~uscLLLA.NLo vs. F YOU WANT TO SEE THE most perfect PAALOR. FLUE over offered to t e publie r sttfp Into R I ITL E Y S stove Store, East.tnt.ther Stroot, In +the roar of • Llalbeit!intore and seo the GREAT AMERICAN . BASE BURNER , In operation. It In a perpetual Burner: and Oeribet Itadlat r, on well ass period' Vont' lon.rof the room and Is warmpted to consume Iran coal than any other Stove of the same nisei, ever offered to the public, r,equlring but ono ordinary Penult) of small coal onto In twonlv•eight hours, being perfectly almolo In all Its wotklng - , having a simple Endo to Tsgulato the Ira fur keeping at night, ono kindling of tarp laming all that is required 'during the winter.. No dust, us gas, no slag cc candor, '"----- REFERENCES. Zotni Peal. Am.. 'WI,.iDr. 8. B. Kie ff er Inane' Porter David Miller, 10. Delaney; "t . 1) Bolter C kn!rtoo, ,n, Meer, -Col. Williamson Mr., it•ogAralt, Aaymnn, A. Peneeman i ' Dr. Iry u, - Johnson Moore, J. T. B ppoy, D. Witter, 0. I talon; _ A. Censer, .1. Tr o•urfon, .1. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, sire. Groff n, il. Corgi.. 141111,,me0n Brin 111. ;sooner, 11. Sheaffrr, J. Turner, J. Stoulfor, U. MclAiugblin J. tinnier, t. Leirligh. P. Thumme. - Geo: YarentaughP. Elo unit.; (Mrs. Wunderlich. Abner I J. P. llartslor, 111.1.njor And when!. Get the best COOK STOVE in the Market, Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light 111 tirzs-_-0---i,t7.'7.,...il MI -,.--•,1__,,•,_ A • aoal l ti:: :,,_,.,ii ..,.,... - '''' ' ' 7 . :.1 In addition to Ma above &font. FIUDI,TiIr keeps on hand a full Ripply of tho best Cook, parlor and Often &oven. - Tin and Sheet iron work of all klndson hand, and Spenting, Roofing and Jobbln! of all lt , nde done at abort notice, a d ol the lest material, Frail Cann, and Jtrn of the mist approved patent, nod In conclusion the bent Portable and Brick Pet FuriiEta 4 D fa ever offered to the public. For references call on Dr: Croy,' P.'lUdlgh, 11. my Paxton, Y. -C.-Flaming, - - Prof. Ilihmart, F thirdnur, ,V. Watts, J. D- A. 1. Bprnelor, I J. llosler, , , And others. , Inner ,ou_ly NEW BUST. ESS, - NEW FURNITURE: •••, • • , ' tA ~• 1 4 yr rut 1 If FU.RNITUIE 13USIicESS . _ The subscriber baring tett. the en tireli usluess nit o his own banes, tell! cue tin ue „to carry It on In 'all its ascot. I I:mats—lit the 4 , 1 , 1 stand, south. - rut comer - 17f - IfinnYer — Gid - MTI titer et. cat , . Ile desires to arinctince to Ohs public that 'tin has nowau hand end Is ronasiony inennfacturlust nod purchasing trout the I..c•t cos cro tauten users, the latest nod best styles and patterns of PUIINI TUIId ul all qualltiea, Ills ilock of read) dead° sere, nrinslitsi In part of MAHOGANY Sill I'S, ALNOT :WI IS, CIJESTN I SUITS, FLORAL B. E. STAND'S; TEA.OttYS, I/RESSINO BBREAUS, t i all stylus and prices. Tate elates, Sufat, Lounges. entratts Trundles, Cot tag°, Panel, Japanese nod dehity Lind Bedsteads, G/ttage Bureaus, Marble Top Tablas and Stands, Washstands, of all varieties, Chair. of HU Kinds, :Mut: fad Furniture In suite or tip Owes roustant I y on band. Mirrors of sill styles And prifOr. OMEMADE WORK, Buell Its Ma Boards, Slime Illait.tcads, Saha, Sesr • In cella, Harlem of MI description An., made by compatont we, k men trout rite Tory bal. malarial and at ',anima Mc prim,. (211 A • LFS MIAPLP.Y HALBERT, Snlekmnu MIME! PENNSYLVANIA ELASTIC SPONGE CO., 1.111 Cliestn-,t -Sti"eet, PHILADELPIZIA. ELASTIC Sl'ON 4 E , A 817BSTITUTI: FOR p • lt L 11 A I Ji EMIT! UPHOLSTERY PURPOSES Cheaper than Feathers or Hair, FAR SUPERIOR. The Lighteet, Suiten oit.d Elnntiv and Durk. bA utaterial.ku.n. fur Mattresses, Pillows, Ctir. Carriage, and Chair Cushions. It Is tirely ludr.trurti 1.• • 1•••• Ll • rlotti the how do t. IT Init.! , .l. 1 A I. Ir. aloayr free.Ooto , it. id for ILr IN II MN WO li soiled I o soy eci.h cod eakler [hall zmy It 1101 Speetalaltetatoo gived to . I \ CII II At. itillroad men are especial I. olle4l co extalcilno the Curd:doll Sponge. AI'ISF AcTil/N GUAR AN CIED. TIIE - TRADE SUPPLIV.D. • Ise. Ml', BARUAiNS I ,BARGAINS 1 1 OGILBY:'S CIIR.AP UASII STORE Jut Tolima.' from the city, Hod now °prolog a Argo issortmoac of the cheopeot DRY. GOODS, over brOught to Carllele A full ..sort , l sot of LADIGS' DRESS GOODS, of All the oonext etyles and design.; Clothe for L.A..' and Geol.' ()oat. and Cloak.. A Argo anortment of SHAW L 5, 'tory chiap, CAllooes very blet 1230 ESTIMut, - • Gingbams, Canton Flannola, ka, tory much reduced, Clct'ap and C - assiineres, • thr Gents' eulto In great inr)ol y and_ptosper than 11001' SKIRTB AND BALILORALS, elthe bat al ebapest In ran aunty. • 1101BRRY, GLOVES, CIIILDB UNB at alitonliblvilylow prlree White, had and gray Wool Flannel. at Tory low pria. - stock .1s Low fall „end complete, bought at the - pressiit greet d rclhw to pica/; ono his_ meth purchaser' peat Inducements will be effmad. . , •Il n perso In went of cheep ITry.ooodcire,ree_ queoled to sail Leiore Purchaelug - °lavisher.. Ito trouble to show the good' CHAS OGILIIT. N, It. A lot Of Carpetlnge. etoolog out at emit. lldeo 68. . CARPE TIN GS. I : 1 WO as now recoirtog a limo stook ftr Opaing Bola, EMS LOW FOIL CASH LEEDOM & SHAW, No. 910; A. Eti - H STREET, =Eli ripLAD.L.%IIIO , . `"kaiAnso:siii MILLER "& BOWERS' 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA. 1 , ;. - 3 5, z T tt v Zt t , • N. • • • grOvE • .4 _.T.. ". - - + cn -, t-3 • ;.* E would resTioctfully call the atten tion of the public to our recently rsplerdsh: ed STOCK. We hate carefully avoided purchasing during the recent decline, and riow that the market has became settled we hare Oiled tip our shelves and era prepared to offer special inducements to all who will taro, us with a call. We have constantly on hand a FULL STOCK OP in t. co 7 r, w ,n .r t , t c .. .. Zi Hanmered.EaVish Refined, and Nor way IRON; Irerdan's Horse and Alan Sloes ; Norway Rods ; togother with s full stock of : BLACKSMITH'S • /11y ./ TOOLS; aucle a DNlls , E.4.11d Boa TIM, Selloys. Ban's, Ribs &e. 13IIILDI - NG MATERIAL We inalte,nll pert.. Intend ing q to bnild, to rnme and take stook thrungh our atock. We har, our Baits, Locke; fileaa, Paints. Oily, and nil material In thin line marked down at the !ottani OA:%11 PRICES, and feel neaured that we can otter apeelal induce ments in thin branch. - IMi HARRISBURG NAILS, alliays on sand 0 . 0 1 . TABLE AND • POCKET CUTLERY, fall loarnegle n nble patterns. We keep on hand a full Zino of three goo Is end aro 'elan}, abbe to null the taste ',Cavan the most fabtidleue. - , ~ , vi.,..., . .- .4 SADDLERY, ;.:1- 1 1t t,. - 14 - , -4 . 1 1Z4k4,;,4 : 1 ;'.-,!'• of every varlet?, eml,raelng In put self adjusting and Gls Trot's, Plated ;Japanned and Wood Hymen, Brldl.—Bltts, Inv's , Bands, ilirthlng, flossy Blankets, also, . • WhITOLEADB • i„.q,• , 4,41 1 f4 ZINC wAID, Our frie udawUl always (Mod UH well supplied with' the best iirands of these articles and ready to Ruff thorn at the looiept, prices. We aro ennstonkly lu re coipt of Paid's, thus . etiohlitt oursol Pen to Pupply our ruptutoerP with fresh paints, colors of all dee eription n - intuntly- on- hand. - Cabinot MakeA and Undertakors, win alwaye find an having ain't eupp!N• nT goods this Hue. MBl,Crosicrtit and Circular Sawn,liiito au•l lllextlnE l'oaders, linsandalu, 11an•ork aid Scotland Cement, Cal inr illantcr4lroa , ll , ra ar 'FARMERS, will do well to cull and esarnine our stock of name Traces, Breast Chains, Toagno and Stay Chain. Jockey Chains. Spreads, Halter Chains. Cow Tie ilbovolo, ' , nodes, Forks, Pokes, Grain , lore buy In a elsewhere. {Yo are ready to offer aped. inducements in t his line Repairs for McCormick's Reaper and Mower constantly on hand. We me sole agents far tho BUFFALO SCALE-WORKS nd are r,tdy to supply Scales warranted. and RI ..tied at lower prices than any other :eaten In th tarket. We are cum tan Ily in receipt iffgoods . direct from the man ufact ul era and me ablnto h Country Merchants at Philadelphia and NOW Yuri: pricer. I =EMI shwa)), on hood and at the lowest market rates, II oh, Spokes, Fences, Axles, Shafts, Dunk, Drilling, Damask, to., GOODS delivered to all parts of the town roc of charge. Wilcox & Gibbs' S_NWINO MA ORIN E ,We hove secured the Agency' of the Wilms it Gibluel•Powing Machine. a little family arrange , mat no one acme willing - to do without after booing anon one, in operation, The Wilcox It Mb& is a Single Thread Medd ne and elelms superiority over ell Double Thread Machias In the iblipelng particular, It le eimpler and lees liable to got .o at of repair. It le cheaper It runs with lets noise.. throne easier. It rune faster It hae the beet device for preanling the wheel from running backward. It requires Ism medial al skill to operate it. It ravines less time and lrettiortion to - leern to gee It It Is Abe moat certain and reliable In It, opeittions. la beadle a le reight and lees liable to ,a brokbroken than a out veal one'. The obedlo is evaded In Its pine by an ingeniously patented device which readers Itself adjusting so that neither akin nor apaisoce 'are r.quired lo arrangineft. It sea directly from the spool them doing • army with the tedious operation of rewinding the thread fur adjuetment. In the Angle. It makes the Wiliam Ulhbs' re "twister' loop stitch,. a .stitch orightal,wlth this machine end made by no other, the seam Is mere elastic and stronger than the Loa' btita. The seam Is the met availed beeutiful, the seem Is always alf.fastened thus avoidihg a reiereible feed, ite terreitrirdelq/Mitir &jointer and ••more:etteftyr.-Vfdfatkafr It Is Mktg speedily chamtafrom one kind of work to another, it does beautiful embroidery, .it hoe , the beet hemmer, It ha. althea fillaitt bas. the beet braider, It he. the but bell. • The. Wiicog - lk 01104. ha bran In the maid for a little moil/khan eight ream ,durlngvehich time upwards of slay ihotaand have ban Made and sold. a numbet by 'buy per cent. larger than' were cold of any Dahl, ,Thread Machine In the eadafttmar of Its earliest' years. Such amen is muMaltint to patent `the male of his Machine wheieVer It bits sn Wginey • without the doubling evidence of tiatimoulkie, of which' there are enough:to 1111..uti the eolumnei abd Journals In the land. ,Ilies• 'Muhl on. Inaba exbihifteu at our store, No. RS, - Nati., • Deaver Street, Carlisle, where they • 410 y be. in, -amlandiand they will take goat 'ple.sant• In mialutng.m9lVDS rsisling 10 - ' • ';'. 44Ppeal a* 4p., 4. ..- • MILLER 'A ROWERS t . , t " N 0.44, 414011114 Porer `. Win ' s* • C 441441,414. &i., *O. EEO 114 RE. HARD TVAILE . S 7 ORE, /Th. it: 0 ,-- , o 0 ',--- a % ..- -,., COACH I ZMI 117SGON DIISGEiLANEO US. 1869. 1869. lI H ENRY . S - . EXsT ITIQR spREE - T, . Carlisle. P. WhelaFetla and Retail dealer .71a hardware. lean: Steel, Nails, Buildlzig Paints, 011 a, thaw; de. Finest quality of American nod I:nalish Pachet and Table Cutlery. Every deacelptiOrt of Tools ndonfed I'M all do chnniral Trades at the most' celebrated makers. and warranted In every Instance. dune, Natoli; and Ammunition. PUP S , to- any depth warranted in give malefaction _— Planter, plakting Powder, Shovels. Bpe, es, Forks, enow.bro,, Slodges, &r FARM BIILLq, PLOWS. CHAIM% lIAMRS, GRAIN Beto4. Ae. &e, Bui/derf receive materials to a great adrantage both in price and quality. liougaanepera. Venda and. utenaila in groat variety. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GREAT FUEL ECONOMIZER PATENT EXCELSIOR WEATHER STRIPPING, adopted for doors sod windows. our iti r e m ie d e s r . o r u e r:r f l t vc g a o l - Is t tT n o t f a f t l .v ea sl u ng! , l o rl .e s , t t t in price. Orders by mail receive prompt attention, goods -delivered to tow n free Partlesiiidebted...to.no_for 8868 will please be prompt to their psyruent. - ind all, to 'whom wa are indebted will. please presont their bills for settlement. Sinn 68, PUMPS' . ' • PUMPS ! For pure weer Use, neither bad taatina wood; may Iron, nor pcilson lead, but I -- ---a. ii ill ti i- 04. muds of wild renumber wood. an 1 / 1 tirely (witless durable end a, liable. , si t I Not a patriot article, but the gent ollifanhloned woodnn • l'omp, made A.„ by machenery, and borer re perfect 6 . _ and accurate in ail We parte , raining , an ertufl amount of welter, and •ii- , . it , .sting u l r u f n e .... f than ... b a u !: I t h . e b. money. . . .0 1 , 1 l 4. li t . -C I frifiezii ' ;g. and In cone rufolon so .h 4, j 1C,5... simple that anyone ran put ilt no '6l: j : ' f) 1 4 17o d rou k c ' 17, P file t at l i fi n aelfgw ai l r edde A d f t t h r e ia,-i: i. ir ' iir, AND CHEAP/We. Twelve feat of 4 t , al - ''' 1 Cubing with each poinp. free of ii iii ikt • , ~,„ s harge. Deniera aupplind nt-lowent- ti.i ~ ..:;•-_,, S - if aciutacturern rate, Ffir circulars, - - price Ilbts, ke. .r all or address. The Celobrnted Cucumber Puma. v❑ AS. 0.11144TC111.1iT, 624 Filbert Bt. bortven Slit h & 'Seventh end Elerket and Arch 26Ibb Agents minted. A FEOPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE -444 (4/PITKIN&,CO. - The Great Head Quarto.; foe all . kindly' of Army Genda, New and tleeool•hand, and sold at a tithe ol the coat. - FIAHNESS, 'Wheel and Lend TB.IM 11 i ruitaa, Ambulhucei Light acid !Leavy Expreas. Cart and Bucity linen eats, tictilall.in and Oillenre Rein,. Haltom Purcingles, etc., etc. ' - TENTS, • Tinennal, %Sall and Wedge, with poles anclplAg . enninkde. - Winton Coven., ni nl Fling klot• tome and Bags,' • MILITARY - C o TA" ING-, Overcoat., Frock Costa .biekets, Blouses, Pants Army Blanksts, Dorm,' Covers. Fly blieets ,and Sole. etc•, etc. The.largeat cud- best assortments we . bay. neer offered. Fend for descriptive Price Lists, sent free on sin plieet loa. Smell orders by Express. C. O. D. Lilt El l AL DEDULTIONS TO WHOLESALE DEALERS. CO.,P=TK2N 8z (formorly on o root Bt. ) now) 71 N. 2d St., just below Arch St., PHILOISLPIIIN, PA. Also G , PARK. PLACE Now York. Amor • ^ • - •••• :•": 'ln 4. -II n", 3, co tm 8 ^ C R. NI Furniture of all catictico /IN ht)lon of Perchtd nd Itometeic man ufactn re, (tune the 'lnert rosavro'oil nd Ntohogany to the loareat priced maple and clue • Parlor, • Chamber, Inniug-roam. Kitchen and O • M, Embracing every artlete 1.1.. ed by Manse and Cote! keeper's et to a most approved and teehioimble drab'n and tomb Including also Cottage furniture In eette teeepriou and Camp Chairs. CMt frames, picture , . dr, , be. Q 4 -1 arketiler attention given no ukual to funerals orders" from tow. end country, attested to promptly. and on moderato tern's. SPECIAL ATTKN'EI ON PAID TO TILE sELEcrioN OP WAL L PAPER. . . EI3EIMIM J. BEE,TEM ..S.l BROTHERS, Forwa ' ;linq if, Commission Afercha4ts (Henderson's old stand At the boitil of MAIN STREET Carlisle, Pa. •Tho highest market price will ha paid for Flour, a ratio and produce of all kinds. Coal of all lanai, embraelmr LYKENS VALLEY. 'IAIOUST MOUNTAIN, JAW BERRY, &a., &a Llmeburners' and Blackensltbs' Coal constantly of sale. Kept ander cover, and delivered dry to soy part of the town. Also, all Muds of Lumber on hand. J. BERM! t BROS 17epr 08 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORER. SCHEETZ'S I BITTER CORDIAL. . Thu medical preparation le uow offered to the • üblle ax a fellable eubstltuto fur the many worth- no. oompoutuis which now flood . the market. 'lt ix purely vagetible, composed of various hdrbs, „gath ered from the great storehouses of utture,- . 40d selected with LEW ;almost sere. It id sot 'recruit,. mended as a Cult Att, but by Its direct and salu tary Influenee upon the• Heart, Liver Kidneys, Lungs, titomsch and Bungle, It acts both a. a pre 'tinned and cure'for many of the diseases to which thus. organ. ere •ultlect. It is a reliable Family Medicine, and ran be taken by either Infant or adult glen the same beneficial reatiltn. It is a certain I rompt and speedy remedy fur PIABRIIUiA, PYriKNTKRY, tSk.LCUMPLAINT, ItYrPra•Stel. 15111 WP, FAIN 11508, balKilhAti• ACllll 2a. For ULIILLB and Itkiils.sB of all kinds. ts tar bettor aud. safer than quinine, without oy Of its pernicious 'effects.. It errata, an app. Ito, proves • powerful digester of food, and will ouoterict . the effect. of 110 or Ina few minute..' PREPABBD BY J4cOII6CHILIVI'Z'SiIi - ProprietOr, N. W. Cor. Fifth and Pam Su, Phitad'a, Pa . . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 20nov dear. t p so m PINE CU,STOM 31ADE BOOTS AND SHOES •,,..; YOR GEM. T ME All thl LEADING STYLES on Imnd ar made to sloasuro. Parse axed at lADV EGJUItrO. An 'Gap firatln. Vries List wlthinotineilona for soli /SIMMSr mtptt+f,iton tsoolpt of Post Omen Wldi V. DARLIMA' ' P.Onth Dl th Bt., aln.ie Cbait unt j - • ' DRILADELEDIA. ••••• . . , Nttit4 .Y.AID. . , a(MONTS, Tomes; neititivirms, lisnals Dootilllai pa laud' and made,-$0 order/301/th llas• over kitting, Coital% Vii. . it. OWEN =3llBl C a ' 71 :20.. Grl/US e ? lI'S is.tnface loge *rod Ilia ant elm. Bplwita a 1141rna1ola • /ql2lOll Resto:es gray and faded Hair to its Oatom!4i. COLOR, removes Dandruff; COILS ALL DISEASES OF THE SCALP,• Prevents BALDNESS, and makes the grow Soft, Glossy aind Loxuriant,.; ; $l.OO and $l.OO perCottle. Farb Boffin in a Neat raperku Preparril by SEWARD. - BENTLEY CH EN EY. pruggb.O. BEttralo. N.Y. Sold by :LB Drugging. ME oo;; oi" . ;• D;l' GOODS MIN. . : With nu Sprinp i. 10,, at 11, tla cheap. In t”wn. Ido %. tr. r,ecup, t 0 , 1)ttull of news• ej. II tit f I •• r rf.llll,V. 6110111 tr t I, e. • 1 v. 1411 •••I ,•• dap trap to go the puMt. • A.: I matt of flcm b. to call and oxaml. for end it cot sailtae.l with the price no: to Remember the etrnd No. 32'hort armorer reef, Lcat datteto Dr. Klrffor'swand 311 ler It Bow., Ilarrivrard eturr. A. MILES. P. S. I srill t.,a) Siug al , out tny thlrdand fourth 4rnad oppulma. , gaprll-67. # t, ' lIATS ANT' CAPS, ;:, , • Do you -lowa a nice Rat orCapl No. 29. Weet Maio .9tioe., Whore eno he coon the Imes; apsurtment of ever brought to Carlisle. Ire takes great pleasure Inviting his old friends and Customers, and all ne ones, to ills splendid strick just received from Ne York and Ilh y udelphia, consisting . in oart oleos, SILK AND CASSIMERE HATS, Besidex an endless variety of Hats and Caps of the Intent style, nLLof whiplahemill.:sell_at_the Lewes Cosh ['Ores. Also, his own manufacture of dats . al ways on hotel, au HENRY SAXTON !lots Manstt:odured to Orde7 I), lias'ttiolic‘t arc/tog...ldt)/ air coloring Pa:mann all mi. 44 tt.ailen Gonda. Overeptitin dc., at the allort,A. notice (as he cal.r)•evcryikri;ok) and on the most rc iconable tcrms. also, a lino lot or chola. °randy .1 TOBACCO A ND CIGARS Alwa - yr nn hand. lirdebirin. to colt M. attnntion Iniva COUNTRY FURS Tn ,011, no he ptya td,hont lat-h prloor for the FXIII ,0 1,110 n roll. nt tlln abo , o n orator, Ms old by ions , nont , laut of glvin,; ontiro aatiallto - in , ) 11 -• THE. , OREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. I= PREV ENT (V F. OF' DISF,ASES The7.l.,N , • l ft I lIITr Eltti 'arc cotopriindad from a PP t., iptinh Ego Wan phyniciwu On. rucqrst., 14 by r year.: wf hint and export [neut.rlif d the Zioriki //erb- mosti-the ont to 't prwltti how, the rxrth. perhaps. heneier it.i.led—rertalp.ly the nini.t. clhirtiTir cute of ditici 4. It, iu rcuti tont', with flirt othur ptnii-rtleti to which Iha 'LINO All MITERS it etittitiiisill: v. di - Dyspepsia. Tor., ~nti Ago., Bilious cs•rr, Cbolle Onid•, Br..n , bit Is, Consumption In Ifs first FLO Mem.), Nerrons Debility, ronIAIS Complaint.. ithyo olstieni, — Dysentery; . A ewe mid (u unir Dist - Ines, Choi. ers. Choiers, Typhoid .11 T:, phus borer, . Ssvol, &repro's, Dir. • cures 'of the Kid noys, Habitual Costiveness, In thn Penekerinin and Prue of the ahoee din nneins, it haw nnr.r hoeli n uown to of the moat prominent citie.cox throughout ell pure the rein a try: n ill tchally. Let the ail:hand are.: for ch - cular leethuonials and certltirtataf of those who bete been cured aft, r hair cave. have pronomnred hopelcv by our bent physician. F. RATER &:_00„ No. 6 N. Front st., Philixdelphia ll= E,Gn• Iht•ld B. Porter, of Pwarniyt•anlN I=2 =I Jml IL harmer. " Wm. l'ileSlmrrv. I= =LE A.D E DROULATAI I r 'lO ALL ,TH WORLL/ THAT , T.IIENATIONAL BITTERS Ilae cured more tacos of DYSPEPSIA, more case, of Viflt CONIPLa IST, - more caeca of NILItVOIM 1114DAOEIN. FEVER & Ulf. and more WOO of Df.I3ILITY/than any other remedy before the public in the came Pram of time.• IT PURIFIES THE BLOOD, CALMS TILE MIND, RES SLEEP, Is' an Excellent App - alser, and x general In ' Tlgorater of the Syeletu. WALTON 3: ZUG, Proprietors, No. iL . N See. nth Ht., Phlleidelphla. Sold by Druggists, and Dealers generally, 12feb 62-13 m. U. S. HOTEL, Opposiie R. R., & Reading Depot HA:kISBURG, PA. W. 11. EMMINGER & CO Propriotore 'loct tiS-ly. j. L. STEIt biPIy B LIVERY •AND SALE STABLE, Between ihnoser and Bedford Streets, in rear of thu Carman House. . - CIA'RLISLE - PENN'A Having Mid up the Stable w , th New Carrlageo de., I au, prepare.' to furnish lirst-ela a turn•outi st reasonable rates. Althea taken to and from thr rings.ti =nor 68 ly. AMERICAN HOUSE,. • T korth Ilanovcr Street, Carlisle, • • W. E. KARNS, PROPRIETOR. HAVING' establislma myself . in Llwthis 14.11 known wwl popular ROIBI, I most respectfully .olloit the patronage of the old 10.10. mays of toe Homo. sod all others who wieh to re• cilia good seeommodatlooe sod atteottoia . 2ilE-4.2.B^STANBraltsy ,...ftol 2 Ont.' W. B. RAIINB.: • . ZIC-1. To obtain beiliy yard-wide Ctitton' Sheeting is to rend 80 names at 10 'ennui each •for — o s Ur dollar good., and get Esteimpome yds. as commission tor reliant( the Club Ibrty•tiro yds. 11 , y. Club of 00. els ty.flve yds. Or -Club' or 1(040'101 -ydt.. ofthe Agent tends for the Sehoht , lloo nettles not •Die *. Eaton .COMLUINIII.D. paid' In other • goutia: flu N. OLDISBI, LAUClltall, AND 111013VIIIILI. AULD DOLLAR BALM' HOUSE IN ROSTON:VI Male and Perualo egenas wantel. Send Clubt and money In registered' lottery, and utU stnirentes ptlompt return.. UI VII US A TRIAL., Writs', AT' oN lbr Chrulue and. ../hcbAnite Llet". of dollar goods, bitbp3eleinvh.r.. - . • " 314.1TrILIAN & • • "118 IbbibinfiXllllSal A1p1164.440. .• • • • • 1 1 11SOELLANl'OUS If bo. don't MI to mall on J. G. CALLIO HATS ANT! (.IA.PS I= = = I= =1 DRY GOOD. BY GOODS! AS' 031 E ,T ; II IN G ,TO qUI,T THE TIME AND SEASON, AT THE NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE OF THOMAS A. HARPER, - . CORNER OW irANoirp, BTS., Who is now properod to oxhlla t .31:4ant nod wolf assorted stock of ° DRY GOODS At olcoodingly low iiricos! - ' oßargains- in-"- K of all color. and sizes. the - cheapeat Stock In town. • .FLANNIETAS. Plain and Twilled, all eolo.x. Dometx, Shaken, 'plaid 8131rtings, Opens Iforne.6fo.l and a fine 'Article of Welsh normal.. Long and Square, Paisley and Thlbet. Ladfosi . Cloilkings, • Velveteens, Gold Mixed, Water Proof and Heavy Reavers. Merino Ve.te, f hirts and Drawere, for Win' Minses, - Menhl and floya . wear. A full line of Cloths and I;a,simeres FANCY DRESS GOODS In new and Rich Designs. . Aldny of the ,above Goode selling ocr at •t greatly reduced prices. Immense ltock of ill the. letding brands of Domestics and tiOUSE FURNIAIIING DRY GOODS, at lose than regular prices. BLEACHED & BROWN SHEETINGS, PILLOW CABE )IUSLINS, PILLOW 0/03g LINENS, 'ABLE N;NS, NAPKIAS •AND DOYLIILEL Towels and Towel Hags Morselilia Quilt• and Vable . Covare, N'otilughamo Lace Curtin Material and Full Ill:woof WIFITE GOODS, Embroiderlan, /Arita and 'martins' Vella. Barnes and Grapes. llonlery and Gloves In groat variotj, an erten sive Stock of NOTION'S.' 11ALMORAL-AM/410OP SKIRTS FANCY WOOLEN GOODS CORSET:! COItf3ETSI Fren h Wove, Ilip Gore, and the celebrated BOCkri Corset,. Ladle's Cuff , and Whirs. Hemstitched Tucked nd Embroidered Handkerchiefs. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CASH PURCHASERS THOMAS A. HARIMMI, Cor. of lfaoorer and Pomfret Sla =I /,BA R GA INS! W. C. SAWYER & Co's WC. SAWYER & 00., cplle the attention of the public, to their moon Rua of , Fnncy and iiiiripod DRY GOODS, Consixtlng of ' -•- • POPLINS, EMPRESS CLOTIIB. IdERINORS, L rices, ka, , ka CAR-PE A 'S! CARPETS! ch a• BRIL99ELP TITRES PLY, INGRAIN, YESITIAN, • COTTAGE, ' RAG, . LINEN and LUMP groat ♦arlaty. • , OIL CLOTHS, 111109, 811ADICH. B e., le. , whlohorill b• cold viry, ebeap. CLOTHS AI 4 H CASSIAIHRES HOSI I6R Y, GiL 0 V EB, HOUSIT, ,FURNISHING GOODS, °revery kind and In ahund•nt quantities. W. will make great 'meritc• and offer a One, asaortment to select from. Phnom remember Qin. large Stock will be lob], and we aide prices with • view of closing nut the entire Stock. All who whifCch.ap DaX95 OOOD All who wish cheap All who wish ..heap HOUSE • rITII.NIAITI2IO 0301).;. All who whil...heep DRY GOODS of any kin W. SAWYER • CO'S., blast Main Street. sfeb 69 SPRING. 180 BARGAINS. MB NOW OPNNING IE DOMESTIC .GOODS Dit ERA 11101.)F1, SPLIEVUES MTECEZI WHITE . GQODS, =E! EEEEEM RIBBONS, RING'S NEW STORE, No. 56 6% EST MAIN STILEIZT. Opposite the Mansion Roux", next to Post Om. derlielu BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE • 11+1.X0FACTUDSD HENRY BpW.F o ll, Chemist, YLIIIADICI,PiIIA Super-Phosphilte of Limo Ammonia di Pataeh WARRANTED rain TROICADULTERATION Tide manure conLa , ns all the elements to pro duce large crops of all kindsoind Is highly recom• mended by all who use It, also by distinguished chemists who Lave, by analysis, tested Ito qualities Packed In Bags dr:2oo lbs. each: DIXON.SHARPILEgb & A GEN TS, SO Boulh hater k 40 Louth Del4 i war• Avenue, PIIILADELPIILL:' CT= • ' WILLIAM lILYNOLDS,; ... 79 South Street, • ' BALTIMORE, 'LID. • • Arid by dealers Henryenerally thyouboot the country ali For In rmatiow, address Bower, rbills. 12feb SO•Iy. ' LARGE PUBLIC@ALE,QIGAR cisass, 4BUGGIES AND W4GONS, A. B. & N. SLIERK, ON FRIDAY; NAY 7 Tit 0869 Al A. B. A'N. Plink. having succesefolly-eAe. dad ou eolith Mattes ,41 tt re, )tarsi one of the, ihtht:ta...erithAtelf*,...ol.l49.,etclos.Ahey hove. to make silt of their le tie Stool on b ond ,, •whit , b -copeleta . •-• z wor.STYLE, 8 GERIi.ANyOWN bARRIADES, TWO OARtIER3tWAGONEI, ONE TWO•BRATEiI SQUARE OABBIAO.II, ton,. Leather . Top, .Sled . Tire .Iloggles, Orliirt Own and Duel; ."Sepr. part 'of theca Stool Tire;!" No Ton . anggleig tire' new Spr.ng Wagon., wltb and. witimutloliN tome and band Onsgbil,,Rooluiways 'and Spring Wagons.. All the niw worths warrant• od firear. G REAT DECLINE, IN PRICES of DRY 'GOODS saioßE Jwit opeciltig a full Asiortment of qI . , . CARPETS Splendid 'Attains, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, DRUB EELS, LOWELL THREE • PLY, ONLY` fl 7E. EXTRA SUPER TWO PLY, ONLY 1 95, IN GRAINS, STRIPED, TENITIAN, WOOL DUTCH, STAIR, RAG LINEN, HEMP; Ail at . GREATLY REDUCED PRICES OIL CLOTHS FCR HALLS, Table Oil Cloths; Stair Oil Cloths, Table Linen, Damasks, Ticktngsheethsgs, Checks, Calicoax,'Oinghama, Musll4, ac &c, all selling at uch price, as will nab:ll4B6 all that will glee um a call for HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Plane remember tbat there has boon a great de CARPETS, go that we Cr. able to sell NEW GOODS fully cheap as the wholesale prices a months eg g Ploasa do not Mil to giVe'ux anoarly call and g. share of the 2tlmar.lo ImpOrtanf to, Buyers of Dry Goods "BEE HIVE," The Popular Dry Good Store 920 Chestnut Street, For many years conducted as the ' PARIS CLOAK AND MANTILLA EMPORI(131" J. W. PROCTOR & CO IVllloffer (be caroling SPASM, at POPULAR PRICES FOR CASH, an entirely Nalr,Stacio of FOREIGN 4. DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. nelndinz Spring And Summer Dross ()nods Ia largA DLAPK AND COLORED SILKS; LACES. AND EMRROIDE . LINENS, WHITE GOODS AND DOWESTICS HOSIERY. GLOVES It KINDS, MOURNING DRESS UOODS„ CLOAKS, SACQUES. ,In this department au un rivalled assortment at prices from fd and upwards. SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS, Including Lama, Lace cloaks sacques and 'Points. And Various other goods adapted .to the Popttle Trade, ehloh will be told at Eco,yom icki, PRICES al= W. nopoctfully enileit,au examination• Our. priro are market in plain figures—no deviation J. W. 1 3 .10CTOR & CO. "THE , BEE, ,HIVE." 920 CHESTY - 17T STREET, EZEMEES 28mar.60 3m First Mortgage Seven Per cent. INDORSED BONDS. St. Louis,Vandtilia aud- Terra • Haute Railroad Co: At 90 and ACCRUED INTEREST These BONDS are for slo* etch, secured by a 'first mortgage of ONLY .per, mile on the properly and from hOes of the Company, redeems,- able on the brat day of January, 1007. Conpoms at tached, payable on the' Ist gay of January-and July In each year. The payment of the principal and tntrreat to FUR -Milt Or:CURED by the Indorsement of the Honda by The Terra Haute and • Indianapolis • Railroad Co., The Columbus; Chicago and Indiana Central Railway Co. The Pittsburgh;" 'Cincinnati and St 'Louis Railway' Co. The toilomementqf the two last-namedCompantes Wag guaranteed by The Pennsylvania Railway Co • The road on - 41110h thuti Bonds constitute a First' Lien is 168 mile/ long, extending from the Torn; haute and Indleonpolle Railroad, near Terre Haute, - to 81. Louie, and forma the Jut and only uncompleted link in the chortast Line from Hr. Louis to Phlledelphla• and New York. It. Immo. dicta contraction and equipment are provided for, to wont rant •botween the Peonaviveula Halleoed Company, and the Companies above nenced,..vrhich contract insures that It shall always be ophretell in the Joint ',Aerostat:Of the direct., line between ISt. Louts add. the East. HB VENTV MILES of the road aro now completed, and It le confidently expected that the entire -line will be opened for traffic early 1n.1870. Timken ralle for the entire length or the road have been purchased, and sufficient for ILO Miler &live ed. The Bowls can NI bail on application to DE HAV E N & BROTHE - R Dankers'irs Dealers in Government Se curities„ Gold, &c No. 40; South: Third Street, I can fully recommeud tap above Ponds -am aOa 01,1 0 1 9. 1 0 410 ./H7... J. EDGAR THOMPSON, Dee2s '68.1v OPENING OP NEW SILKS, ' • . 4Y OPSNING 'OF NEW mirAwpi, OPRNINO'OP NIAV OIIINTZNS, 7 . I • OPENINLI OT • NEW POPLINS /¢U stock of BTAPLE 'suit FANCY • 1 SPRING' • ' COOPS. ' & . .110,URTH 419) ARCM .STREETSV PIIILADALPDIA. • • • . 01)41 • MISCELLARBOUS. CARPETS AT THE 0 E NT R OP ALL STYLES ANDpLITIES Quills, aunlerpanes, Linen .Tabls.„cloths, 411)1 . 911 & _XIII4,ER KO PHILADELPHIA PHiLADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA MISCELLANEOUS. I=lM=lsl r - ~~ Y '''MACHINES SEW INQ TiTP, SINGIPt MANUFACTURING CC'S Nlttr FAMILY MACIIINg.—No other family Sewing Machine has so rophily won favor in the household The very lama sales of that popular machine has shown by official 'returns, far exceed thois .of soy other company, nod this fact or rto.ull, hen beep I Jsl,...qt=ol..ffifilta-=- - b i aDOP..it,&.,gtelLl - - log popularity. I t s simple In construction. ens ly undo a nod, easily operated all Ito NOs gilding smoothly and nolsolesslv along—not liable to get out of °rani-, has capacity for o•greot range and on- Olney of work. Rowing nil Minda of cloth and wish ■li kiwis of thread nod with the numerous attach ments fir h•mmin •, cording. tuckin,, trimming, binding, braiding. Ac., and embroider. of many Ingenious. tasteful and Milieu t slam, is the most perfrot stall fsmtly sowing ma chines. Any one who will toe the trouble' tn or online the merits of thn different machines claim ing attention, ,an soon discover whether we claim too much fl.r ours. It twoold avail us nothinz to. make the above assertiotg If we were not rendy to prove thorn, ono all we ark is a trial for observe. I ion 1110110 can justly convey a clear haprestilon the many kinds of work of widen our new TAMILS MACHINE Is capable. TIIE FOLDING VASES, • Which open. with spacious 'tibia, to sustain thn woik,.and which fold foto Tastes or hoses to pro. tot rho m iebines, when not in use. Iran dust and methilesuin • 'loiters are made froni choice woods, embellished by. plea•log designs, thus tusking ou r , nnw family machine not only tin/ornaments( piece of furniture, but I u some of the mnro ola• borateiy finished meet/Ines, a work of real art. TllE ANT A CHM ENTS, Of our newfainlly. machine., above referred to. are notonly_humerenc,but, h Igh ly_ticefn I fon_ the per, pose ferttelileh thcy wore Intesidcd. •fhee need only . a trial to shoe , their grciit value. Among the moat recent of the attech'inen to Is the L Of the different rttlacllin . cnis of tnur new family machine w Lich hove setwited the attention and apprnval of niin'en-letnern tint for dm htnitlertnix, like the Ileum, le one of the few I etttrunien In whleh hind!. pI.:VM unit a Itig f y rho nitkerver of Ito I , A value. It Is no kimple In. qruldtww,_that any ono wit n CATI F qn curlneeldne ett't ti`e It. .d wlthnitt Ituttrur ew tien It inn). he ettiohed or dr Cybed froln tho • reAchin;• m n lin•Cort. \ Without. a lomat", &serf ration, and even three, It would ho difficult to &rectify Io groat varlel3 .of . that this fettle Instrument well In. Tho reader must , of *upon,. that what/we rpmd< ,1 in suer. chain stitch opcmtion, whirl, Is ROOl 0t10,..: •lonnorousiy tor eel omen 01,1ery. 11 , dosirej, nvw., colors of a fey kind of threeol root h , at env ouu IIdI«, nn the colors or Ilya I I 10 114 chance lat thr . 0,11 al thee oprrnfor, trlem• the , Nord., 1.1 tene_reed pattingpattingof leers in then ottni: thus as many or as for Nebo, mos i,r hind as the '•l"'ffefcc .141. A. 10 the ...Combed tc,, of any mtrenfillt A arca: variety of remelt. produord by he male. urn in n1.1! • A, the, ern:4 , ms .2, rrj!llinle•cl.- e.lirP inn); he prod° ?whine le in [notion h, simply ehnnyintt the ter•xlitns. .ear, twit , eilinw in the lenuth it ~.i•ene, kinftp: the. , ft of I tin need in. area. The Etnhroiderer will u•e we kind of Ih end. 'rho zephS r trer.t. I for en, tilt, kw pos.,. Rine. rpri r0c.,1,, to (litter to eet n Just Ide.i or Ihlr v:ittntble - nttarlintent it ~ 111 be neeet,iry town it in nrintlii ,n, MANVFACII:HIS;tI NIA MIN would nAk mitwalriu to n now toil•liabg whi , h it. the /nil , prac ai tical but ion-bolo public atte.olion. Otir initiurxe , trrin44 tnabi.tt.s, tor othvr puipospv, nru too uelytuoirn 10 'trod curium. t II OCIIINII 'IIV ST bluer rioeottly on'arged our SW( Mills In Nea ark. 1 .1 ~ rind I 0 illvh them with thoi,,,joiyeat mod toot' improved at teltinery, , vhich 111 tail,. operated toy! 10..1111 skilled bib.•t. We hoot* nod Ito: 'the intportahett of not only elite plying theusers rfltur unteltinek, hur the trade generally wilt t•Fn beg nu tlity ofa inZeiti , nt MOW. whirl, no CHI cell by MI, .01, -titan by WEIGHT. l'hu vyitent of reilleg by weight loots melon manulacturers dui — opportunity 01 no Imos•ole weight nit gill: in the irrocf•Foo , I ,I)teog a+ not only .to greatly injure Ito ,Stilts, but nRn 000,1,13 . x 'kron o r innoreamun about I[d:quantity. In this ro, !meet veo Med II to he 'lmes sospo, loon. Tile memoir to %Inch the sizes of are eredwlted Is tOut a matter ol'grect looportao, e, but wt. use the greeteet _otalitle-care-that the grallittliug shall-trek conch P!flirty cutttte. In addition to t uutacturing from the 10-t quality I.l' raw stilt+, .t Ito evenness or thread and beauty of flohh of - Moe 11/111111'1W fvfi stank, will hot, MO thiot, to recto eurpar:t dtt h - egged of sulk ten'nhlaettutd tenby us. 01 1.1) rtz, or' tote', Ito spere ire °I wet ht evittainn thq number of yards p looted thereon mottotth, strength, size, olcoally dud finish of the`throomt 0000 no he looked to lather then weight.. We silk mall off., firers ou a 'ergo tea 0, and tort Clout a large trade earl only ..rotallood by utn furilleh- Mg a superloor arliebt at a laic prior, II other -brands t f Twirl be offered 'at lees price than outs, purr' asers stay ram- assured that it IF on ferior in quality, deficient in, quintity, or both. , We bot•o arid shall keep iio stock at our Central Office, and 'various agencies, To lot of M . ., sari of he yowl tun tonne nun kited es 01 color, In urn, and which will he sold at Now York —Pry., THE SINGER MANUFACTURING Cu., No. 458 Broadway N. Y. PHILAI4.I.I , IIIA 'OFFICE. 1106. CHESTNUT ST I. B. NV UO DWAR D. AG ENT -AT HARRISBURG. Office No. 4 , N..7d St., „Opposite Gifu Baple MIMI 4 cSVARK4 , Se BANKERS , ° N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREEI PHILADELPHIA. qENERAL kENTB, FOR S 0 0 PENN S A WA N I A sc k. 7'47 ZIZN N pre ....) OF THE (L s'"'\ ..3 . II i FE~NS ATt OF THE -9111 1Cteo UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Thn NATIONLL 1.17.11 , INSI7RANOE COLL - PANT 16 I "rporilt , o woo-m.6i h f sp. elktlAvt of C , ..uess.uP roved July YS. ISB, with. CASH CAPITAL; $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Libotal tarms otfor, cl to Agent' and Solicitor'. Who o in riled to apply az nor office. Pnit n t ticulur+t hob ort un application at our offlce amen In rho becloud story of our 11:tworag lluu hors Clreals^a and Parnyitlats. fully .1. gwrlldt.g the lynniuges uttered by tin. Coinpn ,. .lobie be had. E. 4Y. ek. O litK & B. S. Russel, Manager. C. H HEPHLTHN, Cashier Ist National Hank, Agent for Carlisle, Pu. 1115. HOOP 6ICIRTS. 1115 WM. T. 11 OPKINS Mae Routovodltio Manufactory antl - Saltsrooms to No. 1116 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. • . Whom his- Thed Make" or Champion Hoop Skirts espeel.ally adapted to Find Clink ll'itninale and 'Be tas/ Trade, who ho bound to embraco the most qxten sly° us °cantina In the Union, nod all Um latest and moat &aired° , Sty) n, Bla pea f. ngths and Stars; 2 2 , 4; 2 1 4 2lky 3 nrilm round. of P tint and O. Pats. lets Ilulkitax B.irts,- Reception Trails. 'an:, he., to• godlier wits over Om ty dillerent vatrioll ti of Albinos and th Ili ma's BidriA. all of which • tor symmetry of styli., Swell, light ess, ulti-tleity. tamability slid r'icti illiEopatess, nru unequal° 1 by any ot',er goo spa tho Warm t, uud mra nm mutt dln twat yre pact S .irta 'undo Ender ♦,tared, and ttopaltcd, Warblesolu and Retail , • • ... • Null lines nf Low P icod Eastern Mitio SNIrIS; 15 Bp , ings, 3.i Cants ;Yip Swaim 4tri elite; 25 ^Sin - Inge 65 0 nts ; 3., Springs, A C. uts ; and 45 Springs, 75 Cota: . CORSETS! COIISETS I I CORSETS! II 57 different st.o lea ant price., Irani 75 0 Mato $7 to funbr.cing It: Wort*, o•Beckel," "Glove F.iti oft.".filadant Foy's Corset Skirt S.lppor ere, Mrs Moody's Patent 'Self. Adjusting Abdominal" Corsets, Fretteh• E n lisp and lanneidic Iluml• • ado Jon to, and anpurlor French' Pit (erne of 0, tell 0 rote, 'Our Own Mako," to which too MAW especial alto titian Comp oto aoaurtment OIL oiler' Under Garmentej . at vo ry low Ores . GENERA!, AGENT f r the lIAItTitAM,3 FANTON' FAMILY' SEWING MACHINES,, suite:Mr to any other before the public. Fiotit an of these Nu 1 slon oltlncs, Price $55 each, are beiug given away t o out' customers in order , u get theta io,troduced. Every person in Want or articles ' Murtha., olounld lawn: Info our goodo bolos° porch.' ng oleowhor° Cal , o r .sand for circulars, at ..sr Manufactory and &door rooms, No 1115 Chestnut St. Phiadoliolda 2.llarC9n3m. • o M'r. :HOPKINS. lIG A-NS--A-NI),L 111141,01/110XS The undo's-I - mod having bone appointed o out for the note of the erlebratett , CitLCU:INT invites ••- I , :rensorri 4 .•:sse:sd.....d.rectobtrt - rivw en iSiscNition' at his roam, No. 49, East Dickinson College, There iirganw and kielndspna were awarded the 'fist prize, a GOLle MEDAL at the Ainerean Insti tute Yoh. in I, 69. after five wook'a scat, and, base nine. token the first prize wherever they have been' put In oompalltino, • Having hod coneldsrale experience In the salter U 91.41 IRetrIAM.I3O, I can rseominend these with el:ndone., and guarantee entire MI *tactic, , Please tall and see the Ineirumant, and got an Il lustrated circular.- r • ' • •MINSCIll1,01:10'NO giNin at modeiate charoe , • • • • AlEtilt.,io O. Vuti CO•lm • ' Room 44 hint Job. Pristisg neatly 'executed at' this' Onass.' I~EIIL ri TIMBERLAND VALLEY RAIL: C II A -N G E _OF lIOUj si ' On and niter Monday, September 14th. 1%68 Parson ger Trains NUI run duly no fullOws,(hundays'eXteil tnd)l . . WESTWAy, b A CCONNODATION TRAIN iIIRTOR Harrisburg 8,00 A„ Blachaniesburg 8.33. Hatligo 9,10, Nenvllle 9,45. Shirnpunaburg 10,19, Chambarahsrg.lo.46, rOlll3 00 11,14, arriving at Hagerstown 1 7 ,424 01. Man. TuAra !naves Harrisburg 7.30 P 51.. 111acbarn, icanurg 2,02, I•arilsia 2,34,-New villa 3 10, I•lllppen,./ btu g 3,40, Cliambersburg 4,20 C renneastle, 450, m riv ing at Hagerstown 5,23 I'. 11. • Exrarra 1 RAIN leaves - Ilarrisburg 9.15, P 51. Ktechaniesnurg 4.47, Carll.9u -5,17. llnn,illa 6.00. Sbipponaburg 6,17, Jar:lying st Chambart,burg nt 6,45 P. 51. A MIXED Ilvari leave!, CliamberelmFg•P:os A: M. Oreelemstle 0,25, arriving at ❑ageretorva 10,10 A.M EASTWARD:,• A CCOMMODATIGN 'MAIN lefties Chazilborifiurg 4,45 Alpptinbhurg 5,14, Newvllle .1 45, Curllallt 6 • 18, filotinaklceburg 11,41',.alrIvIVg ut flurrlsburie7,ls A. I. Af AIL Tama leaves llngeratown B,OIA. M., Green. ens la 8,36. Chembpraburg 0,10, eillp ausburg vevrvilla 10.14, Carlblo 106 x, Aleellauiceburg 11,24 ni riving et liartlaburg 11.65 A. Al. Earn ass TRAIN IMVOR lingeratown 11.65 A. Al. Greeueaxtle Cbacaberaburg I,QO, Sblugerlabure 422. Newvilla 2.05, Carlialn 245. AlechanicaLurg 3,12. arriving at Harrisburg 3,41 P. Al. '4 Mixan Alviajtamaalageratorsn4t4ll, 4 4l-44e - 1,12, arriving at Chambaraburg 6,06 treenc stle P. 11. JA - 0-%i akingrlore connections at Harrisburg with triune to and from Phlliodelphia, Now York, Balti more. Washington and Pittsburg. • 8 111 . EIIINTENDENT'S OFFICE. O. N. LOLL. Chambershurg, Pa., Bay 8, 1869. Snp' t. 16may.88. , READINGRAIL ROAD WINT.pR -ARRANGEMENT: MONDAY, DEC'E., 14 1868 GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM THE North and North West for Phibidelph a,"Nes — Turk, Reading Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Shamokin, Lebanon Ailonlown, Eamon, Ephrata;, LIU', Lancaster, Col =his, &c.. Asc. , , Teal. leave 'Harrisburg for New York sa follows: At 3.50, 5.50, 8.10. A.,61., 12.40: noon. 2.05 And 10 fa. P. 31., connecting with altnilar Trains op 11A Pennaylvania hall Road, And" arriving at Now Yort at 11.00. A. M.. 12.20 Noun, 350. 7.00. 10 05 P. 61.. and 6.16. A. NI., respect, . ully Sleeping Cars accl. paning3.so, A. 51., and 10.50, P. M., trams without change. Leave Harrishara for Reading. Pottsville, Tama 'olla. Illuornvillu. Ashland, Shamokin ' Pi. a Grove Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, A. NI., and It 111: atopplngist:Lobanno-and—Principti 11'08 Stations. the 4.10..1 1 . 31. train inaklug amino, Slone for Philadelphia and Columbia only. Fat Pottsville, Schuyll , lll . llavro. and Auburn via Satiny • kill, and Susquehanna ltallro trl, 11.211,4 Harrisburg 33U P. AI. Returning Leave New York ut 0.181 A. 31 - :,12:011:, - Nonn :1112 0.1(1ryo,1 P 1.411% 31 ; ' , Whm pain At 815 A. 31. and 3.30 P. Si... Sleeping; ear, aseomPludoir the 0.00. A. M and 5.10. a 210 8.00 1 1 . 31 [mina II nm "or'Yor4. witlitoLt cloinge. Stoy lan.•enger '('rain l'hllatinlphla 730, 31., connectitig wllh similar train 1111 lik•t Penn. sylvonin Rail rend. rat neon . . from Itenling at 6 35 1. Al., stopping nt aft:Huth., ; Irnv P0.10.111e at 711' and 3. 31 and .15, P. 31 , elninicoldo at 5.2. A. 31. Ashland 700 A. 31 12 30 1' 31 , Tarmiqus at 5.30. A. M. 2.00 I'. 31., for l'hila 10l el.a. • Leal., Pelt, ille vin Sohuy thin and Susquehann• Rail Road n' 7 le A . 31. Mr lint ri•lon e. 0, 111.30 A 11. fur Plitt. nu/ ,:m ut. 11031/ill, AN`ollll..lntic a Trnig:• Lc:n un Iten,llll - 7.10, A. 1'11.12111.00dr +t.•1.4 117 . Pottstown Aerolmoottolion 'Prolnt hotons Putt, town to MO. A. M. roturning vo, ItAs.t.lelphla 00, 0. th—.. Uolumbh. /Call !told Tea - Ili, leave Ilea•ling 7 (I/1 2 A M., mod Litt>. I euencler Coluushln Park 'omen hall !load Train•leavo Vele. ULM(' tioll at V.lrt .3. and 1.130 I'. O. .(eturning : Lea,. ultlppliele at • IA A. M., and 12 I , IIIIYII/11, witt , motl•trtrufus — n., - Itereullerv• einir t/u ,undny,,, Leave N.,. l orlt It a 30, I. AI A, 31.„t o 3.15. I'. the 3.00 A M. Tram roolng onlv Pi•t/•v,lle e.OO. A. AI.. n 5.eU 3. vl. urut .1.10.,0..1 10 LU, /' oturl Iteadingat 1.4 , 43 v 0 end; 15 V. I: for Ila. borg.gt 1 . 2 fro and 7 ii. A. M. 1”r New Yory and 3 ill) ' 3l for Cernin 3111eage. Seavon ..9.-huol and Exeu.- Atm Tleket., hp nod Irom'ail pout, at re.lueetl rah. Ilnegageehoektl through; 110) jevontl• allouy.l I•oct hiNFunget. O. N 31,11 L 03%. MEM 1 .1, I'l 4: -OUTWARD DIBUIIAR(fl %VAT ER IST_ILI- - - 4 _, • - --..-- livaring (lion April 30, 1 , 967. . JACOB A.BRAIIIIIS & CO., - - ~. Nw e, tle, Cumberland County, Po-.. Prop, letors of the alone natutld l'atcal for the a unties of CUMBERLAND nab ERA NKUN-,--P.A., ad ih Amill I NU'ION U •LINYV MD. ' ...../. • im desire to roll the attention of Millirrights.Mill dianera;and - others.to the • ninnts of thembove Inca. tiom.which fur Durability. hiliclency mei Chenpuesa, they' are centident canna ho'Su apes eil. Wherever it has been i air° Weed: success ham In itariably followeii, even under the moat tined:melds eircumstancea. For Back IDat, and lota Ilead and ICk4l.ll:Cai use of IDiarr, (his Whetl it nailiout • mail A WOrnitl2 NOM ottho Wheel can be eximlned at the Es.tiblixlttnew of the Manufarturen. hl Nue- CULP. l's., where ell Worm:aloe way be cheerfully ghen. We append the fallowing referectreA: .1 A I. 11. IIUICSII. .11111 N 1/11011DATIGIT, BEN.I• MIN LANDES, 11IIIkrigb t. SAMUEL LAND'ES o.* A. W. DAVIDSON J S. LIN Do EY, Millwrights J F. It USE LL. - LEWIS BOWMAN. SAMUEL P I' N.R. 801giltION PT ROM M, A DA.IIIIAMY. . .Igetill HAM P. Aept.:o tf Wheeler&Wilson's = SEWING MACHINES ! At the grunt Exposition, Paris, 1307 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 8t Competitors. 'l' II F. I' E 0 LE ' S VERDICT TOE SAW. OF RENOWNED 111.ACIIINE ARE 100,000 GREATER TUAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily 11-0 Throughout the world, ONLY TRUE MERIT 1111i1.9 lever, and suCcomerii wino the race. 'the Wheeler 4 Wilson stenos triumphantly the Champion and I.cader.over all otheni by the vim int of the ptcple. v e'clnlin no merit.; that we cannot susiain by flying - goal fellablu Nitlitnl.B. - We Atari upon our own mail won. n, without declaiming agale.t othet compatat.a." .We I.Tim to hare imprefements tor seeing i hat ,co - know .csonut ha excelled, and in many points that no other company 'dare competk , with, No oilier •0001 pant Call short sn many nil. rhinos that boon boon in daily UN; for t.L• length of time as, we can. ,For proof of • t his, look et the numbers that ere on each machine .The iVhael r and IV Ibsen t , awl lig Machine lithe ilieh Beet Friend. and the Poor 0 omen's Tract and Com. .rorterer, for 110 01110 r comp lOf t au s e ll on lift ja s uai and easy terms no we. 21ing o.ly The poor uo7iian can get herself a itfa caw, and qfierwards pay for it. , No illachine is paitlf,r until . pasties arc fully satis- Cimstant use • anN increases • the qcorth of our . . DLLA:I3Eir t *TM I S; Several ladles id Carlisle who have used our ma' chlneo Rom 81% to twelve y ears, say “They-eonsidr-r -them butter In every -point than when new, one there I. not a garment worn in the Wally, from light ai 6wiss to henry no hearer cloth.-that iltuj have not muds" One lady rays:7 , l have- sewed' fer "three•years and never. broke a needle b' We can furnish nemee and n sldencee of responsible part!. wits am inuttotiti all we violin.- Thr unsigned are a tow of in any who have the It beater and Wilson Sewing 51nel:tines, in esthete. heel genital of tline they have bean In constant use J. B. Haversack, 14'years J. Rbeein,.. • 12 , ". Col. Henderson, 12 ", Rev . . fir. Wing, -11 " ' 1 K 10 " Kew-Sterrett,. Peebles, _ 9 . „” 0. Hernian, (Mowroet.wp 9 " Sterrett, ( ' Dickinson twp. 3 EIE .Inatiuutionn given free of ebarite. , and 51aellinet ibeerfulif ehown to all who count 51re. s.llilnvey Store, IN 0 :CO P orth Ilanovor a trent, (*al • lisle, Pa 'Prices and, tilylee to suit any cuatenser. Mainlines delivered to all points In cumberland anu adjoining wealt, free of mitre charge. .t PETERS6N OADPENTER, Gen. ggig: in MARKET fiTittlliT iIAItIII . B.IIURG. , • J. llf & L. IL FULlitElt,' the 'only authorized Agenin - Carlitile.:;.- th. 47. PATENT •IIIpa),ICINILS. Aye'r's HAIR VIGOR, For restoring Gray INr to' its natural Vitality and Cclor dresOng ;toltiai to nee ligrevabla, and elli,etual "far ;urvink the hair. led or gray: hair 18 re.tared to it. oritti-: rotor with the _gloss pf ., yoyth. n hair is thickened, in,gl hair ,bevkad„. baldness often, thouch not always, cured by its use, Nothit g can restore -the hair whom the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophiLl and decayed. But such as . main .en n he saved for useftiluess_ by this application. Instead of f;dhng the hair with s...past.y-soslimeirty-it keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional dee will precept - the h sir from turning _gray or railing off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious -übstances which make some preparalions dangerous vl. injurious to'the hair: the Vigor con only benefit but not harm If wantel merely'for HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found co desirable. Containing neither oil or dye, i,t does not NVIli to cambric, and vet lastsiong and the hair, etiviug it a rich glossy lustre anda.gratefol perfume. Prepared by Pr. e J. p. Ayer, I'o., P RACTICA I. AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL MASS. Place. 3100. 3^n it re Is Ayer's S FOR P FYIN G TILE BLOOD The rrputttinn thin ex , eolient tam Urine er.joyr, , is tierited nom I S CU! MIS iwt .„ , t t , i .o , t ,, r , t i n„: t „i ti nu „ bleb it are truly Intel al ern ly 61, - r es, of pernationx 1115....., ....., w • , t. win re tit , : N . , fl , CM 04 , i FAt unit ort .. with 11,,,t la 14 hate been ninth., and t-nreti by it rt r-n:lnor nth- , lions and .Ih. , r.n r.. It Well leer° Ng. ~~~. ;~: pr.s 11, 111011 C er I)l..annlnall,nl until On) ero l n ,ll. HI latincistly nre.l In numb,- in tnerS. I Or ion nI ifnunig,',lluit the tuacel) need It, lie llnlortneil inn In tu, 11,4. 1•1 v,., rloplrtfett,f, ra , 8.. I lien. II.), no , . vn nod tn. . ....101111 1.1 1 , 1,1 • • 11 I hit 008. U. '1.., :11.111 , 111v , Ow I, .1 vt riling or 1 . ..1v.1 11•Va.t . S, xir lit Iv • :I.llqm i , lI .1 111 it In IN tirn thre h• illt the 1 , 011, mill Olen no. t.,,1C,rt,1,1 n, .11on11, oi c all , 011 Lido ult 1111 . t, I}l6. In 11,1 - 11' ,UCtif . l.l!,- 114”.11. rr .7 . 11,1,11,1111 ed In I.e r ,‘ • •1 , •Li eon- 1) ' ut) "I' 0 I , ? • t 11 , ...10 10, 1,1?r1II, Ir V ~, r /1,,/ 10 , 1 :1,11 0•01, 100 V I, I 0 ,11,.) I°0 • ' ? IIII , 101.11.. , 0110 3.1? Il• WI , I , d v 11, IMI 1011.1- V. 1 t•.. 111% 1.1 0 111 111.111/110 LI HO /. 0; r/.. _j.r. Eruoj oh.. !WM Of 111 tt 4.11 If PM illll 1..11 if. 1.11, I ,Irrfrt. tl t•• ttt tI t. nnn ittt•tt , ilott It Istt, at. 1 , ,,p1 , ti. lb art if 2 • lid , v, :No Jvr ?l.: 'lir ~ tt 1,, rro. 11, 11.LtIlllut aid uh. loz,s rUr tl i. III), ht /n Gon.d, ilt•II 111 1, 11 , 1 hi, Lill Old I • X . In! II LI t. 6rcr h 11W 144 (i. !, 1 , . 11, 1.1. • Lk!, 1. , ., T ii4,1,l y. rl, ..r lr fl//nru• low lildro I 1 . 1 ji . lii i t :. I 11 "P it, :160 1 . 1., e. ~ ,ti •I' 1. L , 1p, , /,/ Mid Lief , 11.spnuti.nt. .7V , 11, , i , Appralt/I•i , JO rf , T, r mh. 11,0 (TM I.!, i)u rlt ,in t . 11,..1,1t.t. It : lii! Hr. rt.. luring cVi• 01 Ft•slOrnlip • V. lip, P - le RA 71 Dr. .11 . , C. fi er CO , Low' Mass. rraa.4,4l,und .4“,1131itul (looniu SOLD BY ALL Dituri.ilsrS •30,rtiS,!?. • DR. CAMPBELL, THE- IVONDERFTE,—PAI - N is• :NO lit A N. By the use of the ill noio ps•n 1 'Asst . Pulls, you cso 1 1 .• 11 1 . long life, '1 .ere 'lO not 0 1 110 101 l Lunn:lto y u lnut what the Rio, L royer :1,1 Is 1. :illy cure. 'l'ly In h, fr la slnmst - re, Ain 11. 1/1 11r. , 111( . 11 1111 . n , ,1 Gil, 0 01 11,1111,(111 C Magic Megtonne L I , ,I Dr. I'ompbell—,l.-1, buotzt for ta, yours ; 11 , spook a hind ‘vora,• I Wel ...4I I,ll's mekocine Ity it. ,EJ..! eIDR ID days. • Janeatown, May :W. ickia.--In Sir: 1 chora,tily 11,011/M n t 1 certain cute Jar sick In.ana =IIIEIRIM Derry town Chip. 1867.—( et! of I , .,•hnaile of 4, yennt by Dr. IlaLnybelP, P.kin De struyer nutl or hi. ==l! Newt - Gans( own, Lebanon u-nr altlieleil t 1 iketlfll4llopl. 1,111.4 t c yea for 21 years. i i ,Lavaa told to get Di. Imiiipt ,i•J a t•tto stioyei nod Pill , nod lry t hem ; cured rat in 2 months. Pneonntett Dunn, ngrd ti 3 3 ears. Valor Deposit, croirPv IPG7.—Dr emnphell—l„•nr - 1 hnt o sutra, or the la.o 23 years frp!ri Dyspepsia a ad council, ilion ; I tried your medicine RH dllCO,ed I 1,114.} cured The in a Week. ,(}4OROg .t•eaut.ett, aged 44 yenta. Cliainbershur October . 20, 10 9.--I wni cured of Piles i f Ti years strulillo, 1 , 1 uf:ll,,f Or. (14ropbelPi Akaglc Volta Destro) cr and Pills fin' orte.mon; 1. •North 7.lbl.llcton Tntvnahfp. Cumberland en., 186.3. Dr. Camilla lI—I 'Tnee. fully .ee,maimerlilr` your dl 111 , 1;i01110,A3 n 11111•411 medicine in fAmtly, or anildren ;my youngest child tens take. with Inc troop in the 1110111 I did not poet her to live ten ; 11... d n bottle ,• my• Arita g.teu according to direct i./11f1 ; it bi.rtalin minutes. S.tatrEr. .Tecitsitur,.•Perry county, A uguit 10, IS o —Dr. Campbell, Hear :Nit . ; I hough' 4 I;;;Trit,i, .;nci 3 boxes of your Pillv ior my 1100 w hn tnni ;he rhem mellsm for ono renr, then tui dOll Wis ur.twit clunked and count net n ;11, ; I tried all the medicines I knew uml t`nry ell foiled rhot your medicine cored hint tveokh. O kalito 1: SW AIM. Wonderful Discovery of Worm Llvoges Lebanon, 15'6 - have rep . entetily used Dr. • Catnpbelen. Worm Lozenges, .farmy youngest tiny, who ;van very sickly lu. a lone time; I gave hint one dose in the morning rind one 1.1 the tat noon ; the, were 25 Ivies W 4.1 ors p•oloal pod not less than 700 or 600 small 4.1 ,n tour. truly, PIIII it LUTZ. • Too Miles Ens , of Car leie, —Your Nash: .Psln De :toyer , ti 1...,•1 Pi 111 011onid 1, • blade knowd; my Sri .0 bell with pains fool year.;her nerd, wen, nI tun, legs, hands nn I I.!tv,:• Is Wein drawn etoonod iin, ;bourn,. dent •, len behove t hat I event on , t ots2 toltiol= tarn 6, Ii •r, end recited no to , p• ; rrat log nl»ut y,•• i me,ll , lnes, I bomb; IS 1, •ti An 6 , mould w ; .t,ft f'• rl,ll. 11 , d 4 no, •, she sr, :v hpr rntirhra a ;.• ,jr , , IVI4gAt is . .:25 pounds, and 9'dt:dr.. s - tit •• .11.1:011 rbl tnedlcln4 can be had from Dr.'Campboll, at Carlklo•nmrkta. on %Voilaca lay aud.-Fatur ay, •or fit.ora t Thint Struat;botwean Chennut and, Ilarriaburg, 22Jan 03•Iro 0. 17LUAIBING, GAS AND STEAM . • i • FIOTINU. . . . , pEOR , II.: it. FOOTH I .. . Tactfully Informs' the - , 1 eltlzene of Carlisle and •lelnlty that he a mt.Lnaea '.. to carry on the above buslneaa In all Its •actuus ..ranches. In Elan 11.01114111 C. of Ithatint'a Ilan. le - Church Alloy, when orders Will be thankfully r. 'eeleed and phniptly • ...ruled .. . , orders left at' the Lferald 01T1ce.,1,111 receive ' prompt attention. .c , UXO. It. MOTH. 'lofeleep tl. s . ' ''‘':',?, - •_.!'" ' . , II KA‘p antikeep Yourtidlfiii(ortued Haying purcbssed tho old mud woll known busi ness stand which 4 loovu occupltd f r twontweart, bicf r o detu ablued not to 'ro , lro from tny ,prossut buijnols. buttb rontlo no on In fl,l manufacture of R .E' A .III; MA DE C .7'llllV . . • ..dill slseannil dessrlptions,.-asmoll _ni.y.Lass g0d1.,------ hy.yatti, and ft genorll assortment or t.ICNTI3 AMR 'innion-anci pa m . roumno,ed a good suit of c.othea • • to giro rod , 10 , 411, as I bay° Just• returned from the ty arlth large assortment of the best quality of . Spring add Bummer goods, via: Fine black French arid English , Clothe, " ." and . " )0116kin ' CASSIMERES, _ Fine Light Fancy Doeskin Cassimeres, CllPPitletto. onitonad.B9.Yelveta, Dmbd'eles AL. ,O- as; Linens, Settee, VelYot Cord, and. wauy' 13 Murat too numerous too to•ntion. • - Ai~o, 61'1111 eumurtkient.of Trunge, Valloos, sod lrovollror.lowol tho Wit thsl4lll to thopublla lot pan Ittvont, nod hope I will ttCSIViI a call coon at toy place, • h 0.2.2, North flooover -uviwislos„ =ME ME ^5,1 0 :f-n - Y,b MEI ll= , J)e , tr we air e Davi o