Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, May 28, 1869, Image 1

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For Blorcai,tiloWdveitisements ,
Legal Notices,
Professional colds without paper;
Obltua Notice and COmmunica
• donatelating s
to matte.sof pri
. _Natainterosts sione,_l o eonts per
. ihoe ". .
JOB PRINTINO.ur Job Printing °ldols the
neatest and - most complete establishment in the
Coun y Four good Presses, ands general variety
f mAterlaleuttedforplain and Fancy work oievery
I nd,enaties as tad., Jar Printing at the shortest
. life, and on the moat reasonable terms. Persons,
t 0 f Bills, Blanke.or anything in the Jobbing
no, will lEnd It to their interest to give us a call
D. ADAIR, Attorney-At Law,
0 &carnal°, Pa. ()Mee Esq.,No.
7, South Ilanover Eitregt. '
May 17-Iy. _ _
JJOSEPII RITNER, Jr., Atteney at
Law Mid Surveyor, Mechatllesburg, Pa. Office on
dell Pond Street, two doom north of the Bank.
kly..Buelnenti promptly attended O.
July 1.1861:
R. MILLER Attorney at Law.
Cr ',Office In Connor:ea building Immadia'aiy o¢
poalte the Court 'louse.
2Ouov 67.1 y '
C HERMAN, Attorney at Law,
lit ' Carlints, Vs., No. 9 Ithoetn's Unll.
July I. 1864—fly.
T -
OHN CORNNAN, Attorney at
PLaw (Mee in building nttnrbed to Franklin
llown,opposlle the Court Boum
Llannv 0.13,
V...E. BELTZEMOVER, , Attorney
.at Law Office in South Hanover street, opyo
• cßents's dry good store Carlisle, Pe.
September. 9, 1864.
JAMES A. DUNBA.R, Attorney at
Law, Carlisle, Pa. Office in No. 7, Rbeem's llnll
July 1., 11364-Iy.
lykr J. SHEARER, Attorney at
• law, Ware, North East Corner of the
Court House.
12feb 694 y.
IX No.lo South Hanover stroot Carlisle Ps.
AA_ Mato St.. In Slarion Ilnll,.Carlisle,
IL) LOcbman;2l' Main Street Carlisle, Pry, Sc:t
e. uttu- drawings, specifications do., and proruros pat
rots or luyentors:
14 feb •
at, Law .No 7 South Market Square, Car
lisle, Patina.
April 19, .18,7
DR. J. S. BEN D ELL.—lionicro
p‘thic Physirian Office In the room form
urly.occupled by Col. John Lee.
njan 69-Iy.
RIGHT, Dentist, from the
- wadi timore Collage of Dental B❑rgery
01.0111 co at the residence of his mother, East
ntt her street, three doors below Bedford
alt 1. 1664
(1 1 O. W. NEIDICII, D. D.
Lat 3 Remonstrator rif Operative Dentistry °Rile
altimore College of
ttillcm. Dental Surgery,
•sw e CHlleo as his rest
donee uipre.ite Marion flail, West Main street,Dat
I.Blrily t, 54.
E PEACE Ofilre, No. 3, Irvine's Ito..
In Kr:merle(Wilding. near Rheum's
Pa., hav jugt returned from the Eastern Cities with
he largest and most
pnosting of
Crosirriprp ,
VnAti ngs,
Gents! Furnishing - (1
i,v;ir brought to Carlisle.
His cloths eomprise
of the finest texturo and of all Modes.
Mr. Dornerbeing himself a praatlvd cutter of :Ong
ex - perlonco Is prepared to was rant period flta, P H
prompt filling of orders.
Plan Goode hp the yard, or rut to order Don't
lorgot the place.
umay •
_ Newton Towoshin l'a . Nov. 24, 18iiS.
L hereby certify lint I hero cc.ejcA. M iy.quarrs
I Liniment fur Sena...hes and Sparin nn two of To )
- . I horses with the greatest success, and would ree
ommond It to al I that ore In need of anything of
Of all the" New Spring Styles of , I the blvd. C. MELLINCEIt,
- The Subscriber laas just opened, at No. 15 North
Hanover St., a few doors North of tho Carlisle Deposit
Bank, one of the largest and best stock of HATS &
CAPS ever offered In Carlisle.
Bilk Hats, Cassitneres'of all styles and qualities,
Stiff Brims different colors, and every deslription
Soft Hale now made. The Dunkard and old fashioned
brush, kept constantly on hand and made to order.
all warranted to give satisfaction. A full assortment
of STRAW HATS, Men's hoy's and children'. fancy.
I have also added to my stock, Notions of different
kinds, consisting of Ladies ,, and Gent's Stockings
NockiTios, Pencils Gloves, Thread, SOW{ nit Silks, Sm
ponders, Umbrellas. Ac., Primo Segars and Tobacco,
alwsys on hand.
Give me a call and examine my stock, as I fuel eon
fidont ot pleasing, besides savior you money.
.1 QIN A. KELLER, Agt.
No, 15 North Hanover St.
e subscribers Navin; permanently located in
Carlisle, respectfully_selicit a share of the public pat
tronage. TRol shop is situated on the ph bile Square
.in.tho reanoll the let Presbyterian Church, where
they can always be found:
Beirig experienced mochas les, they aro prepared to
execute all orders that they May be entrusted with
Ina suoorier'inanner, and at very moderato prices.
BATHING TUBS, WASH BASINS and all ethereal
led in the trade.
mromPtly attended to in the moat approv al style.
JJGrEountry work promptly attended to.
itrit-All work guaranteed.
• Don't forget the place—immediately In the rear of
he First Presbyterian Church.
july27 06.1 v
Igecently organized, has been opened, for transaction
'of. general banking business, In the corner room of
a. Siren's new building. on the North West corner
aY ugh street and the C..ntre Square.
nn The Directors hope by liberal and careful manage
, bigiOnt to make this a popular institution, and a safe
nspository.for all who may laver the bank with their
. .
Deposits readved and paid back on demand, inter
eat allowed oh soefial deposits, Gold; Silver, Trehs.
ury Notes and Government Bonds, bought and sold.
Collections made on all accessible points in the
country. Discount day, Tuesday. flanking hours
- from 0 o'clock A. NI. to 3 o'clock P. Id'
• J. C. 11OFFLilt, /Whirr
It. Given, Preardent, %t in. G. Antler,
Thomas Paxthn, DaVid
didin W. Craighead, A. J
SimaY G&tf • Abraham Winner. •
Itinufncturod'at F. GARDNER .. 4 Co's Foundry
'and.lilanhine Shop, Car Hole, CANT BE SEAT Thlo
Is the tortlmony ofecoree Offamillce In Combo,land,
,Porry and Adams,Countlea, who are now axing thorn:
Call and era them. -
• ,uning either by power or by band—constabtly on
nand and for eale by F. GARDNER k Co. Foundry
and Machine Shop, East Blain Street.
We aro prcipared to mekb Etyma Boliera of all oboe
and kinds promptly and on tho liolroat terms. di
Smoke Stacks and all articles In that lino. Reran
.. •' rawer' Bonnie and Engines promptly attended to In
ttw boat manner. ; .
P. 0 AllDNgit A co.
, Foundry and Shop; Carllele, Pa.
Flee Lot of Dited.Beet, 'Beet Tonnuen; Hems,'
l d eraand Sides. Also, 'Vine lot of Choice Tees,
Dried Fruits of all ileserrptlon, such as Brunelle's.
Seedless Plume, Prunes, pared and unpered , Peaches,
Apples, pared and unparediNseen, German Cherries,
Au., with a full line of Groceries usually kept In a
first Grooer7 efote. •-, „
GE0..11. - TIOFFMAN,
Nol Sd, Bast Pomfret Street.
• • ." BENTZ .110 USE:•"
I (leormerly Coiinan
17 :AND' 19 EAST MAIN ST.,
;;;', 1 • biirpsLE; PSNIVA.,
Imo underalgoad haring. purabaued and entirely,
,railito4k ant furnished !WOW throughout with first
drum fernitore; this wellAnoWn'and old'estabiletted
nolleite the custom at the community and.
' Public: , Ile . Ja well prepared to• furnish
• firat-claw acsomniodations to all who desire to make ,
a their . Room or pleasant temporaiy abode.
The 4 'ecietem 'from the surrounding' country Is re ,
ikoapectfitily solicited. , Courteous and attentivo', ear
yenta pro engaged at' this popular hotelf r •, • ,
„ • p. littNTZ/Pre'rp•
N.'ll; .'A Ilret.ehnie Livery Is reoriented. with' the
'lintel the Management of Mr. JOB. L . i.."TeIIINEJI'
; • , , , • • :
Plaikrll 60-Iy. , •
LI 00
4 00
7 00
VOL. 69.
Chartored by Spacial Act of Congrors, Apprtthd
Cash Capital - $1,000,000,
Where the general business of the.Coropsilt; Is trans
'th which D2l . Ezersl e o rre:poodenco
should ho
W31.'11. PARKER
J AY COOK E, Chairman and Emamtiro
l). ConKY, Vlee-Pral.lcot.
EItSON \V. Secretary and Act unry.
This Company oilers the following
,advan taut,
It is a Nathmul Com p,any chartered by a
net of Congrces, tOOI. •
It has a paid op capital of $1 000.000.
It offers low rains of premiums. ,
It furnishes lancer insurance than any other rom
patties for thosolllo
It is definite and rest:tin In its terror.
It I. a home company in orery locality.
Its policies are exempt fri to all atilt men t
Thore are no nunece.,ry restriction in the poll•
Evart pot ivy is non-forfeitable.
Policies may be token which pay to rho insortol
their full saloon Laud return all Illy premiums. so
that - the .insuranoo cots only the interest 011 tho
annual payments.
Poi tnay be taken that will pay to the (mat, ea s
utter a certain numb, of 'year, tistring.lile. au an,
rots I Income of onto-tenth the ailment named In the
piney •
Nr• extra rots in charged h•r risks us on tlot ht••• ,
of females.
It Insures, not. to pay divAdMids to Vol ky•lioltlers,
Mara so lore a cost that divide ads will
tlrculirrs. Pamphlets and full parlielars given
on :tppliention to the Branch (office ot the l'ompatly,
or to
E. W, CL NE fr. CO., Philadelphia,
Oenoral Agent Hr Pennsylvania and Southern New
11,p 09-1 y
E -
Jr I -N--I •-M E N ,
his Valuriblr Preporat , on iy adviirolill
adapted to thn Cure of ull those Die
eases for Counter-Irritunt
or Knyrnal Iteinclku is required.
Abram 31orquiiirt, Esq , Los shown mo thu re
ceipt of which hii, "Liniment composed. From
mu know.edce of tip , limredien Is. I do not host tote
In certifying that it o 111 to benoliclol where an
extornal application of the lied ip indicated.
A. STEW:III , 31. D.
ShippetitMurz, Sept. 15, 1S 8.
Fully conversant - with the chemical is mpohents
and medical - effects at A. Marquetry:4 Liniment. I
chourfully commend it to these who stay pead
.laskOunt ill, pa. S. N ECIt ER. M. D.
Mr. A Montero t:—Dune Sir: I talc° olo,ure in
saying that I have tourrl so rt: Liniment for chap
ped hands, and it cured them and made them reel
soft I think It the Lest I base ever used, and
would cheerfully recommend M. to the general
A:. iclhr q uart :—Dear Sir: I have 1151.1},
shoot half.a: bottle of your Liniment on my horse
fur a bad Collar Gall, which was the most oliolivato
sore of the kind I over saw; also on my arm for
Rheumatism, and it has given entire satisfaction
In both cases. I would not do without 'it for ten
times It root eheeriully recommend It to the
. • -
Jacksonville, Po. , Nov. 20, 1060. •
A. MerquiCrt, i—Doar Sir I had a vory
seveio stMek nt Itllournntistu in my baciti so that
lirould tvarcoly walk, widoh W:18 y painful.
Alter using half a bottle of your celebrated Mni•
mmit, 1 was entirely cum!. 'Phis Is not o rerom
mendittion, but the plain truth. You eon make
any urn Oi till , you please
Mr. A. )lannindart n—Dear Sir I have used
3 - nlur valuable Linimeal, in my tinnily for dillor
ant paints undnachei, and It has proved sati.factory
in over) ease. I do think, as an oxlernal Lini
ment, it stands without a rival. I would cheer
fully reComniend it to the public. Respectfully,
(nliOltol.llS, 1'.06.01.
Jacksonville, Pa„ Nov. 21. 1868.
A. Nlarquart, Eso. :—Dear Sir: It affords un,
pleasure to certify that I have used your Liniment
on my neck. In a case of very Sera Throat, 'which
was touch swollen. and very I.:sinful. After two
or three applications, I found It to act like 'eagle,
and would recommend it as an excellent Liniment.
Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov. ID, Dia.
thy'AGENTS WANTED! Address
Walnut Bottom, Climb. Co., Pa.
For sale at HAVEIIeTICK A; BRO. Drug Store,
Carlisle, Pa.
Mee 65.1 V.
Wheeler and Wilson and Elliptic
Sewing Machines.
The Best Simplest and Chtapest.
THESE inachines are adapted to do
.01 lauds of fatally Rowing, ,vorklug equally
upon 011 k Linen and Cotton good, with
Cotton and linen threads, ortlcln4 a boautl till and
perfeet*lteh alike on both Hides of the article
All machines told aro riarrantad. . •
Call and examine at Rail Rend Telegraph Omen,
Cattalo, Pa..
May . 24, 1867-tf. .101.11 , 1 0n31P11E61..
DR. W. D. ALL.
I:IOMOEPATiIIe Physicians and
Medical Electricians. Ware and residenco, ,
No. al, South Lianover Street, Carlisle, Puna.
/01 Mute or Chronic diseases 'ilucc . thisfully 'rented.
Fulmer Donaldson, Uniontown, Pa, Cured qf
lleitrt Disease, of two yearn standing. in five weeks.
-Uad been givon up to die:__. .....
Miss Clara Otibert, ilerinantown, Pa. Liver Com
plaint, of two yeaitt standing. Cured in two
months, •
;Benj. Itoescr, - Uniontovin, rn. Inthiumtion of tho
ayes, with, iOBl4 of tho ulght of oniooyo,' of silicon
yearstanding. Curet! in thr. , o months.
Mrs Mary 01Mort, Cleimantown,.lht. Dyspepsia
of ten yeas standing., Owed lit two months.
Mr. F. T. Wood, Ohned Ave., and Warnoak
Philadelphia.' Cured. of tioneral Debility of three,
years standing.
Miss ilanne, Morris, 1221 Girard Avo., I•hlia Pa.
Dyspepsia and Gravel or three years standing.
Cured in six Wealtn.
: Fronk Frier, 742 North 18th ttr cut, PhiMolollll,
Rwu of, nine .yoars standing.
Curectin,live month,,.
Mrs. A111.V.16M Browning, Boiprn, Ohio. Womb
dlseasnof Itt years standing.. Ceasing at -limes
Insanity, an that bur frionds Ogre compelled tWlrs
'to put her Into an Insane. Asylums ,guredi In tven
• '
. . .
All.consultalonlrue. Mom titristly nrivato
Ilho. hall .roopootlully rutin% to, tho following
rnfildlng'lta eradiate. 'dia.;Jaa,-alusonholinor,
m r .; W m , matfugo, ' re. Win. Jackhon alrx:
Ballot; alra. [Wiry Snyder, and loony othera.
2aron:6ll-Orn. , . - _ _
L. lochrthin haw limiaved enthbllishniont
oppocito flacton'e Hardin; o -Store, ritioro- ha cor
dially briltaa tlta public to oxatulue the place and.
hie nutecrous apechuona. Thu lion Itnoiv chili of
the proprlbtor no an. hrtist,'lllth 11MA,
And al:Anion) and ; city-light on' the tirat'Aloor, aro
0. hecient.holucchaeuta for the public to pal ionize'
.this establishment. thin , platurae aro universally
haninviadgatl - tei be, oqual to tho beet roildel
Phthidalphia or No onArbrk, hod far superior t 0 any
'in tube eountry.,;Plodqo4ll,ii , • . •., .
Omer 691. . C. 14101:161.A N.
•6 ---, ..,..-?, , ,.;., ... - .
1 '1.. - • - , ,..
. ..
. -
.1 uly '2d. 1868
30 by '26 lit containing f.Ollll rooms, the nut-'I
huildlngs to same consisting of a Wool, [louse,
Haire 0 vent' Ilog Pen; he., a Pump at the • door n. n d
nn _excellent garden. °'
This property presents superior advantages, the
lovation being eljaible and the loud 01 the best
qu : dity or limestone; well watered and the cattle
having 110.11 IN: 11l Water tram every field, a great.
portion nf the land has bee. reeently limed,
fences in good vondil ion and all Lhe Corn mound
:red part of the pats grhund ploughed fur the eOlll
- 6pring• 'H.,. I, n nri,t 31,11.
Shop and Mum! 1101100 a ithin n short distance
of the buildings.
The property 11 ,, /aa Icon,, recently put chased
3-'l,lBloloa n . tram lialtlnude Who after fitting it
up al meat expense, is now desiriTos of morning
to the city, alll le• diLposed ~fatanr rein../y bor.
and upon re rsonahlo terms. En r•e
nui, of
. 1.. SPON,SI,ER.
Coal Estate Agent, Carlisle, Pa.
! • ?Mee fis.
',IN—, •rxx:ca 2;1,
A .
Rm ., lnstate Agent, Scrivener, ()conveyancer insur•
anco iftnl'Olatm gout. Office Main Street Near
entre S !tiara.
RENT.—A Store- . Room and
Crl liar, nn West Street, between Pomfret nml
and South Street, in the Itoronkli of Carliale;
nicely fitted up with ;41telvintr, Drawra and Coun
ter. \Veil suited for a Urneery Store, and in 'a
good location. Apply to
Real Est Ate Agent.
'2j9n 69
17 4 1 ()R RENT—A large two-story
Colic own,r,lNn aouso. cyst, a commo
trines Hoek !Wilding with a Intl Lot of Groond and
Stabnog in the my situated on 'Sant street be•
tweet, Mole and Loutter =trouts Carlisle, late the
resident , of .losopit Bkrom, dee'd. Aripljy . to -
Ad 1.. SPONSLER, •
'teal Estate Agent.
Situated on the Conawaga - Creek 3' miles from
Hanover on-the-high road, and_ on the Railroad
loading from Hanover to Littlestown, adjolninu,
what was formerly known as the Rlttsmiller Mill
property. containing
- 171 Acres of Limestone Land,
cleared but about 30 Adr, .whiell are covered
rhith heavy White Oak Timber.
rho Improvements are extensive, and consist, viz
60 feet in length and 45 in breath, containing a
Hall and Eleven Large Rooms, all newly papered
and painted. a piazza running along the entire
front, and cellar under the whole Rouse, and an
excellen t well of water emir the kitchen door.
Th e out buildings belonaing to the Above urns'st
of a large Carriage 'Mitre, Wood and Coal Rouse,
ling Pen, Dr ick Smoke Homo, Poultry House,
IVt,sll Rouse, all new e.t6llt the latter. The
izgrden Is and highly ealllsated, containing
hot beds with ghic.6.l , sash.. The grounds around
the house Cr,' adorneiliwlth shrubbery and tud
t" ed with no choice fruit and ornamental trees,
adrinrng W I I: , 1 . 11 , 11 1 . •
nearly new po feet by 00 with' Wagnn Shed nod
Corn Cr lb allnehed. and n nver failing Well of
'MO& 110 the Ilormynrd,-alFn
14 ; r-ii,i: A B 11E — - .Piti - V . ,Vv+l ,- —l6; S I
DENCE 1:011 1I is
Pith lie rin South - ilaniiyeri street, Carlisle, - nos;
owned and irrupted lie Are. Washmood, lateithe
prove, to lit Benedict co.I The lot (rents nu 11111,
over at., tem.. lout extends hack the same width
21U L itt tii on alley. The inipr,,einlints are a large
twoil.biry HIA ME 111 /USE, with Verandah 111 front.
containing Douhle I'd:drys, 11311. Chamber, Dining
room and Kitchen on lower Boor and rig Chalabers
and Kith-loom - on the 2nd story. tins and water
tiara been Introduce I. There is a large Stahln and
eartiage-Houettint.--t-igni-of-tho,-loti—iTliv loth
well studded with orna r hinnta, treat grid shrubbery:.
besides fruit of almost every deseriptlon and firapes
of the inni.t choler selection in anundanre. •
, ',minim of A. L. SPOSS LER.
heal Estate Agent.
- VALUABLE FARM,in Perry Co,
Situate 0 Carroll totruship„l miles north of
Carlisle, 4 nodes north of Carlisle Springs and"ll
miles tAep_tQt Dunetionfai, adjdining lauds at J.
Shitafer, Story Cling and others containing 120,
A °Rift., 'pd.: 1,C111.1.1 by Levi Loons. tat art., of
which nee cleared, in a high statd of cultivation
and under good lance and ate tejtille covered with
thriving timber A nerer-f.tilit Lt . streton of voter
runs through the twin and plenty of lime
2 miles.
Insprovements are two-story Log k Weathr.'r
boarded nou,e, Large Ilarn'and Spring House with
wellent water. School 'inure 11114 Cityla:h . .yrt. a
vim von lent distagice. Apj'ily to
Real 1 , ..5t Ate Agent.
Di? (JO ODS.
R_l ( GOOD ,
D GooDti 8 T I? E
We urn j IlFt recelv g our supply of gOnlig
for the 54,F1111.
Fancy Dress Silks, all rotors, Blhek Sil k all quail
ties, New Style Poplins, Eleeent Striped Popilnets,
Beautiful striped 31oholrs, Elegant. Mono Popllnes,
Spring Alparao, all shades, ,
iit HI 7'l; fl- 0n DS
Soft finished Claruhr . es, .111,one ter Nalfisfiol;s, Swl s
Mull, and F'rench )f ogling, lloratukldi Mnvlinv. k.
01 all colors sod qualit ICS.
Cloves, Handlcotehiels, Corsets, Mitto, Itlbbbris,
Collars, Cuffs, I . looped ,Shirts, Balmoral likirts,_fre.
trimming drams.
fin Largast Stock lifflay ty, tho new idyl.
and rola, aof Fancy Cassia orcA. for Men and boys
wear. ,
[Mt: ovcry Dogerlption
. 11. A L 431. 0 0 DS ,
Alelnys a full supply: and very iitHet attention 1411. ,
, en .to filling orders for town or country:
G", ARP E T ~ •
at imtly reduced prleov, ()revery - variety and Rkylo
_1 • -
Oil Cloths,
YOur,eneelal attontion ale called to the fact that
the central Dry Goode Kora ; le now prefetred
,t•n ox••
hlblt the moat dealrable and, the largest stock , of
Goods In tho' cduntry,
Please do not MG to call and glee our stock an .
Inspection-before purchasing forth° scaeon• ,
golTni UM; 64118A . 0F 14MM130,ARE•
,y, .1..
-',- ....,., •.,0 ,
~.:•:.4: ....,,. - 1 • .
,elect peetrii.
ItlcketY; old nnd..crnzdt,
Sl,lngioless, Incklng soimo doors
• Bad In tho upper story, '
Wenting boards In tho floors
Sitrains 'strong tltlcic.wll,hSoltwolts,
Ridge polo yellow And gray,
Ifanging in helpless impotence
' Over the mows of hay.
Winds Cll.!, °tenni day—
Scattering the fragrant hay-seed
Whisking thestraws away; at the crannies,.
Spreading the clover emelt,'
''Lodging the daLk old granary
Into a flowery doll.
MI, how T loved tl:o shadows.
• That f2luog to tho silent roof,
Day Area,. wove with the quiet,
Many a glittering woof;
I climbed to tho highest rafter,
Watched the swallows at play,
Admired the knots in the hoarding;
And rolled In billows of hqy
Palace of King couldn't mateli . ttl
The Vatican loses its Charm
When ',laced in my memory's IntlauCe
Beside of the gray old barn!
Splendor. wealth, may note:harm on,
Association Is all.—
We love the love of our iliildhood
Better than marble.tloored hall! _
'real for hours In tho Hummer
On the threshold no gray, •
And saw the cows In pasturo
Talcs their lazy-paced Way:
The lambs snow White as . tile daisies.
Frolirkial front hill-to turn—
Made by the ',lever' old barn
I've roamed o'er thoouthern country.
Stood in mosques of the Noir
itallupped lit the {Pattern prairle.4
(lathered in contcntinent nt least:
And I 'd rather (rent the clover,
Piled in the barn'sroorny motes,
Than tit in the breath - of the highlandk
Poured froni Aipenine brows!
atlisreltaneon i ci
She was kneeling withtheletter be
_ll - •• fingers, gazing into the
slowly dying et as, when a low sound
struck her ear, whin thrilled every
nerve in her body with a sudden ter
and paralyzed for a moment or two
every faculty save that of. listening.
The sound she bad heat d was the
crackling of a loose plank on the land
ing iinmediately below that on which
the batik porter's rooms were situated
It will a sienna that had. been familiar
to her ears for the last half dozen years.
'Her father had often talked about halt,
ing the plank properly fastened, but it
bad never been done. On one paint
Martha was as positive as she was - of
her own existence, that the plank never
craekod except when some one walked
across it. Whose feint was it that .
pressed it
,just now ? -That .wins the
ques.ion sho pnt to herself io breathkss
terror: She, a- lone girl in that weird
old house, and the time an hour after
midnight. She turned white and set
her than and oyes on the shut door, ex ;
peering momentarily to. see it opened
front without. • She was . listening as
she had never listened before for a re
petition of the sound that so startled
her. But all Was silent, with a silence
as of the grave. dSdie could hear the
straMing beat of her own heart_
Atthe end of a minute, that had
seemed as long as an ordinary hour,
she rose slowly, and as it were, me
chanically, to her feet On the table
was au unlighted candle and a hox of
matches. thestruck a Match-and
ed the candle. Then, with the candle
stick held aloft in her right hand, and
with the left pressed against her beat
ing heart, she slowly cro'ssed the floor.
She hesitated for a moment when she
reached the door, and the uplifted
candlestick trembled in her hand
Then, with a sudden burst of resolu
.tion, she turned the handle and flung
the door wide open, and saw before
her two masked figtirq, who, unheard
by her. had crept tip. We. . -carpeted stairs.
She had scarcely time to cry, " Who
are you ?" before they sprang at her.
Her light was dashed to the floor . ; their
arms were wound around her and held
her like a vise; and a stern voice whis
pered in her ear—
" Make the slightefit noise and you
are a dead . wortfanl' . Do as ybu. are
told and-no harm shall befall you "
"-As if to add emphasis to these words,
Martha, With a shudder, felt the cold
barrel. of a pistol pressed against her
" Only release we and tell me what
it is you want me to do !"
Her voice sounded strange in her
own ears.
" Let go of her and strike a light,"
said one to the other.
The second One did as'he was
.told ;
and the one who deemed to be the lead
er, so far followed his companion's ex
ample'as to take his arms from around
Martha, and to hold her merely by a
firm grip of the waist.
Beware I " he said meauingly. Do
not'attempt to deceive me or to play
oinmy tricks upon me, or----." The
click of his pistol finished the sentence
more forcibly than any , words could
have done.
.4.a soon as the candle was re•light
ed,-.Aartha bad an opportunity of ex
'aiming her captors _ more closely.
Their - faces - were coVercd by. black
crape veils, in, whiCh were cut holes for
eyes add mouth. They were dressed
iu two uniform suits of dark gray, al
most like prison suifS",, and were shod
with some material that deadened the,
,sound of their foot Steps.
-- Through all Martha's terror a'vivid.
feeling of wonder was at work in her'
-mind-as to -the mears'iy which those
two unknown men had obtained amis.
Ohm into • the bank. She-could only
conclude that, they had crept in,- unseen
by- miy one; and :afterwards secreted
theMselves in One of the. empty rooms
below,„stairs'l although how such a
thing could have hem' Undetected, by
her hailer, whose daily, careful exami
nation of-the premises ivas well known
to her, was a mystery',which just now,
she was nimble - to - fathom.
Not meth-HMO was allowed her, for
;surmise ;_ 4.romark. fr m ztbe, second
man recalled her thottgl is to the scene
before her. •
"ll . ere's.a bench knytb" cried.
" Alost•likely these are ivhai we want
finit orn11." • t •
"-Whose keys are'tliese, and what
tboy (imp 1" askeit the Man who
, • Thpy are: my father's : Iteye?, said
1 1 .4drthap• " mid, they open: the different
:tomes' and places dowiketairs'.'' ' •
• " they pjain the and:the
• stl:c i ng WiAicli 49.:riuirrY is_
One of: them is the key of the door,
at ' the -, tep Of the •..stairs lending down
• _
to the Cellar. The key Af the door' at
the bottom of the stairs and the key of
strong , boa are not there."
"In whose possession are. those'
keys?" , • •
"One pass key is in the posseseicai
of Mr. Jeremiah Wangehaw; the other
is in possession of Mr. Hosea. No one
can obtain adthission to the cellar dur
ing, their absence."'
" You Will oblige us by accompany
ing us ..doWn stairs and pointing out
which keys open certain doors."
Still•holding her by the wrist, but in
other respects acting with perfect po
liteness towards her, one of the masked
men conducted Martha down the wide
old staircase till they reached the
ground floor of the bank, the second
man following closely behind.- As they
went down the lowest flight of stairs,
Martha was startled to see a third
masked figure—a woman,' this time,
and clothed in a 'gray mantle from head
to foot—who lighted their downward
prOgress with a slender ray from the
lantern in her hand They halted for
a moment at the foot of the stairs.
" Is it not possible," said the leader
to Martha, " that the pass key of one
or both the brothers Wangsliaw may
be locked tip in the desk of their pri
vate office ?"
" It is possible, but not very likely,"
Still we may as well ascertain
whether such is the case or not."
c I callea—commanlatattauk.
pointed out the key. which opefied the
door of the 'private office, and then the
desk at which the brothers generally
sat, ono-facing the other.
- A small jet of gas, commonly made
use of for melting sealing-wax, was.
now lighted,=a greater light might
have betrayed them to some passer-by
in the street,—a bag containing a num
ber of housebreaking implements,
swathed in flannel, NVits next produced,
and' after five minutes' careful exami
nation by the second man of the twe ,
implements selected by him from the I
rest, the desk of both the brothers'
were forced open and their contents
laid bare. There was no keyin"either•
of them. A very brief examination
sufficed to convince the leader of that
fact. With n muttered oath he turned
"Five minutes' honest labor lost,"'
he said. "We must now, try the gen
tle persuasive power of our flannel
cloth friends here have never yet
known them to fail."
—.Then,_atilL holding Maitha—by—the
wrist, he led the Ido' out of the office
and along the corridor that led to the
heavy oaken, door, thickly studded
with iron bolts, which opened on the
,of stairs by which access was
had to the cellar. As before, he tre
quested Martha to point out the proper
key ; and,-as before, Militha,com plied.
Further than this the keys would not
aid them. , The deer yielded readily,
falling back of its own accord as the
bolts were withdrawn, and revealing a
gloomy flight of stone stairs, ending in
on iron door. • Motionlifehis second
to keep a watchful eye on Martha, the
leader took the lantern ,and descended
the steps. He reappeared in a couple
of minute's, and led the way back to the
private office without a word. Once
there, lie turned and spoke to Martha.
" I must compliment you on your
sensible conduct in this affair," he said.
•` - Now, however, you must be left' to
your own reflections for a while. Ex
cuse me if, before I go, I put it out of
your p6wee to frustrate my designs,
and make a prisoner of you for the next
few hours. What has to be done shall
be done with as much regard for your
own comfort a's is possible under the
circumstances. ehereomie, the cord."
The last sentence was addressed to
the masked swoman, who up to qs
time had been a mere looker-on. Nonc
however, she started into sudden ac
In obedience to a sign from the
leader, she placed Martha. with her
back to a large iron pillar which sup
ported the roof of the 'office From
some hidden pocket, she next produc
ed a coil of long, thin cord, and with
it proceeded to tie Martha firmly to the
pillar. ", Her arms were left at liberty
till the last. When all else was done,
they were fastened together at the
wrists - With a hand of strong woven
stuff,- which held them as firmly us if
'they had been bdund with iron.
" To have fastened your, arms down
to' your sides fora couple of hours
would have been a refinement of cruelty
of which, in• your ease, I have no wish
to he guilty," said this Grandison of
house-breakers. " One Hide point still
remains. You must give me your word
that you will not cry out or call in any
way for assistance; otherwise: I shall
be under the unpleasant necessity of
having you gagged. If, you give your
word, I have sufficient confidence in
you to believe you williteepsit How
say you? Is your tongue to be made
prisoner or not 1" $. -
" I give you my word not,to cry out
or create any alarm by calling for
help," said Martha, after a few mo-
Monts' silent thought.
"That is enough: I trust you."
As before stated, the room in which'
.the girl was' confined was the private
office of the Wangshaw Brothers. it
was a comfortable room. The floor was
covered.. with a faded Turkey carpel,
and the' old fashioned inaliogyy fit
tingS were-almost black with age. The
only light at present was that given by
the small gas jetibefore mentioned. It
was just sufficient to . enable
. Martha to
make out the familiar features of the,
room.: • She begaulto breathe, more free
ly as eaon as:she was left,alone:
The first shock to her nerves was ii
severe one ; but when she saw that no
real harm was intended her skieng as
she' obeyed the - orders of. her captors,,
'her composure had quickly. returned ;
and now, a warm flush. of hop, ran
through her at the thenglit that there
was just a faint' possibility Of, escape:
But she quickly found, when she tried
to freer herself from 'her bonds; that she
tod..undeirated the' skill of the woman
'who. had' tied her to the pillar.' She
was ris alisolinelY 'helpless as a child of.
,O.' elf} would haVe bean under sim
liar tircumetancee. ...Again and again,'
with Ile:venue energy, she, struggled,
to free lier Self 3 . .. but the 'sole result, as
r inake .her,lionds faster.
than before: . - ,true ions
Were partly at liberty, but her wrists
were:so &Only tied
,together as to ren
der her handy cot lotely ulelees:, The
'ltiet' Atelier ' pF, hepo dioa out; in her
heart, and she resigUed„heiself with
bitter4atie r nee to) ter:Sate.. She: tad;
little fear that-the burglars
coed }u reaching this : oof gelded story,
of 'VVailieliaW Thlother's', Before' they
:f..1 '.. ',
„ . .
ci .
.: :: I IN , ‘\ ‘
could touch a •single sovereign they
must force open two iron doors of-im
mense strength. These doors Martha
,had always been taught to look upon
as impregnable; and she smiled to her
self to think how utterly futile the ef
forts of the two Masked men would be.
She know nothing of those modern
improvements in trMscience of house•
breaking, which• Would seem to make
light of the strongest safes that can be
• When Martha had fully made up
her mind that it was impossible for her
to escape,, she set about in calculating
how long her imprisonment was to last.
It 'Was now about half past 1 A. M.;
and at 10 Will Tarfford would be here
to-spend his Christmas day at the bank.
If not set at liberty before that time—
and she' could hardly hope to be:so,
seeing that the burglars would require
some time to get clear away after leav
ing the bank—she might calculate on
being released on the arrival of her
sweetheart: He would naturally be
surprised on.finding his summons un
answered, an alarm would be raised,
and finally she, Martha, would be dis
covered and Set at liberty.. But eight
hours and a halrof imprisonment-Land
such imprisonment!—was a long and
dreadful time to look forward to.
thought was still in her head
when the masked woman cams gliding
noiselessly into the office, with the in
tention of seeing that her prisoner was
e e iead'ustment of a knot or
two satisfied her.
" You have been trying to escape,
and you have found that you•cannot,"
she said as.she turned to go. " Take
my advice, and rest quietly. At such it
time as this we do not stick at tellies."
" What can the woman be 1" asked
Martha of herself. "Wilat a strange
thing for a female to be mixed up with
such an affair !"
More dreary minutes passed ; how
many she,could not have toll. She
was dreadfully cramped, and the cord
by which she was fastened seemed bit
ing into her very flesh. All ordinary
thoughts were - being gradually swal
lowed up in a pain that,. with every
minute, was becoming more unbeara
ble. It was all she could (In to refrain
from crying aloud. She - bit her lip in
agony, and moaned' below her - brPath,
but there was none to hear her.
Suddenly, when Iler torture ;vas the
sharpest, there Hashed into her brain a
thought so startling, so unexpected,
that for a moment. every pain was dead
cued in the rush. of utter surprise with
w iktli it overwhelmed her. There had
been revealed to her at one glance a
sure and speedy mode of escape. She
stood fin• a few moments Almost breath
less, trying to steady, her brain. Yes ;
there it was before her very eyes, a sure
and speedy mode of escape, but a pain-
ful one, indeed; but still one brat must
be carried out at all costs to herself.
She wain torture already, and that .
other torture which she must-undergo
fin• the . sake of liberty might be 'sharp
er, perhaps, hilt it would soon be ()via..
But she would not give herself time to
argue the point, lest her courage should
fail her. She would put herself to the
immediate proof.
The pillar to which Martha was tied
was within a yard of the desk that had
been broken open. Close to the edge
of this desk was the upright gas-pipe
from which sprang the small jet, still
alight, of which• mention has already
been made. By stretching out her
arms Martha could reach this jot She
could do more than that—she could
hold her wrists over it anti let the flame
burn away, the band by which they
were fastened together; and her hands
once at liberty, the rest would follow.
This was the method of escape that
tad flashed across her brain. and she
low proceeded to put it into opera
ion. She drew in her breath anti
ocked her teeth, and pushed out he
hands with a quick movement,
held them while the jet of flame
played on her wrists and ou the band
that, held them together. She shut
hor eyes involuntarily, and her eye
brows Came together in a frown of
agony. Thu tiny jet playe'd lightly
upon ttte, band that beld'her, which
presently' burst into a flame. Even
then she did not falter. Her arms
. ,
might have been made of steel so fixed
and rigid were they, so sternly, was
she bent on accomplishing the thing
she had set herself to •do. In a few
moments—moments that to lter seemed
hours—the blazing - ligature gave way,
curlingtitself - quickly back like a burn
ing serpent, and her hands were free.
Her hands were free, and they - fell
helpless to her side. She gave utter
ance td Clong Sigh—a sigh that was
half a sob ; then-her chin 'dropped on
her breast and tdr a little while she
knew nothing. Martha's return to her
senses was quickened by the pain from
which she was still suffering. After
one bewildered glance—around, She ,
came back to A knowledge of her erne
situation, ;Ind of the peril that was
still before her: - With a great effort
of will, she pulled herself together;
and despite of pain Upgan with - quick
and nimble fingers to nnloosen one of
the knots in the cord by which she was .
fastenell this offered no longer opposi
tioni to her ; efforts ; and the first knot
itnloos ned - the' rest quickly. followed.
In . two . minutes more Martha Back
house was a free woman..
A deep siledt thanksgiving' went up
from her heart as the fbia of . the cord'
dropped to the' .floor. She 'was so
cramped by per bonds that for a little
While she was unable to move. She
steed . thinkiag, as well as the tOrtnre
'she-Was in Would :allow her- to , think.
Hitherto she had no thought, aieePt
ho* te free;herbelf; 14:now that act
was accomplished, what• ought her
next moye i , to he ?- She 'was still. far
from being out of peril ;, the mucked
woman might be back atty. moment
and discover all In'tbat taeo'Omtild
buffo he, worth a moments'aptirchasel
ltlvidently the first thing to do, if such
a thing were,possible,,was to make
her escape . from the , battik without
alarming the'thieves in 'the Million-colL•
, .
The-next thing•was-toraise au alarm.
and endeavor to
,effert their capture be
forn they had time to got clear away
with. their booty. If only. these two
great objects .dould .!be combined: ,The
thought thrilled '.her;' through ':and
through, She, ' stogie(' anti took , off.
her shoes without as , much noise ' as
Would have frightened, a mouse. -; Then'
she stoodlistened .a moment.with "all,
* sensesien the alert, I,Thpre Wasia
!lois of 'yoicesi „broir.9, faint and hq" , ..
IoW,. Vitit.noW aid • then ii '401; solid„
thit :like the niiiilled', blow pr.80.1i6
116 304spiiniKibt . ..';'. - ''''''.. 1 .
"'' . iiiisi *eio . iiiiii in the Cellar,' die%
s • .
lc ~....../....,,:, ' _.. ,e.
_, •
q,, -
\ 1 *
. ,
and their task was As yet Amacc"Ont
plished.. Stop by step, and silent as a•
shadow, she crept " - ant *of the office,
and so along the passage • leading 'to
the cellar. A faint light, which shone,
up the cellar stairs, and wits reflected
on the opposite walla of the corridors
betrayed where the' nefarious, work
was still .going on. Totvards this
Veit Martha now crept with stealthy
swiftness. When she had reached the
edge of it, she stood for,a , mornent and
listened. Then keeping her body well
out of sight she protruded her head
within the line of light and *looked.•
Her gaze went down the - stone stair
case and into the cellar.
The Iron door at the foot of the'
stairs bad been forced open, and the
thieves were noW.husy- withAbe_ueat
safe itself. Various—house-breaking.
instruments wore scattered about the
floor. One of the men was busy with
a crow bar, swathed in flannel, trying
to force open one of the doors of the
safe. The other, man was busy dril
ling hales in another door with a
strange looking implement, the like of
which Martha bad never seen before.
The woman was lighting these opera
tions with a lamp held aloft in one of
her hands. All three were standing
with their backs to the stair case.
Martha's eyes took in the picture at
a •glance. There was one thing be
sides which they took in, to wit : the
bunch of keys with which she had
stairs. The bunch of keys was 'now
lying on the landing at the top of the
stairs, close .to the iron door. 'Could
she hot obtain • posSession of it, she
saw not only a way of escape for her
self,4mt. a way by which the thieves
might be caught in their own trap.
.But to obtain possession of the keys
without disturbing the the thieves was
thb, one dillicult thing to do.
There was only one mode of oh:
taining them and that was to fetch
therm . But to do this - unseen and no-
card, seemed_at. the first glance ut,
terly impossible. 'At the second
glance it seemed a little more feasi
ble, but still a dangerous thing to,
do. Nevertheless she made up her
mind that it must lie attempted. For
tunately the door at the Shot of the
stairs - had not been pushed quite hack
to the wall, in consequence of which
its bulk intercepted part of the light
held by the woman, so that that por
tion of the lauding Which was be
hind the door lay in deep shadow, and
this shadow extended itself in a nar
row strip from -the bottom of. the
stairs to the toit. -- It was down this
strip of darkness herself a moving
shadow, that Martha began to glide
on her dangerous errand. Fortunate
ly her dies, was
,a dark one, and
her -feet were unshod. H''r sole
chance of safety lay in the fact of
the three . people Wow stairs being so
intently - o 6ipie - d . that theY would
neither .see nor hear her ; and Mar
tha judge that they were so oc
cupied, bee use, -for- tbe last few
'minutes, c versation among_ theith
selves ha almost entirely ceased.
The' grand crisis of their labors was
evidently at 'hand. With her back
and hands pre - ssed to the wall so as to
keep herself in as small a place as pos
sible, and with the skirts of her dress
kept close about her, Martha began to
'neve slowly down stairs. Her face
was very white but filled with a
fine resolution. From her present
position the inmfltes of-the cellar were
- not:visible to her, but both 'her-eyes
were painfully on the alert, and they
told her so far everything was safe.
By an inch at a time, as it seemed, and
so, slow that her advance was almost
imperceptible, Martha kept decending
steadily. In all there were 'fifteen
gtairs to go down ; she had counted
them many it time ; and as each one
was now cleared and left behind, her
heart gave a hide extra throb, and she
felt that by so much was her task
»earer completion and that by so
much had her danger beco o c more
imminent: ~,When a dozen stairs had
,been passed in safety, she paused a
moment or tWO in her progress The
beating of her heart 'sounded so un
naturally loud and strange in her ears,
that .the was afraid ttltoso in the cellar
.woulli; hear it too: But, in a little
while her heart grew stiller, her faint
ing resolution revived, and she moved
onward again. Thirteen. Fourteen.
The first i'mt of her tusk wits over.
She stood at the foot of the stairs, the
iron door close behind'her, the bunch
of keys within a Italtynrd of her feet.
The next difficult thing to do was to
.pick up the keys, which were threaded
on a .steel ling without being '.heard
by the thieves She. Wdß on the point
of stooping to make the attempt when
the wonian inside:the cellar spoke.
"Yon must do' without me a militia:
yr two kred," she said, ''while I go
and look after my prisoner," She ;let
down her lamp, and got so far up stairs'
that by putting her.,, hand out, Martha
eciuld have touched her dress, "when )
the harsh voice of the Man recalled
"Your prisoner is quite safe," lie
said, "and I. .oannot spare you just
now. Youlnust hold the light for a
few minutes . longer ; I cannot get on
without you."
• The woman went back and 'Martha
breathed again. Now or never. .11tai.:
tha - stooped And put out her hand with
(pick stealthy movement, and felt
the, keys between her fingers.; How
to gather them and lift them from the
ground without' making' the sligheat
• noise P - E ven-this:diffieulty - was 'eon ,
rinered at hist7. ---- Thokand holding the
• keys was drawn back into the shadow,.
and still. there' was uo alarm
. There,
mainder of bee task sopped easy. It
Was only to get back undetected to the
'stairs. She was going back slowly
but not •as slowly as she
,lead 41
ad 000
down and had accomplished one
third of the rettnra journey, ,When au
e:c.clamation, from oue of the men .be
'told her that she had better make
rush fornafety. • •
".The keys ! Where' are the keys 1"
he exclaimed;- having ttirned arout4o
instiactively,:as it were, I n ky wCfe
'herb not five minutes agB."'
foryKard,rilartha, no
.longer ,h idden, a:rtish - *up the 3.'0-
i:l3oh:dog stairs. At this app,aritiOrche
stopped point, blank iq shoop,. anjazti:,
'The second :than; more
( than his r•coniPtinian; pistol
Tr,din his bolt and fired •
.14fart13 had just put 'l!eir AO' the
(7. 1 : ! pip Olen ahe felt sotadthing Strike,
pr oh?r,ply 911; tho shoulder;
61 1 ' 0 sta'ggiiie'iljeFward.ipte'tiio;cpr
rlilor . wheeled' quieklk arinuid, fund,
N. 22.
flung herself—bed, arms, body—
against the oaken door, which yielding
to her strength, turned on the well
oiled hinges, and then with a little
triumphant click as the spring bolt
shot home, shut up as in a trlm, the
three thieves below. Without the key
this - door,- whidi'locked - of itself when
pushed to, could neither be opened
from one side nor the other;" with the
key it could be opened from either
side. Hence the necessity for Mar
that to obtain at every risk, the bunch
of keys, which, besides several others
contained the particular one that be- I
longed to' the oaken door.. •
The door had scarcely been shut a
second, as it seemed, before the two
men'inside began tearing and beating
at it like madmen, trying to escape.
Their language made Martha shudder
and stuff her fingers into her ears.
Now, - that the - door was shut, she
was 'Completely in the dark ; and so,
with her lingers still in her ears she
ran alone the corridor, and back into
the private office, where the smallgas
jet was still burning. She stood here . '
minute or two like one bewildered.
staring helplessly, about her not know
ing which way to turn next. She felt
on odd, numb sensation in her left
shoulder. She put her lined up to it.
and withdrew it marked with blood.
This was almost more•thau she could
bear, and only the strong sense there
was upou her of a duty unfulfilled
ke t hersfrom faintin.
Still holding the bunch of keys, Au'
went out of the office and down the
passage to the entrance., She
was trembling noW, and had scarcely
strength enough to unfasten the heavy
door. At last it was open. She Bit
ted out, and sped down the street in
search of assistance.
On reaching the first corner she
nearly stumbled into the arms of a
constable, who was, coming the oppo
site way. What sort of an incoherent
story she told
,him, she could never
after remember • but it must have
have been to the Jiurpose. No
could have-been• More surprised than
'Martha herself was, when she cane to
her senses to learn that the _thieves
were none other thama certain sor-dis
taut Captain Bromley,' his wife and
his servant, who, - ifoine four 'Months
previously had become the tenants of
an - empty house that stood' next don.
to the bank.
Freedom under every sky, devotion,
courage, in every land, have found
their finest representatives iu the sex,
Who infused their own heroism into
the hearts of their compers.
-Spartan dame who presenteit,-her son
his-shield, saying, ."I?eturn with it ; or
return upon it," has found her counter
part iu many a _woman - whose name
and deeds lost to fame, have been the
spur to achievement, from the-times
of Plutarch down to - the_stern womi•u
of our own Revolution.
As doetrinett of vital human import
hetvi grown upon the mind, women.
have not beet' wantingwho-were capa
ble of_examiningopinionaan(i deciding
thereon with soundness of judgment.
The Pilgrim matrons were no less
clear-headed and brave-,hearted than
the men ; and, perhaps. not-orn• of
them was the equal of Auto( lintchiu.
son in vigor of thought, eh-antes , of in
sight, or even perstinal courage So
heretical were her theological opinions
regarded by the - divines of the period,
that the first Synod ever convened in
the country to assert the equality of
the sexes, and the right of every man
and woman to examine- and judge all
questions for himself or herseIf.—ELIZ
Month lyj%)r Jane.
As EMIT E. or BHT U N E.—The, fa
lowing characteristic anectlae of the
late Dr. Bethunehas, we believe, tt,ever
been in print. Ile reverend gel,tle.
man was very fund of angling. and
rarely let a, season pas:cwithout Iwo or
three weeks' indulgence in the practice
of the gentle art 4in these-occasions
lie w9Ahl "sink" the clergyman, and.
11 - 43tink his white cravat, travel
about incognito. Once, in the., Adi
rondack, a a aukee landlord, at whose
house he stayed all night, exhibited a
rather imperlinent cariosity in regard
to the private affairs of his guest
The doctor inanaged to evade b . s
questions pretty well, uniU at last
host inquired point blank: Where
do you live when you are at limne
"Did you ever hear of Manay ?"
" No." " Well, I live about six Tiles
from there :" whicl was true eno;gll,*
as he then resided at Philadelphia.—
pincott's, Maga:lnc
A.. LONE NIGOER.--lloring the ,war
a "•contrahand" came into die Federal
lines in :North Carolina • and was
marched up "tirr officer of the,day
tti:givi.l an account of hifigelf, where
upon tlle following colloquy ensued :
"What's your name ?" , •
. "My pain6' Sam."
" Sam what ?"
" No, sob, not Sam iNt. jist
"What's your other name 1" • .
"1 hasn't got no other namo, , sab.—
Poe Sam, dat's all."
" What's your Master's name
" t'se got no „plasm -now ; massa
runned away—yall ! ! l'se free
nigger now." •
" Now what's your Mther's and
mother's name,?"
. . „
I'se got none. sall—neber. . Had
hone. T'se fist Snou—nin!t nobody
e 1 e." . •
"littVetet 3'oll- ally -- brothers stud
sisters ?",
"No, e 411 ! Neber had none.. 4 "No sister, no fhdder, no mud
der, no . ranssa, nothin' but Sam.—
When you see-Sam, you•see all dere
is of us. '
IN'one of dOoper's novels occurs the
following passage. "He dismounted
in, front of the house and tied his horse
to - a large%locast.7 A French author,
translating thiS. passage, yanders it
thus.; "'He descended fronrlis horse
hi front 011ie chateau 'atia . .tled him
to alargegraiahopper." •-•
'flu; Parisians gro beginning to mis
trust that Quedri Isabella is not as
wealthy 'as she. was supposed , to be.
She doe's not pay her bids; and hiW
husband is borrowingsintill.sumi from*
the Spanish legitimists in the city, grid
ho never pays. •
• ..
Nstowhispen.-,-it a man. oppties
_his, Imitd,.nn one cMi
•takn:it away, from . invest
best' kiteramt.' " • " • , • •
Pale yellow sunlight crowns the wave,
And glowing skies lire blno and clear
How liniuldly the waters Mint .
The sands that Opiig. near.
'fho shady nooks along theft()) .
Aro dappled potwith wasting allow
I hear the °tulles!. blue-birds trill:
--ttori.wintla arc breathing-low: --
Ih.yund the shining harbor-inn
Lingers a diin mil, like a pearl
And bitaygea-Llrds, near and far,
hover at.nlan 7 nop and whirl.
I) heart 'anti any in need skreord
0 o area ye seem nn nor to too,
.1+ if the rent el Christ the Lord
html willked the morning sent,
thought: a (Wonglit! for the ro” 11101,1
'Thal 1 . 01111, through the gate.' of dew
But I'll keep. a kinder.hippler thought
'er l alllght god you.
'A word! ,t wont: fur tho itinhkintpltir I
.t tilt on tho juttnatninu nnw,..
oty lip Int slip, but my Itomrt kenti
It , : Rolfes( word, fur-you.
w.pgl Inr Iho nwrliug•bir.i
In alkSWer 1.0 . 111 d So !Mu; "
BM pal kIIO,V right tl‘oll 1 61:Vrqs korp
tly ro . notrot nong- for yrs.,k,i' r
1 kite' n for thin Antoci finOtono
Ind non for the violet 13,11.(o. "
lilt nlnuding ItOrn-at. tlitt-gardtto gut .
I'll ho , -p. Irtnlc for
•ieli! a nigh! for my pa.'e white rb
mat fite night whiliflir,
ill I an-we:jou n lien the lillr our
I gin eighing most for pull'
The Gazette tells this story of an actor
well known to old the.tre goers:
Andrew duckson,Allen was engaged at
the Bowery as costumer as well as actor.
Allen was very deaf, and like most per
sons that are hard of hearing, talked Orel
his nose; fur which 'reason strangely e
nough, be was christened in his profession
Dummy Allen." "The great Ameri
can costumer" was troubled with another
slight weakness; he had a very bad memo
ry in the presence of peasons to whoin lie
was inndebted. The last time 'iDummy .
.peared as an actor-in this city at the Lion
Theatre, in Being unable to hear
did iicue - he watchedthe lips . of the actors.
and when they ceased to speak would gir
on with hies week., A great instil/ :okes .
were p )13 . 1, on Allen by fle actors con
t.o keep their lips moving after
they-had spoken the lines. In the spring
.of 183:0, Allen lefi,the Lion Theatre, [...s
ten, and his debts behind him,wid started
for New York, -where he joined
costumer in his trip to Europe. On his
return, Forrest played an engagement at
the . Tromont. Daring the performance on
the first night, Allen was walking irn the
pit lobby, and was met .by a gentleman
with 'whom he run up a long account
while at the Lion Theatre, and which, to
his hurry to get' to New York, he had for
gotten to pay. After the usual salutations.
the following dialogue occured:
Creditor —Mr. Allen, when you left lies
ton you owed me a title bill.
Allem—Ohe . yes, Mr. Forrest great
limn: hull gt, to Congres9 ;v ono nt' the.,
days. tell you, IV, boil 1 , a big sriiin , ll
on tho vino.
Creditoi . —Certaittly, Mr. Forrest is a
greal-aidor: but..l wish to eall your atdvi
thin -to the-didd-M-bill of-mine that ynu left
unsettled When you left, 800 Lon.
Allen—No Chu wont go to linglatiO a
gain: there isn't tin Actor i rt--t,ho wholes
United Kingd,,tit to compete' With him.
mailing worthy' of his steel.
But that little bill, Mr. Allen, that—
Allen --(putting his -hand to his ear I--
You'll have, to speak louder am very
Creditor— (very loud)—You were ill
ticked to me when you left Horton, Mr
A ! he'll not ge West
Creditor —idropping lii. —W dI
yor take a drißk. Allen?
—I don't mind if I do
Allen died at 0 very advanced age a_feW
in t e city of New York
OVERWORI, —There was William * Pitt.
dead at forty-nine, carrying the llrittdr
Empire shoulders fur a quarter of a
century, and attempting to curry a pint of
port•wine doily and a pinch of opium it:
hu stomach, and foundering in mid-ocean
from t orer-eargo. What a wreck war
that when llriusley Sheridan went to
ce, nn the breakers of ititemperanee and
overwork : There, too, was Mirabelli, that
prodigy of strength and henllll, of versa
tility and splendid talent. killed by the
.o ver whet mug; labor; and exeiluments or
the tribune and the orgies of Cyprian hells.
Sargeant S. Prentiss attempted the double
task; and if ever a man might with impu
nity, he could , with leonie health and mar
elou, mental. gifts. Said a distinguished
MiFcis,:ippi lawyer to me. "Prentiss-would
sit lip all night gambling, and drinkii,g,
and thda go irti i court next day and make
abettor pl7;a:in:all respects than. I could,
or .any body Mse at the bar of our State,
even though we ,tudled our case halt' the
night and slept tho,rest." Ile tried it, and
in the trying,burned to the socket in forty
one year, the lump of life that had been
trimmed to last four score. •A. draft urn
the conditution in ben al fof appetite is . ] to:t
as much a draft as behalf of work ; and ir
both are habitually preferred together.
hankruptey and ruin anl` -ure and swift.
Mayl ja' Jr dune.
\V.‘,lll:c4roN'S CoSTROI..--It
not 1. crown or roaliztai dktinatiy
be that War great Witshingtou
bv nature II violently poSSIIIIIIIte Marl, nod
that hi , habitual Lb,
ei iatroopoo , self dkeirlino —a triumph
over wound fr ilty so eornplide 'n- :Wod
to hove robbed him• of the credit thereof.
since few • eoulil believe tliNllto 110 :power
fully influenced by emotion who -0 nu , ly
gliv.! wnv to einotion to evcw' edit decree.
We are per:moiled tha' ' .ale, rc.pori<i
:old no xietiek that. , -tronto-4
amen., had to (lorry Vould, Ind ir hi ,
conAnot nod profounn tell control, 11:1v.°
W 411.11 bill) out lonwhetii•o
men t his erect. work 0r they did :lid
actual' kill hiii`liody, wo d have mole to
end a hi , olik s kney for. `to-h,hors
VO,l upon him. No 'ifrelfo.,, famine, storm
inizbero'colild have done his
Li :dug Strewth with uotT.. , fl
Maga:ia , 1,1). .I,lllr.
THEotty ov
The lu Lott and best accepted theory of the
aurora borbalis is hasod ori th ihels, te,cer
-Mined be modern experiment, that. oleo
trleity is generated by , evaporation; ano
the air whieh has alwbed some moisture:,
but 1101 to the point Of suturatiohjs - O poor
conductor of electricity as compared with
the atmosphere in 'other scoriditions: Tha
theory supposmthat electrieity„Onerated
by evaporation if great quantitieg and of
too low Vittensity to be discharged in the
form of lightning, is collected in the upper
strata of the atmosphere, where it is hold
ante kept from-passing - down fora' time, by -
114tratuko of air of poorer cOndiletive (pal
ity. below. When this straturn ghliflg93 its
COOditioll by absorbing more moisture, or
in some other way, the electricily above is
set troy and pushes flown in great,quanti
ties'. forming night the peculiar appear- -
are of the aarora '
Mary, do you say your prayers
inorning and evening "Ne i , ' iMiss
hsr; - Illary . , -- are . yon: not
afraid to go to sleep in the dark - without:
.nSking god 'to take care of you anti
wateli over you until the, morning I"
" bliss, I ain't afraid; 'cause I
sleep in thci"middle." • •
An invalid disturbed all the inmates
of his. boarding-house recently by im
itating a dog. When risked why he.
did: so, lie Biddle had'heeir ordered by
his plrrician to take port - wine 'and
"Diu 1 understand tmsay, Nat
I was lousy, sir ?" b '
".01), no ; 1 merely told my friend
that when it rained line -in Egypt, I
thought that you must have been walh..-
imfabout withodt hat Or umbrella—
that's all," • •
MONSTER. , ---" I am &aid -•l'm-sit
tingon your crinoline, mtenni.'" • •
Affithlo ydunk• "'never
mind, sir. It is tif hio eonsoqusnco
you can't burtjt."-' : ;1 • - "
• Monster•-•'' nia.fillar i t is' 'not
;taint; bittithe,:cOnfoUnded . thillo hurt
;•-••):•"•‘ 4," •,: t •
. .