NEW AI)Vh.E7'IS'EMEN,Ts • ANNITAL FINANCIAL STATE molt of .he Borough of Carlide foi , 3 ur ending Mara 2Stb JOS. W.IOGILBY, Tre4/11 re? ItECRI9 !S. Cash reed of B. 11. nonn. Farmer Treas. • 132 Csoh tied of II L. 11. eksr.`collictoll 1 1 .1 balance of M 1010,48180. • 3.30 47 . O•cl , roe d of B. W.Earl7.collectoroo dn. pll'i•co 1464. Mill ID Oath. ea of 11.'1 Wicker deputy cello!. - 1. r on duplicate 1868. 1,974 se '''• Celth_iel l d.for gas and water scrip - •2 II Cash r....'e1l ,f Wu. Barons, exchange on ~ h•• 16 n ', g ' Cash rocid of John Warder clerk of Mar" D• 1., Weighing. an, " - UT 20 - Cmh ,ied from rent of stalls of Market . ~ ~ 1,04 t 76 —. Caen recd from Exhieltion licences, __ 113 in Cu* med from John f'ampholl, flags, 89 60 Clod recd from Duro' lore, (, -• 10,000 0 "C.f. - Wed-from loan from balmily fen 'a per resolution °council March 16 '69 730 IS. Di 6 III36KEMENTS AND EXPENDITURES Irt Dl•hureements to pay outstanding debt' or pr VS".. CIIPIO Deposit Dank borough loans, 5,60 Otrilsle Eepowit Rank It on loans, , 225 by Campbell-4k Ilenwood repairing Immo', 3 00 Simon Amith. Itlacksmithing 3 50 IL L. Qqicley. extra Persil:es is glary, 20 00 Hiram Gipp, balance salary as policeman, O P !Myers Dahmer salary as polirwman, 50 50 16•113 1 101 ch balance salon 'policeman, 32 5' Oro First balance salary on Tollreman. ' - 8,53 John Marlin. Annual appropriation • Union Sire Co fir 1813, si on J. 3. Rosier, blackamlthing 1 00 A. L. Nponalcr Gas, 730 00 Pectem & tiro. lumber, 77, 41 Breton & Kennedy printing, 29 25 P.-ter Spa br _ brick and stone, -• ISO 25 G. urge Weiswl otane, N. IV. Irvlo• State tax on boils, 2 5.. 823 2„ $7,216 65 DISBURSEMENTS ON ACCOUNT OP ILEPENDI• TURES OF PRESENT YEAR. J.U. Parker and others, intension old Baron: h' bonds, 100 36 Carlisle Deralit Bank, tampon. of Ebro' Bond.. First National Bank, int and stamps on Borough loans. 56 R 3 Filaa'Mchilllen, int on jedgoatint, 30 O. W. W. Irvine State tan on bond. for '69 100 20 F.lbm Pon nelly, salary as Street Com'r 4' 00, Enna Donnelly, work on 'amaze, _ 1,798 63 D. Nam., atone and hauling, 30 Job, Stamp, atom. , 24 30 Peter Spahr, stone, \ • 25 00 J. I,Bterner, stone, . 16 30 Itingwait*Munleavy, 13 8U Wm. Eleper, atone ' • -2 40 Walker A Cloudy, stone, • . 876 J. 201. ler. atone, ' 34 Ss C. P Wing. stone 20 20 J. M. Weakloyortonil. 18 fr , 3. A Nesbit. stone, C. W. Ahl, stone, O. W. Hilton, stone, 0. Wetzel, store. ---- vir - Altaa; ;b.f. 'Aid •O t R. Shearer. curb. M. J. Wotan!, curb atm C. IA eirieh, repairing' liter Alyrrs. - repairhp Wm. flastivg.. high r O. P. Myers, hizh amt J. T. Crozier, policrins Levi blinick t policenit J. It Homer, peicernal E. Swart.Vpoliceman, .•E. l e r searirr, East , ..nightpol Peter , 1. sates, West pones, James Loud n, etatiol Jane." Muer. a.kvins A. L. eporniter, Revenue stamp., %dilly, Revenue stamps, L. A. Lena true., JameaArmstroi.g, preparing duplicate, ThMora.Conlyn, windine, towo.clock, • Drury Myers, regulating, George Benninger, painting at market Douse, Abram Eambarton. surveying - sort map., Good Will Mom Co., stone A. L. eponsier, gas, Gardner & Co., Lamp posts plugs, t o. Campbell k Her: wood, gas fitting and plumbing, pleb & Foot. gas fitting and plumbing W. P. Lynch, gas 1141104 and plumbing. 0. R. Foote .ga. fitting and plumbing, Luna liorga. repao Mg amps, F. & E Wetzel, carpenter work, G. & It. bbraffer, carpenter work, 31.81 Min Stouffer, mason work. Rxln titer, Spottswood t Co., moron work, A 11 Zeigler. brick, W. R. Gregg. pouting ordinances, A.l. 11110. 011 cap, E. theniter. regularlog, .I.ln martin, step ladder and nil, Phnom L Delancoy, nand, lumber coed,. S. Elliott. printing, 'nem& Dunbar, printing, Jan M. Allen, solar, as eecrotary, ' John (larder, so ary as clerk 01 market, Jo.. R' Ogilby. eatery as Treasurer , Geo. Taylor, janitor and lighting clock. Ileckebdorn, curator of graveyard. James-Graham- and others; costs -of Hoover • Ciadpbell A, Elmwood, plumbingi G. P 81).re. removing nuiesnce Join Campbell, barrow nod tools for jail C. P. ilornricb • attorney'. fees; John Harder, • brooms Ac., for market , 'Douse, Good Will Hose CO.. appropriation for 'OB J. M. Slamullelmer, coal oil. $9 195 77 3rd.DISTIUPSEISENTB ON ACCOUNT OF OPENING NEW STENNIS AHD ALLIMI Jam. M. blarnhal, " 12E. 9 %I Iltx.ver' 1000 Sinlley, H Wood, H. W. Mester, W. 9. Wools, Reed on net of aamo as coati bnolona. Total payment on account of street. and alleys, lialance in bends of Treasurer, $17,995 94 _ There le due the Borough on seusement of etreets and adeys ne follows, Yrom property on_Collen litres; 40 Worn property on Chapel Alley, 105 From propxrty Olontout Alley, '3O Form property on Pomfret Street, •t 25 On vocation thedroadfrorn Pont. - fret to Main. • =ooo' INDEBTEDNIIBB.OF 8011010011 Carlisle gas and water loan, 25 010 Tloreugh loan proper, • 18 100 'Warden judgment, 600 'Murray Judgment, 700 ASSETS. 1124 ahares Carlisle ICU and eater stock pmvalue, 828,100 00 Bus from woman:mots on Sta. 600 Borough tax of 1868 anew -660 98 'Cash in bands of Treasurer, 44 21 - hateher ➢ones Lien, lxress of indebtedoere over . . swats, 514.195 75 THE BOROUGH BONDED DEBT WALLS DUI.: A 3 Et= el: 3 0 1.600 15 400 Jarman Lt 1875, Jauttary Int 1k77, January let 148, niattuary let 149, - 43,400 STATEHRNT.OF BOUNTY RECEIPTS AND EX. PRNDITHREB FOR TON YEAR NNDINO • MARCH 20TH, HRS. DR. To coshreed from 8. 11. (bold former', Tromisuror, $483 03 To mo.h)roe'd from 11. L. CI inter, col. MffliMEIE lector for ltaal. 4,486 fa To rash roc'd from IL L. Rocker, rol. iluctorTor 1868, El bounty Coupons redeemed 1,188. By bounty boudsand Int due ' - Jan lit 1899 and paid 8,090 By bounty bonds and Int due • Jan. let, 1876 and paid. 300 By balm ce bounty note and Int paid Carib!. dep•edt b'k 2,824 89 Dy casbrefunded It, 1,. Hecker collector 1897, Br ca•le for stamps !to., JON W 0 11 11 b7c Tpoisurers commission on 89,09 07 Loauod t0.,./lorough per resolu tions of Martell Merrh 16'09 730 Delmore In hands of Troanotar, 1173 97 - wogs ar BTATBMIEBT Olt 808 - 8114 INDItIVEHDB.J3B. Bounty bonds duo Ort let. 'O9 3040 Bounty bonds due Jan. Ist. '7l 3.010 Bounty brands due Jan. Ist. '72 3 000 Hooray bonds dun Jan, let '73 3,-00 Bounty bolds duo Jan 1.1.'74 8.000 • Bounty bonds due Jan. 1.1.'76 3.009 18,00) 03 . . ,• A888"78 Balance Balance to Dodds of Trosourer. 81173 07 Outotandlcur bounty tax for '6B 8 0 627.0 Due mop Bore' fun t% 8863 03 '„ Balance of Bounty debt above Resets 0.310 ‘0 We the Auditors of he Borough of Carlisle, ,g, lentil', that we have examined the foregoing Bor • —•wilithlidd Donut) geminate stios. A' . 0411 by, Dor - smith Treasurer .And And i balance due , sal) • . Bei , ough of PAX, and also a balance dire the Bounty r ageount , of $1,173 VI. • • Witness oar heads this 90th day of Harsh, A. D., 9.860. w. e. MILLI% • ' • 1409.11A0liki ii. e • Auditing. April 29 8t , . , IR±EQUWOR'B AQT10.10... o Loftiia teitaineate.4` 'op the rotate ettlaa• Alhrhght, Peausborol 'rawest:4p haring: talaillettett 16 the oubeettbn residing to sampan tioituthlp, atotlre to . - ,nereby even to ill yereoue ladsbt rlto oal4 'MU to mato pay owe t A id re all there havlage.Welo molest it to present Atom lbr rettleetetit to gab % . mitittitm , Itteentar. ' " 13ENTZ , HOUSE. ". ormertgClrman Louse.) • • • Nci. • 17 - . AND 19 EAST 31A/X, _ •.• , •• laffing purchased snd eutirelv refitted, eon !mulched sneer thrugbout with &la ctase furniture, Shim well•known and Old established - Hotel;eolleite the custom of •the'eommurtity And travelling public. Be Is well pupated to furnish • flrepelan seeoultuodetione to *if trio dating lontalio , a Mug their,fieres• Or piresent tunnels* abode _Pm rtotoni from the uurroditilinfrOolautry hi re frolleited.• Oeurtehitirattd.attentive • air., 'tants asp spiptgoil at, Skis . popular betel, • ORO Z Arforge., • N. N. • • •ist.ctus Ur•r7 cou would Ith the noteLtbe saiagamost of 11[7. Am. L. bTilltlilta • 2 9.14 •0•17. • 800 ? l'oit r ef, dri pfn• 16o4rds 'lbr 6biap 110i/Oar tlity...b44o6,atltus ebt!ip 100 of *SIAM. •' • *. • ' U.11:1011R. 11111 7 ADY.E,R774 I EIII.1 7 ,11 1 7 • ..1137ELWALZVSS GRAND CARAVAN NIERIA I CE K FE ! $17,995 01 sr I C I "I R 9 a - Iro lei 9 coairem.........prete.?entetl Strength, able Attraction, and hitherto auau eugn r,l Liber ality, will make , Cconclut lee and unri.t.lstaNig. (le- CUOnattation ante extent mud resources by a MAGNIFICENT PARADE At 10 o'clock—Morniug, Preceded by the CHARIOT OF Drawn by 12 MATCHED CREAM STEEDS ! Elephants ia Scarlet-Housings, CAMELS AND DROMEDARIES!• Caparteloned and Phttnett an a lien axed 111 the ALEX ANDRIAN R,Alt EANTs: 'ac• IV2.EL/S.S/rl:7 - M 7fra..w.m. WILD ANIMALS Drawn by 2,4, 6 and bi Spans of Stalwarth Grey Horses Sitio. harnessed, goy pl u med find Inland by Drivers to Rich Uniform, These Cages of GREEN AND (1(11.D turn which Banners. Flags anti Pennants .I , lnm and Flow" prominence, uro most exquivlteiv nniat eft with 'SCENIC VIEWS FIIO3I REALITY I 1440 00 And as they roll along. Impart 011,11 u LINE OF MOVING SPLENDOR. An lntcrest which no enteMporary - concern has titer created. In Ma:C.:Mt/II collies the CIRCUS RETINUE! 'Rhode. liorses, Polies ally Mules! rret,ootiogtothop.,,to Outhyol Car 3 rat Co c.,) co CD 19 .0 I. 2 60 200 -2I 00 69 00 T P-9 AlO/ C: 4 .1 C. 1) ! ;is nr.liko any pr,r1,1:• ,, 1 . 1 , t c. nare RARER SFE,'!:67:iT,3, EFASI - . 1 C,i l - lUDS ph. I. ~,t „,,.„ . ....• oil. 3 RO 20 00 127 47 60 61 98 60 A VI:EITABLE A lAN I:1:11I'A; IIAI LIAAN S 1111: AN • T111:01 . 1 , 1 . 11A , 11.'5. , .1 . Y.A- - , I.t/1 Al. IN 1.1: I„ 1.1 A ,I,\l }"AL; th, I r, 1 1 N 1 . 111 . 111 . 111/1 ,1111 . 11,111 1.4. 1,11 1 ,111.1 Tut: Ft 1%111; 1 ornr,t -1.1 . 1.; hunt ever 41; 1 111, chlyl+l.lwitlis 0111, 111,11. and oal pet 1 V Blrl 4.11.1. , . 111. IN E. I:1.1:S: AV IBEX FIB /NI 'lll E 1.1 , . '. AN EEAR, ond n roy3lf mill,' or tlio Afro.:ll, 1,11)A9, 1.10:,1.,”1.11.11 I'9 05 39 00 19 15 22 .0 11 25 22 7 02 2 9 12 40 00 =I 1 00 50 00 A, I ...laid, t, di - II vaaa. (Snnprn:, Cana.k. I tau. (1. ,tats, A Iricitti and A,lltlll,lllr`, 1 . ,1 , .] 4, :It I ~, nn I 'nukn 1,111:1.1 U,1,11.1/1111In, AII 1.i011 , . 1, • v,1y, 1;1:1% k and CNllllllltOll 16.1% N 1 0:s 1% :manna., l'oa c.aa.ak, allot silk Iclineunants, tualata, li;a, Inpil,s S. a 1::a 7 , laskla a t ~ In.:.llvavers, V • ,'ill, RINIS 4 9 , 13989 ROO 127 00 130 00 160'0 126 00 f 9. 00 25 09 of 1411.1... t t I:. I r." 25 74 91 00 1 80 11 7 ; -SO 00 • ,1 , 4` CX. X N GIIIIATLIIT OF BRUTE 'SUBDUERS' been eliggiged in give his Thrilii»g Performain ill the Cam ',turd n (API PE OF '5 \ 1.61: BEASTS. Exclumive bpecialty, 4 50 150 00 i 29 -A TARTAHM 00W-ALLAPUS, Somethlnc never before wltm•stwel In a state of cap. - - Sicily In Mild or ut: country. MEI 0,• MEE 17.9 0 07 44 97 line-horn 'wronged nn-on to -PIWSIZNT UNEX- CgPTIONAL pertbrookner.notl N, 111 be given a Ith nll the sild of Elegmt Surroundlnfs 11 Appifikents By svith Artistes its ' MLLE .HO4EGPfIJNE, Premiere Equestrienne. MADAME 111113131 E SHOWEES, Femalu Horse Trainer. . Mr. JAMES DEMOD.REST, Principal EqurArinn. Mr. J. W . T.OIIVILES, A..tivodb. indm. 43.600 00 Mr. JAMES MEIIiMINGS, Equestrian Juggler and Banning (Aube Performer BERROUGMS 11‘. BERDEAC 29 30 379 00 A Duet. of!kluslot.l Grotesques. • Mr.:F.l7/11MA ITZACT'IItE, Clown per rxcrllene .n c0 , ‘ , 1 llio• odavr, Ono of this “FUNN IEoT MEN 111" I 111 AGE.. . Mr. .111,:n7N Tito :Ilan of 31.013 CkY.M5i4,117,;, $29,401 25 The Inenritatlon of 111:m1 Itvatuttr, ft) It t ed 31e,...m. A \ l:6l, OSlto • E, N- Z~WICK, 110 VICI V-ON, I=TONE. W Ili El[ Alrimeirm FRED, EDI. CF, ti It EIVI:LNE. in 'varied nets of EI,W E,TidAN 11,1,1„‘N I) LAS ric Ext.:mm . loN. ^ nion:: I i.lons'ior tire Lathe perlbrtunnees will be the • NyIES AND MONKEYS. The feat:. of the ' TWO ACTING EL aa/9A.NTS, COMIC, EVERYTHING IS NEW, Most of the Animals of recent, ned.ell of 411520 le.por EEO CARAVAN, MENAGERiE & CIRCUS, On the lord for On Second Annual Tour.' $a PERFOI►MA7tiCSES $9,388 07 Doors open et 11-" 'vat 61-10 Mork, P. M., aufnetent Inns to 8,111 till Um Livixig CurlotsltioEs, Admldilion to tho w:) , :sle Caravan, Alenagerlo non ED Adults.... ....... ........50 Cents Children, 10 years of ago, and all under.... `45 Cents -14 7 ,1...a..13.1.1cE1t cot 46 64 CHAMBERSWEIRG, WedAesday, May 5. 68,680 r 0 NEWVILLA, Thursday, May 6. .# • 'CARLISLE, _ \ XECHANICSBURG, 'Saturday, Nay 8 HARRISBURG, '";. 11 C9 1 2.4a..' iVitt P, .4° =I ..!..lltrt fr., u. i . .\iolll,llB, ; .13. IT= All of the GREAT At 2 and 71-2 P. M EDEr! I MiENM Friday, May 7. Eli =I 2k, c. 4 . ; 44, NEW _A D VE RSISEME.N TS SthencVs. Puhnonic siir tp gtao eed and Mandrake Pit I. will core Cou ruwyti n Liver flomplodnt. old Dysp.pelt ' if taktn mocrdi gto tilthbe - They Ara. all three to he taken et the srieo time .Thiry cleats. the atAnleh, relnit to a liver, a , d dirt it to 'mrk': 'hen the Apr, it o lee mit good jibe linnidlg ,, tts • n , milWra go nd b nod: the patirnt. Hosing to gmw tleett . th. disea...d mitt, titter sln the .lut4s , .and the pit nt rows - the disease g.te.will: This to the only wet t ' Curmc asnmplon. ; Tn t erre three - met flollea hr. J. 11: &hen of I Idle 'Pith's, ;owes hie unreltoted - eueethe In the a roput of pnimonnry-a noumption, Who P 1- mon•e Syrup - ripens the morbid matter irr the Inure nature hritea'-it ott by' at. easy experteration,lhe eh., the phi gm or tnathr is ripe a e'ight' muith xi I throw It off. end the patient has rest and the rouge heain 1 , heel. • o 01., this, the - eaweed Tonle 8111 , 1 Mandrake Pills mint 1,0 y used 'o cleanse the sternachand liver eo. that t Pultronle•eyruit and the - . food - wlll . toldte_ good blood. Fehenet 's 'llendrake phlsoot upon the liver re movipg, a n tarot. urtor., relax the duct of the gall ilte .1001 , 5-11 , I reely—atoLthar liver 1-80.. n. roller, d the Pt, eaaid show what the PHs eon do; 'rot thing hoe ~ v er been Invented expert eat , . el (a do , dlv poison ohirh la vt.ry donator ro nro tIll; 'll ore , cur). that w II nein, ti.o goat h,ta et rend +hut tn. ti.erellonsol the liverlise Sfhenekt.. MA .aka l• 1.I.• t, et taint in one of the most_ prominent Most For ewe nurptlon ' Pet.' a Seaweed look, inn son:le stlmu'ont at d alter alive toot th. Nknll It the ,8101.1 el. rob oh hat in parade sor'a 0 11 , -hia the et mach to , throw out the go. trio juice to diem or the tent*. lob Up. , Putter. Iv op stud It h. out to h. to go od without tern...hal .0 or 8 ,or 04 lit the a o teh "the-gent oio phy-leutors don't cure con• snoopti..n is. lln )''try t do too roue), I they give m• do for to Rap ; the ....ugh to et pthl s to slop night sweats. heath lever,. ae,l h 3 .o domg they dt taoge to,. n hole dige•ll,u powers It cto lot On It seerettons and eventually the patient PL kr and Pr ',ch. ek 10 tinf to anon d ...s not try tee a e0b..1.1. 111018 •.r' - o, chi. la toyer. Renato lb, -a toes d they will ail et. p of their , wn trec•nd. o tote e r nr.:mond rf COrtatilliption I iv, 'on, platvt,D3et c o o. I Merit, ()sorer, Uteetwool.Throal • unless tile lie. r at d stounteh ore made healthy. It p. , reon has 0. LlBlllliptlen of ...Fe the long, way urn diseased,. I It, to• het cies, oh-coo R.P, 'withal 101 honcho', pleura edit° lon ttr • In. lungs ore a owe ct , ' it Ilannottl o nod f et d-eoyi g. tote lent, teal ate a' , blot it In the whole boob The s•onoph and In er have loot their power to teak.. to rood toot ot n, New ihe o tiy chance in t lake .-ebottek's tordirinee, v 'lath will Laing up a tot a to the , tt teach. the patient will begin to stool to. d, It oil! diate.t.• aril) a. d make good hlood ; then. the Pail., hegive .to phi In flesh. and• a; onion as the body healer to gr w,theluege commence to Ilea up end the petient gen. fleshy and well. Thla a. the oety way to corn coneoption, I , hen there no no lung J seaae,and only liver nom- . p woo a d Uynpepelo. r‘heoek's reatvie.l T n e and .11111 drake Pins are pollbaent xi bout the # tbrup •,Tehe-the Mandrake l' Ile Iven'Y Itt oil bll. lees non Onto is as the., are tFileeTIY" barnileas. . tette . hex °Noted twilit , rrnpted with tor Lonny years post, and now weighs 221 ends, wax wat.ted novel to a into e sirloin In tee itst meg,. o(Puliiiienry entr.unip 1 in hi. pray/alai, . . „ . AVM.' prior 1111,d W. enHe Loy rot b ud übtlideiled ffirdTgliirt — ifi• U'irg - Virerrlirffe ol'''''t''.-I`'AMirtr".”: otos. o.d oduce loth recovery too. y tontionnd lud• I. itimet Imago Ono d Or. ectoo.ek'o., prep:. Winne Oh the.eaine II uioritahill PIICCVSN. FIIII 1111,1 Lop lug u.l h :nabs it not uUsnlutuly n 000.0- ' to via/wan) two lii. acne,a k tioleos LPL, 001.1 their lungs • x.O tied, uw lur this ping so ho prol , asuman) 01 his I rluelplo Mho. I ti t ) Saturday,„o bor.till-ImPrx of advico moot b., bdreoomil 110 to also p at \o, .12 r •I, New folk, 00tay other Turecin, al d nt NO. II lbovor oteset: iii•sto ,- ,eVery other 11 eel nesda,, . glv 0d.1.0 lie, but 11l lethorough • z.antou. li•spironieter the pace is $l. Wlleo ou .at anon oily, 11. UA )i toil I'. 51. Orb,. I Olio •• rup sodolio wood rule ti lo $1.50 per' I 1 tiro or $l.lO n 11..11 tiezo ,I„ tlll.O lb 0111,0 a boa. For sal , by al. Smog's. IL. J. 11 Ol HON, No 15 N Odl et l'a. tin-1123,19 ly I= J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. 11'. CORNER 1:3 TH AND FILBERT s EE =I Sole Man ofttotto ors of too ..e.eltrAtod wnouollT-1 RON —TIGHT, ska Gas-Consum eater iVITEL PATENT DUST SCREEN, I=l WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR These Heaters ate math" f Hew, Wrought Tr. u. well rivorrl hatethar, thu only au a o re r e urm r , ngatosi the reap° of Gas or toot. the, are root's Apnea, ail will, oh any dump r Th.. dia.or nu ids the use d nr.i cyst., of drum-. awl he le '&11 eo attnehed to the' Ilan ar Tul• Ie the rho table, ample, Oloir yid pugroior lie .t.htt A ill, ULLIS ter offend for bnlev. They aro al. xurtraore COOKING It ANO It far Il tele a d Pemtllo s, PuRTABLE L fI ,, ,AT El , 8. I V. I 0 YOII VIES. el, ANTELS HEWS E .8 a...d VENTILA'rOIO3. - We n• asu 1314.1 f Nine FLA r• r P I,IEATIVO RANIGE. rural Ihra r I Ilatarated ,amplded.. nl iii 23.65-I.y. AUSTIN & CO'S O.4EAT ONE DOLLAR SALE Si». hey Circulars MT ILL be ,issued and ready for ages • a mud custom., on and otter epril Doh, eoutain pf . the largest and roust like al ea the go and l'ienduin 1,18, ver isetn.d. Agents nibs..l thirty and °I w ir a will bare their ['retitle us, li.croltse • n.otour n worn all the check. are, returned. -Work f .r us and we will Work or 30 , 1 A‘ enta wanted everywhere. Ciro tilers sent fn.° & F itn.l.l 167, 111, 112 - C‘n mix tits. t.ll-It. • • TOTlCE.—S r ealvd proposals will be L. 11•• rerriVrd at, his otiloo uortl 10 o dock. A. M h u v Nlity Lab IVO. tor fu inh .ng thu oConattotal 't at Lorlislo tiorrarks, l'tt., rilth GOOD-- FRESH BEEF, for tdx months. Iron, an.d sttor the lot. da• 01 June 10119, 01 euril lone [Ape: a Vleronnolrenry Clou. on NotrAstoneu U. h. Am) loo) Proposals must he In dopivante. and ondorced • Pi..poonlin for hr, oh I ell,. nod wint contain the in In .0 of troll rown oilve persona wh slsn the Loud and horon , ttrtponslbla for .ho .rnlth fulptrform :toed of Ulu rontrort. Per our xho hid are requened to be premunt at t o opening of the proposals The til,vornmont re corner the riubt If reltlet, ane Ur all bide alt,eh they may relittlder unreasonable or for any other autlt cmut - EDM, ND 0. FECD ET, Ixt o.leut. HI h Oftratry, 11r••e1 Ca t U. 6. A. A. C. 8 Moo 01 AWL Com of Bob U. H.-A. - ' CarliPle liarracks, , April 03, 180. April 23 31 REPORT OF THE CONDITION • OF 7117 FIRST NATIONAI, BANK" pF C1a!1.1131.F. Psott tin) eI,C4O k Neluess April 17,-186D • * Resources: Loans and Discounts, ..$124,212,6 ConunerthtlTspor 17 clB I TIIIII,ICCODIIII dation loans, 14,694 44 Or. r clue juipnr, 27 982 h 7 I , (1 kb ~ d oev, of Direr:tom; 7.611 17 Over dr , its,• r . .1,016 69 11,.. imml,. for circulation, - I ,bn.on . p,oo _ U. 13 Bonds for demo 1(s, •50 0111 00 . 0. her 1: 8 Roads, . • 100,00 Other Stocks. and • ~,, MOT , tt,S, . 9,737 50 Due from rodeo ming 16. .. . . sorveigt. (as por sehed) - 0,270,30, Duo frill.. tither 7,at,1 hit's 1 as for ached) . 1,851,92 PPM from other Bent a and , Rankers (to per _ (en. 1.) . . , ./743'119 Ranking House Furu,turo r &o . ...__ . _ -1 0,780,02' rurrotit , Hx penile', , . 1.395,70 , • Tears pal& ' 751,81 2,140,01 y rend time, - - , • ~ . . -._ 1.06(wo • ,7142 61 r Ca .. II Mane , . 11111 x of fithor Nations! Bloke,' ' . 5,940 00 1111In'of State Bloke„ 11110 r ra(plonal UurruncY r . , 1 9:2 41 1.p1191 Tender Nn'eq, • , • . 23,11:1 ~ 00 Csnrpound'ltikeent'Notlia, t 4 ' 751y140 Protests, act. ' . , - .•30,08 Liabilities. . . : etititiil-Btoak )141 , 11.1 . 40.0r0,0a Butt,lusF Ira; ' . •• . 25050,00, I)t,eunt and Profits and ;au, ' ' - - "o'o9 14 Cirri:llo , k,, ... '• '.. ' ) ". , 1 1 5,110110 • In Ilvidual Deposit'', , ' ' ' '1 2,064 on 11 8. Deao.lts.' Depial n (.1; 4 Dlnburalnd OMenr : ' 11,fi) rli In Duo to Nat'l tiauka Om p.r schxd) ', ' 0475'47 Due to other hooka and banltain,', r • I . .1 por oohed ) - MvidouPo Uupold, -• • ' ' 2tr9 75p,00 - ',The abtivelvatimant.jelrue to the NO. oi quy. .cuooliatereand belief. •.-• - -- • -,,•• • • , was. . A nd q utia .. e:rtbed I'Quiqh day of AprinthlD. ,JA0011.7.1.10,'N. P. 4 1 LE ( 7 1' I a.9.".N0T40j9,;—..,1v, 010. : is. itrral y g r ,en t inint fly y siftS• woos, Mb 1, 100 , 014 004 21 A 1 P?1 ,1 "Wl, gin vo r t 117.; 'Carlin la Gni Poiorpt aoAfrlig, • 11 4:4 1 0R.,' It 'Until' s ) the 40 , in h. uee.l34thi;r64,,triftcr e e ,Attu, two room' !via. tine email, Apr1 4 1 " i11;411. 1to •°1:14144/O"A'.; ( .11 , 0Y1t6. 4 .\ A Mil N(itldi —Lettrre of Admlnie , rmtlon'on oho en , me oP Kihnbetlt.llcror, d e'd, lobo of F.lloldlenex , owoAhlp, baying been loened to the eubserfler: Nob lee Is hi.-ful4 oion Ir Oorria(B11)-; cloa,tpd to told te-te.e to mete, paymeog, end Chico booing chime to pn.sent them prupt.Aly Au 1.. " - rated fro ttlement to. Apl 2-60 NM KUM, • IkPPE.k LS ON COUNTY A NO . • S VAT TAXI 8 F^lt 1P1.9,-Iho .pp, • ihr, A.pot-Hont of ntote nud County Tutor for the Pop bo bold at the Comtalmouors Wilco .. . ... . . . an fodnn, : Monroe and Upnet A11en, . 1 .7 ,•, April 26 1e,, , , %Nen end , InchanicAnig,, ' '• 27 E Nom. Num, d..n and N. fmno. ' . 2B . , •11•.. t. sprnil and M dd MIX, ' . 21. r North and South Iltddlutou, 'Su ~r ankthrd and Min,, - May 3 wel . Ilapal. - ,,Neiriura. and tp.ttp. - . • township. . 4 . 41119c' and El nit hatappn; ', ;'. 44 ; 5 Nel and West Patn. •.. ' • " ' 0 P.nt n d Mckinnon, " 7 Carlido and Newelilo." ' 10 M to HALE, ALIAIN FLOYD . • JODIN..IIA MUSA apr1121,60 ~ , 1 C0111111111111,11.-TR ;PROCLAMATION. WH ER EA S, thellon. JAMES H. ORAIWa, Presidett Jndite• of the several Court' , of Common 1 . 1021 R of the counties of Cunibar land. Perry, and Juniata. and Justice of the several ,lonns of, iyAo• nod Termlnur and fleheral Jail Deliv ery in said thunties, and hone. Thos. I'. Blair and fl ugh 4 tuart. udges of the Courtsofilyer and I ermi ner and Jail Delivery for the .ria. oral! capital and other oftendlos. In 'he said county of “tonberland. he their precept tr direeted. dated 2lst ,, a have ord tho Court oft er and Perm nor, :cod General toil delicery.t.), he hol,en at ''orb on the 4th lituiday 'of Mae. 1860. butng th • 24th day. t 10 o'clock In the forenoon NOTICE to hereby given to the Coroner,3 oaths!). of the Peace. and Constables of the sold county of Cum berland I het they are by the sold precepretOmneand— ed to bothen ond thole In LW, proper persons, with thole role. records, and I nytilslrlone osandnutlons. and all other rout tube anoint, to do those 'hinge which' to their Oleos aril °nein to ho one, and all those that • are. isfund . by recognlzences,' to 'prosecute gained. the , prkoners that to-or thou shall .111 'flit. oil 02 null county, aro to be there 6r, prosecu to thew as ',hail be Just. - _ . I pril 22, 18 9 —te • VOTIOE TO TAX PAYERS- Tre.n. or of ("mu11...1,1nd MOO , will r -the p • !Tose of. rectify Inv County nod taxea for lid f), nx I egnired by Alt ol Arscubly, at 'he fellow Ea Nt liennehoro,-at_ .AlurileL holm). Any 17 and at Poirees h 4,l,••ifty I - 11nmpden, nt h relizer'i. hotel `Any 10 and 20. Si re!. Sprit f, at Duey'a hotel May 21, Klink's hotel 410 .22 tv......s.llt..n t tattiLittlatedi.hotot.ala.„*.24,4lyokla.hote Nay 25.'t ftpp..r Allen. at ettlit'a Hotel %lay 20 and 27. Molin!, at II urthat hotel af t y 28 and 29. douth allddlot.9l, tit Rupley's hotol .May 31 and Itol'lng Surf., Jam. 1. Illdd I, sax, nt %think., -Anal llnnoo Juno 2 tdd 3. nrtn idletou. nt Iho her'o .1 ono 4 and 5. ta'n?.t Ponnotton , , at Chu...lnt hotel June 7 oud - Faler habil uoa 8 Nron...foril. xt 199 orsOl'o runt' 9 xtni 10. 11111110, at Knettl.4B;achool hnue., Jul,9 11 and 12 Nor too, ot . l92lt , enher,g, a, hole! Juuw itou,th• town Pao, at V)s hotel lune 11l and 11. ideklovon, at t rnx6•r'x Intel .u• a 1• nod IP. tiuuthatoptan al Ilr uallta beta! .1 doe 21 and 21. dlloo• ell Rod Nealdog, at chatp•x bottd%loou nod 24.. - .91111pro , lint Born HMI Top., at .lunklo's hotel duo• 2; ant 2.1 NOViVil[e. , ionnaboraza.'a hotel Jan echaolcs..rx. JUlie Oki nod July dol July 2 and 3. Cnrilnle py 15 - rod 6, 0 oil inaoa not paid 011 or 11 t, tho [trot day of AuguA neX . fit, tor i I b . _ t he I.n otter Will rt.c. Iv.. 14,04 nt ille 011100 un til theft a 11,y id ',promo, oinab, t,e dupicns foil unpaid toil: VI Ihe 1,4 , 1,1 to the cons obit, of h boroughs nod to wu still. tor buildutlou. • C. M NO 'rpmsurer for Ca morlood ~reury april), n ail REAL E,ST,I TE • SALE: • I Toe undorsig will sell at Pulllli, Sale ut e Court lluv o 01) WennenilaY, thin e 1 ,.?? 1869: big valaual I • loivelts, nn •Lmlther hireet.atljotnlF.‘ ch.,lerman It.forin..d'ehur It The pro oiry in n T%%0 T RV MITCH. 40 feet fr. n. le 210 f. tin depth. n. d too all the thodern ,Ilientten •nd nit.. • en n . title Iti Inn 'Clip 11 I CR. A.M. on Mid d, len he plouwrly vvri kso off n the high int hod r Terms-111p, rs.l.,t of tho pnrolotsto money I. be paid when thoin, potty l 0 arms on off, tho ba 0000' to 10 p.,td on ttff 101. 180, 010t0.d14,1'1 111 Le node and pnlnn.F.l4,n doll% ered. apzl,ll9 is r roWN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC FR - IDA • APRIL 30th,- 1869. 'rho off., flr fule at the Coort Homo, enrilkle, thu wall known - - - n NV ELLING IIoUSE,. kltuntua 011 . We:A Loather kireet, nraFlj oppos(te the Itillortno I I huytilt, Ni.. 20, now oaoupoal by ha, thetilf Irtppey. Minims] tug of tenet 1)411111.1a 26 1/) 211 feet. two.torlo pliti,titted front nn t tool ellh !111 Ma., hnvinirilve room' , Xihn lin and Il,dl. Th., hurls building Is 111 h 3 43 ti in.r 11,.. Iw , , viith novo dii , lng morn k ivitoaural rIDALIIS up liar under the font building uud kitelw Ir, with .tone hi and WASH HOUSE, pe nle 'vont tlwellluv. nevor-Inl Inn well aler pump In It , A N. 1111 • eo font I I k o , tro with puma In It, with no it lov of twelve fonkln, n Ir to of th,rt)—evert by two hittwlttel f'rty feet bnrk to Dickinson Alley. will It 5 , 11,005rd5ine llnucn trosthig sald 5115 y tych re, lor front 511 to , 0 d pm. )051 'I 011 50 0 line frontlnt Lou. bur street moult for 225 dol• r 5 per y Or' Also A LOT OF GROUND, a iJoli g the Name propel ty thirty foal fronting oh I °tither t npp the Het .rina ehoreh oatinuling h , ica to an I Dickinson 01 too 240 feet, with chi lee frith. thee. on. l'es esslon C 111 he given inane lately ..n the Co ellrentlon of die's with a elen. le le, the drnwlen the rents mu the toet,oun u•.w two. p‘log ho dwelling -rale to conoboneo nt tO o'elonk, A. 01 ,ou Fab] ny when Creole svlll be MAO known by =MEI VALIINBLE , IIOTVL Pri)perty A'.' PRIVATE SALF:,OR EXEIIANE TOR A FARM The subscslher wawa at pivotu xalx the call kuuwu hotel x (alai in NI. w , Pm., {mown as the LOGAN Hotisli Tito lot (upon which the Unto! stands) contains 57 b.) ISO teet, tied In addition thereto vvIII ha sold. an oscollunt U Anne:V enotalnlnuns„by 180 rent. ' "Vine house 1n large drat euhntantially built ennt,iliting 8 apartments. good 1 , 2,10-nu Dielpg.toin, ttarlor.ici cher. and 11 1 1. 8 th , u , 7tttlett halve:, A good Well of WAter at tno EXCEL,LF,NI: •' for Cony hor:ea, Ire limas; Wood 'II .uvo, Smoke lionhe anti all • nureroalry out-latEdings. 'I hu Logun Unuon IF vri Isly and tavorahlyitnown nn I IS 'are!). patronlnu I. It has Nom yul to racontly renovated and rupnirOa ,turougllout. Terms to suit the purchaser For further prtrticula•o..Al4 l t 1.t „ o n . hien tu PuterA: , Iho, Pa., N k5..A. WoUDPLi aW . 25/itl4: I ITALUABLE 111 LL PROPERTY V AI PU111.10.P2A1,14., ON I/ EliN ' ES*l.l", 461.62, 4369 AT FIANKI,I:I, VEy , A,NGI3 . COUNTY, I.ENN'4, . . , 'rho sUbscrlher, alto la nn oatenalvo mall ulactur or of flour , n th to thhi and ,ollier :IV., Is.,loalrßuf. of tothlhg 'froin blialneoa, and hall 'Olen - 411,mi to offor an public sal lion 111.; , ithovo day, that val Uri• bid property, well known no the .- VENANCO . WiI!LLS' together, - ith twufratno dwelllnge audlote.helliktik lou thereto , , ~ • 'The Mills are on Frenc s h Crook- inst_ahrii r at flu: enothninco, ,wlth the ,Allealteny: Pinup. qi,,,,;m111 nolidine-h Vour-dtorlre hi tit; an/ 'Perlafivi, by INlorty to , -t In okteol. WO :Hilt ilui hilhz ae/ thwart /nu!, 0191 thegrorhpili, a/j.tret,l, co•rupylup,ro, aro at , about Olin Nero ~' It contain! Ihnl.niru of French 'l3,trrp, 0 Rh' Clounlo'g, Fl.lvdting..• lb tr., Mud oil //northry moult 'nary f w ma 1,1,, ,, Ono llutuiroll 0011 ViltY parlTlO.Finur,por,day, he,l , lra the custom . * rk .and - c toppiris,nr o , lllethlt ha/ 11 largo nw,14 0 8.., Tho motive power co notate:Of tour lion 1 url•loo Whorl, ',ind tww,,Prarad,ikhilila equal ,;tarilillodred.l.ln;rar• power. Thu dam In In pooled order, tiavin %. Ile= -swo ulv_rauably,, rupyilrod , last, year , (rt. t the c, lit, n ,1 his). that 11, , wit! lwall prohttlittly,- nut tquiro • thy further; Atentioo,ter, o we ; ,ty yore. ~r/' re Ise at. putqllng ,ripply: of,,wntor,;: MoMOIKOt to ,d . twico thwantputtt of ipaehittory,pow in nol., COn : lbtr, .premlies . thertila nktood,Aofr a ftitlea,t,le,!, , ,,yrith ' •plotatv of perret thgt,eun to. applied nt a, nominal; cont. Tbu,:,‘llll are ; .1n -,azoollen,r repair,, and •arn • • Via n kiln :It„ ,r, Ilourity'f ant Of Yetterlgo (. .itutitY• n. If II n pppOlatbin of about '.. 4 X- thousand. .111 n, pop. uThitioi, of the soutity la shout" aeventyrflrelhoua and: The !city. is the mate of the Itugoo Amid.. , I. mdifiu to tbr 4 kfierent,partt of,lbe connty, es,Aval , no, I thriio (tall hon e d-, which ,routings ihild pipe,' ','rib lit huhpat POPO! to;, tllatrilniti9,ll , o.lur found It 1,, , ,,,),4. most necturible Intim Bslat grain pr 0 ,141.0; In dhttle n of the !ern. with. 00011 rotor et f eight Cu Plfleo It upon on, cAtp4l.,ll,otiKvijyti aoy Inland, °IV. „ ' ' 'Ili& InglOnlat t obnOtint,irrof Ibirelty knil 11 , ')u ay I [amok. njuaru pr.spprnts, fat Urn than at ow/ plo• ',bona p t ol wit; and twenufaplurtux Iti . n . linvi:orio , 4l.‘,. Will liullkuly to boitin, a ..utlieuutagus nlO praeonto/ ,wt,loll-1,14 loculitles''lnit.ndAti. , ' Th., tiva6r pow of lit I n.elt, without Int pro/return r„vroubt 1.),. Woitb $.0,000 11,1,' (ping tbroohltqueifollot ape ; ette,olhAtt, hi, 'the toni4y. It van 'lradlij tot inert that, with-a lover! in.uKunipti n ill haat tout .hundred •barrelt, of Fl o ur dully, Ithtf irk. 4 1..1 1 plio.wyrttnk }ar,thp,entwa,prAllloi : ;moo; Lift 111 ,- ',l4the will t , ttter I nt - , - approclat,,o, I wenn tto,:feek ,/ , /te an that thi44l is au; isVnrits;•• : xe41, , ,y 'lii,Nl tiota: or 150,"00, 3 loitilltr tint._ prollt , About, WO 00„- ethlth bin-Inon• and . *mint could ~b,n104,5 WnWoubled; I r l h . thn-nld 04 ~, riecue;arX ~ 1 ‘ e"1 1 i t t , a o l ail l ' i etc Lel triat/ , :riWd rt l' a '' i. ;lop! r C V i",l? Otto', purport, the.. milling, a d lequ t of if 0,003 , - 011 bu made for purtnbillou tor qouniv , all the ma, i '' an& rrl ‘ r7L:t ellri til e fi r, ;ll S ,ti t ltri l . i I Al 'h p i ;liitit l y 4 :‘; a Pni'clisil4l..l."i'i!lll4 v;i I'.. i0.{.:140i.:!,11 '7.-' ; -I•fs o ~ bp. t . w 10 f Atipg ii ...tip , ,or t o kil lyT t n i llp, , ,tie . l ' lV i tZr h sv B ou l N tAil P i-llt t i V , A 11 4 1. 4. 47 i : - 1 4' 0 .00; 01 VVrA,P , f.V.0.7"4,r,4, iAO i?, , , 8 1 1 4' ‘,VErtSVl'll.rlta I,,uotilw , trot.abtopl,4,raiurrisul,r . talk .. 4 in ,hlEcoult ty. -. Cr,,,- ., , ~,, ,• ... ' •,`,, kndfiviointannifeil!nt 11•COnlock..4, at , 1 '.l6!oturrultlikaturtboi , port leularfq holdrell ±., .. 1 ',.•; , .'-';'W., ~ ''.. , ;xr 4.40.!v.••+..i,. - •'' - • ' • '.. . , - ," dlraklla l'aaango (k,',, ~ U . - .", " .. • ••1• • ~, prollr taa , carg04,4•1i:.,. 519d,769,90 8 346.63 1-0 03 • 10 April alkt 869;;"- - - 1869 Mall NEW iiCfl AND BEAUTIFUL' SPRING GOODS: L. L QREENFIELD'S Aro. 4. East Alain'St;•Stt. Your inspect) •u la solicited. as •ren( bargains In all Mods of Dry Golds aro - now offellorc —flaying purchased a MI line of nil 'he most desirable goods the Beason for csah at the Irn,st mark tat good• hIlTe rescind ' In the lost rii yearp,.l /Mt prOpared 4 to offiir to the trade greater hider...lnto then.can JOS. C. THOIRSON. Sheriff. 1;.o found In nny House In this ♦allay. All I oak to convince nay one of the above facto, le an ceriy cell E - S 0 O D S SILK 'AND LINEN POPLINS, EZMM Poplinettes, Mohnirs, Chenes, Striped _Pi ques, Fig:Piques; beautiful shaded of SPRIN-O. ALPACAS, STRIPED 111011 AIR, _ • sf="lllegant Delnincs at 20_ cents; STRIPED DELAINES, Scotch Ginghams in Plaids and stripes IMIII in singe and double widths. Also, 1131102E21 CHILDRENS' DRESS GOODS DOMESTIC GOODS IftQr-5000 yards GOOD CALICO •t 10 std 1234 eta Domettic . 0 Inglming 111 12% . c.rits nr d upwardn, titacka of Ticking., Sbectings, Pillows. oe Musling, very cheap. Perth.B wantlae. the above will do well to oxomitte our otork before purebn,loß. CoTTONADES; , =I CLOTHS AND CASSIEERES, Fro . m, the Lowest brad° to the Finest Pronelt nlwal•a takon tho load lq thle branch ,of the bushitiu , :l would /4'1 . 5 , i an betto ' r preperrd this season than over to meet the wishes of all desiring good article, or A fair bargain SUITS MADE TO ORDER, at the shortest notice by a first-class RAOURNINC COOD S WOOL DELAINES, BLACK AND WRITE MIXTUItES, Crapo Veils and Collars, English Crapo BLACK 7' ' HIBE 7' slrA.Tv4s; *tram and long, also a full neinrtment • of Funeral Gnosis', 'for which orders will bo promptly and satisfactorily filled, ' • TGO 0 D S - : " • . TABLE LINENS,- odI,OI % II, II, NAPKINS,,,:a ' ' • ' t.!. To , weli, Linens: Marsailles, Piqurs. Sprciads, 1 J:z; N T 1,0 •N - in .gi,,eat 11.4581ERY ANU GLo V.E s; 'o;..csa , stook einqootril , r , • ' 4 . 144 V1"k 7 .7,1 . v IiEM'ESItEI-4111; PLA.eE,r JO 1. . , '4 l :‘ ait.# At'44.4l4tHET.•''' •-• • c -• • . - IL: I R E , N,FI EL D April 0, 180D.-Iy], \D'h'i , .'''ld:b6,6's.'' d ~ .. ~ all shades of COLORED SLL.KS, JAPANESII POPLINP STRIPED POPLINS, 1=I! IN GREAT VARIETIES, SthIITIN6 ST - hiPES, ('IIECKS, DENEMS, &C GRAIN BAGS, TAILOR BOMBAZINES, ~,' NE:JV 4DVERTIS=NDS, F IST ()F.DEALEIIS IN GOODS, B Waren And Mereltandlee. oleo !treberA, nbe tilers •• I umberreen,' ttAtinA'Roltielt, .6;, the manta of eantbnrla tid;ri A prrattinfar• d suines n: - by e Peedertek Carman. tdoinentile'Apkellier;ltit6 eenditesn,with ,tbe several mete of Amenifitz Ablet'• lowelito' wit: ; • ' CARLISLE.- itlrf . Leblicb-& Mlller, dry goods.j:. .. la e -0. , .3.45.0. Rents & /Mos . do - • '. • ' 0 '25 00` °All, 0 . do ' ' , ' pa • • 1210 - 9 in,nr k.Co ' -do 13 10 00 I 1111., W A . do' - 14 - 7 - 7 00 Greenfield. h T do 11 -115 . 110 Ith.g J fl ET - do Il4rncr,Thn4 A On ' 121 • 12 fel Ilut too. John FaeryJoods, '141.,171/0. Ilentster. Joseph do . 14 t+7 00 'err. JP ' do . 14 1".7 00. Coyle &Co do , 11 1.6* 00 lOnlgnm,o If - Jeleolr.T. 4 _ 14 - .7 uu N.. 0 0, W D 11 do , 14 7 00 Conlvn T- ' .. do : 14 '7 00 *ramer,..p.O., 7 10 llovOngar, IT -• do 4 , 14 700 vr 9 gton. 11, ITer , aec, . 0 25 1.41 1111.1 or & Rowers. do 10 20 i Cl' oeker. A E Mrs Sewing Msehlnes 14 7 00 Campbell .1 , 41 n• do . 14 ' 700 Fu neer, J Mk 811 do 14- 7"0 Mellonetral Jos Stoves, 14 700 Itinestollh & Rupp, do . 14 7 00 Frid ov, Woo do 14 7 00 Atillo:r r Cloudy, do 7 tr. Sid lers, Wm Confectionery, ~ /I 70 1 Miller, P. ter do 14 7 00 Rio ern, J TT ' do . 14 , . 7.00_ Kellfor t 01009 111 - do ' 14_ 700 II ualtes Robert do 14 7-10 Yochum. Oi.o do 14 ' 7 0 Martin, Jocob do 14 7 01 1 ...hrodunbough .1 do 14 " 700 Z •Illor,` .1 A Flour and Food. 14 ,710 111.o$on$ Ir. 11,0 Proeueer,..-. 11 16 00 Ile, to Afro , ch. 11. 15 too II ornprard KC do 11 16 0" ir.r4ner... II do 14 7,00 . hoods, .1 & D 'do ,: - - 14 7 in. .Lnyo,lo, I` d do 14 7 0 0 C. ruellue & Rosh. do 14 7 0 ilonlor;t4 61 Lutoler and Cool, 14 7 0..- •leir, A II do 11 .16 00 Delancey & ehroto, do 13 ' 10 0.. !theses. 0 'Coal 14 7 01 'trot Innen, G Groceries, 14 7on Lima., 0 ' do 14 7 • 0 ihtroo, IV II do' 14 7 0. •1111 'h. IV II do . 14 7 01. 11 etnnl, W .51 11 7 Oa Bender. John do 14 7 , 0 %Insoolioinulr, J . dO • 14 7 0 . ilt.ox. A .1 do ' 14 7 00 0 it 0 7. q 14 , Rude; l% ni It lon, d d 0 , 8 3 ' 00 111 .1.1 rend t. 11 do' 14 7 int Ksbenbaett, F do ' 14" ' 7 0.. Brown..l. ho do . 14 7 00 oeh, .1 It do ' 14 7it W, i.e..). do • 1.1 700 ( 0 1 or, John . do /4 ,'7 '0 I‘: Hunter, Jehti ‘-, '. CO l,' - ' * l4' " T (r -,7.l4grer Jos do 14 7 10 14- - -7-00 nobly, 11. do termerrrov4,-----do, 141 " 4.,; ' "I ' O , 4enor, !neon do 14,1. 7 tai 11 , 10 11, Christ, do - ~.4... ,9", - , - 11( 0 II rstlnteol, %V a - do . 14 - 700 110Palen, 011 • do . i 10 .0 10101011 do 14 7 0' Lim.. John Furniture, • 14 7. 0 . on.nom, 1 , redqc do 14 7.0 . 'h"Pi°Y, ' has da ” 14 7 0' r. inv. A it do 14 7 01 011.0 D- dr , 14, ' 7' 0 •It.os, Joseph Boots .4 Ribes, 14 7 00 0 ro•r. N do •"‘. 14 7t I, 61 eri, II do ' 14 7to I ort. r, W 51 do 14 7 .0 rn, tans., .1 14 7 U. , Fleming F. C. do 14 7 00 Ir.lne, John dd 14 71,0 Inver. il do 14 7 00 trobta & Aponslor do 14 7 .0 L•tomil. Philip dol4 7 .0 - h nooreth Woo Millinery, 14 7 0' N I llsins. lire 14 do 14 7 uu ~ IT, 6I .. 51 do 14 71n1 110 t. 11. 0110 do 14 7 0,1 v... 1100, Wm Clothing 14 7 o.s Lechler, oti do 14 - - 7 110 Mon. nburg„ do 14 7 1,0 L.,..0d1ri1, F. 11 do 14 7 II 01111 et J IV do 14 7 10 I.lvl .0100 $ do 14 7 0.- ..Id...iiith. E do ' 14 7 0. horn., .1 ho do 14 7 0 t.:o.i.u. IV 11 do 14 7 I 0 0111.0, 11 S - do 'l4 '7 ii" Ilut.ten. A 14 - 7 iv. CO rI, in .0, 5 Drugs, 14 7 10 , Ai rx 8 .10 " 14 7 0 . 1 $.1,1011411 A Worthington, Drugs, 14 7 0. lia,sstial. 5 BM d.s 17 10 00 1..11,..0.11,10.1 do 11 7 VU Fins k, r N do 14 " 7no IL , FII , II 0 To deco, J 4 7 4,0 ,poogler, 0 a do 14 7.00 Irvin & herTnt:" - a. -- - - 14 - - -- 7 - 0 I -- 1.e....1nger. Oeo Leather, 14 ' 7 u.) huosnin ger, d Hobos, 14 , 7 0 I,ICRIOOD. PhotigriPhs, 14 - 7 0,. Lenner..l C do ' 1 , 1 701 hoer, WIC Itooks, 0 1 1 1 ' '7 0I Loudon,. J. do 14 ' 7 ou 111.1ulan, 0 D do . .14 700 G... Jo oh Ilats nod Caps, 11 7 0 1(.110r, .11111 A "do 14 7 0 l 01.1e,.1 ti do . 14 .... 7 ot, 1.01. Joun Produce, - • ' 14. 7'ou - .to, N Dealer, • ,„ 14 700 A 1,1.0.1. Robert- ;.,, • 110 14 7U. 1 ICKINSON. MID'S `,- Dr) Good. taro ' 11' 7 00 NI . iTr,t David do do 14-' 7 00. ilardilt.l. a Myer., do do • '4 1 10011 A:ci,•vv r Co., do do : 11 700 =I tinlii” W. 0. D'iy Goode & Ciro 13 10 00 Ilogruin. II I thy Gorton 4 Oro 14 7on Ilicssuer..l hn' do • do 13 10 00 nook,. 11-.4 Soo growls :,'_ ;' 14 7 0 , Nichol. Peter • do ' . 14 700 I..ingoveker. J •do .. ' '•- -. 14 7-00 Ilnuninel. c I. do 14 ,7.00, ^Z.teesties & Sou produce, 14. , .7 00 Thompson, Wm do . ... l4 . 7 4.0 1,3 esti, George lumber, 14 ' ..7 00 . Martin's Co., , do . 14 .. .. 7 0 condi', ti 10 t• 00 ectlonery, ' 14` ''7 t 0 .11.0.5. Theo IL_ " do ' ..I.4_:___:l_llo_ t“y& co boots end ph es, l4 710 ..Mich. J 0 more son tailor, ' •' 14 7OO 1100d.44 4 oven. 14 7 00 F.horr..N furniture, - .14 - '7 10 1 Ilurion., David, ohipa, . 'U . 7 0 ,, liimmol.,kho marketlog, ~., 14 - .7 on FRANIEFORO. ' -. . . . -.. . ~ . . ..,_ .., Stough & Hillott, dry anode, . • 14 .7 00 1100,10, Sunned do 14 - , 7 00 • Wo,f, J 4 dry goods,, 14 :sic/ID/n.l. Peter do 14 %1 100, E W do . 13 Tempi/rt../ If g•ocerinx, 14 If opp I) dry goods rod grocorlen, 13 Repo .1 J & Co, product., 11 le.mplto, Cyrux. furulturo, ' 14 &AV Eh 4 GLEN. d y goods dud are. 14 do • do 14 do do 14 iI..W/0411 X ro Kut.,•l At tiro ,beridt. I) dewy+, Dv' rich, .1 41 stores, l'retz A A: doe. boots and shoes, Gilbert. 0) run, Iwhi,N, 111DDLESKX. .1•11nra, 11 dry goo 'a and grocoil.s, 41w ',or, .1 oo do do 14 DI Egg ANICSBUItO Contlort•ft Buttort, dry goods, Beet; 0 WAsi.hafor, do • Flohr, lara.l grottrrles, ~... It , her & NI eAary. dry goods, 14 I, lover W II grooerle., l4 Brindle & Nleswauger. dry goods, il ' 14011,n0% & Myers, uro :Mos. _ 13 Brom& P A`,4 ltro., dry good; ~.1.0 liurt.'& Son do `lO , Bar niberger, It D do 14 P koot, J.ts • do 10 Miller & lloyde, groceries, 14 z-tuilh J Ii do r 14 It unfitted. J A ' do • 13 laterl3. D W ' 'do 12 • 1 eitulittier, J do ' 13 Thstrenton 11 W do 14 libeer, tt Bs Clara, Millinery, ' 14 try all. Mr/. A do , • . 14_ Eberly Az god, lumber. 11 Aillielsen 0 Son, do 11 1,1,4; 0 Landis, do 14 Moor 11S do 14 3110ur a Garnet. produce; 11 ion , n, '1 It . do , , 8 Slay moo & Butcher, do . '9 Hoy,. Eberly A boo, hard ware, d Kimmel 4 Cobb. do 10 !talk, 0 0 drilgs, 14 Eves, liet than, do 14 Day, Allred ~... do . 14 Ilrrrlng, J II do • 14 itnively, II II ' do' . 14 Zion, Ilenry ~, shoes, . , 14 I,..ognettker, J HI , do . , ,14 Bello C ' do . 14 0e gin, Levi • do • /3 BO W 11134 A lip, • do 14 Hilton a varldt.Tov , : • '' - ' '' , : ' ..; ' . 7 !4‘1 4 ' :Plaine. DLL, blauirets. , - .. '• ~ ~ .., 4 .: •7 01 34!4nt(trVa11711P0111ukitri:', ... ;:11;' '''l l ir senain,te , ,.e.i2- ''''.. 7 oE4'''''' ( 114 , ' 4 , 7 t. , 0' u'ck a Dr0,1,-- fonit...; ' -. :;•11 , .. • 7 00- 'rizol & Brif do " . 14 7 tat 'l4 • , . 7,00 " . I .onA4 l° J h a n col; J ' owele 4 r n , "' ' ' -14 ' '7 t 0 alintiley,'ll 14 .'do . . - '• • 14. ' s ,. 7- lb rubnor, 3 0, cipre, • • 14 .---- 1 00 . Udo:nyder 11 ' •du • 14 ' 1 70. Dolor P A confectionery,, . ', ,14. - 700 ()rove, Jacob do . , 14 ~ 7 ,110, • nre. II') Agt,' clothing, 1:1 ' '7 00 14 eiffor. L 11 , • do 14 7 00 AbraiieyL W do • 14 . 700 Baker, .1, I. wor.. .. . 14 ~- 700 Dull, Ilen,l lilaukets,, ' , ~ ~ , ;14 , 1, .7 00 Stoloowe A"1'100 I, cool,-,-! ' I, ,- '. 14 ' • . 7 00 MfilarJ & Vo bitten!, 14 '7.0 Hosinege, W qawlog madding,. ' 4 .14', i :„7 Oil 10011, Urrnarkelog, ' ' ,''' 14 ''7 00' • ' Buygras ,Ohorniart,John Jg 5,204 1 .404 gm. , 00 00 , ' • • r .nutea' " ' Devlutiey, L p ort;g7, 14;; 100 Hank, %ammo' lood, , , 14 , 7=oo 60tthir,41outy . , • l4„ 700 Manning 8 Urq Produco, Iluruho tiro do Ntydiur. II do Wotrit & Wagner do Harsh J 4.1 . do ,tonor,l'i'A. dry goods, I.owls J do', Ilohrrlln & on, grocOre, Onolllngor, Joe dry goods; "- OlovOr ¢ Ernst,. do KO., John do . Mlnit'L, John grooto d l o oli, k t UtaiUt. JIJ :11e . n..t0c, , 0 , , • 'cuiaeotlonery,' thooroti o• , do 4, 1 o'booo, • ' 4,o'Na; ilsto*.4,• • . •• •• • ilotto, 11 IL in rkidingl.',' ' llordobergor, Uoulel rniArkellng, 'lO •20 (0 •11 . It . 00 10 20'00 10 '2O 11' .'25'00 14 7 0; ; 14 7 0, , .14 -7 00 13 ,710 11 . :14." _7-00 7-00" 0 '^ll' l '' I 4 •q 0 _l4 • r f '' t '' - 19 /I YY / Li; , 4 Jkan44; 8 4,' p i n , d .;„ i v , , ~ ' .. I )/.l'''l V t• &pug& & 4.111044. do ' r ,°, .1.. 05,00, 414.'sodlimb; 7,y,' ' d o "t. ' ..... ..„. • 1. t iM 20 00 Alol3l,Wiiy 4 g i,,,,, e i i ., , , , , , t ' 0 i.. i0 ` du .tiou.'..ui, & NI, ~, d o f., ' .; . '." .- , • . ",14' fi '" '7 10' ,1011 u, & 4,4,3t 0 oo d ' A v e : 4 ; o , ' ; :. 13 ''' , 7oo6' , ' , 'i.kure: I'd& .. • ''d ~ ,- - I, ' ' ; . ',. '." 14 t" ' 7.0 ( .44.10« e; N & NI& ‘.),,,,,,,' . ' ' ‘ '. l B'" • '' '' ,i ' k lll ' 0.404.4 r A Dglagiotii.., ~"•••4i,1, ' "0 . 7 .,0 ,1 p, sl tb, II 44.; ~ , ...?. , ,1".."P. ," ',..'.` '''''ll , " ''.;t,fo' 11'°441, U I 4 1 . 111) - - d al, ' ' " L 14" '' r , . 4.4oLit en, Awn.* slibe• -- ; l4 ' -.." 'IP . ~ ' - /4' - 7OO . , Selter.k Co . design, ~ • Mild, BGI . do . . 14 7 00 ,o'Nell .. 4 IT do • _,14l 7 Ui. :l.e.ed, Meiji , ..,. ~ do , 14 • . 7,,,00 jjlootdoilse&f Or do ..- 14.. ' .I'M WesilMartell Bhillelerg+r, fornlinee, 14' 700 Bricker, Geo ed , do' 14 • .-7.1 1 0 'tricker, .lolin - ` . do , 14. .7 00 ' , Shines d'Eldo,s Tiardimeej ..• ` i ,14 • 700 'Runkel,-.11/1: I k .00. ~, , • , : -12.`• -12 6 'l.lseidin, a W Jewelry, 14- 7 0. . moll, (141 stoves, -• .. _ .14. •• 700 rtenuedy',l4l, do • , .% A l 4 ,- 7 1 10 , I . l4inry; Ilt Cogrectlooery, 14 - -700 • Craw, J J . --do -14 • --1 7- 00 ou s g a h u li g n h lJlo s , I f l e s e p d i eislllloe r 0 " `,14 1•" T OOO Bmlley, Mins M =.l• do'•-- , 'l4 • 740 NXWOURG ElliOtt - 1 , P . .....:j dry-goods, . - .11,'; 16 00 10 ,tevl. a Swig ,rt; , do . U ' -.. 16 o %po., Y.. , .10in and shoot, 14 . • 7on Stfrial., 0 0 furniturr, . • ~14 .7 OJ ...- . • NICK , 0176tBERIAND. -. _ - _dry goods, Hugbmso & goo, do 1{1 , 59 & CO - do .luPsor, I 1 R iumbor 8 •80 0 Oyoitty, Charles do - 14 - 7 00. Jainar, OWOor • do - 14' 7 0.1 Leo & I:barly, do 1/0 Krnest 4 ()layer, dry geode, ' - ' -4" 7 0 . 0 Clever g•Co do - , W," 7no miter; Henry groceries, ' - - ' 14' ' ' 7 no •lerber g Kurtz, dry goods,• 44 700 JeY'Cook g - Co do •- 12 12 60 SOUTH A UPTON Alller, Banlol grocerws, 14 . , .7 r 0 ;Never A Rhoads, ' - dry goodly, 14 ' 7 ;41 ;Never, Gear .e do - 14 ' 7.00 4,0bt0 a Wllllettm,. do 18 -10 oU ;Glenn. 04 t.O - .. d'. . 14 7.0. 0,11, D B do ; .. El lIIPPENBDURG., _ _ - Landis, ll * " tlirielii, _._ 14 7 00 'lla3 ea, W D: R. Peering Machine; 14 7 ..- Dayle,llrs (I 611111uory, 14 70 • •lubloy, !dims El do', . 14 , 7 .01, Lawton a ';O., Produce, 10 24 00 boug44 Gish. . . .do - 11 " 16' uti dors ow & Flickinger do . 12 . 12"6..' 0 1 441121, c.);::: ,, :',, , de . , ' . , - 11 • 15 00 Fosnot a lianGitimn, Groceries, ' ' 14 -7 re landau a biome,. 0d , . 14 .7 lia NMI 'bur, Joh.; do 14 7 00 Paguo, I It do 14 7 00 11yore. oamuel. do . - 14 , . •,7 14 Gamin. John ' do 14 7 1.0 ;Veer r. W le • do 14 7 o.• Arta, PR ~ ,do , , • 14 -.7,00. Duke, DK ' , "do ' 11 • 7 tio Duller. 80 & Bon dol4 . 7 t. , 0 , _A1.g1e,„11,21, ! do 14- ; - 7 I,U Kelsb Jame do. 14 7 00 11.1•horson Dll Dry Goode, , 12 ' 12 60 dmosin ass, It do 12 , 12 40 K. ota tr.-Montgomerydo ;; 11 „ 16 0 . Jamie' n 1 1 1 , T de 12 12 60 Dm our dt . Neuley, , do 13 10 011 N ;Trimly. a Well, Lumber, 13 . 10 00 -fteddig J& J B Dry Goods, - 10 20 00 1.1rw0n0,',.4 14 ~ Cuntret.oriery, 14 .7 d•! Glark, Med do 14 700 Ileu,411; & Dibble, Drug; r 14 ' 700 Aldus, J 0 14 7 00 Ati for 11 - K.2.10 ....--..,- --14-7 troCTW — Shoe; 14 .7 0 C01e13.11 , ' do 14 -7 00 UTherwm A 47,32, hardware, - 11 14 00 d; m Irk & 0e• uck. - d9_, 14 7 00 Litalllll 4 Bmwt, do - 13 10 01. moldy, J Fond ore, - 14 7 00 rinkell, David do ' • 14 '7 60 Unruh:ta p Duke .4 En; enrulture, . 14 • 7 .1; Ant ..r. a ,l lotus, Mores, 14 7 00 Ito r J Mu A Breve; 14 7 0 Koner, -- J.num Books, • 1-0 • '7 OU erulgee .1 5 Son Clothing, 14 ' 7 ;DJ , La., ;tea 4b.oder,. do 14 <7 7 04 at etuer A Binh, do 14 00 Smutty, J - 11 do " . 41t -. 700 • . 000T11 MIDDLRTON. ....., . ,- • Berman, 0 Dry - tim;us, 14' L I' 7.00 11'n 1.1., A Bro do 14.: '''' 7 00 Bowman A llemmluger, Dry Goode, 14-,--1, 1 17 00 Zeigler, J B tirocerieJ, - 147 I I-. 7. 00 Zelg er, D M dr• - 14 . ' 1 0.. WWI. ounel ' . do . 14.:; 1 . 2 11l ii• ckumu, John Notloua ' 14 .t• 70J . helper, Philip Qout•ctlonery, . 14 ; . r , I D 7 I Beep, Conrad Furefill•ie ' l4 - : I '7 0; A u,tainabil,J_lk 800 Dry Uotda, 12- ' 12 611 Nubbert, a Uo do 11 JO bli (logien, Jam Furn Pure, , 14 7uu .-, ' BILYER SPRING. . , OrriA, 44 Ia mb Dry liouJe, 11 15 Ofl liee..,, 4 loop:Jur( du 14 7 0 iorkhuldnr,-11 , $ do 14 , ,7 00 ' N. fucLl U .. do 14 • 7- 0- i.. 0,.... & Walt, do - 147 o'l Leid , gh, J 14 '' , do 14 • 7 IP . Luit.ign J 8 .t Dro Produce ' 11 .10 10 Mover, Tr. ton lectionary, 14 :7 q 0 tilaßemnktr,J . do 14 7 Ou ...icher, J Iti ...: do . l4, 7. vu 11 WO billp, Wm Tur.niture, 14 ' 70 • UPPER ALLEN. • . . Swart s, J clothing, 14 7 OA - 0 . ..d0 - TWilia TJ - Iq - drriiroode• -1- -7.0 J WEST PENNBISOIO. ' Lees. 0 W dry g r .ods, 147 00 Sharobsugh, LJ do 14 '`.' 7 00 'arr & liurKnolder, -, do 13 10 60 WeiiNiko, % 8 do ~. 14 .7 00 lintidsh.qr. J W do .• , 10 00 Carother , c J.- groceries and shoes, 14 - 7 0.) 'llo .. . .. , d, .1 stoves, _ produce, =WM (fraud., W 8 N am°, Jelin dealer", Head, I, murk-tlbe .I.lloop, Win do enmEara • tolov, John Mechwidesbura, Oponsier, Wm Car DIeTILLICRB AND BRAWBREC itehter, P Newton township, 9 26 0 , J Nj do - do 9 25 0 I.mber, U Cur is , e, 0 26 00 BILLIARD SALOONS Ripple. Jacob Carpels um, Bonnet Neirville, weirich Ettienuel, Ilechsnicebeirg, - Aro 30 co Appool to he held d t the Court Mora, in Carliele. •no the 3,1.1 th, 17th sod 241 h days Of April, N.B. All persons aggrieved may have redrova. Notice. is b. rehy given to all panne I noned in the oboe° 11.1. hit he 11l ‘et of Assembly, •ppith ad Apr 111 h, 1802 C , unty Treasurers are regaired - to bring unit 'it'd toilvetnil - 11renrus - rematutnuvo• paid on or before the let day of Jury next, and by other Acts at Assemoly; venders. of •Inous, spirit ons, m It or thawed liquors, are Wan liable to ii,- diteinet.t in the i mitt of Quarter Be.shies. Tient, Interested ore therefore requ..ted 'to lift their li cences without delay and MVO the colts Ac.. ‘IFILi IvnEl Ti:iasurcr of eumberfand County 66i1R, COLLADAY & CO, 10 01, 7 , ) 10 c, 710 7 Ou nave just grooved to their 7 00 7 00 7 90 7 00 7 • 0 7 0 7 90 NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE BROAD ST., ME 7 il:1 12 0 PHILADELPHIA, 10 00 1 , 00 20 00 Led have eommeueed the sale of an 7 Cho 20 u 0 T 10 12 6u 11 6 10 U 0 7 uu EXTR . AbItD - INA, : It Y 7th) 150' 16 i 0 IMPORTATION OF 3;:!** ck•ci c) as, 7W I 7.b 14) , iIA ColAprising the Newest Fabrics sod Richest Designs tl-4scted by thous 'or tbi roost Celebrated lreitorlen— ; 11r,arlaw 4 ,l•‘?,•,r r i • ' • • • ,;` , 11•1', 1,, 0 • • • All the•NOVELTIE? , of the Seasons. ALSO CAN , Immense :atesqrn;Lon' Kedium,, Price Geode, °ion Tun' ' 0 P L — A R TS 4-D E t VligtEti r . (7.Th ' t • • 1 7 , . , , • , .11. 441.: 'Co.. contend •Ittat It Is - a 0)111AZ ntdra Klt to believe that .no le cannot no et Id al tow In a, hat &tri!et(' stit . ltta dark matt 41Ihay one. ' , did to prove thle - 'Wave tnlte n the areateat - emu to 414 r ig th " ir Fl4° 1q 9:` 76, c."! .Tho Lowent, Remunerative R.rteqi.,. ". " '% 4 : a, ,•...0, . f ;4 • 1) , • I I THiMIII . it;'171 . 11"1!... 4 0'46 . 1i.4 • imriTliprofp oatit4TY: - -"' of the thlrty,t4ntir rertiou of the' of Bth MeV 1.684 end .he luit 7 oto 5.17, ised. %you are h re y untillallgtneet An, rdneedion ar tbe Ceutt! illtUtia Ilildr4 . .ottl S ill to Mai, 4, Iboo. being , fourtlo',Utly tbeleutb o . At o'elnelt the fordiftOnl'and ea Sere, tiy afni.ddrity. :up dhe tintatieFinre rtore preeetit,i one per, *Hoof Sterna .landLseleutioi arguing:lonia,' end ofo .0111. and eaSerlabee '.ll the art of teething ...Ai .cauuty ouprrluteedent, .ier t ' , three . 44qmgaipg :.,surcLurl.ereuldrytni,amotrt'Ut enropituuttlpn fur' .tbq cat ify !eh*, droediVtutd.'dt'itie' Superlutendeptitt t {lat,rl4l4axg o requiteddby, AUtrt i i-niulh tartle t , mm144.140' meld 4s. 1110UtalliWAttlii,t1..v Lon t 'Superintended a Osinbrulaud snout,. - Bo olellYringe. Apra 0,..114. Mill= M:== ' Pal Teti ~'rI{IEDECIIVES:~ Fm Dyspepsin,,.P4ver'and . 4ei• ilk) , of then Sto'm ss - ach, Loof..Appetiie, Nausea, Heart-burn, 'Jaundice, and all distasea -from -a -fii: , orAereil' suite of the.Stomach;Livei'or:lntentines. • 13 _ 10 00 14 7 0 11 15 T. Prripargil by SEWARD, BENTLEY CI ENE:Y. Dinging, Buffing, N.Y. Sold by all Draggling. , • . For ,Sole b 9 G I E,O 110.FF.illAN, Gro er, Pontjr,t, Serret. 69 699 . • 11,45 t-res 'gray and faded Hai.;::' its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff', ; , CUBES ALL DISEASES OF TIIE Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the -hies grow Soft,-Glossy and Luxuriant.' LINT ead-$1.50 per Boale. Earb galle it a Seat rater 'Preparrvi- by SEWARD, BENTLEY CH ENEY; 1/Oggi.tai Buffalo, N.Y. Sold "by bllzDyugg!H49.: For SO by OEO. B HOFFMAN .Gro.•er, Po nf e! S reef. " . 2 'Jan NAG. A Safe and Speady Cure forfou'iihs,COlde; .Asthma Brtinchitis; libarsene-s ,Croup, Inilueni,a, — Wh. - Mpin Cough, z lnciplent, Consumption, and 111 Diseasel of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neoe,ct a seY^ . re Cough', or throw away money on a PkltE , oo:`-f7t-CENI'S FEB BOTTLE ,by , SEWARD, if P . :PI TI.EY CLI EN 1:Y. bruggists e - Ilutruiu, N.Y. Sold Sy all tortifiliiip, 'For Ste by GEO. B. HOFFMAN, Grocer, Poinfr , t., Saret. 2^jßn On 6c6 I?I CONS, Qlll , l \ (11.; 01J' 'IIIE J. dionatruua Or. , hid* to 3 Lnuary loot &et, ed their stor °owl ,to ,a,n toots, . . J. E. CALDWELL n& CO. JEWE neve had mado to,peelolly to their order'in Eiippo and In dwell., nn eel hely Now, .Stock of'Choice • - )24ods, Which aro • how opened and ready - fut. o aMinat lon. .VERY FINE PAIRS MANTLE ChOOES, (E,iry , movement with the new Improvement , . NEJV SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH: Entirely new 8R0N4E.9, GROUPS Sz. GORHAM' MA VIEW CO'S FINE. ELEtITRO WARES. BEST STERLING SILVER WARE. ' New deri,xne WATCII.ES, JEWELRY, &.! . , &c, • A ver Moll assort mont‘ t very ..MODERATE PRICES. • Filr the 'pr , •Font at 810 CHESTNUT STREET. ' 147,10 14 1 00 FE=E 14.. 710 11 -71,0 1 7 110 8 5 00 8 600 30 00 '69 SPRING IMPORTATION. '69 MILLINERY AND STRAW GOODS et MSTRONG, CATER & CO 237 & 239 Baltimor3 13reet, Bonnet and Trimming . Ribbons' Bonn , t rra. , es, Sill..t . atift-,AcVtin*, L'ltAions, Rit 'hes, Netts and Peit+e s, French Flowers and Feathers, STRAW BONNETS AND LADIES lIATS S UND 0 TITIV S AND , Il OOD S. - Th. I.rgept 'Stern of I;1111111ory Goods In thin Cots n try, and xinequollnd In choir,' , which see offer et prloos Ora op dory oorli petition. • 9Aprll 99 DAVEY'STROII?I, -W. D. - PO4NS.LE ft, J,UIIN W. STROII➢f, • PEW anopciputi in ROOT, S „II - 0 , 0 I TRUNK AND HAT — STORE No. 1303otith,liiknet , Or Stroet, Carnal) fovi dnorn, Nouth:bf lrbolf s cere,r. . • .. . 4f AV K linvl jun to net the In rant and hest t , toel if II6ITB a..d WOWS ever eff•red moo enotluuoitlino•t daily:to 'recolvo such goods In cl , line an I'vvry bo 0 Ivo ats. , , Our stocki In a/I kin Is and variation of Woman's MlSSiaancl - Child's strong he rther i;ihnon; Woman's rills.ins' itti , l• .10 'l4noln ix °sitars.. ' I Woman's Olin" . 14ildiTtirk'oy jand.Prench' .Sinn's and Bryn fair ; nonte. nlen's and ilny ri''l;slrinil Huff CM:rower O'Mara. and 80y, ,, ' Imith4Oaltars nod Orions ,l)fan's and lloy's Calf and Buff Oxford Tien, Gum " ;land .Iv; rtnaklnn and Over/Moan. ,• Iden's and Woman's Gnat Wolra nil Carpettilllpporn. oiny's and Mid's fur and laxOtly Hain. Trui Ic•i of ah tires and prices nags, satchels and Valli:as, together with eprlton lot 0.10001/t3 nitlehAroyelll sell to suit The times 1 t• .QVICK SALES AND SHALL PIIOFIFS IS OWI Nary!". ' Thbrofprolu booing our card It Irlbtrruird n trronal.• luvitatiou to MI in flood t. ooil rid look tbrourb our stook wtth , .1.41211 , ta• under oMi ,gytlojn, to.bpy Itpd .1 t..q sm., oleo. OPro rkkillioreyo , try to deal with arm non i n u , ' , er 't gr i ell 'ib lAT;t l r:!t a f * Or nn il e i r :lll " „ d ne. l" 4.747:ll a ly Weallittixtuilliiveatil their Erst.'opportuulty ; • , •;• • • aramtu peoandia.., pall 194 y ' • • , , '; • . , • P" El TiO fOREI),' „Au, yl ear, datum Li. • mf i r. Culverweil'e • Ctilobritted, Er/Pappn tut, radios cure Sum.' Intl W 6 , 106,0 m. ,Itiroluedary ottooti rpratior,„ Manta' and 'J . 4I 'deal hula aaolty In .01ento to orrlogo. 1a ea ONtUDII.7I. N • hritxN,lr and Pitt dudurad,bk,ault lad ulgoura or , ..adt‘ai aka tdyndOhed kL. I. : •I, ,!: - .0.P.K.0: N0mi. , 1., , C unly,rents? , .cute adudealda Oppy. ,cley,lplntitttAtkm(oo t bsity, r CcolooUt praieu,jrusp ,alarndug ;uenargdaru, of„,redr abu cured , aua ury.of4a,,r,Oafy44 diArat Orman p. i,bta 1139,:pkol,totfo, n4,0c9 alaJtda, ualt,,lar odd ale reri 4. OA ,111 Aki.! , 44 . 41tOrY•uffarari r ,blo • Ut, C'P l #. l n o .10 , VC1m.;,1419 , ,eNr41, biku,,,olr. I e.P 1 4..4j 1 1441,1044.X. 4 .0tF444, I r ,bl.Map,f Pauda,utd,tary it ,I.l"rfif a nd tfo I 1411 OPP° tow st dkosn' postpl ;Of I; on r . redipt br.alat ea u '„or:tvit,paid: at DrM rrilkin.kk tpun,?; prior?, 2eia .ein., .: O • kN'pt. .4t, Hoc thii 4: on::: •• •, • Itu pow•r7..row:lltoriL ..A`litOti33 . •• • " xlint;dttilier."444o,ibli 2 :11 r itiMElhiri..llßlVlC. 'l4 N eoruvr of 81150 e, Aul WWI c roam . lror fuiVvp, JONAS lfuLOar • Miqut warthlesmedirine BALTIMORE IMPORTERS iND JODDIMS OF V LVET AND SAM RIBBONA, I=l I V EIV AD V E fiTISLi'iILENTS. UNION? PACIFIC 'RAILROAD CO CM Central Pacific Railioad FIRST ; , MORTGAO BOND Thir preett . enterprime la approaching cornplethin +Mt a rapidity dirt "aitto'nlehtnt' the. world. Over 'hurt' (1801) hundred miles bay. , been' built by Iwo 2) powerful ctnpanire; the Onion Pariffe - Railroad, "ginning 01 owahrs . building wont, and the fien d facitle ilnllroid beghl !Fling at Sacramento and al tiling rapt. until the two roadit 'ahnil meet. Lem nate two hundred and fifty Oilier ,remain to re alit. lite greater part of the Interval le now grad .l, and i 1 Is redannably expected that the through ..nnectlon hetet, on fa,, o en] New York aid be entupto•od 1 y Jjt I. Ag MP amount of Government aid given to each • aPpondont upnn the 'aoatb of road — onetk shall thqb , sompno•feainr•ln•annpl o d to groat atPlta FMI Cry the rototruc• 'VII and aordmi boo roll o - one am/ lac only grand !flu'. !road Line canneqing the At/untie and Pacifia ni.,ll4ndred And Ton !if ;Ilion Dollars ($110.000 ; le) In ninon.) , beiire slrearly boon rspended by the 4(1 pc woqui-rc mpemicle ongtgal In this oreat en• and they will sp.!edity enmpleto thn q e r• lon ryict to he built. When the, lin Ited fitotm entractltsr" iiiLINZU one td the Patine Railroad to develop and protect tee own la.tetyat, It gave the coMpanite authorised It idmh mine aid as aht uld render Its . • ~rely completion<end a doubt. The Cloven, mut aid - trety - be - luslaly Bummed up as frill a: Flint. The tight of way and nil Deem snryNalb4: . d etnno from public domain.. Fei:ond. It make, netion nt 12 POl erre. of •eo 'to the 011ie, ' , Lich. when the r0..,1 NI, 11l amount to twenty-three million (23 000 000) roe, one ell of It within twenty (20) mlies of olread. IT rd. Id tonna the mirror nice fifty nil lion dal.. la 4: 0 00e,ta 01. for heh It Witt. a Ft - wand lion. The OT, erotnent hen already leaned tile Union eritie hallooed tayent3-four million and fifty thretand dollere (f24 o nff OM, and to the wand Parific Palloonall verenteen l,t I inn oda hen. red:dnol thielantert IT, 4R:000). -rig in 001 l To forty Chu hit lion advon hundred and tholl.lld dollitrs h • roe , pan F. ar , pen , ' fled to 4,0 their own Ir.t 310, tulip , Bond• to-the came amount all they ,c iv, tr.w the United Ant,, • no mole The Info hn‘ 0 Maid to pernilnent itivestor:„ahout F-40.u10 Olio) forty Million dollar,. of !he Firrt °acme,- Ronda. 0 ho, rbmpatilvi have ~heady aid iu (buitt,lltr net emauto lor divided, aranta rin Slate of iforobt, and ramen to city and an Frnort,o), • open,. of 1895,0.0000) twtrnty r,, utilltork dolleifs capitol stock. WHAT 18 THERE YET TO BE DONE Tn conaidering thin qt.estlon It nave lea_retricm hered that all the remaining Iron - Thiele the ved in contracted for, cod the lareeet portion held for az d new delivered ,on the lino of the Union Railroad and the Centred Pacific Railroad, and that the grading Is c(moet finished. tviiny RESOURCES HAVE THE COMPANIES TO FINISLI TUE 110iD 1 Thai. They will receive from the floyernment n■ he road prizreimes.oh .ur $3,0 0 000 addiiional, they ran I Fine their oven Filet Morteege Itomto for about $0 rOO,OOO additional. Thi . rd. The corntanies ono hold almost MI the Int d they hove up to thin time received rultu the leverntnent: upon the eorrintetion nr the road they will hare received n all. 21,u00 Olin &erne, which at Elfin rer natal - would he mirth $1.151n,n00. In toiditinn to the ahnrc the not -earninge, of the rondo and add itinnat capitayi neeepolry, could ho called In to iltiah thO'rOnli: WAY BUSINESS- 7 ACTUAL EAItNYNOS. No ono hasvor txpressiel n &int, t that ea roan an ibe road is r o ornploted Ira through business will he aboard tittle twolltshlo. iross wiroloogi f the'Un hat Pt. rine, Railrwin ionionoy for six months ending.lnnuntylst. 181'9 wore upwitrils of Tha cornlntre of Control Pnelfle Railroad, for Pi% months, end ing January Ist leas , were Expensed $55 urn Interist ' 4.50000 I Net profit of Central Paelfle Rol'. rood, al for p tying all Interest and expontnot for nix mon t $750,000 gold Toe protoint gmot citron:ps of the Culuoi and Control Po'cifitt Rath - odds are $1400,000 monthly. [IOW I,‘TIOE A lIVSTNESS IS TT SAFE TO PREDICT . FOIL TILE OItEAT PACIFIC, RAIL %) D? • We would give the following facts derived from Shipping Lista, Insurance Companies, Railroads and general Inform% dun : Millie deb,/ team the Wall , le annual Cap.) II nu, 100 gennuddp. ronneel log at Panama ith California and China, 5 Overland Ti aloe, Stages, 116rees, - ate., etc, ❑. ru wn have two hundred arid thirty thousana . loon car, L,d irnetward add , iralierlinieo ban !Loma that ilia 1'140%, yearn that returned pansongnra .rroin California hasn't...l nearly as numeroaanl those going. HOW-MANY P SSENGERS ARE 'FITPRE We matcp tho followlugovthnelP':- 1111 • St,ill.hip (loth ways) 70.0.0 (.ctus Ihr '6B) 200 Verp.ols , " .1,005 ostlup " Uvorhtiuf 100 0. GEM Number per =mum- P regoil t priFit (averaging hall tho. cost of the steozon4o, for both poriteruzors hnd tontagsz.- . glean the fellow ng result:— 174.01 0 pasnongora nt $1.01) $l7 400.000 .100,000 "ons, mtoo at $1 per Calk font -16,0,10.000 ' faring ealeulatlona upon the above ilgurefitilth nt dunning the lnrgo incrosee of,: buelneu. Aplch enn'asfelY boldokilliloi, than &Mimia the running oxponeo at onqthall tti.rwo 11 . 11,0 la nht Income of $1,520 003; rebirth, niter: paying the In.' tarast on tbn Vir-t 3tortgago 1:tondo and Ibe riancem made by the Would leave• a net annual incomo:oi$0,000,000 over .nod, above all nipenepo and IntereiC" ° The Plrelsl;ague Bo'nda el Ana "Thtlon Pacific 'llallroad Company and the Fleet Mortgage Roods, ;1100,1100,1 . 0 , PACJibI halfroa _t 0o f aro both, princr. pal end futlatlit. payable le Odd colt;. they. pay It per °elm gold coin, and ten for 'thhay year& and they canhat bo' pald before that two aithouttltr consent or the' bolder. •Flrat - 11ortgage &Id Bootle of alh,! Uulolt Nelda Railroad fotaa eat bar dad accrued lutureat, acid Vlrstlnort.coaa Galt Honda of Central 'Pacific Ball. • • • told at 103 and manned loterdal. ' • DE .11AV:EN. 8t BRQ: DI ill Dniillikn in Government :10`" 1405, MI • •. • 1.1 10° ;AO „ South TJJ&BA bireet ..;':'.!:,'-',-;•...'!''....!. -,, ',* •',l,`J'.'ii :?. L . . ''''', '' ' :',:' '', C,-::: , ; , • ''.. . pELL.iDXL . II44 = r="l== onzinz $3 000 000 $1,750,00 gold I 0 0 000 80,000 tons 120 000 Ella 5'13.010,000 MEMO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers