.111ISCA'LL A NE 0 US. IT YI OU WANT- TO BEt: 7 .THE per OCL I'AIcIALIIL,STOVE ever oft 10•14 So . , taw Publi , . de? Into` ' • -WM: FR I . D L E Y„' , S Btnre Stere, E Lot.tiler 8 root - , In :the roar or linit,nl'ettoro 8.111 Fee . lt R AN BASE BIIRDIER In ,perntien. It Is a prrpetnal P L urper, and perfect immt - r, as well as a peri.ct Ventilattr of the room In warranted, to consume leas coal than any 'love of the. 4 :1111tl NIZO, over• offered to the . I ,,,ho,,,equlring hot one ordinary scuttio of small toad MICA In twontv.eight hours, being perfectly •mnoir to ell Its working, hating n simple clidq - to •F—iUl.o.• the Ore for Lii..11,(1.g at night, ormitiodling us Me being all that to requirod during the winter. not, no gas, no Meg or cinder, Etr ' :% - ti 0 . e FL' „9 ; 2. 4 V. . - OM =I REFET..:,E - NPES. , John Paul, Amos Miller. , Dr. S. D. liloffor, Isaac Porter David Miller, IQ. Delaney, D. Hoffer, D TMlkon, - D. Kiser, rot. Williamson sire, Itinprialt, Prof. Staymau, A Sensmoso, Di.. Iron, Johnson Moore, ,1. T. lappoy, D. Witters, C. Inhoff, A. Coovor, . J. Thompson, 3. Burkholder, Capt. _Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, 1 1. Gorgon., Williamson Bros. D. Stouffer, ' 11. Sheaffer, Turner, • Jr Stouffer, W. McLaughlin Humor, A. I.eldlgh. P. 'Mullion, Elio. FarenbaughlP. Elgantritz, [Mrs. Wonderli , h, Abn. r Miller, 13.. P. Hassler, IMajor Hale, • And Whore. Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, Excelsior Penn or, Morning'i,ight dL, , iii A, t 1 , 1 1' S ._. ,_,.., , 1, ~ ,113.V,"` , ----_-.., .1,-Fv.. 1 --- ,: _ ~,-'--- __~~~ " I ollion to the oho,' Stove FIII nr.Er KQepS MI hood n full supply of the hest .- Cook, Pori and littioe Stores. in and Sheet fru° 'work nf.ull hond,\ sl, , t SI outing, Ithulthg and luhbinv of I ktbds, Otto al :bort nutice,RA 01 the best Inaterftl, Frith or. i .11re of thu most appl,retl potent+ nod in ~ .belu, l pu the best Porbthle and Brick Oet 1))), elTured . to the publie, ~ 111. or, Noeligh. F. 11 Fleming, Pre) .IV:irtg. A. I. Nro , lor. A octal). ee -••• emit: )41 I . 1: ti -, _1117" BUST NEW FUOINITUIR.I4'.: a., 4D e. 10r rs:ereurtis cal' In Henry Saxtp,n, Mrs. (Jordon, I , 11 3rd yr. .1, li ' .1, ":1 t /te, FURNITURE 13USIPIESS The sule.criber having tabon the entire blieluesu hi- onn Itund....v. ill runtime to cart, Ito, in All Its ,31110114. /111111212 y., 4it the ohl south curn`enrrtiiF—,•er iu7 A.,outher pt. outs. Ile -do.iret to unneunco to the public that tie . bus now on hand Fuel iti cn not.a. tly num ofacturlog And purebashy Iron, the heat I,lllulactiireca, --- Yh. latest and Lest at} le.: and .0 FURNI- T11111.:40 all go:111th., ' 1 • .111 , ot ready-made .. in putt of 51AllOGANY 14111. 1 6.• - -WALNUT 1• 1 111.1 s, LlllEsTsu I srrr..s. • FIMII Al. IT E. I , IIAND.II, TEAULIVS, • DIIESSINt4 f ~cytes and prlrE.,.. Tote a Teti.,, Sof:lF, Lt ul. Trundles. Cot tad, Panel. Japin..,6.',Vind t 1 , . t th,istpad, C , MT. Itu,au.,. %lA!' T:t a././ .11 tn, • I cr.. .i Al.!, St nn ,- ‘2. - 1.11 ur ,r. . ~ /I nni,d3inn t•; It s 1)1 ni s I N L:lCt • Chni, iM St• 11! +:I. I L t t.tp, 111:1, (.1 lArmnicr. PT=NNSY.LVANI‘ ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1111 CitesltLt Street, PIIILAVELPIIHA b AS Tic sposo Ei I!= CURLED lIATIt MEM UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES liejlpf Feathoi. or 11uir, PA It SliPM:11)1; It. !tit:tars/. t d u I .tutl Dont It:to titat t•ritt I Mattre.sses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, and Chair Cushions It la etalreiy IncleAriiklhlf.,l4r:...tly clean auli trom du't. =I In n I ivxy!. free from Insect life!! and !or (Ito sick Ic one!0:111 , 41. l• ..•l 1,1 in am way, ra n Laic nu tad gnickdl 41. I! .t..r . 1.1.” any 6thel ...II tl tto••• - I. It Ullculs,•tl.lLLy, Railroad men aro mipeelally littited to timindno the i'tmtion Sponge. TI I , ACTION 3UAIt.IS VI ED TUE TRADE SU PPM V,D lunu 0841. CARPE TIN GS. We are I,oky receiving a large stock for Spring Sales, LOW FOR CASH LEIEDoiVi & N. 1110 .Alt () H T, PHILADELPHIA. .'6star6o-1m The - Carlisle Shoe, Company MANUFACTURERS or DOOIL'S AND SE OVISd NO. tfy East Street, OARL/BL, PEN_WA y p Avl9® commeneed the.,manufne - 'two dj tooto %and Shoon, the attoOtton of rode to itoillOd to the torj assortment of Ladies, Mews 113 n Chil i dren'a 8116-e8 Now In 'lure end at.lclally adapted to Cho 'manta of tkla WIWI 'Mika "Will as .11 Union havp on i'dsdnd na,im tbo VOW , S*l4 O'TY LIEB Ithitsa apt:dose* awl .4i • a2l. !cr'4e asy trim U aig 4 " fan EN= &;97:41 oPu ciaick,vmmo egrAtia amma, ( . 111117 /Al 4 ton:l4o.k)k.st amir ff.r • •' S. k iF , r.oor:C.ll.^-;trir ' 4, L 4 CM 1 4, 7 , 14 , aLvalosti • C ri r an irew El>,k , 5r;,117: !la fed EINI MILLER & BOWERS 1-IARI2JVA..RE SENtE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, 2 , lc c , 4 2 b 9 I .IiXTE would respectfully ou II the atten v'T tint, of the public to our recently repleulab: nei-tYPOCK - Yrrharirfultravolderil - Purch as lDir during the recent decline, and now that the market hes become settled we have filled up.our shelve', and are prepared to offer ankle' inducements to all who 'will favor uv with a call. IVe hare constantly on hand a FULL ST9I3It CY Hammered, Enyli,sh Refined; and Nor,- way TR ON; Berdan's Horse and Mule Shoes ; Norway Rods p &e. • together with a full stock 01 . . - 41 BLACKSMITHS T 0 0 .1,..3, ~ .;, , . nucbu s Prilln , eolid In flrox,nowt.. Rasps, Films &c.. etc. li•D I LDi l(4 M.\ T I A I Tire Inolte all•persons Inter ding to build, to come and lake a look thrungh or etuek. We beve our DOUR; LOCUC 11liuR, 1 , Op n 05.941P-0.106101.14"4AUPL"' ne mar •eidown at Lilo towost mill PRICES, and feel - assured that we can offer special Ind - nee-, roents In this branch HA IIItiSBITIIG RAILS, u 1 r,iys on hand o TABLE AND •• 0 "' • • • ..t coseaste POCKET - CUTLERY, of all loimagluable patterns. We keep on - band 21 , 01 . 11 line of these goods and are always,eble.to suit the WO, of seen the most feFtldious. , S RD EY , of aver,:i. varlet,•, eintauring In part golf adjusting and Ght Trees, Plated Japanned and Wood llamas, Brid Won Bands, °trilling, Horse Blankets, • , WIIITH I.EATfi , ! .. ,:eIP ~ .,..-..."1! . Ore -4'...!;,..;e --- ":l!",iiik ,41. 4. ' • S4 - :,;?' 1 It t 1 r'`'' , .. A , ._ 1 1 .4, '";: '' ' - - . ..• I i Our lila ads will alp. aye find us well suPplled ltb tbe beat brands Of those articles and, ready to sell them at lowest prices. We are constantly inre reipt of Pain's, thus enablin oursolvers to supply our customers With (reels points, colors of all dee crlptleo s coat:tatty no hand Cabinet :linker, and Undertaken , . , oil' tio, t , a, .1 le . "%iO.; ••I, I in 0., 11, ,•111tillt sure P,•r gillIBMI!F I r brie, rongna and Stay Chains, :+pio.ads, Halter Cbaloa. COSI :Ipedee, Yorke, Rakes, Grain Bags, Bc, be• fore hu) Inc elsewhere. We are ready to affor special loduroment , his line Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. We fl.. ,;40 Ilgents fur tick., FIPALO SCALE WORKS nod arr. ready to supply Scales warranted, and fUr . nialw4l nt lower prises than any olhcr eaten la the market. We arr rob) , toot ly irrreccipt Of goons direct Iron the 11131111factarem and are üblo to tumuli h Cobtary Merchant!, at Philudeloblu and New loch prices. 13&•-:*, • cOA ir ASIP A.6,47 - 76;r4 1 - w A - 0 0 N . 41100 14 FIXTURES, always on hand and at the lowed. nfarkot rates, Hulot, Spokes, Seiko, A:clos, Shafts, Puck, Drilling, Damaagp&o., GOODS delivered to allparts of the town free of elqlre. . • Wilcox & Gibbs'' DIE SE WING ,MAC.HIII7 ••We have secured the Agency of the Wilcox k ' Gibbs' Bewtoh •liitteldne, a Illtie. ,femily arrange-, . went lib ono Maus willing , . to du without' after , having seen one in operation. The Wilcox k ' Gibbs' in a Single Thread Machine and claims i 'superiority pver all Double Thread 'Machines in the • fitlinwing particulars. 'lt is shithici and lone liable ' to . gut ,out of, repair. It Id cheaper. .It rube , , With lean noise. It runs eaeler. It rani faster It has the boat this]." Sir preventlng the: wheel frourtnnning - lisekwarl — lt tegblree lens meebani• ca: skill to operate lei It -requires Jess timetand instruction to learn to ,use it,. It in the most certain andrellnble in. the hperatlohtLi 'lts: needle is ntraight and loss liable to be brolcan than a curved ono The needle in catered in Its place by an ingeniously patented device which readmit, self adjuntlng no that not they sklllocov .expnrlonee are required In arranging It. If ,one directly from the spool thus doing away with the tedious operation of rewinding the• thread for adjustment in the shuttle. Itituqms the Wiloos k Gibbs' tot •twieted loopkititch," /A stitelt thrtglasl with Allis meohlhe' and licado by no other, the seam„ is 'MO° elastic and ;stronger then the Lock fititb. - dTbe seam It the most elan and bountiful, titd•tebaiu 'is Always salf.fhateto thee avoiding a revertible lied; thl tendon Is ii*rs, dimple end mire -easily' adjusted, tate more *Kelp changed from one. kind of work tie another, At dies boaeUfel embroidery, It /Me - the beet below . ; lb tau CU beet filler, it hue the hod bralder,llle i the belch belt. The r iMileox ,a!, lithte Ms bunt t the puke' he a little more thaw. *hi weart;_ibb iii TM di time upward' of sixty thohimaihrg is Ur =Vet a i mailbox hr. W r ell . : tw w. 1 ittotiliftl ellitiber ° efre Y e th' erlle b e; auk ti f 1121'1 ettUiltill $s urerrtali the itjallkeJ 11 i D. IRMO** 11 list au , &iota .. gerfo tb.. t: l ii i edgi 't rill It iliele el=l ll6llhteme t. 1 i h ii 41 'MU Xll4 lA," isittil. RPM , 1ii. 4 11 0 M 4, St V 1 .4 1 ..., 1, .4 ii . 1 ' ' ` 1• .. . makirimplik ' ! ...ratalt. •: - , :: r: - - "HARP CARLISLE, PA. • .; WM ~~~~~ .3 7 ' x:On lop uur xtork of Haman, 1ai50.67,44M.01.75i ..__~_: 18.9. AR ‘ ] . 111F.1 - ,N R'N ;'S W'k o.y; _ 2411CPP.' IE3 _ E • 'PG IEI :•Vl' E PEI • lltq Who!mole and Retail. Moder in, )1 stalwart,. /rop, eteel4 Nails; Buildiret , Atta•Mists; Palate, 011ek Finest quality, of .Anatorliap. and. .English •Feehet sod Table: Cutlery: Every description at Touts , adopted. for •ell , Ne chattiest Trades of the moot celebrated amskere, and• warranted In every Instance. Phlt.o/11 And Ammunitlou . •.. ,P, U P , . to- any depth merreoted io n give eetistertleo Plaster, Posidar, Photo's, ', Spares,. " Crati-ban, • ' Slation, hip FARM BELLS, • PLOWS, °O&M , : ITANOO , , GRAIN DAUS; &e., kc., •fluileters receive etateriati to a -great ndountage both in price and' guatily. • • tioneekoopera itloodit en& vitenaile •le groat variety. ". WE ARE SOLE AGENTS .FOR THE C4REAT FUEL. hbONOMIZrR PAUNT ,Diansiorc WISATIII2II STAIPPIN(i, adopted for chore and 'eludes.; We feel ourselves competent of pleasing all as our goods aro of the highest In quality and 'meat price. • • Orde* by mail receive prinipt attention, goods delivered In loth free. Parties Indebted' to on for 1868 will please, be prompt in tbeir payment, and all tot wbom we are indebted •wlll -- pleeed present their bulls . for settlement. Bloc 08. SttXTON. Y. pe. ,I.J ••" • '4 - ; i;. , •:•.IPEI.: . 11 Al PMVAT.E SALE Lsti - 11.TKIIN Se CO The Great Head Quarters for all klnde of A ji troiltV/Vinlilrratrult:Oand, e.na — t6nr — nt a tith of the cot. H - A - It - N - E - S 8-, Wheel and Lead Tea& lla ruess, Arnimlan., Light and ilVtlfr Vxpress. Cart - and Buggy Ham era, McClellan and Office.' Saddles, Bridle*, Thilan+, Heine, Halters, Summates, ate., ate. T .1!1 N T 8 ,floepitel, Welland Wedge, *WI poles -end plo complete. Wagon, Covell, Awntngc, Sacklug Dot tome nod Doge. MILITARY CLOTHING, Overcoats, FrSck Coate, Jackets, Blouses, Pa me Army Blankets, !Urea Covers, Fly Sheets and Note, Ott., etc. The largest and beet assorbnents we hnyo ever offered. • Send for.dosorlptlvo Mee Lida, gent free on op. Median. . Small orders by Ex roes, C. 0. D. LIVERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WEIOLESALE DEALERS. CO. _(hi:molly on oront Bt., now) 71 N. 2d St., just kkelo - Arch PIIILAITLPIIIA, PA. Also 6 PARK PLACE New York 6mar 6041 m. FE F:. W: • z 'Z' l - ; • r:- P, p u ,pit. ur a of all' varieties m J Sty!. of Forelull ■nd Dome/111e manufacture. from the Iloent rogewood and Mahogany to the.l7 . rt nrlced maple end pion Parlor, Chamber, Dining•ro w Kitchen sod Oftleo IIaIu(u 'Embracing every article used by Il..uselind lintel keepers, of he most approved and . m.biona btu design and finish Including also Cottage furnituro in setts ieception and Camp Chain, Mattresses, Gilt framer.; pictUres, Jtc., 44-I'articular attendee given as usUel to fa uerale orders from town end country, talented to proMptly and on.modsrate terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO-TtILE SELECTION OF WALL PAPER. march2l. M J. BEETEM. & BROTHERS, Forwarding i& Commission :Merchants (Henderson's old stand At the hood of MAIN STILEET, Carlisle, Pa. The highest markot price will Le paid, for Flour, grain and produce of all kinds. Coal of all kindle, embraaing LYNENS VALLEY,. LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWDEItItY, Ac., Ac Llineburn ere' and Blaokentiths' Coal constantly of sale. Kept nodal' rover, and allyored dry to any part of the town. Also, all kinds of_ Lumber on hand. = ileall NATURE'® GUEAT RIPETtIITER SCH'BETZ'S CELM3HATED BITTER CORDIAL, _...Tleirtmedical_preparation-la-now,offered-te-the public ap a reliable subiltitute for the many worth. lass elimpoonds which now flood the market. It Is purely vegetable, composed of eerie ua herbs, • gath ered from the groat storehromes 01 nature, sod selected with the' utmost tare. It 'is not comm. mended as a Oen' .do., but by Its direct and stills. "troy influenee upon the Heart, Liver Kidneys, Lungs, Stentch and Dowels, It acts both as a pre. Saralee and cure for many of the diastole' to which those organs ere subject. It la a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taken by either infant or adult with the came . -beneficial ,results. It is certain rromptand - spoedy remedy for DIMMED:EA, - DYSENTERY, BOWELCOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. LOWNESS OF SPIRIT,. PAINTINGS.' SIDEREAL. AOIIK, as.' For OUILLiI and FEVERS °fall kinds, it Is far better end safer thati . nDlnine, without any of its pernicious effecta. It creates an apps tito, proves s powerful digester of food, and will counteract the effects of - liquor in a few 'minutes. PREPARED BY JACOB SCHBETZ Sole Proprietor, . Oor. Fifth and Race Bto., Philatra, , Pa BOLD BY 'ALL DRUOGISTEI. 20sav 684 y. a p •o M I L,L.I N E'R Y-.. A. Ths:;:g of •Beaaty is.a Joy FOrever, The subserlbor reepectfully Inform( the Ladles of. Carttrle and atetntty that she has tecePred Dom the 'Eastern Mete the lateet SPRING AND BUMMER BTYLM3, and lenow prepared to execute all .ordera with neatneas and dispatch. • . -, BOIcTisLETS, ECATeI. -- CAPS, &C.. 'made .and repaired Itt. the ,sherteet notice, and at rtnadnable Ribbon', Lam, and Artificial Floweie Wiraya on band. . - MARGAIIETTA STURM. , •141 day No: 3; Ran High tat • , N. Ha4over Stitet, •No. 18 4- --NEW 'YORK , HEADQUARITIRS FOR ITARGAINS: ,leg would invite, the specie). attention of the cit izen,' of. Carlisle, end Cumberland .county, to our woIN seliated , etoek of . Hosiery. Glover, White:Goods, Linen and. Yaw Goode ali.of which we ire determined 'to run off at'estOnieblug /Mr Girt u, en eariycill 'and Judge fo N r..yoorseltee. . lidilliNiONll, 'No. 16 N. Hanover iltreet, MIL FINE H OUSTOM B9oTs AND 13402,5 , ircin ''OEVTLEMEN. All the LEADING; lITYLIMI ;Pit haled oi:liiikde tt messure.- Prices fined at LOW EIGURIEO; An /I /Mr I Crated Price List ,filth Instructions , Thyself IneablU , 'audit scat ; pp, reeplpt p 1 I'oet OVA address. • , : ?' ' • '. WM.' ...nestwrr, .- ...) ,r:, ' . 1 , 03 &Pi th Math 014 mixers Ob./taut,- 1 .P -1 1/1 "" 41411 4 : ;i illt`nii 45841. . . . CawANOLF 4 .',_ . . t_AT ) : . 7 . , 1 , !, . , ~,:, '.''' ' ' ''. '. '' fXiTBBBB 74( 6 ' 8 4 TOXI4 , , am ea X T Oor dIX, , co botil and utolli °to order bositb Wan, .01864.. liii ''• '.'. , ' ' . 11;4 .; W 11J ~ .. . ALZSW i l f 4l,.4l , 7 :_ppg L# OK Op ;Ii tY - .9 ._ ?RS MEN / ,i i , , Te•rP OLIO. , .--- zi II hafejuel returned 'fitobk,4nd as usual,l am selling 0 oodi a Ilttl o cheap. 'ilethat, any other Dry Goods liouso in. town. Ido r -nut think it necessary to occupy a column of uows• 'pallet to keefo up my reputation for aniline' cboap -are po d I 'blie? l ll l lll ° lo=l , ! `,7 Z.T. ' .Vi u n ' ! \ tor tbemseiroa, and if not satisfied with the 'prices: not to buy. Itentembor the stand No. 32 'limn, .Ifaiirer htreetenext door-to Dr. Kloffer'si, and I/11V 'ler2t.Dowere Hardware Store. ...,W.,31,.A.- MILKS.' P. P. I will saibilt Ling ab - o - ut my third and fourth 'gran4 opanings.. kapriblil. -. . ._ .. • HATS (?,11 :1 1W , - ID° mai lowa t• Ca 1;.? • If No. don't Xll tn,edll . C. C I, 1, 1 0 N r;-.E 2 = • --Ai r Whvremti •,...It, mt.! HATS AND oppg ever brougla earlde. tnt . to , groa.. in old frion fi dA end thistomero t ; on p d ito. 'all . tioNv onosi to his rolondld stork just recolvod Iron New fork and Philodoltdiiii. ennflntlng In pt . krtif Ono • SILK ND G.ISBII%IERE nosldes en onillogs variety of hats and Caps of the Cash Prices Ma?, his own manta:1(41111ot ;late ab ways on hand, and • Hata . Nrinufactured N Order.' He has the hes', arrangement for ...goring Hats and all kinds of-Woolen Goods, Overcoats, dm, at the shortest notice (as he colors every,wook) and on the ‘Mmit.n.ahonable tern.. 'Also, a fine lot of choice orands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS - - - Always ou hood.- Ile desires to call the attention of persona Who have COUNTRY FURS To soli, as he pays the blihoat cash prices for the mule, ' Give him a call, at: tho abdve number, 'old stand as lie Coda confident of giving entire satisfae- Con, Julyl4 07. GRiE:IIT ZINGARI BITTERS,, A RAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A CF;RTAIN OURS AND PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES, The UNBAR' BITTERS no compounded from a preseripUon of the celebseteo Egyptiah physician Do. eIIE,PBUN, who; after years of trial and experi ment, discovered this Zingarini Lterb—the must re. Marka ,, ln vegetable production, the earth. perhaps; has ever ylelded-Leertainly the most effective .In c.ttro.p! diVAT.M. . It, In conaleation with the other valuable repertins nt which the ZINBARI MITERS to ...au pored. will core Dyspepsia, Fever and Age,: Bilious Fever, ()bolls 'Colds, Bronchitis, Cou.ininsLion in it, first stags, Flatulency, Nervous Bellilliy. POW.. Ceniptaints, Rhea inatlnui, Dysentery; Arnie and Cbrunic Plarinen. Cited srm Niortuds, Cholera, 'Fyidieid , - :aid India , . Fever, Yell, a Foi!er, Serot a LI, Dlri 1= In the lini.vekrioN and Gunn of tha 01,0? k, dlr eases, It never boon known to folVah thousuod et not most oromlnont citizens throughout all ports of the count, y, oNNI testify. Let the afflicted son.. thr eireular containing testimonials and eftitiflcatoo of thou:: oho honk~ been cured after lheir rases have lIPPII 111,111,1),d Hnprl' by our best physicians. Pit I\ J VAL DEP(II*, F. RAI-ITER 4. CO., No. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia gi4riliVerl;l it Porter, of rellllSSiVeltAil 40,Obl'It J. - Miler", lion.ltdaer,l NtvPle,,ee llott. Joel it Danner, 1100. Wm: Vle'Sl-“lrry. I=l BEIM PROCLAIM 71 WORLD !DRAT • - THE NATIONAL BITTERS IMO Ilas cored more ranee of DYSPEPSIA, more mei of LIVER CgaIPLAINT, more. caw of NERVOI/8 II L A DACIEIE; FiVER dc'A r d 'more C.M: of DEN LIT1 4 :thou any other remedy before the, public to the mme peace of lime. IT PURIFIES .THE BLOOD, CALMS TIDE' 'ItEhTOIIEB SLEEP, Is an Excellent Appetizer, and a general In. algorater of the System. WALTON & ZOO, Proprietors, - No. 9, N Se,. nth It', Philadelphia. Sold by Druggists, and Daalera gtmeralV. • 12foli UU•Um. U. S. HOTEL, Oppoido3. Pa. R. B. & Reading Depot, HAtopsßußG, PA. EMMINGER & 00 Tfopriotoill 2oct 118-Iy. „LN OF THE disastrous Ore, which In January last dentro,• ad their, store and its contents, ,3. E. CALDWELL & CO. J W 4...11 S., nava had made especially to their order In Eurbpo and In America, an entirely • • • New Stook — ofi l Choice Goods, Which ere now opened and toady for examination. ' VERY FINE . 4ARIB IstAiiTLE OLOOREic ' (Every ” movement with the .new 'lmprovements) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, • Entirely new . BRONZES, GROUPS & FIGURES. 'OOEHAM NANCE G CO'S FINE ELECTRO, .WARES.' ' BEST. STEELING SILVER WARE, - • NeW .desnins. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. Sr° , vary Full asiiiirtmentnt veryMQDERATE ,• • PRICES: , Per the present et ' 819, CHESTNUT STREE'I!., PUMPS ..,111er_udn,,uoltber ,Lad, wood; filly boo, nor poison ,1310.01iiqY's CPI - o.l9ttrilber Pump, t *lid encumber wood. en. stelest dura q e and"ratitibta: ed ' ohitthstdonad wooden made by-macblnery, • and re permit aEd aeouratalu all' e, raising on taunt emoiutt t, and eliding lops then half sney, Easily 'arranged, in as. noe-tteezlng, pod , '-uen 'ab 'elauple be( It up and keep It In re.' fter.ttenqugh trial it la att. !gad them' ado euiteser. she and put ,up in tlint,best 1 1 Y.. . • • • • 444.11r,n• PUMP,' E •THE MARY IN &TITO'S. ° CARLISLE, PENIVA; =,A Boarding School for' GIRLS, .' the .I.6',s * Euzakitestkni .; 5 11 Wedi M ember Ist.v6.lkoll{calare Information , 'F;) v' RV. WAN Lkll/18116r. ;,a • ihuutikrioi4, Ei A PLEASANT BEVERAGE nox, Llnbitual t~~~~ttr~.n«nv„ ` ME npd qthern TO . ALL THE I=l OppoeiLe thu 3hinalOn' lioune, , ,hort to loot . oMouir .Carible • PPTABLIALIED 1961. J, REYNOLDS a. SON, ' ' N. IV: CORNER 1?TII AND FILBERT - • - STREEt' . PIIILiDACL.PIIIA, PA., Pole Mettufectu - tore of the Colbrated W.ROUGHT44O.II, AIR-TIGHT, , ' Clas-Consiumixignetitei WIVE( PiTrAT,hlh3T. Posanii, • ' O.IIATB. BAR REIMS, and Ver,II,I9UGHT-I4ON Those 'Heaters are leader( flea Wrotighi:Troti,' well !lilted, together, the ,only aura prorentloq against the'eecapoorsOaa or Duet. W/10, ar9 eaedy ulloagod r wltliouthotdompira, eiteot It.. •Olateraredlda the use and annoyance 0Y dipm.;acid .Is , permaneolly attached to the Heater, ,Thla the moot durable, ,alolbllbr paPtilif.. Eleetleg Apperatee ever 011.1154 . for eels. TPOr lepr• guancotoed. • . pooiclaicritooEB foellotels , POSDADLEII IMAM 0, ;. . LIDDROWO lINATHRI3,, ,LOW DOWN GRAM, BLAME Biti - IiTNY.D, ' DDRINDINtEI Wo sin.also IninAlrmiturluit NNW FLAT.ToP .11204 TING RANG% Uktl3;/10; 940 ,011j:STZ Q¢oo.oll 1 •1700114 iispialfailyi • InfolptiOba , clthona of Oarllala and *Malty, that , hOtant i :Atlaa to arty thanbove , ba*lneal In' V Ili ons Insochea, lb lballbabalneht Of Ohntatt alley, wlier• ordain : vitt : lie *dyed and pion:01; 1 tiott:ted. . • ' *dyed lift at• t , zioalfa imoiakittantlon, • • •• • • 'ONO: 11100/111,' ' .19hb411 . qQovs.s, DRY GoODSI • . o Atkr TO„ .. SUIT THE. N.KW tVgI)(IIIEAT'OASIIIBTORE THOIVIAS Ai,jl44.ltPlifft CORNER OF:1! : ANOVElt Atitl: . PohiptrX 01 ( A.; ' Who to natal:lammed to exhibit ih ''slooirot 'and I), Y ''O •., At exeketthistl; : ,‘ 'Bargains la' " ' ANKH Ts,- .of alt rolora and Fixes. The nhe!tpest Stack In . tnwn: _ EyAi 7:T..' ' Pimn end Tw/114:11, all'enleik. ' 1 'Dom. t • P • Plaid Shlrtings, , .;Z" 'Mad'' AT a tine attirie 111/Isn 5HAW1,81,..513,01TLS ! • Loth; and *wire, Pahil;'y 'oua tele Clottkings, i n 'alytt: R onn, finltt Mixed, lYntor Proof nuit Ileity yeAtA, Fbias And r.R . iA . 761),' for , Ladles! ifon' And Hops' weer. A toll, !Inc of Cloths • and ungsli:ntireq FANCY -DRESS'OOODS In new an d Rich Designs. . Many of the-above Goods selling off at at g Io by reduced prices. ' Immense Stock of all' Ora • leading brand, of Domestics and fIOUSS FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at less than regular prices, • • BLE4OIOO 86 BROWN SREEtINGS, BILLOW CABE Uf lISLINS, PI LTAi °ABE NENS, let o OLE LINENS, NAPKINS AND DOYLIES; Towple ana Mar/millet, Quilt. and Tablo.Coluire; 'Nottingham Lite Curtin Material and Fnll ilnei or • WHITE GOODS; ,11.ntbrelderies, Laces andlusertlags Yello, o brogan and prop.. ' ' , liosiery and Gloves In great variety, an eaten give Stock of .„1; NOTIONS. BALDORAL AND 1100 P :INTIM FANCY WOOLEN C 0 R Fret, Wove , flip Gore. AM ! , Citt:! 9911508. -- Tfidle'iCtalT , Wlld Collars: lie= laud' Emliroltlered Ilnuakerchleil SPECIAL IN DU C F,AI EN' pu Roll ASEI4 THOMAS A. LIAILI4.I‘; Cor. And Pomfret Sto lidee 3R lv BARG„A INS! W. C. SAWYER & Co's: WC. -8 AWY the attention-of the public, to - thou mono, Stock of Fancy and Striped nRY GOODS, Coonlntlog of SIL hf. POPLINS; • INP.RESS CLOTHS. METIINOSS, ALPACAS, itge, ke CARPETS! CARPETS!! Bultc/c , RELG TRREE PLY,- • - -7.:..... INGRAIN,. VENITIAN, COTTAGE, _ RAG,. LINEN end LUMP, groat rad t) OIL O.LOT-H.S, hUOS, 811ADES., kr., Se., which elil be sold very cheep. CLOTHS ABU SS INI R BOSI , GLOVES, DOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, of every kind sad in allustdmot quantities. We will make groat sacrifice and offer a tine issortmont to select from. Please remember this largo Stock will be sold, arid we ask prices with a view of cloning ou t th e entire Stoat, All who wish cheap DRESS GOODA. All who wish rhesp CARPETS. All who wish cheap HOUSE. FURYISQINQ GOODS. • Ali Who wloh ..h,•ap DRY GOODS of any kin Call al W. SAWYER & CO'S., . Eant Main Street.. 6fab 60 867. SPRING. BARGAINS =I DOMESTIC CODS itt,;BB GOODS, GASH NI DIMS, . SA MI ETS, JEANS, WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, SYMMS, RIBBONS, RING'S N .F.WOItE, No. 56 WEST MAIN STREET. , .. IN ^ , 'l l lol4 'tll 4l/11 11.1 I ' ' .401 .., -740.•717„:, I NW hl Italtill i . ........1 g Aril l- .11 'P'll ' _........... i _l l ll ,l '-- ---.--"79.:".. ....0,....7.!.-- hl i,[...im i,..-',. i . - 11 10,4 %iii.:TE4 ,z,41,140, 1 --.11b.L. at,4lC—,'lll(illi.,„V r ..Akii 1141111111,, T-IT-_, _IIII_„_.011n,40. oLlimit • ____. - _ Anp. Rawl for o;r Illuetratod,Pamptilit.• spat 2,1),fady„,,.. , ; • XISQ.E-ThliANO•4B..l.! , Foy' !DiP4pClisht;'Fever and Ague, Aei-: rclft"i i of the I StortiaCli,:', Less of. Appetite;,' Natalia; . licar(huin, , Jaundice and all; disehsea arising from 4, disordered - state of the Stemach; Liver or Intestines. S6 - I":fejpared — _by SEWA:RD, . RD , 011ENPY Druggiate,4lo3.lo7N.Y. , Sold by allDriiggip.te. •• t ; . . • For, Sale by GEO: B. 110.P.FMANi . Grocer, P,Opifrei Street. , • " 'L- •:• ' Restores. , gray; and. failed Hair . ' to 'its, Oatatum. C4l.oß,i;emoves Dan4ruff;, CURES. ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents. BALDNESS, and: makes the , liut grow Spft, Glossy and Luxuriant. sl.oottil ;,1,50 pet Bottit:Latli Balla is's Nal rapta Prepared by OEIV.ARD, BENTLEY %CHENEY, Druggigts, Bidtkdo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. For Sale by - GEO. - 11:11OFFili.A..N Grocer, Pomfret Street. 22jen 69.6 m A Safe and Speady. Cure for Couglis,Colde, Asthma Bronchitis, ) Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, .Whzioping Cough, Incipient, Coriciumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. D9a't neglect a' set-re Cough, or throw away money on a worthless medicine. PRICE pIFTY_CENTS PER ,BOTTLE Prepared by SEAVARD. BENTLEY & CHENEY, Dniggiste, BuMio, N. y. Sold, by all Dragsbate; For Sale by — GEO. B. HOPEIITA Grocer, Pomfret Street., 2.jon 61.6tu PRING ._GOODS.. • - Ve have Just returned from' tho cit.? with a large and splendid nisorttuont orsoasoun ble goods, which we ara selling off rapidly /4 LOWER•I'ItIy 'IRAN 'TUX LOWEST. our stock of DRESS GOODS,_ Is very fall and comtletel 'llte styles pre unsurposs EMI , bELAINES, ALPACA::: autl ninny 101 , 14410 0 . 0"115, OINGIa AMg, 110 S TERI, GLOVES RIBBONS TRIMAtt NOS, TICRINGS, l • USLINS • SHAWLS, - • FLA:AP:I. all gr..l, • ILAN S CLOTHS, CASSIM E RES, 'pees, Cittlnind.• and tl e largest stock of preen wen t en and Tt keel - Imre le-the-valley;-- CA1?1'1•;T, OIL GLOMS, NA ClING:". A COS. ILLINDS:CAItI'III . 1 • ul Cotton; Um, and Wool.. hest make. Our CAI.I' ere ometaereq of 3°th:to. be the cheapest via -,tr la the groat ell tee. This stoa ol go '.l. in very largo. well and will be soil vtt AL reduced prices. It u. oor ueeves'ary to Ili' roiumo to exaggeration .1 - 010 atoel.: but we ,in vile all to call and you for oat, south we Wok will eittltly them-tloo he Iho piano to stay for protit.to theamelves. Poet Ot I3ETZ A CIO, LIINE CLOTHING TO ORDER I AND READY MADE. ISAAC) LIVINCiST9II, No, 22, NORTH HANOVER ST I invite the attention of my old customers and the riublic . 4 . ltir•i'e•tolnf Largo 'and lirilliant Stork of.SUMidEll GOODS for Men, Youths' and Boys' wear. My Custom Dopaitthent comprlsm the finest end moat eelc.ct of Clothe and casslufers, while my ready made Clothing Is carefully.iintlmost taatetully gotten up. I cannot and willmot be undersold. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22, North Demmer St., Carlisle. N 8..6 till sellinit the Florence Sewing Machines. 1 A may 69 1867 BOWER'S COMPLETE MANI) R. FEED:, EX BOWER, f3holuist, = NOKIONS, &O Super-ltho'sphate Or = Lime AmMonia I= This manure contemn nil the sieulents to pro duce large crops of all Muds, and Is highly rennin. mended by all who use It, also by distinguished chbmists,who Laxe,,by analyals, tested its qualitine Packed in Bags of 200 lbs. each OIXON,!3FIARPLESN. & CO., LD Ennth Wator south Delaware Avanao, PHILADELPHIA WILLIAM REYNOLDS, • , 70 South Stroot; . . . BALTIMORE, MD. And by dealer, generally th rouhout the country For In formation, address Henry Ilower,•Phira. '. 12feb 69-Iy, , ' " To:T,FIE WORICI&G, 1141 now prepared to flirt:del/ all chose's' win; Constant employment at their homes ' the wholoef the time; or tor the opera metnents. ' Business row, light mentable. Nifty tents to 14 pet's:pining, lemony earned by persons of either eon, and the Hoye end girls Sara nqaPlyal ao,nrop. Groat, 'lfideeements are offered these who will devote their whole thou to the buoiness ; and that every per lope imei 'this ,notice, and, etay.eond me. their address and test the business fir themselves, I molt& the 'followbey,ueparallelsd am , : To all whe ate net 441100,119 th. the buolooSs, I will, sued $1 to yny Ott the t see Ille ot 'w Meg me. Fullfpart feel/alb' Pirtle seetlfroo.'" herepte soot by malt for,lo'ete. ddroas, E, C. A WARN, Auguata, Mo. • Aiu RICAN HOUSE; ,; iVorth-BanoveriiS . tveti"Corlislei , ' , • 1 6ARk§, ' ROPIIIRTOpp P • -.., • , H AVING • establiAed: myself iti this well•koown.Aml populAitIOZEL, I most tplrotfully Falloit . tho pationega of She old'eusto. more of the Ilouse:Wrid All other who wleh to te 'cell, good AcoottunOdations cod attootlon : :kir:DON'T.BORGET 'OLD - STAND:4W Apl. ~ t, t r t t, .I{AitNEl J . L. B TEitN S ,-Lrjr.ulor-ANO,l3Axm isTABZE. Between Hanover and Redford Oiritikm ' In litter' of the Carman Rouse., aARLIB.L . IP:I3I.NN.PA'. ItuAng.tlitud up !Us withlipw,Currligua , 414 p • partl,to:.itirulih:a7st.ll4,..Arixte "at repeoueb trutps,,i ,rtirti,e4okeh (0, pntl, vis t as APrinOtt.t' . • ' 1 t ..ttt .4" S.h4 , :Bo,: (ili.b(Stitglia itielu'ise.iO , g9) 1 iboeit4e ipsiit Idtiii. - nolviebnltheiict'sl4l 1, h° , 4 11.v , n P?. ..... 9. =lll CASHMERES, AGEN TS, -, , --- . 'i.-,III.I§'OLLROV,S.. E' - SIN e;;, T 7 EWINGLMACHINES: WM • E'lll3l • SINGER .11ANIIPACTUENNO CO'S NEW PAIIIII7EIVIACIIINE.—No otter family Sowing lliachine bas so rapidly won favor In'the housohold, The very large-males of that popular machine has shown by-official returns, far exceed those of any other company, and-this . fact or result has been owing to its real motile=hence its greet and grow ing popularity.' It 10 Almelo in construction, easily ntidestood, easily operated ' all its parts- gliding smoothly and-no iselosidpalong—not liable .to get out of ordarThas - capacity - Hay of work, sowing all kinds of cloth and with all kinds of thread and with the numerous attach ,ments for heumilon, cording, tucking, ' quilting, trimming, binding, braiding, &c., and ombrolder. Idg of hinny login:nous, tasteful nod diißcuit de• sign', is the most perfect ofall family cowing me , . chinos.. Any one who.will take tile trouble to ex. amine the merits of the, differont machines claim ing -attention, can tote dimmer whether we claim too much fcr ours. .1t Would avail us. nothing tt -natio thitabove assertions Uwe wore not ready to prove them , and all we oak is a trial', for observe lien alone can justly convey a clear impression-of the many kinds of work of which our NEVI rAMILT MAIMINE is capable. • - TilE-EOLDINO rAsks, Which open with spacious tables to - sustain -the work, and which fold lets tables or lathes to pro- . tect the machines, when not In use, from dust and meddlesome fingers are made from choice woods, embellished by pleasing designs,,thus making our new family machine not only an ornamental piece of furniture, but in tome of the, more alb• bore:say firdahed illochial3B, a work of real art._. Tut ATTAMMENTS, Of our new family . machtnegolieye_roferred to, aro not only numerous, but highly'necful for put'• .pogo for which they were Intended: They need only a trial to chow tbolr greet value. Among the Most recent of the attachments hi Vie, ESIDROJDEI2ER Of the. diffeierat ailaclonents of our new family •maehino which have secured the attention. and approval of our customers that fot embroidering, like the Hemmer Is one of the few instruments which will most please and sattsry the observer er go real value. It to so simple in structure, that any ono who can min , on our "machine can use It, and-without Instruction It ma be attach: n artridotatelthltrlifriii'.47l, no on an nstant. Without a lengthy description, and even then, It would be - dlfilealt*to - deteribe the great variety of — Work - that this little 'lnstrument will do. The radar must rat suppose that what wo Speak of Is mere chain stitehaaperntion, 'Whiclois -sometimes humorously termed embroidery. If desired, three colors of any kind of thread may be used at any one .tithe, an. the colors or thread may be changed at the will of the operator, by removing the spools in use and putting others to their stead; thus as many or as few colors may be used as the operator wishes, in,,the embroidering of any .garment. A .great variety of results are produced by the Mlle. nor in which the tensionir are regulated. Different results may be produced while the machine Is In motion by simply changing the tensions. Results vary according td the length of,,watelies, kinds, colors and tensiyi 'n or the threads, o well no Sizes of the needles ,lard. The Embroiderer will Lee any kind of th sod. The are Co' zephyr woratel (tor certain purprises gives very pleasing resalts. In ,order to get a just Idea of this valuable attachment It 0,111 be necessary to Fee It in operation. MANUFACTURING 51ACIIINES —We would ask attention to our now Button-hold Machine, which is the oni) practical Button•holo Machine claiming public attention. Our manufacturing machines, for-other purposes, are too well known to need comment. iIiOiIiNE_TMST,-,3l:o.liava.rucently_enlargod fiewark,N. J., and iturdsh them . with the latest and most improved machinery, which is boink operated by highly skilled labor. We know and feel the Importance of not only sup. plying the lasers of our machines, but the trade generally with the best quality of klactilavTwul, :which we will. soil by MEASURE rather than by WEIGHT." Th'e - sSvtem of *selling by weight has given manufacturers the opportupity of so heavily weightnig silk - In the process of dyeing as not only to greatly injure . Its quality, but also convoy a wrong Impression about Its quantity. In this re "erect IVO mean to be above suspicion. 'The manner lit which the sizes of silk aro graduated in also a matter of great Importance, but we use. the greatest possible , rare that. the gradiiiiting shall be exceed -Ingly—accuntte,—lrraddition—trr—mailufactUria„ -from the best quality of raw silks, the evennesi,ol thread and beauty .of-finish -of-the -manufactured article will not, no think, be soon sure...ed. Each spool of silk manufactured by us, of any particular' .Ize or letter, irrednective'of weLlit. contains the number of yards printed thereon. •Length, strength, size, quality and ,finish of the thread are to be looked to rather than weight. - We are IRA , silk manufacturers 011 a largo scale, earl - eel that large trade can only Uo retained by us in furnish ing a superiur, article at la fair price. 11 other brands of Twist be, - offered at less price than outs, purchaser. may rani assured that it is ,nforlor in quality, deficient in quantity,"pr both. We bare and' shall keep iu stock at our Contr al Office, and various agencies, Twist of all Man, rod of he sari vas colors and shades of color in use, And which will be sold at New York prices. - THE SINGER MANUFACTURING CO., No. 458 BrOadway N. Y. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE. 1100, CHESTNUT ST B. WOODWARD. AGENT AT _HARRISBURG. Office Yo. 4, N.„361 ,St.,. Opposite City Bank. I= , AkCAAR • .BANIcERCeb No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI ev , PHILADELPHIA. tkENERAckENTB, FOR 0 0 ,_ PEN N 5 i, 13 , 11A NI A t -••, ‘l24ll Za N St iv k/1e ....) OF 1 4 HE L c" . 3 \ diV E INSUR Ab 1611° 11' Of 1110 ECO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. She ITA.TzotrAL—Liva—lrrevitasor — cciket W e tor poratt oh chnr , ored speidal Act of Con .itt , Proved July 25,18U...with a ' CAS , CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL .1 4 4. D. Liberal terms offered tb Akentp and Sollatdre, wbo ...Invited to apply at our office. Pall prticulars to bah ail on anneal lon at intr.:dace I oeatod n, thq second story of our Banking House, nwhere Citeulalss and Pamphlets, fully describing the tilvantages offered by the Coinpaoy,inav bo had. E. Is'. ~. 1, IIL IC at VO. B. -- S.- Russel; -Manager.- C. H HEPBURN. Cashier let National Bank, Agent for Carlisle, Pa. 111& - HOOP 81C.TRT8 T. HOP-Ii INS Ilaollomoved 11 IlinnufaCtory and Saletroome to No.. 1115 CIILYTNUT STREET, PRILADELPIIIA, Thorn hie "Own Mako" of Champion Hoop Skirty espectrilly adaptdd to First Clins Inaresale and Re lad Trade, will bo found to ombrweo the most exten sive nstortment In the Union, and allitho latent and most desirable Styles, Slinpve; Lengths owl Shoe, 2 2y.,, 211 , 4 yards round, of Plain and Gored Panv fors. Nalking Skirts,' RecePtion Trnllo , rte., &0., to• gother with over ninety different v./Holies of -MOM and Children's /Harts, rill of which for symmotry of style, it Web, lightness . , elasticity..durability sad real Cheapness, orb unequalod by any other goods in the market, and ere warrauttd frr ovary rasped.,Skirts mode to ordorAltered, and ItepairstivHbelbanle and , • Full ilue. of tow.l'ilosd Easton' Made Skirts, 15 Stoings, 15 Cont. ;'2O Springs . 45 Conts 125 Springs 55 Coots ;'22 Spring., 05 , 9.e.ijt07. and 40 Springs, 75 Cents, , - •' CORSET'S! CORSETS I'CODSETBIII 57 difforont styles,and prices, from IA Cents to 57.00. nmbradiag• R. Wortley, "Iledkel,7 "Olovo Nati ng."Mnilam •Foy's ~Corsut Bkltt:Supporters,-Mrs-51oody's'Patent , &IV ' Adjusting Abdominal" Corasts, Fronch;Thuilleh nud Dbmeatic Hand.odule ClowtS, and superior French ' Pay terns of Corsi' Oprscts, "Our Own Malro,'l to wbich, 1 we luvito especial attention. ' Complete asaortmont of IrudleraticlorAitrogulo n ,al.svrry.low ^ • ,OENERAL AOHNT frr the DAMMAM FANTON EMMA SEWING. MACHINES, supbrier to any 'other before 'the publle. -- Flfty-tara ott earl NO I 'Ma 'eldnos,,Prlca 555 captti•nro being given riling ;to-our custonsere in ardor .o got 'thorn Introduced. ' Every prawn In Want or. articles In opr lino; sbould exam •lne our goods boforo .purchaaing elSowhoro. Call or staid 'for 'clrCtilarn, at our Manufactory ' and Sales rooms, No - 1115 Cbootuat St. Ithladoltibla" . 251ar694m. IVAI. T. MOPRINS. ()ROANS „ AND. MELODEONS: •Iv . rfbo , ,bUderetplietd4brdrlori been r appelnind anent , for iho line as averybody.waistp..... Our stock consists In all'kinda and earlattes .WOman's Mime and (afe etrong +loather Shows, Women's Kisses' add Obild's,Listing Gaiters. Women's Glove' Kid Turkey' and French' 'Monaco. Men's . and Boy's} Calf, Buff and Rip *NAG , , Elon'a and Boy 'a tall and ~Bnit Smartie' Oatteia r • '2den'a and Boils hurting.tialteta and Diatom, ' gen'a'and Boy's . Calf and Bull Oxfbrd. Vest TWA - Banda% Dinkins and - Overehoes: .• • Men's and Womeces goat Walt. andOarpet Slippers ! . Men's, Sofa and Child's Fur and Saxony iTats. Minks of sizes tharloes• ^ 1% 'I Toayelltog Rags, Satehols and Tallees.tegathicirith a prime lot of GOODS which we will sell to dill the :.- Alteta." • , . AIRIER ,BALIO, 4 ,OID' f1t413, FROVITWIS OUP 11:arelbutlu. Issulag our cara t jp late 4 p • po tolial .breltatlOu .to all tln • 1if,54 , :0t eau aid , • /00 through our .took Itlhout,ffallsi ander obll• gatloba to bay unless as tad to quality 114 , ,Wo *hall luirtgltrt'ta deal .Ith Nary .a. la IV! - ,stralhtlorward warmer, gad give still. attotomor., a tall'egolv•biat kb mousy.' Va - Ups all avail theogoltmot.thalr.• upgagtliallt7 - antleaa as. , musigig — , I,VULAS . , . lIPAN/2047 ' I t •'flyer's HAIR VIGOR, For re;toiing to;, It's natural - A-Ldressing - Tvlich — is • at once agreeable, heal. thy, 'and effectual for, preserving the_ hair.' Faded o r gray heir' Is won restored to ita origi= ,nai , color with the, glo and freshness, of yowl?, Thin hair is thickened, falling '• hair ' 'checked , and' baldnesa , ' °nate, LOWELL MASS teragn *i.oo. 30oat 68-17. Perhaps rio one medi cine Is so universally required, by everybody as is cathartic. nor eras over any befora co unl ♦ersally adopted Into nee Ineveyleountry and among all classes, as mild bat_ ergot; W. D: SPONSLER,, , , JOHN W. STROHM - N'EW and POPULAR Ft 00 T (SR E;, I=