CI RATES OF.i ADVERTISING. us Square. one insertion,, fli•or each additional insertion , • Lew Atisertleements, d Notlase,'' • • Professional sash without paper, Obituary Notices and Oommunica ; Mons relating, to niatter sof psi. sutointerestaalOne; 10 cents per .• JOB, lI,INTINCL—Our Job Piloting Office Is the • oatesgand most Complete II in the el an , Pour good Presses, and establishment general variety of materiel sultedfor plain and Penoy work olevery knnt, e1:1,11464ns to do Job Printibg at the shortest, reasonable terms. Persons • waotoroills, BM-Itc atoradcything•lb-theJobbin 11 le, will nod it to their Interest to glee us a call P_ROFESiIOSAL ,' CAPDS. )1" D. ADAIR ) , Attorney At Law, .Cuagle, Pa Office alth A: B. Sharpe, Esq.,No. , South Llaeoyar Street. . May 17-IY. jIOS EPH Attorney at JAW and Surveyor, Mechadlosburg, Pa. Offlegol3 .al goad Streettwo dobta north of the Bank. - de‘Bnalnees promptly attendod , to. 'bill , ~ . J . R. MILLER Attorney at Law. ' .Owes In.,ttnunqu'd building Immediately ot. °alto tbb Court Muse. 29n0v674y Ato HERMAN, Attorney at Law, eearlisle, Pa., No. 9 Ithoom's Hall. Jta 1864-1.9,,, IfilOHN CORNMAN, Attorney at Lew Office in building attached to' Franklin tLee, opposite the Court norm. Malay 68;1.F. E. BELTZHOOVER, Attorney .at Law Mee In South anover e Berits's dry good store Carli H sle, Pa. strait, oppo, - September 9,1864. JAMES A. DUNBA, Attorney a R. Law, Oarliela, Pa. Mica In No. 7, Plaem's Iran Julra, 1804-Iy. W J. .SHEARER, Attorney at OMee, North at Corner of the Court HOMO. Mob 6947. 1101=113 •••• • - - ItEARLEY & SADLER. ATT RN4YS., AT LAW, Q ffi oe N.. /6. South 17onover strootCorliolo n0v15.67. WM, B. PARKER P. P. liIIISIRIOII A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on .Maln St., In Marion Hall, Carlisle, Pa. U. s, PATENT AGENCY. C. L Leaman, 21 Main Stress. CArlislo, Pa., axe . • titev drawings, specifications he., and' procures pat 'sits or Inventors. ~ - 14 tab 0134 y. . WILLI AM IC ItNN EDY,_Attorney Wai, taw .No . 7 South Market Square, ear lier,. Penna. April 19, 1891-4. • R. .J. S., BEND li:R.:--Hgmced.: pNthle Physician. 0111.1 in the roan form er y occupied by-Col. John bee. • ikian 11.14 y: - r. n 11: GEORGE S. SEA • LI HIGHT, Ihintlet, from the flab • *ail (Winn, Collage of Dental Surgery. (re... Office at the i•oaldeuce of hie ruother,.Esot - -mther street, throe doors below Bedford iuly 1,1804. T l 4lO. W. NEIDICEI, D. D. S.- 1.3 LitteDemonetrator of Operative Deutistry of the ... jf lialtitnore Collet;. of Dit1i5.,....... Dental Surgery. 'NUT. Offira et," hi real deuce .pposite hittriou !tall, Watt Ilain ntreet, Car lisle. Pa. 18 July t. 64. V 9 A• 1): SHRYOCIi, JUSTICE OF . ' • THE PEACE 0111., No. 3, Irrior's Roo. ty iy: . , (0 HN D.O R N.FIR el MERCHANT TAILOR - In Kranier's it Lidding, - near itheeru's Wall, Carlisle Pa., has just returned from the Eastern Cities with ho largest and Most • COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF tAbl; AND WINTER GOODS, col:minting gf „Cloths, Cassimoros • . Vestinge, Gents' Fain4hing Goode; &e., •r•r brought to Carlisle. - His cloths comprise ' Madam, ' FRENCH, and • AMDRICAN MANUFACTUREitt of the tineettextyre and of all shades. Mr. Dorner being himself a practical cutter of lOng experience Is prepared to watrant perfect fits, ac prompt of orders. Piece Goods by the yard, or out to order Don't icirget the plate. lfintay 08-tf. - FRESH ARRIVAL -Of all the New Spring Styles of RATS AND CAPS The Subssriber has Juet opened, at No. 15 North Hanovir Bt., a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, one of ,the largest and best etock of HATS & OAPS ever offered in Carlisle. Silk Hats, Cassimeres of ell styles and qualities, Eltifl Brims different Colors, and every description of Soft Hats now mado.The Dunkard and old fashioned brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order. all warranted to give satisfaction. A cull assortment of STRAW RATS, Hen's boy's and children's fancy. I have also added to my stock - , Notions of different Mnds, consisting of Ladies and Gent's Stockings eek-Tim Pencils Gloves, Th read, flowing 13111 m, Sus penders, Umbrollan, &a., Prime &gars and Tobacco, alweye on hand. Give me a call and examine my stock, as I tool con. Sdeat of pleasing, insides sairinx you money. j• GIN A. KELLER, Agt. No. 16 North Hanover St. EB=3 GAS FITTING & PLUMBING. he subscribers h cling permanentlY 'located in Carlisle, respectfully solicit a share of the public pat. tronage. Their shop Is situated on the public Square In the rear of the let Preebyterlan Church, where they can alWriv a be found. Being experienced mochas ire, they ire prepared to execute all orders that they may be entrusted with In a sufferlor manner, and at very modertto pikes. ILYDRAULD) . RAMS, , WATER WHEELS, . HYDRANTS, • • • ' LIFT k FORCE PUMPS, (BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS and all other arid les In the itade. - PLUMBING AND GAS AND STEAM FITTING fpromptly attended to In the most approved style. .y-Country work promptly attended to. • S;rAli work guaranteed. Don't forget the place—immediately In the rear of Ne First Presbyterian Church. CAMPBELL & HEN WOOD. Julv27 - ti&l'v THETARNIER'S BANli,or-OAIt• LISLE, PENNSYLVANIA, Recently organized, has boon opened, for transaction ofa general banking business, In the corner room of R. Siyen'e new building. (MAW, North West corner of ligh street and the Oent , e Square. The Director!' hope by IMeial and careful manage ment to make this a popular Institution, seal a este repository for all who may favorre bank with Weir accounts. Deposits received and paid bac nn demand, Inter oat allowed on special deposits, Gold, Silver, Treas. ury Notennnd Government Bends, bought and sold. Collections made on .all accessible points Id the country. Ditty-aunt , Jay, Tuesday. Banking bolus - from 9 o'clock .A. M. to 3 o'clock P.:11.. J. O.IIOFFER, Cashier DIRECTORS. R. Given, Prea(dent, Wm. 11. 2,1111er, Thomas Paxton, - David Hakes, John W. Oneigheid, A. J Herman, Samar Abraham Witmer TEE .CARLISLE COOK STOVE. . , anufactured at.F. GARDNER. & Co'e Foundry and Miohlite Shop, Carlisle, CANT OE BEAT Thin Id the testlmony.of s,aiies of families in Cumberlaad, Perry and Adain &Counties, who are now using them. • 4 , ,i ! ,-. 1 , wie theln, .1" , .../R. ' N,.. salc L di Jr, x • 8, 'owning eltheiby power or by band=-oonstantiy on ' ',laud and for mile by tr. GARDNER A Co. Foundry 'and Machine Shop, Mist Main Street.' -BTHAAVBQIIIMit MA if T Erfa_ .. lie are make Steam -Damn of all sires' :end ichulopptly and on-the belsost. terms. A ' Smoke Use tend all'artlchni 11` that line.' Rorma . COO OF .Poi tiatiddiligines promptly attended to lii the best alannsr,;, . , ' F; GARDNER & CO.. • e ' '-', ' Foinidyj and Machine Shop, Carliole, - Pa. . , J0ri.2.4.07. • •i-, . • I XOT.I.OE:—ALWAYS ON HAND, - Fineakeat Dila& Baer, Woof Tongues,. name, maid era *pd.. Bldoc!Alao. s Co. lot of crticace.Temi. .Dried Fraita . ..orall dieerlplou, 'such as 11iusiallas, Soodloastluole; Prutiel4arediud W, led ' Penehee, APPloo,Yaiod dud cluparad Pears, GOTMan Charrioa, &a., witb.s lloo'..OfCirooaries: souslil.koPt 1 a - a &rot quality Grocery atom, " • —-• ' • OHO. B..tiothrisrAN. • 12fetT60, T i . SEI, Ault Pomfret Strootil F mod,Ews NOT O 1 IIeQUIISTOIVEI 'CULTIVATOR AN 'IporAL:. , r. The ntidtMgoed are now Prepared to dive All neeessar_rlrOof that IteQlndeotea pideht OULTIVA. "R 8 motto% Ony other. dew Id urea Theinteny. wddeneterorthe very, Lett Amen In ,Cumberland cc lOti3OloconOPlll dtethadltde , bf . :.the •on theAttledsoneyi they beau erdl 11a1 the , Ater place reedomend ihe.,llttle labor. , re. golred nn/tert the rm! thedenhlOOnOrUoY:' P b ° l 9 l 9lgtheltrideti mann"( thelr.Worittogil wlll no 2,4, , —.lsolllThibihsveivrt good faral.r , :that they me %Chest , iddolententr now .In t tw: Pareemintshlne• to euretuide%leariAnnno call y ,s, • on It.GARDIont-d (wide petindr y- end. lionOloolOrnoloilastnel Clotiear' *1 1" - QamPatki tharav min k ounkt:lslevonuss.. cOOTBRe WriaLNLION s QO. •1 00 60 26 00 4 00 7 00 MISCELLANEOUS. „TUN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, UNITED STATES OP AXE NIA, Cbartered by Special Act of Cortgrera, Apprered, Cash Capital - - $1,000,000. PAID IN FULL. W. F. SADLER BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA; Whore the general business of the Company is trans acted. and to which all general corre.pondefice should ho addresmd. CLARENCIC IL CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman FirIPTICO and Executive Committee. - HENRY D. COaRE, Vice-President. E3IERSON W. PEEP, Secretary and Actuary.. This Company offers tha followi n g advantages It la a National Conirlltly oh trtered by a apneill art of Congress, 1865. • It ban a paid-op capital of 31.000.000. -It offers low rates 01 premiums, It forniene., lancer Insurance than env other com ponies for therto. money. It is definite and certain in its terms. • It in a 1101110 company in every locality. Its policies are exempt from attarlarnent There are ud unnecewary restrietfon In the poll. cies. }ivory peg icy 11013-rflrfaitilble. Putlclte may be taken which pay to the Insured their full unmeant, cad return all the premiums. no that the lusurenve costs ouly the Interest on the annual payments. Policies may be taken that will pay to the mauled, Ow n certain number of years, tiring life... an nual Income of onoMeuth tho amount named In the Ile :s;co extra rate Ic charged for risks upon lion lives of females It insures,ant to pay dividends to polity-holders lint at so long a mot that dividends...trill be impbssi Circulars, Pamphlets end full partichirs given on apptigstirira to the Branch Office of the Company, Or GO. W, CLA Rl{ & CO., Philadelphia, General Agent for Pennsylvania and Southern New 11qpr (84y MARQUART'S CELEBRATED LINIMENT, • FOR MAN OR BEAST. his 'Valuable Preparation is admirably adapted to the Care orall those Dia; eases foraahich a Counter-Irritant - • or External Remedy is required. . RE-F'ERENCE. Abram Marquart, Esq., has shown me the-re ceipt of which his Liniment is composed. From My knowledge of the ingrodiente, I do not hesitate in certifying that it will be beneficial' wherd en external application of the kind Is indicated. A. STEWAItf , DI. D. - Shlppensbure, Sept.. IS, 1968. Fully conversant with the chi nnical co ruponents. and Medical effects of A. Nlarquart's Liniment. I cheerfully commend It to those who maYmeed It. "' Jacksonville, Fa. S. N: ECKER, OLD. Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear Sir: I take nicest, re In Baying that I have need yo..r. Liniment for chap ped hands, and it cured them and made them fool soft I-think it the boot I have over used. and would cheerfully reerunmend it to the general public. Newton Tmenship, Pa , Nor. .24,1800. I hereby certify thee I hero used A. Mtrquart's Liniment for Scratches and Spavin on two oP my horses with the Kroatest success, and would rec ommend a to al I that are in need of anything of the kind. C. MELLINGER, County Treasurer. Eltoughstown, Pa., Nov. IS, 1569.- Mr. k. Marquart:—De"ar Sir: I have used abort half a bottle of your Liniment on my horse for shad Collar,Gall, which was the most obstinate sore of the Udall ever saw; also on my arm for Rheumatism: and it has given entire satidfaction in both eases. I would not do without It for ten times it cost and Cheerfully recommend it to the public MICHAEL LATSHAW. Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 2D, 1863. A. Marquart, Esq:—Dear Sir: I had a very severe attack nt Rheumatism in my back, so that I could scarcely' walk, ,which was very painful. After Using half a bottle of your celebrated Lira. meat, 1 was entirely cured. This is not, a rococo mendation, but the plain truth. You can make any use 01 this you please %Mout BottoOl, Nov. 20, IS6 Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear I have used your valuable Liniment In toy familY 4 for differ ent pains and aches. and it has proved satisfactory in every "case. I do think, as au external Lini ment, it stynds without a rival. I would cheer fully recommend It to the public. Respectfully. LIEORGE W. YOCUM. Jacksonville, Pa„ Nor. 21. 1868. A. Marquart, Esq. i.-I.4ar Sir: It affords me ,pleasurd to certify that I have used your Liniment on my necit, in a case of very Sore Throat, which wan much swollen Sod .very painful. After two or three applications, I 'found it. to act like amide, and Would reyomniond it as nu eXcellont.Liniment. . JACuB SEVERS. Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nor. - -.--?- - AGENTS WANTED I Address A MARQUART,, ' Walnut Botioin, dumb. CO.. Pa. For sale at HAVEItnTICK it BEV. Druk Store, Carlisle, Is. 1 Idea 69.1 v. Wheeler and 'Wilson. and Elliptic LoCK• STITCH .' • Sewing Machines. The Besi,Simplest and Cheapest. rTHESE machines are adapted to do oil kinds of family sowing, working equally we I uPon Bilk Linen and Cotton goods. with dilk, Cotton and Wien thrtrads, making a beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both 'Mee of the article sewed. All machines sold are warranted. Call and examine-at nail - head Telegraph Mice, Carlisle, Pa. !day .24, 1867-tf. 1)1i. W. D• DRS. MARY S. HALL k TOA OEPATER r D P4piciaps acid' i kMedleg Eatrllan and rs:l 87, South ale All Aeute Or Chronic disease successfully treated. Fulmar Donaldson, Uniontown, Pa... Cured of Rear¢ Disease, of two years standing, In are weeks. Had been glvbn up to.die. ,-•• • • • • ' . • ; Miss Clarabilbeo, Oernestitown, Pa. Liver Com. plaln4 of two years standing. Oured In two months. 's nj Wasser,_Uniontawn,..PA.,-)Ulll.natiOn-Orth eeyes, with loss of the eight alon g eye, of.nliteen. ydare standing. — Onted In three' Menthe: — - ,• •• • .1 Mrs. Mary Gilbert, Germantown, Pa. Dyspepsia of ten yea' s standing. Crued• lu• two months. ' • Mr. F. Wood, Girard Ave., and Warnock ,Ft„, Philadelphia. Cured' of lieneral Debility ' f Meier years etancling, •_ • • • ' ' • ,• • -Miss Emma Moirls, 1221 Oirard Ave . ., Phila. Pa. Dysponda 'and Gravel Tel three yea. , standing.' (lured In nix weeks. r Frank - Prior;742'North 13th street, PhiladelPliia,' Po. "While, dwelling",, of nine, years • elandin., Cured P ea five 'months. • • •Alre: AmuntaL Browning;• Delprd, Ohio. Womb' disease of 18 years standing. Causing nt times Insanity; se that her friends wore 'Compelled twice to plat har !Mono Wane Cured In two months. • All consultation free. •.01ilres strictly private: Dre. Hall respeatiully,refore to the following ladieu'reeldingln Carlisle. Mrs. Mill. 31a Bonhelmar, hlrs..Won. fleabags;. hlys. : Wm, Jackson, , Mrs. J. Faller' Mrs. Henry Solder, and s many liphers. • ', L;;• . - L; frzahtaah has rarrOved, Ala eapblhitimallt .• • , : '.' • GEVLLICRY, • .opposite thutiOnle, Tterdwa e • Store, where he • tor-, '4ls,tly totals the pubile to examine the pierce end • andmerone eptichnenio Thb 44e nreprietprear an artist; with a superior light, `and entranoe and ,ety•llidat on the ket"flo‘r, „are! badtioarnente foribe publki"to pat reptrli this ,establishment.' , 'llle , plemniselie unlfentabi saline,"ledded . lo , ,be' equal' to - abti bait ;inad*,-.1 to Philidalphloor New YoritteUit'cor-• 1 ,4p9 1 1 0 r•P", In this country. Pleaeolld. • r flair 004 f. CLL. LOOLIaIAN. . . ', • ' 1 i 1.. ' I ",": a;::„. 1.,: ti. C, 1 ,:.'...,,. ~ 7:n= ID ~ tz..,. • ail.b, i; I * it ri i f 0 ,1, !Hu: joi Cc 1-,- • ' .‘-, Iv? sv'... , .." - 4.". 4- r.„%, J ' i . s','` ~3 ,A.,; - . •1 ~ 0 1,. -... ~ ~,. • ..,,,, , , ~,.„ , v , .. • ir *, ir ,iriro ! r l' ,..11 .'r ' .I .. . - . ;'' • . " :t , r 1 ,. ...: /[ . 1,, • 0 r,- ,'”:,1 , ,, - -i. , 1,,A . 1:;= i : :el . f1,....== . :, 1 4 P 4 j i *r:/'ill ..,.. I '., , ' (.7"‘ ' - 1 4 :0 1-\ • ' -7\-• ' '' 'lll/ ):I ' i l l r' i:i : !' 1 , , , , ~ - v ' '' / - r 0.5 .• t , ' .., r , . „ r , , ir• t" : ). ~ , I 1 ~. .) „,,j, 1 ' ( ” ' . __ , i (I 11.1.;4): (....____ '' _ •,.., :‘' ' \:. . ' ' : IEI .",) OF THE ' July 25, 1868 12=2 '.w I. aancy JACOB LONG JOIE? CAMPBELL NEW AD.irER7'ISEMENII. UNION PACIFIC, RAILIiOAD' Co; EEO Central Pacific Railroad FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS This great enterprise is approaching :completiol with a rapidity that aatonlshes the world. Over fificen (1500) hundred miler have been built by two ' (2) powerful companies; the Union Pacific Railroad, beginning at Omaha, building west, and the Cen ral Nellie Ratlroad beginning at Sacramento, and building east, until the two roads Shall meet. 'LAM' ' thin two hundred and fifty miles remain to, be built. Tho greater part of the interval is now grade yd, and it le reasonably expected that the through connection between San Francine, and Now York will be completed t y July 1. As the *Mount of Government old given to each Is dependent upon-the length of road each shall build, bo th companies ate prompted to great efforts to secure the - cOnstruelon.. and control of what, whim completed, will be One and the only ,prand Railroad Zinc connecting the Atlantic and Raiiits oast.. - One liundied and Ton Million Dollars . ($llO,OOO, o money • iv° a read]blietrieffllinne - bytift is o powerful ccmpaniei °triaged in this great en. terprise, and they will speedily complete the per. Lion yet. to be built.- When she United States Gov ereitti tbilTd3 it eecesnary to eactinfthebdtistrut [lon of the Pacific Rallniad to develop and protect Re own interest, it gave the companies authorized to build It such ample aid en should render Its speedy completion beyond a doubt. The Govern. moot aid togy be briefly summed up as follow: - 'First. The right of way and all. necessary Umbel and stone from public domain. .St;eond. It makes a dm:lotion of 12,800 Korea of fund to the mile, which, when the road fa Completed, will amonnt to twenty-three million V 3,000,000) sores, and all aft within twenty (20) miles -- of railroad. Third. It loans the romp riles fifty million dol lars (550.000,000), for NA bleb It taken a second lien. The Government has already loaned the Raton Paellle Railroad tlrenty-four million and fifty eight thousand dollars W 1,058,000, and to the Central P:oltle Railroad Keyenteen million six bon• drool and forty-eight thousand (17;481000), amount ingin all to forty one -million seven hundred and six thousand dollars (24..,700,000). _The_CoMpardeaare_permitted_to isnuuthelrown First Hortgago Bond. to the same amount ac they receive from the United states, sod no - more. The companion have sold to permanent Inlestors about (640,000.000) forty million dollars, of the First Mortgage Tho companies have already old in (including net earning. not divided, grants from diato of California, and oncramento city and San Francisco), upward. of ($26,000 000) twenty- BYO million dollars capital Sicrk. %%HAT IS TLIKIIE WU TO 1313 DONE? In considerinethle question It nue be return,- bored that all the remaining Iron hash the road is contracted for, and the_latiest portion paid for and now delivered' on the line of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad, end that the grading in rihnost finished. WHAT REEOURCEB - HAVE -THE COMPANIES TO FINER; TUB ROAD? Find. They will receive from the Govaromeot as the road progremes', additional. Second. They can Irene their own First Mortgage Bonds for about s9,oovoradattloiiel. ' Third. The compel:deo now hold almost all tits/ !node - they have up to this time received from the %van - moot; upon the completion of the road they will hero received' m all 23,000,000 norm, which at $1,50 per ncre l would be worth $3.4500,000. In addition to the . above the net earnings of the route and additional capital, If necesaary, could be called In to botch the road. WAY BUSINESS-ACTUAL TURNINGS No ono has over expressed a doubt that as soon' as the road is completed its through business will be abundantly profitable. Ones earnings cf tho Onion Pin' elfin Oompauy for six months, ending Jauntilylet. 1869 were upwards of Tha enroll:4S of Central Pacific Railroad, for six months, end ing January let 1800, were hypnoses - $650,000 gold Interest 450,000 Not profit of Central Pacific Rail. ,road, after paying alt Intermit and mtpenses for elm months $760,000 gold The present grosa„earaings of the Utiion and Central rutile, Railroads are $1,200,000 monthly. lIOW LARGE A BUSINESS IS IT SAFE TO PREDICT. FOR TILE GREAT PACIFIC RAIL ROAD? We would give the following (note derived from Shipping Lists, Insurince Companies, Railroads nod general information : Ships going from the Atlantic . around Cape horn, 100 Stearosliips connecting at Panama with California and China, 66. OierluneTralns, Stages, Horses, etc., etc, 80,900 Here wo have two hundred and. thirty thousand tone carried ‘rostward and oxiierlerice has shows that the last tiro years that the returned paiviingeri, from California have boost nearly as numsroteiev those golhg. 11019,FANY . P BPENCiiiRS ARE THERE We make the following estlinet*:- 110 Steamship. (both moll 70,000' (aani' 'for leg) 200 — Voesole " 4,000 intinu(ted .". Overland " • • , 100,000.. " Namtiirlietatimurn 174,000 rvesent price (averaging halt - cost - et- the 'etoiinthlPo), ihrd both pameagers and ',tonnage Wee the follo'ring result „, '/74,000'pisecingerft at $lOO - 1 17 4 41 4,4t00 460,000 tons; i'intia at $1 plr nutio foot •16,016;00' Ell . IlattoirealeulaliQue neon thaabove /4utile WWI-. - dutalloitinit• !Or - the large 11100141 e ', :haelnees' rhloh e'en aetali bo looked int; theti' . a'athatale the °AI half and .na have !,a inet lo'cante of 80,020,000; which, after ; tlailog the In terest-on tharliet'llortgaie and the all. , vanooe idiot. hi th,i'o6verntnent; vninld net 'finial income, of fp,oeo,ooo ovea.ratol'abova al expennie Ana Interiet, ..• , • The,Phat Alortgaga Donde •ttur, Union • rmtlfka Railroad Company and tha, Jrlrgt , iloriPllo4/90, Of the Central l'aci itattroittt:Co. aro' both, 'pelvic!. pal and intents t, , payabli Hu! , gold-cots;; they:far Ls per cent. liqeerratr gold coin, and run r fo Ctidrty,yohia, and thaycarnmt bo paid baforntlMt time rititout,tho odnicitt of the . . Arid iddrtgage fl2ld bAdi Of 'she" Voloti' Railroad for sale at.bartind. :aoClUati .ilrat blortgago Go)d.poddsof-, 0",y01i,r,i4 „papilla ;411.• wad ai 10.1.1raGoat'ua l d . , ,pg ! ,',.g4yArw.:(:',4:„Axi.p . .; :4)5, 3 1 1 19re in , klovtrximent. - • • 2q11149 PIIILIIDEMPTrI4.. L . i . o3.iirii: THE SUMMER BIRDS. Belk nil; 'AMELIA. 41 ' 1.14. Sweet werilere ;Si the eunnjimerir: yor ever Ore the wing—' tlovo them,.as I loyeefie Sowers; 'Tho cutdtghtiand the aping. . - Thoy come Ilk, pleasant mettiorles, In Summeoe Jayoui time:, • ind 'Mg tholi,gushlng Melodies.. ' As' would rtbg a rhyme.' . . , In tile groan aid g'tilei Placae frherithn_golden innllght TO; We altmilh emWng fices,:. -To Ilit,their allyor t _ And when theta holy anthems Come Panting through the alr, Onr boort, leap forth to meet them e With a bliailng and a prayer. Amid no mornimeArmgrimt d.w— Amid the mien or ev'ett— They warble e&ax If they drotr Tbolr mnito down from Heaven: brow sweetly sounds each lellow note, Beneath the moon's pale ray, , When dying neptiYrs rlso and boat. Like lovers' sighs, away! Like shadowy spirits eeottat ere, Amongthe tombs die) , glide; Where sweet pale formaillir which we grieve, Lie sleeping side bynlde.' • • • Thoy breath with song the solemn hush Whero peace reclines hothead, * And llpk their lays with mourntlil though* That elnite - irotilidAhli dead. For novor can my soul forgot , The loved o (other years; Their Memories 1111 my spirit yet— . I've kept thorn greoii with Wire: And their sin;. a. greets my heart at times, a t aye of yore. Though' their music and their loveliness Is o'er—for ever, o'er. - And - often, when the mournful night • Comes with a low, ewoot tone, An d eels a star on every height, And one beet tell. moon— ' - When not a aound of wind-of wive - he holy at-Moors more; • - -I look above, and trace • Their dwellings In the stare. The birds I the birds of summer lkoure— They bring n gush of glee„ To the child among the fragrant flowers— To the snlb•r on the sea. We hear tholr thrilling voices In their swift and airy light, And the inmost heart rejoices , With a calm and pure delight. In the ellitnese of the starlight hours, When I auLrith the dead, .6111...1nay they flutter 'mid the flowers ThathloPsom o'er my head, And - pour their songs of gladness forth In one melodious strain, O'er-lips .whose broken melody - _ • Shall never slug again. Miscellaneous. [From the Boston "Every Saturday."' . MY. VERY r opp UNCLE. • I had once an uncle wht was al lowed to be the greatest oddity in Shropshire, which , is Saying a good deal:- As far as I heard from the eld ers of my family, he got on like other people in his early days (the most ac curate said up to the beginning of his twenty-sixtb year,)'wlien, after having been duly articled to the most eminent solicitor in our country town—getting through -bis,'seven years- without mis chance, pasaing , his -examination re spectably and obtaining his certificate —he, entered into partnership with Messrs Gammon & Gosling, the heirs and successors of his master in the law and thought by all Shrewsbury to be a most promising firm. I believe they did business together for about months ; the groat will case of Sharp vs. Sinootby was the storm that ship wrecked them, and then my uncle's oddity was somehow developed. It It proved to be of an uncommon kind.; there was nothing ptculiarin his dress manners ; or conversation ; he had al ways been of a quiet, sensible turn. .and so he continued to be; but heart and mind, and money too, went from that time after old and dilapidated houties. Wherever there was a decayed cot-' tage, a half-ruined barn, a tumble-down. tenement that nobody could begot to take or buy, (and there's no scarcity of the like in the county Salop.) It was sure to be heard of, hunted up, and leased, rented or purchased by Rich and Ramshorn, Esquire—such, being the style and title of my estimable rel ative. For that bianeh of business he gave up the management of_ people's legal affairs, his time being entirely oc cupied IFitlillis takings and purchases. He spent day after day in-solitary Sur veys of these ruined dwellings, locking or bolting himself in, as • ifony human being. was likely to intrude upon him. He half-repaired • some of them; he half.-furnished others, he advertised them far and wide, with the usual flour ish about convenient and desirable premisee, and had sundry fierce quar rels with high-tempered ladies ' and gentlemen, Whom they.,ssid p advertise ments had brought miler) oat of. their way for nothing When no tenant could begot. at any rent, and .atone of the old women ~ i n the neighborhood could be induced-to, '.'mind”.them, my uncle consoled, lipaself by, Paying bia rounds of visits te,his, far r seMtered ••posseesiona. Ile Ives to, be .seep, in all weathers; sometimes on fodt, sometimes horseback, but always„ carrying a leathern beg, :ivhielt ~ he. had .previdedr for the., purpose : of f holding.the ;rusty heyst Nybi ch ,,tm 2 guarded with .acqre as. jealoiiii .ne thotigh. they lyerfs , , the title- . tiehdisnf a .mener., ~, ~ •., , , • .'..A-fi .4;fI,P,teSAWAR B P/ 31 ?°41? 3, eYa4Tra to anctioncero, hpuoe-agenteoned ~ all who lied ' iinsalaable„ Mid iniletfabla, building's on : their liands,:hie transaC.: tionetinerelised and hislinMicee ditriiri ishbil. Of course they; were all grei; latrflit‘as - _ - maaßtr,alteelieapi_fana el Tc — + in -- #ich bun ,sorne day.; ,but lie mem imradribbidd'aii , ti:l% iiii,these-tiripilifitii .ble eketeg'ivithihittbe sithilleet'rettirt; brit' lie 'succeeded'rin getting ° seine. misguided Mau ! or ' Inare'frA,adatlY' a' widower maiden lady', hi a -,moneetif of wiisliitesbi to beeoniii hid ' thhatit;i the le,weilit'*hicli 'iii variably 'Arose' ' iit the eta of the first quarter iif, occupatloti ' , • - thalli lbaa.•l7 4 l l 9,lff'diffilligill*Pi•Pall • be hP4,flePfaill.7l.ll°.;ll4lllPUN,°A•49: retiring, ,eneMYt, , ..„ . ~, • ! .., ~.,, , • 'My. unele ' „didrMt, fall `in, or,, takefto: betting„:or go te thoiNd'lik, ..oihii:76,tilig,iraol ;,.06'41110ittiee'41.46 `lsiveettiefire, Ofertainnitinti,4lMl leiiiiii thin illi'lilileM" 'lriithi'lMtiiiitthikt s be= ii6vo'd"thrit, ' ilhi Mori - ohtkof-thii-iiiiY• 'Mid Out-of-the4Oird theY•Weiril!tifelietll ter;liti liked I .thein ; and-tbeo,eihndint oief of hie Aiiyik`trai , that he cotdditieto mieei nuirte)c enoliklt , to'oblil'for hlis' AU: nide, ruined , •- , iiitinsion' , .whith ccnobody: iiiiiryli alited for were then ity yew , lecalisei4litiiiitl'iri"ii)niirldf 116110Calt - Ate.faiii,'O(a,Ai4Y,,Mt,l . o .44,'1,,.N114... i ireputegni accotint.Q4 allolo l ri/ralMakt !t.lctlis liadJboirowedfrotnte. libefiaendsl by this time ; till none of them would $3,000,000 81,'761),00 gold 1,000 000 . 60,04:41 tons 120,000 . sas,oto,oo9 =I iii tRITP,,':PENIST'A, lend him rug more • he was at the end of hiemeans, and thifielatieni were in , their writs! rin'd what to do With'him We the RaMshorns, , had r been e. , '• genteel but not an independent frimily--that is to stky, cYnrY, one of as had to do s,otne T thingtor his 'living • and wherimyna-' ele: itiahaid "contrived to get out of hardness and: out•Of pooket his af fection for ancienfwalls;., his relations had to,take,him in hand, as prodigals are .commonly dealt with. - At first thetthoeght his brain' was affected; paid hiinpartioular 'attentions at . the full of the moon, and brought, two phy ‘sicians in the guise of house-agents to _examine ltim surreptitiously; but the lunar orb had' no influnnee on his 'old houst-huating, and the - 'medicine men could detect no 'crack in his upper no ry. Then they wanted him to emi grate, but my uncle Richard bad ton considerable a stake in. England, and refused to leave his prOPerty. He coil sented, hoWever, to give up ' baying and leasing and returned to business. With the help of, his friends and rel atives he sptinto, n* ot legal part met:shipiaird-wenfr On:steadily - for some time, doing junior partner's work and realizing accordingly; but as soon as a little money got into his fingers, another great bargain was heard of, and within , loss than two years he was he was in hot pursuit of the old hoaxes again: Of couple they led him to the same goal, and - he was_ brciught back from the husks: once more ; but what ileed4o-tell-ofbielrela; • , • ; r - flops; they were numerous as those brought about by the glass or gaming table.: He was fished out of lodging houses; he was redeemed from the debtors' prison.; his requisites were taken out of pawn . ; I 0 L's were paid, according to_the custom of families en dowed with such straying sheep ; he hadjntervals of respectability, longer or shorter, as good fortune attended or funds held out; but neither the ex amplenor the,preaching of his kith and kin could wean Uncle Richard's heart. from the old houses. . A serious acquaintance °fours called him the dark dispensation 'of the Rarnshorns ; a troublesome dispensa tion lie undoubtedly was, and - "served for a use of terror to our rising genera tion, all of whom,grew up remarkably prudent through the dread of his ex ample,—inspired by the lectures of judi cious friends Myself being his eld-. est nephew, took early to saving, and had done wonders at It before I was nineteen, and got first clerk ship with CAelt. Co. Uncle •Iflch aid was- reckoned an l eld bachelOr - by that time; and the only confirmed spec imen of thesingleprofession within our borders except Cousin Grace. In what degree of cousinship she stood to all or any due I never clear ly understood ; but Miss Grace, as we juniors had to call her, styled herself our cousin-in-general, bad -insisted on all the rights, privileges and immuni ties belonging to_ that title. She nev er told her age, and nobody else ever dared tell it, so I am silent on the sub- jeet ; but Cousid Grace was - not very young. and never could have been sup; posed handsome lay any stretch of the irifigination.• Fortune had been quite as niggardly as nature in her case, her father had left a considerable legacy of debt ne well -as his . only daughter to the care of his kindred ; and Cousin , Grace said she would live and occupy herself among them for the rest of her days, since a maiden lady of sense and energy was an inlhluable addition to' any family. Acilirdingly, she minded their houses and their affairs generally, she governed their children, she lect ured their young people, she gave the ord ones her advir.e, whether they want: ed it,or not, and she made them all un derstand, that Cousin Grace was to be well paid 'as well as highly esteemed for her services. - • There was a fine contrast between the . maiden and the bachelor of w our family. While Uncle Richard was per petually spending and losing on his fa vorite species of real -estates, Cousin Grace had powers of saving and get ting which were--perfectly marvelous, considering her opportunities. As far as we knew nobody had ever proposed for her heart and hand, and Cousin Grace had ,a high disdain of all man kind in consequence; yet strange to say, some ofl.lB --thought_she had a lurking partiality for Uncle Richard. We could - ail sympathize with her in that ; notwithstanding that he was the blot on our escutcheon, the oddity of the family was generally liked, and welcomed wherever, he went. Uncle Ricbard hed — such an easy; friendly way of meeting his difftbuities that the general opinion was a capable woman might de worse than marry and settle .him. But Uncle Richard'had no heart to giVe away from the old. walls ; and Cousin Grace inferred, with some jus• tice, that the workhouse wast,the only jointere his spouse could ) apect ; so the little scheme for makhigu Behedict and Reatrice of our own, appeared to be adjourned 'sine die. yvo all thought it a Pity, for our, un cle hart • been living in the odor of re- Spectalfility fer some time, as senior ,clorki to his early partners, Garamon . c GOsling, who had.hung out their I°- 44 banner- Once more, being men of large.oennectione in Shrewsbury; but signs i of an approaching change ware beginning to be visible. Re had been • . • metlate in the evening coming from a iikilesti • nottage,, and seen to, about a ruined barn for the greater' i34lk of an afterancor... That was omi •nrse, threatened our pens. the,marshi hollow at ,may - hill now become _ , tter even . ghosta, Was MlVOtised to be, sold for one hundred pOiinds to any :one Who might . 'be. in :diked . to:: hiry, it for ' the materials '"There'-' i l / 2 f, a bargain,!" ,ilaid Miele ' Richard to me, as we alit along in 'My fatiMes back parlor, every sOnl of the ' fk in lly , bu t't mysel r- bay ing , gone' to' the .1p rL '.' ' u 0444 a ; ' i 0" , "-.- . ' d '',,p'srty, te,''Which 41 , ;.iny .!'nuck nor .Cconiii'li Grace,:, whe happened be: , at the I.Wei f f , , was magnificent..:enough to .be '' Iliad Stayed itt beine to keop 'then' Company, knowing that mY'fair. I3riilb er, -luny Sutton,:was Itot. to -,be Iliiiie •(1 4 4. , bargitiniletto be got hold ~ ifi;irtiy...lay,"ll,tlkritge,;lf I. bad that Ihtindt4:l3.otilAClßAY-,dowoPl el 6 4101 fp Jrank4,.my„itim , poy ) .-„and,that of .My; 'friends too. .The property is worth. twd)thousanld to . s . ny jrtan of,judgmept, Licould . draini the,' grefinid, 49'14 44114: ,three!bettsesinit of,,.the,rnaternatt,a4; !oho opielfieklemildilpity mrszpettleis ',o#o:ti!ned r-64 '0; 7 :1 1 '0 4 -I''am'readt to glyc ikftly,,3iyeltypcir tient;:fbr the bail ,f' tile e tdoney,-:.t0.=.*0147,04t4i.', ly in advance ; that is better uktereite than you get in the, Sylop bank, my, . 1 The'old fox knew, that I had just the' sum he wanted, saved from cigars, theatres, 'and other causes of young men's, outlaying by way of commenc ing a, fund for housekeeping expensep, in' ease Lucy and Lucy's parents should smile upon my suit.' I had been vain enough to exhibit the bank .receipt, and, Uncle Richard had fixed upcln,it as his prey to sink in ,the old house in the marshy, hollow :, but he did,not know that his nephew had af fections as strong as his own, ' though they went in a different direction, and moreover they had been made wide , awake to the results of his, old house hunting'from early childhood. 'Steel and stone he found me to his prom's es of twenty per cent. and seternal in gratitude, to all the castles he built in the air out of the ill-reputed ruin, and to his ,final lamentations that hisown brotherls son would not help him to make the fortune of the whole family ; when we were both startled by-the voice' f Cousin Grace'behind us spy ing-r - "Richard, I will- lebd you the money." I 'could scarcely believe my . earl and eyes ;, and there she stood, In her long, worn and much mended black dress and crape collar, which she wore to save washing, her face bound up with another piece of black--for she. was troubled' with - The toothaclie, and gray hair hidden by a red flafinel litodan.ward.olLthasheumatisrm.. " You are an angel," cried- Uncle Richard, running towards her with ex, tended arms. " Recollect propriety, said my Cousin Grace, taking him by the shoul der and setting_ him down on a chair. "George," she cOntintted.,,nthe,Bounce legs have sent over for you ; they can never get young men enough for their parties ; but, it is not right to offend them ; you know they are related to Mr. Cheek's brother-in-law ; go up to your own room and dress this minute " I saw the necessity of going, under the circumstances; and what passed in the back parlor that evening I never could make out, but Cousin Grace kept her resoluticin to lend Uncle Rich ard the hundred pounds, which we all believed to be her entire savings. No persuasion, no pointing out of probable consequences, could move her from it., Uncle Richtird had promised to pay her; he would not break his word to an unprotected female; mid she thought it her duty as a cousin to give - him a chance of retrievingthe misfortfinee of his life with the Money, which she would probably never want, for it was her belief she was not long for this world) Cousin Grace was a - lady not easily turned from anything ehe had set her mind on. When the entire clan' of Ramshorn had exhausted their argu ments and adjurations—when. she had fought Wordy battles with each of their wires, and general engagements with the whole family—when ehe bad shak en the dust of most (Albeit. houses off her 'feet and got it on again, the money was lent to-Uncle-Richard, and with it he bought the old house in the marshy hollow. - • The joy or the folly of his life ap peared to be era vned by the possession of that coveted tenement. Morning, noon and night he was descried mov ing about its ruined walls, scrambling out of some of its cashless -windows, or seated on a rock Lard by, contem plating his desirable property. The reputation of the place prevented his ,being intruded. upon by curious neigh bore ; none of the Ramshorns, except Cousin Grace, would come • within a mile of it or Lim ; their indignation, including my own, knew -no bounds at this last and most deliperate relapse At the end of the first fortnight of his ownership, Messrs. Gammon & Gosling summarily dismissed him for neglect of business, and Cousin Grace announced her intention of marrying him without delay. Of course she was reminded of what sort of jointure was to be ex pected ; but Grace- said. one couldn't pass over one's lot ; i r and Uncle Rich ard, being agreeable, the marriage came off accordingly. The Ramshorns one and all protested, in the first place, that they would have nothing to do with the pair, and finally went, in a body to their wedding !• Grace almost sent the ladies of the family.into fits by appear: ing in silk dress an the occasion, bought out of the remains of her savings, no doubt, and therefore showing a clearer .prospect of the workhouse. But Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ramshorn did not betake theniselv'es to that dig= . nified retirement; on the contrary, they. first took 'quiet chambers in Shrews bury, where'Richard advertised him self, and commenced business as a sol icitor; while Grace supervised both him and his clients; then they leased a piece of ground in the neighborhood, and be gan to build a house, of very decent. dimensions out of the materials in the marshy hollow. By,-and-by it was evi dent to us all that Uncle Richard was on-:filtered !non, and that, the change was. mild, for the ,better, .The..most unmanageable of his domains in the. -roofless, cottage. and ruiried born line were pulled dpwri,.to help the building. of his . now, or. disposed .for - like ptirposesi the best of them .were by degrees repaired,'and let to honest ten ants ; hie oivn,houee was finished; lie unduas..lady took: posees;tiob, and fur 'niahed it Wonderfully.well,,though with /great • complaints of the , dear ,times. Uncle Richard's legal business inereas : -. ed, at,least his prosperity did;, first,. idrs." Richard had, one servant, then . placed the we s ll-nietided.atuff one, and! was kept ;out ;of .her. head by fr„ velvet hood. instead • rlf .the red flannel: .'„ , . '-'Tirne ;works ;wonders in of. the world, and. it did in ours,, for the , disgrace of-the Rap:whet:ea becanie glory. 'Within-,ten -years. aftermy .re ; fusel to. help Uncle Itichard making. 'the fe'rtoneio,f,,the .facaily,„with' thet;•hundred pounda,f..had bank,, I . "found rayaelfr„quoting his; sayings, of wisdonhintni„eetting . terth, ¢ia''greatneee at,-every., opportuoity.. AR the.;est of hie kipdred weret.doing. likewise,' except ~31re,, .Ilichardp r nee, Cousin : Grace ; 'she bad admonished; him': before ; marriagp, exeelh3nt ohe contforted aclinol 3 / 8 11144 .after, '4;, tut:their onjugal,lifei wag, ion . the.,; whole,ran alto, Nlinjt kid rio.,fomily„ , and; they; appeared ; tn , giAttihg 7..riely nod ,every-,otte• ;paid them, i,oourt • ItichartVexitiya of,oddity 4 weo aver,,bu he I;tafrtbia goat sortiotimdol oupppea ,0 6 ( 1 i. 1 , 11 ftt I#oYo BPmetlitagpitnd on Abi,o: oecigueno of beiegjoat.uilknlwaeirtrr.: titil to pending for nty,good father and mother, - who had - been most consider ate to him in the old times of relapsi ; 'ana'restoration. When he could' not sleep they used to sit' with hie?, till far into the night; and at one•ef those sit tings, us they--told me, he made them an unexpected " Robert," said he, addressing fny Tether, " don't yetiretimmber Whet a Vilieance I used to be to you and End= ly, With my buying of old houses:" . • " No ; not exactly a nuisance," said my prudent father: " Oh, but I was. Many a time you Wished me at' Jericho; and 'you had good reason. I want to tell you some' thing flint- will explain that matter,t , and I know you-will keep the secret tor alt our sakes," said Uncle Richard "Whenl Was partner with Gammon & Gosling, iii the Sharp and Smoothly case—it must - be thirty years ago now —there were two pedigrees to be made out, and bundles of papers and letters,, to be looked over for that mirpode. The loeking-over'business fell to me and among the letters I found one ad • dressed to. Henry Sharp, Eitel.; dated St. Germain, the, 30th ofSeptember. 1720, and evidenty written by a,par tisan of the exiled Stuarts, who still' lingered there, and deplored, in the old fashioned spelling of his time, besides the absence of the rightful' king, that thirty thousand pounds wp,rth, of plate,; jewels and own which somebody, Whore-he &lied the'irtatit loyal K:; had hidden in an old himstiv imthe cbiinty of,, oh f , ennui net.lesdlikat e r,„_, ed, nor any information about it ob tained, since K. was lost at sea, and the secret went ;with him; On the blank side of the-letter there was writ ten in a different hand, which I found to be that of the late gentleman whose will was disputed: 'The . thirty thou sand pounds worth has not yet been discovered. but I have reason to believe that the 'old house was in the neighbor hood of Shrewsbury.' B Mestirs. Gam mon, & Gosling - never heard tell of that letter; but I read and thought over it night ,and day ; it "sent me after old houses; it made me what you know I was ; and it and • Grace helped me to find at last what _the loyal K. had hid den in- the cellar of that old house in the marshy hollow. Maybe I paid for it, through so many years; so did you, for that' matter, Robert ; but you and yours ivill be the better of it when Grate and I are gone." Lucy's children and mine were grown up when my father arid mother told me that tale. They believe it firtply, and so do I; forlhough Richard and Grime are gone -this many a' year, Lim well as the, rest of the Ranashorns, have ex cellent reasou to remember my' very odd untie THE PADRE'S STORY. - MANY, years ago, soon after my rival in India, fin old college friend of mine•asked me to pay him a visit in Nepali]. He often , tempt me into shooting expeditions;-but I was proof against all hie solicitations. At last,.one day, he said be'was going to beat the.jungle orethe hill—N agarj I think, was his barbarous name where -there were plenty of pheasants, and a few woothica' to"be fouhd, and after he had tried for 'small game, ho said he raeant to have a beat after a leopard which he had heard of thereabouts. As I had not yet ascended: the hill,l said I would go with him and see hoW the valley looked. from up there. All the forenoon-was spent in beating the thick jungle akthe foot of the hill, and 'a very fair bag my friend made. We then ascended, and halted for tiffin on a bare shoulder, surrounded by a jun gle about half way up the hill. From this spot there was a lovely view .. of the valley below, with all its streams, and towns, wheat-fields, and pretty farm houses ; so here Lsaid I would stay to admire the scenery, while my friend• beat for - the leopard. After having had tiffin, away he went with some, hundred native yelling cur dogs, and tomtom-beaters, making enough noise, I thought, to frighten anything-within ten miles., of us. By degrees the noise died away on the hill side, and all was quiet, save from a shrill shout now and then or the dis taiit:Yell of some excited cur. • Whether it was the'cheroot or the heat or the unwonted tumbler of bitter beer in the middle of the day, I know not; but gra,dtiajly . - the scene faded from befh4e my eyes, lialhe beauties of nature, and the excitement of leop ard hunting were .ilike forgotten. flow long I lay slumbering I do not know.' At hist f dreamed that 1 was 'at home in Englaid, Main... on the edge of a quarry, and watching the workmen preparing for blast. All was ready !Lit last, and. I saw the puff of smoke, the heave up of the stones, and the report reached my ear' At the same moment, however, a huge mass of rook, I thought flew up high, in the air,jind fell right down upon me. awoke while start-.7irreenough somethingfiad upon me, for could hot move; and felt aslf choking.. For. a Moment . I could not ~remember 'where T. Ives,. or linagine what had hap pened hutas I- gazed I sift* my ; bin... den was' a huge' leopard, which was •standing With hisforepa*'on my - cheat. Fortunately, he paid little attention to me, land I was fee much.. prostrated. by the; shock to : be able, topapyri . Li finger.; The blood was dripping from a.wound' in' 'shoulder, and lie' Was growlifig savagely, and fooking around' the . jungle whence afose the shouts of iladre4ters. Scarcely, had f:seen this, ;When I heard W,oll,known voice, exelaia F , ,S;ttady, Bristow ;'stead for a nib- mont IN • ~ ,l'i l ~ leopard gave a louder growl, and, seemed 'about to, ,movehis position; :when there dame . a Sharp report, a, sharpef wbiz,, and the'bealit'satik down right,- , across . me. 1, 1 -Ile Straggled' ee nil vulsiVely 'for -aeocond or twb, , and I did not ltna what happened then for,; 'though ~ I suppose, I ought . , to be, a• shamed to say„it; I 'fainted clean tiNia,V„ ,lybenil s rdoeVered,' I fonndr'tny friend bathing; my face r and his sextant. 'try . : big to Wipe away, the !.blood. , fro'm iny: elotheo.; ~. ~ ~ ~,,,,, ,„. ~ -filtyfriead, it appears had boaten'4u), ,junglefr . hours. and havbik Oion'np' allitoPes 'of • seeing' the” lebp4d; '''atria ret i urning'to!joio,.,lne, whonAhe..dogs: had , , ,lgute out of , 0.,3.50na11i deep. toltly f, , n+ tided ~,ravitte,,,,elos,qbq, our, ih. lting, Place, . If ei :w a tt• within „tweet 3hirdd'ornie'iliert'lke weVtided ,the.b F3t,laintion"i6delitig"the, ',cage of. 4121),Ju gle, was horrified to'setiaguipt i Riaradoe, as hetlid-notlino*nwhither .1" xmaibtien thivwnldewil,dyfilidoweent. 1141gopid, or pclkuomiAp9u , 4o4-:M4 Beeping, All be could do, howevere ,ZOIMPI9MtMMMIISII MI + he dtd.„ - and well, too, - for the leopard' hid not life enough even, to, scratch. "This is my first and last hunting. vipedition in India, and I dare say my. 'my friend Maclure will think tee a great spoon when I say that I prefer ,sport r cat( always be Buie of being theibunter Mid not the hunted. ''}And quite'right, too, Mr. Bristow," said Mrs'. , Langworth. "EspeciallY.When you cannot hit a hay stack at twenty yards,','c , :added &lecture in a lower tone And so ended our 'Christmas eve. 'Oat; glass of mulled claret was drained to absent friends, and we, started for our 'seVeral-homes. , . . A IiOOD JOKE- The Hartford Dimes mention the following tunneling incident as occaring at the post office in that town. , "Louder !"—A c dored man lately went to the post office, and putting his 'nose close up to the delivery box, cried 'out t‘Louder'!" the clerk, supposing the negro “to be deaf, and tha' he was makkig a request of him to speak lou der so that he coud hear, asked him in 'a very loud tone the, name of the per son for 'whom he wanted the letter. • "Louder !" cried the negro. •ffiThat tithe 1" yelled the clerk. „. „Louder 1 again bawled the negro, who now supposed. the clerk to be deaf. - • The clerk took a long breath, and with all his might again he howled Out in the aegroeshce the seem use- torn" 1W name tto was donein se loudwa tone that the echo seemed 'to returnlrom the-far-off-hills: The negro started off in alarm, shouting at the very top of his lungs. Louder ; sir, Louder ! I told you Lou der I my name is louder nothing else!" ''Oh! ah ! oh! ho! said the 'clerk "your name is Louder, eh!. didn't think of that, here's your letter Mr. Louder, here's your letter Mr. Louder„ Adventure with a Buffalo One beautiful, clear, cold morning in January, a Western hunter started out to shoot some prairie foWl. He had not been Jung searching when he came in sieht)of an enormous bull buffalo. ~ He thus describes his encoun ter with him i Ho' was standing a little way off on the plain, but the standingwillows -- a - nd brushwood afforded me cover within eighty yarlis of him, pratingly which I crept up, and taking a deliberate aim, fired. The- bull gave a convulsive %tart, moved off a little way, and turned his, broad lido' again to me. • I- fired again, over 4 hundred yards this time, whereupon he turned and faced me; as if about to - shoW As I was loading for a fotirth shot he tottered forward a step or two; and I thought he was about-to fall, so waited a little while ; but as he did not come down, I determined to go and finish him. Walking up, therefore, to within, thirty paces of him,. till I Could actually see his eyes rolling, I fired for the fourth , time directly for the region of the heart, as I thought; but to my - Titter amazement up_went hie tail and down went his head, and with .a speed that I thought him incapable . of, he was upon 'me in a twinkling. I ran hard for it, but he rapidly overhauled me, and my situation was becoming anything but pleasant. Thinking he might, like our own bulls, shut his eyes in making a charge,- I swerved suddenly to one side to escape the shook; but to my horroi I failed in dodging him, for he bolted round me quicker than I did, and affording me barely time to protect my stomach with, the stook of - my rifle, and to turn my self sideways in hopes of getting be tween his horns, he oame plump upon me with a shock like an earthquake My rifle stock was shivered to pieces by one horn, my clothes torn by the other. I flew into mid air, scattering my prairie hens and rabbits, which had hitherto hung *dangling by leather thongs from my belt, in all- directions, - till landing at last,'l fell, unhurt in the and almost over-.—fortunate ly not quite—and rolled my infuriated and subdued antagonist, in a snow drift. PETRIFIED FORESTS IN EGYPT.- The formation of what is usually term ed a petrifaction', and some few other similar subtle operations of nature, -have-never—been-completely—fathomed. and: Satisfactorily accounted for, by either the practical man or the theo rist. There exists in the , vicinity of Cairo, although but little known to European visitors, and still, less to the 'Arabs in general, a petrified forest, which presents features of great attrac tion to the geologist 'end antiquary. The term " petrified forest" may, per haps,, seem a misnomer, when it is stated that'there are neither trees nor leaves. The fragments, to all appear ance, are stones; only outwardly re semibling. mood, and in myriads of pieces Are„scattered, half buried in the ;sand like. " ,the ocean witnesses.", One of the 'moat remarkable circumstances Is'that the most rigid"sertitiny fails to. detect the Mast vestige of arable land, the • smallest oasis, which-could have ,afforded, an origin to these mutilated relics, of timber. , Occasionally a trunk is fougd'rrvoti in two, as if split by the heat.' ; The lergest of these specimens measures ten feet hi length, and has 'a dianieter Of twelve - inches. One *mild natnraPy expect Oat , the speohia ,or descrittion of timberAo,•which these eitrefifdtions belongfal, would be, idea. Lien] grith, that met with at present in thcheortntry: 'The:x.64oBe fact. ThO,,otik, beoeh; the chesttititi - and- ethers are .distinctly recbgnized, but i3eafeely a•singlo sileeimen can be dis--' :cdifereil of the . palm, the sycamore or. • tbe 'fig; tree: ' , Tho perforations -pro- . • d uced by the passakeof insects' through the bailtyiriklearlyvisiblo, and a'gum my seUretion been , found in 'some Of tlin'holes tuadein this manner It lie•tdio to,attempt at 'resent to offeri 'eiplan'etion 'of this barking ,phenoteenorwbutitis to hoped that ; geologists brill ulthiaately solve the rohleln , rrn Enginepr . . •• , , ~ .Vii, • mirthrith, a child entered ali !r .h9td a'phio gelkry: in' ,Netvberg the etitef ey,„tttt preylope .t 9.! plaeing it ifriiiii ieture,the„:Toroun subjected the ioutigione`to'a tignrone epinkieg. The -,e,ttiEl isitiirftfreidi vrhon - lie was inferaied t Abut, 01, it:Vraw . oniytryjr4 ;to got up, a 'fille, 10r..14! tlset,ohld'o, facie; In order tat, to k ight, be ropreented,fii the' Pie iiiiii "Witkloliiwittog,,Cheeice.', . ' - ..,..11 ~,. A IfeuTeoked , busb o n4 ,tutye thatil;e, -fore roargiogchoi fiopitkcsredsled:. life, Y'',l: be ;all sunshine,_ but afterwaid ' he &ilia it was - all moonahine. .:, . • ` . " ",8.041tH ;OF: THF7 irktlevr_orfoity three stamen), and Ale • mother of four blooming children, two • cifi whom are married,lately suede gay deceiver for breach of promise; The d4ceiver is an did man of seyezity-si, - +lie father of nine • children, 'and the - nstior of two farms. The parties biiggYarron - County ; ; Ohio. The .. to Unarry,.sontoydral rides in his thought She wothaher places, and .Upon this_ hint slie-ht conclude ing a wedding dreds'and - ho - few partipulat'remalo friends it, tb the 'wedding cake._ At this hoWever the, old - man olawfislicid; de.- clitied`to fulfillthe engagement, flatly denied that heliad ever ..intended to marry the. lady, To heal her lacera ted feelings she brought:snit against the perfidious old wretch, and re ceived $2,655 Which made her happy. an PAT'S 'STOCK,- Pitt Donahue' was " a •‘broth of a boy," right from 'the " Gem of the Say," and ho had a small contract on. the Conway Railroad, in New Hampshire, in the year of grace, 1855, in which he agreed to fake his pay part in cash, part In bonds, and part in stock. The stock of this road, be it rememhered—like many others—. ,was not, worth a " Continental," and has always kept up its value with re markable uniformity.* • In due time Pat,• having completed his job, presented himself at the treasurer's office for set tlement. ; The money, the bOnds,.and the certificate of stock were soon in his possession. "And what is this,nowr said Pat, flourishing his certificate of stock; bearing the " broad seal" of the com pany. " That is your stock, sir," blandly replied the treasurer.• " And is this whale I'm to git for me labor ? Wasn't me contract for the sthoek ?" " Why, certainly, t' —what did you expect 7" What did .1 expect?" said Pat, ex citedly.; " what did I expect ? Why, pigs,' and shape, and horses, share !" AN "OFF HAND" JOKE.—Asturdy sergeant, being obliged to submit to the . amputailinn of his hand, the, surgeon • offered to administer chloroform as was usual; but the veteran . refused, saying, " If the cutting was to be done on him ho wanted to see it," and laying his • arm on the table, submitted to the ope ration without a sign of pain, except a 'firmer setting of his teeth as the saw struck the marrow. The operator, as he finished, looked at his victim With admiration, and remarked : " You oughtlto lnive been, surgeon, my man." , " I was the next thing to one afore I enlisted," said the her& "What was that?" ask,e . d the doctor. " A• BUTCHER !" responded the ser geant, with a grim smile, which, des pite the surroundings, Communicated itself to the bistariders. Rev. Rowland Hill used to ride to and from his church in a carriage. This gave offense to one of his,parisboners, at least,:who went so far to hand in, among the notices, cinesrequesting "the prayers of this congregation for the pastor, who; yielding to pride; is in the habit of riding in his carriage, not con-. tent, like his divine Master, to ride upon an ass. It was not till Mr. H. had read the paper, and observed the sensation created, that he noticed its import ; then, laying it down, ho said : "It is true, brethren and friends, I ride in my carriage, but if the author of this notice will appear at the door at the close of the service, saddled and bridled, I will do my best to ride him home !" • RYE lACes.-4t the Convention of the Episcopal clergy of Pennsylvania, in 1856, for the division of the diocese, the Right Reverend Bishop Metoskry, of Michigan, was present. When the subject of a name for the new, diocese came up for discussion, several were proposed—as Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Mpnongahela, etc. When-- the last 'name was mentioned, Bishop MeCoskry rose with great gravity and seriousness, and remarked that he was entirely opposed to this last mentioned name, Monengahela,.and, if seriously urged, would -enter his solemn protest; For," said he, •' I am'of the opinion .that whenever that name is spoken it will cause my brethren, as well as the laity, to make rye faces.''—Panwau, Harper's Magazine. THE head of a turtle for some time after ita separation from the body, re taiim'and exhibits animal life and see -cation. Au Irishman decapitated one, and afterwards was amusing himself by putting sticks in his month, which the proceeding, exclaimed : '" Why, Patrick, I thought the tur tle was dead ?" " So he 'is, ma'am, but the erather's not sensible of it l" A noon lady who had two children sick with the measles, wrote to -h friend: for, the best remedy. The friend had Jest received a note from \ another Indy, inquiring the way-to make pickles. In the confusioU, the lady who inquired about the pickled, received the remedy for the measles,, and the anxious moth ' er read with horror the folloWing : " Scald them three or four timer in hot vinegar, sprinkle with suit, and in a feW days n they wilt be Cured." ,- A. Frenchman who was afflicted with the gout, being asked what difference there tuns between that and rheum fisM," One great difference," he re plied: r " Suppose you, take one vise, 'you put your finger, in, you turn do' screw till - you bear him no longer—dot . is do rheumatism ; den s'posolou give him one turn more, plat is de gout.'.. 'A countryman who had never paid more than twenty-five cents to see an exhibition Iv - env - to-view - the " Forty, ,Thievetf." The ticket-seller charged him seventy-five cents for a ticke,t.— Passing tho pasteboard baelF4e quiet ly retnarked"'; "Keep it. mister,: I fion'ev,rant to see-the other thiry-nine," and out lie marched. Low!' SHEEP.—A Methodist preach er wos 'travelling 'in• ,of the back settledlents 'and steeped, at a cabip, wherel, tho old lady received hint" very kindly. After setting provisions,.. h a . fort:Liam, she began to queation him i 4.';SiriOager, - Where mought ',you be fKo ' t4. l l'• MoMarn, I riside'in Shelby county, T~ontt• , 4 1 , atrauger,oitettee k , bu t : What &ought You be : doin' hero?" glidarn t •searching loi• the 'Jost plidet) of 'tile tribti ;of 1'81.40; 7 - 4' . •••; '4 4411 , 1 John 1"• shouted' the,;•ohr Y.; lady.; ,[:' come 4 4ite here • this ininniti • horp'slaistrauger the - cvarfrointSh? by cOdukT,AeptiAty,'4-4Wirigletr"" and ,lill.,prat,bet,Ty. t'' •' hire blaCk pip3:thagelCesl ; ii; ',li • 41ttsi.weekii•ouilid ,your Fito&L.—.