod Ammunition. U' PS , fo- any depth warcantaa to,glys e*tlo .ti Cement, .•. Pla,ter, • Int.theg—PfmEter,-- Picks.; • • Shovels, ' , . • ' - • Sips. es, ' ' . . ' • Vass, - Crembore t - Sledges, ke. . . FAR-11 Isms, ?LOWS, CHAIRS, lAMBI GRAIN SAGS, de., de., . - —-- Builders receive tna:eriale ten treat --N, lifeudleo both in price And grinhly. ' ilmiselieepors Maids . add vitenntli be pest variety. . WE ARR, SO.T.E AGZNTS.2 , OB . rff.lo GREAT FUEL BUONO% Ur, PATENT EXOSLSIOR WEATEUIIt adopted for doors ant windows. We fe'el intselves competent of pleasing elf as Our gonde are of the•highcaf , ln quality as,.o• team in price. ' Orders by malt receive prompt attontton, 'mu delitered in town free. , Parties indebten to us 'for 1806 wilt please he prompt In their payment. and all to whom we are indebted will Rleaso prosont their Mlle for settlement, Sian 68 D 1 A.N. - II 0 0 D HOW . LOST, HOW .RESTORED. . . 'gl • Just' published, et wow edition • Oulverwell's- Celebratod ,Esno,y - thurddical tura (without ,ro eude.) of err lIIMATOIIiaIk, or Sme Inioluntary• heroine Liroses, -, 1 11 rovrtioir; igentaidind PhialcaLlnrapa'city, Irdpedf, - auuntatomarriago otc.; also CONSUMPTION, EPILIIPSI and Brre. Induce d-by solf - fuiltilgence or sexual aP ' travieganoo. • • - In soaledenvelope only 8 awn*. - it he Oehibiat - od anther, intbl admirable assay' clearly demonstrates from a thirty yam,' auoteestul prairtico, that tho.elartui d og mimeo may be radically ou ed itithota the dtingir ous use of internal medicine or tlie;k oils; Delntlai out a mode of duce ones simple, pertain, and Lt. , fectua), by means of which every sulkier, sat tor eltut his condition ioey ha, WAY Curd - 111 M.. • cheaply, privately, and relied/Ig. . • Locture should be in the itatithi af WWI youth and (ivory man In tie lONA. . • rand undor seal, It pleal'eue elcpe, N am? trots postpaid, on-re;s)pc re ,, Ir , Jr t stumps. liso, Ur. •Oul , , isall'er, •1/z,etirsqi 14 a! orb .1:I' rant& Addm;ii , , -127,,mi5very;1447.1414 A dressing Which is at Once agreeable, heat h effectual for JOHN W. STROH.I4 nr.oum r sfoitster 1869. HENRY SAXTON