NMeeMmet:922 Iteras. Mn. Bszonsin'e income return was $2l - this year.. • AItOII.ISIJKZ Ward; of ..A.ustriai is mar -. 'ried to a pretty. milliner. . Itonson GIIZIME2 has used one !fin - brella for-forty Years. —A Newport paper publishes births _under_thelierid-ol_nuw_mia . • Two brothers in Louisville Ky., .are hunting each other with shot-guns. , • ' IN'Seguin, Texas; butter Is sold for levents a pound and eggs 5 cents per doz. —A Hartford, COnn., lady received .'a $7OOO watch, whieli was sent to her by impress. TEE Daniel Webster farm •and house hold in Franklin N. H has boon sold for $16,000.. —A Fislferman_Of Savannah — sold — hie wife for'sixty bunches of fish; valued at fifty cents each. Minnesota is re f icing wool two feet long on Cotswold sheep.. A ~ B rushist" in Sandusky advertises to do white washing,in'At colors. Mr._. _Bar,oum willlubli ofrsh his au tobiography by the 10th Atigust. Last week Commodore Vanderbilt rode 118 miles in two and a half hours. The Parisian subscription to purchase a house for Jeff. Davis amount to $lBO. A pillar from Brigham Young's church tried to cut Me throat with a penknife last week. 0:- ' - A young lady in Logan county, .11y. advertises - 11r sealed proposals for her hear and hand. Fashionable people in Paris have for saken the railway, and travel over the country in private carriages. A man on his deathbed in Hull, gnglanti, confessed to the mulles of his ) mother - thirty-three years ago. . Two colored women in Richmond fought a duel with clubs lately, and, ono iWured the other eo badly that she - died on the fold. ' The Chinese in California aro manufac turing an article closely resembling gold dust. 'Tboy have succeeded in selling large quantities. The czar of Russia has ordered a naval -4 squadron, under the command- of Vico Admiral Ebintoff, to visit the principal' ports of the,United States. In Wisconsin, lately, two ehildreb were bitten by mad • dogs. TO ease them .of their sufferings, one was smothered in a feather bed and the . other bled to death. A now family velocipede; Which•-carries four people and is worked without labor, has been ,patentnd — bra — citizen -of-Spring— field, and the Republic says it is a practi- cal success. A Rocky Mountain editor, alluding to the demand for female suffrage, female doctors and female clergymen, remarks that another want presents itself—that of fomald women. A Portland man lins. ciire`h ono of the mostdangnrous cases of cancer by drinking red clover tea and applying •a red clover compress, and thinks it-will prove an in fallibloremedy in all cases: A Miehi gender, only thirty years te fo of u n i % rno' t v drs g on 3 rv e se tot a ü b o eS t t ll prisonte forh asentence of three years. He commenced the horse-stealing business at seventeen. A Kentucky distiller havinu noticed that whThity, is improved by a sea voyage, has pa - up. a tread-mill ,ih•bie warehouse; and uses a horse-power to keep the whisky in perpetual motion. The Wheeling Intolligencer says: "The Kanawha Republican man has a-pot rattle snake, which he keeps to bite delinquent subscribers after they have been unsuccess fully dunned fifteen or twenty times." • In dredging out the little river at Mieldi.j gan City, latliy, there was taken up a quantity of muskets, thrown into it, b y _Knights of the Golden Circle, during the war, to prevent their capture. At the ~late Copperhead, Convention in Maine, the only resolution of any account -adopted, was one in favor of free trade,— Yet working men throughout the country . support this party, and hopo to kee'r wages up. What folly. A. man in Dubuque, loWn, waS walking on the railroad as a train He dropped n u pit, and the train passed over 111111, taking Of hi, sealri.. Whet) the ,otooluctor stopped the train and went to look for hint he said if hereafter the Fail road'eompan,v4ere not sabre careful rlith their old sten..volgon . :;y witt,tid .eon tit m for damage,; A wonderful submarine steamship has been examined and approved the Prus sian admiralty. It is a modification of the American monitor system, the deck and aturret alone being above water ordi narily, but the vessel is capable of ontiro submersion, and cab make an attack with submarine cannon and torpedoes, or sail under the water during a storm. - About seven weels:s ago a gentleman of Detroit, Michigan, woke up to find his right hand and' wrist swollen to twice their natural size, and although surgeons and Physicians were immediately --called in, they failed to discover the cause. The, patient has suffered no pain, but the hand is useless. Medical men declare themselves baffled. ' It is said that a man pretending to be Mosby, the guerrilla, has been travelling through Central Bow York, trying to got himself lionized, but in the course of his rambles ho met an old farmer who anent " oned to hold him responsible for the Mur der of his son. An unpleasantness was avoided only by the so-called Mosby limy. . ing town as soon as possible A female defendant, in a - divorce case before the Common Pleas Court of Morgan county, Indiana, at its present sestibm, ad dressed a letter to the judge.and jury, in foinaing them that "owing to circu'mstun ces over which, she-had no control" sho would be unable to attend the trial; but for God's eako and her sake she beseeched 'them to lot her husband have a div'circo.— The cdurt;granted the prayer. • ~ • Another duel is reported from Praktio. Two studenti determined to settle a diffi• culty which arose in diincing,liall of a restauration-garden in the suburbs of the city. The gat'den was well filled, and not wishing to draw upon themselves the at tention of all the people, the two dispu tants engaged, a third student to play the piano, in order to ,drown the clashing•of their swrods.. Both were slightly wound ,ed. • Thi'Republican part, of - this State kale aggriend that Snowden, tho Prothonotary, of the ?Supreme Court, who is known' to have issued thousands of illegal naturaliza tion paper's in the, interest of the Demo cratic party, should ho retained , m his Judge,,Williams has been blamed for his retenttott, but his friends say that the change can only be made at the expir" - aL tion of the term' for which Snowden haa, boon appointed. ' ' • PERRY COUNTY ITEMS.—Wo • clip the following local items from the Perry. Freeman of Wednesday, July 7th. • • 'W He men., of Greenwood town-' ship, this county, was committed to jail, in default of bail, lastEriday, on a charge of forging tho name of W. B. S. Cook to a ..check on the Perry county Bank, for, .P 5,77. The chock was payable to tho • order of Samuel Fry and Harman ing to be Fry, passed the cheek endorsed, to M. B. Holman, Leq., by whom it was .''sent to the Bank when It was discoviired to be a forgo:7. Wo understand that; arrangements aril In progress to procure the services of a cOmpetent Oivil-Engincor to Buivoy, 10. cate, &e., 'that part of tbo Duncnnpon and Broad Top Railroad, betwien tho former' taco aud'Bloorefield, in a couple of weeks.- ape, Drafts, Profiles, - Istimates, fie.; nIY of which will bo made by the Engineer, will give to all\ concerned Ai practical miew . of the matter, and enable the'friondlof tho. 'enterprise to go.to work intelligently.... Wo trust thol,arrangemen't will be Made, and that riction_Will take the place of talk: rowo learn that a daughter of hir.. Gel -I,,,baugh;.reelding near Flo Forgo In ,Whetit told township, was so biuilY buritliy 'Coal oil last wilt as` to occasion her death phortly'afti the,accidont occurred: We' Ivo nottlio particulars of •the sad occur, .renoo, buthoar that in order to . .kiiidlo,a "lire ' with 'tcreen' wood,, 'sbe'saturated the Hui Oil and thereby created,an o:piosion; by Which' monis bor.clothing '• • .IFLISCELLANEOUA.-..= Inr lOU WANT 'TO SEE , 'THE -nest perfect PARLOR BLOTS ever offered to pubLle, step Into f , 1 • WM. FR IDI:1117±6,. Store' store, s'imt. Lei.ther Street; IlalberVe Store and IN3O the' GREAT AIiERIOAN RASE BE,RNE i R. In operation. It is s perpetual Burner, and perfect' adistorrae-well-ash-perieet-Tontilaterof-tharootti aml Is warranted to consume less 'toil:than. tiny ether Stove of the mime else, • ever offered to': Ike. pabllc, requiring but one ordinary scuttle of small coal once In twentv•elitht hours, lietng .perfeetly. simple In all Be working , hallos a simple tilde to regulate the tiro for keeping at night, s one kindling of fire beteg all that le required during the winter.;••l No.dustOto gas, no slag er ruder, " eil a LA to W F. ILEPECENCZS. • • . , John Paul, Amos Miller. . 'Dr. S. D. Klaffer, ' Isaac Porter David Miller, 0. Denney, . D. Ileffer, D Balaton,. . D... Meer, • ' . . Col. Williamson Mrs. Rlngwalt, Prof. htayman, A. Senseman, • Dr. Irvin,' Johnson Moore, J. T. Rlppey, . D. Wittors, O. Inhal, A. Coover, J. Thompson, J. Burktiolder,.• Capt. Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, I. Gorges, P7llllamson Bros.( B. Stouffer, B. Shaeffer, , . Terser, J. Stouffer, • W:blobaughllie humor, .. A. Leldlgh, P. Thummo, G eo. ParonbaughF. Elgantrltz, Mrs. Wonderllolf, I Abner Miller, J. P. Dossier, blejor.,llefe, And others. Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, , I Excelsior Pen .or, tight, In addit lon 'to the above,.fltove FRIDLEY keeps en hand ti full supply of thithOst Cook, Parlor and (Mee Stores. , Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand, and-Spouting,- Roofing- and Jobbing of all kinds done at rhort notice, and of the brat material, Fruit' Cans, and Jare of the most approved patents, and In conclusion t h e best Portable and Brick Set 3F II 1 . Xi Et 43 - ever offered to the public. For referencing call on Dr. George Neldigh, henry Saxton, F. C. Fleming, Mrs : Gordon, P. Onrdner, J. D 1 oldigh, J. Bosler, Prof. Hillman, F. Watts, A. L Spanalor, And onus. Omar AU ly NEW BUSINESS, NEW FURNITURE: • • l i t , • . , FURNITURE RUSIN E'88: The subscriber having taken the entire b wines& it o hie own hands, will continue to carry It on in .11 Its 'allow branclu.sot the old stand, Eouth- et corner of Hanover and houtlker St eat. lie di)Alrea 'to announce to the patille that - he Attls - trowurrhand - end-ht - coustantly-mantlfaeturldg and purchaSlng from the hest eastern manufacturers, thr latest and beet styles and patterns 01 NU UM TURU of all qualities. lila stock of ready-made work, conelets lo•nartol MAIIOGA NY SUIT& WALNUT SW Fs, CHESTNUT SUITS, FILDRA D. E. STANDS. TEA I'OYS, Ii,SS/Nt4 BUREAUS, et all aty., nad,prlees. Tide aTettia; Shfds, Lounges, Cottage Tr undies, Cot. tags, Panel, delimit:ie. and .Lon et BedeLeatla, Chttaiie Bureau, Mal Lie Pop Tat o, and Stands, WAsinitande, of all 4 1 1.0'- 1 . .1 Furniture in stole en .1. ••s natty en hand. Mirrors of all stn lee i) 31 E 31 1) ‘‘ s)_ it IC r ..• : L.,' it,ll/di's .te . lun turiul 3e,a 01 , , 41A11. Y C L. /7.11..01(UT, S:td.-11,1(1 11,fuli.Qu PENNSYIiVANI..-1 ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 Chestnut :Street, PIIILADELPIIIA ELASTIC SPONGE, =I CURLED HAIR FOR ALL UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. Tho Lightest, Softest and most Moak,. to.l Duro We material known, for Mattresses, Pillows, Oar, Carriage, ~and Chair Cushions. It Ie ontlroly Indestructible, porfootly clean and trio from duet. I.T DOES NOT PACK AT ALL! In always free from Insect Weds perfeetly,healthy, aid for the sink is unequalled. -Hailed in any bray, can be renovated quiekin and easier than any other Mattress. Speeittrattentiollt gland to . FS BLUSHING CHURCHES, ICA.I.LP, dc, Railroad men are especially Boated to ,ernmina !lie Cushion Sponge. SATISFACTION OPARAN • ,THE TRADE SINTLItD huko MILL .PN.Eflt-Y: A .Thing of Beauty is a: Joy Forever. ' The subscriber respectfully Informs the Ladles Of Carlisle and vicinity that OM hap tpceived from the Eastern Oitios the latest SPltUltil. AND BlllllifE/4 STYLES, and le now prepared to 'eXectito all seders with neatness and dispatch. • • BONNETE!, CiAPS; .. , . .. . made'iintrropiired lat the' Shortest notice, awe at reasonable prices. .. A Ribbons, Lacps, nud rt.lfichil Flowers always on band —. MARGARETTA STURM, 4May1.130. N 0.3, Rot nigh ht ' . . .. . J. BEETE.M 8c RROTHERS, -Rrwardiner (6Contirsion Iferooo. (11ohdorson's old qtand., :.l At the he ottlAll4 drlithtT. Pin Tha highaat merkat price will be paid ,fbr Grain and produce of all kinds. p _ . Coal of all Mello, ambulant VALLEY, ' ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN, • LAWAIIMIT &o, As Llmobnriasra' andDlackemft Cpal Constantly of sale. c...Nopt under cover,- and aoltyltred dry to any part of• the town. ' Also, 'all kinds of 'Lumbar on' .band, J- R} H 3 DIMS 17a0r 08 AMERICAN HOUSE Nora Hanover Htreet, . . W. E. .K.Att.D4 Sp — gROPItIETOR...I V1.143e1f ■ I thtsatell.known and popular .I.IWSL, I most respectfully solicit thalmtrommo of tataYind rurtot mere of , the Itoose, and altothers,w,bo.indatt to Ps. calve good accommodations and attehtton . 1.1 DOWT Rni3ix Tint 00 .7 4 Nlit, Apt 2.4 m. .W. Pl. KARNS. 1 • E R 1311 t.f 8. . „ ,L •1 . ,LIVERY Awl), BALE sTAB.E.N.f, 1- , to vas Of the'Carmidullouse: • • 414 LE . •V - IT . • I,taving . uted Up 114 atiiblp'ivita: tArgmgep lam propired to, fOrnlbh firpt;els'slturroutir iit rompn!we , gatee., ...I , Bal'fcs ; tculf•er a ; tto from ar ; • •*, ... •,f • •r, Vf•-•.• r . •••., Job Piiiitin,::ly•:pxootit,eo. - 444 $1 +4 X ~~ ILLER • -,BOWKRS' ' - , ~ • ••a • . • 26 NORTH_.HANGYER._STREET,. • • • '7.+l' , 777, :t rir - r k ,„ • 91.....wvh • • 4At t 1 % cs t it? (.4q; : . cn . 117 N)-4 ME M ,;/:"5771'w[ Vt w r ckild'it . 4;eteif4l,6 the t , ‘ ' n tinuof the public to our recently replan ish: ed STOOK. Wo.hers,:tarofuadt,avpided purchasing during the recant; dlielintii Mid tlidg the market has become settled we have tilled up our shelves and aro prepared to offer special inducements, to all who Palterer us with,a,call.'• . ' We h e ave constantly.ou band a 'gala, tliooll. - OP . Hammered...Erglish Refrie . 4 and :Nor. way IRON; Berdan's Horse and Mule Shoes; Norway Rods; ac. 16, together .wisha stocleof' BLA ) 7' 0 0 AS , • stueba a befila,'Ettond B.Sx Filed BUILDING M A T 2 Wo Invite all persons intending to build, to emno and take a look through ourktook. , We, have ony, Bolts,'Locke,-Glans, Paints, matt:lrbil to thin lino marked down at the lowest CASH PRICES, and feel assurbd,that we ,can offer special induce- Monte In thln branch. HARRISBURG NAILS, alittiys on .11n.na TABLE. A.ND . POCKET CUTLERY, of all Imtunglnable'pato r mis;" We koi.p on-rhand n fitii Tine of those goods and are always able to suit the tests of noon the most fdatldlotts. SADDLERY, of o•ery varlet, onibraclng In part self adJostlnii end ale Trees, plated Jatienned , :_andiWOOA 11. m., tridb,-Bitts, Brow Banda, - 01rthing; Horse Illenkete, dm, also, . . , _ • • `;V:7';'6lS.tte-' ttN 4 I ,I ""I • ‘.l - , • leg;" - • --,; , . • Our Sic n,lr will :lion}, dud mod( supplied vilth the best brands of these articles and ready to sell thorn ht , thi, lowest pricer:. th, aro conntlintly' per , ertipt of Pohl's, thaw enablin • ouriietve — Enn Rua y our rustonier, with free' paintiveolore of all dere criptions con tartly on Gabinet and encils!rtph - era. L wtll alwityx tis thtylfiv,4l .It I A iippi ~[ thlollnc sfill ' .l'lo•4-eufnupl P . ll,lP'r's ,' .c , v;. .1 dd.1,41:, Poy , dens f:onewitlipP, Men s•S I. -spt i, ePp - Cal 11 gt p•. -pi Jon A • . ; .. a 1.0., xt MEIMR will do well to call anti exsiiiinii , iqr,id,ch.'9l Twee, 13 roast chitin', Tong. Lid Jockey Choi., tqweedii, Mater Chid. Cow Tics, Shovels, Spades, Norkii, Rakes, (Armin 114,, Ace , foro buyintelsowinite; TVii aro iedidy to oiler gpogal inducements in 'llls lido Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower- con'Statittron hand; We ate role agents for the BUFFALO . SCALE WORKS and a c re ready to supply Scales warranted, and fur nished at lower prices than any other : rates in the market. Wo are ethartautly in,reeelpt of, goode direct from the rano ufaet ureteand:are fiblato rarnhti Country 'Alerchante et Philadelphia and New York primal, alwayi on band and at the lowest market' rates, Ilubs, Spokes, Felloes, Axles, §haftSOlkek,pellllngi Dameski &Fe •1• 'c• GOODS delivered to all..partaof the' town. free of charge, • • • W.:^ obx & Gibbs' G Atl.llllll-'O, We,hityemicured the 'Agriiip,v * Glebe Aldo ,arrerigui' wont po ape seems Willing Oo' s yrlt 'Out , epee' haviog seen one In, Operat,lon.; Thm„ Wilcox Gibbet. is , &Ingle .Throd suparlorit# over all Double Thread Ma rliirice the. following portlralare, t. le ebripler l aUctilirse I, to, get •, gut off, repair. ;It • elmaper,, with less poise, ilt rugs :easter4,,Zt,, , stme.„flurter It hey the hest, ,device . for preventing, the Wheel from running ,namtword, reqUiries tese, muclimet; ,re",„`strlll. taupe rate IL., req y tree leo thnii, and, .Instreliion to learn', to ,;usibit, It, 'le ,lbe.himit certain and reliable in Its operations.' ICS 'needle hi etraight and less - Mahler 411.f1x broken, than. a curved one The doodle le secured in Replace la an legentousllPatented'divire Which iaildenile self adjusting an thitt neither skill nor experience are requiredlo irratiging setts 4lret;ly,Trpm the ,tlius doing away.wit/j.,the tedionspperialen ° Bfliftr l : ll igit t it:l23V f l 9 0/liViv n ie t t loop titah," a stitch original:with-. this's:mobilo and s nide by no other, . seam is more elastic pry stgonger thesstthnirmek:ptlish, IThe es7lBol mpg; etti, and beautiful, the isdatti Is al** golf fastened thus avoiding ,rtvertgolp feed.lie • ten slon le tornietilieitluand mere esallSoistajusted, It la more speedily changed from one Mud of work to• anotbtr,r ipLtiour .pNiutitnpluiprod.r3i . Iphes the best beminar,lt hers the best Oiler, it has the best braiderat has the best belt. - The Wilcox & Olbbi hubcap:la...the market ler a littletagre eight jean, durlurehtctuthue Upwards ofststy.thouaandhava leart•Madearl motel a mambo . ..l4 , lMT, Per Went' larger ..tluinosare• sold ottioy Aoableghrmut leis,. chine lu;itherrilimci.tiamber of its• earliest-years. ends stmormSdesnillehmtiorerertaxitthe sale of this alleabloa , :whentererit has an Agency without the doubling evidence of testimonials, of whleh Shaman, enough will! up tbe h altanalit i l r herlarid. These . weittr:u.a,l3f 4 ~,it e l v iri t tm exinelnedi and they will mike k in Sioc- PleirlieteleYthingxelieltery P."' #4 3., •, , 31701,31 '313 403,3 0 , - ‘ 3 .-3 7 . 33 ....1a,ME1C* , 80rtit% ' 3 . 3 C1,t3'..3.3 . 3, - 1 S:kt' 434 4 ' 4 1 0 4 .0)' 11. RNA BM LE= sama 1111 M nal 'X 10 t - - • fit";;;N w.t ?, ,st l 4 , 5 ' 1 ' 1 , 44: 4 Jill CIEMEMM COACI.I GEM H 0 L, w . 4 . G piN FIXTURES, W. H. EMISING44*: GO, Proprietors 20c . 6 68-Iy. ri , t CONSEQUENOE . 0 ''CiF• • 'THE 1.: 'di s astro a tlrr, which In Janiiii4 root destro3; • tai their etornand It ' s' 'content's, ' . • , •• • .. r- , 3 i . J.E..CALDWELL &CO. • ;,., y, J. E W.E.11,8 R Sy., • - IXILY. had ulade especially to their odor In Europe and In Anuirt,aneciti7ir , c . t It , , New • ' '..fit,o6ll'i bfi % ohoioEl ` 14 j015118. IN7ilch are now opened and ready for eaatnination. 1• •' •ylittY BINE 1•ARIB 31Attl'hli f „. Q . VXIIIB, (Every moventLiOrii ' lk ihilif' heti' '. l •y NEW SLOE ORN44IIENTS T p 4147 pt, .: .. ' ' . int ' lrel r y ' ne4• •'. ' "' • iIItO i NFES GIIcT.TPEIAAPIGUREB:, 1 - • GORHAM" ..NANO[P 0 CO'S . • . - FINE . tLECTRO.' 'WARES., 3E,T, ,t IX,F4p.iNg, Sir e V4R ,W RE, - New 'Mistime. _' BATATCHIrWE'Litt'e'.;' , Sic:, ft 3.-.1., :A- a Aillariortraentat I'o4' J. 4t.4 teAkiii. Aiiiicii3."''''" ' or thd"prolent at • , ... , ' Bl9 C tillitil'ie- ilittgT, 1216 ef}l7...„' ~L '';''': '''. ', f:_ir,''.::::-..: .18 N.''Sfreet No. -18 • NEWYolit'pß it i foil. F 9 41114 A We WOuld Welt* , abfrolt, 'gime of, Oefllsloqw*Outotr i : 74 oopovao; otiv well - edleatdd 'lto*. Of, floa pry; Moves, Notioruk ;White ClOtidenAnefeand lfefi .oO6dit elf doterugaft tef OR o altditlslilog low gateiyo4-. . .4, .bni'l.4(Pi.lll4`,l fl I:tC. IOOK 0111 1 ,%•:DAVASIOOD.SiMEN. haysjust rattinsed from the Rut with MY Bimini • titack,and aspenal,l MEI sallingthoods allttle cheep, oy thou any other pry Goode House-ilk town. 2' do Riot think t l e tLecessavy to occupy a column of newt. or 11S - 41Vi l zputa re s orti. fAr . ee:l Ist st , 4hssAi t • Ile. AIII aek of them le to calYa l tlgOMTEsj - f iin r pe t l nn ica, t,... an aiL d if not sa x tisL c ed i , _r a lt er ikt ,. tto . p:ch , s.: cf . • : uy. Remember the stand 3,Nb. 82 Noi . 7 Idr wars liardwivqg we t . • 1 a or#lll4 about my thirl ' a m al r aio) • era ) 4:4 6 10 . i - 0 ta-.01i.' • HATS' ANP tAP§, • • i ... • . ..A s , .•- . •. • i_.„..,0.011 1 - '''i, •• .., :. t . .......) E 4.5 1; '-'3 - ' ' K.: i nt a Do you want a nice Hat or Cap? Hee. don't fall to call on\ 0,44 4J/it • giV.; -, 0 Whore can be soon too once; ailliunrlloet of HATS AND (1 PS eVrAoelikti* tiarrigrep p ; ni favltTng hie ard.friendiliteo ibilatomerre, en l new °pea, twhia splendid stock just, received from low York and Philadelphia, ronalating in wart of tine SILK AND CASSIAIERE FIATS, Mettles an endlessvarlety, of MO and Cape of the latest style, all of which ho will Poll at the Lowest Gash Prices. Also, his own manufacture et Hats al. Ways on hand, and fictts Manufactured to Order. ' ILlt es the be ,. ...Arrangem forinlpl g IlatsAnd kirldt oft- o le M Goods, Qyorc std, AM, it the shartestliofice a Us colors ot•db toeSkYand °tithe moat reasonable terms. Also, a flue lot of choice orands of ' • .TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on band. lie &sine to call the attention of porsonsyho have 2:IOCIUNTRIP FtikUO To soll, as he pays 'the hishost cash prices for the Fame,' , Give him a call, at the above number, his old stand ns he fools confident of glair% entire Batista°. tion. iulylf ; •,- Li t• THE GREAT AEI `BYT'IiERS. A SAFI? ItLOOD - - • A SPLIINDID TONIC A PLEASANT BEVERAGIC, A CERTAIN COMA AND PREVENTArE OF DISEASES, 'fhe ZINGARI BITTERS ni o compounded from A prescription Of, the- celeptsteu- Egyptian physician DA. Cus^estra, who, after yedrs of trial and experi ment, discovered the Zingarini Herb—the most re markable vegetable production, the earth. perhaps, hes ever yielde'd—certainly the most effective in earn of disease. It, in combination with the other valuable properties of which the ZINGAIII 1311TER8 i. cemposed, ivAl,eure, • • Dyspepsia, Fey or and Aguo, Bilious Fever, Cholic Colds, Bronchitis, Conauturt)on in Ito first s.tage; Fistula ncy, Nervous Debility,.Fernale • • Complaints, Itheutnatisin, Dysentery; Acute and Chrtinin Dlaehina, Chol era Slorbus, Cholera, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Ye • ever, Scrofu la, Din. eases of the Kid • toy J7J, Costiveness, &c., &o. In the PREVLNTION'and CURE of the above file eases, It has never been known to 14, as thousands of our most prominent eittsduathroukbeut'ail yiarta or the country, 0111 testify. Let the afliteted sou,. for circular containing festinton is le and certificate,' of these - who have boon cured after their- cases have been protiount , ed hope]oc by our beet phYsiclitne PRINCIPAL DEPOT, F. RAH.TTI, No. 6 N• Front At., Philadelphia hiJUIVIISIEN DRD fly Ex-duv David It. Porter, of Pennsylvania Bon. Hobe rt.t. Vlsbor. ..."- .• ai - 1.-I.4ll4llla.oll.erlien,_": lion. Joel B. Benner, Ron. Wm.'Mcglierry, lii=l BIC N F 0 It CIItCULAIt9 12838 TIIPT NA 'Ii.)N,AL, I3I,TTITITS tins cured mars cases of DYSPEPSIA, more ease Li VER. CONIPDAIN,Toriunfo (Apo& ,pf NERVOUS IlhA DAME, VEV*It az AGUE, and ,morn cues of DEBILITY, thop, 1174y'other froxpefly ,befnet 'tho public 4n the inule epoce'of ticoe. IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, OAlittlft !Ng, WAD,: NRSTONNS iBLEEPh • la iu, Nxeeliont Appetizer, and a general In• vlgorator or Ma System. WALTON ar ZUG, Proprietor/4, No. 9, N Bev. uth Bt., Philadelphia. Bold by Druggirto, and Dealers gonerally. I.l.feb 09-9rn. Opposio3,.,,Ra. R. R: t & Belding Depot tIAARISBUROI A. =EI „DR Q(,RtiT,crr rn 12,RY— GORDSI : ' • 5..r5 O.M 4'11.4W 0; 8.017' THE TIAlt-'AIsirf;:'SEAEON,,-, 1 4t4iti 4 ' I .I4EW ANI)OII.E.SPOA.Sif STORE :THOiviAS,A.HARPER, ,/00fr,Aff ' .P7 Eid.r7OVH6 ANi; POMITEir 8 21 .. ,*fpf le, Tuivr, prephria Ifff "eyeaiub end vro.” RisorW:Bfock of, , S , • -14...qt.di l ig1y lON . plielpo • . ; Bargains in -„ JiLA-NY~.T'B, or all eolora*and 'o g ee. - The cheapest Stook io , ' VLANNEL& /gala and Twilled, all colors. • DOmets, • Shalterit• Plaid Skirtings, •• • Operas m and i'ilna Rigida of Welsh Ithinnole: • •• • • SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Long and Square, "'Malay Bud Thniot.- • • . , - • • Ladies'. Cl oakings, • 0 • I Velsoteana, Gold fifliod, Watar Proof and Heavy freavnis. KorlociVosta, - 8111rts nod Drawers, for UAW,' IL Bllasea, Man's- nod Boys' wear. 1'; A full lino of ,_ • Cloths and Uassimores FANOY DRESS GOODS • In now en d Itiehddesisde.., ' Many of tho above Goods selling oft at at grainy reduced prices. Immense Stock of all the leading brands of Domestics and 11013SE.FERNIfillING DRY GOODS, at leas then 'regular prices.- • • - • itrEACitED BROWN, SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASS MUSLINS;PILLGWOASB LINENS, TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS ano DOYLIE S. ToweIs and' Tow6llings. • blaraolliee Qolltr and Table Covers, Nottingbam Lace Curtin Material and . Tldys. • • WHI . I.yGOODS, Embroldurles, Lao. Insortlogs Volts, •Boreges and ewer.— Hosiery and Gloves In great variety, o an exten slid No-lit—of NOTIONS.' BALMORAL AND 1100 P SKIRTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS CIaR.S -E T 1 COIta. D EiTTS 1 Fran 'hVe, Pip Gore, and •_ the celebrated CorEuts. Ladle's Cia. dud Cothu, Ilemstitelod Tucked dud Embroidered Halldkercblefs. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS T9OVAS•A. lIARPES: Car. o(•Ilanovor and Pomfret. Ste lido° 88 lv B A R, G A_ I N W. C. SAWYER & Co's MT C. SAWYER & 00., calls ♦ the attention of the pohllo, to their im mense Stock of fancy end Stripod D i .lt GOO D S, Cowllstlos or BIL KS, POPLINS, • =PRESS CLOTiIS, AUSIIINOES, AL,PAOAS, Aa, he CARPtTSt CARPETSI! Such - IGGISSELB THREE PLY, INGRAIN, 4- YISNITIAN , COTTAGE. RAO, laN EN and GEM P,. In,great variety - 0717. - t - rf,Nrr - trF , IlVtid, E3IIAD• fir, lie p * mold TTy CLOTHS 4ND IASS N fiS IP. Y, HOUSE I , RN ISO INO GOODS, of every kind on fn n toJuu t OLIO Lilies. WO VW mak° great Hairlfire and offer 4 Line .tag9rtthent to select froth. Plena° remember thin large Stoclr will he sold, and we ask prices with a clew of .cluing out the entire Stock. AD %oho wleh cheap DRESS GOODS. • All who wish clump CARPETS. All who -wish cheap ROUSE FURNIBIIII4I. - GOODS.- AR who wish cheap DRY . 000 DB of any kin Call at W. SAAVYRR & Rant Attila Street. DM 1867 BARGAINS.' NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC COODS DRESS dbODS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, • • JEANS, WHITE *GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS RIBBONS, NOTIONS, AO AT RING'NEW STORE, No. 56 WAST MAIN 13TRNICT. Opposite the Mansion House, next to Poet Odic* Carlisle ESTABLISHED HSI J. REYNOLDS i'Sr. SON, N.. W. CORNER 18TH AND FILBERT STREET. ..'•PIiILAAELYgIA, Pd., Sobillantifecturere of the Oelehratod WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, , i3as-oortswnink Heater WITH PATIINt DUST BORE&N; • :` ' ,014111 YEAR . RESTS, Rod WII.OUGHT-i4ON. RADIATOR: Thane floaters are Made Ottani); Wrought•Tma, well rivited together, the only mire prevention agaieet the SEMIS° Of dna or They and natty managed, without any dampvin. TIM" Patent - Re lator old', the use and annoyance of drums and 'me permarion.ly attaehed to the Heater.. This is he most'd nrahle, wimple, encontsmical and popular Resting Apparatus ever Wrenn! for sale, , They' are , alkitutranteed; ' • • - RANGES:for PORTABLIIIIBATkI,' B • • LATIIOI3II-REAtitllg,• ' -. , LOW fl; ow cattmul, • Eadello ,; REGIStElifi and XI4 yEriT4O4l3.. : !or . o ere also manufacturing a RIM ,R 4,144.0 1, . Atjt- t itend,for per Ilustrated Pamphlet. ' , „. .IEIVYMBII4G, gAs AND, sT4k-n _OB010l,.aB: 1700T6 t: respectfully,. Informs. :the citizens of Carlisle .and mt.:tufty; that he continues totem"' Pnitheabove ,htelneas Jts.lti .itarleue. brat:keine, ha the ..bsettment sof .11heesti , alisdl t .tu. , 'ehuftlk 'Whets orderaselli be tlatuklldly calved Cod promptly exeeuted. -*, • - • : • Ottiors'lsft at Abe Heraldx oaks wili Pro 49 t 444.141041.; t.: , %We At NOOTAIei • (, ;t • I= G LUV Eti, SPRING 1867 COMPLETE MANORS, Supar-Phosphati) of Limo Ammonia & This Manure cantons all the elements to pro 'duce largo crtips of all kinds, and le highly rococo• mended by all.who use it, also by distinguished chemists who Lave, by aualysls, tested its quollt.ull - 14/04ith Water k 40 000th Dolavihro Avoitue,. And by dealers generally tb roubout the country. Tor In formAtlon, adarinuilleury • llower, - I'hil , a. - - 12tob 694 y. RGANS. AND MELODEONS. The andel:signed hiring' been appointed event, 10r-the sale of the' celebrated PI LOUDIIT" CABINET' ORGANS AND. MELODEONS, jovitea trinatiori to Gni instrument •now on. exhibition at his room, No. 40, East Dickinson, College. • . , Thees'Organe and 'Melodeons were awarded the Airst prior. a GOLD MEDAL at the Amercan Insti tute Yak In It 05, after five week's teat, and have 'lnca taken the'firse priie wherever they have been put in .competition. •• Having bad coteelderale experiSiace in the natant Musical Instruments,lpan, recommend these with. oontidencniand guakantee entlre'eatiokotion, Please call end one the instrument,'and get an !nitrate oiroular;• tSTRUCTIONS given tee moderate Mange. • • GEORGE O. YOUNG, 'Room 40 East College. CAYUGA CHT F, (1:44. - 9• . • • MOWERS& REAPERS. PATOTS. • ' • built wholly of:Iron and Roo!, wltbdoubla Driving %%oils., flexible ringer Dar and folding. Crating tr=4.'erraneettrneftqau.'6 l 'w!4c r"f"t 11419:7DADTURDID:DY Tlia QiiyAg4 Chief Mari ufg Co.; NE.W 'YOWL ~ .yor BAlo fry:D. 7.1 P , PIIiMIzi, gitzei4 Qnrllalo, Pa.. 213.11:m02o •.; 1,, ARBLP YARD. o vitENTEr, Ijontiai lIBADSTONIIa, Mantlta ,Roar,snla, 'on band and, made „ontarl3putt,iluz ?VfP , tk , ° , 07 ,11/4 4 1. 7*P 4 ' R. o w n .. , g,,0::0)1)Q 8 latno pluf39', V) 4 c!. V o ibittintt!' 1 1"7 ° ! ° 814.°4.41,. MISCELZANEOM. , ppe, -Jaundice, and all ciiseases' arising- froma diaordeied . state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared: 'l6. SEWARD, EENTLEY & CHENEY, Druggisp, Milrad, N.Y., Sold by, all Druggist, , • For Bale by GEO: 8.. BO.FFMAN, Grocer, Pomfret Street. ORIGINAL' COLOR, t Toves Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASiB THE SCALP, Prevents. BALDNESS, and snakes the haw grow Soft, ,Glossy and Luxuriant. p&o sad $1,50 per gala tiottla in a Neal Paper &IL Prepared by:43:EWAR.I), BENTLEY CHENEY, Druggists, Ilughlo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists.. -r <- .; For Sale by. GEO. B. HOFFMAN, Grocer', Ponbreet.Sireet. 21,jan G943m - • Asthma Bronchitis,' Hoarsenei,"; Croup, Influenza, Wlmoping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all-Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a sew-re Cough, or throw away money on a worthless medicine. • PRICE : FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY A.. CB EN EY, Druggista, Buffalo, N.Y.__ Bold by all Dniggiatr, • For Sale by GEO, B. 1101711121 ' Grocer, Pomfret Street. '2jutt Gat SP,ItINU GOODS . . lievej wet roturniel farm the city %vital a very largo and splendid nreortinent of seasonable geode, which we are selling off rapidly at LOWER PILICE6 THAN THE LOWEST, our stock•of DRESS GOODS; le very full nu d complotv the y etylos arounouipaoo od. Wu. hnvi, spletultd SILKS, D , ELAII4ES, ALP-ACAS, and many nntl t,f)le Goods - , GINGIIAMS, CALICOEP IJOSIERY, GLOVES, RIBBONS TRIMMINGS, . TR:ELI:OS, SHAWLS, DLAN NTS, • - FLANNEL NI iva_d lIANDICS CLOTHS, CASSIMI HES, Armor., Cotton adeh, and the Inegeet M 1 tuck of email wires and T. Inunth gs Iu the ets i ley, CARPETS, (iIL CL(THS, • oicktx or Cotton. Lint, •,1.4 Wool, hoot 11.4, qur 4! kp p vas . arite.t.lderod •• lo h • •pl•qt. •.tapinle Ihirgrest• Thin no.Ci, too, laigo.. .01 a aiottil, liod. will An V:11.1 at rodtuail lick:as.' It Is low at-cos:airy' to 1111 .t wkaggeratioit of our stock: but, we it.. ,t« all to ckil and Sre then:- selves, which its thick 'will satisfy them ti:al bit Is the place tgol.). for profit la tliciossivek Duct 08 BENTZ & OIQ • aIL CLOT LIING TO ORDER .AND DEADY MADE.• ISAAC LIVINGTON, No. 22, NORTH HANOVER SL I Invite the attention of my old customers and tho public at lair, eto any Largo and Militant Stock ofSUMMEIL GOODS for Men, You the' and 11050' Weer. My Custom Department comprises tholincat nun mo,t. Behot at Oloaha and assianera, while My ready .made Clothing Is carefully And anon tasteful., go. ton up. , I cannot and will not be undonaold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, Ntr. 22, North Hanover St., Carlimo. . N - 11. Still telling. the Florence Sewing Mach'nog. Limey 119 BOWER'S =I HENRY BOWER, Cheioist;. =I I=l IMEM •WARRANTED enEn4rnou ADULTERATION Packed in isa.ry,s of 200 lbs. each DIXO N. 9 II A. R & CO., AGENTS, I , 4ILAbELPIIIA EZZIMICI WILLIAM "REYNOLDS. 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD 2AlrIl 431:t4m DRY:„.10.0:0D4'.:;,,..:, 1869. 4 ummER1869. N , Ems► G,O crp a': BlOar, drtiladines,Orze:vidy,,Litinia,Plqups; Jpp*neu Iteduatlon In prieriof all Spring (liicds:air 'I will clog° tint, the bklanre of lily Spring Stocliat: ead to Snake room for New Ball Ooode .. bargalne In all idna r DOMESTIC GOODS. Bargains 14 .1:foolery, Gloves, White Goods, .te A Bplendleoorded4hiu• at,400., Corded Pique, eee yard wide:, 600., Mon'a 'Heavy hall Hasa, 12.31 c., Ladles Hese at 140, Hem 6HW:tad atlo and 1134 e, Bloodied idtollinci at 12: 1 ,4. All klnda of SUMMER PANTS STUFF at prices that defy competition. A fhiViOrtment Of Shawls, Parasols, Sao. UOS4OISII, Mop SkittS' Corsets, te:, always on fiend GRAIN BAGS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From the Loweet Grade to the Vinod Brandi Itavlitg eilwakg taken tile leitd in:tpia Pranciof the holiness, I would soy I am better prepared Ulla season than ever, to meet the wishes of all deshipg.' a good article, or a Very fair bargain SUITS MADE . TO ORDER, at the Warted notice by a ilret;ciasstallor MOURNING CO ODS • II ODIB A Z BLACK AND INAIA]iriTURES: CRAPS VEILS AND COLLARS Eng Hell Crape BLACK THIBET.SHAWLs, ilvara and long, also a inn assortment of Panora' Goode, for Trl , lch orders will be promptly and set's- actorally filled TABLE LLEENS,- TABLE CLOTHE NAPKIBS, TOWELS, lAN ENS, MARSAILLES, e PIQUES, 'QUIL'pS t SPREADS, INDIA TWILLS,, = BVV,IBSES, TARLETONS, CAMtRICS, &e REMEMBER tHE,PLACE, As lam 'determined not to be undersold In otny thing_lnour line. All I Mk )s and inepection of our No w Stock just opened. I can convince you that my goods are cheap LET. c4REENK.IELD East 'Lllaia,,Stl•cet. July 2, 1889 I El o Ur 2 tti :tr t 4 I r4' '37 66 c 5,1 P> co L-4 c zy) • Furniture of all varieties ntd b tyloe of Foreign and Donnell° manufacturo, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pins Parlor, Chamber, Dlnltrroom, Kitchen and Office FURNITURE Embracing eve& article used by Home and Hotel keeper°, of he most approved and fashionable design and finish, Including also Cottage furniture in setts reception and,Camp Chalro, Mattrassos, Gilt frames, pictures, &e., &e. *'Particular attention given as usual to funerals orders from town and country, attontod to promptly . and on zeodorate terms. - , . SPECIAL APT ENTREs.r PAID TO TILE BE LECTION OP WALL PAPER. m rch2l. G 4 4aPiri 1(4 Se BANKERS, Q N 0.35 SOUTH. THIRD STREEI - 0 PHILADELPHIA. ekENERAL R CENTS, FO ' i st o , PEN N S A TIVAN I A .0, ‘7II ZRAI NEW 31s pre ) OF THE 5\ . 9 , Ada of THE ' CE6I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NAiionAr. Lip Ilretrnaaq>• COXPANT ill I borporatlon ellafiarad br Opeotst Act of Conran. aP /fared Jaly 25,1648. with's , 'CAIM CAPITAL, 81,000,000, LULL PAID. • Liberal terms offered Co Agent, and SollattOrs, ate uinvited to apply at oar office. . . • Foil partnenaratobehad'on application at Ottr °See. oliated In rite twofold atory of oar Banking novae. ober. Clocnlsta and P=11111811; be rg full7blogne idrantagea offered by the Compaor Ina ad; Wi&AlLffink CO:. . ' • - No• 86 South Thirli B. • S. Russel ~Mauager. c. B impsulit4 Cashier let National 13nale, .46fit foi • Oarliale,To.' , ' • • • ' 2bitie HOOP BHPX , PI3, I -, 41.16 ME T. 110-P k N.,S lino Removed' him Itnnufaotory nod Ekdopoomm to No. 1115 ORESTNOT STREET,' PIIILADELP9IA• Where hie ' , Own Iflake".of Champion Hoop,Sklrte-1 especially adopted to hind Claes. Wholesale" and:R6, tail Trade, will be found to embrace the.molt *mien: sive nerortment in the helm, and all the latest and most desirable Styles, Shapes Lengths end. Sizes, 2 2% yards round, of Plain and Oored Pane Mrs; Walking Skirts,. Receptionc.Tralle,. am, As., to. gothei with mi. ninety different varieties of - Mines and Children's Skirts, all of which. for symmetry ot Style, finish, lightness, elasticity. durabilityand Cheapnest;.r • anaqindad by' any either goods en the market, and aro Warranted InAvver"Oespeat. Skirts made to order Altered, and Repaired, Wholesale and • Bull lines of Lon Pf Iced Eastern ItadeSktrhf,ls Springs, 96 Cents ; 20 Springs, .46 Ceuta; 26clifpriliga 66 Cent,; 90 Spring., 66 Cents; and 40, Springs, 76 CORSETS! CORSETS I i CORSETSI-1 I El different • styles end prices, frotn Centel'', ',ll.oo..embrselnn IL Woriloy , ooke'," •TiovoTitfirip."Mailam•Boirs, Corsot•Skirt Supporters, Ma:. Moody's Patootiogielf: AdJustloglAbdominal"Corsots,.:Froach,'Emalsh and Domestic Lland-nade, Comets, and. soperlor Stench- Palteras of Cotell Corsets, "Onaslake," to which Wa Units especial attention, ":" , • ;'. • •,. • .Complete assortment of•Ladles'' Under•Garmenti; At very low 'prices. '.• •• GENERAL AGENT fee thy DARTRAId A PANTON FAMILY. SWUM. 1150117NES, IMPerlte to An/ other before thapublka Fittptwo Others@ WO 1 Ma.: • Chines, Trice 808 each, aro being givenawayito our:: customers 'Warder io get ahem Intradnoed. ..,Every person lowantior Article' to, our Ms, should esgm lee ouagmicht before. purchasing °Welchem: , Call or send.' for diroulardt at our Manufactory and Sales /veins, No. 1115 Chestnut St.Phiadsiphia• . -1 1 • •,7• ;-,•.4w47"A04i)&,., EISII CT I MBERLAND. - VALLEr 1101 i itl3 - 1. On and AIWA/cautery, September 14th , IMO; Pusan. ti a;l:ndnitryrld'roa daily aa follolvejOnndaya,aaeap• TW. A: D: : ifiOOIIII6DATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 6,00 A., M. Mechanicsburg 6,s3,"Csilisle 9,10, Newell% 9,45. Bhip.pensburg 10,19, Chimbersburg 10,40, Creation.' tie 11,14, an wing at Hagerstown 11,42 • leaveilfarilibrirg.l;so P: M;, Meehan , icibtri 2,02, Carlisle 2,34, Norville 3 10, , Bblppona. burg 5,40, Chambersburg 4,20 Greencastle, 456, arilvt fog at Hagerstown 5,25 P.M. -.L. 'f , . • , • ••. lamas Tama leaven Harrisburg 4,15 P. M Mechanicsburg 4,47, Carlisle -5,17 • Newvilla 5,50, ilhiprsburg '0,17, arriving et Ohambersburg nt• A. Minn Taira!moil Clutinbereburg 8,05 A. My Greencastle 9,25, 'arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 £5l B A .8 1 1 1 -.W•A.R I).t !, ACCOMMODATION Tnexii lea'ee•Ctiambersbnrg 4,46 Shippensbnni 5,14, Newellle 6,46, Carlisle 0,- 10, Mechanicsburg 0,47, arriving et Harrisburg 7,16 • MAit Taint leaies GagerstoWa 8,00 A. 0L Green castle 8,35, Chambeenburg Shippensburs 0,40, Newville 10,14, enable 10,50, Mechanicsburg 11,24, arriving at' ilarrliburg 11,65 A. M. Buenas Tastw. , leaves Hagerstown 11,55 A.'155. Greencastle-12,2% Charnbersburg 1,00, Bhippdnnburg 1,82, Neu - villa 2,05, Carlisle 2.45, Mechanicsburg 0,12, arriving at ilarriebuirg 3,44 P. M. " • • A NM= nein leaves Ilarnstinen 3,054 . P. If. Ureenessiln 9,12, , arriving at (lbambersburg 6,05 . . . ea-StaklUg 'close etnineetion pat trarrisbdrg.with trains to and'. from Philadelphia, New York, Bain. more, W.sishitigtobaud , Pittsburg: • BOYESINTINDZWEI • OrPICE, 0.N., LULL • ChambOrebdrg; Pa., bray 8, 1869._ f 041. /broavAAL READING RAIL ROAD. . „ BUMEMR ARRANGEMENT. 11TOYDAY, APICEL 27, 1869. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North and NortinWest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin , Lebanon. Allentown§ Easton, Ephrata', Liar, Lancaster,. Gel amnia, Ac., Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows; At 2.35, 5.20;:810. A. M., 12.25, noon, 2.00 and 10:55 P. EL, connecting withnimbi Trains on this Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New . York at 2.45; A. 51.,11.4.6 Noon, 2.60; 6.45 , 9.30 P., M., and 0.00, A. 11., 'respectfully. Sleeping Cars accom paning, 5.20 2.85, A., Al., and 10.55, P. AL; - trains without change.. . • Leave flarrlabnig for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Blinersville. Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. 151., and 2.00, end 4 . 10, P. 61., slapping at Lebanon .and Principal Way Stations the 4.10, P. M. train making connec.., Gone 'for Philadelphia and ' Columbia only, Per Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn via Achuit. kill, and Susquehanna Railroad, hums Harrisburg, 330 P. H. Returning: Leave New York at 0.00, A. M.,12.00, Noon and 5.05 and 8.00 P.M.; Philadel phia at 815 A. M. and 3.30 P. M., Sleeping— cars accompanlog the 0.00, A. M. and 5.05, and 8,00 P. II: trains - from NewNork,- without change_......' Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7.30 i A. M., connecting with similar train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 P, 11., stepping at all Stations; leave Pottsville es 7 30, and 8.45 A. It. and 2.45. P. M, Shamokin at 6.25 10.35 A. M. A shlamP7 00 A. M 1330 noon, Tam aqua at 8.30. A. 11.2.0 P. M., fur.' Philadelphia and New York. , Learn Pottsville 'via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.00,A. Al. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A. M. fbr Pine Grove end Trennpt. Reading Accommodstlen Train: Leaves Readina, 501.30, A. Si., returning leaves Philadelphia at 6.15 Pottstown Accommodation Train: I,esies Potts town at 6.25. A. M. returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.80, P. M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leavo Reacting 7.00, A.; 'II., and 0.18, 0. 01.4 hr Ephrata,. Late, /Ancestor, Columbia. B.s. Perltiomen Railhead Trains leave Perklomen Juno- Mon at 0.0 A. M. and 0,901'. 11. aeturniog Leave likippack at 8.15.6; M., and 1,00 P. M., con meting with similar trains on Reading' Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave Now York at 8.00, .P. M. Philadelphia 8.00, A. 51., and 3.15, P. 51., the 8.00. A. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsvllle,B.oo., A. 31.. llarrlshurg 620 A. 31. 4.1 U and 10 55, M., and Reading at 12.65, uildalaht 2.54 and 7.15 A. M. fog Rai risburg, at 12.65 and 7 05, A. 31. far Now Vert. and ai 9.40 A. 31. and 4.25 I'. 31. for Philad elphia: Commutation, Mileage, Season, School am! Efour don Tickets, to and from all pain ts, at reduced rates - Baggago cheeked.tbrougb;loo_pounds_allovred_oacla Passenger. O. A. NICOLLS, o,n Sup't. orm Wheeler&Wilson's pßmmtu a wts SEWINC MACHINES ! At the great Eipoaition, Paris, 1867. Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 Oompetibirs. THE P BO PT:ETS VERDICT iiED THE SALE OF THIS WORLD iiEvovy ED. meonthE ARE 100,000 GREATER THAN ANY OTHER. • THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily use Through°tit the world, were ONLY ram "MIT gales savor, and SUPZILIORITT • MIOB the -race. The 'Wheeler dr Wilson stands. triumphantly the Champion'arld Leader over all others by the verdict of the pet.plo. We claim no merits that we cannot sustain by livlng.aeil reliable witnesses. We stand upon our own sent wonrit,' without declaiming against other companies., We claim to have improvements for sewing Abet we know . "cannot.' be excelled, and In many points that no other company dare compete with. No other company can show sn many ma rhinos that-have been in daily use for the length of time as we can: For the proof of this, look at the numbers that aro on each machine The Wheel er and Wilson Sewing Machine is the Rich Man's Rest Friona, arid the Poor IVoman's Trust and Com. forterer, for no other company can sell on as liberal and easy terms as we. 13133 The poor woman can get herself a Ma chine; and afterwards nay for No Machine is paidfor until parties are fully • 1 , lied. - Constant use - 4 only increases the worth. of our . Several ladies In Carlisle who hays used our ma chines Item ail to twelve y ears, eel "They consider thorn better is every point than when new, and there is not a garment word in the family, from light we dwies to heavy as Beaver Cloth, that they have not made." One lady says "I have. sowed for three' years and never broke a needle" We can furnish names And residences of responsible parties who can sustain all we claim. . ' The unaigned.are a tow bf.manyy who have the Who liter and Wilson gotrink Machines,. In Carlisle, ,and length of time they have been in constant nao. Mrs. J. B. Haversack, 14,years " J..ltheem, 12. " ." Col. Henderson, ;(v. Rev, Dr. Wing, R. C. Woodward, ; hey. Sterrett, Peqbles, . - . Miss Caroline Ege, - C. Horman„(itionroe twp 9 ." Sterrett, (Dickinson tlip. Instiactione glen IFeo of charge. and' Whirllnes cheerfully shown to all, who call at. Mrs. NI/finery Stone, No. 20 North lianovor Ftreot, Car lisle, Pa. Prices and stylee to suit any customer. Machines delivered to all points in Cumberland and siclledning'countfes freo of eaten charge.' - • • r.E.TEI,AsoN.&, OA RPh N TER, n .!tg6 121,MLIIKET STREETIIARRIPSURG J. M. & L. 11. FULAIER, the;only' authorized Agents in Carlisle. , `~ .I.9maroolty, . ' 1868:. .NEW: • c.OODS. . t oponlrig "titie cliespeet.aisortment :Of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODbinought.t•Carllsif, since the wee. Owing to the greet decline In ,prices durlng.the lent few Weeks, I rthrhoW_Ausbled to of. for great.lnducenients.to conk. hityare en the, entire stock bril beekipurehneed 'at thrfprestet low prices A.l1 -0o best titilicoes"at.i 2ic : •,‘ Good Dol'odnes,4 1:5,,f8; OA madias atlo;'l2,& 2 aft E'S (11,D AN lbe NEW BTYLR DEESi ClooDB IbeLEadibilti great varleY'and very cheap; • ' 13INGLIAMS, , TICKING S, ,cairms „ac, V.1311Y LOW. • • Clotho, •• CtoE4ll:notes, -•-• 'Trued', Cotttruides,; ,loc. of ,esery 'description un, 'commonly. low, Takla Linen", Napkitia, Torsols; Atareallica; Bad SiSlreade, N 0.11.160010; Cambric", Coral", Mariano Quilts,. at4lla , vary )owast . , • ! !L,I3LO,VE,S iu gr,oat.,,i4rioty,. [F '; : 6 4S : PRN I Ng,. ': POODS. '. Wcs;ll. reLatnes; 51rape Vells, Crape. i Allen Tbybot,. ! lhaycla and aNH Resortspent.af Jia , „ ueral entire - Steak Of 'goads not'puithiered 'the last thsTly daysa Valid ens regardless', Or ' OABII., ' , took put for tiiirgaine at •be' 'Moro West Malnitreet, nearly' aping% cd the &pot.' • Yr 1,11 ? 0 1311 ' ) i ' s^ • =EI SNEI PAT IV :1111$PI_QIN.M,-,µ IfAllt It, ' For restoring flray. Hair, 4o;.1 natnral, Vitality ; , . : A'dreseiifg~'WLibh; i9,' it' Once irgrenablk4 l li navy': ",byi. 'and ; effectual ,for irniterving,,, the i .1V1r01.... 1 . ) 7041 14 -°t•b.Pg TP. s Pr°,ii.b9, NOT,. .1VIICTO;. tile,folliplose, A axestroyndy, R]vhci,„ st rPP 4l° 4 ,and : d° Piol , .!ll 3 .o ! 1 , 1 19.h main car0 )0 . 1 , 3 a7P4 for .. l . lB efulneel! , by. it 14 4 1.1 TP B ,t9ad of f O 4 l P?g P. 9 •, 2 t)ir, ,, 7 6t .. 1 A!'.1 ), P• st y.'?Pdin2 13 , at) Av 0)!, IPOP)It:PIeLk4 and :NgQ_ro9- • :it•g decao o Pal i W 3O , pr.ovent,thohair frOin turnip- .•-• falling off, and baldness. ,Fine,from .thosel• substances IN bich rnajcp,somn preparations_: dangerous and injurious to . the hair. ,the Vigor can only benefit but not .harm it. ' If wantednierely for a -•NA.,T.,R. DRESS ING,, nothing also can bn, found so desirable. 'Containing, neither oil or• dyepit does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on thelliair, giving it a rich gloSV.lustro and and'a grateful- perfume. • Prepared-by Dr. C. 'Ayer, & Co., 'PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL On inaTq~ • ow PRIOR , Ayee.s FOR ,IPURIFYINWTHERtiOOD r • • . , ,Tbp, reputation this cellent Medicine' enjOys, is derived from lie cures,. mr, ty of which are truly marvellous, Inveterate Ctiees of Scrotulous erase, vhere the system • ,A , rruption,' have. been Purified and eared Scrofulous afrertions And, disorders,:+hlch were sg gra :of.e.. t: .r,Atiornione contarnittation: hull! they were painfully eillicting, hero been radically cured In such' great numbers in almost • every ' thin of the coostry, that the puid c, scarcely. necsi to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison in non of the 'most destructive °naming of our race. Often, this unseen and un alt tenant of the organism" undermines the constitu tion, and' invites the attack at enfeebling ,or fatal. diseases, without exciting a suspicion of die pres ence. 'Again, It enema to breed in tection through-, out the body, and then, on some Womble ocraalon, rapidly develop into son or other of lie hideous ' forma, either on tile surface, or among, the vitals. In the Ia ter, tubercles may be suddenly depo'alted in the loop or heart,. or tumors formed In' the liver, or.it.shows lie preson..,e by eruptions on the skin or font ulcerations on some part ortlie be y. 4e, the oceaslooil olio of a- bottle of. thin Sarsaparilla in advisable, aeon when no rtt;t I *4l, symptoms ofdisease appear. Persons afflicted. ehh the fdlowing cOnip . aints generally And Immediate rellt , f, and ,at length, rare, by 1he,41,, , 5d - of this SA RSA PA RILLA : St. Anthony's Ftrt;,- Rose or RrysiPetts. Titter Salt Rheum" Scold Ilead. Ring worm... Sore Eye.,•Sore Ears, and other eruptions or r6ible forma of Scrofulous diocese. Also In the more ronrealed• forms„ ns Dyspepsia,' Dropsy, Heart - Disease. Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia . , end the va•ious Ulcerous - affections of the muscular and - tier701.1.4 FTSVEIITA: — Minute Direction:. for each case are 'fond in our Almanac, supplied gratis Ithennialisin " and - Dont, when caused by accumulations of exu rancour. mut ton], a the blood, yield 'quickly to „it, as also ,Liver Complaints, Torpidity; Congestion, or /Mat/ra tion of the Liter end Jentadiee, when arlslog,,ns they often do , from the rankling 'pion in, the blood. SARSAPARILLA_ is aZgreat „reatofer ler the strength and vigor of toe ,system. ThoooWho are Lanyaid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled a. 101 l Nervous . v dlpprehensions or Fears, or any o , the affections symptomatic of Irchkeers, will find Immediate' riallol I and cdtivlncing aH 'deere of its restorative power upon trial. restorative power BY Dr: J. C, Ayer & CO.,Lowel Mass Trncticyi and_ ; A ualyficg2 Chcmiatl. SOLD BY ALL, DItULIGISTS ~•V1LY1411.41(.1C El= THE WONDER "KILLING MAN. • By the use of the Magic Poin Dest'roYer and. Liver Pills, you can save titan's, money,. and pro. long life. There is not a pain or ache, servourror Inflammainty, but whet the Great Magic Pain De , stroyer will relieve, and in most instances en., tirly cure. Try it before any other rem edy,for It ts 'almost Certain' in every cane to be just the hing. and the only thing needed. References are .given of wonderful cures, performed by this great Magic Medicine: • .'East Hanover, 1858. Dr. Campbell — Sir—l hail a cold nettled oh my breast for ten years ; I was not. able at times to speak aloud word; I was told to get Dr. Camp. bell's medicine arid try it, and'it - cured me ins days. 01173.18T1AN SOUIZA73. Jonestown, May 30, 1898,—Dr. Campbell, Dem Sir: I cheerfully recommend your medicine an p certain cure for nick headache. Sixen G. Hettidell. Derry toWnship, 1807.—Cured backache of 41 1 years standing, by using Dr. Campbell's Pain De. atroyer and Pills for I weeks, Ztrvn, ago past 72 yearn. Newmanlitown, Lebanon county, 1567.—1 wan afflicted with rheumatism, unin,g crutches for 91 years. I wan told to get Dr. Oampbell'a Pain Da attoyer and Pill., and try them; they eurecime in 2 months. Faxon:Rog Bunn, aged 03 yearn. Union Deposit, Dauphin county, '1867.--Dr Campbell—Dear Sir—l have suffered for thelael 251 years from Dyspepsia and constipation; I tried your medicine as directed; they cured Me tn. weeks. ~Oscinos Si , anaLun,, - aged el. yearn. &atribershurr, October 20, 1808.-4 wan cured of piles of 17 years stm.ding by using Dr.,Campbell'S Magid Pain Destroyer and Pills for ono mottb, DAvaillorisn. North Middleton Township, aumboriand - Dr. Campbell—/ cheerfully recommend your magic medicine as a useful medicine in ek family,, for children; my youngest 0114 ,' Was token with the croup in' the night ; I aid not ex. peat her tOilveten minutes ; I had a Pottle. s' ray Wife gave according to directions.; it 'cued lnp minutes. SAMIIM. ICIMEAT. Dicksburg, Perry county, - .August. , lo,lßA--DS, .Dear Sir: I bought 4 , botiles,,.And • boxes of your Pills for my boy lyrio hadthe rhem matiem for.one year, then turned ;scrofulous liS was drawn crooked and could pot walk all the medicines I know and they all fall6ks but your medicine mired Mania 2 weeks. , • ' GnomonSWARTZ ' .• • , • tat erful ,Dlecov' bry of Wcitni',Lpionzge, - Lehanori, 18136.1 have 2.repeatediy used Dr: Campbell's Worm Lozenges, for my youngest boy, who was very ,eickly fore long time; gave hips one deed lathe morning and ono in the attar 'peon; there were 25 large worms psenedtind not less than 709 or 800 small need worms. Yours . ' raimp LIITI: • " 'Two miles Batik of evirliele,lB6B,-,Dr. Campbell '—..Your 'Magic Pain Destroyer aint.Liver Pills should bb tnado'knOwn ; my wife was In bed with , pains for a years; her head, neck, arms,legs, hand* and •Aligonn were .drawn crooked with rheumes. Hem ;4belleyp that !Tent one thousand dot , lam for, 'her, and received 'no benefit ,• bearing about•yeer medioines, I bought 12 bottled and • ' bones after using 8 b ttles, With.the OM, she could - wallc•WW il ortitehes . )•after She' had "used 4 , mote; she threw her crutches away. Ahie weight 226 pounds, and'aged'oenr 80 years. 40 ; •;.I.:• •1 ,I,•••• , • .1.1.40;01•An.5.w. ; Tbls medicine con be NM from De. Campbell, at Carlisle market, en Wednesday and ' BAturdal,,' Or st bin Iltere,Third'sBtreet, between' Chestnut . , and Mulberry, Harrisburg.. . ; 22j a u• oplin •i•.• • •.! . • •: ; :!'d t. n, }an, .• • :. • 12 " 11 " le " 8 II 9 -it 5 I' DAvit)'BT.itorim;. v. D. iSPONSLE . ". • JOHN 'NEW 4nd.POPOT,4I , . . O'T • AZID AXAIrg .„STOII2, No.13!B th Nabelliv r oi Eitiook, a low doors Songs' of Intek's corner.'”' Itnaveulawohtaarnariti f enrablniest,. etttelt et SOOTS and 81,10b18 Gang ofSlrek In Oeirliale and continue almost reeolve' au& good' 14,000 One as everybody yenta. Our stock. 'connate 'ln all 'kinds • inViarletene Woman's Atlases and 0411d'a'atrolot;, heather. elboall.`, Women's Mime' and WOW,: Lasting , Sheltered • Women's Glove Kid Turkey and French' Hereon. Slenbrand , lloy'a l', , Du ff itrcralp . Boot I. : • Moult' and calf' and' , Oeffireengrani Mater Atan'e and Boy 'a beating Oeltennenti Oregano. 0 lien's and Boy'el - rOalrand - Jltiff.trifordXiel; - Onin Sandal% Ruskin' and' Ovarian:ee, Tlen'a and Women's Gloat ,Tent and barpot Slipper Men's, Pore and Oblitl'e Vol , and Saxony Bate. Try oka of ale elebeand Mean Praltioiling",qage,Eqtahele and Villeen, together wine prlingloe oeGOODS'lrbleh , eib trill dll tti:aill! Of . QUTOKIETAIESr 4111D' SMALL , 'PAOtirrig-Ilf ,MOTTO. .Therdtbro In itautag our card It felotended a 4 pottional.. invitatiOri to. MIL io bbed %144411 , ria4 torik tbrauattaAr'atoeltteltibOutroadlog.und44' ONf.' gations to buy violets suited to quality and • .N l (ti &Tay' try to deal with , avery mrwo atralghtfervrardloalimer arid 'ylinvivery A-atelier a full ifilttividiset hla•monkvi thoms4 , l,4e - Cllhalr Arat, , OlipOrtuUl!tic', o , • • • i6 v ,, c; 4.4,4 El gra.Y.ll?.'; hate tonresegrect Mita °rim ! , dielle4e I End rhin,bairji:,thicione(4 ailing „ hair 9heckgo.,, Ind • balfiiiiiss" ofieri