RATES ADV . ERTISING 1 One Square. one inaertion, For each additional I vise, tlon ' - For Mprca tile /Wye rtisements, Logil Notices., • - • ProlonAlonatintdp without paper, Mona relating , 0 inatt“.o of pri• Tate i iiterasts alone, 10 cents per line JOB PIIINTINO.—Our Job Ninttrig °Meets kho Oe ttoitt and most complete 014101111bInOnt in the CI tun y. FOur good ['resale. and a general variety ct tterlttle oiled for plain and Fancy work coovery - On to do Jitb Printing at the ahortoet tl,e. and on the most reasonable romps. Persons la cons of I.llTls. Blan ha. oranythin g tti the Jobbin g n ,cll land it to, thelellitereat to give us a call PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. -if b. ADAI it, Attorney At Law, , .w cti c Meintte , Pe. utile° Street . with A. B.Sherpe, Esq., Nd. So 'lerer • 1 ()SEP Li MTN ER, Jr., Attorney at ty n.ew and Bumuyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Office oa anti uoad strypt, tyro dp,n aura. ot.tho Bank. Mituntuoitep ply atthuded to. u IY 1, 1814.-' 4,l4LElt,Attorney at ,Law. r linmedls'ely op. kt,:qtee. . - A %Al C D.-CHARLES E. MA -1_4(1L4 Attorory st : Litur,OlTlce In the room formurly ocrupled by Judge Graham. July 1, 1804-I.r. . 7t /rO, a Fi7,113.TAL1 . , Attorney at Law, •liarlialo, Va., N 0.9 Ahearn'. Nall. July 1, 1804-1, I(JUN CORN NIAN, Attorney at L.vi Mice In building altarbod to Franklin 'lnure, apposi , a thO Court nom!, IbmoV 11813'. G. M. BELTZHOOVER. ATToitN'EY , AT LAW, and Real Estate Agent, Slicpberdatown. Wept Virginia. Any- r Mut attention noon to all business in Jeer. .on County and the Counties adjoining It. .I.lnuary t9.18t3t3,-1 y." . 4, 1 BELTZHOOVER, Attorney ban' (Mica In tionthilanoaor etreot, oppo •e Elonta , a,dry good scorn Carllßle, Pa. Aoptdimbar ir AMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at • j Law, enrllFle, Pa. °lnca lo No. 7, Ill.:ones Hall ruly 1, SFIEAI 14: It, Attorney at 011Ico, No.th E3st Cornor the Court 1101100.;,..tr,0e...r...,.,===.r.--,===o,.. 112!ob t&ly. J. M, WEAKLY WEAKLEY & SADLER T It/1013)(K AT LAW, Office" L No. Ili South Hanover %trout Corllolo moil 5 tl7. MIME@ 11MIERICF1 & PA.RKER. TTORN Ii VS AT LAW, Office on LA. Maio St., In ~le Nu Ilall, Carllslo, l'a. US. PATENT AGENCY. C. L . Lrehman,2t g , treet Carllgle t P oxe outo• drowlop. oveitiratione prileuro+ pot riot- or Inventors. I t , I A. : 1 ... IC. 1.J.5,,. ..5i t, N ,N 1::1; ‘ ) Y t , , A . ttorn ar'. cey ar- Pnyin. April IN, 1.467—Ly. 11R.: J. S. BEN D R.—Holum°- , pelhle Phvelc'an Office in thu room form erly oroupled by Col John 1.:o. 153 en 6J-I y. It. (i E S. SE A- Ve: 4 ?, Dentist, fromlbe • timore rolleee of Dental Surgery.. T rs„,niike et the reehlete , of hit mother, Engl. :Int her Oren., three doors below Bedford. - jely 1, Mi. [,;() W: NEIDICEI, D A D. 8 ; 1 Lite Demn.tretorot Oppralve Dun tist ry of th.. o ,„%r e tz o o l4g 22 lt ST. onn:•4 him . re%l- doll,o •0p.5it.e..1.144 to.. tlnll, Wet.;pO.r...tr.t. Cary lisle. Po ,stiv ji 011 N I)O11.N 1.1 R MERCHANT TAILOR Tn Kramarytt Itheenl'i Mill, Carlisle Ps., Ili- ja,t, 1,4,011.1 from tho Eastern Milan with he +t inn m wit CONIPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER GODS, 4' Of:Mistin6 of j ClothB, Cassi mores, Vestings, .• Gents' Furnishing "Goods, tir.C., , aver brought to Carlisle. Elia cloths comprise Examstl, Flt0:1011, and lAMEItICAN NIANUFACTIIItitIII. . et the finest texturo 04. - - . and of. all shades. Ir. Dorn er belna hlnselfe: prinked cutter of long ex 'lance to prepared to warrant perfect fits, sr., prompt tilling or drdors. Pince Conde by the yard, or cut to 'ordor Don't forgot the place. , . 15inay fli-tt. - " F RESH ARRIVAL . - _Of New ,'. , :priAL7 8411e.4 of HATS AND CAPS Th. Sutperllfur hop Jupt opened, at No. 15 North Ilanovvr St , n 150 . (tours North of the earl Ado Deposit llank, ono iho larrost and best stock of BATS CAPS rvpi O(fordd in CArll4lo. Silk llats:Capslnwpa.. of oil Ktylo4 and gna ffti e p, ssllf Itrial9•4.llfforullt, rllloeS. 2111 d every dosorlialon al Port thitp,nOw_oludo, e Dunk:in d and old fashlnnud bru.h. kept constantly on hand and made to ordor all oarrantiodm rlye Katlsfdetloo. A full now rlua n I of fi It hW.. I,l . A.)'o,!llun't4.l,oy's .1 children's fancy. I have alto iftlilOd to nit; stock.. Notions of ,lifforont kinds, copplstlng of.L.ullop and Gent's Stud:lnv, Neck. fllOPtf, Int rood, Solo Inv. Ships. ;fun. pH WWII, yam° :furors and Tobacco. aloofys_on taint. , Of va toult:rallailingtunlon my otock. as I fool nou• Minot 01 pleMio,l, ofishlng envin r you money, J .11N A. KELLER, Art. No. 15 North Hanover St, - 31mY67 .6AS FITTING & PLUMBING The suhscribnia h taint 'permanently, located In respectfully solicit a share of the public pa t• tronage. 'Chair shop Is situated on the public Square In the rear ut-thu Ist Presbyterian Church, whore they api 'driers be thinly . Being experienced meehanlss, they are prepared to execute al I 'Orders' that thug way be entrusted with Ina ~tt iurlor tpanner,nint ht vary under du prices 'IIItDRAUI.IO - ItAAIS; WArkllti W KELS, t•.. L I I+I . 4"PORCH II ATFIING TUBA; WisllCßASlN:innd all other ern. lea in the trade. PLADI DINO AND DAS AND STEAM FITTING prempiry attended to in the gneut, approved utyle /Jar OuFttry work promptly attended to. ,trtAiit iutiqt: -Don't frirOletho plkeeLlimrnedleiely iq Elie rear of "se Firsi'lgsbYtarlan • ",'" ' feIININIVOOD. , jultr2V,(o4'" PAIINIEWS BANK,or OAR , 'PENNSYLVANIA, . • Recently organized, has been opened, fei transaction o f A generalfiatik log hush - less. In the corner room In it: 'livan'a ,now building on the North %lest cornet of ligh weak and tho Centre Aquara. , The Directors hope by Alberni and re Wu' .manage went to woke Chia n popular Itnititution,and a saf, ropoaltury fur all whoulay litvor'the bank with WWI 01111t11. '4 x 4 ••• ,• • ' • Depuelta react wed andpaid hark on dernaridefrita, e e t ,di we d on aeeeial depozits, 'bold. Silver, 'lrons ury Note. and fiovernmuut Donde, bought and cold Collectlutts'luado ,on all accosslble points •ti the e none ry. Dhuniubthihy., Thesday.T. hankie', honer from 9 o'clock A 7 .91. to 3 o'clock P. 91 I • ,11.0i:IICFBER; :rt e D~tif a o dt, 6ipltt a. 110111.1 Jo,n %Y. Oratichohd, "A ..l .flerui•n. ' I• k 7 none 01•1•14 . • AbrahoUl • rll.ll' Ckl BLit CAkily S OV.E A" . tfA -, 1, .:- • ,- .7 , if ~ 1.. Manufictured at F. 0 A RDNIIR & Co'a Foundo apd NlMPlllll.l9,..T.CiSauSitgnAirnira WAT.., VII, In the tun t Intony °tricorn of fan:till. In Cumberland, Poroi and &dim IL ptomains, yr bo lire now using IlUaln. Call and.ne• tt:1)01,.., :.. ~, ~ „ ,: , , . ~ .; , „ ' ' 6';4s:.'li, : s' : :::kit . i:',l;L.i.lt S'i' -annlng elthel• by power or by band—constantly' an nand andiby,salty by A lf.;l3lAjtlONlV :Foundry. and Machine tlbop, kAtet Mobs Street. • • BTLrA '3l34eiii-11A4iiiii:. 'We ere prepared' to snake Steam .Bolleis. or ell algae. and klnde.promptly end on the 1108°14 torme. Ili filnoko Starke mod , lo' that line. Aep tn. IMO or UOILBEIStOId Btiglftesipromptly attendedlo la the beat-manner. 'l/ It,VAIIONER: k Vpprpirraild'lltaeblno Bhop, OarlIele; Pas ' • • A',. 4 .241V1a42 lAA 00,4411 otViredTenpritiio XjiigiStisAkiace, 8111 on' 'allo; 'a' glop I.or, Oho Tom, Ns•hal, Fr In LI cif all daporlptlcin, Pruaellss, floodless Plume; Primlop, pared andannarad Poaches, App.leo, pars , ' and utipithill'Oanti'Oorlnia`Ohlntle 9 , • wIth•lotulllIalt•of aroGbriaa kppt. In a Oral quaNiyOnicorrotoro, ••''' ' • ••••••• " 'VW): 8.• 1101011A0... , • • No. SO. Nast Pomfret !West.— T 1 .4 STATI4I - NOTIOE: • juj . Luttsr•tettenlentory on tbo point° of Jor.oli, Ilurkbolder.'lit. o or BoulliAlledletuu toirnoblp.thli. , county. having beeiLlostfitd. to ten aubscriber re. inMnot,Petinottoroush "lOwnehlP,i'Antlen Is ben ieby Weft terlyßo Indebttd to' eneete-Of sold slecaduntnisVenike payna,nii74ndbui all pelt ale hielniclatuto to present. them for• settle moat. 0 . tiA3lll.Ol. IBILLEII, Br. • a1t1117,0)4t. . lixteutor; 25 00 4 00 7 00 V OL. G. OE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; Chartered by Special Act of,Congreiol, Approved, Cash Capital - - $1,000,000 BRANCH OFFICE: FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA , Moro .the goneralloodness of the Comp di , Is trans voted. and to widch all gonaral corms poodonce . should to, addres.ed. • OF HS. CLARENCE Preshlont. 1" ellnit Chairman Floe nen and Executive C~ Committee. 11. Fl, ViCf , P,SILIPnt. K3II W. PEEL, Socratary and Katuary This ''onmany &Term the blinginl Foirin tains " It It a Ntltlll.. piny eh trter..l la a specl.ll art of CotmrsOi, 1060 It boo n pal 1 op capri‘i of 81 000.000. It , (fors low riles of pretniumn. It f.ritifnes lusfer insurance than any other coin pan'o.. for the same motley. It lo dells Ito and Certain in its terms. Wil, B. PARKER I t I- a Inane company In °rewrites Ito poliPitql ' orfl ineempt.fmm att erhment Tli.ro ere no unnecessary restriction in the poll. 'Sea. Every policy la non-forfelMble. may Ir takm which pay to the ire etrad their full amount, and return all the premium.. to ;het the 'neurone, .efts. Only the interest on the annual pal Polleten may hn token that will pay to tho ineared, atter a eertaln number of year., el..rind-Ilfer an an nual income of one.tOnth the amount named in the Pr No metro rate Is charged for rifle u; on tyro live. of !Meninx. It Insure., not to pay dividend's to poll. y-holdore. but nt no long a coot that dividends will be imposed- Ile. eirou'ars. rsmphlots and full partlclora given un application to the Branch Office of Out:Mop:toy. or to ' t. W, CLANK ti tb , Philadelphia, Oeueral Agent fir Pennsylvania and Southern Now Ilsep(IBly M A It Q U A It 8 CELEBRATED .• I, INi E.N T, • FOR 3 BEAST.' This Valuabl ..on is admirably adapted to all those Dis eases for so ounler-Irrilaal or External Remedy is required. REFERE*CE Abram Marquart, Esq. bag shown ma the re. opt of which his Liniment is composed. From ~ know ed., of the Ingredients, I do not hesitate n certifying that it will be beneficial where, an oittirnal application of the hind is Indicated. .A.liTEMAlle, M. D. Ph;yponsburc, Sept. lb, 15615. • Fully renvenonn with the chemical components and medical °MT, s of A. Marieart's Liniment. I cheerfully commend it to those who may need It. Jauknonville. Sr N ECK Elt, M. D. Mr. A Margnert :—Deer Sir: I laketolea4ere in FinYing - t.liAt I have usiri'yo .r Liniment Dr chap. pod hands. and It cured teem and made thorn feel soft I think It the bust I ' havoi ever used, end would cheerfully recommend it to the general public. Nit. GRACY. Newton Township. Pa, Nov. 21, 1868. 1 hereby certify Cu, 1 have used A. II icti o ulrt's Liniment forratelwe and Spavin on two of my horses with the Se greAcest success, and would rec ommend it to hi I that aro In need of anything el the kir.d. C. 81111.1,INGE11, /Roughs town, Pa., Nov. 18, 186:. Mr. A. Marquart :—Dear Sir 'have used ahoy L halt a bottle of your Liniment on my borne for n bad Cellar Jail, which was the boat obstinate sore of the kind I ever vim; aloe on my arm Rheumatism, and it ties given entire satisfaction .in both Cu,. I would nut do without It for lon times it cost, and cheertittly ragman:tend It to the pubIic.MICHAEL, LATSIIAIV. Jacksonville, Pa., Nov. 20, 1869. ,A. Marquart, Eety—Dear Sir I had a very revere attack of Rheumatism lu my back, no that I could ..carcely walk, which W 1413 vety painful. uslmt half a bottle of your celebrated Lint. meld, 1 was entirely cured. this Is not a ITCOID mendatlon, but the plain truth. You can make any mend till. , you please JACOB LONG. ulnut Bottom, Ct.., Nor. 20, ISttl. Mr. A. Mantuan:—Bear I have uxed your valuable Littimunt, In my inmlly tbr differ ent pains and A 0104.11011 It hex proved entivfautery every ca-u. I do think, no en external Lin meat, It elude without a rival. I ' would cheer. fully recommend it to the pauoc. oF.:olttlE IV. YOJUdI. Ja•:Bonvllle, Pa„ Nov. 21. IBild. A. Alarquart, :—Dear Sir: It alTords ma pleneure to certify Coat I have used your Liniment oti my Ilnen. in 0 case of very non" Throat, which on• much nnnlinnl nod vary painful. After tw, or three applications, I found It to act Ilito magic, Mud Would recommend it us no oxeollont Liniment BitVElth. Walnut Bottom, Pa., Nov. 19, Cif. AGENTS WANTED! Address • • A DIARQUART, Inut Bottom, Outnb. Co Pa. Pornle At TIAVEIt.TICK A Dit.O. Drug Store, CarllBlo, Pt. lldee 0871 v. Wheeler and IVilsin and Elliptic LOCK STITCH Satin°. Machines. The Best Simplest and Cheapest. r t r illESE maeltine:Titre adapted to Till kinds or - rdlltily sertirtg, , WOrking -e lunllt~ we I.dpoot Silk Li 13011 and Cotton gob& with Silk 01:WC/nand LI bit titreati ,s eking n benutitul and' millet stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. All machines sold are warranted. 001 mid exatolue at Hell Road Telegraph Office, Carllrle. Pa. May :11, 18671 f. Du. W. D., HALL. DI S . NI A RAC S A . L . LTO)4LOEPATIIiO PliViclans and' hiudirul .itioctriciana. Office and residence. \u, 37, South' Ilnririver Street,' Carlisle, ,Pnna Aiffit,cilteutpludiseessii_auccuysrpily,,tkeateil„.. !kart Dnigasu, cif to 0 years standing. to live weeks. hod keen given up to die; _ Mien Clara Wilbert, iterinantown, Pa. Liver Core. plaint,' of two years standing. Diked in two. ' • - Se Of Reeser, Coll:lnter n, Pa. • Intimation of the sluice with, loss of the sight of one , ye. of sixteen, years standing ,Ourell tier o ' months . . • Mrs Mary Uerinentowu, _Pa. Dyspepsia. of ten yens standing Coal lir two months., Mr F.'l'. Weed, Oirerdi Ave.. and Warnock St., Philadelphia. °tired of tieneral 'Debility of three years deeding. • g :,4 . I . • Mien mime - Morris, 12.1 i Girard Ave., PhDs Pa. Dyspepsia and, Gravel of, liaise years ~ standl.4. Cured in six weeks. Frank Prier, 742 North lath str sot, 'Philadelphia. Pa. "White 'Seidl log" •of .hine years standing. Diked in live months. Mrs.,'Auktistit Drowning, Delpre, Ohio. .IYonali_ 'disease of IS yours ',tending. ' Conning at: times -timidity, se that her-friends wore empalled Myles, to put temitito air insane* Adyluru.l.Ourodln tko mouths: - "1 4 • Ail consultation free. Daces strictly private, ' Drs: hank ruspectluily Worn to , the. following ladies, residing to Carlisle. lire. Jdeditasoutiultrier, Mref Wm. 'laminae, dirs. Win. 'Jackson, Mrs.' J. railer, Mrs, henry. Snyder, Mid 'many others. — 26feb 01.1dini. • ' - • . • L. Locbman 'has roniavotl big 030,141abpaant to bla NEW:GRqU,NP '7,L90/3. Optima° liastan i & Hirano .e Mort!, 'where be' ehr- Molly Invitee the pub& to examine the place. cod hi. nymuroux• epeolinenu. The wall know.' skill of .tine prnprictor be an artiato with • ■ 'w pm, tot, and entwine .u,l l aky.llght.'no the drat ,:tloor, are , indent indneententalor the public to - pationita this eetatillanent. •1110,' platurea are haircut/illy ot know itkittO to he •-agtitil' to thic , bast , inside tw Philadelphia neNew' Tank. and far .aupealor to auy• In ails country. Mu 4AL " . 0. L; LOO limit Co4t. -1114 AN. . _ • ' '''-'" '' " ' - " e.7'.-• , -, 1,,,..,,:;,..V. J . lll/.. - .;-:, . :- ....' ' ' • Li '' 0111'' , '' ' . • . '''; /.9 1 ,-"'' ' ~/.• .'.' ' '1 ': ' ' ~i , ' ' ' ..".•' I" ' iris i; . ~ ' • ' . ! , -,1 , ,- - -: ' . I r.. --''' ......„1; 2 ; ' -, ' : 1 ',:, ''.; 1; ' r , •3 V" ':•' ' .. "," , , ,- ' ' 'l:li ' ;Itr.l .1i 4. l• Inl, ./---,..."-- .. - 17ill '•1, • 11•, ~,, ;9,!•fr4q - • r ;:e:4'; b ?0 , 11 , ,1, ,ilt,iietl •' * ......4/ • • T .'• • •• -. . ~, ) • ' ' ..., • ' 'al: IN . ..pa . ''' 9 9 ~\ . l ''' s ',/' 'Ann •.. i tr) (.._ 'I; • ,-;/1',',1 .•• ' " ' 14 Ili ''' ' , MP , 1•• ral r I) ,) ' . , 4 •,, 1 ,F' ' 'l' •, , I . ;ITr, 1, • , firl -' ',',' 4. ~,,. u,, -,-, , ~ : : i„ ) 11, - , 1 ,:, ,1'1,1 1 ; ..- I I, ' r , l • . ...II i \ '..! ' ig , t „/ 04 ( 114 : ,0,1 , 1y,,1 t, ,) ! •1 , , .i :I. 7 , ;,,;, 1 p ,, 4 ' -111. '' 11 i . . -------. i v . ' • " . Itli (rCi.' 1 t rli t)ci . I . r . h.,,, • ,--, . , •! f -.' 1; , '*. , , • . ' . ELLANEOIIS. Ell= July 0 6 1868 PAID-IN-PULL , I= J 011 1 ,7 OAMPUE44 A. .1:j-SPON,S7:,..E.W.S.(10-htIMAT: A. L. SPONSLER, EOM Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer inann ance and Claim Agent: Office Btt et Near mitre Slum, ' ' - . „ . 14 1 011,R ,StQre , cm aild, L gellai, on West Street, between 'Pomfret and and South Street, In .the ilernugh .'df Carlisle, Vi ? . '!Y YPel t i e it7ed " L b reVie in c O r ;3‘ 4 t r y!, %L C re ' good location. Apply to A. L Of/MILES., neat Estate Agent.. 22,jan 69, RENT.—A. large .two-story Brick 8W.'LL1.7 . 1 1 / ABUSE, with a.commp dione Back Building wi h o fail Lot of flmund and Stabling do the rear, narrated on , East Area . bei 'Swoon Main and Loather airenta Carlisle, late the residence of Joecph Phrom, dec'd. 'APplp to SPONBLEC,,; Real Estate Agent, 13 I 'GHIA IMPROVED' FARM I IN A DASI 3 COUNTY:AT PRIVATE SALE Dilated on the Conawagfreek 3 miles from .11asioves on tho high road, il"on 'the• Railroad' lending from Hanover to L ttieatoam, adjoining, 'rhea was formerly known an the 'Kltteutiller 11111 property, eoulalolog - • . • . , . 171 Acres of Lirnasti?ne Id cleared but about 30 Acres, yriach are covered whith hesvy White Oak Timber. rho lonrovemeots are extensive, and conalet..Tia A LARGE TWO STORY BRIGS MANSION HOUSE, 00 feet.inrlength - and - .in •braeth, ;containing a flail-and Eleven large !Moms, till newly 'papered and slinted. a wlerzn Inning along the entire front, and cellar under t hole bounc; - Land an excellent well of water t near the kitchen door. Ten out bulidinge belonging to the above canalst of alarm. Carriage iloutle. Wood end foal nous; flog Ilem thick Smoke nous°, Poultry Wash. House, all . new exempt the letter. The cordon Is largo and highly' entity/oml, containing hot beds with gliaed sash. The grounds atone d the ho non ere adorned with shrubbery and .tud. 7 . l tc l6 , l44 . tedmitep avAasilnartms: A LARGE - BANK BARN • early now On Poi by 60 with' Wagon Shod and .rn . er lb attached. and a never falling Well of 'aler in the horn-yard,alen A NEW TENANT HOUSE, 30 by 20 feet cnutaining seven rooms, the out buildings to same conainting of a Wash [louse, hake tore, nog Pen, Ice., a Pump at the door a r d 'an eXcellerfr — gaiden. • This property preeents superior advantages, the location being eligible and the land of the best quality of limestone ' well watered and the cattle having arcees to "water Irom every field, a great portion of the land line been recently •Ihned, the knees In good condition and all the corn ground. and part t f the oats ground ploughed for the corn ing Spring. There IR a fhlst Mill. Blacksmith Shop and 8.-hoot Ileum within a r ahort distance of the buildinge, -- The property Intring - I:Pen recently purchased - by a gentleman from Baltimore who after fitting it up at great expense, hr now &Rhone of returning to the city, will ho disposed of at'an eztremely lore figure, and upon reasonable terms. Enquire ut A. 1....V0N81.E1t, Iteal Estate Agent, Car-linty, Pa. 26de., 64, V.A IM ABL PR RATE REST DENO& FOR BALE. hitual .Turdouth Conover street, Carlisle, now owned and °Coupled by Afro. Washmood, late the. property of Benedict Lnw. The lot 'front. on lien ovor at.. po feet, and extends back the name width 210 hot to no alley. The improvements -are a largo two-stt.ry SHAME HOUSE, with Verandah in front, containing Double Peelers, Hall, Chamber, Dining MOM And Ritchon.on lower floor and sit Chembers and Beth-room—a. One and water have been in troducei. There Stable and , Cordage House et the loot of the lot. The lot is Well studded with ornament:L, teess and shrubbery, besides fruit of al moat every description and Grapes of the moat choice selection in anondarice, ' -Estritito-tir— A7I::BPONSbER, ' Heal Estate Agent E=EI VALUABLE' FARM in Perry Co, AT PRIVATE BA nitunto in Carroll township, 9 miles north of Carlisle. 4 .hiles north of Carlisle Spring. and 11 miles west of huncannon, adjoining landi 01..1. aheafer, Nancy Cling and others containiug 120 ACUE-, now owned by Levi Leeds. 90 acres of which are cleared, In a high State of cultivation nod under good fence and the residue covered with thriving timber. A never-f.llimt stream of water a.nins through the farm and plenty of limo within 2 miles. The improvements are two-story Log & AVrathor boorded House, Large Bare and Spring louse with excellent water. School louse and Church at' a convenient distance. Apply to A. L. SPONSLEIIi Real Estate Agent. 230ct.68 1 0 2 6 - M I-L MOM UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ARE NOW COMPLETED AR 634 milon of the treatern portion of the line, beginning at Sacramento, are also done, but about 200 MILES REMAIN " To bo Finished, to Open the • Grand Through Line to the Pacific>. This Open ing will oertainlyltake place early this season. Itenideg a donation from the Government of 12,800 .crew of land per mile, the Company in entitled to Rubel& In U. S. Bonds no ire line an completed aud accepted, at the average rate or about s'26 500 per mile, acenrdlna , to the Ml.:nines •.aeouutered, for whinh M. Government taken a second Ilea an Aeetir ty Whether subeldies are, plven to any other conirpinletror not. the Government will com ply Withal' Ito cant seta with. the Union l'oeltic itallrnad Company. ieonrly the whole amount of hen& to which the Company will bn untitled have already been delivered. 'FfRST ApItTGAGE BONDS AT By its charter, the C. mpeny Is permitted to issuulte own FIRBT MORTGAGE lIONDe to the ..ame amount as the Government Ronde, and no more. These Ildnds are a First:Sib:twig° upon the en ire road and Its equipments. TIDO( CAVE 'l'd lltIN .0:1E8 Tel RUN, AT IX Phlt CENT, and, by F p 0(.14 contract, both PRINCIPAL AN.p INTEREST. PAYABLE rN GOL•D.,, The U. S. , Supremo Court ham recently docid..al that this contract le In all respects valid nod of legal ohliptlon. duck mocurltloe taro generally valuable In pro• portion to the length of time they have to run. ehe Inn gest elk per cont. Intranet bonds df the U. 8. (the'm'e) 'Olll be dueln 12 years, and they nal(' worth 112. If hod than yearn to run, then aionid otnnd tat not lase than 125. A pert ectly anew t'r'st alortgago Bowl Ilko the Callon psciflo should ;approach this rate.. Thu demand for European ~vestment Ic already could-ruble, slid on ,the. corn-, (Illation 'of the work will doubtlgse curry the price lost largo,premaurn. - SECURITY ON .TOE BONDS. It needs no argurneht tq phow , dial a F,rpt 4.lort gago of f. 26,600 per tulle 'Upon whist foe a' long clam must-be the only iallrOad 'cannooflng" the • Atlantic And Neale htetee la PIItFLOTLY 'mum". the en tiro amount of lbs.. mortga.m..w will , About $10.000,000, mid the Interest' et,1300,110J per on um mgold. yti a pfraorit durreaorphet of thllPletorhet' le lase than 1.2,600,000 per annum; mike Caroms, ultrulugs for tho yo sr 18010 r ROM ,WAY • only. - AN' A% MIAOW --f.W • 741:1.3 TITAN- 700 lIILtIO or ROAD IN OPHIIte,TION, iYChk MMUS' TItAN FI r yE'MILLION DOLLARS, ", .1;:rous tareetigeter. • , "• ' .11,024:005'91 ; .• ; • •,; 2,040,239 10 11 Expross. ~ 61.423.69 " 'llll,ll*. 230'69 Mlirellansoool.!' ; ' 91,62017; t' '4'; Morsrotrasot troops. - , , 4 194 "' ContractOre' : 1,17;11,° rditenal. I; ; •, ' i• - t5066 t 651 .6 l'otal Tide large Alnount,hi ladle:4lOn, of the' Immense trafho that n kitst, gq..oyer, the .tbovig h li oe in a ni fe\e'onthe, when the greet tideof Valhi coast' trasul and trade will , 'lnigin. l lt , l3 estimated thatliOn buAness meet make th• earnings of the roadirom" HIFTENN, TO I '!;ifilkiTY,.MllitJ9Cih :A THAR. Ae tho lopply of Chinni 11buds wOotuutase, namiee who desire to inrotit in 'them will dud it Mr their tutors:it to dolo at once. The Pricer for the Preipnt to par and accrued. tiaterebt from Jan; ll 4 gub m ippia.e will he, retelved in Oarlisle,bY; L. :13 P 0 ti R Mud In Now York .-..,.•• • ~. • At the, Company's Ontce,;ye. 2Q Nltesert,Etre ' ef, . „ \And by the Coulpiny'sideditleedetrente throupont • the thittedrtitatem .13aIldi rent\ free: hutparitessntresWag,ttirewhAtmel: agents., will look eq thcm for k fla refeffhecry, , A.N NW PAMPHLET AND 'MAP 'W AS 15StrEli October, let(' dont%lntolt N feportgoit *boo *Okla' ,thet pate sod a more e..mpleto statement In role 0012r RI tt:9 ,slue of the bonds Than carkhoilleen.te. Ith'ini,yertoementi whteh Will b. -ant tree on smell.' cation, r gqt , lhe Oomt, any!' emcee of to kny of the 'a& JOI N J. (HEOIN Triimuret,, new york. -• " ' a SAL W .. _ . .. '..rf very ; &lkable . Tweeter} STCK 'M • OT NG, reel oreuitt and West Stmts. Bo , .ureiv , , potl , s srA i rewire /1 — .• ..IiThAS NOW= ;illbaar in* ' ‘ .• ARLISLX:PENN'A, - FRIDAY, • •eterf, u_ef rg„ Tup.13 : 14A411/0 FLONORI , _llll , /1/14r$ 110LC0110Z, I lore tho roeeDud tod it'd rate,' 4,—, And 11111ee.whIto by !omit:6l.9okt; And, vin,ett tket seent.,,the mar •,, : r : . Tn IMM-haunted notke; ' WhttiFtitlit yklltter In'the euo, , Of MIMI> lienettitheniimmer But ,Noturo blunt them CI In one-. To Mould my ptubjeflownr„ . The KW* Pientsidlptaul chink, " ' . And on her brow .41.111111. mile:: While the ,violet, , blue and meek,. Ditelleth In her eye. ' She ie a slmPle thing, I rein, '' ..' And knowelh not herbeenty's power--; A eweet, unconttloue Aorta queen, „ , kir 'modest prairie Cower. , She dreamath not the..-love mny mutt ' Sorrow and alnypen,ber Ilfst; , , • .! 'the future letuunA Lli.Mlna mt. • . !!' 'WM h but with joy Ip ;•. ~•• •I. Thy lalth In loyal would not-blight • • ; . Ft r e'en an Inett'a f,lnnely Avwlc i. Let rnrth be gill an Ederbbrillilt• 2 ' F.r ate, my prairie Fewer. Long years ago, when I Was young, - (For ago we wont In tears. and sighsj Of one Ilk. thee I dreamt and song, ' But deemed her of the sitlea— luaiSl thrilling Merr'y In e distant] IWW — renly bower; Would we had met to thoes MIAS days, My peerless prairie flower. - 'Alisethancous. THE STRANGE GUEST 76ilniiiiiii:IiiiiiiasitriiiiiiaTai In a little poet town raving the High lands of Scotland, far away from . any. groat city, there lived, a few year? ago, a woman much respected and well be loved, though of lowly birth-and hum ble fortune—one. Mee. Jean, Anderson. 1 She had been left a Widow - With one -- 1 son; the youngest and • last of seven promising children, She was. poor and her industry and economy were taxed to the utmost to keep herself and her son, who was a fine, clever lad, and to give him the educatirm he so ardent-. - ly desired.. At the early age of sixteen, ' Malcom Anderson resolved to seek his 'foitutiein.the wide world,-and--becatne a sailor. He made several voyages to India and China, always, like the good boy he was, bringing home some useful present to his mother, to whom he gave also a large portion of his -earnings. • But he never liked a seafaring life, though he grew strong and stalwart in it'; and "when about-nineteen, ho ob tained, a humble position_ in .a large' Mareantile: house in* Calcutta, where, being shrewd, enterprising.and hon,est, like meat of hiS countrymen, he grad tially rose to_ a place of treat and. ink liditanee, and 'finally to-a partnership; Atrhiefortune improved,- his-mother s circumstances were Made much easier. He remitted money enough to her to secure - to her the old cottage home, re paired and enlarged, with,a garden and lawn ; • and placed at_ her Command, annually, a Beim auffteiern to Meet all her wants and to pay the wages of a faithful servant, or rather companion for the brisk,. independent -old. - lady stoutly refused, Lobe Served by any one. Entangled in business careseMr. An derson, never Sound time:and freedom for the long voyage and visit home ;, till, at last, failing health and the of eduCating his ehildrep, corn-, pelted him to abruptly wind up his af fairs and return to Scotland He was then a man somewhat over forty, but .looking fartolder than his years, show ing all the usual ill effects of the tryi'ug climateof ladia... His complexion was 1 a sallow brewn; he was gray and some what bald, with here, and, there a dash of white, in his dark auburn beard; he was thin e and ai little bent, but his youthful smile emained full of quiet drollery;'and his 'eye had not lost all its bright lustre and gleeful sparkle by poring 'over; ledgers and cumuli.% runces. '., • . He hqd :married a countrywoman. the daughter of a Scotch surgeon, and had t wolcbildren, a sou and daughter: He dieriot write :to his good mother that he 'was coming home; as he wished to surprise her, and test her gaiimory . of her sailor boy. The *lnge was' mr de in safety, i • One summer afternoon, .-Mr. Malcom Anderson arrived, with his family at his native town.' . Putting . :'uti at the' little inn, he pr,tceeded 'to:dress himself in a suit'of sailorsOlothes, and lie then walked - out 'alone. 'By a by path he well know, and then through a. shady' lane, dear to hie young hazel-nutting days, all strangely.,untili*ed, he ap proached his . mether'a , cottage. He Stepped for a. few momeuts,on the lawn outside, to curb down, the heart that was bounding to meet that:Mother and clear his. eyes - iif a.. sudden mist of happy terns. Through' the, op,en win-' down he ; caught:it glimpse pfAter tsit. tinealone. at her spinning-WheeLas in the Olden time. 'But; alas ! hoWeirang-, edl ', .Bowed wriejlie dear foirili ;once .so ,erect,,,rind .siltered the leolta;euee, `so brown; and {dimmed: the eye once .so , •full: of, tender: brightness, , like-the .deWestaineV.vibleth. - But i the .volicei witfwhiclihhe - was 'ercieningtmftly* herselOvint'ptlll • SWeat, MO' ther? was •on' licit eltault. the, same lovely peach .bloatinna,:of twenty yeareago. , re . . , :,: 'At, IMO jhet knOcked, , and, the 'dear rkixtenibereil - VBidtfealloclio hini, - `,'OOttn beia‘).',.(,.°!,!PV:-11.#,1r?-1-119.-10,09i.v,, rope at signt.ot, tue i stranger, and courtoone , ly offkirodlihn a; chair: • Thanking her ; in ; an as . einned l voice, ' eenieW ii at 'keg , Fnv ialr ' •d ) Ow ri4,e tl4OO eaPEC6 o . 2g.l l P:io ,.ll ?tofarr;: l , , i4oo the;AeAry,andacong:the way , to,..tha ' next, Own. The twilight favored him. itrinsfittle ruse he he saw. that she - did Mit recograln W, lived ' iii Onlihlie had eireile.nownr But' after giiring hint :the initikinat!op) he deeirhd;4he labiced, hint' if lax were* lice tninian :by: birthl , l ti,: • • : , .A.Xeli,.:niadanrl'.t he - rdplie,di ~ h but.: II Lave+ been, away iniforelgo paroan'any. years: • t.,,loabt, , i.f. , my own Another would know,taa , non though.: elm was *Orfond 9f440,1/efore.l.iventl.to seal" , , 1 . , A11, mopl, , 1 kVA , litdo, ye. ken atpot, mitiiers,,, gip, Y. 9 4.1 9 .k,:.00T: .1,. 'Pill till' 7 . Oere-i 8 „ illiAnktAkv.m o 9l9ol lik.,e theire, l i4e „7%149Yr ; , 6 97PPPW1ii4t ,3 Y,SYMYS' F 1 e i40.040 1 4 1 4 14 771(141 /1 110r0!ir ; t e . ee oFirr f ..iAOPP.AI t -izr, 1 , y , c 4400 9' CP 11- 1.4 YVIFR UPe Ak ' 'l 4o q•'' a fitifit-Lict ekreittia;. inaltgat i . 1 "'4o , l l @tfriga . lik'el.r, s ia,kaaki4art't pittigloi WI , ?my :MVO i.4 9 44.09 1 t i 'L vtA ir AnieMilinilePg 4 . 3 a. $I :Nis AottilOg iItdYTITA9VtPuIt !may liciMikl* at 1nu0.9,140,14404 1 .3, hutla yot!ownrii ich znerelianti*rialk. 91 aboutl nit 4rilidlelizekWyrisoni4loo , ' ouc h 4 , : . ht. fv , r,!7;t . : y . i . i AV) J,V..,? .l . 11 m k.- , on , I ..'' t ricii. Mell1411cr."?.: 094:ti4f4AitidoiikipN,141 ; t. 1,i1)14: 4.Aed, ly,ininger than you by many ii.rial agog and, begging your pardon, 144401)0u. nier. l „He in tall and straight, wi! 41inda feet like a Wale's; he had , brown ceiling hair, sae thiCk : and glossy!. and cheeks like the rose, and a .brow die gnaw, and big blue een, in,' them, the light in,tbe ievening star.l Na ! na ! ye are a guid enough dinna doubt, and a- decent wo-. inail's son !" • „.„ Here the masquerading ineechant, considerably takendoWn, made a s moyre . meat 'as though to leave, but the.boa liftable dame stayed saying, r Gin he hae traveled a' thr4 way fra India, ye Minn' be - tired and' bungey':' a nit, and drink wi! us. Margery, come down, and .let:tis set oni She.supper.” - 7 . ... The two women provulekquite tempting repast, and:they allltiree &wen to it. Mr Anderson ..rfrTeutly a3ked• a bblesing: Hat tlii-merehant cenicl i not ; eat. • He was, only; hungry foririsinother's kisses, onlYthitsly for her joyful recognition; .yet he could not bring.: himself to say fo'her.:—" I amyeur son He asked himself, half grieved, half amused, "Where are the' unerring natural histinetallave read •about in poetry and novels hostess, seeing lie did not eat; 'kindly asked if he ;eo - fild suggest any thing be r would belikely to relish:. t'l thankyon, madam," 'he answered, "it (loots seem to me that I should like some oatmeal porridge, such as illy mother used to make, if so be you have any.'? • 'Porridge l" repeated the widow., "An, ye mean_parritch,,,_,lesc,„yee„hae. .a ACTifra our Inner: ;• GA it it/ him, Margery. . But, mon, its .cauld 'Never mind, I know 1 snaillike it," he rejoined, taking the bowl, and be ginning, to .stir the porridge, with, his spoon._ As he, did so, Mrs,. Anderson gave a • slight start, and bent eagerly toward him. Tnen she sank in her chair with a sigh, saying, in'answer to his questioning look : "Ye Minded me•o' my Mahon: then just in _that Way he used to stir his, par :itch gieing it a whirl and ii - Ah gin ye were my MalcOlni, My poor lad die!" "Well, then, gin I were Your Mal -eolm," said the merchant, speaking for the first time in the Scotch dialect, and in his • Own voice; "or gin yer brave young Malcolm were as brown, and hair), and gray, and bent, and auld ae I am, could you welcome him to your arms; and love him as in the dear auld fang erne ? _Could you, mither 7" All through this touching little speech the , widow'eAye had been glis tening,-and her brehth coming fast; but at that word ' mither," she - sprang up with j! glad cry, and tottering Lo her son, fell almnst fainting on hie breast He-kissed her again and again; ; kissed her bynr, and_ her lips,_her-hands;and_ while .the .big tears slid • down his bronzed" cheeks, while she clung about his neck, and , called him by all the , dear old pot names, and tried to see in ' all the dear-old young looks By and by they •came back, or the ghosts of them came back Thosfbrm in her embrace grew comlier ; hive and joy gave it a second youth, stately and graciotis ; the first she then and, there buried _deep in her heart—a sweet pe culiar memory. It was a momerit of solemn renunciation, in wh ich she gave up the fond maternal illusion she had cherished so long. Then, looking up suddenly into the face of the middle aged man who had taken its place she asked : "Where foie ye left the wife and bairns, Malcolm?" "At the inn, mother. _Have you room, for us all at the cottage 7" "Indeed I have—tvio good spaie rooms wi' Urge closet's, weal stocked 'wi' linen I hae been spinning or weav ing a' these lung years for ye baith and the "Well 'mpthar, dear, now you must rest," Said' the merchant, tenderly. "Na; via, I dinna care to rest till ye lay me down to tak' my lang rest There'll he time enough between that day and the resurrection to fauld my bands in idlerieis. Now 'mould be unto irksome. But go, my son", and tiriug me•the'wifo—l hope I shall like -hair; apd the bairne—l b.ope they will like me " • I have only,to say that both the good woman's hopes were realiied. A very happy' family knelt down in, prayer ' that night, and many nighle after, in ,the widow's cottage, whose 'elimhing roses and woodbines were but outward sigus and types of the sweetness and bleissedness of the love within. • • •. AN IN:iIIiRRATINO findURRECTION C9TiQUIP discovery, kept secret for 'fmrteeU4elms; has. just ,come to light at Buienna. The workmen engaged In digging a canal near the present railroad station, in 1854, found a skel :etori wjthq bteastplate of finw•goid,, huried,foco downward. ..The.preolous piece of, imply, which.. weighed six pounds,, was ,hCokeu up, and the pidcos efficred7 c sold . jewelers, , Tvre s larger pieces,,wbich appear to have Peen the ,shouldog bands, and are covered with chiming and ena443l, havg, ben giV 4 44 . up by ; a jevieler het 'the remainder are.prohably it is k w.i4 that . thelidoric ied. (he._ body of Odoic3r' aftgr .bia murder, 44 Ravenna. face do : Awiird ';', etell the :Italian antieearmns 'suppose, thi4:oA — g - Ohlen harneen that 'nf,t4o first' King of'ltaly. 41„ retired eliiestaminger; - who hated' 4 lri. iji-4001' . .lOiri toiliii44#l4l' 44040 W • /entlibaed,hito, said, to Oh lei Lacab, 'in ilfil'*ttrae :of a. dis oustioa. a .:the ; peor 1144 e''You moat „bear iniod. hir, ,that hog go kkj4, of: that sort of stuff. ..riAjcii pii,,ppota,. call it,lur!milk..of ki t ,. otaa'kig4o - 904.! j i tookb N044'4,111E14, oi 6 iiiiii.les FA gaY e A c qf 9 PC I PP ) i n 't i 'm 3iill ' ir_rgcdo,F, pnararo., 41at: youAitr. o 9{ l .,it 0 1 i!AP-ei 3 Penfl . eCT9O II yetii6:.Bo.' • ' ' =I • ~ , lAA , !christening, while the'rtitnisier Wall I „ king the cortificottli',he forgot tied tbittiindliappen63 'to •tar, 4 l.A . Ice ,ne : thld'hil the "tlittlietti'en . , vnie -,thirti-th Vt , 'oY - xclitidied'th6 'indignant' 4notb.r. Aindeed, , ;liii6 , , 'lt'w, Only 'We , 0 1 P'se ti r t:',3ll .I'll :, iii 'J' ~ '1.1.,_,i,, - pii. PI,e7S I 7,PRVK , yL h° " O ; in a Yfliffninitilit,iputteri fi . , %dim, 1 Svc, ti 4,4 , fiTcnithylsolieit9r to ;:mate 1 ,h,q,yv 11, by whi0k0,4,4111191C4,4 ,1 )Cr, 1 i t.,.,wC9 i ry and sixty thousand pounds, tlu o p potted spod,aftsu+Ovritkeedepteil,) Toaudi kliPiVitit $ 1 40,4 , 4PP7 , 4 0 &b& 04 1° & Ileatilltiati. adl , aoafas l l... v,,,L, , ~z; '.,:' " i' ' N l 4 , ..A ‘ ' bli.inft i ffi'it.Col i ritry"p l itie . `r !l ie;inl7l,B l ' 'Olitink to a 41 , 1 i 3 ititalilailAllirOn‘di l i ‘'i : ' lff,"rdk4 4 #, l 4 l l', l 4 4l ? A ' t i t ;ah .4 bur!" . 0 s4l6Lhe f ou,kf v .q ,A inattiertiser. A Ttim ,p,probably wore than piey anoint ttlay. A'. • ~ ;71.56 Voeticat THE VIOLET B**/‘ Clout! then humbh; tower, Drlight , oanblom of the vernal hour, !L • • / 1 . 1 . 31 90,1!-PUI OyleeT,' Mtil e t i q . Thy Debt, 'retiring form, Ii 'son; - ZWby.blOonilepen'thi desire bed! . OS hlOd pePr h 7 4e4ett . *hue other &novo not boll so follr - fro towerinelpiedDjrin On! lir.' • Ff!th . k odore . m4et,,ehon„bddit u. g 1,14; • ; Theorist !!W. Tor rlltoe'a itll it ever Hued° .app thfdlOjer,lninocrot plitati; . . I l wodfd p)t. 1 An ,1 m.olp 7-4 . gigg s , rß .Tr#l l- 417 , 0 • f❑l i 1er, 6 17r, , , , 4.% %Imre ovf3 Ma jns fr.. neon ic tie, an yet a n;f , poi tr6tfi tatiteile filieift6ift.l4iiii .the period *a'wbibh ttlb 3rennitikteerice T A of; our, umineAteol , ver.Oere ,extendl , hapiuned; that two.p4iiert gentlemen satlat tableoti a summer's evertitim.efter dinner, qnierlY. einpini their 'Wino nl' cringed in desultory coifiertiaticiii. Thvy ,Werelioth men known to fame. l ,One of, them was a oculptor Whose: statucti.adorned the palaces. of princes, and 'Whosq„Chiselled busts were the • pride of half the' nobility of his nation; the other was no 'lei's' renowned as an anatomist and surgeon., The age of the anatomist might have been guessed at fifty,,,but the guest would have,dired on the Elide of' youth by at !cast ',ten -yearB--That-of-tbc-sculptor-c- ould scarcely be more than five-and-thirty. A bust of the Anatomist,' ao adinirably executed as to . present, although , in stone, the perfect sim ilitude n of i life and flesh, stood upon ci pedestal okipopito to the table at which. eat the kir, and at once explained at least one connect-, ing link. of. comp.anionship •between them. . The anatomist was exhibiting for the critrcism of his friend arare gem which he had just drawn from his cabinet ; it was a crticifix. magnificently carved in ivory, and incased in a setting of pure gold ".The carving, my dearsitf," observed Mr. Fiddyee, the sculptor, "is indeed, as yon say; eirquiSite. The muscles are admirably made out, the flesh well ' modelled—wonderfully so for the size and .material; and yet- r by-the,by, op this point you must know more than I --r-the more I think upon the matter, the morej regard the artistic concep tion as utterly false and wrong" "You speak in , a riddle. replied Dr. Our ;--"but pray go on and explain.". „"It itra fancy I lint had in my atu dent days,'-', replied Fiddyes. _ Con vantionality,not to my a • most proper And becoming revorence„prevente_peo pie by no means ignorant from consid ering the point. But once think upon it, and you tit least, of all men must at once perceive how utterly impassible it wouldbe fora victim nailed upona broes - by hands and feet topreeerve the position iqvatiakly displayed in fi gures of the OrircifiiiOn. 'Those whO to por tray it fail in what should be their most awful-and agbdizing effect; Think for one moment, and imagine; if - you can,, what would be the attitude of a man, living or dead, under this frightful tor-' tare' "You simile me," returned the -g reat surgeon. "not only by the truth of yinii remarks,•but by their.obviousness. It is strange, indeed, that such a matter should have so long been overlooked.' The more I think upon it, the more the bare idea .Of actual crucifixion seems to horrify 'Me—though Heaven knows I am accustomed enough to scenes of-suf fering. How would you represent each a terrible agony ?" .Indeed, I can't •tell," ,replied the sculptor; "to gross woOld be almost vain. The fearful strain upon the mus cles, their titter helplessness and inac tivity, the frightful swellings, the effect of weight upon the racked and tortured sinews, appal me too much even for spectilation " , "But this," replied the surgeon, "one might think it a matter of importance, not only to art; but, higher still, to re ligion itself-" . "Maybe so," returned the sculptor. "But perhaps the appeal to, the senses through a true representation might be too horrible for either the one or the other." . "Still." persisted the surgeon, "I ahoulidlike--=say for coriosity—though I OM; weak enough to believe even in my motive as a higher one—to ascer tain the effect from actual observation." 'Si Should I could it be done and of course without 'pain to the object,,, which, as a" condition, seems to present , at thd outset - an impossibility." ' • "Perhaps 'not," mused the anato; mist, " I thint 'I liavii a notion. Stay -we may Contrive thig matter. ' I will toll yon'iny One, and it will be strange Indeed If we''' two cermet mantige -to carry/It out." . .. ' The discourse here. owing 'co the rapt itttention of both petikers, upe t utm-, ed a low and earnept .toise,',,hut Ittoi, perh i lpti Totter her'harinted Ity,n rehr 7 tion , idle events td'irhieti it `gave rise. Suißtle'lit le Hay th4t• the SOVerOgn, was dattrethaix ohee mentioned during plainly told that the tweepehkehi each poese Bed sufficient infiudnce to obtain the iittaistineil of rOjilty; told thittl'encli 'itsitistitattio art:told - be 'requited 'in 'theft. scbdi: . :: -5 '' ' I • ' ' '',. Th'e i shades Of." , evening 'deepened *bile the 1 two' were still. con'versing ....i. l ?Ind i e 4 T,i'llttithd 4 i 6 til o ;let us east one Inikri it gllmph : li't Sinotheilikingilailit' cOntemporaneously_.,,,,:i.,:. •___, ~.„.. :. ;,4 , . Between rimlicchantrthehtee. und iialcill : Ai ,Watt 0, I , which ',the :Ited'. has . 1 iliile"!P&. WY/a ,torthe , railway ',remit ldan ,Al;,,Kieteria Station,.; 111 amt. -*". which ,w- ' - 4) 8 r . • • ' 0 th'i ;4!PP,-,o.lrhich ,we „sp eak, it rode , , a .11111,..4 fpfia, l alw . ei, sorely, 1',., „, Amber foptynt,yo,9rl Oiorg replaced Py; 1 ~!Oali for a ropment ! arltr arouse, It „aso4l.aiihatattl,ittl ar4, f opye4ipst :ly .',to breattiiil lifO-4nere inusOuTar er,er.444,1 'tit • ,, 0°. 4., ' ,/!rrir,R, ao On) cm:44131011,40r dotte . Oitl aiereliakitiOte- 11 .Wacoloki•lirfd,gq• ''' 7 4 ' 8 , nelo°4,4 l !OFC - lir..9,4trickion , ful , - y. , p; gt e l:"}l" 3 , P i . O .",P.F °4 t .1Y0e.,,* 11, 4 -„.. TEL CoWptor resumed hiscolabOr. • or !liil(l'Fo!'°,l 4 '.. ' , ~' 'L . ' • • ~ ' T ll ,-mo 6 ° 4 / 7 ; 1 4! woo, Titricala'aliaOm•-1 , t W 'ile'lfr. Fiddyes and tir::44,01 . ,fereueos „With ,op !wipe to bo Afton-, If i were isconrsingmettheir.tyine,'as we, -rxda ' Witlidravni7ttoi . - &, thielt , „hove already, leeli,'Orid'Peteir StiirliO, 'coatiiiiiiV'itlittiter; r io ato '. 'OO44M' A. Oro latia•Chliehlisiiiiiilitter, iiai t .ria*•"tlie i bitriotra p i e c es of all AtiotilkiihlOW dOrkeg liis.Wift3)6tishi thOSliotliteliiro 'Waiiiti Ilast•coiopletellti*di ,aftrlk• this; lasi ,itaitated; , '`, Th'el 4 aoltelditok, ire 4. '' l ; l4l ,: i 'ditqq!',lo.s.4r..9llY•l4•,ll,4hody„ ourlritol. : ; -, '. , -.1 .• ...'.!..:- 1 ,, , - . Z. , 2:'' .1 1),5 , ; 1 % , : , 40 , ,, , ,ii k ibi e o,s e c dia _ n i ar: t A ,E . . t. I , ... ' ? 2 l . iiNfolie '47ISTe ifitit9NRAPV Id - * g 4 :iiiitife.irliQTlfiWiliWl r ': othitiOtila 'foltreke'd fiktriselfirpoerNsir itititeleor 60 butSe li,fM " ;...r::• ' ;',ea,' ~ 000diettotg • ' The' .' tlheliseli l'Sahloinii '' ithir,q,t*co;tiionl*Weios ihWi t -- k ialriii.' 'who iiviAiiivOineirtida'a - a i hi - 'fbith'ilt It i ' 41ffioutt. to epape!itAtOrethitritly 1 „Iwo ;guilt rot INldti it'ffillltiitt,itt'i Ili,: iliti 'll . am .tA 0 A,4 1 ,17 Pktoroithil ,`• For RPJI! I f _ 4 lw,in lib4 , 4i V f ';i' l t t i l e a S,,,.,:',i i i 'C ti l et sy4AIPY-T1AMtui,4147.10891, ~ o4a;ppounoroiii , tapepotebrl t o tt i -sget, • ' p r irraattst expept got , roost, Agfylatitt theileedifoltilogipte,whicA, diatth taleiallitiVoiid'havti 'retiturcid i 4. •bPd , ttbie,o43o4 4 .€ l, 4o4oiii '*d - 44 lotoo tu., tiovoeicarhrote f itioy, iiitoolof*amigoa.ooiotioliatkuvivit s . taoilnled, , FidOleeleitiika 10, ti,•,. ended i"PrOolouPlYi tit 0.11#440a504q, op.it4,ltEenilonDtPq3ioelf, 'llitir lincl TA B 4tall A .welt 7 lillt tot?lamAkaiikz. , ol iwu4,ita.,lie ; ,trait e cor,,,,ltlod4OriediWite siddla ago; for bli dot , A74l . pdt Ail* 14 lithressiou o • dyes a gent's,, 001, , .. ME I=Mll=l.lTo=ll vetteriPs, but elpapriise 'nuiny, young, men,' just, ititriChtiltY# vicar "Pettit 'l3t.titke,'ililibtiiigh'''lrcit aliglitly.iwentidedy, had nearly , compiler . t - o - fiit,tomrof fiervicoho4;lo4 cbtaln-, ea lit :Pf t le!".le9,44,porP! nt„ : t .l. Che sea nakitali is . .bre We bawl 116'lli..te'dtirtiiiet fi tilleilegiirdit - ith' clog ,'whipb.'rve'gbitll ihnittlylmidebei to, deinhibo fax isiore.Terilefously;and at adult-water lengh, itliart,eet. i ferkk. r in i le,,hrtef account, trAichAtisfied the pub re' aria own - day, and which,"4: Oltionl6 l .oritielt4 jpgrnilkiftlinn:Oriwineran 'thus : . p.q. Monday:, asp Peter..§tarke , wait exe394)".kiitfliFt444d! 3 K ooqen rider t elrea t 4ith four nth 'lttet . he kit, ll l 6.6 o94 l (tiefg lb.F , .ft i .TOW.l'Mihuttts c '' lititiarrivest, h u t 'although he ; was r Mpt,lr.cmi down, life,was pronuaced 'to extiacti,fil4la i bety,yae buried witliiti.thejniciri walla. .• • Thud far 'hitit6liy:'''lltiethe ioneidex pleas of history fbr ninislratitaintlylkiett;* ! bodies falsehood than trittlV„, Perhaps the following narration may ; approach sl to nearlyja7,4o tao a ~ • m' roo within' ,tile prison hadhemi; upon' that special aaatinan and bY'liigh authority, allotted,. to the use of lir, Yarnell and Me., Fiddyes, the famous sculptor, for the.purpose of certain in- Vestigations connected `with art and sctence.• Io that' room Mr. liddyeS; while wretclied . Petet'ttark6 l Was swinging etween eairent and earth, wairbuaily-engaged. in arranging ,a,va riety implen . f . euts and materials, con sisting-of' a large quantity of Platiter of Paris, two large pails of water,' some tubs; and other necessaries of'the moulder's art., The room coatained , a -large deal table, and a wooden cross, -not neatly planed and equated at the angles, but of thick, 'aerie*, rudely sawn oaken plank,' fired by'' strong heavy nails. And while Mr Fiddyes was thus occupied, the executioner en tered, bearing upon his shoulders' the body of the wretched Peter, which he lung heavily. npoir the.table.. ' - ".Yon are sure he is dead.?''' asked Mr: , Fiddyed:. 1 Dead as a herriag,;'Aekre:„ other. ."And just,. as.., warm. as. if he ,had _only fainted ? ". - , Then ge to work at once." the scelpior, at . teieihE tie back upon' the : hationtut, ,he resumed 'oce.upd ' Cori . • . • The work" was soon done: Peter wad stripped-and nailed,uptm the tim heti witievis instantly propped against theT, wall. -'' - • • • "As fine W one'as ever I seen," ex claimed the executioner; as he regard ed the defunct murderer with, en ex pression of admiration, as if at his own handiwork, in abruptly-der having ' u aol ished such a magttifieent annual.— " Drops a good bit for'ard, though.- Shall I tie him up around the • waist air - - - 'Certainly not,' .returned the sculp tor.- ;Just tub him well over with this oil, especially ,bie head, and-then you can go. Dr. Carvell will settle ' ht, sir.' e, —it right, The fellow did as ordered, find re. .tired 'Without another word,___ leaving_ this strange Conga? the living and the dead, in that dismal' chaeitier.' Mr. Fiddyes wait . 'a men of strong nerve in such matters. He had been too much aceustomed,to taking post bunions casts to trouble himself with any . sentiments of repnenance at his approaching' task Of liking Whit is called a 'piece-mould' from a body. He emptied a number of bags. of the white powde4, plaster.pf , Paris into one of the larget . vessris, poured into it 'npeil'of watee; and was care fully Stirring up the tnisS, When a sound of dropping arrested• hie . ear. Drip, drip. • - 'There' a something leaking, he muttered, as he took up a second pail, and emptying it, again stirred the com position. • Drip, drip, drip. 'lt'a strange,' he solioquised, half aloud. 'There ie no more water, and • yet—' The Bound was, heard again. • He gazed at the ceiling ; there.wae no sign of dantp. He turned his eyes to the body, and something suddenly caused him a violent. start. • The mur derer wail bleeding. .. • ' ' The sculptor, spite of his command over himself, turned, pale. At that moment, the head of Starke moved`-- clearly , moved. It .raised itself con ' vulsively for tzeingle moineet ; its eyes roll,* and it gave vent to a. ,subdued moan of intense agony. tdr, Viddyes fell fainting on the floor 'as Dr. Clarnell enteric& It needed but , a glance to tell the t doctor what had happened, evenilnid not Petey„-jnet then ,given, vent to 'another lo' cry. The Bar- geonVidefiatiMi WeiaSeen taken.tOck jag the - door, barekOliaiito the Wall' whipitauppeited:ths body of the tnitle factei.. ; .1119 .:drewo,frout, his, pocket a: of.cacti 04M U giustrutitents,.4.1yAt)i one, of these eo - small and, ,deli c ate, tha tied'icely's - deitiedlaig.:4 o than the'bea&af alirmall4iti, 'and.' yet 'fhe head:fell instaptly as though •the heatt ,doctoe, had clicldd, the ,spinal, cord, and. peter Starke'Waileekindeed. • , A r fer the' ecnlOor to hid denims: , Heat &dieted viildllyppop,tb"eQtill suspended body so : 'ainfully . ie , called :life by, he rough, V'Ciliftiection Orttdi the finhienuent . friction of anointing. e body . to'piloiVitit" the adhesion al' ' the jilaster'v • • •-• i • *Yon. ites&isatlfear , lll6WV ( eaidj Dr :t7 . grn4b:Alstesttreyou 440 dead?l9l(t .• • . , 14ri 4, ME leffliiii NO, f 9. father' of.allithilY 'of danghters. '' - r re. received? `the' 'casts; 'and* ht 'Mice ' edn'-: higiled, : them td a garret, to ,which:' hef "forba44,accees.,g4l,yciiingeprdamih.t, er i 3One unfchtnosite ,day tr dering her filoo""abs'thics i;itis Mipelled, by ::fetainiffe'Oilifinlititi—liVertialm a little in pramted •by ; dos! pithibitiotie' enter 'the tztysthrious cluisber: , : 11 "Wtit4wr, 444 im"..igilled , .ln the pallid :ftil,itte opoo the crossa celestial re ,hultelei'kei' difiebediencii, Or iihether ell s , all Witerhdnin. by.- the' mere mortal .ticirror-of mie-iii - tiettt of those 'dreadful alita,,,,cart:now never be 'known: ' , But ' this !hA j trtr; alm became a maniac... q . Tir writer'ofilds hag more than once iiidir(ae, h rito . douht haie many otheri) I the" plas'ter effigies ' Of Peter 'Starke, ' etfter , tkeirr!remoVal fro% Ittr: illaliseA'loo a ~ famong, s tndio.tt'eai.the' fitegerit'eLl'qi..: it was th3re.t i hat i(3, li e hfgdfv, le'o,red 'thestr'atige story. o' ,c4ii lyii it:"LS'cial)tior"itid'''stirgenti l are oty -. , nth letigi eine& ' deka; ' and' WV' itti'l nger neceseary ; to keep• the , secret :of t e two plaster, caste— r, - , • Had tb" hytticekarte. St del Were 'lying in_eamp at the Slitieth Illinois 'rtitiiimed : from their -vete= furlough with! !lumber of recruits. One of thesis baying exhausted his supply of cleah skiitS; and not yet having learned to be • hie, 'own laundress, 'asked -* a vet emn where he could get BOMErwahhing Do you see those tents there by the church? Well, go there,and ask for Mr. pl - organ ; he does a'crusty old cuss, but if you ,talk pretty nice to Lim he'll do it for. you." The recruit went as directed, and 'found Gen. Morgan walking in front his c . tent, dressed, aS high custom. in the ithitcrin of a high private. " Where will I find Mr. Morgan 'I" ' " 3ly nemesis Morgab. What will• you have '1" • I came to see if I could get some Attlee washed?" " 11-m-m. Who sent you here to get pith-clothes washed 1"- i° John Smith, oNer here is the 60th." " Corporal of the guard I" (The , approached, and saluted) Man, go , with the corporal and show hint John Smith,' so that he can 'bring him over here / . , And you_ come back with him;and iiting l all the dirty cl , ithes you ,have. i '' . They departed and soon returned :With the guilty • veteran and a huge armfal,of dirty shirts, tiocke, etc., . The General to Smith : " Did you send. this young matt here to have his clothes - washed ?" • " Yes, sir, form joke." Fero joke Wellp we'll have.the joke carried 'out: We do-have clothes washed here sometimes. .Corporali take this man Smith-and that bundle of clothes down to the creek, -and have him wash _them, and dry them, and fold them up neatly, and rettirn them to the owner. See that he does the job handsomely 1" The veteran went away to his work Soriowfully, and the Genera resumed his walk. Zehoes — . ln-the-vicinity-of—Paris - there exists -an ,echo, which not only repeats the same word six times in rapid saccestiion. but has the trick of changing S to V, which has giveOrise to a very pleasant joke, on Satan 1 The echo im- Medlately replies Va Veit ! (-Get thee Acme The . reply .undoubtedly_pro ceedit from the ghee, of some old sin ner, who, compelled to eternal penance in that spot, is moved to this adjura tion every time he hears the name of his; tormentor A saucy echo haunts the Rhine at Oberwessel. Ask him who is the burgotnitelM''of Oberweseel, and you get. for On answer,' Feel 1' Esel is the German for ass, and the burgo master is highly sensible of -the im plied nitwit. More than once he bee ordered the echo to hold its tongue, ten the . saucy mocker is not liable to im 'prisontnent, and laughs atithe.attempt ed application of the gag law. Echoes love to, haunt caverns and grottos.— There is a large cavern in Finland, tit which the cries at an animal thrown into it increase in volume and multiply to such - a fearful extent that men of the strongest nerves have turned pale to hear them, The peasantiy believe the cavorn to be one of the principal gatotrays. to a place riot mentionable to "ears polite." Other grottos are the residences. of good and happy echoes that in harmony with the- groat spirit of nature. One of those; is the celebiO , ted cave of Fingal. The vast proportions and beaptiful details of the cavern:Ciarni the eye, yebile - the ear is enraptured by istrains' of enchanting minds ,which continually 'fill the 'air. Thd crystal .scounds pf numberless wet• erfallS, the ,ht e athitig. pf the winds, ,mingling W. 411 the cadence of the mid= litudiniaint"'Waved Striking against the itootWortadeolchinai of 'basalt, make a Atrano and.linviblOg harinony. Bili'P ..„ „ ~...... .. : . . ' , • , rf $i01 , 4 1 8 , , . ' ;- ~ In 'Chihli and , India, whic h-are e rich , in Sil i ferAid imitallftill'serves as 'ii kind °tee l iisebank.'iThe people there bury it si g . meta rainy day. ..2 1 t reeentirakt eler 2 pha. in co njeatures , that »ince the presle t 1 rebidlion ..brgau;' the . .Chinese have !buried Eve litiudied : million del - 'tare Worth of' coin,•iiiiiVe of,, which, is 'bilVdri find much`; of - Whick will never lierdqvcirest , .. l o o .eiquifii.aS,:nattil, for ' 'the' inhabit:this' riir - Hifid;il(ats 'to , ,bury ':hag of liilve hi ao'rri& tint of the' waylcornetlef alfield, ; as it is. for a New , Vork Ituerphatst i at , ,holf, pset'2 P. M., t.S . `serid rolind hss .usoney'and checks to IE6 I imitilr': ' It is buried in the' deepest seesday: • " Iri India,"" tap a noted travelhi i 4 lhii.l3iiiilds buty'their money earei, often with sunk secreer Jis uot tff , st,theirpTi•v.hildien with the ilitoWledge uf it; . and it is amazing, . whit shiii'Williinffdr'nitlier.thass betray it...'fflituif . their - tyratitsi haie tried ell' =stip s. / 'of .coipciral . Punish rne nts 'drib's:l' 'tlU3l7l,lbOrthßatekto defile them;.' but 'e've'n 004 failV9,r.rglenttnent prevail-. 'iiiiedsier lov e of bye, they'frequently Op , 'Sio, - ;theirliiiiiels ''t;r. poison them , aolioa t athlvildrtyttlieiV2iiaqiit6oloir A r n l t.A:Aball l , o :o 4 *fisgilititign , Ver toifidloit4a - uri*OAtalisAY'ilia - ' iiliefiof piayf,,fik6ape, in,er,f,Ttief, 1 0 4141 '. thlitiesltiere are such qu#ntities eboxia -0 iciitiiii*i into 'it • acid nOne'going. . Alt . ,iiillit:.4,RilrAilier. isq,he 'W e ts& 'ueuet*PPY9. l 41449 de.eariitiOnof ' ' ' ° e r ath ti- ,9 t f`,9,YlFo l ,lfl tb9,90k9 'to ,liiail4 ' h 4Ewas . rsug ear-rings,pins 'and bideoAir6, Viiik 'di d "akiainie pe 1364" eon itqrsorbektsllftw'b'kei 'eritinitsted 'l4' , higteti ,fifteen hundred millions of did% lap, or , ~ doll4rB for each iiihabitant,, , • 1: , 1 1 ? AQiiiivirL Lt.j Nor;rs, rt Irruy,ln ssmy , tries•that,the, custom pre ing the prechius metals. liiinYFlnce, during the Revolution so Irthigi . MMlAlf. tries at "tinieet of cirifeointriotion'Otintid ,^ : people hastened to hide their treasures--± , beyond the.reaeh of the marauder and • tax-gatherer. - In this'way; doubtless, - much silver wee' lest ibeyond :rocevery: ', 1' " in our war. 4Jurvup'ply Aunt -j' needs henbundant to,tnaltextrod, suck: cthigeless 'waste, as well as to furnish. the vast quantities of the metal legiti mately etimloyed.—Partb4 -in Har ' per's Magazine. ' tOUCHING Some days after one . of the English!, tite'aineri•bad left Liverpool, a bright looking 'boy, about eight' yglirs 'Old;'' was 'found aboard; who had been Con- •' yealed in the . vesßahlintiMillftrignort (which, by the way; is'quite a common occurrence). • He was qUaltibileafiry' • the ofe.ers ,as to how be came there. tie etatesi that he was an option, and had' fin 'Out in Halifax, that his , . • . . , unele.'in Liverpool.teing ) pnOr and un- able, to support him, he hddliid him '. in 'the vessel just-before sailing, eo`that , ,he Might, go up to Halifax and live ‘,. with hie aunt. - It neetmidlik - e the Ad story to the officers of the vessel, and''ther acme of being helped: by the.. crew; .• • ;Zia tried their utmost by •ciiating Boar:, threatening to hive him, divulge thak +mite of the sailors, had Jakett_bim aboir4 and gave him food. But they,- ] itgaiNd nothing—the felloW 'would 'tell no other story. "'At fast ene.'ef the of eers :feeling sure• that'the boy wasi - deceiving them, took him:by.the add'eald, "I am goingto make t rttt tell•-•--- the - bith - r and-taking him to what is allied the bridge, says,: t'ln one half beim I shall hang you unless you tell me which - of the sailors has been feed- - ing you." lt was of no use—the boy would not lie; and when the officer told him sternly that he. had only two minutes to live, the,fittlefellow said, "Sir, may his knees, and lifting his little hands in All Attitude-of prayer, slowly 'repeated the Lord's Prayer, , amid the upturned faces of the passengers and erect; Of the vessel, who had anxiously been watch log- the result of the officer's experi- . hiit on seeing the 'brave boy whose love of truth was_strongerthan--- that of life, and hearing him sto firmly repeat his prayer, it was too much for - their doubts, and caused a very affect ing scene. - The apparently rough officer burst into tears and caught the little fellow in his arras and hugged him as though in reality he had just escaped - death. After this event the boy 'was a young hero in that ship. He was praised and treated with dainties, each one anxious to do-something for such a no• . ble boy ; and when he arrived . ' fax he was taken by tbe'same--effieiir who bad doubted him and fitted ivith* nice suit of clothes, and carried to.his , aunt with a hearty God's blessing far , hie future career.. KNOWING Virtt.iNt TO KICK —Tim late Colonel Mc 'Clung, of Mississippi, once got into a dispute in the °lnce of the 'Pren. tins Hot.se.of..Vickshurgh, with a rowdy,. when, to endlbe matter without delay, he 'took the rowdy by the "nape of the neck" led him to the door and kicked him illto.the street. The kicked picked himself up,and walked away; and here the matter ended. Some weeks after Mucking was in New: Orleani, and when walking up St. Charles street saw 'the fellow hu had kicked cut of. the Prentiss House kicking a third' party out of n drinking saloon. MoClung walked Up to his old acquaintance, once kickd but now the kioker, and after scanning him closely, said: "Look - here, my lino fellow, are you not the man I Ricked out of the Prentiss House a few days ago?" "Softly Colonel, softly," replied:the rowdy, taking bins by the arm, "don't mention it—l'm tee man—but—but you and 1 know whom to kick!" - 'or n 1865, just after the eurronder of Mobile, an officer of the Thirty-third In. Pantry, than stationed more, lest his wife— a lady muLh esteemed by his brother-offi cers, who were therefore deeirous that the -ites to the deceased should be performed 'with tbe.greatift,possible...decorum. .The cemetary being within short distance, it was thought best thia the procession should proceed thither on foot The city under taker having mounted the seat with the driver of the hearse, glanced back to see that all was in readincevto move. 'No ticing that the officers were in vegular or (b. r in the rear of the hearse, and thinking he could improve upon that, he addressed one of the officers, tom roes: "Captain, hadn't you better get the offi cers to scattertheniselves about the hearse? give the thing is more cheerful ap pearance, you know:" The Bishop of Car Halals credited with a joto." It is said that a young Clergyman not Mr from Penrith, being on the eve of marriage, and not wishing to trouble any his bretborn, .wrote, to the bishop , in quirins,,,. as he had already published the bans from his own pulpit, could he, mar ry himself? Ms lordship made no long ap. peal to laws ecclesiastical, but; at Once capped the query with another;"could'yoh bury yourself?" O Idi.WYER„ the other day, wont into one of our barber-shops:to procure a wig. In taking the dimensions of the lawyer's head the boy exclaimed: "Why how long your head is, Asir!" "Yes," replied our worthy friend, "we lawyers must have large heads." The boy proceeded in vocation, but at length exclaimed: ' -, Lord air your head is us thick exit is long.". Smolt° hest a dog, the tail of Which he finally found and recognized lying in the dtreet in front of a antreige shop, upon . which the darkey eiclaimed, as lie pm-. tell to certain well-filled skins' hanging in• the window, while he he'ld up Carlo's tail, "I won't say nutfon agin dater° , easego shop, but I know where my•dog is." "NO W."--‘"NO W,"is the constant syl lable .ticking from the - clock of time.--. "NOW," is the -watchword of the wise, ;..NOW," is on the banner of tbepreldent. Let us keep, this little word always on oui•-- mind, and whenever anything presenti it spif.to us ',in the shape of work, whether ' phYsleal,cr mental, lot undo it• with all • ner..•thight„ remembering that ..NOW,", is.the any time for us.' It is indeed sew, • 'ry, Way to get,through the world by, put- ' tamed till tomorrow, saying "Then, ~ .1.. , , will die it,•; - :,Ne,, ' this will never' answer.' "Now" imetbe; "Then may never 'be,: ; ti e ''Tii iv Or- fivi. &Pin -iL t 1.. g ii (Mina '" Who had carefully trained up' .hia.servanir•:. in thd Wiltge II hpuld go, m that when his • : 'wife was pfosent he might not depart from , it.:sent him. With 'e box ticket for tba then- ' tre to h yonniOady, The servant return.. ed Whim tbe gentleman and his wife Were t ... dinner. -.'He. had of • coerse , beinL to 4' •, told„in giving., answers to certa4t.kfa'as f quosttions, to sebstituto for tholennpine -i. preemie , In'• the speaking' of tho lady:" ' '' •• • ~".11iel you sod hiira'! said tiorgentletnliti 2 - -, giVing! him the elm., ', , , ~' '-',":. , • "Yes,' yes," replied the - iteiviiiiti d ifti , II :11,,'d g 4 with , plensuire,nexi that, he'd tiait.fer . you, sir.' . . • •- , r ,-. • I ' l . l '!W ed.' , :vos' ho doing?" asked GO *lto, wild .w tirthd usuol . ponetratliin of heridip, Alletig t.4st she had dis Covered a Atoms. , , i l in this moat lab: :".Elo . v?lti 'pitting on his' bonnetil" was 1 .:. it oe'rvtiy. „ AOban Ow d, sinneolosed uptin!iin!'. zqhgemitisd'hus '• , • ,•;: -_ . '• •, .: I 1 '51, 4 , -- ..,1e ;rap,- ''''• ''l'.:. - •''''' . ..'t? ,4 , ,-. " . W''l ' Dl4AWiv . .§,‘;' - ''.. -- • asked T its Mother it God really beard 119 : --'- prity../rf•Yeir retson;!,> she -replied; 4 .02/64q uti always itesrp,onr ,prayers.! ,, !)Vellll Pniiilt!P. 'the' iniiolifirsow urchin, n think hot multi ~:, be tliskutits4 trith.inino;'t I. - ho,ltii'dtirthe!".= lioaso)d prlixor, iti.ot• , , pi p Icould , tal km I: Zl.'l n opt:lull; tight li'bbioJmilitt Woo ar.bukt ficupdfithiOot Ste titbir 'to ) " , - 16 0°. "' 1 / 4 f our a t!Otni!+!!'ethel' u tb,C , cl 4 ? ..ea*l.lll7ll . •iitiinparVie latih 'by Abe,. 4 ' 1 . 1 ° 14 " - .*Pl.vi Islyt tiohrbtml.Deir It father,' beat. eril ,be 0011301dt% of the, pupl"