General IVotes. • . The champagne trade this year lenti l:lute:l at . 22 060 000 bottles.. Thorn are 18,247,000 grAlons of Whisky ato. ed in United States bonded %vs:rehouses. =''-'l,Teurksattran-dT-Broottlyreltaro-eon , tributed $47,816,80 to the . Avondaltiielief _fund;l: . • Reports him beeri.receiTed of damages to'llfty':seyen.churehes in \ New Englund by the recent etorin. , About 12,000,000 eggi are used annually in America and England to albumenize paper with. • A cotton ms*ufactory, to cost $300,000, is to 'be erected in 'Nashville, ea the very spot .where, In 1777, the pioneers first pitched their tents. • The receipts of the Smithsonian Institut for 1868 were $67,453, and the expendi ture 3 $57,100. TN; little town of Bennington, Vt.. with a populatiorrof 3000, doea a hoarier manu facturing business than any other town or ' , ity in the State. Tennessee Legislature, will meet on fro or - October, and the election of Senator will take place on the seventh of thii same month. The Avondale Relief fund is roach $200,000. It is to be entrusted to an association composed of prominent Citizens of Plymouth, Scranton,. and WilkesLarre.. ' Tho debt of Michigan has been reduced $852,842 since January 1, 1887, and the whole a.nouct paid and ordered to be paid this year is $1,151,500. In three years, from a fraction less than $4,000,000, the State debt will be reduced to less than $2,500,000. CAU TEI,ON. Extended enceese in- goy department of business "Justly awaken. competition; end owlng to defective mental nod moral structure, often begets eriNry. Now those are [elle expected and may be met „by : energy and determination; bat tioenufrequently the hounds of legitimate rivalries are or'erstepped and base, un scrupulous men etoop to lice the patronage of others to further their nefarious purposes. With the slate ,trinie of science, and by means of Industry and honer,• ty, In providing a potent remedy, Dr. Strevero Old Standard Tonic Herb Bitters, have attained unparal leled colebriiy,liaring been berme the public-for the lag thirty years. Wherever they have ontorcd the slot or complain ing household, their effects have even exceed,d ex pectation, and el) far surpite oat all we have ever cleim ad for ihem by cheater, card, or other wise. tliitV, the public confidenci in Use medicinal ilia's:ties of this Illttere is t1111 , 01tn4161.. W• do }Ur; frac the competi tion of the einpiriesi thr.c who attempt t palm oil' remedies upon the people, which are not nclentidetilly 'compounded, and are declitute Or available go dill.. Their earpiricism,rill be die, wmred in the mid, and the inelllciebey of their peeper dime found Out. We 1 1 woubtratlier be envied kw Worded sneers, than dee-h pined for failure, however ungenercav it may be for man either to eery or despise Admit ritiollief and a worn& claw Or Mill viduale, we ere forced to take a , lop. W. enrol, to I bosti take advantage of our popularity, and attompr to gala public favor and con loner by counterfeiting the bid etantlarilltitters, barely imitatink the label, or milking oilier epproach _ es. to its preparation calculated to deceive aid aen bibtter of iouree, in en far as they sueccod. to bring excellont Tonic trito it ,rer la, The 1011,110 am hereby warned ng niilvt. /NIT nnell lii order to further protect nnrr l ye, and ems the at flictiol fro:11114 Rid'nn evr biter iadodoiled to pi,awa our Label an an everloorrirer ta nw,tain our iiiden tityriviol -- keep-the - rwrroWrtion of - the -- Olft - Stondorit lotart. We intoner great expe_dpie hq nnrlolog, but the en I warrants the meann. The :we: lei el along with the caption, directions nod 'neat orounientabiou will premont an excellent steel in of C. IL kryder, the senior member of the fl: m. This will be - tiro badge of Rs genuittene,s, a roll as a guarantee of the quality of the Bleier, The label 'will be tidy copyrighted, end thus placed beyond the reach cr ontintnifeiters. :Ityno fault of airs shall th} public confidence ever be canoed or th• reputation of the "Old Standard" be Allolved to suffer. None genuine unless signed KRYDER Es •CO , 121 North 'Third Street, -PIIILAAELPITIA: Sop 5,2 n AbIi:TrEAPNIIS.I, hIRDNR99 and OATARII Ii treated vith tho Utmost messes, by .1. ialA CM, U. D., and Prot:soot of Dieeaseo of ; the Eye and Ear (his viola:sly) is the Meetisai colfeceOf Penwsykania, 42. years orporinco, (formerly of Leyden, 11011 and.) No. 805 Aron Street, Qhila. S'eatintoniale eon be neon at hie °Rea. The nedicel Acuity are invited to no. COMpIII37 theta patients, on be bee no secrets lei - hie practice. Artidelal oyeelenerted without pals. No charge fbr esetninetion. o.Taly 00.1 y. M MARI?IDD PARREIR—JONES.—On Thursday, Pept.mbe, 16 In Chicago IV lb. Rev. Edrara.C. Porter, Rector of St. Luke's Polo°, Wm. B Parker, es,/., of Carlisle, to leknie, Bauch ter of Tarleton Jones, seq., of Chicago. GLYNN—WE - M{I.DV —On tha tvrelfTh inst., by the TOT Mr. Griffith, Mr. John Glenn, of W.Linumport, to 1)11.o Matti° B. Wenkloy, 01 Marl. burg. 6ELEAVFI,II—IiQfi MAN —On the fifth Ineit , In Mechnnicitburi, by nov. John Ant, 11 r. Ocorgo W. f3hoidTer to 3104 Aunt° Bowman, both 01 (,umber• laud county. BLOAN—PETERMA N.—On tho foqrte.43th lost., by the mte, Mr Michael IL 131 can to Mi,o Susan. PeLerman, bath of York cottety. DIED DAILL.—Ia this borough, on the seventh Jost . Joseph DE. 1011, youngest lon of tho let* been Dell, Ch.A. , I3IIEAD.—On the sixteenth inst., George L. infant eon of G. D, and 0 G. ernighood, aged 3 months. ffIARKE7'B O kLitt. 19L PI Pao D cc n NIA fIIIIIIT Car Hells, 6erterobtr. 16, 1860 Floor Illaperdne , do Itlrf V71119A.T.... RED d. nvn ...... , con?' ..... oAllymew)-- CLOVEREEMD 'llmovnvsncn. BARLEY MEI 60 010 General Produce Market. carom., Seph.mber, 15,1%63. • Co , ratlic4i Weekly by William Washnlood BUTTED 20 BACON.I3IIOIII,PLEP, 16 gICIIII9, 20 11ACOL, 81DE1, .. 00 LA11.11), 10 1 , VP BITE BEANS - •3 15 TALLOE I , ..t' PARED ritAcnr.,; 22 50AP, • O. [MARES PE.ACIIES le OPIEIIIYrd X, 115111111 ED APPLES, 345 1 ArION TIA NO , MIRAGE ,SPECIAL NOTICE. T„,ce C9NISUBd.I.TIVES. I The Adr . irtleer, Llliving been Motored to health innfew eri;, by a Tory simple remedy, after lute log sufterkl oevertd Metre with a otter.• lung Mice tioo, - ind that thread dit.eane,Conatimption le ensiling to make known tb his fellow-enfferore the means o note. Wr To ell who &sire it, ho.elll toad a copy of the prescription need (free of thew), with the direction for preparing and using the earns Which they will find a SORB CURB TOR CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, etc. The object of the adoerthier in aerating the .P,reerriptlon he to benefit the afflicted -and spread Infeeiiiition whirl ho concelyel to be ice .m 1141116 ; and-he how ovary, eatterer will try his rentedy,ap it will colt them. nothing and may prove . &blessing. ttrtivs elehiar, the preepriptien will Opus. ad- • ARV- EDWARD A. TIILSON, yilllemeilur,i, kluge donut,. Now Teri A 's ,y • BLAIR & ON nave Just received 25 banal!, best Cider Vinegar;. 50 barrids best Coal Oil; Salt twitifst • quantities at re fund prices; best Troth's uncovered eagar 'cured hams ; Dried Beef; large lot net, Mackerel. Apple Buttencrockeln abundance; Snit Jari of the boat kinds. R. S. jigno Teas aro a spociallty with um. Please try our Japan Ton: ltholo W ß i ll n Em t l o T t t ai t 0 1 . 0 0 1: i6 17Sept 18 . 6? a eouth Nod, ()sulfate, ka. , Aai•Our readers have obeorvod that we rarely praise patent modicinoo, and that we advOrtlser only lho very best of thput. Mat now, the remarkable :ipenvery of Mrs. Moo, of Oamtatots,. from her din; ;trawling and nitnnst .kelploss scrofulous , disease, which le known throughout t h e community, and no. questlounbly the effort. of dyer's Sarsaparilla, loath, us to publish without torervo the remarkable offlort9.7 of this medicine, We do thig in'the interest of the .afilleted.. Amy romedi . 'Whirl; can •so offeolally from the. dead," should be unlveroally p,nown and We .edell'lt May he univertally an ene aosefal it lute boom in the case .of Um. Aire.-- ~rldrdlyJournal, SYrecuoo.• , 170 opt ' • • , Elpectrol th,.7.ladtp. t r,AIT V. r4OlO tb^, _111.7r,i1?4 eet , o to 'cicro • outiolr , otook a•ot•lisorsolij . •.5 . • •• • La•Uatat : • • SPECIAL NOTICE. PECULIAR A DAPTABiLITY . 1111ANDIt1V1113 PILLS. Their peculiar adaptability to all rolistittitlabs: Be' cleansers' of the bowers and (holdoud has established and even the heart to healthy notion when other remedies have boon use without prothuung nn benefit. They qn not eXposo those itho nri4 thorn to any longer, m safe no oath thry. • • Eitrace front „Lotter to Ar granqrellt,tr2m C. J , - '114;;,?;;;i& ' ,72)r. "In 1838 I was to poor health, and my friends- os' well no ma self supposed that my earthly voyage would soon terminate.. But oftor taking ono Box of Brandetlie Pills, I began to feel bettor. ' Woll,• sir, 'when I had need up twelve boxes I wnso well, healthy mon—my weight hiding gone from 131 pounds up to 162 pounds I then ordered a supply. and between that time and the present I have retailed three thou sand dollars worth of these invaluable pills and am quite lure that I hove thereby been instrumental in saving thousands of lives. "- " Yours, 'truly, O.S FAY, P - bl. Sold by all Druggists, Observe my name in white lett. re Id the government stamp. 17Sopt Ins D. BRANDRETIL WIRE' RAILING, WIRE GUARDS, foF "Stiire Fronts, Asylums, ke. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web binge for sheep and poultry yards; Brass and Iron wire cloth Slaves, Fenders, Screens for coal, orese sand, tc., Heavy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters Landscape Wire for Windows ho., Paper Makers Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every informa tion by addressing the man nfa , turera, M. WALKER k SONS' No' 11 North Sloth street Philadelphia. 12feb 61).y. JACOB Scsasrz—Deaf Slr: I have been afflicted for the last ten—years—wlth—the Rheumatied nod Gout.. Your Bitters was recommended to me. I beep aeed it, and I am glad, to sa,7 It has effected a perfect cure In every abort time. Therefore I re. commend it to nil persons afflicted a Ith the same diseases. I consider it the best Cure in nee for any disease the human body la subjected to, If. Ds YOUNG, Philadelphia. JACOB SCIIERTZ, zed.—Doer Sir: At the Wallop of my linshanil, I was Mduced to try your Iltrisn Coma tt -for that distr, using complaint, Dyspepsia, from width 1 Lave differed for years. It affords mo pl.anure, and fu Justice -to you, to state that after using the contents of one bottle, my health Arts beets entire'y restored. I cheerfully recommend it to those afflicted- eimilarly. - Very respectiullY YoUrn,"fc., It. 11. TI10)1A9,1617 Part Avenue, Read SCHEETZ'S stand i ng advertiannent in anoth er cot.] n. , 17Bept I w • What Every Horseman Wants: NA DOOD, ()REAP, AND ItELIAIILE LINIMENT . Duch nn nrticle in Dr. Tubbs' Venetian Huron Lini ment. Pint bottles at une dollar. Fur Litneuenn , Cots, (labs, Cone, Sprainn Ac., narronted better tr,.. any other. It In mod by all the great Itproenten en Luny leltind Courson. It rill not cnrn Mug Done nur Sparin, no there In no Liniment in existence that Inhr What It It tinted to Core it pedtively does. No owner of horses will i: without it niter frying one botile. One tio2l. revise'. 11,1(i On 011 morn the 'lre of no or, hens ed or driver horse: For Colic and Belly Ache it Ilse miter fall 11. ;test is our , or the sun rises, just !to cure is (AIN ve nal/lo LiAlnent Idle the Ilors EntlirOcat on of the tidy. Jim , it, ow. and 311.enla Isthe - Druggist, and Slorelt-ener. , tel the United ,titatre. "1/aitot, 10 Po'k Moor. Now 17Sent ini =lll plot set or pe iple are dettestulnd rerun the andent Arts', f rot Bern !desire, nod atilt rota liarmy of the peenliaritl, which ,Itterers and e'resetv g 110,1 their a: restore. I.r T. C dyer & Co., nm plor n moll army of them In digging Sarsaparilla root. Prorideit with rerroet no.dleq,i toll of rope. and n hag of water, they are ready tee tits forest .rtlierfn tbe-wild-leinami-fiterrittinut-therre-willi--fried sod thlrknies•od Veen their only nhelter. Few o those who'find theuiselers rej urenated 11 thin pro duet, know hoer much they era Intlelited to the toil 01 these 1113111'11013i101,,, who dig health for thous ands of,Dr. Ayer'spatron=. w him they sometimes lose their oten.--IBoston Commerelatt' SPECIAL NOTICE We ■retoow daily receiving Chen Lots of Dress Goods of every style. Striped and Figured White Piques, White Quilts, hosiery. Gloven, Handkerchiefs, and all -other seasonable geode which we will warrant to soil cheaper than any other house to the county to which we ask the attention of buyers before purchasing.- A large lot of Parasols of all kinds. New etylei light Duttnu Boots all ekes, Muslins, Prints, he.' at reduced picas to suit the times. G. GGILBY. • IBJuno BUY' 'CH NAP FOR CASll.:LTbrear - peir tient, de duction on all coal oflialflon and over, dallTered It town for the cash. No allowance when a charge MEME! in mad. at Omar 09 Genuine W Ilite Wino for Pickling purposes, and Puro Spices at Masonbei mar's, Corner Pitt and Pomfret Streets. Sep.lo2t. ' ERRORS OF YOUTH gentleman who suffered for yeare from Nervous Debility, Premature Denny, and all the effecte of youth fu' indiecretlon, wiji for the .nke of Buffering humanity, send free to all who need it. the receipt for making the simple remedy by which he woe cured. Pufferern wishing to pr' fit by the adrortir• er'e neperience ens do ea by edd• ennina, in perfect confidence, 3011 N B.,OGDEN,' No. 42 Cedar 43t, New York. May7.6g4y. It gives mo pleasure to certify that Sir. Seheetno Eire n CDRDIAL in toy ,pinion. in purely vegetable n Its constitution, and au' excellent tonic, being barmier, In Its character, and not being •n alcoholic stirnulnut. ELIE ETOCI,TON, 31. D. SSPECIAL NOTICE. aTing purobased the Mock, good will, and fixtures of that poundal . confectionery .f .1. I. Rhee,n, 1 an .nottneo to tho pul lie that I witl be ablo at all times to furnish the boot assortment of =I CANDIISS, lIL)fSHTT7fIJ AMERICAN TOYS, My stock being manufeetnred at Imme,will always be mad° of the r ory best 111010; lal and by ox periencnl workmen. 1 will be able, from my ext., live stock to 'Off'r Inducements to the Trade. NEIV GOODS will be constantly Addltd to my Stock All Arlshing .FRESH CONFECTIONS should not fail to call. Having perfected errongn• ments With the Eastern markets, I will ho nide to supply every lover of good confectione, with thin very best quality. CANDIES. MANUFACTURED for the trade at very low rates Ple.e call and ex nail be my block and price, WILSON 'SUNK TIOLDERV Successor t 6 J. R. Ithe,n, No, 85, Went Main St ropt, Carlin le, Penn' a EMS SPECIAL. Surat-reoetml—a : lot-of the—finest —new r Nes.,l4tutl. 2 Igeckeitsl over br[tiglit to Owlisle. For sale vori cheep nt, 21. MASON ITEIM Eli, Southwest corner Pitt sod Tout (ref ntreet. 2450 2 Businesi Chance A..yoßrig man wilt' remit $l,OOO hi $1,500, can Poe chase a pleasant business. Address with 'real name, P. 0. Box No.lll, Carlisle, Pa. 17Bspt BO Merehariti plow call nod boo thntwo havo just recelead a lnrgo amortnient of Woolen Goode, Shoo and Buck Gime, Gauntlete, Paper Collars and Cuffs, 'Soaps, Perfumery, he., at • . COYLP /6 BRO. Nci.ll; PAM rfanever Street, Carltsio;Pir. Inept 69 . . NEW ADVIIIZTISEXENT. I I XECUTOR'S' NOTICE. A Tho undoralgurd having this day taken out letters teotamontary ow the ootale of Satatwl !Canyon, decoolied, late of Dlckluann township, no tice le hereby given to all pereotas'lndubted;to -Feld eetata-tw =aim Iminedlato paymont, end to all hav ing claims ogetnst It tciprosout thorn for settlement. JOHN B.ldUallo, - Ezroutor. IMII3 SIEVES • AND WIZ' 14:::10 11ANILIFAOTURED BY , - SELLERS' BROTHERS, 623 Market - 13Lroot, Phila. 2lse 13m B W,113.8 • • Witfis wledom will hanofit you: be not tamp' con -by >our tucrodulity,,lnindrods Imo sought roller :from the horrors of Dyspepsia through "the ;medium of DIARITIN MITA/MEP rto STDINIAOII 11716118 .and found It. Why shout,: you safe: , s hen thl adml • robin slomachlelms cured ninny similar mum-why do von doubt while other bollevp mid nre cured I Dulny In thl, matter Is birth dangetourand unprotitublo. Your health, Impel:tore ond.bnelness suffers, while constant 0001:et Is fro - Me: 1y foil wrrYby serious end uncon trollalile trope. D gsoes n' EUUTIV . B BIZTEMIt 'are Oflll6llV f t,1 1 0 1 11: 0 4 01 11 ;1 1 "4 'l l 011 I L ` c " .), '" eil i e m o u r paean and Anun mut other Milord:Ts' from TdMultArs, It Ic the only rollable proyentlr c sod relitt* • • , Yr'ru.7o t • ' • I,rt:.riond'o' Cali cures Sumintr. ' Coin plaint, Maritima, Colic, tze„ unit In intilapettaliblo In the nursery daring tho teething period; it relieves pale, alloys Inhankninthie, regulates the howels s awl rromoto natgrar 2450 70 DR IY6ODS: 1869. 1 -, ,ICYJP•AMiL owned pn occup y' re. 'AR. mood, late the property of Bonedlct‘Law. The lot fronts on Han nVer St.;oo - fectrand extends-back-the same-width 240 feat to an alley. The improvements are a large, two-atury FRAME 110 USN, with Verandah In front,' containing Double Pnrinre, Unll,'Chamber, Dining room and It Itchen on 'lower floor tied eix Clantobers and Bath-iroom on.the, 2nd story. Gan and water have been introduced. There le n large Stable and Caning° House at', the loot of the lot. Thelot Is well studded with ornamontai tree." a odabrubbeiy, beeldoe fruit of almost every description and, Grapes OEN,TRALOf the most °bole° selection in tornado n co ' Enquire of ~~ DRY TOOL) S HOUSE SEASONABLE GOODS. DRESS BILES, FRENCH MERINOES, EMPRESS REPPB, BLACK ALAPAOIB, BupArlor Brands, BLANKETS, COVERLIDS, SHAWLS, of Gray .dni - Iptlon BREAKFAST BRAWL', Tr w rtyler, ARAB SHAWLS, the Wert thing oat, NEW SAME WOOLEN ROODS, Just out, FLANNELS of every dexeription, s 6 extremely low ptiCOS. • .. • CLOTHS CASSibIETES, N ESTINGS, HOME MADE GOODS, Fur Men and 11.,yeavnar. The NEW BAEMOILAL SKIRT, I= N 0 T O.IN S 111= FURS! FURS !!, A full nonortrnent of all kinds for Ladles, 11.113ses . and Children. CARRZTS 1 FLOOR OIL CLOTHS - ; - all width DRUGGETS, cal widths, To tho .community at large we will Fay that we Ca wing to leap tip our reputation of km plug tho most Sit• middy. stock at all times that 610 be round to the lowa awl county. Please do not lull and examine our stack beioro making your purcnasea (r the ikason. LEIDICH & MILLER. EMIE STOVES AND TINWARE. UTOVES I O. „ . STOVES 1 Ae tho ooason foot approaching ryhen poroono will be looking for a desirable, Stoya for Parlor or Kitchen use, we ask a careful cmatniuntlen of our stock, beliellng we hay° the lergost and bust select. cd ansortmont of STOVES over offered to tho citizens of Cumborl.d,c.uty Wo have on hand - the Justly celebrated MORNING GLORY BASEIRURNER, =I which, as • Parlor or Dlol g Room Stove, excels till others, no thousands who two them will tootlfy i ,THE LIGHT HOUSE, Ono of tho most desirable stores in 11.. TIM MORNING LIGHT, I=2 THE ARNIM! GLORY, PARLOR HEATER, and PORTABLE _EURNAC'ES, and othor now l'arlor, Dining Robin and Chandler Nro'bßbr among : othortr Ow - 1 allowing - Cook . Stoves TILE REGULATOR, - --- - SUPERIOR, o RUE COON, and City of Burlington COMBINXIBION. We alto IMMO DIAMOND HEATER FIRE PLACE STOVE, which haute one; two or three rooms, and lo flooldodly . th; boot Vire Place Btovowrar frk lieutod. 4 Wo vout4 call utteptton to our largo stock Of ' TINW AltE On /Mnd or made to order. Ail Jelade of ROOFING AND SPQIITING dolt', on riiironobto tondo end "Montt/el/I, Atl portyns . doirtiip Auiyttiol our, Ile, en* To- , itad to call and pClconur 4tt.1019i , . olsowhere. • • . , No.lB, Waal ilaln StrCat,. • barlloloi 1869 GRAND -Al.l-131,ELLP-R ar_ATE_ —7—DEN cm-iotwi, A _ __L 0 _ I Situate onSouth Ha nover st re et PT Tll3 PLAID' POPLINS; IRISH POPLINS CIIENE SAIINLTTS, KENTUCKEY JEANS, Sit Lode on the Footll..filde of the:fellow Breeched creel: to INIIIIIII, I.‘, ...hip, about ile,Ensf. ut :do's lieu %for, s r00t:L.1102,76 s, cososul but uh. on 2 A: [ o[ which me 00, 11•011 git 11 ged' loll bes.. The 111111/,1•01001 , ggl. It 111' 111101011, 100-010$y Fit /1111 svilh cum mount owl Large it.‘Nli BARN xvitO-AV,,,on Shed mid faro Op+ all.o heti. A clric.) Apply r.lood in good hi.dring todor,togedou ‘,lOl ouches, Peals, Ch. one's .l ihape• in whoudniive .1es:colloid 1110 01,01. 111011 g ‘11•1/ 01 .111.1.111 01106 0 . 1. TIIO 1/1101 i, 111 /1 high of 01. i‘al out Otoho lehosd .liu g,.od a der. The leout rot n I 1.• t yitt, twat huteh, wed s. loud h oso 1 el ...ale h. I 2:dh.oul FURS 1 CARPETS; ! DOOR MATS,' RUGS) b 3 STOVES! Room B Gym Dr. Holdall le highly re commended by tho follow ' mg amomr tither gentleman of this too n. LEW . A, I SMITH, OEO N ETZFL, end Colonel JOAN LEE. Dr. Itoiniall'a curve of COR.• ft, BENI .NS, and dboneed Nail., are by a pi , COOS pcetut rto !muscat „end entirely, unknown to others Ile lute tostitno- Male of over twenty 3 earn, from all rankli end tom .4.litignit of mono( this end other not tiohe , - Tee solution the doctor ,applies wonderfully expe• dile!, the painless operation. should on, of.Dr Rondell's former patients suitor from Corn. or Bunions Hu the moo spots upon which ho.opern't,d IVIton• here before, . ho -will ellen dully runder hie cervices froo of Charge. pußLia, SALE. •. MERRY CIIRIBTISMI, MACIARA, XUREICA, MN L: - ST ON'S LE'R,'S_COL-UIIEN N L. SPONSLER, heal itstafo Agent, Serlyener, Conreyaneerlnsur Vera sod Claim Agent. Wilco brain- atreet Near Conti° d idnre.• , , A. L. SPONSLER, Rual Estati)- Agent =3 oRE BANK - FOR SALE.—A rich, deposit.of the bent quality !ferment!, Ore, yielding 80 per ceot. .comprlsleg about It. ACRES, located In Monroe township/ about 2 miles from the -Iron-Works Do - lf:-Ahl, ow - the - south - side of the Yellow Dreecheecroek. There tea stream of water running through the tract suMcient for washing , the ore and furnishing water power be sides. A portion of the bookie under a lead° and will be sold submit thereto: The balance ifl unin cumbered. POI POll5 d•sirloun •f viewing the Bank may call upon Caorga W. Lindich, at "Lcidlch's mill," for merly known an Bricker's mill, Monroe township, Combo, land aaunty, or upon ' • A. L. APONSLER, Real Estate Agent, Carlisle 30June CI FOR SALE.`-- _ rrli_Privatellesidente 'innate olii_Senth Hanover St. Carlisle "nearly apposite Ear ly'e Hotel „owned by James Bentz. 'l'be Int erntalne 100 feet In front running lack 210 trot, aid being 70 lest in brolidrh at the rear. The buildings are nearly new • and In excellent order. compiniing a commodious' TWO-STORY BRICK FRONT BUILIHNO with a largo Two. Story Brick Back Building attach ed containing all the modern Improvements Inclu ding gas and water. The location of thin property Vona of the ■cost ellgio , o in the town; and will be disposed of on favorable terms. For, totals and fur ther particulars enquite of A. L. SPONSLER„ Heal Estate Agent. Aug 0. 1 4 1 011 SALE—That desirable Pi ivate L• Res done°, situnis3 on West PO r mfrot 1 4 treot, Carlisle .Tho 0. crintilne 30, foot. In IrontJand 240 foot In 00011. Tho Impro, entente consist of a com modious 'TWO - STORY BRICK HOUSE, containing largo Parlor.: Hall, Dining Room, and Kirclien on the loin r floor, And eight opnvenio. t Chain . Pre on the errand .11oor three over OW tr..llt building, nod lion ovor the back boil ling; a Wash taint, Bath Room. at.d Wat. r Clohot; and gas !day. 'running i. to the cellar. A hydrant In the yarn and seat, on the second story. 'the outne property is in most excelleti t condition. and rho location r ne of the most do.druble iii the town. The lot i ell stint with Inuit trees and fault bon, and quite a num her f grape 011ies of imp, for quality. F, r terms apply to. I ';lnept bfl .t A. L. SPONSLER, ]trot t..6tuto A,.:,C.,nt ITALU A B II; FAlili AT PRI U VA rr: 1111 , ,11,1 111' 1 1. • 1•1111 • ••• 1 1 • 111.11 1 .• •,' I• 11 111:1 1 • 1•1"iili, 111 . .1,1^ 114 , 111,1111: 1,11 1,4'1111•••- NM% 1 • 111 0 11141. 1‘ • 140111,11, al I.tII/11 . 11 . 11111 1 111 \ 1 , 1, ill. • ....,!,;( 1111 1 1- 4 ' MITI) A. I. SPON.SI.I:II, 111•11 A goof. V;;;DVl _ILAj IMESTON,E FARM . AT _ - PUBLIC. T DA Y, Ortob , i• - 26, 1869, This andersigntd, exam tore of David OrAis, u 111 oil r a , at nhlie ne, on the protnitias, on I,he abet e day, rcvaluablo LIMESTONE FARM, . situated in Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, Pa, ht, the rakroad etation, one-half note Booth of Now Kingst n, four-miles aunt of Meehan icsburex, and t.II onto', esecof Carlisle. bounded on the coot by a public.rnadleataug./Illni.N ,, Kinwsitul to the Trite.lo Spring road, and by lands of DiTlTii - S , nseinan, Michael K, et, John Lon Bricker, Christian Hartman, and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY , SIX-ACRES, more or less..Nl • o Acres of it being choice timber , land This excellent faun is In Din highest .tutu of cultivation level. clean. slit Pee from r 00, under good fence, about one helf being undo of L, oust pos's nn d Chestnut ra Id Fifty-Ova Ac. eo more or lean Ile along the niboad liilfrreeif it and th- vi loge of N. w Kingston, which no , y at ativ titan be.,sOld out in twn tots Ths - improvemonte which urn on the r. maioini, 81 Acres, consist of a good TWO STORY STONE HOUSE, containing 12 ritronra and aititchen, n largo BA11.1( BARN with W,a4on Shed and n Crib attached; Corti rge Morse and II .g Pen. Thero ix up; ri the place n. large ORCHARD or choke virtullex of Apples; also, Peron, Plums and Lherries about the house. There is a never fa ling TV-I of g ;oil Wll'er at the dotri. This paucity is °cried in .eau of the riollext and feat s) ctions of Cumb Hand valley, Itior or;e•tralf idle south of Ilea TurroPilor from Ilarriabor g orCarlisle. nsd hating all the ad valituges f Chinches Schoolx,Surres a Ills Ac, and Ix in ad le p its ) , no of the wok desirable barrios is the rouoty, ertlrevan a reshion ce or orlon Invest!. - Perso..o wishing to 0.1111110 tile prop rty CILII do so by calling orpog :lir. Dunkleberga, residing on tiro prtaris s. Solo to commence at 1 o'clock, on kohl day, when •rme will be made koown. Aleo, On the foNwing day, (Wednesday, October 127, at 11 Wet . dr. a. m..) Sill ho ofrored at public enl,s, on the Jri miner, a tract of Mountain Laws, Situated in Rye toss natrils, Perry county, Heron mil. a siorth of New limgalou, contairkteg 10 ACRES AND 2 PERCHES, .„vorod with thriving Oheanut timber, bounded by mln or John B. Ricker. James A i.derson and others. JOHN ADA M. ORRIS, 21ee to . Executors. USTATE NOTlOE.—Letters fee -1 lannestnry on the ends e of Jacob Waggoner, lute of Mllliis township, nod t.. Inning been Insued to IS Winds Wnggeu or, of Frank ford too nth Ip, nediee is hereby Oven to all nelsons indebted to Add et- Lite to make tAnnsent,lllli hos. having (deim to present linens dilly null elit'cal..,l for t trtlennennt to WILLIAM WAGGIINIMI, 240 e 6t Inixeoudor. ISSOLUTION OE PARTNER /'- SKIP —Nellie ie herein given that the pia t,p In rxidl lug lie,. 0 mph lo t a l ine n ll,fa day.listiolvi d 1.0 MlltmiLl commit,. All Iniuw a t t.lntn the ti thl m thread be p canted for payment mid all settled. hm irdiulnl r: The 111/010i tall roe a ahott thou lie lelt hi tile Herald °thee, 'Whore e n be math,. \l 5 A. K. 1111EKII, Ulitte It JAMES A. DUNBAR. FOR RENT—lloutoi No, 7, We t 4 Octol , er. Apply la AU; o. 24. a, r AN I) • LEGA L 1•11 1 11.1151 , ..STA.T1 Vl:5 hf Abrititatu 1 r i hip of ti•lvAr Si t iti4, eon] trot it•iiive that by 01171110 n it silk 14 1 1itrtition of•ilto t of enlilhi,l 11111 viimity. All.l 141 ore 111001441, I will 11.ihritn liiilui•Af to diy.ilo pmt or rat rit it{l sirrnid Oil the on oath day of Octubtr, 1. I'l., ISSO. itt 0 i.'clhek, n. tll , Stir:, ,105. O. TllOlil'SOS, 11.131 • - - • Sheriff. ------- --- Dnatof OF 1)11 RENDALL. , , . 117ving returned to Carlleln, niter tho jam Of ono / Or.,ltanda I ulli.rx Itla plafemilanaha.r.vicra to peoplo of this vicinity. lie RIM toff eoll.lllled no heretofore, at t h u FRANKLIN 110U8R a hero ho will roman (luring the pre/legit On Saturday, October 2, 1869, By '4lrtue of the Bet, wilt and teatament of Chief Juetke Whoa I will expose to public sale, ou the clove day.'nt ;he Court Boone. at 10 o'clock, a. in., hie Into Neutron 11 11,e, on High street, In the Bor ough of Carlisle. It coning In of . TLIRRE . STORY BRIOIC ROUSE,- ao, feet in fronti and 40 feet In depth, vlth a Prick Bark Ilmldlno, two stork% high, nith all necemiary outhouses Tho Lot on oudo back 210 feet, to Liberty a ley, At the 8.10 thin nod place, a Lot on Liberty alley, immonlntoly °pima to Om abotti 'described lot. and winch lino t net; need cite it as a kitchen Elation, e. ntaining,o4 foot wont on the alley, and 120 foot In d. pth. o,:ertno made known .on day of ludo. F rin formatted' Oil the oubj. et apply lo Frederick Watto, Eoq " , JOAN BROWN , PAIIK ER,'xu 24,0 to ExoPutor of Chief Justice Gibson. SPECIAL .ANYOUNCEAIB,2.I7.T. J dA 1, W L • &:. Co. ttIVELERS,. 902 CII4BTNVP , nava rabullt, salaiged and rotiasdelad their astpd; Ifiddnont, destroyed •by tire, n Jauudry last, and havaapaned the name for business, °• ' With an Entire New SW;ok of Manufactured & Imported Goode. 13epodor to ony,; they hero heretofore • • offered 10 tho Publio. ..„ - They moot cottlinli, turtle all to 'Wit nrottnopOr t their Store. !JAS. 11.Q.A1rDWE14:L . & CO.; 5102 MiIESTNTIT STREET, Pleb 604 y, - • • NEW A 1) VERTISEMENTS. I NDEPENDENT " 'DETE(STIVE Not con promptly .at teudod to . 4 2450 0 4 ' McCARTNEY tc SANNO. • 0 ,rllBlO, Pa. , . .BLAND YARAIAT PUBLIC - 1 • • ' 3 =-Octabers=l9--,M9 Will bo sold at public Salo on tho armlets., that viduablo Sintoland Farm sit awed in 4liddleaor town ship,Thimberland county, on the baukdartlb- Corm clpuulnot clack, about, ono and a half - milos south of Sterrutta Goo, and on.hall ratio-fr, m tho road lond• log from Middlesox to titer rett's Gap, containing 143 ACRES AND 143 PEROEIES, strict measuro, bounded by lands of Jess, Zeigler, 'Abram J. Zeigler, Jacob Zeigler, John .Wilson, sr, and the Conodoguinet crook.. Tiro improvements consist of a TWO STORY LOG- HOUSE, (Weatherboarded,) a largo Prarnii Barn, with Wago i n Shod and Corn Cabe attached, Hog - Sty, and of er. notbulidlnga. „Thera in a never falllug_epring of water at tho rowan, and a good well at the barn. The land le lu a high state of oultlvalon, having been recently llinad, and under good (onto. high. torn Arnie of-Timber Land on tho protnlaes. BM, utng 1/2viit.inil-nos73scilithirtfroatt- FINE YOUNG ORCHARD . . of difforent kinds of frvilt in good, booting condition , Phero Is Fit(Violent limeitone on the form tor nit pur pores The form to convenient to mills, churches school le 'uses end blacksmith shop. Also, at thn same time-and-placo-wlit he-sold a valuable-tract of M.,untoin Loot, containing Nino and One half Acres, t•itootod IT/,Chstroll township, Perry county, shout two miles noritmat of gtottott's Gap, boonded by lends of pan, Weary, dee'd , Ainom L. llownion, nod othms This tract Is coil covered volt .Chestnut, Gels, arid other - timbers, nod Is Very nosy of amens, being con. vonient to the rood loading from Bterrot's Gap Co Landleburg. . Solo t' commence et 11 o'clock, .a m., on said day, when attendance will ho given end terms made kuo nby MELCIIOIR 11. ZEIGLINt. N. B Any poison dashing to coo gaiter of said proportiem will call on tho suLecrlbor ;cabling on tho f,rm 24se to NIS CELLANE OUS. LiN -ELECTION - for -President and Directors of the Cumberland Valley . Railroad Company will be held omMondt6., the fourth day of October neat, between the boors of 10 a m, and ono p. m , at tic company's (Mice In Harrisburg. An eleeth n • for President and Directors of tho Franklin Rnilrond Company will be held nt the smme, time and placo. if Soft!t'''''"' E. it. DIDDLE S —Secretory., LIMESTONE FARM FOR SALE SA 1' URD AY, September 25, 1869 The widow and heirs at law, of Jacob ilonnaan, by their attornno in fact, Samuel _Piller, Br, will ex t.. to public solo on tho 1 retnines nt 11 o'cl..ek, a. to., that farm on which Jorob Ilonnann lived ond died, ndaated un the Stato road to Newoille, two miles Went of Carl nlo, ',tooled by Fredorick quits, neg., Georg° Getter, and others, containing 70 ACRES • mi 106 lisvihg a HOUSE ..0 . 11)ellARN and other improvements, with it fine young. APPLE ORCHARD, • and whole under good fence and rollivatral. There are nho Lime Kilns on tin. iireinises WlllOlllllVe boon I. used for ninny tars. Trans of Site t--Fire pnr !ria n t the time of rule, (!•11.11t/i residun first of 18711 - whorl pioolession will he given, and 41, halance In two ininual pay ments nit II intrrost Tilt ditloviiivi, 11114 Mer Of :98..(10 "3 9'1"". limo 0 id"' of Attorney in fart for the ITSepl to ('OH N tiIiELLERS AND CIDER II CIO, 31111, , 1131 , 1 tier .1 IThi's., Cid, Mill, Sr, Olt 1 , mi., Ctiiiii .1/ulll.l •O It ICC P LEM ENTS -Forralo , cp. 3, 'm INSOLVENTS NOTICE. Notice is hereby riven, tint J. A. Marti, him all , piled for the benefit_ •f the 'molt - slit Lim of thin Cum uu nwimith. eu Hint a hewing of the same will take piece at the Court-Boos, at the adjourned ar -oumod Court. on Ilia 20 November, A By order of the Court, Aug. 2740 t R EMOVAL. 4. L. Mehl:mai hes renay94 his establishment to-hls- SPLENDID NEW GROUND FLOOR 6ALLE,AY, opposite Saxton'. "Tlardwa.e titgre, where ho cor dially Invites the public to examine the place and his numerous specimens. The well koolvJ skill of the proprietor as an artist, with A superior light, and entrance end sley-llght, on the first floor, are s molest inducements for the pulllic to patronize this estublishnient. Ills pictures tiro universally acknowledeed to be lineal to the best made in Philadelphia or New 'York, and far superior tit any In this country. Pleas tall. bmnr a9-tf - C, L. LOCIIIO aIL 'TAKE NOTICE.—.—Dr. Chas. F. Zitzer l e books linvlng bean left in thy linntle for collection, oil person indebted to him es ere re quted to oink° Immediate pa , ment to the under- EMEMM= 178 pt at UTES. B. 11 IRONS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CARLISLE, PA. OFFICA South of Court Iluue•, Aug. 27 I m ISAAC K. STAUFI'ER, WA 'I CITES and JE Wff,"R N. 148 NORTH SECOND , STREET, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. , An ithbortieent of Wiltehe4,. Jexeel;4l Silver nod Plated War° roostailtly on hood. -47,—n0p.i.10g of watche..,,,d 'Jewelry promptly =I 1 - Sept G 11 )• LADIES' FANCY YVES I JOLIN 718 Arch stroot, Middle ur tho block, between Seventh end Eight) Strout s, south hide, . I= I'MPORT M A NUEACEURER, AN.n DEALER IN ALI, , KINDS AND QUALITY OF J;',A N C y U R'S , FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S {PEAR. IP ving enlart rd, remodeled, and Improved my old and lovorahly 'mown EU V F. POEIUM andilniving Imp , red II very huge and nplendlii moil went of [di the dilliTent hiudnul Furs trout tireiblinbileln Europe, linve . loid I livid made up by the mod skillful Corknieu -1 would reopert fully invite my friends of mni...Hand mid adjacent cot,olle 10 rail - iex.• uulur my very largo end beautiful utikortluent or Faho'y runt for Lndiru unit Children. I nut determ ined Inn II at as low prieex nny respeelnliti limbic, in I hie city. All Cori yvarrantrd. _No mia repro.,. lit Nimbi° effect i.dies. 17Sept tai JOUN 718 Arch Sti.eel, Philadelphia DRY GOODS! EYRE. & LANDELL, _ PHILADELPHIA, PA CASH DNA LIMS IN THE BETTER:GLASS OF 3D4 is 3r - 4%,r• Good flock Sllkc, Melodono Covers, Exponrivo Shawls Flu. Nano Govern. Flue prose Goods, D üblo ' Domook Cloths, Pillow Lluone. mt. block Mohair, Fruit Doy lion. Good Phan Bilks Moir, Autiquo Nopklue. ' BLANIETS . I BLA.I'KETS !I P. 0..A1r0 hasp s stook of good good!, Oapted to the daily wants of families. 17 Sops Ot G#l,pA.T By the Afetropqitan .Gift Qoptpitny Cash Gifts to tho amount or $253,000 tygny .TIOMET DRAWICA Rum 6 Cloth glfte, each. ._., • • 10 Doh gifte, each , '2O Cash gifte each ' • . 40 Cush glfts,..eaelt 200 Cosh g lie, each . 300 Crud, pl.. welt 60 Elegant Rosewood Shoot, . each $3OO to $7OO •76 11 rgoot Rosewood Melodeons, " • 75' to, tho .350 Sewing Muchinos, a 60 to. '176 000,0014 Watolies,• 7f to. 300 'Cash prises Silver Woio, , all valiant at $1,00,000 A olio., to dims , any of thonbore prism) for 25 eta Tickets descrltil lig prizes ore Serded 10 envolopes and %sell'lnixil On race pt of 26 cents a sealed Whet hi diown without' bldes, and mint by mall' to any ad drams t The prim, named tlppn it will be doilvorod to ticket holder on payoutnt of one dollar, Prizes tiro Imo, dlatoly tont to .y addrose by 0550005 or return moll; You will know what your prim, Is be.° - you 'pay for tt Any pia exchunved for another of annoe rat no •N a Blanks. Our,, patrons can dupsuil on fair .denting. . ItorsustiOra —We bolact the following from many solid have latoly drawn volual,lo •and kindly permitted an to publleh. Munn; Wilkins, Buffa lo, $6,000; II les Annie Monroe, phlcago, Plato, $i John D. Moore, idles Emma Val Viorth, 11Illwankno, Dion°, $000; Roy. 11.'A. Day,Now 'Orleans, $5OO. WO publish no salmis without per ' Opinions bf tho press " Tho eon le rollablo and dowse Moir }Memos— Weekly leibune, Oct "We know thoin to boa fair dealln3 fret."—N. . Herald of pure Army a' sloo' tried, which was promptly recetvotl,”— Doily arms, ot. 3. , Sond f r circular. Liboral Ibilimentonts to Agents Satisfaction glinra'ntood. Evory lisoltitgo of .110111 ed envelonbe contains ono caoltirlll. ' slx Dakota um $l, 13 for 4 , 2; 05 Rik $5; 110 - lbr All letter's ahem; Lai hatirebe s od tb MARELR, BIT, C1N,64 CO. rallroadviay, R. R. GRAND FAIR THE EMPIRE HOOK AND LAD DER COM.PANY. of-CarlfellerproPoile - holding-sTair-and,-FoOlval tif RIIEEMIBHALL, ' Tnot in their own hall as adviribitia7iiiih7sir -- iirrita tione,) commencing on hiontlay. the ELVIENTII (17 _OCTODElt,..and_contleci the -week.—The proceeds will be apitt. q .r.s.ted to the liquidation of the debt contracted In the erecti.m of their truck house. The liberal. donations tot he comi any, by the citizens, will enable us to offer a larg, variety of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES, no prizes, to. those who may faior us. with their pa tromigi. Among tho articles to be cornpUted for will be a splendid TWILLED VENETIAN CARPET, SPLENDID SET OP SILVER WARE, China, Glass, and Queensisare, ogethor with n largo ♦nriety of rainor articles. • Contributionti in old of the company can be left ab the ball-on - Pridarami - SattrrilaY - provi - ke to llio fair. Music hoe been provided for the occasion and every exertion will be made to make this a season of 'pleas ure to all. • 13y order of Hu Committeo, THOS. 11. ARMSTRONG, 17Sapt . Chairman. GREAT NATIONAL HORSE FAIR, PREMIUMS, 521,600, WILIOAMSPORT, PA Oct. 19, 20, 21 and';'22 HERDIC 'PARR ASSOCIATION FIRST:DAY ) Tuesday, Oct. 1 ;'69 No. I.—For Moms that iiavo never beaten 3 min tee in or wagon; ;650 to first harp°, $250 tol ucond home, 10i'to third. -PURSE $2,000: No 2.-For Itorara that have never beaten 2:30 I !emcee or wagon $l,lOO to first horse, soo't mind, $3OO to.thlrd, SECONT) PAT, Wednesday Oct. 2L PURSE, $5OO. • • No. B.—''or hot ha,: to•vor broten four fain. utot in horn,as or wagon: i“..• to firm, 5125 to $lO., to loin' $l5 to fitortit, and zfrt to flab horse. PURSE, $1,500. No..l.—For Horses thnt hare' to•our Kenton 2,4•2 harm, or ctOlttOtt $9O to I hi, $l5O to It, arcond; :Zit, to the third - Na. 5 —For all Hot,. that have never beaten 2:27 , harm, or n'aa•on: to Or-t horse, 01,250 to Toud 07 .0 to t Ord, and $ Al to fourth. THIRD DAY, Thursday, Oct. 21, '69 No 0. Pnr running horse , : ii•• 200 to first hors• 015 ,, to to the flora, nod $1:20 to th limit!, catch - PURsit, 51,0 , 10. • No. 7.—F, thin Itor, nevi, Lenten 2:50 in harneroi oog r !..",I) to ft. ht tot ro, 7250 to secoutl, 71,0 to thiol, fuel $lOO to tire foot to. I No. S.-Ihtween Goldsmith. Mtdd and Amerienn ; 54 , 00 to first horse, i.. 2,000 to second. F. ' OL - RDN ER A: CO OUItTH DAY, Friday, Oct. 22, 69 ._Nu. A. 7 -For Mims_ that have Honor Lenten 3:30 in ,anions or . wagon ; $.300 to first horse, $ 59 to second, 5010 third. No. 10 —Por Pacers; $2OO to first horso, $l5O to rood, $lOO to third. and $5O to fourth. " J. A, MARTIN. Petitioner. No. 11 .—Por Homo that havo nevor beaten 2:30 In lame. or ,vagon 7R1,1 , 0 to first loan, $6OO to ho second, $30,1 to third.. All' Ilona must be eligible at the thno of the closing of entries. /rupee fee 10 per cent of purse, except running races, which will' be 20 per cent and, must accorn, puny the nominatl oi In all cases. Entrones money of Horses proven ineligible be forfeited to tlie Association Any Horse difdaneint tho field Hindi only bo cull led to the first premium._ In all purees three" or more entries rcOired, and We to start, Ileate in each dny'a ra^e will be trotted alternately All the Melee recce are mile heats, best thrceein five. till in harneile except running moos. The AFencintion reserver . the right. to sostpope roc • 8 on Kccount of inclement went her,or any ma clout eau,. A hurry not winning a bolt in five, and in ruled ut will not ho entitled to a premium. .llorses will lie calla at 2 o'clock, slid start at 2.15. EXeept No. 3, Np. 6 and No. 6, t•hich will be callndat tro'clook, n al The race will ha conducted strictly in accordrtneo itnthy,rules of the Union-Course. All mit ieq by mail to Lo stddreaaml to Q. W. Maynard Sverolary. Wit Inmsport, Pa. Eutt Iva will close nt the House, Williams port, Pa., on Tue-day, Oct. 1810, nt 10 o'clock Premiums will ho paid nt the Ileidic lions° on the (Olt of ccch ninny's reeve. • G. KENT, President • • G. W. NI AYNAUD, Stey. and Treas. 11 Sept. at , 1)UBLIC SALE Will be bold at Public Sole, et. the Merket House 0 the (lorough of Cal lisle, Saturday October 2nd, 4 1869: 18 inside Butcher Stalls; 116 Butter Stalls,' 15 Hollow Square Stalls, , 22 Anglo Stalls, 29 Curb Stalls. All Stolle cold fora terra of one year froth October lot, I l+6l , . -The purl-lancer to vont - min to all the roles and iounlo Bono which are or may be rirnle by the Toren Colual of lii. boeon.4ll of Collis 0, conc.-ruing the Market Molten and Markets cf Raid Borough. TER MS CA S 11. Stle to commence jowled - Lel) after Ifarkel. Lly ordLr of the Tann Council. flep 2. t N ,:vv UROUEKY STURE 'I he antis...lller MP log. rotchaFial Mckeerstiiitl's ruttier, oil Ponilret end Iledfir i streela, and erected the', Ott n 111, now piteurd 'with a New Stock of teen selected Fresh Grueerlea Ills glad: will he -fraud to he complete In every particular, and every China sold Trill he vrarranted as represented lle has on hand and noir ready fur dolivary Urocerles pit all Miim, QUEENBI9/.ltll, A - good OSForttnent , of NOTIONS. A fip•elallty made 00-alllcluda of EMI 111018. ae Hauls, Shoulders, Sides,-Dried Deet,dze Dried, or all kinds. constantly on'hand ' • .4nr FLOUR and FEED of tho host grtulea,' and in quo:Alike to soft porehasers. Gordo sent to any part of the town if desired Cnli and prlvi for yourself at No 46. East Pomfret Stroot. JOHN it dSept 1800-fim . . , . UMBERLAND 'VALLEY R. R.' C • CIIANOE 01' TIOUBS. • -On and after, Thursday,' September oth, 1869, Pas senger Trulns eAll run d silt , as' follows; (13untlar szcopta(l)._ • WESTWARD • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN laves Harrisburg 8:00 A.ll, Machinilesbuyg 8:35, Carlisle 0:11, Nem!lla 0:40 Bliipponsburg 10:214 Chambersburglo:44,Tiresn castle 11:10, arriving at' Ilagorstown 11:46, •.m. • MAIL TRAIN leaven Harrisburg '1:35, P. II; Me chanicsburg 2:07. L'ael Isla 2:40, New`villa 3:16r Bhip pensbnrg 3:45. Chanilnirsburg 4:20, Orconcastlal:66, arriving at Hagerstown 6:26,! 91. EXPRESS !eaves Harrisburg 4:g5 Mechanicsburg 9:57, 'Carlisle 5:07, Notvville 0:110; Rhip ponsburg , Bl27, nrrivi Int! At n liamitirobutg 8:55, e tr. A MIXED TRAIN loves Chittoberaburg 7:45, ♦ U Clepuncastle 0:16, or riving at Magsrigovin 10:05,1 al. $lOOOO a,OO 1,000 suo • 100 ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaven Chnenbersburg 6:50141; tihippenC,burg 5:10. Nowvillo 5:51 , , Car Halo 0:23, Mechanicnbrerg 0:62, arriving at narrisburg 7:20, A M. MAII:TRAIN '1111,14E21 11 , egnistown 0:30 am, reeU. °natio 0;05, Chaminetbuirg 0:40, Shlppensburg 10:15, Nowvillo C 11:26, klueleculcsburg .11:66 arriving nt liarrlsibterg 12:32, P a. EXPRESS 'MAIN 'leaven Ungorntown , U 0 le, Glow:castle 12:211, Chnenlonaluirg 1:05, Shipp° rg 1;37, Nowville 2:10, Carlisle 2:61E, Mecluenicaleurg 11. arriving at liar imburg x. • . -A. MIXED TRAIN loaves Hap :I:town .33'5 r g, ave'envantlo 1:11, al riving at Chamboranurg 5:1'5, r x. Xiir• Making; alone ounectiona at liar inburg with • trains to and from Philadelphia, New York, Pittaburg 11'1tineore ' and ' Wuhlngton. , 0. N. kuLr, Stipt. • ' Ralliond'Offlco, Clusmb'g, &pt. 1,1800. FA.LII- and wig TER rAtuioNs. . . l d t_ n ALA.,,ZlNF i r o lt i li t m e s 4 .l l: t d a lt rgv . i v 'd t, tt uy Pa a le . leeted'itolll the grentoat poultice t mho, tho moatelo• gopt trionlloos to be secured to Porte. • •••• •: 16. 1 .0:;S, lIIIONS, VELVE'rfI, BRIDAL vx - tr.s, • F•L0wy....8, PAV:4III, I'ATTEIiDII,I)I‘ oiuj ,1,04 K Exqlurfro agort .for Mra M. Ssork'e. oolebratott. syrl turn for cutting 1141los' dremos, , sacquen, I.ampirs, ar. Nurtlawrot Elovontii 'um! Chpatum . t . titrOote, Phiiirdotuithi. • ' 17 pope Om-, , • MISCELLANEO US. -A LARGE COOK B,TOTA, TEE MILL DE HELD AT g ON TITO OROONOS OF THE puit, ,$lO9OO u its E, $5,0n0 1 3 13P.'SE; $OOO rulisp:, $7,0110 PURSE, $50.0 PURSE, $5OO Yu!this, $2,000. CONDITIONS Jos. A. 0011.11 T, llorough Tieasurer. LA - SS ft4R3, °UDEN OAR WILLOWIVARE, • PERFUMERY, - • , soil; Canned And Pickled FMJITS RkSTW ARD ! REAL ESTATE VOUBLIO- SALE OF. A VALUA mi. BLE HOTEL STAND, STORE AND TRACT ON `MOUNTAIN LAND. • . • Thursday; September ,30, 1869 In piasuanco of an. order of the Orphen!? Court :Ixvill soli of public sale the following described Ito I Estate, situated in - Controtlllo, - Psnn toWnship, Cuim borland county, nine miles west of Carbide, on the Walnutllatteta,xceaLaJetgo—LiteAte BRICK LIOTELSTAND; --- ‘iiihitwo stet) , FRAME STORE I101:315 • attached. The hotel contains 16 reome,ta largo and cOntmodipus, In the best repair,' with .all the outbuildhlings nec essary 'for the hotel business. Excellent stabling attached. Eonnected with this 'propsrty ars,,tbreo Acres and 51 Porches of ground, including a . - FINE. uRO A.RD. The tore noomis well fitted up with shelving, coun ters, being one of the best business stands in tho county. Also, ac the same Urns and place, a tract of Moun tain 'Land, in the earns township, lying near the public road leading tram Shipporniburg to PiriVElrovo Icon Works, containing 2 O. A C R E'S , of good Tlmbok Land, ' Solo to - commenco - at 10 o'clocki - on said - day,vhen attondanco will bo glyari and farms made . known by sArdumb GARBER, . .Adm'r. of rotor (lather, deed.' 17Bipt U PUBLIC SALE OF A-VALUA BLE GRIST' MILL, TAVERN, HOUSE, AND REALESTATE. . _ On Wednesday, October 20, 1869. lAII sell at public sale on filo premises, situated in 111111tmn, Lower Allen township, tetp miles wet of Harrisburg and one.lial I mile south of White Mil station on the Cumberland Valley Railroad, lb., u.divided half of the following described Real katato i A large FOUR STORY STONE MILL, in grad repair, 50 by 60 feet, with Ova run of burrs, enpabla of making 101 ban ale of flour per dny. The mill le.on Cedar aprnm, with n never falling wntur power, and is run by two overshot wheels 183 j foot high. There is a large lot of Hog Pens coo.neeted with the mill. • Also, within aeh rt distance of the mill a large four story Immo building formerly used m a distill ery and now as dwelling houses. Also a largo two story STONE TAVERN STAND, 90 by 80 feet. in boat of order, with spring hotußT att..ched, and Bo oher , Shop with war r power suffi cient to out 200 fiottuds of tarot per hour and all other arrapgementi of a first-class slaughter house: . There - 1.4 also attached to tlm tavern stand. a stono DANK DARN, 4o by 00 feet, In god repair with amplo Ena bling. Aisn, a ono and a nail story , Frame Stora.,and Dwelling 14 use, 30 by 46 foot, with wore room Also, aln go double , BRICK DWELLING HOUSE,' two Morten bigh with two st , ry back building, wash 110/1.0, car. lage howe etabling, a, d s 1 uecee.llo3 out kui , dingm. Ohio Weil of watt. e and clot. tot Alto, Frc toe two story I) 4 ELLIS/ HOUSE 2o by 30 fee, wit 0 large wagon makbr ttlion attached. ' Also a two /dory Log Melting House with ehoo-' maker shop atta Ind.. Also two awn Won y Frame Dwelling Houses 25 by 70 feet. . . A largo glory Framo Carpontor Shop aml large Frame Coop, Shop. Thor,. itro about 16 Acrittt of vlioico Laud' tout, 001 oil with tlu 111010 prom:tau, with n lulu Uicaurd of r OIL of 1111 11111111. , 'lire loLatfon oI thhi p:opbrty for basin°. lu ono of (hr Hut ill i al i: lio_t sold tho ndll rented twill April first =I Pors , ns desiring Infiirmation will oldl niton or whirl its .T.tlin Beat a or Christian Eberly re,ittlng on the .relejni•.+.. P , oh °like nddres. t Eberly's Contherl and oulinty7Pa. ' 17Sopt Itl N ENS LOOT-, A not JllllOOl.. INMEN!=I On Saturday, B , plf.mber 25, 1569 R• tirtun• f an order of 4404 e of the Orphans Court, tOtl I solit at public n thn 144.44n05e5, the proporty of .I.4onthan . 114411 dr, . all that certain cost of ilond, situate. In North 311411114.1 it too nrllll4. '2.,snilier.oith of Carlini., 'INIT . the %Vag. emotes Onp root, adjoining. lands of W F. Ssvigert, 1414n1., Beret., Willow 1144,40,1, 'l' ntn ht Syne' Olin o.44.fararF - aiza - T4l - AOfIES,, mid lint mg _thereon erected 0 Twoo.tury LOG & WEATHERBOARD HOUSE Amt FrAllie BANK BAItN, This inn very desirable pr,liorty and will ho sold oil the folios ink 6,..nimbiu berme: 10 per cent whim tbe property is stricken off, the tiny .cs of one-fourth on the esmilrmatirin of the sale he-fourth April I, 1870 when Aced and possess.on . given and the remaining one-half ou April I, 1671 intercht front-April Ist, 1870, to Ito' s'ernred by figment, WILLIAM HELL, 30 Aug ts. Administrator of Jonathan'llail. QALE OF HOUSE AND. LOT, By •Irtue of the power conferred upon me In the last will and testament of Dr. I.Q. Loomis, I will expose to public sale on SATURDAY; September 25th; 1869., at the Court House, in the Enrough of Carlisle, at 11-o'clock; A. J 1 , of said day. the House and. Lot of Ground eltuatml on theeouth eldeof Pomfret street. in said Borough, (the Into residence or the said Dr. I. C. Loomis,) bounded on the North by Pomfret etreet, on.tha East by 2atrel: 11. 'Calla, on the south by Chitisel alley,4 and o■ this West - by the Empire 'Hook t Ladder Company being 2.0 fest in front and 240 feet deep, more or 105e..-•tpheiro to a good • - - TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, with a large and c•nvenient back building. There la also a geed Two-story BRICE 110USR on the other end of the lot. Any further inforrration will bo lurn6hed by IT. 11. Miller or II Neweham, Biqa. MARY 1, , ,01d1g, Executrix of Dr. I. C. Loom!. 5b p n ASSIGNEES SALE OF YALU ABL B ItEAL.ESTATE. On FRIDAY, October Ist, 1869, will eon it the Court".llouse In Carllale, Pa be followine valunblo Iloel PrJaln. - ,'No. 1 A lot of Oround In derllslo, with a jt,hreo- BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and other Improvements therm., bounded o■ the West by Wm. D. trpons,r, North by Locust alloy, East by No. 2, nod south by West Loutber 4treot. Lot (:10M. about 22 trot nt on West Lowlier Omit, nod 240 feet In depth to Loco• t alley. Thu Douse hae been !Moly built and Is a ♦ery deslrnble rerblenco. No. '2 A lot of Ground adjoining No 1 on tho Kest, containing A front. on Wont Louther street about 2U loot In to LOCUAt alley 210 deep. A cellar tor, n ,d'nelllng thou. hasjoett dug and walled on thin lot. 0 A Lot of Ground in Carllslo, bounded on the, Norsk by West North street. East by John !larder, South 'O7. Locust alloy and West by boost Wetzel, 'r., contaillet§llo fet t front on Wont N, rth street. ,ed 240 fletto &loth. Thls Lot will lout up Into errs desirable building lets, kale I. comments/It 10 o'clock, A 31 when attend tore wit. b. altos tied terms ninde kuotwot by .. ANDBEW SING ISER, AshLineeofJohn It Turner 341, pt no Volunt , cr ropy li r E , Al... ESTATE AT PUBLIC MONDAY, ..,eptexaber 27th, 1569. l•ha sub,riber will nail at public sale, on the tor.orulsen, eltwAte in Monroe towno.lofp, Cumberland canny Pa.. one mile Eatot of Chureloorin, nod one mile North of, Son,leer'e mill. tho following real on-tate, Tit: A traoltof land ooptalnlng 37 ACRES AND 66 PERCHES, r lirat.claFa Lime ,Stnne Lund, In a high state of ultivation—and under good lance, having thereof ..rectod a tarn-htor,y BRICK DIVIi!LLING ROUSE, Wash House, and a well or good trutor,ppl son stone I ANK 'an firclintd of choice Print, of all kinds. This fatal DI on in...1 - milt of Ito co nvenlence to Selioolii..Cliurelles, Mills; Markets Arc. `Salo to cominonco at 1 o'clock, P. 'W„ on maid day, when terms will Ls made known lay ilSept It •' ' JOSEI'II 00011 YEAR. puBLIGsiLF, Ott SATURDAY, September 25th, 1869. The undersigned will offer at public rule; on the Promisee, on the above day, the fulleaing dr:ln:Mod : reanTifiln7 -- A;trart of - land—altuateAnAiitlillma township, About 314 mike Boat of Carliele, and of a mite from Middlesex-kenos-oat-the Gunther tund Valley linil'Anad, bounded by. lends of Thos. R. Samuel Mohler, Amos Hiller, and otheraj. contalidg 13S-ACIRpli and 15TERM:IFS . ' more ter lese, audit/lain thereon erected a Twttniterj . WEATIIERROARDED I OUSE, Nflth It eeetnent, A Bank Baru, Ileg San, and-tither out•hounch. There Is a gohd well of niter near the door, en Cram dof Choice Fruit. The coil le of the boot quelity to be found in Cumberland county. L iberal terms will be offered on day of sale. Fele to commence nt 1 o'chieft, P. II 33ept to . SAMUEL WILLIAMS, V . ALUA 111:11 TOWN pROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE. . SATURDAY, Qctober . WA,' 1869 Will bu sold arPublie Sole, at the Court 'retitle in the Borough of Carlisle, that valuablo property situate on South Hanover street, opposite the hotel of John Early, consisting - of a rot of Ground BIMy foot in width on South Hanover dtreet, and extending BM feet In depth to a public alley The improvements consist of a largo TWO=STORY BRICK HOUSE, containing cumin rooms, with 'Kitchen attached A largo Frame Stalin', Carriage [foam and Hog Sty, to gether with other ncemeary out-buildings at the foot of theiot Awe lof omallont Water-A• variety of choice T•ult on the•promlem Salo to commence o 10 o'clock, on told day, when attendance will be glion and terms mndo known by .10Sept to MAGDALENE LEIIMAN VVALUABLEMOUNTAIN•PARM 'AT PRIVATE BALE -, • • . Bitunto on the puth side of the South Mountain, In Snail Middleton townehip, oh ,ut B udlee South of Mount Holly Paper Mill, on tho Oxford road, % - of - 1111111 Off the - 1141iltnere plan( uontaluing. 15 1 4 A.'.0 It E • . aboitt one•halrclisr, the other . wall timbered with N'lnte and Yellow Pine, Oak, and Chestnut, the cleared and MO all been: limed, about half It twice. The improvementa are a •, • •-• • " TWO-STORY FRAME DOUSE,,, with never Spring do tho collar running into tho Burn Ynrd4or tho stock 'A RANK BARN 40 by 55 foot The buildings pro now A • • • VINR , YOUNG ORCHARD With a great many ,Poauli .trooli:now loaded with peaches This property it woll oultod to divide' Into two parte If deinreil. pith plentY of timber on it for houao,.barn and fencing • 'Ma twit of land it WY.% and lava about 91 o: krile front the foot of the Cantle 11101intein, and ^Mat 114 m 11.• halt ran . ' ‘lofultuure • ol,thn, South :Mount itu..llo:l/.001, whole 41in4 con MI beg e t otegia au Ingo, it 1 , ,094 from 11,0 ego llama 11 1 ,,ii t. 111 bt cord in two pat tit if ‘lo, l re,l, very row, on, ' Any pureed wlahltig to vlow,tlieda,prignioMlenti 5 t ao by 011 ug t n Daniel 'tiii.WinWollllul; lima or Olt .tho ollpicri or marltoechbill'd • .... ' • 1.0414 , 10• ' aEoaau rariann REAL ESTATE. • /111,PIIANS' COURT SALE. k `By'rlrtuis of an order of the Ornbana' Ocuirt of Clusiiberland county, the undersigned Admlnl• strators of the ratate of Win. fl Mullin, dec'd., will papule to publlo silo on the premises, at 10 o'clock, A. LI., en Tuesday, September 28th; '4869, and - on earn Bucceoalrux day. until all Is sold, the ollowing.y.olunblo—Roat-Estate r to-wito - Tba - bor - undivrdalr - liiilr - bUtlnFpfoporti; _known asAka ZUG PAPER MILL; • situate In South Middloton•lownibipeOumbecland county, ono mile North of bit. Holly Sprioaa. The 51111 Ic eubstan tinily built of brick; is three elorlea high,.wlth'machine room, boiler roan, to., attached. containing three Rag ltevince, a slity-elz (66) Inch rourd(lnier" Machine, In perfect order: Ale*, one thirty-four (34) Inch face Btaok of Super Calaedere, (Boren 'rolls,) the whole driven by two of Lefelre improved iron Water Wheele, and,-oapabls of pro clueing . ONE TON OP PAPER PER 'DAY. Attacbcd^ru the . aboye are twalTo nem of Inn. am two bounce. ' No. 2. Sixty-six acres of moa adjoining the above oroporty known as the ."Zug Farm," on which serectdd a irTir d.a-Wriff:aotT WEATHEIiBOASDED HOUSE AND GOOD BANK BARN Near the Yonne le a never-calling viol' of excellent Water, and an Apple Orchard In good bearing con dition.....The laud to 'under good Inure and In a.hlgh elate of cultivation. No:3. .A tract of lend containing fifteen (15), Acres More or les% eying northwesc and le sight 01 the town of Mt. holly Springs, bouuded by'lnnd of •amuel Zug, Matthew Moore, and. others. There are no-buildings on this tract, but the lan I is of excellent quality, and under good fonce, and Its close proximity to the towee,eslll in en short' time make It very valuable. No 4. An unimproved tract of land Cotalning Acres and Ninety-two ['lndies, flouting on the road leading from the tUrnpike to the Mt. Holl3 ~ p rings cemetery, and bounded by lands of Sane'. Zug, Chas. W. Shaeffer nud others. No. 6. A tract, of land captaining TWENTY ACRES, more or les, lying on the East side of . .toLutain Creek, and near the Hoe of the Sunni Mountain hall Road, bounded by lands of S. Zug. ileorge Nogglo and Mt. Holly Paper Co , known as tbo “llonnett traot.'! Tho ahoy° Is well fenced Rod is a' good state of•cultlrntlon. NO. SIX. FiVO - TOWN LOTS 44 font by 180 In depth, adjoining the 'property of Dr. W, 11. Laurnan, and fronting on the tuinpike. No. 7. FIVE TOWN LOl'y In the rear of Lilo above forty flvo foot front, running back 180 foot, frontit,g 'oh a Went. ' No. B. 'EIGHT TOWN LOTS 80 feet - front by 180 deep each; fro - ntlng on turnplko, and lying be twoein the propertics of Geo. Swords, and Dr. Lou man. No. O. SEVEN TOWN LOTS . , lying In rear of :ho abora, LO by 1 0 0 feet each. Irentlug on a street. And adjoining land of. C. W. Shaeffer. No. It/. NI NFI TOWN LOTS 40 by 100 foot each 'On, between the property of hoydur Itupley, and the M. E. Church. • , N.,. 11., 111 i, TOLSN LOTS 14 kt '2: 0f et encl. fro Oleg on the turnpike, lyitig bete non thadt. it t hurab, mid the prep.rty of Enna Johns. - h u 12. TWO WWI , / LOCS .10 by '2OO toot each, fronting on the turnpike, and adjoining the prop dily of urn 51,i3 berry. No. 13. The property known nietho "Di re n Ftorr property," 'I he. 1100: E in A W EATII Ebb() 00DEI r KAM 11 coo lain ing thirtee., large mums, mud n 'erg. and ronunothoun Store Doom. Attached to the bore prbport is a vegetable and bolt garden. a well 01 good water, st shin end all out - he ildlngs. As •a ' fur more It Is ceettel , and the bust is pall. No 14. ,A GOTHIC! COTTAGE, and True acre of ground.. _ , No. le. A one nod-A-buff story IWI.IOII-CAS llt Celli 05 by. 70 fret, udj.sinlng thel - ooperty of Alexand.,,lx the t .un of Mt. Golly Spring, And known nn the "Old Churrh" Ti, • tie oN Irately been r,n0d,4e... and is delsignoa for the, or cue tney of two I'nmlli ea. No 10. ()no bitAllr7 11011517 VIA lot of ground ibljurttlbg thc seltoo born, in 7111. lloily Sprlbtt.r. 17.0 of lot 70 oy :2001cet. L, 17: A 1.1101 arl.f 101 of ground. TO ft , ) front by 2f.0 In 661.11,. On thin lot is c.ron d o gOOO Flt.olllr7 01 AIILII, .Llll, tII , ,IP:ItAii Eft 11. , P l'hOre it,,on the prendres Fruit Tleeli In every cu i •i 7 nod In good Idarlog COMIILIOA, No. 16. = and Int-or ground ha property hot do- Icribtt. The lot is 50 Met front and 220 deep. No 10, n two-t-tory FRAM h 1104 E; and lot of orounit,—lfijolutag tha_proporty_Ltal_.-deuctlhcal , 100 of lift 50 by 200 loot. No. M. Ton Mountain Lots aituato in South Middleton township, near the Mt. Holly springs containing 11 . ACRES AND 120 and 13 ACRES And 20 PERCHES, Adjoining. trind of John MarrlAdn; James-59'40, SAndi. 31undor and lieu. Noggin. No. 21. One Mountain Lot, containing 7 ACRE I. eouth Middleton township, Wing parl ot a larg tract formerly , belo?ging; to the estate or Johr McClure, deed. • NO, 22. - A lot of ground containing FOUR ACRE mere on less, adji Irving properties of Rohr. eliaufte Goo. Nogale and Mt. Holly Paper Co. Also, On Saturday, October 2d, 1802 the late residence of Wm. B. Jlulilo , Esq., at 1 'clock, A. M., the following personal propetty, t It: eIX HEAD OF lialtSES theca of wbich are goodAndlog.and _dating/horse , two •'llamheltonlan" Colts, one year - Old, 4 :MIA Ceara_ of "Devon" blood, 1 Devon Dull, very line, I White heifer, 1 Dore• Call, three months old; 0 Large Hogs, creasing Sown and Pigs, 1 Broad wheeled Wagon, 1 two-horse Spring Wagon, 1 one horse Spring Soilon, 1 Cart, TWO BUGOISS, ONE CABRIAGE, TWO SLEIGUS Tiny Ladders, Uny Balm Cutting Bon, Ploughs Barrens, Wagon Deere, Single and Double Uai liens Saddles need Bridlss, sleigh Bells, tee. One DICKOCK CIDER PRESS, nd other articles, also, Office Furniture, eonsh.tlng .f I Fir• Proof Safe De , k, kr../ Terms of sale made known oniley of solo. CHAS. II W, A. Admre. Of W. D. Mullin, Esq., deed. • Mt. llnity Springs, 27Aug tit 11 IGIILY IMPROVED GRAVE I,AIOI AT PRIVATE SALE. ;Rust(' In Frankford twp., Comb. Co . 4 north 01 Nowville, I . 7 .i miles south of Blosersvi In ad 4, mile from Dlller's hedge, adjoining lands p a meal Ernst, Loran 11. Orrin and clhers, contain ngs 146 ACRES, (more or less,) II c leared but about 20 Acrem, which art corer d cub good Timber, also, about 26 Acres of good leado,r. 'lb* Improvements are a Largo TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, (new with Ti'holll4. , ,uee,:lmok• lloun and other neceosar out-but Iding A LARGE BANK BARN, early .mw, with new, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, Car lege Honer, flog Pan, and all nue:glary out-build ago, als o„a well of good Water at the door and an bombnn en of the cholrent and best trait. There le Ain, a let ge stream ~1 water running hrough the farm, heel hg thereon erected a fir:4- 411 gs SAW MILL This f arm In Ina good etoto Et cultivation, the build' not new, fenven In good 6rrbor, and well limed re,tttly. In ono Of t.• meet productive nod p. ,tot, ill vu In the county, end t IS COOIOIIIOI4 LO ei hool 1, mills, '.tr. Pore°. do4rlng to •low the ohne° prnporty con do so by c oiling ou tho subncrlber residing on the arm. A. 120:111.11,,Y, ALI 7 ABLE RE L ESTA'iI T AT rnr►ATE SALE. •, • The nubserlhar resitting In %Vest - Pronsirenre - toren ship. I his minty. otters at nri`rate solo the loliniving raluahla 11.5t1 Esaats : A LIIES.'I'../N . FAIISI containing IS Acres and 8.1 P. ati lot m easurty, el I unto on entnnbarsbitrg turnpike 5 nines W cat of Clirlid[O, one Mlle and,. half Small of the Gammon warchonsa, an tln• CnitM. Voile). Mal Reed, lalninhal LI i1111(i3 of .1.1.1 Homy Paul and othorm y~The Improvements are a largeiwo-,tnrr 11ri: •Al EA' lENI{BOARDED largo jj; ; tef BANK ISA RN, 71 by 00 loot, Col n II 't Wagon SIM iO, Carnage llonee, and all nereaFary aultbuildl a re. There is on It en App.e tircherd cant/ truing; 140 trees of cholOe grafted Fruit, unit an exec dlent well of Water at the door. T. a fences ' are ell- In good repair.-- About .5 At es of land are covered with excellent, young thn , ,or. Thera Is aloe emu/Womble Locust on the place. TL all among_the moot - product4re and de- Arable forma In Cumberland Valley, it laying Loup ocataly.„welL limed all OOOl% Any person -witting tli'Vlanr - these - premlses-ran do so by-calling on-Joseph.-Alillor-residing2theroon, or on t tooubssrlber oar Neervllle. 13Ang 09 tf <MO. CI. DA.VIDSOI{.. • ~STORE HOUSE AT. PUBLIC • • On Tuenclay, September 28th,. 1869. S:he subscriber sill eel' it Pettit° Sale, on thr premises, sltuato in Noer Kingston, oo tho Harris burg,Turnplke, given miles Enat of Carlisle, nod about eleven miles West of Harrisburg, the following described real Eltate, to wit: A large nod &mow. , dioue„ . STOR11 . 11;0II02, . . now occupied by Orr'. t Lamb. The MUSE Is thirty-onn,feet front, and thirty.two foot deep, with a double Warebduee beck, tho Lot boing thirty-ono foot front, end about 240 foot deep; 'having thereon erected n good Stable. Therm is a.goodchoternou the lot, and semi fruit trete.. This le one of the moat dicilrable and convenient stands for a store In this county, the receipts from the trade boing Noel to those of any Store in ~the borough.of Cornets. It le •situated in one of the woelthlest agricultural communltics,la th e county,' within a half mile of the Cutnbovland Valley It It. Salo to commence at 2 o'clock, I'. li., on said day, when terms will be mad° known by • 3d Sop. 4t. JtaldEßT lINAGY, Perry "Adeoeste" and "Sum' of, Um Valley," copy and send bill to tide office for col action. "‘ , • DU BEI() .SA LE g ; VALUABLE MAL ESTATE... - - , • SATUADAI';, Octoe-' 9th, 1869. The oubecrlbore, the, widow and heirs of John Dunbar. ilea:d , will soli atpublic solo, on tho prom ises, the following described real eatato, to wit: • , A ningniflcont Lot of Oround aftuoto, la the village of Aronson, abbot 200 foot aquae°, having thereon erected a moat excellent nod commodious Two story BRIOK •• DWELLING • LOUSE, Wash Homo, Wood Hoes°, 'Doke House, V° House,, Stable. Carriage -Mous° rind Corn Crib .. This la poo h ipa tlio,xerb finest. country propintv in the valley, tholot being divided 'lntan beautllnl, yard arid.. a Inagnitlcent garden pi'oduOtivestrawborry will potato patches, andahalcritlid • PEACH AND APPLE ORCITAR:D: 'Thu yard' hi filled with, beardlhit ornaerital [rem :Thor° niwalso on the prpropertyg rn go, d' well of waterand throe gdod cisterns, toil A Tract or 0 0 " , , • •anGirr...74rai • ACRES bop-fourth Of a 'mile . of.firoaion:100111. le' Itruix , of -.13.1,11,1 •Itelr, r t . ,Gl'osierin,' Domini Oroeion .oeorire or which ar..l savored wighr ,r,' Add the hailiada lira high etatent Snle'ta OE4. (1:1010) ,e I ii'cluek,.onr odd day ;Oen terres"Will be made known by • • • • AUNTS W. DUNBAit, MANUA% , MAUS E. DUMILE. I.oBopt to RBAT, EOT:I2'.E. 1•. , . ALUABLE MAI NS' TC).til.i ' ' .. pmot .nip PRI l'AT.r...eL7'.. "he eN)Ferlber . tmviri , x ebnelude,l to ,It k 0 ,70 19 ro,frinneoofferx at prie . pto is lo tb,f, '1n1u.C.,13 Ktr, 'on Vhlcirhe now residue. equate .110:0:11 ,, e [wet— ship, Cumberland conot.r.` It'e 1 , , I;a , t of Ch , : ,, I , torn, about 5 'talkie eolith of 51e..beni,hti-,.“ , oi ii I:es Segel' last•it raid OD the road lepJlno fr , .111 %fl.f a-mix cfrebrlxtb.l.l..-_thet.40,14t6,.,-;,-... 11lett, con talnioullittlt En -Inure 3: Jc. eta Llnir'roue find. the, imprinemeln!l A • t i'WO-STOILY STONE- plot;;SE, trrE , ir4S'Q mown with gond blob ti.l in. Ion) entent, brick IV! (low e h.! n. Tito. flown i.v n ny‘cohtilh nro , n: "r fp tor under thn house, tutu n geed n a: the r, with an nxcellunt, ,eO.l brick TENEMENT 31q13,,E, con( ,Inieg lini I A LARGE BANK , BARN, Wagon Hind. Corn Cribs: Otis Ins, lfrlos , •._111 , Pens, and All'otber Deeettary outbillblln;s: The ull' ban be n recently limed, , In very /Semi rrlrn nisi wants, Is tilstur good Innen, Is inciistlly post and all, mid Is inn vely , lllo RIAD of soltiva• Lion. Tilers Is npin tho.pineu nn • E XSIEL E, EN T-O-RU FIA-ND:- of 011°14 ratiotl, of A'op les, l'ia , beti and CLorrlio:. 'Morels :Ono a rholco variety of fruit itlarot Lk: tonoor comilstlng of drvorf and •landani Vs us, Grapes, A.G., with as ahFortment ul flue Lron,po and Oration ntAl Shade This proporty in located lu ono oT 1.1.11c.t tnot .ouLlons of Cuolbsrinita county, I.zkvolc all II;' ocallAucalies, Sainulet, mores ; mill., lee 11.1.1 Is in all rosl•octs inn( Of thi mO,l dedi3l,l” home toads lu Onnilarlond 11 not polo !Habra tho 2. th 01 Septemb, thl , + pro ty o 11l be oll•rod nt putilh, Lilo oh LI. at thy. • Persons wishing to ',amino Ow to in udu ItY by ding upon the subselibt.T . mold log on Inv prens, ezma UUNJA?UN DUI bF.ti VALUABLE REAL ESTATE VAi P CiBMIT BM - X. ' On Saturday, Octqber 9116 1369. By virtue of an cider of the Orphans' Cella o Cumberiond county, 1 will super(' to suldb: tole on the promises en the above day. the following nu scribed real est:and:Coate lo Lotter Allen towothip, Cumbollhod county, on the toad leudlch nom Nee Cumberland to Lisburn, abuut 1 tulle houth ui Shiremanstown, to wit A Una of slate Lauticou tallink _. 35 ACRES AN.D 10 PERCHES, Ltithe name morn or lees, About min acre Of w Melt la in Timber nod the rauldne divided into nix 1101t0, all ~t . Whiuh ho In:almhtl_Stat...tof citltivatian,nod:/v.. portidn thereof n sunlit y Doled: Thu itnprountionins consist of n Tflo.stbry • FRAME AND WEATHERBOARDED lIOUSE, I og_ Dnre, Haub._ flown .and eittbnilttings, !hero is en 01LCILAI D of choice fruit, n wrll of good a titer nod Cistern near the door, and a pos. Lion of the fuming innen. i•Oil lie. f. - uteri fat °len rated mound afford' ogl e , l ~afevrot flie barren min__,nut ,y, duairalilk Any r0.,,t doei• int: to ealail:oi , tali! WI ./011” 11. h . 41 1 -17 rcrllll, 0,, the un nit who till. gIN o all toui-po , aide nod or a t...1“1. Sa'e t 1111.114'm a , terms sill no ounie .1. i 1;1Y 27.1ng I 110 . it; ~ 01 I it,,, II , 11. , VALUABLE ii(YITL Aq' PRIV ATI: r A ,„ The. übmnlber.uffers ll L . CA" ,‘ Itutol4ntd it' "it. - LOO r" ;•-•- F.. Thn 1.,t (liivln yhiell II". 11. ..II by Iho r0. , 1 In ' esevllLmt, II Alt !Ili': y I • Thu hull: Is large unit vont ri 31... ! • l' t.1..r.1“ r, irr .1. I,llreg. A I.': f.! L I L' IV. 1 r.r. .111.-rrri 'lll. • .1 and Is Ittr.L..l. p1er.0.1. , :• I. ~ nr..l tiri, 1 .I.fri ..• Tenn; to SOIL lilt , irr., MEE Forlu - frtrri-17 , 11,..6 .t •it • ' Itrs absoorki co Kt. ME/EMII EIRE V7 - . 4 111 . 1 ! ABLP: R v. AT PRIVATE: SA The poillecrl•er `.11: (IT rant print title t Vela TT I M • ;•!',, FARM:I. situate I Itt MatadelL•••• I. la. . • a, :Id rk read Reid the read tsidin, I'' lldal short able InnifiThellanen dad Ln Bailing !Cie No 1 Containe de or cdalcet, of exeellent thin—tan. Lad' In a! ig • L.••• af c. F•rut Douse ivall ett ••I.r. r c.c. I•eic •I• logo. Alb., en e.t.d . .. loot o T• !Lot , 04-1 a ler, Bank tarn roll h 11 other no, ve•ary his f !rat ha, tint i•pltacial 'Ma 1.• s, • I pa; yin I water hoot • hi,.11 pre.y belt nee:,l ..••• 1 • pile I If liver opc io., 1••••• I tv... -pled • t • • rh ro is al., a a 111 atcland, as Apples, l'earli.l'enehes. d Col/lams a! eat 11l .I'. 1.- Liniettia• e Lnn.l in 01 rj o• • meats are, • donl tea...•••• • , kilt I dec cc. cic Born recently repaired, • ith •acon sle a, c, , and other oat-billdlpgs •Morlied , Al excnMilit large, qtvii.l l 4.. ni Cherries and other 'trite if nit, on and the logs. Good well of sitter not a large taste!, the • lloure. ll' desirable • tract of 'woodland for sal, place is offered. l'!rstine wi•lting to tie.' three pr. 'anti!, cin as FO be colllng . an idibreriber laeltllLii en the nail lextllng train Churchlown to Coilait Spired , ahati! roc 'hi', Lail of Hit , hater place, or uld.ti Ni in. Lutz hying close Ly. I.L filing lilt tf •t ATALumfbE 1:01E TuSli y FARM AT I'XACI"POICS Feiflall, Sep. 24, at 11 ‘;,./6,/,., A. 31. . 15111 ho Fold at Puttlir Sale nu the preenkt, th tt valualtln tarot in IV...Ft I . tnntrttnt , tt:lt tn. Inito. Comborlantl enmity, twirl, on tint t , tnn 1, sitir t'tmottogtt,inol meek, t Ito Mansion Bonn of Olin - late Longenceltto, deed. Tbil far,' coubtitin 181 ner, nod 40 rewire., of bleb there it 0'4114,1. nix t.f 'lint' er loud, Von 101 l tiler of the tract In nil clear, Is tene,l note. y lb - NC nud rail tint Lout .101. Inn bill. 14 it.. i•n. Title kilown “r•il jon it 1t,,, most reductive !tun. , in the c , 11 , ,t ell ilbto one half mite 01 Good pe about tulle front Ittbuberlntul \ alley itailro d. The iniprovenianlit are a Loren Two ;tory Trick MMII.IOII lloura, a error failing well ot ttatcr. arcs rave vary valetule for domestic purposes and t large cistern. Litrga Mona Rank Rork, Corn rfih, Carrintre floutm Waggon Pl,od find other out Wilding!: t e a fool There is IWO n Epeittg of 19nter nette tho titan nd ttnru 'rhoro is a largo and valuable 0r,11.11l •Ight n r i of rholca trait, I/ n it..~1~1~'.,. Jech , o , , nos Nllnl In vonvonl,nt to chttl , d‘o: or d d 'nd In r , Tot .chtd,c.od d. , ot I toad. rep., er.intiirmi to vier - rid,. to , e tr :lolls IC. I, 4 4 114 4, ,1 4 411 1114 4 4 p 4 44 1 4,4 4 , °rola will be mails kwerra 4 . 4:1 fray of • • 31111.i11, 1 , 1 Ear's of Uri • v Commodore POrter, uotioneer. tZ-Volunteer and booer•ter Io3LIC •SALE On TneAny, October 511 r, 1.49 Ity t of an ortlor of ILe 011)11o...4' tt ort Combo,. land count It • solo., t.. 1 o. than tor (Ito r of P.,...0ti0 t , .1 o• t soli on Iltn collllty‘Pll . 4 mile- Nor tit 111 .1 1...11 .oic!to,. orol intim NOI 11Q non'sltto heal M4:11{..: A. trawl or hind contlinh,-; 210 A elltti: inOrr or le it high silit•or-cult ivdt ion_ nit hr month (2,1k0a nut rdlin and 1,411 A 1, , 1., .1%/e in ptuvtquentaltre-ti.v•ml - - - - • TWO-STORY .mach: jiorsr, Wash Hear°, 4.lrrie 11 , 111(1( IL\ C. t °Ohs, tl'agon Hln tl, Can lA, all oil, necessery ‘l , ll . 01 neve thiling_,,efer near the dour, nith I)llinilig i Itettrly 11. ,- ITA-1:1 • Choice 'fruit on tilt pilstei,n, Nr:111 e V.011.1101,1' I nom o or of tioriving llel,laPreg e9,,tile. lot Tide in one of ihn hoot iniprove.ttoi.l etott. ble fertile In Cluabimitimi VelltitS, Wlll,lO Well to give Atte,lloll. -11, Will I moll ontii . o or In pato. to miit Preteen tholt log to view tile pm, rat: rti•violt: the male will plwlcn call on tho feint* of oil thi,,titeleri.igneiloesittii.g at ;'peril n 11111.. . „ . Sabi to commence 'at i,o'clook I,`„ 31.' OIL will be male kle,lll by eS.1.)(171:1. Agont and liteirohtti for the Heirs of Benjamin 27Augfile. ALIJ ABLE !r()1 rN - PIt()PE It Ti AT Ohl VAT!: e.i4lt. • • The enbFri (hot offers et Pri,vnto Nile, the itot; .and LOT OF qlr Ju v n l now o r. hi.d by hint, en ale° the A 401111114 rll,llll. lot. The linoro II 27 I, 10 feet, tun.autl.a.latif Fteries bight, cont.line.,,in room Ladder; the kitchen, laid .in it alltL modern improvements and V, It TN6 Latrobe 6tovoff, n hot 'end e' old Watt! Both Tube, Water Cie/WA permanent Watt St an.i• and Gail throughout the house, 1T ith vnpehneh tint lures, S. Tire Lot hes a front of AT r,:et. Inch/. and extend. to Libokty alley, the NM. lola no the Louse lot, One on 'lt a Cistern, Smoke lion -end small titehle. Both loin are fllltql with :choir tihrubbetry, Fruit and Ornamental Treee. The ptopedlea will he 60111 to;othet or soper.ttel as pp.:linkers may desire. Tome liberal. , 23,10 Iditf • LENIUCI, TODD.. . QALIi OF PIItST-OLA;1; FARM. IN CUMBURLAND COUNTY.. Ity-virtue of A pow el. Of At tarn ey4rom IWO of tl devisees of hr. I. 9; Loomis deo'd., no ..Irx. Mot frlornle, who lOU An with N on 11, Miller, goardlt .f the other two derlseett; .- In exposit,: ono of tl most. 1111unble •faiine In • Cuoilletland. county, pub lie4ale on the promeses, on, .• , • • THURSDAY,',o; 1.56 , t clock; said rthe Interest of tl tnlnera wIII , he' olfered' stir rut to the ttPtiror,tl, • the Orphans' Cotir,t'or Cli Int orlatill etnititlo: (Pile farm' to: °nor'( Cie cslehintallUtl4o Parma 'aloog the Contologultnlt , ,nil In now wohnerts far ouperlor to Ihneetono land. win gift . ate InAkarandon town4l4,,,and in Istittnted,hr tl Conodognlnet creek, David Itrentger, dose pb,llwWl Claletlan htay than Rod others, and contaiutt iO4 , - AC HlSatia, 101 11111.1:01iP trlk neinurc. • tlxt • flulUl)npi ondllllA,:gcetnunt Ofvolo, and In good " It 'lt riot ofllh Chet , a Nino( of thlskqe(fllty qii ftetrrie ofirood'llr ceINAml thfe.lnpht In nil, 1(c4,0u1.; Lcontudrclr.,Tindandec'll.:l,o l,l l ,llll l'd A dl ' , Anent' InC4tioens a 11,0111.0 :Iroidence'lol . lii claim!. propuity ivlll unfitlfity.l(Ccol ,l ; • r? q , . I IAY 7 . OSiiN, 'Met( 1.1:111111.1(1111,•Oft:Vr(1100, Jintrlcburg,Plcuraphf I,ol,Totidev,ll`o•oo,f, 1 .. mu Pidtihteet.plome copy and dud bill to tlikollidoA) CMOtltnaT; ' , ' • . OEM I c. 0 I 1 1 Iv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers