Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, June 04, 1869, Image 1

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ne Bolus: one Intertlotc; ; , --1/ 00 .
or each a4dlttonel Ineertlon,. 60
,OrlifliteautlieAdvettLteniente, • . 26 00
egal Notices, ; ....... •• • .00
rofoulotal was klthont Raper, ' - •7 00
lattnatillotleeenndOonundnlot- • •
tloni relating' td matters of prl
- tate Interests alone, AO cen.tpnr,"
JOB PRINTINCV.=Otir Joh Velalnittflee le the
aitatertsand, molt eomplete entablleluhent in the
Dounty. Your good Peeesod, and n general variety
fniaterlalaultedforplelnlOokl Pitney Workbfevery
lnd, pnal,lesni to do Job Printing atthe shortest
tlee, and on the moat reeedbible teen:4.7 Petabne
a'+wantofßßL Blankihte , Atytbing In thaJobblng
ne, wlll Ilnd It to their Interest to eye no a call
)7D. ADAIR,. Attothey At 'Law;
.Carllele, PO, Mee wltb.A. B. Sharpe, Eig.i . No.
~13putti tisharpr street. "
May ' ,
JO atiiii RITNER, ii, . Attorney at
Law and Surrayory Mealatiewrg, Pa:o l lica ..
iniatd'Stttuiti two4oors , aoit of tiao Dank.
1:09to6Agea1ll861 ess promptly - #tauded Ao. •
Agr - '
. • ,
ri,R.:MILLER Attorney at .Law.
IJI I 0003 In Flaubert's building immediately op
• °sate guiVoillt House.
.:29uot 674 y •
lkitC. HERMAN, Attorney at Law,
e catillsle, Pa.,' No. to Ithaem's
Ju 1864-1.1.
OHN . :bORNMS,N, Attorney at
ILaw Office k building attached to iranklin
11.,„,9pp0l Ito the Court Howse.
,13154 y.
eat Law Office in South Hanover street, oppo-
Beate's dry good store Carlisle, Pa.
September 0,1864.
. •
J •
AMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at
Law Carlisle, Pa, Oahe in No. 7, Rheam'e Call
,July -
WJ. SHEARER; Attorney at
Officio, North Boot Corner of the
Overt o Home.
`. .12feb .884y .
J. M. 4711 , ” L. W. F. tiA.DLER.
14.16 South Hanover street Carlisle Pa.
O.P. xrummon
Maio St„ lu Marlon Hall, Parnell°, Pa.
Looliman, 21 Main Street. Carlisle, PL, °zo
o! race &swings, verifications to,, and procure. pat
ents or inventors.
Web d&17:
at, Law ,N 0.7 South Market Square, Oar
lisle, l'ebni.
Apr1119,1867 , -Iy. . - .
VR. J. S. BENDER.—Homceo
ipthla. Physician. OfHee In the room
ocou6 9p4y. led by Col. John Lae.
eti RIGHT, Dontist, from the Bal.
411111 . 11 more Collage of Dental Surgery.
ii/i-Olithe at the residence of his mother, Bast
nuther street, throe doors below Bedford.
Poly 1,1861.
GFO. WNEIDI.CR; D. p.. tS.
LAO Demonstrator of OporatlxaDentlstry of the
• - DaltlihMe College of
- Dental Surgery.
Mee at hls reel
• •
rlanie.,ppodtO Harlon Hall, West Main etreet, Car-
I hills,•Pa. •• - .
I.BJuly, t. 54. .
E • THE :MOB. Office, N0.,3, IrTine'e Roe.
Ina, /Y. - " , •. • -
111 %ramor ' aD¢ildl¢g, near Rheem'e Ilan, Carlisle
h., has just returned from the Diatom Cities with
he largest and most
• comisting of
Cloths, .
_ Postings,
Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c.,
vier brought to OafDelo. ,
• His Cloths comprise
of the linnet teitlrre and of all ehadoe.
lir. Hornet being himself a preotleal cuttor of Wing
experience is prepared to warrant perfect Oita, an
.promptillltng. of_ordory,
Piece Gonda' by the yard, or cut to ordicr. Don't
• 16
forge may 60-tf.t the ,phice.
Of cat the New Spring Sites of
The Buhseriber has Just opened, at No. 16 North
Hate'verfiti4 I fed doors Mirth of the Carlisle Deposit
/Haiti sine 9f, the largest cud best stook of HATS,*
CAPS ever offered to Carlisle.
• Silk; Hata, Gassimered of all styles and qualities,
litffirErlmirdifferent colors, and every description of
aoft: atelikir mado.Tbo Drinkard and old fashioned
bras ;Merit constantly. on hand and made to order.
all warranted to give satisfaction. A full assortment
of 61T11AW HATS, Men's boy's and children's fancy.
I hive alto addial to my stock, Notions of different
kinds, consisting of Ladies . and Gent's Stockings
Neek•Ties,Penclis, Gloves, Thread, Sewing 4tike, Sus
penders, Umbrella/rte., 111MlirfiegamAnd Tobacco,
always on'hand. ?:5"/
Give Me =Man oramino my steak, as I feel don
admit of pleasing, besides eavina you money.
No, 15 North Hanover St.
he Aubscribere ,havind: permanently boosted in
Osrlirde,reipocttillybollelt a share of the public pat
ttenage: Their shop Ss onto:dad on thepublic Square
In tho roar of the let Proabrterian Murat, where
thhy cliff iilWaye'belound.
PurgArpirioncertmechanice, they are prepared to
exec teal' orders,that thoy'may bo entnisted with
luJelatiflerlorqtanber,andAt very moderate prices.
- 11.1084UNDIRAINS.
'f WATP,Yritriltß, •
eAvarirtentras; vresIIIIAEIINS and all other artlt,
lit 6 the Wile,
fire:homy attended to iqlhe Meet approved style.
I diffirrequtito , wrbrltlpromptly attended to.'
ifS'4 l .lo4°.rt‘S Irfafiltnediately In the rear of
he PhittiDrogryterian.Ohurch. • ,
' Juldqf •
Recently organized, has been opened] for transaction
of a givoNd. 14ipking businera r th. the corner room et
EL. Given's new building, on , the North West corner
of tglgteatieat and tli.l , oentre Square._
Tim Mrectore /rope. y liberal and careful manage
bent to make this 6 nopulannstitution, and a safo
repoelnitylfor.illisho way Saver.tite bank with their
ni a gilishaetivad and Paid leach ' osdejband, inter.
•pt, alllo*t4 pp aped*rilepotte,Mold, allver,Treas.
'try Motel; and Government onds, bought and sold.
Oollectiokte Wade on alt ateassible. points in the
country.. miscount day, Tuesday. Banking bours
Neil &dock A; M. to Sa'clock P. M.
„ : . : • J. O...EGYPTE, auhter.
• 't p.lniatvas.
a: • Viestdent,, Will.' II:
Thome/ Paitox,, i 1 i Dooid Cakes,
Jplzu, W. Oraigheali . . germane'
17War '6B4f '
.Abrahrn'Witroor. :
Aten , elketuri3d Foundry
emit Illtehlnelahop4Orllalli, PANT BE BEAT 'We
la the tentlmohy gramme of findllia to Cumberland,
Perry and Adana Counties, who are new tieing them.
Illtd see4.l9e,ro. , ; •
• *-'gip #.l9_ 14. e. USt
"iviiing, °Uhl): by por i oAtt i Vo c 0 0 0 . t . tr i g d o4 , - ,
12:1141:1 7 Satt:ffernttroot.:
oral' 40.0 ‘
.4 1 1 t kiP itor Vt b bl i tticicrettit.i
a Vuta b It inled to to
MOM/3=M Witt oillonnbtliP, a
tbl bott roannO,K - , „
& 00.
.Youndry and 11Whineahop, Carlisle,
I \
.. amili, I to orlin deselpitotti i Etch ar:lllrimellaa.;
irct, lattrarer==ZlZl:
IMIT, ' ! a,PAgulilart?oratTutk.p.tJß A
.14 1 %34 .1 g=i•
'1.4141 It4llloon' '.4°l
_t • • ,
,r. 7.1
.. t
.. , . ,
. 1 ' )11 10.. , 1 .'lgidgr. blikiioilll4 . 4304
: ..
gli ßt ii„..iikoid , i
rLict egg Lg . . :
i t a kracitnw i lizil at
• 'I I° t tr i " . ) . r a
tsVP Ir. C r it id 16 % 3 51
.irizAr4 . • ~..1 4,,,..2.,.4...
• Arr..• h elp w pleasant zapbrary alaga,
' , -Tb."l4 • - ItanriAnail Il i. Wart it. Oa
1; tia' . urtioas an atti, !lye icAr•l
• . . e
tVB.V Pli Ir 4 ;
' ' ~.0,.i.t, - . , tl-11 evE••• .ix, a!
VOL. 69
Martyred by Special Act of Cougroce, Approved,
Cash Capital r - $ 1,000,000
, Whese the goaralhuslnese of the Company is trans
acted, and to which all lonoral correrpon4onco
should ho addressed.
I-3/44.0= - •
CLARENCE 11. CLARK, Preeldent. 15729
JAY COOKE, Chairman Fluonce , and Executive
lIRNRY ECOOOKE, VlCaPiesident;
EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary.
This Company offers the following advantages
It fa a National Compaq chartered by a special
net of Congress,' 1868. - -
It has a paid•np capital of 111.000.000.
It offers low rates of premiums.
It furnishes larger Insurance than any other eom
plt 10 nnlppe Its terms.
It Is a home company - in every locality.
Its Policies are exempt from attachment
There are no unnecessary restriction in the poll•
Every pot lay-is non-foileitable.
Policies may be taken which pay to the insured
their foil amount, and return all the premiums, so
that the insurance costs only the Interest on the
annual pay mou ts.
Policies may be taken that will pay to the Insured,
after a corptln number of years, during life, an an
nual Income of one-tenth the amount named In the
No extra rate le charged for - risks upon the lei.
of females. .
• • • .
--Ibinsuresi-not to pay-dividonds to polley-hbldora,
but at eo long a coat that dividenda will be impossi
Circulars, Pampidets and full partielais glVen
on application to the Branch Office of the Company,
or to
B. W, CLARK tc CO., Modelphia,
General Agent for Panno#lvente an d Southern Now
llsep 88-ly
his "Valuable Preparation is admirably
adapted to the Cure of an those Dis
eases for which a Countei , lrritant
or External Remedy is required.
_Abram Meirguart,, Esq., has shown mo the re
ceipt of which hls Llnimont Is composed. From
my knowledge of the ingredients, 1 do not hesitate
In certifying that It will be benefloial Where an
external application of the kind is indicated.
Shippensbing, Sept. 15, 1868.
Fully conversant with the chemical components
and medical effects of A. Marquart's Liniment, I
cheerfully commend it to those who may need it.
Jacksonville, Pa.
' •
Mr. A. Marquart t=Door Sir: I take eleadure lu
laying that) have mod your Liniment for chap
ped'hande,aud it cured them and made them feel
soft I think it the best I have ever need, and
would cheerfully recommend it to the general
Newton Township, Pu., Nov. 24, 1868,
I hereby certify thet I Moto used A. Marquart'a
Liniment for Scratches and Spavin on two of my
horses with the greatest success, and would roc
ommond it to all that are in need of anything of
the kind. - ' O:MELLINGER,
County Treasurer. ,
- fitoughstown, Pa, Nov. MlB A. . -
Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear Sir . : I have need
abort half a bottle of your Liniment on my, horse.
'for a bad Collar Gall, which was the moat obstinate
eore of the kind I ever saw;. also on my arm fo r
Rhouinatism, and it.has given entire satisfaction
in both cases. 'I would not do, without it for ten
times it met and cheorlully recommend It to the
• Jacket:Emilio, Ps., Nov. 20, 1808.
A. klarguart, Esg :—Dear air: I had Avery
severe attack of Rheumatism In my back, so that
I could scarcely walk," which was very painful.
After using half a bottle of your colobraked Lint.
went, I was entirely cured. This is not a rocom
mondation, but the plain truth. You can make
any use of thin you please
Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov. 20,1805.
Mr. A. Merquart :—Dear Sir: I have used
-your valuable Liniment In my family for differ
ent pains arid aches, and It boa proved satisfactory
in every ease. Ido think, as an external Lini
ment, It stands ithout 11,' rival.-' I would cheer ,
fully recommend It to the Public. Respectfully,
• Jacksonville, Pa,, Nov. 21. 1868.
A. Marquart, Esq. :—Dear BD: It , affords me
pleasure to certify that I have used your Liniment
on my 13003, in a case of Tory 60/0 Throat, which
was.much swollen and rory painful-, After two
of three applications, I found It to act like magic,
and would recommend It as an excellent-Liniment.
Walnut Bottom , Pa., Nov. 19,1868.
Walnut Bottom, Dumb. Co.. Pa.
Nor sale at HAVERSTIOII A BUD. Drug Store,
Aor I Z A.
Wheeler and Wilson. and , Elliptic.
Sewing aehines.
The Best Simplest`
and Cheapest. '
THESE machines are adapted to do
alt Ides of family sowing, working, equally
upqn Ides
Linen and Cotton goods, with Silk,
Cotton and Linen ttmeadel, making a beautiful and
perfect Atitch alike on both aides of the artlelp,
:411 Maehlpei cold are warranted. 'a
.01611 and examine At Rail lioad•Telegraph °Mee,
May 1.867-tf. burr CAMPBELL . °
DBB. MAAt Y. . L
iROMOEPATFIRi Physicians and,
?daffiest lleetrleteril. 'Wee and' residence,'
o. 7; litituth USUOTOt 84eet,. Carlielo;
'All Amite orghronlo diseasoe suceesefully - treeted. ,
Fulmer Donaldson, Uniontown, Pd. ' Cured , or,
lieut. Dime°, of two years standing. lit five "eke.
‘llhd 'stlverl'op to die. ..
lassOlaVaßlthort. Germantown, Pa. Liver COM..
plaint', of two years % standing. Cured In two
months. ,
irtEoul,Ateeser, Uniontown, Pa. Inflarmithin of the
'eyes; with lose of the sight of ono
. eyo, of elshlen.
years standing. Cured In throw Months.
Mrs, Mary Gitbert, Germantown, Pa. Dyspepsia
'of tin: Oven; standing. .omad in two month..
Mc V. T. Wpod, .01rard 'Ave.,. and .114te auk Bt. t
Philadelphia. Cured . of Gonerul Debllltyuf throe
Jeers Mantling.
htlee Emma Norris, 1221. Girard Aye., : philettPa.
i.DyiPapela . and Gravel of three years; standing.
Cured In els wools. ' . • ; „
Prank Frier, 71/ North 13th air oat , Philadelphia,
..White Snelling" of' 111116 years ittauding.
Pared In Ave months. , ,
Miffuata : Browning, Ifelpre, Nyonai
- dfavaeo or lth Tears atanding. Ceaeltlg at times
Xtutsalty, at that her frianda wore. ompalledk
to put her Into 'au Tatiana Asylutn. Oared In, two,
•• • • •
• All eoresultatlon free. Offices strictly prleAto.
Drs. Ilal feepeatliellt relbra• to the follaalog
ladles teeldlrer In flaeltele. Mrs. Jae. blesonbokrier,,
lira. Win. lieitheiri,Wu:. jeekean, Mrs. 32
TalleklarellelecjranYdeildtid 'teeny othere: •
•• . 26 feb tit'aia• 1' :1 ' • ' •
aof h” ir?yed
SPifkii , ftdD4titV . ,' tat 6131 , th "iitYOIC
.. ' . .. GALLERY, ;
fhti N. Ilikiiin el litere,,mberei liti eer:i
y tuvitat ePObile to,examlne the plane, qv*
nuoieroiie referie.:' The well knoWalikill'ilt
the proprietor an artlet, with ; a epporlor ,UgtiA*
oind entranecand e)gy•light on the first" Reef; . are
eu Indent, bithteelnehte for, theipublia ' 0 , t.pArrerthe
ne t ieetabliebfeekt.t. We,
_Octane rare.nntiota#9
OWltaliged fo , lber Kriel 'to the' bait' maiht An
RIM aillathl et,11011York; int% ter . 1 40Perlette any
,000.4 i soraltr• POIS,PrIP - , f - c ii,o o ii I' v e
`"fatiOtgc. l • !::::: '' '''' ' MIA '
July 25,1868
Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer Ineur•
taco ' and Claim - Agent. Office Main Stied Near
entre El'ifiere.-' •
FOR RENT.=A Stoie, Room and
Cellar; on West Street, 'between Potrifiet and,
and.Soutli Street, In ;the Borough of Ookliales
nicety fltted up with Shell/oft, Drawre and Coun
ter. Well suited for a , Grocery. Store, •Sind.•ln
,good location. Apply to ,
Real Estate Agent.
22jan 69. ,
T I OR RENT.,—A' large two-sto
Brick DWI3LLING HOWE, with a annum
w, Rack Building with a full Lot of Ground an
Stabling in the roar, situated on East street be.
tweeri Main and Loather stolen+ Carlisle , late the
resideace of Joseph Bb, eed: Apply to
Real Estate. Agent.
ttikted on the iConawaga Creek 3 miles IVoln
Honorer on the high road, .`and one the Railroad
leading from Hanover Ito Littiostown, adjoining,
what was formerly known al the Rittamiller
property, containing
171 Acres of Limestono Land,
cleared but about 30 -Acres,, which are covered
whith heavy White chtic Timber. .
She Improvements are extensive, and conslit, TIE
00 feet in length and 41 in breath, containing a
Hall and Eleven Large Rooms, all newly papered
- effd pnlnted f - s- - plana' rum:dog-Along—the-entire
front. and collar under the whole house„ and and an
excellent wall of water near the kitchen door.
The out buildings,belonging la the above consist
of a largo Carriage HMSO, Wood and Coal House,
flag Peg, Pack Smbke House, Poultry House,
Wash abuse, all now except the latter. The
garden Is large and highly cultivated, containing
hot beds with glazed sash. The grounds around
the house are adorned with shrubbery and stud
ded -with- many choice fruit and ornamental trees,
adjoining which lea One apple orchard, next
nearIy now 90 feet by 60 with Wagon Shed and
Corn Cr lb attached, and a never failing Woll of
Water In the flarn-yard, also
30 by 26 feet containing seven roonis, the out
buildings to same consisting of a Wash House,
Bake 0 von, Bog Pen, &c., a Pump at the door au d
an excellent garden.
This property presents superior advantages, the
location being eligible and the land of tho best
quality. of limestone, well watered and the cattle
haring access to water from every field, a great
portion of the land has been recently limed, the
fences in good condition and all the corn ground
and part of the oats ground ploughed for the corn
ing Spring. There is a Grist. Mill. Blacksmith
Shop and School House within a short distance
of thebuildlngs, • -
The property having boon recently purchased by
n gontjaman from Baltimore who after fitting it
up at great expense, is now _desirous of returning
to the city, w ill bo disposed o f at an extremely low
figure, and upon 'reasonable terms. Enquire of
Real Estate Agook Carlisle,Pa.-
Wee. 68.
Situate on Sonar' Hanover street, Carlisle, now
Owned andnectipled by Mrs. Waahmood, late the
property of Benedict Law. The lot fronts on Han
over et., 00. feet, and extends back the same width
240 feet to an alloy. The improvements ere a large
two-story_ FRAME HOUSE, with Verandah in front,
containing Double-Parlors, Hall, Chamber, Dining
room and Kitchen on lower floor and six Chambers
and Bath-room on the 2nd story. Can and' water
have boon introduce!. Thorn is a large Stable and
Carriage House at the loot of the lot. The lot is
well studded with ornamental Enron and shrubbery,
besides fruit of almost oveky description and Grapes
of the most choice Selection in abundance.
Reed Estate Agent
Enquire of .
230 t-68
Situate in -Carroll township, .9 -miles north of
Carlisle, 4 miles north of , Carlisie Springs and 11
miles / west of Duncannon, adjoining lands of J.
Shooter, Nancy Cling and °there cotitainlng 120-
ACItES. nti'w owned by Levi Leeds. 00 acres - of
whiCh are cleared, in a high state of. cultivetiOn
and under good fence and the residue covered with
thriving timber. A never-follitg_ stream of water
runs through the farm and • plenty of lipeo within
2 miles.
Tho Improvements aro two-story Log & Weather.
boarded ilouse,-Large Barn and Spring HOUSO With
oacollent water. School Boum and Church at - a
convenient distance. 'Apply to . .
Real Eetato Agent
We arb just receiving our supply Of goods suitable
for the season.
Fancy Dress Silks, all colors, Black Silk all quail•
ties,,New Style Popline, Elegant Striped Poplinete,
Baautiful striped Med:mire, Elegant Chono Poplinen,
Spring Alpacas, altsbades,
Suitable for hllmos and Childron'a dross
Soft Slabbed Oaxtbrlca, Janooo to, Nalmooko; 80 ,
Mull; and French filuallna, Glarabaldi 3luslino,
Of all colors and guslit lee
Glom,. Handkerchief's,. Corsets, Mita, Ribbons
.gollare,Outle; Hoc pod Shirts, Balmoral nista, &a'.
trlmmlios dresses. ,
The ,Largost 'Stook In thdriunty, an the nen etylon
andnolols of Fanny. 01111/111T9ree, for 'men and bbys
wean' .1
Of every Descilptiou
'Minya a full supply, ankrery strict attention gly
on to
,ill~ing ordorstOr town , or country.
tt geitly rOoluced prices, of el;ry;yarloty altd style
Mailing - • • • :
Oil Clothg,
•"'' •• • -" • • • Rugs.
iott: 1 46b1al attentled Ihi 'aired Awthe'roat that
,th• zoptilEry AlPori Star,q hi now , prepaied
thi, oat dyable and tba :largoet.etiick of
Oacidain4 ' ,"..' d lalaq do no 4 fell 10, rall and glee opr stock an
; - .MILLE.II I ,' , - • •
'tiotrrn•tißT . triimii•oir*Optra4it4ipa.
• ;(!!‘.. ".•
' 1
f . I
it f 1
.:: ;~
~. ~~r.
The schoep pe ; Murder Trial
WILLIAM A. , STWAirr, Esq., sworn
—I knew Miss Stonnecke Very well in
her lifetime; was her attorney for a few;
years before ,lier death. I have seen;
her write frequently; him cqrrespond
ed with her _while she,Nvas in Carlisle.
[Check markoid.J. H. G., No 5 hand
ed witness.] It is not Miss Stennecke's
signature in my opinion. .This paper,
Viudorsed , the Last Will and Testament
of Maria M. Sterinecke amiked,.exhi
bited, proved and filed the 'first day Of
February, A. D., 1809,' ,1 recorded same
day. February let,
,1869, John H.
Rheem, of Carlisle, swears this will
was found in Miss Stennecke's trunk,
and knows of no other Will. These two
letters handed me were not handed me
by Mr. Jilreem,. but were obtained by
me in conjunction with Mr. Newsltam,
at the Carlisle Deposit Bank; on sth
Pebragfy, 1869. Letters spoken of by
witness, marked J. H. G., NOS. 6 and• 7.
Cross Examined—No 2 witness says
he believes to be Miss - Stennecke's
writing; No. 4 is somewhat like her.
writing; I - would-not-be-positive.=loo.
oI do not think is her writing. No.
6 resembles it, but I do not think it is
hers. No. 1I do dot think hers, al
though it bears a striking resemblance.
No. 3 I think is hers. I believe the
body of No, 7 to be in-Miss Stennecke's,
same port-folio which I obtained from
the Carlisle Deposit Bank with Mr.
Newsham. This paper is dated Jan
,uary 14th, 1869.
W. R. Bui,Locx, sworn.—l am ,a
cleric in the Register of Wills' office, in
the city of Baltimore. The paper in
my hand was produced in Court, and
has been - on file-there ; I don't know
who produced it. Paper dated 1869,
endorsea Maria M. Stenneeke'S — Last
Will and Testament, identified by wit
ness; Filed Ist February, 1869, never,
has been proven. The'paper was filed
in the Register of Wills' office in Bal
timore city. I hm clerk, and, in the
absence of the Register, am his deputy.
..,,„Wei. A. STENVART, recalled Paper
spoken of ,by last witness shown Mr..,
Stewart. Shown to me after the will
which bad, been read to me had been
approved by the - Orphans' Court; I
went info the 01 - )urt upon a
notice served upol he Bailiff of
that Court, and i Webster and
Dr. Schoeppe thi let of Feb
ruary, about, 12 Judge Dan
ielstold me a ne' introduced.
by Mr. Webster„ shoepPe. I
read it in the pret c.hoee gentle
men, and - then returned it to the Cfr 7
phans' Court.. I turned around to-Dr.
Schoeppe, and remarked to him and
the Court that it was a, very singular
will. The value of Miss Stenneeke's
property, I think, was in the neighbor
hood of $45,000.
purporting to be the Last Will
and- Testatherrt of Maria M. Stennecke,
dated 3cl of Deceinber, 1868, to be fol
lowed biproof that it. is a forgery, of
fered in evidence. Phper read to jury,
of whicli_the following is a copy :
1, MARIA M-STENNECKE, of the city of
Baltimore, State of Maryland, being of
sound mind, memory and understanaing,
do make and publish this my last will and
testament, hereby revoking and making
avoid, all former wills by rim at any time
heretofore made.
As to such estate as it has pleased God
to intrust me with, I disposed the same
as follows: - Viz:
I give and bequeath to:Paul F. Sollooppt,
M. D., to MS 'own use and - benefit absolute
ly, my whole estate and
_property, what
soover and wheiesonier,. of what nature,
Kind and quality soccer the same may be.
/'Mr. W. A Stewart, Attorney-at-Law
in Baltimore, State of 114iryland, will
give•nearor information over my-estate
and property,
And I do - hereby constitute and ap
point.the said Paul F. Schooppe, .M...D,
sole executor of this my last will and tes
In witness whereof, I Maria M. Sten
necka, the Testatrix have to this my 'will
written on one shoot of - paper, sot my
hand and seal,- this the third day of Do
ceniber,A: D. one tl,&sand eight hundred
and sixty eight. Sig osealad,.pablished
and declared by the above-named Maria
M. Stenneolce, as and for her last will and
testamont, in the presence of us and who
who have hereunto subscribed our names
at her request, as witnesses thereto in
the presence of the said testatrix:, and of
each other.
Louis A. SMITH, recalled.—Com
monwealth by this witness proposed to
prove that the signature to the will is
a forgery ; to which the defendant's
counsel objected ; and in addition to
this offer, offer to prove_ that the de•
fendant at 'that time wits desirous to
have money, ind was in needy,circum-
Stances. Also objected to by defen
dant's counsel. . •
JOHN D. ADAM Es a.., sworn,
am an attorney at this Bar. I know
Dr. Schoeppe, his handwriting, I should
ea); this paper was written by him [pa
per of 3d December,,lB6B.]
The Doctor came into my office
either the day after Thanksgiving or
the day after Christmati, and asked me
if I had, the form ,of a will ? I took
"Dunlap's Book of Fmms," and show
ed into him, and gave him the form of
a will. He asked me for a half sheet
of paper, and. I gave it, .to him. ,He
then took his lead' pencil and copied.
the entire form: of the. will ;from the
bebk.:_After he bad finished, he remark:-
ed voluntarily that he; wanted , it 'for an
old man in his father's,•congregatien.•
basked him if duke was any real estate 'I
to, be devided? He said, yeti., Ltda.
him he should be very carefutin:
,ing the will, and referred him to several
.elauses.for-devleing-real testate on.tho.
.opposite page;_, telling him at.the same
time that ,he had better get some attar-.
_ney, who understood' drawing. a_
,This was all the' , conversation: that oct,
burred at that.timtt, and the 'Motor left'
the oft.ce, „The form is on:page 878 cif
'Dunlap's , Towns, in Book ;shown f to
Witness: Dunlap's - Book bf Forms.of
fere& in .evidence. , Objected to, and'
objectlort . in - eluded in , last exception.;
From the book read to jury by Com
-41011:Wealtli: •
JOIN *A., KeLso, atoorn-41 wt s in
timately- acquainted., with Maria.:M
Stenueoke during her lifetime. I knevt
her between 46 and 60 years:, I noVer
Anewhar as !She.was eV& 20
'kettle :91d. when. I Arse knew, her.;; ti
Orin ,ar4mina—Slie trim a iniellj
$l3 woxnan ; f nether robust in, liar aP
,pearancermet Very tall
Commonwealth offers, hitter :of 'Dr:
Schooppo ,tp Mies Stonneche,; - asking
for money:' liettor dated Nevemlaer 1 0
Objected hY defendant as
per' last '.ribjection: l, '
Letter read by Oommonwealth.),
1 .
",-,„.. 1.! - ''';‘‘
,; ;_. 7 ., '.i' • '. 1 1' , . , .: , 2 , .:!, , - ; , . ''.,.,,,,
I ': (..
~.i . y . ;,;:.::.; ~:„,,,.:.; . • ...-• i
1.0 .3 . 1 ;', 1 ,, -
~,‘ ' . i :: - : i" ,, • ~, ;., L., ‘'..-.,..... 1 : , t
,in . " ' ' _
. . .
. .. ..
is a copy of the : let-.
ter read n. evidence:•
. Baltimore.
Carlisle, the 7tl; Of,Hov.• DAB: ; 1
- - • Dear Miss STIDINEcRE,
As I have been rather busy in a last'
week I could not anavito soon as I
wished your-esteemed letter of the 20th
of October, which I received with much,
pleasure. But now I cannot endure to,
preserve longer silence, and. I havelle-!
voted a part Of this day to answer your,
last letter—feeling very grateful -for!
the long letter you have sent me. At!
first allow me to express you that the
sincere interest which fills my heart to
ward you is ne wise altogether profes-'
sionally. I keep the friendship of al
magnanimous and noble lady higher!
than the interest of my business. Thatl
you have - been getting along comfor
tably without any inconvenience or de-!
rangement since you left. Carlisle, I!
cannot help seeing in it an observable
effect of the Medicine. I have been:
astonished when I was reading in your •
letter that you ase eating sometimes at!
tea some werm• rolls and biscuit with
out having felt any inconvenience from
Iffileed - the-unpunished-succesat
of this action 'of .your free will and in
dependence seems to me to be a very.
good sign of riot having taken the med
icine without a delightful effect. ._I hope
and wish that this good state of your
health ma be of duration. Although
`I have no expressellfies -
out a soft doubt of their reality. For
I know as a physician how deceitful
sometimes this subjectivewell feeling
is. You have written me that the oc
ulist you have selected for - the treat
ment of your eye, has already relieved
Offie'gentleman and others of blindness
of some years standing -- adkig=qtrid - thatyou -
see in this a-proof of his being not only
nominally but truly a man of great and
distinguished ability. But with regard
to this I keep myself obliged, as a true
friend of yours, to express to you that
this alone• is not yet a full sign of a
really able and good Oculist. There
are many cases' of blindness of which
to relieve men is not too hard. I keep
myself confirmed in my opinion so
much the more as you have written me
that you cannot but feel sad,. and that
i your eye is no better.. If the mode of
treatment your eye-physician is pur
suing with your eye, is very apt to
cause a false leLch-bite, I cannot un
denten& why he does not use natural
leeches, which are to' be got in a city
very easily, and are a good deal cheaper
than the-generation you must suffer.
But, however, I feel very grateful for
the detailed description of the treat
ment of your eye you have given me,
and I hope yet you will have a good
success of it. I will pot leave off, look
ing in God in your behalf, for I know
that all human effort is vain without
the help of the Almighty God and of
our Lord Jesus Christ. Ad you Wish
'ed, I have called at Hannon 's-Hotel,
and asked for a pleasant room for you.
I got the answer that you can get it
when you come, and that the-Hotel
keeper will do all he can to make your
residence here pleasant. I would be
very glad if I should see you in a short
time, and I hope I will get this pleasure.
Returning you my sincerest thanks
for your kind inquiry after the state of
my health, I cannot but say, that I
am, thus, far, quite well. As a friend
I will tell you that I would make a
very successful business if I had the
sufficient money. Dr. Herman, whom
you are knowing perhaps,ls going to
leave us for ever. 'He bas.a.very large
practice here, as well in town as in the
country, which he has offered me, if I
would buy at the same time his three
houses here, for which he is asking
$5,000. He wants momentary $2,000,
which :I would pay now, and will allow
me - to - pay the rest of $3,000 in four
years. Out of his books, which I have
looked in, I have seen.that his practice
brings 'him in $lO,OOO a year If I
could bold only the hay of his practice
I would make well and good $5,000 a
year, so that the three houses were
paid in ono year. But for want 'of
these $2,000, I am afraid another hap
pier man will get this fine business.
Meanwhile I am quiet; the -will of my
Gad may be done.
What you have written in regard
to gallantry to the fair lady wßom gos
sips said I were flirting around, I could
not understand at first the sense of
your words, as I could not recollect
having waited on a lady. Before, I
had' not heard one word of this gossip,
but now, after having made inquiries,
I know that the origin of this gossip
has been in my medically treating of
a lady; who having been sick, sent for
me. •
[my seal.]
People who did tuMtnow the reason
of myvisits may have thought perhaps
I weie' flirting around-this lady on ac; - •
count of courting her. But now as she
is well already long time, I think this
gossip, which I do not care at all much;
may be grown dumb. 13eaides my
life is very solitary and joyless:. I
know God will give what is :the best
forme, and that is my consolation.;
I hope you Will . 'kindly excuse'this
long epistlewhich comes late, and in
which I. am, convinced may be, many
errors of the Emglish language. But,
I trust you will not look• so critically
on the words but on the heart out of
which. theae words aro coming. lu,tlfie
hope, I am your ein6e7.Wriend,
Mits. MARY Piltaßkrecalled—Her
cheeks appeared to be swollen a little
Her breathing, I: thought, had no effect
upon them. She breathed veryheavily,,
amounting to a snore. -I saWldr. Moore
_under the influence _of morphia; he
breathed heavily, amonnting,to a snore;
not, such, a snore as A person. sleeping;;
if was' rather distressing. . As went ash
I recollect • her cheeks remained quiet.
,* 'Mits. LavitgA SitiNnEr., c, r'ecalted.L—
Th'ere was no flapping or moving of
her. cheeks,; they were quiet/ .Iwas
there most of the day:.,i ' ,
~, j
DR. CONRAD, recalled.-1 difi il!;t:,
examine,; her lridneys, because there
were .;,no other evidences ,of Brightle
diseasefop other disease of the , kidney;
w hich tad,i y been; present, Would
cortainlYll 4itiae f ipd,m'y ateetitOni
the chief p , rise, were the, mdema and
ammoniacal odor which attend that
disease, both , before Lind after , deatli a
and' are til o . pioiniA et' t ; when foun4;' tut
to 'attrat:thO:ktteAtt",(4,,(o4;,lllofettl
)ilan:,:AqJripli6 . : oo l46 . pteitl.eXaolleatioti
of the kidney; (would•bave &men - useless
, at'that perioditifter'death. , , I belieVed
Ite7., to beiai
, 4iiii4 • from ;that -source.•
A have hits;iniobdi iSf' the
past_yetir;„befcre tbis.examination w enf r
foxing : frOm this ,diermse, .03rigl4i8 1
Thor° 'woo no 'olipng!Vof the itiooneff, to
1 ''
1 ;:, t
_ t, i ,
which I could attribute '
With Which I' am adqUaiated: I hiean
there was no natural cause, to account
for her death. • .
Cross Examined,—l do not know.
whether the codeine and amain:Jim:al
odors are- present.eb' long after death:
Lean only speak from expi3rienee..--
' In C4V—Had this lady Aied'lliMY'
_Bright's ,disease, there would ,have been
fluid in. the: abdominal .cavity to :an ab
-norrrialamount; which •would haVeheen
found iliordidn the post . inoitent,'l'be
•Cross Examined—l.oaunot Imagine
the fluid to have penetrated the eutiro
tissues and escaped, iii' twelve thir-,
teen' 'days after 'ileatlifthis fluid 'he.
ing,rn a fibrous sac.
/las not death • tak en , plade
didesse'Withent , eititshig
any 'rdorbid"ehingd in thd'beilk, ) er,
leaving any trace except in the.kid
nays 2
Ans. I do not know an instance in
my experience, nor do I remember one
from books Of the best authority.. I
do pot recognize Flint's or Watson's
Practice of Medicine as authorities on
this subject. I did not examine the
urtgenitalorgaus of the deceased.
MRS. MATILDA WOODS, sworn,7-=1
was present at the time Mr. Rheem. Dr.
Schoeppo and Mr. Miller were reading
Miss Stennecke's will. While ..Mr.
Miller was reading the will, rending
the schoaripo-threw.u ,
hands and said, "is it possible ! is it
possible ! is that all I" The legacy
she left to Mr. Rheem's mother. I
know of nothing, more at - that time.
DR. CONRAD, recalled—Question—
State from your experience or-knowl
edge derived from books, what drugs,
or medicines might make the symptoms
you observed.
Ans. I have no experince. Frim
books, Wharton & StiHe's Jurispru
dence, and from Stite's Therapeutics
or Materia Medica; the description in
those -two Woks of the postmortem
appearances of a body dead from
'Prussic acid 'resemblea this body very
closely. The former work, - Wharton,
first attracted , my attention to the close
similarity to the description of the ap
pearanee-of the body so that -I was in
duced to look fitrther In thelatter - book
for corroboration of the first. The first
description resembled it so' closely that
with few exceptions it could not have
been better written it it had been writ
ten from this body itself. Those were
the only two books In which. t observed
anything of the kind spoken of. They
were shown me some time after 'the
first pose mortem. I was ignorant of
them before. _ . -
Cross ExamVned—l read the books
within a week after the post mortem.
The appearance of Abe- body and the
result of my examination; was the same
as stated in my testimony _a few days
ago, with one exception. I did not
state in my testimony - before, during
this trial, and the previous examina
tion, a chieurnstatkce I now remember,
and which is the exception. One of
the. gentlemen, Dr. Ridgley or Kelso,
asked me to look at the hand of the
body, for a ring. In looking,' my at
tention was attracted to the contracted
hand and fingers.
' -Dr. A. J. HERMAN, recalled— Ac
cording to the 'symptoms that I have
seen in the subject, anti from the de
scription of Dr. Conrad's post mortem
of the body; that it had
traces of natural disease, that, the -
brain, 'lungs and 'heart s and kideys
were all in a perfectly niirmal condi
tion, no signs of any disease, in the.
body at the time ho examined ; and ta
king the condition .of the blood which
is a fluid condition said to be occa
sioned by Prussic acid, lam led , to
believe by the compounding of Prus
sic acid and morphine, that that was
the cause of her. death.
Cross ExtztAined.—l do not know
•of a case wbertrany body was poisoned
by such compound. I never read of
of one. The condition of the, bio2d 'is'
according to, Stills . that produced by
by 'Prussic actd. Prussic acid being
a very quick poison, fak'en by it
self, in conjunction with 2.grains of
tartar-emetic, acts as a powerful, seda
tive in old persons, depressing apd re
laxibg. The affects of the morphia along
with it,with repeated. doses of morphia
in ever, two or three -hours, P think
would have a tendency to stay the ef
feet of the
_Prussic acid that long in
the subject, prolonging-her snfferOgs.l
revealed a case where these combina
tions were used. I do not know of
any ease recorded, where, this , com
pound had been need, 'with or with
out these results. The morphia and
Prussic acid would act .as sedatives to
the system, then the morphia given to
given to hold up, the action of the sys
tent as a stimulant, rkconeiderable ;time
and prolong life. lam ,!satielied these
results would follow from-the nee; •of
thisnompound, without experiment. I
titn•satisfied of this 'from my own rea
soning ott the' subject and willing . ,LO
testify to it. I• •
Da. .S. 3. KißPFEß," . .recallerl—A.
hypothetical 'case'laying been , put to,
the.witness, ‘. embodying, the,,-facts as'
prOven (or' alleged by 'the. Chimaiou- •
.wealth) the witness .was asked, !from
thirstatemeitt; what would lie histttpiti
ion- as' to the 6ause. of,ddiith:` ' "
The followingis the .14Potlietierti!
case.propoundetb to the.soveral ntedi-!
calexpests •td , • !•• ".
- `Stn women 41 yenta iten'on the uhltiitigi
of the Tali otlanuary; at 1) O'clock; On the 'and and In,
the book, transacting buelueoe,hnryrtiringlpillcattegr
rip nnrrounuces, and a littl e artorllo'clnek a(rhe Barnet
morning *malted Coin' nem° subuttMeo adrplaistarqdl
to her abAuntallll phat'ten'O'clook) Yeaoluraid prostrate!
and innfflldealtg.ll n'elnek In the Afternoon or; mot ]
thiy,atito Alock An 14, hut not seenalneyery ; Intho'
e'rontrig betideeA,l" anll tr' o'clock 'found very "tick
and eloppy,no DATA, so-that•wheriblttlog ountehalt,
brAngundrceood eheerbal4 tallaoleep ln the ambr
or tiro pomp un'yonalng het, and would bun"' bo
Aroused b,calllng her ; 0 Welicits t theberne dvoht
•Ing not • aroused•by Indooking , at. tier &or by:Calling
at o'clock t bit non tehorning fooled lahailnelnlelble;
'breathing gory hard, not conyalelvely, not, beingl
a 'more, but making holed 1111)1dathlte'bor'eyeA
very little oponi.",lylog•. , •" , •ptreltion
.to hot Inttc,nl4o; •bar; rtprobeaq c1552t
nr, with perepluttlen,,bo bulb. about the•niontlt; u
iprillitig• butt)! the ch n eld'brdettilng,' fib Meta°
ofreatureel no cannulistonn, , thobrentlihinot reAttler
ne rigidity of!. theAnt li` les,nbont, 3,9'ctopk, 0(4,011 ,
morning rqgrirAtlgh, O0.0.13111r4t141:09( Abe bed
• about' net:Aral; nkhr• m hot h
• oath°, loft tilde; 'her IlWoul'lalb'ilikkele benne,' r ,
poleci,spoming natural; pu4seloolnoehlrelanntl ; ;Oeto
aconhiulatt'a of nellta• 4,t 11. L o'clack 71e121,. aye
'oleeed,•iluplloot•Abebyett CuntArctadlrdth ' Ilkb,ll4v
fog conlcalgather elongatoll dbatlA;lthin tlentlyto
witheut, m
chengoeomottencrutil 4 50 1 1441101tP31 , 1 1
log Or that d afia M 04117 1 ,76, anti A grimy at bit'
lug bben 'inhumed 12 MA afterkhn deuth', lend tiro venting. tho 4peatancee 'deriolibodaiyilDr:Vonala,•
lob tootineouyarr to tao .I . l4etertemirbetulnetlorrio
'tiro bod y of Mho 11, Stertboeko, whit ' reuld'bq Tont
roplntdu nett"' thecaueli oftlloritle • - • • '
, A/4404d •"•11, 1
4 'hi Because' lti is bat:Katie rdailla) Inlthe their,
OA' c• 9 ":11 2 d. iterilledhluttrPoPoil,9l4
blade by llooon I nose rand contradlo
ah4lireorble ItyldOlindlie tar
;theme. te otwittotilabbourmetici le i
otanclr : 0 01 , 4AWKFlia/}raz4 - fißdt KruP
recta o entirely oral ,• 4 . CIO In no, Arta
ease to, dubmltted to •'''Orltlicen"and"ba
• *Mph r. lie, dux ',properly %Ivo, an • brduton; kt•tb.
11 19// d WiI"V ul , llnlirP3ol9P. togvl N . tl .% atitg °r l l =•tatetiktaatoilitpt46,• . o:
get as doroaion lee , apinloWnotlenta , brAl*
' ', he jut,
u 1 "°•140. 1 PF.9P , 112'.1P409 ), q44 Pkgt
't. • • • •
Ans. I must Premise ray answer' by
saying that a medical geatleinan Would,
be unwilling to base,an opinion upon
the judgment, or the interpretation of
symptonis,:by what.might be called!
the ourprofession 'and in my
opinion - whilst I may- oonsider-qheae,
NUB by . the laity. as to symptoms, L
niust-be—infinenced-by the .-. facts .and;
incidents connected-with the, early his-1
tory of the case. Dr. 14ermati!s obser
vations, the facts there in detailed the
autopsic appeara4es in detail, . and;
from all these considered as related one!
to the other,. I know of no natural;
causes that would 'produce these results.
What I mean by natural, cause, is die-, I
-ease. I have an opinion.and yet Ldo
not know' that it would be• right. to.
express - it as an unqualified ;fact; be
cause it is based 'partly on 'llypothell-'
cal, partly on constructive prinelples,
lid partly on my own observation and
experience: owthis ground .am.
justified in giving an opinion, theft.
I will give it. The negative. facts
proving clearly that she, : died., from
no natural,. causes are clear .to ,my
mind, but ' tlicr positive data, whilst
I believe they show clearly that the
subject received both' pituisieacid "and
morphia, I cannot say unconditionally
that they caused her death.
an unconditional opinion I would ask
for more positive evidence' than we
.Cross-Examined:—l did say. I
.1 flaw it would not. convey my idea
and dropped it..
---Dr: W. W. Dahn,-Sioorst :—Hypo6
thetical case read to witness, and 'ones
tion,put as to. cause of death :
Ans. I could not - from the post
mortem examination see the results of
any disease that caused her death.. She
died from no natural cause,, evidenced
by the pod mortem examination. My
opinion, from the post mortem examin
ation as detailed by Dr. Clorirad-, is
that she died from no natural cause.
Such being the case and coupled with
the symptoms detailed here, the con
viction -would irresistibly force itself
upon my mind that the immediate cause
of her death was , epium or some of its
preparations. That state Might have
been influenced,- or rather the ,predis
posing condition may have been' caused
by other means, or the taking of other,
drugs or medicines. .
There may have been some 'predis
posing cause:; the emetic taken the
day before_ may have been the remote
cause,and doses which - would - not have
been 1) oiso no u dangerous would be
come so. The ocinibintitien ayirip
toms detailed I could not account for
in any other way than by opium, or
some of its preparations.
Oross-Exand?ted. ;---The symptoms
I rely upon are, on the evening prece
ding her death the drowsiness mani
fested, amounting almost to a stupor,
her comatose condition 'in which she
was found next morning, the-charac ,
ter of her breathing, the contracted
condition of the pupils of the eye, the
relaxed 'condition of the muscles, upon
these taken together I, found my opin
Dr. G. W. HALDEMAN, Sworn
Am a practising physician, have been
for 15 years. (Hypothetical c tkz . put
to witness.)
• Ana. The results of the post
mortem examination made. by Dr..
Conrad show no evidence of any dis
organization of any of the parts exam
fined ; that all the organs preseeting a
healthy £ appearance as examiped.-
1- have no hesitancy in giving it
as my opinion, by some cause or
causes, other than natural, must' have
produced, Miss Stennecke'e death.
Her eyes being partially closed, her
breathing nearly natural, flaccidity of
muscles, absence of stertor, and the
blowfug,,sound in breathing, the con
traction of -the pupils of the eye, a
comatose condition from which she
could not be aroused, I would natur
ally' conclude, without personal obser
vation, that the, immediate cause of
her death must havg - been owing to a
too free nee of or administration of
opium or some of -its kindred prepara
Crass Examined r-,-There was .ho
evidence of death from•natttral causes.
. _ . .
.In-Chef: : —Morphia is one of- the
preparations of opium.
Cros-Examined :—The paper was
read to me after dinner, as read in
D tirk. CotiNMAN, Afftemed.—
Am B . a physioian, have been
for !22 , 1 years. (Hypothetical case
stated to- witness and question pro.
Pounded US'io canto of death:)
Ans. P,rediesting an_apinion upon
the hypotbeeid hero stated and upon
the teetimody of Dr. Conrad, as.tothe
post mortem examination, I cannot
conceive that 'the individual died from
.any natural cauee and that death must
have repulted, but from some narcotic
poison, either opium'. or some of its
Oross-Examined t-1-41 base, my, opin
ion upon the symptoms mentioned in:
thittopaper, the'pupile °Utile eyes be
Contracted,' the ternetode condition
'of the individnal frent•whieh she could,
not . aroused a certain time,
•her lying • updn - her side all •the time,'
and front the . post mortem appearances;
felate,d "by Dr.•o,6nrad, he fact' cif
,her;gradualry:getting inta AAA" Coma.
mu): condition, from her : sleeping and;
:falling into, the artinhernurem .3
• In- Chill addition the chimney
,condition, of, the dila, the ticOuniult,-;
.tion, of esliva. Ihe..niuntb. Would,
evidence. ,• There "are no other ~ f aCts
inention'ed in this paper which would: ;
-induce me to change the` 'opinitue , I,;
'have li3readyn'expr4)Ai
Dr.SAstUnreP.Zninr,tnt,.k2CO2 , 2l
I have:. beema practicing Physician;
67 er 2 •1• Yids; • , •
hyp 9 thiitictti 6ei3 in1,t;03.11 ttiq
qloatiail..t 3l o. l opiiii,q4 ohm
diea tuituristeause and if not What
in 'hiwnpinion, , caused •her death.)
.116 ' OY II -4i*Ei
As • led If4thin thatpaper, ibn4 1 4444/44
,up the:: post Din orteuf :examination
Joilvalcink the temiltAof thatpatigort.
p4ntilhtitln`,b ?Dr;' bah ;ii
1 : /," 1 , ( * 4.tilFilt,P44lo49tdeath i .
t+l4 ng , ,tue. symptoms - ,as pettAilecti .14
that , paper v,it .btmars rtol my , m +that
, detith innethave'beeni,;catuied by!flo?mit
i 11 ?.' 1 , 4 # 6 4, 1 j i 1 ti d i 0t i . , 0 ,44 4"‘ " 4,
, puila 41mo:it), oft
13,140e:it i,Extuni•Actit) 4 44lo4l3o4oY•
Jthe idratitshiesti itirts::etip , -
1 ) ' 0"Yt l Y0,§00014;0 40 1 1 .00 0 fk i
Ark., ,AL.L;I: AniApttget ck;ifooei3giite
Of the brain, from which she coaid:Di;
.taroused,'an,y4 I etternaV.
tiottilittgilio 4 loo7 - tttaib-b,
1,11 i •
•, • `
' +
ing, from ,hereye4ids being partially,
open, and the pupils of both eyes beiiig
contracted.Palike; from:the - entire relax
ation of! the mitscular.system, and,the
clammy persperation.
Alexander, Ewing : i(Recalled.)-4
-had another conversation-a , daror two.
• after. my , first one, ,with Dr.' Sshoeppe;
He-told Me a few daYs afterwards, he
said.either he had been offered a sum
to: go ,away and save trouble, or,hti`
would ge if he *as offered a sum ,of
money, In connection .. .with the first
converiationle teld me that after, this
gossip 'was :all . over and--every, thing
fixed , he' would, have, the money,
and - he, would mains those, parties who
published his name ,to the world suffer
for, it. ' , .
•• ,•John H. ‘Rheem, (Reicqll6cl.)—Du
ripg the time of Mrs. StenneC,kellsick
mess, some.time; during. they day she
died, the 28t1i,of January last; he , said
,(Dr. ; Seheeppe • said), ; she , bad simp
totes.-of small-pox and typhoid' fever.
She waSkvery fleshy 'about the chin in
life. . It ,is my; opinion that; be face
inclinedto one-side: -- -
• ,-, (Gross EzaAined.)—l. never before
mentioned that, the Dr., told me slie had.
symptoms of smallpox or typhoid.
Jo ust have:b_e_eu_some_time,age_that.T. ,
told It :to - the counsel. The reason I
did. not tell it before is because 1 hive
not an infallible memory. It was in
her room -he told me. I don't kno - w
what part of the day it was. I can't;---
Dr. 4 S B,,Kieffer(lhcalled.)— By
the term "unconditional opinion" I
needv.yesterday,- Dmeant • that whilst.l
believed from the facts detailed in that
paper and the post mortem examination
that both Prussic acid and'morphia
had been received and that we had
the evidence of their combined influ !
enee, while I mu—familiar with the
therapeutic action of morphia . and al
it() have considerable experimice with
the same action of Prussic acid - yet
my experience and knowledge of the
action of Prussic acid is not such as to
justify an unconditional opinion in
case, in the absence of chemical proof
by analyst.
At - 9. 30 A.'M., Friday, the case on
the part of the defendant was opened
to the Jury by W. H. Miller, Esq. .
J. D. Adair, Esq., (Sworn.)- - 1 took
these notes of 'testimony on the hear
ing of the habeas corpus. Dr Her
man wag 'swam and examined as a
witness on that occasion. My .recol
,etion' is' that I took almost' - every'
word that fell from the lips of the wit
ness. I have the notes before Me of•
what he said on that-oceagion. Wit
ness reads from his former notes. •
I took down almost every Word .
Have no recollections of testimony
except my notes. Dr. Herman - spoke so
distinctly that I heard almost every
word he said. Only one word I re
collect of not hearing was "hemi-fleg
la." Account published in CARLISLE
HERALD fuller than my notes.
S.,Hepburn Jr. (Sworn.)—l was
one of the counsel for Dr Schoeppe. in
the hearing of the Habeas Corpus.
I took notes,of Dr. Herman's testimo
ny. All that Dr. Herman said is not
all on my notes, but there is nothidg
in ttiem hedid not say.
Henry Newsham, (Sworn.)-1 was
of counsel for Dr. Schoeppe I took
notes, partial ones, there was more
said than was taken down. ( Witness
rend, from. notes.) I
Catharine _ Linn.,..(6"w0r0.)--Fame
to Carlisle before the Holidays. f was
not well, I was not well for this long ,
time. I was very nervous. I went to
Dr. Schoeppe. He gave me medicine,
He gave me drops, I don't knOW
sure how many I. took at first. Ido
not remember if it was three or five.
It did me no good. I increased it to
ten drops by the directions of the Dr.
It was increased to fifteen drops I
guess, took them two times a day, in
the morning and evening. He would
not let me-go home and told me I bad
to stay here-and keep ofi taking the
drops, that if anything should turn up
with me I should give.him word right
Crass 'Examined:—He began to give me
them after Now Year's. 1 had.not been in
town long before Holidays came in, the day,
before. ,I took medicine through January
from him. The week after the Holidays
I.llrBVitw fir. Solooppo. It was 'sow
after Nevi Year's.' .He gave me some pow
ders and drops the first time I saw him.—
, That , was the time he gave me the three
drops. That was the first week after New
Year"s. He told .tne to take them in sugar
and water, ho gave me the drops and told
me to be particular and not take more than
he told me. They were in a small bottle.,
kept, it on the buretUr. I ran t ed with my
Atha near Mr. Fells, ,in town. I havo
not the bottleethrow it.away . I guess,. I
took. it all.. .1 took :16-drops twice, a day,
two-or three weeks, did not .take the . first
week-quite so much. I lived in. the coun
try eleven miles from here. Stayed here
four weeks. -Nobody 'told moo to throw
away the bottle. I guess I throw 'it away,
I do.not,know whore it. is. .
Mae. MA:III Pathratit, moor's: -4 never,
noticed anything crooked.. about Miss.,
Stennecke's face or mouth.„ I.did not tell
1/r; Herman the day of her death that she,
hada crooked-mouth,. board no one tell
.ing.htea so.. Dui not . notice her. tongue
:protruding; her!mouth.inclined a•little to
:the, left,' more goals the afternoon .than
;the-morning.: , ;
Lax/ NIA Bouvinni,,
:Never saw, anyAting crooked about Miss
-13teunecles face before ..her .111ness:. I did
.not tell , Dr...lierman that she had a crooked .
Ace; did not hear-any one.'telling him so.
:Her worlth, was drawn to the left side and'
hbr tongue also, a little protruded, her
. nose. was alsb turned a little turned to that
Aide, more .than I Alier obServed, else a
little discolored. : .
Cross . Examined • t'ongue and
imouth inclined to the• hide on ivhteh she
, wavlying, the lOW side, ..tihe had rather
Mits. ••Nx, • (re'-Croes 6 :Examined
1 did not; perceive any • smeWabout the
bottle of drops itt4hat time. • 1 dropped the
and took, them. •I , haVe - the
.iniwer , smelling now an&before t 00....
PRe/irt-Chief 5..4 thought 'lliad a MN'
cold in •pry head.
Mies ;0, oarronr, worn.
•prdienti aftor'olitise • fitannecke died a and
hoped to lay e her out. There was noovl.
deuce of ,purging t ,11,er limbs, were not
rigid." She was warm, hen I Una her out: .
I can Scarcely', reaseraber how she was when
Istiiv Wafter hhi death, appoared'to be
'fri3clinitithil her ' - , • - '
1110key.•7t .
went theitritS ;half past Ali in' the. even , .
Woodii and •Alre':.•'.lt4erte Weir&
'bothlhbre4iditiclyy else inittni'r O at the
time, Mr. John iTheenientriofgr*-LLMr.'
'r *loge - Wag' not• tiiive when' 1 edit ••-'
nb"t!tlioirolid✓iYoil j':; lVait
•"''• . :•“z.l
L itt finitinilire'rviutinesßur it hdider r eWlien
told' Me between 6 anttl'o'dlookolh - iNe•
morning. I was in hgd, t wepttitttle - her
her '.ln an;
Oda ibtOctelStAtil•OM/ IPlik WlJi'lidr
MOuth o,kke% tonOin'OrtiWii
Ilireathing tterivilYi short breathe; 'ride very'
• . „,
abort, - not 'natural, rumen,' Occationally
very slight stoppage inter..broathipg, ler
nose drawn somewhat to the left, side,
nothxamine her c oyaip., they were 'closed
when`l Went in ; they remained closed all
day, 'wan in,her robin • nearlY 'ill:day, •
felt her mils% it was not , regular, - became
weaker soon faster Iwcintinto her room, it
was stronger when went litttiweak
ened rapidly,,l, applied warm applications
to her feet, found them Cold at, hlgh as.the
instep; her loft hand Mi 'told mid' not the
right, sent for thet.Doctor in the morning
about 7-o'clock, sent forlirs. Woods; her.
cousin, ; Mrs.' Woods ; come, ,
,breught hir,
Rhoom there. , Mr. Ithdem,wouV .for .Dr.
Schoeppe : ;-Dr.•Schooppo i Nhoni ho came
in fell upon, his knee 'anct,Pht his 'ear*.
her chest: He then said 'lle wddld'go' for
the stethoscope.• Ho after Wards 'said'
would • like to have another. Physician
called in. Mr.,Rheeric asked him who he
should call in, and ho signified it vow im
material. He' did not say so; I think he
said it didn't matter. When Hr. lihmun '
said Dr. Horinan he said, yos•Dr. Harman.
He said& his object in sending' for Another
Physician Wm to.bnow Whether she would
bear_blood-lettibg.., Dr. Schoeppoiaskod -
me'if I could' tell how. many, hours she
had lain in that condition. Ho then said
if it had been but two! or three hours then
she could boar blood-lotting; but he was
afraid she *as too weak now, He then
ordered mustard, plasters to be
,applied to
her chest. Dr. 'Herniae caine'in about•ll
o'clock. ' They spoke tegether iti
I could, not understand it br.Schooppe
pronounced it' a etrokfi when he demean,
some time afterward's. Ireniained in the
MOM all deV,'except tWice When Went
to my meals. When 1)r. Herman Camp
thereat 8 o'clock in the 'Afternoon, was
standing at the Doctor's side,' being.. the
only person near to him, Doctor Herman
said., 4 , It is a stroke." I wont around to
the other side, and said, alert Doctor theie
is no hope; he said, very, llttki." s' 1
never told Dr. Herman that Miss Stennecke
had'a crooked face. •I• did not' evert sea
her full face, and didn't know -any, such - a .
thing as thatit WAS crooked. I noticed in
tho afternoon ,that she Wallin' u, Vol'use
prespiratley on the'right side, 'and not on
;the left. Her left hand was- cold :Dr.
Schooppe seemed to be very much distressed
about it and seemed as though he- would_
7ikoto gifCher something to relieve her if
he could, the skin blithe rght side' folt
natural when T felt it. The'Doctor un
covered her feet and examined them.
Cross .Examined.—Went to dinner -
at I o'clock ; and was out of the room
-8 o'clock when Dr.-Herman was there
the second time; I undressed her, felt.
her right 'side; she wes,lying on liter
left .side; at that time '1 merely felt her
left band and arm', and. remarked, on
the difference: On her'left side•l feit
nothing but her hand and arm , and no
other portion 'of her side; .
except' her
face.. The left tide •of her face .was
cold and the right warm. . It was .some
time between 3 -o'clock and;dark,l.felt
-her several times, the last time between
3 and 5 o'clock.
NO. 23.
WM. DaEw, (colored) sworn---I live
with Mr. Saxton, I waited at the table
when Miss Stennecke boarded at Han•
non's; attended to her at the table; she
complained frequently of giddiness in
her head. I met her between 10 and
11 o'clock on the Episcopal church
Square the day before - 'she-died,, — on
Wednesday ; I heard of her death the
next morping. I. asked her how she
was ; - she told me she felt very dull
and bad; oho had been eating beefsteak
the evening before, and she was walk:.
ing, trying to walk it Off. She was a
, very hearty eater; she generally would
take little things 'with. her. froth 'the
table, wrapped in a napkin, to eat be
tween times. I met her on Wednes
day; she died, sometime after
breakfast; Doctor Noble told me.
0. P. SANNO, ataorn.—The warrant
for Dr. Schoeppe was put in my hands;.
Lmade the informatiom , these charges
bad been talked about in town for sev:
oral weeks ; Dr: Schoeppe was fre
quently on the street during that tinr;
I found him in his office when I went
to arrest him; I told him I wanted him
to go with me to 'Squire Dohuff's of
fice, He asked me if I had a warrant
for him? I said, yes I had; asked me
if I would go with him to Mr. Miller's
office? I told him, yes. He asked
me whether there Was any word from
Baltimore from the examination; I told
him there was; he said it had been go
ing on for several days; that he bad
seen it in the papers. From Mr. Mil
ler's office we went down to 'Squire
Dehuff's Office.
Cross ExaniNit - ed,---.tte waSsonmplitit
excited when I arrested him • ,he 'ap
pealed to be very neivous. *t3'start
ed out to go to Mr. Miller's office and
he forgot his spectacles; he went;back
and got them; took his bat alq,ng.
- KENNEDY, Esq., sworn.—L-1
boarded at Hannonie last year, and oc
cupied. the 'front room over the lower
parlor. Some time in the fall, Miss
Stennecke came there and was_ placed
in the room immediately in the Near of
mine, the entry making a turn, and the
doorealinost joined; the transoms were
usually open in the evening. One
night, whilst she was there, sometime
between midnight and, dayliglit,"l was
awakened lutd startled' by a horse as'of
aome one in great pain or distress, or
as persons attempt to- cry out' under
the influence of nightmare„' I was.sat
isfied 'the noise proceeded from 'Miss
Stennecke's =alma rilinost Made
up my mind to go and 'ale:evil:lt 'Was
the matter, when I heard a deep.drawn
sigh, and then a cough, and some, one
moving in her room, or in bed. I heard
her voice calling one of the servants
about daylight in the-morning, to look
at her fire, I'tbink:, '
Cross Examined-1 could not tell
. whether she bad anything:like night 4
mare, or was dreaming:, Did not hear
of her being sick next morning, '
Am Assistant Surgeon' in the regular'
army; took my degree in October two
years ago; am acquainted' with,Plint's
'Practice of Medicine, it is atipplied
most the army, and is also tnit book Inmost
if not, all the medical Collegeb in the
U. States; in , the Easteill part'ef 'the
country at least:' bade knoWledge
of Bright's dinotise; 'p was calledlo Dee;
'a- patient in' a connitosii: 'condition,
in New tiNk" -city ;- '. , tlierb had' heen
no" previous"' physician' 'timid. The
patient died within twelve bourtw.': I
could not give a •certificate of 'death
without : an: autopsy; and • this 'showed
a-disease ; of the kidnOya,:'the Hindi
gianttlar kidney, it was Hrightiti2dit
easo,': this
_that form of kidney
that is not attended **frith Ledenaa.
Winter hefore last I attended nearly all
the autopdys at Bellevue , Ilospital;:a
very s' large • proportion ' ; of"tiliti reases
'showed diseatle-d - the -I ; kidnays;inany
of them having no slVellingilno drOps,y,
or oedema; the cedeirMis'anikililniation
of the Visit's. • When tbp',:itidne'ya 'do
ntoCeiorDtb the : 4NatertSollects itrthh tis
sues:'Phe' prOpor tibia atrautimo in
every,fohr E'e, Which ehnittedaNcede
niii. ' "That' . caen'requifed'Ati'atitobsy,
to find' the'c'aussiOf d&ltbi loytlevl . to
:give a certifiditte. Akifthi.nsAn'eitim
ination. by the nahed‘ nye is eouietne'd,
it might be 'a plineiplti 'metll'eal•sei
;eau&flaat death i can't ddcuri , ileavitig
inn -the; Organs of. tin= belly hi a Maltby
:tonilition-a , thtti is', th . fit,
be kttiskid , by:l3bme moons diticalcoelitt le
ofilybyibt Itai4oge4e;ocil) hitiininever,
.Unen• itilaid(ll6tOrt -
4titothol , La_ ,
' l , 4tithi"titql-LClllettitt <iiilAnet
I 'ottlyiey . itptUni httetidiairtrillske,tv
kidiatlyl4 , :bcfo'Ntiihietlttml,iketfott
lif"flie niidedie'optelit 1kad' 9601164
jell Abe ;I , 'inipokt;ikritA' sympt6in; inAho
inniteueue , a:44ll4l34
iwhoittflo blood beam:nes /olibrial by
tlideibiretv ODA