Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, August 20, 1869, Image 2

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    glut traid,
A. K: RKEEIif;
Editors &Propr
J.. A. DUNBAR,-1
Fileput,Uoan. State
' •
Delegate Elections.
At a meeting of the Republican
Standing Committee, held in Carlisle,
on Saturday, July 31st, it was ordered
that a
County .Convention,.
be held in Rheem's Hall, Carlisle, on
Monday, August 23d, 1869,
at 11 o'clock, A. M., to nominate can=
didates as follows :
One person for Member of Assembly.
One person for County Treasurer. _
One person for Prothonotary.
One person for Clerk of Courts.
One person for Register. '
One-person for Commissioner.
One person for Director of the Poor.
One person for Auditor:
To be voted for of the . ensuing 'Gen
eral Election.
in the several Wards, Boroughs and
Townships will be held•at the usual
plaCes and at the usual hours, on
Saturday, A 21st, 1869.
It is the earnest wish of the Com
mittee that there be a full Convention
of Republican Delegates, fresh from
the people,.that a•Ticket may be plac
ed in nomination which will command
the earnest and united support of' the
Republican Party of Cumberland coun
ty, and enforce the respect of our op
ponents. By order of the Committee.
A. K. RGEEM, Chairman.
We Want Money
We respectfully ask such of our pat
rons who. are indebted to us for sub
scription, advertising or job-work, to
ponder—well-upon the-following : Cash
payments are demanded of, us for pa
per, ink, type, labor, livine, and inter
est On money, if compelled ib borrow ;
we have money enough due us to keep
us going on right comfortably, but it-is
scattered among thousands of Our ens
tomers for printing, advertising and
subscriptions, in small amounts.
The harvests are now abundant, and
have been garnered, the frnits of the'
land are,,plentY, all the earth's riches
have been poured out most lavishly,
the hearts of the people have been made
glad, and, we hope, every one will pow
be able to come to lhe'reseue of the
printer.. Your public-spirited, live lo
cal newspaper is'. an impOrtaiit institu
tion in a rich county like Cumberland.
As Court week will soon bo here, those
of our friends who are indebted to us,
and who may have business in town,
can ball upon us and liquidate their in
debtedness. Others can remit by mail
or otherwise the small amounts due us.
Ward Delegide Elections
The Republican voters of the West
Ward - of the borouo of. Carlisle will
meet at the public house of Joseph
KnAtle, on
August 21st, at 7 o'clock, M , and
those of the East Ward at the public
house of Louis Faber, on the same
evening, and at the same hour, for the
purpose of electing Delegates to the
Republican County. Convention. A
full attendanm is desirable. MANY.
Delegate Elections
We hope none of our Republican
friends will nrglect to attend the Del
egate• Elections on Saturday next, both
in town and country. It 'is important
that all our friends be in attendance, so
.that a full and fair expression of sen
timent may be had and the best men
chosen at Delegates. We hope to see
a full Convention in session on Mon
day next, a good ticket placed in the
field, composed of sterling men from
every section of the county, and then to
see all our Republican friends roll up
their sleeves, and go to work manfully
to elect it.
Are You _Registered?
All citizens who desire`to -rote at the
October eleCtion, ehould see to it that
their names are on the Registry, as
mode by the Assessors, under the new
.law.. Naturaiized 6 citizens
must present their certificates to the
Aesesedr when applying .1 or regietra l
Con, tiOese they have, been voters in
the district-five conebeutivc• years. -it
is well to attend to this matter in time,
so that tall who, are entitled to vote
dial] bo registered.
Candidates for the _Legislature.
Jowl B...liummell's nomination for
. the 'Legislature, on the Demeicratic
Ticket, is so odious• to a very large
number of .the Democracy,ithat should
our Convention make a judicious nom
ination, we . can teat assuredly 'elect
- our candidate. Among candidates al
ready spoken of, we rejoice to find the
names of such most
,excelleht men as
Geo. D. Craighead; Jacob Bomluerget:,
Rev. A. Babb, Major Kimmel, and
Dr. Brandt. ,•We believe that with
proper effort either one of the gentlemen
_could be elected. - . . . • '
T1T1.113 MURDER CABE —We .(1.040i0
very considerable spAco . in this week's
r issue to the publicatierl,of the Very able
:^n. of his Hn/ • ` •^"00 • M
The: Delegate .Syatem• ms. The
Crawfiird Cim - nty System.
In dayEi of yore,When the ,Democratic
party was poWei in the lamb,and;
when in Cumberland county the lam-'
seys, the McCoys, the Lambertone, the
Sbyders, the Angneys; the Woodbuina
and the Waggonas were amongst. its
honored and , influential leaders, ; its
principles'were openly avowed and its
practicer and usages well known and
clezirly defined.• In those days the
delegate, or; as it was sometimes called.
the committee system, was the recog:
nized mode in which nominations for
office were made, and the . Democracy
clung to it with tenaeious,persisieney:
end by all it was regarded as the great
palladium of their patty supremacy.
This system was adopted by its
founders for the reason that it gave to
the people of every section ortbe coun
ty_a guaranty__that_the claiim of each
township would be recognized, and
that occasionally a citizen of their own
neighboihood—one whom' they knew
and honored, would be placed upon
the ticket that might be formed. • The
delegates, coming from every township
in the county, large and small, it was
thought, would nominate a compromise
ticket, prevent the larger townships
from usurping all the honors and offi
ces, and do justice to the smaller and
less populous ones. This in fact proved
to be the case. Under the old system
the people in every section bad an
equal chance; all were in turn ;prefer
red, all were satisfied, and for more
than half a Century the party was
united and prosperous. •
' The Democratic party preserved its
supremacy for so long a time only by .
adhering rigidly to its.usages and en•
forcing with great impartiality its party
discipline. Under the old regime, the
Man, pretenclinglo be a'Democrat, who
ventured to oppose this system, or oven
1 to doubt its utility or justice, was look
ed upon as an enemy to the party; he
was denounced as a " disorganizer," a
"grumbletordan,' a " and
even as a federalist. in disguise. He
was anathematized as a political Judas,
his aspirations for office, if lie had any,
were thwarted and crushed, and he
was driven forth from the Democratic
fold, a winderer indeed ; his political
prospects ruined and his - reputation
blasted. These were the palmy days of
the Democracy, the days of it's purity,
and strength; and when a nomination
was certain to result in an election. In
those good old 'times the committee
system worked well ; it kept the p-rty
united and vigorous, and every man
_ -
who aspired to office was interest - A:in
keeping it as pure tie the ballot-box
itself. Under its workings the De
mocracy in this county was almost in
_lriumphant,ttrally electing
us tickets by very' conside:rabie - ma:
joritiee. • Slany Democrats look back
to tholie days with both pride and 're
gret—with, pride, because then their
party Was a power and elected - to office
men of intelligence, pure morals and
good- character, dad regret, that now
they have fallen upon evil times, and
designing men dictate the manner in
which nominations aro tobe made,
in reality by their intrigue and cun
ning make the ticket.
But times had changed. The old
leaders had passed : away, -and„ their
places were filled by designing and
unscrupulous demagogues: Under the
auspices of these -men, the party ma
chinery had become Totten to the core,
and the 'committee system was worso
than a farce. Delegates were publicly
bought and offices as publicly sold.
Men of wealth, but without either prin
ciple or hOnesty, could easily secure a
nomination, while the claims of men of
slender means or cofiscientious scruples
wore passed coldly over. So notorious
had this fact become, that honest Dem
ocrats had ceased hoping against hope,
a reform was deeined impossible, and
in an evil hour it wae - datermined -to
abolish the old parey landmarks and
try some other mode.
Having thrown tile old system over
board, the Democrats' . deter.mined to
adopt the Crawford county system of
nominating candidates, fondly hoping
thatit'would prove.% panacea for all
their political afflictions. This mode
had been adopted by some of the wes
tern counties, and was found not un- ,
objectionable. While in some sections
it seemed to give satisfaction, other
counties pronounced it' ldme and im
potent, full of difficulties, and as being
worse than the old system: It proved'
the - fruitful source of dieeention, corrup
tion and intrigue, and oven defeat, and
those who so gladly welcomed it were
just as glad to get rid of it. In our
county, as yet but one 'election has
been-held and one ticket formed - ac
cording. CO its provisions. Judging
from the result of that election and the
compgaion of the ticket nominated, we
think we may safely say that it will be
the last one held by the, Democracy of
Cumberland county under that system.
Never before in the history of the
party has there been such wide-spread
dise4isfaction with the ticket as nom
inated, nor such outspoken charges of
fraud:and trickery against the success
ful candidates. At least three of the
priimiiient candidates owe their places
.upoji the ticket to the judicious use
of the- contents of 'a 'two•gallon demi-
john of Whisky ; for through the po
tency of, this beverage some fifty raw
recruits from Carlisle Barracks,, who
bad about the same legal qualifications,
for suffrage here, fis . , would' an; equal
number of our fellow-citizens of Alas
ka, 'were induced to'VOtsi' at the North
Middleton box, thus„ turning the
in , favor Of the 'successful _candidates
for the offices of RepiesentitiVei Re
gister and Treasurer.' Thus , it is that
the met' who were the real choice a the .
,Democricy,oteunlherland county, are
overslanghe,d, and, the places en "the
.licket,which of right beglongs to them,
lupied by mere,. pretenders', wheat)
to the suffrages of the,party,
.of the •disreputsble and
, r 7 .I,iaboye;alluded to..
furtbei de-
27w -.Two Candidates.
On the subject of the two Gnberna
ttfrial candidates now before the public,
'for . their.suffrage,,the Reading Times
Tel justly remarks : Governor Geary
eminently dellerved the; nomination
wliich he Obtained liy" the unanimous
vote of the Convention—with but one
'exception. He was nominated three.
years ago by theß•epublioan party, of
the State, as the,best man to represent
the Soldiers whc; had fought the 'great
battle of freedom, angina treason and
saved the nation. He 'deserved and
obtained a ,ronomination, became three
years' experience showed that' he made
an able officer andwas allhonest; man.
No one has dared to say, that John W.
Geary has not been a goodPovernor.
Pennsylvaniaiiever was more. respect-,
ed, never prospered more than during
his Administration, and' Pennsylvania
willing that, he shall be her Gover
nor three years longer.
Look en the other side. The Cop
perheads, true to their instincts, have
nominated the very man fit to repre
sent them. During the dark . huurs of
the war, where was Asa Packer Y Not
with the friends of the Govertnent
who stood by President Lincoln during
the long and desperate struggle ; not
with' the War_Democrats who_ raised
men and money to crush the rebellion.
His positi9 wos / with the worst wing
of his party;lse , men who pronounced
the war failure; the men who re
joiced in rebel victories, and by the aid
and sympathy which they gave to the
South lengthened out the war with all
its increased expenditures of blood and
treasure. If such men as Pa ckter had
had their way, where would the coun
try be now I •
It may be said that there were men
in tke--IDemocratic State Convention
1?) -wanted Hancock 'as their Candi
date. And how many .each men were
there,? Out of a vote of 13.3' Hancock
had 21. Thia shows the stuff the Con
vention was made of. Nominate
a soldier, indel r Not very likely to
happen in Bucb:a Convention. in vain
did the Spartan band trom Reading
carry up their banner with the inscrip
tion 9,000 majority for Hancock in
Berks." They were only laughed 'at.
The white-hatted roughs frorti.Phila:
delphia, with their pockets full of green
backs, - wondered what these gauntry
fellows meant to. think of running a
soldier for Governor-4:man-who -had
fought the rebels during- the war in•
stead of fighting the Government. To
think that such a man could obtain the
votes of Democrats_? The idea was
absurd No indeed I— they took
man that suited them better—that man
was Asa Packer. • Nobody doubted
where he stood during the war. He
_never wasted money to inise Ujiop
soldiers. He never hurt Jeff. Davis
He never rejoiced in Union,victories
He is just the man for their money .
or rather,-they are just the men for his'
Can Packer be Elected?
'We think not. Upon what do the
Democracy base their hope of his-elec.
fitin7- 'Simply -upon -his money'. bag's.
There is not a single act of his life,
publio or private; to which they can
refer to distinguish him from the other
millionaire nobodys of the day. It is
the amount of money he is pledged to
furnish they look to for success, and
not the virtues of their candidate.
They mean to come into•the political
market as buyers, and if there is dirty
material enough to be purchased, they
ere not going to• higgle about- the price,.
Pretty soon we shall see, in every.
nook and corner of the country, the
brawlers to whom the party funds have
been committed for disbursement, using
their-best efforts to corrupt voters and
carry the election by bribery and fraud.
But the scandalous attempt will fail.
The man who has no claims upon the
people but such .as arise from his
wealth, will find; after the election,
that the people are not yet corrupted
enough to be bought and driven to the
polls as sheep to the shambles. The
solid claims upon public gratitude and
support which Governor Geary has as
a soldier and civilian will outweigh all
the Money bags of Packer, and he will
be re-elected by ti, larger majority than
'that. by which he was chosen three
years ago. 'Mark what we say
PACKER has no enthusiastic friends
in thili campaign, except-those whose
zeal. has been paid for. The manufac
turers and Monied mqn sf the State
generally distrust'him because he is the
candidate of a party opposed TO a Pro
tective, Teriffs;:end thlrirorkingmen,
Democrats as well es Republicans, will
`have nothing to do with him, because
his sympathies and interests, are al
against Ice finds no ardent sup
porters in this section, becauSe he 'is
known too well, and none in other
parts of the - State; - because be is. not
known at all. Poor Packer I
The above paragraph ii taken from
the Mandl Chunk Gazette, printed '4
the reptited home of Asa Packer, and .
shovis in what estiniation the Demo
cratic carididate is held by those who
do know him. "
—The Annual Report of the Postmari
ter' General has so far advanced to
ward cdmpletiori, that a close prolimity
to the financial oondition - ef,thOdepart7
ment , may be ' , reached: amount
of deficits will notirary,mnoh from that
of thn previous year, and the various
economical 'measures adopted by Dlr.
Cireaswell *ill only hegin to he felt
during the carrent year. The : Poet ,
'master generaPs.ostimatefor the com
indyetir Will show that he e*Pecte to
bring the department up from the con
dition in which Dili: Raadall left it un
,til it is nearly or quite splf-anstaining.
. CieThree years ago, Clymer, ainari
:of sonie:iiitelled, was tie DeriMciatiY
candidate' ibr':Geir.ekwir, t 16 ' l iii6 :4, 8 '
'feated. New it is 'Packer, a maw,Witli
lenty but a great lit IF of
bralna. ,We inippinit'ibic bo:iija I that,
4 g money will inakellie mare" ..•,;:';
' ) -
The Diffledities of Out Dermoc-
The Mauch Chock Gazette, printed
at the formeiiesidette.e of Mr. Packer,
has the following :. The.' Democrats.
seem to . ha so sanguine of their ability
to "elect:Judge Packer, that we we led
to ingtiire as io the grounds on which
their.hopes rest:: Their profesSions of
confidence are either 'feigned for the
Sake of appearances, or based up-an
some real or 'supposed element . of suc
cess in
.their candidate. Experience
teaches us to incline to the former,
theory, l:Mt . for' the purpose of argil;
ment we will at -this time accept the
latter, and mak Ithat merit there is in
Mr. Packer; or his party, that warrants
ea:mot:able expectation of his election?
'ls it, his ability? We do, not think
hia..wartnest supporters will clatta as
much for }lim it: this regard as watiac
ceded by hoth parties to George W.
_Woodward,._who was so disastrously
:defeated in 1863. - Nor has he the in
tellectual force, or the public expe
rience of 'Mester ' Cly mer, who was
beaten in 1866 by some 18,000 votes
by'Gen. Geary. lu fact, Mr. Packer,
notwithstanding his opportunities, has
,never shown, the least aptitude as a
statesman, arid at his adVanced age it
is but fair to presume , he never will
-And, indeed; considering his- political
sympathies and affiliations, this pre
sumption is fortunate for himself and
his country.
Do his friends think lilin popular?
How is he so ? Aud with whom 1
Not with those who were Union men
throughout the war, who painfully be
held his course out that issue. He
cannot expect support from the soldiers
fiz t t the same reason. Nor can he hope
for even the full vote of the Democratic
portion of the workingmen. There his'
business, operations cut him off, while
his immense Railroad interests destroy
his chances with the, bulk of the mas
ses. Thus he seems to be_ hedged
around by conflicts and difficulties that
will certainly exclude.from his support
every man not deeply dyed with Dem
ocracy, a..d every one knows the votes
of the latter 'will not elect him.
If •he cannot lead his party, assured
ly the party cannot carry him to :vic
tory. At best it is in a minority in this
State, but new, in the hands of the
most virulent Copperheads, weakened
by igaoring, and thus virtually oppos
ing, the important principle of Protec
tion and distracted by local dissentious,
which in some instances result in open
and positive boltings, it is fatally die.
organized. Had it a reader who could
heal its wounds, and infuse harmony
and - eausfaem into its' demoralized
ranks, it might hope to rally for the
'battle. But th'e lack of these, qualifi
cations in Mr Packer seems to us to be
the cap-sheaf of its disasters. The
only hope that remains to'this unfor
tunate organization is in the wealth of
its candidate, but under the circum.
stances of the case it is highly probable
that all his -spare cash will - be -required
,tp patch - up the toppling ruins of his
own party. W have grave doubts,
howeVer, about his " coming down"
handsomely. Mr. Packer, whatever
may be said of him, has never been re-,
markable for making bad investments
of money. and we mistake thesman if
ho permits himself to he entrapped into,
lavish electioheering expenditures this
year. In this respect, as in all others,
his friends are entirely too sanguine,
as we think they will freely admit on
the morning after the election.
statement of "the receipts and expendi
tures of the Government for the quar
ter ending June 30, shows that the
income is enormous and far exceeding
the current demands open the Trea-
Sury. Although this•lluarter of the
year is not considered the most prolific
to the Treasury, the receipts were over
a hundred and nine millions from the
regular sources of revenue. Thin is, at,
the rate of over four hundred and thir
ty-rix million a year. It is a remark r
able state of things, and shows the
wealth of the country, the patient man-'
nor in which the people-bear taxation ;
and how freely they pour their money
into the Treasury - -when dethanded by
the Government. With such ,an ex
hibit of the finances, who can doubt our
ability to pay the Stational- debt within
a reasonable time I
IT IS A FACT to be gratefully re
membered by . tFc.pavers, that under
the administration, of Gov. Geary, not
only has the State debt been feduced
but the tax on real estate has been.en
tirely abolished. With Grant in the
Presidential chair, and Geary re-elect
ed Governor, both the National and
State debt will no doubt continuo to
diminish, as it has done, and'the time
will soon arrive when a still further
reduction-of .taxatien will be realized.
All wanted to effect this most,
desirable' end, in addition to the re-elec
tion of Geary . , is to send honest men to
the Legislature—men who can be fe
lied.upon to' protect the Treasury in
stead of joining in dishonest schemes
to plunder it.
NORTHERN Democrats have beenre
galing themselves for, a few days pist
.the idea tliat,..Andrew Johnson
Would be United States Senator from
Tennessee. Nis 'not improbable they
will be doomed" to disappointment.
Every active - and sympathetic rebel
will of course support - him, but fortu
nately' in
,the 'sale of powers in .that'
State a Modiouni of Old:line Whiigt?ty,
has crept in, which will oipose,the se
lection:, of: the.; great betrayer.
condole With - the Dernocracy, fow . grbat
will be-their grief at' thiii result.:
afThe Reading Evening Diapalch.
hasjuSt commenced RS eighth volatile.
has' met, with a large pitionage, 'and
has richly deserved it: . The . .biapittch .
:is:one.of the 'best papers in the State,
end its political. news,"local and .busl. :
nei3i;;departiaepts are all "ably . conduct.
od.' May the Dispatch liven ilidttnand
years, and, flourish, like ; a ,green ipty,
tree. • • Ff,';;
Pendlete,n and Packer.,
The nomination of George H. Pen
dleton for Governor by the Democratic
State , Committee of Ohio, in place of
•Gen. Rpsecrans, who declined the du
bious honor, idaCes the .Dernooracy of
Ohio fulLaccord with the party in
this - State_ upon the leading questions .
in'aational politics. The Lancaster Ez•
. prest . says : " Unlikeßeeeerans, Pen
dleton notoriously• sympathized with
the rebels !and fieceeMonists, and like
PPcker he was a friend and admirer of
Vallandghain,, whom 4oseerfini. dis
charged into the rebel lincaas•a traitor.
A minor poinf of resethblance between
Pendleton and Packer,is that both are
Carpet Riggers in the State they as:
pine to rule overLPendleton being a
Virginian and Packer what theaCep
perheads would call ruf 'hlue-light Con.
neoticut Yankee.' 'Both - are wealthy
Men, though' we never heard that the
-taxes-on_Pendletoni.property_ware so_
enorntous that he was under the ne
cessity of claiming residence in a dif
ferent county from the one where his
wife and children made their home, in
order to avoid paying them ; and this
shows that Packer is, in some respects,
the more talented man of the two, and
able to teach his Ohip compatriot some
things the latter 4ould, never have
thought of. Upon the whole, however,
they are remarkably well matched, and ,
it is not to be doubted that the people
of their respective States, will show an
equal appreciation of their merits in
October peat.
It 4 the mining regions of this, State
some of the coal men are once more
putting their heads together. They
find a great deal of coal on hand lima
prices high. There is but small sale,
for people are waiting foe prices , to go
down. , Prices they know must go
dawn if the quantity on hand "gets
any larger, and, these coal magnates
Propose to, keep prices up. How ? By
agreeing upon a new-scale of remunera
tion for the miners, such as will Com
pel the latter to strike. Thus the stook
. will be kept down and prices up. We
suspect Congress will, at an early day,
interfere in this matter, and abolish en
tirely the duty on coal. Thefi - may the
coal men thank themselves for killing
the goose that laid the golden egg.
THE latest victim is that rising young
man, John_ Quincy Adams, whom the
Now York " Sun" has nominated for .
President. one paragraph,
the last of a column :
'" It would be a singular spectacle to
see the Den ocrats in P 472 rallying un
der •the banner of . the great grandson
of John Adams; but as they have
Adopted a pretty fair share of the ideas
of the - old Federalists, we don't per
ceive why they should object to the
ancestry of - such-a candidate."
Young Adams has given promise of
an honorable career, and:it i 9 a pity
he should die so young ! •
NOTHING can be . more frivolous,
foolish or absurd than the statement,
that Judge Packer Made his money by
the " sweat of his 'brow," as a
man. The Manch Chunk Gazette per
tinently asks—"Ho3v many. workmeh
on the Lehigh Valley Railroad will ever
Mak i e 620,000,000 by the labor of their
hands,—and they probably get better
wages than Mr Packer did when he
was poor.
AarThe "rub" of Judge Tacker
for the Gubernatorial office is consider
ed by'many as a good joke. It will
doubtless be a very expensive joke to
him, before ho is through with it. But
those who dance should . pay the
Miscellaneous Items.
Thero were 221 divorce cases in Cincin
nati last yettr.
An fneano man at Elkport, la., fright
ened a lady to death.
A man in Brooklyn bah been arrested
for starving his wife to deaths
Lduls Napoleon wears a moustache to
cover the workings of his upper lip'.
An emigrant, bound westward, passed
throdgb Ohio last week on a velocipede.
A man who was stolen by the Indians
thirty-three years ago has turned up in
A Wisconsin physielanmoisoned a child,
at the request of its parents, because it was
AtxeclipseAn Venice was dnce hissed by
the people -because it did not come up to
their expectations.
The Yale students who drew the beet
college rooms made about one thousand
dollars by selling out.
A lady named Betsy Robinson, of Leba
non, Ct.,attended church on her ono hun
dredth birthday, July 11.
,Frederick Douglass, Sr.,. has married a
daughter of Professor A. Molyneaux Hiatt,
of Ho'veard. Univoreity.
A Doctor in St. Louis who has had
four wives, is supposed to lavoused strych
nine to accelerate his.weddings. . •
It is calculated that the average endur
ance of bunk notes is three years. They
never endured with us that long,
A gentleman In - llansfield, - Masli.;'offers,
to present the town with $6OO of hie salary
if it will send him to the Legislature.
;The Boston Post says : "The Emperor
of China is to be married, but ho is only
fourteen and.knows no .better, poor lad.
At Lyndon, Vt., a few days' since, a
tame dove flew into the Congregational
cliureh during prayer time, and perched
upon the parson's head. , ' • •
Danbury, CUM., now.burns twonty thnu
saud tons of coal Nyear. It is said that in
1845 the whelo town banned only twenty
tons in' the sarno period. '
-Bridgeport paper describes a'alking
cane composed of 4bB pieces ofleather, and
made frbm a pair of old boots worn ~,by
President Lincoln,/
dtlSlcLeaniboro, 111, a' few days ::go,
a woman - bad her,husband arrested for
whipping . ber. 110 was fined $B, and tho
woman claimed heal:of the fine for inform
. . . ,
,•• . .
A Oath°lie elergynian in Now Yo'rk has
been arrested for obtaining money, under
false pretences. Thorn are dirty cora-,
plaints againithini;from poor perscins..
The Albany Journaleaya: "An,lndia
railroad, which ran on a trestle-work for
ajOng distance, becomeso.,noted for. its
casualties that the alligators Caine up regu
larly for their daily lunch.',!: ,
:A countrytean in Now Bedford,' Moss.,
inquired what tfmetbe eclipse would come
off, and ekpressed great regret that ho
Would have to start for home bonne ithalt,
poned and therefore ooula not see it. ^
, few days ago &gentleman lost a thou
sand dollar diamond pin on Warren bridge,'
bay,,af a'poor w,onien found,
the Pin, and; the mother made known thd.
fact too Jewellar,through whom tho pin,
was restored: l to its owner. - The -owner
promptly paid tho. reward of - fifty dollars
which holdl.offered, 'with thOnddition.of
dvp dollammotio for boneflt of. the
In the pollee court, at Boston, a man
was hold for drunkenness, who. said that,
he was a refildent of .a neighboring town,
that be had been am.ember of both branch
es of.the Legislature, and was worih sloo,.
The British government has refused to
grant an ezegaator to Mr. Haggerty, ap
pointed, consul of the United. States. at
Glasgow. ~The' refusalis basect on the
ground that La was connected 'Nvitli.the
Fenian movement. '
A man and his wife, named Conyngham
living - Ito," Floyd, lowa, -., wore instantly
killed briigtitning.While in bed sleeping.
.Their -.cotpties were . perfectly black from
the offsets of the stroke. The man's moth,-
Or 'wail' rendered Menne' by the kall shoek.
Mr. Longfollow.recently made •la brief
speech in England,'in which be; claimed
to be a Cumberland man, But when the
English ~ E lear. l .Bear had coasod, he
added, quietly, "The County of Cumber
land, in the State of'Maine, three thous
and-miles froth hero," which..was folloWed
a heavty • laugh.
In consequence of the nu m erouSten dol
lar. counterfeits recently sot afloat, Mr.
Spinner, the U. S. Treasurer, has instruc-
And the Assistant Treasurers . at the differ
ent offices to • withdraw all ten dollar
greenbacks from circulation and they are'
-redeemed•as-rapidly us—presented._Erep
arations have boon commenced to photo-
Oaph the counterfeit tons on an enlarged
scale for banks, brolierp and business mon,
OuBlllTlplCB to enable them to detect the
ntorfeits by comparison with senuine
notes. . _
go In and qounta Cutter
Cirulate the Documents
The important canipaign,ia whip the
RepUblican party is now engaged, de
mands that the principles at issue- should
be Thorodghly ntlOrst6od by the people
No better eaptinant of these principles pan
he, found than the CARLISLE HERAT,n,
We therefore propose to furnish it' from
this time until the first of November next
the following rates
Single copy, -
Clubs Of ten,
Clubg. of twenty,
Ih.hddition to the discussion of the pol
tieal questions (if the day, the 2 , HERALD
contains all the current news, mnrltet re
ports, and an excellent literary depar
ment,tims making it a welcome Visitor to
the family eirele ue welt Ha a sound pol
ticnl gu
Fgwrivm--Prof. J. A. MCKEEHAN,
will - btl - prusenttt - th e - Fest i
on Saturday evening next. All who wish
to hear_n rare collection of amusing songs
will certainly be there.
A UGUBT CouitT.—lhe-Atigust term
of the several Courts of thin county will
commenoe on-Monday next, the 23d inst.
E SCWEPPE -CASE.—The motion
for o new trial in the Bchreppe case is now
being argued. We will ho able to an
nounce the result in our next issue. -
The programmo of music, under the direc
tion of Prof. P. Tu. HELD, for Retreat and
Dress - Parade On Sunday Evening next,
will be as follows :
1. Schuberth'e Serenade.
`..?. Overture, fropZampa.
3. Cavatina', - frurn Lombardi.
4. !the calm evening—Waltz
perica for holding the nuptial Fair of the
CumborfandCounty Agricultural 86clety
is drawing near, and now, as the time fast
approaches, let our farmers go to work
and make the necessary preparations to
have their farms represented by some kind
of produce or stock. Let each and every
farmer look upon it as his duty to exhibit
something that may add to the interest of
the fair. Let all join to make the next
fair a grand farmer's jubilee and ro.nniOn
of friends and acquaintances. Thera_ is
scarcely kill - ruler or mechanic who has
not • something in the stock, implement,
machinery, or . produCe lino, that might
interest some one else. Let them contrib.
me to the display, and send in something,
no matter how small or how large. Tho
magnificent products of our harvest
already garnered, thecorn now nodding
its proud plumes before tho winds of heav
en soon to yield its golden treasures in
its ripened perfection; lot then tho hopes of
the year tio crowned and commemorated
in the opening of our annual exhibition.
for • adv ertising Real Estate Sales is at
hand, and a number will found
in our columns. Experience has shown
that the more qxtensiv ly proprty is ad
•yortised, the better the prices, and the
more readily sales are effected. A failure
to advortir liberally, in order to save a
few dollars, is the poorest kind of econo
my ; and wide-a-wako business men un
derstand this. The lambcirculation of
the HERALD in Cumberland atAadjoining
counties furnishes a medium, by which
persons laving Farms or Roil Estate to
sell can make die tact widely known at in
very moderate cost.
REWARD.—The undersigned having
keen robbed of a watch and chain, on tho
South Mountain, on the eighth of July
last, will, without queetions,• pay sixty
dollars for the return, or discovery of tho
name; or thirty dcillres fOr either the
watch or chain. The watch is a gold,
punting Case, Detached Lover, No. 2167
M. J. Tobias; Liverpool. Tho chain is
vory fine gold, round wire, straight linked ;
The links from three-fourths of an inah to
one . inch in length. 'The above reward
paid - either by W. D. A: Naugle.'
, wlll readily' identifi:either,' or 'by
the subscriber.
P 232
NEW SonSoatlnEnB.--'—During trio
last few Weeks we have received quite
number of new Subscribers, WO aro grat
ified to llndathat our paper brappreciated,
as is evidenced' by the fad that notwith
standing our largo circulation, it issteadl
ly Increasing. Therefore, send in the
Datafle, a 0 our books
,aro always open:
There ntastill akirge number of Republi
bans in the - County who.take no paper, and
who ought to hair° thelfalismn. Wo aro
also anxious extend the 'circulation of
the c'Aiirepix: /ERRATA), the subscription
priCo' for, which is ' fifty cents from the
present time , unathe first of December
Oirculata the daemon is tel
The 'parking out of the Gettysburg
. „
battlefield Which was flzdd IlPst, torAu
&lst 4th, oi?cl then pOgl,po'nod'utl,til . the 8d
le' bo quite an elaboiatO affair; All the
;17nion and. CoofOdortyto Dlvtetou Cdm.:
,riandlirs arU•to no there and 'pleat) , of oth
or General's besldesi' ll'hn marking opera
,tlonif ptiond'iiiii4 thoro - :dayp.gian-tlio
liiittle itself tbp 28d. to OP 28th.,
When finished 'we have fuo dipublfiMys
burg Will be Oie'riiosilacuratel) , ,lpown .
•battle Of all hlsiPry and it'whl,bo not only
a most ApProprlateplticolot pilgrlinage for,
' the,patilet, but for the military,ettiOents Of
foreigii : landamiti distant ages.
RUST HOME.—We had . the plea
sure on Saturday last of attending at the
Fair Grounds the annual festival of our
Agricultural Society.. The meeting was
one d the lergett and: livelleit it has - been
our, good fcirthne to witness on a:sinttlar
occasion for' many yeais. The &niter) as
is the annual custom, was served up by that
most excellent of all caterers, Majdr JACOB
BRETZ. The members and 'guests, having
satisfied themselves with -the good tiiings•
of.the table, the President of the Society,
Mr. JOHN STUART, called them to "bider
in an adjoining building,. and introduced
Judge WATTS, eui the annual orator., The
Judge made a rhotion'that a committee of
three, consisting of Messrs. Jacob Rhoads,
Skiles Woodburn, and Wm.Galbiaith, be
appointed to represent .thispunty at the
meeting of the State Agricultural Society,
to be held this fall. The Judge's own
name being added, on motion his resolu
tion was put to a voto and carried. He
then proceeded to make extended remarks
on the subject of manure. His idea is that
manure shmild not, as has been the custom
in this country, be put upon the ottslub-
Ides, but upon the Sod before turning it
down for the corn crop ; 'that wheat was
too delicate a,plant to stand the manure at
its first appli6tion to the soil ; that'corn,
the hog of plahts," as it is sometimes
called, is the proper grain to soften and
tone it down. Ho further hold that mil
dew was produced upon the wheat by the
fact that rnanero has been put upon the
grotind immediately preceding its being
sowed; the mildew being as much a plant
as wheat itself, and. being 'produced by
feeding the wheat with a manure that it is
too weak to endare,
He then discussed at 16ngth the subject
of cattle running, at large, and took very
positive grounds in favor of a Stringent
road-laW, alleging that the farmer who
would oppose such a law did not underr
stand his own interest,
The President' next introduced Judge
GRAIIAM,'who began his remarks by stet
ing that he had been raised upon a farm
and always desired to reside in the coun
try. The subject of seeds next received
his attention. The farmer, ho said, can-
not be too particular in the selectfon of his
seeds. Like phiduces and a smitll
grain Will produce u small grain. On the
subject of blooded cattle, he stated that ho
never indulged in them, but that, he had
turned his attention with .very'great ,sue
uess to the rearing of Cotswold Sh'cep.
Bore a very amusing . dialogue ensued be
tween tie speaker, Judge STUART, and Mr:
N. B. Moon; be jocularly remarking that
he had sold to Judge STUART u half-breed
Rum at an enormous figure, Judge Stuart
replying that it was Nap Moore's fault, to
Which Mr. Moor'e demurred. Judge Gm-
UparThis - success in he rale
ing.of potatoes. lie was followed by Dr.
Dale, John Buys, Esq., Mr. Henry Bear,
Janie. A. Du - fiber, Esq., and Mr. Jacob
- 60 cts.
$4 00
- 600
Mr. HATS, the Seeretnry of the Society,
•stated that the premiums would not be so
high this year as last, and that the system
of Family tickets. would be changed, this
system in past years having been greatly
abused ; that this year six tickets would he
sold for a dollar, the object of the Society
not bel(ig td make money forts own sake
but simply to enable them to put up new
buildings, and to improve the grounds
Tho meeting' then adjourned, amid a
universal good feeling, each and every ono
present hoping that futurq harvest homes
may prove as pleasant•as did this one,
handsome brick building on" Market'
Square, intended,fOr the accommodation
of the Volunteer printing office, is rapidly
app yaching completion. The building
is one of, the finest in the borough
and shows to great advantage. The Vol
unteer office will probably be removed to
its now location about the middle of Octo
bor. The editors of that paper will doubt
less spread themselves, and bo as proud as
a young girl,with a now bib and tucker.
We hope, however, that they will remain
upon speaking terms with us.
Gen. TODD'S splendid brick building on
Hanover street is nearly completed, at
least outwardly. It is one of the
most _substantial in the borough, and is
really a line specimen of architecture. A
few more such buildings would set our old
town off to much advantage.
The "Good Will Engine Company" 'aro
having their now brick building on South
Hanover street rapidly pushed towards
completion. The workmen are making
good progress and the ",Goodies" will soon
have ono of the beat and handsomest edi
fices in tho.Stato. The house will be three
stories high, 30 feet in front and 76 feet
deep. Besides accommodating the Good
Will Company, there will be ample room
in the building for offices, shops,' &c.,
which will be rented out. Business stands
in that locality will be both convenient
and valuable. In view - 4010 valuable
eeryiees of the Good Will Fire Company,'
together with their enterprise in, erecting
so fine a building. 'we trust our citizens
will see the propriety of. contributing to.
their funds at the prepist-tizaa.--They have
nobly earned it, they richly deserve it,
-and now 'is the time to extend to them a
helping hand, to enable them •to meet
the heavy expenses they will incur. ..
The denomination of f...airistians calling
themselves "The Church of God," have
erected on West Louther
.street-a chaste
and beautiful temple, of brick, for their
accommodation. This building has al-,
ready boon dedicated, will soon be finished
outside and in, and such of our citizens as
arc able should at once contribute, of their
means to enable this worthy anrh humble
sect of Christians to defray their church's
indebtedness, There has also been ereebr_
oil by this congregrikon a handsome briak
partionage sdjoining4hn church.
The "Dickinson Mission Chapel" corner
of North and East streets, is a neat and
convenient brick building. It has been
finished • during the present summer and
occasionally Divine Services aro hold
therein. This church ib intended to no
coinnio4ate tha t large class 'of thecorrinati
nity who have no regular sitting at ;any
place of worship, had who it le thought
can be ind'ueed to attend the "Mission
Chapel." \
A geoid) number' 'of small tenement
houses have boon erected during the pros,
ent aumuuir in different sections of tho
borough. These buildings, though small,
aro a brick and substantially built, and
are Just suited to the wants of the bor
ough.... % •
Afteia vacation? of about two months the
'public Schools of ,Carlisle were re-opened
on Monday mornflog last. We believe all
'the old teachers, vikale and female,
, have
been retained. •,,Fhig' is right:anti proper,
as their aliment and f ithful services just
ly entitled thornto a re-election. For the
resent" there will be but no session a day
of the . 13 chools, trout 8 .A,.. .to 12,M.
Tbe pupils who Lave enjoyed so long ,a
vacation will, or. at. least should, enter
upon 'their studies 'with , alacrity and
pleasure..:• . •
e -
LO . ST.—On Stialjday last,. bet Wee
Leidicb. 31iller's sCore and Mrs . Bootbi
boarding bons°, a d',rll ld
colored ,morocco
poeket• book, contain _ a imall sum of mon.
cy and somo papers. A suitable reward
will ba paid on its iatur' to this oitice,
. . •
Frequeptdieputes arise on the presentalion
of gas:bilis, because 'in many instances
househoulders , are • unable to read their.
' --•- i• - '
meters ,properly. ` All persona pan ascer
tain the amount of gas burned by remora-,
ber‘ng the folloWing: • . .. .
. The'ineters (both wet and dry) in ordi
nary me will befound. to!have three in
dexes, the hand'xM the first or right hand
inde* moves to 'the right as' the figuies
road, and each index begins at a cipher (0) .
at the top and reads, 1 to 2 to 8 and eo to.
the cipher again, which le 10. When the
hand on•the hand. on the right hand index
has nuked to 1 it, indicates that one hun
dred cubic feet of gee has been used or
passed the meter - ;. when it Pointe to 6it
means GOO feet, and after completing the
circuit at (0) it i 5.1.00 feet. Each of the
indexes aro tenfold multipliers of the one
' preceding. Singlii.flgures- 'Are • used- for
want of room, but the multiplier is gener
ally- placed above the index;. thus the
right band is " one thosarid," the neXt,to
•the loft or middle index is " ten thousand,"
and the last or loft hand index is_ "one
hundred thousand." .• Therefore the first
or rigy.liand - iiidex, - 1 on the dial-stands
for 100'r in , the middle index 1 stands for
1,000 5 ; and 1 on the lett hand - index stands`
for 10,000, and on in this ratio with the
succeeding figures respectively.
To read the meter, begin with 'the left
index and 'write down figure last passed
on the second index, and proceed in like
manner with the third or right bead index.
Now add two ciphers (00)-and it will give
the sitiount of gas registered in cubic: feet
Suppose the first index was 2; the second
index 5, and the third index 6, making
256 ; now add two ciphers,• and you will
have 25,600, being the, amount of gas used
at that time. .
At the and of the month (or any other
time) read the motor again, and the figures
will read—say 26,400 after adding the
ciphers', now deduct the first suit from the
last, and you will have the differench; 000,
which 'indicates the number of feet used
since the readinml:'
If your gas bills seem too high, or you
. IVii6'e the evidence of escaping/gas h sense
of smell, but not positivoly so, takb a read
ing of the meter when no burners are in
use, and• after an hour or so repeat the
reading, and if, gas is escaping it will be
shown, when proper remedies can lioap
plied to stop the 19,ak.,„,
DISTRICT.—The Methodists of Carlisle
District,held a largo and interesting Camp
Meeting, in a.beautiful grove at Red Barn
Station, on the Cumberland Yalloy Rail
road, about midway between CurltslU and
Chambersbtrrg, commencing on August,,l3th_. The meeting
was a very largo one, about 170 tents hull
ing been °routed and fully occupied. The
grounds were beautifully . tacated embow
ered in the umbrageous shade of magnifi
cent forest trees, wbile-the artabgement-of
roads, avenues, &c., was all that could be
The opening sermon was delivered by
Father Coleman of Wyoming confereno,,
from Math. 18. 20. During the night there
was a leavy rain storm which put the tents
to a severe teat: -• a •
The general arrangement for the order
of serviced and other matters pertaining to
the government of zifairs were *of the most
systematic and orderly character: These
matters were all under the care of the Pre
siding Elder, 1134 V:. J ' AmEs Cußses, and to
his intelligent and onergetie action the
perfect success of the meeting is duo. •
The •prlratarrie for daily services was
es felloWs , :' Voluntary prayer meeting at
6 o'clock A. M. Family prayers at 6
A. M. Public prayer meeting St thestand
Preaching at 1O A. 3 and 7/.
P. M. A .preachers experience meeting
held every evening at 6 o'clock. This .
latter 'meeting wan a now feature in Camp
Meetings, but proved to be a very interest
ing one and productive of a great. amount
of good. There was a peculiar manifests
tion of the Divine Presence on these occa
sions. During the Meeting sermons were
preached by Rev. J. Lloyd, Rev. J. A.
Dixon, Rev. W. R Mills, Rev. J. Olwine,
Rev. FL C. Cheston, Rev. Thos.Sherlock,
Rev. H. C. Pardee, ReV. A. M. Burnitz,
Rev. B. L. 'Dashiell, D. D., Rev. Sethi.
Barnes, Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, Prof. S. L.
Bowman, followed by it thrilling exhorta
tion by J, S: Aber, Esq., Rev G. D. Pen
nepaeker,;Rev. J. Morehead, Rev. J. A.
Rose, Rev. W. H. Norcross, Rev. J.
'Meredith, Rev. T. M. Griffith, and ethers.
Among the many able and eloquent dis
courses preached by these gentlemen, we
have only space to say a word in admira
tion of that of pit. DA4tI.IiLL, President
of Dickinson College. 1 The subject was
" The Transilguratioh.'',,, The sermon was
remarkable for its preseetation of strong,
practical points in tho most powerful man
ner. His appeal to yoUng men was forci
ble and pathetic.
, Another valuable feature of this meoll
ing was tho largo number of experience
meetings held at the stied and in the tents.,
and the unusual Divine influencerattending
them,' showing a marked improveknent in
the experience and spirituality of the
Tho collections of moneyVertithe largest
ever made on similar occasions, amounting
to almost $5OO. A permanent Camp
Meeting Association was organized with
a view to purchasing or leasing groupds,
and preparing them for annual meetings.
This'meeting has been a decided success
throughout Socially, financially, and es
pecially Spiritually: TIM following reso
lutions wore' presented by Rev. James
CUM, P. E., at the stand, and,were unan
imously adopted by the whole congrega-
tion. . •
Resolved, That a vac - ) of thanks be ten
dered -bythe Ministers, Camp Meeting,
COmmittee and • Tont Holders attending
this meeting, to tho HOn. Prod*. Watts,
President, and,Col. 0. Lull 'Superintend
ant of the cumberlaud Valley IL It. for
their generosity and kindness, in issuing
freirpasses, and to the committee, to, pre
paid the grounds, free transportation •of
baggage, lumber, tents &0., for, the bone-
fit of the Camp Hooting. ' '
• Rowlved. That the thanks of the Camp:.
Meeting Corninittee,...3lin inters and Tent-
Holders, are hereby tendered the ofileers of
the N. C. R. R. for their kindness and li
boreal , in the issue of free passes to the
committee to prepare the grounds fa the
transportation of baggage for the benefit of
the Cam )(Meeting. '
• JAMICS. °URNS, Chairman. '
H. 0. PARDOE, S'ecretaiy.
Striximes ExcLinran..The hair is secre
ted by a little vesicle• or gland, and each
gland is nourished ind supported by a
flute blood-vessel, and as long'iti these
blood-Versals carry a sufficient quantity of
nourishment to these glands, the hair will.
grow but if, from disease or • any other
cause, these ,v,ossels become obstructed or
torpid, so much so as not to carry to, these
glanden sufficient quantity of blood to
nourish and sustain them, the hair will be:,
COMO dry and fall off. .The 'reproduction
or the hair, there, depends upon the, resto
ration of these small blood-vessola to theft .
primitive ~ arid unobstructed' 'circulation,
?which indication iheAlisma
is to stimulate the scalp. by the application
of the A.Hsma, which excites thehlood.
*was" to an,, increased healthy' action.
Remeniber, it requires time ir for Attfie
hair:wereto start us soon as the tonic! Was
applied, it would.probablyhe sirt
weeks before it would make its appearance
through the skin. • .
TEAptitgas.-Afcione . the loplcs . . t
education that suggeat ' ibetnielves, , the:
most important Of all is the- selection of
teacherir It 'outweighs - every; ether, be-
Cause on this more than any other depends
the success or • defeat of all..our efforts to
train the'-'young tor the positions is bleb
they are to fill in after life.• as Mori .ard,
women. ' There are those who have no
right idea of who or What our -teachers
shohld be -who think theta teacher with
experience or without . practice is. as
desirable as one who has been 'trained "fel"
the work, and hits had many Years of sue-
-cessful teaching: — Suchs,systom of ern,-„
ploying our teachers would soon ruin our
schools ' and wholly subvert the • end'for
'which they wore established..ts f oureo , -
of much'; encduraiernent to the wise of A.
popular education that there is a growing
willingness on the part of yOung ladleit
culture and Standing to engage in - this no.
hie work of training the young. '
It is 'a sacred duty the boards of educes
tion owe the children of our County;
the progress of, every good cause to selei>,
the bestNeachers that can.,baobtainedfoe
thc salaries "paid without respect to test
-dance or-friends.--Thu-adoption-of: any
other plan is pernicious-end should receive
the censure of 'all good wen. As our
schools improve parents become more and
more exacting_ every year.. A teacher
who a few years ago was thought to suc
ceed well, and teach a good 'School, would
now be considered a poor teacher, unless •
he bad much improved. The general
qualifications of a good teacher are accti- •
racy of knowledge, love of the teacher's
work, fidelity:self-control, power to gov-
'¢4.n othor,'.:and en addition ttlereto, of the
highest importance'la motalAualiflcation,
without which the intellectual is of :tittle
section of the Registry• Law abolished all
spring • elections for city, ward, bOrOugh
and.township and election officers, requir
ing the future election of those officers in
October of each year. Consequently all
.officers; as would be chosen next
spring wero not this act in force, must be
elected on the second Tuesday of October
next., The people should -bear this neces
sity in mind. •
In the East Ward, in addition to the
election of Councilmen, dm., there will
be a Justice of the Peace to be elected, in
the room Of A. Dullnair,
term of Ace will expire next Spring. We
hoar that at least four of our "most active
and efficient" Democratic felloii-citizens
are already in the fluid, willing and anx
ious to serve the public. is thought
there will be considerable difficulty in tho
wigwam, in reconciling their conflicting
claims and in. making a nominEtion.
0. 11. A. M.—New Council In.
Thursday evening of last week, Car
lisle Council, No. 20, 0. U: A. M., was
instituted at Carlisle-Cumberland -County-,
by Deputy Councilor H. Maurer, of that
'county, assisted by Dep. State' Councilor,
Eli. Hollinger, of Dauphin County, and
Dop. State Councilor, M. S. Bower, of
Armstrong County.
.‘ The meeting was called to order by Deti. „
uty State Councilor Maurer, who made
the following appointments: Sr. Bz-
Councilor, Eli. Hollinger; Jr. Ex. Coun
cilor M.S. - Bowor V.,C. ;
cording Secretary, M. lilerr L A. R. S. P.
Kaufman, F, S. B. S. Spangler ; Induc
_tor ; Ez.,,S. M. Spangler ; I. P.. .T; For
ster ; 0. P. , J. Colwell.
Twenty-four candidates were intro
duced and initiated into the_mystories of
the order ; after whiCli . tbe following of
were elected and regularly. installed
to serve during the ensuing Zarin.
Councilor=-B. K. Spangler.
Vice-Councilor— A. Woods.
Recording Secretary—C. F. Dinkle
Assistant Recording Secretary—ll. Rin
Financial Secretary—Wm. H. Askew.
Inductor—B. Myers.
Inside Protector—W. Burkholder.
Outside Protector—J. Vansant.
Treasurer—J. Rinehart.
Trustees—Messrs. Hilbert, Churchman
and Spottswood.
At the conclusion of the exercises, the
members of the New.,Council and.,their
gueil4 partook of a sumptuous supper at
Wetzelrt hotel. •
IN YORK, Ps..-4 fire broke out in York,
about one o'clock Tuesday morning, of
last week, in the warehouse occupied by
Mr. Wester, in which was stored a large
qUantity of government goods consisting
of blankets, blouses, pantaldons; shoes, &c.,
entirely consuming the building together
with contents. The fire communicated to
several adjacent buildings, the first a frame
stable belonJing to Thomas. Chambers &
Co., which was also burned to the ground ;
a horse perished perished in the flames:—
yrom thistle warehouse of Emanuel King
caught, and a large quantity of phosphate
stored in the building exploded, with
'loud report, throwing the fiery, element in
all directions— This building was also
totally destioyed. Next adjoining' two
frame dwelling houses belonging to Philip
Stair which also caught lirevlind despite
all efforts to save it, burned down.. A
lumber yard in the vicinity -sustained con
siderable loss.' - - The - fire is thought
the work of an incendiary..
ADMlrTitiOro PRNCTIOE.—The Re.
!,gister, printed at Sioux City, lowa, under
date of August 7th, says : We are glad
to learn , that'our young friend, Dayxn . B.
HERMAN, was admitted to the bar at the
Jest term of the District Court, on motion
for his admission by Judge' Pendleton of
this city. Mr. HorMan resides in Ply.
mouth, Plymouth Co., lowti.
- Goon lIRALTII.,-7-Thin is the title' of
a new candidate for public favor, the sec
ond and third numbers of which wo hivo '
received. It is alouinal pri'hysical and
Mental Culturei and . each number con: ,
twins forty-eight pages, stereotyped, 'With
suitable illustrations. The Magazine is
* doveted to articlesorigitial and',lelected, - ;
by eminent - writers,on all . subjeCts • of it ,
„Sygienic • and Sanitary< nature., It oho
contains. papers on topics ; of popultiV , Ae. , ,
ecientitic interest ; Sketches ,orAtibirids
and Adventures.; .Lives of eminent Men
.Fiction in the tiiim of eh'ort and entertain-
li g stories ; InforMation bearing.. on the
srvirsuiisi Education and Recreation of the'
rapt° ; and avariely:o . f; instinctive cad
humorous reading . Terms, $2 yearly. 6•
copies, $10; , Bingle nunibers,,2o cente;&l
- Moore, Fublieller, 21 Franklin
Street, Boston. ' • ' '• '
HO* TO MAIZE oraftY..—Let ~the
business of everybody pled alone, and at
tad to Jeur ow,n;,,den't buyi,wba l you
don't want ; use every bold '"to,, ad
irantage, and study to make "your leisure
hours useful • think Votea betikiev'y6ii
throw away a shilling, remember you illl
kayo another Co make for ii;vlndreitaii
tlenln lobicing‘over 'OlO bilsineit; buy
low, sell fairi'and takceirebf the profits;
look Ovor your beeksregularlYiunddflou
find an error true t'stroke
of toisforia t iop pouieliponyott,o trl. tr.
3totle,harddr; - , t,ho
ersot<; corarol dialcultlesz , vdth
lag porsoihranco, - thei wIU :tlippOofik
; 0'141? yob should , hill its the suroe.
Bto, Tou 4lll bekonotod,i 6utehrfoic tco~
, „ •