II II . - ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A e. s: sassnr; tiliorr& rropii• J. A.. 'DUNBAR, 'CARLIsLk,.• 1 _Friday Morning ; May 7;,1*. ' Net 'York Democracy' di; I not sustain their Governor Hoffman ii. . , , hie offorth to save., the , State Treasury The majority . cd w ilieir''members id 'the Legislature vote against vemeiii and • it is said 'he' hat; come to rely almos wholly',upon the/ Republican suppori to aid him in prOMeting the people from his own 1- em- ...Pqr friends. f • R E v 4th 'OrMiiicliA 19 assessors and 122 collectors of,the internal , revenne' ifairt been appointed,,includin York 19 asiessors an 10 ,collecters, aid ,iil ;Pennsylvania 18 assessors aiid , lo col lectoro, , llarisach6setts 1 assessor anti 3 colli:etoys. In ifaryland and Louie, I tna all the assessors" and colleCt* have been Otinged. No changes ha% e bran made in AriFona,Colorado, Idaho, M onesota,-Rhodo Island,. Vertnont; and WashingtOn Territory. . . THE' PenntliVatiia, tiailioad still; stretches out its all embracing arms The Cincinnati (ommrnial of--Prida) a view to Southern busitieee it has ob tained dontrol Of the fitilrad froth Co. vington. opf osite Cincinnati to Louis villa. • This road has not - yer been -open to travei,.but will be it a wetit'br two, as soon as some tOrtions of it are ballasted. It reduces the distance be - ouisvine to-one liihdied and four miles. : ••• ,NEW_ LIPMAN COMMISSIoNtR.—OoI. Parker, the new Indian Commissierter, - begins well. He has -removed Mr. Mix, wito for some thirty years has been ,Chief Clerk of the Indian Bureau., - 'l'llis is a judicintie removal. Mr: Mix may • bee very honest man, but he has been there too long. That Bureau has•beein managed.Wiih enormous rascality. 1 1 , Mr. MiX knew of it,. he had 9ot, done hia duty, inasmuch as - he has not- ex posed the wickedness. _lf he_ did not knoW of it, lie is not fit fur the plat f, by reason of mental incapacity., Lit Col. Parker - go aliead.', 31a. GLADSTONE'B 'ASSURANCI3.- The English .Premier, in the general English Alabama excitement, proles sod to have good assurance - frinri-i-eliii ble'qUarters that the recent rejation of the treaty by the AraCrican Legisla ture was purely a political in'oVi Meta! , He probably had this assdratice. from old-Reiterdy,. whose beneVolence could not resist the temptai ion. to give the last little comfArt iHhis power to the people who had done the dinner bus r iness with such .sumptuous freedom. THE Kentuckiiins certainly take very coolly the late action of the U. Suites Court concerning the negro'they want ed to hang The Court having per. • enaptorilY stayed proceedings and ',OS, 4 granted a writ of error ; on the_ground . that they hadilenied_the _prisoner • the guarantees of the t. ivil Rights bill, they now announce 'that the poor fellow is sure to be hudg, but that the Governor has given him a respite, timely to allow him to prepare fur death ! if now the United States Court shoeld acquit him, perhaps the, gracious Govern,r will gen erously give an additional 'extension to his days for preparatiini. ' " Let this (negro suffrage•) he the is- Sue, then, this bill Rally, white men; stand •shoulder to shoulder in defense of the rights and privileges bequeathed you by your foretatheis, and the negro party•will go under next. October by 20,000 majority " Volunteer. Three years ago, this was the issue presented by' that paper, and it then claimed for PLYMER a majority .0E 30,000 ! but the actual vote elect, d GEARY by a_majorily of over 1.7,000. An for negro. suffrage, the 'Vifteentb Amendment settles all that, and our amiable mighbe l rs 'should " accept.tbe situation" in as graceful a manner as possible IT IS now undeintood that Minister Motley goes to England with no Bug- H . ,'-geetiona for a further conference in re-_ gird to the Alabamii claims, our qov -. erument preferring' to kayo the matter la'abeyance until they can more care"- fully consider it. The correspondent of the New York ILrald had a long 'lnterview whh Senator Sumner on the subject, of the excitement created• by his speech'. in England. The Senator thinks there need be no apprehension of war, as both nations are too sensible for that. He noticed thefact that•the • English papers published no lelegram repoiting the _rejection of the . 41abatna claims treaty, and thought that the despatch to that effect 'was snppressed bysthe Engliib government. Mr. Mot ley will leave OTC the 19th, and, accord-• ing to Mr. Sumner, he knows just what A New 'questp:m has arisen concern ing the acrosikhe ego tineat travel. idea of a:ntiut,inuous ride of five! dais • in cars as, theyliiif at present' eiinitrifst ed, people' have, coma to perceive ie quite out of that questjoth-sav o naly iu exceptional' casts . , Psrarith ade decks havabeenouggested, brit:the' practicability of suelva,contiiiance • not apparent!, for 'reasons that are man gest: It is evident, therefore-; thatitin p ' • til ingenuity rnet • the emergencir' r travelers%must leugthed : out tkrctimp, two ; or. halting fof• Aid here the', questiOri oecurs. , an .nageliSani z '...rraiity the, delights,' . the acrifsa-thikPOUtiOrat'trip Ituagin'atiay, 'i3 ; EijOtured ilierefora the. riext want.'wlllls, horde t i And other- `stiowitirto a to p w, wll 01 , 1 :Tort- rso,Mpwitat 46 01 431illiOraitply . ,f x IPareqpi&couttection. ,j sal) ttav4i ' ' The opening of another political cop.., :est in this Commonwealth is almost !Ton us, the 29th of June. being the lnyifixed upon Rot. the 'assembling of, he State Convedtion . in Philadelphia to !nominate candidates for Governor Ind '.Supreme Judge'. • • !! _ a rbferenee to the wocectlingrof !fair ; RepubliCan County Convention, held in ltheern's Halkon . Monday the 3d"inst , it will be seen diatom' present worthy aria! enlightened Chief gagis ;rate, Getw.J,onat , W , -.43-ttinyvhata.he- Again Midorsed by, atm-Republicans, of ,Pumherland county, , hisPlaims! admit.- ted t!tod , his coarse - approve& by !the* , 136'a RY:s' :A been not only Aue,c , P!iflfol ache did at•ti,tiMti';whinthe Whole " . country . was just emarginefro , mn , tett, , ribla war;Wheit the ainiiii l pf, kOp: thy Nat!qtal,;e9,9 B q l, q'tiericeennaliabilities of, the same it pon it,,'GPv;GEARVSitask - watutui'eatty:ohmt Yet.; we heliCVe' he has Tuffillti ties Oh Mid '','gt i pernf stifisf mien to .thP Amople.' W'ot. fi'd cotpiiticed .that i when the - Convention. , shall GRA be re- nominated.` if not. by, ! eels mat , ion, with. lit tle pr : uo . ,hesitancy Of coursS, a nomination - hy. the ,Repub htan party means ati „election: .• !, _....For_Supreme Judge r :we 2 lain- With t he 'deepest'Satisfactinktbi3,recotnmen, dation by, our Convention.of the Unit liptgav W. WILLIAMS, of . Allegheny County, to' whom there will be no op-' position in the State C'onven'tion: TWo years ago this gentleman Was nomina tad by. the Republicans in Convention inner sectiona fight waged by the Philadelphia dele gation and - supported by.several of the dele p tor , frotn Eastern ~ counties , but aotwithstanding this opposition. .111 r, .WlLlitams , was eventually, nominated. He received handsome majorities in the - Western countiescof-the State, but, by, the .teachery of the 'Repubiinans ,of Eastern Pennaylvania, he was defeated and his opponent, Judge SnAnswoon,' elected by a few l;Pniired majority We earnestly hope the nomination May fidi upoti Judge WILL tants, - that the:, Republican party of the Commonwealth 'nay, be aff , ,rd - ed an opportunity tn-re pair a great -injustice perpetrated'hy them two yeais ago, to an heinetti;:jMiL tiotic gentleman and ait, able jariiit; The . Deiitocivicy "The Richmond - Whig.ieyery seirere Upon the Northern Democrats for their coWordice and selfibboess. It 'Charges that while they prate a great! deal- of their ioterest. in the South. th 4 really :tio _not' care enough .to inakeLthe least. self-denial. The Whig says t "They naint say to Us. you fought' our battle. for four years—fought ilia you could fight no longer, and Were compelled to surrender your 'orioles-in . the field—L-11nd now-you are entitled to. repose ; _surrender the last garrison you its ffectually-..b01d • and address your st.l vet; .to- the- nedesstiry work of 'rem , perat ion No, they do not say-this; or anything like it. • On the contrary, tie y wearily -appeal:to a-Crushed, bleeding ; -and broken hearted people to sacrifice the last--feeble remnants-of their p li tieal- and, social existeticeJn-ot der that they (the Northern Ilemocraey).,may he saved from the' operations ~o f the Fitfeundi Amendment • Nothing more •Aatneful has occurred in these days of degeneracy and profligacy.": ' . We think tne . iihave little paragraph exhibits , clearly-and forcibly in tents of the. ern- Democracy. elpg nothing for the crippled South,- - they wish, through its ai'd, to retain' at least a chance to 'secure a share Of the bloavea and ilahes.P.' The publiF, 4.ebf. The official statement of the condi tion of the public debt on the last day of April, issued recently. affords grat-, ifying'assurance of the advance 'which has been made towards its ultimate ex tinction during the past month, as well as of the vast financial resources of the country, The exhibit shows that the debt'dect:enSed ilfl;3oo,6”O'during the thirty days just closed, that .the atnnutt'f ,of coin - in the Treasury was $92 000,- 000. the coin certificates amounted :to strop) ocfo, and the currency to, 87:- . 000 006 ° A. sum of Sa 206,79 G ~gas paid as interest in advance. while the debt bearing 'coin interest footed up 82,107 878.700; and the debt beariPg currency interest' '0n240,0030. The foreign 'enemies of tha: . llifion:Consoled . themselves , during the . period of our, civil war•with the-hope—it maybe said conviction--that the' nation would reel and stagier to diSsoltaiOn'aftPr the Chnte, of, the - conflict upder tliq necessities of a hea'vy money press . ure. ID this they have been gloripuslydlsapiaiinted.: Our power of material recuitebitien Om less; so that wbile : '6"igi Britain and. France' iiotilgc:'l9 Oeii,tnuney„'.'malte. eltifts" . .yearty; the people of the United, States. make solid' 'reductionin their: unexpected :national ' can tifford7ta'ainile, tratisatlikie,' ~• , . -,Thei1tei14127:1.i,4ete,..,,,,,i,;;1,:'1 '' the'llarriehirg , ;-0/14:,Ou'rrr e 4, tinier', "I'heireni length of the itegiatry Laiv. iire;entof , nti , front r giving it' in 't r ial 'in • our elioned'ed'eblemne.i' l , The IniK l 'ii: . p . ioe:ed Iht3.l9gisilitOie,'b# 9 :6o,rie 9 th ';:, Are. , i f ioa4 l .l . l, ! i 'ilie Antter port. r -, 'fere mi l lvly,,ip, the , eityi•oi . 4l ) ,hilidelishi ' , r; .The' prepriety..pf . : ehine ini'ltiinre' t v ,eliech ' 1 6 ti tiregreey'eflitildniehr,'Vefin 'is an siqniiiieWtOat;sy,Y . ' id , ..',olll;aii . flii:cf i l A ll Plll;.,q'ii'4.t:/3'9. new;, " 4,, ~1 4 1 i 160 iv diliften,,,to,meet thi,d,Wen!,i;;- c it)is .ii:ob(': ablelhat ffie experience of ttlfeno l ettt *, eilt idgieet chaiiitie4d y41'00146+; ' in it,. bit 'thq , criii c iip:;oe4 c4erti!' l r', .0 8 trinien qf votf)FA,Milll typ , 4413- WiJi:4 - I..7;l' , 74 , iiiliil>, , kiv3itaiii4ll4 - it;' .. 1 . 0 prevent - thn"ppliiiig i rtfrairinjekilijArt4: -: ia,zk v ? t eOi: ii t tit 34 o9r - o,;,igeb,, meat 'lnvesti en baiio b x staffe rs ; 'repeaters; &e t ,,,,The Aniettun.e..utozrnit ,pirt:iiito'clenimencti'nnittiii.i ; io::re i tie:' ri , tratipn .` f, iftiteiti `,Oti' the '#! l i .1/C? . f . ifliii; 4 ,0 6 '' , : , tit, l ,s l ::,ifi.:;'/PVIeIP;P!Ia :rilokt't. .ohl o .1,103 g o o .014•Px,kleftkre , thef 63 iS APPCII.-11 , ; 7 , , ii i if.f.i . Pik, i 1 i,ii fl:+_ifiit. 1.. ii. '' • • .....;!; ..,Y ,t . ,•,,,: :. ,',!:‘..11. , , 11,:t. . page it •'' The D.CMociii„'dy'biti , e so 'keg !held , th ;Anti:Cl-of county in • the way q- :tililic`ofri . litliat it ;, Pect,Me !a,thcak , i a .. I. l 4 riof de: '' "i n ': '; ' P'aarf:YA. '. g :+:1 it 'ii in .Ihe el:: na..fif a Copkilt i t SuOpiti clidlif,Pl onik 'ldie, Seb`ool .. 1-i-y-, -, les.,a,/i 1 ,-..?.;&'... , e ,' paewcars . go, mr...,.w.ml4.yvait zie present incumbent, - was elected with but- little opioaition, 'ihe Democracy 'not Idivlng then : iiiore than - discovered that he was B Republican, At the ex- • iraiimof hie firat terajrivever,ithex had fully organized their hungrircirees, a‘ii 'a' dead Z6t s s ! ; 'l 4 l4 l :toAqt.'!lnt 9?Rol!: 9r, till: second, term,,they „tried apd , met 4 withl•lM betteri.succes.sw,hdriMA , 414tvd"§t'ire trusts ^bash'BVerihifn; tut' iteir. glaiidai'e,"Ul4 4 ,- , 1114 .101 Wil i q gt° . r X 0 114atiPb tltc Ct!it9.4lll. periOtentiony, Artfuqed, itOd e r,otturtission •hiin; and in 'compliance .with the shims bf t tyw, l uppointed ), . , grE,wd,rl ll Y4bW tR.e.O4 cAL,SY,cvenTh• ithing by •storm,-; Accordingiy.c.ouJan, eluelMay morning' our. Mwriv..itneafieg ghtlihring"of Civ?vittlif grfaiiend 1 qapvassitigrbegan, nti and they soon found ,that they .wi..uld? bein 'a decided nittjoifity n 'the' Con= 't:pciOri; hilt the •heing two, aspirants emir ,own ranhpAlled theta "witk itpprtfienslou iir the split the prize might 'slip thro:ugh"t heir bands. L" ;' ';" • ; After ddrereni zlilfiWences't, been bionght io.benf*,upoei . .these. two gentlemen, it seemed that the difficulty. Would be rffiviittcd, -dud they became (jtitilmt-Of-sacuting 2 the office.' ' ' -.--Arcorffinglyrweerthirt, - '6llVeu ion assembled ,at 11 o'clock, and ,was fully organized, Dr. LI aldemab,:of moved - that" the coeoperisation of the Superintendent be increased` After cousidetable debute, the sum of one, thimsand dollars was agreed upon. This made the hungry' Democracy . 'smack theirfliPl3,'andfat it tliey - Went.. placed in . nomduation; ; . ao .. the ballot - lugs with tilde 'results / can! be found, in (Mr local columns. r , I - --When rifinoliticed). 4,hat ' Mr. Swartz was elected,' their-dinatavidt meta aukrage knew uo , L4;1:16 :Mr. Outshall who voted for Mr Swartz, ,atal Mr. Jacobs, who refused to vote, Were denounced in' the. vilest: terms, but,' we have no fears, biiiithat:the wiser ayd more rifieptiO wen' of their own .ptirty in. the end approve the spirit of independence which .was thefr action: • bir: I:Whew - ea that M'i'. l ,BWart"Z would better gulierintandent than 'll,r.,K,aat. ; would and , ae:ted accordingly_-. Air.-Ja cobs, we.haire no doubt, had afi eqnall'y good reasan ot t i.ot voting. ." Wa:deidine'..,the;:f4t -11a8 'been.iutradoced iito: ; our, School. efttirs, but, the Democracy made their own bed, end. on Het - them lie.. Gee. Li as: ri IT 0 with gtatia ing .the - iibrdieterice of the telegraplh iu . asserting that Geti fiegs visit to ington, and his interview with Gen. Grant, were made at the solicitation of the latter,-for-the : purporaif-cotim+ing, fin regirA to affairs hi Virginia 'it turns one no 0; ite'cieltsitiio,"!ltuibt it ,would, that it,,tis..a mere visit of, courtesy. OM]. tee'lvas called to Baltimore on• important milrond huainetis, -and being -so.n ear lriaiihingti:M.Jelt,. , we Bun''' . Woithl .. b difit,espiicifulto return home without calling upon his old army associate, 'nfterwitrds his . Opponent' in the 'field, and ht.iw President Of the ilimito States. `l`lie . Pre", p Parlr.. o f Detnlicratic tendencies, says ' 'lbis visi; had no political signifteanee whatever, ss has • been ittmatecl, but, was simply a visit of cousteily to tltq, President of the United Slated`On the purl of the late domtnunder-in-chiet of the ikinfedeitttw forces' This was their firat meeting as 'civiliane sincp, , the surrender at A, - Pits:mum, and will be looked upon with cutiosity..aud interese t t! ' • Tug 'meeting held in Philadelphia let week, at the instance of the 104- trial League, i f penneylvitnitt,'athmted .!aseriea of 'excellent reaolationa relative to the duty,of theXiovernmerit to up ipild and •develop American industry'. • . by a .•, - firm and eteatly:f policrof pro-. _tection, aiid`the want of a,geP " rid I , igiOmetrical tariff law: which afiall,eu persede all previous; -enactments. The .report.of the St4i - itary made a gratify' etatemeht orthe tirhgreitallpf protee7., , tido sentiments among th@ wt; Itioginen of America, near1y.,1,42,90,0U7imm are agcnta .actively engaged in dieWbiftitig papers and; doCuifikett', tion cif, r WaylandiA,,teit. 7 booka,Mto a ilernher of pOicAnd high ,seitvols , lnis• lOW its flattirikeffeots in curnAligm.lare{9 - 1 '"' — "Ws " ,proportion of thd elucnted lass f lol!t policy ii l ee'tiMle;:it d 94 ,PPP. pre s preo.~ fug eo ipmuyijlyvno,ogitlie working pert plp; 4o- must shape,:the ,I . . -'r 6 it l lie' r lidi:'.tYltr' : PY!' i il.;Pi:' 4 " ilii§ri4 11MtOveinoM3t, .the Pres1 1 led, the YiTit,t3Pepartmgoti the Ibierier ~p, eil ' al•fMerii;lfaiul... the sjOslion'ilipOreaii huve imen in ar.e , i'... , eli" ar,l': , -. l l oi#ijAi. t .. : , r IIP.W ! 4c: t `tiP', * l ollt ` tlikii? '; , .,!1,1.1iti; aogriiikorar‘ci'lli: primp -0411.,10,. ~: ihji l riily . 'a tou'd fe. , :m army eiricer a;vit i• Sirileti, :Skate:KM Bawlino, 4:Priplaid ' h ohl'' f ll''' . 4cie ili , i ipLiryt:r.:nivit. t c,. . ep eg ~..:1 'ik4qoio,44icrirlfilp(:ii , ali ili l o' 9 fq4e; ~:,. • 4 • . Maiiiiiikiiti : t 91v 3 1 1 5,1,,, , , Rt,erJ2 i.• , f ~' .. • ' f'”; Mar*.clgFol!PßOMfeelYee an Mftoptr, Wi l ey late allpinems by; tlielr lex p a rfenee: 'Alla'eim i. i'll&i"i!iibleolly'fi 'itkige:e , it i i . .#lll,R e "'"ga in " 4* OVAR:49okvitkillPii '.a.'°ltu'llf Pi L't''Pßl(lPirtaft.,,,..,tol44.ll "nPr il it lr .f P n?tq l , kr,4o4llfillfi '1 .1 . 0 1 1 ' ra liiii64 l ;it! '. .lirlikothinfilll - rh air - 0: 0 ' fil*rvdde„Olthaoghl All 44101,1101',464: FJ,l , 4l,tiiiitiliiifioilioilifkair - 0.31 - 4' ti•,! , gei.f Q ii i l ( l ,3,,s , 7,`t3,4 l A'd,:citrlo4ii.Lot!-. oProgu,4o,sl , kimkortq l ,ll,l/1 , Jai: ~ , i .:A. #:f? ., _ •; g ll i , I .r - 17-, 617 T. F, , )'i i'l 111 1 { • 1:':1. 1 ' ' i ` 11 * " 1„ ,. :Ffi D iMi l ff 1 ?j'APPP I 4IA,g ° At - . 41 4 ' ' ..."IttetWilliiiiog4o4lll:l ..1 (I ' . 4011!'qt ) a L r Irri , 'l' l 'll.lrAt' ~ .';,'• '; 4 1. ' '' 41i° 147 .' . ^ .-1 EMIZ fil 3 e PAP) f!.° RAitroa4 'is' now Coin' p 11 3 ,, ii,t,4 ? , k h e ,,i f o ß. .ti meAl fill soon -scv(l_!9:wip?,94W-i%tlatitle to the . Parrn.,-it 3ta,.tp . 414,1tat leave ilii: td l -' tth''''' figtiatsikll sweep Over ill' :itn;ll tf; nireasof continu -4 'onEN/4 ' d, a4tr - ntErsere, mails A i and fr l'iit at.•ti' li n ti s anCiOn on the other side. What ,'Uttu r ien de u s achieve meat this.of.seience,:-enterpriAe, pro and of lii;eraiity on ,the, part,' f. the gi - yernment !,..It-.is ode' (tf 'the iireatesteif...!noWthergreates4-achieve na+ of this . woudetifaj ,; aFe4in the .history of the wotht." Whether • we .look,at iheworfte.el . f,.rip .lextraordi piity.and costly, 1 2 ,r at-tle. ffttrp..tOug, 1 rfiiqilts to floW,from.i4titere.ienothfng ::,;.•.. : ,comparable hi thC , p . rogithp' .. .,;( , il,thja: uf tiny Country.-:.'Xhe heraniettn.labors of'; :they-)thousanda'of 'mien chip:Ml - nit', the 'astonishing enOti:diii;roy . ,e4,th'e re , 1 •inni;il of almoatzinsoperahleroliStaeles t o o. na tire in lane mg,.._as,..pys_r„,enp- , i itiß ,Vast mountain& .11nd-op-King , , the dnestformitiabliff , ;n l ;i 43 ,kl;. ( V 3 ‘)&re - iiiiy terFa-race.of-ginute,---.-.4-workthat .it. wSs liffilifiWalVOtilal,t.iikiligiiiiigi/ • t jrt,,1,„....t. - a.'...,,,, •,', . years to, complete will ne . eomp!eteatn ,five ,re f ittli,. , ''. , neyte , ar,:;pie::agend& ind.i aAt!lqq...;f3,[9p9)4utn..an ,v i efgy' die-, ; : iii4ye:d, tia;wq,ll,aeot, the enormous - eost, ih,-, construction of tlieliacifi'e ititiliiind , .1r3 . ,,a thbiii . e . asiviiiill,:V reallY;pea'grand' e P' e "i4 i nzt!!4gfjj,?.., . fpY vi,, tiny other !event- tR - T . 4ift.,gry,:t. "1 .--, L , . T. , ~: ~ , I • ~• '.When ~ thelast, r ail= of the .Pacific -01445-hid and •the cars arei-eiiiiPsing ... from' ocean to ocelrOirairg and tiadc. , round the globe by s. entii pacer will liel•torriplCte.„.-We shall , tio able-to •go . 'round the •world,'-from west io east or :fr0,03 Seat to' wok . staarn.in Oyer - f,Wc . riiOnihS We 'can Eahcc,the carp ,from ,New y . ork to San Fraocisco,_and_tlierh the•-. Pacific.• mail atearntibißs..to—Ohina';-4hich will be reached in a' monibi' thencC' by the British lino . to Indiai and to the'lVl(i]•' iterranCap pl u p t ,,by steam ship :wit - rail to ~linghitid; , and, home again across the - Atlantie: t • Dr w 4 can* Make the -cire'tilttl er way irilaboaCr,k;siorio, If any.oLthe• grand • old navigators 'former - titiles,.iihose.aiiliitiolf as to .cit•Ciantlav , igate,tre grabe and w,:lat , tooft yenta innikaking the p:fr l at, enuld .wake tip and.see,what,is!accompliohed in this day bow: aStoit ished :.t hey. • *mild be 'l' ws , shall 'bee - greater thingS ~wpr.wemuiite . 111 . the 'II muuliiuery, qr., iu File suipiiciutjou - sotne other, motive pow,er, will.send us bt'and by more rapitily.over thci ndeang add continents.. 'hien it' -will' not lie 1 mg before thlitidhermigh-,y and-mys terinus-ugent of modern progress, the 123 a gq telegraph, - will- - girdle: the earth and I . bring :all .. .nations - within speaking'distance of :eaCtinther.Jroy, we. uge._ The itination pot biiidky,okliorrip the march of iiiseoyery and devehMmont. go-wil7., (.1::Xolii)•tii '.4.v4t16.0 , • Pll. c N'l.l Aimed in Rory Chpnel , on - 11(3xi - 81 - .lbath Rev. 1%1. AIc9,LELLAN, , ,the minister:4ms, TItA.NEF:3 ; 7 7 .ye are ttutier-obligfttitme ;t o :Willi'. at 'D Hal4pit; Esq „of 4he State . Detjhrtment, ,at Harnsburtr, ford copy of Pi'l ; Genera/ PM) pastual ut tbe' lust Sua sion of the Legislature. , .; • • . , Ithy. ;Firat.:Prps bri;riamChufch of Carlisle::_h‘avtivoted to 01:3 their postor„Rovt w hr,a, D.,D,, 'n• i Vticai,ian of six months,. and in the mean tim? to supply the polio, and .continua big salary, This is a propor,acmowledgmer.t , cf his ftuthly and nblasorvicei„extending Over a periodof . ..twenty-Ono:years. • We trust the .neadad relaxation will eery() to fully rnstoru.Dh ,Wino's impaired health, anti that- he. may be: snared to midater pinny more-years. to la people who, hold him in such high esteem. ACCIORNT THII - SOUTH _ MOUN TAIN RAIT.ROAD.—ED*AItD 'LATOST, a 'a bona. on the South Mountain Railroad while working nn the line of thermic] lief II" Eluntei's run, on Ticesd4 last was itruic' by a fallidg'iieo and . knockect coWn : . 'Was curried • into a !Mar 'hy, • by a p rty of gentlemen w happenind to he at the donne.' Thii:lajurleS although v-rn, were no 7 THE 3i6UNTAINT R. R. 7 ::-ON . Tuesday . iiist a stroll along the ,a 'belie Railroad, and %%Ann sniyriSed f• • fled 'the • , 'The track is gill and the„ ears running s to than two naiips sonth„of the,exeellont arid, 'indefatigable, contractor, al3ur,e,fil by the 1,0 Pf, urie ears, yv,9o4,be running, 'in 'Mt. Holly, and the entire road epai 7 ,' lilethd before sutunin. "Fiß—At. three O'clock on Wed.: 'tiesclay litkt the Houtoof ,, Nartip Urj9to'n OiC , O, petit er's )flit!, Masi: temph9ro' , Ti.wq. shin Woe'the, tcrfluntr, All thP furniture burned Wes coitstruiqd ,Ipis n 4 linosvp how t l helllltyus et,flEted., The lose , aohe 3r° 4o. ; , , • , t n( ' IJ iiATII I ,p VY4I. .16.,.alLULWN 1!;13Q 7 ; tp startled ~pri,t3attkictuy,.snorninu lust, cin hearinivof ,tlie very epdden death IPteellea;fr-irtd,zWm.l3.lltrutal 4 . , 4A9 ' itivd, on 41),0 morning , DE thuLday:t !..PArkPikkten£9, t IF ttice:o43 , previous, attondinV, tp,tnisinrife ) " 5 1 u . suitlJ and , uppdar&d (iba , in %Tao)! innil7:e.tOn !Saturday; t •i apiiiit ii eiiitiCh di kg l, to idtieh ntiontlOeiVoletiii" 4/then attiiOkl ASV I in' On'6 Ki4l mjn Tlifrotr;iriicio . lif r ii!fi Inir"o tf~ : in 'l3 - 414 , ; ITUcfedey m• rein lie Yeat 9 , u wee in, the 5/3th ihrie A •• ' „.: 0 0 89 1. 1 0 5 'er., . uv tilt.F.R99. , h ". !i'Vl i brill!l' + 1 994 p,ue l a 4 1 0,9. 1 ha.s.l!;°CfilitY,ln 07 *, hi.F....4Pan. , ,tiß.wo ,, op,:p.7prietur, A.g 1 ,,?!"91 1 14 161 , -57 - F), 1 1 1 ” ' l7 " l .. ! •'%T w',4 , l lo :6 ;ol7 °l 4 9r ltilri i rqrtili i Akum.:-,,4 , 40? 9 9„09 1, 0uY0:4,Pie tge,efictPli,t, 11! , p( ; :_itLtr l4 . 4 to4 d fr!PO ,4I- artitiiiffinco . I 'II 4 br i Pi k Y ar) I" 9 :YAIVIY 42,E g t9aI 4 ,O,III PITP L. 119.14 1 Pfiqh/PRidMP ,940.0;(*nylor 4 11 0 +/ 1 5*.ti'l l. P1 1140 0YtYCATS' Al:fq h id Ameri en autilm ilatifec6olicontsuove.l ,penel,the:3itt)l(likApilletiril'o4rytri /IV his;inier4n!ren,vi:lilik h still) le evernen!be , iiiis, )0114:und=00UrtalAleiliihd wti humatiOultfucttii9nosti irm ;WM t";s,7 E2Mi NVuuttuAs i Wa aro this day in' Con• mrntitui losumbled. to repre,•ent the inter its end wishys of the Republican 'forty of Cuinhei land t therefore he it soant: Tlllll JOHN NV t ,94Any,_ hy,his uptight and'llll4 , lriptible (,aerie .Gor-. • artier • durinu his prerent'te,rill, has %aim from ue,.:tind'tneiits the e*teetn of over t ;Republican._ He is - our first and 'Madded aide(' us our Standard Leafier in I ha . e"-filirr et , Pwri 'recoie 'th..u11311111i10{1Trit;11611,.111,H1011 at the State oi [lf blllo.4llbltidtiri - ithe 42 , 7,01 ilay . of June :next. Our delog te'•bY'"us this iley : tdeeted, ie •herby.ineitructed-sag.d.: 'rexlturrd, to 11 ,- ,11 all honorable and ',nicer' iobetes to not In Seiwrinit said re-nuntina ',Com And . ftirther, we expresi our deei, dtl.l preferenee• fir Jtidue HENRY W. 'AVlLnuams;lai. ot.r.tiandittute in the .coni ing'Cunicetig-14-Tor:the-position on'the Su. iirlich, which hp, now so ably and tVoribily , Mils , tind instroc, our Delegate, Arr-rupport-him-in-CSn'vention: J SennioiTul'Auliguto huvirig been convede'd l . t . 6"york County, no Conferees wevo elecced r ky 4he Uugventiup, , .ouNTv C CHOOL Tha n StlhOol Direhtors of Cut - fiberlitifS County ussernbled in the Court House on Tuesd.y, fn pultunnee of the 'require of,theefirninon School 114, to elect Countrtiuperintendent to serve for ale n tln ree year. , • John C. Icfrk.Esq., of New Cumber hind, was called to the chair and Jno. A. C. Wetine, of 'Shippensburg tdwnehip, and Gr. G. W. Nab man, of Newvill7.. I , • were chosen Secretaries. On nna'ns of Dr. Haldeman, tho Con vention proneede to ilx tho salary of tho superintendent. Tho .folloWing sums 'warn named :.sl'6oo by Dr. Galdenbta • $l2BO 'by M. G. Hale $l2OO by lie ' : !lowland ; , siopo by Keller ; and $BlOl byjobeph ititner. .The 'satin of $lOOO was finally agreed u ton. ...-0-, The following • gentlemen were thou ninnod ,forthu. office of . County . Suporin tendont: D. Ew-.Kust;, of ,Silver Spring, J. Z.4tivier . of ikfunri3e , ;(3eo, Switrtz r o :WO D, E. Knot, J. Zenmer, SiOurtz. 130. 134 9th 6th Knot, 48. 49. , 66 56 E NE Zeitudar, •16 8 2 iv n r ti t t, .52' . 65 150 . .I .7. clttriteeK" ' ' ' woro not fuinishod . by -the rierno'- t:ruOc Siieiotary with a copy of ihO' pro. cpedinds: 'Tris , CIRCUS is COMING !--Long OUT Butt'FuN. I-43y un advertisonnentth i,;•cluy 'a"HERALD," it uill be seen •thlo •931tYAN'S GREAT CA VAN ND Cift• •CUh" will exhibit-in Carlie ix- , onTninxi*, .Thie cOmbinution hi . .endorsed ortlie , greatest and beet extuut 'inneistirig of twenty-twei dense( rare and and unirnals, one hundred ilniffifi,i-onellersas and over - oneb dr ! 7 i llti performers are ~of 'eUlihouledunXl 'profexeinn,' people 414YP, "opp..rtanitips ,Of .on.ii:iytneit ~!Itaud tbein, it iii eertuin,thut tjr hair. -,cro.wds. ~Atapitt l iir e imost at,artlikt .undletionflurful • ,D* ts of.agilitrarid,to leak lupin rare..an4i . values aniinalturwilt aloe , kia hare.; n ! r. ,Weripeittit4mday 4 (Priday) , will miletAiny: • the , niefies!OlNAitild 'ffired 1.1;o sliticrate4Atinfih Sifid t °Very Elpect!ijur .. j ocelyo thQit ..„., ^ youn mong Plronao 1) 4 / 4 LOut. ar,vpro ,Wedn . of. , 'd)iy tbp ,(41) ov Imkit Osillar, bon°. w ilk ongitged.34.playing'a ' 01qiis4o : o totita•imattist a gy . %l;Mtbn ed ', 14 •41)o, PrlCied L ci 111 1 443 V aiiifielitiltieil*ti 4itin'be 1 04tia! iftfat;t , jiorirrq i , r , Tinew Bus:kWbuilt. ptiliVerh '(lduwuro et ' • , • " ;. ''" 19, 1 ',..rq 1 ; 2448111 . Ind .;ticr'slifrait e•'! , J,IPLP 0: 11/lU trl,,,i • REP-111311 tE)Atialtif-ENTIONT r•* Ttral . tant to the call of tite:Countv Com mittee the delegate,ii:`)from 1.h,,e different' in Contfitir in 4t l eent's . 4itlqkii The CtitiptiitionT.iiiis - callo, , tti'Order 10f. KClttilkman 61' the Coitiq ComtniqtPlind 1011: nelrles' . tresscr . 'el.4ctit‘temporarit "Secretary . The 'cre• tialiPOf_ the :different .delegates were then Presented: The following Is a list of ? the Relegates : . y,„ .E/W.44obort cCaritteYSK, John limner. EiliClPenneboro.—i.Oapt. • A.' Moo'r ,Ru ; ...• . '". • '-. FrulMPra.-4eu,t. Aloatindq.; •.• Hopi w©il= ' Ilitrtifidiiril-J:Bl.:Eear:iiii,• 'thine Ettelqte; LoiwerAllen4Duhl.;§hOlpi Dr: E N ossi.r. At4i6litinicetiurg Vale, 0, ". „ „ M Swartz. D. L; .••••, • 'n• 4 11.1.1ii493x ; Abram , •Wiessari • Samaol' ••••. 31ifl1in'; John, 3;3atlifisrt,. ,•gmanuol '.'•. - • , Eppley:: ' Newton...4On. Shufpi. 'James Dal icawburg—:Cyr,us Haslet, Jas. F. BarkSerestam.: •‘-• = ; " •-• " L Xendig.. . ns.• • M... i.briveri - il s sun ~ 'Sliver- § li'riag-4olip. - C. Saraple,, A. J. 8. ➢lidaldfon-.Wtn. L Craighead; Ja: :Siaithampton- 7 -J. A. Clark, Samuel =-'tihippensburg,--Bozo'—G: -B. dole, jno. Snow ' _ • ' _ Derider- . Snit, J.' Waruig. - Dppor.Allen—Col. J. L. I' •West' Ponnslxiio'—W. A,. J.no K. 'I row). ',. o :.00 - livp.---.1714:-Mop, 'Mr. Jacob 'tither of South Middleton, .was than chosen Bresident by acclamation. and Messrs Wm.' Schriver and J. S. Zea ring 'were; elected &oratories. , A motion was then made to proceed to ',the election of Convention itlletegule to represent this ,Count,On' .thritro.,he held in Philadelphia on the 27th et June,,next.. The following named gentlemen were - pluced'in — ronination John A. Swartz, C. 11. Mulon, W. S.'• Woods, Tlios. Pa zion, M. Biddle, Capt. Capt. J. A. „Moore.. Thu balk`atindthen cob - iv:tensed and re sulted.akffullows : • Ist 2.nd ard Ath bth John A, Sviiirtz 16 16 10 18 16 C. H. 4ulltn 8 10 11 4. W.'S. Vtriuds . P 11 9 Thoy.!Poiton 2 withrawn, ". • 4 ' 2 • withgrawn, Caipt. Gish - : 7- 0 12 IV 80 J. 'A. 11.1.dore , 8 Withdrawn. The following revolution then adopted end .the Convention adjourned vine die., , . I=l =CI ''.7 ,3 4Cc011iA.411.*=.11 , 51P Sopt 6 Rlekl ft kitEEt'• ,The Committee of arrangements aplpoint, ed by,Post.llo:ll4,, Department of 1 'ena. SyliOifia q..A. B. tiro busily engs M.. in. finifitiii preparupins. to, dveorat ,t* graves of, , Oiiceftsed iii4Oliltsid. - 14,1 lc 10 i einiti The Orde'r Of .eiereises swill 'be. tin? , nileinied'in dua l ,Shuson:' , ,4liirgo quilittiti.' of deteers - 'wili'lie.ieiptired;',und vie hope ourel ti zone will save theiri'asid contribute tliem to the occasion. . _. • We trust that the grand Army of the Republic in „Pennsylvania will fleet° it. Opt the , . 4 solemn (..erunionies . of "Decors ikon Day" 'are ohs4rved with reverence .and,..faithininess,,throughout-tho -States That! order has -no higher or no greater diftY'.: It will gain Mid: hiald•thOliaarti of _the people if„.it does _ this and nothing. More. Thir . lltia ? the ileciairiiiiou'Of '.fien. Legan, the commander. of the Army, and 'it` ii a true end.. • -Um- heziutifel exhorts,. tion 'on thissuljeet, a genera! order of lust year, should be republished by overi poet in the Commonwealth., It is the:eapeehil ,privilege and. high honor of the eamrides of the dead to lead in ,this sacred 'duty. Should other eyes grove, dull, Or other hands slack, or other hearts cold,' in this sacred trust, it cannot be-btit'that every soldier whoever saw a fleld:wilCbe7true to •it as lice shall lust. And it .Will ;bee sad day for the.. eountry•.when. thhe 'people ut large forget to honor the duSt and tombs ,el those Whose valor gave 'our liberty new birth: ,r "Let us gather to the gtotind; • Our soldiers' gratieslirtiund, And strew each loni•lyniound • . With the eltoiiiest flowbrs'of spring ; And the spirits of the brave; ' (Yee the land they died to save, Shall knep`'wateh while we these of ferings briny." • • ; .MAY.—This beautiful and 'ever 'Wel come month ought never to' coma except as kritinistering angel; casting ,asidOwith one hand the storm, wind, - and mists of April, and holding out in the other a pic ture of cloudless elcies, bright sunshine, green gelds, and flowers. In ancient book. of poe °scribed us a beautiful maiden cipthed.in sunshine and scattering flowers on the earth,whi le she danced to' the music of the birds and brooks. In the bright warmth of her smiles the grass ussumelie - greenerbue, the buds expand iiitojull luxuriance, nature's sonrstere twitter and warble on 'every bend, and old Mother Earth glows in her change froth the sombre .hues of winter. Humanity joins in this feeling of glad ness, and there is a natural impulse on the day which ushers in the nie th to seek the quiet and benuties_of-the - woods - iitid - flel do. This disposition to commune with nature may also arise in part from a gra: eful sense of the divine goodness which mikes the promises of 'seasons so stable and so sure. Lindsay, !Ell= "pm May number or, Ilarp , r, .-is-the=l , ast of the monthly sheaf of Maga zines to reach our table, 'completes the Thirty -eighth Volume, and eighteen years' of prosperous existence. Among the con tents are several articles of more Or less histories! Interest, "Christopher Cdlum hus," "The Seem/City of the - Hindus.!' ilnct worthy of especial note,:" he Vfork• log men of thit Middle Ages," 'showing 'the social achievements of industry in Italy, Holland Flanders, and . elsewhole, _during thif,fourteenth_ and fifteenth ries. Horace Greeley relates the impres sions of hiajonrney across ' o ll'w Plains' ten - years ago, dwelling papictilarly ou the lonefiness arid dessiilation - ortheicene, and the means by which the waste places maY he renovated: i goisiping article on Wedster, Clay, -Calhoun. and Jackson. shows how Ihnse ",kings of men" sat for their daguerreotypes, with, some rather acute cornmentkon their personal charac teristics. A very striking story, entitled .• 13oth Sipes," is 'original in conception and subtlii in pot traiture, working k new vein 'itf an ancient mine with skill and success. - LurrunT —Wo would oil special yttention to the lecture on Light and Shd -0708, by Pr, . Rime.; Ph. D., et Rhentres Hall, Saturday Evening next, the Bth inst. The stibject le otinTof - eqyal lifiteleit to since it of Light, the medium `bringing us into rolition with surrounding objects, onlarging,tho sphere of our habi tation, in a .great measure annihilating distance, anfelding to us the beauties of nature, and a, perpetual eource of enjoy- . pent, ; while the true nature of Shadows, including Phantom in a Veil, delicate , chemical 'reaction with the 'eon , arid Sul phur fdr Prussic, Acid, &e:, will he brilliantly exhibited on a large scale by means of the Lime Light. The reputation of the lectuier, loth in his cluntry and Euroi e, and, the benefit of the Dickinson Mission Alhapol, cannot fail .to draw a full house. We advise - our friends to secure ticke:ts early. For full particulars see printed posters arouo,.town; . . . CUMARRI O AND COUNTY MRDICAI, SOCIISTY.—This association convened in regtiler dession at Dr Court HOIIPP 4,1 TIVISChIy last. • The attentions. vs.x . I 11. and besides the regu ar business. a number of medical and surgical topics. of special interest, were introduced and dismissed.= .The.venerahle Dr. ItkilEta of Shippens burg, read from'his note ls*, an abs ract, dweiling an account' of a recent mse id tracheotomy. (opening of the wind-pipssl in the taee,of trAild,marim II CM1A111"y by the lodgment in that organ , f it piece, . 1 uppa operittion suttee:fol., Dr. Sibtit 01 New Kingston nresnnted a series of r so lotions, nectimponied by - an interest in.! . essay, on the iu.jo, t of quackery; - di tail. ing their evils.. and Proposing Certain re formatory; !measures; which, after some diseussion, was hold . over until next meet ing for. further consideratit n. Th.• oils growing out of this systein of fratA are enormous that it is important that the 'people should not, 'only be. protected, ht.t awoke to its comnquences. Dr Haldeman, of NewVillo, read , an i essa,y on the soiled of Chioroferm as `sia.dine3sthetic, and re commended its' tho 111 . ‘ltifior." IC this; he' colitrovened the views of -several . o', the gentlemen ,of ° the association as' or= - pressed on it formeroceasion ; and althoilgii. the hour for adjournment ,pracludefi the ' possibliityof z discussion op the, subject .he rmeritl, and dynamite. reasons foi its; re'.. jeCtion 'under :the circumstanced ..preposed' may, Yet snore. fully ,stp,pear.:-...Still , wmetin; • m gratuinteor frii.mit 119 ° 4909r, op hiF dec,id-,,. ow" asitii?n'iiiii`'ltioilde:iif 'that Whioh . his I ,jimiMerit' diettitee ail. right 'and 'proper. i l :TM ,Warotie tifthe most interesting meet ,img, i held.bly the association since its organ; !F,199nt. , ..i: ,-''.-'. -.' ‘ .' ' r„ '' ' . ~. - • *1i41.4-961mr,1).tioPosit To.: Do—. Aii' - ivo uh - derapind Abe ,Inearting of this , . , . , . ,Iniudi:4,,W.•D i .tiewirgn & Do, propose !oily° all Optima, axitre. opportunity to secorobtirtptins, front 4heir ,tnithense lit.,lek i:tf:iesttsonable:guedsi ..They are anxiourto close timait.business as rapidly as possible. , and they are 'determined , ! to reduce thO .. . priests of all , kindsiof Div 'Goods Mitch ba'.. , . . , low '1411414r can Will, be bou gh t., first ' . - 'bands: . devery ono needing.goed geode ° and . . .• . . sit ;Very le* tYguies, , 'will Ad , welt to' '• call Und'eXtiniipe.the 'itartinitierOffered'it.',this .b ° , , dtttp - .2;» ,.. ;40 . .3 - iiiniitti - m i,i4-a&lney.- i9f arp:iiivieid 'to' frispect A0416 . 04'414" ;Prices.? -Vint lin fii4 , 7F.iihhirit"" ) " 6 ' ,1 ,_, .. .5 . :w0r.,,,L, 3 _,., n ~,, ~. ~ 1.•; , . ''., 30• votes 95 •• , 53 I 0 iB , :gtlttifigia' we' hardly': go" intoit '4lrugl`E49l:94Sittlioutleol94;pile,s or; - I'be" Sale ;,niist to oh4iln eubkrieulti ' btitiiini - 91, ty told, ess re: Su rd) iliv;ll9otl9ytt thos' ctilirietors9; They. Ileum . to, Isity9;4ouo4e ,t 919 In9gio, rind ,syhy*, they totrodui..94 't 9so 'Bitters ; ,and 06,13, 11,- mns,stiuld h'sive *toil awl 1,0034 pihmlu'rlty . ' 9919p5,r0f) 1 991404iii - ' , "•'' Ail.ol,lles,tientsstltsi: , givbilyt.yv to , De 1% 4:14/ugli 1: •,,; t., t 4 - • LI T OFi,ttORS TaverseTu Sore, I,er - odd. led dollotirl . • ... , 07elriretocio A demo. Janes rent 8 Sprl /Men, J If • • ark Card 1. A leen; e• wallah farmer ~ 110 . 1 1.ampLen Brick. r, - ndrow farmer L A il.n rot d r John latmoor .k Eeribde -_ , a•al d, Wm. . • smith Dempden Parr! k, doh. - - farmer 31.ifi n Burner R A miner b -polar Ink nltz, .1 11 it. bier Dlek,neon •• Drina n, Martin farmer - E Po•en Holdall oe, i, h ,e 1 farmer N M.ddleton nor:kiln Jercdo 0 • f ruler •11 nen Creighean, Wm N laborer 8 Mlrod l eton C• 11 1..1 8 homer-- 8 Spr. I g Cooper- Job n H carpenter_ W-i on n o• omen Fr. d cabinet maker seldom e 1... lame, •ohn tanner 9 • t ring 'Dr' woe ugh, Wm farmer-' I rank!' .rd D lea, 0. 1 ihttan farmer Hvo linen It .ono._Alaz M ---- fernier - i.o••thaniptori D. , - k - f . , Frod 8' rneehlniet Cariboo darn,. rt. IL P mm 4111.1154 Iskoo•ille 8,1•11. , 1 , 100 f smith - '- Sod ltdrunton o eh r. John mom , i Carlhdo 0.1 eleor'. F 11 Venter Carlisle 01' Ir, Wrote ' • lei oor l'ai'l,de ~ roltrm Joe b A pe t• N• wvillo 1 1raham Jto e carpenter ' Hope ,on - oltelm.lll Weer tamer 8 • ilidUlalOof" Gloom or , S , 141.1 farmer Mon oa .0 . 4. ear, J oLob nor"geumn I n Ikle MP= 1 001 tax char Mo roe 141.1,am, John norehent Newton II• ohm t ChooL mercliatit I n to u liaqinga, Wm fay roar Venn I °oar, .Icooplt . 'okra,. ___. _Monroe !town, Jam e 0 tanner L A •len II 1121 r Jot. farmer 8 Middleton Ii nteeth‘er, Daniel Luteber No who. oc, H It . termer F o o t thr.mpten 1 rotor., JoI lll,l , v.,,,,,.. 'etcher L Moo Wm r. W . , for, or 8 111:d delou apl.., Jdmos ...' farmer ' Neu ton - Klee., John -- rarmoler Pe. re tinkle ertln fanner II paned Kane Wm E end h hlortoree • Kerr, Andrew ' Mt trier .. CArlislo Kerr, T I 'lnn keeper 11 ectiarib`s ,elide, John A,, farmer DIALw p o •to Illigh,, Joao ph • , timer . WO lob ed _ __ brldid, J U ' . rarracr . -SI `ldlng )t .ore, Wm 441 or, 8 M ddlelOo 'MO.. Wm A, merchant Carnal. 0ty,,,,n, .10,dph - , merchant Mach ,nb'g Mitfill, Lan 8 wagon maker:. Spring ' "Orton, Vr LO 11 jci,,,icet &Patin Mettler: Jacob D ' - termer . U MIMI Roark, trace . farmer ' '8 111 b14,a.0n It...wk. Jamb - former Fouthempton Ito dto, Jacob ... • . farmer ' W k eon B , •coulier. T 0 farmer Slhfillo Sterrett, D 'l' - ' farmer W Penn • 8 leer, lo ro &rick - carpenter BPo on Stouffer-John 0 former N Al tddlaton in re y, Henry farmer Hamm a Saari tht: e W farmer , 8 1111dd keno 'Stara, John Jr far or 8 Mlddloton •trio, John farmer !rat kfOrd T 910,, Moaning farmer Fret kfurd Wor ley, Wll . !snorer Peen ' We trail, Il•nry farmer Mlddleeei W. , nthrlich, Wm D gent o BPp'l g W6akla), 11 W foredo. Dick noon °ef Jo. oh • farmer t motilletoo 11 hotly, 1 A Tlet______..—.4;elat— . - - - —2 , tPr I.- g --I -----. 0,1,al ' 8, • Family Flour... gutolrfloo do RYE.... WHITE ItID do - -- RYE CORN A TEI, CLOY intbliED.. riMoTIIYSEED MLA ESE.ED BARLEY General Produce 'Market. ~ • Car Hide. May 7th, 1809 Corrected Weekly by William IVashmood SUTTER - DEDACON SHOULDERS, 16 KOOS, 1811ACON EIDEN 00 LARD, 18 WRITE BEANS 3 15 PILLOW, 9 PARED PEACHES, 15' S'Al l ; . , BUNPARED PEACIIEP 2-5 lINKSWAX, , 3,5 DRIED APPLES, 3 22 B LOON HAMS 18 RADS ~ 3% I=E Wodo,,day m, r , fug, the 2eth 10 • S. to p y en Rho .. nieleukt.t .0 0. John , eni Aunt.. 11; Dade aged one yohi, four muothe n. d thu. 11..yr0. , Little Be. kl -, how I 'coed Shoal ' ao oa earl can *. or ell ; Th ' ouch fll cted yet I,grlere At the grove 1, .4 furor ell. • Certainly T,M, BLAIR' SON'B whOlesali business must ha dons In s Iset to cult the trade, us their kowtows with storekeepers In /deadly Increasing They sell She best goods In large or small quantities st city wholesale prices, for thu cash, no east* costs and warrant erarythl ag ihey cell. .They are head querters for Fish, Salt. Coal Ott and Pith Oil. Sugars. Ogees, Teas, Molasses, Queenswore. ware, ! Stoneware, cordage, Brushes ant! distythl , mg, ..s. Itt that line of goode m that a storekeeper ne - . A gentlemen who Suffered for years front Nerveus Pithy, Premature Dicey. and all the effects of nu' bin louleccation, Is ill for the into of suffering .humanity. PO' it free to a'l who nest N. the. rivelpt :for 'mating the simple remedy IT which be' tens Condi "Stiff. rens, wishing to•po Pt by the,adve. tia. er's exforlence" can de so by edcleessing, In perfect goefidence, _JOAN D. OODEN. • No. 42 Cedar St, New. York. M47i39:jy, Thalmann I romtly,le eo t;;;;;ima that a birth and death Maur' every moment. Every second • . ) dill la born' ; every 'mood come one 'dim.' Thi pievalenco nyalaknes. In the World may be reallesd lin Dr. Aizz's Laboratory, where medicines are made for YU 'Mankind. It would snakily seem that r iniethroate enough to swallow the done he Ina alma . Parsepatilla. Aguo Coro, 'and Chitrif ',Pentarat;' by !the thojaand gal lona, and Ayer'o PI la bythe ton. Ed' they ,, muat all beiJanted; orbo inttild fiat nonkaauch'ildaptltlea for ao,ManYleartmLiffortliflidd.ralograph. , Adrertievr, having been ro-tored "to -health ,111, fort 'ftWic•.' by a 404 ilthple rehtedy; si , ter hav 7 sattared aovoral yanre_witka gouda .111,11 7 4,n., tie{ end that dread °motto l• ti le an ;irue :to make known to hie fellow•autrrfef4 the: notanent eoro4 acolt'e it, he will bona a copy of tlta 'pt.; icriptlatiNiC4Tit'a of liar,.!). wits tho..,irootlan tOr . *eparibitinif tieing t‘;e.imi - rbliSh thir ydit ivitABLIRE pun; pole, citt:tAt!gy,ToN A TIIBIA, . aft Oricurxie.t vfh'1 4 elitt . ilii , l".ofic:o«i• ln goading , ' iii ,2 .Pres , riPilosila to liatt;tithinted a?(tAfirpad Itittalatl4o which hb.c , ncsdras.to - !iliAn , .Tiltinb.e •odha I eyi lattiefac f try dlh 'remedy; ae ta..t , atioat,,Notti:ait iud may pi9ye, ,vtaltliis it prisirlpUolill!!pioaa,', aat NO' EDWARD A. yiLborr, Magi Coat New York.,'' „. , , lb IWO • • ittlV l `iti s. • i IIS: ... .,.:60 ' .904 W et Na „4'!•1'.1!. , for • ,11,-inAJB:- lirstorer and Dresiing. The , .ntten ,lon of the public is-invited -te,the vefy ftant'ehange reechtly made in this Article, WU Oiler in the Improved. Prepera r ion.:a insierer - prom pt and infaliible in its4tion .upon-gray hair,. quiekli 'natural color - and beauty: legether-'with an 'agreeable. Dressing Ole' in.one bottle. This combination is perfect and unc.m.:ep tienailhe in.every respect, and is used with grea satisfaetiontry..old and young.— Mae. S. A. AlAissesZT:LonaLuss, another preparation. dear without . Bediment de signed 'exclusively for Dressing, Strength eninrandßeautifyingthe Hair.' n refrealf- - ing toilet luzury r far preferable .toFr . ench . pomades, and soldsit half the price. Sold by all gruggists. • „, • THE LOWER - eNo.—The mosOitit' portant point fn the lower end or ;the, Countyje on!' ifster town of Mcbliiinics 7 burg; 4bicti is indeed not only an im portant feint in the "lower end,” but the second town, in size and importance in -Cumberland Co., Her business men are characterized by a remarkable degree of energy, and the consequence is . thitt• Me ehunicsburg exhibits al..tho evidences of a a live town. Even: the ladies partake of' the general spirit,of progress, and the ex tensive Millitery Establishment of Mrs A. H..IIIA.TEER. near. the Post Office, is a model timall its arrangements and the complete assortro-nt of attractive .24 illiO cry Gonda witkwhichit is ali4is stocked. • Mrs. MATZtlift3 taste and proficiency as a . Milliner.are of the highest order, and the few ladies in the "lower end" who have not yet visited .her - establishment 61011(1-not-faiL10 da-so-the-preaent-seuson.- Of collies , It is not ' necessary to suggest tt is to these who. have' there once, fur they will be certain to go again.. , • MARKE7B CARLISLE PRQUOCE AIA.IIR,ET 'Carlhii May 7tl• r 181 P 100 to DIED Thou hest jolt lb) mots rem side, Little •ck a, child of tutu t OW it wltdoin hat r hie red then, A din iiiisl/69 w.• 91 tn. et again. SPECIAL '/V 0 7 ICES Success No Secret. IDETIORS OP YOUTEE TO 'oollBillti*TlVEs •= BlB",44terlielittix—pink/ I suffered for - .ever tire ,•ars , frOnf Dyeprpsla, 'with 1'.P00,0% of autrocatlon . end wrote polo after wins, and allbough I flied rarldps:r,mwllea, and tot k Me - I•11 advice. 'yet 1' founißlut IWO in4ll I trlod your , Celebrated Bit, tor Cordlat,l!whieh acted Ilk• marrle upon my eyr. tern, and before I bad -nerd Jae Bottle, 1 found' my• enthilY:ented. and hernhot,had any_yeturno r _ the copplehit ;Ines., I can theretore riCnenmetid it as enynvalnable; remedy to those •1111ctedln the. name way. • • JOHN SNI . ;TAEN. Pupt of forank.in p g unre. 'HeN ; HID N. Rea lb Stre e t, 1 4 - ReacrSIIKETZ'S advertisement in another en iman. • ATTENTION MERCHANTS I Merchants will do well by willing to' see the large .aUO rtmentpf NOTIONS 41 , 11.1.F4ripy. picy,,aopps. such as Glossa,' iltedary, Neck Ties ant DOWN Bus peuders, Pap.r and Linen.Collara and Oults,-, Trim mlnge, B ationery, Shaving; Tooth° end Nair rush" s, Elcap and Perfumeries; Drugs, Shoe Black leg, &e., &c. at . 0071,k1 & CO, N0,,1i ; Booth. Hanover ktrwst, • karllele Pa. • ' Ulmer Ot • FOB BLArIeB 4 OidIdiLAND.PIMPLNF - ON' TUN Face, LAB PERRI'S COMODECIVAND 'PIMPLE REMEDY prepared only . by'Dr. p. 0 Perry, 40 Bond St., Now Ynrk. Fold errrywhere, The Undo supplied by Wholesale Median.) &dere. 9,1 pill itiP-Tilit Importation of rage'from'the ktedfteara neon, tildes from Brestii- and other Commedities from the tropleg,!F known - to bring, the ger m ofdh ease. ohltdly fevers, which are4 , ontetimse very ef. dieting and fatal. Awed_ AGMS Cues stimulates the Liver to excrete the germs' from the system be effectually as it-does the miasmatic pole b of our Ague d•slrints Conseciu-titly It affords invalnah'e protection to stavednres and others whose occupa tions rzpose them to I hose dangerous infections; sod we hope to render them a valwilde service in giving them thla inform Men .—Nerr York Dispatch JACOi SEEK TZ- 9 i, I was Coffering for tom Imo w I th.py apepskt, and also a eakners and velum& of the stomach, and after trying BOHM of your TIT TERS it caused me to thron off all the foul matter and , reinvigorated my system. it haan fleeted, . think, a permanet cute: Yolrar ri — at lilretty us—e'tkreThrtliairae—you think proper. ANN HALLMAN; 4560 Moto St, Oermantown, Pa TO EIEMOVE BIOTH, PATCHES. FRECKLES and Tan from - tbo faro, use PEERY'S Alum aan FRECKLE LOTION. :Preparad only by Dr. B. C. Perry. Sold by all druggists. • 9Aprll 3m • 01,4 4j 1 4 , ar I pl 0 otureegrelittrttlfilYd Cho mietry crofeis more practical 1 eneots on man kind than any t tiler science, yet fromt no other enure,: could more l an easily obta , neti. The arts and mine - nuke which chemislty would teach, I - more thotouchly and generally kudind, would sere lily eierclse a nalst honetelent influence. Ile freely confesses that ho- is lndelded to, this science for the virtuosuf hie remedies, and advisee that the pr . actic‘i application et chemistry to medl. rine.- Lt o arts, nufnufarturee, and agriculture be en ninod npemeur colleges and schools.—Wrightsville '(Pa )Star. WIRE RAILING, WIRE GUARDS. for Store Fronts, A r.)lurns, Ar, Iron Itedeteadn—Wire Web - Wogs torklreep nod poultry yards, Brims and Iron wire cloth Sieves. renders, Scrums for cool, ores.' ker.il de., Ilf.avy Crimped Cloth ler spar k arresters Innonarpu V. Iro for Windows rtro Irper Sinkers tt lees. Oro:mental Wire .Works. Every Intorno, lion by add, onion the WElluta t urerc, NI: W ALI{ ER A SONO' No 11 North Sloth sircet Phllndelphis. 12leb 6E-y. • - AUr•DEATNIIB9, BLINDPISB, and CATAIIIIII noted , . ith the ;ironer eucceme by .1. nod firotem.nr nr Dfseasee q/ the Eye and . 'Ear in the Medical Coliven! Penurylam fa 11 years experience (formerly or Leyden. iloiland,, No. 805, Noel % B'., 'Phila.- leethooniala eon be even at tole office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa tlente,as be boo no secrete in hto practice. Artificial eyoe lueerted althea. pain. No charge for exam' notion. 1-1•0 y DR• JACKSON'S ANALEPTICA NEW 0 El. EDI' IN CONSUMPTION.—A Must. lan wi; had Consumption foi several years It Ph. frequent bleedings of the lungs, ruled himself with a teedi9lue Jcnitnown to_the profession. when bin rase appeared hepleas. lie I§ thenniY Phg t .ii" w h o has used It In bin own person,or as any know! edge of Ito virtues. and he can degree o health he oow•enjnys tr. notbi e of hi medicine; and clothing but.utte d entire extinctinh of all hope of recovery, or with 0 Want of confidence Inell °thew. Induced him twhaaard the experiment. To those suffering with any . diaease of the Lungs be proffera a treatment he confidently believes will eradicate the disease. Price 51,50 per bottle or 1,8 a half dozen, sent by °sperms. Send for .orculor or roll on .Cht. E. II4I,STON JACKSON, No. 250 linath Tenth, Street, P hiladelphia. For sale by lintoS F.thiyer, Meehan icsburg, Pa., and Druggists generally, • 22natty Qii ly. BUY CHEAP FOR CASII —Three per cent de durtlon ou all coal of half ion and over, delivered In town for the cash. No &Bowan,ee when a charge Is mad a :it A. 11. BLAIR'o. sma 69 NE TV A VER T [SEMEN 2"S. VARMERS' -BANK. • The Dlre.ctors here tbtA day &dared a divi• dead ottbiet , porautr - cl4if of - Nalliiiier tee. J. O. 110P1 , 11R, °fabler. EOM j}iviDE w. CAIILIPLE DEPOSIT DANK, I Ca, Halo May 4th. 1809. The Board of Director', havo doctored a dividend .of Flve Per f, re :for the lait,th months. char of tax. , s, payable on-demand. J. P. 11A:SLER, May 'at f ashiur. v . , . 7 0 • 50 2 45 .1 70 12021 ADAIINISTRATOR'S • NO'I'ICE .Fretr• rs of Administration on 'the estate of John Sttork, Into of Monroe towmhip -haring been I•sued to the scriber residing In the mole t hip. notice I. hikrebv Oren to oil paeans lode' tad re the est4to to mike Immediate roymen . t, and to all them. having claims against It to preeimb them ter settlement. . J 011 2 ,1 FINCH, ;Slay r t Ad minietrthor. Commodious two ' ptory thick Paroillne ilnu4.4 with a berm of n Ground ett.ched with nbundenee of eholco fruit o ell hinds. Duetted on Wert Luther Ott. of nPhr ilicklnsmi Gonne, will bo leased from now until the let of April next upon rens .nollo terns. En: quire of A. L. SPONeLtill, Ufa) tf 'Beal Estate Agent. - • • t I ‘,,T °TICE, I I C MARY BORT' £ by her next 1 In the rnurt °CC , n - friond JOIIN t Olth MAN I mon l'it•es of Cum hot In nJ enun.ty% LYSANDER BORTLIL . Nn. 257 April T. 4. 0 All. Rolhpanin Fur divoren• to IN, In ohedlenee to an order of pu'llirni low to me 04 reeled, you-o , • 'hereby w•tined to.be and appear in the 0. urt nimon Pleas. for the county of Onar heeland. on the, toll r'h Monday of August. 1 , 441 I ring the''/std rtel r 1 0 , ho. 'AVM If any yon - ho4e. why Mary B .rtla s'inu'd not he divorced from ine bt•ndit of inii,trnnov two with you accord. Init to the pm er of the petition OW In said court. ' ' JUM. 0. TrimiPkltsr rberly. imay It IN BANRUPTCY DIETPICT COURT Al' rnr , IiTATEP In For the Er/stern District of Pentayfranin r4nk "-D t 'Y' `ln the matt , r of Y :lohoson and Srana-I ..Patterson Jvhnsor..tradimv as John Johneon'e Sous' bankt opts,— tantern District of Penneylsylrania, 8. 8.. A wanton* in hankrtiptry'lms boon Wood by WA Cnnt t n vsinst ti e esth" , e f IliMm Y. Johnson artl Pan nil PvttersonJohnapp of the tv unt r of tlumbet ler& laud State of Pennsylvania, In said D strict who hare boon duly adjudged Ilansrupts upon pre tition of tholr crent , ors And the pa) mint ,9f co) dehte.snd delivery df any pri p'.r'y hpinoginis to sild bankrupts 11. them 0; to their Ilse, and the iranster of any pr: party by thent:are fortdden by law. A meeting of ihr creditors of told Sankt upte. to prove • heir debts a, d choose Imu ur more &mimeos or their estate will be held et n Court or ba ,kruntov to Int holden at Carlisle Instead district an the lit h day or Ala.t, A. D 18)11, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at too tlii he offlre..bf CHAP. A. ItAItNITZ, lit use.) or of the Registele In Bank ritimoo oFeild District. . • I'. C. 11, R:MarAhal fur said Dlerrlot; '' '' "x; Pertt, tiatAlX4AFF.l.F'Donuly.' Deputy 11:13.1darthars tlmtie . • • • • May let MC. 5 7toey tit F 7221 IpltlNG - GOODS. • - ° a hlrB Just returned from the city with a 'cry large and epiandid assortmant of PIIIISOrt3 hie goods, whickWe are 'selling off rapidly at LOW RR ilidOkid TITAN TIIE LOWEItir, our stork Of - .,p•1!,,1 s S. GOODS, I. ,;,1 full andcomplata; IIM atylenarantaurpass• 'ml. I a luau apltuuld • . ~,, , . leik 'biix- 1 1 . 1' ; '' . DELAINEIL AL ' CI . An e , ABUB" . E' ' r and, many -nil! elylagooda,OlNUi AbII3i.CAPIeOP' saBpgny . • ' • , 1511AWTS, • AL • FlLeagfatrirredo HANDN'IBI... ',-CLOTHS, ,'dAstIMEREs, Praee,',Cattetiiidee:' and the' largest stook of Ymall Inikeettect Tilmtulege in the valley,— .01L'OL()THS; ',) , MATtli , loB. IWO& till;lti.DX;, 011 'IN of Ontten.ildnen end Wool, beet make. OUP OA IiPISTO,' 'area illorud by I"ht.pui to bp the etempext,oiteldii r e - COW groxi;citteti t: . . ; i . ' Ttile 440014 oigoode ix .eery large. well 'Wetted, and, wm.b.s suit) off at reduce! prleea, It, Ix not, ;net:eatery, to 'ICA column to .egagiteixtlon.of out ,012011; hex ,we, Invite all, to odd, awl flpo tur titula r ruiskou..wbtak 00 thluk. will eighty 'item tLit.t thiti 6 ,he j 'smite kitty .for Pre& to ttnneulerix:—.,, . pout • - - • .1.1.11470 k ' .: W tth y.E.ETIFEMENZS GR L AND ORNING OF S , PAING GOODS,„ DRY:GOODS ST.OIRE. We are jest receiclug our supply of geode sandpit for the Ewan. LADIES DRESS GOODS, Fancy Dreg Ellkn, all colon, Black Milk all quail.; New S tyle Paphos, Elek ant PO Iped POpllnetat nee utlinl'atrlpad Mothnlrs, Elegant Ohene Poplins, e!pqrat Alpacas, all shades, BEAUTIFUL • STYLES OF GOODS, Suitable for Theses and Chl' dren'a dregs FRENCH PPRCALES, UTIINTZEP, SIARSAILLES, PIQUES, you DRESS; W IZE GOOD S, Reit finfahod Cambees, Jacboeta,-Talnaaoks. ■wl a Mull, and Wrench bluellua, .iarabalcli k--- NEW. STYLE PARASOLS, ALL KINDS OF HOSIERY, AY; GREATLY E 1• Mores, Ilandkorohlefs. Corsets, Mitre, Rib•ens, Collars. Cuffs, hooped Shirts, Balmoral Skirts d e. N1 , 15' f ULF: TRIMMINGS AND ninioNB for trimming drusFes.. CLOTEIB AND CASSIMERES, Thr Lerrept - dMelcirrtbneounty 'all tbo'nelir styles • sod colme of reney Osman eren, for men and, boyi weer, MOURNING GOODS FUNERAL GOODS, Alwoyr o full •upply,•nd vary strict stfrntlon SI, - on to fining ordw s for town or country. c'Ci A 1? P T 2, P'l • at gently roducad prim, •of every vArliity ipclifee Mallings, Von, aperfab attention called to the fast that the central Dry °hods tore in now prepared t' at. hibit the moat depirah'e and 'the largest stock of tio, de in , h, country Please do not MD to call and gl[e•onr stork an Inspection bolero purchasing for the season. LLIDIGH & MILLER. si)UTTI EAST COSNER . OI7 21ARKET EiIUARH Tangy 69 READING RAILROAD SUMMMR ARRANGEMENT. VONDAir, APRIL 27, 1865. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North and North West far Philadelph a, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephnott, Lida, Lancaster, Col umbia, kr.. Ac. . Trains lea•e larrleburg„for. New York or follows: At 2.35, 5.20, 8.10. A. 51., 12.25. own: 2.00 and 10 56 -P.• AL. ronneoting With similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York 0,45,at A 51.. 11.45 Noon; 360 - 6.45 P. M. - , and 0. OA. 5I„ respectfully Sleeping Cars aroma paning, 620 2.35, A. M., and 10.65, 1'.01., trains 'without change. Leavy liarrisbarg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua Minerevals. Ashland, Shamokin, Pl. e Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia,at 8.10, A. 51.,and 2 00, end 4.10. P. 01., Mopping, at Lebanon and Principal Wu, Station. the 4.10. P. M. train making connec- tions Mr Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsvtllfi, Schuylkill Have and Auburn via Achnyl kith and Susquehanna italirold, leave Harrisburg. 335 1'..51. Ihituruing: Leave New York at 9.00, M.. 12.00, Nook and 5.05 and 8.00 P.M ; Philadel phia at 8 15 A. M. 'and 3.20 P. M.; • Sleeping care accompaning the 0.00, A. 51 and 5.05. and 8.00 P. M. trains how NOW York. without change. Way' Paesenger Train leaves Philadelphia 730, A. 51. unnuecting with similar train on East Penn sylvtinia Railroad, rut urn log from Reading at 0.30 P. M., stopping at all Stations; bear. Pottsville at 7 30,', and 845 0 . 51. and 2.45. P. Id , Shinnoklo at 6.26 086 A. 51. Ashland 700 A. 51 12 30 noon, Tam: aqua at 830. A. M. 2..0 P. M., for Philadelphia: turd 5 ow York. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rah - Hoed a, 7 UU A. 01. for llarrlsburgond 11.30 A -01. for Pine Alcove and 'from nt. Reading. Accommodatlrn Train: Lefties Raadlost, at 7.00, A. M., returning !envois Philadelphia at 6.15 P. %1.., Poitntown accommodation. Train: Leaven Potts. town ar 1125. A. M. returning lee VO. Philadelphia at .140, P. M. • Columbia Roll Road Trains leave Reading 7.00, A, M., and 0.15, P. M. for _Ephrata, Llll5, intimater, Columbia die. Pi n Perklonlyn lief) Road Trains leave Perk!omen June. Moo at 9.0 A. M. and 0.00 P. :I. Al:turning : Leave nklppapk at 4.15 A. 51., and 1.00 P 01., connecting Mtn Itlmilnr trains or. Reading itall Road. tin ounday'u: Leavo Now York at 800, P. 10. Philadelphia 0.00. A.M., and 11:16. P. M., the 8.00. A. - 1 N. 2rniu running only to Reading; Pottevilre 0.00,, ' A. 51,. liarrlnburg 6.20 A. M. 4,10 and 1065, P :1., and Reading at 12.55. midnight 2.54 and7.ls A. 61. for. Hai rlnburg. at 12.65 and 7 06, A. M. for New. York and at 0.40 and 4.25 P. for Phllad..? Pr N trh:lc UORTI Cote in utation, Mileage, Seaton, School and Rum- Idon Tickets, to and from all tleinta, at reduced rates. liaggago checked through; 100 pounds allowed each Passenger. ' G. A. N 10uLLlt, Oen: Supt. 7may69 I ,XECTITOR'S NOTICE.--Lotters, j Teittintostery on 'he estate of Benjamin 04 , I. r, Fr e -late of it Lt roe coarralt p. dek , d having beam Anklet' ti the out reril.er reddit g lu the MU , town. ship, not, .1. h. -.byk to al, pare , as it d, d. to Mild estate to fatal payntt,t and tho a be. leg rintnte to prehtnt then , du n . anthent rand for, set. 11 , ru ent to BLNJANIIINUIVI BH,Jr 7 bray Omit Slkeeutor. . 1889 t, NEW 'GOODS 1869. am now opening the shrape - st assortment or 88111 f 11 A ND 81 NMI It (101)1* bought to Caliph'. since the war, Ovlng to the great Melina in 'AIM • doting the WI few 'seeks, I am now enabled to ofe• te r areal Indurerhrn.a to each I uyers as the -maw stock ha tees pOrthased at the present low prices, e All tbo boot Calicoes at 12/o (lead DeLuines nt 16, 18, 20. a 26.. 31Uslins at, 4, 10, 12 & Kt.& All the NEW- STYLE DItEBB 6'OODB for Ladtaitliv great valley and, yen', ebeap. , • • GINUIIA.IO, TIcIEINGS, CBECRS, &c., VERY 'LOW: - Cloths,' Cassimerest %Woods, Cotknades, do of every doontptlon an oomsnonly low, Teti° Moron, Napkines Towolo, Plquef N a rloollea, Rod Fpreads, Ziotodsooks..Awlpos, litimlirler, Forme , Marsallo'Quilts, at the vary •lowrit notch, HOSIERY a GLOVES in gr e at variety, • 'MORNING, GOODS, .wool I eLalnes, Iteps,erape Veils, triellale,Oran— lick Thybet bbawls and a full assortment of, gut': ely. entire stools of goods not purillased 'within • the last awry days will be alined out,regardlehe ;of' / CO T FUR tAtill e,. ' • RIBBONS 4/ . - . . . , • Look out' for bargains at.lbe ()heap Cub inane , West Main Street, nearly Oppositctbe depot. - • ', • . MIAS, !Naar.. ~ . , „Lido° es. ' • :•S2SIIEWARID. - • : ON Thursday ;, the ..15th Was lgrt,bitreeti Ilorry's Gatifti.4 ..4211:441:0 • EA: P13,0g, ET BOQK "-.. congi(Writhi 3 ovuhi, toniaion:t n.erly 111 . 2g0, eeul.t:•' log of. ono {IO hI t , 818 $..0 D 1114,1118 bitly*urlit wool „. of number dokluntlolithrus,Woo; wits and ()tilt'. papers. , •i • • risward.:•lllbo p. 141 orate Wont to thle"olliro or to the otaboorttHataytko rtotgppro 810., 844.4111.. •, "Atyrll 20-8 t • .`"'• ,5.•0,,K0 , N114 , . BEIRYOs:K, JUSIIOE , Or . A • lus..v•Aus. omo.,zio.u;inime•Amt., AT THII IM3 CENTRAL Of all colors and quell les Of every Deocriptloti Oil Cloth's,. .171 alts, Rugs.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers