DAY , GOODS: GRAND OPENING OF U:IITMER GOODS, INN AT TAT: CENTRAL DRY . GOODS - S7'ORE , - Black and Colored Dress alibi, Mack and Fancy Colored 'Grenadine., Grenadine Berne., Mohair Foplinsr all colors, Menu! Poplinetta, French Pere ilea Lawns, ol9ghatna,Drllll4itS, mank - oUier,iinsda of DRESS GOODS bought at a gnat decline In prl rem,-and will I. gold very cheap.. WIIITE GOODS, of every description eV . quitlity for Drones end Basque; HETLAIID WOOL SHAWLS, MAACK LACE SLIAIVLS HEAL LAMA LAOS POINTY PAILABOLd, ALL W1.0,.d SUN UMBRKLLAS DRESS TRI-MMINGS, In great variety, suet, as Ribbons, Fringes, Laces, Ginips, _ * _ Cords, Buttons; Frogs, ff-e IV Clo "I" X Co INT Si - Our Notion Depaltruent_easinuz i.e .urpaeo.ed variety and quality in the r.,naly. FA _'S Fans of all kinds amoirttnn.l,4) 9 , 4 - 13DierqatilaWSktinges; - elitliiilf bier; 847311 a - k Grenadines for Dresses and Shawls. Bombazines, Tandem Cloth, Deirdre's, Jaconst LAW.. Ging ban?e, &c. FUNERAL GOODS Cloth. and Cassimeres, to close eta for the nrseen, we will sell at greatly reduced prices The very beet Dark Calicoes rely 12 1-2 crate full yard wide Idtudin only 121-2: and a!lgrades nod description - of Domestic (bode em low in proportion. CARPET'S Carpets., -Oil Cloths, all ro-i.clths, - Matting, all,wid.ths, . Rags, Please give we an early call and satisfy 'measly. . that we hay. the most deslrublu and comp! t stock, of all grades, uf Dry (roods that is to b found this side of the kastern Cities. LEIDIGH Sc MILLER SOOT' MAST OWNER OF 'MARKET SQViRE. 702113 , 69 Slimmer Dress' Goods ITEM "333' . ` 11X-V10" POPOIAIL DRY GOODS STORE, PHILADELPHIA. ON 'MONDAY, MAY ;let 1869, =I SOO Pieces SILK FIGURED GRENADINES, (The balance of nn Importation) At 37 1-2 Cents per Yards, out to import FIFTY-FIVE CENTS. Theee Goode are seaeonable and Great Bargain. J. W. PROCTOR & CO. THE `BEE HIVE," 920 Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA 26mar.84.3m 0 ro • 0. 1 .1. 4 1 g t. 1L1.. 11 A 0 11, tXI Furniture of all varieties std htyles of Foreign and Domestic manufacture; from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced maple sad pine • " Parlor, Chamber, Dialog-room,. !Mahan and Odle. =I Embracing every article used by House and note] keepers, of he most approved and fardilertable design and ti me(, Including also Cottage furniture In setts, reception and Camp Chairs. Muftrasses, Gilt fnnes, pictures, dc., to. kErPartioular &dentine given as tunal to funerals orderi from town and country, attented to promptly and on moderate terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO THE DELEOTION, OP WALL PAPER. " march2l. 64 CARPETIN GS. vve are now rilealvin a largo .10 , 3 , IDr Spring Salea r . LOW FOR CASK.. • LEEDOM. & SHAIII4 , No. !l0 ARCH STREET; rIiILADELPMAL. :2a6tarWisst . - . M VALLUN'T Y _ . 4 Thing 9faikatigi f , !!4 . .70. V Werevet, c 'The aubscriber riapectfullp informs the Ladles of Carlisle god vicinity Oat, rise toothed Prom Om Eutaw , Okla lateit •AND SUM WEE' STYLES, aid hi now prepared to caseate all entails with neatness and dispatch, , BOinTETS.c ?: ( 4 1.130 9 4 1 T 8 ,1 AG made andlA~~hSs3diße-' nWle ; Dian+at n ititro b nis . , larittid Artificial flown sly MAEGAIUMA BTU /WV *- • /I ",a, 014515,10.. ~~c~,~Eo a~s~ t. IFT.YOTIIVANT TO SEE THE .ferkaittimou eroirm ofeso • WNI FILIDLE irtia Tatar mt • •,• d • • 7 '1! lialiert'a Multistate • GREAT A.IBERICAA BASE BURNER fin opentlob: It Radiator, as wen ass perfect Tautilatcr of the roust and to warranted to. COD/111110 lent coaibbtut any other Stars of the lePlas,ld.b .ll .TßlSPlldr th e public, requiring but one oidituuy mutt o coal.cma au trantrelglit boars, bidng perfectly 'Ample in all italrerltlar, haring a Dimple tilde to regulate the ere for keiploght night; ouilkindling of Ere being all that fa required during thaw In ter. fi'o dust. as Rae. no .I.Z.Yr 0 : 5 X X P. C 0a 411 r. . 4 - 2 o John Para, Astae I.llller:iDr..P. B. Maier; Inge Porter David Miller,—..lo. Delenry, D. Hoffer, D Holston, P. Hier, • Col. WLlThazson Men Ittognalt, Prot. eloper;" : A. Elensenen, , Dr. Tenn, Johnson Moore, J. T. Wpm, D. Iffittent, . C. Inhoff, A.Coever, ' 3. Thompson, 7. Hortltolder„ ': CAA. Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, J. Gorges, Wllltaloson Bros. B. Stouffer, 11: fflatatter, Turner, J. Stouffer, W.' Helangitiln Homer, A. Leldlgh. ' P. Mumma, Geo. Parenbansta!P. Iffontritz, lirs.H r onderlidl, Abner 31111 m, P. P: Hauler( BLOT Hale, ' •' And other. • Get the beat COOK STOVE in the Market, Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light. In addlslon to the Stove FIUDLEY 'keeps on hand a fall supply of the host Cook Parlor and Wes Stoves; Tin and Sheet Iron work of alt rinds on band, and Spouting, flooStig and Jobbinn" of all kind. don• at rime, notice, dud of the best Material, Fruit on., and Jars of the most approved patents, and' to conclusion the best Portable and Brick Set 3F . r is 1:1140 e EA re.r offered to the public. For regrinds call on Dr. Cleof.te Neldigh, Henry Saxton. F. C. Fleming,l Wm-Gordon, Pne. P. Gardner, ' - F. Watts, J. D. r oldish. A. L Sponsler, J. Brosl•r; - And other. Qatar 6e ly - NEW BUSINESS, - NEW FURNtTITRE: 7 Ilei_ 1 , ...0:214 ~. atsY4 ' PHRNITUR'E BUSII.VESI3 The auberrilxr haring' taken the entirelmb...a nit • hie Own hand., ill continue to carry it On In all its rations trader.... at the' old etand. .outh eeut corner of Hanover and Loither dt•eets. ' _ . He -detires-to -annetrucs to - the mitotic that -ba bas now on hand and Is constantly manufacturing and purchasing from thebeat eastern manufact urne, the latest and best styles and patterns et b URN I VIRE of all qualities- Hi, Flock of .ready-tuailejrark' rim:ada in part of MAHOGANY SUITE. WALNUT-4W IS, .• CHEST:gin- BUM. • ' FLORAL D. H. FFEIDS, TEAPGYS, IntESSING BUILEAI.76, t f all ft) lei and prices. _Tete &Tates, Eoffts, Lounges. Cottage TrUn dies:Cot. tage, Panel, -- Japanese. and Jenny Lind Etedetradn, o,ttage Bunalus. Matble Top Tal.).-a and Stands, Wasbxtands,of all ran r 1. iard.. naf fed Furniture in anus • .• moth no kuld. Mirrors of all nre Ind in-Wee 1-1 0 M E 31 A it ‘k - ; It K 8003 a. SM. it. tare. t ban - , - .-r -tr. to) We v..l . Calitenai sod CHM: L• • •11AP:.. 1 r L. ICALIILICI, s..rFsastr. , MEM 26.000 Yards, ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 Chestnut• :Street, SPONO CURLED HAIR UPHOLSTERY PURPOSRS Cheaper than Feathers or fink, FAR SITFERWR., Th. Lightest, Softest nod most Elastir and Dorn We material kocoro. for NattreEmea,Tillovra, Car; Carriage, and 'Chair Cushions. It indestructible, perfaitly glean and Ikea freak Mot. IT DOES NOT PACK AT ALL ! —hallways crerfreedinseetiffi;teperteeilpthalthr and ter the *la le unequalled. • . If rolled i. any ay. MO he renn.ated qnlotea and easier than any other Mattress Special attention eyed to VOBNInttIINO CIIMICLIEB, Rallroad men are especially Invited to examine the Cushion Sponge. +3 ATWACTION GUARAN VIED. THE TRADE fiIiPPLIAD lave SS-17. -- -- s ixo i LEINMENT PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE OPITKIN&CO. . . The Oreat-Reid Quarterslhriii , kinds of, Army Girds; Near and EeeoinLhand t and sold it • a tithe of the' coat. • IiARNES,. Wheel end Lead Team Harness, Ambedanee,Light and Emmy. Express, Cart and Bow ,Illarn me, bleCtellin and Officers' Saddle., Eddie., Collar., 80b.., flatters, Purcingles, ete:, elec.. • . T E 'N 'T Hoolial, Wall and Wedge, with polei mad e .. complete. Wagon Corm, AwningAr Backing Bob toms and Bag. • 3iIIATAItY CLOT HING}, Overcoats, Prock - Coats, Jackete,..fflonees, Pants Army planktay. Heise Covers, Ply Sheets and Note etc. etc. , -• •e ; . The largeet and twat' Sreortments we hive ever offered. , Send for dewriptlve Pdoo .I,lsts,Alont Qtfs on itp. ellentflop. • , I. D. n. Erni orders byrExprese. C. O. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO , WUOVESAI.E DEALERS. P.1. 1 1 -1 3KIN & CO_ • , (ibraletly on front st , na!) . 71 IQ .' 2 d St., just belo' Arch At., PHILADELPHIA. PA. '• Also 5 PARK PLACE brO4v York 3. BEETEM . Fs BROTHERS; Forwarding & Conuirission ilerciants. (4ondepsonl old oiatid'. , At tivilMi4 of gAlli The Idgliut market price will be pad ibr Grain And produce MAL landa.. .ocal of all kinds, embracing ' ' 'LTHENB V A LLEY. • ni,owrarti, lamebrtmere grid ibieleenlihit 08ia1 eotirenialikel ode. Kept ander array.. and delivered dry' %oftly =f thr:tlma; k !n 4 .7.`471'0r° 11 ` • • MARMag : c‘Moimn,iroiiai Do* ais' bind ifsd olds to stiariloitlk corer illtniskOselliday fa. 1.4 fl 1.• c may. H -2 :2 , cr x ::1* RE7/137.:.ENCRS. PENNSYLVANIA PHILADELPHIA • SUBSTITUTE NOB. 13Er1321 L 42 j • B. °WIN - .7. ~ :BARDWAIZE;I- c',.'l:-;'. -- )1 () I M±JLER &• ;BQWEI S =lll ORS, ‘ 26 10111 - 11A - NQVER _MEET, V; 3 - CARLISLgi=. PA. .117'1F, would roiTebtftilly ailll ten ',E of the pnblii, to- oar rec'enlly riPlenish: ed.8T0011: -. We have chrldhlly..kvelded purchasing . during the fecent decllne;andnoW;that the market has bared sidtied 1r . 6 hive filled up our shelves ant are prepared to Offer spiecler Inditrementele all who will favor us with a call:*. - ' ".' brave totietantly an bawl ti FIILL-13TOOK Ilamintred. Engliskßefiniq, and Nor . waylß ON; Berdan's Born and -Mule. Shoe ; ..Nornmy 1?0ds ; together with a full stock of 4 .t0 • . $I tM ,,BLACKSMITH'S ,:; e a : • • * emits Trill's. Bo Vireo, Rellowp, Itscph, Flies BUILDING M We invite ell persons Intending to build. to own, and take e look thruogh our stock. We have or sltellaoLositerMasss4ieinte-011, srandlittlniMertel - ' I this line marked down at the 'arrest OA 811 PRICKS. %nd . feel assured that we can • offer special Induce mute In this branch HARRISBURG NAILB, ulwa}'a on hand TA BL E. AN I) . ...7 1111 P7 POCKET CUTLERY, Of all loimeginitblo patterns. We keep on hand a fall line of those goods and are alwaya shin to Milt the taste of even the moat fastidious. SADDLERY, r :::' of ♦sop variety...lmbruing In part Rolf adJuatlng dab Olg Trona, Plated Japanned u lid Wood flame', Brow Bande,pirthlng. norm, Blankets, te.. *lnn. Our fric ode will always fled us well supplied with the best brandsof these grticles - and" - trendy to sell them et the lowest prices. S are - constantly to re ceipt of Points, thus oosblln ounielses to Rupply our customers with fresh paints, colors of all dee ! criptions runtan tip on hand. - ' Cabinet 31.11:er, find Undortakorii: , , o! quid 111 Mix ❑n. ATIII,Cro , h-rat and , 'lr;-‘llnr•nu•.•titin I 111Axting PowdorF. nt..l Seork run-,.t. Catklue FA 11,M FiK S. will do well to cull and exutoine our wince ot Traces. itreuut Chuint, Tongue and Stay Chu'. Jockey Chaim', .4prescla, Halter Chain, l't,w 'Noe Shovels, Bpadex, Yorke, Hakes, Grain flags, hr,. bi fore baying elsewhere. We are ottor Peoria Inducements In title line Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. We are pole agents for the BUFFALO SCALE WORKS and are ready to supply Sealee warranted. and for niched at lower prices Wiwi any other ...lee In the market. We are constantly in receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers and ate able to furnhh Country Merchants at Philadelphia end New York prices. alwaye on hand and at the lowest market rates, flubs, Spokes, Pollees, Axles, Shafts, Duck, Drilling, Damask, de., • - • ' t 00 ta delivered to all parts of the town free of charge. -• . Wilcox & Gibbs' SE WING .1 IV E . . r' We have Secured the Agencv . . of the Wilcox & 131bbs' Sewing liachloe, a little. family arrange. , 'merit no one eeeme .willing •tn do without. after .laVlng_•...een_one_ht:_operation...-The—Wilmx, &- Gibbs' is^ a- Single Thread Machine 1/ . 0 1 0/lima superiority over all Double Thread Machines In the folloWing particular. It is elmplar and lea liable td-get /aut of repair. It Is cheaper:: It tune with,lomuolse. It rune / essler.r It runs thater It Ilse the but devise.. for • proven/ lug' the. wheel kom:Mhnlng backward. It requires leas rnechaid:' ,ealabllllo operate; it, r', I-lt , yeti e Iron • lees time and. inetreieti:m to learn DI use It. /it is the most certain rid reliable in lb/operations. Ito needle is straig h t and leas liable to ba broken than a salved one ,The needle is secured in tits place by an inge"ibusly patented device which 'renders It self stuating so that neither skill nor experience are 'iu'ired In arranginglt. --It seven dliactly , froth' the !MooPthpr doing away with the tedious operation of rewlitding the 3hread ter adjust/lent In the. shuttle.. It makes the Wilcox •& Gibbs' el "twisted loaf/ Stitch," a stitch origlmi with this mai/blue midi/Ude by no other, the soam • Ic • ' More' IlaStia . oilitirmager. than the Leek , iitich:' •The'smira . lo - ,tlin. 'met irveurend ;Minting, .thesaam ,Is sly eiyi , ielD .tlurtittieG thus avoiding • reversible feed. , 'ltar Oa:" 'Vil i moresimple Mid mere' sully. adjusted, it le ilidife ti eedllyChangid from one, kind of work to Mother, It ddeli"bamtiful embloidem , it Mullin bpet hemmer, It hasthe beet tiller, it has the beet • bra44lM, , it has the blist belt. The Nil ox & Gibbe habNiti Id the .IW4 little morooleit "ix" , ,duting uhlen time upwards of sixty khommod brky•, ,baeti.triaile and, "Ad, a unmhei by fifty. per. cut larger thaar n enCen; mild,Fany,.Double Threed paw , oblocl4 . .,titile balebt2 to. of its . earliest ,yeirs. Am* saidceM a r 'sietli e apilt i t a t,hl, fige o. ::: it rill ritta6;4l riff o idoghLinieol. T .' • 14 -uhlt„. .to.T.'-Y,Veligil bllterieblvbfli__; l lge , ? I t rueirSh Ilanovar street, Carlisle, where they may De' maistinediand they will:taker/teat plestore lis ex••• planing anything.ielatin" 'to it. ~ • •, : , •;-:',/ ""•“, nelriodtillir &e./11.1G ..0 •hi c• : .... ••••••.' • r ••• •,- I •-• , c . i' • , .,.31111.1.X114 1101,11411, .. . ' i - ' 0107 1 sto; worth Itaskorer NI: ' ..• • ' .10,14n09 '• ' . Corllalqa • • - • . I .II2SCALZA'NE6 US L OOK' :OUT - , iDRYGO ODS ~' MEN; .• , 1 bateltist iittirn 04 itOto thokiiptkih lity:l3priog iltok,idtAlPLCuOatiulttlellll4 Oa ONA llttle.dulp , or thithrskoY:othq PI ghloo 1i04P50r. , ' t. 19 1 11. 4do .ttorth a t ii, lt,ltutiouturttiloctupf..&cOutotkot wars-- ( p aper kerepAi gl tAy ispttiatici4..l , r uelllng, chewy Goode or do: lArleb. to report ,to' clap trap to gull the ust llo; • All I‘uli bt theta lif to gall And examine for tletosolvos, gnat( not =tidied with tho.pticen. not td buy: Betitomboi.thoutund „No. 32 North Iltmoy*otioot., nextliodr to Dr: Mottoes, and Mil lorA 'Bowen, liarawarcstore. ' ' .. • WM. A. MILES. I will l!aj,ttathing about my third sad fourth =Pr" • HATS -AND Do you want a Mee Hat or Cap P ,No. 2D, Weet Main kiteeet Where can, be seeo the tnteet ..o r itiaeot or vor brought too Carlisle. lie takes great pisasare In inviting blenld Kiwi& and Onstiiinorn, and all new ones, to ble spleaidid stock just received train New York and Philadelphia, consisting in vart of fine • . SILK AND CASSIMERE EATS, Bedded an endless variety of Hata and, Caps of the .latest etyle, all of which ho will sell at the Lowest Cash Ptlces. Also, .kkis own ntennfeeture of Hats al. wayeoa hand, and . Hats- :Manufactured to Order. • lie has the boot arrangemont for mlorlng Hateaud all klnds of Woolen Goode, Oiercoete,./m., at the shorte=r. notice (as he Colors every week) and on the moot ronsoraible I orino. Also, a fine lot of choke moods • TOBACCO AND CIGARS Aiwgyß on band. Ile desire.: to call the attention o persona who 6aeii COUNTRY FURS ' yviyo thy highe,,t Give him n r4ll. at the abovo.number, hie old stand RP ho Prole conlidont of giving Vntlro eltisfsc. tion. ' julyl4 67. T II 'E REAT TOO Lf.S, ZINGARI BITTERS. mn -- N o Na, " . o o I= Tha7,INOARI ittrrErvs I. compounded from a prescript'. of the celehtateu Egyptian physician Wt. Clitzlrson, who. after yenta or trial and experi ment, discovered the Zingarini Herb— the most re markable vegetable production, the earth, perhaps, hue over yielded—certainly the most "effective In cure of disenss.• it, In combination with the other valuable pmp..rtlns of witieb,the ZINC] till MITERS In compro,d, viii einrc Uy Fierp•dit, t'.••• et and Fpver, hole Cold, litialehitio. Co n.onent lon in its lirxt ptege, Inniuleney, Nerve. Debility, illdne le Ithon etito, Dysentery; Houle end .14hronle Dierhali. Chol era. 11.nrbuy, Chniern, Typhoid and Typhue Inver, Yell, w ;••er. SeriAtt In, Die. elittS of the Kid • • Do•dh01/1.6%, Ae., kn. - Iteetlas PRLVL.NTION and Anna of the above Oases, It hap never been known to 1011, an thousand, of our most DroulMOOt citizens throughout nil parte of tho country, will toothy. Let rho sfillettiO fir circular c••nteining lestirhonlals and certilicatar ' of thorn wh . bay., Leer cured after • heir canna Lase been prop u,it.eo hope ire by our best WHITN LHADS AND 71INVS 10. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia, let•ld It Melt!, el l'enneylveele 11On. Robert J. Fisher. nen. litlennej Hoe. Joel P. Denner. Wei. /.I,lherry I=l E=l WOCLAIM IP TO ALI, 1 WORLD THAT TIIL NATI6N BITTERS Hue cured mote CSF. of DYSPEPSIA, more eller], of LIVER COMPLAINT,. more" C. 61 of NERVOUS fiLADACLIE, FEVER ,t . AGUE, end more clone of . DEBILITY, thou any abet' remedy before the public in the same space of Ume. IT 'PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS TUE' MIND,' RESTORES SLEEP, Is a. Excellent Appotizor, and a general In• vlgorator of the. Systeni. WALTON A. 'LUG, Proprietors, No..y, N Sei,nth St., Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and Dealers genorally. • 12feb COACH i AND U. ,S. HOTEL, WAGON Ogposize Pa. R. R., & Reading Depot FIXTURES, HARRISBURG, PA. —W—H—E-14-74-ING-E-11-&--00—Proprieta T , 2oct 68.1 y. _ - N CONSD.:QUEN 040:W THE I dlettstrous fir.. which in Jenibey last destro• n ed their store and ip entente, J. E. CAT.ipWELL & CO. JEWELERS, Have had made especially to their order In 'Europe and,in America, an entirely New Stock of Choice Goods, . , Which Are now oponed,ind ready for examination. VERY FINE lARIB MANTLE'I=OI'IE' , znOvamont with the newt nlprovecoonts) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, , Intirely new BRONZES, GROUPS Jr, FIGURES , GORHAM HANUF'G CO'S •• FINE ELEOTRO WARES. BEST STERLING ,SILVER WARE, z ' New deelime. „ . WATCHES, JEWELRY; '&6., &a , A very fall aseortmenttat very MODERATE PRICES. For the present at 'BIO CHESTNUT STREET 121hb (14 , 1 y.. • PUMPS 18 zN. Tanovo Street, No. 18 XEW_IOR. , BRANCH.• lIRABQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS:. We would Inilte the epode' attention hf the irons of Carlisle, and , Cumberland comity, to our .well-eelected.atook of. Canary, .liloves, Notion', ,White Goodei.Linen end Fancy. Goode all of which wa'a i re determined to run off•ataetonlehlng low .'Glit/e'ne as earlioall and judge la'r l ionrealres,. Zy(Sa ilanorer Street, Sipe's Fall. MMMM If bO. don't Rill to call on J: G., A LL,T, 0 HATS AND MIPS. • ME=EIMI A PI.BASANT BRVERACIE, I= =99 F. RAHTER & CO; C 0 M Y, N TED UV *rid pilter, PUMP.SA For pure water Use, neither bad fisting wood, rusty trot', nor poison, red, but • Charley. 111atehley'a Cele brated Cucumber Pump; 'side of wild metimbeil int" tastelen durable and re/fable fhe good old.fashioued wooden Pump, mlide by: machinery; and lhereftie perfect and accurate In all Its parts, raising on equal amount of water, and coating latel.than,half he money. Easily arranged so as to be"' non-freezing, and in con. ilruclion no eiroplu that • any one, itin put 'it up and hoop It In re— salt. , After.thorough trial it Is ac tioowledged theater AND INIXADret. Ear tiale'srui put 'up In the best mauikor by -- 0:1311ERTOK, yaburn, Pa. DRY DRY .GOODSI S 0 .M.E.T G T - 0 B , UIT THE TIME.AND SEASON - , AT THE , 1. NEW -AND (3EiEAP64I STORE . . _ Tgoni:AS A. HARPEIk. CORNER - OP IteiNg*HlC: AND -- Who le now prepared to exhibit •ao eletrant •and ivol! assorted Stock of • ' DRY 13-0,0D5,, At •Yeoedlagly low prleoel - Bargains in A 14 K E T S,,* of all rotors and . The_ chonpent_litockin town. .• FLANNELS. Plain and Pometx, it Shaker., Plaid Shlallig, • e!pen.. • lioroo.11124• sod • Moo •rtlrlo of Wslth Flannels. • SUNIVLS!SHAWLSf Land and Square, Painday and Thibet Ladiek' Cloakings, vetvate.,,,N, Gold Mixod. Wa!,ll. and . 11.Ary Bearers. Slerinn Verts. rhlrtli and hhirro6‘, ter Ladles' Mirson, Men'a rind Itnyn' wear. A full hue or Cloths and UrIP-S-1-tIIOI.OS FANCY DRESS GOODS In new on d Rich Designs Many of the shore Owls selling oft' at at greatly reduced prices. , litunidltA4Slrlc4fo6l - all the loading brawls nt, Domestics and tIOUSE VURNISIITNO DRY DOODS, at lees than regular prices. BLRAOHEb & BROWN SFIERTIN PILLOW CASE MUSLINS,PILLOW OASE LINENS, 'JAIME LINENS, NAPKINS AND DOYLIES. • Towels and Towellings, Marseilles Quilt and Table Covore, Nottingham Lasee Curtin Motorist end Fall lines of W h I'l'F GO OAS, ' Etbreitiorieq, louse, ultd In.ortinas Uurogas hudOrotpx, Hosiery and (Heves 1 , 11 great variety, an •ztro aive Stork Al. N 0 T . I 0 N S . BA LMOItA AN iioop SKIRTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS Fro WoVe, limo. and tho co . Cocrot. Ladit.'s Cull. uuti Costar,. 'lltungtltehod and EmbroldvnAl JJendo.drrhlofe. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO PIT RCHASHRS fILOMAS A. HARPER, Cor. of Hanover end Pomfret Ste MEM BARGAINS! Mii W. C. SAWYER & Co's IXT C. SAWYER & OU., - tails y y• th,tatont.loa . .athe - publie,to - their ito=r suet.. Stock of-SA.I , •od vi ripod 1) K Y G I) y . , Cousin;trig of AIL, R. POPLINS, 101.1.1 LESS CLOTHS, • ALPACAS. kr, , kr OA 13 E S I CARP E Ts!! Snell AK NA% INGRAIN. VNNITIAN, ' I.INNN attil in great variety. 0 I L CLOTH 6, lIVG.i. e r, , 4r., which will be ...Id very I.oepp.. I,Ol'llS AND SS I NI EI:ES, li (1. 4 I :: ,1:u V Es, 110UHE Fl ItN ISHI N( GOoDS ot over' kind t.t Itt otolont roltitttr•.. will make are, wiovillett ollet y tine n,tnurttuoot. to Fottort t.n.e noueinber [big Itirga Stock will ba cold, and xi] Solt picas with a view t.r eloxing cot th. entire Stock All who wish °hoop DRESS GOODS. All who wish chimp CARPETS. All whO wish cheap HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD:, All who - DRY GOODS of any ,kin et ' W. SAWYER AOO'S., Ent Melo Street. bleb Be 1867 SPRING BARGAINS. NOW OPENtkO IN DOMESTIC GOODS DREIBB GOOD'S, CASSDIRREB, . BAI'IN ET3, JEANS, WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, EiMIXED RIBOONB, NOTiONS AO RING'S NEW STORE; No. BO WERT BIAIN BTREET. Opposite the Mansion House, nest to Past Office Carlisle ESTABLISHED 1851. J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. IV. CORNER 18TH AND FILBERT STREET. PITILADIMPLIIA, Pole Manufacturers of the Celebrated WROUGHT-LION, AIR -TIGHT, Gas-Consuming Heater WITII 411 INT DUST BOREDN, • . .ORLT&•DAR .RESTS, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR These Renters are mode of Ifeiivy Wrought Iron, well flitted together', damporn. the only sure pr m evantlon ailnat the *Mod an yof Olin oi - Dust. They are managed, without The Potent Ras dieter avoids the use and annoyance of drifms, and perinanimly ettaehed to the. Renter. -Thls le the most di reblin simple r eneenondcal andlioaular floating Apparatus ever offered for nide. They are all guaranteed. COOKING RANGES for Hotels - sod FAmllloo, •PORTABLE ORATE 13, ' ' • ' , hATßooz.lizArzna, LOW DOWN ORATES, /MATE MANTELS, REGISTERS And VENTIGATORS. • - - • • • • • • - ••• We are aim manufacturing •' • NEW FLAT•TUP HEATING RANGE, • *4- Peed for our tiluatratod April 23,09-Iy. • lUMBING, GAS AND STEAM OBORGE It • POOTIi respectfully Inform:lL:the citizens of Oarllsle and ylolqlty, that Its tiotallines to carry'on the above busldbis .In all Its merlons ' Manche/1, in -the basement of Itheem's' Hall, In Ohureh alloy. Where orders will be' 41.,anitfdlly' re- calved and promptly executed. ' , Orders /an et • the Flcruki :Mee prOirtjet attention. ', OHO. NOOTB, ... MISOELLANE'OU Dyspepsia; .Fever and. AgUe,'Aci dry of, the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach: Liver or Intestines:' ' Prepared by — SEWARD, BENTLEY & CHENEY Druggists, Bufado, •Sobil by all Druggists?: lei)r .Sale LJ (7-EO. B. ROFFMAN, • Oroeer, Pomfret Street. • ' •Resto:es gray.' and faded Hair to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff, • CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents &armlets, and. makes the halt grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. .$ l .OO and $1,61.p0r Botai.Eddi Batt. ins Nost Papir„lor. - Prepared by SEWAItD , BENTLEY ACH ENRYiEruggists, BntChlo, NrY. Sold by all Dragglhos. _ Far' Sale by ol,'o. B. HOFFMAN Grocer, l'anVi•el,Street. nimzE A Safe and Speady Cure for Cofigha,Colde, Asthma , ffronchitis, - l - foaiseness Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Cdnsumption, and • all Diseases- of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect a se,- , re Cough, or throW away . money on a worthless•medicinc PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE • • Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY .L CHENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Bold by all Dynaglatv, (hoot.. Pentfr,t Street 241111 i ‘Z ?JUNG G OODS.- A harrojupt roturnml from the elt7 wlth a vary htrgoirotl orploodirt mrorttuont T•onsonnole goods, which tvomro Honing off rophlly ait LOWER I'ItICI THAN Tug Lt)\% ES oor Ftor l / 4 nt I) HA!: S S t; S d enmp let a: the atYhoe are unaorpx ed. Nn h.o splendid CEMIE • DIMA IN Kg, A.I.PA2A:-. and 1.11,12,5 , now slyl Goods, U AMS, CALICOEF HOS I KRA'. C44,QYES, Rrl3l3'llXS TRIMMI TIC 1(1M-18, , • ' . . MUSLI NS .911 A ' WLS, FLA SN F,I, all grade. .11ANDICS CLOTHS, CASSIA' Eit ES, • C0M.11.10., 340 tl• litryeid stark of kiln wort: and 9'nit...v.4x in tho °kin l',T • , OIL CLOTHS, \tATTINti, r,1.115 , II I,IYUr , t: 11CI': (II IS or l'otton.'Llnen hogt too rt. It lir CA lIPETS aro I,t• Ilrr nltn.q. I.t 'atallin nt the great .1... Thin Muck tit iora I.!. largo. well oburc,d, nd will be nok .c. ro,lueral Orlen•. It to tint riee.•ary to till vtou.ic. eiciiiiiiirotiou of •tur • iiiceki ilia We I ovite nii to rara tor thern metre,. whl.h xo tll lot. natl.!) , thrall licit his In the piece lo -Ira for profit theocrat,. hootiS BENTZ & F`INE CLOTIE LNG TO ORDER AND READY MADE. ISA:AC LiviNGsTotc, No: 22, NORTH HANOVER ST 1 tor Ita the attention of my old cmdemere and the public at len e to my Large and itrllllunt dtmk or SUMMER. GOODS for flan, Youths' and Buys' wear. My Custom Department comprises the finest, and most select of Clothe and eselmers, while my ready made Clothing 1p carefully and moot tastefully gotten up. 1807 cannot and will uot be undersold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22, North llenarer at., Carlisle. N li. SI C ! gelling the Florence Sewing hleehluee. litany 119 BOWER'S COMPLETE MANIJ•RI: I= lIE.NRY BOWER, Chemist, =I 12211=1 ZEE ZOZ GEM WARRANTID FREE FROM ADOLTRUATION •Thfl manure contains all the elements to pro duce large crops (Atilt kinds, and Is highly recom mended by all who use, it, AiSO by distinguished chemists who Lave, by analysis, &wed Its qualities Packed in Bag of 200 los. each DIXON,STIARPLEAS & CO., AGENTS, , 119.13nuth Water 4‘ 40 South Delaware Avenue, PIIILADELkiIA I=l WILLIAM REYNOLDS, And by dealers generally th rouhout the country. For In formation, address Henry Bower, Phil'a: . 12feb TO THE WORKING CLASS.- I am now prepared to Ihrrilab all clones with constant employment at their homes, the whole of the time, or tor the spare momenta., BUnitlool. new; light and profitable. Fifty cents t. ' s per even'ing,. le sadly earned by persons of either sex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men.. Onset , inducements are offered those ,who will devote their; whole time to the bestows§ ; and that every her eon who leer this notice, and, may sonduto their address and MA the.buslnase for themeelreari-make the followlog unparalleled offer To all who ate not actidled with the bushiega, I will sand $1 to yap for the trouble of writing Mo. Full particulars, Pivot tione, de , Bent free. temple sent by mall for 10 ate Addrostellt- O. ALLEN, Aupsta,;3lo. Apl 2.3 w IMILERIOAN HOUSE, Nora .11Wliaiir Street, Carlisle; ' W. E. KARNS, PhOrIiIETOR.' HAVING ' .estriloliebed mytielf in jul this well•known eud popular ROT L; I most respectfully Follolt the patronagwor the Old coats mere of - the Ihmeo, and all others who what to ro• Calve 'good accommodetlone and attoptlog. SI-DON'T FORGET MIR OLD STAND. ais 24rit.7 W. B.!RARNfi. ...L L. T. R E • .; • LIVERY AND tiIALD STABLE. Between Hanover and 'Bedford Streets,. In. rear of the Hormel! lI use. l . CARLISLE P N N A., , • flevlniftltted up . the Stable with ; New berVlagea : qt I a* prepared-tw ftumbh trist•ele.W tyvn-odiji At renso?mblo,Wdef., entitiesigkels 20 , citt4 'prom The c rb Ecr,"(l.;,,DoBll'lB is ;no plaoo to go ;Er tile m WWI° ut edisr. .4 40,0' M i !a4 11 0, 41 . 1 41 . • SEWING MACHINES THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO'S NEW FAMILY MACHINE.—No other family dewing , Machine bait go'riipidly won favor in thithonliehold. The very large /12188 of that popular' faiidtine ha shown by official returns, far exceed thosti df any , other company, and this Diet or result has been owing to its roll merits—hence Ito great and grow ing popularity. It irsimple in construction. easily unde.slood, easily operated ' all its iamb gliding smoothly and noiselessly along—not liable •to get out of ardor, bee capacity for a great range and va riety of work. cowing all binds of cloth lad with all kinds of thread and with the numerous attach ments for hemming, cording, tucking, quilting., trimrning„binding, braiding, de., and embroider., leg of many Ingenious, tasteful and difficult do. Bigot, is the mostnerfoct of all family sewing ma' ,chines. Any one who will take the trouble to en' *mine the merits of the difforent machines claim-. Jog attention, can Boon discover whether we claim boo much fcr aura. It would avid' as nothing to ,make the above assertions if w• wore not ready to prove them, ono till we ask Is a trial, for obsertii: Mon alone can justly convey a clear linprefsion of he Many kinds of work of which our NOW PAttlll.7 ILIAOIIINB 18 capable. THE FOLDING OASES, Which open with spacious tables to sustain the work, an.lwhich fold iota tables or boson to .pro, tort the machines. when riot in use, from dust and meddlesome Angers are made from choice woods, embellished by pleasing designs, thus milting our new family machine not only an ornamental piece of furniture, but in some of the - more ale orately finished machines, a stases' of real art. „ . . . ~ Of our DOW family Maehinen, above referred to, are not only numeroop, but highly ilieful for the pm. pone for which they were intended. They need only a trial to ehow-their greet value.. Among the most recent of the Attachment's is the - EMBROIDERER.' Of the different attachments of our now family machine which" have savored the attenikin and approval of our customers that for embroidering, like the Hemmer is one of the few instruments which will 'most please and satiety the observer of Its reel value. It Is so simple in structure, that any ono who ran sew on our machine can use it. ammapeeliewattauteede. or etaened froth the maehlue in an Instant. Without a lengthy description, and even then, It' would be difficult to describe the great variety of work that this little instrument will do. The readeifmtuit-rat suppose -that what we speak of ie . - a mere chain stitch operation, which is sometime, humorously termed embioldery. ItAlesired, three colors of any kind of thread may he used at any one time, an_ the colon, or ' disc lie changed-at the will of the operator, by removing the spools In use and putting others in their stead; thus as many or as few colors may be used on the operator wishes, in the embroidering of any garment. A great variety of results ere produced by the man. nor In which the tensions ore regulated. Different termite may he produced while the trinchine is In motion - b; simply changing the tensions. _ Results vary according to the length at htitehes, colors and tensions of the threads. as well A. aloes of the needles used. The' Embroiderer will use env kind of th end. The nee 01 zephyr worste 1. for certain purposes gives very pleasing results. In order to get ejUst Ides of this rain /title attachment it will be necessary to see it hi nperoticfn. . NIANUFACTUItINO :11A0111NhS —We would ask attention to our npw ron.hole Machine, which Is the onll prditical Butlon-bole machine claiming public attention. Our manufacturing machines. for other purpose, are too well known to need comment. TWIST.—We here recently enlarged ur sl Lk24l aI t ea ent_N ow, a rt machi .with tho l and molt improved nery which in below operated by highly. skilled labor 'We know and feel the Importance of not only cup._ plying the users of our machines, bot the tied« generally With the host quality of Macniste '1 trio.. I which. we will sell, by _)trAsuiti miller than ,by WEIGHT. - The .tystem of selling by weight has given manufacturers the opportunity of no heavily allk in the-procene of dyeing as not only to greatly Injure its quality, but also cbovey wrong Imoresnion about Ito quantity. In this re , sped we mean to he above sunplcion. - The =tuner in which the niece . of bilk are graduated ~ f ic alto a matter of great import.. e, but Are use the gr•alest puilble rare that the graduating uhell be excnud- Lt, i i_ th u 2 addition nf r „1,0, t ie e, manufacturing e.,, o- o. l I thread and beauty of „finish of the manufaetured article-will not, 1,011 . 111,k, he soon surpassed. Oath spool elttilk,u, tnutacture r d by ue, of-any particular rise or letter, irrespective of- wet ht contains the number - of yards printed thereon, Length, strength, else, quallry uyd ,flukh of the thread are to be looked to. rather than .weight. _We prq- now silk mitnufectitrers on a large scale, and fuel that a large trade one only m retained by utile funiliih= lag a humidor cruel., - at - a fair - price, 'lt other brands of Twist be offered _it lose price than mar, pa rell tlaaraalay. rear assured that it,. Is .utkrior in quality, deficient iu quantity, or both. IBM UM ff/M = We hare and shall keep In stock at oar Central Office, - and carious agencies, Twist of all sines, rnd of ..he lintrit,US colors sad shades-o 1 color In Min. and which will he sold at New York pricer. THE SINGER ~LANUPACTURINt; No. 458 Broadway N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 1106, CHESTNUT sT L B. WoODWARD, AGENT AT Office No. 4, N. 3d St., Opposite City Bank. =I 4 c,k.ttß/( 4 , Se °BANKERS, .N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHILADELPHIA. qENERAL R AgENT3, FO • 4. 0 .. PENNSYLVANIA A, ~..4 114r4 RNN N ETI T g ' sl' 7, , fjc ..) OF THE ..,.I. s\ a d it tNSON N I, Of ME - . " Ctee _UNITED. STATES bEAMERICk ime Mninonh--a~ The NATIONAL LIP% IN9IIRANOII CONTANT 10 roved July chartered b sr ay rot al Ac t of Congress, RP roved July 25,1569, with a CASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms' offered to Agents 'and Bolloattore,,Whe Lte Invited to apply at our once. Fall particulars to boh ad on application at °crake 000100 In the second story of our Banking Holll.e. chore Circulars and Pamphlets, fully drseribleg the Ovsn , sges otrYteti by tr.,. Company, may be had. 16`„ .I', , 11, itK B. S. Russel, Manager. Cashier let National Bank, Agent for Oarlisle, Pa. 1115. HOOP SKIRTS 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD Iran Removed Mx n idanufactoyf and Salesrooms to No. 1115 OLIESTNIIT STREET; PHILADELPHIA Where his •lOwn Make" of Champion Hoop Skirts• adaptod to First Class Vhoterato and Re. tail Trade, will ho found to ombrrice the moat oaten sive,assortment in the Union, and all the latest and most desirable Styles, Shopos Lengths and Rises, 2.. 2%, 2%, 2y, yards round, of Patin and Gored Pam ' lore. Walking Skirts, Itoception. Trolls, do., to., to• gothor with over ninety different rarlothe of Minos and Children's Bidets, all of which for symmetry of style, finish, lightness, elasticity, durability and real Cheapness, aro unequaled by any other goods in the • Market, and aro warranted in every respect Shirts made to order Altered, and Hopaired,..Wholcsaleand• Full lines of Lod Piked Eastern Made Skirls, 16 Sprlmpl,l6 Centel ; Alflprlriga,..46.Conta ; 25: Springs 56 - oiints ; SU Springs, to Ovnto ; and 40 Springs, 76 Conte: CORSETS I CORSETS!! CORSETS! fiTdlfferont •atylee•and prices, from 76 Conte to $7.00, embracing IL 'Woolle "Dockel," “Glove Fitting." Madam Foy 'a Corset Skirt Supporteni,•Mrs.' Moody'. Patent Adjusting Abdominal" Corets; Fronelt, - Euullah and Dolomitic Hund.loada•Corette, and superior French Patterns of Cotell Corsets!, "Our Own Make," to which We invito especial attention. Complete assortment °limner' Under I armonts, at very low prices. i i• GENERAL AGENT for the DARTRAIK k FANTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, superior: to any other heibra the public. Fifty4wohrtheae No I Mat chlnos, Price $55 - each, aro being lilted stray to our' customers •In order ;o get them-introduced. Everi, person in want 'or kirticlesin .our line, should exam too onr goodetelbre - porchseing elsewhere Call or send for circulars, at our iMonufactory :and Salim rooms, No 1115 Choatuut Si. Phladelphia - • 2tilaroo43m. • Wild. T: 'HOPKINS. OROANS-' AND . ME . I 4 ODEONS:, - The undirelgned 'baring been' appointed fluent for the tele of the celebrated .PNLOUBST. - CABINET „ORGANS AND lIEWDEONB,,Ine4ett., Itontion to the Instrttment now. on exhibition at his room, No. 40, Eaet Dice Jason 'College. • There Oman,. and kletodeons mare awardekthe jlirseprize, a GOLD hIEDALi at tbe Amirait'ineti.; tutu gstir.ln. It 66. *Der, Dv, woelea . tapaippd mince takon'thejtist piss whereeer re.. 0.1 have been put l ln 'competition. • Iputitag bed conelderale experience , hathasale of 'lltdidcal!lnstrnmente,l epn recommend these aith contldpeen, and guarantee entire sallefeetlon. - - • ''''Please call ant nee the „Ipermulmt r andget 0101.; nitrate • circUlar. • " .11161 N cDrnyg•rioNtf gleei it'eueferiai charge: .... .13E0R000: - YOUNN, 06.1 m • Doom 40 gait College.' • ,Tob Priatin, 4izeout6o.:.- 4t, this °matt, ' , 11.1SOELEANEOVS. it itt,.•_:o f.5,:0:41i, 'TUE ATTACIIIippITS, HAIRRTSBURG HEPBURN. 2laug es•ly Wit. T. HOPKINS 11'A1L '/ZOADS:. Cl■~ v ~LtMBI •; RLAI VAtL Y'IUIL. EOAni: 6 . 84NG3? !. OF,HO,IIICSI Onlind after Monday, September 14th, Deg, Puna. gar Trains Wlll - runro4Mly as follows, (8 atidays excisp ** W E 8 ; T VP - A, • coomuooknon :ham:leaves lierriablire 8,00 A., hip M p e e c n h sbu c g u o g l9 o a C n ar b i e b rs le b u 9 r , g l 0 10 N ,4 e 6 w reen 945 w. tiell,l4, an wing at Hagerstown 11,42 A. M. .Miltrilunr-loaves Harrisburg.l,Bo P.M.,Meohatb icsburg 2,02, Carlisle' 2,3.4 No vilist '9lO, Bbittins. burg 8,40, Ohambersburg 4,20 Oreepeastlo, 466, lardy. lug at Hagerstown 6,25 P. M. ' • Earnsee, Harrisburg 4,16 P" M Mechanicsburg 4,47,,0ar1i5ie 6,17, Newville 6,60, Bhippenebtarg 6,17, arriving et Ohihnbeireburg at 6,46 P: M. A Bluant.Tasix leaves. Gbambersburg • 0,06411 - 01. i Greencastle 9,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 A.EI - E 'A STWA ft ACCOUUODATIoN TEAM 168,81 ralilbellibUrf 4,46 A M.. Bhippenaburiv 5,14; New, Ila 6.46, Carl ala Br 18, Mechanicsburg 6,47, arriving at ILarrlainirs 7,16: :A. Mart, TRAIN leaven Magerstovin 8,00 " A ' . M., 'Green castle 8,35, Obambersburg 9,10, Bhigtoensbnrg 9,40, Newville 10,14, Oarnsle 10.50ibleebardenburg 11,24, striving at Harrisburg 11,65 A. M. „Pavanes TRAIN, !canna Hagerstoirn .11,55 A. M. Greeneintle 12,28, Clutunberaburg 1,00; Bblppennburg 1,32, Newvillo 2,05, Carlisle 2.46, Bleehanicabuni 3,12, 'arrivlottat Harrisburg 8,44 P.. H. • A s.llxsu TRAIN leaved Hagendowit 8,06, P. M. Greeneville 4,12, arriving at Ilhemborsburg . 6,05 . . , tat -:+t alibi); clone obonectimen at Harrisburg*lib traluntosind from Phlladelpblai New Yocki mote j Wanhingtou Mid Pittsburg. , • •.•• •, • • • • BUPEUDITZXDINT'S OPFICZ, ' 'O. N. LULL. ahamberaburg. Pa., May 8, 1868. •' 16miv-08. READING RAIL -ROAD SITIMBER ABRANcipIE!TT. , MONDAY. APRIL 27, 1869. GREAT TRIUNE' LINE'PROM THE North. and. North• West for Philadelphia, New York; Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashhind; Shaniokin; Leb a non. Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litia, Lancaster, Col. umbia,, Ac., Ac. - .Traine leave Harrisburg fbr New Yoik sio follows: At 2.35, 5.29, 8.10. A.)51.,22.26, noon, 2.00 and 10.55 P. M.,. connecting with Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and - arrivingAt New York 'at 9.46, A.' M., 11.45 Noon, 3.50, 0.45 , 0.20 P. M.,. and 090, A. M., respectfully. Bleeping Oars meow paning, 6.20 245; A. M., and 10.55, P. M.; trains without change. Leave flarriebtirg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama. qua, Mittersville. Ashland Shamokin,Pine Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A . M., and 2.00, end 4.10, P. M., stopping at Lebanon and Principal. Way Stationer; the 410, P. M. train .making' Hone for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For' . Pettey ille, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn via ilchi23.l.' . klll,and Susquehanna Railroad, leave 'Harrisburg. 330 P. M. Returning: Leave New ,York at 0.00, A. M., - 12.00, • Noon and 5.05 and LOP P.M.; Phil:ads phia at 815 A: M. and 3.30 I'. M.; Sleeping exit accompaning the 9.00. A. M.-and 5.05, and 8.00 P. M, trains from New York..withnnt change. Way Passenger Train, leaves Philadelphia 7.30, A. M. connecting with similar train op East_ Penn. sylvania Railroad, returning . frOm Reading 010.30 Po M. stopping at ail Stations :leave Pottsville at 7 30, ani, 8.45 A. 51 4 _,W.,10,5. ~„41Edantokier.satsses 1.05 - Arr — Nehlaild 7.00 A. M 12.30 noon, Tam aqua at 8.30. A. 51. 2.20 P. M., for Philadelphia and Now York. • • Leave 'Returnle vireSohuylkill and Svaquellanua Rail Road a( 7.00 A. XI. for Harriabuyg, el:1411,10A._ 51;_fer. G IF* 0 and Tremont. Rea4ug Accomluodatirn Crain: Ltr earee Readin, at 7.80, A. M.. returning 'Nivea Philadelphie at 6.15 • Poitatown Accommodation Train: Leaven Potts town at 0.26. A. M. returning learna Philadelphia at 4.20, P. M. Columbia Rail flood Trains leave Reading 7.00, A: M. and 0.15, NI. for Ephrata, Litct., Lenraster, Columbia. An. ' Perk!omen Rail Road Trains leave PerManton Junc tion at 0.00-A. 61. and 6.00 P. Si. iteturoing Leave okippack lit 8.15 A. 51., and 1.00 P. N., connecting with similar trains uo Reading Rail Road. On Sundays: Leave - New- York at 8.00, P. M. Philadelphia 8.00, A. N., and 0.16, P.'31., the 8.00. A. Si. Train running only to Rending; Pottsville 8.00., A. N.. Ilarrisburg . 5.20 A. N. 4.10 and 10.65, P .11., and Iteadingat 12.55, midnight 2.64 and 7.16 A.N. for Hat rleburgrat, 12.65 and 1 05, A. 61. for New York and at 04 , 9, A. 61. and 4.25 P. N. for Phllnd• olphia. Commutation', Mileage, Season, School and Excur ion Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates liagage chocked am:Wen 100 pounds allowed each 'assenger. G. A . N I rmiyta Wheeler&Wilsori's HxdallusT PRFMIVMSt SEWING MACHINES-! At the great Expoeition,yiarie, 1867 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 ' Competitors. THE -P EOP L E'S VERDICT THE BALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACHINE AM! 100,000 DEBATER THAN ANT OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily ure Th,oughout the world, were welt Taos Mum . gain. favor, aid atlPAßlOltirt wins the race- The Wheeler a. Wilma stands triumphantly the Champion and Leader overall others by the veract of the potpie. We claim no merits that we cannot sustain by living and reliably witnesses. We etand alien our own arm. WoßTll,itlthout declaiming against other companies. We claim to have improviments for sewing that we know cannot be excelled, and In many points that no other company dare compete with. No other company can show-no many ma chines that have been In daily use for the length of time as we can: For the proof of thls,look at the numbers that are on each machine. The Wheel er and W Henn Bowing Machine la the Rich Man's Beat Friend, and the Poor Woman's Trust and Com .forterer, for no other compttly can sell on no liberal ehd easy terms as we. The poor woman can get herself a Ma l chine, and afterwards pay for it. No Alachine is paidfor until . parties are fully satin• , fled. Constant use only increases the worth of our - • . niCa.C. II 3E - lIIVMSI Several ladies In Carlisle *te have used our ma chines fromaix to twelve y ears, say "They consider them batter In every point than, and there Is not a garment worn in the family, from light as Owles to heavy as Beaver cloth. that they have not made." One lady says ' 4 l have sewed for three years and never 'broke a needle" We can furnish manes and residences of respouelble parties who can sustain all we claim.; The unsigned area few of ,m any who have the ;Wheeler and Wilson Sawing Machines, in Carlisle, Ind length of, time that , have been in constant nee. Mrs. J. B. Havostiek, . " J. .Rheeto • a. Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr. Wing, " R. C. Woodward, " • Bev. Sterrett, " Peebles, . Miss Caroline Ege, 1115 " C. Herman, (Monroe twp 9 " Sterreit,.(Diekinson'twp. 3 - Initructions given flee ef eloara. and Machines ebeerfally shown to all .wbo call at Mn. Willtains' Millinery Store, No. 20 North !Ignorer Ptreet, Car lisle, Pa. Prise. and styles to suit any customer. M 11.011185 delivered to all points in Cumberland dud adjoining counties free of extraeharge. , • , PETERSON Sz CARPENTER; bob. agts 121 MARKET STREET lIAREISBURG. J. M. & L. H. FUL3Itil,, the only' antlicirizell Agents , in -Cnilisle, 1051ar 094,y . 1809. . NEW. GOODS 1880. I am now opening the eheapeat' Meer/merit Of SPRING , AND SUMMER , 000Dh hi ought toil:4oWe • Oboe the,war. Owing to the great decline in .priees Miring the 'NM few 'Tooke, lam now enabled to of r greet Inducements to ash buyers as the entire, stook •lian been purebeeed at the, present dow;prieee ; All tlf,tiOat Calicoes at 12hO Good DoLalnes at 1.5, 18, 20 Sc . 25. • Mullins at 7, 10 , 12 -& 2. D1tE5900D8~.. , .; . .All the NEW STYLit bßißli! CIODS great Carley and very etteap, • • GING1:14.1118, T.IdkING,S, OINKS &Q.* VHRY• LOW. . . . • Cloths,' , Cassimeresc • ..'.• Tweeds, Oetttnedos, Sc. of e4ety description en commonly 'low, Table Lineal, Napkins, Towels, Piques, Blarsaillei,Bed'Spreado, Naissocks,klwiesu, Cambrics,l'oralsr,'Marsallopilits, Sc., at the' very' 11(itSIERY & LpV.lsBin . .••., .• ORNINC - GOODS Wool ralsinei, Nemarispe, Yettei.Eatilleh. 6tttoe,, TiPbSse,glieri,S?s/ a fan, aeaortmjTt r ot ; ter • l e ak. e'er 'geode not purchased /h e ilea turfy days will t» closed out regardless - An t oo k . out ..eer banahte• he the Oheepileth Ma:94t, a!tattit •PPPtlila'tbal illtliellll' 0411 OiaMit E.NT italliCTlVAs,lt. • •:,,,.;:; - :**o's HAIR.*:I-6.(;i:,-' FOr restoiing :Gray Hair, to, jja`roktural • Vitalit though not - always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the , hair where the 'follieles are deitroyed, or-the glands atrophied and 'decayed. - BM, suck as re 7: main can be savei for usefulness by this appltention. Instead of fouling the , hair, with a'plfsiyeedinient,itvvill keep it clean' 'and' vidoroue. Its occasional, use Will prevent the ; hair . from turning, gray or falling,`. ' and from prevent baldness.. Free from those deleteribee substances which make some preparailoisi 'dangerous and injurious to the, hair. the Vigor, can only benefit but not harm .it. If Via44o.i. Merely for a HAIR DRESSING, , nothing else can be found so desirable. .COntaining neither oil or 'dye, it does not soil . whito cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer, & Co., Pmerro.t.i. AND ANALYTICAL CARMX T/, • LOVTELL MASS [PRIOR 01.00. 36;et 88-It. - : A y,er's S FOIL 'PURIFYING THE BLOOD disorders, Which Wank ag... gnmateu oy the scrotulous contamination until they *ere painfully. afflicting, have been radically cured to such great numbers in almost every sec tlon ef_tho_country, that:the pitbl c scarcely need _ tai be incormcd - of its virtues or &Walton poison is ono of the .most destructive enemies of our race. Often ' thin unseen and' us ell tenant - of the organtsm - :'underminee the contratto - Lion, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases,,lthout exciting a ausPlelatt at its pres ence.. Again, it Boom to brood in tection through out the body, and-then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of he hideous forms, either on the surface or tinlniig the' vitals. . . In the Is tor, tuberolesvay be suddenly deposited -in .he lungs or -heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or it shows ite presetsso by eruptions on the ,_skin or foul ulcerations on some part of the be y. "Hmnde, the occasional UBO of n bottle of this Sarsaparilla is advisable, oven when no. Relive symptomk of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the Ibilowitcr complainte generally find Immediate - relief, and. at length, cure, by the use of this .SARsArAteiLLA : St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or ErysipeLis, letter.• Salt Rheum, '...111,1 Head. fling- worm. Sore Ryes, Sore Ears, nod other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous dlocoor. Also Ifi the more roncmled forms, as Dyspepsia. Heart Disease,.Xpilepsy, ;Ceara/Mu, and the whom Ulcerous affections 01 the Inn molar hod nervous systems. -• Minute DirActionicitiretch nate are fOund• to our _ Almanac. supplied gratis. Rheumatism nod Gout, when caused by accumulations of ex. raucous mat lerii Al the blood, yield quickly to it; as also Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion''- /q/lanut. lion of Oho Liver mid Jaundice, When origin, as 'boy otten - do, , frtairthe - rankling poison in the - blood. SARSAPARILLA is n great restorer for the strength sod ;rigor of toe system . Thom who „ me Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled with...Yens/us Apprehensions of Fears, or. any the affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find Immediate tenet anal-convincing ell donee of its re:dm...Ake power upon trial. 4Pq P EPARE D IJY Dr• J. C. A yer &. CO., LosVel Mass Provilrn7 and Analytical Chemists RE ;WM) DRITOGISTS Yvnitywrizni 300 ct 081 k DR. CAMPBELL, THE WONDERFUL 'PAIN 'KILLING NEON. By the use of the Magic Pala Destroyer and Liver Pills, you can save health, money, nod pro. long life. There is not a pain or ache, uerrous or inflammatory, hut what the Great Magic PAM De strayer will relieve,' and in most instAlices en, titly cure. Try it before any other remedy, for it is almost certain in every case to b • Joel thin-, thing, and the' only thing needed. References are given of wonderful cures performed by this great MagleMediclne: - - - East HanoVer ' 1883., Dr. Campbell—Sir—•l had a cold settled on-my breast for ten Years • Iwas not able at times to speak a loud word ,• was told to get Dr. Camp. bells medicine and try it. and it cured me In 1 days. • OIptIBTIAN SOMAN. Jonestown, May 80, 1868.—Dr. Campbell,. Begs Sir v I cheerfully _recommend your medicine as, Certain cure for sick headache. JACOB G. HBILMA.N. Decry township, 1867.—Cured of backache of 40 years standing, by using Dr.'llardpbell's Pain Be strayer and Pills, for 6 weeks. . • Jourr Zuvit, ago past 72 years. Newmanstown„Lebanon county, 1807.—/ way afflicted with rheumatism, using crutches for 2e years. I was told to,get Dr. Campbell's Pain De, etroyer and Pills, and try them; they cured me in 2 months.. Flt/CDBIZIOIC Bunn, aged 09 years. Union Deposit, „Dauphin county, 1667.—Dr Campbell Dear Sir—l hive suffered for the lasi 23 years from Dyspepsia and caanstipation ; I trie4 your medicine as directed; they cured me in weeks. GEORG'S SPANOLICII, aged 64 years. Chambersbum, (Maar 29, 1668.—1 was cured of Piles of 17 years standing by using Dr.,Campbell'e Magic Pain Destroyer and.P . llle for one month. DAVID If °en R. North 1411(1db:don Township', Cumberlatireo., 186.2.- Oampbell—l cheerfully recommend your magic medicine as a useful medicine inS; family, for children ; my youngest dhii4 ' was taken with too croup in the night ;I did not ex. peat her to live ten minutes ; I had a bottle ; In -wife gave according to directions ; it in 11 minutes. SAMUEL Rrisspr.. Jacksburs; Perry county, August 10, 1180 01 .—Dir, Oampbell, Dear Sir: I bought 4 bottles, and $ boxes of your Pills for my boy who had the rite* math= for one year, then turned scrofulous; he was drawn crooked and could not walk;tried all the medicines I knew and they all failed; but ,youp_mcdialne cured him in 2 weeks. • GEORGE SWARTZ. Wonderful Discovery of Worm • ozenges: 14 years 12 " Lebanon, 1806.—1 have repeatedly used Dr. Campbell's Worm Lozenges!, for my. . youngest boy, who was Very sickly for a long time I gave him one drum in morning and one lat he Afton. noon • there were 25 large worms parsed and not lees ?hen 100 or 800 email seed worms. Yours truly, . PLUMP Lure. Two Mile/Eaet of Carlisle, 1808,-Dr. Campbell —Your NI gio Pain Destroyer and Liver Pills should bo made known4my eUe waste bed with Was for a years; her headi , tikk, arms,ings, hands and ,flegers were drawn crooked with rheuma tism ; I do believe that I spent one sanddol tars tars for, her, and received no „benellt ; hearing about ycittentedloinei, 1 bought 12 bottles and :boxes; after Mang, B.b tiles, with the pulls; she could .tvalk with 'trachea; after she had used 4 morn, she threw her crutabte away.. This . lady's Weight 1,225 poundi t and aged over 50 years. 4 •' - • •. Jaws iAn a. This inedicin• can ballad from Dr: Campbell, at . • Carpals market, on Wednesday and gituryay, or . at his Sidra. Third .Street, between Chestnut ~aad Mulberry, Harrisburg.: 22Jan 00,1 m ~ . L. 12 " 11 " 1C " 8 " 9 g, 5 id ,DAVID BTROHN, W gibiSLER : • NEW, and POPllilia • s a'o R TircirT* AND ; 131spze, N 0.1.13: t3OOili-Nanoviir" Eitree4 Crailia)Le • . ..,. , • , . . * tow tqbri liont,h of Imhoff', a corner. .• • •, • : = WE avolOst opened the largest and best. stick __ r of Or and EINOEB ever offered in clerpsla ; aid ~. 6od n n'illintit'dAtl to receive' anih - goods in oar line sok everybody wa nts. ts. ,:. - , .:.. ~. e ~.. , ~.,, . . . Our i ttl eenalstv.lwall Made and vatiatlai.of. •' *. Woma 's lases and Chita's strong 4.ather . ettooo, 'Women's, Wee and Child's Lasting 'Genera. Womes:Olots , lll4 Turkey and•Prench , Morteee.. • . .Men's nd Does Ordr, DWI and Rip Boots.: • ..1 -_ .. • M • .• . en:a, ndk ßoy's ad lasting ()alters and : online. - .• Mena end Boy'e golf and , DnffrOblbrd Tleb, awe •t. • genqals, Buskin/ .and Overshoes., - .1 .., , . .; !;.,.. , r Men's nd,,WOrgen's Omit Welt and Oarpe,t allisOl. ,• Kees goy's And Child's PM` and Saibioy pits. • . '''':: : Trn.ll otalt..*lsea And prices '''-'.. '...., , , , ~,, . •.,.: Trier , IPS.EXIA6e, Elptobols end Yallore,tegetho lath, _ ... '. i ..vd..,. lot offlOODB which we lon golttg ina1t,411,.. ~ * ; Mmes./ . ..... ' moT r ODION SAWS' AND' mom , PROPITWID• OVA ~,',.•'•' • io. - , Tbetelleyqn issuing ogr card 'lb to Detanded ai a , .. penor inIII4IIO II , 411 $ 11 1111.: , ..1100Cio ~ .411 gat *: .• • look i routh QUO 'took without feeling "oder 011- ; gotta to hely Masao luttedin ilnillty, and price. .„ We. Shall eroaya tit, VIPs; enreMens In ,a, , .. . __. ;:etrilghlforaritrainabber, in givoivory snisteies 7411.1 nIV•MiII Itiiiihrst : y:•' : lV4 'hal) Jane O -. '. -• loon EllielfsavitYlielr 'lst unbeiladti Witiqr: '.'.• ' ,boa. 1.14% ~ 1 , . ....., . r.-^.^...6..;... a.k'h''"i'4::&2 ,''," ~, , , : t • ~ . .. TIT,. '... . T.., ..g - "tett. . . • . . dresiing Isibieh" it &fee agreesble;lient , thy,---nnd_.effectual 'for foreserving ; —thes—beir- Faded or gray hair 'is soon restored to its,oitisii,. nal color with the :gloss and freshness of youth; Thin hair is thickened, falling , checked, and baldness- , often", Tho reputation* thls y. f elan rat u l e mi9e' nlergteeals 4Thtg.wil trap maefoue. reter!te :as . ;e o n , w oL e ß re erogi t tou s a lat et seamed saturated • with .corruption, have _boon • •ppurified and cured by It. Xrratalron.. JOHN W. fiRPHM