Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, July 02, 1869, Image 1

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- T
iirgqiiiirei ono' insertiott,
amb iddition al insertion
Mereaotile Adoertisemen ' ts;
bkil Notices,
Jrofessiatial"caids without paper,
giltuaiy Notioeitand OOMMUI2I.II ,
' Cone relating to matte's of pri•
?rate i utenists alone, 10 cents per
000 PIIINTING.—Our Job_Piintlng Otte to the
Wont -nomnlete eatabliehniabt
' , enta y . Four good Prams, and A gennrarwarlety
aultedfor plain and Vadoy work Otaiery
U ad, entities us to do Job Printing at the shortest
a:°, and on the most' r easonable - tern:lc Parkins
' w wantotTllle, Blanknor anythin4lntheJoliblpg
II ,a, will find It to their Interest to give ne a call
vfl), ADAIRy ' A ttinney At 'Laws
. arllii . le, Pa; 0111e.e,wittL 4. F
M .qb,Air o(
, Eno..
, South Itanover Street,:'
May IT =4.7% , - ' • V * . .
OSti'teXtl i kgEit, - ji,, - "kitorrieist
Hood HtrdetAlro,dobro north of the Hank./ ,
qußustriene promptly attended to.
xy 1.1884.' „
r. • R. MILLER ,Attorney at
op .01 lice . In Hannon'a lrilltling Immodl;Vely op
cuiltq thotiourt 16nge.
2flnoy 67-ly - , . •
' .
O' HERMAN, Attorriey at Law,
•Oarllele, Pa., No. 9 Rhoom'e
r 1. 1894-3 s:
ti-OHN CORNMAN, - Attorney. at
Lair Mee in building attached to I Franklin
°ore, oppdelte the Court gOlll5O.
16nurr, 684 y.
' .
•it Law Office la South Hanover great, oppo-
Bents , s dry good store Carlisle, Ps.
September 0,1864.
TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney' at
Law, Culla.), P. Office ha No. 1, Ithataxes fall
July 1,11384.—1 y.
WSHEARER,. Attorney at
• .14*, Mee, North But. Corner of the
Court House.
J t - M. W.IAILLY. - A. V. SADLER.
N 0.16 South Ilanovor atrentearliole Pa.
-- trlrtnntitical
AT TORNEYS ..A.TLAW. l.l office on
Main RE., In Merlon I
e, Pa.
U .
Locbman, 21 Mall:19001w Carliele,_,Pe.; exe
• utec drawl ogo; epeciticatione deo., and procure]; pat
ante. or Inventorr.
14 let 0114 r.
et, Law .No. 7 qouti, Market Square, Car-
Ilele, Penne.
April 19, 1887—ay.
pathic Phypicleb, Mice in the room form
er , coupled by Col. John Lee,
15jen 60-Iy.
-7 ." - FI R. GEORGE S. SEA
,: ' l4 ' 11 RIGHT, Dentint, from the Hal.
1 1611106 Woore flollage of Deutal
in,J)ffice at the rusideocu,of his mother, East
mother drool', three donrs below Bedford
r 1 MO W. NEIDICII, D. D. s.—
Late Demonstrator or Operative Dentistrya the
trittrip. teittne ur eollv . u
Wt.. ODD.. Ilk his resi
dence •opositu Marken Ural, Weot Cain street, Car
lisle. Pe.
18 rely t, 14.
. I.IF:ACIt Caco, N 0.9, Iryloo's now.
7may ly.
In Examer's Bittiding, near abeam's Ilall, Carlisle
Pa., has Just rnt urned frboa.the Eastern Mies with
le largest and most
fon Ristin g ut
'Waif ngs,
Gents' Fuenlshine Goods. &o.
ever brought to Carlisle.:
his ,olottis comprise
MEECH, and
of the deeettexturO and of all shades.
Mr. Dorner being himself a practical cotter of lOng
experience is prepared to warrant perfect fits, an t
prompt filling of orders.
Ploce Goode by the yard, or eat to order Don't
forget the place.
Ifinatis 03-tf. •
Qf ell the N4lO Spring Styles of
The Subscrib e r has Just opened, at No. 10 North
anerver St, a few dooreil.lorth of thp Carlisle Deposit
Bank, one of die largest soil hest stock of II ATS •
CAPS ever offered In Carlisle. - '
Silk Rats, Cassitneres of oil styles, and !pantie',
Stiff Selma difforelit colors, and every' description of
Soft Rats tgOwittedo.The Dunkard'and old fashlonid
brush, kept constantly on •barid and mado to order.
all warranted to give satisfaction. A full assortment
of STRAW FIATS, .Idett's,boi's and children'. fancy.
I have also added to toy stock, Notions of different
kinds. consisting of Ladles and Gent's Stockings
N e ck-Tius, Po n ells G locos, Th read, Sowing Silks, Sus
penders, Umbrolitts, 'So, l'rlino Bogard and Tobacco,
alw.tys, on hand.
Give mo a call and examine my stock, as I fool con.
dent of pleasing, nosides nylon' you money.
.101 - IN A. KELLER, Agt.
No. 10 North Hanover St.
he subscribers 11 tying permanently located in
Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the nubile pat
menage. Their shop is situated on the public Square
In- the , roar of the let Presbyterian Church, where
they can always be found.
Being experienced mechanize, they are prepared to
execute all orders that they may be entrusted with
In a superibr manner,and at very modertte prices.
'HYDRA : ,
les In the trade. •
promptly attended td In the most approved style.
sir Country work promptly attended to.
.101i`All work .guaranteed.•
Don't forget the place—lmmediately In
. tho rear of
'is First Presbyterian Church.
atomism. A nuNivoon.
66.1 i
_ ,
. .
Decantly organised, has bean opened; for transaction
o f a .geolsral banking bosh:0880 rt the corner room of
R. liven'e now building; oh the,NOrth West corner
Of Mitt 'atreet and die Contra- Squars., ~
The Directors hope by liberal and careful manage
moot to mute this a popular institution, and a safe
repooltory•for all who . may, favor the bank with their
as:oorits. ,
Deposita rondved and.pi Id bask no demand, tutor
est allowed ott special deposits, gold. Silver, Treas.
nry Noteti and Dovernmont Banda, bought and sold.
Oollebt,lons made on all accessible points in the
:outilry. Disspuut day, Tuqaday. Banking hours
trOm 9 o'clock A. M. tog delook•P. hi, - .• ,
. 3..0. IRMPER, Cischicr.
At. blyankPrisidenti 'Win. in - . iMiller,'•• — • • .
Thomas Darloa,. • . ' Davidliellces,
Joh it' WOrtilithead, ' 'r A. J' tibithan,
-- Ilmar ee.y, . ; .. ~ --, Abraham Witmer.
tanntactured at V. PAID ER & Co's Foundry •
and alushind Shop, Odilleld4ANT Oil 111 SAT Thin
Is the testimony °toreros ottamilles In Cumberland,
Pe rrpond AillarrieCouutlm,.who are nem'Apd,nit them.
pall and nee them. ' ' ' ' •
AT 011'N 41 Y.1:12' 14 ISt It 43,1 •
titherlry power or bibind 2 -con 9 tautly On
ns,,nd ixrdibr, sale by - .F.,1014.RDNE1l & po. Foundry
a nd Machine Shop, East Meld' Street.'
. .. •
BOXLItIt," ,
, at6am 11011.3141 . or 101 alien
; and klildsTibolntly titr•the beidOSt terms.. :A
plolto)3Baclyi;,snd prtickil , 141 DAB lino. BX.PAIII.
Sao . 0 yone B and Intim; piotoptly attended to In
tlao best manner: ; •.• - ; ; „
F. Ip/AIIDNEIt At 00.
•-! Itouifdty 'gala aliaptho Shop;
.1,1 61447 . , . . 1! ; : ;.: i ;;
Flrle Vatot Dtled Meet; Bebe Tongues, /brae,
Shoulders and Wes. qtay, 11,11na lot of ppoic,sTeam,,.
Drled'ffkultiedf adselrikilmi, , stieb ati-Orhinellas.
fleesUessrltwitrjines, posed4pdmppprOrPrwA4es,,
Apples, pared and uhPaled Pospvaerman Ohonies ,
dcoOtrltli 5if41111.1144t Illefeetios emeell3tXept lu Tel,
19,febt40,1 ,7,4P4 1 1 3 ,.40.t..!f4.1P4.1 3 ATf1 i t . . i
.TAkk " (Abu.
MiqtritTolotretttlrlVATOß e
(,I I
TORS Ow excel arty other now lo UM The roomy,
evidences a the vor7 beet tamers In Cumberland
.alutitistinartcr: li z..l% Teri
Plant Plant arrlatlllt. Vl.' UP' re*
or ork , thel
Pefr ralP r o ir o l At S l i o ' lon r e i ree V in7r7 9 O ierte h no w er "ki ttc
they ore the beet remind Implestieot nOw t t ir4
nee, Rarleeds,willilnir, to purchase will plemle
on lr,ClituDNEn W, vet , Oarllehl foundry aid
mow n ° % WWI, SAimorl Comp-And, crag) , of t 4.
CosoreD,7 ail 3 P, r ingotaZiru ba/ina t u rckk
'.13 :00
26 00
4 00
'T 00
VOL. 69.
(barters d by Spatial Act of Congress. Approved,
; July 25;1808
Cash Capital - -.51,000,000.
sated, and to whIC - Al general corm:Teague°
should be addressed.
CLARENCE 11. CLARK, Pr.ldea.
JAY COOKE, Chairman _ Mince and Executiv9
EENRY fi. COOKE, Vlce-rroaldrot.
EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary
This Company offers the following adyantsges
It is a National Company chartered by a special
act of Congress, INA -" -"
- -
It has a paid•up capital of $1.000.000.
It offers low rates of premiums.
• It furnishes larger insurance than any other corn
'pantos for the same money.
It is definite and certain in its terms.
It in a home company in every locality.
Its policies are exempt from attachment •
There are no _unnecessary restriction in the poll•
Every policy in non-forfellablo.
Policies may be taken which pay to the insured
their full amount, and roturn all the prominent, so
that the-insurance costs only the interest on the
annual payments.'
Policies, may bo taken that will pay to the insured,
atter a certain number of yearn, dieting Ito. an an
nual income of one•tenth tiro amount named in the
- No extra rate Is charged for risks upon the lives
of females.
It insures, net to pay dividends to poliEy-holders,
hot at so tong a cost teat divide ads will be Imp ~4i-2_olrealars,__Esmphlets
2_01realars,__Esmphlets and full -particle rs given
on application to the Branch 011100 of the Company,
or to
E. W, CLARK 3 CO., Philadelphia;
General Agent for Pennsylvania and Southern New
Jersey, .1
Ilsep -
.1.4 I N I - M Ry_N_T,
hi& ' , equable Preparation is admirably
adapted to the Cure of ad those Dia
` eases fol. which a Counter-Irritant
or Externizt.Remedy is re42.iired.
Abram Marg.:ma, Esq.; has shown mo the re
celpt of which his Liniment is composed. From
my,knowledge of theAmtredients, I do tot hesitate
It certifying that It be beneficial where an
external application of .the bind to indicated.
- A. STICIVAIt 141. D. -
• Shippoushunt, Sept. n,
Fully converhant with the chemical components
and medical effects of A. Nlartioart's Liaintent. I
cheerfully commend It to those who may need it.
Jacksonville, Pa. S. N ECK Ell, M: D.
~Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear Sir: I lake oleaAure in
raying that I have used yolr Liniment for chap
ped hands, and it cured them and made them (eel
eon - r think it the boa. I have ever used, and
would cheerfully recommend it to the general
Newton Township, , Nov. 24,1868.
I hereby certify that I hare need A. Marquart•o
,Liniment for Scratches and 13parlo on two of my
horses with the groatest Emcees., and would rec
ommend It to al 1 that are in need of anything of
the kind. 0. MELLINGER,
Btoughstown, Pa., Nov. 18, 1808.
Mr. A. Marquart:—Dear Slr f I have used
abort halls bottle of your Liniment on my borne
for a had Collar Gall, which Ifel the most obstinate
sore of the kind-I ever snarl also on sly hrta for
Rheumatism, and it has given entire eatisfacticiu
In both cases. I would nut do without It or ten
times It coat, and cheerfully recommend It to the
Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 20, 1808.
A. Marquart, Eau—Dear Sir i I had a very
eevere attaok of lihoumatism in my back, so that
I could scarcely walk, which was very painful.
After uslng half a bottle of your celobrated Liul.
ment, I was entirely cured. This Is not a recom
mondatlon, but tho plain truth. You can make
any use of thla you please
.Vi clout Bottom, Pi., Nov. 20, VON.
31r. A. hlarquart :—Dcar Sir have used
your valuable Liniment in my linnily for differ
ent pains and aches, and it bas prOYnd satisfactory
In ovary wise. ido think, as an external Lini-'
wont, it stands without a rival. I would cheer
fully recommend It to the public. Respectfully.
Jacksonville, Pa„ Nov. 21. 1808.
A. idarquart,• Esq.:—Dear Sir: It affords me
pinagore ta certify that I have used your Liniment
on my neon, In a case of Cory Sore Throat, which
Was much swollen and very painful. After two
.or three applications, I found it to act like magic,
and Would recommend It as an excellent liniment.
JACOB 810V.811.5.
Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov.lo, 1808.
. t AOENTSWANTBD I Address _
Walnut Bottom, Climb. Co. Pa.,_
For ralestt lIAVBIMTIOK BRO. Drug Store,
Carlisle, Pa.
lldeo 08-10.
Wheeler and Wilson . and Elliptl6
Sewing - MCC Chines.
The Beat Simplest and Cheapest,
Ft HESE machines are adapted to do
-ill nide of finally sewing, working equally
we Upon alli,Linen and Cotton goods, with
Cotton and Lilian threads, making u beautitul and
perfect stitch' alike on both sides of the ankle
Ali machines told are warranted.
COI and exalt:tins at Rail (toad Telegraph 011 ice,
'Ofirlifile. Pa. - '
1.) R.: INV, 0. IfAIL
„ • •
• /Si ART,- 'S. A Eq.:.
o.gOIIIOP.A'PHIIO l'hieiciano and
Medical Electricians. Office 'awl rO,,ldeore,
7, Bouth If000tor• Btret4,:, Oarlfelo, Pons.
.41V.Aorito'or Obrorge illroands ''ourconsfully• !footed:
. .
. . , . .
Fulmer Donaldson; Unfontown, Pa. Cured of
Ileart Disease, of two years standing,' to live weekt. ,
i ad been given up..te dim..
i Mine Glara Gilbert, GerinediePa. 1 va - 'l' — w - OiTii.T
plaint,. of two years Standing: Ouretyln two
Boob' fte eser,,thilo ii to iv is,Da. In Ilaniation of the,
.eyir; with lose nf thii sight of one • aye, oi. sixteen:
years standing. Cored in.tiirce mouths." , •
Mrs. Mary Gilbert, Germantown, Pa. liyakiipsia,
of ton yea.. Blanding. Owed' in two rootlike.
Mr. F. T. Wtind, Girard, Ave., and' Warnock St.;
hiladelphie. Oared. of General Debility of three
ears standing. i •
' Miss Emma Morrie lkdf Girard ' Ave., 'Vblla. Pa.
:Syspailtsin and Gravel .of 'three years standlug,
,it„rod Da !Ix weeks. r -,' , i ~ .
' #.7fAk Viler. 742 North 1301 eta eat, Philadelphia,
Pa.' , Vtliti Swelling" 'of nine year's • standing.'
acid IN t ßra mouttill.' •.• t.. i • • •ft ~: •
"I Mra. sisgustsr i growalng, Delpre, •
Oislo. :Womb
disease Of 1,3,, years standing. 'Sensing at
11 .
• tdrifilfy;se'that' her Trllindi were 'compelled twice
°Pit ihrti Itifti. au jnaane 7 Asylum: Oared in:two •
AIL coomult lt ilices ).' ~ , . ~ "( ivate .•' r r : ..
awq free. G strictly pr ,
Drs. Mill 4'o'lo6olllly sitars' to. the - fellow Ifit,
iadittliVraiiidlitrctutitrilsieO Mrs. Jas.
t i
Asstborer B r
itilia4rV47k9 '::4"
It ilin46 l l:Al.r.t . : "t, .t • ' ~ i I . "" i •i". •; ."'
t•E.4 ~ 09 194N4V!!: 414 3 1 6`4, Il,'
clUd iii*.unn,
s ° ll A Alf:),:-S loi -..'.,'1:"" , ") ) ` 4) l aEditliPllAl*l'Ckioll.9 '/190./t
I 4, , ,,•,, ,, , fa .7., .4 4 ;A :Ltrity , . 17,, ). ) )1 ' !,), r ;
4 ,
L ) ` cJIND VP ,0 ti•il7..,Piat?i , :ll;:
. i:1,, , "
•bt O a 0,, ,, ,1. Virtirm>,B,4l*eiTYdr-I,4•lrr
dyn rws.Pu. l pp mfamine th filactr" and '
ti tildipeitri6 si. The ifelltknowA , Bbill Pf:
ii , otatitusAbitthav withi essupetiOz light,
tt yoliefs.44s47lkYlthti u m , Or pri t tlTard o t r i l
i .
11 __Li e littikg e = it l sr. ipartti P aid otioally.
aPM "" itlir.lic t :iluilt tor thif 'hest , .madel •ip
' hi lade " • ifiJill flrerk i llttlidfilY litifierlor to Any
fit fiVert•Wfi ••' ..' , ! • ";0; iiiialiffikA Ns
,;,,.:• ••• ;: ,,, i. :. : e ; -,i ! ;3 ,, 1;'-.• . . 010, -
t , •,, 'j'',.. , ~ '
.; . ,,4 ,-,,,. ,: .: ~ .; t •:.0.., ,1., :.!
- -4, ,' ' :I';‘ '•;•• •,-,, ~ ~
This groat enterprise In approaching ;completion'
With a rapidity that astonishes the world. Over
fificen.(l6oo) hundred mites have been built by two
(2) powerful companies; the Union Peale Railroad,
beginning'at Omaha, building west, and the 'Gon
na Pacific Railroad beginning at Sacramento, and
building east, until the two road. Shall meet. Lees
than two hundred and fifty miles remain 'to be
built. "The greater partof the interval le now grad
.ed,-and iris reasonably expected that the through
cOnneetion between San Francisco and Nesi York
will bo completed hy July 1.
AS the 'amount of Government aid given to each
le deptindont upon the length of road each shell
build, bn th companies at e prolxfpted to great:4;l2 , de
to'eecuie the construct ion and control of what,
when completed, will be one and the only grand
-Rai/rood—tine cnnnctliny the Atlantic and Pacific
One Hundred and Ten Million Dollars ($llO,OOO,
000) In money have already been expended by . the
two powerful ampoules engaged In this great en
terprise, and.they will speedily -complete - the-por•-
tion yet to bn built. When the Dnited Stotes Gov
ernment found It necessary to' more the . construe.
Don of the Pacific Railroad 'to develop and protect
Its own interest, It gave the companies authorized
to build it snob ample old as nhould render Its
speedy, completion beyond a doubt. The Oovcrn•
ment aid may be briefly summed up an follows:
First. The right of way and all necessary timbrt
and stone from public domain.
Second._ It, makes edenation of 12,800 acres of
land to the mire, which. when tile road is completed,
will amount to twenty-three million (23,000,060)
acres, and all of it within 'twenty (20) miles of
Third. It loans the camp nies fiftv million dol
lars ($50.000,000), for which It taken a sorond Ilan.
The Government has already loaned the Union
Pacific Railroad torontl-four , , and. fifty
oight thousand dollora ($24,058,000, and to the
Central Pacific-Railroad seventeen naillion'slx hut
dred and forty-eight thousand (17,o48,000), amount
ing in all to forty ono million norm hundred and
Als thoifinend dollars et... 700,000). .
receive from the United states, and no more. The
companies hare sold to permaniMt investors about
($4.0,000.000) forty dollars Of the Vir.t
Mortgage Bonds. The companion hobo already
aid in (including net earnings not divided, grants
from State of California. and aacramento city and
Ban Francisco), upwards of ($25,000 000) twenty
rive million dollars_ capital mock.
In considering this question it mo?• be remem
bered that all the remaining "Iron' . 3iiish the
road la contracted (or, and the "largest portion paid
foe and - now delivered on the line of the Union
Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacifir Railroad,
and that the grading is almoot fl niehed. -
Second. They can lento their own First ?dm two
Bonds for about $41,000,000 additional.
Third. The companies now hold almost all the
lital they have up lo thin time received from the .
Government; upon the completion of the road they
will have received in all 23,000,000 acres, which at
$1,50 per acre would be worth $33,500,000.
In addition to the above the net earnings of.
the roads and additional capital, If_necessary, could
be called in to finish the road.
County Treosurer.
No one has over expressed a doubt - that us soon
to the road In completed its through business will
be abundantly profitable.
Cross earnings of the Union Pa- ,
cNc Railroad Company for
sir Inonthx,emlingJapunly Ist.
1869 wore upwards of 71,000,000
The earnings of Central Pacific
Railroad, for six months, end- '
log January Ist 1869, were 81,750,00 gold
Expense ,, 1.510,000 gold
Interest .150,000 .t
Not profit of Control Pacific Rail.
road, after paying all Interest
and oxponsee for .1x months , $760,060 gold
The present grim; oaralnga of the Union and
Control Pacific Railroad. nro 81,200.080 monthly.
We would give - the following facts derived from
Shipping Lists, insuranes Companies, Railroads
and general infornnithm
Ships,going from tbe_Atlantle
• around Capo 11Mei, 100 AO,OOO tons
dtearashlpa rOnnocting at Panama
with Calliornla and Chinn, 65 120,000
Overland Trains, Stages, [torsos,.
etc., et, 80,000
Mee NCO hove two hundred and thirty thousand
tons carried westward and experience ben shown
that the ]set Red years tint the returnee' passengers
from California Mee boon nearly an numerous as
those going. '
Central " Pacific Railroad
Tbo Cl4ll pm. los are poi 101 ttl'd bout their owo
'lrpt 31,..rtgaue Honda to the stone amount as they
N% RAT IS 7 . 11E10,1 YET TO ON DONE
First. They will receive from the Cloveinment as
be road progremes shout 89,000.000 additional.
We Make the, followipg ; estimate
110 fitaametilps (potli,isays) . 70,040 (aelmull fer'flt9
..20,0;Vessels 4,000 ,MILIPUtted
Oyerlaud ; " , 100,0x0. ii;
MAO:OK ypt enoum 174,04;p
. innaint pike (ettrainig halt tha, cost of the
eteenietilpe),,for both posseengeto 'and. tonnage
glees thu ' ' • .
174,000 Pasimigers $OOO ' $1.7,4000,00
460009 trikt o'ooll pct. cut& toot, 16,60,00
Peeing, caleo,latiO;Vu loon ' tbe,illove,llguree With
out edfo'vviag, for tho large
,Inereare,Of , liummme
looked for.; then
. eitimale., Elio
truonlog oxienea at ono hel ( ami , Ire"ha4o, a .net
Income cif 0 , 1,520,000; , ableh,a ft er tiro ln
toreet on the Flret Mortgage' Gonda and' the ml•'
vencre moda,bY' ovoinment,' le/mid:him e a,
net annual Ineomo of tO,ooo,p6o:oier and abOaa
oxPoneaa andlntereet. •
: Morle. et ~Unlon• P aolgo,
company and the: Fired ,Morigage .11Onda,
of Ella . oq4rill ; r4cltio.Rollno . a4 Co. aril, both ' , pride),
pal and ,intereat t payalde In said .4 . 1 n; .• they, 'joy
lx, per eeeklatereat gold coin,, andrun, f o r.
thlity.yearaoGad tltoy.oannot:. be _ pap; b , o'fara',4ta,;
Dime irDhPO.O46P7IiA.Pt of,lho h9 l d'r:
/Goat Mortgage Geld Bonds of she unkpc yamb9
Itallroad fer,aalevai,bar.,and aeorireG, Intaret,
BleerMottigaga Rog ppriMoi,con4,l,, 'rfolike Balk
iried'af 11./q,analasear/I,Mo,4lFFlt''' Ar-
DEL - HA:VAN , & ;.
i• •• i :.• .•••,.
it•;: • 0r11,•,,,•13 j• cr • ~
.IV9O. 40. •SOUtilk.•;: . T.lllnpi • $ll,OFl'
‘ • , ~ ;..: 1 i,
: ~ ',';!!, L I : ' l'• :N , \ ‘' t ' '
‘,., ! :' , i , kfi,..
, .....,'•
. ; :3 .....!•. -
i.e.... , . • •
:1,`.: ,• t- - ,, ,,... 2- ~,! . /..
7 i . ..,..,,,, 4 )
rlect poetrg
'Somebody'll Come To-N*l4:_
tnivat bind My heir with tho myatic bough,•
And gem it with - buds of White;
And drive this blush from my.baining brow,
Forcomebody'll come to•Wght;
And while,ble,eyeasholl.diecerti a grace
In the Vrehl and the folded noivee,
Ito meet not'find In my toll-tolo feco
The spell of-ble wondroue
I must - don the rebo 'which he, fondly tells
A Olood of erkanclag Ilght,
And sit where the mallot'lugmoonlight fells,
For eomobody'll co4o to-hightl
And while the robes:hi24 tiso pheij shall seem
But the veriest freak of chance.
'Tie sweet to know that Ms oye wilt beam,.
With a tender, happier glance.
'Twos thus I sang when the years' were few
That lay on my girlish head,'
Aod rill the flowers that In fancy grew
Were tied with a golden thread;
And Homebody came, and the...tapers there—
I.connot repeat them qultot .
But I know my soul went . up In kayos,
And somebody's bore to night.
- I blush no more nt the whispered vow,
Nor sigh in tho soft moonlight;
Sty robe has n tint, of ember now,
As I sit by my anthrseite;-- • •
And the locks that vied with glossy wren, •
linvo poised to sliver guy;
But the loveliest deekod:them with flowers . then
Is n holier love to ddy.
Ptscettantoits. . •
]From the Overland Monthly.]
We were five who came around Cape
Horn together ; and from au intimate
acquaintance on shipboard We deter
mined to .adhere to each other's for
tunes in California: Max was the old
est of the party, and by reason of his
superior ago, as well as from his gravity
of manners arid his superior--knowledge
of business and law, was by common
coneent regarded umpire in all matters
of disagreement; which were not many,
for a sense of common danger and de
pendence made us very harmonious.
Sandy was the youngest of us all. He
was of a - fiery temper, which he bad
never disciplined to self control ; but
he was generous to a fault, and, took up
.a friend's cause as resolutely as his
Own. Steve w.iis a sailor, and second
officer of our sllipa rood enough fel
low •winn he was roller, and a hard
w.n-ker. Our party was completed by
-Welth miner, or Cornish man, on
whose superior knowledge of milling
affairs, we placed great dependence.
We had gone intO camp on the bank
of the yuba, just above where it emp
ties into the Feather River. A large
oak served
. ns as a tent ; and our fire
was built against -its trunk, in accord.
ante with the customs of the times—
becanS e it ..wai::ettsier _to_ build
there, and because the tree served as a
good back-log Our oxen were turned
loose to browse among the herbage
along the riv'er banks—for in the - fall
the plains were destitute of every spe
cies of-food for animals, so elose.hadit
been fed by our predecessors. W e had
stretched ourselves round the fire, with
, lankets spread upon the ground
benyb us, watching the Cornish man
bake - the bread, when an .unexpected
addition Was suddenly made to 'our
company in the form of a group 9f
naked Indians, armed with bows and
arrows. One of them, whom we took
to be the Chief, bore upon his shoulders
an old grub-hoe, which we were sure
he bad robbed froth some unfortunate
miner who bad been so unlucky as to
fall into his power ; in the other hand
he carried a wisp of straw, twisted up
into something like a torch. Their
approach had been so silent that they
Stood beside us ere one of us bad dis
covered them ; and we all sprung to
our feet in an instant. -Thhp was our
first introduction to the aborigines, and
we were all seized with terror. Our
arms were in the wagon, a rodltway
resistance was useless.
" Good afternoon," said Max, who
felt the responsibility df• the occasion,-
though his blood was no more precious
to hini , than ours to us. .
He with the grub-hoe uttered a sig
nificant grunt, and gave a vacant smile,
while he drew from a hair-skin wallet
a comb of "yellow-jackets," or hornets,
filled with the chrysalis forms . of the
,insects ; and, after carefully
pulling forth several with his thumb
and finger, and thrusting them into his
mouth:Teffered the'rest to Max. :This
is a pledge of friendship, thought Max;
and if I reject it, our lives may pay the
-forfeit. Seriously; Max-took-the-comb
of'young kernels, and repehted the cer,
emony.of the Indian chief, while the
milky juice of the dying. innocents
oozed • through his lips. Solemnly , the
soal''of friendship passed around— till
Sandy's turn came Helvid just taken
the remains' into his hands, when, to
our:. great relief, : Oleic was seen ap
proaching dm camp r frotra beloW, a col
hay), mule and rider. We felt inem.
pressible reliefin the assurance of to•
enforcements at hand, for we were not
long hi recognizing in the rider a 20111'-
43min :of our own. All eyes were
turned:on Min, 'as he rode: up. slowly,
how slewly. to our relief Throwing
himself from his animal, but' holding.
him' atilrby the reins, 'he approached
,'elitirmed'''circle. Ho, wore 'high
,I2oool'. coming Up over the knee
in ;front ; 'a short pea jacket, inside of
which we saw • his-belt: supporting a
sixLsboOtar, and'
,revealing: the glitter
,ing hilt of al'lr'een bOvipkilife: k under -Watra.wooleti shirt that bad
,boom Cie it knew soap 'and water, ,or:
:red flannel.; bis.hat.was of. tho:Mexi-.
:dart pattern,. 'broad-brimnied,. conical' ,
:tapped; and'Of light-brOwn
Ifin,frame was 'not large, 1514
ed s sna .his' features lank. 'Ho looked
hungry:and : fierce,..forads face seemed
netier. have.known a razor or shears;: ,
andliia'YelloW' hair inigkt have 'been'
shortened with his' Own ,linirid,knife: eo
haggled and irregular,it',ltung , about
his neck. 'Witit'a quiet look'of recog
nition to us' all; he:made( hiamity. di
reetly to .one of thogiotqi6;Of our. dtirk. 7 '
tkimierr guesii,,, and,' 'taking ;his, bow
from his hand, thrust it widen the Valte,
• kettle ;- then; drawing his. knife,. he ,
Made 'a ' at the "tmerined'savage: ,
:a.' . 'oat; cleared
lute lendth at"ahound, c atid';disapPetirCd
With his ! companions, aa ,stidderity„
lie),eeme: over: theelmek of ithn river.
bur,',,ignorinee'orthe Cue
hunt I for . .neSts ,are., the,igroirridi!.ttud Whiehother,
winter Imaid.; -..;Piritlx.thomuttoP it , l4
they 'hare''"
the liorneti, , after,
they 'have‘ hitrned,'-witti'etiew the ,
i v f, l4 O l ,lP.PV Ot O 'Wo.o•o:o4 6 :fri' n t i • • 1 " .
L ., • •• 4.7 ••::
1,000 000 "
But our new friend was in -our eyes
a hero ; and-he was not slow to realiie
the fact that wo were under great ob
ligations to him. and that he had saved
us from indiscriminate-massacre.
• " I see you are strangers in these
parts," he said, ".or ron wouldn't 'low
them red skins round.your fire."
, ,"Are there many of them on the way
to the 'mines asked Sandy, respect
fuly. , -
" Many on 'em ? Why, the whole
mountains is full of, 'em, and they'll
cut your ,throats the first night they
catch you , asleep. Many a.time I've
seen fellers leying• round a fire like
this withUrrows sticking through them
—all deacl-L—nover knew what hurt
them." At this moment lie saw Sandy
with the remains of the repast in-his
hands. With a great oath, he said :
" What aro you doing with that piseu
stuff? You've been a eaten of. it, by
George," and he broke into an uproar
ions - Sandy was not- the man
to take an insult tamely., It required
all the force of the authority of Max to .
prevent a serious Jesuit to this short
interview with. our new acquaintance.
,The affair was ' settled, however, by
mutual concessions Fie was too use
•ful a •man to us to break with. We
felt grateful for our deliverance, and
desirous to secure his services through
the dangers that now appeared to lie
befcire _us. _ picketed_his
- drtrwa - gllt'itittraira telc — dirorregird`r
'fed his mule'from our meal bag, and,
unrolling his blanket, stretched him
self before the fire. When our supper
was prepared, be partook largely, - and
during that happy time between a full
stomaoh and sleep, when the pipe sends
the aroma of its sacrificial burning
Jhrough.the_drowsy settees, and the fer
vor of the fierce fires of day is quench
ed in the starlit sky ; when the moon
holds her quiet sway over the arid land;
dark river and silver spangled shad
ows of old oaks, our guest was as much
at home as if. he had been born one
of us. •
"llnve you been long in California?"
asked Max. -
- 0 yes, I've been here these two
nonths ; came across the mountains;
killed a heap o' Indians in my time
came from Saint Jo, Missouri; "got, any
inure of that tohaccer
More tobacco was passed to ° Saint
Jo," as Steve allied bird, and . wlikh
cognomen he bore always afterwards ;
but Jo,never passed any tobacco back,
it all met its fate in his loquaciouts-sep
'doh re .
Saint Jo felt asleep early, and woke
when, with the early dawn, Max stirred
the drowsy embers into life -Where he
had watched-thnight-out_with-hemy
eyes, test the red-skins should come in
MID sleeit . and cut OUT throats, or shoot
us through with their arrows as we.
slen t. _ •
Saint Jo was delighted with his new
friends' ; he and - Sandy were - on - the
most cordial terms at breakfast, and
the former proposed that the latter
should ride his mule, while he took his
place in the wagon.
After ascending the: left bank of the
Yuba for a snort distance, it was found
necessary to cross the river at a fordT
for our destination was up, the South
Fork of the Feather River. Saint ,To
undertook to manage the oxen in, cros
sing, and when they came to the edge
of the water, which, though wide, was
not deep, in order to cross dry-shod
himself, he jumped astride one of the
leading oxen. This was all very. well,
but Saint Jo never let go a good
thing, and once astride a victim he
never willingly dismounted. The op
posite bank of the river was abrupt and
slippery, and the leaders, after several
ineffectual attempts to reach the top,
turned to re-cross, in spite of the oaths
and gond of Saint . ,To, and were quickly
thrown into confusion. There were
three yoke of them, and they were soon
floundering •in the water, and in the
midst of them Saint Jo was throwninto
the river. Dismounted of. their rider,
the leading oxen recovered from Their
disorder, and successfully gained the
top of the bank. Saint Jo - came . up
soon after, dripping with water and
foaming ivith rage; with his cudgel he
belabored them fearfully, and long Id
4,er they3vere, AAP.' the road. No one
interfered during this
,fierce burst of
passion, but when it ha'd spent itself,
the quiet Clernish man said : ," The
merciful mall is merciful to his beast."
" Who-are—Jarspreaching_to_me
be roared, in a fresh burst of rage.
"Another word from'you and I'll shoot
the top_ of your head off."
The Cornishman did not say another
word, and saved the top of his head.
Riding with Max, I remarked that
in our protector we had an ligly cus
tomer, and one . moro to be ardaded, in
my opinion, than the' red s savages.
" We will get rid of him 'when we
get to the mines," said Max; 'five Won't
break with him on the road."
4 few days' . sloW toiling among the
*reusing abruptness of: the Sierras,
where as yet no 'roads bad been con-.
,structed, 'compelled na to abandon the
wagon, and pack whai we were able
on, the oxen andiliive 4 them before us.
tis,27ietittid, of - travel, we rapidly
missed:the region - of the nut pine „and!
white oak. We were'approaching our
:destination at Whisky Gulch.
Our . a camp - was selected on d' small
:plateau, a short distance front - the - river
:Whose graVelly bank watt to be the
scene of our mining enterprise. Below
the camp was a dry ravine, whose! bed
Was filled with large round stories, over
which the winter torrents were soon to
tuinblo,,, small
, community of miners had already lo
' cated, washoundedn.bovo by a precip
itous gulch. -This riVine had received
the name of,Whiskydltileh ; for. what
reason I could . Mit,jinagine
Saint Jo counted himself inoottr mess,
and would take no hint that his com
pany was not delfirable.! Ho never
joined. us or. .any, other party at the
• paw_ in Mining, an a l though sometimes
absent for a . day or , two, he • had. never
failed to "turn up" sooner: than:
hoped: He had soon Managed to got
into debt io,,miery,Pini On the " bar,"
and manifested no disposition to can
;col his !obligations. •., '• • -
-! prie while: were..: at
hrealffast, n Man, well knOwit..to_its ; all
as a retnolute4ll4 Mimed
Ilarnard, came and demanded a
, ',gem i that het had, loaned Jo a, few
IdaYs before:!' Jo;protested that , he had
' lost the:guff:4'od lidd'hoen'stollin
' ; from him. ! •
".Theril said. Barnard ?'l you iota
;pay . valho,"
! how inuph; ke,
in other words i low. muchlivas. , your
d' , •=;:-11!ipitl: : guroworth ,1" .• • !•,•
X ,Nyp,t , : p!g geri,, or , two Minces,"
Two ounces!, that's cheap enougla;
just say I oWo you, two ounces. ,
owe it. to you all my life - soorieVii - you`
should loseit."
jvhile this • colloquy was taking , _,
place, Barnard had taken a seat at our
rude, ,table, and at , our -request was
drinking a cup of Coffee, and without a
moment's deliberation, ho dashed the"
remaining contents' into the face ''of
Snit,t•Jo: Both rose instantly to their
feet, and each reached back for his re
volver. , Max-instantly - placed himself
between them.
" This is a serious business," said
he, "'and must not' be settled in hot
" Yes," said Sandy, "herois busi=
nsos for the day; Jo has been grossly
insulted, and he must have satisfae-
Jo demanded instant bloOd; his out
raged honor permitted no delay, - but
yielding to the persuasions of Sandy,
they walked out of the shanty together,
and, agreed that a challenge should be
sent', at bnce to Barnard. It was draWn
up in the usual form and delivered by'
Sandy at' once ; Barnard in the mean
time having repaired to his own tent.
The weapons chosen were rifles-; dis
tance, forty paces; 'time, eleven o'clock,
it being now nine, A. M. Instantly
the camp was in commotion ;
all work
was suspended, and the inhabitants of
Whisk- -Gulch.: -were-- all_engaged_in
c iscussing in groups
of the quarrel and its probable results.
The field was , paced off, the ground
cleared, and all preparations rriade. for
the terrific scene of bleed.
At the appointed time, Sandy,-Who
was acting as second to Saint Jo, pas
sed a few words in an undeitone to the
-second of Barnard; as the- rifles—were
loaded. I, being the only surgeon,
had a double duty to perform; and ex
cavating, from the baggage my field
case of instrumentei, opened it and
spread them ori- the table, where Max
sat as time-keeper and umpire. I laid
out the saw, placed the turniquet in a
convenient place, examined, the edges
of the long callings, and laid them
down in a row; bandages were spread
out, with needles and thread. A pail
of water, with sponges, was Placed on
the 'ground by the safe of a bottle' . of
Stoughton bitters, the best eabstitute
fOr.pirits'near, - and every preparation
made for prompt ast3bttarree to both, as
it seemed probable that both would
need it.
The men took their stations and
their seconds advanced with rifles to
place then Lin the hands of their prin
cipals Barnard wad calm and reso
lute he took his weapon, deliberately
raised, t h e-k am mer r and-ca recal t
down . upon the cap with a practiced
As Snint Jo received his rifle, it was
observed that his muscles trembled,
and the pallor of death was on Ms
-countenance. - - _ -
Excuse me for a moment, till I
go to the river for a drink of water,"
said he.
Nn," replied Sandy, "here 14 . wa
lie drank slowly, taking-n glance at
in—countenances of each . one of the
company, who stood in solemn expec
tation around the table, - its if that was
to be his last drink, and these faces he
kliould behold no more upon the earth.
He at length handed the cup to San
dy, and took his rifle, raised it correctly
to the position, and was ready Max,
standing upon his feet, in a strong,
clear voice, said :
" Gentlemen, are you ready I"
Mady !" replied both seconds ;
but on the instant Saint ,Jo_thrdw his
rilld upon the ground, and with his
voice trembling, and his words ming
led in alamst unintelligible, , confusion.
he said :
'l've nothin' akin that man, I (lon
wan't to kill him."
This will not do, said Sandy;
to late to back oitt:my honor is at slake
as well as yours ; you must fight if you
die for it.
"T will not, fight, if any one wanta to
kill me let 'em do it. I won't.
"Then 1 must take your place—my
own honor demands it ; and, if T fall,
upon your head be the consequences,
As your second I cannot do otherwise.
He-took up his rifle and assumed the
Saint Jo stood by, a deeply ii-tteres
ted spectator, and, as the few words
'passedletween the_umpire and the hos
tile parties, his eyes remained fixed on
.his late 'antagonist: .
The words were given—" Fire" one
two—and two reports, almost as one,
sent a thrill through us all.
Bernard steed firm ' and the only
words heard were from Saint .To; never
fetched him by God." But in at in
stant Sanyd's rifle full fromhis bands,
and lie sank upon his knees, imd fell
forward updm his face. •
A cry of horror broke from'all sides .
1. rushed forward with the bottle of bit
der s, turned him upon his back, and
put the cordial to his lips,, but, 'they
closed convulsively, and a red' fluid
awed froth this bimotn, He gave a
deep groan, it tremor pasted Over his
whole body, and all was still:
' All 'eyes were turned On Saint Jo,
and now, as if with one Mind,- every'
living man moved up around, him,'
king all attempts to eseape hopeleali.
Max then in a stern voice 'made pro
clamation';'‘' Whereas, our dear com
panion and I rather has died 'for the
honor of hie companions and the Cause
of this miscreant:called • Saint To r _
here inthe name of justice and , corn:
tnon hundr and in accordance whin the
provision of the code by which poor ,
Sandilics there slain, pronounce_ sen
tence of death upon that, man," :point=:
ing fiercely. toward Saint . Jo. : thiWas
instantly seized,' his feet bound, and
was dragged to the foot of a small tree,
whose shadow. had been Saint . Jo's
refuge during many a noontide heat,
but was now to be to him.the- shadow
of death, -n
'A considerable time,, was sient
. ..
passing a, rope .ovOr the .nearest limb,-
which was. sufficiently thigh to baffle
. -
many efforts. In the meantime . Saint
Jo was imploring mercy of every , ohO
-in the , most pitequa 'mammy.. Ile "as-
keff of the inexorable' , Max Iniunt
-respite, jttst to write a letter' to his mo:
titer. • The rope was finallrpassed over
clie limb; a signal was given me' pet
form, my, last offices to the,ptar wretch
uoderatood by hint to. 13e. tho:pla6ing
of the:rope. about,ii4-oock;
approaolted' hiiri ft:am' behind
14090,0'h - to; in the kriost
°titt do. ttuplored to intoioad.O . fa
hito..• I put toy mouth.
as with a kottO.l eat the cord that
lioldhie'feet, I itsi,d '` •-• !'
"" jroar l?''' '„ • I 's" '
: w ° 1 14. •
~.. ; f;
~. 1
~,' .l . .. , i 1... ,. . : :, '.....
4 • 4 ok ' ' .
~ , .., : .:-, .
• •
c• X \
• I
. He started telhis feet and run like a
lioundfor the gulch, without once look.
log - behind - him. - All follow - ed - in - ,pur- ,
snit; even Sandy jumped from the go
ry ground-where he bad been lying in
a double sense, and joined in the cry
of—Hang him - 1 shot' him ! and aev
oral shots were actually fired; oVer
'bead to hasten his speed. DoWn the,
'steep sides of Whiskey Gulch:he -flew
tint of sight of all pursuers. Amide
roars of llughter. the company soon
gathered from the chase, and au etra
ordinay, amonnt of coffee was ' prepar- •
ed 'and a general rejoicing held, that at
lait Saint Jo would not disturb them
again. All thought what few would
confess, that it was a wonder such a
coward had bullied them•so long.
. . .
Two dayfkafterward, some one hap
pening to stray down the gulch where
Saint Jo disappeared from view, was
was startled to find 'him there as , if
drunk, he attempted to turn his fade
upward's, but to his horror ho was in.
the,emlirace of death, his eyes starting
and glossy, though sunken.
An inquest was held in our rude
ways, and, as an expert,-I was called
to gibe my opinion as to the cause of
his death. In accordance with that
opinion was rendered of—Frightened
to death.
Saved By a Mute Alphabet
my life once, entirely through having
learned the mute' alphabet. .
There were two little boys who
used to-come and-staY,with Frank and
me,when we were first married, and
they coula neither hear nor speak; •
They were deaf and ...dumb ; they
could.not talk_except.with their lingers
—so—oLly'ever so much quicker.
Frank and I learned this foreign al
phabet on purpose that we might un
derstand what they said. They were
quick and clever, they could read and
write, aye and 'draw and sew and do
many things which most hots would
make but a bad hand at.
They could play at draughts, and
nt baclsgatninon and chess, and at-fox
and.geese, as well as any hobs. They
could almost see what we said though
could not bear, with.such quick, engee
eyes did they watch every- movement
of our lips. We soon, however, got to
talk as easily ns with our tongues and
sometimes when the lads were not with
us, Frank, and I often talked in that
manner, when we were alone, for
iract ice.
It happened that on one occasion he
had to go to London on important lnis
ness ; be was to have gone by the af
him so that he was notable to reave
before the night expresB.—l was
in very good health, and retired to my
bed-room about two hours, before his
'departure.; he promitsed i hoWever, to
come up and bid-me - good-bye before-,
lie _started,. which would be- between
twelve and one o'clock in the morning.
The matter which Called him away
was connected with the bank here and
Illy husband, it seems—though I did
not lam* it at the time, so great—a Fe
cret had be endeavored to keep ir—had
many thousand pounds belonging to
the concern in his temporary possess
ion, 'locked up in the iron safe in our
bed-room, where the plate was kept.
Fle was bank manager, and responsi
ble for the whole of it. It was cold
weather, and there was a fire in the
grate, so bright and comfortable that I
was in no hurry to leave it and get in
to bed, but sat up and looked into the
fiery coals, thinking about all sorts
of things ; on the long journey that
Frank bad to take that night, and hoW
dreary the clays would be till be
turned, and in particular how lonely I
should feel in that great room, all by
myself when he shenid be away, for I
was a dreadful coward. It: was a lit-
tla after eleveil o'clock when I retired;
but 1 did not feel the least inclined to
sleep even then I knew Frank would
be cominp in presently to wish me
good bye, and besides there scorned- to
be all sorts of noises about the room
which my fo.di,h ears used to hear
when I was alone ht
If a little soot fill doWn the chim
ney, it. was I thought, a great black
`crony, at least which would soon be {V-
I ing all around my pillow ; if a mouse
squeaked: in the wall, it, was the creak
ing of some dreachtil .person's •shoes,
coming up the stairs L - roltilLthe_with_a
carving knife; and if the wind blew'
too casements, it was some one trying
to get into the' room by the window
although it was two stories high.
You may imagine then my horror
when ' I heard a tremendous sneeze
within an inch of tne just behind the
headboard of my bed and - between
that and the wall, 'where there was
considerable spact%, 'Auld as usual
taken the.precantifore I put the
candleout to look everywhere in the
room, 'where it' was Unite impossible
that any • person could be hid ; but in
the little alcove, into which the.bedwa - s
Hushed I had never thought of looking,
for anybody, Ever since I slept in
that room, in' shOrt Thad been like the'
ostrich, that pia, itB head into the sand,
and then imagines itself in perfect se,'?
I had piqued myself on . precaution
nry ineastfrert,therititer.4ll - mighi - jt et
tie wdll have beet omitted'. i Titre
thing, ait believe, Saved:my /reition•
for departing, alturgether when, . I ,first
heard-that, "terrible sound, was that my
mind clung to the hdpe that. after all.
- it might be only the'sneeze of a cat.
Eifty - cats together could not, have
made Fall thi — disturbance, - fils true,
for • it, was a seeezein spite of himself;
and the concussion aluanst shocked the"
Inittse,Mt theldda sifetained me
the'firet shock;
next natant, and the'• wretch
sneezed again,' and pushed aside the•
which rolled on; castOra,l felt,,
'that he 'W . 1113 standiniheside my pillow
Iceltiag aa I lay Oita still;
.lireathingt,•iia''regultMlfas. I Could ; and •
to be asleep - 1 . but ho run
ooned„Ver,y •vory justly, that, finless I.
was deaf, or,dcad,,f must have been.
'awakened 14' the sound. •
,• , .
~t;You are awake,
.marm;" said lie. in
a very - •,gruff. 'yoke oxlil4
youraliamMing. i floret
phi] . ) With this, lifepropprvor jtict ' lOCik
,r OpenCd.zyty Cycs.c.,xceediM;llywi4c
at i thls, and rgaw rOtt
a ehib,
oii.p l oney:theia 7"
julima . yOMO;, pray tako•it, , sir y lem sure
you are Vc.4 weloonabi"; for
NO. 27.
baye taken eyerything 'valuable in the
house, with all my heart, solong mt he
would - leave me alive. • .
.- - -
"The money—the, gold , ,—.the, notes
r---are there 1" he, cried again!, in a
"IVe all there," replied I; ,though
know nothing about
fifteeri arid sixpence in my purse, on
the. ',dressing table yonder. _ There's
silver mustard . pots, besides, in the pan
triy,,, and a couple of candlesticks in
'my Husband's study, only. they are
plated and I would not deceire you,
sir, on any • account." '
•'You had better not,' said the bur
glar grimly, 'or it'll be the worse for
Heimmediately produced a key like
that my hUSband used, and approached
the info ; but as-he did so hie guilty
ear caught a sound of footsteps on the
stairs. .
'Who is that ?'
•'My husband,' said I, 'brit pray
don't hurt him.'
'ls he not gone to town x then 7' cried
the ruffan with an oath of disappoint
ment. • ,
'He's going at twelve,' replied I;
'lie is indeed.'
'lf you Mll him, woman; said the
burglar hoarsely, 'if you breathe but
one word of my presence here it will
be the death doom of you both.;' he
bad slipped into the alcove and draivn
the-bcd-back-to-iteplace-m-an-ms nuP•
Aly husband entered himself homedi
ately afterward, and even while he
was in the room I heard . the awful
threat repeated againthrotrgh - the - thick
curtain behind me.
'lf you but whisper it, woman, I
will kill you where you lie. Promise
not to tell him.'
I will said I solemnTyl - I promise
not to, open my lips at all about,the
Prank leaned over the pillow to kiss
me, and e observing how terrified'.l.
looked, said :
'You bad been 'frightening:yourself
about jobbers again, I Suppose you
silly child,'
•Not I, Prank,' returned I as cheer
fully as I could. 'I have a little head•
ache,' but said with nly fingers, so
that he could plainly read it in the
fre light. ' • For God's sake be quiet.?
Rut there is certainly a man behind
Frank was as bold as a lion, and had
nerves like iron, altheugh ho was so
tender hearted_ and kind. Ho only
answered :
'Where is your sal-votattie, dear
est ?' and went to, the mantel-piece to
get it. I thought ho never could have
_urulersto.orLme, he spoke with such
coolneSs and unconcern, until I saw his
fingers reply as be look up the bottle.
'All right, don't be afraid.' .
And then I was not afraid, or ai
least not much, for I knew I should
not be leiValone, forime-instant; and--I
thought that my -Frank was a match
for any two such men in such a case,
only 'he had We Weapon.
'He has a life-preserver,' said, I
with my fingers,
4 . 170ur fire is getting-rather-low-now,
Georgey,' observed he as he took up
the poker, (ah t he had a weapon then)
I must leave you a good blaze before
I go.'
He fixed the fire and left the poker
in but without taking his eyes off me
or the headboard.
I'll just ring the bell and see wheth
er Thomas has got the portmaneau
'Mary.' continued he to the maid
that Caine to the door, 'send Thomas
up.' Then when she had gone on'the
errand—'By Jowe ! I never gave him
that key. Where is it- Georgey ?
have not a moment to lose. If it is in
your dressing ease with the rest, I
shall be an age in looking fur it. Might
I risk you to get out of bed for a mo
ment and show• me where it is ?' .
He said with hi. fingers ',jump,' and
I „jumped, you may be sure. quick,
enough, and was inside the dressing
room with the door locked in half
`Come in, Thomas,' 'said Frank.
'Come in,' for Thomas was modestly
hesitating at the chain er door. 'There
is some black-guard got into the house
and behind the bed -there. 41 he
makes. the least resistance hll kill him
with this poker.'
' .--- At - theso — words the bed wri- pushed -
slowly outward, and the burglar, with
out his mask, and his face as pale as
ashes, came ourfrom his hiding place.
Frank knew him as a bank messenger,
who bad been out of employment since
the fuze; on suspicion of his , honesty.
'Oh, sir, have pity on me,' cried ho-
I'm an' -nulucicy'dOg. If it, hadn't
Men for a sneeze should have ten
thousand pounds in ,my pocket by
hi.J. hue.'
'Oh, you cane after that did you ?
Well, give up that life preserver you
have in your pocket, babies we have
any more conversation;' said my hus
band coolly.
'Did your lady tell you that too ;
and yet I stood by her'and: never heard
her utter a syllable,' cried the villain
in adeebts of astonishment, as lie de
livered •up the-Weapon .• to the- male
earvant: Tnever spoke a word,' cried
I through the 'dressing-room key 7 holo,
for I did not cure •to have the man
Link that tbnil broken , my oath, nob
to shy the truth ,U-nti I anxious to makr
a deadly enotny of him in ease he shalt
boat large again.' • :
tijudgment upon nteiLluid.
it:itt, no good to fight against said
the, miserable, wretch
!;Vot in thirleast,;and we tiqg go to
the - police officer 14-bnee.?.
- So offitient'the l burglar in their cus
tedy ; leaving me•sale and sound 'after'
all. And now - , do you not think there
is some „Use in: learning everything,
evemso small a thing •as a deaf ar
dumb alphabet ?, •
" A Roman 'ecclesiastic. in reply to
whatever question might be proposed,
began .by„ saying, make a distinc
tion:, , pardipl having invited- him
to dine, proposed to • 4oKivo• some
amusement tor trio C,9mpany frOin the
well•knOwn peculiarity 'of his'i guest.
Saying 6'111133111a he bad an inipor ,
ant question to proposm:he nsked,tiTL,
wider any circumstaocos I!Wf7
ful to baptize in, soup ?', , • •
Milk 6 '-ilistinetion: 'said ''the
yoiiiskti it 'lo:Wittl,
tine in 'soup io generah-I 'say; -rig ;li - if
yogi ask; ia it latr . ful to,baptinVin l yenr
excelle any,' 8 soup, lofky,lyqg,;, t fAr
e i
thers reollt,nl4 difference , betweeu
It Wafer, ' ' ' -
rem a smoker - myself. '• suppose
this is.a sufficient intredlicition end no
doubt the reader will sitY; he is going f
to give - us some sage - adviceon thesnb
jeot about the evils, of smoking, ending
up with the Oft-repeated warning to '
th - e - Tybung v t and inexperienced, "if' I ...
were you rwould never begin.".• Well, '
I am.-no h'ypoorite, and so' I will Rim- - •
ply re
gret the habit as far as netiftlitant hap-'. -
piness are concerned, but my pocket -
book, instead of being plethoric, like a
cow'just from a cloVer patch, looks as •
if an elephant had - -Stamped upon it;
-and the Only part-of my person which
looks as if _it_was in the last-stags; of
:consumption is my •wallet, and I: am
afraid. it will always be • so, for my
money dOes not seem to like my
pony,. and oftentimes parts with. me
when I need it most. But come to the
point without. anymore- ado, I corn
rnenced, -to smoke when I was about •
ten_ years old, upon cornsilk, and. not
.eiperiencing any unfevorable' symp
toms of nausea, I tried a cinnamon
civil., and after that none center which •
completely upset .my little stomach.—
I thought then, while my head. whirled
around like a humming•top and every
thing swam before my eyes that no -
cigar, never mind_how mild it might be,
should everead me again into tempta
tion; but who when he is well, thinks
bow he -felt when he was sick ? Does
the little boy, who has been frightened •
by a fearful dream, or perchance fancies
he sees a
.ghost in the dead .hour of .
night, feel afraid when the sun streams
into, his' windows in • the morning?—
No;'he laughs at hiS night-fears and
he is more apt. to dare Mr. Ghost to
come on—he will fight him now ;: but
when night arrives-his fears return and
ho feels-sorry he said what ho did about
• the ghost and hopes he will not come.
As soon as I recoverefi -I forgot my --
promise, and was led' into temptation
by a fragrant three center. Those
good cigars, but they have passed away
like the dreams of my youth never to
return again, and I am sorry that it is
-so. -I smoked on-till-the stump burnt
my- lips; after that all I remember
about the matter was this,. I was seen . . --
by my older sister tumbling along as •
if intoxicated; I was summarily
- drag - god into - theircroser, scolded;; put •
to bed, the family physician was sent -
for; and I had to undergo the terrible
ordeal of a dose of castor oil—this the
venomous old family M. D. prescribed
to 'cure me, he said, from using the
noxious weed., This effectually cured
tee for a time, until I entered the
Sophomore Class Rutgers College.
Then I donned a beaver, frock coat,
cane and cin-if simultaneously. I felt a
little sick, but soon recovered and over
eameAphaeco. Since then I have held
the dream god in subjection, and I am
far from being sorry that .1 formed his -"'"'
acquaantanoeia such a trying manner; -
for he has always welcomed me, and I
like him, like an old, steadfast friend,
that no trouble whatever can chanin.
Even now my fingers instialtively feel
for my old companion, the &lend of so
many joys and sorrows. I have many •
pipes' that have come from different
places; they are all marked where I
my collection I can recall many a pleas
ant anecdote or adventure of travel'
- with which to interest my friends. In
'act these pipes form a series of links . -
in the history of thy life,- which could -
be broken if - one-of-them were'raissing. --
-My wife, dear creature although not
a lover f old -relies in the shape of old .
rank pipes, - likes to see me smokeand
hear 111 C talk of those good old times,
when I come fascinated toward her
matrimonial - Met and got entangled in
its meshes. Pauline, my dear I Heel
me the tobacco jar, and fill my'pipe,..
turn down the gas, and we will • have a
comfortable talk together as, we look.
out upon the moon as it wanders through
the blue sky above us; far some such - .
an evening 'as this, many years ago,
stood -at your door with trembling
knees and fluttering heart, fearing, to
pull the bell and -ask if you were at
home; but-I at last plucked up cour
age and entered your presence, and -
there all was calm and beautiful to me,
as sailing over a placid ocean. No
adverse winds came upset my bark,
while Love acted as the pilot and at ,
last, passing
noiny dangerous rocks,
safely floated me one night into the
wide sea of matrimony. And here you
arc to-night, and - you blush as I tell
this little episode in our every day lives;
it is not new to you, but, still you like
to hear it. I wonder what made m,
feel so calm that night. guess, like
a German, I must have smoked befOre
I went to pop the question—l aM sure,
but I guess I did, for I always smoke
before undertaking any important
business ; and this, I think, was a
sufficient one for blowing a cloud to
calm down my feelings, , My pipe is
out •
_Atia_veler in_Peinnsylvenia'as Iced the
landlord if they had any cases of sun
stroke in that town. "No said
the landlord. '‘ If a man gets 'diunk
here, we say ho is drunk, and never
call it by any other name." .
A wag says of women \; To her vir
tue we give . love ; To her beauty ad
miration; To her whims we give in
.dnlgenee ; To her 4ongue liberty ; TO
her wants we give our purses ; To . her
person we "give ourselves; To, her. hoop
the whole pavement.
A little boy of five years .of age,
While writhing„ undr the tortures, of the
ague, was' told by his mother to rise
up and take pill she had prepared 'for
him. Powder ! Powder ! said he, ri-
Sing himself on his elbow, and putting
on a roguish snile. "Mother I ain't a
A chap from the country, stopping
at one of the hotels, eat down to dinner.
Upon the bill of fare being 'lauded tint
by,the waiter, he remarked that , "
didn't' care 'bout readiti' just 1101V,.---
he'd wait till after dinn'ek.' . •
TivO lovOre stood uponlhe shore of
Maasadltusetta B,ay,,bidding a sad.fare
well beforO Stli tore hirusel6 away.—;
" marry yeti .whenmine back,,-
nay Sally Atm," says 13O; and theb he
fpok a little Atnaok and flailed :away to
'dr J. • "
a Will ye dine with mo' to : morrow ?"
said a Hiberian,,Whis friend. " Faith
an' all my:head'," "Re:
member, 'tis only a family:di:prior I'm asking you t 0."!,,. i ".And•what ref not,?
A fiunily, dinner is, a "mighty
thing have yu' got?" "Och,
nothing 4 coinhioU " ;Nit; an illigant
!moo 'of 'corded - beet - an,diotatoesl".......;
!. By the powora4hatimtp,p,the,,worldA.
Jist own dinner, to ti.hairHbaithig
i)e bcrf , !!!:' • •
-ditEidoi6:;.iiia' t iai4boinh ,
Beiv ing-machineAtriihidi yo ng lady
avas atelvark;blookittli alternately at the
rnachinty and its fakoperapr i At, iOgtlt
gave vent tohin ndndration with; ..13Ay
golly; Pao
cd•Ye.re4:*.i.tPt•ca o P? • „ - r