El E 4~erald A: K. RIIEFaI , I.:Editors &I'r9_P!".H DUNBAR, • - CARLIkILE...PA . Friday Morning, June 2;5;1869: -- , 1 Republican' Stuto c Tio) r FOR GOVERN WILom . • Gen. JOFI , -LIAMS. lave heretofore neglected to ton that Governor erEARY, of this State, has appointed:Hoagum - GI HAR PER, Esq., senior editor of the Gettys burg Star and Sentinel, one of the As sociate Judges of Adams.eouuty. This is an appointment fit to be made. The compliment is a graceful tribute to Mr. Harper's long connection with the press, and his fidelity to principle dtir• ing an unusually Rrotrneted editorial career. tar Senator Johnßea?, of Hunting don, Pa.; was a guest at the banquet, given in honor of Ex-Governor Curtin, in Philadelphia, on Saturday evening of last week, and made a speech ou the occasion, which is said to have bees, the speech of the evening. The Phil adelphia-Bulletin states that he made' , a most favorable impression, and that 'the distinguishOPennsyl vanians pres ent felt great pride in their new Sena tor; who ranks us one of the iibleit men of the State. GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MONUMENT. —The Board of 'Managers of the Sol.; diers' National *Cemotery, through ite committee of arrangements, invite all the soldiers who were in the battle of Gettysburg ; and the military, munici pal.and civil organizations ehe coun try, and the, citizeps generally, to par-, ticipate in the ceremonies of the> dedi cation of the monument at Gettysburg, on the Ist of July Senator Morton, of Indiana, will deliver the oration,' Bayard Taylor the Oem, and Henry Ward Beecheethe prayer. THE GRAIN MARKET has been ex tretnelydull for a long time and prices still remain nearly stationary at low figures. -Wheat is now lower than for several . years, but we presume has about reached bottom. ,With the ex ception of some portions of the Western_ country, where the grain has, been- in jured by eicessive rainS and by wet weather, the wheat crop everywhere is flourishing, and there is little hope of- the price becoming much higher. A4EXANDEEt STEIIIENs, Vice Presi• dent of - the late Southern Confederacy, has recently writtena letter in advoca cy of the favorite Democratic doctrine of State sovereignty.. The American people have bad enough of that parent of violence, discord and treason. When Democracy was in the aeceudent, with its Sthte sovereignty views in force; no Northern man was safe in a slave Slate, 'and the doctrine logically led to Rebel lion against the authority of the Gene ral' Government, coverin the hand with blood and imposing on the country a burdensome debt. The people, if they are wise, will never; again give coun tenance to so-called Democracy, State sovereignty, or violence ag.dust the established laws. THE . " Democrats," days the Berk: cf Schuylkill Journal, raise a great howl about taxt , s, but in every city, county or State, where they have the rule the •taxes are . renornious. Take New-York City, for example. There the local . taxes are almost unbearable, and enormous prices for real estate iu,d rents e the;'cobsequence, Tn the ! ) 'tat, nf ‘ll,l, land the ari• : !bete will Ili Om lienio`6ratic coituri. , m:ot our (ANl'll State the county to sane ;wady twice as high as in Republican counties. In Pennsylvania, underiteueilli ea n rule, real estate is entirely free from') Mato ta . x.es.: These are facts for the tax payers to' ponder upon. Our State was never so well governed as it is 'at present. Dethurratic movement in favor of Gen. Hancock•for Governor is meet ing with bitter opposition from the friends of Judge Pucker, Gen. (Joss, and others. They-say that if Hancock accepts a Gubernatorial nomination, ne will do it solely as a stopping-stone to Presidential bonnie, in case he suc ceeds inn Adection. That 'undoubt edly would be so if Hancock' should be elected—but there is no danger of such a contingency. If the DemOcrats couldn't carry the State three years Ago, 'and last year,. with the. aid of forged naturalization papers, and the monstrous frauds in Philadelphia, Lro zenie and other counties, they will not be able`to aueeecentixt Fall, under the, now Registry Law, ; no matter who is tfie candidate. , : • , • ELE6'TING PRESIDENTS'--Thew York Tribune' advpoatpa, 'abolition of the Electoral CoPeke.' It:proposes that each State VQtO, directly, for pres ident and Vice Prodded, and let the candidate prefirred by the'pojority in any State recive two votes:iinswering to . its Oonators. Each Congressional district to yote . in liko,rnOnee,:endle whoever shall receive a majority. of said vote bo.eertified.therefrotn aS its choke. for President and'il ice Plesidinit ;es. pectively. a thinl(the law. as it is at resent 'could not be heti'erel. It ; was framed by , Wit3o and good ,mon and pure, patriots, and it .bas berothroth worktuttifi,th# ontiafuction of the pie. 'N=•,:G4ait , itie'xii)ii.)? doi ,thinker, but ho ip,got always a wino OF, nfo re3fotmer, 7 : , 1. .;„ - r7.lliara riproap pot of , a iily fight•botaroat organs Darariciatio of ,thiak.o!titt , y 7 tinny ptte. Notwithetstning the oppoCition ' number-of petty PhiladelpPfMn: glans, try . . GEAR? yyrtit the one, on-Wet:lto:Bday hriree hallottAnst:' nnd rnlifi bti,drtii, they could muster hat a ,r"; eleven. This wi regard as a -..- • most merited" and stinging rebuke to the cabal; of would-be leaders' Meettutm ''and MANN_ at their hettd,' and one' which for nil time to come should teach them - to, behltVe 'pelYes like good children' dridiao longer play the part of naughty, boys To,the GOvernor.hisatielf, this overwhelming victory must be the cause of especial congratulation.. -be-so indorsed by, a' great. and demitiani party is it die- tinctiou that has been accorded to but very few, if indeed to any public offi cers in the history of American poll ties His Honor, Judge Hcinv - W. WILLIAMS, of Pittsburgh, was unani- tnously nominated as our candidate for Supr'eniejudge. Ho is already upon the Supreme Bench, by, appointment of Governor Geary; and hafi id- that position Won the universal esteem and respect of 'the Bar of this .i.ent Com monweal di. The ticket is al rhost excellent one and with Proper effort' upon .the part of the Republicans of thi State,:we will be able to elect it by ti najority rang 'u4-from-twenty. to thirty thousand - Democratic Ofilee - Hunterx ---- Many years ago it was remarked by one of our well-known local politicians, when alluding to the great swarm of Democratic place-hunters who at that time sought office, that " the CUM her land. Sow had...no,t,„4—a.reat_detti the . number of teals necessary to suckle the many hungry pigs who sought nourish ?tient at herbosom." if this complaint was true of the Democrats of that day, how mtiefi more so is it ,now, when almost every third man in good stand ing in that immaculate party is an as piranE for office? The swartu of office Ininfers then was comparatively small, but now their name is legion ! In-the columns of the Volunteer may be found the " cards" of no less_ han thirty fa.° candidates, who are anxious and. ; willigg to serve the people and at the same time put money into their own pockets`; and how many more- sro in. reserve is beyond our ken. • -These men aspire to stations, from .the' dignified office of member of the Legislature, down tx . i , the paltry one of AuditOr,,in eluding County Treasurer, Prothooo - Clerk: of Courts, Register:Torn: missioner, and 'Director of the Poor: All these gentlemen pledge themselves., in adva ce to "support the i'vhole•Dem-' ociatic -ticket," but nit one of them says that, if elated, he will discharge the dutieS of the office faithfully and according to law ! However, that with them --is but a secondary considera, lion, or rather 16 no consideration at all, as the ldaves and fishes''': con iffEirte , ITie only sine qua libn of tkeir ambition. ,It is somewhat singular, too, hoW very persistent in the pursuit of office many of these men are. Some of them have grown gray in this dis graceful pursuit, and are noW no nearer the goal of their wishes than tln , y, were years ago ! and from present appear ances they are again destined to defeat' and wortification • • But only think, already thirty-two Mterested patriots are asking for the pap of office, when it is . well known that this year the "'Piernberlfind Sow" has hut eiiht teats to supply all the hUngry i 017110017415 it is. It in very evident that ' the:, 5%.,1 or. he ro• m f.er all eve" rit the Iwegh, and sat a r ,e re ta- inore ihern will have "i c left oat in the er ! ld. 1 low ever, is -An ill. wind that blows nobody nil." and our ,neighbors of the Vol. EUE initeer will doubtless reap a rich har'• vest by the I u this " wild hunt after office," it is'little matter us who, succeeds or who is defeated, who is in or who aut. Alt we desire ie thUt the different aspirants maj, ave a clear field, a fair, gtorr, and— re devil take tie hindmost • . B 1" We easuot as yet tell, haw the 9 Crawford county system" is going to work in the bands of our Democratic . fellow.eitize,mii of this county. . Many of them oppoim it, and say that it will scion fall to thezronnd, ()there again are strongly in favor of it,.and declare that it is the only sy,fitern that can pre. serve thrt.purity, of elections, and in so far is infinitely preferable to the old delegate Sykora. After the: p : ritniari , election' in Aiikikat be will doubiless; hear a different . ,theKe will, f•ci a large,.'number of, " sore heads? left, wounded upOn , the field, whose Ivoful lamentations will be heard far and near.l h as lington 'spate ea announce. the diEfdovery of stupendotis whisky frauds: ip Baltimore, in 'which all the' ltevenue officers, whose ditty it *as to Protect the, Cltiverntnent,' seem' 'to be involved, Tt, is to be'hoPeil the Government wilisnot.stop at the more forteitnrq ,of this ()hormone, li whinky Manufactory, and thecdiamissall of the, unfaithfUl and'ilislionest Officials ; that iii111?(?di'1171'; pr,o,tl cent d ; the, nun ost, er, ten t of .tlie statute:.. , Prtiudulecit distillers who have,been permitted fOi. any enn- eiderahle ..the(i;neferious: traffie; cati affotuto have's their Unita): liabwarita forfelted . iand Stilt relf pry upon . their htit' send a few. o,iitheso gppivy tiieStittO, Prison, and you ,strilte terror. , to the Whale, trihe:; naniti Ist true; Of ota" ,rapt, officials .*re)iatrif iliaposition• deterMintAthiii inissicMei,Delano,to Ourifpthiileven* ne'ser ; vieii, 'filial' lila it :poisible i " ',) . .. amp--_.- ; r -raven' pr's ~'t~~~ton.=-_ --„. ,ernatorial campaign is, now . Wednesday last, in Phile elphia, the ` Convention ,tentitainated: our Okeiient: worthy Goy- Giitiy; and the people Will' hail with acclimation the action ofthen-delegatea:',An'a - week or - two dig bemocrate will name his and then thO ball will open. Although the political ittmosph - ere to said at present, it is probithlo , that tlie: . i;truggle will heZlotne exciting 'before the . . . . lion. 'NM Democrats a di•A ptl,ate tiff irtf i t win t tale. a wl will apply ;their : faynrite ,policy-.if', fraud. mhirePresentatien, slander, s ite.. with allhe vigor they corninaml. 'ilia ft/ wiltseek to ereate dissatisfitttiCi. division in file Republican. i - ati6. and. wi'Srever 'theY-ean Anti any one not pletised With,all,the taansactions of. the nett/ National Administration, inelnd ing appointments, dso., tliy will en detrior to alienate him from the party, and.-to "extend the• dissatisfaelioti ne may have conceived. Counting on the apathy so often existing in a party af ter it has won a greet battle, 1.114 think they see a chance for victory, and their passionate desire to fill the offices Will make them struggle for it with desper ation. The Democrats all over the country are anxious that their party shoal& carry Penntiylvania,at this elec• don,- as an entering wedge fur 1872, -and material hid" will he furnished in abundance; And in that aspect-of the case the election is very impoitant to both parties. Pennsylvania - always has a very great, if not a controlling, influence-, , ,0n Presidential ' elections; and - Ilieeleition this fall will do much -in determining the result three years hence. rlilitl'arlititrtm'efovernor this fall will =have film when=the-ue%t: Presidential battle -shall be fought and during his administration the dis tricting of_the State for. Members of Congress, Senators and Assemblymen is to take place. Theinere fact' of the Republicans losing the Governor would do much for the opposition in the way of prestige, vfhile the manner in which the Democrats would district the State, it they should get control of it, would probably give them a- majority of the Members of Congress and' insure them the election of the United States Sen ators to he chosen in the next decade. We throw out, these suggestions as some of the reasons-whiCh will induc. the opposition tct_make a' desperate struggle for the control of the Stale. - - Pennsylvania is now undoubtedly -Republican.- The fair Republican ma jor)lty is not less than' 20;000. There are, therefore, but two causes for doubt about the result: The Demoorats al ways I count on fraud at elections for thousands of Votes. The law-making power has endeaVored to secure to the people a fair_expression of-the popular wishes fit-the Valls by the •passa'ge of the li s egistry - Law. The Democrats know that if this law be enforced, one of their chances of suecessistaken froth them. TheY are laberingv - thereforel -with all their ingenuity to - make it it— operativk and . already Mr. Sh ars wood, their illegally elected Judge, has pro nounced the law uneonstitutional. They want the field clear fiir coffee-colored naturalization papers, for colonizing illegal voters, for voting " early and" often, &c. If they fail in destroying the Registry Law, one of their chief' grounds for hope is g one., .Their other blape - is that' the itepffbilicans may be apathetic, or that a large' number way be, soured by dissatisfaction with Sp poidtments, 'and therefore stay away from the election. To increase any diisatiduction , of this• kind that may exist they labor assiduously. Like the old serpent. crawling into the garden to get the ear of the woman of Para dise to seduce her from her duty,..les uitical Copperheads go creeping shout in the dirt of mischief making and slander with the object of inducing Republicans le betray their principles and giye power to the enemies oi the country and the fes of freedom. Pail ing_in this scheme of sowing discord in the Re alkali ranks: the second and Nat , ground of their hopes for suecess: Vanishes frbm beneath their feet, and leaves .then, nothing to stand upon but their own dark and fearful record - of the War,' And the blasting .power of that record must wither forever the political prospects of the men who clung to the party, (and who cling to it still) which in the darkest days of the nation's trials was found acting and syinpatliWbg withthe traitors of the South and their British backers—the enemies alike of the Union of our States and the liberty° . ~, • the people. • , The .Fifteenth Amendment • The indications , every day grow. strong:•r and stronger ttiat boforecumni ,months the Fifteenth Amendment will liectome part and parcel of the Coasti ",tutfen of[the. United Stato, and that', all our citizens will be plated upod perfeerpolitfcal equality. The Florida ratification Makes, we believe, the itwin ty;firth State which .has ratified that I .Anaendment. The whole number of States at present is thirty-severi. ,The . . apProlist by' the Legislatures of three fonttbe of, , these thirty-seven is ;woes 'lO-f ix this amendment as part of ‘;the supreme law olthe i land. Twen.: ly-eight tates; therefore, being 'tubes hary'y three more will yet: be;needed to meet the reqnfaitian. tinder the last reconstruction. law (signed by •Preiii t Acne, Grant)Virginia,;Mississippi and Texas' ? us::a ' eoriditiOn. 'precedent to, - restoration;fo' qionirees; ate' reciiiire;it tq taffy .this iiniendinent, Vermont and lihodettlsland will, ratify it. Th lert, ; with the reassembling of Pon partial ~autfrage to , be,,proclnimed, ;as fixed, on ! , the ,tinpreme . law, with ,thp power* Congress to enforee it ; so, i%.4 4 3* thiS 'year 'tlie ttidgm''‘vote iiite'S north as 11 as'Elouth *Allays to he tairen into,tbe,estimateii of the!politicians. ,•• [3:FtJudge Packur, io thought, will ' Denioori t tio .poininee. '1 1,1,, 'A fivr days sinc'd, says , the Harris burg TeligNpk noticed the fact .thitt the Registry, act been brought bS6re one o'We Judges of the Su pretne'bourt in -order to , obtain ra par tisapAecision deerso4h unconstitu tiOn4 and' at `tbe ittrneliftne WA .pre dicted what has acttull takeri place, EEID29 that a decision would be rendered in accordance with the wishes of those who practice the iroiSeit (.4 eorge'Sfhit - nwood, who woe without of dotifiti clinted one nf . the Judges of the Stifirente Court by, the ruitat„outrageons trends two;yeara since, wits'espouially crate as . the iwittiotcrit. through whom' sucka decliiion should'ltt proninlgated; l i and whilst he ees sitting ae a judge of. tbe!.ZVisi Prisms court in Philadelphia', a , D'emoeratic: complaint was made be;• fore this artguktribunal, asking -that an injunction be granted against: the . elekion officers of. Philadelphia, re straining them from putting tho Regis tYy act in force. Counsel for the com plainant appeared before thispartiean judge, eiid n zuod the Ohestion on one side; • no regular counsel argued the constitutionality of the law, but an em inent attorney in court remarked that an arrangement had, been made to' have the__ case .fully argued beforn_a_fulk bench of the Bupreme Court, on the let day of July, and therefore mug gested that , th matter be pokponed until that. time, in order to procure ~.. final decision of this iniportant matter. This suggestion was, however; scouted by Judge Sharswood; - with - an indig nant remark that the case was properly before Min ;- and that he would take Ahe.r.espe to • decide it without :fear _Well,r-rho_decision_has been_ given, and it is exactly what every partisan deinagogue expected.. It de clares the.act null end void,.and argues, the question after the fashion of a reg ular Democratic stamp .spoech. The decision is not worth the paper on which it--is written. It is merely the extra-judicial opinion of one Judge oat of five. The case be argued before a. full bench of the Supreme Court in a few days, : and we have no doubt that each provision ot• the act will be carefully examined and treated with that importance it properly de served ; and then, whatever the •Court May deeidr, will be the law of- the State. In the, meantime, the officers properly shared with the duty of re gistering the voters, must disregard the partisan decision of Justice Sitars- Wood entirely, and proceed in the dis charge of•theirrespective duties, other wise they will incur, respectively, the penalties provided by the act: Irish Republican; Orgnizations. Even ,ince the division of political sentiment, into pt.rties in our country, oar .Trish citisens haveleen'acting, or at least the great majority of them have, with the detnocruey. No matter who the candidates were, oKNha - t.• their record, oolong as they received a -demo -erotic nomination they were sure- of Irish support. ihe late war, howeier, opene.d the eyes of thousands of Irish men. They saw the real ,pint and in tention of the democratic' party, and that it, had brrroght the eon a try to the verge of ruin. Wi4h a ready willing ness to aid the cause of their adopted land,_atid_to make good their oath. of allegiance to the rinimi, very many of them shouldered their mm-ketr. and went forth cheerfully to battle for our caus'e 'Phu number who thus enlisted under the Union banner will never be known, nor can there ever even en iippifxitnationef how many died upon the fluid, sealing their professions of good citizeneh ip with their blood. The lie between the Trisheitizetuf and the democratic party 'tvas thus weakened, and that weakness has since gone on increasing, until mat.y of the,natives of the t;-reett Dale have arrived .at the conaltti , iroa that pritteiploi av welt naato n y,• scen I'lll to real patrintiatn. One cheering indication ot' thi fact is afforded by IL late call by the Irish National Re nblican'Association . for a Convention of Ifish Americana at Chi cago, On the 4th of July next. Froth an excellent address accompa4ing the cull we take the following:! " W liere outside of New York—in which you constitute theparty—do your De\pocratic mesters reward your fideli-' ty to them and your. infidelity to liber ty ? Do not these men count 'you (heirs in any case, and have.rhey , not regarded you ut all times , ' mere voting cattle ?" That is 'certainly not a high'posi tion for a spirited peo ple to hold The Government of Great Britain, which reflects the national sentiment, was and is bitterly anti-Ito publican. The only section of the British Empire friendly to America in the day of her adversity was enslaved Ireland. At house your brethren wore a unit. for the. auecese of the Federal arm's ; and bad England openly sup ported the rebels, Ireland would have 'risked all, and, - in the words' of the Dublin resolutions of 1861, passed, at the date of the Trent - complication, ' - would never give to the British Gov ernment a - single shilling or 'a - tuao to aid in the' , - destruction of American unity, in the bombardm,e ntpf-A tnerican citiee, or in, the' humiliation of the American flegl" - • Here you did not speak for , youreelves ; you allowed the Demooratio demagogues , to do the talk ing and 'to 'misrepresent ydu 'so that you were rriade to appear, as a majority, unfriendly to the, national cause. Welt ratio it for you and for us that Irish sol', dierit, fired by. their native 'valor and natural love of liberty, , ritngen ;them •relves beneath the'sfard 'and 'stripes, hnit tinder; the' leadihg 'of' Meagher; ulligan', l Corebratt, Sheridan and other whosefarne blfall foitver ern:hied,' I ivrM'sritith their gallOiThlooil 'it' death. , lesienanlir in Ameridatiobietbily."' ' • ; • '''EveN it 6iiiet , J tunic° . - Chaise . not' mahrug much hendwuk. 'Uwe South as a catididateiforthe ProSidency, , he' , at. , leest is getting off .iome queer- o_pinioes Wallet; that the sitttutd of ihnitatiens' rtitis!sgaiest-the! Goilernmin& a - s as-Individuals, will startle Inestlef Ante judges, and cause them thirevi(iiv the ,iccopted)awiforia . century liadt . .l It ,needless to 'lsay•i,that'the Government• departruehte are.th town .. .llnd: hewilddi• moot and eon flision? , Ott accottetYoflo! reedering so ,flatly -opitesed , wttoir ilonggotablielxicoriotrtictioni., Th 6 "Nat, us. • The next census• will be looked for with great 7 intOr . eat. It will_ he the moaOrap,ortent.that everheen ta ken this country, beeautie.i up oit,lt willbefeuided tkocnmppra gr°o„ of the*publiO -;under,tiii3 new . orfipi . of.thituPs brou'ght abont'''elnee:lthelist enumeration. The,.Coneuo sub-sum- mittee of the• House of Representatives has been for sometime past in. session in;Washingthri, iniddieWnot yet agreed; as .to, the ; furrps and_clutractqc,,of xlre„ schellulf. to ' . l3e adopted. I.lr. Kennerlyi uudqr whose suiervialcin the W r O'rh.'iihs' on aeveral occatus„been;accomplish-, ed,,is in daily comumniention with. the thuamittee: Bo hasiatd'that the present la w; g its Henry of ruent,is the heat, and that, the seliedue¢ . are haied tpon correct principles; only' requiring foartlat ctuhgea to'hdoptthem to our varied circumstances: ", He ridi oiled the idea of a:eohararn tlie• work which must be.. ti.io labor • of. forty; thousand .fools,, as , no great number of persona; raitiespeciallt traiti ed Could enter 'him: such a laher with preper'knoriledge . ,kor its successful, execution. ,Dr•Jurvis, of Boston, who has long been identified with li:fatality tatietias, faVored taliingeri itecaurit of the physical eendition of, the popular don \ to ascertain the force of the peo ple. _Mr: Kehnedy ridiculed this prop- .