IVEW .ADY_ItR-TISEMENTS N 4.l?LiErehCYT.glWetallinNt a°nTeloreCtl,in..l:lll 7''l°,utlitCed. ie .-lon onneY, May lOrh, 1501, Al the i'ourt ltuvoo In Cer- Lei ireen the Imre of 2 and 4 o',lrek. P. M., of tall dna, 16 olaet Preddent and and five (5) Mana gers of the Carlisle Ose and Water 1 ' 010, Seer. 30Atirt1 2t rIXECUTOR'S NOTICE:" 1.1 Letters testamentary on the estate of San cta Albright,. late of East Pennshoro' Township Haring ketolasued to the subscribir reeding in Hampden township, entice Is nereby given to all persona indebted to said astatts,to make payment end to all theta bevisg claims against it to present them for aeulemiettt to SAM; Rlittt •April2.o4it• - autor. OR- -RENT-until tbeksticif April 1870, the room now used tor the Post Mlles. ♦'=o, two rooms over the same, suitable tti parlor• A NI , Y A. N0111,74,Ar Aprli 3030 PATTON. A NNUAL FINANCIAUST ATE• _FL moot of the Borough •of Carlisle for Ps.; year aiding Morel; Eith 18119. JCS. W. OGILD'c, Treasurer - RECEIPTS. Cash reed of S. IL Gould. fortoor Trans" 1 83 Cash yee'd of 11. L. iferkor, collector - Wane° of dupllcste 1867. 830 47 Cash lOC d of 8. W.Eatly, eollestor ou du• Plirate 1868. Cacti Vied of 11. i. Hecker duputy collec tor on duplicate 1868, 1,974 1 fV ., Cash reed for gas and water scrip Cash reed of Wm. Barnitz, eAchange on bond, Cash reed of John Harder clerk of Mar ketsiNVelabing, tre...- - 177 20 010) reed from rent ef °tails of Market Bowe, . 1,048 75 Cock read flour 110111 Ilion licences, 113 00 Cash reed from John campbell, flues, 39 90 Cask reed from hero' lota. 10,400 00 Carl, ree d from loan from bounty fun , . per i esolution of council March 16'69 817,995 04 • DISDURS.EMENTS AND EXPENDITURES. lot Disbursements to pay outstanding &hie of pierious years. , Carlisle Deposit Bank borous_h loans, Carlisle Deposit Bank lot on Idans, Campbell & IlenNrond repairing lamps; Simon Smith, btacksmithing. E. D. Quigley. extra walees as salary, Iliram Oi pp. balance salary as policeman, G. I'.•Blsers balance salary as policeman, Levi Minioh balance salary an policeman, GPO Fires baLince salary as policeman. John lilaFrln. Annual appropriation Union Fire.Co . for DP,7, 34 00 J. J. Hosier, Mao ksmithing 1 00 A. 1, Sponsiet Gas, ' 130 88 Ile , tom k Bro. lumber, 77 42 Drattno k Kennedy printing, •20 25 Peter Spahr Mirk and stone, Its 25 George n 0441 steno, 2 60 W. W helm, State tax on bonds, o 849 20 . ' 17 216 bf, DISBURSEMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF EXPENDI TURES OF FitintENT YEAR. J D. Per See and o her. interest on old Borough bonds, • Carlisle Deponit Zink, coupons of Bern' Bond. Reno fiatlonli (lank, int. and stamps on Borough loans '' 05 93 I like NI clilillen,lnt on judgmaht. 3(1 11l 11 , , W, Ireton StAta tax on minds for 'till . 100 20 bliss Donnelly, salary en :Greet Goner 4' l , i) Elias Donoelly,,nrk on streets, 1,736 WI D. Nallor, atone and battling, 30 all Join, Snapp, stone• SI flo . . Deter Spahr. Anne, 21 00 ' J. L. Sterner, stone,' . 16 :0 Innuendo a Duuleavy, stone, 13 SO Wnt..Kleper. ston• Wainer k Clamly, nth.. J. Tel. ler, stoat, C. P' {Sing. ston• , J. M. 11 nakloy. stone, '•- J. A. Nesbit. • our. C. w. AL', stone, . G. V. Milton. stone, 62 66 -U. Wet.. etare,a -.. . 10 MI S. 11. Gould, curb stone, ~ 0 40 - O. a It. 81tear..r, curb stone, ' 4 40 M. J. Wetzel, curb stone. ri 04 C 11 strict. rot airing to.). Doter .. . Myers, repalritigAniolo, • 20 17 Wm'. finstlitg. high countable. roll 00 G. I'. All urrt, hi..li constable and polleetnen. 490 00 J. T. Clouterypolleenum, 40k) 00 Levi 511oleta, pUlfe•Thixtt. • 490 l'e/ J. It. Gunter. policeman. 390 00 . 10. 1 warm I olleeman, ' ' .. 230 00 'E. Doouoi,y, night policeman, -" 1 42 Peter Spahr, Eitat Ward election ' ea rn/tee. I. R. legbert, West Ward election on. ~, 00600, - , ' JOIOto Loud n, stationary, Jan, A: IA . a• ine•lntLelect'ion notlir. A., L. Spoonlee, Riven. stamps, .1. W - Gullity, Revenue stamp.. L. A I.y , e, trees, Jimmy Armscroot.prepArlng duplicate. Tbouias Conlytt, winding tow.) clock. 4lnvity Myers, regulating. 4eurue Benninger, panning at market Douse, .. A lit atirlArn berton...urveying un.l map. Good -Will Ilona Co., stow) A. I. bponater, fte.• Gardner : a Co., Lamp punts plugs, c. Campbell a iletUood, Os lAD.; mid p'ombing, 129 96, I y Itch is toot, gas fitting and plumbing 30 00 if: P. I ynea, gas 51002 and plumbing. • 19 lb "G. IL-Foote ,ga• fitting and plumbing, 75 Dour Coigns' rapid' ing lamp. etc., - . • '22 40 P. le E Wetzel, carpenter work, • II 25 G. a 11. Sheaffer, carpenter nem lc, 22 DI 01 cif illin ee ShesiTer, mason work, 92 12 Reich ter, Spottswood d.Co., mason work, 49 12 A 11 Zeldin,. brick, ' - 40 00 W. It. Gregg. pelting ordinance. I 11 ' A.l Line. oil c.. 0, 1 00 . R. Shnaffer, regulating, . .60 00 John Martin, step ladder and nil, ' , 4 116 Shamk Delancey, sand lumbar & vial, 139 36 8. Elliott, printing, 8 500 Bittern le Dunbar, printing, : 727 00 Jos 51. Allen, salary as Secretary, ' 030 UO John }larder. sivary ea clerk of market, 160 I 0 - 'Jcis - I,V O2ilb)`. - 14 1 / 1 1y RN Treasurer; - • 126 00 Ceti Taylor, janitor and lightlng clock, ' .60 (10 L Ileckeudorn, curator of grave yard. 75 00 James Graham and others, costs of • Hoover suit, c 20 , 70 Campbell 2 Ilenwood, plumbing, 98 00 G. P. Myerx, removing nuisance, 1 100 John Campbell, barrow and tools for jail' 11 70 C.D. Uuntrich , attorney's fere,- SO 00 /ohu ()ardor, brooms Lou., for market Rouse,' ' 4. 00 Good Will Dose Co.. appropriation for '6B 180 00 J. M. blusonbelouer, coal oil, 1 20 . , . . :19 1! .. 3rd. DISBURSEMENTS ON ACCOUNT OF OPENING i•'•- - - . . NEW SyNESTS AND ALLEYS I 3ntnee 11. 5 arelartl, 235 6.51. Hoover. 1000 J. W. Smiley', 190 Mee. 11. Wood, 125 D. W. Anagnr. ... W. 1.. wooa, act of satn9 nx rontri lintlons, Total payment on account Of street. and,allays, Balance In hands of Treasurer Jhere Is due She Borough onASSOFISIIIIIOt of btroot,, acd alleys as (pllows, From property on College Street, 40 From .property on Como I , A Ile, 105 From prupertt .on Chestnut Alloy, 20 From protoorty oo Pomfret Street, 425 On vacating OF road from Pow- - fret to Main. 'sooo ANDF,STEDNEiS OF 110R0 1 10 LI Carnal* gal and water loan, : 25 010 Bolondh loan proper,' 18 400 Wardeil juthoP.nt, Murry judgmara, ASSETS. .11::4 'Maris gsrlisle gas and' ater stook p tr. value, 828,1018 ) 0 Tine from assessments I‘l ? Sts. 60 Borough tax of ISdB norm. looted, "Cash in lauds of Treasurer, Natrber lieu, Foust Lien, Exert. of indebtedness over Men.. $t4,105 75 THE BOROLEM BONDED DEBT FALLS DUE AS • FOLLQVIS: ^5,500 706 1,600 16,400 January let 1875, January. 1.4147, January Ist Ih7B, January Ist WO, , • -- 43,400 . 18iAT.F.IMENT OF 1101:riiTY IiKOEIPTB. AND EX - PENDITURVB FOE THE YEAR ENDING! MARCH 26T1 I, IRO. OR. . . To cosh reed from ft. IL Gould former Treasurer, • ".,..- $485 03 To ceph'reo'd from If. L.ll ec4er, col. ,' • lector for 1.847..,, — .,:.. . ,• - . -4,0r, To cosh reed 'from 2, TV. Farty, col: lector for 1.864, • `‘• • . • 4;408 52 To rash reed &on:ell. L. lied!tor, col. lector for 1801," CR. ,'By bounty Coupopi redeemed 1,188 By bpUtity bonds and int duo Jaiuist 1809 and paid' 3,090 By &stray 'hands and lot duo . JAprbst,-'lBl6 and paid. 800 .my balance bounty note add tot ppcid Carlisle deposit 1,8 9,824 89 By wit refunded 11, L. Becker collector. 1867, • By dash fdr stamps tc., Joe, '19,•01111bh TresSursilt commission on 69,388 97 Loaned co Borough per resoltr " tione of euunoll Horeb 16'60 -780 Balance in bands of Treasurer,. 1173 97 *O,BBB 97 STATEMENT ON' BOTNTY INDEBTICDBMIS, rouilty bonds duo Oct. Ist, '69 3 009 Bounty bonds due Jen. lat, '7l' 8,000 Bounty bonds duo Jan. Ist. '7O 3 000 Bounty bonds due Jim. Ist '73 3,000 Bounty bonds duo Jan let, '74 3,000 ,Bounty bonds due JIM. let. '76 8,000 •ASSETS'; • Belance hi hands orTraeeurar, d 117847 • Ontstandlad Wanly tax for '6B tV62,60 - hue 'tom Loco' tumid, ' . • 3863 , 5 3' " $8,0813 80 hiklancirof thinnty 'debt abotra'asasis ' '50,31.0 20 YID thil Barough of .Cart hda, :we biro ozaini.r.ii;irss:l4lri.."4,ol4 - IWin ough and Bounty acrouuts or - Jog. W. Uallby, 'Bor. ough Treinurat and MO a balance duo salt Uor ough of 813.97, and also e'bxhiece duo the Aeon account of 81,173 97,. , ° Witness ,our l ands this 30th day of :demob, A. D.,. ; 109. P •. • i• • N.B. MILLER,• W. LIMBS hl AN. •Andltorn. April 29 91, • • 425, IRI.F4WAR-P. ON' Thunadayi the,-15th 'inst., ,wae. *. imitackork Derry's Gap and • Mt ',l* it' POCKET', . BOOK ". Cnneldsrably istirno•oninining newly , 00, consist. invot unn j6O al, de $ .0 bllls, thic batsmen In tnne• Of masher deinanktatlous. some • reed* end other papaw.. . ' , • , .The shore "reward ,wlll be. paid ,no Its return. to thieollite (444 thasubtorlber at We residence In Ole. NEW AD VERT,ISEIIIE.N.T. • itztrusna.mirs GRAND' CARAVAN, MEhIACE , AE! , A tom,nu,.„...,..pre,..:ented.Stren i rth. winpornnchy able Animation, n 0,11111,114, illtnitempteti xAber nllty, will make n conel ted,e rind uni.,lBlllffite de tannalratlon of its extent and miourea:, by MAGNtFICtET ,rARADE! At 10 o'clovgi.—Mornito,7 Preceded the CHARIOT OF lESCL:". 131511:1 Drawn by 12 MATCHED CREAM STEEDS 1 Elephants in Scarlet 14ou,ings, CAMELS ANT) `II_O7O . EDARIES I CapllrlsollllElilllti aKiieli mud in Me ALEX. AN= AS I'AtIEANTS• DM IVZ-51.2,..1NTM , i:vmmviss WILD ..A_N-IIvI.ALST. DlsaWll i . 2, 4, it 111111 ti Spans of' Stalwarth. Grey horses Silver harnessed, gh'..v omit reined by Drivers in ILI. Colform, Th.., rows (I!t:.:'N' AN .1 lit)1.1) (ion which lianoer,., Fifths awl •• Hoot rnol„Flow" iu prominence. are loo„t pailded with SCENIC VIEWS FROM REALITY I And os they roil along, impart 6,1 the LINE OF moviNp SPLENDOR. An interest which nn cotmoborary concern has over Crentud. to bocce .lon Comes t h e "30 00 6,500 225 60 3 00 3 LO 25 (II 18 42 30 68 32 60 3 68 CIRCUS RETINUE! Bloodeg Horses, Ponies and Milos! .. presv,„ g to,..,,rawa nn 01.11.1 of fO9 Se 1440 00 8"5 SI 8s 20 18'90 I 0 50 TP E FDA( Is! PA ! In unlik , any preeedpet More Merletlea and Rare Shin .4, NO th EARL, LP LLS73 EiRDS bu,, A vr.;:irmn.r. A 11 NIA,7; ;"1:'1',1"A ; WTI: 15AL1 A 11.1.; ` I, •N 1.N 1 . , 1' ,„ 1~ : 11 . 1 . AN - T1111 ,1 1 ,, I • 11 , 1 1 11 S , t - - I'A 1 /, 1,. 1,,11 A T111,112111:1 1.1 - . 11 r11 , 1 ',, -; A ,I,NI 1, 1. 611. VA I.: 111 ,. - 1;1'1-1-N 1.1e1,1-Alit tan 1 ,, k Nl.llll/.1 , 11. 1 11.1. 71111 Fl . llll , , T 1,,• -c v1.1,1..1 1.1. 1,1/3111 ,‘"4 • •TI N 1 'll\l, - /I V., ,111 111... 1 uld 1:1, s 1, 1111.1 11 - 1 .•• 0/:11 1./ 1 ,1111 '1111 . : I.l'l'. '1'1,1: 11411 .-, .sN II 1,11:1.-: I Nll l 1:1.14...”; AN 1 , 1;u\1 ' l'll'2 ALI"- ,\t' A 1.A , 1: IN ill Al:, find s r,1.111'1,1111N - tit' I 1,, I, I:ant.o 0.1,-, I ittlependvnt of tho ^llrrin if it's. ~ t, : 11, 1 , Sp dhd lit Qnn~c. 111111 15i. , 1..111 ,11, 1 A I la., •. Sllllllll 111)11, ••• 11110.1]..c, 1S• 11111.., 11''. 11-.lllrl, 1.1.., 1.11;.1 1 , I!, 1 1 1. 10 C. 11,111.01, 11,111, 1 1 1:,. 11, , 1, - 1.,,, 1t,,,, • t o .111 ; 11, ivr, in 11110 1 ( 1 19 (O 1 18 20 00 2a OU 59 00 BIM =Mil 1 T 0 'lO 00 Ar • , lldl 197 47 401 L 1 54 60 (1) LIN THE GI:E.vrE , T 1 F 1:(1t - 11.:;„.1 . 13De1•-lts )1:1411,0i ptlgago . tl to give his T1111111119:P,e acmann 1110 Cages, „„ ~, ,„ - A TARTARIAN COW-ALLAPUS, Something never before In n eteta'oreare :Iva] . in Slits or coy country. 1 4 v --:---., ".( • :.:, '---,-.- ~ v lf-' '' 0' . ,---. / . / -* ------'ifA,.,- 1 - • - . ,-----•;---7;--71,-,-,-, , " 3 E I I = l 4t, r In_ C 5 la a ! Iraq )1.11',1 arra,.,l 11 , 1 ,, CEPTIt )NA I. 1., h.• glvt•n An . llll all EEi:nl tippifitmls Its . such Arlkto.:lti :WULF, 0!E, iteettatteu E q uestrienne. MADAME 11,1213E39f11 SHOWLES, 1131311 Mr. ZANIES DIE - MOISBIEST, Equt,tdan: • Antipi . hliAin Mr. : 1 3 ICIR ri I:ont:1111m .1 051155.1 Ihnoilllg (Aube Perrorinee. Bliitl2.liddlot n, et Rupley's hotel May 31 and ' Bolling Sprlnas June 1. Middlesex, et NliddlesexNehool Ileum) Juno 2 add 3, North Middleton, et R. eeher's hotel June 4 nod 6. West Pennshero, itt Chlsooll'e hotel Ouse 7 and . Fair's hotel nee 8 Frn nl, ford. at 1110 eravlllo..luna 9 and 10. 1111111 n, at linettla'ancbool bonny; June 11 and 12 Nen ton, at Illottentergera Ida el Juno 14 .Stough town mi.. 15. Pen, at E)o , ar's hotel June Id and 17 Dickinson, nt Crusier'n hotel June I , and 10 solloll , llpton. betel June 2.1 and. 22. Hopewell awl Naulwilg, at Sharp's hotel June '23 nutl.24: Shippere•burg Born and Twp., at 3uokin'n hotel June awl Jo News [len neberget's hotel June 214 and D. Mechattlesitet. fC lto. 'e hotel June 311 anti . July I. New Conflict - mod, at lielre hetet July 'Land 3. Carnal° Coutonshieners eine. J•dy biand G. Ott all taxes not paid on or lii.fore the first day of August non , five pit onift. will b , added. Titistteer will reeeiVe taxes at his office nn til tin' fi -et It ty of-naplettne.r. next: et( which dupiirsoft'jf an unpaid taZns will be ifonnid to tt cons shiH of lie respe.nlve [ourougpS and tow Maims for colleetion. C. 111E1,1.1Ni) , Trimburer for (;131J111•rland cOOLOy al HI 1',99 « REAL ESTATE I) U 13LIC SALE. 1 TON un li.l.ll4iircl will 'tell itetlibliF Snle ftt to Court 11WIneini«y, June Y, 1869. his vaisuabln Topper., tit unto nn West Lowther btreet, adjoininc on. German Reformed tilt. h. The property 'PA o :Sr RY fit Feel front by 240 fe. tto li.d has all the tholicru convenienCes and apportetionees. -- Sole to rotetbence at lo o'elt ck A. M. oil said day ithett the property e - 1.1 be abet lately stricken off to the highvnt hold. r Terms-10 pv r cola of :the porehnse meitter to be paid a him the pirperty in tam , en off, tin' ba •nce to lie wild on „.1 ul t let. !Sat, .Imo Ae.d t ill by Ina,e and pi,session deiivered. ap21,69 , PEFER F. Dil-. TOWN. PIIOPEIITY AT PUBLIC SALE. FRIDAY, APRIL 30th, 1569. Thelilubrcrlber. will .olTer for sal!, et the Court House, C orliele, Po., the well kuowri DWELLING 111./USE, situated or,West Loutber street, nearly opposite the heformod Church, No. 24, now occupied by Ex. sheriff glumly. Dimensions of trout building Is 25 by 26 fort, two-stories Stone, plastered trout and end with an attic, having Pre rooms NV fill a large Pail. and Hall. The back 'building is 16 by 43 It. inure or lent., two story with a large dining room awl-kitchen with-threw good rooms up stairs, good etliay.padar.tho [omit building and kitchen, with a Stone S5lOlOl and - WASH HOUSE,- Fel). atz from dwelllne. Also, a never-loping wall of o ate? silk pump in it. Also, on excollent Mirk Cistern with pump in it; with an alley of twolvo lost makingtt front of thirtylnovon by two 'toothed and forty feet hark to%Dickinann Alley, with a weatherboard Frain,' Bunco fronting said alloy which ren to or from 10 to 10 dollara per yea, Thn dwelling frontln{ lamther drool routs fur 221 lots per y Oro Also a A LOT OF GROUND, adjoins the same property thirty feel fronting on Louth., Strtad directly opposite the Reforms , ' Church extending bark to .aid Dickinson alley 240 fret, with chni, fruit thereon. Possession will be given impiediately on the co Actuation of deals with is clear trio, the purchaser drawing the route from the persons now occupying ihe dwelling el s lesto commence at 10 o'clock, `,,A. NI, cm said sy when tends will be Made known by ..11.11, ell 01-31 JACOB SEDER. VALTIABLE HOTEL Property I'HIVATIISAI,II,Ort EXCIIANG FOR A FAUN The subsellber olTdrs aL pa laide sale the wall known hotel stand In Nowville, In., known with° LUGAN I.l.OtrS . E. The lot (upon which the lintel stands) eriotains 57 by IFO loot, and In addition thereto will be sold no excellent 11AliDNN cop tAnlup 05 by 180 feet. The house Is largo and suh,tantlally hunt of containing 9 'sleeping apartments: - good Har' , roona Ilinltxg.rootn, Parlor,Nl'ehen and all modern eontou 1011000. A good Well of Wator at the door, EXCELLENT STABLING for forty hoNee. Ire Honer., Wood Rouse, Smoke Sone° and ell necesFary out,buildlua. The Logan (Jenne In widely and Incurably known end In largely patronized. It hoe been quite recently renovated and repaired throughout. Terms to suit the purchaser For further partleulre. apply to the embeerlber,to o hie ehmeoce to Pet rA. Abt,.et Po, JJ i. A. WOODIJIIHN. 28Aug.tf. . - • . • VALUABLE MILIJ PROPERTY , ON IVEDNESTIAT, MA Y Y1.2;1869. AT FRANKLIN, VENANCIO COUNTY, PENN'A The subscriber, also Is an oxtensivo .rnanulkatur. or of flour bosh In title other Slates, Ia dosirouil of ieilrhig from business, and has do ermined to offer at . pubilc sale on'the above day, that valua blo'property, well known as tho • VENANCO. -- MILLS; togothnr with two frame dwalliogs and, lota belong log thereto . • Tho Mills ere on Fronch,greek Just above the confluence with the Allegheny River. The 'Mill Rending ls Four•etorlon , bleb, 'and Forip•five by Ninety font in extant. The Afii/ Hal Ming and Dwoll• Ingo, with thin grounds odpronnt,:orcupying an area of about ono acre...lt contains five pales of French Burro, with Cleaning, lilovating. bolting, add'all necessary machinery'fir making One tiundred end Filty Barrels Moor per day, belles the custom work and chopplngoif which it bus a largo baldness. Vim motive pus are serials of tour lion Turbine.Wheole and two Pope! Wheels ; equal to a hundred hoteo power. . The duals do p'erfool'.'orcler , , bar Mg 'boon' so thoroughly repaired butt year (at the cost of E 2,100). that it In all prnbablltj; not require any further attention for .twenty years. Thera to an unfailing supply of water ;; oufficlent to drive twice the amount of machinery. now In-use On the. 'prole loos there lea good site for a Woolen w ith plonty of.power thOt;ran be applied:at a nominal -OM; The Mills are In excellent repair, and' are now running daily. Frauklin to the County-Seat of Vonango County, with A. popnlation of about ifsx thousand.- Tho pep. elation of the county Is aboht seventy.fise thous and. Thu city is the .centtsi of tbe,,,,,p10p roads to riding tolbe different parts of the chunt as well as of three Rail 'Roads, -which renders t Is place . ono of the best points for distribfition to be 'found. It le also moot accessible to the finest grain prodsg,. leg ilistrlatnbf the 'wen. with . ouch rates off. eight ea Mao° it upon an owlet footing with any inland,' city. . The Ingillrgate,ljusinees of the :city and county 'prowlsee a nionnprrepnroOs future thanak arty pew. F vione postal ;• and manufacturing to a torso e )(LOU t :will be likely totegin; al advantageo are presontpg ‘' whist) few localities possess. The, water, power of Itself, without improviiment; would he worth P 20,000 This being the only moreannt nod custom mill in the count)+, it.catrreadily bobbed thatovitli it local.' consumption of least four huodred 'barrels of Flour • daily, there litik.499lll.ltterket fur tini _gntiruprodito . Von; riPOrealat — JWI hen tiro fact le known that there is an. 41701.1151. ,Yeatly bpsinoso of; sls4,ool),•yieltling a net profit about 10,000,—whIch buoittoss - and prod; could doubtless he doubled, with the aid • oft nocesrail adth's if s (Mort other purposes thou drilling', 'a dine •tineof 0,43 . Will his made for pormiesion to romove all the ma "chinory, except the water lobelia, This olfor• Is MVO to afford allot*, than milloro gn, opeork4ollo . No batter loOtitlimi I exists fora' Nilithlen . 31111, as , there mei ovals in or rioar. Franklin,, This is pro. funieentlyirs yool growing, Country, Tboipoods of poursdo oforool are o'd and It is eald that alai ge matory ootrid; not supplyttimquwounp... of domustio•Wetir.hillsis bone ~:, Salo to commence,tll. o'clock, A: M., For.tormsand . fprther.partienlaiti, addtiet ; • .1. A. ' 2:':;1;;;; Ifrair.lll4,Weisknio to PIG or; „ . • , • .13F o ONBLRit,, . ; ••'.i fsiblx, oABllslEtty.B, DRY: GOODS. 1869;,;.. SPRING: 1869. NEW: leidl !AND BEAUTIFUL IMII SPRING _GOODS Df, 0. HALE, ALLEN FLOYD JOHN HAIM'S, Coalmineloner. L. T. GREENIiELD'S No. 4. East Main Street Your 'lmpostl,ll is solicited, as Croat bargains In all kinds of Dry Goode are now offering.-Ifiting Purchased a full line of all the most desirable goods of tho season - for cash at tho foiiolit mark that good i ha. a.. r eached In the Met fix ICRIT, I am prepared to offer to the trade greater Inducements than can be found In nay House In tkle valley. Alt I nab to corvine• any one of the above facts, Is on early call DRESS GOODS all shades of COLORED s }LIES, SILK AND LINEN POPLINS, 21- Poplinettes, Iklohairs, Chenes. Striped Pi ques, Fig Piques; beautiful shades of SPRING ALPACAS, STRIP,ED 111011111 i, Elegant Delaines at 20 cents 'STRIPED DELALVE.S, Scotch G iogliains in Plaids rind stripes in single and double Widths. CHILDRENS' DRESS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETIES, DOMESTIC 900D5 . _ Zecherins &.1.0,1 produce, 14 700 Thompson, Wm do 14 7 00 Opiter, tiPorge lanbor, 14 7 0 .0- Mertin & C 0,.. do ' 14 7 On ~,,,qs ~,d • up „„,, r d, , Smith, (4 NV con legionary, •14 700 Doviestie - Ginghame et 1:1 1 .5 -- -- • .. - a 3 -5000 yards GOOD CALICO et 10 and cte. Stacks of Ticking., Shoetiogo, Pillow-raso Mus Hoc very cheap. Part,lee wantintrthe above will do well to exaxiilue our stock before purchasing COTTONA . DES, SRIRTINtI STRIPRS CLOTHS AND CASSIEERES, From tho Lowest Grade lc the Finest Frond) Having always - taken 1:110 load in blanch of the buelitese, I would so I ow bettor prepared this season than ever to meet the wish°, of all desiring tcgood p . .Clele,"or a fair bargain SUITS MADE TO ORDER at the shortest notice . by a first-class MOURNING C?ODS, WOOL DELAINES, BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, Crape yeils and CoHarp, li;nglish.Crape • THIBET,SHAWLS, Square and long, also a full assortment of Funeral Goods, for whirl' orders will be• promptly and satisfact(iiily If 11 VT•„E GOODS, TABL - 10 CLOTHS, NAPKINS, Towelle, Linens, Ramillies . , Piques, Quilt Spreads:, Nainsooke, India Twille,Swisse§, TarictonspOntiOrics w aOBIiIRY.A . N6 s!l.lil)`,9,o4'4o'nUtantiy 0 4 and!, ' I .It.EMEMBER .THRY,LAJJE, NO. 4, ,EAST MAIN STREET Yotl will ,tto,t ; b9,dipopio,intod if you call ,aqd ' 'REE April 9, 1869.-ly. NFi ELD' Mil ea -- =I STRIPED POPLINS ALI; ICUOI: OSLAIN El 4, Ch rcKs, _J )n 1 us , DENEMS, &C GRAIN BAG.S,- TAILOR BOMBAZINES, TABLE 'LINENS, N 6:T 10 . N-S ! in great , varieties NEW: AD VER 21.3.1 , 1. EN TS TIST OFDEAERS IN GOODS; J Itari.a, and lderchindise..4lSo 'Brewers, Lumbermen, Within the county of Ouoshorland, ea appraised and at:rased by Priyierlck Corontan, Mercantile Appraiser, in ac cordance with the several iota of Assembly, 4s fol lows, to wit: -: • 1= . , Class License toldich k Miller, dry kOOde. 9 . EA 00 Dents t thos . do 9 26 00 Ogllby t 0..' do . 'l2 ' 12 00 84wvor 4: Co ,do ' . 13 ' 10 00 Alllrn, IV A ' do /4 700 Greenfield, T. ,T do • 11 16 00' ' •Illng. J 011 do 14 .7 00 Harper, no. A do 'l2 12 50 Ilut4.no-Jolm PM1111C:i 0 . 0,1, 1 14 . 7 00 1 1 entalisr.30oPh do • ' 14 - .7-00 NolT. Jl` do 'i )4 700 Cuylis &Co do . 13 10 00 lOdgers,CM Jewelry. . 1; _9_oo_ Naugle, W D 11 do 14 7 00 Conlyn. T do 14 7 00 Cramer, F 0 do 14 7 00 flayslnger, U do 14 7 00 8 crton, 11 . llard wars, 9 25 00 Miller & Rowers, do 10 20 00 Acker. All Mrs Sewing Meohlnel 14 ' 7 00 Oempbell John do 14 7 00 Fu mer, JDI k 871 do 14 . . 70D: Meo6nocral, Jos Stoves, 14 _7"00 Ilinexmlth k Ruppi do 14 7. 00 Fridny, Wm do , 14 7 00 . Walker i Cloudy, do 14 700 Sellers, Wm Confectionery, 14 7 0 ,, Miller, Crtor do , = ' 14 700 Moon), J.ll do ~ rv.,.. 5 ,.. 14 700 Aeiffor, Mrs 9 51 do - 14 7' OU 11 ugh., Robert. do 14 7 00 Yochum. Cleo do ' 14 7 0 i ' Mullin, Jacob do 14 7 00 Sehroderiliaugh. J do 14 700 Zeigler, 3 A Flour nod Food. 14 7 LiO Beetelo &lir° Produce, II 15 00 Ilogloi & Rro di. 11 15 00 Woodward RC do 11 15:00 liarguidigg. II do 14 7 00 lilloadr. J AI) do 14 7 00 Stayman, C 8 do 14 7 01.1 Colliding A, Nigh, do • 14 70 1 lloolor,'S 51 Lumkor arid Cool, . 14 7 00 main A II do 11 15 00 Delitoro. & Shrom, do 13 10 00 1111.dg, C . Coal . ' 14 - 700 Orollinion. 11 Orocarhig, - ' 14 700 Liman, C • do 14 7al • Coen,', 1Y II do 14 7 00 'nit h, W II do 14 7 00, Wetzel, W 5.1 do 14 - 700 Beudor. John do 14 7 00 Magorihrimer, .1 do 14 ' '7 00 Si tee, A J do 14' 7 00 . ICe. npy, D B ' du 14 700 Breirl Wm 8 Fan, do 8 3n BO 1111debrandt, .11 dol4 7 ou , rsbeigilincti, F do • 14 1 1..00 Brow n. Jt,hri do 14 1 700 1' ock. J D do .. 14 7 00 Wetzel, Joy ,do 14 7 00 101110 r, John . - do 14 ~. 7 Oti . Ilumor, John do 14' 7 0 , Zeigler Joe do 14 7 00 Pella. , W 11 do 11 7 00 Pobly, II du' 14 7 00 edineron, WJ . do ' 14 .7 03 Fenor, Joroll do ' 14 ' .7 00 010.11, Christ - do 13 10 00 - Wnehennol, - 1V o—. -do . .14 - - 708 Liormun, U 11 do 1:1 10 t 0 Onlllloll ti do 14 7 03 I.loulen. John Furniture. 14 7I 0 turnman, Fredll. du 14 700 Ohunitly, Chas dol4 701) , • ruinr, A 11 do 14 7 0.1 dlpo 13 do 14. 7 1,0 rites, Juseph Boots And Shoes, r 14 ' 700 Dorm r. N. do • 14 7 00 . 11 ere, 31. do • 14 7 00 I tater, W M do 14 7 110 Co, 00,00. J do 14 ' 7OU Fleming.. F. C do .14 7 00 Irt Mu, Jobe do 14 70n il‘f ell. I) - do .14 7 00 rrrolan .0 Sprinuler do- , 14 7 10 I,..umn. Philip do 14 7 00 • , 11.tioneth Wm Millinery, I'l4 7 00 111 ),urns. Mrs 0 do 4 7uu , • ft, M. eII do e --• 1 1,i 700 11utt...0, Ales do - 14 700 ge,111,/, Win ClOtlilug . 14 7 00 Lechler, 1 U do 14 7 00 Kluuruhurg,; -do 14 7 00 hetme - rd, h. It 7 10 --,lttl-ey-,i W -4101. —. 14 7 I.o_ Livi.,,,ton., do 14 7 01, 1 4,oldMallill. I.; dol4 7 On Itortier. J ho du •o 14 7 t 1,0110.. WOl , do 14 - 1 1 , 0 Itlol,, 11 0 .14 7 oto Ilootco, N - do 'll 70110 Curtails!, 0 ' Drugs, •14 7 141 I.llloti, Mr. 11 do 14 7 Or , t ruoilts S. W 14 urthingtou, Druds, 7 00 llo‘rrsll.4. dr too d I I 3 Ili 00 ' 04101 4• 0. ii.IVW eo II 7 Ou F 13414. r N do - 14 7 00 14..0,14 1.1 ' 1%040/.0. 14 7 U 0 00•111gIrr,11 K do 14 7 110 11,1. S. Ilvrbst, do 14 7 Oa Custulogor. Geo Leather, ' 14 7 MI Isnsullrer, 8 Rob., 14 7 -0: 1.08111114 u. Photography. 14 7 OU Le.lo.r, .I 4' ' do - 14 , 701 1 . 00,, 14 II Books, 14 7 00 1,,,ruth.„ 1 ,, do 14 700 141-luau.. la do - 14 7Ou as If, ....ob 'Hot, and.iluoy. 4 7 00 1.1,r,.. Aro A•- 00 14 740 cli,.. J 'ti • ,4 , ,14 7 1,0 i.,, , e..1,,,0 Proitles, . 14 7 00 3‘ , 101, N " Dealer, • l4 700 Ai 0. o•t. ItoberC do , 11 7 00 1.. ICKINSON. . . . . Wolf S 14ry Good, h Uro 14 7 00 lis ern ',yid do - do . - -f. • 14 7110 Gardner L liven+, do do - 11 10 00 Clever d tlo., do do - 14 7 00 t,Asl7_pr:cv43polto 8ank6,1r..0. Dry Goodo & Oro 13 10 00 Bowman. II Ii thy GOO. & Oro 14 7 00 olessoer,.l hn do do 13 10 00 Rooks, II & :on grocetles__ 14 7 uo Nicht , les, Potor do 14 7 00 1.0n00n.ek , ,, J do 14 , T 00 Hummel, : I, do 14 ' 7 00 =EM . .. . .. .. . .. litty ft Co books and Ah^ifo, l4 7 Cl)' \ eitlich, J o.,metooant taller, 14 7 00 flood, N o‘eves. 14 - 7 00 Elmer, N furniture, . 14 7 00 Nuttier. David, whips. 14 7 00 Kimmel, John mnrketlnit, 14 7 00 ' VtANKFORII. Stough & Elilott, thy glodu, woodx, Samuel do 14 700 7 OD 11ANIPDIN. WM. JB, dry goods. • ' . - 14 700 Nichelag. Peter ' do - 14 7 00 Mae, N W do 13 10 0 0 T.10111..1111 geocerlee, -14 7 00 ltupp. I/ dry goode and greeerlen, 13 10 00 Rupp .1 J 0 CO., . produce, 14 700 Tt mplin, Cyrus, furniture,- 14 7 00 I= (loot:, I) U day goods and gro. 14 7 00 Bowman & Co do do 14 7 00 Kunkel & Oro do do , 14 7 00 ,IliTtek. O demo, 14 7 00 'let r:rtt, J 11 stores, /4 7 00 Preto A 0 Son, hoots and alloys, 14 7 00 tlillisi t. Cyrus, whip, 14 7 00 AIIDDLESE.X. / shore, II dry goo', and groceries, 14 - 7 00 Sts ilor, J no do do 14 7 00 I= Comfort 0 Buttorf, dry goods, 11 15 CO Dv., 4 W.ettlatifer. do 14 7 (0 I.lollr, Israel grocerlrs, 'l2 12 50 Riker .o' 7 lctaty, dry . goods, ' 14 .. 700 Dlover 'A' b( glocertet.. (4 7 00 Ilrlodle A: N lesiva nger, dry goods. •O /. OD Devlone)• & 1113•44 7 4, groceries, . 13 • 10 00 Brooch. II A & ((ru., dry geode, 12 12 00 Boot A Son do 10 20 00 11/I•olbelger, It D 00 14 7 00 Vlcocq, Jort do 4. . 20 20 00 10111er & Heyde, groceries, : 11 7 00 • Cuillh.'.7 K .do _l6 7 00 It oufmoo. J d do . 12' 12 60 Eberly. D (V do 12 12 5 I..tianiucer, .1 Moltertom 11W lIMEM=I @TIM do lumber lirsnu b Ebt.rly e. Son 61111eiseu 0 000, do 11 16 LO 10011 t Leutlls, . d 0 14 700 Roo, 118 ~ , do 14 L. 7OJ 51111er St o,rnat, produce, , ' .. 11 16 00 Itryie n, Tlt , do , 8 10 00 Ste) Loan 1c Butelier, do ~ 15 ll5 00 Moyer. F:berly 71, 'Son, Ward ware, — 0 ' 25 00 Kimmel .0 MAO, do 10 .20 CO 1.311 r, 13 0 drugs,l4 7 00 E;es, Y.ii mno, do O4 700 Day, A Mod lirt}la r, J II Untruly, II It .do Zluu, Ileury °Amur, Looglterker, J K • .. do 14 7 00 Kelm C , do 14. ,7 00 Itnigle, Levi - ' do 13 —lO 00 Bowmin & liro , do . 14 7 00 titatler; A.l do 14 7 00 -Mmoti S 00r1017, • 14 -, 7 00 l'lxhio, D L blaukete, :' 14 T 000 Ilat.thow & Ilro plumber., ,Wonderilcb. & utoves, Wilmot], Ira - do - Mauek h Mad, - furniture, 111101 .o.llro do .. 14 7 00 Ith(101.1ohn du ~ 14 7 00 ,Sworlz Jacob Jowolor, 14 700 ' Slinplcy, It 11• do 14 700 Palmer, 4 II clgore, • 4— • 14 • 7 00 Gui•ovllerld do , 14 7 Otl Uhler P A ' confuotlorwy, 14 700 .. . .. . .. ()rove, Jacob do 14 7 00 Carr. II 0 Agt, ,olothlng, l4 7 00 ILullTur, L D - do 14 7 00 Abrams, Is W do 14 .. 700 dlaker, Jl. paper, ' • ' IA 700 Dull, BOW blankets,. . , 14 7OU .Stelnoweic TII2. I, coal, • 14' 7 00 Miller J'gr. Co bitters, , ' . 14 7 1.0 Yearned°, W tomlng niachloes, • . 14 • 700 /Cull, LL marketing, . 14 7 00 • .., '• 41IFFLIN. ••• .. Mom4tx John dry goode,ndd gro, l4 7 00 *oll, do do . t. 14 7 00, . , • 11011011., . • .Mormon, J T Wary goads, l'lnnk, John . . do do Daylong. L D drum, • Plank, hatuual toad, Spahr, Rang do NEWI.ON Menulou rit.Pro Produce, =ECM A nyder II ' do {Veto & Wegner do grab & • • . . . .. 'Stoubr, 8 A 'dry:goods, - - . - : . 's , r- 1 - 4 • - 7. 00 - Los,le, J T do , ' 14 7 00 Habana &000, Firm., 14 ' 7 00 Washloiter, Jao.dry goods, 14 ' 700 e , Clover 4 Ernst, du', • 14 ‘, 7. 00 ' Kylo, Min do • t . •14 7,00 „linker, J • do • 'l4 ~ •7 00 Minlit, John groceries, ' 14 7 00 :F050.04 J. 0. cir3..V.190.V. . . 14. 7 00 'Thinnar, AV '4' ariiderlai, - - •-= •-••,7vir.i::"7 - .7 - Z,,rtZT, Bfori'• ti Coniartionory, *,' 4 'l4 ' t 041 albsou Uro . do ' t.,, ' ~,14, . 7 00, Laois Win ' do ' • • 14 '1 00 :Odell, sauluul shoos, 14 • 700 Orson, James , dol4 7 00 , Spencer, li W stoves, , ", 14 -• ,7 00 1i0rn,.0.11 marketing, - • ^ ' 'l4.' ' 7 Si Elliott, Mary, toldioniy, -. 7 - , 14 ' ' 7 00, 111 1 t1isbOritor, Daniel marketing, . , 14 00 N WVI LL E Joroes 3 .ll rk Aro dii,goode, ' • „•r,26 00 istuiditx & Elliott, do • ' .10 " 20 00 11.U'6aidludi, T.. do IL . 16 05 Morrow, W d groceries, , • 14 7 CO disuses, P N do • • 3 .13 -10 00 irsio3 - 4 L'bOotriand shoes; • 14 • 00 61'diure,t•'• ' do "do• . 14 .• .7 00 jseuse, g AsPro• • • oloching, 14 • 70 11rerrider 3 Daughterly,. do .r• -3-3•143, • ..7-00. Nortb,(l W do' , 14 700 'Ridded, 11 1, Pod, do 7 1,0. Maxwell, Andrew ' $ 14 4$ , . Acker ACo • drab, • - 14 7 00 Wild, B - do - 14 , 7*oo O'Neil, 811 do - - 14 700 herd, Wilt do . 14 7 04) Montgomery. Dr - do • - : - - -14 -.---- - 7 00 tfoodburn it fthetleborger, furniture, • 14 7 00' 11,1eWer, Geo M do , 14 7 00 Brielter,,John • ' •do 14 700 Skinner-& Son, hardware, 14 7'oo KunkelVJ A - do, . 12 . - 125. handle, 6 W jewelry', 4 .. 14 ..7 00 Mull, 0 W - stotee, 14 7- 00 , . Kennedy, J M do 14 7 CO flobry, U. - Oonfeettonery, • 14 7 00 Crawford, J J .. • do, ' - 14 7 00 Laughlin, Joe feed, 14 7 03 Nleglaughlin, Iltwriet, Millinery, 14 - 7 00 Smiley, Mien M ,,,- do • 14 700 . , 't.-," 'NEWBURG. Elliott A r•rr,7 . dry g00d5, , ' - -. 11 - 15 00 nteviek A Swig art,' , do 11 15 03 51'Coy, be..., boot s nod ehoev, ~ 14 7 00 &enrich, C 0 furniture, 11 7 00 ?UM CUMBERLAND Till! at, T dry good's, -Rogbman A Son, _do . _ _ ~ 14 .7 00 Ross & Co 11 15 00 lussor, II It lumbar, 8 BO CO Oyster,t Chitties do ' 14 . 700 James, Owen do 14 7 00 Loo & Eberly, do 0 15 00 Ernest d Clover, dry good', - 14 700 Clever k Co do ' 14 7 00 ockar.llanCtAteNzrles, l4 7 00 • Garber & Kurtz, dry goods, 14 - TOO Jay Cook & Co do I'2 11 00 SOUTHAMPTON. • Miller, Daniel groceries, ' 14 7 00 Clever k 1111°40, dry goods, 14 7 flO Clever, 11enive do 14 7 00 Strohm t Williams, do 13 10 00 %Olson, C & Co - do 14 7 00 Croft, D 5 do • 14 ' 700 • SIP PPENSBURG. Landie, I Jewelry, 14 , 7 00 lletyes, IV. D. li. Sewing Meml;tlnes, 14 7 00 Elllat22l =Mt! ENE= Lawton & Produce, Louu & (lish; . do 11 ,,. i 16_ 00. Morrow & O'II eklng a r do 11 .- 12 61) Moir, T P do 11 . 16 00 Foonot4 11»0311mao, Grocerlem, 14 T 00 Tomlin A. [(Immo:, do 14 7 04 610futer;Joho do . 14 700 Pogue, I It do 14 7-00 .. . Myers, Samuel do 14 7 00 Martin, John ,do, 14 7 00 Wetly. r . ,,1V 11 do ' 14 7 00, Artz, P 8 do _ 14 700 lione, D IS do II 7 00 !Lollar, SOS Son do 14 -700 A ogle, 01 II do " 14' 700 lieho,JAMell do 14 , 700 . .. .. . 31 , 1'herson. 0 II Dry 0004 12 12 60 ooodglass,ll - do 12 , .12 60 K.,&tx At MU II tgomerydo • 11 16 00 Jamison. W T do 12 l2 60 Dannor • Neeloy, , do 13 , 10 00 Wooderly & 61011, Umber. 4,13 10 00 Ituddlg , J &J B Ury ooode, ' 10 . 20 00 Oreat.on, (.1 N ConfectlonerJ r 14 . 7 00 Clark, Win do, • 14 7 00 Ilaukln & olbble, Braga, l4 - 700 Altlek, J 0 . , dol4 7 00 kin or II ,tc- ' t do • 14 7. 00 Cron, J W ''. SkOno f 14 7 0 COIN G II do 14 . ' 700 SlTherson 1, Cox, Liardivare. 11 lb 00 Bleviek-&-Rebook, do . - - 14 _ 7 00 OrahDi & Stuart, do la 10-00 conitty, J '' .FurnirliVe, 14 7 00 1:risu011, - David do ' 14 7 00 Barnhart, Duke & Bru Furniture, 14 7 t 0 Waltsr & A intors,Stoves, ' 14 7 00 Wulf. Joim A Blots?, 14 7 00 Kelso, JAM. Books, l4 7 00 hridgea J & don Clothine, l4 700 LaJdts & Bender, do - - 14 700 615a.as ur A. Blair, do 14 7 00 Butiley,J M do • . 'll 700 SOUTH MIDDLETON. . Herman, 0 Dry Goode, - 14 '7 00 EL=MI Iti34u.su & licm winger, Pry Goode, • .14 Zeigler,] ll Uruceiiea Z•ld or, U M d" %Volt, morel do 11. amt., John Not.lona Clapper, Phllfp Gosinctlunary, 14 7 1.10 p, 1 1 'U 51I116 L' altiotr,t1 Bro Dry Goods, 14 7OJ 12 12 60 _ . lSolthert, & Uu do ILAN] t, J ohu FuruU tire I=l amb EMl==n It ur6Boldur, .11* 8 do J do opo .1. %Val t, do Leo.llo, J do . . Lutuign .1 II & Bru Produce - 13 10 tO U buyer, T E Lou tectionery, l4 7 $ 0 libukentiter, T do 14 7 00 o trier, J U do 14 ' 7 tie t 1 outbatugh, Wru Furniture, 14 7 0.1 UPPER. ALLEN Swartz. J clothing, 0 wverilor, J N dry good. WEST PENNSWRO _Lees. 6 W dry gq0d11,... 14 ' 700 Shembeogh, 1, J - do 14 7 00 Derr A 11111100Ider, do 13 10 110 V'Cullaugh, AS . Jp . 14 . , POO Handshew, J W do ~ 13 10 00 Carothero, J e. groceries end etmee, 14 7 00 Hood, J .0.0000,., . _ 1.4 700 Carothers, J4' ' prodttee, ' 14 ' 7 00 Brandon, W B do 13 10 60 Wolcott, John dealer,. . 4 700 Mesa, I.' merketing, 14 7 09' . Distop, Wm do 'l4 700 EATING HOUSES. Meloy, John Mechanical:mug, 8 5 00 Spongier, Wm Carlisle, 8_ -6 00 DISTILLERS AND BREWERS. . Fighter, Fl Newton - township, 9 26 09 W brier. JOf do do 9 ' 25 00 Faber, C Carlisle, 9 25 00 :_ BILLIARD SALOONS. Ripple. Jacob Carlisle, 30 00 Over, Bennet N.wetlls, • 30 00 welrleh, Emanuel, Meehan imburg, 30 00 Appeal to be held a t the Coprt Houtfi., In Carlisle• on the 3EI, 1 ith, 17th and 24th day. of April, 1809. All pampa aggrieved may have redrem HNotions id - hereby clasp to all persopc named in the above Est, lhat by an Act of Assembly, app. , ed Aprol Illh, Mg. County Treacurere are required to bring suit and collect all liceurer remaining un said on or before the let do ofTUTY . neat, and h - y other Acte of Assembly, venders of vinous, spirit ' nun, mit or brewed liquors, aro also liable to In .--r..., ditement In the Court of Quarter Sessions. ' hose I tnterestvd era therefore reqbested to lift tiro 1- - neuron without delay and rave lb. coots &c fr , 0 I'd EIA.INGER, ' 1 Treasurer of Cuntberland County. - 74Tril 30 '.t HOMER, COLLADAY & CO., neve just removed to they NEW MARBLE BUILDING, CHESTNUT ST., ABOVE BROAD ST., PHILADELPHIA, ♦id him commenced the sale of eu EXTRAORD INAIFY 13 10 GO 14 7 00 BMW 14 700 11 15 00 : 14 7 OU 11 7 OU Ij , 3r Ca-C) C:0 CIL 03 , 14 ' 7 00 14 7 u 0 Coup. Mpg the Neweet Mace itnd filched Benign n Beleeted by oboth or the most Oelehiated rectories— embracing - - - , 14. ~700 14 700 14 • 700 14 7 00 All the NOVELTIES of ,the Season - ALSO (Al Mamma Assortmon Mediuin - price Goods, 10 00 13 10 00 14 700 14 7'oo 14 7,00 POPULAR 'TRADE', 10 20 00 IMM3 10 20 00 10 20 00 9 22.00 IN EVERY VARIETY. N. lI—II. O. .4 Co„ contend that It Is a allßla aIIft3TANN to bolters that goods cannot be add Pa low In it handsome !gore Co Ina dark and dtogj she, 'and to prove this have taken tho greatest rare tar mark their goods at' ' . ' . ' . . !P,i.o!,4.fitviest; jlerawotottri Rripoi, . , .... .. . 2Avimb-ivi - - - --,, , , • flf,io TEM SCHOOL DIRECTORS Jr CUMPERIAND COUNTY: Aker temme•:=-In purAwince of the 'thirty . ninth 'eaten of the act i,f,Bth May,. Mt and the wit of 27!h Mitch, t. 860, you , are h redy notttied to meet, In convention at the Cdurt Mouse In ()allele,' on the .finlt Tuesday •in May, A. 'D. WT. , tieing the fourtli day of the month, ,at 11 in'eleck in the forenoon, and seleet vied eon, bylam4ority,. of the whole number of dtrictors present, r 0 poly win of lltciary and eglantine acquirement and, of. skill and experience hr the art of, teaching, .ite: county nuperiuteadent, for toe titre's eucceedlng years; deterailue the _amount of. competuustion, for tho camel .and certify the result ,Eitate Superintendent at Harrisburg, n s requiredipt the thartybinth and fortletharbtlone of wadi aot.-:,!di' OICORIMUWAUTZ. • • o • entity , , Piperintendent of Outuberbted county: tf Dolling Option ApiltS;aso. ' aprll,lll,oo-='!” Far • Dyspepsia, Fcvcr and Aguc, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss, of Appetite, Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and ..all diseases arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. 111113 Prepared by SEVAAD, BENTLEY dc CB EN EY Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. For ,Sale by GEO. E. .HOFFMN, Grocer, Pomfret Street. ' 69.6 m 70 , OM Resto:es grny and faded Hair .to its ORIGINAL COLOR, removes Dandruff; CURES ALL DISEASES OF TILE SCALP, Prevents BALDNESS, and makes, the hair grow Soft, Glossy and Luxuriant. $l.OO tad $1,50 per Salle. Sad Wile is a Neat Paper Rot. Prepared -by gt wAnn,• BENTLEY. ,t CH EN EY. Druggists, Buffalo, N.Y. Sold by all Druggists. ' , • For Sa'e by GEO. B. HOFFMAN, Grocer, Ffonj: et Stret. 69.0 m elir!l 14 , 00 14 i Co A Safe'and Brady Cure fir Cotighs,Coldt; Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness Croup, Influenza, Wh: , oping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat anti -Don't- 'neulect a sew"re Cough, or throw away- money on-IT 1.4 7 0 14 7 0i 1 1.) as 14 7 au It 'Tr ao 14 7 00 14 7 0 Cl/ 14" 14 7 00 PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE For S (le r y CEO. B. HO GroOer, Pon?fr , l Sr 'l9 7- 00 14 7 04 N ON SKQUEN E k.)F THE disastrous tic-, whirl, In January not deatEni. ed their et°, and its contents, ' , • J. E. CALDWELL & CO. JIr:WEL'ERS - ; ..- Ilave had MR& 13010qanY to the•r order In Europe and lu America, au entirely . New Stock of ChoiCe 13o,eids; Which are now opened and ready for examination., VERY FINE .PARIS MANTLE CLOCKS, (Every movement with the new Improvements) NEW SIDE OR TO MATCH, Entirely new---- BRONZES, GROUPS & FIGURES. GORR - A AI MA NUF'G CO'S FINE ELECTRO WARES. BEST STERLING. SILVER 11'.1 RE, New deslcen WATCHES, -JEWELRY-. A nary fall nidiorlinent at very MODERATE PRICES. For the present at 819 CHESTNUT STREET, - 12feb '69 SPIUNG.IMPORTATIM. '69 MILLINP:RY AND STRAW GOODS .., ARMSTRONG, CATER & co 237 & 239 Baltimore Street Bonnet and Trimming Ribbon s Bannrt Crapes, ;Wks and' Sal Blonds, Lacs, Burnes, Netts and Velvets, SNDQWWS'AND MOODS . . Tlin largeat Stnrk ntMllllnery tinnds In thin Con u try, and unequalled In clloice vaile6 , , 'which w offer at priCea that will dory competition. • 9Aprll &3 - ---- . . ... DAVID. STR,OEUM, 7 W. D. SPONSLER, JOHN W. STROHM TRUNK AND, AAT STORE No. 13, South . rianover -Street, Carlisle .11, few tinorg South ,ofAlitioff s roruor. • W G anus just opened the Inrgent and-best 'dock rf BOOTS and 511008 over oll'ered In Carlisle awl continue almost daily to receive such goads lu our like as ever'y'body senate>,, Our stock _rousifite In nil kink and varieties of Woman's Misses and Chlln's strong Leather Shoes, Women's Misses' and Child's Lasting. (loiters. Women's Glove' Kid Turkey and French Morocco. Men's and Boy's Calf, Buff and Kip Boots. Men's and iloy's Utlf and fluff Congress °alarm Moo's and Boy's lasting Batters and Brogans. • , Men's and Boy's Calf and fluff Oxford Ties,' Gum - Sandals, Buskins and Overshoes. Mou's and Wornon'n Goat Welt and Carpot•Slippers, M en's, Bey'es and Child's Fur and Saxony Hats. Trunks of alt nines and.prices Travelling Bags, Sateholry and Valises, together with • prime lot of GOODS which we will sell to sult the QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS IS OUR stwyro. ' Therefore in issuing our card it is idtended es a personalinvitatioq . to nil in used to call .and look throlish our atock:ntiheut feeling under obli gations to guy unless Suited in quality and price. We Abell always try to de/1 with every one in a straightforward manner, and give every customer a full equlvelait for his money. We hope all will ate!l themselvss,of their first opportunity to call , and see us. ' MEM HOW LOST, ''HOW -RESTORED. r 7 r7.`: Just , Published. a ,naviedli ion of L . /4/.• .IYr. Culvenv ell's • Colobrated ..nesay.ma the radicat cure (without, modirlont) of Se .-1151e1OnotitEA, or Sem inal i'Veakties, Involuntary .Nominal Losses, lal- POTSTIOY, Mental nod Physical .Incapacity lulpidl manta to marring° air.; also CONMIMPTION, EPILLrot slind nut, (minced ' by ettit•indulgenco or Foxtrot 'ex- Arevagance. ' • • • ite—thicce, lu Bottled envelope, only CI route. ho Mein attel author, in tide adrulrablo oesoy, Cleo rly „ . d t ems t , rl h ttell . ftf , thirty ii you!' F u c tow 11 , 1 .Fhtetuty '" f ! ts . ti I =fry o ' Uolt!ht l utth c o r4 iftiVntit! hue use of int ctual medititte or.the tulle t,poltititiF .out a mode of:Curo et, once eimpto, nod el fectuel, by mama of p,bldi overyituffefor„no mut ter Whet hie. condition may beculay cunt himself cheerily. privatoly,end'rndacaftY; , zwrhis Lecture ghoul* be lit tllO hal44 ' et /wary. youth and every man, In tae lend.. .. • , Pent unner edarkfti a•plain onvelope, to any adt ; dress postpaid, oh rocoipt of lix Outs, or two poet, st7mlo." ko, pr. Cuivertioll'e'`•Murriao 0 010.26 Addrotte the :Publiebers„ " •L OCAS. !(LINE & CO:, AR,PrrAreiy,rfavt, bork,Xtialpurp) , iNSI4II.Ig,..CarijAIP Ho.,t i timir':enhool for . Ade, •l lei anut monad tetelotpril] been rm tt adneFtley,pop... ',mho let. , Itdr,bitottioro :Riddresi, C • • • . )ioy . hiprEterrri,, - t• • ' . ...# PATENT XEDECIN.ES worthless =didnt. Prep rupd by SF W A RD, BENTLEY do CH EN EY. Druggi2(2, 13Latilo, N. Y. Sold 'Sy sill Druglsite, rjnn 119. r m BA TI 31( /1? VELVET AND SASII.BIBBONS, French Flowers and Feathers, STRAW BON NETS AND LADIES HATS THIT.IED ♦ND C:41111,151ED, NEW and POPULAR BO 0 T,- SROE, Briton & HPONBLEII OA pril C9.ly M4Nnoop NEW' ADVEII7,7SEMENTS. UNIONS PACIFIC RAILROAD, CO Central Pacific Railroad F4tpT MORTGAGE BONDS le great enterprise Is approaching curnplatlott w:th a ruddily that..aatoulahas the word. Over .it/Ire (1;100) hundivri toi/cs have been built by two 24 - powerful e.qupanler.; the tlnian Papilla Railroad, lieglnellig iiineta, building west, and the tte rat l'aeiar lailnn6l ,begtoultig at laneratoi•iiiii and nulldlug tait,until Thu two load. What! meet. Lear than two hundied nod fifty mitre remain to I. .ruilt. The greater poet nt thelntervallg now grad ed, and it h , fru...ably expected that the through connection between San Franclato and . Now' York will be COlorloloti I y July 1. Ag the amount of Gmernment old gireu to er:h Is dependent upon the length of rood ouch than mild ho th iompanks lt, o prompted to front ;:tertß to Focure the eonetrur•lon end control 1 what, then completed, nrO be one and line wry grand Railroad •Lin• connecting time Attonfig and Pacific nap!. One Hundred end Ten Million Do:tare :119 CO 3 ._ 000) In money have already hen elpundel he the taro powerful ecmpanlea cog Iged In thin area en. •erimisof and and , rill Flie • edlly fiturfle , e th, P • or. !lon yet to ha built. When the Ilnifed‘Flatil. Guy "frnment round it r eceeeary to secure the must: if••• lion of the Peelle Railroad. to develop and prop • to own Intereat, it gave the •ontripanles nuth 'to Villa It ouch ample end as should render 114 , peedy coiloplation beYnnd It...doubt, The G wB,p. non t aid may be briefly suintnell up as follows: f First. - The right of way and all nom Nary hmilw lad p.toos from public domain. eronil. It ihiiltes a drnatinu 01 Ittlo afr , Nd - fictbr 7 toile, which. Nybun the coal I will amount to twenty-three tmillion. (13 oil- wit r ithtl, twenty to tier 0 roil rood; Third, It loans the rot, rani, f Ito tars ,$:.0:000,, 0), for.. h ',poor d Ovvornmen4 lo a olri..ly loon,' Coo 1:01 rallgrnd twenty-four million and fibs_ 'fight thousand dolhott ood t. , t unit - AP:trifle Haihold seienteoll intlitnn l t " Irtol mot forty•eight titottonitl (17.'.19y00t :moo O ng in all to forts nno so in 11... , 1,11v I 41 . 1 its thotootod ti,11.711,00 Tnp Compani, nrr pvrnd tied Jo I no•it Nl.a.tglagi. Pon& to the Prin. , LLu rrrm the 1,11 I . po oempauh, h., a bold to portavaar , , li:4o.ohil Oyu] furty •t of .L",:t \lortgaga lh , nds. 7hx has', al, a:1 Mid i!‘ tinclutling (Mt on Min za not divide I, prat!: from Stat. of Califortti.k, and"1..110001, t .11 Son Francisco), upwarort ,525,0:0 nooi :00111y- LOP Million &Mors capitol Mork. 1; HAT IS THERE YET TO MI DONE ? In considering this nnestion dt mar bg temem• beret that all the remaining iron 'The reed is contracted for, nod the largest portinn poll for anenow delivered on the into of the Tnieu Pacide Itallroad and the Central Nellie Railre.ad, and that the vatting Is altnoSt finished. WHAT RESOURCES HAVE TIIE 0651 Al4lf 5 0> TO FINISII TITS IIOAD? Firel."They will receive from the Clovernmen, as to rood progresses about $9,000.000 additiona‘. `teemed. They can 'rue their own First tr. ge Bonds for about $3,000,000 additional. Third. The conumolm now hold almoet 41) the lend they have up to thin time received from tba Government; upnn the completion of the road they will have received in all 2 _1,000000 saes, which at 11.50 per nare - 101 TS vi-THE - 121,50 - 000 - 0 In addition to the above the not earnlova the toads and additional capitol. If nvemstary, CO uld be railed In to 0 slab tho road. WAY VUSTVL•'9S-ACTUAL BARNINGS NO firm has aver expres.ed a doubt that s soou an the road in completed Its through ImgWorm - MII he abundantly prof table.. gronn earnlno cf tho Unlnn.P. rifle. Railroad Company , for six months, endingJantly lat. 1860 rere upwarda of Tha earnings of Central Paeitce Railroad, for six niontbs.Tad ing January Ist ISO, wer e ExpenNes .1551,0nd • NO, profit of Central Poe'fie [tall: road, after raying ntl E, , ltost nod eN pens, for MiX t 11. ;Cid Tbo presont groom earoinga of the Colon and Central 14,lfir liallroada are 51,a10,06) meal lily. How LARGE A pus' NL.FS Id IT s,,R;; PREDICT _FOR THE GREAT 11,11. el c,7 , ROAD! olhould giTo the followln4 facts &nit,' hotn Shipping Lists, Inzurance Conaps.nios, lioiir•adn and gonorni Information Ehips going from the Atlantic ar.url Cape Rorn, 1Q) Steataxhip: Connecting at Panama with Cull ror4, and Chln~, n 5 Overloud itOrSOR COZZI litre we have two hundred 3114 tLirtt tbousaud Come corded westward and oxruArt oo has i,hnwu that t:trel last five years that the returheelp.,..aui've a from Chtlithrnht barn been neatly n 5 1111[11,01.01 0111 ,thoeo i.,oing. I= iVemelie the folietring oxtlmate 110 St‘eamehlpe (Loth yr aye) 70,000 (tetual /CT '6B) 200 Viinsele ," • 4,ooo'estlehtt66' " Over , " 100,0:0 Number put annum 114,000 Premont wire (evoraglni half the oast of the eteoinehlirs), for .bott passengerst and 'tonnes. glees the following resell :- 174,000 wage n gors'at $lOO '400,00 tons, r*tud et Et per enable foot 16,11:10,0150 Basing calculations upon the above figures with.- ourellowing for 'the , large .increaso .of business' which can•safely be looked kr. -then ettiniale the. running cam ense at one half and wa bare a vet Income of slo,s2o,ooo;vrhieh; after paying the le.. tercet on the First Morton Rondo and the ad• vanes", made by the 6o TOM 011111 t, .would /MO net adnual income of $9,00,000 over and above "AI expenses And Interest. The First Mortgage Beads. et the Union Pad a' RallrOad Company and the First liortgage 11 . 34de of the Central Pacific irailrbad Co. are both, panel: pal and interest, payable in bold cola; they 'pa, Ix pjer cent. interestin , gold coin, and runvfor. thirty years, and they cannot be paid before that thou without the consent of the holder. r Ylret Mortgage Odd Bonds of she Vain Peelle Railroad for sailkat her and accrued interest, and First Working...tole' Bonds of Cenfral: Peeler, read et 109 end actai DE U4VEN BRP•A, Dealers in ”Government Seenri. ties; Gbld; tta., 10. ;40 1 3611t14;,190111111 :9isoet, '1~fe00Q.:.• ..: QM DEEM =MEM I o:0 000 • ESEEME I - I,OJ J k EMI 117 moo) faJ,O 10 000 IN r4;„yil IBEI MEM runADiEmr,'