DRY(.I.OODS, 'GRAND OPENING OF IS U.MHER G ODS, AT THE IMIM 0 EN Tit AL DRY,: GOO,DSSTOIi'E. • Black and Colored '• .. '• Blank and Taney Colordd Gronadined, ' Grenadine Barnes Mobalrl'oplins, all colors, , Ohorkeal•Poplinotts, . Froueltßercalles Lawns, Ginghams, Brilliants, and many. other.lt inds - DBEIS '131:10 . a D'S bought at a groat' dino in prices, and will b sold eery cheap. WHITE GO,ODS, yolk‘ • ' of every description and quality q fr.or; Dresses and 'leagues, HETLA'SD WOOL SHAWLS, ..? , - B OK LAU fiBAWFS, REAL LAMA LADEPOINTtio PBOLS, ALL COLORS, SIINWAIBILB LAS. ' DRESS TRIAIMIN GS, in great variety, snob es Ribbons, Fringes, Laces, 'Gimps, Cords, Buttons, Frogs, 6.c IV Co riE° 41:::› Our Notion Department cannot be surpassed for variety and quality in the county.. ' ' , F A,, N S. Fans of all kinds. . MOURNING GOODS 8-4 Black Canvass Barnes, entirely new, 8-4 Black Grenadines (or Dresses and Shawls .Bombazines, Tamise Cloth, Dolaines, Jacbnet Lawns, Ging hatrf, Eke." FUNERAL GWODS. Cloths and Cinnamon., to closeout for the seam, we will sell at greatly reduced prices The very best Dark Calicoes only 12. 1-2 ; full yard wide Muslin only 121.2; and all grades nod description of Domestic-Goode as low In proportion. - CARPETS. • , Carpets, - Oil- Cloths, all widths, • Matting, all widths, Rugs, Please give us an early call and satisfy yourselves that we have the most desirable and complete stock, of all - grades, of Dry Goods .that is to be found thls aide of the Eastern Cities. LEIDIGH & MILLER; • SOUTH EAST CORNER OF MARKET SQUARE. 7inaY 69 Surdmer Drdss Goods EXLM "33303 M 130ENTM" EMIE3 DRY GOODS STORE, PHIXADELPHIA ON MONDAY, MAY :list 1869, =1 25.000 Yards, 500 Pieces SILK' FIGURED GRENADINES, (The balance of an Importation) At 37 1-2 Cents per Yards, ost to import FIFTY-FIVE CENTS lipno Goods are seasonable and Great Bargains J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE "BEE HIVE-, 920 Chestnut" Street, PHILADELPHIA 26mar.69 3m 3 0 Pt t w txi i4 g co bi CY , F. hi P 0 'I al R. 0 Durnituro of alt JO, Jign and Domestic manufaeturo, from the Boost rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple and pins Parlor, • • Chamber, Dlnlng-room, ~, Kitchen and • Office • • GEMTIMI • llmbracing nvery nrt(alc lined by . uouse and ;ante), keepers •_of,„•ltnltiont approvod aqd fanhionablo designn. and dash, Including also Cottage furniture In R&M reception and Camp Chairs. Meittrusbe Mit framoo 11, ,pi- P articular attention given as usual to funerats orders from tOwnrand country, attented to pronaptly and on moderatotermn. SPEOIAV ATTENTION PAID TO TILE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. mar 1121, GI Atil i rPINGS • • ik • '"' Wo aro novi , to4lTlng a.l4ostiior,lbr Spring Selre, LOW • 'FOR °ASV: LEM:110101 , • No. 910 - A - R.O T R • P1:111140E . Lii'MA;.' • • rm.— • • '26td0r6046 t L R t!, •,,ft A Thing of Biaiitylmra4og:'Foroben) - The'enbscribearespeotrolly , informs tho iodise of 'CarlislO and 'vicinity ahat ohs Morro=Prod from tho Eastern , Cities 'Elia latest EfPlilliiarAND BUMMER 'B7fLEIr to now ImeitaridloidireenteaU orders with 'e a aim imd *6247'701'i% 'l4otliii-tilsiitip Made; and Malted tat the chortOst,notice,, and at reasonable prices. ltiblbons, Locos; and Artificial Blowers alp N • ts! ELUIXIARETT Sus ta 'STlll oi7/ • 0.0, MEI .M.ISC.~`~~AYVL 0 175. , YOU' ''ArAN't ~ ' Xi:). SEE .: ':TEE . most ported P-Sier . .owsuriz impri; 0.004 to t E P hp public, step Into . . . —.--, , ,- „ t Stove 'Store, 'ilut Loather Street, In i iike-reitof Halbert's Store and see tho - , GREAT ;494qiiPPAN BABE BURNER In operation. — lt le spgrpetnatlimmer, an Terkdat a a .r, as we ! . , ilan,tofdheinold and is warranted to .consume loss coil than. any other Stove of the same size,. ever offered to tke requirlng•but one•ordinairy ecuttlet'of coal onto in twontp.eight hours, being perfectly' simple in all its working , having a simple elide to regulate the fire for !cooping at night, one kindling of hie bang all that is reitnitod during th , e.7rinter. No dust.;:no gdo, no clr cinder, ' " • • ' • • Pc REFE John. Paul r • ' Athos Miller. 'Dr. B. B. Kieffer, Isaac Porter Dovid , Millar, 0. Delaney, D. Hoffer, . D Ralston, D., HWY,. Col. Williamson Mre. Binrvolt, Piot. Elaymon, I. A. Sangamon, Dr. Irvin,, . . Johnson Moore, J. T. Rlppoy, B. Witten, " • C.L.Biltaff, i , A. Coovor, J. Thompson, J. Burkholder, ' I ' Capt. Brindle, i Mrs. tiordon , L•Borgos, . .. , Willtehison Dreg. III: Stouffer, W Sheaffer, • Turner, ,77 , ,. J. Stouffer . • W. McLaughlin Humor, A. Leidlgh,, P; - , Mumma' Goo. drarenbaughl P. Digoniritz,. Mrs. Wonderlleb, Abner Miller, J. P. Daimler, l ?debt:gale, And others. Get the beet COOK STOVE in the Market, xcel4or Penn or, ; Morning : Light. ~.• In addition to the above Stove .FItIDLEY hoops on hand a full suppirof the boot Cook, Parlor and Office Stoves. _ . Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds on band, and Spouting, Roofing and Jobbing of all-kinds done at short notice, and of the best material, Fruit Cans; and Jars of the most approved' patents,. and In conchisloo the best Portable and Brlck,Set .Ib7-1L.1...1 . 32 'Et 40 ass over offered to the public. Fpr references call on Dr. George Noldigh, Henry Saxton, F. C. Fleming, Mrs. Gordon, Prof. Hillman, . F. Gardner, F. Watts, • " J.-D.4=6IMA, - A. L. liponsior, • I J. Roster, And others. Omar 694:y • • NEW BUSINESS, NEW FURNITURE! FURNITURE BUSINESS. The subscilber_having takou tho entire b witless nit o hienwn bands, arillaontinuo to carry it on in all Its 'various branches, at tha old stand, south east corner of Hanover and Loutber Sheets.. - . . . .... . - - He desires .to announce to the public that ho has now on hand - and is constantly manufacturing -and pnrehailng.from the hest eaaternmanufactu, ors,. thi. latest arid. •heat stiles , and•piitleins of FURNI TURE of all qualities. Ills -stock of . ready-Inade work, cnusists In partot MAHOGANY SUITS, WALNUT 801 CA, ' CHESTNUT SUITS, TEAPOTS, Dit ESSINII BUREAUS, of all styles and prices. - Tote a Tetes, Sofas, Lounges, Cottage Trundles, Cot tage, Panel; ,lapaneso, sod Jenny Lind Bedsteads, Cettage Dureans - , - Micrble Teri - Tables and Stands, IVasitstands, of all vtirletleF, Chglrs croft shads, Stuf fed Furniture in suns (Jr In coondantly on hand. Mirrors of all styles cod {dices. 'IT() 1 , , MADEWoR SuFti ns Bide Lioarik hol,lll, Ferro- tuilet ol ali descrtptias, taVtla by rnallet.l. Wl'l,lllllll Lila material and at (.400Daiaa !aka. , ell All I.ls C 1,. HALBERT, ,t,alfrPm.., PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO.. 1111 Chestnut .'Street, PHILAMELPHIA. AL A ST.I C SPO,NG.E, A SUBSTITUTE FOR CURLED HAIR DIEM UPHOLSTERY . PURPOSES Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. Q Tho Lightest, Scant and most•Elagtb, and Dora ble material Vuown. for adattreseies, Pillows; Car, Carriage, and Chair Cushions; It Is entirely Indestructible, porfoctly clean end frto from duct. • I=ll Ia !away. tree from Insect perfectly,healthy. • ni for the sick le unequalled. If soiled In any way, can be roil. Bled qulckel nd easier thou any other Mattress . Special attention glued to FU I~NIBUIN6 ORUROCIES, HALLS, dm. Railroad men aro, eapeclalty Invited to examine Ito Cushion -Sponge."' - " dATIEW ACTION. GUARANI.TED THE MADE STIPPLIVID tape 084y.' , . • t " i EMI It DP EPTY AT PRIVATE SALE BeCO. • ThO Great Need Quarters fo • c all Muds of Array' Goode, Now and Socoal.hend, and sold', at a tithe of the coat . LIARNE,S 8,, Nirheel and toad Team, litiiileas,Ambillaloce, Light and Frowsy Express, .Cart and :Buggy. Yarn roe, hleOlellan and.Officave Saddles, .Brldlev, Collars, helnscljaltorp, • Furalligles u ele., 'ote, I _ • • T T , ,1100(4 . 1,, , wode9,. with •poloti and pine pqmplote. Wagon' , .Gevors,• Aprulngo, 'Caching . Dot- AO• • • ..,...• • , (It s () T zeis); iriwi;4oo.t..,:.:7,ickoi, 'how. ) , „Pante 'Army Blankete,• Hem Covers,, Fly, Sheets and Siete, eta., etc. •, ,• • • —..•: ztl .' • . -The largost ;and: beet acoortenta, we ;baye over Sggd for sleaerlptlow Price .Lieu,-aunt lieu on up- Ulan &Oars by Exprisa • 0.,0., .• DEDUCTIONG :TO Iv LIOLESALII • . Obrmerly. on rent OW now) ; ' 71 .• • • • „ • • • • • I • Sd St.; , just bolero . Aioh • St.; • Now, _York. bma4'dn am: „ A. 11.111, • , ' "J. BEETEM S:i• 33,TtOTECERS - • Roi.itiitkiPiti Cobloatission Merchants • • . (Eketl4etsprep, pld•~t Rd • 61,1. li t BFllllllfal'parll6lO, , PA. The ikighost marked, prloo 1411,i00..p0id for Flour, clraltr OddYrodudo'ofla ealnds. • . „ „.„! • ' Ootil of alildndis,'Ontliraelosg-- LYkIII4B "'' '. OO VOTAO.T.MPAI I S, ' g, NY, AEA Limoburnore,ol4l3lllakimilitie`tohltiintitantly of sale. • Kept' kin'dor barer, oadd.ellyorod dry t °lair putt Of!the toep.r , Also, Mal ilgli3d#' of Lumbar on Wind, . . i7apr 111.01{ . TB,iiatitar 'Door 011!1,. on band and pada sl;o7tredar 0184 Min.' OVO Oboist, Oarllidaf PL . ; .. • . • ' • . : 11407-25. HARDWARE. MILLER'e. BOWERS' EMI TrARE sT ORE, HANOVER STREET, o 2 obp ,".0. c)- 1 VA 2 CARLISLE, PA, , 4J p 2 ` -1110q41,4 • 'WE *mid Teapcdtfilkly call atten- Y ',tlon ofthA . pphllc recentlyvenienleb: ia STOOK- `We.havei cerefullY, kvolded . purobaelni during the roconOlecllpm end now that the market, hasheceine'eettlod wo have filled up our sholvos and are prepared to offer special Inducements to all who will favor ue with a call. We have constantly on hand a NULL 5T00K.,91" Hammered, English Refined, and Nor FerirAlP9l\r; Berdan's 'Horse and Mule Sitoes; NOrway Pais ; &c. P49tlopFyitt! : a . roV atock of I'P V) 0 S , • .4 sucks s Drilla, Rolld Bor.Victis, pollows, Bsups, Fllee BU I L, D 1' N-G M A 'l3 , i 'II.W: We inTito all persons intending to build, to COTme and take n look thruogh our stock. We have our 'Bolts, Locks, Glass, Points, 0110, and oil material In this line marked down at the lowest CASH PRICES, and feel aSsuied.that wo can offer speclal'induce. Monti in this branch.' , HARRISBURG NAILS, alvia3 , s on hand L E ND .. CUTLERY, of all immaginable patterns. We hoop on hand a full llne of those grioda and are-always able to suit the taste sloven the most fastidious; ' 4 ,1 4 • ..ankitam, _ SADDLERY, of every variety, embracing in part self adjusting' and Gig Trees, Plated Japanned and-Wood llama, Brldle•Bittsfßrow Bands, Girthing, Horse Blankets, aiso, " Our-filonds will always find us well supplied with. the best drends of those articles and ready to sell them at the lowest prices. Wo are cOnstantly In re ceipt of Paints, thus enabling ourselves to supply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all dos• crlptious contently on hoed. Cabinet Makers anck Undertakers, and ux having a full aupply of cood• in EUIe Iluo. Mill, Croos•cut and Circular SaWF,ltillo,intl Hl:toting Powders, llosondalu, Hancock and Scotia lid Cum out, Calciou Pinot..., Crow It moo, 81ude:•x. 16, FARMERS, will to wall to call end examine 'our stock of Barnes,. Tracts, Breast Chains, Tongue and Stay elmlns, Jockey Chains, Spreeds, halter Chains. Cow Tins, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Bakes, Grain Bags, Sc , be fore buying elsewhere,. IVo are reedy to offer special inducements in this line. Repairs for NEcCormick'p Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. We aro solo agents for the BUFFALO SCALE WORKS and are ready to supply Scales warranted, 'and fur nished at lower pans than any other :calm in the market. We are conetautly in receipt of goods direct from. the manufacturer. and ate able to turn it h Country Merchants at Philadelphia and Now York prices. always op band and at the lowest olarkat rates, 111413 a, Spas, ?Owes, Axles, Shafts, Durk / Milling, GOODS delivered to nil parts, f the town free of charge. Wilcox & Gibbs' ,w-.4 - _ „.. -, ~, ,L. Wo have secured the Agency of the Wilook "Iv Gibbs',.l3ewlog Markine,lttAlithi _ fem Hy-arrange.; montqle ono scorns' willing 'to do without ••aftelr• hoeing seen one in operation: The Wilcox! k Gibbs', • is, er,liipglo...Thread,llDWhin,q , and ' claims ,suporloiltrsver alt Double Thread Maelffnee halm following' particulars: It is elmplor and limo liable to get out of repaii. 'lt is cheaper. It rune 1 with less noise. It rune -easier. It rune Jester It•luuts 00)1104 iffeylco) for prrentkno i9o! whpol , ! 2grilta,VAPlTtnt,fggrt r i e ttliNtn " o b ri a l! . lustruction . to learn to 'use it. It is the. !most. •cortoin andreliable in Itl operation, • Its needle• is stialeht end leek lible, Ito be. lbroksn than 11 !Mod ono'. The needle Is secured in its place by an Ingeniously patented - device which rondare it Self. .ndiustlng so that nettb'er akin ntrW7eitlertalice !are , kkn/rati in arranglogAilltyleWs diroctirfrom the a spool thus dm away with tbrt.tedipps operation' of rewinding the 'thrdad " Ibr ifflustm'orlt 'ln the shuttle. It makes the Wilcox a Gibbs' or "twisted !loop ptltek",p,, stitek arterial with, this machine and made by no lather, the: eolun'•fet 'Mete' elastic and stranger than the Lock Stich. The a , * de the:. ,mosteYen,and.tolllitifu,i; ,thcrionloa,• la AIWA I Pearl festooad Lillie avoldidg a rerirsible Tfild." ts, tett, elon is more simple and more easily adjusted, 1t.,11, l ' aro t rkgritYolfe h Ttlil f rllmVolllV.l d , ? ft I; 'k oo k . tht best hemmer, it-has the best filler, it t r ims the•-beet. .braldoritt.bas.thkbest belt., Tile., Wilma. 4! Gibbs has been in.thenutrket for a little Moro eiglit years, during,whick timexpwordo of sixty thouaand have been made and mold, a "nOMberby'fiftrpO r Cent, larger than were sold of any Double Thread Ma. .Vl3lllo'l[olllB aktriell , fiuMberrof its Leanest •yeasif.! &ice env:lees is sufficient to warrant the sale of This: Machine) wherever kali San' AgonOY !without. the doubling evidence of testimonials of which thbroars! Ptiough , to . 1111. up, exhibition' e,list und:.. M Machines' ire o n e it obi 'Mere, No. 28,' North Honorer street, Qatlisle, where they maybe ' ekidnidedland thoylWill taktigreatoplillture In ea.• plainlng anything relathm to it.. • ~. - .... •:••• .1 • !I: ~ • i teLtpCotralltikel; / ,t,.,,,'! , .1, e,. , i.:•• 0 • .' " - Mann ' 4 hoWEIO • . trio, 20,--I•torthlkinoven Bt. . 29Janc9.. ' , Carlisle, IN. ': 'i i_~.~.i : ~ s ~~~ t .L41J1:/~~.LY.lud'UI_1.~:. OUT, PAT GOODS , MEN. - •S. TO Tabi PIIOLTO: tbaSe . just retWrned froixithO EastirON my String -Stock and ros Amid' 4m4elling,4oOdi c eUp ' or than auy.otker Dry Goods Iloilo In •town. • lido not think it.neeessary to occupy jobolumn of nows paper to keep up my repptatlon for fulling ehOap Goods; wiz dna aelab tolgeort tO._ clap trupP to gull 4.11 the public. . ask of them Is to call and esamlno ,for Ihemsolvoi, and if not saddled with thaprlods. not to buy. Remember.tke• stand No. .82 North' : an. - or etratTnnwrdourto - Dr7Kleffer'Srind - bll for at Bowers Hardware Store. • t !1 ; -.. .WM. abonunip tldrdAbdi fourth • • 1. grand oPetilngs. - : ' • 9aprdai. , • 1, it HATS AND CAPS, s 41051" bo.A.ole,t,plll. ,to call PP ..„13 -- -;•,o„A'Ofq : ..o .. N o 2 ot hois'can beriaatiltio linen ahnuritnota , of - ", 11. - - , . - . evur brought to Crlbilo; llo t alms great pleimurti it .ItivltlnKhhiujot I,,,toodkapd,Quocotuoro,,,nu.Lop - tiow ishito t tg,Dl, 0 gplontplibtobk Yunt'.reobllveditrom)Nov:; - V. rk and Phibigulphla;c6UslNtlbg telidrt oriinA._ SILK ANTY:OASSIMERE HATS, Besides an endless variety of Hats and Caps of the latest style; all of which he will salt at the Lowest Ceth Priem Alan, bin own mannfnetnre of Hats al• ways on hand. an , -4/L1.4 Illinplf crept? . (1.. 10-,0,..311,c,r, '- -4'4 ' 't IlielYiroViiiirfle . P and P ITA':li , b4r' a II PTI Z ' - eleth ., lo;•i& the nu kltiai 0 1w,1 , M . "' Al l' .(f " o•oliyatia on the shOrtmltbrrtico( o h.t:tell'T.ll.s l, -. 0 .., -, 0 . 0 . 00 inegt.ttasoinplo t,o•oo.. A150,..0 , llne , l_ : nr, n ) Otando:Or' :I ..._' • 4 ,-. . IP.'Ll,4lt.liS ,TOISActIO.4.N . ..... .:al• : •;ttit'to/41.and• • • • • 1 ;ii/ 4644 tii till tlid,nttentlon of P7rr'774 gs v iriiii3. " k. tqlja 6, - ~, ,: soil, , ns ho pays - th , o highest cash prices Ilnlin •„•t stand as 1 . , G Ivo hr . fo n o r l a s tli;: fi n t tall ,i . entire gatlscso.. number, Iris old tlon. •,,..;,,,,,.:., _ , . • . ° t o a f b giving ° Julyl4 n 7. ZINdARfI3TTTERS: MEM A SAFE lILOOW PURIFIFIR, •~~ , The MEDIAE' lIITTEDS o compounded from a proscription of the celobiateu -Egyptian -physician Do, CHEOPBUS, who, after years of trial and - orporb meat, illscoverealho Zingarini. Herb—the most re, markahlo vegetable production, the earth, pOrhips, has over yielded—certainly the-moat effective In cure of disease: It, in combination with the other valuable properties of which the'ZINO AEI 13I1TERD is composed'. will curo Dyspepsia, Ft, er and Agne, Bilious Fever, cpoil Colds, Bronchitis, Consumption In Its first stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debit ity,.Femalo Complaints, Rheumatism,' Dysentery; Acute and Chronic Diarhota, Cho]- era Morino, Cholera, Typhoid and Typhus Fever, Yellow Fever, Scrofula, "cam of tho neys,.llabitual Costiveness, .4c., to. In the Pitsvltfuok and throe of the above die eases, it has never boon known to fall, as thousands pour tudat mdmlnent citizens throughout dal porta of the countrit dill testify. Let tbo afflicted son.. for circular containing testimonials and cortificater df those who have been cured after their cases have boon pronounced hoodoo by our best physicians. 13=3 No. ON. Front St., Philadelphia Eseaqe . Devja It.l l orter;'of Penusylenelli lion. Robert...l, Fisher; . Ilon..lltheetrtl McPherson, 6 l . Mon. Joel B. Penner, I' 41 lion. WM. MeSherry, .A,ND ZINCF. ' - BEND ,T Olt CT Re TJ ICS :13fob pROOLAIII IT: TO ALL .THE L WORLD TIIAT • T LIE .T lONAL BITTERS lion cured more CIIS7:8 of DYSREPSIA, more cases of LIVER COMPLAINT, ..more 4 CaseS of NERVOILS IIhADACLIE, FEVER & AOOlO, and more cases of DEBILITY, thanany other remedy before the public in the Same space of time. iT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS TILE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, is an Excellent Appetizer, and a general In. vlgoratrr of the' System.. • WALTON & ZUG, Proprietors, No. U, N Soy, nth St., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and Boaters generally. 12foh 69-6 m. - U. S HOTE L, OriPiostze Pa,. R. R., Br:Reading Depot, 11A RISBUIRG, -PA. w. & CO Proprietors. 2ect.138..1y. COACH MEI WAGON FIXTURES, TN CONSEQUENCE OF THE IN ;Maestro - r fire, which In January last destroy: od their store and Ito coutouts, . J. E. CALDWELL & CO. J EL E S Have had made especially to thou/ order to Auropq and In America, an kintirely New Stock of Choice Goods, Which are non' opened lend ready; for examination. VERY FINE • IrAIIII3 IdANYLIt MOCK!, ORNAN4HTSTO HATCH,. Entirely now, BRONZES, GROUPS St 'FIGURES. • GORHAM I,I,I4NUFGOO'S FINE ELEOTRO.' 'WARES.';: •. BEST JSTEft.,tI*9::SIL,YRR ; WARE, Now ' :WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c.; Szo., A. yeiy fnli assortment at vory MODE2t9,R?Pj; "PRICE, 4r. Fa; ilM•pedsonti at o „. . , lif , ~.. NEW'YORK 13,RANOEI. 1- ''',•!' HT AD QUARTERS %V 04 13ABGAiiT6. i • I 'ive ittqiid brat 0 thb-ipeelill'attentloti if tho alt, 'Wind , of 04rholo; aiid Ottmbothind Obtuity to our 'Well iiiikted stoat 'of lionlert, , Olcnittr, , °Moe, 'White Goode; Linen and'Youoy Goodli alto which MO irordotermlned to rliu oitiat'ailhioloh i 'ITT .: 0110 ul an 'arty call: afid" , Liidgo fir _yovreelyail. P.DAMBERcilift) , ' l Y ' '' ''' 100 ' t{% la N. Noloyer 114treet, plpalillan. 1110 + ~. .• . . . Do you'inant a nice-Hai or CiLi)'? BATS . AND cIA.Ps --A-SPLI NDI'D-TONIO A -I'LBAI4ANT BNVEI!AGE, A . 0 Dit.'l'tlN CURE AND PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES, Pit Inp'AL DEPOT, P. RAHTIM . & CO., JiCOMIIIIINDED,BY " and others 'DRY .GOODS. 1114' Ci4: ? °:) !,- . 7414 T 0 err THE TIME AND SEASON, •( i;§,T , Tuir NEW AND CHEAP CASIELSTORE. • 'THONAS A. HARPER, .Pr,CORNRR. OW ,10,19V3311, AND, I'OMFBET 6T9., -Who to now oroparod to oxhlbit an olonant and • wolkasaortadOtook of , ..t. : • 1:: DRY GQ - ODS, At bxcoodlogly loot prices! _l3nrgains in • BL4 E T , , Rcovk YeTII"a " 1 71 1 „ • FLANNELS. Plain and Twilled, All colors. ' :llorokry , ! ,, 131)Whorc .Plaid OperaH, IlouAlade. ehriln •iVoliarPlant6lo. - SHAWLS - / SHA.W_LS ! Long and Squaro, , L'aiglex and Tkibu'L Ladies' Cloakinge, Volvatnons, Oold aflac4 Water Proof and Heavy ,13eavere. : • , Markin Vests, lend' Ilrinvers, for Ladles' Misses, Men's and Boys' wear. A full line of, Cloths and liassin'leres FANOY DRESS GOODS In naw an d Blob Destine Many of the above (oods Rolling off at at greatly reduced prices. 'lmmense. Stock (of all ,the leading brands 'of Domestics and ROUSE FWENISIIING DRY GOODS, at lees than regular price.. IitgACHEI) & BROWN SittEtLaGS, PILLOW OASE MDSLINS, PILLO4A<LIN.ENS, TABLE LINENS, , NAPKINS AND OYLLES.. Towels .anil Towellings. Marieillee Quiltr and Table Covers, Nottingham Lace Curtin Material and Tidye. Bull lines of . • WHIT., GOODS, • Embroideries, Lacos and Insertiogs Veils, Mirages and Crapes. - gtvin - hii,k - of-- NO T IfALSIORAL AND 11001' SKIRTS FANCY. WOOLEN GOODS. CORSETS!. CORSETS! .Frowh . , Wovq, Rho Gore,' end the celebrated Becket Corsets. Ledia'S Cuff+ and Collars, Hemstitched Tucked! and Embroidered Handkerchief's. - SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS. THOMAS A. HARPER, Cor. of Hanover and Pomfret Sts EMI= BAR GA INS! W. C. SAWYER & 00's WC. SAWYER & 00., calls the attention of tho public, to their im mense Stock of Fancy,and-Stripcd DI2Y GOODS„ Conde log of SIL ItP, POPLINS, EMPRESS OLOTIIS, MEIIINOES, - ALL'AOAS, Arc., dm CARPIiTSI A.R-P E SI! Such BF Bilussims:runcE PhY, , ~., - •V,, INGRAIN, • - ,-•••:‘..,,,,, VENITIAN, ,',,••'=', COTTAGE, • RAG.. . • ,LINEN Aud GIMP, giliervalloty 01L CLOTHS, HUGS, SHADES, whfch will be 'old very cheap. CL'OTHS; AYD CASSI M MIES, I.IOSI Y, G 0' VE a, DOUSE FUItNISHING GOODS, of orrry kind RIO In n undent quentltlen. We Nill uulke gredleocrlfiee end offur n gee nesortment_ to select from. please remember this large Stock will be sold, And we ask prices with a view of closing out the tintire Black. All who wish chap DRESS' GOODS. • , All who wish cheap CARPETS. eheap HOUSE' FURNISHING goons. All who crkh DRY."OOODO 01 any kin Call at, W. SAWYER A CO'S„ East Main Street. btoh 69 . 1867. SPRING. ' 1867 • , BARGAINS. NOW OPENING IN DOMESTIC- GOODS DROSS GOODS, -- CASSIMERES, SATINETS, . JEANS, • WIIITE. GOODS, DRESS TRIIIISIINGS, , . 8 - ZVI HER kiBBo NB NOTIONS, &O AT' . • RING'S' NEW STORE, No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET.. Oppdetto the ?Aeroflot,' Douse, next to POE Office Gorltele , Ej3TABLISIIPD 18131 REy.NOLDS, 8: SON, N. W. CaI;NERPTII AND FiLpERT STREET. PHILADELPHIA, PA . , _ • • Sole lifeniikciurers of tbe Col rated' I~'ROUGi#T-YRGTT, AIR HT., ~ .Pas-consamikkg, eater WiTIitPATBNT ,DUST•BOREEN, 1 , 3 GRATE BAB, RESTS. and , WROUGHT4IRON RADIA.TOI Thiele Ilea era aro , made of Remo; Wrought.lron, Roll rlelted together, tho ,only ,sure prorontlen against tho'oeMpe'ot (Ma or Duet. Thoy are °sally managed, without any dampers. . The. Platelet Ra: Mater avoids 'the,use and annoyance of,drutes, and is •permanently. attaohed to the Floater. • Thle ,the most durable.,elteplo, eneononilcal and poplar lioatMg Apparatus ever offered hr sale. They aro, Al guarantee: . - :., (ROWING RANGES flinotels yrunpos, f.pg4I.)BLU moon TITIATRItI,4, _ ' LOWDOWN' RATX"B,, , ' BLATNI •. tetiT!rtATOBS. I. WO Ate Oda rattattlhoturinita •• • • , NE, RLAT-TOP,IIpATING ,•• Head tar,aptllloatmti ispkbiet, 211 09-1$ ,• , 6Eonax i 1,0 - 90 iii. the cititend of Change and vicinity, that 'he eentinues tocarry on the above bualneee , varlone ,branohee, lb the: basetnent , of Itheein'a, Us% Ithihrth alloy, where ordern *III be tbenkfUlly' , calved and romptlY , exeentid, • °Marche at• the Z( Office Office I will Ltospl,... prompt ',w tf hom: • - 3 exo..B,Pulam. • • lefeh•li9 ` ,I .IIfISCELLANE,O,I74: Ei I;WA C ?' , 7 " 15 niggists, Thifffalo, ;.' Foi• 'GEO.. B. a OFF.MA , a • Grocer, :Pomfret Btreet. • • Ell Restores gray and. faded Hair to its ORIGINAL Coi.op.; removes Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASES OF Tfl SCALP, Prevents Bnimasss, 'and * rnakes the h* ,grow Soft, Glossy, and Luxuriant. 51,00 and $1,56 per Bottle. Bach , Dottla is a l ffeat Paper Bop Prepared •by SEWARD, BENTLEY CHENEY,. Druggists, Buffalo, •N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. For Sale b j GEO. B. HOFFMAE; G-Kiirer," - IWiifirerS A Safe and Speady Cure foiCoughs,Colde, Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Corcurnption, and all Diseases - Of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a sev.re Cough, or throw away money on-a worthless medicine PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY & DREWRY ! Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all Drap,crlalL For Sale by GEO. 'B. HOFFMAN Grocer, Pomfret Street: 221anv1311-Cm. SPRING GOODS. o have Just returned from the city with a very Urge and splendid aesortment of season blo goods, are soiling off raiddly at LOWER PRICES TLLiN 'p.m LOWEST, our stock of- trit E -S- S 0 0 D S , is very full on d complete; the styltecure tineurpatis ed. We have splendid SILKS, • -• CA81611 , 4E 4 DCLAINES, ALPACAS, And' many -new sty lo Goods, GINGGAMS; CALICOES HOSIERY, . GLOVES, RIBBONS .... . TRIMMINGS, . TICKINOS MUSLIN.% • ...- . - - - SHAWLS, BLANKETS, - - - - ' FLANNEL all grade, HANDK'S CASSIMERES, Seat., Cottornideo, and th.i largest stook of enrol wares and Tlhntnlngs In the valley, OARPET: , , OIL CLOTHS, NIATTINGS. HMIS. BLINDS, CARPET CHAIN or Cotton, I.lnon and Wool, best malts. Our CARPETS are considered -by judges to bu tiro °lmpost Putrid,. of the groat cities, , This stock of goods le very large, well arcurted, and will be Cold e lf at reduced micro. It to not necusrary to fill rr eoluarn In exaggeration of our stock: but wu invite ell to call and too for them selves, which re,, think .111 eCtlsfy thorn that his ie rho plan to hey for profit to thomsolvos, Duct I 1 TIENTZ & 14 1 1. W OLOTRING TO ORDER AND it lADB. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. V., NORTH HANOVER ST I invite the attention of my old ohstomers and the public at largo to my Largo and Brilliant Stock of SUMIEIt GOODS for Mon, Yiniths' and Boys' wear. Ely Custom Depurtutont comprises Om finest and moat select of (Maim and Cassimers, whilo my toady made Clothing's cgully arid most tastofully golton up. ..o. . I cannot and will not trOmudersold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, , N 0.22, North Hanover Bt., Carlisle, N IS. HMI gollitht tho-Floranoe Sowing ?dad:dues 14m ay 69 COMPLETE MANURE, lIENRY BOWER, Chemist, Bupar-Phosph i tut of Limo Ammonia Sc WARRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION This manure contains all the elements to pro, duco large crops of all kinds, and is highly recom mended by all who use It, also by distlngolehed 'chemists who Lave, by analysin;ziusted Its quallti Packed on Bags of 200 lbs. each. DIXOX.SIIIARPLESS & CO.. • , AgEWII,7, 89 South Water r .4 .l 0 South , Delaware Arepue, Pots nr - WILLIAM REYNOLDS. . 79 South Street, BAhTIMORII, MD. Fo A rln d rrl l :l l lX, rdt r oVe l ll2l7 ll rog l Ara n . try, TO'THE 'WORKING' . CLAss, . . . inn now. Prepared to furialsb all classes With :mutant ouiploymentat their.bernea, the wholeof .the time, or tor, the spore moinentAc. Bnalnesk now, light- profitable. Fifty ceotAto IA per evening, is cattily ,oarnod -by persorm of .eitber seat and the .boys and girls .eara martyry; much •at mon. Groat Indunomante are offered them who will devote' their. ;wbollitlme to the.. business t opd thatovory amid lionlrhe sees this notice, and, may, send tn 6 their address and test tho bunkimis for themselves, I make, the following unparalleled offer .To all who aro not satiated with the business, I will-tend $1 to yey for . the trouble of wiliing'mo, Null particulars, Dim- Wm, &c., sent free, bainple tent by mail for 10 ott 'Address, E.-0. ALLEN, Augusta, Mo. Apl 2-am EIOUS; Arprth, lian . bver Street, carlfsle, , . . UAVlNG''establiebed myself 'in well•lta earn and potedaillOTEL, I moat reepootfully aollol6 tbe patronage of the old cditce; more ot, the limo, and all others who wish to °olio good acoonimodatlean andwttentlow. ' • • sar-DON'TTOIMET , i4H OLD tiTAND4dtgr t. "W k . icAmiS. • S ttt N. .4 LIVERY, AND SALE 13. 1 ;e4P4D;•; .potaroon um:lover end Bodfor4llltOots, t 4 ° , # Ottli •Ortho Gorman Rom. • : . 01%: ( B'It 111/I.2i' N 411* ; , 1 0 raterirriaava ,to., 1.. am prepared to, tarrittiCtlrok)ivo ,titrn7ooto, toasonablOntoo,. .F"artt, token to . dna, Abr. tha ngigi4B EO. G..1)0811 7 8 is the Ones' to go a pop' char..Betwein no I • ininklln' ukr BOWBR , 'S I= 1111 11,ADIMPIIIA MADE PROM Potash MI .11.M.OELLANEOUS.-; Ttal MAbiIIb•AaTURINd T4141 - tat• MAOIIINE.—No other . family iwing. ffiellchine has so rapidly won 0/1414 the likSehold, The very largo sales of that , lffilltdOt• machine hips shown by official returns, far exceed those of any other company, and this foot or result' has been owing to its real merits—hence its groat and grow ing_poptdarity,.-,lt r ift SiMplejp constrion, easily! tin_demkod, easily. `operated; all its Ws. gliding' emaithly and 'tioisitlesely along-not CO' sox out of order, has capacity for a greet range and va riety of work, sowing all hinds of cloth and with •all kinds of thread and with the-numerous attach ments for hemming, cording, tucking) quilting, trimming,.l,lol,ng, braiding, Ac. , , and embroider idgolittany-Ingdniotisit •taitteltd -and -difficult de signs, is the moat perfect of all family sewing ma chines. Any one who will take the trouble to ex amine the merits of the different machines claim ' -" - • • ing attention, can soon discover whether we claim too much for ours. It would oval,' us nothing to' make, the abomassertions if we were not Iroady to fiVdvethem.ianullisca Ask lira trial, for obherva lion along can justly convoy a clear impression of the many kinds of work of which our Now rams' MACHINE is capable. TIM FOLDING GASES, Which open with) spacious tables to sustain the work, and which fold into tables or boxes to pro.. , tact the machines, when not in use, from dust and. meddlesome fingers are mode from choice woods, embellished by pleasing designs, thug making our now family machine not only an ornamental piece of furniture, but In some of. the morn els. .horlitpl.t finished machpes, a 'Pak ofrbal THE ` i 1 Of our now family mactuntayabove referred to, are not only numarons, but highly useful for the pur, pogo for which they wore intended. They need only, a trial to choir their great value. Among the moat Itecelitnitherattitehmenteta Rho. EuIIROMERER. Of the different enact:mend of our now family machin e-w- hlch-haveaeoured-the. attention :and. approval of our customers that for embroidering, like the Hemmer It one of the few Instruments. which Will'uimiEnlmise and • satiety the obselver of its real value. It Is so simple in structure, that any one who can sow on our machine can nee it, and without instruction It may be attached to or detached from the machine In an instant. Without a lengthy description, and oven then, It would,bediMellit to describe. the , groat variety of `Work' that -this ,tittle Instrument'-Milt; do. The reader must net suppose that what we speak of is a mere chain stitch operation, which is sometimes humorously termed embroidery. If desired, three colors of any kind of thread may ho mod at any one time, am: the colors or thread May ho changed at the will of the operator, by removing the spools in, use And putting 'others In theft- stead; thus as many or as few colors may be used as the operator, wishes. in the embroidering of any garment. A great variety-of results aro produced by the man ner in which. the tensions are regulated4 , Different results may be produced while the machine is in motion hy_sluply_chauging....the_tentiont_ResUltfl vary according to the length of stitches, kinds, colors and tensions of the threads, as well as sizes of the needles used. The Embroiderer will use any kind of thread. The use of zephyr worstel for certain purposes given very pleasing results. In order to get a just idea of this valuable attachmralt it allibe necessary-to See it In operation. MANIIVACTIIRING aIACIIINEB.—We would ask attention to our new Button-hole Machine, which, is the onl3 practical Button-hole Machineabilming public attention. - Our manufacturing-maohines,- for other - purposes, are too well known to need /11ACLIINE• ZWIBT.—We have.recontly enlarged our Bilk Mille In Newark, N. J., and furnish them with t h e latest and 'most Improved machinery, which Is being operated by highly skilled labor. I'Ve know and feel the Importance of not only suf. I , olylng , the nears of our machines, .but the trade generally with the best quality of Mamma Trier, : which-we will doll ,by 761r2.8111LE rather, than by wvonr. Thesyhtem of selling by weight has given manufacturers the opportunltywol:oo heavily weighting silk in the process of dyeing es not only to greatly injure Its quality, blot also convey a wrong impression about its quantity. In this re. spdet Wirmean to be above suspicion. The manner its which the sizes of Bilk-ate graduated Is also a wattor of gtest iniportinWbut'we use the gr•atest possible care that the graduating shell he eadeed ingly accurate, In addition to manufacturing from the beet quality of raw Silks, the evenness of thhad and beauty of finish of the nianalectured article will not, we think, be 60011 surpassed. Each spool of Bilk manufacturedby us; of any,'Ps.rliculer else or letter, irresnectivo — offwelaft: contains the number of yards printed thereon. Length, strength, sloe, qualify and 'finish of the thread are 'to be looked to- rather than, weight. We era mow silk manufaettiters on a - Mtge scale, and fifer that a large4ade an only : to retained by vs in furnish. log q superior article) at a fair price. 11 other brands Of Twisdbe offered adlessfpricelhan'oute, purchasers may rest assured that It - is onferlor in quality, deficient In quantity, or both: ..,.. We have and shall keep in -stock at our Central Office, and various agencies, Twist of all sizes, rnd oft he veil OUR colors and shad es of color in use, And which will, be sold at New York prices. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., No. 46,8 .I*adwaY , N. Y ATILADELPHIA OFFICE:1100, CHESTNUT ST. L B. WOODWARD, AGENT AT HARRISBURG.. Office No. 4,' N. 3d St., Opposite City Bank 4 , T,nir 69-3 m. , . „ c s k.AR k c c, ) cr.BAN N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHILADELPHIA. qENERAL Aq,ENTB, ~FOR PENNsnvANIA 44 fr ,. D 4 <741 NM r -40/(...) ;OF THE: Itit k risu fik".o o7 ai 7 ,4 1C,E6 UNITED SIES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL L . 11 ImeirnANos COMPANY Iv I rbrporation ettertnre by evelAl Art of Cungreas,lt)4 proved July 25,1869, vltb CASH CAPITA ; $1,000,000, FULL'PAID. Liberal terms of f ered to Agents and . Solicitors; villa tre Invited to apply' It our °Mee. Full partienlare to boh El on aprilleal lon at our °Mee boated 10 the aecionitatory of our Banking' Route, trberitnretilara And `Fainpiilute,.fully {Bien bled the vivant: oleo offrreil'hy ' hr Conlon., rbe had. , tii; •eLt It K B. S. -Russel, Manage'', C. H 'HEPBURN, . ()twiner let National Bank, Agent for 1115: - HOOP SKIRTS.- .1115 31- 1101' K I.NS Ras Itemovedkis Manniketory and Salesrooms to • t , 'No' 1116 CHESTNUT STREET,' PHILADELPHIA , Where his "Own Make" of Champion - troop Ilkittat cubicle' ily a4apted tp: Phut Cltiec) I 917;eicsaie and Re. tail TriSlo,' willbdlfdond to drebratukthe moot ortyn. sire assortment In tho 'Union, and all the latest and mosedeslrable ; Styles,.Shapes, Lengths and Slabs, 2 2 1 / 0 234, 2% yards round, 'of Plain and Gored Pan. lore,Wallting,Skyrbb Ito option .Tralle, hp., 41e., to. gethef wftlyloye .bittuty Iffetkpt yarieties of Misses and Children* karts, 43 situdfich for symmetry of style, finish, llghtness,•elasticity, durability andreal byteaymers,ure;unegua.lod by, ttny•ptber, goods pc' the nsarktt, and are warranted in every respect. Aids. made to order Altered, slid Itepairttl,'Whplesnlojitu4t KWs;(4d:llas ' iartl'iMadakirtti Springs, 35 Cents ; 20 l3prlogs, 45 Cents; 25 Sprlnge 55 Oehts44ll) Springs, /55 Cants; 40 Springs, 75 appts,tt ,:t • .tt tt • t• 't • COSSETS I COIDIETSI I - CORSETS!II67 differont Myles androrice,q, from qp qente ST.OO. embractuF " , 116tkeViPt)loyo Pitting," Madam Foy Corset Skirl Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Patent otiolL AdjustingAbeoteinal",olpplots; French, NOMIsh and Domobtio Tihnda),alleOgrabfMtuitifinpdrior French Patterns of CotellOorsote„"Onr Own Make," to which we invite eipacial,AttepOon„,,. „ , , Complete assertment of 'LaMar' Coder diwments, etONN ve low pricpo,, ry ICIIA/, fcr the7II4.II2II4.I,LAI2ANTON FAMILY SEWING MACIIINN9, superior to any - other before the public.- -Fifty•two of these NO 1 Ma_ elkinep, Price $55 each, pro being glyen away, to our cuatemsra i6firder4 dotttljotp jotroduced. Nvery person in want-or articles In our line, should exam- Lae'our.gooda beforo.purdwaing olsewhore. CalPor' sand foncirculare Alt our • Illannfaatary and Solos booms, N0..1115 Clliettunt Stahladelphla,, - 2611%0941m. ' '* T. t morKINs, Z " OittrAN AIOY 'l'.lALOtitor,Ts. , Tho*.tuiderolgith.ll boith hOliolnted' agent for the sale of the cq niE lobrated PELOUDET, CABINET °ROANS AND torqtoA,levity attentiolvto the instrument *Nylon, exhlbltion ail Ws , kiomi 40PEaat DicklosotO Colloge%l I Then Oftaus iind,Blelodeptui „wore peifiirdod the fitratprise i :a 601.11:1 htßDAltatL.thoAroorolip, Then. titoitair 11,136,,after !flee week's ;set, Anil have since taken the rat fpriso.wherover,thwy halo been _Nutln coiMpetltlon. Maytag had cone de exparlonac,in the ulo of Manful Inatrumen e, Asitn,reatunmend the; e with icOdtdonce`And gut teeatitlko'sathdhallon. „ please, will and. soy Me . Insirement # ,Nd gotlUe rate,., circular. . • ,; :oTRupwlo4 'pnonpm o. , ; , Itoop ) ",,40 Dist Oonegip:`.!, JobT4iitii4 : ,, ,:peittii..Ociutt4 iiiiliiii`,'.oditili...: .-.' '" ..::::.:!!' i '.. 4 ROMs.- C wI BERLAND ,vmaisy.RA.Lti: anent •. • CHANGE, OF 110trlifil , • lin and after Monday, .o • eysteyitteeitd,looB. ar,Tralna wi ll run dally as follows, (Bundays id) i •WEST , NY: AcoonsionArtort nient kaiak I,'Mechardcaburg..l3,llSCattr Inezz a b , n . r i g o l. r o , l u4 l .W r g o : MAIL 'hunt loaves Harrlsbiu caburg 2,o2,tarllalo' 2,04, , Nei burg B,4o, Chamberaburg 4 20 log at Hagerstown 5,28.8'. M. • • )411.13.1114' Mum leave& Hai Ifiebableablirg 437; Hdrllsle 8,4 blppenaburg, 0,87, arflyini 1 5 • Itirizti , 'lttandeccies Obai treenonstlyp,2o, unloving at Hai. ,` , ;.:t'i'Af: M::T.* A it' b.•;:';;;;':; AnifeWeehioiitiCaiii leaven Chambiraitla' . 4,45 Shipplifiabiarg 5,14, NoWvllle 5,45, CarllSld 18, Methenlealinirg 0,47, arriving _atellarrinbitit 7,16 A.M. .....blassaleAwaloavoi4lagoratown.B,oo4..sl,llireen castle B,Bs,lo i liambertiboirs - PAPAhliiponsburg, 9,40,' Nowvlllb 10 14, tliudinlelo,so,ll4chadlestharg 11,24, arriving at arrleburg 11,56 A.M:—---•-•-• a,Expasila Tatra, leavesillakerstowm , .ll;ss), , A. Greencaatliil2,23, chiunlierabury,oo,,Blappenaboirg„ 1,82; NoViiIIIO 2,05, Carlisle 2,45 inhaidenbnrg,3,l2,. . • ' •!•AIBILLtiV 7 TRAIN leaves IlitterstowtvB,os, , P. 151: firaeaesslla .arriving ,at chamborsburg, 6,05 writ Alms eletio,oceineetlgh . iiiit•iiiirrieliaig 'wide trains. tor and hom Philadelphia, New York, Mani. ,more, Waslslagtoß,and Plttslo4l3. , SUPkILINTINDENVEI .9111 Ce, 5 0 . N. LULL. 'thambeiebungiPa.; May 8, 1808.- Sep% EADING: RAIL ROAD. ~ • • •• • • eraMMBIR .ATMANGEMEDIT. 1110,2VDAY,'RH' 27, - 1869. ~.. GREAT TRUNK :I,INE Filo6l ,TILE North, and North West for Philadelphia, Now , York, Pottsville, Tamaqua, 'Ashland; Shamokin; 'Lebanon. Allentown, Easton; Ephrata,•Litia,'Lancitater; Col.' Tiains leavnfairiebnri for ileir''York At 2.95, 5.20, 8.10. A. M., 12.25, nood, 2.00 and 10.55 :P..‘ IL connecting '.with•ohnliar • Trains 'en the ,Pennsiy A ivaula DAILRoad, and orrlving,at New, .York at . O. 5,,. M„ 11.46 Noon, 360; ,0.46 0.30 P. M., o.oo,‘A'; AP., realpectfully. SieSPlng Clara accom. patting, 6.20 2.95, A.' M., and 10.66, P. 111., 'trains Without change. , L'eliveiTairlalitirg for hattelitig; • Poihrrllle, Tama. qua, Minorsville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine, Grove: '.Atilenhisiti and Philadelphia, at f1.10,'A.11„ and 2.09, 'And 51„ , stopping at Lobanon,and' Principal Way,Statlons; the 4.10,,P.,M. making ,cenneo- Lions for 'Philadelphia and ColuMbla only For Pottavilt, Schriklkililfasion and Auliarn , • kill, and Susquehanna Railroad,. leayp „Marrlaburg., 930 P. M. Returning: -Leave NO* York at 9.00,' A. 51,12.00, 'Noon and 5.05 and 8.00 P. M.i Philadol- Mbilrat - 1111 - 7OrM7 - 01M 6.9 u P.'llif.rTidiFpfrir — cafe accompanlng the 0.00, A. M. and 6.05, and 8.00 P. El. -trains -fforn-New-Yorki-Withoutohange. ' " Way ..Pasesugni Train leaves Philadelphia 7.90, A. Al. connecting with similar train on ,East.-Polin. sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 0.30 11 RI., stbpping at all Station R ; leave PottsVillo at 7.99, and 8.45 A.M. and 2.45, P. AL, Sliamoklit , at 5.25 10.36 A. 81. Ashland.7.oo A. AL..1.2.30, noon, Tarn aqua at 8.00. A. M. 2.20 P. M., • for Philadelphia and Now York. • . Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7.00 A. M. for Ilarrisburg, and I L3O k AL foe Pine Grove and Tremont. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves Reading, at 7.30, A. 14., Returning leaves Philadelphia at b. 15 Pottstown Accommodation Train': Leaves Potts. town at 0,25. A. M. returning leaves Philadelphia at 4.00, P.M. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Rending 7.00, A. M., and 0.15,' I'. M. for EPhrita, Litiz, Muenster, Ac. • :Porklemon Rail Road Trains leave PorltiomenJune tion at 0.00 A. M. and 0.00 P. N. Returning Leave Skippaek-at-8,16-A-61.,-and-1.00-P—M.,-connectlng with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. Oraundayst Leave . Now York at 8.00, P. Al. Philadelphia 8.00, A. M, and 0.16, P. M., the 8.00. A. H. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00„ A. M. Harrisburg 6.20 A. M. 4.10 and 10.65 1 P, ~ and Readiegat 12.55, midnight 2.64 and 7.15 A. 141: for llairlsburg, at 12.65 and 7.06, A. M. for New York and at 9.40 A. 61, and 4.25 P. M. for Phllad. elphia. • Commutation, Mileage, Beaaon, School and Exam , siorrTickete, - to and from - all point - Fat reduced rates: Baggage chocked through;loo pounds allowed each Passenger. G. A. NICOLLB, Gen Bupit. 7may69. • Wheeler& Wilson's HIGHEST 'SEWING„ IVJACHINE'S! At the great Exposition, Parte, 1867 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 ,Competitors.'.. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT THE BALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACHINE ARE 100.000 GREATER • • THAN ANY OTHER. - THE GRAND TRIAL- • Daily nee Throughout.the world, irePo ONLY Titus iisurrlaine favor, and suPentoatrr wins the. race. The Wheeler le Wilson stands triumphantly, the Champion and Leader over oil others by the verdict of the potpie. Wo Maim, po merits, that .we zmtnnot,sustain by living and reliable witnesses. We stand upon our own Ems, Monte, without declaiming against other companies. We claim to have Improvements for sowing that we know cannot bo excelled, and .in many points that no other company dare compote with., No other company • can show so many ma chineothat have been in daily use for the length of time as we can. For the proof of this, look. at the numbers that are on each machine. The Wheel er and Wilson Sowing Machine to the Rich Man's Best Friend, and the Poor Woman's Trust and Com forteror, for no other company can sell on as liberal, and easy terms as we. • The poor woman can get hersella Ma chine, and afterwards nay for it. No Machine .is paidfor until parties are folly satis fied Constant use only increases the worth. 3MC.PB.CI-3LITC'3OI9 . • Several ladles in Carlisle who -have used our ma- Chines from'clx to tweldiy ears, say "They consider them hotter in every point than when now, and there is not a garment •worn'ln 'the family; from light as Swiss to. heavy as • Deaveyeloth, that they have not made." Ono lay says "I have §owed for three years and never broke a needle." We can furnish names and recidolices,of•responhible parties who can sustain nil we Claim: , „ The .unsheed nee a low of litany. who have thd Wheeler and Wilson Powlng.Machlnee, end length of time they haydbeen In mutant ueo. Mrs. J. - B. Haveratick 14 years " J. Rheem, 12 " " Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr. Wipg, 0 R. 0. Woodward, " Rev,,Storrett, " Peebles, • `, Miss Caroline Ege, 0. Berman, (Monroe, wp 9, " .St9rreii, (DiokinsOn lvri); 3 21nug 694 y - • Insiruetlons glien 'free of , charge. and . Machlnas cheerfully shown to all who call at Mrs. William' Millinery Stare,Tio. 20 North 11p:toyer Ftreat, Car lisle; Pa. Priees.and' htyfoe 'le stilt any•Buetpmert Machines dellveren.te illvolnts•ln Cumberland and 4440111qm countlqs froael) o •Zilrii,f•blirfie , • • • PETERSON & CARISMITXII,;:diin. tgts 121 .HARRET STR.B.V HARRISBURG. • • J; M., 4 4 ,r, L:11...F111.1011., the only Authorized Agontsiu Carlisle.. 6941 • . ,„ • NEW GOODS 1869. I . am now., evening', ilia cheeped. aaeortroent of 3 0P1ING AND SWAM glt 'CIDIODS biaught to Cerllele 'Woad ttie war. Ow Ipg to the great depllde Iniprlees 'during the last few Irreg.., am vow': enable.* to of; Aer e great trOuttneentA tertash t.,,merkau . the entlfa 'stock bah been pnr - ebased at tlie preileiftlow pricy All the bost.Caliepes ic 1889 Good Doladnowat 1508;204 , 2G. .„ . , 311101..ne.,At,7, .4, /2 8c 2 , - 1) It'll: 8,8- . . - . , o , , , n 'All ti rirAriNfittr DnEss 'l3lool)Bibr'TAaiw., .gieht,yettleY ethlyery ebeup. , 1 , ,' :- ..'". • ~. d ; , 4 Crißb.llS .:(.! 8c.,:y04Y,,L0W. • ' . ' 'Clotha,. ~ 'Clausipieregif , . m wor i„, Cot :ko.-ofoivary Aeserptlon tin com,only low, TAM,' Lluque NApklne,, Towelo, :Plots 'bleieallieepped Spreads , . VeldkookW,Swbsitee; Oatabrl ' oe, Penile, elareollo Quilts, ae,', attha Tory lowest notch. . i: , ..., ~ , ~ , ~ ,,,,, ~,,, XlQFlpiipepib qTtovps in great . Tfirlotyi., . ' IVigRNINIM COOD 'it:L' r woapaLm..., Reps, °rano O . ii,.lnglhibt drape, Olack Thybet Bh#lB and a tuefertmele at yftt. neital Goode. —' , '' , ' • , ~.., .',.. 'f , t , , ,,,,,, . " I My entire' stook 'of ii•OOdienckintrthatidilki,n , the- last Mehl days wlll,ba oi,plak , out Flipir I . ; 91 / ,008T10R04.811.' - Look vat' for. beirsialnie at lli , obea - p ' etsii.,l3t9pt,. weit'llitita kat,' nearly Dia odte•th• depcit is aiiiii363 -`, ...., • . ~, -, ',.;' , ,,1 , ,, I, ',1.: 1, - PAT.EII?~' ~3ED7L'IIITES ME Ayer's ..;RAIN 'VIGOR ; „ g or, r ,..thrip g Gray 4p!r ,, t,ii Its na{ural Qitality .04r, itiiiaink 41310 h 113 lb° tig'reeable, , fieal-- 'and for ;ving 7 -4114, : ---hair :grdY.`Jialr is • Von Iv' itlgthaT #loss rrolii2oBB:,Of, , "youth. , pair i thickened, ig - hair ' b>fociced l . baldness though not always, cured Notfling'restore ''virhere , .the follicles aredestioycd, of "t 1 e glands OteßikY l3 4? ° ! l q / ) , l as ±e '' T. 14 teiM:/)9. llPl4lPftWtiilanthis application. ! ..nap4 l o. of, ,c 9 ,,jigig, .Va ti b air • with t,pristyeedireent,,it Will keep it clean vigorous,. ,occasional Arpvent the heir ,from ; ~ tur. n ing :gra s p or falling off; and consequently a py , civent baldness. . , Free from -, timie - ', deleterious - ,suliatancea,7lipli mk0,139,11"1e pr,epapitions dangerous and injurious to, the hair., the Vigor can only benefit hut not harm it. If wanted merely for a. • • HAIR DR.*,.SHI I NH, nothing else can.be , found ; desirable. : Containing neither oil or.4ye,.it.does not soil white, cambric, and yet lasts long,- on the hair,.giving ft a *ll glossy, lustre and Rik e, grateful perfume , , • Prepared by. Dr.. J. 0. - PAACTIoAr. AND ANALTTICAI;CHtSfISTB, • Moct , Ayer's Cathartic.. Pillg: yonall the purposes of a Lamattvo)lodtetne • •• '" • ••• rer aps no ono Medi / • ,tine Is • so, universally • ' ; required' by everybody •t , t as •a cathartic, nor was peer any before so unl • • - • - "•••••Ydnelllrlfdtriltdd — lnEo • use in every country and GB MS igrgid di r ea _ _ oat purgative Pill. The obvious reason is, that it is a mote reliable and far more effectual rams. di than any other.'. Those who have tried.it,.know that it cures their neighbors and -friends, and- all know that what it dons duce ddes always -that lt.uovor fails through any fault or neglect' of its _cninposition.. We have thousands upon thousands of certifleates.. oil' 'their remarkable' curse of the following complainto, but such puree Are known in evoiy'neighborbood;and eve need not' publish *them. • Adapted to all agna yand• conditions, in all climates; coots ining neither celestial or any • deleterious'drue, they:may be • taken -NOW• safety by anybody. Mei; sugar coating pre.erves them over fresh and'makes thoin pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful influence oh the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy action—remove the obstructions of ttie stoulachTbWatiil fir, and other organs td the body, restoring their irregular 'action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements as aro the • first origin of disease. Minute directions are given m the. wrapper on the box, for the fullowhsg complaints,. which these Pas rapidly cure For Dyimepsta or Indigestion, Listlessness, Languor and Loss of Appetite, they should be .taken_moderate_y_to_stimulate _the. stomach—and restore Its healthy tone and Nairn. For Liver Complaint and Its various symptoms, Bilious Headache, Sick lleadselte, Jaundice or Groan Sickness, Bilious Colic and Bilious Fever's, they should be pdiclously taken for each caie, to correct - the diSbased - action or remove the ohstruc-. Clone which cause it , For Dysentery or Dlarrhcea, but one milli dose is generally required. - For Rheumatism, Gout, 'Gravel, Palpitation of the Ifeart, - Pain in the Side; Back and Loins, they should be continuously taken ' as - required, -to change the diseased action of the. system. With such change those complaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropsical Swellings they should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge., • For Suppression a laige dose_should betaken as •it produces tha:desired o fleet, y sympathy.m- ' .i.4l,linprZ,Vill, take one nr tiro -A713 to: pro -trt4te digestio'h',tud snit eve the stomach, : An occasional' dose stimulates the stomach, sod bowels into-henlthy-action, restores 'the appetite, and , InVigorates the 'Systain. --Ileums - it: Is often advantageous where- serious derangement ..- .lots. One who .fuels tolerably 'well, often dads that a uoes of thedellits make him feel dorideoly --botter r fronc.thalo_cleansing,and, randtatios effect on the digestive apparatu..„ DR. J. a A YRR it CO.; Piirtlicattiemilis, - " LOIVELL.ItA&S.:O" 'S..A Ilayerstlek Brothers, Agents for. Carlisle. THE "WONDERFUL PAIN KILLING • By the use of the Magic - Pain Destroyer and LiverPlils, you can save health, ,money, and pro. long life., There is not a pain or ache, um roue or inflanintatcy, r but what the Great Magic Vain De. etroyet will relieve, and in' 'moat- instances en. lirly cure. Try it before - any.otber remedy, for it Is almost• certain In miery, case to he just the thing, and the ..nly thing heeded. References are 'given of wonderful omen perforated by ;this great Magic; Medicine; East. Hanover, 1866. Dr: bampbell—Sit—l had a ()old settled on my breast for ten years ; I was not' able at' Claes to speak. a loud. word; I was .told to get Dr. Camp. hell's tnedleino and try it - and It cured. me in 9 (lays. uniußriAN SOUMAX. . . • Jonestown, May 30, 1/368.Dr...0ameliell, Do ii Sir : I cheerfully recommend your medicine as r certain cure for nick headache. JACOB Q. HEILMAN. Derry township, 1867.—Oured of backache of 4s years standing, by using Dr. OanybelPs,Patii Da stroyet nod Pills, for 3 weeks. • • JOHN Zuvn, ago past 72 years. Newmanstown, Lebanon county,.'lBo7.—l wai afflicted with rheumatism, using crutches jor years. I was told to got Dr. Campbell's Pala Da strayer and Pills, and try them; they' cured'ine lia2,munth e. _ . ~F.R174.111110K Dram, aged 63 years. Union Deposit," Dauphin county, 1867.—Dr Campbell—Dear Sir—thaye suffered' forthe last 7.a years froni Dimpepsia nod constipation; I tried your medicine as directed; they cured. ma in 6 weeks. ,Ctrfflutsk. Sr.akoLuk., aged 64 years. of our Ohambersbuir, October 29, 11399:—1,wa9 cured of Piles of 14 years' standing by using Dr. OampbelPq Magid PainDdstroyer and .Pllls for one month, • • North Middleton Township; OutnUrland 1869. 'Dr. Oninplicil—l cheerfully recommend your. magic medicine as a ,useful medibine fn n,, family f • for children; my Youngest child was taken with tno crone .in the night ; I did not cx. pint her to live ten minutes ; I had a bottle my wife gave according td directions; It oared in minutes. ' SAMUEL 41/41IIIT. Jaeltalie*, Perry. county? Angled lb; 18CA—Dr. Campbell, Dear bird Thought 4 idittles, and ; boxea of' your Villa for my ; boy TAM Will the them, math= for one year, then turned ecrofuloue ,• bq was drawn crooked and could Mit walk; I tried all the medleinea I know and they all failed ; but your medicine cured him in 2 weeks. • . GEORGE SWAILTE. , . Wonderful Discoiery Of Worth Lozenges. 12 . " 11 " le " 8 II 9 5 1, Lebanon, 1856.—1 have repeatedly used Dr. Cam wits Lozenges, 'for my youngest boy, who wits very Moldy for a long time ; I gave him ono doss in the morning,and ono In the after noon • thorn were 25 large worms passed and not ken than ned or 590 milli seed worms. Yours truly, - . Pnimr,LuTz. ' TWondlea East or Carllele , 1868,—Dr. Campbell —Tour Maglo'Dith - Deitroyer - and7l4lver - Pilla -, Should•be anade,known 3. wy wild wne.in.hed with pains fors ygnyeplerhoad, nook, mina, lege, hands and gagers were' drHrdn, °reeked' With theuma, Clam 11 do bellevethdtl spentr.ohothhusand doh laps for her, !and ,reoeiveut•;nek 'benefit ; hearing about.your,ramilleai bought lg. bottlea and - hoxed ; after stain . ' tilts; with the 331111, she . 00104' wslk With 'orutohea ; ' after shelled used 4 ;mar, alto.theew ber•erutohos• away, la !,2)5.11R9,44#, !SIMI t agp i d, Own ISNrcit. , 32,00 ra hehaStiehifihi.' Oti 11*.al r , Cailielestikarkety,ori• Wednesday, ,heul,enturday, or at lila More,..Third ,Stroot, bot , smen Oholitnnt' hiullierry,lr,arrlabarg. • , • 22,hdi'09-1m M. • .p4VACUSIROAISIN At . . NEW andtr 9r, 1 !1T144; ' ~ . ROOT, .s E; .6.0 , - Tltuzsric. AND ; E(49.91 1 , : sTo.un, 'No i 3. iiiariiit ) tisliLiii,ei'lit,Vetit. 4 . Carlisle _a f,a6L,dooro Bouth`Of Irpttli 'bonier. 0 , ' . 2 . •*.fi . r.i'i o / (1 Ot idulaed ho largoot-and host, stock__ ,6CIIOOTB,inaI.I3IIOES or or Offered .1 parllole and onntluuoalolost'daily to colyo,takOh' goods la our ilneas,eveiybodtaari ra t6'.•, ~ , L , Par, stock, 'Fonelete,ln elkltlada , ,, and T4letles of Vironiiirea alleluia and °Min's ettong' dether ,Shoes, Vi'omon'ir,lglesoe' and Ohlld'ulaathig, paltaro. Wouten i e 9tovi3 'xi* rte,Y,:andlirranth• Morocco. "Min's awl noPieceit, gm:MI(1 /937 ti. • Mon's and Ilare ,t.nt And Putt' . pills kcz Gaiters. , Mon's and toy,.O'lpotillaltetalinf, ro gain. Mon's and rtoy.'a,Wf. ud , hutTapall,, fool Clam Sandals liv/ill,ll,4a,,.t?t W riiiiii,,,,"ot,„,,per... mult; A 'fit, Aim , : ru e ttroal , gab. , °es t ( , r . n , , ~ , , n ~ , IgAka or a lreard,orlel,. . k iridllink h • It i o;11,6 oh6la Our 41146,0gother wit Tot or IDIldl? ,whlohy lt , ll/601.1 suit the '' • ' ;- -,- ~. .i." . fie , :..it; is "oult -1010:040';:4 1 .r4#4 ~,,•,..A1:, :s .I)gd q Vil t tft " 4 ll°.4 . i l ' g li o 6 4 l 4kti: d il t itl i ttli :' lookitirougu,Oir. 1 o r opti,.llo.*Verir . . 'ninon') tebay, p.O :113. tpd,in l uotwr a: ~. I,THATIL so: ,v , ,L. , soil vq fy 17 , _.....,, . L. _ , ."_, ..4,4 ! 1'140f,, P GOOD:S, 1 14, , 401 itk .-xpa ? lty4 4 .. 7 ..euttwa &roll el lye .at tor.h ozk' 70 • all wilt ttomp 4hig, , Atit , a4kr+ittaity to dtU tWir 0 4 1 4" 8141 . "" ". LOWELL MASS rnioL i 1.00; DR. CANPBDLL, JOEE.II: STROHM MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers