11 lirati • • ' UM BERLAgIi VAtttri.--1. 1118 tihl and historie - vallo;y, one of,the,fairest asli 'most fertile in thaState, presents more tlitin its usual attractions this season. The • mat and comf(irtable 'farm) houses Which (tip cr died' upoil Ita - au'rfdee .and partly cencealed Ximil-shtide abd trait trees of Itlxuriouii growth, present suo-an sir, Of_ - beauty, health ancrrepose that thh`traveler, • at - he - hurries by in the heated railreao,par. ' or lumberhig • conveyance, almost ( Oily:lee their' inhabitants., the cool delightesiltli -Whic-i-theyiseem_tcLboeurr. tincled. lCum berland is onenf the garden , spots - ,4 Commonwealo: Its lands, are of sup,erion qbality, and its agricultural importance second to none in .the State.—' Therejel no town more.pleusantly situated. roorelliand - ;. sonwlylaid out, or, can beast of neater end, more desirable buildings than its. Atimnty, seat—Carlisle; and . lileehanibsburg 'arid' several others of its towns, are improving quite rapidly in'everytbing which is cal -, eulated to marlc:out their future, greatness and importance. To appreciate the beauty of Cumberland county it le•ndeessai•y to travel -thfourili Win() become-acquainted with its people, who may now bri justly ranked among' the most, enterprising and intelltgent in the country.—York Trtie Dcwocrai. ' We hbpii . that the time is not far distrinT when, ih 'inidition'te the allusion contained' • . , in the aboveblipping, .1,153 to the advantages of'our teWii - es a place to dwell; it mdy be said that as a' business locution it can not be excilla The opening of 'the 'South . Mountain it, R. should mark an era in our history, and induce the building of iron infinufaemries, which can here; as well as' along the bank , of tip+ Susqueban a nab, find superior advantages. We have an instacce of what can be done with a little effort, in the prosperous condition of the Carlisle 'Boot & Shoe Manufactory. Its work' is superior, and teat gaining a, good name throughput. the State,„to such , an extent as we learn, that the cdpacity of the establishment will e'er long have to • be enlarged, to meet the, increasing de- - r is,nciand upon -• . _ Capitalists.of ourltown you-build up its manufacturing interests ARRIVAL OF A I)ISTINGUISHEI) OPTICIAN. —Dr. Bernhardt, f - h - o'cililbiated optician,, has arrived in this place, and may be . 'consUlted professionally at 'the . Bentz House. Dr. B. has a • yvorld , :widti, reputation as the very head of his profes sion, and comes hero °numbedt'y ernor Curtin, of Pa., and other distinguish ed gentlemen at the Capitol of the State, all of whom haie availed themselves of his professional skill with great.'and (led sled benefit to themselves. As Dr. Bern hardt's professional engagements will not admit of a long stay among us, we would urge thole of our readers who May suffer frum defective or impaired sight. to call upon him at °nue and avail thomselves,ol his professional services. He can and does secure the Most , perfect ease to all whose eye-sight is' ut all impaired. See advertisement in another column. SOMETHING NEEDED IN EVERY liousE.—Every man's house, accordigg to good old English law, is_" his castle ;" but during summer time, in our country„if the castle be not guarded against the flies, and mOsquitoos, this wonted Impunity wilt avail but little against th 0,50 enemies which enter when - sheriff and Writ cannot. The screens, manufactu'red by the Adjustablo - Windod Screen COmpany, 6iB 11arkei street, Philadelphia, aro offered , as a sure remedy against the above annoying pests. This., ~company have brought out an article which, for artistic appearance and practi cal ode, is unexcelled. Their Patent Screen 'combined in.tvo frames, muds to slide by each other, and kept in position_ by iron. canbe readily adjusted to anti win dow. The screen, moreover, is in itself a handsome ,and ornamental piece - of furni ture-to any room. . Wo,knov. , from . observittion — iind practi cal tests that these:screens are all that-is ebomed for them by' thejiroirietors. 'these goods aro solff'j),y, all dealers iu •furniture house-fuiniabing • throughout the catintry.:‘-,/forhsk'irdYa/P- Tae - ladies tilt their: hate torward radically just now.. If gentlemen Wore to assume that angle they would be• accused of_having taken something stronger than water. I==l • THE WESTER , ' Cnors.—A private lette'r from our old friend and subscriber, HARII:IC Dr.LEtt. Who moved from West Pennsberough township to Illinois.; says the prospect for the grain barve.t is fair. They have had a very wet Spring which has delayed the corn planting cutisiderabl y The indications aro that thefrnit crop will be alnih4t. a total failure. 'rho large 3-storied Mill at Rantoul, was burned. to. the ground en the 10th inst. Loss $20,000. I=El -Choice Family Groceries,' Finest quality of Teas. Morten brands of Fami ly Flout'." Rnetteqieat and Corn Mea and tvllne assortment of Queenswarn and - -Gla,awfire at , ' J. M, ItABONIIEIMERB South-Weet Corner Pitt _anODirnfre - -~1p1:2~-3m:- TiiII:BEST.-,-Tonics have of lute Yeitiligained rapidly in public estimation and are l i far more generally employed by flrst-class physicians than t hey onto were. The reams for 'tbitila that it la a 'generally eatabbehott fact that wholesome tonics peed •in moderation daily • for years do no 'lmo their, virtue, neither, do they, Injury the sys tem. They act in fact like air and exorcise, and not as !Mbdielnes," which me,' utandod aolely for atJack tif lilted.' The pirrEtt musicirms, especially those of 'vegidable orighl, all panacea the common properly of stlointatlng the cppetlts, strengthening the netrous system, , and of imparting at:rough. Women , ioxierallyderlve benefit from' them oven more thali_tneu, their notate being Moro liable to debility.and exhaustion. We bare again and agaii • la our .einurlence . mien tbri good: . °Resta of tonics • where 'the 'oyee had gn wa dim and the check, pal... and thii entire frame showed, ovary indication tf exhaustion,•norrous sulfuring and dability. • Thu btat, _getabliaile;4 bit tOraefoio the Atrierietin public.,are• boyond guistion those of Dr. Btoever and this le equivalent to declaring tbat they an . • Web et, aliiee (twang the aroma of tea)tiiiimillent bittlre'Posi currant, a poor article , baa no chance e, euccesti Whatever., Tnesmost .Jinimitit porno S. tell at Once by lte Oieute, ;Y9Fri a single doeo • bittern , are good or had. Those of - Strever have' been sold lbrrv , thirty ;years, are corn , Feud of illatifen bf tho'tiefest'ioots kierhi of a noon tonic virtue, so skillfully,solectet and • compounded with regard to _their Mutual effacta; ..that Itlosy ha doubted whether any Mora 'perfect yurmot this medicine can bo ' ' Thousand,' of personortre i tiapopad to nr, &Meted tevdr and bllllOus nine or Other rdaultr 7 — of nut terlrY., .Lot ati,em rentembl)iAllet there bitters' ' are adudrahle'td 4,tich 4.0 n, fts mi. diarrhoea and tholore nuirbue, c,'l any. 'nfainery' ‘ derangement too etemoch. Trj , ttieln and 'ha' tuit,thiri , therilly eltould be in the, 'stores of eyery and the trunk of every ihni)eliVl ' ' - It id a faxerahla„f94 tiro fa thp advertiatimard of, tint peel) rioted Of bf. - Bfferortfe-Tonle perVe Itterr; et • no daunt nreniade that they gill ogre orery,til, that, drab le li;ilOte.' ThOrrindteet intellieCni Willyba" Imposed Upon !hen told thht tbli or that rola, di will minima °tidy farm "Of dleease to etirryeteg6i itildyrt we can ',l o.litOdi . ri.4 l .o 4 ' 'encountering 'an adiekrn feeent that' tbia theintedidlnb la - a nostrum Adel le ' 'a perfect a pothecaretl'itinin'a - rOolo _ren k terin4 nitetherf•inrentieeleas.;lNCtinold' tainted for Pr. ne° vet's Bitten, Id al tolo thaf:"thp • will act hit it-tjaadlind ? ,,tdidankOliaaPie i?; much goo 14a: Pt OriArlitl 4 iti r ek.b jAer prtnclplo, filar Thai will net cure Incurable /hemline but they will often preirdFcn l aertiptililide rif,dittirdefa . comindlnonOelle. ' The priiihrelieed,W4d;!irtitiOilini Paned Indlielrfavor hrerrattrhe and hilnlieti-atid al thea° tiat;'. • From 4.60,-.434110r41001uma.0r )VoineyN pliht l 7 " prijcirl 1;0 'l3l4l°P',l4' • , . ARTllitt .Co.-4entlemop t . In - reply qoraviii. 0 . 1? the 22i 0.43; etmver'aiTobly liiibMit!era siclortalvely itt tee • darb*,iey,?rarivir, , , 4 . 40 baitate tb ' Say iiiidrkitektinkiltolOdni Ismankitair*. ccary. caeca of Dyspepela,lpAlewitioik.Trnitai N. , E Form vOue . ergy, as - well as Form and Ague, lifririlwea - " . •Ileadsehe and other dlseasoci proceedlag,froni,a (Vs?, ordered stomachs and'eepeolally cal ostimablo value in' general debility of .iheeyeteni , when other twilit). wiediclties hare failed to iprOdace, ' deilred effect. ". •• • , • •' , • ,•.": • Though reluctant ,to appear as recomtnendlogany , 'particular advorthod medicine, n swage of , a4cy,to the public had the hiedlcsl faculty ,4111'not allow hoe to icithtiolpi t f istimeny 4f.0 - theliferltwof the ,Blttere'lw • Yeurni resPaelfolly; ' , 'T. D. 1417,ittat, At. D• — .77.4XIIIrDITIV4t; • 34iinfacturere alcd Sole Proi;dolOrt:; . _. NORTII STRESIL'IIIIILARELPIIIA „ lone 2m 111Ah'IliED WOLFE-41MM VG.—Ala the 10th' Hier., by Rely!, H:0 Pardoe. Mr..Tboinne .L.Wolf , and Alpe AUDIO C. Fleming, both of M. Holly Speloge. : . 1113LLE0--SiERRErp.-On the 17th. bj Bev,. 0 ,P Wing, J. Potter .M.ut 11 , Of Mt. Holly to bleithe J ,Bterrett,ot. olektneort toetnehtp. , „ . 11ttliT- 7 .ItINGWALT.—Ob the; 224 Inst . :, by Edgar 43bryack,:Esq,, Nog' to Allis Kato Ittog watt:” • ,- - DIED 'Ma t:MAN.-0e 1% can ads) , afternoon. the inet , at his residence in West Pennsboro' township. , J. Smith Mc!Corbin, in the 40th.year of his-ego. -- Mr, NI cKeohan was universally respected by his beigbbors ce a goad citizen ant) Lind friend. . - 13PONSLEM.-011 Frldny the .11at .10. t., Agors. will, of W. D. sponsler nod Oaugbter of the, late Robt.o Blerrott CENTS WANTED FOR PROF. PAR3ON'3 Laws of Buhinens with full id. .P.Otlarfs And • Forms fox All .Wronsio•tlons In every •tate by 111ZorailLU6 VA10 , 0 , 8, P.. Protestor al In Harvard • Unleer•ltv. A raw aOOK roe IVERTfIoDy I•Xyltdulug ol , ry dud of conirJet and oldtgalloo, And I.,_onlog,how to draw, and axe. auto Slim Thu toub,t and') cot natilnri,y , In too land Send for our liberal (ernes; also for' our patent Bible Prospectus. SENT I nay. , YARM6LEF. h cp., Phila. In. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARRIgT I . 2ftiuno 3ra RODGEIIB.—In Ifiddrosex i Rumberiera County. Ps ,•.n Rundak; .funo 136,1899, at' Iba resid,•uce of hi, tither, Or. M. H. Rodgers, Alerandor Midgets in the 31et his ngo. IWARKE'7S. Carpels,Juno 26th :1869 Oololly F10ur.... perflno d 0.... do EYE—. WRITE WIIEAT. RED dn..... RYE 100 to CORN Wlll,. CLO V EMBED .... FLAXBRED.". CEMEE Genertil Pro duce - Market. allele, June 25th 1860.. William Washm'God c. -Cprracted' Weekly b. 20 BACON SHOULDERS, IS Ell= 24 BACON SIRES, 18 WHITE BEANS 9 PARED PEACHES, :41/944.44111D-BEAPIL 35 DIIII4II,APPLEB, 18 It ACS HOGS, LARD, TALLOW, 'BEESWAX, fli(ON HAMS SPECIAL SOTICE FRUIT JARS We would rail speeinl•attentlen to the .try law prlcei at which we are ollerlng Fruit Jars both whorevir.and retail—hating good stork of ell dust• rablo lands oa hand. We hur l ° also on h and a full stock of hest sugar cured llama. choice Dyfed Beef, Sugars, Coffees. Sgrups, Spices and Grocer - 4s generally together with Queensmare. Glasstoare, Cedar and Trillois scare, Fish. Salt, Oils• all of which no all nt lowest patella° pricer and warrant toglie the fullest stalls notion. e• world recommend Hall's last patent Fruit Jar as being, according to our judgment, the best and cheap est in Ms market. • Wit. !ILA tR k NUS, -25 June "South End" Carliel, ra• • SPECIAL. NOTICE We are now - daily receiving from auction Ohre lots of Dress Goodi of every - silk 'Striped And Figured White Piques,. White Quilts, flattery, 'Gloves, ItAndltereht.ds, and all ether seasontiblu goods which we' will wartlint to sell cheaper khan any other house in tho county to which 1011 mil< the . attention of buyers beff,ro purchasing. A largo lot of Par.°la of all Moth. New styio light ButtlAr - 13onta-all—alaea...4.lll..d.itM Print., 40 • • at rodur.d.pi irnx to mutt the tlmea. , ' 0131 I LOY. 18,1uno - ERROEB vatic. s n wta ttnffoiolqiir.,3;'!'s;ll'sft ‘:NOtions Debillt.t., Premn turo 1 . 41- Iltd.":of.reci.O . - Ol : ' 3 out It u Moro lion,' !Ike a 'fluff 'Or tiTif humnoity, en d fro° Qq .)r mood It. ttiO'raielpt for mak Hut ky which lio 'was cured. SofttrerisioylOlSlng'tq:p;dle by' the adrei or's experionoo cop' ktoso pqar6"Waing, perfect co. Ildenco;-,:; JOIIN B. OGDEN, No. 42 Coda:. St, Now York" May7.6Nly WWI; BAILING, WIRE. GUARDS, for Store eronts, A'sylutrts, &e. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Web trine, fdr sheep and poultry yards, Braes and Iron wire = eloth Merge, Winders, Screens for coal, oreen ,F 13111 1 .4 lee., ilenvy,primped Cloth .foe,arartt arresters Landscape Wire far, Windows in., paper Makers %Sires. Ornamental Wire Worlts. Every inform, Mon by addressing the man ufat twrerp, N. WALKER S BONS' No 11 North Sixth street Philadelphia. 12feb 1111. y. 'A i WQR DTO HORSEMEN.' WI, TOBIAS' CELSBILATBD VItNITIAN HORSE LINIMENT has boon tested by the tint Ilereemen in this country, and proved to be sup- nor to any other. lb° late Hiram Woodruff ofe'lrottlog Lune," was never without a bottle in hit eta' le, It Isola° need by Col. Bush , of , ho Jerome Park, Course, At Fathom, N. Y., who It'do over, twenii, renting horses under hIo Cafe, ankorig, which rank some of finest stock •in Jimmies. Tt is wart/toted to cure Lameness, Sprains Scratches4ruises, Calle, Cato Wind Calls, Colic, Sore Throat, Nall in the Foot and Over Heating, when used according to tho "di rections. , AS who oxita Or employ Itureca nt'S'ltssured that tbils,Lhaiment. will do all, if not more, In curing the above named .complaints. 'N'o horse need din of Colic. if, when lira taken, the Linimont is used no 'cording to the directions. Always have a betttle in your stable. Price In pint bottles, Ono Dollar. The genuine le Maned S. 1. Tobias on the outaide wrapper. For Catchy the drug! , ts, Saddlers, and Storekeeper. throughout the United States.' Depot, 10 Park" flay°, N. Y.' • ' , • 18 June . IMPORTANT Fi'CT• Wo see that•persons of atroug constttutions, and young, suffer for days with pains of the limbs, loss of thmolito and foyer, vho miAettly otter a i~ MIZI produced by tins° evacuations Avers , tbo original guide to ;ire Praiiilje: . ef Purgation, and. which, when oaf reed by Brandetiveyille, always 6.1340, usually cares, and often prevents - disease especially Scarlet Fever and Climes of - el:Win ellen actor. • hl, . , Cook,*pablishertjf filo "titato Banner," Bert: ningtOn, Vt., says Ural dales vnbi cured Lim ofLys prpefn after being afflicted wi L It over five :years. llis feletida and doctors conaideyed his recovery, ,Irn• posolble; hot elm bOXO9 'of I.lraudetil'a Plus reataiod hie health perfocily. . • , A young lady of lifount Ploacaut was only tnnri bledA9tli Tape-, orm All ndylcos and.ntedlelne fail, td to; help here bad no '.rent Car ; eulOrn i til.l'appy, ; lotilLed the picture of 'nicely. At act oho concludeeto try Bra'ldr; this PlllOl In one Voar eho toi.k seventy two boxes; Thor hr ugh( necordlng to her computation, over twn hun dred ynt•de of tapo worm. At length all hrr had .sympti.ma loft Lei? elm slept and t otO her holOth heeinae T.O CONSUDIrpIVES Adverthig t 'having been ~reetnrod . to_ health in ti•'feW , :tralci, by a .I , ;piy Minnie remedy,' after he' %tie' ilutYered novena 'years • with a severe long Oleo tier, and that diced dtpodee;Veneuniptlon in abileini to make pnogn totiliifidloTetiftorete the means o ..To rll who d'enirelt: he .;y1)1' Wood n. copy of tho prencriptipp need (freprf atone), with thnoirontluir: for 'Preparing and using, • the some which they will, nd Will CUM; Fat CONSUMPTION. AnTllliia, oto. The object of tho atlyertienr to sonding thnif.i!encription'ts, td betielit ;theaftlictoil. dampened Information which he conceirrin to bo in valuabio'i , anit , hti. poops over, nuiTorer.will_try his r-tnetly.aa it will coat thorn nothing and may Firm! Vartieti„ wielting''tlio prescription will .ploatin aib drOsa REV. EDWARD , A. WILSON, Willlam l obitrg, Rings Cimtity New York..! hicky7, 69•1 y.. . ,AirDEADNEI3S; - BLINDNDBB,. and 011WAILRII 7biltud with the %Midst i'miciete• J;;lfuLade D! Vid'Professor of .Dife l tisep,of the' Aye und.F r ar in the '.ife~lieal'Zb[lfge of . PennrylnThira g li years experienCe .:hinnerly of Deytiun, lloilandd No. , ilph, Aich 'caribe"tieekrni thie oMeti. The ~, P hilleat faculty are invited to. ecscimenny their p'a• .t.lenixote he hat no eecreth in hie practice. Artificial , ins Inserted withuut pulpit Nci.''Oharge.for tYnhi I Akin . r ' . , , .7('„,u_rmovA r#0 161 %, /111 P0g LE8 , xed%a. - from , the lire, we Philleir% Morn s AND Yktagt2 PrePITAP.P!.! pi l °. 0. °,e!TIT drdgastii:' r y Pi" . " • r 4. 0 :I', hilt .—Tkireil per ' rent " ofe. ,duetloo,on all Till othelf leo ottrf a ki the No alietilliwe'Weiot;',iah * . i . ' g' , C, m ade • #,PLA/W0,.. 4160,( 00,1• It Wards.; Mr... rat() opir fs 'your tll,lll,o4ptpcliri; at *Lb yird'dt ' • PAW 09% • A. 11.11.14,111, • 1, - • A Oreat• Advil:4loo - FaaLoicomplish. 4 l by the election of Gralit awl n trolution of •iinntenso soolnly itnportinao• haa,been 'effeotea by the goneint anbatltutlon'of cluit-bnrailees • : 1 . (MIST ADOitO'B'MIO:trZIIOR , tor -1110 •de.dly. roistionnd . et laid and . hrtinetona,_of whichi nceordintiO4/ei:l.Oqnaf r&61 , - 1111 !!!9'›a! the "Medical Oak!tte'iOrqinitel.thrn,,,zl l !irfiVirlatles bare beetr - i, tipaq - iljalmb 180 - de the cnly one that . - !• , _ir--:.'ri. • 11Ag 111 1 ElEN.'iNAVIZED • nod Proteaser Chilton, ON'ir •tretil'elip.n . titye, claret! [ll4 it a perfbetly,tral•orroN• , 111, ORISTADORO'S 1 1 4nt"' r,nEFtittv,etitE, ill, a Drreaing, nets like charm the Hair aftai"Dyelnk Sod by all Drogghda. •- • ,• -. • Fdlt BLACI NVORISIS AND PildPLEB" . .l4 . NlilB Vnee„uto, Pritny's Conenr.Nn nivi'oll4thi . p . repnird only by D. D. 0 Parry, 49 gond Bt., Now 4 Y4irlc. - , Sold everywhere. The tradh'Bupplled by V11°10340 oil en' 60,60 beet Nn. 1 for ,alb low at too yard or • . CZEI 1 - IVle, TV" Al) -V EP TISE'IIIEN I'S. OST.--On North Pitt Street, near Rufus B. bbnple)'. on WedoesJay n preket boa:containing a small ninon ht or maney. Thu tinder will be liberally rewarded by teraralog itto , flrAnt ICKNNI•DY, 25Jtino It Slpan Badding. THREE DESIRABLE BUILD IRO tons Diu the sutec,iber offers for sale at rea - sounblo tonna three very desirable. Du ldiug Lots situattul ou vt,,est, Loather B reel in rpar of tbo Coliod.e. They front thhtor,feet and extend back two hundred sod forty.." They are cove, od with excuileht Fruit trees of all descriptions. Apply to L, T. GRFENFIEI,D, - 25,Juno 4t •' No. 4: Ent Main• Ft. • 6 00 4 10 5 00 1 20 .1 10 1 00 7 1.10 2'Bo ^ 25 -1 70 poEPORT OF THR CONDITION OF THeTIBST NATIONAI; FANIS OF CAR- LasbK, PA., AT CbuSE OF BUSINESS: , - - -June 12th. ISCP. Relow ecs Lonna and Discounts. 2,a12,93 lu :drafts. : 1 1 ,,5 ° 11. R. Ilnuds, (fnr emulation ) J. 25 ( " Deposits,) . Other lion& dle lmatirmenrettrre- "-•.` Tanking 110,1.0 and Disura eve. Furniture and I.lxtureh. Current Expenses, Taxes paid, - lni6r - egt paid; .1 Premiums, ' Caqti Items, illtin of National Rank,. `Legal Tender Notes,. Portal Comae), Plrete!f account, Total, Ltrrbilite Capital Stock paid In, Surplus liunsl, •••• Cir••ulation, Nat niltst•ruding,. Disrount Pitt and I ndivldu J Deposits,: Ti S. Di'VSILS, U Disbursing Wilson Due to Nat'l Barks, Doe to on hur Banks and 1/1111k0115, Dividend. unpaid, • • $2:1.310,10 The above report Is-1 rn eto the 'jest of•my krion.l - and bullet • 11. HEPBURN, °nattier. •Evprn and sulmerlbod lobe 0 0 EMS day of rutio 18IP. .lACUU Flllpl,l,Y, N. P. Comet.: ATTEST, A. K. e W. F. NAP 1.4.11. - - - SAWI/ blrectole. . • . - OTIQ E.—Sealed propoßals will i .o,ovoil at ails ano“ ol•lock A. , Saturday, July 24, ISi 9. tor l'uruinlting . the “Conanatr at Carlisle hai rod., Va., wlth ttu, B EST •FA M LY :FLU U<., for (6) moral, 5, from and after tha ur..t day of A u gum(. 18.9 oreuth , 005 time an Oa. CommU.aary (Jou et al of (iubnit , t.ritue, U. S. AIM) ultu‘:,• Pr. peso's dimet be iu tittilll,llV; .11111 l endorsed "l`r riposals for Flour," nud must contain tho Miloss of two resit...tot le tot sous drho eill'idan the baad, nod become reponsible for the tut palellll ce of the eontraet. Posts who bid are requested tp bo present of the petting of Iho prop vols. The Government re• er r 1,15 the right to r. jout anY or oil bids ot Wet they may corral ter unreasonable, or for any other st➢ 4 clout cam, - . _ El MOND G. FRCII 1,4 Llcut, bth cay."Drevat 0.. pt..U. S. A.. A U. S Office of A. U. S., Carnal° b'as Pa, ul, • A 01) THING Important -to Housekeepers, hotels, Banks, Offices, -zze. TUC P.M.ST WIRE Adjuslible iNindow Screen, =I Diva vtintllallon and lighl, t,croon (ram sluts and encelnde Alosquitie' s; and other I ns t i t s , TIEN AIM U.,1110.1: WINDOW POREP,N COMPANY. moi.i:alknule k rrinvu. , 023 Tdarkofl3treet, Philadelphia. • . . Fat an e 6y Uealirx le 'iliiise'N'tirilliiblitOet;dn. - CAYUGA-., . MOVVERS'&, REAPERS. w Built wholly of Iron nod Stool; with double, Driving Wheels. 11,lbIn:Finger linr trod folding Cutting aporNton, ernbrachig nil the recinintco of Forte. t ond itEA l'Elt combined :MANUFACTURED it TUN • Capia Chjpfllll . 4nuf'i Cot, AU•RU.RS;'NEW YORK. For Salo. by D.' A. if lIIMPLE, 7.ltro'ot Ilotol, Car &le. Pa., • . ••• ' ' earns:a; June 1004 MOD. Esq., Georrol Agent for ll.tyuga Cbiet Manolucturiug I. ouipaliy• /MAR thu trial which I wit neFsed with yours and two other flowers iu gras'a held, I havu no hesitWou in duclulug In favor or ' , owe, awl will purchasu It. 11 to lu ufyludifuluot Ihu bust / , uvur saw, awl I thank you for Oriuglog it here 'that ,1111 luight'sue Ito pal d working. You or" at litikrty to Lieu ally rue . , motet/dation au you think bout, very respectlully yours, 2CtioneVe_ . • 0.,11'1 li,l4l'hUltN. • The Carlisle . . Shoe! Company MANUFACTURERS 01" • • • - • BOOTS AN D SFHOES. NO.'S. East Maim Sti.ee,t; • CARLISLE, PENIVA: , Ij'AviNG corn ei eneed the Ma n i* fictilrb of hoot , . atid,ehnes. the nlientlon of the trap Is Invited to the lot go assortment at . 'ladle 'Mises and Chililren!s, v Bhoes . • to.ntoro and especially odn ptod to tho wools of hell'et II Troda. We . shall at all times hoot, on 'hood o Complete assortment of all the ';1 ) U . 14 A E 8 -Made workmen of'the' urtintoot experlon'elt nod Jlembers of the trade who May favor us with their mistl.ln bra tolsured that no emlt on our pat tio Oared , in, turninh Good tioottn nt ~ 1 Lowest" Possible _Prices. .DY MAIL sball iEl.olvt; thin 81111 . 0 atto, - Poo that boyars would lu porton, andAllstent p tr. this can rely uoon getting Mull donde nn aeon 1, on good term by ti , ondlfig to* onloro, ois tortm.olly SHOE UPPERS LFOR SALE.' :• : .101111,.,11151i01, . 103ir11160 , , , , , VOTIOF, ; .--I,,,et,ters, ; of. Adimixiistra: thi ootot ot Joyn togoii dOe'tl,,ot bra n btbrd too tuld p, b u v o ,boUn, grouted :49, tbu oub., oorlber to whom nll-poroone Nlll, utoko pOymoixtg duo tl4 elate nud 101 cluluift bo prooonted, vij ud ,c l it • • ' tl, GAS -FIXTPAET K E;R.p• 8 143 ,E. , S, RN]!Th 8 loot qutt:Beßti I Thii*at':' A kith ?tli.4ust ' 'Mkt st!t4ll(ll:rortnutlo ,aftufpoturots and - 702:AROU.K.REETI PLIILADELPULL , . . ilk/iCKOUTOR'S. , NOTteg.-- I ;etttO ; Toollnuoitorpow ,411i3 ()kale of .Ibritr., , r af„ .(Oly I[ll{ . lll, Ned unrmg boon Unwed to.tpu:ouF,terstpt: ttel4ti,g Jo thu snow town, buriby igliquiV all pennons, lild.itkl t 9 onto e!totti ‘ to ,nlwltn ynyiut . nt;oud thou "his 111 g, - 001.116 to proatAit thwil nuttinuttaltid lot not. tballens to 13kL\JA31.1.1•ItilVIAIt Jt" ' 711 0 09-0 t nititutOk.. NEW A V.E:I?;TISE3tENTS, BtS'f'ZilOusE • ';O4 LISLE I t( I 'ett.'ooolc- Orni*O. I'4! I. elY(4.It ^itrdt. 1 -,-_:':-:•:, ~;..,:: "A'• -:!'-i :.' -'•,'. , L•l - 4 , 71!, -,- .Erl :• - „"XI:WAF , AVIera: { *:4I,I - ',... _ ~ " .;., . , v l " l., • fr'-', e ...47"::::,, ,, ,i::: Z ik - -- '-e: " "': - :-'•!•;1"'k ,__ i — f-7313: - _- ~,,--,;••- -I. ,A7"- - e — :".lr.._ , . --:-.77 -- "r410::.: " ~ ,iz . .4 0 1 „... 0 , „ ~,,,:,, k . ... ,-....1 - ..-._: „ ..r0,„ ,, ,, ~, ~ ......1 1.-s , ''' ~'''--‘ . r . ~......:.„, „,.....,::.,...,...„,t,„ • 3L= 2 ' TICI A_ 1 4 .7'. op,.pEriy,,igiTitpasi4; , - . 11ocolt's'15,bil''P.i.14b.irt-i..titir',Eio.-•kr,b..) uf re Fl:rir , piltr...o.trak - aul! ,l l l lfe9tliT ognt p!e f. :7,2 2 .4h 1 ' 1114 1 4L-jkif 1 ) 4 74 1 , E88LE": "arRNH 10 ) CUUSTIN,O ['onto 4‘0ci0n99 4 9 T 9 AO? OF !DNOR'S% !NINO MO • lON 'or Oh. lc. Of RNHARDT, IN TI 01tiOVO OFFIOII. OF OF biOTIOOT OMIT OF THE,UNIftO ()TATO OF THI LAVERN OW, OF OIOINSYLVANIA. . - $143,917.67 h 0 000 00 50 UOO,OO 9,73 - ,50 4 C14, * CRYSTAL. 8.271,40 419'17 1,0,1 45 74P,75 181,68 609 09 1,0. 0 00 577 51 1 75; 0 22 041,10 3,141.40 .7 02 T PADE MARIGL GLASS SPECTACLES • Superior .to arty other in use—coma :int:toil in'oci'ord once li Ii sUieuu• of lllllttre In the peeu.iiir form of . $_',71,340,10 St LO 000.00 0 , n 0 0 01 be I ?IVY; 10207 1, 20 0t 0 u 1 S. no 11 7 2, 3 01.1 25 00 A CONCAVE CONVEX ELLIP;iI9 dmhobly ndanted to the orgoos of slept, nod pro fuelly Dater,l fa the ry r, nllord n nIto6,•111t1 the Lust oolibeol help to the Infolan vlsik.o.evor 1111,1 a. teeth ,ml, by MORRIS BERN HARDT, Spectacle and Optical ,Manufacturer THE A DVA NTACEB of thr, Spermlug over ull others, I.ran tio WOll p,•1 . 1,t emit. facially let gth til flu tit one at I g gialj4 Liston clear netts of mstiiti. by eatallo ut other attllicial II lit comfort to the sprite( e wearer itherto nolmon.n. • '2 - How to oll'l• Gloyoi.-.4.rcrinireolirofes even when n 'good n Odd id n prod Dr, of only lino the hoot ribiwro that can be found h 1 the but rikrelully irdilp n.a1.11 , vice no to the prime selection of ti,•III 3.: When the f'l3 . eo ache 00 pain through lh' iir dion of 0 lir gilt light, n .011 n= ,0 env 1,• , l nom the snow, anis ) eath• r, aline roper, in it in re ding, wri ilig. in Ifl•wi11g or 111 id rune, (41 hew louvre, Iy eidtening the ra)s, eta, a mow wrceoble sentiotion nod gh 0 great ri•lief. :Set, into of. Liu' Flye,Cansing, dull' OM' u nrilitig twins in the - eye 1011 or temple, appear., of bunininin ond du k cpoto in the et 11018 ' p, ore, a Ping fooling in the stir, the disturbed u roes are qwet, and :writhed. 5, The e Spectael, appP, lilk.] 3' ildjiltlitilf to burry er we Of defer ids si.ht thib nowtlu al cur.)" whether nri , ing fro. ng , did line, It n ork or.pie r HUI e deco, by Dr Bidnhn ilt on a new nod 0 . 0,111.013 iiie oar, wLich hm Selllolll foiled t. be eon eCt. • 6 After '6everal yearn of pobile prreticr, tndJllxt ing.,pritorlentounder every•a-pect 01 ties lerth'e Vision at, asexperieac•-ia step-iva, long-tattablidital btointos., m his pried t , tore9, both het e and in litir pe, Dr Be. lilt nit et i are It a tottl•cieat gum alit t• of 11l Id, h y to tatpply tacit glatotes or, be •t eaanilat. it for the wisktance er Co. rovery 01 linwlect hI hl, 7. NI Bernlndslt L. signalize lino,' fern the lowt to pretenders In his to 1,1,1 n 1,1 It I ride sob nd tor in peetio , ropy oor tot 111 a hilt lie hue re ceived Iroto'inedical gentle.. en .1 the most onto.- tionablo respectiili li ly and toe lin Anita ; /door, nua.bor .11 eercjficittes fr al nell.finown gontleinun f distinction ti ho have used II s spectacle, - the origin als 1 oil of s luck 110 WII be hippy r. sh o w to I. one TM 111 .y !Lllies! it. 'I lie no 01 lbo 101 l wing 111111, or cerillit 3 VS 111.1 . onto .Oh vd, without an actual I inns Sbit.ll of 110 same, 'would be it her en - , cnithol ntleoz, loon dile by St.tto itop isrtnioent Tes'inon tyf Reconzmendatiotis /491 Medical I lent 'env 71, Pr , fi'3Boo? of ..the hwhest ppthal int,: talent in Car - lisle; Lantaster, Easton ; and 17t the " I taiiit chew tally a y that I en:twined Prof. llorolairilet Lo' tat, and most ally that i hey are hot tor ailantei to ins big , t thin ita) I h ive seen Lai urn, -and I de most cheenially and willingly say that every person that ham defer' ri of vlaion, ought to Imo paw 01 lilt exeell nt Publila elieetacies, at I feel erinialent that they will wool, gom l rn i A. J. HERM, . "I nave cerofelly, °mien need thin II eel inn Pebble end Aine'rali inn Conn:end Spectacle, nutintilectunoll end told n yDr.M Bernhardt, of Nina Vorh. and non nen g a pair el the Fenner rep IF w,th gri• it sat, fact I. in. They in e - certaitily sup rio. tin any 1 bate no en. dr ier s fell conversation n ilk the 1) nisi .1 reg• il linen as accennplishrd in W.+ profs ion,, olitt tin, rn ore to cotoniena linnet(' inyirisr'll tend others flogs?! on ge. so lar as the peculiar condition of the r eight unity re gains hie Service!! " neglect 1,.11y, S. 11 Kneel La, J. It. fDamsi.r . , June ISO!, IStal. tiring 1 n pacuthaLitainall_,n_uf the o'va, I Dar. , nlways 'hand it difil tilt to prom 0 glassvA to.fiult In,. I nih - now 1,1 igni tar of Dr Tkrabarkit's, ith Mild; I ant holler pleased than nay 1 have In.vn able for some hi int., to pro._arv,altitongh I have tri,(ll varhnis opticlanP CARLISLE, Julio 15,18C9. ' 4 I 11OVC 0 ,1114ft - eitil fitted with a lodr of Sneelaelex by lie. Bernhardt; of l Ninv York city, with wbieli have lie ii enabled •to real, With extreme ease nn Heart.... wielder than I have 'ever read before. Ito i•howa that ho is a th of his neleilee, itilaptp bin piiieniva to the liiiiinhati - d,lvetii aiud WA 1101 OCtliOnowifeCOl suit hint with amp'. Sliuuahln ~ 11l I eta...lllllly commend him to theire of my ta-res who Hoed W 031,11111100 et - P. Wisu, Pastor of the FleetPresbyteriiiii t hunt,' lEEE .1 have exam imini hr. Ilernhardt's leu,on,und biro his to cription o. thu manner of adjusting toll for t of LIOri2CAVU Viliioll. and 1 uliverfolly COOP him to th no Avlio nuq de ire to.. ro“nols 0 bhillfnl optielnu " ' , • , CA, IA Lr, P t , J11110.18,181E. cursorily Inspuctod .110 fine inclort 'dont of lcu+ a exhibited to lute r dleru unit, ~ n d hoard Ads dreorlptlon'of th niOdo of adapting them .o too ;different w tile and coi.dltlons of the oyo, Icm hour. • minded that Ito possesses unich It •luwledge of the s loner of Optics add Idll iu thin application of Its, Inclplos-to thoptirpo4c of lute profoosfoh. • b , , JOECSIYAIITZ„ r oftl,titheran Church. . • I have tiittruineti n.grear vorluty, of,,Olose e menu turea II lgt, , Do a unit, itutl, in J aol'aeto him,. mast 'ay, cut lilt glasses sitipeclor'qual ty; adap-id to 111 CC th WllOB of ttlmotiievory ey. Iva ro thu 1811)108,1w nay way Imptirfeut:t Thu Doc tor Ito•. looted tor Inuit o hie Ausintlinn Crystal (Howe,. yvh cti area 4.,V ry sup rO, quality soil Wu is at ail) ip ruttilerittg ylelott very, ot,ltiOtr.atal almost as period n4lll , i yield, ill.t alimony lu linor ile- PcstOr'e U oases 111030 cleuirr city .{Ol ell fox, my own ox orlon o as fr to toe 10 , tlitionlals of many 1114e11,44 ;cleriDineu, .ioul other tontiloutuu 'w.,atit Ina , portt.n,,lL, nyttiittiatett. . • - J.NO. AI • D. . , .% ~.. .1 havb evalyluK\vh , t, I koneclvo,to.lic c c dipipto as , ortni ni 91,1 Special:les, :rriiiiinfiltdiAiil .from; Ih4 ~ 1 Tidily . Cryiittil, odoilrably iitiairloil to Ow r .ilous ,infirni dos of that exquiso ely o ulicato organ, tho hunion 'tie, whom, • the huh !diva vision is 01,6 esOit oldholiso or ho nom ol weak]; Os ho Wont to o d ogo: I r gar.l Ito, conAun os to hlr / liar Mpg& O. Is nt I , huro over Seen, nnil; us' !Mil .Loci folly rocion mond then, . . , , . . . I 0-tIT,PfINTER, . . I,anctister, Pa., : . 1,14y 25018gi. • trhavo iniarnitted M lientlittdt . s vary nom. p I ete ilfignitiqubf of - E , poctitclen and L0t.0.. and littl ;Ittanviludrably ad,ptod to rented v Buell Imporfoc flann,of vihinii nV.i.mi helium a [toil by Cho oh ill ~ se thy Uptielan. Thu tn,turinl...uaod ht tho, 1.11 ono% Aura .of la .0 f .Yoms.ktblo purify An; i boanty earl adds very much to ditty r u in L .l re , nontintual him with great nlieuriulues4 to thu eon fl.deu.n of all AhtitanY r.finattO hin'sdrvlC. 4 . 11. B. MUILLENIIEIIII, M. D. • I'.nbetuitor, May 1818. •• • • 41 1,, stv%in.ros lutist( plotitura'"tosrisics tito;lo , I'l o,ltottro of nr. bornbardt, and to oxant Ina MI I, , a , Sortoiot4 oto ISM op t •,.f. Id; shy must-. CO In pinto I' tivb tie ,pat Mon. - ,tt . trapta ,014saci,,'orith,atilltilOtu ski)! tUm r coutlll.lone btrillo 030. • 110 soloot.d a pair for :ma Stier n cariiful" tacutalti Won of my ay on which °nab!. 000 road 'with peat rOititinetatts4 nod nLin !,tort than ttosei I alresor,inisgsss- v!inortullY: .ronnarpti beni . to'alPillo need tniesirviretnif a *Slit !" • ' Pastor o,hurch of litsy 20 1808; " . "" 'Loilcatitor, PL MS MEE ; J I ;` '• '1 • STA'PE'OF PENNSYLVANIA. ,• ; - Eareuti . 4 . ' (glibber ' Ilerriapqryr, Penn.,'Nav 2,1,, 1806. f •r.. 1 have Mi. Merlydyed,rsakuffared Pronivrealinesli end 'pain of my 'Aye ; aed - edneequilii . .l or of Tower In shena„l have.p o pmleecod , great dlifleolty ill pro- Miaow gltoeos tO vellum me. This morrildo. re -valved from Or. Herahardt a patrol Austrai tan elle tal spectacles Which Bolted toy eyes halter thareany I have ever used. Had o not beratato to, mom. mend him as a skillful Optician and Oculiat.. A. O. CURTIN, , 4 Governor of Pennsylvania.' Easton, Feb. 16th,,14.19: ,I have aturninual the •varlime manutae. turod by pr ai, Bernhardt, Optician. and con tea• thy td the elemint en Mimi:milli, or all hie articles he has proved blue elliv hia Mug- experle.co a master In hie • TlLtlhl GREEN, M. D. Tostimor lab; similar to iho abovo may bo seen at Dr: 13°1.6:gut's offlea: thu most rolloblo and wnl hnovm goutlemen of the United States, among whom ar : N. 8.-o,wing• to engagements else where, D. Bernhart will be able .to remain he a only until July. 24 • ' pi, '., ii) - _____ Caution —I, Employ no 'Pedlars V ..vet,9/ INC; TO Au. IN THE YEAR 1.868 BY DR: M. BE RNHARDT,I N THE CLERKS OFFICE OFTHE DISTRICT COURT OFTHE UNITED STATES OF THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. JEWELERS & SILVERSMITHS 1124 :CH ESTN UT. ST., ey n e..openintr a large .and new assortnient of Din morel and other floe floor try, Amerh nn nod F.Who. Watches, English fPerling SPY : OI Wore, Gerbem Itleetro-ploted AvArb, Mantel Clocks, &v., kr, 18June na ly CAnynr, PA., Juno 18, 1869. 11111M1= =1 ==la ' W U. P. LIKVI.IIETT, ' line tor of St. John's thud* Llpenutyt, It. li Hoye, Gov. of Ohio. • - • I 11. Moron, Gov. of Ind. Ithord Toter, Gov. ,f (Moot, A ex. Rams. y, Ex-NV.Of Idion. Henry A. Swlf, Gov. of biton lohnedadu Worth, Gov. of N. C. R. M. PatterFon. of Ago. , IL E. Fenton, Din. of N. Y. Horatio Seymour, „bor. of N. Y. " Jameo..l.. Orr, Gov. of 13. C. • OFFICE .11ORRS FROM fi A. Al., '111.6 P • Bentz louse. Juno 18-tf REMOVAL CLARK & BIDDLE; Having rocnor 441 —from ..__. 712 Chestnut Street, OM EIR NEW, BUILDING PH ILADELPIIIA June Ist. 1869. HOVER, COLLADAY & CO Chestnut above Broad St HUIADELPIIrA Unto nest on band the mcst complete Ossortmett of ati THE Nr.,F.T FABRIC% and latent dealgits, attl toblo.for dresses for summer wear, reniprialu,, Barege Ilernani Broehe, Robes volant, Gauge Chninbrey, in •tripes, (new styl(F, Gauge Chambrey : in Brodie figures, Grepildine litireges, in iiew styles, iu ripeq chnirr enlori, Organdies, newest and richest, designs Jaeotiets, newest and rieliest, designs, Perenles, &c., lc MOURNING GOODS Grenatilnes a ll - ureges, Ilya? Iternaul, and a full supply of till tPxLIIIO,, suitable for slimmer mourn ing gear. REDV , CTION 38 -6 etxio - sr 5111.r.5w.. A great reduction has been nnult In prime,, In thia deroltrtm ent to Ploan our 111111011,1titne,ni Fancy SIMS BEADY-MADE WMJKING, SUITS .4 large i,tovls of :111 chi• 110%v. 4 ! pLyiev, awl at •• ; g9tioral stock of seasonable' goods Will always be found, and in, tbe - 'very' lolVest. 'poir Lket priees: 1.1 ,Er.l H ERRING'S PATENT. CIIVIPION FINE AND BURGLAR PROOF ,:lv7tit .pey„ , .kini !l ),, • , - - -.,- , ~, __:4 ; ,,,,_ • _ 1-4--1.- 2 -- ,- ---- ' ,:t 7 - - - -- t • A''''`r di ' d ' V c,i W FOI. tretltNnt Witrld's lair,t,Oodoo, ' World's ValOiett' York; Elsposttlon, tt • 1 . , •, , i - / „Nnt6teetlio,' Porte. t , I ',t , 3', t A,'.; ,• .'' ' • '' t ' '.. -- , FARREMIIERBING ~& ,C 0 1 , IJBLIC SS.LE. ---, ~ ~ Too undersigned oni sop st Pointe Fate all , f.' ,'', 4 t,.•' ' ,' .., , lid Colt t .110Uho, •In . time norough of Cornett; on, lndnescf r ity,,lon, 2.3 1860, a 1 &oath, Tract of Laud,i (M) Olik ` Eitl4oT " 8T11117,13T. eel 1 but 'milli 41.40 Clltlf•tUta, White Pine, and' °liar i holier, eon Wiling 120 ACltkli., more or leen, 1i ' , knout° in bitatition 1 ootish tp, timberland Coon. P . (Mani '`' = I tyi aujolnt tog ,Itnitts of South Mountain Iron ../Co,, CY , „ - • 1 , .1, lint•3lunt on, Adams County line, and others. • ABM on do Of mid, when Olio will be Chas. ',Mathews, % P,111): A. , , ,t r iato.to ColnEllenc9 at 10 u'tioelt. '' thou and place FIVE suArins of Herring, Farrel, & Sherwin, N. York Car lit and 'Water Ettnit. PRTIIII. P. ECM Herring & Chicago .I)i%IINISTATOR'B NOTICE.:-- - 1 ~ . ~• ~ , Lot own of , ocnololotrotlon on tho ()Ont. of C 0.," - ' A ; , Heoip - g, Farrel, & bu;rble,,,,Q,letti,,. n 0.. H. mon., Esq., di e'd.. Into of 3lount Holly , ~ , , ~ .1 . s prings, having leen homed to ton oubstribers ro • • i t „ , , , p, , siding at U. same plata, notice liflotroby ttivep-to ,' ' f a ro l a ," 304,-;HERRIN,,,,, ,APES h ," h e . all peptone Indeett4 to Bald estate to mane liayuletit • , , . 1 • • ,„ t • and thaw, havlng dialing to present thole drily' au. '. . • • , , , . • . , , ttiouticated for eattleloo it to - - , - . and 'ire dow in uso fithil • tner fink NUNDRED nave , , • . IV , I. IL 511,1L1.1N,, I ilwood flop VI./tooldoltal pros, pilsorving their 2Ettnay ilt . / , •,, ~ , , Allutititfittoon contentilin,somo Instances ti hero many others fulled EiROCINt. , HANVBArie of our own end !other makers haring ,bbSnitiSblvnil In part inki,Tor the lltjprol i el ,11401tigta,1, , atent Othitopioni %icor silo at, ,low prima. 18Juno GILly ^ - '. ' ''' NEW ADV&RTISEAIEN .TS. theAIXEOUTOR'SONOTIOP'Notieri • 113 b ropy glventlint Lettits testamentary on est will and toetanont of flamuol ttimpton. ..Ir.4ito . bt the tOatnsblp,Of litetith Ididdlettm.Mtun. ty of Cumberland, herb , been. strantedto RCS; ,eoutor. persona hating blatant siainsi3b,e e.., totee %tiff . loilin!prehtnt - thetplmmedtately, 'and: Atom inde x ted are quosted te'mako ,Essetttor. =1 1111 =I 18June 2t 9 NITRE DISTRICT: - CCUAT. OF. 11 the United States for the 'l:attend Dintilat;•oi -Penneylcon!. • ; lituartsplcy. - ; Tho undersigtind hereby given notice orhis pnlntment an assignee of William Johnnon and camel Patterson Johnson, trading an John John & tone af , i'decheitiCsburfic in, tho''cnnntj or Cumberland and &Atli of Den tiny Drank, inithlo District, wbo'hifve been adjudged bankrupts a petition Pled ogeinet thew by' the aintriet Court' of, said district. MEM TOWN . PROPERTY AT' PUBLIC , • , On Wednesday, jiay s -7111,, 1869. Thn aubmerlbor will We , for eWlo at tha Court House, Cnrllmln, Pa., the well known DWELLING H 0 U-SE , Pitman(' - Oti Writ Loutbel pink, nowly •oPpOnit tho neforrinal Ohur'h No. 24, now o,nplod by oz. sheriff Money. hithensionn of front building in 25 by 20 n at, Ivio.ktorlis onr, pl ,sterod hoot and cod with an tittle. having Ave' II 01ms with a Jingo Prior ono If di. The back building in 16 by 43 fret oro or 104. awneltnry with a largo, dining -mom and kitchen with throe. govt rooms op ntalrn. good Co or voider the frank building and kitchen, • with .5 atone SKOKIi and • WASE HOUS Soweto from dvialling. Also, o novor•faillog well of ,watet ulth pump In It. Alro. an excellent bring (14erti with pump In I'. with an alley of I.7ralvo 1.1 feet making a front of thirty seven ,' two-hnodred foity feet bank to Dickinson Alley, with a weetherimarded Frame flonee, fronting said' alloy which rents for from 60 ton() tiollara:per year. Tho due,ling fronting Loather morel rents for 225 per- A LOT OF GROUND DAP inlns; the 8.10 property thirty feet fronting oa Lowlier street Wreath, oppoelte the Reformed (Mora, extending back to said Dicklntim Alloy 240 feet, .1 h choke fruit trees thereon. Possession • .111 he given Imined,ately on the cooflrmatiou of deede^wlth a el ar title, the purchaser drawing the tents Itteli the persons now occupying the dwellloys. - properti ens to hair° -toot, NO on the Seth of April, but owing to the illness ortndl'Owner, the sale was postponed. It Is again before the public and-will-11u Md. .. . . . tele to eummenee et 1O o'clock, A. Mlioni geld day when t.nne will be mode knbwu by ISJ um , IeJACOB SENVR. . . 11 4 1 STRAY. . . Came to the preenloot of the subscc riber. in trot, 1' nekton,' township two mules east of New die, no Nifty - 30th, A VOUNG — GiIAIf - MARK, lather Velma utedlug] size, and bed hal•er on. 'The owner is f equesit-ti to .11 illiMotiln , oly, prove property. pi) , expenses and take her away. ' - ju 11-31 ' SA NIUEL IIt.FEI.O BOY Kit. 1 t I , , •t, ' I • ' • 7c,./titiratittr-P eat • : • - Thu undereignod, !mains!: roturned from the Ens tern ClElon with Iflarge tlssortment of ST O . VES .AND WARES, usu ally kept Inn (Irrt class rotabliebm.nt, aro, pre pared to lurnirh tho citizens of Carliolo end sut. rounding-country, will, the best Cook Stoves In the market, consisting of tho BARLEY and °there, which they will feint ante° to bake and re.u.t better. aid a ith lees fuel, titan any other Fier. , iv the market Their etoett. of PARLOR and Oil I 'F. S I t iV i S ore not surpassed this side at the cities for t o il uty, du rabilit) ana cheapness. . STATIONARY AND PORTABLE Ti.AVOES,I and II FATERS hand. warranted to giro general antl9taellOO,O4lth Uln lecomnottolatlon9 Of num otra .1 I ersotiv ohn hare tn• rn in uoo. their stook of Tin end Sheol Iron Worti le ior,ro,lind suit.' to the tNyman of all houseo or oont o ,o l ,l,,tinsi thonoine, et rotos troth dory comlioOtion. They 111,, added to tholr nem; o largo and dOSA orffilellf. of HELL AND CISTERN PUMPS, ,hirh thu aro preptr.l to put hp itt the qhortost nou, • Spalding and I?ogling thr. FlinrteEt mot ma. Jelbblng and repahillig ,It. 111• noltuues null despatch. =I of .111;411,4HW, eauhtantly on hand. All aro re our,tedel.r. all and exarnlnu their at oak at NO, I , S. NORTU LIASOVER ST., 11.A.1LISLE, where Ow) m 111 he pleased to racelvo all and show their And rolder ail pati,faction doplredt . & RUPP,. 69, North Hanover Street, onsi CARRIAGES. A . Iwo poi on bond. st•bie'Earifign Fr - i6iry, N. E corner South anti Pitt ntrdet,n. , . • CARRIAGES, - • " ,• - BUGGIES,. SPRING WAGONS; SECOND, HAND , WORIi , nud everything In hie line, on Laud or mode to Older. Ile is determined to get -up the bent"work to ned out In thiavmetlan - of th &country. . - Nothing hot the very bost , ,steck gore Into buggies or ear ring. a-of hie manufacture. iteradring ond patting promptly attended to, ‘l.iy " BENTZ HOUSE." Pormerky rma va -UMW.) N. 17 AND 19 EAST MAIN ST CAULTSLE, PENN'A und,r,lgned having piiechased sod entirely refitted. a. n lurid shed anew throughriut with Ihst chu.s furniture, thin well-known nut, old established Lintel. solicits ,th I. custom of tho community and travelling public. Ile is will prepared to furnish flrid-runs uecom fnodation s to all who desire to make a Hotel tin air home or pleasant .temorary abode The efistom •from the surrounding country Is re apmafulfy Courteous and attentive Ser v onto too engaged of thin popular hotel, OEO. Z BENTZ, Prorp'• N. IL A firat•Cillfill Livery I. connected v.lth the Hotel the Inaungement of 31r..1ih5.L.,71 , 11.NX1t A 30,1.116 1 h ti E I'll .• )1 LLE R .of Carlisle Sprinort, Oumbrirlind 'cOunty', was cured of PILES and GRA VOL of-17 p.nrs atonding by tlltt une ufd ntttles Of On Cettclell'n Pin Destroyer nod 2 1.16,,, nt v bin I,t•r " Dr. Campbell:—l lot you Ictiow that I was Wattled with 'Fever and Aguo fir ten years, 1 could, not got cured, lat butt rouse to llorth.burg, I board of your wouderul magic rain Destroyer end your •Luic_Li, or filly I bourbL4_l/ottleAL_OntL:Lboxo: and Ltio) cured mu in ono Innoth, • MICH AEI. CA P N EY ' Or. C'ampbell 9•Il to ell drug4lste and deal ors. l'rlre 50 rents pr r des or by the 1 % green $2l. Etch dozen Is pot t , nice paper boxes with his llliemta and signs n the sides. Liver Pills s2.per'dmcn; 3,•.!, gross $l . OlO. Wo m Lotruxes $2 per Amen: 34 grow $10.50 per dozen. .1 lb let ters, , thett id inf addressed to ; • ,`"' • ' Office ho. 130 Third street, betworn Chola at and Alalhervy, . Ilarrlsburg, Po, Fuld by all Druggists and Dealers overyrrheio. For sale by 11.E111l01111illk dealers. In On go: Niedieluen, &v. T E 11/11ARY INSTiTUTE,I CARLISLE, PEIsIN'A A ROarding School lby GIRLS . s =MI • . . 1... Tile nintls annual Filili ' 011':VIII begln on Wednesday. N.ptaniiii,r let, leer elteplltra r elerlhe.'loloroat lon. addrres ' • ~ . ' ' }ley. W: ii ,11.11V,EltrY11%; - epril2,llo-Iy. •. oar:lale.....Pa. 1 i +~tT.:lr~_ PYMBERLAIsTpi NURSERY .‘ 1.::!)I R U Prnp'v 4 4 'if I -.M eiN'tVl 4 oNYii, CVIIII CO:, Worn s o - largo wag:lna okaortluont of Nuroery Sloci, 1,0.11141,1 g or.un hipge of trult . traoii 0f'1016.1.C!.n• let'. for conCcal POuncylvan n. Oinacnenta 6 l,fruno, floworlnO R bruln .and n Inrgc stock-0(444w - Vlnbs, carlct, worth. grdwlng. - All. Mode of small, PruftnOcage , 1,71.1)4,10r Lodging, $5 per thousand; ,hones and ilronnhentmi Munro and Plante. Every 'thing wonted In thu Nur nry, lino can ho had hero nt (bolo not erletvq.' 'eat:ll,62nm and prima Ilst sour , Itaitfe. _ ./yunerui , . A.DpitN.l.BTßAlows Litters of Atiteleletretiontt On Abe estate of Jo Bttosk, Into:of iMunrolo , township +keel tbeeek ISeuedtto the t giftedness residing lu the n:me tote , .gblp;motlett le htesby - glum to ittl_poisituis Indebted to- Itgo'Setste goatlike Immediate steYelberettre,ao. all loose havotWohtliesettteinst It to prbseut thine lelfflpfeeotv JUIiN ARV Uli t t; ONO Of lotimlnlstrator.-t't ORO. MILNER, Arrignec. Mechanicsburg, Pa. NOBLEI COOK, I= MIDnLI.TOWN, Daiiphin CO SPONSEER"SCCOLUMN A i, L. SPONSLER, Eeel Esiate Agent - , flerivener,Niloneigneer Inane Ince 'lliad 01111 X Agent: 'olllce Main street Near antra Store . . - ..Roooi_an °eller ' on _West [Arose,. between Pomfret and und South Street, In thel Borough,of . nicely' fitted up . with Shelving, Drawn - lend,Ootin• ter:. , Well aultelf.for Grocery 'Motet wid.llll. • 'ltoUdLasition. Apply to . A. L SPONSLER; .. • " Real Estate Agent. i2Jan 09.. r .l oli,r-IiFIN.Tr--.b' !dike' fwo-story • 1, Brick - Dflii.LLiNd HOOSIS, wish a commo Back Building, wbh a "full Lot oc'Ground and Stabling In the rear el tutted on Beet etrret be. 'titian Main and Lontber etleOtal reeldorme of Joseph Shrom, deed. 'Apply to • A. L. SPONSLIIIt. .:_heal Estate Agent.' - TI IGHLY, IMPROVED.. IN ADAMS bouNTTAT.ettlvA i ts Situated on She ConaWeiga..Othek',B ftom • Tlaarver on the high roedi'and , on' the' Rallroad leading from Hanover to/ Llthltotowit - adjoining, that wee formerly known mi the 41tiamIlle vhllll property, containing • -171 'Acres of Littiesto . no. an cleared 'but about 80' 'Mite, .whleliore.;&etered O*iith heavy White Oak Tiniber. rho improvements are extennive, and omelet, via A. LARGE TWO STORY BRICK MANSION ROUSE,.: . 7.• 00 feet In length and 46 'in breath,:. containing & Hail end Eleven Largo Rooms, all newly papered aid painted, - a platen running along the entire hunt, and,cellar under the a bole house; and an. excellent well• of .water near the kitchen door. The out buildings belonging to the . above consist of a large Carriage House, Wood and Coal House, flog Pen, Brick Smoke House, Poultry Wash !louse, all new except the latter: Tho garden I. largo and highly cultivated, contriining hot bede with glazed suSh. The giuunde around the boom are adorned with • shrubbery nod'rtud ded with many choice fruit and ornamental .trees, adloining_which is a- line apple orchard, next ' A LARGE' BANK BARN nearly new 90 feet by 00 with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib aitacheil,..and a never tailing Wai.1?;o1 Water In tbeharn-yard, also 4 NEW TENANT SO by 26 feet containing seven MOM. buildiugs to same consisting of Mash House; Bake Oven, Hog Pen, Ac., a. Pump at the door Ad d• op excellent gaidon. This property presents superior advantages, -ttie, locution being eligible and the land of the best 'quality of_limestone, well watered end the rattle having ticcess to , water from every field, a great 'portion of the land has been recently limed, the fender in good condition and all the corn ground and part of the nate ground ploughed for therm ing Spring. There is 'a Orist 81111. 'Blacksmith Shop And School Mouse within a short distance of the buildings, The-property having been recently purcbised by -a gent lova an-from-113a' Limon, -who-after - og -it up al peat elpaheo, is now desirous of returning to the city, will ttedisposed of at an extremely low figure, and upon reasonable terms. Enquire of A. 1.. SPONSIAR, Real Estate Agent, Carlisle, Pa. 25dee 08. "TrA :"1112 - Bt'E - PRIVATE - REST:' DENO?. FOR SALE.- Situate on South ['snorer street, Carlisle, now owned and occupied by Mrs. Waehmood, late the property of Benedict Law. The lot fronts on- Han over at., 00 feet, and extends back the same width, 240 fret't& an alloy. The Improvements are a-large two.stury FRAME with Verandah to front, colitaluing Double Parinre, Hall, Chamber, Dining, room and Kitchen on lower doer and els Chambers and Beth-room on toe 2nd story. Gas and' water have been Introducoi. There in a large Stable and Can lage liouse'at the iool'of the. lot. - The lot Is well studded with nroemon ie. trees and shrubbery; besidmi fruliot almost every description and Grapes of tho most choice selection in a.mndance knoulre of A. L. SPONSLER, 'tent Estate Agent 230et:68 VALUABLE FARM in Perry Co, AT PRIVATE SALE. Situate in .Carroll township, 9 bollee north of Carlisle, 4 miles north of Carlisle Opringe and 11 mil.w west- of Donctionou,'adjointngtiends of J. ;heater, Nancy ,Olintt and others ,00ntaining 120 ACit Ha, now owned by Levi Leticia. 00 acres of which are cleared, in, a high slide of cultivation and under good fence and the residue covered with thriving timber. --- A never-Ltilitg - stream of water runs through the farm add plenty of lime within 2 miles. The Improvements are two-dory Log dr Wrather boarded HOU., Largo Barn and Spring Hollse with excelloot water. School ileum .and Ohurch at a conventoiat. distance. Apply to A. Ie.SSONSLERi -.Real Estate Agent. -12.30ct..08 - -Schenck's Pullizonicfigrup. Semis end Tonic and Mandrake NI core' - Conn ru wan, Liver Complaint. dad. Dyitpepela, 11 taken recording to directions. They are all thieeka be taken at the same time. - They cleanest the etomitch, relax the liver, and put it to work: then the appe- II e becomen good the food-digests andiroakee good blood the patient begins to grow in . . eeah, the diseased matter ripens in the lunge. and the pa tient out rows-the disease and gota well.. This I. the only way to cure consumption. lin these . throe enerlicin es Dr:J..ll. Schen , of Philadelphia, owes his - nnreland succens In the treatment of pulmonary tronenmptinn, The P 1- , atonic Syrup ripens the morbid matter in the lunge, nature thrown it off by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter is ripe, • slight cough viii throw it air,' and the patient has rept and the lungsbegin to heal. ' ;,'.:To do thin, the Seaweed Tonie and Mandrake Pills most be treety used 'o cleanse the stomach and liver. eo that the Polmonic Syrup and the food will make good blood. , Sohenct's•Mandrake Pinned. upon the liver re moving all obstruction% relax the duet of the . gall bladder, the dlo starts freely, and the liver la noon relieved; the stool■ will show shat the Nile can dot. nothing hue ever been Invented except rolnmel (a deadly polson'which Is very dangerous to use u s . 106 s. w th groat care). dint will unlock the gall bled. derand Pelt the itecretlonaof the liver like Schenektn Menai sk / Pills.' , tx,mplaint- Is.-One of the most prominent ratifies of consumption. Pcbentlen Seaweed Tonic is a gentle etimulaet , and alterative. and the alkali in the Seaweed, which that preparotin is Ina le of assiets the ntomnch to ' throw out the gastric. joke to.dlssolve the food with the Pulinoritc Sytup, and M In made into good blood. without fermentation or anurng in the meatch: - The great reason why phyniclanst don't cure con• eumptlon is, they try Cu dy toy mueW - . - they give medicine to stop the rough,: to st i r chills. to stop I night ,itireets, hectic fevers and by so doing they de. range t he whole, diuestlve powers, locking up the socrottotts,anil eventually the patientsinks - and nit a •Dr echenelt. In his trentuarot does not try to stela e cough, night 'meats, chills or - Inger. Remove the eau.) and thug will ell strPof thew ow , n accord. ;se one con he cured of Consumption. Liver Corn plate t,.flysi.e , Unearth, Cancer, Ulcerated Throat tallest the liver and stomach are mede healthy. Ira pervoli has consumption of course the lunge in come way are dieroned, either Dirbercles, absees ses, brohcblal lttilatloo,.. pleura adhesion, pr the lungs aro& aro/ n tar In flummatinn and feet deroying. .oho lungs that are wasilitg, hut It to the whole ,bodly The stomach and liver have lest their power to make b 00l out of load. Now the only chance is to take Schenck's 'three medicines, which Nr . llll/flag' up a tons to the toma - cli.. the patient will,beglnko went fond, it will digest rosily and make go od blood t then the patient begins. to gain in flesh, end as soon as the body begins to gr...w,t he lunge commence to hen. op end the patient gets fleshy and rll,_ Thiel& tile only way to,core conception. •. •. ' . , . H hen there Is no lung dinenee,and'OnlY Aver cot& plaint and DYepepala, Schenck'n Seaweed Tunic and Mandrake Pllls.ara sufficient wlthont the' Pula/6Ellc ' Syrup. Take the Mendrake Nils, freely in' all bll• ous complaints, as they are perfectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, n•ho has oeinyed uninterrupted health tor noisy_ yearn past„ smut now, Aweigh, =ft pounds, woo wasted away to a mere eh oleten,in the trot stages of Petri/limy Consumption his physiclett I - 111014;yOn• DTilidie - a his case hopeless endb. et — ied - 1 hint to his fate. ilirevve cured by the aforesaid med. Dino% and since his recovery many thousand vimi• !arty afflicted hove used Dr. Schenck's' preparations wit !Oho same remarkable, spccess. Full directions, acconrolny lug ~ s oh, Mike It not ry to perrorolly'nee Dr. Sch'enek unless the patient wink their lunge examined, and for this purp se he is professionally at his Pripciplelffllce , Philadelphia ovary Saturday, whew/ all lettere afikdvicet must he addressed. °lie is also pielennionally et No. Ird Scald street, Now York, every Tuesday, and at No. 03, Unnovor street, MAWR, Ovary other Wednesday. 11 . gives fIIiVICO Wet/it/ht.' Mr &kW/rough examine. lion with his tt.ptrouietor the price le Eli. Office' hours at each city, frouve A. MI to,tl P. M. ~- P rice of the Pulmoalc Syrup-and Seaweed Tonle.:; each $l.lO per blikle ' •or %57,150 ii hale itoietu:lllau. , _ drake Ms :a route a.1:64;;, For role by.altdruggists , J. 11. SCIIIINCK, 4' , ” 15 N. oth St. Phila. 1.1k1.:',%' N:loruitE , B'44pip i arr ft ERIVREIC: •• S A .: O*T 08LICIIIIATED , BirTnit.oc):RDlAL. . . Th'e tundleal preparation fp now offered to .'the' public do a reliable abbstltute for the many worth, etuipeutuls which 'now &did thp marttetc,.. At id ',,purely regetsblo,uomposed verlditateitioo coed from ..the groat • alorchbisses „"etilaturty•Undi rammed with the , °Molt • eare:.•rit:‘lB;rutt reOnsa , ,11,•Etilucl en a eclat -AU,' but.by? ta•illrost end ppd. l'Utrylufluettun upon the ,Ileart, Iffier:2lLidneys, Lunge, fitomsch dud Bowe ls; It eete both an' a pre. vontivo and mire for many of the abating to which I those organs tire sulAbet., It In a„sellable blodielou and can be taken.,, by either Infant or adult tyliff the_ saute beneficial results. It le a certittury tempt and speedy remedy fur DIARItiIIEA, UYBliNfiiltl',po IV 2•11C101 PLAINT, IIYuP a PSI A, •LOWNe.sstle PIKIT, FAINTINGB, we. 'For, LailLl.s and I•TVERS of all kinder It tar • better • and safer'. than qulnioe, - • without Its.peralcioue.effects., It creates sat apps thin llrevpa n. powerful digester of " food, -and • will eounmrapt the elletie of liquor In a few minutes. EItEPAItED BY , • • , JACWSCHEETZ'sSOie Proprietor; - N. W. Cor, Yin& and Baca SM. Plnlnd'a, Pa t3oo:l:iiir ALL DRUGGISTS eo jj,,15 . 1, 0,14: ;:.11 . A.!,1) . ,g, .;: FOR ,GENTI&EISIEIC,: Ail ,thit LEADI.t4 r . oit tOiroi or mado,,i(i' mesouro: Xricus,lll4ad.atLOW PILIUREB: Art .11Ino!: trAteki. PriF‘Lisi•lviih ID uotlooo ,for golf mootair, moot on rocolpp; of Post,OMMOitdrott.•••f , 7,: • onntA PiXth obCoo • o.:;I I 4 : 4.IiLIILAMLP ~... 1 , -A . gfli3l4PANDll,l§nippuxal . .-. MIMI irOlVl3eittli""' " .. r'' . ' lo a fircipirty'rititonliln 13onili tirtipr nellnin' and lhatlrolid . BtriotO.- Tintnlldlng,,lo;qt, '..bilaki' throo, atortWhiolOP bad ; a oconploillia ; A' P{lblie, ,toilie: giltyttievaaAeidatild altintnhb ttlM'n, being altditednioqho cOritit•fl 'tin th 04(1410. : olpoll oiroelli td"tharotlghterh; l'Orlia'rtl alarmlip. roll to Ithb IhiltStßlth, - AY,p`NEßry#ll!p' Tpor• iet shippr...buricr • ., ,T, 4 , , , 1 ;•.. ~ • ' ' „ai m , at , •,: •. . , ,,0 :„ 9 4 •11:,.• • d .1 I ..W. ll, :ANTE,p at the 'l,heap , Stort.of .', lintiTZ:4ll . .tb:ioostahOdbEdurruhed ova In lorge•neautll quuktitita,Prx4lo4 Mt 1 441heis ' pilaw will b04nd0k.:,,, • . , • 11Outin Of ” • ;, '' , `~SPECI `A`L' 11fd Z'l b~'.s:"; `,. i ~. loAr k -, • iovu. ME liiHA , RD.W4I:-RE,... -. it -- 4*,* - ;,:i. - ;:i*,i'i'.*'. : ;l;:i,i' ;iz:: r , IVO AA t3l. 111:0 H.' T It! T CarlislF, Pa. i9hidexede and Retell dealer in Hardware. Iron, teal, Neils, Building Materials, • Palate, Olte, -;;Sinest - quality, of AmerleartaMd 'English Pocket and Table Cutlery. Every description or Viols adopted for all Me• chemical Trades of the sulageiGebrated makers, and warranted In 'every instance. , Guns. PLltola Lod kmmuMtiort.' . • -p u nt•rs - ;- fo- any depth , ,ai:ranto4Ao giro satisfisatton , ciumnt, • nyder,DlaitleQ • , Powder,' 13 P a Medgest &, • •PARIK ,BNLLS, PLOWS, GRAINS, HARES, GRAIN BAGS, Ac., ko. Builders receive triakriatt to a great oilcan/aye both . ta price and. quality. • Housekeeper,' .I.looda : and utensils In great variety. • , WE ARE S'OLE AGED TS FOR THE GREAT. 'IThL ECONOMIZER PATE243',F4I.O4BIOR,IWEATHEIt • BTRIPP/NCi, • : • • adopted for dopritoo,ol Irindovia. ~ . . . -• . . We feel ourrelres competent of 'pirating cat mi ,our minds are of the highett In guaiiiy and knout i ? .. C P reh . VP wiit a ... t.ec.vv'e . '-' 2 ;,...ii- :Om' ti; ri; .. g ' al.; delivered In townfree 7 , . '... " . Parties indebted to us for 'lB6B will plenie be prorcipt fu: their payment: and all, to whom'wwire indebted will please present their bilis for settlement. 81=48, lIHNILY BAXTON ROW_LOST-110W.I.- RESTORED. itist publtabed. a new edition of Dr.'CraTerwell'a Celebrated MI IND ,Illaasy on the radical cure (without IIiedICIROOf 111.4010048na15. or Sem inal Weeknea, Involuntary Bemlnel Gossea,,,lm r, °Tenor, Mental and khysloil Incapacity Impedi• locate to finnriego, et..., alto Consuarnon. ErnAret • • Fftrifintfadlsr - genurdidirtant 4 e — brearic trataganco. --- 03;PricesOnsealortenvelOpielonir - freente The celebtated author, I,n. this admirable essay, clearly demonetrates from a thirty yea ' s' successful practido; that the alarming congequet ea of self. abusirmay be rbdlcaliy cured without the. danger, ous use of Internal medi, Ilse or the knife; pointing outs mode of cure at once simple, certain, and of- Actual, by. Means of which evorysuifere . r, no mat ter what big condition may be, May cure hithaelf cheaply, Ptivstely,sud nulteatly. aar-rbi. Lecture should be in the hands of every ,yonth and every man in the land. Bent under seal t in a - plain envelope; to' any, eV dress postpaid. On recelptof six chute,or two post stamps. Also, Dr. Cuiverwelf "Marr iage Guide," price' 25 cents. Address the Publishers ' CIIAB. J. 0. ItLINE dr CO., 127 Bowery, New York, Poet Office Box 4,589 2.jen 69 ALHABLE HOTEL Property ...,;,- A PIIIVATE BALE,ORRICCOANG , FOR A FARM Y ~ „. 'The idffnict lifer offers akpriiate sale thq.well known hotel stal e d; In Now:Ville; Pa., knead as the LOGANt. , TIOTISE... - .. .. _ The -lot (upork-,libleti , tielotei-stainds)Cont aloe 67- by 180 foot and in tidditiod:thereto*lll be sold an. excellent GARDEN:Coe taldluir 65 by - 180 that. • z.... The house bi. tar/Stand eilbstantially built of stone tiontaining 8 'alvepleg apartments,. good Bar-room. Dining-room, Fifilor,Klicherfand all ntodevefoonven lances. A goodyirell et Water at the doer. ; •••• ',. • EXPALIEWI.•::-STA.BLING `', : 7 Per forty horses,. ICC. Mewls,' Wood Ilouse,• Bteeke llousffateff — airneeisitary,bntbuildlngs. The Logan House Is widely and tavorably known and Is largelypatronlied. It has been quite Secantly renovated and repaired throughout. 4 V • • Terme to•suit the purchaser. For further particulars, apply to the embacriber,to 11 hte absence to Peter A. Ahl, of New,lll°, Pa., 303. A. WOODBURN. EIMIII The Great Pacitielairoad is finished ! FIRST MORT.GAGD BONDS 11E11 UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT AIND SOLD Bankers and Dealers in Gorerlments No. 40 south Third. Street, n=! !MEM GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. STOCK OF SUM- N b 0 y' Jaye, elos4A riot In thirtaye, 011 i R mt a EFr i s t .1( pßesibln. The greeqet, B A .1?' a: A. I ever offered In Canine ere. now to be given by us for the neat thirty days: -- -We, are determined,to close out OUT ENTIRE nom OF SUMMER GOODS We *III keep no account of what goods coat. They roust all he sold without reserve. DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUNTS aro the order of the day. Wo have a complete ae• sortmeut of all kinds of goods yet, at scab yowler- . fully low price, us to mtordsh the most- experienced buyers. • , , • RE E D $5 00 Uloth for 2 00 Camila/ire, 100 • do 85 Alpena, .75 • do , i. ai.uoiiintlllitiffils,, ' 60 Granite Poplins • 40. Purigeo do ?' , 60 Beat Orpondles, , 40 do ~ - Good LOWIIII, 16 00 La. . Shavrlp, ' 10 DO do Good do 91pK . COATS AT ITALY 'THEIR COST, • . Summer Bh vale for $1 00 sr 00 .Hoop Skirts, . 1 00 ' . oernite, 'Oll - Clothe, Bllnde, &c., Twentrtivo per . :•:•,' cent, lowor Allan the lowest. . Donzestics . ,o4all We wills rt , yOU more' value tbr your Motley, ;under any eta* , elrautestanee; tbau eau be had ',elsewhere: Call early Ilea eicarolue our - koode. .Bee bur prlree, , aad be eonylured One faet." GS W. O. SAWYER. & 00. :11 % , /1000 pounds'or wool wanigd, for ..whloh .I rre . wil pa i y . ll44lll . Rl:sp . ' , 'Market prim. CHARLES, 13EA , 171,M AND • VENTILATING WAREHOUSE No, 1132 and 1184 Ittarkot 4troet,' RE The G9lden Eagle U.R C E . . , This hi en entirely now heater. .it is • construct ed as .tri onto commend Itself to general favor. Doing a combination of wrought and cast Iron. It le very simple in conetruction; and le perfectly airtight; selsolenning, hating no pipe. or drums to be taken out and cleanest.' ills so arranged with -upright flues .as to produce a larger amount 01 hest tow the, same Weight of coal then any furnace now in tteiL. •The bygrosnatie condition of the air aspro diced f by "ttfy ' riareirrangement of evaporation will. at ones demonstrate:that iris the ~ J ,....0.., . ...., . • ' 1, 1'2 • \ .1 . 4)10Tt AIR 'FURNACE ,•.'.. .1.19A'41111 produce a perfetly healthy atmosphere.' , I Um sw powtmaklng flys 'diarist ihrt9iiics k aibtf four for *mo. ::1 • ! I.: ~ - , i ~ :, , !i , , : ~.! ' - It AN GE 84 ...' Special attention la kb* tolled , to my NEW 001 ,DENE4O4I9 COOKING RANGES, as 1 feel &reared therein nothing 19 olio that can romper. with them aslagarilis their durability, economy and efficiency, • with a; largo sieortmorit , of- low ;Down`terateei Ere' pliC,O•plovits,ltegisiors, ntl .3'entliators. v.Elend foe • ;11Itt i eted citaular. • - ,--?„. , ,!. , • „ • ~,... v i -••.. CH00,14 TAX 'F,0R" . 1869; . ' . ' ' "'' ,L Who DaplleatinfEchOol Taxes ftir : thelloratch of , litvilele Pr 1 09 ill• pow, 4n: tbl; i / 919411 , 0 ,1tir Tr4.k,. : arerliir.eallict4l9i,,,, ~ ~ , je, • • ...., • ••• N.; v i' 3 blidell iiihinipro, gl‘pii, 1416.T0iiinilrer,w111 attend t the'Conity Court. 9use (Oonsailselbtier's thileo)lo THU twE9Y. and WhiDAYUptiVand 80th 4 JOLT: at;tiotwooli the boors of 0 A.ll. cad 5.P. 81,) of ea d Cloys, ihr the purpose .of recast:l said', bi , llosj ha to Which time au abittetnant of VIP MI '-OIi , NT: Will 'hi. mad* on, all tassis'paid. rabbis , lelablogito pay their taxes boron, the above dates, vi .ti3dOstO Ihigtailltigat.tbe aka or reel enee Was, Tresourcr,,billtiarlon.lllall.hulMing,.Weat , .111aln• Street. . P•`• ' ..tsav, t , .;:. • , .41. W..1 1 / 1 7, - ,A*llmlii.Tiaii 0,1019.- .. .alvaiwygp, .... _. • ME DRY.•..(.OODS: Jr SPRING:IB69. NEW 'RICH AiYD •BEAUTIFUL SPRING GOODS L. T.-GREENFIELD'B No. 4. East Main Street. Your I uspe.t.l,l h solfellosCa a great baFgaina4/. all klub of Dry Good. aronow dfforlng.—llaving par4umod a full lino pfall tho most dmirable goody of the gensonfor cash at the lowast mark that goods have reached in the last six years, lam prepared to Dyer to 'the trade greater Inducemenla . thryn Ciert be bond In any House In thli valley. All I ash t4l eo nllnce any one of the eboVejlecti,le an early call DRESS GOODS all shades of COLORIED S 1 r, , SILK AND LINEN JAPANESE POPLINS Poplinettes, Mshairs, Thenes, .Striped Piques, Fig Pkes;'beautiful shades of SPRINGIALPAOAS, STRIPED MOHAIR, STRIPED POPLINS, Elegant,Delaines at 20 cents, STRIPED DELAIIVES, SOOtoh,G ingbams - in-Plaide and stripes ALL WOOL DELAINES in single and double widiba. Also, amz,pßE,Ars' DRESS GOODS IN GREAT" VARIETIES, DOMESTIC GOODS .1nr.501:10 yards GOOD CALICO at 10 and 12} ate Domestic iiinghamit'st 12% cents arid. upwards, Stacks of Tlckloge, !Meetings, Pillow-case !dualism, •ory cheap. Partlea waoting. the above will do well to examine our stork before porch/Wog COTTON SHIRTING STRIPES l'111.(10, GRAIN, BAGS, CLOTHS AND CASSLEE:RES, ••: ; • ' From the .Lorrest Grade to the Most French Having alrwaye taken the lead la thin branch of the buelnesß, I woula . eaylam better prepared {tile mason than ever to meet the whams of all tlolll.lllff a itne!l, article, nr a fair brirgapl SUITS TO, ORDER, $3 00 at the shortest— notice by a srst•class 1610 20 10 00 00 U 60 to 5 00 MOURNING GOOD 11031-.BAZINEB, IV . O 014 vE L 4:1 N E S BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, Crape Veils and Collars; English Crape BLAG 4 K-MIBET.'SHA.TVLS; Square gndlonk, also n full, - aitiOittrient of Furieritt 'orders. 'and. BRiisfrieforily filled. ' 0.1.'T G 0 0 D 'S 'TADItE, OM BEETINEEMBE Towels, ,itons, Piques, Quilts pprea4s, Nairlooks - , - India T wi lls,Swissos, tarjotons, Cambrip,-&e NO.TIONS!_. . • in groat varieties. IL64XERY'AND GLOVES, a full.titook cookantly'on haAd. ' , REMIMBE I R NU 4;IEABZ.MAIN . You ‘llVfibt'l4 Aloti)otitg ttY,i* Vo,` t7l 1 01 " 4 1 1 1- • ~J )Pt r.E Ntit Li • 'IIIS, .1, 10'; • 1; ',.. ^1, II 1,7 , 0 , t " •'; ,kr.o; .rj . ;1:, Mir -POPLINS, Dniu.s, DEN E &c .v '