. . OAMP METING . NoTICH.A Camp Meeting for the \ Carlisle . pistrict TdothndiepEpiscopal Cburnh will bo hold Hoar 'Oakville" 'on this line of.tho Coln -Xetland *alley _Railroad,: cc:amok:lcing Aug. 4th and Continuing' eight day e". ; The - location, abado,'water..4kc.,are all' tbat..cottld bo desired. 2• " Persons can be suppliedyilib eitlier can ' van' or hoard tents at reasonable rates by Making immediate application to EL R. *man, New Cumberland Pa. or MUCNINGHAM, York Pa., ' The Aailroads adjacent will give return - tickets free - to - -persons-attending the meeting. Boarding furnished to parties at reaSon 7 , able rates. - LIST OP UNCLAIMED LETTERS, re maining Sri the Post Office at Carlisle, for the weekending July 7th 1869. • - . .B—Brady; Peter B ; 'Moser, Mike ; Blowers, Lizzie ; Bell, 3krary,P , ; Buxton Beitzel, Simnel Beodim, John ; -Williim; IrtCreo, 'Alice A ; Chickering, Ciipt, John W ; Cannon, Geo. W ; Carmond; Levi ; Cramer, George ; D-,Duey,_Cathertne ; E—Eberle, D.MY ; F—Fry, David ; G—Grube, Andrew ; Green, J. C; Itz-Harrison ns , Charles Samuel; Her aba Harry JA Hopple, John ; -K—Keever, Miss Annie ; .2 . L—Lotolle, John H ; Lee, Mrs: . ./inn ; Long, Miss I,fary ; .AT—Myers, MIAs Minnie; Mackey, Jo- Soph ; (col'd).. .N— Naugle, Miss Susan ; R—Richard, Mrs. Susan ; Rickon, Miss Sarah ; S—Shearer, ; Sheaffar, John D ; Sandman, Balthasar ; Scott', Louis B; Smith, John. A ; Shaun,' S. B ; Sites, Catherine ; &warner, Sato Z. T—Tritt, Benjamin_F_;_Thumma, Ma ry ; :ranger, Barbara H. Thomas, Mollie airiin • -I.Triciikolti;_:Pbil- W—Walker, Martha;_. WOO , lB, Matil da ; Wagner, Sallie J ; Wooley, Don't Morrie ; West, J. It ;2. , ALlsmA.—lt is not often we have the time tospare, or the inclination, to no tice, atiy of the thousand and one prepara tions sold throughout the country, each, as it is claimed, being-a sovereign cure fOr one or more of the ills that flesh is,heir t o. Indeed; we have frequently wondered that -people ever died at all, or grew old oven when by a small outlay they could fur, nish themselves with something which would keep disease at bay and defy the assaults of time Concerning the efficacy of one of these remedial preparation;—and one which has become celebrated of late—we can_ speak. from personal experience, and conscien tiously say it is good. We refer to '..Alls ms," an article for restoring and preserv ing the hair, manufactured by . : Messrs Seward & Bentley, Chemists and Drug gists, No. 189 Main St. Buffalo.—Buffalo Coinmereial Advertiser. Ptlce in pint bottles, One 'Dollar, The genuine is signed S.l. Tobias on the "ontable-mrapper. For sale by the druggis ts, Saddlers, and Storekeeper throughout the United States". Depot, 10• Park N. Y. /TO glow sales forSowurd's Cough Curt), I AS J une Ina I==l Choice Family Groceries, Finest quality of Teas. Choice brands of Fami ly Flour. Buckwheat, .and Corn Meal and a fine assortment of Queeneware and Glassware at J.M. liesonnElMEß'S South-West Corner Pitt and' Pomfret Ste. ApL23-8m THE -BEST.—Tonics have of late years gained rapidly in public estimation ender. Ihr more generally employed by first-class physicians than t hey once-were. The reason for this Is that it is a getierally established fact that wholesome tonics used in "mode - ration daily fdr years do_ lose their virtue, neither do they injure the' eyo tem. They -act Intact like air . and eieivise, and not es "medicines," which are Intended solely for attacks of illness. The BITTER PRINCIPLES, especially those . of vegetable origin, all possess the common property of stimulating the Appetite, strengthening the nervous system, and of Imparting strength . Women - generally derive -benefit from them even more than men, their system being more liable, to debility and exhaustion. We have again and again In our experience seen the good effects of tonics where the eye. had grown dim and the cheeks pale, and': the entire frame ehowod every indication of exhaustion, nervous sulfating and debility. The best established bitters before the American public are beyond question those of Dr. Stover, and this to equivalent to . declaring that they are therbeat, since among the !mores of really excellent bitters now current, a poor article has no chance of success whatever. The most Ignorant person Can tell at once by its effects, almost ;rem a single dosee, wimther any bitters ate good or bad. ,Them of Stoner have been sold for thirty years, are com posed of sixteen of the eafest roots and herbs of • well•known tonic virtue, so skillfully selected compounded with regard to their mutual effects, that it may be doubted whether any more perfect form of this medkine ma be made. Thousands of persona aro exposed to or raided with fever and ague, billions ague or other results of malaria. Let them remember that these bitters are admirable in ouch cases, as for diarrhoea and cholera morbus, or any ordinary derangement of the stomach. Try them and be satisfied that they, Should be in 'the stores of every family, and the trunk of every t,aveier. - - It Is a favorable feature In the advertisement of the proprietors of Dr. Btoevers's Tonic Herb Bitters, that no claims are made that they will cure every ill that &slits heir to: The weakest Intellect can hardly be imposed upon when told that this or that rem( ax will remove every form of disease in every stage, and yet we can not take up the majority of Journals without encountering au adver tisoment declaring that this or that medicine le, a nostrum w hich Is a perfect apothecary's shop, a whole college orPhyelciaus in itself rendering all other cures useless: What is Jairued for Dr. ace vet's Bitters is al mply that they will act as a good tonic, and ores capable of doing as mrich goad as a preparation of hitter principle can: Thy will not cure incurable diseases, but they will often prevent a certain class of disorders from ho coming incurable. The preferences and certillektes issued in their favor are all true and honest, and of tlecee there are hundieds. From the editorial columns or Forney's Fhilailel Tibia Press.' From, the Medical Profee*ion ', YANCALITER, - July 26,1869 'Nunn &. Co.- ,- -Gentlemen In reply to yours of the 2;il fiat., I, would Bay, that I have used Dr.' • Btoever's Tonic Herb Bitters extenalvely In my pros. tine during severaryears past. Ido not hesitate to - . say that I have found it to possess retuarakale racy. in cases orDyepepata„lndlges tlon,Lossof Ne vans Dnergnics yell a.. .rinse! and Ague, Marshes& Headache and other diseases proceeding from a die. ordered stomach ; and espeCially can it proved of Inc %estimable value in general &hinty of the system when other tonic medicines hays &Dad to produce thedesired effect. ' . . VhoUgh reluctant to appear as recommending any pvlicalar 'advertised medicine, a genes of gay 'to and thi medical faculty will not allow . Stirts - withhold - mrteatimony7to the-marltaof the A:Bitters in question. Tours, respecgully, • , T. D. P/MHEII, KRYDBR & CO., Matintsotavirs and; Hole Proprietois, 7.21.• NORTH 3rd' WIREEE, PHILADELPHIA . • r • • 4.lung 2DA • . ROPOBIKI4I3;.VOR' . ND STRAW: . OAILLIBLI Bil:111C1(2 . COCO doling A. Q. 11.; Yune,30,"1869. • 'Sealed, proposals will be reeeired at this office Amu) the 80th day of July next; tbr ',applying this • Post for the year ending 'Jund 60th, 1170, with FORAGE and STRAW, , in quantities as 'fol. • " '• • ' 010 tons (2,24(1b oath) 'taken' Valley Coal, ' 200, tens (2,241/Ib - eseb) Shamokin Nut Coal. ; 600aoida0ak . , .110;000 bushels (821 b eaeb) Oate. " • , . (66 lb epiell) eern.. - . _ 2 , 30 . t0ns (2,000 lb each)) Hay. , 1 ‘,.‘ ' 100 tons ( 2 . 0 n 0 it , ,a l.) ` fttaw,• • The Veal to be delivered by, the 16th . day, 0 ,Sein • troitliet next. . - " ' red i • The WoodiPeragie and Straw to „ be delis* a nalk aniatitlei asseqedred fin' consumption, or .. "'the Inf o d a tetl u nf i t t l i n d ir i te r rte e Le h ttoi o rn a s i y i tirtat4' ;,'Sditrrann depileato 'and endorsed ‘..Propoecle far ~,,: S upplies," and, con teiuthe Dames of tad , r:epontl* L ,O !tams 'who beaten, r .• , , wtAiratincii.otthis:'co4tokim. t ) tteticq i to t t , Puttee w ho areeekti!ere?v • ~';',.;ll,lll,Pealtig of the ProPetiall. '• • rc d.„44 'The Utlerunsent narrate the right to f ray : !et which'ineY be,itereFtld tooOab or ant etbeFeueitient.eause.' it It ' Blank Dreposida pay ' ....ad Au a a ea Ott o ~.'the oted4 • , ' ADMOND O. Y tan. . ! h ..; 011 .„, u * t4 ' " wuly9o 4 •, atilDj Q. , 2K.A . I?IfETS. oaniasLE. ritODUCID hIA . RSET . 'Crlisle, July 8th1960.'• YamßyYlour Superfine. do RYE' WRITE 'WHEAT— RED d0...i.... RYE 1 100 to OOEN qATS;(sfw)•••i•••••• .ELOVE)tSEED FINOTHYSEED FLAXSEED ... • 'BARLEY • uce Market. 11818,July Bth 1869. ' .Geneial P I Car Coirieted . . Weekly" _b., Wcishtnapct norrEn 20 BACON SHOULDERS, 16 ROOS, • • 03 BACON SIDES, • 00 LARD, , • 18 WHITE BEANS . Al 5 TALLOW, '9 PARED PEACHES, .15 SOAP - 8117NPAIIIIDDEACEIES; 16 BEESWAX, 35 DRIED APPLES, 24 5 BACON HAMS 18 RAGS SPECIAL, NOTICE. JACOB Plesiasrs—Dear Plr: I Lire bean ,afflicted for the last ten yeaii irlth the Itheurnedism and Gout. Tour Bitters nu recommended to me; I ' bare Used It, and I am glad to mu it has effected a _perfect cure In a eery abort time. Therefore f re commend If to all persona afflicted altbethe earns diseases. I tonelder it the best Cain'ln use Or any disease the humaa body Is subjected to. E. Pa YOUNG, Philadelphia._ FRUIT JABS We would call special attention to the'very low pricer at which we ace offering Fruit Jars both wholesale and retail—having a good stock of all deal. rabln kinds on hand. We have also on hand a fell stock of bat sugar cured Boras. choice Dried Bee, Sugars, (blies, Syrups, Spices and Groceries generally tfTgither with Qdiennoare„Glairwore, Cedar and Wind, ware, Fish, Salt, Oils; all of which we sell at lowest possible prices and warrant to give the fullest satistaction. . WS oriel recommend Hailer's last patent Pred2.Tar as bring, according to ourjudpment, the best and cheap est in the market. WM. BLAIR t SON, 2bjuna "Sdnth End" Carlisle, Pa. Special to tho Ladies. We ore now selling out at greatly rediteed prices, all kinds of Bummer good' inch as, Grenadines,' liernannies, English Baroges, Lawns. Families, Par awls Mutsu sic. Now Le the tiros to secure gr as 'we aro determtried to close out our stook at universally lowvates. • LEIDICH k MILLER. WIRE RAILING. WIRE °DASDS, for Store asouts,..ikayittrus,ikeadstesds ~.W3re:—.Aete.. pings for sheep and poultry yards, Brass and Iron wire cloth Slaves, Fenders, Screens for coal, orese sand, &e, Heavy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters Landscape Wire for Windows An., Paper Makers Wirer, Ore amental Wire Works. Every informs. time by addressing the manufacturers, M. WALKER A SONS' No. n North Sixth street Philadelphia. 12feb 69. y. ' • 'A WORD TO HORSEMEN:, DR. TOBIAS' CELEBBATED,VENITIAN HORSE LINIMENT hes been tested by the Bret lloreemen in this country, and petered to be superior to any other. Rho late Hired Woodruff of "trettiugfame," .was never without a bottliin hie stahlo. It is also used by Col. Bush of the Jeiomo Park Course, St Forham, N. Y., .wbo has over twenty running horses under his care, among which rank some of finest stock in America: It Is warranted to cure Lameiless, Sprains, Scratches, Bruises, Galls, Cute Wind Galls, Colic, Sore Throat, Nail in the. Foot and Over Heating, when used according to the di rections. All wbo own or employ Horses are assured thiit this Liniment-will .lonli r if-not more,-11,curto g-the_ above named complaints. No horse need die of Colic, if, When first taken, the Liniment is need at cording to the directions. Always have a botttle in your stable. FOR BLACK WORKWAND PIMPI,RS ON 111 F. Feed, use _Peauv's Commune aro - Parma lizzatair, prepared only by Di. R. O. Pam, 49 . pond St., New Toik. • Soli everywhere. The tvado supplfed by Wholesale Idedleiue SJdpril dm IMPORTANT FA _IN We see that prnimm of strong constitutione, and young, entree fordaye'llith pains of the limbs, low' of appetite and fever,. who suddenly get well miter a chollefollowedby . elinty,-bilions-stools. ,The relief produced -by these evacuations were the original guide to the Idea and 'practice of purgation, and 'tech, wheat enfecird by Bravidetlea PHU, always benefits, usually cures, and often prevents disease sapecially. Scarlet Fever and diseases of similar char. LL. Cook, publisher of the ..State Banner," lien angtori, Vt., says Bratdeth's Pills cured him of Dys pepsia aftekleing afflicted with it oOer fire ears. His friends and doctors considered his resofery im possible; but six boxes of Drandeth's Pills restored his health perfectly. A young lady of Mount Pleasant was sorely trou bled with Tape-worm. All advices and medicina fall od to help her. She had no rest Thin, careworn and unhappy, aholooked the picture of misery. At. lost she concluded to try Brandreth's Pills, In one year she took seventy two boxes. They brought away, r ccording to her computation, over two hum dred yards of tape-worm. At length• all . her bad symptoms left her; she slept and ate naturally, and bar health became frilly restored. TO CONBONLPTIITES The Advertiser, having been restored to• health a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, afteihav log Buffered several years with a sorere lung offer ttor, and that dread Miens°, consumption Is anxious to make known to his fellownufferera tbq means o To oil who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the direction for preparing and °slog thesamo which they will !hid SURE CURE FOR CONfeUMFTION, ASTHMA BRONCHITIS, etc. The object of the advertiser In sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted and spread information which he conceives to ho in• valuable; , ,d ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as a VII cost them nothing and may prove n blessing. Partiat,yiehlog the prescription will please ad EMM , • REV. EDWARD A. vmsoN, . Williamsburg, Hints County Now York May7.69.1y. SPECIAL NOTICE We are now dolly receiving from auction Chea Lots of Dress Goods of every Style. Striped end FigaAd White Piques, White - Quilfs, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, And all other, seasonable goods which we will warrant to sell cheaper than eny otherhouse in the county to which ire nab the 'attentiOUCif liuyers before purchasing. • A Jcir i ge lot of Parasols of all kinds. New style light Button Boots all aloes; Airmails, Prints:, Lc. prices to suit the times. 18Juna CO DEAVNESS, BLINDNESS, and CATARRH ' °ate', mr,lth the sitntos". &con by J. Isaacs 51. D. anti Professor of Diinser of the •Sye-an6l tor -in the Medical Cbllageoftrennryhtunim, 12 ye4rs &valence (formerly of Leiden, Holland,) No. 805, Asch St., Phila. Testimonials can bo seen at this office. Tho .medical fr i culty are invited to accompany 6helr Ilentm;amhe has no secrets in hip practice. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No charge for oxami nation. / 12June 68 ly. TO REMOVE MOTU, Pid ( Oliv4 YIIECHLES and Tan from the fu t.. Pram'. MOW AND PUMA LOTION.. Preparad only by.l3f. D. O. _Parry Sold by all dr oid, Into. • BOY CII AP , Volt OABlL—Threa far • Cent. do auction email coil cdhaltion and over, delivered in town for:theraulzr4lovillowansorwhel a eltarge la made at timer 49. 200,60 feet o dry ;doe boards for sale Assay now Ls your time, Landers; at the cheap Yard of 6mar 69. A. 11. BLAIR. A Groat Political lievolution was accomplished by the election of Grant, and a revolutiOn of immense social importance has been el:Noted by the general substitution of that harmless ptnparation, thinirAroir.xerLsion mutt DYE, • • for the disdly oompound of lend Mul. brimstone,. of which, according hinho."lournal of Chemistry" and the "hfedlcal Oaseite," more than thirty'tartaties havebeen foisted upon the public I Cristadoro's Dye fe the only ounthat' • HAS DENS ANALYZED .1111 Profmoilton, over ,hts . ,,,oWn of gnatiirp, - 44-:: dares Unit It Is paifectly vroiCgme• i - !'clusTAD6Bro , s, HAIR PIIV.PERVATIVII, as *. DriArlizig,l:o4 like* ebiFirk Djre Bold by all Druggists,. : , • lambi br vorth: NerY" g Debility. l!rtsfyMrelieeki, 'aid the etrektii of ' , IOU' 64 a 6 D. will tor 015'62'1[6.0t intll' gelid tree; to Idabel reißt for .maltlnjegbe simple remedy bi which ho wed' edfferers yrlebbig to p;rolle by the'oilvettiP prpoi4obeo. can do so by ',lain:m.l'4i , 3_o/INID•9OP,V,I:I4fI.Ii' 1g0:42 Ce . * pt' New Tori: M5y7,49•]7 Tin Sahaar riia Didamia or, tmetim. This ala: gobir wet of ?mile are descended:from the ansient arttedircirBoitliteixt:7laxicoiang still - retain — Sree , of 'the peceillaritles which Stevens and:Prelit* give of their-ancestors. Dr. J. 0 Ayer tt Co.. em ploy a 'eraiil'Armyi,if them in digging Damper*. Mot. - Pipet:did ,wilhimrrow. spades, a mil of-min and a . bag of water; .Ihity are . rearly,fer the: fote 4. hera the wild banana. forxdaboa them with food , where and Ildrit.leaved trees , their only shelter. - re* n 1 those who thed:th solvesCraitriimated . by. this pro;: 6 60 4 - 50 6'oo .I'2o .1 10 ..1 00 .-66 "0 GO ..2 75 duet, know how much they are iiiiielitedto the a_ of these humble laborers, who 'dig hailthlar:f4oll: , ands of Dr. nyorlti patrons; while they aometinies lose their iliin--(Bosto'n 06mtnerolal; '! . .... 2 10 r.:11 . 0. -.1 70 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS *4 2 ,, . , ,_ 1869. N - • To closet all kinds of SUMMER GOODS. CENTRAL HO USE riressas sQI-cocodlos Will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. 'LOWER THAN-EVER LACE POINTS., SUN UMBRELLAS, SUMMER OARStMERESi SUMMER CLOTHS liverythfolif ID the line of .90101,E1!,ETOCE be sold from tole date regardless or coot to make room for FALL GOODS NOW IS THE TIME FOR 13 a, is g' Et 1 XI: SI , COME ONE AND • ALL LEIDICH & MILL ER. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMFY OF THE WORLD, THE NOTIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OMIT/MED BY 43PEOIAL ACT OF CONGRESS Cash Capital - - $1,0Q0,000. BRANH 'OFFICE). PHILADELPHIA O. 00 I.IIY CLARENCE 11. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. JAY COOKE, Philadelphia, Chairman Finance and Eseautive..Coxnuittoo.. HENRY D. COOKE, Washington, Vice• President, EMERSON W.' PEET, Philadelphia. Secretary arid Actuary. FDANOIB G. SMITII, M. It., Phleiptla, Medico Minter. This Compiny tented, In , the pest TEN MONTI'S of its existence, ' ' • .• • 5 i 395 POLICIES,- $15,142,800. ' Tbls Compsoy offers tcrlblPolleiholdefs' - PERFECT SECURITY. by, Its . C . as d h g p u td .. ut e. Ctr o trio e f i an u e re l o ir t follsrd, ' Low - Rates of Premium,', ' .• • ,Large Dividexiqs in Advanpe; MM= Or a Ilioterstonary Dirld end of 100 per cent.; by lie RETURN -PREMIUM :PLAN. GENERAL AGENT R. NV; CLARK it 00.. Montero; NO. SE. South Third 21(r00t7 Phibutelphlo 0 onorol'A goo t o for Sonuaylvaufs and Southorg Now. Jersoy. 4 S.. !tuna,: 112aclogog 1V. • 13. lILWIN, Harripburg,' Agent. „ o. IL,ItEPBURNI.Ai6nt NOTICE; -Notice .11 that *lnborn ale Deposit Bank *ll wake app-- ? 'plleation to: the neat Legislature of Penneylvanle for the renewal of its charter wlth.tts present-tithe and capital. 'June Idtb, 1819. ; ,; • . • t - J. , P. flesso.n, exahler. Caul} , 641.6 m , N OTIOE:;,-,Thil • 'aiideriiitr.i i ad . con , 1 .... - templates 'a trip tiP.En retie , shortly, and at a' ansfer or bin Grocery titers to, his , sows; Lewis II: and George I.ll , llormani'whe will fairy On theini” sinews - at the old' ' stand; to • the mime pp Ildirmants 'Sons: :All persons Indebted , to toe iinde reigned fgri groceries pp In any Way are requested to call twine. idlatelyslid , Nettle, as i t ,is absolutely, neocssery 1, to, square up the oldhoplusand.old accotinte. UJuly Ilt . .. , 1);.. ~ . GEO: ,8.-uomtex. tlwTtbl [ 1869. 40,47: ' . , (i * .4iir PRICMS AT THE LACE SEA WLS, PARASOLS, I:3XECI OFFIORKS. IMITEM . . A: 1:-SPolltSiER! S:VOLUMIf L, .SP.ONSLERi - =-: Real lietxt, - Barlyeritir, .4uee: , atitt Agent.'-, Office Malty. Street tiear ~ientre 'l3 c•-• • .)toom and A I ;:tifillar;mi,Vrest Bireef, hetoieoiVßOmfree and and &oaf 'l3treet;,in the .13oronah.i . cif Oaellete, , •lerely 11 ed ShelvlvlC, Draerre - and-Ecloun-' tei:. Wel_,ROlYeVirpr,li 9r9c4Ars . '.goodPetitleh• ,VAPldoqt,.7 , • , ,Reed Estate Agept; • . Ort iwi)-story DWISLTANfi .ROBSE, with a comma. thous Back Building 'with a full Loral' Ground and Btethitng In the rear, situated on Batt street, ha, timer' Main and Loather streets Carlisle; late the -residence' of Joseph Shona, dee'd:'' Apply to • • , . , " •4. L.;BPQNBLEI}, 'Beal Estate Agent . • t i IIG,HLY• IMPROVED ' , FARM IN ADAMS COUNTY AT PRIVATE BALE. • • tuated on the' Oonawaga Creek ,8. adios from Hanovor on the.high road, and - on: the - Railroad le - iding from Hanover to Littleatown, adjoining, what wee formerly known as' the Rittemiller Mill property, containing " , 1,71 Acen of LitriestAne Land; cleared but about ,30 which are covered whith heavy White Oak Timber. The Improvements are extensive, and consist, viz A' - LARGE. I . TWO-13TOR.r---11RICIr MANSION ROUSE, 60 .feet.iri length .and '45 In breath, contairiing.a Hail and Eleven Large Hearne, all newly papered 'clad painted; a--piazza running along • the entire front, end Collar under the whole house, - ;and au excellent well of water near - the hltthou door. 'The out buildings beloliging to the Artie Consist of a large Carriage Home; Wood and Coal House, Hog Pon, Mak Smoke Ilquso, Poultry House, Wash House, all' new except the-latter. The garden le Urge and highly' cultivated, ,containing Lot beds with glized Bash:. The grounds ancdo d 'the house aro adorned with' shrubbery andtud- Ivlthreany cboice.frult and ornamental trees, 'Mijnlnlng which le a fines pple orchard, neat A .LARGE BANK BARN nearly ew feet by 60 with Wagon Shed and - Corn hltachea, and a never failing Well or WISI in Barn-yOO, also , . A NEW-TENANT HOUSE; SO y 26 feet Containing seven rooms, the out b dings to same consisting of a Wash House, ke OVOI3, Hog Pen, dc., a Pump at the door as d la excellent garden. - - • Thleptopurty presents Superior advantages, the location being eligible and the land of the best quality ttr. limestone, well watered and the cattle having access to water: from,. every field, a great Portion of the lead hair been recently limed, the fences in good cotiditlou and all the corn ground and part of the oats ground ploughed for the com ing Spring. There is a Grist Mill. Blacksmith Shop and School House within a shoe distance of the buildings, Tho property having been recently purchased by a gentleman from Baltimore who after fitting It up at great expoosci;ls now desirous-• of returning o-the;vity,,illShe.dlisposed.olutcarreurfrenre/p—lons figure, and upon reasonable terms. Enquire of A. L. BPONBLER, Real Estate Agent, Carllsie,-Pa. GEM 'VALUABLE PRIVATE REBI- V PENCE FOR SALE. Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle, now owned and ocaupled by Mrs. Washmeod, Into the property of Sairedict Law.:. The lot friable on Men over et. ' 00 feet, and extends back the same, width 240 feet to an - alley. - Tile improvements era a largo two-story FRAME HOUSE, with Verandah In front, containing. Double Parlors, Hall, Cherubim; Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor and six Chambers and Rath-room on the 2nd story. Gas and water have been IntroducoL Thom Is a large Stable and Camino Hoses at the toot of the lot. The lot Is well studded with ornaments, trees and slirubbory, besides fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the moat choice selection in ii9undence 'Enquire of A. - 1.. - SPO'NSUERT Real Eetate Agent EMEI VALUABLE FARM in Perry Co, AT.PitIVATE Situate in Carroll township, 9 !tales north of 9nrllalo,_d miles_ north_ef-Carliela-9prings-and-11 - miles west of Duncannou, adjoining lands of 'Shearer,any Cling and• others containing 120, ATIIR S, now Zi olvlia 90acres of which are - cleared, In a high state of cultivation and undor good fence and the residue covered with thriving timber. A never-faith - 4, stroam of water runs through tho farm and plenty of lime within 2 miles. The Improvements aro two-story Log .CWeather hoarded House, Large Barn and Sprint/ House with .client water. School Renee and Church at a tvenient distance. Apply to A. L. SPONSLEIt, Iteal Estate Agent. I= Sehezickls .Pulmdnic Syrup. Beam eed Tonic and Mandrake PII le, will 'cure Con sumption, Liver Complaint, and Dyspepsia, If taken secoiding to directions. They fire all th ree to be taken at the same time. They cleanse the stomach, relax the liver, end put It to-work: then the appe tite becomes good: the food digests and makes good blood: the patient begins to grow in flesh, the diseased matter ripens In the—hiega,-end- the- pa tient out/rows the disease and gent well. This Is the only - way trocure consumption." - - To these three medicin es Dr. J. 11. Schen , , of Philadelphia, owes his unrelaxed success In the treatment- of pulmonary consumption, - The P.. - medic Syrup ripens the morbid matter i s the lungs, nature throws, it otlf_by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, a slight -cough will throw -it off, and the patient hoe rest and the lungs begin to heal. To do this, the Seaweed Teniennd.Mandrake Pills must be freely used cleanse the stomach and liver, so that the Pulmonle Syrup and the food will make good blood. Schenck's Mandrake fills act upon the liver re moving all obstructions, relax the ,duct of the gall bladder, the silo starts freely, and the liver is soon relieved: the stools will show what the Pills can do; nothing has over been invented except calomel j'a deadly poison which is very dangerous to me un less ,e th groat care), that will unlock the gall bled. der and start the secretions of the liver like Elchenck , a Mandreke•Pills. Liver complaint is One of the Most prominent causes of consumption. Schenck's Se.twetid Tunic In a gentle stimulant and alterative, and the alkali In the Seaweed, which that preparatio .s made or assists the stomach to throw out the gastric Juice to dissolve _ the food with the Puhnduie Syrup, and Is made into good blood without fermentation or souring lu the stomach. The groat reason why phriciane don't cure con• samption le, they try to do too much : they give medicine to atop the cough, to stop chills, to stop night annum, hectic levers and by so doing thus do. range the whole digestive • powers, locking up the sectetione,and eventually the patient sinks and dire. Dr Schenek,.ln his treatment does not try to stop. a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Remove the cause and they will all stop of their own Accord. No one con be cured of Consumption, Liver Com plaint, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Cancer, Ulcerated Throat unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person has consumption of course the lunge In some way are diseased, either turberelee, &ham's see, brohehial irritation, pleura adhesion, or the lunge ere a mass of Inflammation and f.st decaying.. the imagathat aro wastiog, but it Is the whole badly The stomach and liver have lost their power to make brood out of Med. Now the only chance is to take Schenck's three methanol, which will bring up a tone to the stomach. the patient will begin to want food, It will - digest easily and mite good blood ; thou the patient begins to gain in flesh, and as soon as the body begins to grew,the lungs commence to 11e . up and the patient gets fleshy and Well. This rs the only way to care commotion. 11 ben there is no lung II isease,and only liver eon,- plaint and Dyspepsia, Schenck's Seasoned Tonle and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without the Pulnionic Syrup. Take tho Mandrake Nils freely in all bil• one complainte, as LI ey are perfectly liarmleste Dr. Schnook, ../he has enjoyed uninterrupted health lee many years pant, and now weighs 225 pounds, watt wasted away to a rump alteletomin the last stages of Pulminary Comumpliou his phyeiclan having pronounced his ease hopeless and abandoned him to his fate. Ile was cured by the aloremsid med. lanes, and since his recovery many thousand ALM- Moly afflicted have used Dr. Schenek'a preparations with the same remarkable success. Full direCtions. accompanying each, make it not absolutely necoeSa ry to personally see Dr. Sehenck^uniess the. patient wish their lunge ' examined,and for this purpose he is professionally at Isle Principle 011ict, Philadelphia every Saturday, where all letters of advice must he addreesed.fle Is also pi otesslonally at No. :12,liond estreet, New York, every other Tuesday, and at No. 35, Hanover street, Boston;@ cry other Wed neinlay. dl' gives advice free, but .16r n thorough extuulna. tide with his itespirometer the price Is .$5l Office hours at each city, from OA. M. to a P. M. , Price of the Pultnonic Syrup and Seaweed Tiinie each $l.llO per idttle,or $1.50 a half dozen. Mam drake l'llls 26 cents a box. For nab, by druggists D.. J. 11. ECIIENCK, N 0.15 N. oth St. Philo: lie. apr112.3 60-1) NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. s c g-E'E TZ ' S OBLILBRATED BITTER COBDIAL.H • This medical preparation le 'now, offered to th. publicAs rollsble substitute for the many worth- Nis hatupounda which now gond tlio market: It Is purely vegetable, composed of vArlous herbs, gath ered from the goat storehouses of nature, and selected with the ulmost,care. it to not recom mended an a Cons All, but by its direct nail Baba. tarp infiuunee . upon the 'Heart, Liver Kidneys,. Lungs, litopetch,and,Dowele, it nets both at a' Ilte• ventivnand cure for Many of the diseases to which •thoro organs ate stall et. It In a reliable .{family Health ' ) and can be by either Want or adalt wit h the same beneficial results. it is , certain Prompt and speedy remedy for.DIARDIIIMA, - DYBSNTLCRY, Du WSLOODIPLAINT., DYSPSPSIA. LOWNSDS OW SPIRIT, PAINTINGS, SIORIINAG AOIIH, As. - For OLIILLS•and NEVF.II.B.of alt kinder It is far better and tater than quinine, without, any of Its pernicious effects.' It creates au app.. Atte; proves a powerful digester of food, arr counteract the effects of liquor In a ' few b • PILDRAIUID BY, v JACOB sonEir,Tz . Bole Proyrielor,. . N. W. Oord nun and ]taco Bts.i Isl SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 20nor 68.1 y. e p oo in , F " UST, 0 ..+111) 11 .`BOOTS AilD'r4luzs '; FOR OTN•T ~ i,EME'N, . . " d . AR the 'LL'AGINd STYLES on Min ur mado to meneuro. Trims fixed at LOW FIGURES. An Muff , .tratod Prim, List withinetruntlans foreollmeatur: meift•eout on receipt of' Poet Offbno Add ress..l WISI .: 1?; BARLETT, . . NE 8e03,13 1 1.333 1 St., tile ye Clieetnut, • Pal LADr.I4IIIA.. Zang 88•ly `99,990 boat No. ti yord . of,„ ~; t. 6ma6 69 :IVGI-13NTS:3VANTED.ROR PARSON'S haws of Datineao.. With ; retch:mi. einSi , Forma fnh ' TAthadotioloa every '.Statti Truoitlittlit . I'AeSONSi 'llattard' , Oniverbit:r.'4 , A' oar l BOOS: YOU 4 etliteoet Ripknish:lit-ovary kishrolOtoUttatt. au& llegal obligation, siutab ow lug .iloto to tßaw awl (Ole auto them.. Thu higheat and boat • authority iA the Weisitfor.bitilhkroi(erniak:‘ l ll l6 .lbr',OrPtilOt )301CPro,WCitta...rilaau toms, , 1 • • • ' .X4,419 1 * ( 11 . , Ili 4: 1 04' 21jurio'ant • '- "•' • ' " ' '. DRY ,°( OO,DS. 1869, su'ol!'lE,RlB69. • : N•E WCa 0 O . D. Sl._ Slag, 0 renadinoa, Organdy Limnrs, Pique', Japanose El Popltna' '~ tedielltat } in prices of all BPring Goods on band.. I Bill close out the balance of ray Sprig g Stock at cost to make riginifOr Now IMII - Goods.' Bargains In all Wilds of DOMESTIO - .GOODB. Bargains In Ho nieri, Glovee, *bite Goods, ,A Splendid Corded Pique nt ilOet Coning' Pique, one yard wide, 600, Aten'ir Heavy Hell Elm, 123ie., Ladies Ifeedat 12i4e, Hem Stitched at 10 and 12%c, 131eached Menne at 12%c. All kinds of SUMMER PANTS STUFF atprlcos that defy competitfon. A full.asortment of Shawls, Parasols, Sus Umbrellas, Hoop 'Skirls Corsets, &c., always on band. GRAIN BAGS, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, From tho Lowest Grath, to the Finest French 1L ving alway s taken the load In thin branch of the business, I would say I am better prepared this ruction than ever, to meat the iviiihes of all clerking a good article, or a,vary fair bargalg STITrPS at the shOitcst notice by a first-class tailor MOURNING GOO DS 'BOMBAZINES,' BLACK, AND WHITE MIXTURES, =I English Crave BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, Square and long, also a fulfagsortment of Funeral Goods, for nrl , l,ch orders rrlll be promptly' and sans actorally 1111 ed TABLE LINENS, TABLE WrUS, NAPKINS, TOWELS, LINfNS, 74ARMILLES, PIQUES, QUILTS, SPREADS, NAINSOOKS, INDIA TWILLS, SWISSES, TARLETONS, OAMBRICS, &c. REMEMBER 'THE-PLACE; As I am determined not to be .undersold In any thing In our lino. All I ask le And Inspection of our Now Stock just opetted. I can convince you that my goods are cheap LT. GREENFIELD . 4. East !Wain 'Street. July 2, 1800 The Carlisle Shoe Company MANUI ACTURF4tS OF • BOOTS AND SHOES... NO. 6, East Main Street, ' CARLISLE, PENN'A. HAVING commenced the • Manu facture of Boots and Shoes, the attention of the trade is invited to tho large assortment of adies, Misses and Children's Shoes Now In store and especially adapted to the wants of the Retail Trade, Wo shall at all times have on hand a complete assortment of all;the POPULAR• STYLES Made by workmen of the greatest experience and skill. Members of the trade whemay laver us with their custom are assured that no effort on our part will be spared to furnieli Good Goods at 'The Lowest Possible Prices. 'ORDERS BY MAIL shall receive tho same atten tion that buyers would In person, and distant. par ties can rely tivon getting their goods on equally as good terms by sending their orders, as by personally Visiting us. SEl.O.z UPPERS FOR SALE. JOIIN IRVINE, Treasurer. 10epril de 3m LEGAL NOTICES. .. erLj XEOUT OR'S NOTICE.--Letters -1 Tostimentury on the estato of lloojamln Oliv ier, ..r., Into of Monroe township, deed.. having boon issued to thy subscriber, residing in the same toWn• ship, notleo Is hereby glved to all persons Indebted to said estato to make payment nod thoso having Maims to present them duly authenticated for set tlement to BENJAP,IIN GlVlstlit,Ji. 7May 69•13 t Executor. ' MOTlCl).—Letters. of Adminiatra- IN ton upon the estate of John Logan deo'd., of Frankford township, have bean granted to the sub scriber to whom all persoua will make payments due the estate And &I cialnasovlli lie promoted. Mune et J, B. LICOLIEY. • ••• F,X'ECUTOR'S - NOT iv hereby given thatiette re testamontary'on the lest will and • testament of Samuel Kinston,' Jr., late of the township of South Middleton, coun ty of Cumberland, have been granted to m o as Ito ocutor. All persons having claims against the es. tate will please present them immediately, and those Indebted are requested to make payment. " . ' SIDNEY KEMPTON, 4 LI Executor. I.EAIwi °i..____::::_____H______ ____ • -1 lIF, DISTRICT COURT OF 1 \ I- t ri ft ed States forlhe : Eastern District of Penney 'anis. .., ,••1 ,' • ' r , , ~:' ' .' . ' • In DankModcy: The' u dersignedbereby gives notice of Ws sp. pointmon eur assignes of William Johnson and Vanilla] Pa tenon Johnson, trading as John John son & Son of Mechanicsburg, In .the county of Cumberland nd State of Pen nsylrimis, withineald District, wb havehaen adJudgudhankruits upon 1 a petition el d agelnlt'theio by the district Court • ol said district, If ' •. ; ....; ; ; ~ ,•; •• GEO. MITNRE, - Airignec:• . Mechanicsburg, Pa. 'Wu ne•lit ' , Ato,,DMINIBTOOR'S NOTICE.— , . -Letiers ,of admlnietration on the , eget.' of ..I. 11. Mullin, Nag:, ideo'd.. late of liftint,.lloliyo - Bprlogs, having boon leaned to the subsiribere re r - sidintst the same place: notice Ia hereby given t 6 - :all persOne indehted to said estate to moko payment cod thee° having bialoca to' present them duly .111. , .hentlW4l/19r.110ttletPellt.t0 ' ; ' • ' --..-. .. ..:' Y. ' ' " , OIIMILER A. MULLIN, ' - '. •', ''. ':,; . . -'' ; Nif.n. - 11." MULLIN, 1128eaaja1t . : , 7.: 1, .: , ': , ,;--.. :•Adtainfetrators. THREE ., DESIRABLE •• -BUILD . •. •op ,LOTS FOR' S 4 GIL ~ ' ..- .•' ' . ' i•• deulitorlber offers for „sato at reasonble: Corms three iveq dosirable'llulldhig Lots situated on West Louthiir street in roar of the' College. They front thirty 'feet and extend back 'two hundred and forty. They ars covered with exceillt fruit trees of all descriptions. Apply. to L. T. aItIiENFIELO, 25june 4t , ' ' No. 4.'ffastNaln lit. • 01,',1. 1 U4-"Sealbil 'Ol/110843 will bo -.calved at this office until 10 A. ~ Saturday, , July, 24, 1829. for .furnishing thd :9Command"' at" , tuirlislei'llarracks. :Pa. with the BEST tFAMTLY r ; FLOUR' for (6) months, from and after the first ciii,Xf Au 'nust,.lBB9, br suokless time as tho Commissary Cleri - oral of Subsidence, 1.4 - B,.Army, may direct. ! -' Proposals must bob 'thsplicate, and endorsed , Opyosola for Flair," an 4 milut,contain the names tWo nhipunblbleSieliOkis who will sign!the bond, and become responsible for the faithful, posfOrmeoce the'egutraq: ".; " • !• • Porno's!' who hid : Sire requeetod to present at the opening of the proposals.. TbwOovernment re. serves : the right to Neat any linen bld6 which they may tomilder ,nrireasonithie, or for any other initll, ; • ; • • nuiimin PrktrzT, • utLleut. Bth car. Brevet A. A:, 0.1 S. 'o6loe'ef , A;oll,;!Cletrlisle'll'icti.Pat . • ! • ,t,lie:l,•'llo4p,"':Sfo're t of • T , • ~lisz4Ty.'*'oo:', weislod: or unwashed ,most du rlasge us sinWAVlNantiOss 1171': which.the'lnlghast: ptissollil be paid. , I lIJOne ",. • • l• I HE TV . 4ISVE.RTISEMENTS BENTZ H4USF, _OARLISLEp PA 911feA;' Nth 40, Thiro noon 310rri.4 Bernhardt", • • ` -; ;:":•;;•r;17. • • Co PT s .IE X - A. IV'. OF BERLIN, PRUSSIA, Recently of NorrYork, offers those who are suffering from wank end defective sight Me • • 4 `*) •4 , PEBBLE IP •"1"A. ,, 7 vENHARO" . • °C ULIST 4ctIVT INTERCO AOCONOIWO TO ACIT OF Oman. IN iHItyIEATI MO. FT OR. N. 0111INHAPOT, IN RHO CLERK'S 00100 OF RHO OIOTRIOT COURT OF TIER WIMP STATIC OF INC minim 0111 T. OF KNIIIITLVANIA. IN THE-YEAR 11360 BY OR, NI.PERNHARDT: IN_ , I:JeTR I CT COURT OFTHE !TEO STATES OF THE ••••• --4" w EASTERN DISTRICT OF ' •PENNSYLVANIA. —AND— 4" 4 -t CRYSTAL I=l GLASS SPECTACLES, Soporior to - any other in use—constructed In accord once with the science and philosophy of nature, In the peculiar form of • A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIMS, _A dmi r b y d pt - 6 d criili4Torgang of eight, and Per fectly natural to the eye, affording altogether the best artificial help to the human vision ever Invent ed. tlxed only by -MORRIS- --BERN Li ARDT Spectacle apd Optical Manufacturer THE ADVANTAGES or thee° Spocteelee over of =MI 1. may can he worn with perfect ease for any length of time at one sltting.givlng a.stomehing clear ness of-vision, by candle or other artificial IlAht, comfort to the spoctaele.wearer hitherto unknown. 2. how to select Glosses.—lC requires professional guidance...oven when a good in tick is ollered Dr. Bernhardt not only ban the best Glasses that can be tinind In the market; but carefully indispensable ad. rico as to the proper selection of them. 3. When the Eyea.ache 'or pain through the ac lion of a bright light, Ruch as la reflected from th, snow, Runny weather, white paper, and in reeding . writing, or sewing. or Vivid colored. bodies vibes lemma ; by softening the rays, effect a most agreeabl. sensation and•give - great relief. - • • 4. In as Nervous AftaffiiiliiiiTtliokia; Catitibig dull and startling pains in the ode ball or temple, appoaranco of luminous and dark opots in the atmos• phore, aching orfeoling like sand In the.eies, the disturbed nerves are quieted and soothed., 5. Those Spectacles aro scionrilically adjusted to every cite° of .defective sight with unisrrin.: adcuracy_ whether arising from age, disease, litrain,overwork. or premature decay, by Dr. Dernhardr - on a hew and exact principle. entiroiy his own, which has sold° felled to be con Oct. - , • • 6. After several years of pnblic,practice, adjust ing spectacles to patients under every aspect of de fective vision; as molt as experience in an extensive, long-established business In his OpUcal Stores, both here and in Europe, ,br Bernhardt considers it a sufficient guarantee of hie ability to supply such glasses as ambest calculated for tho assistance er re covery of imperfect OW. 7. M. Bernhardt. tor signalize himself from the host of protendersvin his profession, with pride sub mits for inspection, copiss of testimon lag ho has re volved - from medical:gentlemen - Of the me-antiques tionablo respectab Ilty and talent in America.; also a number of certificates from weillnown gentlemen c f distinction who have used his spectacles—the origin als of all of which ho will be happy to show to those who May request It. The use of any of the following names or centillba•es hereunto affisedovlthout an actual possession of the same, would be a forgery, a capital offence, punishable by State imprisonment. Testimony of Recommendations from Medical Gentlemen; .r .P.rofepors of the lughest Opthalmte. talent in Car lisle; Lancaster, Eahton, and in the Union. CAIILISLII, PA., Juno 18,1869. " I most cheerfully sly that.l have examined Prof. Bernhardt's Lenses, and infamy that they urn bet ter adapted to my eight tb on any I have seen before, 'and I do most cheerfully and willingly say that every person that has defects of vision, ought to have a pair of his excellent Brazilian Pebble fipectaeles, as I feel confident that they.ciill render general satisfaction." A. J. HERMAN. Cormszu, Pn. , Jtino 18t11,186(1. "I have carefully examined the Brazilian Pebble and Australian . . Crystal Spectacles manufactured and sold by Dr.M. Bernhardt, of New York, and Um axing npair of the former myself with groat satisfaction. Thoyamcertainly superior toenny I have seen. Af ter a full conversation with the Doctor, I regard him as accomplished hi his pref.:A.lon, and therefore re commend him to my and others for patronage, so far as the peculiar condition of the r sight may re quire his services." _ Respectfully, S. B. Burrell, M. IL- CARLISLE, Juno 18th, 1800 "Owing to a peculial formation of the oye, I have always found it difficult to procure glasses to cult mo I am now using a pair of Dr. Ilernhartit's, , with which I can better pleased then any I have been Ohio for some time to procure, although I-have tried various opticians." i . ' Wm. W. DALE, 06. D. . - OARLIELE, June/8,1860. • X havojus 'been flited.with a pair of Spectacles 'by Dr. Borah rdt, of Now York city, with which I have been enabled to, read with extreme easo and clearness, greater thanq lg..° ever read before. Its shows that tin is a thorough master Gilds science, and adapts his glasses to the ,peculiar defoots and wants of those who consult him with unquestionable' will. I cheerfully commend, him to those of my' acquffin taper' who need optical oallistancd." . Nev. 0 P. Witch, . Pastor of the First Preobytorlan CARLISLE, PA., Juno 18, 1880. "I havo exam hied Dr.,Borultardt'alouses, and have Ida doacription of the manner of adjusting them for the relief-of-defective- viaionFanall-choe r fullY com mend him to those V/110 may &Aire': to consult a skillful optician " Wit. 0. LEVERITT, Itor,:tur ofSE, John's Church • ' • • Nouns, Pa, Juno 18, 1809. "Having cursorily inspected the lino assortment of louses exhibitod to mo by Dr. Bernhardt, and heard his description of tho mudo of adapting them to the different wants and conditions of the eye, I um par, etiatiod that he possesses much koowledgo" of the acionco of Optics .and skill 14 the upplMation of its pi lodides to the purpose of Ills profession. • • • •• ; , ~, • • • lost; SWAMI, iquiloi of Lutheran Church., '' '' '—• I - "'''' ' ' 'sticastor, Pa., May 25. 1808. • I have e z aminod a gt eat variety of Closers menu faettwed•by Dr. M.' Der hardt; and, In Justice to him, most soy, i hat his glasses are of a superior quality, addited to meet Ow wants of almost every oye,where the vision Is In hay way important. 'The Doctor se lected fOr me a.pair of hie Australian Crystal Olomes, which oriole vary eupoilor quality and wotkomoshlp rendering vision tory distinct, and almost as perfect as in youth. I yield tl is ttstimony .In gook •of the Doctor's Glaesos most chtterfolly, as tv ell froth my own exporlance as fro n Alio teatimonlals of many phyilciaoe, clergyman end other gotqlcnten with waom font pont:lolly acqueintod. 1 ~ - J5lO. L. ATLED, 51. D., I have examined what I conceive to be a complete aseortment of epectacies„manufeetured - from the Australian Cryetal, admirably adapted to the various infirtriWeil of that exquisitely delicate organ, the human eye,' wlmthit the impaired vision is the roeult of dhotis° or rho natural weakin us incident, to old age: I remit.," the specimens of pr. Bernhardt the hest I have ever men, and or mien cheerfully .reconts mond them. - • • • HENRY CARPENTER, *,'E,i; Lanceder, Ph.; Nray.9,1868 • , . here examined Dr„. fiernhardtw very Com. plate aesorlinent of Spectacles And Looser, atidlitad. • them admirably adopted to 'remedy much' tirriperfecte Mons of vision as can be benentted by the skill of , the Optielan. - The meterial.ttiled In .the nizatufao4 lure of hls °lama In of remarkable purity: and beauty ' and adds very muck to their value. 1 re.. commend bluvwlth great cheerNiness' to the con• fldertee of all who may monk° hia'servlees. • • . ; Mi• MUD LelNDEllgilit. D. !animater, May 20, 1801: • •', t MEM , It bee given me muoli pleasure to make; the an. Atdntance• of Dr. hornhardt; And to examine his asiortMent'of Glasses, I.lllsh Ili the Moat complete y have over seen. lie le sa odentleo QPtletart. and adapts Phialaeses r wlth, Sylmlrohle kkill to ;the vas. rlmpncondltions of the eise,, tie ofeleated.'d pair for . zips agar* ;careful , examination . of my oyee s which , enable inkto•read ylth great v dlutlhetnoss end some fort than .tlioso t alnsauy possess. I eheerlklly re ;cos:emend blow tQ alt who need the soollpei bf a akin A 40,1444.1 0 ... ' lA. UktELENWALD. D. D.. •,,Ril4tio elnurs* of fitly Trftity, • .IDbly 201800' , ' - s. „ plumster, , WrATE_ort PEkiNt3Y4NANIA • . ; eau to r lameram - Thirrieburg, Penn., Nov. 27,1806.- I hart for many years suffered from weakness and, pain of my'eyas, and continuant lam of power In them, I have experienced great, difficulty In ,pro , Miring 'gleams to relieve nie. This _morning I; re. relied from Dr. Bernhardt a pair of Australian cryx, tai spectacles which suited towyas better than any I have ever used. and Ido not hesitate to recom mend him aa a skillful Optician and Oculist. • . A. G. OUNTIN . Goiernoi of Pennsylvania. Easton . , Feb. 15th, 1.509 I. haveiexamined the various glasses manulae• tined by Dr. M. Bernhardt; Opticlan...and can tea. tiny to the elegant workmanship of all his articles Re has proved himself by his long .exper lance a master in his profession. TRAILL GREEN, N. D. Testimonials similar to tho shove may beArfeensat Dr. Berhardt'a ofilee; , irom 'the' moat reliable and wed known gentlemen of the United States, among whom Sr .: 8..11 Hap!, Goy. of Ohlo. 0. - 1". Moron, Gay. of Ind. IttaldWillfate3 - , -- GOrref IIMole: - --- Alex. Ramsey, Ex-Goy. of Minn Henry - A. Swift, Gov. of Minn. - Johnathan Worth, Gm of N. 0 It. 6i. Patterson, hoe , . of Ala. ' ' . ' E. Fonton,'Gox.. ,- of N. • Y Horatio Boymonry Gov. of N. Y. , ' • ' Jamoria Orr Gov'. of I. 0. OFFICE HOURS FROM 9 A. M., TO 0 P M Bentz House. N. B.—Owing to engagements else where, Dr. Bernhart will be able, to remain here:only until July 12. Cantion.—l Employ- no Pecll are June 18-tf. REM 0-VAL CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELERS SILVERSMITHS Having removed _ from 712 Chestnut Street, "'HEIR NEW BUILDING, 1124 CHESTN UT ST., PHILADELPHIA Are opening a largo and now assortment of Dia mood and other fine Sewoiry, American and Swiss Watches, English Sterling Silver Ware, Gorham Electroplated Ware, :slantel Clocks, Sic., Ac. ,18J . une 65.1. y June Ist. - 1869. HOMER, GOLLADAY & CU :Chestnut above Broad Bt., - PHILADELPHIA II eye now on•hond.the most complete nsaortme of ALL Tim NEWEST FAni!acsand latesedesigro.,l9.! table for dresses for summer wear, cornprising Barege Bernani Brodie, " Robes a volittit, Gauge Chatiabrey, in stripes, • (new stiles,) Gauge Chambray, in Broche figures Grenadine Baregee, in new atyles, " in stripes, choice colors, Organdies, newest and richest designs Jaeonets, newest and richest designs, Peroules, &c., &c MOURNikr:GOOI3S Grenadiner4 Iluregeu, Beal klernonl, and a fu of all textures, aultable'for summer mour ng year. - Y.EDUCTI,U_N_., r ~ 3Fia,.13..c3r E;13.313.as A great reduction has been ?nide in prices In this departnient•to close our Importation of Fancy. Silks. READY-MADE WALKING SUITS A large stook of all the newest etvloß, and at very moderate pricei • A general stook of, sossonnble goods . Will alwuyf be - fcrunt4"..and at the very lOvest• roar ket pricee 2April 004m' HERRING'S PATENT CIIIAMPION FIRE AND BURGLAR, PROOF SAFES , ( With Dry Filling.) Awarded' the Prize Medals et World's . Pair; inndon World's Pair, New York, Exposition • ' Universelle, Perin. • FARREL, HERRING & CO 629.011ESTNUT STREET Hervey Gillam,. • . . Chas. Mathews, ' P.11.Z.V A tueo• W. Myers. • Hcrring,'Favr,el,, .ll(irmini;;pf.,y.ork 4erring !S Co.l '0,11.!e;1!4T, IL6oing; 45 . ,c :04eaus NOre thmi 3000 HERRING BABES ban Inca and 'ars rqivi In ',uso f, Otttl 'crT tivOnitrk . .bavo' ..• : : visaed URDU& , :acoidentoll Or*, 4'141 . 10 , 14 , their 'eoistentalln'lloo:l4 4111141:10011vhers isuilw;th re4lled mated a f , 3,:p4iiiiid...oiiAAnirayid ltorf4,2lep Pedant Clomplonv . for age* • Tr' ,IicISOR4ARBOUS. (ay„:E;t3 ~ - TIN,. SKEET. IRON WAltE p 4alli '• 4 • • • • ha'underehgoed, baring returned Trout the /hi. tern Oltles with a large aseortment of • tdra ally kept to a first plies eatablfehment, are pre pared to famish the, °Means or Carlisle and Der roundlng.ronatty.wllh the beetOpok_Btoves,hatke rmarketirnelitlng-df-tli,' BATMEN. SHEA::• , xonui • • ',GAB BURNER, 4.ol,ooeisi which they will, guarantee to bake and rniiat better, and with 'lets tned, thansany other stoves in the market. Their stock of PARLOR and 01/FIOII STOVES are not surpaestid this sldnot the cities for beantndurabllity, and cheaßnese. - . . STATIONARY AND PORTABLE HANGES,I and HEATERS on laird, warranted to give gnnere 1 natisfaction, with the recommendations of numbora of porsone who 'have hum in use. Their stock of Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Is largo, and suited to the wants of all honsekeopers, or those contemplating the same, atlates which defy competition. ' They have added' to their businoss a large and well selected assortment of WELL AND CISTERN PUMPS, which thoy ariprePa'red put up at the shorted notice. • .Spouting and Rogfing done at tbo shortest notice. Jobbing and repairing done with neatness and despatch. WATER .000LERS, . of all qualities constantly ort band: All "are re. quested to - call and examine their stock at ' 140. 68, NORTH HANOVER ST., CARLISLE, where they will be pleased to receive all and show their atock, and Sender all satisfaction.deelred. RILINESMITH & RinT. .N0:66, North 14novor Street, Carlisle )u 11,'09 CkRRIAGES B. .SHEEK 'have now on baud, at hit Carriage Factory, N. E. corner South and Pitt streets, CARRIAGES, • BUGGIES, • • • . • SPRING WAGONS, • 'SECOND HAND WORK, and everything in hie line on hand or made to order. He is determined aget up the beat work turned out In this section of the country. Nothing but the very beet stock goes inth buggies or car riages °this manufacture. Repairing and palling promptly attend.), to. 2011ay..139.0m_,L_ BENTZ HOUSE." 'Oforinerly Corr din Horme.y No. 17' AND 19 - " VAST MAIN ST., CARLISLE, PENN'A:. The undersigned having. purchased and entirely refitted, aualurnlithed neon throughout with first- class furniture, this well-known and, old established Hotel. solicits the custom of the community and travelling public. Ile is well prepared to furnish first-class accommodations to all who desire to make a Hotel their Home or pleasant temporary abode. Tim.- custom ~from the _surrounding. country is re spectfully solicited, .Courteous and attentive eer y ants are engaged at this popular_hotel, . OEO. Z BENTZ, Prorp'. N. B.' A first.class Livery is connected with the Hotel tiM management of Mr. JOB. L. L'"&litNEß BRO. 30april 00-ly. , - - JOSEPII MILLER of Carlisle g) Springs, Cumberland county, won cured of PILES and GRAVEL of 17 years standing, by the use of 6 bottles of Dr. CampbolPn Pearl Destroyer and 2 beans of his Liver MIDDLETOWN, liauphin Co - Px,Patephell: —I let you_ Xrtowthat I was plagued with Reverend Aguo fcr tenyears. I could not got cured, lat last come to Ilerrisburg, I heard of your wonderiul magic Pain Destroyer and your maple Liver kills I bought bottles and 2 boxes and they cured ma In one month. ' - - •- - • - —MICHAEL CARNEY: Dr. Citopbell will sell to all druggiete nod deal ere. Pelee 20 Cents ur $0 per doe. or- by the 34 gross $21.-.Each ,dozonrie put up to nice paper boxes with his likeness and signature on the aides, LlverPlll. $2 per doze n• gross $lO 50. Wei m Lozenges $2 per dozen; 34 gross $10.50 per dozon. All lettere should ho addressed to Da. CAMPBELL, Office No. 130 Third street, • "between Chestnut and Mulberry, Harrisburg, Pa. Fold by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Nor sale by HAVERSTICK BROTHERS dealers in Drugs, Medicines, An. 11June60 THE MARY INSTITUTE CARLISLE, PENN'A A Boarding School for GIRLS The ninth annual melon will begin on Wednesday, September let. For circulars or turthe. information addreas . Rev. W. C. LEVERPHT. . Carl Isle, Pa. aprll23 CO-17. CAYUGA CHIEF, '1 13 a 13 , . MOWERS& REAPERS. I= Built wholly of Iron and Stool, with double Driving Wheels, flexible Finger Bar and folding Cutting MOaratus, embracing all the requisites of a rerfect WER and REAPER combined. MANUFACTURED BY TRH Cayuga Chief Manuf'g . Co., AUBURN, NEW YORK. For Polo by D. A. WIIIMPLE, Muer Hotel, CarDrie, P. 25Juriat CUMBERLAND NURSERY, HENRY ItUPP, Prop'r., SiIIitItSIANSTOWN, CUSIII. CO., Offers a large and fine assortment of Nursery Stock, consisting of all kinds of fruit trees of the best vu. rieties for central Pennsylvania. Ornamental Trees, Flowering Shrubs, and a large stock of Grape Vines, every variety, worth growing. All kinds of small Frults,'Osage Orsnge for hedging, P 5 per thousand, Roses and Oreenbouso Flowers and Plante. Every thing wanted in tho Nursery line can ho had hers atfthe lowest prices. Catalogues and price list sent gratis. 11Junelni 5• A GREAT REMEDY, FOR THE CURE Ok THROAT AND LUNG D1BEABEB• Dr. liV%lia,rt's Pine Tree Tir Cordial. It Is the vital principle of the Pine Tree, obtained by & peculiar process In the dialillation of tar, by which its highest medical properties aro retained. It in the only safeguard and reliable remedy which has ever boon pi spared from the juice of the Pine Tree. • It invigorates the digestive'orgaus and restores the appetite. - It' strengthens the debilitated system.' It; purities and enriches the blood, and expel , : from the system the corruption which scrofula 'breeds on the lunge., - healing prinolple acts's:pen the Imitated eur• face of the lungs and throat, penetrating to each diseased part, relieving pain and - subduing Whet: mutt on. It fa the result of years of study and eeparimont and is offered .to the afflicted,- with the poaltlve 'as o uratice of its power tenure the following dicer:mi ff the patient. has not too long delayed a resort to th's means of cure:— • „ . _ / Consumption of lunge, Cough, Bore Throat and Breast, 'Monet:ill& Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Pliesilrethma - Whoopitiff Cough, Dlptha. ria, We aro often asked,why aro not other • re:mediae to the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds and Other Pulmonary affections euusi •to Dr. L. Q. Wisbart'a Plne Tres Tar Cordial. We answer— lat. It cures, not by stopping cough, but; by loosed- In g and asaisting nature to threw off the unhealthy matter collected about the throat and bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and sough."" , • •2d. bloat Throat and Lungs Baru:idles are com posed 'of anodynes whirls' allay the 'cough/ for a while, but by their conatringing effects, the fl bras become hardened, and the unhealthy-ffulds, coagn.. lute and are retained In the system, causing diacase 'ttlifeitii - ine . control of ear moot eminent physiciano. • 3d. The Plue Tree Ter Cordial, with lie assietants, dro preferable, borauie they remove the amiss of in tation of the mucous membiateand - bronchial tubes, assist the lung to net and throw off the un• healthy accretions and purify. the blood, thus scien tific:oy melting the sure perfect. - • • , Dr. IViehart'llas on file at hie Office hundreds and thouiands of Ctrt(ficates,,frons Alen and Women of unqinetionable character. who were once :really gsnen irp to die, but through the Drovidenc of Cod were] completely restored to health by •the ne Tree Dar Corehai., A Physielan In attendance who can be consulted by -mall, free Of -chary° • Price of Pine Tree Tar Cordial $l,lO per_ bottle, $ll per dos,-. Bent by Expreas on receipt of price. Address L. Q: 0. Wiehart, Id. D., hip. 333 North 2ti Street, Phi Pa. 2gmay 3m . GAS FIXTURET AND_ • K HILO B E L'A M P S, great yiirtaty of' NOW Styles.- Bafeat and dleat In the Market. It given the Wriest - . 1 . • , Ilhgt of any. Burner made.. I, COULTER, JONES & „ gantfaotnrats and .Who . yagale 702 Alloll4TltEicr, NBlldwair 18June ' 1:0 4. .I: 7 r • Came;ty, the,Preinteee pi,tbe • inheatiber, In .‘4, es Pennebore towuthip,'_two'intlikeast:of New rine, on May WA NT A INQ pktAr MAIL , .rather below, tnedintittehe, and lintilittlter.till; TM oo l or le. requegtedivto Vettbeeely, prey* property, py eXpeottireind tak e , het awav 'Jllll.3t, • • • ,-_• . s-RNOT-44.1M77643. 1869. '=HARDWARE.•- HENRY • S A X-T-0 Dul - C>. I=o EAST HIGH STREET, Carlisle, .Pa "'Who'male and Retail dealer in Hardware, Iron, tool, Nally, Building, Materials, Paints, Glass go.. 'Finest quality of .American and linglleh Pocket and Table Cutlery. Every description of Toole adopted for all Me cltnical Trades of the most celebrated mahere, and warranted in ovary' instance. Gunk, Pistols and Ammunition. to P II M PB , fo- any depth warrantod to givkaatbactlon Cement, Plaster, Blasting Powder, • - Plebs. Shovels,Bpes," Forks, • Crow-bars, Sledges, dr •PARdf MILLS, PLOWS, 011AINS, ilAtdliS, GRAIN BACK &c., kc., Buffdirs receive matcriakt to n Went advantage both" In price and quality. Ilouccaoopora Goods and utenclla In grout varlotY. WE ARHSOLE AGENTS FOR / THE GREAT FUEL ECONOMIZER PATENT EXORLBIOR WEATHER STRIPPING adopted for doors and windows. We feel ourselves competent of pleating all as our goods are of the highest In quality and 1011 , 180 tin price. Orders by mail feeder prompt attention; gOodo delivered In town free. Parties Indebted to no for ISIS will please bo prompt In their payment, and all to whom we aro Indebted .will please present thole •btlle for settlement. Sian 138, U_ENRY.SAXTON MANHO'OD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. „rurri„, Just pUblished, a new edition t'' ar-,ol.l4.verprelPg,Volebrated • IMO nt A, "Tf ESBIIy on the radical cure (without °•—•-•"`•-.- medicine) Of SP ERMATORRIMA, or Sem inal Weakneg, 'lnvoluntary Seminal Losses, IM POTENCY, blandll and Physical Incapacity - meats to marriage, etc.; also Coxsourrion, EPILEPSY and Firs, induced by seit.indulgence or sexual ex travagance. yn,,Prices, in sealed envelope, only S cents. The'coloblated author, in this admirable -essay, --cloarly-demoustrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequence of self. abuse may be radically cared- without the danger ous use of Interuat,inediclue or the knife; pointing out a mode of cure - at once simple, certain, and ef factual, by means of which every sufferer, no mat tor what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. .48 — This Lecture should be in the bands of every youth and every man In the laud. Sent Undersea], In a plain envelope, to any ad. divas postpaid, on receipt of six cents, or two poet stamps. Also, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. • Address the Publishers ' -MIA& J. C. KLINE & CO. 127_Dowery,_New_York:Pott_Ofilce_Box. 4,596. _ 2,jan 69 - VALUABLE HOTEL Property . AT PRIVATE SALE,OII. E.*IIANO FOR A FARM The subscriber offers at private sato the rco❑ knOwn hotel stand In Newville, Pa., known as the L G N .- TidTTSE. The lot (upon which tho Hotel stands) contains 57 by 180 lout, and In . addition thereto will be sold an nacellent GARDEN containing 05 by ,180 feet, The house IsJarge and substantially built of stone containing 8 sleeping apartments, good Bararoom Dinlog•rootu, Parlor,Ritchen and all modern conven lances. A good Well of Water at the door. "EXCELLENT' STABLING for forty horses, Tea - Wows, Wood House, Smoke Llouso and all ...necessary out-lnilldlngs. Tho Logan House is widely and favorably known and Is largely patronised: It has been quite recently renovated and repaired throughout. Terms to suit the purchaser. For further particulare, apply to the embeerlbet,te .n his abienee to - Peter A. Alit, at Near.lllo, Pa" JOS. A. WO6DBUIIN. 28Aug.tt The Great Pacific Rairoad is finished ! - FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS EMI] UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT A - ND SOLD Bankers and Dealer., in Governments No. 40 South Third Street, 13=E! EMI= GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE OUR ENTIRE STOOK OF' SUM MER GOODS to be domed out In thirty days, if possible. V.a greatest BARGAINS over offered in Carnal° are now to be given by us for the next thirty days. We are determined to close out OUR ENTIRE STOOK OF SUMMER GOODS We will keep no account of what goods cost. They must all be sold without resorse. • IP: • DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS are the order of the day. We hero a COMplati as nortment of all kinds of goods yet, at suth wonder fully low prices as to astonish the most experienced buyers. REDUCED $5 00 Uiotk for 2 00 Cassitnere, 1 00 do $5 Alpacca, , 5 do 00 Japanese Mixtures, 50 Granite Poplins 40 Pungeo do 60 Best Organdies, 40 do Good Lawns, • 16 00 Lace Shawls, 10 00 do • Good do SILK COATS AT HALF. TIMM COST, Summer Shawls for $1 00 11l 60• Sloop Skirts, , 1 . 00 Carpets, Oil Cloths, Blinds, Twenty-five per . cont. lower than the lowest. Domestics of all kinds exceedingly lou - Wu will give you morn valuo for your money, " under any and all circumetancee, than canbo had oleowheru.._ eall.early_andexamlnaour good.— Blia_ our prlcee; and be convincod of the fact. W. 0. OAWYErt'Ar CO 6000 pounds of wool wanted, for which wo will pay thejaigimat market price. ju11,60. ' CHARLES WILLIAMS, BEATING -AND VENTILA-TING WAREHOUSE., Na. 1182 and. 1184 Market Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. The Golden' Eagle F.URN,A.CE' Thle to an entirely bow heater. it Is construct-' ed as to once commend itself to general favor, balm; a combination of wrought sod coat iron. It 'every simple In construction, and is perfectly 'air-tight; sultolcau log, having no pipes or drums to ho taken out and cleaned. It la so arranged with upright flues as to produce a larger amount of heat fora - the same weight of coal than Any furiramuow in use. The hygrometio condition of the air as pro dosed by my now arrangoment of evaporation will at once demonstrate that It Is the • - AIR- •FII II RNAOE that will produce a pOrally hoalfhi , 'atmosphere. I am now making live alms or Porta - Nu, and four for Masonry. R'.AN:GF.IS. Special attentioir Ie ahro called trimy.N ' EW COL- , DEN End LE COOKING RANGES; as 1 feel assured there le nothing In uso that, can compare with them„ as regarda their durability, economy and efllcleney, with-a-large assortment or. Low Down Grater!, Idr, m aa groves,. Registers nd Ventilators. Send lor illustrated circular. •• 11June 00.00 •• 1 1 SqI"4..TAX FOR •1869. . . ... , - The' plicate of ' Soh'ool Taxes for the liefough of Matilde for 1800 la now In. the . hands of tb.e yreis , 1 flrer.fdrcolleetlini.v , , ..,. ', ..._. o:; ',." 4 r .. .. " 1 • Notice is therefore given, that tho Treasurer will attend at, the Countrcourt Uousefornsolosioner's. ,, Office on Tl11:111611)Alt. and inelDS, rh . 44 8 0 th JUT, next,:betwoon: the houritOf . .:Af: Und 6P. hl: of said days, . for; the,;p.uniose ,tii, ocials'lng geld I l unthuP to whlott 'dine anatodetnedt orprlN Pint . QOM will be made on all tsaes or ,Persone :Stiebingt,o piymilvjaxselbefere,"lldrabore dates. catcdo so by, calling et the offloe or residebee of the Tteaauter.-:14114P1.01:- 61614,,h4141his .',lf,eot.lllaln • Street. ... ;., ; '::.; ' s' , ':',.'':','',''',.',‘,!. ',/ ' r*: lo3 4 ' • ..'i'Vririiii6p4i4ll4,:li/S/ 8 " .!,2 . ' ',::.::-.i:Ategotr:51!.,..-.. E U 1869. $3 0 0 125 25 15 to .0 10 00 6 00 60 to 5 00
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