Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 23, 1869, Image 3
II ing list comprises 'all the names of Ofioeri3 and soldiers froth, Cumberland county, • who fell ork the field of battle, of who died - from wounds or disease, contiacted . Whig serving in .the 'army, (hiring tho war of the Rebellion, which have beim serit into the Secretary of the,Soldters' *oTament Associationi in confdimity witit ' resibest, 'Made through • .th o noWappeAli!pf the county-nein° •Tho 4ist ores tit°, names of 11.#miiitai , stoned officers and 26i non-emx#ssioned . .officors and private soldiers, aid-in** Tkfk list rimy not bo'cOmPletO or gatirely reet,i The officers of tim,Asioolatieli'etiiii esti): pesiro to haie, it,coniplete, so that a siaglt wi3jo is entitled to, appear. • on the rellcfhonor, on the SOldiers' Monii mon't ebsil be omitted.; 'riondeof deceaied soldiers, or officers of coMpanies who may . . knot!, ef.„,anyPtAnberland Couety, loon wh . o feltin battle, or , died of i;ouniis or disease contracted during , the war,—aro therefore'speOally,requested to send in all such names to. flieSecretary, letter: or otherwise, without. delay_. The Secretary should. also be promptly informed of any errors in•tho ,names, so that they may be corrected. Tho bililding of the Mopument - is ••now in progress, and as . the engraving of the, tablets will soon be commenced, all now names must be promptly sent in. E. BEATTY, Corresponding Sect's, LIST . OP OFFICERS Col TT my J Zinn, 13011, Pa 'Vol .. Col floors J Diddle, A A Gen'l Pa floe Corps, --- Capt John It Smead. sth U S Artillery - Capt Jas 9 .Colw. 11, Co A 7th Itegt Po Res Corps Copt Thomas P Down, CO II let Beet Pa Des Corps Copt le m Laughlin, Co E 130th Pa Vol . . Capt thrall McCullough, Oth - Prt Cavalry - Livut Joseph Stuart, On Mitt Root Pa Res Corps Mout deorgo W C. mfort Co H 7th Rogt Pa Rog Corps Liout Wm A Givlor, Co F 130th Pa Vol Lieut Immo' P Kauffman, . Co H Oth Pa Cavalry !dent Theo Mounts Dth Pa Cavalry • . , • Limit Alfred' F Lee, Co It 17th l'n Cavalry ... Llint Wm B Blaney, 7'd lowa Cavalry • Mout James A Daw,on Co Blot Colorado", Vole Surgeon Jno B Coovor oth Pa Cavalry , Wm F raw Aat Eng U 8 N . . Ist I .Regt: Pa. Iles. Corps,- or MR Pa. Vols.. Frank Mint, II Fred Morison; II" David Askew, H " Jos Buttorf, I Joseph Ewing, It Chas P Gould, I Wtn Donnelly, II ' John Mathias, I Curtis Griffin, H John ,r• Ilistor,•/ ' William Willem - Li, II Christian !Wittman, I John Black, H ' - - Levi lionnody, I Frederick Brown, II ' John Lusk;l., , Se MIMI Baker II - • Frank Wilson, 1..; .. Writ Quigley; II , - ' WM Baylor, I John Oloueor,.ll . • Win Dunlop, I John Shaefer, II .. John Baker, L (100 Norton, 11- '' Wm Spottswood, . 7111. Regt., Pa. Rea. Corps, or 3611, Pa. Vols. WnaM'Honderecin, A, David II Spahr, A Wm It Ilolmeti, A Sand E Smith, A Tan.Buron Ehy, A . IG..orgo 1' Widdors, A • ..-Wm Zimmerman, A John A Schlosser, A Wm Cntp,A Sand Hollillstger, A Jacob tandis,A - - .100 II Money, H John It Kenyon, A - David 51 Hoover, H GoolV Welse.A • • ' (161' II Smith, H. Chart Ilreckbill, A - ,' J Ritchey Clark, II John T Cuddy, A John i.ovelrn, II Jas Miller, 'AJohn Lininger, 11 Boor Havorstick, A ". Saml Wosloy, II Win A Low, A - ' Max Barahal. II Joe U Steolo, - 41 - • - - Chas Beare son, II John Callio, A , John Anthony, II John P-Adams, A . ltonj Benton II . Chas Jartni or, A • Michael Hem, II Fred K•ltmff, A Isaac Seller, II Edward T Walker, A Thos J Aches, II David S Walkor, A Jonas !Bosom, II J Homy Eby, A Lail A Bowen. 11 Hoary Tamen, A ' I) W COurntl. II . Win IlleCietif, A Sarni Cotton, H David Haymatick, A _.. Foonklin A Smith,Ol PatriCkfßran no, A . Jon tb A Weilf A - Lou WFall'er, A' Milton Werner, II Wm Novi!, A' " Wm II Kline, IT ' Robt II Spottswood, A . Joseph E. Fotight, 11 11th Re:ge. Pa. Vols. - - Willson Vanard, A' ' Thos Morgan, l Jos Warden, A' Thor Conway, A ~-•-• Moses Mao, A . Jett Christman, A Geo S Reighter,A Wm Fielding, A • - John' ' Sping,A ,98th 'Real. Pa. Volt.' aeoll Coover,ls 65th Regt. Pa. Vols. Fred Sanno,F jaeoPanho, 10th Regt. U. S. Infantry Alfred Webbart, C - 84th Rcpt. Pa. Vols.. ' Peter Darr. C John•llltson, G Samuel T Kunkle, a I Den.) 111pple.0 Reuben Line 0 Adam. Shaeffer, Bleb and Ltfly, 0 Themes Spoddy,D; 87th Regt. Michael. 4son, R Charter Ilan., Johrilm & • !Edward Houveraon;E Thomas .S rely, E Henry Snyder, It 143 d Regt. Pa: . Vols. Jelin I 101st Regt. Pa. Vols., Bartok__ Regt.Pa. Vols . . • retort II Ploloe, D 115th Rev, John Flifelidath, 130th Regt. Pa. Vols. Geo W Oromi, A D Koerner, F - Wm E °reason, A Thomas English, I? A Brownavioll, A • Samuel 31ay...F Philip Fal.or. A Theo R Zital F Joseph P Woavor, A Dem.: F Lambereon, P Marion 8 Carbaugh, D John Flteer, F John A i3trlcklor, - Keller Bobb, F - Thad lifeKeolian, E Tutor Y Knisely, F David E Nilipr , E. Rind F , Barehinger,.F Wm A IdcOnno. E George Whito, F Wm Lockery, E John Ilsrhloy,l3l Wal I! Woods, .E James WI therow, G • • John'W.Cj' 11,E Sam uel MoNaughten, G. Jesse K Allen. E Li.v I Bonder, II Joooph Connery, E Joseph B Snavely,ll .158th Regt. Pa. Vols. • Abraham Myers, A- • , !lime Boar. A' David Burn - ill,A . Thomas Cunningham, A Jacob Brickey A (James MeCaskoy, A Samuel Idlaols, FP, 187th, Regt. Pa.. Vols. Pa. Vols., Escheohorger, Joseph Shay, D Theo R Boyoas, D Mc E Plieghender, D Woo P Gender, D • 1880), Regt, Pa. Vols.' Joseph 151111ard,4 19401 Regt. 'Pa.', Vol s. David gpi, gOOth Regt. Pa. Vols. IVm N itoa g y, I Michael Groithi Jainos John Askew, Ii Lewis DFinkE e , George Wolf, E Henry Yost, E D Looker, E 7 ' 302 d -.Regt. Pa,. Vols.' Henry IsTentmaker,. D Samuel Lu to, D Urinh Stahl, D David Sheriff, D Jacob BUrkhart, II I - Regt. Pa. • Vuls. . Thomas limner, A - Tn. Sykes, F Jobe Lolb, A Bamuol Hollinger, F 210th .Regt. Pa. Latnual Mlt:holl, I .• 195th Regi. Pa.' Vols. John A Plank, I+ I 3d Penn'a Cavalry, Chao A iroltzmnn, rf 0 Vnnderbll1 1 II Abdici Trona. ii NdworElTennaii, II Alex Knaar, U Clod W Trout- Joelab''(ldmblo, II " Zach ,Mallnughlln,ll Wm Myer', , • Joelm n !de c oy,' II Win Ewing._ ' Oullortson Honer. K Samuol Ooldon, II • Jolni Nicholson, II _ •71h•Petin'a Cavrilry. , D Q May, K 11th Penn'a Cavalry • • . ... Anthohy Y Hnieely,ll I nth Penn'a Cavalry. • John Dutdor.f,' ~ _ ...,.. . ...I. . . • ' 9th ..rentea Cavalry. Joshua Dunffan, I , ... ' Seabrlght Ifoofauver, r Cooper Limiest; I ' Homy Shrives., I • Jacob 0 Croon, I - , ' .Joe A Shannon, I Samuel McCullough, I Samunl A•Wolsh,l ` If Irvine, 0 Jacob Day, II : Itobt L Kelly, I . Johnston .: l Dlehdp ,i I •' ILoAiI Sonnet , I - Jacob Ogle, II rv F 9di. ' William Delckerj • ~;h littingerii- NMott•Laugl Ih,l Ciialan Foloingor, I f Samuel Spas., t ' .. • , . I, 3th . Perlie l et . Cava lry. • Coors° W idraham, F' John Snyder, 1 , ' Anon Soulth.M , . Peter Huistoborgor, ..: Geo W Milos% L. John F Capp, P ' David I Hootnor,F Johtt F Iticonower - , P . Jos Hudyip , Wm D Routh:um, F Davld W aloHlnnoy,ll , Como Fornoy,F„ Wm IrMilldr, F ' ' Jan Y Munn, F. Jam 95 A Kolao.P . ,letcoly Blyare,ll . Henjednin D llohn, P . • n' • , 'l7t l i;•P4nn'a OaValry;" Daniekß Hollinger, Jr ~., Amos Horshborger, II • Emanuel Smith, Y • John W Kaufman,' SolomoneLovvi P ,:' r . :. J David Rutz, F , Jameallueley, Pi ilsorgo W Helots', 71 Robt Holly. F , . . Thomas Speec o, F, ~Wm Shaw. F . Martin P Strnemaker,.F John forgot, P ' Smalluol Stouffer, P D0v14.0a_1104.•.. .(. .., Abner W7,ng i V , ' 7 13%.3114 .voit dot tF. it (Po W Wptozol. o t r g i Campbell Evil hook, 9 ` Samuel 0 Weaallne, P James O'Dottel, P . , i Wilma Seavvrs, F. ~, Wne i ti Yllnchbauh,Y Woein Alvinkyorirt , v i :, p o i. s ohltor; k, , . • • I l evela Rlogeralt, Fi ~ : ... 1 .• , ' ' : 20th Pentea Cai)alry. Wm lialgey, I , -, , -,,,' IJAWN kunkle,A' . . M oite A Orli:lath, A. : , • Wirilihelly,D - • •' ' a r• '. ' Penn a Art:Very. ...,., ciao lir We% .). ',•,' . ,'TI'S' Ohrint,`, I' ' ' rat?!rfay:'...',:, ',,.',,,,tw1ii14!bri.0t,:",: .a,, t. .. , ',./..o.vaiciery.,,f,,,n , .... ohaime.4od;iipi . „.„ 1 ., .k. 1 .0 4,..,., , : , wm,00'4.a011..m•.. - ...,..i., WI/ ,r, •.. , Ito!: o I I r m o Dtinopel, amid Q al Vervalry .., i• .. ~ . Wilke Floloot, Plat Illy de Island Cavalry , Jae W }Yoh% L 4th illhhoto Cavalry, , tN,, . =I 84,LE or. • -.. WN, Tua5.).4 , 7108t,''317. Iptitino;:r ',, hilt fol . Id enCOWita titapoN l l63t Main;Street ) ; to *Min', Pqr,p, tox 0T.,100. • SEWARD AI93i.DMVELII:"S BOA TER 1141a..—Tbis invaluable preparit. Hon' has given e ditiversalpatisfection over it has, been._introduced, and zcs:lled forth the highe'st:encomiums frograll thoie whO have been. ao .fortitnateJts to avail. thelnablies . tie Itillen'efleial 'effects; The manufacturers,HWatddieusly, eXneritntint ing,. have ',succeeded in • ammtining - with trleh`ple'etY;dii..the,Virtues.. thelugre-; - dlents7crtreroref , thevicriourrHair : Henova7 tors:and Itenewora extant, and suCcess u dilllculty Of selecting, ibe inndcuemeingredients Which - will restore gray,hair - to its • origipal color an us re and at the same time performs overiindij cation of a perfect Hair Dressing, which neither injures the texture of the hair, nor colors the linen or skin. ` A fon , applica- Ilonslaipart, a lustrous brilliancy and soft silky appearance to unsightly, brasb and. wiry. hair. Faded or gto.y hair is restored 'to its primitive color in a few' 'days, and bright red' hairls eliapied to 'a beautiful auburn by two or three applications. It supersedes hair dye. As,a hair dressing it has no successful rival, by its property of preVenting and removing dandruff, and curing the various diseases to which "the scalp is liable. - . Sowards Cough Cure is. pleasant and reliable. 4 ". • ' , GREAT AUCTION SALE 9F- DRY Goons.—W. C. Sawyer & Co., will offer their large and'elegant.Slock of Dry floods at auction, commencipg July 21;G5 and continue ono week, day and night. Their stock consists of every thing found in a Dry Goods Store,..Silks, Poplins, Grena,. dines, .Lawns, Alpacas ,Carpets, 'Oil Cloths Blinds,&c.,' Sack and Cloth Coats, Shawls, Lae . ° Points, Cloths, Csesitneres;,FlannelS, &c. ' This is the finest 'stock of Dry Gooc6, ever offered to tso public, at Emotion.— Don't fail to come and .secure some of the great Bargains, that will be given away at this sale. A credit of four months will be given upon all sums of twenty dollars and upwards. Sale to commence at 9' o'clock, A. M., and 2 and 7 o'oloeli P. M., of each day and evening -,-Comfortable seats prepared for ladies. W. C. SAwl'En Co. I==l To ALL WllOlll IT MAY CONCERN. —Be it known that the undersigned, manufacturer of Mineral water, &a. &c., in accordanbe with Act of the Assembly appro'ved the 20th day of April, 1863, has filed in the office of the Secretary of the ComMonwealth, the following description with the mimes and marks of the bottles used by him in his business. . _ 200 Gross Marked, 150 II /I 20 A. B. Zeigler, A. K. Zeigler. Z on the bottom with red paint - 20 Gross Marked o• 10 I , 15 26 66 60 ‘• P. Conway M. Greplo. Peter Mallet'. Geo. w." - Ifilinat. " Dyetville Glass Worke. Plain. Any person retaining in their possession - any of said bottles after this notice,-will, if detected, be dealt with according to the provision of said Act of-Assembly, • CAUTION.—The Act of 25th of 'April 4853, imposes- - afine of $5 - upon any - pers - my who shall soll,.dispose of, buy or traffic in any bottles so marked, and registered, and the penalty will be-enforced in all earls. • July,2, 18,69-6 t,„ , A. If.. Z.FUOLEIL Choice Family" G.roceries; .Finest 'quality of Teas. Choice brands of Fami - - iy Flour., Buckwheat and Corn Meal and a fine assortment of Qucensware and 'Glassware at J. M. 31AsormilixmEn's - South-Wast Corner Pitt and Pomfret Sts. Ap1.23-3m f late J. years gained rill . feliyitipitbiliesilin4lott and are far more generally (deployed by piet-Claiik'phyalclan,, than t hey ortell vire. The veasati tot t ols that it is a' generally ; eateiblislied iAct that - erholesome tonics used' In *Meretied daily for, yearti do not lose their virtue'', neither dolhey Injuie the nys- em. They actin fact like elk and exorcise; and ot as "Modish:1010 wlilch . .eroinfornled eololy for tlaclis of fitness. The BITTER PRINCIPLVI, bspecially Bose of vegetable origin, all possess the_ common property of stimulating the appetites strengthening the nervous system, and of imparting strength. Women generally 'derive benefit froin them oven more than men, their system being_mcalleto_ treTifitiiiiiireihaust lon. We have again and again ,. in our eipetienCe * seen the good effects of tonics where the eyes had grown dim and the cheeks pale, and the entire frame showed every. Indication of exhaustion, nervous'auffering and debility. The best established bitters before the American public era buyoud qmstion those of Dr. Stcever and th to is equivalent to declaring that they 'aro the h. st, since among the. scores of really excellent Litters now current, a poor article has no chance of succors whatever. The most hinorant person can tell at once by Its effeets, almost from a single dose, whether any bitters are gool -or had, These of Bttever have been sem, for thirty years, are com posed of sixteen of the'safest roots and herbs of a well-known tonic virtue; so aklllfully 'Selected and compounded ;with (cgoied to tbelr mutual effects, may be doubted whether any more perfect term of this medicine can bo'Mathi. Thousands of persdna aro exposed to or 'afflicted. with fever and ague, billions ague or other results of malariri. Let them remember that these bitters are admirable In such cases, as fur diarrlnna and cholera morb no, or any"ordinari derangement of the stomach. Try them and be satisfied that they should he In the stores of every family, and the trunk - el:every tawnier. • • . • It le a faVorrible fedture to the advertisement of the ntoprleters of Dr.Steevors's Tonic Herb fitters; that no elalins are made that'they will cure every 111 that fleelt to heir to. The weakest Intellect can hardly ho Imposed upon when told.tbat this or that rem dj . wlll remove every form of diseitio In every stage, and yet . we enn not take ifpth.yinajoritY of jiiitrnals without encoun'arldg an adver tisoment declaring that this or that medicine is a nostrum which is a perfect apothecary's shop, a whole colhige 4 physicians in. Bed( rendering all other 'cures usol use. What is learned for Dr. &cc vac's Bitters is al nmly that they will adt is a geed tonic, aid are capable of doing no much ! geadan a proparation.of bitter principle' can. Tifey',7lll not cure incurableediseeses o buttife - nvilt often 'prevent it' certain class of disorders from he cornhig.locuratio. Tho preferences and r ceetificates issued In their friv'oF'aro all trail' and honest, and of these tbrA's ore hundreds. Friim flie‘ editorial columns or Forney's Phil/Wel itOrr: ' • From the Medical Profusion Lafadasren~;7uly 2t 1A69.' , Kranen A Co.—Cientleino9 t In reply , to yours of the 22d Met.; I would 'say) that I have 'ussd , Dr.• `qtrever'n toele Herb Illtteritettlenelyely in iny'Prae• lice during several years past. ; Idcrnet4iresitate to say,tlmt J have found it to prises romaralmie racy .In cased of Dyspepsia, Indigestlon, Loeser No .vous ea well as 'orer taidrigne, Diartbrea Ileidnehe and othor dieenass proceeding from a die ordered itomach ; and especially nes It project di in' OStiralkbjo value in general debility, of . the system .! when ether tonic medicines have falied te , prelim the desired rothiSh• • ' . . Though roluotont to appear as iocommtindlim any particular aleprttsegniedielne, ampule ql ,duty the pithlfgar4 the -medical. faculty tenni:lot - allow, no to orlthhold my testimony • to the merits of the Blttore In'Aneetton. Yours, teepectfully, T. D. PARKER,..M.I7,.; KRYDER, & CO., 11.1anufocturere and SoleProptlotore, _ _ 121 NORTH Brd. 82'11}1Er;.PIIIi.ADELVIITA. 80LD,• Evlinywii EMS Chine 2al Met,RRIEI? , OALDWELV.- 1 11ENTZ.—on itul dd . July'lB69, at flarrleburg.' by Rey. R. - J. - Reeling, Rector of St. Stephen'', Church, Parouel.B, Caldwell of Washlug. too, D.. 04 to'rale, Rate 111. Bootr. of Carllelol' ,• . . SEIDLEv-ROMERS.-9n the 16th lust by Rev Wpf). Pardee, Mr. Allied R. Peddle got Mechanics bnig Co MOn Myra Roams . , daughter of D. M. tt, Rodgers of Cumberland County, Poi i' • ' ' • , .'it . --...-- 1 . - -i i:i- '-• ". '. ..,' d . 4, ' : - .)..!.ic.x..i5ir...1F)Fia0!131,9F.,.1!.t.4.14,K1G L 1! . ' Carlialoi July f.d ? 1860'• rr r. Faintly Pion , S up eifine' db. 1. do RYE .Y . r•lir ..!!!•!if 19111 TE WILEAT . • •lt HD do .... SYS ' I OIIN OATS, (now)ii• :;.,60 o . ••••!.. riIitOTLIESESID • • •• ••• • FLAXSEED':.:..:.:.4 W. I'.l °ARLEY ...... 600 .... 100 Icl to ..',:.. V.o' 00 „c.,,,4„;,, 2 . 10. .... r ip: -A 70. Xener al rrou ce -, f : e l . - 4 piarkt, • 1. 1 4, , ~. •, •,.: ,, ,,b(RticeAii> 22,4 Imo. :.,,,,, nirr . ted ..E11,147.1: IW, Minima . lirammood 1 lii IglP, , . ~' 20 nACON 811011Lligiti, 10 • , , 06, , _ .I ,20 13,100 N BIDEd, ' '.' ” OSI, ARO; :,f ' - ~:'• , 1 20 imp: 'memo -31 p ' yAbLoW, ~ .• . "., • • , ti vAREDTHAIJIIIO3, ,- : 26, loAp, ~ • . 81UNPARED PEAOII.BO , 10 .1828 WAX• • ',,. . 1 " #6 DRIED .11P11,112, . , 3r26 8110015 //MO , - ,-- 18 84.20,....... t '' . • ~: • e' , - .. . 8' _ SPE.°M , P)X O T I P. - --PRESH -ARRIVAL. We!beirlf,',Kiet reeeivedi.atid:oifirAie ' horep* ,"%ttd 'Teta; d ftillekoitmont of veY% choice,Tede.` A lo%gf the tory . finest, tygai' - cured Hams. A hit of the linnet • "Factory Chute" at .11:ono reduced prlcee, .Irho!eFale cud rotalt., . , . '" A 10t..0f gonulno Cider Yinegor—very sorir`,and put up in spleudld barrels, whichoffor at ei— obedluglylutr.Prices, wholeealo,und re 411 . -, A lot of, ithe very cholcoat genuine Ofd • Giriernme74 Java 'eaf- H,fcc—hroutucct_er_arein. Also • choice cope. A' lot of good browned,qiilto a reduced price 'ln full Back/lots.. : BLAIIi & SON; 1. .' 215 Juno "South End" Carlisle, Pa. . • ,• " TO CONSUMPTIVES. • • •-•phs : • ;.. haring beers• restored toblooth la a few' weeks, lira very simple remedy, raids. hay 'lre suffered several years with s severe lung. area and that dread disease, Consumption is anxious to make known•to his follow.sufferers the means o .T 6 v 1 who' ddlialt, he-wail send - bop! et the prescription used (free of (MATO, with the direction for preparing and using the same whirls they will find aIfURE CURE FOR,CONSUMPTR/bk AS' fIMA BRONOLIiTIS, etc. The object of, thendvortiser In :sending the Proscription is to benefit the dinicted' andnpread Infos nmildn which ho conceives to bo in valimblO ; and ho hopes every sufferer will try hie remedy, sit will cost them nothing anti may prove a bliirsing. Parties wishing the prescription will Tier's° 'ad dress'- REV. EDWARD A. WILSON; Williamsburg, Kings County Noir York May7.60.1y. A . WORDICO HORSEMEN: pit. TOBIAS' CELEBRATED 'VENITIAN HORSE LINIMENT Isns been tasted by the Bret Horsemen In this country, and proved to be superior to any other. Rho late lllram Woodruff of "trotting fame," wee never without:a bottle in hip etahle.. It Male° need by Col. Bush , of the Jerome Park Course, et Forham" N.. Y., situ... hoe over:. twenty runnin#' horeee r undor his core, among which rank some . of .flnoet stock in America. Tt le warranted to cure Lameness., Sprains.Boratchee,•Brulsee, Gape, Cuts Wind OalIs; Colic, Sore Throat, Nell In the Foot and Overolleatlng, when used according to the dl. Tectione. All who own or 'employ Horses amassured7that tblaTeinimont will do all, if not more, in airing the above named complaints. No horse need die of Colic, If, when first taken, tho Ljniment is used ne carding to the directions. Always have a botttlo in your stable. Price in pint bottles, One Dollar. The genuine Is 6lgned 8, 1. Tobias on the outsidd - tfrnpper, For sale by the druggis te, Saddlers, and Storekeeper throughout the United States. Depot, 10 Park Mare; N. Y. .18 June 1m IMPORTANT FACT• 'Wo see that persons of strong eonatitutionfi r and 'young, suffer for days *with pains of the limbs, loss of appetite and fever, who suddenly get well alter a °belie followed py slimy, bilious stools. The relief produced by these evacuations were the original to the idea and practice of purgation, and Which, w . hon oof.r ced by Ilrandoth s Pills, plwnys benefits, initially cures, and often' prevents disease especially Scarlet Fever and diseases of similar char- . actor. , LT,. Cook, publisher of the 'Sente Danner,v Den Yt., telys Brllll.lo - 11's "Pills cured him of Dys ' pepsin after being ntlileted whit it over five years. Ills friends null doctors considered his recovery On possible; but six boxes of Brandeth's Pills restored his hedltjt perfectly. A young lady of .711ourtt-Plensant .was sorely trou bled with Tape-ii orm. Ail advises and medicine rail _ad Co help her, - She had no rest Thin, careworn and unhappy, she looked the picture of misery. At leaf she concluded to try Brandreth's Pills. In one year she took seventy two bocce. They brought, away, ecordlng to her computation, over two hun dred yards of tape.wortu.l - At, length all her laid aYmlitmns left her; she slept and 'ate naturally, and her health beano° fully restored. SPECIAL NOTICE We are now daily receiving from atictlou Chen, Lots of Dress Goods of every stile. Striped and Figured )Thite Piques ; Whit!" Quilts, lloslery, kaloves, Handkerchiefs, and all other seasonable goods which ire _will warrant to sell cheaper than any other house in the county to which we ask thO attention, of buyers before purchasing. A largo lot of Parasols of all kinds. Now ,ntylu light Button Boots all sizes, Musiins, Prints, &c. it roduced prices to ault.tho times. OEM , Ton SkteaPARILLA Dmosns eP YUOTAI , I._.I,IIIO sin gular set of people are' descended from tho ancient Artzecs of_Snuthern Slozico;and still_retale somo of tho peculiarities which Stevens and Preseoft gave of their ancestors. Dr. J. C Ayer ct Co...em ploy a small army of thorn fn digging Sarsaparilla root. Provided with narrow opal:Mao coil of rope, and a bag of wnter o they aro ready for the forest - whore - lho - wlittlitilllinirriwntsbes 'Mira and thich-leavedtreds, their only: Opener. Few of those *lto flpd thems4vberrejuvanated by this pro duet, know how much they are indebted to the toil of these hunVileishorersi - wheidig hbalth for thous ands of Dr. Ayer's patronsOiblio they sometimes lone thelbown.--113oston Commercial. A Great Political'EtavOlution was accomplished by the' election of (Irani, and a revolution of immense social importance link boon effected by the general substitution of that hornless preparation, ORISTAptiRO'S Excusron HAIR Dye, for the deadly compound of lead and brimstone,. of which, according to tie "Journal of Chemistry" and the "Medical Gazette," moro than thirty varieties havohe - en totaled upon the public Cristadoro's Dyo to the only 0 40 Sling 'ANALYZED: and Professor 'Chilton, over his own signature, do chores that It Is perfectly NVOkOIIIO% CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, as Dressing, acts Ike a damn on the Hair offer Dyeing Try Sold by all Druggists. ERRORS OFYOUTH .entlernan who solTered for yeara from, Nervous Debility, Preritiduro • Decay,• and all tho effects of youthful Indiscretiop, will fir tho'ealrf of suffering humanity, sond4yeo to all who ,nood it, tho receipt' for ranking the remedy, by' which ho was cured. ,Eludemo wishing to prrifit o.who advortia• er's meneriermo can do eci bind : dressing, in pollee! a.'fideitco; : , 4 , Toi 42 Oedai'dt; Now York. 151ay7.69-1y „.. the Lathes; • • We are now selling out at 'greatly reduced prices, all,. kinds of. Suthmer goods sueh ae ,, prelisdhies, llernannies, English Ilaragisi, eawas, Peftialles, Par as° la icldritres /Pc. .N . dir le thutluni to . Secdie gtitd bargliing W l• 'aro deterinl !led o\t our stock at universally low ritoli, LEIDI6IT k MILLER.: —' AirDEAFNIIB.B, 11LINDNEV, .and' CATARRH , n eated with th.uhnost 'euecOiniqii, J.. D. And Professor of Dkealu of et lye and Ear in Um .d!edlial r cydrih of I .. ansydrapia,ld di s ta4 dtdiaritnc4 (fornair4 dnydon, Holland;) No. 805, he'ol.l!, Millen • .f'eatlmonlals earibe soon at ti Is office. Th 6 dedienl 401110 inn IRYHodldl'itecoinpAny theliqft. tients;fte Re'hawno aeOrats In lila kaettee. eyed ItdiottedVlttled tAlogno'rNq sbarif fOr t e.iaml nation. 12 14r.1: 0. 3 ; 1 ; 211 ' ', • lAC9O eorsraz—D .• oor . . 8 1...; awe -boon . affil ted~ ihr the 4 Ithuuht tjqm„aoa, t our:Cllttere.,ltas. , .tocomttiodea• Cam? I , ,have usedlt, 'lsl.r . tgltid; to !itt7 i tllearatOd' a 'perfect via, Ina.very , short time: , Thbrefori. l ie - - icounflond It to all pareoay etttletpll.mith-tho . riame ',dieetiais') . k: ecnieller 1,6 the beet Ouid irAteo (80sny .4ilsease the human bo dy lietaittio6ted to. ... . Da YOUNG, Philddelpbla Thollrookl,ynLifelleitt;anbo floinitatlY of New L'aik.• &elm to mako arrangemontswith . oFpitritintlad Life Inotratico /mint for F a ranklin nd Oumborlond counties. • All • COrniuunications should La aildrmied to eirELpox:& FLOYD, ,Gail, , Aganta," • : 637 • Cheatnut • St., Phllddelphin, Fa, July 16.2 t W HAILING, WIVE OUAItUB , for Blom Fronts, AeyNnia, Ac, Iton Iledeteade, Wirlo.lYetc . , binge foiebeep and poultry yards, Preis and . Iron' '!friro cloth Bieves,.Fonders, Sereope Ifqr coairoreso licavy. Crimped Cloth for spark arre . atera., Laradapo'iViie for Windows Ac., Papicr UnicOri Wirer, corn emeutal ytre . ' Works.' , lived I nforren: , by. aq ofie tvo InAntir;i'dt iirop; - N . ;p7Al4tF.ll, 8 9 .F'.11,11 Phirth, Sixth'atreot . Philadelphia. . • ' it .wonsis. AND PIPLIpLES; ON •TDD: P u b. lB .•/4 11 4T , „preparea,qoly, by.p.A.IP.,D. Perry, 49 Bond Eito,Ne re . Porte Sold eyerptherel; {rho . tretle.eupyllil: bye WDgili4dleNe4leplioD . elore; • ODefftrri To;, ,`PATiNms,, 411,E01cLia and {Tan..ftord . tha liked) Ingo. pEanY'd - Moirt MI6! •FRECELE C. I,ti , ul.orq .• ,• - r 4 01LNAP.,170tr.,04811“.4412ine go:o1lk,Oi '641 oili44,l9)i . ;9lll4'nqi;'lollttirdtl In tin; itpairnn'ati i t phits"' is nnido • ' 60.` "'"1 . • 800, 1 .69 . 11aei; of dry p!oe boards fire Peter ~olillp it now le yor , tiTty bollders,"rii tba "? 1 0°0. 1 9j, / , 'kaYeA,W.; f;le. wit r. at ta'i I 60,0 yard - . tu.!'. • 4kilbandlithro / MI P-Ov Ag... 410 .... . . 1 VALVA/tri-Eltr.OTirN" * ;', V - TT AT ,1111.V.47 '; Z - , , , , ,......... • :.,.1., '.Tho ouboClibavplrere avrilf fir goe r ~tpu 1f9 . 178eD. doott LOT .01,0:011011St#:t1UV,97tokkct-Iltbltttleund oleo thulo,loldltig.';v utlot. Vt Ov.plure 1.0914,9 ,50; footi-twcUund.a.,b I ;,stillOS4blghi4oUistlfuilltuu roOma` lll4 lo) ,.. thoaktthliorivaVOt.hts.rfiv:ttra.llll;l4, uuklbriiittrl t YtiuditksW awl ~ couvoulancoi i tolvltt ; TuWllutrOtle til'Aii 4 1 1440. ';l:tut ,{tud".co d'.Wittor. Bath Vihp.,. gttoi. olo o,tei , p.oll:l94llolYO AttUdii. or 0 v„,,r0ugh„,„„it,.40..dt.Ngh#11,,„p,,,,, fix, to V -.5, , ,.Zga0 T. , ,Ot,ttati afrorati orp - vrot.l6 thottotu., an , •to 4,thbro.:olloy4;the,lotuht:a4u,„, . hilhohi,ol4,l , lmo pp lii 0 01401•48toplfo 1 4 d.%' .nll otholLiitilite;.' DUalluto,iyUlD)r.4l!'.s.°4C° Bbillatdr,iialllNlkijaDttlalltai i peft 1,, tj, 5, ho 0 0V001ti0.,111 , ,b6 poippogg );TOtiPhylAbY Os tu Autem,Ypiy,deolev.;..,To,ool 60111. 1 .0 1 + jul butt ''' , ...: , . , ':;! , ,,•t' ,- .,.;l..LitktOST. TODD. . . NOTIO - 8' TO .00NT.11,10'1 1 011.S.— Tropnito.,: l ynu.., roite4l4 at Eha ofiloornf the Chief linginoor•at Ilageotown,' Maryland, anti] 12 O'olbeki hi.oaf Wednesday tke dither Atiknotl 11691 tho olearing, oloayail A in hankme aeonoy. andiradlig of .tho aztonklan of the Franklin Rail Rprd 419 C continuation Of the ~C oniliorliaid Rail Road, froth, RaForatonol flip FotOnnia:River;, a dlaiatieb abilt Eight mug' • : Tho lame ,yrill be ler In unctions of about one roil° received.for' doing 1nA11,,r4 rtimrialloje,hf 9.1e,,w0rk tittuhrh - T 4ineer; Edward Watts; E,sq.,; at 'fagots town, will exhibit n progionf the sec:. Mons Into which It bee been divided, nod glvo any other Information which, contracture may :desire. .. • WATTS, hake, Carlielu,,Jnly 21, 62. , Rrealdent. 23July 69.-26 . . PROLAMATION -- VITHEREAB;Itit3' Hon. JAMES H. I V Guariats, Tresidbti "Jail° of ' several 'Courts of CoteirriOn Pleakof the counties of Ounitsir inn d, Petty; and Juniata, and Justice of the several Courts °Ulm Ord ?Terminer and fienoralllatllielivw erY In' said counties, and Hone: Thos. P.:Blalr and J udgssAttl_o_ditentOyorend.erliii-1 noi• and Jall,Delivory for the trial ofall capital and ottOroffeinlera, In the' said county of Ototriberland, by,thelrprodept tr dliected, 'dated 21st.Apt11, 1866.. hays, orderies the Court ofpyer and Tormineri AntlilinerolJall 'deliverytb bo holden' 'at Carlisle, owthe 4th Mop day. of•Auguet,lBl)9, being tiro Ord day, et lOO'cloalt in the;foreadon. „ • .140110 H Is hereby 'given toth eCortiUoi, Juat lads oi. the Peace, Ain' Conelablen of the saldroutift ofCum• behead that tliby are by ttio.saidytrecdfiticommand editoliethen.and there In their proper personernith their rolls ' records, and.ingulsitions examinations, other reitirmlirlinces, to dotho'se thlnga whlob to their ofiloos.rwertitin,to be done;and all. these that 'itiethriund by rorognbiandos,• prOilicuto the prlsonera ,that. h mop than n 111111,60 .101 the Jail et Skid' eatinty; aro tothe there 'co oroseciaro thus:l,ns shall be just. • r July Rheealls Hall, Carlisle, Petti6 Brilliant and Unequal Attraction Positively Two NigliW Only`' WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY; JU.L.k,2B,and 29, 2.69 N E L Ili :WV A S . K E. L OPERA COMPANY Overture, Ballad, “Thoarout Iturjqqilo Extravaganza, Brown Aniongst the BRAHMINS ATOM:, Idaskoll & Valentine-Lci've-- Banjo 5010,.°- Alissit'ate Partingtait MISS NELLIE MASKELL ID Inr.NVll,l•tenownett Imltatai; of all Mu prlnr pal Comic Vta,lll,l.s of the Day, Ind odlog songs of '!,Raekety_ .Jacic,r--'tUp --in _a Balloon, -Tassels on the Boots," and • = He's a Pal o' Mine Characteristic Entertain Thant I T6o Sinus,- :3ALLIE nu& HATE' OVERTURE The pirfornkancE, will conclude* 11 'lljtau'il lturlesquo Extravagania, - untitled CINDERELLA, oi, The LOvei., The Lackey, cciad The - 4,4ttle Glass Slipper. entlro NowSconory, le* fiat . roEluclug the LIGHTNING LAPRESS Imported exiiressly for this Ilulleklue direct fro.. • London • Prince Pompetti, (with OrlginniSongs.) Miss Nellio Maskell Mies Jima tlngton MEMO EMI= The .1121;13 IMMO Oiorinda (his Original CharacLor.) Mr Valentine -Love Cinderella, - • Mlbstiiillio - Pdrtiogtori The Fairy God-Mother Mr W A Whitsear lionuify Dow, (Fairy Queer,) Miss' EIIP Deavouo At tho oeucluOon of tho Burlesque GRAND WALK-AROUND 111 THE ENTIRE CMILANY.- An entire chango of Programme ON THURSDAY EVN'G., JULY 29. , Positively the Last Night Dooie Open at 7 COmmenrie at S I= Admission 35 cents Reserved Seats, 50 cents. Tickets can be had at 14.e0's Store ; Piper's - d er scle s -Bo o tt.itore VALENTINE LOVE, Prop'r. S. D. PERStIE, . Business Agt. FSPECI,AI.; NOTICE.—This. Is tho only Oonujno Eng'l2.llCiin Op , era Ti , bupu now trayelag QA LE; - OF -LIVERY -STOOK:' Tito sliblicrlbOr 'Offer at pabllA Nolo, at Ids stable, North I,l“Vord ;:tr . oet, Carl4lO. on . ' 'SATURDAY, JULY 3.lst, 1569 - , all tbo stark and fixtures belonging to his Livery Establishment, '1 2 Hs 0 -R, -6-113 S Ten TOD liuggies, two Troltitig llueglos, one Coach, Germantown Wag oils, (two and three seats,) two A m tm an c o t("Nrons, two Spring Wagons, 010 singlo and one double S'eigh, 13 sets of 'tarn ras,..(daublii and shmle.) Blankets, Robes. Fly-nets, Hell ore, Combs, and everything bolos ging to the stable. Polo at 10 o`rloekorn said day, when tern., will be made known by 20j u 1.21 DUBUC SALE of Valuable Real 3_ ESTATE, On Saeurdn'y, 'August 14, 1869 Tho sullwribetovill offer at PubliPal o, on the premises rituated In Mourns toivoshlp,Cumborl and ecunty, on the York road and the road leading . 130111 PV ?print., about 3.‘ mile Smith of Churehtown and aboilt Ii milee East of Carlisle, the following de. scribed Valualla Real Ekatu, TPA A Tract or Land containing 1D ACM., having tlioredn nreaad a ' • • TWO•STORY BRICK HOUSE, ..4.,,a-Two-odiy 'LOO trbOsg, hunNe'afii,:rko Alva a largo HANK AMIN. gor,t Wall 0t . ." . A.TE.11 at the door of Lila Mugu. An excellent - YOUNG Tao RAM>, w it II a variety of Cho(ca Fruit. Tha latid-isaaood , hrid undil a hhal stilt° o , cultivation. ' Pale to eammeenee at 2' o'clock, A'. Zik., n sald day, when attendant.° will Lo given .and terms made known by MAtta AR NYVA DARR; ME IJUBLIC SALE OF REAL .ES TATE. ' On I'huPsday, Aukusr 6th, 1869. I will expos° at public sale a vahiable place of land adjoining tho village of Crimson, on the' Cumber land Valley ithil Read, 5 1 4 miles West of Carliolo, containing 40 ACRES more or lose, about eight of which life covered .with 'fins time er, tho balance nbeing'in a high Out° of cultivation.' It will La sold err as wholo or to, parts as will Net edit .pUr., Also on'the same day and alba sAmn_place the, foljowhA'ilescribed proportion: _ _ of pound rceutelotng yorty Foot Tfpn 0, add One lile'ndrterplefellioty Foot In depth; Ilan. 1 9 njethereolferebted a TWO.STORY , FIIifM r. OWE LG. INO 110U814L4 I , mine ing , geral Cistern ton'lt.'' • • ••• • •• • •/,'row of lilr'Trid.story F,RAHE'TENLI24I3MT: itoop . Es with Lae at:tabbed; epof es a'rrholo' or J. 'eV Orouhdt hite i lhg thereon eroded olio" of' the • moat , conlmodlotte and 'IVOII eonetrtfctod SOHOOL LIOUSIIS too the 'county,' thelot Whig ft feet-deop and forty feet wide. Thu Ilulld'hig I 9 rbll oultedidtheir SoS a'School lloustit•Tor a meet oval.' lopfUhurobj hold Ie filled trial a fell mot et Ito hpab' ltdprovod &tool 'Piirniture, width:will be sold 'Bop. arately or wlthltie building, • 4. Two vacant 'LOTS Of GROUND Forty; 'gent frdot r ind, Oho aull'Nlnety Foot &trap, the !Bloke Of (treason.. ' . •• •, :,•• , • • JOHN MIMIC • ' , Trustoo of Margaret 0 reason. • ,9N" th 'same : day, and ' at.the &trio Once the heirs of ' John DU ober, decoasod,'w, II o er at Public Sold tho followlrg.doscribed lioal Ilstato : ' • • . A magnincent Lot of Giound the village of reason,:Twollnridred Feet Squire, ',lardy:ft thorOj• .on oreatEd a 'Moat exdollent 'and•comtdodloula Two. :story_ DIVIII,bIISO DOUR, Nook Rouse, Wood :•11ouso, Ico tloo o, Make 110uso and"'Stablo. Thla td pprhaps the very fluent country property to the ~valley, the lot being divided Into a most' beautiful .yard, n niagniflcemt gardun, straWborry patches' ' , sweet potato patches and apple orchard, tho 'ULM ranee helot - cover° t with •Inoatiprodtietive ' ,trotia and most'hcautlful ornamehtel oude. l " i 2. A Tract of,handadJoiningloads of 1./Avid Wolf, Robert Groaron, Sarnind'Otcason and Clio: Lino, Jr., , containing Seventeen and One hal ,Acros woio or. flees, al , bot , tiyo . or/. OS )thich oiopoieroo with aeg. colloat and the halatide high lakto',,l 4 cttlllw iou. Tho oats of Jpbi iitocisAi.riai46,l to; emit %Hoc° at 10 o'clock on said day, when attendance , will,bo give4And tortne lamp/00,10w te' • "' , .1 .131 t( ( ' 1 Titit '" ,OTHONOTARY'S -NO I • Male lo hoioby.kleesi to ellifpcnhisisi.lntslet,' co teal. that rho following trust accounts bait: need tho„,,Protisonolary'e Office for • elsarialrttlan,* awl.,lsAlV' 'the,,CouSt. of,Oomiunu, • Piens - of bona orlono ("aunty forgonrpisllog'o7l , IV • oilln'olulai,thognth day of Aliguitt, 16 60, - final account of J. 13.1/ 1 0Yerr'0* In Itteo of -c athorino Bobroll. a lonkilo. • • 2 ,lrballrstosalGoal tICCOMA Of JO RNiller,:com. 'iniqsl9 orpimity. tirtell;a, lunatic, ', jE • r . " ' - MMa Tllll, .ENGLISTV COMIC IMMEI Orchestra Mias Sallie Partington 1 , 41 u n ORCHESTRA 111 r Spencer i'rlecharli Mr J .14...Arinstrong = =EMI - 11 1 ,AfeE ? ItEGIpTER'S NOTIOn.--11cigao, I is hereby given to nil pennons interested, • it et the following accounts have been Bled in this oplob llytha:accoun tents therein namadJihr:exami; l uaton, and' will be preionted; the Orphans' OoUOt i ob flomberland county, for confirmation Ind lalloneocOL'oritudsdayi, August IV tb,IN.D.I; ism r 1. Tho Brat and final acbount of William, Fought, ;executor of David Foluglit; latd of Silver Spring , ;township, doe'd. • 1• 2 ;14 1 1*.li JOI I W Antler,' ad bi'l , rl4l'Aferi;il4ll . , l'wllll3 - who daughier - iif - Qiorgo Braniter, Ibite of Silver filming-township, deed: 3. Tho Bret and final account of Jobrrltowniiiti — , !eicoentor,of, OW/not will and Miami; of illeildenpatiliotWe'st.Boindborlit.teiti.,)doo'd. 4. The first and final account of pr., Seoul Myers, adm'Of Mb ontlita - of Bievidlltyeria tarn of Frank ras Pli w o P A l tit . “do deed. nistratrix of , John 'Mir,'late of Middiesoi 0. First'and Bari aoo' i tritof - adm'r., of Henry ltlllhnlOer . dac'd. 1 •• 1 o Tho Oral and final ace( put of -John Goodyear, 'Jacob Goodyear, Samuel Bobtlidor 'and Benjamin Goodyear, executype of the lastoyill,aud testament I of Jacob tioOdyoaroduie'd,• 8. First and final Account of Daniel Kocl i andar. far; - kWh - N., de bonds tibn.culn! fesioneenM annkti of finnlol Bender, eels of Alien township, dee'd. 0. Account of Samuel M. 'Wherry, guardean of J. Bobbins, Wm. Lloyd & Anna M. J.Dmlth, miner, children nod heirs of Elninuol Smith; late of 'Tops. well township, deed. 10, The account of Pores W. Quigley, executor of Dares ilowerd, dee'd. . „ .' 11. First and final account of Ephraim' Common,' adm'r., of Mrs. Catharine Gilieleo, late of the bor ough of Oarlielo, dee'd. _12... The first and final .ftocount-of.Jl- , A..--Eaufman executor of the lost will and toetanlont of, 1600 'Kaufman, late of Louth Middleton top., , 13. The'first and final account.of Jacob W. Ilam !eller, executor, of the last wilt,,and testament of J. tP Blutnereldno,"dec'd. 14. Ent AN final' account - Of John' Fosnaught !and Nol. Y.Boyd, executoto of Jamoo Boyd, lato of .No*tot township.- . . . • N 3322 IMMI inatrd unfiohdl accotiritofl James B. Brown, .executor of the estate of dolin 0. Brown; dee'd. • ' 16. Tqd account or John Q. Dunlap, guardian of ,„fleo, 0. Matas,., ,minor • Child il,d• Wm. :ii:Nlatoor, Ore' ' us settled by Joha O. Sax.on ono of aduers,, 'of Job% C. Dunlap, now dge'd • • •• . . . ; 17. The guardianship account of Sane] Graham, dec'd., who was guardian of Samuel A. Shellabarger minor son of Jacob Shollabarker; dec'd., sotiled by 'James 0: Graham. execut, r of said dec'd. 48. First and Inal,accr oat of tkeorgo Hoover, ad ministrator - df Elizabeth' Witainah,.: Ida 91 . .0 1 / 4 flprinnoOnshlii, drc'd.f9 ' „ 19. First and final acd6unt" of Bobjamia adin'r., of Esther pnderapi, Into of Monroe 0,744,, orc of 20. Thariconuni of : Rupert Fahronback, eacautor of Chrlsflaa'9pitznet,yata of thoboyough ofCarllelo 21. First and final account of Goorgo DI, Itupp, oaecutur of Cater Diamhart, dee'd. • Int' ttnd final accuunt of 11.31. Cociclin,adm'r. ',Of A: .I:Cocklid, deck,. • 2'.1. First and final account of John E. A. Herman, administror of Elizabeth Herman, Into of 31Onroo township, deed. 24. Flrat and final account of Michael Beltzbeorer, adm lona ra tor of George Boltzhoover, Into of Silver Spring township, dee'd - 25, Firat and final account of John S. Boyar, guardian of Jennie and Mary E. Dellett, minor children of J. S. Dollett, deed. 2d. First and final account. of David Eborlyrguar dlan of Esther Ileartzlor, minor child of Rudolph ileartaler, deed: 27. First and final account of David Deaver, udm'r of George Denson, - S. Fist and final account of William D. NlTuno, adinlnle.rainr and laibolln Duncan adrolulayatrlx of William 0. Duncan, deed. ' 29. 'The it con tit' of Boni - main Icelaley, guardian of Nary PloOgh n minor child of John Plough;Jate of Dickinson township. dus'd. 20 Tho second and final account of, Josopb U. Eingh,,r and Andrew Singiser, admiotrator of 00. Fingloor, dec'd.' at. The first account of Benjamin Stitt, adm'r., of 'J. 3. liolvers, ale of the IN:wow:hp: decbl. 33. Account of William 0 •Brands, administrator of Jacob Bootlyelr, Ipso of 3lonron township, deed, 33. Fitst nud final account, of. lyilliam 31. Means, guardian of,litinfrturand Jdh n Piper, tninot rhiltikon .of John and Nancy Pipor,:deed. 31: The first account of John A. McKeehan, exocu. tor of James J. Iluttowbato of West PunuaborW township,- dec!d, • • • 35. Filet nod littal. guardianship account of John Dunbar, deceased, who was guardian - 61 . John A. minor Mn of Christian Berman, ns settled • by .Ins. A. Do 'bar, administrator of said d , •rraso•l. 33. Secen3 nod final accennt of Samuel Spa or and Benjamin It, yer; executors of Ithillp Spangler, deceased. 37. Vint and final account ,of John Paul, adrn`r,, of NatifY:4ll. 1 3 p.nAt, /Musa' Woroo.t3vp.,,ilac y d.. 38 — First and final account of Catharine Bashore, adminlsfretrix of David Bash ore, dec'd. iti.Aecount of Benjamin Boodyear, a dmirdstrator of Pam eel Ramp, deed. The acCOUnt. of J ohm, S...lcenegyand Criturnitm, admluistrapors of John C. licuegydee'd .41. he account q.t.:IV., Eby, PAeFulor of James Hotter, deed„ late of Oarliale. 42. The account of John C. Dun lap, now daceased tru.'toe under the will tif 'D. It.' Lamb, .dpern4ed. of Mrs 6arali A. (Amer, now deceased, as settled by Jelin C. Saxton and James M. Balaton, adminlatra- Jars of the said John C. Dunlap, dee'd. 43. First and finalaccount of Jacob litominker, administrator of David Lehry dec'd. . .14. Vital and fintil acrOunt'orf. Moriison, adnainla trator af Ja no:Glen, deed.' 48..Virfeatid final tiBconnt of L. It. Bender, adm'r. of Dr. J.J. tender, deed.. 46' Acenuut of W. F. Smiler, ttlintilisirlitor of fr. Johmon, 47. The account of Robert Lambetton, admlpintit tor de bonus non cum testrunento aunezo 4,X 1411114 , 4 , Ilentrovd, Into of Mhldin4ox • twnslUp. J. DORSTIEINtEIt, I7july 'f9-;lts Iteg4ster. MILLER & BOWERS HARD WARE 87 ORE, 26 NORTIT riANO_KEE-STREET, ARLISLE, PA. '• ,-;-;--7: - F.., 797.7 f • 7 1 - rti.' 1 4tr5:9,F `llt E l.iilifOr ..:••r 'Air 1 :' • pTY kri.` . A 41rd . .. ro 0 it ,11:::.!; .. T t„,, tc' ''k --\. ' . r '•• qllt it ' , :_____ -----3--' t:1 I '..' l . ,- , • \NTT would respebffully dall theuttip v non of the public tb our recently replenish• ea STOCK OF II Alt DIVA ILE making It now ono of the largest in Cumber , land. Valley and consisting In part of lIAILIIERED AND noia.uu_ 21Z; 0 9UR061 , 08. • HORSE - SIM OS, • NOR WAT RODS 13 LAC [SMITHS , . ,NY WON bt IS E RS', COMAE MA NEILS' AND . .Q.ARPENTER Toois, BUILDING .11IATERIAI Saddlery ints, Cabinet Makers, Undertakers, and Coach Makore MATE AL • Chains, novels, Forks, Rakes . , do, Repairs for McCORKICK'S' ItEAVY:It constantly on and. Wo aro constantly 'ln receipt of goods direct from the manufacturerr: and are able to fur. nlqh country merolutats at l'hlladolphlaand Now York prices. •100D9 dilltvered to all parts of the town free of charge. ' Wilcox & Gibbs' E'4V ITA'an 11V `Ax, We have secured the ,Agency 'of the Wilcox d . 011,bp',.iloring. dikehloop*;llttlo • tinnily ortance ,ilonl diti". multi: .willing ' try tin „ without after - r ii ti, 14 . reatn,,-;:one•in rnpertitidn.': nitrid,Vll/Idr,& Olidios 11114'4 knee gbrenxi lidacbtiarr4 atA ; realms enrAlOilLY,lft'fl Alt POi/itilVtateltd3laplqueo In'tho ful Paving Partiduittya."gitttildlitiPlipilll 'Piss llstilo to get'—rgut nit'Avigrail: ? : :It la , 0 (*Doe.. : It . line with loodnidao:i 4t4uOe 'Oaeler..,l4t:rabli ...I . ter, It hpit.#/):bnet 'daybiar 'Aid' provortiliagjtbo:l,4heal trontounnlng:backwardii• It - yip:lloi Itiog)neahontn, cal Oc i II tenOirato - IL:' , »lt ; Carib hoc; lowt,ticia'and •'' idatinctlM2 tolearold .Ifelcit,. It Ig',l4tcoOst certain and pitiable )rt:lttg'oporittlettet, .It,d,litiotrio it 'straight anitleali Ilidglo,"," to', ho;:hreltoir 0311111 - It: rnvpd one "'Olio nectilittil,ayeured,' tut Itti, 'platoBby. an Ingeglonalii patenlod device which. rottdd kilt tiolt, adjuitingtictAbdc'utii liorokill-MOr eitieriondir tiro" requited,iti•drolinglia ,Id,'„ltntirtaidlingt.ty /ctlm the t il spool thoe , lokoir! *liyitti4i - rho teatouprvortittou; or ioi , tbsillog,:ftli ,thyealili tai adjustment. In. llie 'olluttlo• It "000 Abd!Wiligra,& Giblisi,of 4 , twisted Itionctlttilh" n at ech'''Orldirial'ig , lth' this machine ebd meat\ by noottic,lll3 . IMAM , L in were ,olaotlo• and Artinger than Ihif•Lock tiOch. Ochs '. neo rabl 'lfi pin, melt tmbh And bditittlibi; the seegi ! Minority& oolt.', ,faateadd thbe tavoldltur a ir'veralblildtd." The lot, :alort Is iiiereirluiple. and merit caellt, hOdnittd'it` ti,l motti.poodny 'obengo IV tinier' ohd A giant itielc' • andtbor,l It dime beautiful canbrbldoill, it bpd le 1 •beit'lietilnifir,it bee tiro bolvtiltOr: it' nee t to' 'be t'' braillbrf, It beer Olt biet Mate lifd Milledi & tillitire has bron In tho market for A little Moro eight 'feats,' d,uring wir i lch,tlrue traayda otolaty,thou . sand hap!, lidos undid anir oald r it Kulpi l arlYlp ,Irtt Ihrger then wore spit' pro . ,Irl road Ma ga.e ifo , l .R i . a iYul `,ltrv .4 1:. •t t I *cloys. bush at e * sbufficuie to el , .40, Id „c. this Moiling, h & iire'dgolicY ',without the doubling ovldepta of tqaty r oblttle t efMlarithr t ire ate 'enough to'llll'og Mee NI m`ne lottlio2l lid':; I‘.4oki . 'Machines .arel'Ori "exhibit "Ye' litOnue'at to; tili:,2o`, North ilanover stroot, Carlisle, whore' thity'llisy 'tid ornxiinnd; end they will take' greed "Oleaouro In ea"; r ''•! 4 P /P it Pnll' hi rK ' fi t ', lll .4 l lS4llliJ ',...l It 1 11. , 1 !,i , ) . II speotfu ly &O, '-. ' '• '' • , ElILLiml & 11011filifi,' ' • ' I ZIL'2O, ' NOtati!llliniciar'Bi,' ' ' ' -• '' • Carlisle 'ili'' J t , 20,Pin01)" 16:1110i19'.''llreiii4iveri .'iliiii;nn, appilAtion for •tlio' Inkr , don 01 'l l ol,olSliklibi LLaaslidonniiiilelopkriaoreinor,otro4l . l.,- ~.'-:„,, i Widifllißte , ~. ' . ' t'' ! 14 9.4 7 , - FA TEAS:Agig-A 7 TS EMI 5:) , ••• • :,•er•t - 'VARIABLE, , 11 i n r i ;•• ••• ••, ` o Bke": 2 *:?';. 4o i' ;l orr2g 'Bemharg.ti • 1 ., • 4 1! f j ' " - t,t•r+ . . . t ,, : - ---... ,,, - , . \ Nc s -' - ',:7:1" . . I' li ''%?... . '' .-I :t!' t .iti• o • t ' 1 • - • C:11 , 'X' Y APT. OF BERLIN, PRUSSIA, Rocoptly of Now York, offers those who ore suffering from weak and dofective sight his ziu , I sALI-J111;/0 3 '' Lk_ .;, 0 PEBBLE —tRNHARD uql/LlsTs,oo— MUM ACCORDING TO ACT Of OCINGRILSB. IN THE YEAR 111011. OY DR. N. BERNHARDT. IN THE MARK'! OFFICI OF THE DUITRIOT COURT . OP THE UHITED'OTATID OF THE imocON pi*. OF PENNSYLVANIA. . P TO A _ _ IN THE YEAR 1868 BV DR. M. BERNHARDT. IN THECLERKS OFFICE OrtHE DISTRICT COURT OFTIIE UNITED STATES OF THE EAST ERN SDI STRICT OF PENN SYLVANIAJ; -AND- • CRYSTAL GLASS • SPE;OTAOLES; Superior to any otkor itinay—construotod in accord n rice Nifilt thb science rind philosophy of macro, In the peculiar - forth of ' A CONCAVE CONVEX• ELLIPSIS, ... . . . , Adm;irahly adapted to the ,organs of sight, and per fectly natural to the eye; affording altogether the beet artificial help to the - Allman vision beer Inyent ed. Used only by • MORRIS BERREIARDT, Spectacle and Optical •Manufacturer THE.ADNANTAilli.of,tlioso apeoteare.over ill • others,•are:— ' • ' 1: They can bo V11,14s with perfactArisefoi• any length of (lino it One bitting giving asionislilng clear ness Of 'vision, by canalo or oche f artificial 'Wit; comfort to the spectacle?Tonrar hititefio unknown. How to select Glosses.—lt requires professional guidam , e, eves when ,s good•sitiele is offered Dr. Bernhardt not only has Xho best' Glandes that can ho found in the market, bn_t ;carefollv indispensable nd vire no.tri the ptopetirdTaipirbf tlihni.i • ' Ilion the Eyes.ache orpain,Ahreugh th e ac tion of 's bright light, such's., Is reflected from the foloYersunnY Weallter,s : hina: poper,•and in reAding, writing, or sewing..or vivid colKed,,bodiss• tiles° lenses, by softening the nays, end, it most agfeent,lo sensation and give grdat relief. • ' • ,'• 4: In uli Nero ur; Affections of thetye; canting dull ancrantraing pains in' the eye ball Or temple; appearance of luminous and dark spoto 1p thu ntmos• phero, aelling,or feeling Ilke sand In tho'oyos, the disturbed nerves are quieted unit soothed. - • . _...Thnso SpectAndes era nclentifically adjusted to every case of defective sight .with unerrin, accuracy . ..nether arising frinn':ake;:dpe, strain-overwork; or premature decayi . Vyllr, hardt ofi a new and exact principle. enlitely la.oirrrovhich bay acidom failed to ho correct. ; .7' a. After novena Years or-public prnctlca,' adjust.' lPg spectacles to' patients' under Overy.aspeot of de. fectivorlstopoisicolLae bipainess Aii,hlAoptloalt Stores; both hero and In EProptt,: Dr':''Atorntutrdt 'padsMem It a sufficient Suarantco,-of,hls l 61110 y-to .aaPply such, glasses - as aro best carciilatcdfoydto.tolialstance cover)! of treperfCet slyht,. .;it 7.. M. IlOruhnidt, to-Otig*itto , l.d.toselCfitim the host of,prtdonders fp hls . ..pmfeoerk.'wl{ll. pride pub-. -.deafer impectioeicepl.e of testilliOnfaja,helhos Ma cowed from tne,dlyall gentlinialimf the Mona lingoes ' tionablO respectabllty.antllalont , licAreorlea number UtCprtiticatcyfc -133 welt knoWn gentlemen re dtstlitetiou,whe hato.usad-hisaplicukles,..the origin als of dll , af,whlch lie will;bm haywire show to tpose, who rosy 'rorpieht Pfhtlbetteef Calf bf ihoTellawlng 1,,?.11 . 1e8 or certlfica: es hart unto affixed, without on ;mewl' posit...don of the same', would be .n foroory, capitol offence, pooh-Lehi° by Stotelitiptisonment. "r#s fiz y 'Rebdinmoirtations frani, Medical gentleincn, Professors of 7iik7ieq!o . p . l.7ii,ny e4t aa,,r -fislc,,l4inca4ter,-.Eastony and imthe OAALUILE, Po., Juno 18;1869. , I mosteheerfully say that I have examined Prof. Bernhardt'sqloosea, and ,must say that thoY arei 'bet ter adapted to my sighethan any I have seen before, atoll do moat cheerfully and willingly say that every ',mop that limn defects orrision, ought to boot a pair of MA excellont Brazilian Pebble Spectacles, as I feel confident that they will render generalsatisfaction." HERMAN. - 01011.13E4' Pa., Jinni IBth,lBoo.' "1 havecirefittly examined tha Brazilian Pebble and Australian Crystal Spectacles manufactured AM sold by Dr. M. Behhard t, of Now York, and am using a pair of lila - former, myself with great safinfactipn. They aro certainly atp,rior (0 any have soon.' _Af ter a foil 'cOnversation with thu Doctor, 1 regsrd lihn as accomplished in his profes•ion ' 'and , therelas re commend hint to my Wu .11% and others fur pdtrorktgo, ao tar as the peculiar condition of the r sight may 're quit% his services." • Respectfully, . b. 11.1Cirnisa, M. D qMILIBLE, .Tuna 18th, 1869. , 0 ' r 1, wing ton podia: forma*m of tbd eye, I hove alcrays found It difficult to,proaurqglassOs to snit ano. 1 am miw Using ft bake( DEllemiliardt'ti, Wltb which' I am better pleased than' any T have boom hblo for some taco to procure, aithougl, I- have tried-various opticians." • ' lB, 1869: have Just boon fitted *vial a pair of Spectacle - s by Dr.,}llnbardty•of.NovviY,orli.mtyi tyitir which' I' IturAbOen ehitblod t tb. trd,d N IPA axtrolna datuktind cletirnese; greatei than I have over road ,before.. Ito shows that ho Is a thoretlh unditeeAf his mitotic°, and adapts his glasses to 1111, iaCullar defects and wants of those who consult ,ILint,witiknuquest,louablo I clieddialy e9mthend .XnY,atquain, tanees who need optical asslntanco." - • • • •; Itnr. • Piistor of the First Presbyterian Church._ • °ACME. 1 A., Jona 18, 1809. • "I have, exatn I nod Dr...BernitardVa 1 emelt, and lideo Ida description of the manner of adlitsting them for the tolief of aleOntira vlalbh, tind I 'cheerfully cool niend .Itim to those, mho, ,yty desire tp,tonsttlt , A *- • ' • ' • • • •• ••• ~ ;Wit. #. Lynam.; Reef Or of St: ohn'ityluirch t L • • •-'• • I. CAIII.I4¢,.PA , Juno 18; 1809.. " Having chmorily Imported thp 4.h0. thisdrthient of homes exhibited to Ino' by lir. Bernhardt, and heard his description-of the mode,oPtuleptint them' te :the different wilfits•aud condiffens ht the' bye,..loti par. suadad that. ho Amseeseen, much -knowledge"- or-the eetenCe of °titles' dud id the 'itliPileation °Tits . piiiiciplus to the purpose of hip profession. Son SWARTZ, • .11.0tonorPthlinig .1119 . 1xter, pa i l AN 25, 1808. X have examined n gritat variety of (limas manu. aerated by Dr, M. Bernfitardy; tog, ti% Jwitlcii . toilful; must ray, :but 11113 . kliOses aru of . M superior quality, adapted to meet tl..*Ants ilmoseevery eye,withe the vhdou Is kV any pay riqorfoqt.,, Tim it/octet...e lected for itiwkimilt of Ms AustrellaW Crystal Gianni, which [trout a very superior quality and wet k Memblp rendering vision very dlwlect, anti almost as perfect as lu youth, • this testimony lit favor the Doctor's lainatioal moat cheerfully, as well from my 'We experionen'as from Um lentil:non lath errantly - ohygolans, `clergymen and other, gentlemen: with tettomlara personally nuonaltdeab • • • , ATLEE, Et' have examined wl,ia i ooneofvu io,bo a compfeto tuaorintent of ereetablee, manufactured front the,, Australian Cryetal, adudlaldy adapted to thritvarlotte, hitlrnittlia of that'oxgrAaltqly , dolleato organ,.the . ' htimah eye, whether tho Inapalred•vtalon nu -the reindt of dietuaao or inteneturol , Iveakm es-I orldthst to ;Ad ago... I regard:the epoelnions of Dr.'llerntiortdt the bent I , have oiror oeon, and toi 001 0 ehyorfolly r,pfort!,.. ,mend Walt • • . • ! , Aidirr.T • ' 1 . • a hieq!Olt , li;tkrliAratkitlti.iliii'' viololluidr( ont,p)f , op 1dKa . 14,( urea) 'firig,,l .thattfildhilFablY &Id tft ~rdorggrtuch.illi4parlF-_, awn of won bo Iv ;49 the Optlolf. n'fbatorial uoog du thkPria turn tf Clia us is, of ranutrkablo F o r, r t ; beauty yang agdo, vary touch to their Vaitteri .111 4, corimonEl bin' with great choorfuloroo td.tfid tte .polyo:or alll4 who rimy rduulro Me corvine- - : --• • ;.; i r ig. 11 ty.tteuttb7littl#l.los.P. )17 res V t • It hag even Ina p oasuro to maga Ibo ac.• 11114111Mtl i tYl k ertA 14 r, I have ,eyahasaw r aalm. le.ia , scl exiting <Optician% and adapts big, PI homes. , Vlidaliallriarab 10/1111//tbo Note conditleqpaf :ths aye.); lie golootelloC e palrAr tokettorpirprutoakalnollo/1,, 01-01P0411..."4.10P onit oo .P 4 0, 1 1 4 10 wktb or.olklrt• tiIIa,IOOpt•FAVIOVAR•I, .fort ihan tbosol alrbady - posnees. obeerluilx compikoti4 bin.toll.l/mbo /. 4 , 0 4 tbo.rir ! rr/p r yp 4: 0 6 144 OItIcENWAT,D, II D.,, galtot 4ia149479t/inly • Frlnty. 44 20 Apo; r -• :1 . STATE OP PENNSYLVANIA,7--. BE , ; —. .. , - , , ' zi.iadavo•.'eugbet4l.,..., ~- itsOlo•bilfal - P9m44 - N"' - I, 6 k m;so and' • Talofe roi*P*OY year ] ° t ilt/1 ,7:1 q ' ol )T .o ' f 'power And' In' ,i alt , 0 tbroyok :fld emuci9g.,,,rwit dilliaity ip,',•Pl.. 00 is I hOvor eFPg r il uc P , n r '... wpo or4lng f ...— '' carfp:c • 4loway,to ..-1. go n't ,, ) 0 Augrfiltan oils: eoltod frpm.:llr. 0, 10414 t AN.: okToTr an any, _tot litioc tacks winch 501 . 84 tRy, 4 1 , . p i b en a rli o lm ver ac u eVkl . lelnfadlrOd:ticlaon ti..'ll'dBGtOticotuty'itnilct"ltf766r: -e,'- Ac 0. anis. ' rdoyernor of Ponneylv EMI Feb. 15th, 155 g. I bale examined, the. :reribus glasses manatee. tnred'hy Dr. M. Denhherttl;OpHelarki and can tea. Lily Co the elegantiworkinfinehip of all Isle articles: Ho hie Droved hlonelf bY1:8 , - long experience master Isle rofinnnott:t ram i EN • .Tesilmolale pinititiiicittitl above may be iieen at Dr. Berhardt's °Moo, from' the 'moat reliable and west known gentlemen of the Milted States, among *hem tw I; R. B Hays, Gov: of Oblo. ;. 0. P. Moron, Gov. of t Ind. Richard , Yekto.3,• of - 41108.=- Aiox. Ramsey, BrAor. of - Afton floury A. Swift, Gor. - of , • JohnothiiiiWorth, Oov. of N. m. Patterson, 60r. , 01 Abu,' • . • It Y. - .!'Bon'tori 00. of N. Y IToratlO - Boymovii, - 0 - oviof N. Y.• . Jame Orr, Gar. of S. C. OFFICH HOURS 4310 M OA. M., TO 0 M.., Bentz','llouse.-: N., 13.--h Owing eagatemerite pleb where, ,Dry .lernhart will, be able .to remain iiere,only t.tittil July' Cguilara:-.lVh4lOy:' l'Aidel fgliC''' 't')i.y; ! , I.:i :,:i1 !-1,. LE6E'ALD'. NOTICES. " • VOTIOR-r-Letterd of Admiaistra -jv tion upon the estatent.Johnlogan dec'd., o Frankford township haye been granted to the Hub. wilier 'to whom el ls-Parsons will, make payments due the estate dnd , all olalme will he presented. • 18,Trine8k• ..• d. 13. LECIIEY. gXECUTQR'S NOTlCE.—Notice J . ; is lierpty.giveii,that, tettere tiistimAnitary on he est 'will and• testament °Valle:mei Kempt on, Jr:, late of the'biwnottip of Soup? Middleton; coun ty of Cumberland, hive boon l' grantedliirii o no Ex ecutor. All perebrielteiing .clalms apt& the es tate will please present them ImMedinfoly, and those indebted ere to vaulted 'to make payment. .‘„. . SIDNEY. KEMPTON, Minna 2t+ Executor, XuN THE DISTEICT: COURE . 9E: the United 8 tates , for thy Eastetri .District, of nosylvaola. , • : ,—•- , ~ , - ~,..... She Underniztunt hetoby, ; gives notice of his ,ap-, pniutrnout as ,assigooa of t ;William, Johoson nod, e..otouel Cattermop Jobnior,,,traUing as Joba ..1 . ,0hu., soi.V.A Bads or eeltiuilesbtut,, li,thoicliinty. OS Cumborlaod au that.) of PoOnsylvailin,Ulthin eita• District, who bare beim adjudiged . b,inkrupre upon a petition - filed'aaltit'tbiu by, .thedistrltc Court or said distriEt: • - -•-` • ' " •' GECh $ 18Ju no at OTI CE.—Notice,. that tha Calll - ela Pilot gitil3acilfW 11 - mike ap plication , to! the next. Legislature.of Pennsylvania for tho - inne*al of itki charter with its'presont title end capital. Juue 16th, 1809. - 9July ,69.6fn ',4o9l.sianp .con i_ tetiniAtos a trIP2tO HittOPo'dtkort,ty.'anbf a tranifei , oPhli Ontuntr Sterol° Mk aOttat;LO la B. nod Geordp,l,L. Orllrcarrpoh,,thAbu. 'Attend ,dt tha tdd i,tatiMiitt..thiltfmohtqfolftnaree lion f.all , puraonalhdobtad` to trio' undi• bittriod for grocerlenodla any ;Way, aro requested , td call frame. dlntoly add °Mei twit' lanbnolutalY tikessary"to square up tho old booka. a nd old accounts, 93ufy 13E ' ONO'. B. HOLTMAN. VORA:Y: 4 • " 'Catip) jg „t mpronilsoa o aau scriber, In Wopt,Pqnneboro' CoWnsliliT , ; tw o nillSi' eief."pf vale, .ou ,Iloy, 30114 A YOUN9,, 14,AR,A, rattker . Xelowopilluro. 'aloe, and. beolliallift.a.p. p744' (owner, So; r,oquasted to cal{' Iniinedfoielytyp e property, pay qinonsea sod takt; 'bar awoy. Ju 11-3 t. , SAMUEL ixx,VFLiimplv ER, -somgT_HAG -:NEW $l,OOO Eiery Month 1 • Prof.' He,witt's 'English Art of Pairit . ling -and •Drawing Paintiogs.. By :this simple, yet Wonderful art, any 1 ady or gentleman, of ktty, bii.y on- glrll2 yam. "old,' can paint and dos Ve a 111 W-like picture of tit einselves or any of.the family, or of any general or statesioan, or scenery, in two ,hopt's Limo. $l2 was made in one day by an agent at Mitchell, Ind., teaching i t another agent made $3OO in ono week teaching .4. Thp best,thlag ,lathe ;world to make money teat and lionerahlY.lesurimsCE the Giadian - or Orien tal paintings in beauty, durability - and simplicity; Whilst tilose„rFquire ,scnne talent, this, does not. Any pcisou.caii hatSt exhouteleand teach It. Note le the time to begin. Get randy and I perato at you, own bonne, in Towns, Schools. Diatricts, Ac. You can teach it In thSkiliarSitidtvldlialryAnnd make Hero is an equal chance for both AOSes, tra.DOlld' recommonoattons Aguata ' Ga. Your instructions for ,Laudsoape Palutinga Apparatus, &a, are at hand,' 'and Pale given perfeet , satisfaction. Slice Artais 'Do DOSSE. Thos. Chenoweth,,trat''eling teacher, says It takes like wildfire wheievet IntrodUced,' he Laving made $l.OO at Bethany College. Va , leaching it. $3 worth of chemicals, including paints, appara tus for drawing, etc will paint and draw 100 oil paintings, or it will teach 500 scholars. 1 shall 'ex tend the time a low days to thesis desiring to learn this novel art. I receive on an average 1000 orders ..k. All send letters recommending it, many ' of which cannot be Inserted In an advertisement. "ITo this nett 1,000 r aiiplicants I will, send, free of ' char. , o; one yoar'a eubscription to tloweit'a Comic and Literary Monthly" ono of the neatest• add spiciest, as wall as Interesting family newspapers publiahed In this country. 4008 not inclvde ,any who have.alrendy abut; nor 2103 , ' teat Mlly sand atter the number Is filled. Therefore apply In'tfrub: Satisfaction guaranteed.- Vor,full and complete In strubllorfa fOr pniutipic aiO'hppaitktol,-iiiclow • PROF. U. W. HEWITT - , ' Box 126 Alliance.„Statlt C0.,Ch10,, .10.1uff'2m " " ' - . P ROPOSALS FOR= ACM' ANY STRXW. • • '•• • • ' •-• • " ' " riC 1 1 • CABLInt.o #nnAni.s. "Ohice ,Aollug' A, (D,31 . ., Altnp'4o,;lB . oo,' , Sealed proposals will De resolve:a A t pica until tho 20Ln day of July nexe,lor.supplitog this Boot lon the liar - ending- Judd BOGI, 1870;. with , FUEL, FORAGE and STRAW; in quantities as fq s . 240 ttne (2,2401 b each) Lykeint Valley Coe.' '• • • 200 tons (2, i 249 lb vackG :1100 corditlak Wood. 2 10,000 bushpls ib _ oach),Gate, , • .810 bushel's the ID each) Cbrn. ' • 280 tone (2,000 lb each) Bay. , 100. tons (2,000 lb each) Strew. - Tho Coal to be dolivere)l by the I,sth day of Sop: ( towbar Boat. , . . , The Wood, Forage and Strew to be delivered In ' such inisti tties a ir,rptiu ( ep Li /1)11 ,COVNI1111f)ti0O, /14, the Acting Assisting Quortetuntilter may direct. , Rropoea'. ars invitld for pleb' Item reporatolY. purt . bb , duplicate 'and endorsolf tt Proposals' for Subßiles'," end'contalli 01,1'114ms:en!' tvvi. responsible', baconto tur o trlee, fot, the faithful pbtlititntanco or the contract. '• •.• ' • , ~' Parties who bid, are.requested 'to :ice present ';Xf tho opening qf Volt prnposels. • • ' )1: oiThe'UOvernmtillt Townes' ilia Nedshy all Mile which may, bo deomod" lop high qr for any her atitlictent:causo. • ' ' blank prop:map may Do hod ,„no 'apiltcation to` thAttno. MAIOAP u:keI.OIT,ET. lnel,l4ll4lll'ClValryl Ilt..Capt. 11. 1 4. 9Jtity 2t ' Acting 4.11. , 1)1 1 18111A13111; 1 .13 u ING LOTS FOR ,SALE. , _ r e'subtonihdr offers for' solo nt thhsdritible • termb tbreel, Ttir,y deslrikblo Building Lot, situated on West !Anther. strata in roar pf tlku,gglirge, Thoy front thirty Met' and eittind baCk-tuti hundred and forty., 41tvy, *recovered with otteellentScult trees of a.lllescrlptinlyt.,.,Annly to ,26f ono 4t No. &Test Maln't3 . ' • TV OTICE to' Restaurati . 'Weeiferti• -• OR DENT,--The oplendld Dar and Itetiau rant, In rtho.'hottament of the • Bents- Holum, now doing ayqpd 'holdouts.- Na appll.tlanateill he ?JR calitodlexcolip plinn compotent and ippon - title par ties. •Jsign office p r -the ,16Juno er . OLD. ... .. . ki HE , MISSISQUOI PO W.F.R .401 tuaby,ourea Gaticor, rind, SOrofolooor.dbrogooli, 1 , : ar b ol2t7Onliy i r t i d etr p ol V da r kte,`:L a lleg a plication tp H, - ', , , ‘ , otritB/..e 01:11e018;' 0 anotal4iterie"l. I'. 0. 'Box 1859. , 182 Pearl Bt., Now York. . / 43 Ju1,*(..01°'.1'',-.l"lrke'r MY, )!,/;..;} ,:i ,'?I T.A.P.AI4B.T.IntUOTEL Pridp'erity. 12 filt AR. v ATB , OALEI,OILItXCIIANO), -FOR siirtilh,f - The hotel stood Phi, VI • li 4,14 - IJ'irt The 'fa icionNsiiich the llotol stands) cohilshairth .li,ylBoTeat, • andlos addition thorliy rill Im : collars, excellent GeSlXDilil (Matitildb4Ss 4 00 int , • The houso Is large and oubstantio ly built of ston oontaining 8 sleeping apartments, good Daprdom • Dlnttli VtiPeNjAvkli 1 041kknalvtio1M; kinca. ' good ' Won of water at t door, "" XOnnt tt4T , lbr forty h xcit . no; a Wood nutty . J ' fra 4 40 • 11 ' 0 1 qou.o ' ° i4 " 11;6.4(.10 , distAulidins#6.4`l4,-.) The I.ogon House is widely aisdfisprobif kirawn and ill largely potrbilised:' It has ISO& coat pt sbiAtis, onorittedralla . mpakto.. , ehroodty: , to .'Pernii3 For further Partlaulors,nipply to the hixabsence to gates. A. 4111, at Noe! ~, „JOkatliPOOillitilitil • 281 4 4 . 1. ' • • ^.` IRON rfhru A n r d M e;sen D od 3 l l l ll B l i , r 'P et,Urdati fom (ho Eae torn DINe gareo,tmont of : p,T. , ,ovs AND WAItES,' . .. , .. • . - ...i; ~. • . nepiktly kept in a first elms establishment, are ,pre• meal° Runlet' the,. - ellisens of Carnal., and stir, reuniting ecitintrforlth the best Cook 13toves In the' xnarket r eilnsistitieof theJ . , , . • BAILEY 'sailer, • • .' , 146nr.,E coon, .A GAS BURNER. 'and others, which they will - gee - sante° to hake and mud betpw, and, with lesp — fuel,. than any other• :eaves inahe market: , Thhientock . of PARLOR and ,OPFIOE STOVES are not Surpassed this side of the cities for beauty, durability and cheapness. ," STATIONARY AND PORTABLE RAN GERI 'and HEATERS on hand, ism-ranted to give genera I 'satiefactfon,''wlth the rocomlnimdatinne of klumbere of persons who have term in use. Their stock of Tin and Shoot Iron Ware Is large, and suited to the -wants of all housekeepers, or those contemplating ,the same at rates which defj,competition. , They hays added Ito their business a largo and weilkoleredneTtment oft WELL AND CISTEIiN which they are prepared to put up at the ehorteet notice. . , Spouting and , Roofing done at the shortest notice. Jobbing and repairing done with neatness and despatch. ,WATER 000LERS; of all Aunlltles ! eOnetantly on tinve4.. .are re qutlet,Oel re( 44 examloq.khOretcielveit:----j NO. 08, NORTH. HANOVER ST., CARLISLE, where they will be pleased to ',waive all and show their stock, and render all satisfaction doeired. 411INESIAITH Sc RUPP, L Ju um= CARRIAGES. • ~1,3 K have now on band, at hie Carriage Factory, N. B. • cornor'South and Pitt streets, !CARRIAGES, '.I 3 T-TOGIE • • •.: SPRING WAGONS, SECOND HAND WORK, 'and everything in his line, on band or made to order. Ile Is determined to get,up the best work turned out - in this section of tho codniry ilCoth leg but the very beet stock gobs Into buggies 'or Car riages of his manufacture. Repairing and patting promptly attended' to. 20May 09.6 m " BENTZ 110ITE." (Pormsrly Carman House.) No. 17 AND 11 EAST MAIN ST., .1 . • CARLISLE,' PENIVA. The andersigned.having purchased dud entirely refitted, emu furnished anew throughout with first class furniture, this wall-known and old established Hotel. solicits the custom of the community and truvelllng public. He Is well prepared to farnl,ll accommodations to all who desire to make a Ifotel tit elf Young or pleneant temporary abode. The custom 'from the surrounding country is re speetfully solicited. Courteous and attentive sur v ants nro engaged at this popular hotel, OEO. Z • BENTZ. Prorp , N. R. A first-class Livery is connected with the lintel the inanagement,of .I'dt.',loB. L. BRO. 30april 09-Iy. JOSEPIT 'MILLER 'of Carlisle J Springs,Cumberland county, Wax cured of 1,35,aud ODAY'S!. of 17 years . standing by thu •ticu of 6 bottles of Dr. Campbell's Palo DeArD3er and 2 boxes of his Liver PIM, - - - - MIDDI.FOWN, Dauphin Co. Dr. Campbeill lot you know that I was plagued with Furor and Aguo far ton yoc- I could not gel cured, I at last come to Ilarrihhurg, I hoard of your wonderiul magic Porn - Destroyer ztud. your maple Livir Pills I bought 4 bottles and 2 boxes and they curod mu in one month. lUMPE Dr. Campbell will s-II to all druggists and deal era. - Price 00 cents or $4 peq doz. or by the 34 grams $2l. Each dozen hi pnt up In 'Mee paper boxes with his likenoss and signature on the sides. Liverls .$l . . pot dorth; 34 gross $lO 60. • - Wo Lotchges $2 'per dozen; A gross $10.60 per dozen. • All lottora - should be addrosstal to Dlt. LIAMKIELL, OlUce No. 130 Third street, • botwaun•Cbostnut and Nlulberry, Harrisburg, In. 5.14 by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. For Wu by 11AVE1t$1.10K iIItOTLIBUS dealers tin Drtos:liladloinen,do. •' 11JuuoUP 'THE IVIARY INSTITUTE. ' . CARLISLE, PENN'A. •. • A Boarding School for GIRLS. The ninth annual sehsion will Benin on Wednesday, September Int. For eneulars or furthe, information address apri123.1:9-Iy. carlisla Po. - A _ GREAT REM InY, THROAT AND LUNG DISEASES Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Gordia , It is the vital principle of thb Pine Tree, obtained by peeullar process in tho distillation of tar, by which its highest - niodkal proPertios aro retained! It is the ooly safeguard and reilable, remedy which has ever' Leon prepared from lhojuice of tho fine Tree, • It Invigorate . ; tke, cligestlayorgans and restore the appottto.`' " • '- -•-• ‘• f t stretgtbens the debilitated system. It'•pntttee'aal enriches the blood, and expel from thO system the' corruption Which hero nil breeds on the into. ' Le healing prinelplu nets upon the Irrritatod sur 'taco of the lungs end throat, penetrating to each disoafied part„,rojfey,lng pain, and subduing Into It le the result of Sears of stddy nod experhnen. and le offered to the afflicted, with the positive es s unmet, of Its poiverdonure the following Oixenses if the patient has notion. long delayed a resort t the means of cure ,Cousumption oflUnge,, , Guugh, Fore Throat and Brea9t, BronchiUm, river 'Complaint, Blind and Bleeding PI lea, Asthma, Whoqinq , ,(Cough, Dlpthe ria, &o. Wo are,orten asked,why are deft other remedies in the quarline for,Uonaumption,Voughn. Colds and other Pulmonary elections equal to Br. L. Q. Wlsbsn's Pine Tree Tar Cordial. We answer— Ist. It cures, not by stopping cough.but by loosen dug and assisting nature to throw off the unhealthy matter eolleoted about, the throat and bronchial, tatt;ea, causing iiritetlen and cough: yd. bloat Throat and bung,: Remedies aro com posed of anodynes which allay -the cough for a while, but by their constringing_ effects, the I: ores become hardened, arid,the the fluids cotego. lute and aro retained_ - in sxstem, causing disease Loyond' the control of ear Most enribout physlelauo • ..1,1, ~Tiro Pine-Tree Targotdial, with Ito assistants,. are preferable, because they , relnove the cause of it tritetton. ot the emcees manikin° and bronchial , t utuwassist .thelutaroto sob and - throw , off the un• areal th , secretions and ,purity tiro blood, thus scion thu curefperfuet: • ' Dr. Wishart has ore file at hie office hundreds , and thousands of Ortificutes, from Jfen end Women of 'unquestionable character who score once hopelessly 'preen op 'to lac, but'thrsiugh the Prorirfruce, of 'Cod were completely restored to health by the fine 15 . ce Tar ()ordeal. A Physician In at „entrance who can be consulted by mall, ;free of, charge Price 9' . Pipe True Tar t SIM iihr,,bettle, $ll pet do .Sent 'by Express on coo, of price. Address L. Q. C. Wishart, ii. D., No. 2a2-North 2d tetroot, • 2.9 may 3m The Caiiisle Shde , 'Company `MA'NUFAOTUithitS OE' 1300 'll4 ID' N0.f.15; Watit , hTailt.. Street, PEMN'A miiii,tilend7 the •llanu fadturo of lloote and Slots, tho attention of hi t trade la invittidlo thelargo assortment ef:: e's 'aVcd_ '.Children's • ' Slto cs Low 'n store araespebTalll+ittlaptel to the, wants of the Itt 'tall Trade. We ;shell nt times have on bawl e, complete agtioßment bt all the •• • ' 1)Q P.. iJ j4..A Re - S T :Y . E S ltade b y Naprktnon or the, neat* ,o:iperleneo, and 0(111. •kletnbe're ofthe undo ivho niay , tavor ua'nith their;eue ,tom are aequeed Wort on Our. part *lll - be Ored'to furetahllebtfOoode at" ' ' • The Lowest .P,eggible,Tricee • oraiHnh- , 1.1 Id'ATLiebell resolvo the same atten.. an that b.eyoralwould In purson,„ond distant par toe ran rob . uron Rettlog thole goods on ovillity - ns ood Weds sending tholr or lore, no by-porsonally letting us. • .Sl,lOll ,UPPERS FOR. SAIR - • ji , 1' , , •-• ~,, JOUN, 311Y1,8111, Trepturer,, , anilfille&llnij : '''../T 'y !c! I/ ! 1 / I lll'l • 1 i ~. 1 , 1 - L i tx ../......1... ...-..../I-, ii"):-.L4i GENTS,,NS DI "xxiV,m, uis. itup . PAItSCiI/VBlLowel behualneee:Akiih full Dl cottons and, Forme for all llransantione In every tote by VISIORSALUILVA'ASOMIL L. L.,D.,,PrOMSEI?r of w' 1n ' liven Ulold'orkty.• • .IA 116 w • noon • l'Olt VERTIMDT Explaining ovary kind of contract nod ° tti a o l ite ittl 4 dillwat hho°o7.l 9 .tioarit7l(l l i'airo . and. Send Ai: bur liberal terins; also u for ' our patent ibis ,Etospeciiis:., - bibii% , Y its& ~b , , _ 1./ , 4,/' rentamtn .1.15 DO., Phila. Po, 20juno 3cu ~1.111 I 1 ,",„1 IV. 0.11.0,0b..TAX..F.0R ..1.8130:': .''' • ' • . . •,, 'I vdni.v.i.•. - . - 4 1 :• — ;.!!. oho Dupllcato of flo not lee ,or tti Ilarough of Uarliele for 1809 le now In/; ho hole of the/Trans. : . [ . V i t trlt e ltitiri s i'.4.,.‘'tilit tii, 'Cienilao ' irtelit itondht kb.b.Cotinty Colurnl.loulio,(Qomucieeloner'S % iliN :r, .IP,,i rwsm Ftili' ii.' , 7ri„wo^e , Y,;:rt ,T!, 6 6% 1 1 '. , 01` Cold dawn; I for! the/ purpoie nflroalcloit . .oold lexes, up to which time an/ofmtemeitt of FIVE Plllt CENT kill )10, made no ,cd I. taNeopald. ,l'ercons Wieldneto.fay,thOir'lliznl b efokb3hOjatcAti'dott/c, :hati,clo eo,by pelllog at the of adoor.residence of the trOholl l rokt/lo %Marionl-Mill 18911d1n8 , 18194/Ilalo ,Street. . . : .' / . r.ri.a:U4 , ..Z. ' • • a - 1, 1 . 1 ,... ; -, r ,v... p:ov. • DAY; '- 0 4 09 % 11k0 141 Oib ' ' r IigE=ININES Mi gg iE clN't E fOEP.q , ,S'• - 1:111= =1 111- gS , PREL LA X, E Q OO3,, ' - • GREAT CLOSING 'OIIT SALE OUR' ENTIRE STOOIC OF BITIVI. 31Elt GOODS. to be eland out in thirty days, If poEsiblo. Via greatest " BARGAIA'S. over offered for be vox oboe out lo -are now to be glean by no dap+. Ng are detunnined to MEWS OK 011 SU - 3:311M 11400 S. No will kcal:. no Recount of. what goads cost. Thoy must all ho sold without reserve, DEDUCTIONS AID DISCOtMTS aro the order of the day,. Wo lurris a eptsplute fie; aortment of all kinds or goods yet, at suth wonder fully low prices as to astonish the moat experienced .buyers. - • RED,UdED. $5 00 I/loth for 2-00 Ca6slmere, • 100 , do 85 Alpa:ca, "6 do 60 hip.. 51Ixturoa, 60 Granite Poplins 40 I'ungoo do 60 foot Orondies, 40 do . Good Law., 15 00 Loco Mawla, ,l 0 00 do Goad do. STII COATS AT HALF MEHL COST, ,§onamer ghsuls for sl.'oo $1 50 Hoop Skirts, ' ' IOU Carpets, 011 Olbths, Blinds, &e., Twebty t tlt.o per , rent. lower than the lowest. Domestics of all kinds exceedingly low • • - We will "Of° yait„naorp` value far your money, under any and all olrcumetanceß, than enn - be had olaewhera. Call early and examine our goods.' Roe our prices, and I)B'v:ravine° d of the fact. • - W.. 0. SAWYER. di CO 6000 pounds of wool wonted, for which wo will pay tho highest market price. • .Ju11,60. HERRING'S PATENT CHAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, ( With Dry Awarded the Prize Medals at World's Fair, London, ' World's 'Fafr,lVew YOrk, Exposition Universe.lle, Paris. . • FARREL, HERING & GO., 629 CHESTNUT STREET Harvey Gillam, ) Chas Mathews, } 11 - 111L , ..4 ciao. W. Myers. Herring, Ferrel, & Sherman, N. York. Herring •Co., Chicago Herring, FArrel, & Co., New Orleans Moro than 30,000 HERRING'S SAFES hOOO het-. and ore non• in use; and over as SUNIMED hay° paved through areidental fires, rre ,, erving their conteuts I u soule.lnsllll3COMl 0 hero nvoly othors SCCDND IrAND nor. or our Own anti other 11111}ietil harlog boon revolved in part, pay fur the Improved Ilorring'x Patont Champion, for sale at low prlr'e: BJun 69.1) RMMOVAL AV / AD .; -74 __ Pr' CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWIMERS SILV-ERSMITIIS Having removed from 712 Chestnut Street, THEIR NEW BUILPING. 1124 .0 - IESTN UT ST., PHILADELPHIA Are opining a largo and now iissortu ni nt of Dia mnnil and other fine Storalry, America, and Price Wittchi, English Sterling Wale, Clio - ham tail Ware, Mantel Clocks, A 1.., &e. IS.iuno -ly • NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SCEEEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL 'TVs medical prep:main - els now °detect to the public sa,n_telloble stihstltute fur the mane worth less competthds which npw buod the market. ti Is purely vegetable, composed of vitrtutit horns, gath ered front the great storehouses of nature, :furl selected with him •ultrundcare. It Is not recom mended as It CURE ALL, hut hy its dlirsd and salu tary Influence upon the Heart, Liver Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Bowels,it acts both ns 31 pre. volitive and curs for ninny of the dit to s to those organs nye subject. It is a reliable Family Medicine, and ran be lidnin by either Infant or adult wltditho same beneiicial results; It is certain rron pt and speedy remedy her UTA ut IDEA, DYSENTERY, Ito lt new' 1.1,‘ T, A, LOW N ESS oe SPIRIT, FA INTINOS, FII K/I lif.ttb ACHE, to. For CRILLs ;Ina FEVERS of all (,tide, it In far butler and safer than quinine, without any of its pernklinui offoct, It eyeate. an afire. Cite, provesat poWertul digestfir of food, and will counteraet elleas of Hum, in a few minutes. 1=39 JACOB BOILEETZ Solo Proprietor, N. W. Cur. Filth mud Rae° Stn., Plllllll'll, Pa SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS :20nor.c8.1y. s p oo m FINE C - USTOM • MA LYE BOOTS AND SHOES GENTLEMEii, All do LEADING STYLES to band or mado to mrastne. Prices flood at LOW ?MUMS. An Illue• tnatt.l List with.lustrurtions fur self Ineasur. .411601 neat ou recount of Poet Bflieo address. ' WM. IL BARLETT?' na Borah Sixth kit., ale ve Chestnut, "11l LA DELPIITA. • 21aug 68.1 y. oTicE.—Sealed proposals will o - i:,:lead at this ofllee. until 10 o'elok A. tiaturday, July - 04, 1810, 'for famishing tho "Command" at l . ,;arlisio,Porraelm, Pa., with the BEST I+~lDill,i l?LOUlt for (0) months, from and after thd IPA day of An gina; 1800, or ouch doss time no oho Commissary 000. oral ofklubsintonce, U. S. At tuy, may direct... Proposals must be •in duplicate, and endorsed "PropnFals for Flour,"-unti must contain the names of too responsible pa ISOM who .wlihsign tho • hood, and bacoute responsible for no-faithful perforManno of , tho too tract. who'bid are requested .to be present at the owning of tho - proposals. Thu Government re. tmer \Gm right to reject day, or all' bids which they may'eonsider unreasonable, or. for 'opy othor anal ohm t c hues. ' ".;:' 1:11010ND U. PITHET, 14.,1,10ut.,8th ea . v. Brevet Clint. U. S. A., A. 048. thine , A. U. S 1 Carlisle Illts 26.1uft0 6t s . , ; . _ •., . ~ESTAI3LISfiED IN 1851 'E A V. • " • ,4;,/ti.o JR girl A R TE Y 1,1%4 4 01.1s patrans and the generally, id3..Nor' N 04.1920 qUESTNUT PHILAIVELPHIS; whero 'will find 14 large. and ,well ,aaley.;ad • !gook of,-DIAMONDS DIAMONDS. wAlotip,.'oLoOK:kr PLATND WARI,Vat, ddderat,i ," ' • N. 11.-111"0111,4,And J4IVELRY carat t * NW lifAtY and, t3iLyp 7,A141.0i,411, The , Carlisle , iliralil l ,the ad; vei tieing county•: . . $3 00 1 25 15 to ^0 10 00 600 3600 to 5 00 =I