C AlV.gO ft YOU WANT TO SEE - THE j_ luoerperfect PAR,LOR STOVE ifier offered to the public, step into . , W I‘l : ..F R.I 1) L g Y-' S - Store_ Store, _Eng, Louther _St.rent,_ln—the rear or_ Halbert's Store mod aeo tho . „ . , " GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER .in operation. It Is a perpetual Burner, and perfect Radiator, 05 well as a porter? Ventilator of the room and la warranted to COUSIIIIIII toes oral than any other Stove of tilt name. size; ever offered to the public, requiribg but one ordinary 'i,euttle of small null once in kwontv•eight hours, being perfectly /titanic in all Its' woViting , bash"; a simple Glide to regulatt, the lire for keeping at nicht, One kindling h of fire being all that is required d min, the winter.% No dust, no gag, no vlag or cinder. :-. a ;4 ca ' '. :-..- t., Hi r. . t-46 •li.. .-r. ''.4 "'.f. L„ ii;;Ai_ - ' ' I—i ii ........._.— ~i V.Vri " L'A!'•t • 't ...- \,.. 1571;': , _ j• : ' C t=" 2;----- -A'. ^7,1,, ' .-1-0 4 7. •‘---,-----.--.1 '-- ,---. 2 , ;.- t.l 1404 c - , L 4 ,- -3 '7 , 4 ./ ~.., 9 , - 7 ~ ..'',"l, , 1 ~ - , -;.:: , 111SPZ. ', ,, - , 4..V , .....:;4 0 .'''',. ...., -- - • ,:!. 1 Isq m' .'.-. .. — 's -- .(..., \-v • , . H g : 1 4 P-1 C o 0 Z -1 0 w • t Pdl REFE7_:]Bpi - CES. John Paul, Amos Milhh, lir. S. B. Kieffer Porter David Miller, 10. Delaney, D. Hotter, D Balaton, n Kioor, • . • Col. Wllll'omron Mop. Ringo,lt, Prof. rtaymon, A. Sonsomon,._ Pr. irvm, Johnson Aloore J. T. Illppoy, D. Wittora, C. lnhoff, A. Conner, .l. Thompson, .1. Durkbolder, Copt. Brindlo, Mrs. Gordon, '7. froi.gas,., Williamson Bros. 13. Stouffer, il. Rieaffrr. J. Turner, J. Stouffer, W. McLaughlin J. Humor, A. Leidlgh. . P. Mumma, 'Ono. Forenbough ! F Einar:GUl, Mrs.' Wonderlich Abner Miller, 1.1. P. Hassler, . Major Hale, And others. • Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, .Excelsior .Penn or, .Morning Light ...-,•,- - r-* -- * i NrAti., .:4 - • 1 t , i ~ 1 =l;,-,..., ..- •, ' - , - , 1,-;-,' , , t •IrAt ; ~. lAI _. j‘-:.-----_,j,.-c;' j . t ty os ;.:;- : '.. ''',,,,' Z. 4, - - L - .- -r: -. 1 . 4 : 711 - 11 . ,;.7-•,"--;.,.: - . q --- In addition to tho above Stu l ee PIO Mil i keeps on hand a full bupply-t f the best CoJk, lee and Office ~ t oTra. Tin and Sheet Iron work rf nll kinds nn hanit, arid Spouting, 'Roofing and Johbine of Undo - done at thort:notieo, and of the lost of Ate, i.tl. l'f off Cane, and Jarn of the mo=t, :Lapp , od patent...a o 1 1 . 0 coot:Lashio the bent l'ortf,ble and :trier: hot 2F 21 Jr 11 .43 ce ever offered to the public. For retel:octet cal rs. Dr. (i«ri•rr Nekligh, 1 Drury Saxton, F. C. Flensiog, , !re. linrdon. Prof. Ili11111111:; F. IV/If . Colieh, A. I. Itpon4or r - $ ' . And ottocrs... • turner 6e-ly BITS!, NEE FuRnaTuRE: ,p 4, ,: . f : .. .. i'.,,,.., -". ). c 11-...?.--,-, , 4).!,./.1 1 ,e 4, d k -. 1 " 1 -Z , .4 , Irr - ----;]1. 1 1 7, - - - 4 1) --4 -.....A. , .4 - .:-.......e..-4,' ''- -,:-.3 FURNITLIIIE 13 S -N ES S Tha Hatt,. it , or la:;.eat the , n 1 Er_ 1, ...int,. nit o hi, own ha 11 ,1 1, nu. , 11 , ry it in all it, varit 1.1:t1.1.111, at the pld tottih. .46 corner of Intnonir :and Loiltll , l rt, Pet,. ing uow hrtull 4:1..1 Inaliufacturing on from lb t, tlu•'l ito , t t•t) •• Ir• dr, FULNI TURE et all oina!itie, • 11111 ,lor.< Id' .1 :10) •111 • 1(1.• v, 1 M A 110 1 iAj\ Y bl CUE:I'EI' I 1 i FLOE Al, I/. E. T,llAl',ll. BRESBINO ICI, It 1' Al* ,s. . -rd prirre. Tule a Tetss, "du,. I.• Panel, Japans 1.,1 d C 1.1..ags Itureau , ..tl,l;js a"1 .1,1,s ~n,l Ntarals, askstatuls, ~t, r;.sa t't .11 .11111 Si 114 VS, t-t tit fed Furniture in , 111' , , t , 5.'.1111.*0 ~•,S ot all at .1, k. s. II (1 . 1 I) . v • d sod, i•.. • ;(... I . eee. inv.& temttr) .0. lIIMIIIII=Ii C 1.. 11711.i,}.1( ITN N ELASTIC SPONGE 'O , 1111 Cliestn,:t Stioel PEIILAFYIELPHE A ,•;LASTIC'PO - 16 : E, I=l (..; IT II LEI) II .\ I I MEM UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than rcather 'or Muir, FAR Slil'ER1();;. The Lightevt. Fnftrqr and ano, h'lna 1. and Dal. blo usiterial ka. n. tbr Mattresses, Pillows, Car, Carriage, and.-Chair Cushions. It II ontlroiy IndeAructible, 1 , 1 . 1 i,• and frio from du-t. = Iv always fme fmna Insect lifej, vrkctly,ilealthy 4.1 for tho sick In uneq .1 led.. II soiled lu nay wily, eau lie roni,i a tea quid:et sad tailor than iiny other Mat tress . 40611 attention glued to FULINIbIHNO CHURCHES, HALLS, Sic 11101 - read men nro especially I m o lted to examine tlioleushion Spr•uge. - 'a Ala' ACTION OUAIt A N VIED. THE TRADE SUPPLI VD. laoo 6134 p. CARPETINGS We are new resolving n large stork tbr Spring Sales, LOW VCR CASH LEEDO & SHAW, Na. - 910 AR. If 8-T It EE T, PIIILADE.LPIIIA 261Star60-oi The . Carlisle Shoe -Company, MANUFACTURERS'OF-----7 . • BOOTS AND SHOES, • - Nd. 5, East Main Street, ^ " CARLISLE, PENIPA. • HAVING commenced the•manufac turo of Boots and Shoes, tho ottontlon of ~, the Trade In invited to tho Ittriotutsortment of ,Ladies, 11li$ses.and C7lilfirea's . ,Shoes Now to storo hod especially adtipted to the wants of tbo Basil Trade. , Wo shall null times have on , bond a comploto assortmout of all tho • POPULAR STYLES Mado by worlcmon ,of the greatest osper)onso and. shill. Members of the Trade who may favor us _ with their custom are assured that no olTort on our' 'part will ho sporty' to furnish Good Goods at , The Lowest•Posible Prideb. CORMS BY. MAIL shoji resolve, the. same atton tlot that buyers Would In porno, and distant par ties can cely .upon gutting tholr (foods on equally nu good tormo by sending their orders, ashy per. sonally vlalti g -SHOE UPPERS TOR , BALE. rreasurez;. • apr111.0,60.13m. , , • ' Patronize the 11Zazip the boot 1.4 ()cal Paper in the County.' MILLER & BOWERS'. D WA RE - S ORE, 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, -CA EULISLE, PA. _ Tar % , 1 / 4 71." • fjkli WEw uldrespectfullycalltlloalten [loool the public to our recently replenish: ed STOCK. We iIAVO carefully avoided purchasing during the recent decline, and now that the market has become settled Ire hove filled tip our shelves fled, arc prepared to oder special ruduretnents to all who will lacer u, with a call. We have,onsLintlyon hand a FULL STOCK OF Ila noneoli, English Refined, and Nor way.l R 9,11 r; Berdan's Rome and ..11,4e Slays ; Norway Rads ; = BLACKSMITHS. TZL snchna Ilrl Polid !Sy'llows. Rasps, Files - 1) V L 1) I N G ~('•v .i.Za MATE I; Al, ....lEn_havito cII per.n.a.batitullinff3P_ltUildi and take a look thrunalt our steak. barn °RV llolfs, Locks, .11ass, Paints. Oils. and :ill material in,: this line µlarked down at the lowest CA: II PRICES: , . and fret assured that we can offer special induce ineuts in this branch. HARMS BURG NA I LS, always ~n him& • yOCkET (11,"13Y,RY, of all Immagloable patterns. We Itelip on hand a roll line of these goods and arc always a) lo to snit the ta•t_ coon the mold aistddious. SAD I >LE of every varlet entl.rotint - . in p t aelf adjte.ting and Gig Traeg, Plated Japanned and ‘l.autt flames, liroot Itands, - Gtrthlng, Ifor, Illookets, ke y 111,50, . . - . ,:.!. w„,..E =EI °lir hien& will always find us well supplied with the lewt brands of these articles and ready to sell them at the lc,cest prices. We arelawastantly in re ceipt cvf tilos enahlint ourselves to supply our 4on.ttoner, with fresh paints, colors of all des pont:ltaly on hind. Cabinet MnioN , and Undertakers, mill .d..a.s find .Klll'llll4 4 6111 ‘iipply of p 0.14 lit M4ttl! ”13 . .1,..10,j .1 VI EIZS, trill de troll to call 1111 I,Jimine our r•toelc of flames Traces Breast , Chains 'Ample and Stay Chains ,lackey Chains, Spread%.J. lalter.Chatas, Crot Tles Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hakes, Uraia hags, &c, let fore ituyin c elsewhere. We are ready to otter special inducements in t his limn Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. We 0,, ,ie agents for the .• BUFFALO SCALE ,ORBS nod .{.. tdt.oly to ttopply tie:ales 'warranted, and fur ne•lnt lat to:Ito. prices than any other roles in tho ono het. We :11 rouitaull) lu receipt of glr IS direct from the manufacturer/. and ale able to lurni•h Country Morehants at Philadelphia and New York price, always on hand and at the loirert market rater, Hubs, Spoke., Fellers, Axles, Shafts, Durk, Drilling, Damask, Sc., , GOODS deliveredlo all parts of the town free of charge. - Wilcox '& Gibbs' L1 t1 ,,,• 1. - ' ; yr ' ''~'.., ~_S.: rr‘ "e• , ; MitiM SEWIEG MA all IV E, Wo have secured the &goner of • the Wilcox & -Cabe' Sowing Machine, a little family arrange ment rio one seems willing to do without after havinr, soon one'. In operation. The Wilcox .is. jr_Singlo Thread Machine and claims superiority over all thitible Thread Mealliiioi to URI following particulars. It is aimpler and less liable to get out of .repair. It' is cheaper. It. rubs with less noise. It rune easier.' It -rune faster It liar the best device for preventing the wheel from running backward. It requires less mechani cal skill to operate It. It requires less time and, instruction to learn - ,:to use it. It le tho most certain and reliable in its operations. Ite needle is straight and less liable 'to be brokhn then a curved ono The needle Ix secured In its place by 'an Illgorilnuely patented device which renders it self adjusting so that neither skill nor experlen.oe are required In arranging it. It sews directly from the spool thus doing away with the tedious operation of rewinding the thread for adjustment •in -the shuttle,. Itonnyes the Wilcox & Gibbs' or "twisted loop stitch," a stitch original with this machine: and made by no other, the seam Is more elastic mud stronger than the Lock Stitch. Tho seam hi the molt even and beautiful, the seam is alyrays solf.fardened thus avoiding a reversible food, its tension is more Wept,' and more easily adjusted, it lamina speedily changed from one kind of work' to another, it docs.theautiful embroidery, it has thh best hemmer, It has the limit filler, it has the best braider, it has the beat belte-The Wilcox A Gibbs has been In the market for a little more than" eight veers, during which time upwards IX sixty thousand Lambeth Made and 'midi a number by any per cent. larger thari from sold. of any Double Thread Machlqo In the same number of Its earliest years. Such stamen is sufficient to warrant the solo of this Machine wherever, it has .an. Agency without the doubling ',evidence of testimonials, of which there are enough.lo fill np the columns of all she Journals In the land, These Machinea are on exhibition at our store, No. 20,. Norte ilanover Street, Carlisle, where they inay .ex amined, and they will take great Owns,. In :ex plaining anything relating Respectfully AI., , mums &BOWIES, . N 0.28., North Nanover ela,. ' plaslllbs PO • 2 Diem OP. RARDWARL. 7' 0 0 - L ,S' , [fo, o 0 ) TABLE • A DD C(IACIt W,A G 0 N FIXTURES, 'LOCUST MOUNTAIN, LAWBERRY, So., Se Lirneburners' and Illooksmithe Coal constantly of ealo. Kept under cuVor, and delivered dry to any part of tho town. Also, all kinds of ',Tabor on 1 . Land, - J. BEETEM k DllOl3. 17ipr es . • I em MISCELLANEOUS. 1869. HAR,DWARE. IrENRY SAXTON, ro. i~ A St WIG II .STRIgEr, Carlisle,- 7r , Wholwale and liotall denier In Nardware. Iron Steel, Nails, Building Materials, Paints Vi la Olnas dre. Fling quality of American and Enallsit 1'00: 4.t and Table Cutlery. • • Every description of Tools, adopted for nli Ile chanical Trades of tlarmost cal:brated makers, and Warranted in oven verff,, instsnee. Gung,l'lstois d.Ammanition. Jpu P S , to- any illth warrantoxl to giro satisliwtion Cement, e Itlnatlilg Powder, V , • Spa,us, • FOTKP, Crowbars, SledveN, &o FARM BELLS, PLOWS. CHAINS, lIAMER GRAIN BAOS:-kmotc.. ' Builders readvo materials to a irtVait advantage both in price and quality. lioaekeepore Uooda and uton vile In great variety. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GREAT FUEL F,CONOMIZER PATENT uxenst on WEATICERSTRI adopted for doois and windows Wo fool ouisolvos romp:dent of pleating cat ae our goods aro of the highest in quality nod latent in price.. . . Orders by mail receive prqmpi allention. goods delivered In town fro. Parties Indebted to uN for IhGa will, please - be prompt In their payment. and all to whom Ulf are indebted will please present their trills• Inc settlement. =1 Sian 6S . PUMPS PUMPS ! For puro water use, neither bad tasting wood, rusty Iron, nor poison lead, but . The Celebrated Cucumber made of wild cucumber wc - Trid: — ele firely tasteless thimble and reliable. Not n patent article, but the good 42 1 old.fsoltloned wooden Pump, made ,we .'4. '; by machenery, and thereft.re perfect !I ' ,, rf , - and accurate in all Ito parts: raising __.-: ' .2 an equal amount of water; and ,'A -'.. ~.,... , 1 ci.sting less than half Ihe annoy. ! 4,,,„ •. • ,, I:solely arranged so ay to be not.- . .,p..!..• ~...4. freezing, and In construetlon co 1, ./., 4...... simple that any one ran put It up .11.,. 11' ..' 4AIII and keep It in repair. .After wjf ', '. thorough trial It Is acknoWledged the V.,/,'l:' „.tery etzs . AND CHEAS,C6T. Twelve feet ef .• , ~.1.,, , tubing with each pump, free of ..i.Mt. ,1:,...1 . ..d.r . charge. Dealers supplied n t loweet ...Er . ...-., t ~;=-,....q manufacturers rtes. For circulars, .., prier a , . e.Callor addres s. 6.2.. .-., i-11 te t CIIAS. O. 111,ATCFILEY, 624 Filbert St. bewteen Sixth ,I Seventh and Market and Arch St., Phila. Agents wanted. I= " 9 " PRTERTY AT PRIVAIt: SA LE The Great Head Quarters for all kinds of army Geode, New and Second-hand, and sold nt a tithe of the rest.- _ HARNESS, Wheel and Lead Team lie mesa, Ambulance, Light and Hoary Express. Cart and liuvid liar° e , 'N McClellan and Offiedral Saddles, Bridles. Collars, Reins, Miters, Surciugles, ate., ate. TENTS, Hospital; Wall and Wedge, with poles and pins complete, Wagon Covdss, Awnings, Sacking Bot toms and Ihigs. I ' rrrrm 141"444 - 4tcV Overcoat, Frock Coats. Jackets, Blouse., Pants Army Blankets, horse Covers, Fly Sheets and NOM. etc. etc. The largest and best assortments we have ever offered. Son. d. fnr descriptive Price List's ble,nt free on ay, pliention. ''''s-' Snmll orders by Express. C, 0. D. *Th :'' ' LI DER AL DEDUCTIONS TO WDOLESA LE DEALERS. CO_ (t,rioorly root St , 71 N: 2d St., just belo— Arch St. El= Also 5 PA It K P LACE . ' Now Y,.rlc MIME o 3 .7.. ^ N. , C • , • a, ;.‘,...;<.; • t-% ' l % t „ , ; `„=, . 4 , • 9 '.;fl V 4,1 '9 6 .. 41 Z7> 1;1 ~r,e041.V t.l ; FeF4..l , V. - - r . I . U) •-• kLil l il:j Furniture of all varieties mil Styles of Foreign end Domestic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowest priced motile and pine Parlor, Chamber, Dlnihg room, Kitchen arid Wilco IMMESEE Embracing every article used by !louse end Hotel keepers, of t h e most approved and fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture In setts reception and Camp Chairs. Mattrasses, Gilt frames, 'pictures, Or., &a. • 431-Particular attention given as usual to funerals orders from , town and country, attented to promptly andun moderate - terms. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO TIIE,SELECTION 01? WALL PAPER. I= J. BEETEM S 5 BROTHERS, Forwurdaul & Contniissiv _Merchants. (Henderson's old stand At the head of MAIN STREET, Oldish? ? Pa. The highest market price evil/ be piild for Flour, Grain and produce of all kinds. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKENB VALLEY, NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER SCHEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL Th!e medical preparation Is now, offered to the public aa a reliable substitute fur the many worth lose compounds which now, flood the market. It is purely vegetable, composed of various herbs, gath ered from the grant storehouses of netUro, and Beaded yrith the utmost care. It is not rocom mended as a Cana ALL, but by' its direcfiand,salu tary inflUonee upon 'the .11earIt.,Liver filitneys t Lungs, Stomach and Bowels, it 'acts both as a pre• ventive and cure for many of the : diseases to which those organs are subject. It is a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taken by either Infant or adult with the same beneficial results. It is a certain Prompt and speedy remedy for DIARRINEA, DYSENTERY, BUIVELGOMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. LOWNESS OF SPIRIT, PAINTINGS, SIONIIEAII - As, _For CHILLS and FEVERS of all klnds, it is and eater - than quinitra; — with - out any of its pernicious effects. It creates An appo tits, proves a powerful digester of food, and will counteract the °fleets of liquor in a few minutes. ' PREPARED BY'. JACOB staurrz Bole P;ropritr, N.W. Oor. Filth and'llaco Sta.,' Phtlad'a, Pa 'SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 20nov QB3y. 11), Q 0 • FINE U S T.Oll 141 - A D E BOOTS - AND• SHUNS - -FOR GENTLE EN All the LEADING STYLES on hand or outdo to measure. Prises fixed at•LOW PIGUREB. An Illus. traded Prleo List with Instrnetkine for aelf measly , want sent.on receipt of Post Office address. • . WM. P. BARLETT, flf Bou#llllAth Btq alx to Obediont, , • PIIILADELPILIA. 'Haug 011.1,A. • ' 4 • --- MARBLE YARD.. • .6 '4".4. • 111.1.0DII1111,..D4nD a tte ODADBTONZB, Ma toe Door sills,. QII 61Id ,itiado to order Dotal' Den 'over Dtroot, lisle, . muiebtomi .Q.E0411..1)081:113 tno plooo to go n ti n Un 7i n c t u r e r. Betweela MISCELLANEOUS LOOK OUT , DRY GOODS MEN. . TO TILE PUBLIC., I havejust returned from the Rost with my Spring Stock,and as notial,l am selling Goods AMU° cheap. or than any other Dry Goods home In town.,l do not think ft necessary to occupy a column of ews -paper-to limp — Up - My - reputation ;for selling - cheap Mods; nor do I wink to resort to clap trap to gull the public. All I ask of them is to roll and examine for themselves, and it not satisfied with tha prices. not to buy. Remember the strand No. 32 North Ltatiover !Arcot; next door to Dr. Kieffer's. and & Dowers hardware Store. ' 1869. W 7.1. A. MILES. • P. S. nvlll sal nothing about my cI int and fouVlt grand openings. 9aprii-137. • ___—_______ • . _ FIATS AND CAPS,, ;x!, , 3 - •;"`r bp you loan; a niie Hat or Cap.. 4 don't WI to nil on J. G. LI I 0 I=l =l= ATS. AND fATS ov, hrougli' TTo plrnsurn to Invitimr hi• C11,1*•11,. • 1 . • A/1 TIPS, x ; rohi-- Yr •• %mid 01••1 tiILN 10 BeFides ati vt,fl I • Ca). of the lut,l 1. 1. rlp wi —ll at I,nvrost EIIIMMMI Hots .Ifunufacturol to Ordrr Ho lots ths hes, arranenmoot .sanrhog: Unto and 0.11 'Ando ef It onion Gootho flooreo t he., at the olforltot nothee (ne solors to. oft wo es) nod on till, most reaoonable )110n. 0 low lot of oholeo oramts of TOBACCO ANT) CIGARS Alwoyo on booth Ile deAres to mil the ettontlor of pffsons who hoer• COUNTRY FURS To soli, ns ho pop. tho highest on,h priceo for" the. vamp, •• • Give him a call. at thu above numbnr, his old stand as he feels ennlldont of Ovine - ontire ontisfao. tion. mous THE GRE'A T ZINGARI BITTERS. I= _._.6 _CY,ItTALS_CUIt.LA OF VISEASES, The ZINOARI 'SITTERS are compounded from a prescription or the coif:tented Egyptian physician Dn. CII.I,UN, who, after years of trial and experi ment, diner:Term' the Zing:mini Herb—the most re marital le Tenet:lblc prednetlob, the earth, perhaps, has seer ylolciedrertalnly the most effective In cure of discasi. It, In ,•ootLinatlon with the other valuable p•nio•rtles et which the %INBAR.' BITTERS I. ceteposTd. wilt euro I)) niwptin. Fever anti Agri, Ia lir ut poet r, Cholfe Cold., Brourbltis, Con..tunetlrin In it. first hope, Flatulency, Sorrous h , •hiiity', Female Complaints, Ithounietisui, Dysentery; A amijihronie Diarbirs. Choi ret MorhuF, l'hol,n; Typhoid _ row; }'Olt In the lIRMI.Nrios nud (Inn 0I the shoe e die eases. It hos nover 1,4., known to Mil, as thoutands of our most promluet!t citizeus throughout all It, of the country, n 111 to.tity. Let tho afflicted .1.11 for ciroulor coots Iblng testimonials null certificates of those who hay, hem, ruled otter :heir CUSt.Y . hdie boon pronontisml hope Lx by our hest phyektotlql F. RAHTER & CO., NO. G N. Front St., Philadelphia lion. Robert J.'Flober. '• Hon. Kda9ird Mollinmnn, " • •' Jnol It, DangOFT ' " lion. Wm. M.•Sherov. ". on'a othors !ME= EIZIEZI 1 - 31{0CLA 01 I r TO 'A LL TII F IvtgtLll THAT I'llE NATIOAL IVITTERS VEI H Hys p g, lles rut od more ea•oe of A Tilore cases of 1.1 lilt I Nl': more case+ of NEIIVQU.i II LA DACEIE, At; UE. and more carrel of DE:III I.l'fV, than any -other remedy 'before the public In the saYne epee° of time. IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS THE MIND, RESTORES SLEEP, Is an Dave Dent Appetizer, and a genoral In vigorator of tho System. WALTON & 'LUG, Proprietors, No. 9, N Sur , nth tit, Philadelphia Sold by Druggists, and Dealors generally. 114feb U. S. HOTEL, Opposizo Pa. R. R., & Jloading Dopot HARRISBURG; PA. A. B. ef>. W. H. HMAIINbER & 'CO Proprietors. 2oct 68-Iy. J. L. STERN I ER'B LIVERY' AND SALE STABLE. Between Hanover and Bedford, Stre4a, In roar of the Corman. Rouse. CARLISLE PENN'A. Raving fitted up the Stable with New Carriages U., I am : _ prepared to furnish firer-cis a turnouts Wreesounble rates. Parties taken to and from the .Springs..: 20uov 68.1 y. AMERIOAN HOUSE, NorthManover Street, Carlisle, W. E. :KARNS, PROPRIETOR WAVING established myself in this well•known and popular HOTEL, I, most respectfully solicit the patronage of the' old gusto• mere of the House, and all others who wish calve good accommodations and attention. Xiar'DON'T FORGET THE OLD BTAND.. Alt? 2.0 m. ' _W. E. KARNB " THE- - BEST WAY " To obtain heavy yard-wide Cotton Sheeting L is send un a club of 30 names at 10 coats each for our dollar goods, and get twenty-ono yde, astemmission for raising the Olub, forty.two yde. for Club of 60, 'sixty-five yde. for Club of 100, or 104 yds. of the .Agent sends for the whole 100 articks out. of the club, Same commission raid in other goods. - .041-Tli OLDEST, - LARGESI,-AND-MOST-RE1,1.- ABLE DOLLAR SALE HOUSE IN 1108TON:OZ Male and Female agents mantel. Sand Clubs and money In-registered letters, and 'WO • guarantee .pirompt Warns. 01 VE US A TRIAL. Write AT ONCE for Monier and "Exchange List" of dollar goods, before sending. elsewhere. .. . . EASTMAN A KENMALL, 0' S 5 uawloy St., Boston, Mass. :0 AlprlloB-lm ' 1 • - - TO THE WORKING. CLASS.- I am now prepared to furbish all dosses with constant employment at their homes,the whole of the time, or tor the spare moments. usiness new, light a:AI profitable, Fifty cents to ft pot noon lag, is easily earned by persons of oitbor sex, and the boys and girls, earn nearly as much .as men. Great induce:Monts aro - offered those who will devote their 'whole-time to the 'business ; and that every- per son who sena this. notice, and, may send me their address sod test the business for theinsolvos, I make the folloiring poparalleled offer: To all Who Ma not eatietled with the business, I will semi $1 to yay for the trouble of Writing me. Full particulars, Dirde: Mons, dm, emit free.. Sample sent by mall for 10 eta Address, 0. ALIIEN, Augusta, Me. • Apl 2-3 m. ' . . inpLUMBING, GAS AND STEAK FITTING., GEORGE R. FOOTE reibectfully Informs the °Mime of Owlish, and vicinity, that be continuos to parry on the above business • In- all Its various blenches, in the basement of Ilfreem'a Hall, In liburch alley, whore orders will be thankfully re solved, and • promptly executed. • • , , Orders left at the, Herold Office will receive /rece i pt attention; . • 010. R . FOOTE;' /9 4,49 th . • • A. OWEN lIIMII =ESE I= 111:1=11111!=1 WUS of th. Kitt o I • &c. .te I= =9 I=l DRY GOODS. I)RY . GOODS! SOIIfETIJING TO SUIT THE TIME AND SEASON, - - • AT THE NEW. AND CHEAP CASHSTOgE THOMAS, A. HARPER, CORNER OE lIANOVER AND P9MFRET STS., Who to now orepArd to exhibit :to ehotant and svel' Isxortod Stock of R Y G' 0 0 S At excvedlngly low prlcesl-- Bargains • BLANKETS, of ;ill I olerfl nod OMv. The elompent Sloth in f , 'ILANNIELS• +1 Sill nnfi_Twillod, nit colox.' , ' Pr+la.+, Shirt'lo4. Home Mad and a fine al tide or %IWO' Flannels. A W I,S !SHAWLS! Long and B.ln:tre, Paisley and Thibet. Ladies' Cloakings. 1'1,1%14,11n5, Uold 3llsod,'Wator i'roof nod floavy Brosers. Merlon Vests. Fhlrts nod 'T/roworr, for Lodi.' Misses, Mon's nod lloys' %roar. Imo of and Unssinieres.... FANCY DRESS GOODS Yri,,nelv nn 1 Illch Design rt glany of the above Clouds selling off at at greatly reduced prices. ' Immense Stock of 4rll urn loading brands of Domestics and HOUSE FU.TiNISIIINO DIY GOODS, at less Than regular priers. BLEACHED & BROWN SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, PILLOW CASE'hINENS, 1 AISLE. LINENS. NAPKINS- AND DOMES. Towels and 'Towellings IllursuilleB Quilt and Pablo Uoyurs, No[11.101:11° Lure Curtln Mut, '11,1”. Full line, of - • ITE GOODS, Embraillority, Lams an 1 1 naorLings and C - Hosier; and Moro: varloty, an extep- Ave Sawk of NOTIONS. BALMOItAI, .1 • I) Hoop SKIRTS FANCY Woo LEN il(),0D;; 11112=MIE Ire h Wove, lisp tlm e. and the 11.1.h0l Corset, I.ndirfi Cuff. and lAre. 11.oniit i Mold And Embroidered Ilan et eli Mfg, Sp F,(21 A E IN Due EAI 1 4 2 N TS TO (2 3'Ul CHASERS TII. , IIAS A. 11AltPlult, Con. of Pt mil et :3U. EIMEEI 811 - RGI INS! W. Q.. SAWYER & vi r C. SAWYERCO., culls o the Itlention lo their lot mmisr Stork of hol, v and S;ri:lrti - D Rl, 0 S , Conni.tink Of .TT vc. EM PS ES.= - C1,61115, • eACAS, Rc, OATIPR,TS•! CARPETS_!! ME INGRAIN. VEN ITT A N , COTTAGE. - RAG = In R. oat variety OIL CLOTHS, 1:1;(1S. 511,11,1 which will I , k. ver) rho] p. CLOTHS &YD CASS] M'EFZES; II ( ) S 16. I: ) GLOVES, HOUSE I l• RN ISIII NG GOODS, ii every kind I Itt ut. l int quanlitl..•. will mai, savritire nil “ac, a flue I..nuatuuut 110111. • o•inembor I.lrge Stock will be nohi. and we ark tidal, a it.b a view f tinting out the entire Stark. All who wish rhvap DRESS GOODS. ill who w elioap CA RP CPS. All who wi..14 elleap Ell II I N ti 4 alDS. All whr. 1, q, DEN :bu y Ilia. Call at IV. : A\\YF.li & 1:a•t Mnin Strout Mil MB SPRING. BARGAINS NOW OPFININO Ix DOMESTIIC COODS DRESS 00005, CASSI Si EROS, • •SATINETS, JEANS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, ZYPHRRS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, AC NEW STORE No. 55 WEST MAIN STREET, Oppoeito tho ?,lausloo Ifouso, noel to Pont Mot. CorllBlo BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, =9 ILENRY BOWER, Chemist, =1 §upor-Phosphato of Limo . Ammonia & Potash WARRANTED FREE FROM ADULTERATION Thin manure coat ttlx ell' tho . elements to pro duce large crops of nll Ithithr?„and Is highly recom mended by all Acho use it, also by - distinguished chemists Rho Lave, by analysts, tasted Its ((wattles Packed in Bags of 200 lbs. each. DIXON,SHARPLES4 'St CO.. AGENTS, • S 0 South Water' 4: 40 South Delaware Avenue, =I MEM . WILLIAM REYNOLDS,' • 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD. • And by dcalere generally tlrlionhont the country For In feimatlon, addreaa Iloury. Bower, Pia 12feb 69.1 y. nARGE.PTJBLIC SALE OF CAR j_JRIAGES, BUGGIES AND WAGONS, IN A. B. & N. BLEERK, ON PRI:DAY, NAY 7TH, 1869 Slime A. B. & N. Shark. having specula' ully oar. Hod on Coach Making for throe yours; one of the' firm Isiahon to withdraw. By co doing they have to wake sato of their large Stock on hand,. which consist, of . ONP: PLATFORM. PHJETON, XlpIT STYLE, 8 GERMANTOWN ,CARIAGEB, TWO OAFFERY WAGONS, ONE TWO-BRATEO MARE CARRIAGE, ton , Loather Top 'Stool Tiro Bugging; lilloon Qum and Dusk Top s part 'of Mon Stool Tlre,7 tio Top 'loggias, gyp now Spring Wagons, with and without top, tone() and kandliuggli a, koeitagaYll W %and - Spring agotaa All the now work la :warrant. fat one year.. • • ‘. kiltrOkakte - , 3fISCELLANEOUS. Fo , Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dly of the Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases arising froin a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by SEWARD, BENT/LEY CDENEY, Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. . Sok by all Drujigiste. For ~Sale by c'EO. B. lIOFFMAN, Groe:cr; Pomfret Street. '• mom Restores -gray and faded Hair—to—its- ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASES OF TIIE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the halc grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant., SIM and $1,50 per Baffle. Each NOla in a Neat Paper Bon. Preeparied by SEWARD, BENTLEY OH IiNEY, Druggists, Menlo. N.Y. Sold 'by ill I 'Druggist For Sale by 0 E 0.13. INFF.4 I - . 1 IV, Groeer,'Popyi:et Street. - 22jnn cu.um A Safe and Speady Cure for Couglls,Colds, Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, Wlmoping Cough: Incipient, Consumption, and. all Diseases of the Throat an'd Lungs. Don't neglect a set—re Cough, or throw away money 6n a worthless medicine IFIRICE_FIET_CENTS.PER BOTTLE. Prepared by SEWARD, BENTLEY CI3EN EY, DrPggist.9, Bidlnio, N.Y. Sold by all DruggiaM • For Sale by OEO. B. HOFFMAN, Urbeer; I'ontfr , l Sheet. .2-J Ltl c r i Gru Important' to Buyers of Dry Goods Efilin BE iVhVg, The Popular '35i7 Goed Sdre; 920 Chestnuf Sfieet; PHILADELPHIA yeul•s conducted ns the PARIS CLO AK AND --MA 'l' IL 1.,? EM/'OR I UM J. W. PROCTOR & CO Ihu coming _'.).Nroon at POPULAI , PRICES FOR CIS 11, un entirell, Now Stock of FO klaA' j 1)(1.11.05710 nRV (MODS. In; . .inding . Epilog ~u u- t mer Dregs Mood. In larg =NM BLACK AND LACES A\l• W111111011(1: IFS, LI wtr , s, .NTIIITE GOODS AND DOMESTICS (i.L.JVES L RINDS, .1111URNINil lll.liti9 0(101M, CLOAKS.. FA( DU FS, Ao 111 tlI departmant an un rhllll..d (o,snitto.nt a: f(rDes from S 1 and np.wartle. SHAW LS OF ALL KINDS, Including Lama., Lace cloaks Sacques and Points. And varioue other Goods artaptral to Ulu l'opula Trade, teldelt will tut void at , ECONOMICAL PRICES 1807 Wft rospevt f 0.13 Our price err =Wit( in plain figures—no deviation • LW. PROCTOR & CO. "THE BEE HIVE." 920 CIIES'TNTT STREET, 213mar.G9.3,tn First Mortgage Seven Per cent. INDORSED BONDS. St. Lottis,Vandalia and Terra Haute Railroad Co. At 90 and ACCRUtD INTEREST Thum BONDS aro for $lOOO - each, !moored by a Brat mortgage of ONLY - $1'5,000 per milt, on tho property and franchlsos of tho Company, redeem, able on the first day of .lanuiry, 1897. Coupons at tached, payable on rho let day of January and-July In each, year. Thu payment of tho principal and lutenist Is FUR TUIIt 811:01111141) by tho indoreomont of the Bonds by The. Terra Haute' and Indianapolis Railroad Co. , The Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central Railway Co. The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. , Railway Co. The indorsement of tlio too last-namod Companies being guaranteed by The Pennsylvania. Railway Co • The road on which these Bonds constitute a First Lien is 168 miles long, exandlng from the Taira Haut . ° and IndlimaPolla Railroad, near Terre Mute, to Si. Louis, and forms the last and only uncompleted link In the abortcat Lino from ST. 'Louie to Philadelphia and New York. Its lima dicta conteuction and equipment are provided for in a cent root between the Pennsylvania . Itallioed Company, hod the Companies above named,, which contract insiiTee that it shall always be operate/ In the Joint interests of the direct line between St. Louis and the 'Bait. 8111.88 of the road ore now comyleted, and It le confiduntly oxpectoil that the entire lino will ho opened for traffic early in 1870. . The Iron rails for tho entire longth of the road have boon purchneoll, and stiflicient for ILO mOno dolly ul.l. The .Bondi ran km had on Uppllcationto ' ;',. DE HAVEN & BROTHER Bankers & Dealers in Gover.,nnienC.Se, 1 • cutities, Gold, Sic. - - No. 4,0 Sbath Third"Strect t - c runniumpuiA. . . • • I can ful recommend tba ilbovo Bondi on ado alrablo am ritT. , • ' ..• ' • • 3. ADUAII THOMPSON.: Docre'd 'OB- 11'; , • ' ' . - 1869.. SPRING: 1869. OPENING OF NEW SAIIS, . OPENING OF . SEI . F SHAWLS, • OPENING 'OP NEW CHINTZES,' ' -" 11/PEEING OF NEW- POPLINS Full stook of ST4I.E und,PANCY ;SPRING ' GOODS= ".. ,ROE EQURTI A.AiDARCH STREETS, rrinym,pria.." -• 2April 00.01 rfirell RENT until fire,' et of April ' ko, the room no!. used Air the Poet Officro. o rooeovOr the'eame; imitable for parlor. • • A. NOBLE or • ' J.W.ritTiOff: EISC:ELLiNEQU& THE SINGER fo g `c ' A y TUE SINGER MANUFACTURING MS NEW FAMILY MAOUINE.—No other family Sowing Machine has no rapidly won favor in the household. The very largo sales of that r popular machine has shown by Oficial returns, far exceed thqso of ,any other company, and this fact or result bps been mving to its real merits—hence its groat and grow ing popularity. It is simple in construction. easily unda.atood, easily operated all its parts gliding smoothly and nqlselossly alpng—not IMMO to trot out of order, hat capacity for a great range and va riety of work, Bowing all kinds of cloth and With all kinds of thread and with , the numerous attach ments for hemming, cording, tucking, quilting, trimming, binding, braiding, Ac., and embroider. log oh many ingenious, tasteful and difficult_do• signrThthe - most - peiTe - etcff all Ih - F - rit ly" seWing ma chilies- Any ono who will take the trouble to so amine the merits of the different machines claim ing attention, can noon discover whother we claim too much for ours. - It WOlllll avail ue nothina to make the above assertions if we wore not' ready to prove them , ano all we ask is a trial, for observe. tion alone can justly convoy a clear impression of the many kinds of work of which our Nero FAMILY . SfACIIINE is capable. Till; FOLDING CASES, Which open with spacious tables to sustain the work, and which fold Into tables or boxes to pro. tort the machines, when uot In use, from dust and meddlesome. lingers are made from choice woods, embellished by pleasing designs, thus talking our new family marhino not only. an ornamental piece of furniture, bus , In some of the more ela• borately finished lIIIICIIIIIOB, a work of foal art. =I Of our none family !nachmes, abcive refeEred to, aro not only numerous, hut highly useful for 'the pur pose for which they wore Intend e d. They mud only a trial to show their grunt viii me. Among tho moat recent of the attachments Is the EME=I3 Of the different attachments of our new family machine w hich hone secured the atteal ion and approval of our customers that . fin embroidering, like the pommel' is one of 'tire' few instruments • herrtikenneterlref. • nreintrettirrqdere • Its real value. It in so simple In structure, that any ono wh o can sew air our machine can use it, and without Instruction it may by attached to ex„etaelted from the machine in an instant. "With - MIL rr ire gthralesoni Olen ,rantLestn.then,J t would-be difficult to describe die, great variety of woik thiWthis little instrument will in. 'lie, reader must oat suppose that what we speak of is a more chain stitch operation, which Is sometimes humorously torkitOl embieidery. If sloshed, three colors of any kind attire:id may lie used at any one the colors or threll mite ha changed 11l the will of the operator, byremoving the spools io use and putting otpers in their stead; thus. ns mussy or as few colors- ninny i,i, most as the operator wishes. in the Mnbrolderiing of ally garment A groat sanely of results ore produced by the WWl nor in „hick the fens/n.llll. revulated. Different wi.ultra may be produced while the machine is in vmotion h.; simply chaogink the tensions. Results ary according to the length of colors and trnsion sof the threads. a well n=olo,o of the 'l • he limbrojilerer will use Imo kiwi of th.ead. The mai 01 zeple)r worat c j for certain purposes giver very plimplng reedit, order to 000 a just idea of this ',dyable attachinent it trill ho necessary to see It in opeuttion. MA-NUF.ACITRING MAGHINI4. —Wit wokild ask attention to our now Mu , tontbole Machine, which is the onli peace I Buttoo-hole maelline public adept i s flltnuftwthrinr, machines, for other p to well known to Deihl ininummt. • . hare recently _enlarged N. J., and fn. nich then, M %CHIN , ur Slik MI with the •la .• ..st improved machinery, -which la by highly skilled labor. We know any. port:nice of not only sup plying the IA "- I r machines, but the trade generally with the best quality. of MACHINE TWlhr. Whirl, We trill sell by WEAR/RC rather than by WI:1011T. The system of soiling by weight has given manufacturers the opportunity of so heavily weighting silk, in the process of dyeing at not only to greatly injure its Ontlity, but also convey a wrong impression about its quantity. In this re spect we mean to be above suspicion. The manner In which the SiTee of silk are graduated Is also a mdtter of grea t Importance, - but We use fho greatest possible care that the...graduating shrill be exceed ingly accurate. In addition to manufacturing from the best quality of raw Mike, the evenness of thread and beauty -of finish of the manufactured o4,ktbiey_u,,, soonsuga s ti Ett , tine number or. letter, irrespective ol" weight.-contain number of - yards printed thereon. Length; ..4pength, size, quality and Ankh of the thread are to tie looked to rather than weight. WO era now sillt.inanufacturers on a - large scale, and fool that a large trade can only an retained by us in furnish ing-a-suporior_mrticia_at a fair price- - It - other brands of Twist be offered at less price than outs, .purchasers may rest assmed_thatiLls inferior le q ;YEW , ; deficient in quantity, ordinth. Wu hare and shall koop is stock at our Control Mee, and various agencies, Twist of all altos, rnd lie various colors and shad es ot color 111 ace, and which will be sold at Now Yatk prices. • THE SINGIM MANUFACITUIIING No. 458 Broadway ,N• Y. PHI 1,A1) , E1,141 OFFICE. 1106, CHESTNUT ST L B. WOODWARD, AGENT' AT HARRISBURG. Ofitce No. 4,.N.,3d St.., Opposite City Bank ttARI(4 , ( c ,'. BANKERS, 470 N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHILADELPHIA. qENERAL PtgENTB, FOR PEPIN SAYAN I A 4127 iZZNITE \ 2 ' 5 Ort ci OF,THE Al li : OF T h'E "lI ICECO UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL Lira lareurteNon CoRIn , NY is Y Corporation eh or , ered b 9 apvula I Set of Uungrogi, ep proved July 25,1863, with o CASH CAPITAL, 51,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal tombs offered to Agents and Solicitors, wJ.o Itelnalled to apply at our otnee. - Full particulars to he h n d on application nt our ofilee located In the 1,000101 story of our Banking Boum m where Circulars anti Paphlets, fully descrlblng the tdvantages altered by the Conlon v .110,0 be hod. Si. VC. 111IW l CO.. - B. S. Russel, _Manager. C. H HEPBURN, Cashier Ist Nation_ al Bank, Agent for Carlisle, Pa. • 1115. ' HOOP SKIRTS. 1116 ,T. 11 OP* INS llne Romoved:l;l9 bliinufactory and Saloqrooms to No. 1115 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Whore his :Own Make" of Champion hoop Skirts: ospecially adapted to First Class Wholesale and Re , tail Trade , wipe found to embrace the most exten live ht the Union, and all tho latest and most desirable Styles, Shapes 'Lengths and Sizes, 2. 2 1 4, 2 yards round, of Plain and Cored Pan lore, Walking Skirts, Reception Trails, ac.„&c., to. Aether with over ninety di ff erent varieties of Misses nd Children's Skirts, all of which, for symmetry of style, pulsb, lightness% elasticity, durability and real Cheapness, aro unequaled by any other goods in the market, and are warranted in ovary respect. Skirts finds to order Altered, and Repaired, Wholesale and Retail. : Full lines of 1,24 Priced ,Eastern Made Skirts, 15 Springs, 35 Cents'; 25 Springs 45 Cents; 25 Springs 6ti Cents; 30 Springs, 05 Omits ; and.4o Springs, 75 Cents. CORSETS I CORSETS; I CORSETSij 167 different styles nod - prises, from 75 Cents to br.oo: onkbrAclng It. Woriley, ulleckol," ”GloVe FRC ng." Mad= Foy's Comet Skirt Supporters, Mrs. Moody's Patent "Self. - Adjusting - A bdominal" - Corno ts, Prone hi Eris Usk nod Domestic Mond-made Dorects, and superior Prowl Pal toms of Coteil Corsets, "Our Own Motu," to which wo luvlto especial attention.: • • . Comploto assortment of Liidleso Under Garments, at very low prices. •. GENERAVAGENT for the IIAitTRAM d FANTON FAMILY SI6WING MACIIINES,y superior to any other before the public. Fifty-twomf these No 1 Ma .eblues, Price $66 each, nro being .given away to our onstomers in order os got , them Introduced. - Every. person In went or articles in our line, should exam' Inc our goods before purchasing elsowboro. Call or send for circulate, at our Manufactory and Salon rnoms, No 1116 Ohostulit St.Phiadolplila 261m60.3m.. WM. I..IIOFICINS. ROANS„-AND. MELODEQNS. The underaignod 'Paving been appointed :wont for tho male of the 'Crilebmtod PELOUBET CABINET ORGAGiI„. AM:I.:MELODEONS, invites ''.ttentleis to tlidinatrument now on exhibition at his room, No. 40, Eaet Dickinson College. . These Organs , ritl Molodoons wore awarded' the „Alfa prize, IL GOLD PIELIAL at the Amorcan Inet!• tutalfalr In Itos, after. live ivook's toot, nod have slime taken the /frit prize whorovor they have poop put In coinpatition. nosing had considorale.extierienco In tho aCe of Plusical.lnstrumenta, I can recommend these with confidence, and guarantoo (attire satisfaction. Maim canting eat Vag' inatrument,and gat au 11• ustrato""tilreular. . 0,..1N STIMOTIONS ;Tivoli at mac/crate charge. ". . , ' GEORGIE .O...YOUNU, . Booms 40 Bag, Collega. • 2April 694 m • Job-grinting wpatly executed at this °pang. . RAIL . ROADS. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL- OF.HOURSI On and after Nowlay, September 14th, 11708, Passan ar Trains will run dally as follows, (Sundays ezcop bed) : • _ . ' W - E S T WAR D • ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 8,00-A:, M. Mechnuicsburg 8,33, Carlisle 9,10, Newsllle 0,45. lilhonaburg 10,19,Cheunbersburg 10,40,Greencas loi P 11,14, at-living at Hagerstowu 11,42 A.: M. . Man Th em leaves Harrisburg 1,80 P. M., Meehan icaburg 2,02, Carlisle 2,34, New Ville 3,10, Shippons• burg 8,40, Chambomburg 4,20 Greeneastle;4so,artiv , ing at Hagerstown 5,25 P. M. ' 'XPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg, 4,16 P 51. Mechanicsburg 9,47, Carlisle 5,17, .kiewvllle 6,50, Bhippousburg 0 , 17 , arriving et Chambersburg at 6,45 P. M. A MIXED TRAIN loaves Chambersburg 8,05 A. hi, Greencastle 0,25, arriving at Hagerstown 10,10 A. M E'ASTWARD: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Chambershurg 4,45, A. N., Shippensburg 5,14, limyllla 6,45, Carlislo 0,. 18, Mechanicsburg 0,47, arrlying at Harrisburg 7,15 Eln ' MAIL TRAIN leaves' Hagerstown 8,00 A. 51:, Gran ! castle 8,35, Chambersburg 9,10, Shippensburg 0,40, Hatay!llo 10,14, Car Hale 10.60, Mechanicsburg 11,24, arriving at Harrisburg 11,55%A. M. Pawnees - Timm 'leaves Hagerstown 11,65 A. M. Greencastle 12,23, Chambersburg 1,00, Bhlppensburg 1,32, Newvilla 2,06, Carlisle 2.45, Mechanicsburg 3,12, arriving at Harrisburg 3,44 P. M. A Silica TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3,05, P. M. Groenc4stle 4,12, arriving at-Chambersburg 5,05 if/a-Making close connection a at Harrisburg with train, to and from Philadelphia, Now York, Balt'. snore, Washington and Pittsburg. . SUPERINTENDENT'S. OFFICE, l 0. N. LULL. Chambershurg, Pa., May 8, 1808. - Snp't. 16may-68. R EADING RAIL ROAD, SUIII,III2IR ARRAIWEREENT MONDAY, APRIL 27, 1869. • GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE North and North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Litik, Lancaster, Col. umbls, &c.; &a. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York as follows At. 2.35, 5.20, 8.10. A. N., 12.25, noon, 2.00 and 10.55 I'. 31., connecting with similar Trains on York Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New nt 9.45, A. M., 11.45 Noon, 3.60, 6.45 , 0.30 P. 31., and 0.00, A. M., respectfully. Sleeping'Cars accom palling, 5.20 2.35, A. 51., and 10.55, P. M., trains; without change. Loose Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, 311nersville. Ashland, Shamokin,. Pille Grave. Allentown and Philaderphia,at 8.10, A. M., and 2.00, end 4.10, P. M., stopping at Lebanon and Principal Way Stations; the 4.10,1'. 31. train making connec tions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn vie Schuyl kill, and Susquehanna ltallroid, leave Harrisburg. 330 P. 111. Returning Leave New York at 9:00. A. 111.. 12.00, Noon and 5.05 and 8.00 P.M.; Philadel phia at 815 A. M. and 3.30 P. 31.; Sleeping care accompan lug the 9.00, A. 11. and 5.05, and 8.00 P. 31. trains from New York, w,ithout change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadklphia 7.30, A. I. CO 1 ,1, sy'Van tat - urrting from Reading at 6.8 PI M., stopping at all Stations; leave Pottsville at 7.30, and 8.46 A. 31. and 2.46, P. , Shamokin at 6.25 10.35 A. 31. Ashland 7.00 A. 31 12,30 noon, Tam ague at .B.A. A. 31. 2.20 P. 11., for Philadelphia Leavo Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Sall Road at 7.0 A. M. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A. M. for Pine (Hove and Tteun.nt. Reading Accommodation Train: Leaves heading, t 7.10, A. 31., retprning leaves Philadelphia at 5.15 P. M. Pottstown Accommodation Train: Loavos Potts. town at 0.25. A. 31. roturniug Itstvos Phlladolphia al 4.30, P. M. Columbia Rail 'load Trains leavo Heading 7.00, A. and 0.15, P. Dl. for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Columbia. So. Perklonien Hall Road Trains leave Perkiocuen Junc tion at 9.00 A. M. and 6.00 P. M. detnrning : Loavo 9kippnclt at 8.15 A. 31., and 1.00 P. M., connecting with similar trains on Reading Rail Road. On- Sundays: Leave, New Torte at 8.00, I'. 31. Philadelphia 8.„00, A. 31., and 8,15, P.M., the 8.00.4. M. Train running only to Reading; Pottsville 8.00„ A. 914 Harrisburg N. 20 A. M. 4.10 and 10.65, I' an:lac:tiding at 12.55, midnight 2.51 and 7.15 - A.91. for Rai riBburg, at 12.00 and 7 05,- A. 91. for Now Yor9 and - at 9.40 A. M. and - 4.20 P. 91. for Philad elphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School and Esau, Mon Tickets, to and from all points; at reduced rates. Baggage chocked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger.G. A, NICOLLS" Gun Sup t. MEE II A L ' PATENT CEXTRAI. Ac OUTWARD DISUCIAROI: WATER WHEEL Bearing. data April 30, 1867 JACOB ABRAHIMS Li: CO., Newmtle, Cumberland County, Pa., Pro riotors of the above nainl_sd_Patent for the eirintiMe r kisitriiird — ETPKlVitttN'TPAir, and WASIII.SIOTON COUNTY MU. We desire to call the attention of Millwriaits,Mlll Owners,and others,to the merits of the above inven thin, which for Durability.Efliciency and Cheapness, they are confident immot be surpassed. Wherever It boo been introduced: success has In variably followed. even nudes the most unievurable eirenniktances. Fbr /tact Water and Low Head and eurnomical use. of Water, this Blest W without a rival! A WfirlOng Model erne Wheel ran be examined at the EstaldifillMent of the Manuftteturers In N gw- VILLE PA., where all in tarinatloll may be cheerfully given. r We append the 'Aiming. references: .1 k J. 11. HERSH. JOHN IRORBAUOII, BENJAMIN LAN BI;•, Millwright. SAMUEL LANIJE:i O. & A. WazDA - VIDSON, J.S. LINDSEY, Mlllut l ights J. F. RUSSELL. LEWIS BOWMAN, SAMUEL PIPER ADAM RAMP, JACOB RAMP. Bep 20 tf. Wheeler&Wilson's =1 SEWING MACHINES ! At tho great Exposition, Paris, 1867 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 Competitors. THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT THE SALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED HACHINE ARE 100,000 'GREATER , THAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Dia ) ; uro Throughout tho world, were oNtr,. noun Dlceezt gains favor, and SUPERIORITY wins the race. The Wheeler & Wilson stands triumphantly the M111113D1013 and Leador over all others bythe verdict of the potpie, \fo claim no merits that we cannot sustain by living and reliable witnesses. Wo stand upon our own [VIII, 'WORTH, without declaiming against other companies. We claim to_have improvements for sowing that wo know cannot l, excelloth and in many - pointe that no other company dare compote with. No other company can show so many ma chines that have boon In daily use for th• length of time as we can. Fiir the' prcof of this, look at the n umb ors that are on each machine. The Wheel er and Wilson Sewing Machine le the Bich , Man's Test Friend, and the'Foor Woman's Trust and Coln , forterer, for no other company tan Bell ones liberal and easy terms as WO. • 21teug o.ly The poor woman can get herself a Ma chine, and iifterwards pay for it: • No Machine is, paidfor until 'parties arc frilly satis fled. Constant use. only increases .the worth • of our . 31/1E23.C1-13E1'U - ..156. _ Soveratlatilos in_Carlisie who have used our Ma chines from six to twelve y wire, say "They consider them bettor in every: ymint than when new, and there is not a Tgarmout wornin the family, from light as SWIM to hoary as BeaVor cloth, that they have not made.' Ono lady says "if have sowed for three yearn and never broke a noodlo Wo cps furnish MM. and residences of resportaiblo patties who can sustain all wo claim: ' Thu. unsigned are a few of m any who burp t he Whoolor and Wilson Boning Machines, to Carnal°, and length of tlmo they have been in constant noo. Mrs..J. B. Haversticic, J..ltheem, ' • " Col. Henderson, , 12 " " Her. Dr. 1.1 "' C. Woodward, 10 " ad ; .• Rev.. Sterrett, - 8 a: Peebles, Carolide Ege, 5 ft . 0.-Herman, (Monroe twp 9 " " Sterrett, (Dickinson twp. 3 " Instructions givyis of,charge. and, iabblnes cheerfully 'shown to all . who call at Mrs. 'Williams' Millinery Store, No. 20 North Hanover Street, Car lislo, Pa. Priam and .styles ;to suit any 'customer. Machines dolivoredqu all points in Oumborland and adjoining counties Om of extra chew. rET4ESON OARPENTER,.Gon: asts 121 MARKET STREET lIARRISBUIta. • 'J. M. & L. , EL.,,FULMER; Authorized ,4134t0:i.4 Oarlislo4 UAW , 0.6!731 PATENT MEDICINES. Ayer's • HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray ,ilair to its animal Vitalit though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair - whore the follicles Are destroyed, or the glands atrophied 'and decayed: But such 'as re main can be saved for trsefulness hy this Application. Instead of - fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. .Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Pros froth those — deleterious substances R Bich make some preparations dangerous end injurious to the hsi , . the Vigor can only benefit but not harm:it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found CO desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, it does not soil whitexambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy, lustre and and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Di: J. C. Ayer, & CO., PRACTICAL- AND . A.NALYTICAL CHEMISTS, 30or, 08-19 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD The reputation this ex - eellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its cures, many of which are truly marvellous. Inveterate vtlkactursor-olcsult...direm. L: 0 0,1 erase, Where the • eyteele • seemed saturated with been ,Purifjed and e m iTrsl e by it Somfulous affections end gra vated ey the beilmiulous contamination until they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured In such great numbeis in almost every sec tion of the country, that the publ c scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. ()Item ' this Unseen and ux cit tenant of the organism. untlertininew the sr-institu tion, sod. incites the attack menfeebling or fatal diseases, Without exciting a suspicion of Its pres ence. Again, it gowns to breed In tertlon through out the body, and thou, on some favorable obeasinn, rapidly develop into one or oilier of lie hideous forms, either on the surface or aneo9g ihs vitals. In the ire tort obese les may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or turners formed in the liver, or it sheers Its presence by .eruptions on the skin, 11 - 1- Gael ulcerations on 9,Plllopdrt of tho body. Hen the ocr.asional one of it bottle of this Sarsaparilla in advisable, even when. no active ,syMpetuns or disease appear. Verson/I afflicted nith the molten lug complaintagenerallLtad immediate relief, and, at length, cure. by 'ells el se I.l . Millt SA IISXPA I? 1...4 Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, niter, Mil Rheum, :wiled ilraa. Raw snores, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and of line eruptions or visible forms ot Scrofulous diseass. Also en the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia. Dropsy, Heart Disease. Epilepsy, Nearalgia, and 'the ...lons Ulcerous reflections of the muscular and nervous el, stems. MIMI' to Direct lona for end] ease aro found in our Almanac, supplied gratis. 111,eumatisn. and Goal. Whet, caused by accumulations of extraneous mot toes it the blood, yield quickly - to it, es also Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion, or Inflama lion of the Liter and Jaundice, when arising, as they often do. from the rankling poison in the blood. SARSAPA k/LLA is a great restorer,lor thu,strength and vigor of the system Those who aro Languid and Listless, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled with Neirens Apprehensions Sr Fears, or any oi the affections. symptonsa tie -ef- Weakness, will Mid immediate relit)] end- convincing evi dence of Ito restorative power upon trial. P 1? El' A ED BY I Dr,. J. C. Ayer& CO., Lowel Mass SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVE RYWIIERE 30oct 68-It. SOLOMON STROHM, Millwright THE WONDERFUL PAIN KILLING MAN. By the use of the Magic' Pain Destroyer and Liver Pills, you can nave health, money, and pro.. long life. There is not a pain or ache, Sri roes or inflammatory, but what the Great Mngic lain stroyer will relieve, and In most inzimlcee en. Orly cure. , Try it before any'other remedy, for it is almost -certain in-eyeli care to le , jn the thing, nod the only thine,neededt' Ito I , :ro ve s arc viven of wonderful our.a performed by this great Magda Medicine: Dr. Campbell—Si I bad n cold settled on my breast for ten years ; I was nut able at Lilaes to epealr a loud word; I was told to get Dr. Camp bell's medicine and try it, and it cured metin days. (21111.18TIAN SOLIMAN. Jonestown, May 30, 1560.—Dr. Campbell, Dolt Sir: I cheerfully recommend your medicine as ? certain cure for etch headache. Perry township, 1867.—Gureil of backache of 40 years standing, by using Dr.•C7ampbell's Pain De stroyer and Pills, ford weeks. Jptirr Zuvn, ago past 72 years. Newmanctown, Lebanon county, 1867.-1 . mit afflicted with rheumatient, using crutches for 21 years. I wan told to get Dr. , thimpbell's Pain D 4 stroyer and Yliin, awl try them ; they cured we In `.!. months: FREDERICK Bonn, aged 63 years. Union Deposit„ .Dariphln county, 1867,—Dr Campbell—Dear Sir—l have stirrer.' for the last '23 years from Dyspepsia and constipation; I tried your medicine as directed ; they cured me in weeks. Guonon SPAlai,nn, aged 04 years. OhaMbersbur 4, October 20, 11368.%- , I was cured of Plies of 17 years standing by using Dr. Campbell's Magic, Priin Destroyer and Pills for ono month; --- Davi) lioarma. ' North Middleton Township, Cumberland co., ISIS, „Dr. Campbell—l cheerfully recommend your-magic medicine as a useful medicine in a iamily, for children; my youngest child was itch with tae' roup in the night; Tdid not ex pect her to live ten minutee ; I had a bottle; ruy wild gave according to directions ; It ci.red in IP minutes. SAMUEL SIMEIT. Jacksburg, Perry county, August 16; 133—Dr. Campbell, Dear Sir: I bought 4 bottles, and I boxes of your tills for my boy who had the Fhed, ;autism for one rear, then turned scrofulous; he was arawn crooked and could not walk ; I tried all the medicines I know and they all failed; but your medicine cured him in 2 weeks. • GEORGE. SIVA RTZ. Wonderful Discovery of Worm Lozenges Lebanon, 1856.-4 have repeatedly used Dr. Campbell's - Vora; , Lozenges, for my youngest boy, who was very sickly for a long time; I gave kiln pito dose In the morning anti ono in the after. noon • therewere 25 large worms passed and not lens ehan '7OO ob 500 atnall.,necil worms. YoUrs truly, • 11111L13 LUTZ. Two miles East of onriisle,lBCB.—Dr. Campbell -.:Your Magic Pain Destroyer nail Liver t 'mull be made known ; my wife was in bed with pains for 3 years;her head, stock, arms, legs, hands and Razors were-drawn crooked with rlieumn. t foes ; I do believe that I spent ono thousenddel- Iwe for hcr, and received no bencat ; hearing ..bout your medicines, I bouvht 13. bat flee and 6 raPc . r. enliig 8 b ttles, with this plils, alto w.llO with attaches ;Jitter she had used 4 ne. she hrele, her crulcherifiany. 'Thin Isily's weight in 025 pounds, and aged over 150 years'. I. J.Acon Annus. • This medlolne can ; be bad from Dr. Campbell, at Carlisle. market, on -Wedneeday and Patutoay, -Or at hie Store Third Street, between Chestnut and Mulberry, llarrisburg. • 22jith 09.:1m* DAVID STROHMy SPONK,ER,. NEW and POPULAR ROOT, SHOE, TRUNK AND HAT: STORE, No. 1.3, South Hanover Street,. Carnal% a fort doors tooth of Inholra corner. Wff have just opened the largest and best stock • of BOOTS and SHOES over offered In Carlisle and . "continua almost daily to racolvo such gauge lii'our lino as everybody wants. • Our dock ea:outlasts in all kinds and varieties of , Woman's inseam and Chile's strong Loather Shoes,' Women's kibams. and Child's Lasting Gaiters. Women's Glove Kid Turkey and French • Morocco. Men's and BoybaTialf Buff and alp' Wets. Monk; MadLoa and Buff tiongross Gaiters. taten'alind Boy's lasting Gaiters and Brogans. •.• Mon's and Boyd • Calf and' Buff Oxford Ties, Gum Sandals, Buskins and Overshoes. mews and Woman's Goat Welt and Carpet Slippers. tion's,'Boy's•and Child's Fur and Saxony Ilats. . • Trunks of ale Fine land:prices , ' • Travelling Bags, Satchels and Valises, togetheitalth a prime lot of GOODS which we sell to salt tbo - times. . • . 14 years 12 " cliithic SALES' AND MALL PROFITS D 3 OUR . Therofbreinfesulog our card iiiiitteniled as a personal Invitation to all in need to 'sail and look through' our stock witlhon(feelil'Undar obit. 'odious to buy unitise Suited in quell and price. We shall always try to deal With. , ery, one in - it straig ht forward manner, and.'giso °flirt eutitOmair .611111 equlvolaat for Ms money. We hope ell will avail therogelves of ttoir knit opportunity, to Wall BTU= it'grommit: . 0 441 139- ly ; • , and Color , d dressing which IS at once agreeable, heal thy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its origi nal color with the gloss and freshness of yohth. Thin hair is thickened, falling hair - checked, and baldness - often, LOWELL MASS ' PRICE si:.go. l'rarti,ai and Analytical Clicmists. DR. CAMPBELL, = JAt'Olt iiI2LMAN 'JOHN W.' STROHM