8 =I h -_,..en to the, ks the last quadrille,eflo•the supper _ , __ dewn , to the e drawnikg;rea' • the -dotripanY eir maks, and supper-room " flkNithltaced fd, i tkie, As ea t .and,bliff,Mf theriiDorl. room e compank filled the room, h ' was shown, but "Death" was ire•to s o on. - .-. . TEE BEBNERS o q• - - - I.. rlike the lava Seed ' 't brat the party birolte up. Only a few "Teak /"SR E no's broiled of El ,mei;! pf the guests remained all night.' These •• That bur , . „..erflli ' 'were shoWn to their . roome, and the others , , .ru of 's dark a%t , best to/it i'g g tin e, itsfilte would ihsetuilt,7Mieti Near' tne eers ago, a yoty:V • • ' iliondelle went into the . little reception not tca lpom their br . i .. .Ars)fiimself and Darter to meet Mr. Damara, who assured thrni lrat the old ~ ,ci . Lyon Berners• her - teat 1 sten, • teat thenceforth be could never ex t..g a haakt,.ii‘rTit,And two seiYan's. tend to her more than a brother's affection. ;',„n:. .i''' „ed .- a private parloi and " Then give me a brother's'kiss," she 'Kb° .annicriting.for Our own use, eighedi . .i",Thh,t is pot rl PP l 9'. b i n/ Y a 11 1 I; hispir r im of bedrooms for our ser- have no One to kiss me flow. - -sii dive e ?f said Mr.. Burners. as he handed u brother's kiss, anct let me go." sihe plead ,e'llat and cane to4he bowingewaiter. rid, plaintively. • , . - " Certainly sir. What would you like • He hesitated for a moment, and then for tea!" asked the landlord.. • -• penning over her, he,euid: "Oh, anything you please, so that it I - .. It is the first, antefor your own site ,, nice arid neatly served,'-' said Mr. Burners, it mire. be the last, Roan I" and he preen . 41 with a slightly impatient wave of his band hi s li ps to hers. as if ho would have been rid of his obse- It Was the last as well as the first ; for quious host. lit the •meeting ',of ,their,.lips they ryeere " Ah-ha! anything - I please I It is easy stricken 'asunder as-by the 'call. bf •a to car what ails him-. lie lives upon love thunderbolt! _ - just now ; but he'll care more about his Aild Sybil; blazing with wrath, like_ a bill of fare a few weeks hence," chuckled spirit f”oin the Lake of Fire, stood between the landlord, as he left the public. parlor t h en , i -, . to 'execute his guest's orders. ` a Shegooked not huintinwith.lierivehole The bridegroom - was no sooner left alone face and form heaving, -palpitation, flash with his bride than he seated her in the ing forth the lightnings of an or I easiest armchair, and begun with rine.- i. s e em! In. exclaimed her husband, tionato, zoal to untie her bonnet "strings .thunderstruck, appalled. and unclasp her mantle. She waved her hand toward him, Ai if " You make my cnaitl.a useless append- to implore orconimund silence. - • , , ~ . ago dear Lyon," said the little lady, 'mil - o 1 have nothing to say to you," she ing up In his eyes. "-You love', me so muttered, in low and husky tones, sue it much, dear Lyon ! You Love me so much! ashes were in her throat. " But to You I" Yet not too much either I for oh ! if You she said. and her voice rose' 'clear rind should ever cease to love me, Or even it strong as-she turned and stretched out, her you -were ever to love toe leas. I-I- arm towards Rosa, who 'was binning 'in dare not think what I should. - do I" she affright against- 'the ..wall-" TO • Teti, muttered in a long, deep, shuddering tone. .traitress, who has come between the true I' Why, Sybil, -my wife-you - beautiful husband and wife-in 'the morning-iyou mad creature! You area true daughter , i muss leave rho house you have desecrated! Of your house! A Bernors of the burning for if you do tint, or' if ever ' rtlnd 'pith' heart! A Seekers of the boiling blood! false face here again, I will tread -down A Berners of whom, it has been saio, that and ,rush out your life with less 'remorse ;it is almost as fatal to be loved es to be than ever L. set hoot upon a spider l I bated by-" \ will a5,..1, am .a Berner I -And- now. Sudden! in the midst of their_ converse , th , rw i e •- - e, and novas let me gee yoursform _they I h afflifid-,QL2=111Z, 7 10 W .. _ go i n 422............... ., ...., .. . deep, heart-broken weeping. 'Agee Blondelle, who had stood spell- Both paused, looked at each other, and bourfli by the terrible gaze an overwhol listened. - ming words of SYLOI; the wronged wife, The sorind seemed to come from a room now suddently threw up her hands, And - on the opposite side of the passage to their with 'a' ldw cry fled from the robin. . own-apartment, And Sybil dropped her arm' nd voice " What is that?" inquired Sybil, leek- at tlig same instant, and stood:dumb and ing sib to her husband's face. _ motionless. "It seems to become woman inclistress," And noWat length, Lyon Berners spoke answered Lyon. • , ' againl , "Oh I see, whet it is, dear, will you ^" . -"Sybil le, he said, I' this houseis yours! - entreated Sybil. , „ You must lio as you please. But thief She was herself so happy, that fit was , tell yob: that in the same hour which sees really dreadful to be &Minded just then, that poor and friendless young creature that sorrow should exist in this world et -,- driven from the shelter of -this roof, I lonia, ' all, --,-- it too, and leave it forever!" -"' But if she could have foreseen the woe- If too,' Berners really meant this, or 'that was to come to herself, to her husband, 'thought to bring his fiery-hearted.,wife, to and to the object of her sympathy; elle terms by the threat, he was mistakhn in would have held-Lyon back,-as -with- the her character. . grip of fate, from the mission on which "Oh, go I" she answered, bitterly-Ito she now sent him. • • as Rein as you like, Lyon Berners. Good For the weeper was a beautiful woman night, end - good bye !" sheriaid, and.with -a deserter! wile-Darned Rosa Blondelle, a wave of her hand she Treried - from the whd, although but a few days landed from roce . p. Europe,.. had been robbed of her jewels He was mad to have spoken as he did: and money by husband, rind then left, madder still to let her. leave him lel ',how to her fate in that Niirlol li hotel. , mad„he was soon to learn. Sybil was deeply moved by this lady's . Lyon Demers toinained-walking-up and story. and insisted on taking Mrs. lion- down the roam somo time tenger. The dello home with her to Black Hull, and Mr. lights were all out, and the servants gone Berners gave his assent to her wishes. to hell. Yet stilllfd continued to pace up But before they got ready to Set out on and down Olio floor, until suddenly their journey, Sybil bitterly repented of piercing shrieks smote hie ear the • arrangement. Mrs. Blondelle was ln grbat terror he started forward, and so enchantingly lovely, that Mr. ,Bernors . instinctively. rushed toward, Reeri'll room, Jit ones began to yield to her charms; a-nd when the deer was suddenly thrown open 'Sybil, for the first time, saw him nay the by - Rosa herself, pale, bleeding from a - , h'orrinue Of admiration to other -beauty wound in her breast • . than her own. -GreatHeaven ! What la this! he cried, This kindled the fires of jealousy in her ni, aghast with amazement and sorrow„ he heart, and by the time they reached Bleak- supported the ghastly' and dying • form, Hull those fires bad-become fanned Into and kid it on the Rife, and then sunk on ariinextinguishabie.'filime. .... - • ' his knees beside it . „- - - '- - • And no Berner% had ever been known , d e Who, who has one this? he wild!y .to forgive an object of jealousy. Black Hall, the abode,of Mr. and Mrs. demanded, as. almost paralyzed with bor.,' Berners, was a palatial old Virginia man- ror, he knelt” beside her, and tried to sion, situated in the heart of the Black _stanch the gushing wound from whieh her life blood was fast welling. - ~,- Valley, a few miles from Bleckville, the I ' ~,- • • county town. It had been in Mrs. Sl] d °eon ed her bloodless lips, now pal- Deniers' family for generations, tind_was ing,in death, And gasped . forth the worth; renowned for • the scenes of gayety and i ••S ‘ he-Sybil your wife. I told you she hospitality which had transpired beneath would do it, - and she bee dont it. Sybil its roof. , , , Berners haspurdered me," she whis- Mrs.. Berners, the last of her race, to pered - . - Then raising herself with - a last give vent to the emotions of her restless, dying effort, she cried aloud, "Hear, all ! jealous heart, resolved to ineuguride the Sybil Berners has murdered me." And festi% hies of the olden time, and for that with this charge upon her lips, she fell purpose announced a mask ball for the hack DEAD. ~.. -. ensuin - All-Hallow Eve, and at ones set Evon in that supreme moment Lyon about getting all th.ngs in readiness. Berners' first thoughts almost his only One day while she was absent at Black- thought, was for his wife. Be looked up ville, making purchaser, Lyon arid Rosa to see who was there-who had heard became so absorbed in one another, as to this awful, this fatal charge. become, oblivious of the entry of Mrs. All were there! guests and servants,- Wlnterose, the old housekeeper. who men and women drawn there by the found them sitting closely side by side , dreeklful shrieks. All had heard the her her hand clasped in his. On Sybil's ro• riliTaeetisatien. turn, the old housekeeper deseribed . this And all ,trod panic-stricken, as they° scene to her, -with teeny exiiggeretions:,- . ihrunk awnv froth one who stpod in their , The revelation sgineyd.to freeze Sybil into midst " ice. • e The -• A Le gend of The 81. 5811 OHAPTIr , 'BURNING fIRART9 " - Oh, my heart .' any 1, earl ."' ,is a moaned turning deathly pale. And • after a long al:nee. she bitterly DO • eidved l Betrayed! Scam, ! _Laughed at I Well; well!" she woutineed, nodding grimly; "well, well, sinee leceit 10 the fashion of the day; I too will ho in 'the fashion ; I too will wear a mask of smiles! But behind that mask, I will watch:—Oh, how 1 will Watch I Not at my - fancy-hall alone mill I play apart, but before it, and perhaps, ,Ifter one shall ever know how I watch, what I see, until I descend with the fell swoop of tho.eagle. And henceforth let me remember tha , I am a daughter of the house of Berne rs, who never' failed a friend or spared a foe. And oh, let the spirit of My fathers support me, for I .must Eiinuar, until I can - And oh-I could-those triflers with sacred love—those Wanderers on the brink of a fearful' abyss—have soon the look of her face then, they would have fled from - each other for ever, rather than to have dared the desperation of her roused soul. But they-saw nothing, knew nothing, suspected nothing I And thus all the three drifted towards the awful brink of,ruin. CHAPTER H THY, FIRST FATAL HALLOW 307 X It was All-Hallow Eve a night long anticipated with delight' by the whole neighborhood told much , longer still re membered with horror by the whole country. It was the occasion of Sybil Earners' Inuit: ball; and. Black Holt; the Black Valley, and the town of Blackville - ivere all.inw at to of unprecedented excitement for this wns the erA - 1)r hinmont'of the kind, that had" ever been given . in the locality,,and'the•gentry . of three contigu • ous counties had been 'patted to assist at it. / The :throng at Black Hall was great, an the characters assumed by. the muslceri Aver° var.ous and well sustained. But far the most beautiful, far the most terrible figure in the pageantry of the evening, was Sybil.' Bernet% Sho bad chosen. for her c'uiretee the unprecedented part of the impersbnption• of the Spirit of Fire.' It suited 'well -with her whole nature • Her costume was but the outward sign of '—,-thecinward fervor: • Sybil had confided the secret of her cosr tumo to no one but her husband,. who was himself attired as " Herold 'the Saxon," while Mrs. Biondelle nssimiea the pharam., ~torof " Edith ttiFitir." . Sybil had not been long in the room before the coquetting of her husband and - Mrs. Blondollo . drove her nearly to die tractidn, Observing thitt whenever she came near them, they wore on their guard, Sybil exchanged disguises with one of her guests and intimate friends, Beatrix Pew dloton, and was thtis enabled to watch her husband and his companion without the least restraint. Sybil observed theta meeker, represent ing Death, whom nobody seemed to know, watched Mrs. Blondelle as closely as bbe did herself; and she subsequently.had oc casion to 'remember and shudder at that Booing the watched collide seat thorn-, selves on a small sofa in onh corner of the ,soquir the glided tp am ottoman ,near thetlo,l ' in 111 no to hear Mrs: Blondollo say, i "No, Lyon, your wifo_is not my friend —she is mytieudly enemy. Eihd ie ilercelyi . jealous of.your MA:talon foe to& though it: lithe Only happiness of my unhappy life.l And she'vrill make you throw me off yet." , _ - Never 1 no one, not even tn 7 wile/sheik : - ever de'that.--Vswear it - by ,1 11 ,1brkepeEt Pybil : glided away.- Oho could ,hia• t sne ~. • • ,•, • klupper-time gtieete would have 4 to unmasie,_Bytdi and Beatriz reezchanged costumes, itOctrA4 It xya , she, Sybil. the accused, whose very.l,nc.et aceused her more loudly than tht4l,..mg woman had done: she Flood rill in h r lb.!) tunequerailr dr , Rs, her ;a..' pallid, +•.% 4:. bhrzingbluing her litli•k h... r ;ono. , and treat frig, her ,rinl soralgl hand raised rind grasping , a blood dagp.r. • • , , iiy, wretched woman I` most wretched wainan 'What is this that •you , have done ?" groaned - Lyon Bernors in unut terable agony—agony not for, the dead beauty before bins, but for the living• wife. wh , •m he felt that ho bad dfiven to 'this deed of desperation. "Lyon Berbers, do you believe me guilty ?", she asked. He looked up, and their eyes that. If he had 'really believed her guilty he did not bopii , He answered brieflydind Sybil I Heaven knows that Dlo not; but explain-this horrible business— if you can I" iiThe.explanAtion is this," she said, em phatically. And then her ypice arose clear, firm and distindt, as she continued : in my chamber, which is im mediately above thatsioecupied by Mrs. Blondello My chamber is approached by two wan, first by this front passagei and stubs, and secondly by a'nariosiataircaiie running ap.from Mrs. Blondelle'irucri. do not - know how long I had sat these, when piereing'shritik from some ono in theeroom below. Instinctively 1 rushed Town the communicating etaira and into Mrs. Blondelle's room and up to her bed, where I saw by the light of the taper she was lying. Her eyes were (dodo), anal thought at first that she hadl fainted -from-some fright until, almoyt at the same instant, I saw \ this dagger-1 Were Sybil _stooped .and pielied.up the dagger Oat she had droppea a low minutes before—odriv. en to its haft in her, chest. Instantly the ope P necl iwound tip ; coypi•lng ; i rap band and sleeve, with the accusing stains yoitede I With the flowing of the blood her eyes flow ; wildly open ! , Shit, gaapd affrightedly at me for an instant, and then biitli the last effort' of herlife,''for-'WhiCti terlifor lent •her etrength,/shilateirtect• . uP, •iirld fled shrieking tothiii room: I, still .holding the dagger that I had drawn from hosian,s followed hekbeie. 'And = iYou knowi,tho rest," said Sybil ; 'oyarcome .with excitement, she sunk upon the near. eat:chid:id° rest, _Ler story bad evidently made a very great impreselup upou: t.tiu comiian3r pres ent: - But ,-i Lyon - Bereerii auddehtS , claimed: “good Heavens: -that la'dy's mistaken char& has pot titian !WOW sbent, and allowed this , durderCr• ttoTtlbapp. But may not yet be too late!, Some'clue may be' loft in her room "by which wa • may trace ,the criminal! Come, , neighbors, and lot tul search the pronalses',” And Lyon' Harmers, leaving the shed-' Bering women or the party in the , room with Sybil und.lke dead ri tilatl,followea by all the Men, weat sosearch the house and grounds for traces of the assassin. • . , 140 7 . the 'sepreb ,proved fruitless., 1)711,' • trace ot 'on intrUd'er 6hulil Yeultd,'ndr, was there .any evidence of robbery. Furthermore, all the windows wpro found fasiefia on'theinajdef TheYiledd" hien no) way of entering the murdered woman's roomi except by the stairway leading from Sy-I bile r h T i fi;er. ' ; 1 • Captain Pendleton; an old toyer of Sy bil% Ando brother,of „u9atilx lair that thoirti 6 Wad no ':safeti flight. Ho whispered 'Lyon to take Sybil her renal, and, tiro. indot t port.en, the linek 'piazza. This was done,ohrtt,,Ahtin the Captain unfolded his already 'Manta plans. Lyon adopted them at once; and underlekliifulmtilment of Captln lion(lleto etleapl imk, of t o hblike — tin eo Kitten •on the r way towards a place of tonceilment known as the Haunted Chapel where 'now incV unexpected hotrod a*aitid TEqc ; ;I!AIII!yEl? CHAPEL. Fiiiiiil - lailiatt/hii . p?iiiiii4itiehlidi.Latiii ti.hHeinehfireiliketiit Wski,iffit 044114 inelygor , ge , on the other siddiYttitOnSiuti.: Vain. t. - ' ".i :1 O (J,„l, ;,.. ::- , • .7, , -Thliy, Arciyoil,tiocely,•ot .s,he old,„,ruin,, j here o 4 i ti fi y, t l h ll e r e s ci p w c, e r g o e ti r rt s h i c r4 d i tt o yi i tle s y e l e vs v B e n s: oo....iitioso 4re - elicits , Pi,' - his' mistittia ;bad .1 it hind,tolployfidActspy.on4 trnd.out w here, 1 e 05cas, - gtong•, and secretly follow. her with 1 roiiplons Mid haekn!tftlr 'rtstktig pot sOme fint,:ofi-Pinittitblo..- ': ' " - ' lithefugitives•folvsosippressed, that even - c•illArcitl 'Billiper otqfplind - bs tJoci Couiff ot'rel lova thetn;!Orit,tin -- orilrifitictonrfnlr, lo s o tr n e.i t. r 7 g h o i d e i k aw ha e d ine s s lt ti l o csi ori r ir , i , li pi t ,r h , :it; eo .h t e i tt ie r ; t ri s : loom .-which . , dindltkey sunk into4i , deq, sleep, ss ;hough t,tiey.- . :l;ind been druthEild with seine power -4111 I;ittrcotic. sillr.:f33brneis was.'aretved katfore daylight bY*olWhe instantly drew kink outside the!Oliiipollmalarin. j Sybil, loft nionifiw-itnitiEfnunted Chapel,: continued to slooifititiiialy. How long sh e 'had-idsilt she- ntallir4iiiild tall, when she' Wa'slearddefily antk,fifittally aroused. - . ~ Shan't nandnO,'WO.itle t nbout her person. They ,4nro' croppliwin:itker, her shoulders and under her plithqo:kttO.y - Were lifting nor-: front:rimy mattiOse"..),:loHerceyes flared open in wild - affright44fidthe , la'ai two . black abroyded• forms , ,ifitinifrAt her head, the other at. her feet .: . . , ' ~ . . . • . She tried to'cry out in' herMgony of ter rot ; but her Voice died-ate:4 in her bosom, eindhall her powers seethed:palsied. They, raised hot up. and bore her ~on great limier% I •whither? _ • 2 I To the'open door of the vault under the 4hapel, fron{whose haunted depths a spec tral.,ightigleamed Thdy•lioNl' her down the - dreadful find,daid-het on, the dead ly.Ator I iron , dOor- clanged loudly -to, ro- Ounding tbiough the cliental arches.. ' ' Webiaie her now l" ,muttered a hoarse ioicei - ..A - hollbw laugh responded. AM:1'18 ¢B sWoonetl'with ; horror ! When SYbil'recovered 'from 'her :death, ,! like,swean; She found herself in a.spacious I 'Cavern of such exceeding beauty and splen -061. that - for An instantshe lost sight of her terrors in her astonishmeht end admira imiopd theojaweyes settlediupon,a,fig- . /tie' Who seeined' the sole ,occupant of the , • his tsvae -a_ young girl,..w,ho with .her irdelptilirmr-mattiikcietittnilnivssrwast eeateft Upon it cresti,feggettln; the Turkish fastrcoh: eltlnlace;-fier malign eyes, her . wildi , :black :ItairMnd picturesque 'cos tume, were, all•so 401teeping - with the.as- Tibet! :ithe'iplithe,, that One. might have deemed her/the sPirlthf tho cavern. ,The`twe:vomou.looked at eablimther in .hilencli 'fowl...perhaps half a miniate ;' and then Sybil spoke: u What place is this? Who are you I Whd am I, brought hither ?" I "One questimiat alime,' answered the girl. ... What place this is' concerns you litile. lam a gipsy, and mymame is Gun tilieka ; why you are brought herei'llti ! that concerns you very much I It concerns your liberty, and perhaps your life." • "I do not believe it I You have had me torn-away from my husband! Whore is he novel" -haughtily demanded,lire.'terriers.. ' .• Ho is likely in the hands of the con stables, who are by'this time in. possession oi the - Haunted Chapel. But fear nothing ! Him they will release again, for they have 'no right to detain him; but you they would have kept, if they had , caught you.- The constables were cooling there for us, but they would have found :yea had. we not liriughtyou awayith us. That WM Illy doing. I made w your removal the condition of my.silence." . "But when will 'you communicate With my hilaband, to relieve his dreadful sus pense !!.Aii- soon aecit shall be safe to do so. Outlit.sy.Oare must be to our ciwn'safoty, butpur•seeond will yours." . • Sybil. said no More at the moment; but satlooking at the speaker, and thinking of lin 'that bad befallen her in- the Haunted Chapel. CHAPTER ,TV -- THE 43.6118ER--CHIICYTAIN. ' Ile min the mildest mannered men ' -That ever scuttled ship, or cut a throat. Sybil had passed to day in the, robbers' den with her strange-companion, who tis toniehed her by Butting that the captain of the band bad been present at her masque rade. 2 Late ia - the - nfternoon, dinner - was unnouncdd, at which several of the robbers appeared,-with Mbloch, a gigantic ruffian, at their head.- . Moloch was the - lieutehant of-the hand , and in the absence of the cap tain, ruled with brutal sway, , Becoming ilfflarried with wine, he took a sent by the side of Sybil, threw his arm about her, and attempted to imprint's kiss upon her lips. Sybil struggled in terror,- and the gipsy girl cried out: "-Men! why don't you interfere' He is rude to the lady I" .• We never meddle between other men and their aweethearp, Do we, mates !" called out one. " No, no, no I" answered the others. - "Oh. if Satan- were here I" cried the girl, in despair. "SATAN IS HUM!" responch•d voice close by. And the robber captain at,- ,, d .otong them its if he had.riaup front the earth. 31,.10ch dropped Sybil, and cowered in the most abject manner. Sybil looked up, and-turned d trom head to foot; for-in the handsum... stately, grqcetul form of the brivand chief, silo re cognized the finished gentleman, who, in the character of -Death," bad danced with her at her own mask ball, and—the prob ablci murderer of Rosa Mendell°. While the walls of the cavern seemed whirling around Sybil, the robber captain calrely came up to her, lifted his hat, and said : • "Spirit of Fire! I am happy to welc"mo you' to your. own appropriate dwelling _place:" and then, without expecting an answer, he turned to Moloch, and said, in his smoothest tones: . Be so good as to give me this seat, sirl" But Sybil saw that the giant turned pale and trelnbled like the bibled mountain in labor, be heYeft the seat by. her side, and slUnk into another at some distance. The wind pw3sed , freely . at the .obbers'• table, and the men grew merrier, wilder, mpre uproarious. Sybil &Swim very touch alarmed; end not so much 'by,the noisy orgies of those rude revellers, tie,..by the dreadful gaze of Moloch fixed upon her from the opposite end of the table,whero, he sat, and the offensive language of Sa tan's eyes whenever they turned towards her. • At length, unable to );ear the trial long er, phe arose from her seat, and courtesy ing-to these brigands as she would have done to any sot of gentlemen of whom she was, taking leave, Sibil lett the- cavern, followed by Gentilliska; the gipsy girl. „o I must take you to another grotto. You must. oceupy mine to-night," said the girl, with evident reluctance. " 8i1,t, - oh I why, why - may I not stay with you I am afraid to sleep alone. In this terrible place l" pleaded Sybil!' "1 Wive a reason, but I cannot toll it to you now. Yes, 1 will, tool I will tell you at all risks! Then it is this: My chamber is not safe for you! I myself am nolotrong enough to protect you I You mirit ho carried off forcibly from my side., I must hideyeti where no devil may 'find .you to-night !" whispered -the Oh, do not leave mo here alone I" plea ded Sybil. "If I must stay, stay with me 'I do not fear death but oh I fear-these men I clo-not-leave-me I" 4 . I Must for 'your own safety. Th/Y must not miss me, or their suspic ons will be aroused:" ,t Then pointing to a bed of moss, and r e comniending her pleat to lie down and seek/rep:leo ztho gypsyi:girl glided, away through the lahyrlnth, of ctiVm and was lost to sight and hearing. ybll'Llfirst impulse Was to start upand , run after her hostess butsho restrained' hermit', flnd sank-,half-fainting.-upon the heap of mdse. ' There!was but a faint sparkling of light in thu cave, ceming , thyoUgh a crevice in the rOof through which the moonlight en-, .ieprise," had bee the advico of: Genttliski. , Sybil dstriAnot seek if she, could, and 'could 10,ChAve found it if oho had. Hour • 'lifter hour passed in trance like salmon • and silence,. when she fancied she bored a,• creeping, stealthy step approaching. Near., ly frozen with terror, she listened and: walgl4ed morti.intently than aver. Alonej ibuipless,,„lo,slarknoss And solitUde, what! horrid ilato Tango•ebb meettho creepingi hatitiona'step drOwitearer. nearer. - deiotui I it,''was no fancy ! 'rho' entranceoftbecivern was more deeply dar-I kened for ono moment, and then ,the•h ugo 1 Sri! of, goftiph Stood tfittilh the `eavein,' findnear& fliflatt up. t l i I - Paralyzed_ Filth horror, Sybil could nel-' 1; 1 10•YllOYS 1 ,1yoUt--notin , pt) when the' ~TllolllllOr app ached bar, and pelt prd..: faneChanoi Moon her face. The above lel 0.1.14 this story *at- will be publbihod in oiir columns. ,Thr•oontinuation of itfroni whew it leavoS'Off'hilidcan 'be ; fdund only Intlie-Now-York-Ledger,-whichls formic,' all the •,;boolc is)ores-tind •,nee/pAepots.• Askifor th 4 number dated June 26; and in lc you will 'flnd . the continuation' of this' beautiful tale. .The . Ledger has the best -.stories of any paper in the world ; and 'Henry "'Maud Beecher, James Parton i!nd • Fanny Fern htiite •articl'Cs every nurri.", . . U L OOK OUT,'DRYGOODS NEN TO Tali PUBLIC. havejuat returned from tbo Rout with my Spring .itock,and ae tatiel,l'oni erll ig itoddi a 111 Lie cheap. er than any other Pry tioudi !Wm.. In Own, .I et not think It necemiry to occupy a column of new., wiper to keep, up my reputation for aellln r rhea! lix.da. hitt. do I wish. in - resort to clap trap to gut. the public. All-I ask of theml. to cull and examinr for theniaolvoai and II not satisfied, with the prices not to buy. llbmetobin • the otitild Nd. Noit.l Claud' er otrrot; ...at door in Di. Kieffer's. and Mil .er & howerallard ware VOI. A. MILER, • P. 8. I. will sAS nnThiug uhout gal* third and 11,urt1 (rand opuningA • . 9apr11.41. air HATS AND CAPS, , • Do yoti goont.a ;tire Hai or Cap? If cu, don't fell " toreoll on J. G. C A.LEIO No. 29,'Went Main Str . eet, Where rim he Gaon the titiest nerturetnnitt of TINTS AND TAPS • . aver`brunaht to Co , itni... 410 111 ,44 .4 4 4 4 .1 . 4141 t pleasura a ln Inviting hi.. 400 friends and Customers, And all' hew Omni, to his splendid steak Jnat rem Iced Crow New York and Philadelphia, consisting in sort of tine . SILK AND CASSINIERE,IIATS, eesldenin endless rarloty of flats - and -Caps of ihe latest style, all of whial ho will soli at the Lowest Cash Prices: Alan,..hls own manufaetureof data al ways on hand, and Hats Afannfaettered to Order Ile has thol's: arrangement for ,coloring Hatsand all kinds of IV•lglen (loads. Overcoats, at the shortest notice (an'he colors every week) and on the moat reasonable roruir A150,,a,, tine: Int. of Arden Orands of :/TOBACCO AND CIGARS Alwyn nn bond. Wide* to.coll tho attention of peroono who howl COUNTRY PUSS .a.syfi—thq_i_kbpJ4..ok4,tqlt. • 1.1.11110,. Glyn hint a call, at tint abOvo 'number, his old stand Co lin fools crinfidant of vivlng entire satisfaa. tIon: ._julyl4 67. THE GREAT • ZINGARI BITTERS. I= =I A PLEASANT, BEVEHAIiE, ,s 'CERTAIN CURE AND PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The ZING ARI BITTERS or „compounded 'row a pretteriptlon - ef the relehtaleft Pfif)ptian phyvician On. Oncnratro, who. nft years of triol and .Ixtrilrl went, dig,,,,e,d the Zingarini. Ilerb=Alle naufiltzt, marlzal le vegetable prodnetion t the earth. perhaps , has ever yielded—ftertalnly the wont effective In acre of discus,. I t t 'itt rein' inn tier with the other , vAltiablwaportlesot whin the'ZING - Alit ItIATMIttf To commuted. still cure Dyspepsis,,Fover and Ague, Bilious Frier, Cholir Colds, Bronchitis, Conminotion in its tirr•t stage, Flatulency, Nervous Debility, Peronle Complaints, ithouMetlsin, Dvfiontory; Acute and Chronic Dhirion t Choi are Morlimt, Cholera, Typhoid - - a od'Typhus Fever, Yolk tr lever, Scrofula, Din . or• the Kid ney Si Ilnbituot - Onstiveriess, tr.c., &c. In the PIi.EVY.NTION and CLIO, of the Above die Oakes. it bay never be. known to 01011..6 wur moot oewloinent witivenn throughout all pint, of the Pountcy, n 11l tectily. let tiro attlietewl fbr circular won to mini; tettitunninlo moo certificate , of thank air,. have been euied after huh . casem Lave bweu pronwunerd topelen by our bwkt' phyPiebms. I=l F. .11A HTNR & CO, N. Front St., Philadelphi[i. )COMMENDED Dl' Ex-Gov David It. Nucor, of Pennsylvania. lion. Robert J. Fiedler, '• lion. Edward „Mahorvon,••• " Hon. Joel It, Danner. " Iton. WM. rdeSberry, •• add °Glare ND 41A I I. A. rt /21eb jIIOOLALM 10 ALL THE WORLD TILVe ME NATIONAL BITTERS lfas cured more ores of DYSPEPSI A, morn cares of LIVER. COU Pi. more cage+ of - NERVUV, and 'hors 5.00 of DEBILITY, than any other rethody before tho . public In the name epee ()Ilium IT --PURIFIES- THE -BLOOD, CALMS TIIE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, Is-an • Excellent Appatizer, and a 'general In. cxigorater of tho System. WALTON A ZUG, Proprietors, No. 0, N-Sov nth St, Philadelphia, Sold, by Druggists, and Dealers gonorally, 12lett Od•Unt. U. S. HOTEL, 'Op,posiza Pa. R. R., Sr. Reading Depot, - - - - - HARRISBURG, 'PA. .-.-{:,- 0 Propriotoe. 247. • N CON SP.Q IJ NO OF Hit' dleastroun tlrr,whloh to January bud dratraj, ed their ator. and Its_ contnntn, I.E. CALDWELL & CO. •JEWELE.RB„ Hare had made eupechdly to their order in Europe and In Anierien, an entirely' New Stook of Choioo Goode, Whfeh are now opened hod ready for oxatnlnation VERY. *INN - I -ARM STARTLE OLOal{B, (Every ,movement with the new Improvroionts) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, - , Entirely now - • ;'- BP.ON-Z-P.'AEVGROU-PS&-FIG-U:REST GOgHAIII.M4TVUFW CO'S ' FINE:' INfr SILVIIk, FARE, - New - ddely.nn WATCHES, JEWELRY, Scc. , • Sre' ♦ very full ußsortriaeutat very gomixAth '•• , For tbirpresoot at 819 :VHEIfiTNUT STREET. 123e6 9ttily. e PUMPS 1! For pare WWI` art,linrwbod; runty Icon, nor polad ' Dad, but Dhurloy Bluaohlegle Colo Inland 'PUCiliribOrl'Ultdp ... ' nadir of veld antnidibur 'wood,' 4 0.,, relyredstetest 'die`able and Ito good . oldrignibloned! ' woodob amp, tnado by, machinery, and oral, ro, perfect and orlmrato In all! to parlo, , railllng art oqud, amount , f watur, and aeotlng lora`than halt IF; runny. - fleally - s aryarlard,so eel . I ton46ezlod,' and s 1n , 7 e. 1011.; 'ruullnro roalo? ph§ that ank la•up,and, )Imi, It, do Ircl,„Aftor.ihornua4 lrlgl it 1 1 , 0 1 97 poyrladicadihro6o, ar;onaarakrfi inn.aa cand the „nut, lttPlitF.PY • • • • f .` DRY GOODS. '1 .1160i)S! t," O k.it, ; _triA ll _AV ;5! Vl7? , :11ztE : TIME , AND: sgAsoN, • i , 11 i.511W CASII. I S.TOItE OP THOMAS A.HARPF;R, CORNER OF HANOVER ANY) POSIFSKT BTS . .- t ' Who t. nt artrtroptirtml to'cothibit mi Ott:Lora mrttf 004 . 14,r:1.4 :tottk ttf I) 6;Y 6_ 00 , n , oxo..cilnitly low pric§is Bar nine,in," ; NT S , at 011 rolcro and skzes. The clialiiot, 'Stock lb .triw n. 'PLANNP.L& Plrfu end Tv.1110.1 . , , m11 . m160. Shulaw: . Plaid Pplmo, and x Ilue artit•le of Wel4l Flannel. • ' ANV 145 ! SIT Log . 11 , 1n1Squhro, Ladies'. ClLiakings, nowlifiod: war., Proof and Heavy U..ovet. Miirivo'Votg. c llrta nrit 'llrnwors, for Ladlie 111. ex, Merl . 4.and 1 , 427. ' 11.11 Imp 4 ;10thS (DWI lhi. Slmcrc. 'FANCY DRESS GOODS In new and lUcl. • Doalgna Many of ,the ahoy° C 101.15 ceiling off at at greatly reduced priced. Inneenee :tuck ot all the bottling brand,. of Domextica and 110138 k YURIId IIIKH DltY 0001)8, at Jena than regular Okue. BLI ACIIED S.: BROWN SELEETINGS. 'PILLOW CASE MUSLIN S, 14L1A)15 'CASE / A 1314 LINICsS, NAPIi L,S ANON DIRLILS. • -Towels lid Towellings. Marseille° Quilt and Table Corers, Nottingham Lace Carlin and' Tilly, gull linen of • WHITE GOODS, ME and Craw, ilehlery mid ve, In *lot variety, •613 erten" sive. Stock of NOTION'S BALMORAL AND 1100 P HFCTICIA FANCY WoOLEN.GOODS CORSETS! COR 81 - 137 8! Fren Jr Wove, flip (.I(4e, and the celebrated lie.xvi Cornets. Cadie's Cuff and Cogarn tfetnatitened Tanked and Embroidered - liandherehletx. SPI'WIAL INDUCiLMENTS To (;ASR FL' RCLI AS E R.S 'IIIOMAB A. HARPER. Cor. of 'fanny, hod Pomfret. Elts MEM BAR GA IN.S! W. C. SAWYER & Co's N I V th Ci o ' SAWYER ait9 t 'St 0 :h11r t o their culls rococo Stork of Fancy and Mirlywd DRY GOODS, Coomistiog. of , .4 51.1.,•. t.. ,. - POPLINS, r . ... - —_. EMPIirS9_CLOTIIS, - _ • :, ~_ I , mllEttl.NOESi ALPACAS. he., &c CA:RPETS! 'CARPETS!! Burt ua • 111018§ . EL8 TURIN. PLY, INGRAIN. HIN ITI A N • •• • . CITIVAG LINEN and ls great variety. • 011.--CL()TIIS 'RUGS, $11AD1..8, 7 40., which hel sold very- ehlnp. - - - CLOTHS AXD CASSIMERES, HO:3I . ERY, tiOlTikE F'ITRNISIIING GpODS, 01 every Mk: - "A 101 Itr`tr.troder.l. .tionittit toe; ..We rill wul:. vte,ll-irrill.... and niter a flue neyortteent t h t Inrge htitek will bt. sold ;hilt helisiti. with f cloning not th ‘ , llO p .1 1 i ~1•‘ I• t•I:Ts All .91 13 , ) , sbi Ilit Uu:••r,' In any icia Ai t+. Sd St PSI[ fit CO'S., Kist Main Street. illets CB SP RING BA R G Now OrENING IN DOMESTIC - GOODS, MILTS 00008, CASINIERES, 8,1 lINETA, • • • J ONS, WIIITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINi7S, 7,r1 , 111.1115, allti3ONS, NOTIONS, AC RiNG'S NEW STORE, No, 55 WEST MAIN STREET. 06poolte the filanplon House, next to Poet Offict. Carliele MIIIM=IO J. REYNOLDS ON, N. o'. CORNER 13TH AND FILBERT STREAT.. PIIILMDEIRTITA, , Foie Manufnaturors . of tho Calibrated EIII WROUGHT=IRON, AIR-TIGHT, Gas-Consuming_ ifeater =EMI 'WIIII PATOT DUST BOREEN, BM ftEaTii, and WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR • Ttrene:lfuntbra' aro mode firavil9l4,4((ht TN4i. , riritid. together; . the Only au. A Against rho e neap° or Dee or Mort. They nro - eanil3, manned without, any;doniD re , .The Patent Hi, diotor arohla one and UUDOVIIINI or drone end. priinnorOi r ly attiehrd Fho' Liederr, "Thin Jr 'the treart,d'..rable, alrople,oneohoirriod, and popular orDirO'ror'sale. hre. alrguarooterd, , COOKING 'RANGES for It leLiji'd papl44' en ,• ; PORTABLE NATO dr • • " • LA'rliool4 ineATHil ' r LOW DOWN (H(IT/113, ,t 4, 4TO %,lANTELirI, VONTILATORA.iI „. We aro niro inneutieturloir e ' r-Tr,Drll.o/ITINOt :RANO& • • .. • ,(WAenti for on. Illestratorf oaroptdelo rll 22,00.1 y. , •RI I));(l.mßlNO,`A'44',4X.P,'"s!r,o4: ! , GEOttet6 , ll:, BOOTS ItetOttfullyAtitoitthl the; 'atlttglotgailtsto 4144 rlolulty 'tlat 46, Wttittuot, to rottky 66'6126 ahoVe 'huellioie , ih *all !Its? eiltleile; I , rehe4Ne:lo the lieWeionenool , lTheete t e , Mall; lot IThurah pulpy, whigePerders*Wlll be , thinkflilly ,eel veil mud tileOptly , nt• •• „ • • Ordure left et the .I.leraki omee will • 'Proles preelpt atlentlon. , ORO: II ..1100T$ 1910419 0. /..\ 3M047.4-64.4.YMAS , . . .. . Fat .. .oyspepsiU, P.tver und- Ague, 'Ad iiv or ' the ;Sp:Misch; LosS' of A j3i)et i( e, Nausea; IfeStt-Pur'n, Jaundice, and all diseases arising from a disordered state ,of,the Stomach; Liver pr Intestines.. = Prepared by SEW:A - BD. BENTLEY & CHEN EY ! Drtiggiste, Bidlido; `Sold by all' Driiggiate., For ,Solc•bj 'CEO B. ROFFMAN Grorer, Poinfitt Street. , • 12=! cs gray .pt. ORIGINAL Count-, removes Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents Batmass, and m a kes' the halt' grow Soft;,Glossk end Litiurhtnt. $l.llO Ind $1.50 per Bottle. FArb Bottle — lP beat roper Bar. Prepared - - by SEWARD, BENTLEY &CHENEY. Druggistsl, Buflhlo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggibbi. rif 12 For Siee by Gl2o7n7OrrinTlt Grot cr, Pomfret jen GO•Jm S ®9 S A.Stife and Spcady Cure-fi4Coughs,Coldt; Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, V/ hmiping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Thfciat and Lungs. Don't neglect a F ev-rc Cough, or throw. away money on a PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared. by SEIKA RD. H NT LEY CU ENVY. Drtiggi.(2, Buffuio, N.Y. Sold by all Divoitv, For S',le by GEO. B. 1-IOFFIII,I Grocer, I S.', eel • 2ijun Plmin.. ~ , . . . .I. I ItING (7,0.0 DS. , . 3 Vo have just rottirnell from 'file city nitli a vu largo and t,piniiilidarbortiputtl. ol meliniim rho gout which wei nee selling elf rapidly nt 1,1111 i:11 Ntle MAP: till: 1,01%1041', our Mack l'i G 0 0 S IN very 011 nn d complete: the Ktylos . :tr, „n.rpp. MEI and man, I,w al)lo Oooda,GINWIAMS, CALICOS. "HOSIERY, GLOVES, 11111130 N, , TR.% lAGS ) ._. • --_ . NI U6LINS, , , SLIA.WLS, - lII.ANIC ET6, _ , FLANNEL .I 1 grAdo ' • )lANDIi $ _ - CLOTHS, CA SSIM E R ES, Beans, Cotlonadits. and tl a largest stock of saw mires and I, 11/Mingo In the Vmary, . - CA RPET:-, 0 L CLOTHS, AIATTINUS. RUGS. ISLINU.i , C.tltt•E'L .CII Cotton, I.loon and Wool; bout. mn.•o, Uur P aro coutiltlentd , hy judtuot to bo too eh ea p rot cutsld, 01 the great allies. • This stock of goods le very largo. Will am , ortettl nod will bo Haiti oft at redact , l'polOott. It to no, my to 11 1 n soluato la ess,44eratlon of ou Mitch; but sot , ',lotto all to cal and Oct. tar thotio oolves. ohi h tto satiety Omit Coat ills ht,the.plact,tothlty..for. prutU. lu..tuom-vl vex ?act tub, .11E STZ GLU V E S NE LNG Tn .01iDEL it AND ito.Al.l. , 1 ADE No. NORTIT LTA NOVE a ST. llosite Ill.rn ltel,ciull 01. ioy old cost.. rs nn i ior eto int Isar.° at d rillitet 't.•l: 01A1,1 IiOI.IDS I,r Hun, luetbs'it d tio3e went , 13 Quo Wu. LoilluOneut. cooproete tue 011eet un zoo. 0 1100 Cl v1..11.....:1011 nerlbiels, ell., .3 gently In .do 01..01110511.,41,111.1y 0104 go toll up I .11110 t nod 1..111 not be U114' . 0 ISAAU LIVINGSTON, N,..22, sir., Mu. V, u. N IL Ntlll n,liwq the Hoitolue Seelog 31neldoes. limey 60 MEI • BOWER'S . ' COMPL , ETN MANUkE r an NEFACTUItth'iIY HENRY BOWER, Cheinistp Super-Phosphate of Limo Ammonia =1 This pat:Lira Conti ns all this oloinuata to pro din.° largo trips 01 alli hinds, and to blAbly recast invaded by /di who nes It, also by diatingulshoo eninubits who Lays, by analysis,.tusi wilco ita slit on Pacfxri ,n Brigs of 200 lbs. click, AR ?LESS &. CO., 30 South Water & South Dolawaro - Avenue WILLIAM . RNYNOLDS, god by &Mora generally tI roubnut ttin country For In formation, addinan Ifunry ,Bniver,ll.llll . a. 12feb 941 y.. To THE WORKING CLAS - S.- I am now proparud to tarnish all class. will. nonstant employmeht of their homes, the whole on the time or lor the I.pare moments. Business nits, sight A tbra °Citable. Fifty ooet,i to si, per even leg In eisslly:sysreml 4), persons , of tithersol. end tie asstl girls earn utterly as touch us mon . Gruen Innueumeuts are Wore,' In eso who will novels their 1001 0 time so the. lousiness ; non that honey jn..' ,un tu, Rees. this,.nonlre, , nuil,%iney sontl -one thehl noltlrteis nun benthe business.lor sheniROIVOS, - /, mak, Ciai, if 11:0w1 , -g 111411111ilitlio Unger : all who We non mlll4lOll with tbo 'Mainers. I will send 11 to ysy fon lan trosible of writing me. FM l'partlaulars, Direc tions, &e , sent fres. domino t.rll.t by snail fur 111 eti• ' Aug'usts, file, , AO 2-3 M. • , AMERICAN, HOUSE, Nortkllanoicr:Strrct, 'Carlisle' W." • 44 , AXING establisliSd 'myself ill klloairsOd POpulem ii(yrni,,' I rum ssapeclfulli olt,tt tho pa tromp of tho and canto more 01 too llousel. - and all cohere who wish to to colva godd accornmotlal Fogel rood ;.DONUT Foitara iun'eLb aiANO.4 O , 110 . 2 ' W. E. WARNS • , e r r E E R.' • • • . •.. ,LIVERY. AN P. SALE ,EIT4pI.,E r Netween Ilano!er find Bedford Ellreeq, In rent of the poll:pan; ( ,c , OA.ItLIS"LE PEN-1%1' 1 ,A. • otY :A;Yi-"J• - Hering Inteo Up the Stable with New Carriages j-,,wpreia,dred te , fortib‘W•mirei-eis - ii. tUrn•rilitS /14 , reAPODAbleArtitile% l Partit! !fa w n to and /ken/utile . . um [vs ",rOQ• t Oun n* I o tnu pliico to +c ti s9it cigar : w wcuip 14 he I iltlllslln. • . . '` 4 worthless medicine CASIRIIIIII DELAINES, ISAAC LI V.11“,-;-STOIsq, = GEM AGEN TS, PLIILADJMPIIIA Pon GALE 11Y, 70 South Street, DALTI3IOItE; MD MISCEI ; ;LAIVIgO,6S. THE BIN O, E. R,a• .., ~~ u~,~ ~---:-„:,..„ , 4 1 . \ x .i.vp o r i : ~. 0 ,ki .. E _- t= _ • 4 .'k`g MA CHIN ES SEWIN - SINGER MANUFACTURING CO'S 'NEW a AMILY MACII INE.—No other family Sowing Machine bake° rapidly won favor In the household rho vary largo mien of that to pular machine has •hown by official returns, far exerted those of ^any company, and this feet br rmu It hap linen wing to Its real Morita-hence Ito great and grow mg popularity. It ix pimple in construction easily uncle a rand. easily oerrated all Its, parts gliding •nmrdhly and-noiselessly along—not Ilable to get of dr r. has capacity for n grata range and ea kty r f work. sewing all linda of ,clOth ar d with ill hinds of thread and with -the numernits attach. .nents ler hemmin •, cording. tucking, quilting. trimming, binding. braiding. &r., and embroider. g 01 many Ingenious. tasteful and Milieu' t d.. , Is the most perf..ct oralt fatally sewing ma trines. Any one who will (arm the trollblo to ex mare trio merits of the different 11111Cilirl. claim. .r g attention, rag, noon discuver.whether we awn, much f r ours, It wOl3lll avail us cabin to alike the above tiPSeitiOr 11 ir•ee wont not really to arov - ttitiqn .am al we ark Is a trial for observa ion elono can justly convey a clear impression Me many kinds of work of when our nap' FAMILY MACHINE is Cdpalle. FoLDINO.PASES, Which rpm ‘,lll, spurious tildes to lilt:Ital. Vol k. and Which fold limo nthles or boxes to, pro. t I lie m•Vilintlti. 101011.tlat Lt usu. from dust and meddle...no ting.rsOut, front choirp woods, lubellithed by plea.iug designs, thus Inviting our PM/ ittrally 1111101111 V not only an °moments Aye. al furniture. but 11, liattle_ of the more alit ton - tally tullt.hed ulechillin a wt rk of real Aft. ATTACIINIENTS, • four new I . :tinily machine., eliove ref•rrld l yn,'rre of ooly numernice:llut highly UNVEIII fill" the fur • se for which they Were Intended. Their Cecil only irisl to show their greet veinc. A lemur the wont recent of the attach...ere Ic the lisAiuMUuMliimow of the difimcnt, allachwls of our .now family nutritive w loch heti. sccnif fel the attention and ppro‘eil of our etz:tetners th rt Ise efuhroltleritte. like th , Ilemmer is one of the fen lustrutnent e Idol till most please nisi nft lely life far , erver nt ts ice] value. It lest eltepic in structeru. that ley aloe into tan sow cut machine can use it I nil without Matt - notion it 'nay ho fittarhefl to r 41. trot. the Irie ~ is an 'MAYA itheut n I, evilly 41 , arrifitInw, and corn th,ir It 50u1,4 hr slillieelt to dererilso Is great variety n 4 , Ili Ileit Ihir httl¢ w•ssirument will 10. leler •iippese filar wipe we rpe.tk sr I. 101iVil la nonselllni, 1amer...14 tereiel esgssielder4. == tithe, tth the coins or Chit, L I ) 110 Ihr w,ll oI th e apnirir 1.. n,tl p.IIWIc m hi., it,' thou -.toad; Lhum 111,111, Nit rs tnav on Ch.. e•ppratn, ...hremloron. verni..tit A .trt3: ot tiro proilmieti It) 'hi• matt nth If 11 - 11iV illit• 010 illeshilln Is h Omit, it, 111•• len 1,1 1 Ili VI milli tit ttIIFCII, , lOw tin . , 1.. /1., v,ll a• nit,' .1 Tj).• will U. , Inv Hind °I 11-o 411 r wor4to I ..r putim.. gloom very Weaning recalls. I , Irdnr to o,li it Pia tile:101[111s valumble attAt.htm+l.l L 1.111 (IP 114.14/nlqtry VI 1.04. in ill nimention. ANtI,FAL'I lIItINII NIACIIIN I A—%% u w,mid n,ll I h”.[1.,, to no. VIP, Rut ri.n.h.flo ,larhltio.lol3lo, lg . ! he) ulll prarlital 19utt.51)-hok .nebino vuhtle tittE IILIOO. Our ther Rurpi 4., are (0 uurLL i , torni t +CHINE TW ST—We hale roemitly enlargeo one SI In Mille In bewail,. Id end to ni-b awn , Om In and most Improved in .chi. eel ,n 1001 IS I eh, operated by hiahli nklnrd dohs We know lion I. the luiportailee or act only. xlloeking 11. 11Set.ief our 1111.111100,, hut Om tied. -vete ally w I Il t e I.o•t quall - y of MACIIINiI 'I WINT. Fell by 11000 0/1 rather limn It, .O,IIOIIT The r.,istelli of iwoling by weight lin• siren nt. nobncl urorn onpoitui Ity of no ilenVil weight t 111 the trot:ma f dyelog-tie not 04I) to . ..greatly h jun , its quality, hilt 01011 reinoey wrong hnoreonon about Its !motility. lw thin rt.- -.pea tee omen to lie 010011 FOOOlllO, T. Dianne. e bleb ten. sinks 'of cilia alt grteltinteil I= alto a .11.1tIt r at! gee, llepertoe. e, 11110 iv.• uso the groaleid the anidnolog 4mil hem,l.oe: I . llolVetlitit7e. 1111 - 0,1410011 tt. 111 11fUtHettltles iiiii 11 t , [oollt y .1 roe .40,, the ....nee., .1111,1-01 and 10..lety 01:110kh 01 the aiitteletelaree 1 hot, 0 e fillet, h,• roil. nitrite, tl. 11 50001 01:6110 111 , nothetur..l by ea. of inky/ part iron. ive or lett,. Irrisoeellve ill 1101 It, elintaina the I/ of yard.. p lilted thereon . ivoigth •treogib, i•lze. quell sod finish of the thread Sr. 0. be looked to rather thaw weight. We him .1111 it:nimbi, urers oo is large :wale, d hol are then 1 large...trade I,lb only at retalviett by us in form 101 l the; a I.l3perler 1011100 . 11 lain" prkti 11 tithe/ oratide f lot lie "tiered at less oleo than nun, hwil . re ma) rem asmtrud that It 10 inferior ilk 'quality, dilhelent lit gasutily, pe bolL. 110 hate cud shall keep Iv stock at Our Contra and agencien, TIT lot Well She, c ad ,if Lo veri 100 colnro son /had cm 01 col. In tom Ind whleh will he sold at New York THE SINGER MANVACTUItING No. 458 Broacikvay N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 1106, CHESTNUT ST. L B. WOODWARD. -AGENT AT HARRISBURG. Office No. 4; N. 34 St., Opposite City Bank =MI 2 ,1-Pißk e kt (4,;; RANKERS, ‘0 No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET PHILADELPHIA. ENERAL, AgENTB, FOR 42 0 PEN NSAVAN I A 0 .. 4/ Zal NEW - 07 13 ( OF THE it. s\ 3 lie o il DIE INSpit Al Of THE Acte„ UNITED - STATES OF AMERICA The NATION/a. LIPI? INSIIRANOE CoIITANT I wporata l 0 , 61r , re.1 ap• vlai Act of Congreeui, ap 'roved July A 5,1863, with a CASH CAPITAL, 81,006,000, 'FULL PAID. - Lib, al terms MDT. d re Apento find .golleltors, wh I.thvt , ed 1.9 ripply n 60nr Wilco. • Fe II p Ow hnd uunppllewinn DI our °Moe mulro In ill., ,0000.1 stop of our 13.dnong Hon , . hp, 0010 a nod P.Ouphlotp, ftfily d. vvirtnloß the 'rod by iiii , uo.olo,y .nitiv he had. t,Y AL K A ('O.. " • B. S. Russel - , Manager H HEPBURN, Cashier let National Bank, Agent foi Carlisle, Pa. - • I.IOOP SKIRT'S. 1115 1115. WM. T. HOPKINS Ilorioyed Lin Manufretorfnild Solegroonu to 1115., CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA • Champion Map Sk i rts npeel.fly atilailtul to Fired Chi's Whoterde and Re a Trade, wi i he Maud to (millrace than ost extol, ire 101 or Ilona - hi tile ['won, and all the talent and most it eiralda Styl Sit 1.14 a i, ugthe mid 2 , 4, 2,C. 2i %only round of P n6i and fl red Pan. key %V; I kiii.r S • Reee l oi.,n Tram. no, fie., to gather with over holy ,iliformit varlet! al4 Maxon and 0:11,1 en'e Skirt, all of arhlch 4Or syrninidry 01 styl,heal, light .eon, CllV.tifilV durability bud real tmel,prias, orit iknentiale i by one of er goo a la tho lurk t, andara natrantiti inAtvory_ro_pect_B_lrtit ninth, IS oider - A tered, and Ilepolrrd, Wooloanlo and , ' Foil linlyinf LOW P .Iced'Ettett.rn Male S Irtn, 15 Sp lop, ;P. Conte ;20 Syr, ilge 45 nos; 25 Syringe 55 nt ; 3 Springs', 050 vita; and 40 Springy, 56 CORSETS I-CORSETS 1 I CORSETS: t 1,07 differotit at Ito an i prices, front 75 0 nto to $7 (IS ombr ring It. Wortley Becket," •Ifilove g Foy'. Comet Sltir'eSonnorers, :11ro Moodyio Patent 'll3elf. Adjusting Abdominal" Corm.to, French E 11811 and ,trotaciale Ifand, ado, to; mid .ftoperimi French Pot tqr. or , t ell 0 r•'eto,."Ottr Own Make," to which wo Write eel - mail att 1111011 Comp ate a-aurtment of L ThideiGnrinente, tit v. ry low.iddres GENERA AGENT f,r the ilnifinvou & FANTON PASIII:If SEWING MACHINES aunt. Ivr to y' other , tiara tho ITl,lle. Pllty.t of.t nese Not W hiney, Prim+ $O5 rocit rtro Laing Won away t' our unworn ra lit ord. r o.get them I trodueeil. Every porxun In (nut or artlclefi In our 1140, 010'11,1.'00u. lim our good. bolloo-puralmalint elsowltoro Cal• a r maid for circulars. at ur Manufactory and Sahli ruonio;NO 1114 Clio/aunt St. PillitSulphin .2 , 1art.9-1111. • WSI. T..1110PK1N13.• ORGANS AND ILODEONh. . he undockitncil belie ,boob appointed out for the sale of the, cclebratedl CHLOCIINT I.IIIOANB AND' MELODEONS: It.•ltee tiontlon to th. Instrument, now nu •exhlhltlou at lila Noon No, 49, Fast Itiok boson College,. Thera organs Rug Melodeons Wore awarded the flirt! prize, to Ottlit.r.MlDAL at the Maureen loath I CI after fit. wrkk's test, and' haVe sine taken the.llo priis tylnifever they have been put: In omaptultine • • Mining Ittql coosideraiti experience In the kale of Id 6010111 Instruno•oto, I can recommend these with tontuleuce.atigutotrantee entire sath•fgellen. .• Nesse call and reovhe Ifielttlinent, and get en unfrafe. . cireultm. ' up—lNBolo.lo :Job ut this. Oiric‘t. 13A14, .120AID$. r 1 M BEIRLAS.D' VAL L EY RAIL. ,DAD, Oil-ANGE OF HOURS! On and after Monday, Seplemker 14th, 1 9 08. Pawn ger Trains ant run Judy lb tollows,(elatidays excajt; tad) : • • - E'S TWARb: ACCOMITODATION TRAIN wives Ilarrbib . urg .111_,..B1oehnolo.burcr 8.33: IltrllFle. 9,10; NeW•I tiblp.ponsburg 10,19, Chembtroburg 10,40, Ci - tle -11 ;147errly1witartlirgichiUMti - I'' - 4, 2-A7st NAIL 11 , Alrf I .l4.llll2llThilbUng 1.30 P. 01., leshum2.o2, carllsle 2,34, Nonvllle 3,10, tit burg 3;40. Chatii i,niburg 4,20 0 reatiedatle, 451 log at 111nrerstow 6,2.5 P. M. • , . . . , . .. . EXIIIEFB IPAIN ihaves Ilarrbburg 4.15 5.16613661e6Lurg 4.47, Carll4lo 6,17, Novvi Shlppo.hurg 0,17, urtivipg st. Ulaimber6 6,45 1,....51. A Alum Timm leaves Obambernburg 8.01 Grew/untie 0,25, atrivlug At I.ls6ersto'wn 10,1 EASTWARD• • A CCOMAIODATION TRAIN leaves Charithernburg 4,46 A M.. :+lllppunsbirg 6,14, Isewvlllo 5 46, Carlisle 6. IS, ANL ha . talcqburg 6,47, airlvlng at Ilarrlaburg 7,15' A. 61. . • • --••• . Slit num loaves Ilagsratnsrn 8,00 A. L. Green /lie In 8,35. Charabsisburg.o,lo. Bbippensburg 0,40, see, illu 10.14, Carlisle 10.50, -- illechanlcaburg 11,24. al riving at Harrisburg 11,56 - A.'sl:\ • • Harem. MAIN leaves Hagerstown 11.fi6 A. 81. 0 rennvistle 12.23, Chars beirsburg 1,00, 13111ppensbura 1.1i2, Ne wvllle 2.05, Carlisle 2 46. Mechanicsburg 3,12. arrivifig at Harrisburg 3,44 P. 51. A 511xtr, TRAIN, leaves Hagerstown 305, 'P. ireenetstle .4,12, arriving et Chamborsburg 5,05 P.M. . glary aking clime connections at liarrisburg 'with trams to and from P,tilladelphia. New York, , Balti /nor°, ttashingtim and Pittsburg. - SUPERiNTENIIEtIfEI OFFICE. 1 0. N. LULL.. iThambeniburg, I'a., May 9, 1869. J. Shp% Ibtuar.bB. • READING RAID. ROAD BUMMMR ARRANGEMENT 3IONDAY, APRIL 27, :186. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIIIS North and North Ireptlfor PhOnddlph a, .N New •yorK.JONIdIIt, Poo trifle; Tenincinn,'Ashldndi Shijni , kitt;Leblinno iluntown,"Eatnon; Elibratn, LIEls, - Imitieluttefj Cole untbla, Trainit lenvp 114rrlsburg for NeTi . .lfpik as,fhilows: 2.35; 5.20,'8.10. A. Al., 12.25. noon, 8.00 And 10 51 P. Al.,' efoimpatlfig blinilAr Triune on t.to. Pon n'nyleitnlA Mill (load. And' hrrlidng Al Now ',WA. at 0.45. A '51:.11..15'N0nn,"3 50. - 0.45:11,1 P. 51.. and 6 kAI A. Al.. rerpralully Slopping (Nig iCeonl. palling, 520 2:35, A. Al.,' and 10.55, P. 51., trolnt without change. liarriabarg for Heading,. SoHernia, Tama. 4aa. bilueray.llo. Ashland, Shamokin ' Pl. e (Imre A llontown and Philadelphla,at 8.10, A. 31., and 200, rnti 4.10. P. 11.. slopping at Lebanon and Principal (Ca, Stations: the 4.10. P. V. train making emm.,- 1101,0 for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Hart, and Auburn rig Schuy 1,111. and Summehantm ltallro.d, leave Harrisburg' "• • • A. 51., 12.00, Noon and 5.05 and 880 P.M.; Philadol Oda at 8 15 A. 01. and 3.30 P. 01.; Sleeping car, Ireton paid lig the 11.00, A. Si and S,oN. And 8,00 P. AI trains !loin Nen Yor, without crango. Way I•nsseoger Train loaves Philadelphia 7 30, A • 1,, entinertlua with similar train on East Penn y ivania Railroad, returuing from Reading at 6301 humping at all Shah.. ; lenv. Pottsvillelat 7 an and 0 4.5 A. 31 Anti 2 45. I'. 51', Shamokin at 6.2' 0.35 A. 31. Ashland 700 A. 31' 123 U -noon, Tam aqua at 8 30. A. 31.'2.10 P. M., for t'hilndelphi• Intl Now York; Leave Pottscillryin Schuylkill and Susloehanna nail !Wad kV i d I A. St: Teli'llatrithurg, and 11,30 A 11. fur Sian l/roFc and Troul (loading Acriußtruudritic a Train: Loaves Rradin at 7.30, A. M., rotnrning lea vcs ladelphir at 5.17 P. If. - Poi tstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Potts own n• 0.25. A. M. returning leaven Philadelphia a I .0, P. u. - t olumbla Roll Road Trains leave Reading 7,00, A 11., and 6.15 i P. AI. for Ephrata, LIEU, I:mediae, Ga °nano. ar.c. Perklotkett'ltall Road Trains leave Perk letuel'PJ [lon at PAO A.ll, and 11.00 P. 0. .teturning, : Lea ,k I p park ,at 0.15 A. 11., and 1.00 P 11., routtertl +I to rlmllnr trolue 0.. Readluf dull Rend. - In rnalays: Leave-Now York at a 01.1, P. 5f iiiilladolphia 0.00. A. 51., and 3.15. P. Al the 0.00 A I. Train running Only to Ilsnilhig; Palsy II lo p.OO. A. 51.. Ilarrhburg 520 A: M. 4.10 and 10 53, 1 , and Handing at 12.55. midoloh 52 54 and 7.15 A. 51 Sri Ilifillrlarrg. at_ 12.55 'and 7 05. A. 51. for Nifs York and xi 0.411 A. 51. and 4.25 .P. M. for Phllad than m utat lOn.Alleage,Scason, Prhot7l and Ex cu r 4011 'Pintas, Iti and from all pain to. at reducud ratos naggami cheitlikd throngl4 . lllo pounds alloyed caul U. A. 7 11101.1,11, MEM Wheeler&Wilson's RIG-HE:ST PIIIVIIT_TALS SEWING MACHINES . At the great Exposition, Parie, 1867 Awtirdid the Highest Premiums over 82 Competitors. THEPROPLE'S VERDICT THE BALE OF MS WoRLD RENOWNED MAGUIRE ARE 100,000 GREATER TITAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily u - o Throughout the world, we ONLT TRUE MERIT gniedi savor, and SUPINIORITT wine the moo The Wheeler a 11 HMI] etanda triumphantly lb. Cherunion and Loader over ad milers by the Tern lot 05 the people. We elates merits that we cannot sustain by lying at LI reliable syn.:eq... We Stand upon our own ROLL won; o, without declaim lug against other companies. We slaim.to have improvementa for -owing tbar we know cannot be excelled, and many pointy that no other company dare compote sills. No other company call show an many ma . hli.en that have born in daily Men for the length ~f time an we can. For the preof of Ws. look at the number. that ere on fetch machine The W heel and W 16.60 Rowing Machine la the Rich Alan's Best Frlonel. and the Poor ee monn'n Trust and Com- orternr, I,r no other compiny ten Fellon.a;llb-nis lid easy terms an we The poor woman can get herself a Ma chine and afterwards paj for it. ' ,No Machine 47 paidf,r until itl7 ties' are filly sails- Constant use only increases the north , of our MALCI-XXNAMEit - Several ladle's In Carlisle who have used our ma, chines from six to twelve y ears, pay'"They consider them better In every "polul. than when new, and tins,' la not a garment worn In the family. front light as awlse to heavy ne nearer cloth that they have oot mado " OM lady says have sowed for then 'years and. never broke a needle" tVo eau furnish untoea and rtsldencea of responsible paatlet. who can sustain all we Oahu. The unsigned are a few of many who have the %%heeler and W then Newt ng. Machines, In Cat lisle and length of time they have been In ronatant use Mrs. J. B. FLwerslick, • ". J. Rheerir,,, " Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr. Wing; R 0. Woodward, -" Rev. Sterrett, Peebles, ' Hiss Caroline Ego, 2leug mly ": C. Herman - , (Monroe twi, 9 ." " Sterrett, (Diekineoniwp. 3 Instructions given free o 7 charge. and Machines cheerfully shown Co all who call at Men, Wilhelm' Millinery Niche', No . L 0 North lianovor street, Car lisle. Pa ['rhos_, and 'styles. to suit any -customer. Nrfehlthiti dellverld to all points In Cumberland and adjoining co db tics free of extra charge. PETER§O.N . S: CAILIMNTER, Gen; agts 121 ARKET STREET .T. F U ER : the only audio' ized 'Agents in .earlielo. 1031ar e 0.41 1809. NEW , GOODS 1809. I ion now opening the clicapokt" ani4tmeat•.of 13 PR I NI:1 AND HUM Mt it 1100bh Nought t• Carlisle: since the war. Owing to the petit decline la prices tiring the hit 'fru weeks, IMu now enabled to or. fe r crrel In il ilceiwinie to rash buyers' MB the (Intik. 'stook bah been purchased at the present low price' All the bet!t. Calicoes at 72/c Gopd DuLainoa itt.l6, 18, 20 & 26 3ltteline-nt 7, 10, 12"ett ,DRESS GOODS. MI the NEW Fax . DRI:E3B (3001:11bi 1,41(1 , 1011 iu great varlay and Eery cLeap G1;s1(111AMS, TICKIN9S, • 011EalCS de, VIORY. Cloths, Cas'tiin;Leres, .. . . . , , Tweeds', 'CottLnkilks, Ali of every •dscif &Inn' 'lin renwriouly low, Tolle Linens, Napkins, Towels; Piques, Insronilles, tad ',wads, N ~ vilikveke.Bwime. illanbelea, Perak., klAreallo Quilts,, Ay, at the very lowest nateb; r• ' '.. '...' . ' ' .' .• . ' • • HOSIERY & GLOVES in great' variety, iMORNINC,, cooDs, Woril-i:ebstres, item (tripe - Yells, Seglleh. Crepe, Mack Tby bet ,b bawbi and a Pull , assoob”mbbf 8w bend Gond,. - My ninth. , :Nt.o 4 of gondol hot purehaved within the lent thirty days will be cloyed' out.rigirdles• of welt ItOlt i:Aell, , . 1.0.tk out for bergalne at the, Cheep CiAli Score Writ Mein Strest o -uterly oppoente the d pot. was. ocuthix. lE= PATENT. •.! Ayer's HAIR _VI.GOW.. . For rO - storing9nty 'Bair .to its natural Vitality and Colori 'thoualt not always, reused- by -its ; . .titie. 2slotaing can restore the 'hair' 'whotte the follicles are destroyed, or •the •glatide utrophied and decayed. But such: twit main end be saved for tisefulnost':by'- MIS appijcltion. Instead of fonling'tbe iutir with' pasty sediment, it wilt keep it Omit . and"' vigorous. >lts occasional, use 411) prevent the r --from ' 1.0 rni ng gray or falling off, and consequently_ iirevent baldness. Free from those deleterious übstances'N'S make some Rrepaiations dangerous and injurious to the hair. the Vigor can only benefit-but, not harm --it. If viantei merelylOrt} . s. , HAIR DRESSING,, nothing else can be found so 'desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, it door not soil white cambric; and ydt labia icing on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre_ and and-a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer, dr:Co., PRAcricer. AND ANALTTZCAL CHEF/EITII, LOWELL MASS [PRICE Snont. Pll-11.. . - Is a tn/ ro reliable and far metro effectual remeh dy thou ./ii a.m. TOW , , who have tried It. know that it.curi.hi their ne glib resod itleods,', and all /how thnt what-it does once It .dOes always—that never fails through any fault or neglect of Its ...fhprh.itl.m. Wet have thousands upon t towled. •f certillt,ifee f their remarkable carne f the 'elleolug eontniaints..itut such curio are known In every neighhortirod. hod r e heed not publish them. Adapted to all ayes and conditions In all ell mates: rontrining neither calomel or any teleterious drog, they may. ho taken with safety ty anybody. Tin+ sugar coating pro.orvos them ever fresh awl matins them pleasant (Utak°, While .htlog purely ve,tahle no harm ..can arise hone 6. it u.o hi Any quantity. . Tlitty opera a by Their powerful Influence nn, the r. te. nal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy nett n—remove the obstructions f tl..e slontich, I eosin , liner, and other organs of the body. restoring their irregular anti in to health, and by correcting. Where•hr they exist. -nth derangements tis are the, first origin of Ilse see • t in tit", Illreqtlorts Aro given Ia tho :II I ho forshe rid lowing comphilutii, which qi : . , For D,sper.la or Ind',testi,* Liss 9 ati•a°, latttanor rind • Loss of Apptalte, they sho.a d be taboo moderato y to sthnuls, the tunruseh and rostore it+ healthy torso and artlqn. For. Liver equip!Mot an() Its enclOna. symptoms. .I.lletslinaehe, Sick Ileadache. Jaundice - or Breen Sickness. Billow, Colic and itlllous Fevers, they should ho judiciously taken for each ease, to entree the diseased action or renter° the obstrac clods which flllll4lt- CU= For In sou tory or Dlorrhina, but one . mild dose la .onerally regmrml For illmumatistn, Grivel, Pslpleatio•n of the hart, Pain in the Side Back and Loins, they •hould be continuously tattoo, as 'eritatred, to hen, the diseased action or the e.t.a, - With. .iich change those cpmplaints disappear. For Dropsy and Dropoical Sivollings - rhey should ho taken In largo and frequent tie-el to produce ho effect of a drastic purge. Silppression n larg • dorta — shoithrbe faketi at it produces the desired e abet by sympathy. ---As a:Dinner Pell. taco- one•or tato Fiat I to prO• moo dlto.tion and roll eve the stomecti.- • An °evasion:al dap stimulates, the storna/•h and . bow'rile into botithy action. restores the appetite, and invigilates the system Ilona. it Is o_ten astvantragonuc where on serious dornag.M at. ea, (lie •ch Foals tolerably aveli,_oftt n Ands that a noes nt these Pi ll s make him tool - uocldrcly letter. inn" [hidc cleansing and renovating offset on the digestive ape aratu _ DR. J. C. .1 YE!? co.. Practical ChemOte Lo PFEIL. HASS ,U S A. linvaratlck Itroth..re, agents for Car Isle. 5 DR. CAMR,BELL, • • THE WONDERFUL PAM KILLINd • By the Ilse of the Magic Pain Destroyer and Liver Pills, you.cau save health, moues, and pro. long life. Thera IS not a itain'or ache, her, mut or inflamtnato y, tint what the Ureat Magi. into De. strayer will- relieve, and in most instances en. lirly cure. Try it before any other sweetly, for it is almost certain ln everyease to 1: t t the thing. and the 'nly thing ncedest. References are given of wonderful eprea perlifrmedby this sliest Magic Medicine: East Hanover, 1889. Dr. Campbell—Sit-4 had a °OM settled on my breast for ten yearn; I was not able at times to speak a loud word; I was told to, get Dr. camp. bell's medicine and try If, and it' cured' 'meles,l days. elUatliTeAN SOUMAN.' Jonestown, May 80, 1868.—Dr. Campbell, De o Sir: I cheerfully recommend your medicine as 1. certain cure for sick headache. JACOV G.%}.ltriLMAN. Derry tots. 1867.—Cured of backache of 40 years standing, by using Dr. Campbell's Pain De. stroyer and Pills, for 3 weeks. ' Soutt Devn;tige Past 72 geeka. Newmanstown, Lebanon coun.y, 1867.—i war afflicted wash rheumatism, using crutches for 2t years. I wan told to get Dr. Campbell's rain Dft stroyei and anii try them tdey dureg me in 2 months. Fitcoutticit Bonn, aged 63 years. Union .Deposit, Dauphin county. 1367.—Dr Campbell—Dear hdr- I hove 'named or the last 23 years from Dyspepsia nod constipation ; I tried your medicine as directed ; they cured me in weeks. MOROI: SPAS:UE.IM, aged 64 years. • ~ Chambersbur.., October 39413 6 8.—T. warrant/al of Piles of 17 years standing by usittg Dr. Campbell's Magic Fain Destroyer and Palls for one month. Devto HOMO/. North Mindlotodi Township, Cumberland co.. Mat •Dr. Unmpbeil — I cheerfully recommend your magic medicine as ,a useful medicine in a family, for chthiren • my youngest chill:. was taken with the dr'64 In the night ; I did not ex. Teel her to live fen inidutes ;, I had a bottlo ; ruf wife gave' according to directions; it ci.red 0, minutes. &uix:L.' llYx kaT Jaekehurg, Perry countyl, August 10,18,A • Campbell, Dear Sir: I bought A bottles, $ boxes of your Pills tor.my boywho had the rhetu matlern for one year, then turned - scrofulous; hg was drawn crooked and could not walk ; I tried all the medicines I lcnew and they all failed; but your medicine cured him in 2 weeks. • " - Gannon SwAnt.k. Wonderful Discovery of Worm" Lozenges. 14 years 12 " 12 " 11 " 1C " 5 If 9 . " 5 If Lebanon, 18 , 13.-I have repeatedly -used Dr. Campbells Worm Lozenges, Jot, my, youngest boy, who was very. sickly foe/i long time; I gate him one doseln the morning and one lathe Mtn. noon • there were 25 urge worms passed sad not less than 700 or 800 - small seed worms. *Yours truly, PHtLir Lam , To o miles East. o Var'lele,lBrB —Dr. Campbell 1 , —Your ittagte Pal "Doi troyer a%.d Liver Pills should be made kn wn ; my wife,was is bed with mine for II years; her hemi,nrick, arms, legs, hands and_ groTers were , drawn , e4ooired with theums. Cam ; I do helievei Coal spent one tnousand dol. Dire for her, and received no benefit ,• hearing about your medicines,' bought. 12 bottles end I boxes; after using B'b tries, with the pills, she could walk with crutches; after she bad need 4 mar', she threw her crutches away, Thin lady's weight is 225 pounds, r and aged otrer 60 years. „gi .' ' , :, “ - ~, - , Jloon'Atithis. • ,Thin medicine wen be bad erom Di. Campbell, a Cane's, martal.. on Wednesday and Satur ay, or at his Storo, Third Street, between Chestnut and , Mulberry, . 24Jan - • DAVID, S'AItOEM, W. D. SPDNSLER, '. 400 , W. 6TROlim NEVE ana POIPELAR ,e 0,,0 IV; 'IS 11 c0.i4 . 1 Tut:lllK . kekr No. 13. tiouthllailover,ar . l4l:l. par} alo a:few doors South of Inbolts corner. •I'l g bevojust oponed tbo,larirlyiu‘ge s itsock r•f I,llloTri and Blltoos over ' , fore In r kiti Aud , continue altne-t daily' to reeelfe , deldbour ilneas everybody wants. • • . Our stock consists !Wall kinds and varieties of , ,W6man'a Minims and Chiltes atrong,lssather Blume, liemes's,Mlterrielord-ribilit's!baeting ciAtterlL , Women's liiiivestild Turkey and French Slow:moo. Men's and Boy's Calf, Buff and Kip Boot,. I Mon's and Boy's twit:add , Ruff ks`begrOsi•Rititerh . Mon's and Bey 's looting Goat and Wagons Mon', andeloy's Calf and 11 OxfOrd Tlee, Glara pangs', rtnektivi,abtl;Oveesbaa:.j Meu'a and Women's Close Welt end Oaliret PilplOrg• lien',, tioy's and•Cbild's Bur and eaxouy. :Trio alt• elsosarid patois Travelling liege, eatoltels and Vitiken, together ;with • si,ma pri lot in 000pd.phicia we , will sell tomtit the „. ,QUICK. BALES rSND ifi OUR Therefore in issuing our card It Is'intended so ' 'tiersoutti" lisvitationE•tocsibAu , 00 0k,„0 calk and look through Our. stock prtthov,h.lisc, w id er ' sm. Rations to buy unless:Sukarno quality 'and '''.. We shall' aiway e. try to air arta svery'libe la a • straightforward manner, and' givo ovary,' oultosier Crud - Squirola:t fdr:hts lee nip, We, bppe at 1 will _ avail tberuesivss of their Ant spyortaltite• to all • . • , `isT*oo,Af - it 'm1411694; MMM% ME EMI !tibl.i„:11611.- fikkti4Pfok the ' ir: • 0 'of ;ijoikth:•' • ofuin, wion• ~ rim :41, fp . uniyarpally re,quired by 'et eri , b4id v • dratbartk. nor was rwerwny _bnfore-ao.unl •ermilY InlOated „Into nr..3 In ere eoun • 7 ,- : ameba, a , c atutei, is thla mlld - but °fact• ant purgative Pill Tbe obvio , P reeann is. that
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers