Kr Josh Billings says ; " If I was in the habit of . swearieg, I' Isiouldn't hesitate to cuss n bed-bug rite to bia face." - • • • Cr" Have you much field!' your bag,? ; 'asked a persorref a fisherman. " Yes; there is a good eci in it," ,re• plied he. /Or" I wish you would not giv;e me such short weight for my meney. And I wish you weuld not give me each Ihng.waits for mine. A.person who had eiSisie --srdaftertng of aciological lore, said one day to a no-, vice that crocodiles often shed tears.- 7 Oh 1 that is nothing, rejoined the no 'vice, "-I have often seen whales blab ber." TICE NATURAL BRIDOE. - Mr. jot ters= celebrated this bridge in' his "Notes on Virginia."•, There , aie several similar bridges fn the limestone regions of the State, which are prone to subterranean currents and caves,,but none are so high and picturesque• as the Natural Bridge of Rockbridgo, ..... -The first house erected at the bridge was VII& in 1829 or '3O ; and then was opened the book in which gentlemen and ladies began to write their names and such'fancies as the bridge inspired. That summer a play actor,' whose am bition was greater than his courage, descended from the top of the bridge to the bottom by a rope, but the swing ing of the rope so frightened him that he was taken up more dead_than alive.- He remained for some two weeks a helpless invalid, and ' his hair turned gray. It was about that time that Col. Piper, of Wadliington county, while a student of Weshington College, Lex ington, ascended the bridge from bot tom to top. He had not intended to do so, but begot so high that he dared not' turn' to go down, and was driven for safety to go upward, and finally reached• the top. A more fearful feat was never achievej: , IT.IB NOTICED as an unedifying fact that every amendment to the Irish Obinekbill, proposed by an archbishop or bishop in the House of LordS, had for its object the 'procuring of more - ino ur'y fur the - clergy. Never were Jewish bill discountersgreedier over the body of a bankrupt nobleman. But their propositions as- invariably bad re- firence to the higher orders". in the Church, and not to the poor curates. 4 ,1 n the discussion occasioned by this, some stories are told at the ekponse-of the reverend-divines. Not the worst of them relates to a bishop who, cour ageously defying foreaests of disendow ment, desired to rebuild a part of his palace. He had counted, however, Withput.his architect for so prodigious were the estimates of the artist in brick —and mortar that - the - bishop hastily' 'abandoned his projects of palace build. lug, ail& asked hie nonchalant visitor • what check he was to draw for the pre liminary fees. "One hundred pounds . , my lord," was the reply. "Why,-sir," rejoined the bishop, appalled at the price of his disappointed whim, " that is as much as many a curate of mine receives during the year ." " Ah! but your. lordship must, remember," me ponded the man with the rule and corn pass, " that I am a _bishop among the -architects." - • MILLER & BOWERS' HARDWARE MORE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. . 4 . ‘ - ',::.RvAlplioßksl'!lll[sj=!- ',Nliv4P, , .'i il'[t . • kil ---,:_i01itii•,,,,,,",.*_. WEvould respectfully cull tbe'atten- Minu of tbo public to our recently replanleh• ed STOCK Og HARDWARE making it now ono of the largest In Cumberland Valley and consisting in part of HAMMERED AND ROLLED . . - 1) BURDON'S 'TIORSE anov:s, NORWAY RODS, RLACKSSIITILS', 'W AOON M K ERS', COACH' MA• KERS' AND CARPENTER TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL ~.S(111d/ery, P(12711:I 111.. t hlnk rrs, Undortakerp, and Conch hlAkore .MATERIAL . '.llovels, f , orkq; Ithicatt, &e. Repairs for 11IeCORMICK'S ILEA conet.antly on band. We ere constantly -in receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers and are able to fur. nigh country merchants at Philadelphia and Now York priceP. .Q8v:1001/9 delivered Wall parts of the town frog of charge. Wilcox & Gibbs' SE WIN G'' IV . _ We have secured' the Agency of the 'Wilcox & Gibbe Bowing Machine, a little fanilly arrange . anent . no one moms willing' to do without after having saes ; . one in operation. The Wilcox & . • ' Oibbe ' Is a Sin& Thread Machine and claims ' • superiority over all Rouble Thread Machines in the ..following particulars. It is simpler sad lone liable to got out of repair. It ,le cheaper, It rune .- with loss noise .. It rune eabier: - It runs faster Itime the beat device flu- preventing. the wheel . from running backward. •It requires lose mechani cal' shill to It tog u iron less time and 1 instruction to learn to use it. It is the most I certain and reliable in _its operations. Its noodle is straight end lose liable to be broken . Man a . mused ono The noodle le secured In' Its place by • an ingenlenely patented device which renders it self adjusting sp•that neither skill nor oxPerierica are, reqnired in arranging it. It sons directly from the . _ . epool thus doing away with the tedious operation of, rewinding the thread' for edjnstment ID the -',.. _lt makes the niter,: & Gibbe' of "twisted "4 -$ ..4..,..._ . stitch original With thin machine •• •' ..,-•:%41 .', •:.- 0 ,. n -- sbitr, Of° • seam 'hi, mere elastic . q I'. 1., °,17 2,:, wi , - --plc r titich ~.,' 'Tbnieeni ld the ' ••• 3- -1 1 l 4'' " . , 1-L , 7", a' 4, ( - 1 .4 .1711.1t1 4. 10 iilirripi . Vela' 1_, , ,q,, , .... 0 .5 g z , 4D 5.... , ,. , ''` , -,..fet•d: Ito ten .. . • , t ' ...l ' e -' - .44 Al . :: ': 414t 1 1 :1 '' .: :' , --; . 'it, A 1: . :kb:A . 33 •.. " . -74. 4,. 1 4 V-"4 6 ° . ... go - '.• "- 4tt ...'"•' • r .'' . ' ' • . '.. • ' ` b ~. ~ 044 ' 84 .k a .1 .0 , . . . .6 h a . ' '''''‘* a A i l . A tlto '.' O r b .„ ! 4' ..'1 41 `". 9 -.t i e • • • •-- .. .•• :--:-••• - - , i , 4,, gl• •*:...• - •'••• ' , 4 • .- 4 ,7,!- - 0-$ .1 . • iiiale'rs ii; aifriPolimitiic . - '''4''• .tY:e .' - ,6' •or •i" , Y- * l 4 I, ' •' i .•'• ''''' . - '''d on. ji,. ',•..' s •:/ 14 1 .1,...`,. ,: nieg • '`t• - •• ~:,, : , iith" , Third Street,.. • 4 1 44,H, 4) .. :1: 1 :1 . .., ,,, ,,,,7e4 . 4i.,S' 4'47 ;4 Vi'L'it.iii,ontA ; ' • ' ' , 4 ' , CO .. , 4 Eir;m14...;:,,„,, ... . • kt4' V . 14 &V .. s, - . . '..,' , 41.. . ' .• . • -0 : .„, p o t", gt •-. , . , , ~ _ r . 3'13 , `l'' Z';'l4 . :A:3;t,' , .P .3, - • . . ..4 ~ , . ... . • v:.• ••• ,•• i l i:P• •'. # ..-7 e . ' I •.r, - , Narinty .orlVewlitsles." '' ,l ..5/ ' ,'l 4 ,` . - - ' • • -.4. 1 fl ' .• : - • ' • !I ,. ° A'r. ' B ,II Alit,ltt. 1 • - . , . ~ ..,,, r '' "4 4.-*'. •,s . / Alibi t 6 viliefo'llitivei thsleirgei . . . ~ 41 .1 " ~..: D a' ~•,, , ~, , , • • ;1 ' '' ' l " ' .. a ' tTEit JONES II tx)••,,,; , . •. .••, `.;• , .-„,--• •,, • , -:•;.;,‘ ' - ,••• _ March& and' ,' [ Whoresale . .-, k. ,' • -.•<4%" ' t . • ' ; ~,;:;:•'; - A;)4101011.-,,:,1 '4!„." ''," ' .1 ' I43.onlnilt • . . . ~.1 ) 0 qtq, he. lit N 1869: , , .46.19 y I --roz it , : 1869. W I N .1?., I S 1 / To close out all kinds of SUMMERCOOPS; CENTRAL HOUSE =Proms C34rcococaos Will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. LOWER THAN EVER LACE Pawn, Lgl SEAWLS, SUN UMBRELLAS, SUMMER CASSIMERES, SUMMER CLOTHS Everything In the Hue of SIIIIKEIL , STOCK Win be sold from Ms data rOgardloss of nost to make room for TALL 0040$ NOW IS THE TIME FOR X 3 Et, fx et, 1 33. st , COME 'ONE AND ALL LEIDICH & MILL E R. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMM OF THE WORLD, THE NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; UNITED T-ATES OF AMERICA, Pla CHARTERED OY SPFICIAIs ACT•UF 00NOILINO. Cash Catital. - —5 4,000,000. • BRANIf oprlci, PHILADELPHIA OFFICERS. CLARENCE EL CLARK, Philadeigda, Preiddilut. JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, Maly:dad nand% And Exeoutivo Committoa. lIIINRY D. COOKE, Washington Vlce-Prosident. EMERSON i?t. BEET, Phliadelphia, Soaratary and -- - , Actuary. IRANGIS G. DMITLI, Pbtladulphla, Medical Diroctor. . f T l T . =P n a c n o . ad, In.ths Drat TEN MONTHS 5,395 .P6LICIES, . INSURING $15,142,800. TIM Company ottepi to lb Polley holdira ' • P'EfirECT,SECURITY by Ito Cash Pald np,Capltal o,oncitllllon Colima ! • and puarantaes to the Mond, by Its . Low' . R4tes- of Pre m ium,. Large Dividends liiAdvanoe, Or a Ilay,erilonary'nlvl4.pi of* per ont:111 H. RETURN PREMIUM PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS.. H. W, CLAM* 00:, ESnkors; No. Ifti BoUtti Third ty reel, Vhlladelphla goners' A gent I for Ponn_sylVanil. and Southern Nevi, Jersey. B. B. Ryan, lilansgor. W. 'B. I.RWlN;,Hairieburg, HEPBURN, Agent at Carligle. ~#4.p6s4y The Great Pacific Rairoad is tiOshed FIRST -3,IOTGAgE PONDS UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC ~, ~ .;;,MTSCEIrLANEO:77S:.~,~I.~ you 'WANT 'TO SEE - ; THE •- • abet iiitect P.Ailibit'fiTol . .l3. ever offered to it public, ItepAntn , ' attier Pinta, heir of Halbert's Store ottd nob the GREAVAMER ( PAN, BABE BURNER 4 In operation, It, in a Perpitliai Dustin., anit perfect Radiator, u well sea ported Ventllattr of the room midis warranted, to opetuas tees coal than any -other Btove of the came one; ever - offered to the 'pdbilo; requiring butine ordinary iouttle,of small soid once In tyruntr,alght houre, being perfectly einuale in ill Its working , baring a simple slide te regulate the gre - for tamping at night, one kindling of pre benkrall tint Is regnirod during the winter. Re duet, we psi so'sleg Cr cinder; • 1 ' r 4 AT THE -John PAUL Antos Miller. 'Dr. S. B. mar..., Tome Neer David Miller, 0. Delaney, „ 11 Itoffor,•, • 1) ItaW.On, D. Kiser, Col. WlillomOon Mrs. Rlngsralt, . Prot. bblyroon, A. Bowman, Dr. Irvin, ...• Johnson Moore, J.T. RIPPoY. D. Wlttere, C. Inboff, .A.Coover, J. Thompson, J. Burkholder, Copt; Brindle, - Mrs. Gordon, p 11. Gorge., Williamson Droi. On Stouffer,. B. Sheaffer, , Turner, J. Stauffer, r _ W. McLaughlin blamer, A. Leldlgh. . P. Thum= fleo:ParenhaughlF.Ektantrlta,, - ktrer,P7onderßeh, Abner Miller, 1.1. P. Blaster, ,Major Male, And others. • . Get the best COOX STOVE irt:the 3 ‹g.iL,‘ Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light. In addition to thu ahoy, . Store rItIDLItIf keeps on band a full supply of the boat Cook, Parlonond Office - Stoves. Tin and Sheet Iron wprk of all kinds on hand, and Spouting, Footing and Jobbing of all kinds done at rhort notice, and of the beet material, Fruit Cani,.end Jar. of the - most approved patonts, and In conclusion the beat Portable and Brick Set 30 15 L1r 1145,i,1D 0 gRS ever offered to the public. For rotenonee mil on Di. George Noidigk,' Henry Salton, V. C. Flemlog, Dirs. Gordon, Prof. Hillman, • P, Goldner, F. Watts, D. i•eldigh, A. L. Sponoler, I J. Boater, • And ethers. , Omar 6uly PARASOLS, The subaerlber having taken the entire blvd.:leas nito • hts own hands, will continua to carry it on In aII Its ',adout. brooches, tit the old stand, south east corner of Hanover and Louther attests. He desires to announce to Hip goblin that Ito has now on hand and - is constanttrr saninficturing and purchasing frond - the best eastern Cp. ufactlfrerMl lb, latest and _bast styles and patterne of FURNI TURII of all qualities. Ills stock of ready-made work, constant In part et MAHOGANY SUITS, ' . WALNUT SUM'S, CHESTNUT SCUTS, - -FLORAL It. M. STANDS, - TEAPOTS, ' DRESSING BUREAUS, of all styles and prices. Tete a Tateo, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tags, Panel,* Japanese, and Jenny Lind - Bedsteads, Cottage Borealis, Marble ,Top Tables and Stands, Washstand., of all varieties, Chairs of all kinds, Slur fad Furniturs - in snail or In pieces constantly on hand. Mirrors of all otyles and prices. • H E D .W olt K, Such as Side Boards Durant., iledstende, Safes . Seer. tarles, Chaim In Boards, Rockers of ail descrlidams, &e., made by competent lierkmen from the verYbant material and at reasonable prices. 011ARLES SILAPLItY. O. L. lIALB3ItT, Salesman. lefe6-0 3m. MILLINERY. A Tlang of Beauty is a Joy Forever. The aubearlber nepectfully Wort. the Winn of Cardale and vicinity that the ham tecelved from the ' Heaton Cities the latest SPItINU AND SUMMER STILNd, and to now it;epared to execete orderar wltliteatnolif-airdlepatelf: BONDTE'IIt, HATS; OAPs, &0., ELECCI tnedo end'ropelrod at the n'hortnat notico, and at rPooanablo Ribbons, laces, nod Artificial Nloweto ulwayo on hind MARGAIIETTA STUI•ht, , 4tday1.139. Igo, 3, East High bt Commission Alcr'•Aunts The and market price will be paid for Flour, arain produce of all kind. • Coal obeli kinds, embracing" • LYHENB VALLEY, Llmeburners' and Illacheinltlie Coal conetant ly of We, Kept under cover, and delivered diy to any . gd artof the town,' 'Moo, all Itlnde of Lumber 'on , L. S RN. E 8 LIVERY AND BALESTABLE. Beeween Hanover and Batlford Streets, In roar of the Carman House. CARLISLE TENN'A. Haring fitted up the Btah e with dlaw Corrlagen &c., I aro prepared to furnith Orat.ota a turn.oute at 43mo:table rates. Parties taken to and /rout the : 4Pffniff. 20nov da.117. TOV E 8,, TIN, SHEET IRON WARE, AND PUMPS. lie undersigned, having returned from the Eas tern Cities with a large assortment of • STOVES AND WARES, usually kept to a Out claeiestabllshment, are pre. pared to furnish the citizens of, Carlisle and sur rounding country, with the best Cook Mons in the Market, consisting bf the • oinum snmeF, • - Nomx COOS, I/Al BURNER,- Ond others, vtlileh they will guarantee to bake and romt better and 'with lees fuel,. than any other stoves iu the market. Their dock of PARLOR and OPYION STOWS 8 ere not oftrpassed thie aide of the titles for , beauty, Alurability and , cheapness. BTATIONARy ./IND:PORTABII.11 BAN aE4,I • and lIKATEIIB on Pend, Wnrianted to Ono genera,. .eatlefeellnn, with the regominendattoile of numbers ..•if gement' who have tom In use. Their etech of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware le large,and 50144:W AG •wants of aliteureekeepere, or then eenteionlettn. the woe, at rates which deft competition. They have added. to •thulr buelneis a hi;go and well ffelacted alignment of.. ' ,VVE IV, AND 'CISTERN PIIivIPS; , • ': s .4pout„ ing.,and • Iloafing: , ',..1013.'ia the. shortest noticei Jobbing end regalci deny with neatness and despatch ! 'W A T .0 0,4 of ell tinalltles iotistiwAly 'on band. All .4+ 7 , oneeted tp reit:and exednine their stock at NO, 68, ( where - they will be pleased to recolVe their stock, and renderatil eithdhetion dmirede ,, • , . itnuiEsnuTei 4•Itcy ? :1,„ Ndioa-; North lianoveo , BtrooiAlsepfli.;. • . • • • !' • . " • MA;t011.10.:: ' TIEADI3 NEti*edintlia, - .Poor tille r on 'hand *mikado tedlti , over Meet, Oarlikle, ro e • .easirchui ei4F, ,•. . •••••;•, . • • • ; • 111 „,* • 0 Crl • Pi a ct , ,P 4 rlr: , 4 to 0 C.) E " A fr 4 Pni r=4 RErtz;zNazs. Market, NEW BUSINESS, ' NEW FURNITURE: FURNITURE BUSINESS J. BEETEM & o BROTHERS, (11.endenion'e old stand At the head of MAIN BTREET,parlhdor Pa LbOUST MOUNTAIN, . . • . L/1•VBEIlRY, Ao,*o BEETEM & BILOB 17apr 08 • Nbtelt nifty uró ptuPettod' to put ' up •at tliU ortpei; botloo. ' • ' • • • VA G;" Po,B,l4'.,tV,..ififbiii .td,.04 ar k tiy.eto „a Rbwoltdpit4 ,4 1"141,4, RlW"'!' ',.. , `, , ;' , 1.e : .' r - . •• ' , 'W . :. . • ,PAP..:Vt.7 • ,-:' ' " ' .. • '.11,14'..:5.'..:'. - • • • r , allS 1P ' QK 013T,..DRY. GOODS MEN: • . • ' THII PUBLIC . • I havejust returneilfrom the Haut with my going etOek,and U minhl,lnmtelling Goode &little cheap er than any otiiiir•Dry Goode• Rowe In town. , I do ,n6l Heinl•it occupy noluton 'of pewee' paper, tti:keepi up' toy reputation; for Nentweetailip Goode, nor do 'With to retort toclap trap__ to gull the 'public.' Air eek of them le to contend examine. 'for thernelilvei, , ind 10 pot satisfied with prlees: not to buy. - Remember the glued No; 32 •North Hanover etreet, next door to Dr. Kleffer's, end bar.t Hardnarmatore. •_; • • • • • • M. A. MILES., 1.,' LI will say ■otl:dug about my third anti fourth ittaraltiponlosis. . 9aprll-07. HATS AND CADS,. • • . • • t• t=l 'Z CI I7I CB, ty;lid •nice lie( Or Cap?, . no. don't foil to otill on JC 6., CA. L 4 0 , r o c bj; :., , ,,v . ,... c 0.9 V , 0 —,,_., , 2. 4 t 4 2 cf; ,i) 1. No. W • I: t s•Pxti t. Where on. 1. , stir. thy 1011rYt alwaLinent pf - 1111'8 ANT) ("APS eynr broufOlt tal , os icreat.pleopur• In Inviting his nld Mande and Customers, and all non oned,lo his .Ph•ndid ',cock just recelyed from floe York end t'l l odul ti :hln, 2011NINti14( in nart °Undo • BILK AND CASSIMERn HATS, Clesidpa an'eadless variety of Hata and Caps of the latest'iriVln; all of which ho will soil at the Lowest Cash Pylres, Also, his own xrlanullagture of Hats al+ wayion hand, sad , , cia „tt Hata Manufactured to Order Be has the beet arrangement for coloring flatland II kind. of Woolon Goode, Ovomoate ' do., at , the nhorLost notice colors ovury week) and on'the most reasonable testae. Also, a fine lot or choice monde of TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on band. .lle &Area to call the attontlon o persona who have • • CO.UNTRY FURS To sell, as he pays 'tho highest cash pikes for the same,' Who him a call, at the above number, -his old stand as he fool. confident of giving entire satiates, tion. July 14 07. . BENTZ HOUSE." (bo'rmerly Gorman House.) No. 17 AND 10 EAST MAIN ST., CARLISLE, PENN;A, 'The undersigned haviog porchesed and entirely refitted, aocrfornlshed anew throughout with first class furniture, this wolirknowp , and old'established fetal. solicits the cuetors,.orthe community and travelling public. Ile Is well prepared to furnish first-clean accommodations' to all who Juin; to make rt 11400 their How or pleieant temporary abode. The custom from the surrounding country is re spectfully solicited, Courteous and attentive set , ants are engaged at this popular hotel, GEO. 'h BENTZ. Prot" , N. R. A first-class LlYery Is connected with the [lntel the management of Mr. JOB. L. C"kIiNER 111. BRO. - 30aprIl 69-Iy. ESTABLISHED IN 1851, R NI 0V &L JACOB HABLEY; JEWELER, Invites his Wynne and the public vcenerelly, to Sir New Store, No. 1320 CHESTNUT St., PHILADELPHIA, whore they will Sod A Large and writ. Relented mock of DIAMONDS, WATCHES, CLOCK,, JEWELRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, AL Moderate Pricer. N. D.—WATCHES end. JEWELRY carefully re ,opal red. JEWELRY and SLLY_ER-AV_AILE_of-all Mods Londe to order. 16July 6m. , S • HOTEL, Opposize Pa. B. 8., dr. Reading Depot iz RISBURG, PA. , , • W, 101.1E - INGER CO Proprietors iteet 441.1 y. • • - N CONSEQUENCE. OF THE - disastrous Ore, which in January "I net destro)• ntoc- and Its contents, J. E. CALDWELL & CO. WEL E. 10S-, . . - Nave had made espeilally to tholr order in Europa and In America, an entirely New Stock of - Choice Goode, Which lire now opened and read; for examination. VERY ' FLEE PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every Movemeut with the now droprovoments) NEIVSIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, Entirely now BRONZES, GROUPS &FIGURES. 'GORHAM NANCY° CO'S. - PINE ELECTRO WARES.. BEST STERLING SILVER IVARE, New denim; WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &c , A very fall useertroont al..vory MODERATE PRICES. For the pennant at ' 819 CIIESTN - TJT STREET. 12fni, 6P-Iy. 18 N. Hanover Street, No. 18 NEW YORK BRANCH HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS Virciworild Invite the spechattentlon of the'elt- Izene of Carlisle; and Cumberland county. to our well selected stook of Hosiery, Moves, Notions, White Goode.lJpen 'arid Fancy Goode all of which we are determined to run off at aeloulablog low pricee. Give ne an early call and jud Aldllßße D e for yonrielses. Ge. 113 14.'Ilanover Btreet,l3lpo' CHARLES .WILLIAMS, BEATING AND VENTILATING WiIItEHOUSE. • ,• No. 1182 and 1184 MarketStreot, nutaDELPnu. .'he Golden Engle FURNACE, This le en entirely new heater. it is construct ed Al' to once commend itself lo general favor, being a .combinsilon of wrooghtnisd cast ion. It le very simple 16eimetructIon e , and Is perfectly alr4lght ; ielpeleanlng, having no Open or Owne to be taken 'out '!asol cleaned. , It le so arranged with npilght golielife 'to produce a larger )mount , 01 best L ow tbetieCini weight of call tliao and farSace now In hygrometlp bondltlon :Of the air as pre 'duollft, by. my. new !arrangement of evaporation Irtlt , ence'donsonstratethet It la the ,• t • HOT VIIRNACE • lyatwill produce a vadat', heatthy; IMeephire :* •• now main); floe alias of, Pbrfabl 4 or, and . four . lbi ;,,tdimonry. ' • ." •A ,141':CrE , • • • 13p_eclif attiatiOli liulso .celled to my NEW ,001 c. MN: EAGLE COOKING RANGES, ay 1 feel assured' there le nothing in use that oa compare with them as regarde their dUrability;' economy and: Melange with a lerge aesoliment of Low , Down. Grate:4,lWe Piseer Sloree ad .YeuttilatOre, ,Bend for, ‘ lll , 4etrated circular. • ; . ' THE,-1111URY INSTITUTE QABIOLVw _ • , ,k Boarding School; tOr GIRLS: ' • • I ; Ilidiatith , musdat r an Wedpeokeiki.: #444mbat Morello/Isis or forth& information -!tf 1'i.. ,,, L10,11b0 IMIEII ..-,t , '3lk . ".r.?';,(oozs*:''' - _' , 4 - 7 .., .• ,. TItY`;QOO.DSI THING:TO s 'THE TINE 'AND SEASON, , " ' THE NEW, AND CHEAP CASH gTORE THOMAS A. HARPER.; Of,IIANOYDIt AND POIdFINET dTd.. •Who 1e no! am p... 4 to'exhinltjAn elegant and wall usarted Back o • . •D - 11: Y ,>0 0 cio S XC hxceodlugly" lo;e, Priceel ".._ Bargpino in . . T s af ail 'colora., and ,1000. The cheapest 414 in toyee. =ME hair end Twilled, all colors. ra ets, . . Shakenr • •,, - • - -Plaid ,Shlrtlngs, , • Opera's, • • Holne•Made. and a line artier. of Welsh Flannels,' SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS I Long end &plans, Palaley and Thibet. Ladies' Oloakings, - Vglrotnanh, Gold letliod,E'V Proof knd Heavy deity or, • Merino 'Vests, Shirts and Dranore , ,• for Ladles' Mims, lfen's and Soya' wear. • A full hue of • Cloths and Uassimeresi: . FANCY DRESS GOODS.-- 11011111 In new , Rich Deeigna. - -- -- - Many of the above Goods solliug el 'at at greatli reduced-pi-16m Immense Muck of all. the leading branda-of•- Dorneetica and ROUSH FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at Ides than regular prices. BLEACHED Pc BROWN MEETINGS, PILLOW CASE N. HANS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, /ABLE LINENS, 'APNINS AND DOYLIES. _ Toviels and _Towellings. Marpelllep Quilt. find-Table Como, Nottinglisin Litoe Curtin 51iiterlal and Tidya• • . • of WHITE GOODS, utbr'Ottlerlos, LncoN snd Ill'soi.firfes Rnifn, lierogo. antOlovvs 'll, great. oxfon hive Stoek. of DT 0 Tl . O NS:- BALMORW,L AND HOOP SKIWN FANCY WOOLEN GOODS. CORETS.I CoItSETSI Trois h Wore, Rip Gore; and the colubrated Busked Corsets. Ladle's Cuff u'ud Col lars, ilemsti tched .Tu shod and hmbrold rued Ilartharchlora. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASER Tllo3lfeS A. HARPER. Cur. of Ilateover mud Pouttrat Stet 11doe 68 1 SPRIIs.O BARGAINS.- Now OPEi;11i0 IH DOMESTIC COODS 'DRESS GoOD9, , CA ein.ll IMES, .13A PIN ETB, WHITE - GOODS, DRESS PitThlkllNOS, , ZYPIIERS, • - • RIBRONS, ,RING'S NEW STORE,. No• 65 WEST SLAIN Oppoelfe thu:,6latielou" Moues, uext to Peet Office Cabala EBTABL:I6IIED 1851 J. REYNOLDS e,;. SON, N. Ti'. CORNER 18TH AND FILBERT STREET. PUILADELPIIIA, PA., f3olo hfenufnoturers of tho Colobratod WROUGIIT-I RON, AIR-TIGHT,' Gas-Consuming Heater WITII PATNNT DUST RORMEN, ' GRATE DAIL RESTS. sod WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR . These floaters aro. made of !Teary Wrought Trvoi. .well rlrDial together, tho odly solo prevention against the escape of Oas ur Dust. They , aro easily , managed, without any damp , rs.' - The Patent Ha-. 'illatot avoids the use and aonoyance of. drum. , , and t s j locnianon •fty • attaohrd to 'the Renter. .Thle- Is !i.,t. .- der le. , iiffiiple, eticenOmical and popular 1 ,. ,. o r k, Ara t plt4ister offelwal liir ,.. sitteJ. They are • ~, ,K MO It'A 'OES for Itotols and Families, '''' -•-' i;,. - ' , DOI/TABLE IIIgATIS 8., LATROBH HEATERS, 6. s ' LOW DOWN 0 lI.IT.ES, 81 ATE MANTELS, ItliGllB ['ERB and VENTII.TO.II.2. We are also thanufactuelog a'" ...;••••_. NEW FLAT-TOP [MATING RANGE. , r ear- Saud for oar Illustrated, Vailaphlet. aprll 23,60-IY. • PLUMBING, Q-AkAND'STEAM. _i_ BITTING. . ~' ~,/ -• • -- GEORGE 1t...F00T ',4espectfully inform" the, citizen' of Carlisle agd leinlty, that ho continue" to perry on the above"' Milnose In alb its. various branches, in the basement of Rheum's , Rail, In Church alley, tehoro orders will be thankfully re. solved and promptly• executed. . . ' _ - Orders left atti We iteraid Wee will receive prompt ettentlon.. - - ' .0110. It. FOOTE. • 1911M4,9 LI. ' • • p REAT ,REMEDY., - FOR Tni-04 OTf TECEOAT AND LUNG DISEASES. - • Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. It is the vital principle of the Pine Trod, obtained by a peculiar process • la the distillation of tar, by which its highest medical' properties are- retained. • , It Is the only safeguard and reliable remedy which harever boon prepared from the Juice of ' the -• It -invigorates the digestive organs and restores the appetite. • It atreegthaus the debilitated system. It purifies-and enriches the blood; and expels from the systole the corruption which • scrofula breeds on the lunge. • • • Ds healing principle Sots upon the irrrttated face An the lunge :and throat, penetrating to each' disesuield part, relieving pain and subluing Ind* , motion. It Is the result of, years of titudy and experiment and is offered to the afflicted, .with the positive as .0 urines of Its power to pure the following Manor - if the patient haanat•too !deg 'delayed a , resort to the Moans of cure q • •, • , , Consumption of tongs, Cough,. Bole T hroat-and Braid, 'ffrorichillet Lifer' Complaint, Blind add ,01mding•Plies,.leatbma, Whopping ,•Cough; Dipthew We are often milted tint other TeMediesi in the market for Coneumption, COnstut, Colds atrid , other. '.Polmonary.,, affections equal JO Dr. .L. Q. Wiebartni Pine Tree Tar Cordial.. "We answer,-,1; , La.,' It curse. not by stopping tentgh.bat by loosen ing and assisting nature to throw,pff,tlie'insheilthY matter collepted About the „throat tend' bronchial ,tuber, coaling Irritation arid , . • ,gd. Moat Thmat,land oreeles are com posed -of . anodynes. which alley tile 'rough for a while, but by, their conetringllng effects, the . fibres :become hardened and the ,unbeelthi „lute and aro retained inthe,sgatem, reusing dims* beyond the. control of Mar resole, eminent physicians, The Pine Tree,Ter Cordial; with Ile assistants, are profomble,Lacatise they:ramped the taisid•of In siltation , el the „ invq9iii, reembrann and• :hreneblal . tubes. mesh*. the lung to get andtbr,ow Mittbe,U l r.• ' healths secretions and purify the blood, Arne settle tilicaelyAnaking .the mere perfect. , • • " Di. , 'KT:berthas on jffe at hit ,flee hundreds and thotitiiiti.S.V.:•Certifi c llnsfr c iPk , Irofftgi'4l , ,ungicerionorde charac cr ,Once- hOP GY given op• to die,• but through:Me , Frovidcpco fit God Merel-cenaPietsfr Uttered to, ?nit:4l4,6i 'the, me, 2 de glar,psprdisi, c A, physician In ettomdance velletealklie consulted by Mail, free of, Charges ~ Prise, of. Pine 'Tree Tar,oordial $11..,60.per beetle, $ll 'Petdcit by,Expeess On..renApt of price: ~./eddress Q. Q. Wishart,td,lL,Pio,ffbg,Northngd . • •:28may : 't6is: frintjpir ne141.1,- exe4aloa at h oinactg. • •kigeff.h 7 EX.ffßitT: l74 - i.. 1 . l hi o rr il : u a st . returned f ro m. th .J. e a n .. ... y i Ith a T e.r large and splendid Usortment'oreeuout ble goods, Cr. jelling off rapidly at LOWffR PitIOYB 'Tlit.t.tiltill. y)VVEUT,OIr atack"of 1 . . Is veil , full in d etitat.l6te; the 'tyke are nruairpaes• et, ,We here 4;48001. • 'SILKS; . • '- . .• •; • • ''CASHMERES, ••. • - DICLAINES, PUMAS, and many nonntyle Goods, 0 INO lIAMS, CALICOES .HOSIERY, GLOVES; RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS, ; • ' • . . • ‘.• . • . MUSLINS, • '•• • "SHAWLS, • BLANIIIITS, . , FLANNEL all. grade, HAN DIVS GLOBS',; OASSIMERES, ."' piano, Gottonadal;•-and.abet . • lardeat !pea of mall wares and Tr Immingo In the Talley,, , CARPETS;OIL'.OLOTHS, . MATTINNS: ROEIB;''BLINDS, OARPET 011AIN of Cotton, Upward Wool, beet make.- Our CARPETS aro considered by Judges to bo the' chpxp.eetunteld-e -of the, gOdet elliel, 'Title' Stock' OflOodo Is 'Tory largo; Well [snorted; 'And will benold off 'at 'reduced prices:: It Is 'not necessary to fill column In exaggeration of our stock: butme .Invtaill to call an senior them. selvds ' which we think wilfkitiefY tbOte that hio' is the place to buy for profit to-- themsolyes. • Otiat 88 , , , BENTZ & OtO. VINE OLOTHiNG TO OIiDER AND DEADY MADE. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No, aNORTH HANOVER ST T invite the attention of my Old customers , and. the public at lat..° to my Large and Brilliant Stock otSUMMED CIOODS for Men, Youths' add Boys' wear. My Custom. Department comprises the finest and ,mopt_aaltat.At tileilts and .tasalmpri,,:,while my ready made Okiihtug is carefully and moot tastefully gotten up. I cannot antLivill not be undersold. ISAAC LuniaßTON, ' No. 2Z, North Hanover St.,,Oarlielo. N. D. Still soiling tho Florence Seviing Machines. —l.4mitett" B - 0 - VERP - 8 COMPLETE 'MANURE; HENRY BOWER, 'Choinist, ==•11 Super-Phosphate of Lime An Monia Sr. = This manure coots ns aii the oleniouta to pro duio largo crops okall kinds, and la highly rococo• mended by all who UPO' it, alao by, distingulahod chemists who I,a o, by analysis, contact lts qualit 'ea Packed an page 01 200 l bs. each DAXON,SUARPLESS AGENTS, IN South Water - & 40 South DelniVare Avenue, M=! ECM WILLIAM REYYNULDS, —79 Swath )Stroot; And by dealers generally th ronhout the ceentry For in lerenation,addreee-lienry--I.losrer,l'hll'e. NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER t3CREETZ'S. • , CELEBRATED BITTER..COADIAL., This medical preparation le now offered to the public ail a reliable s ubs ti tut e fur the many worth ess compoudds which now flood therrearket._ It is purely vesettble, composed of various herbs, gatli ered from the. great etorehouscs„pi nature, -end selected with tbb htmopt care.: It le not recom mended 4H a Cunt Ati., but by Ha direct and salu tary Inflective upon the' Heart, Liver lildneyn, Lunge, Stemach and Bowels, Itacts both as a. pre ventive nod cure for many of the dlsaasee to which those organs are subject. Itla a 'inable batty Medicine, and cab be taken by either. infant or adult with the same beneficial 'results. It is a . certain P rompt and speedy remedy for DIARRIVEA, DYSENTERY, EILiWELCOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, LOWNESS SPIRIT, 'PAINTINGS, 810KILEAU ACHE; &c. -Yor 41.,S and FEVERS of alt Muds, it is far better and safer than quinine;, without uni of tie pernicious effects. It creates an epee tits, prevail 4 . pnweitful digester of food; .and will counteract the °fleets of liquor In a few minutes. PREPARED BY NOTION 9, MI JACOB SOHF,FaZ Sole! Proprietor, N. W. Cur, Ffitt and Race Stu , Phll;vra, ea SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 20nov 68.1 i apeo , R . .1.1. „ OVAL, ~ . CLARK -& BIDDLE, J'EW.F t LEW & SILVIMSMITEIS liaviug iumuvud Q.OM •7 Chestnut Street, \•l,:P.".' mo PHEIR N}4 W • BUILDING. '',0.0 .CIIESTN IJT ST, .PHILADELPHIA : ; Ara Opening a large and new. assortment Ott!. mond and othor Ono Sowslry, American and Swiss Watchea; English Starling .Silver--Ware; Gorham Electraplateri Wnro, Mantel Clock., As., ,p•l6Jnne Mly ' • - HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION - FIRE AND BURGLAR BEGOE S A IF-E (With Dry .#siar;e4 o th ri s a f i rV i Llegl w e D U pdon . 310 . . .oalverstello Pprig. • FARIIEL, HERRDIGI CD., 629 OHEST6T STREET. Hariek ' • Cbas.Mathows,, , Cif3o. W. Myers. • ,Herring, Farr,ol, Sherpian, N2X94c lierring& Co., Chicago.. Herring, & 0o.; New Oilcan's - Dforu !]inn 90.000 rotquirio;e - seng din* ham 'and are now In neo; andoigi iIZ 14171DAXII. have passed through accidental fires,' preserelnigAhely contenteln,lente instances n here Pliny ofirts railed 1' ` • pItOOND a¢ari BAJO of my own and otbermakere bborii,oolroilyrpirt'pa?; for the linproied Ilerringio Patent Champion,: (nettle at lo! prices. 18Juna 09.1 y C ARRIAGES: '• ' + 0—""""'"." • A t B' :8. . 1x7,51C tiny° .now beini ht: qnrriage okra err South And afrieta, • -6AYMIAGE6,I.IIi g I 1.1,, ; , "..;; ; L • .1 -1- I.2mIGGIEs • • -, " 'IAP ADlct 4 7i 7 4. 6 9q 1 t . f . a EVE'CI CY IT W 04K, r la U p - eV' 'ofileF. t C o; o up Ito) bistro work , , thillad•Out inibto ileatjon or th 6 otwatey. ) ,,,...tiotblug .but the, very boat ' 1140 .. bUFIO, I ! rttgo u6t zrtilimsutrooturo.,', • , • Mug gad Nit s ; irozpoy gtttugtit tO. '.,00,ft• • •• ; u~ ~:~rcsavt3l~:lt^"f7l'3~, 9:~K~ 1800.'„su"', mFRIB6OI Silks,. Oienadinei; Orginjs , iiwne, Piques, Japanese ofiedl Spring Goods! on band: • - ... oqtltiie balaneg slll e.11;eo of in . y . ipriOg'll4p),c at•eott to mako room for tiolryall !;loodit. kinds of DOMESTIC - GOODS; BargOns In Ito iVbite Goode, 11 , 11,1 d Corded !hide lit 4Cle4 Corded 1111•40 . 4iiii, yottetide, .60e., *an:e I • A'ty; Ladleiltsee at.l2%c, i atitobettlO and:ll34e, thenched bfuellde it 123,0. kind ‘ 4! • , • aE p r'' rlea'thect defy competitlizn.::*fall ablortment of Petiole, Sun trulkinlleiu, linos Starts Corsets, kc., always on baud. ,al;Q.7'ilS AND, CASSIMERES. Froth the Lowest Grade to tho Finest Yreich„ Having always taken the lead in this brkt;elVO the Itisines4 I vould'vay I am baiter prepiu'adtl2,l2. .easpn than over, to-meat the wishes ofall desiring. • good artieloi ore ♦orpfnlr bargain at the pbortast got!ce by a Liiatwfaas tailor. , -MOURNING C 0 . 00g ..• BOMB A. - 7, I NP. 3 ~ Pouch BLACK ANC WHITL MIXTURES Engnab Crave iiqoarfk and long, Idscin full anabrttoout of Forma Goode, for idiot' order, be promptly nod BRUN. actornily filled TABLE CLOTHS, ?i APE INS, ItA lAIMORE, EISCISSIeS, TAHLETONS, OdIdIIIIICS, de As lam determined not to he undersold In nny ting In our lino. All I ask In and Inspection of our New Stock Just opeood. I can convince yo that, my gcmds aro chei4p. LT- GREENFIELD co t 4 , Furniture nil ♦arietles arA ;Styles of Foreign and DoraestleManufitcosre, froth the finest rosewood and fifahoglot to the lowest priced maple and pine . . • Parlor, Chamber, Dlntng•room, 'Kitchen and • 'Office • Embracing every article timed by.llouse and Ilotel keepers, of b e Mart approved auTfashionable design and flufeh. Including also Cottage furniture in setts 'adoption and Camp Chairs Mattress., Gilt frames, pletures, de:; As: • 441•Tarticu kir attention given as usual to funerals orders from toot eon country, Wonted to proinptly , and on'moderate' firms. • SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TIIE SELECTION OP 'WALL PAPER. Se * BANKERS, tb N 0.35 SoIiTHTHIRo STREEI PHILADELPHIA. ERAL kENTS 0 0 ,_PENNSYMANIA v ? 4 TRAi NEIN''S° Of THE'' A d, IgEttlai i . : fittli Wit7 UNITED .;STATES CIF AMERICA. TDe NaTIONAL Lit X 111•01W•01 COIMAIIT 11 • ribrpOratlon allartereq Dr ipuolel An• proved Jai) , 25,1068,111 th e , oesg,eurtu, $1,09,000, FALL PAID. Worst terms offered to d,Wents and !lodation, who u Invited to analyst our °mut: r Fall particulars toboth ad on applleiti lad at oar offloo,. kMated In the ammod,story or opr Danktng Home, where Circulars 'and Pamphlets, rally' d semi Mar the tdvantages offered_byllis Oompany,may be had. CLAJERRE dc .00., ' • B. , • s. Cashier let National -Bank, AgentSo Carlirde; Pa.'' 415: '.HOORSICIATS; 1.115 . . _ has Rontoved bfallanutantory and daleatooms to - f. 111,6i70E8T,IART Where bla "Own 'of ClhaMpfon Hoop Skirtio eepetially adaptod to prat Class Wholesale and ,for' fad ffrado.,will ,o fonod to embrace rho most exteur„ aesortmont In the Don), and tho latest nod moat damnable styled, Shaper 114ngthe and Siverv2 2y,23g, 23. yards round, of /ludo )ud Gored Pas: lore. Walking Shirte,, Reception „ Trill a,' de., db., 4 ,1 getber vslth over ninety dlfforont va caul of MMus and Chirdiento Skirts; all of which 'for e,vn goo inloiWor etar, ni fl u n i leh .;o llt;h . to i et darabilit . sinr i tl e t gar and arewlgo c ntiri d linaPoyvo°ry other t ' Marti 'made loorddr Altered; and Repotted, Wtooloaalo and' EMI !Wolof Low Ibicoll Eaatertt ade ElMlrts, l ls 'Springs, 86 Ceti I 20 Sprldge, 45sConts; 25 Springs 65 Cents; BO /lOWA 015 Cents; and ed Springs, 76 , COIPETS PQRSETA I Oditarr i 67 di ff erent aryls', Slid Oleos, from 75 beats to ;LOS, embracing R. WOrileyr l lliaokelp "(load Wittlute 'Madam Hoyls tOorsot Skits Supporters; Alrs, , Bloodes Valeta 'Belt , Affinstlng,stilosninnl7 _Corsets Brunch, Modish add Donnell!) Iland.olude duporior ffrondb 'Ps'td`roll of Cloteti Obtrotri "bur Otto Make," to tvlllah pe imettssoapsofil attention:.; ,• ti Comppto oq' (tissue. g4 die e YPd °r Glan i 1 IV: 1 1; tbolaTlTTlAlit PANTO6I , 'ffiltd6LE• SEWING P14e111518% , superior to shy , ottior Wily° lllSPolillfb lift,l4yro of these Np1.;),61/•, qa Soo floch,ar 'Often awaylio rear ouitontir 6idri gat"tuonfi fnttbditced. Every t Stunt tri tartiolwlm, our lino, Should exam. ollf,gooklieforo ..puvrhaidpg, 'elsewhere, Calla t loud ,for circa are, et our itspufire t tory 10311 Ball? .rooms, No . 111 Ma il6UtlX 6 6= • 41QUINNI , I,t 1 .1'i'.t . 'w,:,.1.: -, }., - ,9::..ti:v.•§ . . , ,-._,., Poplige MEE SIMMER PANTS GRAIN BAGO, =2 Sinn . MADE' TO ORDER, CRAPE VEILS' AND COLLARS _BLACIi TriIIET SHAWLS, TA BL - E 'LIN ENS, TOWELS, L1N4 , 13; M A RSAII,LES,_ C«' P I WAS, LT.S„ , BLUEA_DE, NAINBOdKS, INDIA TWILLS, REMEMBER THE PLACE, No. 4. .East Alain Street: IS= • • '4 I= lE=2 C. , 8- ItEPlWlt'pr, EIT - yv - ,...i::',1ii'.....if0 xi., s. , „, Ti MIMI -.l::irL;.Y u.. etiMUItaIiD i rSEILEY o II•861 ME After Nonilay,Septcniber 14th, IRo6,Pasten-, ger,Trolwo will rtinially,aa j fellows,cltundaya ''Arttitsretattett.Takill 1445,04 ilarrisburg 6,00,A„ M. Meohaulesimrs 8,93, Carlisle. 9,10, Newville 9,451 Ship.ierlabufk 10,19, ChenibersbWro 101414 Gresperapo. ,t 16511,14 , attiviwg,at Mossrstown 1142 A. M. Mattlltant 144445 Harrisburg 1,80 P. M., Mecb4Xvi fdlibilfg 2,02, Carlisle .2,34, N Tale 11,10,13bl:we ,I.::::113,1111 4 1:1 0 14 t i=rs 6 bx$4 . 1il l root: e asti 4 . 56, Mr_ 11, :ir9E11 , ,C WAIN leavea Unrrlelopurg 4,16 1 617 Mechaniestpwrg 4,4l,'Carlltle 6,17, NetTvlll4 B,s9b ,l3laliptetieblirgw 0,174 t arriving 44 OhambersburA t:t h ZDR Takla 144445 ohimtersburc 8,05 ,A..5L, , 814.540454110 9,25, arrlyingpf,liagerstown 10,10 AIM .ACCOUSIODATION Tstalif 145444 Ohnual4roburg 4,45 M.,9l:lpperisb,urg 5,14, Norville 6.45, Carlisle o,' 111,11fellarliesbbig 0,47, &living' Itt Ilarilebutg 1,16 r Atelltnitiritaves 10115tirstiiwn ' t'00 A:`6l4-bieen cheith 8155, •Ohara4r).4ool4 o,lo.lBh4i4spebttrg 9,40, Norville 10;14, Carlisle 10.50, Meehanlhabur2 •11,24, 'arHilhg 'at Harristinrig• 11,66 , Arran:l3'l:AM ' , leaves Ilagerstiwd, 1,55 ' O rtionctistib' 12,23, Chatabdrfittarg'l,oo; ShlppentbArg 11,92, Dhaw41111,2,05, parllsl4 45, prech49lcabar4 0,12, rrivin2 at 11arrleburg 9,44 P. 111. 7. ' 61 rx en ' TRAM 'Waved . lingarstownai,o6, P. M. Urperi4mtle 4,1; ,4crivt9g at ,013aphprapurg 6,05 . . wirsll along c loss connection a at. Tlarrlsbarg with trains to.rind from Plilladeljihia.,Now York, more; Washington and' MUM:mtg . . BorpuriTztuarrr'is Orrice, i 0. N, LTILt: bliambarabOrg, Pa, Ma) , B,'lBBB. 'J Snyt: " 16ma8-88. . • t • , I}ADINQ:RAIL'~•ROAD.:, SUMMMItiABREIXGENT. MONDAY, 4.P11111,271-1869. GOAT TIMNR' '1:151E TIME North and, North• West fonPhiladelphlar l'iow York, :Reading, Potuivllle, Tainaque, Ashland, Shamoklo,"Lebation. Allentown; Eintoh, l l4lhratai' LRAM, Lancaster, COl. :arable, 4.,,fte, ry 1 Trains leave Harriebtireffir 'Nth! Ybilliteloiionrif, At 2.35, 5.20 i 8.10; A. 31,, /MO, 1500n1;2.01 1 ' and 10.66 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on -the. 'Pentisylianta tirriVlng at New-York at., 0.48,1A6 Al., 11;48 Noon, 8:60; .0.45 0.30 P. AL, and .6.00;.A. M., rempecttully.; Sleeping Oars actor& - patting, • 6.20 2.35,.A. '511.„. and '10.65',' P. M., trains et ' • ve Uakrlaburgfot , Readlno,;Pgttavllloi ' Tad.o -, qua, n siinernvillel, „Ashland, Shamokin Pipe Gro.te. AlleptOwn and Philadelphia; at 8.1.0yA:151., and 2.00, sad 4.10, P. 51.; ittdpeingiit loitanorranit Principal 'Way Statlonte, the4.10;P.51, train making 'connec tions- for ,Philadelphia. and, and only." Pot Potts Ville, Schuylkill traVen and 'Auburn Yin Aellnyl -klikand-Suscrnehaarevitailitrittilmibtrliiferlabitit. 830 P. 51. .lieturning Leave ,New York at 0.00, 51,12.00, Noon and 5.05 and 8.00 p. Al.; Philtidel: , phla at R 10 A. Al. .and 2.38 P:ALZ cars iteceintiarilng the 0.0044. - 51: and 5;05, and'B.oo P. Al. trains , from New. York, without change. • : • Wps ,parsanger ,Tralu'leavea PhSladelphla A.• 51., connecting with similar 'train On East Penn. MylVatia'Riiilroad; returning from Reading at 6.30 P, ,Al.; Stopping at all:Stations: dears Pottsville at 7.30, and 8.45 A. Al. and 2.45. P. M. 511.4 , 100 u at '& 25 10.35 11;51. Ashlaiul 7'06 A. 51 '12.23 'boon, Tam alrtia at 8.30. A. 51. 2.20 P. M., for 'Philadelphia and Now York: . , • • • , Learn Pottsville via S chuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road' t 7.00 01. for liarrhtlihrg, nud 11.90 A. M. for Pine 0 rove and Tremont; • ' ' • Reading Accominodatten realm; 'Leaves Reading, at 7.30,.A. Si., returning loavrs Philadelphlv at 5.16 P.' hi. - ' Tottatoivri Accbmnimlatlon Train, 'Leave., Lotto. town - at 8.25. A. M. returning learnt Philadelphia at 4.00,,P, M. ' Columbia Rail Roail Trains - 1[68.141 Renting 7.00.; A. M., and 6.16,,,,P. M. for Ephrata, Litlr„. Lmuramter, 9olumbia - ; . , Perklomen Rail Road TralnsleaVe Perklenten Juno- lion at 0.00. A. M. nod 001'. M., lieturnlngl,: Leave _Skippack at:8,15,A. 51., and 1.00 P.:51., connecting with shiftier trul an 01121eadinr; ( tall ROMA. ' Cin Sundays:. Leave 'New - York at 8,00, P. 31. Philodolphla 8.00, A. 51; and 3,15; 31.. the 13.00.0, 11. Train running only to • Reading; Potisvillu 0.00:. A. - 31%, Ilarrispurg 520 A. 31. 4.10 and 10.55, , P 31., And lOadlngat 12.55, midnight 2.54 end 7.16 A. 31. for 11o1r4borx. at. 12.55 nud 7 05. A. 31, for Now York and at 0,40 A. M. and 4.25 P. 51. for P4llad-' tplita. _' C(Tmin diationTlilngagd7Se4son, School Ind Exclt lon Tlrkets, to nod fr . orrpall poi nts: a t reduced ratca, Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed each • O. A ~N !CULLS, 7nny69 Wheeler&Wilson's . PAUNUUUS SEWING MACHIN - ES ! At the gteut napoeition. Paris, 3.867 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 .Competitors THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT nui SALE, OF TUIS WORLD RpowNgi - MACHINE ARE 100,000 thtlIAT.ll.ll THAN ANY . OTIIERZ • TELE GRAND: TRIAL- Daily urn 'Throughout the world, Were ONLY antic MERIT gains favor, and 81.1PERIOErrY wins the race. The 'Wheeler k Wilson stands triumphantly the Champion and Leader over all othe'rs by the verdict :of therpeGple.. We claim no merits 'that we cannot sustain by living, and reliable witnesses. We tamed upon our own REAL ITORTO, without'declaim log agatrist other companies. We claim to. have improveduente 'for sewing that we know cannot be eXcelied, and in many'noints that no other company dare compete with.' No other company ma chow en 11141:4 :Ing , - chlneti that have been-in daily use for the length of time asr , we ran., for the proof hi this . , look . at' the ninnbirs that ArE:01) Ouch machine The and W Been -Sewing Machine le the Rich Man's Best Friend, and the Oman's Truld and Com forterer, for no other company can kelt on as liberal apd easy terms as we.. ICE The poor 1 - COMan can get li4self a' Na chine, and afterwards vay for it. No Alacpof is paid for until .Partics are fully saris • . fled. - Congtant use ' only.increases thc , •,worth • s . of our " • "JuL*-z.,tc,,3PL - JcPa . m:;.• . Elevellar ladies In Ceilislo'nlio "fats 'used' our pt chlites flpmpix , to 'twelve y earil,,say "They 'consider Ahem better In every ,upint,,then when new, • and there Inept a.. garment wore In thb 'hirollY;"tibin light all Swiss It beaky as 'Beaver clbth, Mist they lave not reade , Ortellady.kays. 0 1 have dewed for 'three, years end -payer. brobq a needle" We can furnish natnes,and residences of respOnsible entice Who' an subtain'all l qe ' • :I''• , t• ' Thd unsigned ate a.dewof in any who Inive the Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machines, la Carlisle, end lonFth ottlme they halo boon' In constAnt . • " • Mrs: 3 . :l3:llavdrstick, " 14 yeivs •.' . 12 " - - • " Rev. Dr. Wing, 11' "' 'R - 110.`Wondward, 1C " Stnitett, • 8 Pe e bles,.' , 4 • MiefiDaroline 2kei 1: ''"'- Vrtoircon ztwp .9 . 4 , • , q L . . Sterrett; , (Diekinnoii, wp. a, , „ 'lnetinetteas'givencfree'efochalgei and tdochlhei ;choortdpintiorrii to MP' who caWat ;10tIrinery.Otoio, 20 North. Ifentriel erget, Car , halo; , rrikps. and 'styles , trinnit sry . cnetemer. Machtneh:dehtered- to tat phinteln Onnaborland and hiljoinlng•Foinittpok6 rif 'Orr* ;charge. • ; ; 1',V4.P.1§1.14:45t CA4{;" . O n l,TpR, Gen. egts • • • .t.• PI'hIA4 , 22I2TIVIIIMETICAILRIBBUItG;J • J. 3fi , FULII . IrE Ri the °eV. ? .eutliorizeil Skgerits &In Carlisle. 3051ar.604y Visiig 63-Ii ~ _ ald i . £ 1. , :-"..• • NW'. ;dool3fEk. , 18013:1 ji 141' — ' iii l iVtl t ~.,i ,d flow opaning”t r optic assor in n o .BRD,INO AND 3 fltd?tt Elf qpnti inogght to Oarliala alnpa thp.war. Owing to, iiii,maaf 'lloilo. in prides awing tbot)ast tem 'replica; ana r giW., en,bDial Pi of., ,tog grapp,lnducemontg taappfitiiiyotgal l lOn fo'' , ptoak hap keen purchasejkat4tia t ptdapat lbw 11 ad , pN;iglifiit otai4o;#pgic:,..,;:.,. ,•,•A • ..,i '•CfodeDoLainos ht N' 16,'18; 20426 V '7' , I ~-, , !,•1 ,I_.•_,y, `.‘ AIV • - . ''''' l '''' ( • muffins at 7 , 10;12 4;441 ~.14•.' ~ .•! . ,11-... . ,-Ef iti , Y/1.17..Di It E s,44';:,i'q'Vrarp.B.. d. • • , • • STYLE ' 1rit.V1 . 0p9:0 1 , 3 fbr Ladies In 'BroAt , nod very epop;;,, • Pll ;.!, . t •-i 1•"•Cloth9, Oft,, „i, orw.sib,,tottuitadee, .110, , df ltelydeScl(ptlbt Tan' '44nonly,'Atow, Table 4.,lndinii Torejo t I ~.11141180djindiles, nod Vpreakli t Anallookrorole, Vy, ficitßialy. 0140V4 gre(tr, vmrett.7, , A t , ':lv,tl,ll . t. :Il 6 :.V0F1111 INGIUCCODIECIPS.. I coif/Ile/9160 gharfa ,114/ 9 1411if 44,9rtmein °VA:, oinitteoodli. . • . ,Wriobtitt 11 ‘041 ait do* out kow41014;00', worcloieno, ;11r r • . Loqk 6 0 for berialni at .be Olte ? CladczEito to Btr"4 naaPl ! 1 " J4112+ , 1 , 14 ~ 1 1' ;nod vt"l, •, ' ' , • • - ,• &g4kzr_&.i.k..;4ioNg44's. • • , 'briky friar - to.:hi natural 'Vital'ity di:dressing 'which is tit onde.agreeshle,. heal ,eiTeptual for ‘ irdseriring the hair Birddd '1)1-'144' hair is , soon restdried/o its origi- • ial. o ign With .the gloss trsshness of., youth. li"thickened, falling checked , _lncL, .I:oldness • often thonili not', always,' au'red its use. erur:.restbre Whore ititil'oilicles are destrAged;:. l 6l: - tblii glands atrp s phiod.and"decaye6 'But'sneii 4 as re- _ rdain 'elan for ulicittiliiesli'by this 'the hair with Ca•pasty sildirnetit, it 4111 keep' it clean and , vigorotis.i - 'accaiiienal"'ulie iiroient the ''from' turning 'grrsc falling : off, , •en'd" 'prevent Tree' froal =those. deleterious, sUbstandes hichliiaket h'irio4freparations dangerous and injurious hair, the Vigor ban enl,yb 9 fiofl,t hist' ha it. wanted I'4 „ t: IL A R • •to SI PP , ilopilnk °lib'epn bo 9Ontairfirig'o . c4h6r ,f?A!ig:':4YO",,,lVdoes not soil. white cambric, : and yet lasts long on tha hair, giving .it. , a; rich glosdy luStro and "and a grotOfill roi q ed, by. C. 'Xyer,:& Co., ritieriCAt 2iNDAxtlyrrcA> Cial ISTS LOWBLL. , ILEAAS.:, 68 4T-i : . FotrD4 'of the thrbat end - such as boUghs,,Colds; NOooPint Coitgh, ' bronchitis, • , intlisna; and -I'rebebly -- n --1-.4 4`r6rerill' while history of , medicitid. beti tWything'ulori SO Widely sod so deeply. twon the Itotilideog mankind, as this - ex,cellent, remedy., for, pulmonary, •cumplaints. Through a long seileit of 'years, and , aniong - mont of the races of men iv lik , riatiri 'higher 'dhd higher in theirestirnation; nett has beiorne better known. 4ta uniform ehoractor rtnt4powor to cure the" varl • ens affectlond of thequnas skid throat, have made as A 'reliable protecler against them: , While adapted . to milder forme of disease and to young children, it^le at the seae too e the moist ,effectual remedy that an be 'given ' for IncipTent ~ e onsumption, 'tied the dangerous' idTdetione of the thinat And Wogs- ,he a provision agreluet2 sudden attack of Croup, It should be kept on hand in overy nod' indeed '0,411 are sometinVes 'auhject - to colds and coughs; all should' be provided • with , this an- Wets, fur them; t ,i , Although - settled.Cod.rumption, is thought lama Ole, stall Is great number Of caies tilt - See the dis easokekned settled, liWee heeli completely cured, and ihe patient restOred to awn. (health by the Cherry Pectoral. co its 'mastery over the diaordtire of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obaltuale of theta yield to 'lt. , aeth lute else.couldreatlithomonider tiler Cherry. Pec toral tio(t . Falmide awl disappear. Sinners anti Ptirdic Spedkerifind'great p lotoetion , fi4Ml 4t. Asthma is always relievg2l and often eeholly mod by It. Cibu Supl „J f OW ZO3,t6VIIBTORED. JrhWiiiihtilled;l% non' odltion 0 fl~Upr. Nutypg`yi 021't4,Oelebrato BBRy b o the t:acateht Mire (without , r hhiledieirlOOt UhritrthrOlirKlL, or Som. 3110 iirelihhoh, )lhvoluntury poinigo Loeaoe, 11[• Impodl• 4Mota to marriage, ate.; also Qmpplepelon, EPILETar and Rucong l icag by phipiMiligonch'or sexual CC* ) .11 _P. ' • , ;emmtnealnuthoVAlV7M;nalikilCrablne essay, • ohnrh, ' ftOPl it:thirty ,yeikrit'hUccessiul Fr/tattoo,' That alarmitig'COhboguance, of melt mey_be tadlaally 0 1141 WlLittOuti tho gauger. t ode Ase i laf,lo temil al moOcktio or-the.Unlfo; pointing 'Otte4i *Oda ot - OhrN itt..6oth hilifillih , bottalu, and et- ml . an:nry ontrorer, no mat ter 'na We collation% nal onye himself .41 ,172V i ge t tt l ig l e l lt d ould . belkiWilVande of every egial tai QIN Miele ' 11 ( r Isis ” V * ); pTfU I j rIAP I PAVIR' t o ° r ta u ; ip a mt ;•„v„,bip - 01gagly;Le. , (4gyerwiJIJIPMertiage Bpwerr,Now York, PoApilltri s ficaj, • •••••• 1 4, Wr • Ayer'.s CO:11y' Bronchitis le generally ;Aired. by tokln, th• Cherry .ractoral iy othell end frequent closes. • So generally are Its ri rtuev knt.Kn that we need nnt publleh the rettlflentb of 'them, here. or ,do .renre thahlosur - e . the publle,thnt Ito qualltlen are fully maintained. • • Aver's Ague Cue,' For Fever •aud Ague, ihtermitteut Favor, II .Fever, llteull!tent.,FeYor,..D,urob.Agne, Perlodise! ,or 11 111lous Fe von be., and indeed all the Mime - Lions which arise from malerious, marsh, or r miasmatic. poisons. - A. Its narocimPlles, it dasii•Cltrej 'and. does -nob all;'Ochilaining•nidther Ltrieutle; Quinine, Bismuth,. Zino nor tiny other mineral or .polsorrous substance ,soa toyer, :t In nowise, injures. any patient. The number end importance ; of its cures It the ague. • ellstrrets, are literally beyondaccaunt.' abd we be .llefe wlthrut a parallel .In the hlstozy of Ague .medicine. Our .pridels frrritified by the acknowl edgments, roe receive o f the radical curer effected In - Obstinate ene.s.•and•irbefe other remedies had wholly. &Hod. • Ilunceliruuted percque,..,elthpr reeldont or travelliCv tbrntar.h zulaszuntjc loenlltloe, nlll be pintretPd by VA Inc the 'crOUe cure dully. For Liver .Clcripluintr .° rlaluu front torlddlty - or the LUer. k it it ion excollont., retoedy, pro Uunlng. warts, truly r, tunrke . hle cures, Irhoie Other Inedl, 'elnex hod ' Prepare by Cr. J. C• Ayer. Co., Praelleal al] 4 Analytical chellasta, Low all Maas,, au aoi4 all r ound 'the a orb!. PRIC:R 41,60. PER BOTTLE: EMT DAVID STROHM, W. D. SPDII/41SLIal, .TOEIN Wt STI2OII* NEW and r 4 OIOELAft. RO 0 T , , TRUNK . AND j:TAT STORE, Soo:th,Haaoror- , Street;' Carlialo a tea doors !loath or lohorfq Darner.' have jolt opened the largest and bent stook of BOOTS and 81101,1 S evac offered In Carlisle and contituuralment,dAklytb receive such geode in our line an everybody wants.. ' • • - - Gur id.oek - kind. and varieties et Wontan'ahlinme and Chile', strong Leather Shoe., Womeri's Misses; aud,Child's Lasting Griner, Wanton's Glove Kid Turkey and french Morocco. Ideri'sind 1103'. Calf, Buff and Kip Boot.. '6ldn'a and: Boy's 1..a1f and ,Buff ,Cuagrons Gaiter liten's And Boy 'slanting Gaiters and Brogans. lilim's and Boy's' Calf and Ruff 'Oxford Tien, dun Sandals, Routine and Overshoes. Men's and Women's Boat Welt and Carpet Slipper Mon's, Boy's and Child's Fur and Saxony -late. Trn aka of alt slues add. prices • , Travailing Bags, Fnichels and rEnCOS, together with a pritne lot ol BOGUS which, we wilinell to cult the • Quigic sALus ?d , rp, SMALL U2{OFITS - 15 OUR MOTTO. , -Theeoforein Issuing enr.eard Wended as a pArsopal invitation , to all , need as call and look through our 'sttio( ',natant foeang•under otll gations to lumuniewmulted In quality }ad Isle 4. Ira shall toivays . try, to deal witk every •L• In a straight forvard:roanaer,'sud 'give every custom° , a full aqui velaLt far his money., 'ffa topo au nill itimsrlYierots their 'Litt opport•aity I. r nod Rea &TETON!! Jr OPONSLN9 oAprll is 69. 11 . AR,, p WA:il E • ri,lei . *,*ly.' B''',,. XT• o N , , 10 EA S i il I(}it': §' irl ET , Carlisle, Pa Wholesale and dealtii In 'llardware. Iran. :teal,. Nall., Building Meterlale,. Pahlte, 011., Plarts.&c: ~• • , • • Elneht 'qpalley% Mail-Icon 'end Pooket hOd Tattle- Cutlery, , • Every description of Toole-adopted fee all Me elaaplcal•Tyades.of the most celebiaiod maker., and warranted toferY Instance: • "Guns. Platoli andiftinmunitie*.7 7 - - ! • , •P',U P " fo- any depth warranted 'to glye satisfaetlen Ontatitii, 3; 1 1 ~--• , Illa.ting Powder, • , , ilhovele;!;`1 • 41 1 14.0 • Pocky, ' 01.61. - -bare;' &o. 1111 ' ' FARM 1111Lhi, PLOWS, ~01141101, $ Stu , ' 9 l.7 l 2rat A r a ec ' elVl:gme l ertfils r .tic " 's'iroat" futSritrige both !uprise and quality. ; ilousekeepors„tlesce,luni,, 14V .. .fe11s In great 'I I .FP? t Y; • 'J./ • • .I r i.i.)l,Bo,sTszg / Actg#-T5. ,,, p08 .793 E '"011:VAT-71J.VI: E•CONONiZER'_ • • PAIONT'IIIOMLIMeR .)17.BATHEIt-BTRIPPRiG, y addhted Yoors andlilndows. Wo feel ourselves competent of pleasing _aU ee slur goods me Of the high est In and karat AllY , ric*, -tit .V btrfil#l kra?7!P!„,aYelitioli:74,oodi, , Tartlet gillehjda tO L ubwfor. :18 . 68 . 4 . 111 please be ..promptlu tlielopayuint. tat‘,alll to, whom wears ..1,,,,,,f,F117._;,,,P7,,,a!1i11ait_n,..19,1r8Abx11w1e.N" II 1869. 111111