1ME1221 A COLI,EIGh SAORIPICE: - Blt• A, SPISaTAOI I .' - • "The cable goddess Nigbt,.had stretch. ed ber leaden sceptre o'er a , slumbering werldX. when .the College Chapel was filled to overflowing - with both ladies and gentlemen,, upon - , whose countenances were depicted .both eager pleasure - and surprise. An, announcement bad 'been made that the. Sophomore Class of Dick would sacrifice to their hatred one.of_the books studied by . them during the paSt term, H. N7Tiars—Art- - of - -QoMposition and multitudes thronged, to witness this novel but _intensely solLmn ceremony.— Just as the ei-pectation of the apectatozs was at its height, the mournful beat.o: the muffled drum mingled with the mer - tread of the class was heard-reverberating through the balls of the building. ' Tho procesolon advanced slowly and solemnly up the,Chapel aisle bearing at its bond an altar draped with black, upon which -• was placed the book', and, an urn for the reception of,the a es of the sacrifice. The pall-bearers for the occasion, N, , r.o...lgessrs s Wm. R. Woodwd, -a..Wainigton, D. 0. ; 0. G. Get ndanner, of Frostburg, Md. ; L. L.Reatty, of Long Marsh, Md. ;• and Wm; H. Dashiell, of Baltimore, Md. The,class being seated, the assembly was called to order by Mr. W. T. L: Keiffer, of Carlisle, Pa.; who deliveredsome very appropriate remarks Concerning the nature of the ceremony, and explained the order of exercises for the occasion. Their apparel deserves particular notice, each member being shrended in white. with black masks, entirely concealing the features, and high black hats, with flow ing 'crape, the officiating priests were dressed in black togas. The first order was the History of H. hr. Day, and his Art, which was composed and read by Mr. J. M. Belford, - .Mifflin, Pa., as follows. IMEMZ2 ' Why this gathering ? What means this altar bearing it4'preparod victim ?- - Toll me too, what testify these grim ghost like forms? On each countenance;cou.d, you see it, you would behold the itepre.,3 . of a strange comingling of 10. e and hatred. On each heart could you but read its son -!titnent you would dad written the same; hearts that swell large with love of light, but larger still _with hatred of Day. A strange anomaly! Loving, yet: hating - that same object of love; praising, yet uttering-wrathful-impreaationsi-blessing, ---yet-naver-deigning-to-gteP.A.4eid of m mendation. Such is the spirit in which we come bore to-night. Sixteen weeks ago there appeared one in our midst, whose coming we hailed with joy. 'Kvident.ly our visitor was no child . -of darkness. Witk.him helm:ire the im press of light. Doubtless be elrriing fichii parents,who rendered bright their mortal careers; and at „death were placed in heaven as a glorious . constellation, _which should preside over the-Day, Surely at least, this IbOok the offspring of an.offspring (loth bear unmistakable testimony of light—im penetrable. Eto; came to us. as a stranger, and 'as a stranger we took hint in, little expecting that he would return the joke -with com pound interest. For while we were fast friends, he jironlised to be - our leader and guide, and as such we followed him, as an _ individual, through mass and class. But soon we noticed that we wore being envel oped in an inextricable maze. lie led us up the rugged bill of abstract and concrete, until- the head of poor "Sophos 'mores" fairly reeled with 'gualicy, action, condition, relation, attriAutes, models, "xpletivcs, -matter.-of thotOht, symbolism of the_same, and finally our own spirits a mass. Oh I why should-the spirit of mortal not. rage? Never has a stranger Art, composed by a stranger man, been placed in the Sands of .the t..ollege Student. Sophomores can grasp the idea of one line being perpendicu lar to another in space, or indeed they may clearly comprehend the hypothetical period, but whefr you tell them, that a spiritual object is ,a mass, you transcend their comprehension, both finite and infinite. Agtin there .is brought within our vision, by the author, a very ldarned ,dis course on,symbols of thought, symbols' of touch, taste and smell, symbols of' sight, symbols of sound:symbols from general sense, (the symbols for nonsense are omit ted,) and finally the law of symbols; all very interesting topics of course. Day after day, Bro. Day and the class of " 71' are more at' sword-points'with each othe Higher and higher swells the tide of wrath. Another point attracts the attention as well as the admiration of the class. The admirable classification of the book is brought forth in bold relief and made the subject of many fine comments of chapters, sections, 1,2, 8,4, major, 1, 2. 8,4, minor, it is useless to make mention. 'Wonderful it, is indeed that we do not go into primes, seconds and thirds. After uselessly attempting to remember these classifications, and taxing the brain to.the 'Utmost, we conclude it to be n perfectly' systematical, . mathematical classification, —of nonsense. . Now rage has reached its height, 'and from the highest pinnacle looks down upon an action of the class with expressions of satisfaction and admiration. One st-on • and mighty cries out, awry with him, "let us born him." An action is suited to t' o word, and pouning forth vials of wrat against the work wo.datermi a to. Bo wise to-Day: Tis madness to defer, Having thus stated briefly the faults we find, we wish, him a prosperous Day's journey: Filled with rccoll - ctions of his aetior and relations to us, we freely consign h'h work as an offering to one who rules over •the realms of endless darkness. 'Where there shall be Day, h'en though •no light. J. M. BELFORD. Th'e style of this gentleman was of a decidedly impressive character and was listened to wiih the most profound atten tion by the audience. The utmost solem nity prevailed during the performance of each and ovary order. The singing by the Class of the follow ing Hymn ,of Consecration ,composed by Mr. J. L. Shelley of Shiremanstown, Pa., 'then succeeded. lIIIISIN OF CONSECRATION. We meet In song, a Joyo unbend, Before we quit this hall; . • To countenance with heart and band An action of us all. We meet to consecrate this book, This otject of - our Ire, To one, Whose grange end piercing Ito): IMllvelaskernolit, To,tbe, 0 Pin'p I we consign who labors o f a-day, And prey thus -thou, Co God I benl^,n, Wilt bar ken to our lay. In.unlon evredov/tb motive pure. 'Whilst hero In song we moot, We beg the guard, and kesp secure The model and concrete. • OAmmortalize the partial mass, Preserve the handsome group; .Dslgn to defend the active class. If thou wilt telble stoop. Add when In life's ,briad plains we tread, ... • ° Mar we duo rev renco pay, To WM whose Art we all hare read, \fr . ,The 'lmmortal IL D. Day. , • . J. L. SIMIMIT. The following Prayer in Latin.was liken dpliverod by Mr. ,O. L...lLtnnoon, Puexsn. Noe andi, 0 I Pluto, regnator otnnium, qui Styglum undam traneeunt. Accipare ornnium bujus recentiesinio.Diel„tm as tortes avert late. Tibi.commendainne, (minium quac mortabi r ennt, placula tui auguetia legie. Hoo'.eaertfl ejakm-to napicaro berngno occulo precareur.; Paganuis ..IO Tariaro„quainio tlerberue;, trititie eat:album continental.' Oustodlt, ut Writhe bujp . e mall in fantia includatuneni per, Sion eini ut prorenlatjuyenee .doc toreeque''eibruclare anti tentpora els des tinata; rr Da, gratlurn noble et , nocipe pro earn nostrum. . . • After prayer. the following Sermon was deliitered by Mr. D: K. Bone, of Carlisle, in a Wenderfully solemn, manner during - the-most profound silence and attention. , EisitmoN. , TO night, At time for a deedeoinournfui, will we gather round Alie sacrificial pyre, and to,the flames far, brighter than his rays wift we commit the . life. work of a Day. ....Arotind . the Ater hero we meet, a, .ser rowing band, the faithful' few, who mourn tho extt °Ca friend,..wboso merits hererto fore havehein unknown, because =sun, derstood or ,unexplained. • . The light which H. N. Day, has.shed on our paths,..feeble s it wes,' has still ono nierie,,that of constancy.' ' His, beams shine brighter, alt 81111 declines, or 'when the intervening moon obscures frOm sight• od.raye of, that King of day: As travel.' 104 lkyptian;night behold With Joy the glow-worm's feeble spark, se we, when we are - l o n b l uer darkness of mind, : without one ray to guide the mental man, win wo gladly welcontic the Day: • Till- then, be pales his itieffectuallfes"—till then he wastes hishweetneseon the desert utt, and. till then, let his artof composition decom pos. I remain. . Ws complicated complication has no proto'ype, alone it Stands to. battle' with the antiquated notions which universal •man lies long since accepted, dnd to which I he still; in face Of broad Day-light, most obstinately adheres., A gigantic work, to overturn the predjudice3 of the world, a Day propose , to undertake; . to overthrow: - bl:-,` - eid=rhlts;-whichlforLden.turieshase_ been found to meet the wants of man—Aye e'en to change the forms, of speech which for ages past had been the characteristics, I the essentials of our mother taunge. .. .He would bavo Us pen our thoughts -as I we would build a loom or press, and doubt loss proposed to perform the marvellous ' task, never: yet - accomplished, viz: that of making writers of a cuss of men,-whose appropriate occupation is managing the. 'hammer of the forgo, or participating in" that useful labor on the highway iirst , sug. , . gested by McAdam:. As- children play with blocks of wood,- and build with them towering castles in the air, Belie would build with his "mass nouns" and "co.-ordi nate conjunctions," a monument of endur ing greatness, a literary tower that should outlive all generations which are to come. His plane aro revolutionary,—but the gi •gantic proportion of -the-work-before him challenges admiration. Alexander's name, still lives in song end story, and oven though 'the motive power was his insane 'ambition, the greatness of the 'work 'he undertook and successfully accomplished, covers'up the magnitude of his cridee, and makes the wholesale murderer a hero and ensample. When Day has accomplished his purpose, when this Herculean under. talcing—the manufacture of writers—is cc o„unolished, the means employee will not be criticised, but the man will make: his name immor M l, when wo,'who now aro gathered here to celebrate these solemn rites, have mingled our ashes with its kin dred dust. Butuntll then, let us exercise an option to accept or reject what is, with the,light we have at present, a vague, unintelligible, chimerical conglomeration of ideas, origi nal it is true, but which serve only to.pr plox and embarrass the student in' his search for light. It is said that his Exemplar, Phillip's son, wept that there wds no more worlds' to conquor. 'So may Day's Spirit weep -when—he—lnts- , accomplished—liis—purpose,-- harauLhaa.tvanfor.gud allmeilin to iiot oricians, when the univotsal race of man a, learned to construct by rule literary monu ments of glory, more enduring than braass and the wonder of future ages. But until then, let the vanity and presumption of .thisman.eoftsigit his memory to the gloomy_ shades, and let remorse consequent upon insatiate thirstlor glory, feed upon his vitals unconsumed. ----A-few short years ago thia Day began to dawn. The_ promises it inade.,Were and aal looked forward to the noon to see a world illumined with glory. Dark clouds of mystery and confusion soon filled the blue-arched vault, and gloom, dense damp, and unpromising was the unlooked for realization of man's fond hopes. His sun of genius sank in western clouds and dark ness inte.!se, suffocating, was all-that re mained of Day. So faded his glory, so failed his hopes, so perished all his vain ambition. 'lie relic of his labors to devouring elements will we consign, and bid farewell With few attractions. Wo leave it•to our successors. The legacy is ono whicn coming .Sopho mores may inherit, and' it may bo that their fool ish-wisdommay discover what we have failed to find—the sterling worth of Art of COmposition. . -Farewell, and potteeto thy ashes ! Tho procession wai then - formed in the College Hall, the members 'ol the Sopho- More class with their Priest ahead, swing ing a censor burning "red Fire," marching immediately after the altar, and the other classes. with friends and visitors in the rear. The concourse Was supplied with-torches by the class which were lighted imme diately atter leaving the College. The ef fects produced •by these brilliant lights in the deep darkness of the night through the long walks'of the Campus shaded by majestic old trees was magnificent. It re sembled a living, moving column of' flame steadily. but irresistably adVancing. Tho tolling of the College boll added very ma terially to,the deep and marked solemnity of the precession. The processiodiosas attended by the Car- Hole Brass Band, and proceeded down tbe principal streets of Carlisle with melan choly and measuredqtep to the mournful time of the dead-march. The pavements and verandahs of the str'et were den,sely thronged with citizens, all eager to witness this novel ceremony. The procession advanced to the, gas works where the sacrificial ceremony was to bo performed in a manner altogether in accordance with its grave nature. • The sacrifice was consummated in becom ing style by consuming the Book with fire ,rom the cense.. 01 the Primt, Mr.-D. K. Watson, of Loudon, Va. The ashes were then deposited in an urn provided for this purpose and preserved in order that they might be presented in duo form to the Faculty of the institution. Immediately, preceding the burning the following remarks were delivered by the Priest ; Thetunas are these to do grave deeds. The darkness dotti help to consecrate t a act. .In uni on have wo come fcrth Pluto, to sacrifice to the this most descry.' ing object of our wrath. rnilt.to be with noble books - or noble youths, with ono accord wo hand it o'or to thee. Unskilled to train the youthful mind, it break tho.smoothness of an honest thought., (All grim and pale doth staad our own dear idiom at sight of this grim monster. Untaught before of modals and concretes of such prodigious size as• this book has, wo wish to sympathize with Pininer and green,) oh I great archdr 'gaiiist our idiom, w.l.Bnany .we givo.theo up and pray, great Pluto drag thee down with mournful car and train, to ornte, end far within the seventh circle lot Aquilo nian blasts blow hottest,flawes of hell upon thy face through the revolving cybles of eternity. a Immediately after the burning the fol lowing remarks to• Pluto were delivered by the same official. - Well bast thou pleated us, 0, Pluto, in thy acne -ance of our offering. The life of Allis book is gone, but its essence, the vital part shall still live on. With hearts most mournful will we now bear it to rho Chapel and pass it o'er to otbsr hands. The following Ode comoomi by Mr. G. C. .Toung, of Harrisburg, Pa., was. then sung by the Class. Let &Wee all with one accord Lament for .71:7V. D'ay. Who never wanted a good word, From those, who none could Bay -Professor wirer passed bid door. And always lousid him kind;. '• HA trimly lent to all who bore Through hint with urgent nand. He strove the Beetles well to please, With .datons 'masing stunnlisg, sfiid never followed sinful ways, Unless when•he was punning. His look woo sought I do aver,,, „ =By all the scholars and Profs. Poor Dick hialialf has h a d: a ehars, In blinding the-poor Pophs. . And notr his .Art and beauty Iled, Ills parasite. Bed all, The students found when he was dead, 111slast drsordtr mortal. • Let us lament In sorrow mom, For Dickinson may say, That had he livesta tow monDuutiose,_____ - Ifs hed 'nat died. today. ' G.. 0. YoutlU.• • The procession was then reformed and returned in the, same grave and solemn style to the College Chapel. , is duo to all present to make favorable mention of the wonderful .solemnity die played by,all, particularly those more im mediately connected with this deeply in-. torestirtg coromoliy. , A spirit of deep sadrusse and glootn ap peared to pervade the. entire vast ,assem binge and-manifested itself in the most striking manner in their rigid doeoruni, both during the exorcises'in the Chapel and their march-to_tho place ot etiarifico. Wo era delighted to observe that the Mantle of the proceeding Sophomore Class has fallen upon worthy shoulders, and that they have achieved a brilliant repetition of what'bad boon initiated by the. Clues of .10 , :All .who' witnessed the Icerisinony :Wore 'delighted with its success, and unite with us in wishing that many, SophemoreTclaisos may cherish thesame enthusiastic spirit of Striving -to emulate their 'spirited. Fade cossors.• . CZ= Choice • •Fainily; Groceries, Finest quality Of Tens: • (Moine brands of Fatii ly, , Flour: ,- -Buckwbeat and Corn Meal and 'a lino assortment of queens*tre and Olassware at , • , ,•• • ' • •• South-West Corner gOtt Ap1.28-Bm. " and DICK INSON to''_the .time of our going to' prose-last week, we were unable tb give. a',list of ,the Degrees conferred on Comaientement Day: -- It is as follows : ' A. M.- -Rev. Jolin'.Atkinson, Newark, New Jersey. " ,David W. • Bartine, Professor • Migh Sohool. Philadelphia. " George M. 'Lefferts, New'York D. D.—Rov. John F. Chiplain,,Phila: , `‘, Itev.•Themes - Hanlonr - Prinet-, pal_-Penningtonl6,eminaryi - New Jersey.', •-• • L. L.-D.—Daniel M. Bates; Ohancellor,, , Among the (net4ly-elooted Trustees , We aro. glad to notice the name of Paktum J. BARR% Esq., of Baltinsere, an old •Al pilaus and former Trustee of Dickinson.: Another gralifyibg feature of the pro ecedings-this year is_that in filling the va . .cancNs in the Board pc Trustees and in, the. conferring of Degrees, the Alumni of -the College have been•generously recognized. After a full and free dissuasion it was determined to abolish the Grammar &hock which for so many years has been` really a' part of the College. ' . ' We think the wisdom of this move will be abundantly demOnstrated before another year bin elapsed. ,Old Dickinion is shak ing herself loo . se from all' make-weights and entanglements, and--is. on-her-- way forward to a prosperous and glorious future. fiIHE 13EST.-:=4onice hove -of -late years gained rapidly public estimation and are fall more generally oroVheYed by first-glass physicians than t hey once were. The reason for this is that it is a generally established fact '[lint wholesome tonics used In moderation daily, for years do nos lose their virtue, neither 'do they injure the sys tem. They act in fact like air and exercise, and not no "medicines," which are intended solely for attacks of Maces. The sixth rntnmrt.ea, especially those of vegetable origin, afl possess, the common Property of stimulating the appotitejstrengthening the nervous system, and 'of Imparting strength. Women generally derive benefit from them oven more than men, their system being more liable 'to debility and exhaustion. , We have again and again in our experience soon the good effects of tonics whore the oyes had grown dim and the cheeks pale,' and the entire frame showed every Indication of exhaustion, nervous suffering and-debility. The best established bitters WO° American public are beyond question , thosa of Dr. &cover,' and this is equivalent to ffeciarink that they are tho brat, since among the scores of reallyexcollent bitters now currant, a poor article has no chance of deeftwhatbrert—Thermost—ignorant-persoa-teau— tell at once by its effects, almost ;rem a sin glodose, whether any bitters aro good or` bad. These of &sever have ' been sold for thirty years, are"-com pssui of sixteen of the saiest roots and herbs of 'a woll-k mown tonic - virfue, so skillfully selected and -rompounded..Viltb.- regard. to. their,mntual—effeets,, that it may - he doubted whether any more perfect fofin of this medicine con be made. Thousands of persons aro exposed to or afflicted ivlth leverandrague,hlplous ague or other result .1 of Malaria. Lei thorn remember that these lAttere, are admirable la such cases,. as for dlarrhma and cholera morb ea, or any ordinary derangement of the stomach. Try them and be mai stied that they should he In the stores of 'every family; and the trunk of every traveler. It Inn favorable feature in the advertisement of the proprietors of Dr. Steevers's Ton feller b I fitters, that no Olaime aro made that they will cure every lii that Utah is heir to. The weakest intellect can hardly be• Imposed upon when told that thin or that rem, sly will remove every form of disease In every etage, and yet ire van not take tip the majoHty of journals without encountering an adv,hq Dement 4claring that this or that medicine IF a nostrum 'A blob la a perfect apothecary's shop, a whole collego'of physicians In• vain' rendering all other cures noel eon. What le laimed for Dr. Stocver's Bittern Is al mply that they will act as a good fettle, and are capable of doing as mitchgoed - as a preparation of bitter principle can. They will not cure incurable diseimes,, but they will often prevent a certain class of disorders from be coming incurallo. The preferences and certificates _issued In their favor are all true and honest, and of themAppre are hundreds. From the editorial columns o , Forpey's Phllade plan Press. From the Medical. Profession LANCASTER, • July 25, 1068. BASER A co.—Potitlemen! In-reply to yours .or thn 22d inst., I si:mid my, that I have need' Dr. Stsever's Toole Dab Bitters extensively 16 my prae ace during several years past. Ido not hesitate to . say that I have found it to possmis -remarakale eN racy In cases of Dyepopsia, Indigos lion, Dias of . No vous Enorgy,:es' ssoll as Fever and Ague, Dia; theta Headache and other dioceses proceeding' froth a die. ordered stomach ; and especially . mis it proved of in. estimable value in general debility of the system when other tonie medicines have falled to Vrodueo the desired effect. Though reluctant to appear as recommending any particular advertised medicine, a sense 01 duty to the.public and the medical faculty will not allola me to withhold my testimony to the merits of the .Aitters in question. Yours, respectfully, T. R. PARKER, M. Ile KRYDER & CO„ Manufacturers anti Bole Proprietors, 121 NORTH 3rd sTREEr, PHILADELPHIA = Man MARK E.TS CARLISLE EiItODIJCEDIARIiET Carllsle,July 1et1869. Fit ally Flour Superfine d 0.... .................... ........ 4 SO do RYF 5 00 WIIITEIVIIEAT.. RED do 100 td ..... —.l 10 RYF C0RN........... , 0411‘13, (new).... OLOVERSEP;D rf,MOTHYSEED VLA MED BARLEY )(lace Market. •Ilele, July let 11369. —,---- ci" - reated Weekly be, William Was/mood IIUTTFI‘ 'pAWN SIippLDERS, l 8 General• Pr I Car EGOS, LARD, TALLOW, 22 BACON. BIDES, 18 WHITE BEANS 9 PARED PEACHES UNPARED PEACIIER . 10 DRIED APPLES, 3 25 RAGS 8 USESIVAX, ' 35 BACON HABIB 18 ~111AR:RJED WILLIAMS—WILLI tho 3.1 ult., of the ro Mennen( tho bride's tether, by Roy. Dr. Swartz, Mr. E. F. Wrilldme, of Newpott, Perry Co., to Mite Anna N. IVllllams of Cumberland County. KAISER—PFIFFER:—Ou tho ith, ult.. by the same, Mr. Moline Keiser to Hian Sophia nine both of Mlle county. BROWNICWEIL—LOSEL—On the 23d ult., by the same, Mr. Geo. Brow:Jovell,to Annlo E. Loch, both of this county. SPECIAL NOTICE FRUIT. JARS Wo would call special attention to thervi.ry low prices at which, wo uro offering Fruit Jars both wholesale and retail—having a good stock of all desi rable kinds on band. t We hues also on band a full stork of best sugar cured Rums, choice Dried Dee,t; Sugars, Lidless, Syrups, Spices and Groceries generally leffeiter with Qutensware, Glassware, Cedar and irinofi, ware, Fish, Salt, Oils; all of which we sell at . Iciwest possible prices and warrant teiglviithefollest satlslaction. • • • We markt recommend Han last patent Ps - nitr:Tar as being: according to our jnaftment, the best and cheapr est in the market. WM. BLAIR & SON, ". • "South Nod" Carllale,Pa• Special ,to the Ladies. We are now selling out et greatly reduced prlceis ell kinds of Bummor goods such as; Orenadines, Ilerzranies, Englratillarages, Lawus, Percilles, Par genie Chintzes dr. Now inthe blue to Beanie gr at. bargains as wear° . doterml nod to 'close out our stook at univerea ily low rates. . LEIDIOII i MILLER. :N WIRE GUARDS, - for Storei Fronts, Asylums, Ac. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Wet : bings for qbeep and poultry yards, Brass and Iron wire cloth Blort4, Fenders, Screens for coal, cress sand, Ac., heavy Crimped Cloth fqr spark arresters Landscape Wire fOr Windows Ac., Paper- Sinkers Wires, Ornamental Wire Works. Every, informa• tine by addressing the manufacturers, M. WALKER "A SONS' No. 11 North Sloth street Pblindelplija. 12feb 60-y: 'A« WORD TO HORSEMEN:', lOC 'POPIIMP'OEhiIIOt#ED VENITIAN NORSE LINIMENT hag, been teettil by,the Lint ',Holleman In thin country, and proved to be superior to • any other. 21i late'lliramPfnedrnffnl"trottlenr fame," wan never withOaterbottle In hie etahle. -It holler,. need by Cok Dneli , of theraerome Park. amaraeot Perham, N. t Y., who has', over, twenty / running Immo! tender his earn; among which reebk Ode •A fin r eet '4nemicir.' 'lt to :Warranted to' cure Lamenges, Spraina, Baratelma,..liruiente, Wind 'Gallo. Colle, SoieThroat, Nail In tho, Foot and Over neatitig, ,when'need acCording to the' 447' 'notion& All alio own or employ itorima • are Aetured' ;that thierLiniment,will do all, If nottuoin, ikeurlog r thri above named complahlta. No. horee.,ner'd :dle„ of Oolie, If, when trot taken, the Liniment la .utied ea cording to the • directions' 'AlwayahliTO:a battle in your stable, Priceln &Allot:the, One Dollar.' The 'genuine lb algneel tiles-outside wrapper. For e; sale by the draggl is, Saddlers, nrikilyprelceeper klitougbent. 'the vatedliatoo, ; Place N. Y. 1,5 June lm: . " • ';IIIIPORTANT Wei' sea that peisone ofidrong eonetitutione,. and youog,Aiifferfor dap!, :474, patai efiAbutimbe, lam - appotliu and ie,iarortio: gudiiirdy got well . atter a chidlugillowed Tbo . relief prdtibed tfu , ee';emaenailotte ~.ivere,. the: oilginal guide • tuitibe: Idea and . . practice of purgation,' and which, uten -enf reed by •11ratideth!iipills„ always benefit* usually euree,„and often 'prevents • dieoasu especially Euailot Fever anddiseaseeeYalmilar char, .. • . ttirol3titre - -Bannii,i! ininginni;Na.,-§4addiaildidh'a-Plltiveul43dia-of-Dya papilla 'after boineardatad wlih , nvoitl'iniyeida; Thu frla'nda and dottatla 'atinalderod 'lllaidaoyery fm poselblo; but BIS boxer of Pllleirestorail hie health larfaely!.. " • A yoting lady of Moutit Pleasant' was sorely lion. bled with Tapo:Worm.' . Alladvloos awl melllclna fall ed to hulk her; She had no root Thin, .careworn , and ttnhappy,!ehe.looked.the, picture of,lnlepry. :At lost - she conclutleS to. try - DrundretWuPllls. ;In one .101# she took seventy two boxes. They brought away, übCotdingtO Iler coluputatleni over two han. tapa•worna. ,At length all 'her ,bad auronitoms left Lai; oho alopt and ate na" , tyrglly, and her health became fully restored. TO CONSUMPTIVES The Advertiser, having been, restored to health in a tow . weeky, by wvery elinple remedy; after bay leg sialisredsoverallp . iwe 'with's severe lung &Tee tior, and thUttiretid disonae, Consumption in, anxious to make known to his' follow•eutterera the moans o -to slfwho. desireit t he will- send-a copy of the prescriptfail used (tree of charge), with tho ditoction for-preparing and using tho same which they will find riAtflt . , COBS FOR obile,trai PTI9N, ASTHMA BRONOIIITIS, 'etc. The object of, the advertiser in sending the kieecrlition '01)01101H the afflicted, and spreafl ififorritation - which- he eonceivaa tots in valuable f'itiid hoo - hopee over/ )iuffaser,will fry hie rematiy, as it will coat them nothing arid may prove a biassing. . Fprllcs whililng the preadriiitiOn will Please ad dress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, iWilliamsburg, Kings County Now York SPECIAL NOTICE We are now daily' receiving from auction Ohm Lots Lots of 'Dress Goode of every style. - Striped and • Figured White Piques, White Quills, Hosiery, 'clover, Handicercliiefs, and' all other seasonable which we will warrant to sell cheaper than any ether house in the county to which we ask the _atthatltainf-buyers_brilore_purchasing.,_ A hum - lot of Parasolitof all kinds. Now style .light.-Biittou—lloota.alLaltea,.ll.nallnr, Prints • at reduced prices to suit:the times. • ISJuna 60 Aai-DEA LiNESS, BLINDNESS, and • O.BTARRII anted with the utmost suttees by J. IsAacs 81. D. I And 'professor of Diseases : of thc- Eye and .EaV in the Medical Cbllcge of 17enn.videatitn ; 12 years experience (romp} , of Leyden, Holland,) No. 805, Ateh St., Phira. Testimonials can be soon eit-tnis ofce. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa- In initPrictlCS. Artificial eyes inserted without pain. No •charge for exam% nation. guns 68 iY. • TO REMOVE MOTH, PATOSIES, FRECKLES and Tan from no taco, use PERRI'S Morn AND FRECKLE LOTION. Properad only by Dr. B. C. Perry Sold by all drpgglate. 9April 3m BUY CHEAP FOR CASlL—Three per root.. do. ductlou °mall coal othalf Ion" and over, delivered In town for the cash. No allowance when a charge is made at Lmar 69. 309,.001.t of dry p!ue hoards for mto cheap now to your time, builders, at the cheap yard of Polar co. A. 11. BLAIR. A !areal Political Revolution vras accomplished by the election of 'ilrant, and a revolution of` Immense social importance ban been effected by the general substitution of that harmless preparation, CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE, for the deadly compound of Iced and brimstone, of which, according to the "Journal of Chernietry" and tho Gazette," morn than thirty varieties hotelmen totaled upon the public I Crietrnioro'n Dyo the ,only one that HAS BEEN ANALYZED; and Professor Chilton, over his own signature, ile• demi that It In perfectly welcome. • CRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, as • Dressing, acts Elce a charm on the-Halr.after Dyeing Try IE - Sold by all Drill:Wets. ERROICS.OF YOUTtI gentleman who Buffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake rjrsnifer.big 'humanity,seniffree to all who need it, the receipt for malting the simple remedy by which he was eared. !lipprerfi wishing to profit by 'Abe advertis er's .experyelice Call do so b% addrcasitig, in perfect confidence, JOHN 13. OGDEN, May7.6o ly NEW . AD VEI? . TISEIIIEN TS. AGENTS WANTED FOR PROF. PARSON'S Laws oelinsiness. With full Di rections and, Form. for , all Transactions In every State by TREOPHILTrI3 PARSONS; L. L,•D., Proiessor - of Law in Itarvaril Unlv amity. A new Boon ooh EVERYBODY Explaining ovary kind of contract and legal - Obligation, and showing bow to draw and ezo• cute thorn. The highest and hoot authority in the land Send for our liberal terms; oho for oar patent Ilible Proxpectus.t SENT I'REE. PARMELEE /t CO., Phila. Pa, 2Eduno Sm . • IlllttEE DESIRABLE BUILD •ING LOTS FOR SAGE. the subroriber offers for sale at Feasonable terms three very desirable Building Lots situated on %Vest Louther street In rear of the College. They front thirly feet and extend back two hundred and forty. They are covered with excellent Fruit trees of :di descriptions. Apply to L. T. GREENFIELD, No. 4. East Plain St. • 7 00 .2 60 • to - -•1 70 2.ojuno 4t F.:4X ECUTOR'S NOTIOE.--Lettere Testimentiiry on the estate of Benjamin Gis, ler, Pr., into of itionroo township, doe'd.. having been Issued to the subscriber. residing In the same town• ship, notice is hereby given to all persons indebtiql to said estate to make payment and those hating claims to present them duly authentleated,lor set• tloment to 111MIAMIN UR t,loli Jr. „ , • Executor. NFOTlCFl—Letters of Administra .lJ Aim upon the estate of John Logan deed., of Franitford township, have been granted to the aut. scriber to whom nil persona will make payments due the estate and all eleima will be presented. 18Juue at " .1. B. LEOLEY. Sealed progosnlsli he ,ocelvoa at ota ce y in., Saturday, July 0 24, 1809, for furnlahlog the Command" at• Uarliale Barracks. Pa., with the BEST 'FAMILY FLOUR, for (0) menthe, from and after the tint day of Au' gust, 1809, or such loss time us Slur Cominissary am oral of oubsistence, U. 8. Army, may direct. 'Proposals must be in duplicate, rind endorsed "Proposals for Flour," and must contain tboUrimoti of two rospoodiblo persons wt.° will sign tiro bond, rind become responsible far the faithlul performance of the coutract. Persons who hid are requested to be present at the opening of the proposals'. The Government rt 4 serves the right do reject nay or all bide w bleb they may consider unreasonable, or for any other suffi cient cause, EDMOND 0. FEMIET, • lat'Llaut. Bth env. Brevet Oept. U. 8. A., .A -0. 8. Offleo of A. 0.8., Onrlisle Irks Pa. 26Juno 6t •, A. GREAT REM Eby. yigt; THROAT AND. TiUNGD4.SEA6:EI3: WisErt's Pine Tree tar Cordittl. .1 I ' It 160 e, vital principle of o:militia Tree, 'obtalhed by n peaullad Procita 'brain distillation of:tar,' by width lie higheat medical' propettletrare - retained. It to the only , 'safeguard and minable 'remedy which bat oder been' prtpartnt . from the Alice of the Pine 'free. " • It instgoratee the illgestlSO orgens mid restores the,nppetite: , . It strengthens the dobllltatsd system. - It purifies aro enriches the' blood, end expels from the system the -corruption' whirtil_Sarnfuls' broads on the lunge.- Pe healing principle acts upon the imitated our• face of the lungs and throat, ,penetrating tti 'each' diseased pait,•rellosing - iain and euldning =Ai on. ' " the result of years of study and experiment and IN offered to the afflicted, with , the' positive, as- . eurencenf Ito power to cure the following (Maine; If the patient ban not too long delayed a resort to tho means of guru:— .yy Consumption of lunge, Cough, Sore Throat and Ilreant„llronchitis. Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Plies,'Asthma, Whooping Cough, Dipthc• ria, ac., ho.. Wirara oftino.asked why aro not other. remedies ; In the market for Couautirption, Couglis,Coldo. e n d other ,l'ulmouttry ntreptfone eqpir to Dr. L. ki.! . Trco Tar Cordial. We'anewpr— ' ,:n fteuresot by Stopping cough; hot by lobseri , ln g end assisting nature to throw off the 'unbealthY matter ;collected about, the throat and bronchial tultoo, craning Irritation and eough. • • 2d: Moot — llnoat and Lungs Remedios are cem• Yosed 'oranodenee which allay the cough fora ,Whilo, but by' their conetringlng bffeete, the Abiud, become hardened, and thp unhealthy flulde — coogne , late and ere retained in the eyetem, causing diseaee• toyond the control of Gar meatentineet PRyolehdas, ,ld. The Pine trien"Tar CordiaVeritti Its asalstantlb, are preferable, becaueo they remora the cause ,or it notion of the mucous membiano and : bronchial: tuboe, mobil Oho lung to act and throw air the UM Rennin Secreting and pail(' tho.blood, thus scion= tiflcasly making the cure perfect. ' ' Dr. WeXhart has on file at hissace hundred*. ond. thousands . of 'certifieettes,frons,.lifen'tHia , Of urtgucalfonahm ' eliaracter.'mho .tours' cake :hopeltstlji. given np. to elite, but through !ho PreCidersee geed morel completeiy restored to health by the, , Pile" Tree 21ar Cbrettai. A 111.telelen in at magenta who can be ceuealted by poall, free of charge nice o 0 Pine Tree Tat Cordial VIM) pot bottle; $ll per don t, Bent by Elprees. on nolo . or prior.;.. Address . L. Q. :22., Wilbert, M. D., No, 202Rorth 2d dtreoVIIII'L: • 28why But . ,• 111111 1869.,SUMMER 1869. - Bilks, Greugdliten,(irgalitly_Laßz,lq.,.PlTug.s.Jitpan.otle. Rodustion in prim of an Sprlog Goode . on hand. I will close out tbe balance of my Spring Stock at coat to make room for New Fell Goode. 'largoltis !a all Mods of DOMESTIC ." GOODS., Bargains In Roam, ()laves, Whits Goode, A Splendid Corded Pique at 40e., Corded Pique, one yard wide, Goa, Men's 'henry Half Hose, 1214 e., Ladles Hese at 12%c, Hem !Hitelied at 10 and 123 c, Blenched Maellne nt,l2%c. All hinds of at pricca that defy compAltlon, A full nesnrtmont of Shawl', Paritisole, Sun ihnlmallas, Stoop Skirts Corsnte, &Cc ahvnya'on hand CLOTH'S AND CASSIMERA'S From the Lowest Grade to the Nines! Fretich llaving alway taken the haul in thie branch of the business, I would Rai I am Letter prepared the season than over, to meet the wiehos of all desiring a good article, or a very fair bargain 0. OGILBY eE thn shortest notice by O, firsteclass MOURNING -GOODS - ELACK , AND WHITE AIIXTURES, Engiish Crave Square and long, also a full assortment of Funera I Goods, for wk lel orders will lw•promptiv 'and sills fitetorally filled ME= TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, TARLETONS, OANBRICS, tte As I am determined not to be undersold in any thing in our line. All I ask Is and hispectlon of our Now Rork Not oponod. I can ionvinco you that ruy.gwds are cheap. L.T. GREENFIELD July 2, 1869 pEPORT OF THE CONDITION 1 11QE , THE FIRST NATIONAL SANK OF CAR- I LE, PA., AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS. Juno 12th, MO. No, 42 Cedar St, New York Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts, U. S. Boas, (for elreillation.) do ( " Deposits,) Other Bonds Sc, Duo fro. Notional Banks, "• " other,Bariks and Banking [louse and I morellos Furniture and Fixtures, Current Expenses, Taxes Paid, Interest paid, Premiums, ' Cash Items, Bills of National Banks, Legal Tender Not., PostaisCurrencl, Protest account, Capital Stook paid In, Surplus Fund, Circulation, Nat outstanding, Discount, Profit and Loss, Individual Deposits, U. B. Deposits, Deposits U. S. Disbursing Of fi cers, Due to Nat'l Banks, Duo to o.bor Banks and Bankers,, Dividends unpaid, $271;340,10 The above report to true to tho best'of my knowl edge and belief: CRAB. 11. 1.11:PBUItN, enabler; Sworn' and oubacrib6d bororo we thla 22d day of Julie 1H69. • ' JACOB' FRIDLEY, Isl. P. Correct: ATTEBT, AdAstible Window, Screen, • WILT. FIT .INY Give ventilation and - Screen from view and esolude Fliei, Alosquities, and -.other fizsecti, , 3 THE AD3USTIDIX WINDOW 1 'ORDEN 00iO PANT • coin MANIJOACT REM 623 Market Btxeot, 4:4liladelpt6a. Fok.golgrby llMlgre lu llouge turnighlug 'Goode. 2eJune 3m The Carlisle Shoe Company `iTAN'UFAUTURERS OF fIAVINdI - p.ontleneed the Maim '.l;:hotero, hate and Shope. the attention of t TOM lelhalted tirthe large assortment S hoes NoMiirstote anCespecially adaPtedtethe waits of the Ratan Trade. We shall at. all. times hate on hand 109ml:data amortmeriVel all the •. P 0 .1 3 A' It S T R. a ?dada ;byperience of the 'treated experleOce and skill. tleaThara of the trada•who may Worm with their custom pre sesuredthat no effort amour part will,bwapared to furnish Good Goodtcat ' ORDERS BY ISIAO, ehall.retelve the eamo atten tion that buyer. would rlo person, and dlitaut per- Belleau rely aeon getting their goods'ou mangy as good terms by,sendlug their orders, as by pereoually 'whiting us.. • -, • Ea aw K E „It S, &: groat vatieiY' ot , NbW N • R • Beat Beef glyeeijhe Jergeet _Mgt at any. Burner made. • •. . • . COULTER, JONES' & 004 Manufamuiets and '; Wholesale 31 ; '1; 'flealets. ; ; ' ' • " 702 ARCH STREET, PHTLA22EVITIA. I 'pBr+ l y~ 0n North Pitt Street, noar ty.Oug' Et aitsploy's•onNedOesJor isorolog, s pocket - lioos:cattalniovi omall 'smou4 or mopoy. The .111sIor, rotriroing it to" • ' • HENRY' •••• ILISUIto It Blpos470111114: ,•' DR r -.. - .GOQ_D6'...', ..,., .NE'W GOODS MENZSZA SUMMER PANTS ,STUFF GRAIN BAGS, MTS-3144}E -T4)- OgDEII,- B O M B IN E 8, CRAPE VEILS AND COLLARS BLAC,K THIBET SHAWLS, TABLE LINENS , TOWELS, LINENS, MARSAILLEB, PIQ6ES, QUILTS, SPREADS, NAINSOORS, INDIA ,TIVI 4EMEMBER,THB PLACE, NO. 4. East lifatn• Street Reqourcrs MEI 1 7:17 6 -/ MEM Total, Liahilites A. }C. turEE5l, W. W. SADLER, SA&I'L HEPBURN, Direct. A GOOD THING Important to Housekeepers, Hotels, Banks, Offices, .fie. BOOTS AND SHOES. Ewit-MafnStreet, ` ~ t bl►gLI6LE;PENlrf'A: The„Loweltt Possible Prices stiqy_i OFFERS #OR JOIIN. IRVINE, Totaiurer. , . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BENTZ HOTJSE CARLISLE, ...PA Office No. 40, Third Flooi. Morris, Bernhardt, • - • -;r',•- ;. _ . . C:11 TV". OF BERLIN, PRUSSIA, Recently of New York, offers thoso who aro suffering from weak and defective sight his 4" N . :w _ ‘ll PEBBLE 4.$ ' 9 EOI H ARO' • °CUL IST &CRT INURED ACOOROINO TO AOT OF CONGRESS. IN V/11 YEAS MOD CY OR. M. EIERHH,ARDT , IN THE CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE OISTRIOT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF THE EASTERN GIST. OF PENNSYLVANIA! IN THE•YEARIBSEIDV DR. NI. BERNHARDT. IN • DISTRICT COURT OFTHE UNITED STATES OE THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. -AND rc . I\ CRYSTAL I= GLASS SPECT A GLES, SuPoriqr to any other lu use—constructed In accord nnco with 'he science and philosophy of naturo,fu the pecullai form of A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIPSIS, Admirably adapted to the organs of eight, end per fectly natural to the eye, afrordlm: .altogether the best artificial help to the bunion vision over invent .ed. Used only by MORRIS BERNHARDT, Spectacle and Optical Manufacturer TILE ADVANTAGES of these Spectacles over all 1. They can he worn with perfect ease for any length of thee nt rine eitti og giving nritonishing clear tu•sfl of vision, by candle -.or other artificial light, comfort t 6 the ,pectaeio•wearer hitherto unknown. 2. How to select GlasAes.—lt requires professional guidance, even when a good ahiclo is offered Dr. Bornhardt.not only has .le hest Glasses the. can he found in the market, but carefully indispensable ad vice as to theyrdper selection of them. , 3. When the Eyes ache. or pain through the ac -tion-of a bright light, such 4 . 15 is reflected (robn the snow, sunny weather, white paper, and lu routing, writ 1ng,..0r Sewing. or vivid - colored bodies; the,.o lenses, by softening the rays, effect a most agreeable Beligatinn and give groat relief. 4. In nil Nervous Affections of the Eye, causing dull and startling pains in the eye ball or temple appearance of luminous and Molt spots in the atmos• phero; aching or feeling like nand in' tlie.eyes, the disturbed nerves ore mileted and itothed, 5. These Spectacles are scientllcallY adjusted to every case of defective sight with unerrin accuracy whether arising .rum age, dis: :am, strain, overwork, or premature decay, by Dr. Bernhardt-on a now and exact principle, entirely hid own, which has seldom failed to be-coit ect. After.- - - ^s of punlit lice. adjmit- 6. AfterieVeral years ofraiblii lorlialce, adjust ing spectacles to patients under every aspect of de fective vision, as well as experlenco in an extenelve, long-established business In Ids Optical Stores, both hero sad in Europe, Dr Bernhardt considers It a sufficient guarantee of his ability to supply such glassed as are best calculated for tho assistance eprz,— covery.of imperfect sight. 7. M. Bernhardt, to signalize himself Dom the boat of pretenders in his profession. with pride sub mite for inspection, copi-s of testimonials he has re ceived from medical gentlemen of the most unques tionable respectahlity and talent in America; clean number ofcertllkates Ir m well known gentlemen i f distinction who have used ins spectacles-11m origin als of all of which ho will be happy to show to muse who may request it. The use of any of the following names or certifies. es 'hero unto affixed, without on octuril possession of the same, would ha a forgery, eapi tal offence, pull:battle by State Imprisonment. $123,017,67 60,000,00 50,000,00 OEM 1,271 43 8,692,17 1,034 46 238,75 131,58 600,06 1,050,00 677,66 1,476,00 22,081,00 2,141,40 27,92 Terstiminy of Recommendations from Medical Gentlemen, Profesiors of the highest Opthalmie talent in Car lisle, Lancaster, Easton, and in the 071,340,10 CMILISLE, PA., JunelB, 1869. , I most cheerfully say that I base examined Prof. Bernhardt'a Loners, and., must say that they are bet ter adapted to my eight thin any I have seen Before, and I do most cheerfully andAvillingly say that every person that has defect. of Vi9iol2,•otight to have a pair of his excellent Brazilian Pebble Spectacles, as I feel rontlilek that they will render general satisfaction." A, J. IlEnmAll. 0 50,000 00 22,600,0) 43,000 00 608.18 2.43,97 102.067,35 26,260,01 5,832 03 11,79°,63 7,810,03 28u,00 CARLISLE', Ps., :Inuo ltith,lB69 "I have carefully examined the Iliazillan Pebble and AnStraiten Crystal Spectacles manufactured and sold by Dr. sl.,Bernhartit, of New York, 19,1t1 am using a pttir of the former. mysrlf with great satisfaction. They are certainly superior to any .I . llllVe seen. Af t Sir s full conversation with the Doctor , I regard him as accomplished in his profession' nod therefore re commemt lam to my Id, d+ and others for patronage, so far as the peculiar condition of the r eight may. re quire Ida services." Respectfully, S. D. KIEFFER, N. D. - CARLISLE, Juno 15th, 1869. "Owing to a poculini formatku of the eye, I have always found it difficult to procure glosses to suit mo I am now using a pair of Dr Bernhardt's, with widen I am better pleased than any I love been 'silo for Home time to procure, although I have tried various opticians." " I have just boon fitted with a pair of Spectr Iry 'bypr. Bernhardt; of NowAtirk city, with wlele'l I lutsnA been enabled , to 'read with„eNtieuto ease and clearbees, greater titan I hard -aver rend before. Ifs shoWsdhat ho is a thorough master:aids science, and adapts his glasses' to the peenliarAufects anti wants of those who consult hint with unquestionable shill. Icheerfully continend hint to those of 'my tone. who need - optical assistance.", Km- 0 P. Wino, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. "Ilavo exam lord Dr. Bernhardt's lenses, and Mau' ids description of tho manner of adjusting than, for thereliof of docootivo vision, anti I oheeclully corn• +mond him to those who may, desire to consult, a skillful optician" "Raving ouranrily inopoctod the flno totaortment of lames exhibitod to too by Dr. Iternbnt'dt, m1(11.641 hie description of tin modoUf adapting them to the tlifforont tvnutn and conditions Of 'tila 'o3*.lttin maded that Ito poxacanca touch kitowleilgo of the Moue° of Optic.; and skull In tho application of Ito p inelplea to the porpoise of his profettalon, , ; JOEL Pitittor of Lutheran Church. LiDcastuf, rti; M. 25, 1864. I have examined It grout variety of Olaaprei palm facturod by'Dr. M. Bernhard!, tinkin fiance to hint, must say, hat his glasses en of a tuperior quality, adapted to meet tie • wants of almost every oye,whero tho vie tin is in , any way, Impinfect. The Doctor er letztotifor mq a pair of his Australian Crystal Glasses, wlitch aro of a very superior quality end wolictrauship rendering vision very distinct, ,and almost as perfect as lu youth. ' yield this testimony In favor of the Doctor.% Glasses most cheerfully, as Atoll from my own experfonce as from the testimonials of many physicians, olorgymon and other gontlomou ,with uremia .1 am porsonally acquainted. . - I JNO. L. ATLEIL•Iid. ii I have examined what I eonceivo to ho a inmplete assortment of sperdaolos, maunfactured from the dtolrallan Crystal, admirably adapted to thflarlons tm inflrlics of that oxqulaltoly uolloato orga ,* the_ human oyo, whttln r the impaired vision Is the mit of dims° or the. natural woakto as holdout to old ago. regard' the upochnens of Dr: llornhardt the brat I Intro over smut, and as such cheerfully ragout• bend them. - • HENRY . CARPENTER, M. D Lancaster, pa., Alay . 2o, 1808. • • have examined Dr.. Id. Outlaw'tit's:very eons pletenesortmant of ,Fpeetnelee and Leese t , and fled thorn admirably adapted to remedy such imperfeo-, done of vision as eon be bonefitted by the shill of the Optician, The material used in the' manna°. WI) -or bin GI humus la , o f romarkablo.purity and. beautyr ad adds very much to their value. I re oommea°ll him with great'ohoorfulowei to tab 'eon- t (Waco of Oil who may require ale melees. f 5 • • L ntuip,lpikEitia, M. D. aini , astOr, ' ' ' .; • !. It hail glyan me much measure tovnake tne ac quaintance of Ur, iJornhardt, au4 to examine, his assortment of Ukases, v hloh is the, moat ootnplete I have ever seen; Lto is a scientific Optician And adapts AIR illeussee,,wEn admirable AsbMl ta the, ya - rime conditions of ,the eye: , • ile' Wasted 'll pair for ma attar a careful okatainatlon .of oy9a i•r4lcip• enable mato Vend With great 4•,',ll,liitinct nese and sink fort than those I. already possess, 'l' Cheerfully ' re. kommend bins to all who need the services OA Skill fiat Optiohni, • 10. GititENWALD,4I.' D., • • , • pator Chun:4l,ol'mq, Zloty; • goy IBow' • . ' Lawasterip., If2=l=l= ' STATE OF PENNSYIifiANIA.. - - - Executive - Chamher — t t ilarrisbum•Penn., N0v.,27•.11035.f i i..... I have for many years'su ered from weaknese - ind 'pain of my, eyes, and cone uent losn'of-power .in them, I have experiencpd refit difficulty in . pro• during , glasses to relieve me. This *darning I re• calved from Dr. Bernhardt a pair of Australian..y4s- , tel spestacies which suited my eyes better thanany 'rpm ever used.'and Ido not hesitate to mom =lend him as a skillful Optician and Oculist. ' '- 1 -11. Q. CURTIN, ' Gove;nor of P I ennsylvania. - Easton, FAb. 1544.1P69. I have examined the various islasses manulae tufed bY.Drraf. Bernhardt, Optician and can es. tify to the elegant. workmanship of all hie articles He has proved himself by hie long exporloacs a master in hie profession. I • TRAM GREEN, 11. D. Teatlmonlals similar to tho above may bo Been at Dr. Dorhardt's office, from tho moat reliable and -weal known gentlemen of the United Stateo, among 'whom aro : . ' R. B Hays, Gov..of Ohio. 0. Y. Moron, GOT. of Ind. Richard Yates, Gov. of Illinois. - Rainsey, Ex.-Gtiv. of Minn. Henry A. Birth, Gov. of Minn.' Johnathall Worth, Gay. of N. 0. R..M.Pattdison, Gov. 01 Ala. R. E. Fenton, Boy. of N. Y. Horatio Srrymonr, GOV. at N. Y.- OPPION HOURS PROM 9 A. M., TO S P M N. B.—Owing to engagements else where, Dr. Bernhart will be able:• to remain here only until July 12. Caution.—l Employ no Pedl are CLARK. 66 -. BIDDLE, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS. 1124 CHESTN UT ST., - Are opening a large and new assortment of Did mond and other fine Soajolry, American and Swiss Watches, English Sterling Silver Ware, Gorham Electro-plated Ware, Mantel Cloche, 18June 139 , 1 y , HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., of ALL THE MEREST PADRICS and latest designs, out table for. dresses for summer 'rear, soMprielpg .Barege Hernani Broche, Gauge Cliambrey, in stripes, (tiew Gauge Chambray, in Brodie figures, Grenadine Bereges, in new styles, Organdies, newest and richest designs Jaconets,- newest and richest designs, Peroules, &c., &c ranadines, Buregefyiteld Ilernani, and a ful supply of all textut es, suitable for summer mourn lug wear. .1F1E11,32c3r a11.343a.55: department -to skiss'our limportatkin of Saw Silks. WM. W. DAL), - hl. D 131= READY-MADE WALKING SU:ITS Tory moderAd ; OARIIBI,n, PA., Juno 18, MO A general stook of seasonable goods WN. 0. LZVZIMIT, we Cot of BE. John's Ourctlx CARLISLE, PAi Altai 18,1809 FIRE AND BURGLAR, PROOF As/aided the Prix:a Medals at W,orld's Fair, Landoll; World's . Fair, Novf York, .ISxposMob ''• 4 •'' , ..•) • Malvernlto, FARREL, HERRING & Harvey Gilram, Ohas , Mathews, '• (leo. W. Myers, ~J, perribg, gari;el,* 8119i1Ttittl,, HGrring ' ENrring,. Farrel, :86:.09'.; .N.a;arOrl4w}.. . pasiood tbn)iigh ecoldontal• ElrOs;•pretterilng theli abut - ante itdotelnqteocbs here'iterty others felled pIOOSID,IIIND BAYZII proUe own awl 'other matcco in inniNivini llertlus'aPaloat, Ohareplon,, Vr sale al !writes. . • 161u4 pallyT • JAMOII L. Orr, 0.7. of 0. 0 Bentz louse. Juno 18-tf, REMOVAL "faring removed from 712 Chestnut Street, PHEIR NEW BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA June -Ist 1869. Chestnut above Broad St., =! Rave now on band the most complete assortmen " Robes a volant, styles,) in IR tripes, choice, colus, AIOURNING GOODS REDUCTION A great reduction has been mato lq prices in this A I.'o stork of all the newest styleF, and et Will always lielbuial, and - at- the. very lowest mar; ket prices :',Aprll - .0§.3m . 1 , -HERIITI*7.O!S'I'''' PAUNT .011ADIVICIN S . F ESj (With Dry Filling.) 629.:OHESTNUT STREET MEI More thad 80.000 ' o/tilXid% 13APhiSilairo been' :IVE* . . FICEOUTOR'S.. NOTICE.,,Notiee is hereby given that LktterstestamentaryOA • last vitt and testament of Samuel:M=o 1, Jr., late of the township of South Middleton, eel' a ty of Cumberland, have been granted to me as.Ex eanter.' All persona having against-the (16. tate will please proiont them Immediately, and those Indebted are requested to make payment. SIDNEY HEMPTON, 18June 2t *. . r • .1 , platter. the United• States , for the Eastern District of entssylvanisr--- In Bankruptcy. TLo undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as aasignee of William Johnson and „Ditmuel Patterson Johnson, trading as John John. son Jt Sons. of Mechanicsburg, in the county of Cumberland and Pinto of Pennsylvania, within saki District, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon a petition tiled against theirs by .the dlatrict Court of said district. GEO. ,BITNER, Assignee: Mechanicsburg, Pa 18Jo no 3t TOWN - .PROP.BRTY.AT PUBLIC BALE. ,w; On'Wednesclay„Aly:7t4; 1869. Tho auhee4er will offer eels-.at the .Contt House, Carlisle, Pe', the well known DWELLING HOUSE, situated on West Louther. street, nearly molt' the Reformed Church. - / No. - 23, no by ex shoriff Hippy. Dimensions orfront building is 25 by 28 Rot, mro•stories Stone, plastered - front p.nd odd with an attic ' basing five rooms - with a largo Parlor and Hall. The back building is 16. by 43 feet more or ism, own-story with a large dining. room and kitclion with three good rooms up stairs, good Collar under the front building and kitchen,. with a Stone SHORN and,_ WASH 110./USE, Separate from dwelling. Also, a. never-failing well Of water with piimp io it. Also. an excellent brick Cistern with pump 1n it. with an alley of twelve feet making a front of thirty seven by two-hundred and forty feet back to Dickinson. Alloy, with a weatherboa. dod Frame House fronting said alloy which rents for from 55 to 50 dollars per year. The dwelling fronting Louther street rents for 225 per year. Also, • A LOT OF GROUND adjoining the same property thirty feet fronting on Loather street directly opposite the Reformed Chbrch, extending back to said Dickinson Alloy 240 feet, with choice fruit trees thereon. Possession will be given immediately on theleonnrinatibn of deedsgwlth a clear title, the parchasor drawing the rents from the persons now occupying the dwellings. c This property RIM to have been sold on the 130th of April; but owing to the Illness of the owner, the sale was postponed. It le again before the pubila and will be sold. Ealo to. commence at 10 o'clock, A.. 10., on said day whenAarma . 0111 be made known by EMI= )STRAY. , . ' . Came to the premiere of the subscriber, In volt - PAtiteltnrcrttimialdfctlinitillthrralt — orNeisr• - • Mlle, on May,3oth, A YOUNO attAr MARE, ..Ither below meium elm, and hnd halter on. Tho rmnor la I: a nnealed - to roll — lnmediatoly, prove Prolier - Wray exPiiireiraddlltihrttartnalt • . Jo 11-3 t.. • SAMUEL 113331XDOWER—• Q TOVES, TIN, SHEET IRON 1.,.;) WARE, AND PUMPS. undereigned, haying raturned from the Eas tern Cities with a largeassortment of STOVES ANp...WARES, usu ally kept in a first class establishment, aro pre pared to furnish tho 'Alums of Carlisle and sur rounding country, n' h the best Cook Stoves in the market, consisting of the BARLEY BURAP, OAS BURNER, and others, which they will run ante° to boke and roast bettor, and with loss fuel, than any other stoves in the market. Their stock of PARLOR and OFFICE 9 COVES aro not ,surpassed this side el the cities for beauty, durability and cheapn ess. . . . STATIONARY AND PORTA BLE RAN dES,! end HEATERS on hand, warranted to giro genera I_ satisfaction, with the recommendations of numbers - .(.4 persons who - bare to, min use. Their stock of Tin and' Sheet, Iron %Yore le largo, end,guited to the wants of all housekeepers, or those contemplating the same, at rates which defy competition. 'They hare added, to their business. a large and well selected assortment of WELL AND CISTERN PUMPS which they are prepared to put up at the ehortee notice, Spo'uting _and -.Roofing. done at the shortest none°. Jobbltlgerni4epslrin6 done with neatnosiondrepetch. ' W.AT,EII - COOLERS, • " of all qualities Constantly on hand. All aro re gurgled to call and examine their stuck at NO. 68, NORTH HANOVER ST., EARLISLE, - where they will be pleased to receive all and sho their stock, and Condor all satlefactlen desired. RItINEBMITQ & RUPP, NK6B, - Nokh Ilanerer Street, :Carlisle. MM2 CARRIAGES SHE R K Inivo now on hand, otitis Canino Factory, N. E corner South and Pitt atreotrt. _ • - CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, SECOND HAND WORK, and everything In hia lino,• on band or tondo to order. Ile Is determined to get up thetbest work turned out.in this section of the country. - Nothing but the very best stock goon Into buggies or car riages of his manufacture. Repairing and pelting promptly attended to. 20May 119.0 m " BENTZ HOUSE. " (Pormerly Cormati Howe.) No. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST., CARLISLE, PENN'A. The undersigned having rrurchased and entirely refitted, son furnished anew throughout with first class furniture, this well-known and old established Hotel. solicits 'die custom of the community and travelling public. Ile Is well prepared to iurnish first-class accommodations to all *lio desire to make a Hotel their Spine or pleasant temporary abode. The custom froth the surrounding country ie re spectfully solicited. Courteous and attentive sec v ants aro engaged at' this popular hotel, GEO. Z BENTZ. Prorp'• N. B. A llret•clnss Livery Is connected with the Hotel the management of Mr. JOB. 111t4). .01pril 0,1) ()SEP!' 111 ILLEA of Carlisle ey Springs, Cumberland county, "rat; curod of PILES and GRAVEL of 17 years.-standing by „tbs use ofe bottlep of Dr. Campbelni Pain Destroyer and 2 bozos of Ile Liver Pills. MinnuTowic, Disupbin Co Dr. Campbell :et you know that I Was plagued with Fuver.al u Agin., for ton years. I could not got cured, I at last . ome to Hart lehurg, I heard of your wondm ni magic Pain Desboyer and your magic Liver Nils I ,ught 4 bottles and 2 hexes' and they cured me one month. , MICHAEL ()ABNEY. Dr. Campbell will kelt to cell anigginte and deal ers. Price 60 rents or $1 per. doz. or by the gross $2l. Each dozen Is put up In nice paPer boxes with his like...lntl signature on the tildes, Liver Ills $2 per dozen; gross $lO 50. ' Wo. al Lozenges $2 pur dozen; % gross $10.60 per dozen. All letters should be addressed to Dlt. CAMPBELL, OMNI No. 130'111rd street. between Cheztnut and Mullaney, Harrisburg, Ea. Fold by all Druggists and Duelers everywhere. For sale by HAVERSTICE BROTHERS declare In Drugs, Medicines, de. 11Juno09 'THE MARY INSTITUTE CARLISLE, PENN'A A Boarding School for GIRLS . The ninth annual session will. begin ,qn Wednehday, September Ist. • For circulars Cr furthin information fuldreas •-• • . " nor; W. *.O. LEVERIITT:- - Carl Isle, Pa •p`1123 0-1, CAYIJGA . CHIEF, • a. a fa • , • MOWERS &. REAPERS. " . - VIIEEDER'6 PATENTS. • Built wholly of Iron and 800, with doublu Driving Whoehh. flexible Fingur Bar and folding Cutting eap i rt i rs , , ,o or ac , lmr i tlLtto bi r n o s luisicfa of a ycrfort • iIANUFAOTUBBD BY TIM.. r* - - • Cayuga Chief. Manuf'g . -Cu.; 'AUBURN, NEW YORK. For liale by D. A. WIIIMPLE, .7Atsier'e Lintel, 6Tiaika2r, • CUMBERLAND NURSERY. HENRY. BTIIREMANdTOWN, OUMIi, CO., .Offers a large aid sind assortment of Nuritory Consisting of all ltlittis of fruit trees of the beet it rletleafor Central ronitaykrinia. Oritattiontal treegi Floviesing Ebrnbs, arid alatge stock of grape Fines, every variety, went' growing. All kinds of smal l ltrults,"Osag,_, Orange ibr hedging, $5 per thousand, !loses and I.lreb::Cattee N.:Owe and Plants. Every thing wanted to thu Nat:tory lino can Whet' here , as,,the beat prkonv,' entsluguen!atitl price list rent giratise , ; - „, . • . • • Mona:A " ' . • ADMINISTAVOR'S • • , Letiern of tullnioletratlon on the' eetatw of m. Esq.; .doe'd... latn of MountAlolly Spring e, baring hpbn Wined to the eubsorlbrre re ' 'eldlng at thn lame place, - notion to herokx ttlren ‘ to all persons lodoined to ashleelloto 'and those having alms' to present them duly 11,1).;' th9AtiCatedier,4ottalilept to, •• • • WIARLEN'A. "MULLIN G ' 'Vol. D. MULLIN, •• 28maygIE ,: - • Admlnletraorf.s. -SPECIAL ACT-ICES.- 1869. HARDWARE• HENRY §AXTO'N, ~ ~o._~: EAST HIGH Whol.ala and Beton doalor in hardware, Iron, teol, Nails, Building Materials, Pints, Oils, Glass &e. „ Bluest quality of- American end Engi sh Pocket • " I; ,and Table Cutlery. Every description of Tools adopted for MI Me. ohm:Oral Tmdes of tho moat celetwated•makers, and warranted in ovary 'palmed . - Guns. Pistols and Ammunition. PUMPS, fa, any depth 'warranted to give satisfaction Cement,. _ Plaster, Blasting Powder, Picks. FARM RIME'S. PLOWS, CITAINS, LIAM HS, GRAIN LIAO S,WO4'he., Builders receiViimaterials to it great at/rootage both In price and Howekeepers Goods, !Poi utensils% 'ln great variety,. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GREAT FUEL ECONOMIZER PITENT..EXOELBIOR WEATHER, STRIPPING adopted for doors and windows. We feel ourselves competent of - piessing oft as our goods era of the highest In quality and lowest id price. Orders by omit receive prompt attention, goods delivered In town free. • Parties Indebted to us for 1868 will plonk. be pronipt in their payrieent. and all to whom we aro Indebted will please present their, bills. for settlement, Sian OW IMECESZIE! 31 N H 0 0 D.: HOIifOST TIOW - RERTOR ED.. .411/FE, Just publisped, q a now Oltion of 144f,e Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated ••• ITIOti 0) of 8P HIM &TORII II MA, or SOlll- 0 Seal Weaknol. Involuntary Seminal Losses, IM POTENCY, aluntld and Physical In cloneity Impedi ments to marriage, at;.; also CONSUMPTION, Ern.Lrar and PIM Induced by solt.indulgenco or sexual ex travagance. xfp,..Prices, in sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author, In this admirable esriay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successtul practice, .that the alarming .coniequence of self _ abuse may be radlcally_doted-without tho clangor- - ous - ute - Of internal medicine of the king 3 painting - out a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and ef fectual, by means of which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition may ho, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Aar—This Lecture should be In the hands of every youth and - every man in the land. Sent under seal;in a - plain - onvelope - , - to - any- ad. dress postpaid, on receipt of nix cents, or two post stamps. -Also, Dr. Culverwell'a "Marriage Guide," price 26 cents. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., • 127 'Bowery, Now York, Post Office Box 1.556. lien 60 'NOBLE COOS, yALTIABLE HOTEL, Property AI PRIVATE SAI,E,OR EXCIIANCI FOR A FARM The auhsoirlberoffers at pr iva to sale the well known hotel stand In Newvllle, Pa., known as the L 0 G A 1 , 1" 801T573. The lot (upon artach the Hotel stand..) contains 57 by 180 fen, and In addition thereto will be inthl rot excellent GARDEN containing 83 by 18) hit. The house Is largo and substantially built of stone containing 8 sleeping apartments, good flar-room Dining-room, Parlor,ltilchon and all modern woven iancog. A good Well of Water at the door, EXCELLENT STAIILINti* for. forty _horses, Ice I.lousa, - Wood House, - ,9molce Ilouse and all necessary out-buildings. Tbo Logan [louse is widely and favorably kn.", and is largely patronized. It has boon quite recently renovated and repaired' throughout._ • Terms to suit the_pur claser, • For further particulars, apply to the . siubscribot,to rt his absenco to- Peter A. Atil, At Newrillo, . JOS. A. WOODBURN'. 28AuLt-tf Thefirept - Pacilie Rairoad is finished ! FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS UNION KETITRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT ABM SOLD Bankers and Dealer... in Governmenls No. 40 South Third Street =1 GREAT CI,6BING 'OUT. SA 1,1 OUR ENTIa 7 STOCK OF SUM MER GOODS to by closed out in thirty days, If possible. Tbo gOateet.' 13~1J?GAINS ever offered in Carlisle are now to ho given by uc cur the next thirty days. Wo aro determined to close out 'OUR 'ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER 00005 We will ksop no account of what goods cost, 21hey must nil ho sold without reserve. • DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS ore ostler of the day. We haTo a entuploto or. nortment of all hinds of goods yet, at out!. wonder fully low prices is to astonish the most experienced buyers. VI 00 010th fur 2 00 Cussimere, 1 00 do 80 Alpaeca, '0 do 60 Jipapelos Mixtures 00 Oranlto PoNos 40 Ppogeo . do . 60 Best Cirp6dies, 40 do Good Lawno, 16 00 La. Shawls, 1000 .do Good do SILK COATS AT lIALS THEIR COST, Summer Shawls for $1 00 $1 60 Hoop Skirts," _ 1 00 Carpets, 011 Cloths, Blinds, Twenty-Ore per cent. lower than the lowest, Domestics' of all kinds exceedingljj lod We will give you morn 'verde I.n. your money, under any and all dr:whaler:kr.", then can Im had elsewhere. Call early and examine our prods., See our primes, and bo'convlneed of the fart.- *,? 5000 prfunderof Woof wanted, for which we will pay the higheat market price., ' ~41111,110. ,CHARLES•WILLIAMS,. - HEATING AND YE:N.IIII)77N° ' • WAREHOUSE No. 11 - 32 and 1134 I\lailnd Suva, The ,Golden Eaglo , 1? N A .. - C • E .; This in en entirely nun heater. it is construct ed as to onro commend Iteolf to Mineral favor, holtig a combination of wrought and cast Iron, It In very ohnple in construction, and in porfectly air•tight; ,soit.clonnlng, having no pipes or thorns to bo taken out and dunned. It IQ ea arranged, with .uprlght fluui as to prodder aliirgor amount 01 heat, ,f. ow the same. eight of coal than any Coroner now in use. The liygromotic condition of the Or no pro duced by toy now arrangrunint ,of evaporation will at once demonstrate that it to tho • HOT. AIR FURNACE that roduco n porfotly healthy atmobpl oro. am'now tookintrilve Moos of Port airs, anaTour fdr Masonry: " • . SDrclul attention ishtso' tiony'N-EW GOL DEN EACILE 000KIN4 RANGES, no 1 feel - marred 'there le nothing in use that eau compare Wills them 'as regards their durabilltY, economy and efficiency, with a largo aosortment of Low. Intwit - ,Orates, Fire Place Storm Registers nd 'Ventilators. Send' for Illustrated cheular. . 11Junc139.0m • - SbirC T)4l T.X..1 - 1:011.. 1869. .„.• 'lllO Dfiplloato of Sohord Taxei for tho dOrpukh.ot,t. Carlisle 'for 1800 Is 'now In the' hands of tiro TroieO um for collectlou. • ...I • Noticb Ie therelbio Trarionrer • attend at the County Court House (Commlooloner's .0111 m) on 'THURSDAY and•DRIDAY,.2Oth and 00th: JULY Boat, torkwe,olo•tho hours 'of 0 4. , AL:and •8 Y. •: Id. of asild day?, 'for' the purpose, OTrarekrystAtt , taxer, up to Which time an Ababa/ant Ol GENT. will bo, made on all was Pat v : zy e .: - wiehing to ply, Moir Dutra o ,B.Tcatner7oaedstou;:..bY!!374Blintingg at tllh:l7lbbdruellM.dluarT:','widN69:ll:t:y6lH: 'l,oiltUalaci.t.olta 1869. Carlisle, Pa • Shove ' Sped es, Forks, Crow-bare, Sledges, .1:e 111 MEM ==! R DIT E 1) 1 , to • 1 10 00 00 f 0 in 5 Olt W. O. & CO. PIIILADELPI(IA SCAN G E 4 $.3 011 1 20
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers