' : .MISCALLAIVE6US. ,YOU WANT TO SEE "THE most perfect PARLOR STOVE oror offered to the public, step into . W,M FR I D.IrE Y '.S • soca Eliot Trr,therl iitirqat; ihecliar of ifalbert!s Btoro and 800 thu GIMAT AITERICAN BASEIBURNER • in operation. It lea perpetual Burner, and perfect Radiator, as yell as a 'inflect Ventliatsr of tho room and Is warranted to C 0.1111,10 lest dl than any other Stove of 'the' same ?size, ever offered,to .the public, requiring but one ordinary scuttlo of small coal once in trrontv-eight hours, being perfostly simple In all its working , I n a simple elide to regulatb the Ilro for keeping at night, one kindling of tiro being all that lo loquirod Bu r in¢ the winter. No dust; no gag, no ging Cr cinder. O - HF '4l O 0 01 g " z A P E G 7 E , g 134 ' H o REPELIEN Jobe Paul, Amos Miller. Isaac Porter paid Dlillaq D. Holler, D Ralston,. Col. Williamson Mrs.ltingivalt, A. Sensoman, Dr. Irvin, J. T.atlppey, D. Wittors, A. Coovor, J. Thompson, Capt. , Brilidie,. Mrs, Gord6n, Williamson Eimer. Stouffer, 3. Turner, X Stouffer, J. Humor,. " A. teidigh, Geo. Farenbangb F. 311gardrIts, Abner Miller, . )3. P. Gassier, And olbore. Cipt the best COOK STOVE in the Market, Eicelsior Penii or, Morning Light ________--- 1 , • _ ___,.. , l'"2:,_:=,-,- 7 ,,,, ,-,--,-- ‘.. -- -T-jv. , 0% - --071 i 1 ..1 -: l94l . l';adV:: . 1 ' ir,r: - . - ,lMpki Va 5,3, 0 -----__--_,:-, ..,- - r , d i v's 1 ; ,. 7. 5 •-z , , - ------------,l*ol' '''"4" 1 i 4, • - I L it • .2i4 s.- A- , ~ .Idl,All Ifr -i v—r- 4- 4 , - <.,„° Pip ::* - --tcy , :. , • t• ---- -- -'•: -0 1 , bi: ., m ,- -,:-- - ~. ~....- - -- - .-4, 0 -` '/ St,/ ® ' In alklitlon toil. above Stove FRIDLEY keeps on Land a full supply of the beSt Coal, Ulcer Stoves.' - Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds oil. hood, nod Spouting, Roofing and Jobbing, of all done at short notice, and of the loot maters,:, I mit • Cans, and Jars of the most near, od patent,. iiod In conclusion the best Portable a n d brill< Sot 11 Et , 4 0 e ever offered to the pu Llir. l'or_ references cal. 611 Dr. George Neliligh; , thinry Saxton, - - • • •- - tiordon, Prot MI illlllll, r P. (Jardine., F. - , A. L. Sponslor, 1 .1. 13 eitlirth, Jr TMiTtir, " - And others. Omar 61r ly NEW. BUREN ESS, NEW FURNITURE P. , 4 , x1 • . ' l'.\ r' .. ...e? P" i ," : `' .4.k.1 v,t-rt,/,',V... - `7.4 -, 1,---,,, -.- F p:w ~...-e., , ,,a r,-,,: 0 m,, r.: , .. 1*, i- - ',:. 1 0 4-:- , ~ 1 . .;.:4-LA. 2f. —',! =,;,1,4, :s j‘ ,-4 FURNITURT . I3I7SIN ESS Ttio 'ilubscrlber bating tol.on - tlvi entire I , ugineas rat 0 his min bands, Will eolitlrine earry it On to all Its voriout lannebeo, nt the old stand, roulii east corner of 11mo,', and Louth, St:outs,- ,He desires to :11111,13111, tho ruidir that hn has now on hand and Is so nnlf.n LI y manufacturing and purchasing from .1.110 1,4. V:l.erfl ;Win u tact ururs, the latest and host styles an putt( re. ol PURNI , TURK anti qualities.. • stock of rehily-nude worlt, roil,i,Ls In psi tof MAHOGANY SUITS. • WALNUT SU L CTIRSTNU :1.•1 1 x;.. • FLORAL G. I:;: , r.t:IDS, ARESSTRO BUREAUS, r f 01l ptyl o and prices. -Tato a Tates, Sofos.-LoutigOß. Cot teloTr n wino, Cot. Cage, Paw)), Japituoim, and ,Irony Lind linast,inr, Cottage Bureaus, )larble 'lUp - 1:11/1os oud 5t.i101 , ,, Washstands, of nil N . :triodes, ,1 11 .111 At fed Furnituro in buns Or 111 r• 11 enlist/int:9 on bond. Mirrors as les -Lod Inlet, .14 0 1:; k 1) 1; Buell as Side.ltnardt, urre. turivt, Cbairs ~.1 denerild &e., made by romper en t gee the rm. .. material :m.l at rl'al'U3illl. MU= C 1.. lIA I.ItEICI', P-EIs,II. , NY 1, V A ELASTIC SPONGE CO„ 1111 Ultestn tt Street, PIaILADIEL PHI II A ALASTIO SPONGE, = CURLED ]LAIR MTH UPHOLSTERY Ohtapor than Featl. , r to. Ilair, FAR U1'1 , :1;1( ):: Rho Lithtest: ;:ioi test itt d mo•r LLo tI: and D ble erlal kacm Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage and Chair Cushieils. it le entirely indeetructikle, pouf, tiv end free from duet. IT DOES NOT PACK AT A lA, Is alwayscirbe from Insect life;in perfectly,healthy arid for the sick in unequalled. If soiled In any way, mu be renovated quiche und easier than any other Mattruha. Special attention fired to FU RNISHING ALLS, Sc. Railroad mou are eapeolally invited to oxatuin the °tublon Sponge. , SATISFACTION . CUAIIAN THE TRADE SUPPLI. ktae ez4p. t. CARPETING-S. We ate noiv resolving a large sto k for Spring Sales, " • LOW ~ Iro,li, CASH. • . LEER® Pli & SNANT,.. No. •01.1) Alt()1 , X9OI.ILADELPHIA. ' • 2061arSO-9m .... . The .Carlisle Shoe, C o mpany . . . .MANUFACTURERS OF . . . • ' BOOTS-AND SHOES, • • • NO. 5, East Malik Strap?, . . . PARLIBLE, PEN.N'A.,' , 'AVING . comnienced ' thO mulufac-, ir ture of Boots and Shoos, Om rittbutiou'of ' be Trade to invited to the Milo. assortinont of :'- • . Ladies, ifisses and atildieh's Shoes Now in store and modally adopted to tho; wants' of the netallArado. We ;Moll at all times bays on hand a complotn asnortment of all the l - : ~ . - . _ . •.. • ..... . Made by workman of tiro geeatest experioneo , and . - skill. Mombasa of the • Trade who may favor ue with their' custom ato 'mound that no Wrest on ouv ,'. part will be spared to furnish Good good; ft , ',' - • The Lowest Possible Priee%i • ORDERS DX MAIL shall resolve the eanao alien' tIOn that buyers' would in pureon, and distant par ties caujely aeon gotting.tlioltv , Goode ohequally , ' as good dorms` by sending, their orders, as by, per. , eonally.vbiltl,,guil. fB/10E UPPERS FOR , SiALE.'; ,7.i ~ •,t ,;• ;' ; 1 IllaliN 41,VVINH, Triasurir . , . 4 itprlil6,6o4lm.• • Plitrol4ze the . HERALD tialibii• , Lop l l F . 'n,per . b the Clonuty. 3 • • MILLER & BOWERS' 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET; w; }-a ';' t 4• ... , 12 , 0 \ VV I RVIr4 rr,ilPP ©~ ,r . ; kr ahl, 401 •;:q2 E cn 2 ti • WEvould ro';speatfully call the atten ilon of the public to our recently replenish: ed STOCK. We have carefully avoided purchasing dud ngithe recent decline, and now that the'rriarket has become settled wo have filled up our shelves and are prepared to offer special Inducements to all who will favor tut with a call. ME cr 0 , 1 . t , N. ,-, Well;veronsinnily;;lnud n FULL STOOII Olt TEE Ranunored,,,Enylish Refined, and No way IRON; •Berdan's Rome and '• Mule Shoes ; Norway Rods; ➢r. 9. 13. Kieffer (J. Delaney, El, Prof. Stayman, '.l . nhnson 3loore, inholf, =1 Burlth.older. IT: Gorgas,eq, H:Sheaffejr . I w. 3.IcLA,FUIIn • • -.ieß ,• • BL A dICS.IIIII7I' 7 Mrs.Wonderlich Major Hale, fiuelni s Drllln, Eolld Box V ICOR, Rolrows, ltnepx, FileS kc. . , 13 IT 1 1,-D 11 N G MATHRIAL • We invi&• 1,11 persons Intending to build, to corn and take n look throoch our stork. 'Wo hado ou . . • llolte, Locke, Glass, r ‘ tlnts, Oils, and all toaturlal I this lino marttbirdowant'tho lobroet CAtitl 1 , 10.003 and feel assured that wo ran offer epeelel nrnte In thle brineb HARRISBURG NAII,H, always .on bind • i ,- :;.,:, TABLE AND d',.. . . . •• ~ :j - POCKET CIiTLERY ' --- - , of oil tounagluable patterns. We keep on hand a fiat nue of these goods and'are'always`ktde to sun tit Lode of enon the mast fastidious. SNDDLERY, of every variet../_ & , embracing In part self .pdj u stlng and 'Proot. Platcdopanned and Wood licence, Brldb -It4tt,,dirow rilrthing, llorto Blankots, &c.; .i.,•• - - Winn, LEADS ‹.-41 ' % — 1) ..*. : ••,,, ,*_ ~.., • - • r . \., i ---••••' ' '-,--'*. ... 4i. ~.. . ,--7 AND ZENCS 1 ..-a Our frionds will always find us .woll supplied with tho hest brands of these articles and ready to sell thorn at the lowest prises. Wo are constantly is re ceipt of Pain's, thus onablith: oursolrea to supply our customers witlVfritAh paints, colors of all dos cilptions cnntantly on hand. . _ Cabinet :)fakers and Undertakers, will alwnys (hid IIS 4rlog tt full ,apply' of good. this lino. Cfr, War Stovs..Rlll, and Itlasting rter• .1 dlater„ FA I C. 1,1 - • will Go well to call and examine uurstock Trhcou; Premt • Chains, l'On'gn — e :OA 'Slay Chan Jockey Chains, Spreads, Halter Chains, Cow Tile Shovels, Spodes, - Forlta, Bale., Grain Bap, .te , b. tyro buying elsowbure, are ready to oiler' sped. Inducements in thin Ilno, - • - Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower, ,constantly on hand. We ere sole nge6 . tß for tfie. R PPM:JO SCALE' WO and un• runty to supply Scales warranted. and fur melted at lue . ,e, prices than nus: other canes In th We aro cant tautly in receipt of good,: direk. , roin tho nianufactprork and ale able to lurnit h Country Merchants at Philadelphia and, New York price, PURPOSES nlvreiye on inlnVinir dt the lolreFt market rntee, Hubs, Spokes, Follous, Axles, Shafts, Deek, Dinnetelc, ,::!, GOODS delivered to all parts of the town 'free orchardi?. Wilcox & Gibbs' . - ' "' . `it'... • .x", ,, ,i.';. , Zi , Z: ;TC. .; ? & . ...%4 , ,i , .,,,;:kA.445Zit1 , , W1,0 , F4T-: : ..Afly. • I t.:::4, 1 i , , .1 t: :: - ,''r ,- ;:'il. irin .., i . . , , Nv,, \ , • , -:1 i L , I 4 , ) 4 1) ._,,, '.. ,;.. ~ ~ . .. S G M A•• PRI IV .4'; tirdhave secured the A goner of tI; • Wi 1 Sowing Machina, a littlo family Orono.. mint no 011 q seems willing- to do 'without.. aptiii haring 'soon opo, in operialon. Thp illbbs' loon Single Thread Alaolii no and Idol/Kip superiority over all Doublo Thread Dia chlneel Icahn ',lblllmlng pa riloultirs. I t la timplor and lent liejblo! to got out of ropair:' It 14 ,thettp9r. intik' withtoes noise:, It runs' It rant ,fasteir, It'has the boit dorica, for prormiting tho from running bliCkwarq.' 'lt.roguirei leas msalniniv eat skill to opersto It: ,It ~.redu tree, lois' timompg instructkin to, lama; to uio,lt, It It the most' certain and rollabinip ,Ito Operations.„ Its neodlo Is straight and lone liable, to bo 'Vrokan than e utved, ono Tim, naed le iskecionjd in Its 'place by an logenlonaly,pateiiroiliddrldo trldej, rondor l adjustidg tiLthitt'nultliM skill nor expOrionin. i nfo, ruguliipt arrapking It sows tilrectly frinr,tkoi spool thus doing away tho tedlops op rstlotr, of rowinding Alio thread for adjustment iiit4d, ihuttle.. It Mallon the nlloorkiillbbat o t r kelp Itilhip , orlglniirveltli ALI moil:dun and made by no other, the seam, ro re elastic' rand strongerrp•krAlio,Lokk;.• (Elie , stain Is Elio PIRO, OUP' (U? ti• Odlrays eilf,-fostordid„Aun avoiding rovortJblo ; feed, its' tonslon Is ramekin:Ml° and more entity adjusted, it'ls'inori bpnedlly chnnted (Mini Dno kind of work to another, jt, doeslooutiful ombroldory, it kali -tilt it' do 'OA be'st'llilDr,,lt has the Unit brainier jlt Of:& bob boepl t Dmeirldit'fortilittloninro than 'siert Viinin,"rittrin ithliktlfilu'",l4o#oo44ls ilxty 'thquitinci lotto boa mod kintateLby Illty,pit i rinf:ltitis i tettilytv. , sykd Sold frlctaiq,,, °tibia Thread achliki—the ofttrieriviltotiOCilf its eorilost warralittho e . n!e 91t t pu latecAlulyth,?sor,or/, btq lut 6 - 4 AgencY . H wlthd ~114 _4;6;14 ,r . Walt, o i r b ee u . 01,;101*Ntb,er,e,N0, tißp ti t r ) 111,1,.11 F9Elf8101!,'IrEATWER. adoplail for doors and window's • . , Me feel. outsolves 'competent of pleasing se' 400ds are of the highest lu gualf/y, and l owest fnprice. . Orders liy mil receive prompt attention, • goods delivered In town fret. ..:Partles Indebted_tp,we for 1868 will please be prompt, in, their payment. and all to, whom we are please present their, bills for settlement. • PUMPS 1. For pure water use, neltboi - bad tasting wylod, fthity lino, nor poison , lead, but PI/MPS I; The Celebrated Cucumber - • Pump, made of wild cucumber wood. en , v... 0 r . 4 ire ly tasteless durable and reliable. d/ Not n potent article, .. but the good iold-fashioned wooden. Puinp, made ' ll 4 by machenery, and therefcro perfect • : and accurate in all Its parts, raising equal amount of water, and ‘ nr..., ah '1 an leso than half the money. I'9 ,41 i Easiely arranged no no to be non - 3 ,l'ij 1 "1 freezing, and In construction PO ~..'7 kl /i Silooo that any one can. put it up 1 ' - ill : and , keep it •in repair: After - ..4, ,, ,i -- _. thotongh thial fl la acknowledged the .•71,: r, DEHT AND CUDAPEST. Twelve feat of ,T.,c 11, _ tubing with each' pump, free of _ , l'N.r charge. Deniers supplied ut lowest. •-'1 ,, M r .r."..`. monutimturera rate& For circulare, '" ,- . - .-.7:0 price lists, Ac. Call nr address. , CHAS. G. MATCH LEY, • 624 Filbert lit. hewteen Slxth k Seventh and' 141.arkotAnd Arch St., Phila , - Agents wanted. 26fok 69-6 m E N Yi] M PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE WITKIN &.00 Tile Great Head Quarters for all kirlds of A rmy Geode, New and Socond-hand, and sold at a tithe of the cost, _ HA It E . S S , Wheel and Lend Team 1t moss, Ambulance, Llght and tinevy Express, Cart and Buggy Ilara use, NlcClellan and Officers' Saddles, llridles, Collars, Rein's, ['alters, Purcingkos, etc., oCe. -TENTS, Hospital, Wall and Wodgo, with poles and pins oomploto• Wagon Covers, Awnings, Sacking Bot tonis and Bap. .. lIIPLiTARY CLOTHING; Overcoats, Frork Coats, Jackets, !Coupes, Pn me Array Blankets, Horse Covera, Fly Sltpets and Nobs,- etc., etc. The largest and . Leat'assortmonts we hays °vol. 'Send for descriptive Price Lists, vont true on ap plication. Small orders 'lcy Express, C. O. D. LIBERAL DEDUCTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. ' & co (formerly on , ron t St., now) 71,N. 2d St., just bele , : Arch St., PIIILADELPLUA ,` PA. Also 5 PA •Nvw York I= :1' c . ‘' 4 ,b,? t=i t'y co _ -:, Fi `'. 'A Furniture of all varieties at d Styles or Foreign nd Domestic manufacture, from' the finest rosewood rid ISiehogany to the lowest priced maple and pine fi Parlor, Chamber, Din Mg-room, Kitchen and Office irmEns Euabracing.overy article used by House and Unto] keepore, of th o most approved and fashionable design and finish:lncluding also Cottage furniture in setts leception and Camp Chairs.,Nattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, .tc., Par... Particular attontlouglvon as,uaual to fltriorals Orders from town and country, attonted to promptly and on moderate Orme. SPECIAL' ATTENTION PAW TO THE SELECTION OR WALL PAPER. MEM T. BEETEM & BROTHERS, Forwarding & Conanissiqn Ilfqrchants: (Hondo'rsonts old stand At the hood of MAIN STREET, Carlisle, Pa. Tho Lighont market. price will yo na9 for Flour, Grain and produco Of all kinds. ' . Coal of all kinds, embracing LICHENS vaLLO, ' i•' r ' LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWBEERY, to., &a • Limoburnors' and Blacksmiths' Coal constantly of, solo. Ho& under. cover, and dellveroq dry to any , part of tho town. • Also, all kinds of Lumber on J. BEETEM & BI BB VTapr 08 /VAXITp'9 GREAT RJESTORER. S,CHEETZ'S 07,1,EBRATBD 13TT . T . ER 001RDIAL • • This modical prepaintion•ls,' now offered to the fegerubllo es 11. rope to subiditute Me tliq'ntany th ss compounds which now flood the market. It is purely segotsble, composed o'i/felons herbs, ;gath. 'oredfrom, -the:- great. storehouses of nuturo, and selected with:tho'••utmost ',care. It Is not serum. keendkd arri:crma:4l,,, 'hut by-ita direct and salu 444•Infltibinfi,flipori they gesr4 - 'loer Kidneys, kungsat , ouomh nets bbth es a pro•• 'woritlyMinet,tuk•fi for som of,Shi,:disertses to which .g94o,trtiono#re,S as übje' d .7.k,ls a , '4lll • Ablo Fatally odtalne , ,:n • tid esil . .,bi.lakai* - 13 , ;;Sither Infant or se,lthitlba; soniii.',',boilettelit - :rekulte.:At: IS a ce:rtalistrOnitiVandipSpdylssusedy fok ALB.I4IIfICHA, , .01 31 iNilligY,13019.111401kIrlfAINI' , 1)Yer,EPSIA. QUILg..B and-PEIVX 8 ofsdl kinds,. 11,t. be.Ocr . jtint:sa(or.=thkii,'Olnlno,. • ,svi , thont; 807,orlie porn4l'otui ; oreitOw ,appo e t •yovorrxtr , ttigoter,or roow;, , awd wlll egiiefei,iif.lipOr, in si minuted. '?/qP..449CD h e (86ilick17. - 4901e '- Propiriste , f,f • . N. OS" ' Aft; r; - and Race Ste., Philad'a, • Pa. - • "7.130Az0i .144.PA.11,040,T;5• lOnor&my.%paq Di; , ..,• d to.lff E )3 0 VOR, ctE . or.m*do to 'rneouo , Trid , ff 4"ed tratOd Pike last wltltindrxictlOloo rok.golfFibur rthop,t eont ori reCo4it% ..pOst igidtoes. •'` inlyittLETT, I of nklirtgoiiitt sixticotih optoittint, vtooidusi, ',obi WO Aildlaiidd laroider flouth: Rut o = tqa, place t *rood ois sihisigarwlawiloolTq#44l' ha szsittlis Ham ' 1 .- 4- ~ 1,132044/ .1 .4 00 K OUT, Dill' GOODS MEIN. , TO THE .PUBLIOi I havejust returned from the Eastwlth my ,Stmek,and, as xtexisil4l.ainlllng Goode,a 'Ape cheep , 11.Iban tely:A0,1g 1 1140.014 HoustiCtow.b.l X 2 1. 1 , not think it neceesary to occupy a column ot paper to keep up my reputation for selling cheap Goode, nor do I wish to resort to clap trep_.to gull the nublic. All I ask of thorn is to call and examine for themselves, and If not satisfied with the prices. net to buy. Remember the stand No. 112 North Hanover street, next door tp Dr:111,3 , 11er% and Mil ler &Rowers Rardware Store!' • tYNIIII,II2 • P. 8!I wiVt eey lb ng ou y third bd grand openings. 9aprll-07. • HATS A\l• ) t ; Do you wane a mei Hal or Cap' N 2 9 , r 5111 1 /1 r Where can ho coon the nneet, linl/Itmout i • ' breuFht to Cetil6ld.. , trq takes plat pieasure Inviting hie old friends acid thistomere, and all n c•nes, to lals splendid stock Jost received from N Park and Philadelnlifs, erinelsi,ina In part oTline SILK AND CASSIMEIUI HATS, Neldes an ondlesa variety of Hata and CnIR - oi the WOO. aitiihq 'nil of whirl, ha wl , l at tho tnivest %1.,. hi, Int 6 ways on lo I. 110..4 Afttnufactured to Order - Ha has (ho hew; arrangement for coloring Hato and all kinds of Woolen Hoods, Orr . ..rennin, F.., at the oortre,t notice 1". ',dors every went) and on the most iimoonable teeny. Moo, a • fine' ot of °hake [wands of • TOBACCO AND CIGARS Always on hand. lle desires to call the attent parsons who have To soil, as ho.pSys the highest cash prices for the Fame, . • Give him 'n call, at the above number, his old stand m he feels confident of giving entire setiefaea Con. Ju1y14 . 67: - ZINGARI BITTERS A i :SAFE BLOOD PUILEFIItr, PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES The ZINOA]tI BItTEn.B are compounded from a prescription of the ceinbtated 'Egyptian 'physician Dn. CIIE9IIILIN who, after years of trial and experi ment, discovered the Zingarili Herb—the meet or markabin vegetable production, tho earth, patinae, haS over yielded—certainly the most elientive In cure of disenne. It, in combination with the other vn I cable properties of Ahleh tho ZING Alt' 811TEIt8 is compris..d. will rare Dyspepsia, Fever end -Ague, 11111oun Fever, Chol Colds: prouchltis, Coudtim{:tion In Its first stage, FlAtuloncy, ljervous Debility, Female Complaints, _Rheum:Aleut, Dysentery; Acute and (*ironic Dlarlwea, Choi era Morbud, Cholera, Typhoid and TyPhu's Foyer, Yellow ,§crofn - ols• -- eases of the Kid • neye, Habitual Costiveness, • Am., lire. In thin PrisvmsZioN nod eyrie - Of the shiers dl eases, It 11118 Dever been known to fall, an thousand. °l our lbort prominent citizens thrcrughoul all part , of the country, rill testify. ',Let "the afflicted zee, for circular confrifning testimonials and cortificatur of those whirr trace been cured after their coach hay been pronounced boucles by our .hest physicians No. 6 N. Front St., Philadelphia Ex-Clov David It. Porter, of Pennsylvania Iron. Hobert J. Fisher, lion. Edward hfcPlierson, Iron: Jo6l IE ',Danner, Hon. Wm. MeSherry §ENt, FOR CIRCULARS 12fob DROCLADI I,l' TO ALL TH WORLD TII AT 14AT IdIsZA 1, IVITTERS EMI mars cured more racer or DysrErs lA, morn MHOS of LIVER cosircA t NT, • more case• of NERVOUS HEADACHE, FEVER & AOUO, and more cam of DEBILITY, than any, other remedy before tho public lh "(he sainersinipo of : IT PUIPFIES THE, BLOOD f CALMS TILE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, la an Excalleut Appopaor, and- a general vlgorater of Clui Syak;tn. WALtON & ZUG, Proprietors, No, 9, N Bev, nth At., PhlladelphLa Sold, by Druggists, and Denlora generally. 12feb 00-6 m, 11. S. HOTEL, • Opposite Pa. R. R., & Reading Depot FlAliiil§l3oiG, PA. SEE W. H. EMMINUER & CO Proprietors 206 E 68-Iy. r. L STERNER'S' LIVERY AND SALE STANLE. lietwoon Ifixohrer and Milford Streets, In rear of tho Carman House. PENN'A. Having fitted up tho Stable with New tarrlages &0., lam prepared to furnish first-eta a turn -outs at reasonable retail. .lartie; taken (a , and from ills 20nov : .°J.. L. 8... • AMERICAN . :HOUSE; North llanover• Street, Carlisle, TV:E. ItARNS ' IX AYING established myself in this well•knoWn and pointer itOTEL, I moot reopeetfully solicit the patronage of the 'old emit& mots of the nous°, and all others who • wish to re v:4l,4lnd accotatabdatlono and'ateontlon •• • AG - DON'T FORGET TIM OLD STAND—Of W. n;,KARNO. Apl 2 Om ," THE BEST WAY " To obealg heavy yard-wide Cotton Shooting Is to mond' us et club of 30 names at 10 coots each. lar onr dollar stoede, and get twenty-ono yds.as committed.% for talsingthe Club, foilyAtio ydo, for Club of 00, elsty-llve yds., for Club of 100, or 104 yds . , of Me -Agent Wilds for the who/0 tP OO articles ou of , the club. Same commission 'plaid 10 otbor goods., T/LE 'OLDEIIT, LARGEST ; AND MOST RELIC AISLE DOLLAR -BALD, HOUSE IN 11OBTONMEEE 'Haig and remain'agenie ' wanted, 'Bond Clubs and money. lo registered lettors and we guarantoo promptraturns."l3l VE 1113 A' IVrite AT ONCE for Circular/aid "Exchange Liot" of dollar gouda, boforo sending elsewhere.. • EASTAJAN A KENDALL,. 26 llawlof St., Doston, afass.6l AlprlloB-lm gio THE WORKING CLASS.- AtalcznprzratarodttaeLuattl"Orhioletobr the time, to e sp a t moments. Business leg, islight alud profitable.' Fifty coots to 85 per even leg, is easily earned by persons of eithe r nes , and, t he , l ttoys and girls earn nearly as utudh as Mei. Great indusements are offered those who will devote their whole time to Oh business' and that every per. son who sees this notice, and, may send me their address ond toot the businces fot themselireth I: make PlkAbddlridllt ililParalleled offer: , To all who are not ; mashed with the business, I will se d el in PIT lb , - the trouble of writing me. Full '1:, . 'kr"' tlatr,tta., sarttfree.eato mv p . leseri ; .. ../...".... 'de 11D Ta,1).M1311417; ' tl'Atgi ° l e ' 't= mi.l. 1. FITTING. ~, , iitt...."°' Nb Tep Mg, GEOECIE It. FOOTE Y - y - arithellkt9F. citizens tf Carlisle and, r i c ay s g,' ''R d lk:r a l a ptl l to cartrtil th.ll itakveC loom., , ' l v Oka* r. Ibritge,tted. 10.1.... b " (OAHU M oh where salved and ploy,' Orders le ft at • F rompt attontlo /WWII tf. / .. . : . '.III6TEEPANEouS • If co: don't &II to rail op J. G. CAL1....10 HATS AND nAPS COUNTRY FURS THE GREAT A SPLENDID TONIC, =EI =I I'ItINCIP Ai. DEPOT, RAHTBR & CO., C Q EN D D BY IN=M =IEI Y 6.(06.M. I }, RY ODSI ~ ,9•6C t G PO Sq7.l - T TIME AND SEASON, - - NEW AND OnEAPTASH STORE 'FHOII I IAS,.-A,:HARPER', NpV . OI O II4I.OiTIC'D PoMPßfit Who to now prepared to exhibit nt"'elozont end woll unortud.Block of " ' , D R Y D S , • Aeoxopadinglydow • • '. Bargains in 4,1 LANIC 33 S , or all celery grid" sires. The elni.ipeot 13Cccch • .„ .•FbANNELS. Pleln end Twilled, all ecdore. • Dairen,. - Blu,ikers, Plaid Shirk Operas, Homo-Made. and, a floe article of—W - Idah Mamie. SHAWLS 1 SHAWLS ! :I;OZI g - : and Bquiro,'liilelny and - .Ltidiee'Cloaking% Talvetoono, Gold Mixed, IVator Proof and Ileavy Upnvers. • 'Merino Vesta, Shirts and Drawers, for 511seee, Men's and Boys' wear. - .ft: full line of • Cloths. and uassimares FANCY DRESS GOODS In non an d Many of the above Goods Rolling off at at greatly reduced prices.' Immense' Stock of ell, the leading brandy of Dotneatles and HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, at lose than regular prices. BLEACHED & BROWN SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS TABLE LINENS, NAPEINB AND DOYLIES. Towels and Towellings Marseilles Quilt , and Table Covers, NOttingbam Lace Curtin Mat. ial and Tidys. Full floes of WHITE GO OHS, timbroithrtetartneuratd - Inarirttnga-VotlarEhrnag and 0 rupee: iloalory and (llovoo lit - great variety, an extort vo Stock of NOTION • B. BALMORAL AND 1100 h SKILTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS • CORSETS! C ORSETS! Fren.li Wovo, Hip Gore, and the celebrated °cart Corset's. . Ladie'R OuffH and Collars. ilematltehed 'fa eked d , Embroidered Ilandkorehieth. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO GASH PURCHASERS. THOMAS A. HARPER, Cur. of fl hover and Pomfret Sts ll= BAR GAINS! W. C. BAWYE7II. & Co's • WC: SAWYER & CO., calls tbo attontlen of tbe public, to tlotr Im mense Stock of Fancy and Striped _ DRY GOODS, Cowls fog of HIL 1,,5, POPLINS, ' EMPRESS CLOTHS, MERINOES, • ALPACAS, ,hr ke. C.ARPETS!'CARPET!! BRUSSELS THREE PLY, INGRAIN, VENITIAN, COTTAGE, RAG, , LINEN And lIEMP, groat variety OIL CIeOT.FIS, RIMS, SHADES, &c., kc., whlch•wlll be sold ♦ery cheap. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, H 0 S V. Y , GLOVES HOUSE FU RN ISHI NG GOODS, overntlnd lu 11.111"Ittlit quirtitwa. will make grout wieritleu and °M- u line iisborlmoot to oulect from.. Please remember tbie large Stuck will• be sold And we Ask prices wilt} t view of closing out tic entire Stock. All who wish cheap DIUSS 000D8. All who wish cheap OAIIPI.TB. All who wish cheap lIOUBE GOVDS. All rtrln, wink cheap DRY GOODS ul any kl Gall at W. SAWYER A CO'S., Etut 3laln Street. sfeb OD 1867. - SPRING. 1867 BARGAINS. NOW OPONING IN • DOMESTIC COODS DRESS GOODS, CASSIMEI&..}4 • ISATIATS, JEANS, • • • WHITE GOODS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, _ ZYPILERS - , RIBBONS, NOTIONS, .1,0 AT - • RING'S NEW STORE, No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET. Opposite the Mansion House, tint to Poet OM. Carlisle BoWEIvS . COMPLETE- MANURE • ZWIIMACTURED DT HENRY / BOWER . , Chemist, PIEULADELPIIIA I=l=l SeperPhosphate of Lime Ammonia & Potash IfIARANSID TIMB nom AInIitERATION. . . . This manure iontsins all tho elements to pro; duce largo crops of all kinds, and is hlgbly recom mended by all•who usa it, also by distinguished °herniate who Lave, by analysts, tasted Rs qualltlea • • Rnckcil in iliva,of 200 Ma. each. DIXON,SHARPLESS. & CO:. 4.GEN TS, 39 South Pinter & 40 •8911411 Delaware ATOIIIIO ,PIIILADELPIIIA TOM BALI DT WILLIAM REXNOLI43, ,South Street, • 4 ' ' BALTIMOIIX, Audi.) dealers gonerally Eh rouhopt tlkefeaantry. Fes fa Ibrmatlon, address Henry .13cerre'r; Mr a. e..12feb,60-I.g. ARGE 'PtIBLIO SALE OP 04- jI4IIAGEB, BUGGIES AND WAGONS, BYi A. B N ,SHERD , ON:F#IPAY , MAY 7715118 P ~ • . Id glint A.. DA XI ? rod'on ooAch ? t ar t g o f i t h 4 io g tt 044; ltoY a, Aka wleheito ;Di io.,*doln C they heve' to.koako ohlo of, I,tielrjarhtp acook Ank•lb„and,, which . . . ONE PLATFoitAt PITZT,O4; • i j r j ; • ,1 1 1 94441ANTOWIC iYriq ' ; • • ; ' ; 1 ; ItIAiIITA?k , V;' • , Top • Neel< r•- •oligt a— fifteen • puoic.Top i vett of them ;Steel - • flea five. new Boring Wattimeiwll4 lii • , 21 :44 1 9 hapd,huggh ; nopkownye ; ' , ,i)T1 1 0 . 1:44. All Money work itlwaffnutr. MISOELLANEQ • • . Pot D - yspepsia, ;raver and Ague, Aci dhy of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, heart-burn, Jaundice; and all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach,. Liver or Intestines. - • • Prepared by SEWARD',.. BENTLEY & CHENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sokd by all Druggists. - For Sale by GBO. B. ROFFMAN, Grocer, Pomfret Street. 22jant9.6m Rest Ores grhy and faded Flair - to its ORIGINAL Cocoa, removes Dandruff, CURES ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the hail. grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. $l.OO and $1,50 per . Mile. Each Bottle in a Neat Paper. Ear. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY &CHENEY, Dr o ggi, Buffble. N.Y. Sold by all Druggisls. For Sale by G1:0. B. HOFI'II - 2111 Grocer, Pon . fret Street. 22jan A Safe and Speady Cure for Coughs,Colde, Asthma 'Bronchitis, . Hoarseness ,Croup, Influenza, Whimping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and . Lungs. Don't neglect a sev-re Cough, or throw Any money on a ' worthless medicine. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE Prepared by SEWARD. BENTLEY & CHENEY, .Druggis.ts, Bidado, N,Y. __Sold by au Drug,giat.°, For B,lle by Gl O. 13. Hapriir arocer, 8/reel. 22jEin Urn Important to Buyers of Dry Goes Ein " E E E - H I V E, " The - Popular Dry Good Store 920- Chestnut Street,. PHIL ADELPIII A. , • rt , ' For many years conducted. as the P 4.1215 CLOA It: AND' NANTILL EMPORIUM ' J. W PROCTOR & CO WIH off, Iho conitilg Son,on nt. POPULA PRICES FORICASIE, nn nut Stnek 1%6 1: lA ' 1:11ES TIC 1( le)" 0 001)8. T nomting Apring and f.lnnilner In Pirri variety. [MAUI( AND t' .I.,DRI•ID U.K.,.S • . LAI.IES AND 1•IMBRDI IQ • i v ; +. LI \ ENS. WU! I'y. othws AND Dom Esrlcs _ LiDsIEDy. GI,DVES 111 , AI I. KINDS, MOURNING lIIIESS 0110115, CLOAKS, SACQI. ES, So, in this dopArtiont.an•uu rivalled iirsort pleat at, prices frets S 5 and upwardly. SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS, Including- Lama; Lace - cloaks Sacques and Points. And various Other goods adapted in the l'opula Trade, which will bo bold at EOONOJIICAL PRICES respect fully Si dull nu examination. Ou r pita, 311 1 11131'klId 111 Plain figures-no duekutli J. W. PROCTOR C CO "THE ' BEE , HIVE." 920 QIIEShVUT STREET, )" 'PHILADELPHIA =I First Mortgage Seven Per cent. INDORSED BONDS. ENE • • St. Lbuis,Vandalia and Terra Haute Railroad Co, At 90 arid ACCUED INTEREST • Thoso BONDS arii forqlooo ouch; .;toourod by a first mortitago of ONLY $129,90 par pito on the property nod franchisee of tho Company, rodeomo• abfo on the first day of January, 1897. Coupons at tached, payable on the Ist day of January - and -July la each. year. The payment of the principal and Interest lo NULL TILER SECURED by tho Indorsement of the Bonds by The Torrit Haute. and Indianapolis • Railroad Co. The Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Railway Co.: - The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. LOuis Railway Co, . ,e , " The lodoroomont of MOM Ino tu tniatoodComponios being guaraotood by The Pennsylvanht Railway Co. Tha road on which these liontiliconetltdia a Met Lion 11;158 miles long; extending from the Torn) Haute and Indianapolis Railroad, soar Texrallante, to Bt. Louis, and forms tho last-I-And only, uncompleted' link In the ahortest,' Lino from Sr. .Louie to Piffled°'phis and New York. • Its Immo. diets contfnction and equipment nro provided for In a cont rant between tho Pennsylvania Itailload Company, and the Companiee above named, which contract Ineurd teat it shall always So operated in theiolut interests of the direct line botweon. St. Louie and tho East. • _ SEVENTY MILES of therm] or° now completed, hod.it Is:confidently °spectra that the entire line Will be opened for twin: early - In The Iron rolls for the entire length of the road bare been purchseed, and sufficient for' 160 mIITI t ilonda can 1:10 linil on application to DE HAVEN & 'BROTHER Bankers